Newspaper Page Text
tJITl HF.Hi UTATB rOK IAUC. C i-nlrnl. A?roR SALE. LOW?r'OUK STORY MEDIUM SIZE i hl|h .loop slun* K??idi-ii? in .Vt?h Iitlwceg Ath and rtth in.; ukiwl tinlnh. 7 ntirrorm, Imv window and ee?r> iiKKUro ciwvenienra. Oflicea So 4 Pin* >-t mil :CT IK iTlt?*? V K >TFVl.\?ON. ,lr. "I KA?TT WORTII t'ONSIUKRlNil BV \LL WHO Al> A. RATES 20 CiiXTS I*ICR LINK The dre.lutlon ottlie EVENING TKLKi.ItAM ln?t week J* ADVKRTISINO RATES 20 * CENTS A 1.1 XK Mondar, Sav l.*> . :iSO advertising rates 20 cent* a line Tu.'d.v, M?> li? :i.'?,H80 ADYKKTISIXli RATES *> I EMS A U.NR. Wedne.dar. Uav 17 3?\i00 i ADVKRTLMNO RATES ir.NTS A I.IN.'. Thnr*d?T, Mhv 1H 44.2UO ADVERTISING HATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Friday. Mar 1f? ^ HI ,030 j ADVERTISING, RAtKS 20 I'KMS A I.INE. Batnrdav. MnvMO H4.1.VI ; ADVERTIMSU KATES ? t'KNTS A I.INK. fotal 22I..VW ! ADYhKTISl.Nl. KATES Jo fKNT# A I.INK. D*iW average .......... .16,917 ADVERTISING KA1 E> JO CENTS A 'INK. F~OR SAI.E (?R TO KENT AT HoTTOM I'RMK-KOUR itory brown stone No. 22 E:i-t l'.*lli il. at all k?u?. K.iaul Side. ? _nD AT., MO AM) : EAfll FOl'R STORIES J\, aud ex-h lutlioxllO Tret; thrtelwu w?ll rented. magnificently located Siortu lor .ale at n derided bar-niu. V. K. STEVKNUOX, Jr., No. 4 I'lne at.. or XI Kim 17ih ?t. TjVJR SALK- A VlRST CLAttS ENGLISH BASEMENT r llou*c, food neighborhood. well located and well adapted for a doctor; it"0*! "flee or reception room on each side ol the hall; 1>1 rooni? In all, with a K""d ?labli< attached; 4H feet 11 Inche. Iront by half tho block in depth: at ? very moderate trice. 2"> to .Tti per cunt canU. liiqunu on the premise*, IOU a>t 2Uth ?t. niKrellnneona. sVRRAL handsome AND CENTRALLY LOCATED Pon>e? for sale, at bnver* prlc>-*. TlMrSON ,v PERT. I.MSBrmdww. SK U'ESTt IIKHTKR CIM SITY PKUPERTY FOB AND TO BJCNT. TO" LET-THREE IIOI SES. AT' IM.KASANTVII.T.r; two minute* from di-pot; $100 per an num. t'HARLKS II ALL, 2."> Ahmirdoii *i|iiare. PROPF.UTY OUT OF TIIK CITV FOR UJJI OK TO KK. NT. T A. T. STI.WARTS'GARDKN CITY, L. I. A TO LET, SEVERAL ELEGANT and CONVENIENT DWELLINGS, fitted for winter ami summer residences, wi*h nil the modern Improvements, g*r?lens Ac. KF.NT from $llpH)to per annum. Apply to W. K. IIINSDALK. M uiufer, at office adjacent to the railroad atatiou. \T 8TAMFORD~ CONN ciuRAUNO COUNTRY Seat; most eligible situation, magnificent Hound over look : price extremely moderate ; cver\ thing desirable com* blued Appiy at 7 I'in ? ?t A*N B LEO ANT wfrNTKY -HAT TO LET k1 $100 i?cr month: heelthy. charmlnjc; seven tuileh; tirnt 4-la??s bulhlingM. beautiful jjroun?t-. Ac. K|?STOKf owner. *JO I.iberty st. CHXhmTn.J KKSfOKNCK -\T NYAfK KOH SAl.K or rent, luruUhed; one !>our from the city, l^miln from depot; the houso baa II room*, bathroom and clonal?; coiituauds aupcrh viewa fr<?m cver> wludow, and iaeutlrely (r% * from chilli" and fev??r; water of the purest quality In tlio houav; fruits ??f till kind* In full heurliiK'. lur^re garden planted; nothing mi?re dexirahle for a mtoaaiit ouuntry homo can l??* found on the llutUoii ICiver: tut* place cotitain<< JO ncrea, 15 under eiiltlvution, ?"? in wood, kept :\s a plexaure erouml: fpirdener'a cottage and larce hum ; in fr?*e from funrtcajri* and can l?e pur abused on liberal tar iuh much be low it* real value; the place I" open for inspection. I# enallr reached fr<*ni the city, and will he found ail claimed for it after the closest Kcrntlny, Add res* W. it. JiKAN, Nyack, N V. N KliFGANTLV kIiKMS||KI> AMI (*MAKMINtJLY located I'ountrv Seat oil the cant hant: ol the tin Isoti, nt (laiitluflr* ou tlwr fluiUon. 1!? mllea from the city aud three minute*' walk to depot nud uteamboat litudiut;, will he leaned for three or five roar* to reaoonaible aud carel?il tenant, or will be aold or exchanged tor propert y w hich can be more readily managed during a Ioiik abaence; p?'HHeM-?ci* pvrrv known impr ivenient, conveniouce or luxury both within and wi'heut doora; everything new, neat nud re ail v for immediate and elegant tiouaekeeplns- Addrtm II., 7il 5th av., northeast corner l."?th t?t. \FTnk rbhiWnc! fu iVsd.v, at spityten Duyvll, for sale?With Immediate po*t?e*Mon ; one hour ! from t'itv llall. Address box -,81H Pt?a. oflire. \?TO i/kT, KOU THE SKASON, AN RLKGANT KNtT ? liah t'ottave, ou tbe Shrewsbury River, New .Jersey; hea itiful lawn, ?hade aud fruit treep. irreeiibouse, vtab!e% yacht, Ac.: rent low Apply to V. K. t>TKVKNSON, .lr.. No, 4 Fine or 38 East 17th at. At nbw brioiiton Fo rent, Pthnihhbd \M? unfurnished Villas and Stables, adapted to tnerebanta* residences; location unexceptionable; eharniinir viewa; low lynti. II \K1>IK(?. 346 Bi i Ahavmome nbw corridb, tobbr minijtbb front ferry, Stateu Inlaud, water view, (;ai*deu, fruit, Howere, terms ea?v ; also lieat t'ottajce. Jpl.fckM) DAKRIN, 48 ltroad at A BARGAIN -THRRK s to BY COTTAGB; 5jfB acre: Une view of tbe ocean; (iarretsou station. Long Is1 aud Railroad; cost $;'?*>); ?ell far A(i.drean BRICK, fitapleton Pott (MBIce. Tk KLBOAKTLY Fl KN I snBD MODERN IIOUKE A, 8 rooms; everything new Irnit. vegetables, lawn; a ndsome snrroundinirs; mlnntea in N?w Jersey; phoio frapli ; rent very reasonable. STASLKV ferguson, 101 Broadway. T^BIiiBABBTq.?TO LET, AN ELEGANT UK81 deuce, furnished or iiutiimiahed ; all modern improve ments; icurdeu, stable, Ac.; near depot; reut very low J. G. H AMILTON. 1*24 Front st. TSTAMKOKO. ?'i) N N MOST rHA'lMLN.; COHK trr Seal, most eligible situation; maicnitlcent Sound overlook; price extreme lr moderate; rrerytbiug desirable combined. Apply at 7.4 rlue st. >" iVVKMINODALK, LONG ISLANH.?HOTEL TO LET, with leas? of ."* year*, bv bitvlii); stock, crops nud fix turea on farm Apply to P BOOTH, Ktt Esu loth at JjlOB BALK?A1 NKWTOWN. IZ l, FRKE FftClM all encunibrance, CotiaKo <*f I'1 Room*, Barn and 4 acres; plenty of Irnit ; seven minutes from 1'ost office: would exchange for *mall bonne in Brooklyn or New York, in good location. Apply Wednesdays or Saturdays to M. KoBI.N >>ON, ?fnmaica av , near Hoffman Boulevard. Fon rale?at iroiioivrs, bkrgkn ro.. n. j., (twenty minutes' w*lk from either Erie or Midlaud rail way a,) a *uiall Kami of 1H acres, with Dwelling, Barn, first cla*s Orchard, Ac. ; jtoihI land : terms reasonable. For particulars apply to R. L. FEltGUftON, Telecraph Muua Rer, St. John's I'ark. TJpOB BALB or TO LET AT FOUGBKREF8IK r fine French r??of House ; all modern conveniences; half acre of land: best situation. Impure of S. U. IIAINK**, Howery S.ivintra Bank, JACOB I'OKBIS, 8f? South llauitl ton st., Ponnhkeepsie. jrI BAND VIKWTJn HTDSON FINEST RIVER AM) \ T mountain scenery : beautiful Tottere. I?> rooms, fur nisbed or unfurnished, seasou or year ; see photograph. oll\ ER, I6J Broadnay. Hotel property to lbt or fob rale in South Norwalk, I'onn , containing 2H rooms, unfur nished; plessantlv situated; within two minuteh' walk of depot. Address KIOVaRH SEYMOUR, Agent, South Nor walk. Conn. VTBAR ENOLEWOOD.?TO LF.T\ for the hkjkboh. X* a large and convenient I'laee ; abundance ol'shaile and fruit; pure water and ga? lu the house. Addre*s box l:4*i Rscllfostl Pest office. OBANGK fT'RNISHED HoFHR FOR the season ; at able, garden, grounds, very handsome; rent, $ ion per month. \ BA1 D#1N, 14ft Broadway, rtoa 3T# CaeaToga (tottageS for salr.-tiiin f. sri)in' O brick.$?r>..*?0ii: rent $i*s), furnished; two story frame, rent $.iri a year. II. B. GARDNER 79Ct4sr St. 'TO CAPITA LI sTsT?T HK MAMMOT UPaVK OK ken L lucky for sale; grand chrmc- to form a company ; title perfect. Full particulars of (K?DKN A CLARK, Broadway and 17th st. rpo LET?AT SAUATOUA SPRINGS, SEVERAL LABOR nnd ELF.UANT STORKS In the i;RAM> I'Xlu.N llUTKL, Ottrd with counter*, ihelvei mid c*a fixture*. Al?> THE ST. JAMES HOTEL. on Contrm it., com pletely turnlaheil, containing ntnmi 00 room*. A No Til IC WlLBl'R 1IOI :?1?, on WxtilnKtoi, cornet of Federal at., eontaluint: about 4l? rooms, turnuhed anil ready for Immediate occtipatlon AI*o SEVER 4 Ij PRIVATE STABLES, with coachmen'* room* and all conveniences Alao a NEW OLI'B HOl'SE. corner of Conjrrea* and Hamilton .*!*., furulalieii throughout, adapted fur restanrant and hn?rdlnir koow. Apply to till AKI.KS LESTER. Saratoga Spring*. or to THE A (J KM OK A T. 8TEWARTB ESTATE, Broadway ? nil I'haMber* at., Now Y 01 W TO L?9-tK PAMUl?',~#r ?!.. 45 111NOTRR FROM foot of Chamber* at.. a liandaomo (iuiblv Cotta a. con* Mtalng Itl room*. bathroom, Ra.?, water, Ac. ; l? baautlfklly located npon tlie beat eoruer. mrroundeii by *hndi\ fruit and Anwerinc tree* ; h?* every udvautaite of the country, coin bine>l Willi all t!io convenience* ol the city; rent about ^O) per annum. Apply to owner,. I. T. RtTRKS, Oaiou Mjuare. rpo I.KI?1N WK8TPIEU). N. J.. A EURRlsHKI' X IIou?e, containing 1,1 roomt; nice outkonaea; ahaii>l?onin flower garden and rruftlM? all planted realy It nae: one hour from ,ler?oy t'entral Railroad, foot of Liberty It.. Now York: inn taken hi board for ttiree adult*; re ?r inrf encliansort.l >prb to U. A ROM I". SO Iteatl* at., H. V. TO LET?THE RESIDENCE" ?>K MR. PHILLIP Schuvler. at Dabhl' ferry, on tne llmlvin River, mid way betwrrn l)obb?' Ferry and IrvlnitM ?tation?: hon?p completely farnlabed; two parlor*, dlnin* room, ?i\ bed MMl*. fonr aerraiit*' room*; water on each Hour; ei*ht Kre*ofIaud; (.table*: rarden made; reatVI'tO per month lor ?i\ month*. or ???*> until Miiy I, 1S77. JOHN F. tKJYLE, 37 Wall at. f?0 1.ET-AT RED RANK, X. J . MOORRX It I ILT 1 i iittaB"*, furnished or tinlnrniihed. Addre** \Y. A. rREWtfir r"o RENT?IM I'll il. \ UK LI'IIIA. I>t RI 5?T CENTEX nial *ea*?n, a dolraWn ftirnWhed Ilotiae; tlr?; rlaa* ?eighlmrhood; all modern wnrtliM(*iit within Ifi Minute*' Ide to th? i round* bv hnoe o?i?. AdUrt-i M. it. hl.N IEDY, 1.410 Matter -! , I'luUilelplila. r RENT IX PRILAlU-LPHiA-HM ARC'll ST., KO I ft month* or lunger; a toad bualnea* *t*nd. wk ileaale or retail; Future* included. Addretl KKNNKDY, 1,'Jltl rhe?tnnt at., PwmMyMa. > RENT?A OXR AMM>XE I(Ali KTORY KIT-a tag* of 12 room*, with i-arrlare toni**, tawna anil vege table gardea, all In cond order. de*irabl) located on br>*J and ibadad avenue in tha moat attractive rill ace mid po ,.u lar i??oit ot tha t'atanill*. Addreta \V. P. UILL, <Yiudh?in, (ireene county, N. Y . fro REST FCRSISIIElV. FO!i TOR 8E AiiuS, ON K of Jl the mo?t bcaolirnl place* on Hie Sound. n<-!ir X"v Rnchelle, a Urtre family M taaiuu, carriaitc I aa<i eitcn ? lie around*-, will lie let liir a very moderate mm tonilc MraMe tea an It aa e*i illent placa tor boanlera. Aiidrcaa il, I'. K . Sew Hochalle raw ofire. CAitlf?SoTTAUE (NEARLY M.W Fl I.L SaiM/ lot: (r?ril?n nlanicd. *trei i i>ow?r*it ai.d p tvrd ; ?i i*a locatlan. Klinabetbport. N. .1 ; price |i,imO| al?> larger llmKM, very low, on ?mall Mall pavni ut*. E. it. Kl-.L l.oi.ii, No. i Broadway, morning*; II Jd at , I-lirabeih port. altarnoon*. dU- i||\|j ?loll AUK. MoilKKN IRFROYr.MKSTS; aMtlaK* hon*a and at able; Hear city: in>ikl Mill. Ml> KUKX. ?tl Broadway. ~ REAI. KMTAl'F. TO K.A(HA\UK. XIIOCSL is \YAN TKm IN fiXrllANUE IX BliiiuK lyn. Ilurleni oi New Yor* fttrtnn i.oti in Aatoria, . ?* IOIIM.I, nnr building Lot ill Me lichen. N J., and aerr* of hea\ilv timhc'.'i| l.and In Herkimer caunty, thia M*a?*: will Rajf In addition to,'**' in vaali ind $!.??> the ahox e PCO party I* tre? fr tm atltutwbrance, mift ba tha daw. Addrc*a Mr*. K. A. SEAT, No. ,W7 WwrtXIat H. TC'Xi HAN'iE?OOOI> RROOKLtI I ITY fROFCRTT, W* for two (rood t arm*. Irea and aboiit *>i ntrrt aacli. afcoat :*? utile* from W*?hiiijtoa or rbli?<*elplil i. A ldret* CT*R0WX, Iteraid *fl?. T HEiL KSTA'I'K TO EXCIIAKUE. Ei.f.oant PLACI on statkn 1-i.vnd. w*t (rr% tiiH front, >>n? liour from rllv, ono lure* llenae. two .mailer onct, Stahles, lt.?i House. (rati, vegetables. 'OH acres, i* mmM: to sell or e?<hut*e for improved >ir tinim proved Itruokhn property. mhir coantri place- for ?? ?. rent or exchan.-e. RIDKR A ANTHONY, I t Kin* ?t HIXCIIAXOK \ Vi;?n KINK I'XKNt'l MHKKKD i hrtck Ifeaidenre . nil improveinents, ihniUtry, Irint, .%? , tu the beautiful * iiy of Kiirlmtvr. tot city or Brooklyn property; will give difference. MARTIN' DUNS. M2 Bro?dway_ j3ok hai.i oi wTll rsoiTanor kor CITY PROr F eriy?A line Mantifarturltifc Pinpertv at Van lloruea ville. N. V. ;|i now n?ed 'or manufacturing cotton itooda. but suitable far other pttrpoeea; eonalats of How mill. 4t'vHt'; roiinlry >tore. 11 liouaea and l*t arrrn choice I.and. I* or fill I uartlrnlam wlilmi AI.I.UN A IIANKS, Vau llorneaville, Herkimer county, N, V. >l.vs IITIIWN TRNRMKRT, KM, A.M> 1 ;'n\lng noil, to exchange foe t Kerm lT WAYI.ANI). 213 Broadway^ ) KXVHANtJK-A KIRK rol NfltY KK>1])Kn71TaT Jamaica, I,. I., for a r^utlrmiiii'ii lirat flu* Road Turn out. Address.I. It . box in Herald I'plowu Branch oltio-. ft N MORTO AtillD PROPERTY, EITHER IN NSW ( Jersey. Kaet New York or Krooklyn. la exchange lor t'lj;ars, l,eaf Tobacco or Sni ?kin/. Address II. I!., Itto Wafer at. HEAL K STAT K \VA\TK1). \KXAM. lloi si: \V ANTKH?OWN'KRS ONLY NKKIl atldrcw, kl'itiiiir full particular*. iirms and price. Ad i]n>M, t?y mail. .1ACOH li. KhHI'S, liVl Kroadway. TO I,KT KOK Bl MlfKHH PI KPONKI BKN.NK.ri' ItllLDINO. Kin-proof. Located on .Vn?aan. Anu and Fnlton sts. Kirat Floor tu Vt, suitable tor bunker*. insurance offices or lawyers. Will he let tovetlieror In parts; he altered to unit tenant* II desired; adapted for ofllcts or stores. Reasonable rettta. Also some eligible L*w Offices to let. APPLY ON Til K 1'it KMISI'.S. Take the elevator. Inquire for jaultor. I) ASKMk.N r III LKT-UI Kfl.TON ST.." XLW YORK: I) suitable fur a reatitiiraot or saloon: also a I .oft to let, \> It It or without ateam power, at Nob. and II Hague at. In |nIr<* i I \\ A". WOOLKY. tin Pillion at . New York. fpo LET?A XKWI.Y KIRXISIIKD HAKKItY A'l'tr.4 1 Washington at; clieap rent. Apply at M'i Christophers!. fpo LKT-STOItK* IN THK MKTROPOI.ITAX"HOTKI,. I with immediate poasesvlmi. Apply to AOKN'T OK K>TA'I'K O.- .A. T. STKrt ART,corner Broadway nnd t.'h'am here ?t. fpo~LKT- v uT n iiKit snor. wrui or wnin?iTr I I-i vt'ires, In a croccrv ature. fall at I Ml Otli av., cor ner 47th "t. mo i!KXT_s"i-:rojfi? ki.oor. kor iii sinkss, ?i kast I I <tli at : apace. ?J.'iv'O; irond liirlit; low to ? irood tenant; more ltoiini it reguircil. Applv at 41 I'laat nth at. ?<111 \\ STORI^ HAS KM KlTi v.N.i APART menta; aoeii S>s lo lit. S. Kit!II. 74 Murray at. OUKI.LINU 11(11 >KS TO I.K1. Kuril I a lifts. ? COM Pr.ETKI.Y Kl'RN'ISlIKI) TIIKKK STORY 1V brown atone llntiae, to private f.miltv; rent tfl,7l?l. TIAlPSO.N .1 I'KKT, l.-WM Itroadway. \ I ilOlfli. MKOIl M SI/.K IIKOMN STONK IHlL'SK J\. to rent, with or without furniture, on West l!l!d at.: pood order, handsomely furnished; will rent low to a re apoiisltile tenant; a No a brown ^one llouae on Went '2!td ?t. I AMKS li KI?WARI>S. III? West SMil at. <?|>KSPo.NsIBI.K."?I I1AVK NIOKl.Y Kl'RNlSHFl) Ik I'welllnjr; vlelully Outral t'ark; will rent to irood psr'v. i. Apply to I., it. STONK, of Harrington .t Stone. BUM Hroadwnv. fpo I Kr-KI.KCANTI.Y KI'RNISIIKl). A SMALli X lloii*a, all modern Improvements, fur lour monthi or onver. 1' I Kast :.'4lh st. 7 I I.KXINoroN AV?A Nlf'RI.Y ANI) CCM t I" pletely furuished Hou-e to let fir the dimmer or longer; terms low t? a responsible party. OJUJ WK8T 3ITH ST.-Wi.I,l, KITRKIRHBD BOOA w'*U for rent; tertua *cry lo.?-; It' suitable owners will retain part of it. Vul'iirnlshed. I T 1!RI)UCEI? RK.NT ?A t'0-?KY l.ITTI.E FODR IV story til|(h stoop hrowu stone House, 'JIB West 4Sih st , near llroiidway. Apply to iiwner, 3.10 3th av., or MARK LKVY, corner Htli av. and 44th St. ? 1HKAP KKNT ONK OK THE Most DERIKABLE V Residences ill the Twenty third ward, furnished; sta ble and three acres; abundance of frnlt. ApplvioHAR NI'M, tut Broad St., or Koatoti av. and Itidth hi.. Morrisanla. 1AROR 1.1ST Of UN KI'RNISIIKl) IIOl'SKS??:t.otwi j w/ko. #a.ti.??. fi.vo.i, #i,aoo, $i,rKJ0, #i.?jo, ft.iiuo, $I,<WI, and ?7(*| per > ear. TIAlPSO.N A PKKT, 1.4HS Broadway. TO I.KT-l'NKi:R.MSHi;l) OR PARTIALLY KI'R nl'hed .miall Ilonse corner luth st. and I'd av.: Iintnu diate poaaessiou. NH'HOl.S ,t C A KKKRTY, a'l 4th av. fpo LKT-SOMK MKDII'M SIZED llorSKS, Pl.KASANT 1 and centrally located; rent *UO0. #!**i and Vl.'JOti; also lfnuie 74 Cllutoti plane. Apply at office I MM Kast l^tli st. Fl ll.\l?llED ROOMS A.\U APAKTMKNTS TO LET. I X KI.KflANTLY KfRNISlIKD SI'ITK'OK ROOMS V wltfi luodcrn improveluents to let tu gentleman ; pri vate family. Ill Weal latitat. AOIIEKRPUL KI'llNlSIIKD ROO*7 EVERY COX", veuiance; rent to suit the times; One block. I.*>;) W est i:tth st. (if >7 t PART OK A TIIREK SToRY IIOl'SK TO LET, -V furuished, tor three and a halt months; six rooms and bath room lur per month, or less room for a smaller sntu. 149 W eat 4?th St. AT I'lO KAST 1UTH ST NEAR 2D AV.-LAROB Koom, comfortably lurnUhed, $4; ?mull Kooui, ? 1 50. A MOT or rooms. NEATLT rURRlSHED.TOi?T, for IIirlit housekeeping, convenient tii cart und Mac**; ? II convenience*; tcru>? low, to adalta only. 4M? Want *t. AffltlOW l.ADY II AH A IIANU-liKKIiY K!!R" nlshed Itonm tn let to parties. Addre*? HI'' PBRIOR, Herald I'ptown BnHM office. An KLbUANT rVuiiiitixi) fttox rAUOK, with Ileilronm adjoiqlng. to let, en suite or Kingly; wunld allow ll'.'Lt lioiKekeeiiintt; private family. 231 K*-t llili it., u?ar i av. A NIC'KI.Y Pl'KMSHKU FRONT KOOM TO 1,ET; 151 4th /CORNER KOOM AND 8EI?ROOM -VKItV NICELY " 1 furnished; everything complete for housekeeping IT de hired. 2<?> West -tHtti it. /10NVESIENT TO OiltTBS AKD HOTEI.S?OON " > nectini; Parlors (three deep); newlv furnished ; private bttli; private lion?e: tm boarder*. U7 Kant 20th at. Fji6 it~ ihufsekkkPin<;^ri<<rvF ANt) hack i*ar lor*. mils, $4; ?in?le Hnumi, C2; newly furtii*liod. H(? Went 25th *t. Inuk.fisiiKD rooms for umrrucMM. appi.yat 1 121 >outh 11th at.. Philadelphia. FURNISHED HAM." ROOMS AND OTHERS; AM. Improvements. Id East Kith at., four doors t'rom Tiffany'*. fUJR.VIsTlKl) ROOMS POR UOrSEKKEPI NO-PRt>NT Parlor. ?nltable for two cenllamen: oilier Room*, with or without Hoard: a young lady who goes out to work can be accommodated with Hoard, fall one week. HIM 24th it., near Htli uv. FINE BOOMS. NKWIA'" KTRNlsilKl): PRTYATR bonne :i7 Kaai 20th at.; cool, light. pleasant; no boarder*. HANOsoMKI.V PL'RXIKHKJ) MOM TO J.KT?TO and wife or single gentlemen. No. til Kant 2."it h *|, 1 ARtSK AMI HANDSOMELY TtlUNISHED SVIT OK J Knows to rent, centrally located. TIMPSOX A PERT. I.4M Broadway. IARtSE SINOMi FRONT ROOMS, PANTRIES' J closets, water, to respectable parties only; nice lioiiia" 21 Bond <V Vrit'KI.Y FTRSISHED ROOMS. XI-AR BROADWAY ! hihI Mndlson ?<iiiare to gentlemen, without board; i terms inoilera'e. 27 We?t 20th st. fJIO liFNTI.KMKN OSI.Y -THE KAMII.Y AT NO~1% L SiiiyrrsHnt at. will let their second story Iront Koom, j bcadienetji rurr?t>l??*?l. mo MlttfiB OKXTLMMMK?LAMM promt wjS < 1 well fnrtila'ied; two beds; (as and bath; terms mod erate. 40 Kintr at. rpo SOI TIIKRXKRS AXD OTHERS.?TWO I.AROR. L finely liirniahnl Konnii. en suite or slnsly. wltli all con venience*. to r??pou?ibli' parties, wlthoni children. 4."i ;tl?t ?t.. oppo*ite Uratid Hotel; near restaurants; breakfast if required. rnt? urr?A XICKLY PVRMIS HMD ~Back Pa K MIR I at IM4 Ka?e n.'ith *t., near i.exngton a*., to a yunng man with good references. rpo REST?PI IIMSIIKI) ROOMS, PARLOR AN1? HI D JL room, for ladle* or gentlemen. SO West Hd st. mo l.ET? HANDSOMKLY~ PIRXIsllKD ROOMS, JM 1 mltn or *ln?h without board, for gentlemen or (sntw ; man and wile; Hth St., near Broadway, rent very raoderativ rrterrnce. Addre** S, t'. I,.. Herald I'ptown Hrancb ofHeo. mo l.ET?AT VERY M?W RKNT, HAM-' OK IIAX1) 1 *oin**l? furnlabed House. complete for honsoko 'pinir: t r*t ? lai* mdidilMirhood. .'I O Wost ;Kld St., near hlrratcd Railroad. "ii -a" VirRsTiiHEO Front ha?i. ?rSo. ?ip?J '/"? room, to Eetitlamen. 1 li? We.-t llnh St., near ?) NH'Kl.Y Kl KNISHED KOOMS TO l.KT POR ? ' llirht b(in?ek.eepln|. to gtntlaman and wlfa; references e.<tHiant;ed. IH7 W >'M Kit Is ?t. ^ I ONI.Y-t-OMPI.EI'EI.Y KUKMHIIKD HOOM ?pi lit hon??keeolag; al*?i dell^htfnl front Bedro-fn; ijnisi' private; all improvements, ill!t h.ast i;?th st. -Th AV. AXI' HTH ST-A PRrVATR KAMII.Y WIMs ? / rem a hand?ome Suit of fiirnWUe^ Roomi in the elegant brown siotie limiee No 4 West 14th *1., parlor, three r< oiiit and prii ate bath, t?i|retUer or separately. /? EART 17T1I .-T.-DKSIRABI.KKI KSIB1IBD ROOMS U tn let. "I i) WEST 2SD ST I %I?AMS EXPRESS RIMI.niNO).? I -J \ furttl?hei| Apiritnent fhr a sinjile Kontleman; in. i.u'diate |Mi?<i-**inn. Apply to the Janitor. 1 tJTII ST.. HKTWKF.N 2D AND :il> AVS.. 331 ? |_ ,Ve ?tj\ furtiHhed hall Koom. with clo el and ja*. tn a (?atlemaa. ivitboiil board: W; irood bath. 1 sTfil ST.. .NO, *75 WIST? ilAXDSOHl'f.Y TT17 1m Iilsbed Kotiais to gentlemen; releianres; lamili pri ?ate. _ 1 | Til sr.. 300 WEST?A vp.W IIARDSOMELT KtR I "I tilshed Rooms, in *trlctly prlvaU family ; terra* low ; location lir.t claaa. ___________________ _____ 1 ? EAST -'1ST St.-KirKLY KrKSISIIED KooMS; .1 I nioilerits price* ; private family; gooa location; ref erenee. 4>1ST ST. .1 KAST.-IIaNDSOMKJ.Y Pt'RNISHED ? I. ftotiras. in a fit it- width four storr brown stoua hou>e, wltn private lamily, to trentlemen ; reference* ^selianged, ST , jt?. WEST.-A PRIVaTK PAMII.Y W II I. rent tbrsf liandMimely lnrnl*hed Room*, without board; hut and cold water In rooms and n*e of batli. |'|| KAST a-'iTII ST -TWO I. VRtSK, fllOH K ROOMS, v)W ?n comer 4th ar., to iet. Iurtii*hed, with every con venience. Cm and *ee them. 1 1 | k' M V >' Dolt IA I.ST. ?pFkNIS 11 Kl"i ItOOVS. #fl II J |\F every <'onveni*ltM Tor hh laekeeptnn, to let tn rs* apectabN -in ill lantille*. \ )T K A ST 44TII ST., > EAR ORAXI) CRNTRAI. depot. Itonm*. fnrnl*hed completely for hmt*e. ke^pin'j. lor ainall lamllies or altiRl* irentl'men; rent t-"> to $?< |irr week. Apply on |ti? pretnl*e* or to VT. S. ISAVKY, 4S Itli-ecker ?t. WKsr 22D SI . XKAIt 7TH AV.-PliRNlslIRD Koom', an snlta or separately, without hoard . terms Tl\ atwJ EAsT ft.->TH ST.?KVRMSlIlD ROOM TO l.ET, CQ to a gentleman , terms low. | CWFURMISHKD ROOMS AID APART JIK\'T* TO |,F.T. 1i T 21 EAVr lliil >TOX :4T._i;KiR'KNiHHE0 RhOMK J\. to let. very Apply lo tlol'SEKKhPER. room X. \ -FIRST fl.ASS FRBSt'll* FLATS To LET, AT BE ? ilncad rstea. Corner house, ill W??t !MNh ?t. "a"! ELFUANT >KT or FLATS A.NI) FLOORS TO XV In, W illi latest iiupr iveiuent*, hi brat colli] it1011: apleudlil neighborhood; moderate r*nt. Inquire ?t We-.t 'JWtii at. T~PabLciR AND BASEMEST FLOOR."?! KtKlJI*; J\. nil Improvements; brown stone houie. Inquire (fW. A. Nl'OENT. HOG Kmi s-jd at A "rLOOR FOR IIOUrtEEBEPIhOt MNM "K. /V pruveinentn; good order; reait very low; private bouse. ?.'15 K?,t :i4tb at k ~FROXT ANI? HACK PARLOR. oHH?8T55CI* - V private l????i. $2ii a luuutU. 2I? Thempaun at., one house from W ashlagton square A Til I It DAM D Ft> FrTH FlioOK TO LF.T~rOOETHS P. V or separately. to a amall family, $15 and ?M), in it pri vate latuily. fS IIreenwicb av. 1"'jMtEXtUi FLATS. K i <. 11T ItOOMS. All" IMPROVE in "iita, X'I I- nit 14l!i at., in- ir 2d av.; rent Wf> and ftiO per month; neighborhood good Apply on premises. FI?LATM TO LET?AT 521. 523 ANlTWEST 4?TH at.*, new brown atone Mouse*. all modern Improve menU, -i x rooms eucli; rent low ; a Wo Score, with dwelling attached, at O'.'l same at., at client, rrni. H. II A V. 528 Weat 4fltb IV I" OAVi.K FAirOt' THREE STORY HItJH STOOP; SIX J renins; model n Improvement': frtj.'t 1>. a at 4!Hli at. I>a"ki.or Floor and Sa*embnt moil1 stoop llouae; nil improvements. 210 Ka?t 2l>th at., near 3.1 av. rpo l,ET-TO A" KM ALL KAMI LY~ oF AI >ULT8, A I Tlilrd Floor: very conwnient. 127 Eaat 27th at. TO LEr-TIIK l.o\VKH PART-OF IIOUKB M GROTS at. A. THOMPSON, 321 Bleoekerat. flio! LIT -MM jo NI > FI.OO R (FOtf It "ROOMS) TiV P Rt ? J villa limiae 50 I.eroy at. TO LET-TO A SMALLT FAMILY WITUOIT 1'ilIL dron. t'pper Part <il n lino private house; cwneri-cou plea lower part. luqnire at 2H1 Mat 4Wtli at. rpo Set?two flook* ami ha.>ement,'jn Vine X brown atone hon-e mil We?t H'-Jd at., ut low rent. rpo LKl ? OR FIVE ROOMS, IN UOOD ORDESl X In limine 251 Weat 4?Kh at. TO l,KT?IMSEME.ST .VNl>TAtU.OK VLOOKH. FIVK roonia; threw ?t?rv atuof i-rlrlt private Imnae; !?ar.. OEECOK A Mil.I.Kit, :td av.. earner Mnii ai rpo RENT f7)W?THAT eF/eoaMT FIKRT FLAT I aonthireat corner Sth av. ami '?M<1 -t.; eiiilit room-, nil improvemeM*. 1Ueloa#ta. Apple lo jitnitnr, on pretnisea. l\? iVAVEItt.EV PI.APE, NKAlt BKOAPWAV. FLF. I ? lluiimi to let i.n lirat Moor, wltli evor.v conven ience lor jfenfoel lionaekeopinir; tlio'?n<;lily lurnialieii. 1 (V WKS!' ItTH ST.. HKTWKKN 5TII A2SU UTH A\"sl ? M " ' Unturniahoil lino'. Parlor nual EMenaion; bot and cold water. '>.~u w'kNt -?itii st-amfrToak family has <o mj'rent nioelt located Hooin-, all coiivenioni*ea, nnftir tiiahed; would tnriilfh newh to auit permanent purtisa. ?jjIII WEST wril ST.?V'I KHT FLOOR, riVB UtTTTf ? I'M/ room a, with modoi'n improvein<-iila; honae und lo ciitirn e\cellont; runt low. Inquire of owner, UH1 8lh av., corner of 2M *t. IIOl SKS. HtlONH, &( ., M'AISTEU. ~ In till* CltV iiud Brooklyn. ^ AKESFi:<:r\BI.K FAMILY WISHES TO HIRE A Hrat elaai French Flat. Inquire at U30 Weat 4Sib at., Ilrat flour. fjll'RN'ISHEO ROOM WANTED??r A ySQIfB <1EN 1 tie mi an. In a irontoel neiKliborliood. with modern oon venleiices. in n prlvnte family preferred; permanent if auited. Addreaa, atatlnil term- and fall perticnlara, LEX, llerald oflice. OFFICK WANTED?PART OF an" offiuk WANTED on liroadwiiv. above Kith at., on Urat floor, with uae of one window. Apply to WILLIAM KMOWLaND, No. 2b7 Broadway. Tit A N'TK IJ?SKOON 0 "STORY F KONT ROOM, FOR IT gentleman and wile, hoard for lady only. In quirt bullae. Addreaa fi. JtAIMON". Herald l.'ptown Hrnn-li office. "?7 ANTElCBy Til BEE ADULTS, AN UNFURNISHED T ? Floor In K(>e<i order; Ave or al\ room* and not above aec.inil floor; rent, $25 to &K). Addresa U.S.I'., box 154 llerald I'ptown Branch oflire. "\\f ANTED?Til REE ROOMS,- IN "PRIVATE BOUsE^ Tl iibove 2t>th Mt., weat side; two in family; rent not to exceed$1-or $14. Addreaa U. 0. B., box 111) Herald office. WANTED?SMAIJi PRIVATE IIOUSB,- BETWEEN 2tKh and -?12d al?., Lexington and Oth ava. BASll, 2UH Weat 24th at. WAXTED-A ~Fl'RMSHED SQUARE boom. NEAR 1! (iilaey ltouae. by o single trentleman. Addreaa, with terms, L. II., lleruld Uptown Branch office. A*)(i WEST 25TU ST.?A BKSPEtrTABLB PKOT Tru'l estuut woman to Inkeclmrgu of a private house fur the aummer; irood reference. In lli? i'ountr*-. A private FAMILY WANT A ROOMY Fl'RNlSHKD Hoime tor lour montha. In Youkera, Ptalufleld or OrntiKe; modern iniproveni*nt? and lawn, with shade, re quired. Addresa B., box i:<2 Herald office. xrranted?for tub si mmkr, a ruBNUHED TT Ootta^e, with eltrtit sleeping rontna, within one half or one hour's travel from Now York. Addreaa, with particu lars. box 5,714 Post office. lUARuiCiVii WANTED. IbT.ook"from Madison sqCja^I,' litT^AaiY 23D at.?Rooms, with or without Board, permanent or tran> aient; teruia moderate. 1" BLOCk"FBOM WARIIINOTON SgOABB. 110 EAST 2'<d at.?Rooma. with or without Board, permanent or tranairnt; tertna moderate. i Fiu)"nt RotiMTwiriT-boakd, for obntleman X or lady, $7; private family. :W West 43d si., near Oth av. ISP IT OFHOOMS, private BATH, CLOSETS, AO. with private table; or without board; rooms for gentle men ; ref.reneea. :H( Eastfioth at. 1 SMALL FAMILY OF ADULTS, OR OENTLKMAN und ?'ile, cau bnacc<nua>odated with Board and llooms M No. i5h West 2Jil St. , 1 -FDBNIEI1BD ROOMS AND BOARdHS A PRIVATE X ? family ; Urat class house, table and location ; terms mod erate. 2<i7 Weal 4'til at. 2 IOR a CHOICE ROOMS, ELEUAMTLY KLRNISHED, ?wllli liiud, Kl j:? tt'<-?t Ulltli at. ; references. 1~~? LARUE, HANDSOMELY KL'RSIHBKD IfoOMs", . ?u second ami third Hour*. with Board; summer prices. m West JHili lit; references. tliKlsm HINCLE rooms-KOK UKXTLBMEll, with Hoard; references. U7I Went II(hut. 2 LARUE EOOM8 ON SECOND kloor, with Hoard; $14 and $16 for two. No. 48 West Washington place. ctii MKn. seaver will"rent parlor ft and Bedroom, with or without private table, or without board. en A v.. 307.?A KKCONU kloor OK SIX rooms, i) together or separate: also third lloor I'arlor anil Bed room: two Rooms fnurth floor, for gentlemen. with or with* out private table ; appointment)! and locatiou unexception able. References. Htu "ay". ia5T?to"let7with kirSt clahs tamlk. ') tine large Room*; also accommodations lor live or ?ix gentlemen; term* niodcrnte." 9~west imst st.-vehy~desir.vhlk, kiTkasakt Rooms, with Hoard; unexceptionable locality; day boarder*: reference* exchanged. fiV WAVKRLEV I'LAt'E, near BROADWAY.? J." Pleasant fror.t Rooin?, $14 nml fill for two.with Board; single Kooui*, $7 and $ti; transient people, $1! prr day; table board, $?. 1 O WEST MTU ST.. NBAB r.TH AV.~-THRKR LARGE I ?' finale Rooms and two en suite, on aeroud ami third lloor*; first <-la*? table. Ill ST.. -M7 W EHT.?E LEO A !*T ItOOM 8, EX tAlTB a fid ainglv, with Hoard; location deiiritbla; term* moderate; relerencea. tii st. -<??? s kiToFayTwebt w 1777 rest, with orwiih'iut Boiu-d, eome elegantly furnished Room*; ice* exchanged 14 1- WEST lllll sr.. NEAR broadway-HAND ? ) some lurnia'ied I'.n mi, with supe lor Hoard; rrfoi. ence, JTH ST., |4?_wkst.-:i>Ksikabi,k. WELL tij% ) nlshcd Room*, with Board, or bmakfasl only, for two, <14 aud $W per week; single, $7 to 43; lioiue uowly painted anl Inrnislied. iwt WK>r ivTH st ?board \tf~r leasaxtlt wW furnished Rooms for permanent or transient parties; terms moderate. 23 Ol WEST MIrtT MT.?ELEOAM fL? KIRNIftllKD wL Room*, lineat loi'.ition In the city, with Hoard', en dill* or >iuicle; to families or tingle gentlemen) private table If ile-lrnl; reference*. ill WKirr I 1 11 sr., NEAR 5TH AY.?IIAMiVsOMKLT m L liirnislieil Room*. suitaidn for Imnllies and gentle men. with excellent Hoard; neighborhood Bond; terms moderate; reference*. sf:. Jt-* ifiurt.?large kITinisukii IuToMH m to let, with lint class Hoard; terras reasonable ; ref erence*. WMT !Q0" ST.-DI'.SIR\HI,K ROOMS, WITU HT perior table, In a firs' rlars house. 2MD ST.. nil WEST.-?ROOMS. KLEtiAXTLY FUJt ?> nl'lie l; private bath ; with or without Board; table unexceptional. *joi> ST.. so. I at). NEAR 4TH AT.?LARGE, Affil Rooms, with Hoard, for lamilie* nnd single gentle men; term* $7, and $l?i per week; fine locution ; sooj I aide ; honse newly furnished throughout. Oi'tM ST., XO. iirziIANI)so m K i, Y *FI}RKIHHXB m i Rooms with or without Hoard, for single kentlemen or families. IjVJNI SI.. WEST. :W)7.-Ha"nDSOMBI Y Kl'ItN1SMBD MV double and singl" Room* with good Boartl; lint and cold water, liath, Ac.; terms, ami f 7. EAST a^I) ST.?TO I.KT. WITH HOARf)7 SINtll.K double Rooms, en suite or siujrly; reference*. ? n :t<?i ii sr.. Hi.r? ki:n Broadway and ?II r>tb av. ? Fine Suit and single Roums to let, witli Ho;irtl, to families end KOntleinen ; reierenee*. ?Hj EAST ais>T St. KEAH Hi'.iiaHU AY ? ELK ? HI xautlT furnished Rooms, with Board, lor lami.lea nnd geutieoien; transient boarder*. ?><l w kst -?itii st.-kiokly n knishei) "siTiTs ? )?7 for I ami ties and two or three stunie Rooms, with Board; location, table and attendance very desirable, term* moderate. :*<) til f. Alt f !>ril BT., NKAB BCOAiiM A t.?To U.T, I'* wifli or without Boaid, itouhie mid single Rooms; transient ana day boarders acconrnodateil < - K AHT a:tO ST, M a It MaiiISun AV.?A QUIET ' r?' gentleman and wife, or iwo gentlemen. wlH find superioi Hoard and Rooms, aewlv linlsio-i| and fnrnlahe.i, In a private family, at the pleasant, ventral location. a fi KAST IITH ST., BETWEEN HROAHWAT ANI)' III I nltersitv place. ? Kumlaheii Rooms, xuiiable for families and gentlemen, with good Hoard , terms very mod erate; reference*. nlz IRVINW I' I, At' K.-|TXn IimiM K I. Y H it NISI! kD I t*J I'arlor Kloor to let, with Board ; private table if tlo tlred; also other U ?iui, sjs "mfl ST.?BEAT TIKI i." kTrn Isll/n ol; front alcove and hall R<oin*; private family| with or wlthvni Uotrd. 71 MADISON AY.?WILL BE VACANT, JUXE I. II il-sirahle Rooms, with Board; transients taken; ref erene?> exrhanged. TJ EAST .VIII ST."?NEWLY rt RMSHKfr ROOMS, I O with first class table; term* reasonable. Call all th* week, MWAVERLEV PLACI, I<0RTHW*ST OOKIRR Wsshlnjtton squsre ? Sererai pleasant Rooms, with uniformly g>od tabla, to acceptable parties. fflf BOARDERS WASTED. ? "JTH AV-VRONT ROOMS TO LS"f~WlTH Hour !, lor *10. 912, 914, $l?. aud single room* at fti and ?7. 11~(TTaTt |7I"H ST.. NEAR lTNIO* SQt'ARK.-DE X i *f *iraWa HtoiBl. with Hoard, Cm gentlemen ; trauaient ?ad tniil* Hoard. i | 7 WEST 12TH ST -HANDSOMELY FURNISHED I ? I Rtwtr.o t? let. with Hoard, to KentUmeu and their wfrN <>r alagle gentlemen; pcleae to >011 the time*. Iei B4KT 27TII ST.?TO LET. WJTH BOARD, ? ) L handwwnely lurnUbed Boom* (or faallliaa or illfli gciuleinen; terra* moderate; reference. fm) EAST 32D ST.. NEAR LBXIKUTOi AV - IOa Handsomely fornUhed aquare Rooma, alaa ball Koom?. with Boar.i. from $3 to ?S per week. _______ Ol4> EAST HTII ST. ? Nil"F.LY KIRN1SHKD BOOMS, Ol. wich or without Board. ' hinu WHS BT.-A KBIT ATS FAMILY will Ojt) let, with Board, two Iwir Ruoma on second Boor, together or neparati ly, to ircntlamea or gentleman and wife; trliman. oTTi WEST 23D ST.?A PIKE LAROK ftBCOND *>?) X *tor\ Iron! at c < V; Boom, with flrat ulaaa Board, In a private faiully; alao single Room; all c'jnrraiaiicea; reler ewes. SOI I HTH AV.?A KR8FECTABLK CKRMAK PAM wuv ill wlaltaa to take a child to Board Inquire of II. KANDELHACU. LKXINOTOX AV' NEAR <i?TH ST.-AN American family will take a few boarder*; boaae Asmah. private family ooomxxo A brown atour Iiou?m in I<exluictoR av.. nna (!?ntol Park. de*iri'to let two large MmiM 011 aecoud floor, nicely larnUhad. tosentletnati and wile; ua oilier boarders. Ad Tneni drtx CARVER, Station I) T~ pact vrmtTU c6nsi7>erix?; by all who ai> A VKHTISE. RATES 30 I.'EJITS I' LIVE. The circulation of tbe EVENINO TELEGRAM lait week """ADVERTISING RATES 30 CENTS A LINE. Monday. May lft :r,,!W) AllVhKTISl.SU HATES 20 CENTS A LINE. Tuesday. Ma* 10 33,830 \DVKKriH,s(; hates 20 cents a like. W edn I'll day. May 17 :i3,nOO Al>\EKTiSINO KATES 20 CENTO X LINK. Thnr*dav. May IS 44.3IC ADVB.UISIXU KATKS 20 CENTS A LlNK Friduy. May 1W .'Iti.OftO ADYHltTISINO Kates 20 CENTS A LINK. Saturdav, Mav 2" 34.130 ADVEHflSINti RaTKM -Jb CENTS a LINK. Total 231.600 Al'YMtTL-tlXO KATKS 20 CENTS A LINK. Daily average ADVBwTlBIHU RATES SO CEN fa A LINK. B~OAKD. FKOVtYn?I HAM II,TON SQUABS.'JERSEY <'ii/; imwid ?trtfy Iront Boob, in private family, for two gent I,-men or gentleman and wire. Addreaa, with reU rrence*. A. II. ?3., llerald olllco. 1 ? IIb< 1ANTLX Kl? RNISHED BOOMS. WITS OB WITH* I i out Hoard; trantlcnt or day boarder* taken. Mil Clin ton piece. PIIILADKI.I'MIA BOARDING.?MRS. BROOKE, .Ml, 21S We?t RittaulioiiaA Minare. I> 11ILADBLPtilA BOARD JSU.-FIKMTCLAsSA ?:com modation* in Walnut it.; reasonable rales. Addre*s II M., Herald olHra. Or PER B AP A KIM BXTS AT EXCKEDINOI,?- LOW O p-icca, with and wilhont pnrlor? and private talilva, ut 230 Mmliaoii ??., corrtar hinmn, unitable for lamilii"< ?nd bachelor*. N.B.?itetorencii* exchanged aud beat pos*l i.le romfort pirou. ?HTANTED-A YoTTN<f~MAN Tt? KiTaRE A LAKOE TT fnrnlthcd front Room ; board if required. Itoo West 37th at. ~ l> A .\T) Q WAM'BP. 117 ANTED-SaTISkaCTORV * AND COMFORTABLE 11 Hoard a?d Loddii);, iintil Jannnrr I, 1H77, ni not over $7 per wi>ek and npon credit; inu?t be rood neighbor hood and reference. Addreaa S. 0. No. 3 I'erry St., New York. May nerd louder credit than January 1. WANTED?HOARD KOit AN INKANT 9 MONTHS old. with a respectable family In the vicinity of lllgli hridge. near to the iioat lauding or a railway depot. Ad dreuMr. DEOORAUY, 17.' Watt 33d *t. brooklyn BOARD. ocj??"iiKNRV st.. fiv'iT BTnutKI krom "Sorffi and Wall n. ferrien;location, home and Board flrat clau; term* S3 t?S7: relereni'e. BUTBU. ANHELK'S 'TCRKISH." ROMAN AN!) EttScTRtC bath*, ? 1 Lexington av.: day and night; ladle* day and evening; pleasant room*, excellent table. T NEW ENRLAND' HOTEL, 30 BOWEKY.-ALL light, alnxle Roota*. for gentlemen only; lodguiKi 30c. nightly; weekly. LWAYS Ol'EX.?KRAN KKOKT HOUSB. COBNBR Kraukfort and William >M., 33c., AOo., $1; gontlemen, familiaa. (CENTRAL HOTEL. 233 CANAL ST., BETWEEN J Karle'* Hotel and Broadway.? Single Kooiav f'.'30 to $3 weekly; 30c. aud 73c. daily. /1 |7kNHAM" HOTEL AND RKSTAURA.NT, Mil AV., \ I between 21 ut and 22d it*.?Room* aingly or en anite; elevator anil every modern convenience. N. B. HARRY, Manager. C^KANT HOt'SB, 4s "new BOWERY.?IW ROOMS; T famille*, 73c., $1, $1 50; gentleueu, 2V. to 30c.; ulwav* open. Hotel irT.OERMAiN, bTh a v.. bi>, bboadway.? Splendid location; ca*v nccea* to entire citr; Room* all front; elevator, bath*, anil with Board reduced $2 and $11 a day; uuusnallv da*lrable for lauiilie*. WILLIAM O. TOMPKINS. Proprietor. COl'NTEV HOARD. A- "gentleman desires board,'IX ah attract. Iro country place in New Jnrse y. Addrrn LAERTES, llerald office. T K E W BR I Q UTON. & * I.?PLEASANT ROoMs| with line view anil good Board, in a German family, at moderate price. Inquire 111 drug store 4-3 4th nv. A" FEW BUARDRKB CAN BR "aOCOMMODaTRD with Board, in a private family, on tlie line of the New York and New Haven Railroad; mil h.nir'* ride from the city: high ground and very healthy neighborhood; terms reasonable. Apply at once. J. G. llkUNDAGE, Port cheater, WMtelinttr connty, X. V. Board" at nyaok-witu large. firm apart meut*. commanding beautilul river view*, within live minutes of depot or steamboat. for a few select boarders, from June 10; house new, with modern improvements. Ad dress drawer 1 Nyack I'oi>t office. Board among the moi ntain^sT-TkIvate fam ily : house pleasantly located In a small village a short distance from IlillMlale. on the Harlem Railroad; huntiaic, trout llslilng. Ac. Address COUNTRY, 1H Hanover place. Bear Knlton av., Brooklyn. ("itJuNTRY BOA RD.?TO LRT, A FURMUHBD boT J tage, 7 room*, near the, with private table If desired; one or two families can be accommodated with flint cla*a Board by addrening Ihix 113 Pott office, Xvack, s. r. /COUNTRY BOARD?ib MlNUTHs from city ; Pill \J vale family : high, healthy location; term* $8. Address GLEXWOOD. Herald office. CVOVRTRY BOARD I'AN BR OBTAINhD IN A PRI J \ate ratnily, near White Plain*; beautiful mid healthy location ; one hour by Harlem or New Haven Railroad Call on or address for two days, I. STORY, Ad University place, corner of 12th at. CioVNTRY HOARD AT KIVERDALE, OX HI DSON, -K) ) minutea from city; location unsurpassed; term* mot crate ; references exchanged. Address S. W., Herald offic?. (COUNTRY BOARD?OX THK BAXK8 OK XBKAI'TI J fill lake, central part of Loiir Island; two hours Irom New York; plenty ot shade, good boating und flahioic; large, pleasant rooms; table ilrat class- private house. For full particulars call nl or address Ml n<i at., bakery. /SOUNTRY BOARD**AT a'FARM "HOUSE IX ROCK \J land county, one mile from Stony Point depot, two miles from steamboat landing. For particulars iuqnire at 121 West 2~d ft. tlltXND VIRW ON THK HUR80N, BELOW BTACK. T one hour Irom Piironia ferry, near depot; r?>>d Board for about ten persons; iioats, stabling, milk and frnit; refer ence!. Addrrss box U,! l'oat office, or inquire at (irand Ylew Station. ? XTBW IIAMPTt)!?,">.ll.-GOOD BOARD IX A QUIRT ll village among the hi lis; terms reasonable. Address Miss WALLACE. ;"l4 F.a>t 1.1th ?V. New TortH. 0RAXOK MOUNTAINS, OfANtiK.-FIRSTCLAM AO mmmniiations; location healthy and convenient to city. For particulars addreas 179 Columbia Height*, Brooklyn pARTY" of" ADULTs OAX *ftE~ 11AXDSOMi?ly~ac J ciiininodatril with Hoard in a private mansion on the Hudson <no children), one and a half hours from city, iiesr depot ; ground*. lawn, flowers, shade, fruit of all klmis; carriage, stalilinir. Address OMEGA. box 130 Hernld office. OUMMEll B OARO AT A FARM I lOUSb?Ma PES H Shade, pleasant surroundings. near a picnic ground, terms. per week , two rides a month, free 01 charge.' Ad dress SltllliAL FIXOH. Durham. Greene county. X. Y. \\r a NTi'.D-io ux try it 1 7a kh. i n> it fvate 177<PHR; ?? Two well lurnished Rooms, for gentleman and wile; must he good trout or itlsck bssa Ashing en the p*?misee or near by; two months' eng igement, sure, if suited. Address J. M., Helveder.- Hotel, New York. ' tB^aXtkn-c mfxTRY" board~for gsxti7rman ?T and wire. In th" vicinity of Xow York; I-otic Island ex<lufted; t?nns must be reasonable. Adilrcs* W., box I,'.nm Post office. Xew York. VlTANTKIt?COl'XTRY BOARD Foil SKY MR A I, II adults, in |{ood location, mountains or sea shore, and at very moderate price X. PAI.MKU, 17 Xcw st., X. Y' SUMMER RKSORT*. BATH.'t. I.-I-OI'I ST UROVK IIOTKI, AXll PAVM, Ion (Isle residence of ex-Mayor Gnnthcrt. with an mi dltional ulnic contalnii'i; '?*) rooms; fronting the hay ami oceaa; exeeilent bathing, flshinv. hin.-. .Ve. I or Board apply on the premises or hy note to.loll.N IIOOPE. BI.AU t'OTTAiiF. WIIITKSTONE. LOXO ISLAND ? Parties mav obtain Board ; rooms 'ciumsnri lull view ol Sound, hathliig, boating, falling; trains houily Irom limn ter's Point. Briikjkport, CONN.?OROKOR HOTEL, BLACK Kock Iteach, opens .Inn* if>; house anil furnltnre n-w, most dellghrlul slluatlon ill Amerina; livhlng, hoaiing, bathing. eUin bakes, sliootinir. dririnir, fiuit and ponltrv ; farm attsched; rate* moderate. For circulars snd partim lars address liRo. A. WE1,I,S, Bridgeport, Conn., or W, 1_ MILLER, HOI Mmadway. (1IJPF HOCHE. TARRYTOWX, X. Y.. WILL OPRX 1 June I; Room* c iu I ? securcd irom this d ito at reduced rate*. Hamii.tox doumk. btampohd. conk., now open; all city conveniences; Cottages, with private taide. if desired. S. T. I'OZZF.XH (late of West Point'. 1IXDEX PARK HOI SK, OOMKW.YLL, N. V ?WILL J lie open for the reception of a few select hoarders Miiy Sii; terms moderate. C. II. RING, Proprietor. PAVILION HOTEL, XE^' HHIOHTON. STATEX Island. X. ?.?Now open; special rales lor May and ?lana. ''nil on or address K, |'. i'OLK. Richfield springs -spuing hoi sk oi-kx ist June; terms, fl'i tu SIS. Rheumatism and gout cured. Illustrated clrcnlar fVea. Sl'UHAdE. "* "" },U<iU STORAti!. foMPA.NY~r.Nsl RPASSkl) V6U 'J s.iie keeping of furniture and goods of every kind. 105 1(>7 YVc-st IMd St.. one dour west ofttth av. /IRAND C..XTRAL stobagr WARRIIOI8R FOR VJ lurnitnre. trunks, baggage. Ac. Inspection invited. 1.roadway and 47tti st. MORGAN' A BROTHERS. Proprietor*. PORTIXOTOX'S storagb WAREROOMS, 6^2 11 I'D son st., lor Furniture, Pianos, Trunks, Me., in separata rooms (.11 ARLEo II. BollDK, Proprietor. STORAGE FOR FL'RNITl'RR, CARRIAGE AND HSR. chsndlia. SMITH A SILLA. rroprietors. 730 and 732 9th ??. MM347 Wett 4?U M. morKil HTEAnSHIFS. di4ect"a)<i>~bconom ic boctk"W88C M I'AMD. HELM 11 cm. THE RHINE. SWITZERLAND, ACL, AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. M M Steamer M A AH. May J5 Steamer ROTTERDAM *??? ? These boautifnl itoMrn. carrying the United Mates ??II to the Netherlands, ire free! favorites with the public. Trip* regular. rate* low . comfort and living perfect, tar freight, Fcrpaisai;e. KOCH. EDYE * Ott L W.MORBIS. .Vi Broadway. North okrman lloyd STEAMmIII- link between new yobk, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Cmmdt'i nler. fiint <?t 2d kt? Ho ekan. ODER Saturday. M?v 27 | NKCKAR Saturday. Jane 10 MAIN Satarday. June 3! M KSKR...Saturday. June 17 Kates nl paasage irons New York to Southampton, Havre or Breineu Fli at t:mblu, $100 gold; Second Cabin. $?*> gold; Steerage, cnrroacy. Retarn flckets at reduced raten. Prepaid Steerage Certificates. SXt currency. For freight or pauiaae apply to OELBICIIh A CO.. No. 2 Bowling Groan. T N M A N LI N E?M AIL sTEAMh R8L 1 FOR KKNsToWN and LIVERPOOL. t.ITY OP HKKM.1 .Saturday. Mar 27, at X :H0 A. M. CITY OF CIIKSTE ( Saturday, Juno 10, at HA. M. CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday. June 17. at 1 P. *. From pier 43, North River. CABIN. $S0 ana ?10ii. gold. Return tickets on favwrsble term*. STEERAGE, f'M currency Drafts Israed at lowatt rate#. Saloons, staterooms. smoking and bathroom* amidships. JOHN G. DAI.I., Agent, 15 and 33 Broadway. New York. WILSON 1USE FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL~ '? calling from pier 53 North River, a* follows CoLOMB ? lune 1 I HINDOO * July 1 OTHRuLO June 15 | NAVARISO ..A luiy 15 Firm rutin. $70, currency; ttnind cabin. $45, currency. Excursion ticket. on ve>y larorame tern)*. Through ticket* issued to Cnntiaentai and Baltic porta. Apply, (or full particulars, to CHARLES L. WKIIillT A C > . .V? Sooth at TTSlTED STATES MAIL LINK-STKaM TO QCEEXB U TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, sailing every TUESDAY, from pier 40 North River IDAHO 1 iA.M. I WISCONSIN. June 30,3 P.M. NEVADA.. Jane 13.10A.M. I WYOMING July+. I A. M. Caliin. $6f?. $70 and JtHil, currenoy. Intermediate. $4ti; steerage. Passengers booked to anil (rom Pails, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Drafta on Ireland, England, Franco and uor tuuiiy at lowest ratca. WILLIAMS A GUION. 2!? Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE.->TIIR SPLENDID MAIL STKAmI ship Idaho sails Irom Pier 4it .North River, foot of King at., lor Vocenatown and Liverpool. uu Tuesday, Mar 30 at 11 o'elo k A. ,M. precisely. For passage spplv to WILLIAMS A UIJION, 2? Broadway. S"~ TATE LINR. ~ ~ NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from tiler 42 North River (foot of Canal st.t aa foil iwi:? STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, June 1 STATE OK VIRGINIA Thuraday, June 15 STATE OF NEVADA Thuraday. June ?.'2 and every alternate Thursday there titer. Flnt oabin. $:u> to ftttL according to accommodation*; retnru tickets, $12."?. Sri oisd cabin, $.'>0; return ticket". m. Ste race at lowest rate*. Appy to AUSTIN BALDWIN A OO.. Agents, No. 72 Broadway. New York. sterrace ticketa at 4.1 Broadway and at the company'* pier, toot of Canal at.. North Kivcr ir UITE ST A14 LI N E. >1 FOR Of K K.N STOW N AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYINtl THE UNITED STATES MAIL. ol this line take the Lane Route* recom mended by Lieutenant Maury, U. >.N.. troin? eoiith -if tbo IIhuk< on the paaaa;;e to t^u'eemtown all tlie yenr ronnd. CKLTIC luue H, at - P. M. ADRIATIC ??....Julie In. (it 3 P. M. BRITANNIC Imie -'4, at ?< P. M. OKKMANIC J til v 8. ut:? P. M. BALTIt! Inly I A, ?t 11 A. M. From Whit" Star thick*, pier ."i2 North River. Rate*?Saloon, yso and $100. in ?old; return ticket* on rea sonable term*. Steerage. $2H. Saloon, atuteroom., smoking and batli rooms ar* placed amidahlpa. where the noise and uioilou lire least, affording a decree of cnuitort hitherto unattainable at sea. tor inspection ofplani and other information apply at tbo company's office, 37 Broadway, New York. R. J. OORTI8, A pent. e~'BEAT WKSTKIIN sifSAIlBUIP LINK. TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, salliuz from pier 18 East lliver as loiiows:? SOMERSET, Western Weitue-day, June7 AKA'iON. Symons. Saturday, Jun* 24 Cablu paasage, #7.'>: intermediate. W''stoera^c. $30, cur rency; excur?ion tickets, $l?Jli; prepaid steeraje certificates, <ae. Apply to W. D. MOK0AN. Agent, 70 South at. Only" direc:i7"lixe"to" franok. THE GEKEBAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (G. B.) for the landinc of passenger*. The splendid vc.?sdIs on this favorite route for the Conti nent ibeln* more southerly than uny other) will sail from pier No. 4:1 North River, foot of Harrow St.. a* follows :? AMKRIUUE, Pouiiols.i Saturday, May 27,atH A. M. ?ST. LAuRKN'f, Lnchesues Suturdny. June 3, at 3 P. M. FRANCE, Trndolle Saturday,.1 line 10, at8 A. M. ?PHRR1RE. Danre Baturda> June 17, at I P. M 8T. GERMAIN. Recutoux... .Satnrduv, Jtiim 24, at It A. M 1'lliCK OF PASSAGE IN OOLD duoludlni: wine) First cabin, $110 to $120, according to aceoinmodntion. Second, $72. Third cabin, $IU Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage, $2?i, with superior accommodation. Including Wine, beddin; and nteuslls, without extra charge. Steamers marked thus ? uo not carry stoeraire passengers. LOUIS DE BKBIAN. Asent. 5.'i Brondway. CUNARD LINE.? B. AND N. A. R. M. S. p.~ca NOTICE, With a view to diminishing the chances of collision, tho steamers of this lino tako a specific course for all seasons of the year. On tho outward passage from Qneenstown to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north of 43. On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEEN8 t'OWN. ABYSSINIA...Wed.. May 31 I Si;YTHIA....Wed., June 14 ?Rl S.-IA Weil..June 7 I ALin.iilA... .Wed., Jure 21 Steamer* marked * do not carry steerage passengers. Cabin passage, $So. $100 ana $130, gold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets ou favorable terms, Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. Freight and paasage office, No. 4 BowUug Green. CUARLKS <1. FRANCKLYN. Agent. HAMRURG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S IjINB tor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURti. GOfcTIIK Mav 27 I POMERaNIA June 15 RHEVIA June 1 llAMMOMA Jane 23 GELLEKT Jnne H| UOKTBK lune 23 K*te* of passage In Plymouth. London. Cherbourg, Ham burg and all points in England, Scotland and Wales:? Cabin, Hrit saloon. gold flOO Cabin, second *alo>n, gold 00 bteernga. currency 30 Kl'NII ARDT A CO.. C. B. RUMIARD A BOAS, General Agent*. ueneral Passenger A cent*. 61 Broad st., York. rtl Broadway. New York. National limb-prom piers 44~and~47North River. For London direct. CANADA Wedne?dsy, May 31, II A. M. FOR OUEENSTuWN AM" LIVERPOOL THE QUEKS.Mnv 27. OA. M. I SPAIN.. Jane 10.7:"t0A. M. ENGLAND.. .June 3, 2 v. M. |E lU?r Jnne2t.? Cabin passage. $TO and SSO. currency. Return ticket* at i reduced rater. Steerage psssaije. $20, currency. Drafta is>.u?d from ?i upward, at current price*. Apply at the company'* office, Oil Broaoway. F. W. J. HURST. Manager. NCHOR LINE UNITED STATES MAIli STEAMERS NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. VICTORIA....Mav 27.SAM ALSATIa.... Jan* 10,8PM BOLIVIA Jnne 3.2 I'll | ANCIIOKIA .June 17, Nnoa .SEW YORK AND LONDON. UTOPIA Mae 27. O AM I ANGLlA Jnna24.4PM AUSTRALIA. Jnne 10. 4 I'M | El.YSlA July H. 3 PM Anchor Line pier* 2t> mid 21 North River, N. V NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabin*, $65 to $!"0 curreucy, according to accommodation*. Excursion ticket* on favorable terra*. Steerage. $2> currency: intermediate. 535 currency. Draft* issued lor any iiinount at current rata*. HENDERSON I! ICOTH KKS. Agents, 7 Bowling Gi Grean. C-tOOK'S TOURIST AND EXCURSION TICKETS. J to all part* of Europe and the East, at rednctluns rang ing lio n 15 to 4."> per cent. Available by any line of ?teamer*. Do not require imlner* to travel in large parties. COllK'S AMKItlCAN TOURIST Ticket* by the principal line* of railway* and *teaniera to every leading place in tba United State* and Canada, i**ued in the same manner a* European ticket*, at reduced and low rate*. COOK'S AMERICAN HOThL Coupon* are accepted at the be?l hotel* in America, provide for a fell dav'? accom modation, at $3 .VI eac'i, taring fr >m 30 cent* to $1 per day, arc n*e'l h* ca?h, requiring no notice COOK'S ANNUAL vacation party *all? by steamer Vic toria July H, accomtianied liy Mr. Thome* Cook, to Scotland, Belgium," the Rhine, Switzerland and Itaiy. Prices lor flr*t cla** travel, hotels and all espouses, $JWJ. $400 and $SOO, COOKS EXCURSIONIST for May ha* programmes for every part o! Kiirope, and lor California, Yoieinite Valley, Colorado, Ac. Price 10 rents. COOK. SON k JENKINS, Broadway and Warren st. P CO VST \V ISK ifBAJMHIPS. ANAMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP COMPANiT" j FOR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA AND PACIttO POi'.TS, \ia Isthmus of Panama. Sailing from pier 13 North Rlvrr. Steamer CRESCENT CITY SATURDAY, May 27 I for Aspinwnll. connecting via Panama Railroad at Panama with first das* *t"im*hlp* for port* a* above. For freight or pawage apply to. p 0,.Y1)K k 0Q Ne. ii Bowling Green. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LIN'L. FOR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA. AC.. AC., sailing from pier loot ol Canal St., North Klrer. FOR WAx FRANCISCO VIA ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. AC.Vrui.CO Wed esday. May 17, at noon roi]n,rttng for Central America and the South Paclltc f or trciglit o- naos/ii apply at loot nf Canal st.. North River. II. J. BUIaLAY, Superintendent. >? TEW YORK AND HAVANA DtRI-.CT MAIL LINE.? < The*n tlr?t cla** steamship* will sail at 3 I*. M. from pier 13 North Hirer, foot of Cedar st., for Havana direct, a* follow*:? WILMINGTON Tnesday, Mar 30 COLUMN' S Thnr*dav. June S For freight and passage, having uu?nrjie?* d accommoda tion*, apply 'o W M. P. CLYDR k CO.. No. H Bowling Green. ? Mr KELLER LUL1NG k CO . cents in ii*i iaa. ? vr V.. HAVANA \NI? MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE. J.1 * Steamer* leave pier No 3 North River at 3 P. M. for Havana direct. CITY OF NEW YORK,..,. Thursday, June 1 CITY OK MERIDA Ttie?d?v. Julie 13 FOR VF.KA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, Progreso, Campeachy, Tutpan and Tampicn. CITY Or" Ml'.I'.Ill V Tuesday, Jnne 13 For freight anil pa?<ag? applv to F. ALEXANDER A SONS. 31 aril 33 Broadway. Hteain?r* will leave New Orleans May 2S and June IS for ! Vera Cm* and all the above port*. ONLY DIRECT LINE FOR FLORIDA.?WEEKLY LINE ? lor Port Roval. S C.: Fcrnandlna, Fla.; Brunswick, 1 Ga. ; sailing every Thursday, Irom pier 'JO East River. The ! I steamer CITY OF DA LI.Ait, Captain liine*. will sail Thur* ] ilav, Jnne 1 at 3 P.M., lor Fertiandlns and Port Royal, i Throndi tickets Issued to all point* in V lorlda. For fteight or parage apply to C. II. MALLORY A t'O., or HKKMAN GELPCKE. .Maiden lane. IriOR NRW ORLEANS PIrSctI ? " THE CROMWELL LINE. The *teunii>hip | HUDSON. Captain Gacer, en SATURDAY, May -J7. at 3 o clock TaM^ _ from pier No. 0 North River. ilirough bills ol lading given to Mobile and all principal I polut* on the Ml* .l**lppi River. Cabin pa**age, $50; ?t"er?ce, S25, Apply to CI.AKk ,t SE AMAN, W Wert St. fpEXAS LIhiTFOR HALVES7!ON. r. UCHINO AT KI-.Y .1 West, carrying the UniteA State* mall.?The steamer 1 CITY OF SAN (ANTONIO, Captain Pennington, will sail on batIirdey, May 27. at 3 P. M.. from pier 2i> East River. Through bill* ol larling given to all point* en the Uou*ten and Texaa, Central International and Great Northern, <ial veston, Hotaton and Hender*on. and the Galveston, llarrl* burg and San Antonio Railroad*. Freight* aa'L Iniitranc* at lowest rat#*. For freight or paasage, havia* superior ac commodations, apply to C. U. MALLORY A CO., 153 Maiden Ian*. cokmnu I2*6? WAMAU, N. P-REGULAH KAIL BTEAMfHTF r LBO Waves Maw York Mar 31. MURRAY. FERRIS * CO.. ? RoatkM. For Halifax. n. and ht. johnm. n7>. CROM WKLL MTKAMSIIIf LIMB. V "m ?*? ** P1" lOKMk HIrar following days, it 3 GEORGE CROMWELL Tuesday May 30 ukoimjk wA?uiNGTONv:;:;::;.::::::;7Vrw.7y,j;s.9 Moat direct, quickest and cheapest route t? Neva Sretla, >ewtonadland and tka Lower St. Lavrinu KinIMI pea clJkk'aTiTama.s^ ?,,?ht or ???" ,p"T tu MORGAN'S LINK Of 8THAMSHIP3, 11 Br Stw Orliaai and T?ak will nail every Saturday to New Orleans. transferring Tsxa* freight there to Morgan'* Loui.lana aud Texas Railroad for Morgan City, tlienee. per Morgan's Una of stoaaers, to lexas port?. ^ The ALGIERS will Mil from pi?r 3? North River. Maw York, on Saturday. May 27. at it P. M., for Maw Orieaat direct. Through bllla of lading ilgned to Motile. Galveston end to all point* on Ike Galveston, Harrisburg and Has Antonio !lru?ton aud Texas Central. International and (ireat North ern, Texas and Pacific and Tram-Continental railroad* ?o Indlanola and ."an Antonio, and all point! on ttaa Uolf Western Texas and faciflc Railway. Brasoa Santiago Cor dus Christ I. Rockport. M Mary'* ana Pulton. Freluht lor 81. Mary'* and Kulton landed at RockporL Lighterage and channel dna* at either Corpus Chriati at Rraxoa Saatlagu st the expense and riak of consignee. Through rate* to Brownsville. via Rio Oraade Railroad. Insurance cau be effected nader open policy of C. A. Whlt> ney A Co., New Orlcaus. from New York to New Orlaaat, v, per cent.; from New York to all Tax a* porta at* Maw Of* lean*, T, oer eant. Freleiit at lowest rate*, for freight or further Informa tion apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY A CO.. Atnli, pier 3tf North River. 01,1) DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ?ailing from pier 37 North River. For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond. Tuesday o ???!? ...... . ay*, Tbnre day* and Saturdav* at 3 f. M.. connecting with the Virginia and Tenneaaee Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeako and Ohio Railroad and with the com pany's steam line* to Interior point* In North Carolina arid Virginia. Newberu ami Washington, N. C. (Tin Norfolk), every Tue*dar, Thursday and Saturday. Lewes. Del . Vnndiv. Wednesday and Friday at 3F. M., e >nuectini{ with Maryland and Delaware railroada. i'aaaauger arcoiuniodation* unsurpn?*ed Througn passage ticket* and bllla of lading to all potato at lowest rates, insurance to Norfolk. Ac., >*' percent, freight receive'! daily m pier 37 North River (ieueral oOcee, Irff (Greenwich at. N. L. Mri 'READY, President, TftAVEIiliKRS' GtlUK. ~ = "k CrANY^?PEOPLE'S UNK. 8TEA MBO ATK ~LE AYR ^V pier 41 North River, dally, Sunday* excepted, at 6 P. M., f'?r Albany and all points North ana Weit. C'MTIZKNS' LI NEIsTB AMBOATSFO R TR()T~AND ALU J points Northeast and West, leave daily, except Satar day, at U P. M., from pier 40 North River. CI ATS KILL CREEK Lt.NB--.YEW CHAMPION, TUBS. ) day. Thursday and Saturday, from piar 42, Canal (II Mc'MaN US, alternate days, Irom Leroy it.. 8 f. M. Fall river line to boston. via Newport unit Fail R ver. The world renowned steamboats IlltlSTOI. and PROVIDENCE leave pier M North 111 ver, fool of Murray at. daily (SntiAay* excepted), at 3 P.M. Through tickets sold at nil the principal hotels in the city. NORWALK 1)1 ItECT.?FARE RKDUCBD.?ON aud after Monday. May 15, the steamer AMBRICU8 will leave pier 37 East River, foot or Market at., 2 :45, and front loot of :Md St., at 3 o'clock 1*. M.; returning leaves Boutk Norwalk at 7:50 A. M.. daily (Sunday excepted), cunneelina each way with Danbury and Korwailc and New Haven Ralp road*, rare 35 cent*. hxcuraion tickets 50 cent*. HI G11LaNIl?H~fJK~tFTk" HUDSON BY DATLIOHT. " The MARY POWELL will commence running lor th< season, learlng pier 30 North River (Vettry at.) at 8:31 P. M. rtalurday. May 27, for Welt Point, Newhnrg, rough keensie. Kouduut and Klngstdii, landing at Couen'a, Cera wall, Milton and New Hamburg. LD ESTABLISHKD LINE FOR"STCYYE3ANT. CATS kill and intermediate landings.?Steamer ANDRETI HARD&R. irom Franklin st. (pier 35), Tueiday. Thuridaj and Satnrday; steamer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday au Friday, at 5 P. M. PKNN 8 Y LVANIA RAILRO A 1>. ORE AT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave Saw York, via Dcabiosssa and Cnrt'andt street terries, as follows:? Express lor llHrriaburg, Pittsburg, the West and South, with i'ullmau palace cars attm-hed, ??:30 A. M., 6 and 8:30 P. M. Siiuday, 8 aud 8:3U P. M. For Wiiliainiport, Lock Ilavcu, Corry and Ene at 9:30 A. M. aud H j i P. M., couuccting at Corry for TltusvitU Petroleum Centre nud tho oil region*. For Baltimore, Washington and the South, ''Limited Wash ington Kxprcsa" of Pullman parlor ears dally, except Sun< day, 0:3O a. M ; arrive at Washington at 4:10 P. M. Regu lar at 8:40 A. M.. 3 and 0 P. jl. Express lor rhiladi'lphia. 7, 7:'JD, 8:40, S:30 A. M.. 13:30 3, 4, 4:1U, 5,7, 8:.#i, 0 P. M. and 12 night. Sunday, A, 0, 7. 8:3l> anil 0 P. M. Emigrant and seeond class, 7 P. M. For Centennial depot at 5:30. 8:30. 7:30. 8, 8:40. 0:30 A M., 12:30, 3 a-d 4 P.M. ltaturning, leave Centennial depot at 7 :15. 8.15, 1(Je30 A. M., 1:13, 2 SO. 4, 5:30. 8 and 7 :< 5 P. M. For traius to Newark, Elizabeth. Hahway, Princeton, Tren ton, Perth Amboy. Fleniington, Belvidere and othai points, l?e local schedules at all ticket offices. Trains arrive : from Pittsburg, 8:55 and 10:30 A.M. aa4 10:20 P. M. daily ; 10:15 A. M. ana ?:.? P. M. daily, ex cept Monday. From Washington and Baltimore, 8 -JO A. M 4105, 5:15 and 1<>:2S P. M. Sunday. 8:20 A. M. Fron Philadelphia, 5 :10. 8:20. 0:55, 10:15, 11:20, 11 .54 A. M.| 2:15, 4:')5, 5:15, 0:10, ?:50, 8:44 and 10:2.5 P. M. Sua day, 5:10, H:30. ?sSS, 11:54 A. M-. ? JO and 10:23 P. M. Ticket office*, 520 and 044 Broadway, No. 1 As tor Hons* and loot of Desorosae* and Cortland! si*.: No. 4 Court St., Brooklyn; No*. 114. 118 and UR Hudson St., Hoboken. Emigrant ticket office. No. 8 Battery place. FRANK THOMPSON. D. M. BOYD. Jr., (leneral Manager. Oeneral Passenger Agent. TO ALBANY AND TROY HY~DAY BOATS 0. TIB BARD and DANIEL DREW.?Leave Vestry at pier at 8:10 aud 24th ?t. at 8:30 A.M., lauding at Njtaek an4 Tarrytown (by ferryboat). West Point. Newburg, Pongh keemie, Rhinebeck. Catsklll and Hudson. Close eonneo* tion at Albany with trains for the North and West. Ta West Point aud Newburg and return, same day, 91. P III LAD KLP H iXTlA LOXO BRANCH AND Tli New Jersey Southern Railroad?Fare lower than b any other routo, cmumencing May 1, 1876. Leave NtV York, Pier8 North River, loot Rector st.. 6:43 A, M-. for Long Branch and intermediate points; 0:45 A M., lor PnU? dnlphla, Liug Branch, Vinaland, Ac.; 4 P. M., for Philadel phia. Long Branch, Tuckerton, Ac.: 6 P. M., for LOni ftruncli, Ac. WM. S. SNEDEN. (lenersi Manager. S~ tonTngton line eor'bostonI Reduction of Fare. Steamer* RHODE ISLAND and NAHRAOAXSBTT.'frM pier 33 North River, loot of Jay 5 P. M. Providence Line, from pier 27 North River, loot of Park place. Steamship* ELKCTR t aud OALATf.A. at 4:30 P. M. axcuasioiia. A?a.?rockaway kkach^.xcCW^hThKJP: ? Iwr line. The lavorite steamer AMEBICUd wilt naka urn excursions on Sunday. May 2S. leaving 24th st.. North River, nt 8: IO A. M. and! :15 P. M. I'lth st., North River, St H;45 A. M. and I P M. Tfuj it., .North Kivrr, at H A. M. and 1 :40 P. M. Orand st., Rait Klver, New York, Ht l?:15A M. and 1 P. M. Kulton ferry. Brooklyn, M:30 A. M. and 2 P. M. I.ravl- r Rockaway at II A. M. and 5 P. M. Fare, 35 renin; excursion tickets. 30cents, Tlie <>nl.r boat making tho upper landings. Two spccial excursions will be made on Decoration Day, M ay ??. Landing* and time of leaving same as above. I^ISHINU BANKS.?SIJNDAT, MAY 38 AND 55! 1 ocean steamer Mi-.TH LOW, IcstIdk Harrison at.. North River. H ;3U; Htli ?t., East River. 7; pier 27 East River, 7:15| loth st., North Klver, 7:t0: l'ier 0 North Blver, Si.ll, Tickets, 91. N. B.?Regular trips Thursday, .Itfte 1. aXl U. FOSTER, Manager. LYMOUTH ROCK. ROCK AWAY. UO FOR ROCKAWAY BEACH and the COOL BREEZES OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN! POOR BRAND INAUUURAL EXCURSIONS, Next Sunday, May 23. Next Tuesday, May UO (Decoration Day). JARRETT A TALMKR beg to announce that the maialfr c-nt flout In* palace, the steamer Plymouth Rock. Captaia Martin, will make Iter first trips this season. proceeding to RUCK AW AY BEACH and the ATLANTIC OCEAN on next SCNDAY MOR\IN<; AND AFTEBNOOM, ami on "Decoration Day," next Tl'ESDAY MORN I NO AND AFTERNOON. - Among the attractlvn featnres of the day's pleasure, has yind the exhilarating sailuown the beautiful Nwg York Bay, passing through thn Narrows ana out npon the broad Atlaa *,C'THi;'srLBNDID MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS to be given bv HORACE WKBTON, the champion banjoist; the MADEU1AL BOYS, MoZAkT OLEE CLUB, AO. TIIK CHIMES OF CHlRCIl BELLS will ho mac. BB FRBSIIMENTS ON l-OARD. Fare (roun.l trip) FIFTY OBNTB. The olflct'ii mid cr w of the at earner will bo In full ant. form and perfect discipline will be enforced, with a view to the comfort and complete enjoyment of the passengers. Till-. PLYMOUTH ROCK will leave the f<>nt of 23d at.. North River, at 9 A. M. and 1 :30 1\ M ; pier 2. North River, at ?:15 A. M. and I:4? P. M. Returning, will leave llockaway at 11 A. M. sad 5:30 F. M. V On Sunday, June 4, the regular trips to Rock away win be commenced. ? ? EUROPE. ~~ I oris COLAuD. ~ J Fahrleant d'Armes, Liege. UEM'IMTHl ? ARTIFK'l vir^EhTIl A SPECIALTY.?MST* at low prices ; all work substantially made, carsfnUy tilted and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. J. C. KENNEDY, W Bond st. B" ~~EAimFCL~AKTIKielAL TEKTlfW; SINOLB 91, warranted; silver Filling*, 90c. "Kan YORK DKN TAL ROOMS." 2tl2 tith ?v? near IBth at. Established I *61. VUOTHINts. a t Fi.AtrftW VrtBWB? Bitt ''JifOOOTWk 40th st.-t?.OUO worth of good eaet-o* OTotWag wanted for the southern trade; 80 per ooat mere than else, whrr-wlll positively he paM Mr tneaa by calling eu or ad dressing Mr. or Mrs. FLATTO. |V 1.274 BROADWAY. BETWEEN ?D AND 3SD A st*.?Broadway prioes wud for Cast-o? Otothlajt Jew. elry, Ac., by culling on or ?ddf?Mlflg B. If AKKI8. 1,274. AT-EDWARD MILLliB'8 WBLL KNOWN B*TAB~ llihment, ?? ?th av.t ae?r WorsNev place, utmost ?alan paid for east off Clothing, Carpeta, by calling on or add reeving Mr. or Mrs. .MILLBK. AT MlNTTM, MM N?AfZ BEAR JOTH ST-LA DIES JY and gentlemen will bo surprised at the great prisee B. Mints peya In eaah for Cast off Clothing, Carpets, Jewelry. Urdera attended by Mr. or Mrs. Miut?._ ~k T TiVk A<iKNCY 8TORK 24tt 7TH AV.?RECEIVED A 9.JA,<i0t)in eaah to purchase Wearing Apparel; ladtes and gentlemon wilt receive the highest prtoea for silk and wootlea Dresses, Coats, I'aeta. Carpeta. Ac. Call on or ad dre>* Vr. or Mra. KOSKNHERU, 'illl 7th av., second 4oo* above Weat 24th at. ?NATHAN'S OI.D ESTABLISHMENT. SStf ?TH ? av., near 4th at.; the highest vsine paid tor cast of Clothing. Carpets, An. Call on or nddreaa Mr. or Mia NATHAN. MMUICAUi " -Dll AND llMIt oIIISOLE. 14J 'xtkit ? OonudtniiiH cuntttltntlon in all tein?ie coroplatiii*. ?brstelu midwiVe since im Ma t ? East .i.Mst.. 9r?t door from 5th av Advice free. ?DR. AND MMK. B(;TT?CONFIDENTIAL CON ? soitar on all tain ale compl i nis 47 West i:?tb at. f^ONSULT DH. OH MMK. WEST FOH ALL COM \J plaints. Advice free. 4 ? Rieecker st.. near Hroadway. Dr. westbrook. io west ab tet. (Bma* ?B#AV _ wayi. l-emale coniplalnta a specialty. Dr. whiteiii:ai>, ii;.~east mtiThr., near 2D *v *~''cn>l>t0 coml)**lpt< hi11 tffnteA R iiYO?|?, KXVkRIKNCKD VkxTlb'' rlirtfICIAN; cures all complaints; no enre. no pay. 40 EastKUlli st_ ME. BBSTBlL, MIDWIFE. JINOB I84iK FJ1MALI complaints tpooiaity. No. i Meet (MM M.; M*. TBIh ?*. M M