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WASHINGTON. The Debate in the House on Ur. Morrison's Tariff Bill. A MEASURE FOR THE NEXT SESSION The New York Democratic Muddle as Viewed at the National Capital. BAYABD STOCK ADVANCING. Explosive Materials Deposited in the Vi cinity of New York. PROCLAMATION BT THE PRESIDENT. FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wasxixoyo*, May 36,1170. KMX TAtETF MILL TO BX BXCOMMITTED FOB ACTIO* SXXT U88I0N?BXCIPROCITT WITH CANADA AID MEXICO. 1k? tariff qaestlon eta* ap to-day In (be Hobs*, and Ms. Morrison and several other a spoke on it. Mr. Kelley and perhaps (wo or three other mem bora are ?tin to ipeik, and then the bill will be reoommittod for actio* at the next session. It la seen by the lrlenda of the measure that It cannot paaa the Senate now, and that the oountry, Intent upon a Presidential election, lakes Utile tatereat In the queatton. In the House, ?Ten, the bili could not be paesed without long dissua sions and a good deal or friction, and nobody believes it .dectreble to bring op so large a toplo at thta late date, when hot weather la looked for and a good deal oi unfinished business la still on hand. Meantime the House seems to bo Inclined to support General Ward's resolution lor the appointment of com mistioners to ascertain whether we cannot trade with Canada upon more advantageous terma than tno present, and it la probable that Mr. Ward will aeek to enlarge the powers of the commission o aa to Include Mexico. It is said that reciprocity with Canada and Mexico would give us an advantageous commerce with about 15,000,000 of people, who would be large con? turners of our manuiaotures, and whoae demand would be sufficient, if it wore once established, to aet all our mills and other manufacturing industries folng again on a profitable basis. THX NEW YORK DEMOCRACY?AMAZEMENT OF DEMOCRATS IN WASHINGTON AT THX MUDDLE W THE STATE?MR. TILDEM'B DIFFICULTY MB. batabd's OPPORTUNITY. Recent political developmenta In the democratic party of New York cause a good deal of amazement here, where, antil quite reoontly, there wss a growing belief In Mr. Tilden'8 strength, founded on the asertions of his friends and on the fact that he seemed to have a yood deal of strength hi some parta of the South. The attack by Mr. Keiley, supplemented by what has followed, seems to democrats here like the drawing of a curtain, disclosing a condition ol things unexpected to many, but foreseen by the best In. formed. It was said by a Pennsylvania member two weeks ago that the New York delegation contained, he believed, about twenty-five Tilden men, twenty of whom might give him a complimentary vote and twenty-Ave who would not support him Badar any conditions. Thla was thought an extrava gant statement a> the time, but when repeated to-day ?body who heard it thought of contradicting it. The fapjprterj of Mr. .XUdau do sot, however, give up all nop* They imagine there will be a turn of the tide and say that New York will have to furnish the money for election expenses, and that it will lurnisb more for a New York candidate than for any other. They say, too, that the Ohio movement will need to bo faced down by a strong man, and that Mr. Tliden tstbe man to do it better than any other, fhos they insist that in two ways Mr. Tilden Is a ne cessity to tho party. But the answer la made that Mr. . ?ayard answers to all tho conditions. claimed for Mr. Tilasn, and that he copld unite tho warring factions in New York, beimr unobjectionable to all of them. The irtends of Mr. Bayard aay that he has all tbe good qualities of Mr. Tilden, represents the samo principles and has maintained thfem as courageously and ably, and that hla nomination would call out genuine enthusiasm everywhere aa denoting a new departure for the demo cratic party and the cutting loose from many embarrass ing relations of the past. ACTIVITY OP THE SOFT MONET DEMOCRATS? ANOTHER ATTEMPT AT THE REPEAL OP THE RESUMPTION ACT?ATTITUDE OP THB HARD MONET MEN. The soft money men bar* renewed tbelr activity. Id the caucus held to-night Mr. Neil, or Ohio, intro duced a resolution:? * That it la tne sense of this caucus tbat the Com mute* ob Junking and Currency be instructed to bring In immediately a bill for the unconditional repeal ot (be resumption act. Iherewaa an apprehension that this would pass, a ?amber of bard monoy men, especially Now Yorkers, 1 being absent; but a substitute was moved by Mr. Randall:? Resolved, Tbat the Committee on Rules b* instructed to make a rule authorising the Committoe on Banking ai:d Currency to report at any time. And this was passed. The Committee on Banking and Currency has bad a majority against the repeal, bat this Is lessened by the absence of Mr. Randall <?lb eon, who has gone to New Orleans as chairman of the investigation committee. Still, If the republican mem bars ol the oommlttee stand Arm they, with Mr. Cox, (he chairman, and Mr. Wike, of Illinois, two bard money democrats, can prevent a report lor repeal. The friends of sound carreucy on the democratic Mde ara not dismayed Their leaders aro men who will not give up to intlaiion or soft money. There is no doubt tbat they would prefer defeat of the party to | being dragged at the heels ol the colt money leaders. Tho democratic party must come Into power with sound principles or else it is of no use, for It would go oat at the end of lour years for a long period. Said a , democrat here, speaking of this matter:? '?We don't want to come in for a single term and go Ht In disgrace." FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Washington, May 26, 1170. |BB POWDER ON ELLIS ISLAND?ME. HARDKN beroh's bill for its removal?DANOER TO HEW TORS AND THE JE8HEY SHOBK FROM THB explosive MATERIAL NEAR AT HAND? REPORT OP THE CHIEF OF THE BCBEAU OP ordnance. Since tbo introduction of the bill by Mr. Harden tergh, of New Jersey, (or tho removal of the powder magasine at Ellis Island, New York Harbor, a ? n-at deal of interest has been taken in it by the New York delegation in Its iavor. It appears that an immense amount of powder, exceeding 160 tons. Is stored within ?00 leet ol the Now Jersey Central Depot, and It is re garded as very dangeron* tu navigation and lifo in the lietgnborhood, besides beiag a groat detriment to tbo property in the vicinity on the Jersey slioret Par ten years past the Ordnance Department of the Navy has runoramended Its removal Tlw fre fnent etplostoas recently baa called especial ottAtion to this great source ol danger, which ia only one half a nltle distant from New York. A largo amount ol nitro glycerine I* also stored on Moant Tom, the little rocky Island near Bllla Island. H. A. Wise, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, in his report to the Secretary of the Navy daring the second sessloa ol the Thirty eighth Congress, ltd and ISM, on page uinety>niue, asserts that a groat necessity existed lor the removsl of the powder magaatnea in close proximity to the gtn of Me* York, Hasten and Philadelphia, and ?eyas? The importance of tbia subject will be svf fleltatly i*H by reflecting on. the terriBc iiaiiffin sf (ha sxpteelea of MO tana of *uap?wd?r IB tb* vMBity Of a City Uk? N*w York, ItosiuD ur Philadelphia. Words can hardly do Justice to tli* disastrous effect of snob an evoiiL It would level spire Mid dome with tbe earth and shake either of tho** cities to thotr Tory foundation. By aa explosl"* of a f-r teas quantity ol powder than that named as en tiro quarter of the city of Key den waa destroyed la 1807 and lfiu persons perished Ml the ruins. He also ?ay* In speaklag of this subjact hut year I held tbe follow ing language:?The proximity of thaoe treat magazines to the ira ooast and tbe citlea near wblch tliey are reapootivelv located, especially iho?eof Portsmouth, j Boston and New York, Is a subject worthy of the Si oat 1 serious consideration. Commodore J aOrloa, of the Kary Departmea t, says , that If they will pasa the bttt lacreaaing the aiagaalae ' aooommodatloa* at Craney Inland, sear Norfolk, it ! will remove all that part which will be dangeroua and loave oaough lot supply aa now required. Messrs j Wood, Hewitt, Ely, Cox aad Ward indorse the action i taken by Mr. Hardaabavgb, and will support hlta earnestly. Mr. Cox has already had laserted in tbe Steamboat bill a provision meeting tbe requirements ot | the much desired removal of this vast amount ol gus- ! powder from the vicinity of Nov York aad Jersey City. i Tax SCBENCE C18X?17T1CT OF MB. hxwitt's | SPEECB?VIEWS or XmiKI OX TBS U- | POST or T*B COMMITTEE. The report on General Soheack's case has provoked a great deal of oommant between members of Congress outside tbe debate. Mr. Hewitt's speech was a power ful denunciation ot tha- foolish ex-Mlalster. He man aged to say la U n good deal that he oould not get Into a unanimous report Several frleuds of General Sbheack were at first desirous of spoalciug to tbe ques tion and of answering Mr. Hewitt's severe strictures, hut they came to tho conclusion that they could not afford to stand np aad make a good aatured excuse lor the accused ex-Minister. Judge Kelley, of Pennsyl vania, expressed great regret to-night at the report of tho commi'.tee; hot, though he bad been In Congress eigbt years with Mr. Soheack, four of which he served in committee with him, he did not think that be could woU afford to apeak In hit defence. Rusk, of Wiscon sin, who is an ardent friend of Mr. Sobenck, expresses himself quite forcibly in regard to tbe republican mem bers or tho commutes, on aooount of their agreeing to make the report, and also about the fact that they so agreed to it as a compromise, in order to save the re flections made originally aga nst the administration. ILLINOIS FBOK A CONKLINO STANDPOINT. Trie friends of Senator Conkltng have received tele grams to-day from well Informed parties In Illinois, who deny that tbe outlook there is overwhelmingly favoraole. to Mr. Blaine. The despatches say ibat everything from a Conkltng standpoint is working well Every move Is observed and a careful index kopt by the best trained politicians. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Wabhixqton, May 26, 1876. A PBOCLAMATION BT TBB PBB8IDENT?THB CENTENNIAL ANXTVEBSA BT OF OCB NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE. The following was issued to-day by the President of the United States:? Whereas a joint resolution of tne Senate and House ot Representatives of the United State* was duly ap Broved on tbe V*tb day ot Harob last, which resolution i as lollows:? Bo It resoivod by the Saoate and House or Represen tatives of tbe United Suites of America in Congress assembled, that It be and is hereby recouimcndcd by the Senate and House ot Representatives to tbe peoplo ol tho several States, that they assemble in their sev eral counties or towns on tho approaching centennial anniversary of our national independence, and that they cause" to have delivered on such day an historical sketch of such county or town trora its formation, and that a copy ot said sketcu be filed in print or roaou script in the Clerk's Office ol said county and an addi tional copy in print or manuscript bo died in the office of tbe Librarian ot Congress, to the intent that a com plete record may be thus obtained of tho progress of ?>ur institutions during tho first centennial ol tneir ex istence; and Whereas It is deemed proper that such recommen dation bo brought to the noticc and knowledge ol tha peoplo of tbe baited States, now, tberelore, l, Ulyiwos S. Grant, President ol the United States, do hereby de clare and make known the same in the bope that tbe object or such resolution may meet the approval of the people or tbe United Statca, and Ibat proper steps may be taken to carry the same Into effect. Given under my band at tbe city or Washington, the 25th day oi May, Id the rear ot Our Lord 1876, and of the Independence of the taiidiBiatis the 100th. By tbe PrcsidMt? V U. S. GRANT. Hamilvoh Vish, MMafy *f Stat*. TBE BLAINE INVESTIGATION?MFOBTANT DE CISION BT THB OOMMITTBB ON THB AD MIS 8I0N OF EVIDEKCB. The Sub-Judlciury Committee investigating tbe charges against ex-Speaker Blaine reported to tbe lull : committee to-day tbe fact that objection bad been ! made by Jndge Lawrence to tbe admissibility of the ! question propounded by Oeneml Hunton to the witness , j Sickles as to what he had heard from any parties In ' Arkansas on tne subject ol Inquiry. Mr. McCrary, of { Iowa, offered a resolution that the sub-committee, in , I continuing the investigation, should not receive bear* | | say testimony except to the extent of tbo name and residence of any person alleged lo have some know, j : ledge of tbe matter under investigation. After con- j ; siderable discussion this resolution was defeated by j | a strict party vote. Mr. Hurd then offered a resolution i to the effect that the resolution of tho full committee I authorizing a sub-committoe to conduct tbe investiga tion did not authorize any Investigation of the ques tion whether a corrupt use of bonds was made to procure investigation, unless It related to tbe Little Kock and Arkansas bonds, which came into possession of tbe Union l'acitio Company. This resolution was agreed to. On motion of Mr Lynde, the committee thereupon : resolved that the objection made by Mr. Lawrenco to j Mr. Sickles' answering the question in dispute was well < taken, and must be sustained. This latter action was ! understood to be based by the democratic mqjority on ! the ground that tbe matter referred to In tbe question is not within the jurisdiction or the committee, It not ! having been made a subject of inquiry by tbe resolu j tion of tho House. The republican minority of the ) committee voted lor Mr. Lynde's resolution, nowever, on the ground simply that it provided for tho exclu sion of ?omo hearsay testimony. ; THE HEW TOBK CUSTOM HOC8E INVESTIGATION. The Committee of Ways and Means to dsy heard ; Representative Payne ou tbe resolution heretofore adopted by the House on his motion requesting the Committee of Ways and Means to mako a thorough in. | vesngatloo into tbo management and direction of the New York Custom House, and us to the changes and ' reforms necessary to moro onormally enforce tbe laws for tbo collection of tbe customs revenue. The com* mittoe took no dollnlto action ou the subject. They are somewhat embarrassed by the latoncss of the session, ; and undetormlned as to whether they will propose to the House I hat the investigation shall take plaoe during > tbe receis ol Congress. ACTION or TBS SENATE COMMITTEE O* APPBO PKIATION'B ON THK LEGISLATIVE. EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL APPROPRIATION BILL. Tbe Senate Commutes on Appropriations to-day : | struck out l>t the Legislative, Executive and Judicial i ; Appropriation bill, which is now under consideration , by them, the whole of the second, third, fourth, Attn : and sixth section'. These sections provide for the ten per cent reduction of all salaries ef clerks In the Executive departments, prohibit political sesessments, require the Secretary of tbe Treasury to make a redaction of ten per cent in the salaries of all customs officers and employes, and prohibit the em ployment by government officers of sny persons except those for whom specific appropriations are made. All these provisions are stricken oat on the ground that they are new legislation and cannot be properly enacted in an appropriation bill. SILVER COIN?FAVOBABLE BEPOBT ON TUX PRO- j POSED ISSUE OF TWENTY MILLION The Hoase Banking and Currency Committee to-day unanimously agreed lo report and recommend the pas sage of Mr. Randall's bill to authorize the purchase of silver bnlllon to the extent ol $30,000,000 with any money In tho Treasury, and the Issue ot the resulting silver coin, provided that not mors than $1,000,000 of money shall bo used at any one time for tho purchase i of such bullion. TBE MI8BOUBI AND ILLINOIS DELEGATE* TO CINCINNATL I A privato despatch Irom an ex-Congressman to Rep resentatlve Halo says tbst seventeen ol tbe thirty Mis souri delegates to Cincinnati may bo counted upon I surely for Blaine. On the other bond, private de spatches have been received by I be friends of .Senator Morton asserting that be can count on twenty of tbe Missouri delegates, and also tbot several ol the Illinois , delegate* wiU certainly vote for him on the first ballot, ! and that there are others who will support him ' 1 their second choice j THE TABIFF BILL. ipzxcm or mb. mobbison ok th* xunmi BBTOXTED BT THB COMMITTEB ON WATS AND MEANS?MB. BCRCHAKD, Ow II.LINOIS, IN opposition. ? Wasbisoto!*, Mar 36, 187*. Th* Houso being In Committee of tb<* Whole (Mr. Springer, of Illinois, in the cliairj oa lb* bill to revise ?ltd simplify oxisting lawa imposing duties on Imports and to reduce taxatiou, Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, pro ceeded to address tba committee in explanation of tbe bill. mr. Moiuuaox'e srxsca. He laid down the principle in tbe opening of bis speech that protection, other Iban that incidental to revenue. Is spoliation, bemuse it take* tbe earnings ol the labor of one person or class of persons and gives those earnings to utber more lavored persons or classes; that protection which would take equally and bestow equally would be no protection at all, and tba1 Us abolition would be of most easy accomplishment, having no saltish interests lor Its maintenance. Alter reviewing bricUy tbe experience of other nations, ho said that an increase ol taxation even on luxuries only enriched the smuggler. "Crooked whiskey" showed tbst excessive taxation makes Knave* and thieves. Congress should try the removal of restrictions; snould take oQ the shaukles; sho-tld gel revenue irom prop erty that represented tho results of labor, not Iroin the processes or means by which property is acquired, and should recognise tbe oil repeated truth that where protection begins revenue ends. Still, bad as the system of protection was believed to bo, it bad tu be dealt with by no abrupt change or headlong speed, but by sure and inoderute steps, with the care ana caution ol enlightened statesmanship. THK PREMKST TARIFF, he said, served the purpose neither ot protection nor of revenue; it promoter I mod ami offered a premium to unlaitblul officers. Under it revenue was a mere Incidental or seuoudary matter. 1 he lnterosts ol tho toiling and producing millions were Ignored, and the outgrowth ol tho tariir was a selfishness which, in Us race lor subsidies and bountios, had clouded some of tbe best intellects of the country and dwartud tne spirit ol lau-iable enterprise. Reviewing tbe tarilT legislation of tbit country, he referred to the removal, in 1872, of tbe dutv on tea and coffee, and declared that tbe object ol' tho removal was to afford a bolter pretext lor retaining protective duties on ltianu aciures, and thai many lair mlnoed revenue roformers fell Into the trap. He said that n duty of three cents a pound on coffee and or 10 cents on tea would yield each a revenuo oi $10,000,000, and would only amount to a lax ol 21 "j rente on each to each per son A tax ol 43 cents to each person on uoiii these articles would yield a revenue of $20,000,000, and where (be asked) could so much revenue bo obtained irom customs at so little co t? Net from dnty on tnstt ulaclnres, which were protected ai a rate exceeding 40 per cent. In order to obtain $20,000,000 in duties Irom inanulacturcs protection w.m g>ven at the cost ol the consumer to a homo prndnot of live times greator value which yields no revenue. Ue argued thai while tbe Industry, trade and commerce ol tbe country should not be dlsturbod wantonly orupou any trivial pretext, the modification proposed in bis bill could only affect ibeni beneficially, aud was a necessity de manded alike by tbe needs of tbe Treasury aud of the consumer. He characterised as a fallacious and shal low delusion tba idea that protection was necesuary to prevent the " PACPKB WAOXS"' OP KCROPB Irom eomlng Into competition with the well paid labor ol the United States. Tho Congress or the United States might have great creative power, but it could uoi convert an imbecile infant into a stalwart, seit- j sustaining and self-respecting man either by protection or privation. Tbe wages in England were lea limes au hi|ih as In India or Chlua, Ave times higher than in Kussia, and double as much as in Ueruiauy, Franco and the rest of Europe: and yet In every one of these countrps the dearer labor of England competed suc cessfully with their cheaper labor. THB "UOMK MAHKBT" waa another cheat and catchword o( the protectionists; Alter protection unequalled lor ball a generation, tbe "homo market" had not come, but was as far as ever removed Irom tbe Qelos of agriculture. Ue Calmed as tbe cnief merits ol the bill reporiod by him simplitlca tlon of rate* and reduction of rates. The proposed re ductions, he said, were still high, and were ho mlendod lest any radical reduction might seriously affect any of tbo great Industrial Interests of Hie couuiry. The proposed rates would still afford largo incidental protection. No one knew better than the manufacturer that tbo present complicated and oppressive high tariff could not last. A change must come, and come speedily. It bad been tbe pur pose to present In tbo pending measure sncb a change, in a spirit ol fairness to alL As to tbe objection tbat this was not a propitious tlmo for a tariff ro.orm, be said tbat If tbe present tariff won an outrage aud an enormity there was no bolter time than the present lor a reform. The present law waa eiihor wise. Just and equitable, and therefore needed no. change, or It was complicated, wrong and oppressive, aud ibereiore could n?t be changed too Soon. Tbe ponding bill was by no means such a complete adjust ment of tbe tariff as was demanded, but H wan a step In the right direction, a promise of belter things to come, a meaiy* to a great end wh:ch would surely be reached, and to wnicb, If tbo country was not led by reason and Justice, It would be forced by necessity. gPKKCB OF MR. HURCIIARO. Mr. Burchaku, (rep.) ot III., also a member of the Committee of Ways and Meats, made a speech in oppo sition to tbe bill reported by Mr. Morrison. Ho ud mlltei tbat a measure attempting to adjust tariff duties more equitably, deserved the early consideration ol tbe House, snd he regretted tbat the bill before the House was so detective and Incomplete, it was imperfect In Ite details and In the adjustment of tariff rales, and would, as a revenue measure, ho disastrous to the public credit So far as it sought to relieve taxation, reduce excessive duties and simplify the mode ol ascer taining them, it had his svnipaihv. His opinion was that an average duty of at least 30 per cent would bo needed during this generation. Contrasting the num ber engaged in agricu tural and non-protected indus tries with those employed in iron, cotton and froolen productions, bo claimed that the atter represented but three per ccut of the laborers of tbe country, and tbelr intcre-ts wero not paramount to those ol tho other laborers. lie quoted John Qulncy Adams for tbe saying thnt "a tariff duly was & bounty to tbe manufacturers," and he arguod that this truth was indicated by the accumulated wealth and largo bank deposits of the manuiacturing Slates. He insisted, however, tbat the roouctious proposed in this bill must be compen sated hy revenue duties from other sources, or else the hilf ought cot to pasa. There was already a largo tailing oft' In tbe revenue from customs, and this Jomod to the proposed reductions would make tbo loss of revenne at least $20,000,000. Tins would seriously im pair the crodil or the government snd threaten the sinking fund. For these and other reasons he opposed tbe bill. Wiiboot further progress on the Tariff bill the com mitlo rose. THE HEBREW CONVENTION. The Convention of Uy delegates from various Hebrew congregations held a second session last evening, Mr. Lewis May in the chair, for the purpose of receiving the reports of the tbo committees on resolutions and con stitution and bylaws appointed at tbo previous meet ing. < The Chairman remarked that the impression bad gene abroad that the sessions were strictly private, and benco it was that ao few of their coreligionists were present. The .Secretary read a communication from the Annual Convention of Board of Delegates of Ameri can Israelites held In Philadelphia, asktcg for co-opcra- i lion in work. On motion of Merits Ellinger it was dccided that ibe communica tion be referred to the executive body, which would be organized upon the dissolution of the Convention. Mr. Ellinger staled that the two commit tees had thought It much bolter to unite together, as, If tbey held their deliberations separately, it was possible that their conclusions might clash, or they might no over tho ramc ground, which would be a useless wane < 01 nim-. Ho then presented a Joint report insisting on the necessity and practicability at tho present time of establishing a seminary for tho teaching of Jewish theology. In the present state of education there was no pressing demand for the more advanced depart ments o( Hebrew lore. Still the institution should at Its first inundation afford the opportunity for the Intro- i duciion of thnoo higher branches when occasion would offer. The coinm nee* were in doubt whether to recom mend tbo establishment of chairs of Hebrew science in existing universities or to found a separate Institution, mid therefore subtest ibt.t that question be rHotrerl 10 ib? managers nl the institution whon organized. Mr. Kllinger then offered a preamble setting iortb tho gteat importance o! tbo question under consideration and the necessity of a school where tbo sacred law, tradition nnd literature, and the entire raoge of scien title acquirements might be included in the curricu- j lum, a-d then offered the following resolutions:? , itei.'lved, That we deem It the sacrod duty or every eon- i rreRStlon. ss well as of every sinceie Israelite. tomuiribate ! toward the support a lid maintenance of sn institution for j tlie tuition nml propagation of Jewish ?eloper mi , lifer,, lure ms tlie nursery ot Jewish religion and philosophy j on this continent. i Kesulved. Thai in recognition of this duty an institution, to be known *? the "Hebrew Iheoljclcsl seminary Associa tion." he for; liwlth established with tbe purpose* set lurtil In the foregoing preamble and resolution, such Institution lo he composed of such -Iswlsb nomireirslioas aad uresnuod societies us may become members thereof under the consti tution and bylaws tu be lierealter adopted. Kesulved, That it is and shall be tne object of the I' thus lormed to encourage and foster the study and knowl edge ot tlir Hebrew lationag" from the initiative steps to tho highest standard, through eoagregationai schools nt ireneral free schools, as may be determined by the authority to be created. iii ?. Ive i, Tbst the highest department of the seminary shall ol the endo.vmt nt or a cltaii or c hairs lucon nection with au Institution where the irtn rat sciences aro j tauithi, or, if fes-l le in the luiure. In su Independent theo logical school with the necessary chairs of Instruction and I in wlilcn instruction shall he (ilven in the higher brunettes I of Hebrew science, saelt department to be la the strict sense . of the term a theological seminary. Those resolutions were taken up terUUim tad adopted. | The draft of a constitution was then up lor discussion, I and some diversity of opinion manifested itself as to ( whether tbo loo tor membership should Le $260 per ' annum or an assessment or flvo per cent. Several i members also disherited from tbe wording of oao of tho I articles as seeming lo ox elude individual ?oabm hl? i STATE CONVENTIONS. KENTUCKY. DEMOCRATIC BTATE CONVENTION?A HARD j MONET PLATFORM?AN UNPLH>OKD OTLJtGA- \ TI?" * Loci?viu.e, H ,8"a' Tbe State Democratio Convention assembled hero to-day ao4 wu called to order by Hon. Isaac Caldwell, of Louisville. chairman ol the ftuio Central Committee. Hon. Willis B. Maotoo, ex-l'niied Stales Senator, was mode umporary chairman and Ceutral I.uclus Iieatt pcrtuaneui president, Hon. Isaac Caldwell and Gen eral John S. Williams, or Ml Sterling, were chosen a* electors lor the State at large. Twelve nominations lor delegate? to represent the State at larg.- at su Louis were made aud Kenry Watterson, of I^utevHlo ; Colont-1 W. C. P. Brockcuridgo, ol Loiugtoo; Hon. W il in ?. Mucten. ol I.yon ?.ounly. and Huh. John M. Hice, Lawrence county, were elected to till the lour position*. The platform adopted la as lollows:? The Oi'iuucrmtc party in ? party or the euniilHutlon.^ _ party o. rsonu *nu a party oi economy, ami '? *"[r.u*'?? With the administration ol the lederal /ov^rmnoiit will uold |i 10 Ua ii preaaat an.! pres?inir duty to restore lull and p leci anion* tliu State*. i.rrest aijicresaiv* usurpa tions or centralised, re establish tbe u?ur*j J^nr** ol the government a,,d vll.u.uste criiue a. a ; V" acter of political tile; that ihe piescut deplurab e "j*'*?? oi tho*murat? muiI liuilwii tuwrwu ot *?_ . * Is the result of corrupt aud partisan ' thit relorui ?? absolutely necessary ?-r relief J* aim tbe pr???rv*U 11 of the ^o\?riimani, and that. I? U can only in* >ioue by a ch tug# of uiliuminration; that lu *|*\ "be present dlslre?.U *,.adltl..? A the country that w are lu invor of th ? iiumedUte and aitcouatllonal repeal by t'onirres. ot the act ol January 14. I87S. commonly known as the Uc^uuipilou aci, but iu order that our opiuion ' on a ?u.jeci ol sueii urate Importance m?y bo ??t . ^ stood, we also declsre that w? reg?rd gold *nu silver a* the true basis for a cmraucy; specie payments.should bo re HnineU at the earl.est time at which It can heoou^wi.liut detrim tit to thf commercial and Industrial lnleie*ts of the people thai we demand that labor ?h?'1(Tu? r^'*v^ ',7,m the oppressive burden ot a nroiectlv-tarlffbj the ad ?pi (_ or a iarid for revenue only: that the de.egat on troin tbl State to the Dt. Louis CoRventloa Is lie.ebT U.r. ^od to cast it* vote a* a unit on all i|Utst ons coming before the l.onve > tiou. and. having lull sonffdouce iu the ability ami V*1"." ' km oi our delega e.. w? leave tbcm uulnslructe.l ai?l pled*" the detnooraey ot Kentucky to support tne nominees selected by tlm OuiiveiilioD. ThO Convontlon was largely attended, ao<l proceed inus orderly, the delegates sootuiug to bo untied and determined In doing that wliloh will i?e?i advance tho iuieresta of the party. ^ , . It ia uot asccrtalued with cortaluty how tlio delega tion aUuds as to Ibo Presidential Oandidatoa, but iu?? overwhelming vote cast lor Mr. Wattorton and Colonel Breckenridge. pronounced ailminlstrative re.oriuers and bard money men, w rojiardoU as s.jninoant. _ MICHIGAN. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION?AN t'N PLEDUED DELEGATION?THE DELEGATES CN DEB3TOOO TO BE SIXTEEN FOR TILDE* AND ?IX FOB HENDRICKS. Lapsing, %>> 1S<6. In tbe Democratic State Convention, yesterday, two report* were submitted Irom the Committee on Kenolu tlona. The following U that ol the majority Tbe democrats ofMicblKan In oonveatlon awembled eon- I ?Idurinic that by a departure from the principle* on which our nation was tormed, the government or the country !* belli* changed rrom a rederal unlou or State* to a central- I lied oligarchy that the power* and trtt.t* cunterred by I**. Insteao of being used for the benefit of the whole peop?? a'* j 1 used by officials lor their private and pereonal beneflt: that nroh****d politician* instead of laboring the country s ^ good seek only the good or their party and thert *<lve?, that as a legitimate consequence corruption I* reuuu so j common asto claim reniiectabillty, and, ^bellevin* that the present dep orable condition ot the morals and Maine** In ter *t of tne country 1* the result ?f '"'rapt and partissn . j ?dmlniitrailon. wliieh Ign ire* the puhlie good, and with a . view. SJ tsr as is lu our power. ?r correcting ihe*e evil*, we I decla-e tU?t we recognise tbe following a* principles held ^ bv tho constituency we represent, and we personally pledge | oiirtelvoi to labor lor ihelr general adoption, via.; I flrM?That the officer* uudur our aystem of government , i have and should exerclss only inch powers as are oo|,,?"T?*J ! ' upon them by law. and these abould be ifsed obIt1n>r the | i b,mm1 ot the whole people and without reference to whether j they will a feci the party to which the office-holder may be I '"Sjwmrf?We utterly repudiate tne Idea that tliero can he anv spoils ol offlce for victor* in an honest adinlal*tr*tlon of the government-, officers should havo r ? i^onablw corapen ' *atlon proportionate to tbeir duties aud re*pon?lUllltle* and ahould be he d to a rigid Hcconntahility lor the manner In which tbev exercl?e tlie trii't. eanferred upon tbem. , I Uktrd?We repudiate the iuea that candidates have a right to manipulate eonventlona and tliruet them?elyeH into nJ * J I nation, aud ws assert the right of the people unbiassed by ; personal considerations to select their own condldates. 1 Fawrih?That tbe use or money to influence election* is de moralizing to tbe people and corrupting to the per*on* making such us*, leading directly to corrupt and illeiialre Jmhursement rrom the public tresKury for the sum? thus expended for tlie party, aud any candidate who will seek by the use of money to iniluenco nomination* or election* I* mijn/Si-^hat w'hi'lTpolItieal partle* are neces?ary agencies in aamlni?tering the government, yet tbe love or pnrty thou Id alwavs be ?unordlnat<? to pntrloti*m; that none abould be placed In nommstlon but such as are honest, capable ar.d efficient, and tr bv any mean* an unlit person is nominated sncli actlou I* not binding. ??M?t I i'irlA?Tb<t no party deserves success at the polls except ' apon the basis of uuseltUb devotion to the best good of tb? Lr'iSit^t-i' avlng details to leglalators. we rea,?ert that wtfln is tne oely moaev recognlend by the tradition* of tbe I democratic party a* warranted by tl?e ooaatltutlon. Kinhlh ?Tiiat when a party ha* been In power so long Ihil ! the Miuriual part of lis ofUce-bolders have become corrupt it I la imaossible tu obtain genuine i*rorn? within the P*rl> 1 JSK-vre reeommend to all local rt.mocratic convention* to nlaee in nomination such men onlv as are known to be honest capable and efficient men. who have the eonffdeuie of tbe community, and who, tr elected, will strive to lessen the hurrten or taxation on the people. Trnih?That we lisve enniidence that our delegate* to the National Convention will support only tboee who are P'?F' representatives of Hie foregoing principle*, aad we leave them Iree to exercise their discretion a* to the chnlcc^r men best Qtted to bring atiout thorough reform In tho ad Dilnlstratlon or our national affairs: that In the ''! pure government outraged, Iree in ?11 tilt I" n " I m n erl II e d. a nl to redeem tho American name from the stigma attachod to It by tbeoorruatloaof the party In power, wec.-rtUlly lnf *ite the co-operation ol all honest men Irreipectlve former party affiliation*. ! Messrs. W. P. Wells and Cbauncey Joslln spoke In lavor of the insjonty report, and Messrs. U. D. Wilber and C. H. Tavlor for the minority. Tne majority report was then adopted by ? Tote of 157 to 70, many delegatiss having gone ouu Tho delegation ia understood lo stand sixteen for Til den and six for Hendricks. CALIFORNIA. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION YESTHRDAT?? ENTHUSIASTIC indorsement OF GOVERNOR TLLDEN?THE DELKOATION CNINBTRPCTED. Sa* Fbancikco, May 25. 1S78. The Democratio Stato Cooventiou reassembled at noon to-day, elected a State Central Committee and adopted the following plattorm:? i'M-KMilltjf to all of the provisions of the constitution of tlm United Stales. SrttMil?Perpetual Stat**, with kwl *eir-gov*rnnsent la *?e ry "I'ctlou. Tkint?Civil service reform: reatitnllon of test* of hon i esty. fidelity ^nd capacity a? qualifications for public office. t'uurlh?Retrenchment and economy Id federal, stale and I municipal administration; (he ieaaming of th* knrdeoi uu | labor by the reduction of oBlcea and taxation. tilth ? Kxpoaure aad speedy punishment by penal laws of corruption aad peculation la the admiuutrattoa of pablio I alfalr<. Sixth?The private me and appropriation of public fundi < by ofllcial euatodiana means embesalenient end robbery; otUcial accountability >hould U? exacted and enforced by the 1 better administration ol civil and criminal lawa. .SermtUt?fctat* corporation* aupeiviaable and anbordioat* ' to Stat* legislation In tfce intercsta ot the peupl*. Eighth?free a -boots, exempt troin all sectarian control; a I free pros*, accouutabiu lor abiiaas to civil snd criminal lawa. | .ViwfA?Preservation of public faith and credit and honeit I payment of th* public debt. 7>niA?Honor eonslstinKof sold and silver only a legal i tender. t(lrmith-Tariff for purpoaes of revenue only. I /VW/M?No Chinese immigration. It la a<> thoroughly ob i noxious to our iieopla and Iuaiitiitloua tliut its prohibition . is imperatively daninnded. and all powers ol til* govern : lucut should bo exerted to that end. Tlio following rosolatlon wis adopted:? Kesolred. That th* majority ot our delegates to the Na I tloual Convention cast the vote of this Mat*. , Tito following resolution was p nased by acclamation 1 under a siifcpeu&iou ol tuo rule*:? Whereas lion, riadiuel .1 Tildcn, (iovernor of th* Stat* of New York, by liia manly deloace ol the people agamst corrupt Kheinea and political trickater* baa shown himself a tru reformer and lit rlnamploii o! the people ill th* con llict with otttcial corruption, and by hi*bold Mnvuoaay of hard money as the cireul m ins medium of our country ha* made himself nnohjeetltnablo as the leader of th* dimocratie party; therefore, be it itcolved, That liIn ?inmination as I'resident of th* t'nlted Statea hy the Nat ion nl Democratic Convention would l>* acceptable to tii* democratic party of Calilornia as a glori ous victory In th* eanao of honeat covernmeul. Tho Inllowinn delegate* worn chosen to the National Convention t trit Oiilriet?W. Dunpby and Oeorne H. Roger*. Second Jhttrict?Colonel Jack Ay era and K L?. Bald win. Third Dittrict?Hnrman Bay and (Jeorge M. Cornwall, hmrtK Oislricl?S. > outline and U. 1). Mutt. Slate at Large?J. P. Hogn, J. L. hingiisb, Clay XV. Taylor and John 8. Haver i'he delegate* are uinoHtructed, lint are all In Cavor ol Governor Tilden at tbe pre*<'iii time. A resolution wtui adopted shotting out proxies at St. Loul*. Tne Convention then adfourned until the last Wednesday ia July, when Presidential electors will be choaon. ALABAMA. the covYxmrxoH or tbe administrate* REPUBLICANS?AH overwhelming SUPPORT OF XOBTOX?DEFEAT OF CONE LINO AKD BLAINE. Xoxtoommy, May 2ft, 18T& Tbe Kepubllean Convention did nothing yesterday. It reassembled Ibis morning anil nominated for (Iover nor, J. C. Bradley; lor Secretary ol Slate, J. T. Ailing ton; lor Treasurer, B. II. Long; tor Auditor, G 1>. Plowman; lor Attorney Coacral. R I. Ilefltn; for Hupertnteudent of Pnhllc Education, P. J. Glover. TIM lotto wing gentlemen were elected delegates at large to Ctmcinaatl <J. K. spencer, <'harle* Hays, Alex. Curtis and Alex. Wbltewere. Tbe daatrieta elected sixteen delegates, hall white and liall colored. A despatcu was received Iron Mr. Bradley doclmlng to run tor Governor and James Clark* was then nom inated. A resolution fevering the Resumption eel was adopted. A rsaolotion gather lis* the Executive Committee eftbe two wings of the party U agree, tf poMlblc, I upon a Bute and electoral ticket, and to uiake such change* as are necessary to ac complish tba object was adopted, bot so authority was given to cbarge tba delegation to Cinota- | qatL The Committee on Reaolutions reported raaola lions recognizing oivtl ond political equality of all man, | free public and non-sectarian schools, protection and ( encouragement ol labor, ana tho following:? Reaolved, Thai we endorse sod approve the adaiin- ; titration of I'raaldoui (jraui a* viae anil just In , its policy, patriotic in aplrit and impartial and vitrnroua In execution. It baa etrrird the iijnmi throurh a period of aspreeedeatsd ditticuiiles ?ud triala wllh nateir and ?uc>*??, aud In- won for ttia rival Uenl renown a? a atateaoian a* anlid aud ?adtariug a* bis i same aa a aoldlar. lleaolved. That we declare our ratncit admiration for th? entire career in public Hie or llou. O. I* Morton, of In- i ?liana. iu Iiih advocacy of the icreat and vital prit.ciptea of tin* republican ptrtvuad of the uiea-orea dc-llued to receive ihelr practical application In the altalra of ilir governinvnt. Mr. Morloti ?tamfa prominent before the eountry lur the aldllt). coarse* and constant} bo lia? 4l?plav?d, ite^heil. 1 hat we cunuaaud tbe Hun. O I*. Morton to thn faverabl* entinideraliou ol oar delegation to the National Itepubllrnu I'on vent inn. A<1 were adopted unauimoutly except the one relating to Mr. Morton. An amendment wax ottered declaring that tho dele gatea shonld ro untrammelled. It was voted dowu by a large majority Another umeudment was ottered adding names of Coukliug and Illume. Thu was overwhelmingly do- ' fcatod, and tbe rofolntion? wore then adopted ns re- j ported by tbo committee, o( which Alexander White, laic Judge ol liah, wan chairman. The Convention then adjourned. The Convention was overwhelmingly for Morton, and the eniir? delegit Ion, with the possibly two exrep tion-j, will support him to the last. Tho delegate* ap pointed by tho other wing last week are uninstructed. KANSAS. Br PUBLICAN STATE C )N VF.NTIOV?BLAISE THE Jiitsr cyoicE?benatob ingallb fob vice rKESIDENT. ' Tori it A, Hay -5, 1876. In tho Republican State Convention, last night, a ! dtacusslou took pluce, which lasted iroin ten till twelve o'clock, over a resolution declaring Blaine the Orst choice of tho Convention for 1'resideni, and it finally pas;ed aua the Convention adjourned. All tbo dele gates will voio lor Senator Installs for VIcc President. Tim Convention n nomlnaio Btnte otlteers has been called to inoet In this city on the 16th of August. THE "WORLD'S" NEW EDITOR [From the New York Graphic.] Mr. William Henry Ituriben's accession to t^ie edi- j torshtp of tho IFerW dooms him to the iato of Ilyrou, who a*oko oue morning and found himself famous. Inevitably Hr. Uurlbert's now prononncod position will subject blm to tbe comments un I criticism of tbe leadiug Journals of tbe country, and also those of Great Britain and France, where, by bis frequent con tributions to the prominent Journals, magazines and reviews, he is as well and favorably known a9 be Is In New York. But Irom all this comment and criticism wo believe that Mr. Hurlbert will not shrink. Prob ab'y the most complimentary uoticos will be precisoly those most distastelul to him. In all his Journalistic caroer "be has persistently kept himself in tho bi ck ground. Wbilo wllh at least two prominent metropoli tan journals with which he has been counectod ho has I ? mollvo P?wcr. h? f?8 beet, couiont to b. bebind (bo scenes, yet the power behind the throne He baa never Intruded himself us a poet yet frl rr." l? "?an EUeD" <bi' "P?? Pictures Poem u '' ?\Wh0,# boo,? 1Ue" Perleot prose poem, Ui one of the choicest bits of verse that ever opped from an Amorlcan peu. Moroover, lu hi* younger day. be wrote several superb hymn* which c^crTj J*'"1 ,n the Cn'Ur"lU His c"i" J'611 ren,"k.blo. Born in Charle.ton, 8. . W" KnuluateJ 81 Harvard College In 184. and In tbe Cambridge Divinity School in 1849 He w^HM* C?Cd ? a Wh"# S*,em 5 bul lhl? "hool ?utendld th I' "? 1840 went to Berlin and attended the lecture, of Bitter, Von Rauruer and Kaolcc, and on his return to Cambridge .tudied care" fully 'n tho law scbool for two vp*py t???. 5 wa-jrHis ~iura?o?:*,r?3*| ffK'SK r,iSH fisH? favorite at Wuliaolc'a. In hia vou..,ir a^u * Kraal 1 10 lb?andwttaJSTS . II 14 rook farmer for aoy cousidenition Wm. ? ? tlmale acquaintance with loreian atatosm?.n hH tended travel, all over the world;hi knowted'J?h?*' rri!rSr\r; Wilmington (Del, ^Zd.--..Tbe New York World -rr 'r?m r?tdaP ,h" C?ntro1 0f Manto" Garble L^h h ? Mf' W- H Har,bwt ?'? H?ton hM b?en d"?M?ly Identified with the World since its Inception, and while bo made a live, sprightly edi *rlt*r "U c*btbited a knowledge of politic* that gave tbe paper pre-eminence a* authority npou many or tbe loading questions, he laeked In a 1 was rather narrow in many of hin view. hi*. ? "n1 j by Judgment, that were neither safe uor po"t',r ?n , .up^n'that H "?ouid oth?rw?ae*dhave h I spywass. jb rttfiHJSjg 1 ablest editorial writers iu this country and soimL 1 ^ | irom ninny ol tbe narrow views it had befhr* ^! I " *,u atffiWvs: i | U?irBrunswlck(X.J.)Times^'Ur. Hortbwt ha.long I been a leading writer on tbe World, and la called the most brilliant writer on tbe American press His cor I respondeneo (for he ha. travelled much and wrlitcn of hU travel, lor tho World, ha. been signed W. H. H., and has a!way. attracted much favor able attention. He is also a thorough and accomplished Journalist, and has been the mainstay, it is said of 1 several Journals in hi. lifetime. Hi. Journalistic education was h.d, we believe, on tb? Time. i.n.i? ' Mr. Henry J Raymond, wno was famous !ou i r log and developing Journalistic talent <u younXon and 110 man in the world could lie a better ???? if' I I the journalist than Mr. Raymond.wi E-^hi i , joined the Horld lorce* soon alter the t>aner hvrami^ j secular new,paper. He wul preserva iaX 1 "u ?"?""?tiiicas | Cleveland Leader .-"Ho is a Sybarite of the mo-t advanced type, a rigorous writer, an accomplished lit- \ erary scholar, the best Judge of a wlce or a salad in tho editorial profusion, and, in his best moods, a prjnro of ! gcKHl ieiiowa. Ho has travelled widely and with hi. eyes open; his room. In the old New York University build- I ln? are a dream of Oriental luxury and interest, belnir 1 furni.hed and .lecora ed with tho gatherinos of Mr Huribert * extensive travels. In his nurri.<fJ!> r .. Wt,r!d Mr. Huribert represents. c"^c miuy dainocrau, ainonK whom Governor Tilden Mator ZTKXZ'zsrz i .S~^S5; Pittsburg Commercial:?"William Henry Huribert the new editor or .he IKorW. i. tbe younger brother of General Mr-phcn Auirusios Hnrlbat, who was quite die tinguiRbod In the Hemloolo war, was a brigidier g<-n eral in tho late ciril w?r, waa Minuter u, the States of Colombia :n lW9-7a. and has since Iwen a republican rro,n "linoiii While ne as Ma s.'ss.r;^.; ?">'* ?'"? Baflato Commercial ;_< The new editor of tbe World ha. enjoyed a very enviable reputation Tor years a. a writer ol great versatility. His U a brilliant and at the same time an eirectivo pen. A. a corrcpondent Ms style is occasionally very fascinating. .Some of his foreign Articles that have appeared in the Trilmne l??r/rt anil other metropolitan Journal* have attracted deserved atteuiion /or tueir literary merit What mav 01 lhj ?i? on L W" "** "ol ,oW; h0* '* I. not likely thM Mr Ksr10' "? Louikvilie (Ky.) Commercial .??'Mr. Manton Marble has sold his stock in tbe New York H*erW to Mr Will law Henry Huribert, who has been for ? Un* t,mo ? T' *ud ,,m * re?outkon ???bni I C||0?*1V? newspaper writer. Tfce chancn ap. ju?*r: T,,dcn,? el.aiiire dees not make it absolutely rlelrVhM tba con ii< ctivn is or what (he IforW , c?urse wilT bL ThTf kavobeea sgns very roeeotly thaTu woaM not L I! JST?r^ 1UOtOB Mr. Ilam Hesry Huribert, is a gentleman well oaleulaied maintain tho brllltaat repuuiioa of the New Terk A 800,11 Carolinian by birth. 1m *u adocate* " U0W ? rlw# ,Ct>al?r. ? UMU ol tbe assu th?VfjUP!C'' ,lul U c*rt,ln'y Wl" uot h? bu fault if :?: "r" ixx.ixxszp "?; wmIIO?(ft' l**tocrat: "Mr Marble'..occNMr. *r. William Heury Rurlbcrt, ha. long been connecwd wi,? the paper, and in Raid by tbe Cincinnati " s. Cincinnati Jimjuirer:?'-The New York IKorW, under connelw,,a*a,L*9:aea<> ?"*???? politic, with some do Boflalo KMfru?:-"Th9 Marble mantle fall* on HorU bort" rKESUYTEBIAN GENEiiAL AS8EMBCT. utOMrscrora DXNcrno ? mutibnij?atioh?? HVSDAY SCHOOL PUBLICATIOX8 AND BECKSw rtos or FOB<ioff dklkgatks. Tbe Committee on Bill. tnd Overturn yesterday morning biought In report. recommending tbe appro, priation of $soo t0 tno miMion at Loa Vogaa, Now ex,KO? and asking this Assembly to reaflirm tbe delir. erun. es of prcvioua assemblies on tlie subject of pro in scuodh dancing. Tbe leport condemn. this practice as a grest evil and suggests tbat local church .easloua ?hould resist this evil by every available moan, b, guiding the mind* and boarta of yonng persons con nected with the churches. It lias been discovered tbat wblto uecktied pick pockets have been around tbe Assembly, and .eve/4 delegate, have already been relieved of surplus cadi. The Moderator, tb.refoie, cantoned th. to look out lor tbote counterfeit clerics Artor the on fraternity with Uio Booth ? couple of days ago Dr. TaUnage sent a private uZ grain to Dr. Moses S. Hone, or tbo Southern Assembly now in session In Philadelphia, and received an an-' I i>wcr that any advances or overtures from this Asaem bly to that looking toward rr.ternal relations would b? courteously recognized. Dr. Talma*, made an earned effort to get this Assembly to send an oltlclal telegram 10 the houthcrn Assembly asking tbat body t0 Hend Iraterpa! delegates to this, and promising to reclpro cote. l)r. Mossrave thought such a movement was in opportune; tbat tbo Southern brethren themselves considered last year that nothing could bo done in thin direction lor another decadc. The Moderator an.! other*, too, dcemod thl. movement inspired more by lonl than discretion. Tbe mutter was bv remit, tint, rofcrred to tbe Committee on Correspondence ' nl .hi.. COJHHTTBK of thirteen reported tbo success of their mission to the Centennial Commis.ion in Philadelphia, and tho as' suranco of that ojdy that tbe ground, and exhibitiou luiidiiigs will continue to be closed oa tho Sabbath. Jud.e strong addressed tbo A?.?b!yMy nnmn^rthi if ,h? Su8,e,>tatlon Committee that Uw ?!!>Home M Isaton and Su.teoiatioa board, is not necessary wits adopted, and two reports a ina nniiYth^hL minority, which were briefly diecuaaed until tbe hoar o! recent Tne minority' looking tnwaH Sai^tKKvl!1' ?**?'??* abolitionof tbejffl^o/ hath ricbool .superintendent, now filled bv Mr i tbenA?e?bft. ?Hh'8 wrTn^tMSi ' And whnn .1 / ,,,,erD'>0,, 0B thl? quo.tfon, aud did so. And wheu the vote wa. taken on the motion ?< si?n iD?l a<l;ipl,ed- '",0 majority report approved of the ^.!h . w.orlt onJ,,r IU present etllci.-nt Superin tendent. Now the discusslou showed that the Becro ',*[7 of !h'8 Publication Society aud Mr. Tyler have two diiTureiit conception, ol tbe latter's work Mr Tvles writes much and edits all of the Sunday school pub&L Wr' TviJr ?i ^ltUry,,IU<, m*nJr '??'ogate. think that Mr. Tyler should spend more time travelling over tha country and organising into SnhdaJ school Institutes. It uppeared also that Mr. Tylor has 'h It*/? 1? J"1"*the Publications of tho i'rnsbyiurlan Hoard down to the cost level of like nuolicntlons of oibor tion1^!1,- Hl" a#rDeit efforts in thi. dlrec lion are owing to the fact that mloi6tcrs and Sua nay schools go to tbe Methodist and other publication "J1*""1 K?1 ,|'elr P?P?rs cheaper thiin they can get thim lrotn tbo Presbyterian Board. There was how tlV'm ?nB 1,ro?bfr who declared that be had to for thl p1l 5. .r ?? s,lnd?y school pa|M>rs an for tbe Presbyterian, tbounb tbe latter contained five timcsasmuch matter. The report ask. al.o for detailed houf tlwl A,5,"ln''1l,,a .KA,ter Pro!n?K"J discussion at ? In tho carly psrt'of0* ? m,V,0rUj report WM .!,? k?.i? _ TH* AFTBR.tOOy SKSSJO* ^ A corao'"?<l was interrupted bv a re. port front the Committee on Svnodical Systematio ^ "UWM" lh*1 tho Homo Misslou Board will need for the current year $4aO.<XJO. and tbe i'oreisa Mission Board $600,000. Lew than 126 000 were mven from "abroad*1' ?'h "T >'"r M.^^whichcatT' from abroad. Lhurcbes ar<> HSked to bo more liberal is their contributions to this and the other boards 01 th? ? ? *,,d u,al nu discrimination .hould be rawl. ll contribution, to any of tbe boards of the Church The consideration of tbe validity of Roman Catholic baptism was made tbe first order for ?aturdav A ro port front the Judicial committee trying tbe appeal ot the Lost Creek church against tbe 1'rosbyterv ol Bar risburg a?>d its Synod recommended tbe di.'miMal of the complaint, Presbytery having tho right to Mt off lL^.^T. r,arl * cborc'1 ?* a ?cw church upon tbo nnd "ftor proper . r !LrV iT . CMC W"B d?n?< ?n?l which aotioa of tbo 1 rciby tory was indorsed by the Synod. KVCJIIMd HR.SIOX. A grand congregation filled tho body of th. Tabur. naclo last evouing lor tho rocoption ol deleoates tron foreign corresponding bodies. Kepre*.ntative. froS .even churches wero present, and Dr. 8. I. Prime a. Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence in'tro. once, the several delegates to tho As.ombly Ti.e nm was Kev. James Cargin, of the Irish Oeuaral tsacmblv who, with the nailtmal earnestness snd eloquence o| his countrymen, kept tbe Assembly tpcll-boond wbll. he outlined the work of Presby.eriinmm In tbe ^reea ,'\.rew -vea1* *8?- *?'<!, when your delegates cam. to us, and when we lost soino of our ablest preacher. soon after, we regarde. you with snspiclon, and Mid by tho life of I baraoh yo are spies." But now Hr Cargin wa. glad to My, tbat all tbat 1. past. Yoar deputies, he .aid, havo told as many things of vow groat country; but they have not told us ono-tenth ol what we have seen during our brief stay here. Mvlifa said he, hero ha. been one of wonder The Rev. John Laing and Mr. .fame* Croy renr? ZtliHtid tar^fh Presbyterian chnich, rocentlv cou. ?stunted by the union of nearly all tho different branches of Presbyterian Ism in the Dominion. kov. Ur. Morrow represented the Ueneral A.sembl* ?h? i#r *'rol?*Unt church of tbe United Stated Ibc Reformed (I)atch) church was represented by Rev Mr. (olyer; the Reformed Kpi.copal church by Mr Neale and Hisnop Nicholson. ' Dr. Roberts brought the greeting, of the Welsh Cat vlnlctio Cburclt of tho United Ktaios, and the .Vational I?n*l Council of tbe United Siatos by Rev in' ?Tl!f ' ? "'"so brethren elo' quently presented tbe greatings of tbelr respective btHlies, and at half past ten Y. M. tbe Moderatorbeean In* aildress In response, iu which bo congratulated the delegate, who bad spoken of the condition of tbeii 1 lurchrs. and expressed tho hope of cloMr union will all churcbc. or Christ "??? win WOMAN'S MISSION WOBK. The Woman's Horn* and Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church met yesterday at eleven o'clock In the First Presbyterian chnrcn, Brooklyn, be. twren Clark and Plerrepont street*. Mrs. Fiahoi Howe, of tbo Brooklyn Branch, presided over th? meeting. Mrs. Doremus, eighty years of age, Press dent ol tho Woman's Union Missionary Society, wai present and made a short congratulatory address Mrs. Could and Mrs. Isaac Judson, the Com mitteo on Reception, received the delegate! who came In answer to the invito tton extended. Among the visitor* wen Mr*. Goodrich, of the Woraan'a Baptist Missionary Society of Brooklyn; Mrs. Dr. Clarke, from tho Pre*, bytertan Society of Albany, N. Y.; aud*Mrs. Schenck, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs: Cunningham and Mrs. Steever, from the Presbyterian Society of Philadelphia. Aa soon aa the meutlug was called to order the procaedtags wera opened by singing and prayer. After Mrs. Doremus' short address Mrs. Or. Cunningham, President of tba Philadelphia Branch, apoke. she reported that UK progress ol the work in the Quaker City was most M* couraging. There were at present 648 auxiliary socio, lien and ;<48 bands. 01 which latter forty-tw?l had haaa established daring the pant year. i be receipt* oi her braacn for the year had been ?T7 ,991. and tho receipts since the opening of tba present tlsoal year had averaged ?l,?oOn week. Mrs. iioxue. of Chioago, repr> earning the North* western Branch, spoke of the great interest shown is attending meeting*, but thoaght that mora load! should he rawed to meet tlie constantly growing want! ol tho Mission. Hie year's contributions amounted M but $2,500. while the Presbyterian Church waa HIM with riches. Mrs. J. Lor!mer Oraham, President of the Kew York Society, spoke at length of the loreign mieaieuary ??ids in New Mexico, I'orsia. India, Cbiaa and Moxioo. Mrs. Jones said that the societv In Baltlmora which aha represented commenced in 1171. and Baltimore baa now fifteen aocieties and thirteea band a Mrs. J ones was strongly in iavor ol training the executive com mitter* m practical matters and was alao in favor vt quarterly meet aga The ladios adfoarnad about half. paat one and met agala at baif-paal three la the altar* noon. Mrs. Wilder, tar twenty yean a missionary In India, war tlm Ikrst to addraas tba meeting, and aha told-aoms very inierMttug experteacea connected with fear Mart in that country. she was lolloww4.t?y Mm. Cuibertsoa, thirty years i missionary la china, who returned from there only wi months ago. Mrs. Citlhertaon had aecompaaylag hat a Chinese woman who had been converted to Chflatiaa itv many years a?o. Mr*. Cortiett, of Chicago, the wile af a mmmmn aad now about to start tor China herself^ hade aa af fact log farewell to her flrleada aad aaam'taiaa The meeting coacladed witn aa addraaa flw a?, Mr. Cnamberlaio, of Brawl, who apaka of the great *a ' aoarcea ol that yet undeveloped eountry, aad Wwva^r earnest la sp< nking of the aaawafey af^nawMjfeg Christian aahoals far tba jaaffeiai Bfailtoaa, Tfe? maetiag a^wtraad at half f I M Ml atoma n'nll^t u tm