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to oensure him for hh speculation* in the mining dkin, which are declared to be "ill-advis*d, unfortunate and incompati ble with the duties of his official position." Mr. Hewitt's speeoh in the House sustaining the report puts additional emphasis upon the reeolution of eensure of General Schenck. He siimbs to be only one more Tictim of the thimt for money?the mercenary policy which is born of a corrupt, miserly and , greedy administration. Os? Hopeful 8lgs. Perhaps the most significant foots of recent occurrence in the commercial world were the sale of twelve thousand cases of dry goods by a house in this city on Tuesday last and the other sales of the mh class made since. That first sale appears to have originated in a spirit of strietly logical enterprise, the purpose of which was in the common phrase **to know the worstto ascertain, in foot, whether there is any basis on which transac tions in dry goods can be made; to find whether there is a market at any prioe and what that price is. It is to be presumed that if this sale had fallen flat?if the invita tions had not been responded to, or if the prioee had been altogether hopeless ones? the discouragement felt in this, as in all kther lines of trade, would hare been Iceper, and, bad as the conditions have been lately, we might have experienced an even greater stagnation. Conversely, therefore, it is to be supposed that a good result gives reason for more oheerful thoughts. Scarcely any one concerned in the venture could have hoped in his most sanguine moments for a result so good as was ob tained. It is estimated that from seven to ten thousand persons were present, and that in this number the dry goods dealers in every part of the country were represented? ft foot which may certainly be acoepted as indicating a widespread opinion that trade Ban be developed at satisfactory prices. The great interest thus manifested was the first pleasant surprise in the case, and the next was found in the views held and shown in the bidding as to what satisfactory prices are. It is discovered that the prices which can be obtained are not by any means such ' as to afford gloomy prognostications. To , the surprise of the sellers their goods went, 1 upon the whole, for rates at which they are understood to- be willing to duplioate the lots. In fact, the level of prices was found to be so much better than it was thought it would prove that the moral result is a very great encouragement. It is as necessary in trade as in philosophy j to have a "postulate,"and the practical pos- j talate is the price for which any articfe can be sold. That, once ascertained, is the , starting point on which calculation can con struct all the rest. Given the price for j which a thing can be sold, and modern in dustry will make the thing for that price. , It can show the producers and holders of the raw material that they must sell for such a proportion of that price or not sell at all, and they yield. It can even coerce labor, the most obstinate element in the case. It can economize by new prooesses. Dry goods men may take from this sale an indi cation of the basis on which they can run their mills, and we do not doubt the foct ' will give a great impulse to their operations, i It is, moreover, scarcely possible that this impulse, once given, f should be restricted to one line of commercial and industrial j activity. A Corbispondent replies to the Hmunqfe ! strictures on the imperfect catalogues sold in the Centennial grounds by saying that it "was impossible to have the first edition perfect when a large portion of the exhibits i k#d not been received." This being the j case why were these imperfeot catalogues printed and sold as official ? PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. The King of Dabomey cat a bis meat rare. Ruskm sharpens bis steel pens with a Die. The Prcbidont doth to his little Don cling. And makes a proper rbyme lor Conkling. Secretary Robeson n not giving so many lancy din ners as he was. A fourteen year old Bulgarian girl is the cause of all the dreadful massacres in Turkey. As warm weatuer advances low neck dresses are going out oflasbton in Washington. Colonel Whitley, t|ie detective, baa Just returned from his ranch In Southern Colorado. Tbe negroes In Central Africa are so ?lack that they bave to use lanterns when they comb their hair. The Arkansas critic* think that Wagner'sTannhAuser Is a failure compared witn tbe "Arkausaw Traveller." ; Senator Cunkling is never Idle. Even when riding in i A street car to the Capitol be reads a book or newspaper. When Lord Maeaulay was only three years old be lay on the door eatlug bread and butter and digesting Jobn Btuart Mill. The California professors are eccentric. A sclontlflo man la Baa Francisco recently sent a petrified codfish to his niece as a weddi g present. Tbo Prince of Wales was a great favorite in India with Mr. 8*laJ Jung, Hajji Laszaroi, and. other leading citizens of that remarkable country. Tbo tub on wbich Dean Swilt founded his celebrated tales hsa just turned up in England, with the word " Imortailty" chiselled on the bottom. Tbo carriage way in front of tbe Wblte House is a ? llsgrace to tbe city of Washington. Babcock is re iponsible for its dnsty and dilapidated condition. Gail Hamilton wro?e a brilliant article lor tbo Oalaxy In defence ol President Grant's extravagance; but that was belore Ulysses made tbe Don Cameron move. When Gail Hamiltou enters the capital on one of her literary scalping expeditions, the crowd stand back with tbe agility that marks tbe approach ol dynamite. Doorkeeper Fitzhugb talks of writing a book, entitled u Tbe Bottom Pacts; or, Wnat 1 Know of Congress Ben." Tbe republicans think It will mako a lively tampalgn document. Miss KHiogg recently occupied tbe bouse in Washing ton la wbtcb Irwin concealed bimaelf during tbe Pacific Hail investigations. It is now the borne or J udge Car ter, who decided Kilbourn's cose. A single letter ol Robert Burns cold at a late London auction tor SM. In It ho says be Is determined to prunecute poetry witu all his vigor, as he believes -'the knack and aptliude to learn the muse'a trade is a ( divine gilt." Tbe London Msniay Anew, speaking of tbe Cec- ! tennlal opening aava, ' President Grant delivered wbst must ho regarded, as nader the circumstances, a singu larly moueal speecA." If the Saturday Reciew editor wen an American he oeuld get a post tradersb ip vith Mt asking for it While a burlesque opera troupe woro playing at Cheyonno last week, one ol General Crook's wild Indian Moots crowded past the doorkeeper and took a seat But when tbe ecrtain arose and the prima donna began j ?mj sing, the savage gave a terrific warwhoop and i Bounded into the street. of tho four OhioBemostotic delegates at largo to St. Lou ik three have a national reputation. Mr. Pendleton is known as a gentleman Who made a large loo la a rail road ease where ho was plaintiff, defei dint, counsel, at. Mi Bey, word nod (taardiaa; Mr. Ewtng is a gea Utnsa irbo is in lavor of soit money and was nnmorcilaily layed by the molassee y and garrulous Woodiord, and 0, W. Morgan m s skiirul Colon volunteer general of Mr ability and irascible temper. Mr. O'Bnen in a I soft moaef man; that's all. CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. QUIET AT SALONICA The United States Ship Franklin at Anchor in the Port. BEITAH'S DISSENT FROM THE BERLIN NOTE The Forti Sovereignty ind the Treaty of 1856 Superior to Montenegrin Rebellion. 'CHANGE DEEPLY CONCERNED The French Definition of the Constitution Approved by the Paris Press. "WTNSLOW WAITING?WHY"? TURKEY. i, united statu ship at salonica?all quiet?England's masons fob dissent TMK TUB BEBLIN MEUOBAKDDM?A IETBBB blow TO MONTENEGBIN AGITATION. [sfecial despatch to tee bekald by cable.] London, May 35, 1876. Tbe United States ship Franklin has arrived at Salonica. all qrrrr. Everything is quiet. Tbe Franklin will remain a week. THB BIEUX MEMORANDUM. The English press comment favorably upon the attitude ot the Queen's government toward the Berila Conference. WIT TBS QVJCKX DISSENTS Fit OX TBI SOTS. A special despatch from Vienna to tbe Telegraph says England's note relating to tbo memorandum agreed upon by tbe three Cbanoellors assigned as reasons lor ber relusal to accede thereto that tbe Powers wore substantially agreed tbat tbe original note of Count Andriissy went aa far as it could without an infringement ol the Porte's sovereignty; tbat sufficient time bad not boen allowed for the execution of tbe ac cepted reforms; tbat Montenegrin breaches oi neutrality bad prevented tbe pacification which the Powers con sidered necessary to tbe execution of tbe reforms; tbat the proposed military disposition of the Turks and tbe Insurgent* seems to England a premium lor renewed host 11'tics; tbat tbe gigantic system of gratuitous relief proposed would be beyond Turkey's ability to grant, and would be seriously, destructive of tbe morality, thriltiness and industry of the people; that tbe pro posal to take more effectual measures at tbe end ot a two months' armistice in a sufficient encouragement to the insurgents to continue tbe rebellion and an induce ment to Montenegro to persevere in her breaches ot neutrality, hoping thereby to obtain an aooession of territory, and tbat tbe proposal to bring war ships into the Dardanelles amounts to a proposal to violate tbe treaty of 1866, and is directly contrary to the long established custom of preventing vessels of war passing those straits. THS REASONS SATISFACTORY The Pall Mall Gatellr accepts the foregoing as a cor rect indication of England's reasons for its refusal, and says it is a reply with which there is every reason to be satisfied. WHAT THE SOTTAS DEMAND OF THB SULTAN. ? . Paris, May 25, 1876 A special despatch from Vienna to Le Tempt reports tbat the softas require the Sultan to doposit $25,000,000 In the public treasury, roduco the oivii list to $5,000,000, establish a national council and appoint a European Minister of Finance. ?IS SPIRITrAA HEADSHIP. Le Tempt reports that tbe soltaa have, In addition to their otber demands, asked the 8ultan to renounce tbe title ol Calipb, which means bis abdication of tbe spiritual headship of the Mohammedans. AN INSTJBOENT MOVEMENT IN THB FIELD? CONFLICTING ACCOUNTS OF A SEVERE BATTLE. Kaocsa, May 26, 1878. Two thousand insurgents have attempted to occupy tbe heights ot Bagnant, in tbe district of Gatscbko. THS TURKISH RK PORTS. An official Turkish telegram, reporting the affair, asserts that the insurgents were repulsed, with a loss ol 150 killed. THS OTUKR SI DR. According to Slavonic accounts the insurgents, although at first repulsed, received 1,000 reinforce ments, drove tbe Turkish troops, which consisted of eight battalions under Mukbtar Pacha, to Sternitzko, and 500 Turks snd 125 insurgents were killed. OPPOSED TO THX SCHEME OT THE BEBLJN COX FEBBNCB. Lu.vdok, May 26, 1870L The Standard'i Vienna despatch aays tbe Turkish Ambassador to Austria, who is now in Pesth, baa re ccived a telegram announcing tbat the Porte ia opposed to the scheme of the Berlin conic rence. THE TODEBWBITEES BECOMING CAT7TIOCB. Losdox, Majr 38, 1870. The Standard sajrft there waa some Inquiry at Lloyd's yesterday concerning war riaka on vessels for the Mediterranean. No transactions are actually reported. GREAT BRITAIAN OIVEN IN HEB DIPLOMATIC RESOLVE. Loxnox, May 28, 1578. The Time* Paris deapatch says it aeems that certain I offers have been tnado to England on tha Invitation of Germany to modify the pointa to which England oh ject* in the Berlin memorandum. England, however, baa reiterated her refusal to give her adhesion to the meat oraadum. a rsaxes raorosiTiox n a sxrvLBasxT. It ta also alleged that tne French government on * Monday audreseed a proposal lor a general conierenoe to the other Ave Powers. i.iKKi.v to srrcaxa. The Timrt' corrcapoadoat adds:?"If my in forma- i tion' la corrcct the general con.ercaca will deal specially with tbe question ot armistice. The nedcssiiy for some attempt at pacification la ao evident that many think tbe proposals fbr aGeneral Conierenoe will be accepted. ENGLAND. THE 71 BE AT BBISTOL--VEBT HE ATT LOMM? CHANGE DNItn CONCEBXINO THE EASTERN ! QUESTION? TCliXIBH AMD EOXPT1AM SECURI TIES HBATILT DOWNWARD. Loxnox, May St, 18*8. Tbe Are which broke ont at Briatol laat night has been brought under control Several warehouaea, j shops anil private raaidcanes have been destroyed. Tbe lose is unknown, bat will probably he heavy. Tbts is tbe moat extensive lira tbat has ever vlaited Bristol. ran coxwnox ox 'obamos?tbk coarucATtoxa or vaa I east a cacat or uskat ixurrr) Tho uneastueaa felt regardiflg tbe Eastern question la affecting aii classes of aacaritten. Those of tha govern ments directly within lis into en oe aaflbr most, bat tha whole uisrkot la fiat. Tnrkisb and Egyptian bonds are to4ay nt the low* eat point yet touched. nmcorxr. The UrmnsM of the rata of tisoonnt is alliftaMIs ta the hb* (un, baa ken preferring lb* loss of bsslneaa to lb* risk ?f locking up money tot m considerable period M a tine of such uncertainty and uneasiness. The supply ef money avs liable for abort loana la vsry Urge, and ia not in demand al any price. BUVBB. The quotation for allrer to-day 1* 52d. wniuw'i cabs?Britons raox tbb lobbt or ruiu< not Inqutriea concerning I be Winsldw caae among mem be re of Parliament abow I bat the law offlcera or the Crown bare oertaimy been deliberating on tha expe diency ol submitting the matter to tbe Coop or Queens' Bench. Their decision la aot yet known. It la ru mored In tha lobby that Lord Derby baa withdrawn hia oppoaltlon to Winalow'a extradition, bat the pris oners counael are endeavoring to hare the queatlon aettled by the Queen'a Bench. It la alao asserted that Mr. Croaa, the Home Secre tary, now oppoeea the extradition, declaring that nnder the existing act or Parliament ha cannot algn tha warrant ror surrender. Tha last statement, however, la doubted. IRELAND. TH NATIONALISTS LOBS AS IMPOBTANT ELEC TION. Lonnox, May 20, 187S. Tha Pott says telegrama were received in the House ot Commons laat night announcing that, in conse quence or dlvlalona among tha nntionaliais, Mr. Gould lug, a conservative, baa been elected to the IIouse from Cork. The result of the poll will be officially announced to-day. FRANCE. FBES8 APPROVAL OF TBB DEFINITION OF TBB CONSTITUTION ? X. BOCHEFOET'B PAPEB seized. Paris, May 25,1S7C. The newapapera of all shades of opluion express satiafaction with Minister Dutaure's BpeecU in reply to the Interpellation of tbo Marquis of Franclleu In re gard to the interpretation of the constitution and tha circular of the late M. RI card to the prefects. It ROCHE FORT'S TBOl'RLKS. The police have seised Henri Rocnerort's newspaper Droit* de I'Homme. TBI BOCRSB CLOSED. This being Ascension Day, it la observed ss a holiday on the Bourse. TKB PABIS POLICB IN P088B8BI0N OF X. BOCBB fobt'b OFFICE. Paris, Msy 28,1876. Let Droit* de PHomm*, which was Rocbefort's news* peper organ, has been seized because or the failure to pay the One to which Ita manager was recently sen tenoed. Tbe police have taken peaaeasion of the preasaa and types. ARCTIC EXPLORATION. THE 6TEAUZB PANDOliA SAILS FOB CAPTAIB N ARBs' DESPATCHES. London, May 25, 187?. Tha ateamer Pandora, which laat year made a voyage to tbe Arctic region, in charge of Mr. Allan Young, for tbo purpose or discovering lurther memorials ol Sir John Franklin, bas been refitted lor another voyage to SmBh'a Sound, to brine to England any despatches which msy have been deposited there by Captain Karen' Arctic expedition. She left Portsmouth to-day, and will await papers from tho Admiralty at Cowes, in the Isle ot Wight. She will sail for her flnal destination on Saturday. CUBA. AN ESTATE BUENED AMD BACKED?HXATX LOSS TO THE SPANISH OOMM1SSABIAT?GOVEBN MXNT TBOOPB PLATING BEBEIa FOR PLCNDEB. v Kit Wist, Fla., May 25, 187& Advices from Havana report tbat the Insurgents have burned and ssoked the estate of Santa Ana, belonging to Mr. Thornayke, and situated between 8agna and the month of the Sagua River. ARMY PROVISIONS CAPTURED. The insnrgtnts have burned 200,000 rations intended for the troops at Moron. SPANISH LOYALISTS IX A HKW ROLB. A guerilla party ot twenty oien had been commit ting depredations and ni oners In the neighborhood of Saeua and causod consternation among the inhabitants. They were Cnaliy discovered to be government troops disguised as insurgents, and wero under com mand ot ono of their officers. THE OCTAVIA. Krr Wbst, fla., May 25, 187*. As no owner bas appeared to chum the steamer Oe. tavia the has Deen declared a lawful prize by the Span ish authorities; but England has made reclamation, and proceedings have boen suspended until the latter Power has had lull oppori unity to investigate the case. This Iniormation comes from a private, bnt trust worthy, source. PEACE TO BE PRESERVED. N'iw Orleans, May 25, 1878. Governor Kellogg states tbat he received from the President every assurance be coald reasonably ask that peace would be preserved In Louisiana and lawlessness suppressed. THE BLACK HILLS. INDIAN OUTBAGE8?MOVEMENTS OF THE IN VADING COLUMN. Cebtznkb, Wy., May 25,1876. F. D. Yates' ox-train arrived at Fort Laramie irom 1 the Bed Cloud Agency to day In oharga of Charles Broun. He reports tbat three ponies and seven bead | of cattle were ran off by Indians. Captain Eagan, who j bus been scouting witi> bis company for two weeks, is expected in to-morrow. Five companies ot cavalry and <>ne of Inlantr/, under the command of Colonel Evans, arrived at Ketterman to-day i.ud crossed the river, to be jolnod to-': orrow oy the column now mov ing dp on tHe north side of the river under tbe c<fm- ; mand ot Colonel KovaL Tbe Indians have been seen 1 in the vicinity watering tbe operations of tbe troops, INDIAN MURDERS. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 25, 1878. A letter irom Z. Mott, one of a company ol Cincln nnttaus who left lor the Black Hills some time ago, dated at Kearney Junction, May 21, states tbst tbe In dians are on tbe warpath, killing tbe miners at a fear ful rut* He says that out or forty-two men at Dear wood iwenty-fcven have been killed by tbe savages and live other men were killed and scaled within three < miles of Custer City. There is pleoty o( gold, ho says, northwest of Custer City, but it Is Impossible to get .t It on account or tbe Indiana Mott was a barkoeper of one ol tbe principal hotels la this btty. PIPERS LAST NIGHT. Boston, May 25, 187& \ All tbo arrangements sre complete for the execution { of P.per, which takes place at tbe Charles Street Jail at ton o'clock A. M. to-morrow. Tbe condemned man ; appears calm and resigned, and professes to have mads bis peace with God. He expresses readiness to die and bas confidence in Divine forgiveness. His fsmily ! bade adieu to him tbis afternoon, and the soene was an . agonizing one Piper, tbe coolest of them all, bade them he calm, and particularly endeavored to oomiort his mother. He ate his supper with ao evident relish, and afterward passed the evening till ten o'clock with bis aplritusl adviser. The gallows on which he is to bo executed bas done service for thirty years, being tbe same on which Professor Webster was banged. Frost, who Is to be bung to-morrow st Worcester, still pre serves tbe wonderful calm and fortitude wbleh bo bas shown throughout Hs shown no symptoms whatever of repentance, sad Is still dost to spiritual ministra tions. DISHONEST NAVAL CADETS. EXCITEMENT AT THE NATAL ACADEMY?NINE OF THE " YOUNG BALTS" CONVICTED OF THEFT. Annapolis, Md., Msy 25,187& Nine esdet midshipmen of tho second and third classes were rrqalred to resign yssterday and suffer section fromtbo Academy for thslt Some days slnos samples of gentlemen's furnishing gtods were depos ited is s room of one of tbe trst class men by a Balti more drummer, aad during his sbsenoe they were pil ls red. The Brat Class men beeame indignantly anxious because tbe stain rested on them, sad st once insti tuted s thorough search of each room in the building, tbo reaslt ot ?hlch wan tlia Hading of tho stolen srti cles In iiosscssion of those whoeo resignations wsrs demanded aad other proof ot their guilt Their names are wttbheM for the present, and it Is possible tbst tbe resignations will not he accepted so mt they saa be dishonorably dismissed the ssrrio* | THE BRAZILIAN EMPEROR. A. HOLIDAY Iff THE CSUCSOT CITT?MEDICAL COS8CLTATION ON YELLOW FEVKK Ssw Okleaxs. May 26, 1870. Thin morning before breakfast the Emperor drove oat accompanied by the Vuconde de Bom Retina. The Impression made on Hut Majesty by New Or leans h?s not been fbvorable. lie finds a noticeable difference between the energy and bustle ot the Northern and Western cities and the easy going I aspect of the Creole population. 11 in Majesty no- j tlced with evident disappointment that grass was ! growing in the streets. He also commented on tbe absence of a good system of street cleaning, which . Is very apparent. This being a holiday of obligation In the Catholic ; Church the Imperial party attended service in the | Cathedral of 8t. Louis, where the arrival of their Majesties created a slight sensation among the (Ulthful. The old Cathedral presented a very Inter esting sight, as some hundreds of young girls were present dressed in white, with white veils, to re ceive the sacrament of confirmation at the hands of Monsignor Ignacio de Oca, Bishop of Tamaullpas, Mexico. Leaving the Cathedral the Emperor proceeded to visit the so-called Mechanical and Agricultural College, but found nothing deserving of the name. Owing to a real tropical downpour of rain His Majesty retired to the 8L Charles, where he had a long Interview with the doctors of the Board of Health on the subject of the yellow fever and the best means of preventing the spread of that fearful epidemic. Very little new light was thrown on the subject. Dr. Souza Foutes represented the Brazilian medi cal body in the conference. The accepted idea was that a perfect system of quarantine could prevent ; the introduction of the infection, but that in practice i it was found impossible to put quarantine reguln- i tlons sufficiently stringent Into operation. The New i Orleans doctors attribute the comparative freedom i enjoyed by thecity from this scourge of the tropics ! to the improved quarantine regulations of the port. In the evening a second consultation ou this im portant subject was held. Their Majesties after dinner drove out to Lake Pontchartrain, which they very much admired. The Empress has decided to visit the Jetties at the ! mouth of the Mississippi, which are being con structed under the directions of Captain Eads. ills Majesty has been deeply Interested In this Important work. A VETO BY THE GOVERNOR. bsduction of ptate taxatio* MOBE THAN OXE-HAIjF fbom last yeab. AlBAXY, May 25, 1876. Governor Tilden to-day placed on 111# the following veto Message:? Assem- ly bill No. 27?, entitled "An act to authorize a lax of three-tenths of a mill per dollar of valuation to provide for deficiency In the sinking fMnd under section S of article 7 ol tbo constitution." Not up P This hill authorizes a tax of throe-tenths of one mill to meet the aeOciencies In the canal sinking fund in obedience to soctlon 3 ol artlclo 7 of tho con stitution. The valuation, aa nearly as can now be as eorta.ned from the roports or tho assessors In the Comptroller's office, is Pu^dUbC* or this tax, computed ou that valuation, would be 'sr, w'.ts SSt sirawsfu^"1??;??' ?tending contracts for extraordinary rep Irs and .or the Application ol $l,B00,0"O ol money yet which had been reclaimed irom the folly, wasto ana lraud incident to those expenditures. Alter describing tho approp. lations made by lhr blll^ and how the savings are to bo Uo con.Bind In the meanttmi no interest of the 8.ate haaueeu injured or neglected. Tho appropriation for UM new Capitol for the present year ol WOOOOO wilt yield moro means to pay *"r | than the usual appropriation ol $1,000,000, lor ?h? fresh constructiou will start without any or the la mad* more eOecitvo y it brought Into uxe. , OUt of tl?,^;OW-? ISB* re,rcm.hull.DV which JfJfL |fP.nj ? ?o that no temporary flouting debt will jug! Sssss sa&jsx f==sss? i icy of that Instrument In rcsucct to the state unan I canal surra. OBDEB FOB A NEW BTBUCK JDBT IN THE CASE OF THB PEOPLE YS. HENBY ?. DENN1SON. Albany, N. Y., May 20, 1876. The motion for a struck Jury in the case of The ; Peonle vs. Henry D. Deunison et at, which It Is pro posed to try at the Extraordinary Circuit to be con- i vened in this city on the 6th of June next, was argue . before Justice Landon, at a ?l* term of the Supreme Court, held at his chambers in the city of Schenectady yesterday afternoon. Hon. Matthew^Hale and Mr. K. W. Paige appeared for the plaintiffs an Messrs. Rugor k Hiscock lor the defendants. The affidavits ol Messrs. Paige and Hale, ou the part o to plaintiffs, wore presented, snd read to tbeofloctthat court room on the Hth of May, concluded in ment on tb?.motionlor the^new s.Mwj? ~?c^~ the can? ui Willifttn C. SUpoPDs ? t p???%Ui v* until the latter P*rt ^ Denniion case affidavits luriher set forth that ii we ?"? sbouid be commenced ou the n'tbj?vbv wunsel be com pic to<l i>> the lwn, . ra^.K ]??."?? bTd??! InVltanVon Thur" ?y!lj"n^ j U}*"mld that counsel for The People have agreed to take the struck Jury that l? already drawn. MtnNIQHT weather report. Was D?rA?TM?irr. ) Orwc* or th* 0?i?r stomal ?'rl^*' i Washihotow, May JO?1 A. ?. J ProtoMlitU*. For the Sooth Atlantic States, falling followed by I rising barometer, southerly to easterly w.nda, slightly warmer, partly cloudy weather and poaslbly occMlonal "^o/theGulf States, slight change In pressure and temperature, wmda mostly lr m south to oast, cloudy or Dartly cloudy weather, aod local rains. v..,,-.. ; tlonary barometer, winds mostly irom northeast to , u-st, Sligntly warmer, partly cloudy weather, and , rttsz*.?*?? by rometer, northeast to southeast w.nds, .ut.on.ry and rising temperature, partly clo.dy weather and po?H. "iw Cpp? ??< ing barometer, southeast to Fouthwe?.t wind., warmer, part* cloudy weather, and possibly. In the north n nnrtions occasional rains, followed In the I pper Missouri by rising barometer and cooler west to north * Forthe Middle State, and New BngUnd, rising fol lowed by lulling barometer, northeast to ?outh^Mt winds, and cool, clear or partly cloudy weather, with possibly oocaslonal light ralni in the western portion *???? River below St Jo^ph and the Ml..* ilppl from St Lcnls down continue slowly falling. ?out WEATHER YESTEBDAY. TM I.IWwIOJ ??l ?>' j" wp.r^r. lot ?? P-' " . t. narieoa with tbo corresponding date ol last yea , indicated by the thermometer at tiadnut's pharmacy, Hkualo Building :? H7&. 187*. .ra l1 s 8 ? isp;*:::::::: s ? U .07 7fl hjv Average temperatnre y*ter'i?^ Average temperatnro lor cerrespon g ^ HJi the bbooklyn homicide. THB KILLING or XICHAXL HD8SCT BT HIS XV K/JYXB?VKBDICT or THB Jt'UT?TBI PRI8 ONKBB BBCOBD AS AH AXXBICAM AHD MXXI CAN A KMT OrriCXB. Ad Inquot wu held yesterday before Coroner Slmms, in tho Kings County Court House, touching the killing of Micbaol Hunaey by Henry C. Bull, on Sunday night last. Id lront of No. 86 Nassau street, near Pearl, Brooklyn. Charles Meyer*, clerk, testified that between ntue and half-past nine o'clock he saw Bu'l aud Husaey clinched; also saw Hualey, who Is held at a witness, and Joseph Caunou, brother iu-law of Bull, lighting on the sidewalk; witness wont forward to reparole them, and as be did so be saw Dull runuing up the stairs ol his house; witness then went acriM* the street, where he saw deceased Ivlng down and bleeding Irom a wound In ! his neck; witness then went into the house, aud going up stairs to Bull arked him bow it came about; Bull , said, "the tnau omno there and tackled him and lie , couldn't help it, ho had to do it or else the man would ! have killed lilm;" Ball then asked the wltueita to go over to tbe drug store and tlnd out how the man was; saw no knife or instrument of any kind used daring the flght; didn't hear anything said by the men while scafflmg. Josopb Malcolm, Frederlo Hertell and Willam Rusher gave unimportant evidence. Michael Walsh, of Nu 240 Monroe street, tesliflod that on Sunday aiternoou he callod with Hussey at Heuluv's residence in iligb street, and Hen lev accom panied them to Bull's bou-e; as tho prisoner was not at borne they weut to a liquor ?lore and drank ; in the evening they called sgam at Bull's house and Hussey told hitu to come out; heard deceuhod exclaim "i'lCK BP thai pistol," wiilch was dropped on the sid -walk by j Bull; two women came down stairs during tbe scuttle { that ensued, and begau lo u*o either swords or clufe; ] Hussey suddouly Mid ho was slabbed; d<*oea*od tola { witness that lie wanted to see Bull to tell hire ho was i going to work in New Yo.'k, and had some words with I him aliout some money that was owing bun. Dr. A. \V. Shepard, who made the pn<i-mortcm, tea- j tilled to finding a wound undor tbe left uipplu uf de? ? ceased, anil another on (he lelt sido of the neck four | aud a quarter inches In length; hemorrhage from the { latter uaSMd death. William Heale.v testified In corroboration of Wnlsb:? , He told Bull that he had hired deceased to do hi* work, at wiilch Hull called him '-a liar;" then the light began, j In which Cannon Joined; the woman Ciubbed witness j but did not bit Hussey. Joei K. Cannon testified to lioarlng Bull order Healoy ? and Hussey away, aud said he would cull an officer if j they did not go; deceased cursed hnu and said, "I'll I have my money or I will hang," and then struck Bull ! and knocked htm-down. Henry C. Hull, the prisoner, testified that Hussey and Hoaley called at his house and detnauued money wbtcu ho claimed was duo him lor work d ue; ho or dere. deceased to go away, telliug him ho would make Inquiry aboni it and pay him; Hussey said be would go down to tne factory and break the engine; alter ?omo further words the two men spracic upon bioi (Bull), and Joel Cannon, his brother-In-law, came down stairs aud engaged la a ecullto with He.ilev ; lluss.-y, who was a much heavier man than tho prisoner, knocko I the latter down; an soon as ho could regain his Iccl d< erased drugged him out upon the sidowaik. At th*t Juncturo tim cries of h;s moth< r In-law and wife were ringing in n;s ear, "Joel la being murdered;" and finding himself growing weak, he says ho drew bis knife, which be bad procured 10 dolend himself witti on Friday last, and cut out wlldiv. Then itoceused let go. ami he run Into tho house. The pris oner had been told by Mr. Hoadley that they bad threatened him. The Jury, after half an hour'* deliberation, returned the following verdict:?"Wo find that Michael llussoy came to bis death by hemorrhage Irom a stab wound iu the neck lufllcteJ by a knife in the hands of Henry C. Bull May 21, at the corner ot Nassau and Peari streets." In answor to tbo questions put by tho Coroner on tbo voluntary examination, tbo prisoner, who wax fuliy committed to jail to await the action of the Grnnd Jury, said he is thirty-two yenrs of age, was born iu Louisville, Ky., is an inventor by protecsiou, and resides at No. (Ml Nassau street, Brook lyn. To tbo chargo be pleaded not guilty. Major Bull, a* bis counsel, Messrs. Headley and John* ston, term the prisoner, has quite u record as a mili tary man. He served a? Colonel of the Tweniy-elghilt reg'inient mounted infuntry, of Kentucky, during the rebellion, aud wa? lor a abort time on General Grant's staff Alter tbo close of ho was commis sioned as colonel by Juarez, and lousbt in Mexico against Maximilian. He is president or u patent arin* company and inventor of a new motor car. THE PICNIC HOMICIDE. Coroner Croker yesterday morning concluded tho in quest In the case of John Sexton, shot last Saturday night by John Mcjlnbon, Jr. Tbotnaa McWilllams, of Na 445 West Thirty-sixth street, was first called. He bad knowu tbe deceased about a year; was floor manager of the picnio last Sat. urday; heard a notse and saw a crowd running toward the platlorm; two men in tbe garden next door pointed j guns at the peopio on the platform and crlcd out, I "Come down here and wo will give you all the flght ! ou want;" witness dodged down and at tho fame time > eard a gun flred; naw John Sexton Immediately alter I lying in tbe yard with his coat horning; did not seoany atones thrown on tno platiorin. ? John Garrigau, of No. MM West Forty-third street, was next examined. He waa at tbe picnio whe.i the shooting occurred; saw two boys In ti>e garden with suns pointing up; Sexton wan on top of tho fenre, leauingover; he got into tne garden joot a? tbe sbot went off; witness saw bim rail; deceased was only four or five inches Irom tho gun when the shot was fired. Francis Powdcrlv, or No. 4^8 West Thirty-ninth street, stated that be was also present; going to the end oi the'platlorm be saw two boys whom be thought ' were trying to "heat" the picnio; he Jumped into tho I garden aud ono ol them called out, "Got up of! there or I'll sbootyou;" as witnoss was getting back be was , struck with a gun or a slick and heard * shot fired. Thoinaa McMabou, fa her ot tbe accused, being re called, said that none of the family know that the gun was loaded; he al*o said that it was loaded some lime ago to shoot a dog. officer Foley, of tho Twenty-second precinct, was j called aud testified to the finding ol a broken gun, tho barrel In the garden and tbo stock in the bouse. Both guns were bere produced in enuri. The one with which Sexton was killod la exactly the samo as tbe broken one. Both were large, heavy, double bar relled sbot guns. Thomas Shannon testified to having found evidences In the garden the next morning ol a strugglo that bad taken place in au onion bed. Dr. McWbinnie's testimony closed the evidence, and the Jury retired with the papers. After long dviibera ion. at twenty minutes to three P. M.. a verdielo'/loath from accidental shooting wu brought in. Tbe prisoner, John McMahon, Jr., waa then released ' under SI, 500 baiL PACIFIC MAIL. The recent bold financial stroke that bu been made in this stock thruueb tho exertions of Mr. Ruins Hatch ban wrented tbe control Irom the bands of the unscru pulous men tbat were attempting to throw tho com pany into bankropte; to tbe detriment of the stock* holder*, and once again it will be conducted on a fair business barns. A Hcrald reporter sailed upon Mr. Hatch yesterday afternoon and wished to talk over tbe matter, but Mr. Hatch declined to be interviewed, feeling very much aggrieved at tbe laiso reports ol his action that bad been published in some or the morning paper* After talking for a few minutes on yachting and other subject*, he Hinted tbat be nai satisOed with the new Board and that all his proxies would be earn to Messrs; White house k Co. He lelt satisfied that tbe company was in a prosperous eonditioo, tbat they now Own ten new Irou aieamers, while they did not own one when be flrr-t became counootcd with them, and also they only owe hall what iboy did then. Provided there Is a lair divlaiou of tbe profits between tho company and tbe Panama Itallroud Company, such as existed when Mr. Hatch was a managing director of both complies, the stock sould tncreaso *n value and pay a banosome dividend. Panama thou paid three per cent per quarter, and bas paid no dividend during tbe last two quarters "I buve al?o," said Mr. Hatch, "reason'to believe, through the gross miamana.ement ol the presiding officer*, tho hut aix ste.mora show a loss on their waybills outward and homeward ol $200,000 at tbe New York office, tho business having been diverted to the overland routo i an>i Gould's Union Pacific, it seema to me that for I tome tlmo paat certain member* ol tho three corpora tion*. I iiion Pacific Railroad, I'anania Railroad and Part Do Mull Steamship Company have been anxious to aee bow much quarrelling could b? raised between the three parties and bow much tbe stockholders could lose." Mr. Hatch declined to say anything Inrtber. THE" EXCISE BUSINESS. The Board of Kxclse Commissioners have settledjipon j having Ave clssees ol licenses:?Firm, hotels; second, ' botela and dining rooms; third, ordinary liquor stores and saloons; fourth, storekeepers, druggists, Ac.; fifth, all plaees where aio and beer only are sold. As soon as practicable tbe Board will Bx tbe rates ol these licenses. Tbe Board Of Kstlmato and Apportionment meet to day to appropriate money to enaoiu the Commissioners to get books, blank forms of llcensoa, Ac. President Morton is in lavor ol reducing the rates of all licenses except those of botela. By Monday next tbo Board will probably be la possession of tbo required funds. Ox tbe rates of licenses and have all lbs inspec tors and clerks appointed and tho department gen erally in good working order. THE LIQUOtt DEALERS. The Sub-Committee of tbo General Committee ap pointed at tbo meeting oa Wednesday mot last eve ning at tbo Germaala Assembly Rooms, to maka prep arations lor tbo mssa meeting which is to be held la Cooper Institute oa Saturday evealag. Tbe subscrip tions were reported to bo flowtag in liberally, sad the following gentlemen bavo promised to address tbe mecttni ??Goneral Fran* Slgel, ex-Governor Solomon, Willy Wallacn, Oswald Ultendorfer and Hoary Cun ningham. A meeting will bo held to-day to eemplete tbe arrangemsatBi DECORATION DAT. Tho Cominiftioncra of tbe New York Fire Depart* ment hare ordered tbe Chief Engineer of tbe depart lueot to (rant leave of absence lor tbe purpose of par ticipating in tbe parade on Decoration Day, May 80. la all perrons In tbe department who are members of Uto Graod Army of tbo Republic wbo may apply for MM same. Ducoratlon Day will be generally observed aa a boll day upon Stateu Island. Meagh-r Piait No. 88, G. A. It, will send out details to de urate tbe graves of dead soldiers, and citizens hsvo been requested to ?e1ria flow er' to tiiu school houses in their neighborhood on Um SPth iiixt. Tin.' Voteran Corps, Sixty-ninth regiment, at a meet ing beld la?t mvbt iu tbo armory over K.saex Market, derided on the followim.' pro. relume lor UecoraUos Hay:?The corps, with Company A, which is to ad us un op port, will asm'tnb? at Ferrero's Assemblj Rooms In Fourteenth street at half p>ift seven o'cloec. and proceed to decorate Washington'* siaiue at Umee Square, thence to the grave* of Montgomery in St. I'iiHi's churchyard, and Kearney In Trinity churcb yard. They will then proceed to Calvary Cemetery ami strew flowers over Hie grave of General Corcoran, where an oration will lie delivered by John Savage and rcligwus aervieee performed by the cbnplaln of tho corps. A choir of luO boys will sing appro, prime music, Colonel Coonan will be in command of tbe corps. VETERANS OP 1812. For come ttmo pajt the veterans of tbe War of lttff have be >u endeavoring to procure an increase of their pension, ami to accomplish their object hate drawn up a petition, which hax been intrusted to Colonel John T. Hildreth. A meeting of the veterans took plaoa yesterday at Military Hall, in the Bowery, General Heury S. Raymond in the chair. Several letters fniQ colonel Hildreth wcro submitted, all complaining of tba delay which met lum ut every >>tep. Ho had receivo4 promises of aid from lion. Kppa Stanton, Chairman of Committee on Revolutionary Pensions and the War of 1H12: Irom S. 8. Cox, J. O, Whitebotwe, K. K. Meade, Fernando Wood, Kliju.!i Ward and several othors. He bas been advised to withdraw tbe pctitiou Irom bclore the House and lay it before the Senate. Tho veterans express themselves with considerable bitterness on the ol>sla< lex wined have beeu put in the way of allowiug them a pension friitflciont to keep them Irom distress. Many ol tbo wiJows ol those wbo are dead are compelled to eke out their paltry stipend by taking In washing, kc., and such ol the veterans themselves as still survive art disqualified by age, and in many instances by inflrmitv, Irom pursuing any avocation that might increase then means, and consequently are put In the greatest straits The veterans iiuve received an invitation irom Abraham Lincoln Post, No. 13, ol the Grand Army ol tho Repub lic to accumpauv them in coaches on Decoratlou Day. The route will be Irom tho Twenty-second Regiment Armory to tho Lincoln statue In Union square, which will he appropriately decorated with palmettos from South Caruli' a and pine branches Irom Maine, thence to the tomb of General Montgomery In St. Paui's church, then vis South lerrv to Cypress Hills Cemetery. TAMMANY HALL AND THE FOURTH. A meeting of the Sachems of Tammany Hal! was hold yesterday atternoou t-> make preparations for ths proper celebration or tbo coming Fourth of July. There were present Sachems Dlcll'endorf, Scbell, Dun* lap, Reiily, Andrew*, Morton, Storms and Haswell. Mr. Ackerman was made secretary. Committees on printing, music, deoorntions, orations and refresh, ments were apuointed. They will report at tbe nest meeting. It is intended that no ex|ienso shall b* spared to make the celebration a groat success. THE NINTH REGIMENT? PARADE. The Ninth regiment, N.G.S.N. Y., will parade la tall dross uniform (white gloves) on Saturday, 37th inst, for review on tho Plaza, I'nion square, by tbe brigadt commander. The assembly will take place at tbrea o'clock P. M. The object or the parade is to celo rate the ilenarturo ol' tbe regimunt for tbe pcsi of war in 1861, and the Veteran Association will have a banquet on the same evening. OBITUARY. J. M. BUCKINGHAM. A telegram from Norwioh, Conn., under data of lh? 2fith inst, reports:?"J. M. Buckingham, a prominent citizen of this place, died to-dsy at tbo age of sixty." MR. 8. T. 1UBNED. The above named gentloman, of No. 24 West Fourth street, of tbe firm ol Savin k Harned, brokers, of No. 16 New street, leli dead in bis olBce yesterdsr after noon. Coroner Woltinan promptly held tho Inqaeat^ and ibe cause ol death was found to be heart disease. Mr. Harned was a well known and popular member ol the Stock Exchange, and in social circles m gentleman everywhere well beloved, might bare been seon attending to his usual duties. In twenty minutes artcr tho closo or the Board, whllo yet engaged iu closing up his various transactions, ho dropped dead. For many months Mr. Harned bas been an invalid, but no nno supposed him to bo so near death's door that a sudaen summons would flnd bim at tbe entrance. He was well pre pared Those wbo knew lilin best will attest t<*the graces of his character, the gentleness ol his dii*?ost tion and tbe lovabieness or (ho trails whiob in ovMt so rough a place as Wall street attach men to men. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Sefior Don Manuel M. Peralla, Minister fbr Cost* Rica at Washington, Is at tbe Clarendon Hotel. Sataft tor R la ford Wilson, of the Treasury Department. *? rived at the Brevoort House yesterday, from Wuebtaf ton. Prolocsor Ezra Abbot, of Harvard College, to at the Everett House. Surgeon Charles McCormlck, United States Army, is at the startcant Houae. John C. S. Harrison, of Indianapolis, snd ex-Coogresaman D, S. Bennett, of Buffalo, are at the Fifth Avenue Hotal, Ex-Govornor John G. Downey, of California, Is gtaylof at the St. Nicholas HoteL Rev.'Dr. Blackwood, of Philadelphia, is at the Astor House. INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED BT using ll.ti.K'n Hoxxr or iloHKaonsn ako Tar. Pikic's Tootiiachu Onorit euro In one minute. A.?THANKS "'FROMTHE DEPTHS OF TUB HEAKT." WKLLiltaTOlt, Iioritin iviunty, Ohio, August 34, tS7& Da. R. V. Piauca, Buffalo, S. Y. Dkah Hik?Your medicines?Ootniw Mxpical Diacovw krv. Oh. Sack * Catarrh Krvenv- have proved of the greatest service to tne. Mix months ago no on? thought that I could poxiblr lire lone I had a complication of dlseaeea? ' i. manlfei ? ? ? scrofula, manifesting itself In eruptions and io"?t blutcbea ?hi uiy head that made aucb sores t at I could not have lay Iirnd com bed without causing me much suShring', alto caue ing swollen gland-. tonaila mUrgiiL enlarged or "thick urek" sad large and name qui holla. I also suffered train a terrible chronic catarrh, and In (act I wa* so diseased that life waa a harden to me. 1 had tried macy doctors with n? benefit. I Dually- procured one-half doaen bottles ol jrmn (iolden Medical Diaouverv and one doaen Rage's Catarrh Remedy ami commenced their ose. At BrM I was badly dis couraged, bat after taking four bottle* of the Discovery 1 b?gan to Improve. and when I had taken the remaining I waa well. In addition to the naa of the IMscovery t applied a eolation ol iodine to the goitre thick seek, a* yon advise in pamphlet wrapping. and it entirely ill,appeared. Y?ui Olscovery !? certainly the moet wonderful blood medicine ever invented. I thank God and you, from the deptba of my heart, lor the great good it has done tne. Vary ^rateroii^, Most medicines which are advertised aa blood pnrlfler* and liver m"dleinas contain either merenry in cat Win er potassium and iodine variously combined All of thee* agents have stron * tendency to break down the blood cor Kusclea and debilitate and otherwlae permanently injure the uman system. and ahonld therefore be dteeerded. Or. I'ikiicr's (Jotnex Mkdicai. Discovkrt. oa tbe other hand, belnc compoeed of tbe fluid extract* of native plant*, barks and roots, will in no caae produce Injury. Its effect* being streagtbeiiing and curative only. Hanaparllla, which need to enjoy quite a reputation ae a blood portlier. Is a remedy of thirty year* ago. am. may well (rive place, aa It le doing, to tbe more positive and valuable vegetable alteratlvee which later medical investigation and d scovery bae bronght to llfrht. Iu scrofbl* or king's evil, white /wet ling*, ulcers, erysipelas, swelled neck, goitre, aarofkloa* la* datamations. indolent lull?mm?uon. mercuria affections old sores eruption* of the akin and sore eree, aa In alt other blood diseas ?. Or Pirnrr's Oolorw Mkmcai. Die rnvsev has shown Its greet remedial powers. caring tbe most obstinate and intractable caeee. Bold by all dealers ia medicine*. _____ _______ A.?THE Rl'MMKR STYLE OF GENTLEMEN'S Hats I* tbe brilliant conception of KNOX. He will eapply yon with Just saeh aa article an your i?*te. Judgment and experience may suggest, at elih r or hla etoree. No. 313 Broadway, or in the rlttli Avenue Hotel. ALL METAL_TRUSHBS ARE rtUPERNEDBD BT the effective hn.t fct.?sTtr Tares, sold only by ELA4TIO TttCHM COM PAN Y, 083 Hroadway. Comfortably holds and cures rupture. CRISTAOORO'H HAIR DYK STANDS UNRIVAL. led; lie ahadee are uatnral. Its action lsetoataaeeat. Wholesale ami retail. John ?t. GOOD SOUND CLARETS AND HAITERNES, FRO* M to Ml per d' a -n; favorite brand*, tally guaranteed II. H. KIRK Ac CO.. 7ta> Broadway aad Faltea et. KEEP'S PATENT PARTLY MADF, DRESS SHIRTS? The very best, elx for fd; 571 Headway sad 931 Areh *?., Philadelphia. __ I Al?IK?', MtSSE*', ?IUIii.t.aM'e AND BOW Bouts. Hnosm and (jAlTta*. I'atronlre KIU.KR ? CO , 3 t'nloa square. SODA WATER APPARATUS FOR MAKIMO ALU Aerate i Beverage*. JOHN MATTHfcWS, 1st av. aadMik st., city. WIGS, TOUPEES.?O. RAUCHFUSS, PRACTICAL Wigmaker aad Importer ol Human llalr. 44 East ISth at. $3 HATS, SI M (FINE PEARL BATS); SILK Haw, ??, worth ?& 1ft Now Charch St.. ap stair*. e NlsW Pt)lilii(?]kTWtlt. ' V RE "W OO NO INTO TH K'1: (JNTSTf A. HON K JOURNAL eontaine new list of Simmer Remits, niv.Dg prices, dietaaces aad other partlcalars. Read 10 rente to _ _ . MORR18 PHILLIPS * CO., No. 8 Park place. New Terk. ("ijiNCKia-NEW fitKATIsB KXPLAlltlNO tasift J sueeestul treatiaeat sent free. __ _ .... _ Dr*. BKOWN A HTOOOARD. Ne. 8 Weet 14thes. rinNtSNNlALSKTROCKem-A WIPSAW^S loprf V far railroad travel. Tea will ssles a treat vktwS i*. GHEaPBST BftOIWTORE IB THE Wo?lD.?OkAS# Ceateaaial CatalAgne free. . IJPIOAT BROW., ?a SBeskaiaask RAD GENERAL ?HEBIIA.N'S LETTER "" Rs ea the aext Piseldeaay, ARCAgUK. ItXHI