Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOliB NO. 14,535. NEW YORK. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1S76.-TRIPLB SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. D1UECT0HY FOB ADVEKTISEUS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.385 BROADWAY? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, FOR RECEPTION OP ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?11th Pack?3d ind 4th cola. ASTROLOGY?11th Pack?2d col. BlLLlARDS-llui P*c??5th col. BOARDERS WANTED?2|> Pack?3d and 4th col*. BOARD AND LODUING WANTED-2P PAG*-4th coL BOOTS AND BHOE8?11th Pack?4tl< col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?3? Pag*?lit eol. BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES?Oth Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?Tth Pack?6th coL CITY REAL-ESTATE FOR 8ALE-2D PAO?-l?t eoj. CLERKS AMD SALESMEN?11th Pac*-5U? sad 6th cob. CLOTIIINO?18ni Paiik??th col. _ _ , COACHMEN AM) HAKDBNERS?11th PAGK-6th eol. UOA8TWI8E STEAMSHIPS? Iit Paok?5th col. COPARTNKRKHIP8?9m Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pack?4th coL DENTISTRY?11th PACK-4th eol. DRV WOODS?1st Pack?6tn col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET?FURNISHED AND UK-. furnished?in Pacb?1st and 2d cols. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1st Pack?4th and 5th eola. EUROPE?1st Pack?6th col. EXCURSIONS? 1st Pack?6th coL FINANCIAL?8th Pack. FOR SALE?11th Pack-8th eol. __ T~ FUBNISHKD ROOMS AND APARTXENT8 TO LET? 2p Paok?2d col. FURNIToRE-IItii PACT!-2aeoL FRENCH ADVERTISEMKNT8-12th Pag*-6U? eol. HELP WANTED?H KMALES? 12th PACK-6tb col. HKLI* WANTED-MALES? UTll PACK?8theol HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.?1st Pack?2d, 3d and 4th COlH. R0TKL8?2? Paok?4th co!. ^ HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED?2d Pace?2d and ltd col?. INSTRUCTION-Uth Pack?2d eol. LOST AND FOUND-1?t PAOK-lnt col. MACHINERY?Hth Pack?"?tt> col. MARBLE mantelfs-llTH Pack?2dcoL MEDICAL? 2n Pack?6th col. MILLINERY AND dressmaking?1st PAG*-?theol. ?MISCELLANEOUS aDVEBTIBKMENTS-IOth Pack? Oth col. MUSICAL? 11th Pack?4lh eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAGR-?th eol. PERSONAL?1?t Pack?l?t col. . . PIANOFOKTES. ORGANS, AC.?llTft Pack?2d rot POST OFFICE NOTICE?I 1th Pack?2d col. PROFF.S8IONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? r.'Tii Pack?Oth eol. _ _ PROPERTY OU < OF TnE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2n Pack?Istcol. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pack?lit eoL REAL ESTATE WANTED-2d Pack?lit col. REWARDS?1st PA<.K-Ist col. SALES AT AUCTION?2d Pack?5th and ?th cola. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES?12th Pag*?let, 2d. 3d. 4th, 5?h and 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES?11th pAG?-6th coL SPECIAL NOTICES? 1st Pack?lit and 2d ools. SPORTINtJ?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?liT Pack?2d eol. STOBmiE? an Pack-OGi col. SUMMER RESORTS-Ud PACK-4th and 5th cola. THE TRADES?I 1th Pack?6th col. THE TURF-1st Pack?2d col. To LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?lit coL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?1st Pack?5th and 6th cola. unfurnished ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 2d Pagk?2d col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-IIth Paok?Ith col WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR To LET? 2d Paok?lit col TACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.-lOrn Pagf?6th coL PERIORAL. DESBRbSSE8"FERRY AND ErVE STREET CAR, yesterday morning.?W.ill the young lady who got out at 8th it. permit the further acquaintance of the gentleman arho sat onpoiite f If io, address FRITZ, Herald Uptown Branch office. Fair"lad from~yon kers~~to' forty second street depot, to Sixth arenue book itore. yesterday noon, any can honorable acquaintance be formed? Addreaa K(DES, Herald office. Faithful valentine?can yoTTtry and see rae aoon, for importance f "DEC. 25, '75." Henry gore, son of michael gore. 5 Regent Road. Liverpool, would find something at 125 Charlton at.. New York. JoUnny-ihiTkr is a letter in the general Herald office. Answer aoon to K. E. " Ty 11.-WHAT~HOUR~"DO"YOU LEAVE NEW York f Answer by wire. 121. ?iHANKS FOR YOUR THOUOHTFULNE88; THE newi made me very happy: we mntt meet next week. OLD SLEEPY. M LOST Ai?D KtltRli. Found-on bth'inotCPB^Sd'TN'.. a pocket bi>ok, cmita+nlntr a aum of money. Apply at 244 Eaat lath it., from 0 to 7 P. M. Mr. M\ ERS. LOST~THE BODIES OF TWO COUPON BONDS OF $1,1X11) each, marked respectively Noa. 111.400 and 141,720, peraona having found them will oblige Ramon da Rlvas y Lamar, their sole owner and proprietor, by sending them to M. E. de Hivas, 31 Broad at.. New York city; no inquiries will be made; every poaiible step has been takeu In the l'. S. Treasury and elsewhere to prevent the pay ment of the bodies of said bonds: a liberal reward will be aade to the party or parties returning said docnmenti. LOSTEON 8UNDAY~fUNE 4, A BLACK AND TAN Dog; answers to Gijipy. Call at 144 Wett 31st it. for a reward. L~OST-CASE OF M ANUSCRl pts.?$50 REWARD shall be paid to any person giving information leading to the recovery of a Cams, containing Mathematical Mann scripts. addressed to the name of J. J. Sylvtnier. ihipped ?n board the Scotia, which left Liverpool April 22. but not received on arrival. The panera are of no value except to iwncr. Information to be given to JAMES D. WARNER' No. 4 Hanover it. Lost-small roll of manuscript, in broad way car. between 30th st. and depot. Finder will please leave at depot and receive thauki. ost-GOWANUS CANAL improvement BOND No. 249. of $1,000: the public are warned not to buy it. a? payment has been stopped. Finder will please notify I0HN LOW IT Z. 48 Hn*arJ ?t. Nkw York. May 26. 187(1 ost?aTpits dog: hair slightly discol ored on back: answer! to the name of "Roy." A liberal reward will be paid on his return to64 West 22d st. L"\ > ST?T ES DAY A FTERNOON. A GOLD LOCKET. containing likeness and mouogram D. R.. on 6th av., tetween 10th and 14>h its. The Under will be rewarded by returning it to 7o Bank it. RfcWARUo. KKWaTKd.-LOST ON MAY 8. ON Sa"tTjRDAY7~A very small brown Dog. with curly trial, uncut ears; answers to name of brany. The above reward will be giveu If returned to No. 2.' East 45th it. tjj^y REWARD ?LOST JUNE 7, IN KURTZ'S GAL lery. a lady's black Hnitia leather Pocketbnok. If lice of Excc' ' " " f ' ~ So. -7 East 18th it.. ieit at office ol Excelsior Grain Binder Company, Limited, .. the above reward will he paid. Reward ?s.-lost last Thursday, a per fectiy pnro white Cat. The above reward will be paid or n Storing it to No. 174 West I Oth st. SPECIAL N OTIC Kb. a ?OFFICIAL DRAWINO KENTUCKY STATE LOT A. teries-SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Manairers. KKSTCCKT. KXTKA CLASH NO. 361>?JL'MK 7. 1876. IS. 50, 15. IV., 46. 40, 71. 78, <4. 16 37 10. 45. KEHTCCKT, CLASS HO. 370?JOWE 7, 1*76. 10. 21. 61, <S, 54. 71. 74. 55, II. 37. 6, 52. licxnr. KXTRA CLASS KO. 2?0?JT!?* 7, 1S76. 64, 14, 19. 511. 71. 48, 7, 21, 31, 5. 41. 76, 69. IIKXRT. CLASS 30. 270-JU.NK 7. 1876. no, 20 in, 7. ot. :n. 13. 34, 21. at. 52. 40. Full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE k CO.. 2<*' Broadway, or box (M Post office. A"? ?3UO(*r> IN PKIZK8-EVKRY~OTHER TICKET A . I'rise -SIMMONS A DICKINSf)N'S tingle number Kentucky State Lottery to be drawn June 24, 1876; '.'5,430 prizes out of.">0.1)00 tickets; also lioral Havana to be drawn on June 20. 1876. J. CLUTE k CO., 20 ' Broadway, or box 4,968 Post office. A" CENTENNIAL RKUNION OF THE ' 0 LORED citisensof New York and surrounding cities and towns will b? held in Cooper Institute, Thursday evening, June 8, 1S7H, to con.menee at 7 o'clock. Admiasion, 30c. ?FlR?T PRIZEr?KW.OIIO. GOLD ~~ . Main draw ing ol the I!o(fl Brunswick Government Lottery, Irom May 16 to June II. 1N7H. ??,?*> tickets. 28.500 prises. lioyal Havana Lottery. Next drawing June 20. 1*76. Fnll explanatory circulars free. THEODORE ZSCHOCH. Box 5.504 Post office. 116 Naatan St.. New York. ?A.?ALL PRIZES CASHED IN GOLD AT tTFiS . office. Third Louisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, July 20, 1*76. Capital i.riie #1<*I,000 gold:! 3, >mi prites ainoiiiiting to $.*>OJ.5<X). 20.0 0 tickets SOU currency. Coupons In proportloa. Apply lor information Ac., In williamson A CO., ?rakers, 817 Broadway, Post office bo* 6,026. LL DISEASES OF TTlTTHLOOD ANIi NERVOUS system treated successfully, and permanent cures guaranteed. (Nmsultation free. Dr. WE.sT'S old cstab* fished office. 4."> Hleeeker st.. near Broadway. A" ?ISAAC a HoY< E. 2H7 H ItO AI?W A V.~LAWYKR-? ? Divorces olitilned promptly, without publicity; deser tion. inconipiitibilitv habitual drmikennrs,. in dellty, in human treatment, conviction of felony. Passport! obtained. A1 I EN I'lo.N - 20 YEARS' PRl SSIAN HOSPITAL EX perience; diseases ol men in all its bJatiches; also dis eases nl the skin a specialty; consultation tree. Dr. JACO BY. 161 Bieecker st. _ LLKN A Co7,~7? NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK. Wyoming Lotterv ilra^i June 10. Capital prise. $."?|,|S!0. uistribi'ted. Tickets $1; 0 for $5. Cir culars mailed free. Prises cashed. A?PAltksT E.MEKSON X CO ? Kentucky Slate lotteries drawn daily. Royal Havana lottery drawn every 17 da?s. Keuiuckv Single Niimoer I<ottery drawn .Inns 24.187H Prises cashed, iulormation furnished and circulars fro*. 1MO llroidwuy Post office box ,">.272 New York. B-KENIUCKY ST tTIC LOi TERIES OF J. S. . SMITH k CO. KurrocKr. kxtka class 477. roa 1S7(V 73. 66, 35, 61. 75. 7?. 30. 42. 61, ?tt. 18, 5, 65. M. KKSTL'CKV, CLASS 478, TOR 187d. 40. SO, 3. 4. a I. 71, as, AH. 13. 73. 20 12. 7", 2A All orders a-ldre-s H. N THAN, 181 Broadway, or box 4,H7*? Post oilier. .New York. OTA N It! ELECT R11~(.: UtUE.NT APPLlr.D MY A thorough pructif inner. 305 East 31st st. AOKIAN ADAMS. nisEAShS"oF ME\ A SPEC?ALTV. HENRY A. DANIELS. M It., 144 I^Xlngtoa ST.. ui ar 20th st. Office hours Irom H to 3. ii DR. II J. JOKDAN. SOLE PROPRIETOR OF THE New York Museum of Anatomy, lias removed his resi dence and offino to No. 5 Washington placo, three uoors west of llroadw-?y. H\ V ANA LOTTERY.?N EX I' DRAWING, Jl'NE 4 >.ir>iticket<; ??>si,U0ii In prites. Addre-s B. MtR ll>tz A CO.. B niters. In Wall st., basement; l ost offiea l.o.s 4.iW! New York. M>ani?li gold and Havana bank bills lo'iiuiit and sold: drafts on Havana issued. Hippodrome choir?mrT l. p thatchkr ?tiecially Invitos you to a i raise meeting st Memorial .luauel. I'.ast 3'itli st.near'M av., June H, 7:1,? P. M. ; sous ?rserved lor choir; the public generally invited to attend , jrlng Moody and nankey song books. V K I > Ti M ES. ? RICHARD WaLTEUS' SON 8, Al"C tloneers. East Broadway, advance cash on Furni Pian >s. t^arneia. Liquors, kc. : lor sale or storago; best ?el r. ncei. I',stal.llilied j5 yoars. _ K-CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAKMEM: IMPROVED . methoil ? Instantaneous relief; permanent cures. . mi. Ur bTODDARD. No. 8 West 14th st. II SPECIAL NOTICE*. j^F BUSINESS 18 Dl'LL ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT GOOD. IF BUSINESS 18 GOOD ADVEBTIRB AND MAKE IT BETTER. Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last weak advertisements. 20 CENTS PER LINE. Monday, Mar 28 35.500 ADVERTISEMENT*. 20 CENTS PER LINE. Tuaaday Decoration Day, no paper. ADVERTISEMENTS. JO CENTS PER LINE. W(dg?Hl?*. May HI 35,0<XI advertisements, 20 CENTS PER LINE Thursday. June 1 41.800 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE Friday. June 2 115,350 advertisements, 20 CENTS PKR LINE. Saturday, June 3 31,200 ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE. Total 7x2,430 advertisements, 20 CENTS PKR LINE. Dally average 3?t,490 K-$3.?.?JOO IN PRIZES. KV BltY OT HE R~T11 K E T ? h priia. Keulucky State single Number Grand Dis tribution draw* June 24; 5O,0*i ticsets; .5,420 prizes. Whole tlcketii. 810: halve*. $5; quarter*. 50. Royal Havana Lottery to lie drawn June 20. Whole tickets. $20; tenths and twentieths In proportion. Kentucky Stat* Lotteries drawn ilally. For Informatinn, circular!. Ac. andress or apply to JACKSON A CO.. Hanker*. 2irJ Broadway, N. Y. ERVOUS EXHAUSTION.-^A MEDICAL ESSaT" comprising a series of lecture* delivered at Kahn'a Ma Hun of Anatomy. New York on the cause and cure of Pre mutnre Decline, showing Indisputably how lost health nitty be retained, affording a clear synopsis of the Impediment* to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being the remit of 20 vcara' experience. Price 25 cent". Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KAIIN, office and residencettl Katt 10th et. New York. Piles OR HKMORRHOIDS~ RADH ALLY CURED. Original painless treatment; two to tour weeks re quired; no fee* until cured, circular", tree. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 West 14th at. Royal Havana will be drawn on Juno 20. Prises cashed; orders filled; Infor mation furnished; highest rates paid lor Spanish bills, gor ernmouts. Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Baukers. No. 11 Wall St.. New York. Tamer indien-a laxative frujv lozenge. agreeable to take; (peciflc remedy for constipation and Its consequences. K. GEILLOT, 27 Rue Rambsteau, Paris; depot. CASWELL, HAZARD A CO.. New York. F SPORTINCUDOUS, U1IIj?>. OR 8ALE CnEAP-aO skye TKRHIER8. just IM ported, of the finest quality. Inquire at 278 1st av. POOLS SOLD THIS AFTERNOON AT 318 RUTLEDGE st., near Union Grounds,on Mutual* vs. Cincinnati, oti Union Grounds; St. Louis vs. Hartford, at Hartford: Chi cago ts. Athletic, at Philadelphia; Louisville vs. Ronton, at Boston. SKIBERT A MrCLOI'D. THE TIIIF. A" MERiCAN ^OCKEY"" CLL'B.- SPR1Nc; SfEETING. 187it. at Jernmo Park, 3d. 8th 8th. 10th. 13th. 15th and 17th June. Racei eomtnenco each dav punctually at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT. President. C. Whkati.t, Secretary UCTION ANlT"FRENCH I'OOLS SOLD MO'!NI NO and evening at Thomas Exchange 1,230 Hroadwav, ou the Jerome Park Running Races, Bicycle Race to take place Thursday evening. Billiard Tournament and Base Bull games St. Louis vs. IIartfords. Chicago vs. Athletics, Cin cinnati vs. Mutuals, LouUvilles vs Bostons. O. M. THOMAS. A~~UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD MORNING and evening, at THOMAS' Exchange. 1.230 Broad war, on the Jerome Park Running Euros, Byciele Race. Milliard Tournament?Mossott vs. Rudolpbe?Base Ball Gaines?Cincir.aali v?. Mutuals, St. Louis vs. Uartfords, Louisville vs. boston, Cblcagos vs Athletics. G. M. THOMAS. Auction and fkench pools~sold this day and evening at NEW YORK TURF EXCHANGE. 15 Weit 28th it., ou the JEROME PARK running races aud FLEETWOOD trots; prompt atteutlou given orders by mail or messenger. KELLY, BLISs A CO. LEE I WOOD" PARK TROTS." FiUDAY. tfTII INsT~ at 3 P. M.?2:40 and 2:25 classes.?Wo have the man agement uf the pools on the t*<u:lc. KELLY, BLISS A CO. Ne wyork aniTh a rle mr^TlroaiT Jerome Park Race*. June 3. 6. 8, lo, 13, 15 and 17. Special trains, eith reserved cars for ladles, will leave Grand Central Depot ou race days at 1:30 and 2 P. M. Re turning after the race*. Fourth avenue cars run direct to depot. Excursion tickets, 40 cents. 0. M. BISSELL, Superintendent. TATTERSALL'S TURK AGENCY. 1,227 BROADWAY, will have their office on the "bluff." at Jerome Park. Liberal odds on ail races: telegrapb board, with starters, winners, Ac.; bets from $1 upward. WEST SIDE DRIVING PARK. JERSEY CITY. Trotting Thursday. Jnne 8, 3 P. M. Pars and Stake, 8200. A. S. Bennett's br. id. Llllte. P. Manne's ?. m. Lillle V. 8. Doremuk* h. m. Lady B. Owner's b. g. Harry. Also Sweepstake* $100:?J. Bailey's s. m. Redwing; C. Blrdsall's blk. gelding Sankey: Owner's b. g. Gallant Tom. Admission oOc. Stages from horse ears to park. C. BIRDS ALL. Manager. ~~ HORSKS. C\?HIAGE?. *1' ?AUCTION. """ AUCTION. A. GEO. W. JENKINS. AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON THIS DAY JUNE 8, AT THE UNION AUCTION HOUSE, NO. 20 1STH ST., BE TWEEN BROADWAY AND 5TU AV? AT 11 O'CLOCK, A. M.. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF TWO PRIVATE GENTLE MEN. Consisting of two extra fine Coupe Horses, 15Jf hands. 6 and 7rears old; very strong and muscular; will weigh about 1.2O0lbs. each, and are all style, with flue action and great endurance; ?ne extra fine Trotting Horse. <1 yeais old, hands high ; can trot In 2:40: one fine large Family Horse. 5 years. 15% hands; can trot In 3 minute*; one elegant Road Horse, 15% hands, 8 years old: can trot in 2:1.V All of the above aorses are warranted sound and kind and were uroken for family nse iiud are well bred. Pedigrees will be given at time of tale. Also one extra Kentucky saddle and harntss Horse combined, as he has all of the saddle gaits for a lady or gentleman; Is 15>a hands, ?bout 7 years old, with large bone and muscle; he trots single, foots and canters. Carriages consist of 1 T Carl, with Pole and Shafts; 1 Coupe, 1 full spring top Road Wagon. 1 siile-bar top Wagon, 1 top Pony Phseton, 1 single seat one man Roan Wagon; single, double and coupe Harness. Also several other Hones, Including one flue mwtcied pair ofbays. Gentle men in search of fine stock are intlted to call and examine, as it la all of the best quality and must be seen to be ap preciated. Sale positive, rain or shine, without limit. N B.?THE SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC., SOLICITED. QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS. OFFICE 30 EAST 18TH ST. A -SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. ^ are room' r,t A -TO LET-THE FINEST HORSES AND WAGONS ? in the State; Horses, stylish Wagons and Harness, new, at the Union Club stable, .0 East 18th St., near Broad way. A CRYSTAL CAB, NEARLY NEW. CARRIES SIX Itiilde; also linn assortment of Pony Phaet ons, with leather or canopy tops. COYLER A CO.. 584 Broadway. CHESTNUT MARK, 15 HANDS~Hfull, SOUND, kind, of great endurance and fast. Address box ^21 Stamford (Conn.) Post office. SIDE BAR TtIP ~WAGON, CGiRBETT A CO., makers, good order, for sale cheap, price $140; also no top Road a'Sjion, price $100. FEkGUMJN'S stables, 52d St.. near Oth av. ~|6 BUSInT.SjTvVAGON3, ALL SIZES; TO9175^ ? lor Express, Grocers. Butcheis, Bakers, Milk, Depot, Laundry, Package, Delivery. 220 spring st. A?FOB SAl.h, THE fast HAMBLhTOXIAN ? brown Mare I'ell ol Richmond, 15>j hsnris, H years olu. Is a perlect beauty, and warranted to trot In 2:40; war ranted sonnd and kind; a lady ean drive her at speed: also one beaatltul sliiltn.g leather top Wagon, pole anil shal;s, and one fine top I'onv P aeton. set of singiu llamesi, ail as good as new and by the best city makers. Inquire at pri vate stable 123 i.ast H'.th St., between 3d av. and Irving pine*, of THOMAS, the < oscliman. fur three days. A -for sale, three horses, m [table for ? farming or any business. 5:tV Washington st., near Charlton. PAIR CARRIAOK HOM8E8.~$1/750: LANDAU, ?y Brewster. $4i?>, run very little, perfect order; 2 very handsome Shetland Poules. u nnd 7, warranted sound and geu:le, tor children'! use, very cheap; a pony Phaeton, with a safe Horse. Residence I lil West Mill st. A NICK. PRETTY BAY HORSE, IS HANDS HIOU~: very gentle, for ladies; free driver: stands without tying; price $150. 22 W ouster st. AM ELEGANT LEATHER Top PoBY PHAETON, 81541; 101 West 10th St., near 7th av. VFILI. BLOODED A YRESHI l";E COW FOR SALE? makes l.pouatlaof butter a week; with born calves. 430 East 18th St. A -FOR 8ALK-5 HORSES. suitable KOR FARM ? Ing. grocer or express; good trial allowed. Apply at 41 Bleecker st.. in rear. ? FoR KALr. CHEAP. A LADY'S IUkNOUT: A ? handsome Horse and a toproomir Phaeton nearly new, aud sat oi line Harness. Inquire at 3,">2 East 8>lth st. A PAIR CHESTNUT HORSES FOR SALE?SOUND, geatle. spirited; go tocether or singlv; Brewster, Hronm" street. Wagon, pole and shafts; double and smile Harness. At 21 East 12th st. AT~1 |Ti7f~V;68T-TWiV BEAI TIKUL phaetons; one sen's Ion r persons; two lull spring top Wagons, two side bars, splendid light Road M agou . all nearly new ; best city makers. I'rli ate stable. :Cld st. and 4th av. BARGAIN.?THREE HORK HORSES. 16 HANDS A high: price, 840, ?4o and $!*); one horse Truck, neatly netr, and Harness, j-125. ?i."?- Hudson st. A~YOUNG~CHEAP" RoAN PONY BUTlT HORSE; two Horses; Cart; 12 lop express Wagons, til Canal st. ?FOR RALE, FIVE l'ONY It til .T HOR8EA, HUIT ? able for farming, grocer or any business, cnt-ap. 104 Elisabeth St., between Broome and Grand. ?A.?OPENIXU THIS DAT OF STEIN FELD S ? Depot of the celebrated French t'ognae Hitters, at 70 Nassau st. Tne handsomest l.unch and Sample Room duan town. An elegant *ree Lunch commencing at Noon. LL KINDS OF NEW and hECOffl) HAND SFsT ness and Pleasure Wagons, Tracks and Carts. Reposi tory Mate n ami I th stv bTrgain.-for saleT the "beautiful and styllsii hay Mare Laay Goldsmith, raised bv Mr. Hackan, Orange eonnty, New York slri d by Rysdvk s Ham bletnman : 7 years old. I'>1? hands; Is periectly safe lor any lady to drive; has a record of 2:41; warranted sound and kind: good top Buggy and fine llarnesa; also a lieautilul tup Pony Phaeton. At nrlvate stable, first door east of University place. In 12ta at. A -ONE OF THE UNESI GLNTLKM AN S Tl II.V ? outs la the cltr : bay llambletomaii liorje, l.V4 hands high, 8 years old; trots in 2:45; warranted sound and kiud; Brewster top Wagou; line Harness. No. 5 utaiU it. HORSES. CARRIAGES. ?C. Auction ok arch. Johnston. 19. at. 23 ant 2!i THIRTEENTH STREET. |n*ar University place. n?ir? SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARB HELD ETKKV TUESDAY A D FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. Ion EVERY IIORSK WARRANTED SOUND FROM I 24 HOURS TO a DAYS KOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST established and most re liable house is the cm. GENTLEMEN HAVING HORSE* OR CARRIAGES to mii, or those wishing to buy. will 'lud our bualneee continued on precisely the same Uriel IH honorable principles which have always character!* "?*1.5* of our bonse. Rod won the respect nod confidence 01 tue business conimunitv, as w*1i as the p?b}lc*t ?'ffKL. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. A pony PHAETON. BKOAI) DASH with BUM BLE. PLATFORM "C" sprinospolrand SHAFTS. IN GOOD order. BY J. R. LAW IthNCE. CHEAP. AT PRIVATE SaLE. AN ELEGANT miniature pony ESTABLISH. MENT.bavPonvII.TM, 4? Incite* high. 7 years old. kind and true in all harness; splen4id under saddle for chlldten's om; warranted aonud. Aud miniature Basket Pony Pli?eton. wlb cenopv; sci pouv llarne**, nt private sale, at AKytl JOHNSTON'S Mart, 1? to 13th at., near tnl versity place. ? At auc tion TOMORROW (FRIDAY). june RJJjftu,., HY VAN tassfcll A KEARNEY. ONBB1M. AT THEIR AUCTION MART. 110, 112 east IJTH ST., nam 4th av.. AT 10 O'CLOCK. BROWN TROTTING MARE, "SALLY," MX HANDS high, 9 year> old: kind and true In all harness; free from vice: an extra road mare; ?he has trotted a lull mile in 2nnd can bent 2 :10 now; U a free, pleasant and stvlith driver; liaa been used on the road by a prlratn gentleman and I* warranted sound ; nlao set line aingle Harness and .. TOP ROAD WAGON, IN GOOD ORDER. BUILT BY R. M. Stivers. VERY STYLISH BAY COUPE HORSE. 16l* HANDS high, 8 years old; kind and true In all barn?si; free from vice; baa been used by a private lernilv to a ci'Upe: la In everyway aafe and reliable and ia war ranted sound; also set extra fine Coupe Harness, good ELEGANT*COUPE, BUILT BY WOOD BROS. BAY MARE. 1 ?">? HANDS HIGH. 10 YEARS OLD; kind and true In all hurness: tree from vice ; a prompt and stylish driver; Is a line saddle mare; can trot clone to a minutes; Is alraW of nothlug and is safe for a lady to ride or dilve. BAY RADDLE GELDING. 15* "ANDS HIGH.. 8 rears old; la well broken, with fine style and action, iia. nil the saddle gaits; la very Be title and docile; has been ridden by a lady and Is warranted sound. HANDSOME AND VERY STYLISH BROWN GELDING. IB hand* hitch. Hy?ar? old : kind and true in all har neaa and free from vice or trick ol any kind; he is one of the lineal Hill moat reliable horaea ill New York Itir road and carriage nurpoaea combined; he can pull two men to top wagon in 2 :M or better; has aise and strength to draw a couoe; is perlectlv gontle nnd do cile : does not ahv or pull and is warranted suund. HIS SPEED IS GUARANTEED. VERY STYLISH PAIR BAY GELDINGS, 15? HANDS high. 7 nnd S years old: kind and truo in all harness; lrei> from vioe; are splendid drivers, double, single or tandem. are as nood lender# as any in the country; cad trot in J minutes to the pole and are warranted sound. VIS-A-VIS PONY PHAETON. WITn RUMBLE. ON c srsklittrfsv PIUBTOK. SEW. Also top and no too Phaetona. top and no top ? agons, Clarencea, Kockaways, Depot Wagons, Ac.. Ac. V ?MAJOR CHAS. W. BA3KBR, AUCTIONEER. A. extraordinary SALE of CONTRACTOR'S DUMP WAGONS. CARTS. HORSES. Team Harness. Cart Harness. Ac.. Ac., at BARKER A SON S City Auction Mart and New York Tattcrsall s. co nor of Broadway and airtli at., on Saturday. June 10, at 11 o'clock, the property of a well known CONTRACTOR retiring from business, and CTwENTY FIVE four-wheeled DAMP WAGONS, In lino order, the best in use fur moving earth, sand, gTtivel. bricks. Stone and for all practical purposes; dump on either side. SEVENTEEN two-wheeled Carts, all in Qua shape and as **SlXTY-VoUR SETS of double Wagon. Stage or Truck Har ness. with Collars. Bridles, Lines, it*., complete; all nearly new, _ TEN SETS Cart Harness, fine ordor. trrmilT PAIR OK superior heavy Draught Hones. WEIGHT 2,800 POUNDS, and warranteQ to be equal to anything or ^PAIR op'closely matched bay Geldings. 11)* hands high. G and 9 years old; better than ordinary travellers; also a verv elegant set of light double Harness. STOCK NOW on exhibition; sale without reserve o PTl?E SPBCIAL attention of CONTRACTORS. TRUCK MKN and KAKMKKs is directed to this ante. X ?MAJOR C11 ARLES~W. BARKER. AUCTIONEE R. A. tSRAND SALE of superior Heavy DRAUGHT HORSES, the property of a contractor retiring rroui bual nese. at BARKEK J? SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattersall's, comer of Broadway and .Huh st., ou Mon day next, .lune IS. at 11 o'clock, and comprising .TrllTn TWENTY HEAD (Including several MATCHED TEaMSi all THOROUGHLY used to HARD WORK, weighing from 1.2H> to 1,400 pounda each ami all warranted HOUND and kind and all young aud In fine condition STOCK NOW on exhibition. SALE POSITIVE and nojioatponement. x^jstps^PMSUC ACCTIOW " acts' H O'OWMJK 0,1 PROMPTLY, AT A. PAUL'S BOARDING STABLE. CORNER" OF LAFAYETTE PLACE AND 4HI ST., THE PROPERTY OF DR. HAMMOND. DECEASED. Including a fa't and handsome young blood bay Trotting Mare, a genuine trotter. 7 years old this spring, sired bv Legal Tender, dam a thoronghbred: pedigree guaranteed. This young mare was never trained bnt seven weeks when com in? Ave years old. when *he showed 5l'4l; was then taken home, and has been driven on roadlew since, and has greatly Improv d in speed : she can show a -'3) gait aud trot a mile and repeat In lee? than 3fti: is a splendid road mare, aad, with training this spring, to trot low down in the twenties. Anv gentleman wishing a Ant claas trolter ahould call and examine this fine yonng mare; the Is warranted sound and kind and as repreaentrd. Also the fast and fine blooded Trotting Mare Angellne. bred by James B Clav and sired by Clark Chief, dam a thoroughbred : Is half sister to Mcotene: she Is a rich chest nut. about ir.ij hands high. 7 years old this spring: her first appearance was at Lexington, when %> years old. when she trotted two beats In 2:42'j and 2:41. The following spring ahe was l.eaten by half neck only, in 2 :34; she has since been used altogether Inr private driving; she is a stylish and pleasant drlvor and au everyday roadster; she can beat 2 :ili any day and warranted sonnd and kind Also the beautllul dapple gray J.elding. iS.Si hands high. 8 years old; sired bv Kentucky Clay, dam hy Stockbridge Unlet; is one of tho finest styled trotting horses In the country: has fine action and endurance ; powerfully gaitert. excellent pole horse ; trotted at Prospect Park last spring in 2 :41. al?o at Fleetwood Park last fall in 2:.? nnder the name of Grey w'illle. Jr.; he can trot much faster now. and owner had made arrangements to enter him In several purses this season: he has fine, nrched neck. long, fttll mane and tall and is warranted aouud and kind. . Without any exception one of the finest pony pnaeton Mare. In this city. IV. bsnds high, 7 years old ; a perfect picture and pet: has been used and driven by lady to pony phaeton; Is amiable. Intelligent and safe: lears no locomo tive or any thlnicelse: warranted sonnd and kind and warranted to irot a full mile In a minutes on day of tale or n Als'i two elegant Brewsters. of Broome street, side bar shilling top Wagous. nearly new. one open Wagon. JUrw ater or Broome street, nearly new: one pony Phaeton; two sets or Single Harness, by Commerroril enual to new; alxn English Saddle and Bridle: also Blankets. Itolics. Whip, Ac. Stin k now on exhibition al stable. Sale rain or shine. By ord?r?^Ln5ABF;T,| n vMMOND. Executrix. JOHN MORRISON. JR. Executor. CHARLES C. DUFF. Auctioneer. A ?THS POLLOWINO"SECOND CARRIAGES-IN Jv . fine oriier. at prices greatly reduced, some or them or our own build, vis. :? One ball t?p Phaeton, two no top Phaetons, Two C ibrlolets. Brougham, Two Dog Carts aud T Car'. BREWSTER A CO. (or Broome .1.1, ,*>th av., corner 14th at. A -LANDAU. CLARENCE. COACH. BRETT. GOOD as new; light Wagons, my privet. t~STYUsII PAIR BAY GKLDlNGS-16 HANDS. O A and 7 years: flowing manes and tails; bey Gelding. ? yeara li? handa; travels iu 2:4.'?: stylish bar <.eldnc, used to .addle and Phaeton bv ladiea; top aide bar H a "n. pole and ahalta: double and aliigle Harness; lady s Side Sad die. 142 West 37th st. ~t~_*i??.-BUI-.WSTEIt TOP SIDEBAR WAGON. IN first cla?. order; Dunncomb Harness, |ik). Prlvsie stable ;t? Eaat 12th St. ?FOR SALE. A GOOD" ROAD MARE. DARK CHEsT . not, six years old. I?K hands, warranted sound snd klmt and trot a mile In 2:44; elegant top Wagon and line Harness; also a lady's Turnout, consisting of beautiful bay warranted sound and kind, with top Phaeton and Harness, all good a* new and aold far less than half value. At private stable 13 West -7th at /C ARRIAGES FOR THE COUNTRY -MIX SEAT ROCK 1/ awsys tlermantuwus. lour-seat cut-unuer Rockaways, lienot Wagons, with and wltlionl tops; top and open Pony Phaetons, of all styles; light extension top 1 haetons, lor .in htirne: both new and second bund. one lior?e o VVM f| ?K^V. Jn and JJ \V,..,?irr ?l. /, itOO-SUPERlOS LEATUBB for I'uNY Pll.vE V^. ton nearly now; gold mountings, with lamps. CL.V .NINO it \ M > MaWes, i r? Barrow st.. near Greenwich. D' rpor WAGONS. SHIFTING TOP. handsome AND reliable. fl'iO; J'haetous. $115; Rockawars. $1 ??; Kusiries $14"?. Largest and l.#?t stock of^ Harness in Jfew \.!r" Lap Dusters ?1; Sheets. UOc.; Whips. OOe. JOHN MOORE. Warren St. ' l-soii BALE?A SPLENDID CHANCE; HORsB. I r Wagon and Harness, with a good route In the ex press bualnees; ownrr g dng West. Apply to or address GEO. SMITH. :.14 nth air IIOK sw>:-A VICTORIA LANDAU AND PHAETON, ! f mad. bv Brew.ti r. nearly nr.. at 114 Wet lHth It I.H7H sale-A kink SET OF PHAETON harsbss I? cheap. To be scan al manufacturers, J.J. IIOK UAN. 22 hast l*th St. T.10K BALE?A SIYLISH PAIR OF Y'OUNO BAY r Hor?es that unexpectedly came Inte the owner's po?w? aion, and having no u?e tor tketn will sell choap: tlier arc IS hands, black points, no white and full manes and tails: aouud and kind, and well worth the trouble of coming lo ?ee; They are owned by a person not a borae dealer, and can tia louiid by inquiring al Mr. SCOTT'S livery stable, Clllton, S. I. _ TnoR~SALK FOR WANT OP USE?A PINE BLACK r aaddle Horse, trained at Dickel's academy; well broken to liarni->t: good traveller; I.Vj bands liigb : perfectly aound ?ad gentle. Private stable I5.? W est *>Utn at., near 7tb av. DOS SALE^EAS? BIDING LEATHER TOP UKl AND J? Harness, In good order; or will exi-hsng* for driving Horse. PECK. No. 9 Stone st. FI<Obtale?HABDSOM B BAY HORsE. uT handstb y?ara; suitable lor grocer, laimer or any basiueas. JtM Itud .on at UORStLK-A TWO.SKAT WAGON. KULL SPRING, r hung low, aquara body , would make * i.rett gentle n.ana uepot wagon : first claaa maker; cli.ap; can hr aeen Ihia day on aleaniboat New Champion, font ?f Canal st. IfOR SALE-A -I NOLK SEAT. SQUARE iln\, II ALP 1 apring aide har Road Wagon, bntll bv \\. Frank Duetn bery, ol t'ury.tle at.. New York; has been run but 10 times; will he sold cheap tor cash. Apply at OAKLEY A SON'S, 21 Uoytit., Brooklyn. HORSES. ( UliliAOM. F6R HIRE KOR TWO MONTHS?A HORkE. WXS58 ?nd harness; for l*<!y's uso; iti the country; good pasturage. Address. staling terms, wblch mu>l bo reasou able. K. A. W.. 111'ruM nflice. For mlk-a mahdhomk, kink bred bay mark. 7 sears olii, 15^,' liand? high: she I* a vary fast and atyl ish driver: rati trot Inside of :t minutes, and ia warranted sound and k<nd. Apply at 231 East 2*tb at. For 'Sai.k-four~TT?755Em at iTXTTk valie (suitable for any busineta), from $75 to $25. Apply al CIO Kast at. Fillt PALE.?A VKRV~ IANDSOMK AND STYLISH cream colored Kentucky saddle llnrse, |t< baud* higli; silver inane and tall; ? linn' traveller; perfectly gentle und kind in ail harness: (old f r want of use Inquire at private ?table. 1(K) South ilth at., Brooklyn, K. D. FOR~SALK-A HRAVT DOUBLE TRICK. IS GOOD order. Apply at So. 33 Cranberry at.. Brooklyn. For sai.k-a hahdbomi clarrncb. lined with drab cloth, in first rate order, for $-50, at 378 Broome at. For mai.k-*i7.\ <-">t ?3.-<i>." not-soiled, an elegant leather top I'ony I'liaetoii: tine single Harness, >50, coat $11X1. Cull 011 TOM, at private at able a No. 3 Went 15th at. For sa 1.1:-chunky roan horse, i? hands, suitable lor auj busiucu: also amali Canadian Pony. 044 Greenwich at. For "balk-aT i'iiaeton. mad if by Brewster, of Broom* at . almost as good as new: will be sold very low on account of owner having no uae for it. In quire at Kast -'Jn at. TjIOR SALE?t:OLMMi~ROCKAffAY FOR ONE OK TWO r horses; good as new. Call at 32 Walker It. For saTkTThi-ap. kor cash-finest turn out in New Yoik. consisting ol stylish apeedv Mare itrota inside of 2:.r>0.i excellent light Wagon and Harness. Apply at 10 Weat 44th at. IMOVR IN II vND DRAG?AN- BLBOAKT YBHICLK, will be sold at one-third of its value. Apply to ISAAC 1- YOUNG it Cl).. 24 Kalr st.. Newark, N. J. ?gJIOR SALK.?PONY; KIN is I' IN CITY FOR 1'IIAR r ton; ladies or children; good in saddle; 1 l.Lj Imnds. 1170 Hudson at. JV6lTsAl.l-.-H \NDSO\IE FAMILY M VUK: BRIGHT bay. 15^ hands, U year* old; warranted sala for ladies or cbildren to drive or ride. Inquire for SMITH. 73 Yandani St., near Hudson. Good pasturage can hi/ had kor house in Monmouth county, New Jersey; prices moderate. Ap ply at No. 11 Heater st. C~ 10OD. SOUND HoltsK, COVERED WAGON~hXr T ness and 1 cam of Mules lor sale eli'ap. Apply at U.'ti 3d ft v., Brooklyn. ALF VALUE. >125?SPLENDID N KW TOP EX press or Grocer's Wagon, worth $20l>. 124 West 19th at. Ilioji siabi.k i'irriNos-Ni;at7_dukahle and cleanly: partitions. hayracks, manger*. Ac.; orders promptly tilled at lowest prices; cat .loguca furnished free; specimens at store. JANKS A KIRTLAN'D, No*. H, in and 12 Reitde at. JOHN H. DRAPER, Arc TIoneeTc-BY JOHN H. Draner A Co.. store 112 Pearl at., Hanover square, Friday, June 0. at 1J o'clock noon, sharp, in front ol our store, to he sold without reserve, Park Phaeton, J. R. Law rence A Co., extension a hi ft In tr top. morocco lining and cushions, nearly new. t ? carry four; 1 liree-quartcr Clarence, Wood Brothers; Coupe, pole and shafts; Rockawav, (juimhy, pole and abnAli double Harness, one set gill mounted, Diinscomb. double Harness; 1 set light, covered buckles: one single Harness. Dunscomb. 0~N'K-"PLATFORM SPUING ASH ON 1'. :i SPRING Wagon for sale; both with topi, new and well uuilt; suit grocer or butcher. WETHERBF.E A MILLS. 1.21R Broadway. PTNIC.?#150 KAt! 11, TWO TOP~ ~SIDK BAR BOO gies, George Moore and Joe Godwin makers. 124 Welt 19th st - S PECIALTY IN ' O Six seat Rockawayt and Coupe Rockawayt of the IInest duality and tlutsh. A. 8. FLANDRAC. 372 and 371 Broome it., old stand of Brewster A Co. St?KBD. S'lYLK AND BKAUTY?KOR sale, A PAIR while Mares, 14VJ hands. 5 and t< years old; very gentle; fltOO: will take a cheap Horse in exchange. Apply at 2.1 l?th av.. corner 2t'.||i jl, iu soda water lactory. QTYI-isH DAKK BAY IIORK. OVER It! HANDS, TO O exchanco for Diamonds or f3.'i<> cash. 124 West MMh st. TO COt'MSY STABLE KEEPERS OR 1IOTELS.? Light slx-s-at open Coach : shifting panel class front Coach; very cheap: would exchange. Apply to 1'. II. MAS TBKSON, Central Park Stables. 5i)th st. and 7th av. T" 0 LET RKAS'VnaBLB-LANDaT^W"fiTllOR.SES, man and liverv; all In flue order. Address J. R., Knickerbocker St >bles. 223 West 'd st. Three pairs magnificent cti.vcii iioksm styltsh. liigli action, thorouuhly sound, at panic prices' Knickerbocker Stables, 53d St., near Broadway. H [/"KHICLES in kash ion. V IN MOUKST, 1'Lit.AS1.N0 AND DURABLE COLORS. IjitndaiiB. Ruckaways, Landaulets. Cabriolet*. Coaches, T Carts. Broughams, Phaeton*. Coupes, Boatou Wa^oni AD WAGONS. either bar or elliptic spring. A. S. KLANDltAlT. 372 and 374 Broome *t.. old stand of Hrew-ter A ("o. "lir ANTED?A KILL SPUING ToP WAGON. NOT TV much used: city maker: must be a bargalu for cash. Adiresa bo* 1M>2 Peat oibce. New \ ork. iCiANrKD- A GOOD SF.CO.NIt UAJiO K0IUKK~MOX VT full spring top Buggy, hung low; also a aet medium coupe Harness, must be nearly new and good eilv make. Hend lowest rash price and where to bo seen to J. L. CUL> BERT. 148 Baxter st. WANTED.?A GENTLEMAN DE8IRKM I HE l?Sh OF a first class Horse. Top Wagon and Harness for the summer, and ol which the best care will he taken; full and aatlsf.ietnry reference* given. Address M. H., box 140 Herald office. . IV ANTED-rriORSK NOtTnDKR 15 7>R OVER l.'.J,' TT bauds high : inuat he a good roadster, perfectly sonud and gentle, not afraid of loromntive or anything else, so that ? lady can > him wilU perfect safety; no I'nalora need apply. Address, giving full partlculara and lowest cash price. G. A., box 1H2 Herald office. WAN TED-A BREWSTER (BROOME ST.) LIC.iFt patent side bar three bow top Buggy, with all their recant Improvements, weighing over 244) pounds. Address, with price. Ac., YENDYS, box 5..'iilS Post office. New York WANTED=TO HIRE rOK~TIIE SUMMER, A LADY'S Saddle Horse, uaed to harness, stylish and without tricks. Address MODERATE PKJUE, Herald Uptown Branch office. *TW f?SPLE N DID BAY HORSE, 5 YEARS. 15 'T'Ju, hands; toand, kind, gentle for lady. No. 21U West 31st st. 4; 1 t?r KOR HORSE. TOP EXPRESS WAGON AND Harness; twolow price Horses; Rockaway cheap. ao7 W est l?th st. ~FOR THE FINEST SIDE BAR TOP SPUING Wagon, with all the latest improvements; also 10 second band top ?nd no top Buggies, at factory, W Woos ter at. EIROPEA7I STEAIU9HIPS. /^UNARD LINE?B. AND N. A. R. M. S. & Col V, NOTICE. With a view to diminishing the chances of collision, th# steamers of this Hue take a specific course for all seasons ot the year. On tbe outward passage from Uueenstown to Now York or Boston, crossing tha me idlau of ,Vi at 43 latitude or nothiug to the north of 43. On tbe homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the norlh of 42. FROM NEW YORK KOR I.I VERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. BCYTHIA Wed.. Juno 141 BOTHNI A.... Wed.. June 28 AI.GMU A... .Wed , June 21 I ABYSSINIA... Wed . July 5 Steamers marked ? do not carry *t?eragu passengers. Cabin passage, $10,1 and *13l>. gold, according to ac< coinmo-Jati ui. lleturii tickets on favorable terms Steerage tickets to and from all parts ol Europe at very low rates. Freight and pasaage ollice No. 4 Howling Green. CHARLES G. I-RANCKI.YN, Agent. Anchor link united states mail steamers NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. AI.SAT1 A....Jnno In. 3 P.M. I CALIFoRNIA.J'eM,3P.M. ANCIIORlA..June 17. Noon | Kl II M?t*f \ July 1, Noun NEW YOKE AND LONDON. AUSTRALIA. J utio IO,4 P.M. I A No 1.1A Inly 8. 3 P.M ELY'S I V Iune 24.4 P.M. | UTOPIA July 22. 3 P.M. Anchor Line pier* 20 and 21 North lllver. New York. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. I.IVERPoOL, LoNDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabins. $t>5 to ff)0. enrrenry, according t" accommodations. Excursion ticknts on lavoranlr terms. Steerage. $-H currency; intermediate. Wi currency. Drafts laauei for any amount at currom rate* HENDERSON BltorilERn. Agents. No. 7 Bowling Green. TTAMBUBG AMERICAN ''At.'KKT COMPANY S LINK H lor PLYMOUTH, liERHOUKG and IIAMBUKG. iTD.LERT. Iutie 8 1 HAMMONIA ....Juno 22 POMERANIA I line 15 | tioEIHE June .'9 Kales of passage to Plymouth, laindon, Cherbour;;. Ham burg and all points in England, Scotland and Wales Cabin, first saloon, gold fl(*) Cabin, second saloon, gold ft Steerage, currency 30 KUNllAKItr A CO.. C. I!. KICIIAKD A BOAS. General Agents. (ictieritl Passenger Agents, 61 Broad st.. New York. lil Broadway. New York. Most direct and FOOMOMIC boittk to Hol land. BELGIUM. Tllli RHINE. SWI I'ZERLaVD, At:.. AC.. YIA KOITKKDAM. Steamer ROTTERDAM Inne 8 Steamer C ALA N D I une 22 Tbe*?J>eaulllul steamers, carrying the United Slates mall to tbe Netherlands, are great Invorites with the pnblle. Trips regular, rates low; comfort and living perfect. For freight. Kor passage. KUNCH, EDYE A CO. L. W. MORRIS. 50 Broadway. INMAi* "LINK.?MAIL STKAMEKS KOR UUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OF CHESTER Saturday. June in, at M A. M. CITY OK Rlt.'ll MO> D -atniday. June 17, at I P. M. CITY OF BERLIN ... Satu-day, July 1, at 1 P. M. Krom pier 45 North River. C*bln, tRO and H??>, gold. Return ticket* on favorable terma. steerage. f-H. currency. Drafts issued at lowest rates. Saloon*, itaterooms, smoking and hath rooms nmidsliina. JOHN U. DALE. Agent. 15and 3.1 Broadway, New Yurk. HITfi ? STAR LIN ft. ~ ~ KOR UI'EENSIOWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. Tim steamers of this line take the l.ane Route* recom mended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N. going south of the Banks on Ihe paasage to Queeustuwn all tlie vear round. ADRIATIC I'ine 10. at 4 P. M. BRITANNIC I une 24. at 4 P. M. GERMANIC Jaiy H, at -t P. M. CELTIC lulv 15. at II A M. BRITANNIC Jnly 2!?. at 11 3<? A. M. From White Htar Dorks, pier 52 North Rlvar. Rate*?Saloon, ^tn and Jion, In gold; return tlckrte on reasonable terms. Steerage. SsIoom staterooms, smoking and bath r<H>ms are nlared amidahi|is, where tlie noise and motion are least, affording a degree ot comfott hitherto unattainable at sea For Inspection of plans and other information apply at the company's office, 37 Broadway. New York. R. J. COIITM. Agent. 0N11M> ftTATEn d AI L i.l N E?S I'ti A M~ TO QUEENS, TOWN AND LM ERPooL, sailing every TUESDAY. from pier 4? North Itivrr. SP.vada. .June 13. It) A. M. I WYOMING...Jnly 4, 4 A. M. WISCONSIN..!uno 20, 3 P.M. I IDAHO July 18. 3 P. M. Cabin, |Mm. ?>7n and f*n. currency. Intermediate. iMO; steerage, V28. Passengers bookod to and from Paris, llamuurg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Drafts on Ireland, England, Kranra and tier many at lovtit rates. WILLIAMS A UClON. 20 Broadway. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP*. North german ll,oyd. STEAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NEW YOSK. Southampton and Bremen. Company's pier, to.ft of 2d It, llolMikcn. NECKAR Saturday, Juuc I" I MOSI-.I,..Saturday, June 24 WhSER. ..Saturday. June 17 | IHiN \1' Saturday, J ily 1 llaies of paasago from New Vurk lo Southampton, 1 i.ivre or Bremen: ? 1 !r?t Cabin, $ ICm gold; Secuid Cabin, $00 gold; Storage, $3o currencv Keliirn Tickets at reduced rate*. Prepaid Steerage Ctrtllwiln, $32 currency. Forireigbt or apply to OKI.UIClls A CO., No. 2 Howling Green. State" lt n e ' NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELFAST AMI I.ON DON DE HKV . from pier 42 North Kiver (loot ofCitiiul at.> id follows: ? STATh OK 1Kt; 1N 1A Thttfsday. June 15 STATE OK NEVADA Thursday, J Me 23 STATE OK I nDIANA .Thursday. Juu? i? and every alternate Thursday therenlter. First cabin <6> to $so. accordum to aocnosmodatlona; return tickets, Secoud cabin, $30; return ticket* Mcertgt at lowest rates. Apply tj AUsWN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, No. 72 Broadway, New York. Steerage tickets at 4"> Broadway and ut the company's oier, loot of Canal at., North Hirer. American'meit Weekly Mull Steamship service between PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, callinc at (jueermtowit. Sailing every Tim rut ly Iroiu Philadelphia and hailing every Wednesday Iron Liverpool. 1 lie I nil owing stumuers are appoiutud to nail Irom Phlla delphia INDIANA June 8 | OHIO Juno 20 ILL. NOIS June 15 I PENNSYLVANIA. July tl ?LORD OLIVE. .. June22 I ?ClTYof LIMERICK July 13 PRICE OK PASSAGE IN CUltRENCY. Cabin, $75 to $101, according to location. Steeraue uud iiiteriiiedlute tickcta to aud trom all points at the lowest rates. 'Steamers marked with a star do not carry Intermediate. Passenger accommodations lor all classes unsurpa: sod. for passage, rates of Ireigut and ntlicr inluriuation apply ?o PivFER WRIGlfl' A SONS. General Agents, .<07 Walnut til.. Philadelphia; GEO. W. 00LTON, 42 Bmad st.. New York. JOHN Ml'DONALD, Passenger Ygctit, No. s liattery place. N ATIONAL LINK-PROM PIERS 41 AND 47 N. R. I-OR LONDON DIRECT. GREECE. Wednesday, .lime 14. 10 A. M. KOll OUfcENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. SPAIN...June 10. 7S*> A. M. | ITALY.. July 1. 12:30 P M. EGYPT. Jnue 24. 7.30 A. M. ITH E yUEEN. July 8. 3 P. M. Cabin passage ?70 and $80, currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage passage, .*20. currenev. Dralts issued front ?1 upward at current prices. Apply at the company's uflice, 119 Uroadwav, K. W. J. HURST, Manager. Great western steamship link. TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND; DIRECT. nailing Irom pier 14 East River as loilows :? AB.VGO.N. nvuions Saturday, June 24 CORNWALL, stamper Tuesday. July 11 Cabin passage. :j>7">; intoi medlato, $4."); steoruge. $30, eitr. reney; excursion ticket s, $120; prepaid steerage cci titiiatos, $20. Apply to W. D MORGAN, Agcui,7oSouth st. ONLY 'DIRECT link To FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPAN'Y'8 mail STEAMERS i.ETWEKN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH tO. It.? lor lite landing of pu'semrers. The splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Conti nent (canins provided with electric liellsi will sail Irom pier 43 North Kiver, foot o! Burrow st.. as follows : ? Kit ANl'E, Trttitrllo Saturiiav, J une 10, ut 8 A. M. ?PKKE1RK, Dan re Saturday. June 17, at I P. M. ST. GERMAIN. Kecutoux.... Saturday, June 24. at S A. M. CAN'AD v. Krangeul luiy 1, ut 1 P. M. LABRADOR. SBUKlier Saturdnv, Julv s. at 1 P.M. PltlCE OK PASSAGE IN gold (tucludlng winui H Flrst cablu, $110 to >r 12 >, according to accommodation. Second, $72. Third cabin, $40. return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage, $.11. with superior accommodation, Including trine, beddiug and utensil*. without extra churco Steamers marked thus ? oo note arry steerage passengers. LUL IS DE BEU1AN, Agent, .<?> Broadway. X\T ILSO N LINK FOR SO UT H A M pT()N_ANU~~IIULL ?T sailing Irom pier North Kiver, as follows OTHELLO June 15 1 NaVAKINO July 15 HINDOO July 1 | COLOMBO July 20 First cabin, $70 currenev; second eibln. $45 currency. Excursion tickets on very lavorablo terms Throng)! ticseM Issued to Continental aud Baltic ports. Apply, for full par ticulars, to OHARLM L. WRIGHT A CO., 56Sonth st. C-tooK'S EXCURSIONS fO ECROPB AND TOURIST J Tickets, through Great Britain and the Continent, are available by any line of ocean steamers and by any tnin upon any day mid citn be used by a single individual us well as in p irties of any number. SI MMER VACATION PAKTY is now being made up and will sail by steHtn^r Victoria, July H, lor a tour In Scotland, England, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, Italy and France. Mr. Thomas Cook will iiecnmpitny them from New York. Prices lor first t:U>s travel, hotel and all expenses. SstttV $400 and ^iUUitold. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST contains full Information re Snrding routes and the cost of tickets to all portions of urope and America, price H?cents by mail. COOK, SON Jt JENKINS, Broadway and Warren si. COASTWISE STKAJlSlUPs. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSH P LINE. . FOR CALIKORMA, JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA. AC.. AC., sailing from pier fool of Canal ?t.. North ltivor. FOR AN FRANCISCO, VIA ISTHMUS OK PANAMA. COLON Saturday, Juno W) V River. connecting lor Central America and the South Pacific, ?'or Iroigbt or passage apply ut the foot of C.mnl st.. North ver. H.J. Bl' LLAY, Superintendent. piANAMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP COMPAQ >, ~ FOR SAN francisco. CAUPORjU*>lND PACIFIC I'OitTS, via Isthmus of raaitma. Sailing from pier 13 Nortli River. Steamer CRkSCENT CITY SATURDAY* May 27 lor Asplnwall, connoeting via Panama Railroad at Pauitma with first class steumshipa fur ports as abova. For freight or parage apply to^. p CLYUg k u0 No. 0 Bowling Groen. STAR 8 4LL LINE. UNITED STA TES AND BR \Z1L MAIL STEAMSHIPS, sailing monthly Irom Watson's wharf, Brnokiyu. N. Y . for PaRA, pernambuco. HAlllA and RIOJANIERO, calling at St. John's, Porto Rico. J. H WALKER, about June 20. NELLIE MARTtN. July ?. Passenger accommodations first oa>s. For freight and passage, at reduced rates, apply to J. S. tucKEk A CO , Agents, 54 Pine st. BERMUDA. iTfT THOMAS AND WEST INDIES.-IHE elegunt ste unship CANlM A is intended to sail hence ' lor Brrmuda on Thursday, JuneH, making close counectinn ! at Bermuda with tli-rauil steamer for St. Thomas. For i passage and lulorination apply to (jUEBKC AND GULP ! PORTS steamship COMPANY. 2? Bro.idwar. Now York. N Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE. . Steamers leave pier No. 3 North River, at 3 P. M. '?!.! II 1 V I V I 1)1 lll.'l'T I'Oil HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF MERIDA Tuesday, Jnne 13 CITY OF VERA CRl Z Thursday, June 15 FOR VEK V CIU 7, AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Progreso, Campeacliy, Tuspan nnd Tamplco. CITY OK MEKIDA Tuesday, June 13 For freight and passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and :;3 Broadway. Steamers will leavu New Orleans Juua IS and July 0 for Vera Cms and all the above ports. XTEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL UNE. Xv These first class steamnliips will sail at 3 P. M. from iner 13 North lllver, foot of Cedar sk, lor Havana direct, at follow s COLI'MBL'S Thursday, June S WILMINGTON Tuesday. June 20 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tion., apply to^ j, CLYDE A CO.. No. ? Bowling Green. McKELLER, LULING A CO.. Agenfs In liavsna. ONLY DIRECT LINE FOR KLORIDA WKi.KLY LINK for Port Royal, S. C.; Pcrnandinn, Fla.; Brunswick. Oa.; failing every Thursday, from nler 20 East Rivir. I lie steamer C A itON l> e.LET. Capttttn Kaircloth. will sail Thurs day, June s, at 3 P. M . lor I ernandina nnd Port Royal, Through tickets Issued to all points in Florida, l or freight or passago apply to C. H. MALLURV A CO., or HERMAN GELPCKE. l.VI Maiden I me. ? Texas line for galveston. touchtno at key West, carrying the United states mall. lie steamer CITY Of AUsTlN. l.'aptaln Eldridgo. will sail on Saturday, June 10, at 3p M.. from tiler 20 l.ust River. Tbrvngh li ills of lading given to all points on tne Houston and Texas, Central International and Great Northern, Galveston, Hons ton and Henderson, nnd the Galveston, Hnrrlshurg and San Antonio Railroads. Freight und Insurance at lowest rates. For freight or passage, having superior occommo dittoes, apply to C. II. rallory A CO., 153 Maiden Inne. FOK xamatr. x. P.-JUM0LAR MAIL STEAMSHIP LEO leaves New York Julv I. Ml ICRAY. FERRIS A CO., C.2 South st. MORGAN'S~LINE OF steamships. for New Orleans and Texas. w ill Sail everv Saturday to Neir Orleans, transferring Texas freight there to Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad fur Morgan City, tlienrc, per Morgan's line of slearners, to Texas oorts. Tlio BKASHEAR will sail from pier 3! North Rlvrr, New York, on Saturday, June 10, at 3 P. M.. for New Orleans Thro'igh bills of lading signed to Mijhile, tlalveston and to all points on the Galveston, llarriahurg and San Antonio, Houston and Texas t eiitrnf, Iiueroatlonal and Great North ern. Texas and I'aclllc and Trans-t olitlueiital railroads, and to Ditli .nola, Brasos .Santiago, tyorpu* Chrlstl. Rockport, St. Mary's and Fulton. Freight for St. Mary's and Fnltofl landed at Rockport. Lighterage and channel duos lit either Corpus Chrlstl or Brusos Santiago at the expense and rtsk ut consignee. Through rates to Bri wnsvltle via Rio Urands Railroad. Insurance can be effecie i under open policy of C. A. Whlt nev A Co., New Orleans. From New York to New Orleans, per rent.; from New York to ell Texns ports via New Or leans, % pT cent. I rclglit at lowest rates. For freight or fnrther Informa tion apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY A CO.. Agents. nler 3t> Nortli Riv?-. F^OR" NEW ""ORLEANS DIRECT. THE CROMWELL LINE. The steamship KNICKIlOi Captain Kemble. on SATURDAY Juno In. at 3 o'clock P. M, Irom pier N". If North River. Through bills of lading given to Mobile and all principal points on the Miss ssip,il Rfv T. Cabin passage. >, steerage, $25. Apply to CLARK * sKAMAN M West st. 0 LD DOMINION steamship COMPANY, selling from pler:i7 North Kiver. For Norfolk. CltyT'oint and Richmond, Tuesdays, Thurs days and saturdav s ?t 3 P M? eonaerting witli tln< Virginia and Tennessee Air i Ine, Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake mil Ohio Railroad and with the com pany's steam lines to Interior points in North Carolina and Virginia. Newhern and Washington, V. (j. <*la Norlollt), svery Tuesday, ihii'sdav and Saturday. ksswes, Del., Monday, Wrdnesditji and Friday at 3 P. M., connecting with Maryland nnd Delun are rallrvads. Passenger arco'iiinodatlous unsurpassed. Through passage tickets so I bills of lading to all points at lowest rates, insurance to Norfolk. Ad., 't percent. Freight received dally at pier 37 Nortli Rl<ar General olflces, li?7 Greenwich St. N. Is roCREaDY. President. hhir Halifax, h. and ht. johns.1i. p. r choMWKLL stkamsiiip line. Steamers leave pier 10 North Rive, following days, at 3 tiEOlIGE W VSIIINGTON Friday, June '? UKORllE cnomwkll I uesiiay, Juno 20 Mo?t direct, quickest and cheapest rmite to Nova .^cotia, Newfoundland and tne l?jw r >t Lawrsnee. Excellent pas senger sec iminodatiuna. For treight or passage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN. M West st. TRAVRLLHIU' CltUlWf^ ~~ AITbany ASK iroY BY IMY HO\TS c. VIHB.VRD A and IUM!.!. DitKW.?Leave Vestry st. nter atS:J0 and 24tlt St. at S M . Ian ling at Nrack ana TarrMown (i y ferryboat). We-t Point, Newburg, Ponghkeepsie, itliine. beck, t atsklll slid Hndson. ? lose conneeilon at Alhanv with trains for the Nortli and West. To West Pplat and Newburg and returu, same day, $1;, $1 M. TKAVKLMCUN' Gl'lOE. \~ LISANi I', .il-l.i. a i.l ? Ml hA.MUii.VTS CeaTS pier 41 North River, daily. Saadsy excepted, n? il I'. M . (or Ibau.v and all point* north and Weal. (.real reduc tion iu tare; Excursion Ticaets Hi Albimy, Saratoga, Mon treal mid return. Vleals on h uropcan plan (~iooh - aMEEIC VN PEOUK VM MK K)R KXOUMIOMI J ?mil T urit to nil points In tliu 1'iiited mhim aud Canada, showiusC ever 1,'JU) different combinations, la now ready. Sent by mull on receipt ol Inc. Cook's Wnerlcan Hotel coupons are accepted nt or-t class hotels at all princi pal points t(iruiiifUont me countn, providing lor it full day's accommodation, a lid are sold Ml $ I -H) each. COOK, SON A .IfcNKIVS, Broadway and Warren ? PATSKILL CREEK UK& -HEW CHAMFIOff, TUBE " ilav. I huri'iuy and Saturday, from pier ti. Canal it.; MrUANl's. alternato osys. from Ixiroy Jit.. H M CIIT1ZKN.S* LINE STEAMBOATS FOR TROY AND AL(a ) point* Nortlieaat and W'e-t. leave dally, excopl .Satur day, nt ii I' M , from pier Ml North Kir or. I^oii~N<)K\,K DIRECT.?PARK REDUCED. -OM mid after Monday, Miit !?*?, the sfaracr AMERICl'S will leave pier 37 East River, foot of Market it., 3:15. and from loot ol 3.Id *t., at 3 o'clock P. M. j returning leaven South N"i walk at 7 :.V A. M. daily (Sunday exespted), connecting each way witii Uau'iury auil Norwalk and Saw ilavcn Rail roads. r are 3.* cents. Excursion ticket! 50 cents. I7ULL HI V Kit LINE TO BOSTON^ via Newport mid Ka|| It ver. Tlin world renowned steamboat, BRISTOL and PROVTDBNOB I-ave pier US North IIIVur, loot of Murray st . daily (Sunday* excepted1, at 5 P.M. Througb tickets sold at all the principal hotelt in the city. Hlii II LAN On or THE HUDSON BV DATUUHt The MARY POWELL. lor West Point, Newburg, Poughkeepsle. Itondout ami Kingston. laiidiu ? at Coixene, Cornwall, Milton and Now Hamburg, and Marlboro by ferry, will leave pier 3.i North River (Vestry st.I. daily, Sunday* excepted, at 3:31) I". M. i *U> JL.vrABI.IHIM> LINK i-V>R STUYVESANT, CATS V' kill ami intermeiilute Ian lug*. ? Steamer ANDREW HARDER, from Franklin st. (oier 35), I'tH-idar. Thursda* ami Saturday; steamer MONIT )R, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at ?> P. M. P ENNBY LV A NI V KA1 LRU A1?. GREAT I It I! N K LINE ANO UNITKO STATES MAIL ROITTF. Train* leave New York, via Destiiuise* and Cortandt street ferries, aa billows:? Express for llarriiburg, Pittsburg, the West and South, with Pullman palace car* attached. It :30 A. M., t> aud S M l?. M. Sunday. (I and 8 :30 1*. M. For Wlllianmport, Lock Haven. Cnrry and Erie at 0:30 A. M. and M:3> I'. SI., connecting at Corry for Titusvllle I'ctrolouin Centre and the oil region*. For Ualtliuoro, W ishington and tun South, ' Limited Wash ingtou Express" ol I'iiIIiii-iii parlor car* daily, except Sun day, U :30 A. Al.: arrive at Washington nt 4 :U> 1*. M. Regu lar at 8 :40 A. M.. 3 ami l> P M. Expre-x lor Phllad Iplua. 7, 7:30, S:tO, l) Jk> A. M.. 1J:30 3, 4, 4:lit, 5, ?, 7. H:.?*>,? P. M. and 12 night. Snndiy, J, tl, 7, S:3ttandl) P. M. Kmlirrant and Micoud class, 7 P. M For I Centennial depot at 5:30, HSIU. 7 :3!l, H, H :4<i, !>: til V. M., 12:90, 3 and 4 P. M. Returning, leave Centennial dennt nt 7:15, S:l.r>, 10:30 A. M., 1:13, ~J&). 4. 5 ::H, ? and 7:05 P M. For trainMo Newark, Elitiahetlt, Rah way, Princeton, Tren tou, Perth Ainboy, Fleiulu rton, Helvidoro and other pointn. tee local kcheduleaat all Ucket otttcea, Traici arrive: From Pittjburjr, 0:55 aud 10:3) A. M. and 10:20 1'. M. daily; lOtl.'i A. M ano 0:50 P. M. dully, ex cept Monday, hroui VVaablngtou aud llaitimore. tl :2H A. M . 4i)>, 5:15 aud 10:25 P. M. Sunday. 0.20 A. M. From Philadelphia, 5:10. U:20. ?:.>5, I0:ii, 11:20, 11:54 A. M. j 2:15, 4;ii5, 5:15, 0:10, '? ?tt, S;44 and 10;J."> P. M. Sun day. 5:10. tl:20, 0:55, 11:54 A. M . ?:V and 10:25 P M. Ticket nllloes, .>20 and 04-1 Hroadway, No. 1 Aator Honi* and loot of l>e?iroa?en and t/ortlaudt ?t? No. 4 Court it., llrnoKlyn; No?. 114, lit; and US ttudnon It,, Uoboke^ Kmlgrant ticket ndlce. No. 8 Mattery place. FRANK TIIOMPMIN, O. M. BoYD, Jr.. General Manager. lieneral Pasiun^ar Agent. R-tTNOuUT .VND_ KINOSTt)N~OONNECTINCr WITlf Lister and Oolaware ltallr uid, lauding at HI hlaml Fill ? (Went I'uiiit), Cornwall, Newburg, Marliioro', Milton, Pou;:hkeep?ie. F.nupua?St?auiboata T1IOMAS CORNELL andJAMKSW. IIALOSYIN leave, dally, pier foot of Spring at.. North river, at 4 P. V. OTONINUTUN Ll.NKl l>it BOSTON. ' O Reduction of Faro. Steamers RHODE I-LAND and NARK AG AN SETT, from pier 33 Nortu River, loot uf .lay St., at 5 P, M. Providence Line, ftmn tiler 27 North Rivor, loot of Park place. Steamships ELECTRAaml GALATi.A, at * : Mt p. M. A\ TEST POINT, NKWBUIKi, POl'GHKEEPSIK ANO return name day by day line steainera^ EXCUlMIOSt. A-Plymouth Rucit 'Vacht cuTb"kSgat?a? ? tin the return trip ol the PLYMOUTH ROCK from RotHvAVYAY till* THURSDAY, the idling hoiua i.retell of the contesting yachts can ho witness d by the p'ls-engera. Tli ? a?sei'iblage oftlio yachts can be teen tc advautave on the outward trip. The stenmer will sail ovai the course, leaving the foot of 2Cd it., N. It., at |0:30 A. M., and pier 2 N. R. at 11 o'clock. Pamengaia will b* re turned to the city by ~'j o'ciocs. -SATURDAY KIOHT TBI P. JUNE 10, TO pmhI ? ln^ Kattks. steamer SB I'll LOW. Splendid fl-blng, leaving HariLnn St.. Noith River, 12 M.: 10th at.. North River, 12:10; Sth at.. East River, 12:40; pier 27 East Blvar, 1 A M. Tickets, #1 50. Steamer WM. FLETCUElt in plac? ol Seth Low Snnd iy moruliig. N. B.?Cholera Banks lr!| Saturday luorniug. June 17. L. O. FOSTER, Manager. A ?lH7t:. FOR CONEY ISLAND D KILY.?1776. ~?" ? The steam r SAPPHO will cmunence running to Conej Island on Sunday. .1 utio 4, leaving West 24th st. at it A. M.. 12 M. and 3 P. M.; West loth St., 0:10 A M.. 12:10 and3:l{ P.M.; Franklin St., pier .15 North River, 9:2u, I2:2t)and 3:2'I P. M.; pier .: North Itlver. It: ?> A. M.. 12 ::#l and 3 P. M. Tbe new ?te<mcr IDLESVIl.U will run in conneetioa with the SAPI'IHI from the North River; June ll.andtli* EL1Z.V HANi:ui!lt front tho East Blvar, June IS, for Coney Island every day. A-aT DAlLY~ANI> SUNDAY Ex7:T7llSIoNS "TO . Fort Lee, Pleasant Valley and Shady Mile.? Steamboat! leave Canal st. daily at H: 15 and IO A. M.; 2, 5:15 and 7:15 P. M. Sunday at O, lOandll A. M.; 12 M., 1,2, 3, 4,0 and 7 P. M.; Uniting at 21th aud 34th sts. (daily and Sunday) lo minutes later. Round trip, 25e.; children half price. A?FISH7NO~BANKB-EVfcRY DA* (SATU.kDAiri ? -except dl.?<K-ean steamer BEDI LOW. leaving llarrl-on st.. Nurtli River, 0::H); sth it.. F.ast Klver, 7; pier 27 East River. 7:15; lutli it.. North River, 7:40; pier d North River, S A. M. Tlckeli. VI AL. O. FOSTEE. Manager. -A--TO CHARTER. STEAMBOAT PORT LKEj ? will accommodate 400 passengers; price 990 to $101 per day. Apply in the afternoon at 47 Full m st. ?A.?Rftil'LAR K.X('I'RSloNS TO ROCKAWAt KVF.RY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. On and after I bursday, .1 one I, the Sonnd steamer MEYERS I NIC will make two cxcurilous every day, loavlng 24th st.. North Rtver, at S:.H) A. M. and 1:15 P. M. llttli st.. North illvor, at 8:43 A. M. and I P. X. Yeiey St., North Itlver, at 1) A. M. and I :40 P. M. Fulton I rry. Brooklyn. H:2t> A. M. and 2 P. M. l.eaviug Kockaway at 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. N. H ?Patr ni cf this lliiii will expurlence bo del*7 em a* count of low tide. K?re lor the entire exeuraf >n, .Vto ?NEW York CLI lt REGATTA. ? Thursday, June s, 1870, the last and popular steamer Magenta will accompany the yachts unrlng tbe entire rare, leiviog 24llt "t.. North River, at H:30 A M.; Veiey St., al 0:15 A. M.; Grand st.. East River, at 10:15 A. X.; Mon tague it., Brooxlyn. nt 10:30 A. M. Fare for the excursion, $1. Brass and string music on board. Refreshment! at reasonable prices, 'liuketi to be had at No. 0 Astor House. Fifth Avenue, New York, Earle's and Grand Central hotels. Brooklyn yacht~~olUb REGATTA, BaTURDAT, June in, 1870 ?lhe fast and |aipnlar steamboat T. V, AlilloWsMITII will accompany the vachts during the entire race, leavlug pier 4o. North River, at iiUA. M.| Franklin st.. 0:45 A. M., pier 2. North River. 1(1 A. M. | Brooklyn. Fulton Fernr, 10:30 A. X. Music on board. Fare lor the excursion, i>l. >TEW YORK YACHT CLUB REGATTA^ ' I June 8 IK70. The steamer JOSEPHINE will leave the ferry slip foot of Whitehall M. at DSIO ?!. to view the yacht race. Fare tl. XTI.W SEA STEAMER MARION WILL O.N AND J.1 alter June II leave daily Iront the tool of Franklir st , at 10 A. M.. for Kockaway beach; leaves the Bewh al 4 : Hi P. M. Tickets 35 cctits. Excursion tickets 50 cents. N EW YORK YACHT CLUB REGATTA. JUNE 8. |*7H. Th? steamer Cyclops, Captain Dastard, will leave pier IB, East Klver. loot Of Maiden l.ann. nt !>', A M . sharp. PLYMOUTH BOCK TO KOCKAWAT TO DAY (THURSDAY). JUNE 8. 18711, JARItETT A PALMER'S sii|i"M steamer PL\ MOUTH ROCK, Captain S. G. Martin, having all the com fort I and ennvea* lebces ol la palace hotel, and odcrlng, in addition thereto, A OR A N D MUSICAL ENTr.RT VINMbNT. In which WESI'ON, the champion Ranloist. the JI'BILES 1 SINGERS and Instrumentalists, MOZART GLEE CLUB, I MADKltiAL HOYS. CHIMES of CHURCH BELLS, Ac* take part, will mak? its reirular GRAND EXCURSION TO-DAY to KOCKAWAY BEACU ar d the COOL BREEZES OF T1IE ATLANTIC OCEAlf. FARE (for the whole excursion* FIFTY CENTS BO iT LEAVES the foot of 22d st. N. It . at |o :?t A. M.. and pier 3, N. E? at I i A M . atfnrdtng passengers a capital view oi the I tiItKAT YACHT RAt'E and a stay of lour houri at th? beach. 8ame excursion dally hereeltsr until further notice, ON SI'VOA* two trlpi to Rockawar will be made, leer Ing the foot el 22d st.. N. R . at M::wt a. M. and I M f. M.. and pier 2. N. R , at l> A. M and 2 P. M. Special arrangements made with HOCtBTIRIL LODGES. S A P. It A III SCHOOLS and PICNIC PARTIES at greatly reduced rales. Inquire on board. ?\TACHT SIGNALS FOR THE RACE TO-DAY.-PUB. J llshed this day. Signals ol all the yachts io be In the race to day. printed from the original plates of the New Yark Yacht Club book, and In bright colors. Price only IOq, Address PECK A SNYDER. 128 Naasauit..N. V. _ DRY GOOD!*. ' TSAllAEi S HAIR NETS. Kolt THE fSoNT~TTaTRi aim Invisible Cilmns. made of natnral curly hair, and a large assortment of Hraids. Ac 21 Union square. nLUNKHY AXD oilMKiKlVta Mme iiam, from Paris, presently~at~tM| Centennial, lias an elegant choite of Ladiee' Bonnete and flats, at 172 West 23d it., this city. oil'j'KASl IOII>l AN EXPERIENCED DRKS.V ?) meker wishes the patronage ol a lew flm class fam ilies; sttmmtr suits mad: for $."? and upward; aatlilastloa i us' anteest. ^ F,l ROPE. ~~ f ong's hotkl?~new iiond st A^nnnnmini ii St.? Hits aell known comfortable hot?l lor families and g ntlemen. the onlj one in thli central iltttatlon, haa now ? most coniteodions and luiuriouslr appointed imoklng aud reading rooin, with a large hay window commanding a moat I eheerful view ol tnls important and fashionable tliorough f ire; ye ir visit ia solicited, should you not already liav* i inn ie c! olre of a hotel In the West End nf l<ondoa. Under I the management ol \V I. and Mrs. Chambers PA ORhUES ACH-OPffNlNG MAY 1. -SALINE ]i -prlngs, containing lod and brorae, railway itathMi, rmnai.tic environs, salobrloaa ell mate; all the hollies roa tain l aths f the spring water, supplied direct from tM springs t'V means of pipe*; drinking cura at the El)?abet? Spring; all foreign mineral waters: nsa ol whey, Inhalatieite, mower baths vapor baths, occasion lor bathe ta the rlreri every comlort of a llr.t claa* watering pl??e ; superior or chestra (Mannsleld Hand), rsadl ig rooms billiard laloeaa, oucerll. reunion!, theatre. Ilrework*. water eorao. Ae . ?. VM OGI. BI'OTII ERH~7o BASIN till ALL ST.. LOS DOM. n? commh*lon ii-'Uih*; intliuiwl} with tl # trmle, ur# wlllmg their connNtion th*re mid icctfl ? rtw JtH ttfillMH eliaeti for English good*. s