Newspaper Page Text
SITIATICWS WAXTBD?FEMALES, Cooks, dir. WEST I5TH ST? SKAK:.TH AV? KEAH AS KIRST jrocH '?? #>* kiicltM maid I* kept; can lake en ')() ?!? AV -A COl OKED~?OMAK_AS"CUUK INA ?private txmiljr; ua uas'iin?or ironing; city or ooan Iry; good ?J?) WEST ? Jill SC.- A 1"Om1'KTK.NT WOMAN' AS IIrat clfiMi hntrlish co f?k ; thoroughly andtr^tKiieK her o-'ue.s in .ill ('* lirniiehe* ( .ill Ink" Hi.' ei.lire charge ol a (ili iieii; unexceptionable ? ty retereuue. ,1 Q BLEhCKKR ST.?A* RESPhcTABI.E COLORED X woman Kit cook in u Ik lei. large private taruily or res taurant. wMt S?TH sr.~7l?R EKE NT EmT'LOVEE'SJ.?a 'u ???>?'?? able ;:lrl a, cook would twin with waabiug n a small private laiimy, r,n foriwodavs. S'j CLINTON I'i >. vn EXPERIENCED WOMAN* first . lass . .. reference a* to capability. ? an bo neeii lit Iter pr?j?ent *>?.*;.i& yer V IU\ WEST 451) ST. --AS 1'l.A.I.V C^AXD TO AS sist in Muslim;; nnil ironing; Are yean' reference trom .an placo. mWi-.Si ,-i TWO JrOlTHU WOMEN To geliiur; on? ** plain cook. wa<dicr and ironer: the oilier as chambeunald and waitri-s* willing aoil obliging city or country ; city reference. 1 I " v\ E81 l'?TII - I'.. BEAK -AS PERST CLASS COOK. M*by an experienced middle-aged womuu; will go to rhiladelnb.a If desired WEsi' Will sT. .'. is KM I NT. ? A Y< i|; \i; uiRL aa Urat class cook aud excellent; best city 119 /eference 1|() east iioiston st.~~corner <iii:ystik At*' room If?A young woinun as cook and to do coarse' washing. or an chambermaid and to do Hoe washing- in caua. Me to (Jo either; l>e??t reference. I l<) Wjlfj ?-'>TII ST. AS ciiok AND To "assist lily re fere iic no objection to the country ; bent I y?* }-i0 sT. -AS KIltsT CLASS COOK; t'X. ^V^.7.. (v",tr'e?- meat* and (im,; an experi loceii leaker; good relerenc*. 1 *'7 WMCTWTU ST.?A VODNO WOMAN AS OOOD J._a l cook ; incuts. snips, gauin, flab, Ac. ; pood bread ?."i, pica. Ac. ; cau aitlat wuli srashlug it required: good eily reiVrenee. 1SH ^lhf L25?&.i**x'~ah aood cook, WASHEB and ironer ; eitv or rouotry ; good rolerenre. ijlfi ?'KS1 lar i ST.. BBTWEBN 6TM AND TTH Mf?"?l11f0of. rear.-A. tint class cook; under 5.?!?"* "* '}* ''?*'?'>??>">*; *<???<?. menu, pa?trv. i e?aerw. Ac. ; wiaild live in m hotel or Tirat cla^i boardlnc 1JL r" ".oo l.' <: lo ,h# ??'"n?ry; bout reference. Can be leen I or two davit. 1 *-10 ;vi;8T liiTli ST. (liKAR).?XT <16oD PLATN coolc ; woiiiu apii<Ki with and ironing: city #r lonntry ; ?ood relsrsnvr. UV l;AST l'?ri' ST.. NEAK :tn~AV._AS KIRST elaaacoolt aval baker; |? nest and lidyiu her kitcb ?ii: it willtnc: lo tu the eoantrv ; bent city reference. I i *: east mru st a todkq WOMAN- a ; Coo l eook aud baker in Uia country; fcekt eltv reference. ' 1.1") v>l BT8 8?.- AN KNCl.ISii riiOrESTANT A coat* n" "b.iecUon to tUe country. Uall on lnfi wYsFiHTH ST.. nkar"tth~aV:-as cook; waaher ami ironer; no ob]ec(:oii to Uie cocntrv ? lily reference. ' ' '>(11 ?ST w -rvv ? RSSPaCTABLB OIKUt; OVB -1"1 ?? cook, ttaaliiw and irouer; the other .i? lirit cla.a ?;inrc.? and to nut with ahauiberwork ; willinK to to iu I"e loniurt ; t;o.?i| city rwierHnoc Irolll l?t place. 2() j w'.'i'iaudita -in kiUJti T J"jL'Sfc..?A COEoiiEI) '-'I *? '* *?* '' "o'Wl :? ?A KEsl'Ei.'TAULE woman as cook wtaher and Ironer; a (;ood bread in i biiK nit itinlter; ^ooti ciiy relirruoe. ^'^|| EAST 17 I'll ST.?A OIKI,. WITH liOOlt Of TV T". "*":,.. rt(.',,!'V' "rst ,clM ??d to do Lb u nluin A>i\ ( nil J-rnlay inomiiii^ EAST MTH ST a BMPMTAMil WO?I? tT.intre- best'relir?*ci> ' U"U 'rol"'r; lo the () WKST ;:iiTH .ST.?AS FIKST CI.ASS.VEAT 7 , .... I'l'J1 l"?*?rv c""k ; thoroughly undeislin.l. her b .H ?... .ill kindt II. salads, made up diahes; large or amall e> labllahfaf, would go by the day; l.,Bt reference. 245 w 203 ??.?* mbspbotablk todno fU y re I e rei! ce.'" P C00k? W:Hll"'r i^ner; bet 24 \) *K*T -7T" "T??*? eeuable womTrTaI *nt ciiy reference. ' " B**Ul W',U Wltohi''?; ???? 21-9 2V r:*LSr^-A^ESFECTABLK WOMa"n r" *?f"ok. ?ai.her ami Ironer; good city reference. 2/51 7, il VV ? BETWEEN -4 111 ANil JM'll sTS ? V ~ ?woman aa cook, washer and ironer in it h"u,#: co objeuti""?? ,lloc<"'u V, )9 V\ EST 10TM fi'r, BASEMENT.?AN AMER1C VN f!f.i *111 it??int witb thu wafchiiifi; no obection L-ou.urv ; excellent l.uker. ooecuou VjV-i WEST I3TH ST.. HEAR?A KESEECTABI.E yonOK woman i? good cook and to assist witb Hie r^frri^pi:,i.;,m'<,t'j",i''ni^the^ "HAV.?A. fiOOU 1'EAr.N WA8UER and Ironer; dty or country; beat relerence*. 301 ii^un 'IVKE?'"*? CO'OK lS *? i'HE.NCU KAM 1 ? ? 110 Hie roiintrv ; best illy relerence. ??*03 BAOTeiOT 81.?TWO YOUNG UIEL-s ro OO and waitre'*" i"?* t1"' "H'er a. cbamhennaid *ltfe'"? -'"hI dereference; country preferred. !*()?") ' ??"Til s'f.?A Vot'Nii lUHl. TO flO !?e? P cook,ulr- w?*b"?K and Ironing. Call or ad !*];) ^^sT ?OTH ST.?TWt? respectable OIRL8 V "a.Sx^r."a"ldnnd wiure',.""? Mrfrtillh .1^ iu|) ,kasr 407,1 sr?AS ''?"K wasTikk a\"u VXV_iroiier^coi;u?try preierred; reference.) ' S\'~A KK't'l t 1 aj;i.k~\voman tify ?? PMHl oook. washer and ii-uner; no objection to ?he r.iuntry , best clqi reference from last employer 4-1 M ,WK;sr 4 lTli s I ? - - A K K S1 'E(' T A HI. !?; PkoTeF i i taut wotuaii as cook aiitt to nniiist in u hsImh"- >n(i Iron in c ; no objection t.. go in the country. 433 X Tmr S1'*rAS,r,,"Jv; 1' N i'E RhTANlis . . k'od* "I good cootung; no objection to th? ioiiiilryjjvai,*e? .fl.Va month ; goo.l reference usex'kke!'-1 "0"'""" -:'k VJ9 ?T" AT ?A*i PIR8T CLASS tjEUSIAN COOK no objection *o t ie country. Wk, r>*-i( I ?j" A1' ~V I^?l X(' ,v" d.V.N To DOOKA.VD lit A\.?AkS FIRST CUAtStS I'fJOK r\ ? l l>r1ral?' famiir; tindorstandf ail kinds of 1'nrlish ouktu^; best city Tolerance. i-Dghsb 7 M :!'l A.v*m,,:l'Mii r'M"" beu.,-a~respect. ii ? wonum ik.s brfct c!a??> cook ; itnd^rnfsn?U 1 *" '*? i>r inche<; an excellent l.aker two rears' riti refereiiee. I nil or a iitreva for two dnys. c,t> *v>(> H"I ia^'?a competent votso woman as ' c""k j" I'm ate family; willing lo assist with the rom laTt pUoj?* 0* ? year ? ivifereuce A "I sl'KrTAKI.E WOMAMlTO COOK, wigu TSR /rice """; rrTAddress I., box 134 Her'aJd I )m*VXT,a.?,T"1 I* SOME VICE PAM1LT I* ? mi S",ni",": ' "n('rr"'and cooking ^ Mthu .s!,;;.::...:, " * ! ms?iSfK5 JKBUS1KKS8 IS l>j LI. ADVERTISE AXO MAKE IT jOOD. IK BI.'SINESS IS COOP AliVBRTISE AND MAKE IT IKTTF.U. Circulation of the EYE NINO TELliIP.AM laat week *r.VKKT!SF.MENTS. SO CENTS PER 1,[.VE. Uonilar. X*? ^0 3\300 ADVERTISEMENTS, *> CENTS PER LINE. fu*f<l?T Decoration l'ay. no paper. VD VKKTISEM ENTS, :*> CENTS I'KR USE. K>dn?sday. May HI -15,000 ADVERTISEMENTS. 2U CENTS I'KC LINK. fhnraday. Jitn* 1 41.HOO ADVERTISKMENTH, 3> CENTS l'Elt LINK. Mday, .Inn" :k>,3AD advertisements, 20 CENTS I'KR U.V'K. iaturdar, Juni' 3 lit.-OU ADVERTISEMENTS, CENTS per line. Total is-j.iao ADVERTISEMENTS. So CENTS per LINK. Dally average ?m90 ( llumlii-rinulilH. ?fcc. ?> MILL1HAN PLACE, UTII AV? BETWEEN IOTII 0 nod 11th ?t*.?A young ?onm nn chumt>erninid mid t?am-tre?i. i? a go?U waltrew; city or country; good refer. tncea. 1 i) WEST~38TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S!.? I A ledjr wl.hea to aecare ? MtuMlon Tor a coin pet <int chambermaid nnd wnllmi. fn WEST 44Tit ST.?* touxoThrl TO DO 6EQE 1+J bfwork or waiting In * private family; country pre ferred; elty and country reference. ?jI ATH AT. (pre* NT EMPLOTRR<?).-A ult "X wiaheeto find a eituatlon for a wry resectable man, either at chamtiermalfl or laiindre**. Apply before 10 L M., or after a P. M. 73 ""?aht tarti ht.-a mioult rbspkcta ijS "tO young woman at chambermaid and a"ain?lren? ami i" lake rare or growing children; williux and obliging; can be aeen at lirr preMnt employer wherw ahc nix lirrU five year* Call ft>r two daya. (?? ) E A ST 41 ST ST.?A OIRLAfl Cll A vt It K KM ju?"; I'w no objection to a private hoarding home, 5q wwrFsii?ST.?a ir bs r kc 1 aii le~yoi ? n i ? i ; i h i IP'' lately landed. ?? chambermaid an t wni't -*'>raar?e; wiling to malm hereelt generally naetnl., fall Kridav .it>d fatarday. "llW\ ClllllvroPIII-K ST.?A uim-kctable amksT 1"" i-an girl a? chambermaid ai d wmtre??, or to do housework ; bent city reference ' all lor two day*. W'-"miieenwicii vr.-a"Swedish hirCwiIo ? > ?p?aV? Kiii;IIiIi at chambermaid anil to take rate ef children. ClR or adrirest. i/\r west tisr sf.-a north or iriland I*" I I'rotrxaiit jfirl a> cham'M'rmal<l and waltr?>> . can fireaa ?alada-. willing and obliging, city or nuntrj W*"11 (I Just iwrtii ~ sf.~. Ti etwee n :id and 4tYi *?? , Harlem ? A r??pe"itbi? gtrl a> Awbewatld tt to take care i f children ; he?t Uptim e. iTo wEmT 3?TH NT.. TUP PLOOR.?A COLUftSO ] I O W'ii i?n aa <-h?mt.erniaid or w iltre?a. AddrtM, lor tee day a, L I), J I - ?0TII ST ." BKTWEEN AND 7TI! AVS -A .LI. I mpei tat'le girl at chambermaid aad *altr?M, or arould do general hnu?eworL. MM city reference. i I (*''If'iSiiF'ISffi''aukrio'a.n uirl as J t?/ chain boriaii.l and wiure?4; i cat city reference from I ?t eniploter. 1 ?;/) *>VKsT JUTII |tT. -A NF.AT. COliPETENT URL J Ov no op?tair? work In a ?mail lanily; good refer iMe; city or ovuatr?. to - "uril A v.. REAR "ni'1 LIUNIJ. ONBl i.IOMT. lOO An Am-fican girl to d<> chambtrwork and ?ewing I* a private family; bign wngct not m much an eh|*<ct at ? i home. Addjart. MTIWTIOWH WASTED?PKHALES. (lnsiittx-riiiulHa. iVc "I i | WKST-tOTl! HT.-A RESPECTABLE COLORED L r'fc girl to du chamber* or* aid wuiting; good refer ence. 1 ? fT"WKST IttTH ST.?A NEhI'EOTARLE UIRL A* It") chambermaid and waitress or to tl? Hue wa?bing; no objection to tjo country; i;ooil city ref^rtrnv. 1?UJ WEST sr.? v COMPETENT OIRL AS ? )>' rliatubermitid ami waltreaa; willing to assist with tlic waahiaK; Do objection to the country ; best rtlvrvnrtl 9|w; tt'lisr 27TH nr.?A RBSPECTABLB YOUNO ?" ' girl an chambermaid ami waureus; beat city rolei enee. a)l 17 K \sT~ 4-11 H ~ST^A Co M PETE ST O I III, AS ?' 1 clinmbermaid; la willing to waah aod Iron. t)||J l-.AST -.-JII ST.-A VIM V, lilKI. \s CHAM* ?dUO bermaid or child'* nurse : good city reference. 007 east mth kt.-a youno Frotehtant -iO| irirl n* chamheruiai I ami aeaiuatre?s; oue year'a reference ; 110 objection to the countrv. ?>ii?> Till AV.- \ RESPECTABLB Woman AS chambermaid and laundress; is willing to make heraelt ceiieritliy useful; good clt* reference. ??j KAST :tlsT ST.?A ~RKSPEC TAIW.K Vol NO ? )''O woman n* rliambt* iiuaid and laundress; no objection to a abort iiatauce in the country; good cit? reference. fall or ?di!r aa. QO(J wliiirMTU st -A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO tJO?" do chainberwnrk and asaiat with washing mid Iron ing; good reference. Call for three days. 017 east :i:?th st -a rbkpectTimle "girl'as 0 r I chamli ?? mi'id and waitress or lauudreas; city or 1 country; bent city re fe rone j. y.-/f WKST ..'II ST.-A Vol Mi GIRL AS CHAM OiJU bermaid ami w&itreaa: good reference. ?>.-7 WEST M9 HT.-A vol Nti WOMAN AS I ?>?/( chain criuaid and wnltreaa or do light houaework; wtllitii: and obliging; good city reference. "7H Till AV.?AS CHAMBERMAID AMI 1X1 TIIK < / I ' ' waahiut: iu a boarding houae ; wage* no object; good ? elercnce l -T AV.?A KKSI1 l-;i"I ABI.E I'KOTKSTANT ? )OU Oermnti srirl *? uur^e or chnuinermaid In a private family. Call mi or wMmm U. ZIMMERMAN. 1 III' Till AV.?A ttlMPBCTABLB YOUNO OIRLTO tUU do chamberwork and waiting; willing and obllg in ; no objection to the comitry or a boarding houae ; good city reference. Ill WKST 3STH ~BT.~?A YOl NC tilRI- AS OHAM" X I1 bcrniaid and waitreaa, or would aasial with washiug aud inning; city or country ; first claas city relerence. Call or addrfsa. I| ;|| 77.i A V , Micuril IIKLU-A YOUNO C.IHL 'J " ) ? / an flrat rate chambermaid and waitress; will aaaiat with the washim:; willing aud obliging; beat city refer nice from laat place. ,-| W WEST 320 ST.?TWO KKSPKCTABY.ITgI RL8| ?M7V/ ono xa ehambermaid and wailresa. the other aa flrat rlaaa rook, washer and iruner: good city reference; country prelerutd. fjnc :tn av.. top floor, moxF room.?a v)?Jt) young girl to do cliaiuberwork and waiting or light houaeworK; beat city reference. 1n79 JD AV BETWEEN C:iD AND (HTlF sfs."^A ?V I +J re>pectabla gin in chainberniaid and waitreai or to do uprtaira work and takr cifrr ol childriin ; no nhiectlou to iro in the coontry; two yearf relerence from laat place. A RESPECTABLE UK KM AN P Hi HI-.SIAN I TiTaL an chainbi'imaul, t all on Mra. MLVEK, Mutt at., oppoaite Police lleadquartera. N AMERICAN OIRL AS CHAMBERMA>D AND Waltr.'aa; city or country. Adlrea* J. W., Herald Up town Branch oiHce. Dremimnkera and hrnntafreaaea nr: WEST 40T1I ST.?AS THOROUGH DRESS ') Diuker lu a private family; understand! all kinaiof Bjwing; city or country. A'il 'VVEST :!1ST ST.?AS GOOD SKAMSTKKSS; US ttOl. OcmtnmN all kiixla ol' family aewing; thoroughly i"n|iT?tainls Wlieeler A Wllson'a maebine; wlahea work by the week in private familie*. I'll 1 LEXINtlTtiN .W ?A PhhPMJT hEA\la 1RES8 UUi: in a flrat claaa family. 1 UUi 20 AV. (BiJMJ THIKI) BK.LL'. ? V COMPK J tlUU tent aeamatreaa would go out by tue day or wrk; can rut and fit; undemtamli dre>aia;iking; alao Una aewing; will furnish her own machine (Wheeler A WilaoB) it roiiuired. General Houwwork. ifcc. G JONES ST. ?A GOOD. STEADY OIRL TO DO houai.'work; no objection to city or conntry ? good refer ence from her laat place. 91 i~west florin "st. (prksext employkr'I!).?a *1'' reapectable young ilri to do liouaewurk in a -mall prltitfe liimily; ia a good plain rook, washer and ironcr; | willing and obliging; city reference, ('all lor two dava. ')U WKST l ull s'tT?A'sThADV tilKL TO Ho i;KN OO oral houaowork; nice waaher and ironcr; good ref erenae. rjy NORTH MOORE ST.. RKAR.-A YOI'NG OIRL JO to do general housework in a small family; willlug and obliging. n~i\_WEST 19TH ST.. BACK ROOM.-A liESI'ECTA 'J bie woman to do light nouaawork : would make her self generally useful uhera there are children, aa aho under* ?tanda family sewing. 120 gouu gin to do general housework; willing and obliging. E AST .21) ST. (PRESENT KM PLOVER'S) .?A good girl to do general housework; willing and 11j>) wkst lain sr.. ki-.ak.?an knoli-sii oirl X^J-J to do general housework; excellent laundress; city reference. 1<?0 WKST 18TB sr. ilAR ?A RESPECTABLE mO woman to do grn?ral housework In a mnall fainllr ; is a irood cook; no objection 11 a prlvati bearding house; good rlty relerence. 1am WEST turn ST.. SECOND KLOOK, KRONT.? A girl to do general bouaework in a small lumily; three yi'nri relerence. lT|| EAST 1 :iTH~ ST.?A lrKOTKS T A NT AMERICAN I'lU woman to do the entire work of a flat, except wash ing, or would take rare of children. Cull for two day>. m Whsr iiiTII ST.?A RESPKCTABLK UIRLTO do general liouaework; gnod city reference. "II WE.-sl luril ST.?A 011:1. TO Do Hul'SEWORK It') 111 a private family; can cook, waah and Iron; beat rit) r.'lertnee 0| |l> KAST 22U ST.-A YOCNU OIRL TO DO OEM cral housework; ia a good washer and irouer; good reference trom last place. 2~>|< i'? E> I Mill .vr.-A vol .NO (IIKI. TO DO OvJ housework in a small private family; beat city ref errnce. 0?J|> WKST T2D~ Sl\-A RESPKCTABLR YOUNO yOU girl to do ^enernl housework or to help in a bo.irJ itig house; willing a id obliging. 910 "west 10TH ST.?A YOL'NO WOMAN TO DO ^iO housework; teu years' refeianca Irom her laat place. Call tor two days. <7T<T WEST 1"T 11 ST.-a Yot'N(} TjIRL ' TO~DO MTu general housework; city reference. I) "l (| Ml LK KICKY sr. A lil.SI'KC 1 AtU.h ?o.\IAN, _iT'' with a child, to do general housework, in tbe coun try ; is a good cook, wanner and iioner. i),-Ti.Tlv iVs 11 urn stTTneaii~sth av.-a touno j girl to il? general liouaework and take care of cinldrrn ; willing and obliging. ? all for twu days. 97 1 KAST HITII ST.. COKNKR AV B.-A OIRL, M ^11 yeara old, to do light houaework and mind children. 907 DKI.ANCKT ST.-A YOUNO OIRL TO DO general housework iu a private family; city refer eiica if required. KATK MrNAMAItA. EAST miTIl ST.?A YOl'NO fJlltL, TO DO OEN i-rui housework; city reformer*. 313 303 Oil FAST 43D8T., BETWEEN ISTjkND 3D AVS A O 11. ?itnatlon lo do general housework < r light chamber whtk; ten years reference from last place. Bast 24I'll' ~~8T.?A YOUNG (URL TO DO housework; (food city reference. Call for two dnya. U'Jt; EAST 2JD ST.-A Kh^PKCTAHLK tilRL TO Ou?. <io general homework; no objection to the coun try. i all lor two days. ?J I o west j?n ii st.-a respectable young ?)"X O girl, lately landed. to do general buttiework tor n tinnil prl%nt? liimily. Call for two day*. u i ST tfTH ST.?A YOU NO tilHL To Do OuU homework or chumberwork and waiting:; city or ciuntry; city reference. W RST 22D ST.? A YOUNQ GIRl, TO DO GEN erai housework : good city reference. west .srii sr.?a Yor.Nti woman to do geueral hottaework; city reference. 356 400 A (17 Whsr 47TI1 8T.-A GOOD. RESPECTABLE a* * I l'ruientnni girl to do general housework In a pri vate family. A I J AST 17T11 ST."a Tni'Mi WOM AN TO TTT) jl L* J general housework; is a good cook and laundress; reference. A n r. mi av.T brtwrkn astir and Sera rts.?a X I l) you ok nirl to d> ircneral housework in tt iuihII l?r>v ?t?* himiiv no objection to the country ; jtckh! city refer ence from la?t pUee. WKST HiiI HT.? A YUUNU Ml JUj. LATELY landed, to do general housework in a privste 500 lamily. '"ill7 WEST Wfll ?*,?A YOtJWO WOMAN TO DO I'Vr I general nouaework; city or country. 2D W-A 1'KOTESTAST tilRL AS CHAMBER OUU uiald and aeamstieaa; good operator; gonu reier ran. /;?)A 7T1I AV., BETW K EN 4.'>T I1 N Nil MTH HTS. ? A "w I young girl to do general housework: ia a good coo* and ttrai t-iitss laundress, city reference. fMl*". :,f' AV.. Tor M.OOR, KKONT T(OOM.-A U?.'M young girl to do general housework; good cook, waaher and troner; beat city reference. 7- J HITII AV., HfcfWJiEN sI'D AMD Ml) STS.?A I TT young girl to do housework In u private u.nlly. t ail for two iian Winr?iH *: (r^STOKE)."->rsX^^ND' COM PR Mr'?_? tent girl to do homework ; ?ity or country ; refer (inc?. 1 i IU % AV ?A liisPHUTARLK VOtTRtVliflRL M do general kottaework m a small pi irate fam ily; willing and aidigtnt; good city reference. i>" - "hIIOADWAV?\ Vol NO PROTESTANT ? 4 t ) girl to do general honteavr* . city or ronntry, sFTav.?a vol'Nu utHi. ro bo cener\l ,?)?)?* t.ouaework In a prirat? tamlfr; good aasher aud ironer and plain cook: tr<vd reference. Ilnn>ekee|terii. iV . 7 1 vT ST.?A Vol NO I.aDY. IX EMBARRASSING circumstance*, a* housekeeper. oiT~"kast~iutiTi*t.-a ViKiiiN or sxrBiiiinck. O" " rapat-le of takliiK tlie < :'tlre eliafge of lionse and ?cr rants, i?s houaekreper: l>e?t reterencc ? ?? H.KMTII St., SEci.Nl> Fix?t?K. KKtlNT?A ? ? I toong American lady aa lMii?e?eeper to a widower. Can be seen all the week. 4)?1 "fWKSr 4?'lll ST?an RliOCArED YOL'NO _) lanv o' relineiuent as honseiteeper In a gentleman'* family. o*f east" larn sr.?v commWknt woman as ?.?'1 wording housekeeper. 'indent in I- all kinds of housework th?r>'Bglily br?t refer?i OlLO BLKKCkhK HT., TWO KlJoHTS.-A WUHJIT ? )u?, orphan, is, of "le.itlng addrcsa. as liooaekreptr, pum-t. amimienw. <i*?ra<trr?>. good :e'?rence Addresa A U 1,1.1 A Ufii ? wmTVist sr.~in tux stokr.?a i.ady, ? IV/V/ air-t .4, as !i msekecper. or drt'tsmaklng done at home t all n? weak. i lu ?:ti av . KiKsr pi,at.-a cheerki'i, laSY l l(i aa heuaekeapar in a win..w.r'a Mmtly; no ohiecttoa to travelling, i all fvr oae ?eek. HOIW.K! El'KR S SITUATION W \NTEI>?BY AN Atai-rir in lady ot middle ace ; for a widower preferred. . e .?. appointing time and place to call, Jlr?. COVERT, llarald ' ptown Branrh oWce. WKNT -"III sr.. n i run;iv.-A ? net ire yonnif girl mh nurse for children: willing ?t?(i no objection to the country; good reference. Cull HCTTATlOira WAJfTKD?FEMALES. Lot HudrtHMrt. d(u f?Q WKST 43D ST. ROOM in.?A RESPECTABLE ')?' irlrl a* Hrst elius understands her I uslness jii nil it> branches: good reference. m li'TII ST ?A YOCN^WOMAN-A8~COSf l.otent laundress; n? objection to tUu country ; good cltv reference. 1*?JQ 2D AV.. BETWEEN" bTII AND 1<TH STS. ejO (present employer's).?A I'rotesuint woman *a laundress or chambermaid lu a small family ; no objection to tlie country; reference. 1- I WKST SO IT.?A TUUXU COLOMBO UllL ? ' x K? laundress or cook in a private family or hoard ing house. *>10 KA.-T ?TH nr.?A KKKfKCUILB OIBL INA ?!?/ private family a? laundress; le a Urst cluss shirt irouer; can do all kiuds of Krvncli (Inline. ?>(*7 K AST 44TII ST.. BKTWKKN ISTA~NI> 2DAVS.? ? ?"' I A respectable woman (with a boy nix yean oid> as excellent Inundress an<l plain cook; no objection to the country. Can be aeeu till suited. ?TTt > ~KAST~ >iTH ST.?Art KlKST CLASS LAIN ? J'tw drew in a private family ; beat city reference. Can bo seen lor two days. ?>/?/? ""west ^vthTst-a RESPECTABLE I'It I IT US ? )' M > tunt woman to go out washing by the day or to cio lou?eelesnlng. reference. ~L')n 4i>T11 st. ("second floor*.?a "first J"?.*' class laundress wlshesafew ladle*' and gentle men's washing. /?I (j SO av (ElXtl T1IIBD BILL).?A RK*taCT> *)*T ? ' able girl oa laundress or chambermaid, or to assist with either: is neat, tidy, willing and obliging; city or country; good oity reference. iV7~(\ 8D AV.?A~ W OMAN AS FIRST CLASS LA UN U I ' ' dress having the best nf elty reference. 7 1 7 :,I> a V. ? IIV ? KIRST " CLAIM LACNDI'.KSS; 1 T I has good city reference. IVuraet. ?c. A (J WEST 4HD ST-A COMPETENT WOMAN AS *T?* nurse and seamstress: has a knowledge of hair drenaing; no objection to travel lor the aummer: good city reference f'O WK.-T HOUSTON ST.?A COMPETENT PBBNCH DO young woman as child'a nurse : can do sewing. 7~" WKST MTH SI'.^A "LADY" "DESIRES A SITl'A ? ) lion lor an excellent girl as nurae ami soainstress; very competent with childreu ; country oreferred: beat city reference. 1 III) WEST 17TH 8T.-A~thSPE0TABLK MIDDLE X''?7 aged person, fully competent to wait nu nn Invalid Indv or take enre of it baby from its birth: city or country. Call or addreaa. 11') WEST 4BTH ST.?A "YOUNO AMERICAN OIBL J. 1 O n> nurse and to assist with upstairs work ; best city relefence. I >J1 WEST I0T11 ST.?A REXPECTABLE WOMAN J Ol aa nurae for an invalid: good reference Irom last place. Call tor two days. jgpnsf aiVtl StT7 m*f FLOOR.?A SMART. ohilgini or address. 3D AV.?AS NCRSE IN ANYKINP OK SICK ness; doctor'a reference. Mrs. HAMILTON. KAST r.ilTII ST.~AS_KXI'KlilENCKD NI'RSE to mind cliild ; can **w neatly; Ave yearn' city ref erence. Seen for two days. Iri WEST I .ITII ST.?A LADY WIBHR8 TO Fro ? ) J. euro a situation for her nurse, who has served her faithfully for two years 1 nr. KAST I'dTII ST-A LADY AH EXCELLENT i'Jl) nurse land seamstress; city or country. Can be seen at present employer's from 0 till l\ 1-7 "WKST 4lsT ST-A R KSPKCTA B LK M A RRIKD >) I woman as wei nurse; baby one month old; doctor's reference. Call lor two days. Ol - EAST 'AYrif ST?A YOCNU CIRL AS NI'RSE; i !? ) la n good sower nnd operator; will do up children's clothes it reijuirod; very good reference; country preferred. WKST 30TH ST.?A YOCNC WOMAN AS child's nurae: citv or eountry ; good reference. (TFj WEST :?!? ST.?A BBSPBCTABLE MEIiMAN )J. girl nx nurse and senmstress or chambermaid; speaks Krencli. 0/|Q "EAST 33D ST?A CiOOI). FAITHFUL (ilRL TO OViO take care of childreu and do light housowork ; best reference. WEST 21ST ST.?A WIDOW AS NURSK OK TO wait on an Invalid, male or female. "East lfnfTfsT.-A ukrman girl as nurse-, city or country: beat releronce. yon EAST 3HT1I ST.-a"REsi'krCTABLB WOMAN AS ?_>0?.* nurse, capable of taking care of a baby or older children; cltv reference. ?y I 1 ivril AV.. BKTWKKN 2?TII AND W?TH"sT.h-A Oil respectable young woman aa nurse to a family going to Liverpool. oro WE8T_32D ST.?A RftsPECTABLE " yOCNO O'/O woniiin as iinrio and seamstress; willing to travel with an Invalid or family; best city refereuce. Call from 10 till 1 I'. M. J_ A1 EAST 65TH ST., THIRD KLOOR.-A~RESPKCT tUI hie woman wants a baby to wet nurse at her owu house. 1 /\ r KAST 17TH ST.. KIRST FLOOR, BACK ROOM. A respectrthle nnrrled woman ns wet nurse in a private family; 110 objection to the country. Can be seen for two days. A t\(iav.?an amkbioVk-m-kl TO take tUU care of children; willing and obliging. Call or ad dress. jSno SI) AV.-AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO UUO iake cure ot an invalid lady or an infant; best city reference. Call or uddress. K 80 AV.?TWO UIHL8. LATBLT LANDKD, TO tukc care af children or to do ilgln housework. Q^j V{ 2D AV.?AN~ AMERICAN OIBL f'? MIND Oil) childreu <vr assist in housework; uo ohjeetion to the country. Call tor two days. ()IW) ~8TIf ~AV.^A~Y(H7N(r"olRL ffPTAKK CARE of children and make herself useful. Call ou Mis. WILLIAMS. 1 101 ?'!> AV., IN BAKERY.?A YOCNtl GIRL TO I ?IOt mind children; willing and obliging; good ref 244: 321 338 805 1071 :<D AV.. THIRD KLOOR, KRONT ROOM.?A .Zd I X respectable young woman as wet liurau; best city reference as to capability. A" LADY 1II VINO IP IIOI'SK. KKKI'I.NO DKSIKES for a trnstworthy girl a situation as nurse and chamber maid. Address II.. box 111 llfrnltl office. YOUNG rBKNCH Wo.M VN TO TAKK CABB OF t?-o growing children: cltv reterences. Address LOIT. ISA, Herald Uptown Branch oili.*e, Wnitreaao*. dir. WKST 21ST ST.?BY K1R.ST-CLASS WAITRESS; ?? has best city reference. WEsT~?>()T 11 ST.?A YOl'N'O tURL AS W.vIT* ress and chambermaid: good reference. 62 139 1A1 WEST J7T11 ST.?A RKSPECTAHLK OIBL TO IT J do waiting or chamberwirk In hotel or private boarding house; good reference. lie EAST SOTH ST.?AS WAITRESS: NO OBJEG tioii to the country ; good city reference. Call on or address C. K. I | - WKST :i:U) ST.?A RKsPKt'TABLK YOUNG J.'X'i girl, lately landod. as waitress or to take care of children : n.i objection to small wages. ?Ten WKST S18T ST.?A RKSPECTAHLK Y(<I NO girl as waitress; no objection to go to the country for the rammer; good retorenee ioTII A V. -A Yi >i-N<i A MEIUCaN uTrL, AGK 15, as waitress or to mind children. Mlsrrllu iirons. I Q WEST r.6TH ST (PBKsENT KMPLOTER'S)?A i TO youug Protestant lady as companion for a lady; best elty reference. 1 A ,| VVEstToTH ST.?A WOMAN TO GO OUT BY ITT the day. o.;i WEST 44TI1 KT?A LADY DESIRES TO PRO* _ 1 cure a situation for an e\cellent girl as children's 111 nid nnd seamstress, or chambermaid an., seamstress; has I lived with uio ? years < joij EAST :>4Til ST. IKRKL F1,11 ? 11TS IP. wOl) back.?A widow woman to go out to work by the ; d ly: gnod city reference. ??7\1 EAST "J7TII ST.?A KltTNCH (IlRL, SPEAKING Ol' L sptnl h and a little Englistt, In a private tauiily, or woulu tr?v?l with an <d 1 lady or tak* care of cliildren; best city reference Address MARIE DANIKL. ||- WKST 4!tl> ST.-AN A.MKBlt'AN LADY DJ5 T:X?' sires a position of trust; would tnke charge of linen room in a hotel, either city or country, or as seamstress. Call en or address Mis* ti. S. i\> - WEST SWTH ST. (RINU FIRST BEMj.-A reupcctable womnn wi?he? wcrk bjr the day : good relorenre. X A \lkrTcas (URL, 1H YEAl!S OI,D, TO (IO IN A private family in the country; will give ?atl*fnctlon in imy p.odtlnn about the household; lir*t ciats refercncea. Audreni li. S. K.. IUptown Branch office. FHOKKSMOXAIiSlTl ATlOVM WANTKli? PBMALB8. 9?OT?ast lim. sr., si.t'tixit ku?oit.-A"*ST>VS5 American girl to go in a bakery or con lectiutitrry; good I'it.r reference. 4 I.A I > Y OKSIKKH A roSHlOX Til TEACH CHlC J\ ilren Engliih. French and music, or ?> companion mid reader. Address rKACHKK, 715 ftth av. Any onk hbsirinis as oral keahkr for two vt three hours during tlie day can lie accommodated t>y addreaung Ml?? KLllltA FLEETWOOD, box IS:! Herald t ptown Mranch office. AN KNtlLISH i.ADT? IN KM'f.KIENCSBD TRAV eller anil teiicher. and speaking llucutly, would form uti engagement for the sumniei on e??y terms either a? traveling companion, teacher. amanuensis or marager of a household. Afldr?-s* UOBKXA. box i!.?<4:t l'o?t office. MIS> MA1JKL MollitlSON 11K - II. t5 A I'i >> I I luX AS eiififiil. Addrcat boi IMS Herald Iptowu llranch ot live. HKLP W A.1TED-KKMA1.E "i ~ t *51 w vt;r a < want ? PiiwT clUM . dremmakers Xol# but e\(cm need apply at Vth St. er.tranco before 'J A. M. Broadway and Oth at. t (irtill COOK AND li\Ki:ii TO OO TO THE J\ routitty: I'rotiitant. "'nil alter 1 o'clock with ret ereIIre- We?t i!Jd ?t.. upper door VCOOK. WASIIKK \ N I ? 1 KU.N Kit AN|> A <11 AM herinaid and w.*iirr*a wanted I lit I".i*v ?td it ? fl MV COlNiKV i.l 81. W \vr,.|i - KO'l (?? N" ^'\ eral hmi?"? ork ; two la lainilv. A (ply in II West 11th >i , n-'.ir*aj ? / 11iOK WAN1 KI) ? T<) tio TO Il7i: < ot~VIKY FOR * ' the >e.i?nn: a Herman or Swedish ? oinan, i ompetent end l.tmem and >4 en "I hrrad maker, I" required, Call at '20 We?t :t til sr. bMween I? ? and 'J o'clock. / uinK \f axti',i? mist in; a uoou i.aI'M>kV>5 \ and Im?<? Ik'?1 raier.n?i'. Call, alter 11 o'clock, at Xo. .*2 Went tilth st. L,IU>?' "'I ASS ? tl,E-.|.M?IK? WAX 1 Kt>-~IN Tfo r tierr, uotloi.* and p?r*M?l department*. RLOOMInOI> M.h linos., rets :;d a?. f3IK>T ViTtS.w Ol'KRATt>K."> ON Wtl'kEI.KR * W ill I; ton machines lor ladle"' ?nit*. It B. KAtllHlCK A t o.. HIT t'hiirch ?t. I lis I' CI.Ass operators i?s HOWE AND DO ' medic machine*, at JlW Broadway, rmt 9. \\rAXTED? A I'KOTF.STAXT <111(1. TO COOK AND M do the coars* wa>liinj for a ?mall Amtricnn family. liTlne a <hort di>t.<nce in the Country, mint undi rMatid cookintr tboroalhlv. A| ply at IUJ I'earl ?t? f.r*t dwr. YV ANTKO-A Sl'ITABLK rKKSOX Tt? TAKP. >1 i. arif? oT ? ehlld Applv nt Mt >t. \\*tNIKI?-A FIRST CI.ASS DREMHAjCf R. AD Y? drew, with term! ?Bd reference*, Mr*. G., 119 EMr ney ??.. .lerney Hty. HELP WAlfTBD-PEUALES. ?SKftCXiTiDt SinSJITTKftSfllfl? 66 general housework in a privet ? fnmlly. 0*11 at 347 W?l 2'id ?t., from W till 10. l-riday morning. \ITASTKD-A TIL)l' V()I'SU Wi>MAM AS Nl'BSE FOR f? sn int.uit; niiut l'? comnetent and eome well recom mended, Apply ni 11 *>t?l I'rantiiig. Madison av., corner 5t<lh it., room SM, betwoeu U and II A M. \yX?itkd?A FIKBT CLAM) COOK; Mt'ST AWUSf TT wltli washing; reference required: wairee H8. Coll. between 10 und 12 Friday, ?t 22 Weil 17tli >1. \\ - A N 11 li-\~ o IIL TO " IM? Ti K NI HAL HOCSE TV work. with refereuo*. 54 Lexington av., near UTuh it. \\T ANTED?? '()].OR Kn <?It ~KMS LI S H~FlU)T EST AXT TT womau for lht> country, to cook, wneh and iron for ? milh 11 family. Apply nt No 1 Irving plnce. from II to 12. tsjintk5Z\ ~~5tbono ?ti Si. to do ueneral TT housework; a Frotestant preferred. 44- 7th *?., corner 34th el. WANTED?>Ol'R l'ANTR* GIRLS FOR THE COUX TT try. Apply at 411 7th av. Ht 7 A. M. WAS TED-A OIR L FOR 1) K JTRRA L HO0KK WORK ?T required. Call alter 9o'clock at 901 East f>l?t ?t. ANTED?A.V ENGLISH COOK: NONE OTHERS nerd apply. Albion Club, 21 East 15th st. ANTED-A GERMAN OIRL. AH PLAIN COOK, washer and Ironer. 14H \V?.l Kith nt. W W W \\* ANTED? V STEADY. RELIABLE FKUTESTANT ? I woman Ha pihin cook and laundress and to assistiu other work; fonr iu family. 14!' West 4lMh st.. after it. WAMTftft-AQiRL To'imvuknekal IMMIIkVOMs must l>? a good washer and Ironer and come well re commended. 3i*i Hruomr et. timo-i CORBBTMAKBft, NO, ? OLUfTON place. W"ANTED?FOR A SHORT TIME, YOUNG.OIRL FOR g"iieral housework; must have good references, 3H0 Lexington av. ?WTA.NTf.D-AN INTELLIGENT AMERICAN GIRL TO TT do general housework In n private lamlly; limit bare good references; h quiet, Christian home offered. Addreea H. I*., Ilcrxld once. \i'an rkD--a MTBuNis, capable riotestant TT Irl; must ul- neat, good cook, washer and Ironer; reference required; to go to the country; one hour from New York. Address R., box 189 Herald oflice. AIT ANTED?A YOU NO OIBL TO DO UKNERAL IT housework; must lie a good washer and ironer; city reference required, Call at 221! Welt 21at it. ANfED-AN ERRAND GIRL M0T2?lvEiT fTTH w "U/ANTKD-A ST RON 11 GIRL FOK GENERAL IIOUSE ? t woik ; ffO<Ki wAnher and ironer und well recom mended; wtgci, $10; colored preferred. 1G0 West28 th st. mo WEST 2DTH ST. (KIN(i AT HALL DoOll).? 1 wO Wanted, a cook, washer ami ironer in h private hoarding house. A. 1 J. WKST 34TH HT.?WANTED, TWO OIKL8, ONE 'xl r for xenerul housework and one At cbvmberin iid ami waitri'Nu. SITI .VTI<?\>4 V% A V'l'KU?;>i il.ES. A 'FRENCHMAN, .IUST ARRIVED FROM FRANCE, hh I1r?t cihss paitry conk; good references. Call at 52 Weit Houston st. * MIDDLE mtkd sobkitand induttrkmhjsitan A wi*he? it position as wntclimun or porter; beet refer ence. Address confidence, Herald L'ptown Branch oil ire. watterboy WANTS EMFLOY MENT IN A BEB tauranl or country hotel. Address B., box 143 Herald oflice. TANITOll?BY A COL' RED MAX. IX A STOKE OR ?I lawver'k office. Adarost W. M. T., No. 106 Weit 27th it. ? WAITER OR BUTLKK?BY AN english MAN; thoroughly competent: first class city reference ; Just 'Hsengajrcd all account ol family going to Europe. Addreit F. A., 1S3 West lOtb st. W" anted-a srruATfoit. iiv a stools kak, to superintend a hotel in the country; wonld make him lelf generally useful. Addross S.. l>ox 113 Herald office. Vitaitreb-sifuation as"meat carver in ho T? tel or restaurant; city or country; will mnko himtotf generally useful if requirod. Address CARVER, Herald liptown Branoh office. A A CLINT!)N ST.. FIRST FLOOR, FRONT.?a8 1 J. first class (Serin n meal ami pastrv cook iu u hotel or steamboat; city or country; good reference. CLERKS AM) SALESMEN. V FIRST CLASS SALESMAN WANTED-FO'R THE A hosiery department BLOOMtXODALE BROS., P3S 3d a*. YOUNU MAN THAT SFEAKS AND WRITES UER Ix. man and Eiiglish and thoroughly understand* book keeping'seeks a situation. Address A. SC11WAAB. JR., 30 South 5th av. VERY COMl'BTENT YOUNO MAN, SPEAKING French and Cerman and travellnl In Europe, would like to qualify himself tor lome honorable buiiness. Ad dress D. V. M., Herald Uptown Branch oflice. Yotx is" M AN, Z5H TaTSETCRNE'D FROM COL lege. desires some iltuatlon in a mercantile house; Hilary no object. Adoren K., Herald Liptown Branch office. Ayounh "man of educvnoN and"uoofT \17 dress wishes a situation ?s bookkeeper and cashier or lotne similar indoor employment; refcrcncea unexcep tionable In every respect; salary moderate. Address F. B., Inix 17B Herald oflice. A "YOUNG MAN. AGED 28, WITH 8 YEARS' CITY experience as stock clerk, salesman und office assist ant, desires a position vith some responsible nartieN; can lurnish best of references. Address BUSINESS, box 14t) Herald oflice. DHtroaiST.?A OBEXAH PHARMACIST, OF EXTKN slve experience, wishes a situation in a German or American ^iliiirinacy. by Juue 15; best references. Address 0. I'., 373 !? niton it.. Brooklyn. Drug olebk.?mtddlb-aoeo man otPr or work, with Rood credentials, may apply before 10 o'clock at 51 Greenwich ?t. MM "o U i K W A N'T ? D?A 0< >M PKTHNT P itE Si' KII7 tioiiist. acquainted witti tin* city business. Apply, with references. at drug store 1,183 Broadway. DRUO CLERK WAKTED-YOUNO MAN. WELL AC quainted wiih ty retail and prescription trade. Ap ply at THE ALL'S l'iiarmacr, corner of Oxiord ?t. and i'ark av., Brooklyn. IjlVKNINO KMPLOY.MENT WANTKD?BV A HOOK j keeper ol' many years' experience. Addretis 3., box 181 Herald oSlm. Ipoi'B EXPERIENCE^! SALESMEN FOB THIB CITT, ucqunliited witli biHnk ixioks nnd stationery, to iutro iioce not'cltics. Address, with reference. NOVELTIES, Iloralil office. 0" Frout?k salesman "wantkIT Tvimediatklv ? steady worker: uuod nildress; wide uwuke; refer ences. Addreea STRONG, Ilerald office. O ALESM AN ~WANTED?A COMPETENT SALESMAN*. 0 who has had thorough experience in snd enn command n number ot good domestic account*; liberal advances made, bv an old established dry go.ids liou*e. Address, w itli reference, DKY (KJUUri, box D. Post office, Philadei phia. S(ILICITOR AND COLLECTOR WANTED?<?F EST AH lisheil churactcr nnd experience, for a prominent charity. Address J I N h. Herald office. rrIIUKr.TRAVEL,LINO SALESMEN WANTED?AT L'.ifll J. Md av., corner lU-Mh st.; part sslary, part commission. \VANTKD=A"YoUNO MAN IN A JDiufi>HmoKER'3 M office; one with general knowledge of the business preferred. Address DRUO BROKKtt, box ld8 Herald office. \VANTED?A svART MAN WHO HAS ACTED""a8 Ii salesman over Long Island to work on commission only. Apoly, for one week, ut 'J1U Montague St., room 4, be tween 4 and H P. M. A\rANTED?A YOUNG MAN, GOOD WRtTEB. WITn IT thorough knowledge ot bookkeeping. LEVINK A SCHWAB. US7 Canal st. l\rANTED?A COMPETENT DRUO CLERK- ONE Ii that speaks Hernial. Apply at drug store, 313 Columbia St.. Brooklyn. ?\Vr~ANTKD?A RETAIL IIAT RaLKSMANJWHO l?N l\ derstsnds his liHSiuess. Apply at once to JACOBSON, 100 Pultou st. WELL CONNECTED CLERKS, WILLING TO KM ploy the in shirrs lucratively. * Itliout neglecting their actual duties, please address No I'VE Vl'IK. Ilerald office. COACIUIES AM) OAHDKKKUS. ABKsPEcr'.CBLfi GERMAN TBaS, 18 ARRfkD, wishes a siuiation n* coaeliniun or gardener: the wile to do nlaln cooklnt, washing nnd Ironing; references. Ad dress J. A M., Post ..(lice, Yonkers, N. Y. 7 COACHMAN AND O BOOB'S ACTUATION WANT J\. ed -By a yo:mg man understands gardening; can milk; willing In make himiclf useful; good references. Ail dreeeCOAOHM AN, box IAI lleral .office. obs?leman"desires- a "situation">(ik"a first ciiis* coachman; understands his business thor oughly; rerv desirable In every respect. Apply at private stable. lll> West &Ulh st. SITUATION AS OA 155SKft W~ANTiD-BY" A single man ; understands vegetables, flowers, the care 01 horses. CO*s; good milker; city reference. Ail.Ire.s J. 11.. box !'.*? Ilerald office. ? COACHMAN, OARDKNBR AND USEFUL MAN; cltv and country reference. Address W., box 138 Herald office. / tOACMMAN AND V; RiM i.M ?BY~~A SINGLK Yol'NO Kj man: sxllful driver, rity >.r country; lully experienced in care o: horses, carriages and harness; Ave years' refer ence; ? ill it;nke himself generally useful. Address F., box 200 Ilerald ollire. CVOAI'IIM AN AND V; IIOOM - B Y~SIn7?LK M AN. ~WHO J thoroughly understands his Inislness. cltv or eonniry; can take cnargs ot a gentleiuan't coanlrv seat: seven years' >.es| rnlerenct-s. Address t'llACli M ^N. . ox I3S ilerald oOlre. / 10\( 11 >1 A V-V N D liHOOM? BY A SINtlLE MAN; CAN \J milk. m.iw liiwiis. iinderMKUds proper rare nnd treat nieni ol buries, cariUgea and liarnesa; willing ?o make him self generally useful; tbree ju?rs' referenee. Address J? box tilt HtraM nffii'e / lOACHMAN AND UMOOM IT A CUMPBTXNT MAN; V.' i-ny or cmiilry; six year?' reference Irora lato em l.ioyer, ?l 1'4'J ">tli av. \ITANTEi?-A ">ITi ATION BY~A"^IN?iLK MAN AS it coaclinian ant gardener; good reference. Address J. ll'i Herald offleo. \l*AMI-.b-A Sill AlION KOR A 0KRMAN7 LttNO IT here, handv with tools, as couclttnan and groom, gar dener or |.orler; Ills wife could accompany hint if wanted. Anaress his last i mp.i.ver . bo\ ."?,'Vi4 Post ..ftire. 1 c BAirr mm bt.-a colored man as coach* JL'' man ; countrv or city ; Ant class relerenee. AI.KIIKD COI.MAN HKliP W V\TKl>?.UAl.Ks. 4 m a mis"a A Oeiman grocery trade nnd wli<> has travelled lor that i.ii.iness; no others need apply. Address BAItNI'M, Herald office, tiiKNTS WANTED-IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. TO sell our [.ure teas to families, hotels and large con sumer* i.esi terms andlarcest stork in the country. Apply to the W ELI d TEA COM P A SI .m Fulton St., between Church and Oreeewlch. Ne>v York l UENTR FOR Till: I EST THINil OCT. 8 T, OltAND si. k CLEAN SMART COLORED BOY WANTED ^'V Between P.! anil IB y ars of age. Apply, from 10 te l'J A. M.. at 7* ha>t Itniiidx ay. " t) K THE AMMRTBCT or YOl'R OWN KOIITUNE" I) selling teas for CANTON 1EA COMPANY, 148 Chambers st. VCOXOMlCAl. KRflT DBIBR?IBST IN THE JTj world |Bo?well patent . AtiE.N f> WANTED. Kuiton st.. near Pearl. New York. T ITHOORAPHIC CANVASSER WANTED- 1MB NEW XJ York city. Addrees, whh fell particular*, box 1,170 Poet efface. HELP WAWTBD-.1MLES UrAJIfBU._AT?? PEBDI SB? HXI2 ?**> 1 " month Ml Inn our lettor eooyisg book ; any on* that ha? a letter to writ* will buv II: no press or water o?d; ?end for circular Iras. EXCELSIOR COMPANY. 1# Tri bune Building, Chicago. III. XtrANTKD-XgOOD SMART BOT. ABOUT 14. TO Tf make himself generalu useful in a whuleiftkhouse. Address INDUSTRY, box 109 Herald office. WANTED?A SHARP, ENERGETIC CANVAS8ER; good salary paid. Address G.. Herald office. ^ \VrANTKI?-A HOY IN AX OfWOl TO OO OF KR ? ' rands and make out bills. Ad'iress. in handwriting of applicant. >t?ili| salary required. tft, A., K. U., box ??l Herald nffloei wI.NTiTd-A KKSPhCTA Bl.K BOV. ABOCT U ?" years of aire, who llvas with Ills parents. to dis tribute circulars and to make himself generally useful In a lirni t'ltun mail business; salary. $11 per week. Address ff. M., box Mil Horald office. WANTED-A FJKST CLASS"CANVAMEH T? CAM rax tor a first claas mechanical wnr<. ju?t issued; ex ehiilve right to New York giveu lo right persuu. Address box 9.U9 I'ost office. New York. \YANTBI?.?AN A NO. I BUSINESS ~MAN CAN KIND If a first claas opening as special agent lor a new and superb Illustrated work. A paly to ?. P. YOB^TON, 12 Dey st. TUB TKAilKS. "?~STRONG fi)CffTl"AR<f OK AGE, ^iSHES TO J\. learn carriage trimmii.K ; salary not so much of an ob ject as a permanent position: licit reference. Address FREEBORN, Herald Uptown Branch office. A"~YOUNG MAN OUT~OK EMPLOYMENT. PAINTKB by trade, who canuot get work. owiug to dull times and being a stranger In the city, will do painting for any gentleman at a reasonable price. Address PAINTER. Herald office. CTONE CUTTERS WANTED.?100 STONE CUTTERS O wanted at Hollidaysburg (Pa.) Court House; the hiirh e?t wages paid to good mechanics. Address GEORGE SCURIUNRR, Hollidsysburg. Pa. WANTED?BY MACTERWRIGHTS OP GLASGOW Scotland, a largo number of operative Joiners; good workmen; wages, 8J- pen.e per hour. HENRY BRUCE. Glasgow. ANTED-TO LBARN A TRADE. BY A YOU NO man. 17 years of age. Address 4KI Hudson st. w w VAT ANTED?A FIRST CLASS DESIGNER ON FANCY " cassimeres. for a 2& sell mill; to an entirety com petent person a Hrclaas position and salary Is offered. Address box Li4f> Post office, Ne? York. \lrANTED?A MAN WITH A THOROUGH KNOWL ? ? ed^e of paper box milking; must be alilo to make cor rect estimate* aud know how to pet np work cheap, out of tho city. Address A. It., box Hill) Post office. WANTED?ENGINEER" OK" PERSON WKU M* quainted with boilers to introduce an article needed by every person using i-toain. HI RliiiSS A DUNHAM, US Maiden lane. ,rANTED?AN ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER, At No. 5 Chatham square. ~?RENCH AUVKKTISKMHNTS. tTn kranca'Is, connaissant i.rservice dkh L chevaux. dcniande une place en vlllc uu a la cam pagne oti dans un hotel; lionn ? reference: il fernlt aussi d'awtre travail. 8'adressor a Alexis, n. 158 Prince St., base ment. J "l BALEH AT AUCTION. ? Alff.-TIMS |>AY. AT 12 O'CLOt K. A I' illh " MATHEWS GALLERY. 57 LIBERTY ST.. PAINTINGS FROM Tile. NATIONAL ACADEMY, and others by distinguished American artist*; also a large unmber of bigh class works by CELEBRATED FOREIGN ARTISTS. , The finest collection exhibited down town this season. DANIEL A. MATHEWS, Anctinneer, 57 Liberty ik A rt. : " il Special. The great closing out Centennial sale of sll the unsold Pic tures frnm the National Academy of Design, trill commence to-day. Friday, at 1 2 o'clock, at the Art Emporium of BAR KKR A CO.. 47 and 4s? Liberty st. Notice.?The above are the genuine paintings belonging to the art exhibitors of the National Aeanemy. and will tie s dd at great sacrifice rather thau return them to the studios avaln. BARKER A CO., Auctioneers. A?G EO. W. KEELEK, A U C TI (INKER. " s Art Gallery, 50 Liberty st., corner Nassau st. A large and superb collection of CARRARA and FLOR ENT1NK MAKHLiE STATUARY GROUPS and FIGURES, large COLUMNS, richly carved antique GRECIAN and ROMAN Vases, Card Receivers, Ac., together with eleirant I' RKNCII ('LOCKS in marble and bronze, Swiss CUCKOO CLOCKS and choice French TO-DA y and SATURDAY. June 0 and 10, at 12 o'clock. UCTH)N SALE?TilBT DAY (FRIDAY). AT~10:3fc Liquor Store 212 West 27th st.; Stin k and Fixtures to be sold in lota; Icehouses, Tables, Chairs, Pictures, Ac. Dealers invited. Sale positive. -BY ROBERT C. CASHIN, AUCTIONEER.-LARGE . AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THIS (Friday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock. at five story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST lBTH ST., BETWEEN 5TII ANI) 6TH AVS. Decker A Bro. upright 7,'a' octave Plain>rorte, Steluway's lour round 7', octave Pianoforte, Puintiugs. Works nl Art. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUITS, richly oarved rosewood and walnut frames covered ill crimson, tan and fold bro.ade satin and cotolaine; Turkish and Spanish .ounges, F.nsy Clialrt, inlaid mar |ii?trie and gilt t'entre and Console Cables, rosewood Etageres, Cabinets, French plate Mirrors, lace Curtains, French Mantel Sots, fio-day Clocks, Musical Boxes, Library and Secretaire Bookcases, Books, Library Tables, Turkish Snit, Writing Desk BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Bedroom Sets, inlaid and gilt Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Bureaus, Washsiamis. single and double Bedsteads. 33 fine hair and sprlug Mattresses, leather Pil lows, Blaukets, lot let Sets, rep auu plush Suits, marble top Tables, ('hairs. Rockers, reclining Chulrs, Lounges. DINING FURNITURE?Extension Tables. Sideboard. Chairs in leather. Silverware. Crockery, Library and Secre taire Bookcases, Library Tables, Turkish Snit. two llall Stands, velvet. Brussels and ingrhin Carpets: Kitchen, servants' Furniture. >tr. Take Sixth avenue or University place cars. N. 11.?Men to remove, pack or ship goods. TUCTION SALE?LARGE AN D PEREMPTORY J\. sale this day (Friday), commencing at 10 o'clock, at th" elegant live storv brown stone mansion No. 120 WEST 23D ST., NEAR'HTll AY,?MAGNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. RARE AND COSTLY WORKS OF ART. COMPRISING IN ALL OVER $:?.000 worth Household Goods, by catalogue :? 2 brilliant toned Pianofortes, Stelnway sad Windsjr. SI superb satin Parlor Suits, also rep Suits. 2 elegant rosewood Etageres. 2 elegant Mantei Sets. 25 ciiolco bronze Figures. 20 pieces Parian Statuary. 15 window lace Curtains. 25 Brussels and ingrain Carpet*. 3ii fine Oil Paintings, best artists. 2 elog iiit Cabinet" 3 elegant Library H. okcases. 4 elegant Llbrarv Taules. 2 ladles Secretaries mid Bookcase combined. 3 Easy Chairs, Turki?h style. 2 Music B?xes, 1.est Paris' makers. 12 elegant Bedroom Suits, complete, in blaek walnut. 24 curled hair and sprlug Mattresses. '.'4 Pillows and Bolsters. Mi elegant black natnut Rockers* 4 liedrooiii Chairs to match, s black walnut Lnunces. it elegant Hedroom ami Parlor'Clock*. 2 elegant black waluut Buffets. 3 superb Extension Tables 24 black walnut Dining Chair*. 2 china Dinner and Tea Sets. Castors, Urns, Pitchers, Forks. Knives. Spoons. Glasswure. Ac. Also basement and servants' Fumltnre, new fonr months ago. N. B.?This is the largest sale of the scawti. Sale positive, regardless of weather. LUKE FllZiiERALD. Auctioneer. N. B.?Competent men to pacc and ship goods, city or country. Anrriu> nai*(*? ur klew.ut iidi sh.holu fl'K niture till* (Kridny) moruiti.:. nt 10,'* o'clock, at the private re*tdenee lOi East 13th ?t.. wraml door troin 4th ?v.. J. KKAEMER, Auctioneer ID Carpets, H *atln brocade, rep* and haircloth Parlor Suit*; Pianoforte. Paintings. Mir rors, Curtain*. l'J Bedroom Suit*. Dreislng (!mh, Bedstead*, Buteau*. Waalistand*. Commode", Wardrobe*. hair and spring Mattre*be*. Bolster*, Pillow*, Bidding. Lounge*, library and dininc Furniture, Sideboard, Extension Tables MO lot* (Jliis*. China. Silver Waro. Cutlery. Oilciotfts, Stair CarpM*. servants' and kitrlien Furniture, .-ale positive. AlCTloN SALE OF ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FCRNl" TUBE, THIS (Friday) MORNING, commencing at 10>? o'clock, at Tour story residence 21 Basttil *t., near Broadway, con listingnl inagnllk-etii Parlor Suit* in *atln, cotelaine. rep and haircloth, Pianoforte, Bronie*. Oil Painting*. Mirror*, Book case*. Deek*. Bedroom Suit*, with Dressing Ca*es, Bureau*, Wasbstan I*. Bedstead*. MnttrusSes. Ac;: Buffet, Extension Table. Crockery. Cutlery. Ac. N. B.?Home to let. Goods untry. HENRY 7.INN. Auctioneer. THIS <Friday> AFTERVOON. at 3 o'clock. Now on exhibition at Clinton IIall. Rare and valuable Work* of Art. I *1 r O RT A NT STATUA RT. THE SACRIFICE OF ISAAC, by Roger*, of Roma. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, by Hiram Roger*. ANGEL, by Ml** Stebblna. WILL 0' THE WISP, by Harriet Hosmer.s Alio ESMERALDA, DIANA. APOLLO BELYIDERE. ie. AI*o a large collection of Works of Art, Brlc-a-Brac, Ac.. Ac. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneer". ?T0M8 JOHXrtON. \CCTiONEER. " ? old *tat>d 37 Na**au at. The tale of the entire stock. Machinery and other effects of Palmer A Co '* Confectionery Establishment, fl6 AND ?"? Dl'AN K ST., IS POSTPONED IjNTIL Til I'RSDAY, JUSK 15. On SATURDAY, at o'clock, FINE HOPSKHOLD FI'KNirt'RK AT :i7 NASSAU ST.. ROSEWOOD PIANO. BY UlLBEKT A SON. MAGNIFICENT DRESDEN CHINA DINNER AND IJnSSEKT RET. with elegant epergne. supported bv *w.xn"; two superb dec orated Dresden Va*e?. hue brunt* "D.'ti .Iuan,'r several velvet and Brus*el? Carpet*, parlor, bedroom ai.d basement Furniture, together with a larire assortment ol Kitchen Utensil*. two tine Until, two Fishing Rod*, rosewood upright Pianolnrtc. * HT ? MALE. Now on exhibition at the Art Room*. HI' Broadway, a choice collection ot Painting*, by Amertran and loreign artists, to be sold bv auction, Monday evening. Juneli, commencing at * o clock. The Messrf. LEAVITT. Auctioneer*. BY JOSEPH HEOEMAN 4 CO.. at the residence of Colonel Charle* K. Evan*. No. .YM Clinton, between Kulton and Atlantic >tv?., Brooklyn. valuable Oil and Water Color Painting*, Partels. Chromo*, line Engraving*. Parian marble Statnette*. with Bracket*; large and general assortment of Household f urniture, Tl' r-SDAY, June IS. at II o'clock A. M.. 'J large Oil Paintings, "Boston llarbor" and "M?unt Wash ing! on," by Averuo. cost #1/**) each; ll'J Oil and Water Color Paintings; old Italian Pa*tel, "Ophelia." cost SMJfi; I! other Pastel*, 7H Oil and Water Color Chromo*, M Photo graphs. l'l line Engravings. IS| Passe I' Picture*. I'oidand's first Parian Marble Statuette. "Ruth." ro*t fl7>; U other Statuettes, with lava Bracket* and black silk velvet Kelie! Hoard*; large Music Box, rt tunes, with Singing Pird. co*t f'C'S in gold; extra large walnut Centra Table, richly carved white marble top, cost fcUfi, Ac., Ac.; about 'Ji*< lots. WEDNESDAY. Jure 14, at 10 A. M. precisely, the remainder of the catalogue, comprising over ;u>0 lota of IIonsehold Fnmltnre, Carpet*. Kidding. Ac . Ac. Catalogues at the s ;le* o.nns, Wlllongbby and Pearl it*., or sent l>v mall on re<ine*t. / ' EOKOE IIIILBKOIIK. A I > TII iNEKR.-HOLll U< ><1 K " T A KOI.I,INS sell. Ibis day, at J o'clock, at their sales, roi'in. 4.'i2, 4.'>? and 4.V! Canal St., a general assortment o' Household O.M?d?, Parlor Suits, In reps and lia r cloth; black walnut and enamelled Chamber Suit*. Pier and man tel Mirror*. W*rdrube*. Ei'igere*. BooScaae*. Sola Beds, Lounges, Chairs, Carpets, Oilcloth*. |j*oe Curtain*. Paiat Ing* and hngrarlng*. Mattresses, Bed*. Bedding, Crocker/, Ulan and Plated Ware, Kitchen Utensil*, Me. SAMBS AT AUOTIOH. toy barvTvTtlTskvftrXc ction 10. li 13 Ill Broadway. iorecioauro sale. by order of Tho*. D. Coiluimi, referee, iifea Brst clasa four hrowu atone lltUNi, southeast corner of Madison n. and Both *t. ^ COLTON, Al'CTlONKKR. .. , ? Elegant Household Furniture. In Brooklyn, thl* day iFridavi, June 9. at 11 o'clock. ?t the private residence No. 140 Lafayette av., corner of Carlton St.. hteinway llrand Piano, French flat? Mirror*. Lace Curtains and (orntce* Brnnses and mantel Ornaiiienti, Velvet and other Carpet*, Buffet*. Sideboard*. Bookcases, eilrer and I'lated Table wares, Petntir.g*. Engraving*, marble ton Centre Table", rare Painting*. Engraving*: *l*o Standard Work* lu tba hne of Bonk*. Catalogue* early ttb raornin ;. JJ B.~HERTS *80NhT AUCTIONEERS. SHEBIfFs" SALE. WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, SILVER. 1C, THIS DAY (FRIDAY), Jl'NB 9, AT 10)* O'CLOCK, AT SALESROOM, NO. 17 PARK PLACE, continuation aale of entire balance of Stock. By order o! v WM. O, CONNER. Sheriff. WILLIAM HENRY, Deputy Sheriff. J F~BI' SINESS )S DULL ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT GOOD. IF BUSINESS IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT BETTER. Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Monday. May 29.,.,. J5.500 A IIVUItTlSbMKNTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Tuesday... Decoration Day. no paper. ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE. Wednesday. Mar SI 35,M? ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS 1'i.R LINE. Thursday. June 1 4I.8U0 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Friday. June 2 35,330 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Saturday .June 3 84,200 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Total w7,45? ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE Dally average .... 3H.490 M( > ItTt IA OB Sa77k.?1S A AC " WoL F, AU GTIONEE R, Myer* A Co., sell* thin day at lO^J o'clock, ut I.") Bowery, the Fixture* of a Restaurant and Lager Beer Saloon. Coun ter, Tables. Chair*, one Range, Crockery and Cooking Utensils, Ac.: also large lot of Household 1'arntture, Car pet*, Oilcloth*. Ac. Sale po*itlre. ARSIFaL AND MORTGAGE SALES?PETER BOWK, Auctioneer. *ella thl* day. at 11 o'clock, at the auc tion rooms comer of Htli ?t. and University place, a Hne and choice collection of valuable Oil Painting*. hy American and foreign artists, comprising *ubject? of every descrip tion. Also a lot of Office Furniture, consisting ol black wal nut Desks. Letter Press. Bookcase, Chair*. Engrsvlngs, Ac., Ac. I". DAlLEY, Martha I and Attorney for Mortgagee. M~NU8SBAUM. AUCTIONEER. 2ttl BOWERY, SELLS ? Saturday flrst ol*** corner Liquor with Billiard, Bag atelle, Ac.; particular* to morrow. MORRIS wii.kins, AUCTIONEER.?BXECCTOR8' Kale.tWashtngton ?v., Tremont. 24th Ward, New York. E. I!. I.l'DLoW A CO.. will sell at auction, on Thursday, June 13, IS7H. nl 12 o'clock, at tbo Exchange Salcaroom. Ill Broadway, (Trinity building). New Vork. Sale by order of the Kxecutora of WILLIAM SUM MERF1ELD, deceased. Washington ?v.?'The two-ttory and baaement Frame Dwelling, situated on westerly side of Washington ?v., Im feet south of 11th st. House 1* about 30 feet square, contains gas mid water, bathroom and.watercloset; 13 room*. Plot of ground, 200x150 liset. near depot, with hourly cum municatioii to Grand Ceu ral depot. Waahington a v. ?Two Lots, easterly ride. 152.3 toot south of Taylor St., being to gether S4.5 feet front. 62 foot rear by an average depth of 223.11 leet. Term* at sale. Map* at the auctioneer*. Mortgage sale? l. s. ^black, a'uctionker^ sells thl* day, at 2 o'clock, at salesroom 436 Caual st., by order of mortgagee, the contents of a hoarding house, comprising Bedstead, Tables, Chair*. Bureau*, Mirror*, Beds. Bedding. Carpets. Store*. Sewing Machine, Ac. TJAWNiUROKERS' KALE?THIS DAV. JAMES aGAR^ X Auctioneer. will sell at 59 New Bowery, at 11 o'clock* tf?> lots Drussas, Shawls, Remnaot*. Table Linen, Under clothing. Sheets, Spreads, Cuats, Pantaloon* and Vest*. By order of Patrick Starr, 863 3d av., and J. Ilarlam, Hudson st. PAWNBROKER'S SALE ? R. FIELD, GENERAL Auctioneer. *alesromu No. 89 Bowery, will Mil this day, at 11 o'clock, tlO > lota men's and women'* Clothing, Dresses, Shawls, Remnant*, Underclothing, Quilt*, Blan kets, Bedding, Boots. Shoes, A;c.; also Coat*, Pants and Vests. By order. F. Nelson, Grand at. HERMAN. SIIERIFP'S AND GENERAL AUCTION , eer.?Assignee's sale of Imported Wines, Liquors, Champagne. Cigar*, Ac. THIS DAY (Friday). June H, at 11 o'clock, at *alesr<>om No. 13 Bowery, about >>0,000 worth of Whiikey*. Brandies. Gill, Kuni, Port, Sherry, Rhine Wine, Clarets. Champagne, Stock Ale, Ac., In barrels, disks and cases; alao a large lot ol fine Iluvnna and Domestic Cigar*. Ac. Sale positive, without reserve. SHERIFF'S BALK OF PAPEE ~siOCK. GLASS, RUB her. Ac.?GERARD BKTTB. Auctioneer, will sell tnis day, Friday. June 0. at 10 o'clock, ut No. 10 Llspenard st., the content* of the above place, consisting o( Gla*a, Rubber, White and Colored Rags. Paper, Scales, Tracks. Ac. WM. C. CONNER, Sheriff. Jaxks Maxwei.l, Deputy. HERIFF's SALE"OF HAVANA AND LEAP TO^ hacco. Ac.?GERARD BKTI'S, Auctioneer, will sell this day, Friday, June U, at II o'clock, at No. 19 2d av., large lot of Havana and Leat Tobacco, Presses, Offlc ? Furniture, Ac.. Ac. WM. C. CONNER, Sheriff. B. GALLiruK, Deputy. QHERIFF'S BALE OK STOCK AND FIXTURES, O Carpets, Ac,, or s first elms barroom. 8. IIKKMAN. Sheriff's mid Ocueral Auctioneer, sells this day, Friday. J ime 0. at 11 o clock. No. 13 fine Bar and back Bar, fine Counter*; also a large lot Wines and Liquors, Casks Stock Ale, Cigars. Ac. WILLIAM C. CONNER, Sherllt Rcrus Dodok. Deputy. Also, a lot Itrussels Carpet. WILLIAM C. CONNER, Sheritt William H. Carroll. Deputy. WM. 8. MOUNT. A POTION EKR, 180 Jt 152 DIANE ST. Attractive Peremptory hale of Turkish Goods Imported for exhibition at the Centennial, On MONDAY. June 12, 187ti, at 11 o'clock. Turkish Carpets and Rugs, I'enian Carpets and Rugs, En br Idcred Curtains, Table Covers, Piano Covers. Chair Covers and Cushions, Chemisettes, Neck Ties. Jackets. Capo, Clippers and n variety of other articles. Goods on exhibition on Saturday, lUtli, between 11 and 3 o'clock. firiLLlAM A?B<>TT. ACCTItINKER, OFFICE NO. 3 v? Chambers stre -t ?By virtue of a chattel mortgage I will sell, mi Satnriiiir, at 10', o'clock, the contents ol the liquor store at No. HU 2<1 av. On; splendid 4-pull Ale Pnmn, lino walnut Conuters, tine lager l>eer Ice Mouse, Copper Measures, Screens; largo lot oT One Glassware. Liquors, Ac. F. MOKCK, Attorney for Mortgagee. FITKMil i(h, 4 UCTfON ROOMS, 39 EAST 13TH~ST?FURNITURSj iv Carpets. Mirrors, Pianoe, Armours, I'arlor Suite, Bew room Sets, Ac. Private sale at aurtlou prices. OE.NTLEM AN W IsHES TO RENT HIS HOl'SB nnd-cll The Furniture, consisting of Library, Parlor. Dining and Krdrooui Suits, ail nearly new; also fi no Oil Painting. Brouacs, Statuary, Sliver. Qlass. Ac.; location un surpassed; rent low. Parties wishing to bay will addreM HOUsK, llerald Uptown Branch office. A SACRIFICE.?KOR SALE, ALL THE FURMTtRB A at the private house 105 Eiist 13th St., second door Iroiu 4tU hv. ; latest style sunn brocado Farlor Suit, coal SMO. lor $150; one do.. 5135, do., 1U0, two I'lanofortes, rep* and haircloth Suits, S3 > up; 10 Bedroom Suits, with Dress ing Cases? $35 up ; Mattresses, Redding. 11) Carpets, two Sideboards. Extension Tables. Curtains, Library Furniture, Silverware, Ac. Call Immediately. A ?FOR-SALE, AT PRIVaTB RESIDENCE 120 A? West 23d st., near flth av., I'arlor Suit*. 14 pieces, covered in satin. Post $1.0 m, lor ?3U?; one do., fl'.'S; lurk Ish Suite. tflHi; rep. 'lalrcloth and plush Suits, #3 > and C55; Marvin's Cabinet Farlor Safe, inlaid and Kilt black walnut Bedsteads. Dressing Cases. Bureaus, rt'asbstauds, Ward rubes. Iiair and spring Mattresses, dining Furniture, Exten sion Tables. Buffet. Chairs, Ac. X. II.?An elegant roso* wood four round Chlckcring A Son Piano, #200. a bargalnj magnificent Windsor Piano. 9300, cost $1,000. Call thlt day. 4 PRESSING CIRCUMSTANCE COMPELS I'111VAll A lainlly to sell their household furniture lin lots . Stei v way Pianoforte, $2tiO: Parlor Suits in crimson, tan ao4 maroon satins, cost fsiio, lor 0200 and $KiO; Turkish Suit $'.*?; Rep suits fUO; Chamber Sots with dressing cases !H0, 'ii|iwarils; single Bedsteads, Bureaus,f4'i pound hair Mattress *lO; nldeboard. Rxtension Table, Bookcases. Mirrors. Call st private residence No. 47 West Kith st. between 5th an4 Qtli a vs. A ?WKKKLY AND M< tNTH I,Y I'AYMK>TS TAKEN /V. for Furniture. Carpets and Redding at B. M. COW PEKTHWAIT A CO.'S. 153 ami 137 Chatham St. An im mense stock at low prices. WiRST I LASS KL RNITCIU. ATGREaT SACRIFICi. i The balance ol tbu l-'iirnit nr.- left over from the auctioa sale ol the furniture establishment 723 nth av., botweeit 41 si and sis., consisting ol five elejtmt Bedroom Salts, ono Turkish Suit Lounge and Chair, four other Lounues, two Windsor Chairs, Buffet. ac., Ac.; will be sold far below cost of manufacture, as the store tnnsl be given up In a few dayf C1EOKOE A. CLARKE. 747 BROADWAY, WIL6 T continue his grand clearing out sale of fine Furniture, Carpets. Mirrors, Bedding, Ac.. at a redaction of 10 to .'4 per cent from former prices, lor cash or on his populat terms of payment until bis entire surplns stock It die posed of. CVood~second haxu and misfit English r Brussels three ply and Ingrain Carpets, Oilcloths, cocoa .Mattings, Ac , very cheap, at t'.ie old place 11 _? Kul ton st. Circula sent free. H J. BUXDALU *101tAUK.~ ~/.~3 > portingro.vs sTVirauE tfXKKhotiflBTTtSI Hudson st., lor Furniture. Pianos, Truuks. Ac., in sep> arste rooms. CHARLES II. UOIiDK, Proprietor. 115508 STo R At 1E' C O M P A NY?? 1' N 5 U11 PASSED FOR i sale keeping of furniture and go >ds of every kind. In.t-lo* West 3U <t.. one door west ninth av. A' STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CARRIAGE AND Mk? chandise. SMITH A SILLS. Proprietors, 730 ana 742 ftli av. ana 247 West 4'ith st. .UaRULE .liAAi'MiS, PRICES NEVER APPROACHED BEFORK a " " " " ' dty. Slate and Marble M.intnis. Largest assortment in tlM I'KNRHYN SLATE COMPANY. BO Union sqaare, 4th av. and I7tli st New York. Manufacturers or ail kinds of Slate Work. of'EWARrs SLATE, MaTbIe AND WOiTtTm A ST ?L4 O new and elegant destsm. from 110 up; tho trade liber ally dealt with. J JO and 222 West ^:td st. JlKlMtAU " 1 A. ?MMK. RESfKLi., MliUVIeE >INCK IS40. * NO. T , Eaetoidst.. lirst do>r from 5th av. Advice free. -K it AND MME. HO I T -CON H IlKNTl A 1. (ION , snllatlon on all femsb- e..uinlaint? 47 West 13th at. n* VVIi.'T';"fc v[) EAsT .*KlTli it," NEAR 3D XJ Vt.?Female complaints safely treated lor f-J5. DR AN" MMl.. URINDL*, 142 Wi.ST 4STIl >T ?CO.'? Bdentlal conanltatioiis in sll Itmale complaints. C i-ccp..>sf; l ci;kks <;laranteed-TllTasIS '*J.y-t>octpT uf *?'?? Svest. 45 Ilieecker st., icar Broadway " _ astuuLoov . A sTliot.Ol;hk. ?i'RoFhSSOR LlsTRR.' alts liTII AV?; send for circular. Address box 4,(fc:st Post office. New lUlX. * A child, oirrift wits hkcond 1 lr*!ln tells everything without quastiuning; Jtroedwa ?r '",:l "Mt 401,1 A J"'!i'NESS A.\i? MEDICAL CLAlRV0VANt*j(0t ?..? "Sh'es. Iikrne?s, Ac., Trom .'aV. to 91. OtBce I9l) West ?.'th between Htli and 7tli avs A, -NO IM P OS ITI (l\. -1 Tk h A T ES f HUiLNKSS CLAIlC r^'isJVUL *I* FOSTEB, 54 Lexiagtoa av., sear ^>tk Ik. .OC 10 iiUls