NEW YORK HERALD BROADWAY AND ANN STREET. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PROPRIETOR THE DAILY HERALD, published tvmf day in the ymr. Four cents per copy. Twelve dollars per year, or one dollar per mouth, free of postage. All business, news letters or telegraphic despatches innst be nddressed Nnv loitK Hrkai.ii. Letters nnd packages should be properly sealed. Rejected communications will not be re turned. PHILADELPHIA < >FFICE? NO. 112 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. LONDON OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK HERALD NO. 4(1 FLEET STREET. PARIS OFFICE?AVENUE DE L'OPERA. Subscriptions nnd advertisement* will be received and forwarded on the same terms ns in New York. NO. 141 mmm this afternoon and evening. ?t 8 P. St. M' VSTREL8 ? . . ,KiKT? AVENUE theatre. {. Ti * !'?nefl? " P- M. PlqUE matinee at 1:30 ? ? "? fanny DHvcnport. VARIETY. at 8 P. >V*?&m^2TKM. UNDER TUP. OAU,o\VS,\t k V''?MyMMntlnee at 2 P. V. Brooklyn theatre. i/n MaHpee at 2 1*. M. Charlotte Tliorop- j .. b I> w ?.AX, f"KANt? IS( (> MIN8TKEL3, ?t 8 p. M. Matinee nt 2 1'. M. v, _ ? THBATKK COMiqUE. ^ ARIET\ , at 8 I'. M. Mnllnpc Ht 2 I. M. CENTRAl7~l'AKK GAItDEN. ORCflERTRA, QUARTET AM) CHORUS, at 8 P. M. tance annihilated by tho messenger light* ning. The creation of new seas in Asia, Africa and Western America is gravely con sidered and deemed practicable, and here at oar doors our engineers dig the rocks out of rushing cataracts and burrow under whirl pools or lower the bed of a river bodily without disturbing its flow. Surely these aro achievements in- the physical sciences which go far beyond the wildest dreaming! of the Eastern story teller, who had to call in the aid of supernatural agencies to render the wonders he related intelligible to hie hearers. Onr slaves of the lamp are thf busy miners who dig tho tunnels and gal lories at Hell Gate for two dollars a day. Our winged horses nro locomotives. The mythioal roc is represented by the bdloon of the scientific observer, and, with cur talis mans of iron and diamond drille, we say "open sesame" to the rocky gateways of n&> ture, and they open at tho word. Our Old People aro not old enough. Now here is a young lady of ninoty-one years talking about the Revolution. Then we have a young gentleman of ninety who had the honor of being blessed by General Washington. A third youth of only seventy eight can hardly mail the Revolution, bwl