Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,531. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1876-QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. hi8ald BRANCH OFFICE, 1.285 BROADWAY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, por RECEPTION or ADVERTISEMENTS AND 8 A LBS OF PAPERS. a mi's km 8 NTS?13tii Paob?2d. 3d h4 41b tola. astrology -13th Pice?hi coL BILLIARDS?13tu paob-sth ml. BOARDERS wanted?2d Paob? let and 34 nil., h4 10th Paub?4th and ml Mil. BOARD and LODGING WANTED?2d Tkam?M eeL. and 15tb Paob?6th col. BROOKLYN' BOARD? 15th PACB?mh eol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?l?ra fi?i 1?? eol. business OPPORTUNITIES?iitw Paob. BUSINESS NOTICES?mh PA?B-5tta and 8th eol*. CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?14th Pagb-1st eol CLERKS AND SALESMEN?3d Paub?3d and 4tb eolt. CLOTHING?1th pigi-tiih col. COACHMBN AND GARDENERS?3d Pact?ttheol coastwise steamships?3d Paub?6ih and Oth eel*. . COUNTRY BOARD?2n PAQB-sd. 4th and 5th ooU.. aad 15th Paob?ttui eol. DENTISTRY?15*h PAes-rtth eoL DRY GOODS?1st Pagb?2d, 3d. 4th, 5th and ?h oolt., aad lflrn pack?in, 2d, 3d. 4ib and 5tl? col*. l>wfcluro HOUSES to LRT-fij rn isil ed AMD UN Ft'RNISHBD- 14th paub?5th and Oth cola. EUROPEAN steamships?3d Paub?6lh eol. EUROPE?isra Paob?lit eou EXCHANGE?15th Pagb-3.1 eol. EXCURSIONS?13th Pagb??th eol. FINANCIAL?I 1th Pagb. PINK ARTS-istii Paob?ltt eol. FOR SALE?13th pagb?4th and 5th colt. FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 14th Pagb?Sth eol.. ana 15th Pagb?lit aad 2d oolt. FURNITURE?iotii Paok-sui eol. FBBNCH advertisements?3d Paob?4th eol. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?an Pagb-3<1 and 3d eola. help wanted?males?3d pac?-4th col. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.-4th I'AGB-2d. 3d, 4th and 5th call. HOTELS?1 5th Pagb?5th and Oth celt. HOUSES, ROOMS, ac.. WANTED-I4TH PACX-sdool. instruction?13th Page-im cul. LOSI' and FOUND?4th Pa?b-1?icoI. machinery?13th paob?atheei. MARBLE MANTBLR-1?!th Pagk-6ui eol. h \TRIMONIAL?i4rn Pagb?4th eol. MEDICAL?3d Paob?4th eoL MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING?10th PAO?-3?h oot MISCELLANEOUS advertisements?12th Pagb 6th eol. miscellaneous?istii PAOR-itteol. MUSICAL?ictii Paub -5th col. NEW publications?mil Paoh-6ii? eol. NEWSPAPERS?4th Paob?Sth eoL personal? itt Pace?lit eol. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AC.?13th Paob?4lh eol. professional SITUATIONS WANTED? t EM ALES? 3d Page?2<l col. FROPKRTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?14th Paob? i tt, 3d and 3d eol a. REAL ESTATE TO KXCHANGE-14th paoe-3d and 4th ooli REAL ESTATE WaXTED-14th Pagb?4th coL religious NOTICES?1st pack?1st and 3d cola. REMOVALS?13th Pagb?Ath eol. RESTAURANTS-I3tu Paub?lit eol. REWARDS 4th Pagb?ltt eol. BALES AT AUCTION ?4th Pagb?6th and Ath oolt. Situations wanted-females-3d paob?ltt aad 2n eolt. ?ITUATloNR WANTED-MALBS?3d Pack?3d eol. RPECIAL notices?4th Paob?ltt and 2d eol. SPOETING-DOUS, BIRDS, AC.?4tu PAOB-2d col storage?15th pagi:?3d col. BUMMER RESORTS?3d Pagb?5th and Sth colt., aad 15th Paob-sth eol. THE TRADES?3d Paub?4th eol. THE TURF?4th Pagb?2<l col. TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSES-14th Paob?Sth eol TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-Sd PA0B-6th col UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 15tii i'agk?2d and 3d eola. WANTED TO PURCHASE?3d PA0B-?*h col. watches. JEWELRY, AC.-3d PAGR-flth coL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR BALE OR TO LET?14th Paob?ltt col, wh1tk8tonk PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET? 14th Paub? it! coL YACHTS, steamboats, AC.-12TH PAOB-Ath and Sth eolt. pirsunik. " -Fort "AftotttciS;" fekatnrmtkrsksrbe, ai blue eyet, S montlit' old. aiuerlean parent!, to faiuilv el.meant. Addrett at once A. P., Herald Uptown Branch elBee. 7 J DORA?FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE LISTEN TO MY appeal; do eome home; too can have every thing yon want if yon will lint come; I know you don't want to break ud out home, to come to it and yon may depend on it the offence shall never happen again. F. A?*?YOU CAN DEPEND ON ME, RAIN OR SHINE, Argyle thadowt to-morrow night. ALBANY. Brunswick-FRIDAY EVENING. GENTLEMAN with gray hair; lady detlret tn Introduction. Addrett LIGHT HAT, llerald Uptown liraneh office. Bear ned?shall bxpect to see you sure on Monday or Tneaday next; wllljet you know which . LOUISE. MM A CARLE?THINGS ARE WORSE; I AM AFRAID you will find it out too Inte. S. ?*or ADOPTION?a HEALTHY NEW BORN INFANT. Call at or addrett 154 Katt 2?th tt. E SfENRY BALL, OF LONDON, WOULD BE GLAD TO L tee J.' II. Corke at friend'a. Addrett HENRY BALL, tot clali, New York. TAMES MULDOON, AN ENGLISHMAN, WHO, DUR f) iiir the war. lived at Quindaro, Kan., may iearn tome thing to his advantage, or any information concerning him er hit family will be rewarded by addretsing box 2,955 Post office. New York. JOSK?'wednesday, 117 32. IDA W. T7~ ? LETTER JUST RECEIVED; WILL PASS YOUR JV. houso on Monday, about In in the afternoon, with money. H. T ETTER RECEIVED.?I WILL BE ON HAND SURE, JLl Wednesday, came time, tiope ?ou are Improving. YOU UNDERSTAND. ONT B.?GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU. COMB BACK MOD. W. M I M R. J. LENITH-BB KIND ENOUGH TO RETURN those paper* you received at my lawyer'* to 5t> Went th it. and oblige LOTTIE. R.^TMOBPE-CALlTOK SEND ADDRESS. LORRIE OEVERE. MANNY-WAS DISAPPOINTED LAST WEDMES day, bat receivod both lettera iane night; alio one of yesterday. Am very happy that you are recovering. Write often. Z. PERSONAL.-FRO* PHIDADELPHIA TO NEW X Vork yesterday morning; did not Interpret yonr roenn Ing when yoa went back. Address .SYDNEY WaTBR HOUSE, General Post odlee, and I will explain. Removed from ius to iaa same btkkkt, east. HAKVKY. SILVER?WAR THERE PROMPTLY AND DISAP D pointed; perfectly safe to write; I beg you will. KEY. THE PARTY INQUIRING TOR MRS. E. GOULDSMITH, dressmaker, will Snd her at 405 4th sr. RUDY?MOTHER HAS WITIIHKLDRYE'S LETTTEKS. Will see lawyers C. O. R. Ron without delay myself. K. CECIL. TIT B. L.?HAVE TWO FIRST CABIN TICKETS FOR it ? steamer that sails Saturday, Jnly S, 1878. Meet me Monday at tteaal place. N. O. V. ilTILL THE BROTHER OF A JEWISH YOU^niAX ? T Known by the name of Charles Rycker, and who read a telegram that was nent to his brother la?t Monday. Irom Brooklyn, requesting him to call immediately at W, Mgned E. C.. send his al<lr(? to A. D. S., box 5.039 New York I'ost office? He will hear of something Important and may save his brother a great trouble. ~ ILL MRS. WHIGHT. FORMERLY OF 147 EAST St., please send address to E. L K., Herald ofllce I w WANTED TO ADOPT?A MALE INFANT FROM birth, with fnll surrender; must have dark ere* and hair. Address, for one week. A. DUBOIS, Herald Uptown Branch office. YOUNG LADY IN BLACK SILK DRP.8S WHO RODE to Wall Street ferry at 11 A. M. Saturday is gTeatlv ?dmired by her dark neighbor with book in hand, is most respectfully requested to gr.utt him the honor of her *c* inaintance. Will she kindly drop a line to JOHNNY, Herald olBoe. ZKKB-WHAT CI1 ARMING MUSIC IT 18. SAME spot. Argyla shadow ball to-moirow night. WEST SIDE. RELIUIOrs IVOTICES. jt\ 1. To the glory of God and In honor of St. Paul. THE FIRST STONE (f the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, .M*tb st. and nth av_ will be solemnly blessed and laid on Snnday, June 4, at 4 sVlock. P. M.. by Right Re*. Dr. Corrigan. Bishop ef Newark. In presence of . Ills hmlnonce Cardinal Archbishop McCloskey, and o Ills Honor the Mayor, the Honorable, the Board of Alder men, tne Honorable the Heads of Departments of the Municipality and other distinguished invited guest*. Rev Father Spalding will preach the sermon. A grand nroeet arton ol' the Catholic, Temperance and ether societies will pa** In renew. Ilcket* lor seats on the grand balcony sold at St. Psnt's church. 50th st. Ordinary ?eats. SO cents; rc?en ed seats. (I. a SfOClATlON OF SPIRITUALISTS. HARVARD A Room*. Reservoir Park.? Mrs. Amanda Spenee speaks hnndsy at o'clock. Conference at P. M. All cor dially invited. A SEANCE WILL HE IlKLD BY MRS. LINK-LEV. at 5S8 rtth a*., where spirit voices may be heard lu ?unversatior. and singing J^ROOKLYN TABERNACLE REV. T. DE WITT TAI.MAGE, fey request, will praacn this (Sabbath) morning, at 10X o clock, ??ON THE DEATH OF CHILDREN." Preaching also at 7)$ o'clock P. M. /tnfRCII OF THE HOLT APO-ITLES. CORNER BTII I.) sv and 7*Hh ?(.. Per. Ilrady K lurkus, roc lor. ?Her sice* 10}, A. M. and 5 1'. M.. evening prayer. till L'K<'H OK THK DIVINE PATERNITY, 5TH AV.. ) comer 45th st.?-lteT, Dr. E. H. Chapln; preaching this morning at 11; extemporaneous address on the Scriptares and < e*per? at 8 P M. All are invited. fIBURCH OF THE ATONEMENT. MADISON AV. AND M111 st.. I!*?. C. C. Tiffany, rector.?Divine services at II a. M. and 7 :4."> r. M. All cordially invited. ClHVRCII or THK NEW JERUSALEM ("SWF.DEN I i or^laa'T, Ea?t 3Sth *t., between 4th and l^xiiiKion s<* -The true Christian religion Inculcated by Swedcnborg I* in *rrnrd with enlightened reason, scientific discover* and ? in'* *e!f-mp?et. Rev. Channeey Oile*. pastor, will |>re.<ch Jase 4on "The Commandments; Tru ? Religion Dnnusti In Mfs According to " Service* st II A. M. lord's IMipt'cr l?a*t colebrat ion before rece**. C1IIUKCII OK THE STRA.N'OKRS.?MR. W. IRVING J Bishop will give his extraordinary entertainment in Sid of a meritorious charity connected with Uir ?hove ?Imrrh, st < tuckering Hall. Ihnrsday evening, June S. nilCROH OF THE ADVENT. 57TH ST.. BETWEEN 1 / tth snd baxln^ton avs.. Ilev. D Jo*eph F. Jownt rector. ?Miaday, June 4. ntorning prsyer ?nd holr rnmmii aioB II A. M.; Maday sclwol 3 P. M. ; evening service 7 :t.'> Tm. c. RKUOIOCK X OTIC Kb. OP lfUlfA.Srfr, Ml 8TIt ST.?f SS^ X. H. McKernan will Im-rtiro UD "Geology and lta Par fort Heratoar with a Traa Religion." {\UCK?JH or THB HKAVE.sLy BEST. >TH AV.. J above 45th at., IUt. Dt. Ilowland, rector.?Services, It 4. H. and VP. ML _ ^ ? C~TaTHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH. ItTTH ST., RE / tween 9th and 7th ave.?Sunday. 7KP. M.. Lecture on the Apccalypae. Kev. W. A. Andrewa:?"The KuImw of tba iloly tihoet. the PrenaraUoa of the Bride." OHCKCR OF THR DISCIPLKrC MADISON aV.. COB ner 45th at.?Rev. Otonrt II. Uepworth; morning, "He Preached and then Lived llle Sermon." Kvanlag. 7:91), ?Mll? ' ounieuanoe iraa Altered." Sunday eeheoi aad Hi hie diw at 3. P. JfCAKTHt-AMERICAN PRRB CI fu RCH. Utlftrdl; Btlldlif, Washington square. at 11 and 8 o-'cloek. "TV8CIPLE8 OP CnRWT.w2HTH ST., NKAR BROAD i/*a|.?The pastor. Rev. D. K. Van Buakirk, will preach morning and eveniag. 1 ou are cordially Invited. Fli*T BXPOBMPD EPISCOPAL. CHURCH. MADISON ?v., enmrr of 47th ai.?Divine c-rvteea at 10 A. II. and 7 :45 P. M. The rector. Wm. T. Sabine, will preach. C~T6iPBL HALL. 30 4TII AV?"BIBLE READING AT 4 T P. M.: traaohlai at 7 AS P. M. Unconditional uln tion through the grace of God. All cordially invited. 8eaU tree. No coDoctloa R. M. H. HODDER, Or~TH8 YOUNG MEWS Christian AaeoeUtloa, London, England, will apeak Sunday evening. the 4th Inat.. at 7)f o'clock, at Aaaoefation Hall. MEDIUMS CAN TAKE A LESSON PROM MR. V. Irving Blthop at Cbickoring Hall oa Thursday evening, Juu* 8. Ml, 1 IRVING BISHOP WILL MAKE SOMB MOST atartllng expoaurea at Chicfcerlng Hall ou Thursday evening. Jane & REKORMEO EPI SCOPAL SKKVICKS, TABOR chapel. 30th it., between Oth and 7th ave.?10:3U A. M.. 7:45 P.M. Ton will bo cordially welcomed. Beau all tree. Rev. Geo. Howell, paator. RUSSIAN-GREEK CHAPEL^ 3D AV., BETWEEN 50th aod 51 at ?The (bast of Peatecoat will be cele brated Sunday, at 11 o'clock. All cordially Invited. ST.'Ignatius' ('iTcr<:h7?oth st. bItwbbnTth and Htn ave.?Service*. 7, 8, !(>)<, 11 (choral). Ser mon?"The Holy Ghoot. the Comforter." 8 P.M. (ehoral) aertnoa?"Darwin aad Revelation." The rector. Dr. Bwen, preaches. Strancere oordlally Invited' . "O PI RITUALISM AND ITS AGENCIES ON TRIAL."? O Mr. W. Irving Biahop at Cbickoring llall on Thursday evening, June H. _ SOCIBTY PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALISTS?MRS B JAY BtTLLRNB. Trance Speaker. will leetnre at Re publican Hall, 55 Weat !Md at., roitday morning. 10:30; evening, 7?8o; evening anbject, "Decoration Day la Spirit Life." T KK PEOPLE'S SERVICE la Ike Church of the Holy Trinity, Madteon av. and iid it. Rev. Stephen H. Tvng. Jr.. D. D.. will preach at 7:30 P. M. Other aervicea on Saaday at 10:30 A. M. and 4 P. M, The Biahop of the dioeeee will admiaiater confirmation oa Tuesday evening at S o'clock. "fTHlE CONFESSIONAL THE SALVATION OP SO 1 ciety" will be the auh)ect of an able aod eloquent lecture by Rev. A. LHnahan in the Church of the Iloly in norenta, 37th at. aad Broadway, at S o'clock thla evening. TTNION CHAl'KL SERVICES. CONDUCTED BY U clergymen of different denomination*. In the South church, J5th at., between 1th and Sib ave.. commencing oa Monday, June X Preaching every evening at ? o'clock. Prayer and Inquiry meeting Irom S:45 to 9:45. Mr. Charloa Sswyer. with Irienda who were connected with the work at the Hippodrome, will attend and aisltt In the prayer and Inquiry meeting*. Meeting* for the week :?Monday. Jane 5. aormon. Rev. A. C. Oabntn. 1>. D.; Tuesday, Jane 0. aer mon, Itev. JohnJohna: Wedn-sday, Jane 7, aermoti. Rev. lialaey W. Knapp, D. D.: Thursday. June S, sermon. Rev. (I. 11. Corey: Krlday, June V. Subject?Intemperance, Mr. Charlea Sawyer; Sunday. June 11, at 4 P. M., praise meet ing, led by Rev. G. 11. Corey. Come :?"He la able to aare to the uttermost." DRY GOODS. N BEKEB H L L L L L L L E L NX EBEEE II LLLL LLLL cocc oooo ? CO O c will offer cm Monday, Jin* 5, STRAW GOODS ?t an IMMERSE SACBIFICE. 500 doten brown Obip Halt, 75 emu; formerly 93 Ti 300 doien black Chip Hats, 60 cents to SI 50. 1,000 dosen white Chip Hats, $1 to 92 50. Leghorn Hate, 91 to VI 75. English Walking Hat*. new dnliDi, in lanoy oraids. SASII RIBBONS. 6-Inch Sash Rlbbona, all colors, eo ftnU: nil silk. 7-Inch Sash Ribbon*, ail colore, tt) rent*; all (ilk. 300 cartons fancy Sashes, 95 cent* yard. . ; 00 c?rion? fancy Sashes. 50 cent* to 9J yard. 10O doien Roman Hashes. AS yards, 91 50; worth 13, ZOO doien fancy Sashes, $2 to 95. Sod Bilk dashes, in all shades. BONNET RIBBONS. 3. 7, 9, 13, 18 to 30. In all the new shads*. rniiiiiu silks. Late it novelties In TRIMMED HATS. Children's trimmed Hal*. Will offer on Monday an Immense (took of FRENCH FLOWERS, Ureatly reduced prleoe. 2,000 M on to res, from 75c. to 92 SO. LACE GOODS. Cashmere Laoe, Oolpnre l/*co. Thread Leee. Special attention riven to made-np Lao* Goods. Children's laoo Caps a specialty. Lace Rnfflings In endless variety. LAOS TIER. Fancr Tie*. New patterns in sotted Ties. 3.0OT) dosen Windsor Ties, at IB cents to 75 cents. 1,000 dosen Jockey silk Handkerchiefs. 31 cents; splendid quality. KTD GLOVES in all the newest shade*. Bargains In ? SILK UMBRKLLAS. Splendid stock and selected with special car* Ifcr first el*** retail trade. Will offer on Monday 200 canopy top Paraeols, *t 93 50; worth 94. il! O'NEILL k CO., 321 to 330 6th av., corner 20tn sv JONES. imu nary Inducement* On at reductions in all Department* 1876r . Extraordinary Inducement*' Ore st BirfttM Oreat Tarlety Linen Suits. S Z Boy's Clothing. I I ? Ladies' and ^ Mow Styles. Children'* I S Duncan Kilts. X Z Underwear ? Z London Sack, Z Z Baits. Z Z Derby, Ac 9 I OOO MM 5 EEEB BBS Z % JO ONI* J E S Z Z J o O N N N HE BBS Z 9 i J O O N N N h ? 9 Z JJ OOO K NN EEEE RMS 7. EIGHTH ATERUB EIGHTH AVBNl'E AXII NINETEENTH 8TBBET. NINETEENTH STREET. <9 Z Z Z J OOO NN M EEEB RSS Z I J O O N N N K 8 Z 9 J O O N N N KB MS Z ? ZJJOONNfiK 8 I MillineryZ JJ OOO N NN fcBKB SB* 7. Lseet. I I Straw Goods Z Z Ribbon*, ? Z 9 ?? French Flower*, Z ^Z Hosiery, Ornament* Z^ ^ Z QI even. Tell*. lz ^ X Fancy Good*. Bo. A*.. Z 7. Ban Umbrella*. ? z z ? Bargains t* Drew Ooods. Bargains I* nnlts. Bargains I* Mlki Bargains In Carpet*. Bargains m Cpholfterr Hood*. Bargain* in Lace >'nri?in?. Hxri;ain?ln ? Oil i lotha B 11i^ants in Reps. Ac. Bargains in Mattings. H?rnani? la furniture. Bargain* in Mattresses. Bargains In _ * H?dili:ig. ,*r. Cheapen Stoek of Domestics m th* city, embraring 13 ? case* of Sheetings, shirt im;s. Drain*. Ticki. Ac., iroin th* late auction sales, si price* lower than ever. JONES, t*tI| ST. anr! Iftli st. Maison or a dot. BBOaDWat i.atk ?> hast I lili st.)?Retiring from !iu?iuess and telling off, ? lib (iiit regsrii to til- large, handa nic ?iock of l.ailies' i ndrrgarmrni*. timei 0ruses, Children's Outfits, fine [ Btnbroiusrics and Laces for trousieanx. A. DRY GOODS. ?KXTR AORDl N A BY Rk OuCTUjSp" In LADlBS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDBBWBAB. CORSETS. PANIERS. AC. ? LORD A TAYLOR. WAI.KINU SKIRTS. ? Deep hem cluster tucks. co?d muslin 5" Deep hem two cluster tucks ![J Deep hem two duttri W Two cambric ruffles and Mrki Deep liera nod Ji tucka Embroidered ruffle and tack* I' "v Deep iddr-platted rnfflti And tuck* J I? Kml>roi<iered ruffle mid ljuek? .... J Embroidered ruffles ?nd tuck*, wider I Two embroidered ruffle* J J? Htebuf flounce Mid nine tucks ' Hamburg flounce, two cluster tucks . .... 2 M Twu cambric ruffle* tucked and edged with One llam hum 2 SO Two ruffle*. Hamburg embroidery 2 French Skirts. elaborately embroidered..... 3 ? *> Short muslin Underskirt*, ruffle and tuck* ?*> 7>RAWERS. Ruffle and tucks ...... JO Tucka and Hamburg edco J? Deepbem, three cluster tnck*..... <0 Embroidered ruffle and tuck* ?*? Coventry ruffling and lucks 1 <>0 Insertion sndeilgiug J J*' Linen cluster tuck*. (Inequality I XI _ CHEMISES. T Inserting and M Corded bands Tucked yoke and cambric ruffle 75 Puffings and riffle. 75 Puffin it and insert Ing 88 Corded band* and cambric ruffle 1 00 Tucked yoka and Inserting*. all in 3N, 41), 42, 44 and 4tt Inch bands 1 IS <,> NIGHT DRKSSES. I Double yoke and ruffled W Double yoke, better quality and ruffled down Iront 1 ? O Tucked yoko. } Hia* tucking and ruffle down entire front ? "?? Cluster tuck* and Insertion yoke } jj!? Tuckod yoke, insertion and embroidered ruffle 1 70 Tucked yoke, three row* of insertion and edge .. 1 80 Tucked yoke and embroidered rnffle, neck 14, 15 and 16 inch, otherwise In proportion ' 00 ImKjfSlSti SACQUES. L Trimmed with ruffle and tuck*. 79 Trimmed with ruffle and tueks 1 00 Trimmed with raffle and tucked all around 1 29 Trimmed with ruffles and Hamburg Insertion I 59 Trimniod with two rows Insertion and ruffle I 01 Corset Covers, frem 06 A lull line of Freueh hand embroidered Chemises, Night Dre?*es, Ure**ing Sacqoes. Kobes de Cbambro, Ac., at prices of domestic good*. A large lot of Night Dresses, full laundried. handsomely tacked and hand embroidered, at half the original price. COMPLETE TROUSSEAU, FROM $90. Particular attention paid to WEDDING OUTFITS. Our long experience In this branch guarantees ns In prom ising perfect satisfaction in every particular. ~~INFANTS' WEAR? Infants' linen Skirt*. trimmed, from 90 Infants' flannel Band*, embroidered 90 Infants' flannel Hand*, plain, silk bound 87 Infant*' flannel Skirts, from 1 SO Infant*' flannel Skirts, embroidered 2 SO Infants' flue cambric Skins, laundried 1 00 Infants' fine cambric Skirts, handsomely trimmed 2 (JO Infants' Night Dresses from 05 Infant*' Nainsook trimmed Slips 1 10 Infants' Christening Kobes, trimmed with embroidery. .1 15 Infants'lace Caps from I 75 Nuraery Baskets, embroidered II III Nursery Basket*, silk and lace trimmed 8 HI Nnrsery Baskets, lolly furnished 4 25 Embroidered flannel and merino Shawls from 2 75 Infants' Cloaks, white merino, silk trimmed, lined and wadded ? 90 Infanta' Cloaks, white merino, quilted silk lining and liauiisomoiy trimmed 19 00 Infants' Cloaks, colored merino, long cloaks, double capes 7 00 Inlaute' Walking Coats, tllk trimmed, lined and wadded, from 9 00 Infants' Walking Coats, black velvet, hand embroid ered. half the ooet of Importation 8 00 Afgliau*. new designs, from 2 90 Pique Walking Coat*, hand embroidered. 7 <0 Pique Long Cloaks, band embroidered 9 00 Children's Muslin Drawers, trimmed, from 2 to 12 yoar use. from ?. 39 Children's Muslin Chemises. same sties, from 37 Children's Muslin Night Dresses, same sisea 02 Nainsook short Dres*e*. French yoke, from 1 19 INFANTS' COMPLETE WARDROBES A SPECIALTY, TO ORDER AND ON MaND, FROM $35. FANCY COLORED SKIRTS IN PLAIN. PLAID ASD STRIPRD OOODS, ALSO OF SEROK. CLOTII. MOitEhN AND OTHER MATERIALS, PARTICULARLY ADAPTED FOR STEAMER WEAR OB TRAVELLING PURPOSES. NURSING CORSETS. ADJUSTABLE BUST AND HIP GORE, PERFECT KITTING $1 50 NURSIMG CORShTS,~FINE COUTILLH 1 9(1 SEA GRASS VENTILATING CORShT 1 -J5 THOMPSON'S VENTILATING CORSET I 29 ABDOMINAL BROAD STEEL, SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO STOUT FIGI'RKS. LACED ON HIP 8 79 EXTRA LONG WKRLT 2 40 TEN-INCH FRENCH COUT1LLE. RIDING CORSET 1 54 LADIES' COMFORT CORSET, HEAVILY CORDED, Nil BONKS 1 H5 CHILDREN'S CORSET WAIST tAJ CHILDREN'S CORSETS BO CORK PADS. 50 PANIERS, AC. 12 OX. SEA GRASS PANIERS, PERFECT SHAPE * AND LIGHTEST WEIGHT Yhf INTRODUCED. .91 80 EXTRA STRONG MUSLIN PANIERS, 37-INCH LONG I 25 DO., 2V.INGH LONG H5 WIRE TRAIN PANIERS, IIAJRCLOTU TOP. VEKY LIGHT AND STRONG 2 00 WIRE PANIERS. 20-INCH 70 BRIDAL CORSETS A SPECIALTY. IN STOCK AND TO ORDER. AT REASONABLE PRICES. T LADIES' SUITS. OVERSKIRTS, AC. fc j 201 Poplin Salts at 99 50. 175 Poplin Suits at 9(1 50. lO) Poplin Suits, ememidered. at ?S 5a 75 Poplin Suit*. In combination shades, at BB 50. 50 Poplin Shits, combination shades, better quality, at "Melange Plald Salts ?t *18 50. Pure tilece Mohair Suits at #13 50i Pnndielierrjr Damassee Suits at #17. Salt* of Jamlsin# Cloth at $18 75. Extra quality I'oplln Salt, combination shades, from $14 to $25. Orersklrte and Jackets, basketlne cloth, trimmed with silk, at $;*> Black Cashmere Snlt. $18. Black Cashmere Suits, silk trimmed, $24; with silk over skirt, $57. Black cashmere Oversklrte and Jackets. $19. Alpaca Suit*. $7 75. Ladies' Swiss Suits, $B to $35. White Lawn Suite, fully trimmed. $3 79. Ladles Swisa Polonaises, trimmed with laa* and e? brotdory, at $2 75. Large lot of plain and embroidered Linen and Batlata Suits, Overskirts and Jackets, in all the uew styles and at the lowest prices. Batiste Overskirts and Jackets, trlr >ed with white em broidery, $ti 75, worth $8 5U. Batiste Miits at B11. Linen Suit* in navy blue, brown and blaek. $8 60k Blue Lawn Sulu, a decided novelty, $10 7.V. Combination and solid color* in percale suit, a great nov elty. at very low prices. We will offer our entire stork of plain and fancy Silk Cos tumes at a reduction of 50 per cent. Also, A few Salle Hi damaseee and *11K combination at leu tkaa ?oat. Black Silk SuiU, $40, $45 and $50. , Fancy silk Suite, $35. $37 and $40. I MQUKMyo COSTUMES , ?ah and or ma/? to ora?r In ilx hoar*. Mo ?nch word m tail I ^ KVKMMO C08TUMK* ^ to order In M hours. Jtatiafaetion In erery way unaranteed. Black Oreaadlae null*, from ap. T LADIES' WKAI'I'KKS f "ft. In plain ?n1 prlntod caubmere at $1 2">. worth $4 3d Ir reuch tepliyr caahmero flannel Wrapper, 3&, worth $10. All wool Caihraere Wrapper, quilted illk front, at fit SO. worth Braided Caahroere Wrapper*. from $14 75. Caehiaere Wr.ipper*. embroidered la ailk. $21. Calico Wrapper*. $1. worth $1 VI. Krrnrh Cambric Wrapper*. $2 75. jm.-t.Sh8' AXI> CHILDftK.Vit SUIT*. | <4 ? Mlo"' and Children'* Swim* dniu, from $3 -<0 to $1S; new aet deaijrn*. Mleaea' and Children'* French plaid Salt*, from t- 35 ta $17; popular price*. I-a? h me re all wool plaid Snlte from $3 25 ap. A choice lot ol Kreneli hand embroidered pmne Qabrlellet, from #4 J-"> to Linen Uebrletie*, ?l*e? two to *1* year*. TOe. to $1 .VX Mr.uiled linen Mite, *11 *l?e?, trom $1 70. Linen Snii., three piece*, *i> * lour to dxteen ye*r*. $4 70 to Pique (iabrielle-, *!xe* two to tlx rear*, $1 25 to $5 45. Pi'ine salt*, embroidered ruffle*. $4 75 10 $IH 75. Pique Mali*, braided *?> to f" 75. Pique Salt*. Iinided and embroidered, ?!??*, eight to four Itr* jr**r*. *U to t >4 5o. Calico Wrapper*. TOe. Sunplet of i;oo<l> and c.?talnjriiei of I.adle*' alio Ml<?ea" nnlt* and mn?lln Under wear ami Inftnt'a Oiitnt* ?etit troe m charge to ill mcfloat ol rho I'lilted Statea. The firm guarantee erery article adrcrtlied by them tob* In .lock and to be a* repre?enieu Kate* lor ?elf rjoaaurement lent on application is all parn of ih- country, without enarfe liraera lor 9**tf oeaaflptioa ol goodn will he carefully at tainted 10. and the tamo parked end forwarded without *? tra charge. BROADWAY AMI TWEXTimi ST. UKAMJ A>U CUKY8TIE ??.. MKW YOB*. DRY CiOODA A~ STKRN BROTHERS. SIXTH AVENl'E AND TWENTY THIRD STREET. SIXTH AVRNUE AM) TWENTY-THIRD STRKKT. ? THIS WEEK direct nlleuttcu vo their decided SEDUCTION OF PRICES in tlieir MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS. Their eotlro Mock of FRENCH AND AM~KRICaN CHIP HATS. STRAW liOODS, MILAN AND LKGUORN HATS REDUCED FULLY 40 PER CENT FROM FORMER PRICES. AMERICAN CHIP HATS. REST QUALITY. &0C. FRENCH CHIP nATS, FINEST QUALITIES. FROM 7.r?C. UPWARD. SATIN BRAIDS AND SHADE HATS. MISSES' HATS AND TRIMMED SAILOR IIATS. Lnrge lines to select from. FINEST FRENCH FLOWERS AT HALF PRICE. OSTRICH TIPS, PLUMES AND FANCY FEATHERS. EXTREMELY LOW PRICF.& ^ ribbonsT^ ^ RIBBONS. ^ THE LARGEST STOCK OK OKOS Oil A IN BONNET RIBBONS. TWILLhD AM) FANCY PARIS RIBBONS. SASH RIBBONS TO BF. FOUND IN THE CITY. OROS ORAIN BONNET RIBBONS, No. 12. eplendid quality, all {Ilk, ISo. >;n4 8-INCH. ALL SILK. OKOS GRAIN SASH RIBBONS, all colon, ?3. ? yard. ELEGANT TWILLED SASH RIBBONS, SPLENDID QUALITY, at A&c. and 79c. a yard. Choice dealing In BASKET, ROMAN AND FANCY BASH BIBBONS AND FRINOKO SASHES. 8U.S UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. MONDAY. OtH ENTIRE BTOCK. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE IiARGBST IN THE CITY, AT ENORMOUSLY REDUCED PRICES Manilknt ntoek of SUN UMBRELLAS, CANOPY PARASOLS. CHILDREN'S PARASOLS. OF THE HOST SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS, ALL OI'.EATLY BELOW STKliN BMUTIIEES, sixth avenl'E AND twenty THIRD 8trbet, LA !? IES' FURNISHINU DEPARTMENTS. A.-p now offering extremely larec utid choice selections of LADIBS' LINKS SUITS, LAWN AND BABTISTB SUITS, CAMBRIC SUITS. ALL colors; LACB COSTUMES AND overgarments. BABTIKTE, LINBN AND LAWK OYERSKIllTS AND jackets, ?ANT THEIR OWN liKSIGNS AND STTLBS, AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. COMPLETE LINEN Si:ITS FROM fa opward. OVERSKIRTS AND JACKETS, pnro lliipn and nicely trimmed, from $2 23 np. Ad Inspection of tbli department will repay ladles about purchasing Summer Garments. LADIES' TRAVELLING OUSTERS AND ULSJRKS. LAWN, PERCALE AND CALICO WRAPPERS, striped AND SUMMER SKIRTS, shetland SHAWLS, with our nuequalled stock of LADIES' UNDEKOARMRNTS, children'S GARMENTS' INFANTS' WEAR and PIQUE GARMENTS. VASTLY REDUCED PRICES. ? ait received, our own Importation^ magnificent line* of FRENCH LINGERIE, lover prices than heretofore offered Opcnlnr of noveltios In ? Sr PA Ills FANCY HOODS. Cnolee and elegant styles In ?I.VKK. ENAMELLED. WILT, ONYX AND SILVER FILIGREE JEWELRY. ornaments, KANcT"BELTS. BRACELETS. YILVET pockets, GARNET JKWELI!Y. (JILT AND FANCY PINS, wlh new designs In <*> ^ PARIS, VIENNA AND JAPANESE pans, ^ ou own importation*, fully 83 PER cent LESS than other bouses. TOILET articles AND PBRFUMRRIKS. -4 .11 the leading and (tandard makes of FRENCH AND american soaps. CROWN I'KKFUMES. LUBIN'S AND ATKINSON'S EXTRACTS. florida WATER aa4 e?ery wall known and necetsKrj article for thn toilet. BAB, nail AND TOOTH BRUSHES, hand glasses. hand satchels. ? SHAWL STRAPS, AO., AO., at ?>n r WELL KNOWN l/OW PRICES. MONDAY. OPENING OK ENTIRELY NEW ^ PAKIS worsted EMBROIDERIES OIR OWN importations. ENTIRELY NEW STYLES AND DEMONS. GLOVE DEPARTMENTS. f, . iow In stock, complete ?swrtraents of LUPIN'S KLU GLOVB4. COURVOI TIER'S KID OLOVBS, WINDSOR OANDS DE SUEDR. english lisle THREAD GLOVE*. PARIS SILK mitts, french AND OF. KM A.N SILK GLOVES. the largest" assortment in the cm. MONDAY MORNING, decided BARGAINS IN NEW fren< II blonde LACKS, WHITE AND fcCRC CLOUT LACES. SPANISH LACKS. REAL guipure LACKS. HAMIHiiG NETS. Gt'llTKn NEt.H. SPANISH nets. ? ? stkr> BROTHERS. SIXTH ATBHUK AND 3W street, DRY (iOUDR. A. prpp p p p r pppp p p p RRRR K R R R ?111 KH R R R R R R OCC C C CC BE KB E B P. KB K K KBEB *88 S 8 8 ?S8 8 A S SS8 REDUCED A1 BBBB B B B KBB B B B BBBB n RRRR II CCC 11 It R II C 0 II It II IIHIIU II II R II H R II II R H II R R It Rlllt r II c it II o l( 0 it lie it II c r 11 c R II COO n sss ?? II s s II s 11 s IIIIIIU S II II H H O II II S U WE BBO our PATRONS TO TAKE NOTICE that WE will, ON MONDAY. OFFBR BNORMOU8 bar GAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. our ENTIRE STOCK HAS been REDUCED FROM 25 TO 40 per CENT. I'AKASOL DEPARTMENT. OCR 96 00 PARASOLS KBDUCBD TO 94 SO Ot'R 9* 00 PARASOLS REDUCED TO $4 00 our 94 80 PARASOLS REDUCED TO $3 50 OUR 8* 30 parasols KBDUCBD TO ? R7 CANOI'Y PARASOLS at Inn than out. All our Pars pot* are nt the brat manufacture and we guarantee the tame to gl?o satisfaction. H H II II II II II II i1iihii II H II II II II II H A AA A A A A A A AAAA A A A A ? A fs8 S TTTTT T 8 T 8 r 8 T 888 T B T 8 T 8 8 T 8SS ? TKRKIRLK SACRIFICE. IMPORTED CHIP IIATS. tWe.; former price, 92 75. imported CHIP HATS. 6flc.; former price, 9'J 75. IMPORTED CHIP Hats, Mtc.; former prica. 93 75. american .CHIP HATS, 25c.; FORMER PRIOR, 81. AMERICAN CniP IIATS. L'.*. j FORMER PRICE, 8L american CHIP IIATS. -'.'Sc.: FORMER PRICE, fL Tina BROWN asdIuck STRAW HATS, In all the latest shape*, reduced to 44c. LEGHORN 1IATS, lor ladle* and children reduced to 7.*>c., Mo. and $1. Fine Rough and Ready Hat*. 50c.; former prica, 91. Pine White Straw Hat*. 50c.; former nrlea, 91. trimmed PANAMA HATS redncedto 97Se, BOYS* BROWN STRAW IIATS, fully trimmed, eloslng out at I4c.; former prlee. 30c. OUR wholesale TRADE WILL PLEASE TAKE notice THAT ON TI1K ABOVE PRICES WK CAN GIVE NO REDUCTION. Fine French Flower* at greatly reduced price*. L.000 spray* fine Flower* at 49c.; worth $1. GREAT reduction in ribbons, SILKS, millinery LACES, NETS, Ae., A*. ? No. 0 all (ilk Gro (train, 10c. yard. Bargain* in fancy Baaket, Damaase Brocade. Diamond and Lace Rlbbooa, BLACK SILK VELVET, 91 30 per yard. Rood quality. <$> ? T trimmed HATS. ^ Our'entlre s'ock at greatly reduced price*. An Inspection lolleited. 8SS8S S B S s SSSSS 8 S 8 8 SSSSS 0 U u * u u u uuccu BSS8S 8 8 8 8 SSSSS 8 S 8 8 SSSSS ORASH LINEN OVERSKlItTS AND BASQUES, re duced to IKIe. GRASS LINEN SUITS, NEATLY trimmed, 91 25 and 9' t>3. FINE LINEN SUITS. $4 50. $5, 9" TO. 97 50 and np. FINK LINEN basques AND OVEItSKIKTS. 9'J 05, 9.1 25. 94. 94 50 and up. SPRING SUITS reduced to I en than cost. Plaid Suit*, handsomely trimmed, 92 13; former prlee, $5. Mohair 8wlt?, handsomely trimmed, 94 75; former price. 912. Fine Suit*, elegantly trimmed, 9s 50; former prlee. 918. Pine checked and itriped Silk Suit*, at 91ft SO, 822 and 92a ENTIRE stock of DRESS OOODH marked down. ladies' underwear. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS FROM FORMER PRICES. TUCK AND RUFFLE SKIRTS reduced to ."iOc. TUCK, PUFF AXD RL'FFLE SKIRTS reduced to 75?. TUCK AND WIDE PLAITING SKIRTS reduced totte. TOO ROW PLAITING SKIRT redneed to 85c. TUCK AND RUFFLE Embroidered Skirt reduced to 88c. TUCK AND TUCKED FLOUNCE Skirt reduced to 80c. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS in fine Skirts. ROBE NIGHT DUE MM, tuck end embroidery, full length, reduced to CI 10. NIGHT DRESSES, TUCK1NO AND BIX ROW km broidery, front atid buck, reduced to $1 <!>. CUKMISRS, luiertlon end ruflle em Broidery, reduced to CHEMISES, LINEN bosom. Intertioa ef embroidery, re duced to 7'ic. OREAT REDUCTION la flue csmbrle and lines Che mlses. CORSET COVERS, puffing. Insertion and needlework edge, ft 1?. CORSET COVERS, ten row embroidery, front and back, reduced to 91 Si Immense sacrifices In Lamb regains. Wrappers, Aa A MO bone three dollar Corset redneed to SI 85. CREAT REDUCTIONS In our Aae French Underwear. f DRESS TRIMMINGS. ? ^ Flne*t~SHk Fringe*, MOSS TRIM.MINUS. Ac., greatly i* dated. Elegant Fringe at 3Uc., former price 70c. Elegant Fringe at We., former price 8ft* Fine Tape and Silk Fringe*, #1. former price $1 SO. Fine Tape and Mix Fringes $1 35. former price $1 75. Real (impure Lace*. CAPE AU LAIN, CLUNT LACES, RKAI. Til HEAD LACES, raai Vak Lace*, at lean than ?o*t oi importation. WHITE LACE BaRBES, Ulc., formerprtee 75* W1IITK LACE HARBES, 4>v . former prir* ?I. EMBROIDERIES. ELEGANT HAMBURG EDGINGS at 6c., He.. 10c., I3t. l.V. and 18c. and up. ti.K-.ANT INSERTING EDGINGS at 8e^, 10*. 12c.. Ifle.. 18c. and up. From auction. 15.O0O yard* of linen Embroidery, for suits, ?? less than European sold ca?h. FINE WIDE EMBROIDERY at 14c.. worth 40a. GREAT REDUCTIONS In HOSIERY. GLOVES. FANS. JEWELRT, FANCT OOOD8. LACE GOODS or EVERT DESCRIPTION. IIandksrcliler>, Ac., Ac. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. A full line of Mia EIIRICII KID OLOVR New an baud. in ail the finest ? hades. We reeammend our patron* to give them a trial, aa they are the n?"?t perfect fitting gloee in the world, full line of Rebecca kid Moves; 3-bnttoa. 97&;a?ery pair warranted Sea pairs given lor ail that rip or tear. ),i?le thread and silk Gloves, in 3, 3 and 4 bnttona. Finest ? button Llale Glove*. U.'?e pair. ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE SPEC IAL ATTENTION. I.adles living oat of New Yors city can acquaint them selvea Willi allour atyiea by kitbacribins to our "FASHION QUARTERLY," which gl?e* fine illnntration*. deacriptlons and p-teea of eierythlng W'? lunr lour numbers a jeai. la March, June, .->c|>temiier acd December. Oar ", Viiarterly," 53 |>*gea, ha* at w valuable article! uu the otlei, Kllclien, Ac Sl ll-iCRll'TION PRICE, as CRMT8 FOR THE WHOLE YEAR. 4> ? t> * ^ KIIRICH*', J ^ EHRICMS', 387 ?if II AVRNUET 38? " HMAR MTU Vi DRY (HM)OS. 'CAUffcfiC *~ cceccccccc rcccccccccco crc era ceo coc ceo cco Ci'C GOO COO coo coo cro con COO o<;o cco ccc tvnccrcoocco cooouooucc rrrukkb It it KR Hit tta UK UK rkrrrrru H. RURBUR XII KR UK KB Kit Kit Kit RR Kit Kit ooouoo oooooooo OO OO OO OO OO uO OO oo oo OO OO OO oo 00 OO OO OO OO OOOOOOOO oooooo 0H888>SS B^SsSSsHS 8S rig 8S SS S8S8SSSS JISSSSSSS ss ?s 88 yd KSSSS8KSS bSSSSSS 8888888 BSSSSSSUS bs si 88 88 SSSSSSRS sssassss ss ss FS SS S8SSSSRSS S8S8SSS IT, iili LI. l.L LL# lit, l.L LI* LI. LL LLLLLLLLL LLI.Lil.LLL EEEKBEEEB EKKKiii-.KKB KK KK EK KEEKER KI.HKEE EK KK KEKEEEEEB El.KKKKKhU RSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS BS HS SS fis 8SS8SS8S BSSS.iSSS SS SS 88 SS 8S8S8SHSS 8SSSSS9 The grandest clearing out sale that over took place ta lib country. CROSSLEY'S entire itock of English Carpets. constating of velveta. body Brnssela, ttpiitrf and ingrains. to bo told immediately at retail. Anticipating the tavern decline In prlcoa consentient spoa a general dulnesa of trade nnu a largely overstocked rear* ket, CBO88LRY hits reduced Ins whole line of English Cat* peti, end will close ont balance of spring htook In store aarf bond at price* barely covering first cost. .1. k J. W. CROSSLRY. >30 ami 3S2 Hroadway, corner Pearl it. CCCCCCCCCO CCOCCOCCCCt'O cou ccc: ceo c<nj (CO 000 ceo ceo coo cco 0?:o cc>; cro ccn ccc cco r?c cccccncccoo COOCCOCCU AA AAA AAA A A A A A A A AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAA A A A A AAA AA A * AA AA AA AA Ji.Itr.KKHH RI'.kkkkkr Kit UR KK RB KK KB kkrRRRRR RKKKURUK K R R ? RIS Kll KR UK KR Rlt UM KU rrrvvvrr vvrvrerrv pp pp pp PI" pr ip pprrppppp pfwrrrr pi' pp pp pp pp EKBKKKeBI KBBEBfUSB KK KK KK krp.pp:* kkbkkk KM KK r.K Ikeekerrb BBEEBKKKf fTTTt 1TTTT1 rrrrrrtTYTt TT TT TT r? tt MRU ..?? ?MIImM US M ?****!? SS Ml alSRS-SSSH r?r Other Dry ?oort. MrerttoaM* tM? iuiewtlt P?c?.