Newspaper Page Text
WASHINGTON. The Effort to Start the Southern Outrage Mill a Failure. FEDERAL lNTLRflXKNCE GROWN UNPOPULAR. Srerc-ari Briifov on the Latest Outflow of the Vole Claim Seaodol. THE TRANSFER OF TBI IH01AJ BUREAU. Frauds and Rascalities of the Freedman's Bank Officials Graphically Portrayed. I0W THE COLORED DEPOSITORS WERE ROBBED (ROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wabiiixqtox, May 18, 1878. SECRETARY TAFT ON TBK LOUISIANA TBOU BLE8?THE DISTURBANCES AT AM KND?EEL* LOOO AMD OTHER STATS OFFICIALS IN WASH INGTON CALLING TUB TBOOP8 WHILE NEG LECTING TO Kilt OWN DUTIES. Secretary TnlI is luucti pleased with the report! con eernlug tho touUtuua troubles which he has received from General Augur. Ho says thoso advices show that the trouble* are ut an end. All tho despatches received were read ut tho Cabinet meeting to-day and tho course df General Augur approved. Tbo Secretary's orders to Benorul Augur were to "keep within the constitution" tnd avoid any complication with the civil authorities. In fact, the Southern outrage buxinoaa does not, so far, prosper here, uud there Is no disposition to encourage federal Interference lu the local alTairs of the States. A good deal oC remark Is occasioned by the fact that while, accordtug to Governor Kellogg, there are serious disturbances lu Louisiana, so gravo as to lead him to urgently demand federal interference, bo not only re tniins her*, but bus with him, spending their time in Washington, Wharton, the Adjutant General of tho Btato; Avres, a deputy United Slates Marshal; tho Cleric of tho Metropol tan Police, a body which the Governor cm use at will in any part of Louisiana, and ?Badger, tho Chief of Police. These men, who ail draw handsome salaries, would be needod, tf there were really serious disturbances in the Stato, to assist in re storing order. They prefer to rotnain hero and ask the federal government for troops. It la quite probable that lu an excitcd una unhappy condition of society, luch as exists in soino counties of Louisiana, crimes will be cominittod by-both whites and blacks, leading to angry retaliation and to oonsequeut dikordor, but if the Governor and hla subordinates were at their posts of duty they could easily enforco the laws and would have tho ussiatunce in so doing of all good citizen*. Hit. riddle's defence op bis son-in-law? AM OPEN LETTEB PROM MB. 0IB80M OM THE SUBJECT. Br. A. M. Gibson, of the New York Sun, has written an open letter to Mr. A. G. Riddle In answer to tho one written by the latter to lir. Blaine, in which ha (Br. Gibson), in speaking of the manner and time in which he received his Information from Mr. Knowiton, says:? Let as see. I assort unequivocally that I never over heard the story, but that Mr. Knowiton told It to me lu substantially tho form General Boynton gives It In his letter to you?not once or twice, but several times?that he told it to me publicly In the presence of witnesses, and without any sort of cannon that it should not bo used. Moreover, 1 assert that be told It in tho annio open, unristricted manner to almost overy other correspondent In Wiisbinglon with whom be was ac quainted. It was with the knowledge that tho story was nearly as common as a barroom Jeat that 1 prluied a mere allusion to It on February 1, 187a Had it i bewi so profound a secret as you would now have It be- I lieved I would certainly have slated every lact and circumstance connected with It at first, aud not> have iiiven a mere hint to put any rival news gatherer on the M-ont. Now KroncUe. if you can, these facts with your theory that Knowiton was enabled to come to me and conscientiously deny the story I had prioted, because it was not strictly accurate. Your hypothesis Is tenable in ono way only, namely?that my kuowl edgu of tho facts and circumstances waa con lined to what you assume from Boyn. ton's statement I overheard Id Knowiton's otlice. The truth If, as orery man who knows mo will not doubt, that Mr. Knowiton could not have Imposed upon ine In that way. In jus tice to his memory, which is likely to suffer much at the hands of inditcrecl defenders liko yourself, I aui j bound to say that ho attempted nothing or tho kind. { Ho came to me with all the outward appouranco of | f ranknes# anil loid tne that ho was now satisliod that he i had mistaken another man for Mr. Blaine. Seeing that 1 was still incredulous, and knowing that having un earthed the Ci edit Mobilier scandal, 1 was in hot pur suit ol all the public moti In any way concorned in that gigantic conspiracy to rob tho government he enteied Into expla.iutionfl to satisfy mo thut ho was uot trying lo deceive me. He succeeded in rouvinciug mo that l.o was not only in ecruest about testifying that Blaine was not the man he had seen iu Stewart Ac Riddle's office, but ho satisfied me that he was nonestlv deslr- | ous ol remedying the wrong, lor tho commission of which ho ki.-jw very woll he waa primarily responsible. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Washington, May 19,1878. { IECBKTABY BBISTOW AMD TBS MULE CLAIM? HIS REPLY TO A RECENT WASHINGTON LET TEB?EXPLAMATXOH AND DENIAL O* ITS STATEMENTS?UOW THE MATTER IS RE GARDED BY THE COMMITTEE. General Bristol's attention having been called to an editorial in tho Nkw York Ukhalo of thiadate, making reference to a Wrsbington letter claiming to give new fbcti in regard to tho mulo case, says that as he baa already appeared beforo a comratteo and made a full Statement under oath concerning every featuro of bis connection with this case, and furnished the commit tee with inioruiation in regard to the whereabouts snd the character of all the papers In the case and the names of all parties to It, he is ! perfectly content lo leave every question which may arlae in regard to hla connection with the matter with tbla committee. He has been Informed that tho record tvldeuce, to which bo called tbe attention of the com mittee, baa been mado a subject of searching examin- : atlon, both by republicans and democrats, and as a re mit of tbe Investigation, so far as U baa progressed, although be baa not boeu preeent, he has been assured by members of the committee that nothing whatever has appeared In tbo testimony which requires any attention on hia part. The comniltteo ! |a aware, ho says, that ha boida hluiaeif In readlneaa to appear at any hour and make full anawer to any new featurea which may arise In tbe eoursa or iu investigation. From the record eVidenco, which baa been placed in tne hands ol tho coiuinittoc, it appears that in regard to the characler of th? claim ? tbo government tent Its own attorneys into Kentucky and took lull testimony on the spot In regard to every : feature of It, and that, Irom first to last, including tbe diaeonting opinion of Chief Justice Drake, ol the Court of Claims, tbo government made no claim whatever that auy traces of fraud, either in the preparation or prosecution of tbe claim, had been dw covciod. Arrangements were In progress for . taking the tostlmouy ol General Thomaa j ?t the time of hia sodden death. Aa to the non-plead ing of tbe statute of limitations, be says Judge Advo- I cate General Holt nald that under ^hs eircumstancea attending this case the government should not plead It. General Bristow nays that, aa Solicitor General, bo never had any correspondence with the Secretary of War In referenco to tbe question of pleading tbe siaiutoof limitations lurthcr than that the letter, origi nating In the Attorney General's office and not In hut own office, which waa that or Solicitor General, ]a?sed through hla office on ita iray to the War Department while he waa temporarily acting aa Attorney General In tbe absence ol this latter official. His office had nothing whatever to do with busin ss before tbe Court of Claims At a matter of fact the statute of limitations waa pleaded and waa not withdrawn while be waa in Ibe department, and when done It waa not upon any application, either formally or informally, made by him. General Brtatow aaya he never wrote any letter In the Attorney General's office asking that tbe case ,?htht not be appealed to tbe Supreme Court, and | tb*n la no raoord ot ur ?aoh letter u stated in thlt Washington latter. Tbe claim ?u not paid out ol tlio wrong sppropriatlon, nor did General Brlstow havo anything whatever to do with passing it through tbe Treasury Department alter the court bad awarded payment. Hu Kays that (bare Is not a (Ingle statement la the Washington letter tbst bo will Lot mid at unv moment and dually dispose of heloro tbe committee having the matter In charge upon the least intimation from any member or tbe committee ibot an expluuation of these new rumors and assertions is desired Irom him. THE JUBIHOICTION QUESTION?\VU AT SECRETARY CHANDLER MOPv)BE8 lO DO IX CASE OK AX AF* IRWATIVB DECISION DT THK SENATE? argument bt senator iiowe. If tbe Senate shall deride that It has jurisdiction, which eoullnnes to be the prevailing opinion here now, Secretary Chandler Intends to rocommeud to tbe House tho impeachment of Thompson, one of bis pre decesi-ors,' who was Secretary of the interior beloro tho war. Whether thU is a pieco of humor or merely a threat put forward in the interest of Mr. Belknap remains tobeseeu; but It u said he Is preparing tho case Irom tbe records of the public documruts and the investigation bad by Congress afterward. Tills shows, he says, that Thompson, as Secretary ot tho Interior, abstracted more than $700,000 of tbe public monoys In the beat securities aud exchanged them for tho Individual notes of contractors, and that was the last the government ever bad of the Immense sum virtually thus stolon Irom Ibe public treasury. Socro tary Chandler says that Mr. Thompson is now livlug aud wealthy enough to bo amply ublo to repay tho aiuouut to (ho government and he should bo inade to do it. The Senate was occupied In Its deliberations upon tbe Belknap impeachment article*, listening to along argument from Seuator Howe, ol Wiscootlu, wno took strong uround against holding Jurisdiction. Ho spoko at great length, but not as eircctivoly us Senator Coukliug, who is regarded by many ns having mado the greatest leg a 1 and oratorical oflort of bis life upon this subject, and ho was congratulated by many Senator*. Tbo friends of ex-Secroiar.v Belknap believe thut tbe Senate will hold that it has jurisdi -tioo. After the decision is reached by tbo Sonato scverul Senators will priut their arguments, it is said, by couscnt, and distribute tbein for getierul information. TUB INDIAN QUESTION?SMALL CHANCE FOR THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF THE INDIAN BUREAU?SENATORS ANXIOUS TO CONCILIATE THE RELIGIOUS BODIES AND PRESERVE THEIR PATRONAGE. Senator Allison, Chairman of the Senate Committeo on Indian Affairs, states that he aoubis whether tho bill transferring the Iudian Bureau to tbo War Depart ment will pass tho Sonate. Mo canvass has boon made of tho question in committeo, as yet, aud littlo disposi tion is felt to take up tho subject of a oliango In tho present status of tho ludlans, while strong objection is tnado against the Jurisdiction of the army ovor thom. Secretary Chandler, while In the Senate, was very much in lavor of It, but since bo has become a member of the Cabinet be has been called upon to coincide with tbe policy ot tho admlnstratlon, and Is cow inclined tp the opinion that It wonld be detrimental to the Inter ests of tho Indians to have thom under control of the army. He aaya that "if tho objoct Is to civilise tbe Indian and make him self-sustaining he bad better be left under Ike present management, with the co-opera tion of tho rebflous sects. " Ho added that there were now 40,000 Indians who wore self-sustaining. Republi can politicians believe that they can conciliate tbe support of various religious denominations by leaving tbo management of Indians in its present shape , and tbe recont utteranco of tho Methodist General Confer ence at Baltlmoro has had an Influence here, becanso tho republicans fear to alienate the numerous religious body represented by tbo Conference. Tbo Senators are alio disinclined to give up that share of patronage In the confirmation ol Indian agents which thejr now en joy, and whleli is used largely lor politioal purposes. Thus, between tho desire to conciliate the religious and philanthropic fcentlmont and the wish to savo patronage, tb? poor Indian 1* likely to bo left In tho hands of thieves, in spite Ql the remonstrance of nil who uuderstand the Indiao question and desire an honest and needed reform. THB XJrrOBT *0 MAKE TUTTON COLLECTOR OF Tiki Art at 'Philadelphia. There Is a strong movement on foot to secure tho appointment of'Alexander P. Tutton as Collector ot the Port of Philadelphia in plaeo ol 8oth A Comly. There are no cnargrs of any kind ugainst tho luttcr, and bis record at the Treasury Department Is repre sented to bo excellenL Supervisor Tutton, however, claims that bo has hoen promised tbo place and his friends assert that he has fairly earned It GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Wasiiuotox, II ay 19,187a THX XBEXDMAN'S BUI INVESTIGATION?SCATH ING BXVIBW BT THH COMMITTEE OF THX BA8CAL1TIES AND BOBBXBIEB OX THE BANK OFFICIALS'?TBB PSXCDO JBIENDB OX THX COLO BED MAX SHOWN XN THXIB TBCX OOLOBS. The Houso committee Investigating the affairs of tbo Freodman'a Bank mad* Uielr report to-day, to which they nay that institution degenerated Into a monstrous swindle and was, almost from the atari, merely a scheme of selfishness under tho guise o( philanthropy, and, to Ita eonlldlng victims, an Incor porato body of lalse preteneoa. In addition to the speculative rings tbo DUtrlet of Colombia govern ment camo In (o hasten and profit by the work of spoliation. Ita treasury waa wholly unequal to the taak of aualalnlng tbe magnificent expenditures of the Board ol Publlo Works, presided over by H. D. Cooke and controlled by A. R. Sbepbord. Some ax chequer most be found to advance upon the depreciated bouds and worthless auditor's cortificutea or tho Dis trict or the contracts must till, and tho apocolationa of the pool and ol Shopherd and his friends in out ol tho way and unimproved town lots come to grleC This mnssol putridity, tho District government, now ab horred or all men, and abandoned and repudiated even by tho political authors of Ita being, was represented in the bank by no leas than Avo of tbe high officers? namely, H. D. Cook, Ooorge W. bullock, William S. Huntington, D. L. Eaton and Z. D. Rich ards, all of whom were, In one way or olbor, concerned in speculations more or less dependent for a Hoccexslul lasuo on sustaining,the contractors under the Board or Public Works aud a tree one of the luuda of the Frecd tnan's Bank. Tbey were high In power, too, with tho dominant influences in Congress, as the fact that the legislation they asked was aanctioued and oniaiuud fully demonstrates. Thus it was tbst without consult ing the wishes or regarding the lutcrcsu ol tboso most concerned?tbe depositors?the vaults of tho bank were literally thrown open lo unscrupulous greed aud rapacity; tbe wolves literally became tbe pastors ol tho flock, and, witbont compunction or romorso, de voured the younglings committed to their care. The actual proof of improper conduct on the part of the olUnora and agents ol the bank !? shown in tho testimony. Tho Washington cabal, consisting or tho president ol the bank, D. 1.. Eaton; the rxtuary, U. D. Cooke; the chairman of the Finance Committee, Will iam S. Huntington; tho henchman of Cooko aud or the same ooinmiltce, O. O. Howard, Honorary trustee (an olDc? and position unknown lo the charter); Lewis Clepbane, of tbe Finanoe Committee, and a lew more, cnocgli to constitute a quorum of nine, and a majority ol that, Ave, held high carnival over the Irtedmen's hard-earned and sweat-sumod earnings, which in an evil boor they bad been cajoieo into trusting them with for sale keeping and profitable Investment. It is tn proof that the law requiring bonds and investments to be made eieluaively on government securitlea waa violated, and the provision of the amended charier al lowing tbe acceptance ol raal estate securities in double tbe amount obtained Irom the bank was a mere deloslon nod a cheat. It opened tho door to the in numerable rascalities which quickly loilowed its adoption, by which the Ireedinen were swindled oat or their mont-y lor tbe beneflt ol strangers, while the canting hypocrites who bad deceived them under specious professions of regard for their race and who have undoubtedly, directly or Indlroctly, shared in the plunder go unwbipped ol justice. Hardly hud it pa*aed and been approved bciore tbo office ol the bank waa besieged by real oslate agents aud brokers, eager to serve their client* by getting tbe largoat accommoda tions upon tbe very smallest possible security having the semblance of conlormity with law. Uoesra. Kll bourn It Lull a, the truktees of tbe real retain pool, were there and were actnally appointed appraisers for tbe bank, whereby tho unseemly spectacle la praaenied of an attempt lo serve two masters, a thing discouaten enced by Ibo laws, deemed incompatible wiib strict bus mess integrity and pronounced impossible In Scrip lure. They aad oibera like them, representing both borrower and lender, wore practically given tho keys of the vnulls, whose guardians, themselves stockholders or partners in the companies, soei<'ties and speculating rings outaide, winked at tho thinly disjulsid ^ee.ula" tlona and complacently pocketod tbolr sharo of ibo plunder as though they had n6t sinned against the prohibition of any officer, trustoo or atcnt borrowing the money of the bank. Proof ot actum fraud and dis bootsiy is nut wauling in the following instances:? J. V. W. V'andenburg was a put ol the District gov ernment, as a sort ol prirfcj^ unit favorite contractor lor tbo grand public improvements planned and put in execution by the Board ol Public Works. Tho ronort aays tho securities on which Vandenburg borrowed tuouey Iroui the bank were not worth lour cctts u bushel as salable securities or as evidences of debt. Tbo actuury of the bank himself, thoa D. L. Eaton, was persuaded lo accept as a gra-. tulty from Vandenburg a half interest in a $100,000 contract tor w?wer pipe Eaton put in no inonoy o( his owb, incurred no risk or responsibility and had no trouble about It except to sign receipts lor his share of tbo proliu. But ho used the inlluvnce of his position to |?a?s Vandeuburi's paper at tho bunk counter, aud the money thus obtained wus used to carry out the contract in which lio wus inturesitol as a bone llciury. This may not oo a steal; but as Vaudenburg ?till owes to the bank, according to the exhibit made by the books of that concorn, $144,104 83, which, how ever. he disputes ou tho grouud tbut somo $40,000 or $50,0C0 of his socuritios huve been disposed of and no credit givec htm (tlio ro?t being hardly worth a contest about), tbo Ireodmen depositors have the consola tion of knowing thai they have beeu tlceced by an "irregularity," to use tho polito and exculpa tory phrase employed by tbo present Commission ers when compelled to allude to the rascal ities of their predecessors in the mauigemcui and control of ibo allairs ot the bunk. But tho commitloo say tho Vandenburg-Katon "irregularity" is small in actual criminality coir pared with the Seneca sandttonu awindlo. This bubble was a fancy stock gurti blo got up by H. D. Cooke, John L. Kidwoll and H. II. Dodao, by which $<tt,000 of frecduion's good money was drawu out on worthless fcecuritles Kvery one of the survivors In tins gross fraud and consoiracv?vtx., Henry D. Cooke, Lowia Cleptiane, Halleti Kilbourne and J. O. Evans?should be Indicted, tried and pun ished to the extent of the I iw, whll-t those who are pecuniarily responsible should bo suod lor the rocovory of the money on good securities, consisting la part ot $20,000 tirst mortgage bonds of fho Maryland Freestone Mtnlug and Manufacturing Company, of which tbo bank was robbed by the conspirators. Tho couiiuilt"o exculpate Loroy 'luiilo from actual criminality, alihough his name appears in tho secret agreement which was tho compact of fraud with Kll* bourn and Kvans, becauso ho appears to havu been only a weak and unsuspicious tool of bis associates on tho Onanco coramltteo of the bank. George W. Stickney, tbo assistant actuary, and, after Eaton, actuary of ho bank, Is shown to have been not only privy to the orookod transaction, but tho princi pal i\?lor In others, of which a Irauduloul conversion of the lunds to his own prtvato use is one, and for which ha merits and should receive punishment. * Add to the sioal perpetrated on tbo bank by the officers, and others through the connivance of Ita officers, the act of lorgory, as In tho case of the Boston teller of the Washington branch, and tbe way the Ireed men's money wout Is not difficult of comprehension. Tho report was signed by Douglass, chairman; Brad ford, St. Roger, Riddle, Hooker and Raiuey, tho last named colored. Mr. Frost agrocd on all the main points, but dAsented from tome of the argument. THE riDlBil CJTICHS IN LOUISIANA?ADDI TION AX. EVIDENCE CONCERNING FRAUDS IN THE HEW ORLEANS CUSTOM HOUSE. Tho Committee on Federal Offices in Louisiana met again to-day. Hon. J. M. Wilson appeared as counsel lor Collector Casey. G. W. Ferguson contlnuod hla tes timony and said that tbe duty on the cigars which were* admitted as guava jelly would amount to about $0,500, i wlnlo the guava jolly, being a fruit, would bo admlttod i free. He stated that he was mistaken In his testimony ' ; po-tienlay in saying that the duty . ! t?n cents per pound. It was ciaased as a fruit, which | was admitted duty tree. About ao hour was consumed in quostions and ! i answers upon the evidence given by witness yesterday | In regard to the Importation of 140,000 cigars which were entered as 70,000. Mo Important point was 1 brought out except that witness admitted that most of his Information on that transaction was derived from other patties. Witness detailed the different salaries he bad received and tbe method of payment, and was asked If bo know anything about;any fraudulent pay rolls, and declined to answer, as It might criminate hlmselt Q. Did you ever sign anv payroll for moro money I than you receivod t | Witness doclined to answer, on the ground that It j '? might criminate himself. After somo explanation as to how far he might answer without such crimination, he was advised that ho might answer yes or no to tho quostion of seeing fraudulent payrolls. He answered i yo* I q. When did yon ever see them f A During the I election otl874; fraudulent payrolls wero made out in tbe Custom Houso and money drawn on tbem. Without completing this branch of tbe eridenee the committee adjourned. CABINET SESSION?EARL DERBY'S MOTE CON SIDERED?THE AMERICAN POSITION TO BE ADHERED TO?AFFAIRS ON THE RIO ORANDE. The Cabinet waa In sasslon to day for more than two hours, and the meeting was of more than ordinary im portance, inasmuch as tho note Just received from Earl Derby upon the Wln*low extradition caae was tho sub. Ject of great attention. Tbe document was read to the membois of the Cabinot by Secretary Fish, aud at the conclusion of tbe reading a general conversation ensued upon the subject matter of tho communication. Secretary Fish will i soon reply to Earl Derby; and, while It la not learned 1 what the exact nature or the response from this gov ernment will be, it csn nevertheless be said that the i poaition already held will y adhered to. The tenor of j the converaation to-day was of a character to indicate very clearly that the duty of this government lies In tbo abrogation of our extradition treaty with Grert Britain, though this may In some measure depend upon tho British note in roply to the next dospaich from the Secretary of Slate to Earl Derby. Secretary Robeaon read a telegram to the Cabinet from Captain Johnson, commanding the United Slates naval forcee on tho Rio Grando, saying that Matamoros had been handed over by Its authorities to the custody of tho German and American consul* Secretary Bristow was detained at home to day by sickness, and tbe Treasury Department was represented at the meeting by Assistant Secretary Conant. With this exoeptton all the members were present. SENATOR BOOTH AND THE OREEMBACE CON VENTION?THE POINTS OF AOREKMENT BE TWEEN THEM. An acquaintance of Senator Booth asked him by telegraph Trom Indianapolis, yevtorday, If he would ho. cepi tho "Greenback Convention" nomination lor the PresidencyT Ho replied:? "No. 1 hope my name will not be mentioned as a j Candida to." The only information he has yot received of his nom ination as Vice Preeident Is from tbe newspapers. He says he does not intend to pay any attention to It, not regarding It as a matter worth especial notice. He aays tbero are only two points of acooril between his financial views and those of the Convention?namely, that U oiled Hla tee leva! Under notes should be sub stituted lor sll the national bnnk notes, and that the easiest way to bring them up to the gold standard and to provido for their redemption le through tbe Inter convertible 3-63 bond system, which he has heretofore advocated. A OAS EXPLOSION IN THE CAPITOL?EMPLOYES SERIOUSLY INJURED. A gas main in one of the lower rooms of the Senate wing of the Capitol exploded about three o'clock this afternoon, seriously injuring John King, a carpenter, and L. B. Ciller, tho assistant superintendent of luo folding room. The explosion was board throughout the building, and caused much excitement. King is thought to be fatally injured sod Cutler hsd a greal portion ol bis eioiliing torn from his body. His Injuries, tliough vory painful, are noi fatal. The explosion was cautcd by one of ihe persons lighting a match lo dis cover the leak in ihe mam. The contents of the room were blown in every direction and the doers were torn rom their fastening* LOUISVILLE RACES. Fifth Day of the Spring1 Meeting. King Faro, Redman, Misdeal and Grit the Winners. Louisville, Ky., May 10, 1876. The track was deep id dust to (lay, notwithstanding that it had beon sprinkled by waterlog cart* during tlio wholo of the morning, but tbe sun's rays wero k<> pcwerlul that It wus Impos sible to kce|> the ground mo:*k 'I bo attend ance was again large, all tbe stauds being well tilled with respectably dressed and. well bebsved ?|iectalora, wbo seemed to be intently devoted to sports ol tho turf; lu fact, there is no pooplo tu the world more Interested in p;.>digrocH nor more fond of rucmg than tboae ot Keiitu ky and Teuncsseu. Tbe Louisvtllo Jockey Club Is, beyond all doubt, uu estab I lit bed Institution. una, liko tlio ussocialious ol Jerome I'.irk, Saratoga, Moinnouili Park uud tbe Maryland Jockey Club, will eiidure us long uh :ta youngest mvmi'or exists, Tbo prcseut orgauuuiiun Is a power lul cue, ami its managers Intend to submit to nothing that will ibo sliglitost shadow ol' suspldou on uny or tho races that takJ piano under their supervision. Four events were on the pro gram mo today. Tho first was tho Tonnes ace Stakes', lor two-year-olds, dash of thrco quarters of a mile; the second, u hurdlo race, dash of two miles, over eight hurdles; thn third tho (ieutle- j man's Clip, dash of one mile and mi oighlli, and tho ! lonrtb the Louisville Hotel Slakes, for throe year-olds, j a dash ot two miles. TIIK TBNSKKSEE MAKES. In tlio first rac.?, of tho thirty-tlvo entries, oleveu | eamo to the post. Theso worn Dlxou & Witnmer's bay I tllly Hello Mealc, Williams & owin^s' bay ully Class mate, sumo owners' chestnut tllly Spring Branch, A. liutord's chestnut colt' McWhirier. J. W. Hunt Key noldh' chcstnut Illly Miss Klla, same owner's brown lllly Felicia, 1). Swigert's buy colt Cairo, Green Clay's bay tllly Glenella, I. It, Kiolds' bay colt Headlight, S, Powers' brown lllly Prin cess an I D. Mclntyre'a bay colt King Faro, by lmportod Phaeton. Classmate and Spring Bruucb were tbo lavorites, Cairo second choice, McWhirier th'.ru, King Karo fourth, tho others as a field. Cairo was first away, Headlight sec ond, Mclutyre's King Faro third, McWhirier fourth, with tho others closcly buuebed. At the half-mile pole King Faro was in front, Cairo sec ond, McWhirier ih.rd, tho othors still In a group, closely packed. Going around the lower turn King Faro stil1 sbowod the wuy, McWhirier second, Cairo third, Head light lourth, tho others still so close together thut tbey could not be separated. As tbey canio into tho home stretch Hollo Meudo run luto second place, King Faro continuing lo hold the post or honor. This colt came up tho stretch gamely and won tho ruco by twoleogths, llello Moudo second, a length In Iront or McWhirier, Cairo lourth, Glenella tilth, Clussmato sixth, Spring Branch seventh. Miss Kiln eighth, Felicia ninth, Head light tenth and Princess eleventh. Time, 1:18. KIM) KAKO, tho WMincr, Is a bay colt, without whito, 15<i hands high, with a fair head and nock, large body, good blps und quarters, and Immense sillies. Ho rcsoinbles his tiro gro illy and has his logs to a great degree, tying up under tbe kneo und rather light of bone. He is a colt of good speed and excellent temper, by Imported Pbuetnn, duiu by Knight of St. George, graudam by Glencoe, out or Varico, by Sumpter. wix.mers or tub tumnksskk stakes. i'ear. Winner. Sire. Subs. Starters. Time. 1875?Williams & Co. 'a CrtoJtnoor. Asteroid SO 14 1:22\' 1870?Mclntyre'a Klug Faro Phaeton 35 U 1:18 HURDLE RAC'S?TWO MILKS. Tlio second racu was over hurdles, dush of two tniloi, and only two camo to tho post. Those were A. Keene Hlcuards' buy colt Hedman, 4 yoars, carrying 182 lbs., and M. Welch's bay gelding Captain Hutchlcson, aged, with 130 lbs. Tho horses, with an even start, ran at the first hurdle with great speed aud knocked It Slows, both of ibem striking the lop ruil at tbe sum* moment. Hedman then ran uway Irora Captain Hutcb lnson, and at the qutrler polo wus hull a dozen lengths j In frpnt. Kediiiuu knocked tho hurdlo down. ioaviug I Hutchinson a clear course. Hedman waa 00 yards anead at tbe third hurdle and eighty yards ahead at tbe fourth, having knocked tbetn all uown la hts Jour ney, leaving ? clear path lor bis opponent. Redman was still eighty yards ultead on the first mile, which was run in 1:64and going on ran (ho secouu mile In 1 :54, and winning tbe race by Dourly luo yards, making the two miles in 3:48){. iho qulckost time on record for this character of race, except that of Tom l.oalher's performance at New Orleans, where he ran the SHino distance In 3:47>., though he bad but 117 lbs. on bis back. TUB GE.NTLKMAX'S CI P. Tho third raco was for the Gentleman's Cup, one milo aud un oighih. Four hordes isced tbe starter, coiuprlsiog Hick Chambers' buy colt Dr. Standloril, & years old, by Heocou, dam bv Sovereign, currying 138 lbs.; Leslie Combs, Jr. chestnut lllly Misdeal, 140 lbs.; M. Keiiarg bay gelding Small ' Hopes, 136 lbs*; J. C. Blous'iiay coll (?rcnobU, 145 I lis. ; I Misdeal wus a great favorite, Small Hopes second choice, Grenoble third. Tho horses had a very good sturt. Misdeal taking the lead, Grenoble second. Small Hopes third, Dr. Sundford fourth. When they reached : tho stand. Small Hopes aud Misdeal wero running , ' sldo and side, two lonfth* ahead or Gre- ' noble. Th? horses thii very last around I tbe upper turn, excepting Dr. Stundford, who was far ! behind at this point in tbe race. At the quarter pole Misdeal and Simill Hopes were head and head, two lengths in rront of Grenoble. Going down tho bark- ! stretch Small Ho|ies Isdt-d, and Grenoble , went np and collared Misdeal, and tbey > ran yoked past tbe ball-mllo pole and around the lower turn. As tbey entered | the homestretch Misdeal showed in rront, and coming j on gamely, won tbo race by two lengths, Grenoble sec olid, llfty' yards ahead of Small Hopes, who was twenty ' lengths ahead ol Dr. Standlord. Time or tbe da-h, i 2:01)4. Tbe presentation or tbe cup to the winner, Mr. Com!*, at the club bouse, was tbo occasion ot mucb ! good tcellug. Tan LoriSVILLK HOTEL STAKE*. The lonrtb race bad tor starters IV. T. Link's boy colt Grit, G. I). Wilson's bay c.ilt Tbo Vippor, and John | Alcock k Co. 'h bay oolt Glasgow Urit was tbe favor- i lie over the Held. Grit look Hie lead at the tap of tho . drum, Tbo Nipper accond, Glasgow third, all close ' together. When tbey passed under tho string at tho Judges' stnnd, Grit was lead Ing ono length, The Mpper second, a neck hi front ol Glasgow. Going mound tho up|>er turn , Grit opened a length of daylight on tho others, The Ninper und Glasgow running side nud side. The raco 1 continued with ll<? horses lapped down tbe back* 1 strclch, and at lliu half-nnlo pole tbey wcr? | nose and tall. Grit leading, Tho Nipper second, Glasgow third. Going around the lower turn Hughes, on The Nipper, tried to take sido j with (>rit, but bis rider, Bob Swim, would uot have It, i and he swung Into the homo stretch with a luiLlength the best of It. Grit cume on gamely und won Ibe race ! by a length, The Ntp|ier second, two longtbs In Iront of i Glasgow. The first mile wus run in i :46'i, and tbo entire mile and a quarter In 2:12){. Monroe Kelso rod* Glasgow. ??" ?IIII MART. Locisvillb, Ky., May 10, 1874?Firm I>at or tub Speiho Mbbtixo or tub Loi'ihvillb Jockey Clcr.? First Race?1The Tennessee Stakes, lor two year o ds, f.'ft each. p. p., with |i50 added by tbe association; second to have $100: winners of the Alexander or Louisville Indies' Slakes to curry 6 His. extra. Closed with .15 nominations; value, f 1,126; three quarters of a mile. D. Melnlyre's b. c. King Faro, liv Imp. Phaeton, dam by Knigbt ol St. Gcorgo, 00 lbs 1 Dixon ii W .miner's b. f. Belle Meado, by Itup. Bon nie Scotland, dam Woodbine, br Islington, 87 loo, 3 A. Buford's ch. o. McWblrter, by Knquirer, nam On tario, uy Bonnio heotland, 80 lbs S D. Swigori's b. c. Cairo, by Ixsxington, dnm imp., by Cotherstone, U0 lbs 4 Green Clay's b. f. Glcnelia, by imp. Glenelg, dutn Sallie, by Lexington, 87 lbs 6 Williams K Owings' b. r. Classmate, by Planet, dsm Fuil Cry, by Vandal. 92 lbs I Williams Ac Owings' ch. r. Spring Brunch, by liup. Austtallan, dam Spring Brook, by Lexington, 87 lbs 7 J, W Hunt Reynolds' ch. I. Miss Ella, by Kn quirer, dam Metaila, 87 lbs 8 J. \V. Hunt Remolds'br L Felicia, by imp. Phaeton, dsm Fsrrsietta, 87 II* ft L 11. Field's b. c. Headlight, by Bayonet, dam Olivia, by Oliver, W0 Ibe 10 & Powers' br. f Princess, by imp. Billet, dam Joscpbiuo, by Soircrlno, 87 Ibe 11 Time, 1:18. Same Dat?Sbcoxd Race ?Hurdlo raea, purse of |30U; second lo bavo $60; welterweighta, two mllea, ovor eight hurdles, each 3 teet 8 Inches high. A. Keene Richards' b. c. Redman, 4 years, by War Dauce, dam by SoBi-nno, 132 lbs I Fred Lloyd's b. g. Captain Hutchmsou, sgod, by Voucher, dam by Zero, 130 lbs 2 Time, 3:48X. Same Day?TniBD Rack.?Gentleman's Cup, volu* I'-'iO. a handicap for gentleman riders; moinbers of Louisville Jbckey Club, or any similar aiuli^ lo ride; live entries lo llll; one mile and au eighth. Le?li? Coin Its, Jr., riding A. Keeno Richards' ch. f. Mimical, 4 yean, by Gilroy. dam Mishap, 140 lbs.. 1 J. (J. Illou, riding D. V. Johnston s br. c. Grenoble, 4 years, oy bay wood, dam Lute. 145 lbs 2 M. Kellar, riding Small Hope, 136 lbs S Hick Chambers, riding I* c. Dr. Standlord, 6 years, by Beacon, dam by Sovereign, 138 lbs 4 Time, 2:0lw. Saw* Dat?Focbtb Rack?The Loulsvillo Hotel Slakes, lor ihree f ear-elds^ <26. play or nay. with 1*00 ad<l?<J by tb? Louiaville Hotel; aocond to hi to twenty per cent ol tbo gro?a awouui. Oue mile ami it ijuurter. Vv. T. Linck'a b. c. Orit, by Melbourne, Jr., ilum WiiiMirielle. by \Vairnor, 100 llw. (Swiml i G. I?. WiUuii Ac Co. 'a b. c. ihe Nipper, by Imp. I'liaoion, duui Annuitu, by boxington, 100 lUa. (llugln-a) 2 Johu Alcoi k ti Co 'h (ilaaKuw, by War Uauce, dura by Jo* Mtoner, 100 lha. (KoUo) 3 Time, 2:12 V TO-DAY K PllUfittAMMX. There was good betting laat niptit on iho I.ouisvillo race*, and Vagrant and Ten Hroeck wore both atr?ng favorites in tbelr reapcctifo event*. Tbu lollowiug pool* w cro moUI :? djmiii or two as? a ualp hilkn. Kcllg't. Johnum'f. Tkowuu\ TonBroor-k $100 05 100 100 24 Ktelubok 24 14 2S 80 H Daiuon 10 10 10 10 3 UASII or two MILICri. KtUy't. Johnsun'*. Thomas'. Vagrant to0 60 100 100 25 Creedmore 18 16 21 25 7 Hurry Hill 12 10 10 10 3 NATIONAL JOCKEY CLUB. SECOND DAT OF TUB 1NAVOUHAX BUNNINO MEKTINO AT WAHHINOTOM?OBR KNOB, 8PIN DBIFT AND BUKGOO THE WINNtUS. Wash I kotos, D. C., May 19, 1870. The Inaugural meeting of tho National Jockey Club was continued to-day. Tbo weather was line, tlio at tendance luryo ami tbu track in good rondltl n. There wore tbreo events on tbo card, tho llrst being a dash of u mild aud u quarter, (or ull a^o.j, lor a purse of $1150; the second a selling race, for all ages, puiso $350, mile and an elghtb, aud tbo third milu beau, for all ages, purse of $400. II'KXIIUI. Wamiiixotox, May 19, 1S7U.?Second Day ol the Inaug ural ltunulng Mooting of Ibe Xulioual Jockey Club.? First llaee?Purse ol $3.'i0, lor all agea; $226 to tbe llrst, f 7;"i to tbo second aud $6o to tbe third horse. One mile olid ii i|uarter. Otleu Howie's b. o. <>ro Kuob, 4 years, by Dickens, dam Slipper, 1(M lbs 1 Jo. Donahue's b. h. Cariboo, 0 years, by Loxitigion, dam Alice Jones, 118 lus 2 John F. Lewis' uli. c. Dnrvlllo, 3 years, by King Lear, dam Mary Miuor, 90 lbs 3 II. (Juicklall's br. c. Leader. 4 years, by Leaming ton, dam Jcsaio Dixon, 106 lbs 4 W. Striuglleld's gr. o. Fillister, 4 years, by En quirer, dam Crownlet, 10.H P>s 0 Wilson & Co. 's b. c. Jack Trigg, 4 years, by Light ning, dum Sallio Morgan, U>s lbs 0 Time, 2:16k. Samk Day?Skooxd Rack.?Selling race, purse of $360, lor all aged; tbe winner to be sold lor $1,000; if entered to bo sold tor $760, allowed 6 lbs. ; lor $M0. al lowed 1') lbs.; auy surplus over xtuted price to go to second horse. Une mile and an oighih. Jos. Donahue's cb. h. Spiudriit, aged, by Donnia * Scotland, dam by Wagner, lis lbs.; J I,two 1 L. A. Hitchcock's ch. f. Spnnglet, 4 years, by Aus tralian. dam Sprlngbrook, 100 lbs.; $760 2 Jordan & Cu's gr. c. Bill Monday. 4 years, by lingers, dam by Knginour, 98 lbs.; $600 3 T. 1J. ii %. K. Davis1 b. f. Jest, 4 years, oy Haywood, dam Joke, 95 lbs. ; $600 4 Wilson fc Ca's br. c. Denver, 4 years, by Pimllco, dam Young Utllla, 98 lbs. ; $600 ! 6 M. Byrne's b. f. Ilettie U , 4 years, by Vaudal, dam Woodbine, 100 lbs.; $760 6 R. Sascur's b. m. Fairy Queen, 6 years, by Uugtiie, dam Faith, 101 Iba.; S600 7 Odon Howie's b. h. Keene Richards, 6 years, by War Dance, darn Kvcrcreen, 104 lba ; $600 8 A. R Patterson's b. t. Alecto, 4 year?, by Dickens, dam Trinket, 96 lbs.; $600. 9 Time, 2 Sank Dat?Third Rack. ? I'urse of $400, for all ages; second horse to receive $100 Milo heats. J. G. Rethune's b. g. Burgoo, 5 years, by Hurrah, dam Kmina Downing, 111 "lift....... 1 2 1 A. D. Brown's b. h! l'alatin, 6 years, by Lea miugton, dam Garland, 114 lbs 3 12 J. ft'letchor'B cB. h. Harilrtid, aged, by Aus tra an, dam Lucretla, 118 lbs 4 3r o Owner's Alton 2 4r.o Owner's Remmpy 6 fir.o Tlino, 1:49?1:4$#?1:51. MYSTIC PARK. Boston, May 19, 1874, Tho following are the luminaries of tbo races at Mystic Parte to-day Fikst Rack?For a purse of $200; $100 to the first horse, $60 to tne seooiid. $30 to tbe third and $20 to tholourth; lor horses that have tiover beaten 2:46; tulle heats, best three in live, lu harness. ? H. J. Flake's b. in. Georgiu M 3 111 G. H. Hicks' b. g. Arthur T 2 2 2 3 James Uoldeu's b. g. Peter Smiplo 4 3 3 2 Wisner Parks' b. g Champlaln 1 4 dla. Time, 2:37?2:38?2:42?2:43. Hbcono Rack?For a purso o( $300; $160 to tbe first, $76 to }be second. $46 to th<< Ultra and $30 to tbs fourth j lor horses that have never . .u>. heller than 2:32; mile beats, Iteal three in five, in harness. A. Walton's br. g. Charlie R 1 1 1 Wisnor Paika' b. g. George H. 2 2 2 R J. Fiske'a b. g. Doctor 4 3 3 Thomas Traut's blk. g. Genoral 3 dla. A. Woodward's b. in. N'ira Belle dla. Time, 2:31#?2:33,'i?2:33. DEERFOOT PaBK. TBIBD SAT Or THE 8PRINO TBOTTTNO MEET ING?LADT LOWS THE WINNEB OF THE 2:50 PUBSE?THE 2:35 BAOB POSTPONED AITEB FIVE HEATS. The third day of the spring trotting meeting st Deer foot Park brought oat a fair attendance of turfmen to witness tbe 2:60 and 2:35 classes. In tbo former event eight of tbe ten nntries came to tho scores and after an exoitlng contest of five busts, daring which there were many expressions of displeasure bv contesting drivers and pool bajrlng spectators, C. Dicker man's chestnut mare, Lady Lowe, proved the winner. During tbe raue tbe driver of tho black gelding Harvey was taken out and '*Dr." Heard substituted; but the change was of but little service. In t?e fourth heat tbe sulkies of Emily O. and Jennie collldod and were badly smashed, tbe dnvers escaping unhurt. The 2:36 purge had nine stsrters of tbe eleven en tries. W. H. Thorns' brown gelding Phil O'Xoll won tbe drst and second heats, Peter Msnee's bay gelding Harry Irving the third and fourth and A. Cornuilaon's bay gelding tbe filth beat. Darkness then cam* on, and tbe race was postponed until to-day, wbcn it will be fought by the above named horsos, tho others re maining In tbe stalls. Tho third boat in thin contest was trotted in 2:34^ by Hsrry Irving snd so buug out mi the blackboard, but It was afterward changed to j 2:36 in ordor to pleaao In* driver. SUMMARY. Dmkvoot Park, Pakhulls, L. I.?Third Kay or i tiik drRixo Msktixo, Ksiday. Hsy IV, 187&?Puree ; $160, icr horses tliut bsd uover beaten 2:60; milo heats, three in live, in harness; fSo to tbo winner, $40 to tbe ! second and |<IU to tbe third. C. Dickorman's cb. in. I.ady Lowe. 0 6 1 PI1 J. Langsa's gr. g. Ed Mills 2 2 3 2 3 U. E Jones' clt. m. Emily O 3 1 4 7 2 a A. Denton's b. g. J. M. Oskley. 4 3 2 3 4 J. Morton's blk. g. Hitrvey 1 0 0 6 6 J. K. Jam*' blk. in. Jennlo 7 7 6 8 0, I'. Malice's b. g. Jupiter..* 6 4 7 4 dr T. Crano's r. g. Gideon 8 8 8 0 dr N. It. Cunningham'* blk. ra. Carrie M... dr M. U. Whipple's oh. g. Silas. dr TIER. Quarter. Half. Mile. First hoat 41 1:1# 2:42 tiecond heal 41 1:18 2:42* Third heat 41 1:21 2:44 Fourth heat 42 1 Mi 2:43 Filth heat 41 1:20 2:42 Hams Day.?Purse $200. for horses thst bad never beaten 2:36; mile heats, three In live In harness; $100 to the llrst, $U0 to the secoud, $40 to the third. W. H. Thorns'b. g. PbirO'Mwl 113 3 2 P. Hsnee's b. g. Harry Irving 0 0 113 A. Cornollson's b. g Judge Hobmsoa.... 3 2 4 2 1 U. Gilbert's s. g. Harry Uilbort 242 It T. Crane's r. g. .St. ticorgo 4 7 0 0 4 J. I.oomis' cb. in. Lisxle Adams 8 8 7 7 0 \V. liaslord'o U in. Carrie N 0 3 6 4dr. , J. Thompson'* r. g. Fred Tvler. 7 6 dr. F. Bennett's b. m. Lady Wood* dla J. timitb's cb. g. Bronk O'Dsv <lr. H. Whipple's br. m. Fanny l.ylc dr. TIEB. Quarter. Half. Mile. First boat 40 1:1? *:37 Hecond h#al 41 1 2 11'* Third beat SO 1:17 2:36 Fourth beat 41 1:29 8:3# Film beat St 1:21 2:41 Notk.?Postponed attar fifth boat until Saturday, May 2tt BILLIARDS. Piiladklphia, May 19, 187& At tbs Billiard Tournamsot this afternoon Daly and Rudolphs played tbe first game, tbo former winning by a seors ol SO? to 267. Daly's average was Si 1-13, While Rndolphe'a wss 19 10-13. Tbo second gsme was between Sexton sad Hbsw, the former winning by s score of SOO to 331, his aversgs being 16 16-1#, while Sbaw's Was 12 3-10. In the evening two games were played, tbs first be tween Joe Dion and Foator, tho former winning by a ?core of 300 to 102, his avoragn being 26, while Foo ter'* average wa? * >,. The second gsme was between Uarnlcr and Slosson, the rurtner winning by s ecoro of 300 to J0L Uarutor's averago was 16 15-1# and Hlosson's 10 il ia. O'LEAUV'S WALK. Sam Xkajkisco, May IS, 1870. At noon to-day O'Leary ftatsbed 386 miles and con tinues livoly sad confident ol amking tbo 600 witbln time. Sobmebl Is 102 miles bofctnd and can sonrosly drag himseli along, resting frequently. O'Leary was walking vigorously Sarins tb* afternoon. AMUSEMENTS. KB. TOOKEB'S BENEFIT AT BOOTH'b TBF.ITVB. The latK'ont audience ever assembled in Booth'a Theatre, with the exception of that which attended the farewell of Charlotte Cuabinao, wait that which compli mented Mr. Joaeph 1L Tooker yesterday on the occa ?ion ot hli beuellt. Kvery part ol the douse waa packed, and the receipts were $3,012, The perform aaoc? wore very good. Miss Kellogg, Miss Ada Uytis, Mian Sara J ewe 11, and Me-inrs. Barrett, Bangs. Daven port, Klgaold, Levick ail 1 the Uirurd grotesque* an penrtug in the 01IL At tbo cod ol ihepiavol "Black Kyetf Misau" Mr. Tooker w.isculled lor enthusiastically an J uiado the following address:? I-auik* anii <;?:.\rt.Kiii?? It might possibly bo'eon slderel a discourteous ai t ol omission Jul 1 tail U r? -pout to the enthusiastic, wen meant and com plimentary call belore the curiam that you havw gives me. This is tuy llrst appearand- on any stage in s speaking part, and I know you will therefore pardon iu<' for dinging no closely to the placu of exit and refuge corner for tho timorous. I bo# to thaiiK you. ladies aud gentlemen, lor your attendance in such vast numbers this afternoon on the occasion ol my second annual bonelll, and to give expression to tlio hope thai you are enjoying the euiurtninnicui I havo been en abled to provide through the kindnes-> of my arum Iriends. and aro as well pleased wttli it as 1 am with tin returns of your substantial complimeut just made u me by tho treasurer of the theatre. lu every way 1 have been inrtiinate to-day, the change of the date ol my bcneilt taking me frotu clouds and rain of yesterday to the blessed sunshine of to Uuy. UrStCAL AND DUAMATIC NOTES. This evening, at the Filth Avenue Theatre, Mr. Jumel Lewis will reculvu a buliollt, when the performance* ol "1'ique" will not lie pieneuted to allow or the appear ancu of Mr. Lewis In two characters, In "Charity" and Byron's now comedy of "Weak Womar.." Tbo menu of this capital comedian are ?o well appreciated that ? crowded house may be considered a certainty. The negotiation* botweeu Mr. Page, of Niblo's, and Messrs. Strakosch have not as yet been brought to a satislactory conclusion. Miss Corlilt's rehearsals lor her forthcoming season of English opera at the Acadomy ol Music have been frequent and severe. A great deal of laterest Is mani fested in the result of her venture. Mr. Henry Carter, tho talented organill ol Trinity church, completed tho twenty-eighth ol a series o* thirty orgau concerts at Trinity church yesterday, lluch, Haydn and Mendelssohn being on tho bill. V leader of an orchestra at a summer garden la liable to fall into the mistake of neglecting a rrpertuir? or not fornUng a musical library, iluuce he Is obliged to repeat tho sanio pieces night after night atl nauseam. Vory discouraging reports have reached us from Philadelphia regarding summer concerts there. The recitals of Mr. J. X. I'attlson at the Centennial Ex position are, with tho excuptlon ol Mr. titlraore's con certs, tho only regular musical performances on the grounds. It is likely that after Sunday next 'the fifty ceuta schedule of admisslou will be adhered to at Gilmore'n Mprdou. Tho warm weather last evening lncre:uicd tho attendance considerably. A tow novelties on tho bill would be vory desirable, as well as a change In the post of assistant conductor. Mr. Kdward Lamb takes his annual benefit at tbo Brooklyn Theatro to-night, tho attractions being Mlsa Charlotte Thompson sad hlmsolf In "Maud Muller " and tho burlesquo of "Black Eyed Susan," with Stusrt ltobcon as Captain Crosstreo and Miss Maud liarrisou as Black Eyed Susan. Miss Harrison has msdo ? hit in all she lias douc, and her la a doclictoua bit o( burlesque comedy. The Dublin Theatro Royal wltnesssed an extraordi nary scene on tho n:gbt of Thursday, April 20. Mr. ltlchard M. Levey completed his lilt loth year of an un broken connection with the orchestra of the theatre, during nearly forty years of which tlnio ho has boon iti llrst violin. Thore waa an appropriate performance and a presentation on the stago to tho veteran, wli? scorns wonderfully Juvenile lor such a career, many ol tbo chief citizens bolng members of tho committee. Ono of the most auiuslug incident* ol tho evening waa Mr. l<oroy's telling bow ho had to change his original paternal surname of O'Shaughnossy into the materna' ono of Levey. Ho wont to London to form part of the orchestra of the Haymarkot Theatre whllo yet very young, and tho manager Insistod ou the chaflgo, declar ing that no London audlenco would stand an Irish tiddler with such an outlandish name as O'Bhaoghnessy. "Aud now," said tbo veterau, "tboy havo to tolerate mo O'Shaughnessy fo the Houso of Commons." THE PELUAM COACH. Mr. Delancey Kane's couch looked particularly bright and trim In the spring sunsblne of yesterday morning m tbe guard winded his born, and the inevitable group In front of tbo Uotel Brunswick displayed a covcrt dis position to ball Its departnro with a more onthuslostia oration than propriety would suggest. Upon the box Mat Mr. Kane manipulating tbo reins and ?killully manaiuvrlng his hows through tbo vehicles whicb, oven at tb?t early hour or naif past ten o'clock, dotted the aveimo. Seated beatde Mr. Kane wan HenrO Hurley, and the rest ol the coach waa occupied by 0. J. Cummiugs, K. A. Buck, I ImIIu, W. Hubbell, H. M. Ca*y and J. C. Furman. lire. Roy and a number of ladles wero also occupants of sen is in tho vobicle. Through the I'ark and out upon the boulevard rolled the coach, the usual sightseers bailing lis passage, and so on nil aiong the road till tho warm midday lound it drawn np lu front of the Aruu'urius Hotel, at I'eiham. At four o'clock P. M. tbo drivo homeward began, and, after passing over tliu route to tho intense aumlration ot strollers in tbo Park and on the highways, the coach reached tbe Hotel Brunswick at precisely half-past ttvo o'clock P. M.( where quite a large crowd had gathered' to receive It. Tbe sensation Mr. Kane's excursions to Pelbam are causing seems to Indlcato that their legiti mate end Is in a fair way to be accomplished, and that tho intorest in coaching which exists beyond tbe water is being rapidly dlsscmlnatod among tbo American people. SHOOTING AT GLEN DRAKE. Tbe spring moetlng of the American Rifle Associa tion at Qlen Drako range yesterday was very poorly attended, owing, doubtless, to a misunderstanding, arising out of the inevitable postponement on account or the weather, of the programme nrrangod lor the preceding day. There wero fifteen entries lor the All Comers' match, tbe conditions of which were:? Distance, 200 yards; position, off hand; rifle, any within rules; military rifle allowed Uve points. Tbo first priito in this match waa a pickle service, valued at )26, which waa won by Major F. Shonnard, who presented it to the association with the under standing that It Ira shot lor at a future day on condi tions to lie tamed by himself. Tho second prise, a silver cruot stand, wus carried off by Henry Grohman. Next on tbo programme was a military mutch, off hand; distance, similar to the foregoing, Ave shots witn military rifles. This waa won by Frederick Cookspcarc, who scored 21 out of a possible 26. The prixe waa a handsome gold military bauge. A subscription match at the suntfdistance and under cor responding conditions with tbe two former followed. The entries numbered oigbteou. In this contest oae-hali of the entrance money went to tho association, tbe resi due being divided uinong tbe three highest scorera. Tho first nnd second prixes wero awarded to D. I*. Davids, who scored 21 out of a possible 25, the third prixe heiuK secured by Major Shonnard, whose score bumerically equalled that ol tbo first named. A subscription match, distance, 600 yards; position, any: rifle, sny within rales; military rifle allowed live points, closed the day's proceeding*. For Ih^s match mere were seventeen entries. It was won by M^pit Sliounanl. wbo scored 21 points out of n possible 26, and which, with the allowance of live points ou hn military rille, carried his scors abend of that of IJt K. Davids, wbo mado 23 points on the target. Tbe D< 1'eyster had ye, vuluod at $o00. will be once more cum tested lor to day. ARUIVAL OP THE POWHATAN. The United States steamship Powhatan, second rat^ special service, lelt Port Royal, 8. 0., May 16, and ar rived at New Yoric May IS, has recently been engaged In convoying monitors from Norfolk to the newly es tablished depot at Port Royal, S. C. Het laat trip, from which sbo has Just arrived, was to tow the old Itae-of battle ship New Hampshire to that port, whero she is to tie stationed as slorsshlp, rendezvous and depot fot tbo North Atlantic squadron, under oommand of Com modore J. M. B. Clltx, tho second in command of tbe North Atlantic fleet. The vessels lelt at Pert Royal were the New Hampshire (flagship), O us I pee, and monitors Dictator, Leblgh, AJax. Manhattan, Mabopac, Hsugus and OMsklll; Pawnee, storeship, and Fortune, tug. TheOsstpee was to leave on the 16 th for a cruise on ths eastern ooast of the United States, Portland bo log hsr llrst port. WfKtM OT THS rOWIIATAS. T. Scott Fillebrown, Captain; F. K. Chad wick, Lleoteo ant Commander, executive oAeer; James M. Forsym, Lieutenant, navigator; Bdwtn O. Jacob, Lieutenant j Clinton K. Curtis, Master; William F. Bulkloy, Master; Hugo Osterhauo, Mooter: John B. Milton, Master; Jobn C. Kiemont, Jr., Ensign; Charles R> Miles, Rnstgn: Robert H. Mclean, Rnstgn; Jspkssn McKlmell. thiol Kngineer; Charles H. Oreonlenf, Fkrst Assistant Ka? giaeer; Theoplillus Osok, FWs% Assistant Ka*inesr| Arthur J. Pritshard, Paymaster; Cheries H. Burbank, Ward,' Boatswain; John C Hitter, tiunssr; WiWwbA , Barrett, Cntpenter; George f. Dcogiass, gsllmsksr.