Newspaper Page Text
AMISKIUICXTV 6~"Tl! Avkxi'i; riiKATiUt Proprietor an i M maxer Mr. iPODsTI] DALY TO-DAY. AT 1 <?. POSITIVELY LA.iT AND KA11EWELL MATIKEK (>F PPPPP II QQQO U l' RSKB 1' P II Q Q ft I E PPPPJ* 11 ?> r ir KKE i* lit) <)?] r u k I' 11 Qoyv 001* U EEKE <S> V TO NIGHT ftt 8?BENEFIT OF Mr. STEPHEN WSKK! yiOII-riOOII JENNY LIND!! SIAMESE TWINS'.! ith VVENUE TIIKaTUE. THIS (SATURDAY) Mi;II r, June Kill; the It KKE KIT OK Mr. vi'EPHKX K18KE. Kirst time in five yearn. tin- /i it nil Avenue aitcce?a, KHol KHOt'. Fron-i'roa dlrst time In New York Mis# I'anny Davenport Louise, her Sister . Bi?a Gaortfin* Drew The Huritiu'PH tie ( amliri ? ???? Mm '? II. Gilbert Pan till i'. a Maid tit' I lie l'eri ml Mi-- Sydney Cowell Henri Sartorys .. Mr. D. II. Ilarkiua Tlio < units lie Vair.-as t Mr. M. Mlfymort T;ie Kiiruii du Cainbri Mi. J ame* Leu in Kritrard, the Papa ol the Period Mr. W. Davidk-e l'icl'Hi, thu Prompt i- Mr. Cbarlch Rockwell Viueent Deiuftn i /avetlo Hcekiuan Mr. si .|, ->M ! 1 II ill S8KLL w il (hen nope it r in hm ODD C1I All AC TK128. Following widen the ui io is Mu-u-al lluili-ttaof JENNY LINO. Jenny lxvitlierlun-.-s. with linitaiiimii ol Italian Opera. Opera Hourt anil a medley . Mi-s KANNY DAVENPORT Granby G*).', Cm Mum :r, with ti breakdown and a medio? Mr. .1 AMES LEWIS Bar'B Swl){lt'ilf Bet 1 y ... ? ... Mr. M. Barrvmore Air. i.catherliiii.. . a fanner. on liis travel* Mr. \Vlnlln0' THE M A 1 <RiG A L KO iS will then appear in a Ml>IC vL Mi Dl.KY. And the whole will It; e w 1th I hi* <1 rot I Karce of THE si AMES K TWINS. Denla O'Glib ( Ti ? i Mr. JOHN BROl GUAM Simon Slow. J Twins I Mr W. DAY1DOE. Mr. Koreeps Mr Koekwull I Captain Viviil Mr. l>re* Sally, u Maid of ali wurl* Mis- Sydney Cowell Mi lan. Foreeiia' War i Miss May Nuu<)< _ NEXT WEEK?"PIQl'E !"' Wth week. PA UK Ulh.VTEK. BHOaDWAY AND XW ST. I. VST NIGHTS. REDl'CED | AD UISSli i.s, I EVENING at x. SI'MM Kit I So and J', cents WED V.V! At* PRICES. | RESERVED SEATS, fl. I SAT. MAT. nt J. Renewed ?ucce?- nt the _-reui actress, Mrs. ( . IIOWAKD. in her original w mderlul creation ol TO PS K V In "i N't LK luM'S I'A151N. ' Mr. O. Kl'NKKL. Mr (1. C. IIOWAKD, IlUOU HERON and tin rutul ir company. SLAVIN'S GEORGIA ..I" ?ti JCBIEEE SINGERS in tlio \vull-nlt^ti I' ritotien oiil llm ? I'lanliillon Melodies, NOW ONLY SI . Hi THEM. In acconri act, GleaaiiiK'a Hwniram ei ilio Mi'- s^ippl. OI.VM 1'lr rilEATRE. ?i-t BROADWAY Mr. JOHN K. POOLE >1 iinai;er GRAND MATINEE < i D.V Y AT TWO O'CLOCK. GRAND matin:- I TO DAY AT TWO O'CLOCK GRAND MATINEE h'DAV AT TWO O'CLOCK. GRAND MAIINEK TO-DAY AT TWO O'CLOCK. PRICES.? lie .-riil a im.--inn. family circle, 15c.; roacrved sent-. ' . i .li nr so a chair*, The greatest of ail I'u it- iiui tlie original h I'M J'? v nr.mi-tv. Mr. J'AT KOO.NEY. ' THE V OXIIERI'I L GIKARDS. THE GRAND HALI.Kt 1'ltOl'i E Min:nitn . in Si- in 11, C^> <nines and Aiipiiintiuent*. PUI I.LIAS I CHICKS AND i'KAN'sKoUM ATIO.N'S. EXTRA. O. Moiiil.-i) iu \i lira* *;.po?raiiee In America of the distim. nislie ! tipera l.oiilte arti-tea irom the lundiiiK Krencli tboati e Mills, dklpiiine AND JULIE Pascal, a no uili appenr m tin- petit Ofei-a hi M l'niil ileiirinn, en titled, PAOLA AMD 1'IETKO. The colored riitiu-ih iriaiita. Me- is i/i II.IEU ami G.OLrtRICII. Tlio favorilo youn 1 alladlat mid lleaeriptive voealiat, Mi-s ANN V MORGAN, and other new attractions. PONY I'VSIOlt'S NEW TliEAI'RE, I 5*7 Bioiiduay, opposite Metropolitan lloteL LAM' N1UIIT OK Till. sl'RINIi SEASON. LAST time HARRY BUY ANT. JENNIE ENOEL. TIEliNKV nml CRON1N, DAN NASH ?ml MINNIE (iEAliEY. East time lit' BILLY OKAY. II AltUY PHILLIPS, JAMES S. mill KATIE I ! 11 WARDS, I1KNR* MONT.VUll'.. CASS IE Dl'XCAN. S V UIK DESIION. SPKCIAL NO 10 K. TONY l'NM'Oifs N r.W THEATRE will roopon MONDAY. .11 LV -i, lor the rojjulur suimnur with puwei tni hml atinvc'.i vt*? liuirtuiiuiii'nt. 1-)~,riM\S V A 111 ?? I IKS | MATINEE TO-DAY. AltiSl A S Y Al! 11 I'll. > I MATIN K HI-HAY. Evenlii.iit- I l-'lli -i? nml lirondw iv I Afternoon At Attractions :ri"itcr than cvor I shines over a I 8'j hours | Kuniiy anil lieuchy I Slur Artists. 1 .New Act- Ori .'iiiHl. r-pl. y an ! Piquant. A ilonovmoon it il.M-kiiwiiv. HUi1. It rthn. I Tali! nix VTv ints, I ."?.?nor Lo Clair, tliun'c U arr.siut Hun.Nome ilalltit, Si nor Ni'Viwlmor, I I Wiiitii'ii I .liiliii \Yi??ti'r. lli-wiliiiMliitfly llort'itiMil mil VoliiptU'ii- I<.- Minuet. Kriml. Henry. ' . Scott. I A.-ethaami Ailum*, Kniily 1' Vii-nur Hall, Itiuiichc Libert*, liei<r?e V t i* Ins. | William W IImiii. I loliu Krnnvis. lir.'.t ll.ii a.-.- W.'.t, ii ai. i .. ii r li."4iil? Arm v lit Artists. MON I > V V N !?'.\ I ?l.A KILLE UK MaD.V.ME AMiOT coiiUuumm!. 1 mtitv list* if I hNTK AL J'A \ K UAKUKX, I J ("ill UN . ?M'? Hlltl 5lHll kli-ssrs. SOULtS A Al'PLIltY Proprietors IMMENSE Al D1KNCE; l'OPt LA It RESORT. SPLENDID MUSIC. ^ l?. I.. DOW N INti'S tiR.vND ORCHESTRA. ^ Exquisite Sinuln . ^ MaiiilReont PUylnR. ^ | Mr,i... Miirif -alrutti, i l> I Mr. John Hammond, T Prima Donna W Imperial fornet Soloist. DOWN INli. Hall.tils. I Mnsic. Miss J.i./.i- M. lt?o-.~T il "j Mr. Charier E. I'ratt.^ S iprano. Pianist. <S> ~ $> || Mi s i'l'. KAVANAII1I, Soprano.^ BVLVOTT1 CKNTKAL hammond. SALVO ITT I* A Ills HAMMOND. SA LYoTTI. OAKlit-.Jk HAMMOND. rr.o ;u immu. I'Aitr i Overture. "I.a "iron.'" ....Auber Phi aphrus,!. "Wie S h.?rt bist ilti" Ncsvadlm !"'"t Vic-, ii.. k Vvanaiih. Cornet Solo, "E\. eisi.r" I*rowin l'AKT II. iwrture. "William Tel Unssini Niiciu^i itn?-. ';;i:t koml v\alu, "I- Vii'.il ?' ? ^"liti Mm. M Villi. S.\L\OITl. t)?rTritum i'er Naj .? t-a.t- t' n.'-v Hicj;o I'A It I 111. Itverturr, ?Trl.-m-ln* nr>1 t' l.-ul t" newi .. Snppn I'lmiii -i. l.i "l.a Ti'iiti-" tin-tr 'it) lli-il. r Mi . \N.NIK *. \Y IC Tills, tileco i- --?? with thr n it liiiml. while the rltlit lU'.rril.i-s |I.U ii' WALTS I II. UI1IAI1II1V .if Ihf rn|itttrpii Hsl, 1? h.-Ar.l ?;s.. Ins strain* i.fjuy mi rvgn.iiiuv; In* Ireedmu. I'litifatii I'.'ina J. anil J, Mvanss Waltx, "Sulituifnlieilcr" Ouuj? I Admission, c. I'a. ku: ? i.l ten tieketa. $:< "x* ?,? The tin 1 <>l tin- Central I'mk tliir lon is tii let lor Sum ner Nigiiln ? ? -tU n tnst 1-1 IS eiies. liiKlitlv, at the ?li>?e ol aa li Concert Applv al box .illioo. On SUNDAY r.VEMNtl no*t. OKAND CONi'EHT tn.l Urn ai p.-aranc ? if the rcimwuvil Itasso I'alltaiMa. Si.-. A. KAitlNI. Also first appetranr or the t .l.'iit.' i Soprano, Mi-s MINA (>EAH\. An Immense bill ol' musical attractions will be presented on this occasion. alla k s. The t ilenied an.! papular artists, MR. ANi> Mil- W .'. t-LOKESl'E, In tiieir I inn us original inipcrs..iiati.ais ol HAKDWELL SLO'l h in..I Mi- <i. ueral tilljKLOUY, la Wooir? tuotassful Americaninoiedy. .he Mt(J||TY lioLLA It ! EY: !iY EVi'.NlN.S \.? ? sati uday_ MUINEK. C,,hOK.^-D-Y,.'.Uw: ? I N>TRl MENTAL I'ONCKKT, ? muler illstln ? ii?iiod patrouaue. Tl i;sUAY, .11 v E 11. AT s I'. M. meB i of' SENOUlTA E.s.\l l.i; A I.I) A CEKVANTBS, IiAKI'IsT to the royal and lm;. ri .1 t .arts ol ......... Si'AlN 1'OilTl'l. Ai. AND BRAZIL Th ? '..Ho* in; cel. Artists have aliidiy voluntaorod to a?..t - m a 1,1'. i. Villi. I' IILLIU'S. M.ssrv KKltit.vS IT. VILLA >?>Y A, Ol' DIN an.I tiOfLD. Accompanist.. Si^-. MODEitATI Tickets, with i 1 rv.-.l 'ts. Kor sale Sat .1.1 n at rtii s. L'I Unian aquare, and Chick*!in*' . ? i re i |. -rawtn.-s may .... had. mmATMt M AHI I.LK YAH!KI iIt*. \j r,ii-1... i a. in .ii u? ^i.a>. mi<! rvfijr K?v a- i cof tht? lay. The Diichi ss ot Murrajr Hilt? > arried in tha llari. -lha Roman Matuo th* Turkish 1>?:... is. . r, Thv Sultau's IVta. ^ The l ri-.uli Mimi t and l*..?- I'lisHijuea The handaoniest tnrnn d Laalus in th.- world. The most artistic At lists . n the i arth. fhl lints. Tliy at I e in Auicr ca. s JOOIKTY HOCIAHLKS?S V IT'KIJAV ?A KMSU. KIR IttiiirS A.s eiiibly K > .m-. Hth at. ? V I IKII v i'o , Mall i.era. L"ionsi ahli s s vi.k or colovli. >v ooi> >. Mi .-r i'm ) I'llllad. il.hls. ? lo tie sold .It public v. u I. e. on WtilBos. lay. Jun? 7, fs7?t *t i'io\l ck v. '4.. lh? I'.i ires, i n >??c an 1 I..1HI-V I. <sS . - 'U1.I.1 l. W.I..I..C. le-oKiuj iiasses. rrisa.alic t'oluuni and LK'hts, Ac . to - thar with the title uol Interc-t in and to the uuexpirvil term o lliu l.eaa'-ot t'ulmiel Wo 'il a Mns um. to l.e sold without re-?rve uiam the praiiillaa. i- rlhaesl curlier of ftu au.l Arch ?i?.a,hlladelphia. JOHN KkUll, CoiistAhle. ~A N0T1IKR <TE?' AHEAD IN ENI'KHl'RISE DI RINO THE CONTINI'aNCK OK 1 HE JEIIOME I'AUK BACKS HIE IVKN'Mi TKLKUKAM WILL ISSfK A LATE EDITION. AMOl T HALK-PAST SIX, ON THE EVKMtNU OK EACH PAY ON WHICH TllE HACKS TAKL PLACE, WITH Kl'LL PARTIOCLARS HY SKBC1AL DESPATCHED OF TIME MAIil. AND N AM KS OK all the winnino House*. FvA\VlN?; -lillAND"!'I-.MM. - hMKSM VI. -of! v. I) ides at'th* Htok. ? || st a:.,l :t.l a v.. Oils aHertiootl lint eve*?l'nV; co.'i and pleasant lashl.mat.lo . tjun lay VrAUd f.MC.ed Concert . and cren .g; H?p. UonJ/ty ?ud VV.does la/e*?nl?*. Admi.s.ou, oO ieut?, adlet Irea BLSU ,? Cu, mau?|tri. AMIISRIHRPITR. (TNH'N SQUARE theatre J Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Uauajter . .Mr. A. M. PALMER LAST TWO WEEKS OP THE SEASON una last time* of CONSCIENCE. The public ?re respectfttUy rem(tided that thii chmrntiog Piny can be .riven on 1 v a few ni.'hts more. as the teMUQ POSITIVELY CLOSES NEXT WEEK. FR1HAY EVENING, ,U'NE \K the last ni^ht of the neuron, will be pre*?-nted to each gen tleman cnterinir the theatre, accompanied t?\ a ladv, a copy ut the UNION SQUARE THEATRE SOUVENIR BOOK, elegantly bound in satin. Seats ior any of tlu* remaining nights may now be had. SAT I it DAY, JINK 3, fourth Matinee of CONSCIENCE. IL M ORE' S~C'ONC? RT < 1ARI> X. OFFENBACH VJ Ma-lisou and 4th avi. and -?Uh and'J7th *ts. Messrs, SHOOK X P ALMER..... Proprietors and Muna^em Mr. E. U. OILMORE Business Director EVERY KVEN1NO AT * O'CLOCK, JACQt ES OFFENBACH, assisted by HW SKILLED MUSICIANS and MAX MARET/.EK as Condactor PROCRAMMK. 1. Overture. "Nasceta"... ????.......Van (ihele 2. Walt/. m*w Boullard 3. ^elections. "Huguenot*" second series) Meyerbeer -J. Fautasle. *'iiettevieve ?ie iir<ibaiitM ..Offenbach f?. hantasie, "La Jolle ParfutneuMe" Otten ach <?. "Ballet <l?s Mouches," from "Orpbees" Offenbach 7. "Nautilus Walts" Coouey s. Hurleo^ue i'olka. ?????? .Offenbach U. Selection* from "LaJuive" (first time) Halevv HI. orfeub.ichiitiia utfenbach 11. Erie Oalop Maretxek 12. Coronation march, from **Le Prophet?" Meverbeer Admission.. ?*>0cent* Boxes (four place*)............ #3 and$l IRANlTOPE,NINO NIOHT At BENJ. W II ITCH COCK'S new and beautiful THIRD AVEN I'h THEATRE, ON 3D a v.. NEAR HIST ST., SATURDAY hVEMNO. JUNE 3, COMMENCING AT H O'CLOCK. This enlarged and elegant establi-hmont for moral amuse ment and t ivorito resort for families has heeu splendidly decorated, having entirely now scenery, and lor ventilation, inures* and exit 4s excelled by no theatre in the city. Each tiooi is provided with separate exits. IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. The wonder of the nineteenth century, MR. CHARLES YOUNG, the World's Premier Ventriloquist. THE VICTORKLLA BROTHERS, in D uble Gymnastic Exercises and Comic Violin Perform G MIL W. J MILLS. the qui kest Change Artist In the world, hi* changes boing done in presence of the audience, without his leaving the stage. M ISrt ANT< HNETTE SK VOY, the Operatic an i Serio Comic Vocalist. MISS KATIE LEVARI). the superb Son*r and Dance Artiste. MR. HARRY SHELDON, the renowuod Juggler, whose wonderful cleverness has de lighted thousands. MIL CHARLES KONOLLMAN, The popular Dutch Vocalist. M-H. DICK RALPH; New York's favorite Ethiopian Comedian and Song and Dance Artist. THE FRENCH TWIN SISTERS. The pretty little favorites, in Song: and Danco. MR. .1. W. M?'-ANDREWS. The well known Ethiopian favorite. MISS L1LLIE DE CORSA. The beautitill Serlo-Comlc Vocalist. mr. georue warren. In "Flewy" and other Han jo Solos. MR. AND MRS. CIIARLK> YOUNG. In their original Character Sketches. Songs, Dances, Ac. Mr. Young introduces his Bone Solo and Concert Perform anccs. First nppearanco in this country of ? Mr. PATRI K KEUNA from the theatres of London, Liverpool and Dublin. Mr. T. .). NOLAN. the young American actor, and * Mr JollN WALsII, Character Actor. NOTICE?PoImTEaR PRICES. Balcony opera chairs. 25 cents Reserved, 50 cents i fress circle opera chaii s, .4) cents..... .Oreiiestra, 7?> cents Reserved orchestra opera chairs $1 Private boxes. .fO an i ?1 Upper nailery, lf? cents Centennial tickets. $ I each Hood until used LORE THEATRE; 72S AND 730 RROADWAX VXR. W. BUTLER Manager THE S I A N D A liD FAM I LT11 E AT11E. (JKAND FAMILY MATINEE To-DAV. THE CREAT BRIANS THE IJ RE AT BRIANS in character. s?rio comic, ami sentimetitul son^s and sketches. Diabolistic mv^terle- mvsteriously performed by COM TE I)E CAtiLlOSTRO, the famous French professor of necromnncy. Mr. T. M. lll'.N'LKK'S '* Aiuvis Meet Mu ou the * rossroad." I'.I L!/? BaUKV. gloriously lunny as usual. SKNATOit BOB 11 ART, the unctuous necro coiuediau. J I'tjEN E BLIT//. Mis EKFIE and lOf) superb artist^ iu a glorious melange every flight. W'uuu-S VL'Sl.l M. Wood's" }> THIS I>AY, MATINKB AT 2, EVENING AT a the talented actor, OEORCE C. HON I FACE, in the jrreat sensation, A LIFE'S REVENOE. ?) I 1 li ST. (M'MIA 111)1 .M'., 0"X IMtli HI.. between 3d and Hd nvs. Under new management the entire Theatre ComiiiiM Company v nro e titrated Tor the summer aeatsou with new Olio and Variety Business, tlio lineal etnpuiy in New York. MATIXEE EVERY WEDNESDAY AMI) SATURDAY a^t 2 i*. ii T^aolb theatre, fj BROADWAY ANn THIRTY-THIRD ST. Proprietor mi'l ni.ui lire". Mr. JOSH HART SPECIAI llK*MAne SEASON, .MONDAY, JIM-: .">,? 1.-70. Tlio brilliant Ri'ttiite, HENRIETTA CII ANTRAL; (Mr*. i. S ), will iiuke ber first appearance in N'ow York Tor scvoral year* in A NEW AMERICAN PLAY, bv Mr. 0. W. Taj i cure, entitled PARTED. NEW SCENERY. A POWERFUL C\ST. Act I. FAILURE OK THE TRUST COMPANY. Act II. FALSELY ACCUSED. Act ill. THE DISHONORED GRAVE. Act IV, AT HER MERCY. MATINEE, SATURDAY, AT J. Box aheet now open. CADKMY OF MI'sIC. JEFI- KEYS .v CO Lessees ENGLISH OPE It A. POPULAR PRICES. i.. rtrude corbett In n series of crand I'. n|,'l:*ti Opwu. MONDAY, JUNE 3, AT 8, Rclllni's gNM Opera ?>f NORMA. Norma Gertrude Corbett Musical Dir. i t >r and I ond uc? or Caryl Florid Admission* $1, Buy otlico open Thursday, June 1, 10 o'clock. Kelly x lkon s minstrels, 2nd st.. near flth av. EYERY EVEN' I Vt J AND SATURDAY M ATI NEK. KELLY \M> 1.1 ON, iCooIcm THEATRE in the cltv. LEU BENEDICT, Last week o It HAND DUTCH WALTER AN I' MORI OX, | s. THE ONLY LEON as the mnl nil j Du?he?s. llonodlct's Oration, the lav .rite*. I Gordon's Ballads. Bik oIHci "j?on nil day. Entire change ot bill next week. Bo\\ EKY THEATRE.? FRIDAY, JUNE En t i r<> cli n ii ..hi Mil. Two powerful Dramas. Sensa tional and t-t irt liuirs ''(Teats. lilt. IDIOT III THE MOUNTAIN and tho MIDXIgIIT WaTCII. Mrs. VV. ti. JONES in the load in t? rule. CAN FRANCISCO M I NSTRELS, j OPERA HOUSE, OAS FRANCISCO M1N.VTRELS, BROADWAY, hA.N FRANCI.-CO MINSTRELS. I CORNER HtfTll ST. HIE FUNNY old GALS. ACROSS THE CONTINENT. THE YOUXO ACTOR'S TEMPTATION. LAST MATINEE | J.AST PERFORMANCE LA>T MaTINEE OF THE SEASON to day at a. I Tins at a CALL'U ALBION, J ill East 13th St., (?rand Opening, SATURDAY, JUNE It. 1*7?. M 'itiberaof the >t. Oi">rtfe'? Cricket Club and tlie differ, cut English Societies are cordially invited. Cold (V,1st.<>n lit S o'clock. OBAN D CONCERT VI' si. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Mahaster. "11* li'lTT!Ell's" "CENTENNIAL H YMN'," MUsIC BY M Pa it ?? 'is perl'ruiod at tho fipeiiinj; ceremonies at Philadelphia; s-i i< e >e. In sheet music form, and Ii)e. in oc tavo lorin. lor choruses: no celebration complete without Ui :.c ti> nut Also Downing s lammis "t.'enten nlal Marcl.. vrlth su].erh title, in colors price IkK!, llITSOX A Co., 711 llroadway. OCHUTXEK PARK -\ GRAND CONCERT WILL BE l~ Jw:i in ihe >chntstu Park, Union hill, on Sunday, ?Inno 4. trom It to .' P M . by Louis Eckert's band of pu re.. AdmUsiiin 1A cents each. H .I. IfoXTA?il E'S RENEFIT, MONDAY W'lE.N'ON. A Ow eln.ii seats Schutujrtli A Co.'s, Union square. V -LAST DAY 11! " ' j\, ? <? | JEM MACK and GEo. UooKE. | grand ami exciting assault at ar?is. HOWES A CL'SIIIN s GREAT DOUBLE CIRCUS, l.or KOOI l< HoLSTON ST.. EAST K1VER. Altsrnoons at .. eveuiniiS at * o'clock ADMISSION To ALE ONLY J.? OK.NTS. MoXDa Y, JUNE ?. till >1 A N11 mTIi \V., FOR ONE WEEK ONLY TUESDAY NlolIT, Juno ?(, a Tljior ?m and exciiinir G|. > FUht Iwtween RoOKE and ??fsTEYK" T.VYLoll, lor /."aai ? side. milE BEST NEW" Ml .? Di >i i V r To m.! I To DREAM i of N|*.' ii. Hioina?, ii.V ; "I'oial Litj Reilna a," ele iillt j. . t .re titl' fairs. ^*c. . "H.v. Me an.t rail Me Your Dar litijt llortlsv, : ."c ; "Cidunr.ia's v t .:idar?t," a ktirritikc patriotic ^.?| .*H'iio#nbniir. It c , "Sotitr ..t the. ttlen1* and 'M . ub. Min' >n the M. unt iiii (piano). Mack, els n.t ?t ?l j l ite |:l, tnrp. each Atlr.; "11m -.??>? Bell." the best odleciloii ?: patriotic music ipaperl, 6 e ( <>t>lc? mailed. M A POM' .V CO.. -?47 Broadway. Urancb at. re. lit* I ii ion square. New York. CTARTL1XG EXI'OSI its. ir> w ntvisi, Risjiop lii his sxlraonilnsry rtt1 "rt liii' ient, ??SPIKIM M.ISM AND US AOENCIKS ON TRIAL," atO iicksrlUK Hall, THURSDAY EVENING, June s "pALAIS ROYAL," (??:? ATII t\ .; FORTY YOUBO i 1 id* atteudattt>: urnn l vocal ami lualruinental con cert front / until I o'clock. Admission Am, ~i mi?, so ii iee Sociables, at b eetiioyen iiai.l, i .'>th st.. near ltoaerv. Will continue story Tneaday and ?Saturday during June. CT:1AI ??>' NEW iVAl.r/., THE AMEUIi \.N _E\po 0 >," just out, 7ie .mailed. IHlOWORT H A CO., M 1 aion ?|ii*r '. I NH l'ltl t fiox. 1 V-T IPIiiRtV NiTt. OOLDStMifli S WUIIING li C !??<?? clow this week, Ai>i>)> at IBWest +*4 at., cor ner ot i.ih at'. Circulars. AHillOMM.l. ?N I>ERI-1 I, CHILD. 111F r EI) Willi SECOND A siyhl froiii birch, Irlli fti rylhin^ \% lUtoul , Ir t-nds, living or ?!#???!. \."A Went 4<Hli it., Mt??r Hro??<w*y A fcTHOLUtlMt.?i'Hori,s? OR \A^tKK^ iili? tiTII AV.; ^'V *eu?t tor circulnr ?? , . * font ortic?*, S\*w \. r*. -NU I MI'u.siTlOV UKK.v rKs I III SIN HI vii/Miil. >lr?. fr'O.STiiK, ,?4 *v.t iifitr 26lli A, i IU >1NICS> v.M> MKIM-'VL r|4 \I KV'<?V AN I ?Nor to hi * i??l; Maine*, Ukciicvo, Ac , from "*Uc? ta ^1. O.I tec 1JU WmI -v>tU at., uU? auu 7th nvt. cm rk.vl estate voa hale. C ciitrttl. 4 ?Tin A v., 8H? AND ?t*l; EACH FOUR STORIES iv< and basement; each lot 25xl|o f??t; these two well rented, magnificently located Stores f??r -ale at a decided bargain. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., No 4 Pint *t , ??r iiS hast 17th t. I^oR SAL K-"n^ ?7 25~EA ST 74TH~ST., HO U It bTOKIES* I hl|fb stoop, brown stone, finished in rich cabinet work by Puttier ?V Stytnus; elegant uiirrors, chandeliers. gas tix turi's, billiard table and safe; plate '/la** window* to the fourth floor; this hoti*o is ottered at a satrifice until June 10, alter which date it will b?? withdrawn from the market. J. C. CLINTON, 53 Liberty st. Funt Side. At a bargain?two Font story dwellings and Stores on 1st av., between Hltt and 3Jd sts. If INK A 0 it AY, 557 Oth av. Fob bale?a frame cottage hocne and two Lois; house lias 7 rooms; the second lot has stable room tor two horses, wagon room itiul hay loft: situated feet from eastern Boulevard, Will be sold low or exchanged. For full particulars pleaye apply to JAMES KOWK, Real Estate Broker, 017 JJu av., between 55th and 50th sts. \\ e??l NOTHER STEP AHEAD IN ENTERPRISE. A* DIKING THE t'ONTI NUANCE OF THE JEROME PARK RACES TI1E EVEN1NG TELEGRAM WILL ISSUE A LATE EDITION, ABOUT HALF.PAST SIX, ON THE EVENING OF eacu DAY ON WHICH THE RACES TAKE PLACE, . wjjh full Particulars BY SPECIAL DESPATCHES OF TIME MADE AND NAMES OF ALL THE WINMNC HOUSES. B^oi SALE -Na 5 WEST 5bT 11 ~8T,7 23 KE KTWIDE, four story high stoop brown stone; the most desirable location in the citv. K LI AS (I. BROWN, owner, 2<J Nassau St., or No. 0 West oOth st. Mijitelhiiicoiii. 1,1011 SALE?DESIRABLE HOUSES IN ALL PARTS ' of the city at popular prices; several in choice locu tions, $13,<*X> to I IMPSON .V PEE*. 1,488 Broadway. UHOOKJAN PROPERTY FOR SALE AM) TO LET. ABARGAIN.'?A FIRST CLass' THREE STORY brown stouo House, sixo 20\45, lot 100, built in the very bent manner, first cla*s location on the hill, western slope of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, will be sold at a verv great sacrifice lor cash. Address D. J. C., owner, box 4,8o:t Post office. rpO*LET, BARGAIN?FIRST CLAttS LARGE BROWN 1 stone House, hIt improvements, mirrors, Ac., unuxcep t ion able neighborhood. ;t-i w >; six blocks to ferry. Brooklyn. ELsTON, owner. 20 Liberty >t. _ \VKST< 11ESTE11 COL NT V PROPERTY FOR SAIjiC AM) TO REKT. 4 T TVRRYTOWN.?4FS00; WILL RENT FOR SUMMER, J\ furnished, fine new House; 15 rooms; modern im provements; carriage house, stable, three ucres. plenty of Iruit. In. liver view. W.M. 11. HOYT ?V v'O., J4't ltroadwa) ' T^OR SALE?AT TARRVTOWN, A NEW IK)I SK OF F 14 rooms and basement, with about three-fourths c|f an aero of'Land, surrounded by highly improved properties; lias neat gardener's cottage, new stable and wagon house; bearing fruit tree-, and vi:o-?; furniture all new, and Horses, Carriages Ac., will be .-old if desired; prices and terms an inducement. Apply to KDMl'ND COFFIN, 77 Cedar st.. Now \ork, or to S. E. FISHER, corne*H>f Main and Water sts., Tarry town. JyLRNlSHti) OR UNFURNISHED, ON MOUNT HOPE, five minutes from Treinont station, on llariem Ruil road, 20 minutes from I2d st. depot. House, 12 rooms; hot and cold water, bath, gas, stable fruit*. Ac. Applv on premises, or of C. C. Dt'SENJBURY, 20 Warren st.. Now York. QtlORK FRONT COTTAGE AT Om ISLAND, ONE O mile from Pelhatn, half hour from eity; salt water, boat ing and fishing. Address M. BACON, Yonkers. PROPERTY OlT OF* THE CITY FOR SAIjE or to rent. yT A. T. STEWART'S GARDEN CITY,XTl. TO LET, SEVERAL ELEGANT and CONVENIENT DWELLINGS, fitted for winter and summer residences, with all the modern improvements, gardens, Ac. RENT from $&>o to $l.,ooo per annum. Apply to W. R. HINSDALE. Manager, at oflico adjacent to the railroad station. A FIRST CLASS JAMES RIVEiT"KWATE?OX- Too acres, (1 tulles west of Richmond, Va., to be sold at auc 11 n, by order ot Court for dhislon uinoiig partners, on June 7, 1*70, upon the premises. About 410 ucres now in * crops ot wheat,#oats. clover, timothy and coin, nil of which ntt? st the superior quality of the land; the buildings re ample, of every sort and iti good order; whole Inclosed in new fence of be i quality with cross fences of same quality ; the canal passes through the farm, affording amplest facil - tiev for cheap transportation lime kiln and brick yard, with unlimited quantities of superior bricK clay immediately oil (he canal; also b? st gliding sand from an island, which can be protftaldy transported to Kichmoud; terms very liberal. For particulars send for circulars to Richmond, Va. GRUHlis ?v WILLIAMS. Auctioneers. A N ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT?BARGA1 N ; MUST JY cla-s buildings, five acres, beautiful terraces, Ac.; seven miles, healthy, charming, at $25,1 NX); cost $??<?< 00. ELM'ON, owner, 20 Lib rty st. TK\cKUAi\r little farm and home among the Herkshire hills?Splendid climate, beautiful scenery 100 acres, good buildings and fences; large trout stream; tasteful new Dwelling, with U rooms, m pleas tut, sightly lotatiou, near village with stores, churches. Post office, schools, ?^c., and but '45 minutes1 drive from railroad depot, with through cars to and from New York. Price, with crops (immediate possession), $0,500. half cssh.4,, Take P. M. train fr in (irsnd Central depot (New York and New Haven Railroad) for Barringt?fti; iiuiulre of station agent; flipper and breakfast on premises, ami return on morning train. A HANDSOME NEW COTTAGE, THRKR MINUTES iV from ferry, Staten Island; gar?ieu, fruit, llowers; water view, ^2,5(1(1; also 1-otiago, acre garden; abundatice fruit, ?l,:Hio. DARRiN, 4H BroatU BLOOM FIELD, N. J.?TO KENT FO~U 1 UK SEASON, a furnished House; amnio ground*, Mlinde and truit tree*; garden j>1 mit?*ii: within an hour trmti New York; convenient to two railroad station*. lu<]uire of Rev. K. SliYMOl II, 52 lieekmnn st. 0R SALE-A VALUABLE FARM, Ct>XTAINING 1"0 aerosol land in h high state of cultivation, large house, abundance of bnildlnus with modern improvements, abuu dam e of truit, Ac.; it Is situated on the Pennsylvania MtU* road, 1 > minutes'time from Princeton Junction, on a hill corifmanding a tine view of the s mounding country, innk Irtg a Vijry desirable location: terms ??a*y. Call on or ad* uresit S. KKUUKN, Princeton Junction, X. J. EMJII SALE AN "k ! J it i A X T ifoi S K, N O \Y BEING finished, uitli 8 Lots. located in Clinton ac., Jamaica, one ho>;r from City Hall; a strictly first chits location ami perfectly healthy; the house contain* 10 room*, including bath. storeroom and tower; any one wlshln to curtail ex penses and live In a ilr*t claw." house and neighborhood have an opportunity at about half Its co>t in the city: two-thirds oi the purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage. Apply to owner, opposite. (IKO. HKIDMaN. Fou s A L i. ? \T A HACMFlCk: ft) SKTTLE KSTATE, Farm. O'J acre-; fair old fashioned Buildings; near Stamford, Conn., $4,t?*M; easy tortus. in lhkkr pecic, aits west :<itn st. RANITE QUXiiHY?H frfi \i \RBLE VND GRANITE vT Yards. doing a lucrative bushte.*. with rail and water communications, will he wild very cheap through OSCAR HANSEN, 115 4th a v., corner 1'2tu st., New York. MONTCLAItt" N. J.--AN I'. LEG A NT RESIDENCE*, furnished or unfurnished, for sale, at a sacrifice; house in frescoed: has gas, burglar alarm and all modern improve ments; a vaiiety of choice tlowers; abundance of -bade and fruit: garden, lawn, stable, Ac. 1IOWK A PARSONS, 7U Cedar st. vrlllnvaTTk, CONN.-A HKa'i TI ii'I, HOI SB*""?* X\ rooms ; water, gas. stables, Ac.; lariro lawn and gsr den; neardeuot; will rent to April 1, 1877,1or or $40 per mouth. >. K. oLMMEAlJ. ORANGE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE;" RENT. Ft-it nished and unfurnished; season ; year, HAMILTON A WaLLIS, 30 Pino st. WORE FHOXT COTTAC?E!TkOOMS; MODERX conveniences; tine neighborhood ; all trains , hour lrom city; absolutely healthy; positive bargain; circular. J. W. A t\VATKR, Riverside, Conn. rp<) lVt?AT* SA RATOG A SPRING^ SKYKRAL LARGE and ELEGANT STORES in tne GRAND I NION llOTEL, fitted with counters, shelves and y as fixtures. Als<? TllE ST. JAMES HOTEL, on C.mgress st., com pletely luralshed, containing about H<) room*. Also THE WILHPK HOUSE, on Washington, corner of Federal st., containing: abont 40 reotus, furnished and ready lor immediate occupation. Also SLYERAL PRIVATE STABLES, with coachmeu'* rooms and a 1 conveniences. Also a NEW Cl(l It H<*l!SE, corner of Congress and Hamilton sts..furnished throughout, adapted for restaurant and boarding house. Apply toCIlAKLI S C. LESTER, Saratoga Springs, or to Till-: UJKNT OF A. T. 8TKVVART S ESTATE, Hroadwav and Chambers st., New York mo" LET FOR~TttE fl(7M*tER MONTHS-i fi 1ST, X large double frame Mansion, 20 r otns, cellar, A a, with 17 acres of Land, good water, Ac., *7 u. Second, brick Residence,'JO room**, furnished throughout, wiih acres of Land, #i ,MJ0. Both of ihe?o places are at Xewburg. N. Y., contmauuing 1?* to 1*? miles ol Hudson Kiver view, ii.rhnline Newhurir Hay. We?t Point and the Highlands, are within 10 minutes' walk <?f the Post office, railway- and boat land iinfx, and combftm tin* comfort of city life with the pure air. water, surroundings, Ac., oi the country; accommoda tions for cows or horse* on each place. Apply to or address WARO& KSdONIJ, Real Estate Agents. .VJ M st.. Now bur?, N. Y. mTTLKT FOi: :t. i? t>it 77 M ?N I U>?A FURN ISTTED I House, in best lo>-.?ti??n in the village of Klu?hitivr, at j ftW per annum, worth #l,ooo. Address Y. Herald office. j rpo LI T- A UE.SIRAHLK .MODERN COTTAOK VILLA ' 1 at Crawford, N. JM 50 minutes fr??m New York by C?n i tral Railroad; ample wrounds and convi aient to depot; rent j Jf -00. Address box 1.U67 New York P??st office. I T LRICIi A li iliN I S, KchI Estate and Loan Office, sC> VV i-biutfion st., Chiea. o, j offer capitalists decided bargains in iine business Blocks in , Chicago; j rineipal comers; central* location ' p tyintr eight and ten per cent net on investment, ami valued irom to $4<*M*k). Maps, showing iocation of same, >-eut t?? correspondents, ] with photographs, deseriptiou of buildings and terms of sale. | VrAbirA RLE FARM I'OR 8A LK AT A >ACRl KICK; f situated in Ruck's c iinty, i'a . five minutes* walk from village store. Ac . two miles tri?m r.J road station and largo j town; no chills and lever; 4.? acres rich land, free from | stoues; ail hi grass; Urge, substantia, atone house. 90*40, j slate roof; hall in oectre, nine rooms, piaxsa ir<?nt and rear; | stone barn, 40x'?0, slate roof; stabliutr lor Li cows and five horses; carriage house, corn crib and other outbuildings; I app es, pears, peacties and small fruits; price $ SljuO cash. UKORtlK W. PKKK, John st., New York. RlO A Is ESTATE (<? K.V( ftIA\CIK. ? floon H KO' IK I.YN inn SK, WOKTH JS.IXW. FOR mi ?H Knrm-liko 1Iimi??:iio mortjciti^r. W J. I AII.\K\ 111 Ilrondirajr, KUIl'K AMI SluNU l(()i >KS. WKUi ju?0AIKUt i? ilarlam. tur K.rim, .mull or Urjrp, W. J. H VK.NKS, 111 HroAdwa/. 1/Xt'll ASOK?A DKRIKAHLK MKi7ws SSosS I J llnmklyii cunveniettl ti? fWn#i, inr Liinff l.litnd rarm. ?' <?. HoVT A >'?N. I"i Hr ?Iwar. I l/ou svI.K. KXi II W'.K iiKT?? LKT"VKKV CHfeAl*^ V Kl?(r*?? fwir ?tor> iirfti "tprivate liouso on lillth ?t , w. ?t ..I 7iii hv. Iixiuiro *1 :ti> titlt at. M'ouius couvry hAiiv^fnu K axi? rou|?s, ure? in crniM. larui- j>i**c!i nrrhWll w II Iriiileil. changed tor iHj or < ii .iiigf l'i?|wrl) ur (."oil |i i?IB???. l?. i KAt.T. .in LtSeity ?!. OW\K "wiTTl, KxVliA.Ni.K Kill N i - II Kl>' IlnVMBS lur e??h ..n l uthcr rrujiortjr or 8?cuutl<tt. AtldrtM buX 7.*?S l'o*l oliise. KKAli E STATIC TO EXfllASOE. QALE OR EXCHANGE?COMPLETE at-ACEE FARM 0 nearbv Jersey ; perfectly frtllud; housis; near depot; fur horse *nd buggy; or lot*; cash. FIKiiHON, No. 5 Pine it. rpiIK ADVERTISER HAH TWO FTLL LOTS. WITH 1 improvement*, on 7tHh St., uear n hv., which h i will ???!! cheap or exchange for Improved city or country Property. For particular* apply to C. M. MARTIN, HIsM'/mul m. "ITALU AIILE imFictui UNO PW > I* ERTT A T V Stamford; wall rented; e<iuitv #15,000; will exchange fur irood K i?rm. W.J. BARNES. Ill Broadway. HEAL ESTATE WANTED. " Farm wanted?value about #15,1*10. to Ex change, unincumbered House In Ninth ward, value ]fS.<ioo, cmmIi $2,0<i0, hnlancu tin mortgage, for Kami on 1. ii," Island, snore front, north Hide. Address farm, box N7U Post office. . WANTED?MODERN Hl lliT HOUSET good LOCA tion; east ur wont aide, above 21st at. Address CASH, llerald office. TO IiKT FUR Ulil ^KXN W RHasKS J^ENNETT BUILDING Fi reproof. Located on Xaiaau, Ann and Fulton ats. First Floor to let. suitabln fur bankers. lusurnnce offices or lawyers. Will be let together or in part*: be altered to auit tenant* If desired; adapted lor offices or storoe. Reasonable rents Alaoaomo eligible l,?w offices to let. APPLY ON T1IB PREMISES. Take the elevator. Inquire for janitor. T xice Little "ii?u se~" an i >" "stmre-xiTl 1\. Prince at., nrur tbe Bowery (complete order*, to let, separately or together; excellent location for merchant tailor or dgut TlNOfntB STEP ASUS IN ENTERPUISK. DURING THE CONTINUANCE OF THE JEROmITTaRK RACES THE EVENING TELEGRAM WILL ISSUE A LATE EDITION, ABOUT HALF-PAST SIX. ON THE EVEN INti Oh' EACH DAY ON WHICH THE RACKS TAKE PLACE, WITH FULL PARTICULARS BY SPECIAL DESPATCHES OF TIME MADE AND NAMES OF ALL THE WIS MSG HORSES. , 667 A RESTAURANT AND LAC Kit BEER SALOON to let: twenty years established. Frankfort House, 2<rJ William st. Ciff BAP STORKS tO WHIT?IS DESIRABLE LOOA J tious; from ##Oner month and upwards. JAMES PRICE, 3x> Hudson at. /1IOAK AND NEWSSTAND TO LET-IN PARK HOTEL, \J corner Beekman and Nassau sts. TO IdiT-THE 'STORE IN 477 PEARL" ST~ NEAR Chatham, 75x23; low rent. Inuulro in Kernel's Hotel, ?175 Pearl st. TirOOSTER ST. ?TO RENT. THE FOUR "TORY AND It basement Dwelling, I"!' Wooater st.. neur Spring; ex cellent location for nrtiliiiai flowers or foatlior*. or would rent for respectaUle boardlne house. JAMES PRICE,<*00 Hudson st. 4T7w1 ?FOUR STOfTy 23-FOOT IIOUSK AND ?iPLl/l/, More, 'Jf. Greouwlch av.. near Oth av.; newly painted; seen morniuus. HTlF a V. - STORE AND BASEMENT.' SEEN from 8*80 to 10. S. RICH, 74 Murray at. ~~ DWELLING HOUSES TO W. . FaritlKiii'ii. A FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP HOUSE TO LET? Furnished, ou 4">th st.. nrnr Broadway; party In liouso will remuiu and board if desirabli", rout low to responsible tenant. T1MPSON A PEET, 1,488 Broadway. IiWRMISHBD HOUSE 113 fe AST MTQ ST.. N E A R IT 11 1 av.. Ii i rooms, fully and completely turuished, in nice order, tor four mouths or longer; rent ?133 p r mouth. mo RENT, CH EA1*. FOB THREE MC>NTH8, FROM J. June 15. a small furnished brown atone front Mouse, near Contral I'ark; desirable location. Address L. D.,Jr., ?187 (iio>'iiu ich st. VnfurniahMl. HOUSES TO RENT?DOWNTOWN. WITH IMPROVE. . mentt; good locations; low rents; $5<>0 to lfl,000; also stables, workshops, Ac. J AMES PRICE, '.'DO Hudson St. mo LET-IN 80TH ST., NEAR KTH AV?3 STORY X Cottage, H rooms; water, tras . $450 per annum. WM. OoNBOV, 241 West Moth st. TO LET?THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE. IN FINE order: all Improvements; Bno neighborhood, near 42d st. and Broadwav. #7."xI. EDMUND H. MARTINS, 1.30! Broadway. O LET?DWELLING FART OF HOUSE, 11 ROOMS; Broome and Variek sts.; #">5 a month. EDMUND II. MART1NE,_l,3t)l Broadwayr_ Ft'RSIHHEDROOMS A\i) APARTMElyTj TO LET. A LARGS, NIC'riLy KLTItNISHEn FRONT ROOM TO one or two oiuu'.o venlleiuen, at No. ' O'.) East liitti at., between 2d and -ut avs.; references oxchanffed. ?TWO floors'"o'k Font rVmVms k.voii. hrivi. lefri' of bousokeeplhir. ">l Clliitor. place, near 5tli av, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PARLOB FLOOR to let. with use of Piano; also Extension for light iekeepiug. At (Ml East I2tli st. T A, A FEW XfCKLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET? Two large and two ?tnall; all modern improvement*. 1,15 East 12th st . be woon 3d ami 4th nvs. I^puSNIeUIKB and i:K!m;(?oms-KluST, shc 1 oml aud thlr i it<*.?rs; natbs, &c*; summer firices. 106 Easl 15th nt.. near Union square. F~?? |<:1) "7{ooMf WITH EXTENMOnTT ALSO hall Rooms, second Hour. No. 7 Great Jones st. Call 1 to r?. S* iUJRNSh K D kooms to let, at modk&atjs prices. at 44 tire at Jones st.; tor y litloineti only. Tjli RN18IIKI) i'A RLOR SUMS, *4;-SINGLE BOOMS* J/ $2; newly furnished 3 NlWeit 2r?th st. Hasi>> <)ni kTjYii' ImTnisTi iTi> Twoms, en suite on finely; housekeeping If desired; unexceptionable neighborhood. 33<) West 33d st. near Elevated. TJAKLoR nooli TO I.KT-l'n;MSIii:i) OR vWvvii X nUbfd, lor 1 fbt business purposes. Apply at iJH Wa ve rloy place. 0 rpo LET SI N'.I.Y -AN KLE'J \ NTLY 1?TR> IS!I ED 1 Room and front l'arlor. 3< 3 Kast tKld St., first door east 2d av. CTH AV. \ni> l?ra ?t7? a MUVATB FAYtLV WILL ? J rent a handsome Suit ot furnished Room* in tbo elegant brown stono house No. 4 West 14th st.; parlor, throe bed rooms and private bath, tojethor or separately. 6 EAST 17TH ST??YERY DESIRABLE ROOMS TO let. furnished. &{' ?NIOKLY F17RNI8HKD LA HOE FhONT ROOM, ?jpvJ# Hi>eond floor; large Room, top Moor, $3; housekeep ing privilege : llall Room. $2. JfiJO Kast 14th st. 7 EAST mW srZ A~~FKwHnoORS FROM (TAKE Brunswick.?Elegantly furuishod Rooms for gentlemen only, without board. ?ni sv.. ah, just wbst"o? broaj>wav - -einkly iuruished largo and small Rooms; all eonveuietiees; sum mer priees; near restaurants; gentlemen. H KVST 818T ST.. \l U?iso\ ANDi OTH AY8.?A handsome Suit ot Rooms; also a single Room to gen tlemen; breakfast it desired: highest reference. OO \N Ksi' 5J61 11 >T.~NhW AM) ELEGANTLY FIR ?jO uUhed Rooms; also a doctor's Office; references ; one week. <WD sr., !??> EAST, COKNEI n?K 4T11 AY.?THIS *^0 house having changed hands and been thoroughly renovated is now ready for reception of parlies desiring siugio or double Kooms. 07 WEST L'lsT sr-t:oMKo7rrAKI4E. A IKY," HOME 0 I like, newly furnished Booms, with stationary basins, or resectable irentlemen. 7 1(1 Ti n \V . NEAR 4 ? TH 8T\?A LADY has 1 lo pleasant furnished Roams to let to gentleman and wife; Hoard for lauy if desired; also a hall Bedroom for a single ueiitleman. ? INVUHNiSHEU UlMliflH ASM APART MEM's TO LET. ? t \Sa IfltXOIi^S^T&SSlHi 'fiUTSOKB J\. iiiHb st.; improvements. Call, see owner aud premises, fr.?m 11 to 1 o'clock. LEU ANT FLAT-OAS FIXTti RES, MIRRORS* heated by "team ; 2'.) West Hist st. Apply to Janitor or SIDNEY E. MOtl>E, 13s Chambers st. HANDS<)M K FI.A I S ft > LET^SIX TO KlUll f ROOMS, newly painted : rent* reduced. TIMPSON h I'KKr, 1,4^8 Broadway. rpWO YE HY I'iTk A SAN V 1 N Kl IIN IS HE 1> Kt )<)M S TO A lot at low rent. Inquire at M.5 . d av.,i.ear lDtli *t. ll*i "WEST 11 I'M ST., l;hf*l.KN~ /HI \ N D^rm HO a vs. - Kiejrant Flat, 5 rooms; possession imme diately. In quire janitor HiLiiiA Ril!?, *)pTEW CENTENNIAL HILL! v .I? ?6 r Jx. ami plavin^ oif the ti*-s of tiio riuhnlelphia tournntnent will coituuettce it Irving llall. New York, on Monday eron in^', June 5; games. points, three hail-, on a Collender sliindurd 5x10 table. Sexton, Oarnier, Slosson, Rudolphe and other great players to contend. A MEUIOAN STANhAKH liEVEL It f L LI A RI? T AII EES, Jv with Helaney s wire cushions solely used in all chain pionshlp and niateii ^allien; seeon>t hand 'lable* at ureat oargains. W. II. (<KlFFl l'H X CO., to Vesey it. 1>IEEI AU1? I AHLES I nit s \ LK?UNE K<>SEWl)()!>. J J 6xlt>. H pocket, bevel; one do., 4'axH, carrom, bevel, made by II. W. Collender; two r.>^e*?ml, >?evel, ear r??sn ; one Tool Set, eompleto . one private Cue Rack, mado bv W. H. (irittith A Co ; all the above in first class order, having >>eett used t ut little ; will be sol 1 at a bargain. Ap ply at ottice of 1). JuNES, it;i-? Kind th st. /POLLEN 1>ER'S SfANIiAKIl american' hKVKL \ J HUliard tables, with the celebrated i'heian A Collender combination ensiiioits, for sale In this city only at 738 Hro.i l way. Pit H LAN D1LLIARO TABLE. OAK; R08S^0ol> I'ool lable, complete; half price; all fixtures. TAY* LOR 8,5t? Cedar st. ? ^ WATCHES, JEW KIjUK . iVt . AT 77 BLKLCKEK ST . NEAIt BROADWAY.-MONEY advanced on IHamondft, Watches, Jewelrv, Ac.; also rawnbrokers* Tickets bou,rlit ot Diamonds. W'atches, Jte. 77 Hieecker at. IT <U?7 HltOADW\Y, CORNER 4TH ST.?DIAMONDS j\. Watches. Jewelry, Silks, Laces and Tcrsonat Property of every uescription bought and sold. Loans negotiated. JAM K8 V. MATTHews. 4 MI Kl* \> OFF CE #;5,U?0-PIAMONDS. WATCH. J\. os, Jewelry, Silverware. Valuable*. Ac., bought, sold und exclian.'Ml. I^iaus etlected- Eotablisiieu ltio I, J. ll. HAitKlNUEit, Dealer, 7;i.j Hroadway. Money on diamonds, i i us. ^c.-di amonds, Watches, Jeaelry, silverware, camels' hair Hiaw'.s, *eai Sarque*, Lac?", Silks, Ac , bought, and sold hack, when desired, at a very small advance. GEO. 0. ALLEN, Jeweller, 1,H? 1 Hroaua*ay, near 2Jih St. CUO TH I ft %*? \T 1,274 it ROADWAY. 1IETWKKN CM> AND MD j\ its. ? Bro tow ay prices t?aid lor Cant-off Clothing, Jew elry, Ac., by calling on or addres^im; H, HARKiS. 1/J74. AT MINT/.''S, J49 30 AV., NEAR 20TH ST.?LADII S aud gentle me it will be surprised at great prices ii. Miut* pa>? in c ish for Cast*otf Clothlnj;, Carpets, Jewelry, Orders attended t?? by Mr. or Mrs. Mint*. # A?NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHMB.NT 3:14 OTH ? av., near 4th st.; th-' highest va?tie paid for cast off Clottilu:.'. Carpets. Ac, Call on or address Mr. or Mr*. NATHAN. RXCURkio.IS. Y GRAND EXCURSION AMD A URAN'D MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) morning and afternom. The Floating Pa!a<jfl Hotel, the PLYMOUTH ROCK. Y ? *?ROCKAWAY BEAOU "EXCURSIONS. 20 MINUTES ON TH lf~ATLANTIC OCEAN. _ SISDAY, JI'SK 4. Steamers AMEKIcus. \vj|. COOK and. NEVERSINK. No delay by thin <iltl established linn by low water. Ainerlcus leaves 24th it.. North Klvsr, 8 ::?) A. v and 1 -15 I'. M. { IOtb St.. North Itlver, S:45 A. ? ami I :2i. P M.; foot \ eser st? Nurtb River, II A. M. mi.I 1:40 P. M.; Fulton lorry, Brooklyn.?:20 A M. and i:30 P. M. William Cook loaves 24th st.. North River, 10:30 A. M. nnd ? ulton lorry, Brooklyn, 11A M. Neverslnk leaves 23d st.. East River, 8:30 aftd 10 A. M. nnd 12 40 P. M.; South fltb ?i.. WUII?m>burir,M:K> and M:l"> A. M. mihI 12 M5 P. M.; lirand st., Hast River, Now York.? nnd 10:110 A. M. mid 1 P. M ;>l.jr 37 East River, 1:10 P. M.; Kulton forry, Brooklyn, 1 :!S P. M. Steamers leave Rockaway. 4:3U, ."> and 9:30 P. M. Faro, 3Acents; excursion tickets, 50M?l* A ?A.?A MAG NIFIOENT St'N'DAY EXCUR.-yoN J\* to Rockaway rfeaeh uiid tin- Atlantic Ocean. Tlit in Mm niotli pleasure steamer WILLIAM COOK, with spacious Jack* mid lir.iad awning, very fait and of light draught, accompanied l>y Conterno'a celebrated Twentvthlrd liegiment Band, will leave -4th at., Nortn River, at 10:31) A. M , and Brooklyn (new dock), at 11 A. M., returning to the city by " P. M.. Riving persons aniplo time to I lie most popular watering placo 111 America. The colobratcd Brooklyn urphcna uuartet will be on board for the entertainment or passengers. This favorite steamer, selected over all otliera by lioth tho New York and Brooklyn yacht clnba to WOOinipany tli^lrex ctiraiona. will not lie delated by the siioal waters about Rockauray Inlet. Plonty of Hclreshinents on board. Fare lor the whole excursion. ?>"<? A?A.-DAILY AXO SUNDAY EXCl USI< iNS TO ? Fort Leo. Pleasant Valley and Shady hide.?Steamboats leave Cmial at. dally at 4:15 and 1<> A. M.: 2. 5:15 and 7:15 P. M. Sunday at W, 10 and 11 A. M.; 12 M-, 1, 2, 3. ?,H nnd 7 P. M.: landing nt 24th and 34th sts. (dally and Sunday) 10 minutes later. Round trip, 2">c.; children half pricj. Y ?REGULAR SUNDAY MORNING BOAT FOR New Haven. The faat and favorite steamboat MAGENTA will leave Vesny St.. North River, at 8 A. V,; Kulton lorry, Brooklyn, 8;|t>a. Mii Grand st., East River, 8:30 A, M.; nnd 23d at.. East Rlvor, 8:45 A. M.. nrriv ng In New Haven nt 1 :30 P. M. Returning?Leave New Haven nt UP. 11., arriving In New York at 7 P. M. Fare lor round trip. $1. No tickets sold cxcept on the boat. Refreshments on board at reasonable rates. A"?FISH ISO BANKS EVERY DAY, S ATURDAYS ? excepted: ocean steamer >etli Low leaving Harri son it., North River, H:3o A. M.: Stli at.. East River, 7 A. M.; pier 27 East lilvor, 7:15 A. M.: loth St., North River, 7 MrO A. M.; pier 0 North River, HA. M. Tickets. #1. * AL li. FOSTEB. Manager. ?A.-SUN DAY BX0VB8K>NS TO ASTORIA, II aTT ? lem, Morrisania and High Brldgo.?Steamers IIAll I,EM nnd SHADY SIDE leave Fulton Market slip at 9:30. 10,11. 12 A. M.; 1. 1:45, 2:30, 3. 4,4:30, 5:3<>. 0 :30, 7:l ">aml BP. M. Lea v? M-rrlsanla at S:i.r>, ?, t?:4">, 10:30.11,12 A. M.: 1, 2, 2:4.r>. 3:30, 4:30. ,r?:3(), (!:15 nnd 7 P. M., landing at Grand St., 23d st , lllHIi St., connecting with boats for High Bridge. Passengers by this lino will be admitted to the great submarine excavations. O. II. I.ONGSTRERT, Superintendent. A?187?.-FOR CONEY ISLAND DAILY.?1770. ? The steamer SAPPHO willeommencw running to Coney Island on Sunday. .! une 4, leavin : West 24th at. at 0 A. M,, 12 M. and 3 P. West 10th st., U:10 A. M.. 12:10 and 3:10 P.M.; Franklin at., pier 35 North Hirer, 11:2". 12:20 nnd 3:2 > P.M.; pier 2 North River, 11:30 A.M.. 12:30 and 3:30 P. M. The new ate.iraerlDLEWlLD will run in connection with the SAPPHO from the North River, June 11. and the ELIZA HANCOCK from tho East lii\er, June IS, for Coney Island evory day. A ?FOR EXCl R8IONS SALOON STEAMERS WYO j V . inlnc and William Cook, barges Republic. Chicago, Baldwin, Caledonia and Anna; Oriental, Excelalor, Karitan lioaell. Alderney Park, Cold Spring and lona Island groves. Address or iui|tilre at 3S4 West St., opposite Christopher >tr?et forry. 11. H. CROSSETT. A ? A.?TO CHARTER. STB AM BOAT FORT LRB: 11 , will accommodate U*1 puaseir.'ers; price !f50 t?i $100 Iter dny. Apply lu the afternoon at 47 Fhlt'JU St. A ?A.?RhtTuiTA R_ E XCI It SI () N S TO ROOEAWAY JX, EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. On and after lliursday, June 1, the Sound stonmor Nh VERS INK will mako two excursions every dny. leaving 24tli st.. North liiver, at S:SO A. M. ami 1 :15 P. M. 10th si., North Itiver, at 8:4."> A. M. and 1 P. M. Vese.v st., North Rlvor, at 1* A. M. mid 1 :40 P. M. Fulton terry, Brooklyn, li i3U A. M. and 2 I*. It. Leaving Rockaway at 11 A. M. nnd 5 I*. M. N. B.?Patrons of thia line will experience no delay on ac count of low tldo. Faro lor the entire excursion, 80c. IJ1AM1LY EXCURSIONS "TO THE FISHIMO BASU, olf Lung Brauch.?The fast nnd splen lid steamer J. 11. SCHUYLER will commence making daily trips as above June 20. Time and landings hereafter. 1'roposala for rent of Bnr and Relroahmonts will bo received on ateamer, pier IS, North River. 0S SUNDAYT"AT~9 A. M., THE STEAMEB MAf TEAWaN will leave pier 31 North River, foot of Har rison St., for Kevport. taking the inside route, landing at Ellxabethport, Rossville and Perth Amboy; roturulug leaves Xoyport 3:30 P.M. t lie M A'fTKAWAN loaves New York dally at 4 P. M. from pier 34 North River, foot of Ji 'rrisuu st., for Keyport U rect, returning Saturdays at 7 P. M. I )LY MOUTJI ROC K. RO( jK A W A Y. .1 The superb ateamer will begin her regular dally trips to Rockaway Boneli and tho Atlantic Ocean, giving the grand musical entertainments on every excarsiou, l'O-MORROW (SUNDAY). .June I. Fare (lor the whole excursion) 50 cent* Single trip tickets *. 35 cents Boat will leave the toot of 23d st.. North Rlvor. at li A. M. and 1:30 P. M., and pier No. 2 North River, at 0:30 A. M. mid 1:4r> P. M. every day. REGULAR SUNDAY MOAT POR NEWARK. On anil Hltor SUNDAY. May 7, t'io fast and well known steamboat THOMAS 1?. WAY will make her rvgulur Sunday trip between New York nnd Newark. Lonviu:; Commercial Dock, Newark, nt 8 A. M.; leaving Now York, pier.No. 22 North lilver, foot ot Vesoy at., ut 10:30 A. M., siopidnu; at Burden l'oiui. each way. I' aru 25 cent*. CJEAWANHAKA SUNDAY EXCURSIONS 0 TO COLLEGE POINT, (iHK.vT NECK, CITY IS LAND, SAND'S MUNI. OLEN COTE, SKA OUt'K, OLEN WOOD AND ROSEYN. Tlio stoauier SKAWANHAKA leave* Peck Slip evory SUNDAY at 0 A. .M.; Oth nt. tit ilKA A. M., mid 33d nt. at U :H A. M. for the above places, rotnrniiiK to the city about tl I'. M. Dinner and tofrcshraoat* on Uourd. Sunday kxcuusions toIiaiilk^i and astorIA. landing at 11th nt., Astorin, KH>th and 12Uth sts. each way. The stearaon BYLVAN DELL. SYLVAN OLEN and SYLVAN SI ltKAM will cotumonco the following trips on SUN DA V. May 38. 1*7.1 Bouts leave Harlem. Boats leave Pock slip. H :30 A.M. J t?? 1'. M. it A. M. 21:1a P. M. 0:15 A. M. 3 :1"| IV M. 10:45 A. M. 4:15 P. M. W :00 A.M. 4KKIP.M. 11::*) A.M. 5:00 P.M. 10^6 A.M. 4 : 15 P. M. 12:151*. M. 0:10 P.M. II : 15 A. M. 5:40 P. M, 1 :(?> P. M. fl:4t> P. M. 12:30 P. M. 6:20P.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:20 PM, 1 [10 P. M. 7 10P.M. 2:45 1V M. 8:00 1', M. Leave 111It St. fen minutes later llutn Peck slip. N. H.? Bonis connect with boats lor High Bridgo. Picnic parties and school* taken on week days on reasonable tonus. Pare 15 cents on SoimUivs. WILLIAM WITIIERWAX, Superintendent. TO ST KA MHO AT MENT^II A NO BILLS, 25 CENTS per pound. Don't buy any until you see the DICK SONS, Steam Printers, 13 North William st., uear Chatham" rpiIE KA VORl'l'K STEAM KB SLEEPY HOLLOwi jL now called the LO.VU BBANCII (Captain Cnrtls), commenced her regular Sunday trips to Newbnru; tor the season on Sunday, May 28. Leaves Pulton terry. Brooklyn, at 8 A. M.; West It til St.. 8:ao A. M.; Wen 24th St.,!' A. M., Uridine at Yonkors. Ion a Inland, West Point, Cold Sprini; and Cornwall; returning, leave* Newbury at 2:15 P. M. i Warm meal* and refreshments? erved on board at reason able rates.. Pare for round trip, if I. L EUHOPfi. ONG'H'IIOTKU NKW HnSD ST. AND CLlKi-OKI) St.?This well known comfortable hotel fop ImiuiIiom apd (gentlemen, the onlv one in this central tdtuation. lias now a most emu mixtion* and luxuriously appointed si:? ?kiiair and reading room, with a Ur^e buy window commanding a mo?t cheerful view ot thin import ant and fash ion * hit* thorough lare: yonr visit \* elicited should von not already h?v? made choice ot u hotel in the West had of London. Under the management of W. 1. and Mr*. Chamber**. HliOTJIKKS^ 7o HASIMMIALL ST., eitnllUhvd20yeari ai commU>fou house; intimately acquainted with the American trade, are willing to extend their connection there and acccpt a lew jjood, fjrst clas* clients for lCiiKli*h good*. A WANT CD TO PUUCHASE. SMALL X'KIIOISK <POR RESTAl'RANT) " ami i larire Sideboard wanted. Address JOHN HENRY, Herald Uptown Branch office. BLAKE'S STONE CRUSHER.?WANTED TO BUY second hand one if irood and cheap. Address J. A. BKCKWIl'H. Oswciro. N. Y. il'ANTKD To' 1* i. UC! I A^Ol' ANTITY~(?P I BON V? Wire Ratlin;. Address WIRE BAILING, box 3>4 llerald office. W A s T liD? A I' AI R~ O P PA IMA N K' S S|Ta LIS. SEC" IT oud weigh )>or ton. Address, ctatlni; price X. V. Z , Herald otlicJ. \\'ANTK1>-A SECOND"HAND KIBES AND MOMS II picker. In wood order. Address. with price. Ac , and where Hani a can bo seen. W. C., box 1(H) llerald office. ANTED-SECOND" HAND OOPBTEE, ?H?CT|II, j and fixtures, suitable fur oonatr) crocory; give full partlculnr*. dlmvnsltAls, Xc., and piice, which niUHt !>o vary low. PUKCBASEK, Herald aMco. vv STOBAbh. A T POB'i I .Ni i TON'S S I'OBAilK A ABKIIOITSK, 512 Hudson st., for Kurnltiir*. Pianos, Trunks. Ar.. l? sap srtte rooms. CllAKLKS II. MOiiOti, Proprietor. CTOH.UIK IS PLAMTEEED BOOMS AND LOPTS, por 0 fnrnlture, baggage, carriaires. ,*c. 100. Ill, 1 i;t and 115 Ka?l 44th st. STOKAtiE ^Oli P if BN1T1' lift, OAS Si AO K 7\ N I? ~MEE chandlso. 8.M 11II .* SILLS. Proprietors, 750 and 7.iJ f?th av. ana 247 West 4'ith st. tistuiiT" \ s!' ' OP tSisrti MADE IN TllKKh IIOl'BS AT I'.'H JV W e?t .'14th ?t.. between iltli ?nd 7th av?., iiunr Broad way. Special meclinnlcal dentistry: coral, rubber, ro-o, 1 earl, nnalebone rulii>er. gold and nlatina Nets; Plumi.or*. Kegulators, Ac. Take irreen car from Orand stroet fi rrj or Sixth avenue cars or Broadway ears. M.M HROUOa. 12* West 34th st. ABl'lPICI \L TEETH A HPECIALTY.?BEST WOKK at low prices; all work subotantially niMe, carvtuPy lilted and guaranteed to give entire >atMactlon. J. C. K1; N N KDY. ;>:i Bond St. MAlillliE .HAATliiliS< a it PRICES MKVBH API'RoACHKD BKPOBK. J i Slate and Marble Mantels. Ur?tt assnrtmeut in the city. PEN KIIYN SLATE COM PAN ?" 00 I nlon s'luare, 4th av. and lTthsk, Now York, Manufacturers of all kinds of Slato Work. T> "hand; 01 WEsr 33D ST.; NKAR BROADWAY. I ? mannfsetarnr of pUlsler Centre Pieces and Brackets, nrw and idvirmt designs, largest assortment In the clly: cureluliy packod and sent to alt parts nl the country at toe lowest prices. HHCKI.I.A V MOVE. ~ ~~~ KMX OCRS AND TENTS. WHOLESALE AND RE tati. VERPLaSOK BROS.*, 02 Chambers st., Now rk. H RKMOV A LN. HA* M 1 lllii CH T A i'O,, PLoRisT>. CORNER *'I'H ? av. Mil l 4?'d St.?Will remove to their new conserva ! torjr. c rnei >th a<-. ind ITTttl st., on er about June 12. Until I then, all orders will bo IMoiV*4 M their braudi store, cor [ ftth av. and did >t. TttOOPS IN THK SOUTHERN STATES. Washinotoh, June 2, 1878. A few days ago Mr. Cos offered, but witbdtew oo objection being mad*, a resolution calling upon tbe Secretary of Wnr to furnish the House with "a state ment of the uumber ot troops now stationed to the States of Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louifciana and Texas, of what arm of service, wtaero they aro stationed and for what purpose, giving the whole number and also the names of the varioua regi ments aiiJ companies." Aa some political slgniflcanee appears to bo attached to the distribution ol I'nlted States troops In tho Stales designated the informatioo desired by the gentleman from Now York has be<*n col lected tor the readers of the Hbhald and Is given below. The figures will be found to approximate wittily a cor poral's guard of the actual uumber of men on the mus ter rolls of tho twenty-eight eompanlea of cavalry, twenty-three companies of artillery and ninety-three companies of, infantry in the Southern States. Aa w tlio purpose for which they are stationed at their proa cut posts, it may be characterized briefly aa Mexicans, Indians, whiskey and politics, all more or leaa crooked. Tho following la the statement In detail of troops in tho Southern States:? Tho only regular troops In virmhia aro flvo companies of artillery at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe?viz., (5 ol the First artillery, K of the .Second, a of tbe Third, I of the Fourth and (J of th? Filth. They number, lucludiuc llold and staff oiHcera, about 200 men, and, aa is well known, aro assembled at old i'oiut Com fort for instruction lu artillery science, fee.? lu other words, they are artillerymen learning to be artillerists. SOUTH CAROLINA. lu North Carolina there are about 180 soldiors, all of tho Second artillery, stationed as follows:?Companies i> and E at lialoigh, Company F at Morgantown, com panies I and L at Fort Macon and company M at Fort Johnston. SOUTH CAROLINA. Between 500 and 560 troops are in South Carolina. At Charleston are the headquarters and Companies E und F, of the Fifth artillery, und Company G, Second ar tillery. The headquarters and Companies B, O, F, (?, 11 and 1, of the Kightoeuth infantry, are at Columbia. Compauy C, Eighteenth Infantry, is at Yorkville, and Company lv, ot the same regimeut, at Greenville, UKOKQIA. Tho headquarters and six companies of the Second In fantry and one artillery company are in Georgia. They aro biatioDod as follows:?At Savannah, Company 1), Fifth artillery; at Atlanta, lioadquurters and Companlci B, D, H and 1, ol tho Second lnlantry, and A and E, ot the Eighteenth infantry. FLORIDA. Three hundred olllccrs und men of tho Fifth artillery are on duty In Florida; Companies A and K aro at Fort Marion, St. Augustiue; Companies B, 1, L aud M are at Fort Barrancas, and Companies G and II at Key West. Besldos the monstrous garrison duty which ordinarily tails to tho lot ol artillery companies in time of peaco, the troops at Fort Mariou have homo captive Kiowa, Comanche and Chcyeuuo Indian murderers to look alter. ALABAMA. In Alabama there are live companies?less than 200 meu all told?of the Socond lniantry; Company A is at Livingston, C at Iluuisviile, F and G at Mount Vornoa Barracks aud K at Mobile. ARKANSAS, There aro about ninety Unitod States troops In Ar kansas, tho lorco being limited to two coinpauicsof the Sixttetn Infantry (C and 1), stationed at Little Book. Misaissim. Flvo companies of tho Thirteenth Infantry and two of the Sixteenth occupy lour posts in Mississippi?viz., Companies A und I, Thirteenth Infantry, at Vicksburg; Companies G and K, Thirteenth iulautry, at Holly Springs; Company II, Thirteenth infantry, at Fort Gib .-on, and Companies B and H, Sixteeuth lufantry, at Jacksuu. Total, about 350 officers and men. LOl'lM ANA. 0 The wholo of tho Third Infantry and tho headquartori and flvo companies of tho Thirteenth lnlantry. making an aggregate of less than "00 oitlccrs and men, are in Louisiana. In tbe city ol Now Orleans tho headquar ters and Companies 1> and F, Thirteenth infantry, aro posted, and ut Jackson Barracks are stationed tho bead quarters and Companies A, B, E aud F, Third iufauiry. Companies C and E, Thirteenth lnlantry, are at Baton liougo; Compauy B, Thirteenth infantry, at Bayou Sura; Companies C und I, Third infantry, at Pineville; Com pany H, Third Infuntry, ut Natchitoches; Company D, I'hlrd infuntry, at St. Murtin?vlllo; Company ti, Third infantry, at Coushutta. and Compauy K, Third Infantry. at bhrovoport. TSXA8. Nearly one- lifih or tbo entire cavalry and Infantry force ot tUo Uuited States In In Toxas, with ouo eyo on tho Mexicans and thu other on the In.linns. The Texan posts being nearly all ''forts," look lormldable on pajier. These are Fort Brown, garrisoned by Companies C, D, ?11, land L, Eighth cavalry; C, 1) and 1, Eleventh in inntry, and tlio headquarters and Companies K and H, Twenty-fourth tnlautry: Fort Bliss, Company G, Twonty-tlith infantry; Fort Clark, hoadquarters and Company 11, Eighth cavalry, and (1 and K, Tenth In fantry ; Kort Concha, headquarters and Companies A. 1), F, G, I and L, Tenth cavalry; A, Tenth inlantrv, and H, Eleventh infantry; Kort Duncan, Company K, Eighth cavalry; 11, Tuntn Infantry, and 1) and F, Twenty-fourth infantry; Fort Davis, Cduipany 11, l'cnfh cavalry, ana headquarters and Companies D, E, 11, 1 und K, Tweuty filth infantry; Fort Elliott, Companies it, K and G, Fourth cavalry, and E and 11, Nineteenth infantry; Fort Griffin, Companies B an<f E, Tenth cavalry, and A, FandG, Eleventh iutantry; Fort MeKaveit, Companies C and K, Tenth cavalry, and headquarters and Com panies B, C, E, F and 1, Tenth infantry; Fort Mcintosh, Com names A and B, Twenty-fourth infantry; Fori Quitman, Company B, Twenty-fifth infantry; Furl Richardson, headquarters and Companies B. E und K, Eleventh Infantry; ltiiiggold Barracks, Companion A, K, G and M, E'ghth cavalry, and 0, G, I and K, Twenty-fourth infantry; Fort .Stockton, Company M, Tenth cavalry, and Companies A, C and K, lVcnty-fllth Infantry; Ban Aninnio, Company D, Tonth infttnfryj on tbo scout, Company V, Eighth cavalry. Tne regi ments and companies above designated will aggregate about 3,800 officers and men, "prosont or accounted for." RKCAPrrrLATiox. Virginia, five companies artillery. 200 North Caroling six companies artillery lMfl South Carolina, three companies artillery, eight companies infantry 600 Georgia, ono company artillery, six compantos Infantry 270 Florida, eight compantos artillery 300 A1 tliama, live companies infantry 200 Arkansas, two companies infantry 00 Mississippi, seven companies tnlautry 350 Louisiana, fifteen companies infantry 060 Texas, twenty-eight companies cavalry, fifty com panies mlanlry 8,800 Aggregate 0,600 COUNTERFEIT MONEY. For some time past counterfeit national bank notes have becomo very numerous in Brooklyn. Evory effort to discover the source Irom which they emanate has failed These bills aro the best counterfeits which have been Issued for years, and the manufacturers find little difficulty in gettiug rid of ibem. Thoy ombrac* in their denominations tho following:?Twenty dollni bills ou the Mational Bank of Utlca, X. Y.; $10 bills on the Farmers and Manufacturers' Bank of l'ougukoep sie: #5 bills on the First Natioual Bunk of Chicago, III!; $"i bills ou Die First Natioual Hank of Paxtou, 111. ; $5 bills on the First National Bauk of Canton, III. ; $5 bills on the First Nntional Bank of Peoria, 111.; $5 bills on the First National Hank of Aurora, IB,; JS bills on the First National Hank of Galeun, IlL ; $?> bills on tho National Hank of Northampton. Mass. ; $5 bills on tho II .mipden Bank of WestfleliL Mats. ; $5 bills on the Mechanics' National Hank of Now Bedford, Mass. ; $1 bills on the Traders' National Bauk of Chicago, 111.; $1 bills on tho First National Bank of Louisville, Ky, A PICKPOCKET ARRESTED. While Mr. Joseph Elnstoln, of No. 156 Grand street, was pasalnf the corner of Canal street and tho Bowery, at half-past eleven o'clock on Thursday night, be wai accosted by Edward R. Wilkinson, of No. 23 Suflolk street, who delayed blm in conversation tor a few moment* and thou walked away. Mr. Einstein almost instantly missed his watch, lie gave pursuit, snd Wil kinson was arrested by Officer Hayes, of the Tenth precinct, and tbo stolen property found In bis pos se-sum. On being arraigned before Justice Morgan, at thu Essex Market Pol too Court, yesterday, Wilkin son was committed In default of |l,ooo ball. A COOL ROBBERY. James Wilson, who s tld he was a paper folder, stole a handcart, valuo 116, from In front of the *tore of Mr. William H. Thomas, No. 6< John street. Ho rolled It up tho street butll he came In front of the store of James H. t ar|iontor. No. 4ft, whoa betook two bundles OJ map paper, value from the sidewalk, threw them Into tlio handcart and w in on hi* way. His progress, however, was interrupted by tho advent m Officer Nolan, Of the First precinct, who took him into cus tody. On beinu urraigned before Judge Wandell at tb? Tombs be was held for trial on both charges of lar cony. BAG HABHOR .WHARFAGE. Governor Ttlden has signed a bill In reference t< wharfage at .Sag Harbor. It gives the wharf cotnpan) power to establish rates on vessels, merchandise, goodi and chattels transported over or landed or deposited OB Its wharf, and to detain such property as security for the puym?nt of such rates or charges until they shall be paid. MENHADEN RAMPANT. Fishermen report meuhaden much more nu merous off tho Month side this season than usual. Large quantities have already ooen taken, and the sup ply does not appear to diminish. On . Wednesday the lUuermen of Kasibampton dipped their set ik s, anil lour nets cauuhi o?er 600,ML one ukmg 17.'i,<ski oil that day and 99,two on the next.- At itridgebampum, too, Uio Itshiug is reported bo Her than uiuhL Mr. .H. Phillips in ono day took, and NcUou Be one it 140,900.