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FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Stock Market Generally Firm but Irregular. GOLD 112 5-8 A 112 3-4 A 112 5-8. Moaty I 1-1 and J Per Cent?Inmtment Shares, Government and Railway Bond* Steady. Wai.l Strict. I I TnilBiT, Muy 26?9 P. M. I The blae iky which we drew attention to yesterday I M prevailing in the Stock Exchange Armament was ob ecurod by no passing cloud to day, yet withal there waa little evidence of what gardeners call "growing weather." With tha exception of I-alto Shore, which Sprung ap like a c.-op of aspargus over night, tha reel ?f the list scarcely put out an additional bud or bios torn. Tat this security proved a veritable Jonah'* foartf, which, springing up from 62V at in* openiug, grew in It* proportion until it touched 53*,' auu pre Mnted a tree of Ufa to grateful bulls, but a very upas ta growling bear*. 01 course this eminent success in arboriculture was due to some controlling powor, and this was shortly developed in tne partly authenti cated report that the managers of the great railroad trunk line* were ta convene in this city for the pur pose of reconciling difficulties In the way of putting a atop to the tariff cutting process, n* also lo the absolute fact that Twenty-third street had beeu a large coverer of shorts during the past two days. When, however, It began to dawu upon th?i minds af operators that an Increase of rates by no means controlled an lucreuse of traffic, but rather invited an additional competition on tha part of lakes and canal, and when It was plain that tha short Interest had been mostly closed up there waa l*sa eagerness to buy, and the price fell below 93, though it ultimately closed about that figure. In Weatern Union, on the contrary, there waa a fair amount of steadiness only?in fact, there was a deolded ?quint bearward, m the shape of some important sales, which cheapened the quotation of 86 at tbo opening to 6t?, with no reduction of the strabismus at the end. W* hear nothing to-day ?f the auppositive brand new bull party in this stock, and we seo less of Ita handi work. Whether It haa become lalnt hearted alroady or whether it ban ever existed in fact, is probably known only to the pool itself?and Mr. Gould. Speculative ?team haa been entirely shut off from Paciflo Mail to day, and the vessel lying at anchor in tranquil waters bss swung to the tide with no greater changes in quo tations than such as were prodaccd by the ebb and tow af the rest of the market. The stock at ?ne time was In demand for transfer pur poses (the books.closing to-day) at a premium of 1-0 until to-morrow, but It did not develop any particular eajierncfs to purchase shares lor cash. Michigan Cen tral, as the Jitlu* Achatrs of Lake Shore and general aid* partner, participated In tbo hilarity of tbo favorite, and advanced from 45 Hi to 46.^', with a Blip back at the cU so to In the coal stocks transactions were almost nominal and without any important chango in prices. Tho existing short interest haa cieated a demand for borrowing purposes, which pays holders a small bonus lor having their sharos carried?thus, at one timo % cent was p*id for the ascot New Jersey Central over night, and 1-32 for Delaware and Lackawanna. llr. Vanderbllt's prime lavorite, Central and Hudson, trcw better with its owner and sold up to 110X, with a snarp demand lor cash stock at>? per cent ?over the reg alsr price. II the Commodore's lease of life has sixty days (till to run we expoct to ??e at the end of that period a scramble for cash stock for delivery, which will boas good as a play to bulls, though bears may not look upon it In that light. Krio remained Arm (taring the day at 14 a 14j?, Lon don prices being better, and a belief existing here that figures will bo marked up shortly. There is no 'ncreased demand for money and no likeli hood to be any for a long timo to come. TUK SALCH TO-DAY. The trancactlons at the Stock Kxchange to-day ag gregated 154,520 shares. Hew Yorx Central and Hud ?on, 6,033; Erie. 2,8*5; Lako Shore, 56,6o0; Cleveland uid Pittsburg, 200; Northwestern, 1,200; Rock Island, 100; Paciflo Mall, 13,350; St. Pnul, 1,400; St Paul pre ferred, 1,300; Ohio*, 2,150; Western Union, 49,400; Union Pacific, 950; Panama, 100; Michigan Central, 12,260; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, .2,160; Union Mining Company, 1,950; New Jersey Central, SML OHKNlXO, HIGHEST AXO LOWEST PUU'ES. Tbo follow Ing tahlo shows tha opening, highest and lowest prices or the day :? Opening. Highett. Lowest. New York Central 110 110\ 110 Harlem. 138 X 138', 138 X Erie. 14^, 1414 la?g Lake Shore. S2>?' 63 ? 62'* Wubaah 2'* i)i 2\4 Northwestern 39', 40 30*4 Northwestern preferred... 6h\ 00 Hock 1 aland 105 >4 105 \ 106 ^ Pittsburg 91*4- 92*?" Milwaukee and St. Paul... 88?5 :WX 36X MIL and tit. Haul preferred. H41, U41, Hl?, Ohio and Mississippi. It!', IT ', M\ New Jersey Central 82 82'4 81 Del., Lack, and 104 104', HXIX Uulon Had lie 69 .')? 57^ U,C. ft 1. C 4'i 4>t 4 Westers Union ?i5*. 66*? 04'; Atlantic and Pacific Tel... 141.1 14X Pacific MatL 2d\ 2rt>, 26X Panama 140 140 140 Producers' and Petroleum. 115,'^ 110 116 k closixo prices?3 p. m. PaelfieMall.... 2&*t a 26* C.UOAl 45 a 4r? Y eat Ca TeL.. 64*, ? U4', C.C4IC... . 4k a 4)1 At! A faciei. 14 a 14', l)cl, L. A W....104 a 104^ gulekatWar.... 14.V ? 16,'i Erie 1 -i\ a 13U Cuiekaltoer pi. 1*4 a 22 Han * St Jo... 12'i a 13*2 ?ar L A Mia.. 5* a 7 U>u I NUopI :'u a 23 kar i. *, A. i>l.. ?i?, a H Lake Shore.... a Mk' Adaaaex 107 a 10K Nlcli Central.. 4:>*f a 44-,, Au ericaii Ex.. 03 a t.3>-? A liurleiu. 137& ? 13B I h It*.. ..... 70 h 71 N \ O A 11 it.110s, a llOk V a.laFar^o* . NiV a Hi N J Cen Kl'? it hi', Cble A Altou.. 97 a Mlf OhioAMIia... It',;, u je?? CUt A Pitta... 82S a IHanaro* l:t* *143 tljtil *.... 3WH * at?*t Tol .v Wah. 2',' R (. Lie A .N \V pi 5mJ a 6 > I'ulon Pacific.. .In * f>K - -r* r?? IfcicAKI .li .V4 a lu'ilt Missouri Pue.. Ilk a 13 HU A fctPaal. 30 a ?.?i I'ro P Co Utt a 116^ Jlii a StPpf. 64'; i 64X AOTAKCZ ASD DECLINE. The Hollowing are tbe cbangea In closing prices com pared with tbose of yesterday :? Autakck. ?New York Central, M; Delaware and lAOkawanna, lake Shore, Ji; Michigan Central, 1',; Oblo and M inal aippl, '*; Producer*' and Petroleum Land Company, IX; 8t Paul preferred. V Declixe.?Wee tern Union, X; s'- Paul common, %\ Paolflc Mall, X\ Now Jersey Central. Mixaourl Pa ct Do, AS; Atlantic and PacillcTelejr.ipti. L ?tatio?akt.? Atlantic ana 1'aciUi: preierrod, C., C. apd L IX ; C., C., C. and 1.; Krle, Hnnmbal and St. Jo seph common and prelerred, Harlem, illmoia Central, Northwest common and preferred, l'anuina, Quick silver, Rock laland, Wabash, Union Pacific and gold. TBB MOTET MARKET. Monty ob call ended at S}. and 3k per cent, at which rates capital was freely supplied. Prime commercial paper Is still quoted at 4 and 0 per cent. The follow ing vers tha rates of exchange on New York at ins undermentioned cities to-daySavannah, }A premium; Charleston, nominally X * M premium; New Orleaua, commercial, K;bank, Cincinnati, Arm, 90 n 100 premium; Chicago, 25c. premium, and St. Louts, 100 premium. Starling exchange was steady. Prune ask ing rates, 4.88 and 4.U0; selling rates. 4.H9>{ a 4.88 and 1M.X a 4.*9*. Keichmarks, MX a and 9?>t a 9CX- Cablaa, 90^ a 90'i. Prima Paris, 6 13X an? HW. THE OOI.D MAREET. OoM opened aad closed at 112 V with sale* in the Interim at lU^, One per cent was paid to day lor both borrowing aad carrying. Loans were also mads Cat. Tbo specie shipment to Europe today, as officially reported, waa aa follows:?Gold coin, $200,000; silvsr fears, $147,000; total. $397,000. Operations or the Uold Exchange Bank to-day:? floid balances $074,660 Currency balances 650,900 UruM clearances 16,199,000 CLBAaiXO HOtUR ftTATEMKXT. Currency exchanges. $69,224,036 Currency balance*. 2.7 IS. 892 Uold exchanges. s.ia.', 10; uolu balances l,lu?,^0 THE miTStl STATEN TRRASl'MV. Tbs gold payments at the Sub Treasury to-day were $ia$,009 for iBtere*i and $143,000 lor live twentie? re ioesned. The silver payments were $67,06a Of this total $29,684 was la exchange lor fractions! wiles and Iks remainder on currency checks. Tbo revenue re MtyM ?$>00,090; customs raoeipts. $304,000; tank nates received for redemptiou, $1,000,000. RnBMTVBJfT IliRU. Id linitMit ibtrw we quote Jersey Ceatral at 82# *81 a 81# * 81#; Rock Island at 1061*; Maw York Central at 119 a 110 K a 110 V. Delaware and Hudaoo at 106# a 105K; Harlem at 13?#; Panama at 140; New York and New Haven at 158;Q., 0., C. and L, 45i,; Delaware and Lackawanna at 104# a 103'; a 104 # a 104; Pittsburg. 92#; WeUa-Fargo Express, 80^ a 89; American, 83; United States, 70; Producers' and Petroleum, lift# a U& ooTiasnmrr bokds. Government bonds closed Arm at the following quo tations:?United States correnry slzee, 127# a 127#; da do., 1831, registered, 122# alXiy; oo. do., do., coo pon, 122# a 122V; do. do., 1886, registered, 114# a 116#; da da, do., oonpoa, 116 a 116^'; do. da, do., new, registered, 119# all9#; do. do., do., da, coupon, 119 a 119#; do. do , 1987, registered, 121 # a 121 #; do. da, do., coupon, 121# a 121#; da do., 1888, registered, j 123 a 123#; da da, da, coupAi, 123 a 123#; da ten-forties, registered, 117# a 117#; da do., coupon, 118#*a 118#; do. Ores, 1881, registered, 117# a 117#; do. do., da, coupon, 117 a 117#. T1IK rOHKIUX X.VKKKT. The Loudon advices report no change in the Bank of England rate of discount, which remains at 2 per cent. Three months' bills in the open market are discouuted at 1# per cent. The increase In bullion by the bank for the week ending yesterday was ?630,000, the pro | portion of reserves to liabilities being 61#percont, ! against 49^ percent last week. To-day ?11,000 went > into tbe bank. A special despatch, dated London, two | P. M., states:?'?Business during the day has been comparatively dull in American securities. There Is increasing depression in European securities." Consols declined to 95#, against 06*, a 96# at the close yester day. . United States bonds are generally steady. Erie i ?old at 12# a 12#. This sharp decline In consols was explalued by a cable atating that the Rothschilds were selling heavily. Another despatch says:?"The uneasiness felt regard ing the Eastern question Is affecting all claases of se curities, Those of the governments dlrcctly within its Influence suffer most, but the wholo market 1s flat. { Turkish and Egyptian bonds ore to-day at tho lowest point yet touched. The firmness of the rate of dis count is attributable to tbe same cause, bankers pre ferring the loss of business to the risk of locking up mouoy for a coaslderable period at a time of such un certainty and uneasinesa The supply of money avail able for short loans is very large, and Is not In demand at any prlca Sliver is quoted to-day at 62d. per oz." The following aro closing London quotations:?Con sols for money, 95# a 95#; consols for account, 96# a 96#; five-twenty bonds of 1865, old, 104# a 104#; five-twenty bonds of 1887, 109H; ten-forty bonds, 107; new fives, 108#; Erie, common shares, 12#; da pre ferred, 19 a 20. Rentes at tbe Paris Boulevards are fluctuating between 104f. 76a al04f. 90a weak. This being Ascension Day is observed as a holiday on tbe Bourse. RAILROAD BOM'S. Railroad bonds continue quiet; the changes wore:? An advancc of # per cent In Harlem first sevens cou pons and Central Pacific gold bonds, and a decline of # per cent In Chicago and Northwest cousoli dateJ coupon gold bonds and C., C. and L C. firsts, # per cent In New Jersey Central first mortgage consolidated and # per cent In Union Pacldo Railroad first mortgaga During tbe last hours Mil waukee and St Paul gold sevens sold at 100, da La Crosse Division at 102#, do. consolidated sinking fund at 89#, Northwest consolidated gold coupon at 93# and Michigan Central sqvens at 100. Chetapeake and Ohio firsts, coupon on, brought 28. The following were the closing quotations tor Pacific Railroad bonds>?Union- Pacific firsts, 104# a 104#; da land grants, 99 a 99#; da sinking funds, 89 a 90; Central P?:iflcs, 108# a 109. STATS BONDS. State bonds were stroug and a fraction higher for Missouri long sixes and sixes of 1877, and steady for Tennessee sixes and New York State bounty loan. Dis trict of Colombia three-sixty-flves declined to 80#. BA.NK SHARKS. The only sale of city bank shares was 30 Fourth Na tional at 00. rniLADILTHIA STOCKS. Philadelphia quotations record stocks aa steady, aa follows;?Pennsylvania aixes, third issue, 1X3Read ing Railroad, 44; Philadelphia and Er e Railroad, M% ; Pennsylvania Railroad, 62X- lt*K a 11 i\. KIN I DO yUOTATIOM. The following table of prloes ot the prominent gold and silver mining share*, as received by telegraph from San Francisco, is famished by Mr. William Ward, Drexel Building:? May May May May 22. 23. 24. 26. Changes. Alpha 08 62 6d 6T Declined 0 Belcher. 22 22 20 22 ? Beat* Belcher. 67 67 66 66 Declined 2 Caledonia. 10 ? 10 0 0 Declined 1 California. .... 70 80 70 80 Advanced 1 (.'hollar Potosi. 01 00 86 86 Dodiucd 8 Con. Virginia.. 76 74 73 73 Decllued 2 Crown Point.. 17 1C 16 14 Declined 3 turcica Con.... 12 12 12 11 Declined 1 GoulfrJc Curry. 17 17 IS 10 Declined 1 Hale & Nor n.. 80 80 04 04 Advanced 4 Imperial 8 8 0 8 ? Justice 27 28 24 24 Declined 8 Keniuck 14 14 14 14 ? Mexican 34 32 34 33 Declined 1 Ophir 67 68 16 68 Declined 1 Overman 87 84 84 83 Declined 4 > Raym'd&Ely. 12 12 12 11 Declined 1 Savage 10 10 18 18 Declined 1 Sierra Nevada. 17 17 16 16 Declined 2 Silver Hill.... 0 0 0 8 Declined 1 Union Con .... 13 13 12 12 Declined 1 YellowJackct.. 37 38 36 37 ? MKBOBANBA. A despatch to the street says:?"The Committee on Banking and Currency this morning agreed on Mr. Randall's bill providing for the coinsge ol $26,000,000 additional silver oo'n." oca roauo* tkadc. The following is a statement, by enstoms districts, | of the values of Imports into, and domestic and foreign exports of merchandise from, the more important ports of the Catted States daring the month ol April, 1878:? Domestic Exports. Custom* Districta Imports. Mixed Values. Baltimore $1,444,012 $2,804,413 Boston 3,283.313 3,608,734 Charleston 4,000 737 083 Chicago ? 07,402 Mobile 078 1,037,343 Newark, N. J 614 3,600 New Hnven, Conu. 84,008 ? New Orleans 823,803 7,276,044 New York 24,630,820 17,457,308 Philadelphia 2,418,081 3,414,361 Portland 137,743 ? San Francisco 1,700,337 1.200,688 COBI* AJtATIVK BSCAmCLATIOK. Pom. Kxp'lt. Foreign Imports. Mixed Values. Exports. Month ended April 30, 1876 $36,007,861 $42,062,477 $1,104,660 Month ended April 30, 1876 43,817,313 48,002,380 1,118,163 Ten months en led April 30. 1879.... 388,008,173 408,408,480 12,041,260 Ten month* cmled April 30, 1876.... 442,014,428 476,688,847 11,674,777 SpteU and ftullton. Month ended April 2 ft, 1878 718,776 4,882,273 1,034,046 Month ended April 26,1876- 2,461,478 6,170,603 1 688,030 Ten months ended April 30, 1876.... 13,e74,]?l 36,077,388 6,000,344 Ten months ended April 30, 1876.,.. 17,872,627 67,001,270 8,488.448 Domestic Exports. Sped' I 'alum. Month ended April 30, 1878 $37,414,060 Month ended April 30, 1876 38,610,114 Ten months ended April 30, 1878 43w.61ri.412 Ten months ended April 30, 1876 427,086,612 Not reported?Braxos and Corpus Christ). NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Tbcbsbat, May 26, 1874 RKK0KK (ALL?lo A. M. $2000 D,I<iW 24.... 10H>( 200 stu Mleh Ceo BR . 4'.',' 3.V>ib(L'n Mln I', X'rfl do 46V 4U? it; ?>? It RK 11<I IIU So ... bJ 4iC 10 do I'Slft I'll de 46k 30 do ? l I Ilk 40) do 46'I 1100 do 1IO IUJ So 4.-.S :w? uu ilus do bJ ?.\'i &UO Wilt I a Tel.. s'J liM? do 4.V. *JO d? U'.\ IWI de 4'i'J |(I0 do ?V . -Vl d- 45C I4I.IO do ?3 ?ASi tUO do 4jC ?tut do looKJCeaBR si 8 fttll do.. W do 81ft 3o0 do ?&., li*> Mil A St P RR .. ??*'? ??**) do ?t> do lOoL'aPaoitit Mm loo :*?*? JHIO I'ac Mall t*ti -<?'? lOO Mil A ht P KK pi.. ?4V UNO do M 11' L.S A MB RK 421J 41*1 ? do 2 Ji 2000 do H U 2?'4 ||?<I Uu ... . ,.?3 ti-", do c U8* l3JO do 6iK 4uii do f" uo .. ,.s3 62Ji I do Sl'i I'dl do .,. .'i.,'* ?*) do i'1. 16"' do S3 62S ?jut do I1" do >4 I ii 2.>,'t 4>' ilo >8 "2'? ItKl do 2^*1 .hki do.?????. i.l I i ii i On .S'. 800 do ..till 6H nil uo 01 2. 2 <1 Chi A It 1 RR ?<au :i ? i Trie It I4S ?0 ttol. L A W BR... 108$ 73 do 14'? *U> do 1?* 3,, do bS I4i H.I do J04W BOO do 14H 100 Be 10*? 100 AU A Pec pf....s3 2 10-J u>. 7<i out. * U. ? 7. la;', ?xi IS." -90. c. "u7-. 't'-U 10 xxj i Sa.r.'Ml !?? ? ttOMU??U>:3? K. M. 8 ?h. NVC A H R.... }|?ij 3 A) 4<> e ??ga l UHirltm RR IOiXJ L..-A M ai Of ? d?. . do.. do. do I'M "i *\M? 11:11 | CS <>?.. r,' -1.U? II-J ?V. ?> 11" S J-JO. r. IMUthll'i. Kl.r . !?}: 2uO,J ...Jo, r, 'M7..bcc I2|? riK^r *2<*J0 Mo ?'?. T7 HKK lOuo do ? ? louu Me ? i Ma... 9 V i l en n ?:??, ii*w... O Tana wrin !<*?' Di?t' ul 3KO do 2UJO NY ii7 ?,b l.r.bc lU5>i ?jOu Alb A ?u. 2d ... lOrtjZ ll?*l .\ J C lit. con 105 . WOM* S1* 7'(.K<>ld l'?> M ASP lit.HAD J<?XJ M A 8t P. V A M W7 2'**i ?i a M I' coil a I ttlU 5t*K? <lar I?|7'?.?.... 11M?? HXMMIaN , c b. U3'. juxlMor A Pawl 1st 11.% JooOMorAK Ut. e.. loiitt 1(XXJ do 107 19000 Un t'ac KK lit.. 1<>4', aooo do 10?'J 11* OC. O A I OUt... 45 t Olio Mich Can 7'a.... !<?? lum W I' Te. IMX'.bc HUH' Pac K b 1UU SO ilia Fourth XatHk. fcO 22 Dal A Hud Can.. . lo?, liJO do ho ICO*, 20 > Dn M ifCo .bc.b30 1?, loo At A Pac 5 do W Un Tab. li? 700 2100 1500 31 ?? 17IO li 11 2 O ai<o MOO 7UO 3HI 4 > ' 1300 200 mi taxi do... do do llo do do do do do do ... . do .... do do dn do do. do c loOO i?> 1300 IT. ?' iauo s >o oO? mo 5 ?> 1500 1 *i 10 0 1 <i 400 2". 0 ttlO 8o0 itoo ? <? 1500 1400 2.VU 20 120-J 1100 lion 14 <0 100 ...b3 ..?! ...*3 do da do do *5 do ?? do do do e? do.. b3 do do. do. do do do. 15 (WW B5S ?$ \yOK 4 ftVa 65 (kr? iAZi 3 -U 6>'? 2 0 do do. do loo Mleb I ouHit. .be 4'Kl 2<)0 !<*? 4(10 10) loo do. do. do. do. no. *?53. i.'i 11 ti&J, ?J??, 0.V, Oj'* i&>. nil 30 American Kx. JW 7o MUV, 14 14 14^ 2?? 'M -"U 20*. 2o4.i do..... do do .... do do do do do...., d? do.... do.... do.... loo LI t> Kxpreaa... 100 Wrlla-KarfoKx. looKrleUK. bc?3 HAM do 1U0 do ... ?JO i Pac Mail HS.bc.?3 50 do.... do do 531, 53 -4 U>,' P 53* 53 i ns>; .?sr. MM KtH r.3 53 ft3i 53iJ 58'J ia\ 53', 5.4 5-i?a r>3 an?: 5a>, 53', 53?Z 40 4?iS. 4??. 4rt-, 40 4M 45 v? 4.V. 40 4o>; 4<?J, 4?H, t4: 4d IOO 4oo 700 ltXI :>oo 3oo 4oo ooo do .. dn... 2? 200 ft* t 200 It at JIJO loO 200 looo |UI VIP 1UO Pauaiua ItK .bo 14 ? lllO ? n I'ao it 50 llo N J I'nn UK., .it ?J}* loo uo ft t'bl A it I. .bc.opir lOGI, 10 do o lu5^ do 0 104.*, UC.C.t A I "K.bc 4.11)5 27 H V, X H <t II. .be 1?? 3 <1 Mil i St P KK.b IOO 100 100 2UO 700 MOO 2..K> 20J 10 5 O UO do. do. do do, do. do. do. do 2H', 2.V, 20 S 2rfi 2ti', Ho llo 1I?S IIO^, no., U0l. loo do e 200 do >3 IOO do 1X1 Mil A Ht P yf.bcbS _ 100 do 100 NYCAHli Kit. .b a llo'i 200 Dal, L A W.bc.aS 104'a 100 do ao 104 Hi* I do 103?fj loll do 101 200 do loll do 104>i lOlOhlo A .U KK..U c 17 110>i 3*1 do ?3 llo?, 200 do llO 550 do 10?? do do'.'. c II05? do b3 UO", Br-KJUK V?'a ;k-j, !??>'* 04 ?4', 17 c 173.' CJLLL-1?:I0 P. f300 )Dal AHr,?l 21X 0 \Ve?t Pac bda... ? loOO Dal, UW Jd.. IWJi 100 lbs fCLtfio 1 2J0U W?l Un lal...?3 t5 .... >5^ 10W^ 000 aha L K A M S. do. do do . do.. uo.. do.. .910 300 lOu WJ > 10 I 121X1 160J 100 2300 200 At A 1* Tel b3 <4?; 641; 04J, t)4.U do. 1< h> do 200 Paa.t ails.*. do. do. do .. do... do... ,?3 I'Xi do 03 U'X) do ...b3 131*1 do a3 HX? do i4 10 0 do 1100 do a3 lOuO do 10 > do b3 23i0 do 13 Ai do a I 04'^ MOO do (.4^ 2?>CUANW1(K.... 100 do .01 do 1UI do a3 l *i IC J Can KR aJ 10 do IOO do 50 do li?i do >4 1JO do 300 Mil A St P ItR. 400 Mil A bt P KR pf. 2ixi Del. I. A W KR... MOO do 3uo do ?3 104 IOO do....... lOI^ 14? 20', 20 25,Tli 25 25?i 20? 25*, 13m*, 14 45^ 45^ 31. 63)< 53? 53V 53', 53 53 m 53 52J4 5244 52 , 40 a?r? s?X Ml 81X Ml)5 8I'4 HI Ml >* 104^ 104 1100 100 4'XJ MO OOO 2 X? uo 400 Harlem KK...... 10 : tria loo Mleu Can KK.... 300 do loo do 200 do ? 100 Un Pac KK. f>?H 10.i Oblo A MUa KK. . 17 TOObriAMRKH..... 4ixi do 1,3 17 200 do b3 5J'i IOO N Y, N II A 11 RR. 153 v' P. M. 910000 C86'?,r, ' 122Ja $20000 Ut> a'?. r.'81. 117W IOOJO U 86'?,c, '81... 1J2,'4 30>) 0 8 S'x.o. '81... U7?J $2000 Teuu 6's, n s 8000 MASH 7' 4 UitiSI' iit.l.Ki .1 1000 M it ti P con ? f.. ttouo CIKWe i b.. loooPaeofMo ut.... HOOO Mich Cen T'?... 5000 tj .v N con. '98... loUOOC AO 13 (In Del A 11 Can.. 74 do bo 1U> M*r L A X 2o) I'n M'g Co.b e.bOO 500 ao b3.? 200 do ?ao 00 PC LA POo..bc 100 All 4 I'm- l et. to 1SO0 Welt L'n Tel. .lie 15 G do ?3 do do do ,v? do 10 Weili-KargoKx... 50 do bo lUi Antt Ex.. ..b c.s3 5 do 30o Pac Mail An.bc.a3 300 do 100 uo 100NYCAH RRR.bec UJO do 50O do 0 lio* do 300 Brie UK... SKl'ONIi HOARD?I 43*4 SOOshi Chi A N'ff,,b c 100 102 !f 9W loo uivti ( an.. .b c.sS -joo 300 1)00 300 40J UK) xooo 400 300 loo $6000 t'8 5-20. e. '67.. 13000C A O 1 at. t oil. 500th> UuMiu *30 IOO P C L A F Co ICO i'aa Mail be b3 ;UU . ao bit 400 do IOO do 000 Wait cn Tai 121?.' 28 111" 26'! 4)5 S, 1 5', ? do b3 0>>'* do .1.1 ?Wl4 WK ?i X. 100 til 28 106V 71*? lUftS 3UI 0 100 100 10J 2<M llftj* 100 |4k io? 64% SOILS* MbRR.bes3 01.S '~* n <1<> <lo ..,.sft do... 200 do b8 1<I0 Un Pac KR..bc.s3 3 >0 do llKJ do 1U1 do 20 do UV 0, C, C 4 1 KK.b o J 2.KJ Silk c M ?' a100 da 11".S 1(10 do . ,.li3 lllll, 3.;0 1), L ,v W Kit. .b ? Ho* HlOOhlolMRR..bc 1I0U I'll do. 13 13?; 20 1 Mo, K A Tai.. be S:$0 JO A P. lOOshs XV C 4 II R.?3 loo Mich Can RR 300 do IOO do bJ hiO do IOO Uo HOlLHAM n RR..b3 *34^4 2t? 84K W1 65 S6W HO", 8? t.3 69 S!: .s3 2 O aoo 100 71? WW 100 HIO 200 20(1 IOO Erie 1. H IK 1 do 1011 do *10 do. do. do do. M5 100 300 2JO 8 U t.lW 100 2 Ml 200 .it m'i 200rittiburgKK. 0 t.4', 14 13? l?'l MOO (.Hi A II Kit.... 2HO N J Con ItR. 2i*i >111 A St I KRpl. 100 Ohio A M RiC.b3 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE WOT 1-1 Cc. LOWER?FUTURES LOWER?FLOUR QUIET?WHEAT ACTIVE? CORN STEADY?OATS > IRMER?WHISEEY DULL AND NOMINAL?PORK QUIET--LA ED EASY? PETROLEUM UNCHANGED?SPIRITS TURPENTINE QUIET?B(WIN FIRM?OILS STEADY?FREIGHTS GENERALLY STEADI?COFFEE QUIET?SUGAR STEADY. Thursday, May 25?6 P. M. There wat but littlo change in ill* general aspect of the merchandise markets to-day. quietude being the ruling louturea In must departments ol trade. On ?Ch ugc tlour ?m quiet. Wheat was freely sought alter aud about asireely sold, although the market was a shade better. Corn waa steady. OaU wore firmer and In batter deniaud. Whlikey was dull and nominal, p.irk wai i|Ul?t. Lard wai sailer but ebied a tritie better. Freight!?Unchanged 11 a whole with a moderate buiiueii. Cotton wai lower. ColTao wai quiet. Naval stores ware quiet. Gils were quilt but iteidy. Petroleum wai quiet aud unchanged. Sugar wai ate adv. Corr*.*.?the market lor Hraiili wai quiat; mild m.ffea waa alao unlet; 5,'*>i |iicuii Java, yeaterd ty, to arrive br tn ? .Madone and Hawthorne, on private term a. During the put week. 47,405 mat? .lava, fx inndry veiieli, lulu on pilvutv terma, nnd 2 i<03 bag* Mara allio, 2.SU0 do. ?i. Iio mlngo, "( I do. Coita Kirn and 5HI do. Sav.milla mid In loti tor con?uio|ition within tne raii^e. Tha nock of wild coITho in brat linnna la ** loUowl!?Java, graai man. 12d..>IO; Singapore, gram mata, 2.1M2; Ci-ylon, 11 l,KH bari; Mara* caibo, 12,072 do.: l.aguayra, S.O.~l do.; Jamaica, 300 do.; M. l>oiuiiigo, 2.HH4 ilo.; Porto Hit o, ISO do.; Cilia Kica, 2.72.> do.; Alexican, ?l.?4 do.; Mnnlla, ?AI do.; Savanitlu, I,lis do. Total stock, S7.0.V4 lag*, 1 *ti,.'ilO mat* Jai?, aud 2.0H man Singapore. We have Meisrs. Wrielit A CoV. telegram, dated Rio, Miy 24, 187H, a< unre I7tli Inat , 20.0 a 1 haga. Slil'iimeiiti.''2,'JOO. Stock al date. Md.llll. Vverign dailv re relpn^.HtMlb.ig*. Price S!700. bxrhaiige,2.iTad. VV'equote (iriiinary eargoea, l.V. a 15'jO : lair no.. l?t'4c. a 17.-.; .o<>d ilo., 17'4c- a 1 < ; prime do., 17->4?'. a iSe.; rxireme ran^e lor loll, 15c. u Ittc.; Sanloa. lair to good, lOtjc. a I7'4e., gold, ninety dayi; Java, guverniuent bagi, ^iie a 2-r ; do., grain ninta, .Oc. a 2:te.; Hinaaporo, do.. ISc. a 2IHr.; Ceylon. 17c. a inc.; Maraeaibo, Ifi'jA a itfo.; Laguayra, lie. a (Sc.; Jamaica, l.i^e. a 1S',i- ; Hi. Uoniii.ifp, l ie. ? 15'ia.; Porto iiien. l^c. a IH?.; tloita KKa, 17c. a lUc. i Macaiiar, I Sc. a lOJje.; .Mexican, I i'c. a ISe.; Manila, I7e. a Idc.; lugostura, I7e. a Inc.; savanilla, 15\e. a IH.>^c.: Curacoa, la>4<, a 17>4e. Corro*.? I he raarRet for a pot wai 1-lfle. lower, clo-ing any. but' with mere doing. Future! were lower. Ttu riming prices to-day compare with Wednesday's prleei as ioliowi Wrinr-lny. Mny'lA. Thurminy, ifaw25. May II IMHa II 23-32 May I|i. all 17-32 June 11 a II V June .... 11 fl a 11 17-Xl July.. .. 11 2u:aall ir>-in July .... 11 .(3.32 ? Anguit.. 1-' I SUa 12 I HI Aoxuit.. 11 13 III a 11 27 H2 Sept I.' I lllaU :i-3j Sept 1127 32 ? October.. 12 13jali 11S October.. II :S32 ? Nov 11 31-J2 1 IJ Nov I1K a 11 21 TJ Dee II 31 32 a 12 Dec ll?, all 2i:i3 Jan. I -11 a 12 r. 32 Jan.. .. II 2.V32 a 11 1* l<> Feb 12?4 a 12 W32 Keb 11 2U-S2 a II 1>-Id March .12'. a 12 13 32 March... 12 a 12 1-IU ?Quotation! are baaed on Amerlcau nandard ol claaiillea tIon and on cotton >? itore running In qnallty not more thin baifagrade above or below tbe grade quoted: ? I plan-It. Alai'imn. Arm OrUaa* Trxat. >10 ?'a 0 il-lS 101, 10 i.'i IS lik ll?. ft IS SI V* 1< I .MS lOW ? IIS S 5 IS H 13 IS la? Ordinary H ft-IS Strict ordinary K'a tiood ordinary ft 11*18 Strict good ordinary 1'"*, l.?w iniildllng 10 1310 strict low middling. 11*a Middling 11*4 Good iniddiln^ |2!4 Mrirt gono middling 1 Middling trfir I l'4 Kair 14 -Mtalneil-UeM oriiluarr, s>(e.: atriet good ordinary, Hit'e.; low middling, 10j. ; middling, 10,'je. spot laist were ai ioliowi Tu /My Last Kttning. Export..,. 4tSI Comamptlso > 5wj Speculation 1*0 14'a MS JSf iratare ielivsry uie'salM irere aa Mmd-TmwWi 1.65S after two I*. M.June. 100 at 11 I! Iiv ..liil.v, lO) at 12 I :?e.. :*M Ml II 31 :rj?.; AuellSI. 4 slat 12 1-1 ?*C.. SUO at li l-32c; September. 3l>> lit 12,.'. Drew mix r.t i>' at 12c. ? Marclt, 4?<> at Total. 2,8U?balae. T??la>. up to P. M : Mm, Sim at II lt? Mite.. 2(st at 11 1) Mx-. ; June, 000 at 11 \c . I.KKi at 11 l?32c.. -1,000 at 11 H>10c.. 200 at 11 1732c.. 2.700 at 11 "it.; July 5tlO at II 27-320.. 6.U00 at 11 13 10c., 1,'*>? at II 25 33c, ;?*i at 11 lS-IOc., 2,000 at II X>-Ue., 4O0 at 11 I31fle., 300 at 11 25-33C.. 1,100 at liv-.. 1??> ai 11 35-32c.. 1,000 at 11 11 lttc.; Auirust. 00 ai 13c.. ? ?*> at 11 31-32c.. +?) at II 15-16c., 2.'**' at I.e., l.'OO at 11 3132c., l.ftaj at II IS-iOe., 1,100 ?t 11 SM <? :??? at 11 15-lbc . ?oo at 12 u< .i2c..:?u at 11 15-l?io., <<?< "( 11 20-3-e., 200 at lITic . >.?*> ?? ?? 15 Inc . > ?> "t 11 2M-:?e , l.UW at Ii\c. &00 at 11 |M-l>k? .'?*> at 11 37-32c.; September, 1 cm at 11 31-32c., 400 at 12e.. 200 at II 3l-32c . 300 at 11 15 lUc., imo at 11 SH-32*. -Vm at 11 37-33c.; October, ftm at 11 I .V Hie.. 300 at 11 13-100., MK> at 11 11-Ide.; November, 4(>o ut 11 15-ltc.. loo at 11 37-32c.. 200 at U?*c., ??"><' nt 11 HJ-S.'o.; December, 4 0 at 15-lttc., 5(Xi *t 11 i' ll-'r.. 100 at II 13-16c.. 200 at IP.c.. 2t? > at 11 25-3ic., Iinatlt U-lflc., Total, 42.HO) hales Crsnd total, 47, (O bales TIM rreeipta at the porta were a* followaCal?v?ton, -t'tt bales; New Orleans, 1.434: Mobile. HO; Savannah. rtls. Charleston, 154; Wilmington, 10; Norfolk, 90 >. \ew York, 331; Boston, 54; Philadelphia. 355. Total, 3.755 balsa. Thia day last week, Kin. Thl* day lad year, 3,237. To tal aiiibe September 1. 4,(>03.>00 bales. Cotton freight* closed as follows:?To Havre, by He am, ^c. com pressed. To llsrabtirir, by steam, 'He. compressed. To lire men. by ?leaiu. Vc. compreaaeJ. To Liverpool. by steam, >4d. a 9-32iL ; by sail, ,'^d. a U-32d. * lock tluux.?Keceipis. Hoar, 14.SS7 bbla.: wheat, 2SH.M4!) bushels: cum meal, 7S5 bbla and 251 sacks; oata, 74.2M0 bushels; corn, 140BtH do. } rva, l'CVrOdo ; barley, 1.000 d?.; barley malt. 3.5U) do. The Hour market wn? quiet and prices were without decided change; sal a *cr? about 13(JOO bbla . includlyg State. Western and South ern. at the anuoxed quotations. live Hour wan quiet, with sales of ltd) bbla. at 7.~> iM|i lor lino to xnperilne. t'orn meal waa quiet, with aalea of4 <) bbla. an.i -ii?i -neks at 93 M for Brandywiue, und 93 a$3 25 for Weatem aud Jeraey yellow. We uuute:? No. 2 State .S'-' 7.r> a $.'1 .r><t SuperHno state 4 lOa 4 SO Kxtra Mate .'iOOb ?> 35 ('hoico State 5 2"> u * <M Kuperflne VVeatern 4 l"? 4 >'zlraU eatern 4l*?a 5 2-> Ailuneaota. 2"> a 7 i?> Kound hoop Ohio, ibippiu^ brand* Oil n 2-r> Hound hoop Ohio, trade brand, 5 5U a tl ."ill Family 7 <x> <a h St. Loula, low extra .'i iKla 11 t?l St. Loula. atraiitht extra U WU 7 tx> St. Louis, choice ilnulile extra 7 Iki a 8 00 St. Louia, eliolen family '1 2-'> a W <1 ? I Kyo Hour, line to supurliiie 3 7 > a 4 20 | Southern, No. 3 't -5 a 4 no ; Southern, auiierflne 4 uO a 4 <15 Southern, extra 5 '_T> a 7 1*1 Southern, lauiily 7 2 > a II 40 Corn meal. Western 3 'k? a 3 m> Corn meal Jrraey 3 oo a 3 30 Corn meal, Hrandywiue 3 a 3 U<i Corn meal. punchi' 20 IX) a 2 ? ?Wheat wm le?? active, but a larxe bualneaa ?ni, ncvertbe lea", done at rather better pricea, especially for atrali{bt No. 2. The aalea were nboui U00,00 > bushel* at <il I'nr tto icrade aprinit', $1 '*> f.T rejected do , to arrive. $1 13 lor No. atlhi cairo, f I - 1 i f! .'I lor No, 2 do., * 1 20 firr nitKiadeO, !rI 15 a 91 10 for No. 3 Milwaukee, on the apiit and tu arrive, $1 J1 for red winter $1 "iO lor amber l*eDU>>ytvaula, to urilve, VI 32 for No. 1 Milwaukee. $1 aO lor No. 1 M||tueauta. to arrive; i 91 31 tor Canada club, in bond, to arrive; V 30 lor No. 1 j Northweat. $1 4-41'or white M ite and 91 M> Inr amber Ki-nti aylvunia, to arrhe. Kye wn? quiet. 2.5'*l bns'jeU Wenern aold at Stic. Harley auU barley malt ware unlet. Cum was 1 atearty. We imte aalea ul I2it,0)n> linibeli* at 57,'jO. a .'iT;14i'. ' for lio Krade, twic. a ?>??'^o. lor stei raer, 02c. for mixed, tiJ'^e. ( for choice: nuld by sample, .*>Bc. aw. lor npadnd mixed, , tBIc. for nuicniiied Kaiisaa mixed and (lie. a t 3.-. lor South* , eru white on pier. Data were fairly active and firmer fof ' prime No. 2. The aalea wern about ll5,i*?i bushela at Si",i'. ; a 41e. lor No. 8 I'hieaxo, including 5H.OOO choice at 41c., 33c. a 34c. for rejected, 4lc. a 42c. fur No. 1 ura led Mixed, j 89c. a 3Sl,c. for No, 2 do., 42c. a 4*c for white Mate, 33c. s 43c. fur the range of mi.\co and 30,'jC. a ISc. Tor the range | of white. HKMr and Jutk.?Market quiet. We quote American I drened, 410O a 9200 lor alpgle, 9200 a 922"> fur Ouublo 1 and 9120 a 9125 fur rough ^Manila hemp. 0*uC. a I'1,!' , ' gold; Kualiaclean, (JOOa 9210. ?old : Italian, $275 *93*0, , gold ; Juie,-I'.ji. a D'.,c.. currency; Jiiio butta. il'ic. a :ic., ! caah; bilxl liemti. 4l,<-. a I'.c., (told: lane. c. a ik-.. ^uld. Molah-ks waa quiet. 'Ilie st<ek la 7,017 lilulh. Cuba, 1.7o2 do. I*orto Kicu, 070 do. Kugliaii Ialanda, ami { 2,7iJO bbla. New Orleana. We quote;?Cuba, ccntri- , fugal nnd Mixed, 22c. a 28c.; stayed,1 2V'c. a S3e.; do. inuacovado rellnliiu, 30e. a 34o.: du. grocery, 32c. a 4 ; Porto Kico, 35c. a 50c.; l'.n-ltali Islands, 32c. n 50e>; New Orleans, fair to good, 4*o. a 50..; primo, 82c. a .'5c.; choice. 57e. a OOo. Naval Stohks.?The market fur apirllt turpeutitie waa nnchanged ; aalea wero 22 > bbls. at Hie. Koani w as flrui, with aaleauf 40<l bbla. good atrained at #1 U '. We quoin: ? ?irlta turpentine, .11'ac. a ;i2c.: Kusin?Common atruiucd, 70; guou do., $1 75 a SI so. Tar? Washington. f2 10 ? 92 16; Wiliu.ugton. 92 IO a 92 15. Advices trom Wll miugton were a> lollowa-.?Koalu quiet: ati'alued. $1 47'. a 91 CO; guod atrained. 91 52U a .?l 55. Tar llrin. 9. 3 ? bid. Turpentine ateail} ; hard, ^1 20; soft, 92 15; virgin, $2 50. huirits steady. 27'^c. OILS were quiet, but we have no especial change to note. We note aaleaofsobbla. ciude aperui here for export. 91 30 V We quote ??Cottonaeed. crude. 4iK\ a 42c.: Southern yellow. 53c.; yellow winter. 5So. a Wic.; white winter, Ufte.l lanl. winter, 91 05 a 91 o7;'?perm, crude. 91 37: do., {ilcnuheil wlnter.fl 70; do., natural do.. 91 05; whale,crude. North ern. Ooc.; do., huntberu, 55e.; bleached winter. 7oc. a 72c.; oi ve, t-aaka. $1 17K a $1 22U; da. caaea, ?4 35 a 94 40; wluter, bleached flah, 50c.; crude fish, 35c. a 37c. I'KTKOLKUM.?The market waa atlll without animation, but pricea were without radical change. The cluaiug rrlcea were follow!:?Crude, in bnlk, HJ^c.; du , In Mils.. Ic. a ll Wc.: rclined, in bbla., 14,l?c.: do ciih i, ISc. a ls 4c. Kettnod at I'hlladalphia, 14J4c , and at Baltimore, lie a 14S -. Auvicea from the Creek were na followa:?Oil City Brm and dull; i?l 97W bid for United; immediate ahlp tueuta, 92 25. Parker s very llrtn ; United, $1 b7;f ; slilp meuta. 93 23U bid. 92 35 asked. I'Roviato.v.i ?Kerelpts?Pork. 101 bbla. Lard. I,.190tierce*, 14 kega and 125 easea. Cut meat a, 40(1 packages. Kaeon. 33'1 ticrcea ami.I.02O boxea. Beef, tierces, Utuhbla. and 075 caaea The pork market waa dull and almost nominal; 100 bbla mesa aold on the apot at 920 115. Ilio closing "call" prices were aa follows:?May ar.d June. $20 bid, 930 50 aaked. July, $20 bid. 92(> 75 asked. AU*Uif. $20 85 | bid, 930 70 aaked. September, 930 ?>" bid. 92 > Co asked. Cut tneata were quiet. Sale! were C5 buses el-ar bell e* , at 12s?e. BOO freali hams at 111 j . and 30,1)00 lbs. pickled uelliea. heavy average, on private terms. Fresh | cams were quoted at 12a. a 12'aC., uJcklod do. at* 12V- * liXe., fraait bellies at lie. a ll.ijC., pickled do. at lUic. a 13c.. boxed do at 12 ^c. u 13c. JTaron waa quiet: 25 boxea city long clear aold at ll',n. and 3.(Kai bo\ea short clear and abort riba at the Weat ou private terms. City long clear waa quoted at ll.Hc. a ll'^e. and Wtitern do, at 11','c. Heef waa dull, but unchanged. Wo quoteHarrela? Kxtra mess. 91:150; plain do.. 913 5??: packed, $15 5tt Tierces -City extra inilia mean, #27 a India uicas. $M, and prime mesa. 92.<? Beef liaius wero quiet at 983 a 924 for prime Western, 91* a 920 for fair to good. Smoked meats?The su -s were 5(?i 1 14c. a 14^c. and 300shuuldrr* at 10,'^c. La'd waa irregular \ and lower, but closed firmer, closing st the secmd "eall" as | followa:?May, 911 IK) bid, 912 o> asked; June, 912 bid, | ?1305 aaked; Jnly, 913 17*4 bid, SI2 2" asked: August, i 913 32Ji bid, f 12 BitJ asked: September. $12 40 bid, $12 45 1 aaked. The salea were about l5.(i ?i tiercel, at 91 !?-1 j. 911 t?5, 912, 912 02?a, 912 15a 912 I7)j lor July, $12 3<l j a $12 32,^ for August, ami $12 4<i a (12 4 ,'s fur mbor. | Spot waa ouiet, with aales of :..'>o tlereus city ai $12 and : 3.m tierces Western at $11 95 a SI2 05. Helmed w as quoted ; at l-?i'e for South America, 12??c. a ly^e. for Continent aud IliaC- 'or Cuba; 150 tierces city No. 1 soil at lie Butter was dall and lower to sell. Western waa quoted at : IKe. a 23c. and State at 24c. a 3So. Cheese wa' unchanged; \ quoted at 1 la. a ll??'c. for lull cream, loe. a 1 Ic. for fine do. and 4c. afic. for skimmed litre was steaoy. We quoteCarolina, fair to prime. He. j a UVfe.: Louisiana, fair tu good, 5'.,c. a 51 ?c.: do . prime, 5'.c. a He.; Kanruon, fair to good, Oc. a tl^c.; 1'atua, iiood, 7*,c, a 7%c., gold; Kangoon. in bond. 2,.c. a 2*,o.. gold. , sicak ?Far raw the market wai tt 'ady nt unchanged i prices. We note aalea of MW hlnla. at 7!,,c. a 7V' for I ? Ir to good fair refining; Mis. at 7\,c. for lair reiining; 02do. at 7'aC. for good lair do., an.! 150 do. Cuba at 7'.,e.: r<-tined i was quiet and ateady. The stock of raw ia as fjliows: Hh<ls. Koxea. Amis. Melmlo. Stock (aacertainedby act'inl count, including succula tlon). Mar I. 1878.' 02.673 .U.MB 3IU,ft11 4.?W Receipt* since May 1 OI..'MH 13,2.'>5 lit. tit*? 1.HS1 Totals 134,002 45.217 330,010 ?,:*? Kale! nlnpa May I 81..V!3 0, 12.."CO 1,718 Stock thin day. May 25, 1876 93,540 39,000 224,084 4.871 Comparing with itock I May 27, 1875 112,825 41,0111 W.,413 4,f#W . Comparing with stock i May 2H. 1874 115,193 81,572 150,597 1,519 i Comparing with stuck Mar 20. 1873 72,23.'. 44.055 210.1 W 7,058 ' We quoteKalr refining, 7*,c : good do., TJ?c.; Cuba, tro , eery. fair to choice, 8',c. a 8*40.: do., ceiitrifittfiiI. Iihdn. ami boxes. No*. M lo 13, 8'4c. a tfc.; do o'asses. lilids. and boxes, H',c. a 7\c.; rorto ltlco, refining. common 10 j prime, 7c. a He.; do., trrocery, lair to choice. 8','c. a H!,e.; 1 refined?standard A, Hf,o. a l'',c.; off A, ; crushed, : K"-.u.; powdered, lo'ic.; granulated. 10'4c.: cut loaf. iUV. HTKaRixit.?Receipts IO ? ti*ree>. The market wa? Inactive i at 13?sC. a l.'VaC. for prime, with choice lot* held lusher. Tallow.? lUealpta ^5 hhde., 50 tlercei and 4 ll? bn;s. I'ho market was steady, with sales of about 155,00 1 lb*, at 8'4c. WmsKcr.? Ileceipta 13o libs whiskey anil loo do. alco hol. 1 lis market was dull and nominal in the absence ot 1 sales. Khkioiiti.? There Is comparatively no change to the gen eral market from tin- previous day, but to-day, bring a legal In most Kanipean countries, ooly it moderate bust ue*s was accomplished by exporters. Uraiu vessel* lor the ! L'nitad Kingdom were in lair demand at 6s. to Cork for or ders. not exceeding 4,500 quarters. Berth room was strung I and in good request. The engageim-uts were To L> verpool, ' per steam, H.iloo bushels gral:i at 7d. a 7),d.: lO.UO.i bnsli i els do (through freight: at "\d On lbs. rrovltions quoted at 4<is. a .'ejs., with some small lots ramored on this basl?, and by sail hi.'SKi bushels gram at iWl a O'Jd.; l.ui 1 hales : rottuu. In addition to tne quantity in eur last, nt !i-U2d. as I it runs. To London, by sail, 10,000 bushels wheat at 7>4<i-. and per .steam. 48,000 bushrls uraiu at O.'s'l. HO lbs.: 25 whbls. su_ar on private terms. To liaiuourg. per steam, 35U tleroes lard at 2 marks; to Hot terdani. per steam. loo tierces laru, term* not known. The charters comprised an Aiuericsn bars, bene* to Cork for orders, with .?,0U0 quarters grain at lis.: an Italian bark, hence lor ?ame vo> age. with -i.OOj qusrt* r? at 6s.; t llritish hark, hancn lor do., ? ah 4,01) 1 quarter* at 6s.; au Austrian bark, with 3,OOU quarters and an Italian, with ;>.3o > quar ters, hence lor same vuvage, nt 6s.; a Norwegian bark, hence to the Continent direct, with 4,000 quarters do. (all In bans) at 6*. 3d.: a Herman steamer report d from t'lnla deiplna to the Continent with 6,iA?iquarters grsln at 6-. Oil.: a Hrltlsli bark. Irom Philadelphia to Cork lor orders, with 3,5U> quarters at 6s., and a Norwegian bars, Irum 1'lillndclphln lor sarno voyage, uritii 3.1m > quarters at u?. Krum llaltimore,- a Norwegian bark, icitu 4,101 qBarters gr sin to Cork lor orders, and one with 3,DUO quarters, both ut 6s.; an American bars, lime# to tiie Hailic. with bills, refined petroleum at -Is. Od.; ail American hrlg. lienca to bordeaux, with 3,200 bbls. crude petroleum at 3s. SM. DOMESTIC MARKETS. tiALVKsrn*. Msv '.5. H7d. Cotton Irregular; middling, : low midJli.ig, 1<?V-S good ordinary, '.')4c. Net racelpta, L '' hi I ?. '. rifi, 134. fcxporti coastwiie, 1,214. Hales, :r*? H ock. Im,7|j. N*w Um.gAlM, May 2?. |m7i|. Cotton ouiet. Irregulnr; midilling, ll)jc.; low iiud iliiig. lo.'jje.; good ordinary, t')?c. Net receipts, bales, tiross, 1,u.ih Kxports?To r'rance. 42M; coaatWI'e, 1,777. 8aias. 2.M0U Htock, 181.442. Muiii.k, May 25, lb<<:. Cotton weak Mid Irregnlar; middling. I ?. a lie; low mldiliing. M'jc. a lUs.; goot ordinary r>",c a IK:. Nut re ceipts, UHMbales. Kaport(~To Ureal llritaiii, l5<>;coaeiwisu, I,l?-i4. Hales, 800. ritoea, 2l,o5l. HirtssAH. May 25, H76. Cotton quiet; middling, 1 l.'^'r.; low nildditn/. r?',c.; good ordinary, Wc. Net recaipts, 8.1 hales. Hales,!? X). hi. ck, II,043, Ciiari.rst.A. Mar 25. H<<1. Cotton easy; middling. U.,?c a 11*?c: tow middling, l"*?c.; good ordinary, I Or. Net reveipts, I'M bales. Hales. 200. Stock. C)?w*i;o May 25, ISM. Flour'steady and auclianged; sale* |,.'s?i Wheat firm.No. 1 Milwaukee Club, ?137; car lotsd*.'. #138 a>! 21'; white Canada, if I jo a 41 J >; extra wl,lte MichUan, :'l 6. Corn nnehanged; sales 2,000 linshels no grsde at Hoc.; car lots No, 2 mixed Western, 63c.; yellow held at Oh". Ilarler qaiot. No. 3 Canada 11 omlnail) t*K*. Corn Maat- <U" a(.'/ lor boltad; a #26 tor uiibolleil per inn. Mlllleeu uu ehanged. C.insl irelghts -Kiisat, .V f.; peas. ilj.; corn and rye, Jr. to New York ; lumber, #2 10 the lliideoo. ?. 7-> to New Vork. hake receipts?, it'. !" > I.hmi. I>>: peas, 15,5 si bu-bels; lumber, 1,1 4s;,<a?1 le.-t t'snel ablp if ui? Wheat, J4.OJ0 bushelet peas, 7,700 divi tam?*r, feat. Jit ir > 1.0, May 35, 1876. Receipts ny lake-Wheat. f)7,<>?? hualteli; uats, in.issi do. Keaaipts by railroad?lour, 4,l<Xi bbls.; wuaat. lo.O ?? bushels Hhipmsnts by canal to tidawater?Wheat, tl.t,OJU | bushel*; corm, do.; oats, 15,000 do. Xa Ulterior? Wbnit/lflOkBtlib; com, 6,000 do. By raliroada?Flour. 4'>?t lit U wheat, 1. "J,"*! bushel*; corn. HS.Mil to.; ??:?, !4.U*> do.; barley, 4.U00 do. < ana' Wb??l, ti'. <? a 0'4r.: corn. 5",I.; out. 4c.. te N rw 1 ork, toil* ta< hided. flour linn, gnon unchanged; sale* 1,'HAJ bbl*. strong. quiet: tain of 3j0 bushel* white winter at $1 4'.': bushel* Green Hay. on private terme Corn quirt, unchanged . sale* of 1,800 bushels So. 2 mixed We*t ern at .'i4c., I.WU do. at 5.V. Oat* negiccted. Kyt? Noue , here Hariri netrlected Mead* quiet; sale* of 4hu baabela I (In ?thy at HO a 42 l"; small lot* ol clover, at Bit a j Jo -j lor medium. $!> .".0 it #!i 7"> lor iarire. Pmkdull at ! #J1 SO lor heavy mess. Lard dull at 14c. Hl(h? loe* nom ? j Inully $111 for rlty made. Tdlrdo, May 'JO. 1 87<l. ; Klour quiet. Wheat dull; Ko. 2 wliite VVah*-t . tfl 40?_.; So. 1 white Michigan, $1 33; amber Michigan, $1 2B'%; June, $1 *?){: July.*! 2H; Mo. 2 do.. *1 wk ; No. 2 reu winter held at <1 UlC: $1 ill offer :d; No. 3 red 91 14. Corn Ann; high mixed, 51c : Jitna held at .1Jc ; Jult hold at W., -.; low mixed. VJf je.; to grade. SO'.e : do. Dav- 1 ton and Michigan. 'Oe.; damaged. 43c. Oats 1 quiet : No. 2 held at 3M.c : white. 3t?\e.; Mlclugaa, 3.V.; . rejected, 30?. Receipt*?Wheal, lu.uuu bu.lirl*; corn, :i2.t<jO do.; oat*. .'>.000 do. Shipment*?Hour, H.irHI 1 bbU.; wheat, U,000 buahelt; corn, 8.000 do.; oat*. H.OJO do. < Chicago. May 2.V 1876. ! Klour flrra nud unchanged. Wheat active, lirut and I higher; No. 2 Chicago apring, $1 07, *piH;$l 07,'j. June; ! $1 iix Julv: No. 3 t'bicajro spring, 08c.; refected, "He. t'orn I liriv active and a *hatle hitrbi-r: .No. 2 at 4*l?c., spot; j 4h|.,c., May; 4tf'4c.. June; 4?V', July. Oat* dull. *eak and lower; N". 2. 3"V,'c , apot and June. Kye Heady and uiich .uneu. llariey easier, at 71c,spot; 59c.. June. Pork I uiKetiled. hul generally lower, closad firmer: $J0, spot: SJI115 a $*? 17,l3. July; $20 3.5 a *2<i :t7%e . August. l.?rd active, I n t not quntaliiy higher; $11 87'spot; $12 u $12 02},. July. Hulk meat* dull Mini lower; aliouldcn., 7c.: clear rib widen. li'?e. a UK; clear aide*. in',0. Whiskey Drmer at $1 o.? bid. Receipts?Klour, 8,. Mils. ; wheat, 3t,<X 0 bushel*; corn. IIO.OOO do. : out*, 47,<*10 do.; rye, 1,300 do.: barley. do. Shliiment* - Flour 'I tiOD bnl*.: wheat. 2?,i*W butbeli; eorn. 14n,tXJOtlo.; j oata, IW.Ufip do.: rye. 23,iimi do.; barley. 3.H00 do. At the ; alternoon eall of the Hoard a beat firmer; $1 07 a f 1 <17%, ! June: $1 OHla.July. <'orn oa*ier: ?4tl4C., May: 4U??c. | a 4'i'jc , June. Oat* dull : 30'jjc , Jime. I'ork blifhvr; $20 July, tuird hl^lier; $11 97\, July; $12 12V Aucon. PBlilTING CLOTH8 MARKET. I'Kot ipkni-k, B. L, Mar 25. lS7ft l'riiithiK i lotli* firm at 4;"?c. it l%e, ca*b lor ?Wx04 >tand arU uuu extra, with better demuud. EUROPEAN MARKET. 1.axiiov Pl09i4l Maukkt?l.uNDOS M*y 25?Fv?n In/. -Liuseed cake, ?U ci?. per tim. Unseed oil, 22*. tid. per ctvt. A ra?ASC|Alt. ? \ i t.i'sr hkIjMont a 'c.?., ' VV llauxiirii. 111 and 21 N'ae*au it., Wkue Traveller*' Credit*, avaliitblo In all parts ot tlx *orld, ihrouKh t lie Moiitr*. UU Ituril.sCllll.U und tneir correKpoiideiu*. Al*o Coinimirelitl Credit* mi l Tcle^apltlo Tranifer* of Mouuy on California and Kuropc. A. J. \ w. RKLIC'AN a 00 , jo Broad ?t., N'ew York. i??ue I^'ttir* of t redlt to Tritvelleri, l> tyablo In any part oi Kurupe, Asia, Africa, Auntralla and America, draw Hill* of Exchange and make Telegraphic Trauafer* of Money to Kurope and Calirnrnla. AM-.W book OS STOCK SI* iicV l.ATION, A I.Sti dully Market ileport: uiailed free: Stock friviluce* n -m)tutted itt beat market rate*: Stock* hou^bt or nold on 2' . per cent margin; order* by mail or tuleu'rupb promptly executed. 1*. W. llAMIl.Til.V A Cu., 37 Hroud *t.. New Ytuk. LBX. rkOThtNCUAX * <:o., uankkks, I2 Vlli make iiivettmenu ot laige or Hiuall amount* In lloekt of a i.?iiltlina:e 0'iaracter: rellxbie putt and cull*; ?te. k* bon^iit uod earned on a deposit of 'j to "> per cent; circular* and vtceidy report* aent free. AT HI'.ASO.VAItliK KAThS.-MONKY ON "l.IKK AVl? Ivudowmeni Insur.ime I'ollolc*. Mortgage* and oilier accurltie*; inaurinco ol all anils ctlVctud with best com panies. ? 4.3. IIA K * 11 A tii I.. 117 Broadway ~\~SX AMOUNT TRUST" K c N lis Tl)~ LOAN ON mortgaae; city or Hrooklyn. l.KAVri'T A WOLCOTT, 10 I'ine at. A LL Uol.iiKlts OK THE STOCK AND BONDS OK A the Centr tl Railroad of New .ler?ey. and otliert in tereated lit iiscrrlaininti tlio exaet truth a* to the Hnaucial eondltlou and pronpects of that corporation, mil} addrea* HA.l.HOAU tXPKitT Knsl olllce. New York. LOAN OK *10,(^1 WANTKD-AT SIX* PKIt CKNT lutereat. on Urat elaa* improved I'ity Property. Addresa T., box 4,HSH"Post olllce. Dkl'OSlTOKS 'IN TIlK THIRD AVKNL'fi SAVlNliS Hunl. ?ii>hing to rea.lie can sell their claim* to J AMKH A. pLVH l.l-l., .'i2 m4H W iiliuut si. ijiiuvotrriVB orricB, tkxas and PAcirio bail J * road Company, 1 nn.APKt.Piil t. May 10, 1870. Tlii? Intermt coupon* maturing June I. 1?70. on tho Can ?tilldnted Mor caeo Bond* ol tl>U compmy will be paid on preseHiatinn at the oltice of the company. In Philadelphia, or ?t it* aKeiicy. ?"?'> Uschange place. In the city of New York, iiules* the bonds have been registered, In which ca*e they will ba paid only when presented with a power of at tori'iey (uroperlv authentieatndi ol the parly In whose uame such reitUtry ha* been made. F. 8. BOND, Vice Prc*ldent. IVK YEAIl LOANS MADE ON 1'RIVIK CITtf PKOP erty at U a id 7 percent Intetest. 11V ATT, 14 j Broadway. F $1 A 1 ALWAYS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON MORT Itnge New York city property; city railroad Slocks and Honda bouiclit aud sold. II. L. GRANT, 1 i> Broadwav. IuavK iiii st rrxlis rt> Loan on mortgage? at low rmc. J. U. CONOICT, 35 Piue st. S'KW MINING Ht)AKU.-AltitANUKMKSTsTilAV!!ft? been ramie lor tint organisation of it ne* Mining Slock Hoard, nt wiilch tUu prominent San Krauclsco nnd other mining shares will bo regularly culled, applicant* fur mew beriihin or nnnual subscription may ?end their namna to Wit. WABtti Timporary Cuuirmaii. llreKel liuiMing. OV'FIUE or PACIFIC MAIL. STEAMSHIP UO.,7~ PHtlt roilT ???' CANAL ST., N OUT II RlVKlt, ;? Nkw Yohk, May 3*, lHTrt. ) Tho twenty ninth annual election lor director* of tUe Paul He Mnil Steaatablp Company will be held at tin- office of the company, on Wedntudey, May Ml, 1870, be tween the Hours of ttl o'clock noon and 'J o'clock IV M. The books of tlin company will close at the office nf tint Union Trust Company, on 'Ihurwlny, May 2A, lS7tl, ?t throe ( 0 o'clock I'. M., kiuI will reopen on Thurs day, June 1, IS7J, at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN' 11. BACON. Jr.. Secretary. |S HHH' LOAN, ON Mltl) AND jEOUfUAOE, on Now York Improved Property; no bouus Addreis ATTORNEY, box 14*1 Herald office. ???!/; m|||| *I:!.<?k>, $7,000, #4.r4JO ANI? SS.otJO ON vLUtUu", Bond und Mortgage, Brooklyn ur New York WILLIAM PYOTT, 34 Pino it. i vim Til Til LOANED IN sums TO suit, at .'/Uw.UliU lowest rates. on prime Real i.state. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., No. 4 Piue st. Bib 81 NESS (H'l'OH'l'l XITIKjv "i Kkl'IKlNU PARTNER WlSHK.S Ifo" DiSI'USli OK A his interest In a cash business 18 years established. Apply at lamhir yard, corner :wth at. and Broadwav. A" MaN WANTI.D-to INVEST SI.000 ~KQUALI<Y with advertiser In safe and sure manufacturing busi ness; complete monopoly; balance from business. tfj .Nloiitg.'mi'ry loom 10, Jersey City. BMALL, KMJNENTtY sFtJCKSSKUL CASH HI SI H?, wonld Ilk" SI.iksi to extend; investigation court on. Addroes 1*7*1. HeraUt office. A PARTY with KI. AND WILLIK<> TO INVEST In hii ucknowlodge i va liable patent, can hear of an opportunity seldom offered by addressing RKLIABII.ITY, Herald office, "PARTY 'Utttll $^,000 WANTED?IN AN hSI AH litlird photographic business on Broadway ; One loca tion; elegant room*. &e.; crayon artist preferred. Apply to H. O. LOCKS, 1W *th ?L. n?r Broadway. "a N OI.U KSI AH1.I8HEI) HOUHE IK~ BERLIN. ftKK /X many, having given up a portion of lt? bnslne**. will be open to act hi buying agent for a first class American beuse importing dry goods or lancy goods. Addroi: O. N., box I.ajf Post office. New York. NY PERSON IIAVI.Nti A~o77oD~t'hNTKNNIAL Alt tlcio which they wish sold on the KMiibition gropnda will please address box 047 Post office, New llaven, Conn. A> good trusty"sum.?w7tu~ tsoo xo $j,v*i, wanted In a aafe, proHtnble butlneaa that allows for It aeif. *Xi *ili_ar. C'tuRNKR STORK TO LE ASK?SOUTH WEST CORNER J of Newark and Oardeu its., Hoboken, fnrnlahed for liquor atore. bar. count"rs and Bxtnres; rent tAO a month. CKKVIKIl BROS.. 24 Newark st . Uoboker. (IOOnTX ANLI STATE RIGHTS fOE MALE Of A J vul'iable ratorit. nsetul lnerery bouse. 1 pplv to II. B. EoEDKK, fatant Agent. Broadway, New York IiHxtTrks. ihTksk a"nu wauonTTk a sixtii av" ' enue Market doi ig a fair trade; mast be *old;norea, sonablc nffer refuted it' aold thie weak. Address MKATs Herald cm?l ilrnneli office. _____________ 7hT*.0 I"WIll'kstABLMH ANY LAln' oTt g<'ntli'inau In a new, profitable baslaess, by which they CIIII make at len?t $ >0 weekiy. Mrs. IIAKDINO, (Wl Broadwav. / 1KKAT CURIOSITY K<tR KXI1IBIflON ? -LORD'S \JT 1'rnrer, written In 01 dlffsrent lan.'ua/es of fie woild, elegantly framed, cheap for ca*b. VICTOR Dc.MZAK, M ll nd st>, un.ier oavtagf bank. tiNKY VoK SuMK <>Nk?PART OR ALL OK A new born I'atem ; not yet In market; every family muKt have it. WARU. Patentee, Kl Nassau at., room second floor. 01 'PORTf N ITY~ i'O it A UENTLRMa V TU I N VEST A half Interest In a hardware, fnrnlslilng and sporting g.> da -tore; ?tock complete and location un>iirpas*en; best reference (.'iren and reiinired. J. \V xMITH, : <>? 3d nr.. next to corner 2Hd it, PAItTN Kit," Wl I'll fi V?Tfo ??>.*?. IN MA.Nl KAt'~ turlnir business, or will sell: >100.000 trade cash and n hi cr. dit. twelve years eitabllshed: secured by patents. Aikltt?< ftr Interview, real name. PRINCIPALS ONLY, Hi" ,i i office. P\litis' I?:it W AN rKD-WlTu" TO WlViTcArtll'. in a Inrge and old estnbliahed Imslnas*: a k'reat ebanre for a business mar. Inquire of KRAU.->. All tlrsnd st. 1 > A It I N Kit VV ANIEU-iOR A WIIOL1>aLR MILLI I ticry business in t'anada. t'apital re<|iiired. from fi?V WOtnf JIIISK) This presents an rx.-elle,it opportunity tor a practical and energetic man. A partner Is MMgbt fur in New V irk. a? tr.mi the q i.intltr ot American made g<aads now a*.Id in tlie Oo'iilnioa a kno.. ledg- of American styles is roaslderc'l dae'ranle. l ull particulsrt caa be obtalaed by a peraoaal iatervie.r with Mr. CAI.0KR, ro ?m 40A Melropolf tan Hotel, on naturd iy atterno .n Irmn :t till *? o'clock. P kRi'NKR W ANI'iCo-WITH |*6.<ru, KITIIEE A<1 live or special, in manufaeiuriift business In this er.y; large laCtory. ..'ith every appliance, owaed by HMlvertlscr; several contracts un liand; extra capital require i to ln> crensj bnsine *s; would prefer la Tester to manage Knanees. I'riuclpAla only addre?. tor Interview MANI.'KACTVEEE, box in i Herald i 'ptown Mrancn office. rjpiisnr.'iis, sple'nuii) OnA.NCh.?iiousK Turkish l lug and Tla Buslncsi for sale. Addreae E. T., Willisuia bary I'ost office. "Xvr ii-A I' VllTNhR TO On IK TlIK BKOK KRAitK bii'lnees, wl'h f'i ?'>. Address K. m. Hi; NN. ifi!7 lireen* F rn ?.v.*t wi V' '*' urofltahle manulacturlng iiu^iness secured by pat ent ; I'll per cent pmtti. Ad ress imx J.KiJ Host office. ?P ? it I'M KK WAN1ED IN A LOAN tli'Fli K JpOlM/. tlniroii.lily establlstied, nolng a go'd business; ean make pl?j*)awek; Will tiear strictest Investigation. Apply at tti.1 Bowery. No. I. *71111 CANli WILL lit Y Tl ALr INTKEEsT (N A vl'i" giHid office Mimiatss; prolts per month, $40j ciear; -t icli will In OiveSi. su 1/4 Hrn.dway, rooto <1. d?j " Iklin - WANTK.JI, by A M ANt'KAl'i IT It ? if 0 ?i' 1 ?/?"eoacWlt, having aH re<|iilsita machinery an i nu eetabliabed trade In staple gmida, sa ea.'rgatic man tu take the place oi one retiring, whose Interest raa be Mr cliasel reasonably ?ad be paid la laetalmants or by Heal K st ate or otbfr good security; no debts or old Week. Ad dress STAPLE QOODS, Herald < BV8IRBM OPPORTlirrrat, Wl i n A LI VK MAN TlTJOTI . bu*in*?s. note cuitr*! for H<?ltti&or? nod tltf Notiih?rn State*; :iu? i.i?r rent profit; uc> ruk. CaU om W wldrcM J USE Pit M. WALKS. Kreuch's Hotel. YESTERDAY'S DRy" GOODS AUCTIOH. 8PIB1TKO BIODIXO AMD GOOD PBICZB. The second great auction sale ol dry foods took place yesterday at the salesroom ol Messrs. Field, Morris, Feuucr k Co., N'oe. 406 and 48? BrooiM street Tnis auction was ordered by Messrs. J. L Brewer, Broths* k Co.. of Leonard street, agents lor the manufacturing companies whose goods were sold. In attendance wero rcpresental tvcs of the Arms of A. T. Stewart k Co., H. B. riaflin k Co., Kane, Springdale It Cat Evans, Peake k Co.; I.oder k Lock wood, Dunham, Buckley k C& ; William KnUeley k Co., Emery, Ivey k I^ee; Adriance, Bobbins k Co.; Field, Letter k Co., Chloaeo', J. V. Farwell k Co., Chicago: H. Kern it Co., New Orleans; A. Frank k Sons, St. Louis; J. Strauss, isrotbers k Co.. Sou Franoiaeo; John Shiileto&Ca. Cincinnati; .Strauss Brothers, Baltimcro; Stettauer llrotbers k Co., Chicago: Hood. BonbrlgUt k Co., Phila delphia: Jordan, Marsh k Co., Boston; Morse, Shettard k Ca, Boston; Murphy, Grant k Co. and Well Brothers k t'o., of San Francisco, bosidcs many other well known merchants of this city and from distant points Tho textures olfered consisted of the prodnotlona of the Anaskeag Manufacturing Company and the Nautn keag, Laticdon, pearl Kivor and Stark mills. Including blue and brown denims, tickings, fancy ahirtiags, in (inner.-,* an I blue awntutf stripes, corset jeans, blenched goods, sheetings. drill*, duck andsatteeus, all staple domestic goods. The catalogue contained a list of only a,'>lM cases to bo sold, but the demand we* sulUcieiit to indncti tho auction eers to put up several thousand more, all of which wore sold. The gathering yesterday was not so largo as that at the sale ol Messrs. Wright, Bliss k Fabvsn on Tuesday, i>ut it is probable tbat the number ol bond ,/lde buyers present was very nearly it not quite m great. The prices brought yesterday were not quit* so ?ood as at the previous sale. Amoskeag fancy shlrtlnc* sold ut U',c.; Amo&kesg A. C A. ticks started ill small lots at IT'.c. and subsequently sold at lGc. in largo lots; I'earl River inks from 14?4'c. down to Hl,c; Amoskeag A. licks, 12V. a 12c.; Amoskcag blue denims, Hrst lot sold lor 14-.! e., then tell to 14?; C., Iiui afterward raised to I4*?a a 15c.; Pearl ltivor denims, 13??'c. a IS.U'o.; Amoskeag bags, lO'jc., and to arrive, 10',c. DROWNED WHILE FISHING. On WednMdny, whllo Mr. Oeorjro LisW and two olhor men of Mariner's Harbor were engaged in lobster flsb. Ing off Bobbins' roof, the boat win capsized and Mr. Litk was drowned. The others wore rescue J with con siderable dilUcutiy. Too body of Mr. Lisk has not yel been recovered. DEATHS. Aukaiiaxs.?Tho members and patrons of the Horns for Aged and lntirm Hebrew*, 87th st, corner a v. A, nre relocated to uttend the funeral ol .Mrs. Fanais Abrahams, an Inmate of this institution, Friday, Maj 20, ut 10 o'clock A. M. Hy order of Mrs. P. J. JOAOHIMSEN, President Sou Wiil, Secretary. HimiYgri ?On Wednesday, May 24, Makharbt Biruyks, in tho 7oth year oi her iti;a funeral services will take placo at the rnsldenoe of Mrs. Aiguier, :w Cbarlion st., this (Friday), at one o'clock. CarmaX.?-In Brooklyn, on Thursday morning, May 25, mrli so a M., wile of Benjamin Carman, in the 894 year of her ago. Relatives and friends of tho family are respecttaUjr Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday alteration, the '27th inn., at one o'clock, l*um her lute residence,, '216 Livingston st The remains will l>o taken to J* tunica for interment Chapman-.?On Wednesday, May 24, Catuarixb A., wile of O. C. Chapman, aged 40 years. Relatives au ' Irieud* nra rcspecilully Invited to at tend the luneral. Irotn her lato residence No. ?2 0th av., Brooklvn. Saturday, May 27, at 2 P. M. CoxxstlY.?MARr AxxfCoxXkt.LY, bilovod daughter ol Lawrence and Katnerlne, departed this life May 26, aged 3 years. 'J months and 25 days. Relatives and trioods aru respectfully invited to attend the iuHeral, Irom late residence, 217 West Slat St., ou Saturday, May 27, at hall-past ono P. M. IH< Ilois. ?tin Tuesday, May 23, of pneumonia, Lewis Dt- lfois. in bis o7th yoar. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the luneral, Irom the .North Pro.-by turian church, corner ol 0th av. and 31?i st., on Friday, 2flih inst, at lour P. M. His remains will ho taken to CatskJII lor Interinenu Kama.?un Thursday, M?y 23, of pneumonia. Minnijl only daughter of WMItnm H. and Aume Ennls, aged 1 year, 4 months and 2 days. Relatives ami menus 01 mo lamiiy aro respectmiiy ! invlteJ to attend iho funeral, from iho residence, ol bei I parents, No. '24 DevooaL, Brooklyn. K. 0., ou Satur , day, at two o'clock |'. M. Oarhktsox.? On Wednesday, Mar 24, Charles Barr ! ros (Iakkktiuin, elaott son or Jotia J. and Mary Do W. I <>arretsoti, in bla 7th year. i Tho tun.Tal services will bo beld nt the residence ol his (atbur. at Annadnle, BuWu Inland, on Saturday, i 27th lust., at eleven A. it. Take nine A. M. boat foot of Whitehall at. Harnkd.?<0* the SlStb InsL, of heart disease, Sam* i mi. W. IIarnkd, aired 40 Friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from Na i 24 Weal loth St., tui Saturday, ut nine A. if. Retuaiui ; will lie taken to Albany. Albany paper* copy. I Holiikook?On May 21, suddenly, at his residence ia ' flrccnpulnt, 1. i., is.iac S. Holcuook, of New York, , aged 67 yearn. | Huston papers please copy. Hckskkt.? On Thursday, Mav 26, Fraxcu Josktk, ' only v>u ol Kthcibert ami Margaret A. Humbert, I aged 1 year, 8 months and 14 days. Relatives an<l friends aro re-|M ctfuliv invited to at ' tend the funeral, Irom the residence ol Mr. J. H. , Cooper. No. 183 Park av?, Brooklyn, ou Sunday, May I 23, at one o'clock 1*. M. j Johnston.-1on Wednesday, May 24, Richard Joiix 1 iron, In the r.otu year <>l lua ago, native oi Derry, | Parish ol Maitberfeli, Ireland, The rolat ves und friend* ol the Inmily are reaped ' fully invited to attend the funeral from hie lute run ' denre. 1st uv., between 115th and 116th at a., ou Friday, ' tlio 2 tb Inst., at 1 o'clock. Knai'1*.? At Hackensucg, N. J., May 24, 1876, Stpart F. It. Knai'I", lu tho 30th year ol 111* age. Relative* und Irli'iidsol the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, Irom the reMdeocs of hi* mother, Main St., llurkeusnck, <>n Saturday, 27th last., ' at hall-past two. Trains leave foot of ('numbers at. at 1 o'clock, via Now Jersey and Now York Kail road. ? Ltn?Ou Wodoesday, May 4,, wife of Albert S. Lane, aged 23 yearn, 3 mouth* und 28 days. Relatives and irlruds, uUu member* ot Amerlcua Lodge No. '272, Mount Helen Encampment No. 4, L O. O. P.; Andrew Jacktou Lodge No. 111. K. ol I'., and Albert S. 1 .atie Association are rcApectlully invited to attend the funeral, from lior late residence. No 116 Or. ebard *L, on Sunday afternoon, at one P. M. LiKPORArr.?In Humocrg, O.-rtyany, on Thursday morning. May Cboruk Maiitin I-ammiuavf, lather of Heurv A. Landgrafl', of New York. Puueral at Hamburg, Sunday, tho 28th Inst., at tea I o'clock. Lcolow.?On Wednesday, May 24. Thomas W. Lud low. Jr., sun ol the late William H. Ludlow and bifl ' wllo. Julia Morris, in tho 4Sth your of his age. Relatives and friend* of the family are invited to at? tend the luueral, irom St. Jobn's church. Yoakers, at two o'clo' k. on Saturday, 27th inst. Train leaves30th St. at one P. M. Murray.? Suddenly, on tho 26th inst, at Albany, Mrs. Jkhmir McrraY, a native of Inverness, Scotland, ! agett 60 years. her friends aro respectfully invited to attend th* funeral, frotn 210 8th av., on Saturday, at two o'clock i without further invitation. Her roma>as will he take* i to (ireenwood lor Interment. McDocqalu ? At Dundee, Scotland, May 10, Nittii, , daughter or Matthew and Susanna McDoogall, of Net* York city, in the .list year ol her ago. o'Hr ex?On Wedneaduy, the 24tb inst., Mart Jane, ' beloved wllo of Daniel O'Brien, aged 30 years, 1 month and 4 days. | Relative* and friends are respectfully Invited to at tend the luneral, irotn bor late retnleuco. No. it Jaek* son St., oa Kriday, May 26, at two P. M. O'Nkil ? On Thursday, May 25, William H. OKu. In tho 2Ktli year ol his ago. The relatives and friend* are Invited to attend Ml funeral, on 8 ttur.iay, the 27th, Irom his lute rcsidoaoe, No. VII West 29th m, , without farther notice. Itoi.KKs. ?tin Wednesday, May 24, Bexar Rouaaa, aged ii years, ol No H<> Nassau at., New York. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend Ihe fOa eral Irom his late residence, No. 613 Newark a v., Jersey ' Cny lie.tins, on Friday, Muy 26, at twelve o'aieofc. Ruth (Kngland) papers pleaao copy. SctiRKinRK.?On Jersey City Height*, N. J., oa tb* 24tu inst, <'hkistiax Schrkibkr, aged M years, 11 months and 21 days. The relatives and friende ot the family, the olDcera and memoers ol Highland l.odge, and of Triune Utatp* ter, K. and A. M., aud ol sister lodgi'H, the olQcersuud meinben> of Hudson Lodge No. 14,1. O. ol O. P., aad of sifter lodgea, are respectfully invited to attend bis lueerai, ou next Sunday aiteraooa, at three o'okx k, fr<Hn the Mimptou Methodut church, Central av., Jersey City. sr<rrr.?Oa tho 26th last., Joexra Hcott, aged 6* years. The relative* and fttendi of the family, ate* tb* members of I'emplar Lo<lge, No. 203, P. aad A. M., are r' spectluily invited to attend the luueral, iroai 210 Hh av., on Sunday, at two o'clock. Skjmax ? uddenly. on Tuesday, May 23, Mr. Joan D. siiimax. la the ::Uth yearol htaage. K-datives and Iriends of the lainil/, also members ol Kaston Lodge Na 1M P. aud A. M., are res|teetAill]r Invited to attend the runeral, oa Friday, May 26, at two I', M., from his late residence. Kaaion, Pa. ?T, Amaxt.? On Tuesday, May 23, at eight o'clock A. M., Da siat. Sr. a KANT, in the 66th year o? bla a?a. The runeriil will take place from ok late residea*^ 274 Henry sL, Brooklyn, on PrKlay, May 28, at tea o'clock A. M. I t r?Kk. - At Ithaca, N. Y. May 26,1870, Wii.uaji A., ymiigest son ol Frederick I). Tacker, aged 27 years, l tuoutu and 18 days. Tt llt.?Hariiirt P., wifw or JohaC Tally, la tb* 30th year ol her age. Funeral from her late residence. No. 466 Weet 49tb at, on Satnrday, 27th inst., at one P. M. Wkl<-h.?on 2jth :n?L, at the reatdence of bla eon, William Murray, 136 tub av., of heart auwaao, Ji* Vitnt Notice of funeral hereafter. Whit*.?Ou Thursday, 26th InsL, Axxm A, Wife <4 William H. White, aged 87 years. Relativoe aad friends are lavitel I* ansa* lb* funeral, Irom the residence of Mr, John Pbelao, Na I06?*atb 6th St., Urooklya, K. Ut ? g*ad6|T, lb