Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,552. NEW YORK. MONDAY, JUNE 5, 187G.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOK ADVERID3ER8. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. I.2TO BROAPWAT.? OPEN DAY AND NH1HT, FOR RECEPTION Of ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES Or PATERS. Pagb?lit anil 3d eals. 4?7. P*?l?T~,JTI1 I'au*?4ill eol. HI LI.1 ARKS?2d Pag*?2d col. BOARDERS WANTED?2? Faiik?tih col. HOARD AND LODGINO WANTED-2D 1?a???4th coL BO<)TS AMJ SHOES? 12TB PAna?4th col. BROOKLYN BOARD?2i> Pagk?4th cel. ? BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOB SALE?*?' Pam?M col, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?0th Pick. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th l ju?r?ttth eoL CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2? Pais*?coL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th Pai;k?Mh-col. LLUI IIIM; 1 ?Tit PaUK ?Uttl C?M. COACHMEN AND G ARDENERS?12m Pao??4 th eol. COASTWISE S rEAMSJIIPS?12 th Pauk?Aih and 6thcolt. COPARTNERSHIPS?*? Pasic. COUNTRY HOARD?i* Pack?4th col. DENTISTRY?2d PAfl*-2d col. DRY UOODS-Ist P*?iK-ath eol. DWELLING HOUSES to LET. FURNISHED AND UN KUltNISH KD?2n Paok-?d eol. EUROPEAN srEAMSIUPS-I.'TH PAIIC-Stta cel. EUROPK-Ist I'a?;k??tli col. EXCHANGE?2D Pauk?2d col. EXCURSIONS?I2tii Paur-iUIi eol. FINANCIAL-*? Pack. FINE ARTS?1st PAUK-?Jth eol. FOR SALE?2d Paiir ?fit It col. FURNISI'ED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO IdST-So Pack?3d col. PAOK-6th cot HELP WANTED?FEMALLS?13** Pac*-!M and 4th cola. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PA?>r-4th coL HOUSES. CARRIAGES, AC.?1st PAO*?I'd, 3d, 4th aatfe 5?h coin. HOTELS? 2i> Pao??4th cot INSTRUCTION?2p pA?r-2d eol. MACIII>RltY?3d Paok?MIi col. 8marble mantels-2d PAGB-2d eol. EDICAL?12t:i PAC.x-fith col ILLINKRY ANIi DRESSMAKING?1ft Pimt?Sih eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTIsEMRNTS-IOth PAUK-6th col 8ISCELLANROUS-2D PACK-Sth col. UStCAL?2t> I'aqk?2d col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Paci?Gth eol. PERSONAL?1st Pari?lit eol. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS ?C.-2n PAf:*-2d eol. PROPERTY OUT OF I'UE CITY FOR SALE OR TO ; RENT?2d Paisk?id col. REAL ESTATE TO EXC11A .< C K?2d Pw?-WmL REAL ESTATE WANTED?2n Faok -3d col. REWARDS?1st Paok ? 1st col. ?;Vr.,P!i.^Al!iT,ON?,ST snd Oth coin. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12m PAdB-lst 2d and 3d col* flTI-ATlON^ WANTED?MALE*?12nt Paok?4th eol. PRC1AL NOTICES?1st Pag*?1st and 2d cols. BPOKTING-DOUS. BIRDS. .SC.-1st Paok-Jd col. pTORAOR?2d I'agk?2d coi. BUMMER RESORTS?2d Pv<ut-4th nod 5th eol. TH K TRADES?12rn Pauk?4th col. JHETURF-Ist Pai.k?2d col. To LET FOK BUSINESS PURPOSER-2d Paok?M eol u IDE?12th Pagk?Hth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2n Pack-4i1i col. wanted to purchase?20 pAo?-2dei?i. Watches, jewelry. ac.-2d PAcn-Jdroi WBSTCIIE8TER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO . ET?2d Paok?3d-col. IACHTS, STEAMBOATS. JtC.?IOth Pack?6tb col. b E PB?M?AU " ^-too^atESaturday- aRTnxE'shadow Bull to-night without full. CARRIE. EAR NED-CAUTto-DAY. SAME AS LAST AS nenr - o'clock as possible. Will watt for you . LOUISE. JjlMM.V C -COME AND LISTEN To THE ADVICES OF your beat Mend: you me dolnjr wronj;; I hope not to fcaee to tell yon the rest through the pitper. S. ttenry bill,"of "London. would re glad to V Iff '? " Corhe as friend. Address HENRY HALL. Lotos Club, New York. ? Tf lady in etii av. car. Saturday evening 1 desires acquaintance ot Eenlloman whom she previous y i^ACON-TO-DAY (MONDAY); "AT 11:30 DON'T J OU SLOCUM?JEROMR RACES, 4 IN HAND ran^hofllce0*' ?ddre,,to FOREIGNER, Herald Uptown j^?OLUE WILL BE HOMF. MONDAY! TO PHLIa" MR- PARKINSON-PLEASE" RETURN TO S. CoVTff ran s shou store, S4I) Broadway, the shoes tou took by nistske on May 27. as the owner Is wmtlag for them. MR. D.. OF :tt>-THKRB IS A LETTER IK THE POST ofBce for yoit. MARION. TinLLIAM CAMERON, M.. WILL HEAR OF SOME ,cttw ""1,u WDOW-I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOU. AD dress H., box 175 Herald Uptown Branch office. w 11KW A &!*!?. 4:1 n rEwarI)?foiT'^he rrtuTin"6>^sprin(j S-1- JJrrrS?*t L SHAW. r?4 West 14th SI., near Hacy ??ost from residence tU 5th ar., 12th st. to Broad way, to the Battery. ?fe'nri REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE RhffURN o? ? sold lerer hunting case stem wlndlns Watch ttoloa from Jewelry store ol Klrhy A rfoa. New Ha??n. Conn.' between the nlcbt ot 2?th and morirfoK ol 2Sth May; niann' factored by American Wateh Company, which is p'Hnied on Jsce rader irystal and is marked C|Ta. H. L.. Park road; No. 623,002. The abore reward will he paid npon presentation and no questions asked. Address L. B. B., No. 20 Nassau st room 4, New York. '? REWARD-LOST. LAST TUESDAY EVEN, r e* f.old h?n tin pease Wstoh. stem winder; .las, "ardtn. maker. No. I3.K45; owner's naoie enrraved Inside; no questions asked. Address WATCH, bo* 12H Herald IV town Brnncli off re. r A. ?A?A SPECIAL SOTICES. DISEASES OP MEN. The Importance of the heatthtoess of the nerroas |>nem cannot be orerc^iimtitod: Its power over life Jnd death nnd the direct benrinc which It hmn on human happiness seems to he recognise^; its capabilities. Its qualities and it*i powers; the importance of its healthful preserratio*. its moderate uses, the dantrer of overtaxing It whether throup^ thounht, study, or intense implication In mental investigation aud research; whether by the absorbing attention necessary to the conduct of compli (Hted and momentous business interests, or by the execs, live indulgence of the appetites and propensities of the ITstem. -All these are proper subjects lor consideration, as ?l?o the knowledge of what Is moderation, what is excess and when thei.e exist the absolute necessity of promptly teeklng adru-o Irom an expert who. lor a long series of years, lias devoted his whole time and attention to the studv Investigation anil treatment of all the maladies of thisim' port ant ile-f .rtment. to accurately determine the diseased rnndiMnna. their nature, causes and origin, whethi r arl?lnir from the wnnt of exerdae, its irrevnlarityorexi-ess. and who Iron his experience mid practice, has learned m dlseorer at oiiee the derangement and as promptly apply the remed? thus avoiding the painfully slow leellng alter the truth so rommon to the Inexperienced nnd wo nnnoyin^ to the nm llrnt. wlu?, T*ry nnturully, wantn t<i know without dclur what IsI the matter, the extent ol theileran?ement the prnhMbillfic* of recuperai ion and the time rcunired. A wtrikfnp exatnpUt of the value of expericwe and praeti c .?i fn.K'Tx atiott. mm well a? the mt^fulneufi of the prompt np Pjicetlon of Miitnhlr remedie*. iw found in the import*nt M'Mc fricnt. romtaa. not from one, but n oorcn public inatltn tio m rot only at home but abroad, that a very law nropor lion #?f ?bo?e who MifTer from mental dfntnrbanco and ab?o ll-iti?'4*! r.Kf?crn,*n,,nt,7 r*?mrcr? wr?? ??* placed ander l?te.Mhem??v?.*r''r "A#r,h* ?'?? symptom, have mnni II tiieiutellectiml department of ttie brain lias become ex hausted lij intense mental application, depriving It of the power of connected tlionght, it can only recover Its strength In bring properly led.snd nonrished bj the nse or certain ?vMematic methods. It is precisely so in every other de pnrtment, whether or nppetite. propensity or passion, each reuniting a different remedy for its recuperation and different me jns lor bringing them np Itom their overworked ano ex hansled conditions. The importahea ofthis l.raneh of medi cal practice can ?cai-celr be overrated, lor it reaches even to the perpetuation of family names, the securing of hereditary titles and the retention ot estates in the ssme faintly From a long and Inrire experience in this direction I have been able to command by my snccess the thankful appreci ation or some of the Orst families in the eitv and nation ? and I eertslnly can communicate much to cultivated minds in connection with my practical experience In what pertains to the over exercise of every department of the nervous system and the means of recovering their powers, whether of brain propensity or passion. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 I^eslngtoa ??., near 79th st. Bnh, ilea. American isstititk.?a kkoolaii meeting ok thi* liutiluta will bi> brld at it? roooia in lh? I'oopar llaildini; on ThurwUv. tbeHtli dav <?r.1 ui?o. at ? I". M. O. t l.EYKI.AND. l'rraldant. ('maw.** MrK. I.KO'K*. Recording Hwn-tMy. A ?ISAAC I! BOYl E. 2ff7~BBOADVrAY. LAWTRR. ? lllvnrera obtained pri'xptlT. wlllioni publicity: di>?*r ttun. Inrnmpntlhlllty. habitual drunkenness. in:id*l|ty, In hnaian treatment, eonrietloll of felony. Carport* obtained. Attention !-t\vf.nty teak*' pribbian nos. pllal experltnco: iif men In nil its oramlie<, eren ol long 'tMmlinc. a fprrially. Con?nltntl9ti ami m*dt rine* tree. M JACURl, X. I)., 1HI HlMdurtt. A?A.-am. PRflfcB CACHED in OOI.D AT this ? oltiee. Tblrd'daiia gold dlfttribntton. N*w Ortoana, Jiilv Jll. 1K70. Capital )>rl?f flmo.i gold " I prlre? ammintlnr to ^'lOJ.VXX 2ll.fl (I tlrkeU f.Vi rurrrni-y. Coupon* In proportion. Aoply for Information Ae.. to n II.1.1 VMSON ,t co., brokers, 317 llrondwAjr, Pout nfl'lre box fl.fciii \r.LEN A to. 7.1 N ASS AI ST. NEW YORK ? Wyoming l->t!tv draw* .Inn"* 10. Capital pri?e, fV..r>r? >2f?t.<**> rfl?tr<h<ited. Ilrketi $| ; a|x for (LY Clrrnlar* mail-d tmr. Pricea < *ah?d. A A bboutk divorce* r?n: tei'aration, ac. Pay *bcii dlroreed. Ai!*iee free. AMERICAN I.AW AOKNtY.71 A*tnr H"nae._ ?KKNTI'CK* STATE LOTTEKIEM OP .1. SMITH . I CO. KitrrrcRT?y*?* ri.ah 471 ron 1H70. a, II, 07. -Is. 44 -I. ??>. 71. **. 1\ ?"'<!. 7". ?K5Trr*T?run 172 run 1870. 4. fls?, H?, 24, <12. I.'i. 07, 20. 7:i at. 18. 01, r>2. 7H. AH ordcr? Milrrn II N ATIIAN, IrM Itroalway, or Po?i olTIre It.i* 4,*7<> Nrw York rln. "? -fV IKS, I MK'.S iS Jt CO J\. Kentucky State l.olierlo?, drawn dally. lioral Hut,ui? lottery, drawn erary 17 dav?. Ke'ntneky Hinzlr Nnntber l/Htrry. .Ir.iwn .)une 24. 1*70. j'rltr* muhfil, lnl?mnatlnn InrnMi^l and circulars Irev. 180 Br..a.l* ny Post office box, .'?.27J New York. "? _JriK*t PHI IK $!"<*".<?*> J\, .Bain dr*wln? ot the Paral Bmn?wiek tJovcrnmnit lottery, from M?r 10 to .fitnr t>. 1*70. ? (!!?,.vm 2M.V*i prl?tflb Kfljol llarsna l.ottrry. K?*t drawing .'mo 0, ls70i Ihrodork ISCHOCB. taMN'Mita 11* Naaaaa M.. Niv Twk. SPECIAL NOTICES. A. TODAY, ?t 5 o'clock P. M. A few fraction*, whole or half Bonds ofthe Industrial Ex hibition Company of New York, which will participate la this afternoon'* drawing. 4,000 Premium*, * ranging from fSl to $35.00"will be distributed among ??tj 4.<??> bondholder*. tbiu> giving a Premium lo each an1 every person purchasing for this alternoou's drawing?vtt, the Eighth Premium Allotment. 1-30 of a whole bond for S3 50 1-IOor 2-2<> ot a whole hood fur 5 Ul 5-llior 1CV20, or one-half bond lor 22 50 HVI<< or 3D-2U, or one whole bond for 40 00 Call to-duy, before the drawing, at the offire of MOR<;KNTIIAl\ BRUNO A CO . 33 Park row, opposite the Pout offlre. LL DISEA8KH OK TIIK BLOODAND KRBVOU9 system treated suncei-sfully, and permanent care* guaranteed. Consultation iree. Dr. WEST'S old estali li?hed office, 45 Bieecker st.. sear Broadway. DlftBASEtToK MKN! It appears to be a well known fact that the Prus*l*n physicians are expert* in the profession. lor the good reason thai the student hue to work very lisrd (In the books) to lie prepmed tor the Nn*l examination. Alter Ihe student hue obtained the title of Doetoris Mcdicimc then the young doc tor I* oiiliged to practise for three years in a military hospi tal ; tint gives him the practical knowledge In treating a in case > with |>erle<'t success. In (net. the l'ru?sinn doctor takes ii Brent interest and pleasure to restore hi* patient to jwr lect health. There is no doubt the public appreciate the treatment of a Wermaii physician. and deserve the cmli dence of tlic public. All tne universities in Prussia are sup ported !>)? the government mid the professors are appointed b.v tho Emperor for lite. Every diploma i? in the usme of tiie King:?8crcnissiiui ac l'oteiitissinii Prtaeild* Uvilelwl "Krlderlri avllelml** Such a diploma cannot be procured except with intellect. The law in Prussia Is no severe to practise without a diploma that quackery is not known. I have a diploma, dated November, 1Ki7, Ironi Kriderlcl Uvil elmi the :id. Tho public uro invited to examine my te-titnoplal. 1 have adopted that brunch of the profession ? disease* of men, in all its braunhes; also diseases of the sKin?since 1838 Promptrict att-ution I am able to guar antee a successful enre, even of long stutidinir. Dr. JACOIIY. 1H1 Kleeckerst. IHEAHES OP MEN A RPKC1ALTY. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Islington av., near 20th st. Office hours from 8 to 3. DR. II J. JORDAN. SOLh "PROPRIETOR OK T1IK New York Museum of Anatomy, has removed Ills resi dence and office to No. 5 Washington place, three coors wes*. of Broadway. 1jt Y Ck AH. fi I HO AT. CHERT AND NEKVt ICS DIS !i ease* specially treated by Dr. Ql'lXANo, from 10 to 4 1'. M. H)7 i'.ast 10th st H~AVANA XOTTERY.?NEXT DRAWING OK 40,tt? tickets and fOOti.ODO price*, <1 uue 0, 10711 Por par tiealars address B. MARTINEZ A CO., too. 10 Wall ?t., basement, Post office box 4,082. N. It.?IlTghest price paid lor Spanlth gold and liavan.i Bunk bills. Drafts on Havana In all amount* leaned. E-f:KX)? IN PKIZKS. EVERY OTIIKB TICKET ? a prise. Kentucky State : inirle number Grand Di* intuition drnwsJui'o 2-1. 5ti,i> *i tickets, 2f>,42t> prixes. \\ hole tickets, #10; halves, $.'>; quarters, $2 SO. Roys I llav*na Lottery, to he drawn .lune B. Wliole tickets. t-<1tenths nnd twentieths In proportion. Kentucky State Lotteries, drswh dully. l or iiilnrmiitlon, circular-, Ac.. address or apply to JA'JK&OX A CO.. Bunkers. 2u2 Broadway, New York city. ?CHRONIC CATARB1I. DBAPNKSS-. IMPROVED ? metho 1; Instamanroii* relief, permanent cure*. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14th st. VTF.RVOCS WCIlAt'STION.?A MEDICAL I'.SSAY XI comprising a series ol lectnres delivered at Kalin's Mu seum of Aniitomv. New York, on the cause and cure of Pre mutnrc Decline, showing indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis ol the impediments to marriage and tho treatment ol n?rvous and physical debliUy, being tne result of l!tl year*' experience. Price "St cents. Ad dress the author. Dr. 1>. J. KAIIX, office and residence51 KastlOtlist. New York. PI LK S OR HE MOR RUM IDS RADICALLY Cl'BK l>. Original painless treatment; two to lour weeks re quired; no fees until cured, circulars free. Dr. STODDARD, only uUicc No. 8 West 14th it. OTAL HAVANA LOTTKRICk-SBOO.OOO WILL HE drawn on June <t. Prixes cashed: order* filled: Infor mation turmshed; higheit rate* pAd lor Spanish bill*, gov eminent*. Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers. No. 11 Wall *t.. Now York. SJ ?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT 5. teries. SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers. KKHTCrxr. K.TTRA Cl.ASS SO. 3iK<?JTKK 8, 1M70. 5?, 30, ??. 41. HI I. 77. 711. -J, rw.. 4-1, 74 at KKNTCCKV, CLASS SO. 304?JUSK .1, 1876. 49, 3, 73, a?. 40, trj, 6, 33. 31. 73, l??. 57, 25. IIRNBT. KXTUA CLASS MO. 203?JCSK 3, 1870. 48, 51, 2<i. :i7, 25. 34. 73, HO. 17, 57. 30, 2. J1KSBT. CLASS KO. 2t?4?JV.VB 8, 1870. 10, 58, 2:1, 28. 21. at*. 1, 18. 52. 78. 74. 34, 40. Kull information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTb A CO.. 200 Broadway, or box 4.1 HOT Post office. S?S PtU/.ES? EVERY o III hK TICKET A . Prise.? SIMMONS 4c DICKINSON'S kindle number Kentucky State Lottery to bo drawn June 34. 187tl; 25.43 I inikoh out <il oO.OOO ticliti; also Itorul Havana to be drown on June 0, 1870. J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway, or box 4,009 Pont oflioe. Tub nkwyork orphan asylum society will bold It* Seventieth Anniversary on Tuesday. June H. at the institution, on the Boulevard, Corner Wen 7:td st.. at 8 1'. M. Kev. Dr. Newton will de'lver ?n address and tlie children will take part In tlio exercise*. Friends o( the Society era cordially invited to attend. THE ATLANTIC' AND PACIFIC A.NO FRAXKIN' Telogrnph Companies haro applied lor office room lu the various hotel* at Long Branch and Saratoga to enable them t? soenro a share of public patrt nage and to servo their many friend* who are likely to visit those retorts during the season of 1S70. Tliroiiijrli offers of exoesslve rental in some rasas, and threat* in others that It would shaailou Its hotel offices except upon condition of exclusive privilege, the Western I'nion Company has secured exclusive occupancy of most of the principal noteU. In order to obtain a share of pulilic business at these point*, the Atlantic and Pacilie Teleuraph and Franklin Companies, there.ore, find them selves compelled to make the following ieductions of rate in addition to those heretofore made: ? Hetween Saratoga and New Vork. Albany and Trojr 3>e. Between J/one 1J ranch and Philadelphia and New York. 20c. Jletweeii both Saratoga and Loot; Branch. and all points east of and including Buffalo ami Pittsburg... 25a. Between Saratoga aud Long Branch, and poinw west of Buffalo and Pittsburg, to and includliig Chicago, .Milwaukee and St. Louis 50c. In addition to the above reductions, during the Con vention week tbe ratn from ? iocinnati to all points east ol the Missouri Klver will be 2-V. THOMAS F. BCKERT. President. SPORTIfcG? LMKiW. B1UIM, ?k>. A?FOR SALE. ALL KINDS Of"FANCY DOGS, ? Bind, ite.; Medicines for nil diseases; Prepared Food . for mm-king birds, at B. O. DOVKY'S, No. 3 Greene St., near Cunal. * Billiards.?atction and French pools will lie sold every afternoon and cvenlne at Maurice Daly's, Spiagler ?sioou. No. 5 West Colon square, on the hlilisrd tournament ana 2,000 points match, between C. Dion and M. Daly. THK NKVV " TO UK IST"S CASE?CONTAINING rifle, two gnns and flshin* tackle; can be seen at tnv place, CUARLKH L. KITZMANN. 1113 Broadwa\. above ^l'd st. ' ~~ THK TURK. AMKftlC.TS"' TOOKISY (? I< (' B. --S P KIN G MKKTiNO. 1X7CI. at Jerome Park, 3d. Kth. Sth. Kith. 13th. 15th and 17th Jnnc. Race* Commence each dav nnm-tually at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT, President. C. Wbkati.t, Secretary. A LOTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN J\ son's rooms, com r Broadway nod 2Mih ?t., everv ?norning and evening during the week, ou Jerome Park races; alsoeverv afternoon on the trott tig at Philadelphia; each race received by teiegrauli; all orders b> mail, tele graph or messenger pioinptly attended to. T. B. A V. 0. JOHNSON. A CCTION AND FKhNCH POOLrt SOLD THJiTkVKX 1\. Ing at New Yorklnrt Exchange. 1j West 28th st,on the Jerome Park miming *tce?. Prompt alteiition given orders by mail or mes-engrr. KELLY. BLISS A CO AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT THOMAS' Exciisnge, Broadway, every morning and even" log dti-ing the week on the Jerome Park running rarer also the nsse ball games. IJ. SI. THOMAS. i\EKRroiir DBlYtNO park?second .-pking 1 J median. First day?Taeaday. Jaae ii. Parse, (I."*!. Three minute class ?M. S. Curry, b. g. Billie, T. Ogle. b. in. Richmond. J. Smith.s. g. Kebln, J. B. ConkYitt, b. it. Oyster Boy. George F. Jones, b. g. Bestern Boy. Oooqpi M. Rcetuer, l>. m. Mury Reutuer. J. Laitgaa, b. g. Billy I ook, D. M. Snnford, b. in. Flora -unic day. 1! :3--? rlasa?W. Bastard, b. m. Carrie, .V J. Demon, b. g. Jersey, John T. Crane, r. ir. St. George! A. Hopkins, c. g. William R. Koherls, W. Bndlne, b, nt. Lady Mills. John |Langan. c. g. Ma|or J/umhert, I. Trout, hlk. g. W. R. Adniissi.m. ^1. Hares will commence at 3 P. M. sharp. WILLIAM MrMA111>N, Proprietor. TL^LEKTWOOD PARK I1 offers the followinir purse* to r>e trottedFriday, Jane li, at 3 o'clock P. M., Purse ofllliKI, lor luirses that have not trotted better 2 :40; 0 to first, t f I to second, #1" to third. Same day. P-trse erfl.TO, for horses that have not trotted better 2 :2ft; .<1?0 to Orst, #?? to second. *jii to third. .ill lobe mil-' hents, 3 In ">, in harness ; national rales t? govern : en Iran's 10 per cent of parse, r.ntries elose W edti> >da>, June 7, 11 P. M., and shoeld tie ii'ldrcsseu to GATES II HAR.WRD. President, Fleetwood P.iik?Mnrri-atiia HORSES. ( AHIIIAGEh. CM, t V K R % I LEG AN I PAIR OF BAY HOUSES. Willi 2\ out a blemish . Coop# Rsckawty and Harness: ail in ftr-t eia>s irder; for -ale separately ..r together. Add,ess H N S.. Ilrrald oHie-. t BAROAIN FOR CAisII-A LADY l.E.tVING"riTS JV. city offers tor ssle her Park I'nraont, consisting of tlie miet stlll?li and lo iutlfnl bay Fotiey In the rlty, il v >rs old, !."? hands high,* mane and tail to the i>roai.d: is pern--tly gentle tor itn.i child to ride or drive; trsrrslited sound snd kind and :otrot a mile In ISA; slsftnl top Phaeton, gold mountings, with harness to match, .an roho an.I whip, ail good as new; wnnld sell sepiratelv or tis. pettier; this turnout must le seen to be appreciated; ?.?n st private .table No. 13 West 27th st., between Broadway and 5th av. A -TO LET -THK FI * EST HORSES AND WAGONS ? In the State. Horse*, stylish Wagons ittnl Ilarnes. . at the i'nion Club stable, .11 East irttli St., near Broad ILL i*KCO.\ D II AN D.?TOP ROAD WAGON. BY iV Bates.TC?*t. by llam. fl'itlj also top and no t o] i Business, E\pre*s nnd Bakers' W a pens, ijl.?? to <<7<i. Re pository. 11u?Uori and l ith *ts. A - for s u.k. 7 horses! si itasle trcck , work or any business. No. .'I Vestti St., between \ ?rie*i and Hudson - ts. A-w BVsMRiW Waoons. a uriTwiss,"??V rc? <tT7T, ? lor expr -ss. grocers, huteh'-rs, bakers, mlla, laundry, package, depot, oeltrery Wagons. VVagen M-innisrtory. 22H >prtng st. 4 ?MHH OF THK FINEST TI.'KNol/TS IN THE CITY, b-iy HMlbletonlsn llor-o. I , hands hlgti, H years old, trot in J :('?: warranted s.,urul r.n l Hind; Winds<irtop .n.k-le sent Kosd Wacnn, made by Brewster: cost jMisi; only used a kw times; fine Harness; ?? ImmMyr. No. We.i i:;tl ?t. \ ?FOR SALE, THREE FINK jlORMKS. si ITABLK JYt lor farming and gmpery, ir ant other huslne.s; roar.g and sound and a go.Hl tri..I allowed; niui' bo stild at a great sacrilire ou ncewnnt of the owner losing lilt Dasine-s, at .'>7 Great Jones st., nesr the Bowery. A ONE llo Its It TBI CK, AS GOOD As NKW. three good Work llurscs, price $t.'i, aadfiUO; ?Oft fell. MJ Uadoa sk HOIISKS, CAKtUACiKH. ?f. aXcTION. ~~ J\. (>S TUESDAY. JUNE H, I87B, _ BV VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. ?i ibvir Auction Mart. 110, 112 EAST 1STH ST., NtSAB 4TH AT., AT 10 OVIaJCK. ELEGANT PONY ESTABLISH MENT-DAPri.E BROWN PoNY. 14 hai d* high, 8 years .>!d; kind aud true in *11 htrnru, free from Tire; ?n extra saddln uoujr; 1? very h??fliiiime mjil iiyltili Ami prompt and handy driver; ba* been used by a lady the past two years anU I* in every reaped one of the *afr*t and lineat ponies lu the city; it!hi> yet gold mounted Harness, In Rood order, and TOP POKY PIIAETON on C SPRINGS. ('an now be Men at the M art. EXTKA STYLISH AND GENTEEL PAIR BAY GBI.D Ings, 15)4 hands high, ? and S year* o.d; kind and true in all hurnes*; have no vice or trick ; are upleu did driver* double, single ur taudeui; are both a> llu? leader* a* any in the country; are afraid at uuthiuK; neither *iiy nor pull; they can trot in nbont II minute* together, and are wari anted sound. BAY OELDINO ROYAL GEORGE, OOT BY ROYAL George. ilam by Rysdyk's llauibletonlan; One. lull ntaue and t.iit; I/1J4 hands high, S year* old ; kind and true in all harness; Irec Irom vice; I* a stylish and handy driver; he trolled last tear a lull mile in 2 :XI)? till Van beat 2:40 now; he has never trotted lor money, cotiae?juenlly ha* no record, but ha* been uaed exclniiivelv for a road homo, and if put in training would make a VERY VALUABLE TRACK IIORSh; ia very ?trady and reliable, possesses grrat bottom and endurance, and I* warranted *ound. CHESTNUT GELDING (THOROUGHBRED), OOT BY ASTEROID, dam Milly Lewis, by Revenue, lormeriy the property nl P. l.orilUrd, Evi ; bmled 1872; l!kt(J hand* high; h?* no vice or triek; I* well broken to ?addle; U very compactly built, with pl.-nty of bone and muKclc; would be admirably adapted to Ill'lUI hIMl or dTEEPLECllASIXG and i? warranted (on n d. HANDSOME BROWN GELDING. 16 HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD; kind and Irno in all hornet*; perfectly free from vlco or trick of any kind; he I* oue of tho finest and moat reliable home* in New York for road or carriage u*o; can poll two men top Wngnn A fUIX MILK IN 2 :.V* Olt HI'.TTKR; ha* *Ue ami strength enough to draw a coupe' I* p rfcetly gentle and docile, doc* not pull or shy, and altogether I* one of the mi?l desirable road ana carriage borne* combined ever of fered lor sale; he I* afraid of nothing and 1* warranted *nund. LIGHT PARK PHAETON", BUILT BY WOOD BROS. BAROUCHE, NEARLY NEW, BY MINER A STE VENS. CLARENCE. IN- GOOD ORDER, BY DUNN. CURTAIN COaCH. BY BKEWMTRH * CO.; COUPEl IN line order, hy Miner A'Stcveus: light curtain llocku way. top and no top Phaeton*. Road Wagon*. Saddle*, Bridles, Ac.. Ac ?MAJOU Olt aRLES "wTbaRKEK. AUCTIONEER . FLEETWOOD PARK JUNK 2, 1876. M KSIts. C. W. BARKER A .-O.N:? (JKNTLEMEX?AFTEK SHOWING MY HORSES to-day, an advertised, on FLEETWOOD TRACK, tho LAKUE AS SHuBLT there told me that "HONESTY WAS T!1E BEST POLICY." anil Irom tho allowing they made they were WELL SATISFIED that inv catalogue of ato:k wa* duaerv ingof EVERYTHING 1 claimed them to be. . Respectfully, W. .1. BACON. THE SPEED SHOWN UNDER THE WATCH. THE UNEXAMPLED EVENT. MAJOR B.VKKF.K hn* tho honor of announcing Mr. W. J. BACON' S ()f the C AltKI NGTO.S STl'i? FAKM, Mont fomerr Po*t office. Trigg county. KENTUCKY) *econd fXPRECEDENTKD annual SaLK of the lastest GREEN and TRAINED TROTTERS ever offered at auction Just ar rived I'roin Kentucky, to take place at HAKKKIt A SON'S City Auction Mart ai.d New Vnrk TattemaU'a, corner of Broadway nud Jl'Jtli *t., on MONDAY (this day), JUNK ft, at 11 o'clock, and comprising _ _ TWENTY-THREE head or STALLIONS, GELDINGS, and MARKS, WINNERS at alt the Southern Kentucky and Tennessee FAIRS. In saddle, harness and SPEED rlnga, that can trot in from 3*^ down to BETTER TH AN 2 :*?, the get of Exchequer, Bine Graas, Tenth Legion, Ac.. Ac., and including two extraordinary gentlemen'* TROTTING TEAMS. THAT THE STOCK came from KENTUCKY the bills of lading, freight bills and Insurance policies from point of shipment,CERTIFICATES of SECRETARIES or FAIRS, Ac., are ready to exhibit 10 all desiring to *eo them. STOCK NOW at tli? Mart THE TIME claimed for these homes WAS SHOWN UNDER THE WATCH at Fleetwood Park on Friday June 2, in the presence nl a large number of gentlemen from ALL PARTS of the country. CATALOGUES, with lull particular*, pedigrees, records of performances, if., now ready at the Spirit, Turf and Mart oSlces, or at the atablo*. SALK WITHOUT reserve or postoonement. V-MA.ioit ( HAS. W. BAItKKI!, Al'CTIONEBB. J\, THE HANDSOMKST EVER SKHN. PRONOI'NCRD BY JUDGES to be the HKST LOT of COACH. SPUED AND SADDLERS SKEN IN XIW YOKK FOK F1FTKRN YEARS. CAPTAIN GKORGE D. 11 ANNA, of llourbon count*. KENTUCKY, take* pleasure In announcing hi* FOUR TEENTH unparalleled SALE of the la?te*t GREEN TROTIERS in the world. Just arrived Ironi KEXTL'UKY, to take place ai HARKKK A SON'S City Auction Mart and Xew York Tuttcnall'*, corner of Broadway anil HlKh St.. 011 Wednesday, J line 7. at 11 o'clock, and comprising TWENTY SIX 11EaD of the richest bred In the country. Including the get of llerr's Marabrluo, Patchen, Billy liolddust, SVoodftird's Mainbrlno, Ac., Ac., and on Mating of GREEN TROTTKRS that can trot in from !i minute* down to 3:U; three extraordmarj- 1(1 liigh superbly matched ('OACIl TEAMS, chestnuts and blacks, of unet|iialled rich appearance and style; a number of elegant COUPE MATCH orTCart HORSES; a PAOIXG Oeldiug that clfn BEAT ?Jand the balance the inoat nneiiualled lot ot PKKMIl'M combined ladle*' and gentle men's SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES ever brought Irom Keutnckr: stock all warranted sound and kind, and are now at the Mart for trial. Dr. JOHN W. CLARKK, ag?nt for Captain llanna is now on hand to give every body the opportunity of riding and driving and testing the a tdule (|ualitlea and SPKEDof unv of the lot BEFORE the time or SALK Catalogues ready. Sale positive. Xo postponement. ?MAJOR CHAS. W. BA2KEK, AUCTIONKKR. . EXTRAORDINARY SALE of OOXTRACTOR'S DUMP WAGONS. CARTS. HORSES. Team llarnea*. Cart Harneas, Ac.. Ac., at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart mid New York TaUeranll's. corner of Broadway and 3l?th st., on Saturday, June HI, at 11 o'clock, the property of a well known CONTRACTOR retiring from business, and comprising TWENTY FIVE fanr wheeled DUMP WAGONS, in line order, the best in use lor moving earth. *nnd, gravel, bricks, stone and Tor all prartieal pnrposea; dump on either side. SEVENTEEN two-wheeled Carts, all in line shape and as ?rood as new. SIXTY-FOUR 8ETB of double Wagon, Stage or Truck Har ness. with Collars, Bridles, Lines, Ac., complete; all nearly new. TEX SKTS Cart Harness. One order. PAIR OF siiperhr heavy Draught Horses. WEIGHT 2.MW> POI NDS, and warranted to be equal to anything of their weight. PAIR OF closely t?atched bay Gelding*. hand* high. 0 and !? years old; le-ner than ordinary traveller*; alw a very elegant set of light double linrursa. STOCK WILL be on exhibition Wednesday next up to sale ; sale without reserve or postponement. THE SPECIAL alteniion at CONTKACTORR, TRUCK MEN lUKl FARMKRb i? dir. rt .d to this sale. Auction house of arch, joiinston, lit. 21. j:i and Jf> 13th *t., near University place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARK HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 HOURS To U DAYS FOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI ABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. GENTLEMEN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAORS to sell, or those wishing to buy. will And out business continued on precisely the ?ame Mrlct and honorablo principle* which have alw av* chura'-terlrcd the dealings of our house and won the respect and confidence of tho business community as well n* tho public at large. BALE TO-MORROW WILL INCLUDE ELEGANT FAMILV TEAM. LANDAU ( A STEVENS), COUPE ESTABLISHMENT. WESTCHESTER KOTKAHAY AND TEAM. ?Now on exhibition. ! A UCTION. AUCTIOX, A OEOROE W. JKNKINR. ArCTlOKRFJI, i WILL 8KLL THIS IIAV (MONDAY). .IIJNK 5. AT THE r.MON AUCTION VIAUT. NO. 2t? IkTII ht., Ni'.AK B?:0\l?WAY. AT II O'CWHJK IN THE Mu'.KNOON, the entire at nek of Ilonei, t"p Wapitis, Coupe*, Petty ; Phaeton*; single, donble mid Cmtpi lUrnen; Ladies* au<J GeuticuiPn'R Md'llci and Bridies, ?le., the property of Mr. Honthworth; alno the e'ifiro <to<*k of Mr. Phlfer. No. 1 ii the tinewt Coupe or Carriaire TeaoHn the Ptat#, I 1ti hand*. 6 yearn old thin foriitir; w arrant ? d Round and kind. The above t?*mi:? are created matt-had. and kn>?wn in vl?#? Perk | Newport and mat*: Newport In one of the liHiid*?<in??t I dapple icrnr home* in the State, hi* mate i* a dark dapple | brown; they are all *:vlo and very hanftaume. No. n In ' the hay h'*me Pari*: thin borne I* u t!ior"ii{*ti Kentucky naadle and harr?e?? home: I" ?l >e?n ?Id. L*?*t hand*; Ii?? <a i allot H?t> noddle jralta, elngle font*. tiota ami cantor*, and I can trot In :< minutei* *n iiumrii; in warranted sound and j kind. No. 71 la one ot the band?ome*t pair of Vermont dap I pta hay l!or?fi that iroea through the Park, 1?'*\ hand* hljrn, i yearn old; i?re niocky made, ami are Jttnt alike: they ar* I warranted pound and alml No. 4 In a thorough iadv'?? Had die florae. H vearn oid. I.V, hand*; t an he rid Jen or driven ?v lad en or children : I* warranted notmd and kind. No 5 j i? a ony t'onpe Iter**, kind In m!1 harness, 7 yearn old, l."?)4' hand*; in an extra *afe and reliable family horn# ; tho owner bellevenhitn to he a perfeet tonme. I 0 and 7?Two fa*t young Trotting Road Hornen, wound and kInd : either of tliem ean beat '2:40: will lie wold separate. No. ft? I Coupe. No. ii?Top Road W nffim. No. H>? Pony ! Phaeton. No. 11 ? One extri fine light nottble flarneas, solid rubber mounting; the halnten are sofid rubber. Not 11 to 15?Hlajrte Harness, verv tine No. It* -saddle* and Bridle*. ,V??%. 17 and I~~I Canopy IJa ket Pfcueton and otntn llanWt Pbi?"ton. N. B.-ALL TilK ABOVE STOCK IX .*.< OOOD AS NEW V N f > PI ft ST CLASS AM) WlLL POMTIVKUV HI- VOLfJ TO TilK IIIOIIK>T KIDOMtS WITlJOCr MM PI SALE POSITIVE. R\IN uK SI! INK. V.H TIIK OWN h US ARK UOINO ABROAD CATA L< X ? If KB NOW KKAl>V AT ALti 1IIK PRINCIPAL HOTELS, WITH Fl LL DESCRIPTION. a ? U't'Tlov ?\. THIS DAY (MONDAY), JI NE ft, AT 11 O'CLOCK A M . VT TIIK I'NION AUCTION nor sr. NO. *JO KAST 1HTII ST . near broadway. Oi-.O. \V. JENKINS. APCTIONr.FR, will pell, without limit ??r restriction, the fluent lot of Hornen, Carriage*. II amen*, |?<!ien* and ffentlemen% Handles an?l llr.fllet that ha* erer hren nffcrtMi at pntdie ntieiion, the property o? three ? rieate jretitlemen of tin club; aUo i*v oral other*, including Mr Stetnon's pair <?f the liauHsutnent small bav Ponies In tlie State, .*? and H v?ar<? old, about 12 kanda iilgh, wltk l*lacfc pofatn, loni talla nweevdntf th? frronnd; tbey hrnre k#en rlilften and i r?ven by ladlen and ehil r.'ii the paAt vear and a half; th *y are w arranied nontnl and kind. tine Ii a fit top Wa^on, with p??ie and whaft-; top Pour Phaeton, Pony Saddle, ^1 an?l ii otble llarne-n, all a* irood a? new, an<l fir?t cta*?. all c?f which wan made to or der for th?? janiien; will be ?old separate. N. P.-.HALF POSITIVE, RAIN OR SHINE. FOR SALE, a CAN AIM AN PONV; ALSO TWO ? other lior-en; nnlt farmer, itrocer ??r any bnslnent; cheap, I<?| Fli/abeth *t., between Brnome and firand ^tn /T -POH SALE. RARE t'HANOF, ElOlll IK?ICSKS, 2\m lit L?r any kind of knilne**; al?o my roa?l or family noma. Apnly at II Itlreeker In r?*ar. \ Foil SALE CHEAP, i*? icAlLKOAh HORSES, i\? To be teen a'l tin* week at Hie old Third Arenne Hatiroad *tabie, liOtli ??t. and :id nr. ArllANJ'K l?> HI V lioitsl. FIT FOR A l AlTx TO flrire, I lame., and Phemotu 'iUoO: a npl?*n?tid L-in-lan, 2 vry handsome Shetland Ponlen, v#r> cheap, at 110 Went *anh nt. VT HALF IWo RLEoANT PM lETOffs, ONE *ent* four per^nn, two hill npriuar t??p Wmk'mi- tw?? -.tile bar*, liicht Road Wagon, utricle anti dookte llarnrs?i all Ifarly n.-w t bant city makers. Private ?ublv J'id ?t. and i 4tb Af, _ houses, CAIlRlACiK*. ??'? 'at rim.i,- ai rrios. ' -iV- TO-MORROW TI KSDW), JI NK 6, AT II O'CLOCK A. M. at lirlfatfl <tnhlf, Nil. 'JO East ?.Hh it-. BETWEEN MADImON AND .">Tll AYS., a (treat awl Important bankrupt sale ?it nil the valu.ible high bred l'a?t trotting Horses, elegant Carrln^ja, due H irne?, Ac., _ . . til' property of Herbert H. lloble, K*| , rsrhrniMi tuk iUndsomk hay (jtfLDimi amkr 1C.YN BOY, *1 yp?r$ old. 15U bund* blgh; Wowing mini? mid long tail; fluo ntyle nud ui*tu>D ; well broke in nil hitrnev*; rained bj Mr. ii??ckioaii. Orange county, New York; trotted tHref lieftU on Gonheii 'l'mck, at ?r? year* old, in 2 :4l, 2 'J? nml J : he e*n trot rnu'h luster now. as bo bad be?t of cmro nml court handling; *.? a rem Ionian'a road bor?e lie has uii Hiperior mid fc w equals: lie It wsrranted sound and kind In awry particular; he wus'iireil by I'.yadlk'a HimitilelunlHi dam Lmlv Taylor. MKAl i 11 1 I. ISAV MAKK KENTl'CKY GIRL. Myeais old, 18)), hands, raised by Mr Teu:>rooke. Scott comity. Ky.; sired by Alexander's Abdullah. d?ni ilie famous trotting mare Knti> Ihurn record 2I. by iinp. 1 ruste> : this nisre shows her lint- breading; she took premium st Stste Fair wliru li years old ?. the buidsnmeat and fiiateat, where aho K"t ii rerordol Ur.'O: she run idiow all liar lieats iualde of 'J 220; she In it aqnare. level trotter: <lnn't Inn or pull: ?bo haa liern ridden ami driven bv the .Uim? D.ible: alt* la wnr ranted perfectly >i>iiiiiI ami k(ml In every particular. STYLISH BAY GELDING PRINTS, 6 yaara old. 1.1JJ band: flowing tuaric and tall: used lor family anil roud driv ing; K'lod alnifie nml double; la an excellent miMI? harm; would make a splendid coupe or match horse. bnvlnir irreat strength and endurance; ho is a remarkably Oho driver; ran be ilrlven up to ;i loc miotive witli safety iJMtt allow n mile nnder the watch in 2:3U; lift l? warranted sound and kind in every particular. HHAITIITI, BAY SADDLE AND DRIVING MAKE combined, ti years old. LY^ bands; raised in Kent'ickv; aireu by bn ported Fearti.tught. dam Lady Mossctixcr; ?ha has been used lof linillv uae, never trained for trotting on truck, but lias shown great speed; has been driven to the pole with American Boy, and there are but two I earn* go the road can oulS|>>*e(l them; she showed a mi'e around Fleetwood track In J :I3; sho ii liilly warranted aound and kind. 1IKAVTIFUL RAY LADY'S TONY, with Phneton and Ilarneea nil complete, whirli wn? ua.'d by Mias BobU; pouy waa purchased expiasal.v Tor her***': it i? without any ex ception the moat perfect ind best broke pony f ir liirtlea' uae that can bo found: laflyearaolo. 1% hanrta; very atyllah; n free and pleaantrt driver, slrod by Voluntaer, dam a .Weaaen irer mare : he can trot a mile lu i?: ??? or bvtttr to p?>ny phae ton. lie is warranted *i>und and kind in every pariicu nr. X. n.-THk. All VU HDKSKM MUST Bit St K.N T?) BE AITREO:ATHD. TIIKY Wll.l. BE ALL KtiUND AS KKPRESENTUD, AND IK NOT KOI XII AS W AIti:\NTKD A1TKR 24 HOI'!!-' TRIAL. CAN HE ItETlTltXKD AND MONEY WILL BE Kl'.KI'NOKD. ONE MDfc.BAR TOP WAtlON, WITH POLE AND HI (A ITS. BUILT BY J. B. BKKttsrER. OK 25TII ST. A LSO ONE FULL SPRING, Y\ UII POLK AND SHAFTS. nEACTIKI'L TOP PONY PHAHTON. DOUBLE AND SiKOLL IIARNKSS, BY -I NsfOMB, ALL (JOOD A?i NEW, AND MUST BE SOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDKR. KKGAItDLKSS OK HOflT OR VALUE. ALL ARK INVITED In hX V MINE AND RIDE BE HIND ANY OP THE ABOVE HOUSES AND TEST TIIEIlt SPEED ANY TIME PREVIOUS To SALE. COACHMEN IN ATTENDANCE. sale absolute and positive, rain on shine, NO POSTPONEMENT. tit MID SK(ft in I > HAND LIU I i T LaNDA U. CLAR ence; new atvle I loach, fonr and si^ seat Phaeton*, alx new top lida-bar Wagons, of my own.luat Hub bed J. W. PITNEY, -tuOM ar. A?MUST SELL. NO RKASONABLR ??KKER RE , lused: beautiful extenaion top Park Phaeton. Pole amiSbalta; carries lour prrtou; also fine top road Wairon, Pole and Shafts, and top Pony Phaeton and almrle Ilarneaa. At private atahls I_:i East It>th at., between Irving place and M av. A ?KOR SALE, TWO LARGE TRUCK HORSES AND jV, onr Wagon ilorso: al-o ono aintlc Truck. Cart and Express Wagon. T. Ill RDSALL. Cartman. 4li Woesn-r st. FULL BLOODED AVItsillUE fow" MARK U nourols of bptt'.'r per week, with twin calvca, for aule. 4:K) East lfth at. A PAIR BAY "COACH OR ROAD iJRLDINGS, HI bancs, ii ami 7 years, very atylisb, flowing taila and mane*; one black Gelding, l.V'i hands, t; years, used a* lady's phaeton and saddle horse ; one ton Phaeton, one -ide bar top Wagon, double and ?inglo Harness. 112 West 97th at. BARGAIN?BRAimrUL TOP PONY PBAaTOH and harness: w Hi be sold less than half velue : also a lull aprinir Top Hnggy, at *tnble tirst door eaat ol Univetiity place, in UMli at. A~ ?ONE COlPb. ONE LANDAU, (INK CLARENCE, ? one Park Phiieion. one Victoria nnd one English ll:intlu; Cart, all nearly new; luust 1>e aold toelosean estate. To be reen at M. CURLEV'S, lUUEuat l Hh at., ueur 4tb av. A TOP PONY I'll VETO.N. COrtT iKCiO, FOR $Uki; Doit Carts. T t'nrta, rprlm; as*?rtinoni of Luudaus, L Uidaiiiets, Depot Wagons, Pony Phaeton*, at groatiy re ?oed price*. HAM'S, HM Bfoadway. A "?PRICES THAT MUST I L EASE."?PON \ PIIA K ? tons. 3125; Buggies, $ I.'.O to ^-'^5; Kiickawaya. $L!5 to $H0O; Depot Waeons, fl.Vt to $ilO; Harness,"$ll> to $U2-?: Sheets. $1 toftl; Lao Duller*, 91 to $S; Whip-, inc. tn$l2. JOHN MooltE, VMViirren *t. (Carriages at extreme low manufactur. J er a price*; all my own lunke and warranted: Pony and light extension top Park Phaetons, all prices; Buggies, Bockauava, D.'|k>i. .lump seat and Express Wau'ona. ami other atyle* of various qualtltn* ami prices; splendid i.octor'a Phaeton cheap. UHAHLRS GkUBK, W I'anal st. C1ARKI VtiES"FOR THE COUNTRY.?SlX-SivAT HOOK i awoys, Me'MiiintowiiH, lonr-aeat eut-iinoer Kovkaw>\>, Depot Wagon*, with nml without tops; tup and open Pory Phaetons, of all atylea; light extension top 1'havtons, lor one horae; both new and second hand. WM. II. GRAY, Jti and 22 Woostor st. EXTK.Nsfo.N TOP PHAETONS] FOR ONE AND TWO horses; high and low door Rockaway*. Pony Phaeton*, a great variety of style*. We oiler a large atock ol these Carriages at very low price*. A. T. DEM \REST A CO, t'-'H and IKK) Broadway. L^OKSALE-A SKCi iN K II AND EXTENSION Top J Park Pbaetoti. made by J. K. Lawrcnce; In prime or der; but little used; polo and alialts. Can l?? aeen at W. FRANK DUSENHI KY'S. 1HS and 1ST Christ^ at.. N. V. For" sale-a" BKaITIFUL BAY PONv M HANDS blrk, :t veivs old. !p 11?>: two little hngllali Don key a, each; all well broken lor children. P. T. BaRNI'M. Bridgeport. Conn. FOR SALE?THOROUGiiBRED HORSE, 'two FINE young Mares, all aplcmtid roadsters; Bella I'alelien Kilty, very pmmlsinir; one Phaeton, lour ?eat Wagon, two Berwater Hm.'.'iea. Mei^h, Ilarneaa, Illanketa, ,tg. : rrottini; Sulky; owner golnjc abroad. Apply to S. J. MI'KPIIY, Pierrepont llotek Brooklyn. y?o".l' SALE?A TWO SEAT KOCKAWAY, LAW I? fence'* make, with sbalta and pole, at -'(II Weat 22d at.; slao a double Harness. JjVJR S ALh-A II \ NI >SO M E Til REE QU ARTEUS BRED aaddie llorae, U bands, brl.clit ba.i ; perfectly sound; aold for want ?l use. Can ba aeeu at s>ablo .No. :i Weal nth at. For sale?must be sold witiun three days". a light Wagon, a Truck, an elexani Carriage and on Express coverea Wagon: alao a fine Mule, |tl handa. Apply to DENNIS, Band's stables. H i West imth at. FOR SALE-^A HANDSOME FAMILY VAKRIAGE, IN splendid rntinlng order; trlmmeil with crimson satin: has been used exclusively by a private family, Innnlre at No. 50 East .'Ud at. flOR Ulik-A aMTUIAXf UTARUMnmt, III clndlnc a pair of line brod bay carriage Horses, 1' j hands. 7 ana H years old; warranted sound snd kind : stso a alx seated Brew ster t'oiipe Boi'kaway. sll\er mounted and almoat now; a hot of silver mounted Carriage Ilarneaa, al moat new; also a very neat Park Phaeton, by Dnssnherrv <t Van llusen. In first claaa order, with a set of fine tnld mounted double llomnsa Impiire of J. C. CLUTTKRBUCR, at the Metropolitan < lub stable. No. 22 Eaat lsth at., lirat stable from Broadway. pos 8ALE?EXTE N>lon" "nIP VIIaETOjT. KKAt J? tocr. nearly new. beat maker; beat Comerford Har ness snd irood brown Horse, l.''1^ hands high; any ladv can drive him; at a saerlflr*. Apply to owner, J. sONNKN BERG, in Veaey st. Can be seen at Wiulield Stable. 110 and 112 West raitb at. f^oit SALF.-PONY. HANDSOMEST IN CITY: .-UIT ladles, children or ln?'illrt; Hne driver. Call, for two diiya, at M store 17(1 Hudson St. fjlOlt SALE?THREE HORSES. WAOONI AND BAM neaa and Good Will of Express bnslness, at 157 West Itttli si JI?OK SALE-THREE MORSES. SUITABLE FOR ANY business, front $.">?> to {12.1. 11.1 Barrow st. FTOR SALE?l.lVh RY AND HllttMIB well atoeked, d<dng a fair lni?iiieas; cheap for caab. Waahlngton place. t.. MF.sLEK. }\ ow ii rifiM ron f*o\v M<?W? full Mif, 2 hullotin. at 7(?c. f'rhirr*#* ebcf-k Hammer HlnnKn* nt fc 30 U^t ??*nr Klri{Mit tnulitr^m i%n?l other Whip*. PI ."?o (U?t ^e?ir|CI to $."?). (Jar lr*n IJo??e. very Ji ply. warranted. I2'a rent*. llMintnorkN, luriT- ?i*e, b?v*t Mnxiemi eritim, ?!<?, jfirnw, eonifilele, new wtnl pfrf^ct. from nj?. Lnp Inrab* wool, eln?r'?f?* rlni l pntt?*rii?. $'J SO, hhcets. Dinner*, ^wohIn, l?nl?eM, ClrefogleK, Hrtiehen. Ae. T1M< .JOHN son, M Liberty ?t. HOWhLL QI KKiN \ .N U liKoioK IVl T<?p Ton* fStMtam, Flflebftror elliptic Aprioc TOT HO.VD W^CMvUH. A. S. FLAK PRAT, 372 unci 374 Broome ?t. (old Mtind of Hrewnter A Co.) Kr.stitkv iluiisKH. .nr.^T ariuvkd. km: sm.e ~ Five <n<l'ller#, co ?d tor tcuiluoi tu or ln?lr ; lino, fait roiwl >f?re; Inrjje. fin*' buy, ^nimble lor eo*ip?* or rnrna^e. at Itnilfv ? ttebli'. I 4'J VVe*t tt'Hh A. L. THORtXTOK, T AROK ASHORTMV.N'T Of Hi MMf-.H .S||KKTS-OF I J nil kinds;turn-r Lip Dwiere. Net*. K?r Tip*, dp. ; llnr fr ?nj fl?? tip, H hip*. Hienketfi, #??.; eirht -**t? #?f nittulo himI doitbi'* ii Riiiiii liafci llNrneuR, Wv t-omurforU, iMinneonib and tirttheni, WM. ft. nid *'J VTomtcr ?t. N'ICW TCII* GIlOCKflY \r\iiiiNS. HlfHI Tf? #irr?; Mifttfie Trn^lr?, t'onl nnd Hrick Curt*, $!H; fC*. pro?it, f lis'i to f I7'?; ell el:y m?de mid werrented. Kcpmi. tory, llnd'on and S fth ?t* S" STOR Hi. PBOIALTY IN X seat Itoekaivsya nnd t'on|ie foeksirsys of tltc llnea't I|iialitr Slid lit l?b A S. KLAKDRAD. H7V snd.n74 Hrontne at. (old fVietory of Bre?-ater A t'a) TtlRAOE FOR f \ K?I,M^ES AND SLltt?/Ha " " "imtn. clean, light au4 dri . term* liberal, A. S. KLANDRAir. J snd .17-1 Itrnome st. fold atsntl of llreirafer Jk Co ) TO LEI A BRICK STABLE. IN WATTS ST.. NEAR t snal; it baa been niit in S'sel repair, water, Ae. In quire ol H. OSTIIANDEK. ;?H Canal St. \JJ\ >TKIi-a' sfvTTlSll FAlK OF~ UARRIAGB Horses, |tt hands liiirh. Addreaa hos 1W Herald l p tourn llranrh oWee. tirANTKII \ TEAM 01 YolNG DARKiAGE ll llesf.; priee not to e*eeed f.V*i. Address, with fall particulars. Im?x Jl-I Post otlire. %\rii.i7"~?k' ^ld7f^?k~mFcii le<* tiu* riiiir f ? ?re #?*rth, 5 lie tine e??d wad llor*e? owned by the int?* S. fl. MHU, and Wairon mude by htirer* an4 I'otifie mode by \l o >d Hrn*.. vi-rr little nwd. All etn be pe#?n nt F?irlrv'? HablrR, I'rt %l Addrea* Mrn, Mll.I>f 7J Rn?t "i.'t<l ft., or CllArf, TAYl.tlH, Itroadway, h> Si ? fiSi) it \m? rutki v?? i i-?*ndan?. Lnndiitleta, foor ?*? ?t Phaetoni, T C'art?, de pot W Mail riie?*ton. Hienhi?; ?? I'haeton, extea^ton top l*n*eton. t ahriotetn, two wheel f>o/ Otftt and I."V top iCond au?n? and a'?me no top Waion*. A. *. rLAMf>RA(r. JI7i and HT4 Flro*?me it. fold fj?rtorr of HrfWMrr ?% t'o.) (N I - . ? I'M O aitt?ll HlMh >; ritii St ef V I ocm; I3r hcav> work, vbrap? >9. I HORKEft, C&RRIACiES, ?C. *QA KOR IIOOD NORSK. EXPItKSS WACON~ANT> ?p?7w Harness; pony for lady or children; three other lii'i-i ?*, tt:> to iff*'. No. ."?fm Writ n ull ?t. jbaefk ?mrewbteii top. hide Tub wagon". V ?? ' ' 7 # pole* and Hindi, in first nlxi order and flun double lUruu. by Kimball. Private stable 242 Greene ?l_ 1D7/; ?KTABljMO.?UKITK0 STATKS ?< i msi. k>. JO I l)( 1.3 mill 1M Kant 32d ?U ; horui boarded f2> yrr niontli; Box KuIIn, $-*10. Stella to l*t, with wagon room, &?*. Horses, Harness and Wa:oti? t? let: Carriages stored half price .1 W. PITXKV, l'mailtiir. IAIjKs at a itrios. a mtU!TiT.~Jn11?l?k, AtTJffi6skkh. ~~ A RX-.OllTKIX'K KAIjK. PORTION OK Til K KsTATK OK WM. H. ItATNOK, DECEASED. HOUSES and LOTS mi vril AV. (Central Park).ao4on WEST 5'iTII ST., anil LOTS <hi the BoULHVARD, ST. NICHOLAS. MADISON. 3D. 5TII. 6TII. TNI. MTH and !?TH AVS.. KID. H:t I >, H4TH. WIST, lOBD. lOITH. II1TII. 112TH, I'.'.tD, IJtiTII. 12HTII, l UI II, I35TH and 143D srs. ADRIAN II. Ml'LI.KR A SON will aell at auction, on TOKilDiT.JilMH, |t??. at 12 o'clock. at the Kxchange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway. New V..rk HY OK DP.It of the hXKOUrKIX of WM. II. RAVNOR, DKCKASKD. the following described Ileal Kstnle. vis. : ? ?Til AV.?Pive atorv brown atone front Hon** and Lot No 7Ht .">tb ar? i?a*t *iile, 75.3 fort south o' U3d at. and op posit" Central I'ark. WEST -V.TH ST.?Pour storv Not* Srotla Hone front French Flat IIoiiio' and Lot No. 2"7 Went <iAth at.. north sine, 1*1.3tret rut of Broadway. BOl'IJCVAKD ?One ?ore Lot. northeast corner of 12flth ?t., and one Core l.ot southeast corner of 120th ?t. ST. X1CUOI.A8 AV. AM? tiTll AV.?HoULEV*RD ? Dot of hand, with Motel Knllding. boundod I'.f St. Nicholas ?nil i it It av*.. 1111 li an I 112th sts., known ai "1'oint View.'' 311 AV. ? Knur lot* ti. corner nf ".?Till *t. 3I> AV.?One lot a. e. comer ol OtHh at, with three atory frame liou ie. 5TII AV.?Ona lot a. e. corner of flflth at., and opposite Centrnl I'nrk. T ril AV ? Klre lot* e. a., between 1X1 and 114th sts. H I'll AV.?Ono lot west ?ld?. 51.J feet north of 7dtb at., ami opp >?i|e Central I'ark. si ll AV.?Two lot* soulhcist aomar of 145th *t. tiTH AV.?Two lota w. ?.. !.'| 8 leet north nf M2i| at. S: II ST.?Plot of Unit north nidi-. I<> > feet went of Oth ar., runnin1; tbtougli to uml Irontiiair on Hit 1 at. S4'l II ST.?One lot r. a., 17.'> feet east ol Madison ar. lOtttT ST.?Sit lot* a. a., 11.1 lest w. of 4th ar. 1030 ST.?Ona lot n. e. corner of 103d at. and Msdisen ar. MADISON AV.?Pour lot<, commencing on the aontheaKt corner of 1'>4th st. I MD ST.?Two lot* *. a., 875 leet w. of (1th nr. 12HTM ST.? I'hr.'e lot* ii. *.. 150 leet weat ol 7th ar. 1 :t4 T11 ST.?Poor lot* *. *.. 7."> leet e. ni 7th nr. I43D ST.?One lot *. a., I71 feet e i*t of -'th ar. TERMS TTbKRAU Map* and (Vill partli-nlar* at office of Auctioneer*. No. 7 Pine M., or nt ofllce ol citato of WM. II. KAVNOR, No. l,:<00 llronilway, corner 3-ltli ?t. Ar -II r TUESDAY MORNING, JI NK (1, AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, AT 20 NORTH WASHINGTON SQUARE, SPECIAL IIOUHKUOLD BALK. The entire j coutenta of the ?let;aiit I manaioii. i 20 WiiHiiloi^ton ulnars (north), I ? BKLONGIXO io oenekal JA.MKS lobimkb (GRAHAM, on tha premlaa*, all tba Fnrnltnra. remprUlng elegant niaewood Parlor Suit*. ro?ewood and brack walnut Bedroom Suit*, Axinin*ter, hru**el* and Wil tou t'arpeta, irflt anil liroime ('handellera, elaborately carved antique Lihrury Table and ('hair*, with tlx *plen<liil Hook rnaea; Armolre*. with mirror*; *npetl> China and Glnaa Ware, with eli-irant ?ilrer Kpersne*; lull *ilverplate<l Din ner Set. Billiard Table. I'iano, Ac.. Ac. Permit* to riew the premln'* on Saturday and Monday, June 3 ami S, to be ob tained Train tiie auctioneer*. The Me**r*. I.EAVITT, Auctioneers. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AKTKBKOONS. .lunu x ami ft, at 2 o'clock, at Clinton Hall, on cvhibltion TUESDAY MORNING, BRIC-A-BRAC! A luperb collection, including many articles of icreat rarltr and value. Statnary by 1'ower*. Harriet Ho*iner, Bot; r?. Ml** Stebbin* and otheri; Cioihonne Enamel*, ele K'tut China, Scvrea. Ac.; Japaneae Wures, cornpleto Coat* of-Mini, Armor in great variety. Vase, Bron*e, Ac., Ac. The >le*?r*. LEAVITT, Auctioneer*. tfOTIOM SA'l'.K.?LARtJB AND PERK M i*TORY *ale tlila day i Monday), commencinK nt 10 o'lock, at the nleKant live ?torr brown ?tone inan*iou No. 1211 WMIT 23D ST., NKARBTIl AV.-MAONIKICENT HOUSEHOLD Kl' UNI1 L'KE. RABK AND COSTLY WORKS OP ART. COMPRISING IN ALL OVER 000 worth Ilotitehold Goods, by catalogue :? 2 brilliant toned I'ianofortes, Mteinwa.v *ad Windsor. 'A Kuperb satin Parlor Snit?, also rep ?fuita. 2 elegant rosewood Ktauera*. 2 eieirnnt Mantei Sets. 25 choice bronse Klynres. 2() pieces Parian Statuary. 1.'i window lace furtniim. 2."> Krusxels and Inrralu Carpets. :?> line Oil Painting*, belt artists. 2 eleg 'til Cabinet* 3 deviant Lllirary Bookcasas. 4 aicgant Library Tallies 2 I ad ii". Secretaries and Bonkcasa combined. 3 Easy Chair*, Turkish -tyIe. 2 Music Boxes. I l'ari? makers. 12 elegant Bedroom Suit*, complete. In blsak walnnt. 24 curled hair anil spring Mattresses. 24 Pillow* anil Bolster*. II)elegant black walnut Rockers' 74 Kedrnnin Chairs to matcb, H black walnut !*>unge*. It elegant Bedroom and I'srlor Clocka 2 elegant black walnnt Ballets. 3 superb Kxtenslon Tables 24 black walnut Dining Chairs. 2 china Dinner and Tea Sets. Castors, Urns, Pitchers, Porks. Knives, Spoons, tiUnswara. Ac. Also basement an I servants' Kumltnra, new tour naanlhs ago. V B.?This la the largest sale of the seasan. Ssla positive, regardless nl weather. LUK? PlfZtiKRAI.D, Auctioneer. N. B.?Competent n.en to psca and ship goods. A -MONDAY AFTERNOOK, JUKE 3 O'CLOCK, AT CLIN KIN II ALU HOI'RKHOLD ElltNITURE, ON EXHIBITION AT CLINTON 1IALL Comprising fin* I'nrlor and Bedroom Ruita. Llbrarv and Purl or Tablea, t'haira, Ac.. Ac.; also anperb (.-lit and lironre Chandelier*. Clocka. ?"? Irn AnI>n ??? >>i and llriiiaela Carpets, A LARGE PARLOR ORGAN, Ac To be aoM hy auction to the hlshrat bidder Monday afternoon, Juno 5, at * o'rlock. The Mcaara. LRAVITT, Auctioneers. ^ -TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEK R~ old atand :I7 Nassau (t. On TUESDAY, at lOtf o'clock, LAROR RALE or FINK HKCOND HAND FURNITURE, removed from a gentleman's country maim inn. ELEGANT FRENCH PLATE GILT PIER AND MANTEL MIRROR*. MOOUET AND VELVET C.VEPET.4, ONE SU perb nwu'noil Mi'iRrr and one nprlght Piano, bronze Clisti di<llir?. with argand burner*, i!, ft and III lljht*; roaewood Parlor Snlta, In erimaon ?atin repa, with covers; oak and Mark walnut lluflVt. 'J>* (uet K*ten?loti Table. with 124 em broidered Dining Chain, en ?iilte; Chiffonier*. Centre Table*. Mu?lc Hacks, Et.irere*, Cooking and Parlor Stove*. Shadea and Cartsini, "M onainelled and painted Cottage Riilta, Bedding of all kinds, Itefriceratora, two Safe*, to gi-tlier with ail the ho?ement and kin-ben Furniture, with which the nale will commence; ulao Puffer's patent marble Soda Witter Fountain. All now on exhibition. On THURSDAY and KK1DAV. at wji a'cloak, SALE <IK THE ENTIRE MACHINERY. STEAM EN glnes. Rollers, Misfnnir? Pulleys. Belling*, the larije Stork on hand, finished and itniinished. being the effects of tUa well known CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT OF PALMER A COMPANY, nn the promlaea, N<>* ?lil and M lluauo at. Catalogues ready .Monday mornln*. AICTION HALE RICH. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE THIS (Mondavi M'lRMS'll, at 10 o'clock, at lire Morr brown atone manalon NO. 47 WEST 101-11 ST.. BETWEEN '.Til AND HTM AYR. Decker A Bro. ii|>r>uht ortsve Pianoforte | Steinway'* lour round 7'4 octave Pianoforte, I'mritiiii;?, Worka of Art. PAIS LOR SUITS. ri.-nlv earned In "damaak aatin" and "silk brocade;" Torklali and S|>ani?li Loini^e*. Easy Chair*, Ir.imd and marble > p Centre and Console rable*. i tlantti, Etaceraa, plate Mlrmra, h'oftie Clorka. Figure*. St?tu?ry; i.EvR<M>M SET.1* constating elaborate Hrd?t?aat, DfMilnit faeea, Wa?hafAt?da Chi*lfnnler?. lino hair mid apiiog \l?t treaeea, Pillow*. Hlsnket*; alao ?in :le nnd donbie Reuatead*, Hurr iu?. re|i. tiln?li and linlrrlnth Sitit? IiINIM; Kt'KXITL'RE.?KxtmaUm Tables, Sideboard, Chairs In leather, silverware. Crockery. Librarr and Secre taire. lioiikrn-ea, Ubtarr Table*, I'nrkNh Ii--k, two Hall Manila, reive!, Rrneaels mi < Invraln Cariiet*. Kin-ben furniture Ae. N. R Sain positive Take Sixth avenue or l'n>ver*ity pl?" e r?r-. Competent men to re move. pack or ilslp i;ood?. IIOIIERT C. CASIIIN, Auc tioneer. Auction malk or " HorsEHOLirh/Kx'sfirRiC" Tills (Monday) MORNING, at I'"', o rl.Kk. et l"iir at iry ranldeiice, '11 Rapt .iith ?t , near llr.?ad*ay, cjii<l?iintr el Parlor Suiti In aatl-i. r .teline. rep an'i liafr clotli: pianoforte. Oil I'aintln^. Mlrrttra, Rookeaaea, Oeaka, marbl ? an l arilt fablaa, Hedro nn Snit>, with |lrea?inr * aaea, Hurenna. WaahataMla, II d-t>';id<. Mjittr< ?<e?. Wardr bn. Cbllfonieet, <1?ck?. I'arpatn.A*.; Bullet, <'iialr?. Extenaliin TnUlfi t'fwkpry, Catlery, Ar, N. R.?Ilonee to let. l> ??da boxed, packed or r-motI'd tocliv or rottolry. IIENKY ZiNX. Anelloneer A iif Mil II k. A. darker a ?:o aiit i mporium, 47 and 40 Liberty ?i NOW ON EX III ill i ION the mn?t valnable. iiiilque and mterr?iin? cnlleetlon of .Mnerii-an and Knriijie^n ml Paiiitinea that ottr down t"-Tii nonmnnity have ever hail thpleaiare nf l>?>kin(at; they Vntnpriaa over 9M wwfka, RHNtiy iroin Hie National Ai'?-leiny ol Ileal en and eontribationa Irooi retelirated private yalirr lea. Tltey are te b<' nerenipinrllv ?old on I hut-day, Friday and Saturday, the l*tn, IHIi and Kith >il .Inne. BARKER a DO . Aactloneerv A"? HoEO. W. KEELER. Al ri luM'.I.R. , Ratoernom .VI Liberty.earner N.i?a*n it, Mo.MIA V, June i. at I'J o'clock, Larte eelal ?ale "f RILYIRI'HTEO Wtltl.. CI.TJ.KRY, *0.. mannlactttrrd by the Merldeu llriiaunla I'nmpanr. | A L'CTIOR HALE. Jly ?, W. CAMPBELL, Jr., Anctionear, I On Ta?-d?y (tomorrow), to pay atorage on all onrlalmed I Oooda at Went Sloe Moraice U arahoiae, 'ifW )Indwon at. I I ^bniKdon a'l'iare). the iar.-<..t e-aortment of Household Fur .ill ure oflewtf IMf aeaaow? In fact a ireneral rlearn. ; ont iae ol all Oooda. r?milMfV, I! iu?-ajr''. A< . upon initcU t iare i? over.l e and unpaid ??ora*e. Full tiarili nlar? to iii<irrnw'? II -raid. B. omer I! In((art, Stmixe Ma?ter A Ut'TKlX. KXIKA LAIttiE H(ll >Kll(lM)T'LRNI i J\. tore -Hie. Pro|>-rtv of a prlvnie f'imily leaving city, at the private re?lden< e nvr> Riat HHb ?i - i nml door from 1 4th av . Ihia (Monday: morning at l>?'? o'H.iek., Kra??et?, ingrain t.arpeta. ?m n Brocade, rep llairclotli, r?rWr snlta. rnaovood Planolorte, Bedatead, llii-eiHia W?li>landa. Wardrobe*. Work-tanda, t'nrnni" le?, hair an I ? prlri; Ma(tre??e?. Reda. Itolatera. PiRow>, TaMea, le-aag-a. Eta^erea, Mirrora Clocks wainitt Siilo.>o*rd. r\fen-'.>'i Tab!"*. I'hatra, iila.? t'hlnt and Silverware, t'atlery. J. K H EMI"It. Aortleneer. A rare "Pimrlvoitj ler partia i vlaiiiiig fint data hoaackoM lurnitara. WALKS AT AUCTION. * A j,?..OoyD. Art honeiSr 20 BroadWI? , V, * w'" this day. at |(l: (I, tin* Fixture. Mini l-'liiii m In Bar and Restaurant tilt birclnv M.. Chair. Table. SIS verware, Ac. Dealer.. Ac., Invited. 1 ]jv UoHfcur S'.MKKVI J.I.I-., Atvno.NKKlt. Continuation mortgage .ale uf the balance of tbit eontonti of the first elan Furniture Establishment, No. 73S tlth av., between -ftJ nt Hud 42d ?ti? THIS DAY (MONDAY). JC.XE 3. AT 11 A. M., comprising DIKING, PARLOR AM) BEDItOOM "VRKV. DKSKS. U,,A,B*' ?"OKXA,fc.s. j HIIAff, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1>V J W CAMPBELL. j?~ Al CTio\M:i:. ?Jw..iV,i',dr- o clock, entire Fixture. Fnrnllure llr.ielaas KcM.nrant ?nd Dinlnir Saloon. :w How! t !i . Broadway and Crosby. rl?. ?12 diinn ^"'"tc Clmir.. 12 superior sllverplated irVt Kii. '.;i.ock Mat Hacks, line Counter, wainut Dish Shrive* and Parti, quantity Crockery, j>*t.-n: Lamp. and Una Kuiur". c"?l WO? |l,V? "h ,, l!"k"r- Ur*? '"imer JloiU-ri ?V. fit' '?j.'lirol, Oven, water bark; liirito Ice B..* Pin t Su""," *"f- W?l> B??l" rJ.i.M, .. ? ten?|i?. Other goods. Ac : r?*M*timnt men, buvtrs i|?-? era. vpn-hilli* iitvifod- .nvwl. moved alter .ale. c v M rBH M.'JS No. 7 Wet. uour JtroMriu iv (formerly Amity), ' 1 GW fVv's'l5ln ,",,k I u ?:r'(r^?'t-?OLIIR<K)lC I p?,m 4v! 4 4 , j!. "" ,'v-l,'elr ??'"? i litiiiiu.iw.ui Canal ?t., it yvnteel assortment of ? Kuril11iire, Carp.ts. ; |-.r|?r and < h.inner ? till , pier and mantel Mirrors. Wardrobes. I'm fa^run^n. *l?"rn',l"'nTUl '' Sr,'re,"rv k''l??ead. Chairs. I tare i urtain., I oruices. Bets llcdd'iiir Crockl 1 VI: U}V:. 1 * Klu-hen I tenuis !?'. HB. Slffi A SOXH, \i'(' I'll tx KhltS, ? 17 i'urli pi net) and 14 .Vfurray ?t. PKRKM,'T?Rv ??ale op ON VllKSit A V ' n't v v \?INKT Kl UXITI RK. ON rUEHJJAl, JUXL H, Al 1 1 j O'CLOCK, AT TI.J! SALKSItuOM, NO. 18 PARK PLACE, comprising elegant rosewood and walnut Parlor Halt* In .ailn. .Ilk rep. Oolelln. ,??1 harette; Ti.rkl.l. U.nnif . a.d h.tnj t haira.line (diaiuber, Lllirarv and IMnln- Kimiiii ^ult? elegant Inlaid C.tbl.iefts, KaarN, >tan " Ac Ti-. s,tl? pcMtn e to pay advance*, olTt-rluv' ? f?r? oppurtanlt/ to pur also, bame hay, and ??"??" ISIHOBK J. MVAIUKOPK. a I! < ti o >kk r?h k llh I Wednesday, 7tlt Inst., II n rlnrk. 171 nnd 17.1 Sniroll and 14. Attorney .U entlru Wa.lilncry, Ulen.ila, llor.M \\ upms ol two eliopplnic eatiililUliments. JP. TKAVhic, ai OTIOXBEK -iORTOlel BALE. " ? r. leu ant llonseliold l-umitiiro. Carpels Ae '.'n Thursday, June H, at Jo', o'clock, by virtue .if a chaft tel l??rteaall the Knrnlture. Carpeti. oleKaat pier u nf mimlel Mirrors, Piano, lla.- f.'uin J.-lier., real lam an l othei I itrtalna. eletcant rosewood and oilier Pallor Hints. Kte-ere Broiues, Mantel Ornaments, tine Oil Paint Intra and Knitrav in(!?, Moi|iiei, Vi llton. body Hmisels onil oilier Carpets: nesi hair Mattressea. heather Iteds, Pillows. Holst.-r?. ileddlnir (plondid eh am Iter, dining room anil kitrlien Kuriiiture; Sli ver and I l?l? Ware, Crockery, China. Oliuaware, Ao. ol lour story brown stone prlvato resldunco. full particulars and catalogues at the Auctioneer's office. Ml tfreat Jones JsiViiSi'i , "'T'Ur' {]iU < ost or nbora over *iu,inxi, in.nit) to orrt?*r hy licst rlty innkerh. ^VALLACK, Attorney far Xorlf>ifB?. J .'i;isT,KAVV,'V otionme ?MoKTifkhk Sale !ii*ih J- .V " " " ! ' h)r *lrt"? of a chattel mnrtL-?ffO all the I-Iiriillnre nnd Fixtures ol 11. sisuriint No .'t.'IM 4tn 2,;;.iwir -?? ' ?l ? t-.'iintsrs. Tables, Chairs, Crockery. pUled W?te, Uttn^fH, f'toimiu. Jk\>. ''' s''. Attorni-v for XoftfA|H< J AKtSE HALE OK ItiMils, siiOKs, ?J.\ITEKk."*iT" n ,l, *!; *,s"ArM, Ano.l?ne-r.2rtl Howerv fells this day at 11 o'clock, at .'-J Bowery, l?rr? Stock and r ixtiires of Boot and Shoo Store,rouslstin/ of Lndies', Cents' l ontlis and t.liidren's Hools. hoea. Waiter:., Slippers -te. ete.' {nvlt-dl*1"'"*' S,,ow,'"f?"' -te. Trade and dealeri jy^ORBIH WILKIXsV Al'rrioN'EEB.' line Mirrors aud Kneravinpi, roaewoiMl square liraml Piaualurte, Brontes and Articles of Vertu. E * <:'>' wi" "?',1 ut ?neilon, en WEDNESDAY. June 7. at II o'clock. At No. 7 Khki <i 1 Mt it., elegant rosewood Parlor Stilts, In satin and broeatel: m.r quetrr Cabinets and Tables, Itue illrror. Curtain , and Cor Dices: ,-arveii Hutlets and Cbnlis. in mortice ?: Exteaslon lahles. ormolu Mantel Clock and Kets, caned rosewoiMl Bedateads Bureuus Armolres-a-Olaee, Kasv and Arm Chairs ? Turkey Ml","I t Brussels and other Carpel.; Kxiensioi, Chandeliors, curled hair Mattresses feather Bolster, and t mown, ?*u.; aUn Kitchen and laundry Kuruitiirc, Ac. lermits to view the lurulture can he had at oltice ol ano tionuer, Xo. ;i Pine st. M'KTUAtlK ?AJ^K.-THO*All J, M'<HMT8, AUC* -tioneer. wl.l s,-l| this day, June Ji, at In' o'clock, al IS".1.1 h-a-x .t , the etillte content* or the lions.-, ceti. iiatinir of Mirniture and Carpeft. tia~ Fixtures and Cliande. iters; also Mock or l.i.|itor>. Bottles, Ac. lly order P. Kceuv. Attorney lor Mortjcatrp*. pAWXBKllKEIi'K SALE?JAMKS AdAK. Al'CTIOX X eer. will ..-II thi.ilar, at New li-.wi.rv hii< Xo !l Oliver St...aKI lots "of Dresses. Shawls, Itniniiants. t'uder eloth iir. Sheets, spreads. Table Unmi, Boota, Nlioes tiaili-rs. Com. I antalooiis and \ e?ts. Itv order ol the e\. ecator.or iho late John J, Kelly, 1st ?v, IIIUUAIU) WALTF.itH- siiNS, AiTc riOXEEKB'-^TuTT J I, eerie., Ae.-Marshal', sale. ? By order ?r lion. Davlil Illl ?' Marino Court. "r" "I I" n cloi k. at salesrootn, 27 Kast Broadway about no rases ol imported 1'ieklea, trhow. order of'Marsh IT "f J""r''' r"k* "f Cho', "> Also Chests aud packages or preen and black Tea* Co? rees. Spices, canned Krniis, barrels ,.f Chleory. Mice Flour lio\e. Soap, St.r.-n, Clothes Pins. 4 lull, prune >l?itf?*r J barrel. Jersey .aidiiseu Pails, W a-lihoarda Ink i-aaei "I t linmpactie, oran-e Wine, cssks ol Ale, Cigars, hn'ol a* ?>rted iinwarc, dcniijohns ol Link irs 1 Truck HICHAKU WALBH. Marshal. C UKKM aX, Sll KRIKr'-ti AND UEXKRAL AI. O "all* in bankruptcy ox Wines. i>?4|uortt. Hiwriwiiii Kuriiiture. Ac.. MONDAY. 5, io?H o'clin k. No. 13 Uuwfry. One fine llfir, Iia<*khMr. bliu* % ?v?hiut TnMcn and rhalra au neiirly new; mum* a lar^i- Jot Wine* mid Li'pior* tn rnnks barroln and ru?o?; .'Ci tint* Clurnt, 4c.: alxo I'ium %' Showcase.Safes, belnv the rodent.. ..I a first etas, .aloon ?ale im.iiive ; dralers invited. CIXTII MONDAY'S SALF. OF STRAW'S.?4(10 CASKS O mnnurnctured Straw (ioodn, in full nNMortrncnt, will !>a sold on Monday. June by W.V. TOPPINO A CO.. Auc tioneers, .No. I:t2 Cliurrh si. VI,r I I.I.I AM A It ill iTT.! " *' Ofllee No. :t Ciiaml>ers st. JJr vlrtne or a rhattel mortjrnae. I will .sll on (his dar. at I* o clock .harp, the Matures and Fnrnlture ol the Restaa 1 ! ."n" '>n" -:i ?""! W'e.t Houston st. DOMINJCK 1. CI RLKY, Attorney Tor Morii;aare. ~~ imv OOodm. foTT^Tb AT A~S AC I tl KI ( K-A jf' kUuist A black Drras, einliroiilered. lately rrnm Pari.: nerer worn. To be seen at Xo. S MVsl I4t!i?t. |Jxi0X ADAMS, XO. ?I7 HUOADWAV. ~~" Hosiery, (ilove., t'nderwear No. 847 Hro*?lway, ne??r 14th at. | MlliLlMKHl A\i> mtKSSIIAKfM.. AT MAIIIR TILMAVN'S. OF I'AUIS. I it roftTKIt Opraibg <n tne finest MMnmfni of TtrlMii) Ntom^r | Millinery ever brought to thin market. 4lM 6lli air., near 26th *t. (lute Mich?T?.) I 1 AIHKN UK TASTR. Wlsin.NO vm.l>ll "I*. | J J pnrtod Bonnet* ??r round I lain at greatly red?ic*d nrtce.% will bud it tn their advaniair? to ca.l at Mute. CAMiLLH UK latty'rt. Itroadway, near ISHti a*. , 'uwK'tVAvk \m> noi'Bi,K rtox i'Laiiino Tmsn : O by machine with new improvement; no extra oharig* for ?pace plaititiff fr*?m I to :2."? inche* wide, b/H. JOHKI'H, 8H Korsyth tt.. tieiir ('final; branch otlire f'nlton at., be twoen Orann nn'1 I'ineapile. Brooklyn, with the bete Im provement of m>?ehinery. Kl RMTlHtSr A' ?FOR, AT riilVATi; KKKlilKKCR ~l?? .. W?at 'jrM ??.. near Htfc nr., Parlor Snlta. 14 pir*o?. j fnvffi*(| in rnidn, cu/t jorf'K^; on* 0<i., 'lurk* In'! Suit*. #!?": rrp. '-air-loth nnil |?ln?li 8uit?, and fftA: ' Marvin'* t'aMoi-t I'arlnr 8afi*. Inlaid and ?rllt l>la<*k walnut UfdNtviiti*, Dra-.ln:* Caati. Haraaoa, ?Va?li?tanda, Ward* ? rabra. hair and ?(trine Matir<?*M. tftniHK KiiroHnra, l.xtan | olon T-blea, HnlT-l. Chair.. .V-- V. It.?An <-l*K?nt IW? | wood four round t'liii-krrinif 4 Sun I'laiin, ? bargain. | mamilliivnt Wiitdtor I'luno, ^W, t?i?i 91,000. Oill llili ! day or Monday. A ?WRKKLT and MOKTDLT P4TKMI TAKKJf I\, lor Km nltnrn. i'?rp<*t. And it?d'lmx ill B M. PKKTIIWAIT .* 155 and 157 ('hMlntn at. An its liicnia .tuck at loar pri<-??. * I.A KOK AKS.iltTMKVr Of CAKPKTS, KlttM i\ turn nnd It.-.Mine *1 O T \ KltK aiiiraroofn*. 4JO Mill ?v , l.rt wi*?n .in I list id. Put menu takrn ?e?kl? ormontbh. 4 lUCKIKtlNt?POR IAl.k. ALf. TUK KCRNITUM J\ Ht the pritata houx I(l> !?'.??( I.'lth at , acroud Ir.-m Itli ?v : latr-t atyia tafia broeada 1'nrlor rtnit, out $.V4i, for (IIM; ??!!?> d . $1^, ilo . U*>: two l'ianofort?i<, ropi and hairrloth -aitu, f:t > np; IO lt<-ilp>?>ni *til'>, with Urf?< lux 1'iHi, #.15 up; Maltreat**. Ki ildint:. 1:?i arriat*, two Milrlinard*. K?trn?loti Talii??. I'urtalti*. jUhr'iri- lnrniluic, MNMWHo. ft Call Immi-dlatel.v. 1<*i ha?t l.ttli at. AUCTION ROOMS, rt BAftV 1ST 11 .<T-FL'RXIT!'RK, ? 'arpaiK. Mirror*. Plana., \rm iren, KooMaae*, Parlor Hull*. A< ; privata aala at aactlon prli*r?. \ ?PRKHM.VO ClRCt7?HT \50R-t COMfBI. A PRI 1? ? > ?t?" farnllv l i ??ll in* : ilBr nt I Ionl>ol<t Knrnltorc, M.'lii?r?T A Pan'' Ptann, ??tln l%tlor huit i ? t ??'??, ; nan <? ?I5<J; Tnrkiah Halt. #'* ? itk xiiit., $!??; Cham h? Suits ritmpif t?. ft i upward. KnllWt, K\l-*nlon Tatolr., (>'h?lra, t'arpui, l'i (> iMad li nr )(Mtr??<#a. f I??. ttv. t'.all, pr|. vata naldaiua 47 Wmit ItMhai.. Mwfn >th and IHIl a*?. / 1 KOimS A. OURU, 747 I1K< 11 l>W AV. ?OONVKJC \I l?nt ajratam nt parin''?it? lor prwiwtilg ?up"(tnr Pnrnl* HfH iarytM, Hlrmfa. Parlar M<, Mc. t iim h Plata lu^ nUiicd t? orilar /HKill ShfO.SO HamV~AM? MISKIT KNiiUSH*, 11 ltrn>>el?. ihr-r j?l> ?nd insr4in t arpet >. Oil- th?. A a. rrry I'hnap. at Ihf ??t-l I>lara, IIJ Calt?o ?t. ]>ARTIKh DX'-I.ISINii liot sKKKKflNO ADDRMm iMM(al?lf PKIARR.'JOITth av. Iliicli<'<t |>rir?. paid Inr ' arpoia. Kitrnitnrd, Piano*, H?ldln.'. Painting, KmU ZRItO RRPRIORRATOR?HBMT IS 1IIK WOBI.f)) Crntanniat KvliibUl. ti; aon?\ t? maia balldlnir; aaai t?r book. lif.sLKV, i?l a. Kt KoCfi. " 1\'" Itl'i'K M A.-Tl'.i; A ' <:o.' >T ? Military. N??af and i.'on^ral Tallora, }tu. 3 (nnlyi Httrltiiitan ?t., l^>i?don, W., Kajlind. K.tabii'liad 75 jriMr*. Kir.t M"alin ol tro'xt. only. Hi par rant dlarnnnt lor aaak. ladrnftinvi lor .ail inaa>mvmrnt .atit on appllfntion nsa arts," ffiTS f.VTIOS fc'lj.S A n I* I'll it Ka Ur.Al?lvlt ? h? I. . - 1 wh^r#,?|)nf.??d'< i*elet?r?ted PU iHrt, ?*|l#rlartlt???fi if I Indepe'iil^nre, July 4. I7T?5. r%b.Mt? ?W 1 ?0f*p*odeiic ? j llall, Mipii-r*, fill Key and l?oi*?tm*,or . adutlun I ;tn t only prrirrt piftnre "*iant. l>y jier il.t n < "v i trnnial UrrtanJ*. I'liiladelpbla. The trnd** surplitU. X*. i dresi i'CBLI^IIiCK, 117 Metctril,, St* Vork,