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Stocks Feverish and Irregular Wall Street Mystified. GOLD 112 7-8 A 112 5-8. Money on Call Loans 2 1-2 Per Cent?The Coal Securities Weak?Government Bonds Firm?Railway Bonds Steady. Wxu. Sthekt, I Fiuj>at. May 19?d P. M. f The PaciOc Mall thunderstorm which broke over tho market yesterday spent its force this morning, a ml ?itimatcly subsided Into the gentlest of breeze* iliere occurred a grab at the opening, driving the Hock upward Irom 21 to 123, but after thou only laf ling wind* prevailed, lim;teil to the extremes ol these two polnta, with almost a calm at tlx at the end. The obscurity which hung around tho Steamship Suicy wan sliulitly cleared up during the day; Out nobody but tho Old Probabilities oi the movement can discern what sort of weather is ahead. There was another attempt at a meeting ol tho Padtlc Mail Directors this nioru li'g, but it failed, as the one of yestorduy lid, for lack of a quorum, the Gould coutingent ?eiug conspicuous by Its absouce. Ol courso tho l^*tuiouchc4 ol tho struct at ouce commenced to put this and that together, and argued irom this combtna- | liou that it was the set purpose of the PaciUo Mail ius ' to deto'tt tho Panama "outs" by refusing to tako the proper step) preliminary and necessary to tbe | (lection which the rules ol tho company call for. It j tpponrs that the bylaws requiro a certuin number of nspectors to be appoiuted previous to the election, al iiougb the books need not bo closed until tho day be fore. A persistent determination to prevent a meeting ?y tho failure to obtain a quorum may prevent the ap pointment of the necessary inspectors and even a formal vote to close tho books and, wunt. ' tog this, legal process mny be taken to prevent the election heiug iield at all. In such event It is surmised by mauy ol the unfortunates ' who have fallen victims to tho tricks ol the Ah Slug of tho street, but who mnv bolieve themselves up to his wiles, that Gould will endeavor to lorce tho com pany into bankruptcy or into the hands of a receiver beioro a vote of stockholders can bo obtained Tor a new diroctory. If this be tho game of the Artlul Dodger It will simply fall In with tho belief which obtains to-day that tho control has virtually passed into tho bands of tho Panama party, and tliat Gould knowing iho fact yesterday abandoned his unteuablo position, throwing overboard iu his retreat soma 20,0i>0 shares ol stock at advantageous prices, on y to tako roftigo audor tho entrenchments of the law. With tho slock, boldors sent to Coventry Gould and Dillon, as impor tant creditors, by reason of tho cash advances lately ?lade, might still retain control of the company, and with it tho life and prosperity of the Union PaclOo Railroad. Thero was another woful tnmblo la New Jersey Cen tral from 88 to 83, sold down by timid investors and lyinpathlzing boars. Combination or uo combination, it is fated that tho price of coal must lind us equilibrium at a lower grade ol ligures, and tbe sooner these cormorant com panies And out tho truth of It the better for themselves and tho community. Late in tho afternoon thero was a falllug off in tbe whole list without any particular rhyme orrcasou, though bears pretended to detect music in tho air, and bulls were as blue as though they had been fooding on Uio famous grass ol Kentucky. T1IK BALES TO-DAY. The transactions at the 8tock Exchange to day ag. regaled 143,700 shares?New York Centra^ and Hud son, 700; Erie, 12,900; Lake Shore, 39,000; North wostern preferred, 100; Hock Island, 1,310; Pacific Mall, 23,470; St. Paul, 1,000; da preferred, 1,800; Oblos, 1,200; Western Union, 39,300; Wabash, 200 Union Pacific, 1,685; C., C. and L C, 200; Panama,' BOO; New Jersey Central, 7,180; Mlchiean Central] 6,900; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 4,820 Union Mining Company, 1,700. OPSMKO, mo BUST AND LOWEST l-RICKS. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day vr ? , ? . Opening. lliqhtst Lowest New York Central liu Hu 11() *?a,rleln 139 139 la, ,tr'? IU* 16u 77v I Lake Shore 63V /u* f, * Wabash ...V...: 2 V Northwestern 4o 40 aov Northwosiern preferred... to 59 Hock Island 105V lort iMy Pittsburg d;;' jmj Milwaukee ami St. Paul.... 30T? 371' ouv Hit. and St. Paul proferred. t>4^ 04u ??<* 1 ilhio and Mississippi 17 ii5 I Sew Jersey Central ft* Jg* i?'? D?1 , Lack, and Western., 105 V losv 105 Inion Paciilc S# C\> ag I C., C. and I. C 4V 4^ ! Western Union CSV fifij' rn 1" 1 Atlantic and Paciilc Tel.... 17' 17?' , - * Pacific Mall A *7 130 130 130 CLOSIXO 1'KICKS?3 f. M. I'aclBc Mali.... a 22 V C t'f! * I At1 ... VN etl 10 1*1... 65l' a c' <' Jt IP ? ^ 5Sg: T4 tVutZLt'- ? ? 5?X N Y A Harfemilai) a J4u * " N VGAU It.. 110 a 110', W ells-Far* oKa *7Jf a 90 K J Gen rw " 4 11.1c A Alton.. Im? a bHV Ohio A Ml*' imt/ I fWJ-ir-sg: s varA?:#- '"! ("lliti ? 1W P' i,r>Tr* * -VlI^ Pacihfc. o-n,' I 5s'.* H A Ml'hal. bi'.'J ; Xf j Fro'p'co' "C li{& 1 ,\i ?IHA st p pi.. ?sg ,? eat; rorCo I18^ ? 114 ACYAWC1 AMD DECLISR. The following are tbe changes compared with those Ol yesterday's closing prices:? Advahck.?Ohio and Mississippi, V; Paciilc Mail 2 Ps,;,iroitum m D^ust-i'oold. X; Union Pacific, 1; St. Paul com * A ^a.steru com lie and P.iciOc Teiegrapl" C"T t. and I., Uaimibal pnierred, Harlem, Illinois faenlra)' Missouri I antic, Panama, quicksilver Wabasli Wes tern union. ' TMS MOMrr XARtIT, Money was freely supplied at 2 t< per cent at the Close. Prime commercial paper coutiuues to be quoted at 4 and 6 per cent. The following nro tho domostic rates of exchange on Now York in tho cities undermentioned:?Cincinnati rather easier, 75 a 100 premium; CburluMon, buying, X a *i premium; selling, \ premium; Savannah, 5 16 premium; Cbicayo, 50c. premium; New Orleans, com mercial, 6-10; hauls, ,SL Louis, 125 premium. Hurling exchange win, quiet and steady; prime afkin^' ratos, and 4.901,; selling rates, 4.87>? a 4.88^' *nd 489a 4.89; reichinarcke, 95% a 90JK aud 96>| a ??X ? oablos, OCX a 96'4; primo Paris, 5.13,^ and 6.11^. TIIK UOLU MAUIT, Gold advanced Train 112,^ to 112?t, but afterward declineu to 112.^ aud closed at 112,V Tho rates paid lor carrying wore 1J,', land % per cent. Loans were ilso made flat. n?,i OPRliATIOXS or TBS GOLD CXCIIAXOE 11 *SK. Bold baiauciw o-n mvi Orosa clearances m,W It is estimated that nearly 91,000,000 will be shiptntd to-morrow, i( the Juancial ctinduiui)* are lavorabla. Forty thousand dollars in dimes and quarters wont to UM West Indies to-day. TIIK CXiTRU STATU TREASURY. Tho United States Aasisunt Treasurer to-day paid ?ut 1135,000 gold ,or ove-iwentle. redeemed snd for ,nUr-??- in* suver payments were 971,646, as follows:?912,405, under 91(X) limit; 924 040 nuder 9400 hm.t, and ?42,l00, on silver dralts from Washington. He venue receipts to-day, 9300,000 cus toms receipt., 9400,000; bank note, received tor redemp tion, 9M0.0U0. v CRT ooonn IMPORTS. The Imports of dry goods at this port for tho week Mdiug to-day were 9l,0l#,lU, and the amount mar koted 91,110,852. The total imports of dry goods at the port since January 1 wen *39,SJ5,*72, and the lotal amount marketed 939,901,41^ IKVB'.rnRUT SMAISa In investment shares the most important decline was h Mew Jersey Central, wn*n Ml from 99 at the open* 1112 t? 93, closing at 88%; Delaware and Lackawanna receded from 106a 104, teller 60, and 106 regular; Producer*'and Petroleum rose to 113%; New York Central brought 110 a 110^'; liarlcm, 138^; Panama, 130; Rock UUnd, 105% a 106; Morris and Essex, 103V* a 103%; Chicago and Alton, 98% a #8% ; Pitisburs and Fort Wayne, 104; Cleveland and PiUtburg, 03; United States Express, 6014 ; American Express, 63',. QoVKKMHCXT UOSOS. Government bonds closed tlrm at the following quo 4atlons:?Uutted States currency sixes, 137 a 137%; do do., 1H81, registered, 131% a 133; do. da, da, cou pon, 133* a 1:3%; do. do.. 1805, registered, 114% a 115%; do. do., do., coupon, 114% a 115%; da da, da, new, registered, 11S?)? a 1101*; do. da, do., eonpon, 110% a 119%; da da, 1867, registered, 131% al21 % ; da da, dc., coupon, 121a 131%; da do., 1868, regtalered, 133*f a 133%; da do., da, coupon, 138<tf a 133%; da ten-forties, reglsterod, 117% a 117%; do. da, coupon, 118% a 118%; do.-fives, 1S81, registered, 117% a 117%; do. do., do., coupon. 117*-, a 117%. UAIUtOAD SU.NDS. bonds were quiet. The changos wore:?An advance of % per cent In Erio third mortgage, and % per cent In Morris and Essex first consolidated, and a dcclluo of % per cent in New York Central alios of > 18'3, % por cent In Union Pacific sinking fund, per oent In Milwaukee and St. Paul (La Crosso division), and Chicago and Hock Island and Pacific sevens, lu the late afternoon dealings New Jersey Central con vcrtiblu declined to 101S, Union l'acilio sinking funds to 88.4. Michigan Central sevens to l00'{, and St. Paul (lacrosse division) to 103<<; North western consolidated gold coupons wcro firm at 03%. The following were the closlug qujtatlons for Pacific Railroad bonds:? Union firsts, 105 a 105%; Union laud grauts, 0&) a 99'?; j Uuiou sinking luuds, 88% a 88.s,; Centrals, 108% a 108%. TIIK POKKIU.V XAKK KT. The London advices roport a gain of ?40,000 sterling i by the Bunk of England. To-day Is a holiday at the > Slock Exchange on account of the formal reception of the Prince of Wales. Consequently we are without London quotations. In Paris 5 por cent rentes aro 105f. 23'ic. for the account. Now fives on Frankfort aro 103%. Silver In I<oiulou Is reported by the Associated Press as 53%d. a 53%d. per ounco. A despatch from Paris states that there is a firmer feeling on the Ilourso an-1 a slight advance in prices has been established. STATE HONDS. In Stato bonds District of Columbia 3.65's declined \ to 70%. Tonnessoo, now series, rose to 43. Now York Stnto sevens sold at 106%. Missouri sixes, long bonds, i 105%. HANK SHARKS. Tho only sales of city bank shares wore ten M er : chants' Exchango at 100 and ten Park at 123. I'll I LA UK I. Pill A STOCKS. The following sro tho Philadelphia stock quotations i at three o'clock this day:? Mi Jltked. I City sixes, old ?. . 104 ? I City sixes, new 110 110% : United Companies ol New Jersey 134% 136 I Pennsylvania Railroad 53*f 53% 1 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad... 44i? 4-i,'? ' Lehigh Valley Railroad 57% 67% | Catawissa Railroad preferred 41 ? ; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 18 18%. i Northern Central Railroad 34 34 ^ ! Leuigh Navigation 44% 45 ; Lehigh Navigation, gold loan 103>4 103% MlXINU STOCKS. The following aro tho closing San Francisco quota j tluns:? i Consolidated Virginia 71 X Crown Point 16^ ' California 7uj? Yellow Jacket 34 Segregated Bolcher .. 76 Alpha *i Opbir 55'4 lietcher 21 >4' Oiiollar UO Confidence ill Havaj-e 19 yiorra Nevada V " Consolidated imperial 6*? Exchequer 2(?^. Mexican 31 .'4 Overman 65 Gould A Curry 103, Justice.... 26 1 icHt & Belcher 66.14 Caledonia 8,'? Hale & N'orcioss..... 02 The production of the California mino lor the past fiscal month was $1,429,460, and of tho Ophlr mino for tho same period $211,044. ltich oro has been struck In the Glasgow mine, on the Comstock lode, south end, and a largo wotlgo shaped body of oro has been out by a north and south drift. The last weekly settlement of the Kuroks Oold Mine, Grass talley, California, producod 400 ounces gold amalgam. Tho Consolidated Wyoming Gold Mining Company has been incorporated in San Francisco, with a capital of $10,000,000. Tho last weekly oro shipment of the Consolidated Virginia mine was 2,374 tons; that of the California 1,839 tons. In a month the Morgan mill, on the Car son rtrer, will start upon ores from the bonanza mines. Several of the principal mines on the Comstock lodo aro building new pumps of sulllcicut capacity to raise water trom depths extondlng to 3,000 and 4,000 foet; though it is by no means certain that tho temperature will permit the men to work at that depth. The en gines are building In San Francisco, out tho pump col uinus of the Hale k Xorcross and some other mines are being manufactured In New Voric and Pennsylvania. The following are the mines ordering tho new pumps:? Minrt. Ilorte Power. Oat. C. & C. Joint shatt 400 $75,000 Lady Washington 400 76.000 Savugu. 6(10 175,000 Hale At Norcross 600 176,000 Oould k Curry. 600 175,U00 Belcher 000 36o.OOO Crown Point 000 360.000 Chollsr Combination 700 400,000 Overman 700 400, ouO Totals 4,900 |2,1T6,000 A committee of German financiers, accompanied by mining experts, left this city yesterday for Colorado to examine the mines In tho region of Gilpin and Clear Creek counties. Their attention has been directed to tho locality by several extraordinary developments, which thus far havefcioi been made publlo even In the local papers of that section. BTKKKT OOSSIP. It is said that at an lnlormal meeting of gentlemen to-day who aro interested In Pacific Mail the fol lowing names were suggested, II not agreed upon, as tho new directoryEdward A. Quintard, eoal merchant; K. K. Mallory; O. S. Babeock, a Stomngton sioamboat man; Jercuiluh Mill hank, retired capitalist; Samuel C.Thompson, First National Bank ;C. G. Frnnck lyn, Cuuord Steamship line; Henry Hart, Third Avenue IUiiroad; H. H. Baxtor, capitalist; A. S. More head, l'ottsville, Pa., iron merchant. Mr. Jay Gould is accredited with being $000,000 ahead in consequenoe of bis sales of Pacific Mall yesterday. It is semi-oftlcially statej that the Western Union Telegraph Company will follow tue Atlantic aud Pacific Company aud reduce rales on Monday week. It la denied, on equally good authority, that the receipts have been increased by the recent reductions la rate* that have been made. The firm of Faehlrl Brothers, Liverpool, has sus pended Shrinkage In cotton is the cause. There aro no liabilities here, not even a brokerage. Tbetlrmwnta Greek nouse of U10 highest respectability and of A1 credit. Tho estimated earnings of the Ohio and Mississippi Railway Company for tho second quarter (or week) in May were^-In 1876, $75,040 IT; in 18T&, $61,004 87; Increase In 1876, $13,081 S(l A special despatch lrc?i Washington fays:?Tho Ju diciary Committee this inoruiutng agreed to the follow ing amendment to the Pacific Kailroad bill:?That the t nking lund to bo paid by the Union Pacific be fixed at $750,000 per annum for tho first ten years, and $1,000,000 per snnuin thereafter until the whole debt aud Interest be paid. Tin *0 sums to be exclusive of the toe per cent net earnings and government freight, I both of which as they accrue shall be credited to the company on account of their Indebtedness to the | United State*. The other read* to pay pro rata of their indebtedness In accordance with the above. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Friday, May 19,187ft. BF.K0RK UU/-UI A. 31. ft? <bs VV l.'a Tel ?6 >4 100 shs I'n I'ac KB.... 69 1U U do C'i1, X> <lu fiU'j Igll cm' Wk luu ?lo.. 60 i jij ?lu b3 to ll ?-(> Jt J Ceu BR. 88 :>(.?? iio ('.*>?4 11*1 d? sJ H* 71 k> du IV, 10 do is I? O do (?i 28 d? H7,-i njll (to I^J du ,.,.|3 ::;0 do I?i)i 10 do 8S ?Jin do. < ?, 10 ' Mich i on KR 47'? 'j .(*) do !>''? VSI do (3 47'* |i >t do IoO do 2l? I do Mi ?'?' do 4TS IHU.N YUIUH Rlt. it.1 do 4HS KM du *3 110 IOO Del. I. A W Kit *3 M'ft)J 2oi? Erie 1.U '*'li ? " do 10>1% :kmj do ?3 15) 1 >1W do h k 1 ?:? I ?'? do tm'i .'MO I'ae Mall a* ^? f* I*"' I. S > M h Kit it'i luUO do 21 tUJ do ??ir> a ????? ?j>*> du ?'!'? do 14 ?Ski do -! '? do..,,,...... & \ '.Ant do t 211* -'>0 id ?>8jJ loO do lil.'i JW do ii do 2?a ?*> 4e s* auo ae aifc WO M too 400 1>?? 1 etc i KM tie. do. do do 1**1 do UK) Mil A Si P KK (3 ?VKI MU A HI P Hit ??.. I?H> <?? ?:? 100 do e lOiObloA M K?. ,t3 |(M tin 100 do. t? *? do... 4u0 do... no . ai? 2U> Panama Kit. 130 K?-n WD ll:*> \ WnnooU S?e.?. 12!tt $ISOJO>3-*?,r.'?>7.b3 2 IK)' I' 8 5-io, r, *?ir... lift UK) U UK i. 07 . 2(*KUo, c. 'ti ,. n b? 1 li<V l.V wi 11 s&% imu, r. ruKtjciUs j-au.r.ti7 I2i>, iuj*iUS5VSI,o... auooo do be 121* FIRST HOAUD?10:34* L SlOOOMeQ'a.longbde. U>S? 400 til* P?e Mail 88... 4??<0 KYI 7'a, u 1. r.. IUSK TOO do Shoo Die Col &)??? . 70,'i 2000 Mo 6't, St J. '87. IOS 100 XTCtD R.betS luo do 3u Hurl cm RR he WOO ^ do 63 KMH *> Harlem RR he IOUO* J Ccnconv . . 102* :*X)Erie i.K. b c b:i JHSCIII.UIM H?', **> do 1300 I M * rt P con > f. 8000 C. HI A P7't.t3 111 Ik, 1< OOO M A K lit, con 107)2 8000 M A E UW ?*? Krir 3diu... . KK2W 100 ?<> Mich South t r 10?H. ft .. . 3000 X Y Can 6'a, 'MB. lot* 1100 1< MO OA Mbi coo ? r. Mil' ?10 10 ? I (,'D Pac Jilt lit. |(3* l< 00 28O00 do 105* IU0 i I'll I hc nun J. >< lf?)0 do KlkJ 1000T.P A f.WD.. Hi b.l LKOi M A S I'. 1 A M. U'.J, aw*) Mleh C?I1 SV. 1111 ?VW 90J 700 ... no IKUAni l>k .V lmp7'a 10 >>4 -.1.0 "3j2 " 20 Ol . C A I IM?t... 41 lOsbaMarBxBk H*i * 1" 1'itik Hunk 1.3 1000 Uu M' IX ?? do 1* 3!*> do 18 1* 17 1)411 Can be llo* 10 do 1H> lft C t Kxprou.. .b ? c U'.i* 9 Amor Kg be *3 20 do ?3?? 3<?> do.... 1800 ao.... i <1 do.... 10)Panama be In1) >.ich ' .a UK. be. *3 1<*> do 1 < *0 do HO' LSI )l H U;..b e do do do do.. do ?3 do do.... ad do do e'l do do do do lo Mor A Eiu Hit...,. 12 do 100 X J Ceu UK... bo 13 M u hi doo * mo loo loll 410 |ISI ?U ut) | I'm lOOPCL* ilJI.S 11M1 L'OO W llpto m7i O HI 10 5<MJ :<im 3UU 40 1 I. u it- b c do.... do do ft3 do do do. do ?3 ?*? do 1*00 do I (Ml 4JOJ H JO 60U llAI inuo 200 Kl A) 1000 7?A? 100 700 200 2JJ Piiclflc Mail SS.bc do. do. do. do. do. 4I0. do. do. do. do. do. do .b3 .?3 JUO OO 170 4UO ? UO ?-i(.K) UjO XjO UOO 3 u iiiKl 1(iO 4 0 1000 ImXJ IM.K) 4CX3 JWI 2UO UoO do., do., do., do.. ..?3 (U?^4 ?5> e?i* ?5vJ Uj 1.3',' uo-, Ho'i K<. tK)^ 05S ??? 65^ 21 d?t do. do . do. do. 100 IUI 1110 do ?OO do 2< 0 do 4 O do 20J do .... .0 ?'xil do 10 > 00 ... loo do 2-?) IV A) do _ IUI do 201) do *K>>. 100 Uu P ic .;lt be 10 do 30" I do 2b do 100 do b3 1U? do 100 Mil* St 1' pt.bc.b3 OUO do 5i? Mil X St 1* UK.b . SO Cluv A P Ktd . .b 0 2ikiUUi xlil |vH...b e 2KJ do b3 do do lOnTol, \V A W 20 U, U \ \ 22>i 5m I lilt -10 22 22^ i-x 22 . .2,-v, 2J 22* 22>i 3.AJ 22 4 I11O 300 loo 2U) Imj 200 do do. do. do. Uo. .t30 ,.. 13 ,..b3 ^>a 22'a 22 24 S* 200 do 411 Chi x Alt RK.. .be la do 11KI P, K W A C ut. .b 0 IO) Uilio <t M...b c H lOO do ?3 ".H UbFuRK CALL?12:30 P. !MI*i 53 V ?d', ?4'i w 17 .\I. I'ilM i-'i 117'S 117>J M. 22V -'2? III lio U8X 13 1 13* IS 1 r,<4 13 131 <7S 47>J 4/ U [i 3 s:i;? 64 ?WK 33'? :.3?, n:).', ?r?3J. 33', ft3), ft ?* 1 6Mi 11?-4 liw ?<?? ?iU h7 n.h4 85 u Hjg 8.> M4*. w; 84Ji 81 83* HI 81 84). 84!? 38':, 3->* oM), m? tii 37>?' U3 ll>.ri?i n .r>S, 10.-.* io> 2 103 U lo5 lo". W lOoV. 103 !04i; 106>I I00ft 10o}? io;.>i UHi, OHi. 104 17 17? IWO000 1'8 5-20, c. W. 121? 3 .Uu t ? 3e, r.'Hi 117)2 lixioiiDUt ol 3.6 i't.. 70a. 50U'Cbi,RI & fit. lOO ItKKiii L'ni'ai tuiic Lba hh){ l>0 tli. In M'b Co.... If, lOO P C 1. A P Co tiss 30 1 tilt P?c Mail HH... 22;a do 22>4 do 2-\ 22^2 22!* 200 the LS iMS. 100 do 7liO do 100 do 11X10 do 400 5 0 X J Ceu KK 8g 33?. If' .00 2> O uOO 8 > < 1U> 100 do do.. .?3 aoo 100 300 100 5 100 .13 do. do do do 10 0. C. (J A I i:U.... l3>, lOO Ubi A it 1 Hit luO Mil A 8t 1* it it &H)2 100 lot A Web Hit.... 5b,'* It r.l l>olo A A1 lrfkt HlL.. do e 38*4 2JO do... . .,?3 do...... ....*3 5H 200C.C AlC HH.... 7oO Wott 1 a Tel.. .... 2'O do.. 100 I'nPacRH iivO 10J I'JO 100 MieU ceo HH ?7?g 2 P. 6iroX)US6't,e. *81. 1225; $1000iCS.Ve,10-40.r. 1000.1 U 8 o-2U, r. 'o3.. Ii3 33000 L a 6't. f, 'ol... 8KC0SD BOAHD?I P. $5000 Tenn 6't, 43 1000 Bur.C K A M ltt 4< X 6?K) N J t'en cout. .. 101 13000 M A St I' l.t.LtC 102*4 t Cea 7't.... loo'4 :'(*) the Del. L AW... 400 do 300 Mleb Ceu.. .b o.?3 1 0 uio loo do do. do. do. bOOOMIeb HI' IK)?; .v N > c b. b3)i Tooo W L'n Tel c, 1900 H K> I*) tlu DAilCtn bcb3 110 3<k) Uo. IOOPCL A l' 113'4 200 dc. lo 1 . >iml aa...beo 22S. 400 do. 300 do 2-!'4 2<X) uu. 1400 do 22 10' do . . 400 do 2iJi 2/J Mil A St P no fUOLo A 3oi> Wott Uu U3K K'X luoo do. 601 do. 2O00 do 120U do c;3*i 3 X) do ..?3 loi do... . <x>'j 400 do S3 < 3 S4* 100 do ?.?>4 80 I do ti.Ji. 100 do *.3),' 100Cbl A N W 3y lul) Erie KH... . be.t4 14% ?oo do 14jJ 3700 do 14 u oOO do HO 14^ 100 do b3 14 *4 JUO Uu Pec Hit bj i>Sj lOt) do 38-4 200 Del, LAW..bc.b3 1U>? ?J'AJ do too lod 300 13 O 2300 14 O 11U0 8.?' 21) A) do. do. do. do. do. do. do .18 tJ ..b-i .13 lui Uen A St Jo Kit . 2uu do be 1U) do 100 N J Cen HK....bc do. do. 100 100 2O0 40 1 100 23 do loo do 100 X J Sou Hit.... 17 Mor A Mae KU do. do. be 3000 Cn Pte * fund.. KXJOObtLA 1 Ml 2d.. luo tli? Cou Coal HOOP 0 E A P Co..,.. 2uO Weat C u Tel.. .3 100 do 130J do luo do aS 17iiO do. &W 78 40 113V 5$ WlU *j?8 63), 1. O Chi A Kl KK... I"*?. 51 JO Pac Mail 8s 22 do. do do do do do do do 2.100 Eric 111 20J do UOO do iOu Mich Con KK... 2Uj do....: 1 30 ]m> 100 lOO 1(A) 200 lUiO 300 Si* 22 2-V 22* 22* 22;, 22*1 4U2 S:30 TO 9 P. 100 sbe Mich Cea RR.. 3U0 do 11KJ do 10) do el 200 do aoo do 200 do loo M J Con RR a 1 l'?) do 13 1 do >3 loo Ohio a MUa RR... loo do 2i>0J L 8 A M 8 Kit . loo do ... ..s3 luOJ do Iooj do.........13 lOU do 1300 do 300 do M 7JO do ... a3 1UU Mil A 81 P HH. . 1U0 Mil A Ml Pol.. .. 20 Del, LAW KK... 3U0 do 83 8.? luftJK 37 ?7 .! 11 w M. 117^ M. ior>v 103,'. 47 4?K 47 4fJi 4<iU vl 40.*! fi?K 33 ? 5J/II Wf. 3.S S3S 3.1 .>3J, 14 . 11* S3* 83*4 H3>, KM, 83*, 83* 84 103^ u. 4?X 4 83)5 8:?* 83* 17 IUT< 33*4 63 * 33 4 33* 33 3:i* s?-* 5j* mm! W* 106 105* COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON OH THE SPOT QUIET AMD 1-1 Gc. LOWJtB?FUTUBES STEADY?FLOUB STEADY? WHJUX FAlilLY ACTIVE?COON FUlM? OATH USCHANOED?WHISEKY FIBM?POLE QUIET?LA ED QUIET?PETROLEUM MEM? ?KBITS TUBPUNT1NE QUIET?EOSIK VI KM? , OILS STEADY?PBBIOBTS, STEAMEB BOOM CALMEB, CUABTEMIMO TONNAUB STEADY COFFEE QUIET?SUOAB FIBM. VaioaY, May 19?0 P. II. Commerce still dr&gi, and the commercial situation at the present writing can scarcely be regarded as any Improvement upop tbe position of business affairs a week ago. To many minds tbe continued inactivity In commercial circles Is utterly inexplicable, but to lb* thoroughgoing busiuess uiau tbo current of evonts during tbe past low mouths has occasioned little or no ?orprise. In tbe first place tbe country bos not recor cred from the effects ol tbe late devastating civil war. Tbo enormous consumption of all staple products con* requont upon the war and tbe Inflation canned by U stimulated manufacturing and kindred Interests to such an extent thai when the govern ment coaxed to be a consumer stocks augmented at a very rapid rato, and in some cases the supply of goods bas for ? long tlmo largely excoeded tbe demand, which bas steadily iallcn ofL Congress, meantime, has abown iteell utterly incompetent to legislate Intelligently upon tbe sr. at question* of ways and mean*?of Qnance, tariff and kindred question*, and ?o the country drift* along, without let or hindrance, uilracnlocaly drifting dear of breakera, though the waters have been greatly troubled. All Intereit nowadays appears to centre In politic*, and It Is hoped that a changa of rulers may work a change In every department ?f commerce and trade. While there may be ?ome irmund lor such a hope there I* Infinitely more lu tho lesion of tranquillity thai Itei beyond tbe Presidential election. There Is no necisaary connection between politic* auJ commerce, yet Ibe peculation and fraud whleb have been brought to light within the past year or two have undoubtedly created dlstrual everywhere aad of nlmoit everybody; aad such aalversal distrust cannot bnt exert a pernicious Influence aad revert Injaiioeily upon trade aa well a* upon governmental affair*. Much I* ex pected from the continued outflow of breadstnffs, although ao apparent influence Is thns far felt beyond the limits of tbe breadstuff* market* During ibe greater part of the past week the breadstafb market* were qeiel bnt ateady, but towards tbe eioee a better inquiry has prevailed, and tbe eel** have been larger and at prices abowing a gradual ap preciation. Corn ha* be* a la good reqaeal and prieea have steadily favored the seller, froviafoas have been irregelar, aad the "upe" and "down*" of both pork aad lard have boon iLcxp.leable. To day (Friday) the general merchan dise market* were qelet, for tbe mo*t part with Jn*t enough doing to estah'ieh values. In some quarters trade waa fairly brick however, and notably eo la a few 'Cheese com modities. r lour was In moderete inqnlry and steady. Wheat was Uuly active for export, and a good business was done at aoinewoet Improved prices, though the market at the elese waa qalot, with plenty of buyere at some conceit-ion from the extreme figure* current during '? hauice Corn was lalrly active and tkrui at the uivame of yiaterdav. some grades **lli> g rather higher. Oat* were withoet decided change. Whlsaey was Drai, thoairb quiet. Provisions were quiet and sales were small, ? relents mod erately active, with grata loaaage u rm. bat berth room tome Petreteaa veeeelesiesdy. Ceesoa wee lewer. Uefee was quiet, but Miulr. N'lftl stores renminod qalfl. Om were *4Utel, but steady. Petroleum km tirm. Suu ?r was tlii'i. Ami*.* vrrm st*sdy si i>?c. ft 5*,c. lor pots aud nominal.y 7c. (ur pearls. Amuuiit wat quiet. but uMhupil; quoted ftt IS.'^c., golu, fur foreign. Hkkswax ?*? quoted si 37c. for Southern mid 38c. lor Western; 2.0 KI lbs. Southern sold ftl 37c. Hitoov Ookk rctu-iiu,'*! dull ?nd uuwttlrd We quole Red. 4,',c. ft Je.; red tipped, 5c. arte.: medium green, 7}Bc. H Hf, C*\-|iL*? were steadr. We quota Sperm 2flc.: tnerw. patent. 3ew.; acid tl<l os.?. lie. a 23c.; adanian tiiif 11 -. 14. lti ot.), 1 Jc. * Inc.; paraltiue i4's. li's aud 12'*i. lw. a 20e Owrma.? The market for ilrasils w? quiet but steady. The only sale we heard of 2 ? ?baus Km, at Uallimure, ?i -Adelaide. ?t 17c. for fair Mild coffee wis quiet. Me uu >le UrdinM* i artoos, I5SC- a lAmc.; lair do., 17\ic. a 17'jc., food do.. 17*ic ? I He. ; prime do. 1h14c. a l*\c. ; extreme range for lots. 1 5Se a lKS?c. : S?ut?>? :.?lr to rood, 17c ft 17V-. ?fo>d. uiuuly days; Java, iiivrrnaeil bags, W-. * 22 c. ; do., urui min, 21c ft -4c. ; Mu*apore. do.. l<H,c a 90c.; Geyl'tn, 17>,?. ft lUe.; Marisc.ilbi. 10c. a I tic.; I.:ti:uayra. 17^c. it ISJjc.; Jamaica. 17c. a 18c.; St. liutvlugo, 15V.C- ? liV<: Porto Klco. Isc. a lite.; Costa ilica. 17c. a ll?c., Macassar, lHl,e. al'.ijtc ; Mexican. 17c. a lhc.; Maailft, 17c. a Idc.; An.'on.urft, 17c. a IN:-; tiasftulllft. loc. a lH.Sc,; Curaenft. 1?C. a I7J.C. CO irKuxuY. Wtuck u m quiet. We quoteMolasses (ho<>k>. 32-Inch. wltlt head*. ?i '.*> ft S- 25; suirar shook*, with bnads. ;vs lu<-n. 92 :vt a 92 tl>; do., do.. 3tt-iucli 9 1 '*< a box shook*. 75c. n HOc.: ruiu do., 94: pipe do.. 90 a $0 3<i; emptv hogsheads. &J .VI; hoops. 14 'cot. ordinary lo prime, (37 a jypi; Uuupa. 12 leal. do.. 983 a IKIj Der M. Coitkil?We note ?aie? of *) i Hi*, lake at ilc. uiDae., the market cloainx at tlto latter Dicura. Counaux una iiuict. We quoteManila (large and ?inall alac). per lfc.. 1'iajje. ft 14j*e.; do. cordage, bolt rope yarun. Itic. a 17c.; tarretl Maxim. 14c.; Hlaal rope. 10c. a 11c.; New Zealaud, II i^c. ft : liu??ia hemp, tarred, 14c.; American do.. 14c.: I'.uvaW tiolt roue 17e. Comm.?Tliu market for ?pot ?aa quiet, with a decline of l ltlc. Kitturea wore ftlan lower. The clmlux priuea to day compare with Tburxlay'a prlcoa ft? fnllowt 7Via/ < /uu. Man IK, >'ri<ity. Jfa? 19. M?y 12 7:? a 1J*? May Ul ft W 1-W J tins 1??4 a 1-' l?-S2 .Juno ....13 MB ft 12 M-U2 July 12 7-lfl a 12 IMJ July 12V n 12 tl-22 A?;ual .12 O'ltl a 12 CJ-J2 AuKUit ..' 2>, ft 12 1H *3 hopt 12 10 82 a Ufi Sept .12 7-1B ? 12 1&-3-.! October..13I&U2 ft ? October..12 &-ltl a 12 U-Xi I?-p 12', ft 12 13-:U Uec lil 7-?2 a I-? J?n 12 17-32 a 12 U ld Jan 12 J1 j- * /??/? ?OuotuilotH are bancd oil Amerleait nandarjlcla^lnc tlon, fttid on oottou In atore runtilnit in quality not mo t'lau hftlf a irrado ft'>ovo or below tlto nr-nle quotoo ' L olunU <V?? Orleoaa. Ordinary ?">? Strict ordinary 9,^ v* ,'\ Good ordinary 10 MB ??'?>? '"J4 Strict good ordinary.. UlM J?V !. N in 11 S lit Low mlddliu,' 11310 11 518 11 7-ltf 11 710 Strict low middling... UK llji 12 lii Middliug 121h ia>I 13 V1B 12 5-10 Ootid mill iliii- 12*2 l-'?: 1 '? U'K Htrnt Bood middling, ntj ISO 1Hs 1 *1 Middling fair 13s. I3? la? 13* Kalr 14S 14.'J IIS , ?MaineU?Oood nralnary, r>^r.; atriot rimkI onllnary, ??ic.; low middliuu, ; tuiddiiuu, 1 l,l?tf. Spot aaioa were as follow* To-il ly. Uut Ecmtna. 7VM' Kxpor? .'(JO 32 632 Cottiuinption 20W 4<.i 2?;? Hpooulatiou 2.VJ M 3<K) Tnta:? 1,018 122 1,14<J ?Delivered on contract, 200 bale*. For future delivery the Bale* were ?* follow* Yesterday after two l*. M.:?.lune, ?*? bales at 1k>-.'t2o.; July, 4UU at 12 7-ltlc.; Amrmt. 20I at 12 111-32c., 1UO at 12 0-ltlc.; So\ Kill at 12 1-I-32C.; December, 200 at 12 13-.'43c. Total, l.r>00 bales. To-day, up lo two 1*. M Juno, .">00 bale* at 12 3-lUc., MX) at 12 5-.TJC., 1.200 at 12',c.. IVJO at 12 5 3Jc.. l.Him at 12Vie., 7U0 at 12 3 32c.. tiOO at 12 t itle . 4U) ftt 12 3-32c., l.UU) at 12 1 10c.; July. 200 al 12Vc . 2 ao? ?? 1132c.. lOO at 12 510c.. I,3<? 12 11 -32c., 40O at 12 5-1 He., 7HO at 12 O -l'.'c.. 2,5m i at 12 5-UW., 1,4(>Iat 12 ,c.. 200at 12 I1-32C., 3.7l?i at 1J.V-, Oik> at 12 it 32c , 1.000 at l2j*t.; AtlKU*t, !.?*? ?t 12;jo., 2UO at 12 15-32C., 200 at 12 7-Itic.. l.itU. at 12 15.32c., 200 ftt 12 7-1 tie. JUO at 12 1332c.. 7l*> at 12?ic., 1,0*) ftt 12 13 32c.; Octolicr. IOJ ut 12 5-lllc . 8 ?) at 12 !?-32c.; No I vember,2< W at 1J14C., 2U> at 12 7-32c.; December, 20l> at 1 12'4c., l(Vl at 12 afec., ^00 ftt 12'ic., 2>*J at 12 7 32c. Total, 2M.W00 bale*. Grand total, 3D.MOO bftlea. Tbe receipt* at the port* were a* follows(S?lve*ton, J1J7 ba'ea; New Orlean*. l,i>75; Mobile. 1<I5; Satannnh. 140; (Ihftrleatou. M5U; Wllmlniitou. 5; Norlolk, 4H; lialtluinre, 25; New York, 10; llontou. 3ll; i'biladelphlft, .13. Total, 3.H3U bftlea. Thla d*v l'ial week. 3,4tlJ. Tin* day laat year, 3.S7S, Total tlnco September I, 3.lit*'J,171 balo*. Cotton frolnhta clnaod ft* follow*To Havre, by *teani, J^c. coin prettied. To liauiburK, by ateam, %e. couipre**ed. To lire- | melt, by aleam, \c. eonipreaiied. To Liverpool, U-32c. ft 5-lllc., by ateaiu; by aall, 'jd. ft l)-3Jd. Duuus. Ac.?Opium wa? a aliado firmer; quoted at fl. gold, in bond, and ^? 75, currvuey for job lot*. Oil vitriol wa* quiet at if 1 75 per cxvt. for lari;e lota and 2c. ft 2>*e. per lb. for small Iota. Camphor win ateaily at 27c. for reliifd. Cream tartar waa quoted al 32c., nuld, lor American, and 37c. Tor French, and 37Kc. for p.iwdered in bbla. and 38>,c. for do. in boxoa. Alcohnllca?Chloroform and ether were ?teady lit 00c. for the former aud 54c. a H4c. for the latter. llornx wa* steady at l|l4c. a ll>?c. for redned clly an ll^C. lor do. California Balaam loin wa* qul?t al (2 a $2 25. currency. Hurguuoy pitch waa quoted al 7>?o. a He. (luurann w.i* eaay ut $3 u f'l 25. Maiiiin, ujw crop, wa* quoted al 47'sC. a 50c. for auiall, 1 ?1 05 a $1 10 lor larize anj 35c. for norl*. Kua aiati cftntkitrldea were quiet at <1 25 a (1 50. rthellftc wa* qaiet at 45c., gold, for U. "C., aud 3He.. Koid, for Kngllsb. IJIvl dlrl wa* very scarce and firm at per ton. Culch Wft* quiet ?t ?lj%c.. gold. 1'ruaaiate potaah wa* quiet ftl 2Ua a3llc., II* III quality, iilchromftte potash waa dull at 15>,c. Sal ammoniac waa tin!! at 1<>^C , nold. Jrlah mo** waa quiet at 0>|C. ft 7c. Oauibior wna liriu at Oc., |(old. Kpaoiu *alt* were In fair demand m -C. Sumac waa tirm at f 1 35. Ar l?(d? were (toady at 2Hc. a 32>4c . fold, according to qutllty. Uetitlan root waa Arm at 7c. t'aaala buds wero quoted ftt 45e. ? 6.>e. Colombo root was quoted at lte. for whole and 14c. lor powdered, liuiu t:eddn wa* llrm at 7 i4c. ft be., with upwitrd tendency. Juniper berries were'lull at He. a 3>,c. for ordinary Italian Oratit:o peel ruled quiet at lOJ^c. a lie., spot Venice turpentine wssdull at 17',c a UH:. Castile soap?Conti while wa* quoted at IH'^c. ami Marseilles pure moliled at illc., koIiL Koclietie salts were steady *> 3H>,e. lor bbla. unit 31fcc. f.-r boxes. Quinine wa* active at f2 20. Hlue vitriol was steadv at Sc Morphine wft* active at $4. Iodide potash wa* III lair demand and sieailr at 1 ?2 25. bulk, and *2 33 b. I. Alum?Lump wa* in fair tie ' i ft nd at J Sc. ft 2*ic. Clilorftle potash was In lair demand ' ftt 21c. ft 21>;o., gold, .Hid 22c lor xrccnbftck*. Tar aric I field wa* quiet ftt 42^?., nolu. tor crystal, mid 4itc. a ; 50c. for powdered. Cltrio acid was quoted at 74c. a 75c. Licorice rixit was quiet al lonuer prices; quoted at 4c., i Bold. Slid Irom He. voile., currency, for selected. Lloorlce fiaste, t'ftlabrla, was quiet ftt 31c. ft 3Mc ; Spanish solid wa* n Bood demand at 25c. ft 28c, Bold; l'lBDat?lll wits quiet 1 at 34c.; small Onsallnft wnsquoted ftt 32c.; larfre Ontallnft was in Bood dgman't at 40e.; P. <K 8. small was active at 3Hc. ft WKr. CeriBlUno was vey acarce ; l*al lot m as sold nt 4.5c. Cattlcllsh bones ruled steady at 20c. a 27c. Halsam ' copaiba was easy at 05c. a 7Uc. Saffron wa* firm .at 22c. a 25c. lor American and #0 $12 for Spanish. OalaiiBul root wa* quiet .<t 4c. ft 4>?c. Cod llrer oil wa* In lut de maud ftt ?l 50 a 91 00 for Newfouudlsnil ftlid $2 for Korwe Bian. Itbubarb wa* In uiodorate demand at prices rauBlu^ from 55c. to SI 10. Aloes worj quoted at 12,Sc. a 13c, tilnBcr was Arm at SOc. ft 21c. lor Jura<lc? blenched. KrBot wft* easy ftt 91 75. Uuiokillver wa* quoted al 07c. a OHc. Leave* wore quiet, but steady; quoted at 2<>c. for belladonna. 11c. lor coniutn and aconite, > 20c. a 22c. tor henbane and $ I 25 for rose. Arsenic was in ' la idem a nit at 3!_ c. a 3,'ic., Bold, lor white powuorcd, and I 13c. a Io>4c. (or rod do. Sseas ?ere quiet. We quote;? Mustard?Yellow Callfoinla, 7}Jc. a He.; brown do., Oc. ft US'--.; brown Trieste, 7&C.; yellow Kiicllsli, H^c. Canary? I'rime Dutch was quoted #7 75 and Smyrna was firm at ' 97 25. Hemp was qnlet at $1 H2>f. Caraway was ilriu at 12c a 12)ic. Corriander wa* quoted at 5,Sc. Caniouiile llower* were quiet at lOo. a 2'-c. I or Itoman. Ulycerine wa* in fair demand and firm ftt 17c. ? IHKc. Sweet uiftrtoram wa* quiet at 2>>o a 22c. Orrl* root was steady nt 12>?c. a i 25c.. aciordhi .-to quality. Tonca beans ste.sdv at 91 50 for ADBoatura. Altheft root wa* tirm ly held at 30c. fur white cut aud 25c. for lair do. Oum arabic was quoted at 15e. for prim> sort* and 11c. tor second do. Ansostura bark wa* L scarce and tiruily held at 50c. Sassafras bark wa* qnlel nt He. Sqallls were quiet at lOe. a He. Lavender (lowers wore quiet ftt OWe. Valerian root was quoted at 25c. lor KiibJIsIi und 15c. lor (lerman. Albumen was steady A 05c. ft 70c. fur blood ftud 91 ?? 91 15 for ?BK. rtara.ipurilla was quiet but steft>ly. We quote ;?lloudurfta common at :t4c. ft 37c.; do. do. lor export, :15c. ft 37c.. gold; Mexican. 13c. ? 15c. Jalftp was quoted at 12c. a 13c.. Kold. tiiim dainar wa* quiet at 10c. sIN. OamboBe wa* anotod at 07c. Asaaftatlda wa* steady at K>0. a 17c. Carbons to ammonia was quiet at 1414c. r.ssentlal oil* were qnlel but Hrui. We quote;? Oil beriraiuot. 94 50; oil lemon. Sanderson'*, 93 (m; llnu ?en's llnesl oli ro*e, $0 37S'.' o l anise. 91 75, all Bold; oil caraway, 91 40 a 92 5n; oil croton. $2 18; oil clironella, 7jc. a 05c.; oil lavender, 7.r>c. ft 92; do., do. iMltchatu;, ?!12 50; oil cloves, fc1; oil winterBTOen, 93 15; oil snssafra*. Inclusive, 52)je.; oil penny royal, 95, all enrrencr; oil of bar, 918 and tJ5. Kniilish chemicals?Tiie market closed quiet. Tbe sale* were O tons soda ash ut 91 D5, 100 drum* cauitle soda al at 94 37 S ? 94 44; .100 ton* *ftl *odft at 1S?.. I1"' keg* bicarbonate sod* ftt 4Via. all Bold, And 50 tons bleachlnB powder at 91 75, currency. We quote :??Sod? nsb. ordinary to Beod brands. 2c a '-'Sc.; sal soda, 1 ',c. a ISO-: caustic soda. 4Se. a 41ftc.; niearbonatc *oda. 4i?c. a ?Sc.. all Bold; bleachlnB nowder, 2c. ft 2Sc.. currenc.v ; superearbonftte soda, John Dwiabt k Co.'*, (la k*B*).4c.. currency. fKATMBUi were qniet und nnchansed. 1- ls 11.?The market wa* quiet lor all kinds; 500 qnlntal* Grand Hank at 91 75 a 95. and 3<A> do. Grand Bank at 93 25 a >3 50; **) bM* Nova ScotlH mackerel, salt, at a private price. We quote -.?George'* cod. 95 25 a 90; Grand Hans do., 94 50 a ??>; new GeorK*'*. 95 75 a 90. Shore mackerel. No. 1. 920 a 92*; do., larg* No. 2, 915 a 918. Uox herrlUB, So. 1, I5e. -. scaled do.. 25c.: barrelled do.. Portland. *4 7o a 95: Lanrador 55 00 a95 75. axn i?*sl*.?Kec-lpta?Klour. tl.twi bbla.; wheat. H5.3M3 umlii'ls: corn meal, 231 aaeks: oats, 44,585 bnahels; corn, I.H.huo do., barley malt, H.47o de. Tlie flour market was steady with a moderate Inqury for consumption and shipment. The sales were about 18,501 bblft.. including State, Western ?nd ftoutiierii at tbe annexed qontations. Ryu (lour w>* sold to the extent of 2f*J bbls. at 9*1 75 ft 95 10. Corn meal w*s fftlrlr ftctlve. We nolo *ale* of 1.05O bbt*. within the quoted rauice. We quote; ? No. 2 Si $2 75 ft $3 60 Superfine State 4 10 a 4 50 Kxlra State 5 (JO a 5 25 Choice stale 5 25 a 0 t?) Superdno Western 4 10 a 4 Ui Extra Western 4 SO ? 5 25 Mlntie*?tft 5 25ft 7 UO Hound hoop Ohio, ahipoinB brauda 5 00 ft 5 25 Konnd hoop Ohio, trade brand*..., 5 50 a 0 50 family 7 uo a a :o 91. I.ouls, low extra 5 00 a 8 (X> M. Loal*, stralBhi extra 0 ?'*'1 * 7 00 St. Louis, choice double oxtra 7 Oo a Is 00 St. Ixiuis. cholee family " 2-> a H Ml Kye Hour, line to seperllne 3 70 a 4 20 Southern, No. 2 3 25 a 4 00 Southern, superfine 4 25 n 4 05 Southern, extra 5 25 a 7 1 0 | Southern, family 7 2 ? a > *1 ( Corn meal, Western 8 00 ft 3 30 ; Corn meal, Jersey 5'V * ' 5? Corn mcftl, Hrandywlne...>.? 9 55ft 3 Oi Corn nteftl. puncheon* 20 00 ft 20 50 ?Wheal til fairly active and rather (Inner, but closing quiet and barely steady. The sftles were isboiit 445,u*i bushel* ftt 9IOW a 9110 r*r common Chicago sprln?; 9110 a 91 20 tor ungraded sirluB. 91 22 for No. 2 Chicago, 91 25 a * I 25,S for No. J Milwaukee. 91 25 Tor Minnesota. 91 25 lor No. 2 Milwaukee, part tor deliver/ up to June 15; 9127 flat old No. 2 In store. 91 32 a 91 33 for choice No. I on the spot and to arrive-. 91 35 tor white Canada, to arrive in bond. 91 42 for amber (Uale, 91 45 a 91 52 lor while MiiblKAM. Kye wa* qftiet at trom hoc. a H5c. for Western. Canada and St*t*. Com wa* steady, with sale* of about bushel* *1 OOc. aHti\c. grade, 01 'fc. s OlSc tor steamer, 112i.e. lor mixed, tilc. lor da. lor June, 54c. tor 11 .merchant able. 04c. (or Western yellow. OHc for .-southern white and 01V4O for old Western mixed, aOoat liarley ? We note sale of 5,000 bushel* Western on prlrate term*, barley malt was quint. Hats were without decided ehantre. The sftie* comprised about I* 1.1JO 1 Imshel* at 34S? ft 8T>c. for rejected, 4<le. ft4oSe. lor N? 2 Chicago, 4-ic lor No. 2 MHweukee ?nd 3!?C. for graded No. 2. New Vurk inspection. fkt'l*.? The iiiurket for lorelgn dried was steftdr but quiet. We quote ;?l.ftjer raisin* per box. 92 75; half das. 91 ? 0: quarter do.. 70c. ; new looae muecaiel, 92 75 a 92 \r) perb-ix, according to quality; new aeedlesa raisins, 95 2J per ft ail, Valencia rat*iu*, lo%e. per lbs; eullana do., 14c. lor new; Turkey pruues, 5Vc. ler Herela and Bos nia: aew Fiench do., Oc. a lie., according 10 *l*e and quality. Currant*. 0\c. a 7c., according la qual ity. Leghorn cliroa. ale. Klg*. 14c. lor layer*. Date*, 5SC. liraail nut*. ?Ke- Preserved glnBer. 9i ?"*> |>er case. Douieilic dried was qaiel. We quote .'?Apples, Slats, quarter*. 9So- ? We-: ???-. ?Hred. He. a toe.; Southern, quarter*. 7S?. ?M)^c.; do., *llced. HS<- ft lie.; do.. fancy, IjWc. ? 18c. Peftenes, peeled -Georgia, prime to fancy, He. * I He.; unpolled do., aaarter*. l'?Se ; iiaive* U-c. a 13c.,S< ? 10,S?- ltaepberrie*.2He. a2>e. Cher rie*. I We. Plums, southern, lHe. a **? . do,, Stete, 21c. I'naiiut* were stesd*. We aiiote:?1 trdlnary Virginia,91 95 a 91 flo; prime do.. t\ 50 a pi 9U; cholee de.. 91 7o a 91 75; ordinary A llmlngten. 91 2j ? 91 40; prime to lancy do.. 91 /oa9! 9). 101 iiomeitie green there ? is a flim. r an.l 1,, live insrkeL We qaate??Apples, (elected winter. bM.,99 ft 99 90: de., asixad, Kl Ms 92 75; fte., eoau per Sia**** ^r*b^??-Chol#,, ?4 7? a ?**>: 4a. .oadto h.t*Di.?T"fW "?r|,JI?'*t. "nrh?i;??4. We .mm:. clover H'*"?}?' *ll e" rVU" M90c ?#l 10; do.. :?sT rye 7Cc. a <1 10; out vnuh,r4u!L .J.T"T!" f "rk" **? W* no,? *'"? ioW pUr?]7n .t.,^r5rw,,h,, 'aub?l?? Manila. wind. I* ? #??> lor .IiikI 'iSS* ~~A'?*rfe*'> dr#??ed, #l!" for rou -h ??"? d?uU. mill fl.-. ? ?U5 lOWaiaio? > \h'?'p: 71*1 * 7y ? Ku?U dean. 7?r' civ slaughter* aV 7*^ W * *n!** nf srsi-m fcs ar. & vs- ?Mw*1 ai ,b. i.,c. M?.;j,v;ud i,^v1Ver*1JCru,-,IH 10 ?? ???*. a lie. ? (try it"*;, n?'. nil''cTl'' :":u 1 '?? *? ii., ' ,7c; 11 1Ut ? ^4 to 30 titk Kit 'r? *"d period 111 187 4 41 si 1 a I * *?' ? t*'tal receiptn for >aino ottt da ? tot il* rxn h i ' "S"""** for lb* week, t . ?*P?rt? since Se;>toiut???r J. lH7/? ?i? ? ? NewYort 5u[r77T?7 n 1 "in. He. a lA?. * ?ar ? -, i it"T *V ?*= : Win be.: t'*lt(ornl?.ir>OHlMc ' U'- "" -ruwl"*' lc- ? ch^^TO^v?orivr,ric?tjf,s-wu 'i"1?' u?t ?"? tfi?rnock mid 1<*> ton? Hi'llnli.ii nil ,,Vi Drh?mt l""" tiio" ?,... r:^z kTi is"? ? -3,J 60: Ktfliuiuu frl? a ffn 4^1 . 'Jlenyaraaak. ill aak.d; U. WU #*. ^IroWt^ ^^?r7oV.arai."^,8 87?-?0,d'ter ""n'0*"? ?< *> -5. i'KATuiiK.?Manufacturer* wore buying nolta fr..?i. ?/ hemiock Hold, but price* far ordinarywul?Su?l ?i!Jw.r? uir5cS,ou a.v, commou 1".1B. .Jic ; ml.Ule Bueoo* A "el t 2^. SSi.' iK?r?!?;5!,*' 1H?- *B?ur'r^*'??cd cHmmou;blU?: Xr'ito "?S:'K" .Sr.? vs? fc-r" S i %,? K !ta,a?.xo'1*"-'w??sf ^ ? quuU:? 3jilrli? tnrp.'ulino u vt. ii i 1 ;cr?lRud. Vl 70 ? gt| 75; ifiHid do fn;. ',,Ur,U", WHmlnrton. ?' f?? |V ^ m ?r~ VII minifto" were H> follow. :_|{ultn qiu.i; ?r?fn.d^? *l S HnU Jf04>a slrmlu?U ai *1 tin. Tar tftrixi Hi ?i 5ii rH !? ?io?4Uy; hurd &l 2ii- ?.??! t? u ? ? 2P* ^rptuttiie ; Arm ii Js",Z *' '!U' ,oli- iJ l5: ""ri". So. Hplriu J I ln^ to"'?%? 1 i'liV,,11:.':-c"jrin"bulS'"n*?do?'7? it a-v. i i^ 'ri4 J"'*? r"??,0'?elc were a. f?llo??\_Tlil Oi.r llrt, MS ?! ^aS.SlwX*'""? bee I. 75 lleroci ?nd bbf?. J'ork Wi.wl.o.,,; rtipu'ub^Vai Wo.. aC?ziS''2 m ok*-cuVi-?K> u s'-h''kT: rjjT r iwrwsr -T. ?"< ?*'r? 'ueal >ol?i within i tie run if o Woinote ?-lll'rJ u i'N r* me... ti.i ?|ul)l do./#ia " .ckM #7? vT tsznz. ss a* a.s-",stu'? jrs .elllntf Inamitll lu|t ,,t U],'C. fl)r haill, ?1-' "'Ici'd; Auirunu ifU 771,' bIJ ii- A !"k#d; Sepiembor. #1 110 bid Vjj us #r%ar?;fw *!?? h,'ot *> tlercoTeiiV'ui rtoutU Ainarlc*. 13c. for Conllu"^,? ,*#d^1^ forOub^''kSf I VT: 'v'v L'! an<1 ^lk'- ? ^ for Suite and *? ? -. ?c. for V\ extern. Itieese wn? xteiwly, at 10c. a liu. r,! lull cream ?nd 4c. ? He. for .klmmed U *c' ,or ; Hiciiwaiiu?ay. wltha fair demand. We auota _r??, Jm'/Vh'0 l'L""e- ?f; H (,,4?-: Loul.l4tift, Ulriu'.0J*'v tloT"" utTXe. ? 7Jgc. and 8c. for combina. pr^inVtficbiiico!1* mMket WM qul8t " "fcc.al3Xc. ior I Hugaii.?K<ir raw there ?u a qalet but firm market- Vm i ^.r?jrasffi^Ks? unci boxe?, (llj'e. ? 7?i,c.; fort. ui?? relliiin? ? ' I prime, 7c. a ?>!?. : da/^rocerv/lalr to choice Sfee ^ Hui''1 i lined?atiindard A, wKa a tAic. - olT a iu >. '? -r.f'i r'..' ' nowdere.l. imac. ; Kranul.itcl IOJ*'c.! cu'l ioaf luiCe >*C'5 Tallow. ? ltcceipt*?137 lihdl. Uiid :)70 bblt Th?'m>rk ? ' wa? it tliade tinner, prune brllimine H? c a f5 l l ltif. m*rV j *75?: "%?< ! Tobacco.?Tho market for Kentnckr waa Mtiro i?h s?I?n were oO? lilolv at tiU> a lik> LtiJf. r , 1' ??lei wjro 100 cmkoi onndrie* at 7c a ''"w J?*?"*''Uvul' JlBtfiaa.l. cro? 1X74 .. 7- 'fl * ^ i.^1* ?<"??-New >V'iii*KKr.?Recclptf?!WR bbla. whlaker uj m wi . ?Icobol. l'Ue market waa quiet but .troutf $1^ 1 a bid \u [ lb?. do. at ale., -.001.1 lb?. Mexican at ifcT ??5*u !^J. ?. ss'issajSV'SS'Slsi'as.r" : x^.rd,?;?"'"lyrafcUv8 rr *n? Petroleum lono^e "fair d.m'a'ml""; tl^U^r'^r*, ^ ? The'Vni/aKe'inenu^we^re^To^LlTomool b^^aS ' p.b?^r?va?. I p Nail, ie.(??i builbeU th.:,i".1' I buibela Kraiu 'to till," at Hd r pt-r (team, 32.0O0 biisheli train' ,1 in , The charter, eurnprlned a llritlab brlir Imi.<-? ?/ ?i,"".'. ! tinent direct, with ;i7ii0 quarter! irrmin It , ltritilth bark, henoe (or Name vujiiro with 4 (XMi i ?#' tt do. at 5s. loW<! ? n Hritt-i. " wi?n 4,UU(iquartor* I |y^\hv,^^n,Ya^uvc.r",? ivvir i?rV;',{ ? quart?r? do. at ti?. (rtDortcd rA?*n?iS iL w?tli Aa. {W.i; ? BillUh bark (uoiTat ?rror' ?' from PLtliiiletbliia to a d^ect port ? 1Ur'^ Ireland, will. 4, (On ouarlora do at IT": if bulk; *n Italian bark, from Hhiladolnhii' i ' vovaite with a,?*l Iiuurten do OB ,.?i?..i . a British bnK. from fluiadrlpnla to Cork C orter. w'Vth J.7U0 (junrlem, o?. tw ; n Morweirlaii bark irmh iSi j . ?ii'^ "" American bark w?th :!SjoS",1' i a.I at 5i. .*d. ? An Itiiliau bark (to Arrive) irmu i*i?o i i ?!*' lor aame voyaco, with 4,800 do, at i;? ? a Xmi 1 from Klchtnniid. with 2.&M blile. rnflnVd aitmUnfi'L ? Baltic on private term*; a Utrruan h.rT!? SUnir to lho vovaue. with 4,?-?? do do. on pTr"- te?mi .^'?/0r brljr thence to Kl.inore f..r order* wltl?a'7m liU'V"1*'.' 4*.0d.: a Brit.ab bark, from FhXd^obU -l ' Antwerp, with .i,0:n do. do on ortrWUiltl? T""0' tb^xtss&ssi yszj:.ti -St' - "??"??. tiisii sc&rssjsz-m? N$W YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Fattur, 3(ay in, 1878. uccirn roK two mrv Vr.ih Skrep and a?I Turrit. Brrret. (bin, hi ml a. Hog*. Sixtieth atreeL .... 1.U74 b l.JIJ 1,411 ? Forty-eighth airocl. ? ? ITJ Mi ? Fortieth lUMt ? ? ? ? 2,L'fW Jeraey City. 1,271 - ? 6.3H7 !>:(? Totala. 'J.84A lj?4 0.7H4 H.'.CtJ Bkcvk.h? On ? moderate ran of generally *iik?-ill qnitlity . tieerea trade oil tlii? forenoon waa alow. but nothiu,; wor?.> | than on Wednesday la*t. The herda to hand w?ru in-arty ell ' ?ulU off by noun ; oil U>?. not won only a vorv lo.t of I tno top atenra wore allowed 97 Urn. not. At alllieth ?trei-t , yarda T. C. Kaolin an aold for oolt 14 ear? of homed cnttie ; . aalei aa follow* :-?U llllnola ?teera at 10c. por lb., aelulit ; 7k cwt. neonl; 64 Illiaolo eteen al !<?? par lb., with a traction on per lb., weight 7.1% cwl.: wm IIIIdoIo , ?!e?r? at i'"c. per In.. witU II oo por bead, weight 7?% cwt. ti. W. Vail aold lor arlf jtt ateer* al I'iSc. i>. r lb., weight W>, cwl., atrong; 17 Illinois at cere al K\r. par lb., ! weight iHj cwt. want. J. U. M interna A Son ?>ld lor aelrea | U4 MUnuurl at??ra at Inc. per lb.. weight 7 cwt. C.'oau * Ihorapaon aold tor aHvet SJ I Ilium* aleira at IO*?c. . par lb., weight 1% cwt. r. Samuel. aold for aeif , ?.i llllnola eli-eero at lUe. per ib.. weight CV4 c.n ; ; M lllinoin noon *1 1"U? P*f ?olgbt 7 cart lloll , on oala SI llliaoia ateer?. 0. Vagel eold lor a, Togo) I .*? lilt - 1 nolo ateera at 10JU. p*r lb., weight 7% owl. D. Waisat M.ld ! for Karri* A Welial 4tt IIIIboIi eteen at loVic. por lb., ? with $1 off nor hood, weigbta 7 owl. a 7>% cwt.; hold oa aalo i 144 llllnola ateera. rilegti A Meyer aolil for aelvea 33 ' llllnola aioora al 9itc. por lb.. weight 6U cm.; ! -Ml llllnola aloor* at f^c. por lb., weight ti'A cwt.: | 13 llllnola atoora at lu^C. pot Hi., weighl 7> cwt.; 14 Illlnoto -ly-ra at !<>??. pur lb , weight %cwt,:44 Itlmo.a alrora at IOV r?r <b . woi|bt ? carl.; balu oa oala, IHU llli 1 nolo atoora. At.loroa) cjity yarda Martin. Knllor A I'o. . 1.1 f?r oolrco IHU Mia-ourl iK-ora at 10c. a lul%c. por In., wrlKlito 7 cwt. a ~'a ' *1. I'uilloT A Ttittry told lor oalvra 0<i lUlnnio atRfra al lUc. par lit., with $1 off per bead at IftWr. nor lb., and | l"on. Woliihta 7>% cwt. a T\ cwl Honey k MiI'licrami a old on coaiin liaioa 10 llllnolt otaora at Ilk-, per lb.. walKbt 7 cwt. C. Kaba aold for Kahn k Kurat I U illiuola atearo>?c. a IOi%c. nor ih., wolltht cwt. M. iin(do?linil'lt oold tor Holroeh, Moyar A Ua Iti Illin<>!? ateon al per lb., weight cwt; 73 llllnola ?leera at f.!<c per lb., with $1 off the herd. wkIkIh i\\ cwt. atroaK;fl'i illinola ataora at l"r. per Ih., wolRuta7 cwt. a 7M cwt : 14 Illiftolo taaera at lUUr. p?r lb., weiicbt 7', , wi. H. ii Itonncll >old for aOlf 16 llltaaia aloera at lOr. per ib., weight 7 owl. atroaf. ?SHNKr aKi> l.*aaa.?Trade email Md ?low. Mieea aold al '\r ? *V' par lb.; lamb* at lUc. a i:tt-j,c. por Ib. Hume a blliott aold ;H lbre|i, weight 8,Mb It.a., at hW^. per Ibk kaao * rtdeaak aaM liUMe ahoo?, walght MUM. far head, 1 ?t |??r lb.: m*5 Ohio Vliflrt 83 lbn, p?r h?ld. *t j^f lb. ; Kir* l>*)U\*ait? V? 1U* p?r hottd, I i?t l ie. p?*r ib.; '.?* Jurn v luitit??. ~>'J lt?* p?*r tie*d ?t , 1 Jljr. (??r Ui., I'JU J*r%4ty ! a tub a, hoi..'tit .'Hi lb*. a M llti per ho ad. ?t \lk% * I3!^c. per lii. i Miu'h Cow*. -Tbo>? to ti*tid li^ld <?a ?*!#. Viol* axi* <'alvk*. ?No tiuu th quality ve*l* to hand. Butusrmilk-ftd calves. 4*?c *5>gs. per lb. ; ordianr., <j? iiity catvt*. 5,V\ * *%''? P*r ?b. Uoua ?Ttwre wero no lire h<< ?* on ?al?. DOMESTIC MAKKKTM. (ItLVKvro*. May til 1878. Cotton qui-"!; middling. ll'.< : low middling, n",c.; iruod ordinary. -4c. Nel rro .|>t*. IH7Mci Kxportt co.wtwiae, i',111. Salt s. 4M Sii.ok, J1..VM. Weekly ?Net receipt*.* 1' I ? li?iu?; aru??. 2,lt?. Export. cuiuIwik, iiuci, ('HAIU.K Mur 19, 1*7<1. Cotton *te?dy; middling. ll'.c.; low uiiduUn*. llWc.; Rood ordinary, lOc. jfct receipt*, 850 halea. S?le?. 4m). Block. 10,13*>. Weekly?Net receipt", l.tttitf bale*. Export* ?oe*twl?c. 4u J. salea, xooo. WlLMUfOfO*. N. C., Mxr 19, 1M70. Hplrila of tur-ientlne Arm at 2H>|C. lioelu quiet at $1 55 fur ?trained. Tar iirm at 9' bo. Oswkuo, May 10, 1H7n. Flour unchanged: aaioa 1.500 bbl*. Wueat quiet; No. 1 Milwaukee Chili held at #1 -'5; white CaA?fa. <1 4* a $1 ?>?'>, in round lots; No. 1 Michigan, #1 43; extrft <tu., jll >t lor car lot*. Corn steady, now, <IUa.; oUL B3fl, Hurler qulot. No. 'J Unntill he 1.1 ?l ?*. Corn ?**!?93U I #?17 lor bit'iod; 9-15 * cJn lor unbolted per ion. Mill IVed-* KkMtt. fl'i. abltiatulffc, # IT; middling*. 910 a $JO per ton. Canal froU'hta?Whoat,5*40.: corn and ryo.fte. to New Yorkj lumber, 92 lu tin- Htadaoa, Hi- 7."> to New Vork. Lake re. odl>l?Wheat, i ii-Ih U; ryt. 11 .<??*? 441 lumber, l.i^ lent. C'vi*l >hlpuiunli> llyc, i tiu->li?la; lam bur 7?ti,uuu but BorrALO, M iv 10, if74. I'oci'lpti ?11 v Uko ? Flour, 1. K>" i bills, (wheat, :ii>ilUU0 ba*h el?: com, i?iUo. ; o?w, laujUdw. B.v r iilroad?I'lour, 4,1(IU bt>l? : K'MI uu?i>e >; corn, -0,0?J0 do.; ottts, u<> lio l>ur Wy, b.i(i > do. fihlpineuta -Uv i iinul to tldo vuter?Wbunt. 7?><?? buib?l?; corn, I?*? do.; oku, l-l.iUrn do. 'lo laterlar poluu H'htM. 7,0 ?i liuniyel*; o?t?, 10,0 ?J do. 11) rullro.i.l ? Hour. U.UJU bblt. i wliont, tf,oo?J lui(licit; corn, 71.<kII do.; ouh. S.'mki do.; b:irhiy, 3,000 do. (MiimI fr<>li{ht^-Wlieat. (i??i n : corn. to Ne*r York, lolu in liidrd. Klom t|Ulet, nut uroi. \\ lu-nt lu ki o 1 rt'iiucat i?nd ilrrti; a*lcn of 40 l>')0 i iialu'U No. Mllwuuko* dull at Jl I5VJ; tlllw mkiu wlute wiuter mi #1 :ill^?*!l 4JS itSO butbelt Minnool* ut $1 *JM. Com ill Imr dcuuitnd; aaK? hi pru'i'. ruu^iai; Inuu S^c. t" itic , accord blC to quftUty, lui-liidiuu ii?. - Ht Mc uud lilkU Iinxud lit Otic, tints?Uctniliitff only. Kyo?Market bare. Uarle* qui t; anlos of A cnr? t'anitdlitii nt I'Jc. on track. folk dull: $-1 7.? tor lionvj rai'K. Lard dull at 14c. liiicliwlnea uominally (111 lur city made. Sou '? <|Ulet and ?t ?.ly. Toucuo, Slay II'. 1878. Floar steady. Wlioat ?toady; Nu 1 ?iiit"> Mlcliuatt, $1 ; No. I do., #1 |4; oxira do., 91 41; umber Micbl (aa,|) W; Juue, 91 July, #1 'JKiifrrni No. !J rod winter, #1 !ll,lj; ri'juclvu rod, UlVa t'orn Uriuer; bii;h Bil*#il, May, .?4;'.jC.; Juno, !??.! Juty. SI^c.i low mixed, 5.1c.; no irriule, > > '^a.; Majr, 8Uc'. *, uo Uuftou aud Michigan, 5of^u. | dauiaKed, l-.c. uat. qulei; No. U Canada, apnt ami Juuu, Ji'.e.; Miclipun, Utic ICoceipU?Wliuat, ll,i**l l>iik!nd>; corn, I2,0t*J do.; oat?, .t, urn do, Htuomuiiin? Kluitr, ?<>' bbl*.; wheal, 40,U?) ImatieU; corn, 7,000 do. Cuicaoo, May 10, i H7d. Flour quiet itnd nncliHti^cd. Whaat untoilled aud lower; opened itroni; a i'i ol^lier; closed at liulde Diicea; No. J Chlenyo aprlttn <11 (Jfi. apol; ^1 Oil-1, June; ifl OH, Ju'y; No. !i Chicago aprinu, Wl^a. * Miflk; rejected, m^c. Corn un ?ettluii. but (fuerally lower; No. 2 at 4Mb., apot; 4tt^e.a Jnue; J uly. Uatl Brtn; No. - at 31c.. upot; IIO'.jC., June. Kyo ateituy n? U7c. a 08c. Barley eaaler at 78c. ? 7'Jfji'., apot; 7 He., May: .">0c., June, l'ork dull and a nlutdo lower: ItiO 45 a &:o 5o, apot and June; ftl 85, Jniyi $U>J HTi a $^0 >fTi4, Autrual. l.ard dull aud a ahadelowi r; ?0J I7'j a ^IJ 20, apot and Julio; 30 a 912 tt'a, July; $12 45, Augnat. llula meaia dull and a aliado lower; ihuuldera, 7,J?e.; clear rib alde?, lii;',,c.; clear aldca, lie. U'lilakev, $1 07>i. iCecelpta?I'lour. 11.00.1 bbl*. (. wlieat, SS.iJOU butbol*; corn, lOI.iam do.; oata, JH.OOO do.: rye, tt.UOO do. ; barley, 8,500 do. Sblpmrnta Flour. 10,'?Kj blila.; wheat, 7H.UIU bualiela; colli. 133,000 do ; oata, 44.IHHJ do. 1 rye, l.JU'do.; barley, 3.000do. At the aftor noon call of tliu Hoard? Wheat uaaier; 9' 06JJ ? 91 05*^ Juno, 9 05% a $ 1 tki July. Corn Mitlmr; ?'?a, a 4?l'4e., Jline; 4'iijc. a-4'':'u0., July Oata Heady; 30\c. a 30Cc., June, l'ork liu-lier; $.'i? 7o n $'J0 July; ^JO tf7>j au (uat. l.arU hli;Ucr; 91J liU.'.j, June ; $12 .1.) J uly. COTTON llECEIPTS. The are tne total net recelpta of cotton at all tlie ports, aluce riuptemlinr l, 1*73. .ftSS SKKSiv.'.v;:::: ??:*? i7-t" a,w?,i7i Total PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. I'uuvmt.iCK. K. I., May 1U. WW> Printing cloth* dull, but lirm and uucUantftid. HAVANA MARKET. Mata^a, May in. i?? BpanUh trold. 23?K a 229. Stales. ?*> day., currency. a ?S d's^uni. ou a lti>i premium; ou Perls. a? premium. EUROPEAN MARKET. Losnox PUOUOCK *amW-Lo*?oi?. *?/ 19-ETea jug,?LiuKOcil oil. III?. Dtl. per cwt FfwAWCIAL. 2i'NM.? el.. |th &. TraTellerk' Ccdiu. -^blelu .11 p.rt.ol th. w.,14. Messi*. OK KOTHHCHILD mid ttiolr correspondents. Al?o Commercial Credits and Telegraphic Tranefere <* Money OU California end liurope. - , vmiV vBLh 11X I : S-MUSKY ON LI r K AND A &?'?? In.ur.i.o. Mlcl.. Ear"? "? >iTtM"tC sPKCl'LATIONS CONDUCTED BY US IX A.'.very form ; book u.ui?.nin? si..cks wot fro# on application. rLMttKlUUC. ? vw. Hankers and Brokers, No. U*J Itroivlway. i jjy AMOUNT TKL'ST WNM TO LOAN 0? A morigaw^; clt? or^Hruoklytt. WOLCOTT. IO Plw ti. ~ *... v vROrUINUUAM ?t CO., KKBS Ajjfl A uV.'.v?r? No 1J Wuli street, New York. make, for co. boujfbt A ltd carried ?oug *? on P throe to tivo r>er cent. - Circular* wiii weekly report* #ent fr#^ ? .. f?IT Ways Have moNky to Loan on MokT T ALW A ? uruoorty; citv railroad Stocks and LSX?? "t IMl' V >' 4 oK VNT.J^ B^oad^ TOIIN S.'I'lllltCK. NO. ft PINK ST.. LOANS MONK* ?J mi New York and Brooklyn Ileal K.tale, SI* uor cent money for TrfTNrKV"TO^OAN-?r^ JVl Property; Mortgage, bought. L. M. DAV KNrutiT, 14 ) Broadway, room 19. __ - ?* rr* I CI PAL UAH LIGHT COMPANY.?50 811 ARM M * for & at #50 a^b. Addres. SToCK. bo* 14U llurald office. *?TS ffMTiTV t&L'sT COMPANY STOCK.?A PEW li Shares' for* <alowill l?e M>ld '^a'iAKOAlN to cioa. a. MMUnt. W. C. Mil K>. Noa. 4 and tt 1 Hie ct. . v - mritio to Loan to kmi'LoYMHs, So.000 Apply to K. O. LOC.KK, Financial and Hu.U neai llrokar, 1?> wtn it.. i?.r Bro.dw.y. , , ^5 t\i\~/\ 11/1/\ KOvN'KU IN. SUMS TO SUIT. Al $1,000,000 .ivts^h4 p.?.T: ULSINKSS OPPOHTl NITlKf?. *7""^" Vi'Ti VI' MVS WITH V HO M ^1" ? ^/Afl A 25r" i~S ? BfM.?J. a {^ast?wis?scss S ?vSlitfiffiir'i'SlS al 157 Broadway, ro.nn 1. ~i?(Tool) MAN WAN 1?KI> AS I'AKINKR IN AN KNj A tertalninent, workinit iown? thron?b g^.n^a; .?jU amount; no riak. CHi al wim on 1'KOrtSSOll. uocu..w. llotal, lilocok.r tt. "a BKLIAIILK MAN DBSIROUH OP KNIlA'lINO IN A .n'eataUIUIi.d money maklug budneaa with dred tiollar. can u.eei w th a rare opportunity, luvaaliga. lion solicited. Addre.s B. C., Herald olllie. ~.? imirNKil WANTKi*. IM M KI>1 ATKKYl A. Brat Claa. city cntertalnyt; fertadn Call between 10 and ?>. ready for ou*liie?e, or auareaa NKWMAM. 40 South Wasliii.trInn w>uare. t-imu an R Till* 1 N'T 11U'. OU H ALK-INTKRE8T IN L . K(?|>d "?',V0niti^,n?r"?rK*alt"Uni'|1odn will r,r.tV. ?h,'^ r.1. "d "rap room, Apfly to A. ">? IllVMN. ?.!>.?> ?t. __ o fTlce. ? ? . ?" ? .u wa\tKI)~WM'II #1.'W', 'N A WBLL K>? PAUWUbed ^i,whlci, Wlb bear .trlct InreeU^ Hon; Mock -t-iT-Ti rius UK PI!KSlI'P.N f OP A NfcW COAL COM P ?L?. r?d be had by I trentleman of meant, tuflu-nce ,,"eo?a'y. Ad.i?e? 4.^1 fo.i ofltoe. Ii.VPltimKK HtVINO MO.NKY TO INVKHT T'^.sheV o .oV.Ir. 'W^ao nl no.itlon In a hank. Inauf 4M r with ad o?t*bil?li#n tioclt to ? Addrew MONbV , Herald olhce. -t ?r a n 11-' h --A BliltiNKSS MAN. WITU $!.<?? W W jet.'"'; manmaciurlnu caah unslnesa; an opportunly it> .i it fan ma * NUCctM aru?i?"*uteedl. Cull iifterli P. M. <1. *? JOHNSON, iivi'r.ri !?!! tv and Matrno la, Brooklyn. ?' MO.NP.Y ~TO It . I'SKIl IS HUHl \V ?e?. ol ao yeara' ?tandli.?; ?oo^. would lake a partner. Addreaa boa l,l-*i I oat office. *?? London. Conn. T ? 1 w tiraMTKD?* MAN WITH TO TAKK AN I? \V ?ir~? !n a hotei. well located, with protta; satiafaclory refereucoa. Addreaa UOfaL, lleraM *wlril $l.'*M, TO TAKK AN^IN :areat In a hotel. t; satiafaclory r? ofllce. i ... aT-ixiV TO fl oca? TO BK INVKSTKU in a HBCLRBfl SoOO and profitable business by a lady of eomaereli^ t-*11 nance Mantion business to secure allentloa to letter* Atftress Mra. A r O llerald Knliadelphla Branch ogee. Al -nil III i.I'.nkiiaL I. N . I i a V Kltrt- "* I* K ?*' 9l.0Uil. tabllslied Kn,r,tvin.bua.""S "''k Jnbllc thoroughfare. Addresa KN..KAVLH, *?* *.1 Herald oBtee. - ? A'.'i iii\/v (AikK) 15,OkJ. IWW ? I.' $iii000< vest as partners; only lu s?l?etah*t?lkweL netva. K. t. LOCkK. C?'"th -t.. near Uroaiway. - lit /ill/1 WANTKD-vMIII SKIIVICK8 OP AN $10,000 educatod trenllomau waecretarr endtreM. urertn ai. Honorable, .ale and busiu.^ Add?* KBOOKNM, bo* 115 Herald ofttce. ? dsTiTTirm -a oSntlbman with tiir abqvii $10,000. am,.mil wishes a dMalM ?*? itbli?lie?t m ?ntir*ciurin.c or mercantile ftriu, aBaeStre Int.reat In the bn-lne.a AddreM l*W. oitice. DEATH OF A CONVICT. Coroner Crofcer veatonlay look charge of tlio **** * John Mr.lK.nnld, alia* Oeorg? Kvaiia, ?In* "!??? k,,,? allM Jamoa McUonald, alia* Ocorgo Kdw?rd?, ago* . Dinetpcn, a ciii.tici on Black well'a Uland. Be wai K-ntencetl at tin Coorl of Orncral *;?aioa?by^ J*Q<* Nutlterlaud to one year'* im|.riaoame..t n?r aiwanit m? lastier), JuiyJ4, IsJdw U? w aappoiiaU *? t??T? 0M tram pneumonia.