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yf ^ tv B A fll HF.MKMTS. ^ tir"Avi:xiTT theatre. " ik'koYn* aTS'i Prnwiiinr .inM Mun*:'r Mr AHfll'iitlX DALV tVlKY MUUr rili!> WEEK, INCLUDING SAT I'K I) AY, rrrrr n u v kkkb p p 11 o q r u b ppppp ii o q i ii kkk r ? i g Q Q u v v. J* :i UUL'U EKKE # O MR AVfinSTIN DALY'S liKKAT PLAY or TO-DAY! \|?< FANNY DAV EXPORT, Mr. JOHN ?HoruilAM. I> II. MARK1NS. JAMES I.KVVIS. SHI. SMITH RUS SELE. W DAVIOOK. M. BARRY'MOBE. Mi" SYDNEY Cow ELL, Mrs. UlLBKKT.OfcOBUINA DREW. AN EXTRAORDINARY MATINEE SATURDAY', Jane 1", at I ::i>. Ripeiiti?n, by general request ef tba great Benefit Mill. I HO' PROP tSO|, SMITH mWBt.M AND .IPNNY I.IN I). Miss FANNY DaVI N I'OKT IX B?>T!I PI.AYS. OOTII'S THE AT HE. AIMBB. AIMEE FRENOH OPERA BOl'! PE COMPANY. MONDAY 3'. V KM KG. JUNE 12. For si* nishiH and one matinee only. Rentree, after her m"?t brilliant European triumphs, ?f Mile. MARIE AIMKE, the Queen of Open Bouffe, to~?thei with her crruplete company. The event will hi- signalled hi the llrst performance is (ereral years of Offeul lacli'e merrirst work, LA TIB I'AUISIENNE, produced with ent rely new Costume*, proper Scenery and ? ORE IT (! v>r. Bi\ iidi e opens Friday morning. Ci LORE Til KATRE, 7'JH AM) 7:1" HKHADWAY r R. W. Ill I I.EH Manager THE STANDARD I'AMILY THEATRE CtmiUM iadorn mMM anil W(Nh> of the tiuious BRIAN I'AMILY. the sens ition and uirsierv of the present age. i!OM I'h f)K CAULtOSTRO. in his wonderful Nacronianey ami Him k Mag c. The Slur luvorit?*. Moura. T. >1. Ileiurler. Hilly R?rrr. Stoainr llob lU't, Eugene i<>> r. Ml*- Elrtic, Master Dare, T 11*11. Mr. 11. RoeiL Mi" iml lin rfprcMlty Artists. Mr. t. M. Uenitler's Sketch. KIT.n IN TUB K ITi'HEN, with full roppauv, ev#rv night. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. OEYMPlf THEATRE," ttrondw ?y, Bleeeker st. Mr. JOHN F. l' Manager SI MMER SEASON. I'oI'lLAR PRlt KS. Admission 2."?eent*. Reserved Seat* ... ^ocents. Family Cirelo ... 1.1r?uts. Parlort'hali #1. STILL 1X0RI-ASED A ITHAt'TION S. Klret appearnuer In tnierica of tire distinguished opera honfTo artistes from the Phi*.'itre des Y'srleties, Parle, and the leadline Pretn h tlt>- itre?. Mile. DEEI'IIINE AND.I1I.IE PASCAL, who will appear in M. I'aul Hci:viop'* operii oouITe PAOL \ AND PIETRO. Firet appearance of ilie rotormi Comedy liiants. Mesnr., QCILT'Elt ANI> tiOLDRDMI. First appettraii>-< ? I the vuatitf descriptive liMlliiilUt, MlM ANNA MOIIOAN. Elshth week of the creni pantiiiiiiine, III'M I'TY l>l MI'I Y, with its ^nrtreops scenery, mairle t rieks. brilliant transfonna tions. rich costumes ami I'esui jlul bullets. Til REE HOURS 111' OEN I I N E KI N. The nest ami cheitp?'st entertainment in New Y'ork. MATINEES WEDNESDAY V N I) SaTIKDAY AT 2. Kvenlnit. doors open ?t 7',; commences at H. Bos tjrtiee open duly from I" A. M. to It* I*. M. TI'OOD'S MI'SEl M. WOOD'S. ? THIS DAY'. EVEN IN.; AT S. I MATINEE AT 2. GEOR'iE i'. HoNIKAt'E, | The Melodrama, MARIE STKLI.A, i Never Too l.ute tu Mend. ? M M. \\ Aill>. I 1!. D. Oli DEN. In DAVID tiARKICK LOL'ISK SYJ.VESTBR, and SWKETiihARTS. A 11. SHELDON. LA EI ELI'. I?E MADAME ANt *>T 1 ,?> B ENJ. \V. Ill ICIICOCK S NEW AND ELEOANT THIRD AN ENI'Iv THEATRE, AND nr. 3D AY., Nl U1ST 6T. J> VRlSIAN VARIETIES. | M ATINEK TO MORROW. Evenings at 8, i liirh ?t. and Broadway. | J'opulm I'rlces. Coolest | Immense win lowW opening into giirileii-. | I hentre f TEMPLE OV ORIGINAL SENSATION'S, f !<>?? Artinto of acknowledged iiinrit uppeur vwh I'erlormancc, SennfttioiiH. I N?? w Artist*. | New S"H.?ati??nv IIaiitb | Kiinny, Krviicliv and l'iquiint. | (lour*. ? New Sene* ?>t Living i'iemren ? ?~ My Wife's lllrtlidm. | the Tiillor. Mile. Rlrtha. I Nfw HRllet* | Si'iiitr No\iw>?iino. neautiful S^eni?atii?n*l ???id Voluptuous !.?? .Miuue.t. lN.worful c.i"t ; cntuletnted in i?ne net ? t?v?? sreU'-K. Mi? Klisa .Miltilde, i Miss Ko?e Keen** Mr. Willi.tin Forrester. | Mr. .lohu Mourlfy. tireat Horiue We^tofl. it nil our Hrnir of old tavoritei*. j^KLLV ?t IJ;ON S MI.VSTHKIiS, l':U) ST., MSAK (ifTl ? v. ? F.vert evenintr nnd Suturdwr matinee. The onlv I,RON. LEW RflNEDItT, WAl.TEIIfs and MORTON; JAPAN K>E TOMMY. EDWIN LESTER. II. OORDuN, ic. Box office open all day. B W. HITrilCOCK Proprietor nnd M*nitf?t?r OKORliK WIN Sill I* Stage Director IMMENSE VTTKACTloNft MONDAY XKillT. JU.NK 8, mid FVERY KVKMXii dnrlnc the week. nt 8 o'clock TKK aM> I'OI'I'I.AR AOTOK, Mr JOHN THOMPSON. IX IKE ShNSVTlON AI. IlKAMA, ESTITED <)S IIaMI; OK, TRI E TO THE LAST: ill which he will appear in the folliiwlujc character* IAI K NORTON, it young mun of the period ^ MOLLY Mrtlt?K MLK \ . a kitchen mechanic i . IA COB UANSMI'LLKR. a liorimm m..*i? ian ? OLIVER HI'MWKI-L ? New York tough |^0 I'HAtifiES UK l#I VI XfJsroM*;, u Broadway Maine. SHANL-ilI. ? I'lilnaiuan i CS5 hIMPLK SIMON, a iun?ieai phenomenon I ^ MONKS LK^'l COM v a Chatham flroet I ~ ANTOIM. BAUA.IALIM. hu Italian | H Mr S?'OWKNHOVKN. a Yankee firmer J .lolin Hnrblnon VV. T. Fleming HlwHljimKl Chav Manly l ?jinn. Norton .. J a*, li Mtilligftu Mr. Norton Jar. Tltflte Jolin .1 nini*j* snaggle* A. C. Mon land Lnwter Skhiner II. C Bltiekburu Pnlltp O i?<IVrtl Jollll l.rilM'y Jjke T. Morris , Sum. K. IWeri Officer Orab T. Kiechen Tele cram A. K. MtmaoU Twlfttrins Tony Douyan l.ncy Harbison Mis. Marie Le Hrnn Lcormana Norton ... Mi??.lul|i !*>irker Bidalia Mim Kitty Parker .!o?fp!ilM Mi** Aims Stella Mi*-* Young I.vdia Miss Crusoe Hor. lire Mim Miipley Berth a Mli? Allen Augusta Mist Anderson \L8o Six matint.ks. being an Afternoon performance KV|;ilV DAY. AT 3 O'CLOCK, At escli of which Mr. JOHN THOMPSON will appear in IMXIK, OU I UK COlrf)RKD I1F.RO. fien^rsl ndmhkinn.. .2'? cents ! He serve d ^ents ?1 fir**"* ?' I re I e rrfieent* j Private boxen and ^4 On bevtra chair* 7? cent* j A CAULMY OK Ml -If. UERTRl'DK CORBETT. N'lKV V. MONDAY EVKSfXO. .TI NE V Ailmi.'-ion, $1. Rewf*#f| kp?U, $1 .Viand .ecardinj r* I'M'.tioit. A. ?I,RANIt Kl\ IV VI. ? ? POSITIVELY KOIl THI> WEEK ONI.Y. .11.M MAI'E AM' OEolUll RIIOKK in hii (txruinc mr i nter \>itn the Olorr. at HOWES A ri'SlftXi; S ORKA1 I'M TED STATES Hot HUE Clltors. afternoon* *1 2, fretting* ?t s n cluck, comer H ar. and <!'th ?t. t;ie monstiu t ii:<ts TRorrE. Arfmlf.ion to .11 o"!y . Tt F.SIM V Mfll*T. all?r tv# repi'Iar permrmance. OEO. ROOKKand ~STEVh" I AVf.OR"Wll.t. ro\TKST WITH THE OMIYKS, foe half mi li nr. t.r f ?|K> ASIIIhU Xoextra rh.rce. K I R ALPY'S A I* 11 OIliRK PAt.ACK, llrojid ?t nbo^ '? Sprncc. rhilsHelr?ht.-t. Thlr.t we k ht??i ?? oitinned ^nce^is, A K O l* N I? THK \Vi'i;LI? IN hi PAYS. AND F ASIIIoNAIH.K PRoMKN AI>h COX0E.RT IN Tllh ILL! MINATKIi OAKhHX. C^lIU*KRRlN<i HA LI* J CiKAM? VOCAl. AM) I NSTRl'MENTAL CONCKKT, nnder d!*tinjr*?uiie?t pstronsge, Tt?l?AY, It NK li. AT a ?*. M. HI.HIT OF SKNORIT V KsMKi:.\LI> \ CERVANTES, IIAKI'lNli: is tho roynl sn*l Imperial Courts of srviN. W?trir<;\L wn hrajmi#. Th? following colehrwtert Artists hsrr sin-ily volunteered to jM*Ut Min voklaidk piiilmps. Meitrt. KBRK VNTi. \ IKANOVA, Ol'IMN and OOUM>. A? ?'ompsuUt...... Si?. MOPKUATI Ticket*, with re?erretl ?ertl*, I'.*r **lc st >?*h*?berth**. -'4 Cnion ?i|iisre, and st Chieker ifly's, wtier?% |?n?^ri%mnies mn$ he ha?i COI ATi: VI" M v!.iLl> V \|{|KMK>r I L.n week ?>i tK. |>lVlll^ or MCRP.AY HILT*. The l(o!n ?u Stntne, AMKRff'A PRurKiTl.xa IIKH SCIUKCTS. r 11 f. OKl?ilN\L lit I Nt II MINIM. I vin* Tiihl** mx bv the |ian<|? fofvu??d ln?ll(*s in ths w.?ri'l The f.*.*!' *' theatre r\ fhecttt ?l the '.n. ?t Ysrlelv r*:tcrm?ii>< extant. % cull at ttim th**?tt?" will r |??> the n-itor. ."^4th ?t. and ?'?! a% I.r?*?liiij? h? s |*. M Matinees Tuesday, Thursday *tt4 Halwrtlay at 2 In the nftrrnt^i, riMIl ill ST M.W MIMi , ? IMIN1 li?|i?;t.| ToHRKAM 1 o| Me/' li. Ihonia*. ; "Poi J Lit* IIet|owa. e!c anl pieiwre ttile pmze, : Kii? xl ? and '"all M?* You. Ii?%r luisf. ' HorsHtv, *'.V. : "t'?lt?mMa'? Stand??ru." n *ttfrii*-r l?str?'.?> ,.^op; S?*|o*e??b*uv * ?? ; * >.???,; V the. Hen" And 'W oril.rani* mi iIm- Mono* .i?? pl?n??f, M ??!.* ?,?nt ?t^sl I iiu> |?lcti IV esfli ?????.: ? t lie l.ibeft) H' ll. tiiels *t eel lection |?alrl?tie me?ic ip?|?ef'. 5v ?'otdea mailed. WM A PON It a i o .M7 Lr Hranch M re. tO I'nien nqmre, Nf* York. \\r uilTlKHH *l I N Ti;N M At. IIY\t\.M Mt'Mi' |tY t? l#a?i??%, Jil perlorrn ?l at the ? '>eninn err? iuoni?>i> 4t ]'ht!aiei|itiin. i'rtoc in st?*et tntitie lortn, ar??t I'??'. In eeravo r.rtn lor eh??rn*c*. No celebration complete without ?fi|s mA<?:!tlei"it hymn. Aik?? liownln<*? Mnnmt **l>nf#n fttal Mardh," with %ij?ert? title ^n i?l??r*. j^r^ t* OlTsON X CO., N?. 711 Bruadwar. ( i|;A\|i -SAt '(Ell riljit i i;l -THIS .si MMVi ;_T ternoi't) an 1 I ^trains at Rink, t^.M ?l. Mil ;<u ai. Ail r"i-?loti, ; lad!e? .re. r|'',lMi;||T (illAXI? I'MIIBI M'?>' > ISliiKK AM' tVt K 1 bllliarU. hy Arftian !??'.? Shaw ami Be- .m ; r. ??? A.I nil..ion in ?. tlO.ISTAUIil ? i>Ai.K t?r t 'i?L<?XKI. WO'?l? S M I'sKI' M / .'liil?<lclBiii t. ? io '?' ?"hl .1 ?? il.l ? n.l 1 . on Wiihi??. Jmia 7. l-f. ?' I'I'?k ?? ?' ^c., ? t an l .ila-w?, K.mnt.m, WardroM, l. oW 'i ? i. i-^e. I'rlaiiiatlr an?l J.ichl*, <>? . tonellier witli il.cii-ht IHIciikII'i'"""! in and to th? ancap.r. ,t term o. |h<- I ? ?! t'olonel Wood'. MilK'nrn. to he *.<11 ?N>oitt re-Tvc M'ioii tii? ?**fn'ae?. nnrthoeit e< rii?r !'th and Arr^K'i. i'htladvlpnla. JOlIX KF.I.MI. t"o??table. tiRKTMNMAI. SOt'lABLK THIS (MOXOAV) BVKJi* ' ??"" B1"-'V3J ,u A CO.. Mmntru \Y allacks. COMPLETE St*CCE*S of the popular and talented artists, MR. AND MRS. W J. FLORENCE, whu will appear EVERT FVKVIM, AMI SaIIRDAY MAT!SEE, in Wnoil's great America:; ct>ineily, tl>e mighty DOLLAR! NEW SCRNERY "ani! a fink cart. (t ILMoKE'S CONCERT GARDEN. X MmiHmir and itli .1%ft. and '.Mitli and 37th stt. Messre. SHOOK Jt PALMER Proprietors and Managers Mr. E.G. till.MORE Business Director L.lsl NllillT BUT FOt'R OF lACQI.'ES OFFENBACH. assisted bv lot skilled music* as and MAX MAKKT/Klv ?? Conductor PROGRAMME. Owrtnr?, "ItmidUsea" r. Rlehter W .ill/, '*1.1** Belies Auicrientue*'' ?Mn?Ofctitilch i <ii i .isie, "linfutauti1* (second Mri0s) I.. ? M?y erur?r Billet de? Mooches from '"Orpheus" Oflonnacn Overture, * /utupH ' . i Ierold Kftiiluiit, "tk>u?rievip do Brabant"' 0#Hlb*ch helectious, "La.1 <ii\e"...., H?lrvy ' Burlesque PoikA" iby request) Oflenbacn Overt mm, "N nsalta'' VauKhel# Finale, "J^? Belle llelene." Offenbach Coiidurtftl l?y Mr. J. Offitnbarli. ??f:inyt'ite Polka* Boiqitt Centennial Man h Fredw SPECIAL NOTICE.?Tint management respectfully an nounce that Mr. !'. S. Gil.MORE and hi* KAaOl.'S MILL TAIsY BAN it will make their reappearance at this Garden on .Saturday Evening next i.lune 10 . B'owery TIIKATKK, monday. juke l-hwasF mem of (he celebrated Equestrienne Artiste. I"r one wo-'k only, Miit KATE FISHER, and her renowned Arabian >lml W< iNDEIt MAZEPPA. To ?onwiw with furea nf MARRIED KAKE. I > \ UK THE vTRh. BROADWAY AND JJD ST. I I'll ll< II AND LAST WEEK. THE NEW) Mr?. ?. C HOWARD as TOPSEY. I'M'I.K Mr. G. KCN'KliL. li. C HOWARD, BIJOU - HEhON ttnil regular company. TOM'S iSI.AVlNS GEORGIA JI'BILEE SINGERS. I oi.D TIME PLANTATION MELODIES. ('A it I N | PANORAMA of the MISSISSIPPI. RKDI'CED SI M M EI! , Admlaalon, .Vic. and -'n. POPULAR PRICES. I Reserved anata. #1. Evening at H. Wednesday and Satnrdne M \TINEES at 2. WK0NESDAV AtTERNOON and EVENING, Grand Teaflmnnlul BK.Nt I I I' to Mr*. O. C HOWARD. Mr. JOSEPH MI RI'IIY will appear June 13, tn the "THE KERRY UOW. by Mnrsden. TT MOV SOI AUK THEATRE. I Proprietor. Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER LAST WEEK oK T1IK SEAf-ON. I.a t five performances ot the cliitrinjng play, CONSCIENCE. with Itn houutiliil scenes ami great cast. FRIDAY KVENINt., .Inn? l?. the last night of the season. will be prnsented to each gen Haitian eutcri :i tbe tlienire accompanied !>*? a lady a ropv ott tbe Union Square Tbeutro Sou*enir hook, elegantly bound iu ^atlll. MONDAY EVEN I NO. June 10, ]?- \ l.M Mi. June li>, re here of tne woiitlerfnl reappearane< YOKKH FAMILY. tTNION syUAKE THEATRE. I Mr II. J. MON'TAOUB'H BENEFIT and Ui>t ippenr.uiee in New York this ?ea.?on, THIS A b T e. it N OO N. .11 N E AT I :?) P. M. New unil original Cotneilv dlmt time in America), entitled <M EKN MAH, nn I eotitedictta, A SIIFF.P IN WtiLF'S t'LOTHWO, In which the following litdieii and sentlenien will appear, burins rnarteoiiMy ^i\en their aervieea:?Meada.nea ADA DYAS, FAKIIE.N.' sr. CLAIR, hk'FIE OEitMON, DOR RINOTON, llttl THNtlT and KATE ( LAXTON. MH,?r?. HAKRY BECKETT. C. A. STEYENsON. SHANNON. IIE It HE KT. PHlLi.l PS, HOLLAND. MATTHEWS, ED NV1N, ATKINS and II. J. MONTAOUE iu both pieces. lAAULE THEATRE. I'j BROADWAY AMI 3HD ST. Pioprietor ami Manager Mr. JOSU IIART SPECIAL DRAMATIC SEASON, MONDAY, JUNE r>, 187tl. The brilliant nrtiiite. HENRIETTA CHANFRAU (Mrs. F. S.I, will make lier Br?t appearance in New York for aetreral veutN iu A NEW AMERICAN PI-AY, In Mr. W. Ta.vlvure, entitled PAItTED. NEW SCENERY. A POWERFUL CAST. A.-I I FAILt'RE OF THE TKI'S. COMPANY. A.-t II. FALSELY ACCUSED. Act HI- THE DISHONORED URAYE. Act IV. AT HER MERCY. MA1INEK sati HDAY. AT J. Bos sheet now open. ?Fitii street" opera~ iTticsE, between 2D ? I I and :td a\'l.?C. S. tlrejr, Sole Proprietor and Mana H?; ; I). B. Steven*. Treasttrar; W . W. Newcomb, Director ol Aniitaeipetta. 8ec*?nd week ot the new company, totally eclii>>ini? all former ellortH and openin. an entire NEW ItEOIME I.N aMHSEMKNTS. all under nn entire new management. Aiuetii an- Abroad. I Exeitlru Cancan, .larditi Mabllle. Beautiful Women. Female Mltlxtrel Scene. Forty Beantllul Ladies. STAR TROI PE OF SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Every night. Wednesday and S'lturduy Matinees at two. PIAVOFttilTEs, DHGAltfl^ ?i\,. ^AX PRIVATE' UOUSE lS>1WKST~iSB ^T.'.NEAR j'V tlth av., tor sale, brilliant toned, round cornered, T1^ octavo, carved rosewood Pianoforte, used eight months, eost Ifl.'KJ", f.?r also Par'er and Bedroom Suits. Car pets, Mirrors. Paintings. Ac., .V) |>er cent les* than cost, in lots t<> suit ca?li purchaser*. N B.? Call and see this pianoforte before purclinalng elsewhere, (food Pianoforte for foO. Can tio\ l'>r shipping if required. Cut Hils out. V ?TOR RR NT, U PR It i I IT, StjI.ARE AND liltAND A. Pianos of our own make; also lor sale and rent, a number nf fine aeeomi hatnl Plan >s. in porfeut order. W'LIj 1AM KNABI. CO.. No. 112.">ili av.. above lllth at. BE.M'TII'I L PIANO,*"-; t ? ft ICK E RINtl 1'lAKO t\. forte, every improvement, at ureal; Parlor Organ, very cheap. J. RIDDLE, I.'l Wave Hey place, nenr Rrosdwav. t L.VI.'UE ASSORTMENI OK NEW AND SECOND J\. hand I'lanos, at low flgure* lor cash; instalments; to rent,?*! and upward. Also Organs. F. SCHITLER, 2il East 14tb st. T PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL STfel.\*WAY~7i -.'V. Sons' T'j oeta*o rosewood Pianotorte, hII iinpro.e ments, iu use sis months, n un ? on plate, lor cost ?T.">: also Decker upright, a w?.-rlOce. Cat at private res|. deuce 47 West I tlth st., between 5th and Oth a\s. A liREAT OFFER.**?lt>> FIRST CLASS NEW AND jt\. aecond baud qiiare nod upright Pianos and Organs at nxtt+rae!v low prices for eish or on instalnients; Histru mente to re it from .>.t to $7 per month, in etlv or country. HORACE W ATERS A SONS, 4H1 Broadway. X OWNER WILL SELL CARVED ROSEWOOD full s4<ven octave Pianoforte for $100. Residence, lllll East mtth ?t. 4 KA K !. t:il \M K.?91)K> I- l|? W.Ui.MMl KM 11' ?>r.* i 2\. wo od Pianof.irte; 7 octaves; carved case and leirs; ciKi $<i O; mo lern iniuroreniciit*: Cbickeriny maker. MrDON Vi.h'S, :?7 East IHli ft., near Hroa.lway. hElMXV ftOSKWOO0 FIANOFORTE. OXI.Y "Stt; j m|%o Stvlnwav & Son's; rare bargain. At liORl>OX'8, | ).'i7 Bloecker *t. Pianos-ip yoi wish to rknt ok m y ciir.TF est an<! best, cull on MKKKKLL. No. S L'ntou square. ^ " HALL a CO.. jr? KAST MTU HT.??TIIR JMVaCK P? 10 buy and rent firs! class i'ianoi and C ir^uns at low | prices. * ) I I.KO %NT KOiWCWOOD JMAXO.S AT A|Vt7onIT|1Y ?) Tl:MS .lOilNSoX, :<7 Nassau st., on Tneiday, at 12 o'clock. >11*111is. y Kl'lisT t'l, \>s I K.N oil "sfN?ii7!t ?ff XElANi J|l teaches piano and singing for $?"? t**r month; at pupil's , residence lor **0 per month, during the summer. 117 West ] 27th "Ijfsl'H I CUUtk. ~~ BVjoKK'i l.l'ISH, t*KNMA!(8iilt'. A KI fiT>1K IIC? HoLBl- AK S Commercial College, 1.IIUJ Broadway, I remain* open day and evening ull summer, Pupils entering j now ueenre private lessons on low terms. WAKTBb TO PtKCIIASfc. " Paotorv \sr to i'iiniiasTcTin 1 X New Vorlc eitv or immediate vicinity, a Factory, with j steam power utt tched, suitable lor light manufacturing; I mn t contain ?l mt 1?h?k> f?>?*v of surface Mooring. Address. | with full particular*, i'UANKU.N PO??T, box 1CV# lierald | office, Mll.l.lAltOft. I ? M \Y ? KSlKNM VI, iui.lIai<i> Yo IINAMKNT ! iv ami pi.ivinff <?*l the ties of the Philadelphia tournament i will coramenc# at Irving Hall. .New York, on Monday even ; Injr, .luneo; irmnri, U si points, three balls, on a foileuder . standard :?xlO table. Sexton, (Jamter. Slosson, Uudolphc { and other ur**iti players to contend. % Ml KM' \N STANH V It I> BKV I'.L HI l.i-l \ Kl> T \ ilLKs", -?'V with l>elaney** wir?? 'Million*. solely us?*d in all chain t i?.o?hip and mateh puncs; second tiaiul fable* at *,reat | bargain*. \\ II. OUIM'ITII .t CO., No 40 Vc^ev st. , /loLLENhKirs srandako a m k u ican I?e vef < ' vJ Milliard I ;ih'es, w;tl* the celebrated Pheinu A Oollender I combination cushions, lor sale in this city onl.r at 7*i8 Broad* ! way. STOIC \<?K. VT FokYI.Vi; lONV KiOKAOK TlMMbtlillOtt | ^'\ Hudson St., lor Kurnittire. Pianos, Trunks. Ac.. in sep j erste r?K?n?s. ClfAKLKH n tmHDK, Proprietor. j UTOIIA'.K FOit K'URN I IT ItK. t AUKlAtiK AND JUKE* I O ciiandise. SMITH A SILLS. Proprietor*. j 7"?n ami 7 >tl? av% aim 247 West 4tith St. IIK\ riSTlU . i i >rr or ti kth m \dk in tiirkk norus at us ?V ?*st :*?*#? Si st.. h*- 'w en m'i ana 7th avs., near Hroad I way. special luecntjrrtl dentistry; coral, rubber, ro<MH. i pearl, whalebone rubber, ^fold aud plat ina Sets; Plumpers, j Rr^?!5 ttors, Am. Take green car trom tiran.l street lerre .?r Sixth tvoii'K r.:rs or Hroadw tr ear*. NKW IIHOi r.ll, West :14th %x \\ ATl-HKK, .IKH KIiKV, Mt. AT 77 HLKKCKKIl ST. N K A it ?Kil.\ftiYAY.- M ?Y\ I Y adeatieed on IHnis??fld?, Wntfh^ietelr?, If,; als i | Pawnbroker*' Tickets bonght o! Diamonds. Watches, Ac. 77 liierrker s!. - ? % I ?U?7 MIOAim U', COHM:i14TH .^t.-oiamonoh ^'V V Itebes. .fewelrv, SilUs La^esMod P^r* nil Property i of ev? rv description bmtffHt a*?d -old. Loan* netfotiat*?d. I\MI?.S P. MAITHKWS t DVANt'hS M AIM ON l?l\MoNI?S, W trrlll'.S. .IKW. I ^'\ -Irs and SiUciware, m; 114 Nassau St.. r??otu ?; bu*i> lies* confi'l'*uti.>!. Wli LlAM KKIM AN. MONIY t?N DUMONOS. K! KS, .4 ? *.? III \ M<?N I Ml, VVatclwrs. .lewelr) , Sllrerware, .seal SjM*qi?es. camePs , bafr Shawls, Si'Ks, Ac , bought, and Sold hack Bi a vrr\ sm-ill a-tvHtu?? dKOKUK t'. ALLKN, Jeweller, 1 l'.ft? : Broadway, near Jlith st. CII.VI HW AKI. -TilRSD AMI Bol iMIT, AXU M?M? . i u ? m ? ?rr? utlraar*. by tiKORUl C. Al.l.K.V, i 3?wp|li-r, l.llllflroailtajt, n-ar .i'i'iH. \\' VI' ID \ND Jl ivi 1,11V RKI'AlltKD HV FIRST ?l rla? fnricma. UltoROl: AI.I.RS. 1,111 Hrmd w?>. WMr Stttb ti. onu BUO \ UW VV. OPPtlSlTR 11 TI I ST-DIA ' " 'O iin'ii'l*. W i*t?-lir?. .lowt-lrv. ,ic.. Ii ?ni:hl hod ?"l*l. RottKKTJ. ROSKKlilAU I'l.iiimnU Mr???r. !.?*'<< WKotlmnl 'I A U It I.I il A UM.N ct; wart - >i.atk, m%rruk and wood m \\r f.i.h i ? rw an i f|p**m iotcn., I' ?m f(M tip; tin, tradt llbfr ?.l? 4mli with, i aud 'JJJ SWu .m i i:\< it wok. ii'iii. ! v u*<r i i.\>s "i.ftyi i?ii t? st -r^, f?n a t?r r^rn- r. Iftr ? *m.ll K.rn, in W r.ifi pmN-i ..r .. uun t. .\aon?. 'MVS1' II, Uctald I Aiitrrh en e. OIT1 HK VI. KKTVltt ran. MIX. f nitrul. T3DR UIiK-Ka 21 RA'T TtlH ST.. FOI'R 3TOR1FS. P hiirti .loop. brown stone, finished In rich cahiMt w?rk by Paltifr A Htymus; elegant mirrors, cllM4(lleri, u?? H\ lurvi, bHNird inhle nnd ?afe: plate glus* window> the fourth Hoar;this bono* i? oti red at u sacrifice until lime 10, after which date it will be withdrawn front the market. .1 C CLINTON, ft". Liberty ?t. BltOOK 1< V !\ FHUPKRT V FOK NAL.K A*U TO LST. FptfS *X?k-tiik cheapest iioi sk in Bkook l> u; three story and water and Mwef; horse cars pass the d.>or. Will sell lor $.?t,VU Inquire of the owner, Humboldt it., Hruoltlyn, K. I>. \VE?T( IIEstTKK t'Ol'KTV PHOPKHTV FOK SALE AM) TO ItKXT. Ij*OR NAl.E, WE8TCI1KSTKR I'Ol'NTV, A PINK Kurin of l<X) ucre?; larire house, famished, extensive outbuildings, crops, line borne nod twriirt; immediate poMoaiou; pricv $^,UUU; term* easy. IIINE A (ili.vV. 557 6th av. ONKliRM. ?TKN Kl ItN l>ll C D ANI? SIX UNKI K .L nlslied Houses to i?t; rent reasonable. _______ JAMKS VOl M A NS, Aireiit. Yonker, PHOPKHTV OUT OH' TIIK CI TV FOU HAUK OR TO KKNT. V HA.VDSOMK NEW t'OTTAt! K, THRRB MINI TF.S ^ V tan ferrjr, Staten I a) a ad; p.rdeu, fruit, (lowers; water *iew, >; also l'otlaj*e, aero irardeu: abundance fruit, #l,t?A?. DAR8IN. 4* Bread. ?Vor sAi.ii-first rath water privilege, ?Mill. Houses and line Farm. In the town of llei>r?n, t'onn., ou the Air Una Railroad, known as tiravrviHc. 1* miles east of Mlridletown; will be sold low. For particulars address box -i' Post olHce, Mew l.ondon, or all information desired will be (riven on the place. I^OK RUNT?Pl'RMslIED OR I N I I KNISHKO, TilM 1 very d"ll|;litfiil Residence <I3rt High ?t.. Newark, N.J., between Klanei an.l Baldwin: .ill modem improvements; currlait" Imin, lien Iiimihi, Jit. ; hue open ground* and splen did prosoect. inqiiiie ol 0; f. L Al ii HOP, 1'IXI Market St., Newark. / 1 I.KMAVTOWV-LAItiil'T"hTrNISIIETT HOISK7 15 \T minute* Iroin Exhibition Orounds. to be hud from .(line 1"> to 'J'-'d; rent, $70, Including; two servant*. Apply by let teronly to X. X , ruro M essrs. l.cwls A t'onger. Broad way. ONO BRANCH COTTAOE TO LRT?tVRKI8HED, J or for sale; tlie house it on the leantmre, fronting on Ocean and Alven av. Direct to WM. SANDERSON, t'edar av., Loiiv llrnnrli. SHORE PROMT OOTTAtlR. 10 ROOMS, .MODERN convenience!; fine neighborhood; all tralim; hour from city ; ubholuti'ly healthy; "Oititive barvain. t'irrnl?r. J. V. ATWATE it. Riverside, t'< nn. 0~l7KT?ON 8KROKN IIKKilM'S, A Pl'KN IKHKD Ronna ?f nine room ; all modern convenience*; in full view of baj ; nice grounds and shade; $7ihi a year: only 17 miniites irom Mberty St. Apply at Beriren av. sta tion. io POYJt, offlee Newark aad New York Rati road. "tlTATRR PRONT COTTAOK AT i:ITY~isLAND,1 iNK ft mile from I'elliani. halt hour from oitj". saltwater, boating and ll.-lnnt;; litaillilnl. Addrua* M. B.Vt'ON, Von kern. ^?>~7wT/1 FAi:\T. 60 AORKS. FAIR BTILDfNCJS, wOiVwU one 1" acre*, near depot: cheap. LEWIH, Northport, L. I.; 207 Front ?t , New York, Tuonlays fore noou. 61 C A/Wi?50 MINUTES" FROM NEW TORK v" '* ' Splendid double I'ottase Home on ? hill, witli nliady vardeii aud brook, in suburbs, llgtnly ea?tuu berAd, In exchange for Farm or good Farming Land neur a city. Address f. IL. box 14ii llernld oflice. HfeAl. ESTATE TO~EA(IIA\Gi; I "it" A RM W" ANTE I)?A HO I'T 5n Ai'KKS. ONE Hol'K from New York. In exchangi for brown stone House, Io Brooklyn ; no fancy prices. Address A. T., box IMS llernld office. rro ExntANoK?a~sm 7ll frlnFIV plat iiocse. 1 good location, in Harlem, for a well establisbed Bnsi ness; no saloou agents need apply. Address STORE, 1' '?? Houston st. IITANTRD?VAO ANT LOTS. BeLOW aOTO ST., FOR ?V Improved elty Property. Address, with full particu lars, 11. (i. VV., box S71 Post office. WANTED?A t'OTTAiik IN HARLEM OR MOR T1 risatiia In exi liHtige for a pood second mortrage of with three ye.irs to run. Address box LIU'- New York Post office REAL ESTATE WA.VTKIK ~ tlARM WANTICD?VALt'K AllOI'T .?I5.(<X). TO K\' r change, unincumbered House in Ninth ward, value $8,000, cash ?'J.t*?), hslance on inortifaee, for Farm on Long Island, shore front, north side. Address FARM, box t<70 Post oflice. TO I.KT FOR Bl'SIXESlf PIRPOSES Bennett" rcii.uin*;. Fireproof. Located on Nassau. Ann and Fulton sts. First Floor to let. suitable tor bankers, insurance offices or lawyers. Will be let together or in pnrts; he altered in suit tenants If desired; adapteit tor offices or stores, Reas'Oiiable rents. Also some ellitiIHe I,?w offices to let. APPLY ON THE I'REMIBEH. Take the elevator. Ini|tilre lor Janitor. ?fit" leame. o'entra l pai< k hotel, corner . 7tli av. and 51Hh St., and two adjolnini; llousei.; can lie connected if desired; in splendid order; terms reasonable. Apply to the owner, on the premises. I A ROE STO R E. U A Itl I EN A N 0 "FiXr"LTRE8 TO LET J Situated at 114 West .'kith St.; suitable for lai;cr beer saloon or other business; best neiKhborhood lit New York for a live man. fall at 249 West 51st st. STEAM POW KR. WI TO THIRI i ~~A KB POO RTH Floors, large and well lighted on all sides, to let or lease; low rent. PHILIP 8TROBEL k SON. IKS Elisabeth st. TO RENT?FOR BUSINESS, SECOND STORY ItOOM, 2<)x,V>; more room if wanted. Apply at 41 East l 'Uh st. BWRiLIXO ' HOUSES TO LIST. KurnLdied. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO JURE A HANDSOME three story lilgli stoop brown stone House, fullv fur nished utH In good order, on West 2nd st. Immediate pos. session. $1 ~*0 per mouth. JAMKS R. KDWARP8. It.7 Whmi 2iid st. vtkatly kukkisiikd 5k'all ii<?rsi:, *??. c\iX Il at 110 West 11th ft., or on K. J. .SiiAV I4()H,<J2 Went HM st. TO LET? KtTKN18IIKl> IKU SK mi. 4i:s VVKST :MTll ?t.? 14 rooms, in complete or tier. A. NVAliD, 51H MtU av. A OENTLKMAX WISHES TO UK XT HIS HOUSE ,/Y und well ttio Kurnitwre, eonsistlni; of Lihrarj*, Purlor, Dining nnd 2i^<lrot?tu Snits, nil vienrly new; ?!?>.? (inp Oil J'HiiitiiiKH. Bronte*, Stmimry, Hilver, OIakh, ,vr.; locNtioit ?i? surpMssed; rent low. Parties winning: to l/uy will utl<lri*s!i IJOlJSK, llernld 1 ptown Hrane'i oflict'. N! I KNlsilKlMToj si.S, AT LOW IHM'H. 4 story brown utone KiiflUli bitnemcnt, W ?*??t *.M2d St., R verj' de*lrnble 4 itory brown *toue llonst*. Worn 'JJ?1 Mt.. near 7tli nv., Jpl,4(>?, perbnps le?s; H wtorv liltrh stoop brown Hone Hou^e, in first rute order, \Wm ^4tl? t., ncir Broadway, ii *torr liij?h ntoo^ brick lloiiNe. West l!i?tli ?t.. near St It h\., ^l,'Jt*>; others at moderate rent??. ,1 AMES K K1)WAKI>8. I(i7 Wert 33d M. Voir STdUV ' HkFck" 110 i SI:. WEST 23lf ST. (li?tndon lerrsee), completely fnml?hi*d, at $141 tkl per month. Went 2*2(1 nt.. n???r 7tlt av., fonr utory brown ?tone House at $lf?o per month. We*t li?tli ^t., between ,"?th nnd 0th avs., three story higb atOop Hrieh, !?MV? pi*r month. Etint 2'td st.. four story brown stone hljih !<toop, -S room*, fully furnished, including linen, silver, china. i;la**ware, cutlery, crockery, bedding, Ac.. SM2I3 H.*l per month. JAMES K. I-.HWaHDS, Hi; Went 2Hd fit. * TIIUKK STORY BROWN STUNK PKONT, XBAR j\. Mil av.. MM: near IiBxingtoii av., if 1.11??; Cottage on l.exiDct?n. fHOU. liitlvOOR A MII.I.KK, ltd nr., eorner St. O I.KT?A FOUR STORY Hit;it SIOOP BROWN ?tone Ilonse; all modern Improvements: in prime or d?r; rent Inw; locution unexceptionable, fuqitire on prem llM, HBO or 3m We-t 41i<l st. rjpUK CHBAPB4T HOUSE IX OTH WARD.?TO LET; J three siorr high stoop, lit rooms, nil improvements. No. irsi ?>?? loih ?c ______________ Ft KMSIIKt) KOO.MN AM) AIMKTJ1KSTS TO LR'r. | a i! a nohomk " m)KNisiiko ifooii."~wi nt ILL I posnilile conveniences. 21*1 lilt ?*., Mar I8tl? ?t. | "it Ft ItNISIIKU SLIT OF ROOMS, PARI.OR FLOOR: ..'V term* moderate. .No. JO Wert _'ltli ?>., la sight or .Madison Put MM Filth Avenue Hotel. "I KTRMsHKI) FRONT 11AI. I. ltl'.DROOM OX fljBf; . . V nnri Hour, without board, tu singlo gentlemen, at 119 \\ c?l ;<!>th at. | T KKONT HA8KMBNT TO IJ5T, PL'KNIHHKD. 'aK ! A ply at basement dour. 110 Went lttth at. i ~\ inoi tuu. BEDROOM AT l,;.Vj so at., vmjlm ; ./V tlie Park. p?r week BOATVNU ON HaRI.KM RIVKR.-PURNISHBD Rooms to let; line, cool place. Address irvith St., near ' Ml nr., station I.. 1 )t PIIlVATK FAMllTv. f)K 1.101ITFC1.LY FPRNIS|< I) nl Apartments, separate or together, for housekeeping or gentlemen; bouse and neighborhood llrtt Class; rammer prirra. 119 P.Mt lMth St. Ro t rd If desired. IJtllRSiSMKn ROOMS IN I" li I V ATI? Hot SK, fl SO TO I $.'! 9I1CI Kast "ii'th st., near tit nv. I/M It.NISIll lt PAKl.OU SI*I fS, $t .--Sl.NULK ROOMS, r $2; newly furnished ;t ?l We-t J.">th ?t. Fn:i!Nls!ll.|i ROOMS f.? RKNT-A1.SO A SUIT'S# I!.Minis; Board If repaired. .">4 l.exlugton ar., Bear SSth st. 1>Iltjr!SUKU ROOMS, for TTocsi:krkimno; pri " vate family. tW l?owtitng ?t , near Vartok. Handsomki.y furnish m? room,Z3kcokd lloor; private house; tits o! kitchen; sll ennrrniences; terms low . ;tlt West tilth st. N'icki.v rt itNTstiEo rooms" to lkt at bo. Jl \Ve?t Mill St. f|55 I.KT?VVITlI<it T BOARD. IN AMERICAN fASllit X otic large lmnt Hnom, for rv" jftiil'tneii or itntlvtilNS and wile; also small light liall Room, .iifi Knst .Vitli ?t. T'l?"l>r KUt ST "class Ft RNISIIMi ROOMS. IN A very conrenlsat .oeatiou, near llrnadtray. Kast l"th >t. I fjitt I.KT EI.EOANTLY FI'RNISIIED I llimgi and :rout Parlor. 3 Kast tt2d st.. (Irit door east Jii m. I ?> NtCKI.Y ?l?RiWrtHiru- HALLltkt>KO('MS "3 ? third lloor to let.?Hull' prirv ftir summer. Private I li-mse 1*?4 Kast 2>'*th st. Raterem-i**. BiAsr itth >i.?vkkv desirable ItOoMs To let, furnished ? yTH SI . 3T.1 WF.ST.?BO<>Ms, K.N SI UK OR slwgly; BWWWt rates reasimihla; honsa nnu lecation ! very desir.u.l -, rof?r 'm'?? axebaiiKi'd. Ttt !?T.,"~aW) WMT.-A KKW Kt.KUA NTI.V Kl. R III sited Kixiins, strictly pru ite fatniii ; location tlr?t | class; terms low. I 2J~~KAST 17TI1 8TT?Pl KNlSllKM KtlOMB. ' " 1 (1 fast j?tT" st.." b?.twkkn broa i>\vvr anTi i i ?' ."ith av.?Piiraisbed Meoms to let; terms verjr tnttd ' erate. I ?> T'NToN Syl ARf.?Nl?*l.\ tNf. II ANIISoMhLY j "t M furuislied liixnns te let traatlently or permanently! I reference*? ^i hansed i "JO WK5f?aO if.;COKNI II BKOAflWA v7- j? k VTI.Y ? R?w?m* l ? let t? a jr**ntIonian ami hi* ^if? i ?*r ufamilr ; imlwrniMiftl ?jj 1 !MII -1 . NIMi i? aV~- TWO ^5XT?Ij FUR f 11 X nHltH t?> two ir?'tir!fn?.?n ; pfivatc bcm-**. Oltf KAST 13TII .-T ?1.ARHI ANl> ('()MKOMTARI.H ? ll") tnrnished front Parlor. $*; rear IJo"n, ft; Break last ir desired; lady ar icaltlmaa, pmatc residence; k<s, batli. ? >?>1 west tap ST ? n vN I'somt:i,v PVBNIMRBD ???ll Partor, trtth privttr-e ?| kitchen; Iccality excel J- lent, ?no^er'tt^ rent; tc'crenws a*ahaimcd. 1 ISPl'RSISHKD ROOMS AID APART .UK.VTO TO I.KT. _ \ r i it 11 ,\ . t'lniiri. floors fo i.n. M- ui ?2V -!*tii st.; Improvement*. Call. *00 ownt?r and premise*, lr<MU II t<> 1 o'clock. rpo I-KT?KLKUANT jFxItColuC I N Ki' RN1SHF.D A nlso newly furnished Room* on nceond Moor. 71 hast 4th *t rjvi LET?A .-Ki n.M) Kl.??.??:, bOKHIBTINO OK 5 X room*; a pleasant location and convenient to elevated railroad. Apply at 'Mo West i!f>ili st. itOARDKUII WAXTKD. Tsrir vkkv hemkamlITm mmkii koijms, wTTil Bourd. I5!l Madiscii uv.. corner ?i2d bt. 7iR 2 DESIRABLE BOOMS, EN SI KTK OK HlNOI-V. wiih Hoard; references exchau^ed 'Jtl and '2d Kant 2:Ju s?t., Madison sou tin*. 1-1 II Ol ROOMS- I* KI \'A TK I'. V Ml. cTl08BT8^ AC . with private table or without board; roouis for gentie men. refcrtoen. 1 ??( j'Mii ht. 1 II \M)S<?mj;i.v i- l KMsiir.D HKifoxD FLOOR TO L let to jicmlemen. with or without B??nid, In a private family; term* reasonable. fall at No. toll Wait *t. 1 BLOCK FROM MADItiON \K\-.. 11!? KAtfT .1 ?t. ? Extra lnriro house; Room*, with or without iionrd ; permanent or transient; termx moderate. fci | Tti ifTTiu i)\V7? first cQhh hoard; ?PL i/U family Rooms, $H per we?k ; single Ho "in a, $3 upward. City Hotel, Broadway and 8th Ht. - Ill AV . SO. 91.? HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 1/ Rooms to let, en unite or siniclj', with first class Hoard. -TTH A \ . mC ?UuWT PARLOR ftUITB. FROM i! to t? ro<mi*; also Other Rooms, furnished, with er without Board; tcferouces. rill an . NO 5h \i.i:v DEBIRABLK BOO MB, AND t.l first elans table ; comfort* ot a refined home. Of TO *7 FOB HALLROO M 8, Ft)B 1)KNTLE MEN ; ?wH) lurp? Rooms on second floor. tor two, $14 and #10, m itii Board. 4M Want Washington pine**, near Oth av. 1(1 WAVKRU.Y IM.ACS: NBA R BROaSW A V." 11' Fron; Rooms, $14 to $20. for two, with Board; siu-jle Rooms, $7 to$'.?; transient people taken ; table Board, Jf4. U KAST ?.isr si , BI -1 \\ I EN MADIBON AND 5TH mvs. ? Handsomely furnished Rooms, witli ilrat class I* rench table ; reference*. U WKST 17TII sY. -HA X DSOMKIY Kl' UXTslI K.I) Rooms, willi or without Hoard; transient parties ac commodated : reference* exchanged. ?J r COMMKHi'K ST.?1KLEOANT FlRNlSHKl) ROOMS A.') for ircutlomeu, wivh or without board ; torn* ren?ou oblt*. 17 WKHT 31 hT HT.?LAROK AXU SISiW.K I'.OOMS, I with i.r without Hoard; rof-ronou, oxrhanired. L VKAVETTK I'l.Af K ? Kl'KSISIIKl? ROOMS TO let. with Hoard; roferanre*. 18 *m'rn ht., no, -jet west?nick front room to let, with Bo*rd; also two table boarders; prices moderate. msr ST-NKaTI Y KrllM.-llKI) ROOMS, wffn~oh ?1 without itourd. Inquire ut No. HI r.a?t -'l?t Mt., Orameriy I'ark. 4)on st.. iao wkst.-fiani?somki,yTurnwmrd _?) Rooms, larte iinl .ninll, with flr.t rl?*? Hoard. ST.. I'M K.vsr?THIS HOI SK UAVINU w>) changed hand* an t thor nifhlv reuovuted. i? n'>w ready for |><<rxoui> deairint; Room*, with or without Hoard. Of' WEST IHTU >T . KKAR ttTH AY ?SECOND AND miU Third floor*; Uandaotne ilooma; trnn?ient or por inanent; houne clean, well ventilated; trood table; numuier prior*. no WKST 31 ST ST ?H A VMSOMICI.Y Ft'RMSHKD ijU lionqt*. with first elas< Hoard; referents*. OQ KAXT 81ST ST. A I I W sKI.hTT HOARDERS m*' can bo acc uunodMcd ; auiumer price.; strictlv tirst clans. t>(\ t'l.l.VTON PLACE.?FURNISHED ROOMS, FN ?<?' suite or idnftrly; also single liooms, i.lih or without Hoard; terms moderate. 'JO :i.i. :I7 WKBT 14111 KT.. KKPT J!Y ENaLISH ' )'I. lady.?Room,, with Hoard, permiiueut or tratisient; house accomniodatiooa lir.t ol.iss. 4 - east' a?rii st.. hktwken broadway and 'i:') 4th av. ?Double and siuule Rooms, with Hoard; transient parties accoiuniod'ited; reference. ~(' WKST :cil> ST. HKTWKEN UKOaKWAY A.Nli ? JO .rnh av.?Haudioniely furnished itooma, with lii&t class Hoard, nt cuniuier prices; reference*. j|? wesTu-Jd srr.?kine~s' sioky rooms *Tl) with Hoard, at suiuuier price*; trau.-iont parties takou. -k) ! > T11 ST.. HKTWKEN BROADWAV A\l?Tr.\i ? '?j versity place.?Elegantly furnished Rooms to let, with Hohrtl, at reason able prices, with ref-reiioe. r?J t)TII ST., IlKTWEKN HROAHW\Y ANO CM ? /?> versitv place; lirst class Krcncli tabl'; Riotus en suite or FiiiKi)'. for families or ?in?io i;ctitlemon ; relercnces exchanged. - - WKRT 13TU ST.?TWO DOUBLE ROOMS, WITH l) I Hourd, ?l-l and $l."? per week. j|jO 4TI1 A V;?W( U4K INii J.ADIKS AND OKNTMS men detiriui; a quiet. rrapeetaole boardins house, where you can have home comforts, with K'>od attention, your meals to suit your tiuie; teriua $4 and $?'>. WEST a-'U ST.?II ANUSoM fcLY KUK.MsIIED Room, to let. to gentleman aid wife; Hourd tor lady only. ST.-TO I.KT. WITH H<IAI:M,"7n Lv)aj private Jewiah family, few handsomely furiiiatied Room a. Oljc" WKST :ci? ST.-A I.ARliK ALCOVE" FRONT OU>) lfoom, on second atury, furnished, with cooi Hoard; also a square Koom on third story and two hall Hedroom*, for youux men ; moilurate price*, with every con venience. Iiwo Fink >t. philadki^hia.-loikhmigs .V/*)u and Board at fl' per day; Kr?nch lanitlv. BECKER. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET TWO OR THRF.K nicely fnniisheil Rooms, with or without Board; reler ences exchaneed. 244 Kast l!?tii St. STR"it TI.Y PRIVATE FAMILY OK~TWO AO! LTS, living on Park avenue, will let, with Houm, to a neu tielnan and wile, au elegantly furnished r loor. Address, with name, LI VINUSTONK, Herald I ptown Hruncli oltice MUS. ROBERTS, 27i?, JSl AM) 2?1 4TJI AV.. HAS some very deniraWe Rooms just vacated; would lei, with or without Board; tia^i* Rooms for gentleman; tran sient and also tabic Boarders received. Ap Ij at HOARD Anru LUD01KG WAKTED. Board wanted-hv a yofxo m arrikd ooiple in a Jewish family where there are no other hoarders, A<iilr??!i. immediately, I). A. HM 2^1 Broadway. BOARD WANTI.II iN A PRIYATE FAMILY 0~R FIR>T cia*s boarding house lor a lady. Address with price, which mu-t be low, SKPANB, Herald (Tptowu Branch office. Boa r d wanted- by twii" yc rrvT' ladi es km ployed during the day, wilhttt fire minutes ol ferries, Brooklyn, or twent\ minutes' ride from City Hall, New York; references given anil required. Address, stating terms, B. s., box 17* Herald office II til MMvliW BOA IID. i?> ro.'LAi; nr., as tiik nV.r?;nTs.~iM.KAs\N;r It) 1'ouinn, with Hoard; two minutes from Kulton ferry; AT NEW ENGLAND HOTEL. To BOWERY?ALL J. m. light, single K.mhhh; Lodging*, otk\ nightly, ;&J week ly; lor gentlemen only. i LWAYS cl'KN - i'liANKFOUT HOISE, CORNER 2\. I raukfort and William s.s., 30c., 50e., $1; gentlemen, fa mil lea. Br,i7mont iiotmT. T i iTFoST "st.. nbar broad". way.?Kuropoen plan; RooiusoOcents upward; family Rooms Always open. t^PINULER HOPSE.?AMERICAN PLAN; CHOICE ^ Suite* of Rooms for families and single gentlemen, front lug Union Hifn ??re, at moderate price)*. ___ (OlVTIt\ IIOAUI). X I-'KW BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED .aY. Willi larjre, airy Room* and first class Board In a prl vitte family two hour* from city; mountain air, ilne loca tion, no mosquitoes or malaria; terms moderate. Address J. ?V R. HALLOOK, Woodbury r'alls, Orange ponntv. X..I. PARTY~OR FAMILY^ OF HIX OK ElllHT PEit sonscan he accommodated with Board; pood table; fine location ; room for carriage and horse* 'J(> minutes* ride to cars at Newbtirg, Orange county. S. Y. ; two nliles from town- For further particular* inquire of W. W. TATE, ?<77 Degraw St.. South Brooklyn, or direct to b ?x Post office, Newbnrg, Orsng* county, X. Y. BOARD \MONii rill? M OI NT A ! N s -IN A gtlET little village: trout fishing, gttnning; beautiful moun tain scenery f *r nearly lo ? mites within one mile from t lis door; splendid drives and excellent Board, at s?7 oer week; half price for children. Apply to VAN HOESON *1 BKO., t?7 South st. / illILDREN M AY InH KlYE ViOOl) BOARD AND\vT \ ) tention at a farm house, by Mddrei^n; rilAFMAA, Allaire Post office. Monmouth county. New Jersey. (ioitn Fry hoard ?>Ki7ioHT>r1, Lot: \tion; eahy j of aeeesa. AddreaaO c. SNYDER, Ithinebeck, N. Y. t"" TO i NT K Y BOARD AMONO THE MOT STAINS? f -House new. room* large, table ftr*t class; no mosqui toes; irood flihimr. sailing and shooting, in hiook and lake; no better place for rerniiiiufr health; term * moderate; *ix hours by rail from city. Addres* A. II. AY RES, Duud.tT, Pa. / IOC > TR Y "TkkARD-ON LONO ISL ANTr SoT'ND; V/' modern hou?e; good fishing, boating and bathing. In quire at No. M.'t East "Jlst st. /TOlNTRY BOARD-IN DP fCHKSS IMM NTY, 7 . \J mile* from New York, near depot; location pleasant and healthy; good conntry fare; terms $?? per \\e#?k 'or adults, rhlldren less. Inquire of HENRI KI'sHELIj k CO., IPi Park flaee. or ad<1re*i WILIJAM M. AOKKUMAN, La irran^evllle, Dutchess county, N. Y. / 10UNTKY BOARD.-WANTED, FOR EIGHT ADULTS, V,' four R'?oti;s, within one hour of New York. Address CHEEKH L. 123 West Xtd st. llfANTKD A ROOM. WITH BOARD; KEW BRIOII ? ? ion (Stateu Island), preferred. Address, sttting pr|re, 1>., h??x H74 Post office. si'Mmkh kk?oiitS. r -t!f* MM M Kit CAP IT All " A. LKl.AKO'S ihT.AN IIOTKIi. IA?VH BKA1C0Q, wfll open early lu June. charm> a warren t.pi.and. "TjAtH, i? i ?iifh:cut imori SiJrwT" ixFmK Xi ion (late residence of ex-Mayor Ouatnert, with an ail tliilMsl contsiuitiir ?'>() rooms fronting the bay and ocean; excellent bathing, flsh'.ug, boatin*. ?irr, F r board Mptily on the premis*s, or by note to JOllli IliirtPfc^ AL\i;ENI?ON IIOiEU C SarittfliCK Spring*, will be open Tnr rfcejitlon of (iMl Jhh 1. Rosril, Jane ?n<l (Jeptemhef, Si per trmwlent rnte*. M .10p?r Kiium. can be teenr<*il ?t Ri'?.innre Hotel, New ^ or'?. <' IIA KI.I.- K. I.I I. VX l>, Pr.-ptl?tor. i 1 RHTKAl. MOtfftfC vRw It ?WN. O't.N N. ? HI(i II V ' (rumid, bi'i iill .1 ilrlvet; lieall'iir.t nn4 ple?9.<nte,t town in .New Kn.lnm! /1AT!?kll.t."->l"MMir III 1.1. Hltl ?K. "ONR Mlllfi VJ from lh* rlll.?ir?-, i? now ?pen for miiunier Mmnt term* reasonable; t. mu?r?n<-e. IV M. (JOKrCIIU'S. I'roprl.-f jr. '/ 1F. nth A I. "llOI>K.~ NKWIoW.N. t'n.N.V.?HIiill V' iiMuaiii beautiful #rhre*j heHltlilc?t niiii plea.anteat t.iwn in Sew l-.ivt.iiol ?rVoiiKHT iiorsK, tVrnbs i,*kf., ,n. .1. sow oFrm; J I.nre mountain air, -plonrtol boat me en.I fl.liln^ A. HHOW.SStlS, lYupilelor. 1Of!0?T COTTAUK -AT KATONTOW ,\. K. J.7~M>W J .ipene^ fnr the sea.'oi, with llr*it eli^s R*inrr??. It-Mir-I and .tubllnit. B?e inlnnlea Oom d'ont ami three mile* lri?m 1,011? Hfatuii. Apply to 1. I'DKDRI.I., Ilaiontoa11. .1.>> H(l I t:I., N K?V KKItlllTti>. XTATKN L l?Un<l, N. Y.?>?or open: ?peelal r?te> l>r Maj *!i4 I Jtui?, L'au ur aaorcii U. >. CCS. Ml'XMER RKSOHTX. OttfEKT h?INT lio -K. ' Orient faint, L. I., u..w open. situated an the extreme ?lid i>f l<M{ lutuid, (routing on the Sound mid Gardiner's Bay. only h 1:1 'lut'iilwalk to the witter: fine -e? bathing, driving mid ?aIllo*: ll-li'nt: eurllmt. Send tor circular. fU'plien I*. Coualln, Superintendent. W. it. PARSONS A CO., Proprietor*. BichpTkld spkixus. \ v -i' utK place. POP.* eriy llo?tord Home, opposite sprinsr; l?e?l location iu village; board $l<i t'j $14J per week; fi,->ens .1 tine 1*. P.UtKEK I). KAV. rroprirl I > I?' 11 FI K1 .!> si'lUNiSS. ilsiMtlXC IIOl'SR OPEN 1ST JV Jiiu; Wtm<,|ISlgf|& Rheumatism xnd gout cured. Illustrated circular tree. rpilK 1. \ K E llol'SE. AT MOIIEOAX LAKK. WILLI* X. open fur th* kvumiii lor summer boarders, Address 11. W. ('OLE, i'eekskill. K.T KOH s.ii,r,. t first ci,ass bakery?best i.ut vnox'TS; i"\. Brtx/kljrn; excellent bin?4u<*??; MpU*ndici opportunity. MAIjOXK, No 5 Dry bt. KINK I.It/TuR .vroKK KOIt 6KLY~|5?lA ESO Restaurants, Cigar Stares. 8ta:lonerv EAIN'i MITCHELL. 77 Ce<Ur .1. kwruRSD!i?"t:okx kk~uuroiTsrok~e; uestTn the city, at great sacrifire. MITCHELL, 77i'edarst. 4 ? BAKERIES>()U~!SAIJh:7Al.l. I'Allfs THIS CITY and Rrooklyn, t'on(retiouerien, Provision Store*. Meat Murkoli, Miri!llKLI,, 77 C-edar >t. \ Filiir clash liquor mtorr ro> iam.-is U.X. i(ii I re on the premises, corner Purs and Maxtor ?'?. \X EI.EiiAXT SAMPLE ROOM ON IlKOAlOVvY nl sale: mil it be sold immediately. even it sact'i1l''* d, <is on ner ta quite ill. Cull ou CAESTAIR.N k McCAIiL, JW Broadway. a RARE CHaHCR.?TWO XEWkTaPBS BTARDS -* V. end lttrs.'n t.outr, doing a Bowl buslneea; will be sold separately or toy*'titer. Apply at ."it!I lOtli nv. T"~i^ciioVv-sjiAi.i-i old sta xu;~oood wu V i?r i.; ii bargain. Call at 23B Tliompsou It., corner W:inlii>? square. DRY COO DS BCSINR8* ruR HALS AT VOXKKKv witli Stuck lind Kixture* complete. Apply to or ad - dres* 1'. sUA.NyNON, paitter, Warburtfin ar, yeakera, X. V JMbMAW SOI?A WATEll I''imJxtaTX.PiRS1" ( I,ass' JLi will be s.dd ill a great sapritico if applied tor lit once. __ _ SALTER & l.lffV. :wtt nth av. For saiJ:-a hkhrixo s sakkI "mkdivm size. ei mliiuatluu luck, very cheap. t!7 Murray al., KCi'ond floor. Ijunr SALE?A WELL K4TAIRLISHE0 BAKERY, ?loliig a icood safe bimlneM. Applv at "I i utli.iriiie m. ii^OR SAl.K-SKVr.KAL- TONS OK PARXK STOCK, r Applv to new mtt'NSWICK CARPET MU.I.S, New Brunawiek. X. J. BIO RES A LE?A i, A( i ER "B l1.EK MALUON } "555 > L> 1,(1 cation; a rire i*ha4ice! ^ihmI roouin nuitrheil; will bo ?old at n Kreat bar|[aiu. Applv at ll?K Madiaon hi. EflOR 8ALB-A RETAIL DRUG BTORE; AN OLD AjfB I excellent uptowii Mtnud; coinplele in tltum, glass ware, lalioriitory mid aoda I'oniituin ; dinietitioitii. J'Jx-ift feet; lea?o, .*?"> j>>*r niontii, with huaeiuriit ; ti rum, ^lAXliaah. Apply at |:>7 Hroudway. roum Hi. jBoS SALE?A KittST CIiAM LIQUOR STORK, ON A 1 nroinlnent corner, or wUI e*ehan>:e at ciiili value I >r a nimill Kiirio iu Wr?tclient?r comity, or on Stateu Island. Addreea OWNER, llerald Uptown Rrnucli oQic *. EIOR ~S AI.E-liOOO TKI ck 1 .NO H UIIK. INQUIRE for cnrniau, nt 174 and 17."? West nt. IPOR SAL% "OR JCXCIIANtJE?A TlRsT VLAsS X Kindling Rood Yerd. in lull operation, iloini; a aplen<lid bu?lnr??, an J located on uu avenue, t'all ou or aduro** ,1. K A I'Zl\N ItK Rii i'.R, lit) i Knst lutli St., rootu I, ] I'M HER YAK1) KOR" SALS?<*KK MP THE OLMtBT J and 0"->t located lumber yards in the city, with Stock, Kixlures, Oflioe, stable. ilor?ei* ami Triicka, and .Hill at tached. to close a concern. AddroKs I.I'M HER. Herald oflice. M~" ARBLE "iol>A WATER AX?> KOOl BEKlt APl'A ratiu, all stvles. for sale below rout. J. M. WHITKIEI.l) X SON, 2'12 Water Kt. a I AIVNUNE fSTAIION t 1 II ION ri I ?RAPT OS1 Ions, been in uie; picked nu May t, by Jauies m..nfleld. BARE CgARi:E~?A "iTaK(TTTasi, i.l.E'. A.v l' W IM-., Lasrer Beer anij Llqnor Store, beet loiattou ou Broad way. ueer a theatre; excellent buslnen; for sale at rent, $lx)per mouth Apply to WM. NAdEL, Notary, Kl> Norfolk tt. .No agent*. THE WELL KNOWN s \ MPLR ROOMri. 8T PRO NT *t.; day trade; bargain; this day or Wednesday at auction. U/OYO. Auctioneer, 2".? Broadway. (kOjUl WILL BDV A SMALL BUBINE8B, OAUUffl ?Jiijvf \? on thret* years bypre ee ill proprietor, ou ft It nv New York. Address tiREAT CHANCE, Jlerald Uptown Branch olltce. ANTED?IRON IM NOH I.Nli AMI TJBrfi&oTEt ii chine; aeconil band. Address A. WOLLSTAKT, !HkS Id av ~ MlSCELi.AVKOUS; ~ Hammocks and texts, wih?i.ksal>."an;d" rk VEUPLANCK. BROS..UJ Chambers >t., New Y ork. CAMERON'S TRAVEL. WHAT THE ENGLISH EXPLORES SATS OP THE AXTHBOPOLOGT OF CENTRAL APJSICA. (Prom the London Standard, May -J4.] At a meeting of tho members of tho Anthropological Iustituto ot Great Britain and Ireland Colonel Lane Fox, President, In the chair, held last evening in the theatre of the Society of Mines, Jrrmvn street, St. James, Lieutenant Cameron, C. B , Royal Navy, read a paper on the subject of the antnropology ot Central Africa. The distinguished traveller said that owing to ages of Mohammedan immigration the pure type ot tho negro did not at present exist on the Knsi Coast of Africa, from which tliey had been driven inland. In Mada gascar there were many tribes of Malay origin. Among thoso tribes were sumo who woro their hair down ( their backs to their waist, pome who had strong bark 1 woven through their wool, and others again who [ sported wigs. He then proceeded to give a rapid description of the characteristics ani manners of the various tribes along his route, by inauy ] of which hn was wurimy welcomed, uud by others | very coldly iudeed. In describing :he dress o( the hdics In various of those nations the lecturer caused considerable amusemoot among hit audience. There were ladies, he smd, in itie interior somewhat scantily, ? albeit picturesquely, clothod, who woro their hair iii vided by lour partings, euoh woven into a plait and all wound round the bead, tne ends being adorned with beads and polished steel extinguishers, so ns to lorm a coronet; others who woro tatioomg knives in their hair, and adorned or disiiv'ured their laces with paint, and again those among tlio lower classes who perfor ated tho uppor lip and Inserted a stone? which made the lip protrude like a duck's bilL Besides these, there were ladies who sported leather headdresses?tho most hideous ever invented, the likene.-ises to which when ho leit England were, ho believed, called chignons. (I-anghter.) In describing the Industries and manufac tures ot the great continent he stated that the natives in some places ground their corn with the trunks of trees; aud the pottery ware manufactured strongly reminded him ol specimens dug up In the rums of Pompeii and Herculaaeum. In his travels he camo to a country where the iron trade wss in a nourishing condition, there being ninnv iotindries about fifty feet long by thirty leet wide, where tliey frequently pot 150 pounds to ^tx> pounds of metal in a single smelling, j Here lie had seen pieces of Iron worked simply by the I hammer and moulded into various shapes, including the human lorm. us completely finished ns tf manipu lated bv the mo?t skdiui Kngiish artisan. Among the fetish moil whom he met tlio priests were for the i most part'-lever ventriloquists, an art which they put j to very profitable purpose, as was shown by the an swers ol their idols, winch were favorable or otherwise 1 according to the value ol the ottering. At the conclusion of the lecture there was a brief ' conversation, in which the Puke of Argyll, Mr. Charles j Hamilton, Sir .lohu Lubhpck, M. P., Mr. Consul Hart- i ley and other-' took part, and the proceedings termi nate! with a cordial vote of thanks to Lieutenant Cam- , eron. ALLEN A CO., SWINDLERS. William H. Everly, the man found In charge of the swindling concern ol A. K. Allen k Co., at No. 14 Parte I placo, by Captain Saunders, ol the Twenty-seventh ' precinct, on Saturday evening, was arraigned beiore Justice Wanted, at the Tombs yesterday. After Cup- | tain Saunders had explained the far-id connected with j the case the counsel lor tho prisoner claimed that beyond the lact that a Hkk.w.d reporter had received the circular ol Allen A Co. and handed it to'Capialn j S.-unders lor his action there wn- no evldeuce in tho case. I'ap'am Saunders called the attention of the 1 counsellor to a number of documents found iu-tiverly's 1 possession, proving his complicity in various swindling schemes, lite counsel said ho did not want to sen I them, i<* thev had nothing to do with the present case. ' Justice Wendell said that the Hkn.w.o was dom-: a good work Hi estopping rascally swindles by exposing ilietr < existence, and remanded I'.verly until to-day at two . o'clock. A STRANGE ABDUCTION. Tho excitement over the case of Sarah Dubois, the little girl who was abducted from the Press Police Hit reau, opposite the Central Otllce, on Saturday ni, hi, hns been considerably allayed by the finding of the child. Robert Thomson, who t(K?k the little girl from the apartments of Mrs. Honrdman, living in tho house No. ;,nl Mulberry street, was a friend of the child's mother. The latter left the city some time ago and ? placed her child tu ? harge ot Mrs. Iloardtuari. ' fh"Rip<oii, : citing that she wis not well treated. stole the girl and took her to , the bouse ol her mother'-: idiot, in Charles street. I>o- I s. riptlon-of the abdnawr and the child wet? sent out from the Central I'olM " Otfice on Saturday night Yfs- j lerday mottling information was received by Supenn- | tehdent Writing from th" Ninth precinct that the child ? had been found in i? honse mentioned, which t.i dt- ' reelljr Opposite the polk e station. Thompson appears to nave have cared tenderly lor the little girl, lor he j bocjht her new clothing betore fie took her to her griiiid-aunt't home. As soon as tie left her there he j departed, ar.d M thought t* have left the city on the steamer W-lllam Taylor. FATAL ACCIDENTS. Charles BurdorfT, five years old. of No. lfll Worth street, fell down stairs last Tuesday, at his residence, J and diejl yesterday lrom the effects ot his injuries. i j William Perkins, threo years old, of No. 10*.' Prince ? street, died yesterdav lrom the ?Bfccta ol a fall. Thomas Hunt, aged tlfty-three. of No. WW K. tit Tlilr- > ! teenth street, died yesterday lrom the cflert* ot in I June-r< ceivcd while el work 1* Brooki;n, on a new I , building tw? weeks ago. PRISON REFORM. THE FOT'RTH ANJf UAL CONGRESS TO COVTDri IB BTKINWAT BALL TO-MORROW BVEXIHO?PRO" GRAMME OF the BC8INEH8 TO BE THAKBACTBD. Tbe National Prison Association, whose chief objects are the Improvement ot the condition of prlsoaers, in tho architecture ot pn.;nr. an(l thfl of discharged prisoners, will meet atSteinway Ball to morrow evening undortbo title of the '-Fourth National Prison Rerorm Congress.? The exercises will consist ot un opening address by ex-Governor Seymour of New York, president of the association; a Ureases bv Mayor Wickbam and William Cullen Bryant; response by tho Hon. Richard Vans, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Brock way, of Michigan, aud other business. They will continue from day to day until nil the subjects have been freely discussed and action taken thereon by tho members. The Ant con grew was hold at Cincinnati In 1870, whon thirty, seven papers wore read and discussed and a decla.r-s.ion of principles of prison discipline adopted. Tho latter has bcou translated into all the principal language* of Kurope, and lias attracted much ationtlon on the other aide of Hie Atlantic. The second session was held at Baltimore in lt>;3. when valuable reports wore mude of the work done by tho members in the various States ol the I'nion. The third and last session oc curred at St. 1.01:is in 1ST4, when the spouial character mile was "a general relnlion of methods and ex perionces by the oflicors of State prisons, houses of correction and preventive and reformatory institutions In the United States." Tho programme for the work of this Congress will be as follows;? t.?CRIMINAL I.AW REFORM. 1. Would it bo desirable and expedient to limit the dciinuion and punishment of onmes by a prescribed code, to lho exclusion of Clio common law* Hon. Emory Washburn, Proiessor in tho Luw School of Cam bridge I nivorslty, Cambridge, Mass. \\ lint cbaugos are needed in the forms and methods ol criminal procedure in our courts, with a view to making the administration of criminal justice moro prompt, more humane, more elBcaclous and more con fornmble to the principles ,if reason ??Hon. UL Walker, Professor In Hie l,uw Department of the State I diversity and President ot the Hoard of State Com missioners on Charitable, Penal, Pauper and Kefornia lory Institution#, Detroit, Mich. 3. Tho lion. Theodore W. Dwight, LI- D., President of the Prison Association of Now York, Warden ol tho I,aw .school ol Columbia College and a Judge in the Special Commission ol the Court of Appeals, will probablv. either in a written piper or an extrmpart. speech, open a dis? ussion on the i{iiesiion of the proper organization State 1,art"'cut 01 Prosecuting attorneys for a 4. 15y whnt moans can a more equitable distribution or punishment, a< cording lo.tlio facts of each case as developed in the evidence, bo scoured ??Hon. William <?. Hammond, Professor acd Chuucelior of tne Law Department of the State I'niverslty, Iowa City, Iowa. ?*>. Should persons who have been so untortunato as to witness ilio commission ot a crime and who ara unable to give security for their apjvarance on the trial of the accused, bo detained in prison as witnesses* or, instead, should their testimony betaken d<-hrnr. #***, as in civil ca-os??An opener has not yet been secured lor this question. It is hoped that the Hon. John T. Hoffman, ex-Governor of New York, who as Chief Magistrate of the State, took much interest iti'tho question, may consent to open tho discussion. ?1. \\ hat roiorms are needed in the jury system of the I luted States, particularly as regards the qnalltl cations and disqualifications u< jurors'* Hon E 0 Seaman, Ann Arbor, Mich. ' ' 7. Would the abolition of the death por.altv be likely to diminish the crime of murder r What hu's been the experiences of States In which such abolishment hai been tried??Hon. Edward J. Phelps, Burlington, Vt 8. Should tho persons arraignod on a criminal oliargo be alMwea to testify m their own behalf? What has been tho experieuco of states that l?av? adopted this principle in their criminal procedure?? Hon. Robert Pitman, a Justice in the Supremo Court ol Massachusetts, New Bedford, Mass. tt. Should a criminal code provide for dealing with crime capitalists with a view to their repression Rev. J. B. Bui inner. D. I)., Sewiokloy, Pa. 10. The Hon. Noih Davis, a Justice in the Supreme Court or New York (should the stato of his health now somewhat precarious, jiermlt), will prepare a paper on some point, to he selected bv himself, in the department of criminal law reform. II.?Tim I'ENITKXTIARV STSTKM. 1. Gradation of Prisons;? {a.) How should tho prisons of a Stato he graded?? K It. Sanborn, Esq., Chairman of the Massachusetts Hoard ol State Charities, und Secretary of tbe American Social Science Association, Boston, Mass. (b.) What should be the construction of prisons in tended for women ??Joseph Burnet, Esq., President ol tho Hoard or Prison Commissioners, Boston Mass. (c.) What should be tlio systom or treatment applied to the inmates ol female prisons??Mrs. C. F. Collin member ol the Board or Managers or the Indiana Jomale Prison and Girls' Rolormaiorv, Richmond. Intf (</.) How should lockups or station houses con structed, and what should be the treatment ot prisoners confined in them??Rev. William (J. Eliot, D. *>. LI* D., President of Washington University, St Loois' Mo. ' -? What system of classification is likely to bo most elTectivo in promoting the retormation of prisoners aud so of diminishing crime 7?7.. R. Brockway, mem ber of the State Hoard ot Commissioners on Charitable Penal, Pauper and Reformatory institutions and oxl Superintendent of the House or Correction, Detroit. Mich. a What should be the discipline of prisons in gen eral, and what or convicts inside the penitentiary ?? Hon. Richard Ynux, President ot tho Board of Inspec. tors ol the Kusteru Ponlientiarv, Philadelphia, Pa 4 How should labor bo organized in prisons and what is the best construction ot pri gns for labor?? Hon. Henry Cordier, -Superintendent ol tbe House of Correct ion, Claremont, Alleghany county, l'a. ft. What system shoii'd bo adopted for 'tho common Jails of a State, Including purpose, construction and discipline??Rev. F. H. Wines, LI*D., Secretary of th? Board of Slate Commissioners of Public Charities Springfield, In. ' f?. What provision should be msdo by the State for the care of discharged prisoners, with a view to strengthen their good resolutions and Bave them from a relapse into crime??Kev. Augustus tooodbnrv President ol tbe Board of Inspectors ot tho State Prison' Providence, K. I. ? 7. What is the best general organization to be given to the prison systom or a State, with a view to its great est efficiency in accomplishing the true euds of prison discipline??Rev. James Freeman Clarko, D. D., Boston Mass. * THE FRKVKKTIVR STSTBW. 1. On whnt principle may tho State claim and exer cise the right of separating children from parents who wilfully or negligently fail in tho proper and necessary duties of the parental relation ??Hon. Datiiol Haines ex-Governor of New Jersey, Hamburg, N. J. ' 2. Are different classes of Institutions required for the treatment ot children who aro onlv in danger of failing and children who havo actually lallon into crime; or, at least, should such Institutions bo sev erally organized and conducted ??Ellsha Harris M. I> Secretary of the Prison Association of New York. * 11. Aro the public schools, juvonilo asylums, pro tectories aud reformatories suOlcicnt to meet tne wants ot society with respect to neglected, destitute and ex posed children; or do theso and such like institutions need to be sur plemeuted by the day industrial school in which only food and i nit ruction (both scholastic and industrial) are provided, the children going borne at night to sleep?-Rev.. Charles Loring Braco, Secretary of ihe Children's Aid Society, New York. 4. Does tho family or congregate system offer tbo bet-t basis lor the organization and management of re form schools, or may both principles, to a certain ex tent, be advantageously combined in the same institu tion??-Rev. Marcus Ames, ex Superintendent of the .>iat? Industrial Reform School for Girls, Lancaster, Mas-., and 11. a. iloniort, Superintendent of tha House ol Refuge, Cincinnati, Ohio i. Should Industrial and reformatory schools beStsW institutions. Intituled, supported and managed wboMv by tne State; or would ',t he better to combine privati initiative and management with state aid and supor vi-ion??Bev. Thomas K. Fessenden, Secretary of tht Board of Trustees of the Connecticut Girls'Industrial Reform School, I arniltigtou, Conn. <s. What are the agencies most likely to be efTective in the moral and religious education of' tho inmates ol industrial and reform schools ??J. R. Buchanan, M. D.. I.uulsville, Ky. V. What branches of lenrnlng should he taught In reform schools? W'hat industries are most suitable for such institutions? W hut, especially, is Ihe com parative value i>l mechanical and agricultural labor in such establishments??Samuel Alhnson, President of the Board oi Trustees of ihe Slate Reform School lor Boys, Yartlvillo, N. J. 8. What > lion Id be the modes of commitment to In dustrial and reformatory schools ? What tbe terms o| fcentfuc.e? What tne methods of disposal? What the best means ot keeping up a knowledge of their inmatci alter leaving the c-talillsliment, and thereby holding them in their eood intentions??Mrs. Marv E. Roctc. well. Assistant Superintendent of the Girls' Industrial Reiorm School, Mtddletown, Conn. !?. is It expedient lor states to found and maintain public schools for dependent aud neglected children? lr*o, on what principles should they bo established and conducted??Hon. 1). H mdatl, Secretary of the stale Public School for Neglected and Dependent CbiU dreu, Coldwater, Mich. Ill Is it expedient for Stales to establish "visiting agencies" lot their juvenile wards, like those of Mass*, chusolts and Michigan? It so, what are the proper amotions of such agencies and what the needful limita tions upon their powers??F. B. Sanborn, Chairman ot the Massachusetts Hoard of Stale Charities. Boston, and Hon. t. M. < ro.-swell, Secretary ot tb* Board of Stite Commissioner* un Charitable, penal Tanner and Reformatory Institutions, Adrian, Mich. A meeting of the Executive Committee, tbe chair men or standing committees and members of tbo press will bo held at tho Young Men's Christian A*?o> elation at two p. m. to day to arranje tho order of pro ceedings, and the Hoard of Directors ot the National Prison Association will hold lis annual meeting dunnf tbe sessions, which will likely occnpy the entira week. MATRIMONIAL INTERCHANGES* Yesterday morning Susan Kagen, of No. 345 Bart Thirtieth street, during an altercation with her has band, was struck by him with a chair and reeeired a \'\rr? n'ni""' The noslxind oscnpe?l and tb? wile bad her wound dressed and leu for hou>*