Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. -?tJ WHOLE NO. 14,533. NEW YORK. TDESDAY, JUNE 6, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. FKHH FOUR CENTS. dttectoby fok advelitisebs. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.205 BROADWAY.? open DAV AND NIGHT, FOR RECEPTION of advertisements and bales ok papers. amusements?2d Pack?mb and tfth cola. astrology?2d PACE-olb col. BILLIARDS?12th paua-titb col. BOARDER* WANTED?2d PA?e-3d col. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d fmi-uml BROOKLYN BOARD?-o Page?:id col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2s plm-llt col. 5U8INESS opportunities?fhu Pack. us1ness NOTICES?7th i'AGK-stb col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2u pace?lit eoL CLBRKS AND SALEsM EN?12tii Paub?24 ool. clothing?2d PACK-ttth col. coachmen AND GARDENERS?12ra Pagb?3d and 3d COASTWISE STEAMS ui PS?12TB Page?<lh amd 5th cols. copartnerships?9tii Paob. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Paok-sj and 4th cols. dentistry?12th PACE-4ith col. DRY GOODS?otii PAGE-Otb col. dwelling HOUSES TO LET FURNISHED amd UN furnished?2d Pack?2d eol EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12th Paob?it* ool. EXCURSIONS?12m Paob?5th and Sth cola. pinancial?9tk Paob. POR SALE?12tu Pace?flth col. ' FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartmebt8 TO LET? 2d Paob?2d col. furniture?12th pam?6th eol. HELP WANTED?KEMALES-12TB Pace?ltt and 2d coll. HBLP WANTED?MALES-12th Paob?3d col. HORSES, CARRIAGES. atl-lsr Pass?2d, 3d, 4th and 5th coin. HOTELS?2d paok-ad eoL HOUSES, ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?12th paob?3d eoL INSTRUCTION?2d Page?nth col. JBRSEY CITY', HOBOKEN, HUDSON CITY AND BER OEN REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?2d Pack?lit col LEGAL NOTICES? 12th Paob?3d col. LOST AND POUND-ist 1'aob-im col. machinery-12TH page?Sth col. MARBLE MANTELS? 12th PAGE-flth col. medical?2d pagk?Hth col. MILLINERY AND dressmaking?8tu PACB-6th ool. miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?lOn Paob?oth col. miscellaneous?12th i'AOB-tlth col. MUSICAL?2d Paok?oth eol. NEW publications?7th PACE-6tb col personal?1st Paok?l?t rol. pianofortes, ORGAN'S. AC.-2d PAOE-6th col PROFESSIONAL S.TUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Paok?lit col. PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Pace?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO exchange?2d pace-1st col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2li PACK-lit col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES-ist Pace-Ik cuL removals?2d Paob?2d col. RESTAURANTS?12th pACK-3deoI. rewabds?1st PAi;E-liit col. HALES AT AUCTION?1st Paob?5th and 6th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALKS-iitb Paob, aad 1'jth Page?1 ?t col. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th PAOB-2deol SPECIAL NOTICES? 1st Page?lit and 2d ool*. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?in paob?2d col. storage?2d Paue-uhi col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d l'a0e-4th coL the TRADES?12tu Paok-m col. the TURF?1st PAOK-2d col. TO let KOR BUSINESS pullposes?2d Paob?lit coL travellers' GUIDE?12tii Page?5tb col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO let? 2d Pack?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1st Pace-chi coL WATCHES. JEWELRY. ac.-2D PAGE-4tb coL westchester COUNTY PROPERTY for SALE OB TO LET?2d Paok?lit col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC lont PiOE-Oth col. PERSONAL. an's ADDRESS is'box'4,106 Pout olhce, New York. TOHNSON?mr. Hall MUST SEE YOU; IMPOR^ U taut; have seen Harry; a menace for you; meet me; where, write. gilbert. f EVERETT HENRY CASS. LATE A TOWN TRAY IJ eller lu London, last baaid of Juno. 1870, supposed to lave gone to America. Auy information respecting bli Bhereabouts nr death, lent to Mrs. CASS, WarOeld Lod;e, umptou, Middlesex. Eu^lan , shall b<) well rewarded. Loan opmTpera gl^i^s?hunchback?missed you lait Thuriday. Please make another appointment. Mailer WALTER. iTO E.-I HOPE FOR A LETTER THIS MORN J. iiik, darling. I long lor one. When can 1 writ* ? Isa T. here on Sth from A. ILL MRS. STEWART. WHO WAS WITH THE c. u Troupe in La Crone, Wis., In February, 1875, lend ker directions to friend B., Herald oQico. WEST pol NT sun DAY BOAT.?BRUNETTE, WItH tiny toot; gentleman In blue Hanneli. straw hat, begi four address. Address A. merriciil's, Herald office. HE YOUNG ladyintilaitk, WHO turnedback ? In Broadway and going up > tli at. entered a confec tionery, will, if agreeable, much oblige the gentleman stand iiiff by when she purcliused the box ol lionlions. by address ing a lino to Mr. LOUIS GRAFTON, Herald Uptown Branch ollicp. stating wheu aud where he may again bave the pleasure ol seeing her. 3-d AY. CAR NO. 8(1 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1 O CLOCK P. M., Sth it. to 87th st.?Will lady with black dress and kat_plea<e address GEORGE, Herald Uptown Branch uqloet RELIGIOUS XOTICks. jpHURCH OF tffg HOLY TRIMTY. mjujtsojtt?'. u and42d st.?The Bishop of the diocese will administer the rite ol confirmation in this church on Tuesday evening, J one 6. Divine service will begin at 8 o'clock. LOST A.MiJ MitNU. a go'uTbrXasSWiTwXb lost^c jftnCTTTmi A ?t.. between 5th and Hth *va.. between the hoars of 1 and 2 o'clock. A reward will be given to any one who will bring It to owner at So. 10 Oramercy park, near 4th av. Lost?a ruiiia leather wallet, containing a sum of money, two certlflcates ofitock and papers of oo value to any one but the owner. The Under may retain the money and receive a reward of $10 on return of paper* to the office of the MUNICIPAL OXYGEN GAS COM PANY. 5i3 West 41st at.. New York. LOST^THC)RSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, A SMALL white foodie, reddish hair on neck and ears, answering to the name of "Pinney." Reward will be given when re torted to Prentice House, Tompkins av.. New Brighton, Stuton Island. L- OST-ON MAY 20, IN CENTRAL PARK. A LADY'S Chatelaine, with Charms attached, one of the charms coutaiulng hair. Any one returning same to 130 East 37th ?t. will be suitably rewarded. L~0ST-J0WANI'S CANAL IMPROVEMENT BOND. No. 249 of $1,(AX>: the public are warned not to buy It, as payment has been stopped. Pindar will please notify JOHN LOKVITZ. 48 Howard St. Nkw York, May2rt. 1870. !~6sT?IN 88TH" ST., A BOY'S SILVER WaTCH, J valued at a gift: a liberal reward. OKORliK W. aCUNHA, 207 West 38th st. The-Lady who lost "diamond earring at Stern Brothers, t'tli av. and 23d st., can havo the same by proving property aud eaying tor ? als advertlsoment. KK VV AKDn ?.i liWAir-Miiffiiiici sxy jsrTotm JP1." ' man, a ted 22, red hair, dressed In working clothes; tost seen at landing. New York, same evening. Any infor natlon of him tnauklully received by his wife MART H t KLEY. Jersey St., New Brighton, Staten Island. t> | n~ REWARD.?LOST, A~OOLiTbNAMELLKDMaL |)1U tare Cross, with letters P. C., In monogram: the Allowing inscription. "Presented to N. D. Taylor, by ?" 4c. The ab?>e reward will l>e paid by returning the same to 27 Montgomery it.. Jersey City. R^wThD -LOST, ON THC~2dTH Or APRIL last, gold Watch and Chain, Cornell A Co., of Chi o, makers of watch, case No. 2 U5.">. Address RONAYNE 181 ? llliam ?t.. New York. No questions asked. 130 tago,a ft co? ?.-n REWARD WILL HE PAID POB THE RETURN tT'"' of n guld lever hunting fase stem winding Watch, stolen from Jewelry store ol Kirby A Sou, New ilnren. Conn., between the nlirM of 26tli and morning ot 28th May; manu factured by American Watch Company, which is printed on lace nndercrystal and Is markedU. A. II. 1?. I'ark road; No. ?26.002. The above reward will be paid upou presentation and no qnestlons asked. Address L. B. B., No. 20 Nassau St., room 4, New York. ^ i . SPECIAL. SOTKES. A"" MERICaN INSTITI7TE.?A RKGI'LAU MF.HTING OP this Institute will be held at its rooms In the Cooper Building en Thursday, the 8th day .>f.luiie. at 8 I'. M. O. CLEVELAND. President. CHABUB Mrk\ Lfoskr, Recording Secretary. ~A ?A.?ALL PRIZES CASHED IN GOLD AT THtt J\? office. Third l<ouisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, July 20, 187H. Capital prise $1(10. (**> gold!! 3,D!*J prises ainouuting to $.">0j.500l 20,0 0 tickets $50 currency. Coupons In proportion. Apply for Information. Ac., to WILLIAMSON A CO., ?roMta,317 Broadway. Post office box (J.O20. All diseases of the blood and nervous system treated successfully, and permanent cures guaranteed- Consultation free. Dr. WEST'S oid estab lished office, 45 Bieecker St., ne?r Broadway. LLKN A CO.." W NASSAU ST.~NEW YORK. Wyoming Lottery drsws .lune III. Capital prim. ,au $2in.00U distributed. Tickets $1; 6 for?5. cir culars mailed tret. Prises cashed. ?ISAAC O HOYcfe. 2M7 BROADWAY, LAWYER.? ? Divorces obt lined promntly. wlthont publicity: doser tlon. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, inodelity, in. bnmaii treatment, conviction of felony. Paasporta obtained. ?KENTUCKY STAti LoTTEK1ES OK J. sTliMITH . A Co. **?TrCBT?KXTRA CLASS *0. 473, FOR 1878. C3, 15, 74. 68, 24. 2, 4H, 41, *.7, 7(1, 8, 62. gaxTtTxr?class no. 474. run 187W. 0.1, 1. 6, 78, 37. 22. ??, 18. 43, 73, 80, K All orders addresp R. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Poet ?See box 4.87H, New York city. A, _^AKKl, kmTrson A CO. " ? Kentucky Stnte Lotteries, drawn daily. Royal Havana L?ittcr\. drawn nvery 17 dava. Kentucky single Number Lottery. drawn June24,1878, Prises caslied. information fnrnisneil and circulars free. 18(1 Broadwav. Post office box 5,272, New York. A?PlRttT PRIZE, $108,1)00. (/OLD. ? Vain drawing ol the Ducal Brunswick Government Lottery, from May 18 to June ?. 1*7U. CB.VO tiikrtv 2S,VXt ptires. Royal Havana Lottery. _ .. Next drawingJuue ?, 1*78. rail explanatory circular* |ree. TIIKODORK. ZSCHOCH. Bos 6.5B4 Poet office. j (it .Nassau St.. New York. D1 PISEASK8 OK MEN A SPECIALTY. HF.NltY A. DANIELS, M. I>., 114 Lexington av.. near 29th st. Office hours troiu * to 3. DR. II. J. JORDAN. ROLK PROPRIETOR OK THF. New lork Museum of Anatomy, has removed his resl deuce and office to No. & Washington place, three uoors wes: of Broadway. J?CONOMt IN (BOOKING, Heating and Drying. Far Bats, betels, restaurants, hospitals, ehurohes. public b?P- railroad ears sad private residences. fief hll particuUrs or demonstration, apply to BOSWELL HEATER COMPANY, :w Ktihon st . near Pearl, New Yors FOR A STYLISH IIA I KINK OUALil~V\ AT A Kti aoOable price, go to SliAYNK .** wiioie^aie and retail bat establishment, Wallack's Theatre l:?ildi;ig, Uioadway aad IStli st. (fPBCIAta NOTICES. B" [^fANXnCorfifBV.-XtXT^UItAWI.Vtr 0lr40.ai0 L tickets and J8UU.OOO arises. Juuo 0, lt>70. For par ticulars bJdraii H. MART1XEZ A CO., So. 10 Walt II-, basement. Poet oflloa bo* 4,1*2. N. Jt ? IIi^Ueat price paid lor Spanish gold and Havana Bank bills. Drafts oa Havaaa in all amount* I?ad. K -CHRONIC t'iU'AUKH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED > method; ia*tanian*ou? reli*f; permanent car**. l>r. STODDAliD Nik It Wes* 14tb*t. IT ?$800,000 IN PHIZES. EVERY OTHER TICKET 1 ? a prise. Kentucky Stat* tingle number Grand Dil tribution draw* Juue 24. SO.QUO tickets, 26.4'JO prises. Wliola ticket*. $10; halve*. $3; quartern. ?2 SU Royal Havana Lottery. tu be drawn June 6. Wliola tickets. fc<>: tentlift and twentieth* in proportion. Kentucky State Lotteries, drawn dally. For information, circuian, la, addres* or apply <? JACKSON A CO.. Ban?*rs.j?B Broadway. N*w York city. 8W YORK HISTORICfC, SOCIETY ?A STATED meeting will be held at Am library, on Tuesday avail ing. June 0, at 8 o'clock ; Kev. K. 11. Chapin, L>. D., will read a paper on "John llamixRfc." A MEDICAL ESSA* res delivered at Kahn's Mn lt>e caiifte and cure of Pre atly bow lost health may iptia ol the Impediments to _ iriim and rihvsicai debility. l.eing the result of 20 veara' experience. Priee 23 cents. Aa Ure?i the author. Dr. L. J. KAHN. office and residence 31 East 10th sk So ?> York. Nervous exual'stuii comprising a series ol 1? _ stum ol Anatomy. New York, i mature Dccliua. showing India be rcgaiued, ulTordinx a clear I marriage and the treatment ol) ok HKMouiiUoi Original painless treat in quired: no fees until cifred, cl Or. BTODDARD, LOTfM I RADICALLY Cl'RED. I; two to lour weaks re ilars I roe. office No. 8 Wost Hth it. Royal Havana lothr.?mooajuo will bb drawn on June ll. Prise* cashed : orders Mad: Infor mation lurntshed; highest rate* paid hi* Spaai*fc Mils, go? ernnients. Ac. __ TAYLOR <t CO., Bankers. X* 11 Wall St., New York. gj ?OFFICIAL DRAWING*! KKNTL V KY STATE LOT )? ieri<'*.?SIMMONS X DICKINSON. Managers. Kk.nrri KV. KXT It A CLAM 60, 0, 40. :u, ai, 74. KKMI'Ctr, CLASS SO. 34, 69. HI. U. ?2. 3 t, HE*nr. 11 "titA cuts* 38, 37. 2. 4m. a. Hi, HE Mir, CLASS NO. 2U?? Jt;HTt 5, 1M76. 28. 20. 7li, 14, 28. 65. HO, 2. 34, 38. 73. 03. 3C.1?JfNK \ 15173. S3, It. 05. 07. 8. l!?K l?7fl. *?, 71. 2*. 71. 66, 11, 20">?JIMC 1K7U. X?. 33, 47. 60. 43. Ui", kXI, s?cr, lU, ?"?? ??*? Oil, w, J, iV?, ?)0* Full inlormatloii by applying to or addressing J. CLCTE A CO.. 200 Broadwny, or box 4.SM3H Post office. _S300,000Tvi'HUES?ETKIIY OTHElt TICKET A . Prise.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S sinirlc number Kentucky State Lottery to be drawn Juna 24, 1870; 23,430 prizes nut or .10,000 tickets: also Itoyal Havana to be drawn on June 0, 18711 J. CLU 1'E A CO., 20O Broadway, or bos 4,!?>U Post office. rPUE NKW TOUK ORPHAN ASYLUM SOCIETY WILL 1 hold its Seventieth Anniversary oa Tuesday, JuneO. nt the Infttftution, on the B?ul*v*rd, corner Wast 73d st., at 3 1*. M. lMhr. Dr. Nowlon will deliver uu address and the children willllake part in the exercises. Friends of the Society are cordiidnr invited to attend. SPORTING-DOGK7 UlltDS, div. POOLS SOLD AT 318 RUTLKDOE ST.". SE Ait L'nToS Grounds. Hrooklyn, this nfternoon; Mutual* vs. Cin cinnati. Union Grounds; HartloML vs. St. Louis, at Hart lord; Chicago vs. Athletic, at PMladelphia; Louisville vs. Boston, at Boston. HKIBKRT A McCLOUD. THE Tdfir. A 1870. at Jerome Park, :id. Oth hth, loth. 13th. 13th and 17th June. Races commune* each day punctually at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT, President. C. Wheatlt, Secretary AUCTION AND FRENCH I and evening at NEW YORI West 28th St., ou the JEROME 1 PHILADELPHIA Trots. Promt mail or messenger. OOLS SOLD THIS DAY : TURF hXCHANGE, 1? 'ARK Ruuulng Races and attention paid orders by li?.LY. BLISS A CO. A UCTION AND FRENCH son's Rooms, corner of Broi morning and evening this week and trotting at Philadelphia, graph. All orders by mail, telagri attonded to. T.7 ILS bOlti} AT JOHN * fay and 28th st., every tM Jerome Park races th raco received by tole or messenger promptly * W. H. JOHNSON. \ UCTION AND FRENCH PoOtS SOLD AT THOMAS' J\. Kacliange, 1,280 Hroaduray, *v*ry morning and even lug during the week on the Jeroiae Park running also the hase ball irames. the blllla bicycle race which takes placs evening. races, tournament and the the Rink Wednesday 0. M. THOMAS. DBKBFOOT driving park.?second kpking meeting. Firm day?Tuesday, Juae U. 1'arito, <150. Three minute class-M. S.Curry. b. g. Billie, T. Ogle. b. in. Richmond. J. Smith. ?. g. Robin. J. H. Conklln, b. g, O.vstor Boy, George F. Junes, b. g. Beitoru Boy, Ooor^u M. Reeiuer. l>. iu. Mary Reenter, J. Langan, b. g. Billy Cook, D. M. San ford, b. m. Flora. Name day. 2:3S class?W. Baaford, b. sn. Carrie, N. J. Demon, b. g. Jersey, John T. Crane, r. tr. St. George, A. Hopkins, g. c. William R. Roberts, W. Bodlne, b. m. Lady Mills. Jobn|Langau, c. g. Major Lambert, I. Tront, blk. it. W. 11. Admission, $1. Knees will commence- at 3 P. H. sharp. WILLIAM McMAHo.N, Proprietor. LEETWOOD PARK offers the following purses to ne trottedFriday, Jona 9, at 3 o'clock P. M., Purse of $|tio, fbr horses that have not trotted better^ AO; $00 to llrst, #30 to second, 010 to third. Hume day. Purse of $150, (or horses that Itava not trotted better 2:-'5; $00 to first. 940 to second, f20 to third. All 10 bo mile heats, 3 in 5, iu harness: national rales to govern; en trance 10 per cent of parse. Kntries close Wednesday, June 7,11 P. M., and should be addressed to GATES U. BARNARD, President, ? Fleetwood Park. Morrlsania. J" KROM K PARK RACE I. - A RT<p HOU sY~ STtGE will leave ut 12 :30 P. M. for the tgees; round trip, <2. VTEW YORkTaND HARLEM R ABROAD. J.1 Jeromo Park Raaak June M, 0, H, lO, 13, IS und 17. Special trains, with reserved cars lor ladles, will leave Grand Central Depot on race days at 1:30 and 2 P. M. Re turning alter the races. Fourth avemia cars run direct to depot. Excursion tickets, 40 cents. O. M. BI38ELL, Superintendent. T~ ATTERSALL'S TURK AGENCY. 1,227 BROADWAY, will have their olOce on the "bluff." at Jerome Park. Liberal odds on all races: telegraph board, with starters, winners, Ac.; bets from $1 upward. WAVKRLKY PARK.?THE ANNUAL SPRING MEET ing will take place June 13, 14 and 15; entries will close at Coben A Sandford's, 41 6th av., New York, and Tanner A Gardner's, Windsor Hotel. Newark, on Saturday. June 10. ?t it o'clock P. M. COHEN k SANDFORD. "HOUSES. CARniAGKi?r<8Cr Sf EXECUTOR'S 'SALE OF TUB I'OLLOWINO VALUABLE TROTTING HORSKS, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, HARNESS, BLANKETS. ROBES, Ac.. 4c. TO BE SOLD AT PCHI.IO AUCTION TO-MORROW (W r.DN KSD?V). .1UNE 7, AT U O'CLOCK PROMPT. AT THE PRIVATE STABLE NO. ? WEST 1DTH ST., Near Filth avenue. Including the fast and higlt bred brown Trotting Mare Lady Mills, l.V? hands liiuh, I) years old, sired by Alexan der's Norman : datn, a thoroughbred. Lady Mills, when 5 years old, trotted a inlle in 'J :35't, and two miles in .'>:1SV, tnen known us the Paterson Mure. Slie I- aline, stylisii driver, blooded in appearance, and is as gaine a trotter , as goes the road. She can trot in 2:3S to toad wagon. and can always beat 2:35 on any good track, aud is warranted sound and kind. Fast, handsome and high bred bay Trotter Trouhler, 15t^ hands liigh, <1 years old. raised bv James Van Aredale. Esq., in Orange county, ami sired by Edward Everett; dam. a Star mam. and known as the Seeley Mare; lie wns broken aud trained by Mingo, and when 4 year* trotted in 2 :42; was driven by J. Murpby last fall a mile in 2 -.37, without training, on Fleetwood track; he can go to track any day anil bent 2:35. and has no superior lor a roadster; be is warranted sound and kiud. 'the beautilul chestnut Gelding Prince, sired by ConUlIn Star, dam by Highlander Chief, IV high, 7 years old : he is a very stylish, prompt driving horse: thoroughly broken in harness nr saddle ; is sare for a lady to ride or drive and Is a horse of extraordinary bottom, having trotted Hve miles over the Snffolk Park Course, Philadelphia, in 14 miautes and 22 second- and a single mile iu 2:3d; lias a mild, amiable disposition, and a v. ry pleasant road horse, as he Is not excitable iu company; palls weight well, and ii war ranted sound and kind. The very fast sorrel Gelding Dictator, 15,'i hands high, 8 vears old; was sired by Psars?ll: he by Jupiter, dam by Stinerb Dictator: last lull trotted around tin- Uo lien half mile track withont training in he ii perfectly broken ; sale for any one to drive or Care, and for style and' speed he ennnot be ?urpa?-ed : ho Is warranted sound and kind Beautilul sorrel Gelding, White-torklnga, sired bv Honest Allen, dun hy Young MOrel. trotted at Mystic Par* last spring In irciitleni'in's road raco. to a road wagon driven ny J. Rogers, Esq., In 2:44. Jtlfl and 2:42; be Is lo>4 hands high, very powerfully built. ttyears old. good gaited and an extraordinary cool breaker and catcher; does not pml, sale for anypody to drive ;'i? a good polo horse and warranted sound aud kind The line brown Mare, Jennie; has always been nsed by ladies aud children, both in harness and under saddle: la not araid of the cats; will stand without tieing and is safe under all clrcum-tatices; she Is very prompt driver and can tint in three miunti s. aud fur ladies' and children's use is Invaluable: Is 7 j oars old and warranted sound and km.I. Carriages consist of extension top Pbaetoii, one Queen's Phaeton, one canopy top l'ony Ph teton, one Windsor top side httr Road Wagon, one full spring top Wagon, single and double Harness. Blankets. Sheets, Robes, 4c. Sale positive, rain or shiue. T -B ASKKT PH A KT<) NS. T CA RTS, BERLIN LAN ill ilaus. l.andaulets. Depot Wagms. Cabriolets, patent circular lionts; Coupe Itockawavs. at greatly reduced prices. llAM'S, HW Broadway. Tt mIalf costTtYvo ki.kcTan r~phakn>ns, one /V >ests four persons: two lull spring top Wagons, two side bar., light Roa.l Wagon, single and double Harness; all nearly new; best City makers. Private stable 33d st. and 4th av. A GOOD SECOND 11 AN D LIGHT LaNDAU. CLAR J\. etice ; new style Coach. four and si* seat I'liaetous, six new top side-bar Wagons, of ray own. Jut finished J. W. PITNEY. 4603d av. A ?ONE OF THE FINEST TlIRNoUis IN THE CITY. . b iy llantbletonisii Horse. ii', hands high. II years old. trot In 2 :4i: warranted sound and kind; Win.l-.or top single scat R->ad Watron, made by Brewster; cost #41*0; only nsed a few times; tine Harness; no humbug. No. -*> West 13tk st? AWfipt Ei.Ri;ant park phaeton. skats six, hi n.r by t'orbett; also Coi-pe Kockaway owned by private latnilv leavli.g the ilty; will sell very low. Arsenal Stables, &>th st . near Broadway. AU|f tIE.ITLEMAN GOlSG AKKOAO WILL SKLL ONB "ol the finest anil t'.istest roa.l Hor?es Iu the city: Jet black; 1*>S hands high ; s. rears old : can trot b-tter than 2::t>: is verr fine galled; not escitahle In company: does not pull when speeding; is an extraordinary pole horse and does n->( wear I Can he seen at 115 Eaet 3M St. At i K N ILK M A V GUI SG ABROAD (IFKKM A hlk'hly hre-t Mare lor -ale : suitable lor road or park: a snlendid |>ol.< mare. In.pilre for THOMAS, the groom, pri vate stable 2S West 44th st. I handsome r CAir, with pair ok morses'. XV. to let tor the races; alsolligbt Wayons, sluele and double Teams, very stylish, at Arseual stabler, :15th st, near Broadway. i II. . BUSINESS WAtioNS, ALL MIXES. $H) TO ^Vs f 17.1. Iltr exprtss, g.ocers. bnicbers, bakers; Milk, l.anndry, l'a<'kage. Depot, L>elivery Wagons. Wagou Van ufaciorr. 2211 Spring St. It A I'.l J AIN FOR ""CASH?A~ FIRST CLASS"TOP Bugtrv aao fttie H arness will be sold less than half value at private stable No. 13 West 2*tb St. Also abeantllul top Pony Phaeton. SIDE BAR IOP WAUON. CORBUTT * cTT, makers, good order, lor sale cheap, price 9140; also U.J top K.'Ml Wa/en, price 8100. i httiJOON'S stables, .'?Jd St.. near Uih av. , ?FOR SALE CHEAP. A THOROUGHLY HROKK . Kentucky saddle and harness Horse ; top Phaeton; top Koa-I Wagon; Una sinirie llamess; egteasion top Park Phaeton. Inquire ut prls ate stable I-J East Idih st., be tween Irving p!a< e aud .id av. HORSES, CARRIAGES. ?C, tftTION HOUSg OK ARCH.JOli NSTO.N. ~~ ID. 21. 23 aul J.', THIRTEENTH STREET, nnrUBl'erillr iIkd. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARE HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT lo O'CLOCK. ON BVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 1101'IIS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. THB OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RE LIABLE HOl'SK in THR CITY. PARTIAL CATALOGUE OK THIS DAY'S (TUB*. DAYl SALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT FAMILY BSTBALIAnMENT?Team chest uu? and bay (carriage) Horse*. well matched la site, gait and action; trarel like one horse; driv% equally well in single <>r double harness; have not a rice, fault or trick of any klud; have been u?ed In city and country by present owuer lor paat two year*; aro nut ufraid of a locomotive or any thing (In, and do not shy or pull, are IB hand* high. U years old. and in every way one of the finest teams. single or doable, in the city, and war ranted sound. Set double Harness. in rood order, by Lowden. EL.EGANT LANDAU, murocco lined. by MiMr k Steven*. FINE BAY COUPE HORSE. 16 hnnds high. ? year* old, klud lu (Initio and double harnen; has Hot a vice, fault, or trick of any kind; has doe style and action; has been used Inelty and country as fam ily carriage burse; is not afraid of a locomotive or anything else; is a free, pleasant driver, needs no urging; has greet endurance; is in every way re liable: warranted sMtid. SKT COUPE HARNESS made to order. LIGHT COUPE, eloth lined, in good order, by Miner k Stevens. EXTENSION TOP 0ABB10LET, nearly new. Bradley ? * Co. FIXE BLACK HORSE, 1-Vi hniid*,7 years old; kind in all harnees and under saddle; has been used by present owner In suburbs of an adjacent Mva as family and business horse; has not a vice, lault, or trlrk ol any kind; locomotive parses house every hour ;i? not afraid of anything: s?(b for any one to drive and In every wuy reliable for family or road: warranted sound. EXTENSION TOP PARK PHAETON, nearly new, Bradley. Prav k Co. DAPPLR BROWN KENTUCKY MARE. 15* hands high. 8years old; kind In all harness and wider saddle; free !r?m viee or trick of any klud; hits been used exclusively us a family home: is uot afraid of unytlilug; women and children can ride or drive him : one of the gentlest and most reliable family horses in the country; wan brought froth Kentucky by prosent owner; warranted sound. "C" SPRINlI PONY PHAETON. la good order; by Wood Brothers. CANOPY TOP PHAETON, little used: city MPt. BAY HORSE, 1M; hands; 7 years; klud (? all bar ueaa and under saddle; free from vice; bat been used for a fau.lly and treueral business horse; can be driven by any one; is uot afraid of anything and ? thoroughly reliable horse for auy use; war ranted sound. S. B. ROAD WAGON, P. k 3., in good order, by Dubois. WESTCHESTER ROCKAWAY, In good order, by J. K. Lawrence. ELEGANT PONY HORSE, full inane and tall; 4fl Inches hlah ; 7 years old: kind in all harness and nnder saddle; U a perfect pel for ladies and chil dren to tide or drive; Is not amid of anything, and In every way thoroughly reliable; without raalt, vice or trick ol any kind; warranted touuil. NO TOP PONY PHAETON, lu good order, elty built. THREE VICTORIAS, light and In goodordor. LIGHT BAROUCHE. hv Wood Bros. A LARGE ASSORTMENT ol every kind of Carriage, Was tou. Harnett, Robes, .It., tuis day. at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart. 19 to 25 13th St., near University place. Weather never Interferes with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. A T PUBLIC AUCTION. ii. THIS DAY (TUESDAY), JUNE 6, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M., at private stable. No. 20 East 20th St.. BETWEEN MADISON AND ftTH ATS., a great and Important bunkrupt sale ol all the valuable high bred lust trotting Horees.elogant Carriages, One Unroot*, 4c., the property ol' Herbert B. Doble. Esq.. INCLUDING THE HANDSOME MAY UELDING AMER ICAN BOY, tl years <ild. lAWj hands high; tlowlug man* and long tail; tine style and action; well broke in all harness; raised by .Mr. Backman, Orange county. New York; trotted three heats on Goshen Track, at 5 years old. in 2-.-II, 2:38 and 2 ; ho can trot much faster now. as be hail best of care and good handling; as a gentleman's road horse ha ha* uo superior and few equals; he is warranted sound and kind in every particular: he was"sired by Kysdik's Hambietoulan dam Lady Taylor. BEAUTIFUL BAY MARE KENTUCKY GIRL. 8year* old, hands, raised by Mr. Tenbrooke, Scott county. Ky.; sired liy Alexander's Abdallab. dam the fatuous trotting mare Kate Thorn, record 2:21. by Imp. Trnstee; this mare shows her line bteeding; she took pteminm at State> Fair when 0 years old as th* htndtomert and fastest, where she got* record of 2:26: she can show all her heat* Inside of 2:30; the Is a square, level trotter; don't lugorpull; she has been ridden and driven by the Misses Doble; the Is war ranted perfectly sound and kind in every particular. STYX IS H BAY GELDINO PRINCE. ? .years old. 1ft* hand: Mowing mane and tall; nstd for faintly and road driv ing: mod single and double; I* an excellent saddle bore*; would make a splendid coupe or match horse, having great strength aud endurance: be is a remarkably >ne driver; can be driven np to a locomotive with safety; can show a mile under the watch in 2:S0;k* it warranted tound and kind in every particular. BEAUTIFUL BAY SADDLE AND DRIVING MARE combined, 0 years old. lMi bands; railed In Kentucky; tlre'i by Imported Fearnaught. dam Lady Messenger; sho hat been used lor family use, never trained for trotting on track, but has shown groat spued; has been driven to the pole with Amerioan Boy, and thoro are bnt two teams gn the road can outtp-ea them; she showed a mile around Fleetwood track In 2 ?43; she it fully warranted sound and kind. BEAUTIFUL BAY LADY'S PONY, with Phaeton and Harness an complete, which was weed by Kits Doble; pony was purchased expressly for her usti; it Is without any ex ception the most perfect and lieu broke pony for ladles' use that can be found; Is (I yearn old, I ft hand*; very stylish -, a free and pleasant driver; sired !>y Volunteer, dam a Messen ger mare: he can trot a mile In 2:40 or betier to pony phae ton. He is warranted sound and kind in every particu ar. N. B?THE ABOVE HORSES MUST UK ShEN TO 1IE APPRECIATED. THEY WILL HE ALL FOUND AS REPRESENTED, AND IF NOT FOUND AS WARRANTED AFTER 24 HOURS' TRIAL. CAN BE RETURNED AND MONEY WILL HE REFUNDED. ONE 8IDE-UAR TOP WAGON. WITH POLE AND SHAFTS. BUILT BY J. B. BREWSTER, OF 25TH ST. ALSO ONE FULL SPRING, WITH POLE AND SHAFTS. BEAUTIFUL TOP PONY PHAETON. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, BY DUNSCOMB, ALL GOOD All NEW, AND MUST BE SOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDER, KKiiARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. ALL ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE AND RIDE BE HIND ANY OF THE ABOVE HORSES AND TEST THEIR SPKED ANY TIME PREVIOUS TO SALE COACHMEN IN ATTENDANCE. SALE ABSOLUTE AND POSITIVE. RAIN OR 8HINB, NO POSTPONEMENT. 4 -MAJOR CL'AS. W. BARKER, auctioneer. A. TOR HANDSOMEST EVER SEEN. PRONOUNCED BY JUDGES to bo the HKST LOT of COACH. SPEED AND SADDLERS SEEN IN NKW YORK KOK FIKTEEN YEARS. CAPTAIN GEORGE D. 11 ANNA, of Hmtrbou county, KENTUCKY. takes pleasure Id announcing til* KOI'II TEENTII unparalleled SALE of the iastest OKI-EN TROTTERS In the world, jnst arrived Irom KENTUCKY, to lake place at It VKKKR A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattrnall'n. corner ot Broadway and :it>th at., to morrow (Wednesday), Jans 7. at II o'clock, and coraprlning TWENTY-SIX HEAD of the richest bred in the country. Including the get of llerr'i Mambrlno, I'atchen, Blliv Ooldduit, Woodford'* Matubrino. Ac.. Ac.-, ami coii ?lating of green TROTTERS that can trot in from .4 minute* down to 2 lj; three extraordinary Iri high superbly matched coach TEAMS, chestnut* and black*, or unequalled rich appearance and *tyle; h nuulier 01 elegant COUPE MAICH orTCart HORSES; a PACING Gelding that can BEAT - :'f >. and the balance the mint unequalled lot ot PREMIUM combined lailiea' and geulle men's SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES evrr brought from Kentacky; stock all warranted sound and kind, and are now at the Mart lor trial Or. john W. CLARKE, agent for Captain flanna i? now on hand to give every body the opportunity c>r riding and drlrlnr and test Iiiit the ?addle qualities and SPEED of unv ot the lot I1EKORK the time or SALE. Catalogues ready. Sale positive. No postponement. ?MAJOR CHAM. W. BA3KBR, AUCTIONEER . EXTRAORDINARY 8AI.E of CONTRACTOR'S DUMP WAGONS, CARTS. HORSES. Tean. Harness, t'art Harness, Ac.. Ac., at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattersitil's. corner of Hroadway and 30th st.. on Saturday. June 1<>, at 11 o'clock, the property of a well known CONTRACTOR retiring from business, and comprising TWENTY FIVE four-wheeled DUMP WAGONS, tu fine order, tbf! l>e*t In u<? for moving rarih. s.iud, gravel, bricks, sto'io and ftir nil practical purposes; dump on cither side. SkVENTKEN. two-wheeled Carts, all in line shape and as good as new. SIXTY-KoCJR SETS of double Wagon, Stage orTruck Har ness. with Collars, Bridles, Line*, Ac., complete; ail nearly new. TEN SETS Cart Ifarnes*. fine order. I'AIK OK superior heavy Draught Horse*. WEIGHT 3.SOO POUNDS, HUd warrantou to be equal to auytbing of their weizht. PAIR OK closely matched bay Gelding*. 15?? hands high, 6 and w years old; better than ordinary travellers; also a very elegant set of light double Harness. Sl'OCK WILE bo on exhibition Wednesday Bext up to ?ale ; sale without reserve or post|Hin-nieut. THE SPECIAL attention ot contractors, TRUCE MEN and FARMERS is directed to this sul*. Arch~john?ton\ auctioneer,' WILL MuZ tlii* day, at hi* Mart. 10 to 26 lUtb at.. Mar Univeriity place, this day at 10o'clock, 2 ELEGANT LANDAU TURNOUT. TEAK, 16 1IANDS. | THREE ELEGANT COUPE UORKKSL = TWO LANDAUS AND COUPES. *"9 TWENTY-FIVE IIORHKM. Description, time of iile? < weather never interferes with our falee?eee cata loiCUtt ?TO LET?THE PI WES?" HORSES AND WAGONS ? In the State: llorsea, stylish Wagon* and Harness, [ new, at tbo Uuiou Club stable, :U East lotb *u, near liroad- I way. -FOR SALE, A CANADIAN PONY; ALSO TWO ? other Horses: suit farmer, grocer or Buy builncs*; cheap. 104 Elirabath st., between Browne and Grand st*. A CHANCE TO BUY HORSE. KIT FOR A LADY TO drive. Hemes* and Pheatoa, *300; a splendid Landau, WO: 2 ?erv handsome Shetland Ponies, very cheap, at 1JU West SOilt st. OE NT LI'. MAN. iIaVING DISPOSEB OF iTTs team, offer* his two seat top Wagou for tale cheap, lnqiilru at 75 1st av., New York. A ?KOR SALE. RARE CHANCE. EIGHT HORSES, ? fit lor any kind or business; also my Road or Kauitly llorse. Apply at 41 illeerker st.. in rear. GOOD HORSE AND TEAM OF MULES FOR sale.?Apply at tl'Jtt :td av.. Brooklyn. CRYSTAL UAH, NEARLY NKW, CARRIKS SIX |n>lil?; also line assortment ol Pony Pbart<>ns, wltli leather or canopy tops. tMYI.BR A CO.. MM Broad* iiy. V~K< m SALE.'sy U A KB~tt< JX IiKaTIIBR Tt?P FULL ? spring eltv made Wagon, in perfect order, used only- a lew time*, with light, new Harness Inquire #f SMITH, United Mate* Express Stables, 3'Jd st., between Lexington and 3d avs. A LATEST STYLE SIDE-BAR TOP WAGON AND road Harnesa at great sscriflce: made to order; best makers. BoarJIng stable, 210 East AOth at. IlrUR SAI.K, T 11KEK HORSES; SUIT FARMER, . gr icer or any business; six day*' trial allowed. 2ul Oraad >t., near Mult. A-FOB SALE, SETBN HORSES; SUIT FARMING, ? tracking or any basin***. No. * Vestry *t., between Yarick and Uudiot*. HORSES. CAttftl JiGKS. <SC. Auction"house T?r Van" TAssSll A KjLkS&k*f. 110 AM) 113 EAST I3IH ST., -SKAIt 4TU AV. REGULAR SALKS OP UORSE8 AND CARRIAGES, EVERY TUESDAY AM) FRIDAY. On every horse tbat ia * arranted aouud or kiud and true la harnasa, Irom una tu three diji 1* gitca In t?tt war MM CATALOG UK OK THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY) BALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT EXTRA STYLISH AND Itcnteel pair Imy Geldings, 15'i hand* biili. 7 hu'J 8 yuan od; kind Mini truo in alTharneaa; bav? uo vice Of trick : are apleudid driven double. alutfe or tandem ; are both us line leaders aa any lu tbe couutry; are afraid of nothing: neither aby uor pull; they cull trot In about 3 minima together, and are wariauted aouud. Hct aiiver n mimed Manic .? aud POUR-SEAT PARK PHAETON. GOOD AS NEW, BUILT by lloudlev. ELEGANT POSY ESTABLISHMENT?DAPPLE BROWN PON Y. 14 bAiidi high, H yean old; Uind and true In all kiruM, free from vice; nn extra middle tiouy; Ij very haudaoine and atyliah und prompt and handy driver; baa been used by a ludy the pa?t two years and Is iu ? very respect one of the aai'est und tluost ponies iu the city; alio net gold mounted Harness, in good oruer, and TOP POSY PHAETON on C SPRINGS. FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT?TEAM BAY HOUSES. Hll> b.iuda high. 7 and H yoan old: kind and true iu all uaruesa; free from vice ; bave Sue ktyle aad action, feat iintliln^; are a Oral claaa family carriage team, and cau be driven bv any one. SILVER MOUNTED DOUBLE HARNESS, IN GOOD order. ELEGANT FRENCH LANDAU. BUILT BY BINDER, of Parii, and good a? new. BAY UlLUIHO ROYAL GKORGE, GOT BY ROYAL Ge?gu, dam by Rvadyk'a llaoibletonlan; flue, lull maw and tall; lt>?^ hands high, IIyears old; kind and true lit* hII harness; tree from vice: la a ?yllsli and bandv driver; be trotted laat )ear a lull mile iu "J -.33^ and can bent 2:10 now; he ba<< never trotted lor ?u?ue\. onnae>|uently bus no record, but baa been u?ed exclusively for a road horse, and if pnt in triiitiiug would make a VERY VALUABLE TRACK HOltSK ; la very steady and reliable, poaaesaci grout bottom aud endurance, mid la warranted aouud. Alio Harness and TOP WAGON. NfcARLY NEW, BUILT BY WILSON A TBAV BAY H0RSE8. Ill HANDS HIOH, 7 AND 8 years <dd: kind and true in nil haruo?a; free Iroui vice; {irompt ituil atyllali driver*; good traveller*; uu cxcel snt learn lor iuuiily driving or itoneral use} alao aet Harness and CLARK MK, IN liOOD ORDER. BUILT BY DUNN. CHESTNUT GKLDING (THOROUGHBRED). GOT BY ASPEROI I). d:im Hilly Lewis, by Revenue, formerly the property of P. Lortllard, Kan.; foaled 1H72; 1 .'>i? hand, high; baa no vice or trick; la well broken to saddle; I* vory compactly built, with plenty of bone aud muscle: would l.e admirably adapted to HURD LING or STEKPLKCliASING and la warranted ion lid. CURTAIN COACH, IN GOOD |OKDKR, BUILT BY llre<r?terft Co. HANDSOME BROWN GELDING. 16 HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD; klml aud true in all harness; perfectly free from vleo or trick of nuy kiud; lie ia one of tbe flneat and mo-t reliable horses iu New York for road i r carriage Bio; can pull two men top Wagon A FULL MILK IN 2:'mOR liKTl'KR; biia aixe and strength euoMftU to draw u coupe; ia perfectly gentle and docile, dooauot pull or ally, and altogether ia one ot the moat desirable ro id ami carriage horse* coinbinod ever of trred for aale; lie li afraid of nothing and ia warranted soand. Alio aat Harness and ELEGANT FOUR-SEAT PHAETON, GOOD AS NEW, built by Wood Brotliora. BROWN COUPE HORSE, 16* HANDS HIGH, 8 yean old; kind and true In all narnaaa; fioo Irom viae; liaa due aiyle aud autiou; ia a Ireo and plaaaont driver and ? lir-t claia coupe horae. Set Coup* llarneaa and COUP IS, IN GitOD O (DEB. BROWN PONY HOB8K, 15 HANDS niGH, 8 YEARS old; kind und true iu all liarneaa and under aaddle; Ire* Irom vicu or fault; can trot batter than 3 tninntea; liaa been driven by a lady the two yeari; la a tuperlor.puny for family uie aud warrauted aouud; aUo a t llarntiha aud TOP PONY PHAETON. AS GOOD AS NEW. BLACK IfcNNY. ao INCHES HIGH, S YEARS OLD; well broken to linraera; tree from vice or fault; aale for children to rido or drive and warranted lound; alio net Hnrnena and PONY WAGON. BLACK TROTTING HORSE, 1SV HANDS HIGH, 9 years olii; kind and true In all liarncai; free from vice; a superior roadster; la warranted to trot better than three mlnutei or uo aale; doe* not shy or pull; can be driven by any one, and warranted aoand. TOP ROAD WAGON. NEARLY NEW. GRAY I'ON%13 HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD; KIND andtrue in all liarneaa; tree from vice; extra tine under aaddle; Una been uaed by ladlei und children, ?ndla In every way aafe and reliable; alto let Har neaa and BASKET PONY PHAETON. NEARLY NEW. MAHOGANY HAY HORSE. KO4 HANDS HIGH, 7 year*old; kind and true In nil liaruexa: iree from vire; a oroni ]' t und atyliah driver; can trot better than 2 :o0, ? Brat class horae for ccntioman'a roau uae and war ranted -ound; also aet llarneaa and SOP WAGON. WITH POLE AND SHAFTS, BUILT BY William Roaa. VERY HANDSOME BLACK GELDING, HIRED BY Young Morrell. Ii 15J> handa, 7 yoart old; kind and trnainall harneia; free from vice;troti cloaa to 3 minutca, and li uu extra tine roadatar. BASKET PHAETON WITH CANOPY TOP. DARK BAY COUl'K HORSE, 1U>4 HANDS HIGH, 7 years old: kiud aud true in all harueas; tree from vice; a cood, Iree traveller and a Brit elaai coupe or earriaga borae; al-o aet liariieaa, and COUPK IN GOOD ORDER. BLACK HORSE. HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD: kind ami truo iu all baruela; free from vice; a good traveller and a prompt and Myliilt driver. ROCK VVtAV, CITY BUILT, ACm. IN GOOD ORDER. SEVERAL ofrllKR UOOD ROAlJ, FAMILY AND WORK Horse a. Six aaat Roukaway, Curtain Coach, by Dunn. No top Phaeton. Kuention top Phaeton. Victoria, very linlit. Six sent I'h.ietou. No top pony Pliaoion. Jajfter Saddlea and Urldlea. Douole and ainicla Harnen. SALE COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. A B * ROAN CHUNKY PUNY BUILT HORSE, 7 YEARS; A free. stylish driver; two oilier hortet; very cheap; suitable Tor truck, milkman, batcher, family uie, farming, Ac. til Canal it., taloon. TKAM MKOWN HOKSE8, 15& HIOH, 8 AND 10 years old; tonnd and kind, tinglo or double. No fair offer refuted at 1,400 Broadway, corner of 39th m. A GENTLEMAN, HAVING LOST IMS HORSE AND Jr.L not wishing to ride auy more, will diapoto or bli Tory liue top tide-bar lload Wugon aud top Pony Phaeton, both almost new and built by best city makers; no raasonabla offer refuted. Inquire at (table 13a West Slat it. "I oNKlToiisiTtruck, as uood .aFnew. 1120; A. three good Work lionet, price $3o and {100; uuit ?ell. 11 mlton it. UOOl) HORSB AND TRUCK IWR SALE-A LSO~A Kurnlture Store; or exchange. UAKFNEY A Sill i ll. Auctioneers, 1? Centre St. A ? PRIVATE sAlTE j\ . Great bargains? one Coupe, one Depot Wagon, two top Pour Phaetont. oue Canopy Batket and one open Batket I'baeton; one T Cart, three shifting top Hoad Wngoua, one tingle teat one man Trotting Wairun ; one C spring top Pliaeton ; single. double and Coupe Harnett; all fir.i class; at tlu) Union Auctlou lloute. No. ;iO ISth it., be tween Broadway and .~<t!i av. A Y^C AN ADIaS" PONY?15 IIANOS; SOUND, KIN It; $0O; Mora > lor heavy work, <S?i5. 4u7thsr. C10MPETIT1 ON IM POSSIBLE I ) phaeton. leather top. Brat-rate make, (ISO; Rock ????)??, fI3.">. Huggies, $145; Depot Wagons. $150; otbar ttviei at prleet equally low. Elegant llarnem lor Track, Coach. Conpe, Track, Cart and Busine?t purpotet from f 10 to per tat. A tplendid assortment of Lap Dnslers, Sheet*. Whip*, Boots, Ac.. JOHN Moo UK, .'>7 Warren it., near City Hull. (lAMIMMW BOB THB COCNTRY.-MlXShAT ROCK J awaya. Oermantownn, lonr-aeat cnt-onner Rockawayt, Depot Wagon*. with ami without topt; top aud open Pony Pbaetona, of allatylaa; light extension top Phaetons, lor one horse; both new and teconil band. WJd II. liKAY, 20 and 22 Wooater at. ? "Tarts an d truc ks.-two~ ITplen did-coal ) Carta and tingle Truck ; cheap. 76 1st av. tHMClf TEAMS.-TWO OK TIIK MOST BUPBBBLT / matched and riebett ttyled black, lt> high, coach Teams In the world for tale at Col. BARKER'S, corner of Broad * ay and 3tttb at. Ij^OR SALiPextensiox TOP PHAETON. SKAT ' four, nearly new. In it maker; liett Comrrford liar* nett ami uood brown IJorte, 1 .'??k hands high; any lady can drive him; m a sacrltl.e. Apply to owner, J. SOXXEN BKKO. *>'? Veaey tt. Can be >eeu at WinQuld Stable, 110 aud 112 We-t 'xj li tl. IIOK SALK. ? A KIBHT CLASS COACII HARNESS* will be >old cheap, alto Conpo Harnett, beat ail\er mounted. Call at HO We.t .ltd at. l/OR SALE?AN EXCELLENT MEDIUM BIZED r Road Team, driven tot.el.ier by owner two >aura; tup Wagon, Pole and Shafts; ll?ine--; Depot Wagon. Address box SOU Pott oflicj, or Mr. STOKES. Morrlttown, N. J. fjlOK BALE-CROSS" MATCHED TEAM,"? AND ? 1 yeart old. 15Jj high; clieatnut and Iron '/ray; mnud. inquire at illUitth ar? New York. P. KELLY. 1,1011 SALK-AN ELKUANT PRIVATE COACH TEAM) r flrea from laoit or vice ehoice color and very stylish; it chunce to Mcnra a reliable team from private hands. Ad dreat box >,~M New York Pott ollice. Oil SALE?COCPE .IN OOOO OBDKB, SUITABLE for bucking; price $2.VI. HALL, 151 hast :lsth at. IMS SALE-LlVhKY AND BOARDING STABLE, well ttoekeri, doing a fair busluett; ciioan lor ca?h, W Went W atiilnnton ulace. h. -MKSLE K. I Hoi SALE-A r?OBlUU< PONY. IB BAN US 1 high, eight yeart old; al?o I'ony Phaelon and net Har ntia; all in ';uod order. Apply at I.M> IM l:*th tt. IpoR *SALE?KENTUCKY BRED SA0DLX MARB ' black, alto tultable lor drlviug, with English Sadolo liridle and ault of home Clothing Imported by owner. J. 11., No. 10 Wall at., room 24. F6TT BALK?(175^ COST "$:iVj, KOIt ONE OF TiTk finatt top |n>uy Pbaetont lu tba ail/, at private stable .No. I We?t l.itll tt. F">oit SALE-A v'bRY'kINB DOUBLB SET OP 1IAR> neat, city made, at a bargain; never uteu. Can be >een at .1. J. HOlti>.\N'^. No e.ait lMh tt. For salk?a somrkl1T(hwk. i:<s hands kioHi a good worker. No. 4S& Wett Itlth it. F"oR SALE-POUR BOKBBS SUITABLE rOK TRUCK, grocer, farmer: any butlneat;no work. I5o Chritto pnar it. hlOR SALE-BAY HOKSB, |5J, HANDS. 7 YEARft; tuitable fjr exprett or litrmer; bargain (dft, Inquua at SB King >1. FOR BALE?PONY T0RNOUT; CONSIBTIXO OF iPONT H yearn old, Bound, kind and gentle; a perfect pet; set llarneit In good order ami tim; the above wiU be tol4 cheap. Apply at 4S Eatt tt.' tt. IIokTkss THAN HALP CO*T?THE PINE.tT ClEN. Daman's Kesd Tnrnout, con>itting of a band?>me and tiy'.Mi 1>?j mare, ti >e?r? old. wund. kind ami ireutle; l.'i)^ haudi, alto line top wagon. Brewster ibiproved crow spring, line haraete, blatikett, rol>e. whlo; nil lor t >0!j; told ?e|ia rale il required. Call at private liable No. 3 Wett if.tb it Ha'rn'esb.-CUKaFksT"'^IIAKNESS STORE IN NEW York; irood Huggy Harnett, Dsnd made, #15; g?od Urocers' llurnett. ?-5; good double Team Haru??t, $.?>; a good llorte Blanket, 91 AO. 1'leate call and axamlue for Tour.olve*. E1SIIEU A OSBORN*, Manufacturer!, 71 Bar clay tl. F H OWBLL yi'Eh.N A Nil OKORCE IV. Top Potty Pbtetont, aide bar or elliptic spring TOP ROAD WAUON. A. M. KLANDRAt', >73 and 374 Brooma at. aid stand af Brewster k Ca. II IIOKMEI, CARRIAGES. AC. ORSK WASTED^-TO UK PERFECTLYSoUND AND Krntle ; Indies' use. Addess IIOKSK. Herald ofllce. IKON STABLE PITT1 W?-K KAT. DUKAHUi ANO rUunIr: partitions. hayracks. imagers, Ac : orders promptly Oiled ?t iowe-t prices; catalogues turnlsUed lre?; .specimens itt store. JAN KS A KIRTLAXD. Km 0. 10 and IS Read* st. T AM'Al sr Willi" tiLASS 6? UATUKR FttOtfrS' XJ and American or lureiiiu tup Uatlier and fine morooco Malaga. A. 8. FLANDRAI7. S7S and 371 Broom* it., old stand of Brewster A Co. C KCON I>IIAN1>CA Kit IA< i R k ' Landaus. l.aadaulet*. 4-seat Phaetons, T carta. Depot Wagons, Mall Phaeton, Stanhope Plnaion, Kxtensi u Tup Phamon, Cabriolets. 2 wheel l?oir Cart, and 13 'I'op Koad Wagons, and some uo tup Wa^ous A. B. PLANDRAC. 37U and 374 Broome ft., old stand of Brewster A Co. CTYlTsH BAY IIOKSK fOVRR 14 HANDS) TO P.x" 0 change lur Diamonds or $350 cash. 1J4 West liitli st. SACRIFICE.?For KSU AT ROCKAWAY, TWO ~~ TOP and no top Kxpresa Wagons, three Horses, Harness. Saddlery 11)7 7th av. SACRIFIO K. -4126; B KAUTIFUL NK W TOP~ EX press Wairnn, taken for detit. Seen at 124 West llMh st. rPWO BLEtJANT LANDAUS. BY MINSK AND WOOD 1 Urns. y- | TWO Miner A Stevens. C I TWO WFSTCIIE&TBK ROOKAWAYS, J. R. Lawrence. I- I CLOSE OOAtJH. J. K. Lawrence. * Til KER VICTORIA*.*ood Bros. ? TWO KXTENSIOM IOP PHARTOKH nearlrtew. KXTP.N-ION TOP OAHRIOLF.T. by Bradley .* Oo. PONY PHAETON. WITH Rl'MBL . by Wood Bros. SIX SEAT PARK PHAETON, J. H Brewster & Co TWENTY-FIVE IIOR8KS. Description time ol sale tills day. at ARCH JOHNSTON'S Man. lw to 25 l.'ltli st.. near Culver.itjr place. Weather never Inter* leres with oar SAI.KS AT 10 O'CLOCK. TO LKT-A FIRST FLOOR. 100 FRET DEEP. FOB ?lablo purposes, with nine stalls, at reasonable terms Apply to li. SCHNEIDER, H17 West 40th St.. rear 8th av' TO~LET^A BRICK 8TABLR, IN WATTS ST., IN good repair. Inquire ofOSI'RANDKR, :it)l Canal st. WA NTP.D?A TK A M OP YOUNG CARRIAGE Horses: price not tn exceed $50 i. Address, with full particulars. W.. box 3'i Post olHce. TTTANTED-A HOK*K AND SIDE BAR WAGON, TO. Tf gcther or separately, lor Oil Paintings. Address WAGON, box 274 Po-t oilfla, New York. 11* ANTED?HORSES TO PAltVRE; IWRf MA V? growing triim (lie rich marl beds of Monmouth courtly. Addrvss W. U. SlCKEI.-i A SON, Real Estate, Ac.. Kod Bank. N. J. A*TRp-A BRBWSTHR (BROOMR ST.) inA patent aide bar three bow top Buggy, with all tlielr ruc?l( iiiiprovi-ui'-uts. weighing over 240 pounds. Address with price, Ac., YE.NDYS. bi>\ D,SM Post office, New York1 WANTED-BY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY NEAR TUB city, a Ilorse, Phaeton, and Harness, lor their keep; careful linage: If suited would purchase. Address PHAE TON, box 190 Herald office. "Wf ANTKD-A HANDKOME, LAIIOE HORNED, WELL TT broken Gait, with Wukuii and Harness. Address li , box 5S6 Post office. Now York, statins price. TtrAKTED?A SECOXD ii AND MI:I)I I' M D?7UbLB II Rockaway Harness: must be in trood order. Address, with description, price and where to be seen, K.. box 0,731 Post oBlco. $90, WANTED-KOR THK BUMMER MONTHS. A PAIR of Ilorsas and six-sxat Carila^e, suitable for the country. Addruns box U1?J Post oltlce. WA N T KD TO PO RCIIASE?A SECOND HAND llitht ooe-horse Victoria; also a lady's top Phaeton; mnst bo in k<xh1 or<Utr and city mado. Answer, uiring lull partlculurx, J. C. K , Herald Uptown Brituch offico. WANTED TO PUltCHASK?CHEAP KOR CASH, A Landau and Lundaulet; both must be in llrst class order and by {rood makers end cheap; would also purchase Horses and double and single Harness. Address Mrs. 1>A VKNPORT, 114 Bast 27th iL, stating prloe and where to be seen. ?BAY HORSE, (75; GRAY, $110: HANDSOME, , sound, kiud, gcntlo for lady. L02 Wen 31st at. Aj'JC?I WILL BUY A GOOD, CJEN'TLE HORSE, TOP ?pO?JU Waiton and Harness: wagon almost new. To be seen at 110 West 50th St.. or address J. H., box 4,312 l'ott olHce. MAX.ES AT AUCTION. A RT.?NOW ON EXHIBITION, AT THE A. MATHEWS OALLKRY, 57 LIBERTY ST., A SUPERB COLLECTION OK PAINTINGS by the most distinguished American artists, many of which bare beon received from tho late exhibition. AT THK ACADEMY OF DhSKIN, also a number of exceedingly choice works by CELKliRATKI) 1'OKl.IUN ART1ST.4. The entire collection will bo sold on THURSDAY and KRIDAY, JUNE 8 and 9. at 12 o'clock each day. DANIEL A. NATHhWS, Auctioneer, 57 Liberty it A -GEO. W. KEKLER, AUCTIONEER. Jr.L. Art Gallory, 5(3 Liberty It., corner Nassaa at. % large and anperb collection of Carrara and Florentine marble Statuary Groups and Figures, large Columns, richly carvod Antique Orecian and Roman Vases, Card Re ceivers, Ac., together with elegant French Clocks iu marble and bronse, Swiss Cuckoo Clocks und choice Ftonch Broniea. Ou WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, June 7 and 8, at 12 o'clock. A -GEO. W. KEKLER. AUCTIONEER. > Salesroom 53 Liberty, corner Nassaa M. TO-DAY, Juno U, at 12 ifclock, Larue snoclai sale of BILVRRPLATED WAKK, CUTLERY, AO., manufactured by the Meriden Britannia Company. y -TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER, ^ old stand 37 Ktau it. THIS DAY (TUESDAY), at 10J< o'clock, LARGE SALE OF FINE SECOND HAND FURNITURE, removed from a ganticinun's country mansion. ELEGANT FRENCH PLATE GILT PIER AND MANTEL MIllKOKS. MOOUETAND VELVET CARPEIX, ONK SU Si-rb rote wood square ami one upright Piano, bronco ('han dlers, with argnrnl burner*, a, tl and 10 lights; rosewood Parlor Suits, In crimson satin rep*, with covert; oak and black walnut Buffet, a8-feet Extentlou Table, wttli 24 em broidered Dining Chairs, en suite: Chiffonier*. ao enamelled and painted Cottage Suit*. Bedding of all kind*, Retrlgera tors, two Safea. On THURSDAY and FRIDAY, at 10K o'clock, SALE OK THE ENTIRE MACHINERY. STEAM EN gtnes. Boilers. Shafting*, Pulleys. Beltings, the larye Stock on Imnd, finished and unfinished, being the affects of the well known CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT Off PALMER A COMPANY, on the premise*, No*. Ud and iM Dunne si. Auction sale-large and peremptory sale this day (luesday), commencing at 1U o'loek. at the elegant fire story brown stone mansion No. l'JU WEST 23D ST., NEARUTH AV.-MAQNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. rakb and cosily works of AKT, COMPRISING IN ALL OVER $35,000 worth Household Goods. I>y catalogue U brilliant toned Pianofortes, Steluway and Windsor. ? superb satin Parlor Suit*, also rap Sulta a elegant rosewood Ktageres. a elegaut Mantel Sets. 35 choice broese Figures. ao piece* Parian Statuary. l.'? window lace Curtalut. a."> Brussels and ingrain Carpets. 30 fine Oil Paintings, best artist* a elega nt Cablneti. 3 elegant Library Bookcases. 4 elegant Library Table*. a ladle* Secretaries mid Hookeaee combined. 3 Easy Chairs, Turkltli style. a Mntic Boxes, Lent Pnrla makers. 12 elegant Bedroom Sultt. complete, in blank welntt. a4 curled hair and tpring Mattresses. 24 Pillows and Bolsters. 10 elegant black walnut Rocket** 24 Bedroom ('hair* to match, 8 black wulinit Lounges. 9 elegant Bedroom and Parlor CloelUk 2 elegant black waluut Buffets. 3 superb Extension Table* 34 black walnut Dining Chairs. a china Dluner and Tea Sets. Castors, Urns. Pitchers, Forks. Knive*. Spoons, (?lasswnre. Ao. Aleo basement *ntl servants'Furniture, new Tour mouths ago. .V B.?This Is the target* sale ol the season. S>il? positive, regardless of weather. LUKE FIIKGKRALD, Auctioneer. V B.?Competent men to paoa and ship goods, city or country. SPECIAL HOUSEHOLD THIS (TUESDAY) MOItNING, lo.t? o'clock, nt the residence of General James LorJmer Graham, 10 North Waahlngton square, <*) ?. ? The The entire contents ol the elogant mansion, 90 Washington square (north). ?sets LEAVITT. Auctioneers bricXbrac. On exhibition this (Tuesday) morning st Clinton IIall. a superb collection, including many articles of great rarity aud value, statuary bv Powers, Harriet llosnirr, Rogers, Miss Stebblns aud others; Cloisonne Enamels, ele gant China, Sevres, Ac.; J?pane?e Wares, complete Coata ol Mail, Arnipr In great variety. Vases. Itronsei, Ac.. Ac. To b> sold st suction on Thursday aud > riday atlsruoous, At 2 o'clock. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. Auction sale of household furniture. Pianoforte, Parlor Salts, Bedroom Halts, Ac., this (TUESDAY > morning, at lolf o'clock, at four story residence 21 East ;Oth St . near Broadway, of magnificent Parlor Suits. In sstin. cotelme. rep and liairrl>th; I'leno tnrte, Bronses. Oil Paintings. Mirrors, Curtains, Etagerea, Bookcases. Desks, Centre Tables. Carpet*. Ac. ; Bedroom Suits, with Dressing Casee, Bureaus. Washstands. Mai tretto*. Buffet Extension Table, Crockery, Cutlery. Ac. N. U ?House tu let. Goods boxed or removed, city or country. HENItV 7.1NN, Auctioneer. A DCTION SALE. by j. w. Campbell, jn., auctioneer, will sell this day (to pay storage on all undstmed Goo-!*, Furniture. Ao.). commencing at lot. o'clock, at We*t Side storage Warehouse, Vifl Hudson st. (Alilngdon Squar -i, the largest general assortment of Furniture offered tills seaaon. inclndli.g fine velvet. Brussels and other Car* pets; French plate Mantel and Pier lllrrort. elegant black walnut Parlor snd Bedroom Salts, marble top Koreans, Wnsbttands, BuRut. Centre, Leaf and Extension Tables; ?ne Wardrobes, Armolret. Cottage Bedroom Suits; Dining Room. Rocker, Side ana qllier Chairs; fine oil Palntlntra, Chromos snd Engravings, lestbsr lieos. Pillows, enrled hair and other Mattress**, sprtng Bed* and Beildm ?, large quan tity Bne Table Cutlery. Glass and Silver Plated Ware, Bronr.os and Crockery, elegant Refrigerators: will also sell eleirant rosewood Piano, linen Table (Moths, Napkins, Towels. Sheets, Urge quantity Ragged and other Oouds too numerous to mention, without reserve. By order R. Taggart Stat ags Master. WALK* AT AUCTION. ~k L'CTIOS" SALE KICII Hni'sK II FUKXtTlJKf .A. THIS .Tuesday} MOIvMSU. at K' o'clock. at five Kurv ?>r.?%ru .-tona mansion NO. 47 WK.ST ltfTH ST.. MKTWKKS STII AND GDI AV? (bickering 7', Pianoforte: Steiuway'* lour roiiud 7', tMiti I'lanoforte, Palatini*, Work, of Art. PARLOR SUITS, rii'lilr curved In "damask aatla" aH "silk brocadefurkiali and Spanish Loun 'es, Easy Cbaira ii.laid aud marble top Ol nl'i- and Ovukule Table*. i abiurta Eiugvres, plate Mirror*. b'oMf Clock*. H i,. urea. Sintu rjri l.EDKOOM SETS. consisting elaborate Hedatead*. Ure*liu| Caw*. Waahitnnda CbelToiilers, tine tialr and spring M*K Irnawt, Pillows. Blanket*: alao Bind* and double Bedateail^ lliirenua. rep plush ??id haircloth Suit*. 1)1 NlM> TURN ITUKK.?Ext"B?ion Tables, Sideboard. Chair* In leather. Silverware. Crockery. Library uud Secrel une. Bookcase!, Library Tablea, Turkiab Suit. Desk, two liali Stand*. velvet. Brussel* and Murrain Carpet*; Klichtn Furniture, Ac. X. IJ - Sale positive. Tasu Sixth avenue or I'llrtrdty PMN car*. ConMMlt men to re. wuve, pack or *hip i;"od?. ROBERT C. CASI11N, Auc tioneer. _ Art notice. BARKER * CO.. ART EMPORIUM, 47 and 40 Liberty at. NOW ON EXHIBITION the moat valuable, unique and interesting collection of American and Oil Painting* Uiat our down town community bnvl ever bid the pleasure of looking at; they comprise uver JUU w<>rl.?,mostly Ironi tiie National Academy ol l>e-i-'ii and contribution* trom celebrated private nailer let. They are to be peremptorily sold ou Thursday, Friday aud Saturday, the Hth, Uto uud loth ol June. 1SARKKR A I'll.. Auctioneer*. A ccnon. EXTRA LARGE HOUSEHOLD FUKNt A luro ?ule. Property ofaprivate fatally leaving city, al the private residence 1 I>"> East l:ith it.. * cond door froa 4th av? till* (Tuesday) morn HI.: ill in'i o clock. Velre^ Brussels, ingrain Carpets, aatlu llrocade, rep Haircloth. Parlor Mil*, ro.ewood i'lauolorte, Bedstead, liureuus. Wajhstaud*. Wardrobes, Workstands, Commodes, hair anil spring Mattresses, Beds, Holsters. I'iilowa, Tablea, Loungoi,; re*. Mirror*. Clucks. wtinnt Sideboard, extension Table*. Chair*. Glial. Cbiua mid sliverw-ra, Cutlery. J. KK.KMUK. Auctioneer. A rare opportunity lor partial wishing iirst class liou*ehold tnrnlture. BYJOSEPH HEGI.MaN A CO." * WEUNI-sl)A V, .1 line 7. at Id A. M. precisely, at 233 Madison at., between No?tranJ and Marey avi., handsome Furniture, good a* new. Roaowood I'laBO, stool and embroidered maroon clotl Cover: ebony and gilt cabinet waluut Parlor Suit. In darl tuu rep*: Librury Tables, Bookcase, walnut Chamber Set! waluut Diuittg Koom Set. beat hair M'tttresaca, spring Piilll a MM)*, leather Bolster and Pillow*, l'.uilUh Hru*M Is Cat pet*, nickel plated Rods, Pa ntlngs, Chromns, Eugravlnga trill Window Shade*. Appleton'* Cyclopedia. 1*> volume*! Waverley Novel*, tlooper'a Novel*. Irving a. Thuckeray'l and Dickens' complete Work*; Pictnr?*que America, twi iiuxrto volume*. Ac., all bnudaomeiy bound and IllustraMdi Catalogue* nent on requent. By'hoIlkR1 SO?lKItVlLLK. Al'?'7lonkkr. ON THOftSDAY. JUNK S, AT 11 A. M., Uual and peremptory mortKaice sale of the balance of stock of furniture store, 7J3tith iv., between 41at tiul l.'d its., coiislRtinc of aireneril uanirtmutit of PARLOR, DTNINO audUKDROOM KURN1TUKK, i.OUNUEH, Wi.VUuW au<| EASY CHAIRS, Ac.. Ac. Good* now on view. By haunauii smytii. AL'CT10NM?~JDM! 10, ii M., Ill Hroadway. Inrecloture sale, by order of Thoi. 1). Cotttnau, releroe, aeveti Or.t claa* lour *tnry brown *tou? House*, southeast corner of Mudison nv. unilU'ith *t. BY VIRTUE OK A CKIti'AIN CHATTEL MOKTUAUf I will expoae lor aale at public miction, on Wednentay, tbe 7th ln*t., at 10 o clock In the forenoon, at No. .Vt Chub bam *t . u Hint da** Oyster and Lunch Room, knowa ai th4 San KrauciM'o Keatauraiit. Ity order. II. E. TELLER, Attorney lur MortKHiree, 24 Park place, .New York jrbWAKD SCHEXCkT ALCTiUXEKIL ' As ij[noo's sale In bankruptcy of eleitant Cabinet Vnrnltar*, consisting or black walnut Chamber Snlti of Be*iiteadA Dreaaiuir Caie*. Hureaos, Wn>h?tand* and Coinmodoa) Parlor Suits in variety: Hall stauds, Tablea, iiuffot* Lounucs, Chairs, BlCritoIrM, Ac.. Ac.; aus Carpets, aprlns Ueda, Cbalr*, Mattreuai, As.; on WEDNESDAY, Jnne7, at 12 o'clock, at No. 00 Liberty it. H. For bale?in koulclohUrk, at exciia.vgb Salearoom, 111 Mroiulwuy, on June 7, at 12 M.. twi valuable toll liOta, on H'.itii at., between Hth a v. and U ratal Boulevard. CON.'KK'r ItitOTHKICplaintiff* attnrneyib 6S William St., or (1KOKUK N.TITUS, referee. 30 Pin* it, ~b7hkris a sons, auctioneers^ ? 17 Park place and 14 Hurray at. IMPORTAN't SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE Of KICII AND PLAIN CAKI.NET FUKNITURK. ON TUESDAY, JUNK U, AT I O'CLOCK, AT TEE SALESROOM. NO. 18 PARK PLACE. comprliltiir cK'ij int rosewood and walnnt Parlor Suit*, la satin, silk rop, cotellne ur>il burette: Turkish lioun^es ana Easy Chairs, fine Chamber, Library and Dininu Room Suit*] eleeant inlaid Cabincti, Kuoel*, Muslo Stand, Ac.. Ae. Sala positive to pay advances, olfurliiK a rare opportunity to pa^ uiiaser*. ALSO, SAME DAY, one flm Parlor Orjan, with ten itopi aad all lataat ta? provententa, In eleu^nt cabinet caaa. JJ B HERTS A SONS. AIICTIOMKKRB. BHERIPK'S SALE. WATCHES. JEWELRY,. DIAMONDS. Sir.VERWABfl* FANCY GOODS, SAPKS. SHOWCASES, Ac., ON THURSDAY, JUNK k, AT 10)tf O'CLOCK, AT THE SALESROOM, NO. 17 PARK PLACE, comprising a larie Mock of flne itold Jewelry In every *? riety : irulii and silver Watchea. riob diamond Jewelry, allvat and silver Plated Ware; Fancy Omnia. Chains, Fan*. Operl Olasiei, Trai elliUK Bar*. Jet Goods. Cluck*, lirouses, Jewek ler'i ^ale, Sbowcaaea, Ac., Ac. Ily order of U M. C. CONNER, SbarllC WILLIAM HENRY, Deputy SherlIT. HOROSHMANN, " AUCTIONS Eft! SELLS TOD A?^ ? at lO.f o'clock, a larh-e stock of liouiehold Furniture, at lb4 Stb av. & WEINBERG EH, AUCTIONEER, 8KU.S THU ? day (Tueaday), June '?. at 10|,' o'clock, at anleiroom, T.l Bowery, M Piano*. Kewlnj; Machine, velvet and other Cat* pet*, Fnruiture, Dry Gomli, Sheet, Liquor*, Cigars, Ac. P. TRAVEIt, AUCTH)NEKIt. ' ? Mortgage sale ou Thursday. Jona ?. elegant Faraltora, Carpet*, pier and mantil Mirrors. I'iano. 4c., Ae., at private residence No. 101 Kast 7Iat au. corner of Park av.. by virtue ot a chattel mort'/age. at lOU o'clock, vle^ant roaewoou Parlor Suits, In silk brocatel and silk rep: extra Due rosewood Etai.are, bronted Clocks and mantel Oraa ments, magnificent pier aud m.tntcl Mirror*, gilt window Vnaea and centro Tables, rosewood Piano, brooied Cband* liers and Brackets. Axtninster. Wilton, body Bruaseli nn4 other Carpets, real lace and brocatel Curtains, flne llbrar] Table", rosewood Hall Stand, waluut and mahoganv Clianv ber Suits. Bookcases, Dressing ('aaos. Bedstead*. BareatitL Washstandi, Commodea, Tablet, Cbalra, Lounge*. Oil Pallia Ing*. Chromos, Euicriivlnga, feather lied*. I'iilow* and Bok star*, beat hair aud other Mattresses, Bedding, elegant Sid* board, extra line pillar legged Extension Table, walaai dining Chairs, Crockery, Flute. Giarsware. Ac., Ac. L. WALLACE. Attorney for Mortgagee. KO IIKKTZH E IU(, A UCTIONEE It.- I IE KT/BRKQ BROTHhltS sell, 1 o'clock sharp, U?7 Welt SSth at., complete Stock and Fixture* of Grocery Store. Horse, Wagon. Ae.; Tea*. Coffees. Spice* Sugar*. Canned Frultl, Scaiea, Ioeboxea, Tea Can*, A?. j poiltively in loti; dealers Invited. IEO HERTZBEBOi AUCTIONEER?H KUT7.HF.Ra J Brother* sell this day, 10 o'clock, Franklin at., Oreenpolnt. L. I., complete Fixture* of Batcber'i Sbop| tine lcehonse: also Household Furniture; together or lepar ratelr. Butcher*, dealers Invited. |^?ORBIS WILK1.NS, AUCTION HUB. Fine Mirror* tin J Engravloga, rosewood iqairt (jtind Planntort*, Brume* and Article* of Varta. B. H. LCDUlW A CO. will mII at netlra. ?a WEDNESDAY. June 7, at 11 o'clock, M Mo. 7 Kant Slat it, elegant roeewood Parlor Bolt*, Ib aatla and brocatel; mae? iiuetrv Cabincia aud Tables, fine Mirror. Curtain* and Cor. nices: carved Buffets and Chain, in moroceo; Extenaion Table*. ormolu Muntel Clock and Set*. carrod roeewood Bedateada. Buruaua. Arroolre* a-Olaco. Easy and Ann Cbairtl Turkey, Moquet, Brussels and other Carpet*; Exteaaion Chandelier*. curled hair Mattresses. feather Bolster* aaa Pillow*, Ac.; also kitchan and laundry Furniture, Ac. Permit* to view the furniture can be bad at ofllco at an* tlooaer. No. 3 Pine it. MNU88BAUM, AUCTIONEER. 201 BOWEBT, ? sells tbla day. at 10 o'elock. at tofl Broome ??., comer M?non, black walaat Saloon fixture*. Bar, Baekbar, Tables, Mirror*. Ac., In Iota. nr"ps;uvi-ii?^T;t:Tio^Kir^BiTLa this da/, * at 11 o'clock, at -"I llowery, Barber Fixture*, Household FlwUlH, Parlor Suit a. Ac. MNUSSBAUM. a UCTIONEKR. 7hi BOWERY, . ull? this day, at 2 o'clock, at North Second at. near Sth it.. Willlaai*t>nrg, elegant Saloon and Bnllroota Fixtures, lour null Ale Pump, with Mirror; Bagatail^ splendid Icebox, T*blea, ( halm, Ac. Dealer* Invited. Mobtuaok sale.?lewis a7 cohen, auction. eer, *"ll? *t t'Si o'clock, at No. I'<0 Kaat Broadway, llouaeuoM Fnrnltare. By order SIMON ABltAilAM. At tornejr for Mortiia/e-s. FAWNBltOKKR'S BALE-WATCIIR8 AND JEW. airy.?II FIELD, (leneral Auctioneer, lalwow M% Bowery, will sell on Wednesday, Jnne 7, at 11 o'atoa^ >'/*>lota Uold and -liver Watelia*. Diamonds and Oold Jaw, elrv, <lr.; alao tinna, 1'lstols, Musical Instruments, An. B* order X. Stlch, :id av. Pawnbrokers bale -tiiomas j. mm rath, Auctioneer, IIW Chatham at., corner Mulberry, will *ell tbla day, li o'clock. Men'a and Women's Clothing, Dresaea, shawl*. Remnant*. Beddlnn, Boota, Sboea, Ac. | ?Ivi l.'oata, Panta and Vesta. By order Soloutoa Stern. i7th at. f aw\BROKER'S sale.?this oay james aoak. Auctioneer, will aell at .W New Bowery and No. 0 Oli ver at. MO Iota llreiaei, Shawl*, Remnatita, Table Linaa. Underclothing, Sheet*, Spreads. yuilta. tialters, Coal a. Pantaloon* und Veata; men'* eiothtnir will be euld at II <i tUm prompt. By order of B. LEW. <> 1 '? Hudson at. PAWNBROKER'S SALE.-R. FIELD, OENRRA& auctioneer, aaleirooui No. W Bowery, will call thla day, at II o'clock. UUU Lot* men'* and woman'* Clothing, Dri?*se?. Khawl*. Remnants. L'nderalotalng, Ouilt*, Blanket*. Bedding, IBnuta, Slioe*. 4c., Ae.; also Coeta. Pants aud Vesta. By order HKNRV Mfl ALKBN AN, Rtb a*. SHERIFF'S SALE OF A CORD AND TAMIL MAM IN lictory?<iKBAItI> BUTTS. SharilT* Auctioneer, wiiL *ell Wouneeday, June 7. ai II o'aloek. at lib and 117 Bast i:nh at., tbe Mock oI a Cord and Taaeel Manufactory, con* slating ol Trimming*. Fringe*. Silk and Worsted. Snood *?, ? ? WM. C. CONNER,Short?. J tar* W. 8hiimm, Deputy mUOH. KBYWORTM. AUCTIO-tREU-WILL SELL 1 tin* day. at 10k o'clock, at 17 B?wery, Counter** ishelain^, Chair*. TsHlea, Bureau*, Sewing Machine* let Hniri, store*. Carpets, .'<?> lota of pawnbroker*' goads! cow Blsitua of Clothing. K. ninatita, Ac. Uowda aiaat be all rw moved to day. Dealer* Invited. \\r 1LLIAM ABB01T. AIvfuiNRBB, L IT Ottlce No :? Ctiaturiera street, will sell on Wednesday at 101, o'clock, the Fnraltar* an4 Fixture* of a Liquor Saioon and Kaataurnui, at Ndt S Jamea slip?one vbrae pnll Ale Pump, Bagatalle Table. 14 dav Clock, rouud and annate Tallica, copper Mesatna,Chan da i la ra. Ac. __ U'A.xttD Tt? l WANTED TO Pf RCIIANg-A ^AsHOtlfCT"fllfB C. Uaral?itSm' t*t*L ttMtag prion, Ak. J. %