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vtflTUARY. O^OltUS SAND. One ot il>c greatest women kuown to moaera litera ture. George Sand, died ut I'nrls yesterday. auunuui' Aurore Lucile Dapin wan born tu Paris, in 1804, and wiu descended from the celebrated vioiur of Foutetioy, Marshal Maurice do Saxe, natural >on of Augu-tua II , Klny ot l'oiand, and tlio beautiful Couu tus* Aurora vua Kueulgatnark. Her grandmother, nut ur.i! daughter ot ttic Marshal, being loll the widow of the Hungarian Karl of Horn, marricl tho French no hleniau Dupin de I'raueueil, a provincial State Ircaai urer. llcr futher, Maurice Duplu, of whom she Lias pub lished many charming letter* iu her "Hutolrc do 'Aa Vie," died iu 1808. fioui a fall troiu u horse, alter hav ing served with disti etion in the republican and im perial armies, llcr mater nil grandfather ?iu a dealer in birds. Shu spent her childhood ul the manor ot No liaut, near l.a Cbuiro, 111 the ancient province of Horry. There she received litr cailiess educutiou from Mme. Duplu. her grandmother. When still a child sho lu veuted endless stories, her louder youth being nearly absorbed by the composition ot a colossal romance which sho never wrote, but whole hero, Coratnbi, half pagan, half Christian, was the ideal of her dreams, ami one to whom stio erected, in her mind and heart a beautiful altar, just as tioclbe did to l.igbt. Old legends told by her grandmother and some other ladies during the long winter nights had 10 a great extent developed that Inborn predisposition of young Auora. As sho lived in a retired place iu the country ulic was tond of the poetry to be drawn trom rural scenes, and, having nobody else to play wan hut peasants' children, she dreamed ot absolute coniiuuuity uud perlect i quality. She retired witlnu the walls ot u convent, possessed at that time (1817-18:0) by lho Kugliah Sisters of St. Augustine, Hue des Fosses St. Victor, 1'uris. Once on the eve ot the Assumption, when she had accomplished her lilicouth year, an ardent devotion to the Sue rod Heurt ot Mary teplucod, as It by magic, her heretofore precocious scepticism, and site resolved to lake Iho Veil. Her confessor, who was a Jesuit lather ind uli intel ligent muu, perceived that his luir penileut, in spite ot ( i csuut appearances, was 110 more a St. The rose tbun tin lilmscil was u Quaker, und with tact and knowledge ot (tie human heart iho reverend tamer succeeded iti the course oi a low mouths in curing lurever Aurora Uuptu of her religieuse (over. In 1820 sue returned to Kuhaut, where she closed the ?yes of her grandmother iu ucath iu .the winter ot the following year. Iho study of tho works of Jeun Jacques Koussvau decided her inclinations "Kuitle," the "Ijeltres de Montaigne" and the "Control social" eutrunced her. llor conlestor having severely remonstrated with her on the impiety ot such u study us lliat ot Housscuu's works, she secedcd at once and forever from the l.'uili otic Church. In the meaiillme her mind uuderweut (uite a iranslormation. The "moralists'' having de lircyed Iter illusi us, sho became imbued with a stroug taint ot Kane's melancholy. Soon alter ilyron shook what still remained ot lior tornier Ideal, aud Shake speare gave it thu coup if- y<occ. Having returned under thu control of her mother, sho had dally to contend with a most irritable temper, and in order to escape the maternal petty tyranny she married, in lH'Jl', when only eighteen, Huron Dudcvaul, Ibe sou of au ancieiil olllcer ot tho linpcriuMiuard. by whoir. -lie had two children, a sou and a daughter. Although sho very likely was unlit lor conjugal life as understood in society (in Franco especially), let It be und here, Iu order to vindicate her memory trotu tho many malicious imputations circulated by her ene mies, that llaron Hudevani should have been the lust mau to marry such a superior woman Addicted to drink uud gaiubliug, he s'<ou dissipated his own for tune and his wife's marriage portion. ?<> that she amiably parted trom him in 1831, aud went to Paris with tier daughter, purposing to use her remarkable talents In drawing und jaunting, and thus wiu money enough to provide lor her wains and those of her children. Sho set to work with euergy. translating foreign romances, drawing portraits and painting mi croscopic (lowers and birds on snufl boxes aud rose wood cigar esses. Iu order to enjoy more freedom iu Iho French capital, and, above all, to attend tho great theatilcal performances ot thai tune without being exposed to improi>or remarks, she resumed the mule appare! which she had so long worn in her childhood, and soon became popular ?inong artists uud literary people. Hut she hud still munv hard rebukes to encounter beloru laying thu llrst stone 01 her lame. M. de Kerairy, a proiuimut novelist and director ot a periodical review, to whom she was intio duced, disdainfully told her luat **u woman must not write." BaUac hilnsell, tlio great HaUac, did not pay much attention to her literary projects, so strong mid powerful was the geh'-'ial prejudice against fcuulo writers. But Delatoiichc, tho publisher ol' lite t'xja-o, welcomed iter with sympathy und accepted her conlri butious to his paper. This was tier ilthut iu literature, being then nearly twenty-eight years old. She then undertook to compose her Ursi novel, "Rom et Blanche," with Mr. Jules Sandeau. from whom she took aud over since retained her now illustrious n??i tie ytum<, (Seorito Sand. ''Indiana," which she wrote and published in isiVJ, caused i|Uiio a sensation in the literary world. Soon afterward came "V lenliuu." followed by "l.eha" (lS3;i), one of tno most remarkable r?m<t?.'<(> hut in* ever published. She then started on a tour ihrough Italy Iu company with Alircd de Mutsck She came back to Krunce iu l-:unanJ. in a series ol lomuuces, completed by thu '?l.ellers ol a Traveller." published her "Italian Im pressions." ''Jucques," "Anilre," "l.eoue," "Leotii," ??Muion" (183.% lN.'iti) are nearly entirely devoted to the laud ot Kieuil, Mariuo-Faliero and Musanicllo. In lSuti her relations witII her husbund became worse than ever, aud a decree ot the Tritiilhil-Civil granted her le gal separation trom bun and gave her the exclusive edu cation of their two children. She thou visited Switzer land (whcticc she returned just iu tlmo to receive lior mother's hi>l breath) Mid tell in love with the grout composer Frederic Chopin, with whom she spent eight years, and who accompanied her to Majorca In IMS. Kraut to l'Kis she hud contributed largely to Iho Rrrut tlrt After the production in "Puuline" iu ibe same periodical (1841) she broke ?it once her relations with it. because us director re luscd to print another romance of hers ("Horace") upon the gruuud that it wus immoral. The Revolution oi 184* excited ticorge Sand's mind, 'he threw- herself with the utmost ardor itito the revo lutionary movement. Sho contributed to tup socialist tvgau. /.<i CummuHC tie J'urit, with Itarhes, Tobrier und I'ah tigne. However busily engaged she was then in jio'.ltlcs, stio aad not hidden tsrcweli t i art. but a sudden taste tor dramatic compositions hud taken possession ol her tnliid. Her hrst play, "Cesium, ou la Haine dans i.uiiour." a druiuii hi Bvo acts, met with a > omplete failure (1S4*); "l.e Hoi Attend" il84l>), had tho same late; but "Ft nucoi?-lc-Cbanipi" und "Claudia," played at ilie Otli-oii (Is4y-I8.1l) were two triumphs. One' of her works, "Kile et l.ul," wus directed against tho memory ol Alircd de Mil-set, and was revcrely cen nuled by In - brother in tlio Isiolt. "l.ui et r.lle " I iideiatigable. In spite ot the most painful domestic trials (she had successively lost her beloved daughter, l>nc grandson aud her only ueice), tieorge Sand, who bad prelude.i her third style Willi "l,es Dames Verles." (tc., brought out iu l^ul "l.e Mar>pus de Villeiner," a masterly Work. Alter ward came aividre." -lai Viile Noire." "Taiuuris.'' "Mademoisello l.a Qlin tinie" (Isik,). a religious aud phllosopiiicitl romiinco, expressly written with tuo purpose 01 reiuting Octavo Feuiliett's mv-tic theories embodied iu his "llisioice de la Sibyllc. " George Sand's next wo ks, partly pub lished hist la th'' Ret I' 1 Irs li-us Mumir*. eoiubit.O all the bloeni, liveliness and suavity ol youth w ith tno maturity ol genius and un oxt|Uisite purity ot stylo. Her reiietrkable prefaces to Jeau Jacques lious te ill's confessions, to OlH'rmatiu aud to Wer tner, as well us her notes on many Flench ami foreign u ithors, and a series ol o-says ou dillereut mailers oi art, science and llteialure, is well as arti cles 01 crilici-m 111 aoino htbrary aud political reviews, ?re worthy of note. In 1*57 she was intrusted by I'.milo ue tiirardln aud Neilizcr with the literary editor ship ot '.lie I'rttst, and iu tliut capacity wrote two vol umes ot articles under tho liupreleuttous title of "Auiour de la 1 able. *' At the same line ahe was eu psr.*d oil the O'urnrr dr I'urit in a series of letters entitled "Courrlerdu \'iliagu.'' After ttie example ol ?o many Illustrious public lueu ot this century tieorge Sand was induced to write, IU IM, us a himli'im lo ibe Journal /.<? lYrttr, her ??Memoire.-," alierwurd published iu volumes.. When Iho disastrous war of 1870 broke out George 9anu w rme, iroui Nohant, where she bad residod lor 1 Several years past, an eloquent appeal In behaii of peace,"?in?e coQliuiiance aloue would allow hiituaolty tu solve tho s-icial protHeni* now at hand and lo email c;| all ttse 11 nuaily Irotn the double headed poituco religious yoke ot kings and priest-." Hut Hie word beloi . rd lo swords aud ifUi.s, and, al though her owu region escaped lti?mariT?'s hosts, she lia>i ine sorrow ot witnessing lor the third time in her lite the invasion, crushing tlcleat and disuieinberuifut 01 1 ranee. She went to Tours, where the "Delegation ol tho 1 Nat ion a I'' was installed, with Gambclta as , viitual Dictator ol Prance tieorge Sand proceeded 1 aiou^ the I rvuch lints so lar as ah? was |termliied to , go, taking notes aud sketches ot the heartrending : see Ik's ol ruin, mourning nud desolation. When Die : Kraiico-iiertnan tragedy was concluded she published 1 Iu the H' ? .M <in /hiu Y"i h r "Jourual tl'iiti Voya^enr IVadant U tiucrre." which, besides iieing a Splendid puijO of phlloauphv aud gtund description of the norioM cf war, is, at the same time, one ot tho moil Impartial chapters of l'r?iiich b itory to be con sul 1 I'd. The iihulrion* romanclst, *rtm and Philosopher w?s a tall, stately wi mm, with Italian leamre", a splendid brow uud large datk eyes, llcr hair, whitened by tlio 1 ?now ol years, enli.un ed tho dtgnity of her paie luce, ahtcli was rarely illuminated by even a melancholy su. lie During the greater part ol her llfo she used to wear Uivnriaeiy a Uilii suit ma-Jo id a black cloth. Womau's skirl, With Isige cloth bullous. 1 nd iasteucd with a hlac> leather belt; a lii.iti > square jaeket, made of the Samosliifl; a man's shirt, with collar and silk neck tie. When oul ul doors she wore a tuou-quotaiie's liut, either white or black, according to the soasun of the yecr, but always deprived of the classical long feather characteristic ot Alexander Dumas' heroes. For many years alio had kept only a "pied n terro" in I'aris, Hue llutine; In the tieurt ol that eternally young Quit' lier Itilni. where she enjoy ed a sort ol worship Irom the thousands of student* whom she loved like so many bro'hers. Her lienavotcncc w is extreme, and it Is geie-raily conceded that, like Alexander Duuius, pero. I.evrge sand waa giltod ?itti a kind heart. Sho waa Very fond of cats, which she warmly deiended. and ?lie prahU'd their Inborn tudependence, "winch.1 faid she, -'does not excludo adections aud fidelity lor people who treat theiu properly.'" >ln' was ou that /iight matter, as la many others far &ior? importuat. quite the antipodes of her celebrated contemporary and Ir.eud, Frederick Souiitf, who. in oue ol hut books, wrolit tbu following sentence:?"Wliat is Ixi.-l In man ik the dug," which George Sand happeniug to read, she sent to Soultd this witty uou>:?"You surely meant dear r redone, thai what is best in (log la ibe mau." mhe always iguurtd hatred toward any iierson, even her enemies. Hut there were two thiu^s which she cordially batiM, church belts and guns, "the uno and iho oilier mado with the same dark and gloomy metal, liron/.tt, and symbolixing thoac two iniplurutiie enemies ol liberty und fraternity, priestcraft and mili tarist!!." Saud's talent Is undisputed even by the op ponents ot her idea-. All her productions do not stand at the same height, hut most ol her produc tions in their integrity bnve bestowed upon her hr Huui and dural>l? laiue. She deserved it partieu* l.irly lor the power of lutcrnal observation with which the described human pas*iou? and bar poweriul imagin ation able to create, without the least apparent ell'ori, legends, scoues und characters altogether original and charming. Aa to her own doctrines, she has takvu the care of ttumiuiug them up in the tallowing package of her "Histoire de Ma Vie" (part 11., obup. IV.):?"My iclip n was uever at variance as to lis fundamental pnuclplcs; the lorms ol the past have vanished lor me, uh lor my century, before the light ol rollectlon, but tho eternal doctrine of Believers?a inorcitul God, itu Immortal soul and the Itnpos ot the other lite?that Ik what has resisted all analyst*. all discussion, aud even lutcrvals ot desperate doubt." DB. WILLIAM AUOtHIUS STi'.ABXS. President William A. Stearus, of Amherst College, died suddenly of paralysis of the heart lost eveutug. He was much exhausted by the long taculty meeting of yesterday, but attended prayers yesterday morning. Ho tainted during seivicc and continued weak through the day, though ublo to wuiic about the house, and ivas not considered tu u dungcrous condition uutll about six o'clock, wheu ho suddenly expired. Or. Stearns was the sou ol the ltev, Samuel Stearns, ol Bedlord, Ma.-s., und I was born at lledlord, 130a. He graduated at Harvard ' College 1&!7, and was inuuguruted President of Amherst ; College 1S-V1. He was author or n work on Inialit Church Membership; a sermon ou the Orthodox Con ' grcgatioual Churches, one before the Ancient and iiou oraoie Artlliery Company ot Boston, ouo ou Daniel , \\ ehiiter, 1S.VJ, itnd other dlsrourses. Ho was also ? | IrequMit contributor to religious periodicals. JOSEPH MAI;Kir. Joseph Marsh, stulionina-ter ul Buffalo X. V., and lor many years with the New York Contrnl und Hudsou River Railroad Company, was lound dead iu his bod at tho depot yesterday morning. It ih supposed that ho was attacked with apoplexy. He was sixty-seven years of agu. HON. H. H. HI'LL. Hon. H. H. Hull, of Bath, N. Y., who was attacked with paralysis three weeks ago, died yesterday morn ing at six o'clock. He was tho editor of the Bath Courier lor u qua iter of a century, aud one of tho most distinguished and well known writers ot the weekly provincial press. The luneral will lake place on Satur day next at three o'clock. J. V. P. qoackknbcsh, m. p. Dr. J. V. 1*. (juuckvnbush, a leading physician of AUiauy. X. Y., and at one tlma Muyor, died very sud denly yesterday afternoon, while riding In his carriage, of, supposed, heart disease. CHAItLKS MURPHY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Charles Murphy, a member of the well known paper aud books house Urtn ot W. W. Murphy & Son, of Phil adelphia, died in that city yesterday, to tho great regret of u very wido circle ot frieuds iu commercial circles and private society. He wus vastly respected as an upright and industrious citucn. art sales. , Sales ot art worts aro usually managed so that they will not 'lnterlere with each other, but this week no less than four Anns have selected the sumo days aud commenced their sales yesterday. At Plimpton Hall the Messrs. Loavitt began their bric-a-brac sale, which includes articles which would pleaso the taato of all clas-es, from school girls' trmkeu lo objects of interest , to the man ot science or the connoisseur, articles which j give pleasure und lustructtou, und others which aro j valuable lor their rarity and add interest to cabinets of j curiosities. Among the articles sold yesterday were j Japanese aud other boxes, vases, stands, bronzes, por celains und lacquers?Jupauese vases selling for from 00 to *Sa 00, being from seven to lilty-loiir inches iii height and of various styles of ornamen. tiition some of Oriental porcelain, others or lacquer wire ' Sevres porcelain plates, tea seu vwes, ualr bringing *4o, and saucer* plates, Ac., oi Dresden. Wedgowood, Fayence, Sevres, Worcester and IK'lli waro brought from ten ccuis l" ^ * Sevres ?lale, with portrait ot Louis X\ I., m>unt? d as a I ??d receiver, brought $U1. A |pa.r ofhaudsomeclol a moo avaaes twenty-two inches hull, brought $45. A ol c oisonnu ouauioi sold lor $.10. Jt?e sale to ,1 iv will commence with a pair of brass an lirotis which were the property ot lltenuerhassei when shot by Aaron 1 Uurr. A Ch'ueae punch bowl six leot m circumference 1 and one ill depth, set ill a tripod thirty Inches high, wh,cu wl?ailhe 1'aris K*i?.ition oi 186S. and is one ol the largest and most unique .u decoration in this country would make a valuable addition to the rooms : ol ono or our clubs ot litrntti uud artists. A Iwautiful i table ot tulip wood inlaid with panned placques of Sevres porcelain, a brouzo brasier, several articles of ' cloisonne enamel'vases ol old Kaga and ^wmua ware, end otners ot crackle ware are included auioui, the urll to be sold to day. A quantity oi valuable pottery from Cyprus unU luca (I'eru). and a lew pieces from Nula, near Naples, and Kallr Ijottery from south Africa; warlike implements inado ot stone by Nurih American Indians, specimens ot quartz, petrified ieuvi?- polished mates, Labrodoriles aud other miner !u" ?rrai comi.le.e* suits of armor, with parts ot HUii'i helmets, it crossbow, old muskets, l,tbt"'8' I awiirdi, &c.; three suits ol Japanese armor and tw. ? swords which were exhibited nt the 1 aris Kxposition I of IV..'.; (lower pots', vases, platters, <\:c., ot Chinese, 1 aveiiC ' HiesiK'ii and Sevres porcelain, includiug a ! handsome Fontaineblcu pit. her decorated by U. Massy, and a number >>l iiiediillKui portraits in bronze or cele brated me u. The c.nary consists of seven pieces, I two beiii" iile i.. luures, olio representing l*jjao i re ijy to he ?uci.llced. by Handolpli lienors; ?Will o'the Wisp." with the mischievous eir soalcd ou lily I mils and iioldin;,' ul?>u his treacherous torch, by Harriet llomner a lite mi" husi ot Franklin, bv Hiram 1 owers, roiTresentitig him in his best years Urn ami delicate in modelling, and I'1?1"5? ,u : ' expression a small figure ot an ??Angel is by Kmraa ! Stebbins, aud there Is a small copy ot tho ? Apo'lo llel 1 videre" and figures ot "Diana and ksmoraUU, all ! in i.iurble. these, with the |uintiug ot "St. \ erouica ? H:iudkoichief." will be included in to day s aalc, whic.i | S lioi?iu** ai two o'clock, ut Ciiutoii ilall. Vt Matliew..' art gallery. No. 5T Liberty street, the ! conclmtim: salo ol pictures from the Academy of ?>o siu'u nud oilier tourers will b-g.n at noon. AuiongtLcm are "tho Seasons." by William Hurl; Mulvany * New York and Brooklyn Academy pictures: "Leading Los ,.,n, ?? tiy liuv ; "Demi llroko,' by J. (?. Lrown, llio Academy pictures, bv Uyder. J. J. Hammer, Cropsey ; "fcant Sum To-Night," by D M Carter; u ?iwi liullt '' by limes#, and example* of Mur?i?, MrU-hcr, ^ Walter Sail. rle<-, T. L. Smith: "A Lovely Little Spot 1 on tho Esopus Creek," by l?avi<i Johnson: "\n Oc?ob'*r J Day." bv t .s.foar, and "View on the Hudson by ( : Hermaii Fueluel. ??l loreign artist* are works ^ I IKoinbled, Casiau, Alboy, Kebouit, Louis I?a?alle aud j ?lAt'Marker & Co. V. Xos. ?; imd 40 Liberty street, the second oi their three days'salo commeueea at? noon , to dav William Moruan's lite s co ll^ure or an llaliau ( eirl will bo sold to day. It was one*or the iavorito pictures at the Academy Kxiilbtlion, representing on , !? luvas wiiat eorresiKJiids p- the andautlne movemeni in i xUndelacohnV "Songs Witliout Words." there are two smaller pleiures bv lulu; a vigorously |>ainled ? ( att e ' i I -iiitNeaDe ' t>V J Olden Wood; n landscape, just . nln X easWor ln.?-,and examples ot David iohn Hon Mars ton Kfali, Slayuard. J. H. Heard. Laslmau l Joh'n^on M B. ouenheiioer, J. tl. Urown, J. Lyman, i Jr . Harvey Youna. M 11 Oakey, Hob?rt C\ M.nor tl M Car er Jeii'.iie llrowuscombe, .lobn Thorpe and many oilier*. I'he sale will l>e concluded to-morrow Ul ?'a Liberty street, the sale ol marble atataeui* vises, -ard receivers aud other articles ol use and ornament, yftiich ?a* eommcucod yestoi- | day, will be conclude.! lo day ai noon. | TI1E SOUTH CAUOUNA LYNCHING 1 AFFAIR. [From the Char"estt.n (S. C.) News and Courier.] The captious critic will scarcely find fault with iho tone and temper or Governor Chamber lain a proc lamation on the subject of the lynching ot the Harmon murderers, ror the whole purpose of It Is to poiut out the danger to society or such acts, however provoked. ?r,d to remind the public, tu their own interest, ol tho inexorable teed ??r maintaining the la?\ s supremacy, v* tho Chier Magistrate or tho Slate, lioiornor Cham borlain could s .y no le-* than he has said, nor could it II >rraon murderers. What we could not do when the I iiorior* "t the deed for which ihe murderer* died were , ir. ^ii in our recollection we cannot do at lliis laler dat. | Uui (iovernor Chamberlain uiu-t remember uenee t? a plant of slow growth, and that lor year* i p.-l tho people have had reason to doubt the omcieacy of the courts in mis State a? a ! m.aiis Of punishing cruiil iaK lhe rct?r'18 the courts are Jeep with mis trials and ac (initial through the instrumentality or ingenious law vers or ignorant jurn'S, and lor l^o year,, in common opmiop, pardons <?<iuId always be haJ by those able and w Hin J ? pay lor the,.. It ?as itio tear tnal Uie Har? mon mnrilerers would escape, ?s other cr.inlnais had ,Which provoke.i the Kdgertold lynching. butter course a?.uld hava Uen to try the law once sicnui. and resort to .ludce l.jnch only when the con I fciuuted tribunals <>r justice had fMle l to mete out to I ti|4* uiurd* r?n> Uie tiooni ttovjf dei*ervea. t | n reading the accoui.1* of the lynching it will doubt, less have hs-eii notice?l that a number of ceiil'emen sin.vo hard to persuade the lyurhiuc l^riy ?"r .in eairyiug their d?t?rn.iiiaiiou into etTect. Ad we remind tho ttfat in such inShility t" control bodies ot men whose naasion* are excited lies tho daug.r of mob ! ?? of any kiud and under any circumstances. I Th. M?t5?r?uiu ol tha Kn W?u ? ao?.a C^ 1 grew out of the organization or a sootMjr far strictly J? fluoii drlousi vc purpose*. lis object*, in its original lorin. were eminently proper; but it soon changed in character, ana was made tbe means of wreaking j?r? vato vengeance on poor wretches who wore guiltless of the act* for which ibey buffered. And ko will it be, If experience 14 any guide, whenever private uitisuu3 u>-urp the functions of the law'* appointed officers. The temptation to uiuke n quick ending of red handed criminal* ta otten, wo admit, almost too strong to lio resisted; hut it ih 1 'est lor the Suite, bes-t for every man. woman and child in it, that such deeds as tho Kdgelleld lynching should never bo committed. The whiter cannot ex|>eci the negroes to respect the law if they nivo thorn a ruiuuus exumplo by setting the law at deflauco. A GIliL SHOlT i A STUUtt TUAGKSY IN CI1XTX-NM, WXOMISO TEItltlTOBX. [From the Cue . enne Leader, June 4.] j Last evening, shortly utter eight o'clock, MUs Jennie Martin, a sister-in-law of our City Clerk, George B. Stimpsou, and aged lilteen years, walked up Seven teenth su eet. She was leading her sister's chill and was accompanied by Miss Minnie Montgomery, a girl of about the same age. Beaching Eddy street tho two croited it, and at Underwood & McGregor's corner turned to go up Eddy street, Intending to visit tho Catholic church. Miss Montgomery noticed soveral colored boys playing In tno centre of the streot, but i paid no attention Co them. The girls wnlkod along uud i hud gotten but u lew yards from the corner?Miss > Montgomery being ou the outer edgo of tho walk, with the child between her and Miss Martin?when, the lat I tcr's head being turned slightly toward the : building, u shot was llred almost in Miss Mom gomcry's luce, and her coiupaniou loll upon tho walk, 1 11 unxll round hole in the riylii u-in pie, nour to au<i a 1 llttioaliovo the eye, showing wlieru the bullet had ' eutt red the brain of ttie unfortunate girl. Miss Mont gomery at once screamed lor aid, uud. bolore it readied her, ejidoavored to raise tho body herself, tlio right hand of the murdered girl still clasping that of her little relative. People rushed to tho spot, and tbo corpso wm con veyed lirst to Fred Ijtudau's market, when, atlur the face hud been wuslied, it was taken to Mr. Stlmpson's | residence, when an Inquosl will bo held upon it to-day. At first speculation was rife its lo how uud by whom the deed was committed. Two or three ladies who were walking ou Ferguson street hoard tho shot, uud lmiui'dmlely alter met a man running at headlong s|H.>cd In the direction of tho depot. It was thought by komo that be had tired tho fatal shot, probably by accident, uud, becoming alarmed, was hur rying to catch some out-bound train. Our vgilaut SheriI!, Nick O'Brien, was ou hand, however, and within an hour alter the commission of the net the suspected party was t-aloly loilgQd in jail. It proved to be u youug c .lured tioodlum nuniod Butler. A. rather well authenticated report reaches us to the effect that young Itutlorhus mudo threats against the Die of Miss Mai l In, and it this be true there can be no doubt but that he committed the fearlul uct deliberately? creeping quietly upon his victim, taking ouly too sure aim, mid pulling the trigger with the coolness and skill ot a practised marksman. We hope it was not a plan ned murder, but even if accidental the boy, or those who allow him to carry a deadly weapon, should sutler lor this appalling acu TROOPS IN THE SOUTH. [From the Mobile (Ala.; Register, June 4.] The Indians are slaughtering tho miners in Dakota, and now the Washington despatches represent that tho 1'rosidcnt, having beou asked for troops to protect some of tho frontier settlements, has responded that there ure no soldiers available for the purpose, "as they uro all now on the march" In tho columns moving ngainst tho hostile Sioux. But the truth is that of the whole army lorco of -6,000 men not more tbuu u tlfth are engaged in tho Sioux campaign Four-llltbs of the rematudor are not eugaged in uny service of honor or profit to tho country, uud if they cunuot bo usoil lor the del'enco of tho people where delence is needed the sup plies that keep them in the employment of the govern ment, where they are neither useful nor ornamental, ougut to be peremptorily stoppeJ. Theto troops now needed ou ttie I'lains aro doubtless held In hand throughout the Southern states to control the November election. Let the frontier reniuiu un euarJed; lot the scalping knilo alone, for Alabama must be kept lu the hauds ol Spencer I The life of a white man. the protection of white women and chil dren upon tho Plains is nothiug to tho voto of a black man for Blaino or Conk ling. LONG ISLAND RAILROADS. Mr. J. B. Wurban, a stockholder and director of the Long Maud Uailroad, has obtaluod an injunction against the Poppenhuson Company, restraining them from oxecuting a proposed leaso of that road on tho ground that it will be u detriment to the I<ong Island road, anil probably involve it Id bankruptcy. A motion Is made to reudor the tujuuclion perpetual and argu ment upon the mutter ts to be had belore Judge Pratt at Brooklyn. STABBED IN A FIGHT. In tbe First District Police Court at Jersey City, yes terday. Robert Scheiiueyer was brought up tor stab bing Benjamin Black. The partios resido at NTo. 103 Bay street, and have been in tho habit of quarrelling. During Wednesday night a challenge was issued by Black and accopted by Scnolmeycr to flgh^it out tu the yard attached to the house. Black was tbe first to force the lighting, and when Scbeiineyer struck up wurd to ward oil a blow alined at his lace, he buried tho blade ot a knilo lu Black's urm. That ended the light. Olliccr Wulsb was 011 hand at this point und ar rested Scheimeyor, who was committed for trial SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES OV DEPARTURES VUUM NEW YORK VOR TKIB MOSTBS or Jl>L AXU JILY. tail*. | ]>t*inaltun. I Oflte. Spain.. .... Adriatic L'tty ul Cheater.... Australia Al?atia Ncikar I- ranee Nevada ?*cvtkla Mute ol Virginia., Pouimcrania Wfwr City ot Hich aioud. June l*i re i re V nc!iorla V ixciiiiiiin IJ une June June .) u ue J lino June June June June J une J u ue June AI tfrri H, State or Nevada... 1' Inland II umuiuuU Ilritaniiic Ktypt...... Kit >lu St ilermuia Ciilfoiiiia Mn?el ltotlim.a LmeIn* Mate ni luilUua. City Merlin.... Italy Kthiopla ? 'iiiadii I ion .in W Wtela-iil The Qiiooii June June: J n no : June '. lime : I une'. I une; I una 1 June '. Jt:ne : J une lime Jnnn Jul. luiy I n'r I ill T tn'r hit* i ni* Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool London.... (ilnnsuw.... Bremen..., Havre Liverpool.. Liverpool., (?iattk'ow... Ifamhurj;.. It re men Llvei pool.. Havre (?laamiw... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. (tl'IKL'OW , . Kotterdaui. Hamburg.. Li vi rjious.. Liverpool.. !.olidotl Havre liljtCO* . . . Bremen.... Liverpool.. II HiunoiV..^ow.... Liverpool.. filllM.-OW.. .. Havre B reman... I .Ivi-rpool. . flHI I.lvvrnool. (leiuamc IJnly f. I Liverpool. ilill Hroadwnv :n Hroadway 15 Broadway 7 Howliii- i.roen 7 Howling Oreaa "J Bowling Oraaa ?V. llroadway U'.'Broadwtiv 4 Bowling i.raaa 7a Broadway ?>1 Broadway '2 bourliutr tireaa 1ft Broadway 6ft Brim.iwar 17 Bowling tireaa Lit Bioadwav ?I Bowling iir?aa 7'J Broadway Ml llroarr.vay ' I Broadway ? <7 liroadwav Broadway i it.iwnn r t.iaea I^roajwer 7 Ho.ilim; tireen ?J it..* li i ? lirean M n.iwtiiiL- t:raaa ?'! ?o?ii?:if 7'J Broadway l.i Ur- . I<rn. ?It1 Broad* a v 17 Bowling (iraaa i.V? Btoiuiwav j 'J Bowlluir i.reaa -b Broadway , Mrnail.vaT ! <?!> Broadway |S>7 Broadway ?^-NOTiri: to captain's or vessels is* tth? COASTING AND KOItKKJX Tit ADE-Captatnk or odicern of ve??el? engaged in the coattiug r lorei-ru trade, uVrvjin tha dli placement or removal ol ?ea buoy*, nra reiinemsd 'o coin muuuate tlia tact to tlie liaiiALD. 10 tint! t n.ay lio lir ttifUl publicly to tlie attention ol tho nioper authoriti** A teller a?li.'reh*ed "to the editor of lite New Vork city," giving a* accurately as poaaible the number and p initiou of dlnplacod buoys or the cau*o of their removal, will *ulllce In all rare* observed along the Atlantic and I'acl.'lc coast* of tha American Continent. When they are oh-.ei red on tin coaot ol huropcan* or in tho Mediterranean it it rron*?ted that information l<e rent either by teiecraph or letter to tha London utile* of lliiKitr Yore Ui rai.o, 4>) Heet itreat, Lctidon, or to the Paria cflica. GI Aveaaa da 1'Opara, Paris. Where the telegraph ia used rienpatcbe* ma.v be a?idre**ed "Jleunctt. 40 Klcet utreet, London," cr "Bennett, Ul Avonuo de ('Opera, Pan*." Where ta^e* of displacement ara obtervid iu the water* ofeountrie* lieyond the reach of the telegraph, n? In Aria or Africa, captain* may conimuiiicatd with u? upon reachlrttr the Rrtt con>enient port. Tlii* inlormatlon will be cabled Ira* o( charae to tbe llllitn and publiahod. 0JT-NOTICK 11> CAPTAIV8 Or VKASKLS RNTKRINO THE POKT OK .NK\r YOKK AT NHlllT.-The N*w Yotl llnuaLD ha* adopted a diatiagnialilnKCoaton nl^ht *i ;nat for u>e on hoard th* IIkralu utaam yacht, ihowiu/ while burn in* th* color* i*d. grrtn. red, clianaini;Irom one to tbe other In turroaion. aud can he ***n eeveral mile* rtlMant. Cap tain* of vetael*. upon leelnir till* tiBiial, will obli^o u* by preparing any marine new* tliey way hay* lor th* tililp .New* Hepartn-.ont of tbe li-l'er;pn* deniroua of coinmuiilcatinir with veuel* arriv ing at N?w York can do ?o lr addraaain/ ta *aca v*?*ela, ?are of IUkald new* yacht, plar No. 1 La?t Uiver, New York. I.atl*r* rccaived trom all part* oftba world aud promptly da lltered. Dnplicat** ar* required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. PCS AXD MOO* I IIOK WATCH. Sun nap* 4 2* | Oor. Iflund. ...mum 9 60 Hun MM 7 5M I Sandy Hook...morn 1> 14 UOOB *?(?. ove 10 IS I Hell Ualta. taora 11 44 POKT OF NEWJOUK, JUNE 8, 187G. ARRIVALS. KxroE rim AXB BIEAL* WltlTE^TOXE TR LEU RATI llu ith Steamer Urttiv tBrl. Afdrew* Loudon May U4. w aid** and I2U pa*Mii|n>r?. to FWJ llnr.t, 4A 17, Ion 9tl IW, p?>?'! hark Snow (juaen, of Halll'ax. front June 1. lat U M, loa UU 44. puied ? French Meunor bound 7tb. l?HO.W, Ion lib, raiM't a l)?rk rla.-od steamer bound oast; htU, Ul 40 33. !ou 70 J*, pasasd 11 Cuuard steamer iiuuitd east. Si^muor Old Dominion. Walker, Richmond. I'll* Point and Norfolk, with mdae and passenger* to the Old Dominion Ste?iinarit;) Co, HtMiwr Jolm Cibaoa, Wiuteis. Georgetown, IX', with uidiit l?J h Kixnt. Jr. Meamer Allontown, Tutile, Philadelphia, with coal to the Itesdinjr KR Co. ship Adaiuster (Port). Gama, Rio Janeiro 31 days, with iuiIm- to G Amalock A Co. Hark Liudeanitcs <Nor),Tonolosen, Liverpool 2S daya, In balliut to (' 'l oiilw A Co. No data, ua the Hanks, saw a large quantity of Ico. Hark Vanadis (Nor), Larsen, Newcaalle ti'i day*, with coal to oniw. Mara Mills*, Howard, Grccnock March 2-V Key Weat Mh> and liaaiptou Road* Juno 0, in ballaat to D It Dearborn. Hark I'hrlatopher Columbus I (Jar:, dor. Limerick via Deluware Breakwater 41 da>s, in ballast to Dill A Ka-I tuann. Bark E Calestl'ia (Ital), Htarieo. I.?i;horn 60 day*, In ballaat to order. I'asaed Gibraltar April P. Hark Carrie K Lung, Park. Matansi* II days, with sugar to order: nncl to Jaiuea K Ward A Co. Hark Treuiont, Carlisle, Matansas 1U day*, with inelado to order: veaael to Miller A Houghton. Hark Noreua. Nichols, Mat ansa* S daya, with molssses to 11 11 llovell, Hon t Co: veaael to Miller A Houghton. Bri* Kulua (Nor), Cbriateuseu. Cork H7 daya. in ballaat to Fundi. Kdye A Co. la anchored at Sandy llook forordcra Brig Kuluuo, Naah. Sagua 9 daya, with soger to Griuaell, Mliitiltii A Co: vessel to K Talbot A Co. Brig Robin (Br), llaveuer, Kabila |ft daya, with sugar and molaaiu-s to Cbarlcs Luling A ("?: veaael to niaater. Brig Kllon Maria. Roberta. Brunswick. Gs, # any*. with lumber to \\ A Rosa: veaael to F H Smith A Co. Schr Francis ilutrh. Oroeu. (Jrand Turk, TI, ltf day*, with dyi-wood. Jtc, to Darroll A Co: veaael to master. Schr Mlunohaba, Swill, Grand Turk, Tl, 1 ?' daya, with aalt to 4) K I'euuiston A Co; veaarl to Van Hrunl Hroa. Schr Chua A Coulomb, Bernard. Havana. 1U day*, with aiiKar to llsatian. Hoffmann A Co?vessel to Kvana. Ball A I'o On the 27th May. li>::#> I'M, lat 'SI ?>?>. Ion M.'OD. Jae Callahan, a native of Philadelphia. foil overboard, while reeling th - apauker, and was drowned. *olir Snllnaii. Sawlo (of Boston). Rich, Matansas 9 days, with auirar to order: vessel to Brett. Son A Co. Sclir While Wing, l'h.-lan. Malaniaa 1' daya. with molasses to II U Howell, Son A Co: voaael to Uretl, Son A Co. Solir Win Mi-Gee, Sheridan, Hnilior laland 7 daya, with pine* to Jamea Douglass: veaael to H J. Wcnberg Schr Li-ona. Ijordon, Corpus Chriali 2!> daya, with Mdea. Ae. to J H Browcr. sclir Win U Drury. llenderaou, Pensacola IS d?yi with lumber lo Paraona A Loud. Schr Jeial* S Clark, Klwood, Keranudina 10 daya, with lumber to Uppintcer. Kuaaull A Co. Schr W II Van llruiit, IIniiKhwurt. Jacksonville II day*, willi lumber to Drew A ilucki, veaael to Van llruut A Bro. Sclir Llazto Tllua, Plilllipa, Juckioiivilku 0 daya. with lumber to U Hunter; veaael to J O Ward. 1* bound to I Albany. | Sclir Ada WOoulH, I.nniiilll, Hrnnawick. (la. 0 day*, with ' luni>,er lo Kppincvr A Huaaell: veaael to F II Sinlth A Co. I Sclir Florence S Towor. Ada inn. l*ort lUiyal l'J day*, with lumber lo order; vtascl lo 1! W Umti i Co, May (it), during a aoutherlv blow, loat Id.OCki feet of lumber from off deck. | Sclir .I M Harlow, Soimr, Uivhinoud. Sjur K W HiMiueil, Homiell, Mexandri*. Schr II T RrlKK*. Fnroiore. Virarinla. I Schr I' W Alroit. French, Virginia. Sclir Thouia* Brook*. Lettk'ett. Virginia. Schr V M Mcrrlmuu. lirneu, Vlrtlnla. Schr Kutrene Borda. llaylla. Virginia Schr 11 A lloyt. French. Virginia. Schr S J Vauitlian. Vliyinlii. ] Schr S J Uolun, Mcura. Virginia. Sclir J H Itapp, I'ale. Viryiuia. I Schr Jaa Veldrtin, Cavnliar, Vlr>ciala. #H'lir Kurotaa. luniuii, Vlr^imu. Schr llakea Amu, Kda'ln. Qeorgretawn, DO. Svlir Mary Miller, Dayton, lieoritelowa. SchrCiara I'lcnrv, Ilall. (icorvotown. DO, Sclir.I A Slieppard. Wllhurt. Haitimor*. I Schr S J Fooka. Crauiner. Baltimore. Schr Win \llou. Xaewii. Iliilliinore. Schr II P llaven*. Pierce, lialtlmore. schr Oliver Scolleld, Di*>u>way, Baltlmor*. la bound to New Haven. IT9~Hark Marie (Nor), which waa anchored la the lower bay, came up to tlio city 8th AM. AiT-Hark Cleorcietta (Bri. which was anchored ia the i'jwur bay. came up to the city H|h, P.M. I'ASdED TUK0UG1I HELL GATK. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer Uonerai Whitney, Coleman. Boston lor New York. Steamer l.'lty ol New Bedford. H*lv, New Bedford for New York. * Steamer Oalatea. Waldcn. Providence tor New York Sclir IIutile K Klii(f. Crowley, Shulee, NS, lor New York. Schr Calvin, Clark. Muaquaah. NB, lor New York. schr lleo Staiicliff. Creamer, Providence lor New York. Schr K M Well*. Kelaey. Hartford lor New York. Schr raiviu. Adaina. Maclilaa for .New York. Schr Chaa Coinerj. Creamer. Providence for New York. Schr Klla II llarnea. Providence for New York. Schr Ripple. William*, (leor.-e* Bank* for New York. Schr Ifaie.McXamce, Greenwich for Now York. Schr Orlando jSiuilli, Farria. Port Jolferaon lor New York. BO0MD KAHT. Steamer Glauciil, Bearae. New York for Boatnn. Steamer Bolivar. (Jeer. New Yoia for Now London and Norwich Sclir Ceorge B Ferguson, Ferjcuaun, Port John*oa fur llrantford. Schr K Manon. Alrev. New York for Brantf rd. Sclu M L Varney. Kowe, Port Johnanu for Boaion. Schr P Rich. Ilndlev, Baltimore lor Bridgeport. Sclir Chaa Miller, Miller, New York tor (irceniiort, Schr I 11 Borden. Baker, New York for Fall Itiver. Schr Dr Win 11 Power*, Saunders, Trenton for New Ha ven. Sclir Alice M Lewis, 1/ewi*. New York for Wellfleet. Schr Kasteru Queen, VYalah. New York for Gloucester. Schr 11 F Woolaey, Tirroll. Port Johnaon for Lynn. The revenue cutter Moaes Wood, Hodtfdon. from New I<ondon, ia at anchor off the Herald Telegraph Station, BELOW. Bark Nortlcap (Nor), from Bremen May 8 (by pilot boat Noli). CLEARED. Steamer Keailworth (Bri, Pruwse, Antwerp?Go* W Col ton A Co. Steamer Rotterdam (Dutch), Vis, Rotterdam? Punch, Edyo Steamer uellert (Ger), Barends. Hamburg via Plymouth and t.'heroourit?Kunliardt A I'o. Sieanier Columbus. Keed. Havana?Wui P Clyde A Co. Steamer Cauirna iMr>, Liddicuat. Hamilton tBermuda)? A K Outerbrulm'. Steamer I'aroudelet, Faircloth, Fernauiliua via Port Royal ?C H Mallorv A Co. Steamer Uajddau, Mankin, Savannah?Murray, Ferris A Co. Steamer Rlcliinond, Kelley, Norfolk, City Point and Rich mond?Old Domiuiou Stoamahip Co. Steamer Mar flower. Davidson. PhiladclDhla?J as Hand. Steamer Kleanora. JoIiiimip, Portland?J >?' Am9a Sieanier IHaucus, Boaraa. Boston?H F Dimucl: Bark Ceylon (Bri, Reynolds. London?J la Tucker A Co, Bark i.apt Peter Dalil (Nor), Jobnsen. London?Funch, Kdye A Co. Bark Moxart (Nor). Alhrilsen, Kxeter, K?C Tobias A Co. Hark Tree! Dutirovackl (Aus). Turluovicb, Great Griiusbr, E?nlocovich A Co. Hark Amicita (Nor), Rainier, Cora or Falmouth?Funch, Frlyo A I'o. Hark Cl.imoea (Nor), llaava, Cork or F'aimouth for or der*? C Tolnaa A Co. Bark Condor iSwp>. Nordstrom, Queeustuwn or Falmouth for orders?Louis 'l etena. Hark Jupiter (Geo, Lietke, Hamburg?Funco, Kdye A Hark Gerda (Nor). Olaen. Aarhuos?Bockuian, Oerlin A Co lltlj; Stockton, Allen, Gibraltar for orders?Carter A Baiues. Hrlir Walter Smith, Bigley, Montevideo-John Norton Jr A Sen Hri'.- Ann Klisabeth, Burgess, Barbados and Demerara? Svow A Huryeaa. Hritr Princcsa Beatrice <Hr), Slminuns, Polat-a-Pltra?U A V atahle A Son. Hriir LU/ie Wyman, Kossett, Mobile?K D Harlbiit A Co. Sclir ,lehn lU?a. lloaell, Ceara (Braail)?G Aiuaiuck A C Schr Winner. Naah, Si Kilts?Jonas A Loach. Scbr Mary D Le?eli, 1'alne. Naaaau. M'?B J Wenberp A Co. raehr Juila Kliiabetk (Bo, luirraliam. Harbor Island?Jo seph Kueaa Schr Harry A Fred. Godfrey, St John. SH-A T Henry. Sclir John Wetitworlh, Brown, JackaonviUe?It 1' Hack A Schr Bertie Pierce, Hawe*. Boston?B J Wenberg A Ce. Schr Patron, Brown, llartlord?Racket! A Bro. Sloop Fred Brown, ilall, Ptovldoncs?H W Jacksoa A Bon. chared "Ih-Schr Mary C Decker, Nelson, Nassau?B J Wen her* A Co. Schr Sarah W Haul, McFaddcu, Harbor Island?B J \*ea barg A Co. Co SAILED. S*enn?cr* Keoil worth <Kr?, lor Antwerp: Oellert (Ger) II am bo rg: itottcrdam (Dutch). Rotterdam: Columbus. Ha vana; Cnitima (Hr> Beimuda; Carouueiet. Kernandiua, Ac; Itapiduu, fievannah; Mchmoud. Kiehtuoud, Jkc: Albe 1 marie. Lowes, Del: <dni?s Kebus fKor), Onceustown or l*al ' in ?utb; Janet Court (Hr.?, I,ivcep4?ol: Kir Kobl linn j don; b?rk??I K Whitney (Hn, do; Hmmicraitg iHwe>, Riga; i KiiikvAoi.' (Nor), i>r Kuliuouth; 1'eirl, Cork; Titania <\or . ?l?? or Kulmouth ; Sarah (Bri, Antwerp: Krnn- I clMiiOlltHto (Itali. IJiIkmc Vidiiriii Peies. Porto Cab?!lo; > brig* Nu'nn Sa* Micbele <Ital', Cork*, liastoru Star, Dnvn- J I erisra; KiivorlM, Point-a-Pltre: Kirti (Nor:, Lcltli; Lowb Wind At stfmct. WSW : at midnight. 8>W. liaromcter at .snuwt.^UT; at midsitflit, 3(119, MARITIME MISCELLANY. RtKDlfiR Tauvi (Br), it Philadelphia. when docking >os 1 tcrday at trlsnrd Point. coliitUtl with the bark Witsta Waif j (Hwe). loading lor Oueeo?.t?.wti. ami carried away the let j ter sjibboom and rail. The ?ngu* received i?o d-metre. Hark National Kiui.k, from Boston lor Rio Janeiro, Imv* Ing completed nil repairs, went to sea troiu Newport, HI, PM June 7. Hauk Mkiupia.t (tier), while lyintr at Greenwich Point, Philadelphia. to loud for Hrcmeu or Hamburg;, took fire about 10 o dock Wednesday night. and wis hauied into the sin aio hy the crew of the berk Coriolan. fche drifted op stream un;il opposite the Penu?vl\ aula coal wh ?rve*, when sin* wni? run oti thr manli. The police tug Stokely artlved about (Hie hour Alter tin* commencement ol the fire, and i succeeded in extiNiruUltiiur the at U:5*? AM Htli The ve?set is badly damage*!; m.inb and decks completely gone; no oil oil hoard. The lire originated In the cabin. Hauk Rl*f9f0 fit x? Mot?at. of bark Hislng Sim, fVoui : Kristol tor Quebec. miuL by ice at Autieoatf, make* the fol ! lowing report At 5 AM ou the *J7th of May, about JO l.tiles *K of Anticosti. ?lghted lartrs met*** of ice; a^oiit 0 o'clock came into the Ice; seeing e cl *r pnesem* ahead, slackened sail and pr<*ceedcd. steering ,\ W b* N, but the ice kept closing in around the ?(*??*! until about 7 :'J), when she wu completely surrout ded; wore ?hip and tried to j-.i eut. snonded pumps, and iound her making water very lest; all tlie pumps were *et ??oiujr. but the water still trained, and by i?i o'clock wan up fo the lower boem: the vessel listed heavily to |w?rt; continued working the pumps, but the watjr ?iill trained: a strong west wind, a* conipanled hv heavy rain, prevailed. At I I'M, seeing that uothiiitr could l>e done to seethe *hln, they took to boats. In let N. Ion ?tl 41 W. At t* P.M on the sauie day lighted shin Arabia, I'tpl Klaenforth, of (lieenock. On the Monday following the* transferred half ol the crew to another pausing vess *1, bound te (Quebec. Jlnni MaUi. <Hr>, Irotn stJolw, NH, lor Belfast, put Into Port IfAstlnga ?'iiiii M, waterlogged fr >m collision ; will dis charge lor repair*. Aiiiu Hla<* Hw an tiltdterman. of Hen els), put Into New London H with shrouds carried awav. St ua I*aC*ok, T.?lniedce, fVo n Sew York, at Newport, re ports ?;! 7 PM *th, olf llempiitead. Long Island Soun-l, l.'j tubes of! shore. ,****<*d close to a sunkeu schooner, with the peak* of l??r foresail aad maiusall out of water, and both gaf1topSA*ls furled. m'iir I'l.oRi^tl <ltr>, Ceptniri lUi*i!a;:u. wtilch left this port ou the l<<th January, b??uud to Hon ton, bed not errhei ai that port up to ih<* i?ailiug if tl.e last New Vork steamer, end it Is supposed the Is lost with all on board. Mho wee snoken hy the hritf More nee In at l-? X and Ion 7<? U7 W, on the *Jd Keb. The V torsnee was also bound to Hoston from Cienteugos, t'uh w fr.e l-'loresta wa? necessitated to ruu under reeled toreaeil, there heiug a very heavy gele Wowing et the time.? Je.usu a Mercantile Inteiligencer. Senh Wat** Li.xb, of Bestoa, recently tw co'.lltie* et ?ttr ye re Heven, U te be tewed te New licdierd ter repeirt. A vt?m? bottom ap, vm pi?(1 off Kintuciit Kboal June (I b.r bark Zenhynoa. u B.mioa. Two istiln* schooners w?r? anchored clow by. Si'.mkkx Tow?l"apt Adams. of *chr S II I'rawlnrd, from New York, ui I'IwImhm, report* tlmt when hl? ?MM1 was near ('Hp* II.<|!itu< he pawud at night. in 1*? fathoms water, iind aarue near running iuto a sunken vb?*hI. with Iter masts just ?ln>?? w. tor she Hat iu a daugerou* position and right in the path of vessel*. Ovbwmic?Ship lloxden (Br), Diiuhburn, eallod Iroin Caleiitta Feb 1* for Han l*fanrlsrn and a< nothing has been hoard of hor since bar departure, fears aie euuirtaiued for her safety. Mark Messina (Br). Stewart, from Sao Francisco for Liv erpool, U Hoar 17!) days out, and auuie tuwlf for hoi aalety la I'vlt. Xk? BKoroRD, June 11? US steamer Verbena. Uibb*. from Wu.tport. while engaged In raising a buoy from the bottom, Carrie i away her maul eloae to the deck; slio will have a ucw niHt at this port. Qi'khkc, Juno U?Hark Eleanor, while coining to port, grounded near Indiaa Cove, but sot off without Mislaialug material damage. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice in hereby given that war channela ka Barucgat and Absecum inlet* have been soundrd and buoyed out. There i? 4>a loot at low water on th* bar at Haruo^at, and tf feet at low water oa the bar at Absecom. . U. B. W 1I1TK. Coiumaader. luS.N. Lighthouse Inspector, Fourth District, WisuiauTos. June 8?A publication was made some mouths ago from Trinity House. London, that a fixed will to ll/ht was maintained on UrcUiila Island. Venemiela. but the Stat ' Department lias recently been ofttciallv advised by our Minister at Venezuela that no inch light exists. SPOKEN. Bark Dv Falk (Gar), fmm Hamburg for Philadelphia, June 7, 7D miles SKof Uarnogat. Uric: \Vill|.? (Br), Bnmdage, from New York for Stock holm, May UO, lut 42 07, Ion M 19. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchant*, shipping agents and shipmaster* are informed that by telegraphing to the Hkiulp London Bureau, ad dressing "Bennett, No. *> Fleet street, London." or to tho Fails ofUco, addressing "Bennett, 61 Avenue de 1'Opora, Paris." the arrivals at and dopurture* frt.m European and Kutein ports of American aud all foroi':U vessels trading with the United State*, the sauio will be cabled tutbi* coun try tree of charge. Captains arriving at and salliug from French and Medi terranean ports will Qnd the Paris olHce the mora economi cal and expeditious for telegraphing new*. OUR CABLE 8HIPPING NEWS. Bristol, J une 8?Arrived, sohr Henry W ithlngtoa. Stone, Wiscastet, Me Hatavia?S.iiled. nark Chinaman (Br), McKeuale, New York (was last reported at Manila), IIaiiia?Arrived, schr Ida A Jayun, Milt*. Richmond, Va. Cor Mill a<;k.\. May JO?i'assed, barks Libra (Nor), Jen kjii, Charleston for Croaitadt; Rosa4 (Sw?), Anderson, Gal veston for do. Arrived Juno 4, bark Ivalo (Rot), Spolauder, Bull River, SC. Catania. May UO?Arrived, brig J as CoffllL(Br), Kirk ham. Now York. CBTItt?Palled, Garibaldi, for Quebo?. iUstkllaiiakk?Salted, bark Aasunta (Hal), for Now York. l)i?u?, June ft?Arrived, bark Tancook (Br), Hughes, Philadelphia, Arrived 7th. ships Elisa A Kcnnay (Br), Davis, St John, NB; bark Figli Accaute (Ital;. Pinonccllt, Baltimore. Sailed 7th. bark* Evvlva (Nor). Phnro, United States; Windward (Br), Huker, do. Falmol'tb, .Time H? Arrlvod, ships Theobald, Adams. In dopendencia Buy; Hattia E Tapley. Tapley. Lobos Point. Glahuow, J une 8?Arrived, brig Agenora, Wails, Port land, Me. Arrived Ctlft stiip Glcnbervle (Br); Campbell, Muutroal. Gksoa, June 7?Sailed, steamer Olympla (Br), Young, New Vork. Hull. Jnne 8?Arrived, bark Alexander Mackensie (Br), Copp, Darion. HiLsiscroKx, May 26?Arrived, bark P A Munch (Nor), BerentNen, Mobile. Hamrciic, June 5?Sailed, ship Bromerlebe (Qer), Ilirdes, New York. Livk iipool, J una 8?Arrlvod, ship Hamilton, Foss, San Francisco. Sailed 8th. ships Ilermoa, Dillon, Bombay; Bonansa, Daly, San Francisco (both not previouslyi; Ellon Good speod, Preble, St John, NB; Richard Third, Hnbbard, United States; Ringleader, Thatcher, Baltimore. Sailed 7th, bark Ella Mo ore (Br), Masters, North Amer ica. Losoos, Jnne 7?Arrived, steamer Utopia (Br), Groat, New York. Marseilles, June 5?Sailed, brig Tenoriffe, Tracy, New York. Madeira, May 30?Arrived, schr Henry Bnscliman (Br), Morris, New York. Nkwcaxti.k, June S?Sailed, bark Ansonla (Ital), Bencsi. Delaware Breakwater. Newport, June 7?Arrived, bark Roska (Rns), Ignatius, Fousacola. ; 'Sailed 8th, Meta, for Philadelphia. I'kiinamulco?Arrived, bark Talisman (Br), Blackford, Baltimore (and sailed for Rio Janeiro); brig Florence May (Br), Geltilor, New York (proceeds to liable with part cariro); schr R T Clark, Hntchinaou. New York. Pout Elizabeth, CGH?Arrived, bark CharoTine (Br), Richards, Bolton. Palermo, Juno 7?Sailed, steamer Dorian (Br), Ritchie, New York. Quekxstowx, Jnue 8?Arrived, ship Cape Clear (Bi), Tap man, San Francisco. Sierra Leone, May 20?Sailed, schr N Band, Doherty, United States. WEATItKR BEFOKK Falmouth, Jane 8, PM?Wind S. lluht. Bhutol, Jans 8, FX?Calm, overcast. FOREIGN POETS. A ktab, May 18?Sailed, bark Solomon, Fergnion, Vaol maln. Bi k*os Atkks, April 22?Sailed, bark Corsica (Hri, Nlcolt Portland. KviitiU IniT, May 28?Arrived, bark Wellington (Nie), F<mt or, San franelKA Hvint'KM'. NH. June 1?Arrived, hark Brother's Pride (Hi). Hrownell, Liverpool via Sydney. <' II. Cakpmu, .lime ll?Arrived, schr Alex Uardintc, McBride, Philadelphia. Siiilcd tit It. ichr Clifford, Brandon. north of Haltera* CaimahikX. Juiie 2?Arrived, whr M E Thompson, 1111 key, Philadelphia. Sailed -ii. briir Marip<>sa. Fletcher, New York. Cuir Bax, I'B, Juuo 7?Arrived, scbr J W Coffin, Ghis hol ii. IdrrrpiKil. s?i "l 7tb. brius Lulu (H?j, Givan, New York: OrlolT, (llr), Bellonlalne, do. Cn itihu. May 30? Arrived, brig A B Strouacli (Br), Mun roe. Liverpool. IIaiaxa, June 7?Arrived, steamers Margaret, Baker. New Orleans; City of New York. Tiinmertnan, New York. Sailed 7th. steamers C W Lord, Collon. New Orleans; Uos sie, Hill, lndianola. II alikax. Juuo 8? Arrived, bark Ocean (Br), Ryan, Bel fast . I. MdNriiKAL. June 0?Cleared, steamer Moravian, Graham, Llveruvol: ship Ardatore, McConuell, lliaxnw, NiiutH Svuxxv, CB, May TO?Arrived. bark N' K Clements (Bri. Coruiiiir, Louihui, and ordered u> Miramichi. Arrived J cue 7. barks Mariner (llr), Tburraott, Belfast; Anna A Rich (Br). Murray. Cork. CuMK, May 11?Arrived, s.'iir Joshua Grludle, Kreethy, New V?rk In purl 25th, schr Florence Nowell, Knnimors, ilia;*. Si ai l. NH. May Jl?Cleared, nrtir Ben Bolt (Bri. Drake, ludolphla. V MM', June ft ? Arrived, barks Mom. Jacohsou, Bor daaax: Kulli ipe. Lantan, GrAveaentl; Svadeltare, Faai mark, Norway; St Albans, lic.-k, l^indon; Miakespeare, Hansen, Limerick: Mb, steamer Peruvian. l(iciiard?oti, Liverpool; sli.p Advance. Waltaes. do; bark* Berlin, Joaes, Aberytwitli :Calvos<>, Nellsert, Sharpness i'oint; Kuril.?!>.. kjohl. Schriu, London; Saurs. Kalck. Droiumcn; Albion, } retlcricksen, Glaaeaster; Dei Gratia, NeMatm. Falmouth ; I;..Ml. (Jill, Antwerp; Victor i-evarsen, Tonsberg; Kleauor, Dunn. Belfast; Ilea, Nielsen, Antwerp for Montreal; Sou I veraiu. Williams??n. Liverpool. , Cleared Htli. slims Tallnit. Iloifsoii, Dublin: The Craig's. ; hliiel, Ureeuock; Devon .hire. Bonrgeard, Liverpool; barks ) Solon. iIIhu. laundon; Jane, Mortis. Lancaster; Concordia, ? llml, l.omion. i Savit.i i, May 22- -Sailod, bark Tims A tiodJanl, Smith, | Boston (fiot New York). i >r i'miais, Mav 27?In port, scbr Joseph Nickerson, I Yates for Si .lohas, 1'K, to load tor .New t'ors. ' S* Jou.vs. Sy. Iiine M? Arrived, steamer Caspian (Br), I Trucks. I.tieipool for Halifax and llaltimore. St .1 *>iix, Nii. June 7-C.eared, bark Allsa (Bri, Duadalk; schr Sea Lion (Hr). New lork. Clearml rttb. scbr J C Na?h. New York. Sailed Till, ship General Douiviile (Bri, CruJkshanks, Liv en I: svlir Henry A I'auli. Strange, Newport. Halted flh. -i-br hli/a H lleiinl (Hrl, New York. Yictobia. May :#>?Arrived, bark California, Robertson, San Pedro. Sailed UOth, steamer City of Panama, Nolan, San I ran eisco. AMERICAN i'0RT& ASTORIA, O, May 27?Arrived, bark Rival, Adams, Wll mivjrton. aLKXAMDRIA, Jaao T?Sailed, schr L B Cowperthwaite ilroni Georgetown), ? BOSTON, June 8? Arrived, barks Zephyrinc. Johnson, Turk- Islands; I.lisle Cameron ? Hr#. Cameron. Sagaa; bru? W K Stowo (Bri. tiorbardl. ClenftMgns; Kairfielil (Br), Morris, nairua: Faustina,Onrrantoa, Matunia^: schrs Will, iaui llayei" (Br), Kalinin*;, Karbsiloes; W H Jordan, Hleh ard?on. Clentuemw; Kate Houimel. Vilam*. Phtlaiiolpliia. Aiv> arrived, steemer Johns Hi>]ikina Hallett. llaliimore. via Nerfolk: sebrs 11 P Wait!', Aylwsrd, <>onaivs?: James Alntor, Maw III in. t'a.ll*; faylnr & Mathl?. Clieesemaa; II > Marlor. V* lne?. and N B llacon, Plnladelpiiia; Sural) K Ilird. IlitllJBaltitnore; Cliase, Iiiitruhsui, and T Wat'krill. Doane. New \uik.- I.ittle F Dow, Chase, Wee hawkeaiClio, Chilcott, Kullerton, Hi/, ibctliport. Cleared Sistui r Hlyriau <llr), Worthiuntua, Idverpixl. Iisrk < BwManon Crasoe, iCobitmoii, t'nrk ..r r altnotiin for oro?t<|l" W D vSwi, llalitren. I'eiiKrth Uoails; l.riic Arab, , l.iui'irv. M Pierre xkl* Alexander (Hr), l'orb.-s. auriaaaii Thomas N Stons, Pltelier. ami Lulu, Snow. Baltimore Muled?Bark Roblnsou Crusoe; briits Minnie, Abbe aud Citauir. RALNXORK. June 7?Arrived, briy N Martin, I Brown, Wilmington, N'C. Cioared?Hrlir Cliesapeake Hr'. WI'ML Norfolk: schrs Hen Borland, Speiirht, Georgetown, St"; llatleton, Rogers, Uysnal'. Stli?Arrived, bark Milan <Aas), Millnoiicb, Leltb; brig Minnehaha. Morreil, I'once. tiso arrived, sleamer tictorara, Reynobit, New York; ship Cliloe (Help). Itoeekaert. Hreuieu; barks Anna T lAaal, l>a Kiisou, St Ylacenl; Aoibrvsia (Nori. Boaraaa. Norway; tirms lieorala. Kelldv Ih-Merara; Mary C U'.osevelt, t!all, Kaanekvc; schi- William B l.i'verinc. Sinitb, Dlitbtoo; J B Carrlimtou, I'arker, New Haven; horosl Oak. Parker, do. : George lloiehkUs, Graham, l'nrtlund . A P I'rantner. Itsard. N??v York; Btewaa, . Charleston. t'leareil?Steamers Wm Laurence, Howes, Bostoa : Jose rbiue ftiomn n. Moore, New V. rk , barks Nlolner iNorl, 'ornillason, Sllifo: Carmella (Aim. \ eccorina. Belfast; Beitv (tieri, NordenhoUi, Bremen; brigs Svea Nor i. Ulsou, Cork; John Boyd (Br), North, Demi-rare; schrs Henry A Tabor. Ilcason, stoaintrtoa, Ct; H Prrseotl. Merriinan, Boston; H s Yoang, Uroas, do; J W Drisko, Haskell, do; M A FUk, FUk, 4a; L I A Bartlngsme, Baitlagama, da. Sailed?Bark* Vovsgeur, Ron Domouleo. Lido, Frayiv Foi^r*1 ?u*t*- "wh, Mjoluur; brig Jol.u Boyd; wlir IIt ? MI1I. X|S*}<:K. Oa. June 8?Arrived, stoauior City at D.U lii-i?*u Pfraanrtlna lor New Vork. Hi I.l, HfYKR, .luuu M?Arrived, ba-k. Rnlitina (Ua?). Apiurun i:i<i Janeiro: Alma (ltus), lllulmau, do: Oskcr J"*JKn?aau. London. MATH, Jniiutl?Arrived, aclira Thorn a? T Taske, Lead*. loT'mladal will a I'lilladelphla; Frauds Jt Baird, to load .Jj* Kot? New Vork: Orlaudo. ol W T ,'i ** o.a,: Mttr*'"Hl I'errln, Western Star. ai?l Richard w TuM. I hiladelphia; Krunk Herbert, Cruwell, k,r.C,Au^nI'w ?<?; 1'?woU- W H Whita 7lAKKl- Sdi Vv'l.Vv?iH<!W'rd' L:,"Co?t. Now Vork. evil ^rWRaoa^Ne w York. JUa? X l?ZXX:J"UO "chr tJ"d " Emorson, Sear*. CHARLESTON, J use 8?Arrived, bark Tel -macii (Vorl Holler Ipswich. K, via Little lilac* Hay CU <??*?, na?7>? B|"rk 'i ???' Rotterdam. DAIIIKN. J.iue 3?Arrived, barks Colorado (Hr) Bobbins, Liverpool; Sth. Latona .Nor).Jorgerten. Brake<Orrmarir>. t tested 1st. harks, trite (Br). lUlu, L?uOuu- 3d. Mary Jane ilieri. Rudde. Newry. ^ 1>KI.AWARK CITY, Del. June 8-Sailod schr Albert Pliar.., Blackain, New Bedford ' Albart In sort?Sclir. Thomas Rwt, and E II Atwood hlir FORTRESS MONUOK. June H-Arrived, biriu Knreka. Chapcl^Callau (and sailed tor Naw York; Claudia (tier)I 1'aaaod la?Urltf Heaver (Br), from Barbados for Baltfc more. Passed out?Steamer llibertila, for Liverpool: bark P.m. bla (from N?rtolk), Belfast. I. KALL RIVER. .lime 0? Arrived, schrs L N Lovell. Bur lien, and Henry Allen. Tatein, Philadelphia; Horatio Nloh ola Depuy. do. Sailed - Steamer Norfolk. Ford. Philadelphia. 7th?Arrived, schrs S M Tyler, Hart, Hoboken; Kr*d Tr ier. Terrlll, do; P Merwin. Uuuce, Port Johnson; Abbla d Emery. Eiuerv, New York. UALVKSTON, June ?Cleared, hrlp Ramlrei, Barnard. Tuxpan: achr* Tlioa K Pillabur>, Pitcher, Prontera; Alio* llodgvt. Skinner. Tux pun. "tli?Sailed, hark C'tiicora (Brl, Horn. Livernoal. ULOC'CKSI'ER, June H?Arrived, achr Kuina Hather. Hudaoti, Cadiz. JACKSON VI U.K. Jitue 'J?Arrived, achr Preacott Ilasel tlne McDonald. Belfast. Me. LL'BEC, June 1?Sailed, schr Sammv Kurd, Allen, Naw York. MoRILE, June :t?Cleared, achr Joseph Souther, vyatti, Penaacola or Piiscago.ilu. MAC III AS, May 'JO?Arrived, schr Kureku, Tramonl (and ?ailed Jun? I tor New York), .'ll?t?Sailed, schr Cyguux, Steele, West In.Ilea. NEW ORLEANS, June 1?Arrived, ablp Her MaJeitr (Brl, I^eshv. Liverpool. tith?Cleared tuot arrived), ?hip Wyoming, Baker, Bar alt bark Fred*e Rperaata iltali. D'Arte. London. 7th?1Cleared, steamer Tappithuiiuock. Cooksey, Havana via key Weal. 8th?Cleared, steamer Allen (Br). Kllla, Liverpool: (bin John Biiuyan (Brl, Scovill, Havre; achr Carrlo Jones, Der tuott, Kalinoutli. Arrived at tbe I'aeses Htb. achr Etta A Joule, Bunker, Boston. Sailed from do 8th. steamers Hudson, Andean; ship Queen ?f Katlona; hark Polyu.nlu; aclira Excelsior, L A Kcowlea, "VPOKT. June tl?Arrived, ateamer Panthor. Milla. 1 hiladelphla; achr htta Mav. Webater, llobokeu. Baton. Jr. Katon, Philadelphia. *? .. BKOPORH. June 7?Arrived, sloop Sophia, Step, New llambiirir NY. sth?Arrived, achr* W D Mnutrain, New York; Hatha* \ Haaar. do: Wm McCobb, Itondout: Itase, Trenton. NEWPORT June H PM?Arrived, aehrs Wm Bement, llarria, Pliiladelohla; O K llitwley, Tyler. South Amboy: t baa II Northam. Coe. New York for New Bedford, after dlft charitinjs part ofeariro; 8 J Smith. Baldwin, do for 1'rovk deuce, alter discharging part oi earuo. ..'."??-AM?Arrived, achr lioeiia Arabella, Harding, Wood'l link Tor Pliiladelnhla. Alao arrived, achr Factor, Talma lge, New York for Nyatt I oint, with ftiibtnurine diver f<? mist* the Iron sunk on the acl.r John Oscar at that point aorae time since. Sailed?Schr Chaa Lnveriujc, Seara, Pall lUver for Ne? lork. PM?Arrived, achr Henn* Cole, Cha<lwirk, Philadelphia. Sailed?Bnrk National Eagle, Seara (from Boston), Rtf Janeiro. NKVY LONDON, June 7?Arrived, schrs A Coraon, Alex andria Tor Allyn'a Point; Harriot Tliomaa, do for do: Texas, Port Johnson for Norwich; J II Yon^hman, do; Cornelius Newburg; II l? Daly. Albany for Norwich. Sailed?Schr Wm T Elmer. Saw York. . NORWICH, June 7?Arrived, aclira II Thomas, Balti more: H B Couirdon. do; K llurt.iu, do; Sum Weller, Yi^ Kinla; Earnest llohokvn: II I* Kly, North River. NEW II A\EN, Juue 7?Arrived, aclira Addle P Avery, Ryuu, Baltimore; S S (jtirticy, Ouraey. Nowburir) BorgUNset, Jones, Ueorcetowu; Vermillion, Davy, Soutb Ambo>; Sarah Jane, Kordham, llobokeu; aloop Thomas Adams. Bontvii. Kingston. Cleared??H'hr Allen Uurncy, Gurney, Rnndout. POltr LUDLOW, May 30?Sall.-d, park Forest Qaeen, Burns. San Kranclaco, PORT TOWN8END, May XI?Arrived, alilps Eldorado. II ay den, San Pranciwo; Sarali (Nlcl, Sabiuo, Callao; bark* Mariano. R\der, San KranelKco; Emerald, Lofgren. do. PORT M ADISON, May 30?Arrived, bark Videtta, Boyd han Krancikco. PORTOaMBLE. May 31?Sailed, bark David lloadiey, Kahier San Kranciaco. PENSACOLA, June 5?Arrived, schr Fred Walton, Rich. New Orleans. ^ Cleared-Ship TremtLl (Nor). Mlchaolsen, London; Schl Wm Hustou, Gardner, Philadelphia. 7tU-Cleared. barka Orion (Sw), Baack, Kiel; Bonlt* (Brj, Howard. Livurpool. PHILADELPHIA, June 8?Arrived, stoamers Fanlta, Howe Pr videnno; Norfolk, Kord. Pall River; A 0 Stlm er?, Warren. New York; ?hip Elena (tier), Steenkon, Bremen ; brigs losie. l'etti^row. Sagua; Levlot, Matbesou. tjenfucjroa; t.olconda. Lord. Matansaa; schrs Colin O Ha'ier, Baker,. Rockport; Mary K Ainsden, Baker, Kenne bec River; K M Bueliler, Maloy, do; Owen P Hinds, Ulen. deiiln, Calaia. Also arrived, steamers llarrlaburg, Worth. New York; Wllliauisport, Wtlluts, Boston; ship Ida Llllr. Blauchard. Hamburg; barks Dover. Hand, Bremen; Timoleante (Ital), Monxo, \\ aterl'ord; Old Dominloii. Nichols. Antwerp; Kala lis. Brown, M at an saa; Monitor. Ealon, Mat ana ah; O II Jen kins (Br), Hilton, IHindoo; linperio (Br). Pulton, Alloa; brigs Tropic Bird, KorfT, Lagtia; Merriwa, Downs, Mataa' aaa; Hattle Ross. I>uri(ln. May ague*. PR; schrs J B Mar ?!!*. '"u? i1?'"or; MB Mahoney, Westcott. Bangor; V L Elk!lis. Ludlam. Boston; E B Darling. Hodginson, New jorlt; Oeo B Lowers, Norwood, Maiaiuas; M D Mars ton, Hooper, Caibarien; Arctic, Uenn, Mlllviile; Belle Ree scll, smith, reriiandina: Isaac L Clark. Vansclow. Pensa; Isaac Orbeton. ?r.H.kelt, Batn: Alice Avery, Tapper, Newport; Allred Keen, haling, Windsor. NS. Also arrived, i.arka Marte (Aus), Downie. Liverpool; Joha E 4 Dttvifi, Milt iii) it in*; lirijoi Klorouce J li^Ddersou, llcndcrsuo, Huston, Ortolan. Dorfi. K nnehec River. rieHred-~Steaiiierii Aim Btisft, Eiclinrdii. Now Vorlf; 1'hll. AiiclpliiH. Diivli do; hark Jouny Orute. Brcmoiif ftchrn IldHurd A limit, Kohv, liomon: i^elinmn Blew, Yarv jfiluor, dc; Ann Elimbi'tli, Donne, Htrwicliport; tioddoii Kelly. Pawtuckot; Kliu Cltv. Kelly, Newport. Also cleared, barka John Koplcr (Uer). Splllo. Breinem Rerus (Ausi, Mlnejietto. Dublin; Lklold (Nor). Lalvtssen Cork ; A Lanaesi (Ilal), Lana-aa, Bristol, K; schrs M ri Ainsden. Baker. Boston; O P Pomeroy, Brvatit do; J N Colby. W ilcox. Newport: Nellie Benedict. Case. Springdaldi Ruth A Prlc ?, Prl.e. Baltimore. ' Sailed?Steamer Indiana, for Liverpool. Nk?casti.k, Del, Jnue 8?Passed up, schr Benningtoa, Edwi'.rds, from Lisbon. ? Pasting tin AM Mh, brig Cailopela. from Messina. Reported below, a hark, supDosed tbe Elena, from Ivlfftnt LkWf:s, Del, June 8, AM?Arrived, bark benno (Ital), Bale-till Limerick; brig U P Sherwood (Br), Turner, Trio i.lad : achr ^ rank Oneen. Sailed Sth. Ship Edith Troop (Br), for Panama: ban Capclla (Nor), lor Philadelphia. n|Wark Nuova Emalia Calestona sailed for New York laa Went to sea 7th. bar* Trappano. PORTLAND. Me. June t;-t:ieared, schr L A Roper, Craa tner. Norfolk (not New York). Sailed?llri^a Proteua. and Catherine; schrs K O Wlllard Daybreak, and L A Roper Tbe schr Oeo Thatcher started but grounded and will have to wait for high water sth?Arrived, steamer Falmouth. Colby, Halifax: hart Can Eihm. Blair, Philadelphia; brigs Katie (Br). Pictoa. N>; Sarah M, Lorlng. New York: schr Mary A .1 o? er, Willes Booton, to lna<l lor New Orleans Also arrived Htb. brig A II Curl Is. Shepherd. Now York. Cleared -Hteamcr Kranc.mla, Brags. New York; brig Eliialieth Wiuslow, I^ocKe, Howling (Scotland!. few York. v u' In ? ? ua','~7~Arrived, steamera Bar Queen, NB Allen Newport; \\ hatcheer. Tavlor, Newport?achr# Mary K Simmons, (iandy. New Orleans; Mary P Hudson, Lake (leorgetowu. DC; Alexander Young. Illake. Pblla delphia: Joseph liar, Butler. Philadelphia; Mattle B Ru i ''u iw ' ? hll mdeliih ill: Hertlia. OoDover, Perth Am boy; \Mrr'n'Perth Ambnv; Anson Brown, Mills, rVrth Auiboy: rhnmas B Smith. Rowman, Port Johnson] r ranees I? Smith. Smitli, Port Jobnaou; Eva Direrly, Gan> ilv, I ort ?JoIiiimiu: John K llurst. Cook, Port Johnson foi I awtneket; J II Bnrnett, Raaiuusen. Port Johnson for Paw? tncket; Aatl.our Burton, Johnson. Port Johnson tor l'aw tucket: B II Warlord. Sprague, Port Johnson fur Paw tucket.: Oeorge Unrney, Ouruev, Roudout; Silas Brain fif . Eon,lout; fireen County Tauner, Hyde, Rondimt: Harriet Lewi., Caahman. Major Ilonrv Warded, Philllns, Stony Point NY; A O Law ton. Mehrhof, llackenasck, NJ : Ntcfinles Mehrhof, Mebrhof (roton I olnt: Asa Blgelow. Titter. Maiden, NY; American Eagle. Benneil IIaverstraw; l-'loreuce. Sackott. Verplank's Point : Phoebe P.lisabeth Mapes, do; Blackstone, Wlcksoa. New\ork: Veranda. Pond. <lo. Sailed?Steamers Tonawauda. Sherman. Philadelphia; rmiitn, rfuwe?do; liArk Snr<ili. In^^rKoll, Huston (towed to ije? by ?; telira WestmoreUnd, Allen. Phlln delphia; N<ehoU? Mehrhof. Mihrhot. Proton Point; A O Xehfhnf, Hftcketiftftck NJ ; John Stneklinm. Hnrt. New York; L M Mro it. l)r?n, di/; II 8 Billings B lUnjn! KlUmbethport, via MxuUc. KH JI VOND, Juno rt?Arrived, brljf Mar/Allerton. Ilar> rokv Hoaton. ? Sailed?schrs Hattle Coombs, Bishop, Boston; Ella Moore, Le* l?, Now \ ork. ^ ill'o v"'?; Ma* 3|?Arrived, ship Frank Austla h i iirVV u wV!"''"o; bark Amie, Cuataleen, Seattle| brig Hidalgo. Mcltermot. Ilumholdt. L,,7:rrd-?*r*,Urv"ft Maltson, Port Towneend. s .iled?Ship l.ermania. Baker, ^ehome. N^w'" r've<'' '"4r^ Wwood Cooper, Hopkins. Sydney, SEATTLE. May 30?Arrived, bark (irace Roberta, Dahlsr, San l- raneisco, Saunders. San Pranelsoo. i.- 1! y ^Sailed, bark Ametnyst, Bate*, Baa !? riuii'iv'ii, ^ SA VANNA? June H? Clearxit, schrs Champion (Brl, York*""1' * K<i"ar<l '"land; Panuy Tracy. Tilton. New Sailed?Steamers Magnolia, Daggett, New York; Kara go??*. Hooper. Biiltiuiore. MALEM, June ^?Arrived, schr LAX Reed, Caviller Philadelphia. ?Uh? Arrived, schr Wellington, Barber, Gardiner for Now \ ork 7'lt -Salled. schr? Jaa Alderdlce, Rockliill, and John 9 Lee. \ sni-ilder, Pliiladelpitia; L L llamllne, Yeltar. New York; Malabar (from llelfaatl, Rondout:Marj Ann McCan* (from Bath). New York S' iMEIl.'sKT, Ju:.? it?Arrived, schr Elisabeth 8 Lee, Lee. Philadelphia. STONlNtJTON June 7?Arrived, ateamer Thetis, Jnlla, Providence for repairs; *-hrs Susan K Naah. Applrmait, Port Johnson: i ounecllcnt. Smith, llobokeu. Mary. New port for New York. TAl'OM A, May :M)?Sailed, bark Fremont, Christiansen San Kranciaco. VINEV \KD HAVEN, June 7?Arrived, l.ark (leorge Kinr man, of Beaton, Montevideo lor Boston; achrt I. A \l . Konwles, saju. lor do; Itenj Young. St Mart-? fordo; Her I luau Tucker, Providence lor Denysvllle: M P A Inipa : dence, do for St John. NB; Evergreen. New York fordo | Bo_-a.luce, KlcJimond. Va, fordo; llauniu VVeatbrook, Baltt inoro fur orders; Je-?c Wllsou, do lor Bo-ton; Jonathan V?y lioorgetown, IKV for do: Jennie M t'arter, llohekea tor do; Theresa Wolf, PMIadclphia for do; T L Me I *11 an Port Johnson for do: Paron,*do for Xahsot; (iov Conev i*erth Ambov for Raat t'aml.rldye ; A M Acken. do for Saleni ? Wm Olllum, Pblliulelphialiir f.vnn : Walton, Potomac River Bath; Addle Rlaiadell. Ue-.rgeto.n, 'DC. for do; ,'i*l W eehawken for Haverli II; \ aahtl. Boston tor Philadelphia; Aetiuo, t?al.%ia for Providence. * Sailed?All befoio reported ekreptinff aclira W iter Um ...itlng repairs). A M Acken. L * fi Knowle. U?\ Con.7 Jesse Wilaou Be.iJ Yotine. Theresa Woir, Jennie \T Carter llannle Weatbrook (waiting order.). Addle Blaisdell. Iliram I ticker iiiiit > nahti. ' WILMIN<?Tt?N, Del. June 8? Arrived, schr ?ue W Town*, enu. I ernMnuina. rink4Kh"AI'' J?n? 8?Arrived, sehrtilide, Uarnet. Xew lev* PMU^Iph"* tt~A'r"?d-Huat WMTkRi' v ji! M,"vFerris, llobokeu. bok. u U?Arrived, schr K H Clark. Vars. Ho 1**}" J,,n" 7~Arrlv*d. Mhr Montroea, Allea. Ca .IIISI'KH.AX KttUs. ASsollW Divufti'Kii oh r.viNEo ent StMtea for nnniemof c;?iimh, without pobUcthy; It* gal every where, lerrnt aatiifuetorr ; ad flee tree. FiU&UEttlClC L K1.NU, i-aw>#r% JUt Bxoadwaf?