Newspaper Page Text
CIT% REAL C8TATB ^'Oa SALE. C eatral, 4 RSOLCTE AUCTION rfALK-12 M. TO D lY. Ill Brotdtay, of Ho. 1 East f?Sd st.; unquestionably the fluent anil best locat* (* extension hot*?# iu tne tu ti <et V. k. fi?IEYKN.>ON. Jr.. Auctioneer. VVuKSA I.h? Hlit)AX "STUN ITTiEHtOK>CB V?. 1,531 V Broadway. conicr 47th *t.; ^rent oruspeouve vnp,c. JOSIAH Jh.v, I J' <?i i* *;?? MY'hT be soT.iV-a fiitst'cHass"TovtT~VTuav brown stone Dwelling (in |Hih ?t., bulwetn 3(b and tttli a.a.; ?ixe, 21.t^[50xK)U; in perfect mu<*r; po?*o*mo# hdv tiuic. h. VV. WILLI \MS, .<*7 ?>Ut .iv. ?) 71 ST lit.', Mtwx BiTiS and <if liivi?w ?a e j ft sale, a nio;>t complete Eujtlish ba?emem twen ty tee t trout, in peri**; uftter; servants' staircase; price low. F. G. A c 8. BROWN, DO Broad* n /?. F rkV :s?tir (1\STI WANTED.?SPLE> DID STORE PROPERTY, J $16.0(10, rented for nrtw Btilldinx Leaseholds, vented for fW,UUO; 'Jit-lout private Re Iden-e, ucar l.exinjrv?u av., elegant order, $ ?. Larjre variety to ex fliuwi Ana tn let. EKOEHLD'H. 78S 3>l av. 1WN0kIuleTFie\p-aTlw 1*1 usr class brown stone I runt dwelling House, flncij located iu Hanem: price very low ant ktnail payment down* Aildrin OY\ NEIl, box Ji'2 ficrald olAcc. We^l Siiir. 1,v>r sale very cheap?one four story brick double lluo?.\full lot. 40 rooms; with im >rovi*io9iiS; flue ^ardtm; nil lu best order; nil let; britiijs Jl,7tm; terms em?y. Iu(tuir?i<iu premises 4.V? West ftOth >t. F^or sale?with puss' .s ins. \ ilk at n fi it threw story high stoop IIo j-o, with all Improvements, U?x.V? u?t 1(?? f? ot. on N\ eat 3*2(1 st.; 9L7UO; easy terms. tni|ii(re at :;"><? Wo?t :i'-M ?d iK(H)KLV\ PROrKK'n FOK SALE AM# TO LIST. MOK 8AI.K- THK CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROOK t 1 vtt; throe story ami basement, ws tor ami sewer; borne era pit** tlna d.?oi\ Will soli fur $:i.t*K). Iminiio of tUe iwner, 4(55 Humboldt st., Brooklyn, K. 1>. ;;oU HA US CHEAP?A SMALL I'll KEE sT >K\ BRICK 1' House, well located lu Brookb n, E. D.. containing 7 ootus, water and j;as. Address 1IYDK. Ileraht ofliee. HOl'SK TO LET IN BROOKLYN"-liEN I'^IwfIIajJe Uoti*e, tilted in with brick; rooms; with two extra ot?; a* able room it desired : Putnam, cear Tompkins av.; *?? minute*! from Fulton ferry and 'J-i minutes from Soutn Seventh street terry: will leone to May 1, 1 s7*; uoHsesi^ion intnediately. Inquire of WILLIAM d. Sl'HWALHK, -tl Park row. New York. l\ EHTCIIKSTKR COUNTY PROPERTY FOIi SALE AND TO KKST. 4 T ALTr|ION-ON JUNE 1J\ A FRAME IfOUR'.f a V Barn and acre T Oround, nicely ia'd out, in villafto of Mamaroneek. five minuter from depot; bemitiful view o ekumd; Ui percent may remain l??r three years MATT!SON, *>.It? hroadway. up stairs. PROPEHTY OUT ?>F THK CITY FOII SALE OK TO KENT. t -MOKE DESIRABLE THAN FIRST 01,ASH FLATS; ? Y* only $l,< t*t tor a three utory l'hiladelphia Hrlek, ^i?/.e ^?x50x 1'*^. choice, central location; perfect order; imiuo Jiste }>osi?oSHin!i. Apply to owner, OH West 11th ^t. T RivERDALK. ON HI'J)kVlN\ FtJLLY FURXI8I1ED and deliichttully located; fine river view PKTKIK. 17S Hroadway. HANllSt>V K NEW roVrAtiE, THREE MINI'TES from terry, staten Island; garden, 'ruit. Hotvers; water rtow; also Cottajge, acre around; abundance frail; pl,9UO. DAKKIN, 4S Broad bt. LloU SALE?STEAM I'IoTr, VE \L ANfT^'FEED L Mill and Elevator, at Northampton, Mans.;, has done a wrjre and profltabl* business: the death of the own r makes k sale ner??>?ar'< ; a jurood opetiltitr lor a Western House ti? e\ end it^ business E..^t. Address LYMAN, North ampton, M i^s rpoR sal i \ l\ sit \tet? oouni i v i? \ F, F in Crftenwleh, Conn ; Hon- (new) contains 1> rooms; i| lendid v ew ??( vH)?<?e atH "?? ; near to do] ot nn?l ^ ilt i^e; price, #11,(O). Apt iy at tho place to A. OEORQF, Greenwich Conn. EhTb sALE i'HEAP?A TWtThTORY AKP HASB r m^'Tit French r ?of Doohp, with modern improvement h ; ot H*> feet front, ltftt feet renr. by feet; pleasmitiv lo mted. very hualtHy; grapery, fruit treon, Ac.; ou?* hour from New i'ork via l'eun?vlvani>. Central. Address A. B.. 1 l !? .iv. FTURNI8HBD OOTTaSb, ON THK BANK OF THE lltidfton. near W est Point to let rcaa.meblt. Address WILLE f PAII11Y, Highland Kails, N V. Y^oa SAM'. A! \ S.\V Kll-ICIiTO'SEFTLE I 9'J acre*, dwelling bonne, ham, fruit. Ac., near Stani ford. Coon.; HlILBIiRT PECK, 2 s West 54tb st. floa SALE*?AT MADLS I.N, N. J., 1M/ ASAN I'Tfo'l N' try Home: eiuht acres; jiood hiiildiutfs; house 13 rooms; choice fruit; wniild evchanire. E. li. SaYBK, 103 Broadway. / 1 REh NWIt ii" R(VERsIDE?OOUNTRT HOMES, VT furnished and unfnrui?hed. for ?ale and rent. Circu lars. J. ATWATEK, Riverside, Conn. AKK GEORO^FbU SALE" OR~TO LET, " 'R J c'use Inland." near Rolwui, with lurni bed Cottage, Ac.: rent f?15<) for the season end one month's board of owner. Apply to ECFl'S WATTLES, at Bininger's, It) Jtroadway, New York. M" " (KST 1 ?EslliAlU l7 AND BR'aCTTFi^LY SlTI'ATED Country Sent iu the Stat** tor sale On t lake 4"? miles fiotn the city. Address DOCNK. Herald office. ||N'TI!.\I!:, \ J - SPECIAL! Y ? BEAl'TlKl'L Residenee, -lj acre*.to rent, famished orunfurnifhed; season or year; shade, fruit, ur'irden.-htablrt; n?*ar depot. HOW i. a Pai:mV\s, 7i) Ci dar at. mo li r a u miic cottao^ reai tikclly hur 1 roundel with fhade tree.-, lawn and earden, hnvinp s'ahle, roach and outhouses attached, at Grave*end. L. I,, on the C??ne,# Island rnai! one hour and thirty minutes fWmi Fulton Ferrr rent f4.*n prr annum. Aop'v at office, third fioor EDWARD RIDLEY A SON.-, St**. 811, III 1 % Grand at.. New Yt rk. mo li:i \r SiTri wsbcry*. v j . itiinishedor I unfnrnlshed. a Hoaso crntaininp IB rooms; fine loea tmn; about ten minute 'walk from depot; jrood grounds and fttablHtft; term i reasonable Call ?m or addre** AL* LAI RE A OORLIEB, Post office box 177, Red Rank. tpif LET-IN KM SHlNti II \NDS(?ME FCijsiISllKD I 11?ti ?* on Madison av. ; very low rent. J. \Y. PITNEY. 4Ht) 3d av. rpt> LKT? FCUNISHED ("OTTAOE, SEVEN ROOMS, Jl pood bethinif, hoatinjr and fluhin!;; shady and retired; at Ra> >lde. L. 1 I n i n i e of ?? SKIDMORK, It)Gold st, TV H liNT-11A>TIN(I s" ()N 1 J l " f)S< )S?( ( iTTAG K,~ 10 rooms; three arren, stable. Ac.; near depot; tor seas u or vear; furnistied or unfurnished; als?? m reral Cottage*, nnfiirni-bed; very low rent. Apply to J. VY. RICHARD SOX, 111 Broauway. room H'J 4fKff"PER MONTH FOR aTuRNISHKD HO08B, III doling piano, for the summer, situated at Rutnee. furd Park, N J., on Erie n>sl. 4."> minnt' K rote Oity Hall Call oti or sddre?s B K ' N E '21*1 ?Jro?dway. room 1. RfeAL E.STATE itT EjTcHA.VuE* ' \ LARGE LIST 07 BROOKLYN HOUSES TO EX chan re for Farms and Countrv Seats, Address MA I OMHE A RICHARDSON, 71J Fulton sf T nick i\'? .sroRV hoche, i nencumbi red, ^'Y for Hardware, Furniture or C rt?-*s invn-r, CHARLES HKSPi:. MVS Palisade av, Jersey C ty Heiirots. Bat >o K L Y N BI 11A?E fI?T "Ta K NoVl<'E."lAVlK W II.L exchantre House, 15 rooms, and *J Lots. uperb l?>ea to?n, pri?*e $1 1/mmi. no ennim ranee, and n Cottacre*. nn< n* cumbered, price ?*U)U *, lor 4 or r? brown ston * fronts, sub ject to first mortgage ohIa MILLER A MOLLOY, *.<? Broadway. Brown stone fcrmisiie;? HoifVii ro xx change for pavitiir Pn*perty. t*asb or Securities. Address, with particular*, 11 VltCLAY. >?ox IfJrt Hsral 1 otllce. i lOCNRY SI"AT.-EXCII VNtiK F )R WESTERN* PLOP x i cry; fine bouse, larce rooms, and ^rounds all In prime order; immediate po?-? . ion ; hour from city. Address box Post office, M tuchen, N .1 IpOR r V Si f \? i FARM AT IS LIP, IIYK fLOTk I with buildincra. Ilsrts?!a? ? dej?f?t. clear, with cash, for ?tty Property. SAM1 EL K1LPATRICK, Pull's Head Bank Building. FIOKVaM OR KXCII ANtiE \ Ff R>T t'LASS KIND linx Wood ^ard. i?i full operation, doin^ a splendid tusine*?. and U?cated ??n an avenue. Call on or address J. K \ LZE.N HERO I R, ?**) i a t Dub st . room 1. 'pwo I 4 lis >1 I'l.i! BL Y LO kfhit u I ;>r1 SIDE J Madison av . excavat d. eewored: ready for immediate improvement dirt cheap ; will exchange, SAMUEL KIL PATitlCK, Boll's tfead Bank Buiidinc. TO EXCHANGE FOR Mr-RCHANDlSE, OR CARPETS and Furniture, a small farm in Orance county, together irith 2t> Lots in lsii|?, L I , free of encumbrance* M ARK LEVY, 77^ ?tb av.. corner 4-lth st. \\r I LL *5bTTl AT A H A Ft i ? A1 N ? \ FIRST CLASS Tf furnished House to- .f.t.mio down, or exchange for ercll rcoiffl improved C t Property. Addres* OWNER, Herald Cpt wn Bran h oflicc F ARMS IN N K\V J } H*V. Y?Fl RST CLASS |M . J prove men tv will ? xchanse for ^ rivt.t * or T'-nemcut Property. Addres* C. \V.. Il? -aid i'ptown Branch d?iee. REAL ESTATES \\ Wil t?. ANTED-HoCM. IN PLAlNFI LD OR ORANOE, **.?*>? or$l?>.trs?, cash i>a*is * Nrw York. Iffr. Iv. P., lit* Br??ndw M AY TO I.KT FOIt RIhOKRH fVHPOftBS BK>.ViTf !<II1.I?IN<. i>'tr,pr<>or. (ti1 Ann sii'l Fnltnn *t*. J ir?t FTo* r ui '< t. 'or imltri m#ar .'ir, or l.-:? rr> V ' . ft or in pirt. l>v n.trtru to mtt ti rant, U ; ? l nrt-< '.ot nffi< ?? or ator?fc 'V ,-oufl'l? rent.. Also ?"tn?'li-tlile <.(*?? <?. to I" Ai'fJ.V OS liil I'liKMlBKa. lai ? t)>" ">? VHtor. lr?.,u. i- t?r jau.*>>r A T f l(U Hf'K MONTH- TilK LAKOK 1IY #> IIOl'SK ant ' r<*; ha- 1 ' r ? coitiplft "rtltr, ntwjjr MUk'l. Iloilw or r>it>r? ? nl I. 'i< |>,ra:? or to/cihrr. WttlNavivit it. nf r?.ib *v. MlTY HOTKL R? >T*t K\NT* HROADWvY *NU CTH kJ A, uiit thlr to i?? at..) iiliiirtU: t,nt 1-75 t>.r m a:li. JJTKAM Po\VKt.-Ti? I.KT. a Kt/H>K>. WITH IX)U\ 7? li.lil; lull -iioff Klot-r; .11 k x t4. "te tin alrr^t-r rid hoMttnu I <> tt t -~\ .t r ow- k ro l.' T Ian x' ?> xiin 0 UntOU; ? ril II. ? 11.-at. .HMIN Vil.ABEN, l!.?r M . ll. l .ifB. >./, MfuTi.fASi .i, hi:i??-i.i:ty i.h w.,'>r n: 1 ii..i .-in paintrd ttri'it; u: . i 'i| i iMi' ii or i.r i HaM iMH.nn <n ar,. wilier l)??in a? Al>o3TT<Uh ? .ulioiniM: 'r?t? i;kn.'?hik ill i. r--. -E < i liort n* ill *h nl*i Vp; UWBLLINli Htl >KS TO l.t I. rurilnnrti. tpDRMSHRP wo si- ii r?, -,r\v nnian 3 t?ti. bo,iitlftlM*otla . ?. 1, " fl.1-M>! M^n.l . fv its r'?lu<*?>). tt \ 1.11 \ *,-*?? I'.ua *' jto I.K i "('(IMIV K. I I.', ri'KMHIIKtt. A TIIKKK 1 tintf br?wn rfntrat location: to .n, i v. ;. Baiit will i i*n'. lor It. j low p ? i? # ?f fit im ft. m nr linlc MMttrmtaMk Atnirc*# .tl>A.I>. H,rald 1 jitfiaro Krartrh >tlW. __ _ LKT?n?t sr?iu\ Ho s .. HaWosom RI.Y fl'K JL ni>liiMl. n *ii.un,u,; ronvrnl nl to ?v.r?l car nwitr. ? mi Kit-1 .it?d Itailrowi; rhi p?r n <11111. A| plr *t tt iu JU< 1 si. C nfiiriil?hi'd. , ?:B1 WEST tJTil M\. Hol'afc li KUOM-t. ALL iV. iBiproveuir' t?. :o I?|. K I. A li. T BI RN IIAM. .k 411 west" liit ?f~?rTr k? nTiTs roVvi tot?tn? A. A*f* ?K?r 1ZTH ?<r iioiim.. ... ? '?!, wbol or in part " *' MtlHW, TO *? I- * K T. Bl'K.MIVM I?ki 11 - II.m TBJtBSi-s 11 UWT.IiUKO HOVIER TO liIt. i II ! ?? 1 II i? !ifU. 4 FIRST ( I. \-is rot:K STOBV BROWS' 8TOVF .A I'otiea an 84iU ?t,?j let. I?r i ermits apply at 'iw \Vest3tth it. miT s.kt-dwISO noi:si: in in .vi lli '1. 1 iir .rliui) iiomt. it umihuuU'' -iw r.-i.t. Apnlv ,ii prem? i*.-v Vu ion 1. L.t _.%th V iwr. n L-'i ntiton -ind ^tls *vs. 1 modern impro^e'ii 'tit* a .d in yerfo . urdar. (fel/IJl A MoNTll?PoR ik POtfK HMY MIUK O i.' ' ' ' llu i ?? witli state. .in h*ii av. ; jjond li t: xtiuti. 1 it* quire on the iiniiiiim, No. Ol 1 Nth nv. i/~EAST ftitlS 1I?E LKOA NT BTOMi HOL'SE, . ?. splendid order, 91,201). Optn. K. I'. LUDLOW, No. :tPin.>?t._ PlKiVlMIEU tUK)HS A\L) A I* A it TM K XT* TO LK/t. i T -207 EAST lot II ST NEAR f.Tt YVKSANTPAKK ? ^ l 1 linUiMi :y d It >utn>; Hre.kfa-t if Liesir*d; terms moder &ti; references. IT M> IKYlNii PLv K. ?:t)KN"! R 17TII ST.-ELK IV ;::iiuty I'- riiU'.-il Booms, singly or eu suite; breakfast It desired; referemo t VJtRY I,ARt!K. NICELY 1'tfKN ISHKD KOoM. J\. Kitchen adjoin uiir; two 1 ?rs'-; hot itn l enlil wixii r, ii Mble '? r light houssXi <?;?!r?;., .*S a week. 417 4th ??., n- ii- '.".'th ?i. V~>HIvATK rAMI l'.v"vv ITjTuKT TWO 11 AXDSOM K Is ftiml?lt"J itooin* adJ.nnlliK on ?*? mid lloor. with rvrrr l:<>nie comfort; a vary moderate price. Apply at 117 East "7th ?t. 1 v.- .\ l<tVIA~A> l>~'P.I.'kuaSTLY" Kt ilNlSHJ'ilt j V iiuomi, wltU nil c mvemouccs, at prlvait? residence, 236 Eut Ht'i i"t.. Hi foremen. T""partmkn is kirrnisTi"kj?? nl?wl.Y~VlTTK i/' I'?. ^V. clouti, '-imlofiAblQ. .32. ^2 i'iO. * l -Vt; tiitturuisned I'litlnu'c, I ur . ft. K'ltrimc* 47 West 3d at.,near l<n> lawny mul Washington *nu*rp. 4 HANDMOMbLv V'L'KM.sHKI) ROOM TO KKNT: ^V. nuitiible i^r noit>rki'?i.iii|{ ; ! nuily i.iivute : bath. 4c.; terms ilMxlcrato. 2b Ka?t Hil ?t.. n?ur ?'d hv. \ ROOM A\l? IIA.U. It'lOM. tT< >M M tT M C ATI N (I J\ w ill be rented (urttUimd in ? priv?t? t'aiully; pilflloje (>riii;lit lioutt kocpinj. 217 vY??t tilth at. \ ROOM A SO BH0ttOOi TO L KT?N icSli Y F 0 P^ JV niabed or hoiupkonplnif. Applr at 2 4 .'iil ar. IiABttK, WEUi I'UKN1S11 ED IIOOM. ALSO A ilALt Kouin. to let; term*#.! per weelc: h tutd'jath. At 12 > Went 27th ?t. * PtiAT or 7 ROOM* If aMOROMKL? KURN18HKU; jtV. co uplete for huui.'lceoplnj. Inquire at 3"!'J Wsht 34tlt ?t. i nratly ruKMiRHRO'riiOor.i covpi,KTEToit A l.ninekeepins; private litmily. ?; Oowtiii;^ ?t , ttoar ! A \ Illicit >1. A SE I l KMSIIKl) II %LL HKDKUOM TO LKT. .NO. 263 Knit l(?th floor. ?T.W hANr?SC)V|KI,V !~l TrK'vVnnMS, itii bull,, plenty of ciovi r??om, Ac., at UK> *d nv. A LADY ilAH VKKY HA.NlisOME KUOMS TO f KT~ uV. plemmH mid cc?o1; modpralH pricf?: perm?inontiv i?r tr iMMfiit.; ft iir Htnun* lor liou^okfepjn^, ?m the thir?l floor. rurnishiMl or uittnrnt^hud. ISail nil tlie wook at l li av. /I KM H AlT LOCATION -HAUL WD OTJIJ5S FHONT * Ho'in.f> to lot. furnisla'd, from to per weoW. 45 llond ?i. I /lHOI^K HOOM* roji (JKXTliKMKX. WITHOUT Htli st. / lOKNEK KOOM AND JiKPUOOM?VKttY NfCKLY \ ; tnrnisl?f*d; privilcgo in kitch' ti it desired. No. 1?(>U West 4 th st. E i11.Ki i ANT KL'lt.HlMI iCU ROOMS FOR til-.XTl.l'.MKN I'amili**; miporior riccommodAtinn; prlvatn family; retprenren om'ihiii; d. ml Wot HAth it. TTtl.EOANT FLATS TO I.RT?SPi, SI>II? WEUUIBOlT. i j hi.oil, :<24 Wvst.'Hth xt., near Hth av.; in now ready. Apply at :12'2. I^L'KNIKH KD ~Oll WmiSigHBO FRONT PAR. Inrs mul third atory trout Uoonn to rent, withont lioitrd No.!' Eu?t 227th ?t.. near "Hh a v.; refrrenre r.'i|iilred. 1'kms11ki> "u?>oMd? pt:ivatk iiouih. part* r of three (1150 ?Mh. 2<>2 Must mk ki.. npnr lid av. HAXnsDMI'I.Y KUUNISIIKO "lt?>OMs fil LET-TO i|iiiet triuisicrit parties. Addroan WII.SON, llernld office. KITi' 11 K V A M > BRDROOM, (:OM PI.ETKL.T PITRNI8H. cd lor Itonai'keiplnir, to a rpsppotalilr conpln wltlinut rlilldren: cl> n I... water, jfan, Ao.; &'> a week. Apply at l!>2 7tli av.. noar 21s ?t. T AROi; FI'HNISIIEIt I-lOiNT I'MU.OK. #7: KM AH, I J *4 ; Uille< or inMitleiii 'ii ; liouaekeeplni; privilege; na;?. liath; prlval* revlden e. 81?t I'.ait 13th *t. T E ASE FOR 8ALK?OK IIA N OSOMKLY Fl'RNISIIE!) IJ IIiiuko, where party hiring oecopy bent half ol'lionne free ol r.nt; small bonim r.'iinirei: went side. Adilreis HO.M'S, box I4:t Herald Uptown Branch office. I'A ROE FROST PABI.O It ~V I' RN1S H F 0, $7: BKA R J Boom. f4; Indie* or gentlemen; hoii.ek#epi?jt privi lege; i;ni. bath. Roeidoueo 3ltl East 1 th St. N'iciii.Y rr it\iiiiKii boomsTnkab bboadwar and Ma.liwn aimare, to i.-entlemen. without board; cnim mndeiatu. 3f7 Weet 2Bth st. TO I.KT-A IIANDSOMELT Fl'RNISIIM) FRONT P irlor. for single i;entlemen. 328 Kant IOth et, near Stuyvesaiit Park. rpo LKT?NIt'MA' "PURinSflkD BOOKS, WITH PRI i vale bath attarhed, in one of the best localities in tlie city; rent moderate. Apply at 147 South Washington tqu ire. rrnvooit wjpr booms, neatly furnished for I hoaaekceplng. $4 to 8H per week. .">2s West 424 at. <J??) FOR NICKI.Y FURNISHED LA ROE RiOM, TOP ? 5?I Hour, sultnlile lor Rentl uicti or housekeepiuc; K"?. b^tli; private residence. 820 Ka t 11th st. vj; i per weIk~vor a Watlv"frrnisiibf? ?PiT Poom frntitini on Broadwuj. b'S2 Broadway, be tween 13th and U'th sis. e ROOMS, NIPRLV ruiKMIIBD. BOURB IB OOOD '/ order, 33.1 st. and Broadway, complete for housekeep ing. Particulars at No. 7 Wost :t-d ?t frnt av., m.~-HABDMiMf.i.y purmSiieB" parlor t) f lo..r; nlko S.-cond Floor; summer prices. i rTI! A7."*AND 14TII sr.?A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL i ' > r> nt a l.andscme Suit ol furnished Kooni. in the elevant I browa stone boose No. 4 West 14th st.; parlor, three bed ; room* und private hath, to.'ether or separately. EAST 17TII ST. ?FL'ltMSHKI) BOOMS TO LKT; roferottots required. 7 EAST 27TII ST., BETWEEN vm ANI> MADISON a vs.? Eleiiantly lurnished Roiitns, for (centieiuen ; terms I moderate: refer ncei>. 7~I*7maBKv8 PLACB. NKAR OOOPEB INKTlTtf E.? Front Parlor suitable lor i.liysician'H otlieet raodemte re .it. 9P.\>T .2I> ST.?KLKOAXTI.Y FCBNIMHBD DoTmiiTe and -In^-le Rooms, on se *ond floor, to let, without board ; ; rnatanrant second doo*; reterencos. "IIJ BAST jHTH Kr:; BETWEEN vrll~AND MADISON ! Jt' avs ? Handsenely fiirnlshet Booms; all eonveiiieni# ; ! summer prlees; references. 17 EAST 17TH ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS "I Q WEST SW'Til ST -BLROANTI.Y FI'BNI5I!ED J?', without board, on second and thin! floors; ino lur ltd price*. ?> - FAST I OTH sr., BETWEEN BROADWAT \NIl j I 0?* rnlvcndtj plftetk*?'To !?!. fnniUhed, one rtHoplen? 1 I nut Rcniim, fultnUle for jr?ntlenien ; ternin reasom?blo. OO WKST lV>T 11 ST.?Fefi MIA N T V KI :NH ,1 |> 00 permanent or transient partieM at Mimmer priees. I I KAfif Til ST. ?ffASnsuMKI.Y ! I KM>1?!1) 1 Tt -n fiiilti- or Miivrly, without board; rerj moderate prtrcv references exchanjrrd. ?O WEST HTH ST.?A VHYSCH FAMILY WILL j ? JO rent fnrnfahed Kootn to a 'tuple or two centltmen ; j i hoi nndcold water; term* moderate. *|1 n MacdoI'oal kt.?pijrSirhed booiT witii I 11'? e\ery c.inteaieuce lor honi-'keepinir, to let to small families 1 K\ST 14TH sr.." NKAit ORAND CENTB.U, ' i?.*' depot.? !li.oms. Ihrnlshed oosnpleiriV for lions-., keeping, for small lamilles o)P siucle gentlemen; rent $."1 to I $.1 pr r week. Ap|,lv on the premises or to W. S. GA.VEV.4M Bleerker st 1 J 7 EAST SIKT ST., bbtwber LRX1NOTON axd I III Hii a%'s.?To Irt, Inrnislicd, one lar^e and one small Ko,m- 1 _? 1(|0 WRS1 IflTH ST sKt'OVO FLooit M'U- . I***) tiiwhe'l or ii nfurniihad, separately or to?,'etb?r; firn* ' i floor Kootns, furnished. I 4)i / j whsr t hi**?"To Lnf~TrANi>8<>Mrr.v n*lN 1 * ) ni?bed r-N^ms. wltli or without l?oari :'^ 'ntlemeii pre- ! I f?*rre?t: onr block Iro n St. Cloud and llommore hotels; sum* | mor pi-ices ?9<) KAST ?Tll ST.." NKAK :%D~.\X ?Kt irxisiIKD i litnm* to i;i*ntleni?Mi or for botisfkeeping; lions? i private : term* l??w. no?i wr^t ;u?rn sTf.'nkar skyknth^avkntk j w'?-?> ? tr?.?Nice fttrnlsbed Ito ?n?*. mMai'le for liis-ht I h"U*ektepinff, with a small private family; terms ntodent>\ , I - " WEST 2JD sr.'-Pt'BNIsiiRD KnuMS FOR i ' #? ' urntl men ; reliable reteren^e"* exchanged INKl^IMMIEW RIMIMS AMI APART- I H KVT<* l (? LKT. 4 ?M'LENDID KHEMCII PLATS To LKT AT US. Jt\? ?'.'i I rnm (11 West :t'.?tl? st. f'.rnor ii r a; plea, ant IikMIi.1 t ?i Ltfs-Vine LooAfitTiT all improve in.'iit.; low i t?. an.I ("lmediste i>o.sessioM. Appl.r to.IOIIN |i. < BIMMINS. 1,1187 ?i av. IN l I.E.ant KI.ook io lei IN \ PRIVATE -V ' u i^ R>o?u; t.. a Ri. id pnri> ; rent cheap, if;. ', j. *.plv at <TJ0??h ur . In th ? store. T.if.K im ma:> u MEM .-.isr sr .1 a iron in Fj atl-oH .nee, J. F.OOAR LE A YCKAfT, ?i?-?th av. L^H'X'i. I I vr.?ELEi.AVi' AI'ABVM NTS: MW t Htilld n 5tli av am! t'arr.ill st.. Bro. k yti; elirtit T ?m+. bsta. ditmi. WHlter eomptrte; low n uts; FPth .i r nne e?f?. Foltoii. AVnll mil South ferii*- Apn'.v to Jani.or. i W It. 1 O P It. ?? i Pes I i New V rk. WHKNtMl FLAT AT BEDL'CED i;RNr -NEWLY P pslnted; in complete order; all Inprewtnenta; ill | ? exinirt.m av. Apply 't 'it' West 4.''t st. p.yiUlR Fi.O'ilt" AN'D B.\M'Mh.NT?llli.H STOOP i hoiis?; all inipruvrroents. il<? East 2<i!h st.. h ?r OKCOND fUHlM IN BBOWN -sTONK FRO N'T MOUSE, I i ii'l i uprovemcnts. to let cheap to a sm .11 ura Iv. N". i. : W o.t 47tli ! fl'OLKI .-ti ONH V'Loon: NO 134 Cll Uti? ST. ~ I rp ? i.ET-Lowi B part ?o rtorsk," %.t oroye st. i i Inimre of A TliOMPSON. .t.'l tll?ocll?r s4. rpO LET - l/)5ki FABT i'RIYATh ilOCHK; HAsE X meat and Parlor*, ft rt> nit: aU inipr.iveoienis .* !">. tiBEtitiR A MlLLEit, itd iv., mraer ..I Mb it, 'int o FLOlills i.\ \ VKP.Y PI.KASaNT HOI'SE. nV 11 li I I all i ipruvem i.ts; location :ir?t ol iss. j< ? linton (dace, law es.t of Oth av. HOl'^KK, ttOOltB. ?W .. W A.ATF.I). In iiu< t ii v ^ml Hrooklvn. plUBNIsilKb lOI'SK WANTED ?MY A FAMILY OF I three; iro I I * li I:: city, wltl pay for small hens ? ? I ,ier .ii 'inm; Bndoolited ;el?reic?s. Address R.. box l.itit Post . Ace. AV Vir::si-iii i? b<...m wr vnteo imil KALL;iii:.\TLE Wan. iii away. A4di"?s,-vith t"rn s tier tuoiith md MMSs. IMPORT:,U, box 1.437 1' ..t i.(flea D-Kotiu, Ft*UMiilKiMig"1'SrtilM.sill D. ?ar, without i. erd. Cheap; ? ,. 1 1.. -ation. An u.^.. stHtni* part., lars, box I.4&7 I'o-t o?. ? \4* ANT i i> A riKir FLOOR A Nit 'IA He, MB NT, IN V t? snsalt hou^e . raat n it to exc.*i*.l ?2 * per montti. Ad dress .1, H Herald I pt"wn Hran.ii oBice. VV A NTKI' ->M ALL Hot SK~ IN~ CENTRA t~i7ucjj. ?f tlon, i?r a lamtly of throe , rent not over ttHJO Addres JOU.N L. OIFFOHO, IMltn DM M. HOI SKS, ROOMS, sVt \VA\Tr.l>. In ihi- city and lironkly n. WANTKD-A KlTUNl?ll Kl> OS I'NKI'RN ISllFD l|,re? siorv'.ugh alnup Mouse; k ration beta? - a:i?t .Hn!i ?i?.. 4tb *i?d 7th ar?.: r#?tl iuu*t m?Mi?r*te aii'i ?titled. if party vi?h?i U?*aril in the name jprentUe* wnsinra tlr. A4Hri*M . b?\ I'W Herald Uptown Branch "We*. \1J A~NTK1> A OBOTLMAJPH ifbi'tfE JO TAK* 1| rlmrct >i for th? ?iimuwr i.r ft worn-ui ami h r !?:*. apply to-day ?,t ?.? Kant 'il#t at W ANT' D ? s!?: OR ir*o !-::xkmkm iiorsEB OR II French Hat llouse* nil ? lea?e. by ? m*l?oiis bie paftjr, i a Io.?iUhi. Address M., bo* 130 Herald i pU'WU i- ll nfflee. ANTi 1> " '?I^ 1 1 Kf.Mil i'I.AT, rl itMSIIKD; i f must tip very iifur Oftitrnl Park. until S?.pt?'inbei I , inu?t hive everything Itee-ssary fur hootekeeping. luitueai uti' ininwmoii; will p?y ?ft > monthly: >*?t relerence. Au dre?s 0. J. f\, earn of I?r. Chadsey, 2?W Sprint *t. \\/an rtn^BV "a "sin^lk a kur ?V nish.-d Room in tlie 11". ilil.oihood oi Kth ?t. . raut ?<>t to exceed per week. Addrt?** 1*\ N. Herald office. W \\ In I In- I tin ii t rv. fANTF.D TO II t UK? V SMALL FLvCE IN SVBl'RHS ! Broncylu. ..r in;, w!i-r-' "n 1-- ?> ' island within s isy 111 city. Address Al.l'llA, ilerald oflice, station rem. Ac. _ _ ... ? HO A HOE HH VVAATED. 1 .; i? k Kitovi MaDISON ^1 \i<r. in 1 1 :.eid .t ?K*irn large house; Room*. ?ilh or without Hoard; permanent or transient; t"rin? moderate. 1 OR TWO : I'HMSIIKI) iinn.MS TO LET TO (1BN L tk'-tnun ?villi i.r without Hoard; term* renwnnllo. Cull ?t |.V? West 324 *t 1 X'l'K i-'ROKT KOOV-SI'. FORIWO; ONE I'l.EAS I nut back Room and hark Parlor; g>?>d Board: prlvite American laniily; pleasant location. -i?"> Kan Hji *>? i .! ;r o> kc iOMR. IIANOMllilKliV FURNISHED; J private oath. clnseia, Me.; with private table m^with out i'.nnl; Rooms for gwntlcmeii; reference*. .!<? last ?.'?itli st. i iUiduK Fiio.M madison i>yi:ARK-io? i;.\>ri;;io L it._Wul furiil?lioil Uo.imn, with kuhJ Bo?ru; icier e nc?*a. 1~ ril-ii'ioNO r?fORV KKOHT ROOM. 9I?: TIURO i S,. ry Irmit. #!??: geiiticui?ii Iiuil wifu or aitiifla poisuin. 1JH \S rit 'JUili st ;u -j r! i: l?\V. $u 1>> $1" I'l'.li ? !<KK- M'' M lU"iir,<, with iroiid Hoard, lor I'Ansilioa ?nd ninjjle tfi'n tl?m?n. 17ii'Bleni *t.. i???r Mrowlway. k) KLKOANT KKONT ROOMS, WiTII HO.VKD; _j hull Room: hunt" d??lriibl? ; location cuuiral. aoUrtat June* ?l , <'nn block from Broadway. (?.VlM ?"?. ? I'iO.VIMi, Willi ROOMS; A MdKI.Y rv?- lurnUlmd r-centl' n Itoom: terms for a co?p'<\ #11. with Baard >a. ?5H AVam 30?i> ti - IHTII HI- I?KSI lAIUiH ROOMS, WITH "I' ?) without Boar !; terms moileraw; reteri>nro?. ""Til AY 1-5 1-7. 12tl.?Mlisi I . II. PUTNaM OKKKUS i) huoms. witii or without Board, to m-rmaiient parties at Mimmerprices, transleutl} 50 and #1 per days ?ls..t.tlilo ln?.ird. rxii \\ SO i> ii > ri.V FIRST Oh ASS '> tj e?mim??d?4tmuJi ai?U limird Tor a Koutloinan or treatlo tmii inci wilt? at mminur jiriies. .- ; : i' 11 UUAIIU. NEArLY ia;KMSlll-:i? ?J^') Booms; Amorlcau family. 401 Wen -3d at. /??tTTst *ai? (i nlsT iiors!'." kast ok 2D ay.i t) I.artte'aud small I'nrulehed Room*, with or without lio ud; terms ?nodrr.?t?*. _ . l75 WAVbRLET PLACE. NEAR BROADWAY.? .11/ Krout Rooms. 911 to $20. Tor two, with Hoard; alto i sliulu Hoiius; transient peopio tnki'ii: talila l.oaril.84. 1 11 KArif IWD ST.-KKirNT IIALL ROOM ON SKrii.NIt 1U lloor, with or without private ta lo; trmmler.1 ?ue?t? accottiniodatea. ____ n'-ril si' l M> WKST. NEAR RTH AT.?WITH BOARD, Inrtre plcnrant ei-ond lloor front and hall Hoonn, coa'aeeting': la'.-'' ri?t-: ever.i convctiieni'.': r. _ I', vsr ?.itil ST h'I'RNISll ED t?R 'J.N Kl.'HN l.~ I1K0 is. ?% 11li Board: also, talilo Hoard. 14: j Til >1'., II"" WK-T. ? Kl UN ISlllJD ROOMS, WITH t Board', to let at sutnmar prlcei. i I'll ST WERT, t::, H7?KRPT BY KNOLTSH ? X lady ; laiinl.v and siliile front Rooms; small tables: rantient or pernianent: relerrnri's. 11 w 14 Til Sf., IM5 KAST.-SPLKKDID FOBSISHED Roouis'to le , wit'i Hoard. UTH ST., 217 WEST.?ONK LAiUiK, BLEUANT frout Riiotn and two hall Rooms, wltb RoiirJ; refer one**. ? 1 a OLOiTON PLACE -LARC.R AND SMALL ROOMS; ID with or without Hoard, dinner in a K^rdeu uudor Oriental tail. ?? ? . . ? ?f/'TIl SI',*US Wl.SI'. -NIOfcLY KDRKIRMED ROOMS. JO with Board; s7 to $s; double rooms $14; house newly painted and fnrni died. ______ 1 r-fiFRF 61 WEST.?H ANI1SO.MRLY Kt'RNlSIIKD 1 I Ho,.ins,' with Board, for parties seekiiiR genteel aceom tnodationk: terms moderate. OA west Tern trr.-board, booXm on second ZAj *nd third lloor*, for permanent or tranilent nnrties. OO WKST 1IT.-I sr.-FINE ROOMS, HANDSdMKLY Jjmi fnrnlslien, with Board Os)II ST Hil W !;s;f7?ROOMS TO LET, WITH OR ZlO without Board, to faimlle* or nentlemen. tiijD-ST.. 1:To \VKST. ? 11ANDS0*KIjY KITRNMIIED J Ho on*, largo and small, to let, with flrsl class Board. ' Q-i WKST '.3D ST.. OPPOSITE KIKTH AYEN'UK llli J!i~X tel.?A iarne, pleasant suit of Roam*, wttli Hist i law Hoard and attendance, at moderate summer price*; reler onee required. K VST t7Tll sr.-mt.NISIIED ROOM* TO LET. ZA) with or without Hoard, at reifucod prices tor the sum mer. ,-)7 WEST aisr ?T.-rURMSHEII ROOMS. WITII & | or Without Hoard; reference* given audrcnujred. 28"^^ """" 28 BAST 47TI! ST. (WINDSOR HI OOK).?PLEASANT Rooms, with Board, for *umtaar; term* very mod'rate. Til ST., WK-T. :?I7.-IUNHM)MHLY PORMMlBD Booms, with Hoard: #HtoS7. t)U 'il ST., WEsr. loa-SECOND FLOOR, with i>very conveuirnee : flr*t class Hoard; private family; or without board. On K.A8T 21ST ST.?A FEW SRLKCT HOARDERS Jj'J can be aceoniiuudatod ateumincr p-ice*; strictly Urst ciaM. *)i\~HAST 22D ST.?ROOMS TO LET. WITH BOARD. OU en suite or singly; trai:>lent or permanent; retor ence ' in WKST 30TH ST.. BKTWKKN BROADWAY AND ??)] Stli av _Flue suite and *.ng^e Rooms to 1 -t to families an I jrentlcmen: first class Board; rerer?icos Bxchauged. 34 Til sr., WrtST. *14.?S1NOI.K RtioMS TO LET. with Board, to ganiletnen; tal.le BoanL ?? . Til ST., IRS WEST, NEAR BROADWAY.?HAND son;elv furnished Booms, with uiiex. eiitionalile Board; a*ao *ingla Roan; refereaen. ________ n-T" 4(1. 42 AND 44~W. ST 14Til ST.-ROOMS WITH Boird: permanent ortroniieni; house and aceotu ino.Utloui Qrst claat. I t\ EAST S?T 11 sr. NEAR Bltn VOrt \Y.?TO LHf. "t"U with or without Board, lanre and small Room*; tran sient and day boarder* accommodated. A A WEstlWTH ST.. NKAR KIKfH AVhNUB HOTEL.? TTT Itooio.. with Board; terui* moderate; liouae Br?t cl i-s; relerence. A 7 liRKENWlOM AY.-rO LKT. WITlf BOARD. *T I back Parlor and Extension, suitable lor family or gentlemen; also Boom on secoo 1 lloor; sinvlo Rooms; terms, !.-'it.>?7. fn~WE?T HiTH sf:; BKrW KKN .VI 11 V v li ?fil ?J;.' *v-.? Handsomely furnished Kniini to let, with Hoard; terms moderate. rii west :?7rii sY?excellent bo a rd," si*>f i)J iiht prices; large auit small R.oros; transient or permmriit; relerences. /./. WEST HTH ST.?IsABOB front ALCOTB AND *)') 11a I Rooms, hnnrlMnnely turuished, in private family, with or without Board: terms li? ri\ irvino 1'I.aoe?.^Kcosr) kroxt, two t ' F H'Hitna, law nnd cool: superior I nation and table; anminer prieea. mi.Asr 17TB ?T? XBAR UXION sqiiakrI. Ho nna, with Board; low prieea; trantiant and table board. i .>7 wK-r.Msr >r. hamiso^i i.y KritxtSHBD 1 _ I Ko miii. en Hiilre or aiiiily. with flrat el i-? Board. 1 W i >T I-Til NKAR ?' ' -A PAJITT lOv) or gentlemen or family <>l adult . can -? ure haml ? >li e Itoomi u'o. d Hoard *lth private fnm!ly. n- WI ST WP ST.?To IiBT. WITH III! WITHOUT I Board.: ' K?titleinan and wife, a lar^o front Kwin, wnl, alcove; small f.iiul'.y I*}" WKrtT JtSTST-TO L'ifT WITH BOARD. for l'J?) ? ?title n in mul wile, li:.n Uome 'm ->t Parlor, h ill adjoin -? "l?" Second Story ^modern Improvements; relerenee. Call lor two day-. I (?7 WKir IITH ST :l M. :> ;:r.l,I.i. -Kl'?: 1?' I ni -' ?>?! front Room, Bedrnmn ndJaittiitK, miiiable lur wentlemn ' and '.vile or two gent icinen; term* m iidernte; I'.u ird II required. i vj . i..'-i lorfl sr., t<> :Ni i; ok u > AV.?A _L?/0 lady he* l:ir/c I'urlor, on second floor, lor peirliien or I'.dy; liro uImI iu room IT detired; t.Tmi I ea? hi*i.!e ; bonae private. ?/i?- w%5T~*?i? -r. Fitrnurru im.oi^T wit;i __ * e I Board. oT jrentlem-n and <?>???? or >i-i^le ?entle* n ii: rue' tea location, hou?e andtahte; terms moderate; ri'?renoe?. 0 I l| WKST J.Ml -I' - IIANIHOMKI.Y M'RNIhllKU m J"*' with llril cia<?s table; term* m<nlcrate. <>341 YORK ST.. JBR#K.Y WT.-H.K8T CI.A8* _ ? '?I Hoard. In le.-ant situation, Irotitlna Van Voarat Ml'iare: amiuner price*. Oiljl WRST MD sr. -KCRMSIIKO ROOMS. WIT If ? \t or without Board; Irrrn. with Hoard, $1 and fs per aeek; home eooiiorta. o.n WKST ."Til ST.-AUCOrV. RoTii XhKI.Y I In n'lhed, with Board; altn tingle Room*: t-rn.s mxlernte. ?? -(a wbVt (wtiFst.. bktwbkn ffli v.vd writ t)0*' n . ?May >i? had. In ? private ! imtly, ?vlt? Hoard, a iarise, Vfry t?lea*iint neiond *tory !toom. resi-onahte to ? pariai'le partu'? ; Hi0 Wbiioii ,t . i.iiveit." t to thu Rlevated H Mil, and U ineneept ion able In ct t v i? * v ? Jj; I WKXf XiO 8t.-t.OOI> BOARD AND IIAXD ODt toinolr .'uruithi d liouun !i? an l.iuily on letx'tiabli' term*. i cmijiMi'lnri' N, WlfH oi7as3~B<?ak51 ?.i for two !?dl '? or ^o KU-nian end w.Ii*. Ai!dic,? t^t Itr, Il"r?ld olfle*. \ M.SiJI.E '.KMM'.M AS. OK U.S. i.M\> AMI wlli",',?m ototnln he*ntilal ii? <m* at l-'J .?th ??.; prl >?te table, miiner prices fall. I u ill' V l..\U. . :.i TINO VI.ONI-: ~1.N " A1 ~Bf/K itani corner Hat. uplowri, ha? ? hand'o iiel.^ Inrnithed rarloran. eUro in to otto aen'lamau and wile: lloar I lor lady ?a1.}. Addren I'i.i.ASA.NT HOMK, imi U7 Herald 1 ptown Hr inch oflice. t vri;icri.Y iv;vA-i : \*ii.t w two aih l is. ^\. on 1'aik *?., will let. with Boar I. to a goallf an I wife a i riegautl.r fnriiMuaii Fluor; .-?le en>? A l<lre??, xlh name, U1 Vt N>.STO>K, llrraid I'ptown li ranch ifflca. 1 WIlMlW I.A DV. TlVl Mi l\ UI.K 0\TN Jt?n*?, ?ro*M rent on? of |?r i ?le??,nt Kn ii'iti)* ?en lletnan a ifl wife; Hn*rd I'r laiy If dealerr?d. Ad.,re* t^i II- r mm I a; Herald I'pinan Hranch o^tee. 7 f ui%A)aA>"? rtoKT_ HAUi! A : II llt?T jV iiod "ol.i water, on 1 U'M'r. ?u,l flr.i r),i H?ard lor a irentieiuaa. ##lae*nce. Xo li YtTr*t l"?tb at. / '.TT r.AI* To VriT Vo* * AKRIKlfoR -1 >1; 1, kUa llifci and gentlemen. MHS. BKOWN. 3 l't. *;>eet plaee, C ot -tiki at. UKl",IUli7fuir~BOOM.?BKlif TkTaHD; ~Mt liKW Hill, near !>fb ?T., pnvaL# teodaoc*. Ad lreaa b *x i.oXl I'oat oltica. BOARDERS WAVTBD. TUR-r CL A S-.'h'KHrOKHIHi-k partib* wishing to PuLilUL tu . "tired ,'rei I NEV EPTIONAHLE LOCATION. He; ale Uptoau Hrtuieli ?l?co. , TJARLBM IwRLITm RSDUIKO 11 Itnard. can be had at moderate term*: *'>??? location . \ iv ft?*f ilie boats mid e*r?. l >1 : *1 : 1? 1 4 * ' ?? vI- Cr ORXTBAL I'akk -ELEaJANT ROOM*. turnished. very low: Ur.t el**# iloard ,r u?al dene* 1IH Hwl 7miU at.; ele*ant neighborhood. near Mailt i t?v. car* Vfo CRAROB.-I'AIITIES IS SEA^u" //m/cVo?^ . !??. Accommodations call at BANDS Board Hircct y, Broadway, second floor. __ rp HE RLKUANT COMK((ITUOK HOXlJ AT W KORTH L I l(b ??., Philadelphia. f r only fJ l er day^ hoard a\u u)i)ui\<; anted. TIOARD WANTKD-FOK A rAMlCf Dl'WNO 1J July and Auzun. in ibe mountain# or thi? State <r New England ; term* must lie moUerni '. Address, atating particulars. L. J. W.,box l'*'i Hernia <>fn',e. ? T?OARD WASTED?BY TWO OEXTLKMEN; HEP* I) rule rooms; cnlrtl locality, below l7lh st.: term* *.*? per tiniutU each. Address S. and M..jmx I'M Herald ?Mc _ 117 ANTKO- A SECOND STORY FrtONT ALtOY E V\ R or alttlux Room, with udjoml u ' ? l^""> f,'{! lull Board for f?"itlf rutin aud w location. _<? ??; " ? ? a...I Hil. Ml. n I Lexington and 7-h m*.; a I ri?-u? ?">>.v V referred; Idlest relerencev Address LfciiLR r, lox I Post ollie ?. New York. iv \sTKi)--i?v a uRntlemas wife, with board IT for Ndy Parlor aud Bedroom nicely furnished andln good location; a "ulet turn.. desired ?d ? her., ? other hoarder! pr.lorrud. Addre** T. J.. Herald Iptowu Brunch udice. ___ - W'>?i;v A MARRIED ?' ' i'?; ? l!":v;;i'ri:\r \\ uri?.<t? imiillv b?lo?r lilli ?t. Aadrew (yO.NTl.NT Mli.N'T, ll?r?ld illlce. . ? ? hoWl.*.. ~ \ I SKW KNi;l AMI HOTEL 30 BOWERY?ALL A ll?l't. ?inc:o U ioiiis. Lotlgins?, oOc. nihility , wecll ly; tor genitruiua only. , T LiVAVS OPER. -rll AN K EORT HOVSB. COMWfc i\ Kr?iiltfort and >VII!iniu *??. d >c.. J'>c.. 81 . g?utleitie?. liimilitfs. ? ? Bklmont iiorkii, ktlton sr.. nkaii bkoad wuy. ? buroi?t)u'H plttii , KoimindOcentn upwurii; tauiily ];ooin? Alwu> r i?f??i?. /VeNTUAL VlOTKU 2A3 CANAL ST., ONE BLOCK ?mi of l?ro*.iwMjr.?Uoonn <i?? ? /1ITV UOIEL, BROADW AY ARD Hf ll j ,-I\-RooM!? V7 mill flr*? tlmi tnlile. S'J per day; "iunle Rooms, par week; i?0>le Bour<l, $?"> weekly^ DRlTlOHTKUL HUMMER Kr WDENCR.- KIR -T 1 Koonia and Board >u tha TnrkM. lUlU K'tta dU mi-'nt, Ml and H.1 Columbia Hei?:n?, BrouUyn, N. Y. Winner at tl'OTEL ST. OKItMAlN. &TH AV., JJt) ST.. BKUAlt Jrl way?Uu.mpu??ed locnlion ua to accen J iTioinN all IVont. witli elevator. ???tli?. Ac., and lull Board reduced ,3 ucr ToMPKlNS, 1'roprletor. 1 Pi \\|I'S STCKIKV \NT IIOl'SK. it IIOAIiW A i'.I II \j ami JUth fit.. Sew York city ? Lueatioiu, ucoommoda tion. and table d'hote "^^P,'^";.KoU<;k 8. LELAND. TiBVUBR HOUsE ^hURTri'ttAN PL v^OOOANbttW U Broadway. Nov York.-upeni all two ??'?? rustauranu; liood *ini;le Room at 75 ceut* aud $1 per daj , d.nible Itoo ji?, Si 5<> ami SJ per day. ? SUMMIT IIOl'KI, C()i:N!;U HhWi.UY ARDCAXAL at.'. OKtJKOE RUhCKKRT. Proprietor.-Europe.ut plan; now and elegant appointment*: Room* h\ the day and w eek. LMMMJI .Pit ~~TlT) L'SE.?AMEHU'AN PLAR; CHOICE O Mine# of Rooms lor families and uujjle gentleiusu, fronting union ttquare, ?t moderate prices. ________ STEWART'S." , . . Broadway and IJth at., on the Europenu plan. Room* en *uito aud aingly; all modern convenience*. A CHOICE RESTAURANT, at reasonable orleei, attached. CUVNTR\ BOAliO. \ PEW FAMILIES OESIRlNO ?l?OD,aNI> RBAROR. j\_ able country Itourd eau be accommodated with laf'-'x. airy Room a. three mile* north of Nowburj;; views; healthy. <;all on or adoreas II. W. MURil-bLUr. bo* ltiu Post ultiee. Ncwiiurit. tirauae county. N. *? __ I FEW BOARDERS CAR Br. ACCOMMODATED IN V a orirate family on line or New Y ork and Sew Haven Railroad; one hour ? ride Irom city; hiith <rou?d; health^ n?itrhr?orlHM> t ; turiu* ro?f???r?rtbl? Apply *t one* la J, BliliNOAGK, Port Chester, M ?ftclu?iit?r c*mwty? w. ?? t MONd THE MAI NTAINS. NEAR fl'lE lilfl)M>N. ?Jl. Muttpwan. Dutchel* county, h. Y.. or to L. KLflAlbi, 27 4tl> av., Brooklyn. ? TdIRORDa'cKS.'--PKiYATE"BOARDERS IX A OOOD A location, tlx mile* north ol Lake Ceorue. *~ sonable. For particular# addre#* Mra. M. R. K1NU, reunburg. Warren county. N. ^ A MITYVILLE?I1, HOl'RS FROM CITY. ON SOUTH A ern railroad ?Hr?t claaa Board at private lion?e, near the Croat South Bay; itood boatlnj. fishing aud ^nuuinK. terms moderate. A<ltlpe*? T. K. A., Afnityviile* a T NEW BRIGHTON. NORTH SHORE, S. l.-1'LEAS A ant Rooms, with excellent Board, in ? l renwj near landing; nablinn; refereuce*. Apply No. 4 Hamilton Park. i OENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD AND A 'V mother * care for hi*t?oaon?, live a-id ten year* or aire, in a lirst class famiW. Addre**, with full iiarticular*, i*.. box 165 Pest office. New ^ ork. M A~o"ood HOMEla OFFERKD in a farm house A Ior$?> and $H pur week. Addre** B. M.. bro .k>lde, N, J. Board wanteh-on" farm, convekirnt to city. Tor irentleman. wile, """e and Infant. Address, with teriua and full particular*, COUNTRY, Herald bp town Branch office. Boari> at Cornwall.?a private family, who nover take hoarder*, would let three lame Rooms, elegantly rurniahed. eecund Hoor; a rare chance lor those ilmt enjoy aupeiior tabl** an<l home comfort*. Auuress, lor one week, box 'J7 oltlce, OornwHll. N. V. /lOL'TTlRY BOARD ON A FARM?7". MILES >HoM New York; laitre ounmodiou.H liotite. t?n?My tliaae<l grounds, pleaaaut surroundiUKa-, <roi>d country law; term# #7 per week. Add es* JOHN W. STORM, Lagrau*eville, Dutches* county, N. Y. /COUNTRY BOARD WANTED?BY THREE ADULTS. | 1/ convenient to city; two Rood R >oms and table; mice# to Miiit timex; alio atablinff lor horne; reference?. Address K. P., Ileriild office. /COUNTRY BOARD IN ONE OF THK HANDSOMEST villa# near Bath, Long Island; one hour a ride from city. AdJree* Mra. O. A Is PERSON, ?*** W e?t 2iM at. /COUNTRY*"HOARD OS LONO ISLAND SOUND.? \_J Sulciidid *rtive. Hue driven. ?ood flaUlnc and boating; liouae on elevation. 50 yard* from So jud; convenient to depot and landing ; terms moderate. Address U riKUJUi, Lociiitt Valley, L. I. ?? /COUNTRY BOARD "WITH PRIVATE FAMILY AT St iten Island; high ground*: shady and henltljy; larfce, line lawn, pl.aa* ; view of N.wark, Orange Monntalns and Jersev; plenty vejrotahle*. chi.-k ns. milk and fruit. Ad dress XoUTH SHORE, box :t.4ia New York Pest ofllce. poUXTRY" BOARD?IX THE ROMANTIC RAMAPp Valley ; lake, mountain and valley. A. VAN nOUTEJI, Oakland, Bergen county. N. J. fWl'NtiY BOARD?FARM HOUSE; MOUNTAIN AIR; \J beautiful scenery; ple?-an? Rooms; $U> per wee* Reler to Wm L Ely. 17 Naasau at. AdUron ELY, I aliner Coey men* Hollow. N. Y. /ToI'XTRY BOARD AT A FARM HOUSE-FINE AC l' comraoduilotis; good hunting *rounda in the Tlcinity. Addre*. ISAAC TOMPRIN*. Medway. N Y. /10INIKY BOARD-ON 11AULI.M ROAD. FIRST ST A V./ tlon above White Plain*; mall farm; f jod room*. In quire No. 1 Barclay *t.^tailor *????. /YrEBNWIcTl CONS.-FOR FIRST CLASS BOARD It ad(!fe*s IIOI.LEY' FARM, Oreenwlch, Conn. MolTCLAlR. N. J.-A PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD take a Mitnll family to Board; no boarder*; hnua^ modern. Send your a ldr?#? and site or yuur family to IL. Herald oPice. \TEai; CENTEXNIAL ?TWO FAMll.Ti.s CAR 81 AC WJ WTi'.D. ? K r AM i Li CONSIST I NO Of KHHIT it w'.ults, itevivi children a:?ii four *arv*,iu. wnm a Inrj?*. well InrntaHed, cool country house, with Ur.e uT. iiuU*; first elm* HomtcI rejuir.'?i; wimiii reach of city. AUdrcM L, box 2 4?1 H??r York I* >ti nffkru. BRh;HToN\ > I l;Li:\SVNT LOOM.-. WllTl it point Uo ;?r<1, lor itagU ire ml em en ; 1- min<i;e* fru*ii lumlirirf; term* moderate. Aridres* K., box 1 ."?7 Herald iHMct. A B I*lilt W,;KK WILL KK l?,\li> ?V A LADY KOR |J)*J IU?*rt *t rt fur nib on .19 near S*\r Y ?rk ; reference. Addre??, fur throe d*yi, BaLuWIK. I'niou L?'%trn* <*lu;?. ^ SI MJiEU KKnORTS. -rut m ~ LEL ANli'S O0F.AN* llOTi: I,. LO.NO BRANCH. will Oiirn ?'Brlr In June. CIMUW * wrtHftBTI I.KLAND. HATH. U I ?LOd.ST OROYB lloTlil. AND PAVtU ion (l.tte of ir <!nntlier). witU an ad dition (1 win.' cnnUlii'liiS ?'1 rooms, IroNtlnK the but M>| wrw; 'wUMkMktag. Balling, boatia., A-c. Kor Roard apply on the priBHMt or ity note t" .tlJIIN IIOOPK. %v" vn,.v iTui .ifc. kkvpokt. m. u# iu*ci">-itjr mil or boat: bmliinn, iMtlni and fishing ?imnrpatai'it: litittid refitted and well thad"d KAi'li UOL'rtK, CAL.UWKLL, N. J~ <?>' i ll K (>);? ?c^e MMMkIdi Morrla and Ksaex Kniliosrt to Monir'.alr.? tecNUiimlMloiiS ilrst claaa ; pries moderate; a few pl?a?nnt K'?>iii? leli In main hitlMnir: also ltonni> 111 to tav*9; btantMtl lawn; good stabltaK: Ranch Rmw cht rin -i- meet* tlm M :'*> A X. ant 2 r >1. iraim from New York t,. laki itariio* wishing to look at. room*. Further (Mffra I ir? ol HLa KllSiil'.V, lloacn Haasa 1 1KNT \ I, II(?I S jT s Y. V.I I)? s7~ "0" IN N.-IIUIH \) grunnC heantifal drlrr?; healthiest and fleaaantett town in >ew Kniflaad. (Itl.NtiKKsS I! A LI.. J Snratoica Snrtng*. Tlil? clep*ni hotel. pos.e* 1114 the irtcjnalled adrunta.-'B of i.eliij: situated between and adjoining Die ?.l*fcrat?<l ('on <rtta ani llalliorn ?prlntf-. win rro|> mi for (lie r.-cop lion ?l fvi'.ti J KM I. r?rni>.?Jl pe:' wiek lor Juno. I |i?>r' inliiy rmiorated, with ad iltional ball)alnaeta, now funiKiirc nnd other ?xtrn^if* iwpfmreiMMita. D will ba loon.i, if tboi* Ui -earrli of bvullii a:id pleasure, th? iiiurl ci:.|:l<"? nn.i I'wnvenlvnt as well at tho mo>t deliiclutul of ?nnimar brtalt. T1ATIIORN k cooks. I'roprnior*. |''10tttRNS'?H AMII.TdN 111 j L's'eT ir a mko K U.'iWs N ? \y tlm an.) water in iretf iMi; limn icruuni; perfect teaMh; ??* rlri*e?. tatkiutt and fin nil*. DCNHAMTON HI'LMK, uCKaNI'OKT.~NKAR LONU Mranch, ).?iw opm: atrtctly flrti rl??: e<|>e<ni|lr lor faoiilMc, uauMctiMM't with ail I'hii.v.-Iplii 1 nnd New Vork trains ami to tim beach. Andres* box 117 t*OM oQiea, Irfing Mranoli. |Aii:?r ?'lass hoard por onb or two okntls V M. .Htapltlon, etaien Islaud. lnaaire nt I'M ami KM Wall tt.. nurd Uoor. A. WBlCHfcKT. 8r*MER HKSOIITS. /N?ANT HOUSE. OATH KILL, N. Y.. vft ftGT51T6"PK!f \ I JUUD b. i^atc* in *u Mad $4 per dHv. arrangement. uiad'e Itli families by the week. A. J. Git ANT. Cj?t?klll, ,\. Y. HOTEL KENIMORB, COOPERSTOWV. K. I., wl I open hr ilit hu>i| June Ihis house i* ??* aud contain. all modern lopr??#?W''!ttJt*v,B . i ' Hooma suit Board may be ??cured lit W II. Haremora *, awt.iih av., corner 3Htlt ?t., Naw York where Mian. ol tn? !iou*e c*ii be examined, or by letter aair?i">oa to WILLI AM II. ItoWAKb. Mimger. Cooperstawn. N. T. HAKBItTilUOAB, CALDWELL. l.vKK GEORGE, N. Y.?Thl* hotel U new. pleasantly situated on the we.*t *hore ?il the lake, ami otters more than ordinary atfacti'Ois ns a unlet. pleasant homo lor * unwr v hitor*. ISourc, pel day, Hi it); per week, from 510 ii $i "ccojdin-x to r?M?n?. Al.l'.i ?Nsii BRON V Pr ?prtetor. _ IEIGIITON HOUSE, NEW MAN SPRINGS, RED J Hank, N. J., now open; moat dollirhtt'ul resort; reason able term*. Addre** K. DY12K, ah above. ___ Long brasch. Laird's Mansiou Houno is now open. Terui* reHmmable. MclNTlHK llOVEY, Proprietory IENOX HOUSE! GREEN WICH. OONN.?HK.ST J cl.u In evnry particular; absolutely J,**l1ihyiJfrjl"*" i|iiliM*; enlrtl. A 1>0 LI 11 Rt MANSION Hot 3K. HOMLYNi LONG ISLAND.?FIIC8T cia.s lintel; beautifully located; room* larire: splendid grave: boating. tlsht*?. bathing. line stable: no if*' ono hour from Hunter's Point; aieuiuer from leik sup; turns Wlo o-r wivk J. OI? EN.V MO.NY.OUTH HOUSE. i , MILE* FROM KI VP(>RT. N. J., on the Rnritan Hay, In fail view of the oc?'Kti. Excellent hatiting. lishlutf. h atiiiK, ''?LC- i teiin* very rea*?n nble: acc ssdhto dallv by steamer Matteawau. i{K'8 of nj?' nson ?t.. and by New York and Long liruuc ? Kailro"d. I be proprietor* respectfully Miheit the pntr nape oi iaiatlle*, rontio? nt that t.?ey will be able to ?rlve good nil who honor ihem with their patronage. ALO>?U .MOUNT X CO.. Proprietor*, box 47 Keynort (>? J ) "??tt ollice.^ - 1>aV1LIUN H0CT8K. RIVERSIDE. N. J. jL Only ten tntlea from PhiladelpUla; trains hourly to Now \ ork and Philadelphia; lar^e cool Ki?oius; c.oso to sta* tiou and river. Send tor circular and terms. S. S. KliAD. River>ide, >. J. PTRitY H(>r?K. AT HtliH LAND FALLS. ON TUB ilud^oti, iietr West Point. oj?ou ?)uue 10; terms reason able. WILLfcl PABRY, Proprietor. HlITlRKLb'si'RINOS. >7 Y.-PAKK I'LAt'E. FORM > erly Ilouford House, opposite spring; best locaUon in , villago ; board $iU to per week ; ooens JuneU. PA UK Kit D. PAY, Proprietor. U~TcTiTiELO si'itiNiis -spittno uousK opi;n isT June; term*. !?!?"> to $l!i. KliuumutUm uud ?out cured. 1 liKtr^ited circular Iree. CJB t?IDB RiSoRT.?rORDH VM'8. BOUTHAMFTOS, 0 L. I-, ojien for bu>uder? irom June l.V II. A. K0RD1IAM. l roprlclor. ri-111 HILL iiursK. saukvuanskit FIKR. J Opens Juno 15, under in an n foment of K. Ij At >?, formerly of St. .James ll??tel; terins 912 to .fl7 per week, lnloruiation or circulars al 19 West Jtttti st., ?r hotel. ? TTlF" O L A REN DO SARATOGA Sl'UISOS. N. Y.? The Clarendon will bo open for reception nl tfiie?t? Juuo 1; Room- may be entntfed nt tbe Uoutnore Hotel or at Dclavmi lloiiae, Albany: terms f21 tierwcetcf-irJune CfiAItLKS E. Lfc.LA.VD. I'mprletor. rpiiR WlNUrioTt. ~ ? 1 ol Saratoga ^prlm.-*. N. Y. This new and lirn cIhi* hotel, occnpylnit the mo?t coin utnn>iin? poKition on Broatlway and overlooking Uin?;ri'M Park, will be ready lor the recepttou ol June lo, 187 , JOB21 K. I'OOCH. l>.oj?n. unr. rflUK OLD TITUS HOUHK^ AT CORNWALL.?LARGE, X- airy Room*. table and all reuui:ites loreoniiort; location unijurpasurd for health aim scenery, rot J**"?8 apply at 1 Jtl V/ett ? tth at., or address Mrs. H. hLIANK ? LAND, Cornwall, N. Y. U~f(jirDU()URSE HOUSK. FOUR MILES FROM Fallsbnrtf *tatlon. Midland Kaiirosd.?Arcotnnioda tionsfor 3.1 hoarders; tir?t clas* Hoard ?l por day: locution l.yotf feet above sea level: a line trout stream within a few rods of the house, good hunting In the vicinity; stajres will carry boarders to and troin the railroad station without cnurtre. Adilre*? JOHN II. WALIMMtf. Wnodbonrn-. Sillll van county, S. Y. References? Win. S. Turner, loH Peirn m., Hrookiyn; Mias Annie A. Van CcU. haat 16tU ?t.. New York. "\\TAsHT N < STO X ROCK MOUNTAIN HOUSE NOW If open, one mile fron? Uunellen. milea Iroiu Plain Held ataticn. Central lUilroad of New Jeraey : hotel newly and liainlaomelv lurnl-dieds beautlfnl mountain view; line, l uKe ?;ro**i: henlthful and romantic; e<?odSl-i*KKk'' irei|?eut. Audrei>? proprietor., hlAAT."* HKO I llr.ltfi, Po?t oMee. Plaiiitlald, N. J. TITHITE SILPHLR >CKINHS?PARK HOTEL. V? ?;iierry Valley, Oi.eK'o county. N. ; lighted wliu -av Tcrnn. for two, #lrt to $i&; for o?e. S 10 to#li i'tr week: $ Ml per day. hVAN> A JAN. h.N. SALES AT AtCTiOS. ^Rfr Special The irreat cloilnc out Centennial ?nle of all the uninld Plc ture> from the National Acad, mr or?e?iitn. will commence to-day. at U o'clock, at the Art Empori ol .? CO., 47 and 49 Liberty ?t. Notice.-The ubove are theuen nine palntinir* belonRiii? to the art exhibitor* or the National Academy, and will bo sold at great sacrifice rather than return then, to the co < Aactlonrer?. ANBAKKER a CO.. ART EMPORIUM, 47 and 48 Liberty nt NOW ON EXIII llITION the moat valuable, unique anil interestlnsr collection or American and European Oil Painting* that our down town community hare ever had the pleasure of looking at; they conipriKe over UtM work., luu.tly Irom tbo National Academy ol UeAlirn ami contribution. Trout wlebrated private jiiller iei. 1 hey are to be pereiaplorilv .old on I'uur.ilay, * nday and Saturday, the Sth, ?tii and lOtb ol Jnue. BARKER A CO.. Auctioneer*, i ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. _A, Old stand, M7 it. ON THIS DAY AND FRIDAY. AT 10S O'CLOCK, GREAT SALE OF THK ENTIRE MACHINERY. Steam r.nirlnes. Boilers, Sbaltlnira, the immenee Stuck of Colors Tool*. Ac., ol the well known confectionery eatab IMimcntof PaLM.R A CO., ? . . - ? , , every ilewrlptlon of Confectionery, finished and nnHmshed fancy Boxes aud Paper, Showcav*. Shclvlnp*, Partitions, tcale., Sales. Machliies. Mould*, OWce l'unrfture, Easence*. NOS. tWAND 6S DLANK bT. On SATURDAY, at 37 Na???u it., law sale of Home hold Furniture. T ~^g'ko7w. keelk k. auctioneer. J\. Art Gallery, M Likerty ?t., corner Nasaau at. A larice and superb collection of CARRARA and FLOR EN CINE MAItltl.E STATUARY lIKOL PS and I IGLRcS, larue COLUMNS, rlchu- carved antique LRMJIAN ?nd ROMAN Vase*. Card Receiver*. Ac., together with elegant I RKNt'll CLOCKS iu marble uud bronte, twin CUCKOO CLOCKS and choice French Uronze*. TO-DAt and FRIDAY. Juna 8 aud 9, at 1-' o'clock. "T~HT.?NOW ON EXHIUlf lON AT TIIK A MATIIKWS GALLERY, r>7 LIBERTY ?T A Sl'l'KRB COLLECTIttN OF PAINTINGS, by the most dlstinimlshed American artlat*. many of which have been received from the late exhibition AT THE AfADKMY OF DESIGN. Also a number of exceedingly choice Worti by CELERRATBD FttREItiN ARTISTS. The entire collection to be sold THIS DAY AM' TO MORROW. JLNE 8 AND 9. at 12 o'clock eiicli day. DANIEL MATHEWS Auctioneer.St Liberty ?t. 4 UOTIoN SALE?LARGE AND PEREMPTORY t.tie tbl* day (Thunday), cmnmenclne at 10 o'clock, at li .-an'. llv? story brown moii ? raanjo.ou_.\o._ I^<1 * E;ST A1 o;iD sr. NE.VR6TH AV.-MAtiNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD KUKNlVUKE. RARE AND COSTI.Y WORKS OF ART. COMPRISING IN ALL OVER $31,000 worth Household Good*, by catalogue ?J l.rllliatit toned Pianoforte,. Stelnway and Windsor. 8 (uperD satin Parlor Suit*, also rep Suit*. ?J i-leirant rosewood Etattere*. 2 cleziint Mantei Sots. 'J."> choice brotue Flu-ures. 'jOpicce* Parian Statuary. 1' window lace t'urtains. 25 HruSM I. and in. raiit ('arpeta. :?iflne Oil Palntiii|(S, belt artlsta ?J elep -nt Cabinets :iele*ant Library Bookcases. 4 e'epant Library Taole*. 'J ladies Secretaries and Bookcase eomblneA. .t Eery ('hair*. Tnrklsh style. ?J Music Boxes. I e?t i'ari# makers. 1- clruntil Beurooin Suits, fomplete. in black walnut. 'J4 c'jrlid iiair aud spring Mattresses. ?.'4 i'lilows and Bolmer*. 10eiejrant black walnut Rockers* "J4 Dedroom Chair* to match, b black walnut Louaue. it elotrailt Kodrooiu an-l Parlor Clocks. elepnnt Mack walnnl llullets. 3 sliperil Extension Tables "4 Mark walnut IHnlnir t'halrs. 'J clilna Dinner and Tia Seta. Castor*. Urns, Pirchew. Forki. Knives. Spoons. Glassware, .'.c. A'.>o bns-ment and servant*'Furnitura, new four n.onthi atro. N. It?Thin IS the larj-i-t sale in" tbe season. ?>*!, positive, rex idles* ol weather. LUKE FII Z<!KltALD, \nct>nDe->r. N. it.? Cotnj ctent n.en to pacc aud uli'.p cooilt, I 4 CCTION SAM:.-RICH littl'SKHOLD KCRNIT9BR. il THIS Thurtdm MOKNl MJ. nt !f? o'cl-ck, mI tlrp m?rv brown nmt naonhm NO. 47 WKST liiVil si., HKTW KKN 5TH AN!) 6TH AVA l>r< kpr A Bret. Upright 71, Oct it TP I'liMolDnc Sitlnwiiy'i tour rnttntl 7'; gMtn Pianoforte, PMltklJti. Vtoraa ?t Art rUU.OR AS I> DltAWINO K< ?<> M SPIT*. rlplily earvc.l lf?rw.'nut li nn. ? covered in crimson, t an hi d mild l>ro ado ??tin kil cmelaioe; lurkiab ami Mptniah l,o;in_-m. h i?> > li ?:rinlaid tin r)? ttrtt nii>1 ullt Centra and Oii? ?;? Cable*. riiMAiKid Kni^ r>'?. Cabin.ta, Kr>;.ich I ? t>11? .Mtrfnr?, luce QirulM) frt'iith Mantel Sets, tfl-day Clocka, Mnaical Knai, Library and Secretaire it >nkra .< a, Bookt, bi'jra-y Tnhiea, litrkiali Salt, VVritinjf De-k, Mat " BEDROOM KI RXITl ltE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Bedroom Set", inlnlu and^-lit Bedsteads, fm>**9n|f . Btiro m*, \V.uhj>ian?iti. *injrle and aouMe Hi'dil atj*. '?t tin" hair ar.d sp.iu^i H?Urf!?pii, feather I'll Iowa. Blanket*. T.dl?t hotf, r? p aau rdtiah Su.ia, marble top Trtbli ??. <*h *lr?, Kock?r?, reclining Chair*. I.utilise* UlNiXO Kl KN I I L* KK?h.Men*i >?i Table*, Mdeboard, 1 * I i r%i r? in lentner, Silverware. i'T Mrkcry, Library and Secre. t tiro Bookcnwe*, Linriry Tabie*. fitrkiife Milt. \\ it u;g (leak; two Hail Stan-Is. velvet. Brn*?el* arid imcrain Uar peta; Kitchen, aervantV Kwrnltcre. Ac. Take Sixth avenue or rmveriity place cam N. B Men te remove, pack or KilHKKT C OAMUIN, Auctioneer. i SS11iNKif'S SALh" (iKOCKK1 BY~ J.WIK^K. MuOHri, Avtetioncer.?ThU day, at 1> o'clock, con tetite store No. 7 Madi?oii *t., con<* *tin.r ofTea*. t'oflTee*, Spice*. Klonr, tloau. eann.-d Tomatoes, Jtc.; .-cale*, Tea (.ana, MUii'trv helf tim f|*, 1**11*. llriu'ea, < Toiheepitis, Ac. By order I'M A KLK.H WILLIAMS, A*Mun>e. \t I VloN sALL.? jfiLhlMN r Hoi SKiiOLD FUHNI. TUKB. DKOKEft X nuo. PIANO KURTE, UKONZKS, AC., Tliis (!hur* lav- r.iornttut, commencing at IU1# o*cit?ck. at to?r eteir/resident** 21 Kant ;Mtfj *t., near Broadwny. con livtiKK ut I'arior Suit* In natin.cottUitie, rep ami ban cloth, riwewoml l'lan??Nirt\ Mtrror-i, Oil Ta ntingH, De*k>s Clock*, rnrtmns Vaaea. Uilt Taole.-*. rnrkiab Cliairs., I/onngea. Bedv o?i stiitn, wlti. Dre^^in: rn?r?. H urea it*, Wa*. *tan I*. Mwttre tea. Redhead*, Wardrobe*, Ac., Hoffet, Kxtenaion l able. rro *k ry. fJiitlery, rnr ?et. ?Ve. N. B.? AloUfft to let. <iootl? boxed or n moved . t ttv or country. MKMtT ZIN'X. Auction?r. \ LOTION. AUCriO.1. AOOTIOX. ^"\. Over fl'-.OOO worth and oror 6'K> lnt? Dia^nlfieatit llouarliuid farnltnr*. I'HintiuI'ianofortet, at Buvti >ii. to tliv ui*h. il bidder, THIS DAT i lli ir?.!?>?>, tn;uia*uciai nt 'Ho'cloek. at th* lar^e prlrtte rcdUefloa 105 ..i-t |3th tt.. near 4th ar.; M<*t jrarita velvet. Urn .aria, Ivca.i! ?;.ir;>et?, two ro. ?>wi4 PlanofurtM. ?ii;!ii latrat atylo .-ttlii Ln.oada, rep and hatrclnt'i l'.trl?r Htilta, Jllmm, Cartalaa, . ???Oil rat? t in.?. I'ablM, l.taifcrti, Boi/Kcmpx, 11 ; .pbpii v,aln-tt M*>4 Chamber Minn, wltli >?r -(*a( Ca?n?; S-"l lialr and a{.riii|t Mm Ho--c?, Hol.tPi a. flUnai, Hrd-; ?;t?l . Hironm Waal. atMinit, t xiiiinnal"->. aardioliM, Luanyca. t'!ia r?. two Fr.o. Il walnut laidpu.tarda, two Kxtfiitloa In 'lni. Iota tilaaa, rhina. nllver W?r?, t'atlery, Ac. F. KII.VK.V Jill. Anpii.oi f?r. i )<twNjraeked mm alii'ppad for porcliatera, city or oor.u try. Take Kounb avpnae ear*. SALES AT AUCTION. ^Sf'SALE ~ ???? BRIC-A-BRAC. A *iperb collection of ruro and valuable Work* of Art. Cloiwnne enamel Anil p*imed porelain Viw?, mnmmotl \ *?e*of lactincrsd noree'ain : Isatsum* Ware; ? Marie An toineue Uhle, mud* m Sevres. Ancient Pottery. from Cyprus. Nola, Egypt end Para. l ine Orient*! Lacquer*. Enamel* and Bronses; Nortl Aiiiencnn Imlinn Implement*. Japanese and other fine Porcalalns-Antlques and Curio. l>.ciinerbu?ett's" set brum Kire Dog*. A largj collection of medieval and modern Armor and Arm* 4c . Ac. IMPORTANT STATUARY. THE SACRIFICE OK JsaaC, by Roger*. of Rem* BENJAMIN PBANKLIN, by Hiram Roger*. ANGEL, by Mlsa Stobblns. WILL 0' THIS WISP, by Harriet Hosnter. Also BBVERALDA, DIANA. APOLLO BELVIDKRK, A* Tbe whole now on exhibition at Clinton Hall, and to hi toll by auction on tiic Aftoruootis of THURSDAY and FRIDAY J una 8 ;tu<l J. couimoni-ltii: nt J o'clock each day. I lie Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneer*. WATCHES KANC \ BsOLUTE AUCTION SALE?12 ,M. TO DAY, IE J\ Broadway, of No. I East 53d at.; unquestionably ttw I'lueat ituii belt located extension hou-r In the market. \. K. ST. \ E.NSoN,Jr.,Auctioneer. jjV ROBERT SO MhiRVILLkTAUCTIONEER KINAL AND PEREMPTORY MORTGAGE SALE OF BALANCE OK THE CONTENTS OF THE FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT 723 6TH AY.. BETWEEN 41 -T AND 42D STB., THIS DAY (THURSDAY). JUNE 8, AT II A. M.. comprising I'ARMJR, DINING and BEDROOM Furni ture, LOL'NULS, EASY and WINDSOR CHAIRS and Store Fixture*. Awning*. Ac., A" By order i). M. Shaw, Attorney for Mortgagee. BY RARNABDMtYTH.' \ l? TIONEER?J UNI Ml IS M? III Bruadwuy. foreclosure aal?, by order of Tho*. D Cottman, roleree, seven first class lour atorv brown stone Houses, southeast corucr of .Mu.lion av. andtitiih at. BV ISIDORE irsWAHZKoPF; AUCTION EEB?SELLS nt 11 o'clock, at (iraml st.. Wlilianit'mrg, Stock nnd Ki \turoa of Clear Store; 1 h a?line t-lirar>. Chewing, Smok ing and snuff Tobacco Smokers Articles. allver plated Show cuaea, fine Klirure, I'ountcr ami snelviugs ; also elegant Fur nture of family; Bureaus, Bedstead., Ac.; positively In lota. Dealer* Invited TEXECUTOR'S SaT.E?LE iSE II f)LD PROPERTY, AC. J BENJAMIN I*. KAIRt'llILD. Auetinneer. will sell at pubi c auction. on Thurad >y. June S, |S78 on tha promises, the unexpired Lease ol Factory, Noa. 241 to 247 East 57th at., running t lirough to 57th at., with a five atory tenein ut House on ">7tli at.; ie.ise expires in 1SSS, with re newals: also 'Cii elites, Ilollera, Sawa. Splitter*. Ac.: thr.'e Truck*, two Wuifoni, three Horses, Harness, ollice Fixture*, in COLTON. AUCTIONEKrI ?? . Eieu-unt Household Kurnlture in Brooklyn. To-morrow (Kriday). June !t. ut private residence. No. 14t Lafayette ?v., corner the entire rich Kurniture, Steinway grand Piano, French plate Mirror*, velvet and other Cnrpeta, Bronx**, Paintings, Engravings. Ac.: also a tine aasor, nient of at uidiird and expensive Booka. Particu lar* on Friday morning. /Veqr.;e geogii i;i ;an. a iv tiiineeh. wiLiTselI \T thia duv, .1 tine H, at 11 o'clock, at 51it West ^'rtth ?t.. the Stock and Elfecta ol the late Joliu FarroiI, contractor, comprising U Iforaea, H Carta, 1 amalc Truck. I alone Truck Ilarnoaa. Stable fixture*, Food Boxea. Water Palla. ,lc.i Tool*, consisting of .sledge*, Striking Hutnmora, Hand Ham mcra. Drills. ,tc. S7 iiekts ,t sonsTAUCTIONEERS. " SHERIFF'S SALE. ?, JEWELRY. DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE Y GOODS, SAFES, SHOWCASES, Ac., ON THURSDAY, JUNE S, AT 1U}? O'CLOCK, AT THE SALESROOM, NO. 17 PARK PLACE, comprising a large atock of line gold Jewelry In every va rioty; gold and allver Watches, ncli diamond'Jewelry, silver and silver I'lated Ware; Fancy Good*. Chains, Knii*, Open Gliiasaa, Travelling Bags, Jet Good*. Clocks, Bronze*, Jewel ler'* Showcases, Ac., Ac. lly order of , WM C. CONNER, Sheriff WILLIAM HBMt\, Deputy siierlfT. S~ WEiNBERGKR, AUCrioVEER-SELI,S THIS . dav (Thuraday I, June 8. at lew o'clock, at salesroom 7a llowery, 11 doreu Waalihoards, 12 Clothes Wringer* and a variety ol General Merchandise, vis., Furniture, Clock*. Cigars. Liuuor*. Wines. Ac. IF~BOSINESS IS 31'LL a'd'vektISB AND MAKE IT GOOD. IF BUSINESS IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT BETTER. Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM I ait ml was:? ADVERTISEMENTS, 2D CENTS PER LINE. Monday, May 2M 35 500 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. ' Tuesday Decoration Day, no paoor. ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Wednesday. May 31 35 600 Al)\ ERTISEMKNTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. ' Thuraday. Jure I 41 siv) ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE Frldav, June 2 35 3M ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. ' Snturdav. .1 une 3 ;j4 200 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. ' Totnl 182 45H ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE. Daily average 36.490 TP. f KAVER."AUCTIONEER. ? ' . Mortgage silo tli.s day. Jmia 8. elegant Furniture Carpets, pier mid mauiel Mirror*. Piano. Ac., Ac., at privato residence No. Hi! East Tist st.. corner or Park nv.. by vlrtne ol a chattel mortgage, at lt?k o'clock alegant rosewood Parlor Snits, In stl'* brocatol and silk rep: extra fine rosewood Et.'iLOre. bronzed Clocks nnd mantel Orna ment*, magnificent pier ant mantel Mirrors, gilt window Vases and ccnlre Tables, rosewood l'iano, tironsed 4'hande licrs and Brackets, Axminater. Wilton, bodr liruascls and other Carpets, real lace and brocatel Curtains, fine library I aides, rosewood llall Stand, walnut and mahoganv Ch im ber Suits Bookcase*. Dressing Cases, Bedsteads, Bureaus Washatund*, Commodes, Tai?le*, Chairs, I.onnges, Oil Paint inys. Chromnn. Engravings, tnather Beds. Pillows and Bol ?tora. best lialr and otlier Mattresses. Budding, elegant Sld? board, extra i,ne pillar legged Extension Table, walnut dining Chairs, Ctockerr, Plate. Olatsware. Ac., Ac. L. W A I.I.AI'K". Attorney lor Mortgagee. T w- wise man, auctioneer, sells this Dai ?l. at 85 Warren St.. at II o'clock. Crockery. Cutlery, Spoons, in lot* to suit dealers,' Full lino Rockingham and lellow Wure. K1LLEEN. AUCTIONEERT OFFICE 23 EA8T 1?TH it.?Sells to d*y, 10', o clock, entire Content* private dwelling 110 est t?th at . comprising usual assortment ol lloimehu d h urnitnre?Bedsteads. Bureaus, Washstands Tanlea. ( hairs. Curtains, Cornices, Carpet*. Mirrors, Mat tresses, Wardrobes. Goods positively tree. Dealers a id others attend. M0HT< i At JE SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF SEVERAL chattel mortgages. I will expose for sale at nublic auc tion, this day. at 11 o'clock, at No. 301 8th nv., one l'arloi Suit of Kurnlture In liuir cloth. Bureaus, Carnets Ac Ac NICHOLAS C. CUNLON, Attorney tor Mortgagee. \*ORTGA?8 SALE.?J. CODKE^ AUCTIONEER^ 1U sells this day, at 10>, o'clock, corner iL'tith st. nnd :id uv.. entire stock tauiily Groccrioa. choice goods. Snle noal. ?lve. JOHN II. MCCAKTY. Marshal MORTGAGE SALE.?J. SEEBACIIER. AUCTIONEER. will sell Thursday, June 8, at 11 o'clock, at salesroom No. U Rivington st.. near Bowery, three large Counters black walnut Bar. 85 cane seat Chairs. 25 lilar k walnut Tahlos. ? large lot 1 opper Cooking I tonsils. Crockery Ware < utlery. Table Cloths, Napkins, silver plated Castors Show Case, two large Mirrors, patent Icehouse, iceboxes Oil cloth, Matting, Carpet*. Mending, Ac. Sold without reserve. EUGENE VoN NORDHAUSEN, * Attorney for Mortgagee. MS "SEEBAOHRR, ACCTIOWEErZwIix SBlE ? Thursday. June 8, at 10>j o'clock, at salesroom No 6 1> 1 \ 111 gton st.. near Bowery, on account of whom it may con cern. 13 b.'xcs t'hsinpagne (imperial cabinet), quarts- "tf cases 0' 'Imperial) quarts aud piuts, and a lot of Liouors in demijohns. OH AS. STRAUS. Attorney, 178 Broadway. MAR-HAL'S SALE ?J. SI.EBaOHKU WILL SELL. Ihursday, June p. at 10^ o'clock, at salesroom No!d Rlvington St.. a lot Groceries, Coffees Starch Raisins. Counter, Scale, Iron Sa'e; also one I runk and contents J ? liver tt aic'ics, 1 J(?ld W atch aud Chain, and 1 pair Brace '?*?? ' N. FRANK. Marshal. . PAWNBROKERS SALE.?WATCHE* AND JEWEL I ry.?R. FIELD, general auctioneer, sale-room No Bowery, will *ell this luy. at 11 o'el'xk, rtl*i l.,t* gold and silver W atclies. diamond aud gold Jewelry, Pin*, Rings Earrings, gold Guar.;, Fob an t Vest Chains' Ac., Ac.; else Guus, Pistols. Music <1 Instruments. Ac, Ac. By order ol late firm of Simpson, Greeu A Co., 181 Kowery. PAWNBROKER s SALirTIMS DAl\?jAMES AGAR .1 Aueu neer. will sell, nt 59 New Bowerv. 500 Dress es. Shawis, ilemnaats. i'able L.nen, Underclothing. Sheets spreads. Bedding. Coats, Pantaloons aud Vests. Bv ordei ol A. II. Samuels, Williamsburg. OIOHaKO WALTERS ,>ONH^ AI CTloNEERS, WILL It sell t Hi* day 1 Thursday at !??'.. o clock, at No IW Madison st.. Lager Peer saloon Fixtures, walnut Table*. Chairs. Bar. Pictures. I'ateut Letup i'lxtnres. Glassware Liquors. AC. Sa e positive. ' SHERIFF'S SA!.E OF PAPER STtM'K. GLASS~R?b O ber, .Ve ?GERARD BEITS, Auctioneer, will sell tliii daj ilhnrsday . JutieS, at 10o'clock, at \o. In l.ispenard St , Ilie cen'.ents of the abova piece, consisting ot Glass Rubber, white aud colored Unas, Paper, scales 1 rue*.' Ac Ac WILLI AM C. CONNER. Sheriff. J.iMss Maiwim., Deputy. O HKhMAN. HUk! ft!KK'8 AM) IbLNLUAL AOtL nourer* Assignee sale of Imported Wines. f,i.|uors, Ciinmpngnee, Cigar*. Ae In lay, June at 11 o'clock, ' No. 1.1 Boeery, abont $.V).i00 worth ol Whiskeys, Brandies, GI11. R im Port Sherrv, Hhlue Wii.e?, Clarets, 8t?ck Al*. C'laoinegni Jtr in casks, M.nels and ca-e>. Also a larre lot of Une Huvaua end do.uritle ? Igars. Ac sal ? positi*e without reserve. 8 HKRlcrti HALk.-im ilAKD WALTHUS* nOKA. Anciion^crfs, tin* ?!ny (Tbuistlay), m 11 o't'lnrk ?r*..a?i -17 Kt.fc? .1 V* s".uoo*? H| leeroem 27 Esst Hn,auway, thre walnut Desk*. Book * m! Lkstif*>eputy. * * 1 ' C^ SKU' *??'* ^"'?MVrY.Wyi?N'> si ouAuk' ATiK?WSBnn3 Hn ls. n *t.. lor furniture flanos. Tritik*. Ac., in sen ar He rooms. CHAItLEeMI. HORDE, Proprietor. S1Vb.AHi':.! 0,1 ^?NiT?r,;K't aki<iai.k"asd mkb" 0 chandise. >)llil-| a SILLS. Proprietors, '<? av. ana 217 Weet 4bih it M K11 | c.% lT. ~ ?i'?ivi .. mcjnm' vvi K ??' ir >m *?t'i ?v A-lvice free. A u -C'lNFlDEN I'LAL COM ' ?rnpiaii.ta 47 iVe*t Uth st. \ 1 .^.U V'.Mh- Vax i'UskTrKRESIDENCi * ' ;-'ut"L. het-vei-T :|.| sud Laxitiiiton D':"?ro*tVi;sT i,'f' >?KAI _ JZ _ ' /}_ ~ * m*|f t 0 "iiU.uis. \ 1 ? Ji KAJ4T wfii - r . NI Aft M JV A\.- I. ? *? .1 p t rt or ?J.\ I) I / fit .er... ?'?H.MM r. ij \\ I..M 4s I !l >T. ienuei 'nn^uUntion* |? m[ 1 ?