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THE COURTS. Slow Headway Made in the Rapid Transit Fights. Argument on the Sixth end Ninth Ave nue Railroad Injunctions Post poned Till Next Month. IN THE MESHES OF A DANSEUSE. A Plea if Gnilty by Lawrence and Hi> Re lease on Bail. The rapid transit fight Is making alow headway In the courts owing to the continued illness of Chief Justice Monell, of the Superior Court, although it la gratifying to know thai he la slowly convalescing, and the improbability or hia being able for aeveral weeks to resume hia seat on the bench and hear the continuation ?f the argument on the injunction proceedings instl 'tuted by tho Sixth "Avenue Railroad Company against the Gilbert Elevated Railroad Company to restrain tho latter company from constructing Its proposed road over the route of tho Sixth Avenue Railroad Company, between Amity and Fifly-n nth streets, an arrange ment was yesterday entered Into between tbe opposing counsel that will obviate any delay on account o( Judge Monell's sickness anil the likelihood otherwise of the case going over until after the summer vacation. The arrangement made was that tbo case should he argued on us meritsbelero Judge Sedgwick, at tho June term or the Special Term of the Court. As will be seen this not only expedites the settlement of tbe main question at Issuo of vital importance to the perfecting of rapid transit in this city, but is a very auvantugeous arrangement, lor, of course, whatever way the case may be decided, It will be taken to tbe Court of Appeals, and such ap peal could not be taken from the decision on tho motion lor a preliminary Injunction. By trying the case on the merits, therefore, a final determination may bo reached much quicker than by continuing tbe war fare of technicalities. An argument was to have been held yesterday before Judge J. F. Daly, holding Special Term of the Court of Common Pleas, upou tbe order to show caui-c why the temporary injunction grautcd against tbe New York Elevated Railroad Company upon tbe application of tbe Ninth Avenue Railroad Company should not be made permanent. All tbe counsel were present except ex-Judgo Emott, whose abscncq was urged as a ground (or adjourning tbo argument. Somo ol the cuinsol were anxious to linvc the adjournment flxod at an curly day, but Judga Daly suggested that the same questions would substantially bo raised as in the su;t or PaUuu vs. The New York Klevated Railroad Company, now betore the General Term on appeal from Chief Just ice Daly's # recent decision. It was probable, he added, that tho General Term would give lis decision by the eud ol tho present :nontb, and he, thereloro, rcco:umended I no adjournment of tho argument to the first Monday ol next month, which suggestion was finally acquiescod In by tbo counscL CANCAN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. Katie Forrost, a blonde ot the purest typo, was pres ent in Fart 4 ol the Marino Court, before Judge McAdam, yesterday, as plaintiff In a suit brought against Solomon Cars lor tho sum of $900, alleged to be the value of certain articles of jewelry which she charges htm with taking from her room at the St. Cbarles Hotel, in this city, and converting to his own UFO. Tbe defendant's answer Is a general denial, but, notwithstanding this, be was in charge of a sheriffs officer, under an order of arrest, in default of $1,200 ball. Mr. John F. llcl n tyre appeared for tbe plaintiff and Mr. A. II Furdy lor tho deicndant, both express ing themselves ready and willing to proceed to trial; but owing to the engagement of Judgo McAdant in re lation to the business of the General Term tho cause was adjourned until one F. M. to-day. The pleadings In themselves are us flat and umuteresting as replevin pleadings usually are, but, Irotn the statements of the rcs|iective counsel, it appears tho suit is not without some romantic features. Both sines concur in the adnmsion that deluadant is a travelling salesman of jewelry; that he Is married to a comely bru nette, who was present in court, and ap parently a much nioro dissatisfied party thau her hiondp rival in the affection's ol tho mild-eyed Cars; that In his wanderiugs o'er laud and lake Cars found himself in ttio city of St. Louis, where he visited one ol tho theatres, and there first behold tho plamtlft, flouting in the bewildering figures of the cancan: that, forgetting his (list love, be made the acquaintance and associated wuh this new affinity lor about two years, keeping li s fam ily in ignorance of bis whereabout)', and finally wind lug up in the st. Charles Hotel in lists city, where tho ptestnlcauscof action arose. While thus associating with the plaintiff it appeara be made her presents from time to tune of the jewelry which form? the subject of tbe action, and It is claimed on her part that, antici pating she was about to separate from him, ne took the property irom her room without her knowledge or consent, and appropriated it tu lus own use. Tho claim on bis behalf is that be took iho property with her consent, and with tbo understanding that ho was to raiso money on it to pay their board at the St. Cbarles Hotel, and that ho did pawn a Crtion cf it, and that in any event ho came vlully into possession of it. Tbe testimony ol tbe pawnbroker, taken by convent of counsel, was mat defendant told him be urns pawning the property to pay plaintiff's board (mentioning her nam> ), and that ho returned to tho St. Charles Hotel to see if tho amount offered would satisfy her heioro he ncoepted it. It was fqrtber stated, by touusel that defendant's wtfo pro posed to institute proceedings against him for a divorce according to the Jewish ritual LAWKENCE PLEADS GUILTY. The case of the United States against Charles A. Lawrence, who was some time ago Indicted by a United States grand Jnry on a charge of smuggling, ho being then a Custom House offlccr, and with forgery, and irho, it will be remembered, fled to Canada and tbenoo k> England, took an unexpected turn yesterday. The * trial had boon several times postponed, aud those fre taent delays, together with the report, which found ready credence, that Lawrence to save himself from trial aad Its consequences bad made an offer rt a full crafeaaion, which the government. It was suppoeed, had under consideration, were taken as confirmation of the report. Yesterdiy'a proceedings but go to farther strengthen thia view of the ease, not wit h itanding District Attorney Hiiss' partial explanation of the circumstance attending [.awrenco's plea of (Uitiy. When the case was called in the Circuit Court yesterday Lawrenco waa present with bia counsel, leaded by General It. V. Butler and a number of friends, fbe court room was crowded and a great deal of Interest ras manneated in anticipation ol thn opening of tbo trial and what developmeuta li might bring forth. No little surprise, however, was Iclt at the unexpected turn tbe case look. Tho indictment upon which I<awrence sas railed to plead la that known as tho "Blundiiig" lorgcry, to which Lawrence pleaded gtNRv. Aftur tbe plea bud been recorded Judge liencdict asked Mr. Bliss IT ho moved lor sotitoncc, to winch tho District At torney answered, "Notat present." This, lor the present, and*tbe casa On motion of lAwretire's conusel bo waa admitted to bail in the sum ol $1S,000. This will appear very small bail in tbe lace of tbe fast that Law rence ploadeu guilty to an ofl'enco tbe penalty lor which Is ten years' imprisonment. Wheu questioned on the sutiject District Attorney Bins said that the acceptance of- Lawrence's plea was tbe easiest ami best way of disposing of the case; that there was nothing behind It, and that in due time Lawrence will be called up for sentence. Ho fur ther stited that Lawrencc could havo been convicted sf smuggling Iftao other Indictments against him bad been tried, bat tho other charges will not be pressed igainst him. As the ca*e now stands. Lawrence is out on small bail. And It is still asserted that tbe proba bilities are that ha may be used as a witness should It be thought advisable to turn to account in the proseou tio* of others any Knowledge he may possess in that Une. Lawrence's sentence will bo moved for at the June term, to which lime he Is out on ball. His sure, lies are J. J?. Morris, nnd Zipporsl, the wife of Law THE CITT8 FLIMSY DEFENCE. li May, 186&, Benjamin Wood leased to the city for ten years, at aa annual rental of $9,000, the secocd tad third floors of No. 19 Chatham street, the same kelag occupied by tbe City Inspectors Department part ll tha time and tbe rest ol the time by tbe Board of Assessors. Tbo last two quarters' rent ol lost year Comptroller Green relosed to pay, on the gronnd that iuring that year some of Mr. Wood's employes slept lu tbe rear room on tbe second floor. He also refused to pay 11,400 due upon tbe lease tor heating tbo rooms. Mr. Wood assigned hie claim to Jacob K. Oakley, who brought suit lor the amount claimed, which waa tried yesterday before Judge Van Brunt, of the Court of Commou Pleas. The defence, as slated above, was regarJed as too flimsy to he entitled to any judicial cr uslderation, aad Judge Van Brunt directed u verdict.'-.-tbo plain 110 for $6,091 18, being tho lull amount claimed, with interest. FLIES FROM SENTENCE. The trial of William Kelly, on a chargo of illicit dis tilling. was resumed yesterday, before 'Judge Benedict. Kelly bavlag beea abseat on TuesJsy, but attending featerday on aotico from tbo Court At the conclusion ?l tbe casa tbo jury rendered tho verdict of guilty, ind it was then found that tbo defendant ban disap peared. It is sapposed that lie formed the opinion .hat the case woula po against h|in, and thai during l|ie basils attradlug Lawrence's |>lca be escaped. Hit M*dsmea are Thomas Gannon, oi No. 25 OIJ flip, and Daniel McKlbeany, of No. 331 West Fifty Oflb street A warrant was immediately tuned far kia arrest DECISION IN EQUITY. ? In the mattar of tba complaint in tba bill In aqaity of John H. Piatt, as sssignoe ia tbe estate In bank ruptcy of 8. Leland ft Co. against Edward B. Weslsy, Judge Blatchford, in tba United States District Court, has rendered tba following decision:?I am not pre* pared to bold on tba eel donee that tbe payments by tf. Inland * Co. of tba checks la question as they fell due wore payments made with a view to give a preference 10 tbe defendant as a creditor, as alleged ia tbe bill. Nor, even III could so bold, could I find on the evidence that tbe defendant at tbe time of receiving such pay ment} bad reasonable cause to believe thst snch pay ments were made In fraud of the provisions of tha statute, or reasonable cause to believo that a fraud on the statute wns intended thereby. Nor can I bold on tbo evidence that such payments' were not made In tbe usual and ordinary course of business of the debtors. It seetus to me that tbe observations or tbe Supreme Court In Tiffany against Lucas (15 Wallace, 410) apply to tbe facts o( this case. Tho bill is dismissed, witn costs. REVERSES OP FORTUNE. Ex-Senator and County Coart House Commissioner Michael Norton waa examined In supplementary pro ceedings before Justlco McAdam, of tho Marine Court, yestorday, in relation to a Judgmont for $621 obtained against him by Isaao J. Oliver, tbe Tammany printer. Tbe ex-Senator testified that ho was not worth a cent. Counsel for the plaintiff asked hitn If he had over owned anv real estate, and Norton replied in tho affirmative. He was tnen asked when he parted with tbe owner sblp ol the property, to which question his couusel vehemently objected, clashing that It was irrelevant. Tbo question was ullowod by tbe Court on the conditio;! that should the witness answer that he received but a small consideration for tbo property tho lino of cross-examination should not be continued lurtber. Ex-Senator Norton then testi tbat bo sold bis house in Charlton street in 1871 lor a very small consideration, the purchaser assuming the responsibility of a mortgage of $u.t)00, which was on tbo property at the time. Ho also trstitied thai tho Pavilion Hotel, on Coney Island, and tbo wine and billiard saloon corner of Bleecker and Carmine streets, are both owned by the separate estate of his wife, Mary Ellen Norton, and that be receired a weekly salary ol $25 lor managing them. SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. Judge I.arremore, who Is holding Supreme Court, Chambers, runs through the calondar with an alacrity I that is winning for him goldon opinions front tho Bar Among the 187 young gentlemen admitted to tbo Bar yestorday in tbo Supreme Court, General Term, was UlyssesS. Grant, Jr., son ofl'resldent Grant He was among the students admitted from tho Columbia Col. lege law sohool. On the retrial of tbo suit brought by Anthony J, Blecckcr against tha city for $15,000 for appraising city property, ho being one of throe persons appointed for this purpose some tlireo years ago, he obtained yester day a verdict for $4,018 50 in tho Court of Common Pleas, before Judge Van Brunt. Catharine McCube, who was arrested on a charge of passlug a counterfeit twenty-dollar I'lll, was discharged by Commissioner Shields yesterday, it being shown that she stole the bill from her employer, not knowing that It was counterfeit. James Colicu, cigar manufacturer, of No. 304 East Third street, was arrested yesterday by Deputy Marshal Bcrnhard on a charge of removing o'gars Irom his fac tory without properly stamping tiiem. He was taken before Commissioner Shields and admittod In $1,000 bail. William D. Jndson, Amos Tonney. George E. Borland and James D. Fish, who were committed by Judgo Johnson for contempt of court for refusing to testify belore a commissioner, wero discharged yesterday on rondltion of paying tho costs of proceedings and of tes tifying when required without further notice. The suit brought lu Supreme Court. Circuit, before Judge Dykuian, by E. I'avenstadt against Gillespie, Trowbriuge & Co. to recover tho valno of teas sold and delivered to tha defendants just prior to their failure ended yesterday in a verdict for $16,700 17 for the plaintiff. On tbo application mado to the Attorney General to discontinue tbe suit brought by Bint to dissolve tbe Bleccker Street Railroad Company and annul its char ter, ho rendered a prompt decision that tho suit must go on. When tbo casa was called yesterday, In Su preme Court, Chambers, bcloro Judge I.arremore, it was adjourned over, however, to suit tbe convenience ol counsel. Neither tha counsol for Rufus Hatch nor for Jay Gould, Dillon and 0*born, in the suit pending between these parties, tbe particulars ol which have beon given in the Hkkai.d. appeared to be in lighting mood yester day. When the case was called belore Judge Spelr, iu Special Term of the Superior Court, it was posipouod by mutual consent ot counsel. Au inadvertent ouitssion of tbe Important uegatlvo not mode it appear In yesterday's Hkkai.p, that John R. Ely, F. O. Boyd, Edgar P. Hill, Emanuel Eiaing, James Anthony, Edward A Howry, William Miller and William M. Rice, ludicteu by tho United States Grand Jury, lor ulleged crooked whiskey Ira-ids, pleadsd guilty to tbe indictment. They pleaded not guilty, with leave, however, to withdraw that plea and plead anew beforo the second day of the June term, when the trial of the suits will be begun. DKCI6J0N& SUPREME COURT?CHAMBER*. By Judge Dooobuo. Ilnsso vs. Lory.?Order granted. 1 tl>odes v*. Farley.?Roport of roferee confirmed. Hurchi ll, \e., v*. Forrest ?There should be a refer ence to ascertain facts. Graut vs. Jonas, 4c.?Tno order to be entered ?? heretofore ordered. By Judge Larremore. McKeon vs. Bunnell.?In the absence of a bill of par ticulars. and on tho authority of decisions id Martin vs. Gould and MoCahlll vs. Donncll, this motion must be denied, without prejudice and without costs. Oliver vs. Morrison.?Injunction continued pendento lite upon plaintiff filing security for amount ol alleged Claim and Interest. Brown vs. Kipp.? Default opened on payment of tho costs and disbursements of trial and costs of motion. Blessing vs. Keiliy.?Application should be mado to the Judge who tried tbe catfte. Heiibrun vs. Racey et aL? Motion to strike out pro posed case granted, with costs. Joseph thai vs. StefTea?Application granted on pay ment of costs. Siurtevaut vs. Sheraasen.? Motion granted on pay ment of costs. Fitzgerald vs. Ellen, 4c.?Application denied, with out costs. I'routy vs. Swift.?Motion donied without costs and without prejudice to a renewal thereof before Judge Barrett. In the matter of Schwartaler.?No proceedings bare been taken to set alid* the awards tbe stay Is vacated. I.istman vs. Hlant?Stay granted upon defendant fllinj; security for $1,0::0 with sureties, Acc. Murquand vs. Dencklcr.? Motion for referencedenied, with costs to abide event, Joaephthsl vs. Steftcn.?Motion granted. Sutpheu vs. I<ash.?Motion denied without eosta. Fybel vs. 1'llnger.?Motion granted. I.illlentbal vs. Branch.? Injunction dissolved. Kelly vs. Scripture.?Motion granted. Uauchy vs. r re neb.?Preliminary objections over ruled. McKenna vs. Scripture.?Motion granted. Covert vs. CockrolT.?Injunction continued. Lewisobm vs. Brew.?Application granted. SUPREME COURT?-SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Van Vorst. Ham vs. Vilmar.?Findings ot fact and conclusion! of law settled and an engrossed copy should be presented for signature. SUPERIOR COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Hpeir. Schryer vs. Mlnger. ?Order to amend summons, 4c., granted. Wystull vs. Smyth et aL?Order for judgment. The Fast River National Bank vs. Murphy.?Fred erick 8. Wait appointed receiver, he. 1 -ee vs. Lee.?Reference ordered. Shaw vs. Slater.?Undertaking approved. Tjng vs. Marsh et al.?Motion granted ordering printed case and exceptions on the flies of tbla court, andiliattho ease and exceptions on tho part of tho plulntitf be deemed abandoned. Aiiorlevs. Fasan.?Motion lor a new trial denied' Wheeler, 4c., vs. Small, 4a?Motion dented, with $10 costs to plaint nr. IIes.?e vs. llrn<-kcll et al?Reference ordered. Farley vs. Benedict?Proceedings dismissed, with |10 ro-<is to defeuduut. Bradford vs. Prentice et al.?Testimony filed. Martin vs. Gould et at? Default opened snd leave given to plaintiBi to serve complaint, 4c. Martin vs. Gould.?Motion denied, without coata JonoN vs. Rowe et aL?Referee's report of sale con firmed. Karseber vs. Ballner.? Reference ordered to IIon J. 8. Boswortb. Glaser vs. Tbe Amity Firo Insurance Company. Upon the defendant's delivering the accounts ot tbo pluinttfl's loss in bis possession, or In possession of hi* special apent, Wtntcrton. the plaintiff must serve upon detendant's attorney tbe bill of particulars aaked tor. Memorandum. In ilie matter of the application of Honrjr Melxger et ?l.?Referee's report confirmed. I'oillmi vs. l*a? rciico etal.. Kehm vs. Tlio Western Union Telegraph Company, tiraham vs. Llvermore, Finke vs. ilio Orient Mutual Insurance Company, Schrycr vs. Dettingor etal.. Hwyer vs. Tho Weed sew ing Machine Company, Wheeler vs. gmall, 4c ; New lleid vs. Coppermsn. Grltlln Va Tho llroadwnv and Seventh avenue Railroad Company. Whelm vs. i'ho Third Avenuo llailroad Company, chatter on vs. Mnl ford et al., Weblc vs. Conner.?Order* granted. By Judge Cnrti". The Hull's Head hunk ol New York vs. MrFetersct al.?Findings settled. fly .ludfje Sun lord. Daly vs. Wailacb.?Judgment signed. MARINE COt'RT ? t.'HAMBElW. By Jiid;tc Mr.vdam. White vs. Campbell; t'ottklmg va. Rogers; Bornard vs. ?*U velsnd ?"pinionsttled. TheUertnunia Urtnk \s. Rodder.?George 8. Mchuiiz aptxiiatcd recuiver. Van Name vs. Van Name.?Moi o:i to dismiss pro. eeedltfs. 4c., granted. 1)0 Forest va Wood.? Motion denied, nppcaraitce set aside illid ?ilmi?Slol| < I SCI \ ice vacated ; I o costs. lierrmaun vs. Moore.?The iseneaon I bis motion will ?? T- Bobertaoa, No. 200 Broadway i1?" popcm). ?fSS^fSSS?118 F*?ll Vfc Dtif tnbary; Hartrorn r& uJ?!T\0,,hmJ"*- *??** ? Motion* granted. Maltheslua vil Metry.?order dismissing appeal. H.Vlt!!""" v"*. ??f??lor> to vacale arrest denied, default openod and cauM ordered on abort calendar. #?i*SDd0" "" ?arT*T- ?Judgment lor plamitu; pln!nuIr*nM 4 MoK,Dn* Tl Cropaay?Judgment for allowed.*^ U C'*r'L?Dafaalt opooed and amendment By Chief Justice Shea. Lameyer ti. Cantaira.?Motion for new trial denied. COUKT OP GENERAL SESSIONS. Before Judge GiMersleeve. balhton's tbial deferred. Walter Sheridan, alias Ralston, one of the Roberts Gleason gang ot bond lergera, who waa arreated ro. oently on a Hoboken forryboat, was called to the bar nt D,ulricl Attorney Lyon, bat Judge Gllder ?!?!? de'efrotl trial, a? he wag only temporarily occupy tng the bench during the Illness of Judge Sutherland, and would dot be able to finish a cane ol such length. 'OBIT CENTS A TEAR. Mrs. Golden, of Na 347 West Fortieth street, a powrful Irish lady ol about forty years, appeared as complainant against a rather good looking young mun named William Martin, whom she chargod with obtaining money under false pretences. It appeared that Martin called at her apartments, at the place men tioned above, on the 13th ol last month, while she and her husband were at dinner, and asked whether they had a friend In tho West. He was lold they had one named "Pat" Dorsey, whereupon Martin declared ho had seen that Individual a fow darn before near Mll wnukee, where he was engaged In business ns tho partner ol Martin's brother. Tho upshot of the visit was that Martin said ho wus tho oearur of a box lull of u J ^l,U P10luros 'ron> 1'at Horsey lor tho Ooldons. which box was then on his schooner. Ilo had already paid II for expressaze on It, aud would send It to us destination on the following day if Ins host would pav that sum and fifty cents more to delray Its oirriaco Mn'- ,G- Klm,|y S''To the good hearted visitor all the money she happened to have uliout her, i J departed, promising to prompt ly lorward the precious Nix. "How long did you wait for tho box t" asked Assis tant District Attorney I.yon of tho witness, '?I am waiting yet," was the reply. a n^.0 tl,e Pr,"??>or called upon a Mrs. Ann Adleman, who lived ou the Ilo >r immediately abovo Mrs. (?olden, aud tried ou the same game, only it was T,mi ladv l,?d ,,o?r'1 t,iu sl<iry of tho former swindle from her neighbor below KU,nrJ onco' Sh0 u*#u tho voting man with being tho person who llxurod in tho previous transaction and he thereupon rau away. Mrs. Adlo nian called upon Mrs. Golden and tho lattor chased the fe low and took him Into custody herself. Messrs. Kint/ing and Molt, counsel for the accused, claimed that the latter had delivered the package to some other pcr30u by mistake. Tho Jury did not ngrro with them, but found the prisoner guilty of obtalninK money bv false pretences. Judgo Gllderslceve sent him to State Prison lor three years PETIT PLEAS. A number of criminals' were Induced to savo the county tho expense oi trying them by pleading guilty. Atlolph Smith, ol No. 103 Canal street, admitted that he broko into tho basement of Istdor Block, at No. 45 SiZ'JZn.-,*:. -0th 'naL> an,! attempted to stoal f UK) worth ol clothing. Ho was sent to tho Stato v , ?.?! *ilwu and one-hatryeara John Becker, of ? i u . ttv,nue> Pleaded guilty to burglary In K?ftiho ?Pw?nent of Caroline Kramer, Ao. .31 hut Twelfth street, on tho 13th or April and stolen two gold rings worth $12; State Prison twi years. John Brady, ol No. HI Avonuo C, who on May " ?'<?|nptod to pick tho pocket of Charlos K. Davison, of No. 2 Nassau street, while the latter was passing i..?,!:?rne!i0' HroRd'raJr ?d? Fulton street, pleaded guilty, and was sent to State Prison lor two voars. A PICKPOCKET SENTENCED. John Snllivan, who attempted to pick the pocket of Frederick T. Jackson whtlo the latter was walklmr through \ esey street on April 22, was conviotea of that oDenco and sentenced to Stato Prison for four years. WASHINGTON PLACE POLICE COURT. Before Judge Smith. # AKBERT OF AN ALLEGED FOBOER. John Walker, of Na 23 West Thirteenth street, keeper of a livery stable, was hold In $1,000 to answer for lorgery. On May ? the prUoner, as alleged, signed a promissory note tor three months for $350 In tho name of John O'Conor, ol Na 52 West Sixteenth street. On May 24 a man named John CUpp presented the note to Mr. O'Conor, who at onoc pronounced his signature a torgerv. Ho then plaoed tiie caso in tho -h? ?e.'f0<,T# Thompson, of tho Central omoe, who arrested the prisoner. ' THE PITTSBt'BG BUBQLAR8. Pierre Langdcn and August Urban, who, on the 17th Inst., as ullegod, stole $3,300 from the safe of Messrs. Wilson, Walker A Co., at Pittsburg, Pa., were brought v?n r'cr"chlori ?n?l Kerrls. Judge smith handed tho prisoners over to the custody ol n? tective O'Mara, of the Pittsburg ?ll", wM* sent to this city to take them bick for trlaL ESSEX MARKET POLICE COURT. Bofore Judgo Blxby. ABB EST OF PICKPOCKETS. About noon yesterday, as Mrs. Catherine Nolan of No. 262 Bergen street. Brooklyn, was passing along Division street she was approached by two women and one man, who jostled against her. In a minute or so ?! JiYo* T,'recl 1,11,1 her pocketbook, contain ing $15 25, was missing. She raised an alarm and caused the arre?t of the three, who gave their names as John Hanagan, or Rtaton Island; Marv Bell, of No 3? Cherry street, ami Bndgst Klanagau. the stolon prop erty was found on ono of the prisoners. Tho three wero held in $2,000 each to answer. POLICE COURT NOTES. James Caldwell and John Jones, who nssaulted and robbed William Jemaon, of No. 414 Second avenue, In Bleecker atreet on Wednesday night, us reported In Thursday's Hkralii, were yesterday taken before Jus tico Murray at tho Tomb* 1'ollco Court and Held 10 answer In default of $6,000 ball each. COURT CALENDAR8?THI8 DAY. Suprkxb Court? Oiiabhrrs ?Hold by Judge Larre m?r,.. ?No*. 29, 68, 83, 126, 178, 190, 200, 228, 246, 281, 268, 280, 307, 310, 317, 318, 320, 336, .TW, 337, 34*. 340, 362. Sufbkxs Court?Gksbral Tbbm?Hold by Judges Davis, Brady and Danlola.? Noa. 16, 30, 42, 105. 28, 64, 107. dcrBBM* Court?Smccial Tkrm ?Held by Judge Larremore?I .aw and fact. ?No*. lOfl and 375. Supkkxb Court?Circuit? Tart 1?Held by Judge D^robue?Short cause*.? No*. 2771, 2763, 367, 2987, 2809, 2927. 2V90, 2836, 27D9. 28S3, 2416, 3010, 2947. 2679, 1VU4, 2592, 2IW9, 1397, 2703, 2906, 2907, 2825, 1741, 2941. Pert 2?Short cnises *et down fur thia day ad journed to Friday, June 9. l'art 3?Held liy Judge Dykman?Short causes.?No*. 2??.t, 2019. 2020, 2776, 2897, 2843, 2787, 2273, 2<fS9, 2463, 1764 Sitbbiob Cocbt?(iasKKAL Tkrm?Adjourned sine die. ScraaiOR Coirt?SririAi. Tkrm?Hold by Judgo Speir?Issues ot lacl.?No*. 15, 28, 36, 38, 3. Scpkrior Cocrt? Trial Tkr*?Part 1?Held by Judge Curtla?Short oatise*.?N'oa. 2090, 1719,2140, 2181. 2142. 2140, 2139. 2078, 2151*. 1703. Part 2?Held by Judjte Sauford.?No*. 1A76. 741, 919, 776, 1006, 744, 464, 784. 712, 1189, 722, 1139, 116T. Oomiuk Plbas?Kqfitt Tkrm?Held by Judge J. F. Daly Noa. 24. 4. 14. Cuxno* Plka*?Gbjkbai. Tbrx.?A4joarsed to June ?, 1S78. Conxo* Plbas?Tbiai. Tkrm?Part 1?Held by Judge Van Hoeaen.?No*. 96*K, 1104, 1900, 1097. 1438, 389, 1184, 1528, 708. 2281, 2120, 2127, 2133, 964 K, 1897, 2051. 380, 1211, 2147, 2148, 2142. 2164, 1144, 10C3, 2036. ir>?8, 1308, 1864, 223l>, 2231, 2232, 2234. Part 2? Held hy Judge Van Brunt.?No*. 1856, 1942, 2091, 2009, 1360, 2167. 2168. 2190. 2205, 2208 to 2216 inolu alre, 2217, 2218, 2219, 2220, 2222, 2233, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227, 2236, ji a risk Court?Parta 1, 2 and a? Adjourned for the term. Court or OustRBAWMBWioKs?Held by Judge Sot be r land ?'The People vs. John Johnson, robbery; Same v*. Henry Bishop, felonious assault and Mitlery; S?mn vs. John ilowden, felonious assault and battery; Same vs. John Hndner, felonious assault and battery; Same vs. George H. Townsend, nne; Same vs. Charles Mar, forgery; Same vs. William Walsh, grand larcony ; Sasrie va. Waller White, petit larcenv; Same va. James Men ton, petit larceny; Same v*. John Kyan, petit larcony; Maine va. Aonle Dolan, abandonment. COURT OP APPEALS. Albabt, N. T., Mar 26, 1878. In the Court of Appeal*, to-day, the following cases were down:? Sot. 192,193and 194. Mason et at. va. Partridge.? Argument resumed and concluded. N<>. 102. The Merchant Bank of Canada v*. Hoi land.?Argued hv William H. Green for appellant and K. C. Hpraguo for respondeat. No. 183. Mary K. Clemence vs. The City of Auburn.? Argued by N. C. Monk for appellant and F. I). Wright for respondent. CALSSOAR FOR FRIOAY. Nos. 197, 198, 201, 207. 184, 330, 210, 211. AN ORATORICAL THIEF. William Newman, an old sailor and an incorrigible tlilsf, was brought up In tbo Special Sessions yesterday, charged with stealing a pair of shoes from tho store of John <''Hindi, in Itoosevolt street. About four weeks nan be was arrested for stealing hama from a grocery store. mid, belli r i Kisses sod ol ?n extraordinary "gtU of iino,'' suecciwled4n talning himself ont of the scrape. When he ?*?* r*IM <>n lor an explanation yesterday lie began, "'Most Honored Judges, Allow me to vindicate my cause." He tlien proceeded to demonstrate hia lunoceui e by nsrertln* that the shoes were on the star board "idti ol ihe door, while he was on the port side. This argument, however, fat e.j to convince the Court, Ki'n-ii uiniwifxi liim to one laiitU I* iks l*?n imn i - A COUNSELLOR CONQUERED. !? the Court of Special Sowiom yesterday I.aurenee Hughes, of No. 230 East Fortysixth street, charged Terence O'Biien, a relative of Ins vile with assaulting him Mid breaking three of his rib*. The prisoner claimed to hsvo acted in self-defence, and when the plaintiff was being cross-examined h* refused or failed to give responsive answers to the questions s-knl him, entering into lengthy explanations. At length the fol lowing colloquy occurred:? CodMlLUJI?Thern, that will do. You have answerod tho question "Yes" and you noed not say any more. Mr. Huohks?Sure au' what am I licnt for ? CofNKSLLon?To lie ofotis-examined by me. Mr. Huoitics?You're very much mistaken. I'm here to tell tho truth and I'm going to do it. At thla reply tbcro was a roar of laughter In the court, In which the Bench Joined, and Counsellor Price said:?"You may step down, sir." O'Brien was lound guilty and flnod $100, which he paid. THE PRICE OF A JUSTICE. When tbe case of John Hlgglns, a young man charged with assaulting a negro on a Mott Huron train, was called up in tho Court of Spnoial Sessions yesterday, Judgu Murrav said, "U Mrs. Hlggins In court?" Mrs. Hlgglns, an honcat looking old Irish woman, eatye for ward, when tho Judge said, "Mrs. lliggins. you oame to my house this morning and oflcrod uio $6 If I would discharge your son. What made you do so?" Mrs. Biggins In reply said, "Well, Judge. I didn't mane to offend ye, but I uaderstand that that used to be tbo price, and I didn't know thoro was any changa" Judge Murray said, "Well, your sna is remanded for a week In order to glvo tbe complainant a chance to appear against him." A DESPERATE THIEF. William Farley, alias "English Xed," ono of tho most notorious and ex|iert pickpockets in the city, was caught plying his vocation ut yesterday's umtinoo performance of Howes k Chushing's circus at the foot ol Houston street, Kasl River. An ofllcer of the Eleventh |>re<'.ii|ci grabbed him, hut ho succocded in slipping from his grasp by leaving his coat In tho hand.- of his would i>o captor. He lied up Houston street, hotly pursued by on exoited crowd, aud effected his escape. Quite a orfln motion was created in the circus by the struggles of tho thief to iroe himself. Tho olllocr received a (cw bruises and a black eye. FUCHS, THE MURDERER. It is generally believed in official circles of Brooklyn that the county will not be put to the expense of hous ing Andreas Fuehs, the convicted murderer of William Simmons, win) h un^'er sentence ol death. Yesterday bis counsel, H. B. Kimiboru. proceeded to Albany tor tho purpose ot obtaining a commutation of sentenco ol Fuchs lo Imprisonment lor life. The assent of all but one or the Jurors who sat on tho trial has been obtained to tho petition wbich is to bo presented to tho Uov. ernor. It is understood that no objection will bo made by District Attorney Brttton to tho eflorts of counsel in behalf of the wretched man. Justice Pratt and Associ ate Justices McKlbben and Wollort are favorable to this dispositi<*n of the ekM. Several influential citir.cns have taken an interest In tho case, and thus fnr Sheriff Daggett lia.s taken no measures to prepare tor the exe cution. Friday, June 2, was tho time fixed by the Court. PIA.NOKDHTEN. OftCiASS. ~ ?KOi: KKXt. TjPKIoHtC "syUAItK ASU lilt AN O ? Pianos of our own make; also tor sale and rent, a number nf tirio second hand Pianos, in perfect order. WILL IAM KNAHK A CO., No. 112 Ath av., above Kith at. ?A.?ALL PKltiOKtf DBSIIIOtM OF PURCHAOlNti ? ? genuine second hand Stelnvar ''lano am Invited to call at our waremoms, where a number of Stelnway Pianos, all in perfect condition and mine nearly new, are (-.instantly onhaml; also second band Pianos of oilier makers. Attempts are ueaateatly inado in till* city and elsewhere by maker-* of bopis piano, and their aitents to sell their Inferior instruments, bearing our name or a name spelled so tdmilar that many tieeple do not notice tho difference, and purchase the spurious. worthless instrument for a genuine Steinwiiv piano. If persons, before purchasing such instru ment, will take tli? number of name and call on or write to us, it can at once he ascertained whether the Instrument is a Kenulne dtelnwav piano or a fraud. STEIN WAY A SONS, flteinwar llall, 111? iirid ill Kant 14th St., New York. BRILLIANT TONKl) 7? OOTAVK KOUKWOOD carved le* Windnor I'ianoforte, used by private family alx months, coat $1,'?'(U, lor $3tv>. including Stool, Cover. Musical t ii I* i nut. worth $1011. Call at private residence lj{0 West'-!:id i.|.. near Otli av. L. FITZGERALD. A?closi no out. a lards, elegant stock ok ? Piano*: half price. Barmnre's estate, 868 Bleecker at. flOO, $100, *200. CARVED-ROSEWOOD 1PULL SEVEN OCTAVE Pianoforte, nearly new, $85. 210 East JOth St., near 3d av. ATTkXUInk STElN WAY PIANOFORTE, COST WW, for $:**>. cash. J. BIDDLK, 13 Warerley place, near Broadway. T SOHMER k CU.'S, 149 EAST 14TH ST.. NEAR 31) av.. Piano Manufacturers, first class Pianos at ex tremelv low prices; n?w and second haud Pianos to rent and on instilments. ?5 to $'J0 m -ntlily. A Fact worth considering bv all who ad* VERTISE. RATES 20 CKNTS PER LINE. The circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week .Muntlav. Mar 15 ? 35,350 advkrtisixg ratks -jo cents a line. Tueadav. May 10 35,860 ADVERTISING RATr.S 20 CENTS A LINK. Wednesday. Mar 17 3.\H00 advertising HATES 20 CENTS A LINK. Thursday. M ay IS . ? - ? ? ?4.'<i<X) ADVERTISING RATKS 211 CENTS A LINK Friday. May i? 30,060 advertising RATES -'0 CKNTS A LINK. Saturday. May 'JO 34,160 ADVERTISING RATES 20 CKNTS A LINK. Total MI.60J ADVERTISING RATKS 20 CB.NTS A LINK. Dally average . 3H,(M7 ADVERTISING RATKS JO CKNTS A LINK. ?pianofortes QTO RENT. OF OUR OWN MAX ? nocture, alao ?econd hand I'lanna for sale at mod ? CHICKKKING A SONS, 130 5th ar., cor ner I ??'th tl. ItfiACTIFl l/ STOCK PIANOFORTES TO RENT and for (air by instalments; aeren ortave rosewood Piano ami Stool, fUJO. GOLDSMITH'S, 20 Bleeckor it., neer Broadway. GREAT OPPRB.?horat K WATERS k SONS, 4<U Broadway. New Vork. will, during thi? wrrk. rent a Trw flr?t cIa?-s new Piano* and Orjc*u* until the rent money pay> rnr the instrument, u per contract. LADY WILL bellt SUM. CIIICEKRINO ROSR wood carved l?_- Planofortr. Full iron Iraine, splendid tone, perfect order: Stool. Mimic. Ar. 2N r.aat 3d Hi. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SB L LTH BI K KL EG ANT Stelnway A Sona' Pianoforte (at ascrilice), richly earred four round rosewood case. 1% octave, lull agraffe, over?truiiir Piano 1 every Improvement; co?t fl,20l?, lur f j.'rii: atool, cover and box for aliipplng; aim Decker A Brothers' 1\ octave upright Piano at one fourth coat. Call at private reelaenee No. 47 Went lfltli it,, between Oth and ttth ava. _L /"l"RKAT AUCTION MALE OI'~PIANOS. AC AT TUNIS it JOHNSON'S old itaud, 37 Nassau it.. thU day, May 26, at 12 o'clock, by Chlckerlug, Haines, Waters, National, Davis, Lishte A Co., Philharmonic, Grovcatren, Fifth, Hall A Pond, RIoomB -Id A Otlt. AXTKD-A tiOOD SECOND IIAND I'lANO; WILL ulra $150 lor one to auit Addrraa 24 Htli av.. N. V, 0AHCIIIU AtADKMIKi. COURTIER'S DANCING ACADEMY. PLIMPTON'S ) Building, Siuyveaant and Oth ?!?.?Private le?aon? any hour all amnmer. '? pl'HIViTlKh. -WKKKLV 'AXD MONTHLV PAYMENTS' TAKF.X j\.% for Furniture, Carpet* and oertrtinj; at B. M. CoW pbrthwait A CO.'*. 131 and 157 Chatlum at. An Im mense -tock at low price*. A -HANDROME lloi.'SEHOLD FCRMTI'RE FOR ? sale In lota, at sacrincc; antm and brocade Parlor Hulls, coal WOO. ?r S2U0, $145; Stcinwny Pianoforte, %it*>; Turklali Suit. flOO; Inlaid Chamber Set*. wllh Dressing Ca?e?, SMI. $l'?>; single Bedsteads, Bureau*, liair and apring Mattrraaes: rep anil haircloth Sulta. $30; Kookcnaee, Extension Table. BufTel leather Dining Set. Silverware, Paintiiis*. Bronzes, llall Stand, Carpets, Ac.: positive rlianer, Call ai brown alone private residence No. 47 Weat lflth ?t . between 5tl> and 0ta ?v?. . A" largp. assortment "of" carpets, purni turn and Itedd nv at o. F.VRRELL'S n lirronma, 410 stli av.. between .H tti and 31e( ?tx Payment* taken weekly or monthly. Auction booms, an bast iuth ?t.?ft'rnitohe Carpets, Mirrors. Pianos, Parlor Suits, Bedroom Seta, Armoura, Ac. Private sale at aucllott priie. At' PAVOR s ? FURNITIIKK. PRIVATE' SALE. A(.'C tlou prices; larjru aaaurtinrnt. rlrli and common ; alao Pianoa, Oritana, <"ntlery. Clock". Broisae*. Ae. packed cheap. M, E. FAVOH'R anitiou hmae. 1 I haat 14th at. /iitob SKOONnllAND AND MISFIT ENGLIftH RRITH vT eels, three ply and ingrain Carpets, Oilcloths, Ae., Ac., very cheap, at the old stand, I J Fnlton St. FIRLOR AND "chamber SUITS. MANTEL AND i'irr Mlrror?. mlaflt and seeond hand Carpeta, at auction piicea, at 462. 4,*>t and 4Vt Csna' ri. J>Ol'-LAR accommodation. Fa?Monabl?. well made Purnltnre, aprln(t and hair Mat tir><e>, narlor Reda, Mirror*. Carpeta, Ac., at red tired prices and on toe moat liberal term*. OEOKliF. A. tTLARK, 747 Proodwav. fVAXTKT)T(> RXCHA NGR- M? ACKP.s'oF LAND. "5O II m:lM from city on the Harlem Railroad, for furniture or carpeta Apply to HAVEN. 30 Ka?l 13th at. ZERO RKFRIOBKATOR. WITH CO"LER; BENT I0B and ft>od keeper In the world; Water Cooler* of all Ifiiida: refri*rrsiora repaired. Send for catalogue. LESLRV, 2'Jtt West 23d at. . ' MAItHLE 1'r.l.-. Maiibi.e axd marrleif.ed mantkix-nWSTe ?l(ttt?. from 11upward; also Monumental Worksal ereatly reduced piieea; Marble Turning lor the trade. A. KLAHKH, 1 <4 Ka-t l?th at. glTKW'ARr? SLATE,' M A I: rle A N D WOOD MAN^ * tela.?New and eleirant deaiim>, from 910 up. The trade liberally dealt with. 'J2<> and 222 Weat '.'3d at. A?thulog%. 'ITENTIOX^?CONSCLTATIONh "oN' BI SINKSiI, A1 lawanlta. enemiee, io??ea, abaent frtrnda, liitt, mar riage end death; pay re hi Mil unleaa satiiied. 3IU stli av. Mme. SINGIII, Clairvoyant. -(fl.OoT-TNO IMPOSiriIIX.?G KKATKST ?1'M" ? I eaa and Medical t'lairvoyaat Is Mra. FOSTER; uum bera, names; saliilaetlou or no pay. 34 Lexington av., near Si: h at. i RCSINEM anb MEDICAL clairvoyant, WHO . V eiialltngea the world in telling rvrrytblug; name In lull; ,Vi rente lo VI; glvea numbers and llkeueee frae. No. l.Vt? Weat 25th at , between Oth and 7th ava. MK. COLLINH.-A RELIABLE Anittrlhtwor thy Clairvoyant. 2*.*> tlth av., near 17th el. M M MK. ROSA KEVEALM vol'R WHOLE UPS. FROM cradle to the grave. 472 Canal <t. Fee SI. I Tzzlx neyTllb ajtd sXdie .iohnhun. bsalino J sad k?tllt*l mediums, No. IDS Eaat 12th St., eff broad ii AMVaBNCKTa. _ fj6#BRY THEATRE ?> PARkWELL BENEFIT OF Mis. NKI.I.I K YOUNG. The beautiful Play of DIAMtl.Mi EYE, with the Corned* ..r DAY AKTKk fHB WEDDING. llo?i? or Volunteers in * llrigd Olio. PA KIM AN VARIETIES,, l?nr ST. AND ARISIAN VARIETIES. I BROADWAY. Legitimate and only Omlnil Sensational Vtrlniei in America nothing Likk ir elsewhere MATINEE T<> VORR >W MaTINKK TO MORROW Evening at H. Mutinee "Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2. A VISIT To run CENTENNIAL TABLKVUX. Diane at la Pauvre Pa.rtan. ) Vu'untuous I* Mmuet. School Ulris' Frolic. ( A Maul* for Jjovir*. Ta MOST SPIRITED IIH.TOi ROMAN WRESTLINlif iCONTiKT ETWEENtJ'CIAN MAKC AND WI.1. aI^StT^ Light Weight Champions of France ami America, for #JO'J a slda and a puree ol f_!Ni to tlia ricior 10 ? Star Artists 100 Mile. Berths, loveliest ballet in .Now Vork. Siff. Novisslmo. Largest. liveliest and beat entartalnmi'iit In New York OOTII'H THEATRE." LAST OI'POhTC N ( n hs JARRBTT i CAIiMKH Leasees and Managers THREE MORK PERFORMANCES ONLY. Attention I* drawn to the limited number of representations of the grand tragedy, JULIUS CESAR, which will (Mltlreljr be withdrawn after the performanca to mortow (Saturday) evening. FAREWELL APPEARANCES OF THE ORBAT CAST including the renowned Shakespearian*, Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT, Mr. F. C. BANGS and E. L. DAVENPORT. Mr. Milnes Levick In the title part. The FAREWELL MATINEE win be given to-morrow (SATURDAY), at I :?>. *,* Seats lor either or the final performances maybeae cttred lit the box ottice. which will be open dally continu ously from S A. M. to 10 P. M. V Next WEDNESDAY. Mey 31, Oeand Extra Perform ance unci FAREWELL APPEARANCE of LAWRKNOK BARRETT. prior to hla rtepnrtitte for California. The occa sion will h? lor the BENEFIT of the di tinguislied trage di>tn, and la the suggestion of it committee of prominent ckttrens. Next THURSDAY, June 1, MATINEE BENEFIT to little BIJOU IIKIION. Sala of seat* begins to-day. QLYXP!0,TliEATRBi ?ii~ BROADwXyI ADMISSION 25 CENTS RESERVED BEATS 50 CENTS FAMILY CIRCLE .T77T71.. 15 CENTS PARLOR SOFA CHAIRS $1. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN NEW YORK, lite greatest of all Pantomimes, II I'M ITT Dl'MPTY. ROBERT FRASER a* CLOWN THE WONDERFUL GIRARD'S, THE GRAND BALLET TROUPE, FIFTY NOVEL AND ATTRACTIVE FEATURES. Keeping the audience in one continual round ol' delight and laughter for three happy hoars. The greatest treat of the day. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. TTNioS SQUARE THEATRE. U Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER EVERY Nlorrr AND AT THE SATURDAY MATINEE the new Drama by Messrs. Lancaster and Magnus, entitled CONSCIENCE. "Conscience Is diameter* by Messrs. 0. K. Thome, the .strongest Freilctic Robinson, John Parselle, Jr.{ original Drama J. M. Stodduril, C. A. Sleveuson (t>v the brought out In courtesy of Lester Wallack, Esq.), Tlieo New York this Hamilton. Alfred Reeks, W. 11. Wilde, seaaon.'WKi Y. W. S. tjnigley and Miu Kalo Claxton and Herald. Mrs. Marie W ilkins. SATURDAY, Mar J7-Tliird Matinee or CONSCIENCE. FRIDAY EVEN (NO. Mar 26?Benefit of Mrs. MARIE WILKIN'S. Brooklyn "fi batre. Lessees and Managers SHOOK A PALMER FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. QEOROE FAWCKTT ROWB and his Comedy of BRASS. supported by Mua ROSE WOOD and a aelected compauy. NEW SCENERY AND APPOINTMENTS. NEXT WEEK?Mr. Wallace's entire company in LON DON ASSURANCE ami HOW SltK LOVES IIIM. "OROOKLTN THEATRE! EXTRA CARD. Mesari. SHOOK k PALMER Lessee* and Managers MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS and SATURDAY MATINEE, the rollowing UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. Boucleault's great Oomedy or LONDON ASSURANCE. Mr. LESTER WALLACE aa DAZZLE Mr. II. J. MONTAGUE a CIIAS. COURTESY Mr. JOHN GILBERT asSIr liareourt COUKTLEY Mr. HARRY BECKETT as MARK MEDDLE Mr. T. E. MORRIS as MAX II ARK AWAY Mr. W. HERBERT aa DOLLY SPANKER Mr. J. W. LEONARD aa .... COOL Miss ADA DYAS aa..LADY GAY SPANKER Miss KFFIE GF.RMON PI'.RT Miss NINA VAKIAN as ...GRACE IIARKAWAY Bouclcanit's HOW SHE LOVES IIIM, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, with THE SAME ARRAY OF ARTISTS. A." MATINEK TO-DAY. TONY PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE. 567 Ilroidway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. The Finest Entertainment In New York, and the ONLY PIRSI CLASS VARIETY THEAi'Kh ON HKUADrtAY. America's Serin Comic, I The CilttJd Vocalists, J K.N N1K KNULE. | TUB KOY KlnTERS. I.ANHIS BROTHERS, 8KATORIAL DANCEB8, Mi?K M'nnle tleary an I I'att Naah. Ti.o tlrrat Irish ( > m d ?n<, SO an I.O.N and CKONlN, In the gran skeirli, NEW YKAR'S CALLS. TIIE KaVORITEH, TIKRNRY AND CIMlNIK. BILLY URAY and HARRY I'll I I.LI 1*8 in A TRIP TO HEASLEY'S. MATINEE TODAY. ELLY A LEON'S MINSTKELH, -'?!> ST.. NEAR OTII a v., every evening and Saturday matinee. KELLY A LEON. LEA' BENEDICT. Walters a morton. 0. II OORDON. JAPANESE TOMMY. New Scenery. Mountings. Ac. Box ofHce unen nil day. Pronounced lilt of the burleMiue on Offenbach's greatest work. THE GRAND Dl'TCH 8. Tllh ONLY LEON a* the Dutchess. Benedict's ora tion. Laxy Dick. Zopballa. T IIEATRE COMIQUB. 614 BROADWAY Laat w'fk of the variety seaeon. Mlv BELLE HOW ITT, SAM VILLA and the Barlewina Troupe in IX ION. 1XION. AMERICANS ABROAD. LA JABDIN MABILLE. MO specialty Star* In olio. MONDAY, May 20, flrat week of the inmraer dram at) e seaeon. with MILTON NOBLES. In hi* Sensational Drama, entitled PHBNIX. supported l>y a powerful dramatic company. For full particular* *ee luture annonncements. O i TII STREET OPERA HOUSE, BfcTWKKB 2D AND O t * Ud ar*. Every evening, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. the (Treat ordjinal cancan. The Parisian Sensation, A NIUHT IN PARIS. ?.?ft beautiful women. 35 SPECrALTY STARS IN A Hit AND OLIO. /Tentr.viT''park harden, 7tli ar., 5?lh and SOtb it*. SOULE A APPLEBY Proprietor* FRIDAY EYENINO. May 30. at 8 o'clock. D. L. DOWNINO'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA. Mine MARIE ?vVLVOTTI. Prima Donna. MIM LIZZIE M. RAE, Nopi-apo. Mr. JOHN H AMMOND, the Imperial Cornet Soloist. Mr. ClIABliM E. PRATT, Planl.t. TWENTY-SIXTH C1UND CONCERT. PROGRAMME. Part I. ? Felt Overture, Opua 42 Lentner Ave Maria Schubert Malo Quartet, "Integer Vlt?" Floming 1DLBWILD QUARTET. Cornet Solo, "Dn. Du Lle_'?t" ........Levy Mr. JOHN HAMMOND. Part II. Overture, "Poet and Peasant" Poppa Egyptian Marrli Job. Strati** irla, "Ii?waah'io planca'' (Itinaldo) llnodel Mine. MARIE SALVOTH. Hem* of the Opera, "La Relno de Saba" Onunod I'art III. March, "Tannlianser" ......... Wacner Solo, "In Otiesto Simpliee Donizetti MUs I.IZ/.IK M. HAE. Walt*. "AlWMIMitaMr (long"! Fantasia, linniorlstie <Rat*chke)..... Main; Admission, Mk. Package of ten tickets, $.1 SO. On SUNDAY EVENING, May 28, reappearance of the CHILD WuNDKR, ANN1 h MAY KESSLER. Pianlste. /vlo'PEK 1'MON. Ilia annnal receptions and commencement will take place a* follow* Tlia reception of the Woman'* Art Department on Monday, May jv. at * p ? The reception oi t!ie Male Art Department on Tl/'ESDAV, May Ml. at m v M. The annual commencement In ibe Great Hall on WEDNESDAY. May :ll. at rt P. M., whan the annaal prices and addresses will He delivered. The drawing* "1 the Art Scliool* will be on exhibition on Tl RSI)AY and WEDNESDAY, May ?> and SI, from 10 A. M. to 4 i'. M. No tickets reiwlred. i The Reading Room will be clored on MONDAY: open on I Tl'ESDA Y until 4 P. M., and tliereaner aa usual. Ticket* for the reception* and commencement can be ob tained gratis at the office of the Cooper Union. ABRAM S HEWITT, Secretary. rpiERNKY A OHONI1C* t ATTEND THE MATINEE. I ASIIANTEE Tony PaKt r s New Thratra, RECRCITS. | THIS DAY AT 2 P. M. APTOMMAS MATINEE TO-MORROW (SATt'RDAV). May 'J7. it 2 P. M.. at W 3th av. Plan of aeat* and ticket* oStatned only at the roenia. "/CENTENNIAL HYMN," J. K. PAINE. PRICE DOC , V/' aa Played at tha opening reremonlea; "Centennial Oh?Htis " H. Millard, 7A?.; "Amertca'* Ceatennlel March " I>. L. Downing. ?>r Decoration Day niuaie'Vovar Tlient Over with Beautiful Plowtn," 'J'ic.: "O'erliravaa of the Loved One*," Wv. DITSON A CO.. 711 Broadway. M ?. ATINBh TO DAY AT 2 P. M. TONY PASTORS NEW THEATBE. HATUBDAY EVRMNO. FEB ) RKRO 8 Asaemblv Rooms, Tammany Bnll4lng. 14th at Urand Closing Decoration l?ar and Evening. t*A KTlMft a '"n II *a* i l iNuiRiram. *<|>I<iUH ! 1 1" VJatinbe rTt ' rpoMORRoW AT fSu ~ niKAI. N IOHTsUF F 'JJIQIE ! I !" rrTfl AVENUE THEATRE. i) Proprietor and ...Mr. At OTISTI* DAL* 177 TIMKS, iJTII WEEK AMD FINAL MOHTB. rpppp 11 <mn7 !T, K 5,1IB p P 11 Q 4 u IT e PPPPP II Q ? Q U I' BBS p II 0 QQ U UK p II QQW CUUU BEES + MR. AUGUSTIN DAI.VS~UKF.AT PLA^Of TO DAT. II 77777 77777 of MUs Fanny Davenport, Mr. Flshar, Mr. II 7 7 llarkinv Mr. U*i?. Mr. Davldgi*. Mr. II 7 7 Hardruberg. Mr Barrymore. Mia* Sydnay II 7 7 Cowell, Mrs. Gilbert, Ml** Georgian* II 7 7 Orew and Mr. John Brougham M SUTH "P1QUB" MATINEE, HATU RIJAY AT 1;WX -rtrvr**. SATURDAY NIGHT. M ar St-Be netl t ofHr. W1LLIAI| DAVIDUB. TOCAHON'TA.V' and "SERIOUS FAMILY. CTII AVENUE THEATRE. ?} KrNEKIT of WM. DAVIDGB, SATURDAY NIGIIT. M?y -.'7. on wlileh occasion will lie RE PEATED. lor tlii? night only. the brilliant REMINISCENT hi I.I. so ?ucci'?ful at BBOUGHAM'S BENEFIT. "POCAHONTAS" and "SERIOUS FAMILY." n?* ibirt no* ipn. P~ ARK THEATRE BROADWAY AMD 23 D ?f. EVERT EVENING AT a Wednesday Matinee at 2 Saturday Matin** at X REDUCED POPULAR HUMMER PRICES:? Admission .Vi and 2.?> cant*. Reserved Saata, (L Altar careful preparation, a new version of UNCLE VoM'S CABIN, with Mr*. G. C. HOW A III) In her original role of Topmri Mr. a. KUNKKI. a* Uncle Tom ; Mr. <1. C. HOWARD MBK Clair; BIJOU HERON a* Eta. SLAVIN'S GEORGIA JUBII.Eh SINGBRB, who will !?? introduced in characteristic scenes in OLD-TIME PLANTATION MELODIES ?????* !":aK|,uTHI5 ",oooi EVENING AT 8. DOUBLE BILL. The Burleaque, FAIR ONE WITH RuoNDB WIO, and Drama, MURI1BR ON THE MOUNT. DAvroo8*eB*x*n? POCAHONTAS I SERIOUS FAMILY! W( MATINEB AT 2. R. D'Oriay Of das. Louise Sylvester. A. LI. bheldon, la tlie drama, the Skeleton Wltne** jgAGLE THEATRE. BROADWAY AND 8SD BT. I'ronrietor and Maiifgw.. - ?.?a?Mf? JOSH ART 1 ropriet^an^Maiia^ r.... ? pR<)liRA^ PI? RE FUN. PUKE FUK. Reappearance of the lavorlte Uomemans. MR. HARR1 O. RICHMOND, MR. DAVE REED. First appearanc^^th^Wonder^Mh. World, rim appaarancaj^bl* and her wonderful child, in three bfimtiful act? of Io0 MAGIC HATS. - 9 WILD AND RICHMOND WILD T In <h" original AND MODERN. RICHMOND I SCHOOL OF ACTIIJO. The Musical Wonder. Mr. A. W. SAWYER. The Rntlra Company In a New Melange of ____ FUN AND LAUGHTER. . ^ '.N AND LAUGHTER. Concluding with John Wild'# Laughable Varce, entitled P. P. P. PODGE ? P. P. P. PODGE ? ?? MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Wi^S?w< Manager....Mr. LESTER WALLACK TWO LAST NIGHTS AND MATINEE of Bouclcault'a fine Com*dy of HOW 8MB LOVE8 HIM, with Ha extraordinary eaat, cornpri?I?? Mr LESTER WAir LACK, Mr. H. J. MONTAt.UE, Mr. JOHN GILBERT. Mr. HARRY llECKETl. Mr. W. R. FLOYD, Mr. W. HEK. BERT. Mr. E. M. HOLLAND. Mr. J. W. SHANNON. Mr. C. E. EDWIN. Mis* ADA DY AS. Miss EFFIE OEKMoN. Mme. PON I SI. Mia i E. BLAIsDKl.L and Mia* R-THOK*!?*; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING, aln SA I t KDAl MATINEE and c om of the present season. Mr. LESTER WALLACK AND HIS ENTIRE COMPAICY at tho Brooklyn Theatre, lor one week, commencing MONDAY. MAY 20. MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE will commence an engagement at thl* theatre MONDAY EVENING, MA\ a?, annearlng In their s?ccea*ful American Comedy of appear! K Tmj MIUHTY DOLLAR. CI HATE A U MABILLE VARIETIES. ) Paris by Oaalight. in all its glory, and every French >en?ation of Die day. The Duchenn ol Murray Hill?Married In the Dark?A Night's Frolic. The Turkish Batlu-rs; or. The Snltan s Peta. The Krcuch Minuet and Plaatiquaa. The handaoinest formed Ladle* In the world. The mont artistic Ailists on the earth. The llnest Theatie in America. "2.= ?3a ^ !?? a. s'si-sf GLOBE THEATRE. 7JS and 7.*> Broailway. H W HLrLKIl THE ST AN DA RD FAMILY THEATRE. Crowded erery nluht to see the great Double Stat t-oim blnatlon in Drama aud Vaudeville. Mr. T. M. HRNOLKR. the star mor.olUtie artist; Mr. BILLY BARRY, prime minister or Heroism*! SENATOR Bon IIART In Demostlieneaji oratory. The tavorlte and talented nrllste, MISS VA Wr Lh I, I in serio comic *nd ?h Knthieen Knvtnisn in Iu6 bewi* tiful nnil rom intle Irish drutna, ! Messrs. KETCH CM*" PRICK. FAR WELL. MeDOMALD. Misses HRADI.KY and WOODS. All tbeod larorite*. Mesaia. W EST. HLIT/,. KKMBLK. M *ses EFFIh, GILLES PIE and H*?sunerli specialty artlats eyerr nljkht. M ATI NEK WEDNESDAY AND HAH RDAY. FXTIIA- A S'PAUTI.IJKr BILL IN PREIARATION# the OREAT BRIAN FAMILY HAS ARRIVED. COMTK I?E CAHLIOSTRO HAS ARRIVED r IIIOH I KOR INFoRM ATUJ^ ATTEND <? is tony pastors matinee WHICH? I THIS AFTKRNOOS. W1 /11LMORE'S COROERT OABDBN. - u ' ' It M?dl?on and 4th avs. and Wth andytith sts. Messrs. SHOOK A PALMER Proprietjrs and Manager* Mr. K. ?. IJILMOBE Director EVERY EVENING AT H O'CLOCK, the lllustrions and world renowned composer, J ACOUKS OFFENBACH. ? assisted bv Ills magnificent orchestra of OVKR H?) SKILLED Ml'SlCIANe. AND ?***?**?? pWiiSis.*' c?*d?n 1. Overture. "Merry Wives ot Windsor" Nlenlal 2. - Oonnort a. Fantasie, "L'Africalne" Meveroee.*. 4. An I'onr D'Orphee (Its the realms of Orphen?).On?nbach ConUurted by Mr. J. Offeubach. Overture, "La liassa Ladra" .Rossini ti. Ballet des Chimerrs, "Voyage d..n? 1^ I?une ..Offenbach Conducted by Mr. J. Ollenbacn. 7. Parapliraoe. How Fair Art Thou" NesradbJ 8. Burlesque I'o ka mewl........... Offenbach Conducted by ,.lr. J. Offenbach. n. Walts I i. Ollenbarhlnna Offenbach Conducted by Mr. J. Offenbach II 12. Wedding \t?rch , Mandelaobn SUNDAY EVENING, seemiil apnearanre or M. HENRI KuWALSKt. the celebrated Pianist, who has been engaged In Europe far these concerts. v., Boxes irour admls?ion?i ?nd >4 CAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS' OPERA HOUSE. OAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. BROADWAY. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, CORNER JWTIl oT. Tlie most so ce?<lnl or^nnisation In tnj world. REVIVAL OF THE OREAT BlRLESyLE OP JULIUS, THE 8NOOZKR ; JULIUS, THE SNOOZER; CONSPIRATORS OF' THOMPSON STREET. CONSPIRATORS OF THOMPSON STREET. Seal* secured. Matinee Saturday, at 2. Mr. h. j. xontauue'S MATINEE BENEMT. HIM LAST APPEARANCE III NEW TORE. will take placc nl the I7NION HQI'ARK THEATRE. by tha conrteiy ol slunk A Palmer and Letter Wa|> ln''k, E?q.. <??? Monday. .luna ?">. Box omtf open MomUy, Ii Inni. QRAjfD MUM ('A I, KNTKKI'A IN M KNT ON BOARD the ?uperl> ateamrr PLYXOOlIf ROCK next Kl'NDAV ami on DhCOKATION DAY. d?irincr the grand exeoraioni tii Rockaway lie sell and the Aclnitl'- derail. See advertli#. mam under tha head Of KXCI'KSldNH. rpoxv I'A STOICS I URAND LaDIKH' MATINS! 1 NKW THEATRE TIIIH AFTERNOON. 5*7 BROADWAY. THIS I'IMDAY AT J P. X. -IMMENSE COMBINATION. jem MACK AND JOE CJOSS. PKOF. MILLKR and .IdllN DWYEE. H OKAND ASS\|;|,T AT ARMS. GLORIOUS liKKOO- ROMAN WKRSTLING. HOWE* A rCSIIIViS i IKKAT Diil'HI.K CIRCUL lot FOOT or' HOUSTON ST.. EAnT RIVEX. Afternoon* at J. eveatnM at H o elork ADMISSION TO ALL ONLY i". OKN TS. TUKSDAY. May :?). DF.CORATION DAY, grand ?*tl and Dot rle I'hRFOKM ANCK, I'KlCKS I IfK SAME. N KW YK.Ut'S I St'ANLON ani? CRONIS'S GREAT CALLS. fkrtrli. t?-day at Maitaer. | TONV I'AhTOK'S NKW THEATRE. (liiioKKitixu hall, turrday kvYnTnu. Jcrxi / & ?GKoidiE, th? COI'NT JOANNES, fa lit* reartV tlnn nf IIAMLKT. Ki-aerred -rat*. 7 "h\ Rox olflea open al Pond n. :m I'nlun ?i|imre. iind Miratra Tlcki-t office, III Broadway, m A. M . satarday, M*j 27. JJUV VI'I'll I AMI TAKE HER TO TORY"" JD WIKK A PASTOR'S M ATIN FK IMa Afteia o?. Ml'RINO BONNET | Mho II ta^p In go >d humor all day. -da? C2.UANU GLADIATORIaL KXIHBIi'lOX illven rt T Prufeaaor K. Seaae, rbampionat-arau of America, mi Saturday evening. May J7. at Tamer Hail. (VI an i Hs Kati 4tli ??.; Fencing. >parrlnir. WreatlliiR. Gymnaatlca, Karaite, by Prtfeaaora Miller, Friedrich. Catoa, Ret wick. Anhry, Daneai and the lint proteasi >tml talent In tha country, (leu aral admlailoii, AO rant*: rrwrvrd ?e?t?, ? !. A"MEKiC ANi I BILLY GRAY AND HARRY PHILLIP! IN 'AT KATINEE TO-DAY, PARIS. | TONY PACTOR'S NKW THEATRE. PALAIS royal, 4?0~HTII AV."->oStY ifivBtl laiv attandaDti; rrand Vocal and Inntrinnantal Com* cert from 7 until I o'clock. Admi??ion tree. MtRttAL..' ritACtiKH wimiks "finjKfWnfltl other l?a?h?rt to (term a club. Addroa* C. K. X, Her nld olllce. ~ W ATC tltCN, j?W?CLItY. ^ AT 77 BLKhl'KKK ST., NEAR RKOA D?V A V.-MONKY advanced on DlMimtdt, Walrhna, Jawalrjr, A?. : alao I'awnbroken' Ticket! hnmtfbt at Dlanmndn. Wateboa, A* 77 Eioecker at. Money on oiamoxdx, watchem, ac-oia. ntoada, Wotchei, Jttnlrr, Hftrerware, CNHi'i halt Hbawli, Seal S?cque?, Lacea, silk*. Ac., boaffcl aad told back wiien daaired at a reft ?m?ll adw?ci. 0X0. 0. ALLEN, Jawnltar, I.IBO Broadway, n?ar am H. 017 RROADWAY, CORNER lmi KT.-loans NX OJ. I ifntlaieil, IMamnnda, Watahea. Jewalry, CMtlS Malr HhawU, MOM sad Lacaa, Ac., beafht and wM.