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CIT% REAL. E?T.\Tg_TOB g\L.K. j "" 1 fentroal a ? FOR S\LK LOW. KCKM3HS3 <?S t'XFl RXISH- ( A. ed a .uoerior, uew, inrdu.m )?* d fonr-.tory. Ui?h jL brown iMn? dwelllntf on V1U ?t.. Ju?t ??? of -th ??. | Ofcce* 4 Itn. or S3 Km* 17tb ?V y K STKVKNSOS. Jr. Triir , ..NVKMKM- TO KATia TRANSIT..-: >1 > \ ?t 1 loth ?L?Kor sale, very low a l\?ndimm# lUre? *t,.r? high ?to.ip brown *ton- Jlo"M- V'^T. lv, unfurnished. on Ulth ?t,, between Madison and _*ili? ? Apply to 1*AAC HOMO, 111 Broadway. room* O and basement. . Wfiit sidf. _ Ksurr^w^ i r;',w Tea. Noh 3>ToV 2:??? horace * ?.y. ? Ch^ki.v.%- ;AlK A. ! -.-.oh Sll.K-TlIK <'^tin.l1 M?JV;V,oro 1 Sr.V.?ltliTd?rrr Will "U lD"U,re 0ftl># ' owner Humboldt ?i . Brooklyn, B. D. _ , vkvv ,u Vo'i "mp'roVrraent.; *.V"W. terfu. 10 ?',u Parch*"'r Ippl"on prcml.e., or .ft. W?ri!. .??? New \ork \VEST(I1K,.KK COtitTV I'HOFKKTY FUU HALE AM) IO HKM ? r. 5^g.y^^ggg irnc?r rlnnin^'prit. "w"t?r 1 frun; ??Kcllent stable. four Mull*. Apply to t UAm.e." j UAKBOK. Broadway ?\-0\Kl.KS- I'EN FUKSIKHED AND SIX LXFUR 1 ?UUd Hou^* ^^0?^ A^A^nt. Yonker*. _ l'HOI'KIlTV Ol'T OF TilK CIT 1 KOK SALK OK TO 11K ST. V PERIRABLE HOTEL AT MWDLETOWX 1 A Urmi-' mu'nty. ami on the line <d .i.. oppo.ite the depot , *lxty-*lx mile* from New \otk city. Ki,r?al? Good Will, Lea*e. Fixture*. >urnll?r?. ??.?? th? Taylor lloum*. i It "onuioi ?ixty bod room* and Urf P*rlor*' .^"rountT bar'.er .hop, Ac and one oil he b?? bw l?"JJJ; it it bio and Uverv accommodation attHched. a rare j?| lunttytoffet an old ?itabUthcd hou*?. A* 00., 511K\RM AS, on prrmlM*. or to E. II. J.L jo. 3 Pine st. N< W v..Ik ? T" Vjavdsome new rotTA'ii-:, mini tes A- from ferry. Staten I?I?nd ; ir?r.l--?>. trn '? * it. a****5005'daekin ^p^^- ' u.ul ?hJder0*a For' fan" or''pirUertM. *?dari. E. S.. box inu Herald ofllce. tSaroIIn to feww ft HU.tTTKOTOS, I. I ; KA'i , Jl t(. worth $7,1100; near d-pot; lino bam, trrui* fa?y. ' iJkaKK. Xo_3_?uer?ii? place. Jlro.-klyn.__ CnnirrsY home \ni? husinkss?ni> i jimi'KTI 1 , II. (V .n, V..*,- York tvar d"P?t; eiulu room F? Miir^??^'? mVa--S iari? and pn-fltable t.u.ine,*: ?li. ?death ol th. ? ,?le nereVsary ; a ?ood o^nl,.,: "J,, VM A V Ki >1 h lond ii?? bu?ine?M? Kusi. A (id row LtKK lii MA*s, i^on ?mpton, ? ? POK su.t-A I INKI.Y SITUATED (10lTNTKY xEAT. P in tlreenwich, <',>nn.-. lion.,- <newi eontalli* 1 > room*. iplendld V- -W "I village and Sound; near to dei ot ,'J!"J v^j " \v.t\ priee. $14,HOl?. Apply at tlio placo to A. l.LOKUl, Jrofnwich. Conn l.v.,1 SaXiE?Ai A s.\. UIKIOETO SETTLE AS ESTATE r II > Mores dw?*1Hn2 hoiini*. bam, fruit. .%r. near f!,d.rom, ; M .ril LUKllT I'|Vk, -JUS We?t 3?U? ?*? f^oit SALE OK TO Ll.T-AT PASSAIC, N. J.. ^ LET T nice; other Cou1^7^e;,5Ql;IBEs, 203 We.t J:id *t. XiHIKXIMHKD OOTTAltl OH THE HANK O* THE r Hnd?on, near We.t r.-int. to let reMonabl*. Addn?s W ILLKT I'AKUV. Michlund h *11*, > ?? FOKSTSHi P vM? UNKURNI3HB0 SEW BHIOHIOK iiH.i*,utifu''"'V'^QLUKa'.'w mmVl change lor Eli.abctb ",r AN VkTKA.''''-W Broadway, room 3. Most i>K>ir.\hlk and be\ltikl' sithateI) Conntry Seat in ?!>? ?{;'t?!,'?lrl**^T?J1 * '*ke 4-> " from the city. Addr?s* DOl N!.. Herald oflo*. Most desirable ii kd>?m iidCsl. evski < ir\ Improveuisnt, 011 Ber.en Hel*hi*. wren n.In..tea 'tr?m I il-ertv -irret f.*rrr, uiven irrati* to May 1 next to a first ha???enai" who will pay $4.. year for tl-r. e years there ?fler. Addr'eK oWN'i.K, l-.u 130 Herald ofllce. 0 bTmqe real est \tk for sale. ?8HT. rv* ni.hed and uuf<jf^ tfi^TVXhii. 30 Pine A / \ i: O'GE MOINTMN-I'I'TI A'iE. Fl K MSII ED TEN O room.; location in Or;,nfe . i-?HIl adelimiia.-to LET. DI KINO, i-KNTESNIAL. P de?lr.'blo ll. use No. -'.oU Mount VernoK st. row pletcly TuruUhed, in :l?din? P.- Addre.. t... ,n*. iTfTVlKiiKD ?r.)K SALE ult KENT. COMPLETELY S niniUlied ?ni' of tlie pretlieot Plaee? in the town: lilvrh I ... v.- ? Drlvate table from t.o??en? Hotel fl'deiVred"? Ad :re? V. ?'? 11 l*B E B T, s.amforA^ _ 5 ii .TOO K EI itlDBNCK TO LI r. H KNISlll.K. IB S room-; la'rce (rroi.nd*; ?t..ble ?ill iMtnrd fiV) of rent it de.tred . price ^M'. security ru quired. TlSrei. ROLAN D, h,.* JK.^Ierald ofliee. huoR8 FROKT OOTTAOE" i" K''oMs; MODBKX S convenience.: ft- nei*?.'. rliood: al trains;hour from eiiv- nb?olut?*ly boelthy; poult I vo bwr/rtln; circular. eity, ?oaoimei} tie y ^i AT WATER. IQver.ide, Conn. AttQW^^MrroW. L. I.-TU LET FOR THE >EASOS, S neatly furt.i.hed new two story House, S room*. Rood ?elUr A.'; onlv 10 minute*'walk from railroad depot. Ap plv to PYKHIIIS I'ONCEU. Southampton, or U. W. Tli'i Sth ar.. Sew York. rro~LET-\T NEW BKIt.liroS. S. I ON IIEMENT I av larire House Que (fronnd*. fruit snd garden ; rent ,w \\ it. WEMPLE, <W Liberty M. mo LIT?AT BBEKW8VUHV. N J . El'KNISIIED OR 1 unfurnished, a House c. ntalnin* 13 rooms; fine loca tion "t"" t"n ...itiut.^1 w?lk from depot; ?ood ~d* and '.tablltiE; t-rms reasonable t all "? "[ |l''''rk' L \1KK ?V iJOKLIKH. 1 <>?t office box 1 <7, Red B*tiK. rwu vT-AT MADISON, N. ?' . Fi)B THH SI MMER 1 tnontb* or vcur *n olcnuiil Itcsidoi.ce, completely air nA? " u.e li 'use hK. Y.-. r^n,.. will, hot and cold water, laundry bath and Miliar 1 ronin. Ac : the ground* lire beau litullv laid ??ut. irond jfHrd-n, abundance or Irwit and *bmle , I e house, barn and carriage liou.e. plunty of stable room, !-, od mv s. mountain -ml -alley .cetierv; pure mountatn nir no mo?nuitoes. Also a OoUage. ?iih 10 room*, on th? . n'le rroundJ Kor terms and iurther d.-serlption call on or Vldresi. tiKoK'iE O. ML LFoRD. 90 Warren .t. mo i . T FURNISH EH COTTAOE, SEVEN ROOMS; 1 "ot'd bathinic boating and flthlnir; tbady *nd ? Bay MdiVtl I Inquire oftS.JV. sltlDMoRE. 10Gold *i. 110 Kfc.vr?A rKKiri inu muki ami babknbm Cottage, with I<i rooms nnd irmlrrn Improvement*, \ year; flne lienliny locution an l only 3-'i minutes' rlilo >? si'ainooat from tli* citr. I.' hunts stopping oaoit war tally : cotnmutntion nhntii $21 it tor, Apply to W. I'ROl IHc.KN. Astoria. li. I., or to J OilN GKt-,hN, .??> id ht., New York. IBU ESTATE TO KXCHA\ t; Kr2 *i WIIOI.E TOWS TO KXCIlAMtlR ON TUB ROPTB ?\. to Centennial, on tlic New York and Philadelphia Katlroad. We have a Into place. with railioad station, to en than^e, If*' liuiidmg loM. trro and clear, worth f'J'Xl each, ind ?rvemt hundred with tiulldinpi. whole mortu'aite, ?> ?; iro-lh f^t.OiJU; will rxclonco equltr of ^75,i??) for New fork property only. HL? I l.Kit A CO.. 'JR Pine it. B- kowx stone fursIShku BooiSi "to~i:x chance far p*tIiir Property, Cath or Securities. Address, with particular*. HaKCI.AV, Ih>x J-ti Herald oilier. 13 X C U AN O K - HOCS K AND ~U)T~ IN BL1XAHK IH, J near depot, and lightly encumbered. lor n Business or Merchandise : baritnln b. I) M At'K. IK* I'nlon square. 1,-viM PAU OR RXOUAMGR-A rtRMT CLAS.t KIND JP llnw Wo,.d ^ ard, in full operation, doinc a stdendid htislnea*. and located on an avenue. Gallon or alriress J. KAL7.KNHKROKK, ?*W Hast lilth at., room 1. l.H)|{ .> XThtTit' K XO HA NI ? K KO HA S M AIJLK R IIOI'SK? 1? A hands' me four etory birh stoop brown Mono corner llott?e M Park a\\. no irtj-d st. ; the house is !RI leet front and substantially btiilt. Apply to I8AAO 'HUNUl, 111 Rroadwav, r uui? (1 anil 11, baremeut, rpui ovr.\ER-oK rNMimrtiA<;i:l> pkopertV at J Brooklyn, Kant New York am New Jer.ey I* wilting to exchange It for Clean, frnosini: Mawo or X^caf Totiae o. II. C0LK1.U I'* Water at. anted?uocsk in MM ii'w \rii, ijTkxcuANGR for lieaidenve in llarkrn**cU, with e??b. K. M M AJtON. .It Park row. AY KKAL KClTATJfi W VM KI). T~i>?silUi A UOOt) RESIDENCE WITHIN 50 M1 LBS .1 of New \o rk and Ua>a fcoo?i inve?tm*nt tfck to p?f for ii with. Any party wUhin? to m*lir *i?t*h *xch?n?:e wi'.l rOfAM ?ddrr*s, with full pirt'caUrt, CIIA I'M \.N, box t?,406 Jv t o&u' . Srw V. t i. ANTED?A I!6USE AiirISTABLE, WITtf A TKW il acres ol ^rounU, iu e\ca*iuf !rr an <?14 *Atabli*hcd Ci>a) Yard. ..oinsr a tfoo*l 'jaiin#*!. A hires* COTiiU^, Herald Uptown branch oilier. TO LKT KtMt insists** 1M liPOHKH BRSSXtt anli'iM*. """ Xlroproaf. Locntfd m N a?n?. .\nu anU FnHon rtt. 1'irft Floor to 1ft. ftuitMUte tor l lotnr.mrr o#Tic?? or Ian tcm. H ill let t?i?tthrr or iu ;??rtR; Uo Kttorcii to ttnl tc tiant* if dciirrd; Atfaplrii lor nie?? or nort% KvflMttiiMl rout* A Ho ?omf tSlplhl# l^v t to l?t API'LV O.N T HK. I'HKMlSfc'H. Take thf elevator. Inquire ?*?r Janitor. AT cRPrKAHA.NK~ At'<? . Kh URuXiTwaV.?To !j? ?ra?o. for Jl years on %ery far?ra(?la lerrna, a lar^ mi l woll arrange i HtiiNini ?t? Hroadway near t'rdar ?t. RilUC dnXaHCE T<> I.KAMK?Ui DKY St ; wifff nnt root *iotil Srptemb^r ! ; aft^r that a low ttVki. In* Qtiira of V a.N VtTVt'K (iftKKN, Pinr it. CITK4M r?VWKIC~-Tu LKT, 3 >'WITH KXTRA O Ik lit; high Kloor; all iteata elevator Aw<l iiaatlnj*. ???<.? W*?t *j7Ui *1. STE a M POVV> K TO LKT iuioM -T.-OXa ?7 5l>Xw5"aX D AO^lOO; will Ufiite?l. JOHN McLARF.N. Hirer Rt., Hobokrn, N. J. rrS?..Nr^oit iu."si.NKs^. -Ki 'Off* .^rouv ;:oo"3 mtvro room if emtti Apply at 41 K??i Lttik st f)\\ Kl.l.l \ <? IHU?K* TO l.K*t . ** b'n raUiieii. AFl'RMIRBRD Hot SK. 2H I.IRAK HOORR, HF.ST per A*cth; one idoc? from M?d.?on M)>utr?. IIS* Ka.t JM ?(. VI/ iloijK OH PART OK > I L.I.Y am) NH'HI.V KUK ff niatwd three etorr llou.e, fur turtrafr month, or J?Ui;er; rcat !?>* to faeponalbla party. .>o. Tl l.elingun a*. rnfurtiUheil. A- ROBF, D8S1KAHI.K TIlA* t'lll^T CLASH I LaTS; . ?.nly $l,(W> for a three .tc.ry Pli ln..elphi ? brick, lilt i ?* j")b It*': ?noi.?, cct.tra: Im ?t on : perle-t order, liapie di i to poa.r.aion. Apply to cwn?r, 141 We?t .lib ?t. aT ItkBCCKU UK NT ? l Cu?M I.IT II.K FoPR (tory bt(b >4o?p i>r<?n .lona IlBo.e, 2l?l We?t ?Mtit M . near Itroadwar. API>lr '? ?*> il* "o or to RAftk AJSVV, ewaer Mk a*, aad 14th ?t. A. D DWELLING IIOVHE* TO LET, j l" nfuriilaliciT ?ni WEST mu ?T.. uousr 13 ROOMS, ALL i impaovementa. tu let. E L .* K. T BURNHAM. ?K? Hudson ?l. 4 -201 WEST mil ST. four VTOKY HOUSE. 19 1 A> Hkhui, Improvenien a, to iet E. L it B T BURNHAM, arw Hudson at._ V~" -s>? wEtTr uihstTT house. 20 rooms. to | ? In. wlmU "or tu part. K. L. i H. r B1'RMI KM. HOB Hudson at. 4 thrrk nOSr 11 R(?WN STONK HOUSE. NO. in? ! East 40th at.. near Park ?? Apply on premise* i thkek Story hioh >to??Fma*kme^t and it under cellar brick House in let. l'l moms. In flr?t class O'der: a I improvement*, only <70. Apply at 237 Enat . full at. WKLUSO BOUSXt fnlLET-AT ALL PRICES. IX *11 locations, as usual: collections u specialty. john 11. HOLME*. 4? Imh> MlM. H" AXDSOME PO I' R STORY BROWN STONE? Painted . perfect order : shades. cornices, mirrors com plete; choice location; SOth st. ; $1.3*0 il'leased. JOHN O. H looms. So. 7 Pine St. Kl K.MSHED WO AHAUT3IEXT1 to urr. A- PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET, ITllNISIIEIV two or three handsome Kootn*. transiently or perma nently; term* very moderate. Apply at 14 I rvinjr place. A CONVENIENT SECOND FLOOR TO LET?FUC niahed. lor housekeeping; private baud closet. 4<)8 \V?-at U4th at. UN ELY FORM 1>H ED FLOOR FOR LIOHT housekeeping throe light airy rooms, bath. hot and i 'I water, Ac. 1, K>o liruadway. betweeu 40tli and ."i it!i *ts. I S ELEOAXfLY FURNISlIliD IIAcF PARLOR, iV with ISeurootn. t?? let, en suite or iin?l.r; larce private !? ? ?.*<?; rwffrence required. '-*<1 ha?t 11th ht , rear h??u*e. ~ PRIVATh FAMILY WILL LET AN ~hLKGANTLY turnmhe-l front Parlor, to one or two ftntlemeu: ref er? ncea. 75 West UM at. Boatino on harTTem RIVE REFURNISHED Rooms t? let; line, cool place. Address 130th st.. near Oth av., station L. Brooklyn.?rooms to urr. handsomely fob nlshed, in a honso having all lmproTernet.tB. wltbin four miuutpa' walk of Fulton ferry and City Hall: rent fri m 51 to $14 per week . Board, full or partial. If required. 107 Fulton at , above Nassau at. C" IHOK.'E FUBNTsHRD ROOMS?LARGE AND SMALL, J alible and eoiiimunlcutuit;, to let to gentlemen, at 13t* Kut l?ih?t. WI.EOANTLT AND OOMPLBTBLY FT'KNIsnED J'j Serond Floors, with kitchen; every requisite lor house keeping; first class neighborhood. 3%) Wcat 3;?d kl., near Elena tea Hallroad. "17 LROAHTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH ATTKN Jj dauca, lit New York and Philadelphia; fmnlabed li..iia?a and FUta. A. DAILY. Hl?l <lth ajr._ IpOR RENT?FURNISHED. StrriNO " ROOM" AND lledrooai first floor 111 Went 11th at. a wrok. LiCRNISHED PARLORS AND OTHER ROOMS, ALL L newly tarnished, to lotto (rentlenien only : lernia nod eratr; liouae private and central; no boarders. 37 Euu :.?">th it. LTURNlsHBD FOR tlENTLEMEN?EXTRA LA ROE r front. I'arlors and Bedroom*; JO to R per weo*. 313 fltli av., between 1Mb ami 30th ?ta. LMXE FORNI8HED BOOMH TO LET?FROM S3 TO $ l. I? in n miiall brown stone honae; Hplandld summer loca tion. (IS 1'rtispect place, east, between -12(1 and 43d sts. Handsomely furnished i:ooms. en suite or sinirly: n>i convenlenoea f rhmia k'e|>!na; terms mod erste .'*> 1 Weal 34th at., near Elevated itailroad. . j Handsome furnished rooms to rent to j (inula gentleman; in good locution: refer rco eX- i changed. Aildrea* J. I'.. Herald Uptown Branch office IARol FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, f7s ?iTvR, I J ft: each suits two ladlea or gentlemen : honaekeeping prlvili'ce; gaa. hath. Private residence, 3HI East I3th at. furnished ROOMS T i KEXT?WITUOUT j A A N'ICELY b?mrd T buard. 35 Weat ISth St. NEATLY FURNISHED- FRENClT FLAT IO 'LET. Apply at 43;i West 34th st. ri'O LET?FOR HOrSEKKKPIXO; ONE ' OR TWO I neatly litrniahed Rooms, with nice light kitchen: nil modern improvements; cheap to good purty. 2l>2 Wist 49th at. To Let-fT"In ished fro nt r< icm " "amT ?"i?d room suitable for honaekeoplng. Inquire at 250 6th av ^ro LET?A?~"handsomely FURNISHBp FRONT 1 I* trior, for single gentleinen. 3'JS Ea-t 1 Oth St., near Stuyveisnt Park. WO OR~FOUR ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISIIRO F.OR housekeaplnc, ?4 to SB l'0r Wi-ek. 638 West 4,'d ?t. 1 "LABOR ~FURNI8HBD""itOOM ; ALSO A I.ARliE hall Kmim, for gentlemen nnly. 90 Irving place. 1 labor" front rook and one hall boom"; 1 all modern conveniences; terms reasonable. No, 5.> West 12th st. f) furnished ROOMS ON SROOND FLOOR?OAS, ? bath and closets, for f'J 50 and $4 per woek ; family private. 3.M West 15th St. ~TII AV. AND 14TH ST.?A PRIVATE FAMILY W ILL t) rent a hanilsome Suit of fiirnlalied Rooms In tiie elegant brown stone li?use No. 4 West I4tli St.; parlor, three bed room* and privato hath, together or separately. 7 "EAST 27TH ST., BETWEEN" 5TH AND MADISON av*.?Elegantly liiruiabed Houms, for guiitlemen; terms moderate: refer ticea. Ht\\ WARD.?NO. 7 MONTGOMERY ST.. ONE DOOR I Irinn East Broadway. ?l'wo large trout Room* to let, furnished; terms reasonable. 1 (| EAST28T1I ST.. METWEEN 5TH AND MADISON lu avs. ? Handsomely furnished Ro?ms, all conveniences; summer prices; roierenca. n arfii~iT.. formerly occupied byst. james Hotel.?Elegant suites and single rooms; also rooms for transient. WEST WASHINGTON |?T ACE.?TO LET, TOORN. tlemen, without bi^ard. Rooms nicely furnlslied. EAST I7TI1 ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS. 14 17 NEAST 31 ST ST.. MADISON* AND ftfH ATS.? Handsome suit ol Rooma; also single Room; break fa?i If desired; highest reference. 1Q WEST SOTH 'ST.?ELEGANTLY Fl'RNISHBD J t' Rooms, wlthoat board, on second and third floors; ^ moderate pric^a. rn WEST 31ST ST.?RL80AMT BOOMS, EN SUITR ; Zd 1 or singly, for gentlemen; summer prices; reference, l fk WEST 9TH ST.. BRTWEEN 5TH AND <>TI1 ' t:"" avs.?Two hsll Bedrooms, nicely furnished, rery rea sonable. t>-| (\ BAST 17T1I ST.?reception ROOM AND BAUK tU JL 'J Parlor or whole l'arior Floor to let, tarnished or un furnished suit able lor p!iysk'lan or dentist; private luao<; pleasant locality; near Stuyvesant Park; references ex changed. LNFl llMsllKIJ ROOMS XSW Al'.YUT JIEIVTS TO LKT. A ?fPLEXDlD FRKNOII "FLATS To"LET AT BR. ? duced rales. 61 West 39th st. Corner bouse; pleas ant location. SECOND AND TOP KLOOir T(T~LET?IT.NK1' - nlslied. together nr separately, in a private family; rent low. 3ll!i West 22d st ?V L ats-KIN E LOCATION; A LL'Tm PROVE ? tnents; low r-nts, and immediato possession. Apply to.lOHS l>. < RIMMINS. 1,(137 3d av. At 4-'i> 4TII AV? CHOICE FLOORS TO.LKT, NEAR 29th ?t.; improvements. Call, a?e owner and prrnili-cs, , irom 11 to 1 o'clock. IJINK FBBNCH FLATS TO BKNT AT A ORB AT KB- i 1 dne.ilnn: (r. line condition. 44'J West 3.">th tt., rim; , MMd lull lor Iion.ekeeper. FUT OF~b ROOMS; VBBY COMPLETE; ALL TUB improvement*; Mil East 14th it., near 'id nr.; rent f 45 mid per month. rftO LET?SF.f'OND FLOOR, NO. 1^4 CU A It I .ES ST. TO LBT?LOWER PART OF HOOD I-:, XI liROVB ST. Inquire or A. THOMPSON, la Iliceeker st. TO LBT?DWBLL1NcT PART OP HODIB, BBOt>M K and Varlck Ml.; 11 room* : $.Vi a month EDMUND 11. MARTINK, l.?)l Broadway. EAST ??TII~sf" between stii a v. ani> I'nion square. ?A Third Floor. with all improvements, to a small family, for a low rent; excellent neighborhood. 4n"wgirr otii ?t'T between ^tiTandhth atsX. I tU Unfnrnlshert I ?-k I'urlor and Extension; all conve | niences; all ' two luriiiidird Bedrooms. BOAKDF.IIX WAWttt. Ilti.ocK Fiiosr madi36.\ MQirSTtii. lis ETsf 2 Id ?l.?Kiitt larce houo*; Room*, with or without 1 Hoard; permanent or transient; terms moderate. I 1 F I* RNt S11F. 11-HOi 'MS, wiril BOARD. for fami. I* lies and single gentlemen, at moderate rates. Ill) Wa re'ley pi nee. 1 ?LARflB aTrT Kiki?\"WITH "TlOob BOARToTT? 1. r ill lo trai'Mrnt or peimnneut, from to Fl per day ; alto table board .Vt Went U'th St. A I To 12 I'KIl"DAY. fl TO *10 i'i:n weT K-MNK ?r I Konms, with snort Board, for Umli;e? aud ringl* gen { tleinen. 176 Bleeeker St.. near Broadway. 12 t) BL'H'Ks FROM RROADWaT.?LARtrK AND au small l>i?i to let, with first cla?s Board. 01 East 4th st. riifTVo'inf from "oTTsey iiorsi:.? ?) fiwni'hed Rooms, with or without Board ; reference. 41 West ia>?!t st. H LKROY"?T.-A rn<sf~L'LAHrt~i*HIVATK~UOUar!; ij Kooms. en suite or singly, with or without Board em iOiTlI, l?~|M. I'. B. PCTN<kii"*OPPBIW ?.l Itooms. with or wlih..ut Hoard, to permanent partle* at ? ttmnprprices; transiently m and $;! per day ; also table board. "Til AT, NO. M-HAM?.-<>ME LY PUitNIS55O iwEi ?? with or without board sinelr room* $0 per week; board MO; trail.lent f'j -><i n> per day. n WKSI' .1ST ST. DK.sIRABi.E ROOMS, LOCALITY </ and appointments, with iloard; da; and transi -nl board ers; reference*. 1 t) WEST Jtt ST?OPrOSITI. FIKT1I AVENUE J w !l"tel. ?Newly and handsomely luru,?hed Itooins to K'titlenien; taeatlon unsurpassed LA FAYETTE PLAfr. ?PLEASANT IlOOMS. wall Board: alao gwod la le ISoarn I (1TH sr. BSTWBBK St> ABB B aV*.. *11. -NEaT I ?. ly funii'licl hall Room, wllli closet and *a?, to ? gen tleman. without Board. SI; food hath. 1- " EAST 411 li" HT.?HA N DttoiELY " Yr rnTsHED i?) Rooms, with Board, lor lamilie? or irenllcnirn . table Ito.ird al?o. t I - WENT HTH sr . NEAR BROADWAY. -EI.Eii\NT LO ly furnished Roonss. with sai>arlor B ?*rd and li'st class a r.miinoJallons . reference I fill ST. lis WEST. ?NICELY Fl! RNIS.1 ED KoilMS, JO with Hoard; }7 to double roums #14; house newly palmed and furnished. i 7 wBsr ioth st."?sPMMOtJs aTry- booms, L I with superior H ard; decrable hall extr? ?i<le It"i.* - 1 S> EAKT 't.'D ST -F.I.Kti tNTI.Y FURNISHED J O . ?? 'ins. singly or en suite ; tran> ill boar lers <ci--in in xlateii; isw* Br>t class; reference*. rn yfii" Tv^TTTkasant iuioMit to LBfTwtTM M L r.r.i risss Hoard; terms molerate reference. ?) | -t sr., T" i.ast ?'rlea>anT kooms, uviiiEXir ? 1 H'?rd. i rrmaiicnt or trausient; tortus moderate; near Rroadwa.. ij?iD )i r.7iij '.veVt -laiihk "kcom am9 KAMs room to let, wltli Orst eiaas Board; terms moilerat j . referene-s, ?M|B ST.. no-i7a7"Nea:t 4tY av ?^lIriTk,"wrT.7. ?w?i,lnrni?hed Rooms, with itearil. for families and single persona; prices *7 ami fS per week ; go. 1 law*, transient and day boarders taken. BOAUDKRS WASTED. . )?> WEsf 32 lV ST.?DBsIIt ABI E rooms.'wiTH ? ') flrsl class table, at moderate price*; references. <?) i inter *t.. orroSriT fifth avknitIThoI ?< i tel. ?A lar*e. pleasant ?uit of Room*, with first class Board and attendance, ai moderate summer prieee. rater care required. ft - ~ WEST ?TTR ST.-FI UNISR ED koomstoEbt. m' t with or without Board ; maimer price*; table board era taken. OQ EAST I'isT ST?A FK W SIL ECT " BoABDKItS ??/ can be accommodated at anmuier pricee; strictly fir-t cl*-s. ?>f? <'LISton" PLACE!?ELEGANTLY FURBISHED ?)') Rooms for married or single, with or without Board; d?v Boarder*; term* reasonable 1 ft *K-IT a7rH ST., NKAJS STEPHEN** FLATS j") and Broadway.?'To let, furnished. el.zaut Rooms with Board; relereiicea; permanent or transient. T?~WMfl5TH ST.?HA N Dsn M K I.Y rUUUUKS TU l'.ooma, en anlte or (ingly, with Board; terma mod erate. ." I "KST 10TH ST.. BETWEEN 5TU AND fiTM I ?Jt IV-. ? Elegantly furnished Bo. mi to let. en suit or j singly, with or withont Board; modern improvement*; private lamily; references. I -<> WAVKRLKY TlaOB. CTUJI fgflF" AT.?TWO ltl^ sln.-le Rom*, nicely fnrnlshed, with every comfort of a home : best Board ; references. 1 '"\Q WEST 2IHT 8T.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, X? JO with or without Board, to gentlemen. q7\VV west 4TII ST.?PPKJHSHBD MOMltOlilT, Jd\J\J with Board: terma (S and per week. ? >11 ?? EAST 85TH ST.?A KK81' h Tr A H I.E a ME R Ii'aS ? )' '?) woman, with no encumbrance, a child to board. Call or address lor one week. wkst iWh rr.-BOOJti to letT with Board; terma moderate. "ifTwF^T 29TH t?T~ELBOA*T APARTMENTS, In a French lamily, with or withont Board, at sum prices. /TmkaF board for married or single ladies X .J ami gentlemen. MRS. BROWN. 3 l'roapeet pluce. East -iI at st. One labor 11 an dsomblt nmnmaB room and two M ill Rooms, with pood table. 243 West ?-'I'd . Philadelphia boarding?mrs. brooke. por merly of 1,402 Walnut St., removed to?2l8 West Ritten housr square, Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA 413 SOUTH 4)D KT~ WITHIN -0 minutes walk or ten minutes' ride of Centennial hull !? lugs ?Accommodations for a party ot N or 10; references given and required; pleasant surrounding*; Market itreet cars. T) HILA DKI.PH I A.?1T6 ARDl ffbr $S TO $12 WBFK LT; Jl iioml Riiomi; bp*! ti use* everywhere. Particular* at V'm Went "!Hh st.. New York, or 483 Walnut st.. Philadelphia. BO AMD V.\UbOJi?lT(i WANTED. Board wanted?hy aTyoung mas in private family, near 14th st.; $6 per week. Addres* X., station D. rpwo AMERtOA* UENTLEMEN DKSIRE ROOMS, I. with Board, In a respectable family wiiere only French Is sptkcti. Address X. box l,.'J37 Post ofBee. New York. TTTANTED?BOaHD AND ROOM AT $4 A WEEK, BY IT a x oung man with good reference; above 48th St., west side. Aitdrrs* box 112 Herald ofllca. WANTEI)- BOARD; BBTWKBN 2D AND 8TU aVs? >> and bet xe'.'ii 4th and 40lli st*., with large airy Room, bath and home comfort*, bv n gentleman. Address, statinir location, term*. Ac.. SI MMER BOARD. Herald office. _ IIKOOKIi\ \ BOARD. fjtii* flii.VRY ST.. NEAR STATlOiV^MINt'TlVs ??**) from South and Wall street forrle*.?Location and table lirnt i:!a>e; terms $T> to $7. HOTELS. A T NEW KNntAND" HOTEL. wV BOWERY?ALL XX lijrilt single Rooms; lodgings, 50o. uigbtly; $3 weekly, lor gentlemen only. A LWAYS OPEN.-KR AN'kVoItT HOURB, CORNER Jx. Frankfort and William sts., 3.'>c., Ma., SI; gentlemen, fumllies. TJELMONT' HOTEi., FT:LTON ST., NEAR BROAD I) way.?Knropt-au plan; Rooms ?'?O cents upward; lamily Rooms Always open. /I EXTRA L HOTEL, "ass OAK Alt ST., OWB BLOCK \J oast of Broadwny.?Booms Wc. iii'l V.'ic daily. CI RANT HOUSE, 4S NE W BOW K BY; 150 bOOMs"; X laiullle* 75c. to $1; K"?tletnen 25c. to50.c; always op>'n._ LELA ND'8 STt' RTKVANT HOUSE, BROAOWAT. 2STH and J'Jth sts.. New York city.?Location*, accommoda tions and table il'lmte unsumassed. LEWIS A GEOHQE 8. LELAND. ROCIIK8TE BBUTK lTi'IS AN I) T1 -l RLE EC K E R~KtT, two blocks west of Broadway.? Newly furnished; Room* Mtc. to $2 per night: $2 to $1(1 per weok. SUMMIT HOTEL, COKNKR BOWERT A*D CANAL st., OEOIUJE RUBUKERT, Proprietor.?European plan; new und elesaui appointment*; Room* by the day and week. O ELEGANT !IOUHE8. ON M ADfSON SQUARE. WILL _j accommodate permanent or traniient parties. Terms moderate, -'ii East 2 id st. COUNTRY BOARD. ~ A few families desirino good and reason nble country lioaril can be accommodated with larire, airy Rooms, three miles north of Newbnrg; river, mountain view*: healthy. Call on or adiress H. w. MUBTFELDT, box lf?) Post office, Newburg. Orange comity, N. T. \ YOUNG LADY. BE^FdING ON her own FARM. A will entertain a few guests. Address Miss L. CHAP man, Post ottico, Allaire. Monmouth county, N. J. RCHKR PLACE, dobb^S- FERRY, ON THE HUD sou. will reopen for Boarders .lime 20. Address Mr*. DE (jRAFF, Dobb's Fetry, Wostciiestor county, N. Y. An elegant placr at Hastings. on Hudson; llrst class Board; plentv ol shade and fruit Address Mrs. 0. O. M.. Hastings on Hudson. AT~KBW RllOVTok, ? I.-BIUHD W'AXTED7B* A - Y private family. by a ucntieraan. Address, with terms, E. T., Post office box II.1H7. BOARD-'JO MILES FROM NEW TOkK, AT LARGE, nlcjimit farm house; healthy location: good hoard; stabling fur hor-es. Address box B3 Poet office. New 1'rov Ideace, N. J. BLAKE'S COTTAiJK. WHITESTONE, long island. Board and ltoonis, commanding full rlew of Sound; shaded lawn reaching to beach; bathing, fishing; trains honriy from Hunter's i'oint. B~0A RD AT BBK X A 5 IWTIfcLR. N. J.?Loo A TIo N mountainous and healthy; liberal arrangement* to lamiliot. Particulars 151 Broadway, room 'J B" OAWtT-ix X 1MIIVATE KAMILV." AT RIVERSIDE. Conn; larite nud commodious house; finely shade I grounds; bathing, boating and fishins; first das* table; nnd b"'ir from 4l'd si.: references exchanged. Address K. A. aBWMaN, RlTtnrai, Con*. B"oSO WANTED?Fi>K A LADY AND IIBR SON, 1fl years, by tlie seaside where there is Kind liatiiinir; terms iiiiim ho verj moderate. Address box iW Orange, N. J., l'ost office. CIOI'NTRY BOARD.?MRS. JULIA M. WADE M PRR J pared to make arrangements with parties desiring Board at Safe Harbor. L. I . having a house with Isrirc rooms and ample Kra^lidt; liarn and stabling. i COUNTRY BOARD?AT BCDDS LaKE; REA80N uiiie prices; tariff rooms; location ansurpassed ; moun tain air, Ac.; 1)4 hours' ride (rout the city. Address 343 .?ih ar. / ^OUNTRT BOARD ON LONG ISLAx][) SOUND.? \J Splendid grove, Ann drives, good fishing and boating; house on elevation, 00 yards lrj:u Sound; convenient to depot and binding; terms moderate. Address O. FIRLING, Locust Valley, i_ I. / lOl'NTRY BOARD-AT Fl RST CLASS FARMlfoFsK, * J among the hills of Westchosler; Harlem Road, fifle n minutes from depot, terms, to (7 per week. Address O., Mount Klsco l'ost office. New York / lol'NTRY BOARD AT A FARM HOU8R.?PLBNTY \J iniik. fresh eggs, vegetables; pleasantly locntcd on hiuh proud: per week. Address SIDN1.V CRANDELL, Durham. Urceue coun'y, N. Y. VTE VII I' E NTE X XIA L. ?TW< >~K AM 1I.IKS CAN BR AC ll comtnodated with Hoard in private fainilv; location health; ; 'JU luinutes' ride to Centennial; (Tooft lulling. boat ing ami fruit. Address .!. G. HGM>Bl'RO, Philadelphia, or MtjRPHY, 380 East :>4tli st , New York. 1)LB v.NT ROOK* AND OOOD BOARD CAM Bi 1 had at a farm house at Madison, N. J. Apply at 'JJH West ?.'<!th st. PARTIES WISIIINO COUNTRY BOARD CAN BK nrcom modeled with Rood Board and plenssnt Booms near the l)r>-ai >outh Bay ; good fishing, boating and bath log. for references apply to Mr. BUi T.NI'.TT, .1? Felton st.: Mrs S J. COX. earlier of 40th st. and 6th av., or M. A. I'ECKWEI.l., Bay Shore. Long Island PIU V A TE "KAMIL Y O N THE HCDRON. AT W a s I f muton Heights. would rent, to adults only, airy Booms, with superior hoard; shade, lawn and boating: references. I^or particulars address COM KOBT, III Barclay st., room 3J. \Y ANTED--hoard for five ADCLTS. at high M lands, during Juiy and An .usi; surl bathing. Address E. J. KITE Of.K ALI), ">0 Eldndge st? X. Y. WANTED?ISO \RD AND INgTRUGTION FOR A Mfl t? Iii the i ouutrv. wliei e thero are few or no boarders. Address '.'it St. Mark's place. '4V'ANTED?BOARD "'ON THE SET" SHORE ""ilR IT Sound, by a gentleman and arita; niH over one hour and a hall ft .In tne City Hall; place aith no oth?r board-rs preferred Address, witii fnll particulars. T. O. C., box 146 Herald office. \4'ANTED-BOARll'lN*~C01'NTKY FAKM HOUSE, t? lor a ynanii married lsrty, ahere there nre no board ers. Addnrts, ?uu full particulars and terms, M? box 128 Herald officn A. RES11RTS. -Til r* st' M M KR C Vi-ITa'C LELAND'S OCEAN HOTEL, LONG B RANCH, will open early in June CIIaKLE.'s a H'aKUHN leland. Bath, u i.-loci'bt grove hotel and i-avir. Ion date restdenew of es Mayor tiunther). with an ad ditional win^ coitMiuliiK .'iO rooms, rooiinu the bav and ocean; excellent bathlnx. lisliinc. bosiln*, Ac. for Hoard apply on the premises, or by note to JOHN IIOOI'E. Saoii HoutM, OAl wkt. l. x. j., o> rVt 17717. ans'< Mountains, Morris and E?s** Kallrosd to MontcUir.-Accommodations first class ; price notderate; a few irlessant Rooms left lu main boildlna; also Rooms In cottt?*; be>t>itifnl lawn: uoiJV -tal>ltn^; Iteach House car flayc meets tne 8 :"*? .4. M. and J 1'. .M train- irom New York to take parlies wishing to look at rooms. Farther particu lars of HEaRDSLEY, Beacn House. / tEN r-tAf. " IIOI'SkV "xewtown, ooxn.-hioii V./ cronud, lie.iutlfiil drlres; healthiest and pleas mtest town h> Now Knrland. Dinbabton iioi'SE. oceaxi'okt. near Long Hraneh, now open; strictly first elsss; espenally adapted lor umilios; staces connect with ail I'hiladeipliia and New York trains and to the beacn. Address box 117 I'oet office. Long Branch. ARRIS IIOUftK. CALDWELL. LAKE ORi>R<iE._N. V. ? Till? hotel Is new. pleasantly situated on the west e i'f the lake, ami ofl.'rs in >r? iliau ordinary attractions as a auiet. plea?am home r-ir summer visitor.. Beard, per any,$'JM. per week, Irom fit' to #15. accord.u( to room. Al.l'HONSO HKiiVVN, Proprietor. Pavilion hui'sk. ki\ i.kmih:. n j. 1 Only ten miles from I'lnladelphia; trains hourly te New 1 .'is and Philadelphia; large cool Rooms; close to sta noa an 1 river. Send lor eire ilar and terms. X. s RKaD. hivertlde, N. J. PAVILlosi I It) IE I., NEW BHlWHroM. HTA TBN I Isltnd, N. V. -No? open; special rates for May and June. Can or address R r CoLn. icnriELo' springs, n. v.?park FuS5iri03S? erly lloslord llonse, opposite sprlag; best location In slllart; board ftO to $I'J ;>*r week . opens Jane It. PARKER f). FAY. I'roprlelor. icHPIKLD ?iPI{ING*.'-.sri;l NG ' lioifsk tlPftX PST June, terms. (|.">te#IR Rheumatism and font cared. Iilaitr?ied circular free. H \i IVHMER RK80ETR. QSA8[DlS"RKSORT ->0 RDH AM"s. oOLTHAMPl <5n", O L. 1.. open for boarder* iroro June I.V II. A. FORDHAM. Proprietor. TOWKRH1LL HOUSE Narratanaett Pier. o;>en? Jane IS. under management of F. LACHKNMEYEK. formerly of St. Jemo* Hotel; term* 91'-'to (17 per week, Information or circular* at 1? neet Mtk ?t., of koitl UrOODBOl'RNE HOUSE POUR MILKS FROM Fellaliurg nation. Midland Railroad.? Arcnmmod* lion* for S i buirderi; dr?t claa* Board H per day: location l.'-'O) feet above *ea level; a Hue trout atreani wlihln a few rod* of ilia houte . good buutiDK '? tli? vicluitv : stage* will carry boarder* to and Irom the rallrool nation without coargt. Addree* JOHN II. WALDORF. Woadboume, Sulll vau county. N. V- Reierence* ?Wui S. Turner. l.'?8 ron? at.. Brooklyn; J>l** Annia A. Vau Cell. 324 La?t Wth at., Maw York. FOR liAuF.. A""* UA K K RYj ?EST LOCATION fST" BKOOKLY.?; splendid chance for a practical baker. MALONK. No > Mey ?*? 7~-CtlOP AND WINE ROOMS.TIIK So ST ELE J\.% gent place in the city; patronized only by llr?t cl*?* gentleman; club room* attached. MaLONK. No. ?"> Per ?t A -FOR SALE OOFFRR AND OAKK cALOONS. . Keataurania, Motel*, Provision Store*. Meat Market* Liquor Storea at 9-100 upward. M1TCIIELL. 77 Cedar *t. ABAKEKY VOR MUl FOR HALF ITS VALUE; now doing u itood paying bu*ine**; can be made to do a shop buiiuosa of over 5t> barrel* a week. MI TO 11KLL. 77 Cedar it. Ts ELEOANT LiyUOlTsALOON' AND CHOP lit.use A for tale; It Ii the tlneit place ol tho kind In America. MITCHELL, 7f Co.lar >t_ * SAMPLE ROOM ANI? RESTafraMT, DOINO A splendid dav bu-duess, near Sinck Exchange, for *ale cheap. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar at. A niiOAim vY FI~sT CLASS RESTAURANT: WO; J\. bargain : rent $ 19. CAMPBELL. 7 Weal 3d *t. SAMPLE ROOM OK~WEST SIDE~K BKOAD way ; mint be told Immediately : rent vrv moderate ; cheapen place and bent location In the city. Apply to CAR STAIRS & M CO ALU :W Broadway. A DOWNTOWN DINI.NO ROOM KOR SALE CHEAP; doing a good builne-a. profit*. #2">0 a mouth. Addresi RESTAURANT. Herald office. Barber-shop for sale low?on dth av. ; five Chair*. Bailit. Olwar Stand. Ac.; eetablUhed 15 rear*. EDMUND II. MAKTINE. 1.301 Broadway. pORNBR LIQUOR STORE?FIRST CLAM; ONLY ONE v on four coruert; aacrifice; must be sold. I.I.OYI). Srt Broadway. Drug store for sale?newly kitted up. I'realt Stook, 1e genteel neighborhood. Addro* BUSI NESS. box 11M llrrald Uptown Branch offiee. ULIi SfuRE KOK Satk^GO.Ti") LOCATION: NEAR New York: price. 93itf>: worth 9600. Aiidr**, for three daya. tiI'M camphor. ITeratd office. Dr uo store in brooelyn. at a brat sacri; lice; owner ha* other bu*iiie**; long established. Ad drc** P., box IU3 Poet office. Brooklyn. 1"iVAST~ SIDR-CORNER ~LJQUi)R"ttORK-NOM INAL IA rent; guaranteed averaire weekly receipt* over t'Mi. J. NKS. 183 Pearl at. For salk-a oood payinu laurr sa loou uud Bowling Alley .1. E. WE1UERT, Auctioneer. Ml 8th it. OR SALE?A SODA WATER APPARATUS, WITn Counter; marble top; cheap for cash. Hou*ion aud Mott at*., druir (tore. L^Olt SALE?A VERY LARGE PARLOR CARPRT. r not naed at all; uerfectly new; very cheap. No. 133 Weat Xld at TiM>R SALE?THK OKOCEitY STORE NO. 33 SOUTH J; 3d *t., Willlainaburg. IpOR SALE?A HKRRINO'S SAFE. MEDIUM SIZR, combination lock, vary cheap. U7 Mnrr.iy at., accoiid floor. MO RS A IJC-sTv M PUT AND LUNCH RO0M.~APrlY J? at 4<J Broadway. KioR " SA 11E ?TW O N KW S PA PER STANDS AND F routi- doinx a gotxl buainraa; will be fold cheap. Ap ply at ."Vit4 Kith av. rOH SALE?ORHAT HACRI FI0k7 TI I iT I'RETT I EST I Realaurnnv and Oratcr lluu?? In the dty; lun( lean: cheap rent; Une Dwelling: Ur*i cla** oiaee; i_-r?tii-?t bar gain in th.i world. Apply to OEOKOK Kl.NTNUii, i'rei I'ott House bar. Broaiwuy and Sprint; at. Fo'lfsALK, OIC_TO RENT?i'TXTURES AND LEASE of Bar and Oyater Saloon, 6-13 Broad?~av; irood bu*ine*a place; partlea deaire to learo tho city, lmiuiro at JOHN iiYNCli'S, 7J3 Broadway. IpOR SALE AT GREAT sacrifice-LEASE. FIX turea and (ioodwiil of an old e?tabll*hed Kl*h mid Pro viaion >tcre. with three Smoke House* attached; bet busi ness location down town ; rent low. Apply on the premise*, 3iJ0 and AU Chamber* it. ICE?for HALE. A ROUT SjQOO TONS OF * IEAVY water Ice. well houaed, at tld? water on the Hudson. Addresn lock box No. 8 Post office, Sauicertle*. S. Y. M_ R. OitlSL 23 WEST 3D ST.. WILL, SELL liTs Hotel, valued at 94.UO). for $1,000 cash; reason lor ?*lling dt*|'i?rt for Lurope In two wreka. Mar?i7e soda watkr anitroot beer appa ratu*. all kt.vlea. for *ale below coal. J. M. whitfield A SON, IMS Water at. SAFES.?two SMALL, A~MEDIUM AND ONK LA roe siied Safe. Herring'*, Llllie'a ana Wilder'* make. Apply iu store 72 Maiden lane. QTEAM LAUNDRY kor SALE-DOINO A I.OOD O liu*ine*a. Address S. S., Herald Uptown Branch office. Coda fountains"tlTr_s~ale at one-half tiie p Cost; one aquare bo\ an<l oue fancy. WILLIAM U. MAY. SOR*V I'iiamber* at. (3.fen *? LL BUY TIN STORE, WITH STOCK' vi'J" Tool*. Machine*. Benchea, Ac. 1,010 Myrtle av.* Brooklyn, near Yates. Apply after 7 P. M. I <W1 CA8H_WILL"BUY"?2.SO:j WORTH OF IIARD ?p"xUlf ware. Tinware, Paints, Bruihu*, Ac. 23 Park row, room 3, from 10 to 3. .IIVIIIUKKI. For sale "cheap?a So." 2 booardiTs u'luC'iN perfect condition. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL WORKS, 1,15.> Broadway. WANTED?4 V)R ti HORSE POWER" bTxTE lT EN nine, kccnoa hand. Address THOMAS URASTbD, 102 10:li HV.. Now York. PI ;V BIO PO KTES, ORGANS, A" ?KOI'.' RENT. UPRIGHT. tMjtf ARK AND UManI) ? Pianoe of our own make; also lor sale and rent, a number of linn r.i>enn<l hand Pianos, In perfect order. WILL IAM KNABE .t CO.. No. 112 Mb av.. above lath it. & BHAUtirob 51 fii"" ootarFFuiwSSS ix. larire round corners lor #1<*>; also Decker A Brotheri' 1'InufM at a sacrifice, lor cash, al So. MM Bl?eeker *1. DECKER A KROI HERS. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL HULL ST EI* WAY A A. Sous 7'j octave rosewood Pianoforte, all Improve ments, fbr $225. coat $?75; also 7'.a octave Decker Piano forte, lour round, carved case, used six months (at sacrifice). N. H.-Both piano* having name on plate. Call private residence No. 47 Writ lftth ?t. A~" T PRIVATE-HOUSK l5b A'BST 23D ST., NhAR 8th av., tor sale, brilliant toned, round cornered. 71, octave, ciirred rosewood Pianolorte. used eight months, cost $1,(100, for $250; also Parlor and liedroom Salts. Car- I pets. Mirrors, Paintings. Ac., 50 per cent less than cos', in lots to suit cash purchasers. N H.?Call and see this pianoforte before purchasing elsewhere. Good Pianoforte i lor $50 Can box for ship ins If required, Cut this out. j PRIVATE t AMIlT WJlX SElZTtHEIK MACS [Ft- j ccnt rosewood Pianoforte, all nuxlorn Improvements, , tone, 7J^ octave, nearly new, cost for $250; . i Stool. Cover. Box lor shipping: one do., $175; also rich ' satin, orocailo and reps Parlor Suns; parlor, chamber, din- I | ing Kttrnlture; Paintings, Silverware: a sacrifice. Residence ; 1IIS East liHh st . second door Irion -4t!? IT, A LADY WILL DISPOSB OV ROB -WOOD sl'VBN octave Pianoforte. carved less and ease, modern Im- I provements: also elegant Mantel Mirror; both cost $600, less than $200. 2K East 3d St.. tie ir 2d av. llTcin us ok Vi-R.\iruKbT<'i)tlkr\\ liTkroijST Heel*. Ac.?Private ?ale. o*n?r wants money; packed cheap. I'.WOIt'S Auction llousc, 1$ 1m 1-illlst. A LADY mUi IILL A ttOOb SO I-ARE PIANO. A city maker, for $15o, by monthly Instal ncntv or would loan it to a caroftil party fot Us storage. 107 SVest llith st.; ring twice. RKAimri'L PIANO, ONLY $100.-A STE1NWAY Pianolorte, seven octave, overstrunir, carved Ic^-s. every Improvement; sacrifice for cash. j. RIDDLE, IS Waverley place, near hroadway. "ptANOKORTRs TO RENT. OK OUR OWN MANU ? fai lure; al<o seconrl hand Pianos for sale, at moderate prices, hy CIUCKKRINU A SONS, 1-05?h av., corner of lrith st. A>tO Al N-7K ~ OCT AV E ?PIA NO, AL M OST ~NEW. $175; Instalments taken; rem $5. CA1II.E, 107 West 23d st PIANOS AND O io ANS AT BA Rt i AINS. - ?7" OCtAVB second nand Pianos, la perfect order, (or *125, f i.Vi and $105; 7 I S octaie uo., not used a year. In perfect order, lor $1110. cash, boxed and shipped: 5 octave fottr-vlop Organs, with book closets and stools, for $".?; six-stop do. $?.>; eight stops, SlOJ; ten-stops. $125, cash, not ii-cil a year, in perfect order and warranted; boxed an t shipped Warerooms,4<1 Broadway. ilORACr. W.Vl'tllS A SONS. b l7 BALL A ? CO.. IS EAST I4TH ST??THE PLaCK i to buy and rent first class Pianos and Organs a: low | pr: e>. ? , B ?4>(>C ? MAGNIFICENT PIANOFORTE, (ELK i. wtJ, brated make, superb tone, 7 I-II octaves, f ill agraffe, very richly carve.i rosewood ca.e, nil round comer., inede to order, perfect and warranted; used hut throe mouths; cost #!???;?, for f2_'.V. a genuine bargain; family compelled to sell. Call at residence, 51 East Oth st., be tween Broadway and University place. .Ul>KAli. TEt3 VVAjJtl,b-IO V'oMPlK'I'E A~\oi,lSrEK? Jx q u Art ft in au KpMcopAl churfli tin town; ihhv l#?d to I An enKAgfmeut. Adurf?i ALTO, box -'.i74 Pout olUCf. U AT( HKS. .IHvVKLkV. Kt. At 01?7 Bf{6ADir4LY. CO KN'KK 4Til >T. ? HI A M(?> DS Watches, Jewelry, Silks. Laces and Personal Property of every description bought and sold. Loans neuotiated JA.MI.S p. MATTHEWS Tt'77 MLKECKRR ST." NEAR BKOADWAY.-MONKT j\ -advanced on Diamonds, tVatcfie*. .fewelrv, Ac : alsn Pawnbrokers' Tickets bought ot Diamonds, Watches, Ac. 77 Bieecker st. Money on diamonds,' "kursT-*cI-diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, ?>eal Soenues, camel's hair Shawls, Laces, Silks, Ac., bought, and sold hark ai a vary small advance. Or.otttiE C. ALLEN, Jeweller, l lt<0 Broadway, near 2tfth St. WASTED TO PL lit H AM'.. CCOUNTER AND WALL CASES WANTED. ?T ,\ BAR J gain , snHed for a jewelLr. Address Y. / , Herald offiee. TtrANTED-A UNITED STATES REGULATION UNI M lorm line offlcer infantry . ?l?e about 5 It. Sin., 14'1 lbs. Adiiress box 4:12 Post office. New tork " t UUTHI \ u. ^ A -NATHANS l>LD ESTABLISH MB NT, XV, rtTH ill av., near 4th st.; the highest value paid lor cast olf Clothlntt. C:\rpe\s, Ar, Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. AT 1.274 RROADWAV, BETWEEN SUD AND ?8D sis'- Broauway prices paid fur I'ait ol Clotluiif. Jew* i ii;. Ar . by .-slim* on or lulilre-.ln.? B. HARRIS. 1.274. AT EDWAKD MILLRR'M WELL-KNOWN EsTaR ^V liihment, tw tlth av., aearWaveriey place, utmost value paid fur cast -oil clothing, carpets, by callln< on or ad dressing Mr or Mrs. MILLER. 4'iui st . $.' worth <f cast off ( lothlng wanted, lor A1 | the Southern and western trade; .V? per cent more than elsewhere *111 positively be paid for ttietn by addressing Mr. or Mrs. KLA.TO, AT AN HALT"*, I7S 7TII AV.?LADIES AND OEN tlemm will l>e antonished at the prlees yon s;el in eaeh for cast-off t'lothini:. t'arpets. r'urniture. l ann.nds and Jevelri Please try and satisfy yenr.cil, J-a^/ej attended I to by Mrs. Auhalt. iMVSBHEIT?. JONES' WOOD COLOSSEUM. THIS | PHI DA Y> AFTEKNOON. THIS <KHIDAY> AKTERNOON, TUIS (FRIDAY) AFTERNOON. LA SH.NOKIXA MARIA BPELTBRIMI. M WllA 8PELTKRI.NI. MAUI A SPELTERINI. M till A KPrl.TEKlNI. MAUI A SPELTERINI. the (TrMMt living artist as tb? Hllill Ri >PP. IIICM HOPE, U1UH ROPB, stretched at the atupendou* hei ht of (INK Ill'NDftED FEET ONB HUNDRED PERT ONE HUNDRED FEET above the heads of the spectator*. POSITIVELY LAST PERFORMANCE. TIIIS AFTERNOON, 4:3"\ THIS AFTERNOON. 4:..0. she *111 execnte the following remarkable PROGRAMME. 1. TIIR OBaND MILITARY MARCH, 4:9n P. M. it. THE PRISOXB IN CHAINS. 4 :40 P. M. S. THE POETRY OP MOTION, 4;50 1*. M. 4. THE CUAIR.5 1'. M. 5. THE SACK. :lf? P. M. ?S. THE BACKWARD BUN, 5:20 P. M. 15 MINUTES' INTERMISSION. 7. THE VELOCIPEDE. 5 4.', P. M. Considered by the Kur >pean press the moil finished per fnrinnnc i ever executed on the high rope. Admission . 25c. akk theatre! bhoadway and md st LAST WEEK. LAST NIGHT MIT ONE. 1.AST NIGHT BIT ONB. LbT MATINEE SAT! RDAY. LAST MATINEE SATUKOAY. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, with Mr*. 0. 0, Howard. Mr. Georire Kunknl, Mr. G. C. Howard, Bijou Heron. Slavlu's Georgia .colored) Jubilee Singers, Glassing'* Panorama of the Mississippi. POPULAR PRICES. Admiulon .">0 and 25 cents. Re.-erved ?aat? 91. Mlt JOSEPH ML'KI'H Y Monday. the 12th. in "The Kerr; Gow," by Marsden. 'E.nv7~w. Hire3co5K*i ? B1 NEW AND ELEGANT T1IIKD AVENUE THEATRE. 4J3 AND 445 :iD At, NEAIi 81ST PT. EVERY EVENING duriug tte week, at 8 o'clock, TEE RENOWNED AND POPULAR ACTOR, Mr. JOHN THOMPSON. IN THE SENSATIONAL DRAMA. ENTITED O.N HAND: OK. TRUE TO THE LAST! SYNOPSIS Of SCENERY AND INCIDENTS. ACT I.?Scene 1?The Home of Wealth. The Will. Jack Disinherited. The Luring Meter and Retention* Father. An Unexpected Itecrpllon. Protein Begin* the Work. Johu James Snaggle*, from Hold llengland. Arrival of Melua McGorinlv Irmn the Emerald Isle. The Lamb in the Em brife of tlie Wolf. Irish Song Hnd Dance Mollle McGorrnly Some J?Bloodgoud Skirmishing. Snaggles Skedaddles. The Tempter??gain. Jacob Hansmuller in I'roub e. "t'omo Oudslde unt Glck Me Dud." Jacob Get* a Situation. Scene 3?The flub Room. Tlio Tigers at Work. Jack in the Lion's Den. "If I'm III de way Just savsii." A Game of Cards. Put Up Job. "I've got four?wbat's this. Kings!'' The Tallies fumed. Tableau ACT II.?Scene I?A Street in New York. How a News hoy Pools a Flunkey. Harbison and Hi* Dupe. An Uproar in the Street. The Heatheu Chinee. "Me no llkee Melican Mhq.-' Scene V?The Concert Saloon. Alt Underground Palace. The Evidence At cumulating. A Whole Baml in <>:ic Man. The Discarded Wile. '?sFlencc, or This Knife." "Kelp. Help! ' Villany Deleited. ACT 111.???Bene 1?Snaggle* on a Flare Up. A Fiendish Plot. The Old Clothes Dealer. How to Sell a Coat Better as New. s. Id Again and Oo> the Money. Jack on the Track Look Out lor Si|unll?. Scene 2 -Gurret of a Tenement Hoii>o. 'I'lio Lallan Organ Grinder. House on Fire and Destruction of the Inmates (being a terribly realistic sceuei. Scene 3?The Monster in llumnu Form. "On. tickle me with a feather: I've an 'ole ill uty 'end.'' "No it's only nitish." Snaggle* Gets His llenglish Hup. Scene 4?The Poisoned Father and Wutchful Sod Canght In tbe Act. Foiled, hut Not Without Reveuge. Death ol Bloodgood. Jack Forgiven. Scene 5?Tracked. Justice Must Be Done. Jack's Pursuit of the Assassin. Scenefl?The Waterfall. Harbison's Fearful Attempt to Escape. The D at'j Struggle In the Raring Torrent. Exciting Knile Fight. matinee every day. at 2 o'clock, at each of which Mr. JOHN THOMPSON will appear as DIXIE. OR THE COLORED HERO. General admission.. .25 cents 1 Roservod seat*. 91 Dress circle 50 cents Private boxes ft) and 94 Orchestra chairs.....75 cents | Seats tn gallery 15 cents I" f^AGLE THEATRE, ~ U BROADWAY AND 33D ST. PKOPR1ETOR AND MANAGE It, MR. JOSH HART. BRILLIANT SUCCESS UK MRS. HEN Hi ETTA CHANFRAU, in C. W. TAYLEI'RE'S NEW AMERICAN PLAT. ENTITLED, PARTED. PARTED. PARTED. PARTED. NF.W SCENERY. A POWERFUL CA?T. Act I. FAILURE OF THE TRUST COMPANY. Act II. FALSELY ACCUSED. Act III. THE DISHONORED GRAVE. Act IV. AT HE It MEKCY. MATINEE SATURDAY, AT 2, Box sheet now open. w ALLACK'S Tbe talented and popular artists. MK. ANl? MRS. W. J. KLOKENCK In their famous original impersonations ot BARDWELL SLOTE and Mrs. G?neral GlLFLORY, In the successful American comedy of tbe MIGHTY DOLLAR! MIGHTY DOLLAR! EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. OLYMPIC THEATRE. 824 BROADWAY. NKW YORK'S FAMILY SUMMER TIIKATKIJ. DELIGHTFULLY COOL. AM) PLEASANT. HUMPi'Y DUMPTY. I WITU HUMPTY DUMPTY. H U M PT V D U MI' TY. I FIFTY HUMPTY Dl'MPTY. I <b> GRAND NOVELTIES. MLl.Ks DELPHIKE AND JULIE PASCAL, The Dashing French Opora Bouffe ArtUti. In petit o|i?ra PAOLA A.VD PIKIRU. THE COMEDY GIANTS OUILTER ANI> <f OLD RICH In "PETER, YOU'RE INLUCK THIS Ml'HXINfl." MM JO. IDA DKVERE, International Medley Dance. THE ItKEATOLYMPIC QUARTt-.TTg in THE ROSE OK killarney. HtTMPTY DUMPTY HUMPTY DUMPTY. MR ROBERT ERASER AS CLOW.V. PRICES. *1. 50c., 3.V. anil 1V matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2. oofvs museum. Wooiyk THIS DAY. w EVENING AT 8. GEO HUE 0. BON IK ACE. MARIE STELLA, M M. M. WARD, In DAVID OAKHICK and SWEETHEARTS. MATINEE AT 3. The Melodrama, Never Too Late to Mens. R D. OUDEN. LOUISE SYLVESTER, A. H. SHELDON. K BOOTH'S THEATRE, okfenbach and aimek. The King of Opera HoufTe. The Uueen of Opera Bouffe. MONDAY. JUNE 13. Inauguration of a Short S?a?on of Opera BmilTe. Jnlot Atipc-rance ?< Mile. AIMKK and M. OPKENBACH and K!r?t Performance In ?everal rear* of Offenbach'* Mer rieat Work, LA VIE PARISIENNK (LIKE IN PARIS), produced under the Personal Direction of the Author. Mr. JACQUES OKFENBACH, and in which Mile MARIE AIMEE, thd Queen of Opera Bouffe, will make her Rc-entrce In America after her recent moat brilliant European 'trinmph*. a?*l*ted bv A POWERVUf. and complete COMPANY. SPECIAL ATTENTION I* railed to the increased OKCn hSTBA. which, on the OPENING NIGHT will be under the Perianal Direction of the Compoeer. Mr. JACQUEti offenbach. LOBE THEATRE, 7J8ANUI 780 BROADWAY. it. W. BUTLER Manager THE STANDARD FAMILY THEATRE. COOLEST THEATRE IN TUE CITY. The largr*t and beet tt??)? ?t anWt* in Rear York in a magnificent hill of attraction*. M??*ra. T. M. HENllLKK. BILLY UAKRY, Senator BOB llvKT. ? BLITZ, O. W. REED. MiM EKKIE, Mi*? EVA WEST and Mi** JULIA WILSON. STEWART DAVE, tli* one leBtfrd Gytnuaat, and the tunny Uymnaatic Clown TOMMY JJ.t/.L. OVER 100 M'PEBR ARTISTS EVERY NIOHT. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Kelly a leon's minstrels, a.m st.. near ?th av. ?Every evening mid Saturday matinee. The only I.eon. Lew Benedict. Walter' and Nor on, .fapanoe Tnnimr, Edwin Letter. C. U. Gordon. Ac. Box office open all day. IR A L FY S ~ALHAM BRA PA LACE, liroa'l ?t.. above Spruce. Philadelphia. Third we-k and continued ??ec***. around the world in so days, AM> fashionable promenade CONCERT IN Tllh ILIA >1 I \ GARDES. I")oLlfEt',iNHr MUSEUM: 7M broadway! Profetaor Tnbin and C E. Newton.. Maunzer* OPENS MONDAY. JUNE IX AdmfMlon, 2 i and 1*> cent*. So exwaa. V7 711~~1R V1 XG~~H A L I.*-1 S7it. ~ XII ')? Now York Centennial Billiard Tournament, (tame 8U0 point* np. second came Friday, Jnue !>. MP. M,, tiarnier in KIomob,* third came Saturday, June W>. HP. M , Sexton ??. Mmloiphe. \dnii*?inn, 80 cent*; reaerved teat*, ?1 50. tioxe*. $">. liallery reserved tor ladiei accompanied by gentlemen.. n ILMORE S CONCERT GARDEN. ~~ vT "hie New York Horticultural A*?oclatloi> will hold their ?unitucr i.xUMmion at UllniurCi i.arUeu, commencing Mon day evenlar. June !U. at S o'clock. MATINEK.s Tuesday, WedsemJay and ihiiradar. at - P. M. liilmore'a full Hand, day and evening Adniintioti a* utual. JflMBUSINEM I* mJLL~AiTvEliTlS* AND MAKE IT GOOD. IF BUSINESS IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT BETTER. Circulation of the EVENING telegram Ia>t week, a-t cents per, line Mondat, Maj 30 AY 500 adyehtisements, 20 CENTS PER LINE Tueadav . Decoration Day, no paper. advertisements, ao cents per LIni Wedm *'H v. >far .11 :?,600 adv ertisements, ao cents per line. Thumiav, J are I 41,800 ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS per LINE Fridaj, June J KV.XiO AH\> KTl>T.MEN"T.*, 2ti CENTS PER LINE. 8aturd<\, ,tline 3 94,200 ADVERTISEMENT.*, 30 CENT* PEil LINE. Total 1S2.4-S) ADVERTISEMENTS, it) CENTS PER LINE. Daily average Jtl.4!<0 A RAKE CIIANUE To SPEti LATOKS.-A COLL EC tlon >f i-i?r li*i Wa* Mgurr*. *ome inerlianlcal. all dreaaed in fancy c<>etuma> to be diapoeed ?{. ?ltu*ted on ?'li?*tnul ?t. t(ea?i>a Air *i-l((n)[. r>topT)eiur leaving conntry. nn > ijtnuctpal* ileilt with Aadron R. 8., Herald Pniia delptiia RriHch nffire ANJti. -A PERFECT KVilVl.hlliin' til AKANTEr.D t? a *ir?ri# quarter. HEN Y I DOBSQ n. 4U<\ >Hh ?t \yilITTiER? -CENTENNIAI. HYMN." Ml.MC MY IT Paine, ?? peilormni at the rpantng caremoniee at Philadelphia. Price in theet music form, aud 10c. in neiatnlVirm tor rhnruarv No celebration eawiplete without tht? marnifcent hymn AI?o I?owaln*'? "CenMB B ?WW?: PiTHO.N A CO*. Wo. m BroUw^y. AHVItnERTB. Klf tiieatkbT mmU u Proprietor Rod Xiu?cnr Mr. AUOOSUlf DALT ETEBT SIGHT. INCLUDING SATURDAY KlOBT^b PPPPP II QQQQ 0 V 1MB P P II Q Q U UK PPI'PP IIQ Q U n ERE P II 3 QQ 0 U K P 11 QQQQ UDUU BEEH ? W LAST NIGHTS OK THR GREAT PLAT. mih fanny davenport. JOIIN BROUGHAM. SOL SM1TU RUSSELL, D. ? H. HARK INS. J A M KH LEW IsL WM. IMVIDQK, _ MIm 8YII.NKY COWElL Mix 0. H. GILBERT. EXTRAORDINARY MATINEE. SATURDAY. JUXB 10, FRO PROU mid JK.NXY LINd! For thU time only. Mlu DAVENPORT in both plava. ??*30'ch PERFORMANCE of PIQUE. KR1 DAY. Juno 23. UNION SQL'ARB THEATRE. I'roprielur Mr. 8HERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M. PALMEB LAST PERFORMANCE OP r CONSCIENCE, an 4 LAST NIUHT OP THE SEASON. TIMS (Friday) EVENING * *111 b?i presented to each gentleman entering the theatre accompanied l>>- a lady a copy of the I'uiun Square Thsatre Souvenir Boot. ele/antly Wound in satin. MONDAY EVENING. June in. ropuriiann here of tue wonderful VoKES FAMILY In their famous Extravagant*. THE BKLLES OF THE KITCHEN. Thin marvellously sui-cetsful play ha? been entirely re written lor thin engagement and hat been supplied with new Mutic, Dance*, Sonjs, Ac. Previous to the VOKES each evening Mr. J. H. SToDDAKf in hit charming specially, entitled THE POVf BoY, CHLM"oRE'.S concert gard en. r M idlaon and 4th an. and 2tith and 27th ?ti Messrs. SHOOK A PALMER Proprietor* and Managers Mr. B. G. GILMOBE Rnsiuess Director LAST NIGHT OP OFFENBACH, assisted bv 100 skilled musici ns. MR. HENRI KOWaLSKI. tho Pianist, and MAX MARKTZEK as. Conductor PROGRAMME. 1. Overtnre. "Cassllda" Bassford 2. "Les Belles Americaines" Oflenbach 8. Selection>. " Unllo in Maschera" . Verdi 4. Fantasle, "Grande Duchease" Offenbach ft. Overture, "Massnniello" Anber fi. Fantasie, "Genevieve da Brabant".. Offenbach 7. Paraphrase. "Bigoietto" Kowalskl 8. Bsriesque Polka Offenbach 0. March and Chorus, "Lohengrin" Wagner ID. Offenbachiana Offenbach 11. Nautilua Wain Coouey 12. Coronation IValtt, "Propheto" Meyerbeer TO-MORBOW EVENING, SATURDAY. June la Mr. P. S. GILMORE. LEVY. ?nd the FAMOUS MILITARY BAND. Admission SOeenti Boxes (lonr places) $3 and $4 B OWERY THEATRE. ? FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 9. Part-well benefit of Mis* KATE FISHER. which occasion she will appear wlih ber celebrated Araliian Steed WONDEB. in TKUKB FAST MEN and DICK TIJRPIN'S RIDE. 34 Parisian varieties, i matinee to-day. Evenings at n. | 1'itlt at. aud Broadway. | Popular Prices. Coolest | Immense windows opening into gardens. | Theatre ^ TEM PLE~Ov ORIGINAL SENSATIONS. f 100 Artists at acknowledged merit appear eacb Performance. 3^ Hours. | Funny. Frenchv and Piquant. | 3>j Honrs. New Series of Living Picture* ? My Wife's Birthday. | Snip, the Tailor. Mllo. Blrtha. | New Ballets. | Scnor Novisslmow Beautiful Sensational and Voluptuous Le Minuet. T LA FILLK DE MADAME ANGOT. Powerful cast; condensed in one act: five scene*. Mist Elisa Matilda. I Miss Roae Keene. Mr. William Forrester. | Mr. John Gotirley. Great Horace Weston, and our army of old lavorltes. Monday next, itumeuae bill. Cumulote chuuge. JO act ? All new. TH STREET OPERA HOUSE', BETWEEN 2D AND 3d avs. ?NEW REGIME IN AMUSEMENTS, under entire new management. Americans Abroad. I Exciting Cancan. Jardin MaMlle. I Beautiful Women. Femnlo Minstrel Scone. { Forty BeautiluV Ladies. STAR TROUPE OF SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Every uight. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees at two. <*t>ALALS ROYAL," 4KB STHAV.-40 YOUNG LADT X attendants. Grand Vocal and Imtrumental Concert ftotu 7 until 1 o'clock. Admlnaion free. CI IIATBAU MABILLE VARIETIES. ??? J Last week of the DUCHBSS OP MURRAY HILL. The Bomau Statue. AMERICA PROTECTING HER SUBJECTS. THE ORIGINAL FRENCH MINUET. ?Living Tableaux by (he ttauiH.vneki tormed ladles In the world. The coolest theatre in the city and the fltiest Variety Performance extant. A call at this theatre will rrpav the visitor. 34th st. and 3d av. Evenings at S P, M. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 in the afternoon. CLU B~ALBION. 21 EAST 15TH ST. The second Saturday night reunion at the Albion will take place Saturday. Jnne 10. at S P. M.: extra musical attraction; members mav invite their friends; collation. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Manager. EXCURSIONS. A?A ROCBAWAY UEACH~ EXCURSIONS ON SUNDAY. Twenty minutes on the Atlantic Ocean. Mntic b,v CONTERNO'S CELEBRATED 23D UEGIMNET BAND and tbe ORPHEUS' QUARTET CLUB. Steamers WILLIAM Coi'K. AMERlCUa and NEVEBSINK SUNDAY. JUNE 11. AMEUICU8. having on board the Phillips Quartet Club, leaves 24th st., N. R.. at 8:30 A. M. hihI 1:15 P. M.; HHh St., S. il..rt .'?& A. M. and 1 :2."> P. M.; Vccy St., N. R.,9 A. M. and 1:40 P. M.; Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, t?:20 A. M. and 2 P. M. WILLIAM COOK leaves 24th St. N. R., at 10: 0 A. M.; 10th St., N. R? 10:4j A. M.: Fultou Ferry, Brook, lyn. at 11 A. M , having ou Hoard CO NT E UNO'S -J3D BKGI MENT BAND and ORPHEUS' y V.IJiT}: T CI. VB. Stcjuacc NEVEKSINK leaves SHU St., V at% :".mi and IOA. M., 1230 P. M.; South tn St., Wliiiamsburgh. S:45 ami 10:15 A. M. and 12:1ft P. M.; Grand St., Kan river. N. Y , 9 and 10 30 A. M. and 1 P. M.: Pier 37. E. R., at 10:45 A. M. and 1:10 I*. M.j Fulton terry. Brooklyn. 1:15 P.M. Boats leave Rockaway 4 : W, 5 and 5:30 P. M. Fare 35 cents. Excursion tickets SO conts. Return tickets good oa either of the above boats. \ B1-1774?FOB Ci?NEY""l.SLAND."-i?AILY-li*7rt J\. The new steamer IDLeWILI) will run tot'onev Island, on and after Sunday, June 11. everyday. Iearlng2<d at, N. R-. 9 A. M.. 12 M. and 3 P. M.; loth at., N. R? !> !lt?. 12 :10 and 3:10 P. M.; Franklin St . N. 11.. tian, 12:10and 3^0 P. M.j pier3 S. If.. 030, 1230 and 3:30 P. M. Tlio 8APPHO leaves 23d St.. N. R , 10:30. 1 30 and 4:30 P. M.: 10th St.. N R . 10:40. 1:40 and 4 :IO P. M.; Franklin sf. N. R. 10:50, 1 :Vi and 4 P. M ; pier 2 N. R.. 11 A. M.. 2 and 5 P. M. li l-IZA HAN COX. June 1 Hi. Irom Ka*t River. ? ?SATURDAY" NKiHT TRIP. 3 UNB 10, TO Plrttf. A< ing Banks. Steamer SETH LOW. Splendid fishing; Leaving llarrl-on st-.Noith River, 12 M. : IOth st.. North River. 12:10: Silt st.. East River. 12:4o;pier 27 East River, 1 A. M. Tickets, #1 ><i Steamer WM. FLETCHER in place of Seth Low Sunday morning. N. B.?Cholera Banks trip Saturday morning, June 17. L. tl. FOSTER, Mutineer. IaI-daiLy ARD "SVNI)AV EXCIIRSIONS TO ? Fort li?e. Pleasant Valley and Shady Side.? Steamhpass leave Canal st. daily at H:t"> and IO A. M. ; 2, 5sift and 7 :1ft P. M. Sund.iy at 9, 10and 11 A. M.; 12 M.. 1. 2,3, 4,rtand 7 P. M.lan.ling at 24th and 3UU sis idaily and Siiuday) 10 minutes later. Round trip. 25c.; children half pric. A" ? FHINt? RANkS ICVKRY DAY fhATUrtDAY* ? excepted).?Ocean steamer SETII LOW, leaving Harrison st.. North River. Sth ?t.. East River, 7; pier 27 East River. 7:lo; lotti st , North River, 7:40; pier 8 North River, S A. M. Tickets, $1 AL. <4. FOSTER, MknAger. A -A.-TO CHARTEK, STEAMBOAT KUKT LKB: j\ ? will accommodate -Kyi paa*enKors: price 950 to $1U0 p?'r ilajr. Apply In the afternoou at 47 Fnlt ju St. ?A.?R! ?VuL AR EXCC RSI OS A~~ TO^ROCKAWAT KVKRY OAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. On and after lhur?day, June I. tlie Sound steamer Nh\ BBSINK will make two excursion* ewery da.r. tearing 2<lli ?t., Nortli River, at * :Ji) A. M. and 1 :l"> P. M. lfHIi ?t., North Ulver, at * :4A A. M. and 1 :25 P. M. Vesey st., North Klrtr, at i? A. M. and t :4t) P. X. Fulton l?rrv, Brooklyn, l?:2u A. M. and 2 P. M. Leaving Koc}away at 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. N. B.?Patrons cf this line will experience no riflay on KV , count of lor (We. Fnre lor the entire excursion. 50c. B BBOOKLYX YAi'lir CLUB RKOATTA, S\Tt7RDAY, Jnnc lu. l*7t> ?The fii?t and popular steamboat T. V. AKUoWsMITH will acconipmy the v icbts during the entire race, leaving pier 4.'? Neetl Kivev,e* Vf.K.IK.') V'ranklin st.. l>:43 A. M..p'?r 2. N -rth (liver, (u A. M.; Hrnoklyn. Milton Ferrv, ID v< A. M Mas.c OB board. Kare for the excursion, pi. ATll. L. i.-LOCUsr GROVE HOTEL AND Pavilion are dellg!Kullv efosat Q >?? tlie Vay about one hour and a unart< r Irotn the cit* ; still bathing accommo dations For laities and children. unsurpassed for saletr and comfort ' cross ll.imilton. South, \\ all or Fulton terry; take car* which connect with Bath and Cone/ J>l md Hnilroad. F6r"BXCr KrflOX*-TII h I. v illiL FIRHT CLASS 1A Miritc Sleamlx>nts Sleepr Hollow, now called the LONQ BRANCH. and METAMOKA. Enxlciwood, Alpine. Dili ley's. Spring Mill, Myers' and lona l?l*nd Ororea. with Oarces and tSoait oi all kmda. J. MYERS. corner Morton and West its. N-sew~sea muxtli iarion HtLL Ok ajto alter .lime II leave dailv from the foot of Fr.inklia it , at Ut A. '"..fnt I'.i.ckhway kVracb; leaves the Beach at 4:90?. M. Tickets MS cents. Excursion tickets fi<) c.-nts. \ DOUBLE TRIP TO ROCKAWAY. SUNDAY. JX THE PLYMOUTH KoCE makes two grand excursions t ? Rock.?way Beach on Mi/iday. .->ee lime tatite (>elu?. lymocth roc K To ROCK AW A1 to day axd every day. JARRETT Jt PALMER'S superb steaiuer PL\MOU'IH ROCK, Captain .><. Ii. Martin, limine all tlie comforts and convca Icuces of a palace hotel, and oiferlnir, in addition thereto, A ?.RAND MUSICAL EN IV.RTAlNMENT, In which WESiOM. the champion Hnn|oist. the JUKILER sISiiEBS and Instrumentalist*. M(i/.AKf t.LEK CLCB, M ADKIliAL BOYS. CHIMES of CHURCH 1IL1.L3, Ac., take part, will make Its retrnlar URaSD DAILV EXCURSION la ROCKAWAY BEACH the COOL BREEZES OF TIIE ATLANTIC OCEA.V. FARE tlie whulo excursion) FIP1Y CENT8 Bo Vf LEAVES the foot of22d ?C. N. R., at 10:*) A M.. and pier 2. N. R., at I i A M . affording passengers a charming view ot the iinrlvnlle New York harbor, with its fortification!, villaa, . s.u< a stay of loaf hours at the beach ON Hl'KDAI two trips to Kockairay will be made, leav ing the loot Ot Jid St.. N. K.. at n :?>> \ M. and 1 :Jo P. M.. and pier J, N It A. M. and 2 1'. M. ??? special arrangement* made with SOCIETIES, LODOEs. SABBAili SCHOOLS and I'ICXIC l'ABTIEl at icreatly reduced rales. Inqnlre on board. I C UN DAY. JUNE II STEAMER SYLVAN DELL FOB ; p XeWMtrR. Cornwall, Cold.'Spring. Weit I'..lttv. lona la laad at>d Ynnkers . leaves Harlem Bridge at 7 A. M.; 1 Lftth St.. 7**1 Kaat 2Ud si, ft3Sf Kent n., lireenpoint. 7:aiS; Norm I'll at.. Bruo tlyn E D . 7 :-?0; Urand st.. New York. 7:.?0; Peck *"|S 5' "}d roth St.. S:15; returning will leave Newiiur^ at J P. M. ft^fre? on 1 e nd. OK> i'IM rHU /Eeiii vaBe in riiiiKfe H6{?its i?Y8 n est .nth st.. between mh ann 7th avs., near Broad way. special nieelianicai ileailetry; coral, rablier, rose, pearl whalebone rubber. goM and platlua sets; Plnmpera, Kettiiiaiors Ac. I ake Krct-n car Iront Urand street ferry or Sixth avenue cars or Broadwav cars. _ NKW BBOCQH. I2H West :t?th ft. Beautiful artifmha'l ii. fi; sinole, U: ? ?!rr*J.,"'d- ;>"T,,r Fillings. Vic. NEW YORK DRN l aL BOOMS, JKlOth av., near Dith st. Estaliliah^ ?"*?