Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,529. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1S76.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. wy?Ai.n branch oma i.2?3 bboadway.? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, KOB reception OF advertisements AND SALES OF PAPERS. talMl'SKMtNTS?2o Pag*?4th and Oth colt. |?ASTaOLOOY-l2TH pACB-titb col. ' BILLIARDS?12tii Pasb-?XIi eol. BOARDERS WANTED?Jd Paob-M col. BOARD AND LODOINO WANIBD-2s Pass-M ami 4th colt. BOOTS AND SHOES?12th Fiw-4th col. BBOOKLYN MEAL ESTATE KOB SALE?2? rw?-W col. BOS1NES8 oppobtumi ITES-Oni Paob. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tm pAGK-Stb col. CITY BBAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d pAOB-lst coL CLERKS ANU 8 ALESMEN?f-Tn pAOB-3d and 4th eol*. CLOTH 1NO?I'.'th Pkik?Ith col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12th PACB-4tbeol. CO AST W18 K STEAMSHIP*-12th Paob?5th aadSth cols. copartnerships?9th Paub. . countrv BOA Ml)?2s Pack?4th col. l DENTISTRY?1st PACB-?th col. '? DRY ooODS-Ist Paob??th c.L DWELLING HOU8E*i TO LET. FURNISHED AMD ON. FURNISUED?2u Pagb 2.1 col. SUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12th Pao?-6U coL t'ROPE?11th Paub?:.tli col. excursions? 12th Paub?ethcoL FINANCIAL?9ra Pack. FOR SALE?11th Pagb?.'ith col. FURNISHED BOOMS AND apartments TO L8T? 2n Paub?-rt col FUKKITUBR?12th fac*-6th eol. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS--12th Paob?tth ooL HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th Paub-McoL HELP WANTHD-MALE3?13th PAQB-4th eol. , , HORSES. carriages. Xt.-Ui Pack?2d, ad, 4th aad 5th solo. HOTELS?2n Pagb?4th ool. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED-42? PAG*-3d col. INSTRUCTION?11th Paok-SiU col. LOST AND POUNO-1?t PAUK-lstcol, Caohinbry?11th Paub?VIi col. ARBLB MANTELS?12tii PAUt-6tli coU medical?12th Pagk~Htli col. MILLINERY AND DHE8SM A KINO?l?T PAG?-e?h eol. MISCELLANEOUS advertisements?IOtu Paub-WU col. musical?2d Pagb?Gth eol. MEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PACB-tUh eol. PERSONAL?1st Pagb?l?t eol. pianofortes. ORGANS Ao.-Jd Pacb?8th eol. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALBft? 12th Pauk?SO cot FBOPBKTY out OP the CITY fob SALE OB TO BKNT?2? Pagb?I at col. BRAL estate TO exchange?2d Pagb?1st col. BEWARDS? 1*t Pack? l?t col. bai.EH AT auction?1st and 6tU rob. SITUATIONS WANTED-KKMALKB-IIth PAGB-Sth eol.. and 12th Paub?1st. 2d and d cola. situations WANTED?MALES-IStu PAOB-3d coL special NOTICES? In Pagb?lot and 2d cola. bporting?DOGS. BIRDS, AC.?1st Paub?2d cot BTORAGB?11th Pxiie-ith eol. SUMMER RESORTM-2D Pagb?4th eol. THE TRADES? 12th Pagb?4th eol. THE TURK-Ibt Paub?3d eol. TO LRT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pago?1st ooL TRAVELLERS' UUIDE-12th PAOK?fltli eol. unfurnished ROOMS AND APARTMENTo TO LBT? 2d Pagb?2d and 3d cols. WANTED TO PURCHASE?lint PAGB-ftth eel. WATCHES. JEWELItV. 4C.-2D Paob?4th?ol. yachts, Steamboats. *c.-io? PAOB-eth cot " ~ PEKK1KAL. BrooklynWrby,' aptbrward nFteTavIbnur stage ?Will tho lac?y drained in black, who noticed nntlnBui with light tnlt mil package, and who showed her Herald, please addreas HOPE. Herald olCco? V.-CANT WRITE NOW. NAME DAY AND HOUR lor meeting. Will be there through Persoual*. KIKTERN. B. December 23. Tuesday evenino. between s and 9 o'clock; dark eyes and mustache; your eye Mils s world of love; yon look back. (GENTLEMAN ~\VHO BOUGHT OOLD KI8II FOR T lady on flth ??.. a year ago, wauta to tee her again. Address madison. Herald Uptown Branch office. MadkmoisklTe~auck, KORMERLY OK AMITY St., afterward 27th at.?Please send me your address. Ut'.OROE, box I OH Herald office. OLYMpFa?riliET YOt' TO-MORBOW, FRIDAYTIjB June, same place, 9 o'clock. MARIIIB. QISTER.?HAVE NOT HEARD ONE WORD SINCE O they last met; zrsatty worried; sorely communicate as before. Same aa ever. BROTHER. ^ LOST ATill mmii. f/I?T-A POCKEfiS6(5fe^COi^ilKIN5"PAPEB^OP JU do vatoe except to owner, A suitable reward will be P*ia (or ita return to T. M. TAYLOU, 51 Eut 44th it. LOOT?ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. A BLACK and pold Breastpin, with Locket attached, rained only by association. Finder suitably rewarded by rsturning it to IjW owner, at 233 hast 21?t at. Lost?on may si, a lady's watch, enamelled. The finder will be suitably rewarded by delivering same at 443 Wett 24th st. 108T OK ST77lEN?FIRST MORTOAOK SINKING J Fund Bond No. 2.043 of the Michigan Southern and orthern Indiana Railroad Company: payment ha* been ?topped. ? A liberal reward paid ou return to P. I. NEVIUS ft SON. I.1 South it. L- OUT?ON WEDNESDAY, aiST, BLACK AND TAN Dog; long ear*; name (tucks. A liberal reward will be paid on returning hi til to No. 9 East 37th st. EQtfT?ON TUESDAY AFTErtNOON. BBTWBtcN MUTT Haven Athletic Grounds. about 940. The tnder will be taftfbly rewarded by returning same to HEWETT, So. 02 Broadway, room 11. T 08T?ON SUNDAY EVENING, GOING FROM HTII 1J ?r. at -3d ?t. to Hotel Brunswick, a gold Padlock, with raised monogram C. F. O. A suitable reward will lie given by returning same to 1U6 Broadway, Metropolitan lnsur ance Company. _ ~" KKWAKOh: yH^kWaSB^LOsIC'ON THtfSSi)AY, A MEXICAN VO bred alut; answers to the name of "Nelliehad col lar and somII lock on her neck. The (tnder will please return to 233 West 12th st. REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED.?THE above reward will be paid for the return ot two $10 Coats taken from my store this duy. F. J. KALDENBB RG. 117 Pulton st. $20 Wagon. BBWARD.-LOST OK STOLEN, GRAY MARK. mt\J sprung on fore leg, with black leather top Buggy iTagon. Any person returning the same to PETER DUFFY, West Farms, N. Y., will receive the above reward. $50 *11 REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED?FOB J the return ot a light Skye Terrier, answers to the of "Tip," to No. 38 West 2tttb st, A ? SPE CIA is IWmCEh. SMERIC AN INSTITUTE?ARRGULAK MEETIMTSf this Institute will be held at its rooms in the Cooper Ming on Thursday, the rtth day of June, at 8 P. M. O. CLEVELAND. President. Cmabum MoK. Lkoser, Recording Secretary. A?I8AAC~?rToYCE.-267 BROADWAY, LAWYER^ ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; deser tlon. Incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, inlldellty, in human treatment, couvictlou of felony. Passports obtained. A" ~LL DISEASES OF Tllh BLOOD AND NERVOUS system treated: successful snii permsnent cures guar an teed ; consultation tree. Dr. WEST'S old establlsed ot "See, 45 Bleecker St., near Broadway. TTBNTION I?TWENTY YEARS' PRUSSIAN HOS pital experience; diseases of men in all Its branches, (wen ol long staudlng. a specialty. Consultation and medi tlnes tree. M. JACOB) . M. D., 161 Bleecker st. ?a7-all prizes cashed TjT gold" at this ? office. Third Louisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, J uly 29, 1870. Capital prisa *100.01*) gold 11 8.5k) prises amounting to $503.50(1 20.0 0 tickets $50 currency. Coupons In proportion. Apply for information Ac., to WILLIAMSON M 00., ^Mkers, 317 Broadway. Post office boa ti.028. A?FIRST"PRIZE, $1 iWUxilfooLD. ? Main drawing ol the Dncal Brunswick Government lottery, fruni May 16 to June P. 18761 t&J&OO tickets. 28,.VMi prises. Koyal Havana Lottery. Next drswing Jnne 6, 1m7& ' Fall explanatory circulars free. THEODORE ZSCIIOCH, Bex 6.694 Poet office. 116 Naesau st.. New York, A' ?KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OF J. ? . SMITH A CO. UtXTVCKT, UtU CLASS 407?FOB 1876. 11. 28, 21. t. 74. 70, 7. 4rt. 8, 64. ?l. KBgTUCXT, CLASS 4- P?ron 1876. 74, 12, :n. HO. ?a, ;*?. 25, uo 77. ?3. 53, 42. AH orders address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or box AJI70 post office, New York city. A?PARKS, EMERSON * CO.. , Kentucky Mate Lotteries, drswn daily. Royal Havana Lattery, drawn every 17 days. Ksntvcky Single Number Loiters, drawn Jane 24, 1876, Prises cashed, information furnished and drctilars An. ISO Broadway. Poet office box 5,272 New York. Kent i prise i r\ISKASES OF MEN A SPECIALTY. y) HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington ?v., pear iWth st. Office hours (turn m to 3. D" IToBCES QUIETLY?KOK INCOMPATIBILITY. separation, Ac.; in any State; par when divorced: ad vice free. AMERICAN LAW AGENCY, 71 Astor House. S'HaCTS AND FIGURES NEVER LIE.?OIBCULA 1 tion of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week was:? Msday. May 22 35'"<tJ0 AllVbRTISBMhNTa, 20 CENTS A LINK. Tneeday May *3 '*5.400 ADVERTISEMENTS. JO CENTS A LINE. W?taeeday. May 24 ...................36,000 ADVBKTISEMBN I S, 20 CENTS A LINE. Rtt^5VEi'ri^EMENT.-j, a' line! rrtd*TADviRTlSEMKNTS,'' 3o''CENTS* \ LINb!42"3^0 Saturday. May 27 34,400 Total . 2:8,*<} ADVERTISEMENTS, 30 CENTS A LINK. Daily average. ?. 38,033 Havana lottkp.v.-nkxt drawing ok 40.000 tickets and 9000,0)0 prts.-s, June 1H7?. For par tlenlars address It. M AKTI Nh/. ? CO.. No. 1<> Wall st., basement. Post office I tux 4.U8X N. B.?Highest price paid r Spanish gol I and Havsna Bank bills. Drafts on Hsvana all amounts issued. K-*300,000 IN PHIZES. EVERY OTHER TICKET , a prise. Kentucky State :.Ingle number Grand Die tributinn draws June 24. 5U.IK*) tickets, tb,480 prizes \\ liole tickets, 310; halves, $.'?; quarters. $2 M. lloyitl Hasans Lottery, 10 he drawn June II. ft hole ilskets. Ml; tenths and twentieths In proportion. Keniacky State Lotteries, drawn >l?lly. For information, c!renters, Ac , sddress or apply to JACKSON A CO., Bankers. 2112 Broadway. New York city. T ' -C H HO NIC C ATAKRH 7 DEAF N ESS . I MP ROVED JVs method; lastantaneons relief ; permanent enres. _ _ "r- SIOUDAHU No. 8 West 14th St. 0" OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT , teries-SIMMONS A Dl< KINSON. Managsre. KXKTVCgr, XXTUA I I.AftS no. 36W?JUNE I, l?7(l. 10 28. 21, 31, 2. ?>. 04, 8, 72, 4. 4''. 5.', 46. gKgTt'CKT, class HO. ;iao?JOHk I. lS7tl. 14 27, 08, 4.-, :#>, 'St, 3 . 54. 25. 67, 45. 35. 59. ' 'hRNMV, *?*?? ClAKS Ml 2 >0_ JDBK I. I 76. 140. 05, 20, -:i, 15, 23, 57. *. 71, 4B. 12, 2, CM. ' HkXSY. CLASS Kit. 200? JCX* I, is7? 44 MO. 7H, 41, 37, 33. 13. IN, 31. 3. B, 19. Fell Information by applying to or ndtlressing J. CLUTE t Co.. 2f?> Broadway, or box 4,000 Post o0? e. iVZiiSSSjoiii"Tn 1'kuks-hvkuy other tickkt k II, Prise.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S single number Kentucky State lottery to be drawn Ju;?e 24. 1876; J5.420 rises out ot 50,CK*> tlekelt i also Koyal Havana to Be dr .*? June ?. 11*7" J. CLUTB A CO., 200 Broadway, ot hex SPECIAL. SOTICE8. _ VTEBVOUiB BJtHAUBTtON.?A~" MEDICAL KS8At IN comprising ft Miifta of teetarM delivered at Kabn'* M u H1IS of Anatumv. Now York, aft the uui and our* of Pre mature DenHar showiug indisputably bow lost health may be revalued. affording ? clear synopals of the impediments tu marriage aud tba traatmaut of urnai and physical debility, beluf IM result of JO rear*' experience. Prle? 2S cents. Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KaIIN, office aad reeideaeeSI East llnb st. Maw York. o FF1CE OF FiCiru Mail tniiMir Coirut,) ? n.u.a a. ()...? ' ram Foot or Owm a*.. Mouth Itiraa, , Nmr Toft it, J uup 1. I87B. ) At ftft election for Directoraaf tba Pacific Mail Stowakii Company, bald at tba Company*! office in this oi*t. Mar 31, 1876, tba follow in j nauiad^fttlcnj^wora duly alactefl:? ANDREW BOARDMaN.' SAMl'EL C. Ttl"MPSON, ?marle? h. norxt, WI'.LIAM P. CLYDE, THOMAS J. OWEN. OilARLES G. MILLEB, HENRY HART, kuwabd a. (Jutntahd. And a* a lubsoqueat mooting ?f tba Board, bald on tba MM day at tba eoespaay's ofttce for tba purpose of oriraul aatloo. Mr. William P. Clyde waa elected President aud Mr, Charlea O. Kraocklvn Proaident pro tern, of lite Company. By ordar <?f tba Board. ' jr. H. LANE. Secretary pro tarn. BOPLE'8PK0TE8T.?MASS MEETING IN TOMP kins square. Friday avaatug. Juoa 3, 1878, at 8 o'clock, against the action of aba Park Commissioners iu reference to the above park. Prominent speakers will addrees the meeting. Far Committee of Arrangement*. HEN it Y a At'TENRIETH, Chairman. h! EraitL. I ariaa, N. B.?Iu case of rain tba meat lag will be bald at Coueor dia Hall. No*. 28 and :?> it. A. PILES OK HEMORRHOIDS RADICALLY CURED. Original, paiulaa* treatment; two to foar weeks re quired ; no fe?a until cured; elrettlara tr'e. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 West 14th at. OYAL HAVANA I.OTTKKY.?Jrtw^rtVi MrUiL BE drawn on Jan* ?. Prises qaahed; orders fllled: infor mation turumhed; highest rate* paid lor Spanish bills, gev arsimeats, Ac. ? TAY1.6B * CO., Baukers. No. 11 Wall at.. New York. d?'J/i/i -KENTUCKY state lotteby. 3)t)UU.UU". llrswti Jut 3IC U.430 priiei. Three prises of #?_*<>, 0U0 each. Every other ticket a prise. Whole ticket*. Slu; halve*. $5; quarters. 50. XII Kentucky State Lotterla* on 81*. For Information call on or address KIRK A CO.. 1367 Broadway, room D. uptown ageocy. 8PORTi*C^-bO??r birds' "K* ~ Fools sold at newyork tukF exchange this afternoon on New Haven vs. Cincinnati, at New Haven. SEIBERT * McCLOUD. ANTED-A TALEINO PARKOT. CALL ON BRA TON,, at No. 28 Liberty *t.. between 10 and J o'clock, drat floor, back ogee. . ?H]g turj. Xftfctitf{rxfriTF Rfi n o h'>v x)Ls~?6T;B"Arj o tra J\. SON'S room*, oorner of Broadway and 28th at., till* afternoon and evt-nhtg. on the Jsrome Park race* and trot ting at Philadelphia. Each heat received by telegraph. All order* iiy mail, telegraph or messenger promptly at tended to. T. B. k W. II. JOHNSON. American joOkey club?spring meeting, 1878. at Jerome Pack, 3d. 6th. 8th, 10th. 13th. loth and 17tU June. Raeee commence each day punctaalty at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT. President C. WHgATtr. Secretary. MERICAN JOCKEY CLUB RACES.?POOLS WILL be sold, Friday and every ovenlng prevlou* to the ran.*, at the Subscription Room of the Jockey Club. Madison av. and J7lh at.; also every day as the course during the race*. R. CAT!'.CAltr. Jr., Auctioneer. UOTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD THIS ftlternoon and eveuiag at NEW YORK Tl'RK EX CHANGE, IS Weet 28th at. on the JEROME PARK run ning raeee aad PHILADELPHIA troU: prompt attention given orders by mail or mesaeftger. KBLLY, BUSS A CO. UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS OPEN THIS EVEN ing, at THOMAS' Eaehanve, 1.239 Broadway, on the Jerome Park running races; also on the baeo ball matches, Mutuftl va. Louisville, Athletic vs. St. Lonis. Boaton? vs. Chi cago, Hartford r*. Cludnnati. G. M. THOMAS. ERRFOOT DRIVING PABK.-TUOTTIMG. FRIDAY. Jane 2, at 3 P. M.; match, $100, 3 in 5. in harness; J. Jar?f ijbr. m. Mollie Barker; M. Roger*, blk. g. Major Pulse; adn? Sou, 50c. W. McMAllON, Proprietor LEBTWOOD PARK.?GENTLEMEN WHO WI8II TO secure tickets of inemberthlp of this Anociation can do *? by applying at the office on the ground*. Terms (SO ler the Mason, with oao ef hltchlag shedT or $a5 without. E~ LBKTWOOD PARK. THIS MORNING. AT HI A. M - Grand exhibition of apeed. Major Bacon'a Kentucky ittera (to be sold aoxt morning at Major UAKKER'Sl, under the watch. Let all be there. Admuaiun freo. BENCH POOLS WILL BB OPEN AT JOHNSON'S Pool Boom, corner Broad#ay aad 28ib at., tbla evening, on running race* at Jerome Park. All registering machine* uaed in thla eitabllihment are made by ouiaolus, under our ownpatoat; no combination machines u*e<]. '441 business will be conducted a* heretofore promptly aud nan ifactory. RAND A I'UPONT. NEW YORK AND HARLEM. RAILROAD. Jerome Park Race*. June. S, 6. 8,10,13,16 aad 17. Special trains, toith reserved car* for ladle*, will leave Grand Central Depot on race dap at 1 JO and 2 P. M. We tt'rnlng after the raeee Foartb avenue oars ma direct JU> depot. *?"?*? as.Ms?KU, Superintendent. Tattersall's torr agency*. 1.227 bboadway. Booka on *11 races throughout the year; amounts booked from $1 upward. Having leaied the botsl and grounds on the "Bluff" at jerome Park, will open au offloe there and book* on all the race*. at a. Including the fast bay Trotter "Tip;" bet* 15^ hands hitch, 7 y ari old; waa rained in Vermont and aired by Dsmel Lambert, dam by Ethan Allen, wllb record of 2 :33; bo ia very attractive and atyiiah lu harnoti, ia very doci:e; can be driven by any ordinary driver; doe* not lac or pull; i* rapid and pare gtited; ha* mat ttattic and eadiiraoce; he waa driven a mile iaet i all la he will make one of the beat moneyed bona* In tbe Mate, a* he can without doubt trot wltn a tew weeks' handling below 2 -*>; he can ?pood very faat; be can poll a road wagon on road with any of the noted ones and he la warranted wand and kind Tbe ber.utlful brown Trotting Mare "beaaie D?" 15u high, 0 year* old; wa* aired by Billy Denton, dam by Pilot Temple, Jr.; was raissd by Mr. Taylor on hi* stock tarin in Orauxe coanty; i* a perfect and genuine trotter; she can ?bow better thau 2'jo on track; 1* atyiiah and blood like; ha* * splendid >el of limb* and feet; the i* well broken to all harue** and ia all respects a first class trotting mar*; she is warranted wand and kind. Elegant bay tlorne, sired by Klrkwond, dam unknown; he is a llrst claaa lady's saddle horae, thoroughly broken: lie* always keen driven by ladiea and chtldreu, and for that pur pose is invaluable; will stand witboat tying and i* tale under all dreamstances; a very pleasant, prompt driver; is 0 years old this soring; can beat a minutes ana warranted ?ound aud kind. Vary handsome chestnut balding, raised at Lexington, ky., aired by Denmark, dam by Saow Piute, 7 years old, 15)^ hand* high; be i* oue of the beet broken anu be>t be haved saddle horses tbat wa* ever brought bare from Ken tucky ; he haa taken seven premium* as a saddle horse In that State; he is broken to ail saddle gaits; guide* and changes gait* by motion; haa been ridden uriuclpaily by a lady single loot*; has a very protty rising trot aad a very easy canter and gallop; be ia perfectly broken to single and double harness; is sat* for a lady to drive, aad can trot a mile better than 2 :55. aad la warranted sound aud kind. The fast bay Trotter "Oeorge," sired by hoaeet Allen, dam by Young Mowel, l&k high, 7 years old; can trot a mile in 2 :&? or better; ia a very toogb. hardy bone; no road too long lor him; i* not excitable in company ; doe* not pall when speeding, and is tbe finest gentleman'* road horte ia this city; warranted soand and kind. Handsome cheetnul trotting Oeldlag, 18% high. 7 year* eld. sired by Conklln's Star, dam by pesrsall; trotted wnen coming 5 year* old in 2:31': lie ha* always beeu driven on ro d. and is without a record; be can go to track any time ?lid trot a mile in 2 #5 and rooeat ail hi* beau in that time; He la warranted aooud and kind. Wagous consist of one White Chapel side bar road Wagon, one lull spriag top Wagon, one top pony Phaeton, one can opy top Phaeton, live seta tingle maraees, two seta double Harness, Blankets. Lap Bones, Sheets. Ac. Also a large quantity of Hay, feed. Straw, Ac.: stable dteiisiis. Via.:?Stove, Brushes, Combs, Shovel*, forks. Ac. N. m.?The above stock i* now oa exhibition and gantle ?en ia search of anything of tbe kind are invited to call Aakntlixak?h TURNOUT?a BAY hamblrto niau florae. 15w hand* high. a year* old; warranted ?oand and kiad; can trot iai 3:4Si alto alagle seat top Head Wagon, made by Brewster; coat i4uu; hardly soiled; One liarueea. no. t West 18tu it. Ab.tkwsfkb ((ip bhoomb ST.) LIOIIT BOAI) Wagon, 1 Waterman'* do., 1 Depot wa^on, 1 top 1'uay Phaeton, 1 open do., Ouffey Snlkey. 38 lbs.; 1 aecond hand >ksletju VVagea, 1 lire water two seat open Wagon, with pile, 1 Stivers' top a"agon, mx Apply at wu. H. OKAY'S Carriage factory, l,??4 Broadway. -POK SALE, 4 N10R hitlisks. SUITABLE fob . farming or any klad of business; all mast be sold on account of tbe owner falling, at a sacrifice, inquire at No. 57 Ureat Jonea at., near Bowery. T halp OOBT-rwfi PHAETONS; O.VK SKATS four persons; Pol* nnd Shalt*; twe full sprint: lop Wagons, twe smr Bar*, light Koad Wagon, tingle and double harness, all nearly new, beet city makers. Private stable, 83d at. and 4th av. A" t pkivatk itahls Wo7 i W.ST i#th for aa elegant Brewster improved cross spring top Wagon, used six times, with extra lie* Harneaa. Slaaket. lap Kobe and Whip. (:oll*k?kock^wal^'kkkllct okdkk; SAY and brown Cairiage Team. 1 ?'?}? high; haraees. Livery Coat, Ac.: belonging to private laasily leasing live city; will **ll very low for cash, together er aeparateiy. Stable*, 131 M eat &>th at. ?to cjuhtr partnership, roan punt built ? Horse; twe other hones, young aad aoand, ids, $'& hi Canal at. (expressman.) LADY, havino A pink turnout AND wlrll ink to travel fer th* rammer, will aoll Pony Phaeton aiid Harneaa cheap; In flae order. Apply at lou kaat2hth at Slvik'UAV PONT. SUITABLE fok LADY ub cbildren: lour other lloraaa; tail any batlaeaa; moat sell: cheap. indira at No. 4h> Wast aotb it. A"~-l urrxK. on account or my husband's . death, lour cheap h or sea suitable for larnaer or any basineas. >2.'i woahlutftou ft . near Chariton. "a " t)ood dbl'OT WAGON-WOULD be SOLD CHEAP a or exchanged for a good busfnoas uor.e. No. 140 West ?nab at. v -vor SALE. A BARB cilancb.-SlX HORSES* j\ , suitable for larm, gtveeror any bnaiaeee; (heaps 201 tirand at. near Mott, a TOP SIDE BAB WAOON AND no TOP SIDE BAR J\ Wagon, b. lb for S22*>; Corbeit A Co., matera; both in good order. KEli'ic SON 'S boarding stables. .i'Jd at., near Bth av. __ _ _ __ A" -pur'salk CHEAP, POUH litiksks; sbttabls . inr any bastaest; also my road or family Horte; good trial allowed Apply at 41 bieecker at., la the rear. A'LANDAU, CLARENCE. two coacuks, six ?eat phaettw, Brett, om and two *eat wagotu, la ?oed order. 4s0 m av. HORSES, cakriageo. ?h? . ?aei' ?s ?s'"'* ^t #a"^ftv * i"iS-ii-ara^V*'a ansa iy ORDER of la. CUKKV, MARSHAL AND ATTORNEY POlt MORTGAGEE, okkick, 12 chamukkm ST. HOBIBg, CABKUGKB. AC. A CCTHMTHOOSb'OF TAX Ya8SKlX~Tf"Kk AftNKY, iX UUu.1 112 EAST 1*TH ST., NRAR4TII AT. REODliAB PALES OK HORSES A NO CARBIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY On ?wjj bone Iklt I* waaranteil aound w kind UD trua in liara***, from oao to three da/a ia give* to teat war rantee. CAT ALGOL'S OF THIS iTaY'S (FRIDAY) SALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. riBirr sale in am erica or pure brxd bds lUAM ARAB GRLOFF HOUSES. SEVEN OK THB FINE8T AND MOST PERFECTLY BROKEN HOUSES OR LADY'S OR GBNTLB MAN'S USE EVER OFFBBKD FOR SALB. van tassrll a kearney will nail on ERIDAY, June 2, 1870. AT THEIR AUCTION MART. NUS. UU, 112 BAST 18TH A, near 4th H? at 10 o'clock, tha following para brad Arab* :? L BAY MARK. 16<^ HANDS HIGH, 6 YEARS OLD; kind and true In aU haraeaa: free from rice or trick; perfectly broken Vo aaddle; vary bandaoma; an extra mad inare; can trot baiter than 3 minutes; la afraid of nothing, oan be driven by a lady, aud la warranted ?Mud. 8. DARK BROWN THOROUGHBRED ARAB GELDING, !'?? hands high,8 years old: kind and true in all barueaa; free from vice: oue ?f the ttnoat ?ud beat broken saddle horaaa liviag. with extra fine atvlc : lie ha? been driven principally double, bat U wail broken single, and U warranted aound. 3. DARK BROWN GELDING. CIRCASSIAN STOCK. 16 bands high, 7 yean old: kind and truo in all harness; free Irom vice: very atylish; au extra saddle liorae: he ia one of the tonal horaaa in the eouuiry for har ness aud saddle purpoaes combined, and la warranted aound. 4. TERY HANDSOME. EXTRA STYLISH GRAY MARE, PURE ARAH STOCK, haoiii liliih. f> yeara old; kind aud true In all hariieaa; perfect under saddle; liaa no vice or trick: la aa lino a mar? h? can be found lor ladle* to rido or drive: perfectly gentle and tractable, aad la warranted sound. 3. BLACK* THOROUGHBRED ARAB MARK. 15* band* hieb, 3 year* old: kind and true in all harnasa free from vice, a mode! of beanty nud symmetry: ?he ha* all the One qualities of No. i. and together they make a very superior road or carriage team, aud drive like on* hone; ?he I* warranted aound. & TERY HANDSOME BAY ARAB GKLDINO, 1S}{ hands high, ft yctra old: kind mid trie in ail harness, tree >rom vice, with plenty of style and action; ia an extra line road or aaddle hnr*e:ia in < very way aai* and reliable, aad ia warranted aound. DARK BROWN SHETLAND PONY, 86 INCHES HIGH.7 year* old: kind aad true in all harnesa; tree from vice: au elegant aaddle pony; perfectly ecu tic and itocile ami haa been uaed altogether by children; ha* no trick* of any kind and la warranted tound. HANDSOME DARK BROWN SHETLAND PONY, 43 incite* high, 7year* o<4; kind and trne In all harneaa; perfectly free from vice or fault of any klud; Uaa been used by children to ride and drive and ia warranted aonud. Tlioao two oonles are perfect children'* pet*, and are a* complete and perfect tor clilldren'* uvo a* anv ponic* in the country. 8*t Pony Mara*** and l'haeton, by Brewster A Co. BAY HORSE, 16 HANDS HIGH, 0 YEARS OLD; KIND aad true in all barna**; free irom vice: an oxtra aad dle hor**; a free, prompt aud *tyli*h driver; l*|an ele gant horae for a lady to ride or drive: la afraid of nothing: ia accnatomcd to locomotive* and i* war ranted an aad. Set (Ingle Harne**. TOP ItOAD WAGON. IN GOOD OK HER BAY TROTTING GELDING EXCELSIOR, >6 HANDS high, 7 yean aid; kind and true iu all harness' free from vice; doe* net >by or pull and cau trot to-day a full mile better than "?-M\ la pure galled; can be driven by the moat ordinary driver and ia warranted ?uund: alto *et (iugle *trap llarne**. nourly new: alao FULL SPRING ROAD WAGON, IN GOOD ORDER, balU by Vandergaw. BAY TROTTINO HORSE, 15}? HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS old; kind and trne in all narneaa: free from rice; a very oluaaant. haud.v driver: doe* not ahy or pull; cau trot better than 'J :S0 aure; ia In every reaped a first clas* horae for gentleman'* road uae, aud i* warranted aound: alao. aet Harness und TOF ROAD WAGON, IN FINE ORDER, BUILT BY P. M. Stiver*. VERY HANDSOME COMBINED BAY SADDLE AND harn**a Gelding, 16J< hand* high, 6 year* old; kind and trn* in all h*rue*a; perfectly free from vice or trick; I* a vory plea*?iit roadster, *afe lor a lady to ride or drive, aud I* not afraid of anything. ELEGANT AND EXTRA SUPERIOR PAIR OF BAY llor*e?, 111 hand* high, 8 and II year* old; kind and true In harne**; are ti> e aaddle borne* and tire afraid ?f nothing; oaa be driven by any one, and have plenty of bottom; they have been lued by their present owner lor over three year*, and are only told for want of ua*; together with an elegaut act silver mounted Harne**, mado bv Dean, and LANDAU IN FINE CONDITION, BUILT BY BREW ater A Co., of Broome at. VERY STTLISW AND HANDSOME BLACK GBLDINO, line, full mane and tall, 15J? hand* high, B year* old; kind and true In all harne**: free Irom vice; an extra hue aaddle horae; 1* a vory superior readater; doca not shy or poll: perfectly reliable for ladle* or children to uae; would make a flue Lane for family une: also aet 11 araeaa and TOP PONY PHAETON. TERY SUPERIOR AND EXTRA STYLISH BROWN oonpe Home. 1H^ hand* high; kind and true In all harne**: free from vice. ?nck or Unit: an extra Una driver; I* one of the moat dealrxbl* horae* in the State for carriage use: I* sold only lor want of uae and la warranted aound; alao aet coupe II araeaa, good aa now, and COUPE. IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BY WOOD Brothen. BROWN SADDLE MARK. 13* HANDS HIGH. S yeara old; wall broken to a.l galu; baa baeu uaed and la now owned by a private gentleman, who 1* leavlug BORRKLCU/oNV, U HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD: kind and trne in all barneaa; Iron from viae; a good traveller: haa gnat endurance; haa been naed by a ladv to harneaa aad under aaddle. CHESTNUT HORSE, I'.* HANDS THOU, 8 YBARB old; kind and trne In all harnea*; free from vlee; ha* been u*ei and I* mill owuud by a (.rivate family; afraid of nothing and In every way aafo and reliable. CHES'NUT HORSE. I5J? HANDS lllGH. 8 YEARS old: kind and true iu all harneaa: Tree from vlee; a pleaaant. bandy driver; a good family liorae; airald of nothing and U sold for want of uae. BAT MARE, IB HANDS llbi II, 7 YEARS OLD; HAS been uaed to a grocery wagon: told for account of whom It may concern, to pay charge* and kojp; alao, Ml narn?? una EXPRK8S WAGON. BBOWN UOKSK. (JOT BY ROLF'S MAMBRINO PILOT. il?m ? ltinhHW nitn. 1<V? bauda liiicb, 7 years old; kind and Irue In nil haraeits; free from rice; ban never Deeii trained for apeed, but haa ? IIno nncn (fait, Hud witn a litll.. trniniuit would trot very i'??t. QRAY MARE. 1>k iianus HIGH, si YKARS OLD; kind and true In all harness; free from viee; a fine driver, a Oral rate worker, and in warranted sound. BAT hoktlr. itf HANDS uiuu, b YKAliS OLD; KIND and true In all harness. free from vice; a very xtyllsh driver; afraid of nolhinir. and sold fur want ofuee. BAT hokm%, 18 HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD; KIND and true In all harness; an elegant aaddle horse; free from vice, trick or fault; a dree, prompt driver: a linn hor?e lor a lady to ride or drive, and la warranted sound. BOAN HORSE, 16 HANDS HIGH, s TEARS OLD; kind and true in all harnees; Iree from vice; baa been u?ed by a private family to a coupe; ia anltable for family or business purposes, and la In every way reliable. BET OF TANDEM HARNESS, BT WOOD GIBSON, nearly new. 8ET OF SILVER MOUNTED DOUBLE HARNESS, BT Dunacomb, nearly new. CURTAIN COACH, BY BKKWSTER A CO., OF BROOME TOP WAGON, FOLDING SEAT, BUILT BY PARKRP. SIDE ha It DhPOT WAGON. BUT LITTLE USED, with Pole and Shaft*. concord wagon. extknsion TOP PHAE TON. NO TOP PHAETONS. 2 COUPE ROCKAWAYS. 6 SIDE BAR TOP WAO ON 8, 2 BASKET PHAETONS. PULL STRING JAGGER WAGON. DOG CART. 4 WHEEL. JUMP KRAI" TOP WAGON. DOUBLE TRUCK. 4 TOP PONT piiaetojis. 4 SKAT PHAETON. CANOPY TOP PHAETON. s four skat rocka WAYS. 4 FULL SPRING TOP wagons. _ _ whitecuapbl top WAGON. _ A SEAT PARK PHAETON. BAROUCHE. 6 SEAT ROi'KAWAY, BY dkmarest. 4 fiRAT OPEN PHAETON. Alio 27 tela muffle and Double Harness. Robes, Blankets. Saddlea. Ac., Ac. TWENTY-TWO otber HORSES, description ' In CATA LOGUE. SUITABLE for FAMILY, ROAD AND BUSI NESS USE. SALE POSITIVE, RAIN OK RHINE. A?MAJOR CHARLES W. RaKKKM. AUCTIONEER . THE SPEKD SHOWN UNDER THE WATCH. THE UNEXAMPLED k VENT. MAJOB BARKER ba* the honor ef Announcing Mr. W. J. BACON'S <->f the cakrimgton STL'u FARM, Mont torn err Post o?ce. Trigg coaniy. KENTUCKY) second .UNPRECEDENTED annual SALE of the lasted GREEN and TRAINED TROTTERS ever offered at auction Juki ar rived from Kentucky. to take place at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart ai.d Now \ nrk Taltonall'a, corner of Broadway ?nd 3?th at., on MONDAY, JUNK S, at 11 o'clnok, i nd comprising TWENTY-THREE bead of STALLIONS, GELDINGS and MARKS, WIN nkrft at all tbe Southern Kentucky and Tenneiaen FAIRS. In aaddle, barueaa and >PhKD rings, thai can trot In from 8)4 down to be ITER THAN 2i-1l>, the vet ol Exchequer. Bine Graea. Tenth Lairlon, Ac., Ac, and Including two extraordinary gentlemen's TROTTING TEAMS. THAT THE STOCK tamo from KENTUCKY the bille ol lading. freight Mile anil inauraueo policies from point of iblpaaent, CERTIFICATES of hkckrt*HIKS of FAIRS, Ac., are ready to exhibit to all deilrlng to see tlieto. STOCK subject to veterinary aunreon'a examination. a>id ?re now at tho Central Avenue Stable*, Central ar., near Fleetwood Park, whore they can be ?oen In liarnoaa or aa der saddle aud SPEEDED up to Sunday, Jana 4, when they will be removed to the Mart. the TIME claimed for these hones will bo SHOWN UNDER THE WATCH at Fleetwood Park on Friday (toxtayi, JliNE 2, AT 10o'CLOCK a. M. Gentlemen are requested to ha present. CATALOGUES, with fall particulars, pedigrees, records of perfcirmaneaa. Ac., now ready at the spirit, furl and Mart oOoes. or at the stables. salk WITHOUT reserve or postponement. t -MAJOR CHAS. w. BARKER, at'ctionekr. J\ . CAPTAIN GEORGE d. 11 ANNA, of Bourbon county, KKNTUCKY, takes pleasure in announcing Ills POI rtf.ENTH unparalleled ma1.k of tbe laaleat GREEN TKOTTKRS in tbe world. Iu*t arrived from KKNTl'CK V, to take place at BARKKR A SON'S City Auction Mart ana New York TattereaU's. comer of Broadway and ttfhh at., on Wedaeaday .Inne 7. at it o'elaek, and comprlaing TWENTY SIX IIEADoftbe richeat bred In the eouatrv, Including the get of lierr'e Maattirino. i'atcben. Billy tioiddust, Woodford's Mambrliiu, Ac.. Ac.. and ^in stating of OltKKN TROTTERS that eau trot in from a minute* down to 2 ;'i3; two extraordinary l?l high ?ntiorbly matched coaoil TEAMS, chestnut* and biack*. or uneqnalled rich appearance and style ; a number ol elegant COUPE MATCH or T Can HtiRMES; a PACINd Oeldintr that enn bkal' 2 :*j. and the balance the must unequalled lot ol PltKMiL'M combined ladiea' and gentle men a SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES ev.r brought from Kentucky; atovk all warranted sound and kind, and will an 1 vy at the Mart for trial on Friday tttils day), June 2 when l>r. JOHN vt CLAltKK. agent for Captain Ilauna will im) on hand to give everybody the opportunity or riding and driving and testing tbe seddle qualities endSPKRD of any ol tbo lot kkfokh the lime of KALE. Catalecnaa ready. S>l? tmaltlve No postponement. A "-FOR salk. ~SPAM op POM EM. is HANDS ? blgn, with Phaeton; llarneae cnmolete: warranted gentle mil kind, and peculiarly aalted ler a lady; alee one >le bar Wagon and spring Maggy. i Apply at tmmo m w! UOKBK&, CA1UIIAGES. AC. * tMSilOCil OP AH'J 11 JOIf.VSVON,"" ** II', 21, 'J'.i Hhd ?'f> . Jtb St., Boar University place. OLDEST AND HOST EBLIABLE HOUSE IX TUB CITY. REGULAR BALES OK HOUSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. 24 hoar* to three day*' trial us horse* warrauted tvud. The oUmi and most reliaole bouse lu Ilia city. THIS DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. BEAUTIFUL TRAM HllOWN HORSES. Hamblete aiaa and thoroughbred atock: nice uiane* aod tall*: nicely matched lu ilu>. call and color; have bean brofteu and tralurd la tl?? luoat uarelul man uar; hava good atjrlu and action aud travel like una bone; aru uoi afraid ol locomotives or any thing alaa; do not sby or pu<l aud are in every way a Brat olaaa faulty, eairiago or road teatn; fit for auy una: are 1U Uanda bisk; b years old; warranted ?aiiad, kind aod trot. ELEGANT EXTENSION TOP PHAETON, la good order, by Miner A Stevens. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, raoda to order, by Col a man. COUPE ROCKaWaY. In pod ornar, by J. B. Law ~ I PAMILY ESTABLISHMENT.-Blefanl team cbaatnut u | Horaaa, 0 au.l 10 /ear* old; well matched In style, O I gall and ao*iou: uaval like eua bora*; have been I need In flly and country; are not afraid of a loco 2 1 metiteor anything el?e ; good drivers, single and j douulr equally veil; are In every reaped a ft at " 1 else* twain for anr uae; without a fault ol any kind: warranted aound. BLBUANT LANDAU, aaaraely lolled, by Miner A Stevena. SBT DOUBLE HAKNES8. by Louden. ELEGANT SORREL rfoUPE OR CARRIAGE nOKHK, lull luane and tall, IB hand* high. S yeara old: kind lu single and double harness; has bron third hers* la a team : haa not a vice or trick of any kiud: la very stylish, handsome and ahowy; ?ol afraid of a locomotive or auythiug el?e ; hat been nae<l in city and country; lu every re spect a sale, reliable family horae ; tit tor auy naa; warranted soaad. LIGHT COl'PB, but little used, by Miner A Stevens. SUi*BKIOU TliAM ROAN HOBSKS. ltl band* biuli. 0 years old; kind in *iogle aud double liarneas; have oeaa need aa a private laiully carriage team, single and denble; have great endurance; are geoi, free, stylish driven*; well matched In site, gait and color; are not arrald of anything; are in evary way reliable for any uae: warrauted sound. SUE HEAT BOCKAWAY, In good order, by J. U. Law LIOH TVICTORIA, in good order, by Wood Bros. ELBGANT BAY COUPE (OR CARRIAGE) HORSE, 16'; beads. t) years uld ; kind In slmrle and double haraear; free from vice ; not afraid of anything; is an excellent, free, stvliah driver: ha* not a fault or trlok of ant kind and I* in every reapect a first elasa reliable family borse; Sold only (or want of naa. ELEGANT COUPE. In trood ordar, by ktur A Stevens. KET COUPE HARNESS, by Coleman. TBAM RAY CARRIAGE HORSES 16 hands, 9 years old; kiud in all barnasa; free frem vice; good fust travellers; tree driven; an excellent and raiiablo team for family or any purpose; sold only for want of use. FOUR-SEAT PARC PHAETON, by J. B. Browster A Co. Sot Double Harneas, made to order. BAY CANADIAN PONY HORSE. 15 hands, 9 yean; kind In all harness: can be driven by a lady or any one; la uot afraid at a locomotive or anything else, and is In evary way re'lable for family or uae. CANOPY TOP POSY PHAETON, nearly new. PONY PHAETON. WITH BUMBLE, platform springs, by Wood Brothers. TWO FAMILY COACHES, by J. B. Lawrence. TOP PONY PHAETONS and WAGONS, to be (old to nay aharget. TWENTY-POUR OTHER HORSES. Description tint* o1 sale, this day, at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S MART, 19 to 35 13th st., near Unlveraitr place. Weathsr never Interferes with oar SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. A? MAJOR C1IARI.KS W. BARKER'S a CRKAT regular llORSK and Carriage Sale, TO-MORROW 'Saturday). To-morrow, AT ELEVEN o'clock promptly, AT BARKER A SON'tC CITY AMOTION Mart and New Yorx Tattanall's, CORNER OK llroadwav and H8th st. SEE DESCRIPTIONS In to-morrow's Herald. ADVERTISED ENTRIES close at 4 P. M. to-day, sharp. A ?SECONDHAND CARRIAGES. Landau, In good order. Laiidaulet. newly done up. Coach. tn cloth, a* k<>"<1 us new; low prlee. Park Phaeton, for four persons, our make. Pony Phaetou, for two poisons, cheap Top Wagon*, our make, with vertical plates. J. B. BREWSTER A CO.. Warorooms 51b av snd 'J 1st st. 14ft Bast 2ftth st. BARO^Tn K(JR CASH?A LADY LEAVlNtTTHB eity offer* lor sale her Park Turnout, consisting of the most stylish and beautiful bay Poney in the city. 6 years old. 1ft liand* high, flowing mane and tall to the grom.d: is porfectly gentle for any child to ride or drive; warrauted sound anu kind and to trot a mile In 2:45; elegant top Phaeton, gold mounting*, with harness to match, lap robe aud whip, all good aa new: would sell separately or to gether; this turnout must > e seen to be appreciated; seen at private stable No. 13 Weal 27th st., between Broadway and 5th av. GOOD at; TOP BUGGY FULL SPRING, NEARLY new, (or sale clicnp. 52 West 16th st. SE FOB SALE?AT yean old: feet, aound, dresa V., box 148 Her A GENTLEMAN'S ROAD HORSE FOR SALE?AT half value: t>*y: 11W lianas, S yean old: faat. aound, stylish and gentle; price, $30Ui' * Addn " "" aid office. ?1140 WILL 1?UY A FIRST CLASS TOP ROAD ? Wagon, bought last month new, cost $450; a fine double Haroes*. #100: au elegant slugl* Harness, #43. At private stable, 0r<t dour East ol Uulveraity place. In I3lh st ?TBN BUSINESS WAGONS AND CABBlAGES AT ? a sacrifice for express, grocers, batchers, bakers, mllK. package, advertising and delivery Wagons; one line park t'battou. 8175, worth $300: one d-pot Wagon, $f>0; one SI 10. Wagon Manufactory, 226 Spring st. TEAM OF BAY' HORSES, 16 HANDS, 9 YEARS, price f-''; warranted good worken; also black Hor?e, It) handa, 8yean, warranted sound and kind, $110. Bft2 lluda >n st. ^TlGIN" M(>ORKrftTWARRBN_8T.. OFFERS , good, reliable leather top Phaetons for $115; Bngglos. $150; Kockaways, *1.55: Depot Wagons, $190; Cauopy Phaetons, Jagger Wagous, Ac. Haruets, baud sewed, firet rate stock. $12 to $225. Sheets, 11 to fU. Elegant Lap Robes, $1 to $115, -FINE LOT OK HARNESS AT LOW PRICES; ? Shirts, Nets, Ac., In great variety. Save money by dealing direct with the manufacturer, E. BARTLETT, U2 Warren at., corner Cottage place. New York. A~~ DOU OART,- BY ilKKWsTER, $800; BRETT. $250; Coupe Rockaway, $.'4.VI; asanrtment of every kind of Carriage" and Harness at moderate prices. JOHN C. 11 AM, ttAtl Broadway. ""TTrroM prices at last TUNIS JOHNSON. 58 Liberty st., la offering a consignment of fine Boston made Lap and Hor*e Sheet*. Robes. Wbipa. II alters, Saddles, Bridles. Ilnrnoaa, Ae? at a reduction of Iroin 25 to till per cent below la?t year's prlees; also very beat H-ply Garden Hoeo at 12){ cents per foot. Heat largo Mexican grass Hammocks. $2 40. AY PONY, 14fc HANDS. YOUNG, SOUND, KIND suit any business, $05; large Iionte. $S0l No. 4 7th av B B Cabriolets, (icorgu IV. or Queen bodies, low or high wheels, Goth or morocco linings. A. 8. FL4.NDRAU, 372 and 874 Broome St. (old stand of Brewster Jt Co.) ClllKAP-S'jUND HORSE. PONY I'llAKTOX, NEW J llarnoM. ail for $200. 116 Waal 50tli >t., near Olb av. CTAKBI AQK8? VARIOUS STYLBS. M foW S MAKE; J warranted; leather top new Ponv Pliaetona. $120 up; leather too llugtfiet. $1*1: leather trimmed Depot (top) Wt:?ni $134: extoaaioa top four-teat Perk I'baeione, $16U; tplendid >Ii-n?i Park Phaeton, very low; Kockaweye. $130. UKUB -U REPOSITORY, 3**1 Canal it gLKliANT LANDAU. BY MINBR k STEVENS. LIUUT COCPB, by Miner k Stovane. ELhOANT I. AN UAL*. ?y Uradley. Pray A Co. SIX SKAT HOCKaWAY. by J. R. Lawrrnce. ULA88 QUARTER COACH. by Donn. SIX SKAT M?K PHAETON. J. B. Ilrew.ter. PONY PHAKTON. with rumble. bjr Wood Broe. CANOPY TOP PONY WJAETOX. TWENTY-FIVE OTIIEIl HOUSES. Descrintloo lima of tale, this day. at Arch. Johnaton e Mart, 18 to 24 IDtli ?i.. noar Univeraltr r>lace. Weather Direr luterferet with oar SALK.S At 10 O'CLOCK. See catalogue above. 1,11 Nli CAltRIAOK TEAMS. ' INK COUPE tlOll^tS. h Jul THI8 mo Ilk inq. 0 " TU18 MORNINo, K i < I AltOlI. johnston'S, S | - AKCIL JOHNSTON-8. 1 * AT 10 O'CLOCK. I V ! eataiogne above. Facts and houres never lik.-ch<cula mm ?I the EVENINU TEEEORAM laet week waa: Mondav. Mar 22 34,200 AD VE ItTlsKM ENT8, 21) CENTS A LINK. Tueaday. Ma/ M 34,400 AltVi'.RriSKMK.NTS, 20 CENTS A LINK. Wedncaday. May 2-1 Jfl.OOO ADVKU'I1SEMENT8, 20 CENTS A LINE. Tbureaav, Miv 25 44,000 AllVEKTI-KMKKT8, 20 CKNT8 A LINE. Friday. May *t 42,200 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS A LINE. Saturday, May 27 84,400 Total , 228.**) ADVERTISEMENT.?>, 90 CENT8 A LINE. Dally average 3S.033 ?fVU sTfIONA H E K~V K H1C L K H I; "I every deecrlptlon, In modeat, pleating and durable colora; particular attention called to the KLANDRaU ROAD WAtiON. A. 8. KLANDRAU. 373 and S74 Broome at. (old ataiul of Breweter A Co.) For sale-a bay uobsk, k>h hands man. 8 veiiraold; full mane ami tall; a ?plotidid lamilt horae; lie to aoand. kind and irua; alen a city built Eapreaa Waiun and HaiB)>a; a llret ?la?e turnout: vary little uaod; Bin be ?old. tber or veparate, no Inrther uae for tbetn. In quir ' lor /. M. HUNTER, In the (lore, 302 Wooeter it , near Blecckor. 1/OR SAl.E?A KINE PAIR OK VOUNO BAY HORSES, P with Landau and Victoria, made by Krewnter. Can be eeen at private ttakle 114 Waet l"th et., before IO A. X. or alter 4 P. M. ?t/IOR SALE AT A ~ HACRTrTcS-A UOOD FIRST X claaa I'ark Pbactoa, In good order; bave no room, and will aell it at abargaia. No. 31 Sullivan at., carnage fac tory. Ipou SAi.E?a handsome pony~~wauon"~and f Harnew. ebeap; auit iula for light Wagoa or Phaeton. Call at 40*5 Eaet 14tb et., S. Y. LibR HAEh-A~ WELnTRKfTMaV"7aDDLE IIORKK; f the beet of bb ili? la the city , to bo avid thoap for want of nee. Apply at M Lexington av. If SALK?HANDSOMK. STyXIsH MARK; TBOW Inside ol 2 :M). Apply at 1 IS Weet 33U at. F? For sale-a bay uambletonun stallion, s rear* eld; eaa bo toon at Kergaaoo'i (table, I2i> We?t jJd at. LEWIS M. FAlit, 38 Weet 101b et. 1.10K SALR FOK (It, COST $SOO, NOT SOILKD-A J; superior line leather tap poay Pkaotoa, vary haadaoaio. at private etablo. No. 3 West I&tti et. tpOR SALE-A LAHOK BROWN BOMB, t YEARS f old; eoaad la evaty ranoct. Caa bo eooa at 18* Kaat Mthea. JaOOB WKMKIl ?IB Beaan, HOMES, CAJUEU AGES. ?C. lji6tf~TiALS?a VJray" "Morse. (i YKAwt <TQT*tH2 V hands; famM?4 evuud and kind. 2U8 West Huh st FOR SALB?A ~HI'LENDID BLACKTuTUfili" 7 YKAUS old: sound aad kind; for truck or cart work. Aiipir at !*? mud 507 Woat 20th et. F~ OR SALE CHEAP?A GOOD WORK TuTkJk! Mllikli for IrMk or ftrmir HJ1 (lib ?v. Hisim-cajurEn bjuutuw "storein jtxw York; |wd Huggy Sumh. baud mtdc, 910; vood UracMt' Harness, $JST good doubt* Tram H<rw>u, S10; ? (rood Horse Blanket, $1 .VI. Please < all and examine lor yourselves. KlIihEK A OSBOBN, Mauulacturcrs, 71 Bar clay at. HanD80Mx bi.ack vara; >&?v~?nm 7 roar* old ; klud in all harness; flu* under saddle : hsa boon drlvoa by lady; warranted sound and kind: price *?U>. W. STEW AKT. 33 i'iue at. LANDAUS. with glaaa ar leather fronta. and American or foreign tap leather and >m morocco liulnga. A. 8. FLANPRAf, 8Ti and 874 Broome et. (old at and of Brewster A Co.) AKOK STOCK OK SUMMER^HEETS, ~DI KTKItS" Cenllng Swaate, Wilson's leather Kly Net*, Ear Tips, at very tow prices. WM. H. OKAY, JO and 22 Wooeter at. PONY KHTAB LISU M F. NT FOR BALE?KORRBL Pony, 13 haQds hiw-h; vsry handsome. flne driver and fast: Pony Phaeton and sat Harness, In good order. Apply at 188 Bast IStti st. SUPRUU PONY ou rm?COJiPRItiIN<; THE MNBMT 12 high child's saddln and harnesa 1'onv In America, warranted In every particularalao basket Pony Phaeton, Harness, Saddle and Bridle, Whip. Blanket. Ac.. at auction to-morrow, at 11 o'clock, at Colonel BARKER'S, corner Broadway and 30tli at. Sow on exhibition. S" ROOHD' HAN D?AT UtV PBIOift Hnviiah Brmi-rham. for one horse, good a* new. Hound front Coupe, in splendid order. Landaulette. newest atyle. Biz aeat Rockaway, light and in good arJer. A K. DEM A REST Jt CO.. Manufacturer* of Carriage, tfJS and OIK1 Broadway. SIX-filiAT ROCKAWAY8 AND ALL STY LBS OF FOUR testers for the country; top and open Dep.>? Wagons, top awropen Pony and Doctor's Phaetous. ext-nsion top I'haeton-.. both new and second hand : 10 seta second hand donole and simile Harness. WM, U. ORAY, 20 aud J2 Wooeterst. TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, NEARLY NEW; having told my horae, will tell at a bargain. Apply at 3.0Otb av. TCa'kT-IIANDSOMELY FINISHED, WELL BUILT, uuver used; far below value. 143 East 41st st. INI>SOR~WAGON, Brewster, of Sfttb et. Notwlthstandlur the dull times, there la an Increaeed de mand lor th: Windsor at an advance in price over all other* It is the beat and safest wagon made, and la the end will prove t? be the cheapest. Wart'rooms, 5th av. and Slat at. WANTED-GOOD FAMILY HORSE FOR BROUGHAM, 15?i to 16 hands. Addreaa It., box S73 Poet office. TITANTBi)-A PAIR OF COACH MORSES; MU8T~BE Tf lull ISk hands high. Apply at Tracey's stable. lUid at., between Madison and 4th ava?, between tue hours ot 10 and P. M. ANTED-A .LIGHT NO TOP SIX SEATED WAGON, second hand; state maker, how much worn and price; alao second hand doable Harness wanted. Adurssa II. W. K? Herald oiHce. TI'ANTED?HY A RESPONSIBLE GENTLEMAN, IN Tf the country, a Horse, Phaeton and Harness, lor light driving, for their keep; excellent pasturage; if snltod, would buy. Addreaa box 110 Herald ofllce. WANTED?FOR THE "SUMMER, THE t'SK (iK Horse, lor his keep, by a responsible p?rty ; the best of car* and careful usage. Address D. G.. box 121 Herald office. WANTKD-A COUPE (CITY MADE). LEATHER lined, not too heavy. Address J. U. D , Herald office. WTnTED^A BREWSTItR LIGHT TOP ROAI) Wagon, one but little uaod; will give in exchiiuue Solitaire Diamond, nt fair value. Address W. M? box 183 Herald Uptewu Branch office. ANTBD?A PAIR Of COACH H<SRSEaTwilOSE uao will be given with Sne landau and coupe In all or part payment. Address J. B., Knickerbocker Stables, 233 West 53d st. TIT ANTED TO HIRE?FOR TWO OR THREE YV months, a kind, gentle Horse, that a lady can drive with perfect safety, with a low top Wagon or Phaeton. Har ness. ie.; unexceptionable reference given, and security, tf desired. Address .1. J. B., Harald office. SECOND top pony phaeton^ all in good order, at very low prices. ? A. r. DEMAFiEST * CO., Broadway. 5l"0#r~F<lR A SPLBNDib NEW TOP EXI'HKSS ipl.AU Wagon; aue suit grocer, $1S(X No. 134 Weet 10th st A SALKS AT AIC'TIOV. IIWU HTiTu llBrT ^TtojWfir A EXr.Cl'TRIX'S sale. PORTION OP TUB ESTATE OP WM. H. BAYNOR, DECEASED. HOUSES .iii'l LOTS ou 5TII AV. (Central Park). and on WK8T .V>Tll ST.. mid LOTS ou the Hul'LKVARD, ST. NICHOLAS, MADISON". 3D, 5T1I, 8TH. 7111, StH *uJ UTH AVS., Hal), 88D, 84TII, 101 ST, 103l>. 10tTH. 1IITH, I l'.'TU, 1-230, 13HTH, 12ST1I, 134TU, 185TH and 143D 8TS ADRIAN II. A BOM will a*ll at anctlan, on TUESDAY, June ?, 1H7<1. at 12 o'elock, at the Exchange Salesroom. So. Ill Broadway, Xtw York. BY ORDER of, the EXECUTRIX of WM. H. BAYNOR, DECEASED, the following deacrllird Real Ektatu. via. 5TII AV.?Plve ?torv brown "tone front lion** and Lot No 784 Mb ar.. oaat tide, 75.5 feet aoutli ?? 03d at. and op posite Central Park. WEST i&TH ST.?Ponr atorr Nora Seotla atone front rrench PUt Houao and Lot N'o. 2U7 Weat 63U> it., north lltfe, 14K 3leet ea?t of Broadway. BOULEVAKI) ? One uore Lot. northeait corner of 130th at., and one Gore Lot aoutheaat corner of 128tl> at. ST. NICHOLAS AV. AND tiTII AV.?BOULEVARD.? Plot of Land, with Hotel Building. bounded by tit. Nlcholaa and *'tli avi.. llltli and 112th *t*.. known at "Point View." 3D AV.?Pour lota n. w. corner of t?7tli at. 3D AV.?Ono lot a. e. eorner of With at-, with three etorjr frame liouio. 9TH AV.?One lot ?. o. corner of 08th it., and opposite Central Park. TTH AV.?Fire lota e. a. between 133 and 134th ?t?. MTU AV.?One lot went tide, 51.2 feet north of 7t?th it., and oppoalte Central Park. 8TI1 AV.?Two lot* aouthe**t eorner of 145th it. UTH AV.?Two lot* w. *., 25.8 loet north of 82d at. R2l> ST.?Plot of land north tide. 10> feet we?t of 9th ar., running tluongh to and fronting on 83d at. 84TH ST.?One lot n. a, 175 feet eaat of Madlaon ar. 101 ST ST.?81* Iota a. a., 155 loet w. of 4th a*. 1U3D ST.?One lot n. e. corner of llKld at. and Madlaon ar. MADISON A v.?Four lot?, commencing va the aentbeaat eorner ef l<>4lh at. I 3D ST.?Two lota a. a. 875 le.'t w. of 6th ar. 12*T!( ST.?Three Iota n. a.. 150 leet west of 7th a*. 134TH ST.?Pour lota a. ?.. 75 loet e. of 7th ar. 143D ST.?One lot a a. 176 foet oaat of 6th ar. TERMS LIBERAL. Mapa and fall particular* at office of Auctioneer*. No. 7 Pine at., or at officii ol eatato of WM. B. RAYNOR, No. 1,600 Broadway, corner 34tli at. BT SALE! THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, at the Art Room a. ?17 Broadway, at 8 o'clock. Now on exhibition a One collection of moileni Painting*. by foreign and Ameri can art lata, from prlrato galleries, comprising rory many good and daairabio Picturg* well worthy the attention of buyers. Camphaasen, Boucherrllle, Meiael, Mnller, Vun dor Venua, Corot, Rchutxo. Llchienheld, Benin, Conetaut Mayor. Zlmmermau, Lult*> Bonifaal, Tortea. Wilms, Pallaai, Englehardi, Pahet, and nearly 100 other*. The whole to be told at auction, without amy roeerre whaterer, to cloee oonrigumeMg, The Meaara. LEAVITT, Aaetioaocr*. HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBB now on Exhibition at Clinton Hall. Flna Parlor and Bedroom Suite. Library Mid parlor Tablet, Chalra, Ac., Aa.: alao aaperb gilt and bronco Chan delier*, <'lock*, eelect Aubuaaon and Kruaeel* Carpeta. a large parlor Organ. Me. To be aold by auction to the hlgh eal bidder Monday afternoon, Jnne 5, at 3 o'clock. The Meaara. LKAVITT. Anctlonoor. SPECIAL HOUSEHOLD SALE. The entire content* ?f tbe elegant manaion. SO Waehlnetoit nquere (north), belonging to General Jame* i.orlmer OraUam. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 0, ALL THE FCRXITUBB. Comprlaing elegant roaowood Parlor Suite, roeewood nnd black walnnt Bedroom ftnlta, AXinlnater. brn?*el* nod Wil ton Carpet*, gilt and brvnae Chandelier*, elaborate!* rarved antique Library Table and Chair*, with >i> eplendld Book cane a; Armoirea. with mirror*; anpeib China ami jUlaa* Ware, with elegaat alWer Epergne*; full allrerplated Din ner Set. Billiard Table, Piano. Ac.. Ac Permlte to view Hie prenilte* on Saturday and Monday, Jane 3 and .1, to be ob tained from the auctioneer*. The Moe*r*. LEAVITT. Auctioneers. Auction salk.-rich household fubmiture. THIS (Friday) MORNINO, At 10 o'clock, at ftrtrr brown mono iu*n*lon NO. 47 WMT 1?TI1 ?T., BETWEEN 5TII ANDflTB AYS. Ileckrr A Bro. upright 7', cn tare Pianoforte. Stelnway'* lour round 7?i* oetare Pianoforte, Painting*, Work* of Art. PARLOR AND DRAW ING ROOM SUITS, richly c*rred ro-ewomi and aalmit Irani*', oorered In crim-on. tan and Cld brocade aatln and eotolalne; Turhlehand f?ii*iil*h lungee, fca?r Chalre. inlaid mart|uetrle and gilt (*otro and fionaole Vablea. rosewood Ktagere*. Cebjnet*, Prenoh plate Mirror*, lacn Certain*. French Mantel Seta. ? 0-?ny Cloeke, Mimical Box**. Jardiniere?. rel**t Uos*. Ornament*, liand ?oiaa Inlaid Llorarr and Secretaire Bonkcawa. Book*. Library Table.. Tnrklali Suit. Writing l'e*k, Statuary. BEDROOM PUBNITUBB, CONSISTINO elaborate and plain Bedroom Seta, Inlaid and gilt Bedatead*. Droeaiag Caaea. Bureaua. Waaliatand*. ainale aud dmii le Bedatead*. 33 Una hair and (prinir Mattreaaea, feather Pil low ? Blanket*. Toiiet Sote. rep and pluah Salt*, markie top Table*, I.'baira. BiH k. r?. reclining Chair*. Loamge*. DInInO FURNITUBR. ?i*. Two exteaeioii Tablet, Sideboard. Chair* lu leather, ?ilrerwaro, Cruekenr, Ubrary and Secretaire Boekeaao*, Library Tablet. Turkiali Suit, Writing Deak; two nail Standa, rvlrot. Hruaool* and ingraia Carpet*: Kitchen PurniMre, Ac. Take Sixth arenue or tin U orally plaoe car*. N. B.?Coat potent man to remove, pook, or aliip good*. ROBERT C, OASIIIN, Auctioneer. Auction sale, auction sals, THIS (Frldiur) MOBNlNtl. at lO.Si o etoea. of inagniBeont Hoaeehold Fnrnltere, at foarotory residence Ba?t 'JOtb at., near Broadway, coartwlug of I'arler mnw, In satin, broeatol, rope and haircloth; Planofbrte. Mirror*. (Ml Patntlr.aa and Clock, Cartalaa. Buohoaaea. Da*k*, ?;ar pela. Ac.; itedn-om Salt*, with DroMing Ca*o*. Bureau*' Waeutaad*. Mattremi, Booateada, W ardrobe*. Buffet. Kn tendon Tahio*, Crockery, Cutlery. Ac. N. B.-Houoo to let. " * "IjH " * HBNBY t.lLKS AT AUCTION. I "k "OCTfOI*' KALE-AT MM WKHr 2iD~ s r.. NEARiftl I A. ?! ., TUI.1 DAY '??"III iciug Jt 111'^ o clock, I over worth of elegant Bouaehoi . Kuruliure. i Iwlowiv .t Sunt' hMoftft*. also t oriliiaiit tnnud vt iuasor | eprlght Piauo. eo?t $1,1*"; euperbsatin Parlor Suits. Hrwos ; ea Statuary. I'nrkish Suit*. ei'gaut sad costly Mack w inul ! he4rooiu Kuril It urs Mattresses. I'lll ws, Bolster*. Carpet*. , Curtains, ?r. . tolid black IMain* Furniture. Buffet, Extension Table, Cbairs. iu l?atlwr: KIlrtrMn, CtM?n)r, HUiavan, Ae.; Kitchen ami Servants' Furniture. and a gener il aafortuieut of bultseiiold arllcltl. too numerous Ic Mention. LUKE KITZUREAI.b. Auctioneer. N. li ?-Competent ni. u to pack uid iklp goods, cftljr of country. ^ j?-1NtQfi "Xu?rrio5kkk. " A< Old itul :>7 Nmim at. THIS DAY (KR1DA\ ), AT 10* O'CLOCK. LARGE BALK Or HoTTeUOLD rURNITURE. Kilty Tory Ana Valval ami Body Brussels Carpal*, lota <4 llair Mattresses ami bed i ,i tie ti. a.-verai Refrigerators. flat I'urlor anil Bedroom Suit* Haaeinunt and Kitchen Purni tun-. li no Dinner ami Tea ('bin* Seta, oilcloth*. Mattings, being the furniture ol aevcrul families. and comprising tnt largest lot offered this wmnn. Alao ao elegant subacrioer'a edition ni BoydsU's tied Stiakospeare. * UOTION. h XT It A LABOR HOUSEHOLD PUEMt A turn sain. I'r ?Ii.'rtv III II private family leaving any, at the privKt* residence 105 East l'ltli at.. - iw?nd door froa 4tb av., this (Kr i|.?y) tnorntug at m); o'clock. VeKst, Brussels, Ingrain Carpet*. satin Kroeaile. rep Haircloth, Parlor Suit*. ru-ew.m.l llanolorte, Bedstead. Bureau* Waabatauds. Wardrobe*, Works! units. Commodes, haiaang ?firing Mattresses. Beds. Holsters, Pillow*. Tallin*, Lounges, Etageres, Mirror*. Clock*. walnut Sideboard. extension Tabic*. Chair*. Ulat* Clilui and Silverware, Cutlery. J. KH.I'MKK, Auctioneer. A rare opportunity lor part we wlaliihit llr*t da?i household furniture. Art siiX TO-DAY. ??"1110 AY, June "J. at 12 o'clock, at the KKELBR Aid GALLERY, .VI Liberty at., the collection <>f WATER CoLoK PAINTINGS Iroui *olai drawing* by PKOKKStfOK lUDoLPII S M ITU, represent* tive of world renowaod painting* in the Dresden, Louvre and other European galleries, l>> Mover Von Br.uien. (ku> tav Kichtcr, Kaulbaeli. Valla, Muller, V'autier and other*. a ?ASHliiN EE'S 8A I.E. ' A. GERARD BETTS A CO.. Auctioneer*. ?tore and aale*ruoiu No. 7 Old slip and 104 Peart *t. THl>D \Y <Krlduy), June a. hi 10 o'clock, within the itore, ? by order of Edwuril W. Went, aaaixnuc ol J. W. Ulrdaeye A Co.. lartfe a**orinienl of T.-n*. Spice*, Chiccory, Cigar*, Ac.; al?o lot of a?*orlod Uroueriea. Ala* an Invoice of M InM, Liquora, .tc.. Including the uaual aaeortutent found In a flr?l claaa atock. GKUAKI) HKTTS Ac CO., Auctioneer*. No. 7 Old aUp and 10. 1'earlil ShorlfTa aale llila Jay. at 11 o'clock, *t No. 11IB ?t. See notice under Sheriff** Sale. B Y KOBKKT SOMKItVlLLE, AUCTIONEER. continuation ok tub mortoaqk s a lb or ualancb or tub contents or tiik i aiuje riasT class roa* NITUKE ESTABLISHMENT, 723 OTH AT,. BftTWZE* 41ST AND 42D STd., THIS DAY iKUIDAYt. JUNE 2. AT 10^ A. M. The stock i* large and flrat alas*, eonaiitlng of I*ABL>0K SUITS, iu aatiii audreaa: l.t lUNOES. BASV AMD KECKP TION CIlAlttv LIHHAKY TAHLKS, rich and plain BEI> STEADS ana UKESSl.NO CAhr.S, HUKKETS. EXTEN SION ?ml SID TABLES, Alt.MOIKES, VVAKDKOBB8? ItL'KEAUS, HALL STANDS, BOOKCASES. DBBKlt, CltlBS. CABINETS, MUSIC STANDS. PKDBS fALS, WOKKBOXE8, AC., .it:., IN OKEAT VARIETY. ALL OK Willi 11 MUST UB SOLD AS ABOVE. UOOD8 MOW ON EXHIBITION. By order D. M. 811 AW, Attorney for Mortgagee. BY JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTIONEhK?WILL SELL, till* day, lof; o'clock. No. f>M Hud*ou St., the stock of a now and second baud Kurniture dealer retiring from baet* nuat, cousistlug of marble top Bureaus, Sideboard*. Waafc stand*, black walnut Bedateuiis. Chair*. Tablea, Sofa*, Tetea. ilnldren's Ch.iirs. Suits in rep* and haircloth, Mir* ror?, hair an 1 husk Mattresses. Bruasei* und Ingraia Car pets, Oliclollia. Ac. ; alao Counter*, new and seuoad bead, Ice Boxes and a large variety usually louml la aacb aa ** tabllahtuent. Sale po>ltive. No reeerve. Dealers laelted B ISaELL. WELLES A MILLliT. AUCTIONEER*. THIS DAY (Friday), Juno 'A at 1U^ A. M., at our aale*room. No. 15 Murray *t., attractive sale of over 700 lot* of Hardware, Cutlery. Houseftirnlsbiag (loads, freach Tluware, Woodenware, Ac., comprising iu part a lartfe line ol t. P. Verreo A Co. *, A. li. Hamineaa' Machlao*, Campiiell A Johnson'* Piles nntl Ra*p*, together with baiaooe of a retail itock, (1 BATTEL M'HtTOAOB SALB.-HBNRT ZINN, AOC J tioncrr. will aeli Horses, Wagons. Syphon* and Seltser Water Bottles, city route: Kiugle and-djuble ilarneaa, at Nil. 2'M flth St.. thi* day. at 11 o'clock. COLTON. AUCTIONEER. ? Iinuieuso sale ol tlniifebold Kurniture, 40 er 60 Car pet*. Mirror*, i'lanos. Bookciuc*, Reliigeratort. Ae., Ac. K. COLTON will sell this day. Jane i, at tbe auction rooms 53 Kast 18th St.. near Broadway, one of tbe largest sales of the season. Including every article in tbe bonie keeping line: rich Parlor and Bedreom Sulla, Piaaua, Preueb plate Mirrors, Dressing Bureau* and Wnabatands: best hair M attri-ases. two or throe liookca*es,any quantity el goods Irout storehouse* un.l private families, Halotiugs: Euur.iving*, China and tllusa Ware, Silverware; kitchen good a la great quantity. C.u iluguu* early in the morningi foods must be removed on Saturday. N. B.?Carpets will u solo about 3 o'clock. Deposit* from all. ("TboRUE H OUBKOOK. A I' CTION EEK.?H0LBK00i T A Ko litis sell this dav at 2 o'clooa, at salearoom, 450, 4.">4 and 4.'?I1 Canal St., a general assortment of Household guilds. Parlor Suit* in reps and haircloth; black walnut aad enameled Chamber Suits, pier and mantle Mirrors, lac* Cur tains. Mattroues. Beds and Bedding, Crockery, Claaa aad Platedware. Kitchen Utensils. Ac. CI HEAT AUCTION SALE.?100 CITY LOTS. A1 J Voukers, N. Y.; very desirable for bnildtng purposes; sale on the premise*. June 3, 187- . at 1 o'clock P. M.; easy terms. Kor map* and lurther information call at office ol JA.MES S. KlTllH. 4? Warburton avenue, Yonkers. James caiinky, auotionebk, is abinudon square (Stli av>, sells thladay, at 10)^ o'clock. Stock and Fixtures of Crockery Store Ht? Bth av . consisting el Crm-kerv. illa*?ware. Cutlery, House Koraishiiig, llnwsrt Hoods, Lanipa, Ac. Sale peremptory. The trade invited. JpTf RAVMR, AUCTIONBKR.?MOBTOAOK 8ALB, ? Saturday, June 3, bv virtue of a chattel mnrtgaare, rosewood and walnut Parlor Suits, finished and nnflnishedl Chambar Nuits. Dining Room and Kitchen rnraitnre. Side hoards, Extension Tablea, velvet and other Carpets. Par ticulars morning of sale. WM. H. SHIELDS. Attorney for Mortgagee. XQOOR ?TORE?NO OPPOSITION; KIRST CLASS J stand; at sacriflco, this dav ; rent nominal: or aactloa Saturday. LLoVD, Auctioneer. ?? Broadway. MORTUAOE 8ALK. PETER BOWK, Auctioneer, soil* thi* ilay, lit 11 o'clock, at tint auction room* corner 81k ?l. nod University place, a goneral assortment of House liolil Furniture, consisting of Parlor holt*, rosewood Pluo, Mirrors, black walnut Bedstead*. Bureaus. Washstande, marble top Centre Tables. Extension Tabic*, marble to? Sideboards, Bookcases sllverplated Showcases ud Conn tern. sit.fa*. I/onnire*, Klinlrt. Lambrequins, Curtains. hail Mnttressus, Brussels and iugrain Ciirpeta, Kucker*. En gravings, Ac., Ac.: alao Trunk and Content*. MARViN K. CLARK, Marshal and Attorney for Mertgagea. Mortuaok halk.-thomak J. m'orath. auo tioneer, will aell till* day, lu>W o'clock. No. *16 Eaot 24tli at.. & Horses, (> aut* llarne**, & Coal Cart*. I sprint Cart. Ac. Hy order P. Collin*, attorney for mortgagee. NUSSBAU*. AUCTIONEER. 36l~BOWERY, HElXS . thi* day. at 11 o'clock, at No. ?K? l*t a?.. Mtr 34*1 St., elegant fitted up Berber 8bop. patent Chairs, Cupaaaa Wasbstaud, Hutlfcl, Mirror*. Ac. Dealer* Invited. [)ETKK BOWK. AUCHONKER. 8KLLB THIS OAT X iFrldayi, at in o'clock, at 31U Blrecker at., corner of Orove, Uoaecbold Furniture. Ac PAWNBROKER'S7 .sale. ?T11 IS DAY TaM E8 AGAR. Auctioneer. K ill ?ell. at r>t> New Bowery.S'iOlote Dreseea shawl*. Keuinaht*. Table Llnon, t'nderclotbinr, S be eta, .spread*. Boot*, Shoes. Bedding, Coat*. Pantalooaa eu Veat*. By order of J. A. Jarinun, IH.'> Varick *t. PAWNBROKER'S SALE-WATCHES AND JKWBL ry.?H. KIK1.D. Oencril Auctioneer. salesroom S<k Ht Bowery, will *cll till* day, at 11 o'clock. ?KW lot* Hold and Silver watches, Diamond and liold Jewelry, Pin*. Rings, Earrings, K"ld guard. Fob and vest Chain*, Ac., Ac.; alao Oun*, Pistols, Muaical Instrument*, Ac., Ac. By order M. Uoodmaa, 31 Centre st. KICHARD WALTERS' SONS. auctioneers.-TIK i ware.?Marshal's sale. ?Will aall, till* day, Friday, at . o'clock, at salesroom :J7 East Broadway, lot et Tinware, 1(>>. o'clock, at *ale*room -i East Broadway, lot i Boiler*, Kettles, Teapot*, iron Pots. Plated Ware KICIIARD C. WALSH, Marshal. SHERMAN, SHERIFF'S AND OBNEKAL ADO . tioneer. Largo and genaral eale of high claas Wince, Liqaara, Ci gar*. Ac. THIS DAY (Friday). Juno 2, at 10)^o'clock. No. 13 Bowery, the entire itock of an importer. consisting of 85 bbla. cbetca old Bourbon and Rye Whiskey. varlou* brand*; cask* Im ported Brandie*. Cm, Knm, Port aud Sherry Wince; ccakc and case* high grade Rhine anil Motel Wine. Claret. Burg undy. Port and cherry Wine*. Hantornes; ateo cases of In* Imported Brandies, various vintage*; Oln. Bit tare, Kln?el. Cordial*, and baaket* Champagne; a large lot of Baa Havana and domestic Cigars, different brand*. Ac. Male positive, without reserve. Also oue llorsc. Wagon sad Har ness. Sllhill IT'S KALE?FURNITURE.?OEKARD BKTTB, sheriff"* Auctioneer, will sell title day (Friday). Jaaa i, at II o'cloea, at ItW Chatham it., consisting of Bodrooal Miitv Bedstead*. Tables. Chair*. Cottage Malta, black sral aut Dressing Case*. Bureaus. Wardrobes, Ac. Bale positive Ail parties Interested agree thereto. WILLIAM C. CONNER, Sheriff. Makx i.ishh*. Deputy. OERARD BUTTS A Co. will sell this day a law Heart meut of (irocerie*. Wines, Liqaors. Ac., at 10e'aleaa, at tbeir store. No. 7 old slip aud 104 Paarl st. OltY UOODli. r^oTn^riMTrirTKA'DK;-'! HuMAsXTowbif, w 1 It?l Variek St., New York, the Inventor of tbc Dry Kara, offers live pounds of the Ecra and all Instructions lor aee ft* tAKi; ibis i|uantity will ecru (any shade) I.MJO ptaeec of lace ; no art required but save* time and mosey. Baal ta any Brui In the l.nlted stste* C. O. D. M1LLI*KKY*A\1> liUKHSM AHLINfe*. At mmk. Natalie tillman s <i,aT* OFifrru*lT> ? now l.'JM Broadway, between 31st and 3"2d etc., de cant noveitien in Bonnet*, Hats, Flowers. N. B.?Dressoa, Suite and Trousseaas made to order. AT MARIS TILMANN'S. OF PARI8. IMPORTER? Opening of tne finest aasortment of Parlatan Ha lamer Millinery ever brought to this market. 4X1 6th av., aaar BUth ?t . late Michel's. Mmk. m. iiam. fkom Paris, presently at ths Centanaial In Philadelphia, beg* to inlarm the pn bile ot her arrival with an elegant choice of Booaets aad Roaad Hat*, at 172 Wast *J3d at., la thi* elty. _________ UKKflitfKt. . A' 8KT OF TK.BTIC MADK Iff fHRfeE^ MGtSVfiM XV Wnt 34th st.. between ?th and 7th avs., near Broad way. Special mechanical dentistry; coral, rubber, ruaa, Karl, whalebone gold and platiaa Bate; PI am pars, gulators, Ac. Take green car irvm Uraad street fcrry CT Sisth areaaa cars or Broadway rata. .NK.V\ HBUtOU, 138WcetS4thct. Artificial tkktii a spkcialty.-bebt at low pnaas; all work aobetaatlaUy made, a ?tMd Md gaaraatood to givj? Bc^M. TUEAI'TIFUL ARTIFICIAL TKETH,$i; Jj warranted; silver flllaga, HOC- Naw Tertl StMl tk a^., aaar ttk 1.EeH>lMbi< !?!