Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,53b. NEW YORK. FRIDAY. JUNE 9, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIKKCTOltY iVH ADVEUTISHKS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.265 BROADWAY. OPEN DAY AXD NIGHT, FOR reception or ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK PATER* AMUSEMENTS-?]* PACr-.Mh and Sth cola. ASTROLOGY?12th Pi<i>?6th col. BILLIARDS-1st Pack?Uh cel. BOARDERS WANTED-2D Pace?2d and 3d eoU HOARD AND LODGING WASTED?2d Page?3d ?ot. BROOKLYN BOARD?2t> Pack?3d col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d PAO?-lst - col. BUSINESS opportunities??th Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th PAOit-??h col. CITY REAL ESTATE KOR 8ALE-2U Pag*? lstcoL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12t? 1'aoe?4th col. CLOTHING?2d Pack?4tli col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12th Page?4tb eol. coastwise SI EAMtfli I PS? 1st PAUB-itb and 6th cola. COUNTRY BOARD?2d PAGK-3d eol. DENTISTKY-2D Pagk??th col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN FURN1SI1ED-2P Pagk?lit and 2d cols. EUROPEAN steamships?1st Paub?Sth col. EUROPE?1st Pack?Sth col. excursions?2d PAGK-6th col. FINANCIAL?8th Paok. FO>< eol. __ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?3s Page?2d col. FURNITURE?12th PA?B-6th eol. FRENCH advertisements? 12th Pack?Sth col HELP WANTED?FEMALES? 12tu Pagk?3d and 4th colt. HELP WANTED-MALES? 12th Pagk?4th and 5th cola. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC.?I at Page?2d, 3d and 4th cola. HOTELS?2d PAGB-3d col. HOUSES. ROOMS, AC.. WANTED?1st PAOB-flth eoL INSTRUCTION-Ist Page?Sth col. LOST AND FOUND-Ist Paok?lit col machinery?2d Pack?4th col. . . MARBLE MANTELS?12th P.t.e?6th eoL matrimonial? 1st PA0K-4th col. MEDICAL? 12th PAOK-Sth col. MILLINKRY AND DRESSMAKING?1?T rAO*?4th ooL miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?10th PAGB-6th col. MUSICAL?2d Pagk?4theoL NEW PUBLICATIONS-7tii PAGB-flth col. PERSONAL?lrr Pace?1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.? 2d Pi?K?44h eol. professional SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES 12th Paok?3d col. _ PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Pack?1*1 col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d PAGE-litcol. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pack-IsI col. REWARDS? 1st Pack?lit col. BALES AT AUCTION?12th I'AGK-Sth and Ath cola. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12TH PAG*-lst, 2d and 3d coll. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES?12th Page???h col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack?lit and 2d cols. sporting?DOOS. BIRDS, AC.-ll* PAOK-Jd col. STORAGE?12tu Pagk?Sth eol. SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pack-.W and 4th coli. THE TRADES?12th PAOK-Sth col. THE TURF?1st Pack?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2n Page?lat eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE? Ut Pagk-OUi col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?2d eol. WANTED TO purchase?2d Pare?Mi col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?2d PA?E-4tb col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR ' TO LET?2d Pack?l?t col. PKRDONAL. ETE"t() EYE, MONDAVI UNE~l5. WEST FRIEND. TOHN BEARD.?IF JOHN BEARD. OF BOUGHTON, tl Monchelsea, Kent, will communicate with M?>r?. BEALE A CO.. solicitors, No. I* King at.. Maidstone. Kent, England, he w ill hear or something to his advantage. John Beard ia believed to have left England on or about Monday, the lOtfr ofjnne, 1HH7, and to have sailed from Liverpool in the vessel Denmark, he is afoor.t 5 feet S incites high. with dark complexion. He was last employed as a brewer's col lector. Should this advertisement meet this eye ol any per son who can give information respecting bitn. if living, or of his death if not living, lie Is hereby requested to do s?. Maidstone, May H, 1ht<!. J- EROME PARK.?LADY PICKED UP GEN f LEMAN'S cai% Thursday. Address, if agreeable, stating occur rence, GEORGE X., Hernia Uptown Brnnch oOice. ?T IGIIT HAT" IS REMINDED THAT A LADY WHO IJ resorts to Herald Personals as a means of making friend* invites a correspondence which she is at liberty t? treat witn silenee, but not with inexcusable rudeness. HAVERS HAM. THIS EVENING, 42-8. 0 O'CLOCK. MITCHELL. M ISS KITTIE NORTON-SEND YOUR ADDRESS TO Herald Uptown Branch office. MOLLIE. TITEST POINT, LAST SUNDAY BOAT.?BRUNETTE. TV with tiny loot; gentleman in bine flannels, straw hat, legs your address. Address a. MERRICHOS, Herald office. /"ILL MEET FRIEND REGARDING LETTERS AT Fulton terry, to day, ut 4. C. C. W. ILL YOUNG lTdY IN BLACK, WHO NOTICED dark gentleman following Iter on 30th St. to her honse. like to make acquaintance T Address ADMIRER, Herald Uptown Branch office. w LOST AND MliNb. t' OST?CASE OF MANUSCRIPTS.-^) REWARD 1J shall be paid to any person giving Information leading lo tha recovery of a Case, containing Mathematical Maiiu *oipt?. addressed to the name of J. J. Sylvester, shipped in Ik ard the Scotia, which left Liverpool April 22, but not raceivoil in arrival. The papers are of no value except to ewner. Information to be given to JAMES D. WARNER' Ko. 4 llanover st. Lost?ON THURSDAY"MORNING, ON BOARD the Jersey Clt? ferryboat, a Pocaetbook, containing valuable papers and some money. A liberal ruward will be paid on returning It to the lerryrriaater at Jersey City. Lost?an amethyst rTng~rown ~g<MjD" skt tlng, initial R set with diamonds; f-"> reward will be paid when returned to owner. No. 17 East -With st. I OST-AVoUNG NEWFOUNDLAND dog, WED." J nesday morning: liberal reward will be paid by return Ing to 13H Sullivan ?t. OST-IN LADIES' room OF BROOKLYN KERRY house. Brooklyn side, Wednesday evening, a Pocket book. Please return to J. JOSEPH scl'LLEY, counting room. Herald office. LOST?A SMALL WHITE SLUT. TRIMMED AS A lion. Whoever wltl bring the same to 116 West 10th ?t.. In the rear, will receive $5 reward. LOST-ON BROADWAY, BKTW BEN 1STH AND 17TH sts , a black Pocketliook containing tf'U in bills aud mnie change. A suitable reward will be paid by returning It to Mrs. WOOD. 2H We*t4Utu at. L~~6ST?WEDNESDAY EVENING~ THREE BROWN Curls, one of them small, with lavender bow attached. Please return to owner and be rewarded. 4 2 West 2<?rti rt. LOalT?ON MONDAY LAST. PROBABLY AT FORTY second street depot, a copy book marked in gold let tors ' Copy Book." containing an article. A liberal reward rill be given to the tinder at 10 East 17th st. ? Stolen-or lost in thmTmail?on the 17th 3 ult., a Letter, addressed to R. h. Jc A. J. Prime, Attor seys-at-Law. YonSers. N. Y., containing a protested note. No. IH2. dated Peekskill. N. V., May I, lH7.r>, drawn bv the Peeksklll Iron Company to the order of T. F. Wright, and Indorsed by him aud Hugh W. Adnma, forSl.UllO, payable at Westchester County Nat.oual Bank one year afterdate. All persons aro cautioned avainst ncgoMating the ?aid note, navinont thereof having beon stopped. A liberal reward will be paid upoi its return to GAUSED A H1NDMAUSII, 113 South 4th St.. Philadelphia. HKVV AUOft. M e IikWaRJS:?LOsT,"X "GOLD Hl:EA*TmCwiTH V>) it lily in the centre. Return to 41 Commerce at., cor ner of Barrow at. 2k Z. rbward will be paidFok tmb address 90 of Mr*. Mary L. Olnochto by JAMES W. 8tillman. attorney-at-law, No. 71 Rroadway. *l~fl VEtfXXD.?LOST, ON WEDNESDAY LAST, J)IU about 1 - o'clock. in3>th at., between 6th and 7th ???., $ Oln bill*, by a po< r widow. Mr* malonby, are w>,? voth it. ifPEt'lAli KiOTlCES. X%A.-ALL PIUZKS (VAHHKD~IN HOLD* WfHlJf ill office. Third l.ouisiana pold distribution. New Orleans, .luiv I'll, 1M7H. Capital priie tioo.uou gold!! iJ.-Wi amounting to $5"-..WO. 20.0 (J ticket* fC*) currency. Coupons la proportion. Apply tor information 'At:., to WILLIAMSON t CO., krokera. 317 Broadway, Poat office box 6,lKtti. A?rtKHT PRIZE. ?it*mxo UOLlC ~? ? Mam drawin* 01 the lineal Brunswick Government Lottery, Ironi May 16 to June it. 1?7?. tW.SOO ticket*. 28JVXI prizes Koyal Havana Lottery. Next drawing June 20. 1M7U. Full explanatory circulars free. THKODORE MCHOCH, Box 6.594Post office, 1 lti Nassau at.. New York, UL DISEASES or THK BLOOD-ANI)"~NERVOUS system treated successfully, and permanent etirea Buteed. Coii?nltatlou tree. Dr. WKsT'S old estab otttee, 45 Bleecker at.. uear Broadway. A? TTENTION.?20 YEARS' PRlflslAN HOSPITAL Kt perienM: diseases of men in all it* bJanches; also dis taaesol the skin a specialty: consultation tree. Or. J A CO BY, 101 Bleecker st l.l.KN A CO., 7U NASSAU ST.. NEW" YORK.? Wyoming Lottery draw* June 10. t'anital prire. )bO,OOU $2U&00U dlatritoMd. Tickets $1; 6 for $5. Clr rnlars mailed free. Pri*es ea*hed. A- -(Mail a. K0Y1E. -HIT BROADWAY, LAWYBR,? ? b *iTces obt lined promptly, without publicity: deser tion, iif hipatlbilRy. hahitnM drunkenness. 111 dellty, in buman i Jniuu nt, conriction of felony. Pas* porta obtained. Z. .AKKS.~KjilkR.Hl?N A TO. , K'enlmkv State Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky single Number I?ntter.v. drawn .lane 24, 1M76. I'riies cashed, information furnished and circular* free. 1N0 Hroadwn\. Post< thee box -?,-TJ New "i urk. B-kevitcky iTAfft mmim Of J. S. >MITH e A CO. KKNTvrxT ?KITH t 47it? COR 1*7.1, S3. 28, 21. 46. I*. 11. 24. lti. .2. I-', f?, 4', xaxTntmy??.?*? 4?*>? ro? l?7?. M, n, 72. OP, :i?. 67. 46. ?, 66. :t. 2", <7. All orders address II N A I MAN. ll?l Broadway, or Post ?Wee box 4,H7ti Now Trrk t ity. OTANIt} ILEt'TKIC Cl'HKKNT APl'l.lfcD IIY A tborMgh practitioner. Kast Slat st. ADRIAN AOAVS. LIAl'TION.-I IIKRKBY CAl TION ALL PARTIKS ) airainsi selling "r delivering Roods to any person rep- '? ivaentinic to he trom my house. ?C *:. ANDKhSON. :*Ms North M si . Philadslplda. Disk asks ok men a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. l>., 114 I^xlusrton a?? near 2t*tli *1. Office hours I'mm M to :i. Oil. II. J. JORDAN. hOLK PROPRIETi>R <?K TIIK .New York .Museinn of Anatomy, has removed hi* rest, deioe and oltice to No. 5 Washington place, three i.oora ! sr<: of Broadway. B H , \VANA LOTTERY.?NEXT Hi.AWINU, JI NL 2(1; 1 *ui?> tickets; H*",i??Mo prifes. Addre-s H. M A R ? I> 1-7. k t'O., lt.n*er?, 1" Wall ?i . iMsement: I nst office hox i.i^ >e? York. >|ixnl*h eold and Havana bank hill* b?N iht and sold . draft* on Havana iaaiied. K?WO I IN PHIIKB? KVKRY OTHER TICKI-:T A ? I'ri'r ? SIMMONS A IIIt'KIIN'?> sinitle number Keiilh.kv State 1 ottery lobe drawn June 24. 1?7?>. I.ri e> out ol .'ai.m*J ticket*. also Kaywl Ha van 1 to he drawn am June I^T'L J. CLL'TE A Co., 20 ? Broadway, or box ft^Mi i'oat uQice. SPECIAL NOTICES. prtfCfsiJiBSs 18 DULL ADVLRTISE AND~iAKE IT UOOD. IP BUSINESS IS GOOD ADVERTISE and hake it BETTER. Circulation at the EVENING TELEGRAM lul week ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE. Moods v, May2? :?,500 ADVERTISEMENTS, CO CENTS PER LINE. Tuesday Decoration Day. no paper. ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Wednesday May 31 :15,000 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Thursday. June 1 41.800 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE FWay. June 2 .... :i5,350 ADVERTISEMENTS. 30 CENTS PER LINE. Saturday. June 3 34.200 ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE Total 182,450 AI?VERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Daily average... 36.490 ?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT . teries ? SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. KBNTOCKT. K XT RA CLAhS No '171 ?JUNK 8, 187(1 68, 20, 10. 78, 3(t. ft2. 10, ftO. 47. 71. 51. ? KNTUCKT, CLASS NO. 372?JUNK 8, 1870. 16, 43, 38, 42, rtO, 77, 05. :15, 50, 4?, 7U. 1, 55. Hr.NRT, KXTVA CLASS NO. 271?Jl'NK 8, 1878. 32. 00. 22. S. 27. 37, 3t>, 41. 34. 17. 41 HKNBV. CLAM NO. 272?JCN8 8, i 878. 96. R2, 2, 60, JH, 38. SO, 48. 18. 71. 56. 63. Sfl. Full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLIITE k CO.. 200 Broadway, or bos 4.Post office. -OlRONIC"catarrh. deafness" IMPROVED method; instantaneous relief; jtermsnent lurm. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 Went I4tbst. K. T7- -9300.000 IN PRIZKS. EVERY OTHER TICKET JV. a prise. Kentucky State Grand single Number Dis tribution draw* June 24; 50,000 ticket-*?2S.420 prises. Whole ticket*, 910; Halves, $5; (Quarters. #2 Mi. Royal Havana Lottery to be drawn June 20; whole tickets *-*0; tenth* and twentieth* in proportion. Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dally. For information, circular*. Ac., address or apply to JACKSON A CO.. Bankers. No. 2tlj Broadway, New Tork. N'~~ ERVOU8 "EXHAUSTION?A MEDICAL E88AH comprising a series ot lecture* delivered at Kahn'sMu ?earn of Anatoniv. New York, on the cau*e and cure of Pre mature Decline, showing Indisputably how loat health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis ot tlio impediments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being tne result of 20 vcars' experience. Price 2ft cent*. Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KAHN, office and residence51 Kimt 10th it. New York. AoTlES WAVING BEEN INDUCED TO RENT house* throuftl the misrepresentations of agents will ir of <oinethlng to their advantage by addressing K. S. C., Herald t'pti.wn Branch office. PI 1.ES OR UEMORKIIOltW RADICALLY CU1RED. Original painless treatment; two to tour weeks re quired; no feea until cured, clrcu'.arr free. Dr. STODDARD, only o?ice No. 8 We*t 14th st. EOYAL HAVANA LciTTKRT.?S800.m0_W1 LL~"BB drawn on June 20. Prises cashed; orders filled; infor mation furnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, gov ernments. Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Banker*. No. II Wall St.. New York. 8 PORT IN U-UOtiS. 111111387 OiC. DOGS, PET BIRDS AND ANIMALS, GOLDFISH! aquatic Plant* and Animal Life for the Aquarium; Shell?. BAGOT. 31 Pulton at. POOLS SOLD iVBI AFTERNOON AT NEW YORK Turf Exchange on New lluven vs. St. Louis, at New Haven. r-BIBERT A McOLOIlD f VFO' FINE GUNS. TWO FISHING* POLES. 8PY (Haas, elegant Dinner and Tea Set. two superli Vases, bronze Figure, Ac., to be sold at auction i v Tl'JilS JOHN SON, oil Saturday, ?t I- o'clock, at U7 Nassau st. ' T1IK TIHF; A~^FLEElfWf>OD l'ARIcr ~ . Trotting FRIDAY, June ?. at 3 P. M. l'urse of $lu > for 2;40clasa. Thomas Crane's r. s. St. George, John Rogers' b. m. Carrie. Dau Mace's b. a lloia :c Greeley. Purse of $150 for 2:25 class. Charles Diekermen's s. ir. Spotted Colt. John Murphy's b. g. Charlie Green. Dan Mace's w. s. Crown Prince. _AdmUsion. $1^ GATES H. BARNARD, President. A MER1CAN JOCKEY CLUB.?SPRING MEETING^ J\. 1876. at Jeromo Park, 3d. 6th. 8th, 10th, lath. 15th and 17th Jnne. Races commence each dav punctually nt 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT, President. C. WnitATLY, Secretary. UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD TO DAY AT NEW YORK TURK EXCHANGE. 15 West 28tl-s\., on the FLEETWOOD PARK trots; also this evening on the JEROME PARK running races: jmuupt attention given orders by mail or messenger. KELLY. BLISS k CO A UCTION AND FRKNCH POOLS BOLD AT INTER 1V national Exchange. 804, 800 and 804 Saiupaon st., Philadelphia, on Races this week at Jerome, Trots at Bel mont Park ami all League Base Bail games. Rosult nfeach inning, heat and race by telegraph. C. S. MILLER k CO. A UCTION AND FRENCH POOLfc BOLD AT JOHN x\. son'* Rooms, corner Broadway and 28th st., this a;ternoon and evening, on the Jerome Park races and Phila delphia trots; each one received by telegraph; particular attention giveu orders by mail, telegraph or messenger. T. B. A W. II. JOHNSON. JJEERFOoT PARK. Third day?Second spring meeting, Friday, June 9; purse 9150, 2 rfto class. M. S. Currj 's b. g. Blllle; T. Ogle's b. m, Richmond Girl; J. K. Jsrvis' blk m. Jennie ; J. Smith's s. g. Robin; J. B. Conklin's b. g. Oyiter Boy . J. T. Slane's b. m. Annie R.; Geo. F. Jones' b. g. Western Boy; Geo. N. ileimer's b. m. Mary I'elmer; D. N. Sanford's b. m. Flora; J. Langan's g. g. Ed Pills. Seme Day?Purse 9200 for 2 :35 class. L t?. Dunham's ch. g. Silvertail; W. Rasford's b. m. Car rie N.: Gee. Gilbert's cli. w. Harry; Gilbert W. Hodine's b. m. Lady Mills; A. Corneilson's b. g. Judge Robinson; G. W. Reay's br. g. Phil O'Neii. Jr.; G. Gilmau'a b. g. Bay. Races at 3 P. M. Admission $1. WM. McMAHON. Fleetwood park trots to day, at s p. m.? 2 :40 and 2 :2S classes. We have the management of the pools on the track. KELLY, BLISS A Co. HOUSES. CARniAGEh. ' A UCTION HOUSE OF VAN TASSRLL a KEARNEY xL lio AND 112 EAST 13TH ST., NEAR 4TH AV. REGULAR SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES, EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Twenty-four to forty-eight hour* giveu to purchasers to test warranters. Horses, Carriages, Harness, Blanket-, Robes, Ac., alwayion baud at private sale. CATALOGUE O? Til 18 DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT-VERY STYLISH PAIR bey Ocldinga, 1 ">?i hands high. 7 and 8 yearn old: kind and true in nil harness; free trnm Tire; nro splendid drivers. double, single or tandem ; are ns good leaders a* any in the country; can trot Id 3 minutes to the pole >? n'1 am warranted sound. SET SILVEK MOUNTED HARNESS. NEARLY NEW. CUKTaIN COACH, BY BKEW8TER A CO.. OF Broome It. ROAD Tl KNOUT-VERY HANDSOME BROWN TKOT tins Gelding. ?<> bands high, 8 vcar> old; kind and t.uu In all liarneaai free from yiec or trick; ill the finest unci most reliable horses in New York for road and carriage mrfww combined: lie can pull two men in top wauon in J ;.V) or better anydny: has site ami strength enough to draw a coupe: rim-* nut shy or pull, ami is u nrrauted sound; his speed Is guaranteed. Also net Harness an<l TOP ROAD WAGON. NEARLY NEW. FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT-'TKAM BAY HORSES 10 lianilt liiitb. 8 and it years old: kind and true in all liarnels: free Irom vice ; very stylish and handsome; extra fine drivers, fast traveller*; have jrreat endur ance; fear nothing: are In ererv way Kale and reliable, end n first class iamily carriage team. DOUBLE IIAHNKSS, IN GOOD ORDER. BAROUCHE. GOOD as NEW. BV BHEWST8R. Brown trotting make sally. w4 hands li'gh, U yearn old; kind and true in all liana**; free from vice; a Miperior road mare: she trotted a lull mile on Fleetwood Track in 3 33, and can trot in 2:R? any day ; Is a iree, pleasant and stylish driver: bus been used on the roail by a pi ivnte gentleman, nnd is warranted Miund: also lot of Hanies*, neailv new, nnd CITY BUILT TO I* ROAD WAGON. IN (iOOD OKDEK. COUPE TURNOUT: VERV STYLISH BAY COUPP. Horse, lO'^ hands high, H years old; kind and true in all harness; tree irom vine; has been used by a private family to a coupe ami for carriage driving ia In every way safe and reliable, and warranted aound. COl'PE HARNESS AND COl'PE, IN GOOD URDER. BUILT BV WOOD URNS. BaY SADDLE GELDING. I.V4' HANDS HIGH, 8 years old; well broken to all (rails under saddle; hss flue style aad action ; Is very genlie; lias been ridilen by a and is warranted sound. ELEGANT FRENCH LANDAU, BUILT BY BINDER, of Paris. BAY COUPE OK CARRIAGE HORSE, Hit* HANDS high, 7 years old; kind and trite in ail harness; tree Irom vice; a good traveller; prompt and stylish dr.ver, tears nothing, auil warranto J sound; also set 11 ii lies* ami COl'Ph iN GOOD ORDER. MAHOGANY BaY TROTTING HOME. HANDS high. 7 years old; kind and true iu all harness; free Ir in vice; a superior roailster: can tfwt In UiflOor better; h s great endurance; Is a prompt|nnd stylish driver; a lirst class horse for gentleman's road use. and warranted aound. TOP liOAD WAGON, BUT LITTLE USED BKOWN .ARK, 1 i', HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD: kind tnd trite in all htrness; free from vice ; extra line under saddle; a stylish and pleas,int driver, a<id war ranted soon I: sold by order of Riley McM alien to p.iy ch irgc.s and keep ; al?o s-t Hames, and TOP Po.NY PHAETON. NEvltLY NEW. GRAY COUPE OR CARRIAGE HORSE. lit HANDS high, W years oil; kind and true In altbarneaal tree from vice; ha* fine style and Mrtlon. (ear ; nothing; nn extra good traveller: has ueen used by a privaie fnoi ily; is in everyway safe and reliable and warranted sound EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. NEVRLY NEW MAY MAKE. I..', IIAND.s IIIiM', in YEARS OLD; kind 'itid true In ali harness; tree from <icc; * fast traveller; fears not bin-; a pr nnpi driver; flue under sail'il". and wM only tor wain al use. KI .EG AN I No TOP PONY PIUETON. U.vY MAKE. IV, HANDS IIIGll, h YEAR* OLD; kind and true ill all I I'nr-v free from i Ice: it iree traveller; a safe family or road nitre uud sairtlitd ?ound. VICTt iK I A, IN GOOD ORDBR. SEVERAL GOOD FAM I i.V liOAD AND WORK HORSES. Descriptions time ol sale. Tiro Clarences, uy Dunn. Park half ton I'lineron. fix seat Karfcaway. Curtain Coach. Victoria. .lump seat Wagon. Top and no top Phaetons. Wagon ? Kull spring tt agon,. Koekaw?y?, Ac., Ac. SALE commences AT In o'tl.ot h. Jl'ltl l.hl llll. KINE.?T IIOKSES and \\ AiIONS ? in the Stale: Horses, stylish Waguns and Harness, new. at the Uaion Club stable, -O East IStli at., near Bro.i.l. way. _ V CRYSTAL cam, XBAIU.Y BKW, CABBIE* BIZ inside; also tin- assort inent or Fouy l'li?rnn>, with leather i r canopy lops, CoY'l.BK A CO.. ."itH Broadway. T NICE. PKKT1 V R A V 1IO I! S I;, T."> 11 A ND> II Ii i if; iV very gentle, forla.liea: free driver; stands without tying; price ?? I ? a! Wi .nltr/1 V" ?'t'oR ?ALK CHEAP?NINE good Hi hne-S . Dorset. Apply No. SI V? stry St., between Varick aud Hudson. "_VOR HA LE-FIV E Ho???*, mL'I Pa It LE for . fcrmltur, grocery or exprcie; a good trial allowed. Apply al II Bleeiker St., In rear. HOUSES. CARRIAGES. ?C. Atfctibx HOUSE of ar'.ih. johnstonV ltt. 21.2S and LT. 1 Uth St.. near University pine*. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARE HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND KRIDATTAT IO O'CLOCK. OS EVERY HOr~<i WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 UOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL, TI1K OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA BLE HOL'SK IN THE CITY. TniS DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT BRIGHT BaY CARRIAGE TEAM. 10* hand* hi_-h, 7 and 8 year* old, exactly watched In ?Ise. color. g*tt and action ; very stylish ami ahowy drlvera; nit afraid of a locomotive or anything elae ; liavn not a rice, fault or trick of any kind; good drlvera In aingle or double harness, and tire in every way a tint class family tea in, for any us?; sold only on account of the owner going abroad; warranted Hound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order. GLASS oUaRTER llOAl'll, in good order, by Dunn. TWO LIGHT BAROUCHES, in good order, by Wood Brother*. LANDAU ESTABLISHMENT?Elegant team Horse*, bay and che?tnut. lti hand* high. 9 and 10 year* OKI; well matched in siic. gait and travelling quali ties, both in kinglet and double 'name**; are free, first cla** driver*; havo not a vice, tault or trick of any kind; aro uot afraid of a locomotive or any thing elae : do not ally or mill and are in eveiy re aped a firit clan* team tor any nso in city or coun try: warranted aound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, by Lowdcn. ELEGANT LANDAU, morocco lined, by Miner k Stevens. WESTCHESTER ROCK AWAY, In good order, by J. a rence. BBAUTIFl'L MlNlATURE|PONY ESTABLISHMENT? Hay Pony liorie, 46 Inches high, 7 year* old ; kind and tme in all harness aud under laddie; free from vice or trick of any kind: hua been lined by ladle* and children and ta a perfect family pet; not afraid of a locomotive or anything elan; In every way ?af* to ride or drive; warranted aound. ELE(;ANT BASKLT CANoP* PHAETON, nearly new. by Wood Brothers. ELEGANT TEAM BLACK ROAD HORSE AND MARK, 15l4 hands high, 7 year*old; kind in all harness: free troin vice; can trot together In 3 mlnu'es hare and 3:15 guaranteed; are Black Hawk stock purr; Ires, open gait: ono of the flne*t load team* 1.1 the country; without trick or fault . of any kind; warranted sound. TOP SI HE liAJt ROAD WAGON, nearly new, by F. Ashe BEAUTIFUL TEAM SORRKL PONIES. 12 hand* hich. 4 and 6 year* old; kind in *11 harness and under *addle; perfect pel*; Have been tiaeri and ridden by ladie* and children; have not a vice, fault or trick of any kind and in every way sate lor n family team, single or double, and warranted 1 sound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order. RUMBLE PONY PHAETON, canopy top, by Ooodrlch A Co. PONY PHAETON, BROAD DASH, with rutnbls "C" platform spring. by J. R. Lawrence. FINE BLACK HOUSE, I?'>bands high, 7 year* old; kind and trne In all harnea*; freo from vice; ha* been used In city and country aa family horao, aud la In every way "reliable; I* not afraid of a locomo tive; can ho driven by auy one single or double, and ia In every nay n flrat clas* road or family horao; warranted aound. TOP PONY PHAETON, built toordcrby M. C. Green. EXTENSION TOP PAKK PHAliTON, nearly now, by Woodruff Ac Co. ELEGANT BROWN M ARE, raised In Kentuckr. lSJtj hands, il years old; kind in all harness and under saddle; free from vice or trick of any kind; wan brought from Kentucky by present owner for hi* own use: ia not afraid of a locomotive or anything ?Ike. and la in every respect a first class sale, reli liable family mare ; sold only for want of use. ELEGANT LIGHT COl'PE, clolli lined, by Miner A Stevens. TWO LIGHT VICTORIAS, in good order, by Wood Bros. BAY CANADIAN PONY HORSE, 14,'3 band* bigh, 8 year* old ; kind in all harnea* and under saddle; free from vi e; not afraid of anything: has been ridden and driven by ladiei: *afe for any one to ride or drive; in every way reliable; warranted ?ound. TOP CANOPY PHAETON, nearly new, by Exra Marsh. FIXE GRAY IIORSE. 15>, hand*, 8 yeara; kind in all hurneaa and under saddle; an excellent realtor; * can trot easily in minute*; has not a trick of any kind; has been uaed as a family horse in city and country; quite stylish; warranted sound. COUPK ROCK AW AY, in good order, by Qultnby. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, In good order, by William Crnbh. TWENTY-SEVEN OTHER HORSES, description time of sale, this day at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S MART, 10 to 25 13th at., near University place. Weather never interiere* witU our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. A? MORTGAGEE SALE. . BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN CHATTEL MORTUAGK AND BILL OF SALIC. TO ME DIRECTED. 1 WILL SkLL BY PUBLIC VENDUE, TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). JUNK 10. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON PROMPT, AT THE STABLE NO 3 KEILKON PLaOK (MEitCBR ST.), BKTu EEN WAVEKLEY AND CLINTON PLACES. j*NI? IN REAR OF NEW YORK HOTEL. TnE FOLLOWING VALUABLE AND WELL KNOWN TROTTING HORSES. CAKRIAGES, HARNESS. Ac.. Ac. ;? Elegant black trotting gelding, known a* State of Maine, ralaed at Brrnlon, Me, aired by Gllbreth Knox, dam a Withered Messenger mare; I* 7 years old, 15', hand* high ; trotted at Portland, Me, in 2 :3i and 2 .31) last fail, when ba , was purchased by present owner, *ince whl'jli time lie liaa been uaed as a roai! horse up to the Itt ol May, when he was *eut to Fleetwood track, mid. with two weeks' handling, he trotted two Iicat* In liarne-s ic 2 ;'J9 and 2 ;27^?, and a ainglo j mile, with running mate, iu 2:1'.i,4; he is a perfect road horae. very pure gaitcd. does not shy, I* not excitable in company, due* not pull when speeding, does not break fool and is ihe fastest pole horse iu the city; is sale for any ordinary driver to drive; can beat 2:25 this season, has no record and is the finest and fastest horsi that has been oflered for sale inthisclty; I* warranted aound and kiud, and warranted to trot in 2 :SO on day of sale. Fine bay trotting gelding Honest Billy, sired by Ryidyk'* Hamhletonlan. daiu by Harry Clay; 1* I A}* handa high. 8 years old; has got a record of 2:3n. over Mystic Park. Bo* . ton, driven by 11. Brock, on May 14, IS7."i, when ne beat ! Dustin .llin. Honest Harry, Frank Palmer and two others, after a verr closely contested race of aeven heat*, which ! were trotted in 2:^10.2:31, 2:3 , 2:33, 2:!t21-<l, 2:33 and 2:3H: lor other performances see Wallace'* Turt begister; I he Is a very prompt, styilsb drivlnf hors*; doe* not pull; ' safe for anybody to drive; Is an extraordinary pole horse, aud warranted sound and kind and to trot in 2:'K) Iu condi tion. Beautiful bay mare Rnnsey Maid, sired by Mltldletown. dam by Billy Denton, which makes her a full slater to the celebrated trotting mare Music, who ha< a record or 2:21; she i. 5 years old, I5l? hands high : trotted la*t fall, when 4 years old. in 2 ;37, over Goshen bail mile track, when she was purchased by present owner, since whicb time she has greatly improved In speed, and w':!. ,.rop-r handling ran trot down in the twenties this season, .he is a very prompt, pleasant driver; does not pull or >M ; a good pole mare and good gaitcd, sale for anylwdy to drive, and I* warranted sound aud kind. ' Fine sorrel folding Prince Albert, sired by Honest Allen, dam by llnliel's llamhletoniaii. is <> years old. 1ft', bands high; raised at Portsmouth, N. II.; ba? never been handled lor speed, but showed owner, when he purchased liini, a mile on the Portsmouth half mile track in ?' :'W', since which time he has been used as a road horse for which purpose he has no su|.ar:or. as lie Is very good gaited; does not wear boot*; does not shy or pnll; safe lor anybody to drive; has ex traordinary bottom ; is a good pole horse audi* warranted ?ound and kind. The finest gentleman'* road Horse for a top wagon In the city. l.">5i hands high, S years old; he is a dark chestnut, very stylish driver; lie is an extraordinary good weight puller and has remarkable bottom aud endurance ; ha- never been handled for speed, lint trotted In gentleman's road 1 raco last fail over the Fleetwood Park, without any train ing and was driven to a road wagon by owner In 2:42, 2 2 :41. which makes him rank among the be?t horses on the road ; lie Is a very promut and plra>ant driver; is uot afraid of anything: dons not wear any boots; Is safe for a ladv to drive aud Is warranted sound and kind. N. B.?THE .-PKED IS W A It RANTED, AND WILL BE SlInWN ON TRACK. Also 1 elegant extension top Park I'haetun, with Lamp*. Pole and Shafts. I Brewster top Wagon, with patent Spring*, Pole and Shafts. I top Stiver's Wagon, with Pole and Shaft*. I top Phaeton. 1 Track Akelelon, 1 Sulky. Also a large assortment ol Boots, Ac Also single and doubld Harness; Sweat. Dress and Walk ing Blankets; Sheets. Lap Rugs, Bridles, ic., Ac. N. B.-THh ABOVE STOCK WILL BE REMOVED FROM FLEETWOOD TRACK THIS MORNING, JUNK 0, and will hi; on exhibition and trial up to TiMK Of SALE, AND WILL POSITIVELY BE SOLD ON ABOVE IM1E TO HIGHEST BIDDER. WITHOUT LIMIT OR RESTRICTION. By order of JOHN T. REILLY, City Marshal and Attorney for Mortgagee. N IKON GREY Ci! C"N K Y B UILT MA RE; TWO other Horses. Truck, top Grocers'. Wagon ; cheap. 112 Henry *t., stable. A-Tilt* i'lSEsr'n rnkLt goes the road"; ? must be sold iinmediatolv; bi antiful Team, 0 years old, |."?'t hands; warranted sound and kind and to trot a mile In 2:4.>; st ie bar top Wagon, by J. 11. Brewster; double and single Harness, liy Uunscoiub ; all good as new: would aeil separate or together. At private stable No. 13 Wrst 27th st . between Broadway and ?"?th av. A RARE (II A NCR ?A It K VI I IU 1, lop l'O.NY Phaeton and Harness will bo odd less than half vame : also *11 elegant top Wagon, all good as new, at st.<- { hie No. 33 Last 12th St.. netween Broadway and University Dia-e. BLACK HORSE. Is YhAKS OLD. Gh VI I.K' kind, lor ladv to drive ; can trot in 2 :3.~>. double or sin gle; alsott M. Sliver's side bar Wagon. 1 Ift pounds, almost n-w : and IhiMMhury side bar lop Wagon, almost new. at 1 In and It'J West .'<<>in st. A?LAN DA IT". IN PERFECT ~OKDER,~COST $1.7raT. lor <4'I; tao very bandsome Shetland 1'onies. 3 1 liu he-, wi ll broken for children, very cheap. No. IIHWest .'snli si. bargain, ihkek work iioksesTi? hands. prne. f4.\ f4'i and Ji*', one li. r<e Truck, nearly new, and llariiuss, $I2H .No. I1.VJ Hiids <n st. BHIHIME ST. KREWHTER TOP WAGON. POLE and fsli.ilt*. one do. Road \\ a.'on, l<?t lbs.; on<* Water man open Wagon: one Caflrey Milky, .'gl lbs.; one Depot W agon, one \ Ictnria. one Pony Phaeton, one two scat open Wagon, by Brewster; one top Wagon, f'it, \\ >1 II tiRAY'.s Carriage Factory, 1,4* M Broadway. Iietween :tl?th aud 4"tli st*. FAMIt V ESTABLISH Ml' S 1-t ONSI>TINi; OK styllaii pair Carriage llorses. lo", hands; Park Phae ton, by < orheii, seats sis : also cup" Itocaawav, set silver mounted llarne-s, livery Coat. BlniiKi ?<. ,te . Ac ; must be sold this week, together or separately, very low lor cash, as own?r mm reslixe immediately. Arsenal stables. West :?,iih st.. near Broadway \K04 SALE, t mi U pony>, horse ? nil I llarnes. . also three other Horses, til for any kind ol 1 it'lnesa. To be soil at a groat sacrifice at .>7 Great Janes ?!.. near Bowery, imiuiie tor Kiooard. A -It, BUMNfSS wagons' \i.I, itXR% *:*? TO ? S17.">; :or exprer.a, grorer?, butchers, tia?er?: milk, packag-. depot, ueliverjr Wagons. Wagon Manufsctory, gill ^prillg st. A A ? 1 'LaItkSch, CUAOif, IIKhIT. (iOOl) n< hit: lltflit 11 if on tu y nmk?*. urnl nttrri. I??w priera. W? KITJlMY, M ?t. HAL? C7>?f rS'U liJ.\i ri, 1 l, PllAhTONs"; iir ?? m % fiMir pern>im; two lull spriiu' lop *1 nr<?t?*, ... . .. it* tmi t, njuhl Ho?d W ttfou ; nil i.ourlr urw ; liont cily NiNkeff. I'riv ai? stAlilf, ?i. *titi 4ili *av. A-ko?: salk-tiik M(p*t rHurKcr paih or ? ufay IInme? in dtjr: rt yrnrH olii, \*ry tfyhnla; <*a:i ir?>t Uit; w?rri?vilc<l In nil particular*. iVr'u a I MO \Vo?i Mini el.. rtwii**r 14 I'.no >t, .1 \MKH WICIHT AlKMiHI rV'AN l HOT '? , ?IDK \\ \... I *V W AliO.v" 1:^): i J'ont rbnaton. vumd. 110 Welt 5 lb Ik HORSES, CAIUtlACKS. <EC. 't -MAJOR Oil AS W. B'AIt KEH,"XtfcFlfiNbBK extraordinary hale of contractor's DUMP WAGONS, CARTS. HORSES. Tram Harresa, Cart Harness, Ac., Ac., at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart aud New York Tattrrsall's. corner of Broadway and 30th st.. to-morrow (Saturday). June 10. at 11 o'clock, tha property of a well known CONTRACTOR retiring from business, an?t comprising TWENTY FIVE four wheeled DUMP WAGONS. in fine order, the bent in u*e for moving earth, taml, gravel, bricks, ?tone and for all practical purposes: dump on either side. SEVENTEEN two-wheeled Carta, all In flne shape and ea good ae new. SIXTY-four SETS of double Wagon. Stage orTruck llar nese. with Collars, Bridles, Lines, Ac., complete; all nearly new. TEN SETS Cart Harness, Dne order. pair OK superior heavy Draught Horses. WEIGHT 2,SO) POUNDS, and warranted to be equal to anything of their weight. pair OK closely matched bay Gelding*. 15>; bauds high, 6 and ? years old; better than ordinary travellers; also a very elegant set ofligbt double Harness. STOCK NOW on exhibition; sale without reserve o postponement. THE SPECIAL attention of CONTRACTORS, TRUCK MEN and FARMERS is directed to this sale. ?MAJOR C11 ARLES~W BARKER. AUCTION EH It. 1RAN1J sale of superior neavy DKAUOIIT A _ M HORSES, the property of a contractor retiring from busi ness. at BARkEit it SON'S City Auction Marl and New York Tattersall's, corner of Broadway and 30th St., on Mon day next. June 14. at 11 o'clock, and comnrising TWENTY HEAD (iucludtng several MATCHED TEAMS). all THOROUGHLY used to HARD WORK, weighing Irom 1,41? to 1,400 pounds each nod all warranted SOUND und kind and all young and iu Una condition. STOCK NOW on exhibition. SALE POSITIVE and no postponement. ?.second" hand carriages. Landau in good order. Coach with high wheels, city make. Rockaway lor six persons, nearly new. Park Phaeton for lour perion*. city make. Top and ue top Road Wagons, some nearly new. J. B. BREWSTER <fc CO.. Warerooms 5th nr. and Ulxt St., 145 East 23tli st, ?BREWSTER DOO CABr" $300i~PONY PHAE ? ton. (1160; Landaus, Lai.danlet*. Depot Wagons, largo assortment, at greatly reduced prices. II' M'S. old est manufacturer In the city, 038 Ilroadaay. Y~ LA ROE VARIETY or SECOND HAND TOP A Wagons, light Trotting Wagon*, Doctors' Phaetons, four pasvuger Phaetons, jump seats; six seat Rockuwuy, suitable lor country hacking. 144 to l.">2 East .'list st. irOLURLbODBO AYRESIII i;E COW POR SALE? makes 12 pounds of bultor a week ; with twin calves. 430 East IHth st. A?FO R S A LE. FIVE PON f BP ILT HORSES. SUIT ? able for farmliig.jrrwcer or any business, cueep. 104 Elisabeth St.. between Broomo and Grand. 11 TJEAUTIKUL pony establishment. BI D Ki.EOA.NT SORREL I'ONY TEAM. 13 UANDS ? I HIGH, YEARS OLD; PERFECT FAMILY I'ETS; ? I PERFECTLY KIND IN EVERY WAY: WARRANTED 5 SOUND. H | SET PONY HARNESS, MADE TO ORDKR; | CANOPY TOP PHAETON WITH RUMBLE; HUP ? I DAY AT AilCII. JOHNSTON'S MART. 10 TO 25 g | MTU ST., NEAR UNIVEhSITY PLACE. i | SEE CATALOGUE ABOVE. Brood mare, by Lexington, dam by alexan der's Abdullah, at auction tomorrow, at Colonel BAR KER'S, corner Broadway und iftHh St., where she can now be aeeu. [ay horse. part and stylish driver-, bat I Pony, for lady or children; four other Horses, very cbaup. 410 West 3oth st. Weks wiliTkind bargain-nice family or roail Team ; used by family one year; sound, kind, fnst; gooclsaddlers: any trial; respensibie guarantee; side bar top Wagon; Harness. No. 1,1*7 Broadway. CI ARM AUKS AT EXTREME LOW MANuVaCTCR J et's prloes; all mv own make and warranted; Pony and light extension top Park Phaetons, all prices; Buggies, Rockawavs, Depot, Jump vjeat and I'.xpress Wagons, and other styles of vurious <iualitles ana prices; splendid hoc tor's Phaeton cheap. charles ORURE. 3IWt Canal st. B1 B miniature PONY ESTABLISHMENT. BAY PONY, 11>, HANDS, .BASKET phaeton AND iiARNESS; A SWEET LITTLE RIO; AT AUCTION, THIS VORNING, AT ARCH. JOHNSTON'S, NEAR university PLaCK. see Catalogue above. ? T 3 s I s K U * T OR SALE-COUPE, IN GOOD ORDKR, CHEAP. HALL, 150 Enst 3*th st. For sale?a fine set or phaeton harness cheap. To be seen at manufacturer'!, J. J. HOR OAN, -"J East 18th St. JpOR SALK-A BAY M A RE, 15.1, M YEARS OLD, BY Rysdrk's H amble ton i an ; sound, handsome and very ?romlsinz; will show 4:30 to watch; also chestnut Mare, 5.1, Kentucky bred; ttot in 2 :30; either will make Hue road or track mares. Address S. S.. Herald office. OR SALE-A LARGE BLACK HORSE, 10.9; STRONG made and flne looking; can trot In 2 :40; will go last II hand ed; would make a splendid wheeler in a tandem or tour In-band. AddreM S. S., Herald office. FASTTTiFrSE FOR BALE-BRIGIIT BA Y.Tsvi HANDS; ?plendiu driver. Apply at private stable, 110 West aoth st. OR SALE?phaeton AND PONY, CHEAP; PRICE $125 It sold before 10 o'clock. \YM. H ALL. 38th n. and 1st uv._ OK SALE, AT 154 EAST 57TII ST.?ONB PAIR OP Lambert Mares. Just from Vermont, 5 and 0 years old, IV, / finds high; can trot in 4: fit I to polo; also 4 single driving Horses. Ethan Allen stock; all young, sonnd and rest; must be seen and driven to be appreciated. For sale?a very superior double har ne?s. perfectly new. Inquire at stables 451 4th av. F F For sale?one pair lakge truck rorses, four Road Horses, two Saddle Horses, broke to Harness; also a tew others, suitable for express or other business; sold chcap to close partnership. 'Ml Jane st. 17*6R~SALE CUBAP?A PIfilm)N? MADE TO ORDER " In the best manner. ln>|nlre at 5.'1 6th av., club stables. fiuR bale?PONT opFnThaeton and harness, complete; price $150. Call at No. 114 West4Uthat.. where same ean be seen. ORSALE-A PON yTiIAETON, AT LOW PRICE; first class order. Address Y. Z.. Herald office. For sale, oh?a~p. for cash-finest turn" out in New York, consisting n: stylish speedv Mare (trots inside of 2 rfSO.i excellent light Wagon aud Harness. Apply at 10 West 41th st. For sale -two trucks in goodOrder; one lore single horse, one three-quarter sl?e; on account ol going to Europe I aui willing to sell cbt ap. Inquire HO King st. H. MORS EES. ijibR SALK LOW?FOR WANT OF USE. PONY BUILT 1/ Horse, 10 bands, suitable fur any hunnrss; Concord bxpress Wagon, platform springs, aud Harness; will sell separate. 37 Greenwich av. HTrnkbs.-cheai'est harness store in new York; good Buggy Harness, hand made, $lj; good Grocers Harness. $.5: good double Team Harness, $30; a good Horse Blanket, $1 50. Flense call und examine for Yourselves. FISHER A OSBORN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar clay st. HOW 18 THUS FOR LOW f Stable Sheets, (nil nice. 2 battens, for75e. Princes* Check ltlnnket* for $3 ."*> Oust year ffl). Lap Kobe*, very Hue plaid, wool. at ?<0 (worth $4 SO). W hlpe. bed niHlurcii, warranted, f I 50 (worth #4). Hammocks. bmt Mexican grits*, largo site, f J 40. Garden limn, belt it pljr, IV>?c. ocr font. Makers. good article, lor ii?c.: alto fine wool Sweats, Kobe*. Duaterii. Saddle*. Bridles, all very cheap. TUNIS JOHNSON. ?s l iberty at xtkw top ukockky wagonT*itwT lie itLtZAT xt lieth at VOT1CK IS HEREBY GIVEN TO LOUIS FRAAS, OR a.1 whom It may < oncern, that unleas the charge* are |>?id on a certain kteat lload Wagon beluro Monday, June 12, the same will be *old by VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY. at their Mart, 110, 11:! Kmt 13tU at., to pay storage. Ily ortir if Owner * Haley. mm 8A0DU rONY?LAOT CAN JMHYB OK X riile, 1(85; two Morses, $35, JHI; cheap. No. 2 7th a*. CPEKD.-CMESTMT IIOltSK. I ft II ANDS. GEN TLB. kj lenrle*s, can allow 'i :M price $150: handsome side bar top Wagon. #100; sacriflee. Ni rthweat corner Valley and 3d Its., South Orange, N. J. rpWO FAST HOUSES FOB SALE.?APPLY TO CHARLES 8. GREEN. Babylon, L. I. One a buy lidding, 15.1, by MiiMletowu. dam by Scelv'* American Mar; the other a bay brown, 15.3. by kire Craves. datu by a aon of Hill's Black llawk : both aplenuid Mid horses. TWO "~PONY ESTABLISHMENTS-CANOPY PIIAE tona. with rumblea. I TWO KLKIU T LANDAUS, by Miner A Stevens. TWO J.ICin Col PES, iiv Miner A Stevena. .> I fWO BAROLCHES, by Wood llros. S I TWO LIGHT VICTORIAS, by Wood Bros. P THREE EXTENSION TOP PHAETONS, by dty S I maker*. S ( TWO ELEGANT CARRIAGE TEAMS. 10 hand*. - ELEGANT BLACK ROAD TEAM: trot* In 3 minute*. ? I BEAUTIFUL PONY TEAM. I? hand* i ROAN TROT-TEH. 151, hands:'J :4 > gnarmtoed. _? TWENTY-SEVEN OTHER HORSEHj description tlm* r | o'a.ile. Nils day. at ARCH, JOHNSTON'S Miirt, IB to x 35 ! 3th St.. near I n iverilty place. Weather never < interfere* with our SALKS AT 10 O'CLOCK. | See catalogue above. "irEHICLEri IN KASIIION? V IN MODEST. PLEASING AND DURABLE COLORS. Landaus, Kockaways, Landaulet*, Cabriolets. Coaches, T ('Arts. Broughams, Phaeton", t'oupe*. Boston wagon*. ROAD WAOONS, either aide bar or elliptic suring A. S. FLANDRAU. 37J and 374 Itmome at., old stsndof llrewster A Co. fAWfEiriiioRM-:. k< it' k a way ok phaeton, with top: also Harness: must be cheap Tor cash NKLwON HOW, 44 West Broadway. jillir. FOU HOKSE, top KXPHBSS WAOON AND Vlw'J Hemes*; two low pricod llortc*; Buggy die up. !*>' West HHIi st. JIIIIiU.KElll AND DKKMSMAKlftt*. \T MARIE TILMANN'H, OK PARIS. lMPOKI'r.R Opening of fh?0ne?t, largest aasnrttttent nf Parisian Mitnmer Millinery ever bronglu to thi* market. 433 6th a*., Bear -'Kb at. tUte Michel's). MATUIMOMAl.. AVOI'NG WIDOW IN Tin-. fllY" DESIRKsTtO form the aeonaintanco of a timl'lle n-ed gentleman with a \ iew to matrimony. Address SINCERITY, Herald ?>lce. Uit<L.i.\ ltl?. American stand vrd itiLi.fakd tables, with Delaney's wire cushions. solely uaeil In all chain it|on>hip and maWh gan"-. second Band Tables at great bursitis. W. II. GRIFFITH A Co.. No. 4Q Vesev st. 4 SECOND HAND BILLIARD AND pool table iV for sale cheep. TAYLOR'S, .V.I Cedar st. I /"IOLI.F.NDKR'8 STANDARD AMKKICAN BEVEL i \ i Kill)aid TaMri, with the celebrated Chelan A Colleddef combination cushion*, fur sale In thla city only at 7.?8 Broad | way. ______ POSITIVELY THE ORKaTKsT INDUCEMENT* fcVKR L ullnred In new and second hand Billiard Table*. Call 1 and be convinced. ' L> PECKER A CO., corner Canal and Centre st?. PHI'i.AN'S BILLIARD TAIILK8-F0R SALE ONLY by GEO. E. PUELAN, wareroom 36 But 14th at. w rcritoFEw sTKA.nsiui's. CT0NAK1>"LI>K?B. AM) N. A. R. M. 8. K t50C J . NOTICE. With a viaw to diminishing the chances of collision, the steamers ot ibis line Uki a specific course fur *11 wamioi ot III* yeur. On the outward passage from Oueenstown to Now York or Button, crossing the taeidlau of Ju at 43 latitude ur nothing to the north of 43. On the homeward pannage, crossing the meridian of SO at 41' latitude, or nothing to tlie north of 42. FROM NEW YORK KOIl LIVERPOOL AXO ylEENS TOWN. 8CYTHIA Wed., June 14 1 BOTHNIA... Wed.. June 28 ALGERIA.... Wed, J una 21 I A BYSSIN1 A... Wed. July 3 Steatner* marked * do uo? carry steeraga passenger*. Cabin passage, $89, $|(?i and *1 J". gold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets on favorable term*. Steerage ticket* to and iroiu nil part* ol Europe at very low ratea. Freight and paasage olttcu No. 4 Howling Green. CHARLES G. FKANCKLYN, Agent. NCHOR I.INK UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS NEW YOUK AND GLASGOW ALSAT1A. ...June HI. 3 P.M. I CALIFOKNl A.J e84. 3 I' M. AKCHOH1A. .June 17. Noon | ETHIOPIA. .July I, Noon NEW YOKK AND LONDON. AUHTRAL.IA.June 10.4 I'.M. | A NOKIA luly 8.3 I'M ELYSIA luno .'4.4 I' M. | UTOPIA July22. 3 P.M. Anchor Line piera 2<> and 21 North Hirer. .New York. NEW YOKK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. LONDON OK LONDONDERRY. Cabins, $05 to $HO. enrrency. according to accommodation*. Excursion ticket* on favorable term*. Steerage, $28 currency; Intorinediato, $35 cifrrency. Ltftilts Issued f..r any amount at current ratea HENDERSON BROTHERS. Agents, No. 7 Bowllug (ireen. HambuboTmerican paok'et.Vompany k line for PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. POMMEKaMA lune 15 1 LKS8ING Iune2f H AMMONIA I one 22 | WIELAND July 6 Rale- ol passage to Plymouth. Loudon, Cherbourg, llain burg and all point* in England. Scotland and Wulea Cabin. ttrst saoon. gold $100 Cabin, second saloon. gold, Steerage, currency 30 KL'NHARDr A CO.. C. H. RICHARD A BOAS. General Agent*. General Passenger Agent*. 01 Broad st . New York. til Broadway, New I ork. MOST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC KOUTM TO UOL LAN11, BELGIUM. THE RHINE. SWITZERLAND. At:.. AC., VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer ROTTERDAM Jone B Steamer CALAND lune 22 These beiiutllu! steamers, carrying the l ulled Staiea mall to the Netherlanda, arc great tavorltea with the public. Trips regular, rates low; conilort and living perfect. Kor freignt. For passage. PUNCH, EDYE A CO. L W. MORRIS, Ml Hroadway. 1NMAN LINK MAI L~ STEAM EltS, KOR OUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. 1.1TY OK CHESTER Saturday, June lo, at 8 A. M. CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday. June 17, at 1 P.M. CITY OP KEKLIN Saturday.July l,at 1 P. M. CITY OP CHESTER. Saturday. July 10, ut 11 :ttt A. >i. CITY OP RICHMOND Saturday, .)alyat U:J0 jL M. Kroin pier 4ft North River. Cabin, $SO and 9HX), gold. Keturn tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. $28, currency. Dr ills at lowest rates. Saloons.atuteroouis, smoking and bathrooms amidships. JOHN (1. HALE, Agent, 15 and 33 Broadway. New York. WHITE STAB LINK. KOR QUEKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers of this lino tuke ill* Lane Routes recom mended by Lieutenant Maury, If. S. N'., going south ol the Banks on the passage to tjueeustown all the year round. ADRIATIC luno 10, at 4 P. M. BRITANNIC Juno 24. at 4 P. M. GERMANIC Julys, at 3 l?. M. CELTIC July 15. at 11 A. M. BRITANNIC luly 29. at 11 :3<l A. M. Front White Star Dock*, pier 52 North Kiver. Ratea?Saloon. $8>i and $100. in gold; return tickets on reasonable term*. Steerage, $28. Saloon staterooms, smoking and bath rooms are nlacod amidships, where the noise and motion are least, affording a degree ot coinl'ott hitherto unattainable ut sea. Kor Inspection of plans and other information apply at the company's office, 37 Broadway, New York. K. J. COKTIS, Agent. NI1M) STATfaS MAltTILINE-STEAM TO OL'EENS, TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, (ailing every TUESDAY, from pier 43 North Kiver. NEVADA. June 13, 10 A. M. I WYOMING...July 4, 4 A. M. WISCONSIN.June20, 3 P.M. | IDAHO luly 18, 3 P. M. Cabin, $85. 570 and $S0, currency. Intermediate. $40; steerage. $20. Passengers booked to and trom Paris, 11 umburx, Norway, Sweden. Ac. Drafts on lrelnnd, England. Prance and Ger many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A OI ION. 29 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE.?THE'SPLENDID MAIL STEAM* ship NEVADA sails from pier 4U North Kirer, loot of King St. for (juoenstown and Liverpool, oil Tuesday, June 13. at 10 o'clock A. M. precisely. Kor passage apply to WILLIAMS A GUION. 29 Broadway. North qerman lloyd. STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEM. Company's pier, foot of 2d at., Hobokcn. NECKAK Saturday, June lO I MOSEL.. .Saturday, Jnne 24 WESEK. ..Saturday. Juue 17 I DONAl'...Saturday, July 1 Rates of passage from New York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen :? Klrst Cabin, $100 gold; Second Cabin, $60 gold; Steerage, $30 currency. Return Tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid Moorage Certificates, $32 currency. Kor I rciglit or passage apply to OELRICI1.S A CO., No. 2 ltowling C,r?en. S*TATE LINK."" NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY. from pier 42 North River (loot of Canal si.) as follows;? STATE OK VIRGINIA Thursday. J une 15 STATE OK NEVADA Thursday, Jnne 23 STATE OK INDIANA Tnursday, Juno :? and every alternate Thursday thereafter. Kirst cabin $85 to $80. according to accnuimoilations; return tickets. $12.'>. Second cabin, $50; return ticket*. $?'>? Meerage at lowest rates. Apply tl AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, No. 72 Hroadway. Now York. Steerage tickets at 45 Broadway and at the company'! nler, foot of Canal St., Nortu River. N ATIONAL LINE-PROM PIERS 44 AND 47 N. it. KOR LONDON DIRECT. GREECE. Wednesday, Juno 14. 10 A.M. KOR OUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL SPAIN...June 10, 7:30 A. M. I ITALY...July I. 12:30 P M. EGV PT. .June 24. 7 :30 A. M. | TI1K (JUEEN. July H,3 p. M. Cabin passage $70 and $80. currency. Return ticket* at rednceu rates. Steerage passage. $2)1. currency. Dralts issued from ?1 upward at current prices. Apply at the company's office, UU Broadway. P. W. J. HURST. Manager. Great westeioTsteamshTp line. TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT. sailing trom pier 18 Enst River aa loilows :? ARAOON. hymnns Saturday, June 24 CORNWALL, Ma nip or Tuesday, .luly 11 Cabin passage. $7<>; Intermedlato, $45; steerage, $3<>. cur rency ; excursion tickets, $12'i; prepaid steerage ceitiflrates, $2tk Apply to W. D MOKtiAN. Agent, 70 South st. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (G. B.) lor the landing of passengers. The splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Conti nent (caoins provided with electric hells) will sail Irom pier 43 North River, foot ol Barrow at., aa follows:? PKANCE, Trudelle Saturday, June 10, *t 8 A. M. ?PEREIRE, Danre Saturday. June 17. at 1 I'. M. ST. GERMAIN, Recutoux.... Saturday, June 24, nt 8 A. M. CANADA, Krangeul .....July 1, at 1 P. M. LAIIRADOR. ??"anglicr Saturday, Jnly 8. at 1 I'. M. PRICE OK PASSAGE iN GOLD (Including win-) :? First cabin, $110 to $12 >, according to accommodation. Second. $72. Third cabiu, $40. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage. $2*1. with superior accommodation. Including wine, bedding and utensils, without extra charge Steamers marked tl\us ? do note arry steerage passengers. LOLT8 DE HEB1AN, Agent, .'w Broadway. ?\\TILSON line"-for" boutii'a"sTi*ton?and hlll IT sailing Irotn pier 53 North River, as follows OTHELLO June 15 I NaVARINO July 15 HINDOO July I | COLOMBO July 29 Kirst cabin. $70 currency; second c ibln. $45 currency. Excursion tickets on very lavorable terms. Through ticket* issued to Coutlnental aud Baltic ports. Apply, for full par ticulars, to CH ARLES L. WRIGHT A CO., IM South st. CIOOK'S EXCURSIONS TO"EUROPE AND TOUKIVT ) Tickets, through (treat Britain and the Continent, are available by any line of ocean steamer* and by any train upon any day and can be used by a single Individual as well as In ptrtlesof any number. SIMMER VACATION PARTY is now being ma.le Dp and ?ill tall by steamer Victoria, July S, lor a tour in Scotland. England, Belgium, the Rhine, Switterland, Italy and France. Mr. Thomas Coolt will accompany them from New York Prices for flr?t clas* travel, hotel anil all expenses. f:K() $!(*) and $.am gold. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST ct gsrding route, and the cost 'of iTcket/'to ,Bri0,",*,,on r*" Europe and America, price 10 rents bvm.i? *" P0'"'"!!* of COOK. SON A 'jENKINK, IF BU8IXEB8 I8 DULL ADYi&nZri"D IK BUSINESS IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT BETTER. Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM lul week Mondar. May 2ft 35,003 ADVKIlTlfKMKNTS. #l CENTS PEI LINK. Taeadar Decoration Day, no paper ADVKKri8K.Mt.NTH. M CENTS PKB LINK. Wedneadar. May :il S.">,fl00 ADVKUTlsKMKNTS, 20 CENTS FKH LINK. Thurwlav. June 1 41,8(10 ADVERT!-KMENT8. JO CKNTS per link. Frldar. June 2 :W,S30 ADVERTISEMENT*. JO CENTS 1'KK LINK. Satardar. Jgnfl 34,2<>0 ADVERTISEMENTS, JO CKNTS PKR LINK. Total lHJ,4jO ADVKIll ISKMKNTS, Jt> CKNTS I'KIt LINK. Lallv areraire ~ 'COASTWHIC 1TKAM*filMC, ^ PACIFIC M AIL STEAMSH P LINK. FOR CALIFORNIA. .1 AI'AN. I II i VA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. HKITISII COLl'MHIA, AC.. AC , aailinir from pier foot of Can?l *t . North Kiver. FOR .vx FRANCISCO. VIA lSTIIMTS UK PANAMA. COLON Saturday. J ate 10 ccnnectlnK lur Central Amcrlra anil tlia South nMh. For treitrlit or paeaaite apply *1" foot "f Canal at., North River II. J Itt'LI.AV, Superintendent. Y>ANAMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP COMPAfli, ~ FOR SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC PORT*, via ImIiiii'h ol I'uiimn. Sailing; from nior LI North Kivrr Stoamer CRESCENT CITY SATURDAY. May lur Aapinwall. connecting i la I'anama Itallroad at I'anuiaa with ftrnt i laas at*am?hip? lor porta a* aboee. For freight ur paaaage apply to. f (,,A|)K M ^ No. U Howling i.roon. F OR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. TI1K CROMWKLL LINK. The ateamahip KMCHBOOKKIt, Cniitaia Kemblo." on SATURDAY .lunn In, hi 3o'clock K. M.. tram pier N". 8 North Kivrr. Thronijti Mile ?t lading stlven to Mobile aod all principal point* on the'Miaa a>ippl Krrer. Cabin pa.aatre, SfV), ?t?i??r. $jr> Apply to CLARK A >EAMAN HQ Weat ??. ONLY DIRECT LINK FOR FLORIDA.-WKKKLV LINK for Port Rovnl. 8. C.; Kernainlina. Kin ; Kruu?wirk. (la.; Miling every Tharaday, iroiu pier JO Kui River I h? KtCHiner tJitY Ot DAI.LAS, Captain lime*, will aail Thnra day. .lime Ift. at 3 P. M . lor Kernandlna and Port Royal. Thronsh ticket, laaued to all p ilnia in Florida. For Ireiiclit or nanace apply to (!. II M ALLOKY A CO., or HEBMAN UELl'CKK, I j* Maiden Wae. JO COASTWISE 8T KADIS HIPS. * Havana a.m> Mexican mail. ss. line" Steamers leave pier No. 3 North Hiver, 4Uf .lL /OK Havana direct. ?'1TV Or MKRIDA I'uesday, Jiim )B CITY ??K VEKA CHI Z Thursday. June 15 Knit VEKA CRL'Z AXIl NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, Progreao, Campeachy, Tuspan and Tamplco. CITV OK MKKtlM I'uesday, June 13 Kor freight and passage apply to K. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 91 and 33 Broadway. Sleaniers u ill leave New Orleans J una 18 and July 9 for Vera I'rui and all the above porU. N'fcW YOKK AND havana DIRKCT mail link.~ These tlriil class steamships will tail hi 3 P. M. from pier North Uiver, foot of Cedar ?u, tor Havana direct, m loll COLl'MBUd Thursday, June ft WILMI NO I ON Tuesday. June JO Kor freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions. annlv to WM. P. CLVDE Jt CO., No. 6 Howling Onn. KcUUtKK, I.ll.lNG Jc CO.. Agents in Havana. Texas link for oai.vk.ston." at ke* West, carrying the United Mates mall. Ihesieamei citv OI- AUnTIN. Captain Kldridge. will sail on Saturday, June 1(1, bi :t P M., Irom uler 'Jii East Klver. Through hills ?< lading given to all points on the Houston and Texas, Central International and Orvat Northern, Galveston. llous ton and Henderson, and the Galveston, llarrlshurg and San Antonio Railroads. Freight and lasuranee nt lowest rales. Kor freight or passage, having superior acconimik ?aliens, apply to C. H. M W.L'MIV X CO., 163 Maiden lane. MORGAN'S LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, ~ for New Orleans and Texaa, will ??H every Saturday to New Orleans, transferring Texaa freight there to Morgan's Louisiana an<l Texas Railroad for Morgan t'iiy, tbeuce, per Morgan's lino of steamers, to Texas ports. The HRASHEAR will sail from pier 36 North River, New York, on r-aturday, June 10. at 3 P. II.. for New Orleans direct. Tliro'.uh bills uf lading signed to .Mobile, Galveston and to all points 011 tiio Galveston. Harrlsburg and San Antonio, Houston and Texas ( entral. international and (treat North ern. Texas and 1'ncitic and Traus-( outliiental railroads, and to ludtauoia, Hraaoa nautlago, Corpus Chrlsti. Rock port, St. Mary's and Kultoa. Freight for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Kockport. Lighterage and channel dues at either Corpus Cbristt or Brazos Santiago at tho expense and risk ol consignee. Through rates to Briwusvllle via Itio Grande Railroad. Insurauce can be effected under open tiolicy of C. A. Whit* ne.v A Co., New Orleans. From New York to New Orleans, per cent.; from New York to all Texaa ports via New Or leans. % per cent. I- reiglit at lowest rates. For freight or further in forma* Hon apply w0HABIigg K WHITNEY k CO.. Agents. nier 3d North Riv?r. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, * sailing from pier 37 North River. For Norfolk. City Point and Richmond, Tuesdays, Thar* days and Saturday's at 3 P. M? connecting with the Virgin!* ami Tennessee Air Line, Atlantic (.'oast 1.1 nr. Piedmont Ail Line, Chesapeake aud Ohio Railroad and with the com. nany's steam lines to Interior points In North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn and Washington, N. C. (via Norfolk), every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Lewes, Del.. Monday. Wednesday and rrlday at 3 P, M, connecting with Maryland anil Delaware railroad*. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Througu passage tickets and bills of lading to all pojntsat lowest rates, insurance to Norfolk, Ac., per cent. Freight received daily at pier 37 North Itlver. General olHces, I'.tl Greenwich st. N. L. McCREADY, President, O R NASSAU, N. P.?REG ULAR M AIL STEAM SHI* LhO leaves New York Julv 1. M1 ItKAY. FERRIS Jt CO., 62 South st. Iioii HALIFAX. N. S . AND ST. JOHNS. N. V. * CROMWELL STtJAMSHIP LINK. Stoamers leave pier IO North River following days, at 3 P. M. :? UEOROE washington Friday. June H GEORGE CROMWELL Tuesday, June -0 Most direct, quickest aud cheapest route to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and i ho Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent pas. senger accommodation*. For irelght or passage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, 86 West st. F TRAVELLERS' dV IDE. Albany and Troy kv day boats c vibbard and DANIEL DREW.?Leave Vestry st. pier atH:10 and '-J4th st. at 8:30 A. M., landing at Nyack aud Tarrvtown (by ferryboat). West Point, Nowburg, Poughkoepsis, llhine beck, Catikill and lludsou. ( lose connection at Albany with trains for the North and West. To West Point and Newliurg aud return, same day, $1; Poughkecpsie, $1 Oft ALHANY.-PKOPLK'S LINK. STEAMBOATS LEAVa pier 41 North Klver, dally. Sunday excepted, at 6 P. M.. for . lbauy and all points north ami west. Great reduc tion in tare: Excursion Tickets to Albany, Saratoga, Mon* treal and return. Meals 011 European plan. CROOK'S AMERICANTrOORAMMK KOR EXCURSIONS J and Tonrs to all points In the United States and Canads, showing over I.200 difteront combinations, is mar ready. Sent by mail on receipt of 10c. Cook's American Hotel coupons are accented at first class hotels at all princi pal points throughout ttie country, providing lor a full day's accommodation, and are sold at $3 50 oacL. COOK, SO.\~aT JENKINS, Broadway and Warren ? /^ATSKILL CREKK L1NK7^NEW_c1|A.MPION, TUES V ' day. Thurs'lay and Saturday, from pier 42, Canal st.f MeM AN US. alternate days, from Leroy st.,8 P. M. CUTIZENS* LINE STEAMBOATS FOR TROY AND ALCi .) points Northoast aud West, leave dally, except Satur day, at (J P. M., from pier 49 North River. I|10li NORWALK DIRECT.?FARK UKDI'CRD.-ON ' and after Monday. May ir>, the steamer AMERICUS will leave pier 37 East lliver, foot of Market St.. 2:45, and from foot ol ;wd st.. at 3 o'clock P. M.; returning leaves SontV Norwalk at 7:5<> A. M.. dally (Sunday excepted), connecting each way with Danliury ana Norwalk and New Haven Rail roads. Fare 35 cents. Excursion ticket* 50 cents. , ^ _____ IIALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON, via Newport and Fall R ver. Tlie world renowned steamboats BIUSTOL and PROVIDKNCB leave pier 'J8 North Klver. fool of Mnrray st., daily (Sundays excepted', at 5 P. M. Tbroagh tickets sold at all the principal hotels in the city. ? Highlands of the Hudson by daylight^ The MARY POWELL, for West Point. Newhurg, Puughkeepslc. Kondout and Kingston, landing at Colzens , Cornwall, Milton and New Hamburg, and Marlboro by ferry, will leave pier 3:J North River (Vestry St.), daily, Sunday! excepted, at 3:3U P. M. LD ESTABLISHED LINE FOR sflJYVESANT, CATS kill and iutermeiilate lan lings.?Steamer ANDREW IIARDKR, from Franklin si. (nier 35), Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; steamer MONITOR, Mtnday, Wednesday and Friday, at P. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ^ GRUAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave New York, via Desbiossos and Cort'andt street ferries, aa follows Express lor llarrisburg. Pittsburg, the West and Sonth, wltk Pullman palace cars attached, U :30 A M., 0 aud S 30 P. M. Sunday. 8 and 8:30 P. M. For Wiillamsport. Lock Haven. Corry and Erie at 0:30 A M. and H :3 1 P. M., connecting at Corry for Tltuiville Petroleum Centre and the oil regions. For Baltimore. Washingtuii and the South, ''Limited Wash. Ington Kxpress" ol PuIIiimii parlor cars dally, except Son. day. !i:3(> A. M.; arrive at Wnshlngtou at 4 :10 P. M. Regu lar at X :4(> A. M.. 3 and It 1' M. Express lor Philadelphia. 7, 7 ::<0, H:tO, 0:30 A. M.. 12:30 3, 4. 4:li>. 5,11, 7. H:3iI, U P. M. aud 12 night. Suudsy, \ li, 7, M ,:IU and t) P. M. Emigrant and second class. 7 t'. .\L For Centennial depot at 5:30, tl MJ. 7-30. S, 8:40,9:31) A M., 1J :3U, 3 and 4 P. M. Returning, ieavo Centennial der.ot at 7:15, S :13. 1ft 30 A. M-, 1:15, J 4. 5 3(). 0 and 7416 P M. For trains to Newark, Elisabeth, Rah way, Princeton, Tren ton. Perth Ainboy. Flemlu-uon, Helvidoru and other poiuts, see local schedules at all ticket otttooi. Trains arrive : From Pittsburg, U aud lOitl AM. and 10:201'. M. daily; 10:15 A M. amt ?:3() P. M. daily, ex cept Monday. From Washingtou ami Baltimore, H alO A M 4 Jl?5. 571a and 10:2S P. M. Sunday. 6:20 A M. From Philailelpiila. 5 :10, S :'JO, (1:55, 10:15, 11 :20, 11 :54 A. M.; 2:15. 4;i>5, 5:15, (!:10, H^yi. S;44 and I0-.25 P. M. Sun day, 0:10, <1:20. 0:55, 11 u54 A. M.. 6uV> and 10:25 P. M. Ticket ofllces, .>2H and 1*44 Broadway, So. 1 Astor House and lootof Des^rosses and Cortlandt st?-; No. 4 Court st., Brooklyn; No*. 114. 11(1 and lift Hudson St., Hoboken. I.migrant ticket office. No. 8 Battery place. FRANK THOMPSON. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Manager. General Passenger Agent. PHI LADELI'I HA VII U > NO BRA NO 5" AN D TH B New Jersey Sonlhern Railroad.?Kare lower than by any other route, commencing June 4, 1S7H. Leave New York from cler 8 North Klver, loot Rector St.. fl:45 A. M. fer Long Branch and Intermedial* stations; H:45 A. M, for Philadelphia. Ling Hraucli. Toms River. Vlneland, Ac.; 4 P. M. for Philadelphia, l,ong Branch. Waretown, and Tncserton. (II'. M.. lor Long Branch and intermediate sta tions. Sundays 9 .3D A. M. for Long Branch. W. S. SNEDEN, O. M. RONDOUT AND KINGSTON. CONNKCTIN(. WITH Lister and Delaware Railroad, landing at Highland Kal a (West Point), Cornwall. Newharg. Marlhorn'. Milton, Ponghkeepsle, Eaopns?Steamboats THOMAS CORN ELL and JAM KS W. BALDWIN leave, daily, pier foot of Spring st.. North river, ai t P. M. STONINOTUN LINE FOB BOSTON. Ke<taction of Km*. Hteuncri RHODB I.?LANU and NARRAOAN8BTT. from pier aa Nortj River, font of J ay ?(., at A 1'. M. IVovideiice Line, fioni pier 'J7 North Klvrr, foot of I'ark place. Steatnthipe ELECTRA and OALATl'-A, at 4aor.ll bgr I'OINT, NEWRI'IUJ, rot i;ll KEEI'SIB AND return ?aine day by day line atcamera. w KLItOPK. A. J. k W. HELIUM AN A CO., ?JH Broad at.. New York, lame Letter* of Credit to Traveller!, payable In any part of Europe. Aaia, Africa, Australia and America, draw liilla of Exchange and make Telearraplile Tranafert of Money to Europe and California. L OL'IS COl,AKD. Fahrlcant d'Artnea, Lie**. HOIKRN, KIMIMS, M WAXTKD. In thle tMtv mid Hrooklvn. AGEMTLEM AN WIkIIKH A ROOM FOR IIIM8KLF, without board, above Mth at.; mint ne on Srat or aeo ond floor. Addreaa l>. W B.. Herald office. V liENTLEMAN ANI? WIFE I>KSI KK IN ABOCt -A tea dajra two or three Boome, mltahlo for light honae keenlnt, with convenlenoea, In a quiet and reapeetahl# neighborhood and private family; tent about >40, AddreM box 1AI 111're Id l.plown llraueh office. nKsK ROOM~WANTEI?-HY A 1,1WYETCojTBROAD way, between I'nlton an<l Wall ata, Addreaa. Mating location and tenna. ItTATKN, llrrald office. W \mi.i> i:- r111L.adkjTi*iiia, a~ houhb, for it lour njnntlia. fnrnlalied or partially fnrnlabed Ad drew. immediately, II Portland av? Brooklyn, or M. U. i UK, IV Beafctnan W . New Vork. XjLTANTRD?HY a OENTLKMAN AMD WIFE. two f T Koorua. for hirht lion?ekeeiilup. In a private Iiouae; terma not over f 10 per luoutli. Address a". A., box 1.1 Herald office. lit the Cotiittrr. \V\ANTF.P-HOI TH HIDE OK LONO ISLAND OR ?T nenr Shrewabary and l<nn* Branch, a plainly for nl-licd Co taio Honae at very WMOcrato rani. Rtate ail par tirulara and addreaa M. J. box Herald office. ANTRD r<? HIRE A rUBLIC ItOVML FUR*, nialied or unfuniMted, in the country. Addreaa, for one week. (<? W A I,I. A? E. 1,'J.VI Broadwa>. WANTED TO RENT?a" HMA I.L HOISK.W [Til I? A m >hori illatanre of the city: nmt be in perlret order; rent moderate, Addreaa. *tattng location and term a, HART, Herald I |it"wn Branch office INMIIII l l(t>i 1) ErWDKNT ri'TOK Vol Ml ksfiGTIIKXW frIC J k tiroa above altaation? lluent French. piano and organ. Uerman and ruditnenta of Latin. Addreaa TUTOR, Herald ufficc. foT~?TH A V?FKENCH MtrtrtONR WITH A Ft'RB XOJL pronoa notation, given in private familiea or at pro lesaor's realdence. by Mr. OAKR A U, formerly A " and moaieer of the Uairertit/ of fraaM. w