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sitcatioss wahtmv-rbmaucs. ( eok?. (w. i---"" me Li... 4 CARMINE *T.-A ? ol.orkd WOMAN ab FIRST ela>? cook ; reference. Call between i and IS. nwest :t2d ST." 'present kxflotbva?wo resprrtabie girl*; on* as conk, the other as chamber Bald aad wtliriti io a private launly. Can be seeu until railed. fkq WEST 18tm ST.?a kkspfctable yocvg w0 Jjo man aa cook, waalttr uud ironer; city reference. A{\~ w F. ST i 3 t11 s~ TUB KB AR.~-a loom tx*/ woman aa first elam eook; ll an rxrellent mkiiti will aaaist with watbing in a gentleman's family. beat ret areure; country prefer re. 1. til\ wkh'fvtasirinofow"placr. IN titk TAILOR *)"' shop ? A rearectabk j'irl aa plain cnok, washer and Ironer or as lauudrc?? . good city reference. _ vaq wlxf 19tm st.. rk.tit -AS killst CLASS J.'''/ eook; understaad* all klnd?of baking and desserts; a!ap the rare of baiter: city or conntry; French cooking if rrqnirud, beat ctty reference. na east ft?tn rt7?a kespectablb youbo 111/ woman a* first class cook : i??'fari re!er?nce frout a-1 place; no obj-rtinn to no lo ibe rcuiitry wi:h t'lu buinly. ii * wkst ltta sc BEAK.?a COMPETENT 11x woman as first elaa? cook In a boarding bona*; rood ref-'rence. 1 o9 henky sT ? AN EXPERIENCED GIRL AH 1m*j gO.'d co?k. 1 i)'i~wksr tili st ?as FIRST i'lass COOK; itn l?i*t deratands krunch. bngllali ami American rooking b all iis styles; is an experienced baker; at pastiy cnok in a i old preferred; good reteretic.\ i'.in be seen l??r two day*. i Oil WB*T s30 st.?a trustworthy woman i jo *? flr!>t riaes rook; is an excellent washer and troaer: no objection lotlie coualrj ; beat city reference. l os vk k?r ko ST., NEAR bth AY.?a rltipbct ldj abli' woman aa first mi< rook; wonld aaaist with lbs coarse washing; beatrilt refrience. m, uo ST.?a RESPECTABLE OIBL AS cook and to aaaiat with washing; city or country; |o id reference. 1 *jS WEST asm i&.A YOU NO oikl ah OOOK. loo waeiier and ironer; m onld do general housework in a small private family; good cUv reference. "WEST IllTII ST.. KKAK,~F1RST FLOOR.-a"ke >1 actable woman aa or?t class cook; good reforence. l?jt? WKST 1UTH sttt BETWEEN 6TU AND 7TH 1 Oil am . second floor, rear ?As flrat class eook: under stand* cooking in all its brandies. soaps. meat*, pastry, deis.'rts. tc., private family or ilrst rlaaa boarding bonae; beat reference. Can be sain tor two days. 1 ?>7 7t1i AV.?a isspmotablx oirl TO OOOK, lo i wash and iron; three years' refervnoe from her last place. 1 ?jq~ west 1#th ST., jj* TUB CANDY STORK.? lt)u A competent permit wlio uudTMand* ul! kinds of looking; no oojection to aafdst with the washing; good reference. 1 1 \vmt*^otirsf.-t> ko TESTA yfwoman A 3 iii first class conk In a hotel or imardlng bonse; Is a |oo<l baker; the country prolerred. Call tor two days. W~{rt 3?th st.. TOP FLOOR.?by A. kebpect able coiorel wmuau at cook or chambermaid; city referenco. Call lor twe days. 1 aq" w KST a 1 ST ST.?a REHP boy Ail LB OIRL A S JLtJr/ good plain cook, warher and Ironer; good city ref i rence. fnty^th 8T., cok.nrb 3D AY. (RING FOURTH lo?7 bell), ?a respectable middle aged woman as good look, washer and Ironer; ^ood city reference. b|k* lb AY., NBAS TBI CORNfcR ok lhth ST.". ijl'l} in the corsol store.?as itoimi cook and to asxtxt in the washing anil ironing: ia obliging and sober; ^oo<l city referenco from her last place. Call from 10 till 3 o'clock. i ll l_ EA8T 2jd *T.<-A protbijtant olltti ab OOOD xl*t cook ; undersiunds making bread, bisruit and paa iry; W 'Uid assltt with the wnshing; city or country. 2"(i~eajft 4stu ST.?a mluulk'aued woman _,u as cook, wuhber aud ironer; oity reference. not) WEST 81ST ST..THIRD PLOOR,?a RBBPEOT mu<j able wninan aa cook and to nssiat with the wash ing; five yenrs' reference from last plac. ()') i EASI 7iTU ST., TOP FLOOR.?a yocnu w0 ^o r man as coi>k. waMier and Ironer, or to do general liouseuor't in a small private family; beat city reference. ry.)/v WEST 16111 f ta eespectaltlji WOMAN wou at cook and to assist with washing; best city refer 134 2-1:8 250 ?eferenr 251 mwest aaTH ST.?a COLORED WOMAN as firki class conk and her duugllter as chambermaid in i w?itres? in a prlrate family; city refereuce. Call Irom 11 till s P. m. wl-:sr 41ST ST.-as OOOU COOK, WAEHEK and ironer; city or country; good city refereuce. WEST :ISD ST.?A yol'nii OIRL tt> COOK, wash and irou; uo objection to the country; city e. 1ST AY.?a respectable YOCNQ WOMAN as rook, waaher and ironer. 2 53 wl 8t lioth ST.?as PLAIN OOOK OK TO DO general housework: referenres given. in| 6TH av 7rstfai vfoliset^stokkt?a"^youno mil wom^n as good p;ain cook ; thorraghly understands Der business; i* nn excellent bnker; good rrft-rence. m~ bowbry.-A kbspeotablb hbrxjo OIBL as cook, washer and jrouer; city or country. ?j/vr hAST^btii s'iv-jby A vltunihlikl. AS PLAIN oi'u cook, washer aud ironer; city or country; brat city ri fere nee. ?)(l|' WKST ssth ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AM cook olm) and laninlres*; understands her business thor oughly; <ity or country; best reforence. mrjhil AY., room a rk?pbctajilb woman as good plain cook, washer and Ironer; best city reforence. ol"f* EAST OTIi ST.?a <5erma!roikl As FIR8T oil) class cook und pastry bnker in a hotel, restaurant or Irit claaa private family; city references. ooo east81u st.?A llespec~rablb GIRL AS doo cooa, a aaher ami Ironer; no objection to j:o a short littiiace in the country; good city reference. 3"" co wfirr' Mr 11 sr.?a ft I i p rot a i Z i f oera ? girl as good plain cook, waslier and ironer; uo ob lection to gti to the country ; ave rears' reference. moq TTII av.?altkspktri AHLK VOUNO OIRL AS oou cook and would do plain w ashing or general house aork in a small family; best city reference. qqi? till AV.. NEAR .t-'p ST.-as PLAIN COOK. ot7u washerand Ironer; would do light housework; city or country; city reference. . wk8t83d ST.?as "COOK IN A private ,tl/l family (Protestant) ; understands her business; good city reference. ' WEttT 9TH st.-a yocno woman as ex T\l*t cellent cook and laundress; do objection to pa in Die country; but reference. "Vim" WEST~24TH"if." BELOW BTH AV.?A PROT 't' nmnl woman ai first class cook; lindcrstiirds tookingin all its branches; no objection to hotel or board ing house; good reference. A'-IA WKsr 54TH ST.?TWO PltOli&iTAlIT onU; tOt one as first class cock : the other *s chambermaid ? n I waitress; country preferred; good reference. Call lor two days. 50 564 802 7 WEST 330 ST.-TWO RKSi'KCTABLE GIRLS; I one to cook. wash and iron; the other a* chamber staid and waitress; city references; city or country. f.0*? WESr 47TH ST.?AThiSI'KTENT Wo.VAN AS lJO T fir<t dus hngllsh cook, who thoroughly under stands her business in all iu branches; can take the entire of a kitchen j ??j|Wt<1?l 11city reference. 3D AT..-t:ou>Klt 31 ST ?r.-AS UO0K IK A ? mull private fitnnlv; ill sears'citv reference. EAST UTti It-HlX AMERICAN WOMAN hi (rood cook; city or country; good reference. Q4Q ATh OOIXXB or MTH sr.? A respect" UOO able woman as cook aud baker; would help with washing: good reference. \V"ANTE1>-BY TWO REsi'ECTAHLR UIRL8. SITUA " lions a* cook and laundress; no objection to the coun Irj : h?-.t cit> reference. Address COOK, box 181 Herald I pi own Branch oflice. \VA.M Kl>?A SITlAT"iON"AS~?DOOK IN A PRIVATE " family or to take eare of a gentleman'e residence in lliociiy during the summer. Apply to former rinpiover, esreto^a Building. apartment No. 3, Slid St. and Broadway. Chunibt-rmtiiria. die. 1EA8T 40TII ST.-A YiM'Mii (1IRL A3 CHAMBER* maJd and waitress Call, at present employer's, for two ISTI. i ~ >M iYkOK -T?T YoUSo WOMAN AM CHAM J.'/ hcrnmid nnd waitress, or would do light housework; no (injection toicouutry. OT f w E.-T I3TII ST., RRAR.^A~ EESlrK< T A It LE I'mtestaut i:ir! as chambermaid and waitress with a private family; uo objection to the country; good city reler ?nce. it A WfcST 17TM ST.?A LADY WANTS A SITUATION wT for a Welsh l'rotestant chambermaid to k? to the maniry. ill wEST 13TH ST.?AS KIRST CLAM CRa7 J l? bermmd; is an < xcellrnt waitress; thoroughly nn lerstands her business; city or country; iruod city reiercnce. j/j WERT STTH NT. (PRESENT EMPLOYERS).?A TU young irirl ii? chambermaid and waitress; no objec tion to go a short distance in the conntry. (?41 KAKT 4 1 ST ST."--A RESPECTABLE VoTNo"?j|KI. l)V as first class chambermaid and waitress; willing and sbligini;; best eftJr reference. ?JQ WEST 431) ST." ROOM 2?A~Rfc8KKITABLE UO jtirl as chambermaid and to assist in washing nnd ir-ning, or to do housework in a small family; good refer ences. IfWlt WKST 15TU ST.?A llfcSPECTABLE UI1U. AS Lv't/J chambermaid and to assist with the washing; is frilling to go te the country; city rw'erence. i n west ftJTii "Vt.-a~Rk'srirfTaZi~ rovs'o ItI cirl as chambermaid and waitress in prir.ite family ; fetersnee 1 - 1 I. AST 40TII ST.?A YOUN'U ti IrIT" OK I'l l? ASA NT 1?JI address desires a place, city or OoontM. to do light Chamber*ork and take car* of children, three years' raf treuce; moderate watfes. WEaT 24TII ST.. TOP Kl.OOR.-~RY A COI.OKKD w.inian as cltambernisid or w sitress. <-idress 1. I). 151 1V> '?A,T '''IU .*>1.? A r Kt.M II i.i?t,. .m Xttd cnambertnaM and waitiess or to do fine washinc in ? pnvaie iainil). if jl :< vST Sr7i ft.~A iSjlllT UmRkctABLk J-v't girl to do ekanberwork and wa^iin/; best city refereace. KA-f '?TH %t.-a~vo!-.n.T VjiblTas KIR9T |U''1 class chainbermaut nnd waitress. In a small pr.este family; wllnn< to assist with washing a?4 ironing; gooj lity reterenee frr>m la?t Of iY isTav a hi.- pi ota blk "yoc ^iV'l chsm'icpi jid an I ualtre<s or plain cook, washer and ironer la a imi Ipriratn famuy; g?a?l citv and country reference Cell lor two dars. 0/\Y WK.-T .Till ST.?A tii>OI? Ollfir \R CRAM l>ermaiil ai l w?ltre?s or to d? getcral h< ii"e-s ..rk; ?od?ratn wages; excellent reu-ren-as Irotn last plsce. K. 0. m o WEST WO ST.. TOP flAM>R ?A KK^l'ECTAlI.B tikJU girl se chsmber'.'Sid and to neaist w,th sewing or Inking enre of cnildr-n ; ten years' referenda irnm l??t place. of rwEsrTiTli" St. Iprksbnt ifitorirt m 1 T i iiiish cirl to d<? chum' -rwork and waiting, or to lake cure of children and sew.caty or country ; Br; t class lity referaite*. Oall furtwu day*. mo east ittrn sr.. one"kTiuTit'vr~ in~the tiL\t rear.?A respectxhla fmng woman as c ismherin*!-! aad waitress or to do itne waoiiing: no ubjec;ion to the conntry; citv reference. Call nr address. mo east -urn "sr.-a (.'omi'ktbnt woman as AilO rhsmbern.sid; n-illiat; tn assist with washim; snd UMlng; keel city reference, t'ali nr adJreas nalll ttrted ?)s?Q EAST 20TH ST.?A P.RSPErTABl.K TOUNO woman as dm class ckaafeertnaid and waitress; ?>ss??s ? et?? ar conntrr. MTT'ATIOFCS WAJITED-FKKALER. Chumk*nn?iili<. Air. not) WRST 1HTII ST., KROST HOUSE. SECOND _i)_ il??r. hark rooms.-A rrapecialila man u cbia beiiuau! 11)4 laau<lie?s 111 a private tamilv. 9?J7 EAST 43D ST.?TWO SISTERS.'FroTKBTANTs! _?) I Just landed lr?ra Ireland; one as chambermaid or ?tltraMi 111* other ?? nurse or muiiinh; wages n.>t w imp riant; well couneeted; ciljr or couetry; gi>od reference. Qj"(i WBbT 27rn ~S~I\Z~A VOf.NG WOMAN Art _'r ? " chambermaid and laundress; >-m>d city rnftrencs. QFI WUT torn sf- A KKSIMUrrABl.K young L ifirl to do eliamberwork aua sewing or aa child'* nurse . beat city reference. i)r I WKST 16TirsT.7KH7i.Vl 1IASEMENT-A KB -?? ''X a|i#c(kbl| girl to do cliimbrrworW ; willinc and obliging; will aunt In other work; no objection to a board ing house; city or country . xend reference. 5TII A?.'?A TOUNO WOMAN AH CHAMBER* ?< ' I maid and wsltreid in a private family: ?o ab)?i tion to go to the country, fan be **? u at present employer's. ?>(\ I ""east'asm st ? a respkotaiile giri.'a* O'J t chambermaid; no objection to he'p with washing and iruniug. willing and obllatit.g; good rolcrance. On - EAST Mill ST.?A YOtTMG GliiL AS ATII AM Ovi) brruiaid and waitress or to do Bite washing; no ob jection to the country; good city releren-e. Ol 7 RASr ?Jtrrn 'sT.-A YOUNG VOMAV AA GOOD OL | cook and laundress; ia an exeelleut baker; good city reference. ')>) I EAS1 :*rru ST.?A YOU NO Gilt Li as cha*. ? bermaid and laundress or waiirots. Call tor two day*. 3?) 7 WBrFI1 st" ST.-A OIRL AS CHAMBERMAID O I and waitress; city or country; city relereuce. ijjj WEST a?TU" ST.-A JtESFBOTABfiK YOUKG irr L K>rl in do upstairs work ami tnka cure of childrcu; no objection to tlit- country ; well recommeudcd. u i west ami "St.. first "floor.?an ambri ut" can girl as chambermaid and waitress; willing to ?uiit in the washing and Ironing: beat city raffrrnoo. ?),- I 7 Til AV.-AS CII.VMKEUMAII* AND TO .MAKE herself use hi I in general; country preierred; good reference a. Q7[t) WEST 42D ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN. EATELY landed, aa chambermaid aim waitress or to do gen eral housework in a amall privote family. J] 1 EAST uWl ST-A ~YOL.NO (TlRL, JUST 'i L l landed, an chambermaid anil nurse. J! Q WIWT^'Tf~KT. - A RESPECTABLE U1R1. AS Tl" rh.imberinuld and waitress; willing and obliging; beat city reforanoe. A ri ~4TU AYT a RESPRCTABER OIRL AS GUAM 'X'Jl bermaid and to mind children; city or country; beat city reference. rY*-W KST 40T11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUKO ')') iriri aa chambermaid or waitreaa. or would tako cure of children ; no objection to the ountry; willing and obliging; good city refennce. Unit lor two days. "west KIT11 ST.-A RESl'lCTABIiB OIRL AS cliunibermaid and to do Sue * aihinv ; beat city ref 570 6~l CD A V.?A UESPEOTABLR YOUNG GIltL 'It to do ebunberwork luid waltinic; city or eonntry; Kooil reference. U(!'J 6TU AV.. NEAR Tlil'li ST.?A RKSP EOT ABLE 0')0 girl lii a private family as chambenoald and to do line washing or waiting I I 1A 2D AV., BBTWEBN 73D AND T4TH MTS., ? ^ 1U licr parent:-' r?*ld?n<'e.?A young woman as chambermaid ami io as*ist in washing and ironing. A(ilRL TO DO UrSTAlUS WOltK AND TAKE~CARE ol children. Addrem M.. box 120 Herald iitlloe. DreMinakrrt ami seamitretu*. m? WEST 19TI1 ST.. BASEMENT.?A NOHWEOIAN ) i;irl as seamstress in a private family; understands drei>sm?klng and operates on Wheeler A Wilson's machine. 177; EAST BOTH ST.?A l'.ESPEl'TAllEE YOUNG I'tU prrsnn in a prlrnte family; can cut. Br anil trim ladle*' and children's dresses and operate on Wheeler ? Wil son's machine; best city reference. QCQ WR8T 20TH ST.?A DRESSMAKER TO GO mOO out by the day; cuts and tits ladies' and children's dresses; understands machine; $1 St) per day. Q(YoT?TH AV.?A8 SEAMSTRESS. PERMANENTLY; Ot/O can eat and Bt ail kinds of ladies' and ebildren'i dresses. a oitiissmaker ~a"n"d1Tperator on* whrrler A Wilson's muciiine wislirs a lew more customers by tlie day; niiderstands her business tboroiivhlv ; no objection to the country. Address DRESSMAKER, bos 163 Herald I ptowtt Bruncli office. DR E SS MAKE if WO U L D-f .lie B A VBW ENOAO E inents by the day; makes flitlng nnd trimming a spe cialtr ; tirst class reference ; terms reasonable. Address E. M.. Herald Uptown Brancn office. General Housework. &e. ?J MtrjjlOAN PLACE.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN O and a little Ctrl S years old to do housework or eham berwork and waiting; no objection to the eonntry. i)') ABINGDON SQUARE,' IN THE STOBX.?OVN ijO eral housework lor a smnll family; very neat, and a gi od plain cook ; good reference. I ') KINO ST.?A UESPECTABLB OIRL TO DO i? I tteneral liotiseivork In a small family; city or country; good reference ftum last place. Q71~ MOTR IMS ~ST.. J ERSE Y~?ITY.-a" YOUNG GEB 0 I man girl to do general housework; good washer and Ironer; good reference. WEST" KSTII VrT liKAir?A YOUNd WOMAN to do general housework: good cltv reference. m" WXST10TU HT.?A GIRL FOR 30U8BWOBK IN a [>rlvate family; is a good plain cook, washer and ironer; good relerence. 1 I iTWEST" 19TII ST.?A <if RL TO DO GENERAL liU housework in a private family; can see last em ployer. 1 ^ WEST aBTH- ST;3a oTrl" TO DO LI(i HT 1 * IO housework in ? small private family; willing and obliging; first class city reference. 157 112 169 W EST SI ST ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO GEN. ernl housework; goo 1 city rcferouce. WEST 22? ST.?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. EAST 4CTII ST.?A YOUNG (URL TO DO ?\1 L general housework In a small family; good washer and Ironer; good city reference. (lie EAST l.vril ST.-A YOUNO GIRI* LATELY 4U 1<J landed, to do general housework or take cure of children. 91 7 5TH ST.. NEAR THK nowERY^AN-AMEftl ?j I I van wo in An to do general housework in a email family. BAST 43TH HT, TWO FLIGHTS. FRONT.?A Protestant woman for general housework. Al)Q WBdT 1OTH 8T.?A YOUNG UIitlT ~TO~l>b aj?O general housework in a private family ; five years' reference. 226 O'll EAST JHTlt ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO <U*)L general boneework; irood city reference, Lady can be fern. < t???9 WEST HVril 1ST., KEAR, SECOND FLOOB.-A ZiOw respectable woman to go out by the day to du housework. t/Ofi WEST 32D ST.?A REKPEOTABLRf YOUNO juff' ) woman to d<> general housework In a small private family; will-ng and obliging; good reference. WEST H2D ST.?A RE SPEOT ABLI YOUNO girl to do housework in a mnall family. 230 n-)7 LA8T41.TU ST.?A MOST RE8PECTABI.K GIRL LttJ I to do general housework in a am til family: Is a good plain took, washer and Ironer; Rood city relerencos; no objection to tho country. o n "west arrn sT.?a young woman to do mtI housework in a small family; city or country; good city reference. O7O DELlUCBY ST., THIRD FLOOR, FRONT.?A ?< I O ynuug trirl to do general housework in a small (American) private family. O/k I EAST :i.TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO OUT do hnutework; willing and obliging; good refer ence. ?JOT EAST 34TI1 ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO I du general housework; city or country; good re.'er ence. OOQ WEST 36T11 ST.?A YOING PROTESTANT OaJO woman In do general housework; ia a go.xi plain cook, washer snd ironer; city reference. Q'i(\ "WEST 15TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO uO<7 girl for general housework; Is a good plaiu cook, an e\cellent washer and ironer; first class reference Irom her present employer. jno WEST LMTH-ST.?A~YbUNO~ OIRL TO DO T'''v housework ; good waaher and ironer; city refer ence. 421 ere nee. 43(5 west avru st.. top klook.?a kespeot able young girl to do general housework ; good ref Call for two days. , WEST 4UTII ST.?A OIRL, LATELY LANDED, to do geueral housework: b< ?t roferecce. A AO STH AV.*," BETWEEN MD AMD MTR am?A i'/*j girl to do housework in a small family; good city reference. ^ WEST 88D ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO do general housework: good reference. IsT AY.?A YOtrifU GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework: city or country ; city references. 505 I WEST 47TH ST.?A YOUNO OIRL TO DO GEN ?Jirr eral housework ; city reference. 859 Q09 6TI1 AV., BKTWKBN 49TH AND M>TH STS ? Ou^ (lii"g flrstbell)?A young girl to do general house work ia a smat'i private family; best city reference. Ihoe ?TH AY.?A WIDOW WOMAN TO bo~GEN ? UAv eral housework: city or country. 11 OcTTd"AY.-To DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK ? LmdO or as cook, washer and Ironer; oest elty refer ence. 1 ItlT"Sn^~BETWEBN 88D AND MTH SIX?A 1.UI1 young girl to d-> general housework in a orivate family; good ritr refeirn<e. Ilnusekrepera, Ae. Q/J 6TH AY.. CORNER 9TI1 ST.?AN KXPERIENCED OU pereou.Juu arrived Irom England, a? houseketper or any place of trust. ? Ik. KOGEKS. hlkei-k'kr sY.Ttwo flights. -a WIDOW, -?#, aa housekeeper for a widower; vocalist, or.-an Ist. copyist. CRAMPTON. ,|lO 4T1I AY.. FIRST FLAT-A CHEERFUL tIO lady as housekeeper In a widower1! family; no objection to travelling. Call for one week. A 9(1 ?*? AT.?A YOUNO LADY WOULD LIKE A I ?*'' peaiflon at housekeeper in a widower's family. Call all the week. ,*7U 10TII AY A.ND 42D ST.. FRONT ROOM. TOP ? ) I O floei ? A I'rntestant ye ting lady as lioasekeep r. sraiurtreee, companion or any poiition of met; is very kind Ms ell 14dean; i.est nlkrsn<t A Ml DDLS* AO fcD~ GERMAN "LADY? SPEAKIKO I rench perfectly. hut who cannot ? eak f'ngli?li, aa housekeeper. Iad>'? maid, or to take care of growin* chil dren; understands a' 1 Ine *ork; good references. Address B. F., box I Kj llcrild uffic ligniMiresses, M. ?Jr. RArfT3.VniST.-A YOUNO WOMAN AS FIII?T ill) clue* laundress; no objection to the eonniry ; best city reference. 7 x Madison avV ii-kksknt kmploy kr\s>.-two I ? J girls, competent Immures and thorough waitress; city relere:ice. llW KAJ*r "STll "st. -A i.ADY BHKAK IMG UP hi itsekaepm* wislire to *.rt iiaaeloas (or t*o glilr; one as first class laundrese, Iho other as eiiambermaid or nurse. Apply from I to Sf. 1*>7 **RS1 :< 'r" ST.-A " HK>PECTAI?I.Vr~GTRL 1 I as first eiaas laundress la a private family ; best illy rt'frcRf#, 14-H SP" ^'Xj?~/l<ANT PUCft-A RBcncf. A to able roan* 1 Irl s. laandresi and willing to ase at la ehamborwork. ( a I fur m? data. SITliTlONS WAMTEP-rEWALBI. Ln il lid rr??f?, AM . 1 1Q EtST42l> ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?AS FIRST X*xO laundress; thoroughly understands bar busi iim?; city reference. fifjl WEST 27TU ~HT.. TOP P LOOK.?A COLORED m " " L v ?nisn to go oat br th? day ?? first class laundress; (tu'Kl shirt Ironer and can do *11 kind* of Bit* fluking. ?m-" I'.AST ::-<T 11 ST-ASOOOD Pl.AlN CI),ikTkD -<"t) excellent iMiidmi; cnoutry preferred ; reference. iVKKT !?f?r ST.?A" ~R!<?PKCTAHITk 01RL ?at Inundress and to uilit with chamber work; city or country; belt city reference. i)'i j rri! .iv . NEAR MTB ST-A RBSMCTABLE ?i?>x voiing cirl an lanndress or ehamoermatd; thor ?ni jhlv understands ber business; bait city reference from lust place. 9J. 1 WEST 55" ST , REAR IIOUBE, KOl'RTH iiT' X. floor.? A young woman to go out by the day; It a K 'Od laundress. OIK WKST 25TH ST ?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN '} desires gentlemen's and families'washing at her own homo; refer-nce. ill (T WW 9WO ST.?A MtflOTAlU WOMAN AS Jmi't'l good washer and Ironer, to take work hoilt*, or llutire dona cheap; bent city reference. <>/?/? WKST 'lilTII ST. - V YOUNG GIRL AH HUN uUl) drn< ami tn n<kl<l iu chsmb rvurk and waitin;;; three year*' elty relercnce. 097~KAST Mil ST.?A_ RESPECT \BLK '(il lU, AS * / ? I laundress lu hotel or boarding house ; city r c jitn try. ???>Q WEST 4-r:t M\-.\s FIRST CLAH8 LAUN OOO drrsi or cook; bent city reference fritn her last place. ? ? ,-1 ~T E A R1, ~ ST. ? AS Tl EA D I, A IN DKE* S IN ~ A ?>fJl h at el, in city or country: fnilv coninet ;-nt to takn charge of ?teara ?rnr??, liolp snd bundle woalilng, Ac.: bsst roferenre from flrst cln?? hotels. Ai'.drc.-s M. E. S., care of )lr. Ililtou. 4-0(i w EST~I!IT!I~ST., RKTWEEN~HTI1 AMI 10TH "0?7 avr.?A Rood Protestant woiaau to qo out by the day wvli'ii^, ironing, denning. hit 1 21> AV CORNER 8IHT RT.-AS FIRST CLASS ?)') r Innudrpbs ij a small private family; six yeais' citr reference. poo ?rn~ay.. fancy""stoiu:._a fibst"class Ua?/ laundress in a private family ; years' refercn'-e. 8rQ1STAV\, OOltNEli -ism sr.- a WOMAN TO 'ft' go out by tho day washing and ironing or housc cleanlng. Nuruex. sVc 5ELDKIDQE ST. ROOM 1J.-A TOUNO GERMAN widow, who understands sewint and dressmaking, us nurse in a r(M?r>?>'t?ble lannlv nenr Newark, for an elderly lady, or lo take care of children. Address Mrs. HKLMA ; MKRKER. 1|] EAST 74Tk HTT^TWO Vol'NtJ ENOL1.SII UIR1.S ? 11/ to takn care of children and do light housownrk; be3t ref.'ruura. 'JO WF.ST Carth ST.?KRhNCH NUBlME FOB ONE 00 or two children and plain sc winK- Call n ter 1'J. I ] KI'TtlKits ST.-A YHUNci UIRL. \(1K|) 18. TO xl mind children in a private family; willing to ninke ; herself useful and obliging. Call for two days. r\ WKST 14TIf sr.?A YOCNO OIRI< TO*' TAKE ?.# care of children. 1 on WEST"S)J II ST., SB00NI> BELL.-A TOUNO girl to ln*o c.tre of children and sew; country pre frrrt-d ; cltr reference*. ?i rTj-west tar a st.-as thorouuu nuusk; XmI) ran take entire cure of a baby and bring It up on the bottle; or growing children; city or country; best city refer ences. I.rro WEST 41 ST ST.. NEAR BROAD WAT. ?AN ENO ')J llth Protestant as nurse; take care of au Infant from birth, wait on an Invalid lady or do plain newlug; city or country; good reference. *}<)(* KAST 4.')TH ST.?TWO AMERICAN TROTES- 1 <l) tant girls; one ss nurse; other as cbambrrmaid ] and waitress; cood relereuco. \ 997 KABT~20TH ST.T RRAR.-a TOUNO GIRL, AS J I nurse, or wonid do ohamherwork and waiting. In a ; private teinily; best city reference. 297 KA*T 41D ST.?A RBSPVCTABLS YOUNG mj I French I'rotestant girl ?s child's nune; can do plain tewlns; no objection to the country. Call lor two dsys. II9(j WKST SiD ST.?A RBsl'KtlTAilLiir YOUNO woman as nnrae and seamstress; no objections to go to the country for the summer months; Ave years'city reference. O?J/ \ WEST 321) 8T.-AS OOmT'ETENT NTRSE AND wOu seamstress to ? bany or o'.ber children; would do chamberwork; good city referonce. 9')') WEST 54T1I ST-A RESPECTABI^E~TOUNO iOO girl to mind children, do housework and sew; goud i reference ; wa^cs no object. 0?>7~WKST 3HTH ST.?A YOUNO GIRL AS NUKSli; j w?) I willing and obliging; best reference. t)>)Q KAST "J4T11 ST., IN THE S l( RK.-A V( >1 sT; aj'JO woman as child's nurse ; no objection to the couu try; beat city reference. Call for two day*. i) A A EAST 3STII ST.. NEAR 2D AV. (RING BKI.Ii ! iiTT No. 4).?A yonug woman a* nurse and seamstress; ! six year*' city roferrme. ?JO- BAS'f~44TlT ST~ TOP KLOOR.-A NKAT, ? QyJfJ steady yonng girl as nurie and to astixt with light ! housework. ?)(u; KAST eOTH ST.?A KESPECTABLE MaRHIEI) OUl) woman as w*t nursa In a respectable family. Call I for two days. j oTq fcl AST HI ST ST, TOI' FLOOR. BACK.?AN ! O I O American elderly widow desires some days' wash ing or cleaning. 'J 91 E A iff 34TH ST. FIRST FIX>OR. RhAII.^A j young American girl lo take ore of a growing up ' child and do plain sowing; no objection to the country. qyo win ami st.-as mum5 and i Out) stress; has a knowledge of dresslug ladies'hair; no j objection to travel tor the summer; good reference Irum last ' place. QOO f7ast JOTU ST.?a respectable OKII.MAN j OOO girl as nurje. ?j I/? WKsr ;?ni st.-a i:ksp'kctable okkma? j woman as nurse or lady's maid in a family going J to Philadelphia. Call or address. 'HO WKSrvitTI! ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTES- I ()tO tant person a* nurse and seamstress; will be found ! a very reliable person: no objection to go to the country; I good references. Call or address |i. A. A 1 EAST lf.TH sr7?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN T L?j to take caro of children and do light housework; i city reference. ylOQ WEW"3?"sf~BTT-A RESPECT A BLk""YOUNG TtOO girl as children's numo; no objection to the country for the inmmer; Rood reference. AQ1 6TH AV., "'UP STA I Rs7-^A MID I) Ll-% AO ED jt<JX American soman to take caro of au invalid lady or children. Call for two days. TqI 1ST AT.?AS NURSE AND SEAM ST REM OR T'/.l chambermaid and nurse; no objection to the coun try; best etty references. ~WEST BItH ST.?a VERY RESPElTTABLF. tJUl young girl Intake care of children and do the up stair* work of a small prlv*t? family. 7'>9 LKXINOTtlN^V.. NBAR SHTU sT ?A YOUNG I OaJ Herman woman, speaking l nvllsh thoroiti:hly. at children's nur>.e or to wait on an invalid lady: experienced, willing and obliging; best reference. Call or address. A~fRc.NCII NI'KSK HE>1KKS A s! I I' V I ION IN A piivate family; will give first lessons in French ami Herman lo children: be*t refcrcncc. Address ANNA 1)., Herald Uotown Branch office. TWO PROTESTANT tilRLS-HKIIM AN. AM ERICAjfT, , English or Scotch?one as nmse and plain sesmstress. the other to rook, wash and Iron in a private family in Orange. Apply between 10 and II A. M., at 338 Lexing ton av. Witilroaaea. tVr. mWF.RT 33D ST., FIK>T FLOOR. REAR.?AH first rl??* waliren Its a private family ; timlerHtanda ?II kind* of aaladi; It neat mid obliging; Iwii city reference. ()'J ITKST J8TII ST. ?A YOI'NUWO.MAN AS WAII" idUT reaa; no objertlon to the country: good reference; no carda will be neticed. Can be Hft for two day*. Q1 020TH ST.. NKAH-!'!* AY.?AS COMPETENT OL? waitreaa or chambermaid; i? an excellent hand newer; no objection to country; beat city reference. Cull or addrraa. qoTl BAST 34TII ST.?A RESI'LrTA BI.E GIRL AS OOt waitreaa and to aaaiat In ebamherwork; nine yeara' dty refereae ? from lier laat place. Call or addrcaa. A "*1 KA8T i?Tif st.-a ri>pectabi.k touno tOL woman aa tliornoch a?|?re?a and chambermaid, or to do fine waahlng and Ironin?: nr.deratanda her hmdneta In all Ita brancrtea; bent city relercnre; no objection to khort dmtance in country. Cm be acea for two laja C/\Q W EST "i?T 11" sfT T11! Ill > FLOOR, KltOKT.?A tJUO yonnr plrl ?< drat claaa waltr??? or chambermaid In n private family or boarding liouae; city or country; city reference. AVOirxO GIRL AS WAITRESS. SEAMSTRESS OR chambermaid. Addre?s M. M., box Ltil llrrald office. Nhreliuneoni. r?> W#8T 44tn ST.-A riiKKCII GIRI, AS I.ADT'S I/O m*W or to take care of children. Call or addreaa. 1 ftQ EAST 32D ST.?AS MAID HT A TOCNH HERMAN luO lady, to travel with an old lady, or with|* family aa companion; wage* no object; very bc..t reference Riven. Call or addreaa. "IffQ WEST 10TH ST.?A SWISS GIRL,. SPEAKING French and Gorman, a? ladv'? mal<1 or nnr*?. (Jail on or addrcaa. Friday, at II. L. Dranalienardpnator oftbs ) rrneli Evangelical chnreh 3I? AV.. BETWEEN IflTH TnTTitTH STS., IJC fancy atore. ?A I'roteatant siri to /rr t<> Karope ai maid ?r uurae, or woa.d (lee her aervicca for expenses; beat city reference. til ~ EAST WTH 8t"-A Vol Nil FRENCH UfltL AS M 1' ' lady ? miild or to give children French Iraaona one rrfi av . moond floor. First Ola*a t)^') lady'amald (German); good halrdreaaer and dreea m.iker: keM city WWfWW ?J.JO GTII AV. ? A VOl'Ntl AMI KH AN ~GIKl7 AS OOti ladr'a maid ; understand" aenlng and halrdrewtng; food reference!. ?) J u WK>T 3CTH ST - ? i' mt.-manT PERSON AX O IO li?d? a maid; la a ;ood drc>smaaer anJ hairdresser; understand" buaineta; trustworthy and ol.ligiug, city reference. Call cn or aditreaa M G. Qfin East (ID Bf.-A TIlOXO fT;E.Nt'fl~WOMAN, Ol)'/ Jn?t Troni I'arle. aa lady's maid or r<>*ernea? V> growing children ; onder?tands hairdri-s.intr and la ? land seamstress; good refeteitee t all or addp riUf BAST I4TII M t ilOLI.AN l> WOMAN TOGO Ul'U out to day'* work. UQl* 31) AV-A 5 ASKRICAX ViUN an for I/O") hoit??Bleanliia i>t slashing by the d reference, AYOITNti I,AH'. IVANTj. A IMtSITlGM jSlioVM* neaa or companion; enn teach the Knuliah bt*n<hea and mniic; alao (i'rman and the nulimetiia of French; gi*?d referenee*. Addrvaa R. A., Herman Savin^a Bank, cor ner Hlh *t. and 4th ar. PH?KK?>?K).\AI-ftri't'ATI?StH WANTKO FRMAI.Kn. ?J.*.- Tin w'. ! .!>.!> flOOSr-A VnCNG ?)?-' I lad*, arrived from Europe, aa irorerneaa; ^teaka French. Enjr i?h and German. Iltil-P \V A.N TK1>?KKMAi^is." Xri'RorKSTANT WOMAN AS SKAMsTRESS AND in ilil; >wede preferred, ('all, beloro 12 o'clock, at No !> \V< ?t 4?lb it. ? i i It I I V - ? WA ITRKSfi V \NTKI> U.SO A I chambermaid ; also a ?irl for (jcn.-ral hottaework ; all mint have imed referm -e?. We?t Xtd at APKOT s'.STANT woman tW DO HEN Ell All iiocit work for a amall family. Addreta \V. I., lleralil Up town Branch office workfxo~H(n;nbkkkpbr want>d^for the country; one who uiidentand* < t>okini; and mnklng Mim. amIi ?* CCUIUK'a IU I'alha >1, w IIRLP WAl*TBD-r*WWiM. * pEAr INTELLIGENT GERMAN'GtBL AS A chambermaid. nur??? anil MtWlklM herself *enerallv useful and be willing to w#ar capabest ?hreiKrs niulwl. Call at 124 East st. TVkTSSM AKKi:k-W r.STKll A FEW ~ COMPETENT J ' waist hands: to kuch steady work twl food wages will be given at 110 West 22d at. Dr'ESSMABBK?WANTED. FIRST CLASS HAND re tmnrc**, ready to work. Apply ?4 48 W<?l 11th it. D~KE4SMAKEKS WaItTb^mv "first class need apply : a)?o an apprentice. :*> I East 12th st. Woven TAPE SKIRT COM Pan V. EXCLUSIVE manufacturer* of the woven tape skirts. SI Walker K.?Wanted &MJ experienced hoop skirt handa to work moatlr uu line qnaltty of woven tape ?kirt?; alao 3UU first rale operulom on aewlnir machines to work on panlers and bustles. of the uneat lltiiali. and a few girls. with onlv mod erate experience in the hoop skirt business. will also And employment. good pay and constaut work may be relied npoii perman ntly. T^ANTKD?A YOORO OIRI, FOR GKNRRAL HOUSE Tr wort and lielnto miuu baby; family of two: muat b? n good wash-r and ironer and plain cook; wsges$10, Call at 1 lf> Ratt 47th ?t. Klnir 1*11 four timet. W.\nti:d-.v good lacndu ss, with citt R-f crcnce, for small private family. Apply from 10 to II. at 3I Wert 17th at AXTKD-A GIRL TO IX> GENERAL HOUSE work In a atnall private fan ily a short distance from the city: must bare (rood refercnc". Inquire at Sports man's Emporium. UC Nassau >t . before 12 o'clock. WAN I K0? V GIRL. -MOT UCDBB" Ml. TO TAKK care of children nud to make borself rone rally uselitl; best reference required. Inquire. Iroui 10 A. M. to -I P. M.. at 7J2 Lexington nr. \V*NTED?AN RXl*EHIKNOKTTlaV*ORRSS: MCUT If do cliamborwork: references required. Inquire, be tween 10 A. M., and 4 P. ID., at 732 I.exlntton av. TITANTKD-A W^M AN, TO WOK, WASH AND IRON. Vt In a small private tarnilv. Apply, with city reference, at 454 West 23d St.. after 1? o'clock, biisenaut door. WANTED?A COMPETENT MILLINER. TO OO TO A city, short distance from New York Apnlv immedi ately to WOKTH1NGTON a. SMITH. 607 lirnadway. WANTED?A COMPETENT COOK. WasIIER AND Ironer; reference required. Apply at No. 100 East SOlli st. WANTED?A "youNO GIRL TO" TRWI? A~RABY. Apply, from 11 to 12. Saturday morning. at 347 West 23d ?t. TIT ANTED -A HorgEKEEPER>0 TAKK CI IA R(i E OF t T u centleman's house during tne summer end w?? lor the family. Addreaa Post office bo* 2.33N. stating terms and giving references. TirANTED?A I'itOTEST AKT GIRL TO DO LIGHT ?t sewing and taki< care of twn young children : bring re'erence fioin last employer: wage*. (13. Call at 71 West 45th ?t,. between 11 and 12 Krlday. "I\7"AN ted?A WOMAN FOR GENERAL HoT'SlT 'I work; Proteetant preferred. Apply at 421 West lOtb st. 7A NTEdZ/T MIDDrEAOBD PROTEST ANT" WO man to do general housework In a family of three. SS 2Uth St. TIT"ANTEiCaTfKBNCR NPHSE. TO MAKE 1IERSKI.F TV unefnl and Interest a irlrl nine years nt ajre. Apply at 15 East 41st st. between the hours ot H and 11 A. M. Vy-ANTIU)- AN DIM) K t:il()R AT WIIITTMAN'S SA TT loon, crrner of Amity and Oreeno sta.; lady preferred, ('all early. T\rANTRO?AN EXI'EIIIKNCED tSIRI, AS Nl'RSE H and to do llcht chamherwork. None without city ref erence need apply at 237 East Broadway, after U o'clock WAN TB D-A W BT Rl/llsC WITII A K KRS1I R RE AST of tnllk (Oertiiaii preterred). at 130 East 54th st. WANTED-A* PROTESTANT " NURSE ANO"SEAST stress. Apply at 22 East 30lh at., Friday, before 2 o'elodk. 6~WEsTaorH st.?wanted, a reliable oipl ? /O to take charge of a child, two years old; one wllllnt; to make herself generally usetui; tlerman preferred. 19Q WKST"??r!!~ST.?AK KIIIST ~Ci7aSS COOK, O washer and Ironer, In a private boarding house; reference. ^SITUATIONS"~\V AsiTKU-MALES. K IIEAI) \VA1 lEIl-A 'OKKMAN, AtJEI) 4r.. TIIOK onghly utidcrstand-* his business. Addross A. E., 37 av. A. A" YSUNO IRISHMAN W X NTS A SITUATION AS bartender: waves no object; rcferene". Address HUSH, Herald I'ptown Hranch office. YOUNO XIAN iVA^T.ra"rITUATION AS WAITER; good city reference. ZI2 West 20th at. T TOUNO MAR, S?7a KINU FRENCH AND BNO J\ llsh desires a situation of any kln-l. so sa to he able to make an honest livltix; understands the duties of waiting or porter. Address ENERGY, Herald office. i TRUSTWORTHY AND RRSI'ECTa RLE ENOL1FH JY man. lately arrived from Eudand. Is anxious to liud s.mte employment. Address O., Herald officc. A" COLORED MAN WANTS A SITUATION AH HEAD ??>?? ; rcf rences. Call ut or address, for ouo week, 140 West 52d it. / COLORED MV.N?AS WAITER IN A PRIYATE KAM " 1 IIv: city or country. Call ut present employer's, 317 West 34th st. SITUATION WANTKD?11Y A Y0UN<T~8WEDB, AS C" porter; can c'to good references. Address W. J., box 1M1 Herald office. \\TANTED-A SITUATION IN A LAW OFFICE, KY A II practical stenographer. Address STENOGRAl'Hr.H, Herald ofllre. Oil BAST aOTH ST.. ROOM O.-MAN AND WIFE; ^ LI man ss barkeeper, woman as flr?t class cook : nn der.tands English, Kreuth and Atnericau cooking; game, pni-trv. Jellies. .I -. AV i'LKKKS AND SALKSMERl. AXt-.r.l.I-'S IMMAN HAriJS. C.l i.exinctun AV.. want an American, nnder 25, as cashier; also colored errand boy. TOITRO MAN DESIRES A SITUATION AS CLERK In ?lie clothing business; speaks French, Oerman aud l.ugllsh laii 'itages. Address WILLING, Hi raid orticn. AORsTtLEMANT GOING SOUTH, WOULD LIKE en aeeinont as a ilestnan in anv branch of business. A dteet. lor three dart, C. W. KENNEDY. 130 Mac don.rul at. YOUXG MAN OF THE HIGHEST RESPECTA bllltv a* experienced hotel clerk: bar and first class carver: will vivo best sscnrjtv. Address, for four days, SECURITY, 11 I'ptown Hranch office. DUt'G CI.F.RK W ANTED?A SINGLE MAN, AMEH ican; must be tho-otfihly competent. GEO. 8. OOOUEL.E. 1' niton av., corner Ormond place, Brooklyn. RUG CLE ItkZj t'NIOR ASSISTANT W IT H referenc.-s. av. and 45th st. DRUG CLKBK (OOMPETKNT) WANTKD ov THE 1st of .lime. Address, with fnll particulars, atating ex perience. salary exacted nud reference, which will be u?rd only If "iiiiablo in other rcapects, SICMA, Herald Up town Branch oiflco. D /ISNTLKMKS'S FCItNISII INO MOW SALESMEN \T wanted nt WARD'S, Broadway. corner 14th st. \rrAN?fYK-UKNTLBMAN. AtJElT*SO, BEfTlDENC* Tf Chicago, Want* engagement with good Arm or manu facturer; ran oxtond mien In northwest, manage business at Cblc.-toro, and make himself valuable. Address S. K., box 117 Herald office. \vr A NTKI)?AN TNTPLLIOBNT COLLECT!?R FOR A ff brewery; tnnst nfcrtn list emu'nyer and have a gen oral iirqn ilntance with city trade. Address S. 8., box l.V? llcr.tld I'llce, WANTEl>?IN~AN"ALE BREWERY, A POSITION Or trust and resrviniub iity. by one <?r lar^e experience and valnnbln itenn.tlntatices in tlie business. Address A. U. II., I>ut 184 Herald oilier. TI7\VNTBIUa"TOl"Nt? MAN-AS SALESMAN IN A Int ?tore. :I4 Newark a*.. Jersey fit jr. TOtT A?T.<iLBitK IN AlilltHJKHV STOBK. APPLY 11 nt :VJ'i Columbia nt . Brooklyn. \y ANTKD-a" VOUNtS ' MAN." IN~A FANCY "STORE M who can dress window*; also good salesman; pxtd rel'crcnoe; answer by mail. A. NEW. Rth av., corncr 14th ?t. T*TAK I ED?FIRST CLASS SALESMEN FOB TUP. ' I ho-lcry and dress good* department. Applv, with city reference, at JONES'. >-th ar.. cornir af IWi nt. < OACH-IIKIV AND OAItDKVEksI A" "N ENULISIIMAN WISHES A COACHMAN'S SITITA tlon. Call on or address WILLIAM COATES, private ?table 31 East U-'ith ?t. A~SINtil EM AN as' ?7oACH MAN; UNDERSTANDS /\. his business thoroughly: Is a first class driver: best rity reference Irom last employers. Address JAMKR, 217 Lexington ar. S COACHMAN AND HROOM?BY A HIRlfai MAN, who understands bin business thoroughly; can give the |o-.-t ol city raterettce; li>s no objection to the country. Ad dress II. F., Heruld I'ptown Branch office. OKNTLEMAK"wishes A~81T0ATION FOR HIS man m coachman or enrdenrr or to take rare of a pen tlr man's place ; understands hi* business: first class ret* ?retires. Call on or address Mr. 0. II. WAIlD, IU8-24 a*. *7 s t bolh Man w ants~asitcation as coao*. S\. man and groom ; city or counts ; three yesrs' refer ences tront last employer. Address J. N., box lU'i lleiald I'puiwn llranrh office. "V LAL)Y \VIsFiES TO FIND A POSITION FOB A -'V colored man ns coachman, gardener and useful person; he oan ho highly recoiuiupinled Addrrs* C M., station O. srirATIttN as COACHMAN AND OABDENBR; can milk ; married man: good worker, carefnl driver; temperate; rity and country reiorencrs; wages to suit the times to obtain a steady place Call on or address, for tbreu dava. J AS Nf.VlN. IT West 44th it. S ?i VBOKNEB-BT A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL man. deficient In no branch of horticulture; Is willinc au I obliging. Address N.. box 1 * Herald office. T C 0 A ci IMA N M 7i TUATIO N WANTED?BT A j.'\ first class single man; will be dlaengnged the 1st of J utio. Call on or address J. J.. No. 4 East 31st si -WANTKD?A COLOBBD MAN AH GROOM; HUNT ? understand the rare of road horses, warona, Ac., and not afrikid ol * ork ; must have city reference from last place : wages. $10. Apply trom R to 0 In the morning at stable S3 K st i Jth st. C"v?ACI 1M An" AND~0lit>OM?hitl atIOS ? An I bT? ) by a suber, Imnest man; thoroughly nuderstan<is his ; ivi'lisc to mnke himsell nselnl: ten years'refer ence Address J., box 124 Herald ofiW. (V.AlTHMAN.-A tikvFi.kmam WISHOT TO PRO J cure s sitnstion tor bis coachman, who hss been with htm for the last lire years. Address box 1.411 l'o?t office. C~10At liMAN AN'lt t;i;()t)M'S SITUATION?BY A ) ymiiig man. married; Is Mybiy recnninicndea in every respect. Address .1 AMKs. 1-4 West 46th St. (tOACHM VN AND <fBOt>M?BV "A^ilNULK TUI7NU J m?ii. iin'brstands his tiusinesi, ihoroaghly; m>ud < driver; city or country ; will mske himsell generally tiselnl; five renrs' r-lerence. Atlrtress box X! ? lleralil office. TSj|;sT~l LASS CoTiSTKY t'OAt'HmTnTS SITUATION i" wanted?By liixbty respectable I'mtestant single young in an; competent, a i.o,,d careful driver nnd would take ehame of e renti-'tian's place; 7 years highest recom tnendations. A'hlr -ts. for tour days. A. M., 144 5th nv. AltDKNKU S SITI ATIiTn WANTfcI?-hV A PBSotT T cal Ui rman ?-?artiener islngle); can milk; best refer ence. Adi'ri-s tlARDKNEK. 1 n> Division st. MAijitikn man* \ITcoachmax ano uarmnrA an ! to ii nkc liims-'ll useful; rofereme. Address II., box Lt*1 Hers ill offiee. SITl Vi lti.S WAN :'KI?"-A ? tlAKOkNKh7*Y A YOUNO insti situle . nnderstnnds his business; ran t.ike r .r - ol horses and drlte ; k<h> I relrren( e>. tl. II., 11V Kast ASd st., rear lio'ise. ? VJli'l 4 fJoN . wanted-BT \ YoliNtl MAN O roachmsn tn ? private tatnllys ?? oijwtloii to tin country. Address*' S., bo* |f>4 lleral.l ofilr ? Vy AN I ED-A~ SITUATION A.-s IlitlVKB tiR COACH Tf m:>n ; thnroogbly understands tue car* ol horses, Ac. ; boot rowrttiret. Asp y at 17 and 19 Broadway, second coAcmnnr jure buumbiwI; ^^TTTnfjyTfnyTB ' * hngl.slimaa; am fear nh>' reference. AMM K. JONES. 74U!td av. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE Kasliafa cnacumau : best pity referent*; wife a* ?r?4 elwt M oMtetlai to we country. Call at 3x1 East loth m. WANTED?A MTUATIUN AS_COACM MAN BY A RE iptffaMt nlort>l man; will illMiiwa on tha 1*1 or the month, with a city rifrmn from last place. Call or ad dress A. 1'.. 184 East 37th at. tlKLP W A ItTED?MAIjKS. a 'Vents ~WXSFFK& to TflRST'111 ? NEwT'fifflSIt /V Glad Tidlae*. Mondv's ?ermou at the HippwirtiBt: H per ilay made; (J capital required. Address E. B. T.. pub lisher. station U. \ OBNTH WAVTED IB TOWN AND COl'NTRY TO J^X. aali our puro leaa to families. hotels and large consum ers; b< ?t terms anil largest stock it. the country Apply to the WELLS TEA COM PAN V. aoi Kult >n at., between Cbarch and Grrenwleb sts.. New York. OEXTSWANTED?TO BBLL AN ARTICLE NOT BR fnru aold In the city; ready sales, good proflta. If .1 Broadway. lom H, A' (IMTS !N Cl7Y ABO COUNTRY. AT TIIK UNITED STATUS (XJFYING HOUSE, 327 Grand at.; liberal Inducement*. AGBNTB jjrANTRD?TO HELL THB EXCELSIOR Water Kilt?r; good business. 103 Pineapple at., *ec ond floor, Brooklyn, N. Y. A-- CTTVF. AtSENT* WANTED-CITY ANO COUNTRY. Particulars at SO Weat 4th kl, after 10 A- M. COM 1'E PTKNT MAN WANTED-IN A LIGHT business for ipitn honre or wholetime. NEW YORK BOOK CONCERN. No. 7 Warren ?t. A FACrFwORTU CONS IDBRI NO ~B Y ALL WHO AD A. VKRNBK. RATES 20 CENTS PER LINE. The circulation of the EVENING TELE (i It AX last weak wne:? ADVERTISING HATES JO CENTS A LINK. Mond-iv. May 15 3.1,330 ADVERTISING RATES Jo CENTS A 1-1NE. THMlar, May 1 35,850 ADVERTISING KATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Wednesday. Msv 17 :{5.900 ADVERTISING RATES iO CENTS A USt. Thursday, Mar IS 44,700 ADVERTISINO RATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Friday. Mav 10 Sfi.050 ADVERTISING KATES JO CENTS A LINE Saturday. Mav 2<> . M4.150 ADVERTISING KATES 20 CENTS A LINK. Total 2J1.50O ADV EKflSlNO RATER 20 CENTS A LIN I'. Daily average 38.017 ADVERTISINO RATES 20 CENTS A LINE. ANTED-AN AWlfRTISINC. CANVASSER FOR A ? imide. Apply to 27 Waverly placc. \y A NTK D. - A N Y PERSON CaV M A KB ?M0 A It inontli nailing our letter eonvinjc book; anyone that ha- a latter to write will buv it: no pr?>% or water used; send lor circular tre -. EXCELSIOR COMPANY, IS Tri bune Building, Chicago. III. WANTED-A BOY To'waTp ON TABLE; ONE WHO can open oyetera preferred. 1,186 Sd a v. W~" ANTED-AGENTS. MEN AND WOMEN. TO BELL the heet 25-cent ortlcles out; with #"? can make from to $10 per day clear. Apply at room fl. No. 173 Broad way. 11/ ANTED?EX PER IENCKD CANVASSERS < >N M Y T? uew and improve! edition* of Family Bible* on weekly instalments; best Inducement* ercr offered tn good men. THOMAS KELLY, 17 Barclay at. XV ANTED?AGEN TS IK TIUS CITY-" ALSO FOUR It young men. with brains, energy and $1.'*0 cash, to manage oar branch business in oili?r parts of the State; $75 a week snre. Room 24, 115 and 117 Nassau st. "WHY STAND YK HERE ALL THE DAY IDLE f" Y> Sell tea* lor CANTON TEA COMPANY, 14SCham ber* st. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN. WITH GOOD REFER " ence, in take charge of lunch room. Applvat Long Island City Hotel, opposite Thirty fourth street ferry, Hun ter's Point, Long Island City. WA N T E D- A BoY,_ ABOUT18 OR 17 YKA R:T~OLD, to act tut assiotant cashier and collector f- r a retail store up town. Address, statlug particulars, W. H. F., Iternld I'ptown Branch o(nc!'. ANTED -11 Y~a"pI II^SIC I AN. A BOYfTlt MAN, TO drive. Apply, in the mornlni;. at 'J10 Maili?on nv. WANTED-A COLO KED~W A ITER A ND COOK. AT 47 E?i?t 3:)th at.; male cook preferred. Call this day, between 0 and 11 o'clock. VI7"ANTED-A COMPETENT WAITEK; MUST TAKE it emiro charge of parlor floor. Call, from 10 to 12, at 147 Mailiaon a v. w w THE TIUDRS. ~k FRENCH COO 1 "Rr" W13IIES TTTfPD ATioS~TN* Jx. a cellar, or to make himself cenerallr usetttl. A ldresa orcnll 18^ Woosterit., ci-'nr strrr . between 12 and 4 P. M. IHHfNO MAN, OOOD ON DRAWING I ETTERS, Ac., wishes a situation as anprentlce to learn engrav ing. Address A. V. 1J.. Herald ontcc. YOTN OMAN WIS 11E S~C"sTtTi A TH) N AS CAR penter in a h'.itet. hall boy or porter; soj?i reference. Address P.. Herald Uptown Branch office. /lOFKKE AM) CAKE iTeSTAURANTS.?A YOUN?? \J baker wants a sltnation hs butter cake or cake baker or assiatantcook; wares moderate. Address BAKER, 162 West 32d st. IiMLE FORGER.?A FIKST CLASS FILE FORGER CAN have a steady Job by apnlyinr at once to Lowell File Works. S. ASI1 WORTH A CO.. Lowell Mas*. SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRST CLASS PRACTI O cal miller; has a knowledge of millwriflit work ; twentv tliree years'experience; city raferences. Address T. G. M., box 175 Herald office. TO MASONS.-WANTED. ABOUT IWl7 BlH.DERS and hewers, for Greenock iScotlandi new parochial build n;;*. and for l'art Glasgow. New Caledonian Railway station; shed accommodation for build>rs and house ac commodation at the works; waxos !'>yl. per hour: two year*' employment to steady workmen. Apply to JOHN COGIIILL A SuN. Contractors, offices Greenock and Port Glasgow. TO HAT MANUFACTURERS.?A SITUATION WANT cd, hy a flrst class dyer, by Julyl: capable to taka charge or factory or branch of. Address A. Z-. 743 Myrtlo a v.. Brooklyn. TO KIBBON M AN UFACTU KhRS.?WANTED?BV A younK man a situation as assistant or overseer at wind ing, warping. Ac.: twelve years' experience; highest refer ences. Address W. W., Post office. Paterson. N. .1. ANTED-A STEADY MAN TO TEND A M(JUTDING machine. GALINDO ltllOS.. 40 Desv st. w WANTED.?A TOPOGRAPHICAL DRAUGHTSMAN and It'.terer desires a situation; has had ?i\ years' expe rience in Boston and vicinity; best of re.erences; will en gace with responsible Dnrtlcs In any part of the country. Address DRAUGHTSMAN, room 5, Mas mic block, Unim square, Somerville. Mass. !?Alil? AT ALtUOJ. A~ DCTIOX BALIt?L.UtOK AND PKHKM1 'TOIIV ?itlo this (Friday) morning, commencing At 10 o'clock. at the elegant five storv brown stoue mansion No. 1J0 WEST 2 ID ST.. NEARKTH AV.?M AONtMCEXT 1IOUSKIIOLD FURNITURE, RARE AND COST..Y WORKS OK ART. COMPRISING} IN ALL O 'SIl?> worth Household Goods. bv catalogue:? 2 brllli tut toned Pianofortes, Steiuway ud Windsor. 2 superb satin Parlor Still* 2 elegant rosevnod Ktageiet. 0 elegant Mltntcl Sets. 2.% choice brotme Figures. 20 piece* of Pniiiin Statuary. l.t windows Luck Cnrtains. 20 Brussels and ingrain Carpota. 30 fine Oil Paitliugk, beet ai lists. 2 elegant Cabinets. 8 elegant Library Hookcaset. 4 elegant Library Table*. 2 Indie*' Secretaire* and Bookcase combined. 3 Easy Chairs, l urki-h style. 2 Mude Box**, best Pari* makers. 12 elegant Bedroom Suit*, complete. In black walnut. 21 curled hair and *prlnn Mattresses. 74 Pillow* and B?l*tem. ? 10 elegant black wnlnnt Rockers. 24 Bedroom Cl)?ir? to match. 8 black walnut Lounge*. !' elegant ll -dix.orn and Parlor Clock*. 2 elegant black walnut lliiffets. U supern Extension Table* 24 black walnut dining Chairs. 2 china Dinner and Ten set* Castors, Urn*. Pitchers. Porks. Knives. 8dooii*. Glassware. Ac. Also basement and servant*' Furniture, new four mnntH* ago. N. B.?This Is the largrst sale of the season. Sals positive, regardless of weaiher. LUKE fitzgerald, Auctioneer. X. B.? Competent men to pack and *hip goods, city or country. A'UCTION HALE-RICH HOUSEHOLD rURNITl' it A THIS (FrtlDAV) MORNING. MAY 2U. commencing at 10 o'clock, at fire story brown stoue mansion NO. 47 WEST IHTI1 ST.. BETWEEN :>TII and HTII A VS. STEIN-WAV 7? OCTAVE PIANO. CillCKRRINU7 OCfAYK PIASO. Moqurtte. Velvet and rtrossels Carpets, l'ler and Mantel Mirror*. Statuary, Work* of Art, Ac.; rich ebony aud gilt frame PARLOR AND DR AW! NO ROOM SUITS, Inlaid with mar quetry a:td covered In crimson mid seal tan. satins and brn cade*, rosewood I tairera. Turkish hod Spanish 1 oung-s. Easy Chairs. Iniald Cabinet, realbronse sndCarsra marine Mantel Set*, marquetry an l rllt Centre and Console Table*. Etsgcre with Mirror, lace Curtains, bronr.c and bisque Fl.ures, Musl cal llo*es, Jardltiie/es. velvet Euro, Painting* by eminent artist*. LIKRARY CONTAINS Inlaid French walnat Library and Dwarf Bookcases. Secretaire Bookcase*, lady's Writing Desk, Turkish Suit In tapestrv, choice Books, Statuary, Eu gravmes. eoony and frill K??c:. Library Tables. Ac. BEDROOM FURNITURE. Elaborate and plain Bedroom sets. Iniald and gilt Bed steads. Dressing l un, Armolre-a-Clnce, Kiirean*. Wash stands. single and double Bedstead*. :K) line lialr and aprlnk' Mattresses, i.'httlonieres, laatlier Pillows. Blanket*. Toilet bet*, rep and plush Salts marble top Table*, Chair*, liocker*. DINING KwKNITl'RE. ris. :-Two Extension Tables, in laid French waluut Sideboard, Chair* In le*tbcr, Silverware, Dinner and Tea Sets ,1'ntlery ; also two It all Stands, Ingrain Carpets, Kitchen Furniture, Ac. N. B.?sale positive. Parties about purchasing will posi tively Cud this a rare chance. 'I nke Sixth avenue or Unl rer?liv place car*. lloit?e opens S A .V. Competent men to remove, pack or ship goods, city or ooniitrv. RflHEHT t'.. CASH IN, Auctioneer. Alfred i.lovd, auctioneer. offices Broadway, will salt this day. at l'> the Futures and content* of, and In tbe restaurant No. k'i Nassau .-tia t. con sist |M of about M'> Chair*. :?l Table*. Han. Counter*, t igar Cas-\ lee Boxes,Allegr?ttc* Iceberg.Mirrors, 'M copper IJti-n sll*. French 14-lont Rang*. l.inen. Sllrerwsre, Crockery, Glassware. with nil the fittings of a first class restaurant. Dealers and others Invited. By order. Auction sale. auction sale ol magnificent Household Furniture. This (Fridayi morning, commencing at lo'j o'clock, at four story residence 21 hast 2IHh si.. Mar llrosdwsv, con sisting of itiapmncent Parlor suit* In ?atin, cntelani". ren and haircloth ; elegsnt 7'? rosewood Pianoforte, Mirrors, Oil Paiutlug*. Bookcases, I>e*k>. tilt and Centra Tnhles, Clocks, Curtains, Bron.-e*. Turkish Chnlr?, laotege*. Ac.; Bedroom Stilt*, l>re*MHi; Cases, Bureau*, Waslistamls. lied steads. Mattresse*, *c.; Extension Table, Hii(T-t, Chairs, Crockery, Silver plated Ware, Ac., anil all ?iee??s*r? llousa hold Furniture. IIENItV ZIXX, Auctioneer. \ L'CTION. EXTRA LARUE HOUSEHOLD Kl'RXL J\. tu-e ?ale. Property of Daniel Ph. Martin. K?t|.. at the private residence |i..r? East U?th <f., s-eond door from 4tli nr., tills I Friday i morning at In,'; o'clock. Velvet, Brussels, ingrain Carpet", satin BrocaOe. rep llairclotb. Parlor suit*, re-ew.nsl Plauo'orte, Ht-dstead. Bur-an*. Wssbstands. Wardrobes, Wnrk^taniN, Commodes, hair and spring Man reuses, Beds, Itolsiera. Iillow*. laliles, Lotng*. Ktsg-res. Mirrors, (locks, walnut Sideboard, vxtenslon Tab e^. Cliairs. lilars China and Hllrerwar#, ?,'?tlery. .1 KR.EMKR. Auctioneer. A rare opportunity lor parties wishing rtirl cla,-. household turnltiire. SsltiNKh S SALE?I SHALL HULL AT Al't TION, at No. trj Fnmai St., Brooklyn. X. V.. at no??n on Prlusy, May 2?>. IS?'tt. the Stock. Pl.-am Engine, Ofllcc Fui iiitnre. Hor?es, Wagons, Coffees, l eas, spice*. Ac., at., of th* coffee and spice mills of Joseph W. Blrdeeye A Co. For catalogues anply to EDWARD W. WEST, AMignae, Nit 55 Pisa it.. Kaw York. A Min AT AVCTMMI. A mbbicaITart "liuK: A HEMBY D. MINER. Aeat'naeee, '??? Uwrr B. U*4i A HI nr. ? u4 Art Ualleria*. MS Broadway. >?w m exhibition. free, at MlatrH Art Oallorte*. MS Bn^wiy, ? "7 ?* Aaterleaa Work. oT Art. by tlu lee4ii?~ *?*??* of thia rUy. ?mbracint; fine repreeeot%l!r? 5ri!TV * !&fcLtoTta* ?"?'?eat Mlitsii. all of whtefc M* direct from their studios ?_ Sin?LUrV ?L*- Milt.r. C. H.. Bellow^ A. F.| limit. W nnMn v Brown, J (1., Rwiwr, W XeKmn J. Bristol, J. B., Has* Do. jL F. H*. Perrv E W" J. II.. Blade, M. J.. Part'. * a ** "'?H W. II.. Innea*. fl, Robhiw\ T., *???, ? A. Jolia<u>a, R., rttrrv fl H Caailear, J W., Lalarce. J ' Mfci W K, i.oleasan *.. Lanbdm, d. O. TKompaon. w~ Fitch J L.. Le Clear, T., Wbittred**, HuntIngton. D.. Lang. K, an others. Tha al.ove will be told Tharadajr evening, June 1 at 7M o'clock. * A DRIAN If. MULLKR. ACCTloNERB. JV Mortgage ?al? "f Boat ..r Bar** Oe*anua ADRIAN tt. MULLKK A -ON will sell at auction. ec Kridir, May at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom. So. Ill Broad war by ? rder of Nclton Abbott. Km.. Mortgagee, tha Baat or Barge Oeaanui mow Iin/ at the American Docks, Tnieu kinsville. Staten lalund. N. Y.), totretbar with tha Taakt, Boilera. Apparatus. Maelilner), Anchors. Cablee, Tackle,' Appurtenance*. Furniture. Ac: and alto the Taak, Apparai tin. Machinery. Anchors. Cablet, Appurtenance* and Furni ture (now on -uid lioat or barge Oeeanus). which at tha time of th? oxecutlnn of a mort-^age. dated Aeril -'8. 1874, war* on beard or belonging to tbe boat or burge Manhattan. *t saLB-riiTs pAy at ia o'clock. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PAINTINGS, positively to be sold without limit or reaerve, AT MATBEWS' OA Lit KB V 57 LIBERTY ST. DANIEL A. MATHEWS. Auctioneer-!) Art.-orbat sYlk OIL paintinus, TO PAY ADVAMCRK. GALLERY 513 BROADWAY (ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL). Friday and Saturday. May 20 add 27, at 11 and 3 o'clock, tbe elegant collection of high clam Palntlora, all elegantly framed, wltbont reserre, Including tha "Prudlnl Sen,'* "Hold the Fort," "Home of the Soul." ''Ninety and l)tia,n "Holy Famllr" and many other trainable Scriptural Piece*, Landscape*, Ac., Ac., offering extraordinary inducement* ta purchaser*. B. MATER*. Auctioneer. ?TUNIS JOHNSTON, AUCTIONEER. ? old ttand. 37 Nataao at. THIS DAY. at 12 o'olock, at oar Salesroom, 37 Naai*a It. GREAT BALE OF PIANOS). ORGANS. MFLODEON*, made by the bett ritr makera. vis Oh Ickering, Haines, Water*, National, Darin, Water* (concerto) Llirbte A Co., I'htlhamioiila, (irore?(een. Firth. Hall A Pond, Xfedlmm. Rlanmflald and othai* ,t-rvwj, nin'iiiinv'u nuu On Monday Roaaebold Furniture A SSIONEE'8 SALE IN BANKKUPTCY, A or tbe entlr- Ktock of ELEOANT CABINET FURNITURE of the laro flrat of IRVINO A SON, BANKRUPTS, BY EDWARD SCHENCK. ON MONDAY. MAT 3B. and the lollowinir dara, commencing at 10 o'clock, at Noa. 20?, 2Ck'> and JOS Eaat nth at.. elegant l'anor Suite, In allk, aatin, tapeatry and repa; Dio ln:r Room Suit*. In leather; library Haiti. In pluab and lmretie; elegant black walnnt Chamber Sulta BadftMda; iJ BMin; Caaea. Bureaus, Woshataoda and Commodea in rrrittrarletv; B-jfffta, extanaion, contre and aide Tablet | Ivottnsrna. cylinder Deaka, Bookcaaea. Escretolrea, Cabinet!, rockinc and eaay t'halra. ?prin j Beds and Mattreaaea, ball and umbrella Standi. Ac., Ac. THE ABOVE ARE "NOW ON EXUIBITXOE. By order of JOIIN 0. CUTLER, AnlgnM. E. T. Fct.t.owvs, Attorney. B Y KOBEBT dOMERVILLE. AUCTIONEER, 71 L'ntveraity place. HOUSEHOLD FUBNITVHE. CARPETS. FINR PIEB ? AND MANTEL MIRRORS, HENRY SAFE, * RE FllltlEKATO RS, AC., AC. ROBERT SOMERVII.LK will tell by auction thlt day (Frldnyh May .6. at 10>( o'rlork. at hla atlearnoai 74 Uni ?pruitr place, a trencral aatortment ot Hnutehold Furniture, conalatinir ot two extra line Piar Mirror*, 14?2' faat by 4 feet: fine Carprta. Henry fireproof Safe, Redataada, Bureau*, Commodea. Wardro'<e?, Ccntrr and Kxtension Tablaa, Mat. treaaea, Bolatera, Pillowa, Parlor Bulla, Sideboard*, Re frigerator*. China, mahogany Furniture, Ac.. Ac. BV J A MEM* MOORE, AUCTIO N E E R.?TR IB day. nt 10J$ o'clock, at No. 7 Mndiaon at .Contentaof <>rocery Store?Aaaorted Crocerlaa, Soalea. Tea Caulatert, Ac.; 'ot of Lampa for ttorakeeperx. Sale pot!tire. Edward schknt:k.~aTi?vnoSekk! Sixth extraordinary tale of high ciaaa Wine*, tjlua and Cordial*, Rhine and Maaellx Winea, including the (Inen grade*; Cla ret* and Santernea; Burgundy, aparkllng Rhine and ktaelll Winea, Ulna, Liqaehra. Madeira Sherry. Ac.. Ac., all or the lineat irradea. To tie aold at auction b? EDWARD SCHENCK. at Nn. 60 Lil>erty at.. New Yerk, ob SATI HUAY. May 27, at 1 o'clock. All the aboro are guaranteed gnnuine and exaotly a* rep reaented b.v the importer, who aimpir dcairoa to eioaa out Ma entire atock. Tlie aale will be peremptory, and any Rood* not found as rcprcMuted may be retnrned within Are dajr* after pnrchaie. Catali.giiea can be obtained on Friday, at the *ale*rOoma, where gooda can be exaiainod. COLTON. AUCTIONEER. . Household Kurnlture. Piano, MirTora. Parlor, Dialng rnom. Bedroom and Ilas-tment Goods. Storage Oo kIi, Car pets. Ac., Ac. F. COLTON will *oll thl* day, Friday, May 2'>. at ttin auctio i rooms. :>:< Eaat 13th tt.. near Broadway, at 11 o'clock, a very large amount of every kind and do u riptlon of Furniture?good, bad and Indifferent?from a storehouse and from private familiet; two or three Pianoa, fl or rt French plate pier and mantel Mirror*. 10 or 30 b-rt hair Mattresses, W or IO Carpets. ?nv quantity of Mlseella nious ilootls. Kitchen do., and a general clearing oat of the various Fnrnitnre of a hundred different fatnlllea. N. B.? The Caip.'ts will be sold alter the Furniture, say about 8 o'clock P. M. C^taloTue* early. C" -1 BUROK HOLBBOOK, ACCTIONN E K R.-110 LB KOO K T A ROLLINS aell this day. at 2 o'clock, al tho old stand, 4&2. 4V4 and 4S6 Canal at., three Piano*. Steinway, Bar more and (lihson A D.irU maker*; 10 Parlor nits, in re pi and haircloth: walnut and enamelled Chamber Sulta. Man tel and Pier Mlrrora, Brussels and Incrnln Carpet*. Lae? Cnrtnina and Oornleo*. Bookcasna and Wardrobes, Side boards. Ftsgerea. Extension lalilea, Mi?ttre*a. Beds. Bed ding. Crockery, Ulaas and Plated Ware. Kitchen Uten*il% Ac. H. B. HERTS A HONS, AUCTIONEER*. Salesrooms 17 Pnrk place and 14 Murray it MORTGAGE SALE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE, SECOND HAND AND MISFIT CARPETS, MIRRORS, AC., ON FRIDAY, MAY art, AT 10* O'CLOCK, AT SALESROOMS 17 PARK PLACE. feeing the entire balanc? of contents of ? large Ave (tor* mansion, comprising everv varlctv of Parlor, Chamber, Li brary, Diulnz Itootu and Kitchen Furniture. By order of I'llAltLKS J. AMOS. ATTORNEY FOR MORTGAGES. P. TRATER. Al CriONKER.?MORTGAGE HALS this day, at 1'"] o'clock, at ?">!> Great Jonea at., by vir J. . . tue of a chattel mortgage. One Parlor Sulta, Sofas. Hat Stands. Bureaus, Bedst.-ads, Tallica, Chairs, Mtrrori, Pic tures. Mattresses. Bedding. Stove*. Kjtchen Furniture, also 1ft first class Wheeler A Wilson. Grorer A Baker and other family Sewing Macliinea, allk Umb ellaa, cluitcr diamond Tin, A<\ By ordor of attorney for mortgagee. JAMK8 C AON BY. AUCTIONEER, 1'. abTSgdoN square, fth ar., will aell this day, at 10J< o'clock, entire Mock and Fixtures of Music and Stationery Store 179 "lb iv, Consists of complete acta, atock of Piano Music, Musicai liftruments. sucli na Violins 300 yeara old. Pianos. Book anc * Slif -t Music. Blank Books. Pocketbooks. Kancy Goods, Store Fixtures. Showcases. Desks. Ac, The trade Invited. M SSKAUM,^t;(:TrONiRKR, xrItOWKRy, SELLS * this day, at II o'clock, corner of 3d av. and 113th at^ elegant fitted np Liquor Store; (S pull Ala Pum|i, with mlr ror: Billiards, Bagatelle. Icebox, splendid Bar. baok Bar, tias Fixtures. Chandeliers, Awning, Liquors, Cigars, Horso Trnrk. Ac. Positively in lota. M" ARSHAL'S SALE.-.!. 8REBACHEK, AUCTIONEER will sell this day, at 11 o'cloek, at Noe. TIA and 37 Clnrto eon st., the contents of an Iron Yard : also two FlallM Scales, Ac.: also one Horae, Wagon and Sleigh, DAVID ULLM AN. Marahal. ORTGAGB WALK.?ISIDORE J. SWAREKOPF, AUG. tloneer, sella, at lO o'clock, at 157 Kllsabeth at., the Stock and Fixtures of a Grocery ; positively in lata. II. VOGKL. Attorney lor Mortgagee. Mortgage male.?peter bowk, auctioneer, will sell, Saturday. May 37. at 11 o'clock. at the a ac tion rooms, corner Sth st. and University place, a general assortment of new and second hand Furniture, consisting oi b ack walnut ltrd*t?sd?, Bureaus, Extension fables. Side Imnrds, a lot of dining room Tables. Wash stands, hair MM* tresses, marble top fen I re Tables, vslvet ami Brnsaels Car pets, KngTarinirs Ac. By order Attorney for Mortgagee. P" \ WN B It OK K irs~ SA LB.?TH OS. J. M'GBaTH, ACQ. tlon?rr. 19B Chatham ?t., corner Mulberry, will aell tbli day, at 11 o'clock, men's and women's Clothing. Dressea Shawls. Remnants, Bedding, Boots. Shoos, Ac.; alee Coot* rants and Vests. By order T. Carroll. South ftth av. PAWNBKOKHR'S SALK.?IAMKS AGAR, AUCTION eer. willsell this day. at flA Xew Howery.?) > Iota Dressea Shawls, Remnants, Table Linen. (Jnderelothiug, Sheets, Spreads. Blankets. Qnilta, Shooa, Conts, i'anlaloona ana Vests. By order of D. G. Ferguson, Broome it, RICH A H U W A LTF.KS' SONS. AUCIlONEERii? Mortgage sale : will sell this day (Friday), at 10 o'clock, at No. :*rj Bait 'JSih st., three Suits ofParlor Parniture,, Itcdrtridy, Krench f'Jocfc* Tiblw, on* l' and i-ianu, Ac. GBOKGB T. MAXWELL, Attorney fot Mortgagee. Rich a rd ~w alters'" sora, _ auctioneer?. -ar. signee's aale; will aell Wedneeday, May 31. at II o'clock. at 44 Ka-t Broadway, one Mim>a Calotte Sloan to rine. Belting and Shaittnc. two Trncka, three Desk*. HoM Wheel, Scale*. Ac. M. BAPl'APOKT. Assignee S HERMAN, SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AUG i tloneer. .. Wines, Llnnors, Brandiee. Champagne. Clear*, Ac. THIS DAI? (Friday). May at 10X o'clock. Not II Bowery, the entire stock of an importer consisting of high ciaM Wires and Liquors in eaaea. as Rhine and Moeelle Wines, Clarets, Sememes. Burgundies, Port. Madeira and ShertJ Wines: Gin, Brandies, Cordials, Hitters. Ac.; casks of im ported Brandies and Gin, barrels of choice oM Bourbon ami Ryu Whiaseys, casks Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. Sh-rrj and Toit Wlnrs; also eases and hasketa Champague. Ac.; ( large lot ? f Hna Havana aad domestic Cigars, rartent brands; also OOee Furnitnre. Chairs. Desks. Safe*, two flat H it Hacks, one Ana Buffet and Rgt?nslon Table, m. Sale positive. in lots to suit dealers. Also, by order of the as signee of AlexMMler stein, in bankruptcy, one cask Rhine, Wine. Ac. SHKRMAN. SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AUC ? tioneer.? Marshnl'a mlo of Hats. Caps, Ac., this daf irrtday), May SH, at II o'clock, at No. i:t Bowery, widoiei ftne straw Hat*, a large lot of Telt Hats, Caps, Ac. Salt positive. WILLIAM ALT, City MarahaL SI) KRIFF'S SALR.-GERA IID BBTTS,-AUCTION)? F. it. Contents of a Furniture Store. S?tur<l#r. May 37. al 10 o'clock, at 1M? t'hat'iam st . consisting of Parlor and Bed room Su ts. I)?d?teada. Tallies. Cliisirs Cottage Suite, Dressing i ases, Uurraus, Wardro'<?s. Ac.. Ac. WM. (J. CONNER. BhertBl ? Mark I.svicax. Depntv. CUE It! FF'S S\ LE.-41RitAltD Br.rrn. ,?i ?, i Artier..' t' Slock olid Matures of a Gr-cery Store, fills day (Fri day),'May 3M, st iO?j o'clock, at .'mo Grand st.. a renernl aaaortmeat of (iroe?-nes. eoml'ttHag of Tsae. c -il -. s, Spieee, btii;ar. Flour, t' tnnvd Gooda, i.iquors, Ciu:ira, A'-, <kc. ,, , WM. t:. <):i.'iNivK, shotflT. Joan II. Ifti.i.T::n. Deputy. ctikiti ff's sa i.k 1 i i,ha .<"d SsttC auutionb?S HL, , lf"n Pipe, Fittings, Ac. This day (Fridays, May art. at 13 n'otimk, at l'H Poorl at., a large lot of Iron I'lpo, Iron Pttti?e?, Wreuchee, Anslia. Steaui Drill, Ac.; also a nuantity of hair aat straw Mattreasea. WM. a CONNF.IL ftssie