Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14522. NEW YORK. FRIDAY, MAY 2G. 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIBECTORT FOR ADVERTISER8. wtn.ll BRANCH OFFICE, 1.265 BROADWAY.? OP8NDAY AND NIOHT, FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OP PAPERS. AXUSBMBNTS-lfn PAcT^Sth udM sols. ASTROLOGY?1 1th Pam-4U> ool. BILLIARDS?1?t P*c???!lhcol. BOARDERS WANTKD-'Jd PAC*-Bd tai 4* eolt. BOARD AND LODG1NO WANTED?3d Pagb?4th eel BROOKLYN BOARD?*n Pagb?4tk eoL . BUSINESS opportunities?i>th Paob. BUSINESS NOTIUEH?7th PAGR-?th eol. CI IT RKAL ESTATE FOR SALE-2r> Pagb?1* eoL CLERKS AND SALESMEN-13th I'agb?4th eol. CLOTH I NO?an PAGB?<Hh col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?Mm Page?4th ui Stb eolt. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2i? Paob-5th and 6th ooia. COUNTRT BOARD?2d Pai??4 th eoL DANCTNQ ACADEMIES?Utu PAUK-?th eoL DENTISTRY?2d pAO?:-Sih col. DRY GOODS? 1st P*CK-6thooL .__ __ DWELLINO HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN PURNI8HKD-2i> Pagb?2d?ol. EUROPBAN STEAMSHIPS?2d PAGR-Stbscol SUROPE?2o Pauk?Gih ool. XO U RSION8?2d Pack?tltb ?ol. FINANCIAL?8m Pagb. FOR BALE? Ut Pack?5thcol. BURNISHED ROOMS AND APABTMBNTB TO LET? 2d Pag*?2d col. FURNITURE?IItb Pack?4>h eol. _ HELP WANTED? FEMALK8-I2m Pag*-3d and 4th eol*. HELP WANTED?MALKK-12TH 1'Afjr?MhooL HORSES. CARKIAUE8, AO.?1st Page?3d, 3d, 4th and 3th aola. HOTELS?3p Pag*?4th eol. ? . HOUSK8, ROOMS. AC., WANTED?3d Pag??3d eoL NRTRUCTTON-Ist PAGB-?th col. LOST AND POUND?1st Pacb?let eoL. MAO0INBRY-1*T PAGB-5tbcol. MARBLE MANTRLS-Htu I'agk-4th eol. MEDICAL?-'d Paob?6th ool. . _ . ^ , MILLINERY AND DRK88MAKINO?I it PAG?-?th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?10th Pagb?6th eol. MUSICAL?11th PAGK-Oth eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAO?-?th eoL PEBSONAL-1?t P4GH?1 ut col. PIANOFORTES, OROANS AC ?11th Pagb?4th eol. POST OFFICE NOHCK-?st Paok?MH eoL PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?3d eoL . _ PROPERTY OUT OF THB CITY FOB SALE OR TO RENT?2d Paob?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?3d Pagb?let and 2d ?ol ^ REAL ESTATE WANTED?Od Pagb?2d eol. BEWARD8? 1st Page?1 st col. PALES AT \ UOTIOm?12th Pagb?Jith sod 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?KEMALES-13TB Paob-IH, 2d and 3d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th Pagb?4th ooL SPECIAL NOTICES?1st pAOB-lst and 2d cola. STORAGE?2d Pagb?4th eol. SUMMER RESORTS?2n Paob?4th eol. THE TRADES?12th Pagb?5th col. THB TURF?1st Paob-2iI co|. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PUKP0SE*-9? Pagb?3d eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?3p PAc*-?th . ol UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 3d Pagb?.id col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-Hth PAGB-?th col WE8T0HK8TBR COUNTY PROPERTY FOE SALB OB TO LF.T?2n P igk?1st col. IACHTS, steamboats. AC ?10th Pagb?6th eol. PERSONAL. \ WEALTHY FAMILY'WISHES TO ADOPT AN A infant rr.ira birth to two weeks old. For particulars tddrrss 142 Wost dStli St. A BY?WHY HAVP. YOU NOT WBITTEN f t<? dav st half psst throe. B DA?-' ARLING WIFE-EVEE ONLY MINE; SOON. VOW P. H. Ernst otto hopp. author of "transatlantis. ches Skiasenbuch." is requested te send his addreia to >o? Mill New York Post office. Rosebud.?circus in jeesey city. Wednesday night; where will a note reach your State who wore with roil to avoid mistake- Address HARRY, Jersey City Po?t Office. rpRUTn SHALL HAVE s.v? WHEN HIS statements J are put in shnpn ns run be used legally, and $500 more when conviction is obtained by SILENCE. The party who some few years aoo pur chased half interest in "Combined Iron and Steel" pat tnts from Elbridirls Wheeler of Philsdelphit will hoar of tnmetbln* to his advantage by addressing, Willi references. Post office box 260, Washington, D. C. T1HE PARTY WHO FOUND LOOSE DIAMONDS JL*" wrapped in paper will ho llberallr rewarded by com nnnieatiug with O. I.. Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTBD-THE ADDRESS OR INFORMATION OF Mary Wbittaker, daughter of the late ffenry Evans, Of Dahlin. Address J. U., Hersld Uptown Rraneh office. LOST AXX> KUCAl*. LostCon "the kvkxino 'oV MaY 23. BETWEEN tlia Fifth Avenue Hotel nnd the Fifth Avenue Theatre, p. r?i Ru**la leather Pockcthook, marked "Saolo II. Thorn an." A auitabm reward will bo given to any one leav Inn It at the office of the Fifth Aveuue Hotel. T Off?ON LAST 8ATURI>AY Mt~OHT, A GOLD J_j Chain and Locket. Kinder will be rewarded on return ing the lame to J. A. OHEUING. 178 Broadway. L* 08T?ON THE V3L INST., A SMALL. WIUTK. ?month haired Tempr Riot. Any one returning ber to 18 Eaat 18th at., will be handaomely rewarded. f OaT.^^^I^MENY FAl'EBr ON HROADWAY \J The Sudor will confer a favor by lending the name to Ss Bowery. M. Kli'INSKI. I* 08T OB STOLBN?ON THE EVENING OF THE 2ITn IJ inat., a cold Hunting Watch, having on the enver Ini tial* B. K. (manufacturer** nnmher :<9JflO). The flnder will locelve $13 by returning aame to 138 Saat 55th at. and no laeatlona aaked. Lost?on monday evening, in the christo pher and 8th at. oar*, a gold open faoad French Watch. Morna A Co.. niakera. No. 23,iiiJO. and chulii. Sijo reward ?rill be paid for their return to N'o. 27 Cliff at., and no quca liwni anked. L' 08T?IN A TWENTY-THIRD STREET STAGE, BE tween Fifth Avenue Hotel and Exohange place. between ? :30and 10 A. M., Thuriday. May 2.1 aome Letter*. Papera and two Checka. of no value except to owner. The finder la requeeted to aend them to JU8TH A CO.. 19 Broad *t. o5T?FIOTM~33b~E AST 70'1'U ST A SM ALL TTAXr Ian Greyhound. Whoever will return him will be anltahly rewarded. H. THATCHER. E O.ST?A WHITE AFGHAN. WITH PIVK Trtl.M.M I.NUS, on Thuraday morning. In 3H|h at., between 5th and (ith ?vi. A reward will Le paid on it* return to 3H Wcat S8th at. I' OBT-YB8TERDAY, BITWBEN KIFTH AVENUE J Hotel and litth at., Br;?oklyn, via South ferry, a Gentle nan'* Pockeibook. containing papera, pausort and pnsmue ticket for City ot Berlin : the latter hn? been atoppod. The Bnder will coafer a favor by returning papera only ( which are of no. one whatever to any but the owner) to No. B Old illp. I' OST?BETWKBN WITH AND 47TH 8TR, IN 5TU AY, J a Card C?ee. .containing vialtlng card* of owner, a tin ck for |A0, parable to order: alao a aum of monev. The Indar will be rewarded Ity returning the ?emo to 24t) tub r.v. STRAYED O R~ STOLEN-mBHI TUB EXPKhSS ?table. Kerry st., near Willow, Hobokea, N. J., during Monday tilcrht last, one bay Home, handa high, long t.'il, and ?hout Tyeara old. Kilty dollar* reward for the re turn of the llorae. Apply at D., L. and W. Expre*? office, Hoboken, N. J. UKWAKUh. reVarD???ost. froS liS. 3Bf canal Jit) ??., a yellow and white Cat. The above reward will be given for the return to HILL BROTHERS, 257 Canal ?t f> - REWARD.?LBKT ON TABIiK AT THOMAS' KX !p>) change. 1.239 Broadway. Wedneaday alternoon. hn relope c intalnlng letter* and papera of no value exrept to awner. Leave them at addreu on envelope or with Mr. THOMAS. (fc p/t REWARD.-LOST. ON OB ABOUT THE 10TH I Hat., an oval shaped coral bead Scarfpln; It haa ?ne large diamond on each of ita four alduaand l? nurrounded by twenty chip dlamonda; it la a remarkable pin ana of no me to any oaa bat the owner. Addrau S., box 301 Herald offiea. (CM BBWARD?and NO questions ASKED?FOB ipt)U the return of my gold Watch (No. 34.2:15. TUnt, maker), which wae taken from my office hoy, in Maiden lane, to-day. OBOBGB W. SMITH, firm of J. W. Greene A Smith, 170 Broadway, room & New York. May 25,1OTS. . IKiticeS: TTiXrDISEASES ~0KTHE BLOOD AirOTNStWi J\. intern; aucceaafal and permanent curea guaranteed; ?onruitatlon free. Dr. WERT'S old eitablUbed office, 45 Bleecker at., near Broadway. Attention i-twenty years- pkvsman hos. pital experience. Dr. JACOBY, No. 161 Bleecker at,, treata all dlaeanaa of men ecientlllcally. even of long Hand ing. Conaultation free. Na charge tor medicine. A FACT WOBTH CONSUMING BY ALL WHO AD VKRTISK. BATES 20 CENTS PER LINE. Th? circulation of tba EVENING telegram la at week "" advertising BATES 20 CENTS A LINE. ?oaday. May 15. 35,350 ADVERTISING RATES 30 CENTS A LINE. Tae?Uv, Mav lfl . . 35,850 ADVERTISING RATES 20 CE>TS A LINE. Waaaeeday, Mar 17 300 ADVERTISING BATES 20 CENTS A LINK. Tbaraday. May IB 44,300 ADVERTISING BATES 20 CKKT.s A LINE. Friday. Mar 10 .W.000 ADVERTISING RATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Itarday. May 2Q 34,150 ADVERTISING RATES SO t'EVTS A LINE. total 2'.'l,000 ADVERTISING RATES 20 CENTS A LINE Daily average :m.917 ADVERTISING RATES. 20 CENTS A LINE. Absolute imvokoiw kok any cause. quietly, aaywhere.?Pay when aecur*d. Advice free. AMERI CAN LAW AGENCY, 71 Aator Ilouae, New Tork, or Cln danatl. A?ISAAC G. BOYC*. s??7 BROADWAY, LAWYER ? Divorcee obtained promptly, without publicity . de*i?r. tlon, lacompatiMlitv. Iiabitnal drunkenne??, Inlldellty, In. bumaa treataient, eoavirtlnn of felony. P*??n"rm obtained A -kentucky STATE LOTTKKIKS OK J. S. ? SMITH A CO. twrrocgr kxtra (A5 ro? IS7B. W, SO, 5H, 73, 62, 91, 62, 4'.', 03. IS, S. ^ ctin-dOfl rnn IH70. 7B, A4, 17. 27, 10, 2, H, 30, .*1. :w. 52. 1. All order* addraaaed to B. NATHAN. 181 Rro?dw*y. or yat office boa 4.K7II New York rity. A 11,000 1N FRIZKS.?WllOLE TICKETS, flft Every other TICK K.T DRAWS a prize. S3.t.O PRIZES, FROM S50.KKI toSlba StNTUCKY KtA'K DISTR1 BUTlON, DRAWS SATl RuaV. MAT 27. 1?7A. Prieee PAID IN FIJ1.L AhTKR THE DRAWTNn PANKS. KMER.-OV A ?v 1 BANKERS. ISO broadway. POST OFFICE r , \ A ?K1RST l'RIEB. ?I0N,0>?. GOLD. > Main drawing ot the DMbI Brnnawlek Government Letter*, from M ay l? 10.1 una 1. 1*78. OH.OOO ticket*. J8..VO pHuea. Royal Havana I<ottory. Next drawing Jane 6, ItiTBl ?waa <i(nwMiKwnno O, iniO. Ml explaaateey circular* ftt, tSRODOBB ZflCEOCH, Mk4MfMI?*a% ll?Naeaau ?v. New York. LADIES COJT8ULT Da OBINDEL FOR AI.L Al mailt; speedy cure whatever ilio matter. 142 W? SPECIAL NOTICES. "Tin3eifT_fc<?.. 7? KA8?AunftT.; new yoSIc^wy A nnilni Ulitrr drra? X<r Si); capital priae.9fl0.00lt; 93U0.0U0 distributed; tickets (I, six lor #5; prim casbed. Circular* mailed free. Dr.' ooi'iIabd. late rmo ff kbob in paris. 41 Waa: 35th st?Nervowa debility, Ac., speedily eradi cated. Adrlrc try a. DB. FRANCIS GOULARD, latr l'ROFESSOR IN Paris. Ireturaa semi-weekly. Private ofticei (or recep litin of natienta. 41 Wast 3.">th *1. Nervous debility and die fRMR of aieu and woven speedily eradicated. Consultation froc. D- UKASE* OF MRN A SPECIALTY? HENRY A. DANIELS. M. 0.. 144 Lexlnsrtoo a?., near30tli *t. Office hours trom 8 to 3. DK. II. J. JORDAN. sole PROPRIETOR Of UBS New York Musvnin of Anatomy, liaa rumored his resi denca and nlHee to No. 5 Washington place, three doors went of Broadwav. HAVANA LOTTERY.?NEXT "DRAWING OK 40.000 tickets and f80u,0r*> prises, June 6. 1870. For par ticular* address B. MABTINBZ A CO., No. 10 Wall ct., basement, Post office box 4.082. N. B?Highest prlee paid fur Spanish gold and Havana Bank bills. Drafts on Havana In all amounts issued. TBCii>VhMBNT OF IIEA11INO.?SUFFERERS ARB rf'|itfKi(*<l to send their address to 1*1111.ASTH KOPIST, bos HO llerald Uptown Branch office. ir-JcuRONIO CATARRH. DEAFNESS: lUPSOni W ? method; instantaneous relief; permanent cure*. Or. 8TODDAKD. No. M Weat 14tll at. K""WONCI W'llA. .'17 Hl> AV., BETWEEN lHTIi AND 1 :?tli nts.; Chinese laundry; paw shirts, old shirts; best washing "t all kinds done. Kentucky state o band single nub bee Distribution, draws Saturday, May 27. $300,000 in Prises. 80,000tickets. 35.430 prises Whole tickets, 8l<>: halves, $."i; quarters, f2 .'>0. Sale ol tickets will stop at II A. M. Saturday. Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dallf. Royal llarnna I/Ottery draws .Inne ?i. For Information, cireulars, Ac , mldress or applv to JACKSON A CO.. Hankers, ?>i 3 llroadwiiv, New York. [aSC __ It St 4?th St. Nervous Bin auction?a MF.nicAr, Si? comprising a series ot lectures delivered at Kalin's Mu seum ol Anstoray. New York, on the causa and cure of Pro mature Decline. showing indisputably how lost hi'alth may ho retrained, affording a clear syuopsis ol the impediments to tnnrriaire nnd lha treatment of nervons and physical debility, bring the result of 30 years' experience. Price 35 cents. Ad dress the anthor, Dr. L. J. KAIIN, otliee and residence .">1 East l<>t)i st. Maw York. 0?OFFICIAI- DKAWINO KENTUCKY STATE LOT . teries. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. SKNTIH'KV. UTHA CLASS ?ll. 347?MAT 35, 1870. 51, 3l?, 57. ?1. "??. 03. 33, :?>. 3. 14. 1. 13, 5fl. ERSTtJCgT. CLASS SO. 348?HAY 25, 187H. 4, 74, H-\ *. '7. 51. 40, :<1I, 20. 21. 40, 72. HKNRT, EXTRA CLASS !?0. 217?MAY 25, 1R76. 61, 31, 2"> ?. ?. I. 86. 28. 77, 38, 34, 58, 3. HKRRT, CLASS HO. 208-MAT 33, 1870. 3. 75. 55. :#?. 31. 74. 73. 7*. 84. 72, 20. 37. Full Information ov applying to or addressing J. CLUTB A CO., 200Broadway, or box 4,HA0 Post office. M M0>8 A mc KI N'SON SI NO LB ? number Kentucky State Distribution. t" he drswn on Ssturdav, May 27. 187ft: 83i:0 iWJ to be distributed: 3">,4.'<? prises, and onl* .'AOOO tickets: every other ticket a prise: now Is vonr tima >o invest; pr'tcs payable In full; whole tickets, $10; Half fcV Quarters, 82 : 0: the next Royal Hav ana will be drawn on Monday, .(una 5. 1870. Send in vmir orders to J. CbOTB, Banker, 300 Broadway, or box 4.DC9 Post office. New York city. PILES OB HEMORRHOIDS RADICALLY CURED? Original palnles. treatment: two to tour weeks re quired; no fees until cured: circulais free. Dr. 8TOD DaBD; only office No. 8 West 14th st. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY?$000,000 WILL BE drawn on Juriv 0. Prises cashed; orders filled: infor mation furnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, gov ernments, Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers, No. 11 Wall St., New York. mo ALL CITIZENS OF NEW YORK WHO LOVE X liberty and freedom in a free and republican conntry, nnd all who are opposed to tyranny and arbitrary laws?At a meeting ofcitisens, held this was agreed npon that a mass meeting at Cooper Institute ahall take place on Satur> day, the 37th Inst., at 8 o'clock P. M., to adopt such meas ures which will In the future prevent the wholesale and arbitrary arrests made on last Sunday. All ritlsenswho are opposed to this obnoxions' law and the notion of the police on last Sunday are cordially invited to attend. THE COMMITTEE. Njcw York. May 24^ 1876. . Texas information bureau?for sale. Pamphlets, only 15 and 35 cents each; Texas New Yorker, 20 cects per copy, and Texas Lands. Send for cir cular. .IAMEH PLANT, Manager. 30 Broadway. New York city. The mbmberb of Tns new york state mtli tia are Invited to call nnd examine oar new style of shoes, especially adapted for parade pii'-pinses. ? CANTKKLL. Xna. 33H and 241 4th av. WANTKD?PBBSON8 TROUBLED WITH SALT rheum to ark their druggist for Pile's Centennial Salt Bhenm and Chilblain Balve; every box warranted. 5<lc. worth for 25e. $300 .000 IN CURRENCY DISTRIBUTED. Grand Odd and Kven Drawing, Kentucky State Distribution, Saturday, May 27. 1870. Bi*7 ottaer ticket draw* a prise. 35,420 price <. Capital, $60,000, 1 of $30,000. 1 of #10,000, other* frura $3,000 to $100, payable In fnlL The beet ehance ever offered to gain a handsome fortune. Ticket*. $10; halvea. $5; quartan. $3 no. THOMAS II. HAYS * CO.. 607 Broadway, New York. $300 AQA ?KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY.? Odd and Even Number Drawing, May 27. t'irmlnra, with full partlcnlnra, ?ent tree. P. C. DhVLIN & CO., Siationen and llencral Aarnt*. No. 3 Park o*, near Anu at. iopp( ait* I'ost olice), New York. *')nn fWWl -KENTUCKY STATE sINOLE NUM rUaVUU* tier Lottery, drawn May 27; c.ipital, $S0.(*K?: every other ticket a prl*<-. Whole tickets. $IO; halve*. &">; i|tta ten, $.'50. Poll information bv apitlyini^ to or u '.dressing KIRK A CO., 1,287 Broadway, room 1), Up to*n Agencv. THE TURF. Auction aS'D'"french ~pool3"s6l6"at john aon'a Ronma, corner ot Broadway and 28th at.. every afternoon and eveninc this week on tbe races at Baltimore, Md., and Cincinnati, Ohio. All orden bv mail or messenger will receive particular attention. French pooia close at :i :I5 P. M. T. B. AND W. U. JOHNSON. Auction and fbenoh pools sold this af teruoon anil evening at NKW YORK TURF KX CIIANOfc, IS Went 2*th at, on the HALTlMOltR and CINCINNXTI Running Rmm. French pooia clone H: 15 P. M. Prompt attention given to or ient by mail or me* sender. KELLY. BLISS * CO. Auction and French pools sold btery afternoon and evening daring thla week at THOMAS' Exchange, 1.2:10 Hroadwny. ou tbe running race* at Haiti more and Cincinnati; also on the hillinrtl matcliea at Phila. deiphia. the result* ol which are telagraoned direct by Mr. H. W. Calender. tlEOHOF. M. THOMAS. SEA YlEW DRIVING PARK, STaTKN ISLAND Tneaday. May So, Pun* of $100. for :t minnte class; $H0 to flrat. $25 to aecoml and $15 to third. Entries to cloaa ou May 20, at 9 P. M. Entrance, 10 per rent, niuat accompany the entry. All entriea addrvsa T. LUBY, New Dorph, S. I. Admission to tr ick. 5(1 cents. TATOMS ALL'S Tl'ii FAORNOT, 1,237 BROADWAY. - Book* on Wltliera and' Belmont Stakea. Ac... nil Haiti more race* and all eventa throughout the y-ar. McDOU UAL A CO. Amntinta hooked from $1 upward. WEST 8IDR DRIVING PARK, JERSEY CITY.? Friday. May 20, 3 P. M., last day of the iprlnr meet lac; 2:30daw t). Dlckeruian's b. e. Harry Spanker. C. Segrave's b. g. Clotliealine. Segrave'' U. Goodwin's b. g. Gerlclio. Owner'* It. m. Kdltli. A. Cornellaon'a b. g. Judge Robiaon. P. Manses a. g. Break of Day. Alao a Kntmlng Race. Stage* from hora* can to track. Admission $1. T.aJie* ft?. C. BIRDS ALL, Manager. ~ HORSES, CAHRlAUEb. iUo A -MAJOR CHAS. w: BARKER. AtTOTIONSiftK? Jl ? (OLONF.I. C. BURNS, of Hemirrsiiu connty, KEN TUCKY. announces his second On RAT 8 ILK ot the PAST EST tiKEEN THOT I'HESIn America. Just arrived Irom Kentucky, to take place at IIaKKER k SON'S < Ity Auc tion Mart and New York Tattersslln. corner ot Broadway and MJHh st., on Thursday next. June I. at II o'clock, and comprising NINK UKAl> that can trot in Irom 1:4S { IJpWN TO,J:("t, including an extraordinary and very Closelv matchrd PAIR of I$k aorrel GELDINGS Hint run TROT IN 2: ?n to the pole; a PAt I N't; UK UMNO that can ahow A 2 rJt' OAIT; all warranted round and kind and all of the BKsT Kentucky trotting blood. Stork now at the Mart fur exhibition and trial. t'oLONKL IH"|;\'-requ?.ts that everybody will some *nd RIDE behind the stock and TEST Til K SPEED before the ?ale Hatalogue* now ready. Sale without reserve or postponement. A SPLENDID CHANCE TO HUT VERY CHEAP for cash tlie fast Koart Horse White Fawn. 15)j hands; warranted sound and kind: ran trot any time In L':.?)); Is a beantilal sa l lie horse; *ny lady can drive or ride him : al?o Windsor side-bar top Road W agon, by Peck : liigli whee ed pony Phaeton, act ol ttingle Harness. |,?|i Robe, Sweat and stable liiankets. The above propertr is *11 in superb ortler anil mtwt he sold to settle up the estate ol the late Dr. I.ain Iwrt, by order ol the exarntrix. Ini|uire at Arsenal Stable*, :?5th si., near Broastway. A?THP. ORKATEST BARGAIN YET . m*I CASH W1LI. Itl V A IIRNTLRMAN'N Road Turoont complete, consistitg of a biiiidsome. sullsli chestnut llorae, 7 yean "Id, L'.'j hand* hlyli; rained In Vi r inoot;aired b% Daniel Lambert, dun a Wlnthwp Morril mare : he Is warranted eotind and kind, and to trot a mile in 2:4.*t: any lady drive him ; niso a ton Kind tVegnti, fine Harness. Lap H?tpe. rt hip. ,&e,; all gootl aa new anil flrst claa-. >e?n ?t private stable No. 13 Wo*t 27th at., be tween Broadway ami Mil av. Arch, joiinston will hkll this day, at 10 o'clock, tbe CELEBRATED SADDLE HORSE 0RAND DUKR. at bla taari, Ifl to 25 13th It., near University place. Saie positive and witiiout reserve. A?MORTO/tOK SALE?THOMAS It J- ILLY, AUC ? tloiieer, ?ells on Friday. 2Uth last., at 1"\. o'clock, at ?tli* Weat 44th st., lO line work Horses, suitable lor any buaineaa. a trial given, fly order of Mortgn^ee. A?HAMS PATENT CIltCI'LAR OLASS FRONT ? Citopc Kockswav ; carries three irrown persona Inalde ; body sets aa low aa a coape; on exhibition at tiAM's, MM K roadway. A?H?R SALE TWO PONY BUILT HORSKS; Al^tO . one Ine drlvleg or f.imly llorsv; on: at k'* trial. 14 Orand n., nrar nuiin .ii. i??r siH.iie?, Aba roaix.?$20n will buy a bkautiful c s, r tig ie,i Puny Ptiactua, cuit #490 iaat moetu; aline lterne->-to matcli. $Mi; nti elegant top Muggy. MAI, coat $?'Jfi: al*o a very atslish blaoH Horse. $'AX>. 7|t Stable flnt d .o east of Cnivcralty place, In 1'ith it HORSES, r Alt HI AG K*. ?iC. A- UCT10X HOUSE or VAX TAStfELL * KEARliiY, lloaod 112 EAST l.'iTU ST.. NEAE ?4TH AV. REGULAR BALKS OP IIORSRS AXD CARRIAOE8 EVERY TI KSDAV AND FRIDAY. On every bont thai li warrtitrd sound or kind and true Id liarnota, from oaa to three day* la given to teat war raiiKL Catalogue or this days (EuidaT) bale. AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE TURNOUT TRAM CHESTNUT HORSES. 13? hand* hlrh. A and B yan old: kind and true in all harness; free ftomvicr; f*?t tr?v?l|?rm; prompt and stylinh drivers: have been used for road and earriag* driving, and mid only for want of use. Sot dcuhla Harness and T flAKT. IN COOD ORDER. DARK DAPPLE BROWN TROTTINO HORSE, SIRED by Sickle' ilambletuniun, d.un a Rattler mare: In US'* band* high, H yean old r kind and tnie in all hn-neas; fret' Irum vice : very styllsb and handsome; ran boat '2: ?>thls ilay; la In every way a fir?t elas? home for rentletuan'a road was, and warranted kind and true. Alan art Hsrnessand TOP KlIAll WAGON. BUILT BY BREWSTER A CO. ELEGANT DOG CART OR HROUllllAM HORSE. l?u hand* high, fc year* old : kind and trne in all harness; free from ti<-e: lias extra One style and action; does not *hy or pull; in every way site and reliable: one of tlir iii>>?t arairabl'i coupe or doa cart Hor-e? lu tit* city, and warranted a'Hiiid MllUKTED COL'PR HARNESS, NEARLY new. and OOUPK. IN GOOD ORDER. BUILT BY WOOD BROS. PONY TURNOUT?VERY IIA*1>80?E RAY MARK. H'i lmndn high, 7 yeara old: kind and tt? In ail harness; free from vice: well broken and nfrnld ot not hint;; can i>? driven iivaladv with perlect aalety, and It war ranted aonnd: al?o eet Haruets, and NO TOP PONY PHAETOX. VERY STYLtSIl AXD EXTRA FIXE BAY UCITPE OR carriage Hour. 18 hand* high, rt years old: kind and tru? in all harness: free from vice; haa fine knee action: tram nothing: run be driven by any one, and warranted Bound. <??nna Harness, and C0T7PK ROCKAWAY. IV OOOO ORDER. GRAY PONY, 11 IIANOS HIGH: KIND AND TRUE IX all harness; free trom vice or trick: anitahla for chil dren to <ir|v?. AIno. aet Harneu. and NO Tot' PilAKTOX, BUILT BY WOOD IlltOS WAY HORSE. IV HANDS II la ill II YEARS OLD: kind and true in all harness: free Irnm vice; verv stylleh; ha? lieen uaed by a private family for general drivlnir, and ia In aver* war safr and reliable. EXTENSION TOP PHAETOX.' NEARLY NEW. Barouche, on c spring*, very light and good aa new. BROWN MORGAN IIOKSE. 15# HANDS 11 mil; ? yeara old: kind and true in all harness: fr?e fnm vice or trii'k; a faat traveller; snte for a lady to drive; fearn nothing, and warranted sound Alio, aetof Har nett. and CANOPY TOP PHAETON, USED BUT A FEW TIMES. SORKEL GltLDINli. BRED IN KENTUCKY: IS I.'??? bands high, S years old; kind and true in all harness: froe from vlrf: haa all gal's under saddle; does not ahy or pull: aafe for a lady to ride or drivo. and war ranted sound. TOP ROAD WAGON, Bl'ILT BY BREWSTER A CO.. of Broome ?t. BAY TiturriNti HORSR. 1W HAXDS HIGH. R YEARS old; kind ami true in all harness; free Ir on vico; haa a record of 3:42. and can trot In J;.M> any day; i? a prompt and stylish driver and first class roadater. Also art or Harness and TOP ROAD WAGON. 1IUILT BY DAY A SON. BAY RACING IIOliSK. 15!i HANDS HIGH, 0 YEARS oM. kind nml tme in all hnme??, free from vice: has paced In ?.':34 and will pare in 2 :'K) in condition ; Is a free and pleasant driver and a Drat class ro*<:*ter. TOP ROAD WAGON, Bl'ILT BY SMITH, OK RKOAD SEYRRAL C.OOD WORK HORSES: DESCRIPTION time of tale. Three-quarter Clarence, la good nrder. Slx-?ent Phaeton. Cnrteln Coach, Coup?, by Lawrence. Dog Cart, by Lawrence. Park Phaetona. No top Depot Wagons. Jairjrer Wagon*. Roekawaya. Top and no top Phantom. Saddles and Rridlea. Double Truck. Double and single Ilarnesa. Ac., Ac. SALE COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. Auvtius iiuume ur Am:ii. jtiu.-xsTOis, 19. 21. 23 and 25 THIRTEENTH STREET. near L'nlvemity puce. . S M.F.S or HORSES AND CARRIAGES *RR HELD KVEKV TUESDAY AMD FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERT HORSR WAItRANTED SOUND FROM 24 HOURS TO H DAJ'S KO't TRIAL. TUE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI ABLE HOUSE IN THh CITY. PARTIAL CATALOGUE OF THIS DAY'S (TUBS DAY) KALE. AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT IMPORTED SADDLE HORSE GRAND DUKF. in hum!* high, 8 your* old: thoroughly broken to all gait*. either by wonl. motion ur wlilp; ? very spirited. stylish. arlilocratic mover, but very amiable and kind In disposition and safe fur a lady to ride: in very handsome nod one of tlie fluent *al.lle hor?e* In America. LAIIIKS' AND GENTLEMEN'S SADDLES AND BRI DGES. English. nearly new. AI?o balance a? signee't tale, Saddle* and Bridles. gentlemen's and BLEOAN? " BLOOD BAY KENTUCKY II AMBlF. TONIAN IIOR8K. 1H hand* high. 0 year* old: I* In verv stylish end lundtomr; single or double; makes a fnod coupe, carriage or road home: Is not alrald of a locomotive or anything else ; linn not a rice. fault or trick of any kind; can trot well: ha* Rood. free. stylish action ; need* no urging; a thor oughly rellablo home lor auy uao; warranted *onnd. ELEGANT LIGHT COUPE, little m?ed, by Miner k Steven*. SET FINK COUPE HARNESS, nearly new. LIGHT VICTORIA, In good order, by J. B. Brewiter k Co. LIGHT BAY MARE. 15K hand*. 8 year* old; haa been m?ed In city and country tor general use. single and donble ; canmt be put In the wrong place; i* ?afe for any one to drlvo; I* a rood all day trav eller; not afraid of a locomotive or anything elae; warranted sound ELEGANT "C" SPRING VICTORIA, with ramble lined with morocco, by Binder, of Pari*. WESTCHESTER ROCKAW AY. In Rood order, by Miner A Steven*. FOUR SETS DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order, by city maker*. DARK BROWN COUPE HORSE. lft?t hand*. 0 years: kind in nil harnea*; free from vice : ha* been used la the city only a* a family horse; I* not nlrald of a locomotive or anything (I**; t*an excellent roadster: can trot clone to three minutua; need* no urging; w*rranted sound. RAROUCHK, brown lined, in irood order, by J. B. Bre water. COUPE. ROUND FRONT. In (rood order, by Pitney k Co. BLACK ROAN PONY MARK, (irod by second llamble tonian, rained hy the late W. Asplnwsll; kind In all harness: free irom vice; one of the handsomest horses in the city; extra One i-.nder *addle; In not afraid or locomotive* or anything cine; han been a perfect pet; sold only for want of n*e; warranted ?ound. TOP PONY PHAETON. In irood order, elty bmlt. TOP ROAD WAGON", In ?cood order, bv R. M. Stiver*. BAY HORSE, 15X hand*. M year* old; kind in all har net*: free from vice; a (rood free driver; hnn been n?ad to butcher'* cart and on the roan; need* no urging: a first ?la?* home for any n*e ; cannot lio put in the wrong place: ?old only for want ol n*e. PONY PHAETONS AND TOP WAGONS, to ho *?ld to pay charge* and advance*. TWO FAMILY CO ACHES, In good order, by Brewster k llo. TWENTY THREE OTHER HORSES, doterlption tlmo of *alo. thl* day at ARCH. JollNTSON'S Mart. H?to V> ISth *t? near Unl vemitv place. <N rat her never iuterlere* with oar SALE'S AT 10O'CLOCK. A?MORTGAGE RALE . BY VIRTUK OK A CERTAIN CHATTEL MORTGAGE AND BILL OF SALE To MR DIRECTED. I WILL EXPOSE FOB S\1,E AT PUBLIC AUClION THIS DAY .FRIDAY), MAY 2A. AT 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, AT THE PRIVATE STABLE. lift EAST 22D ST., SIX VALUABLE. FAST. RELIABLE AND WELL KNOWN TROTTl.NO HORSES. ELROANT CARRIAGES. HARNESSES. BLANKETS, WHIPS. SADDLES. AC.. Including ono of the handsomest and fastest loam* ol black Homo* in the city: full brother and nlafer; tl and 7 year* old; *ire?l bv linttler. dam by Pariah'* MemMetonlan; inlsed by J. Jeaklnn. of Fort Edward, h. Y.; trotted at Sar atoga la*t noaortii In 2when they were purrhaned by present owner; they are very stvllnh. prompt drivem; pure galted; do not pull when speeding; thoroughly broken, sin gle and double, and nro the llnest road team In the city, and warranted nonnd Mid kind. (The above team will bo *old ? ?'??at Ale or together, an desired ) dark mcd gray Oeldlag DUPLEX lft*6 hand* high. 7 vear* old; wan *lred by General Knox, dam by To ronto Chief: can show ? mile Innlde of 2:IO; he ha* a full mane mid tall, and In one of the safest horses driven on the road, ai.d warmnted sound and kind. Beautiful hrnwi. Mare OTSEGO MAID, rabiod on Mr. Hall's farm. Onopewtoinli. N. Y.; trotted a milo there last fall, a beit four year*old. In 2:44; I* thoruaghly broken, single or double ; ante lor any lady to drive: with proper handling *he ought to trot in 2 :'W I hie neaiuin. *n nhe l> very pure gulled and resolute; has extraordinary bottom; *he wan sired by Snip, d:im by Broken lagged Hunter, and warranted ?ouud * Tbe'fa?t Trotting Horte MONARCH, ruined at Portemonth, N. II.: nired bv Iloncnt Allen, dam by Yuung Morrell; lie I* a bright sorrel*. 1 .'?', hand* high, 7 year* old: wan driven around Mystic Park. Ronton, by Mr C:\rroll laat vear in 2:34 and 5:S^; I* a very tongli, hardy hone: no road too long for him; In perfectly broken: a good p-le horne; i* nut excitable in company: doe* not pnll when apeedlng. mid i* the finest gentleman'* road homo in thi* elty; warranted aound nud kind. Elegant bay gelding, GEORGE, raised hv Dr. Hcrr at Lexington. K'v.. sired by Melbourne, dam by Deamark: 7 vear* old; I,liandn high: he I* the best hroRe eifldle iiomo in this city, guides oy motion: has all the saddle gsita; Is verv stylish wltli extraordinarv action: has been ridd'-n hy * latin. and I* nafe for anybody to ride or drive a- he In thoroughly broken to single and double harness; ran trot better than 2.fto. and is warranted st.nnd and kind. Carriage* eo??l?t ol I extension ton para Phaeton. pole andnhalts; 2 side bar top r?md Wagons; 1 fnll spring Wagon: '.'top pony Phaeton*; 'J set- donble Durness; ft ?Ingle Harness. Hlankets. Robes. Sheet", Whips, Ac. > B.?Hie above slock is now on exhibition, ami rentio men in March of anything of the kind are Invited to call and ensmln > belore time of snle, a* they arc all a* represented. Sale positive, rain or *hine. By order ol EDWARD M. ALEXANDER. Attorney for Mortgagee. A -EMBARRASSED; OFFER: STRONG. GENTLE a Canadian Pom, tine ton Pony Phaeton. Harness, Kobe, Whip Stable Blankets; $240; separate; donble Har nesa, |4D No. ftl I 7th ev. A LADY'S PONY TURNOUT FOR HALR.-PONY dark ><ay, flowing n.ane and tall, 7 years old; war ranted so>ind. free from all vices; will stand by steam ears; can be rnldcn or driven hy the insist timid lady or child: also top Phaeton and Harness, almost new. i y the best city maker. Apply at private stnbie I it I East aWta ?t. A -TEN BUSINESS WAGONS. TO fl75, FOR ? express, grocer-, hoteliers, bakers, milk, lanndry package. ad*ertlnln".-, depot, delivery wagons, at wagon manitieetory, "CiO spring ?t. A "fine Family or r?iad iiorsk kok salk: will exchang* for one uflesa value. Can be seen at 84 Bi ekman ?t TENNY. SET OF FINK LIGHT StKGLR HARNESS, IN EX eellent order, tor sale at Metropolitan Stable, 22 East isth st. ____________________ A?FOR SALE. TEAM OF MAY II t M III,ETON I A> S, ? ft and U ream old: atroug and *perdy ; >o.d sopamtely or together; also ono uoeap btoones* Horn-', tbe property of a laimer; good trial allowed. Apply at rear of 41 BlOecker st. T 57 WARKBN ST.?JOHN MOORE. LARGE A8 sortment Phaotoa*. Hugvle*. llockaways. Depot W *gon*. liarneia, all ttylo*. light or heavy. Elegant Lnp Dusters and Sheet*. All at priee* that daly coatpotitiou. IIOHSKS, CAUB1&OU8. ? ? 'a - Ma.IiiR i ll \S \V, RAHKKK, WVlloNIKlt A. FOUBTH EXTRAORDINARY and positively closing ?a|e nl fashionably lired Trolling Slot I;. ' red l?> HON. A. B. COHGEU. of t'.ie Waldberg Stud. Ilavcruraw N. Y.. l<? take place at BARKER A S< >N'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattersall*. corner of HnMgmr mid Jtlhh St., on WEDNESDAY, MAY III, it 11 o'clock, and <umpri?ing SEVBNTEKN 11K A! > or Brood M?re*. Fillies. Stalliona. Coin and Geldings. hniu^ tin- PICK anil fcKTIRE BAL ANCE of the FAMOUS WALDBI'Rii STIJD, and includm* ? UaCGHTER of the crlthnled PRINCESS ulam of Happy MAllitm). a daughter dull SlisTER to ttoL'BUETTK) nud granddaughter <?t sONT AO. Ac. Till! BROOD MARES are the get of Rysdyk's liamhle tonian, Toronto I'hlef. Eureka, Young Star, Ac. TIIK FII.I.IKS and Stallion Colts Include tne jr -t of Dex Iron*. Bedford SO). Ma.' Anthony (J;:*>), Magnet (2:1*1). Wild Irishman. At. The Gelding (2:44) la the vet of Toronto Chief. fiTO'iK WILL arrive at the Mart to-morrow (Saturday) May for exhibition up lo tale. ( ATAliUUURS now ready, aud can be had at the Spirit Turf or Mart itfleia HAI.K POSITIVE; no postponement. A "MAJOR I'll Altl.KS XV. IIAKKKuT AlJlTIOM.t K ? The following, the pronerty of a PRIVATE GENTLE VAN' reducing uto^ k. will lie offered lor tmsitive >ale on Sal nrda.v. >t#v 11. at II o'clock, at KhXKKK A SON'S City Anctiuu Marl and New Y'ork Talter?ail's. corner of Broadway and :t'.nh ?t., vli.:?The imported cue-tout tlior ouzhbrsd Mare KLISE. 15'j high, 0 years old, by the cele brated steeplechaser Claudius, dam Ellia In'Co warranted sonnd: will make a spiemMd saddle ftl.tre: domly matched pair of highly bred iimwn dare* "TUB TWINS, I.")1, high, n and 7 years old, hlirh action and yv!e: <ery showv team for T carl or phaeton; hn? n Welding CII APKRON, I'lhlgh, 7 rear* old. a very line, showy match coupe or phaeton horse, is Due under saddle. Stock NOW ON VIEW at the mart. A?MIST KB SOLD Tim WEEK; 1 OF TIIK ? bes(Tamily coupe or carriage Horses in the city, it vests, 15'^ hands; w;u rente I ai nnd and kind; also I of the best broke saddle and harness Horses in the city, 7 year* old, hands; a Indv can ride or drive him; warranted aound and kind ; 1 heautilul shifting lentlier top lull spring W aeon, pole and shafts; also 1 one man trottlnir VV'airon. weight 115 lb*.; I (In- top pocy Phaeton; single and double Harness: all good an ne>r. tnqnir. of TllOM AS, the coachman, at private stable I'.'K Kant lrith St., between .'Id Itv. aad Irving place, for three day*. NEARLY NEW TOP WAGON?AT PRIVATE ?table rear of |:tj \Ve?l Dlth ?t.; price JUKI A" 1 HALF COST?BRA tJTIFIJL EXTENSION HH1FT Ing too light I'haeton, seats four persons: light siugle Phaeiou. light Koad Wiiiron, two full uprin^ top Wnjtoni, two aide bar-., ainele and doolde llarneai, nil nearly new; beat city inakera Private slnlile, .T'.d ?t. nnd 4th av. A KINK LOT UK HARNESS"Ti> BK SOLI* < IIF.AP Mhceta, Netn, Kobea, Ac.; larire Hock at lowent pricea; aare money hv d'-nllni; direct with the manufacturer, K. BARTLKrI', *U M nrr n St., corner t'.illoire pl?co. A*?FOR HA LB, KIVK llnRSKS. FROM 7 TO D ? jreara old; trial allowed: aold cheap: no work lor theiu. 2t'l Orand ?i., near .Mott. A" FACT WORTH CO>SIIO:RlNi? BY ALL WHO AU VKRTISK. RATKS CF.*TS PER LINK. The d rental tun or the F.VENINO TELEUBA.U I ant week ADVERT1RINO RATKS 30 CENTS A LINE. Monday. May 13 M.VVS0 AI>VBKTIS1.\0 BATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Ttteatiar. Mav |il Si.R.Y) AUVBRTIsINO BATES 20 CKNI'tf A LINE Wedneadav. May 17 3T..U00 AiiVKHTIMNO RATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Thuradav. May IS 41.200 AHVKRTI8INO BATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Friday, May It* :m,(?0 AI?VERTISI\(J RATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Satnrdar. May 0 114,150 ADVERTISING BATES 20 CENTS A LINK. Total 2'-' 1.500 ADVERTISING RATKS 20 ClkNTS A LINK Daily average - Ilfl.917 ADVERTISING KaTKS '.'i CENTS A LINK. -NF.W .AND HKCO.iD HAND MOIIT AND SIX ? aeat Rockawaya, from $7."> up: Depot W'airona. Pony and Haaket Pliaelona, (Milon: Victoria*'Jump teat Road and top W a.ona, +4" up; a line Laniau, lltrhi. nearly new: nlne Paaacn-^er.Jlepot Wapon*. Clarence*. Coaehe*. Coupe*. Hnlklea, JHI" up; 230 Carriage*, every atila. anil ?t prices to ault ilie time*; llame** Iroin #12 up; Siieet*, a large a* aortment. WILLIAM II. GRAY, 2<iand .2 Wooetar -t. BARGAIN?MOROAN fJRAV ID'BHE, 15.3, TltOT in 2 iW?. anta Iter a lady: aiao two m>od work lionet cheap. Corner Prince and t'roehy at?-, GREY'S utable. A VERY IIANDSOMB RBKWSTBB IMPROVED ?pring t'?p Wbtoii, not soiled. *or aliont hall coat, at Mr. MORSE'S private stable. No. I Wcat 15th *t. A ?SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Two-wheel Dog Cart, onr make, at a bargain. Livingston Dog ( art. nearly new. Furry Carl, on four wheels, onrmake. Do* Cart, on four wheela. city make. Top and no top Koad Wagon, our make. BREWSTER'S. ?th 8T. and 21st St. E SIX SKAT rHAK TON, NEW STYLE Coach, Landau. Hretts. Clarence, cheap; one and t mo irtt Wagona. :ui av. Bay "nRLpiKtiT by~ktiian alt/en, hi* high. foaled 18*i$?; can trot In 2:50; warranted mmnd and kind. At private ?ale today or hi miction to-morrow at BARKER'S. corner of Broadway unit <10111 at. CiAKBIAWKS OK ALL KINDS, MV OWN MAKE, AT J manufacturer*' prices: warranted; leather top new Pony Phaetona, $1211 up: do. Buggies, $140;'nu to|m, $(?); extcnaion top l'ark Phaeton*, ElaO: Miiendid *ix-*eat do., very low; Knckawaya. 91&UI OliUBR,908Canal*4. OUYk AMI SIX >FATTto(7KAWATM A8PBCIALTY? Ilonc low. making acccsa easy; plenty of foot room; sitting* very comfortable. A. S. KLANDRAU, 878 and 374 Broome It. (old atand of Brewster A Co.) '7"R5aKINU-OUT KALE OK CAERIAOESI AT GREATLY v J rednred price*; larire assortment of atvlea aotlnble for both town and country. being anrplu* ?tock of WOOD HKOTIIKU. at eld iMlj of Bradley, I "ray A Co., 2f> Cnlon equare. LROANT-rii'i ?RTKI) SADDI.R HOUSE U/IAND Dnke, to he an| I positively this day without rea >rve. KIiKdAXT VICTORIA "C" aprlngs, lined with mo rocco. bv Binder, of Parla. LKillT RAROUCIIK, in good order. by J. B. Brewster TWO LKillT COUPE*, In good order, by Miner A Steven*. KOI'R SECOND HAND SADDLES, one ehlld'i tide. Fot'R SKTS DOUBLE HARNESS, city makers. WKsTCIIKHTEH RiiCKAVVAY. hr Wood Brothers. TWO FAMILY COACHES, l.y Brawnier A To. TOT PONY I'll ACTORS AM) WAOUN8, to pay ad vance* and charge TWENTY-POTTR II' R8ES, de?rrlptlnn time of Hale, thia day at AicCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, I!) to 25 18th at. Weather never Interfere! wltn our BALKS AT 10 O'CLOCK, Sea catalogue above. tSxcellent Mob bas-tw-waoox: perfect JTj order: price $UK>; also act light sHisrle and iluubie Harness; cheap. JKWKLKRS. 7ii.? sth a\. FTandrau wagon. ~ " The driving pnblie are solicited to Inspect our Standard Wagon. Brewster and Co. patent aide inr attachment, making the Mat riding waKon ever produced. A. S. KLAVDRAU. 873 and 974 Broome it. (old *tund of Brewater A Co.) IilAHT IIOBMK FOR SALK.-IIKIGI1T HAY. r?? 1 hands: splendid driver. Apply at private liable lltt VM 80th at. IpiRST CLAM TURNOUT Kll BALE?COBSMTINtt 1 of one pair souud anil stylish yoong Horse*, line ti avel Icrs; one Coupe, beat city inake, bevelled gla>?, in perfect order; one T Cart, nearly new; dmibi- Harness Blanket*, Kobe*. Whip, Ac. Inquii'u at J. S. K KROl'SON'S stablea. No. 109 Weat .'>3d St.. nearflth av. This ratahliahment mu*t be seen to ha appreciated, and will be shown every day until Sold separately or together. OB SALE CHEAP?PITE SECOND HAND SIX SEAT Phaetons. 70 and 73 Prince at. F IjVJK SALS CHEAP?FIRST CLASH NKW BUSINESS 1 Wagon. Apply to O. II. WiLMARTH, -Kt Nassau *C IjlOR SALE?A~ FIRST CLASS BKKTT CARRIAGE; ' can lie seen at Wilson'* atabl?a on loth st., near Uni versity place. WM. TAYI.OR, St. Oeuia Hotel. I^OK 8ALR?TRAM~oV BKIUHT BAYS, IH HANl/s high, eonod and kind, good Isodau or rarriago horiu-a, $min; double llarnnaa. u"ld niotinlliir:a; I'mipe, In good or der, by Brewster, 94A); four C spring Brett, uaed but few times, by M ood Bros. Inquire ??r M IKK, No. il Weat 44th at. IPOB 9ALB-?WtHK8S" WAUO.V, IMKSK AND HAR 1 neea, complete: cheap. 2114 Mercer at. flOR RALB-LIVBRY A Nil BO aKDINO STABLE, cheap for cnah; the owner has other bnatneaa. JOHN I'AKKKK. Hftft ,'d av. JIOR BALE?PAIR dapplr oray HOBsKS iYOUNO aonad. kind), for carilage or truck, cheup; price 94.VI. 320 hast :<4th at. IjlOB RALB?AM BIMAIT ? (IMkO YICTOBlA. ' with rumble, Ae., by Wood Brothers; little uaed; also a Hae ioubli- Harnosa. Apply at HU Kaat 22d si. F~"oli salr-j. bT-BKKWSTER side bar top Wagon, In good order, $990; J. C. Uan. side bar top, 92UO; ilugle linrneaa, $Jtl. KBRQL'RON'R, 10S West S9d at. rR RALE-VERY HANDSOME KIME ACTIONKD bay Horse, nearly 16 hands high; price 97MX 1'rirate el able 121 Eaat flat at. (T?) : SAl.K -MUST SKLL FOrR HORSES. SUItT r ble for track, expreaa or any business; all warranted. li:i Harrow at. IpOR SALK?VERY CHEAP, TWO OOOI) WORRINO Horaei. warranted sonnd and kind; nice platform spring Wnuon and Harneas. 431 Beet 12th at. 1" jH)R~8ALK?TWO HOBSES~AN~\i"TW5~EuiBrXt half vulue, from I'M to 926; salt any hnalneaaT 4J? > Kaat isth at. IpOR SALE-BAY HAMBLK'IONIAN MARR, l.'.'i ' handa. li yenik old ; warranted ?ouud, except little anre forwnrd; two cheap ll?r>ea. ?nltable lor grocers or fermera. Inquire for carman. 334 llnda<>n at. LIOR SALK 311 RAILROAD HOR8ER: MIST RR 1? aold this weak at the old Third Avenue Knllroad itables, between HHth and S7th it a., ;id av. FOR SALE?A' FINK LaKOE LAN DAI'I. KT, NhAHLY new. at a low price: slao a Wood Oiliaon double Har ness. inquire at RiiObili av. / < rXn d ^dCkk ~ '? ~~ It ORAND Dt'KR. I HIS CRLERRATKli SaDI'I.K HORSE TO RE SOLD Tills DAY, WITHOUT HKntvHVK, TO TIIK lllilllKST BIDDER, AT ARCII. JOIlNSTtlN'S Mart, 10 to 2.'. l.ith St., near university place, at lO o'clock. See catalogue above. (tool) IIOKSK AND EXPRESS WAtJON AND X llamesa, 9HM; Horse 17 handa, 980, not hall value. No. Hot) West .W>th at. HAENERR.?CHEAPEST HABNKSS STORE IX NKW York; good Rnggy Harneaa, hand made. fl.'<; irwid Uroeera'Harneee. *U.'>; good double Team llarnesa. #3<); a good llorae Blanket. 91 ?*<". I'leaee call and examine lor yourselves, K1SI1EK A OSBORN, Mnn'ilacturers, 71 Barclay at. 'OARNBtM, A BARUAIN?ALL 9UNMCOMB~s MAEB; XI quite new; sold by a gentleman lor want of use : one uouble ?et, <>ne single and landem set; all light. Apply to IRA HIUlrt'N, 73 University place, until Taeeda?. " ANDAU KOR SAWB-HA-. BRKN BliT LITTLK V uaed Tan be seen at private atable No. 2 West U2d ?t Also set double harneas. J^ANDEAUH A SPKCIALTY. Leather and glass froati, with Imported top leallier, trimmed with the 8ne?t morocco; painun of rich oolors. A. S. KLANDRAU, IT3 aad974 Broome it (eld stand ol Brewster A Ok) UOIISK6. CARRJAG1CS. ?C. KFKIt M AN TED-P.iR TOP oil SO TOP onot'RRY or hxpres* Wagons. Ilurnr mid llariieaa i:'.7 7tli ?v XE TOP W .UiO.N. u.M. i OVV I'HaKTonTTTnK TWO ?out ahifting top, all In ? ond order . alsj new Carriages J. COLYKIl * C<i.. JIH Bro*u*ay. S ADDLE HORPKH?A SKKTUMAN WISHES TO dispose of two exrel>?nt saddo- Howl Can be seen Ttiarsday and Friday at Dickel's Bldtug Academy. r>ih av. ?ad UOtli *1. SB&OND ' HAND B R KXVSTKK WAOdS."KI I>K H\K top. #75 and C#K>; I full spring. ??nie make. p..It- and shafts; I Stiver* Koad Waco", 1 Depot Wiim, I llifht cut under Korkaway. 1 t'alfrey Sulky: 53 lbs.; mp CcmT Phaeton, fir*); I Basket. $!<?>. skeleton Wairou, $??>. WIl.LlAM II. (MAT. httfylfM Iriadvu, inr WiH it. TIIB* BELOW rtkixinir UA\D CARKlAtiKs AKK offored vary low:?One *ix-?eat Pheaton. Iiy Stivers; three Coaches, for Loos A Williams; two Wagons by Stiver*. at CORBhTT'K Carriage Factory. l.*>6 ana ISM Eaat 57th it. Tub hamiwombst pony" phaeton IN THk CITY; coat $1*1. will s?ll tor #L"-'5; also the speediest IIItl>* bay M*r? Nell; price nuuilnaL At private ?tab!e No. 7 Weat l.'?th at., in ? hr> rear. TRO'iTKR DARK HROWN. YOl'NO; JITr-l KKOKKN; shows wonilerlul -pn-d. soanil, kind Call for tare days on IIANKINSON, l.'JM) Broadway, room 3. TEAM 18ATT HOMME*; WII.L II VI lHTk TONS; (l'Ji); aril separate; saddle Uorae and brood Mare very cheap. No. 4 7th av To LET?PIUV.ATB ?VA?LE NO. 117 WEST 2STHKT.""; eiirli' at'ilis and one Inn atall In yard; coach honae 25xl<0; elevator, large harness cloact. gas and water; rooma for coachman. with conveniences. Ac t to lie rented lor a private stable only. Apply at IJH Broadway, room 1. TRUCK AND CARTA?TIIltBK FIRST CLASH COAli Cart< and ?n* tingle Truck cheap; alau a number of Hutchers' Carli very low. 7"> lat av. "ty A NTED?A 8TKO.Nii. SOUND." KAMn.Y lluRSK. il gentle and kind, accustomed to be driven by a lady; not sfr.tid of tralna. and not to coat over $ltH\ Addrcaa particulars to J. L , bin 1,410 Poat offlre. W ANTKD~K5 AN IN V A I.I W. TUB USB OP A " Unlet driving llorae for hia keen for a few month*; private stable and beat care. Addraaa T. 0. B., box 8,1.14 New York Prat ulllce. WANTBli-A GOOD BLACK SADDLE PO~NY; BOUND and kind; about 14 hauda. Addreaa J. U. B.. SB Broadway, mom H7. Wantki)-a o7>o~d >kco\i? hand ONE horse >> Trm k. Apply to DBOKAUW, AY MAR A CO., 4.' South at TIT ANTBD?POR TUB BUMMER. A IfORSE TO DO II light work for ila board; relrrencca civen. Addreaa C. I,. A.. Herald office. ? WANTED?A NICE TURNOUT," IN VALUE FROM ?Mil to f3,V)0, in exchange tor unencumbered Beal Estate, 7 milea oily. In New Jersey, Addreaa TUBN OUT. Karmiiigdale, I.. 1. WANTBD-A KIRBT~ CLASH TURNOUT,- IIORBKH, '? Currlaee. Ac., In exeban^e Tor a fremleman'a Real dence on Iioiir Iilaud; 2U minute* out on the Lou* laland Rnilroaii. Aildri>iui I). !>., Herald Uptown Branch office. Vitastbi>?a uoubi,k sbated pabk 'phabtub IT or alnt'le rimnon und llarneaa. or both, in exchange fur Board ? abort dmtance in the country at a Brat claaa hotel. Addreaa K. MII.I.KK. Oranice. N. J. WANTKD TO KXCHANOE-a OOOO" 8ROOND Mortaauo for live or aix lloraea and one or two *Ma of Itouble llarneia. Apply to RAYMOND A HRO., 174 Pearl *t. \ATANTi;i?-A JUMP 8BAT WAGON OR OKRMAN >T town, to acat four persona; light and suitable f? ?ne borae. Addrei* J. II. S? atatinn I>. \yilITK ARABIAN AND BLAOK BLACK HAWK"; m liiindimneiit pair in the city; Ionic nianca and talla; voiinir. aoimd, kind and very atyllih; 1 .'i)a handa. LBaD BBTTBR'rt, i SU 7lh av. w iNLiaciR wagon, Brewater, of 25th at. Notwlthitandlne the dnll limei, there la an lnoreaaed de mini for th? VYindaor at an advance in price over all others. It li the but and safest wagon made, and In the end will prove to be the cheapest. Wareroonia, 5th av. and 2lat at. ?14lH-HANI)SOHK. NKW TOP KXPRES8 WAOON\ also one to auit grocer, $150. Stab.a. 124 Weal 19th at. J FOH SAL&. AwBM, PAtlNG Bl/8'INKSS X EaSTI H if OBXnT) Central Depot l?r sale, with stock and fixtures, at a moderate pric. Address P. A. T., Herald Uptown Branch office. A A COBS'KR RAKKItr, WITH TWO OVENS. BEAT j'V lot-mion in Brooklyn, for sale: pi ice Sl.'JiXJ; receipt* l to '?15 per day over tho counter. Address 11AKKR, Herald office. ? A -FOK" SALR-Llyl'OR STORE* NEAR WAMH Ai Inifton Market. Reatauranta. Distillery Store* Clear Store*, Provision Stores, Bakeries. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar ?t. -OIVKN AWAY, KIRST CLASS RESTAURANT > and liar, this day. Apply at Mo. 1 Dntcli at. A MATTRESS ASH BEDDING STimk I.V A OOOD location in Brooklyn very cheap. IJAKKSEV A SMITH, Auctioneer*, 17 Centre ?t. A" CORNER BAKERY. HE8T LOCATION IN BROOK lyn, doing mi excellent buaim-aa, at a bargain; ilck ncaacauae for acliln;. MA LONE, No. ft Dey at. A" KINK" LARGE SAFE, WITH DOUBM'7 DOORS, atqei vault inside and combination lock, book rack* and drawers; will l>? wild Hit per cent below coit. Addrnai S. B. L.. box 1-12 Herald office. NEW INVENTlilN FOR SALE CUEAP-IN ventor need* fend* to meat mortgage. *"or particu lar* address IN VKN'I OK, Herald offlew. Alive downiown dining room-will"be aold very cheap. Apnly on i>reinlaea 54? Cedar*1 A" RAKE OPPOBTWN i TV.?MAM PLE ROOM. L<T rated near Stewart's. np town : .? mtcriflce : Stock and Matures SjMX .MALONK, No. 5 Key xt. BTjt(;iier?? AMD orocKirs fixturesand STOCK Tor sale cheap; good locality. US 7th av., corner of ltitli at. CVlOAR STORE?FIRST CLASS TRADE; $.Vi DAILY. / comer Liquor Mtore, doing ? large bnslneaa, at half mine. _______ LIjUYD. 20 Broadway. C~ 1ARPKNTKRS AND lil'MllEK MEK?!HANTS.?1 HAVri 1 sot about I *? ink) feet of good clear pine lumber, from 2 incite* to . will be aold cheap to cloaa the buiinea*. Inquire at 2JH West 42d at. DRUG MTORE IN BROOKLYN?IMMENSE SACRt. Ilea: greut bargain If sold within a weak ; *ati*actory reason*. Addreaa BEESWAX, lleritiil office. BRIOOWTK?KOR HALE. RE I'AI L STORE U? Philadelphia; boanlifiill.v fitted; well located; excel lent opportunity. ALEX. PARKS, 513 Broad el., Phila delphia. FOR BALE-ONE ">AIR or MILL STONES 4 KKET ?Hncli diameter, with frame apindle and Tunning gear complete. Apply at No. ir?t? Ludlow at. JIOR SALE?Til K PRIVILEGE OK A FIRST (!UM Soda Water or Newspaper Stand. In Writ in., directly oppoaite the White Htar dock: term* amy. :ttt.l Went at. flOR SALE-A CIGAR ANO NEWSPAPER STORE OK lHyear*' *t*ndln;; In<?nlre at .37 av. A. LIOR SALE-f:v?> RESTAL HANT 6K A HOTEL U JP Bowery: rent free. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar it. FOR SALE- TH K BEST CORNER MQPM STORE down mwiijwlll be a dd cheap. Inquire nt TH Fulton at., corncr Uold. F OR HALE-A SPLENDID TINWARE. HTOVE AND llonae KuraUhlng Store. Inquire at HI 0th av. FOR MALE-CONFECTIONKRY, ~5 YEARH ESTAB liahed; proprietor leaving city ; a chnnce for eomeboilv. Apply before 10 or alter 4 at 102 Chatham at. ftOHBAlal CHEAP-TWO ~HtDEBO~ARD8. SUITABLE r for clnb and barroom, ice cream saloon, bakeiy store, private dining room ; come and look. Itt Dey at. IjioR hai.k?oLu emtarmkhmT"Flail" AND OYS 1 ter Market, on leading avenue; Drat claaa neighbor hood ; raab trade : cause lor aelllng other bnalneu. Pur oar tlcnlara apply to Nl.'ssBAUM A CO., Ml Bowery. IRST 'CLAMS, DINING"AND LUNCH ROOM KOR aaie at a bargain. Call at BAKER'S. .">12 Rroadway. Flag poles op all kinds m ade at Ihobt notice by C. A R. POILLON, 424 Month at. ]"UMBER YARD FOR HALE-IN THIS CITY. AT A J bargain; doing acaah buainoaa yearly of $7.'i,?*i; lo cation (tood and everything in perfect order. Addreaa box llerald office. I~"iqUOR STORE KOR SALE. - FOUR-PULL PUMP J and Store Hxturee; price ?UAl. Inqnire at 130 Cherry at. AMBLE-80I?A WaTEiTaND ROOT BUR APPA. ratua, all etylea, for anle at coat. J. M. WHI f FIELD A SON. 282 Water (t. F M TO SELL-A LADIES' SHOE MANUFACTURING Bnaineaa. Inqnire at IW Allen at. THE M AN H ATT AN HE WIMl MACHINE. AN IM proved. allnnt family aewlng machine, making the elax tic doulile lock atitcli; fnlly warranted In every respect, with attachmenta complete, for $IA; send for circular. 403 n/l ShWINO MACHINES, Ai.l. MAKES. AI.L NEAR &\ J ly new. at 44 Henwlek at., near reenwlch and Spring sta. (one new Singer improved, coat Irom (In to |b5. $oea WILL BUY OUT THE OOOD WILL, CUSTOM iou aud trade of an e-t tbllabed second hand bott>e bualn-a? ; M'Ca alone worth double ti e amount antialn ? tory ran en* given for selling. Apply at office. 21 Lieoen nrd it. ?UIW\ CASH IN HAND THIS DAY-WILL BUY ?n"u $3,iiO> worth of Hardware, Tiuwnre. I'ainta. Briiaiiei. Ac.; Ireth good*. Apply at 2! Park row, room No. 3, troin HI to 2. _ ? ' : fctHIISEHt, " ?fc^OR MALE?TWO STEAM H AMMI'. 1(4" AN6 CJiiSf " r plete aet of Forga 1'nol* Tor mannlaeturing heavy forgiiiK*. car axle*, Ac. Addreaa (). M CLAPP, 2IW Broad way, room ?. t OB PRKSfTFOR nAl.r. At A BARtiAIN-WXU M alde chaw. Ill,North William at,, third N?or. I ARC EST AMI BEpT SELECTED ST??CK "* tiF J Enirlnea and Machine Toola In New York, at half neual pncea; good a* new, machinery purehaaed. R 'HEISTS. I HI Liberty at. near Greenwich. WANTED - A D E N M E ADM I LL. ADDRE.hSUmT box ItV) Herald office. Wanted-the most improved amTcosTpLkte Machinery, lor a ftonr ml 11^ to grind HID harrei? per day. Addrn**, with fall particnlara a* to make and price. XILLKR, room ?ti, No. 2(1 Broadway. New York. WMT OVPICB IKDTICR. t^Oal" TiI'KICE S ()tl OE. ' ? X The mroiirn mail* lor the week ending Satwrday, May ?A7, IH7?. ?Ulcloae at thi* office on Wednesday at II o'clock A. M. fur Europe, per ateamnetiip Bothnia, via Qneenatown; on Tbnradair at 11 :30 A. M. tor Europe, per -teaiaaklp I rioiu, via Plymnatii. tUierbourv and Hamburg; oa Satur day at ft;:*>A. M. for Great Britain, irrland and France, per ateamahin City of Berlin via tjueenatown. and at 1 A. S. lor Franoe direct per ateamehip Amerique. via llavte. and at 6 A. M lor Seotlaud direct meat be apedatly aduresaed per ateaiaahip \ictonavii <i a-gi.w; and al 11 >10 A. M. lor Enreoo, per eteamxbip Oder via Honthampto* and Bremen. The mails l?r Ublna, Ac., will leave san Vranciaeo June I, The maila for Aaetraila, Ac., will leave Saa Franc woo Jane il. lb* mall* the Wool Indlea, via Havaaa, wiU leave New Tnrk .1 nae I. .. nte dlreet aaU tor Brsafl, Ac., will leave New Terk May ST. 1 T, L. JAMBS. Pacfaeear. im t t'OODn. OKI) .? TAYLOR. I Noa. 245. 257. i'tti and 361 Grand corner ('hrjrillt. and Mo. Ki Knrevth >1 are mi* offering ORKAT BAHOAIN8 IN BILKS. ?II lb* now aprinr abadne u putlf redaeed price*. 40 plow >1 H5c., worth S I. 75 piocee *1 9Rc., worth jl Id 76 placet it $1. worth 91 25. A Urp MWMimrnt of check* lad atrlpoa. from SOc. to 91. BLACK SILKS. 4 * Would call apodal attention to their Lord A Taylor Family Silk baud woven, caabaaero Halah, at Si 35. former price, $1 75. OKKAT RKIHJCTIONS IN DREStf HOODS. : Caalimrre Deb?ire, H5c. to SI #5. Plain all-wool Debpge, 3.V : worth 40c All-eronl Melange. ."iiir. . worth MOe? Striped I'auiel'a liiair. I"c. : worth 45a. Haaki t I'latda, M5c.; formerly #1 35. Caaliniere Debem. >11 per lor article. S3*. All wool TafTctla, <*>c. Caahn-.ere poplin, tkle. Silk and wool f>iai;onal, AOc.; worth 75c. Summer Oealimere. in all tbc new abadai, 78a. All-wool Cret?nnea, <Rc I'laln. nlald and fluured Pnnreea, 40c.. 45c , 00*. Silk Lnaire*. -Vic. to<)5c. KniilUU and Herman Mohair*. 20c. to S0& Knickerbocker Cloth*. *>0. Arlington Poplin, :*le. Ca*lnnere and Sarxea. 25c. Tinner* hair And eerR? I'lalrta, 13>jc. to t'tlored AlpHPaa, iflkj. to 37c. Kitk atri|ie Mohair WV-. Klack ami white Check*. 20a. to 87c Challl I'oplin, Hie. Poll dn (Mirrre, figured, 'JOe. KilltlUli Begea. 20c to 35e. Serge*. colored, 10c. to 25?. LADIES' St'ITS. All the new apring atylea In every grade and quality and at price* never before equalled. Bwiaa. linen and tarlcton Overaklrta. Wrapper* In Caetitncre, delane and aall** t CHIM>RKN'8 SUITS. Thl* department ia now mmnlete with ever* variety and atyle of Suit* and Orestes for miaaea and children from il to 111 yeara of age. Mourning Suit* on hand and made to older at tbc iberte* notice. MANTLES. al*evele?e Jacketa. and Ta'tnaa la all tbc leading atylea. ' pat cent below lortnrr price a. CIIILDKKN'B SACQUES -4> In white doth, bine and urown del; aim In plain and braldet Clotlit, all the dilTerent atylea and alaea, Irom S3 75, 93> f? JO, $:< 50 and *4. up Ladle*' and children's Waterproof Cloake Is all the dU fereut aiiea at very low price*. KLAUS. Centennial Flaga of every aiae, quality and price. 'Srand. Cliryatie and K< raylh ata. /1 HEAT BAUUA1N8. CARPETS. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTEiaT.. LORD A TAYLOR. NOS. 2 55. 357. 2?? AND 2BI OKA I CORNER CHItYSTIK, AND NO. XOR8YTH 8T. ITO ; CARPETINU8. Parties desiring CARPETING* will And at oar establish niciii on EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT. RICH In QUALITY Jll-.SIliNS ami COL< )KI SOS. anil comprise many of thr CHOICE NOVELTIES INTRODUCED TIII8 SKASOS which we are offering at very reasonable prices. To avoid DELAYS and DISAPPOINTMENTS cnnseqnea upon tne IMMENSE INCREASE of PATRON AUK do dalai ?hould be permitted to prevent ordering at once, FURNITURE. We are prepared to offer great inducements to tboee aboa to lurniah their dwelling! during the spring. A well M lccted stock of __ PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY AND DININO ROOM FURNITURE alwavs on hand to meet the uemamls of the ipring trad AND AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICKS. SICK : PARLOR SUITS FROM KTiO. 60LID WALNUT BEDROOM 8UITS FROM *44. ENAMELLED BEDROOM SUITS FROM 920i OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOI PRICES. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. ^ We mill continue to offer apodal inducement* la LAOS CURTAINS. UPHoLSTBRT GOODS AND BBDDINtt Nottingham Curtain*, from $1 SO per pair. Real Lace Curtnina. from 9f W ser paif. Cottage Draperies. from 10c. per yard. Window Cornices, trom AUc. each. Alio a large and well aelectad stock of Window 8hade>, Furniture Covering*, Piano and Table Conn, Marseilles and Crotchet Onilta. REDUCED THIS WEEK 25 per cent bolow former prioaa, SPRING BEDS. MATTRESSES AND BEDDING, of the finest qnility, 2*i per cent oheaper than any other nonae In the trade. Liberal diaooant allowed to institution* and bolat keepers. FI.Ai.S Centennial Flags of every sIm, quality and prion. GRAND. CHRYBTIE AND FORSYTH 8T8. BEAT BARGAINS IN BOYS'" CLOTHING. * I LORD A TAYLOR, No*. 255. 357. 390 and 2*11 Grand corner of Chrystle, and No. S3 Forsyth St., bare opened a full line of BOYS' SPRING AND HUMMER CLOTHING, Pine good* of ear own manufacture and design, bate* market prions. Boys' School Suits, R, 94 SO, Boys' Jockey Suit*, *8 SO, *7 75, 9I(X Boy*' Derby Sulta, ?S SO, $6 75. 99 33, 913. Boy*' English Walking Salt, Boy*' Engllih Sank Salt, Boy*' Centennial Suit, Boy*' Young America Salt, Boy*' Continental Snlt, 98 SO, 910, 913 so. 98 50, in 75, 9ia 97, 9U SO, 910 75. 97 50, 90 35, 81L 93, 94 50, 98 SO, 9B 75. Boy*' new Imperial Bloaee Salt. 94 75. 95 50, $8 SO Boy*' new Sailor Salt, 99 5<\ 95, 97 5ft Boys' separata Panta, 91 35, 91 88. 93. 93 Sa Spring Overcoat*, ages 9 to 15 yaan. Camisoles, of every description, tor boyi 1 let yaan. FLAGS. Centennial Flags of every sise, quality and price. OBAND, CHRYSTfKAND FORSYTH 8TS. J^ARGR SPECIAL 8ALfcf Woollen*. A. T. STEWART * CO> will offer, la their elnth department, on Friday day. the 2?Uh and 27th last., S.OOU pieces SPRING CassIMKRBS. to lata to salt purchasers, at a vnrv large redactloa * from recent prieea. Those goods are exclusively tbalr owa manufacture; are seasonable, many of them inat from tha mills, and this offering will l>e found well wortny tba attea* tion of the dry goods, clatblng and woollen JobMag trada. Broadway, Chambers and Raade (ta. IPOK SALE-FOLK ELEGANT DRESSES; NKVKR F worn : la?tr going la mourning, Ad<lres* M. M., Herald Uptown Branch oflire. ISA BEAU'S HAIR NETH FOR THR FRONT HAIRl also Invisible Crimps, made out of natural curly baits Braids, l'srl?. Ac. No. 2.1 Union aqnara. 1 fic- rANTONMATTI>iis. -ke'd anTTwiiitr mat". I U tings in great variety . ingrain carpets and all alatba: bargains to da/. ANDREW I.KsTRK A CO.. !<7I Broadway. MlLLlNKAl A.\i> DHEHUMAKISmT A T MSB NATAMR TILM \N'S il.ATR 0?r~l?*M J V at. i now No. 1.254 Broad war. between .Hat and 83d sta,I elegant novelties In Bonnets. Hats, Plowar* N. 8. Dressaa. Sulla ?nd Trias aaaa made to nrdar. A -MARIS TILMANN, OF PARIS. IMPOSTS R. . offers a largo assortment of tha llnaat Millinery; Hata from Vlmt. I'arlaet, and all tba bast makera. 42.1 till av., near 20th st. j IH STH tC^lQw;'^~~~~~"":=5 TtJMPNBf writing i.eshonlit olk (ja "ip. A aly this day. from 9 ta i? P. M. Rooms 8th av aad 499 M. OI.IVSS B. OOI.DSMITII. B" OARDING HCHOOlT AT WILTON. OONN.-HoMll comforts; healthy loratloa; ihoroagb Instruction; kind treatment; terms moderate. Addtvs* AUGUSTUS WIIIT Lock. biliUARU?. American standard sbtsl billiard taiils?, with Dalanar'* wire aaabloa*. solely used in ail ctia* BionshlD aad atlil game*, scaond Uand Tables at a real bargains. W. II GRIFFITH A CO . W Veso/ si. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF XfcW A.ND NKCONI hnnd Milliard Tables, wltb the new diali ng" isiliist tba tordM e<tge perfected. at low prices I. DECKER A CO.. corner Canal aad Centre sta. C" OLLEVDEfPS STANDARD AMERICAN hKYWU Billiard Table*, with tba calebrased Pbeian A Colieadaa aasablnatloa caabloaa, Im ?ata la tlrta city ealy at 79d Bread wan