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remembers General Jack ton rerr woll. It is a singular fact (hat all these olil folk are quite as juvenile as if they had been born in the present age, and their reininincenceA are exceedingly entertaining. We print t?*-day Mveral interviews of historio interest and irorth. Mr. Pater Cooper** Ideas. We think the most sensible man in the oountry is Mr. Pet*r Cooper, for he is almost the only man who ever declined a Presiden tial nomination. It in true that a nomina tion by a Greenback Convention is more insulting than complimentary, yet the temp- | tution to accept even doubtful honors i is great As such a sensible man Mr. ' Cooper's opinions on public matters have 1 acquired new value, and his views, given to the Hzbald to-day, will be read with interest , and, we trust, with profit. We do not agree with Mr. Cooper in everything. lie says that the need of the country is "a man?an honest, constitution-respecting. God-fearing i man." Wo trust that America has many luch men, and we know thut Peter Cooper is ; one of them. But no man can redeem tlio oountry from its present distresses. The need is not a man, but a law. The necessity is for an organic change in the government, an amendment to the constitution which shall check the ambition of an Executive to con tinue hia own rule, and which must be the only basis and foundation of a true civil ser vice reform. Mr. Cooper still thinks that "Grant has a better chance than any body else." He should reflect upon the logical consequences of this fatal admission. Grant was a good man when he was first elected, but he was spoiled as a President by the vast vista of ambition which the possi bility of his seoond or third election opened to his dazzlod eyes. What the country needs is not an honest man alono, but laws whioh shall enforce honesty, put an effec tual bar to the continued rule of any official, and guarantee the right of the people to the control of their own government. Vandalism at thb Exninrnow.?Benjamin Hayden, tliQ English painter, aocused his countrymen of Vandalism. If George and Betsy went to see a statue, he said, they would write their names upon it, so that Tom and Jane, when they came, would see that Betsy and George had been there first. We regret to learn that this passion for dis figuration and destruction has been shown at the Centennial Exposition. It is not American, for this country has always respected art, and our people have not the foolish ambition to seek in glorious distinction on the principle of the ambitious youth who fired the Ephesian dome. We are glad to learn that these Vandals in Philadelphia have met with speedy punishment, and trust that tho examples made will put nn end to the crime. PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. Parts hotel* ore crowdod. Anna Dickinson's bustle oast $860. The averago American U worth $394. Mr. Wirt fykes Is the latest candidate for President of tlu- I'nitcd States. ? For tr prirt-irn at home thera Is manafacttired Just one galh-i. u. H-.nnkuy a head. Tl.r : ? I .Minion ttjrlea of stationery are la reps, with si ? ?' envelopes and gold stamping. It ev? r. Scotchman drank his share ot spirits each one would havo throe-fourths of a gallon a year. Mr. Andrew Shaman, of the Chicago Evening Journal, Is spoken ol for Lieutenant Governor ef Hit sols. Hnntlngton, of the Central Pacific Railroad, Is doing the '-Intellectual" business lor his corporation In Wash ington. Hereafter Brltlsn'soldiers may not salnto the Queen by dolling hats, bat may respect her In the ordinary military liishlon. Josh Billings:?"Jokelng Is a risky nlzxncss; Just for the sake ov a second klass Joke moany a man has lost a tost klass friend." The Chicago tribune thinks tbat one of tho great causes of general political evil is the putting forward of common mou for local ollicns. A Boon angler fought an eightoon-pound pike for half sc hour, uml discovered, alter landing him, that bo mensured three leet live Inches. The Clevelandeconomical editor refuses to go lo 'ho musical part of (he Centennial be cause he has a Thomas concert In bis back yard every night. A scientific authority ascrlbos the longevity cf tbe Israelites to tlio fact that, whtlo they do not cxbanat themselves by bodily exercise, they observe tho laws of Moses in regard to diet. Banbury jVewi"C.ara Morris and her husband, Mr. 1'red. C. Harriott, s|?nt last Sunday In Banbury. The lamous actress ex pools to pass sll ol next month In our beautiful village-" A sensitive Baltimore girl who was dying of s disease peculiar to ber sex willed that her body should be given over after death to the physicians and students for dis section, saying, "It is a duty 1 owe my sex and my GoJ." Humboldt said that away up IB tho Andes he dis covered butterllie8 snd birds tbat belonged naturally to the plains mr below. They were carried up by strong carrents of wind. Perhaps meat showers may be explained by this observation. The Paris /tyuro relates tbat a gentleman In Parts bss been playing one game of bdelque for tho last ten yoars. Tbe stnkos are l,000,000f. Tho gentle man in question has already lost halt a million, but h? still hopes to get his revanelif. Now is the time lor lovers of plants to get ferns In the New Jersey hills. They are Just uncoiling tholr faint-green Ironds. Thrro Is but one spot, and tbat only a few feel square, within twenty miles of New York, where the walking-leaf Urn can be fountt Kven though Paris ladies have determined ss a reformatory messnro to permit smoking in their presence gentlemen havo not ceased to trequcnt tho elabs. Bivine absinthe, tho Inspiration of tho dcml pds, has greater attract Ions tliau ladles and cigars. ? The press of the country Is echoing the opinion ro senily expressed In tho BUUU, tbat what ibis country ready needs Is a first rate candidate for Vice President. We hope our brethren will keep up the agitation. Tbat Is tbo only way to provont the selection of a third rate man. A Swedish chemist lias discovered that by scientific treatment tbo "reindeer moss'' will produce an Im mense percentage of siuar and alcohol A wheelbar row lull of moss, properly distilled, would prevent the 8L. Louis litpmUican irom being Issued tbo nsxt morn ing; What New York city really needs Is a largo aquarium luch as that at Brlgbtsn, Kngland. No study of animal tile Is mors interesting than that of fishes. Kren San Francisco has a nice aquarium Our city Is very back ward; and yet It complains because its youth resort to trimo for cntortalnmont. Mr. Brlstow was mastered Into the rervice as Ilea* tonaut colonel of the Kiglith Kentm kr Cavalry on September 8, 1862, the term of tbat regiment being lim ited to one year. Ho was promoted to iho colonelcy la January, 1803, when Mr. Shackelford was com mis sioaed ns a brigadier general, snd with hts command was masterod out upon the expiration of Us term of service, on September 20, lSttt. . A Komo correspondent writes that the other day. Field Marshal Von Moll Its. travailing by un early train to^Napl**, unnipect. ?ily found himself in tho same com partment with Marshal Ua*ain? and his family. ThU ?tooling of tbe two commanders, whose last rencontres resulted in a public life of uninterrupted lame and ac tivity lor one and the close of tbe military and public ?arcer of tbo other, says ths correspondent, oataraily CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. THE PRINCE OF WALES. The Royal Traveller from India Feted in Guildhall, BRILLIANT BALL AND BANQUET Premier Disraeli IU?Parliament Not in Session. THE MURDERED CONSULS BURIED. A Great Powers' Missive to the Sultan. Reported Massacre of Chris tians in Bosnia. GAMBETTA EVADES THE AMNESTY VOTE Breadstuffs and Cotton Supplies?Failure on 'Change. THE PRINCE OF WALES. BIB DOTAL mOBNESs' VISIT TO THE CUT OF LONDON?A. MAGNIFICENT RECEPTION BY THE LOED MAYOR AN It CORPORATION?GUILDHALL IN A BLAZE OF GLORY?FIVE HUNDRED OT7B8T8 AT THE CIVIC BANQUET?FIYE THOU SAND PERSONS ENJOY THE PLEASURES OF THE BALL. Loxdow, Mny 1?. 1871 To-day having bean Axed upon by tbe Prince of Wales lor bis visit to tho City of l<ondon after his return from India, tho most elaborato preparations havo boon made lor bla entertainment. Tho Stock Exchange Is dosed. PKSTIVITIBH IN GUII.DHALL. A banquet and ball will tako plana this even Inc. There win be 900 guests at tho banquet and 6,000 at the ball. Oulldball, which is to ho the scene ol the festivities, has been raagtiiilcently decorated. A IMUMST ATTRX DAXCK. Nearly all the princes antl princesses of the royal family, most of the Ministers of the government, and all the great o(floors of 8tato #111 bo present The members of the rayii family aro to arrlvo last, and will come by way of tho Victoria Embankment, Queen Victoria and Qaeen street*, reaching Guildhall at aeven o'clock. THE OPT TO ADDRESS. The address of the Corporation of London will be presented to the Prince In.a magnificent gold casket, after which -will follow tho banquet. SHORT 81'SKrilKH. The toasts to be offered are few and tbe speoches wilj be brief. The ball Is announced to commence at nine o'clock. oarkpvl prepa*atioxs by tub municipal authorities. Tho streets^adjacent to Guildhall will be cloarcd at four o'clock in tho afternaon, and closod to all vehicles except the carriagoa of tbe guests. Tbe yard of the Guildhall has been entirely covered over with a temporary structure, to be used aa tbe ballroom. The Lord Mayor has requestod that there be no Illuminations or tbe bouses or stroeta, because tho additional crowd* tbua attracted would ronder the passago of vehlclos Impossible. PARLIAXEXT hot tx bessiox. The Houso of Commons was not In session to-day. When tho Speaker took tbo chatr there was not a sufficient number ol members present. The House was "counted oat" and adjourned. DETAILS OP THE PRINCE'S RECEPTION. lioxnox. May 20,1878. Tbe reception and entertalnmont ol the Prlnco ot Wales in the city lust night realized all expectations, and was a most magnificent and succossful alfur. Tho programme, as previously annonnrcd, was carrlod out with llttlo or no deviation from it* details. ARRIVAL OP THE ROYAI, PARTY AT OriMHIALU .The Princo, nccompanled by tho Princess and mem bers of tho royal family, arrived at Oulldball soon after seven o'clock, alter a triumphant progress through streets crowded with spectators, who cbeerod enthusi astically ns the carriages posted. The maaaea of people around Guildhall were Im mense. LIOHT AXD JOT. The venerable baildlng and the Pavilion adjoining, erected for tbe oooaslon, were splendidly illuminated. There waa great cheering aa the Prlnco alighted and passed into the reception room. Tin BAWtiDRT. After receiving the address of tbe corporation the Prluce was escorted by the Lord Mayor to the main hall, where he sat down to a banquet with about 500 of the most distinguished persons of tbe kingdom. Tho docorattons of tho hall were rich ami tastofnl, the company brilliant and ibe banquet excellent. ToffsTB AXO RRIEP REPLIES. After the cloth waa removed a few toasta were given. The responses were short and acre precoded and fol lowed by music. THE PRIXCK'S fl'EECtt. Tbe Lord Mayor proposed tbo health of Hla Royal Highness. The Prtnce, replying, returned thanks. He In stanced the warmth of his reception in India as an ovi denco of India's loyalty to England. The other spoeches inado warmly expressed happl nc? at tbo safe return of the Prince, and loyalty ?nd devotion to tbe Queen and royal family. vna oraxd kali. At tho conclusion ot the dinner the grand ball began. At its height 4,000 guests must have been pref-nt. The floor of tbe main hall, with that of tho now library and the temporary pavilion adjoining, was scarcely able to accommodaio the assemblage. THE DAW* OP DAY. The festivities were kept np to a late hour, the Prince retiring long before they were concluded Thousands of people remained around the bnlldln; until daylight, eager to catch a glimpse of tbe scene and of the guests as they departed. ENGLAND. PREMIER DISRAELI ILL?THE ROCHE OF COM MONS NOT IN SESSION?MERCANTILE FAIL CUD?-COTTON AND GBAtN MARKLT8? SUPPLY AND DEMAND DUBINO TRB WEEK. l<oxnox, May IB, H78. Mr. DI?r?o!l Is?four P. M.? suffering from a severe cold, and cannot attend either tho banquet at Guildhall or go do* n to the session of the House of Commons, should a session be held. Pi II.ORB. Tbe Crm ot X. k A. Pacbiri, a Urye Greek cotton bouse, doing business In Liverpool, bas suspended. Their liaoiiittes are at present onkn >wa. surra. 8liver '.o day '.s flat at 52 'td. a 62\d. THK UPAIN TRADE?SUPPLY AXD DBJtAXD. The grain trade Is firmer, and price* hive slightly improved. The continiwnco of dry weather retards tbs crop, and tbe direction af the wind preventa bp rivals off the eoau. Yesterday the leading exchanges ware ecanuiy t applied with Etuliah wheat, which Krtiljr commanded u idnaet of U fUor and for alga whialmri bel.t for 6d. 10 la advance, bat bu?t? MM was alack, buyers holding ME wroin The Import* last week of wheat, flour, barley and pena were moderate ami the arrivals o! maize heavy. bovk avrrtT. The deliveries of Bngtish wheat were 44, ROT quart era, against 6,237 for the corresponding week of 1576. PRICES. The averspo prices were:?Radish wheat, 45s. 1<L ; barley, 34a.; oata, 27a. Cd. In Paris wheat advanced to 60s. #d. per quarter, the oonntry mnrkots of Franaa being 2k. dearer. at Mark lane, holders of whe-it refute former terms decidedly, but would sell at la. advance, which they cannot obtain. Flour is Arm, barley and oats a shade dearer, and malae and feeding stuff steady. weather itrror.T. Tha weather to-day is fair. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, Slay 19, 1874 The circular of the Cotton nrokors' Association, Issued to-dav and containing a review of the week end Ing yesterday, says"Cotton ha* been in Increased de. mand, ^ut the supply was abundant. raicas. "Prices of some descriptions are still In favor of bnyers. For American there has been more Inquiry, but prlccs of ail qualities remain unchanged. Sea Island cotton was In limited demand. Most other cottons eri- Mid, to Jfd. cheaper. In ?futures'transactions hava been limited and fluctuations slight; prtoos are about 1-lOd. lower." WBEKLT POTTO* MARKET. Poles of toe week, 50,000 bales. Exporters took 0,000 and speculators 3,000. Total stock, 1,001,000 bales; American. 596,000. Receipts, 40,000 bales; Atnorlcan, 22,000; actnal ex port, 4.000; amount afloat, 305,000; American, 162,000. Forwarded from ship's sido direct to spinners, 8,000 bales: American sales, 34 000. LIYKHPOOIi BnEADRTUFFB MARKET. * Livbri-ool, May 10, 1576k The receipts of wheat for the pnst throe dnys were 11,000 qnartor*, of which 7,000 were American. , BOM M Bl'PPLY. I A loading grain circular sav* the deliveries of Ing ; Ilsh wheat aro now Insignificant oompared with the ??? | tensive consumption ami Continental demand, f'om ! potiiion for the foreign supply, not only on our own ; cotsts, but In America and other exporting countries, j induces a decided improvement In iho vatno of all do I ncrlpttons of wheal, the British markets ot tho week i noting an advance of folly a shilling per quarter. The weather continues harsh and dry. The mnrkot here was loss active to-day. Millers are ; buying wheat In modorato quantities, In somo case* paying a little over Tuesday's quotation!. FLOt'R. Flour Is unchanged. coax. There ts a good demand for corn, sellers conceding a trifle from tho lost rates. FRANCE. ; RADICAL LEGISLATOR8 EVADB TBS AMNESTY VOTH. Paris, May 19, 1878. ; Sixty deputies abstained from voting yesterday oa i M, Raspail's motion lor a general amnesty, Inoludlng | MU. Gawbetta, Spullar and Dupostal CABIN i.T DEFINITION OF THE RELATIONS TOWARD TUB MONABCHISTH., May 10, 1870. In the Senato to-day the Marquis de Francl leu, legitimist, questioned M. do Marc6ro, Minister ol tho Interior, concerning the recent circular of the la to Minister Rlcard to the prefects. In which the hopes of the monarchists were stigmatized as factious. M. do Marrtro ropllcd that when tho constitution was first voted it might havo boon Interpreted as permit* tins revision In a monarchical senso, but the elections had changed tho laws. The constitution could now only he modified In a liberal senso. Monarchists should ooase agitating the country. M. de Franclieu gavo notice of an interpellation rela tive to the Interpretation of tho constitution, and de bate thereon was set down for Wodnosday next TITB DKrrrilS FIRM AOAIKHT AMXESTY. The Chamber of Deputlos, this afternoon, continued the debate on amnosty. Various radical motions for eomplcto amnesty and for amnesty of certain classes of Communists wore re jected by overwhelming majorities. TURKEY. THE BODIES OF THE MURDBBED CONSULS BURIED?OBDEB MAINTAINED IN SALONICA. Lokook, May 10, 1878. The funeral of the murdered Consols took place In Salonlca to day with treat cercmoay and IB a manner satisfactory to every one. Feriect order was maintained. TUB BKBUN MEMORANDUM TO THB SULTAN. Los box, May 10, IS"8. A despatch to tho Renter Telegram Company from Berlin says:?"It is believed hero that England has ro | lused or will refuse to adbero to tho memorandum of the throe Powers?Russia, Gorinnny and Austria." A XKW NOTK. It Is understood that live Powers will address a note to Turkey In regard to the settlement ot Its affairs. WHY ENGLAND DOER NOT ADHBBB TO THB MEMORANDUM. Co looks. May 10, 1878. Intelligence from London published here gives as reasons lor England's refusal to Adhere to the memo randum ol the Berlin Conference that the proposals require Irom the Porte what Is unreasonable, and that , England wishes to remain unlettered In whatever j. conrso future events may takei It is added thut England, however, will sot advise i tho Sultan to reject tho proposals. THE GERMAN ALARM SUBSIDING. Loxdoh, May 10, 1878. The despatch to the Router Telegram Company Irom | Berlin says:?-'The OfiHai Qair.tle of yesterday says ! nothing is known In odlclal quarters or tho rumorsd i further a*wissinations of Germans In Turkey." Moreover, direct telegrams from Horr Glllet, German j Consul at Peru, dated Salonlca, May 18, and the latest j* Irom the German Embassy at Constantinople I do cot mention tho alleged assassinations either of | Kuhlman, the Director of tho Ronmelian railways, which was reporiml, or other German railway ofUclais, ' or other German citizens living In Turkey. I WnAT WAS THE BFAL CAUSE 0T THB BIOT AND I MVRDEBH? Bkrmx, May 10, 137& The Rcl'htnn:riger states that the Investigation at Salonica tins not yet afforded any reliable explanation of the real c-inse of tne assassination ot the Consula It Is certain, however, that the murders had no con nection with the alleged foroibls conversion ot the Chrlstlau girt. ' A SIGNIFICANT HINT TO BUSSIA. I.oxnox, May 30, 1878. A special despatch from Constsntlnople to the Stan, dar'l announces that Mldhat l'acha, who Is well known I to be opposed to Itussia, has been sppointed Minister 1 without a portfolio. I cot:jit AxntASar's aors raox tut. iikri.ix to>r*HBSCB. j Tho StmiilarrT* Vienna despatch says Count Andrassy ; In conversation yesterday stated that hs believed the peace of Enro|>e to be assured for at least some ye*rs I by tho conference at Merlin. to* British pomct or otusonoxs?nts roirrs RAissn j The correspondent of the TVmes at Paris says the ; explanation given there for the refusal of Enghnd to secede to the Berlin programme Is that the Brit Ish government considered If an armistice was stipulated for In the nsme of tbs Insurgents they would thereby be treated as belligerents. England ' raised a concession of objections to the measures con j sldered by the Conference. aKIiRASSY'S N.RDOS TO THE NFVOARIAXS. The same correspondent asserts tlfat Count Andrnssy before coing to Berlin pledged himselt to Hungary not I to approve of military Intervention or Jotu In any scheme menacing the Integrity sr independents of Turkey. TBS BULTAS UKBLY TO SSJSCT TBI ? XMORASftCB. A despatch from Ito correspondent of the Daitg IW^i spl, a* OsMttnltaMfK says:?"I have good aa> tborltv to Hilt that Turkey will reject the Berlin pro pn?fc* imuxd will nor uniiT to tii nun khkhm>doil The British government bu notified the Rooter Tele gram Company that It tin refVMd Its adhesion to the propositions resulting from the Berlin Conferonoo. AUSTRIA rKRI'ARINO FOR TROUIILB I* TUB KAHT. The Berlin despatch to the Tin't saya notwlU*tand leg the paciflo result or the I'erlin Conference the Aurtrtan government prepare* for contingent*lee. .Among Its latest measures Is an arrangement for train* for wounded and sick soldiers on the various rallwava. This seems to justify the conclusion thnt if no settlement Is efTec'ed on the basis of the Berlin programme Austria, rather than allow Servia and Mon tenegro to oontlnoe to stir up war Indefinitely, will either Interiero lierseif or enable Turkey to interpose. Bit PORT Or A UASHACnit Or OHRIHTtA.V# ts nosxi*. A speciol despatch Irom Par la to the Daily Triumph says a report baa been received there ibit the Mussul man Inhabitants of Plodor In Bosnia under the pretext that a uutnbcr of Christian* were about to quit the town att.ickod the Christlnn quarter and massacred 100 persons. Including women and children. The Turkish troop* afterwardoccupiod tho place and made numerous arrests. SALONICA OCTRAQB tXOKXXITiBS. The Tims* l'arls despatch says It is expected that tbe widows of tho murdered Consuls will each receive $40,000 indemnity. SPAIN. CONGRESSIONAL ACTION ON THE MEW CONBTI- , TUTION. London, May 20,1874 A Madrid despatch to the Starxhml reports that the | Congress has adopted seventy-threo articles of the , constitution. SOUTH AMERICAN STOCKS. THS NATION At, BASK OF BUKNOB AYRES SUS PENDS SPECIE PAYMENTS?MANT FAILURES IN THE AROENTINE REPUBLIC. London, May 19, 1876. Prlvato telejrnms recelvod hero Irom Buenos Ayres yesterday nunouncod that the National Bank. known as the Provincial IUnk of Buenos Ayres. has suspended specie paymnniH, and nnmerous failures, including that of a private bank, have occurred. A HSAVV FALL IN ARGENTINES 1* UWM& Argentloo bonds fell heavily In oonscquence. ANTICIPATION OF THH FINANCIAL CRISIS?THE INFLUENCING* CAUSES. [From tho London Standard (city article), May 0.] We have recolved (lies of Buonos Ay res papers to tbo 9th of April. One of tho chief topics of discussion Is tho financial poeltltion. On this point the Buenos Ay res Standard uses languages more alarmist evon than that which wo quoted last week. In Its number of tho 9th nit. it quotes tho corresponding prices of exchange, oedulas and national bonds on April 7, 1875, and April 8, 1870, and makes oni exchango to bo six per oent lowor: national bonds, twenty-three; cedillas, sixteen, sud roads and bridges, twenty-two. Every thing, In tact, hits fallen, It says, snvo tax on. "All hopo of relief by any pro,cct or scliemo Is abandoned; the conviction is settled that things must go down, down, down to tbo very bottom before tl.oro can Ik- any rcc.o- i verv. Everything unsound. whether it bo a feMMtM, , trade, bank, mortpago or newspaper, must give way. , Any concorn that requires artificial aid or Uristorina j op la doomed; six months more of such times us iho j present and hie jacrt over tho door. Kxcbango at 4S | to-day means mischief; every ono who understands ! this market knows It, and, unless the authors ol tho I projects can succeed In putting the exchange up to 62d, < we can see no effective help given to the market | As to fixing the prlco of cedulaa, beyond the holder* ; or mortgagers no one In the market cares what their j pnoo Is, but every ono Is Interested In exchange. , Vlowed In any light the week Is worse than tho last, tho crisis Intensities and the winter season opens omi nously." Some ol these expressions are slightly hys terical, but tho figures speak for themselves. HOSTILE SIOUX. STARTING OF GENERAL CROOK'S EXPEDITION? REPORTED FIGHT?MOHE TROOP8 REQUIRED. CilcYENXK, Wy. T., May 19, 187d. The last two companies of tho Second Cavalry for Crook's expedition left Fort Russell at ono o'clock this morning Tboy will cross the river at Laramie, march ing up the nortn side to Fotterman, to bo Joined by troops, which leave tho railroad at Medlclno Bow. tbo whole forco reaching Fetterman about Wednesday morning, when Colonol Royail, of tho Third Cavalry, will tako command, under Crook, of the entiro forco. .At the first halting placo last night Ave desertions oc curred, the men taking their horses and equipments with them., inmaxs arrrt'iD. There arrlvoJ llrora tho Black Hills to-day Alderman Xealon and J. D. May, of this city. They report meet ing Raymond's outfit on Indian Creek, whoro they were then engaged In a hot fight with Indians. Tho Indians snoceeded In capturing thirty-five head of stock, when they were driven off. They also met about 400 men, with eighty wagons, northward bound, at Hot Crook, where Captain Kagsn's command had also halted. Leaving Hot Creek, thoy rode Into Fort Laramie unmolested. Tits GOLD HARVEST. Tho gentlemen are reliable authority, and stato that at Whitewood snd Dendwood Crock the claims ure being successfully worked, yielding $10 to $20 to tho man, but beyond this district the hostility snd olt repeated attacks of Indians on the prospectors bas almost paralyzed tha efforts nt the miners. more moors waxtko. Governor Thayer departed oastward to-day to seen re, If possible, additional troops to protect this frontier during the absenro of the garrison forces in the Big Horn country; or, falling In this, at least to procure arms aud ammunition for a militia organisation. A ROTTEN BRIDGE. FOURTEEN PABSENGERM INJURED BT A RAILROAD CRASH. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 19,1878. A special to the Enquirer from Carlisle, Ky., sny? tho North bound train on tho Mayrillo and Lexington Rail road broke through a lirldgo near tttllersburg to-day, wrecking pas?ettger car and a baggago our. No person was killed, but fourteen passengers were In jured. some of them severely. MILLS WASHED AWAY. Bangor, Ma, May 19, 1S7& The Union Mills, ofOrono, Me., which aro owned by Messrs. Oilman A Webster, havo boen almost entirely washed away by the high water In th* river undermin ing them. The damago Is estimated to be between f 7,000 and $8,000. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. .1 Wa? Dktartmsxt. Oewcs or ttt* Chief Signal Orrtrr.R, [ Washington, May 20 W a. M. ) J'rotKibiHtif*. For tbe South Atlantic States, stationary or rising barometer, southoast to southwest winds, continued warm, partly cloudy weather, and In North Carolina , occasional light ml lis For the upper tako region and Upper Mississippi Val ley falling, followed by rising barometer, fresh and brisk southerly winds, veering to westerly, warmer partly cloudy weaihor and rain areas except lower I temperature In the latter. For iho Missouri Valle.nrlslng, followed by stationary ! barometer, westerly winds, possibly sgsln shifting to 1 southerly, and slightly cooler, portly cloudy weather. For the lower Iske region falling baromctor, easterly 1 winds voering lo southerly, warraor, partly cloudy I weather, and rain areas. For the Middle States, rising followed by falling ; ' barometer, southeast to southwest winds, generally | I warmer, peril v eloudy weather and local rain, especially ] j In the western portion. For New F.ngland, rising followed by stationary bar ometer. northerly winds, veering to coolor easterly and ; ; partly clondy weather. Tbe Upper Mississippi snd Lower Ohio rivers con- | i tlnue rising. Cantlonary signals continue at Oululh, Marquette and ; Kscanaba. THE WEATnEB YEBTTBDAT. The following record will show tho changes in the temperature for the psst twenty-lour hours. In ??m psrisnn with the corresponding date ol last year, as indicated by tho thermonivtcr a> Hudnnt's pharmacy, Hsnu.n Bunding:? 1S7&. 187ft. 187ft. 1ST?. 3 A. M 47 MJ 8 :'?'/) F. M "4 *4 6 A- M 47 69 6 1'. U A'.? 7.1 9 A. M 64 67 9 I*. M 47 66 12 M 61 73 12 V. M 54 82 Average temperature yesterday 87 Average temperature for corresponding date last CROOKED WHISKEY. BBT EL ATIOlfa Of CONK1 rVO, TUB IKDICTID EX-&BYBKUB 1CBST?ISBIDB WOBKIBOS OW THB BRCQ?A B7ATSJIZNT ' IMItlCATUlO PBOBIZKBKT NOBTHWPSTRRN BEPrBMOAXB. Mi: wackkk, May 18, 187& Conkllng. the relorafd ex-Revenue .Agent, who m? eaped to Canada when indicted for fraeds on the gov ernment, la now In Chicago, having obtained Immunity 1 on subscribing to a written statement containing the j foil inside history of the Milwaukee Whiskey Ring, j Tlila statement wna handed to tbe government pros* i ruling officers, and they pave Conkltng a written un- ! dertuklng of Immunity on condition ot his returning to j tfils country when wanted. General Hamilton, United Hlates Marshal here, went to Windsof, Canada, with Suporvtfor Matthews, In pursuance of eorrcspon- ; dence going on lor weeks, found and obtained from j Conkllng an oral statement of what be would be abl? to prove should ho bo brought to the witness stand and ! the cn?o ?cain*t him voile pmtnquitii. This statement ,< lie several times varied, but the written statement Is j lull ir.rt rlcar. exposing completely the entire vlllany of 1 tho Whiskey King and some ot the principal acts ol i rttoMtxKXT rKttiv)Ka Batmen th* kiso. The statement *ets forth, among other things, that a | nn tuber of ofllctaU of the Kerenno Department who j formed part of the ring, being discharged, were rein- I Ftato<l by the personal Influence of an ex Senator, and j that a lending organizer of the republican party of this flute received the money paid by the Wfjiskoy King for this purpose and for the general protection ol the ring, ami carried it (or and on behalf of tho higher persons who were behind tho ring and under whose protection the Kit.trps win* lino rojiMiTTKn. Conkllnc h is testified In Chicago under this arrange ment. and he in under an arr>'rment to come to Mil wnnkeo when w.mtei:. which will ho tn the event of a grand Jury being called lor the pnrpove. To do this, the District Attorney will have to net. and it haa been raid ho is not likely to do so. as he is a friend and admirer ol one of tho parties sup; used to have been Implicated by Conkllng; t\licreax 1 havo It (rum more than ore person familiar with the princi pal", that no love Is lost between the two. Inasmuch as the statesman opposed tho appointment of the District Attorney, speaking of his ability In a very disparaging manner. It looks now, theroioro, as though tho per sons wh se reputation has been fo long assailed by innu endo will have an opportunity very soon of removing tbe ClOl'll O* THKltt CnAKAOTlR beloro a Jnrv of their fellow citizens, and If able to do so there will lie general rq}ofclng among thousands ot good republicans and even democrats In this State. The lawyer* who have the statement of Conkllng In hand refuse to say anything about It, or to gltrit any part or even a summary ot it for publication, declaring It would be a breach of faith. Tho reason for tills is, It Is supposed, that it Is (eared Conkllng cannot bo brought to tell on tho witness stand what be freely subscrilmd to on paper, and government is afraid to make itsense known until they havo secured th is % cry slippery customer's testimony beloro tho Grand Jury mtjnn'b trtat. CniCAQO, III., May 19, IS70. In tho Mnnn whiskey trial to-day sovontl witnesses worts Introduced who contradicted Kohm In several particulars and testified to the good character of the defendant The defenco rested Its case, and tho Court took a ro ccfs until this altornoon. SUIT FOR DAMAGES. St. Louis, Ma, liny 19,1874 Hugh F. Summers, of Pike county, one of tho Juror? j In tho MoKeo wblskcy conspiracy trial, who was charged with having prejudiced tho wo, lias filed a suit agnlnst tho Oli/he-Democrat for various articles published in that paper defaming his character, for which ho claims $.">0,(00 damages. ACTIONS AGAINST RONDSMEN. ? St. Loots, Mo., Hay 19,1878L Two civil suit* against tho sureties of Jamos Busby, one of tho Wblslcey Ring distillers, wero concluded to day In tho United Stales District Court, tho Juries bringing in a verdict in oach cnao for the full amount of the bonds? $70,000. All suits of a similar character acninst tho bondsmen of other distillers and rectifiers will enmo on ns rapidly as possible, and District Attor ney Dyer expects to realize about $1,000,000 for tho 1 government lrom them. CUBA. THE MEANS OF DEFENCE AOAINST "FOREIGN ENEMIES"?BIO OUNS IN HAVANA?ESTATES BURKED BY THE REBELS. Havana, via Key West, May 19, 1878. Tho Dinrio, in a leading article to-day giving tho number and doscribtne the pieces of cannon available as n means of defence of tbe city against "foreign ene. rat oh," says, among other things:?1"We have eight Krnpp gnns in Ihe armory, which, although of no nse against incendiaries, would bo of great advantage In preventing tho dlsombsrkatlon of foreign enotnles and to prevent a coup de main. Although tho latter Is not probable, tho more prepared wo are for emergencies the more wo aro guarded against possibilities of this nature." VALIUM.* ESTATES MJBNEO nY THE ISStTROESTS. Tho insurgents In tho Jurisdiction of Colon have ' lately burned tho estatos In Alzpurua belonging to I Soil or Sccadas, of Cardenas, and In Escorlal, belonging to Scrapto Hernandez. HOUSES TAEEK. At Bonquo they took nil tbo horses they could find A NKW SECllETART. 1 Fldal Gucrra has boon named as Secretary of tho In I tendencia. He Is notorious from having bocn Sccro | tary of the Junta Dcuda. THE BRAZILIAN EMPEROR. Toroxto, Ont., May 19,1879. Dom Pedro has signified bis intention of visiting tliia city daring tho summer. ""extradition. SMITH, THE DETROIT MURDEBKR, TO BE SURRENDERED BY THE CANADIAN AUTHORI TIES. Toronto, May 19, 1876. Tho case of Karalno Smith, held by tho Windsor authorities for extradition lor tho murder of Mc.Keon ! In Detroit, was nrgnod before tbo Judge of tho Court of Queen's Bench, It having boon sent there by Justice i Gull of the Practico Court, who heard counsel yesier 1 dav' Mr. Glass, counsol for tho prlsonor, objected to the extradition on the grounds that the warrant of com ' mltmcnt was delectivc under tho statute and treaty, 1 and that there wan not enough evidence to show tho ' crime was murder. Tho Conrt hold tho warrant of commitment sniw.nntially correct and proper under the ! statute, rnlmg that tho omission of unimportant technl 1 ealitirs'ln the form of the warrant was not fatal, as had been contende.L Be hold also that thero was enough evidence to establish a primA Jnrit case of murder. I Tho prisoner will, thoroforo, bo extradited. ? HOTEL ARRIVALS. i General Georgo 15. Mcdlellan and family arrived at ! tho Sturtevant House yesterday from Baltimore. Pro. fossor Herrmann and Messrs. Rouleaux, Wegoler, Detn hard, Goldsohmldt and Litngon, of tbo German Centen nial Commission, arrived lrom Europe yesterday snd are at the Fifth Avenuo Hotol. Chancellor John V. I* Pruyn, of Albany, and Lieutenant Commander John C. Kennett, United Slates Navy, aro at tbe Gllscv House. Albert Biorstadt, the artist, Is at tho itrovoort Hons?. Senator Franklin W. Toboy, ol Port Honry, N.Y., is at tbo Windsor Hotel. J. A. Langford, LUD.. of Bir mingham, England, is nt tho Union Square Hotel. Ex Congressman E. O. Stanard, of Missouri; Colonel n. 8. MeComb, of Delaware, and Smilh M. Wood, of Platts l.urg, N.Y., aro afctho Filth Avonno HotoL A GENTLEMEN'S HATS?SUMMER STYLE FOR 1K7?| mrr ready for Inspection and sale ?t E.SI'KXSCIIEIH'S, Manufacturer. IIS Nassau ??. A.?RUSSIAN VAPOR BATHS, KO. 26 EAST ?TH St.?"I'lanc"*" constantly overflowing with fresU water; thorough rlnnollne**. good lltflit and ventilation, pollts at tention snd (funeral Rood order. A FORTUNATE DISCOVERT.?THE EFFKCTIVE Stt.K Rustic Thus* >?ld only by KLAfiTIC 1 UJJKK ?!??>(? PaNY. Broadway; w?rn es?y nitflit and day; taper sedrs metal truss. A.?"ROMANCE AND REALITY" ARE EXEMPLI Bed In the Hat Tsaiw. It is roinsnee to Suppose thatKsox's llaTftir c?ntlsm?n e?n b? o-tnatrd. I he reality ts estab lished by ?ho in-rfo-tlon and rUfsnO" oftlia fabric sold at hi. Mora*, ll'j :tr.. dW >r H>d 111" Klfth Avi um Motel. A?SKIN DISEASES A~ "SPECIALTY. ?ECZEMA, rln-r'j<o-m. ?ycost?, ?<-na. hlaekbeads (flesh worm*,. ;ilm|>ly ami"other emotion*. nmmnril redne*?. antlmely wrinkles. Til,,111 lmirhr. tr-M-ales, niotr*. warts and won* rnrwd by Dr. Li " if-KHKY. t>atn?niolng??t. No. 41) Bond St.. .New tork. A.?PERRY'S MOTH AND V11X0RLE IX)T!ON IS ?old by dru?i!t?ia avrrywh?ro; also Pitnnr'S Cohkimsk and PmrLs Hswsnv. tlia infallible **ktn Medietas for l':mples, Flash Worm* or Hlaekln?ads. I'raparrd only by Dr. B. C. PEhHT. Dermatologlat. ti> llond ?t.. N'aw York. CORNS, BUnToNS, TngROW1 NO NAILS CURED wlih'Mii ii^lti foMS Uimc, li? nisll, Vl rents. Dr. KICli JOIINriON. J1J Broadway. ?,,rner Kullon ?t. GOLDEN HAIR. ? BARKER'S AURORA CHANGES any hair i<> *old?n Depot. It * ItKKlt'it Human llalr an l Wlc I'srlor*. Wast .'?>li >i KEEP'S CUSTOM SHIRT-*, MADE TO MEASURE. Th* *?*ry bast. HI* for (W. ^7l Broadway and Ml Arab St., Philadelphia. SUFFERER* FROM RHUKMATISM SHOULD IMM? dlately try Dt. FiTLUR'* HnawBATi" w?wr- sale at ItJahsA WIGS, TOUPEES.?O. RAUCIirUSS, PRACTICAL arid Importer of Iluinaa Hair, 44 Km 121k )i ~ SffcW HI HI.IC VTIOM. 'rruiot NEW BOOK* . . JjL publUhed hv . IlAJ.l'KK A ItUOTllKBS. I. DAXHSL OEROSDA. Volume Mr?t By Oterfi Flint An III or of "Middleniarch," "Komola." " AJan. Hide." Ao In two n.lumea. 12m*. cloth. ?1 SO per volume. iVo! 1 no* rea&ly.) tl. RTRAY STL'DIKS PROM KRflUXD AND ITALY. II.V J. K. Green. author ??f "A Short History of the Knslllh People." Post B'tfc doth. (I 7i; uncut edges knit eat III. THE PKIMB a novel. By Anthony Tr?l lonr. author of "The Warden." "Barehester Towera," "Urier Knrm," "The Small llnn-e at Alliuictou." " Phlueaj Finn,'1 "Phlnea* Kedtix," "Doef-w Thome," "The Way Wo Live Now," "Can Von Foritive ller V Ac. 8vo. paper, 75 eeu la. IV. ANNUAL RECORD OP SOIENCK AND INDUSTRY POH IS75. Anu'tal He.ord of fcieiiro and Ituluairy foi 187.V Edited l.y Spencer P. Italrd, with the aasistaaca ol eminent town ol aeimco.^a limn, elotb. t>? Uniform with tlie volume* n| the Annnel llecordof M> ence aud Industry for WT1. 1871, 1873. 1S74. OK AY'S POFMS. Select Pneina nf Thomas Gray. Kdlted, with N a tel. by Wl.liain J. Hollo, A. M., formerly Ilea* Mailer of tiie lliirb Srliool. Cambridge, Man. Illustrated. Squnro Ittino, Olotli. 00 cent*. VI. MACAULAT'8 I.IKE AND l.ETTBBR. By hit Nephew, U. Otto frevelyan. M P. Willi Portrait on Steel. inli Hvn, Cloth, uncut cdxcs an^l iyll tops, $J M per volume. THE DILEMMA. A Novel. Hy the Author of "Tka Battfc ol Dorking." bvo. Paper, 75 eenta. VIII. WHY WE I.AUGH. Hy Samuel 8. Co*. Antbor of "Bock ere Abroad," "hljcht Year*, in CongreM," "Winker Boa boutus," Ac, 12ron, Cloth. 91 50. IX. DEAD MEN'S SHOES. A Novel. By Mia* M B. Braddon, Author ol "Aurora Floyd,'' "A Hlramre World," "JehB M*rchm?nt'? Lecscy," "Utl for Love," "Round to John Company," '?Bird* of l'rey," "Eleanor'* Victory." Ao., Ac. bvo. Paper, 7.i cents. BOKINKON'S ORIISOK'8 MONEYt or.-The Remarkable Piniiitcial Portonoa and Misfortunes of a Remote Island Community. Fiction foatnled upon foci By Darld A. Well*. With lllustrations by Thouias Nasi Hvo, paper, SO cents; eloth, $1. XI. TIIE KQUIBR'S LEGACY. A novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of "Old Mvdrielton's Money." "Victor and Va? qttithed." .to. Hvo, pi per. 75 rents. CARTER QUABTERMAN. A novel. By William M. Baktr. author of "Inside," "The New Timothy," "Mose Emus," "A Good Your." Ao. llluatrntcd. bvu, paper, 75 cents. XIII. THE FRENCH PBINCIPLA.-Part II. A Plrst French Beading Book. Coiitiiiuiiii; Kablca, Anecdotes, Inven tion*, Dlnooverir*. Natural History, Ireiuh History; with Grammatical (Question* and Notes and a Copious Etymo logical Dictionary. On tho plan of Dr. William Smith's "Principla Latinn." 12inn, cloth, 91 23. il'art I. of the French Principla, 7"> cents. I XIV. THE GERMAN PBIKCIPIA.-Part I. A First German t!ourso. contiilnliii; Urniniiwir. Delectus and E*erelsa Book, with Vocabularies. On the plan nf Dr. WIlHnm ftuiith's "Prinripla Latina." 12tno, elotb. 7Ac. XV. PAliSANIAS TIIE SPARTAN. Aji unfinished historical mmaiice. Hy tlie late l.urd Lytton. Uvo, paper, joo.; 12tno, cloth, 73c. XM. VINCENT'S THROUGH A.ND THROUGH TIlKtBOPICB. Through and Ihroutli tho Tropics: Thirty Thousand Mile* of Travol in Oretnica, Anntralnsla and Iudla. By Prank Vincent, Jr.. author of "The Laud of the Wbit* Elephant." 12mo, cloth. S?1 -~>0. XVII. HIS NATURAL LIFE. A novel. By llareaa Clark* Hvo, paper, 75c. IIARPBR \ BROTHERS will send either of the abov? work* by mall. |io?ta?i' prepaid, to nnv part of the Unit*4 Status or Canada, on receipt of tho price. ? ABPER8' CATALOGUE mailed free on receipt of 10* HARPER A 1SKOTUKKH. Krnnklin square. New York. APPLBTONS' ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK ef AMERICAN CITIE8, comprisinK tho principal cities in tho United States and Canada. With outlines of tbroucli routes and Railway Map* 1 vol., small Hvo. Paper covert, SO rent*: cloth, 75 cent* "The main object that baa been kept In view in the prep aration of this'Handbook of American Citios' baa ba -n 14 combine fnlnea* anil precision oi' itiiormatioit with the ut* most attaitiaole economy of space, and to present the intor> niation ill aoch a uiiiniirr a* to M-curo the greatest posalul* facility lor cou*ultatioii."? Extract Irom Preface. Onldo Book* published by D. A. A Co. Appletons' Hallway Guide 25 Appletona' Kuropeau (iuiilo 90 n) Appletons' Northern aud Ka*torn Tour 2 "0 Appletons' Weater'i Tour 2 <*) Appletons' Southern Tour 2 tt) Now York Illustrated..., S) The Iladaun Biver, Illustrated M D. AI'PLETON A CO.. Publishers 5411 and 551 Broadway, Now Vork. Either of the above sent, post paid, to any address In the Uni'ed Slates on receipt of price. Y SPLENDID SUCCESS. RECORD OP TUB TBAB. Third Number (JUNE) Just ready. Somotlilni: new and original in the way nf a Monthly Mag azine. lleiii^ u tort of Kelerence Scrap Hook, or monthly rccord ol important event* that happen In any part of the world, with a selection ol tho most popular mlacellnny of the current iiiontU. prose and pottry, lorelsu and doniestle. Edited by Prank Moore, ot the "liehelliou llerord " Beautifully printed, with an elegant steel Portrait of the most prnunn nt persons ol the inontfl in each number.Q By far tho r.o?t ? utertnliilu/ and valuable first claa* moaihly maeaisiiie ever l**neo. Soldevery whero. Yinrly *ub.*ci Iption* be^in with any month. O. W. OABLETON A DO.. Publishers, New York. SAHKL?"MADE " (?K _GOD"?MINKICAL HPHING Water, daily proves It has no oqual In the hitherto latal diaease*. restorinit ihoee who were rapidly sinking and pr? noun cod beyond boix?; books free Diacno?l?, Analysis and Books by Dr. UIAIH, eflaes 300 llroiwiway. RE~Y<UJ_GoFng_INtT> THE COUNTRY t HOME JOURNAL i in tains now list nf Summer Resort* giving prices, distances aud otber particulars. Send M cents to MOKItls PHILLIPS A CO.. No. 3 Park place, N. Y. ^JAROLlKh IIERSCHEL. Will. Portraits. 1 vol. I2mo. $1 75. MEMOIR ASII CORRKSPOMDENCB OK CAHOLIS1 II Kit.SCIl HI., Slater of Sir William nn<l Aunt ot Sir John llerschol. By Mr?. John llerschel. "Thl? elmrmlnic llfo. It I*. In lact, almost an antobia prnphy. V hat ? wunderlul old ?ml yonnn woman sho ap pears to have been, Mid bow marvellously 'ha wax devoted to Itor brotlier. We think that Mm. John llerschol has duM well to hau l down tho life ol Iter dliilniiuisbed aoce?tor."? Popular Science lleviow. "ThU I* a pleasant book. Comparatively few In thlf generation know anything about ('aniline llerschel; but ?lie waa well known In the laat century to the men oi selrnce. She wai hor?alf distinguished as tho laithful an4 loriiitt assistant of lior brother in helping and fnrwardin| bin labor*."?AtheuaMtm. "A book loll ol interest for thoae whoso *clentllle taitai ?nd leaning" will nwaken In them a ready sympathy will tbe difficulties, ihe labors and the triumph* of tUo*e will whose domestic habit* and Inner life lltey are thus brought into famllinr <?>niact.' ? Kailire. "If tho lift* of Mary Somervillo fn of remarkable In tor ??t. Ihi* slater-biography, if one may a*o inch an expre? slim. Is by no mean* ita inferior, being a alngnlar record ol oheiables* *nrraountod by per?everaoco and the most deter* mined and unconquerable soil-devotion, distinguished also by a qnaintuesa all It* own, and rendered extremely enter tainiUK by Ita picturesque skotchc? of lv>mo and lorelgn lif? and manners. while, aa an imconsclotia rharac tor-port rait, the autobiographical portion l( In Itself a cuarrulnf study."?Spectator. D. APPLETON A CO.. Publisher*. .'?411 and Vt I It road way. Sent free by mall to any address in the United Stale* am recolpt of tlte price. ^SliMTBNMAL AMERICA ! Now ready, MORFOHD'S SHORT TRIP "(r.CIDB TO AMERICA, materinlly rewritten and enlarged; all route* made plat* and easy and the Centennial Exhibition plainly opened; with map* and picture*. Two edition*. In paper, with map. .'?<) cents (the cheapeit book orer pub lMied in American ; rl. Ill, blue and cold. i?ith two mapa, f L PORTER A CO ATM, Publishers. H."J Chestnut at., Philadelphia. ("ItiBAPBlfT BOOKSTORE*!]* THK WORLD?(IRAN D J Centonulal catalogue free. LKlXiAT , Na S lloekiuau ?t. IflRESll BOOKS ~ " I for TUB CENTENNIAL TEAR. I. THE PLEASURES Of A Ml UNO. by i.eorce Dswsoa, ofllie Albaur Evening Journal, a veteran spurtstnaa. One volume, tinted |>?p*r. Khgantly Illustrated.. .91 '<0 9. A I.IKK Ir IMS. .NOfT, lor <M year* President of I'uiot College, by C. Van Kantvoord, D. 1>., and Protsisor Tayloj I<ewis M 3. i'KAlt LADY DISDAIN, ny .Initio MrCarthy ...SI 4. TEMPEST-fOSsBt', by Tbondere niton f| 71 5. LEAH; A WOMAN OK KASillON, by Mr*. Annl* Kdwaril* ... SI 0 MY I.IKK O.N THK PLAINS, by (ieneral Custar. lllu*. traied SS 7. OIK POETICAL KAVORITKS, by Or. A. C. Kendrich. Two aerie*, each SJ S, WORDS AMI THEIR USES. by Richard Urant White.*1 9. A liivroltv OK ANCIENT AMD MODERN PHILO SOPHY. brJo'aph Haven f] IU KOtlKTS TilKSAt'BUfl OK hMOI.IMU WORIM AM) PIIRASKK. New edition *1 II. 1.IN1.KY KOC11 iKii. by .1 u?tin McCarthy *1 12. OUOHT Wh TO VISIT IIKit > by Mra. Annie Ed ward* |l 13. PAUL MAisSIK, by .lunln McCarthy ft Either of tho above aent by mail on recclpt ofllie prie*. SIIEI.D"?N A COMPANY. Mo. h Murray at.. New York. The progress ok science. Now ready, I vol. I'i mo, with 'XI Illmtratlona, S3, A SHORT HISTORY OK NATI RAI. StsiKNCK AXD THE I-Itooluss <>K DISCOVERY KROM TUB TIMK OP TUK URMKKs ro TIIE PKKHENT DAY, POH SCHOOLS AND YOL'XO PERSONS. By Arabella B. Bnekley. "a hook worthy of heln?f ranked with Wbewell** "HUtory of the Indueilve yclenees It la on* wMeh *honld be Aral placed in the hand* of every oae who propoaea to become ? atudent <?> nMiral nclence. and It woula lie well If It wen adopted a* a nUtidvd volume In ail ear achool*."?I' ipulai Hvienee Keview "The doalcii of this book la to trace the hlttory of th* eredunl nnfoldlii); of the world of nature, age after are. to iimnn InteilK-ene ?; and at the tame time to tell (he ln*plr Itijc storr of the patience, hone*ty and devotion throatfh which the noble army of actentlSe heroes bare won from nature tltoee discover!** of her proceeeo* aod law* which wa poasess to-day. Ttie bonk will be a valnabln aid la the ?tudy of natural settnee."?Jnurual of Education "Science In Ml** lluekiey'a p*ire? appeal* no mere ab?tra* linn or bundle of recipe*, bat a busy hire of haaiaa IndnMry. Each discovery I* a* It v?ra impersonate*! la the dl*coverer, and the rlleei is almost lhr?t ol pacvantry. a* one plot ire?|?* figure arier anuiher enter* upon the ata<e with nl* peculiar gill, add* it to the la I acCMiouUtuiK pli* ol sidendid hnmaa achievement, and ?elc"'*ied an?t o?sillts*ed silk warm and fitly chosen word*, dis-ippears to make room for lira *ue c?s*or The charm ot this method for joathiul lasaxinatioM need* ne comment.''?Kiaminer. D. APPLETOH * CO., Pabllahen, M0 aad 551 Broadway. Seat Owe by mall taaay *i?is la Ik* ItatMdMaMs ?? ?mIM ef Ike price.