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THE COURTS. One of Colonel Thomas A. Scott's Railway' Ventures. SEEKING PAYMENT FOR RAILROAD IRON. Another Influx of Motions in the Walker Divorce Suit* More Than a Fleabite for the Rechabites. Seme Ave years ago Colonel Thomas A. Scot, ThomM L. Jewell, John Duff, Andrew Curricle, Oakes Ames, Gordon Dexter and others formed themselves Into an association known as the Davenport Railway Construction Company, for the purpose of building a road between Davenport, Iowa, and St. Paul, Minn. As such company they purchased from Drexel, Morgan k Co., Perkins, Livingston & Post, Jessup & Co., and other importers of railroad Iron In this city, $230,000 worth on the promissory notes of the company, se cured by its bonds for $241,000. When the notes be came due tbey were not paid. Then the creditors found that the notes were sccured by a bond on the property ol the railroad company, which was not iu existenco when the mortgage was executed, and that bonds for $3,500,000 bud boeu issued lu Kurope. A suit was brought by Jessup k Co. andtlieoiber psrties named to compel ibo payment ol tho notes, and the caso came to trial yesterday before Judge Snnford, ol the Superior Court. On investigation plaintiffs found, as they hold, that thero was a sub stantial failure of the defendants to comply with ihe statute of Iowa, regulating the formation ol companies with only corporate liability lor debts, and they hold that ttic defendants are jointly and severally liable. The defendants hold that failuro to file a certitic.iic of Incorporation with the Secretary ol Slate does not make them, like the members of the various ex press companies, liable Individually. Although this question is the only one st issue the trial Is one of the most important railroad suits that has bocn before the courts lor some time, and the likelihood Is that it will oocupy several days. THE WALREU DIVORCE SUIT. This cause has been s.nce Monday on the day calendar, before Judge Van Brunt, in tho Court of Common Pleas. Judgo Van Brunt rendered an opin ion striking the case from tho calendar yesterday, whloh deters the trial for the present. The wile in this case shows fight Her counsel, Mr. John B. Perry, movod on Monday to strike the cause ftrom the calendar on the ground that no reply had ever been served by the husbaud denying bis alleged adulteries, anil, there fore, that thero was no issue to try. Yesterday Mr Perry noticed a motion for next week, before Judge Van Hoeseu, that the husband be compelled to uuswor lu the cross suit and mat two sets ot i.-sues be framed bv a relert-e, one set being the adultery issues and tho cither set bung issuos ot fact and law. Ex-Recorder smith now appears as counsel lor the husband, with Mr. George W. McAdam. and be Das been moving eveiy day before Judgo Van Hoesen to recover his lost ground. Dr. Walker has refused tor three months to answer in the croassuit brought by tho wifn. Mr. Perry says both actions must bo tried together, that the reason a cross adultery suit is ever brought is becausu In this State the wilo cannot obtain a divorce unless she is a plain tiff; that where she is a defendant all the chances aro with tho husband, and ho is witnout risk; tnat the wile hero in her cross suit sets up ths California statutes and a contract that if she succeeds in the action sho *ins $500,000 and overJn seven per ccni incomo ray ing property, and not so much alimony per woek or year at all, and that the Doctor don't waul to bo under too risk or having to divide his property with nis wile In ihe event be fails in the action, and hence his strug gle to try his own cose and not try hers ot all. The orders to show cause go over to-day, and per haps every day next week, before Judge Vau Moesen, at Chambers. It Is to be kept in mind In this litigation that the husband started it. The wife is ou the defence, and her counsel says there is no doubt that both cases will be tried beiore the same judge and Jury, and at the same time, the verdict to be given in the action brought by the party whom the jury decides was the innocent party. Mr. Perry has won every motion on this subject *o far. THE WRECKED RECHABITES. In Supreme Court, Special Term, beforo J udge I,aw rence, (here was cotnmeocad yesterday the trial of the suit of John Iialond and others vs. Henry W. Deems. Tho plaintiffs and defendants, of which there are about thirty-nine, arc members of an organization called the "Washington Tent Nu 1," of Uechabitos, an association for benevolent and temperance pur poses, and as such had accumulated a fund amounting to nearly $5,000. The main portion of this fund Is accumulated Irom rents and business ventures ol the organization other than the object lor which they were organized. In October, 1875, the plaintiffs were elected trustees, and aa such became enntlod to the possession of the luuds aud all the property ot the association, they bavins given bonds thereiorc, but the defendants, together with obe Stack pole, who had been elected President or chief ruler, endeavored to oust the plain tifls and served notices on the banks not to recognize them aad forbidding a transfer of the funds. Ths and other dissensions and troubles has caused a wreck among the "Recnabltee," by which title they also call themselves, and the "Tent" or Anctent Order of Rechabites is now in court <n a suit by the plaintiff to dissolvo the organization and divide the funds among the members. John Lalond, the chiet mover and trustee, was yesterday examined. Ex-Judge Cowles appeared for plaintiffs', and Langbein Hros. lor eleven defendants who joined with the plaintiffs Stowart Ac Towiey for ?ther defendants. SUITS ON WAREHOUSE BONDS. Suits have been begun In tho United States Circuit Court against the following named firms and their lurctioii on warehouse bonds for balances of duties:? 5. Wcndling, $150; H. B. Ciaflln k Co., 11,620; Kiva k Ca, two suits, $150; Hugh J. MscKarland, three suits, $3>0; C. A. Spier & Cu, three suits, (110; Hester k Hers. $3,300; Wastray, (iibbs k Hardcastle, *880, C. II. Boden, two suits, $250; Wilkio k Ibbotson, $1,610; K. C. Johnson, $1,260; A. B. White, $4,800; F. W. I.ohman, two suits, $4,600; A. Dubois, $1,23U: Levy k Hurst, $1,095; Leaycrait k Co., $1,004; O. I<amotbo k Co., $WJ; Carvallo k Stephens, $70^; Oudevllle, Mayer ft Co., $1)28; H 0. Klcbards, $1,658; Harvey Barnes, $865; W. B. Cooper, Jr.. $527: Read Bros. & Co., $084; Shackellord, Haas k Co., $1,433. SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. " Thero was a formal settlement yesterday of the order recently granted by Judge Donohue, allowing the Bleocker Street Railroad to be leased to tho Twenty third Street Railroad Company. Judge Donohuo of the Supreme Court has appointed ex Judge Kreedman receiver ol the property of the In dustrial Exhibition Company, at the instance of Ten torium and Raynor, Judgment debtors. Before Judge Robinsoa, of the Coart ol Common Pleas, Henry D. Keller obtained yesterday a verdict of 11.761 04 against Mary Eliza Cooper, administratrix on account of a loaso to her husband. The delence was that be was Insane when be executed the lease, but the Jury did not think this allegation proven. In the United States District Court yesterday ten of tbe suits against Merrick Price resulted in Judge Rlatch lord ordering vcrdicts for the United .States, the amount aggregating $20,481 42. The caac In which the turety. Charles O. Hanks, was defendant was decided against the government subject to the opinion ol the Court. Tbe suit brought by Charles E Strong, receiver of tbe Atlantic National Bank, agalust Charles Trainor, to recover $20,000, amount of bond which he gave tor the faithful performance ol tho duties of cashier by his son, Mark L. Trainor, was yesterday concluded. Judge Lawrence, holding Supreme Court, Circuit, belore whom tho case was tried, directed a verdict for $2.1.500 for ihj plaintiff, being the amount claimed with In terest. Special Agent Sbarratt, of the l'ost Oflice, received yesterday a copy of a circular issued from the head quarters of the sawdust swindlers of this city intended for those whose cupidity for gain disregards the crimi nality of the act by which ihey acquire the samo. Bills to tbe amount ol $400 are oflered lor $100 genuine money, aud purchasers of the ''i|ucer" sre cautioned again.-t sending their money through tbe maiia. The circular bears no date snd un signature, but accom panying it was a card of R. C. Huhucll, No. 113 Nassau Street. A largo number of witnesses were examined yester day by Judge Van Hotsen, In Special Term of tho Court of Common l'leas, In connection with the 'rial ol tbe suit brought by the Ninth Avenue Railroad Com pany agaiust tho Greenwich Street Elevated Railroad. Among the wltnessesexamtned were Jacob Slurp, Super inicudentol the Twenty third Street Railroad; George l'erry, Veterinary Surgeon, and Chnrles Johnson, olthu Broadway and Twenty third street glage line, resides various drivers on tin plaintiffs' rosd. Tnetr testimony ass in corroboration of the allegations in the com plaint. Henry Rail, while riding ?om? two years ago on the front platform ol an Eighth nvcuuo car. was lm on the leg toy a rock froiu a bliutt on the Boulevard As the car was halted belore reaching the flagman tho I city wss considered the responsible party. A suit was i accordingly brought against iho city lor damages. Tho I case ?a?trioi| yesterday, belore Judge Baircit, holding | supremo court, Circuit Tbe evidence showed ibai ihe p.annul was iald up nine weeks on account ol Injuries, aud a verdict for $2,uoo damages was given in his lavor. In the matter of opening of the will of Ellen Bow. des, deceased, a motion was uiado yesterday beloro em iu|>n v..<i4i iu itituli tho probata or the la it will ?oil laaiameut of tlio decuimed. li appears tlini tbc de ceased, by bar will, left the realty lo her two sous an>l the personalty, compoKnig the bulk of her property, t<> a charitable Institution. Ex-Judge Curtis, in support of the motion, argued that the proof be bad submitted ?bowed iucont< atably thai at tha time ol the making or tlio will tbe deceased waa suffering from an illness severe and lingering to au extent that affected her mortal capacity ami rendered her totally incompetent to make a will After bearing counsel in support ol the validity or tho will tho Surrogato decided to opou tbe deeree'und hear evideuco da cova. An order was entered in th? Court of Common Pleaa yesterday thai a new calendar of the issues to be tried by a jury for tbe social terms oltbia Court be mane up lor October, 187& The prrsnut calendar having boon called entirely through uiU every case upon It which was roady tried, the (lay calendura on tho llrst Monday ol October next will commence with the cases which are put for the llrst time upon the general calen dar for tbo month of October. No cause on the present calendar will be placed upon ihe new calendar unless a nonce Iw filed with tbe clerk on or beloro tbe Iftth day of Soptember next, stating that tbn samo lias not been disponed ol or settled, and specifying therein the dale of Issue and the number on the present clendnr. Causes on the present calendar which are marked "Un served generally* or "Of! for the term" will be so marked on the new calendar. Mr. A. B. Darling, owner of tho Twentv-third Street Opera Mouse, leased tho premie s last January to R. M. Ilooley lor one year at $ 10,000 rental. Hooloy re let the place to J. Wilkes Kord, but as neither paid any rent Mr. Darling instituted proceeding before Judge Callahan In the First District Court to dia i ost>ess them. Mr. William li Kicketts maintains having been placed In charge of the box olllce, und an order of dispossession was given, alter which tbe place was leased to Kelly k Leon. Meantime Mr. Dave Reed, tbe popular minstrel performer, who was engaged l.y Mr. Ford to appear, not having been allowed to per form, brought an action beiore Judge Geduey, of tlio Eighth District Court, lor one week's salary. A judg ment waa obtained agalnsi Kord lor the amount, and to kecuro the Judgnieut Mr. William H. Rickeus was, by agreement, deputised by the Sheriff lo take charge of tho box office until tbe execution was satialled. The placo will now run on harmoniously under the manage ment of Kolly ? I.eon. DECISIONS. SUPREME COURT ?CHAMBEES. By Judge Lawrence. Brennan vs. Morris.?1 wish to see counsel. The Amoskoag .Saving* ti<uik vs. 1 he Brady's Bend Iron Company.?I deslie to see the counsel. lloe vs. Buckmuster; Tbe L'niou Savings Institution ?s. Clark, and l'honuix vs Dupuy.?Orders granted. bUPEKME COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge l.arremore. Grant and another vs. trooper ?Findings and order ot reference signed. SUPERIOR COURT?GENERAL TERM. By Judges Sedgwick and Spelr. Brewster vs! Balch.?Motion to permit the defend ant to appeal to the Court of Appeals denied, with $10 costs, by the Court. SUPREME COURT?CIRCUIT?PART 2. By Judge Donohue. Wardrop vs. Clallin el al.?Case recalled for recon sideration and settlement. COMMON PLEAS?SPECIAL TERM. By Judso Van Hocson. Fay vs. Blnns.?Motion granted. Order lo be re ?e tiled. Devoc vs. Devoe.?Memorandum. Gross vs. Hillabrand.?Dofault openod on terra*. Richardson vs. Browster.?fee memorandum. Schweitzer vs. Schweitzer.?Application for order of publication denied. Cooke vs. Cbarllclc.? Order of reference granted. Tuc German Exchange Bank vs. Vogt.?See mem orandum. I'age ut al. vs. Potter.?Mnmorandum tor sctttlemem of order. Andrews vs. Harris. ?See memorandum. Dto?sy vs. Sister?I think 1 have no power to order an extra allowance. Costa should, however, bo awarded to defendant, Sister. MARINE COURT?CHAMBERS. By Judge McAdam. Way vs. Crofut.?Decisions Uled. Norton vs. Campboli.?Judgment for plaintiff. CsstelYs. VcTbonernus.? Motion to continue Injunc tion denied, without costs. Peltiers vs. Fitzpatrtck.?Costs, Ac., taxed at 100 86. Seaman vs. Welsh.?Motion denied, without costs. Mversvs. Garson; Fluschhaur vs. Lany; McKcnxie ?a Van Winckle; Jacob vs. Rciib; Steinhart vs. Klog; Herbst vs. Vlchot; Brcmsen vs. Horwiiz: Cochrane vs. Qrassmuck; Wills vs. Dexter; Ridley vs. Freel; Whi elan vs. Curtis.?Motions disposed of as por papers filed. Gordon vs. McCahilL ?Motion granted. Bouland vs. Bogert?Referred to J. W. Rlsslll, Esq. Caldwell vs. Stolzenberg.?Motion to open default granted. Middleton vs. Wodicka ?Proceedings dismissed. Kinmaliy vs. Horgan.?Motion granted. Bennett va Stead.?Judgment lor plaintiff for $648 39. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART t Before judge Glldetsleeve. AN OLD PRETENDER. On tbe 28th of April lost a man, about sixty years or age, representing himself to be William Hammond, a retired sea oaptain, called at the furniture establish ment of Baxter & Co., In Canal street. He said he had Just concluded the purchase ol a bouse on Filth av.nuc and desired to Have it handsomely fnrnished. Two parlor suits, valued at $776, were sent to the ad dress mentioned. Meanwhile the Captain proceedod to Mr*. Dumsday's piano warerooms in East Ninth street and selected a piano, for whieh he waa to pay by the month. When application for payment was made st the house on Fifth avenue it was lonnd that the skipper baa disappeared, and that all the furntturo had been sold at auction. He was recently arrested, and tried yesterday on the cnarge of obtaining the piano under lulse pretcnces, and tbe Jary having found him guilty he was sentenced to live years' imprisonment in the State Prison. He pleaded guilty to the other charge made against him, and was scutenccd to eighteen months additional in the State Prison. GENERAL SESSION8?PART n, Before Judge Glldersleeve. BIOHWAT BOBBERY. William Pitt and Thomas I.e Strange were arraigned at tho bar charged with having, on the night ol the 24(h of April last, assaulted and attempted to rob Frederick Lathy, at 124th street, Harlem. It appeared that Mr. Lathy was on bis way home, ana at the place mentioned was attacked by a gang and knocked down, when one ol tho assailants endeavored to take his diamond studs Irom the bosom of bis shirt. Ho strug gled desperately and received several blows nnd kicks. At length a policeman's rap was heard, and the men Jumping into a wagon lied, one of tbem firing twice at the complainant, who in turn fired at them The prisoners wero arrested a few days alter ward and iden tified by Mr. Luthy at the police station. Assistant D strict Attorney Hell appeared tor the prosecution and Mr. Mitchell for tho prisoners. Several witnesses wero examined on the part 01 the defence to prove an alibi. The case Is not concluded. FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET COURT. Before Judge Kasmlre. ALLEGED FOBOBBY. Michael Fernen, of No. 10 Mulberry street, was com mitted on a charge oi forgery to stand his trial at the General Sessions. His brother John is also implicated, but he has not yet been arrested. John Fernen was, up to last Saturday, In the service of Mml Julia Beach, ol No. 30# Fifth avenue. On the 30th alt. Michael, it is alleged, presented himsell at ibe confectionery store ol Albert Salter, No. 4M Third uvenue, and obtained a dollar's worth of cake lor Mrs. Beach, in payment lor which lie gare a check tor $<il on tho Filth Avenue Bank. The check hud Indorsed upon It the name of Mrs. Beach. John recciveu the $30 in change anil the cake ana It was subsequently discovered that me eheck was a forgery. 1 he prisoner, who is ? hoy of aliout fifteen years of age, denied bis guilt. A POLITICAL QUABKEL. Thomas J. Crombie, a contractor, of No. 600 East Eighty-seventh street, applied on Wednesday afternoon to Judge Rasmire lor a warrant for tho arrest of ex Senator Hugh H. Moore, who he charged had assaulted him without provocation, on Tuesday last, on the stairs of the Harlem Court House. The Court refused to issue a warrant, but ordered Officer Hitchcock to notify Mr. Moore to come to court yesterday morning at nine o'clock. The ex-Senator was not at home on Wednes day night when tho officer called, but yesterday morn lug at an early hour he was, and sent word from his bed he wonlil l>e present lu court at the hour named. Having tailed to keep his word an order was issued Io OlScer Hitchcock by the Court lor his immediate ar rest He ramo voluntarily to court, however but the Judge bad lelt the bench, and he again left. He returned In the aiternoon. accompanied by Jerome Buck a* counsel. The complainant not be. ing present the examination was |iostponed for two weeks aad the Senator was dim-barged on the respon sibility of his counsel. Those who sboaid know state that the canee of the trouble between Mr. Moore and Mr. CmmMe is (lit fact that the latter bsi superseded Mr. Moore In the leadership of the Tammany Committee of the Twenty tlrst Aacmbly district. Mr. Moore sent his rt signal i n a< chairman of this committee nnd as member of lue Committee on Organization to John Kelly some weeks ago. and it was accepted, to his great astonishment. He thinks Crombie was the chief c*m?o of his over throw. A QUEEB CASE OF ARBACLT AND BATTEBY. , Selim Marks, of No. 256 West Tblrty-nlnth Hreet, a resl estate agent, has a son twenty-eight years of age, of whose morality he has evidently bat a poor opinion. This son is an intimate Iriend of W. Phillips, publisher of a directory, and he has olten taken Mrs. Phillips to pieces ot amusement and has rowed with her on the Central Par* lakes To this Phillips made no objection, but the elder Marks d d, and lu an interview between tho two he endeavored to impress upon the mind of Phillips the danger there w.<* in allowing the letter's wife to go out so oiten with his son alone. Mr. Phillips sail he recognised no danger or impropriety in the matter and be was railed an old lool bv Marks. 1'hHllpe retaliated by railing Marks a rogue and Marks struck bnu. The Court postponed liual Judgment in the case, hoping that the parlies would come to a bet ter understanding. Mark* did not want the case pub lish id, but Phillips int<l be had no objection provided hip directory wok mentioned. By the way, be pre aented a ropy of it to the Court. POLICE COURT NOTES. Officer Druffln, of tbe Tenth precinct, yesterday after noon found a notorious sneak thief named John Murphy, of Monroe street, In tbe apartments of Mrs. Lena Kcrlau, Nix 27S East Houston stroct, forcing open tbe bureau. He attempted resistance, hut surrendered on botng clubbed, la his possesion were found a lady's sealskin nap and boa and an account book of one | Rotb with J. L. k, F. Kuntz. brewers, of 110th j street, Mornsania. Murphy was held lor triaL tieorge l?sser. a lad twelve years old. of No. 330 East ' Slxtn street, was committed for trial at the Essex . Market Court, yesterday lor attempting to pans a forged i check for $31 on Mr. Charles Koch, of No. 110 Kast 1 Houston street. He Maid he wns given tbe check by a mau in Second nvouue. At tba Washington Place Police Court Frederick Housler, o( Spring street, wns held for trial for steal ing a gold watch, value $160, troin John l.eiscbcr while visiting the latter at Ins residence, No. 40 Oomi B:ck street, lust February. Officer Frederick Rlngler, of the fourth precinct, who on Saturday night Inst brutaliy clubbed Mrs. Catharine O'Donnell, ot No. 434 Pearl street, and ber son and daughter, Hugh and Mary O'Donnell, wns ?r ra'gned before Justico Murray at the Tombs yesterday and was committed to snswer two charges ot aHsault, the bail being flxed in each case at $600. Captain Alexanders?. Williams, of tbe Fourth precinct, wns ao ceptcd as surety lor llingler's appearance. COURT CALENDARS?THIS DAY. Scprsmb Cucrt?Cbamusrs?Held by Judge Dono hue.? Nos. 78, 77, 111, 112, 113. 116, 118, ISO. 157, 102, 164, 177, 102, 193, 194, 197, 200, 236. 237. 242, 243, 252, 255, 291, 305, 306. 316, 317, 319. 320, 322, 323. St'riMMK CocBT?UrxciAL Tkh*?Held by Judge Larremore.?Law aod fact?Nor. 309, 97, 200, 367, 410, 411, 223, 376, 241, 374. 379, 387, 398, 214, 420, 278, 279, 173. 174, 517, 518, 587, 51, 34. 50.;. Spprkhk Cobkt?Cikctit?Part 1?Held by Judgo Barrett.?Short causes?Nos. 2283,1349, 13612959, 2961, 2771. 2987, 2990, 2835, 2799, ".010. 2947, 2679, 1904, 2592, 1397, 2703, 2905, 2907 , 2825, 2941, 2815, 3118. Part 2?Held by Judgo Van Vorst.? Short causes?Nos. 1968, 2730. 1058. 2630. 2468, 2022, 301b, 2990, 2772, 21tft6, 25S8, 3006, 2728, 1504 V 2252, 2818, 2832, 2742. 2932, 2924, 2934, 2882, 1780, 20fx), 2906, 2826, 2S36, 1190, 3210, 3096, 3134, 3142, 3208, 315X. 1730. 25S8. U204, 3200, 2712, 3182. 3138, 3178, 3162. 3228. Port 3?Held by Judgo Lurreraore.?Short onuses?Nos. 3015, 15131,. 2801), 2775, 26'J7, 2843, 2750, 2787, 2273. 2M)7, 3223, 3119. 3111, 3103, 3199. 3167, 2873, 1505 K, 3051, 8226, 2929, 3227, 3147, 3129, 3101, 2611. SurciuoK Cocht?Special Tkrm ? Hold by Judgo Sedgwick.?Doniurrers Nos. 1 and 2. Issues ot laci? Nom. 41, 9, 46, 54, 47. Si'pkrioh Couht?Tsial THRM--Part 1?Hold by Judge Sanford Nos. 2027, 1113, 1074, 1135, 1072, 1112 1032. 1080, 1136. 737, 1042. 1054, 1142, 1151, 2015. Par 2?Held bv Judgo Speir.?Nos. 1675, 1189, 788, 1000 1005, 608, 1110, 838, 454, 1946, 1156, 1360, 1159, 1162 1163, Cosmo* Pi,ka8? Equtrr Tm??Held by Judge Van Hooheu Nos. 4, 28, 30. 27. 40, 10, 1, 0. 8. 23, 34. Common Pleas?Trial Term?Part 1?Holu by Judge Robinson ?Nos. 706.2281,2153.2154, 1603,1854, 2337, 461 1871, 696. 1097, 1434, 1104, 2033, 2112, 1826, 2?34, 2438. Part 2?Held by Judge Van Brunt Nos. 2441, 1949, 2376',, 2027, 2250, 1942. Pari 3?Held by Judze J. F. Duly.?Nos. 2005, 1994, 2514, 2044, 2586, 1851, 2504, 2523. Marink Coctbt?Trial Tshm?Part 1?Held by Judge Alkor.? Nos. 4191, 4205, 4221. 3603, 7692, 7731, 7812, 7098. 7863, 7719, 4286, 446, 4?5, 4168. 3875. Part 2? Held by Judgo Sheridan.?Nos. 3749, 7749, 399, 2234, 1080, 7743, 7782, 7833, 7892, 4116, 4245, 3583, 4240, 5341, 6410. QUEENS COUNTY OYER AND TER MINER. in the Queens County Court of Oyer and Terminer William C. Fowler, alias "Bnllwagon " indicted for killing Samuol Scbenok, at Roslyn, pleadel guilty of manslaughter in the third degree and was sentenced to two years In the State Prison. Jeremiah Reynolds, for bigamy, was sentenced to one year in tho Kings County Penitentiary. The parents ol Mary McCarra, four years old, living at Long Island City, sued tbe Long Island Railroad Company lor $5,000 damages for having caused the child's death by running over bor. Tbe company in terposed the plea o( carelessness on the part ot tbe Cirents in permitting such u young chl d to run at rge without a protector, and alleged that she bad not died of tbe injurlos. but from disease. Tbe Jury al lowed plaintiffs $250. Yesterday tho tnird trial In tbe case of Gomeln against the Long Island RailroadCompany, for running against a carriage at the Woodbury crossing and killing two persons, some two or three years sgo, was in progress. COUET OF APPEALS. Albany, N. Y., June 8, 1878. Na 188. Saga vs. Wood in.?Argument resumed end concluded. Na 108. Edmund H. Walking, appellant, vs. Timothy D. Wilcox and other*, respondents.- Argued by D. D. Hulliday, for appellant; Marcus Lyon lor respondents. No. 'lit. Daniel 8. Keed and another, respondents, ?a. N'cbolas U. Oeckcr, appellant?Argued by S. Hand, (or appellant; D. 3. Mori-ll for respondeat No. 64. Daniel Day, respondent, vs. the Mayor, Ac., of New York, appellant.? Arguod by D. J. Dean, for appellant, and by William L. Klndley lor respondent. CALENDAR rOR FRIDAY. Not. SI, 44, 67, 83. 80, 219, 182 and 228. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. DECISIONS. Washington, June 8, 1878. The Sunreine Court of the United Statos bare ren dered opinions in tho following cases:? The Rule tn Equity as to the Restraint of the Collection of Taxet?State Authority over Railroad* iciMir Their Border s? The Rule of Construction. Na 702. laaac Taylor, Collector ol l'ooria County, et aL, appellant, v?. .lames K. Secor and William Tracy, and Nos. 701 aud 703?Appeals Iroin tee Circuit Court for the Northern District of Illinois.?The three case* ' whose titles sund at the head of this opinion are ap peals from d-crces enjoining the appellants from the i collection of taxes assessed by the proper officer' of tho j Slate ol Illinois against three several railroad com- , panics, organized under the laws of that Stato, and doing buaiuess In It. The plaintiff* In the first nntnud 1 of the aliovo suits are mortgagees ol the Toledo, 1'eoria 1 and Warsaw Railroad Company. In the other two casea the complainants are stockholders of the rcsnec. tlve companies whose interests they represent? tamely, tho Chicago and Alton Hailroad Com pany In No. 701. and the Chicago, Burling ton and fjuincy Railroad Company in No. 70& : Tho act of the legislature ol Illinois of March 30. 1872, J under which the taxes complained ol were assnascd, makes special provisions for the taxat on of railroads , and other corporations, the main feature or which Is the purpose of leaving to each county, city and town i the power of assessing lor taxation what Is properly 1 local In the same maimer that other similar property Is , taxed tn lhal municipality, and at the same time to j subject to like taxation, ou some lair basis, that which I is not Id Its nature so clo.irly local, but which, by rc.v I son ol its being appurtrnant or incideut to tho rail- j road, should pay its share to the State and to nil the countics, towns and cities through which sny part of tho rosd runs. The theory of the sysicm Is manl- j festly to treat the railroad track, its rolling stoek, its franchise and its capital as a unit lor taxation, and t.i | distribute the assessed value ol this unit according as the length of the rond in each county, city and town bears to the whole length of the road. The principal j provis on of the law providing lor the valuations to i>e , made was as follows:? The capital stock of all companies and a-soelauons , now or hereafter created under the laws of this Siato susll be so valued by the t>ute Hoard of Kqualization as to ascertain and determine respectively the lair cash value ol auch capital stock, tnclud ng the franchise, over aud above the assessed va.ue ol the ungibic property ol such company or association. Said hoard shall adopt such rules and principles for ascertaining the lair cash value of such capital stock as to it may seem equitable and Just; and such rules and principles, when so adopted, If not Inconsistent with this act. shall be as binding and of the same effect as it con tained tn this act, subject, however, >o such change, alteration or amendment as may uc found from time to time to be necessary l<y said hoard; provided that in all i cases where the tangible property or capital stock of any company or association Is assessed under this act the shares of capital stock of any such company or association shall not be assessed or laxed in this Slate. This clause shall not apply to the capital stock or shares ol capital stock ol banks organized under tho general banking laws of this State. I'he objection was thut the law was repugnant to the constitution of the Slate. Tho Court derides thus:? While this Court does not lay down any absolute rule limiting the powers of a court ol equity lu restraiD'iig the collection of taxes, It declares that It is essential thai every rase be brought within some ol the recog- j uized rules ol equity Jurisdiction, and thai neither ilie- I galiiy n?>r irregularity in the proceedings, nor error or excess of vsluttion, nor the hardship or injustice ol the taw, provided it .i>? constitutional, nor any grievance , which can be remedied by a suit at law, either be I ore or after the payment of the tax, will authorize nn in junction against its collection. - This rule is founded on the principle ibat the levy of ' taxes is a legislative and not a Judicial function, and ? the Court can neithor make or cause to lie made a new assessme nt if the one complained ol bu erroneous, and i also in the necessity that the taxes, without winch the , stale could not exist, should be regularly and promptly \ paid Into the treasury. Query?Whether the sumo j rigid rnlo a gal net equitable reliei would apply to taxes levied solely by muuicmnl corporations lor corporate purposes an that here applied to Stale taxes? I'rolmoly I not No injunction, preliminary or Dual, can be granted i to stay collection or taxes until It is showu that all the ] taxes conceded to l>? due, or which the Court can see outfit to he pal I, or which can bo shown tn be due by ailldavtta, has been paid or tendered without demand ing a receipt in fall. While the constitution of Illinois requires taxation In I geueral to be uniform and equal, it declares, in express I terms, tbat a large class of persons engaged tn special pursuits, among whom are persons or corporation* owning franchises and privileges, may lie taxed as the Legislature shall determine by a general law, uniform aa to the class upon which it operates, and under this provision a statute is not unconstitutional which pre scribes a different role of taxation for rallroaa compa nies from that for individuals. Nor does it violate the provision "f the Constitution of tho United States. The capital stock, franchises, and all the real aud per sonal property of corporations are justly liable to taxa tlon, an<l a ml* which o*c.ertains thq value of all this by ascertaining the cash value of the landed dcot and ul the shares of tb? capital slock as the basis <?( ?ess mailt Is probably as lair as any other. Deduciluc from tins the assessed vnlua of all the tangible real and personal poparty which Is also taxed, leave* the real valoe of the capital mock and franchise* sub ject to texauon us justly ?s any other mode, all modes being inore or less Imperlect. It is neither In conflict witn the constitution of Illinois nor Inevit able that the enure taxable property ot the railroad ; company should lie asccrtsloed by ihe State Hoard ol Kqualizmlon, and that ilie Stat*, county and city taxes ? should oo collected within each municipality on this > assessment, in the proportion which llic length of the | road within such municipality bears to the ?hoo lergth of the road within the State. The tenon of the \ Hoard ot Equalization In increasing tho assessed value ol a railroad company or an individual above the return made to the Hoard does not requiro a notice to the party to make it valid, and tho courts cannot substi tute their judgment as to snoli valuation lor that of tho Hoard. The Supreme Court of iba Stale ot Illinois having decided that the law complained ol in these cases is valid undor her constitution, and having con- i Mrued the statute, this Court adopts tho decision of that Court as a rule to be followed 111 tno ledcral courts. Mr. Justice Mil'.or delivered the opinion. ALABAMA CLAIMS. MKETINO OF THIS COURT OF COMMISSIONERS PROBABLE FURTHER EXTENSION OF THE COURT. Wasiiingtox, June 8, 187A. The Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims met yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, and at onco too* up caseaictnbraced in tho new calendar. Tho presid ium Judgft announced, in connection with the cases now beforo the Court, that "the Court proposos to call up ! on each day twenty cases, and If business enough for j the day ia found in the call the rases will be prcsrntca j and disposed of. Ifnot sufficient busiues* for the day should result from tho call auy oth'*r cise will be taken up out ol its order If tho counsel should be ready and agreed." The Court then proceeded In tho coll of twenty crises, but not ono case within the call was ready. By agree ment it ua* decided to hear ou Friday next the resrga ment lu tno c.ise of the Brunswick, destroyed by the Shenandoah, Juno 28, 1866. No other business being ready, tbo Court adjourned. The time limited by Congress for Qling claims expired | on Tuesday. The whole number ot claims tiled reaches | cart, which will render impossible tho completion ol the Court botor* the 22d ot July, the time to whlMi Ihe ! Court was extended, aud there is little doubt but that i the Court, pending the admission of new cases, will be I further extended. This will be advantageous to all tho cases, as it will allow further time for the war premium and insurance claims to gala admission. THE SPRAGUE, HOYT & CO. FAILURE. referee's REPORT ON THE CLAIMS AGAINST THE FIRM?LIST OF THE AMOUNTS ALLOWED AND THE PARTIES TO WHOM ALLOWED. Mr. William f. Dixon, who was appointed by tho Su preme Court relcreo in the suit of the Berkshire Woollen Company agaiust Augustus Julllard, receiver of Sprague, hoyt ft Co., tbo quondam great lihodo Island mill operators, yesterday filed his report in tho County Clerk's office. Too releroe roports that the ag gregate of claims against tho bankrupt Qrtn amounts to $8,000,000, that but $3,345.460 49 of these claims have bceu allowed, that ho has now in bis hands $1,320,000, reserving a sum sufficient to make a dividend upon claims not yet proved and allowed, and sufficient to cover all estimated special demands. Ho can, out of this balance, pay to those creditors who<o claims havo been proved and allowed a dividend of ten per ccut on the amount of their respective claims. The following is a list of the claims allowed, which wtll give some idea of the extensive operations of tho Urm:? Blapper A sternlle *5.730 A3 Amos K. Kno 11.453 07 Kilward Kchlttieu A Oo 17.2HU 31 Jacob Bo*ell 'iwi it M. A S. C. Kldpath 410 1] I'niuu Natonal Hank of Troy 5 720 7.1 lliddeford National Bunk 17.180 ft',! Thomas 8. Hathaway 5,004 8.1 Union Mutual liimiranee Company 5,004 8(1 llenrv C. Oleason.... o'kmh 7 ' Bntland Comnty Natioual Bank 5,747 87 Tenth National Hauk ,\7.'ift ()!> Tenth National Bank 5.754 7ft National Broadway Bunk 5,75(1 4ft National Hroadway Bank 7.7(jft 58 National Hroadway Bank \TV7 irn National Broadway Hank 5,7o7 OJ National Commercial Bank of Albany 2s]7?n i(~ (iershoti P. Kenyon U > Weybossett National Bank 58,333 39 James L. Morgan A Co if tixft im Journey A Layman........ 10,0 ? imi Merchant* National Bank ,',37 < > Executors of Klcbaid M. Blatchford 1, 87Hft7n't Old National Bunk 51750 S Merchant*' Surinam Bank 14 f*)4 34 National Warren Bank 10.K32 18 Union Oil (Company '709 fl7 lleorge A. Heagrave 8,4(10 8> John E. Argill 3 0ft" 7-, Amu* I'erry 1^.H4 118 ?red M. Balou 5,00ft 73 Christopher K. Drown 2 281 31 J. A. Adam* ,\740 28 Leonard X. Hlodgett 5 tHi7 "<i 8am. V. Hoffman 11,465 ftti 1 l'henix Saving* Bank 5,ouft 70 I l'henix National Bank 10.7V8 m The Coventry Savings Bank 4<> The Coventry National Bank 32070 oJj Henry A. Corr. a^is ,vj National hagle Bank 50.308 3) Merchant* .National Bauk of Providence, R. I.. 4.5,752 13 CunrerUud National Bank 5,377 38 Kicliardiun Knos..._ 3.38ft at William B. Kimball 5*73h j?:t William B Kimball 3.8 >7 77 John Bead, Jr ft,?53 73 National State Capital Bank 5.BR3 12 J.oan and Trnat Saving* Bank 5,7|imi3 Bbode Island Inatitnt.on for Saving! 3J.578 8(1 Kendall Manufacturing Company 5/xift 7n National Bank of Wrentliam ft,1x1 70 hicliard 8. Fern ham. 5*(iU'i 7? William K. Andrew* 5|72H 27 lioiace K. Blanchard 2,855 07 Jacob Molt, Jr 8*71)4 7m Charles A. Harris 2,277 4ft Robert 8. Dean 3 5<r> 88 Mr. J. Lewis A>13 nft Pawtucket Mutual Fire Insurauce Company.... 17 047 x-? l'awtucket Bank..... 13.481 00 Sinn Hock National Bank 70.3! 15 oj Aalibei Wall 3-844 88 Kim .National Bank ofNewoort. K. 1 8 88.5 87 Aquidneck National Bank or Newport. H. 1 111-4t>7 rt Stafford National Bauk 0,'ltfft fti Mo'.ument Mills ll t?w 78 National Bank of Rutland 5*680 70 M. 8. Mora A Co lo)oi | ft| The People'* Having* Bank of Providence 05.O/4 7?? New Haven Trust Company 5 740 33 < oinmeri:i >1 and Farmer*' National Hank 3,'338 7ft Kutus Sargent ftH ;j,-, Schelle Bros 1(1.1*14 tW New York Lite Insurance and Trust Company. . 1 l.ft.'m it8 Mechanics' National Bank II 40o ift *?*?? *??'"*? li:3.(8 48 John r. Mauran... ft.004 n; Thompson National Hank 6,dial k? Cltisens' Savings Hank .V0D7 30 I'lornix National Bauk 2h,ksh >3 First National Bank of Putlum, Conn Kmski 7j Potter .* BuRlngton ftV-83 83 j.iliii Harney 23,'133 47 ! Thomas Milton 5,7117 (si Tliorne, Watson A (Jo 33,!i3o 711 Isaac M. Potter 5,7t?5 47 Klton Hanking Company 13,81V 38 Courtlandt P. Field A Co 5,713 |)l J. Mrauss. Bros. A Co 38|.V(7 ttft (ieorge Mohlev 5,720 7ft Kenyon A Coon 5.144 (W Henry K. Smith ft]7 <1 W. II. Seagrave 5.0)4 8) Harriett K. Simmons 3.28a ft) Kirst .National riankol Sinithtieli ft,701 0,1 Am sa ^. Wcstcmt 3 4J(i ..7 PI st National Bank of Warren 3h7ns 41 Henry C. Bowen.... 3.1'77 X't James (!. Hidden 7 IKM (<4 I'.lieni'K'r Carpenter I0 7i|ft 40 Joliu It. Hartlett I4,3|ii 44 Joseph Dean ... 3,5(12 K8 Dsniel W eaver 3.'.'xi3 74 Henry I'carce 1 .tsti^ )|| | (iidron L Soencer ID,011 53 I Cliarles iV. Mi ore ft'7.">' hi! 1 fc. W Koas A Co 2.011 3? ! I- County Bank 11.511 57 i Cltj Nation .1 Hauk ?t Hartford ft.Oiri 70 I Justin A Bliss 1,818 8 > ' Taunton National Kank 2"?.irj.i 17 ) William II. Henderson .'Ml ">.>4 1 I.C011 V. (ialiagher 11 474 3ft 1 Junius 8. Morgan 15fl.:iot| 74 I Butchers and Diti.erV Hank 5,(1(12 07 I Nanorial Whaling Bank of New l.nndon 11!4_S? Id lleury A Atkln ?\7mj 117 Hcrmn ('. Keuyvn 3,4.">i> 40 Manufacturers' National Bank 48/>ft 1 4? Mary H Seagrere .'i'imH h<? I nion Saving* Hauk 17,211 li.i Kpliratm S. Jackson 3,28!) lift James M. Cunliff ft,O0.? 7ii A. (i. Still well 3.444 81) Hlllt Nation il Bank l?i,i?m 1x1 Mei baiucs'saving* Bank 5,00"1 7 , Mary Pierce 3.UHH 8j Nicholas N. Spink 5.71H H8 Wale lord Savings Hank 32,2.'>4 .'.7 Wafeiurd National Hauk 32.^117 7.?> Wahton Bouse H,ft(l7 &tl Ktnjon * Coon 30.O28 80 'ill.una* I) Wilbur 5.74J 4!i City Savings Hank ol Providian.e . . .l,7UOIt 11 31) rian'ord Duriee >, sg> 7n W iiolham i .iOnty National Hank ft.iloft lift /.elves Jeuks J.iln 411 Cranson (;. Craudall I.'iil 14 (ieorge W. ('hluman A Co :,3| D7 (Jeor^e S. Mouitou, Ksecutor 5.7IJ | ( Wi.limantlo Savings Institution 32 87:1 21) Second Natlonarilank of Cooperstown ">,72ft 55 Am^rlenu Kschange National llank 3ft,IJUJ ;o William lleller 4.214 ID New York Mate National Bank 5.7ft3 :?i Henry Marks 5.7:?i 48 Abiel B. Msrkt ?>,?!)( Hit Jantfts II. Ilasleburst A Brother ft,7 rj 2-', Savings Bang of Daubiiry 17,:il)n 8K Joliu Wheeler ft,70* j| Uliver B. Tweedy ... ft.o 4 hi| Joseph Weil A Brother .. II.Komn Alex* .\7.'il> 7ft A. Burgess A .-on 8.42,'. 43 John Palmer 2.HJ2 .8 Windnam County Mutual Fire Insurance Co... 2,50.' 88 Kingston waving* Hank 2o,7l4 51 Charles II. Whipple 15,014 4'l Jeremiah (i. I'eiXham 5.727 3.1 A. C Matthewson ft.o ift 7il Marcy Cargill 5.7*147 A. N. Heckwlih 5.70H n7 Kdwin A t weedy 17,172 22 John C. Itunkla 5 748 km K. II Kellogg jj4 Angeline K. Darl ng 5.7n7 77 First National Bank of Palmyra 5.7o7 isi National Hank of Commerce in New York 7".""II 87 J. K Hugliy A J. C. Hall 3.*C > Ott Wood-lock .National Haak ot Woodstock 5,754 )>4 llartwell t llsgrrd. executors of L. Hall 1,0)1 I Nemurl Foster 5,UOft 7(1 Henry A. Ilidder .... CtMHH 51 Nsnonsl Kagle Rank of Hrl?tol 5,0n| 8<; The Uroceri and Producer*' Bank ef Providence. (*.*>7 HI { Yt tndham Cotton Manufactsring Company *7,005 !'K Northern ll??ik ? M 'thorna* Phillip. A Co.. ?? 4.45K 7> Philip N. Dm nic 5,*X S? llanovrr National Bank 15,74<l 4d Jokeph Faulkner 5,75 1 HI Ocrire K. A dee 4.245 7.'t Daniel II. Mill* Itt.tKil "H l-.dwin U. Anttell '.,.*"'l 4H 1.011 is (i. Snidor., . 3,lrtH til John K. Atrnewetal 2*_'.w27 It.i l.ydla K Kendall 2 Hi 5 it I I rederirk J. 1I .4(V% M5 Warwick Inatitntlnn for Ha?inn?. f?ll,lT>7 55 Centrevllle National Hank ?l Warwick S.tW 75 N?t ounl Hank ol itoyaltou 2I,9HH 5 J Thompnon Newbury 25.H24 ** Krderlck A. Kins ?.'.<??! 05 John L*. Dodge . It 0.**t 7* il-nnci l< HrumlfT Hill Mt M H. HannUter A Son 1.IHH 01 Central Hank of W??teh#Kter Co'inty. X. Y 5.7>7 7)1 New York National KxchanKO Hank 4,177 (>' (?reenwich Sa?iu.r? Hank r>,l il *7 Konvon, Potter A Co ? '?'-7 tut Tovrii.uud A Mont ant ?.<??? *il (iaorge I, Strn 11 on A Co S.Tifl 7:1 J. >1 Marletimt A Co 5,7 -8 :t5 Levi lley 5(12 <tj A. Hoffman A Co ? 1511 ;Mt John Moir<*l 5,71 H rt% llcrk-hlrn Woollrn Company Wl,5lttt 24 John Foater :I4,"20 01 Charlea K. Latimer. 'Irnatee. Ac |.i,Jt>H 47 Kirat National Hank of Mid iletown. Conn 5.7. 7 50 Stephen A Allrich M.OIH ll K. W. Wat*..n 5.711 nil Wanton Durfee ll,?ltl 1' Cl.arle. W. Iloihrook 8.<H? 4* I Marr J. l<ow1t 5,Ot4 *0 Ira Ho.ta ?<(? Jusialt W. ICIrhurdunn . H,tSI7 3.' John I*. Campbell 1.5(11 40 John 1*. Campbell A Co |t>, 'H7 HJ Second Nh i"n?l Htink of Proridenco 1*.772 "?(> City Natio-ial Hank of i'roekisae* 5,754 '. 0 Kim National Bank of Hriatol '<,(?2H Hriktol lu?titutiou lor Savins* a,Htrt 05 < William W. Paine -71 ?tl Samuel Church 5.'<J5 7t? Hannah B. Smith 2,m I P. W. Arnold 5 755 III Alhcr (I. l/owry H<,?t7 58 Lavinia Lowry 1I.4W ?l | Kdwln a. Smith 5.C02 7(1 ' J:>mo> M. Campbell 42 Sin 20 John K. KpneKltcltner 5,070 7'J Matthew llrook* 5 "711 50 , Chart,., II Smith H.45 1 IS , National Mechanic' Hank 5(1 '(II II Fritl e? KoberU A (V 11.4 >5 Oil Rhode I land Onion Hank l''.7in t>8 William 11. Stafford 5.7(17 CJ New Knirlnnd Commercial Bank 5.(?i| 85 AdmliiKtrHtora of D K. Swinhurn li'.OII 1*1 Hrintol County Nntinnnl llauk 5.1(0.! H New ar . Citv National itank 5.7.M tttt National l.'nion Hank. Wootuocket, it. I... .... "(ttil'.i Jtt J N. lliintinutoli A Co Il.ull Joel Svmond< 5.(1'rt 7'l J N Hayne? Kl.OH 5J Philip .V. Ilarkina ^MtKI H(t (ireetiwich National lla iK 5,UU5 7'i l;a?t Itivar National Hank 5,<U. 7(t American National Hank of i'rovidanc* 4t'4H (W \V. A. Ilobinvon i Co. ...... 5,0 t > * :l Hotter Avrill l._2il 54 First National liana of Yonker< 5,75'J ''2 Paria Ilill Sfl.l-'H I'ockinrham National ll tnk of PortMiionth 5,5(11 ft) Whilinavtllo National Bank 15,014 t-ft Jame? A. Brown 14. 74 H7 I Mechanic*' National Hank of Providence 2(1,518(0 : Nnthau B. Waldron - H.S57 77 Wa'dton, Wtirhtman A Co 5,Tfl U0 | T. it. White AC aO.'tllliO C K. hitker a.CMM ! William Bullock 5.110% 7.1 1 Kir?t National Hank of Warwick, .V V 17,217 77 > Ulltta II Oreen 112, 4'1 ( O i Yor* County Savlttox Hank 5,tut.% 4(1 . Ulolio National Bank of PrDTldence 5tt,(K>7 (fl Total P!i,:?4 >,4?'J 40 RINO RULE IN WESTCHESTER. TRUSTEES DIVIDING A WAT THE TOWN'S PltOP EltTT TIIE DEEDS SET ASIDE AMD THE GUILTY PARTIES INDICTED. How the King thiovos of Wcstrhosicr wero made to disgorge the property plundered trom the town was ox emplifiod in a suit Jn tho Supreme Court, held by Judge Barnard, at White Plains, tho town of Westchester being the plaintiff and William Cooper, John T.gho, Joan H. Davis and oihers the dofcouunts. The cause o( action is set forth at hirgo in tho plaintiffs com plaint, and, Irom the statements therein set forth. It appears that the town of Westchester and tho Trustees oi the town of Westchester owned und were in the por tion of certain valuablo real estate sttuuted In tho town and that this ical estate was held by ihe town of West chester lor the purposes of supper:lug tho freo schools and maintaining a causeway and mill lor the use of all the inhabitants of the town. In the spring of 1874 the defendants, John U. Davis and John Tlglio, together with one Daniel McGroery, wero elccted Trustees of tho town. Mcliroery, not relsihlug the programme laid out by his two fellow Trustees, resigned his omeo and would huvo nothing to do with them. The vacancy occasioned by this resignation never was filled, but tho two remalnlug Trustees Immediately constituted them Try.e.?i?tO,n0ofpor'lUol'.r,,nU c"'le<1 thomseivea ' tho 1 rusleos ot tho towu ol Westchester," composed of onh two persons, themselves and no more, showing a total disregard ol the somewhat familiar rale ??that three It! number arorequisite to mako a corporation aggregate " Davis and lighe immediately procoedud to business. They went out of tno town of Westoliester, although' !?? T?^n0H0MC,.lw 1 lh.c,r moeli,'K* shall be held in p Westchester, to their attorney ? ofllco J i 5 J arms, and in one night they ootveved and deeded away all ot the lands und property belonging to tho town to their lew select friends and relatives, i ho cutis.deration expressed in the deed, none liaviug breu over actually paid, was merely nominal For example, they deeded and couvoyed the prop erly known as tho Mill property and all tile r'ght to tho Westchester Creek to tneir codelenduu Cooper or the gum of fl.OOO, and at the same time irntS ih. Sr,,I,lCe *-'L00' wl,p". '?? and in troth, the same properly vvns worth with tho mill and water right "t least f/iu,000. To a nephew of ono of llnftL " pa" of w,ul |K knnwn ?? tho ?'00 whin .? iVV .V C"nTPVC<) lor the sum ol f Jh) w hen, in lact, the property was worth fft.tJOO 1 his nephew never took poisosbl.m of the proiH-riv hut his undo, John Tlgho, one ol these very Trustees' hlm?lTTi,H .W,.n' fr*'utj U,ttt "?? frustoe sold to I .?L ! "1L" . 0 net,ho'?. and in this manner I ?? i 01 ^eht''hcster uianaged iu ono night to divest tlie town ol ull its property. ' niTr'/r,11"'1'!'.01'1' elected a new set of Trustees? Messrs. Maters. Mapes mid Baieley, three repuiable and Honest freeholders? and, as tho saying is ihev [ s.rpbcd and went lor Davis and ligho aiid\l,e,r gi unites named in tho aeed. The town officers promptly took measures to puuish those fellows Tho wo" injU'Odiately placed in the hands ol Kdmou Blaiikman mid Jatkem O. Dykmati, now Judce Dvk j man. These gentlemen at onco liled a bill m equity against all these parties to have tho doeds ol coiivuv. auco soi aside. The causes caine on to ho henrd first fit f,!lT?LTT V afterward at General Torm. before tl,o full Bench, who heard tho arguments presented by Kdinon HlaiiKtnun in behalf ot the town to hava tho deeiitt declared void. The defendants were represented by Juuges tiiflord and Hunt. The Court, after hearing both sides promptly rendered its decision declaring all these deeds absolutely void and directed judgment to be entered at .Special ferm in eonlormily with this do cision \ esierdsy, at White Plains, the Supreme Court ?n to i.o cnierod ,.gain?t all the defendants, und dlrectod the Regixtor ol Deeds lor the county to mark ihe record of these fraudulent conveyances and deeds, "Cancelled, void, and ol no force or eflact ' The Judgment also directs that the defendants shall pay costs and extra allowance and they lorlhwith account lor tlio icnts, issues and prollis arising irom said property, snd that the |and? and property ho lorlhwith returned to the town of thur" *?tting nn examplo lo evildoers, h , y" c"un|y >'??? "'so found a true bill ol ind.ctment against these would be Trustees i.n cause ol their misconduct in ofllco in making the*e fraudulent conveyances and for fraudulently apprnpri- ? sting the money and property of the town, and they i will now be tried upon this indtctinent. . BOBBED BY EMPLOYES. fioodwln K Co., Ihe tobacco manufacturers ol Sot. 20. and 200 Water street, who employ Irom 1,000 to j 1,500 hands, have, during tho , ust seven months missed large quantities of ilwlr stock. Tho caso was ! placed In iho hands of Detective Jackson, of the *ourih precinct, who yesterday arrested Chariot Baker, one Of the workmen, and lound len pound* of tobaeco on his person. On searching Baker's rooms at Hester treet the detective lound a Isrg.. trunk completely filled with the choicest lotiacco. linker whs livid lor trial at the tombs yesterday aiternoon Othe? ' arrests aro expected in the cuso "in.r Special Detective Brllton, ol the Post UIDce Denart. I tnetit, yesteiday morning arreted Joseph Dcboe u h-y seventeen yours old, lor robbing his emUovers Hoshiro \ Co., ol No, All Cedar sir.el, ol f.ioo t?orili n't poekeibooks, gold pent and o her luncj articles, rho prisoner, on being arraigned belore Justice Murray at he I ombs yesterday, confessed his guilt and Said he had sold the aioien property In various stores und io a bartender named foofey and a .lo. rkecper at t"e ? !i"r i*"1 ru,,MlrP. fumed Melville, lor si- j most nothing. He was held lor trial. \ KLTAIANN'S ALLEGED FORGERY. I ? I W ilham V. Veltmitin,. the bookkeeper of Messrs. I Brvoe* ?m|>h, merchants, No. s:i Front street, 1 who is charged with forgery, was arraigned Itcfore Jus ! lice Murray, st the Tumba, yesterday morning, by oft). J cer Finn, of the Broadway squad. Mr. Allen J. Ap^ar, cashier of tho Merchants' Kxchange National Bank testified that on VtYdnesday Vcltriuun callod at the bank and presented tho following checks for deposit to ! the credit ol Bryco k Smith:?On; of Jones k Smith ' for $.i.250 75; James B. Bennett, for |4,7MJ 3*j; one of ! Williams k ?euton, for $8,3W5 41, and one of Orington ! Bros., lor M, making Id all ?l;?, m. The which purported to have been indorsed by . 1 ~,n"h; w,',e te|>osited to the crodit of their i account. Twn hours after Veltmanu returned witii a i check pur|>orllug to have bewii drawn by liryeo .v Smith in favor of W. H. l.oith .or *U760 75 and asked to have It certified. Not suspecting tho cheek to I bo forged Mr Apg.r certified i^ shortly after it w ? i dis?overed. tnat sil the eiiorks wero lorgenea Mr Apgar and Mr. Bryeo made forma) affldavits charsma the above facts against VelltnaOD, who wn hehl in 9M.0DU bail Cou use I for the prisoner demanod nn rxsminanon in the case, which was ?et down lor n.-xt h?J'Vn' V, a"rrn"?'\. V-ltmanu, who ws. tmmtSa cl rk In the Fonrth National Hank, in his fnrmsi e* amiiistion said that he was forty.four years old iH.rn in Poughkeepsie, resided at No. lit Brooklyn, and was not cullty. Detective* Reillf tod Von t.e rub ten. of the Central Office. are Marching for the uiau Leitli, to whom Yeltmanu la supposed 10 tiive given tbo certified check, as n waa not found id bit possession when arrested by Offloer Cum. FIGHT IN A BROADWAY RESTAU RANT. A flfiht occurred In the restaurant. No. 294 Tlrntid way, yesterday afternoon, tietween the proprietor, Oabrlel L. Loewenthal, and onu of hia wall er*, Charles Stockmad, ol No. llfl Hester street, during the cour.-e of which the lattei waa struck on (be lie id w ith a lifer glass and badly cut. Mr. Loewenthal, on being arraigned hcloru Jastica Murray at tbe Tomb*, staled that Mo<kuun. while drunk, Insulted himself aud wife, and iliat beaded atrtctly in sell-do fonoe. Hu gave $M0 bail to appear lor trial at Special Sessions. BASE INGRATITUDE. A year ago Mr*. Cathorino Bowors, a widow lady residing m No. 430 K ist Eleventh stroet, found John Krauts, aged thirteen, running around the atreet parontlcsa, rugged and hungry. She took bim under her protection, led. clothed bim and kept bim In her hou^e to run .-mall errand*. On May 27 be disappeared, us also did u goid watch and chum, value $ltfo. winch had belonged to the late Mr. Bowers. Officer Krken, of Hie Thirteenth product, who arrested the lad oil Wednesday night, inlornied Judge Itixby. at the Eimx Market Court yesterday, that hu bad received lulorma tiou that the prisoner imd sold the watcb and cbalnfor (1. Master kiau.-.s was held for trial. 1HE BOY HOMICIDE. Corsner Woltninn held an Inquest yesterday morning, at the Fifth precincl station house, in the case of Freder ick Lawier, the hoy ot fourteen yeura of age, w ho waa stabbed and instantly killed by Andrew Moore, of about the name age, lust Friday afternoon. Several uiUicsst s were examined. Patrick Kerwln testified tbat Lawlor struck the prtsMcr over tho head with a piece of tar roo:nig paper, und that the latter said:?"1 don't, want you to do that again." The deceased walked over to Mooro iu tho attitude o! striking, when tbe latter pulled out u kuile with which tie stubbed Lawyer. 1 ho jury brought in a verdict thai Lawyer's death whs the result ol a stab wound inflicted by Andrew Moore. The prisoner, by advice of (ounstl, rcservod his htatemcnt. COUONEltS AND POLICE JUSTICES. In reply to Coronor EickhofT* answer to tbe letter sent him by Justice Kasmire sometime ago, Justice Kastntre yesterday addressed a final noto to Coroner Kickhofl. Tbo Justice thought that the question at ii-sue was not understood by tbe Coroner. lor ii was Ig nored altogether in tbo letter. Justice Kasinirc a ,a.u quoted the law points relerred to by thu District At torney lor the Cornuer's inlortnatiou. Tho question at issue still remains unsettled, and both parlies are now awaiting a teat cjso. A SENSITIVE SUICIDE. About flvo o'clock yesterday morning the body oi Peter Ueuiher was loutid by a workman employed in the brewery ol Joseph Henry, coruor of Liberty and Sbctlcid avenues, East New York, lying in the grass plot in front of the late residence ol tlio deceased. Tho man immediately iniormod his employorof the circum stance, and tbo examination of the corpse showed that deceased bad shot himself with a revolver in the right temple, the ball passing tbrougbt tbe brain and pro. ducmg instant death. The weapon was found by lis side, in one of tbe pockets of Koulhcr, who worked lor Mr. lloury In tbe brewery until May 31, were lonud two letters, showiug tbat the act was one of delibera tion and design. One of the letters was addressed to his former employer, aud .iftor thanking him lor many kindly acts lie bail received at Ins huuus the writer went on to state that he hud been charged with having seduced a young girl while taking her borne In a car riage from Jones Woods' some weeks ago. Tbis accusa tion, he declared, was lulso and totally without founda tion. und he had not tbe courage to bear up against the charge. Tbe oilier letter was addressed to a woman residing in Allen street, New York, providing for hia burial und a disposition ol hiseilocts. Keutberwaa thirty live years til age, a native of Oermany und un married. His employer speaks highly of bis character lor industry und sobrioty. Coroucr Ssiintni waa notl flod to bold an inquest on tbo body. SUICIDES. Augusta Brunner, aged thirty-two, of No. 406 Wert Filth street, commuted suicide early yesterday morn ing by hanging herself to ? bedpost while temporary in sane. An unknown man Jumped from the ferryboat Mon tana just alter tho boat lelt Williamsburg on tbe half past ono o'clock trip to James' slip yesterday after noon. His body was uot recovered. He left a coat and a dark hat on board tho boat, which wero taken to the Fourth precinct suulon house. BROOKLYN POLICE. GREAT LACK OF DISCIPLINE OF A BROOKLYN PKKCINCT FOBCE. On Sunday morning, May 2.1, Katio Keboe, a young servant nirl, was token to tho woods near the Bouie rard, Brooklyn, and outraged by a gang ol rufllaca. Ttio rase was reported to the police ol me Twellth pre crct the eimv night, but it was not communicated to Superintendent Campbell till tbirly-six hours later. Cuptain \V. J. Kaiser was placed on trial yesterday, bo foro tbo Commissioners ot l'olicc and Excise, on charge of '-neglecting lo.take proper measures to Invektigate and causo the arrest of tbo parlies concerned in tbo outnigo committed upon Katio Keboe." Sergeant Mas terson was alco charged with lulling to enter tho case upou the returns. Sergeant Masterson wa* accused of not having euiered tbo case on the blotter, aud Rounds man Carney with having tailed tu investigate and re port ibe ease when ordered to do so. Tuo Cap ton denied tbo charge, and explained that tne ser geants hud lulled to make the proper entries on tho blotter and returns. Musterson tcatiiied when the case was reported to him ut mno o'clock on the Sunday evening in question by a mm, who ws? very fltthy In apjwaranoe, ne sent live ofliccrs out to go in search ot tho woman. They wero absent hall ao hour, and, returning, reported they could near nothing ol such un occurrence. He men sent tho roundsman to tho girl's hoiifo to llnd out whether she was missiug. On Tuesday morning h*> sent n his report to Head quartern, Serscnnt Sheridan, who relieved Ma.*icrson at tho desk, testified that when Roundsman Carney r<> turned ho told him Kate was missing from tbe bouse, and witness then sent out the resorvo to look lor her. Katu Kthoe's statement charged that a stout police man, with u sandy mustache, came to the woods wbers *ho was held prisouor, at eleven o'clock nnd arrested one ot the rnillans, i*ut let him go alter taking a drink Irom a bottle given bint by a man. Alter some (urtner testimony the case was adjourned till Tuesday next. A MYSTERIOUS CASE. Robert Dillon was found dead in bed at his boarding house, No 120 Wjrcfcoff street, South Brooklyn, yester day morulng. Yesterday morning the landlady heard him breathing heavily, and on going to bis bedside lonnd that he was dying. She sent lor Dr. Bell, of Warren street, but Mr. Dillon was dead belore tbe phy sician arrived. Tbe doctor found by the bedside a vial containing what is supjtosed to bfl extract of ronium, or hemlock. The drugust states that no such druj was sold at bis store. I>r. Shepnrd will make a post mortem examination ot the body and the Inquest will be Ik Id to-day by Coroner Sim ins. Docoa-od was a wid ower, ol Kuglish birth, lortv-lour years ol ago, and leaves four children. COUNTERFEIT CHAMPAGNE. Nmr York, June 8, 187& To tab Editor or Tit* Hbraud:? Tho report in yesterday's Issue of your paper, al though in the main a correct account of tbe proceed ings docs me great injustice and may prejudice me beloro tbo public. I, therefore, ask room to stmpijr state the facts. Mr. Philip Houe, from whom 1 had been purchasing Philadelphia ales and porter, told tne In December last that he had purchased a lot of cham pagne at miction at a low liguro (no uncommon occur n nee), and wiahed mo to take Mime. I told him thai ho might send me one case of quarts and on* ot pints. He sent them to me, aud I sold mem. I had no Idea or suspicion or any cause for any suspicion that it waa not tho genuine <i. U. Mumin & Co. V i hampasne. Sub sequently Mr. Krederick De Barry, agent lor that w<ne In thi-< city, called upon mo personally and exhibited to me a bottle, on which ho said there was a label that ?n- a very clever tin it ilton of tho label on the Muinro Ac Co 's champagne. Thereafter, with the IDtentlou of making an examination of the wine, I ordered from Mr. Hone another case, which he aent to the store. When that eame I was absent, aod. as I formed, Mr. Hone's wagon had scarcely left tbe door lie fore a young man came, who stated that Mr. Hon? was short of "pinis" and wanted the case returned, anil tuc clerk, w ithout know-edge or any oi tho c,r cumstano's. returned the cano. I have ever had to do with tbo alleged counterfeit cham pagne. It is enou. h for me to say that I have never sold any article with a counterfeit I a b< -1 on. Of this my saetemcm are the best jadses. Itospectlully yours, J AM KS S. JACKSON, No H8, *&, Sixtn avenue. 8TABB1NO AFFRAY. Rebert Reed, a colored girl seventeen yearso^na of No. Varlek street, received two severo stai wounds In ber right arm at her residenao )estfnbjf afterrn on from a kntte in the h.'icdlMN Joseph Hol coiub, also colored, of No. lift West Houston street. She was taken to the Chamber* Street Hoipital. llot comb etcaped.