Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. SZ WHOLE NO. 14,517. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1876.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DIRECTORY FOli ADVERTISERS. 1WAIJ BRANCH OFFICE, 1.265 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAY AND NICHT. FOB RECEPTION OK ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES UK PAPERS. 1*rSEMBNTS-13TH Pack?lit, Id, 3d aad 41b roll. STBOLOGY?3d Pack?Uth col. BILLIARDS?4th pAGK-4th coL BOARDERS WANTED?2d P auk?let. 2d and 3d cola., and ISrrn Pack?4th. 5th and Hill rok BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d Pag??3d col., and 19m Pack?6th ool. BROOKLYN HOARD?13th Pagk-6iIi ool. BROOKLYN KKAL ESTATE H)K SALE-14th PAOK? lat ool. BUSINESS oppobtunities?10th Page. BUSINESS NOTICES?Hth l?ao?t-eth col. UITY HEAL ESTATE KOR SALE?14th PAOK-let col. SLEEKS AND SALESMEN?3d Pack?4th col. LOriilNU-lIra PA8?~&hoot. . COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?3d Pass?4th and Sth Mia. _ COASTWISE steamships?15th FACK-6th ool. . COUNTRY BOARD?3d Pack?3d, 4th aad 5th cola., ud 13th Pack?6th col. DANCING ACADEMIES?18th Pack?3th col. dentistry?4th PAua-flth eol. DEY GOODS?1st Paoh-IM, 3d. 4th. Sth aad 6th cola., and 19rn Pack?Int. 2d 3d and 4th e<ila. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UK FURNISHED?13th PAOK-lst aad 2d ools., ana 14tk _ Page?6tn col. _ _ . . ... EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS? 15th Paw?34h aad Sth cola. EUROPE?Urn Pace?Sth col. EXCHANtiB?13ra PAOB-6tb col. EXCURSIONS?lflra Pack?Sth col. PINANCIAL-lOnt Pack. PINE ARTS?16th Pack?6th col. FOR SALB?4*h PAfir?Sth col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 15th Paob?2d, 3d aad 4th col*., aad 14th Pack?6th col. FURNITURE?11th l'AGK-ttth and 6th cole. FRENCH advertisements?3D PAC*-5th eol. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?3d Pack-81 col, HELP WANTED?MALES??? PAOK-Sth col. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?4tm Paok?2d, 3d and 4th colt. HOTELS?2i> Paok?3d col., and l^fn Pack?6th eol. HOUSES, ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?4th Pack?8th eol. INSTRUCTION?lOnt PA0?t-8th col. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKEN. HUDSON CITY AND BERGEN feEAL ESTATE FOR SaLE-I4th Paok 2d eol. LECTURE SEASON?Uth Pack?6th coL LOST AND POUND?4th Pagk-IkI col. MACHINERY?4th PACX-5th aud 6th col*. MABBLE MANTELS?Uth PAGK-tith ool. MATRIMONIAL-Uth Pagk-6ib col. MEDICAL? 14th Pack?6th col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?16*h Pagh?4th and 5th col*. MISCELLANEOUS advertisements?12th Pagb?6th col. miscellaneous?4th Pack?lat eol. MUSICAL--16th?Pack?6ttt ool. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Bill PAC*-6th eol. PERSONAL?1st Pack?l?t eol. PIANOFORTK8, ORGANS. AC.-16th Pacr?eth eol. PROPOSALS? lira Pack?6th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 3d Pagb?2d aud 3d colt. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR 8ALB OB TO KENT?14*h Pack?2d, 3d and 4th cola. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?14th Pack?4th aad 5th eol*. REAL ESTATE WANTED?14th PAOK-Sth eol. EELIGIOOS NOTICES?lirr Pack?lat aad 2d cola. REMOVALS?IItb Pack?6th eol. REWARDS?4tu P.tCK-lst col. SALES AT AUCTION?3d Pack?Sth and Sth cola. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?3d PAOK-latand 2d cola, SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?3d Paok?3d and 4th colt. SPECIAL NOTICES?4tiuPagk?1st eol. sporting?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?4tu Pack?2d col. STORAGE?16th Paok?Sth col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d PAOH-Sth aad 6th oola., and 13th Pagb?Hth col. THE TRADES-Sn PAOK-Sth col. TIlE TURF?tTti Pack?2d col. TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?15th Pack?lat ml., and 14th Pack? Sth col. TRAVELLERS' OUIDE-ISth PACK-6th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? Iotii I'aok?4th and 5th coin., and I4wi Park?6th eol. WANTED TO purchase?11th Pack-OiIi col. WATCH KK. JEWELRY. AC-4th Pagk?Otli ool. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY KOR SALE OR TO let?I4th Park?1st and 2d cola. WHITE STONE PROPEBTY kor SAiiK OR TO let 14th Pack?2d col WINES. LIQUORS. AC.?3d Pagk-OMi coL YACHTS, STEAM BOATS. AC. ?12th Pack?Sth col. PKRIOIIAL. A. addr?u to F. J. Cianero*. 3ttt Wot 33d it., Near York, at order to communicate (omothing very Important. B. B.-l WILL YOU.ATS O'CLOCK TO MOR row aa proralaed; write me where. B. Br I OSTON CHARLIE.?HAVE GOT the HOUSE. LEFT Mrs. 8?g and gone one atreet above No. 123. MAtiD WINTERS. Bblle-DON'T FOROET PLEASANT VALLEY OPEN lac, Wednesday, May 24. Tako 2 o'clock boat from 84th at., North River. TOMMY. ROWN eyes-will EXPECT you AT ARGYLE Shadow Ball to-morrow night. JERSEY CITY. LoRENCE RlDOUT.-IF FLORENCE RIDOUT, WHO. in or abont the year 1871 was realdlag with her mother in the city of Now York, United States of America, will com municate with Mesara. MAKCIlANT A PURVIS, of No. 8 George Yard. Lombard at., I<<indon, England, Solicitor*, ?he will hear ot something to her advantage. In the event of her being dead any person giving satisfactory proof of her death will be rewarded for their trouble. / 1LOBR HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA.?I WILL SEND VT $luo for the Coral Set and Chain aad Locket and ask do questiona. Dictate whore.' M., No. 4 Eaat 23d at., Pike's Bloek. ttenry hanks.?witnesses ok will and par. XI tie* holding for aafo keeping property of Henry Hanks, late of thla city, will eoaier a favor by addreasing 8. J., bos 161 Poat office. It Patrick lee, who emigrated from parish 1 Drnmcoway, county Meath. Ireland, 2S years ago. or his kelr*. will addreaa PATRICK BYBNk, Houaea Springa, le(ror*on county. Mo., he will hoar something to hh? Interest. IF MR. K. A TAYLOR. OK~bODD'S EXPRESS, 18 LI* Ing, please send hia addreea to atatlon A, to hie long lost Alice C., of San Franeiaco, CaL I- F-THE LOVELY. PETITE BLONDE WHO COMPLI mented a gentleman by a recognition at the Hotel runewlek at dinner laat evening, wlllnddrees SINCERITY, fcox 129 Herald Uptown Braneh office she will mnch oblige mi admirer.. J -MAY 1: POOL, DRINKS AND CIOARS, $12 00, AT , (ileaaon'a billiard room, 83 Naasaa at.; please call and settle. L~ADY WHO purchased solitaire DIAMOND Ring last Tuesday, please rail or aend addree* to ROB ERT J. ROSKXTUAL, Diamond Broker SOS Broadway, ?pposlte II tn at. EM PHIS?IK ALICE OR MOLLIR ARB IN THE city send address to KITTY, Herald Uptown Branch ?Bee. IS8 ETTIK 0-?*?MEET ME TO-DAY AT PLACE yon mentioned. HENRY. rt}jXMES_DOLAN.-YOU MAY LOOK FOR BROTHER aiic1 children on Tueaaay. at 7 o'clock. PIC?YES";' I WON'T MISS, RAIN OR SHINE, AB gy|e Shadow* to-morrow night. BLUE VEIL. WILLBKIDGKT McOLAUCKLIN, WHO COOKED for Mrs. Henderson, of M6th at., call at 159 West IStli st? WANTED TO ADOPT-A HEALTHY KBMALB BABE TT (blonde), from two week* to two months old; will have a good home with an American family. Apply, three day*, from 1 to 3 o'clock, at 255 Weat 41st at. WANTED FOR A dgption?A LITTLE GIRL FROM eighteen months to three yeara of age. Addrea*. stating where and when the child may be aeen, CHILD, box 174 Herald Uptown-Braneh olBoe. M WANTED TO ADOPT-AN IN KANT, NOT OVER A week old; light hair and blue eyes: American parent a??: full aurreuder. Address S. W., Herald Uptown Sranch WILL THE PARTY WHO*WI8HED TO RENT THE dwelling 108 West 32d at. In April laat please call, aa the place la now vacant ? ANTED TO ADOPT-A NEW BOBN INFANT OF American parentage; moat have blae eyes and light hair. Addreaa, and atate particular*, box 442 Herald Up town Branch office. Y ?LONELY SUNDAYS WITHOUT You! ~ FALCONER. RELIGIdi'l NOTICES. A j.? TO 80CIKTIK8. Hit Eminence Cardlnsl McClosksy will (D. V.) lay the corner none of the Bew church of the I'aullat Father*. West 581 h it. ud 9th av., on Whltaaaday. Jane 4. The Kstbers hereby respectfully Invite the member* ol *11 Cathode and temperance societies ol the dtle* of New York, Brooklyn, Willlamabnrir, Jersey City and Hoboken to aaaiat them <>a that ooeaaloB, and reqaeat them to take action In their tneetlar* and rend delejratea to a general convention of the societies to he held at the hall No Hltt 8th av., between Mth and 55th sts., on Friday evening. May 26, at ? o'clock precisely. ALKRttlt YOUNO. C. 8. P.. Rector. Association ok him ritualists, harvard Kooma. Reservoir Park.?Mrs. Amanda 8pence apeaka Mdailav at 7W o'clock; confereuce at '2}% P. M. The pnbllc cordially Invited. ?BRRKAK BAPTIST OlIURCH. I'OKNRK BED. ? ford and Downing ata.?Rev. L. (I. I'aator, will preach Bt morula* eervice, 10:30, and baptlie alter evenlnj; aer tfce. "1 T t)HI'RCH OK THE ilOLY AHOiiTLKS. CORNER J\ 9th av. aad 28th at.. Rev. K. Hackna, rector? iervlcea at M:S0 A. .<?. and 7 :*> I'. X. At the evening service a tpeclal aermon will he delivered before the Yonn* P?.?ple'a Missionary Association of the pariah, aad the choir will render a selection of sntbetna. (llltTRCII OK THR ADVENT. B7TH ST. HBTWKRN J *th and Lexlngtoa av*.. Rev. O. .1. r*. .lowitt, rector ? H rviee Snndav, May -'1, at II A. M., 7:40 I'. M.; Sunday ?chool, a I'. M. c CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH. lnlTl HI., IIK tween 1th and 7th av*.?Sunday, 7;a P. M., Rev. ?. W. Andrew*. Lecture on the Apocalypse "The Marriage of the Lamb; Who Are of the Brule V' Soati free. C1hurcii <?K Til H HOLT MRrOLCHRR, 74TH ST. J east of 4th av.. Rev. J. Tnttlo Smith, rect?r.?Service# Banday at I OS A. M. and 4 P. M. ("tHUWJtf O# thr DimliPLBS, BADtSON aY.. OOA J ner 45th at.?Rev. George 'I llep aorth Mnrnlnir? "Wow Chrtstls Oar Snhatltnte." livening-'We are *11 UASS ?'RAISK MKKTfNO, RY TUB llirl'ODROMK cHolit, CONDUCTED BY MR fHAICHKR. Till?RHDaVRVKN INfl. AT- i.".. flHURUH OK thr ATONKMRNT, MADISON AV. and v iWtb Tiffany, rector. ?Divine service* at 11 A. M. aad 7 I . M.; nil cordially invite*! IYhuroTi7?k~tiir ~nkw "jjTru?ai7km".-.s\% ki>k x \J botRlan ? Kaat :?th at., hetweea 4th and Lexington av*.?Parables sr? eaaentlaily the langaage ?l spiritual acl ince: by no other mean* c?at<l apirttMal troth* have been jroaervert amoujr the people*. Kev. J. Airer. mtalutaf the Brooklyn Society. will pri-ach Honda.v. May JL en 'Whv the U>rd Spake Alway* la Parables;" aervleoa mil A. f|. c?m ' iregnttotial alnclni;. DtfCIPLBH or CHRIST,' l-srii ST.. NKAK MMOaD . way. ? Hev. I). K \ an tfn?klrk. pa at or, will preach nornin* sad sveala ?. Immeralon at the clone or evsaiag tervlee. |X Oil APIS. It. D? Ofll AV., t'OKNKIt 4.y|||"TtT. i to-day at II A. M. and H I', >1 Kvcnlnc aervice?K* omporaB.'noa address oa the Scripture Leaeon. and Vespers. HI art *al#nsa?. RKuexoci xotickm. "CIREE fclMSCOPAL CHCRCH'OP THE BBCONCII.r J? ?liuu, Kt*l 31*t rt.-.%r?lo?i bv Hff. R. A. Wirt drntr, >| || >; A. M. and TdUf. V. bund*J School at A. 11 A cardial welcome to all. (""forU'Kl, ~5??TINOa T Murtitun av. *nd 4Sd it.?Church of th? Holy Trinity. IriTT tvfniDK ofthi. mtk (excent Saturday*. al ( o'clock (May 3.'. 2M, 34, J5 and itll. tddttMMby Rev. Steuben H. Tvng, Jr., D. D.. and Rev. W. Humaatou*. Plt(<n by Mr. Then. K. Park I an aad a cUorn*. ITtdiMiilay, Tburnday and Friday, In the chapel .40 Saul 43d ??.. ?:? A. M., BlbU Hearting, by Rev. Stephen H. Tynm. Jr., D. D. Tha duura will be open one-half hoar before aacb tar Tic P. The Cloapel Hymn* aad Spiritual Song* by Maura. Saakey an i Bllaa will b? used. All are Invited. OSPBL 11AIX. NO. J<? 4TH AV.?SUNDAY. BIBliB Initrnctlon at 4 P. SI. ; prruehiajr at 7:4."> P. M. '"acon onul aalvation through tha craoa of (lud proclaimed. The public cordially iavited. Seat* free. No collection. HKRVXiTD. UAKftE, RBCERTLY Of tJuTMADISON avenue Reformed chareh, now delegate to lleneral Aaxrmbly Irora tit. Lou la. will apeak at 7>i o clock Sunday evening at Aaaociatloa Hall. B3."sTODDlltD AMD MASTER HOL'OH MOLD A ?eanc* Sunday and Monday nrralna. at 4SS Oth av.; aoirlt frlaada matenelHie tliemaelvea and give name* In lull. MrST bTpT jTTv BLLLBXK. TRAWtlR 8PEAKER, will lecture Sunday mornlair, 10 -.30. and erealm, 7:30, at .IS Wait 33d at. Kvaalne (abject, "Inianlty, Ita Oauae and Care." See Lake, vilL, 3tt. ST~IHKATTc^'UhURCH.40TH ST.. BETWEEN 5TH and Oth ava.?frrvlera 7, fl. 10,SJ. II (choral) ; 7S| P. M, (choral): the rector. Rev. Dr. Bwer. prcachai nuniuf aad evening, Strangera cordially invited. rruiB pbopEb,s"~skrvu;e X In the Choral) o( the Holy Trinity. Madleon uv. and 4'Jd at. Sunday evening, at 7>j o'clock. Rev. Stephen H. Tvng, Jr., will pr?*ch? The >1o*p*l Hymn* aad Spiritual Song* by Mr. Sankay art uaed. Young man'* prayer meeting every Sunday at <>S P- M. Other lervlce* at 1U)? A. M. and 4 P X. .vrrr ohapei,, 4th at. add ishth st. <har lem).?Rev. W. T Clarke preacbea. thla morning, oa "Happy Thought*." Service begin* at 11 o'clock. Strang*ra Invited. M Whly goods. ?sPE^fAt~AitSOTiTCSiirEsfr HH Hit 11H 11II IIII HH HI LLLhLL III LU.I.LI4 1)DDDD DODO IMPORTER. 58 VPaet 14th *t., Kew Tark. >81 Fulton iv., eppodte Clinton at., Brookly t 277 Ru* St. Dent*, Pari*. W* bag to anooanc* that we hir? ptulj redneed oar price* in every department of oar rbolee It oak of rich French' MM MM II L L II NX X ERE RRR Y T MM MM II L L II N H X K B R Y Y Mil MM IIIi L II X X N K RRYY. M M M M II L ,L II K M N RE RRR YY MMMMIIL L II X X X R R R Y M MM M II L h II X X X R R R Y M MM M II LLL LLL U X XX ERE R R Y oaao ooo ooo dddd ssss O OO OO O D II 8 II G OOOOD I> 8 O OOOOD D 8SS8 G GO O O O O I> D 8 a OO OO O D _ D B 8 GGGG OOO OOO DDDD 8S88 comprising the very latest norel *hape* In nntrimmed ? Round Hal* end Bonnet* for Indian, mime* and children; al*o Boy*' Hate. In French chip, Kuglf bral it, Ac. chip, English, Milan, Leghorn. Xeapolitan, hair, fancy braid*, Ac. Imitation chip Hat* at 79a*. Real Krooeh chip Hate at 91, 81 3ft and upward. Xew deiigu*. In fancy braid*, at 50c. Xeapolitan hair at UOe. And alio the Tary flneet imported fat the tame proportion. Special opening of new ihapaa, Jnrt ont to-morrow (Mon 9m will alio open on Monday nextSScaeea of entirely new and moat artiatic deitgn* in pakis rlowers. Oatrieh and fancy Feather*, Bonnet Ribbon* and Silk*. In groe grain and other now fancy make*. In all the feeding ?hade* to match. Lfen, Crapes, Ornament*, Ac. Special opeciag of TRIMMED BONXET8 AXl> ROCND II ATS, of tbe moet recherche atyle* and af rarpaning elegance, at moil extraordinary low prioe*. Elegant trimmed Bonnet* and Ronnd Hat* at 87,80 and 812, reduced Irom $12, $15 and $18, and higher priced in the tame proportion. WR WILL XOT BR UXDRRSOLD. Tbe public will And that where nor good* are higher la price -than at other hou*e* they are alao far taperior In quality. P. 8.?Special liberal di*coqnt to tbe trad* la choice good* that ran only be found at oar *tarn*. Respectfolly, J. ROTHSCHILD, 58 We*! 14th *t. G REAT BAKOAIX8 IX BUYS' CLOTHIXO. ? LORD A TAYLOR, Xo*. 255, 257. 25? and 301 Grand rt., corner of Cbry?tle, and Xo. 63 Kortyth *t., hare opened a full Una of BOYS' 8PRIXG AXD BUMMRR CLOTHIXG. Fine good* of onr own mannfhcture and design, below market price*. Boy*' School Suit*. _ , , ? $3. $4 OO, $1. Boy* Jockey Snit*, $0 50, $7 75, $10. Boy*' Derby Suit*, $5 00, $a 75, $0 25, fix Boya' Rngllth Walking Suit, $* 50, $10, $1.1 sa Boy*' Engtlih Sack Salt, ? , $a 50, $H 75. $10. Boy*' Centennial Salt, ? , ? . _ ? , $7. $0 30. $10 75. Boy*' Yonng America Suit, $7 DO. $0 25, $11. Boy*' Continental Suit, ? , , , $H, $1 OO, $8 50. $0 75. Boy*' new Imperial BIoum Salt. ? . ? , $4 75. $5 50, $M SO Boy*' new Sailor Salt, . . ? $?') 50, $5, $7 aa Boy* *eparnte rant*, ? . " $1 25. SI 88, $2. 93 5tt Spring Orercoits, ? # ' ***? > to 15 yean. Camlnolei, of erery de*cnptlon, lor hoy* 2 to 0 year*. FLAGS. Centennial Flag* of entry *1**, quality and price. GRAND. CHRYSTIE AXD FORStTn STS. T ORI> A TAYLOR. ' ~~ Sl'N L'MBRKLLAS AND I'A R A.SOLS. ? i I Onr entire itoek of twilled *erga illk *nd Maielan** ullk Sun Umbrella* and Shade*, with the choir"?t handle* ef pearl, Irory, pearl and gold,' Irory and gild, ebony, eamella, tllv _ . b*mboo and horn, trill he offered on MONDAY. May 22. *t a reduction of ? ? ?A | I'KIt TK.NT BELOW FOHMKR I'BltlF.iTT Broadway end 20th it, Grand ?t. and < hry?tle, New York. ^ RiDrrnox T In Bom* and Shoe* tor ladle*. gentlemen oiled good* marked down . - - ..... geatlamen and children, l.nlle* One Bo"t* at f3, $1 and $ >. halt price. Gentlemen'* and ladlr*' due B<mt* and S*ne? made to order, the lln??t in the city, a "?penalty." Haadaome lifting Boot* and Shoe*. *nd comfort guaranteed. ? ItKOt.K.r I.IINI Broadway, corner 2flth ?t. PLAITING. EMHROIDKRIMI, -IIIKBING. AC.-aLL Mind* dona promptly at 114 Knit 14th at.. New York, optHMiir Academy of Mn?Ic: good* *ent by mall or expre** ruoetva particular attention, fall or ?"tid fi?g ?amnio*. 0. H STr.\ i'..*S X 0U? Mile agenta, Gvni Rvtary I'laitlng Ma chiaa. A. DRY OOODR. ^SflLL GREATER BAHt.Al.N8. LOKD A TAYLOR. 4 ? OWINO TO TUB UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF TUEIB 8ALB DI KING TUK PAST WEEK OF LADIES', Clil LDREN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, THEY WILL OFFER ON MOXD*T, BAY 22. ? STILL LARGER ASSORTMENT IK ALL THE NEW MATERIAL AT MORE ATTRACTIVE PRICES. CUSTOMERS ARB INVITED TO INSPECT OCR IMMEnA STOCK. 230 poplin surra at $3 so. 230 POPLIJf SUITS at $? no. ?00 POPLIN SUITS at $H3U 130 LIOHT SERGE SUITS at $10. 123 DEBEGE SUITS at $12. 100 On* quality POPLIK SUITS at $15 30. Plna quality POPLIN SUITS, In COMBINATION COLORS, from $16 to f3&. ALSO. COLORED CASHMERE SUITS from ?I8. BLACK CASHMEBE SUITS from $1& BLACK CASHMERE SUITS, (ilk trim at ad,. $24; with ?l)k overskirts, $37. BLACK CASIIMEBR OVKRSKIRTS tad JACKETS, $'S. ALPACA SUITS. $9 73. LADIRS' SWISS SUITS. to $33. LADIES' SWiRd POLONAISES, trim mad with laoo and embroidery, at $2 73. Larre lot of PLAIN and KMBROIDBRBD LINBN and BATISTB SUITS, Overiklrts and Jackets, la all tha nev atyloa and at tba LOWEST PRIORS. COMBINATION and SOLID COLORS la PBRCALB SUITS?A GREAT NOVELTV-at VBRY LOW PRICES. ALSO ? large anortment of 8ILK COSTUMES, lb* DINNER, RECEPTION AND CARRIAGE WEAR. AT A REDUCTION OP THIRTY PBR CENT PROM FORMER PRICES. RLACK SILK SUITS, from $40. FANCY SILK SUITS, from $33. ?> MOURNING COSTUMES on band or made to ordor la 12 hoar* EVENING COSTUMES to order la 24 hoar*. Satisfaction hi every way gvaraa teotf. BLACK ORENADtNB SUITS, frora $25 *p. ? ? LADIES' WRAPPERS ta plain aad printed Sorga at $3 25. French aopbyr cashmere flannel Wrap par, $6 23. All wool eaahmer* do., qailted allk front, at $14 50. Braided raahmara Wrapper* from $14 73. Caahmere Wrapper*, ombroldared la allk, $21. . Calico Wrappora, $1 10. Fraaeb cambric Wrappora, $1 73. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SWISS SUI1 .tfom $2 30 to$ia MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S PLAID MELTON SUITS, from $S 35 to $17. CA8HMBRB ALL WOOL l'LAID SUITS, from $3 25 np. STRIPED ALL WOOL CASHMERE SUITS, from $12op. A eholo lot or FRENCH HAND-EMBROIDERED PIQUE OABRIELLKS, from $4 23 to$u. LINEN OABBIBLLBS, aiaea, two to aix yoara, $0e. to $1 SO. BRAIDED LtNBN StflTS. >11 sisea, from $4 70. LINEN SUITS, tbreo piecos, (lie*, fbsrfc aixteen yean, $4 70 to $a PIQUE OARRIBLLB8, (hot, two to alz years, $1 25 to $3 43. PIQUE SUITS, embroidered rofflea,$4 75 to $18 73. PIQUE SUITS, braided, $3 to $7 73. PIQUE SUITS, braided and embroidered, tiiea, eight to fbnrteea years, $o 23 to $14 SO CALICO WRAPPER8, 7<k\ | MANTliE DEPARTMENT. f NEW CASHMERE BAt.Quls. pretty abapea aad wall Saiabed, $tt 50 aad apwards. NEW DOLMANS AND WRAPS' la cashmere aad drap Cata, $14 30 and npward. NEW DOLMANS IN 8ILK. $?! and npward. DOLMANS AND WRAPH IN LIGHT SPRING CLOTHS, for carriage, areata* or travailing, $70 aad up ward. ' ? WALKING JACKETS In fine baakat cloths, Imported last soason. $4 to $t> 30?oae-thlrd origiaal price. CASHMRRE aod DRAB D'ETR SACQPES, ' MAN TLfca. FICHUS. TABLIER8, SLEEVELESS JACKETS, Ac., $3, $0 SO, $8, $10 to $20?half valae. RBAL LLAMA LACE baCQUES In beaatlial patterns and ?r*at variety, from $12 and npward. DAM A88EE LACB HACQUKriJfrom ?? aad apwarda. IMITATION LLAMA LACK SACQUES, from $2 30 ap warda. CHILDBEN'S AND MISSES' 8ACQUR8, from $ to 12 years. In great variety, $2 aad upwards. ssninviv avn wrn or 8PECIAL ANNOUXCF.MKNT. THIS STOCK HAS BKKN UKPLBNI8HED WITH A LARUE AMD ELhOANT ASSORTMENT Of BOYS SPITS, IX ALL TUB I.ATKST STYLES. AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN EVER OKKKRKO BEFORE. FULL LINES OF ALL THE NICWEST STYLES OF BOYS' SUITS READY HADE OB TO OBDER. BOYS' SEaTiDB SUITS. SAILOR SUITS. BLUE AmToBAY FLANNEL, II SO to *? SO. SINGLE AND DOUBLE-BREASTED BLOUSE SUITS, *? TO $*?. I.ON DON SACK SUITS, ?7 .V> TO $13. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, THREE PIECES, BOLMNC. COLLAB. JOCKEY STYLE. OF ENGLISH AND SCOTCH TWEEDS AND CHEVIOTS, $* TO flit DRESS AND KANCT SUITS, IN BLUE. BROWN. OLIVE AND BLACK TRICOTS, OHANITEB, DIAUONaL* AND BASKET CLOTH. Sli TO ?l\ SPBIXO AXD SUMMER OVERCOATS, tf TO fin. A KPLENIHD ASSORTMENT OF WHITE AND COL ORKII LINEN AND PIQUE SUITS. FROM $1 IK> TO S3 ?A STRAW AKD FELT MATS. IM ALL THE NKWEST Mil APRS To M ATCH OCR suns, bovs' shirt waist from v>c. to Particular attention paW t.> milon orders. BROADWAY AND 2UTH ST. SHOE DEPARTMENT. la rlf w of the anproarhlng season of popnlsr nrrNllni. ?mi ?l?o of ?onnol rumloiM. we 4nm ll opportune to pab lisli ib? Mlowlni interesting fuel* WK KEEP OUR PRICKS JO PER OKJCT BELOW TUOrtB OF ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE. We are enabled to nail so ranrh onder common rates by reason of our rarllitioa Tor buying ?taek aa?l materials la larif quantities tor c??li. ffn sell gmxi llttliix and dnrable pebble pat battoned bo?ta, with worked battu* bales, well adapted lor r.mslr; wpar, far $?. worth #4. Pint- mornero and kM battoaed Drass and Wslklm Boots, $4 anil I'm oar; best hand made Kreach kid Dress and Walking buttoned Bout", that have gained for us sneh a widespread reputation. |7 and $< Onr stock ?l Mojr?', Youths', Misses' and Children'* llnott and Shn.'S. nia'nulartara<l witli -pedal regard t? ilnrabilli;, oRers a saving that averages 'aw. per pair. BMOADWAT ABB 30TH 01. DRY GOO OH. A r DDDD I> D I) D n d 1) D D U DDDD A AA A A A A AAAAA A A NN KM X II K X X N II I N X X 11 BEE X X X II E X XX II I! II EEEEB L L L L L A N XX II EEBEE LLLL LLLL A SOX. 73? Broadway and 8th at., will offer . next week In nil department* Special Bargains Special Bargains ttom auction, from a action. which will eoasist of the choicest and cheapest goods In the city. SPECIAL hargaixs IK BLACK AXD COLORED DRKSS SILK* FROM AUCTION. Large lot colored Drraa Silks, from auction, at 95c.. 91. $1 31) to $2 a yard, SO per cent nmler cool of Importation. 7r> place* heavy cros era'a Silks at $1 3ft; worth $1 6ft. 48 pleeea. a special bargala, satin finish grt>a irratn at Si 73; worth 92 X\ 900 flae Bonnets and Bond Ilats of oar own manufacture, copied from tbe finest Imported hat*, and trimmed with the richest materials, at S3 to 925 each. BXAMINE OCR IXMKNfE .VTOCK OP STRAW GOODS AT LESS TIIAX JOBBERS' PRICKS. A lurae and very elegant atock of fine Imported Bnnneta at half the original value. 900 dosen Shade Hate, from 10c. up. 36Sdosea Bailor llata, from 21c. to 93 48 eaefi. Swiss Chip nsts. 48e. each. Kon*h and Keadys, 48c. each, ap. Pine Milan's, H?lc. each. no. Pine Freaeh Chips at 91 'A sp. > Fine Leghorns, st Oflr., np. 130 cartons Una French Monttires, la all delicate tints, at 09o., $1 2.S 91 44 to 93 7ft each. 82 cartons scarlet Wreaths, at BOc. to 100 cartons Boa Preach Rosea, at I2o , *P Brldal Wreaths, from 92 to 90 each. tt poppy and wheat > 94 4n each. Bridal Veils, from (O to fx esch. 1.3?0 CAR I OX.S CHOICE FREXCI1 K LOWERS AXD FEATHERS. TUB CilOICK8T aad CHEAPEST STOCK IX THE CITY. r ROM AUCTION. 930,1**1 III RICH LACES, HAMBURG EDGINGS. AT OXR TMIRD THE ORIOINAL COST. ? Large lot real Spanish lac* Scarfs at 93 75, coct (18 to lmport;4AOpieces wide Preach aad Spanish Laces at 40a. per yard, cost to Import 91 25; 230 dosen real Dnchcss Tie Ends at 75e. np. Im mense redactions In Hsmberg Em ??^broideries. 900 cartons rich silk fancy Kibbons.Q all widths, at 30c., 28c . SBo. per yard; worth from 00r. to We. per yard. No. 6. Xo. 7. Xo. 9. Xo. 12. 9c., lie.. I3&, 18c. per yard. All eholee shades anffnne quality. 3.000 rich ailk Ties at 23c. and We. cach; worth 73c. < IMMBNSE KKDL'CTIOXS IX RICH OROS C.RAIN AXD PAXCT RIBDtlXa ft.000 PARASOLS AXD UMBKKLLA8, KID. LISLE AXD BILK OLOTEs. i 87ft twilled silk Parasols at 9140 each. 340 extra large boiled silk, with Baa horn handles, at 91 89; worth 9273. SW twilled silk, very Bnc Snlsh, at 93 3-i each. Large assortment canony top Parasols la navy blue, brown, ecru and black, tfrom 93 73 to 918 each. Large Aaaortment of new onyx and gold plat* Jewelry In Earrings, Neck lace a. Pins, Ac.; new atrles In One Engllah jrllt Jewelry, In Croeaea. Lockets. Chains. Ac.; 80 different stylee in the Parisian Diamonds, warranted 14 carat gold settinga. at one-half Jewellers prices; 3,000 dosen Pans from Sc. to 92ti esch. LARGEST STOCK 0?* ENGLISH AND FRENCH JKWKLRY, LEATHER GOODS, PANS, AC.. IN THE CITY. SPECIAL BARGAIXS IN RICH T^fc, BtW)Ni. FKINGE8, AC.. AC.. PROM AUCTION. 4*30 places of fine fancy braid Head ings from auction, at Uc.,8c., 10c., 12c., a yard; ft.000 dosen flne Imported Bat tons, In all styles and colors, from aae tlon, at oae-fcnrth original coat af ^Imoortatlon. Every economical person should visit DDDD D D D D D DDDi A AA D A A D A A D AA AA DA A DA A NX K NX X N N X X X X II EEEB II K II E II RBI X X X II E N N NN II K II EEKE LLLL LLLL A SON. 730 BBOADWAY AXD STH ST., ltd examine their *p*clal hargaine from aactlon next week. !M8 BOWKRT. 340 Mwnd Rood and Umi Jone* Ma. Unprecedented birplM^i Un Hacque*, Urn Mhawl*, llNNlm Jack*** and Oreraklrt*. Cardinal Cap** and Mantilla*. Black ?mi thread and Spanish Lac?, for trimming grenadine drome*. Ki??t;lMli chip ana at raw Halt and Bonnet*, much below Importation ralne. French Flower*. In great rarlflj. Oatrleh Tip* and fancy Peaibrra. ftaah Rlbbonn, all (bad**, at half pile*. Bonnet Ribbon*, caperler quality, ' I8e. per yard. Dreae, Trimminir and Millinery Bilk*, la plain groe grain, twbled and damaaea. Fani! Pane! Pans! ererjr ?tyl* Imaginable, at one half of former price*. Elegant black dlk Fringe*, from one Inch to 13 Incbe* in depth. Mow, marabnnt and all faaliionable *t;lea of Dreu Trim ming*, at *xee?dlnRlj low flmirea. ^t.AI?IKy I'XPKRtiARMKMTit.J Itenae Robe* and Morning Wrapa, tibiUlren'a and Infanta' Clothing, complete In all details. Ooraet*f Hoelery, Olorea and Paracol* In endle** variety. A call of inspection and eoraparlwn of price* I* aellclted. ^BIXWMH'.f ||IUKHM',| IB* Bowery 310 between Bond and (treat Jone* at*. k k oooo cccn n n k K n on o it it K K o n t: II II kk o o 0 IITllirill K K () O U U II K K O O C C II II ?. K K OOOO trccc U II HTll AV. AND SON! HT. ?BBS U U II TTTrTT 8?SH H U U II T B SSHH IT II T HSSM K It U II T S 8RM I'UtfU It T BSSS # The nod elegant Hnlta, Polonalr**, Baaqne* and Orer ?klrt* In the cltr. Rlrli black ailk Cottnnte*. Hi, B47. BVk and up. Klegant colored allk It'iita, and up. Ilandatnn* ronlln Wnlta. In newest dcaign and richly trim med. B*>. B7, tl?. BI2 and Bid. Hnlta made t?^ order In lateat Pari* atylea, by tnt etaea dreaamakera. at abort notice and moderaie price*. C'loalng out ea ah mere and cflk 5acqne* at belt price at KOGif'B. Bth av. and 2lHh at. 1iWBFAI-,k RKMUTKD TO 2.1 fXIOX AQUABK. llalr Net* for the front hair; with it ladtea can flt?pen?, with veil*: in rial Me C rim pa, madi of natural cnriy aalr: Braid*, Carl*, it, Ac. T t DBY GOODS. 8tkkn brothers. SIXTH avenl'e axi? twenty third street. 907 SIXTH AVKNl'K. 3?7 110 west 3sd street. 110 -? ? 371 sixth avenue. 371 sixth AVBNCB and twenty -third btkrkt. will will orrsR ofker opper this this WEEK. wkkk, WEEK. isc the below mentioned pepartments. ix the below mentioned departments. ie the below mentioned departments, unusuaITIbaroaink^ unusual hArqains, unusual bargains, to which thet direct tub immediate attention thbt direct the immediate attention thet direct the immediate attention ok Til kir patroxr. pat ROMS. patrons MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. STRAW GOODS. CHIP BONNETS AND HATS, STRAW POOPS, CHIP BONNET* AND HATS, STRAW GOODS, CHIP BONNETS AND HATS, RIBBONS, RIBBONS. RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH K LOWERS, FRENCH KL0WER8, 8UW UMBRELLAS. gUN UMBRELLAS. SUM UMBRELLAS. gjjjf UMBRELLAS. SUN UMBRELLAS. 8UN UMBRELLAS. lace DEPARTMENT. * FRENCH BLONDE LACK8, REAL GUIPURE LACES. REAL SMYRNA LACES, REAL CLUNT LACKS, SEAL THREAD 1>ACES, VALENCIENNES LACES, SPANISH LACES. MADE VP LACK GOODS.' BLACK AND COLORED WHITE GOODS. SILKS. BLACK AND COLORED WHITE GOODS. SILKS. BLACK AND COLORED WHITE GOODS. SILKS. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS. It LADIES* UNDERGARMENTS, CHILDREN'S PIQUE GARMENTS^ CAMBRIC AND LINEN SUITS, ' SWISS AND ORGANDIE COSTUMES, CORSETS AND WRAPPERS. A* INSPECTION AN INSPECTION AN INSPECTION OP THE ABOVE DEPARTMENTS O* THE ABOVE DEPARTMENTS OF THE ABOVE DEPARTMENTS WILL CONVINCE WILL CONVINCE LAW.. LADIES OP THE GREAT INDUCEMENTS OP THE GREAT INDUCEMENTS OP THI GREAT INDUCEMENTS WE ARK NOW OFPKRINO. WK ARE NOW OFPKRINO. WK ARK NOW OFFKRING. STERN BROTHERS, SIXTH AVENUE AND HID ST. 1876." JONES' IMIU. MIM.INKKY, AT ASTOUNDIN7>LY IjOW PRICES. FRENCH BONNETS. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. FLOWERS, VEILS! SUITS IN SILK. AO., TRIMMED "HATS. SCARFS. HOSIERY. ORNAMENTS, FANCY GOODS LINEN. TRIMMINGS, PARASOL*. ' NAPKINS, RIBBONS. FI.ANNKLS table oamask, laces. woollens' IRISH LINEN. EDGINGS, SHAWLS GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS. FANCY SILKS, BLACK SILKS. STRIPES and CHECKS. Z Z from SOe.. fl.TT 10 KAyFaNNILLE.^ I mUnpwZZ GRISAILLE.^ Z Z ^ Satin tnlih. 75r. and^ Z J5 from ft 30 to ?pw?nLZ ^ j,, N EKEK SSI Z J O O N N N E S Z * JO O N N N EE SSS Z Z J J O O N N N h 8 X JJ OOO N UN EKEK SSS Z KIGHTII AVENUE EIGUTII AVENUE AND NINETEENTH STREET. MNKTKENTH STREET. Z J OOO NN N EEEE SSS Z E J O O N N N E 8 Z Z JO O N N N EE SSS 7. Z J J O ON X.I X sz DRESS Z JJ OOO N NN KEEK SSS t SUITS, GOODS, ' Z ^ ^ Z IbSILk] At. PONGEES,'t ^ Z ShTlLlAN cahiTmkres,'z f. 'polonaises. MOHAIR SERGES. Z Z ALPACA CASH MERE, EMPRESS CLOTHS. Z Z DRaFIj'ETK. ? BOY.V CLOTH INO. (mm infant* to II year*, Irom $'J .VI apirard. CARPETS AND ITHOL8TERV. CHOICEST DESIGNS IN TAPESTEY BRUSSELS AND INGRAINS. LACK CURTAINS, MATTINO AND CORNICKS. THR CHEAPEST STOCK OP DOMESTICS IN TIIE CITY. JONES, Hih it. and IIHh at. * 71 * H 59 W RKp?y^h~h1!,!LA nL'VAU I"PORTER OF PARIS I Mt?r?a, ha. r?n?rM i? mora -MM Rr?*d?aj. twiwaao Iiih anil JiMb ???., l^>rd A Ta?l?r*k Patterns ?f alt ih* ?ff; lalpu I arl. .itin. Panama aad Malarial mad* n mi cut and r.u?d cltjaaU,. " " DRY GOODS. KKKE H H RRRR II CCC It U SSS " E H II R I II O C II II 8 8" E H H R R II C 11 11 S E H If R R II O II II S EEK H IfIIK RRR II O IIIIHII SSS E H II K B II 0 II II 8 E II II R R II C II H S E H MR R H O C It II g 4 KKEE H UK E II OCO H II MS BTU AVENUE AND 24TH STREET. B H A TTTTT SSS MM AA T S S H n A A T f II tl A A r '8 IIBBII A A T BUS H H A AAA T ? U II A A T ? B II A A T ? B H B A A T SSS WILL OFFER ON MONDAY TBI GREATEST BAR GAINS EVER OFFERED IN STRAW BATS, BATING rURCBASED ENORMOUS QUANTITIES Dl'UIMO TIIeTaST WEEK AT fcUINOl'S PRICES. AMERICAN CBIF BATH, ALL SHAPES. 47C. BEST SWISS CUIP IIATS, ALL SHAPES, 73C. BEST FRENCH CJBIP HAT8, SI AND 91 SO; ?old everywhere at f- Mk BBST FRENCH CHIP EN??LIBH WALKING HATS* 91 35; (aid everywhere 92 50. Great rednrtloniln Aneet rream colored 8ILVKK BRAID HATS, 91 31; Mild la?t wrfk 911?. FINB MILAN BAT8, 73C.; WOhTII 91 23. FINE MILAN BONNETS. 63C.; WORTH 91 23. FINB MILAN COTTAGE BONNETS. 91; WORTH 91 MX BOYS' IIATS, la all braid* and *tyle?. at 23C., 350.. 4X0.. 30C. AMD UPWARD. LADIES' AND MISSES' STKKKT AND SUN HAT*, at 330.. SUC.. S3C., 4?JC. AND UPWARD. TRIMMED PANAMA 1IATS, PIC.; WORTH #1 30. LEGHORN HATH. T ' ? ? ? 1 - "? ^ Will open an InonDN ateirtment of Ltghorn Hati, la ALL THE LATEST AND MOST DESIRABLE SHAPES, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, AT VERT LOW PBIC'ES. ^ HI'ECIAL NOTICE TO THE TRADE. ^ WILL OFFRR. IN OUR JOBBING DEPARTMENT, ?a third floor, the following let*, to cloae tba iami:? JOB LOT CUIP HATS. 9? JOB LOT HAIR IIATS ON FRAMES at 91 90 par dona, JOB LOT CANTON HATS. ALL SHAPES. 93 73. JOB LOT FAIRMOUNT HATS. 92 no per ooien. JOB LOT BOTH' SAILOR HATS, 92 75 p?r doicn . folly ?? 1 B JOB LOT BOYS' LEGHORN HATS, TRIMMED. 91 79 per ilmn JOB LOT BROWN BASKET SILK. 30e. per yard. NO. 9 ALL allk grot grain Ribbon*. 91 20 per place, la brown and all the heat ihadaa. NO. 12 DO.. 91 flu per piece. BAT FRAMES. ALL THE SHAPES, at (ttc. per duett. TRIMMED BONNETS AND HATS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. ^ OUR ASSORTMENT IS VERY EXTENSIVE AND OUR STYLES ARh EQUAL TO TIIK FINEST IN TUB CITY. A CALL OF INSPECTION IS SOLICITED. GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN FINE FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. MILLINERY LACKS AND NETS. SILKS. RIBBONS, AC.. AG PPP A RRR A SSS OO L SSS PPAARRAA 8 800L SS P P A A R KAAS O OL S ft A A R R A A 8 O O L H PPP A A RRR A A SSS O O L SSS P AAAA R R A AAA 80 O L S P AARRAA SO O L 8 P A AR RA AS SO O L 8 S P A AR RA A SSS OO LLLL SSS CHEAPEST IN TUE CITY. Beit twilled *llk Sua L'mbrellaa, real aball haadla. at 93 ttt. worth 95. Bett quality twilled allk San Umbrella, One pearl handle, at 93 42 and 93 SO. worth 94 9U Beat Duality twilled allk Sun Umbrella, real Ivory handle, at 93 30. worth 94 SO. Aleo bargalna In Ana twilled allk Umbrellaa. with handle! of clear horn, bona, agate, pearl aad gold, ebony. Ac. OUR PARASOLS ARE WARRANTED TO WEAR. 1,000 Children'* allk I'araaola. all color*, trimmed with raffle aad ornamented white handle. at 4Hc. Chlldraa'a Caaopy Paranoia, hanoro-oely trimmed, at Itle. CANOPY PARASOLS at leu than coat aa we ara extremely anxloua to gat rid of Oar 9-1 Canopr Paraaol* reduced to 91 M. Elegant allk Caaopy. with beat pearl handle, at 94 H2. reduced from $S 73. Beat twilled allk Canopy. 32 lnche*. lined aad be*t pearl handle and tip. at 93 tt\ reduced Irotn 97 30. and all other Canopy I'araaola rodneed In like proportion. t'arrlace Paraaola at 91 "7, reduced fnm 94. Foil line of alpaca aad allk Rain Umbrella* at r* aeon able * TKIVMINO DEPARTMENT. I ? ? BOW OFFERING, 90ME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FINE FEINOEs. GIMP. AC., AC.. HAYING PURCHASED THE ENTIBB STOCK OF A LARGE IMPORTINU ROUSE AT A GREAT SACRI FICE. HEAVY SILK TASSEL FRINGE, handieme gimp head ing. three lnche* wide, at 70c.; former price 91 10. VERY HEAVY TAPE AND SILK FRINGE, S?j Inchei wide, at tlOc.; worth 91. FULL LINB COLORED SII.K FRINGES, ALL SHADES, at 30c. per yard. TWO STORY TASSEL FRINIiE. 93c.. worth 91 37. LAEGE LINB OF MABABOUT aad Moaa Trimming. Silk Glmpa, Battona, Ac . le., at mack below former price a. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN REAL THREAD AND GUIPURE LACES. BBAL YAK LACKS. ECRU CUNY LACES, AC., AC. DBBMS GOODS. Ureal redaction In price* to clone out balMM of Spring Clock. Fine Mohair. 17c.. reduced from Win. Flo* Itebeige. 'ik , rcducni fma ??e. Via* all waul Ocbelre. HSr . rednrcti from 4"e. Bargains In black Silks and black Cashmere, Iran ft a ma Grenadine, *r., Ac. Bait I'acifls Percale, yard wide, 13*^e. yard. sssss a v it rrrirrrr sss#? 8 s u i: ii t s a X 11 UK T S S V V II TH SSSSS U IF II T SSSSS a v 0 ii t n H V V II T _ H g a u u 11 t a s SSSSS Ul'CUl' II T SSSSS + Balance of oar Sprin* Sana marked down to closo out. Handsome Suits at f I Hn, farmer price |t ftn. llandwiue Knlta at $U <6, former price BY llaniiuitne Holla M 87 *?. farmer price 811. Ilaodaotne fnlia at 81 >>. farmer price 81H. Mriped and checked Milk Sills at Sit 90, worth $.10. Blatant black and colored Milk Malt* at 84". BUt, ten and n* r?n line of Caahmara and Silk sncqm* and Dolmaua at from W upward. Fall line of gossamer Waterproof Clonks, very convenient for iraaelllag or ahopplng at manufacturers pries a. EllRIOH KID GLOVR. the BRUT AND ROUT prefect FITTING GLO I* TUB WORLD. VTK BECOMkEND ocr KKIKNDS AND PATBOKS TO GIVE the* A TRIAL. AB WK ARK si;be tiibt will give perfect satisfaction IX BVBKV WAY. NOW OR HAND, ALL TU FINBaT KCBU. CBBAN AND PRAKL SHADES. ii081bbt DEPARTMENT. Special inducements In LADIES' AND OKNTLBMK.VK PLAIN AND FANCY UOSK, RBBIXO underwear. AC.. AO. LAD1B8' PtTLL REGULAR B ALBRIOOAN IIOSE, MILK CLOCKED, at tOc. per poir. LADIES' BALBRIOOAN HOSK, COLORED, CLOCKED, at Cic. LADIES' 8TRIFBD DERBYRIBBED HOSE, at 33a. Mlssot' Striped Hero, nil slses. at Tn. ap. GENTLEMEN'S STRIPED IIOSE. RBOCLAB MADE, 3-ic. per pair. GENTLENES S GAUZE SHIRTS, at from 25c. ipaaii LADIES' GAUZE TF.STS, at from S7?. upward. Fall lino of ?ENTLRXEN'S WIIITB SHIRTS. T1KM, COLLARS AND OUFFB, AC.. ALL OF TUK RRST STANDARD MAKES. FLAGS FOR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION IN ALL QUALITIES AND SIZKS. AT BBAiONABLE PRICES. * ? ieW'eB'1*. ^ 387 IIGI1 NBi Vw Other Drr Uoadi RHKICH'S. EIGHTH AVENUE, NBAB atTH NT. ?