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THE RAILROAD FERRIES. Will They Have to Pay the City for Their Privileges? OPINION OF GEORGE T1CKN0R CURTIS. WHAT RAILWAY OFFICERS SAY. In addition to the present freight d.fflcultles betweon the trunk lines of railroad., creating bin h bittur rival- i ric, another unexpected dauber tho giant corporations which certainly hue not beeti provided tor. Tho lirst intimation of this gravu additional* trouble was given in the Hoard oi Alderiuen on J hursday altcrnoon, when Corporation Counsel Will iam t. Whitney presented a com mimical ion from Mr. George Ticknor Curtis in regard to tho necessary legal steps t? be taken by the city to have the Central Kailrnad ol New Jersey enjoined to abstalu Irom the lurih, r use ol the property or franchise* of the city, at the foot of Liberty street, North Jliver. and to re move its structures, sheds, fco., or to he sued lor dam apes for the trcspoM committed during a number of yearn. Mr. Whitney, in inclosing tho communication to the Hoard oi Mr. Curtis, rehearsed the tact that he? the Corporation Counacl-had been required, by a resolution ot March a and 13, to institute the necessary legal steus, not only to compel the Central Railroad of New Jersey to respect" the rights of the city, but he was required in addition to stop the transportation of railway passengers from the depot in the Twenty-third ward, New York, to Jersey City. The questions In volved were so Lioiuoiitous that llr. Whitney sought the opiuiou of Ceorgo Ticknor Curtis, which was given, aud its conclusions indorsed by the Corpora, iion Counsel WHAT CO>STITDT*S A FKHKY ? Mr. Curtis", in a lengthy and thorough mauncr. after reviewing the resolutions ol tho Common Council, said In ellect that the object wua to Institute an Inquiry into the right ol tho Now Jersey Central Kuilro*l Company to exercise. Irom the loot of Liberty street, North lllver, to some polntm the State ol New Jersey, a lorry franchise, or a iritnchisu in ihe nature oi a ierrv with out a licence from the corporation ot the cm 'of New ? ork ; aud to lustitutu a like inquiry into the right of a company w hich bus, since the passage of the resolu * on*, become known us the "Now Kngland Trauslcr Company, to u.\ u ferry franchise, or a lruneliiso Jjitbe nature ol a ierrv, Irom a point in the Twenty tl'lrd ward of this city to some poiut in Jorsov City Now York e Iro1" U,e corllor?nou of the city of Ki*V" l,,e7"VPnl<'ut 'o oWder. first, tho case of the , -"id 'rans.'nr Company, because tho lucts aro iup?bo ol a distinct statement, and because they nre sen the question in u peculiar aspect. 1 understand that the Now England Trausfer Company is a corpora tionorgunLed, under the laws of thi State of Connec ticut, to carry on the business of transporting passen gers, ami ireight by the use of .teutnboa "' " [he 21 n M ?r lh? UD,u d ">ut ior tno pur poso ol establishing u new route Irom Hoston oud New wh?e?"n Kei,('r;l">' '? Uu' Soull> ??"! Southwest, bv Which passenger, and ireight may be carried to points utli and southwest oi the city ol New York without eomnunv h Mrtnhalton I?'-"d. this transportation company, by an arrangement with the New York New Haven and Hurtiord Railroad Company, bring* uua- i ?eugers aud freight over that railroad to lis depot in I liorrlvania, now the Twenty-third ward 01 tbiscit v at a t point on the Harlem Ktver not l?r lrom .7* JuncVion J'!"'' ?>??? the passengers and'" ! sr.. there embarked on a transfer steamer called the ! Maryland, the property or the New Kngiund 'IVansfor Company, which piles at regular and suuubie intervals | and by regular trips, between the place ol emburkstiou I ?l Morrisainu and the company's dock in Jersey < ity | where the pa sengor. aud freight are landed, making'a* ' rif.0r.,1"1f",Ke V"lyi ,,e,tHX'cn Morrisauia and Jersey ? Cuj , thiit on being landed in Jersey City their further ' tiansporution to the tioutli or Souihwr-st is continued ? iron, that point; and that in like mnnner passengers ! ' coming irom the South und Southwest are .', ri !,"'8uUlir,,r,|*0f, tho su'"" ?teamboat from 1 Jersey City to Morrisauia, for the continuation of tho ? Journey to the eaat and northeast of this city, lain > ads t2n af U":I1l r"t",tH,rul,ou Uomuany charges i a distinct toll lor the passage and transportation I on the steamboat, nor do. 1 consider it material. I I * 111 assume that ihe compensation of the companv ' or the use of tho steamboat is included In a con tract made for the carriage over u longer route than this water passage, and that no distinct toll is taken in iresjiect to the steamboat. 1 also assume that the containing the passengers aud Ireight are embarked on tho steamboat a- each oud of tbe water m.Lb Hu?rrU"h0'h'rt!m boilt upon ttl(' respective railroads cnrrv i '"i i TranB,cr Corn, aay ha. contracted to ' carry them iu coiuiuuutiou ol the journey. A?umiug these to \* the iacu} the first question to \ ho considered Is. whether the Sew Knglan"Trsnsfe? Company has established aud is now running a ierrv between some point in the Twenty-thlrd ward ol tbfe n ,K"n!:',l J<,"?yCity. aud nee Mr(a, to B?t the language of the Couitnon Council, whether the ?aid company Is now runniug a lerry y 1 ho common law definition ot a ferry is a liberty bv BMSf?.P,V?U or ,lij0 klll?'s prant, to have n boat'fo^ pas-age upon a river lor carriages, horses or tnen lor reasonable toll. The dist.nctlon 'ol a veesol That il used as a leriyhoat Irom on- that is employed in gen eral commercial transportation, without being a lerry- l boat, cinsisis in lt*o regularity and periodicity ol trn.s be,ween fixed point., lor the purpose of cZ&iVg mm- ? ?engers, vehicles, auimuls or goods lor compensation i II a boat Is engaged in general commercial trnnsporta- ! lion, without the regularity and purposes of lerry trips i ?t i? not a ferryboat. II it is engage,! in makin/ree. ini * nd periodical trips between fixed points lor tho car riage ol passengers, &c., lor hire, it is engaged in tho ' business of ferrying. Nor is a Vessel tUausYo e , i |>lo>ed any the less a ferryboat because It is owne I or B!nployeu by n railroad conipany or a traniDoriaiion I company having depot, onf the' op^K"^ a rner for t!>o purposo of trausoortlnir it. passengers and Ireight serosa ibo Inleryeninr ** Th w*.*" 5 Court ol Api>eals, iu Aiken 1 ^ n ll"llrun<1 Corporation. 20 New York Rai'lrciJdri?ran.t b>',the '-gislatiire to the Western : nf iL T CorporatKin ol power to connect the terminus or its road on the east bank of the Xiudsotf with a deo?? Urt- %tw"X" 11 '"?> by l.npllcation give a ri"ht to establish a lerry, does not constitute such Ierrv a part of the ra.lroad lo b. operated under . U railr^d ! oi*lui>nT' """ ,b* r<,?u,ar a,1<1 "on?taut transportation ol lis ow n powengers, k<-., by mo .iisof s boni was ? rnwTh! n 'Cr.r>' ,rancb"w! wl,?0h could only I*. ex i > consent of the Corporation o/ Alhinv having the control ot ferries; and thai tbo ffrsiuiiouH orVn*!^ ?I ' P,'r?0DB not passengers ol the railroad ' " '"rlCe equally the exercise of a jrrry franchise as where tho carriage Is done tor a toh d t ritar1?Uii ?" decision r^sts, although hot formally atmouucod by the Court, is t int ll?e ncht to have a ferry tms always bt..n reserred by tlio sovereiprn power to be graatacl as ?* <ji tinct and special privilege, on account o! the luct thai tlic transportation involves an embarkation iip?n ti.o water, and there:ore the sovereign power or tho* ,o whom It. .Hth.rity is delegated, will eiercise u siwciul care in regard to ihe persons to whom the grant ? be made, a grant of ? right t? have a railroad with a terminus on each bank ol a river aud a hue extending beyond each teunimm, is not a grant of a lerry across the river; bul tie lerry must bo obtained by specille grant, which m.y be, ol In Ihe same chart r HU<i 8'K,, "'C ?ru,,t "i" railroad com' |>any estab ishes a boni lor the regular and periodic Iraiisportatien ol Its passengers across the river it is ? uthor"'yUrCI80 r? I^'1,Kb,HC? without .utilelent 1 cannot doubt, therelorc. that the transfer .team boat Maryland, It employed by the New JCuglsud Traus bont ?nrf'".1?r;.'n,I. m*DU?p*b?r* 'Upp-ned, IS a ferry ?oat and that the company is now exerclnn what would M lerry If It had obtamcl th" noce" sary authority lo run its transfer lx>at . v?r the water, that lie between Morrisauia and Jersey City .u ' :r ,ic<;a afk?a lf thla use ol the M.rylnnd, ubovo ?oppowd, constitutes it a ferryboat, why is noi ,.n vals'ir .Pair,|,er' r , x!'110" nl ro*n,"?'"nd llxed inter ' lr"ln u,c c'ty New York to a port In Kurono carrying passengers and Ireight, a ferryboat? and why ?re not many steam vessels which )dv from the of hew ^ ork, .t regular and tlxed inlefvil.. carrym L" l on^'Ulan if"*1? lo ,l on euho/shore of ??o ferryboats ? OBl*'de ol the limit, of this ciy, j b !.9^nswer to this Mr. Curtis mainUln.d that it is : sulln lent to say that th" highest judicial anlhoritv ot the 1 nlleil States lias decid,'d that the ri"nl to r,'^ul;,t? .err,es has never been ctalmed by th" X ? gov, ?n tnent. hM always l?eeii exercised by the Mate and never b> to Duress, and inora pari of the inn* a ot undelegated powers reserved to ihe SU(M respectively an.i^^ih a th. highest judicial authority ol the Niate'lin* decided that asteamboat employed by a railroad to transport its passengers and freight irom lis terminus on one bank Md K"' ?D anolhcr ''"'k isaferryNmt ?nd the Supreme Couri of the I'nited .suics n?. ,i,!' .nle.1 that whether . river divide, the .smteMliTqu ",,^ in ikTdeparting irom one of thorn lo land III tho other is a ferrvlxj.t depend, upon the place of S2!rtU.S '"d ??lU?K>n the tntervenmg wifier atid ?poo the regularity snd tlxed condition, oi the ,0? and to that landing. In ihe ?Me of the Maryland ihe place of deparlmS b at a point on the shore of the S River, within the Twenty third ward ol the city of New ' 1 ork, and the whole course ol the passage iy over water, lying within the territorial limits of the Mints 0r New York, until the vessels arrive within the limts of tbe 81.1. of New Jersey. 1 rat,n<,t doubt, the? .,ore ! that th. ferry thus established .Upend* upm ,hP lor us right. ' c"y A vessel may be duly licensed lo carry m the const Ing trade, but if she is used as a ferryboat .h. cannot derive the right to be so used Irom the license to carry ?n a coasting trade. The nolo difficulty in regard to the Maryland arises from the fact that Mornsanla was not until recently a part ol the city of New York and that the lerry rights ot the city as granted bv ancient rharters. In cx;>reas terms, embrnced only eoinm'inica lion between ih. is laud ,?f Manhattan end points out iweof that island, with one exception. The Ink nt eftbo legislature. i< evinced by recent annexation i Mia, will .how that there I. a Ruction horc which | ought to be submitted to Judicial determination. Tb# j IDleut of all the grants, bow ever. I take to be this:? That tin- Corporation or New York should perpetu- ; ally ana exclusively have. a* tmu ol its rights ol prop- i crty, the right to establish and keep terms Irom alt ! the territory suijeet to Its municipal jurisdiction. It wan diSIUSd tit aud expedient, by all the granting pow ers successively. that the Corporation of this rity ?should control all terrtM leadiug tioui any part of Uio territory subject to Its municipal Jurisdiction; aud tho whole of Manhattan Island w is referred to aa compre hended witbiu the ferry rights, at period* in the his tory of the city wbeu the actual municipal coveruiuoot i eruinly did not extend over the whole inland, for all purposes. I inter, therefore, that the Kraut* of the Jerry rights were in tended to confer on the city Corpo ration the right to establish and keep ferries wherever , the Corporation had or micht have the right of inu- : ninpul government, and on the Ixiug Island shore also, ; within curtain bound*. TliK saw JKKHKY CBN THAI. CASK. In regard to the caee of tho New Jersey Oontrnl Rail road Company, I uuderetand the facia to oe that the tuUl company occupies the southerly half of pier 14 North Kiver, under louse from the city, which haa lately been or la about to be renewed; that the company own* or claims to own, in fee, the iiortneriy ball of pier 14 and the whole ol pier 15, together with the ad Join;; bulkheads; thai the whole premises are occupied for tho passenger mid freight business of the company; that taxes on tho freehold and rent on the loaaehotd property have been regularly paid to tho city; but that the compauy, without having acquired any terry fran I chine from the city, runs one or more :-teambpuU I Irom the tire mutes above mentioned to Its depot or sta i tiou iii Jursey City lor the regular and periodic iraun ! portation of its passengers and freight. Tho right of this company to occupy the premise!! In question on , piers 14 and 15 is, of course, quite distinct Irotn tlx ; right to exercise from those premises a lorry i franchise. 1 am not aware tirnt tlioro exists ! any ground to question the termor; but 1 am of opinion that tho latter? namely, tho ferry?ciunot be ; exercised without being acquired in the manucr ro ; quired by law. It is not an incident of the right of occupation of the piers, lor 1 do not understand that | in this ."State a right to e?lublish.u terry necessarily he ! longs to tho riparian proprietor, and. it is certaiu that in this city it b'.lougs exclusively to the city Corpora tion. If 1 am right in them: views it results that proceed* ings ought to he instituted to enforce the rights of the I city, unless the roiupanies in quottion should hu wilt I ing to admit aud act ituuu those rights under umicablo arrangements without Ihe test of litigation. This very exbuustivu opiuiou from so eminent a source of course crcatcd considerable excitement not omy among tho companies directly tiutued in it, hut auioug others who woulu indirectly be lurgoly ullectcd by it, Mich as the Krio and 1'enusylvauia railroads, who cicarly have bcou ruumng terries. As it was supposed I hat the Central Kuilroad of New Jersey would be lirst proceeded against u Hkkald rep resentative went to the utQce ol that company, No. llfl Liberty street, and saw the President, Mr. John Taylor Johnson, who expressed Inmselt quite lreely about tho matter, as follows:?"1 have heard of tho opinion of Mr. Curtis; indeed, 1 anticipated whut it would be, lor 1 received a communication from hitu a few days mice asking inlorrnaiion Irom mo as to what this railway claimed iu regard to the piers, &c. We are not work ing a ferry; we do not charge a (are to cross the river, ' but only transport our railroad puscengers from certain | points >o certain points.'' Tho reporter here luior- i posed by suyiug, "itut Mr. Curtis meets exactly this point when he says, 'Nor is a vessel that is mi employed guv the less a lerryboat because it is owned or em ployed by a railroad company or a transportation com i pany having depots on the opposite t-nnlts of a river | lor the purpose of transporting Its passengers and > freight acroas the intervening water'" Mr. John- I son, renaming:?"In that 1 diflor from Mr. Curtis; | but I think there can be uo conflict between j the city and ourselves, and we are reauy i to meet iu a proper spirit ull proper demands; In tho j old King times the same questions came tip, aud of ; course we knew what that meant. Uf course there are | railroads who do run lerries and collect fares, but I i suppose they pay tho city lor iholr franchises. Tho opinion of Mr. Curtis was died, I beliovo, aud uo action I wus.yeMerduy taken by the Council, and 1 believe tho 1 Corporation Attorney, Mr. Whitney, iccoinniended ! thiit regtilur suits should be brought against corpora- ' lions to test the legal questions beloro any summary I proceedings arc resorted to. At any rate, I do not uniicipule any conflict with the city iu regard to tho lorry. '" As tho New York, ^ow llaveu nnd Hartford Kail road Company was uliuded to iu u morning Journal as being involved in the nbovo violation of law with tho New Transportation Company and tho fltenmer Maryland, the reporter went to tho Crand Central De pot and had a convocation with Mr. Jutiu J. Moody, Division Superintendent of the road, in tho course ol winch the gentleman stated f.hnt their road was in no tnnuner Involved in the question between the city and the railroad compa nies; their company only toolc passengers to aud from llartford, New Haven aud other points, und tnade tho connection at Kott lluven with tho steamer Maryland, bclougiug to the New Kngland Transportation Com pany, winch conveyed them to and Irom tho 1'cunsyl vaiua Kuilroad at Jersey City. Ho did not think tbo transportation company had any olllce in New York, the manager (Mr. Clark) transacting alt the business on the boat, wliich was a large allair, tho curs of the company being run direutiy upon it irom the ruilroad , wharf and truusiurred to ihe Pennsylvania Kuilroad i trains at Jersey City without churge. It was true this j looked like LKAVINU HEW YORK OCT IK THK COLD, but be thought it woqld not be of serious damage to the city. Mr. Moody added that tho New York, New lluven and Uartlord company was entirely distinct from the New York Central and Uttasou Kiver road, aud was not controlled by the latter. It will thus be seen that complications are threaten ing tho railways, in addition to the freight troubles aud the cult Bg ot rales East and West. CALL AN INDIGNATION MEETING. To tub Editor of txik Hkrald:? The time bus come when the people of this city should bund together und with thotr mighty will hurl the haughty car owners to the wall. That a few bloated monopolist* should bo able to thwart the wishes of tho great majority of our citizens is a blot upon the lame of the metropolis. Talc -, for example, the action of *thu Ninth Avenue Railroad Company iu obtaining an Injuuctiou against the Klevated Railway. For sevou teon yours this miserable one-horsn road hus run a pre. carious existence, with the 6inglo announced purposo ot proventmg opposition to the Eighth Aveuuu Rall road, owned by tbo same man. Iturlng that period It nas maintained from seven to twelve dilapidated vo hlcius, ruuuttig at intervals of <row ten minute* to ono ! and one-hull hours. It bus mado no profession to ac commodate the public in any one particular, and now, like tbe cur m uio majjgor, it in Mirirmg to pre vent the establishment of a railroad that will. I am no upologist for tbe Klevutcd Railway; it is a crude embodiment 01 a crudo Idea nnd susceptible of many Improvements, but this road curriea more passengers In one month than tbo Ninth avenue road dou* iu uue year, and it should be mstained uud encouraged, if lor no other reason. Resides this, tho Klevated road lias caused a luvorable change in every horse road in this city, as all our ciusens will attest, iloru earn ?re run, better time is made and greater civility shown than ever before. The Governor tilled his Messoge with "caml re form the Mayor covered much ground over the sub ject ol "city bonds." To the people ol this oily rapid transit is a fur more imi oriunt measure than both coin, iined, und yet our useless Common Council meet and adjourn from week to week and ureeithor too cowardly or too corrupt to touch tho high-toned owners of the city railroniis. No language is too severe to apply to iho officials who are owned body and so uj by the Kail road _ King, la junctions and opinions lavorable to horse ear proprie tors are to be liud lor the asking, and this city is ai lLo meicy ol an unscrupulous gnn,: of cormorants, who, haviiii: just finished the purcliaso ol a chc.ip I,eg<s aturn. aro now ready with ruoie money to buy up tnoro ot the people's servants. It it- uselorK to rfiinee words with iheso fellown any longer They have been robbing tho public lor years, have invaded our streets with impunity, havo Ignored ihe rights ot property owners, have violated the State nnd city laws day alter dnv, and now, thai tho tables are beginning to tarn against them, they lift their bands in holy horror hi the very thought ol other rail roads doing, in a modified way, what they have been ut lor over twelve years. The "$4,000,000" fund to pre vent rapid transit is formidable, it Is true; but It can ensily be overcome by untied action aiming the citi zens. An indigBallon meeting ol representative men should be called, mid at once, to protest against ttny lurthi-r delavs in the progress of rapid transit, to de mand tor ull new companies tbo same fairness and liberality which have beeu shown to the horse car owners, to muku it plum to those autocratic public enemies that the people are In no mood for trilling, and finally to administer a severe rebuke to those at torneys and olDctals who are so quick to answer when ever the men owning' tho bor/9 cars cry out tor help. I^t the people act with a common purpose nnd they will soon have the horse oar proprietors where tbe onco powerful I mutually Ring is to-dny. Mat 18, 1876. ANTI-MONOPOLY. BOUSE TIIK PKOn.K. To mi Editor or tub Hkrald:? From present appearance* tbe horse ear companies, in their fight against tbe elevated railways, bare It all their own way, and 1, as well as many thousand other sensible people, ask your great paper to appeal to the people who are In favor of rapid transit to give voice to their opinions In open mass meetings and tako other ineana to show the horse ear corporations that they cannot override the will of the people. As you have been always In favor ot rapid transit 1 aiu >uiai>D?x|iRMlettOf your opinion daily, II necessary, will so rouse the people as to crush the soalless corpo rations wbo rare lor nothing bat themselves. Re tpecttally yours, ELEVATED. Nkw York. May 19,187(1 DANUEIiOUS CLAIRVOYANCE.. Mrs. Warburton, of No. 106 Court street, Brooklyn, recently lost a gold chain valued at flUG, whloh was stolen from a box in which she kept ner Jowelry. She Visited a clairvoyant In New York for the purpo e of learning the best means to socure tho ttilcf. Tho for tuno teller informed tier that a woman stole the chain and gave it lo a nun residing In the same house. Mrs. Warburton was subsequently told by a jeweller that a young man named William Smith wanted to sell him a chain of the patient o: the missing one. The lady then procured a warrant lor the arrest ol Mr. Smith. 1 poii examination it was shown bclore Jin-tn.e Walsh that there was no ground whatever npon which to bus* tbo accusation, and he waa therelore discharged. SPRING RIFLE SHOOTING. ABBANOEMBKTB FOB TBX COMING MATCH AT CKEKRMOOB?PUOOIIKHH OF IKKPARATIONS FOB THE INTERNATIONAL MATCH. There were* two meetings nt tho roomf of the X? 1 tional Rifle Association yesterday aflernoou?one to I pregreas preparations for tbe international matcb anil the other to take action on the coining spring meeting at Creedmoor. Tho joint committee of tbe National : Kilie Association and the Amateur Rifle Club, having in ; chargo the i*rfectlng of arrangements for the Interna- ! tional mutch, met first, General McMahon presiding. The other members present were General Shalcr, Ma- ; jor Holland, Major Jewell, Judge Stanton and Messrs. ' Coughtrey and Alford. Letters were read from tho Chicago and other rifle ! clubs asking for information concerning the Interna- ' tional contest. To these answers bavo been sent in which the statement was made that the joint oommiltee bare made no provision to help defray the expense of members of rille clubs from other States who may succeed in getting a position on the j team. For tbe informiAton of such inquirers it is also stutod that those desiring to compete for positions wil| bavo to spend at least four weeks in Now York imme diately preceding the mulch. Tho commlttco having in charge the supervision ol the com petit ion for places on tho team was Instructed to procure scoring cards for tho use of competitors. Judge Stanton, ol tho Standing Committee on Finmice, reported tliM be hau called on tho officers of several railroad corporations and on hotel proprietors to interest them and solicit subscriptions, and ho ox- i pected to be successful in both directions. On motion, tho Secretary was directed to preparo a j circular for transmission 1? ell the rifle clubs nn<l as- > socialious of the United Stains asking tlioin to (insist In providing u suitablo trophy for tho international match. * Mr. Coughtroy was appointed a member of the Com mittee on irupliy to iiil u vacancy occasioned by resig nation. The Joint committee then ndlournod, and tho Execu tive Committee of the National Rifle Association or ganized a lew moments afterward, General Sinner pre siding. The subject under consideration was the spring meeting at Creedmoor, which takes place on Thursday, tho 261 b Inst. Tho first is tho Directors' match, 200 yards: position, standing; any rille; live shots; entrance, $1; tho prize, the fiireciors' Championship Gold Badge, shot lor an nually and held by the winner during the Tear, tho second is the Short Range match, open to all comers; position standing; uny riflo within tbe rules; I entrance. $1; prixes, a rille worth $76, nu $18 Hold glass, one prize of $10, three ol $6 and lour of &<. Tho third is tint Military match, open to teams of live Irom any company ol the National Guard of any of the Slates, the regular army, navy, tnariue corps, com posed ol company ofllcers, noa commissioned officers or privates; dlsiance 200 yards; position sfuuding; seven rounds; entrance fee #1 each. Tho first prize is a Hag worth $100, to be won three tunes before becom-ng the property of tbe organization ; the second a tent and the ibird a clock. The Mldrango match Is tho fourth on the programme. Open to all comers; distances?llioi-e using military rules (other than spocinl) to shoot at 500 yards; special { military rlflo to shoot ut 000 yards and th ?e using any . rlflo at 700 yards. Second class targets (twcuty-iw'o inch bull's eye) in all cases; rounds, live; |x>sition, any > without artificial rest; cut ranee lot* ?1 for each dis tance; prizos, a $76 telescope, a clock worth $34 and $20 in <a?h. The Individual match is open to all comers; distances?those using military rilles (other tlinn special) to shoot at fi00 yards; special military rilles to shoot at WW yuTilB, and those using any rifle, nt 700 yards. Second class targets (22 lucU bull's oyc) in all cases; rounds, live; position, any without artificial rest; entrane? iee, lor each distance. Tho first prize in this match is $76, the secoud a telescope worth $26, besides several small cosh prizos. Tho stxih will ho the "I.eoch Cap" match, under tlio auspices of the Amateur R ile Club. Open to all naliva j born citizens of the I'nlted State* and all resident members of tho Amateur Rifle Club, regardless of nationality; distances?MM), (KM) and 1,000 yards; posi- 1 lion any without artificial rest; rounds, ifteen at each distance, without sighting shots, weapon, any rille within the rules; entrance feo. $1 lor members of the American Rlflo Club, and $2 for all others. Prise? Tho taech. Cup, to be jiold \?y the winner during the your, and Championship Gold Radge, value $60. The seventh and concluding match will be tbe "Pat rick llenrv Rille' mutch Opon only to members of ! the Americsn Team and Resorve ol 1876; dlstnnce, j 1,000yards; rounds, 10; no sighting shots; any rule. Geucrul Knox complainod of the high rate of faro charged to tho members of the National Guard for tickets to Creedmoor, and said he would reootnmend the selection ol the Yonkers range if a reduction were not made. It was voted to address the rullroad com- I puny a letter relating to the matter. Tho Sccrotary was instructed to get SJO invitation tickets printed for distribution among prominent clti- j zona. CREEDMOOR. CAVALBT COMPETITION FOB MAHKBMEN's BADGER. The several troops of cavalry In the First division, of ibis city, and the troop attached to the Filth brigade, Brooklyn, contested for marksmon's badges yesterday nt Croedmoor. Tbero wore 148 raeu present in uniform. Colonel Farwell, Inspector of Riflo Practice of the First division, was in command of the troops. Tho scores of the winners of trophios are appended:? WASUIXOTOX OKKV TKOOP. yam ft. 200 i'ard*. ri 300 Gd Yardt. T'l ri Meat. A. T. Decker Sergeant Wilson Hi-rgoiut Mcllugh Serjeant Ross ?... Captain Bilker Private Voorhis I'rivato Rozell KtTgetflA roller Corporal Trimmer Corporal Halterson.... 4 4 4 8 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 6 4-1 5 3 3 4 4 2 0 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 2 3 0 1 I 0 4 a 4 0 3 3 0 2 3 3 3 4 6 4 5 2 0 4 0 2 4 3 0 0 2 :t 5 0 3 2 4 2 3 2 6 4 5 4 4 0 4 2 ? 3 4 4 0 3 13 2 2 5 5 0 10|3 6 0 4 3" 15 {3 0 0 5 2 16 26 10 25 SKPARATK TROOP?FIRST DIVISION. tiame*. Quartermaster Kpplo.. Lieutenant Heidi Corporal Welgoiil Serjeant Kelion Corporal Dillenbury... 300 Vard* 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 300 Od Tardt. ri T'l 16 2 5 3 0 6 17)4 0 2 3 3 1413 4 2 0 4 10 0 2 0 3 2 16 0 3 3 3 2 SSI'ARATK TROOP?riKTH nitllUPK Xn nut. I'rtvaie Walter. Owl. Sergt. Van Thnn.. I'rtvaie Noiher Lieutenant licid Captain Sandhusen 1'rivate Wlschmun..,., Private Neiber, br...., Cor|ioral lllolim. Sergeant Oeijin Q. M. Sergt Grane.... 1'rlvate I.akoiuan. Sergeant Tupe 2ai Yanlt. 4 3 4 4 4, 14 4 4 4 ft 3 2 2 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 S 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 4 2 3 4 4 ri 300 Gd Yardt. T'l T'l 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 6 3 5 6 3 2 2 4 5 3 4 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 4 4 3 0 2 2 t 2 2 4 0 15 [3 2 2 4 4 1(1.3 2 2 2 3 17 2 3 2 3 0 40 37 35 34 34 34 34 33 30 30 28 27 TIIIKD RKQ1MK3 T. \mner. Colonel Uudku. Sergeant Uosi Q M. Sergt. Meislobn. Captain Ilotmer Captain Ticdemnn Captain Vehslagp Captain Hurkbardt Vrn-alc Hugo 200 Yard*. 4 3 4 2 2 1 4 4 3 4 .1 3 $ 3 I: j4 2 4 3 U 4 4 5 5 2 2 3 3 2 4 I 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 4 4 T'l 300 Yardt. Gd T'l T'l 1 6 4 2 0 4 3 2 1 14 2 3 3 4 18|6 3 2 4 3 20 9 4 3 0 0 (3 0 3 4 4 0 3 2 3 1 0 3 0 2 HIGH RIFLE SCORES. Xitw York, May 19, 187#. To Tin Edith of thk Hrrald:? In your u<m of to-day, under tiie heading of "Ex traordinary Itifie Shooting," you. havo au account of tho return match at Hudson, N. Y., ou the 18th inst., between the Parthian Hide Club, of that city, and the Saratoga Rifle Club, of Saratoga Springs. In whieh the Partbisns won by a score of 604 out of a possible 000, wivb an average of 94. Yoir correspondent from that place, roiorriug to this excellent average, remarks:? "Tins Is aald to Ik) tho largest average ever made In a 600-yard cr>nie?t." In tills ho is in error, as the ap pended score of a prize match in December last, on the n?|? ol U.u Chicago llile- Club, al MB yards, by eight members of that club, will show. I give the aggregate of twenty shots by each man. One member made eighteen consecutive bull's eyes, but on his nineteenth sbol got in a three, and thns spoiled a "full scoro." The scores were as lollows:?08, E8, 'JB, 07, 90, 98, 94, 92?total, 709, oat of a possible 800. The avcrago boing, iim yon see, W,. Tin I'.inluuns did splondldly, but we can "go tbsm wo better" at CHICAGO. DROWNED IN THE SOUND. Tho body of aver/ respectably dressed woman, ap parently about vbiny-tWo years of age, was lound yes terday on the shore, at a placo known us "Ciarvey's Island,'! Flushing, L L Tiio shoes were mlsslDg. There were no marks of violence on tho body, but Uf on one of the limbs waa au nlcorous sore. In the poekets were fonnd $40, five pass books, one each on the Mfetro polltMn, llowery, Sixpenny, llunk of Savings and Citi zens' Savings Hank of New York, made out in the name of Sarah Roger*, who had upon in the books collectively the sura ol f 1.400 to her credit Upon papers which won found in the hooks the fact was asi > mined that she had lived al No. 343 West Thirty-ninth street, N<:,w York it Is supposed that she either fell or jumped from a Sound steamer while passing in this vlc;nity not more than two or throe days since. Coroner Hume is holding tho body to swan idcntiticstton and will con clude the inquest on Monday several hours after the liuding of this body that ol ? man was also found in tlio bay. Ho was apparently a pauper, and was so decomposed thai ho was buried im mediately after Iks inquest. There was no elsar lo bio Identity. RELIGIOUS. The Presbyterian General Assembly. SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Appointment of Committees?Relation of the Charch to the Germans of America. The Assembly spent a half hoar yesterday morning in devotioual exercises, and at half-past nine A. M. was called to order. The minute* wero read and approved. Tbo rules of order of the lost Assembly were adopted. To-day at ten o'clock foreign delegations will bo re ceived by the Assembly. Standing committees were appointed as follows;?On Bills and Ovortarea, Bov. Dr. Morris chairman; Judiciary, Jadgo Strong chairman; on l'ollty ol the Cburch, Rev. Dr. Llndsley; Ilofue Mis sions, Dr. C. A. Dickey; Koroign Missions, Dr. J. Ed wards; Education, Dr. W. C. Cattell; Publication, Dr. 8. M. Campbell; Church Erection, Dr. X. tfeaver; Theological Seminaries, Dr. Beadle; Ministerial Holier, R. Adair, D. D.; Correspondence, Dr. 8. 1. Prime; Mileage, Elder L. Jacobs; flounce, E. P. Handy; Nar rative, Dr. M. R. Vincent; Freedtnen, Rev. W. E. Knox; Leave of Absence, Rov. J. R. P. Page, and Be nevolence, Rev, J. (J. Monttort. Tbo roll of proabytories was called and tellers ap pointed to receive statistical reports, narratives, over lures, memorials, appeals, complaints and other papers lor the Assembly, such as reports oi tbo several com mittees of last year which were handed in. Dr. 8. I. Prime, of this oity, presented resolutions congratulating the Centennial Coin miss loners on the emphatic volo oy which thoy determined to close tbo Exposition grounda and buildings ou the Sabbath. This, he said, was determined two years ago, and it is an action in consonance with the laws of all the States upon this subject, and the law ot Congress, which do damn thai nothing in It should contruvene tbo laws of the States. This aotion la a tilting acknowledgment nlso ot the sentiment and laws of all the States of ibe Union, and a fulfilment of lb* contraot nuulo with the people who havo contributed thoir monoy to this Ex position. The resolutions were adopted unanimously by a rising vote, and a committee oi tblrteon, Dr. S. L Prune chairman, was appointed to deliver the paper to ! the Commissioners In Philadelphia, and to express the sentimeat of the Assembly on this subject. Prayer by Dr. Breckenridga followed. CMOS AND CO OPBHATIOX WITH T*1 BBFORXBO DUTCH CHURCH. In 1873 the Assembly appointed a eommtttee of con ference with a like commlttce of tho Roformed (Dutch) Church with a view to tho organic union of both bodies, lu 1874 the Reformed Cburch discontinued lis com mittee, but ap|>otntod a committee to seek for co-opera tion with the Presbyterians. Dr. Adams, chuirman of the Assembly's commiltoo, yesterday presented their report, declaring such co-operatiou inexpedient and asking for the dlschargo of the cotnmlttoe. Adopted. A committee of three was appointed to report on the place of meeting of tho next Assembly. A very Important momorlal Irom the Presbytery of Newark regarding the relations of the Prosbytertan Cburch to the Germans ol this country was r^ad by Dr. Cbarlo8 K. Knox, ol Newark. The Presbytery, after an ercportence of twenty threo years' labor among tho Germans within its bounds, which labors have been very successful In establishing churchcs among thom, bolleves that the oburch has opportunities greater than It has ever had, and, therefore, at | this time calls attention to tbo anbjoct of missionary 1 work among Germans. The Church has now 111 societies, 110 pastors and other min isters, and 8,000 communicants among tbo Germans. Fllteen ot those churches have lesa than fifty members each. Tho three States ot New Jersey, Pennsylvania mid Ohio have only a,610 members. Tbo Church has given only twolve books or publications iu the German language, only two of which are ol a general character. The Methodist Book Concern publishes the largest cata logue ol German books of any publishing house In the country. The Presbyterian church Issues one religious periodical in German; tho Methodisu have several and of large circulation. The memorial refers to the lack of theological schools for Germans in tho Presby terian cburch, and Nowark Presbytery asks the Assom bly to look into this matter and see if something more and hotter can't bo dono in this direction. Tho Method ist church has organised six annual conferences among tho Germans, and have 30,000 church members. The Baptists have also organized two German associations and 101 churches. The Episcopalians, too, havo within the past year established German missions In seven dioceses. The memorial pointed out the 1MPORTAXCB or TUB OKRXAK KLHHKNT In thia country still outside of toe Church. It Is a view held very largely by Germans that this oountry Is atlll i In a formative stale, and that they and their language will be tho controlling Influences nere by and by. The memorial depicted the character of American soelety, If such control should ever take place?Continental Sabbaths, beer gardens and amusements in lull blast on the Sabbath, aud the prevalence of materialistic thought throughout the land. It lurther pictured what converted Germans have already dona for the Church of Christ, and what may bs expected f rom that claw in future. Alter discussion, this memorial, which was deemed of great importance, was referred to a special committee of ten. The Presbyterian church at Leeshnrg, Va., aaked permission to sell in lauds, tho title of the same being Id this Assembly, tuough the church Itself is In com munion with the Southern Assembly, The Prosbyterv ol Ebcnezcr indorsed this request, and it was relorred to tbe Committee on Bills and Overtures. ASTSKNOON* SKSSIOX. After tha recess a momorlal was presented from tbe Fynod of Missouri asking that Ibe Assembly mske some provision for the rebaptism ot converts from tho ; Roman Catholic Chureb, whoso doctrines and ordt nuncos and seta neither tbo Presbyterian Church nor the Synod which bring* this memorial at all recngndo as acts of a Christian Church. A report was presented by the Committee ou Susientstlon sad Homo Missions ' which two interests were united under one board a year ago. The committee to whom was referred tho subject of the economical administration ot all the boards ot the Church reported that they hold meetings In this city and in Philadelphia, wbero in both places thoy examined books and employes of tho several boards, and they suggest thai, while tbe work is well and eoonomicaKy done nnder the preseut administra tion. tbe collodion of all funds for church erection bo tranaierrod to tho Home Mission Board's (jfllcers, aud that the boards of Church Erection aud Homo Missions, now united, consist nf twenty-one members each, to | be elected for tbe same time. Tho transfer of funds as auggcsled will save to the Cburch Irom $7,000 to f10.000 a year. Tho report was mado tho second order or the day for Tuesday. After half an hour'* discussion Drs. Adams, Hunt Ington, Aiken and another college professor were ex cosed from serving on tho Committee on Theological Seminaries on tbe ground presentsd by those gentle men ot delicacy to serve whero their own sots snd re ports shall be reviewed. The Assembly consumed much time al*o discutsing the proposition to admit Elder J. W. Edwards, of tbo Synod of Wisconsin, In the stoad of I tho commissioners clectod by the Presbytery of Peoria, who refused to attend, lie was not ml mined such precedent being contrary to the polity of ibo Church. Memorials and overture** on tbe Sabbath, on dancing, on representation and other subjects were presented to : tbo appropriate committees. Tbe l'resoyterv of India also memorialised for the formation of a Presbyterian Alliance in that mission land. Brooklyn's si-spay scnoot, pahaus. Mr. Israel A. Barker extended a cordial Invitation to tbo Assembly to wiincss the annual parade of tho Sun day School 1'nlon ot llroosivn on Wednesday next but an the Assembly had engaged to give that cut'lro day and evening to a consideration of foreign missions tho invitation wis respectfully declined. The Assem bly spoui Its last ovoiiing's session in a discussion of Sunday school matters. Addresses were delivered by J. Dennett Tyler and Dra. A. D. Moray and Marion R. Vincent ? Many of tho principal churches la New York and Brooklyn will bo liatriictod to-morrow by the minis terial members of the Assembly. Plymouth church will have the ministration ol Dr. David Wills, ol Wis consin, lu tbe evening and Mr. Beecbor In iho morn ing. The Tabernacle pulpit will he occupied by Dr. Cat tail, of Pennsylvania, in the morning and by Dr.Talroago lu the evening. Dr. Ilreckauridge, of Kentucky, will ?reach in the .First church, in Henry street, Brooklyn, he Westminster church, Brooklyn, will he ministered to by Rev. J. B. Dnnn. ol Boston(formerly ol Now York) and Dr. Dickey, of Philadelphia. Boaa street chnrch I will havo the services ol Dr. Georgo S. Boardman. of ' St. Paul, Minn.; the Reformed church on Bedford ave nue will have Professor Anson Smyth, of Cleveland. Ohio, in the evening. Clinton avenue Congregational I church will receive the ministrations of tha cx-Modera- ! lor. Dr. E. D. Morris, ol Cincinnati, in the morning. Professor C. a. Aiken, of Princeton, N. j.. will serve ! the Mariners' church, New Vork, and Dr. Jonathau Edwards, ol Peoria, III., the llrick cburcn in this cltv. Rev. A. H. Morev, or Cincinnati, will minister to South Third strei-t churcb In tho evening. Professor .lacotms, 1 of Alleghany Theological Seminary, will occupy tbe pull tut <?l CluU.n aireol Privhylerian church. Brooklyn, and Drs. Moutlort, of Cincinnati, and Dunning, ol Bones dale. Pa., will serve Franklin I'resbyiarian churcb, llrooklyn. First Baptist cburch. Nunsau street, 8. C. Logan, D. I>., ot Scrnnlon, Pa., m tho morning. Ufayoite avenne, Dr. Fowler, or Florida, and Dr. Camp ball, of Kooiioster. These are among the moat promi nent churches and commluionora who shall aacva aad b? served on taxtaf. A farther IM will be prepared for to day, inasmuch as many Meihodi-t and Baptist ohuKtiN nave applied fur preacher* lor their ptlptl& METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE. AH ADDilWb BT BUHOP CUMMI58?TH? LADIBb" BZPOSIXOJtY XDITOB&U1P. Baltibom, May 1?. !'??> Bishop Foster presided to-duy. J. W. Adams, of New Hampshire, presented resolu tions to amend the discipline to a* to provide lor the . expulsion of member* of the Metbodiat Episcopal Church who rent buUdtnga tor the ante or intoxicating drinks. Laid over until to-morrow. General Fisk, from the committee to wblch was re ferred the communication Irorn the Methodist Episco pal Church South, presented a resolution that, "in ohier to remove all obstacles to tormal Iratoruity be twoen the two Churches, the Board of Bishops tw di rected to appoint a committee of three ministers and two laymen to meet a similar commission authorised by the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and adjust all difficulties." The resolution was adopted. TheConlereueo then proceeded to elect a correspond ing missionary secretary. Ihe tellers reported 300 ballots enst, of which J. M. Retd, or Michigan, received 238, and ho was declared elected. A motion to reconsider the action of the Conference transferring the publication and control of the Pitts burg Christian Advocate to the Hook Concern ut Now York led to prolonged discussion, and was Unally carried. Bishop Cummins, of the Reformed Episcopal Church, wns introduced by Dr. Lawry, aud on coming forward on the platform wax warmly greeted, the Conference rising. Ho then proceeded to deliver-au elo<|uoni ad dress, saying thai all he was be owed to Methodism. l)r. Cum mi lis then gave succinctly the reasons which led to tbo organization of the Reformed Episcopal Church. At the conclusion of his address there was prolonged applauue,. aud a resolution of thanks and that a fraternal messenger should be sunt to this Church was adoptod. The matter of tbe'Plttsburg Christian Advocate was resumed, and the Conference dually revolved its action trnnsierritig Its management and publication to the New York Hook Concern. Tuesday, the '23d Inst, at eleven o'clock, was desig nated as the time tor receiving fraternal messengers lrom the Council. The report of tho Hook Committee rolatlro to chang ing the name ol the Ltuiiet' Jiepottlnri/, mid the general scope and character of that magnxiiio, investing the agents of the Western Book Concern, tho Western sec tion of the Hook Committee and the editor of the Kr jmaitonj with authority to make such change, was taken up and led to considerable discussion. The re port was finally adopted, and the Conference proceeded to the election of an editor ot tho LatiifJ llepotitury. Rev. Dr. E. Wentworth, tho present editor; Rev. J. F. llarley, of Ciucinnnti; Rev. (leorge M. Steele, of Wisconsin; S. H. Ncsbit, of Pittsburg; B. F. Crarv, of Colorado; R. Wboatlcy. of Now York, and Miss Fran ess E. Willnrd, of K. vaustou, III., were nominated. Tho voto was taken ami the tellers retired to count them. Tho Conference olocted Rev. Reuben Nelson and ltev. Luke Hitchcock as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer respectively of the missionary societies. A report and recommendation or the Committee on tho Hook Con cern to appoint a committee ot eighteen to have tho control and management of the publishing interests of the Church, with authority to suspend the publication of uny paper, was taken up, and. after brief considera tion, withdrawn for the preseut by the committee. Tbo tellers on tho tote for editor of the Ijuliet' Ii-potilnrt/ reported 308 votes coat?nccecsarv to a choice, 165? distributed as follows:?Steele, 104; Miss Willard, 6i; Murlay, 47; Nesblt, 41; Wentworth, 32; Crnry, 13; Whcatley, 8: the balance scattering: and no one having .a majority there was no oleotion. Tho Conference then adjourned until to-morrow. PLYMOUTH PRAYER MEETING. MR. HALLIDAY CONFESSES HIS BAD SPIBIT AND BEPENTS. Mr. Beecher was again absent from his Friday evon iog prayer meeting, and, hs a matter of coarse, there w?s rather a thin attendance. Mr. Haiiiduy presided, and after tbe usual exorcises said:?I suppose we aro all agreed that Christ was an example; that that was one of tho prime objocts He had in coming into the world. It was to show us bow to live, what we ought to bo, what should be tho groat end and alin of life. I think too often we overlook some of tho things for which Christ came to benefit us. Wo mike too much of tbo simple work of redemption. I do not know but we ought to giro that very greatly the priority; but we ought not to overlook the other things Christ camo to accomplish. Do wo .as much as we ought keep Christ before us as an example? We aro just emerging from exigencies that have ubsoroed our whole being for three or lonr years. I am not surprised thnt we havo boon almost exclusively absorbed in tbe things which have been (as it wero) thrust in our laces, but I don't know but! might have bad a better spirit through it all than I have hnd. I know 1 have not had tho spirit of Uhrist and now I feel as a seaman mast feel after he has passed through a tremendous storm, when he has omitted to attend to a great many things, but oxense* him-elf on account of*he storm, and when it ts over ana they look round they see much that Is to be done. I know I have lost spiritually during these months that have gone. I wont to get hack. 1 have sometimes indulged in a very bud spirit; I am sorry lor it. I won't say I have not bad provocation, but that is no excuse. Well, now, snotlier thing I wnnt to say?I am going to try to stop thinking ahd talking of these mutters that have absorbed our thoughts and attention, lor my park Had we not better f Had we not better get to I.AIIOftlXO FOR POOLS AOAtit f I want to begin to love my enemies. I never have half tbe troublo loving my enemies that I do to love the enemies of my friends. I want to have kindly, loving feelings toward those who have injured my friends. I want to have tbe spirit of my Mug tor, and until 1 get this I am crippled. 1 um not half a mau to pray. I see so much to be done, 1 want to be in a slate of mind wheie God will use me. Now I hope there are not any of you who have been so wicked as 1 have been in tho respects to which 1 have alluded. I hope none of you have cherished the leelings I have, but if you have hnd a little of it shall we come back and go to the tabernacle with Christ, and have Him breathe Ills sweet spirit upon us f SEAMEN'S MISSION. The Water Street Mission of the Port Society for 8eamen will celebrate its thirteenth anniversary to day, at two P. M., at the corner of Water and Dover streets. EDWARD J. WILSON'S DEATH. The inquest in the cose of Edward 3. Wilton was hold yesterday afternoon. It will be remembered that this gentleman, a prominent lawyer, disappeared on the 16th ult, and that his body was found on tbe 13th Inst, at tho foot ot East Nineteenth street. Tbe body was removed to Poekskill, where marks of violence were discovered on it Coroner EickholT, who had charge of the case, was very angry at the announce ment of this fact by the Hbrald, and wben Mr. E. C. Wilson, the brother of the deceased gentleman, from a letter to whom the information was procured, usxed him to postpone tbo inquest for one week he churlishly ret used. The ilrst witness called was James Dobson, of the Street Cleaning Department, who testified to having seen ibo tfaeensed ou the night of the 16th ult at tbo corner of avenue A and Tweuty-third street; witnebs observed him staggering and warned him of tho danger he was ruming in going along the pier; the deceased replied,-"You mind your own business and I will mind m:nc;" Mr. Wilson walked ou and soon fell into tba water; witness tried to rescue him, bol could.not. Officer Hurling, ot tho Ktghtecnth ureciuct, testified that he fouud the body and learned of Its identification. Cornelias D. Karle and his sister, Mary Karie, testi fied to the regularity or Mr. Wilson's halms. John 8. Wetberbee, of No. 2S6 West eleventh street, was tbe last acquaintance of the deceased wbo saw blm on tho night oi mo 15th ult He said that Mr. Wilson visited bis honso about eight o'clock in tho evening and inquired about some transaction in land In tho country which had not succeeded; tho deceased ap peared considerably disappointed and left, making an appointment to see witness the following Monday. Doputy Coroner Marsh's testimony was to the effect that death was tho result of asphyxia, caused by drowning. Alter a short deliberation tho jury brought In the verdict that "the said man camo to bis death by drown lag while laboring under a fit of temporary Ins iuity." SOLOMON S DEFALCATION. Yesterday Henry A. Solomon, who Is under indict ment by tbe Kings county Orand Jury, for embezzling 11.300, in various sums, from the Department of Ar rears of Taxes, Brooklyn, while filling tho office of re ceiving clerk, was arraigned before Judge Moore, in tbo Coart of Sessions. Mr. .*olomou pleaded guilty and was rcinaudoU to jail. He will bo sentenced on Monday, May 22. CROOKED WHISKEY SEIZED. At an early hour yesterday morning a desccnt was made by Deputy Revenue Collectors Bowden, Young nnd Oillen, on a small frame honso on Columbia street, between Mills and (cntro streets, South Brooklyn, where a copper still ofrtiiO gallons capacity was seized. Two thousand gallons of niufli were emptied into the gutter. The value of the property seised, which was turned ovor to tbe United States Marshal, Is f 1,000. SUICIDE OF AN UNKNOWN MAN. An unknown man, middle aged, jumi>ed from the bow ol a South ferry boat, at halt-past ten o'clock on Thursday night last, as the boat was leaving the slip on the Brooklyn sldo. Effort was mado to snvo blm, but without effect. FATAL fall. Mary McKadden, a child sighteon months old, (ell from tho fourth story window of hor parents' residence, No. MO hicks street, Brooklyn, yesterday and was instantly kiliscL MARRIED. . Cbakis?ALBtrrs.?On Wednesday, Mar 17, at Trinity ohurcn Ki'Chfiior, N. Y., by the Rev. Worron Walsh, buth A Cramik, of Jersey City, N. J., tu UiUT D., CUWortua. "'o4in -^'ruui Esq., of Santa Barbara, 4| Hai-omox?Hsilsbox?<?u Friday, the 12tb ImL, by !f ,,7" J** M. Isaacs, Fkbdixa.m> Saloxo*. of New 2i! , rBU Eloka Hsiluhok, of London. Englaud. eldest daughter of Henry Huilbron, Esq. fto cards. Loudon (K inland) papers please copy. S.mkdkx?-Juytrx?,iu this city. May 17, at the resi dence or the bride a mother, hy the iter. David B. Jot ten. a*?i*ted by the Be*. Dr. V. D. Vjmev Miller GkorubW. Sxburm to Sarah A. Juvi mi of tliif city, No cards. DIED. ArrmoROT? In Purls, May 1#. Helbx Evblyw daughter ot Wlllistn and Evelyn AufTmordt and grand child ot Elvira aud William li. Harbock Bahr.?At Jersey City Height*, on Friday at thr*< o'c'oclt, A>na, daughter of Houry and Mary BaUr aged 5 years and 7 month*. 1 I Funeral from the residence other parent*, corner aI Summit av. and 1'oplar St., on Monduy morning at tea ? o'clock. Relative* and frieuda, also the Steuben Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 183, are respectlnlly invited. Cammaxx At lieuevu, N. Y., on Wedueaduy, May 17 | Catukkixk Xavabkk McColm, widow or Oswald johl Cam matin, in the 70th year ol her age. Funeral at Geneva. Carroll.? Mrs. Carroll, the mother of Roger Car roll, died May 18: born in the county ol Longford, parish of Granard, Ireland. The Iriondij and acquaintance* are respectfully in ' riled to attend the funeral, trom hor son s residence, 007 Went 45th St., on Stiuday, May 21, at two o'clock. Cols.? Suddeuly, on Thursday, May 18, 1876, ot scarlct fever, Faxxik II., eldest daughter of William A. and Mnry E. Cole, in the 18th year of her ago. Fuuoral from rosideuou of hur parents, 62 West 49th st. en nuti ruay, ut one o'clock. Dolax.?At Kenwood, Novitiate ot the Sac rod Heart, after a short but severu li ne**, Mme. Fammk A. Dolax, 1 nwed 25 years, oldosi daughter of Peter Dolan, 2o2 Waal 24th at. A solemn requiem mass for the reposo of her soul will bo celebrated at tbo Convont of the Sacrod Heart, Went 17th st, this (Saturday) morning, at nino o'clock. Relatives and frionds are respectfully invited to atteud lier remains will be taken to the Convent of the Sucru4 Heart, ManhatLanville, for interment Dovblkday?At Nyack, N. Y.. on Friday, May 18, John Cphhmax, son ol Stephen Ward aud Angelica H. Doubleday, aged 8 months und 28 days. The relatives and friends of the lamily are Invited to attend the Mineral from the rcsideuco of his grand father, John II II. Cusliman, No. 418 West 20th st. on Sunday, the 21st Inst, at two o'clook P. M. Duuax.?On Thursday, May 18, Wixifrbd Dcqan, the beloved wire or John Dugan, in the 60th year ol ber age. Relative* and friends are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral, from her late residence, 328 ?aat 834 st., ou Sunday, May 21, at one o'clock P. M. Kinhtbin.? On Thursday, May 13, Edxa, youngest daughter of David L. and Caroline Einstein, aged 1 year, 4 months and 25 days. Funeral Irom tho restdonoo of her parents, No. AS West With st., on Sunday, 21st inst, at half-past ulna A. M. Fitcd.?On Friday, the 19th Inst, Willis Havilano, third son of T. J. aud Louisa Fitch, in the 7th year ol bis age. Relatives and friends of tbo family are requested to atteud the funeral, on Sunday arternoou, 21st inst, at half-past one, from the residence ol bis parents, 435 East 62d st. Fokbixotosl?At Pelham, May 19, Aran E., second daughter of Isaac and Amanda Forrington, aged II years. The Iuncral services will be held at tho residence ol hor parents, on Sunday afternoou at two o'clock. Glbasox.?The members ol Alias Lodge, No. 818, an hereby summoned to meet at 273 Muuroo St., on Satur day, May 20, at two o clock P. M., to atteod the fuusrai of brother Wilhaui Gleoson. By order of Gkoruk W. Dirykk, Secretary. JOHN BOYD, M. Harixo.?Suddenly, at Spring Valley, May IT, Damkl A. Harixo, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, at the Xauuet church, Rockland county, on Saturday, 20th, at half-past ten o'clock. Trains leave loot or Chambers st at 8:45. Hartmax.? On Tuesday evening, May 18, 1878, Hbxry Hartman, In ihe 70th year of his ago. Relative* and friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend tho luueral, from his lato residence, 401 West 38th st., ou Saturday, the 20th inst.. at one P. M. ' Hkbhebd.?In Brooklyn, May 18, of pnonmonla, Chahlss Edoak, youngest sou of S. Edgar and Anu Eliza Hohbord. Relatives and friends of the family are Invited to at tond the funeral, from the residence of hi* parents, . 4813d St., South Brooklyn, on Sunday, May 21, at foul Hociistadtbb.?On the 18th Inst., Libbbrmax Hock 8TADTKR, In the 69th yoar of his age. Tnc relatives and iriends of tho family are respect fully invited to attend the fnneral, on Snuday after noon, at two o'clock, from bis late residence No. 32ft Marshall St., Philadelphia, to proceed to Mount Sinai. Hotuhkiss.?In Brooklyn, Thursoay, May 18, 1878, of consumption, Isaac T. Hotcbkiss, agod 32 years and 25 day* Funeral from the rosldonceof bis brother-in-law, N. F. Hedges, No. 14 Fort Greene place, Saturday, May 20, at two P. JL Burial at convenience or the family. Hyob.?At Elisabeth, N. J., on May 18, Jon* L. Hydb, in the 39th year of bis age. Notice or funorsl hereafter. Kixo.?On the 17th inst., J. Ktxo, aged 70 yean, ] months and 11 days. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, May 21, at twelve o'clock M., from his late residence, No 112 West st., Urconpoint Lkjl?on Friday, May 19, Elizabeth, widow ol Frederick R Leo, In the 66tli yoar ol her ngo. Funeral services at St Mark's church, corner of 10th st and 2d av., on Monday afternoon, the 22d inst. al half-post one o'clock. Relatives aud friends are re spoctlully invited to attend. Remains will be taken to Far Rockaway, L. L, lor Interment Mkaly.?On Friday, 19th inst, Thomas P. Mealy. aged 49 years. Relatives snd friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 962 6th av., on Sunday, 21st Inst, at two o'clock. Mkluose?Suddenly, ou Wednesday, 17tb, Jou*, In tbo 56th year of his ag& Funeral Irom his late residence, Na 7 Morton st, oa Sunday, 21st inst. Mi'llxx.? Mauuabkt M., wife of William Mullen, oged 28 years. Rolstives snd friends aro rospectfullv invited to at tend the funeral, ou Sunday, tho 21st, between one aud two P. M.. Irom her late resldcuce, 231 East 22d st. I McCArrRBY.?On Thursday, May 18, 1876, Ionatius i 1L MoCAPNtlY, aged 28 years. Relatives and iriends of his brothers, Timothy F. and Jnines McCaffroy, aro rospecfully invitod to attend tho funeral, from his lato residence, No. 190 Prospect st. Brooklyn, on Saturday, May 20, at two P. M. O'Callaohax.? May 18 Daxikl O'Callaghax, bo loved sou of Matthew B. and Mary J. O'Callaghan. aged 4 years and 7 months. 1 The friends of the lamily ore respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the rcaldence of hlo parents, 281 Hoyt st, Brooklyn, at one '"clock, to-day. owkxs.?Suddenly, on tho 17th or May. Hbbbbbt. thl. d son o( Thomas and Elizabeth M. Owens. ' Friends and rolativos ore invited to attend tho fnneral, from his parents' residence, 362 West 50th st on Saturday afternoon, at two o'elock. ' Pbtkosox.? Id Philadelphia, on the morning of tho 17th tuat, T. B. Pktkk.hox, Jr., son of r. B. and Mary C. Peterson, In tho 24th year of his a?o. The relative.* and friends or the ramilv ore invited to ottond his luueral, from tho residence of his parents, sotiihwei-t corner of Brond and Girardavs., Philadel phia, on Saturday, 20th Inst, at one o'clock, to proceod to Laurel Illll ^ ,'u*Lt7;T1.n BrooklJrn- ?. 1878, at hlo late root deuco, 145 Tillary st, Thomas Vail Piiblax, dearly be* lovod husband ol Margarot I'helan, aged 30 veara 5 months and 23 days The relatives and frinnds of tho family, Baltlo Lodm 2*1-*? and A. M., Eckford Social Club, also Sandy Hook pilots are rcqnosted to attend the funeral from Centenary Methodist cbnrrb, corney Jay and John Bu,n. *U-' toB Kuu,luy. May 21, at two P. M. Ki?"?f,n morning, Moy 10. of apoplexy. Miss Haxxaii Prick, formerly of Birmingham, Eng land, aged 79 years, 4 months and 8 days. lunerol services ut No. 22t) East 20th at, tbla (Saturday) afternoon, at three o'rlock. RtrLBY.?Friday, May 19, Dwinnr A., eldost son ol Joseph Ripley, uftor o low hours' illness, in tho 4 Is I year of hia age. Notice of luueral hereafter. SmiOKX.?On Thursday, Mav 18, ot two o'elock P. M.t Florin da E., wile or Paul E. Schoen, aged 45 years. R 'inttvcs and frlonds are Invited to sttend tho funeral services, at her lato residenco, Na 2ai East80th st, on Sunday, 21st Inst, at one o'clock P. M., precisely. Philadelphia papers please copy. SruKiKt'KR. ?On Thursday, too 18th last, Joint L. Schrikksr, agod47 years. 1 month and 12 doya The relatives and menda or tho family are roopeet fttlly Invitod to ottend his runeral, on Sunday, tbo 21st ilist., st hall past one o'clock P. M, from bio lato resi lience, Nol 424 West 18th st xhk.vtox.?On Thursday, Moy 18, Axx, widow of Wil liam Shcnton, in tbo ftoth yeor ol her age. Tiio relatives aud frivnda of tho family are respect luliy invited to ottend tho funeral, from tho reoidenco ol her son-tn-lsw George Norrls. 824 East 4th st, on Sunday, May 21, at one o'rlock P. M. Suitu. ?Catiishixr, the beloved donghtor of Jana and John K. Smith, aged 8 years. 8 months and 27 days. Tho irteods of the family ore respectfully invited to | attend the funeral, rrom her lato residence. 433 West 4Sth st, Snnday, st ton o'clock. Tryox.?In Brooklyn, on May 18, Fraxcis Tbyox la the 70th year of his aye. ' Funeral services will bo held st tho New Jcrusslem church, corner Mouroo place and Clsrk st, Brooklyn on Sunday afternoon, at throe o'elock. ' lluflalo |io|iers pleane copy. Vaii In Br-Kiklyn, on Friday, May 19. Wilso* G. noxt, son of William M. and Sarah W. VoiL aced 2 years and 11 months h ? Funeral services on Sunday, May 21, at half-Dost two o'clock P. M., rrom Grace church, Brooklyn Heights. WnssLOii?On Wednesday, tho 17th insL, llBxrr Wksmloh. aged 23 yesrs. ? ? wTh.? rTla,i? ?y iriends, snd also the members ol tho llrinkummer Guard, are rospectlully lavlted to at on^o'HoikTu' S"n,,ay'' UlP 2,n half-past Urevor Mil -ih tesldenro ol Mr. William Ureyor. No. 261 ,th av., coruwr of 25th at Wii.nKr.-?on Thursday morning May 18. after a lingering nines., Cuklottr L,'widow of Henr? Wiidey, in tho (1st yesr of her sgo. Irlontis aro respectfully Invited la lai Root lotfi^u "?ruVIC"' 81 hor '?le residenoe. Na 10.. Kast 19th ?u, on Saltiroay afternoon, tho 20lh iiitv at wo o'clo k. Rnris! at Wiodlawn ' ? ?t? war'.',0'^%7PU 18, Samcsl Woo? ward, to the 72il your of liin ago. ../Ita "t tho family aro Invited M !ilitrt funeral' rrom bis lato residenoe, US Baa* 71st st. ?n Saturday, 2uth, at *bo F. Mi