Newspaper Page Text
w iMUtKniijen. ^ f Al.I.Ai'K'S ? - --' Proprietor and SlMUkl*r...Xr. LE8TEK WALLACE Tills (SATURDAY) MATINEE AND EVENING. Houcleault's Out' Comedy, e ilitled IIUSV SilK LOVE* lilM, ?itli SEW AND BEAUTIFUL -CKNF.RY AND APPOINT MINIS. and th* following t'NEQUALLKD MtTHlUCIlUX OK OHABACTERS :-m TOM VACIL Mi. LEsTI... WaLLACK l?ICk HARTLEY Mr. II J. MONTAGUE -ir KICIIARD ENGLISH Mr JOHN Oll.Hf.KT DIOGENES Mr. IIAKKY BECKETT ?'aptaim Y AWLKY Mr \V. it. FLOY ft Or. MINIM I'M Mr. W. HEBBKRT MrJElllCIIO MAM MUM Mr. E. M. HOLLAND Dr. (XWi KT1 Mr. J. W SHANNON Dr SPARKS Mr. C. K. EDWI* Mrs. To.M V'ACIL .. Mint ADA #Y4 ATALANTA CRUtSRB Mi.s EFKIE GEEMoN LADY BR.UNA BAFFLKI l< KET Muie. I'ONXSI Carriages may b? ordered for lO:-**. Dim nolle* will ba given of the flr?t appe irance of Mr. and Mr?. \V. J. Kl.OUE.NCK In thair successful Comedy eilltl?d the Mil.Il l V l'< tl.L \ It. tiUUUK THEATRE, BROADWAY 'i Vill.E THEATRE, AND EAGl.E THEATRE. :?D St, l*iopriclor and Manager ^r- JOSH HART ?> Two Lasi Perloriniiucy* of <?>???? ? MATINKK I th* l'r< MHi Bill. I MATINEE MATINEE I llowird Steers' | MATISKB MM' .NEK | Burlesque, enl.l *U I MATINKK M \TI N1.K I MATINEE MATINEE I OkO. R., HARRY THE V. | MATINEE MATINEE I I MATINEE Tb? wondtrM I TO M It. A. W. SAWYER. | DAY, Tlia startling I AT .MR. IIK.N'RY SHELDON. I 2 The utualihliu I O'CLOCK. VlCTORKLLr BROTHERS. The unequalled N. 0. UOPDWIN. Jr., In til* tlarnian Imitation and Dutch Songs. Mr. JulIN WILD In twoT*qrlauuhabl* Farces, the" Lawyer's Clerk" mid "Pomney's Patients " TO DAY. MATINEE. TO DAY. AT O'CLOCK. MATINKK. The intlre evening Perform nice given at lb* MATINKK MATINEE. MATINEE. Th* entire evening: Performance giveu at tlie MATINEE MATINEE. i^TII AVKNl'K THEATRE. 'jpIVL'E" MATINEE O DAY AT 1:30. LUNAL NIGHTS OK "PIQUE. 5TII AVENUK THEATRE. Proprietor and M .<ua*er Mr. AUGU8TIN DALY TO-DAY. AT 1:30. S5TH MATINEE OF PPPPP II Q<Jy*7~ U V KEEK P P 11 Q QU UE PPPPP II u o U ir EES P II Q QU U UK P II QQ<W UUUU EBEK <J> AU0C8TIN DALY'S GREAT PLAY OP TO-DAY. TO-NIGHT, AT s. BENEFIT OK MR JAMES LEWIS. fyrU aVENL'K THEATRE. THIS (SATL'KDAY) NIGHT, MAY 20, lor the BENEKI* OK MR. JAMES LEWIS (lb* run of "PiQCK" bein; interrupted fur ibis occa* on Mtljr , will be produced. with the original scenery, music and cast, GILBERT'S tuitions Comedy of ?CHARITY.'' Br. LEWIS In hi* popular pvrsouation of FITZPARTINGTON Or. Atherney (bin original part) Mr. Charles Kislier led Ailmriey ihis*on? Mr. Charles Kockwell toua* ?mailey (Ills original part) Mr. K. liardeuberg smaller. Jr. ibis otftpriug) Mr. M Uarrynmre Mr aklnaer this original part) Mr. VY. liaviuge Th* Butler Mr. Deroau Mrs. VatU>riigb by Miss May Howard iwbo lias kindly volunteered, her lirst nppeuranee in N. Y.) Bra Yaubrugh Miss Kute Holland and Miss Davenport la her great original part of Ruth, the Tramp ALSO. THIS EVENING, lr?t production lu New York of Uvron's nevvi^t London suc cess, bis most laughable Comedy, entitled WEAK. WOMAN. Si which Mr. L .WIS will appear as Captain Ginger Mr. llarkln* us ...Philip Kuiuhuwe Mr. Rockwell as ArtuurMedwyii Mr Darldn as Dr. Fleuiming Mr. John Drew a* Tootli * Mr. Ileekniau as Koward* Mils Sydney Cowell a* Lillian Kansbawe Ml** Georgian a Drew as Helen, lier cousin Mr*, a H. Gilbert as Mrs. Gunn ??? 8ATCKDAY NIGHT NEXT, BENEFIT OF MR. W. DAVIDGB. V A FESTIVAL MATINEE on WEDNESDAY next. May 24. for the benefit of Mis* FANNY DAVENPORT. See Sunday paper*. Onion squark theatre" Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN BIIOOK Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER EVERY NIGHT AND AT THE SATURDAY MATINEE the new Drama by Messrs. Lancaster and Maguua. entitled CONSCIENCE. "Conscience is Character* by Messrs. C. K. Thome, In* _ strongest Frederic Koblixon. John Parsalle, Jr.; J. II. Stoddard. C. A. Stevenson (by the conrtesy of Lester Wallack. Eau ), theo. Hamilton, Allrod Hecks. W. H. Wilde, W. S. guiuiev and Miss Kate Clazton and Miss Marie Wilkiua. Saturday, May lip, Second Matinee of Conscience. FRlOAx EVENING. May 3B-Benefit of Miss MARIE W1LKINS. UNION SQl'ARK THEATRE. EXTRA. BENEFIT OK MR. Cil A1CLES R. THORNE. JR. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. May 25. 18/U, Ml which occasion will be presented Kuowle*' great play, THE lir.NCIIBACK, with an extraordinary cast, including ? cssrs. Fred. Robinson, C. It. Tliorne, Jr.: Stuart Robson, Claude Burroughs, J. K. Morris. H. W. MontKoiner>-, John Mathews, Vinlng Bowers, Alfred Heck?, \V. H. Wilder, W. O. Ouigley. and Mis?rst Ida Jtftiyi and Ida Vernon. essrs. sTiook" * palmkr are pXkaskd to announce that they will produce at the I'ulon Square 1 best re, on the opening of their next Preliminary Season? about August 21st-an original American Comedy-Drama written by Mr. Bret llarte, and copyrighted accordingt o law. Union Squark Tuhatmc, May 19,1878. "Trooklyn "theatre! srigtnal Drama brought out In New York this leaeon."?N. Y. tleraid. B1 Lessees imd Managers. Messrs. SHOOK k PALMER, Evary avtniug this ?eek and at the Saturday matinea. MISS GHAHLOTTE Tllo.M 1'bON In a new tdny. entitled PRIDk, and STUART ROBSON ?s CAPTAIN CR08STKEK lu the wlttr burlesque of BLAi K-EYKO SCSAN. Next week, GEO. KAWCKTT ROWK in BRASS. I'lir.Alltr. bUXlljl b, Dl< IS KU AD WAY. MATINRR MATIN KK MATIN KK MATINEE 2 O'CLOCK this day. THIS DAY, THIS WAV. THIS DAY. Mi.? BELLE 1IOW ITT, HAM villa aud tho grjal Rurlaaque rioupo in IX ION IX ION. AT THE MATINEE TODAY AMERICAN* ABROAD. Introducing tbu great Illuminated Scan*. LE JAKDIN M A III LI.K. 1U) specialty stars In ft grnn.1 Olio itt lliv MATINKK TO-DAY. ?TTtH sr. opera HO OAK, BXTWBBK 2D AND t)'l ;t.i h\ ?. MaTINkK I PARISIAN sensations. MATINKK RACY SKETCHES. Ulls DAY, I PEMAI.R MODELS. THIS DAY, | OBIQINAL CANCAN lO'clock. ORIGINAL CANCAN. 1 O'clock. I 30 ipeclalty Slut at MATINhli TO-DAY. OEKTRAL PARK GARDEN, Till uv., .iMtli aud 59th ?t?. nOL'LK A APPI.EHY' Proprietor* SATURDAY EVKN1NO. AT S O'clock. D. L. DOWMNtl'H Chi.KBK v TED orchestra. I'llt MARIA SALVoTTI, Prima Doua?. MiaoI.IZ7.IK M. RAK, Soprano. Mr. JOHN HAMMOND, the liuprriHi Curnet Soloist. TWENTIETH GRAND CONCERT. PROGRAMME. PART 1. Overture. "Masaaniello" Carafe Parapbraae. "M ix Sclion bint du?* NearaUba ioug, "Bonnie bwnet Be*ale" Gilbert Ml?? I.I/./.1K M. RAK. Cornet aolo. Grand Faataale Hartmau Mr. JOHN HAMMOND. PART II. 3vertnra. "UnirarLch Ln?i>pi?l" Keler Rela March, "Egyptian" Julio Struiiu song, "Wailing" Millard Mine. MARIE SALVoTTI. ieiua of the opera, "La Kavorita" DonUittl PART III. March, "America'! Centennial" Downing Male (jvartet, 'Toeat ' Kollner Walta. "Aa? dem Rechlalebcn" Ed. Struma Packeltana ? loio-v 4hand backed concert on sundav even 1 NO, MAY al. GRAND SACKED CoMCKKT. grand sacked concert GRAND SACRED CONCERT. 0 KAN II SACKED CONCERT. GRAND SACRED CONCERT. ? GRAND SACKED CONCr.RT. GRAND HACKED CONCERT. GRAND SACKED CONCERT GRAND HACKED UONCKKT. GRAND SACKED concert GRAND SACKED IONCIKT GRAND sacked CONCERT. Alao tir-t aiikvarantc i.f Ml? LOUISE FRANKLIN, together with aa Imuit-nte 'nil, Unit VOCAL AND INbTIO MENTAL iilinlnluli Ml rente "ackaite, IU ticket*. ? ^ |J .*? fumiK ri;Evti:k. tjh and 7*i BKOaDWaI UP B. W. BUTLER Manager tiik standard kamily riii vruK I Immense *uere?a of the original out euprrfc arllat In lil? XL nUtlc apeciali ea, Mr. T. M. IIKNGLRR. GRAND I r.alraoidliiarT .<v?ti..n?to *r II lv Itarr*. I SENATOR JIOII IIARl". KEY Not.its RHUS . FAMILY | Miaa Lin e Krl?e? , Mit.i Hiia^ I THE TICKET oK I.tAW. MAN. cat1nrr ? | Grand Double Compant. Drama. Vaa4evllto TO- | an.I EeMMrtc S|t*< tallica Meter*. KETCH I M. PRll E. PABWKI.L, DAT. Mcdonald. rradle\ ami wood*. 1 Meaari WEST. BLIIV. K EM RLE. ae. Hat EXCELLENT AlirisTS e*eiy aigbt li. ? Grand Olio. WOOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S. TT1IK DAY, Matinee at 3, evening at A. Double bill. UNDER TIIE GALLoWi and BROKE JAIL MONDAY, May m. the new BurluMiue, FAIR one Willi blonde WIG. 1DAH RICHMOND. LI/.Z1K KRLBRY, HARRY ALLEN, A. H. SHELDON. NELLIE ALLEN, NrLi.IE SANDPORD. SOCIRTY ROCFa H~LES_-EVEKY saturday KVKN* Ing. Ferrero'a AtMinMy koomi, Tammany Ho tiding, |4th at. CARTIERM CO . Man ace ra u 7 MR RICA'S CENTENNIAL" GRAND MARCH. f\ Dowalng, with auperb lithograph title, &M. ; "Cea ?aaiilal March," VK.i ' Waahingtoa a March." ArotiMMt. JIM.' "Martha Waahlngton Walu. ' Aroaana. 7.'?.; "BraaiW aa Grand March." I"c.; "One Hundred Year* Ago, ' Kice. R i "Caglloatru Walla," 7.V.: "Bailer Timea Walla," 7&a. MTBON A CO.. 711 Broadway akcIMO TUIH (SATURDAY! EVENING, KERBS A5S2i-?, ?? 'saaiVtl': AXl'IKNKST*. 1)\BI?lAX VAKIKTIES, | ??iTH ST. AND I AKIfclAN YAMIKilEM. I BROADWAY. Only <'ri.Mu^llr Artistic KruMllmial Varieties ia America. >inues over ail. EVERY K * KSIKii at H uVlnck. MATINEE TU SDAY.THU KluV aud SATURDAY at 2. T'l E UKBATKXT SkMftA flONS OUT. Entitled MY WIFi.'S EHKoR. Billy IMmtixm i nc? nii,t original sketch. entitled m A MANIA Koit I.OVKRS. 5 A sensational picture ?l future probabilities, 1 THE SCHOOL <il Hi, > FlMH.lC. - Tlie bewilderingly beautiful Ballet. entitled H THE til Ki.S OF MADKID. Exquisitely graceful. voluptuous aud Muaaltoaal LA MlXlET. - First time of Slcnor N'ovlssiiuo'? humorous C. TaBLEAIX VIVANTS. <- Mile. Bl-.ltTHA and tIki* handsomest ballet III America. " (iKANIl OLIO ??f lih' Artist* of great merit. * Monday. May 22?GRAND tt KEfTl.ING CONTEXT between I.ucieu Marc aud William J. Austin, Light Weight UkwyloM ol FraaM and America. fpoNY PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. 1 W7 Hroadwav, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. TONY PASToB SOLE PKOPEIBTOR. T11E ONLY f I It.ST CLASS VAKIKTY THEATttB ON ISKOADWAY. AN ENTERTAINMENT POSITIVELY UNEQUALLED. SCANI.ON AND GRON IN. THK BICIIMOND SISTERS. ADAMS AND RANSOM, the langh-provoklng Dutch Comedians and Dancers. TIERNEY AN'l> CRONIN. MISS MOLI.Ii: WI I.HON HENRIETTA Mol.LENHAUER. KATIE EDWARDS. S A DIE DESI10N. t: A It HIE DUNCAN, IIA it It IE PHILLIPS, HI 1,1. Y OKAY, J. S. EDWAitDS and the premier companv <>l the world. TONY PASTOR'S STAR TROUPE. MATIN hES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 0 LYMP1C THEATRE. rt24 BltOADM AY. TO-DAY, AT~TWO O'CLOCK, (1BAXD MATINEE. GRAND MATINEE. UKAND M ATI NEB. GRAND MATINEE. HUM PIT | I DCNPTY. Pantomime. Ballot, l^urlesque and Spectacle. In three aoti, introducing, among other great leal urea, T1IK- <.IRABDS, THE WONDER*. .JULIAN, EMILE AND ROBERT. LES SILHOUETTES VIVANTS. Iu their extraordinary and world renowned performance. CABN1YALE DIABLERIE QYMNASTIQUB. THK BEST BALLET TBOUI'B IN AMEUICA. SIX UNEQUALLED PREMIE KB. TWENTY MATCHLESS CORYPHEES, Id the sew and beautiful Ballet, first tliue, THE ROSE AND THE BUTTERFLY. EXTRA?MONDAY NEXT. GRAND OPENING OF HUMMER SEASON. Sea announcements In to-morrow's papers. ARK THEATRE* BBO A I>\V AY AND 2JL> ST" LAST MATINEE TO DAY. LAST NIGUT TONIGHT. Centennial performance. Souvenir programme. Centennial performance. Souvenir programme. Souvenir programme. Ccutennlal pcrlormauoa. LAST NIGIIT of George Fawcett Rowu's Immorous comedy of Bit ASS. BRASS. MONDAY, Wd. In commomoratlou of thu Centennial, that greatest an<l most successful of all American plays. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, with Mrs. HOWARD in ber original character of lOl'SKY, and the GEORGIA JUBILEE SINGERS. rtavoBii oaxosvT offenbach. Messrs. SHOOK A PALMER..- Proprietors and Manager* Mr. E. G. GILMORE Business Manager T1IIS EVENING. AT S O'CLOCK, Tenth ol tlio merles of the TWENTY MONSTER CONCERTS, under direction of the illustrious maestro, JACQUES OFFENBACH. assisted by 100 eminent Musicians, In the "Most delightful summer resort In the world." AdiuUsiou, $1 ; boxes (4 ailmisslous), $&. PEOGKAMME. PART ? 1. Overture?"William Tell" Rossini 2. Insect March?"Hoi Garotte" Offenbach Conducted by Mr. J. Offenbach. 3. Walta?"New Vienna" Strans* 4. Burlesque Polka (new) Offenbach (Wrltteu expressly for these concert*.) Conducted by Mr. J. Offenbach. PART II. 6. "Marche Honiirolse" Berlloa 0. Fantaslo?"Lus Braconnlers".. Offenbach Couductud by Mr. J. Offenbach. 7. Saltarello Gonnod 8. Finale from "I.o Belle Ileleue" Offenbach Conducted by Mr. ?>. OITbubach. PART 1IL 9. "Farandole" Offenbach 10. "Offenbachiana" Offenbach Conducted by Mr. J. OQeubach. 11. Xasourka (new) .....Boullard 12. March from "La Relne de Saba" Gounod FIFTY SUNDAY EVENING CONCERTS, FIFTY C AT POPULAR I'RICfcS. C E E N Admission for the remaining N T Sunday evening Concerts of T S THE OFFENBACH SERIES. S FIFTY 50 ' CENTS. FIFTY Boxes?4 places?$4. ULIU8 CiBSAR.?BEST SEATS AT~ RULLMAN'S 111 Broadway. JULIUS (iTksaR. . FAREWELL PEltF<)RM ANCRS. Positively last opportunities to see the grand tragedy. Kemember. six niiflits and one matinee only. Seats can be had of STORBR, Proscott House. ULIUH OiBSAR.?CHOICE' SEATS AT TYSON'S, Fifth Avenue aud Windsor hotels. B~ OOTH'S THEATBB. JULIUS CjSSAR. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. JARRETT A PALMER beg to announce that In compli ance with numerous requests made by mail, telegraph and also at the box office, JULIUS C.ES.YR will again be uresented in this theatre, and with the same great oast, including the cougregatlou of renowned Shakes perlaus, LAWRENCE BARRETT, F. C. 1IANG8 and E. L. DAVENPORT, with Mr. MILNES LEVICK lu the titular character, the PERFORM ANCES TO 11E LIMITED TO SEVEN, th* flnt of whieh will be given on NEXT MONDAY EVENING, MAY 22. All the romsrkati'c features will be reproduced, including the L'raud and uovel scene representing the BURNING OF THE BODY OK HltUTUS ON THE PLAINS OF PHILIPPE V Sale of seats begins THIS MORNING. Box office opon from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. MEN WANTED FOB THE AUXILIARY FORCE of JULIUS C.ESAR. Preference given to those six feet aud over In height. Apply at the sixth's avenue door of Booth's Theatre on Monday morning, tho --d inst., at 10 o'clock. B-oweuy theatre ' Last Night of Mr. ? J. J. McCLOSKEY'S New Sensation Drama of BBUFF AND BLUE, preceded by a favorite Farce. Monday, Mr. GEO. MORI*OA. "Four Christmas Nights." Sa'nTrancisco minstTTelTs' OPERA HOUSE. AN FRANCISCO MINSTltEI.S, BROADWAY, SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. CORNEK 20TH ST. The most seicesslui organisation in the world. BIRCH, WAMHOLD and BACKUS. WAMBOLD'S NEW SONG. BIRCH ON HIS WAV TO THE CENTENNIAL. BACKUS' INIMITABLE IMITATION'S. <d <g> RYMAN'S GREAT LECTURE. i MATINEE | REBECCA JANK. TO DAY AT 2. I SHAKESPEARIAN ADVOCATES. <g> the gkea,t bicardu venlng at S. Seats secured. 100 C1HATEAU mabille varieties. ) Paris by gaslight in all its glory, ruid every French sausatiou ol the day. ?| ic SO thii* a., o ? 2" r_i'' s o ?a * a 5"?S"a 2 5 * a The Duohess of Murray Hill?Married in tha Dark. The Turkish Bathors, or tha Sultan's Pets. The French Minuet and Poses i'lastlqaes. The handsomest formed ladies in the world. Tlie most artistic artists on the earth. The iiuest Theatre in America. ELLY"i LEON'S "MINSTRELS AND BURLESQUE Opera Company, st. and ilth av. ? ?d I Every evening auil Saturdav Matinee. Kelly k Leon's I | THE RESOKT OF BEAl'TY AND ^ | FASHION. Last week ot Ills Graco ? the Duke. The only Loon in new spe ? ? | cialties. Brilliant part first, introdnr MVTINKE T iug Melodies from "Girotle-Girotla." TO-DAY. I Next week the Grand Dutch S. Box y | office open from tf A. M. to 10 P. M. maEA'l'RE FRANCAlsi LYCEUM THEATRE. A Avant dernier,* representation. Samedl, ItJ Mai, LA CAGNOTTK, comedle en 4 actes. par Lalnche et Martin. Mardi, ?1 Mai, representation de cloture, au benefice de M. -M IUNKT, I l.\ lllVll'll iu An important kact kor ADVERTISERS TO COXiftDER. t'lrcaUtloa or lb* EVEN IN i J TE LEU IU.M laat woak Mo* .lay. May * 35.?K) Tnn4v, May'.' ??S.UO W...|???iav. Xn 1<> 37,av Tliara-iav, May II :?7,2i?) Vrldiv. May fJ 3tl.-H?l Kalu.Jay.MAjlJ..... M.7UU Total 230.100 Daily atara^a 88,850 ADX r.RriSlMi RATES, SO CKNT* I'EK LINE HOW RS A vrtmxu'g ORKAT CIRCUS. WITH MACE. 1 I. ???. l????r aud Prolaaaor Miliar, at 130IL it, Harlein, May I* and 'JU 4 -IMMENSE COMBINATIONS Jl.M MACE AMI Jt'K OOSS. prof mii.i.kk am> joiin dwver. 4* It AN II \?su I r AT ARMS UI.OKIOI* OKtvtO-RoMA.K wukstlinu. llO\?!.- A t.KRAT DolHI.E CIRCUS, lur una *' ok uulj. <- iiinirm'tiiK MONDAY. May 2'J, Lor Foot or Hoi sto.n st. ka?t river. Ail?riti>Mi* at rtrami> at H o'clock. rurrUK phicrn. JJWJO.-I GUARANTEE TO track TIIE MOST CX. I uaau tl la play Uta lj???4a pvrldt h> hi nna <|iiarter'i Ua- ! HKMII C POBMlN. -KMOUi ar. ATURDAT, bket Uuuilf tlBUHM OIIKKK M? lARLRS RVRET SATURDAY, BRET i~ lu.r. b Mali, -iI. .1 . near lt<>*<ry, MljtMtMlf LaCtra lafHfi. BKsr NEW Ml SIC.--UNFURL THE GLORIOUS JImum*." kiak*r. 4>? ; X alao Hoiircalra," Loner Waliit k. Sua.; "H uluait.ia a Maiulartl." *ctiit?abauB, :t6c.; ? M ? (Uriraik rrtlmtnii l^ilrkaMp," Uratulla, Slk,; "Kr.i )l> I'imu,, Now," Mraliam. ;t6c.: "Pond Li.l" >ka,' VarL '1* . "N. O " (comic i<>ac). tllanncltlr, :i 1 "The l^kart; Moll ' nrw r<illrrllM< ot patriotic add a<ll >Ml tin. ronn vv I.. ?ri!a o>pl?? limiloil. * II II An t lll*|l A i'O, "?l" Broadway; braucb (tore, W Uim Mow Yark. PALAIS HOT A I.. 4?? ITH AT.?Kt TOUXll LADT attaa Uat- i.rauj Voaal ami Inxruntaalal Concert 7 ant 'I I a'elc.rfe AdR)la?lon I>f9 LmRARY RXTRRTA INVERT BY PKOP. I'UILIF Uarrnn >n4 ki? paptla, al Lyr c llail, tflk ??., near *j'l ?t,. ??? .??.a .,ai ofOMNic. at H o'clock. I'r ?hrraniui.' :??? Ihcnra (roia ' Lf>ty of L)ri?i, (Jaarral *vai>e hciwoaa Hratua Mark atnaOua." ?? lia ( h.rja of tlio Llrft.l llruaila. Bodratoa l*M?ha,''ftc Tlrkrls #1. At auemie*. DaS'i'INo ArAULtiYrTCiMPioTl A'l^AlTTIOS. KT SALES. A MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 31, at 3 o'clock, at Ciiuton Hall. GENERAL JAXIW LGKIMER HT'AHAM'ri large col. lection of line aud rare Bt.mui, by Fratlti. Men* and other*; al-o Marbles, Water Color*. Drawing*. Kngraviag* (framed). Uric a Hiuc, Ac., Ac., aud now ou exblbitiou at Ciiuton Hull. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINOS, May 3S and 2^. at (Minton Hall, nuvl now an exhibition At tlio Art Room*, 1417 liroadway. GENERAL JAMES LOKIMKK GRAHAM'S entire col lection of l'aiuting* by celebrated old and modern mastera, mora than -UO, of great iutereat and value. The > e??r*. LEAVITT, Auctioneer!. Auction h*lkopmaun ipic ent~lioust iioll> furniture, property of E. (lav. E*u.. to beheld THIS (Saturday) MORNING. commencing at I'?o'clock, at the elegant live story brown mono mansion. No. 130 West 33d at., ucar tith av. Two elegant ro*ewood I'laimforte*. one a Stcinway A Son. nuil Windsor upright, co*t #7i*i and fl.OUii; magnificent ! rosewood Etagur. a. lure Curtains, Mirrors, latest atyle inlaid I'arlor Suits. covered in aatln, brocatel und repa. iulaid centre and coiiaole lu'j.ea, Cabinet*, Jardiniere*. Urnnies, I Oil l'aiuting*. Ac.. Chamber Suita. iu bluek waluut; Urea- 1 iug Case a, Htoiktcad*. spring and hair Mattresses. Carpeta, ; Ac.; Bookcase, H<kl volumes choice Hooka. Ladies' Secret a riea, Library Tables, Turkish Suita, dining room ilulVet, Ex- i tuuaion Table; aoiiil walnut Chair*, iu leather; china Din ner and Tea .>eta. Lounge*, II ai Stand. Alan baaeiuent aud scr.ants' Furniture. LUKE, Auctioneer. .V it.?Good* packed and aliipped. city or eotiuiry. A" lift,'?Tills ' DAY AT 13 O'CLOCK, _AT THE MATHEWS GALLERY, 57 LlliEKTY 8T., the balance of the collection of CARRARA MAUHLE STATUARY. Roman, Etruscan, I'oiupclian and Crucian Vaaea, Classical Group. aud i iguivs in alabaster. tine Bronzes, Ac., will be Eoaitively aolU without reserve or llinltutiou. A.MEI. A. MATHEWS, AUCTIONEER. 57 Liberty ?t, A7?TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER." a Old stand, :i7 at. THIS DAY. AT Tot,' O'CLOCK, larue aaie ol aeconil hand Furniture, . SEYEItAL FINE VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, L VHtiK AND SM ALL SIZE ItE FRIO ERATO KS. oak DWl| Uooiii Furniture, curled iiair Mattruaacs, feather Bedding, Ac.; Wardrobes. CillCKKKING GRAND 1'IANOKOKTE. VKKY K1NE carved rosewood square I'lannlorte, Melodeou, manv I'arlor and Hedrooni Suita of every dcaeriptloli, Librury ami llase went Furniture, together with the Kltcheu Utcuslls, with which the -ale w ill commence. ALSO ELEGANT MAKBLE SODA WATE1! poun tain, great assortment of Oltlcc Furniture; 3UU pair Shoo, by order of the receiver. Also THIS Day] at 13 o'elock, at our aalearootn, 117 Naaaau at.. r*r> bushels east hivKit oysters at storey s bed, Statcn laland; alao the Oyatcr Ground ou which they lie. ? <*) bushels North Rivera, 000 bushel* Virjioill, |t Prince* Hay. ALi? ? THE OYSTER GROUND OS WHICH THEY LIE. Sold for aeeount of wbuiu It luay concern. Z. W. iil'TCHKR, Attorney. M M ORTO VGR BALK OF PIANO. THIS DAY, AT 1QK. at jvo. 335 Canal it Dealer* invited. KINO, AMttwm o KPICE FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASU. Halanco of a consignment; n.?<t he sold. home of the flncat ever offered in the city. Elegant Cylinder*, Secretaries, IJl.rary Table*, It.; over 500 Chair* Irom ?Kic. to #4it; very lieat Eattlake ityle*; Deaks, Hedrnom Suits, I'odcatal* Ao. Thi* i* the greateat oiler in 15 vear*. TUNIS JOHNSON, fa Liberty at Auction sale-uicii household kurniture. Till* (SATURDAY) MORNING. MAY 30. commencing at In o'clock, at live Story brown atone uiaoalon SO. 47 W KsT KiTII ST.. I1ETMTEEN .'.Til ai.dC.TII A VS. steinwav 7?: octave piano. CillCKKKINO 7 OCI'AVE PIANO. Moquette. Velvet and ilruaaela Carpeti, 1'ier and Mantel Mirror*. Statuary, Work* of Art, Ac.; sieh ebouy and (flit frame PARLOR AND DRAWING Room SUITS Inlaid with mar quctry Aud covered in rich lapoatrie*. aaliua and brocady* ro?ewood Kt^kcre. and Spaulali 1 ouu^'aa. Easy Chair*. Iulaid C.ibiuel, real bronae and Carara marble Mantel S. t?. marquetry ami *ilt Centre aud ('ouaole Tablea, Etaceru with Mirror, lace Curtaiua, brouie aud bl*que Klyuroa, Musi cal Boxer, Jardiniere*, velvet Kuk"?s Palutlaca by emiuuiit artist*. LIliltARY CONTAINS In'.aid French WAlnnt Library nnd Dwarf lt.H.kca?e?, Secretaire liookcnae*. Lady'* Writing l>e*k. Turkish Suit In aatin, ehotoe Hooka, Statuary, Engrav. incs, ebony and Kilt Library Table*, Ac. IIKDROOM Kl KNITURE. Elaborate and plain Bedroom Set*. Imaid and gilt Red fteada, Dreaalng Caaea, Arm?lra-a-(Hace. llureaua. Wa*ii at Hints, single and double iledstvads. ;WI flue hair aud ipriiiK | M*ttre**e?, Chillunlerc*, lea;tier I'lllow*. Rlanketa, Toilet | Seta, rep aud plush Suit* marble top Tnl'lea. Chair*. iUicker*. DIN 1 NO KUKN1TUKR. vli 'Two Kxtenalon Tabic*, iu laid French waluut Sidelward, Chair* la ie*tlier. Silverware, Dinner aud Tea .set* .Cutlery; alto two Hall Stand*. Ingrain Carpel*. Kitchen Furniture. Ac. N. H.?Sale puaitlve. Partiea about purebailng will poal tivelv find thi* a rare chance. Take Sixth Mrenue or Uni ver*ity place car*. House open* HAM. " Compoteut men to remove, ).ack or aliip goods, city or ?oontjrv. Roil Kit I' C. CASlilN, Auctioneer. ACLKARiNU our SU.E, THIS DAY*(flATIRDAY) 1)1% o'clock, predou* to moving up town. JAMKS Dl-.NNlS, Auctioneer, 14 Ve*ey *1. Ilouael.t.ld Kurniture ol ail kinds. Crockery, Ulaaawarc, Canned KrulU, Ac. LUERT H. WALDKON. AUCTIONEER. 10R LIBERTY at . to day at II o'clock. Furniture, Leak*, itedding, (Irncerica; ai*? balance Iteatauraut Fixtures, Tablea. Ac. UCTION OK MAONIKICE.VT IHJU8EHOLD Kl'RNI . ture, thi* (Saturilayi morning, comuiencing at 10l* o'clock, nt iouratory reaidenco 31 Ea*t Kh *t , near Uroxd way, conaiatinn of mairiiiflcent I'arlor Suit*, in *atin. bro catel, rep aud haircloth; 7\ octavefLlncon A Sou*' riano forte, aolld black walnut llcdrtH.m Suita, with Dreaaing (.'asm, i.uroau*. Waahttand*, Bedstead*, Mattreiae*. Ward robes. Oil I'Aiiitlng*. Mirrors, fablca. Bookcase*. Deaks, Carpet*. Huftet, Kxtenalon Table*. Cryckery, Cutlery, Chair*. Ac. N. B.?House to let. llornl* boxed, packed or removed if re.|uired, IIKMtY /INN. Auctioneer. RARE OPPORTUNITY POR HOL'SRKEKPIUU. Extra large llouaeliold Kurniture *ale, by order of W. RICHARDS, Esq., THIS (Satunlayi MOitNINO. May 3U. at lOo clock. at No. tux Ea*t 13th *l., *ecoud door from 4th av. Over < 15,01X1 worth inagnlficent lloiiMhold Furniture: yard* Carpet, Pianoforte, eluiit *itln brocade rtpa nnd hair cloth Parlor Suit*. Table*. Etagare*. Bookcase*, Painting*, ('nrtalu*. 13 walnut Chamber Suits, Mattre>*e*. Beds. Hoi cter*, I'lllow*, Loitngea, Cbalra, BeaaMad*, lliireuua. Wash standi. Wardrobe*, t'ommade*, (Turner and Ho >ksiaud*. two walnut Extension Table*. French walnut Sideboard. 3<<>)ot* Class Chiua, Sliver Ware, Cutlery, Oilcloth*. Stair Car|?t, Ac. II. KKAEMER, Auctioneer llou*? u|x>n at it o'clock. Coods packed and delltered for purchaser*, city or country. ICrioN SALE.-PETER BOWK, AUCrtoMEKB. sell* thi* day, at 11 o'cliK-k. at No. 13*1 av. D. the eutire Conteuts ot a Barroom, consisting of black walnut Bar aud Back Bar, 4 pull English Ale Pump*. I.laek walnut Table., Chalra. Chandeliers, Olaasware. Hedateada, hair and apriug MattresseH, Looking <lla*s?a. Hang*. Screen*. Ac.. Ac. Y VIRTUE OK A* CHATTEL MO|{TiJAi;K~I WILL sell, this day, at 13 noon, all the Barroom Fixture* of the Liquor Store No. 133 Waalilngton at. liholtiiE J. SMITH. Auctioneer. Mathkw 1. Bi'nxr, Attorney lor Mortagee. BY ISIDORE J. SWAltiSKOPK, AUCTIONKER.-SELLS at 11 o'clock, at 533 East 13th st.. large at<?k fine Orocerie*, Tea. CofTee, Snvar, Ac.; splendid Fixture*. Ice box, Platform Scales, martila Rutter Counter: positively In lota; also Hor*e aud rruck. At 3 o'clock, at salesroom 34 nv. B, large st>H.*k Dry Hood*. Fancy Wood*. Hosiery, Ribbon*, Cutlery, Furniture, Bedding. Ac. Dealera invited. 1" Vdward SCIIK.NCK. auctioneer. J Virtu EXTRAORDINARY SALR of higli clas* Wine*, Clm and Cordial*. Rhine anil Mosdlo Wine*, including the tine.t Cabinet Wines. Clarets, Sauterne*. Hnrgu-idlc-. Holland din, (park ling Witcs, Liqueurs, Madeira. Cal.iuet Snerry, Ac. All of the finest grades. To be ?old at auction, Bv EDWARD SCII KN'JK, at No. t*l Liberty at.. New York, Tills IIAY. 3<Uh lust., at 13 o'clock. AH the aborn are guaranteed gonuine and exactly a* reprcsuuted by the Importer, who simply dei.iras to close out hi*entire stock. The ante will be peremptory, and any goods not found u* reproseutod may bo returned within live days alter purchase. 8. WKINBERUhR, AUCflONKER,~?TELli TlIW ? day (Saturday), May 3n, at 10(^ o'cl- ek, a* saleamoin 73 Bowery, 4 velvet aud Brussels Carpet*. Solas, L..tinge*, Hedateada, Bureau*, Wa*h*tauda, Oilclotli, Stove*. Hewing Machine*. Ac. : also Ci^ar., barrel* nl Cider VliM|*r, Ac, J I DB YOUNO. Xl'CTIoNKEli.- \ MJF.HKKMED * J'ledge*.?FR1EUENSTEIN A ETflNiiElt .ell thi* day, at aalesrooui 13H Bowery, at II o'clock. Ill) lots silk aud other Drease*, Cariwt*, Furniture, Classwaie, ('loin* and 30 case* Wine* and Brandies. T P. "TisAVER. AUCTION EE K.-llENERAL BALB ?J * tliia day at 3 o'clock, at oil C;eat Jones at.. Kurnllnre. t:urpet?, ('niinte.a. Showcase*, Deaks, I'lcturea, Minora, Dry and Fancy Woods, Jewelry. Sewing Machine* and Mer chandise of every description; Canned Krult*, Cheese, Teas, ('ofTees. Ac., Ac. J COOKE, AUCTIONEER. s Large sale Household Cnodf, Tiiia day, at llt,^ o'clock. Corner 133th st. und 3d av., Harlem. Elegant oak Bedroom Suit, I'arlor Suits. Library Table*; large walnut Bedsteads; husk, lialr and spring Mattrca*c*: Extension. Dining. Library an.l Centre Table*; Sofas, Lounges, Mirror*, Engravers'Deak*,, Card Ta ble*. Chalra, Cutlery, tilasiware; Kitchen Utensil*,Cnr talna. Shades, Ac,; three chest* of good Carpenter's Tool*. Sale positive. ORRIS WILKIN'S, AUCTIONEER. Elegant Household Furniture, ebony nnd nrtnolo grand l'lauofertes, marquetry and hulil Tables and Cabinet* at auction. E. II. LUDLOW A CO. will sell nt unction, on Thursday, May 35, at 11 A. M.. nt the private mansion, Madi*on square, southeast corner ol 35th st., all the elegant nnd costly Kur niture or the above House, consisting of I'arlor Suit*, in *tlk, satin and brocatel. of rosewood made aud tulip woods; line carred cx Table* and Buifet* and Chair*. Bed room Fiirnitnro. in ault* of maple, rosewood and walnut; costly Curtains and Carpels, carved antique Library Kurnl* tnre. Centre Tablea and elegaut buhl and marquetry Tablet nnd Cabinets; also other black walnut Chamber Suits. Ac. Ac.; together with pulor and |. late Sales, Due curled hair Mattreaael. feather Pillows. Ac. MNCSSBAl'M, AUCTIONEER, SELLS MONDAY, ? 33d, elegant corner Liquor Store ; li pull Ale Pump, iarda. Bagatelle, Ac. Particular* Monday. MORTOAOK SALE.-JOHN J. LI8SNF.R. AUCTION, eer. telle, HJi o'clock. 34 Water at , Brooklyn, one 4x10 l ot I he. JitliS ,1. LIsS.NKli, Att rney fur mortgagee. MORTOAOE SALE?HOTEL KURNITURE.-RICHARD r IELD, of Ht? Bowery, will *eil on Monday, May 33. at IDA. M.. all the Kurniture?Beddiug, Crockery. Bar Fix ture*. Ac.?contained in Washington Hotel, corner of 4th av. and 37th at. By order of attorney. "PAWNBROKER'S BALK?MORRIS IIANKP, AUO i. tioneer, will sell thi* day, at 10 o'clock A. M., at No. 3?H1 (Iraud *t.. the entire Stock of Watclie*, Jewelry, Re volver* aud Muaical instruments without reaerve. ciiOTUinu t f'T.374"hR6ADWAY. BETWEEN a3l>~ AND 33D iV *t*. ?Broadway prices paid for Cast ofl Clothing. Jew elry, Ac., by calling on or addressing B. HARRIS. 1^/74. AM ?NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHMENT, .Tl^ 6TH * av., near 4th at.; the highest valae paid tor caat off Clothing. Carpou, to. Call oa or address Mr. or Mrs, NATHAN. A (litEAT DEMAND FOR CAST-OFK CLOTHINO, Carpeta, Ac ; the utmost valae will be paid lor then at ANllALri, IU 7th H. Lad!at attended to bf Mr*. AN U ALT. PIANOFORTES. .OBBAKfc y*. I? for rent. ui-utuTir. syOTitii an# urand . Piai.os uf ouoti make; also for aalo and reut a number of tine Mcuod hand PlMlut, in p?rf?ct order. M JAM KNUJK * CO.. No. 112 5lh ?*., above ltitta it. A -AM KLIOANT WINDSOR POUR ROUND ROSE Wood Pianoforte. eost $1,<M), for $MU; Stool, Mux lur shipping Ini'ltoU-d; al-o ? Stelawa* ? *ojf * Piano tor *J5tl. Cull .it private residence >0. 120 \*e?t -oa ?I., near *Uh av. _ A? PIANOFORTES TO KhN I?OK OUR Of* MANU . facture, by C1IICKER1NU Jt SON", 1305th ?tm cor ner IHth at. _ LOT OK SECOND HAND HiANOPORTM I* thorough order. for ??le at moderate prices, by C-HICh. KHl.Nd A MONK, 130 &4h nv? earner lHib *t. A lioKTM KNT OF ~P IAN O FORT KS, 6 R<7a StUB TO J\ 4IO mouthly; Instalments; great bargains. J. BID HI.K. I I WtVi'rlBjr place. uear Broadway. RESPONSIBLE PASTY WOl'l.D LIKE USE OP upright Piuno lor cure of ll: will pay al*o small com pensation. A|>ply or atlilren PIANO. SftS3 Weil 54th ?t. It ELEUANT STEIN WAY A SONS' PIANOFORTE for f-50, e<wl $9"'>: richly carved. four round. rosewood cuii; every Improvement, iiL-rulfe, overstrung. Ac.; a aacrl Bce: also upright Decker Piano tiMMiunir coil Call at private Yesiduuoe No. 47 Went lOtii at., between 3th ana tith ur?. BEAUTIFUL CARVED ROSKW<>Yfu~sTV E N i.C tave Pianoforte, nearly new, 2lfl East 3Qth ?>? BARGAINS.?7 OCTAVE "plANOr*HO; KENT, *2. i? and 44; Prince, Mason .v lU-niiu oru?iu: rent, 42 to 44. GORDON A SON, 13 Kant Hth it. C1HICKKRINO PARLOR GRAND PIANO?ALSO ONE J other tine rosewood square Pimm at auction this day, at 12 o'clock, by TUNIS JOHNSON, 37 Nassuu st. UK AT BAKUA1N 8.?N EW AND SECOND HAND I" Planus; heat uuaiUy; low for caili, at 1-ISOMERS, 429 Well 28th st. IADY WILL 8KLL LESS THAN 4100~ROSEWOOD J carved lac, rmiud curnercd Pianoforte. perlect oritur, including Stool. 28 r.u?t 3d at., near 24 basemeut door. FANOS FKOM iflorFfjbi. PAYABLE 93 TO #10 monthly; u priatli t and square Pianos to rant, Sf't up ward, at BETTS' H arcrooma, 188 Broadway, corner 1<'III at, P' IAN0S.-IF Voir WISHTOUKN TOR HU V OHKAP eat and bunt, call on MKKKKLl., No. H (,'nlon ?i|U?r? CTKINWAY'S, WKBKi:'S~ WATKKV. (ThICKERIN(T'S O l):il>llaa, JarnaaA llol?trom'? Piiilbarmouic. National and other new and aecuiid band Pianoa, at uxtraoruinary low prirea for cnab, or to let from $10 to f IS per month iinlll paid lor, a? par contract. Water*', Nhoniii^cr'* and other tlr>t clu.a Orvaua at low prlcea lor caah, or to let fr.nn if-* to SflH iter month until paid lor, aa per contrast, UOKACU WATEKS A SUNS, 4*1 Broadway. MUSIC Aia. /naab'.-PKmw"i-ia>o;-viottK; 6tT \J t?r. Siii'jrltitr., Clrculiirt maileiL Address MUSICAL lilRKCTOH, box 6?-< l'ost ? A. -NOTICR. HOISK!*, MOO SIS, &C.. WA.M'l'Kl). In tltv tnuiili'V. At montclaik, n. j.-waniku. kob a small family, a furnlaliod Cottage oi about S rooina. within 2U uilnulet' walk of depot; r?nt about $.r>0per month. Au drvaa, with purticulara, MONTCLAIK, box ItUl Herald' Aire. Yl^AN'TliD?FOR THE MRITISH MIMISTKK'S FAMILY it a t'ouiitry liouae for the summer month* In a healthy <iulet uel|[iiborliood, not moro than thr<.'o mile* from depot and telegraph olMcc. cnntaialui; about 20 room* and iroo.l aialiiea-itbe inouiitatiioua reclou ol Verninut. New llamp khire or MaaaauuusctU prefoireiL Apply, bv letter, to Mr. LK POEK KKENCH, Clarendon Hotel. New York. ~ KXC'UHSIONH. ?? A C^tgfit^TMAMKS,'SUNDAY. MAY 21, 25*. 2S AND j!L. Hi). Ocean atennier SETII LOW. laavinf Harrison at.. North River, H:30; M-.h ?t.. East River, 7; pier 27 Kant Kivur, 7 :l.i; l'Hh at., North River, 7 :I0: ulvrO North River, 8 A. M.; tickets, $ 1. Regular tri|? about June. AL G. POSTER, Munacer. A ?A.?PORT L8B. PLEASANT VALLEY AND A, shady Mile.? Steamboit PLEASANT VALLEV, from Canal at., daily and Sunday*, at 10 A. M., 2 and r>:15 I*. M., landing at 24th at. to mluutea later. Pare l 'i cents. A ?A".?SUNDAY~EXCURSI(Hia TO AMTORlA. MAR" lL, lein, Morrinauiaand IIIrIi Bridiru.?Steamers HARLEM and SHADY KiDK leave Pulton Market allp at 10,11 A. M.; 1, 2, H, 4. a, 8:l i, 7:13. Lravo Morriaauia. 0, 10.11, 12:30. 2, :t, 4, 6:1 j, 11:1ft, laudim; at Urand at., 23d at., 110th at., con n ciint with boat* lor Hitch Bridge. Pasaenirera by thislina will be admitted to the groat ?uhmariuu oxcavations. 0. H. LONOtUTfUtET. Siiperlmeiident. ?SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO ROCk'aWaV. The favorite ateumar AMKUH'US will mako two ex cur.ion overy Sunday In May to Rockaway Beach, leaving? 24th at., N. R., at 8:30 A. M. and 1115 P.M 10th at., N. R., at 8:45 A. M. uud 1:25 P. sL Vc?cy at., .V R? at 1> A. M. and 1 :40 P. M. I>rand at.. K. R? New York, 11:13 A. M. uud 1 M P. 3C. Pulton ferry. Brooklyn. t);:to A. M. and 2 P. M. Leaving Rockaway at 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. Pare, :i5 cunts. Excursion tickets, r>0 ccuts. it. Tho undersigned, so well and favorably known dnrlug tlio past noven years as manui;or uf the New York and New burg Sunday excuraious. would moat resiiectfully inlorin his many MeULls and tho travelling public generally that he has no Interest whatever this season in the steamboat Long Branch, and that he will place on the route a swift, safe and commodious atoamur as soon as practicable. JAMES LYNCH, 380 Broadway. A* ?FOR EXCURSIONS?SALOON STKAMERS WY ? otuiug ami William Cook, barges Republic, Chicago, Baldwin, Caleiiouia and Anna; Oriental, Excelsior, Alder ney Park, Raritau Beach, Cold Spring and lona Island tiroves. Address or inquire at 384 West St., opposite Chris topher street ferry. H. B. CKOSSETT. A -REGULAR SUNDAY BOaFTokTNEWARK. A. On and alter SUNDAY. May 7, the faat and well known steamboat THOMAS P. WAY will make hor regular Sunday trip between New York and Newark. Leaving Commercial l>ock, Newark, at 8 A. M.; leaving New York, pier No. 22 North River, fool of Vetey St., at 10 JO A. M., stopping at ^ergen Point eaeh way. rare 23 cents. Ht-THE FAVORITE STEAMER SLEKPY II<ILL<<W, now called LONO BRANCH (Captain Curtis), will coinmcuce her regular Sunday trips tu Newburg May 2K Leaven Fulton terry. Hronklyu, at S A. M., West l"th at, at 8 ::?l A. M., Weat 24th at. at ? A. M., landing at Youkers, lotia Island, West Point, Cold Spring and Cornwall, return ing from Nuwburg at 2:13 P. M. Warm meals aud retreshmeuts served on board at reason able rates. Pare for round trip. $1. DAILY ""EXCURSIONS TO NEW HAVEN.?ON AND alter Tuesday, June 20, the steamer TW1LIOI1T will make ilallv excuralons to New Haven, leaving New York lu the moruing, making usual laudlngs. and returning same alternoou. Regular sonday moknino excursion boat for New Haven.?The palace steamboat MAGENTA will tesve Vesey St., North ltiver, at S A. M.: Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, 8;1.%; Oraml at.. East River, 8:30; 23d st.. East River, s :4&; Silth at., H A. M.; returning, leave New Haveu at 3 P. M ; arrive ill New York at 7 1*. Jl. Fare for the excursion. 81. rilllK M AltY niWKl,|j WlliL. 1'Ull.ME.MJB la.v.MDIi X for the muuii Irnm pier .'?> iVostry ?t.) on Saturday, May U7, making tlio Uiual landing*. " FtUMTtlth. APKIVATK VaM I LY.DBCLf N IN(JH'6U8KKfcSH3fiiJ will ? -II. Iii loll in luit purchaser*. all their elegant *1111 coitljr Household Karnlttire, Ac.: magnificent upright Stt'iuway Jt Sons rosewood Pianoforte; alio in elegant Windsor Piano, co?t for $U."H); Matin Parlor Hutu, coat fi>m, furlXUI; on* for $125; r?p llnilt. $110; 14 Bedroom Halt*. 983 aud upward; i'erpcts, Oil Paintings, Hronxoa. Mir rora, liair and spring Mattresses, nnd a general assortment of lloiiM'Uold PaMilare. madn to order four month* ago. Call private re?id.'iice No. 13U West 'J3d at., uear ilth av. A?W K KK LY~ANI> MONTHLY "I'iVMKATS '"TAKEN ? l?r Kurnlture. Carpots and Redding at B. M. COW PKRTIi W AIT A Cil.'S. 155 and 1 j7 Chatham at An Im mense stork at low prices. AM ANO'M Aiiir PMOirPAlO KOR CARPKTS, Furniture, Ac , by 11. MANNKS. 300 7th by. ATction boo 1b."w Bast i3rn st.-furniturk, t'arnets, Mirror*. Wardrobes, Armoires, Bookcases, Par lur unU MNM Seta. Ac. l'rivute ?alo at auction price*. A" KAMI LT W( Ll. TU KIR KNTIBB HOUSB li.'lit Kamlture: a ere at sacrifice tor caali: mngnltk'uiit latest style >atlu brocade Parlor Suit, coal $57.">, Tor fl-V); one do. fl!t!i; do. $lw; Pianoforte; Chamber Suit*, with Dressing lanes, $r? up; Bedsteads, Bureau*. Wardrobes, lialt andsprlnir Mattresses; r? i> ami haireloth Suits, ?10 up; Extension Table*. Sideboard, Silverware. Carpeta, Ac Call Immediately, lteaidenco 106 Kaet 13th it, aecond door Irmn 4ili a*. FURNITIRR, AC.?FAVOR'S AUCTION IIOL'SI'., 13 East 14th at. Private sale, auction price*; owner* want money. N. B.?(ireat demand lor Furniture nnd Mt r chandiae, private aale or auction; settlement* prompt. In vestigate. 7T5i >l> SECOND HAND AND M IS KIT h.MJUSli \T llrn**el?, tbrre ply and inura n Carpets, Oilcloths, Ac., wry cbeap. at the old place, 112 Kuiti 11 at. Price li-t sent free. M. J. HKSHAU,. PARL?IR AND CHAM 11 UK SUITS. MANTEL AND Pier Mirror* niistii and sceuud haudCarpeU, at auctiou. prices, at 4.V.!, 4.V4 and 4-"ai Canal it. poPULAR AUOUHllUflAtlOX. ' Fashionable Furniture. Carpeta, Mlrrora, sprint; and lialr Mattresses. Parlor Hods, Ac., at reduced prices. at OhOltliE A. CLARKE'S. 747 Broadway, upMairs Country houses and t rench Hals furnU' aii on liberal terms. UATOUE?, JKWklillY, <KO. Vt 77 ULKBCKBI Str, NKA*ir BKOADVVaV ?MONEY ..Y. advanced on Diamond*, Watclie*, Jewelry, Ac. ; alio Pawnbrokers' Tickets bought 01' Diamond*. \Y atclie*. Ac. 77 Bleecker at. I~TW7 BROADS AT, CORNER 4T1I ST.?DIAMONDS, Watelios, .li welry, Silks, Laces nnd Perv>nal Property ofevery deacriptlon bought aud sold, lyoati* uerutiated. JAMES P. MATTHBW8. AT li|S BROADWAY, NKAR 3IBT S f 7?DIAMONDS* Watclie*, Jewelry. gold and illver I,sees, camel'* hair Mi awls, Ac., bought and >old , loaus lie got la ted. J. T. LYNCH, lormerlv New York Hotel. MEKICAN OKt lV'K ? _ UlAMO.NL>:** Watches. Jewelry, Silverware, Y.iln.iblei, Ac., bought' lold and exchanged. Loans negotiated. Established 1S.4 J. II. BAERINOEH. 736 Broadway. ON BY ON DIAMONIM, WATOHBB, Ail.? Diamond*. Watehea, Jewelry, Silverware, Seal Haeqnes. Camel's Halt Shawls, Larva, Sllka. Ac . bonicht and *olil back whon de*ir*<l. at a very small advance. OKoHOK C. ALLKN, Jeweller. 1,II<U Broadway, uear 2Uth st. aroMAUk. ~rfttKfid!fl-PXRTi 8s " sr< 1 iti n<; HIXVttfkK. J\ piano*, trunks, bargaK*. Ac . would do well to luipeet tbe Orand Central Morajfr M areli?a*?. Itroadanr and 47tk it. MO,.H AS A BROTH Kit. Proprietor*. POtVriNUToN'rt STOHAOK. WAKhR(XlMS. Via Hl'D sou it, tor Kurnlture, Plan**, Trunk*. Ac., lo separate room* CIlARL^s II. BOI1DK, Proprietor. TO RAO E POU KURMTIKK, CAftRlAtil AND MKIL cbandiae. SMIT1I A SILLS. Proprleterm, 730 and 7.">J sth av. ana 347 Weal 4tHb ?L s __ HbteX-flSTHV. A~ 8ET OK i'KKTll MADK IN TIIRKK liol'HS AT fjM We*tX4th St., between Htli and 7th avs.. near Hroad way. Special mechanical dentlalrv; eoral. rubber, roee, Kiarl. whalebone ru .ber, (??ld nnd platina Sols; Plumpers, eftulatoM, Ac. Take irreen car from Orand atreel fcrry or Sixth avonuo ear* or Broadway cars NKWBkOUOH. 13D West Mill el. DK. WAIT. OLD STAND. fcllAsT *1D *T.~ WILL IX *erl artificial teem aud All teeth with every approved material on mere lamrablo tarni* than any ether Ant claw establishment. Call and examine sauplea WA!Vt|f.D TO PI IICIIAHK. /IWInTjiJr disk oiye sizf. cOtljftt6ir~X3fl(i v lowest prior. Address bos 1,431 Post sice, New York. SA>K WANTKD?A LAROK COMBINATHJXToCK Safe, with bankers' chest inside (not Iron vanll simply), Address lit Warren *t.. with description and loweet eaab price. WANTBD-0PPICK rl'RN!TL'RK,1nCLUD1 NO OOOD Carnet lor room abont U Met square PBBU B. rUKB, Secretary, Hi Liberty n., rood tC _ JSARBLK MaATjCub. T~>BICE8 XEVEK APPROACHED BEKORE. Slate and Marble Mauteia. I.arireat aMortment in IM ciljr. _ , l*K>KHYK riLATE COMPANY, 50 Union MjuarM, 4tU a*, and 17Ik ei, New York. Manufacturer ?r all klnda of Hlste Work. MARBLE A -N DM A R B L EIK E D ~M A N T h ls.?X ew DE frutn f|_> upward; ?l?o Monumental Work at t;ruatl.r reduced price*; Marble Turninj; lor the trade. A. KLAHEIt. IM Ka.t l*tta .t. STEWAKTW 8LATK. marble AND WOOD MAM tell.?New aud elegant dealxna, from (10 up. TUe trade liberally dealt with. TJit and Weat SM at. WINKS, LI4VOKM, AC. CVlDKR.?KOK SALE. HKTV DoZKN "(QUaRTK) ) genuine Connecticut ruaaut Cider; bottled two veare; tuitabie for hotel* or fanillle*. Addreaa M. it.. box 1> fort o?co. It ye, M. Y. AflMCtCLUA* UOtS. A LADY WISIt EH TO MEET WITH A fARTV yuinu to California by can. Addreai J. II., Herald Uptown brunch ulUce. FINE ARTS. exhibition of kew paintings it tolosa's SPANISH OALLEEY. A Dumber of now (minting* by celebrated Spanish artists uro now ou exhibition at Tolosa's gallery of Spanish painting-', No. 6 As tor place. Tiny wo Irssh from tho Custom House, and are in every Inslauco first class examples ol tho modem school ot Spanish art Excepting an occasional work by Knociller, & Co. or Mr. Avery, Mr. Tolosa is iho only Importer ol this class of foreign works, he giving nearly all tho space in his galleries to paintings from tho easels of Spanish artist* in Spain, Homo and farm. The paintings are charac terized hy the brilliant color, corrcct drawing and a broud, free treatment, which, when comb lied with a good subject, woll expressed, constitute the )>crfocl painting of the presont age. Tho subjects cboseu uro generally historical, tho costumes ot the past two or three centuries giving opportunities for tho display of the bright colors which are the delight of tho .Spaniard, accustomed, as ho is, to color in everything in thut tropical climate. One of the most charming of tho new pictures is La Toilette d'Udalisipir," n beautiful Circassian woman, half nude, seated on tho Hoor, toying with tho Jewels which compose part ol her toilet. The llguro is exquisite iu drawing and color, is graceful ami natural InjMae, and with the nob fabrics of Oriental manufac ture which surround it makes u very bcautliul com position. My J tinmen there is a composition containing nearly a dozen ligures, called "Tho Students'Gallantry." A party or gay young students from ono ol the universi ties have, in their rambles in search ol adventures, en countered two pretty young ladies, and they have acted on the impure ol tlietr cbivairic natures?d la Don Quixote?one having taken tho cloak Irotn his shoulders and spread It upon tlio ground for them to walk over; another has thrown his books down, and a third his hat, lrom tho samo spirit; and one who has become separatod Iroiu the group or his companions trios to give tho ladies as much room as possible In passing by flattening himself against tho wall, while still another throws them a kiss while bow ing in the most rospcclful manner. Tho ladles appear to eutcr iuto the spirit of tho jest, for their laces ex press their merry natures in spite of their deniuro looks. "The Abduction." by Pradllla, is a sceno laid in veuioeiutho sixteenth century. A gondola Is stop ping bolore tho door ol ono ol the Voucuau puiaces and a party or conspirators are carrying lrom tho boat an uncouscious woman. '?The Music Lesson," bjr Guerra, which is rather humoious in subject, represents a voting lady taking a lesson mid tho instructor kissing her hand, while the old lather, In a distaut corner of the room. Is uncon scious or what is going on, though tho barber who is arranging his toilet for him appears to bo very much interested. J There are several other new works, recent importa tions by Mr. Tolosa, which have uot yet been placed on exhibition, exam; les of Gonzales, Pradllla and others being among thorn. EXHIBITION OF GENERAL GRAHAM'S COLLEC TION OF PAINTINGS, AC., AT LEAVlTTh*. Tho oil paintings, water oolors, engravings, marbles and bronzes which have, daring the past fitly yosrs, been collected by General James Lorlmor Graham, arc now oxbibited at the Leavltt Art Rooms, 817 Broad way, and Clinton Hall, Astor place. The oil paintings are mostly by Dutch artists of the seventeenth and eighteenth ccnturiea and are most valuable us showing the progross and development of different branches or art and the influenco or liubens, Van Dyck, ltem brandt, Franz Hals and others, and tho epoch of the beginning of genre painting or sccnes of domestic life by the Motherland masters. A small painting on copper, "Lambre's French Soldiery," is considered an original Rubens. liy o. P. Franks are two paintings which were brought troni Lima, "lhoBetrayal of Christ" and "Christ Before Pilule. An example of tbo older Tcniors represents his chateau, with a group ol llguros. By his son, tho rounder ot the loni genre school, aro two scones ol vll iago lite. In one he has introduced tho portrait ot his father. "Tho Judgment of Mtdus," by David Fiucke booins, shows tho beginning ol the tnodorn school of luudscapo painting combined with ligures. The samo subject, treated in a Similar manner, is oy Paul Brill with the ligures by Curracci. This picture is reullv valuable for lis artistic merits. By Samintbreughel or j ^ civot Breughel, .as he is generally called? to distinguish him from his father. Peasant Mrougbol? there Is a "Landscape with Figures'* and a "Holy Family Surrounded hy a Wreath of Flowora." By ! Franz Snyders, one ol tho first animal painters after Hubons, is a "Fight Between a Lion and Tiger " and ! by Johaun Fyt aro two hunting scenes. Two "Land scapes with Cattle" uro by Hosa do Tivoli, lrom whose | works Kosa Bonheur drew much of her inspiration in tho early stages ol her career. "Melza iu His Studio" | is by leu Kate, And tbo artist (Motza) to represented , painting the ligttro ol tho old man sitting, which is one ot tbo famous pictures of the Dresden gallery A I small figure. "The Miser." is by Jan Steen. "Tho Musicians is by Davi.l Kyckaert and "Triumph or l.ttlutea' by Lairesso; "Moses/' by Gasper de Croyor ? "Tho Discovorv of the Lost Writings,'' by Gerbrant Keckhout; an historical picture, quite large, by Chas Jo Bran; two beads by Von der Werf; a viilnge festival Droogsloot; "The Smokor," by llemshirk' '-The Monk and his Devotions," by tho SpaniarJ Guisoppo ltiberu; 'Tho Village Fair," by Klals i Mulinuor; "The Finding ol Moses," a small painting by Wattoau, and a lino copy of Raphael's "Transllguration; Ruben's "Horrors Z nn<1 "SL Voronlous' Hand kerchief. Among tho more modern works are I "Charles IL Whi n a Boy," by Sir Poter Lely; a Market j Scene, and "Two Horniils at l'raver." by Doru- a mythological subject, with three ligures in a'landscape i by Angelica KauMnan; two small flgure pictures by Lambrecht: two jmstello heads, by Brocbard: ?'Cleo ' Palr?' Re'"??|-?udt Peelo; "Shipwrecked Sailors." by H. \ ou Beesh; a "Lady with Flowers," by Boucher 1 ^?.^rcncl? 01 "Unices;" a Vniago Scene, by I Wllkle; 'The Epicure's Breakfast," by Carl Hall' the small sketch of an historical painiintr, by Louis Gallait, and works by Jarvis liimun James, Budson; "Cattle Crossing a Stream," by \an Marcko; a marine by 11. S. Gilford, severul water colors by modem arllsu, about a dozen trpiu drawings by Barley from scenes in Cooper's novel* and a large number of marble statuettes and bronzes' some of the latter being very flue. The sale will cotnl ni uce with these and tho engraving* on Mouday after noon at two o'clock. Tbo picluros will be sold ibe two following evoniugs, commencing at half-pust so von. The soles will lake piaco Iroiu Clinton Hall. OPPOSITION TO PACIFIC MAIL. The steamship Clyde, Captain Kennedy, belonging to tho Panama Transit Steamship Company, has just ar rived in this city from Philadelphia, whore she has been lengthened and had another deck put on her. Her dining aaloon, which oxtends the whole breadth of the vessel, is gorgeously fitted up and compares favor ably with tho saioous of tho most elaborately lurnlshed European steamers. Her deck house accommodation has also been increased. Within a very abort iieriod she will nail for San Francisco, following tho pioneer vessel South Carolina, which has already arrived at that port. Tho Clydo has been engaged lor several years in tbo coasting trade in the llues or Messrs. W.P.Clyde 4 Co. lbo next new vessel to enter tho Panama Transit Steamship Com panv will probably be the W. P. Clyde, now beinir overhauled at Philadelphia. The Crescent City. Ion* known In the Havaua trade, has Just coinpletod her first voyage to Afptnwall. and her cargo, alter beinir carried across the Isthmus ol Panama, was taken "n to San Kranrlsco by the above meutloned vessel. South Carolina. Tuo Georgia, auother vessel of the line is now on her way round Capo Horn to Sau Francisco.' elopement! John BtruckolT, an ex-Policeman of Roboken, and who was a laithful officer for Uvo years, has eloped with the wife of a New York bartender, named Stoddor man. Ail SiruckofTs projH?rty wa* transferred to his paramour, and bo liaa lelt his wife and two children in needy circuinsuuces. The guilty pair have taken Stod derman s eldest ion with them, a boy ol nine years of ?IM PROBABLE homicide in hoboken. Andrew Gohlar, a German laborer, residing at Sixth and Madison streets, Hoboken, was arraigned yester day before Recorder Bobnstodt lor Inflicting what are thought to bo ratal injuries on Mrs. Kelly, a neighbor. It appears that on Tborsday Guttler's pet dog died, and he determined to bury it near a hydrant belonging to Mrs, Kelly. She objected, qpd from words the pair catue to blows, and Gohlar, alter striking her with bia i. *5 J**' W,U| ? sharp pointed stone on tho bead, alter which he threw hor into an adjoining dltoh. came to her assistance, and both men, alter a severe struggle, rolled together into the ditch. l'ii ? "??"a 'he more powerful man, was the victor. Kelly was takcu to the police station and the injured i rr" Wj* conveyed to her home. City Physician I iudar was promptly summoned, and he pronounced ; the injured woman's wounds to be of a most serious character. For many hours alter the aasault she was delirious. Gohlar, who claims to have acted in seir defence, was held by Recorder Bohnstedt, who refused I Ml* *m iti very | slightly Improved conditio* ' A CENTURY AND A HALT. AH ANCIENT CHTTBCH OEQANIZATIOH?OHB HV* DBKD AND FIFTIETH AHNTVSBSABY OF TH1 CONOBXOATIONAL CHtJHCH, OHBSHFEHXJ) HILL, com.?reunions, Huosncncn and av butohoai ADDBXSH. OiHirnu Hill, May 18, lilt The <>no hundrod and fiftieth anniversary of the or gan irattok of tho Congregational church, Qreeafiald HiU, Conn., took plaeo to-day. a large Dumber of ? persons from *11 parts of the State being prsasiH The church was elegantly decorated with flower*, Tho pulpit and altar were literally covered with nat ural blossoms, prominent among which appeared | gracolul mound, displaying the Qgures 1728-187(1 Ob the walls o! the church appeared the nsiaits ol the pastors from the organisation to tho present time?Rev. John Good sell, 1728?17M; Rev. Beth l'onieroy, 176S?1770; Rev. William Teanett, A D.t 1772?^781; Itev. Timothy Dwight, D. D., 1783?17W; Kev. Mr. llolley, 1806?1808; Rev. William Batten, 18It?MM; Kcv. Richard V. Dey, 1828?1888; Rev. Thomas II Sturges, 1842?1807; Rav. R. Percy Rub bard, 18U8?1872; Rev. Henry & Smith, 1873?1870. The American flag was conspicuously entwined among tho arms of tho candelabra above tho pulpit. Judge Thomas Bradford Dwight, of Columbia College, Now York, a grandson of President Dwight, was Presi dent ol the day. The exercises consisted of prayer by tho pastor, music by the choir and speaking by format members or the purisli. lu his historical address. Rev. Henry B. Smith, pas tor, referred to the strugyles of tho early settlers wits the Indians; ol their contests with and Victory ovei tho tribes ol l'o<|u<>U? in Saaoo Swamp la 1880; of th? establishment of tho parish under a decree issued bj authority or law In tlio year 1728, during the reign ol King George 11.; ol tbo itrst Mil whiob was obtained and was llrst rung In 1743?a bell deemed to be so val uable Ural it was though: by tho committee in charge, niter lis arrival iroui Kugiuni, that tbo safest place te keep it prior to It* elevation to the belfry was in th? pastor's parlor.* He relerred to tho peculiar ideas held by the early worshippers In this church ss u the manner of payiug the pastor's salary and of th? matter which made up that paymont. In tboae yean ol long ago three or four hundred dollars waa consid ered a liberal sum as compensation for a year't preaching, and the pay was not wholly in monoy. The speaker relorrod to one clergy man's accepting 20 pounds - ol butler. S pounds of ttax, 2u pounds of pork, 1 buahel ol coru. 1 cord of wood aud 2 barrels of cider as a por tion ol his salary, adding that he was only too willing tc get even those articles. He alluded to the existence ol slavery iu Connecticut and of the large number ol eolored persons In bondage held by men who consid ered themselves as atanding high lu a religious sense. Tho larmers of those times raised ttax, which waa the stnplo product, 20, ooo bushels in ono year having been sent to markoL Their descend ants devote their principal tune to the grow ing of onions. He referred to the various pastors, his predecessor*, and pictured their character istics, citing the Rev. Timothy Dwtghtas one of the most powcrlul preachers ol his lima On one occasion the lioctor was addressing tho peoplo of Fairfield. Among iliom were iboso known to do aullty of stealing Irom their neighbors, but to powerlul were his words that at the conclusion of tbo address they went home aud took stops looking to the restoration of all that was unlawiully taken. Tho apeaker added, "Oh 1 that Dr. , Dwigbt's volco couid now be heard in the land, that those in high places who are prone to make light ol their responsibilities in the couduot ol' public aflalra at the capital ol ihu nation might ho inlluenoed to tura from ttie error ol their ways." The church which the early Inhabitants built waa burned In 1K53. liy tho product of a $8,000 In surance aud l>>- subscriptions (he present structure wai erected in 1851 Tho speaker stated that Fairfield, ol which (SreGutlcId Is a hamlet, was never ialrly treated by historians. These lntd tailed to give credit to lh4 men ol this place who had so boldly advanced to tbs ?country's delencu during tho time that "tried men's souls." Ho exhibited ibo sword of Ccptain Ebeneier Hanks, used ten years before the Revolution, and manv quaint ancient manuscripts. He concluded by alluding to Oreenflold us ouo or the loveliest places of residence in New England, and stated that from the epiro of ibo church in which ho was speaking might be seen the spires of aoventoen churches in aa many dif ferent towns. Tho morning exerclscs closed with "Auld Lang Syno," the congregation joining. AKTKKNOON' 8K8SIOX. lu tbo afternoon an historical address was delivered by Professor i imothy Dwight, ot Yale College, Nee Haven. There was a collation by the ladies In the baaemeiu of tbo church, in which invited guests and the pabttt participated. DK8CKNDANTS OP X4RLT INHABITANTS. Among tho Inviied 'guests present who are descend ants ol' the early poople ol Ureenlleld Hill were Mr. Samuel B. Rugglos, or New York, whose mother waa I native ol ihopiuce; Uronson Murray, John B. Murraj and Mariners Murray, grandsous or the late I saw Bronsou, whose eataiu near the church la the BUbjed of a poem by ltev. Professor Timothy Dwight. REAL ESTATE SALES. The sales al tbe Exchsngo yesterday comprised ttM following pieces ol properly:? John U. Draper sold, in foreclosure, a tract of lain belonging to the Four-ic-Hand Club, containing tw< and one-quarter acres, located on Northern arenas east vide, near Fort Washington, tor $30,600, to J. tt tiiraud Fostor. R. V. Harnett sold, in foreclosure, a house on nortk side of 134th struct, with lot 26x100.11, 206 foot east of Fourth avenue, for $16,000, to Mary E. Dwyer, tht plaintiff. Wiilmin Kennelly sold, in foreclosure, a lot, 27x80 0, on east side ol West street. 1)3.6 fret north of Morrii sireov, lor $14,403, to Charles MucDonald. 1). M. Suaiuan Hold, in foreclosure, a house with lot, 20xl0&, Goelet louse of lot tor tlltoen years, on soutl side ot For'.y-soventh street, 300 feet east ol Fill! avenue, ground ront $1,075, for $10,160, to Lacy M. White. TRAXirKRS. 57ib it., 135 It e. of IOiU av., 20x100.5; Charlotte A. Weaver to 11. U Anderson Nora. Lewis it., w. 5H.2 it. i. ot 8th St., 18x80.7; Stephen Tberry to John J. Therry $4,000 63d it., s. 2?*) It. e. ol 4tii av., 25x1(10.5, alio It., a. 275 It. o. of 4th av.. 25x100.5; James .1 neks to Alexander Irwin XoM, 57tii it , n. 5.'| It. ?. of lotli av., 40x100.5; also 57th it., u. I.. 135 It. ?. of 10th av, ?HlxlOUS; ltowlaud K. Hazard and wile to Charlotte A. Weaver 9*800 82d it.. s. 2:11.0 ft. v. uf av. A, 26x102.2; John (iiyuor to Michael Mciirath 2,SOD Av. A. e. 48 10 It. 8. of 87th it., 15x81; lime to ??no 12,001 127th it., ?. ?.. 247.0 ft. cant ol Oth av., 18.9xlXI.ll; Joaeph U Ureeley and wife to George A. Ureeley and otliori 12.001 lkt av., w. a., 50.5 ft. a of 1-Oth at., 5o.5xl0U; Mary I'.. hario to Mary J. Meagher 10,000 lit av.. p. ?.. HO.11 ft. a of 21it it., 20x80: John Hotchkixi wife to Cbarlei I*. l.oper 11,000 Jame* kt., u. 15xjO; John II. Kaaienbrock and wift- ami otherk to Timothy Sullivan 3.50Q 121st at.. ?. k.. 215 ft. e. of 4tb av., ltlSxlOli; I'eter Miller ami wile to George W. Pox 8,SCO '.Oth kt., u. a., loo ft. e. of loth av., 5Oxl00i5; Janes K. Kay and wife to Anna I.. McCrillls 32,001 5th av.. u. w. corner 117th it. 100x201.10 to 118th st.; It. M. Silvcr;n 1111 ami wile to K. Hosi Non. 43a it. i. k.. (XI It. a. or I'd av., 50x100.5; Alfred Kgllnton to Knoch W. face 80,001 i2?uh kt., i.?.. ftaaa ft. e. or 7th ?v? i8.9xoe.iii David Warwick and wlfu to M. t>. Heiloui .......... .Kelt. Concord av.. w. llnxlOu (23d ward); Joaeph Sanger ami wife to Henry Ran Hoes. 34th st.. 1(A) ft. e. of ild av., 25xHH.ll; Alomo Taylor aud wife to Cbarlei Nctt 20,000 3d av.. s. w. corner of SHth it., 25x100 'Jx Irregular; Third Avenue >avingi Hank to Sol. Mckrbaen ... 06,001 lthli at., u. a.. 328 ft. e. of nt av.. i:4xU2: aiao 57th it, n. i ,18A6k ft. w. of nth av., 2L3xlOU6{ llenry iiohUuiiih to Kieater llolilamith. 40,000 124th it., a a, 225 ft. w. of 7th av. .50x100.6; James W. Ogden and wife to J olin O. Hlggini aud wife... Mess. Madiaon av. 1. w. coruer of Utflb it., Il)0.6xl20| Thoiuai Keller. Jr., to Matthew Daly XoB. Blcecker it. k. c. corner of Wooiter, 25x13; Lee (ioldimith and wile to Caroline Borger 80,000 Water it., 1. e. corner ol Whitehall, 25 9x37.0, A. Alleon and wife to 0. Killers... 81,000 116th St., II. *.,4<?irt. w ot 11th av., 50x100.11. will, lam Wintertun (referee), to John 11. Waydell and otheri ...? 4,000 53a it., n. i.. 150 it. w. of 3d av., 50x100.6, (aides i'rlce (referee), to William I?. Allen 60,001 53<l st.. i. a., 200 ft. w of Oth av., 25x100.5, lame to William I*. Karl? 10,001 37th kt.. i. ?.. -i.O ft. w. of 10th av,, 23x98.0, Mat. .Ian Is, Jr. (relereei, to A. Mabl.... .. 5,000 11 ?tli st., e. a.. 327.2ft It. w. of Sd av., .2SxlOQll, U. P. Hawei (refaree) to John Kgan 2,400 7Iit it.. I. a. 210.3 ft. W. ol 3d av.. lAIix 100.5, K. D. Uale (referee) to George X. Manebeiter 10,730 MOKNuan. Stacpoole, Richard and wife, to Mary J. Clark, n. s. ol Itith it., weiroftKb av.; 1 year,. 1,000 Bcliafer. Henry and wife, to Anton Ewlag. Johaaoa av. (24th ward): 1 rear............ KM Ralil, Andrew, to Nathaniel Jarvli. Jr., retire*, a a of 37th it., w. of lOthav.; Syears... 2,60* Kedegeld, Augait, to Wllbelm Kedegeld, n. a of 14th it. e. of'lit av.; 8 years 8,500 O'Keef, Jamei. to Peter Miller and other*, i. a of 12lkt it., e. of4tli av.; 1 year 300 Meagher, Mary J. and husband. to l-.dward Hen, a w. corner of Ikt av. and 12dtli it.; 3 monthi 10,000 Rame to Mary E. Karle, a W. corner of lit av. and 120 li it; Smontbs 2,001 Fox, (ieo. W., to I'eter Miller and otheri, a i. of 12lit it., e. of4th av.; 1 year 831 Clark. Samuel B.. to Cyrei Clark, a w. cor. of 6th av. aad54tnit: 1 year... 90,001 Bioodgoaal, William K., and otheri to David W. Brace, trustee, w. a ot Saaiau n. ot l'ii.e st; 8 years * 33,001 Rottmann, Mlchavi J., to John II. Wnlt?r, n. s. of 4' th it .between Bth and 10th ava; 6 years 20,001 Haaieit,Thornai and wile, to Cathurine U Hpencer, a e. oer. of 2d av. and 3Mth it.; 3 veari 6,001 U Count, William V. and wife, to Charlei H. Blr ney, a i. of 85tb St.. w. of 2d av.; tmtei 8,711 Walter, Line and huiliand. to Honry W. Loe. a a of Wen 12th it. e. of 4th it; 6 veari 4,000 Feavert. Ellas, and wile to Mutual Ufa Inmranee ('oiuoany, u. e. cor. or Veiey end Washington sta ; 1 year , 00,001 Keilkfln, Charles li., to hdisar !l. Kichardi. n. a Of 21?t kt.. w. of 3d av. ; :i years 7,001 Mehrbacli, Solomon and o'heri, to J. J. Aster (ex ?eeutor), a. W. corner of d ar. and 2Uth st: 8 years 40,00) Killeen, Cornelius, to Thoiuas D. Adatua a. a of 8lst kt.. e. of 3d av, ; 2 yearn 001 Border, Max aan wifa, to Kmma li. Stanley, a e. corner or Bleecser nnd Woo?ter; instalments 0,000 Laroe, Jkmei?}., to hdward M. Willett. No. Ml Oar tains st; 3 years 900 Mils. WALKERS CASK. The Hkrai.d hsa reooivcd $6 from oa nnknown oor> respondent lor Mrs. Walker, the centenarian, who li ?iok and destitute Ik* money wIM ho dnly louanloM