Newspaper Page Text
?RVATHHI* W AWTEO-FKMILEI. M*.. 4*1 BAST BROADWAY. TOP FLOOR.-A* fiOOD 1)1 cook in u private Itigllf, cui utko buttor; wilting to a'o iu the country ; good relerawc*. mWKST IUTI! StT FIRST KI.C>01t.-~A~RBSPBCT able woman u (ihiiI nmli; (tuil wulur aud Irouer; city or cnuutrv: ttmxl city nfurtmv. t oo win jhth stT-a-iuntcTAitti youbo !?)?> woman aaeacalleni cook and baker; will Mailt iu the waahiiig and Ironing; country preferred; city reference. mWOT pra iT., IX" Til K (; KOCKRY. ?A KB ?put able you nc womMt a? good.ooak and baker; excellent wa>hrr and In inert MtniM. _____ 107 iffi at., iicoxS rLoos.?a Kinrwriui 10 4 yown;; woman dot cliu> cook; mi'ltThtuiiQi her Imtinoa* well; U a <ood baker; no objoctiou to a private boarding bunw ; beet city reference. jT) WEST MfU Fn TUB ?llOCIIt- AS *X& competent cook in a private family; willing to do the coarte washing; city rulereucij. 1 I - EASrTlST ST.?A UESPECTAHLB WOMAN AS J.T?J axcellaut cook and lirat .la?a UundretMi; thoroughly uuderataoda her buaiiieaa; besi city reference. 1"c^T WEaTlttD KT.-A?KB*PBC rABLK WOMAN AM t/ I good cook, washer and ironor; good city reference, if)/14 WKHT JJTU HT.?A WOMAN AS K1K.ST CLASS ij'r r cook ; ti udi*r?tandji Uer business thoroughly. Cau bo neau until suited. lii)| k EAST ib ST.?A UIBL AS GOOD KaII i2w'' cook, uiialier and ironer or to do houaework iu a ?uuii prWate laully; city relvrence. ?)i t~EAst ?i.vrh~ sr?T \oi Nii kj??jush prot. OJ r estant girl, aged 'MK a? cook aud to aaaiat witb vaahing; tour yens' beat rolcr.'iico. ?jnik EAST 5?5f ST. ? A RESPECTAIILE WOMAN 0*j'' aa lirat clusa cook ia French, Eucliah orOermau ?Iple; cm tak- full charge of a kitcbon iu a bote), club house or lar^-o boarding liou^e ; no objoctlon to the country; be.t rolerouce. ('all for two <laya. WEST 17*1*11 liaf.-XYOUSO Oltl AM 060K| JjLt is u food a usher and irouor; reference. ?ioi bast iTtiFsr?akbspeota bi.i: \vomaFa5 0?)L good cook and baker aud asaist the waahiiig: no objection to either oity or country; sood releronco from her last place. 0'J{; WEST *MTH st.?a young" Woman to do *'O' ' the work ol a email laaiily; goodpluiu cook, washer and Ironer; city reference. ?J71 ai> AY., XX TUB" 8TATIOKXRY STORH.-A w| 1 Krench woman iu cook; i? willing to uaaitt with tho waahlng; no objoctioa to tho country; good city rufor ?uce. Call or address. "a m imFo RT A NT" FACT f3r A ADVERTISERS TO COXSIDBB. Circulation of tha EVENING TELEGRAM laat wock >u? Monday, May8 :io,(K>'i Tuesday, May 0 4H,(KI Wednesday, Mav 10 :t7.tlui Thursday. May 11 H7.JU0 Friday, Mnv la B.uurd?j, May IS 34.7UO 323 Total a:?J. IlK) Dally average >. UB.&iO ADVERTISING RATIOS. iti CENTS PER LINK. "T~OOSl'rKTKNT PERSON AM OOOD PAMILY OOOK; J1 uuderatauda all kind* of litmlly cooking and baking; ' willing to aaaiat with tho waabing and to go to the country; city reference. Addraea K. 11., box loS Ucrald Uptown Branch ottiua. <'haiub?rmulilit. At. A A WEST sisr ST.?A RKSPKCfAKLB (URL AS X t cbainbermaiil ami to uaaikt in any work; tea ye an' reference from taut place. rT Houston "stT-two French oirus. one l)t apeaking viertuau, aa cbambcrmaidain u hotel; beat letartnuea. QQ 5TII AV. iPKKSBK'f EMPLOYER'S.)?A YOt'NO O ? ' ?-<>mau to do chamborwork; will uaaiat with wuahing oriii taking care ot children; couutry for tbo autnnler pre ferred: liiglieat rolorence. Cull lor two day*. foF KAST siiril ST.?A YOU MO ~0IRL AS CHA>T IO?J borinald uud waitroaa and to nasiat with the waab Ing; no objection to the country ; bent city reference. 9(1 I SAW 44TII sr.?A YtVu.VG fllitL AS 011am". ?"'t barmaid and wuitreaa and to aaaiat with waabing; (ood city referencea. 9Q("?" LEXINGTON AV., 'bKTWBEX S5B AND a^OU 37th at a.?An Bugllali girl aa chaatbartaaid aud leuraatrea*. Can be torn from lUto l'J. WEST 41ST ST.?A KEKPKCl'AHLK YOUNG OvO girl to do chainbcrwork and aewing or to miud children; boat city reference. OIQ bast U1ST ST?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS OX O coinpetent waltreaa. or would do chamberwork and oporato on Wheeler A Wilaon'a machine; beat city reler ?Ml. OQQ 4TII AV., TOP"kLOOB.?A YOUXG GIRL, IX A ?Jt70 reapoctablc (Serman or American family; cao do chamberwork or take care of children. A 7TH AV.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL AS AtlO chambermaid or waltreaa; no objection to a private boarding houae or the ccuntry; refereucea. Afi 3D AV*. NEAR UJD ST.?A GIRL AS CHAM TUU maid and waitroaa; would go t) the couutry with a family ; beat city reference. 11 OQ UD AV.?A ItBSPECTABLB YOUNG WOMAN ? lajt/ aa chambermaid aud waltreaa or in chambermaid ?ud laundreaa; la willing ana obliging; good city roferouco. Drmmaken ttnd ?eam>treM??. At) UNIVERSITY PLACE.?AS COMPETENT DRESS ^TaJ mnker by the day, or will take work home; terina Moderate; perfect tit guaranteed. WEST 4ST11 ST. iPKESKNTKMPLOYKR'S).?AS permanent aeamatreaa and dreaamaker; cau cut, tit; operates on different machines. OJ.7 WK8T 30X11 ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS ZlT I soamctres*; understand* dressmaking aud all klnda of family sewing; ? a good operator: will take care of a grown child or do any kind ol light house work; good city reference. YOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION IN A PBX vate family as searustres* mid housekeeper. Those de ?i run? of a capable person address E. K., box 153 Herald ?See. General Uouwwork. Ac. |/\1 GROVE ST.?WANTED, BY AN AMEBICAN 1U2 Protestant, a situation tor goncral housework. Call or addt ess Tor two day*. "I OO WEST HITTi ST.,UEAR.-A RESPECTABLE jrtrl to do general housework ; U an excellent cook, washer and ironer: best city reference. iTnf WK8T 1OTI 1ST."?A YOI XO UIRL TO uo GEN ItU eral lousework In a small private tsuiily. or aa food plain eook. washer and Ironer; best city reference. iTnlt EAST JtSTH ST.?A RRSpIuTABL* UBMIAlf woman to do general housework; would like to have her little iclrl (nine year* old) with hor. 011 WEST -JUT1I ST.?A MOTOtAiLK TOBW owl I woman to dn geuernl liouaework in a small private lamii}'; city or country; best city reference. EAST Kuril ST.. BKTWKKN 3D AMP 3D AV8.? To do general housework in a private family. 239 EAST MlTll ST.. SECOND tXOOU. EBONT.?A jdOu respectable girl to do general housework; willing and obliging: good city reference. Call all day. 9J1 WKST -7T,i Hf-\ MKfT KUIOR.-a'yOL'NO uTi girl to do goneral housework lor amall fninliy in ib* city; best reference. ?)A\ W EST ?IT I1 HT.-A BESPECTABLK YOUNG yTT woman to do general housework in a small tamlly; lit) or country. 2,r?) WEST /7TH ST.? V YOUNG WOMAN TO DO ?JO general housework ; bed reference fioni last place 977 BOWERY.-A GERMAN PBoTK*TANT~GIBL ?w I i to do general housework ; city or eouutry. ?J?>7 HTli AT.. MtTWBXM MTU and tfflfHU 00 ( An English Protestant girl to do general house work ; good relerence. Viiu M6fH HT.. COBNER 1ST AV.-A RESPECT A I' " ble young girl, lately landed, in a amall private family; good reference. cT( \ >01 H AV -A P^tTKSTAN f tilKI. IO DO tlEN I'lU eral housework ; country preferrod; best city refer luce, llonnekeener*, die. 1 Q BOND 81.. FRONT PARLOR.?A YOUNO LADY IO aa housekeeper. Only first clues partlu* will call af ter IO. WKST :?D ST., B ASKM KNT.?AN ACCOMPLISHED I O young lady, aged liO, as housekeeper for a widower. Call all the week inn BLOOMEIELD ST.. HOBOKKN.-AN ENGLISH i\/U widow, speaking ticrman, with a child i), year* old, aa housekeeper or to take charge of children; best ref erence gireu and required. Send auswer to II is. S. fn? EAST 4'Jlt ST. ?A WIDOW AS HoEKBSBB? iv'U tu a hotel ore family; city or country; istrust worthy. Only respectable parties addroas, tor one week, Uol'tsEKKEPEB. 11 140 7 LUDLOW ST.. NEAR 111VINtiTON.?A YOUNG I widow, highly educated and icfluod, a* housekeeper. 9'iO WOOSTEIl sr-A-Yoi Ni, WIDOW AS HOUSE mOm keeper in a gentleman's family; widowor or Vaclielor's family preferred. Call all the week. 9 J 7 WEST IHTII ST., IN MMMUT.?A YOtj.NG Sit 4 widow, aged IV, aa hunsokecper; country pre ferred. O/jn BLBRCKKR ST.. TWO FLIOIITS?A WIDOW, OUd aged lit*, of nlcaiing address, desires it pushiun as housekeeper; vocalist, orgauist, copyist; (mhI relereiic.'. C&ToN. 4" YOUNtrWIDOW LADY7 OY PLK ASI St f ADDRKS would like a position aa housekeeper III a gentleman's amtly. Only thus* havin* such poiiiten need aniwrr. Address li. BROWN, Herald Uptown branch office. La ntitlresses. iW. 10 EAST 'JSTH ST ? AS KIltsT CLAS8 LAUNDRESS 10 iii a private family; city or country. Call on or nd tress k LL h N SMITH. m" W&T~ SOWst.-a_respm:table "rot'jfo woman as li rat claw laundress In a private family; well rocotuatended Irom her last place, t a I uu or addr. a* If. M. east atrrii ht.. room iu.-as l.vlndimJss to go nut by the day. 1 ftli W5S*Sf8 ST.. BOOM &-4 MtftCTAlUI iww woman to go out 10 work kf the ilay . city relerence. OO! EA.vr -.HTII ST - A Ytll Nti WOMAN AS KIUST M'Jl clase laundress; no objection to the country; good ciljr refereoce; no cards answered. 90M BAST MTH if , ~THBBK rLIUMTB, BACK.? Jm?t U A widow woman to go oat to work by the day; good city refereace. 9 I K EAST axTll ST.-A FIRST t'LASS LAUNDRESS ATtl to ge out by the day to do any kind of work . relerence. O/tn EAST 4HTU ST.. NKAR UD AY? ItOOM l\?A OUi' resprctab!e woman to to out by the day or weok ss laundress or to do housework ; two years' good relereno-. |J,I 9 WEST :?rTH ST. (RIN'I BELL U.-A PROT il'l ?1 esiartt widow wishes tit-iuli'mrn s ?r timilies' wash* ? ng. or would go out by the day ; u-ooo city reference. I (|Qn HD AV., COMIER OK MTH ST.. SECOND ,UyU Door.?A young girl as lautidress; thoroughly understands her bushiest; three years' city reference. Call Saturday a?d Monday. Nurses, Out. A A WEST OTU ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS nurse: can take tbo entire cjiarge of an infant or of young children and sewing; beet city reference Iroia last 1 < II WEST JMTII ST.?A TOUMa WOMAN AS NURSE; 14:U very willing aad ooliging In whatever la required; tet ePy relereaee. oiit BAST J 1ST HT.-A RJ'BPBCTABLE ENGLISH 0X9 MM aa aerse; ?ut aew o. WEaeler * Wlt.o? , MiMI heat eity retire?e, U. O. MWATIOKS WASTED?FK.UALRS. _ ?)()') WEST 41ST ST.?AS*J?T RSE ; SI'kakh FllK.NCU , OmO Utrmu mil EnglUli; guwl tdrnucM. Mwe. WAGNER._ 4 YOl'NU LADY VUHBM TO UUAtil WITH A ^ V laially wha i?jcnioi; to Europa M uurta or maid. Ad dm** H. C., box IS7 Hrralrf office. WnllraM*. ?r. A |\ WEST 13TH ST.?A COMPETENT CHAMBER Tv maid: in a tirst i-laa* wallrnn: ihoruouhlv uuder ?tmidn her butiuoaa; uo objection lo ? boardlug Uoukt; good city reference. WEST IOTII>8T*rUe'a"-""*' WOUK WA.NTKD. L)A(i WTlT t?T~ HAS KM EXT ikm/iC-a SMART ?Jt'' Aiu*ric*u bIiI, k](d II, ?>dIi a irood home. Mf.. BAHEXEXf ~ DOOR.-A "SMART ill American girl, ayed >1, wuaU a uimmI houic. 715 WEST :<7TH ST.-AS AMERICA* Ullli AS 01.0 cbildrau'i maid. Asi)L'TII RR>T7hKL ok 1H. iil'RAKIno puksoh, (Sermaii and Kngliah, detlree reasonable employment ua aalaawomaii. companion. to take care ol cbildraa or to do needlework; iguuJ reference. Addreaa 11.. box 1-1 Herald olBco. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED? VKMALEs. T" RK8?f cii.iivati<d\ymei:icax Lady, who Jx. ha* resided abroad, and wliu apeak* and understand* thoroughly Kreucli, German. Italian and Spanish, would Im pleased to luuut with it |>*rty of foreigner* desiring a guide and interpreter durluit their May in Philadelphia. er on a tour at travel In tltia country or In Europe. Address or call ou J. II.. :i:il X. Otli ?|.. Philadelphia^ A YOUNG LADY DBS Ikes'A POSITION TOTBACH tho l'.iigll*h branrbf* and music; refers to nresrut patruus. Address STl DENT. Herald Uptowu Branch office. KELP WANTED?*'EMALES. " AT I'.DWAKU ItlDLEY A SONS*. GRAND AND ALLEN at*.. uiutod, 00 Brat claw milliners. Apply at onec, ou secoud Moot. A l7.W)Y VmaKWi. ON FINE BOOK WORK. V V.ncfoa? specimen*. w hich will bo leturued. to T. A., Herald olln ?. A 1*AJ?V TO OOLOB PHOTOGRAPHS "~1N~ WATER A color*.?Must be u good aitmt. 327 Grand st. i 11 AM UK It M AH? WA NTK1 ?-F? IK A BOAltOlNG house and to aaslet in waiting. 42 Went l.'.tli st IADIEs WANTBD?TO KNOAUB IN HKTOLY m7 J liable and genteel business; excellent chance; In vestment #1 7.i; uo delay. W1 PIEMAN Bit OS., lrvt Wil lia:u at.. New York. R~ II. M AHOY * CO. WaNT EXPERIENCED >'IKST ? cluo. trimmer* on ladles' straw lluts; good wages i.ud steady work If suited. Apply before 1<J A. Si., at >u|>oriu lendeni's desk, 14th at and ntb av. WAXThij?a' It ebpeol'.v 1IL.K oir'iTkoiTgWbbal m house worlt in a small family. 867 8th av., secoud c w VITANTEU?A GIRL OK 14. WILLING 'It) MAKE TT herself generally useful for her board uud clothes. lu a small family. Apply at 141* Kast H4th st., alter 11. ANTED?A FRENCH NURHS lOltAI.ITTLE GIRL oight year* old; good pronunciation required. Applv oti Sunday irosu S till 12 A. M. to Mote. DU CAY LA, 100 West 25tfi st. TfTASTEO?TWO COMPETENT i. IKUT; ONE All YT ciak and to insist la washing and Ironing, the other as w*itre?K and chambermaid; city reference required. Ap ply, from il to 12 A. M., at ,'107 W?il Wtli st. WAX TBI >?A <i'tlRX. ABOUT IYEA US TO TA K E TT care ot cblldrcu mid make herself generally useful; city reference required. Call, Iroui 8 to 10, at 126 West 22d *?. \%T ANTED?A Kit EN OH NURSE Kill TWO CHIL TT dren; must be a Protestant uudburo good rofcrencca. Call at 14f? East Until st. WANTED?A GIRl.. TO DO THE housework OP A small family ; must ba a xood cook. washer and irouor. 884 Weat :i2d it. _ _ f ANTED-AT 32?nVKST~40TH ST.aUiRL ABOUT IS year* old, with Ur*t class reference. ANTED?A unit, FOR GENERAL 1IOUSBWOKK. MH Ka*t 9tb at. w w_ TV ANTED-AN AMEBIC AN OIBL POU GENERAL TT - bouacwork In a *m*ll family. Call to day, after 10; rinj; frout doer bell. 258 East 4Btli *t. TITANTED?A PKENCil N0I(BB~WHoT5"~A~ NEAT TT lowtir; willini; to asalat In cbamberwork and interest a little girl. Apply at 15 Eaat IMIi at., from 8 to 10 A, M. and 7 to U P. B. W" ANTED-A COMPETENT BUHKE AND~ SEAM stress; Protestant preferred; must have beat citf reference. Apply, beta-eon 10 aud U o'clock, at 43 West 52d at. WANTED-A OEKMAB CHMTrolTWAJirnfU. IBOH Iiik and litfht housework. Apply, from 6 to 7 P. B. at 464 Weat 24th at. WABTED?A OBBBAB PBOTESTANT GIRL FOR general housework ; mnat be a cood cook, washer and Ironor. Apply, from lO till 4, at 158 Eaat 26th st. fCEAST wii 8T.?WANTED, FIBSTCLASS DEB8S' maker, im uiediately. 91 9 AV. B.?WANTED. A GIRL 1? OB~17 TIAli, .to do housework aud mind a child. 15 SITUATIONS \V ANTED-MALES. PlllST'Cl-Asis BAUTEN'DEiTWANfs A POSITION 5 city or aeaahore. I<. MASON, Clinton House, Brooklyn. AFIH8T CLASS KRKNCII WAITER IN A PRIVATE family; experience, Paris, Loudon, New York; best reference. Addreas V. L., US West Houston at. A HEAD WAITER MAN (WHITE), CAPABLE OF ^ V carviuir. Apply imm<Miately, witli good references, at 37 Weat I4tli at. A BUTCHER WANTS A SITUATION IN A MARKBT; underatauda cutting meat thoroughly. Call ou or ad dress C. W. E., 77U2d a". AFRENCil M A RRI ED COL'PI,lT WISH SITUATIONS; the man a* first claaa waiter, and wife a* chambermaid or nurse; first class city reference. Address C. M., 107 Woosler st. New York. A YOUNG COLORED MAN AS FIRST CLASS COOK to K? I" (he country. 212 Eaat :<Ntli st. OITUAtToN WANTED?BY A YOONO BAN AS ~A O porter in a store; la a carpcnter by trade ; baa Ilia own tools. Addreas P. MALONEY, 18 Washington st. New York city, for M. C. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MAN AS OOOK AND O carver; can maka pastry; thoroughly uiuleistiiads l.l? bnaiuea*. Address B.. box 185 llvraid Uptown Branch oihee. STED-Ta SITUATION BY A YtJUNO MAN ,AS barkeeper; not afraid of work. Addreas J. J. K., >VJ Herald oBicc CLERKS AND SALESMEN. A YoIng (MAitRIED) "manias"'bookkebpeiia'nd aaleaman. Addrea*. atatlug age. where Iaat employed aud wajies expected. HARD WORK. Herald office. A FIRST CI.ASS DOUBLE ENTKY BOOKKEEPER, with an experience of 11 years in one house, wants an rnicaKenieut; XI.voars of age, married. American ; fine pen men uud good refurencea. Addreas E. N. K., box 4U1 Poat office, "SALESMAN WAITED?IN A RETaTl CLOTHING A store ; best city referouce required. Apply, lor tbree Cays, at 18? Grand at. "71 OKOCEU/ CLERK WANTED.?MUST SI'KaK ill Gorman and be quick at counter work ; alio able to arrange goods to show to good advantage. Apnly to or ad dress, on Monday uioru ug, between 8 and 10 o'clock, G. ALBERT, IS l.reenwlco av. BTTOKKKhPER -a"YOUNG MAN~i}ESlRES A SITUA tioii; can supply the best of reference a* to sobriety and capability. Address D. J. M., box 1ST) Herald office. Bya~yuung man in a wholesale or retail men's lurniahiug or shirt stock or store; any capacity where a thorough Knowledge of the bualiiea*, including everything perlaiuiug to aliirt maaufacturliig. acquired during twelve years' experience, would be available; beat relvreucea. Addrea* L.. II., bux 101 Herald office. I WANT A POSITION AS "OLERB OR PUBBBB ON steamer; have |2,,'i09 to deposit, with buaincsa qualifi cationa lor any position. Audreae VEB1TA.S, box 222 Herald officc. SJITUATION WANTED?BY~A YOrNO~BAK.? IX~A 3 wholesale drug or paint houae; ha* bad about 15 years' experience at oue plaej; beet references. Addreaa li. T? New Brunswick. N. .I. ilTAXIKD?BY A YOUKU HAN, A SITUATION IX A TV drug atore, wlioleaule or retail; had lour years' exiwri euce and unc conrae at New York College of Pharmacy; good relervncc Irum present employer. Address DRUG*. Uaa Doan st, Brooklyn. \\> ANTtD-~X~ MAN for itetaIl DRY GOODS TT store. Oae who is experienced, honest and willing to work encap may addreas, with reference, DUY.GOODS, box Ifrtl llerald office. YATANTKD-A MAN Wl-.LL ACQUAINTED IN TUB TT uiillincry businea* a* salesman. Apply at WURE B URGE It ? KOCH'*, C<? Prince at. YYrANTED?JUNIOR DRUG CLERK WILLING TO TT work ; I'rom country preferred. Apply after J2 o'clock at I:Ui Bowery. \y ANTED -A "POSITION OF TRUSr AS PEiVAtB TT aecrctarv aud couflaeiitial bustneas Assistant to a gen tieman oi mean*; thoroughaccoustaut, hlgbaat re.'ereucea. Adure.s F. A. L. Herald office. VV antku-a h ardwake traveller foTTnear TT iiy trade, on a apecialty. Addreaa A. C. R., box 144 llerald office. WANTED?AN experienced travelling AGENT for selling knit goods. Addrrsa, with references, BANDFAt'Tl i;ER. box lUti Uerald office. U-ATCIU S * AHL? J V.?ENGAGEMENT wanted, bv a man haviag an extensive acquaintance with jewelry dealers in the West Address It., box 154 Herald office. : COACHMEN AND (iAUDENEltS. ~~ X5f""fc'NGI.'SffMA**" tfliffii A">lTL'.VTioN~ AS A coachinan. Call ou or addreaa WILLIAM, lt/7 Weat l<ttb st. ~ MTVATION tlOA(MNAll. BT "a JX. reliable, boneat. sober imiuatrioua and obliging mar ried man; hm thirteen yoari recommcudatloos. Anpiy nt or addresa 4-1 ."?til av. (VOACIIMAN and tl Alt I)EN E11?BT A MING LB VAN; ) ihoroiiyhly tinder.t.tnds Ills bn?lue?a iu ootli branches; willing ?<?d oulii:lii* ; tlirve gears' refcrencara. Address B., box IUU Herald I plown Branch office. CHIACI1MAN OR GROOM?BY A PBaUTICAL YOU NO / man ; generally useiiil in city or country ; hlghlr rec ouimeuded. Addreas M., box 121 Herald L ptow# Branch office __________ ______ / tOAt'lIMAN ?A GENTLEMAN WISHES TO PRO V./' cure a Si I Mat iolt for hla ouaehuiau. who ha* li<ed with loin lor the past five yeara; can be highly rocuuimci.ded. Address bin 1,411 l'oat office. \\rANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED MAN, A IT situation ss coachman ir groom; thoroughly nudmr stands the car? of eowcU aud road 'torses. gooU reieruucc. Call on or address A F BAY. ?4I West?>th at IIKLP \V A VlrE D-bAleV." Jfi'iPok'fASfTAt-T FOR A I) V ti RT18 E It.s TO consider. Cirralation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week w*? :? Monday, Mav8 ? lucMlay. May V .. .. ?IM.iiHI Wednesday. Ma.v Hi . a7.t?si Thursday. May II :<7..IO Friday, Mar 12 !*l.4<>0 Saturday. May 18 34,71*1 Total 39). HO Dally average aDvkk 11 si no rates. 2U CENIh PER LINE. A NGEL1. S ItnMAN HATIIS, dl lexington AV . Jl want Amertean men and weuiea. node* M, fat hatha; also celared bay fcr arraada. I1RLP WANTED-MILES AatfRfiT"WAs'Ti^-iN~W?WS~A!fi> "<5oOWWr*0 ?till our Sue toad to families. hotel* ud large con sumer* : twit terms anil largest Mock In the country. Apply lu the WELLS TEA COMPANY, J01 Kultoo ?t? bMVMl Church aud Greenwich ?ts.. New York. V.N EXPERIENCED f ? AN VA8BKR OK REPORTER il wantsd?My a "Mercantile Agency." to *l*it nod can vass cabinet maker* end lurnlturc, uplioliterv. carpet, lum ber. vMM?n. marble, varnish and bedding manufacturer*. Address. with uitaliflcatlbB? and reference. SPECIAL OP PORTUNITY. 11 erald office. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED->OB CITY AND COl'N iry. Particulars at 36 West 4tb st., altar 10 A. M. kWtWf* TO HELL XKW PLY AND MOSgilTO il scrum; bt >iur wiudow; samples sent by mall for Ml cent*. ft M. MOODY k CO., Ur.rnllt-ld. liata. B. AL.TM.vS A CO.. 331 AND 333 UTH AV? want a )oui>i; man us iu*Utuut lu delivery department to address and wrap parcel*; couipotunt persona only need ai'Pb- _ _ CIKKTLKHKX WANTkD-TO ENGAGE IN UIGHLY X prolttable and honorable busiuc**: excellent chance; ii.?o<tiueul #1 75: no delay. \V1 TTEMANX BROS., 1S4 William it., New York. N COOK WANTED?THIS MORNING. 28 Howery. MA 117ANTED?A HOY XOT OVER 10: MUST WB1TE n qnickly and ttvura correctly. T. A. THORXE, 81 Greene at, W ANTED-A 8M A ItT. INTELLIGENT BOY. FROM U> H to 10 year* of ajec. to attend on office In Maiden lain'; aulury Hrat jeer, I>1U(. < >ne residing with bis parent" may addrcsa, in own handwriting, tt . F.. box 124 llerald office.^ WANTED?IN AN*OKKU;E. "35 ACTIVE, IXTELLI II gent boy. Addreaa, lu handwriting of applicant, V., llcruld office. Y|r A XTED?OFFICE BOY. AHOliT IB YEARS OLD, i* wlio resides with bin parent*; mn?t write aad figure well, lnquue at 134 i-croy *t. \\J ANTED?A "MOV, WHO~ UNDER8TAXDB 'TAKING TT charge and cleaning billiard table*. Call at GILBERT'S, coruer Bowery and Spring at. TT AXTEdTa^Y(>1:NG MAX as BARKEEPER; MIJHT VT thoroughly underataud Ills buaine** and ciu* woll roc jMMadea, Apply at FABKKB'8. Broadway anil 34th at. : TUB TRADES. V"Y(k'To^iAnRie6~m ajHifisiiEiTXTFOgfirfblf as IV engineer or janitor (I* licensed); I* coin|ictellt to do repairs, can furnl.l: tirst claai. recommendations. Address ENGINEER, 217 Elisabeth at., third floor, rear, for u week. PRINTERS?SEVERAL GOOD BOOK COMPOMTOBB wanted at BAKEK k GODWIN'S. 25 Park row; only uou-l'nloi. men naed apply. SUTUATIOX AS ANALYTICAL UHKMIMT BY A YOl'NO 5 ii au; beat releroncc. Adurcss 1'. II. B., No. IS West ? I at *t. mo" MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS.-! PRACTI. J. cal woollen dyer la upeu lor an euuaigement as foreman; has experience on cuUoii; tnmporate habit*: reterencu from projw'ut employer. Address HOOD MATCH, Mation F, Now York. 'tfARMBlfKR.-WANTED. A GOOD. RELIABLE*MAN: V muat understand varnishes and varuUhlni;. Apply, be tween H and e'tlleuk A. X.. at 1'J Vvnay ?!.. tblnl boor, \lrANTV.D?AN IXTELMGEXT YOOlSrOK MIDDLE II a?t?l man, of moderate education, of tome inecbanica; traile ami accuitomed to bard manual la*>or, who I* willlui; to leave New York ; salary moderate; au IrUbman or Irlab American preTeired. Adilres*. *latiuic age. nation*.tt.v, trade (if any). marriMl or sintrle, past occupation and salary expected, J. L. W., Uurald office. WAXTED?A KIRST CLASS "DEBIONEB "aXD"!^ crawl , none but the best need apply. T. A. TUOIiXK, SI tare.Mie *t., Xew York. -ly ANTED-SirirATiox"' AFTSKOrXEHR, BY "FTtAO \\ ticul I-Iiirliwer and luacliiaiat. Addrcaa. for ooo weak, li., box 13S Herald oHlcp. _ A CITY 1IE.Uj ESTATB >OR SALE. f enlral^' X IMPORTANT FACT FOR ADVEUTISERS TO COXSIDSR. Ciiculiufon ?f the EVENING TELEGRAM lart week was Monday. May 8 .T5.000 Tuesday, May ? 4S.?W Wednosday. May 10 Tli.:r-dar, May 11 37,JI*I Friday, May 12..., 36.400 haiurday. May 13 34,700 Total 230. IU> Daily a?sr*|t 38,360 ADVEKTISIXI) RATES, 20 CENTS PER LINK. A" -3D AV., 8S' AND ??1; EACU FOUR STORIES . aud basement; uacli lot 25x1 IO feet: these two will rented laainilliceatly located Stores for sale at a decided barjraiu. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., Xo 4 Pine it. or 33 Eait 17th st. F~ OR SALE-TIIE NKATI.Y FKE.-COED AND PAINTED tour story brown stone liouse 4l> Kaat 204b *t., 20x&6x 100; cheap to prompt buyer. Ipoit saljT"or llEXT-BOTTOM PRICE. FOUR ' atory stone No. JJ Eust 40th ?t, tnoderu Im provement*. Upeu at nil Imur*. W est Mlde. A?FOR 8ALE OB TO LEASE AT FORT WASHING ? ton?The House and ground* recently occupied by the Four-in-Haud t'lub, coiislstini; of about two and a i|uarter acres; the property I* woll adapted for a tummer roaidcnce, boarding house or lor public purpose*. Apply, tor terms, to E. H. LUDLOW A CO.. No. 3 Pine et. North Side. FOR SALE-LOT XO. t?? IN WOODLAWX CEMETERY; price $J00. Call at office lu the Cemetery for location of tbls Ur*t class lot und owner's address. WESTCIIEBTEU COUNTY PROPERTY FOR 8ALE AND TO RBNT. A T YONKEllS?BRICK COTTAGE. ALL MODERN A Improvements, ten rooms; halt auie of ffrouud; good neighborhood; 16 uiluuto* froui depot. rent $4SU YOUMANS, Agent, Yonkera ArONEEKS. ?LAKI2E UOI'SK. STABLE. HALF ACRE X ground, uetr utlion ; modem improvements; root low. WM. NELSON, 24 Old .lip. PROPERTY OUT OK THK CiTV FOtt H A LB OH TO REM. T A. T.'sTtWARrs" OAUDKN CITY, L"1 TO LET, SEVERAL ELEGANT and CONVENIENT DWELLINGS, flttod for winter and Hammer residences, with *11 tlie modern Improvement*. gardens Ac. RENT from to ffl.tsai per milium. Apply to W. R. HINSDALE. Mauager, Ht office adjacent to the railroad station. "T~T PLIjSIUNU, SMALL HOUSE, 1J ROOMS; GA8, il water; $3.0txi mortgage: will take Horses, Wagons, Furniture, Ac. Address bux 141 l'ust ufficc. SPLENDID COUNTRY ItESfDKNCK. WITH STA ble, Fruits, Orchard; one hour trom Philadelphia. Ad* drcn or call on EDVV. PONTI, Quakcrtowu, Buck* county. Pa. NEW LIST OK COUNTRY PLACES TO KENT FOR the sutumur now re ad v. will l>? mailed to anv address. E. 11. Lt'DLOW A CO.. No. 3 Piue at. HOME AMONG THE BERKSHIRE HILUI" splendid climate and beautiful inwqr; a superb I arm with commodious building*. finely located and ea?jr ot ac cru by through train* from New \ork city, will be wld very low and upon easy tiirnii, or will be rented for the summer, with use of garden, borne nud carriage, cows. poultry, Ac. Addrc** box 3*1 l'o?t uDkt, Ureat Harrington, Mass. 7 CHAKMING 1 ItS10KN 0E~A f~~S Y ACK~ POR SALE J\ or roni, furnished; ouo hour from the city, 1% miles fnMU depot; the limine has 11 rooms, bathroom aud closets; commands ni|ierb view* from every window, and it entirely Iree from chilis aud lever; water ol the purest quality In the house; ftrult* of all kind* lu lull bearing; large garden A planted; nothing more desirable for a pleasant countrv home can be loiiud on the Hudson Kiver; tlie place contaii ( SO acre*. 1"? under culiivalion, 5 in wood; kept a* a pleasure ground; gardener's cottage aud large barn; Is free Iroui mortgage uud can be purchased on liberal terms, much be low its real value; the plan* is open for iiupection, i* easily reached from the city, aud will be lound all claimed lor it alter the closest scrutiny. Address W. R. DEAN, Nyack, N. Y. VERY BEAUTirUL W ELl. FKUITKD PLACE ON um. Staton Island, highest point, to be exchanged lor a small browu stone House; free and Immediate pusseasion; no gents noticed. Address A. A. A, Llerald Uptown anc h office. T MORKTsTOW N~ANO MADIst?*. N. J.?FOR 8 ALE and to rent, lurnlslied. for *es?on or year, a number of modern Houses; gas aud water; iieaifehurrhes, schools aud depot; half acre to .V) acre*; splendid vlows, beantllul lawns and excellent gardens; at price* trom JB.ixrj t? *80,UV; relit Iroiu *.*?? to $i.UUO. (SAMUEL EDDV, No. 14b Broad way, room :U. *A BAKOAIN.?TO LET, IIAMWOHR KKSfDBNCE, j\. furnished; 8 acres ground, Irnlt, Ac.; Jti mlnutea Iroin 4'Jd st. Apply to ewucr, Grand Union Hotel, 4M st. and 4th iv., room HSU. BIOR SALE OlT-n~LET?I? doSHKN, ORANGE county, N. Y.. a Una Kesideueo, containing 11 rooms: water in hon?e; bath room, bay windows; two acres or ftrutind ; choice Iririt; barn; Hue scenery; very I.salthy . two ?our* Irom New Vork by Erie Railway; ftve minutes walk from depot; price term* easy; rent f&JO. Apply to W, C. SHOWN, United States Express office. tU Broadway, Now York. I*OR SALE OK RENT- -AF PRINCETON. N. J.. THE handsome suburban Residence of the late Job 0. (fldeii, deceased, situated within la minutes' walk of the college, churches and depot, consisting of a handsome brick dwelling House, with stable and outbuilding*, and Ave acre* of Ground, well stoc'aed with fruit and >badc trees; terms very easy. Addteas JOS. R. BKUERE, Executor, Prince ton, N. J. IjlOR SALE-A SUPBKIOU STOCK FARM OK ABOUT 50O acre*, situated In Orange conuty; easily reached tiy rail or boat; having excellent and valuable Improve ments aud :iu unlailliig stream ol water running through it. u?i better *toca orilalrv larm can be found; it will be sold Inr about one third of Its cost a few years since. Apply to Ji ill N ORR, Mountainville, N. V . or to WM. M. BUSS, 3JU Binadway. I.H1 KNis,I ED HOUnES?KENT*. ftWO TO sTiauV " I'nlnrnished Houses, rents low. Farms to cx-haut.'u. tree and el ar, lor city Property. CORNELL, Yauderbllt< Landing. (Helen Island. CI 11EKN W11'IF, t'ONN ? TO ItENT. KUR SUlliBUI Oil r longer, fnrnisiied or unfurnished. House with eight rooms; carriage ! ouee; one acre ground, iu lawn and gar den; leu iniuute* from station; good location; cheap. Ad dress II. W. HOWARD. CtKEEN W1011-RI VKRH1DK; COL NTRY IIOXBB POR I *ale and reut; several lurni*lied ; aiisolutelv healthy. J. AT WATER. Riverside, Ctina. Hot SK." LOT AND BARN AT NBtVBUKG?PRICE 9M.UXI, for part Ileal K*tate, part mortgage. Farms wanted. Exchange, IIH Franklin si., l>reeiipoVnt. T TuVli Alt' E L F.t I ANT t'? I IN TK V SKAT lO LET L for the summer, one hour Irom city; house completely (mulshed; billiard room; beaulilul grounds, plenty of shade,, trtrtltlilM, Ice. stabling. mountain air; good rund-. uo mosquitoes; reut half price. Address M., bos l!U Herald officu. Obanub, i. J.- rvU.T kcrnisued SESdEScEbi reut season or year: mountain aide (mneadiuuisoa rohds) or neur station*. I'ropertles for ?ale. IIAMILTON ,t Pine St. O'TiaVok. kaiTi.e book.?coTtaoeb POK SALE OR to let, furnished or unlurnisbed, very low : pnre moun | tain air: grand < lews.. A. f. t't(MPTON, 41 Plue at. Reasonable rent-coin try' seat, nkw Jer ' sey : thoroughl) turnisiieil. ?"<) minutes (rotn New S'ork ; near station . I - isttul: uuision ; lawn, garden; abnndauco el lia t; \tews: boating. J. saTTKUTIIWAITK. 10 Pine st. OOMK Mtisr BKAI'TfPUlt FURNISHED AND I'NFfK 0 nishnd t'otts;:c* aud clecant Mansion. In New Brighton; rrnt* reduced. W. A. COLLINS. JU Piue st. nH) LET. AT POt'OilKEKI'SlE, N V.-t'llOICB MTU 1 atlon. higb ground, a nr% two story French roof flenae, twelve rooms; *il niudem conveniences; r?nt low. WILL IAM II. COLLlNf. wlwis llaeilltoa St.. Pxugtikee^a'.e. TO IIENT-AT MORKI8TI:WS, MADISON, SUM mil country Seats and Cottages. i'sdUtlM ?t J. D. CUXDlCT, Plus at. LET-AT SARATOGA SPRINGS, PROPEBTY OCT OF TIIK CITY VOR MALE OR TO KEST. rf^TSy^CKNlHHKi). oB TnR~sXL2^Ti^?f~oi: X luunr. t lti|? llimliiu, tt Summit. X. J ', mis hour from city ; Hn>< grounds, II icru, ihadl *ud fruit, stabling. Me.; iltBUiM bleb: fine pruapoct; lw minutes' from statiou: all modern improvements. Apply to R. M. MAM LEY. I*4 Naaaaa st.. or OEOBOB MANLEY. at Summit. mo ?? SEVERAL LA HUB and ELEGANT STORES ta the (IRaMJ UNION HOTEL, Cued wltli counters, shelves u4 kim fixture*. Also TIIK ST. JAM KM HOTEL, on 0->agreis M.. com pletely lurnislted, containing anout rooms. Alan Tilh WILBUB IIOt'KK. mi Washington. corner rf federal at., containing about 40 foun. iaroiikW aad rttdf for immediate occupation. Also SEVERAL PRIVATE STABLES, with w^aw'i rooms and oil conveniences. Also a NEW CLl'B IIOL'SB. corner of Congresa and Hamilton at., tarnished throughout, adapted for vcstauraiit aad boarding house. Apply to CHARLES C. LEAVER, Saratoga Springs. or to TIIK AGEttT OK A. T. STEWARTS ESTATE, Broad war aud Chamber* at., New York. LET?IN NEWARK, X. J.. NEW BOUSE, WITH nil improvements. U Broad ?t., ?itbiu two minutes' walk of depot M)d near horao car*, in ono of the boat loca tion'. iu city; rout to ault tbe times, $Xi oer mouth. riT(~rbnt-a me aufxVviTresidence. with an X acre of ground. situated on tbe conior or Krince aud Statu ate., HutMnn, L. I. Tbe mauaioa coataina 14 large rooms, betides kitchen aud laundry, with all modern itnprovementa, aad Just been put lu complete order; very ? desirable and healthy location, and la unaarpaaaod bv auy place in tbe vicinity of New York ; the ground* are hand somely laid out; haa fino shade, treoa. Ac.; trains hourly en the Flushing Railroad; the houae is only two minutes' walk from Bridge street station: rent. SUUO per annum. Apply to W. N. ORISWOLD, 744 Broadway. mo RENT?COTTAGE HOUSE. WITn TEN ROOMS, 1 on the shore, near the Dorian lloaae, Gregory's Point; land, curiten and carriage house. A poly to MELVILLE B. MEAD, South Norwalk. TO" BENT?AT"ELIZABETH, ON SOl'Tli BROAD St.. pretty House and grounds; all modern improve tuents; pier and inautel mirrors, elfirsni carpets, shades aud gas fixtures. JOHN BULKLKV. H7 Hroad at. TO BENT-KOB THE SU*MKB MONTHS, PART OK A Houae, couslstiug of eight furnished rooms; location very liealtny; plenty of shade trees, lawns, Ac., with use of large barn ; situated at Norwalk, Conn., short distance from depot aud foal office. Address 8. P., box 150 Poat office, Nitrwalk, Conn. d> l/| MONTH?KCRMISHED HOUSE. HO ACRES, ?PtU nice outbuildings: Lake Rhonkonkoina, Long Island. RL'LA.NU A WHITING. No. ft Keekmau at. tUKA BENT?GOTHIC COTTAGE, KIN 1SH ED vOuU natural wotal; uear station; Rutherford I'ark; 35 u~.Inutea' from city. J. KISIIEB SATTERTHWAITS. 1U l'tne st. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. *A LARUE GROCERY AND TEA BUSINESS. KSTAB iV. lished over an yeara; everything In running order; will exchange for it tree and clear Country Seat or large Stock Furm in the vicinity of New York ; this ia a chance seldom to be met with. Address MANHATTAN, box 175 Herald otlico. UOOD INVESTMENT.?PROPERTY KOR SALE OB exchange, ln|N'iiUlt, Twelfth. Nlnoteenth and Twenty second wards, for a Country Seat; near aalt water prelerred. Alan House and >4 a re Land, ia West Mount Vernon, uoar depot. Also Store to let. with Apartments: rent, $12 |>or month. Call on or address OWNER, 28 East 125th st. r pi6 LOT OWN EMS.?H oLdBRH OKC HOICK VACANT X Property can have the same Judiciously Improved, In mie ooatrart, on special terms, by a builder of reputation aud reapouaibiiity, or oan exchange for reliable productive Property. Add leas MASTER BUILDER, box 2,1(14 Post oiBco. WANTED-A UOUNTRY STORK. IN KXl'IIANGK KOB improved Property iu Khilatielphia; rented. Address THOMAS McCLt'RE. Herald Philadelphia Branch office 0 TO" LET FOR"Bl'SISESS PCiRPOSEtl TSBBYEiff BUfLblMri. " ~ 1J Ki reproof. Located oci Nassau, Ann and Fulton sis. First Floor to let, suitable for bankers, insumnco offices or lawyers. Will he let together or iu parts; bo altered to suit tenants II desired; adapted lor offices or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible Law offices to let APPLY ON THE PREMISES. Take the elevator. Inquire for Janitor. -3ft BAST 17TH ST., UNION SQUARE.?TWO s splendid Offices, ground Boor, very low rent. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. STORE AND BASEMENT TO LET.-174 5TII AV. Barbers, attention.?to let. a very desira ble Store; one of the best Jocatious. Apply at drug store, corner Broadway and 34th st. CIIUAR AND NEWS STAND-TO BENT~IN F.UllC J Hotel, corner Bookman aud Nassau sts.; exclusive privilege granted. /ARIENTAL BANK BUILDING 0r.Bd Tii let?A larcelicht Ba?emoiit, ?ultable for a truuk rnaun Uclurer ?r wfl'ow wr? dealer.' Apply ?t the bank. fSSW.'Sa ?? .-a"! smxss arsiwjg- "' tutu larice Apply to m<"i i.BT HART OK A STOHE. WITH A FIRST CLASS moLET-STORKS IN TIIK METKOPOLITAN IIOTEL. born it. in 1 MT R\StMRNT 50XJ7, sUITABLH FOR STORE' J? .VwrSto J.7.iShjrt wVntoa.^'" mo let?Kiusr floor or no. aao ?th av. 1 Tor club room* or bunluow purpoeo*. rw>f,m t KT?TWO?WELL LIOHTHD LOFTS FOB T HghV m^nllacturln*. with or without *teaui power. Ap ply a. 4S Centre ?t. mijrTKT^SfoBk wo ??^B.Y;,'IAT. CAP AND T trank More , rent IKMJl Apply ?? ** ?V??? M ,L rVNtCoN <ITH AV.. NO. -US. A LaRUE STORE J2 BMemeDt . p..?e*.lon Immediately. "f OKO II BEYKK, No. ?i South it., between 10 A. E. or 4 I*. M.\ uud ?t ;!?*> 2d ?v.t between U and 8 I. M. T- ,7o"7\jM/i?a tiVLKT TUB WELL ESTABLIHI1BD 0 GBOOBBII.? rii fcftr, !?*? " -?d >x<i it : icoodbu WILLIAM F. FOLEY,Real E.tate oliice, -no Etu.1 2:td at. ... I ' I ?? ? D\|' ELL1 SI ti HOUSES TQ**1C*? . si'l'ERB NEWM.Y^TRNISIIKD AND OVER A h??led four ?lory ftUI .lie Re?ldeuce. with e*?r^ 4 KSTKVKNSOS^, niluKISIIKD* THREE STORY HODsE?TO BB F ?nud ?D*boul h.lf v?lue ... a?????*? "A f Immediately. Apply on the X.-2 W eel ??.. near Broadway. ? ? 1-iiThkikIIKD HOUSE TO BEST FOR THE OENTEN F nlJ^-onl'ia Boom.: with neighborhood. For particular*, addre*. 11. B. * W.. -? North 4th ?t., Philadelphia. . fSSSti'iS s".*.;; jffisj &F3FB?Ssar&VSJS.*B t?2d nU A1 ,r _A COMPLETELY Fl'BNlSHED BBOWN &120. .tone llo?? on VHU .t.. near ?.h av MARK LEVY'. 77S tltt. av., corner 44tli ?t. V nfiirnl?Hed. 20111 % ?," 'SST?LfMt' ami V for a vbby db^ihablk fulc A.~?^&?t?ry m?i. ?tye??*,',f?; X on 4kKh M.; perinlte ?t No?. 4 Pine *ri d sT E Y E S S O N, jr. 'iTg^^rK^aTKVENSON. Jr. modern ~i T*~URDCOKir HE?iT-A COSEY "TTLK JjOU? A s'-a;'.?. ?w.rawrJsti.i'? *a *.u, /MIBAPKHT iIkNTS K Hon'Si eiery tiuprovemeul. Iceludln. ??. Bx ^..y-yy^VpoKTEB * eg., a.30* ^ _ _ 1 T^WEUTnV, HOUSES ALWAYS TO LET UPTOWN jj ?na down tuwt';f>LMBS BROTngRS. 4*1_K??t J3d ?'.. I iiiucT>LASS llOl'Sh, 37 WEST 31ST ST.. TO LET I1 ^ho*p-^pletidld li>c?tl. n for phynlclen or dentUt. i T HUT UKNT KOR AN KLKUANT UOUSK?SPLENDID 1 L lllw-y Iu?ul" 1 w ? I on ureioiMii. w e*t ^-d ?t. ! ? t bToIr*K,fonfnm.?.V]it"a???^: from ko?U or c?r?. mmimiu ?^?rter k ro .J 3 <t 3^ >T. mrr"lTT~l 10USE NO. 1M ^l? AV., THREE STOBY T Ultfll >.t?K>P brown .tone ; c..ntai<i? M^asrt nuHiorii tiuprutoiueuu; reut #1^00. Apply to W. J?. VOID. 744 Hrw?dw?y. mil LET?IN SRirH ST., NEAR ST It A\., T H R ?. K FCUNIItHKU ROOMS A>l> AFARTJIKNTS TO LBT. VTE^EUiViANttY" FIRNISHED' | A all Improvement*; billiard room. iMl fc?*t 14th *L. bftweeu 3d H< ?Yfffr I "T VRtVATB FvMiLV WuX L8T C(>OL, AlltV SSSnrtkArss Tf~i? EAST leTlI ST.. NEAR IRVINU PLACE. A nicely f?rnl?hed Room, to let, to gentleiuea. "a 1'HiVaTK fAMILY WILL LBT TO UKNTLKMES. A wllliout board, two '^"^VlrlllT pU^e 'mm and hall.; reference* exuhaniced. SO Lui*or?lty place, near 1 VIVK SUIT OF FlVB ROOMS. WITH BATH Apply I" *?'?re. ??_ i "vkkyTlEASANT. LAROE, NEATLY FUBNISIIED A Room, with every couven euce, 10 oue ?r two Bentle m.<?. lftfitta*. ? ?TT*\L> HOMELY FUBNISIIED PARLOR FLOOR" hre^^n.* all cn^nicBce.; per l?cl order. ?*? VVeal :i?d ?*.. near Elevated Railroad^ TIIKUANTLY Fl"RNISHED ROOMS, IN SMALL PRI K ^e fa.uVlr. I-^ ai 3S We.t ?d *t . between .tb av. and Broadway. . . .? - ?t-u fhaVtlY"KURNItltlD ROOMS IN SMALL ? RI E iate r^'ly ; .uVerlor ?co??odatlon.; rtf.r..?e^ (?1 \Ve*t ?jtli ?t. ? ? iioL'SEEAST OF BROADWAY-HANpSOMB F'ffitfurnished: al.o uedred; .pleli.lld ioeatloa; rent low. Itf- Wert 44tn .??? T.1URNIMHED BOOMS KOROBNTl?BJlRN. APPLY AT r ril South ntu ??.. l'hlladeipbla. TluitMliilEP ELROANT UOOM8. KN F*njly!?ewly fumUhe*. f?r fi.Hen.en onlr.^J? r?rl#T Hm.r;prfv*te batb ; private bo?.e. ?T E-t J6tb ?t. ?URNIRUBD BOOMS FOR HOU>EKKEP1NQ^-<4^UP. |< J Parlor., with or without ^ p,tu*n?j aU newly taraUked. W ?eet *>ta *v PUBnSHED ROOMS JUTD APART ?cm TO LOT. PL'fc^iilBinSr |".vkLob<~ fa. U i-ekwekic. rot C?itlM?. lWKUill, new Bpools# St.; Xmaltean family. TTIURNISHBD KABLOB A*D~ BEOBOOM; MANO, f bath, Jkc . $11 weekly; Bootua and Ballroom*, irst Boor. $?1 and y;. I OB East 15th ?C, near Union square. L~arg*. WELL fubnibmed kbont boom*, fob hotiaekeepinr or light bnainoee: water and gu? in the room*; ng|)l|*tH par weik; upleudid location i ce/er enees required. 1.21(0 Broadway, near "-?lh st. r*? UTF?IM A PRIVATE MOORE. TO A GElf* 1 Oaraaa only, ? furnished Bedroom ; PSSO par woo*. Apply at Not 80 Ea*l lOtb at., between 3d and 4th *v*. T~ WO"KKWtiT FtNISHED AND KUBNI*HBl? BOOM*. seoead and third Boon, in tbe vary desirable hooae and location 45 Eaet 23d at-, oppaeita Association Hall and ?ear Madison ar. T'~0~Lfc T- FIRKT~AND' SECOND FLOOKB; FIRST class tarnished Booiu to gentlemen. M West 24th St. TWO CLEAN, COBBY BOOMS TO LET FUBN1K1IE D. snitabla for one or two ladies wbo are employed duriug the day or a geuUeiuau and wile: terms moderate; reler eueea enchain;-d. Can be lean only betweeuBA. M. and5 1*. M. 129 Bank st.. near Ureenwicn at. ELEGANT SECOND STORY KRONI" ALCOVE Boom. furnished: smeller Booms; Board if desired. 10k) West 21st St. Moderate price*. d>jfCfl -A FURNIBIIKD PBol(T HAUTbHDROOM to gentlemen. 11U Wnt ItHh st., near Oth air. d? 4 A WEEK.-A LARGE WELL KUBNIBIIEO 'VT Boom, suitable for two geutlemen or gentlemnn and wire. 16 West 54th St. AA TO |B.? ROOM* FUBNISHED FOR HO USE KEEP. lng: gas end bath. 323 35th st., near Btb av. *7"-I" WELL El'BNtm&TwSeABB BACK~BOOM. V t". second flat; private family: gentlemen. 502 Oth av.. near 35th st. KTH AV.. am. NKAB BRUNSWICK.-HANOBOMELT ? > and newly furnished ltootus. without board, lor gcntle men: family private. 5TH AV. AND~14TK BT.?a PHIVATK FAMILY WILL rent a bands<ime Bait of furnished Koouim in the elegant brown stone house No. 4 West 14th at.: parlor, throe bod moms and privet j bath: together or separately. d"7 a wFek~Tnice floor. kubnisued com". <P I ulete for housekeeping, to adulta only; references wanted. IHO Varick at. 9Til nr.. 5tlfj PBT~WEBT OK BROAD W AV.?P.VBLOB and small Boom, fhtely famished: a lulu; modern con veniences; summer prices; near restaurants. nTH ST~ 104~ EAST. BETWEEN (JNIOK SQL'A BE and Irvine place.?liandsotncly forniskedlltooins, with out board, lor ircntlemen. f"(I EAST lt'TlI ST.. ftI'.TVv El'.N BROAPWAY AND 1 ?' 5th av.?Furnished Booms to let to gentlemen; mod erate prices. mWHST_ lUTll BT.. FBIV fcTE FAMILY (NEAR Oth av.)?Two large, well fnrnlsbed Booms for gen tlemen. IOO EAST 44TJI BT.~ NEAR GRAND CENTRAL WlJ depot.?Booms, furnished completely for house keeping. lur small famlliea or single gentlemen; rutit$5 to per week. Apply on tbe premises or to \V. 8. GAVEY, 4B Bloecker st. mLKXINUTON AV.?TWO NICELY FURNISHED front Boom* to let, with all convenience a. Vh PUamSHED BOOMS~ A!iri? _ A1?AUT MENTS TO LET. X^'^^Cw'iTim.irtfft'froojfi.AstrdNi^ ii. a light rooms. Apply at *18 West 10th st. PLAT* TO LET-IN TH1I BBALTIHTL NEW HOUSES, with all improvements; rents Irorn S2o to ?14 Inquire on the premises 311 nnd 313 East 77th st., east of 2d av. FLOOKS.?2J0 EAET 27TH BT.. BIX BOOMS EACH* water, <kc . in good order: would divide ft'desired. Ap plv to WILLIAM TBUBLOW. 110 East 30th St.. or on premlsos. 11 to 12 o'clock. HOBO KEN.?TO LET. AN ELEGANT PABLO K Floor, with estoiiaion, at eery moderate price; to gether or ruparately. 32 Hudson St., Ilohokeu. SARATOGA BlTlLHNG - BEAUTIFUL OOB.VkB apartment, nine rooms: a'l Improvements ;*i>a??cnger elevator; reduced root; look nt It. J. W. STEVENS, Broadway and 52d St. TO LET LOW?A FLAT OK FIVE BOOM*, NO. 881 West 18th st.: also a Store and three Rooms, No. 301, next house. Iuqulrelii the store or at No. KV'l Most 2Hth st, BOARUBU8 W ANTIC O. 1?IfANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOB FAVf. . lies mi'I slnirte irontlomea, with Board; moderate rules. ill* Waverley pluco. HANDSOME~PABLOB FLOOR (THREE LARGE room? I; hot and cold wikr and dowla: will rent en ?ultb or duply: also one Angle ISoorn. with Hoard. Mrs. KENT, Jtl and 38 East 23d at. (Madison iqnarc). 1~ilAND80Mh HALL BOOM; ALSO OTHERS. Wlf?I or without Board, In a German family. 226 East 11th St., betwaeu 2d and 3d an. BLOCK FROM UNION SQUARE, CENTRAL LOCA tlou.?Nicely furnished Rooms, excellent table, terms moderate, at I# Irving Diane, one door north of 15th st. 'LAliirfTl'AKLOit, 1 SINQL.E BOOmTfBONT BASE ment and Bedroom, with Board, at 110 Esst 23d at.; terms moderate. BOOM ON PABLO~B FLOOB: 1'IANO; UPPEB Booms: terms very- low; hall Koouis; day boarders. 128 West 29th St.. near Broadway. PABLOB AN iTbEDROOM OX SECOND FLOOR TO let, with Hoard: privsto table ifdesirod; also ball Bnom lor Keutlomen. 1.451 and 1,453 Broadway (Alitor block). 2" BLOCKsl^tbVHROADW A y7-LAB( IK ANDKXIALL Booms to let, with first class Boaril. 63 Eaat 4th st. 5" Til AVa US.?BLKOANT PABLOB SUITS. FROM 2 to 6 rooms; alto other Booms, furnished, with or wlthont Board: references. 5"tII AV?.17-FURNISHED BOOmITkN SUITE OR singly, with first class Board; a few day boarders taken; table d' bote: dinner at six. 5Til AY.. NO. ~JT?\M ADISON ~PARK.?ROOMS,"EN suite or sinitly. table d'hote or private table; permanent or transient; oue (initio Boom permanent. JOHN WORBTELL. 1 f\ MTATEBLEY PLACE, NEAR BROADWaY.? 1U Pleatunt front Booms. 914, 91tl, 918 aud $2t)l'or two. with Hoard: single Rooms. <IS aud $0; transient people, ?2 per day; also table Board, 94. EAST 31ST ST~ BETWEEN MADISON AND~ftTH a vs.?IIondsomely furnished Booms, witn first cluss Frenoh table; relerences. 1~0 HAST 23U HT.. FRONTINO MADISON SQL'ABE.? XJj To let, furnished, elegant Booms, with Board; tran sient or permanent parties. WEST 2?TI1"sT.-^KI,EG ANT ACCOM MODATIONS, with or without Board; two doors from Broadway. 1?J PARK AT.?KNTIRE FLOOB. EN 8UITB OB lO separately; also two hall Rooms, handsomely fur nislied, with or without Bwii; reference. W 8T 4?THl?T.?DEUOUTFOL BOOMS TO LET, with Board: reference. 1 Vfli ST.. 217. WEST.?EL EGA SIT ROOMsTKN SUITE It mid sinicly, with Board; location deslrablo; terms moderate: references. 9Q WF.8T 40TH 8T.?HANDSOME A pTrT MEN T8, ijt7 with Board, in a French lamily. Tor taniDlei aud sin gle gentlemen, at moderate prices; Lngliah, German aud Spanish spoken. OISTST., 121, NEAR 4T1I AV.?NEATLY FURNISHED OL Rooms, with ur without Board; location desirable; terms moderate; referent e. Of} CLINTON- "PLAOK. ? ELEGANT FlfSF18HKD OU Bimiuii fur-married ur single gentlemen or ladies with or without Board. ~A A WESTImTH ST.?NICELY Ft'RNISIIKD BOOMS. TT with ur without Board; moderato terms; home com forts; references. A (fTv?i-r2.<T7r*f. HKTWKKN BKOADWAY AND ?th a*.?A crentlemau snd wife can hart Second Floor, handsomely inrnUhod, with private table: ri-lerence. Ft A WKST 12TII ST.?NICELY FURNISHED SECOND UT story front Rooms to let, with Board; terms mod erate. /?Q fttTT AV.. NEAR MTH" ST.?IN A PRIVATE FAM DO ily you can find elrgaut Suits of Booms or Bedrooms, with or without Board; terms moderate. 1 HI waverley placeI sortTiwest corker jLvJi. Washington square.?Several pleasant Booms, with uniformly guod table, to acceptable parties. TfAK east"28rH ST.~~BETWhBN 4TII AND LKX J.V/U Ing'iiu uvs.?Furnished Booms to rent, with Board; relerences. 13 14 116 WK8T 11TH ST.?NICELY FURNISHED KOOUS, sinirlr or en suite; unexceptionable table Board. 1 I Q WKST IrtTII ST.?SIOBLY FURNISHED ItO Rooms, with Board, for gentlemen, at 97: also ltooms. with Board or Breakfast only; house newly paiuted and fnrnlshed. 07V7 WEST 22D 8T.-A FBENCIi FAMILY, SPEAK OU I inn Spanish, would take Boarders; reterences ex chaniied; one block fiom elevated railroad. ?Tl7l~^D~^M^NEAfLY_FLKNISHBD ROOMS TO Olt let, with or without Board; also table board; terms moderate. JKB8KY CITY BOARD.?LAROK SQUARE FRONT Hooip lor goutljmao and wll*; also hall Hedronm lor single gentleman: private family. Apply at 211 Washing ton ?t.. one dour Iroin Sussex st. P~ LX All A NT ROOMS AND BOA.ltD WITH PRIVATE family, wlthont children; modern Improvements; tortus lew. 29 Jane St., two blocks below 14th st. BUAKU A SI) ^UJUUINO W A XI'KD. WANTED?BY A"irfi)TrLl4?IAN," HOAKu Ajft LOOO Ing in aprlvato family ; Iocs tlou betwreu -Mtii sud fiOth St.. wevt side : tfood relerence |rl?on aud required. Ad dress. Slatlnir trrms. T. A.. Herald I ptown Hrancli oWce. BROOKLYN BOAIUD. ? : POPLAR sr., BROOKLYN HE U.I i rsi-iXiuiE LO front Room, $11 tor two; also nail Boom, sfj; loca t.ou first class; two minutes from Fnltou ferry. A" LWAYS OPEN-FRANKFORT "HOfSE."tioRNKB Franklort and William sts.; 36c., o<)c., 91; gentlemen fauilllos. A-M'PIKE'S HOTEL. 3.-? CLINTON PLACE, 8TII ? at.?A lew sln?le KtMims to let, v?ltli Board, to >ontl*. men; ulso table Board by the day or seek. ANKKLL'S TURKI8B, ROMAN AND ~KLECTRIC baths, 1 Lexitivloii av.: day and night; ladles day ami eveninu; pleasant moms, excellent table. A LL LtOHT. sInuLE ROOMS. AT NEW KNOLAVD Hotel. SI Bowery; lodglncs 50c. ulKbtly; f3 weekly; fur Kuatlemen only. | fKW FINKLY FITTKIl I.P ROOMS"ToB~FA.MIL J- V les or ainixle persons, can now bu eiiKHired at the Park Hotel, onrner Reeknian aud Nassau sts. | . here all the con vcnlenei'S of restaurants, elevator. Ac . i'au be bad at mod eratoj-'lutrires ou the "l.tvo aud Let Live" principle. FRANCONIA HOUSE, NEAR PROFILE HOUSE, White Mountains?First class Hoard 91 per day. Don't ?ay luuredf It; send for circular. Highest relerences. OAKKS A l'KIKST. H OTKL Al'BRY, Walnut ??., ham :t3d to 34?h st. Pbiladalplita, ?? the European Plaa Strictly first tlM Beet k*MI la th? etty. JAMBS S. SltiTIB, HOTELS. ttA4*<JITfOT*rA!iir KUkortlV Bdt*L tn 4HI ??d Che*tuut *U., FHUlIalphla. twwllm from *1 to (3 par day. SPIXOLBR MOOS AMK K10AM TLA N. -LA KC.U >?U? of W'ihh for bollki and line'.* gentlemen. ftiM Ian Oiloii m?if?. ftlmoder?Uj> rictn. _ eounwa^-board; 5=1 A?WAXTMb,'OMB' OR TWo CHILDREN TO~B0ARD| ? ?? ? lm Mar S?w Cittu.vlitrr lb?> will reoeiv? tbc oeet o! cart. Address U. tt PARKS, YUta. Wc?tcho>UM county, Siw York. \ fKW BOARDERS CAN find A QUIRT 1IOMR. -*> ?''J **"' Ml (haded rrouadt, within an how ? Sh? Address M. RKi Rfm.Ht. Whit* l'Uina, WetlchoUr maijr, V V. A HHAUY COUNTRY HOXB.-BUAKD. WASH IXG A ??>*. wadlngs offered an iuvalid orbliud or tkoee af plain, quiet habit*: $?. por weok. Address box 111 Po.t o?ee boutii Norwaik, Conn. ? ' T LADY WDBSIROuT OF a FEW VRRY RRRPBC7 A able city Boarder*; throe-quarter* or a tall* irura the depot; pliiaaantly situated; term* easy. Par further par ticular* addraw Mrs. JOHN I*. LOUM8BUKY, Hopewol! Junction, D. C., N. Y. 1' LEA S A NT TiOUXTR Y~ VthSORT ?~DURHA*I Ground*, pleasantly located: room* nloa and large: a* eemniodetloo* for ISki.C hoarder*. Fur farther partwaluai aditrrn* Mr. (JRO. H. SAN ford, South Durham, Greens county, N. Y. AT MORRI8TOWN, X. J.-FIRST" CLASH PRIVATB Boarding llouae, now upea; no email children taksa. Mr*. GKO. W. KING. Board, at plain field.--a small priyath lumily would Uke to take one or two couple* to Board, for the *uuimer; hou*e i* rieairably situated and convenient to depot. For further particular* addre** D. A. 8.. boa W9 l*u?t offlce l'ialn&eid, N. J.; or box 3,-54 Poet offlce Not* York. BBROKN POINT.-ZOHR1SKB MANSION: BEAU'rt lully situated on the water; boating. bathinr, ttshiafft for lionltli. plennurc. comfott and coavei ience cannot be OX called; hor*e* boarded reasonably. Mr*. MUNN, Praprlatresa. Board wanted?for tub hummer, for a young lady, tu a good family iu Mu**aebu?et ta, not fat from Sprlugtiaid, near water, and wonid like to be with young company: term* must Aot exceed $8 per week. Ad drew, -tutinn <ull particular*, Miu O. J., New York Herald oBee. for oae week. 00 NTltY ilOAED?A CITY FAMILY, NBAX lii J Unekawey. will take a few Boarder* at 98 per weeki Bond table; loeatloo nleanaiit. with bathing ana boallnis Addre** SEASIDE, Herald oiHce. ('1 O UN TRY BOAKD WAMTBD?F( )R OKNTLKMAS /' uitd wil'j. from Juue 10: large room: boating and Bsk log. Addre**. with full particular*, box 3.7H1 Pn*i office. (lOUNTRY BOARD WAXTED-lN A PRIVATE KA* J ily, where tliero are no other boarder*, by a family ot hix peraon*. no ohildreu under 11; In a healthy and piea*aat vllUire. 2 to CI hour* from New York: ple**ant Room* aad good table: reference* inuet be ol tbo vary beat. Addreaa D. DKLMORK, Hwrald office. C10U.VTrTb0ARD.-A PRIVATE FAMILY, OWNIHO J one ol' tlie flnevt country *e*l* on Orange Mountain, would accommodate a famitv ol about *lx purnon*; no othan taken : aplendid itabllnir; evory modern tiuprovemeat. Ad dre** box 2.UUII Hn?t oilico. (COUNTRY BOARD?OOOl> LOCATlO.V.IfKAR OATS. J kill Mountain*; irood table: Hne drive*: term* CM par we.-k: reduction to familie*. tor particular* address Mra. AL1CK 80HMITT, box 40U Post oflice, Sauirertla*, X. Y. CCOUNTRY BOARDKttH WANThD?AT A F1U8TULAM J larm. at Peekakill; terras 97 p 'r week. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar it. OXTCLAIR.?ADULTS CANToBTAIX FIR8T CLAM Board In a house containlaK all the modern imprure inelit*. Address MOUNTAIN AVKNUB, box 218 Poal ollice. Moatclair, X. J. SI MMER RESORTS. ] "A WO'&A. S.^Y.-CAYUOA LAKK; 'lIEALT?lfciS J\. place In America ; boating aud Hulling; Board at Au rora lluuse, ??*> to $8 pur wuek. Write to I10LMB8 A TERRY, Proprietor*. FORBRT 1HOUcib.'TiudI?! "lake, N. J.. OPENS June 1. llotue newly painted ami thoroughly rea*> vatod. A. BKOWNSOX. Proprietor. Heath houkb, fcoiIooLEy mountain sprixobl N. J., two hours' ride from New York via Morris M Bstex Kail road; uccominodate* -MX) gueits: Bne iawa| Chalybeate water; band mid music hull: perfect drain age: pure uprlng water; vegetables from our own garden! resident physician ; no mosquitoes. Circulars at the Uota maa House, 27th st. and Broadway. COLEMAN Jt CARRIQUR. Lenox house, orbbxwuh. conn.? firm class in evory particular; absolutely, healthy; no mo* qui toes. ADOLF RUTJB8. I'lNDBN PARK HOUSE, CORNWALL, N. Y.?WILt J be open lor the reception or a few select boarder* May 20; term* moderate. C. II. KINO, Proprietor. N""ORWOOD HOUSE, NORWOOD, ~N. J.. 30 MILKS from New York.?Large Kooni*; gus, bells, extemlva lawns: near depot; price* moderate. Addros* or apply to P. T. KKITtl, Proprietor. Richfield "sprinos.-spring house open iot J une; term*. 91S to S18. Rheumatism and goat corad. Illustrated circular freo. Saratoga Sprlnrs. wtli open June 1, 1H70. JAMES M. MARVIN, Proprietor. A F'OK H.VLaK,. 8AM PLE ROOM AND~~l?UNCI! BAK^FIli^T (JljAtt down town; day trade; esst term*. Li.uYD, 20 Broadwav. A A30RNER LIQUOR SiOKE?.No OPPOSITION; OP. posits two Unas of steamers; lease; low rent; bargala. LLOYD. 29 Broadway. FIRST CLASH SAMPLE AMD LUNCH BOOM FOl sale?In the best location down town, luqulre <t OA.PFKEY A SMITU. 17 Cedar ?t. FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM ON KROADWAl fur sale cheap.?Price 6300. Address JONES, M. V, Ut-rald Upmwu Brunch office. (TAR WORKS FOR BALK?TUB WORKS OP THI J Ohio Kali* Car aud Locumotivo Company will be soU at public auction, at the Court House dour in Cliarlostown, Clark county, Ind., on Saturday, Juue 10.437ti, between tin hours ol U A. M. und 4 o'clock I'. M. These are the largest and most complete ear works lu the country: are located adjucent to Jctfersonville, Ind.. and aro well adapted to othet branches of manufacture. Kor printed circular, containing a lull the properly and terms of sale. which aro extremely' liberal, address: Jo.-KPlI W. Sl'KAUUE, Agent for Trustees, Jeuersonvllle, Ind. BOO SI ORE-OX CORN KR ~li AUK CiiANCK FOB physician. Address M. MURRAY. 130 West 45th St. IilOR 8ALh?THE FIXTURES, SACKS. AC.. SUIT* 1 ablo fur tho Jewelry business; will be sold very reason* able. Apply at H07 Broadway, Brst Ho jr. For sale?a druo stork, modernized pront^ situated on on* of the principal thoroughfares In Phila delphia (established 1S4D), doing a business trom $8,000 to (Hi,000 per annum, and mi.-hi t?n irreatly larr*a*ed. Ad dross Dr. THOMAS LANCASTER, No. 211 North 12th it.. Philadelphia. ITVoii SALE.?AM ABSOLUTE BALE UK A OOOD 1 Kakery iu Brooklyn, wheie there aro baked trom 7 to 8 barrels of Hour; to bo sold at any price. Address U. M., boa 141 Herald office. FOR SALE?THE OLDK8T ESTABLISHED finest located nnd best paying Cigar Store in the city of New York: a long lease, low rent and a sure fortune are some of the advantages offered; about $4.00 I cash required; being engaged in the wholesale cigtr limine.* U the only reasoB for wishing to sell; locution Broadway, surrounded by tho finest hotels aud theatres. Call at 1H7 Pearl st. JUAN VliOA * 00. FOR BALK?A LARUE (UioCKKY AND tea busF noss; ha* been established many years; location, ona of the best downtown streets In the cltv of New Yoik. Cash required, $15,000 to $U0,00U Address MANHATTAN. Herald office. tHjlTsTLliUllfcAI'-I-TnK SKrOMK)UllAM PLATED r Warn, six pieces, aud very handsome Waiter, novel used' Called at TAYLOR'S, 71 Warren at. IjHJR SALE CHEAP?FIRST CLASS DlST|m>T ' Store: good lease; cheap rent. Apply to PETER Mu QUADE, 44 Murray st. jlOR SALE CHEAP?THE FIXTURES Of A SMAM Confectionery Store. 374 7ih av. \ FOR 8ALK?NEAT PITTED ~UP LIQUOR STORE* lour I'ull Pump and Fixtures. Inquire at 120 Chen] st., cigar store; price $276. I OK?FOR~SALK~ ABOUT 8,000 TONS UP FIRST quality Ice, in luehes thick; y,M<>0 tons of Mohawk River Ice, well housed on < anal Bang; about 9,1$) tone on Lake, with railroad built to icehouse; all within ten mi las or Schenectady, N. V.; will sell the 2,81 ?J tous at $2 50 la house and the 5,000 tons in lions* at $1!, by measurement, *4 cubic feet to th<Mon. II closail beforo 1st of Juie next. Address boa I S Schenectady Post office. I'kaSE AND FURNllURK OF A CENTENNIAL HO J tel. on an Important street in Philadelphia, for salei terms favorable. Address LINCOLN HOTEL, 4th and Wooe ets., Philadelphia. J MARHLE SODA WATER AND ROOT BBKR AP. paratns?Square box styles, for sale at cost. J. M. WHITFIELD k HON, 303 Water it., Naw York. fe'ifMl WIl.L BUY THK LIQUOR STORB. 451 Hudson st., doing good baainose; large bad room ; rent fs per mouth. Inquli* In the store. ll?l "will BUY THK OLDEST DOWNTOWN ?PlittUU Restaurant, this day, Ihisagh lainily trouble*. LLOYD, 2U Broadway. MA ci u.\iaT. ~ ^ IOCOMOtlVKS ANI1DUMMT EM<>INKS. ??it'A<IK9, J 8 feet. 8 reel 10 inches and 4 feet Sjj inclie*; huglnes Butlers, Shells,Tanks. JOllN STUART. U>4 Broadway. PAINT~MILL AND MlXKR, AIjSO PAINT MILL, FOR salo cheap: good as now. Can be *eea at 145 and 147 West lMth st. 11TANTR0?A LAROK SIZE DOUBLE SURFACER, TT Planer and Matcher: State maker and how long used, price, *c. Address E,M. P., box 40 Post offlec, Jersey City, Si. J. WANTED TO purchask-A S 4 ALL OR PONY Trip Hammer; must bo In root order: give loll de scription and cash prie*, which mast be low, and where If can be seen. Address box Post office. Birmingham, Conn. - - ' ~-MME.TOWEL. 81bWl :;,E 1 t ? Ka?t 52d?t.. first door from 5th av. Advice tree. A "Ho" rTa"nd mm a. tt rIndl e." 144 west 4STH ii? . Confidential consultation in all female complaint*. A?DR AND MMB. BOTtCob*rIDENTIAL COjT ? sultatloa on all lamale complaints. 47 West 18th sb -DR. AND MMK. van BUSKIRK; RESIDENCE N '. 154 East jHtli *t., between 3d and Lexington tvt ?DR. AND MMK. MAURICEAU; :k> YEARS' PRAO . lice. Office I'JO Liberty st., near lireeiiwich. DR. WHITEHEAD, air. EAST 5UTII ST.. NEAR 30 av.?Female Cooiplaliits ?xirely and safely treated. MMR. RESTKLL. MIDWIFE. SINCE 1K40; FEMALE eomplalnts specialty. No. 1 Last 5Jd st.; No. 7 Utb at. MRS. LYONS, FEMALK piivsician. CURES ALL complaints. No enr ? no pay, 40 hast 30th M. Successful cures uuaranteed?advice free by Dr. or Mtuo. Wr.ST. ii Bloeckertt.. near Broadway. astkolouy! "a BUsiNRssTANb MKDICArtiLXfBVOfAVfTWBO challnn^N tho world In ttflnug 'ivurrttuiii; u<um in Dl! W?'c<",l* lo " ? "umbers -.0,1 likeness free. N? wO We?t 25th st.. between tttli and 7tli ava ASTKOLOiiER.-PROFKSSOR LIKTKR. 819 tlTII AV.| send lor circular. Address boa 4.B2U Poet efltoe, New York. 4 TTKNTION.?CONSULTATIONS ON BUSINESS, X\. law salts, ensmlet, lones. ahseat friends, love, mar nags aad death ?, pay r?f a*od aalaes sat Mad, SOU M av. $INUHl,r -