Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,534. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1876.-TRIPLE* SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIKBCTOUY FOll ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.265 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, KOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Pacb?.'ith and 6th coll. ASTROLOGY?12TH I'AGB-SlCOl. BILLIARDS?2d Pagb?4th col. BOARDERS WANTED?12tii 1'ack?4th and 5th eola. BOARD AND LODGINO WANTED-12TH Pagb?Stli eol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR BALE-Ju Pagb-1st col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEB?&th Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th Pag*?tfth col. CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE-2D Pagb?IsteoL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th PAGB-2d col. CLOTHING?2d PAOB-fith col. ? , COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12th PACB-2d eol. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?1st PAGB-f?th and 6?h coll. COPARTNERSHIPS?Otu Pagb. t , COUNTRY BOARD?12th Pagb-SIU and 8th coll. DENTISTRY?12th PAGB-3d col. DRY GOODS?1st Pagb?4th col. DWELLINU HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND CN KURNISHEIJ?2n P?gb?2d col. EUROPEAN HTRAM8IIIFS?lar l'AGB-4th and 6th aoU. EUROPE? 12th PAGB-3d col. EXCURSIONS?1st PAGM-6th col. KINANCIAL-?th Pagb. ? KOU SALE?12th Pagb?3d col. KUBNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pagb?2d and 3d colt. KURNITURE?2d pAGB-?5th col. _ , FRENCH ADVERTISEMENT8-12TH PAO*-3d eoL HELP WASTED?FEMALES?12th Pagb?lit col. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th Paob?2d and 3d eol a. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC.?1st Pagb?2d, 3d Bad 4th coll. HOTELS?12TB Pacb?T>t1i ral. HOUSES, ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?2d PAGS-3deoL INSTRUCTION?#D Pagb?6th col. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKKN. HUDSON CITY AND BER UEN REAL ESTATE KOU SALE-2D Paob? lit col. LOST ANI) FOUND?18T PAG*-lst col. MACHINERY?12th PAU!f-Sd col. MARHLE MANTELS-Ist Pagb?Othcol. MEDICAL?2n Pagb?(ilh col. MILLINERY AND DRH SSMAKING-lrr Pagb?4th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?10th Pao*? eth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii PAGB-6thcol. PERSONAL?1st Pack?1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, Ac.?2t> Paob?flth eoL POST OFFICE NOTICE?1st Pagb??th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-KEMALES? 12tii Pagb?lit eol PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OB TO RENT?2d Paob?lit col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Paob?lit col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pagb? 1st and 2d coll. RELIGIOUS NOTICES-Ist l'AGB-lit col. REWARDS?1st Pack?1st col. IAI.ES AT AUCTION?2u PAGB-3d and 4th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?lltn Pagb?2d, 3d, 4th. 5th and fitli roll., nntl 12tu Pagb?1st. col. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12TH Page?lit and 2d cols. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pagb?lit and 2d cols. SPORTING?DOOS, BIRDS, AC.?1st pACB-2d eoL STORAGE?I 1th Pagb-lit col. RUMMER RESORTS?12th PAOB-flth eoL HIE TRADES?12tr Pagk?3d col. THE TURF?1st Pagb?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?3d eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?1st Pacb?flth ool. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Pagb-3d col. WANTED TO PUBOHASE-llO PAGB-lst eol. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-12TH Pagb?M caL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LET?2o Pagb?1st col. TAOHTS. STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th Pagb?6th col. PERSONAL. AtT"aCCOMPLI's"UEO "YOUN(f~MAN OK IN'tSllT genre and refinement. strictly temperate and moral, ixtrnnrdinnrv talent for music, porlorms on several Instru stents. fine baritone voice. would like to make the acquaint"* in? ol a respcfctablo young la Iv of anme wealth; highest testimonials an to character and undoubted satisfaction. Address, lor three days, HARROLD JEWELL, Philadel phia Post office. Ii^RED-MUST SEE YOU IMMEDIATELY. ' 1 B. MEIER. 62 Delaacay it. piLMORE'S GARDEN, TUESDAY EVENING. -WILL I.X pretty young lady, black eves and light brown dress, who noticed gentleman in bos below at her loft, kindly lend addreis to 8. A. O.. Herald office ? T 8.-Tw7ll"N0T ACCEPT YOUR LETTER; AD tl ? dren my attorneyi, as I will not answer. Mrs. S. J" OSIE?11732. IDA W. L" ADY IN BLACK, ON 6TH AV. LAST EVENING, with child?We met before in Broadway ear. lease ap point interview. Mention some incident. Address A. J. 8., Herald Uptown Brauch office. R8. F. G. H LL-YOUR TERMS ARE SATIS faetory. Call on my lawyer*, Couan A Stacom, 08 ire st., and sign papers. J. T. H LL. CAT FRIDAY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK] rHE LADY WHO TOOK A RIDE TO UNCLE JOHN'S yesterday, and who left a parcel in the wajan, can find Rich at her Uutiusr plaee in Canal sf. IITILL MISS BARCLAY PLEASE CALL MONDAY' ft night. Jnne 12. at 8, or lend addreu to 777 Hth ?v, erner 44th St., and oblige W. M. ILL FRED BE SURE AND CALL WEDNESDAY night on Fannie? PLYMOUTH ROCK. w Young lady in dark, with golden hair. wtfo droppid her poekethoofc corner Bowery and Blacker it. yesterday, which gentleman retained, desires l? form her aoqaaintance in aa honorable way. Address D. K.. Herald Uptown Branch office. _ RELIGIOUS SOTICESr A' PUBLItT" ME ET1NG oF"~rHE FrtlEND8 O? Fifty-third street Baptist chnrcb, between Broadway and (ith av., Wednesday evening, S P. M. Addresses by Rev. G. W. Sampson. D. D., and others. Singing to be led by Mr. Thatcher, of the Hippodrome ebolr. Brine your Moody and Sankey hymn books. The gospel tent. 34th st., west of and near 6th sr. Green can (Twenty shird Street Croistown Line) pass the tent. Rev. Stephen H. Tyng. Jr.. and others will preach. Mr. Thomas E. Per kins and a chorus will conduct the slicing. Ushers, singers and Christian workers wanted for a whole or part ot the ?ea son. Send name! to 8. P. Williams, 46 East 43d st. Con tributions for the support of these services may be sent to E. L. Owens, Treasurer, 46 East 43d st. LOST axo wo inn. t OST-tfltffts^T ^RNTN'fi'"jf^. T~A^MALL Li white Poodle, reddish hair on neck and ears, answering i? the name ol "Pinney." Reward will be given when re lumed to Prentice House, Tompkins av.. New Brighton, Staten Island. LTTtcF-A GOLC^ BRACKLET, ON 3D AV. OR 55TH st., between 3d and 4th avs. Tiio Inder will be re warded by returning it to No. 114 East .'win st. LOSI-ON WEDNESDAY. 7m AY~ 31", A BLACK MO rocco i'ockeibook, containing a sum of money, a re eript from the French Departmei.t of the Ceutennial Es eibltlon and other valuables. A suitable reward will ba given by leaving it at No. 47 East 3<>th st. LOST?<iO WAN US CANAlf IMPROVEMENT BOND No. 240, of $1,000; the public are warned nut to buy it. a> payment has been stopped. Kinder will please notify JOHN LOWll'Z. 48 Ummrdst. Nbw York, May 26. 1870. LOST-A PARROT; KbBW AWAY ON MONDAY morning. A liberal reward to whomioever will return it to room 18 at No. 1.IU3 Broadway. L* ost-T}TbLack lace ISjuabe SHAWL, frida?, Juno 2, coint? fro n tiilinore's tiarden, 2<ith st. ana Madison fev. to 2lHh st. and Bro-tdway. Liberal reward given. KOiILSAATS. 13 Mercer St.. up stairs. TO I. EN OR LOS I IN the MAIL?ON the 17TH ult . a Letter, sddressed to R. E. A A. J. Prime, Attor neys at-Law, Yontera. N. Y., containing a protested note. No. IH2, dated Peeksklll, N. V.. May 1, 1S75, drawn hy the Peekskill Iron Company. to the or Icr of T. F. Wright, and Indorsed l<y him and llugli W. Adams, lor $1,000, payable at Westcheater County Nat onal Bank one year afterdate. All persons are cautioned at unst nego'iating the said note, payment thereof having been stopped. A liberal reward will he paid upon its return to GAKSED A I1INDMAK8H. 113 fi.uth 4th St., Pliilsdelphia. jSS?XH5sr ^F--f.o>tr Mi alL soimli wLT?7~wTTft cTl?) leather collar, brass plate; sore ntider front leg; an swers tn the name of 'Betty." lie.urn her to corner 20th it. and 3d iv. (liquor (tore.) 4? <Tt" RE W A R D. - LOS T. BETWEEN 2aD ST. AND7TH av. and 34th st.. North liivcr, on>- diamoud clnster King and on- emerald Kin*. J. II. 8 . 361 (Vest HtU it. Ar/l REWARD?nTOLEN. AT TUNIS JOHNSONS (>tJU auctions rooms, Nassau St.. gold hunclntr case, stein kinder Swiss Watch, with irold barred Chain and gold Seal, eitli corneiUn stone, etiarsved with Louisiana coat of arms ? pun it- peln-an leedin^ its young, il lend reward paid sad no i|ue-iiotn. Deliver toC. F. KAULE. Hi Broad st. SPECIAL NOTICES. "T"?CliffENNlXV REUNION OF ri^fcUiRgD JV citizens ol New York and surrounding cities and towm wilt be hel<( in Cooper Instttuto, Thursday evening, June 8, 1H7H. to con.mence at 7 o'clock. Admission, :*ic. _A _ALL PUlZfcS l'A-HKD Tn ATTHI-S . office. Third Louisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, July 2fl, 187(1. Capital princ $tU l.OUO gold I! 3,'iNi prites amounting to (009.900. 0 tickets SCO corrency. Coutions In proportioa. Apply lor information Ac., to U1LLIAMeON A CO., brokers, 317 Broadway. Post office box 6,02tl. A MERICAN ~1 N8TITUTE ? NOTICE. ? THE NEW il charter of the Ameiican Institute havlag been sp riroved bv the Governor on the 31st nit., hss become the aw. r?nd<Tliiz tbe call for the iinsrterly meeting edrertisrd far Thursday. Mh Inst,, inoperative ; cmseqitaMly the same will not be hcln O. OLEYELAND, ('resident. (.'hauls.* lli-K. LMim, ReciTilnig .-ecretar). A'-t |R?T PIUZE, tiOLD. ? Main drawlag ol th? ? Decsi llrutiswlck Government Lottery, from May 1(1 to June ft, 187(1. til),.'K?i liafeets. 2S.MSI prizes Royal Havana Lottery. Ne*t itrawinr .1 une 20. IK78 Full eiplanstory circaiars n THF.ODOBE MCIIOCH, Bob o,&&4 Post office. 1 Hi Natsau st.. New York. *? ? a!?OP r NI NiV THIR-$A? OF ST EI N F 5 LD8 JV. Depot of lb t e-lebr?i? i l reor'1 t ognae Sitters, at 7'> Nassau -t. The hsnds mest Luncb and Sample Koom down t?>?ii. An ele^.mt I res iumb. commencln it at noon. All disease^ ?>k tiii, blood and 'nervous system treata<l sueeessfully, and permanent ctires f.narantaed. Consultation Irae, Or WEST'S old estab isl.ed office, 4."> llleeeker St., n. ?r Broadway. "i LI-EN A CO.. 7H NASSAU ST.." NEW VdRK" J\ Wyomlnc lrf)ttrrv draws June in. fanltul prire. tsu.nou $2**Vt*JO dlstribeted Tickets f I ; U lor #?>. Cir culars mailed free. Prises cashed. *4 "?ISAAC (i BOYCE. 2H7 BRilADWAY. LAWYKHs? J\, Divorces obt sined promptly, wltliont publieltv . deser tion, Incompatibility, habitual drunkenne-.. in d-litv. In human treatment, conviction of felony, l'asspoits obtained. VjTadjo'i kn ed"?Te?ti n<7i?FiTTe -mildgiard ' J\. will be held at Battalion lieadijuirters on Iliursd iy evening. June 8, at 8 o clock. Busine-s of importaaea will he submitted. ALEX. HENRit^UES. President. D. A. MaTIUWS. Secretary. A' TTENTtoji.-aO YEARs' PSl'SsIAN HOSPITAL EX perieiiee. diseases of men in all Its l.janches . also dl? ?asesoHbe skin a specialty; consultation Iree. Dr. JACO BY. 101 Bieerker st "a ?PAI. KS. EMERBON A ? O J\, Kenlueky Stsie Lotteries drawn daily. ?oval Havana Lottery, drawn sverv I7davl. Kentucky single Namber Lotterv. drawn .(une 94, 1S76. Prises cashed, information farai-hed and circulars Irea. ISO tried* ay. Post office bos 6,372 New Tack. c SPECIAL NOTICES. T> -KlNTtCK?'STATE""LOTTERIES OF T.' 8.'SMITH 15. A 00. KEffTfCKT ?EXTRA CLAM. 475?rOB lfffl, 34, 72. 55, 57, 21. 6, 70, 63, 7. 62, 00, 84, 71 bkxhk'ky?clam 4~h?fok 1*76. 19. S3. 55, 82, 37. 73. 42. ?;8. 71. .'.2, 57. 15. 58, All orders address B. NATllAN, 181 Broadway, or Pott oHIce box 4,870 Nsw York City. CONSUMPTION, ~~~ Indigestion and W siting Dlieaie*. The nioit approved remedlei arc PANCREATIC EMULSION and PANCREATINE. The original and genuine prepared only by SAVORY A MOORR. 143 New Bond at, London. Sold by them and all ehemiui and storekeeper* through out the world. ClONPERtNOK OK ALL CIciAK MANUFACTURES J who are opposed to tho present tenement home tystern will take place ou Tnesday. June 13, at 7 n'cBck P.M., at Uertnanla Assembly Room*, .Not. 291 and 21*3 Bowery. THE COMMITTEE. Diseases ok mkv a specTalty. HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D. 144 Lexington ar? near 20th it. Office hour* from 8 to 3. D~ R. H. J. JOKDAN. SOLE PROPRIETOR OK THE New York Museum of Anatomy, has removed hit resi dence and oltlce to No. 5 Washington place, three iioors we*: of Broalway. ?c 11KOXit; 0ATA51h. DEAFNESS: 1MPROVED i method; Instantaneous relief; permanent cures. L>r. STODDARD. No. H West 14th st. K R?*300.000 IN PRIZKM.?EVERY OTHER TIOKRT ? a prire.?Kentucky Stale Single Number Grand Dis tribution draws June 24. 50,000 tickets. 25,420 prises. Whole tickets, 910; halves. $5: quarters, $2 50. Royal Havana Lottery, to be drawn June 22. Whole tickets. $2t>; tenths and twentieths in proportion. Ker.tncky State Lotteries drawn daily. For information, circular*. Ac., address or apply to JACKSON a CO , ttankeri, 202 Rroadway, New York. Nervous exhaustion.-a medical essay comprising n series ot leclnres delivered at Kahn's Mu seum of Anatomv. New York, on the cause end cure of Pre mature Decline, showing indisputably bow lost health may be regained. affording a clear synopsis ot the impediments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being the result of 20 vuars' experience. Price 25 cents. Ad dress the author, Dr. L J, KAHN, cfllce and residence51 East 10th st. New York. PILE8 "OR"HF,MORKUOIDS RADICALLY CURED. Original painless treatment; two to tour weeka re quired ; no fees until cored, circular: free. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 West 1 ith st. OYAL H A VAN A" LOTTERY. ^$800,000 WILL BE drawn on Juue 20. Prizes cashed; orders filled; Infor mation lurnished; highest rate* paid for Spanish bill*, gov ernments. Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Bankert. No. 11 Wall at.. New York. ?OPriciAL DRAWI^d"KENTUOKY"STATB LOT . teries.-SIM.MONS A DICKINSON. Managers. bisktucbv. rxtka class wo. 367?jckb 6. 1876. 36, 63, 78. 31, 14. I?. 16, 44. 12, 28. 62. 5. 28, 7L KKNTCCKT, CLASS WO. 368?JUHB 6. 1878. 23, 34. 65. al, 82, 77. 47. 53. 76, 46. 81. 38, 27. HBNBT. BXTBA CLASS MO. 267?Jl'WB 6, 187a 54. 57, 71. 12. 4. 9. 61. 6, 21, !)3. 74. 66. 7, 2ft HEflUT, CLAM KO. 268?JVHK 6, 1876. 69, 30. 40. 54. 25, 4. 48, 55, 33, 57. 42. 71. 59. Full information by applying to or addressing J. OLUTE t CO.. 200 Broadway, or box 4.060 Poet office. ix mizes-every"7)ther ticket a . Prise.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S iln*le number Kent.cky State Lottery to be drawn June 24, 1876; 25,430 prises out of 50.000 tickets-, also Royal Havana to be drawn on June 20, 1878. J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway, or box 4,969 Post office. -KENTUCKY STATU lottery. IjSOUU.UUU. l>rawn June 24. 25.430 prise*. Three prises of $20,000 each. Every other ticket a price. Whole tickets, $10; halve*, $5; quarters, $2 5 >. All Kentucky State Lotteries on (lie. For information call on or address KIIIK A CO.. 1,267 Broadway, room D. uptown agency. SPORTINti?DOUR, BIRDS, ?v. For sale-a 'fine lot 6f~small skye~and Daudy Dinmont Terrier*; one pair white fox Terrier*, verv small; one St. Bernard Pup, Newfonndland Pups, Maltese Cats. Ac. Medicines fur all diseases at MhYERS', No. 3 West 3d it., near Broadway. T>00L8~80LD AT NEW YORK TI'RF EXCHANGE .L this afternoon on St. Louis vs. New Haven, at Now Haven. SKI UK KT A MrCLODD. THE TtRF. MERtCAN~j'6cKEY ""CLUB.-^PRlKd"SflEfe"ffNO. 1876. at Jerome Park, 3d. 6th. 8th, 10th. 13th. 15th and 17th June. lUces commence each day punctually at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT, President. C. Wmeatlt, Secretary. UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD MOitNING and evening at Thonuis Exchange 1,239 Hroadwav, on the Jerome Park Running Races. Bicycle Race to take place Thursday evening. Billiard Tournament and Base Ball games St. l<?uls vs. Hartford*, Chicago vs. Athletic*, Cin cinnati v*. Mutual*, Loul.vitiei vs Boston*. O. M. THOMAS. UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN ton's Rooms, comer of Broadway and 28th st., every morning and evening this week on the Jerome Park race* and trottiug at Philadelphia. Each race received by tele graph. All orders by mail, telegraph or messenger promptly attended to. T H. A W. U. JOHNSON. AU(-r:.>N AND FREKCU POOLS SOLD AT INTER uatloiial i:*rh?*,tr,.u'J4. 80 > and 808 Sampson St., Philadelphia, on Races thla woek at Jerome, Trots at Bel mont Park and ail League Base Ball games. Result of each Inning, beat and race by telegraph. C. S. MILLER A CO. UCTION" AND" FRENCH" POOLS" SOLD" ALLTdaT at NEW YORK TURF EXCHANGE. 15 West 18th St.. on tho PHILADELPHIA trots; also this evening on the JEROME PARK running races; prompt attention given orders by mail or messenger. KELLY, BLISS A CO. DBKRFOOT DRIVING PARK. Second day second spring meeting. Wednesday, June 7; 2:45 class: J. K. Jarvis' br. m. Motile Barker, A.llop klns' g. g. William R. Roberts, J. T. Shine's b. m. Annie R., J. Langan'sg. g. Ed. Sills. W. S. Thorns' b. g. Jack. Same day, special purse $150; J. Deary's g g. Jerry, T. Trembles' s. g. Sorrel Jake. Mr. Val'* g. g. Culver Boy; the 2 ;35 and 2:50 classes are postponed entli Friday, Jane B; extra good horses; admission $1. WILLIAM McMAHON. Proprietor F" LEETWOOD PARR offers the following purses to oe trotted;?Friday, Jane 9, at 3 o'clock P. M., Purse of $100, for horses that have not trotted better 2 :40; $00 to Brut, $JO to second, $10 to third. Hume day. Purse of $150. lor horses that bare not trotted better 2:25; $W) to flr*t. $40 to second, $20 to third. All lobe mile heats, 3 in 5, in harness; national rules to govern : en trance 10 per cent of parse. Entries close Wednesday, J una 7, 11 P. M., and should be addressed to GATES li. BARNARD. President. Fleetwood Park. Morrltania. AVERLEY PARK.?THE ANNUAL SPR1N(TmEET ing will take place Jane 13, 14 and 45; entries will close at Cohen A Sandlord's, 41 6th av.. New York, and Tanner A Gardner's, Windsor Hotel. Newark, on Saturday, June 10. ut 9 o clock P. M. COHEN A 8 ANDFOKD. HORSES. CARRIAGES. Aiu If PRIVATE SALE. " ~ LAN DA I'LET. IN GOOD ORDER BAROUCHE. NEARLY NEW. Park Phaeton. 4 and 6 seat. Landsns, light and cheap. T Cart, by Bradley, Pray A Oft Dog Carts o!' different styles. Handsome high seat Park Phaeton, nearly new; built by J. B Brewster A Co. Slx seat Drag or open Pliaeton*. nearly new; built by J. B. Brewster A Co. Coupe Clarence*. Rockaways, Phaeton*, Depot Wagon*. Top and No Top Road Wairon*. BY VAN TA8SKLL A KEARNEY. AT THEIR MART, 110 and 112 East 13th st. V B ARG AlN KO R~ CAS I l-A LADY LEAVING THR ii city offers tor sale her Park Turnout, consisting of the in.i*t stylish and beautlfnl bay Poney in the city. 8 years old, 15 handa high, flowing mane and tall to the groui.d; la perfectly gentle for any child to ride or drive; warranted entind and kind and to trot a miie in 2:45; elegant top Phaeton, gold mountings, with harnesa to match, lap robe and whip, all good as new; would sell separately or to gether; this tnrnons must e seen to be appreciated; seen at private stable No. 13 West 27th St., between Broadway and 5th av. FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE "Brewstir Wagon,"' the stnudarJ for stylo and quality, now ready tor Inspection at onr factory and waremoms, Broadway and 47th st?. 5th av. and 14th it. Special attention I* called to our improvement In (Ida bar Wagons, which enable us to offer the lightest, safest and best riding wagon ever produced. BREWSTER A CO. (of Broome tt.) A" ?TO LET-TH K f 1NEST _HOR8KS AND 'WAGONS ? In the State ; Horses, stylish Wagons and Harness, new, at the Union Club stable, -O East 18th tt., near Broad way. CRYSTAL CAB, NEARLY NEW, CARR1ES SIX lo?lile; also Dux assortment of Pony Phaetons, with leather or canopy tops. CoVl.Eit A CO., 694 Broadway. 4 ?FOR SALE. SQUARE BOX LEATHER TOP KULL At ?pring city made Wagon, in perfect order, nsed onlv a few times, with light, new Harness. Inquire of i*MITH, United State* Express Stablas, 32d st,, between Lexington and 34 av*. A "Tie ntleman" le aving th e city will sell at a great sacrllice an excellent pair of brown lo>^ baud carriage or road ilortet; toeed 3 minute*. A. C. Lit W1*. 12 Cliff it. A FINE LOT OK HARNESS at low prices. Sheets. Nets. Ao.. in greet variety. Save money by dealing direct with the manafactuer. E. BARTLEIT. 6J Warren at., corner Collega place. APKIVATK TEAM OF KENTUCKY HOR8K8 FOR ?ale? Verr ityllMi: Vahoney'a bays, 16 hands. S years old and warraated sound and kind. Apply at 142 Wait 37th AN ELKuANT HRUWSTER basket phaeton splendid condition ; sacrifice, at $85. O'REILLY'S VV .11 eh MM sr. Kht Ka?t 44th ei, T A SACRIFICE BKAI riFt'L EXTEX8ION SlilKT ing t<ip Phaeton, seats h-ur persons, with Pole and shafts; light pony Pnseti.B, two full spring and side bar top Wagoo*. light roail Wagon; all nearly new; best city makers Private stable .Vld st.. corner of 4th av. A"" LARGE VARIETY OK~ SECOND II.VND TOP Wauyna. lizlit Trotting Wagoua, Koi-tor*' Phaetons, four passenger Phaetons, Jump seats; six seat Rorkaway, tuitaieie lor country hacking. 144 to I VJ Katt :i!?i st. A_HIK sale. FIVE PONY IIUILT HOK.iKS, Sl-| I . able for farmin.. grocer or any business, cheap. 104 Klirabeth St.. between Broome nnd (irand. A?FOR-SALE, RARE CHANCE. ~5 HO SUIT. . n4>le for any business; also mv Koad or Family Horse. Apply at 41 lile.-rker at., la ih> inr ?F()R SALE, A CANAl'lAN PONY. SUITABLE ? for any business. 5 5 W ashington it., uear corner of Charlton. VERY FINE OA i. KB IK) W H COUPE HURSK rOR ?ale: sound and kind in all harness ; t> yeart old and 18 hands high: very stylllh, N. I'. WEEKS, :iI hall 3d it. CHismr uahmTi& hands imgh.''""sound. kind, of great Rnduraace and fait. Addrese box 221 Stamfor.l iConn.i Post ctJiee. VERY" >I*Nf7 TEAM OK BAT HORSES, |3*{ hands high, 6 year< old, warranted lound and kinu, also One saddle Herie. No. 3 West I-Ith st. TOP PON* PHTETON AND HAKNEttn BI T LIT Ue need; will Mil cheap. Me. $7 Wee* 28th it A HORSES, carriages. ?c. A^"BARKER A SON S ?a- CITY AUCTION MART AND N. T. TATTERSALL'S, u ? ?^?corn,r ol Broadway and 3IHh st. "/Vs.-. W BARKBR. AUCTIONEER. every Wednesday unit Saturday. TWENTV-FoUK bourn allowed for trial. ? driving track in the St it*. CATALOGUE OK SALE THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock. _ __ beginning with .CAWAIN GEOIME D. HANNA'S. ??,f B<?tJlBON COU>TY. KENTUCKY, ?lV???knti1 umparaLleled SALE Ol- THE FASTEST (iKEEN TROTTERS IN THE WORLD, JUST ARRIVED PROM KENTUCKY. AND COMPRISING l^iJlnrfiJ HEADofth.. richest bred In the coontrv. 5 5?1 ?f J'err' Mtunbriuo. Patchen. Blllr <?? cldunt, Woodford Mambrino, Ac.. Ac., ami con ft' rrKm < , GRKZ* TKOTTERS tliat can trot in from J minutes down to 3:115; three extraordinary lit ii? ir *"n?rbl.y matched COACH TEAMS, chestnuts and I blacks, or unequalled rich appearance and style; a number of elegant COUPE MATCH or T Carl HORSES: a PACING Gelding that can HE *T a:*), and tha baUnce the most I"?J ? f rttK JI/S *HlUM con,t|ined ladle*' and genile mens SADDLE and HARNESS HORSES ever brought m-D?i-V?ciiW<><'k ?" warranted sound and kind. ?aHF? 1'AST few days this *tock has been rode \\\Z n>*?y gentlemen, who hare pronounced aad b "?t lot i n r*Bre??n'ed. but the handsomest D <i,OACH. KPKED AND 8ADDLKR8 ,>ew York PI ??'TEEN YEARS. CATALOG LEU. with extended PEDIURKES, full descrip tion*. Ac., at sale. IMMEDIATELY AFTER ABOVE, A COMBINED BAY saddle und harness Mare, 15V high, " year* oiu; a very stylish ami handy driver; perfect under a iddle : warranted aound and kind. TOP PONY PHAETON, nearlv new. "0?.K UVAV. KINK order, bv IlICKS. H^JW ARh, ljV high, foaled IStW: bred by A. J. ALEX Y .V Em!-' "r Spilng Station. Woodl'ord county Kv.. ?lid sold by htm at 13 month* of a.-e for $l.?iO J to pres ent owner; fot by the renoweod LEXINGTON, dam by ^r'1 Ahdallah; pedigree STRICTLY OUARAN M.KU; lin* never been trained; waa bought for and has al ways been used for BREEDING PURPOSES; an extriior dinary chance for breeder*, aa this mare la the ONLY one in America by Lexington out of an Alexander'* Abdaliah mure: *old on account of ownor'a intended permanent ah sence abroad. T*9?wJt*!> *?.? Howard. ui U HL) Pr5tun bUck Wnmbl?t??niAn Trotting Filly, 13^/ 11? Li 1/ l*lU Fot ^ Volunteer, Jr., dam by Hont'a iiamnletonlan; is elegant in harness, never trained, finely ?faltt'd; ean trot in three minute* to tho pole, and is war ranted nonnd and kind. vwJuiv?9.^ky Mortimer. TWENTY-THREE other ton and no top Road Wagon*, ?nd Business Wagons, Ac. ' FIFTEEN OTHER lloraea. FULL DESCKIPTIONS at tale. vAU?.? J* KJfE " P?"Pnl""d on account of weather. HV?vv ntTi n^uir0^2L'Li" ?uno'""-ed a grand aale oT r.ti^ * DRAUGHT IIORsES, tha property of a contractor retiring from tiie business. AN EXECUTOR'S SALE. ' WILL SELL HY PUBLIC AUCTION ORDER OP EXECUTORS. ON THl^tSDAY, JV?E.d'?A?, 11 O'CLOCK PROMPTLY, nAT.i.iiTJ' PAULS BOAUDINO STABLE. CORNKR OK LAFAYETTE PI.ACE AND 4"hl ST THE PROPERTY OK DIt. HAMMOND. DKCEASED * Including a fast and handsome younif blood bny Trottinir , *r#! ~ Kennin? trotter. 7 years old thl* sprinir, aired by LeKal Tender, dam a thoroughbred; pedigree guaranteed. Thi* young mar* waa ne?er trained bnt seven week* when coming Ove year* old. when she showed 3:41; waa then taken homa, and has been driven on road ever since, aud - . *r?VT ImproT d In speed: the can show a 2 :30 gait ?and trot a mile and repeat in Iras than 2 :t5: I* a splendid road mare, ajd promise., with trnlnlng this spring, to trot low down in the twenties. Any gentleman wishing a Urst ela?* trotter should call and examine this line young mara: aha is warranted sound and kind and as represented. Also the fast and flne blooded Trotting Mare Angelina; bred by James B Clay and sired by Clark Chier. dam a thorough brad; Is half sister to Nicotene: she is a rich chest nut. about l&K hands high. 7 years olfl this spring: her first appearance was at Lexinirton, when 5 years old, when the trotted two beau in 2and 2 :41. The following spring she was beaten by half neck only, in 3:34; she has since oeen used altogether to r private driving; she Is a stvllsh and pleasant driver and an ever.vdty roadster; she can beat - any day and warranted sound and kind. Also tlie beautiful dapple gray lielding. 15>i hands high. 8 vears.oid: airad by Kentucky Clay, dam hy Stockbrldge Chiel; is one of the finest styled trotting horses in the country; has fine aotlon and endurance, powerfully gaited excellent pole h<>rse; trotted at Prospect Park laat spring In J :41, al?o at Fleetwood Park last fall In 2::? under the name of (.ray MTillie. Jr.; he can trot much faster now, and owner had made arrangements ro enter him in severnl Rurtes this season: lie baa fine, broad, arched neck, long, ill mane and tail and is warranted sound and kind Without any exception one of the finest pony phaeton Mares In thia city, hands high, 7 years old: a perfect picture and pat: has been used and driven by lady to pony phaeton; is amiable, intelligent and safe; fears no lucotno tive or any thing else: warranted sound and kind and warranted to trot a full mile In 3 minute* on day of aale or no sale. . A!?? two e'e**nt Brewettrs. of Broome street, side bar ahilting top W agon*, nearly new; one open Wagon. Brew ster, of Broome street, nearly new; one pony Phaeton; two sets of Single Harness, by Coinmerford. equal to new; Saddle and Bridle: alio Blankets. Robes, Whip, Ac. Stock now on exhibition at stable. Sale rain or ?blue. By order of ELIZABETH HAMMOND, Executrix. JOUN MORRISON, JR. Executor. A N EXECUTOR'S 8ALE OF TIIE FOLLOWING "" -A. VALUABLE TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, HARNESS, BLANKETS ROBES, Ac . Ar. ' TO BF. SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DAY (W DNESDaY), JUNK 7. AT 11 D'CLOi;K PROMPT. AT THE PRIVATE STABLE NO. 9 WXST 19TH ST. Near Fifth avenue. Including the fast and high bred brown Trotting Mare Lady Mills, 1&^ bands high, U years old. sired by Alexan ders Nortnan; dam, a thoroughbred. Lady Mills, when 5 years old. trotted a mile In 2 and two miles In 5:IH*i tneu known as the Paterson Mare. She Is a flne. stylish driver, blooded in appearance, and is as game a road trotter as goes tho road. She can trot in 2:3s to road wagon and ean always beat 2:35 on any good track, and la warranted sound and kind. Kaat, handsome and hl*h bred bay Trotter Troubler, 15U hands nigh, fl year* old. railed bv Jame* Van Arsdale Esa. lu Orange county, and tired by Edward Everett: dam a Star man. ana known a* the 8eelev Mare ; he was broken and trained by Mingo, and when 4 years trotted In 2:42; waa driven by /. Murphy last fall a mile In 2:37, without training.on Fleetwood track; he can go<lo track any day ami beat 3:35. and has no superior lor a roadster; he is warranted sound and kind. _ the beautilul chestnut Gelding Prince, sired by Conklin Star, dam hy Highlander Chiet, 14'., high. 7 rears old; he is a very stylish, prompt driving horse: thoroughly broken in harness or saddle: is safe for a lady to ride or drive and is a horse or extraordinary bottom, having trotted five miles over tha Suffolk Park Course, Philadelphia, in 14 minutes and 22 seconds asd a single mile in 2:3H; haa a mild, amiable disposition, aud a very pleasant road horse, as ha is not excitable in company; pulls weight wall, and Is war ranted sound and kind. The very fast sorrel Gelding Dictator, 15^ hands high, 8 years old;; he by Jupiter, dam hy Superb Dictator: last fall trotted around the Gochen half mile track without training In ^:3?: be is perfectly broken; safe for any one to drive or care, and for style and speed ha cannot be surpassed; he is warranted sound and kind. Beaulllu! sorrel Gelding, Wbltesiocking*. sired bv Honest Allen.dam by Young Morrel; trotted at Mystie Park last spring In gentleman's road race, t? a road wagon driven by J. Rogers, Esq., In 2:44. 2:40 and 2:43; be la 15V bands high, very powerfully built, Sjrears old, good gaited and an extraordinary good breaker and catcher: does not pull safe for anypodv to drive; is a good pole horse and warranted aonnd and kind. The flne brown Mare, Jennie; has always been used by ladies and children, both in harness and under saddle; Is not araiil of the cais: will stand without tielng and is safe antler all circumstances; she is very prompt driver and can trot in toree minutes, and for ladies' and children's use is invaluable; is 7 years old and warranted sound and kind Carriages consist of extension top Phaeton, one Oneen's Phaeton, one canopy top Pony Phaeton, one Windsor top side bar Rood Wagon, one full spring top Wagon, sincla and double Harness. Ulsnnrta. Sheets, Robes. Ac. Hale p isltive, rain or shine. ?MAJOR CHaa"wTbA3KBR, AUCTIONEER. ? EXTRAORDINARY SALE of CONTRACTOR'S DUMF WAGONS. CARTS. IIORSES. Team Harness Cart Harness. Ac.. Ac., at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tsttersall's. corner of Broadway and ;nnii St., on Saturday June 10, at 11 o clock, the property of a well known CONTRACTOR retlriug from business and comprising ' TWENTY-FIVE fnnr-wheeled DUMP WAGONS, in flao order, the best in use for moving earth, sand, gravel brick* ?tone and for all practical purposes; dump on either sida '? SEVENTEEN two-wheeled Carta, all in Ana shape and aa good at new. SI XT\ -FOUR SETS of double W agon. Stage or Truck Har ness. with Collars, Bridles, Lines, Ac., coiupiela; ail naarlv new. ' TEN SETS Cart naraesa, line order. ? ??'JJL.??\.,"P,rJ#r '"?"J Draught lloraea. WEIOHT 2.Hf*i POl. NDS, and warranted to be equal to anything of their weight. PAIR OF closely matched bay Geldings. 16W hands high n and 9 year* old; tamer than ordinary travellers- alto a vary elegant set of light double Harness. STOCK WILL be on exhibition to day ap to tilt? sale without reserve or poitponement. THB SPECIAL attenlion ol' CONTRACTORS, TRUCK MEN and FARMERS is directed to this sale. ?AUCTION. AUCTION* GEO. W. JENKINS. AUCTIONEER WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON THURSDAY, THE UNION AUCTION HOUs'r,ANO. 30 1STH ST RP TWRE.N BROADWAY AND .'.TH A v., A TuoC1X>C K. THE ENTIRE STOCK o^ TWO PRIVATE GENTLE Consisting of two extra flne Coupe Horses, J.'.W hands. B and 7rears old; very strong and muscular: will weigh about 1.2iW lbs. each, and are ail style, with fins action and great endurance ; jne extra line Trotting llorte. ? yeais old 15K hands high; can trot in J Mr. ?ne flne large Family Horse: i'J'!', '?' ? ,rU 'n 3 """ntes: one elegant Road Hnrx. '\V bands, ti years old; can trot in All of the above norsca are warranted sound and kind were oroken for family use aud are well bred. Pedigree, will be given at time of sale. Also one extra Kentucky saddle and liarnast Horso combined, as he hat all of the saddle gaits for a lady or gentlemau; Is l.">V bands about 7 ) ears old. with large bone and muscls; Is trots ?iugle. foots and canters. Carriages consist of 1 T Cart, with Pole and Shafts; 1 Coupe I full spring top Road Wagon. I side bar top Wagon. 1 top Pony Phaeton. 1 single seat one inan Road Wagna; single, doubis and coupe Harness. Also several other Horses, Including one lino matc.ied pair <>rbavs. Gentle. men in search of flne slock are Intlted to call and examine as it is lyll of tba best quality and must be seen to be an', predated. Sale Motive, rain ot shlno, without lim.t. solicited horses, carriages, ac., at^lar istm" AND p*OMI"r Returns, office A "Ai Rl FICK ?FINE To I" PONY PHAETON. CITY , "J**' R"1"' H'O; Due family, business ln>r?e. all 7tn av. a LL KINDS OF NEW AND SECOND II AMD BUS I ??'" ???! Pleasure W agons, Trucks and Carts. Repotl tofy Hiid?'? and l:ith sts. * ROAM PONY-BUILT HORSE; TWO OTHER J\ Horses: yo-mj and sound; Cart, Truck, too Kxnress Waftm: fhe.ip *>l Canal at., saloon. AGRl'.AT BARGAIN FOR C ax II * hi WILL Rl'f R!?nrTM|VH?ilST\rrvM ASl> H'"?IAM I.ADIfS' .. . ^ consisting of beautiful bay I ony, 1j Ii nds high, flowing m ila and long tail, 7 years old: wsrranten aound and kind and to trot a mile In 2 "hi sure: beautilul top Phaeton and Harness, Lsprobs and i iV ?' ' M 1,1 ,i,h *L< between Uroadway aud Loiversity place. ' A ? u'h?A NICE PONY PHAETON. IIORME j?X. and Harnea*: al.o a team or bay Han.l letonlan ? tr'?s ?nd three other Horses, fit for any k nd ol business to be sold at a great sacrlflcs; fair trial allowed. At 17 ,t Joi os St . near Bowery . inquire tor KlCllARD. BAL.0A^AmAH PONY?Ij HANDS; SOUND, KIND; |0li; Uorae for heavy woik, 4 7th av. lit)USES, CAIUll AGES. ?C. (iXbbiauesT HXTixfe??. clo?TTTng, J At price* t lmt render competition iiuposaible. Kockum art, woriU fl'.KJ: i'haetoHH, $1 lo. worth f-00; Depot Wagons, $150, worth liuuKie*.v* T?rw f2(v): extension top and cunopy Phaetons. cufunder Koce ??ri. *c.; excellent Hxrness of every description, frutn flU upward; Lap Ousters, Sheets, Whip*.Ac. JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren ?t. c 1ARRIAGES FORTHE COUNTRY.?SIX-SEAT ROCK aways. Uirnuulowiu, titui wil cut-unuer Rnckaway*, V/ kWKJ\ URIIII.UIl'iKilft, IUU> ??? "?? J u Depot Wagons. with mill without top*; top and open Pony Pbnetons. ol all ?Irian; light extension top l'baetou*, tor oua hone; both new and second band. WM II GRAY. 2n and 22 W ooster ?t. C1ABUAGB* AT BXTBEMf LOW M.\Ni KACITR J er s prices; all my own make And warranted. x ony And lirht extension top Park Phaetons, ail prices; Murines. Kockswavs, Depot. Jump seat aud hxpress W Afuoa. and other stvft?s of various qualities ana price*; splendid ooctor s Phaeton cheap. GUAltLKS OKUBK, CanAl St. CIOI'PK HOCKAWAY Fi'iR SALE?AT A >.V> ltll/|? K J run only i>?te season; in perfect order; pr^ce fouu. Aa dress K. L.. Herald oflice. ESTRAL" l'AUK KIOINO SCHOOL. 7TH AV. AND 58th st.?Heverui good Saddle Horses for sale; wine that It11 well in harness, and quite last: well ??*?;' *nd ITS.? stock always uu hand. FKKD. J. KNitKLHABDI. Ijlor HALE-Xs ELEGANT T'RlVAlK COACH TEAM; ' free from lault or vice choice color and very stylish.; a chance to secure a reliable team from private bunds. Au dress box ''%T50 New York Post oitice, I-pOUB IN IIANIJ dray-AN ELEGANT VEHICLE. 1 will bo sold at one-ihird of Its value. Apply to ISAAC L YOU NO A I'o.. 34 Fair st.. Newark, M. J. ___ T.10R SaI.K-A K1K.nT CLASS FAMILY HORSE. AUKl) r 8years; sound, kind mid guntle; will stand anywhere uithnut tying; not atraidof a locomotive or ?o)till i|ir " i??S 1U hand* liigfi. lmiulre at EDWARD SIMON A BRO. S trunk lactory, Newurk. N J. SALi.-LKtl HER Till' SIDE BAR ROAD ' Wairnn ; cltv builder; new last fall; price $1.jO. Iimuiro at GARRISON'S Stable. 4*tt? >t. and 8th av. Full SALE-HANDSOME BAY MARE. IS# HANDS, 6 year* old, with loin; tall ?n?l mane; warranted lor ladies or children to rido or drive; Irial given. Call tor two days at store 3JI4 MmUon st. | F FOR SALK-TEAirHAMKLETONlAJf COLTS. 15*,' hnnds hlg'i, "> and (i years old; aired by .Middletown; dam by Thomas Jefferson; warranted sound and kind, ana will be m>id for hall their value. Apply at Fleetwood btables. .SUB West 5Jd st. jiO~R 8 Aj7^-A~TE Am" BROWN HOUSES 8 AND 0 . years old, at your price; all sound At I*Q llroad-vay. TjloiT 8ALE?A FA 1R~OF CHESTNUT CARRIAGE T Horses. 13.3; sound and kind in all harness; Just rom the eonntry; will bo sold ciioap. Apply at stable 1DJ Lex in^tou av? from It to 12 A. M. Foil"S.u7K-A~HCTOKn LANDAU and pu abton, made by Brewster, nearly nrw, at 114 West lHih st. For sale, for cash kiaest tcun out ill New Yolk, consistinR ol stylish speedy Mare ttrota inside of 2 :'?(>,) excellent light Wb?ou and Harne??. Apply At 10 West 4 ith st. ? FOR SALE~Olf~KENT-AT~B(>TTOM PRICli, KOUR story browu stoue, stable attached, -- Kaai 40th St. Inquire on premises. SALE "LOW." FOR" WANT" OF USE-LAK?1E J? black llr.r?e, IB hands; Kultable for any business; Con eord Express Wagon. Platform >printr? and Harness: also stylish bav Horse, Hl, hands; suitable lor light business. 375 Wnt 13th st. ABNE8sT^*rfEAI'EST HARNESS STORE IN NEW York; com! Buggy llaniess, hand made, $15; good Orocers' Harness. $-3; good double Team Harness, f*)', ? good Horse Blanket, $1 Fleaso call ,lid examiuo for Toiirsolves. FISHER A OSBORN, Manufacturers, <1 Bar clay ?t. _____ OWELL QDEEN AND GKORUE IV. Top i'ony I'haetons. hide par or elllptle spring TOF ROAD WAGONS. A. 8. FLANDBACJ. 872 and 374 Broome St. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) 1IX SEAT I'll ALTON, THREE HORSES AND SET 5 Expresi H arnesi, cheap. 34 Fell st tijlOR'"SALE?COUi'E IN GOOD ORDEU, SUITABLE " lor backing; price HALL, 151 East .<8th st. OR SALE?A IIANU80ME FAIR OF CAURIAUE and saddle Horses, 1 ?">f-a h*n<l? '"'K'1'? sound. W.M. TAYLOR. St. Denis Hotel. s H SPECIALTY IN , ?ix seat Uockawav* and (.oupe Roekaway*, of the linent quality and finish. A. S. FLANDRAU, *72 and 374 Broome st. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) S~ TORAGE KOIl CAIlKlAGIis AND SLEICHS. Rooms clean, light anddnr. Terms liberal. A. S. FLANDKAU. ? *72 and 374 Broome ?t. (old stanil of Brewster A Ca.) RACK 8ULKIES.-IN~o?dER TO FOFt'LARIZE our sulkv irade we offer iroiu stock, or will build to order. Track Sn kies in all weights, nnsurpMt?ed [n quality and form, for $12ii. BRKWSTKR * tO. (of Broome st.) Broadway and 47th st. 1' SIDE BAR KOAD~WAOON, hE\RLY NEW; baying sold my horse, will soli at a bargain. Apply at 230 6tli av. _ rnwo EAST HORSES FOR 8ALE?APPLY TO CHARLES 8. GREEN. Babylon. L. I. One a bay Geldlnc. 15.1. by Middletown, dam by Seely? American Star; the other a bay brown, 15.3, by Uice lirayes. dam by a ion of HHPs Black Hawk; both rplenaid road homes. TITANTBD-A (BROOME ST.I LIGHT Tf patent fide bar three bow top Bugsy, with all their rec?nt Improvements, weighing over 240 pounda. Adilre-s with price. Ac.. YENOVS. box 5..>B8 Post oftlce, N?w ) ork AN TED?TO~ MATCH OR WILL ShLL A BLaCK W Geluing. 4 year* old, IBJi bauds high; long, rangy, bow neck; round barrel: smooth built; long. Bowing tail, touching the ground; not heavy limbs: uearly thoiougb ired- can trotlu 3)4; sound nnd wit hoot fault. ' A. 8. BEKKMaN. Soath Branch, N. J. W" ANTED-A FINE TEAM OF CARRIAGE HORSES In exchange lor House and Lot In Eliiabeth, free of eucumbranoa, except mortgage of *600. Address W., Her ald ofHee. TITaNTED?A Nf.w OR SECOND HAND PONT W Phaeton In good order; priee not to exceed *175. Address C. W.. Herald office. ?liranted?a complete turnout in exchange ?T for a first mortgage due In September next. H. PATTBKRG. 746 Broadway. ? IVANTED TO PURCHASE-SOUND HORSE. HAIt T* nesi and top Express Wagon. Address, with particu lars, stating lowent castt price, LIQLOK. station B. A(W\ -SPLENDID BAY HORSE GENTLE^ FOR lady; can show 3 minutes; work Horse, <60. No. 316 Weal 3let st. __________ DR Y'GOODfc ' ^xfBAQBbmR?nKEl)icfl0N. AT. STEWART A CO. will offer t?-4ay (Wednesday). June 7, special line* of pare linen huck and damask TOWELS AT PRICES LOWEB than at any time la FIFTEEN YEARS Extra qaarity huck. 21x41 inches, 30 eeati each. Extra qaallty damask. 31x40 inches, 25 ceau each. Extra qaallty beayy back. J0x45 Inches. 30 cente each. Damask bordered back. 21x 0 inches. 35 cents each. Extra doable damask, 24x48 incbee, 50 cents each. In the above housekeepers will have a rare opportunity to purchase goods of very superior qaallty at prtcee which probably cannot be repeated. BBOADWAY. 4TII Av!7"9TH AND lOTII ST8. OU ITS. 1 A. T. 8TEWABT k CO. ire offering annsual attractions in ladles', misses' and children t READY MADE DRESSES la all the leading fabric* and colorings. >elal attention Is invited to Eft' blLK SUITS, IIK MISSES' AND children'S PIQUE SUITS. ALSO. LI^EK, BATISTE AND PIQUE EMBROIDERED DRESSER. unmade, at VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ? BROADWAY. 4TII AV . 8TII AND 10TH STS. DIILUSERY AND OllKss.MAKIRH.. A~ T MARIE TILMANN Sr OF PARIS. IMPORTER? Opening of the finest assortment of Parisian Summer Millinery ever brought to this market. 433 6tb ay., near 26th st. (late Michel ?.)_ _________ EUROPEAN STKAMMHIPg. ~ ?jfCHOR Ll.NE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. >|.SATIA....June 10.3 F.M. ] CAUFORNIA J l24. 31P.M. ANCIIORIA..Jnne 17. Noon I E IIIIOFIA. .July I, >oou NEW YOI'.K AND LONDON. ? AUSTRALIA.June 10.4 P.M. I ANOLlA Ju y ?. 3 P.M ELY'S IA lune 24.4 P.M. | UTOPIA JalyM. 3 P.M. Anchor piert 30 sa<l 21 North Klver. New York. NEW YORE TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabin*. M to fOO. currency, according to accommodation*. Excursion ticket* on lavoratole 4*"ns. Steerage. $2? currency; intermediate. fA? currency. Drafts issued for any amoont at current rates. HENDEKSON BROTHERS. Agent*. No. 7 Bowling Greea. RED STAR LINE. . ~ , . 0. . Appointed to carry the Belgian end United State* mall*. I'he following steamers are anpoluted to tail TO ANTWERP ? u From Philadelphia. i From New l ork. VADtRLANO ? Jtine2(* KBNtLWoRrH June S bEDERLAND Inly 14 MWI'T-ERLANI1>.......July I PRICES OF PASHAOE IN CI RREXCY. First Cabin. HI" i Second Cabin....... Steerage tickets to and Irom all points at the lowest rate*. p*t?eiiger acrnmmod'siitms for *11 ela?>rs unsurpassed. For n*ssaire, rates ol freight and other information apply to PETER WttlGHT A SONS. General Agents Mi7 Walmt st.. Phll?delphla. GEORGE W. COLTOV 83 Broad *t.. New York. JOHN MCDONALD. Passenger Aeent, No. 8 Battery place. .New tyt. N ORTH GERMAN LWJTD. v.__ _rt_, STEAMSHIP LINF. HE1WF.BN NEW TOBK, southampton AND BKEMF.M. Compeny'* pier, foot of 2d ?t., llohokea. SECKAR Saturday, June 10 i MOSF.L.. .Saturday, Jnne 24 W ESKR .Saturday. June 17 I DONAU Saturday, .rily 1 Kaies ol pasiage from New York to Southampton, Havre "'I'lrst'cahin, $100 gold; Secoad Cabin. |60 gold; Steerage, $.*10 currency. Ket'irn Ticket* at reduced rate*. Prepaid st*"rage Certificates. $:i2 enrrency. yorlr."kt , ^ a BowIIb, Ore,,. Most direct and i conomic Route to Hol land, BELGIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, AC.. AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. , Steamer ROTTERDAM " Steamer CALAND ....June -J These be.iutllul steamere. carTing the United States mail to the Netherlands, are great lavorites with the puoiib. Trips regular, rate* low; comlort and living perfect. For fralgnt. For pajsage, Fl'NCtl, BOTE * CO. L. VlT^V EUROPEAN STEANSIIIPS. INMAli LINE.?MAIL STEAMERS" " ' KOR <JL EEN8lOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OK CHESTER Saturday. June Id, m 8 A. M. CITY OK RICHMOND. Nllliitajr, June 17, at 1 P. M. CITY OK BERLIN Nmumnv. July 1, ot 1 P. M. From pier 45 North River. Cabin, $80 nod $l<>", gold. Return tickets on favorable trrn.i. Steerage. <28, currency. Drills issued at lowest rata*. Saloons, staterooms, smoking anil bath rooms amidships. J OH N G. DALE. Agent. 15 and .11 Broadway, New Yor*. TXTHITK STAR LINt ? VV KOR UUKENM'oWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. Tb? ?t?4Uiers of tliia lino take tbe Luuo Route* recotn mendad by Lieuteuant Maury, U. S. .V.. going south of ttie Batiks on Ilia pussage tu (Jueeustown all tne yt-iir round. ADRIATIC June 10, at 4 P. M. BRITANNIC Juno 24, at 4 P. M. GERMANIC July s. at3 P. M. CELTIC Jul* 15. at 11 A. M. BRITAN'.MC Inly lit. at 1 I 30 A. M. Krom White Star Docks. pier 52 North Hirer Rnte>?.-uloon. $8"i and $100. In gold; return ticket! on reasonable terina. Steerage. $28. Saloon staterooms. smoking and bath rooms aro placed amidships, where the noiso and motion are leant, affording a degree 01 romfott hitherto unattainable nt tea. lor inspection of plan* ami other information apply at (he compun]'a office, a7 Broadway, New York. It. J. COitTIS, Agent. Ml ED STATE* HAIL Li:NE-STEAMTO QUEENS, town ano luempool, ?aiilug every TU ESDAY. Irom pier 4J North Kiver. NEVADA..Jnne Hi, 10 A. M. I \V\Oil INC. ..July 4,4 AM. WISCONSIN.June JO. a P.M. | IDAHO luly 18, 3 P. M. Cabin, $?>5, $7o aud $so, currency. intermediate. $f>; steerage. $20. Passengers booked to anil Irom Paris, Hamourir, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Draft* on Ireland, England. Kr.inoe and Ger many ut lowest rat*". WILLIAMS A tlUlON. 29 Broadway. ("1UNARD LINE.?11. ANI) N\_ A. R." M. ii. S. C(i J NOTICE. With a view to dimlnUhing the chance* of collision, the steamers of thia liue take a specific courso for all seasons ot the year. On the outward passage from Qneenstnwn to New York or Boston, crossing tho tue idlan of 50 at 43 latitude or uotUitig to the north of 43. On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 at 411 latitude, or nothing to tne north of 42. KKO.H NEW YORK KOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS rowN. ?RUSSIA Wed, Jun* 7 | AL.Of.RIA... .Wed., June 21 SCYTHIA Wed., June 14 | BOTHNIA....Wed.. June 28 Steamers maraed * do not carry steerage passengers. Cabin passage, $89, $100 and $130. gold, according to ac eommo'lati in. Return tickets on iarorahie tortna. Steerage tickets to and Irotn all parts of Euro|>e at very low rutes. Freight and passage ollice No. 4 Howling Green. CllAKI.ES G. KKANCKLYN, Agent. PASSENGERS PER STEAMSHIP RUSSIA EMBARK from the Cunard wharf, loot ot Grand St., Jersey City, at 3 I*. M.,ou Wednesday, June 7, 1*7(1. CHARLES (J. FRANCKLYN, No. 4 Howliug Greeu, New York. TTAMUUUG AMERICAN "PACKET COMPANY '8 LINE for PLYMOUTH. lIKKBOlKG and HAMBURG. a .I.ERT lane SI IIAMMONIA June 22 POM ERAN'I A June 15 | GOETHE June 29 Hates of passage to Plymouth, London. Cherbourg. Ham burg and all point* in England, Scotland and Wale* Cabin. flist saloon, gold .' $100 Cabin, second saloon, gold rt ' Steerage, currency 30 KU Nil A RDF 4 CO., C. B. RICHARD Jc BOAS. Geueral Agents, General Passenger Agents. 61 Broad St., New York. 01 Broadway. New York. S~ TATE LINK. ' NEW YORK TH GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELKA-T AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (.toot of Canal at.) as follows: ? STATE OK VIRGINIA Thursday. June 15 STATE OP NEVADA Thursday, Juno 22 STATE OK INDIANA Tiiursday, June .0 and every alternate Thursday theroalter. Kirst cabin #6? to $so. according to accnmmodations: return tickets. $125. Second cabin, $50; return tickets. $!*>. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. Agents. No. 72 Broadway, New York. Steerago tiekets at 45 Broadway and at the company's nier, foot of Canal St., North River. GREaFw"sTeRN STEAMS HIP LINE TO BRISTOL (KNi.LAND) DIRECT, sailing from pier 18 East River as follows:? SOMERSET. W< stern Wednesday, Jnne 7 ARAGON, syiuons Saturday. J line 24 Cabin passage, $75; Intermediate, $45; steerage, *31', cur rency; excursion tickets, $12(>; prepaid steerage certificates, $28. Apply to W. I). MORGAN. Agent. 70 South st. National line-from piers "44 and 47"n.~? ? OP. LONDON DIRECT. GREECE. Wednesday. June 14. 10 A. M. FOR OUfcENSToWN AND LIVERPOOL. SPAIN ..Juno 10, 7:30 A. M. I ITALY...July 1. 12:30 P. M. EGYPT. .Jnue 24,7:30 A. M. I THE QUEEN. July 8. 3 P. M. Cabin passage $70 and $80, currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage passage. $2ft. currency. Drillta issued from ?1 upward at curreut prices. Apply al th* company's office, t)9 Hroadwav, K. W. J. HURST. Manager. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (G. B.) lor tbe lauding of passengers. The tolendid vessels on this lavorite ronte for the Conti nent (caoins provided with electric bell*) will sail irom pier 43 North River, foot ol Barrow ?t.. as follows:? FRANCE, Trudelle Saturday, June 10. St 8 A. M. ?PERhIRE, Danrs Saturday. June 17, at 1 P. M. ST. GERMAIN. Heeutoux Saturday, June 24. at 8 A. M. CANADA, Krangenl luly 1, at 1 I'. M. LABRADOR. Sauglier Ssturdav, Jnlv n. at 1 P. M. PRICE OK PASSAGE IN GOLD (Including wln.i .? First cablu, $110 to $12> i, according to accommodatiuu. Second, $72. Third cabin, $40. Return tickets at reduced rates, 8teerage. $26. with superior accommodation. Including wine, bedding and utensils, without extra charge Steamers marked thus ? do note arry steerage passengers. LOUIS DE HEBIaN, Agent, 55 Broadway. ILSON LINE KOK SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL sailing Irom pier 53 No;th River, as follows:? OTHELLO June 15 I NaVaRINO July 13 HINDOO Jnly 1 | COLOMBO July 28 Kirst cabin, $70 currency; second cabin. $45 currency. Excursion tiekets on very lavorable terms. Through tickets issued to Continental and Baltic ports. Apply, fur ftill*par ticulsrs, to _ CHARLES L. WRIGHT k CO.. 56 South st. (lOOK'S EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE AND TOURIST J Tickets, through Great Britain and the Continent, are available by any liue of ocean steamers and by any train upon any day and pan be used by a single Individual as well a* in pirtiesof any number. SIMMER VACATION PARTY is now being made np and will sail by steamer Victoria, July 8, for a tour in Scotland. England, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, Italy and Krsnce. Mr. Thomas Cook will accompany them from New Ynrk. Prices for Brst class travel, hotel and alt expenses. flVil $4<k> and $.*oo gold. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST contains full Information re garding route* and tbe cost of tickets to all portions of Euxops and America price 10 cents by mat!. COOK, SON A JENKINS, Broadway and Warren st. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. P" aCIKIC MAIL STEAMSH P LINE." KOR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA, AC., AC., sailing from pier foot of Canal st.. North River. FAR an FRANCISCO, VIA ISTHMUS OF PANAMA COLON Saturday, June 10 ccnnecting for Central America and the South Pacific. For freight or passage apply at the foot of Canal St., North River. II. J. BULLAY, Superintendent. PANAMA TRANSIT"STEAMSHIP COMPA.h i, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC PORTS, via Isthmus of Panama. Sailing from pier 13 North River. _ Steamer CRESCENT CITY. SATUKDA.Y. May 27 lor Aspinwall. connecting via Panama Railroad at Panama with first class steamships for ports as above. For freight or paasago apply to p C|,y or * CO.. No. ti Bowling Green. KKXUDA. rlT. THOMAS AND WEST"INDIES.-THE elegant steamship CaNIMA is iutended to sail hence for lieriuii'la ou Tliors lay, June N, making cloee Connection at Bermuda with the mall steamer lor St. Thomas For passaue and information applv to QUEBEC AND GULF PORTS STEAMSHIP company, 29 Hroadwar, New York. XT Y. HAVANA AND MEXICAN~MAIL 88. LINE l> .. Steamers leave pier No. 3 North River, at 3 P. M. V KOR HAVANA DIRECT. cm*Y)P MERIDA Tuesday, June 13 CITY OK VERA CKI'Z Thursday, June 15 KOR VERV CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, Progreso, Campeacliy, Tusnan and Tampico. CITY OK MERIDA Tuesday, June 13 For freight and pa?*age apply to K. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and 33 B.oadway, Steamers will leave New Orlesn* June 18 andJuly9for Vera Crus and all the above ports. NEW YORK AND HAVANA "DIRECT MAILTlNR. Tliese first class steamships will tail at 3 P. M. from fcier 13 North River, foot of Cedar sk, lor Havana direct, as Follows:? _ . . _ COLUMBUS.: Thursday.Jnne 8 WILMINGTON Tuesday. Jnne 20 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tion*. apply to^ p 0,jYDE a co No ? BowHD(t Green. McKELLEi:, LULINO it CO.. Airenfs In Havaua. ONLY DIRECT LINK FOR FLORIDA WEnKLV LINE for Port Royal, S. C.; Pernandlna, Fla.; Brunswick, lia.; -ailing every Thursday, from pier 2t> East Riv*r. the iteamer CakON'Di.LET. captain Faircloth, will sail Thnrs Jav. June 8. at 3 P. M . for Kernandina and Port Royal. Through tickets issued to ail points in Florida. For freight ?r passage apply to C. 11. MALLORY A CO.. or UBRMa.M UKLPCKE, 153 Maldcu lane. I^EXAS LINE For GALVESTON, TOUCIiTnG aT KEY i. West, carrying the United states mail, i he steamer CITY Ot AU.-TIN. Captain EldridL'e, will sail on Saturday, inn* 10, at 3 P M.. from pier 2o East River. Tiirongh nils of lading given to all points on the Uonston and Texas, Central international and Great Northern. Gilvestou, llous. ton and Henderson, and the Galveston, Harrisburg and *aii Antonio Railroads. Freight and insurance al lowest rates. For freight or passage, having superior accommn Jations, sppl v to C. II. MALLORY A CO., |.">3 Maiden lane. FOR NASSAU. N. I'.-1?:?;('LAR MAIL STEAMSHIP LEO leaves New York Julv I. e MURRAY, FERRIS A CO.. 02 Sooth sL MOtOAN'S LINE OF STEAMSH IPS, for New Orleans and Texas. will sail every Saturday to New Orleans, transferring Texas Iretght there to Morgan's Umlsiana snd Texas Railroad for Morgan City, tbeacs, per Morgan's line of steamers, to Yhe BRaSIIEAR will sail from pier 36 North River. New York, ou Saturday, June 10. at 3 P. M.. for New Orleans direct. Through bills of Isdlng signed to Mobile. Galveston and t? all points on the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio, Houston and Texas Csntral, luternstloual and Great North ern. Texas and Pacific and Trans continental railroads, and to jndMiioli. Rrssos .laatlago, Corpus Cbristl. Rock port, St. Mary's and Fultoo. Freight for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Rockport. Lighterage and rhannel dues at either Corpus Christi or Bratos Suntisgo st ths expense and risk of consignee. Through rates to Hrt wnsvlile via Rio Grande Railroad. Insurance can he effected under open policy of C. A Whit nev A Co., New Orleans. From New York to New Orleans, \ per cent.; from New York to all Texas ports via New Or leans. % per cent. Frelirnt at lowest rates. For freight or further Inform a lion ftDitijr lo CHARLES A. WHITNEY A CO.. Agents, oier 36 North River. FOR NBWs ORLEANS DIRECT. THE CROMWELL LIMB. The etesmshlD, Cantain Kemhle. on SATURDAY June 10. at 3 o'clock P. M , Irom pier No. 9 North River. Through Mils of lading riven te Mobil* and *11 principal points on the Mississippi Rirer. Cabin passage, $00; steerage 925 Apply t* CLARK A SEAMAN N WMli COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. /\LD' DOMINION StejTWhip offSritfC~ I I .ailing from pier .17 North River. For Norfolk. City Point and Richmond, Tuesday*, Thure dat ? mm Saturday* at 3 P. M.. coutiectlMf with the VirgioH ami Tenne?aee Air I inc. Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Ail Liue. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and with the coin. DMny'i- sleaiu lilies to Interior polutt in North Carolina and Virginia Newberu and Washington, N. C. (vl* Norlolk), averv Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. ? Lewes. Del.. Monday. Wednewlajr and Friday at 3 P. *. connecting with Maryland and Delaware railroad*. I'asseng r accommodations nnaarp. . 3sss?" rr U?OR HALIFAX. N. S.. ANUirr. JOHNAM. If. I* Cl.oMWELL slEAMliHIP LINE. Stenineris leave pi?r 10 Nurth Hlvit' fullowiujj days, i? 3 (iEOROE W ASIIIXGTON ? ? ? UEoltUE O HUM W ELI Mu?t direct. <iuicke?t and cbeape t route to Nova - cot a. Newfoundland and I tie Low.-r at. Lawrence. Excellent pas senger accommodations. For Iretglit or pa**age apply to CLAUK .* HE A MAN, Ifi West -t. TRAVBLliKRi' OClblU. "Albany and iroy by day boats c. vibbard A niiii DANIkL DUKW.?I.oave Vestry *t. Pier at 8:10 and _'4tl> ?l nt k :?> A. M.. I indlnu at Nyack and Tarrytown (. y ferryboat*, West Point. Newbur?. Ponghkeepsle, Rhine beck, Cstikill and Hudson. ? lo*o connection at Albany with train? for the North unci West. T? Waat Point aua N?whur^' and morn. si'im tiny. . t'ontrhktM'psie. 91 ?? ? 4 MANY.-PEOPLkTS LINK. 8TKAMBOAW 14U.TI I\ pier 41 North Kiver, dally. Sunday excepted. <*t 6 I . M., for Ibany and all points north and West* Ureal reduo lion iu tare ; Excursion Tickets to Albany, Saratoga, Mon* treal and return. Meals on kuropoun plan. /ToUK'S A ST: ill OA N I'iMHiK A M M K KOR EXCURSIONS \ J and Tv urs to ail point** in the United Male# ami Canada sliowlnx over 1.2U0 difleront combination!, U now ready. Sent by mail on receipt ?t 10c. Cook's American Hotel coupon* are accepted at tir,t class hotel* at all princi pal point* throughout tne country, providing tor a Tall day I accommodation, and are sold at ^1 oOeach. COOK, SON A JENKINS, Broadway and Warren a /TATSKILL l'Ki;i;K LINE.?NEW CHAMPION.'TUE9 dav, Thurnay and Saturday, from pier 4_, Canal st. I McMAKUS. alternate i:?ys, Ironi Leroy St., 0 . M. C1ITIZENS' LINE STEAMBOATS POR TROY AND ALU ,'f.nt, Nonl,ea.t ind West U?v. dally, except Satur day, at 0 P- M., Irom pier *0 North ltlver. U?0B NORWALK UlREOT.?PARE t and after Monday, May 1>. the?li?amer AMERICU3 wiU leave pier :IT Kant ltlver, loot of Market ?t, 2.4.?. autlJ?"" foot of 33d ?t.. at :i o'clock IV M.: returning leaven Sonib Norwalk at 7 ;'iO A. it., daily (Sunday ?.xcrptert). conneciini each war wlih Danbiiry ami Norwalk and Now llaven Rail roads. rare :??'> cent*. Kxcursion tickets 3s* cents. . II all IUVKR LINE TO BOSTON, ' via Newport and Kail It vor. The world renowned Steamboat* BUISTOL and PR0V1DEN0E lesre pier M North uiver. loot of Murray st. daily (Sunday* at 5 V. M. Through ticket* sold at all the principal hotel# in the city. Highlands ok the Hudson by daylight.? The MARY POWELL, for We*t Point, Newbury, pouchkeepale. llondout and Kingston. landing at coiien*, Cornwall. Mllto'n and New Hamburg, and Marlboro *'y f'rry> will loave pier :i i North River iVestry *t.J. daily, Sunday* excepted, at 3 :'t0 P. M. ________ TTlD KS'l'ABLISHI D LINK KOR sTI'VVenant. ca_m U kill and Intermediate lan In**.? Steamer ANDREW HARDER, from Krankllu si. (pier Ai). ruejdar, Thursda* and Saturday: steamer MONIT-iU, Monday, Wednesday and Krlday. ?t ?'? P. M. PENNSYLVANIA |.KAlI;i:i.m ^ and UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave New York, via Desbioiwes and Cnrt'audt street ferries, as follows:? .... , ? ,, ... Express lor llarrlsburg, Pittsburg, Ihe West and Sonth. wlth I*ullman palace cars attached, U -K) A. >1., d and 8 .*30 I ? For WhUa'mMiort, Lock Haven, Corry and Ene at 9:30 A. M. and S:i> 1^. M., connectini; at Lorry for lilusvtlle 1'etroleum Centre and the oil reifions. _ iw..k For Baltimore, W ishlnnton and the South, Limited J"*"?' inifton Kxpress" ol l'ullui*n [larlor rars da ly. day. 0:30 A. M.: arrive at Washington at 4:10 P. JL Regu lar ut S :40 A. M.. 3 and UP ^1- 0.~. . u ia-3fl Express lor Philadelphia, j, 7:J0, 8.40, 9.30 A M 4 4:10.5, ?, 7. ?::?>. ?P. M. and 1- night. Sunday, ?>, ?; 7l H :30 and 0 1?. M. Emigrant and second cla*., 7 r. M. For Centennial ilepot at 5^0. rt;*). 7.30. S. ?.?,,?A. M 12 :w 3 and 4 P. M. Returning, leave Centennial dV,',otsi7:la.a:15. 10: W A. M.. 1:13. 2 M, 4.530. .1 and Fi"r u'am^to Newark, Ellaabeth. Rahwajr, Princeton. Tren ton rerth Ambov. Klemln.-ion, Ueividere and other points, *00 local schedulo* at all U?<e? offlee*. Trains arrive: i1 roni Pittsburg, 6s55 and 10A. M. aua II. dally; 10:1. A.M. and ?:?> P. M. dally, ex cept Monday, f rom Washington aud Baltimore, ? M .i. M 4 05 5:13 and 10-.U5 K. M. Snuday. ?:J0 A. M. f rom I'liilaileli'liia, 5 -.10, 6:20, il:M, 10:l.?, 11 SiO. 1A. M.( 2 l"> 4:'l5, 4:lo. 0:10, liSO, S-.44 and lOii'i P- M. Snu dav 5 10 ?:a0, 0:55. 11:54 A. M.. ? JO and 10:25 P. M. Ticket .ilttcfs, ;M and 944 Broadway. No. 1 A.tor Honse and footof Drtarosse* and Cortlandlst?. : No. 4 Brooklyn; No*. 114, 110 and 118 Hudson *t? Hobokeu. ?HAN K VllOMP?"oCN. N?- 8 UttUarr ?. BOYD. Jr.. Geocral Manager. General Passenger Agint. ONDoLT AND KINllSloN. CONNKCTINil WITH Ulster and Delaw.ire Railroad, landing at HI bland Kail* (WeH I'olnt), Cornwall. .Ni wburg. Marlboro . Milton. Poiiglikeepsle, Esopoe?Steamboat* fllOMAS OORNBI.U and .1 AM1?S W". BALDWIN leave, dally, pier footof bprlns at . North river, at 4 I*. M. L2TONINUTON LINK I Oil BOSTON. ^ Reduction of I1 are. Steamer* RHODE In LAN D and NAUR AO AN SETT, from pier 33 Norta River, loot of Jav st.. at ?> 1*. n. I'rovldence Line, from pier 27 North River, loot of Park place. Bteamehlpe ELECTRA and OALATf.A. at 4 JO 1. M. WEST POINT, NKWBUKti, POUOHKEEPSIK AND return same day by day line steamer*. _ , ^ KXCURSIOM*. r'^X^AtW'AND Rl'NDAY EXC&RfioNS TO iV. Kort Lee. Pleasant Valley and Sh?dv Side.-.>team??ai| leave 0anal st. dally at 0:45 and 10 A. ?l; a. 5:15 and 7^13 p H. Sundav at 0, 10 and 11 A. M., 1J M.. *? A 7 P. k ; landing at 24tb and 34th its. (dally and Sunday) 10 minute* later. Rouud trip. - >c.; children half prlee. ?1S74-FOR CoNKY ISLAND DAILY.?1776. . The steamnr SAPPHO will commence running to Coney 1 aland on Sunday ?fuue 4, leaving West -4th st. at 9 A. M., IU U.aad 3P. M; We"t 10th *t., 9:10 A. M..12:101..I3:lj I* u . Kranklin st.. pior iti North Kiver, 9^'. * .? a^Tp M ? pier "North River. ?:? A. M.. 13 M and 3 :?J P M. Tueniw steamerIDLE#ILD will run '??cmneet oo with the SAPIMIO from the North River, Jane 11. and the ELIZA HANCOCK from the Ea?t River. June 18, fot Coney Island every day. - X -nsiO*r BANKS EVERY DAY ?ATOROAT!I A. excepfd).? Ocean steamer SETII U*. leavnn Harrlson st?. North River. 0:30; 8th St.. East Mlver,? 7; 27 East River. 7:15s 10th st . North River. 7.40, pier 9 North River, 8 A. M. Ticket^ Q FOSTER, Managej^^ T ?A. ?TO CHARTER. STEAM BOATfOKT LKEj A. will accommodate 400 patenters; prtce $80 to $1U1 per day. Apply in the altcriioon at 47 Inilinsi. A -A.-RKOULAR IXCURSIUNS TO ROCKAWAl A. EVERY DAY E\t EPT hUNDO. On and after lh?rsday,Juno 1. the Sonnd steamer N KV KKHIN K. will make two excursion* every dav leaving 24th St.. North River, at 8 JO A. M. and .15 P *? 10th St., North River, at 8 AS K. *. and IU. > P. M. Vesey st.. North River, at 9 A. M. and 1 .#> r. M. Fulton terry, Brooklyn. 9:20 A. M. and J P. M Leaving Kockaway at 11 A. M. *0'1 ? Hfcl.v nn as. N. B ?Patr?ns cf thi* line will experience no dfclay o? ac count of low tide. tare lor the entire exmrslon, ^'c. A^S^-NEW YORK CLUB KEOATTA. . Thursday, June 8. I87?, the fa*t and popnlar steamer Magenta will accompany the Jr?:1't*^a!.1,,F1 l V',? "sl si Wt J'1. Orand'si!., Ea*t" Rlverfat 10:15 \'V "moZ y?i',.e st Brooalyn. at i0:30 A. M. Kara for the excursion. $1 Brass and striug mu*lc on board. Refreshments al re n?0xneu''torbee"h.d at No 9 Astor House. Fifth Avenue, Hew York, Karle's and Grand Central hotels. XTEW*YORKTaCUT CLUB REGATTA, The steamer JOSEPHINE will leave Whitehall ?t. at9:2n a. M. to view the yacht race, rare ?ij NH TfcW SEA STEAMER MARION WILL ON A*? alter June II leave daily Irom the loot of vatv.^ fca.'igi'ar ?f theVPLvJo^UJ^A^ Ktlt'KAWAY tomorrow (THURSDAY), the 8th H??t. the h, L??tcV of the contesting yachts can be witnessed bT bomeitretcn oi i? ., # (Jf yacht* can be seen the passenger*. mtward trip. The steamer will *ail returned to the city by < % o clock. _ pLYMOUTH ROCK" TO pAy TO *?C,LlW WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 1878, JARRETT k PALMERS .uperb steamer PLY.MOUTH ROCK. -.^.1, a n Martin hating ?ll the comfort* ?nd cense MADRIOAL BOYS, l.'HOtbH of CHURCH BbL>U), *0., Uke part, wni makexD pxctBt(jos9 t0 day ? to EOCKAWAY beach and the COOL BREEZES OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. FARE (for the whola excunion) ^.,rrY bliss1* trip tics." to orjroji the foot efJ3d *t.. North Kiver at 9 A. M. ?nd l ^5 P. It, and pier 2 North River, at 8:16 A. M. and 2:15 P. On and after to-morrow (THUK8DAYI the PLYllOtTTH Rock -ill hut one trio dallv to the foot of St.. N R.. at U? ;iO A. M. an l Pier 2 N. R. at 11 A ?.. effordin* pasaen??rs over four hour*' itay at tb? beach. On SUNDAY two trip* will be made. s.'Hssrlsl arrnnirement* made with SOCIETIES, LODOKS. SAHB A I H SCHOOLS and PICNIC PARTIES at greatly reduced rales. Inqnlrr on hoard. VJLKASANT VtLLBY SOCIABLES. NEW JERSEY. J every Wednesday and Saturday.-Boat*Jeave foot of I anal st . North River. 2. 5.15 and 7:15 P. M.. landing at 24th and 34th nts. 10 and uilnatas later. Katun, 4,0 :15 and IOi0rB? POST OKKItK XOTlCtr POsT'orKirkKoTlCET-THE ' F0REia.>rTn:)w for the week ending Saturday. Jnne 10. 1870, will eloee at thi* ofttee on Wednesday at 12 M. for Enrope, ehip Knessia, via yueenstown; on Thursday, at 11A-* . for Europe per steamship Oeliert via Plymouth, Cherbourj .and II uiibiir?; on Saturday, *t ?> A. 1 .. for 're"?" direct, per .tsaiiiihlp France, via Havre: and at 11 ?* A. M (iermanv. Denmark. Sweden and Norway, per steamship Neckar. via Southampton and Bremen; end *t 12 *.. ror the I nlted ElnRdoni. Mel*lnm, Netherlan e; awltterland, Italy. Spain and Fort oral; also specially addre**ed corre *p ndenee forTlemany and rranee^per steatnlb1 via yueenslown; and at 12 ?., for Scotland direct, pet Iteamslilp Alsetla via Ola**ow. qu FrMMieep The mail for Aastrella, 4c., will le?T* nan rr?am J,The2?all fee the Wert ladle*, via Havaaa, will leave iUARjtL? M Ctfi#ART<s 8LATE. *AimoyyWoOD M Ayr kg ^ new aad elegant de?lrn*. from #10 op, the traae lieec* aUy ?ealt wlU. JM and 222 Wert Md M.