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mm no com L Rally in the Stock Market and Prices Firmer. &OLD lift 3-4 A 112 5-8. teyenunent Bonds Strong?Railway Bonds Steady?Investment Shares Higher. 10HBT IS CALL 2 1-1 AND S PER CEST. Wall flrua, 1 Fmoat, J unu 2?0 P. it. f Tho Information possessed by a few individuals, yo? Irdijr, tint! further reduction in freight eharaes would It immediately declared by the Lake Shore Company i nab led these lucky ones to sell the stock at prices Bilging from 64 to 53. A vale after the close of busi ims by Mr. Vanderbllfs brokers was an additional proof that there was a screw loose somewhere, and the tflbotwaa shown In the prices thia morning, wbteh opened weak and btoke down to 62 H before noon. The Twenty-third street party were large sellers again to day, though they were not aa wide awake as usual and lost the cream of the market. Toward the close there was a rally to 68, helped on partly by the spirit in Western Union and partly by the feeling underlying tho whole market that If no particular advance In the stock list la to be looked for Immediately tbore are at eaat strong reasons to believe that the fall is chcckod lor the present It lAke Shore barely suocfteded In holding its own It waa otherwise with the Granger stocks, which are assuming a prominence in speculation that they have for a long time been strangers to. There waa a good IJi per cent rise in St Paul preferred, and an advance of 1 por cent in Northwestern preferred, both stocks creeping steadily up withont noise or bustle, but after a fashion that seemed to mean business. The largely Increased grain tratllc over those lines, with tho cor r?aponding improvement to their exchequer, added to hints quietly given out by authority that a dividend on ihe common sorts of stock is within the bounds of possibility, are attracting buyers. It is well known> however, that hope is addicted to telling flattering tales, which In nine times out often aro no moro to be relied upon than those mondacious narrations so es teemed by the gallant marine corps. Perhaps tho greatest activity coupled with a magni tude ot operations may bo sot down to Western Union, though the advuuco of tho day, conllned to one per cent, was scarcoly equal to the Western railroads. There was an unquestionable covering of shorts on tho part of dealers who bavo kopt steadily on the bear side for months past, and an equally strong demand lor the bull account. It is generally conceded that a ^lvidend will be declared of at least 1>, per cent, whether It bo earned or not, and reports of tho increased re ceipts of tho company over last yoar's exhibit aro freely circulated. It appears to be the policy to let stockholders seo the color of their money for this quarter at least, to give a sop to Cerberus, even though polos and wires sutler tho fate of Mr. Manta llni's "bow-wows." As it is, the point to buy is cir culated with such studiod secrecy that half the Board to-day has been whispering in the other half's ear, with the result of establishing an unusual firmness and a very decided appearance of a further adrance to morrow. The stiffness in the money markot has vanished, and offerings were made us low as 2 por cent per annum. This rate Is not a favorable prognostication of an ad vancing market, unless it should have arisen from ex ceptlonablo causes. TBI BALES TO-BAT. The transactions at tho Stock Exchange to-day ag gregated 88,800 shares:?New Yoric Central and Hud son, 120; Erie. 2,400; Lake Shore, 27,300; Cleveland ?nd Pittsburg, 100; Northwestern, 1,000; Northwestern preferred, 2,700; Rock Island, 300; Pacific Hail, 2,900; Bt? Panl, 3.100; Sf. Paul preferred, 9,600; Ohios, 1,300; Western Union, 30,600; Wabash, 400; Hlchlgan Central, 1,000; Delaware, Lackawanna and Wesiorn, 1,850; Union Mining Company, 1,100. ' OPINIKO, B10KK8T AND LOWEST rBICES. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day:? Opening. BigkttL LovottU New Tork Central 110 110 loo* Harlem 137 137 137 Erie 13* 14* 13* Luke Shore 62* 63 62'i Wabash .. 2* 2* 2* Northwestern 40 40* My?, Northwestern preferred... 69* BO'^ &?'?' Rock Island 1W>H' 1<?* 10r'?? Pittsburg . 02* 03 92? Milwaukee and St. Paul... OS 3938 Mil. and Su l'aul preferred 67* ft* ?7\ Ohio and Mississippi 16', 17 16*, New Jersey Central 82* 82* 82* I)cl., Lack. aDd Western.. 100 107 100 Union Pncilic 00 CO 59 c:., C. and I. C 4 v; 4*,' 4* Western Union 67 68',' 67 Atlantic and Pacific Tel... 10 10 16 Pacific Mail 26* 27* 28* Panama 138 138 138 Prodacers' and Petroleum 117* 117* 117* cv>suto ruicia?3 p. m. I'ncir.i kail.... 27', a U7K Mi Abtl'pf.. tO'i * ?0t? M cm Inlet... bis* * ??>. C. CAIC. ... 4s a 4^. Vuickkiiver.... 1 .'>>a * 10 Cel. L A Vf. ...lOo', a 107 l4?lck*Uv*r pf In ft :a hrle 14 n 141/ k *r i-aud <k >1. 4U a 5 Lake Shore.... .V.'V a iS karL.kM |>i 5 a 0 Uich Central 46V ? 4..% Ao?ro?K* U# a ? N Y A Harlem. 137 ft 13* An eriimi Ex.. ta>i a t3 N V C A 11 H..110 a 110^ I * Express .. 72fZ a T.*i N J Cen *??!*? a K:o4 VlMar^^l W>*? a 9.) Ohio A His*.. lti;. a 17 Cbic A *U.. I*"? a Uc3? l'unams ISM a 140 1 let A Pitt- k>)J ? t a TolAWab ... 1 a 2\ Cliie A Ji W.... 4u a 40? Union Pacific.. 60 a CO l.'hle A >> W pi. (ft a On'* Mi?o?ri i'ae .12 a 13 Cliic A R I....In."* a 1MI Prod A Pet Co.. 11117* Mil A fit P ;:\t a ??<? AST AD CI Ann BICUNB. The following aro the changes in closing prices com pared with those of yesterday :? Advance.?Delaware and Lackawanna, 1; Erie, *; Miohigan Central, *| Northwest common, Jjf ; do. pre ferred, 1\: New Jersey Central, ><; Ohio and Mi>sis sippl. H: Pacific Mail, *,; Producers' and Petroleum, X; Rock Island, *; St. l'aul common, 1; do. pru lerred, 1 >i; Western t'nlon, 1*. Decline.?Lake Shore, ta ; Illinois Contral, *; Har lem, X; C., C,, C. and L, *; Atlantic and Paoitlo Tele graph, %. The remainder of the list was stationary. GOTBRNMEET BONUS. These were in moderate request by Investors and generally firmer, especially for 1867's. The market olosod at tho following quotations:?United Slates currency sixes, 124 )? a 124*; da sizes, 1881, registered, 119 a 119)t; da do., do., coupon, 122* a 123; do. da, 1865, registered, 116 a 115'4; do. da, da, coupon, 116 all6)?; da da, do., new, registered, llSJt a 116){; do. do., do., do., coupon, 119'4 a ll'J', ; da da, 1807, registered, 118!* a 118,lf; da da, da, cou pon, 121K * 1-1; Jo. da, 1S68, registered, 120 a 120)?; do. da, da, coupon, 1^3", a 123<?; do. ten forties, registered, Hi1* a 117do. da, coupon, 116* a 118*a; da fives. 188L registered, 117* a 117},; da da, da, coupon, 117 a 117 ,. THE MONET MARK KT. Mosey was in supply at 3 and 3,', per cent and at the close at 2per cent. Prune paper ia unchanged and continues to be quoted at 4 and 0 per cent The fol lowing are the rates o! exchange on Now York ai tho under-mentioned cities to-day:?Savannah, * pre mium; Charleston scarce, selling V promimn; Cin cinnati easier, but not quotably lower, 90 a 100 premium; New Orleans commercial, bank. ; Chicago, 7,'>c. discount, and St. Louis, 60c. premium. Sterling exchange was Inactive; prime asking rates, 4.*8 tad 4.90; selling rates, 4.^7 v, and 4.87 , a4.87 'j ; reich marks, 96* a 96s and m \ a 96*; cables, 96 , a ?$*; prime Paris, 5.14?, and 411*. THE GOI4> HARKKT. Gold opened at 112* and closed at 112*, all the sales of the dsy having been at tbeso figures. The car rying rales were 3, 1, 2 aud 1 >4 per cent. CLSARINO Horss STATEMENT. Currency exchanges ?68,618,277 Currency balances. 4,291,774 Hold exchanges. $,694,698 Hold balances 1.244..'08 OPERATIONS or tub uold kxihaxus bank to HAT. Gold balance* I7.J6,661 Currency balances.. 831,937 Gross clearances 16,853,000 TIB UNITED STATES TBKASl'KY. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $89,000 gold on account of interest and $113,000 in redemption of. five-twenty bonds. The iuh-Treasury disbursed to-day $61,234 silver MB I* sMhange tor fractional currency and on checks Revenue receipts. $400,000; customs receipts, $400,000; book notes received for redemption, $1,000,0001 tub romaiux market. Tho Loudon advices report consols weaker, at a de cline of % a U por cent, as compared with yesterday's closing quotations. United States bonds, on Ute other hand, were very firm, especially for 1867's. Erie de clined ? per cent to 12,*,'. Tho Bank of England painod ?36,000 sterling on balance to-day. The following are five P. M. London quotations:?Consols for money, 93fc a 93,T< ; do. lor account, 93*,' a 93 ; Ave-twenty bonds, 1886, old,*104 \ ; do. do., 1867,10U J, ; ten-forty da, 100% a 1067,; new fives, 105', a 100; Erie, common shares, 12J* a 12Ji; Erie, preferred shares, 18 a 20. In Paris rentes aro firmer at 104C 57>{c. Exchange on London, 25f. 25c. 1st Frankfort new lives are 101*4. INVCBTMKNT STOCKS. Investment shares were generally Arm. Pittsburg and Port Wayne brought 103 a 103 '4 a 103; Delaware and Lackawanna, 100 a 107; Morris and Essex, 10H\; CL, U. C. and 1., 40>, a 40; New York Central, 109\ a 110; Producers' Petroleum, 117a 117J,'; Delaware and Hudson, 109; Cleveland and Pittsburg guaranteed, 92\ a 92?i ; Hock Inlautl, 106\; Wells Pargo Express, 9U: United States Express, 72. PR* GOODS IMPORTS. The imports of dry goods at the port of Sew York for the week ending this dale are $780,209, and the amount niarkotcd $851,560. The total imports since January 1 are $40,992,133, and the total amount mar keted $41,820,018. RAlMtOAO BONDS. In railroad bonds nearly all tho business was In the Union Pacific issues, St. Paul and Erie. The first named sold at 104H for firsts, and at 89 a 89 lor sink ing lunds. Milwaukee and s>u Paul, La Crosso di vision, hold at 1027? a 103; C. and M. division at97)i, and consolidated sinking fund at by, a 89 J4. Erie third sold at 103, and lourtU at 100!*. Central l'acifics advanced to 109, and Northwestern consolidated gold coupons to 89Central l'acifics. San Joaquin branch, sold at 93Si, aDd Western l'acifics at 100. Tho follow ing wero tho closing quotations for Pacific Railroad bonds:?Union Pacific firsts, 104),' a 104 \; do. do. land grants, 99 'i a 100; do. do. sinking funds, 89.!* a H0\ ; Central l'acifics, 109 a 109Hi. STATS BONDS AND BASK SHARKS. In State bonds New York coupon and bounty loan sold at 10a!?, Mississippi long sixes al lOtf'*, District of Columbia 3.65's at 69 a 68\' and Tennessee new at 43*. Bank shares were neglected, the only sale being of American Exchange at 1U9% a 109. T1IK RAILROAD WAR between the trunk lines increases in intensity. Yester day the Central and Hudson reduced its rates on the lowor grades ot freight from 35 and 40 conts to 20 and 2& conts, which to-day has been promptly responded to by the other lines in a corresponding reduction on all classes, so that it Is sale to say there Is at present no reg ular rates from tho seaboard to the Wost, as for thirty days past there has beon none from the West to tho East. Tho commutes of New York merchants who are endeavoring to securo a reduction of freight rates for the protection of New York merchants met Presi dent Jewell, of the Erie Railway, this morning, who Informed them that tho rules of (ho Erio road had been reduced to 20 cents per hundred pounds for special class to Chicago?a reduction of over fifty per cent? and that freight to all other points in the West would be carrlod on the same basis. miLADKLriUA STOCKS. Tho following aro tho Philadelphia stock quotations at three o'clock th^> day;? Bid. Atktd. ?City sixes, old ? 102 ?City sixes, new 107",' 107,?, United Companies of New Jersey 186% 136 Pennsylvania Railroad. 52 62>f Philadelphia and Reading Railroad... 44 44^ Lehigh Valley Railroad 56\ 66'^ Catuwissa Railroad preferred 40? Philadelphia and Eric Railroad 17177? Northern Central Railroad 337,' 34 Lehigh Navigation 44?% 45 Lehigh Navigation, gold loan 104 >4' 105 * Ex dividend. CAI.I FORMA MINING STOCKS. Tho following aro the closing official prioes of mining slocks to day:? Consolidated Virginia 73 Crown Point 13^ California 81 Yellow Jacket 33 ^ Segregated Belcher .. 76 Alpha 61 Ophir 5it Belcher 20)^ C hollar 82 Confidence 20,', Savage 16,?< Sierra Nevada 13% Consolidated Imperial 6>i Exchequer 19% Mexican 32% Overman 63 Could Ai Curry. 14^ Justice Best A Uelchor 58,'4 Caleddnia a v. Halo A Norcross 56 24KTADA MLM.NO ITKM8. ' The Chollar Potosi Company is taking oat about 100 tons per duy, shipping 178 tons from tbe dump on tho 23<1 pros. On tbe same day Consolidated Vir ginia forwurdod twenty-eight bars bullion valued at $98,747. In tbe Imperial mine good progress is made in botb north and south winzes, tbe former being down twenty-two feet, and all tho way in good oro, said to average by assay $174, which is, of course, much above the yield by ordinary treatment. Belcncr is taking out tbe usual quantity of ore and tbe entire work is progress ing favorably. Inside tbe mine tbe drift running north from tho cast drift, on tbe 1,600 foot level, is in adis tance of 147 feet through good looking quartz. The ratso from sill floor on 1,400 foot level is up seveaty eight feet and the air shsfl is down twelvo leot below tho 1,600 feet lovel in hard bottom. California Company shipped twenty bars bullion oa 23d pros. valued at $71,012. At a sale for more choice of chairs la the Pacific Stock Exchange tbe premiums were $500, $350 and $250 for tbe first three selection*. The "Lightning Amalgamator" Is the name given to a new contrivance that cost* but $6,000, and is repre sented to be capable of treating ten to tweuty-flve tons of ore per day, with a fourth part of the usual manual labor. Tbe estimated oo*t of working a single ton is $1 50, which is only half tbe rate for the same work when performed by other than "lightning" agencies. COLORADO. A good local authority asserts that at the present rate of progress tbe Territory will have 600,000 miners at work within tea years. Witn tbe recent improvement in labor raving machines an?l In the methods of ore treatment 600,000 men should produce $.p>00,000,000. The gross product for the prenent year is estimated at $10,000,000, three quarters of which will come from Gilpin, Boulder, Clear Creek and Jefferson counties. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES FaioAT, June 2,1871 IIKK0RK CALL?10 A. M. S1000MA SPeon ?f..c H0K SOJ ihi LS * SI I* 03?i too'Dal A Ur.'01... IllV ->no <1? 100 sh? brio KB.... b3 UJJ IOO b:i ;3 loo W en L'n Tel e ?<7 20<i do *3 w: '.lUO uu t>7 3?l do itK li i<j flo B7V f 100 iio MV II O uu i3 '7', 10 ? do . e '<"J\ ICH? do bH V" do io il hi do OT1? fOOO do - :ini) Pac V sllKi-. 24>*? 7"' do i3 .Vj' 41m do ?3 3)0 do b3 Wt 3*>f) !lKjj ?? do .5 ao ??<?'? 100 Mil A bt P Bit .. :,H J(?i u.. ?3 16', l<> 1 Mil 4e 81 i' Bit pf. .7<? JOO do bit 1!' \ 100 do ...&3 87', JO do 2 !'? 600 ?iS SO > Mich i'en ic It ... -id'J liOTolAWebTMt .. tV j00 d.. 4?''3, MODel. LtW KK... KM ^OO do 4?*5 loo Uhto A Bias Bit... 1 fl?; WsIS A:<D IWI A. M. tytm LV ?.?>.<? B3.a, 110% $190003 C.H 5 :n, c,-?37 1211; an u 6-lO,?, W,?m?ll 1 -1 *??' FIRST fuiAHIi?K. IL jr.iK.OX V 8 7'.sbl,coe lOS'i Ho ?h? A Pitts ?rj>, 4'Ai' itaa #'?,4:i>, 10L> . Icb Leu KK. be .6'. jt? ?? Dl?t ? olH.<*>'??. till do 47 a<?*> Vi. iI bdv . . l'?4'4 l'?> do 44t?; |imi(] Jk O iit.r "H. ?8)i l"i do 4<H4 h?ir, K A OH? . 117 1MO do ... 4?i-, KtnM A Ml'Ikl.Ljt' I".", S X M s Ki:.b c .VJ , 4i??i rto lie l"?-7? !"0 do !>:! ?jiio M A St P, C A M f7?'? i n do >:j ..j'4 :i(>?' M tUCiMII.. Ktl'4 50. ltd e ,VJ;, aii??i . be i*? ? 1 ?> do ?j .v.". I/UI Kill 4th ai .. . li'Va 4<0 do.. inmMI A m #!<'?%fee 77 , Kri do "> ,v/?J 1(100 WentPec bon<i? 1 <' 2200 do 1-V??i l'a Pae *H lit., licx? <io ?"> *?2v MRU I n i ar ?iunu. Ml'^ IK"i do ?:( 'J ?, noun do ?? i<?io do.. 2m<i lint It I'd, if.... 114 :i ?> .in ,:4 Mjj OORiTul A WabdHL... >1 1400 do .1;>. ?li* Dei A ii < ?>?!.. I".' lOithl m > W pf.,.be 6 lik, ]? I I. A P Co. M 117'. 2KI dn ,ba Ml', 7' <i\t e?t Cn T?l...b e W7S% "JKtI do 11. imni ii ii ?7', .'mi da v.", (in tii , liu Mil A Hit' pf.bcb'l tt?'t TOO do K7'4 ?" 1 do tH'j 14m d? 1 7 ? 1 tx? do 0 ?M?), ?Jtici il? ?8 07-", 1(*1 do ' M?, 111) d? ';7S do 100 do ?' UT'j 7l>? do >3 IK1, ;, o do ?3 17^t l?J0 do... fiH-. ].(f do .. I'" H7', H?? do tJO Wl>4 nniI'd B g Co.b e.b30 IjJ 1<*> do i.*1, 20.1 i ii i 13 , Kill do S3 tfi, l'?i Pacific Mall I'D do.... !>*'? irii ilo b:i 27;, 'Jit' dii OX', I'M d? ...? -.7 11 ? i do '<"> do "MU 27 IK> do 8*', ao0 do. SI7.t, 111) Tol, WA VV .. be :u?.i do b'.l aO"i do _ _ ? H Aincmtn '3 I*** Mor k En BB K -t1,' 27'4 10IC, C.C AJ Bh.... 4:,'i -7!% 2 <1 IMI.L a W I OH *3 1") Bor k K? KB It!3tf A(i Hi-ill Kariio blS 1" ?> do be lo:i'^ 10J MCAlIltBB.bee !'*??? 30 P. K W A C gt... I'd in d0 110 . do be l'U.V I'M do opg 1' t'Vi 8U do lui'i luy Iio avw do 103 BEFORE CALL?12:80 P. 91CSOO UP 5'?. ?. '81.. 117J," 51* M 1>U Col 3.8V*.t3 ? ?*? 8fOU(Vn Pgr (old.,0 It 0 40U0 .V N W c c j; l>. 8 >\? - O.-Z 100 Krie nH IOO \|ic Vc* '(R SO 111 Ceu KB IOO Waal l u ?el? li 200 do lOJ do >3 "OO do bS *10 50 200 1700 100 LlltXS KR. b3 1<*0 <to ?J do do do do b5 do ha do do do. do. .13 taxi 4'ill 100 200 3i*> 200 loo ion do. Ifci ?7?, ,7S #7*1 07-*, ?IX ?7>; ?7?; aj'ij 53?J 52f, 52*. r-Ju sa s 52> 10 >lii S J C?n UB. .. 2f* i Cbl A N W HR..b3 200 do MX) do lei Chi A N W pf. WO IOO do b-i do tio do baO do b3 li*i HU ?Jo I 2<lO 111 I 200 lm> VII) 31) ) do, do. do do d? 10 N J RK Km Mil A Si 1' UK b.i HO I lei. LAW HU... 200 Mil A 8|P UKpf.. ?*) do 100 do 2t?) do 100 do lO )Ohio A MlwKK... 18 Murib? HU..... 8 P. $30000 l'85-20,e,'85,n 119'4 WOOOO L'8 5'?. r,' SK00N'l> B0A.RD?1 P. lOOibaC k KI.bc.?3 Mali .r... t o 52 IS 100C.C.C * I RK.bS 45's J2O00 Mo U'?, lunif bd?. 106^ 50?I0 D (' 3.05'?.b c.n'1 5h\ 2<XX)MASP8'?,l*l.LC li It 25000 do NM'-i 201*) Went l'ac bds. . 100 2 00 C A S i c b. 8 Jl? ll*iOCed K A M l?t.. SOU 2i*?l i ?r li Pat-gold b. lot-4, 5 1*1 100 WXJOCl'Ut.C AObr navs liXMSt 1.4 I M 1*1... 1010 2t<*> do be 10IK euou Dub A sc 2d div lOH lO m Del A 11 r. 112 10 ah* Am Ex Hk be 100V ? ' do low 10 Del Jt II C?u. 1O0 13 Uuiek Mill... ,b e e 15 IOO 1'CL.i I* Co 117*, 50) I'n M'g Co.b c.b'IO 200 do bH'i 300 W??t L Tel...l>c.t3 7O0 17O0 IOO 2o0 loo 71*) H> 1 do do. do. do. do, do. do do do. !<*? Mar L A M pf.. . 1<< 1 Weill-1' ar^o Ex.b3 i:i do be 500"Krto HK.. ....!? o :i hi 500 II K I 2<K> 200 $8000 T A W con c?bl. 35 5000 W l'ac bd?.... Wl IOO 2000 M A M I' coil ? I 11 *)0 liar 1*1 7'*,c.... 3'X*>C * S We Kb.. 2 *>tlia * in 1 el ..*11 MM) . .ba .???) . .00 . ba ?<*) 4 u II**.) ?001 1400 1200 ft*) 51* J 70O .'iOU 500 300 2'I ? :?*) 2 jo 100 Mar L AM ? 200 lu Mill l|f loo l1 C ii A I' Co 117J? 100 C 8 Expreaa 72 3 do 72 5 do 72*4 2' 0 Wolln Kar|foE*.b3 wo 31 do S*> IOO l'ac Mail SS 27\," 2o 1 Krie HK |3 14'? do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 115*. HU'i t>8 07',' 67'J Bs 18 um,' t.8 '8S 07 ?7V I8>, .ba ... ItO L' S Kxpruaa....b e In 1M Ceu UK be IfiO do ?IK) lO) uo... loi 1-8 A M SHU. bo 1HO 17*1 do do. 1800 lo 1 200 V. ?24? ?'"s 87 tl7V H7? t>7 v. A?*; OJ IM) 14 MS. 14>-c 14'* MAa do do flu b3 do 100 CUv A Plttn ill.. lo do bo 500 Chi A > \V HU.bc 100 do mOOhlMV RK pi b ' ihoc.c.cai IOO do bo ?*) Mil A Sl-1' pf...b c 2oo 1200 2i)i 2O0 :>(ki lO 1 21*1 40O 2O0 do do. do. do. M. 82!, 40 40 40W r.9? 5os 5?'4' .'!)', 51P4 50?-, I.O 60', MO'j i:iew 381, lOO1^ SS! ?-^s ?8*2 1?\' 103S M. 117>i M. 106K 27* 72 47 40?i 52% 53 Wi Ms 5Z? in.'C 1)2 , 40% 40? lil)^< 45 45 (18 % 61) 200 504.1 Mil A SIP... b ? loo do H3 lOOTol. W AWRR.bc 21A) II. L, <t W KH..b 0 2 >0 do 100 Ohio .- Miu.bc.b3 OO do :?>.i do ba 2 )0 Ohio A M rtt .1 P. ll*)sh?Krlo R1U. 100 Mil li Ceil HU....13 200 Chi A N W ItiU. . 3<>) do li 0 do . IOO Chi A X Wpf....a3 lo 1 . o ,v b KH...*3 11) O do 2'?0 do .b'l 100 do |3 101 do 200 N J 1 en HK .... 40 do 1'OChl.ViUUK ,b3 100 do 8JO Mil A St 1* UK. do b3 ,.U3 do do do. do. 300 4 H) OOO 200 20 KX? 5oo Mil A St 1* pl...b3 500 do............ 300 do loo di. IOO Tol A Wab (IK.... 100 do 11*1 Del. L A W HU .. 100 do ?3 4(K) do ba W) ?8V OS J, 08 >, 88 OS-4 ?'87, 00 li'.iV 38 ? 8\ -l4 108'4 1081, 17 10^ 17 M. HK 47 41) au'g <oi, HI 1o5>,' 10.>4 3D bl) 39? an t>IM4 60C 80!, 0U?, 2j, i<ti\j 108Ji 107 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE Bl'OT LOWER?TDTUJtEH LOW E11?FLOL'li QUIET?WHEAT FAIULY ACTIVE?CORN IRREGULAR?0AT8 DULL AND EASIER?VHIbKKX NOMINAL?PORE LOWER? LARD LOWER?I'ETBOLEUM QUIET, BUT FIRM?SPIRITS TURPENTINE QUIET?ROSIN NOMINAL?OILS STEADY?FREIGHTS GENE RALLY STRONGER?COFFEE QUIET?SUGAR STEADY. Friday, June 12?fl p. if. The merchandise markets havo not varied much as a general thing during the pa*t week, notwithstanding the fact that values of mo*t commodities have fluctu ated continually. Tho dry goods market has ruled quiet; but, In view of the changes rondored noccssary, apparently, by the late largo auction sales of dotnfS" ties, It cannot b<j said to have been steady. In many eases price lists have been made to conform to the pub licly established prices, but in others they apfioar to bo considered as too low, and tho dealers have not re duced their prices, and probably will not do so. The most encouraging foatufo is iho continued lrce outflow of breadstuff's during tho greater part of tho week, and the large demand lor frelirht room and vessels for berth* suitable for tho grain trade. Quite a large fleet of ?mall craft have been chartered during the week, while ail the available room on the berth has been taken np at en baneed figure*. But there wan a sensible abatement In the demand toward the latter part or the week, which resulted In a material decline In prleei, holder* manifesting a wlllincuess to mjet buyers, the receipts being pretty heavy Tbl* applies essentially to wheat. In which a larire business' baa been done. Corn baa also sold more freely than at any time Tor a long while, the market lor prime being pretty well sustained, while Inferior has Milled considerably. The provision market* have been demoral ised. and the decline in prices of both pork and lard ha? been marked. Freights aud charter* have steadily ad vanced To day (Friday) the muiket* were all but univer sally dull. On Change Hour wa* quiet. Wheat was ralrly active, but at lower nrlces. Corn was Irregular and gen erally lower, although prime was sustained. Oat* were dull and lower. Wblssey wa* wholly nominal. Fork and lard were unsettled and d.-cldedly lower. Krelghti were mod erated active In gralu tonnage and higher; otherwise .low but steady. Coffje was quiet. Naval stores were quiet Oil* were also quiet. Petroleum was quiet, but firm Sugar was quiet but uuchaiiged. Asiiaswere quiet bnt steady at .V4c. a Si^c fer not* Pearls were nominal at C,\v. a 7c. AstlMosr was higher on tlio other side; quoted at loi.r gold, for lorelgu. ?n"Vx 7" u *"dy af?r Ws.tern and : 5',c r Sou'horn. * e note sale* of l,(XJl? lbs. Southern at and 1,WW lb*. South western At 3ov Hkommcokn was dull and unsettled. Wa <|aote:-Bed c. a Ac.; red tipped, 5c. a He.; medium green. 7k.e .He l-AXttUH were steady and in fair JoObiug demand We quote -hporro. 2*c. ; .perm, patent. HMc.; *?.arie. acid ll?! osj, 21e. a J3c.: adamantine 14. 1 u o*.) 12c. a iii. . paraRIno (?? *. t;'s and 12'*). lite, a 2t*e. a 10c.. Corrk*.?The market for Rio wa* quiot. We note sal* of O.'Hl bags at Baltimore, ex Eiaaauel. o n Vriv* t e terms. I he Orey haglo turn arrived at Baltinion with a cargo or 5.000 bahs. We quote :-Ordinary cargf". 1 -'C. a 15'4e .; lair do., lrt?:u . 17,''. do..l7'4e. __a ^17,V.; prime do.. I7\c. a l.?i.; ^ Ilk:.; Maca?ar. W. alJV.; Mexican."lTc. a I^VanTu 17c, a He.; Angostura 17c. a IHe.;' bavMllfc * liy,c.: 1 uracoa. l.iVc. a I7J.C. '? CoorKBASK STOCK was euchanged We Mola*?e? .hooks, 32-Inch. with heads, fl UO a ?2 26- . uVar shook*, with aeads. 3H-lncn. *2 S" a S2 Hit H? (i? 'at ClfiOa tK.x .hook* 75c. ? * Trum do #4nine ^ $6 s $6 50: emptr boirsbeads, 50; hoops, 14 fc?*t or* d'nary to prime, $37 a WO; boons. 12 loot. oo.. *33 a'si, t'orrKK.?We note sale* or 130,000 lbs. lake at ??<>- .. ? 21c.: the mernet closing at 21c. i?? at.^c.a COROaOB was unchanged. Wo quote :-Mauila (iXrue and small ?ise).per lb.. I.i*,c. a I4U; do. cordage *U ,ooe yarns l?c. a 17c.; tarred Manila. 14c. ; rope ,l?P? , i" 'C.,a 12',C.; Russia hemp tarred 14e.: American do 14c.: Russia i,?lt rotw 17C Corron.-?The market for spot a as Arm aud '?c. higher tsnwsiss. jafe; <? ?*<* J"'y 11 11 I?a II 27 32 July la 3J2a _ *,&: !!27-i":i!^,tt Is.3 ltt;Hi OrtoUor. J| October.. 11 f.VJGa U 8142 f.?* JJ,? ? 11 ail .U a\OV 11 1 117 I J*? { ,J ?{!??? V*C 11 27-Ti a u>; '/"h } ! 11 :}?{ i*? 11 I5-I? a 1 rJl-32 wi,:::: ? >??? ?Ap111 1-'* ? 12 5-32 April 12','' a 12 *7-10 Mhv lliJ? n 1*? 'i lit - Quotation- are ba.ed on A me r lean standard nr",.?lik* Ion and ? n eollou in store running In q?.||,, uot than hair a grads above ?r beloar the grade quoted ,, I'phuvi*. Alaf*?ma. Trrr?? fctey-:;::;: ?V,tt -,M8 "1" : ! I.?.w iniddlinir II 110 II 3-10 11 S-lfl 11*1 IX ! Strict low middling. II||i, i' lit- ' I Middling 12 * I ' ?. I ... [ Good middling .... I2'i (J. ? IU \*? J Ktric'i jfood middling, la 131; J*.* Middling rair 13'," ,V sir I? j.," ?Htslned tlood ordinary. ?*re ; .triet goo.i ?Tdlnary i've ? ' f?lTowi - ' U'ldUl""- n'-c "Pot s?le* were **' K x port ^ n"!"'" J,'*?' '' ii.inoption '....".'.1,275 "274 I'm"!' HoccuUtu.n fa vi i'. r?u?*d.llrrry t^e' 1 . .T-f* .. Vtmierildy, after two I* Vf ? i Jntw, JflDitt II tic. ;ililr, j(RU( Il'sf 2*1)fit 11 *?7 V?r ' Allium, 40>ttt II at Tie., mill Hi 1|?'* Ujr?2i 11 .Ti'Ji V^'iTif"1 ^ no'tfe , J?? !? 11 S'lJ . - rt notice *\ 11 27 ? JiiIt 1 St II HI ?2e , !,*? L? ?C* 5*1 12c., luri hi 12 1-ltJe.* 44wi j j'i f ' Auicntt Sim II ity^c . mumi u *3OO m \v 1 tfil ;; j? Si.? Vi'tVfe -uf!1 Total. i'j,;,. bS: 1 be receipts At tbe ports were as futiuas ;~Oalrssto?i, 71 , bale*; New Or'emu. 013; Mobile, 101; Ba.aunaK 22; Charleston. I'M; V* ilujluirtnn. 3: Norfolk. 11*1; H?lllmore, 143: New i'urll,;kt-; Mutluu. lit?; Philadelphia. 921. Total, 2.1.15 bales. 1'liia day last ?e? k. 2,1b* This day lui year. 2.120. Total kiucc {September 1. 4,^17,379 baloi to li?t niicht. Cotton freights cloned a. lullow?:-To Havre, by MM, '.c., iprr n.4 To llaiuoorK. bv steam, J?c.. compressed. 'lo Hrctnen, by ?team. *,c.. compressed. to Liverpool. 5-lGc by sir am; bv tail. 5-It hi. Imii 1..1. .1 ?Opium wan Arm ; quoted *tH (old. Id bond, and 75, currency for Job lota. Oil vitriol was quiet al ?l 70 per cat. for Ur;u lot> and 2c. a 2Sc V*r lb. for small lots. Camphor was stealv at -7c. tor reflned. Cream tartar wa, ouoied at 32c.. irold. for Am.ilcau. and S7c. lor French, ami 37V,c. for powdered in bbl?. and 3f'tc. lor do. in boxes. Alcoholics?Chloroiorm and etb.r were ?teady at OOc. for the former and Vic. a Mt. for tba latter, Horax waa sieadv at IIVc. a like, for reflned city aud 11 y. ,or do. California. iTnlsam tolu waa unchanged; >|Uoted ai <fl iJ5 a #J. currency Ilurj^inuy pilch was quoted at 7 V ? He. Ouurana was entirely uomlual at $ 2 if' a #3. Manna waa strong: new crop waa quoted at 65c. a 7Uc. lor aiuall. .*I 05 a $1 20 for large ani .W. lor aorta. Kits ilau cantharideii were quiet at *1 25 a $ 1 50. hbellae waa ijulet at 46c., ifolil, for U. I'., and 3tlc.. gold, for Knt-'li'h I)lvi dlvl waa very scarce and firm at #i>j per ton. Culeh waa quiet at HJ^c.. jjold. I'ruasiale potash waa quiet at 2#o. altOc.. hi* to quality. Bichromate potash waa dull at 15^jC. Sal ammoniac waa dull at 10'4c., gold, Irish uioaa waa quiet at <H,c. a 7c. tlainhler waa Hriu at 6c., gold, bpsoiu salts were In fair demand at 2c. Sumac waa Brm at (1 30. Ar eola were ateady al 28c. a ;tt>4c., Kold, according to quality, ticiiliaii root w a*. rtrin at 7c. Cassia buda wero quoted at t.'?c a ilc. Colombo root waa Qnoted at l*c. for whole aud He. tor powdered. tSum ^wlda waa Mr in at J1?c. a Kc.. wltu upw.rd tendency. J umper berries were dull al Sc. a 3\u' for ordinary Italian. Orange pcei ruled quiet at 10l,c. a lie., spot Venice turpeutina wasoullat 17*.c a lUc. Castile soap?lonti wnlie was quoted at 1UJ,C. and Maraeiuea pure mottled at lil^, K,dd Koclie.te sails were ateadv and lalrly active a> Ifiv.r. tor bid*. unit 31 kc. tor boxes. Quinine waa very active at Ji!. Illue vitriol wa* ateadv at H^c. Mor phine waa active lit $4. Iodide potath ?ai active at #2 25, luilk, und RJ Xt h. i. Alum?Lump wa* In fair de mand ut -*.C- a 2:l4c. Chlorate potaali wna In lair demand at 21c. a 'Jlljc., {told, and 22c lor greenbacks. Tar arte aeid waa quiet lit 42kc., told, lor crystal. and 4Uc. a 50e. for powdered. Citnc acid was quoted at 73c. a 74c. Licorice root was quiet at lonuur price*; quoted at 40., gold. uml Irom 8c. to lie., currency, for selected. Licorice paste, Cftlaoria. was quiet at 31c. a 3"tc ; Spanish aoliil wa? ia good demuudui jic. a 28c., gold; l'i|<nat"lli waa i|uiet at 34c.: kmull liuxaliiia waiquoiod at 32c.; lartfo (oualiiia wa* In good demand at 4<>r.; I*. ? s. email waa active al Hlic. a .'<<!>.c. CennlUno was vey scarce ; laal lot was sold at 4<'ic. ('iittleflsh bunea ruled ateady at Jlv. li -7c. llalaani copaiha waa caay at t&c. a 70c. Sallroii wa* tlriii at 'J'Jc. a2">c. lor American aud#!' $12 for SuauUli. llalauiru| root wua quiet ..t 4c. a4'.;c. Cod liver oil waa in fat de mand ui $1 mi a ft (!0 lor N"w (oiindlauu and W for Norwe gian. Kiiuiiaro was excited and leiidiu^ upward at price* ranirini; Irom f I b i to #2 75. Aino? were quoted at 12c. a 12V- tilnuer waa llrm at 20c. lor Jamaica bleached. Krgot wa* easy al f I 7.ri. l/ulckailvcr waa ituoleil at U7c. a iWc. 1,CJive? were quiet, hut *tcady at unchaiiKed price*; quoted at 20c. lor belladonna. 11c lor coniiiin and acoiilie. 20c. a 2Vc tor henhaue and $1 J.'i tor rose Arsenic waa In lair demand al J'^c. ti3J?c., sold, lor while powdered, aud 13c. a 13>tc. lor red do. Seods wero quiet. We iiuole:? Mustard-- Yellow Culifoiuia, 7)^c. a He.; brown do., tie. a O'jC.; brown Trieste, 7>?c.; yellow Kniclish. b.'jii. l.'auary ? I'rinio Duloli was quoted ?7 7'> anu Smyrna wua tlrin at V7 25. Ileiup was quiet al $1 H2l? Car.iway was firm at I2u a 12^0. Corriauder waa uuoled ui 8JjO. CantoiniU (lowers were quiet at 10c. a 22c. lor iMyceriuo wa* in lair demand and linn at 17c. a lHl^c. Sweet marloram wa* quiet 111 2<>c a 22c. Orrl* root waa stcadv at 12,' ,e. a 2.V., accordini; lo quality. Tonca beans ateady at $1 .'>0 lor Anico*iurn, Althca root wa* Urmly held at 3(Ju. lor while cut aud 2'ic for lair do. Hum araiilc was quotea at l.'ie. for prime sorts and 11c lor aecoud do. Aniroatura bar* wa* scarce and (Irmly held al iOc. Sassafras bark wu? quiel ut He. Squill* wore qaiel at lOc. a 1 Ic. Lavender (lowers wero quiet ut 0'jc. Valerian root wa* quoted al 25c. lor Kunlinli und 15c. tor Herman. Albumen was steady at (>5o. a70c. for blood and ?l u #1 15 for eioc. Sarsaparilla wa* quiet but steady. We quote :?Honduras common at 34c. a 37c.; do. do. lor export, 35c. a 37c., Kohl; Mexican, Hie. a 15c. was quoted at 12c. a Lie., uold. Hum dantar was quiet at I tic. a l?c. liamlioge wa* nnotod at 07c. Assafietlilu was kteuciy at K>c. a 17c. Carhoniite ammonia waa quiet ut 14,'?c. hlkeutlal oils wero uucliaiiKed. We quote:?Oil beriiiimoi, ?4 50; oil lemon. Sanderson's, 93 50; Iliiiisen't lincsl oil rose, ,Si> 37,'i: ol anise, 91 75, all Kold; oil caraway, if I 40 a ?2 50; oil croton, $2 '.0; oil citronella, 7-r a 05c.; oil lavunder, 7.5c. a 92; do. do. (Mltottam), ?l- 80; oil cloves, 92 05; oil winlerureon, 93; oil sii??iili?a. inclusive. 52,'ic.; oil penny roya., $3. all currencv; oil af bar, 617 and f-H. Kui;likb chemi cals?Maracl closed dull. Sales were 25 tons sal soda at $1 3 >, 2 > tons soda ash at 91 00. lo i drums caustic soda at 4??c-, 10 1 kcK* bicarbonate soda at 4'4c., all ?oM, and 25 ion* bleachiui; powder at l*qC. currency. We quote:?Soda ash, ordinary to ifooil brands. 2c. a 2Ji?.; sal *oda, 1 'jc. a l?,c.; caustic soda. 4',,c a 4'aC. I bicar bonate mala, 4'?c. a 4',i\. nil koU; bleachiuj; oowder, 2c. a 2'?c.. currency; superearbooale soda. John Ilwisht A Co s. iin ke.'sl. 4a.. curreney. "kuthkus ?ere steady at 57c. lor prime, 45c. lor whlto mixed ami 35c. for old do. Figil.?T'lie market was quiet throughout, but priceti were not essentially chNti^od. We quote:?New George's cod.-is> it &VJ5: lirnnd Bank do.. $4 ; Mhore mackerel. No. 1. a do., large No. '2. $15 h $l?i. Box herrhm. No. 1. 15c.: scaled do., -?"h\ bairulUd do., i'ortland. S4 7o a $>; Laorndor $?? 50 a&'> 75. Floub a.m? tiuAix.?liecelpti-Hour. 12.3(3H bbU.: whont, -(>*.5*7 bushels. corn nee), bbls. t oats, 2D.4&0 bushels, eoru. 72,242 do.; r/e, 15,185 do.; barley in*lt. do. The Hour liiiirket whn quiet auU prioob were not fHseotially chan&cd. Ttie shIch were 15,UA) bbls., lucludiiitf Mate, Western and Southuru. at the Mtinexed quotations. Kyc Hour was quiet >?iih Hales of 200 bbln. at 7o a 20 (or Hue to superfine. Corn meal was quiet; 0<) bbls. .?old at 4.*l A !(>!l ,"?< > I'lir ItlUlllivU'in^ lllld SKli ll.'l ll AM 'J.f> t??r \V nylarn and Jsrsejr;ellow. Woquoie:? No. 2 Mate $2 75 a $3 50 Superfine State 4 10 a 4 50 kxira Stale 5 00 a 5 25 Ofiolce State 5 25 a G 00 Superfine Western 4 lo a 4 50 Kxtra Western. 4 UOa 5 25 Minnesota 5 25 a 7 00 Hound hoop Ohio, shipping Irauds 5 IN) n .5 k5 Hound hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 5o a i\ 50 Faintly 7 a 8 50 St. Louis, low extra 5 Ut a ti 00 St. Louis, straight extra 0 .'??> a 7 o:i St. Louis, ehoieo double extra 7 00 a 8 00 St. l.ouis, choice family 8 25 a U 00 Kye Hour, fine to super hue 7o u 4 20 Souiiieru, No. 2 * *J 2-> a 4 IH) Southern, superfine 4 25 a 4 05 Southern, extra 5 25 a 7 00 Southern, family 7 25 a 0 40 Corn uu-al. Western 3 00 a JI 110 Corn meal, Jersey H 0 ? a 3 30 Corn meal, llratidywine 3 5u a 3 HO Corn meal, puncheons 20 00 a 20 50 ?^Wheat *a* lower, but fairly active at the decline. The sales were about 300,000 bushels at #1 o7 for No. 3 Chicago, $1 10 a $1 11 tor No. 3 Milwaukee, $1 lo a $1 IS for un graded, $1 20 a $1 25 for Minnesota ungraded, $1 20 for No. 2 Milwuukee, 2Ha^l 20 for No. 1 Minnesota and Mil waukee, ?1 22 fur No 2 red winter to arrive, #! 16 a $1 17 for No, 2 Chicago, 9Ut0.j for old do. In store. Corn was lr remilar, strictly prima botn* Arm. while other kinds were easier. Sales were about ltiO,Oft> busbela at 5*c. for uo grade. 55|.lc a 50c. for steamer. 58c. a 5#c, for mixed, 58c. a fOu for 4;ood to prime brarols. 50r. for mixed for June and OPu. for July. 57c. a 59c for ungraded and 4<ic. a ft6c. for damaged. Hyo was quiet. Barley and barley malt were also qufct. Oats were dull and heavy. Sales were only 85,1 AJO bushels at 43c. for choice Milwaukee mixed, 41c. tor No. 1 graded mixed, 32c. a 43c. for the ran^e of mixed, 37c. u 37fcc. for K^Aded mixed, 3l*c. for No. 2 white to arrive in June. 10.000 No. 2 Chicago mixed ft>r July delivery on pri vate terms. Khiit.?Korelgn dried was very quiet end easier for prime. W* quote:?l.ajer raisins. per box, 42 75; half do,. # I 00; quarter ilo., 7U0.; tie1* loose muscatel, 92 7i a^i llu per box, according to quality: new seedless raisiita. 95 2.'> per frail; Valencia ramus. lu,'4c. per lb.; suitana do.. He. lor uew; Turkey prunes, >'?c. lor Servia mid Bosnia; now flench do., tic. a I le., according to iiite and quality. Currants, 7Uc., accord!iik to qua Ity. Leghorn citron, 31c. Figs. He. lor iavers. Dates, 5'jC. Hraiilnuts.ii'.c. ("reserved cinder. #7SO ptrcu*. Domestic dried was unlet aad easy. We quote:? Apples, Stale, quarters. He. a 9*?C.; do., sliced, O'jC. a 10*.: Southern, quartern, n.'jc. ? ; do., ?Hood, Uc. a 11c.: (In , luucy. lJi^e. a 19c. Peaches, ptcled?(luorgia, primo to lancy, 14c a lHc.; unpeeled do., quartern, l<?',c.; hulvea, 12; ,c. a ISe. Hlsckberriea. 7J,c. a?C. Raspberries, 20c. a 27c. Cherries, 2(*. Flams, Southern, ISc. a 20c.; do.. State, 21c. I'eannti were strong and tending upward. Wo quote:?Ordinary Virginia, 91 25 a #1 50; prime do.. $1 i(5 4 #1 70;choice do.. CI 75 a $1 Hi, ordinary Wilmington. $1 40 a ft ?0; prime to lancy do.. <175 a 92. domestic i green was quiet, hut firm. We quota:?Apple*, (elected winter, per bbl., *5 a $5 5(1; do., mixed, (2 50 a #2 75; do.. ! common, #2 14 $2 5a Hav <np market wa? quiet and eaxjr. Wo quote :?little hay. shipping, at 7oc ; retail qualities at Hoc u #1 : clover at (Joe, a 7.>o. Straw?Long rru. TUc. a 91: oat do. Wtc. llaMP imp Jut*.?Market wa? qalet. We quote ^Ameri can dresaed, ? 1 IN > a $31)11 for single, 92t>> a #-"J t for double and 9130 a $I3.'> for rough; Manila hemp, tt*?c ? i<\c.,ko1iI: Kuasla clean,#200 a 92lO, gold; Italian, 9275 a 92MJ, gold; Jute. 4'?c. a .'i'4c., currency; Jute butts, 2j,c. a 3e . caau; bual liemp. 4?,c. a 4?.c.. gold: latle. 53sc. a lie., gold. Hint:*.? The market f..r prime stoet waa linn. We note sales of SJO city slaughters. at N:.. curioucy, caih; 1.It* 1 dry Texas (icportedl, at I7c.;aud on privato terms, 4,KIM Mexican, 700Colorado, I.UUOg'een sailed Texas; 2.1AM dry Texas, 2,1**1 dry Western, 7.000 Montevideo, and 9.1* AJ Montevideo aeeoiida. We quote . ? Huenoa Avrea, 2f) to 24 lb?., 17c. a lKe. do., 24 to 27 lbs., 10c. a 21t,c.; Montevideo, 20 a iH}i lbs 17% a ISc.; t,'or rieuies. 21 to IS lba.. Iflf; Hlo Grande, 10 to 23 lba., 18c.; Orinoco, 30 to 22 lba., 1 >- ) ,c.; California, 21 to 2."> His., I?kv ; Central American, IS to 31 lba., 15e. : Matamorns and Mexican, 22 to 25 lba., 15s.; Vera Cruz, IS to 10 ilia., 1 Uc.; Hat;otu, |h to 20 lbs., I.'ic. a 1 le., all koIo. selected: Texas. 2<t to HI lba., lie. it 12a.; dry Texas, lie a lite.; Southern, 24 to Ml lba., lie. a lie . currency, an they run: city slaughter, nx.tVj to t*u lbs., He.: eo?r, 4 > to HO lba,. o.'^e., currency. selected. Mors.?ibe market was very quiet and prices were en tl'cly nominal. From Mr. huimet Wells' lr?itf Hup Cir rul'ir:?-"Heeetpta and export*?itPcelpta for tiie wee*. 472 balea; total rawlpM eince .September I, IH7'i. 7s, Mirj do.; tolal rereipta lor eauie period In 1S74, T2,:t"tl do. : export elearuiieen inr th * week. 17<l do.; total exports alnce nep tember 1. 1P75. 40.7tMdo.: total export' lor mnr oeriini in 1^74 l.'i.iiss do. W?iuota: Ni ? York btate, 1 c. n 17c.; Kastara, sc. a lac.; Wisconsin, sc. a like.; yearllnga. Sc. a In..: olos, all growths. 4c. a ttc. ? t'alliornia. 15c. a 1st. luox ?Tbe Ilia, kit for American pix was quiet. Sales were ;M> ton? Jio. a at 92 1 and ."an loss lo'go on private terms. Scotch pig?Mluhtr pneea were reported in t.ia* vow tor Collaesa Rales were "Kl tons Uoltne** at f.HI; 1i?i tons do. at $2'l 7"?. and 2'*> tons tilungnruock to arrite on prlv.ile t'rmi Wroagtit -Scrap was dull and of ti re I at $2*. We quote Amerlemi pig. S'o. 1, $23 n f S.i: do.. No. 2, I a $.1; do. forge. Sin a #20. Scotch? I t oltnesa.#.i" a #31; liartsbcrrio, $.<>; Ulengarnoek. #20 a 92)1 I'.gllnton. t~* a 30; scrap, wrought, #.'?> a f ;I2 aakud; raila. ateel, 9?I0 tier tun: do., iron, 932 a 934 per ton. I^kaii waa quiet, but Arm. at tt'ac.. sold, lor domestic. l.K itiIKK. ?I here waa a food oeniaud l?r heuiloca M>ie St full prieea. t ropwli in light Stock and Oruily iiel.l. The receipts for tho week were 30,779 Mdea and l.t> S bales. , The exports for tue vaine period were 10,300 aides, ol wlileli S.tka) went to England and 2..V10 to the Continent- qoote ;?lieu.lock ? Light Huenoa Ayres. 20c. a 21c.; do. t^slilornla, 2"c.; do. common hide, .'Oc.; middle Huenoa Ayro*. 22c a 2 >c. ; do. Calilornia, 2l(ic. a 22c.: do. common hide. 2le. a 22c.; heavy Hueno. Ayres, ^J'~e a : do. t:alllornia. 1;te. a 22c. : do. common nide, 1 21c. a 2-e.; good dainagrj Homos ^yre>, 10c. a 2tlc.: do. i CaUloruia. |h<<, a Inc.. do. common hide, ls?. a U'c. ? | poor, damaged common hide. 13c. a lie .?i)utasK.s wa, steane. We quote Cuba, centrifugal ami mixed. 22c, a 2S?.; ?la>ed, 39c a :i'tc.; do. muscora'lo re Itinng. 30w. a Nr.; do. grocery, H2e. a 40c.; I'lMs Hieo, i i?- n "iy.' . Kngliah Islandx, :t2e a .V?e ; New Orleans, fair to ifood. 4Sr. a ?-?e. : prime to choice. Wle. a H"r. >svai. isTtiHKa.?The market lor spirita turpentine was dull, but pri> es were without especial change. Itosin was quiet ami nominal We quote;?9|rtrita tarpei (Mt, Hoke. Kodft?Cummou strained, el 70; c?>'h1 do., el 75 a #1 * 1. I sr?Washington, ?.i III a 92 |8; Wllm 11 ton, 92 10 a 92 1I Advices lioni Wilrntiigloii were as lollow-: ?Hosiu dull and lower to tells atfwtted, 91 1?; good etrained, 91 l ar (iriii, 91 .">.> Tin mi in.- quiet; hard, 91 >0; aolt, 92; tlrK'lu, #2 3tt Spirits quiet a7c. a 27',c. ou.s. ? Market quirt. We quote :?Cottonseed, crude, 40c. atL'c. ; Southern yellow, 59c.; yellow winter, !>Se. a (like. | [ white winter, IVtc.; lard. Winter, #1 (?& a 91 07: sperm, crude. 91 37: do , bleached winter, 91 70; do., n itural 9ft, I SM ?. whale, crude, Xnrtl.ern, ""c ; do. Southern, Vie.; Iileaclied winter, 7t?c. a 72i ; olive, 1 asks. 91 17',, a #122',.. du., <'nsK. #1 ;i.ia9l4<?; a inter, bleached flah, .>0e.; trude tl-.i. ?> *c. a :l7e. I'i Tuiiin a ?The maiket was llrm, but no: active. The ? Ins lit-' prlcws were us follows : Crude, In bnlk, S ?c.; do.. In bin-, ll'.e.a 11 '4c ; reflneii, la bbls.. 14,V' . do. caeea.l'o. Kr'.ued at I'hllaqelphla. I4',e. a 14'|C and at Haltimore, 1 t',c. a I4' tc. Ads ices trom the Cieek were es ndlowa:? I Oil titty active and llrm: i'aited.9- "Jfj; shipments, 92 :t'i a #2 iUL: I'arki r s United quiet and Brio, $2 0.'ia. 92Utt??; t'Btoa. #2 'IV; shipments, 92 191. I'a<ivi.<itixi. ?Iteci-lpia- rnrk, 4:i hbls.: lard. 1,475 tn-rcos; cutmeats, iin packages; bae-ui. 14 tierces and 2,4:ts bbls. . beef, lit*t tierces. 'J*l titila aad 'incaaea. I lie pork market was demoratisod ami lower, closing nominally at $lli lor mess up tbe spot: 11 a? I.bis. aold easy at 910 25 and :*ri da>. at tin 90 a 910 35; I.AlJO bbls. ?oid at 9is ) fur June and 910 fur lull, ibe clislug "call ' prices vara as followsJa?s, $10 29 bid, $1* 05 A.ked: July. $18 WMd. fl*75 asfeed: August, i $lHt?r>bid $18 kT? asked: Si* pte niter. $18 55 bid. $10 asked i Ocl?b?r, $ls 50 bid. $10 25 a?kttd. * utmoHt? wore quiet ana nominal, about 25,(J0Qtbi, pickled 1- and 13 lbs. ev i erage. *old atU&c. Kresh hauis were quoted ut 11 V?c. a l*2e. ; I pickled do. at 11 J4o. a 12c., fresh bellies at I2c. a 1 ! idckled do. it H)c. a H^e. and boxed do. at lO^e. a lie. Bacon wan quiet at ]0|?c. a Ale. lor city long clear and lO^e. for Westeru do: ut Chicago l?iU boxes winter short clear *oid at 10c.. and loo boxe* long and short clear at O' jt. Beef waf quiet, but unchanged We quote :?Barrel*?K*tra men*. $12; pUin do. $ 11: packet. $14. Tierces?City extra India me?a, ?23 a $24; India me**, $22. and prime meat, $20. Beef bam* were quirt at $J?'*$-j| for prime Westeru. Smoked meet*?We note sale* of 3i*> ham* ut 14c.. and &MJ ?boulders at 9??e. Lard ?rm unsettled and decidedly lower, closing at the second ?'call'' a* follows ?J une. $1110 bid, $1120 asked; Julv, $11 If, bid. $11 2U asked; Auirust, $11 30 bid. $11 32 & a?Ued; Sen I teiuber, $11 !i) bid, $11 47,'a asked; October, $11 40 bid. $11 GO asked. Tbe pales were about 7 O'JO tierce* at I $1120, $U 22%. $11 25 and $11 30 for .lulv; $11 32*?' a i $11 37). for August. Spot sale* were 500 tierces city at $11 12*? a $11 15. 50 tierce* old choice at $11 40 uud 1.000 tierc?t* at ChicAfro oil private terms. Refined was j quoted at 12c. for South America, 1 l*?c. for the Continent, and 10* jc. a I0a4c. for Cuba. Sale* were 500 tierces lor the Contiuent at 11 CMtic., and 100 tierce* citv No. 1 ut 10c. a i 10?#c. Butter?The market wa* duU and depressed. State wa* quoted at 2<)c. a 25c.. and Western at 14c. a 2<k\ I Cheese was weak. Best State factory wa* quoted at 11c. a I II1,c.; good Stats at He. a lO'-c., and Western *t He. a lie. Kick.?The market wa* ?teady. We quote Carolina, fair | to prime, tic. a H^'c ; Louisiana. fair to good, 6!4c. a &l?c?; do , prime. 5*.e. a tie. : Uangoon. fair to good, Oc. a 6 Vic.; I Patna, good, Y^jC. a 7*?c.? gold; Ksngoou. In boud. 2)?c. a SfJ^c.. gold. Spki.tkk wa* quiet ut 77?'c. a 8c. curreucy for combination, and 7'4c. gold lor foreign. Stkaui.nk.?The market wa* quiet: 2 ,00 lb*, prime ?old at is^t, and M tie ices off srade at 10c. St" UAH. ?The market for raw wa* quiet; price* wore not especially changed. Ketiued wa* also quiet. We quote ;? Fair re tin lug, 7-?c.; good do., 7J?c ; Tuba, gro cery. tuir t? choice, s^c. a 8*sc.; do., centrifugal, htids. and boxes, .No*, k to 13. H'.jc, a We.: do.. molus^s, hhd*. and boxes. O^c. a 7,?e.; Porto Kico, re lining, common to prime, I 7c. a He.; do., groee|v, fair to chelee, H^c. a w^e,; refined, 1 standard \. i*r?c ; on A. lM*e. aOJjc ; crushed.~10>*c.; pow ! tleiei, I0*je.; granulated. lo'4c.; cut loaf, lO%c. 'I ALLOW.?iiecelpts?s hhd*., tfc? tiercc*. 48 bbls. and 0 ! cask*, ihe market wu* quiet. Wo note sake ?f 175.0 )0 | lb*, prime at *ktc. a 8 1 l-10c.; mostly at 8*?e. | Tin.?'lite market was easier. The Dutch Hale of Banca I went off at 54 florin*. Wo quoteBanca. 2i^c?; btraltn, j 1H?.4c. ; English. 18e., uli gold. Plates?Charcoal. nomi nally $7 50; coke, fo 5y a $0 IMS; terue. $6 12 a $0 37?*. Tobacco.?The market for Kentucky leaf was quiet but finn ; Kale* were 150 hhd*. at previous nrices; needleaf was quiet I but steady. We note sale* of UK) sundries at 7c a 25c.; 144 do. .New Kugiaud, croo 1H72, 1873, and 1H74 at 7*ac a 10c.; 4H8 do. Ohio, crop 1H73. 1H74 and I* 5 ut 5!8e. a K?ac. ; j 46 do. Pennsylvania, crop 1*73 at Sc.; 50 no. Wisconsin, I crop 1873 and 1H74 attt'4c. and 3O0 bxle* Havana at urice* rancing from NHc. to $1 1??. WiimaicY.?Hecoipts?433 bbl*. whisker and 100 do. I a cohol. The market was dull and entirely nominal; $1 12^ wa* generally aski'd, but bid* were at duelled I y be low that figure; ?>t> bbl*. choice old sold at $1 14f4, no crite* , ri? n to the market. Wool.?Tlie market was a little more active, hut there was no improvement In price*; tho sale* wore 2.000 lb*. Ohio fleece* at 421.4e., 20,000 lb*. Texas wool ut 15c. a 22c., 250,000 lb*, soring clip California ut 20c. a 21c., 2 OIK) lbs. do. at 20|ic., 8,000 lbs. Mexican at IHc., 20 bug* super and 1 No. 1 nulled at 26c. a 32c.; aud on prlvute term*, 5 (NK)lb*. | Western unwanted fleeces, 15.000 lbs. rtue washed i)elaine, i 10,<*K) 11?h. fall ('alifornia wool, 2,0(mi lbs. do., 24 bales | spring do., 4.000 lbs. California pu led, 5.000 lbs Oregon i do., 50 hag* super do., 35 do. lamb* do., 3,000 lbs. No. I do., t 3.500 lbs. Texas, 51 sack* do., 10.000 ll?*. Kustcru do., 23,000 ! lbs. Colorado unl 150 bale* Australian Dunnkoi. | Fukiuiits. ?t^uiio a fair buvines* wit* transacted iu grain 1 chartering tonnage, and an advance of 3d. was generally ob tained. Berth room wa* in fair request and firmly held, j Petroleum vessels were slow of movement, the liriu nriee of oil boiug against a free trade. The engagements wore :?To j Liverpool, per steam, S,00;) hu*hoi* ?tr?in at (HI. aO^d., 4.000 j do. do. "to till" at Oil . S.IJOO bo>.os cheese mart of previous engagement) at 50s, and a small lot of bacon at 40s; and by I sail, I6,<*X) bu*liel* grain st i^d. per 60 lb*. To London, per steam, 1H.OOO bushels grain at lO^d., stan ard; 300 bale* | hemp at 50s. To Bristol, per steam, 20,001) bushel* grain at lOd. a lO^d. To Hamburg, per steam, IB.OjO bushels grain at ISO marks and jOO packages provisions at 225 marks. The charter* coi.iurised a Norwegian liurk hence to Cork, for order*, with 2,o00 quarter* vrain at 0*. Od ; an Austriau bark, hence with 3,850 ouarten, do., for do., at Os. Od.; an ; American bark, hence witli 3 5 HI quarter* lor same voyage, | at Os, Od.; a Norwegian bark, heace to do., with 3,UOO quar ters at Us. Od.; a British bark, hence with 2.UKJ quarter* for ? the same voyage, at 6a. Od.; an Its'!au bark, hence with | 2,350 quarters do., for do., at 0*. Od.; an Italian bark, hence I with 2,600 quarters do., for same voyage, ut 0*. Od.; a Nor wegian bark, bene* to Rotterdam, with 3,500 quarter* grain utt!*0d.; a Swedish hark, from Philadelphia to tlfo Kuitle. with l.HjD bids refined petroleum at :>s ; a Hritisli nark, O d) tou*, hence with cotton to the Baltic, at J?d. per lb.; the vessel reported lu our last with 10,000 cases re lined petro leum, i* for Odessa (with nart bbls. >, at UOc. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS, rkcuits ron two""*"' Juu" "?,878 IVilf* Shrrp Sixtieth street fSfr ** Forty-eighth atreal. - j '? 7 - Fortieth .treot _ _ _ ? Jer"JrC,ljr = o,??o ujua I Mir in ear. ?rhorned . JSK.'kJT,.1?. n.llo "--m',"?,1 ".'r Mteorn Ht per lb., wei^lit 7 cwt ? 7?? lliim.ii ? U)vc. per lb., Wtflirlit 7(j cwt ? Ti Iiiin.ii , " >teers at II." With a rr.ft,o.; V/ ;Mb tk ,'7r' V' ?JH IllinoU .toer. hi o'.'o wr lb ?.i ,k?S w"": 4K Illlnoi, ktut-rn at per lb., weight 7 cli ? Hi iin*"' ; ( ateer, ut U\o. per lb., weight?', cwt ? 31 IhV,,' | lUc. per lb., weight 7>. cwt nr. ,,., ''.r ??i ! e>'r" *' < ?fll' JTllllnuli ateera at IDcViiur Ii7 uulirl.t -f 'or U. W. Yall ,oia lor Mir 44 muAl. 1 ' 4''?t. want, weight 7 cw?; K llllMto ?to?nl lit iiif' " """??? off per hrad.'wHVht ^J lu",^ Tt"" "'v *? IIinch, Meyer A 35 lldnola.teert at IM c ?,e r ' h ""''1 6 cwt.: :? IllinoU .teer. at il\ " nifr ft V T".'*hl OWt.: 33 111 i II oi N bttHTM At KlC. per III will, $1 ?ir ^ Weight ewt. I). Wnlxol Bold Ittr U.V' l,0,uJ. Illinois steers at {jVc. per lb welirlit "?a' rrjH A \V aix?U H2 .tear. ?t JlS.^Vlb&'%.! V' steers Mi llM.jf. per lb. welirlit 7? ,.Jt . l .7 %x> Illinois IIliuoiM steer*. V, T. Fa^sii hoM for ?iM iM,e 38 lOtfc. per lb., wslffbl 8ci| tt^>nL at IHlilinoia ateer. tt 10 V per "b w.Ith?*!."0"1. '"r I lory Jk Cry ,?ld 1?r M ki.S??Ji .A!"', "O*1" aloera ut 9'4e. a 10'4c. per lb ' wolJb?7" . wI,,l'n"'a A .Hon sold fur self titf Illinois steer* ut it J. 4 ?V I11'*!"" on per head, weight 7 cwt atrollc Col iPft ,b" witU 61 for selves 44 llJtuoi? steer.-, ut |o?' c J ti?l,,lpiVn ,ol<1 8 egel 4 Mi'vi-r hold for selves 'M Illinois steers Vt* u?4 ?f4, | lb., weight u|, cwt.; 4 IllinoU steers at !?? t . h ?c per ? cwt. : X) Illinois leers "l lQc M?lb wel*l?? j ?:!?? ^*34# n?Ms.,c 7\ cwt ; U Illuwil. Hteer. at lUUe ner |Vl ? b-??'Klit i!" 111iu<>ia ?teer? at luj.c. pVr lb w7l,l .'w Bt" S ? ' 25 lllluul. ?eer? l.^cP ,,.r Vb wlil, /,Wl' " " ^ ^ W.htht tl cwt. At Jerwr City vard??arey <k ' 1 s&wrtsasji, aSMf.' we.Kht 0 ewt.; 17 Illluol. ,,1'V '5ih" lllluul. xtcer. at J<>C. our lb. wltli <1 un'?I. i 1 . i ^ ?cwt.; 10 IlllBol. itner. at 10'4c. pur lb weight'm" U .trolitf. SI. Iiidd.ullliildt Mild fur Hlru-'h (''4, <-Wt., lllinola .tear, at 1. Ue. par lb. walul.7*?? - ?7#r "? 61 per head on 8.'i lia<d. tor Saddler a t ? 'lirnii*'' at Kte. a ll.^c par lb.. walKht ??/cwl "i'7V?t ",,oU ,,cur" Mmkki- .mall and .ln.V? ?. and Iambi. Kbaap .old at 3c. a HCc per lb 1?. ,^th ,b#*P lie. per lb. Judd A HocklnKl,a? ?'d a, l T,V.^ *VC " Welirht 17.CH*) lb>., at .V. per lb ? 179 NIim.iupi . I'to .beep, 1H.11U Ibt., at .'ic. per lb.; ^01 Ohio Jh?? T*P'wc'*"t lb... at "<i,c. per Ibi-MO Obto Iheep. w"a "ft c. por lb.. Vu.e A I'idetirk ...M "l .heap, waltrbt au.itfO II,a.. at u*?.! n" ? UhJ." 1 lonib., weight 1,130 Ibi... at 10c oei lu . P !^r , ': -- lamb., welKbt I l.S-U) lti?. at Ki' c. per lb M >eT weigh! I.a4<i lb<., at lie. per ft II.i?nA ; 1j Kentucky laroba. weight H. 13(1 IbV at Tr if*lk W71 tueky lamb., weik-bt ?,5U? lb... Ij X L.V"?, I6, ?>7'' t"" | /.vJamb., welirht I:i.:?i0lb?.. at T^c ??, IK ' u V" 1 sold .?7Ohio sheep, weight '* ;iMCi]i.M ,?i It! ? Eiilotl tueky lamb., weight ^,l.V)n'?., ? ni,i ihP"J,bV:w K">- ! lambii. weight ?,**i lb?.. at si "c. p r |i. ' ke?''icky Wj'.W#? """? W'th th'ir "era .old at ?"?"all a. not 'make" ma'lkeTflriV^Viloid'i it'dl** lb.; buttermilk led calve, auld at $3 pur b^?l? v ''' ,"r 1 quality veali to hand. ^ pur ?<uooth Hogs.?No live hugi on sale. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cotton weak and irregular: 'mlddVug*'^? r'.J| 187<l;, j dllng 1"V ; good ordinary, O'.e ;rcelA,' ' j','*, "l' Export, riia.twl.e, 1,!>44. Hala.'ui Sulck^tl a!ll i Net receipt*, 1,'JOJ bales, trros^ 1 nil t'% * * ^oiklV"? , bilai, 2,am c*?Kr"",' , 0"- tx|Kirt. cua.twi.e. Cotton rjulet and .teaily ; 11iniii 1111trLK|W!."*? 'H7tl. J"?4?-; P"od ordinary, |i-,e. .Vet rewlpti*^ui'lbtl? *? I.' <?). Kxie.rl. eiiaatwlae 4!), .Sale, 17 V w Waakly- fat receipt,. 4.VH bal^*;^t .^'1"^ f'-';7" Totiraat llritain, l,iaiH: to 1 ranee ,h*Port<? nant, 3,371; eim.lwiM. 3.47H. >?le?. i.S tiu) J ?'ontl Cotton dull; middling, lie. ; low midrtHn"' lil'l'ii' '*7><' j ordinary. ?\e. Net receipt, JJ baW til" ? K""<1 llritain, 1 7.^; t.i France. iTofSi; e'a.fwl.e^'W "'J'! '," "t Stock, 7,77.1, Weakly-Net recel ,t, 1 t ..i . " ,M Kxpnrtf?To (Jrcst Jfritalti. I,7U>; lo lha t coastwise. lfaH7. .Sales, 470. ^?Olltttai, 1/mO; Cotton (j ii let; middling. 1 n^"To??mldd,?.e I'i'.c.; good ordinary. In-. Net WcelntT i-1h i i "[? * port, to Prance, a.41t. halea. 1- (,. , ,T'j V| ? w ' . .K*' ???j?n*x,x& ;.r&r?Tr.^F'?' asriss.Kar:-*' tu'ii^Mr ?*-:> - nil ""c"' torn n.'ndli""",fl" p" '-Wh?t" J^^e receipt.?I,umber, UM.AU I.Jt, , ?tl?| , f*' W heat, !<>t;fK> binNs; linn be r. 4lH,iNKj foot. I.ake receipt.? Floor. 0,0110 bhl. wheat*'it 'a!"?,?!' corn Mm (?.i ,l? bu.hel.; wii.'n -'i??i i i , *d receipt, -riuur, V2..Va> . whnat, .i.kii bn.hela: eurn, do n.t. I in,, barley. I.MAi o? c??,i .b pmeet. tor iuiewai?V u'i.l,'.: wheaV ,K*|":"d ""I?-^Ftowr, *!<* r7 llw" I wheat, .*?,.?( bii-hela; rurn, :i!.,'?*i do . do , barley l.tiiai .1... t .?.i (r>iB ?'*'? >-">> ? lour in lair uemand and Meadv ; iale, 7 ai l? o,i',. wlf : quiet, mmcttled and b.wer; ..l^ I7,i, | V,^", waukcai fl U'i ; l.lxairfo. j .. 11 to arrive, on private term. Corn dull hca? >? ??i i i ?'' slvA'':ti:, r,* vrst r^S'V"^^5; Oat. nominally :?7c. lor S?. J We.tern uJ,*11,*"' ?'"*'? Itariey Inactive. IVrk dull at 4_'il Vi r.'l i "? '"-'a. I.a.d dull at 13c. lllgbwinea doll; nomlnal'lt Fhrnr.-n l, Wheat dull and lowajf"!*0/ w",?,!.1W*' *1 47; No *do held at VI .1, 'v! " at.a.J,, extra du held at VI Tl f| ej , ^ '' -?; *1 J.V?; lane awl .l?ly,'fl i; -j do M ?W. j';rn:niZi datiisirod. 4?K,r ii,m< Miftfif So jl*\ white. ; Michigan^ ?!?.?' :,l<- i lltiur. Ik'.O^l I, wheat ^'i(ii<irt? . '?M?. Hhlp.oent.-H ? Itour 4^ bu/li.Twh corn UAJOOQ do. oat?. ???U?i. whaat, l.ltlu do. Hour U all and nominal Wheat'ln Uif'.l n''1? ] f ,f?'; ?nd uiintittleU So i i i.i?- It!.* ?wftinoil, boi towor and JonaIVniafc"Ui ? ? ilu'r "Vu'ZrV ' * " " "T? Zv&X7?un.VaaU'i.' * $17 !? i MOt in* N* a .V-r"1' ???k?ua ??w?r; #17 fl? Angu^Vi1 ? flH 4ft A?srnat. I.urd dull, weak and lower: V10 75 apofl^ $l<) Hj a *iw *7', July. $11 iunut, ^11 lft Saiit?iui'?r. Hulk meata ateodjr; sliuuiilrr*. O^jc ; clear rib aide.. )<?.( clear iMm, 0'. Knights?Wheat to Buffalo, ii^t.; euro, tu Buffalo, 1!'/ JkcfipU?Klour, flt&llO bbla.; wheat, liRJXJU bushi'ls. eorn. j?H.imti tin , oat*. do.; rj/t. 4,'fl do; barley, ft.oOO. Shipment!?Kiour. H.uai bbi*.; wheat.''??'?.(Km buslula: corn. ttti.OOUdn ; Mil, l'M.Ud) do.; rye, a.**) do,J barley, Hin 'la At the tftiniwii call of tfi<* Board Wheal lower <1 0:>4.lune, 02% a $1 "S July, Corn and oat. unrhanicixl. Purk StiiMT; $IH <>7M July, SIM 3ft Auguat. Larde*-*; $lu 87,', July, $10 07){ August. COTTON RECEIPTS. The followiug t&ro tuo total net receipt* of cotton at all Hit? porU, ?iuce September 1, 187'?:? Port*. rU\ir. I'oru. Hall* Ualv?f?ton 4.V? 023 linUiruore 18,'MJl N?w Orlaant l,:KH>/.*Jl? New York 213.7*0 Mobile 3HU.110 Boston b7,:.35 2>nv*iiu*h 5<ih,m70 Pi ovidenec Itf.ttOO Charleston 3H4.(tH7 Philadelphia 49. W6 Wilmington 77..'<71 Port Uoyul 20,017 Norfolk 4o J, *.'i5 Indiaiiola 17,487 Total 4,0iy,92T PRINT CLOTHS MARKET. I'koviiiicncc, H. I . June 2,1870. Filming cloth* sternly at unchanged prict a, with a quirt demand. EUROPEAN MARKET. I.OSPON rioiivra M?IUUt.'?LoNMX. Juno 2-Kveniug.^ Calcutta linseed, I.I., Gd. a 4fta. Ud. Linseed cuke, ?& ISi. a ?10 per ton. FINANCIAL. AUGUST BELMONT A Co., ItaiiK'Ta, 1!< ami L'l Nassau at I.auo Traveller. Credita, available In ull parts of U ?orl^ through the I?i>ri UK ROTHSCHILD aud their correapoudenta. Alio Commercial Cred.ta aud Telegraphic Transfers ot Money on California and Europe. ANY KiU KOR HTOOK PRIVILEGES operators may desire to iu??u van bo sent to ua anil we will sub mit the aaiue to responsible fcljfners lor acceptance. Nome very favorable contracts are made in this way. Bida tuuM bo lor not leaa than I'd -hare* ami cash coat na follow a 90H 1!< ITT OH CAM.. PER 100 SHAKES, 7 DAYS. ."?<> "Jo put or cull, per 11M? shares, I ft dm ?. 10 i 2ft put or i:.ill. per 1MI share.,. :H1 or (in days. ?l 2ft SPREAD, PER lui SHARES, 7 UAYS. UMi 'Jo apreud, per looaliurea, lft days. 212 ft<> spread. per 1IM aliarea, :?l i r ii J ilaya. STRADDLES VARY FltOM *IUITl> $??. Kilty pagei ol'valuable iuforiuittloti lor -.Lock speculators tent tree on application. TI MBRIDGE k CO., Hunkeis and Hrokeri, '.?'J Broadway, New York. SiW B< >Tii< UN STOCK 81*EClTL AT ION, A I.SO daily Murkot Keport: tnailail froe; Stock I'rivileitei nevotiateil at heat market rules; Stock" bought or aoid on 2' . per cent marzlu; order* bv mail or teleicrnph promptly executed. L W. HAMILTOa A Co.. 'Xi llrouil at., New Vork. NY AMOUNT TUUST KCNXM TO LOAN 0& mortKttieo; city or Brooklyn. LKAVITT A WOLCOTT, 10 I'ine at. AT KEASO.NAHU'. It.VI'KS.-MONKY ON LOT[ AND ICudoirmonc Inaurnuce I'olicieK, Morti;a^e? itml other aecuritiea; inaurntice of hII kiini.i elTuutod witli beat con* paniea. J. J. UAIIItli'll \ I'll.. 117 l<roinl?vay A" ?4ft,000 NEWBUIU) AND NKVV YORK KAILkOAA ? 7 I'er Cent I'lrst Mo: tic i^e Ronda, uuiiranteril by b-rio. lor sale. KDWAUW C. I'OX Jt Vtk, .'?? IIroad at. ^NbTiikK~?rrki' aukad in knti<:hi*kise. " DURING TIIK continuance OK THE JEROME-FaRK RACES THE EVEN IN (j telegram will ISSUE A LATE EDITION, ABOUT HALF-PAST SIX, ON TUE EVENING OF EACH OAY ON WHICH the RACKS TAKE PLACE, WITH full PARTICULARS BY SI'ECIA~DESPATCHES OF TIME MADE AND NAMES OF ALL TIIK WINNING HORSES. Alex, kkothinuiiam ^ cu.. hankers, 12 wall at., make inveatmeuta of lar^e or antull amount* in atocka of u legitimate ciiaract.r; reliable puta and ealla; ?tocka bought and carried on a dupoait of 3 to 5 per cent. Clreulara and weekly report* aent free. A? straddle PRIME STOCK KXCJIAM ,t. name, . il.ll liock laland at U*i. :t'l ilaya, if J2j not; atraddio 10(1 1'aciHe Mail at JS, fti du)n. > net. LaPSLEY ft HAZLKY, Brokera in Privlll(M, 74 llroadway. T six ANDSEVEN PKR CENT?MUMMY TO LOAW ou New York and Brooklyn Property; alao $rKJ,0UD lor Kuildiuic Loans; United Htalea Securitloa and Cornoratlon llonda and Stocka hou^Ut and aold. C. U. WILLIfS, 1*JS -Minitanue at., Hrooklyn. -privileges ON MEMKERS OF TfclM KX . chaiicu exclmlvely ; eontracta do not liavo to reutala with un aa thry are taken br other brokera as murirlu; no privili'L-ea iaaiied or aiirned by ua; explanatory circulars and ipiotatioun mailed; relerencea In New York and leading cities. lapsley A HaZLEY, Brokera, 74 Broadway. B UFKALO CITY 7'ei, due In 18X1, tor aalu bv Dam hi, a. Mohan, No. 40 waiiat. (COLORADO STAT I. 1I1M.VU COMI'AN V?OtUJAMZKD J umlur the milling law* of tin* Statu of New York: shuree lindanessuble; pur value. $10 each; capital, $ 1,900,0001 Thq properties ol this company consiat of it larjre number o* mine* iiinl iu 11? iIiif claims, comprising over HO,Oi*l linear f at, on well Known polil and titter lodca In the denial* populated cuuntie* of tillpln aud Clear Crook. Colorado: the company lias sufficient caah In the treasury for the work^ contemplated during the present year, and holds i!4,ttKi ahares of Its own stock. Kor the parpoee of keeping an abundant reierve of fund* In the treasury a limited number uf lb* sharca will be told at $2 .Vloach. In lot" to suit An an Investment this mock In believed to be free from the ordinary haaarda of mining ahares. while a? a speculation It poaacwie* the element of promise in an extraordinary do degree. 1- urthcr particular! may be had of WILLIAM WARD, Drexul Uulldlug. (IHBAP HKCUKITIKfl. "" J fcl.UOO.OUOof Duncan, Sheriuan K Co.'a aaieti for aal^ very cheap. W. 11. WKKKS, 17s itroadway. I ALWAYS HAVK~ MONKY TO MIAN ON MORI*! X tge New York city property; city railroad Stocks uu<l Bonds bought und aold. II. L. (ill V.N I', 1 ?!.'? liroadway. LAM) WARRANTS WANTKD-BY SAMUKL R. MacLKAN, AO Broadway, corner Wall at., New York, du ller in all kinds of Honda. Stocks, Kxchangea, Commercial Bllla, Investments, Collections, and, with thirteen year*' active experience, anna to command esteem and continued confidence, executing all bnauclal and Uducial order* falth full) and promptly. Si mi /Bit CBNTt * ) HIRST CLASS CITY BONDS. Kor sale by K. B. NEWBl'IlN, 50 11 road it rpUE MAHII'OSA LAND AM) MIXING CttMI'ANY. """* A Kxm;ctivk OrrtCK. Nos. !l and 11 Namac .sr. I Nkw York, Nav Xt, 1S7H. I The TRt'STEKS of thii company have levied AN AS BKSSMKNT of 91 oer allure on the preferred and common atock. payable at this olHce ON Oil HKKORK JUNK .'I. Alter that dato It will lie dettsquent and liable to a cliarga of each certificate lor a<lvcrti>inc sale MORRIS II. SMIT?!, Assistant Secretary. rrousr pcnim to Loan, at ? nS cuir, roi a 1 yeara, on Improved city property; also .f (XX) at 7 pel cent lor Improved Brooklyn property. KIHkLAND A CO., 7:i Cedar at. ? niiwi "to" iT<Ta n? i N sItmsto ?9CV, o9 fiJiJ City Propertv; nohonus. HINK A OKAY. !>.V7 0th av. UOPVKTNKKsllIPU. 1 DISSOLUTION.?TIIK l' A It I N K ItMiIP UK 'jOsKPft Bouncy A Co. haa been dissolved l?v mutual conaent, and .lames Trwartlttn will coutluue the businesa at :twa South at . and collect all money due the linn and pay all bills contracted by the Arm previous to the dissolution. JAMKS TRCOARTHKV. JOMfl ItODNKY. mil raDIMMW RAVI rOKMKO A col' \RT i. nerthip. under the firm name of J. J. Ilai rich A Co , for the tranaactl?n of a gen -ral Insurance and mortgage sgoucy buaineai at 111) Broadway. New lork. J. J. IIAltlUCU. ti. KDLBR. Nkw York. June 3, ISTil. BtMWUMH OPk^OUTUMITIRfc. A*" Bl'SINUS.-. CIlAM K-KXi KI'TlilNAl,; 1,1 I TI.if capital; larjr* immediate profit*. S. HI'UN'S, tiwee* n?/va, Chatham mid Clin ruber* Hp.. thl* A~;KNTf,R*A!l OK LAUGB KXPKrtlI NTi; \T F.X position* w ill tak?* rharjr#* <?l e vh'hliM at Ortunnittl; cliiirg**^ modorntc. Addresn EXl'OhlffON, JlcrulU hUiltt" delptii* ofHee. T" >A HTY Vf KNISM I N7T~?t V ?M i A N MM I: KK AJ? J\ Interest lu a milling enterprtae located near thii city and li''W in operation, the detnaiiii tor which Is large and tlis proHts aiotile: security can be glvu lor the Ivan and the money returned in two veara, with intorell. A<f>lreatJ. H., box J17 Herald office. A X OLD KSTABI.IMH.ll I M'lth.-S BI ^INKSS KOK 2V sale, or will take a partner. C. W. SMITH, llippu drome Bulldli t. 4th nv. and 27tli at. i BI'slNKss MAN WITH ABOUT *l.i??i \VANTkIT, wiV to take an Interest In a light manufacturing huaineaa, established and doing a good trade; one who can sell good* and attend to office work as much neede l as the money : ref erences given and required. Adtlrea* CARLTON, Herald office. PARTY IIA VIX Otl ,00.) Ttl INV Ks RvTF.iri ? L K AbH address BToVK STORK, box l?l? Ilerald .ffice. 4 JC ACTIVE HI'SIMKSS M AN WITH TO (ta.tKO .V can have Hair Interest In an established whnletal* commissi <n trade at ttaahlnglon Market. Address B. A., box I2S Herald office. IVtOR SAI.K-A VALl'ABLK I'ATKWI. A NOVKL P S"witu Machine. Kor nartletilara addreea, tor four day*. SI'.WlNt. MAt'lIINK, Herald office. 1.10 it S AI, K ? 11A I. K IN T liltKST AM) i.NTIKH T:?jT. I trol In a Brat class elegantly furnished hotel on Cheat nut at., near Continental llotel, doiu^ splendid buslnese: ni> Centennial enterprise; accommodation for SOU; price $:?J,000. W. II. .11)11 NHTONK. :.17 Locust st., Philadelphia. F'Olt mai.k-thk old khtami.ish'kd tioMMhwioM Bakery, Confectionery ami Lunch Knom 183 Liberty st., on-bl< ck Irom cle|K>l to I'hiladelphia. aatiafactory rea son given loraelllug; a r^ie chance. FAHTNbK Wa.nTKD-WII il KIT 11KR ACTI N^ or special, In h mauuractnriug bu>Iues^ that will pay twenty-live per cunt; investt_ itiou Invited. Addrea* SAKhTY. box I t| Herald I'titown Branch office. \V ANTKD-A I'ARTY WITH f .?'./III ? TO KXrKVH " the hiialnesa of a proprii tnrv nrt'cle for lu.inulacturiiig general use; unexccption <Mo reference given and re quired. Adilresa V.. Ilerald office. \yANTKD-A MAN WITH t"AI'lTAL TO ApT AS t" IreMurer with a first elasi Travelling shotr. Satlaiac lory particular- of O W itllil) iNs. .*;t Bond at. <S*UW| T" WU WILL isRCCKK KlinINKSS PAYINH jtWperMM. HI'.RM ts t CO., 44 Oortlaodt at. CTnn WILL BI'Y A HALF iNTRItBST IN A i]J I UW husine^a pet tar WM ?<er mouth ; atock will foot upVl.UXi. Addreaa 17 ) Broadway. riK.m 11 il <1^11 -*1SADY MAN WITH T*|? AMOUNT can bnv halt Interest In a bttefWia paying Irom r'l.ian to 4>to.<M) per year: good futHr* proepecis) lelcrencea. Addreaa H. II.. Ileraid office. yfts? ann ?WAN rKD, in,out) TO ?VUU) CASH AND Vi).U"l'. eervicea, to take lull charge of a branch itwt to I'hiUdolubla; money will be eeeitred and Hf Addreee LITlNUBroN. box lot H?sU A