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THE CASWELL MUTINY. TBI BLOODSTAINED BARS BROUGHT INTO PORT AT QUEZEBTOWN?OVEEHAULED ST AM ENG LISH WAR VESSEL?WHAT WAS TOrXD ON BOARD?OHA8TLT RCKEE8 AFTKB MUTINY AND XTTRDEB?HOW THE CRIMES WERE ACCOM PLISHED. Qcbknstows, Ireland, May 14, 1874 Ob Friday Queenstown was thrown into the greatest elate of excitement when it bo (Mime known thai tUe Britwb bark Caswell, Captain Beat, from Aptifotasta with a cargo of nitrate to Queenstown for orders, waa ?pokes off Dorsey Inland on Wednesday morning by the pilot cntter Werritt Captain Bent, a nativo of London, the chief officer, William M. Wilson second oilicer, Allen McLean and the steward, a colored man? the latter three all natives of Glasgow?were Mt BDKRSD OK THS HIGH SEAS on the 4th of last January by a portion of the crew, three Greeks aud two Malteeo seamen, who were shipped at tbe above port. Tbe ship belongs to Messrs. Tucker & Co., Swansea, and this wm her first voyage; Immediately on receipt of the news Admiral Coote, Commander in-Chief of the Irish station, with bis usual promptitude, despatched tho gunboat Goshawk In charge ol Captain Bagge, a young oilicer of great ability. At (our o'clock she was under way, snd at five o'clock an armed boat was sent along side the Italian bark Tsresa Secunda, lroiu Limerick for Newport This was caused by her not answering signals. Tbe wind was very light from the east, accom panied by a heavy ground swell, and at nine P. M., four miles west-southwest of Kinssls Light, the Cas well backed her mainyard, when Captain Bogge sent the boatswain, Mr. White, and lonr marines, with a corporal, on board. On* watch of bine Jackets was also sent on board to assist m atowlng the sails, and at ten o'clock, a hawser having been passed to tbe Goshawk, she proceeded to Queenstown with the Caswell in tow, where she arrived and was safely moored at twelve minutes past eight A. M. on Saturday. TBI MIRDKRS. The crow state that George Pes a, known on board as "Big George," was the ringleader In an awful trsgedy of mutiny and murder, and the morning he was killed ail bands saw a dove alight on bis bead. George Peno snd Nicholas Morelio were both killed while coming up the companion ladder by the carpenter and lames Carrick, ono armed with an adze and the Other with an axe. Dunne was armed with a maul. Tbe Greeks tired several shots up through tbe csbin deck st tbe men, but none took eflcct, and alter tbey were slain Baumbo, who is now a prisoner, made a desperate oflort lor his life. Ho received seven cats abont tbe body from tho adze aud two on his bead be foie bo surrendered; alter which he was bound hand and loot and bis wounds stiched. and ever since ho has been led oa bread and water. He is a wretched look ing man, worn out, ot slight build snd one eye out. On arrival at Queenstown he was delivered up to Mr. Mercier, S. L, and brought before tho Queenstown magistrates lor inquiry. Another curious coincidence occurred on board crossing tbe line. James Car rick spied a sail some miles distant. He took a tm.'ill boat and pulled for her to regu late tbe chronometers This vessel was tho French bsrk le Gentes, o( Dunkirk. An Euglinh boy nam?d Jonn Moyers, ol Flint, Cheshire, was on bo?rd and asked to be taken on board the Casxell, as he had been ill treated, bis teeth kicked oat, &a Carrick laUi be could not take bim without the captain's leave? but tbe next night both ships wore about a quarter of t mile apart, when the boy jumped overboard and swam to tho Caswell, much to their astonishment. Tbe greatest praise is duo James Carrick, who was never more than able seaman on board ship, and never learned navigation unless what ho picked up in the forecastle. STATIC KAST. The following Is the ststement of the survivors of the tragedy abstracted verbatim from the log and Signed by all hands:? We left Antifogosta on tho 1st of January, bound for j QueetmoAii, ui eight P. M. The watch being net, 1 Chrisio Baumbo sh.uumed sick. The uiate came lor- ! ward aud ordered George l'i>uo to come out on watch, j H; refused, saying that bo was groiug to sleep. The i mati* tame to luo forocasile alter this and ordered huu | ou deck, as the other mail was not bet er, but be still I refused. The main tliei. went all and told the captuln. j Ou the captain coining forward sud ordering luui on i deck tSiev noticed that bo was arniod, and asked hltn i the reason why. He told them that hi* was not coming j forward among a lot ot Greeks dele celess. He then ordered Peuo un deck, but be again refused. The cap- ! tain then asked what was his reason tor not going <-n I Watch, bat h? would not give him auy rea- | loo. The captain then told hitn 11 he still relused | he would be put In Iron* Peuo u*re d that it the | man wa.s not able to go to ttie wheel at leu i o'clock he would conic on deck. The captain then 1 went alt and said no more. At ten P. M. the mate called him to come ou deck, as Bauu.ho was not able to go to the wueel; but he refused, telling the mate to fu io hell. There wax no more said to bun there, btn^a went on quiet I'll Tuesday morning, January 4. On tho captain's watch coming on deck?Joseph Pas to ne, George Pcco and John Dunue being lu the ca|* tain'* watch, Chrisio Bauiaoo, Gosper I'asiorio aud James Carrick in the mate's watch?Joseph Paslorie relieved the wheel and George i'eno was ordered to relieve James Carrick. A. B., who was rattling down the main rigging on the starboard side. Tbe captain ' r.une ofl the poop, witb a piece ot marline In his hand, aud seemed to t>e showtug him how be wanted the aeizings lasiened. I'eno sprung trom the rail aud dculv, draw his knito and rLcxosD it nrro nis boot leversl times with great violence, and his bowels gashed oai. Joseph Pastorie then iet go the wheel and ?hot liim through the bead with a revolver twica The mate, who waj on uut.v forward, ran alt on seeing them kilt tbe captain, and wtiiie passiug tbe galley door Nicholas Mordio ran out with a large anile, used lor cuituig meal, rt.rnr.KD it isto ms hkart, then threw the knife overboard, Llutiuibo holdlnz him i against the rt iL When I'eno and I'astorie had finished the captain tliev ran forward and Peno plunged his knltto iulo h;?n as be lay on tbe deck, I'astorie shooting him in tbe bead, tbe uiato crying lor mercy. Tlicy theu rau aft ?n the |xtop, where Joseph anil Gasper were stationed with tlicir revolvers. G. Peno went aft and called the steward on deck, who, ou coming out i 01 the cabin, was SHOT T!IROt ?;it THK HKAD by Jo*epb Paatorie, while I'eno stubbed bim with his | kn lie and Gasper Hastnrio shot htm m the head. Tbe tecond mate ran alt in a great aiate of excitement, and i an roaclung tbe po^p was ? stabvkd is tub sack by Baumbo. He then tried to conceal himself In | IV cabin, aud Jiwpb rastorie ordered him up immn ci^ltely or ho would blow hia braius out. He begged | for his life, bui as he cane on deck Pastorle shot liim \ In tbe arm. On agaiu running iorwarii they all left tho I Miop and chased turn round the deck, firing their rc- | voivera at him as he rau. On his stopping he was I SHOT THROUGH THK UKAD { by Pastorle and repeatedly ?tal>be<t liy Peno, Nicholas ] and Baumbo. Peno aud liaumbo theu shouted tor the carpenter, but not be'ng able to find him he was spared. A consultation was then held among themselves, 1 whether io kill as all or not Peuo wanted to do so , Immediately but was pre von ted by the Maltese, who : wanted to go to Buunos Ay res, as Gasper's wi'e and family were living there, and moy wanted us io work thetbip. Just then tbo carpenter came out of tho bouse on deck, where lie bad locked himself lor I aafcty, tally expecting to be killed. They hesitated a , moment; tbeu Paatorie made htm go down ou bis j kneea in the blood of the slain and swear to God thai i be would help them to the beat of his abilities. We . were next ordered to onlasb a stream anchor and bring ! It amidships. OVkKBOARU They then bent the bodies with a.hltoh round ! their leet and threw them overboard, all to the aaine anchor, there being "till u little life in the captain anu the second mate. Tho rlilei mtte and steward Were quile deail They took full charge of tbe ship im mediately, washed the blood off the decks, went all I aud dreawd themselves in the deceased'clothes and divided tbe Biearm* belonging to the ship among them. 0. Peno, G Paatorie and Baumbo vetting a pot i of paint, paiuted out Hit ship s name both lore aud aft, and also tbe fe.ata, saving "t'oswellsno more.'' On in- * qury tuey told us the ship was Eoturj TO Valparaiso. Th" carpenter was or?nieu into the galley to cook for ail liana* On the Wedaes.1. y we sighted another : veaael. and Immetiiatciv tacked snip to gei oat of her 1 way. We proceeded tn this manner, the live oi tliem I living in all the inuaigence thai lie stup could afford, j About seven days aiierwaros ihev tod us we were bound for ibo Kivcr Piute, sol all would go ashore there except Nicholas, who said he was j.oing to take tbe ahlp to Eng and and get a medal lor it, a* he bad ! done nothing. On arrivng at Cape Horn there was another dispute between Hie Greeks ami tbe Maltese, the Qreoka warning to kill as there, sink the siiip and go ashore a* shipwrecked sailor*, but were again &rv*oai?d by tbe tw o Maltese, who wanted to gei to uenos Ay res. Wc ai first understood that they were all going ashore at the River Piste, but on arriving IbatoJ. aod G. Paatorie launched tbe iitcDoal, fairly loaded with Tit KIR SHARK or THK rtXHORR, and took tbalr departure, telling us bnoi e they went tbat tbo rest said lhay were going ashore at Cape Santa Maria, b?t iboy did not know whether u was true or not, bat wo were to look out tor oarselvn*. On that day w? ware steering N.Vlc., close to the land. Atier tbe two Maltese wont Peno ordered the carpenter to ' CM up sternsail booms io make a mast, gaft ai.d booat for tbo long boat, ibe.v being amployed in making Bails. In tbo oourao ol a tow days wo found ourselves pu?t Ospe Hants Maria, and tbat the Greaka ware not going Ml** .. ? ? "look oct." AI twahre o'clock. It twtng Peno'a watcb on deck, Fer saioa relieved carrick at tbe wbiel, who went tor ward and waa watched by the (.reeks as lie went; at hall-pitai two la tbo morning, Dunne b iug at the wboei, rirauaan at tbo break ot ibo poop, tho carpen ter oa Mm waaUtor a kK came over io bim aad took oat bis knife, telling hiin to look oat; the carpen ter told Fergusou to look out tor himself and armed; then went forward and cared Carrick and the other apprentice; all getting a-tned went art and ! Joined in the affray; succeeded in killing Peno; then tb? carpenter, Carrick and Duune went below. and after a revere struggle had taken place succeeded In gelling the better ot the other two, taking their kaivea and revolver* from tbem Then we pal Baumbo, wno waa only slightly wounded. In irons. Peno and Nicholas miff-rod death. At daylight, teeing there waa no use in trying to ?ave tlicin. tbey lieing quite dead, we laahcd them in their hammocks and committed them to lb? deep. Seeing that Bautubo waa cut about the bond and shoulders, we took his irona off and dressed his wounds to tho best of our ability. On his getting better we again placed him In irons, every thing possible having been done for biin. Ho haa now confessed to its all their intentions aad plana They were going to take tho ship to Greece. kill all ol ua, go ashore nnd dispone of everything bolonging to the ship in a Greek merchant, then sink the ship and make their escape. I'eno wantod to kill the apprentices first; Nicholas and he wanted to kill the men first? Carrick and tho carpenter in particular?as they were moat alraid of tbem. He almost daily tola ihe apprentices. Ferguson and McDonald, that Ihev would aoon be all tho same as Captain Beat. Banmbo also told ua thai if the captain had put Peno In irons, as he : threatened, he would havo stabbed him that night, and ? all bands on board would have been killed. TO THE K!VKK VLATK. I From the 4th ol January till the day that we came to tho Hiver Plate they made James Carrick come down Into the cabin and work the ship, as he whs the only one ?? board who understood navigation. But us MM | us tho two Maltese went on shore they thought they j could manage themselves and dispense with bis ser i vice-! entirely, only calling him aft to keep chronometer time and to help tbem when tbey found they could not manage themselves. Their object in thla was not to let us know where the ship whs going. The charts wore ooncealed. We also mention that on the postage round to Buenos Ayres. to Valparaiso, i Joseph Pastorte on one occasion told John Dnnne ' that II the captain even laid a hind on one of ' them, there would ho blood flowing about the decks | like water. When Bsuinbo got better be was forward ' enough to aak for his chwt, saying ho wanted to take out i be clothes that wore in it. not belonging to him but to the captaiu; but we decidedly refused him, and be Is now still In irona. We also Intend to keep him j In confinement. I atn now trying to take the ship home to lA-r port of destination to the beet of my ' abilities. j JAMES CARRICK, A. B. PETER M'GRKGOR. Carpenter. JOHN DUNNE. A. B. WALTER CHISHttLME FERGUSON, Apprentice. CHARLES M'DONaLD, Apprentice. The prisoners were committed by tho magistrates. i THE ITALIA* KI'SAWAVH ARKUTRD IN SOCTH AXKKIQA. The London Central Stvs of May 16 says:?"The two j Italians of the bark Caswell's crew, who left that vessel ! In a small boat when off the coast of Brazil, are stated | to be in custody >n Buenos Ayres, whero they landed." ASCENSION DAY. I IMPRE8SITE SERVICES IN THE CITT CHURCHES? GREAT CROWDS AND SPLENDID MT'BIC. The solomn festival commemorative of the ascension of tho Saviour into heaven, lorty days artor His resur reel ion, was celebrated yesterday in many of the churches throughout tho city. It was especially a day ol rellgioua obligation in the Roman Catholic churches, which were crowded to repletion at the different masses; while In the various Protestant placet of wor ; ship the attendances were unusually large and the ser ; vices interesting and impressive. It was a day on i which Christians generally united In their joy for ! Christ's triumph on earth and His assumption of Hig > seat at the right hand of the Almighty. Ascension Cay is a movable feast, always falling on the Thursday before Whitsuntide. More auspicious weather could i not have favored tho solemn occasion, and what with ! imposing ceremonies, Urge and devoted assemblages, grand and appropriate music, the sacred event was honored in a very edllylng manner. From an early hour St Patrick's Cathedral was crowded to the doors. The services were throughout marked with character istic Impressivenees, and, from all tho surroundings, the great festival, which is one of the most important in the Roman Catholic Church, was vividly brought be fore the minds of the faithiul. Tho first mass was cele brated as early as six o'clock, at which there were raaoy communicants. Services were subsequently held every hour, aud at half-past ten o'clock thorn was solemn high mass, the officiating clergymen being the ltov. Father Quinu, Vicar General, celebrant, Father Kane, deacon, and Father Mori, sub-deacon, Rev. Fatber Kearney acting as Master of Ceremonies. At the termination of the first gospel the ceremony of extinguishing the paschal candle, which hus bean lighted in the sanctuary since Holy Saturday, lorty days since, was performed. The ceremony itself Is typical ol i hrlst'u departure from earth. Tho high altar was brilliaully illuminated and a large number of acolyte* assisteu at the mass, the eflect being very im posing. The musical arrangements were, as usual, ex cellent. Similar service* were held In St. Stephen's church, the spacious edtiice being completely tlirougod at ail the masses; in St. Ann's cnurch, in St. Fraucis XavienT, in the Church ot the Paulist Fathers, and in all the other Roman Catholic Churches throughout the city. In the Protestant Episcopal churches there were also lar^e crowds of devotees. Service* were held in St. Atiu'schurch, on Eighteenth street, at seven and hall-past ten o'clock, at lour in the afternoon and at eight o'clock P. M., when tne Rev. Dr. S. Osgood preached a sermon. The following programme of music, which was rendered in Christ's church, yesterday will be repeated next SundayProcessional hymn (118), "Iho Atoning Work is Done," James Pearce; Vcnite and Proper Psalms (eighth, fifteenth and iwenty-tirst): Te Detnn Laudamus, Henry Smart; Benedictu*. Donley Buck; lntroit, "Jerusalem, My Hnpp.v Home ' (4VW); Kvrie Kleison (78), W. T. Best; Hymn 113, "Thou Art Gone Upon High," J. P.; Otter tory, "Blessed Are the Merciful," IL Hiles; Sunctus, Gouuod; Hymn 609. "O Paradise!" J. Harnby. of London; "Gloria in Excelsls,"' Dr. Monk. ofYork; Re cessional hymn (118), "I he Atoniug Worlc." T111JIJTT COCBCB. The lemwi at Trinity church wero very imposing. They commenced at hall-p.ust ten and lasted until tho chimes had ruu?f out two o'clock. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity be lore lliu servico com menced. Metropolitan soo.eiy wa> well represented, the ladles being in the maturity. TUB MUSIC. Mr. Henry Carter had In the organ gallery an orchestra, selected lront the best members ol the Phil harmonic Society, thirty-are in number. Mr. A. H. MoRsiter, in ihe chancel, conducted a chorus ol sixty men and boys, und also played some scl< etions on tho choir organ. The soloists on the occasion were:? soprani. Masters Baler, Cootiibe and Irvine; alto, Mr. Smcdlcy; tenor*, Mr. B. Fsrr and Mr. Macpherson; baritone, Mr. Price; basso, Mr. Dunklnson. The fol lowing programmo was rendered:?Sonata for organ, No. 3. A. G. Kilter, magnificently played by Mr. Huury C.irter; "Processional/' Hills, from the composer's oratorio "The Crusadera;" anthem, the priests' chorus, trom Baudot's "Solomon;" the "Gloria," Irom Mozart's mass in C major: ihe "Gloria," "Credo." "?anclvs" and "Agnus Dei,'' Irom Gounod's St. Cecilia mass; iho llrst movement ol Schubert's great symphony In C, an>l Mendelssohn's graud illustration 01 Psalm 114, in eight vocal parts, with orchestral accompaniment. Critically viewed the pcrformunco wm anything hut ?ucccsslul. The orchestra were placed in positions calculated to neutralize their effbru completely. The wind instruments, or at least some of them, were pen-bed above the or^an, the brasses were distributed around misid siieounly below, flanked by prison-like bars, the strings could scarcely use their elbows, so close were they around the ornanist, und tho rhorus was at the other end ol the church and indulged in queer vagaries in regard to tempo. A worse musical penormaneo could scarcely be imagined. The services were conducted by Itev. Dr. Dlx, as sisted bv Ilev. Dr. Ogieby, llev. Mr. Uitcinngs, and many others. The altar was brilliantly lighted, and the floral display wan very picturesque. The services, altogether, were well calcu'atcd to enlist the attention of the laithlul and were worthy ol' the solemn occasion. CHARLES OCONOR. HIS CHARACTKB VINDICATED AMD HIS BXPCTA TION SUSTAINED. Last Saturday evening the Jury solccted by the Sub committee of the Bar Association to decide whether the charges and insinuations made against Mr. Charles O'Conor, a prominent member ol the B*r ol tho United States, by Mrs Catharine Sinclair Forrest and others, were founded upon tacts, met at the residence of ex-Governor John A. Dlx. The Jury bad listened to theovldence given at Iho hearing of the case in Chick ?riug Hall, and had held a secret session alter the close ol thai hearing ana previous to the meeting on Satur day evening. Ihe Jury was composed ol tho Rev. Dr. Adarus, ol the I n ion Sent nary, Howard Potter, Judge J. K. Porte, Wilson O. Hunt and ox-Governor John A. Dix. No one of them Is a monito r of the Hnr Association, ihe evidence taken at Cliickerihg Hall was again rareluliy weighed. The decision wus uuammous, und a report or verdict was written and signed by tho entiro committee, and forwarded to the Sub-Committee of the Bar Association on Saturday evening last, fully exonerating Mr. t.baries U'Conor irom each, every and ail or the charges made agutnst hun. As a matter 01 etiquette, ihe text ol that report, whir,, is very brief, covering only about sis pages of leg il cap, will not be made public until Ihe reyuiar meeting ol lb* Bar Aartwlatien early next month. HOWARD MISSION ANNIVERSARY. The fifteenth anniversary of the Howard Mission and Home for Little Wanderers, of No. 40 New Bowery, this city, was held last night at the Brooklyn Academy ol Music. The Academy was crowdi-d by a brilliant and laabionanle audience, not a seat hotng vacant The exercises were commenced with siuglng by the children, sfter which the President of the Mission, Mr. A. S, Hstch, a>ldre*<ed the audience, apoaklni: of ihe prosperous condition of the Mission and thsnklag the sudieuce fi>r coming in such great numbers to aiJ so worthy a cause. After some further singing bv tic children, a few remarks were made by Itev. Mr. Muruy, D. D., of Cin cinnati, Ohio. Hu was briefly followed by Rev. G. W. Conn, D. D., ol Orumlab. Persia; Itev. H. M. Uallaher, 1.1- IX. of New Haven. Conn., and the superintendent el the MIs I sion, Mr. William I). L'legg, AMUSEMENTS. UNION 8QCARB. A raatln^e performance vu given yesterday after noon at the Union Square Theatre tor the benefit of Mr. Charles R Tborne, Jr., at which that gentleman appeared in the r6U of Sir Thomas Clifford, in Knowles' play or "Tne Hunchback." Tbe houae was well tilled, tbe audience for tbe moat part being composed of ladiea Tbe cast of tbe play waa aa follows:? Master Walter .. Mr. Frederick Rnblnma fcir Tliumiu Clifford Mr. C. B. Tboriia. Jr. k"<l?? ..... Mr. Ntnart Kvbua Lord Tiaaei Mr. Claude Burroughs Fathom Mr. Viuinic Bowers Matter Wiiford Mr. W. U. Montgomery Ma>ter Uartweli. Mr. T. K. Morrfi Oajrlore Mr. John Mathews Tlioma* Mr. Alfred Ktcki HtepUeo Mr. W H. Wlldrr Huldaroll Mr. W. a Ouklry Servant Mr. Edgar B. Mot# Julia Miii Ida Jeffries Uel*D Mi?i Ida Vernou Tbe scenery waa very good, and tbe interior sol of tbe fourth and fifth acts one of tbe most elegant picccs of work that Mr. Marston ever put on the stage. Tho piece ran very smoothly, and Mr. Tborne, as usual, made a very favorable impression, delivering his lines with a careful appreciation of tbe anihor, and showing an Imlgbt to the character of the baronet that could only have been derived lrom patient study. Miss Ida Jeffrie*, who played in "Ferreol," made ber debut on this occasion in tbe port ol Julia. It Is raiber a favorite part for debutantes, and an a rule poor Julia is often very roughly handled ; but on this occasion Miss Jeffries tut ctxlea" so well as to give ber friends hopes that, w>th moie experience, she will In time achieve success. She bus yel tuucb to loarn in tbe way of stago business, and a little closer attention to tbe reading of tbo Hues would vive the force that she lacked in many of tier bes> speeches. Her pronunciation waa occa sionally faulty, but on tbe whole Miss Jeffries gave a very creditable initial performance ol tbe part of Julia. She was magnificently dressed and presented a strikingly handsome appearance in the part Mr. Froderick Robinson was a verv good Muster Walter, and the Fathom ol Mr. Vining Bowers was a clever piece of acting. Mt?s Ida Vernon made a hit in the part of Helen, and it Is seldom an sudicnce have the pleasure of witnessing tbe id/f dellueated with so much pleasing vivacity and humor. Mr. Smart Kobson as Modus was painiully bashlal, and the other parts were all creditably tilled After the fall of the curiam Mr Tborne and Miss Jeffries answered the call or their friends aadgracefully bowed their acknowledgments. oilmork's garden. Mr. Henri Kowalski, tbe distinguished pianist, played tho last movement of Weber's "Concertatueck" last night, at Gi more's Garden. Tbe oflect waa surprising, when tbe dilllculiy of filling such a vast space with the tones of a single instrument ia tatcen into con sideration. Yet tbe effect was there, and tho tones of the Weber piano rolled out and filled every portion ol tbo hugo garden, under tho inspired fingers ol M. Kowulski, as if it were an ordinary concert bull Tbe pianist responded to an overwhelming encore by a march of bis own. Messrs. Offenbach and Maretzek conducted a very choice mograume on this occasion. Tbe garden was crowded?a significant bint of the popularity of Maretzek und also of th?change In prices and weather. Filty cents admission appears to make n very great change In tbe attondanoe at Gilmore's Garden. An entirely new programme Is offered for lb is evening. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. On Saturday evening that capital actor Mr. Davldge will bnve a benefit at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, when tbe "Serious Family" and "Pocahontas" will be re peated. Tho prices havo been reduced at the Olympic Tbea. tre, hut tho per ormances have been greatly improved. "Humpty Dumpty," with other attractions, Is siven every evening. The new season at the Eagle Theatre, one of the most popular and delightful of our places of resort, will be gin on the 6th of June. Mrs. F. S. Chaofrau will appear, for the first tlmo In two years, In tbe new drama of "Parted," written expressly for that accomplished actress by Mr. C W. Tayleure. The play w in four acts and is said to be very powerful In ita effects, a compliment which all who know the superb ability of Mr. Tayleure as a dramatic author will be wholly ready to indorse. On Monday, the 29th Inst, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flor ence will appear at Wallace's Theatre In their favorite Amerloan comedy, "The Migbty Dollar," which bud such a lona ran last vear at tne Park Theatre. Mr. Florence will bo supported by the following members of Wallack'R compauy:?Miss lono Burke and Messrs. Floyd, Carroll and Holland. Miss Josephine Baker will moke her (tret appearance tn New York with Mr. Florence. There wUl bo new scenery by Marston and Clair. Mr. Stephen Fiske, business director of the Fifth Avenue Theutre, will have his tirst benefit In New York on June 3. The entire company will play In an exten sive bill. Including "Tho Siamese Twins," with Brougham aud Havidpe in the principal parts, "Frou Frou." with Mics Fanny Davenport for tbo first tin* In New York, and "Jenny Lind," with Miss Daven port and Mr. .lames Lewis in the cast, sol 8mith Russell, tbe Madrigal Buys and the San Francisco Minstrels will be among tbo attractions which are of fered by Mr. Fisko's benefit. DUST IN FIFTH AVENUE. To tiik Koitor of thk Herald:? I desire, through tho columns of your valuable paper, to make a bitter complaint of the dusty con dition of Fifth avenue on Soodays. Walking to and from church one Is sure to get a don bath, covering one's perspiring face aad nock wltn dirt. tthy Is tbe avenue nut watered on Sundays f the day on which there is tho most need, as the sidewalks are thronged with people attired in their best garments. I hope others will take up this question aud push tbe matter, so that tbe people ol New York ran attend church ana walk on the avenuo with some comfort. Yours re spect) uly, C. G. P. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. PATES Of DErAKTFRKS FltOU SKW YORK FOE TUB MOSTM OF MAT AMD Jl'tlE. City nl Herllu, Tne Qiimu... Victoria (ioethe Oder Amrriiiae... . Utopia Idaho A< y-iinia State ol Pennsvla. su via Fnglaad. Celtic Bolivia Main St. l.aurent Kuoia. Oallert Rotterdam Span Adriatic City ol Chester... Australia AUatia Neckar.... Kraiice Nevada Srvthia Male ol Virginia. Pommerania Wes?r.... City ot Ktcbmoao Pereire. .* nc'iorla Wisconsin llxmmonla........ Britannic Enpt Anvl a St Uermaln State or Indiana.. Goetbe Sail*. iVmHniUltm. I Oflac. May 27 May 27. May ^7. Mav 27. May 27 May 27. Mar 27. May 3li. May 31. June 1. Jane t. .lane 3. Jane 3. Jnne 3. Jane 21. June !i. June 7. June 8. lane 8 .1 nne 10. June 111. June 10 Jnne In June 1". Jnne lo. 'nne H>. J nne13. June 11. Jnne I A. June 15 Jim- 17. Jnne17, hine 17 Jnne17. inn* 2 i. Jnne lane 21. Jnne 24. lime *'4 June 21 Jnne t>. Uune S.i. --.Ivrrp.xil Liverpool.. Iilmimw... Hamburg.. Bremen.... Havre 1 Mtndm . IJve room.. U?rrn' >oi. Glasgow.... Hamburg. Liverpool.. Liverpool. lllWOV... brenien.... Havre ... Liverpool.. Hamburg.. Itoiterdain. Liverpool.. Liverpool. Liverpool. I.OMdO <Jla*go\*... Brrinen..., iIavre Liverpool. Lifarpool.. farix Vrat lliinibtirg. Rreinen. . Liverpool. Havre Glasgow.. Liverpool Hamburg. Llv rr>ooi. Liverpool. London... Ilnvre illlmroe.. III am burg. K> Hrondwa* HH Broadway 7 Bowling Ureoa til hroadwa) 2 linariin ureea y> Broadway 7 Bowling ilreea 2U Broadway < Howling ureea 72 Broadway HI Broadway CSt Broadway 87 Broadway Bowling Ureea Bowling Ureeo ?'>5 hroadWHV t Bowling tireea HI Broadway ?'ai Broadway HO Hroadwav H7 Broadway If> Broadway 7 B. wl Ureen 7 Howling tlveen 1 Bowling Green "i.'i Broadwav 2J> Hroadwav 4 Bowline Green 72 Broadway HI Broadwav 2 Bowling Ureea 1'" Broadway 06 Br Rtlvav 7 Bowlinir Greoa 2H lirosrlwav HI Bmailwav '17 Hroadwav HO Broadway 7 Howling lireea ?Ml "r >art ? ?v I "2 Bread war 161 Broadway *yNOTICP. TO CAPTAINS OP VESSELS IN THE COASTING AND FOREIGN TRADE-Captalns or officer* of vestela engaged la the roasting or foreign trade, observing tbe displacement or removal of sea buoys, are requested ?? com municate the fact to the Herald. so that It may be lirinkt publicly to tbe attention of the proper authorities. A letter addressed "to the editor of the Hkkai.d, Mew York city," giving as accurately as possible the number and position of displaced bnoys or the caaae of their removal, will suffice In all caeee observed along tbe Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the American Continent. When they are observed on the roast of Enropeaa countries or in the Mediterranean It la requested that Information he sent either by telegraph or letter to the London office i.f theNsw York Hkrai.o. 44 Meet street, London, or to the Paris office. HI Arcane do I'Opera. Paris. Where the telegraph Is used despatches may be addressed "Bennett. 40 Fleet street, London," or "Bennett, SI Avenne ds I'Opera, Parts." Where eases ol displacement are observed in the waters of countries beyond the reach of the telegraph, as In Asia or Africa, captains may communicate with ua upon reaching the first convenient port. This information will be cabled tree of charge to tbo Hrbalp and published. ?-NOTICK TO CAPTAINS OP VESSEL ENTERING THK PORT OP NEW YORK AT MtlllT ?The Naw YobE Herald has adopted a dlstlnculshingCoston night signal for nse on board the IIrralo steam yacht, showing while barn Ing the colon red, green, red. changing from one to tbe other la succession, and can be seen several miles dUtant. Cap tains ot vessels, upon seeing this signal, will oblige ns by preparing any marine news they may bave for tbe dhlp News Department of tbo Heealb. OOr*Persons desirous of communicating with vessels arriv ing at Mew York eaa do so by addressing to sncn vessels, esse ol Herald news yacht, pier No. 1 Bast Klver, Mow Verk. Letters received trass all parts of tbe world aad promptly do. Uvered. Dedicates are reqaired. ALMANAC FOB MEW YORK?THIS DAT. BOX AKB MOO I mi wif* Sua nan 4 36 I Oor. Island...... eve 11 01 Sua mi* 7 191 tend; Book *?? 10 24 Mom nit eve 11 06 | Hell Oat*. morn 12 64 PORT OF NEW YORK, MAT 25. 1876. AEBIVAL& uroim BY TBI IBiLD IT*All TACUTA AVE HERALD WKJTB8TOXB TBLBUBAt-H UK*. Steamer St Lament (Fr). U hesney, Hifra Msr 13 and Plymouth 14th, with mdae and to Louitl* Be biau. S'eatner Metropolis, Bill*, at Jago May 16, with mda* aad pamtimri to J ua K ward k Co. Steamer George t.'romwell. Bacon. Halifax, VS. with mdae aud nameutrer* to Dark k S-'aman Steamer Old Dominion. Walker. Richmond. City Point and Norfolk, with indue ana passengers to the Ola Dominion HetaadsUo. bteauier tuty of Houston, Deeriag, Chester. Pa, to C U Mai lory k Co Ship Admiral (Uer), Haealoop, Hamburg 4U day*, with mdke to it Batle. Hnrk Orfeo (Ttal). Questa. Bristol via Delaware Break water ftft days, in ballast to order. Hark Manin Cicbero (Ital), Cardlrila. Ipswich via Delaware Breakwater 62 days, in ballast to Aloeorich k Co. ? Hark Maria (Uer), Weyboasen. Bremen 47 days, in ballast to Thexlore Ku^er. May JO on George'? H auk*. upoke bark Mercur (Ger). from Bremen for New York. The Marie is authored at Sandy Heok for orders. Bark t.'aadido i! (, CaSiera. Urate 08 days, with sul phur to order. Paued Gibraltar April 11. Hark Trinidad <8pj. Lope*, Havaaa 10 days, ia ballast to Ualway Jc Cessado. Hark Siouewall Jackson, Arbecsm, Boston 4 days, ia bal last to Vernon H Browu k Co. Brig IJttle Marry (Br>. Smith, Cardenas tl days, with ?agar to Tucker A Ligbtburne ; vessel to D K Dewulf k Co. BrigLeoua (Hrl, W adman, Calbariea Mareb IS ana Nas sau May 11. with sugar, Ac, to Rubira A Co; veesel to P I Neviu* k Son. Brig Kva Parker (Br). Rloc"tnb. Calbariea 13 day*, with suuar to J k tl Fowler; vessel to C W Bertaux. Hritt Harry Virden ( f Philadelphia), C -llius. Calbariea 10 itavs, with sugar to Orianell. M in turn k Co; vessel to muster. Schr Isaac Oliver, Paunel. Aux Ceyes 15 days, with log wood aud honey to P None/, k Co; vessel to Youugs, Smith k Co. Ma? IB, 1st 1, Ion 7 , spoke schr Tropic Bird (whaler), Tilton, 15 days out. elean. Schr Cumberland, Webber, Cardenas 10 days with en par and tuelndo to Mettheusen k Wreckers; vessel to Brett, Son k Co. Schr M I, Lewis. Lewis. Pensacola 10 days, with lumber to John Kobineon k Son; vessel to master. Schrt'om-j, Lewis.JueksouriUeUday*, with lumber to B G Pairchild. Schr Maicirle Bell. Hull, Richmond. Schr A M Bailey, Bailey, Virginia. Schr M U Leonard, Lower?. Virginia. Schr Mtxsoa Bolters, Abrams. Virginia. Schr Wni Mason. French. Georgetown, DC. Scbr W T Hartlett. Parsons, Georgetown, DC. Schr Jennie A slieppard. Kdgell, lialllraore. Schr A li Howe, Newbury, Baltimore. Schr Larolta. Whltmore. l-ranklort, Me, 5 day*, with iee to 11 A Hunt: vessel to master. Sloop Hone. Falck, Charleston via Delaware Breakwater 13 days, ia ballast to master. Off Cape Lookout, carried away Jib. B9* Bark Agnes (Nor), which was aachored ia the lower bay, came up to the city *J5tu. I'M. Harks Hiruudo (Nori. and L H Vebber (Br), which were anchored In the lower bay for orders, came up to the city 25th PM. PASSED THROUGH HELL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer General Whitney, llailett. Boston lor New York. Steamer city ol New Bedford. Hah, New Bed lord ier New York. Steamer Galatea. Waides. Providence Ier New York. Scbr W K Duryee (Br). Fielding. Windsor, NS. for New York. Schr Juila Elisabeth. Storer. Calais for New York. Schr B S Dettwelier. I'owell, Lynn for New York. Schr Maud Mullock, Norwood. New Haven for New York. Schr B II .tones. Smith, Prorldence Ier New Vork. Schr Kaven. Mills, Providence for New York. Schr General Banks, McFarland, Providence for New York. scbr Fannie k Kdith, Bartlett. Belfast for New York. Schr S L Thompson. Hull, Providence tor New York. SebrZella. Hollowell. Whiting. Me. lor New York, Schr Daniel Rusaell, Ward, Portland, Ct. for Sew York. Scbr Maria Fleming, William.. Norwich for New York. Schr Saratoga. Newklrk. Providence lor New Vork. Schr Success. Plerson. New London tor New York. Fchr E Flower. Hubbard. Boston lor New York. Seur J K Mitchell, Morrell. Stamford for New York. Scbr Ida Palmer. Paiiner. Stamford for New York. BOUND EAST. Steamer Eleanora. Johnson. New York for Portland. Steamer Glaucus, Hearse. New York for Boston. Steamer Bolivar. Ueer. New Yore for New London and Norwich Brig Anna P Odell (Br), Onthonse, New York for Cork. Brig Minnie (Br). Grilling, New Vora for St Jouns. NF. Scbr W A H Wootberspoou (Br), Petti*. New York fer Windsor. N3. Srlir Addle O Bryant, Stuhbs. Mew York for Bangor. Scnr A Tlrrell. Hoboken for Providence. Schr Amoy. Roger*. New York for New Ijnndon. Schr C W Hairi., Harris. New York for Xoitnk. Schr S 8 Tyler, iinshuell. Port Johnson for Pasrtueket. Schr Blaat, Taylor, Aniboy for New Haveu. Schr C Waterman, Hi key. Port Johnaon for Providence. Schr J A lliu .Hoboken for Hoston. Schr Sai ah H Thomas, Arnold, Port Johnson for Provi* dence. Scbr R Man ton. Crowell, Port Johnson for Boston. Schr J R Polk. Buckley, New York for Soutbport. Schr Helen Agnate, New Vork tor Portland, Ct. BELOW. Ship Rebus (Nor), Pederson, from Havre April 22. Ship Crusader iBr), lirewer. from Havre March 31. Schr Bright Star (Br), Morse, from Cardenas via St Thome*. CLEARED. Steamer Krisia (Qer). Brandt, Hamburg via Plymouth? Kuubardt 4c Co. steamer .Maaa (Datchi, Chevalier. Rotterdam?Kunch, Edve A Co. Steamer City of Vera Crux, Deaken, 11 a ran a?F Alexan dre A Sun. Steamer Canlma (Br), Liddicoat. Hamilton I Bermuda)? A E Oulirbrid|?. Steamer Caroudelet, Falrrlotb, Fernaniliua via Port Royal ?C II Mallory A Co. Steumer Rapidau, Mail tin, Savannah?Murray, Ferris A Co. Steamer Richmond, Keller, Norfolk, City Point and Rleh moud?Old Dominion Steamship Cc. steamer W Woodward, Youn/. Baltimore?W Dalttf I. Steamer Concord. Sheerin. I'lilladelnhia?Jamea Hand. Steamer Eleanor*. Jonnaon. Portland?J f Amea Steamer Ulaucus, Raam. Boston?H F Dimucic. Khip Sabino. norland. Bristol, E?W 0 Morgan. Ship Britannia (Nor;, Uronwald, Havre?Punch. Edye A Co. Ship Ericsson. Mathews, San Francisco?Slmonaoa A Howes. Bark Enrico Dandolo (Ital), Alborti, London?81oco rich A Co. Kark Tegar iJfori. Iversen. Hull?Fnnch. Edye A Co. Bark Familiens Minde iNorj. Johnsen, Amsterdam?Ben bam A Hoyesen. I Bark Carmol (Nor), Qjernldsen, Amsterdam?Benbaa A Boyeseu. Hark Conqusstatore (Ital), Lanro, Rotterdam?Faneb, Edye A Co. Kark Brothers, Weathers, Nnevltai?Jas E Ward A Co. Kark Ann Elisabeth, Mcberitt, Havana?Jamea W Klwell A Co. Bark Annie Troop (Br), Prltt, St John, KB?James W El well A Co. Brig U M Dickies (Br), Hnnter, Morgan Plll-C W Ber taux. Brig Maggie (Br), Wynan, Qnsenstown for orders?0 W Bertaux. Brig Starlight, Thompson, Port Spain (Trinidad)?L W A P Armstrong. Brig Oeo Burnhnm. Stnp'et, Ponce, PR?E L Becerra. Brig Concord, Ho.vle, Baltimore-Crocker. Wood A Co. Schr Annie Burr, Simpson, Elsinore via Richmond?James Henry. Schr Charlie Steadman, Dnuton. Porto Plata?Dovale A Co. Scbr C J Van Name, nardy, Baracoa?B J Wenberg A Co. Schr Lady Bannerman (Br), Roberts, Ureen Turtle Cay Comet. Pearaall A Co. Schr Sarah E Douglass (Br), Bethel, Torpln Bay?Janes Dun .-las* A Co. schr Win Karren, Dill. Nassau, XP?B J Wenberg A C?. Schr Mintile Still, Jennings, Norfolk?Isaaac R Staples. Schr Freddie C Kbblt iBr>, Veal, Perth Amboy?A T Heney. schr C. art and, Linsley, Hartford?Racxett A Bro. Schr A W Thompson, Mahoney, New Haven? Delanoy A Walters. Schr Onward, Wheeler, New Haven?Cartwrlght A Doyle. Cleared 24th?Scbr Addle Wesselx. Bahn, Jeremle?O Wee eels. SAILED. Steamers Maas (Dntch). for Rotterdam: Frlala( Ant werp; Ktnbiehopc (Br). Aniwrp; City of Vera Cms. Ha vana; Canima (Br), Bermuda; Carundelet, Fernandina, Ac: Rapidin. Savannah; Richmond, Richmond, Ac: Albc iuarle. Lewes. Del: ship Orient, Sail Franciaco: Royal AW , ?red Br). Liverpool; barks Kdward Hvidt (Nor), Lelth; I ?lerbnen (Nor). Cork or Kalmoutb ; Lohengrin (Ger), Rot teream: brig* D M Dickie. Morgan PUI; Annie (Br), Are cibo; achrs Addle Wessels. Jeremle. Wind at (.unite!. W; midnight. VJ:. Barometer at aunsct. 30; midnight, 30.11. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Bake Harrikt S Japesor. which went ashore st Fort Preble, liaa nearly finished repairs, and has t>oeii greatly tni proved by the extension ol ner uocp deck her entire length. She has hail a new keel put In, new iniixeumaat. small spurs, Ac. and been newly fastened and airsngtbeurd throughout. Sim la now taking in a cargo of deaia at Portland, Me, lor Europe. Kutii F I llatnKiuox, from Boston for Philadelphia, be - fore reported a* taken into Newport alter having been ashore, with rudder damaged and leaking, remained I'M May 24. She will probably be towed to New York. Schr Catiikrirr W Mat, from Philadelphia for Boston, before' reported ashore at Block Island and floated off, arrived at Newport. HI. nlgi t ol May 24. she Is leaking some: was obliged to throw overboard 300 tons coal beiore she could be float ed. Si-he Hkkrt J Mat, from Philadelphia for Boston, with a cargo of coal, which went ashore on Block Island, arrived at Fall River Mtfc. In tow of tugs. She will have to discbarge and be decked. Schr Xiaur Ella,St 'pies, from Rondnut for Newbnryport, whlrli groundnd on Homer Shoal May 17, and was towed off leaky, waa pot on the tiais at Red ilook and pumped out. She waa subsequently taken on the Sectional dock, and found to be strained In her garboard; the leax was stopped, alter which she proceeded for destination. Si'hr SxiiriM, Rogers, which met with a serious disaster some time in l?ecemi?er last, near New London, was sold May 20 to parties In New Loadoa fnrflS4.\ Scii a Mart A Rick, which was tdwed Into Portland. Me. 12th Inst., dismasted. Ac. as before reported, sailed 24th ia tow for Bucktpors, where she will be rebuilt. BaltiMoan, May 25?At H o'clock yesterday morning a lire occurred in the hold of the San Mnr.-o* as abe was corn ing up the Chesapeake, originating among some bales of Mexi anlstle. 1 he lire Is believed by the oaptain to have resulted from tpontaneoua combustion. It waa extinguished witt 'Ut daiuaite to the vesael, bnt tome bales of the Istle were consumed. New Orlrar*. May-\r??The steamship New Orleans, for New York, drawing 17.1, feet, grounded In the Jettle Chan nel in IA feet of water. Nkwport, *1 ay 25?Fishing schr Nettle (ol Deanta), Baker, from New homion for this port, arrived this t.?l. Captain I Maker reports thai his vessel got on Race Rock yesterday, at ten o'clock, lie waxohliged to throw overboard 300 qui male ef codfish and some l.allast beiore site floated olT. She re l main d on the rnrk twelve hours She la leaking JfcO i strokes per hour. It was found necessary Immed. 'tely npon { her arrival here to ground her In the mud oil Oravelly Point. I St Jour. N H. Mar 24?The woe I boa' scltoon r r cently lounu wrecked < n Muir le l.nt near llannr; Kocfc, is sup posed to le thi' woo.l boat KhKiini r Vloit-l. (HI ton . built ?n I th ? Wa-?adcm iak. She cli ar -d from Bo-t >n or Windsor | en ihe -d Intl. she *l> commanded b? Captain Sears. I suxrooR. Nil, May 35?A small pleasure Meaner wet Isunk In the Sancook River to-day and three of the Mteea gers, earned Ira C Swain, Johu Millette aad Thomas Waiu wright, were drowned. bmra?At Buckipcrt M*v 39, frwm Iki ml of Wm Beasiey * Co. a eeboeaer ..r 343 ton*. called iba Jennie Heultv. owned by I lie builders, II WSamlniby, of KIWwortU, I Budusort pulin u4 Otpttln O V llarr.0i.ton. or Mock ten. who will coalman*) bcr. She rato? .41 tor "lat wiiik li thoroughly sailed, and called by good Judge* one of the but ??Ml( ever built on the Penobscot. . At Newtwrypoft May 23. from the yard of Atkinson * I1U ?ore, bark llaydn Brown. NOTICE TO MARINERS, a LionrnorjK ????hid. Newskrx. NC. May 35?Braal Inland Lighthouse, InPtm llco Mound, wa? totally destroyed by Are >e>to**iay. Toe Ore was caused by sparks nrom the cbiiaaey. Nothing was save* e toe-it the l-na aad two hosts. The keeper and family bare ly escaped, losing all their personal effect*. WHALEMEN. Arrived at New Bedford Nay J4, hark Stafford, King, At* laatic Ocean. Klver La Platte March 1, with HHij bbU sp oil and 250 do wh oil. Sent home on the voyage MJ5 bbls so oil. heooris, Pe'i IH, barks Ware, Briirgn, NB, 40*p: 19th, Sap pho. Kiiick. KB. 126 sp; 14th, Hope Un. Baker. NB, i:tO sp. Spoke bark Laocer, Duwden. NB. no report of oil?who re port bark Janet, Gartland, NB, 135 sp, taken going south, haw. no date, bark Catalpa, \atboay, NB, bound 8. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchants,shipping agents aad shipmasters are taformed that by telegraphing to the Riuu Loadoa Bureau, ad dressiag "Beauett, No 40 Fleet street, Loadoa," or to the Paris office, addresaiag "Bennett, 91 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris," the arrirals at aad departures from Knropeao aad Baetera ports of Asssrlcau aad all foreign vessels trading with the United State*, the same will be cabled to thU country free of charge. Captalas arrirtng at aad eatllng fom Preach aad Medi terranean port* will And the Paris office the More economical aad expedition* for telegraphiag news. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Bbiatol. May 25?Arrived, brig Caroline Eddy, Dodge, Philadelphia Arrived 24th, ship Malta (Br). Mean, New York. Bbkmbn, May 23?Arrived, steamer Stras'burg (Ger), Bsrre. New Orleaaa. Rokdbacx, May 24?Arrived, brig D R Stockwell, Cum mln*s, New York. Babckloxa?Arrived, bark Virgin del Moaiarat (Sp), Font, Mobil*. C bo xstadt?Arrived, bark Charlotte (Ger), Walll*. Charleston. Cams, May 21?Sailed, tchr J W Drnry, Crowell. United State*. Cobcxwa?Arrived, br|g Little Zlttlosen, Fosgrua, New Tork. Cmrx VnrcniA, May 18?Arrived, bark Orchllla. Harrl man. Philadelphia. Dkai* May 25?Arrived, ships Bnry St Edmonds (Daa), Rodskjrr. Pentacola for London; Marietta W (Aad, Potrata, Baltimore for do; Percy (Dan), Jensen, Pentacola fbr do. Dcndalk, May 24?Sailed, bark Gustar Adolf (8w), Jan een. Cnlted State*. Dublin, May 2 %?Arrived, bark Giorgio Washington(Ital), PsrrodL, Philadelphia; brig T ran more (Nor), Olsen, New Tork. Fauodtr, May 25?Sailed, bark Aalto (Ra*), Jensen, Baltimore. Arrived 25th, bark Kate Melick (Br). Fraser, Matamas; Underwriter (Br). Mcl'onnell, Lobos; brigW N H Clement* (Br), Lewi*. Philadelphia. Gloccbstbb, Mar 25?Arrived, bark Samnel* (Ital). Hol lo, New Tork. GBKK.vocg, May 34?Arrived, bark* West Wind (Br), Rid den. Darien; Maggie LfCarvill (Br). Pinckney. Pentacola. Gexoa, May IS?Arrived, bark* Koraiarer (Nor), Jacob* ?en. New Orlean*. Gibraltar, May 18?Arrived, *chr J G Drew, WadHa, Bntnswiek. Havre. May 24?Arrived, (hip Emma (Fr), Gonello, New Orlean*; barks Enropa (Nor), Peterson, New York; Seine des Anges Fr). La fuayer. New Orleana Liverpool. Mav 25?Arrived, steamer Siberia (Br), Har rison. Bostoa; schr Lunla Mnrcblson, .Tones. Galveston* Alto arrived 25th, bark Bldtrold (Nor), Knndsea, Pasca goala. Arrived 24th, bark Miaalo CarvlII (Br), Mtyler, Gal vet ton. Sailed 25th. itaamer San Jaclato (Br). Bicker, Galveiton; bark Maria Augusta (Sw), Ohman, New York (not pre viously) Also sailed 25th, atesa*r Iberian (Br), Horne, Boston. London, May 24?Arrived, bark Gnlnare (Nor). Rostrnp, Charleston: brigs Nellie Jones iBr), Mnllin, Fernandlna; G A Coonan (Br). Adair, Wilmington. NO. via Bermuda; 35th. bark Stanley (Br). Boll River, SC. Hailed 25th, thip E W Stetsoa. Moore, New York; Emma (Br). Cox, North America (alter putting back). Limerick, May 25?Arrived, bark Ota* (Nor), Falck, New York Londokdkrbt, May 25?Arrived, "J W Scott" (probably bark Isaac W Oliver (Br), Lent), Baltimore; "Isabella," from do. Lscbobk, May 21?Sailed, *chr T J Lancaster. Huater, Botton. Manila, May 23?Arrived, ship W J Lewi* (Br), Trefty, Cardiff. Nkwcaitlb, May 25?Arrived, ship Bamataag (Br), David ion, Pentacola. Nswbt. May 25?Arrived, bark* Hawthorn (Br), Peyaon, Philadelphia; L'sko (Rut), Lundgrist, Baltimore. Naples, May 24?Sailed, steamer Asyria (Br), Donaldson, New York. Oporto?Arrived, brig T Remlck, Rom, New York. Pkkarth, Hi; 25?Arrived, bark CaraUay (Br), Etui, Pensacola. UciExnovx, May 2.%?Arrived, bark Martha P Tucker, Tucker, B njoewangle; brig Tojlki (Br), Boll Biver, 8C (and proceeded to Ipiwlch). Sailed 2Sth, bark John Sheppard, Burgess (from Batavla), Havre. Rrval, May 20-Arrived, bark Wanderer (Nor), Rolfien Mobile. Rofu, May 23?Arrived, bark Elioi (An*), Coanlich, New Orieane. Rio J aitriro?Arrived prior to May 24, 8potieu, Chap nan, Baltimore. SnciHARrroK, May 23?Arrived, uteamer Nurnberg (Oar), Jaeirer. Haltimore for Bremen (and proceeded). Bhikldi, May 23?Sailed, berk Karen Nicliolton (Nor), Stengcbye, Quebec (not Peniacola). Swansea, May 25? Arrived, bark Henry (Nor). Morteneea, Pensacola. TrxiMotmi, May 25?bailed, chip Exporter, Brook*, Boa bay. WATRRroRD. May 24?Sailed, bark* Bergenieren (Nor), Mortensen, United State*; 2.~>th, Teresa Lovlco (Hal), Bo minlct, do. Loxdo!>, May 2ft?Brig Arthur Eggleao.Krull. from Boston for l'ort Praya, Is reported from Cape Vord*, dated May 10, to have been bnrned at tea. WHITHER REPORT. PALMotrra, May 2ft, PM?Wind NE, tine. Holthrap, May 25, PM?Wind NE, moderate FOREIGN PORTS. Cari>*nas, May 23?Sailed, harks Canada (Br), Wood, . Nf* York : Emma T llarriraan, Wbittler. uortn of Hattera*; brigs Cadet. Anderson, do; Bhannon, Moore, do; schr Eva I M?v. Anderson, do. Cow Bay. OB, May 24?Sailed, *ehr Ida M Kldredge, New | Y< r?. Uonkdix. April It?Arrived, bark Llisle Iiollem, Boston. | Havana. May 24-Sailed. steamer Margaret. Baker, .New Orleans; brlic Addle lisle, isheppard, Philadelphia; scbr J Stephen llarilln.', Harding, Baltimore. Halifax, Mav22? cleared, barks Wave Qneen (Br), Wll- ; son. Barrow-ln-Kurne** (at St Margaret * Bav); Lara (Br), Knit >n. l'ictuu. I.ivkkpooi.. NS. May 13? Arrived, brig Randolph Parson (Brl. Junes, Sew York: lftti. bark K B Mnlbnil (Br), Wile, ! Boston (and cleared sauie day tor Jordan Riven. M tTAMaaa, May 2:1?-Mile.I. bark Monitor, Eaton, north of liaitera*: whr ftockie K Yntes, Yatc*. do. Miixtkkal.Mw ::t-Cleared, steamers Circauian (Br), Smith. Liverpool: Lake CUatuplalu, Beaton, do; ship Lake Jlichl nu, Laniout, (tla*<*ow. )l AiTi.aM>. NS, Mav 24?Arrived, brig Wild Ilone (Br), Maroniher. Bridgeport. North Htdrkt. CB. May 2It?Arrived, barks Lois (Br), | Rarmond. i-ondonderry (sailed -4th for Baltimore); 24Ui, I Tidal Wave (Br), tlaierow, Liverpool 'ordered to Cow Bay); i 25th, Herbert O llall iBr), (Jouiiv, Antwerp. POROB, May 21?Sailed. l>rtic Oeo Latimer. Norrii, Balti more. OfaaRO, Mav 22?Arrived, steamer Swaledale, Stewart, Newport r?.r Montreal: JHd. ships .Xelsnn. Wall-, (ireenock; Algiers, Brixg*. Leltb: Stambonl. Cann, Liverpool; Joe Mliterry, (oriilnu, New Y?. k; Bunnnia. Weoster, Liver pool ; Conntese of Mlnto, Wal-s, Carthegenn: Homo, Tref rev. Liverpool: Lambcsl, Shield-; harks lien Crant, Itns seil. Liverpool; Reindeer, Tarragona; Nord<t?rg.>n, Puust, 1 (ilasaon Dock; Paregero. : Taibot, RalTseo, Havre; Kat ? Burrell iHr), Hamptou Roads. Als> arrived JSd. I>ark? I'M* in and en, Christiansen, Havre; ? Tonstierg, Anderson. Ton?herg; 11 Srleqi'in ?.Shields; ' Little Bovill, Leigbton. Malaga; Comm as of Mlnto, Wells, Cartagena; Magna, Xac'-arlasen, London. I leared Hd. hark Merling, tor i.iv. rpool. Rio Jakmro, Mav ft-sailed previously, shin Orev Esitle, Lneas, Baltimore; bark AquiUneck, HafTler. do: brig Alice, ltnttou. do. Marc, May II?In port, schr BenJ Young, McDonald, i for Boston, Idst. Br Jongs, NK. May 2A?Sailed, steamer Hibernian (Br). Archer (from Liverpool . Halifax and Bnltlmore. St Join. NB, May W?Arrive<t. hii* Annie W Ooddard (Br). Lewis, Sew York; aehr i-l/ne K iBri, Waters, do. TkirsTk, May tt-ln |?ort, bark William Cobb, Brady, for AMm, Victoria. May Ifl-Arrlved. harX* Rrlerly llalUBr;, Balrd, London; l?tb, Antiorh, Merrill, ?an Fraud toa. AMERICAN PORTK Afi EX AXPRI A. May 24?Arrived, ecbrt MatUe A Hand, ?' ??for Washington; Harriet Ihomas, tor Oeorge- I town BOSTON. May 8ft? Arrived, brig Trojan (Br). Mat*ow, i Antwerp, schrs Mabel Kose. Allen; John D Palve. Haley; R II Queen-Caln; Kachel \ nnm au, Hrower, and Bailie o. j Bataman, Philadelphia; Clati-sa Allen, Crocker, Wood bridge, N.I: Wlilard Satilshiiry. Handy, Iloboken; Wesley i Abbott. Mltliken, Itohoken; John A Lord, Thomas, lio- 1 boken: Almeda. Smith, Hondout; Hague, Oliver, Parts AM boy. Aiso arrived, steamer William Ctsli, Howes, Baltimore; echrs Klwoi'd Itoran, Warn ntnn, Philadelphia j Mnrebai Perrtn. Packard. do; RKhard W Tull, Corson, do; Ana S Stephens. Moiit?om<-ry, do; Clerab, Kletcuer. Now terk. Also arrived, bark Wheatland. Miner. Accra; eolira Maggie I* Smith, '.race, Philadelphia; Halite M Bteelmai Slreiman. Weeliau .tn. , . Cleared?Mramer Istrlan (Mr). Kitt. Llverfofll; bark Nnheiuiab (ilUnin. Bradford. Melbourne: Btella (Norton aen. Algoa Bay. CUI1; brig Andrew hignano (It). MvraM. (jilcen-iown or Kalntottth ; schrs Cupid (Lib), Iw'ly.Hnytl; R K I' ?rkMnt, llooprr. Xew Urieaps; Lull* Bliss, Strong, Bangor, to load lor Kti<laad- _ . , , . .... Sailed-Bark ZlngareUa; brlga Maggto O'Brien, John Oib eon. and Aranade. Biunon Mn 25?Arrived. bark CknlMNr, Olmft anta. Rlo.lantlro: arhr Willie Loo*. 8??u. Charleston. Alt* wlTii bark J C Williams fBr), Ytaghaa. Bremen; ?ahr Twenty -rIM Friauda. JoflTrev. Bo?w Clf?r?.l -Stp?m?r 0?oia> Apnold, Uftliai Motion: aUy A?la (Oar). XtnriMk. Amsterdam; Aualra'ia (Oar), Wlciuu, I4mp|g|; bwk? Mm 0 dul). CUnt, Dab Hn: 1'iwsPiiw (IUI), Comm. Demarebl (Itil), Ji n. '' ; Ll?ii? Merrv. Keaser. Cardenas; brig Harry. Mi I boom. San jUMnu; David LTufkir, I^y ^ PastAatanl,, Daniel Plarson. Jersey City; Orioia, B OhaMar. Caaa, Bsatost. BRITVSWltk, Ga, Mar J4-Arrived. aehr Ada W Gould New York; Joanna Doughty Dou-htr. S. vaunah. for nJ?y?* <:,,y * HI oat, Fetnaadlai BI LL R!\ ER, BO, Mar l^Arrtvi^ barks Patboli IfNnl?i.hl*iIjf"'i?ilmd**! (vor). Jacobean do; l?th. brlz Retriever (Br). Phillips. Tenerlffa. j ArriTtd.*tJ'? ia>k..***t??. from . tor tr.lted Kin? dom; LI1I1. Ystaact, (run ? . tor das 18th, '4r frua Sailed 'iuth, barks Iloppet (Sw). Fre-Mcksen. fnltee Rintrdum: Sjopoken (Bw), Keppleoog, do; brie Acacia. Matteo. da. In nort 20th. barks Tropic (for), Kallaxr, fram Bordeanx. arrived ?, tor United Kingdom, Ids; ship Alexandra (Rut) Ablhorc. fo> do, do. * Aloo In port. Emilia, for Called Kinsrdnni. Id*. BATH. May 23?Arrived. schr* Elisabeth Fdwarda,Town? and, Philadelphia for Hllotrell; John Mtddlatan, Jr. Towna eod. Bnaton. to load for Near York. Halle'*?Schrs Marian H Rand. Klmmery, Philadelphia; Farah S Harding, Small, do; Ira D bturgis, Johaton, New York. 24th?Sailed, schr O I* Pomeroy. Bryant, Phlladelphnk CHARLESTON. Hay 21 -Ballad bark Bio do la Plata fBr'. McLrftd, Loudon; barkentlne Bt Joaeuh (Nwr), Johan sen Newcastle K. VSt ti?Arrived, schr II C KUeppard, Staalmaa, Fhtladal ?hia. Sailed?Ship Martha Bowker, Liverpool; bark Ilia (Oat), Bam. DABIBN, May 21-Arrived, bark Deodata (Mat), Olson, Sunderland Cleared lRth. barks Vidsjaaen (Nor), Fradetaa, Dublini Hadvlg Sirbe Ger). Knaark, Port Madoc: Mamie rette (Her'. Wlla<m, Billoth Dock*, K; Alexandria* (Ut% Keekelet, C?nw-?r; 3>Hh, Animate (Gar), Kl? ter. Lelth; Germanla (Ger), Yllm?r. Yarmouth, B; Barak Mandril <Br>. Coasentine, Stockton-ou-Teet: 23d, Liu? Kchwcon (flan. Horn. Liverpool. EDGARTOWN, M?y '.'3?Arrived, sahrs Mar Dar. Water man. New York for Ronton: J C Colin*. Arras, Philadelphia for f.vnn: vacht Nemhiu. Blgelow. Boston tor New York. FORTRB 8 MONROE. May 25?Arrirad, bark Bmmaaael (Sw). Andersen R|oJan?lro. Balled-Bark Carina (TtaM. from Cork tor Baltimore. FALL RIVER. May 33?Amred, acbr Elian M Duffltld, Bavnor. Port Johnaon. Sailed- Steamer Leopard. Albertson. Philadelphia. 24th? Arrlv-d. schr Phil Sheridan, Murphy, New York. Sailed -S?-hr Olive Avery. <;ott. New York. GaLYBSTON, May 20?Arrived, aehr Pioneer, Rogers, Ruatsa. 24th? Railed, steamer City of Austin. Eldrldge. Now Task, GEORGETOW\". SO, May 19?Cleared, aehr *m Walton, Bnrk iloo, Maurltfe Blver, NJ. 21*11?Arrived, schrs Vrale, Price, Now York: Bldgcwood, Johnson. do. GLOUCBKTEB, May 24-Arrlvad, bark Ada Peard (Br), Book-n. Poaton for Sweden. JACKSONVILLE. May 19-Cleared. aehr Florida. Qil more. New York. MOBILE. May 34?Sailed, ship Ton a wanda, Tarlay, Liver pool. 2.1th Arrived, aehr Hatiry Lewla, Ronacra. Cleared?Bark I* Shun 'nrl, McDoural. Liverpool. M ACHIAS. Mar Ifl?Arr'ved, schr Elrira, Ltbby, Naw York and aailed I'Oth to rainnti. NEW ORLEAN'S. Ma? 34 ?Arrivedup, ateamen City ol M?xi-o. Sherwood. Sew York rla Yera Crua. ka; Tappa hannork, Cookaoy. Havana. i lear d??chrs Euaiee P Neweomb, Baker, Luoaa, Ja; Maud. Mobile. 23th?Cleared ateamer PaaAl (Br), Brown, Liverpool; ship Preston (Br). North, do; bark Gaapae (Br), Thompson, do. Pjtasm, May 25-Arrired, bark Llucolu, Thorn, Bio Janeiro. Bal ed?Bark El'lntt. Ritchie. N hWBl" KY PORT. May 24?Sailed, steamer Achillea, Ba con, PhiladelphiH. NEW BEDFORD, May 23?Sailed, aehr Luaa, Walla, Naw York. . _ _ Paaaed as the bay laat evenlnic, schr An*ler. Bessa, Maw York for Wareham. 21th?Sailed, schr Louisa D Rathburn, CroweU. Philadel pbtft. 25th?Arrived, schrs Young Teaser, Philadelphia; J H Sailed?Schrs Amelia. New York; Willard 8aulsbory, do; Mara Hill. do. NEWPORT. Ma> 23, PM?Arrived, Svhra John Loyler, Lincoln, St Men l?l*nd for Taunton (after dterhar*ln? part of car*ol; Marv K WoodhnlJ. Ilortou, Philadalpbla tot Tl* v rtnn; Sarah Laviaa, Anderson do for Warren and both tailed 24th \ 21th. AM?Arrived, schrs Sarah W Blake. Brim, Dlsrh$on for New York; M B Mahonr. Westentt. Bangor tor Camden, NJ 'and both aailed.this AM). _ Sailed?Sclir Chancellor, Penrason, New York tor Sew Bedford. _ Alai sailed, hri* Florence I Heudersra, Henderaoaf from Boston for Phllanelphla. I'M?Returned, brift F I Henderson, and schr M B Ma. honv. NEW LOS DON, May "3?Arrived, achrs J Metervey, Richmond for Norwloh; M F Webb, Ambov for do. NEW H AVEN. Mav 24 -Arrived, schrs Thomas J Owen. New York; Virtotla, HoboVen. I'ORT BLAKKLY, May ltf?Arrived, bark Caroline Bead, Bevmnnr. San P>dro. FORT TOWN SEND. May 17?Arrived, barkt Fram oat, San '-'rancisco; Arkwrirht. Marshall, do. Faaaed up?Ship Shirley, Matbewa, from San Franclaco tot Tacoma. FORT MADISON, May 17?Sailed, ship Coqulmbo, Arty, San Franciaro. PEV8ACOLA. May 22?Claared, bark Napoleon III 'Ner, not bark Yarra Yarra). KJoln?r, ChrtHlanla. PHILADELPHIA. Mav 2R?Arrived.staamara Juniata, Catharine, Savannah; Norfolk. Ford. F?ll River: Anthra cite Grnmlev. New York: schrs W Wilton, Janet, Car denaa; Bab -1 H Irona, Houck Lanetville. Also arrived, steamer Juniata. Catharlna. Savannah; harks Magnus Laitabntor (Nor), Snrenseu. Chrlatiania: Ho Uensollern (G?rl, ll"hrendt, Amsterdam ; Snoramento (Br), Eraser, Harwich; F Stava"e (Ital), Uar*nlulo, Lirata: brig Marv A Chase, Dolan Matansss; tchra Annie Freeman, Mar'vit. Port Antonio; MagcioJ Lawrence, Haley. Charier ton: L W Wheeler Bowman. SaKiia. Also arrived, steamers Pirtttvilla,-Wlnnett, lfaw York; Panther, Mills. Boston; Achilles, Baoon, New Bedford; l.i'opard, Alb-rton, Fall River; bark Queen Yletorla (Brj. Ellis, Liverpool: achrs B R Kirk. Jonea, O-orgetown, DC; B W Eldrid -e. Marshal. Lewes; Lores".. Somen*. Naw York; Jennie N Hud 'ell. Cramer. Boston: Thomas Clyde. Ft her, Boston : L J Whitmur*. Whitmore, Gardiner: Ada J hlmon ton. Hall, ilardiner; A C Palse, Helen. Gardln -r. Cleared?Steatuera Harrisbure. Worth, Naw York: Phila delphia, Davis. New York: Beverlev, Wallace, do; ahlp Re i.iilillc (Br), I'hillipt, Rell'iiat: ' rle American Dnion, Collins, Nantes; bark SoKecito, Komauo, Rarrow-ln-Furneaa; seltrs Fred J Collina, Milton. Matansaa; Sarah A Read, Gnptie, St Johua, PR; Josephine, Pto kett, Utoucest-r; Katie J Hort, Heaney. dot K S New-omb. Dill, Welllaet: H W Oodfray, .1 arm an. Lyunj C O Smith Atwood. Taunton: A P Nowall, Lank. Baal Kralntree' LAM Reed. Caviller. Salem: C W Ixtcke, ltunre. ''all River- Stephen Morgan. Haines. Somerset! John R Clayton. Glfford. Nenonset;J A Garrison, Smith, Providence: A F Kindbenr. Horttm, do. Also cleared, bark Arsro l Nor I. Gran, Cork or Falmonth; sclirs N L Franklin, Bobannon. Harbor Island: Thomas Vangilder. Vanirllder, Savannah; Ocean Ware Golla, Round Pound; Frank B Cotton, Frambea, Boston : W Be ment Harris, Newport; Bailie M Evans, Willatt, Nan tUCket. Sailed?Steamer* Pennsvlvania. Liverpool: Herri aberg. liKWM. I>ei. May 25?Arrived, bark Shlela (Br). Mosher, Liverpool for orders. Bark Matilda IMIvard (Br), Brooks, from comli-ir into the htrhor. Bark Sel Prat "HI {Itil), for Rotterdam, ordered to Ne? Tork (and left this \Mi. PORTLAND, Me. Mar 23?Cleared, schr Grace Cashing; Hamilton. New York (and ?alied) Snlled-Rark Celina, tor Bueuos Ayres; sclirs Star, Maggls Dell inc. and others. 24th?Arrived. steamer Rattlesnake, Phlladelphoa; brig AbMe C Tltenmb. hndeven*. New York. Cleared?-hip Sent I a, Dmmmnud. New Orleans. : 5th? trr'ved. brig Ruth (Br). Plctou. NS. PROVIDENCE. Mav 24? Arrived, schrs Luey Oraham Smith, Philadelphia: Providence. Rice, do: Mien M Bax ter. I,anipha?r, d?;*IIannith Blaekmnn. Arnold, Rondont) Hannah I) Brown, Ssckett. Verplenk'a Point: Shamrock, Trnv. Hareritraw; Edward Wootien. Yonnir, Hobokan; Emily C Penniaon, Allen, do; Vermilion. Davis, do. Below?Schr Harve?t, t'orwln. New Yoik. Sailed?^teamera Tonawanda. Sherman, Philadelphia: Vindicator. Rogers. do: sclirs The Star (Bn, Matlileson. St John, SB, via Portland: Trellla (Brl.Dav, SiJohruNB; Westmoreland. Allen. Philadelphia: Ueary Mar. Hatch. New Y.trk:S M Tyler. IIart, do; I'arollne (Irani. Bray, da: K (' dates, Freeman, do; Hrandywlne, Fengar, do: F C Snu'h. Smith, do. At the heiid of i<onsr I'land Sound 23d PM, bound eaat. schrs K M French, s A Freemsu. Bella Peek. Black Dla ui""'l Itomeo. Jnstloe ann Frame A Oheaebro. Sailed from Dutch Island Harlior :td?Rehrs Hyoe. Oliver, New York lor Boston; t.'enturinn, Blodgett. and Raven, Derrick. Providence for Bangor (or New York); Jennie Mlddleton, Wbltaker, Bath for New Tork: A Mc Nichol, Robinvon, Bristol for do; Storm Petrel. Whlttemore, Providence for Nassau, NP; Isaac Rich, Studley, Boston for Hal tint ore. PAWTUCKET. May 24?Sailed, schrs Annie Qua. Saerver, Btliama? via Providence: Eva Diverty. Oandy: John 8 Hur?t. Conk, nni i<U/in Cockran. Hawkins. New Yore, RICHMOND. May 23- Arrived, tchr I.ula Am merman, Pierson Norfolk Sailed?Hark llanna (Nor>. Christiansen. Christlansand, Norway; sclirs I.lrsie K Dow, Chase,.New York: R I) Thomas, Thorndyke. do; Mary J Adams, Coombs, da: Brees". Cranmer. do. SAN FRANCISCO. May 17?Arrived, bark Webfoai Wheelwright. Columbia River. ... Cleared?Hark Wellington (NIc). Foster, Bnrrardlam. Sailed- Bark Tidal Wave, Reynolds. Port Hsdlie*. 2 th?Arrived, ship Leadim* Wind. Hlnekley. Bsilsei bark Bunco Schiafllno (Itali. Lavareilo, Oenoa, 35th?Arrived, ship Nimbus, Leonard.<iew ??**. SAVANN AH. May 2IS -Arrived. steamer Oriental, Doaae, Boston. _ .. w Sailed from Trbee 25th, steamer Magnolia, Daggett, New York. _ _ SALEM. May 23-Arrived, schrs H Curtis. Bray. Perth Ambov for Portsmouth; BenJ Strong, Atwoad, Port John son:! len Howard. I.lnscott, Por' Johnson tor Uardlnan J \V Drisco. Haskell, (lardlner for Bnltlmore. 24tli?Arrived, sclir H Uigur, Jerdm. Port Johnson. Sailed ?Brig II Havelock (fronl Chererle), New l^ndom sclirs William Tlca. Tlee, BalttmoresOea H JMHs tfrote Richmond, Me). New York: aad the arrivals or SSd.henn* 8v"lNKYABD HAVBN. May .fj!? JPfcB Jameson. Wlndaor. NS.f r New York: 'M'itt Haven, Cdsli for do: His Arthur. St John. NR. Aw Bnltltneg ^American Ragle and R II sWttuck, Dsnverspoet for Philadelphia-, A. M. Acker, New Bedford for New York. Sailed? Hrlg M B Peanell. aehrs C C %ana, Clarion Allen. Jndun Tennev, J D Pnlge. Centnrion. Elwood Ooren^ Sea Hog. R W Tall. Alices. Rachel Venn am an Henrv H tlraat, Annie B Stevens. Cherub, t A I aine. |.|. Hudson. Alii -sior R H Oneen, (> W Raw ley. and R II Sliattuck. WU,m'[NUTO*?NC; May *??Arrived, schr White Sea, 2.%t li ? "iill'ed, steamer D JPoWr? Dana IB. Baltimore, wARRKAM Mav i'l?Sailed, schrs Chaea. Ingvaham, Nan Tiirk ? Nialad Queen. Smith, do. W aRH i:N. May 24?Arrived, eehr Sarah Lariaa, An dee eon. Philadelphia. YACHTS. VrKA.HliOATS, JtC. AT SAlL BOAt W A NTF.I) -staTB HOW 0L^, J partlenlsrs, and lowest ca?h price. No. 1 Nrtr I'hnrth St. F'Oft SALB-HtLOOP Y A? IIT ?;?)qI'KTTB; CABIN: s> feet long. I'I fret beam. 3'? feet hold; two vears old, well found, and In good order; nrlce >1.2 *1. Can be aeea at POBCK'S_shlp yanl. Kevport. X. J. ViTcHT FOR SALE.?'A KIRST CLASS SLOOP J. Yacht. "West Wind.'" nearly new; length over all 51 toet. heam l."? feet: height o' ca?ln ? toet 2 lnehe?: fnrnl?hod verv richly and elegantly: It mart be seen to be app eclated. Aduresa MAS.iKNA CLARK, New Haven, Conn. Irtft BOATS READY TO SHIP.-SIIRLIiS. WHITE .LUIF hall, 0)nl>, Metallic I,ileboata, epoua Osr*. M South st. and 114th St., llarleui Itlver. MKPIIEN ROBERTA MISCBUAKBOVt. A" Bsoi.irTF, niv.iui v.s ohi ainkd krom TifFrKii em States, lor iiumsruui ctnses, without publicity! legal everywhere; no char." in <dvan?e: advioa tree. M. II.IO'SB. Attorney, l)M H road war. t BSOLUTK DtrORC .S LKuaLly oBTAINKO WITH. J\ out publicity: ailrlce tree. FREDERICK J. KINO, t'ounevllor-at-i,nw and Notary Public, 251 Broadway. THOMAS R. AtlNKW' T tJ( liitjtAT MX# KXK OKO cer. Tea, ColTe^ and r'lour Dealer. New Yorkers Md averybody, call and get bargains. M Vesay it.