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FINANCIAL AND COXKEI Stooka Dull and Irregular?Prices Barely Steady. GOLD FIRMER A! 112 7-8 A 112 3-4. Government Bonds Very Firm and in Brisk Demand?Railroad Bonds Steady?Money on Call 2 1-2 and 3 Per Cent ? Wall 1 Thursday. Juue 8?0 P. if. J Then are so few attractions about Wall street at tho present time tbaC a (light excu*c lor absence answer* general purpose*. It is not, therefore, a wonder that to-day a goodly number of broker* and speculators gladly betook themselves to their yachts, and for tho nonce forgot the market amid the hrcozy enjoyments of our noble harbor. And they lost nothing. Pacific Mail mitiht have afforded them euleriainnieut while being kicaed around like the lootball that it Is, from 24 to 'i\% and back again to 23X, but beyond this little play there was absolutely nothing to elicit more than ordinary atlenilou. U is said, by the bye, eonccrnlng this stock, thai a dissatisfied feeling has already been developed among tho new directors, and that a recent meeting was any thing Vut "pacific," owing to the fact that tho Panama company are endeavoring to loist on their young ' copartner certain stei'tnera; and to a refusal on tho pari of tho railroad company to advance the cash necessary to rollove the immediate necessities ol P. M. Lake Shore continues to hold its own, and found con fident buyers to-day in its rise Irom 53\ to 54^. The street is full of gossip concerning tho possible payment of a dividend on this stock; but the *'polnt" la so fully distributed that tbo shrewdest among the operators of Iho street are lor the present, at least, holding aloof. Tho declaration of a dividend on Western Union has apparently (alien stlllboru, so far us regards tbo ciieot on the price. Tho rango to-day was lrom 08J( to 68, with a reaction to 0S*?. St Paul blocks likewise show a weaker band and a less confidant support than has rocontly been given to thom. Taken as a whole, tho speculative market must bo described as fovcrish and Irregular. By manipulation prices may be ndvanced, bnt it is s notorious fact that when left alone or to legitimate cause* tho tendency is to declino. Tbo existence of the railway war, the cut tlug down of ratos, tho fcliarp antagonism of the caua) and lako transportation and the rapid approach of those dull summer days when everybody who can hlos ?way frojn the sultry towu, aro elements of the market which most men consider carefully before thoy yield to Us temptations. THE SALKS TO DAY. Tho transactions at tho Stock Exchange to day *ggregated 117,000 shares. New York Central and Harlem, 200; Erie, 4,11)0; Lake Shore, 33,200; North western, 000; Northwestern preferred, 1,600; ttoek Island, 800; Paciiic Mail, 37,800; St. Paul, 3,800; St. Paul preferred, 3,500; Ohio, 2,500; Western Union, 17,400; Wahabh, 1,300; Union 1'aciUc, 100; C., C. and L. <*, 100; Michigun Central, 2,400; Delaware, Lacka wanna aud Western, 1,400; Pacillo of Missouri, 2,000; Dniou Mining Company, 2,000; New Jersoy Central, 020. OPKX1KO, HlflHKST AND LOWKST I'KICKH. The following table shows tho opening, highest and loaest prices of tuo day:? Opening. IlighetL Loiortt New York Central ll'J 110 110 Hnrlcm -..138 V 13\S' 13* Erie 14',' 14J* 13'i Lake Shore 537i ' 541, 6S>; Wabash 22>i 3?,' Northwestern 3U^ 40 'J 3D1, Nortliwetiicrn preferred 60', to?4' Jtock Island 10ti',' 107\ 100.*,' Pittsburg 82V l'2:V ???' Milwaukee and St. Paul..... 39'4 SOi,S Mil. upd at. Paul preierrod.. OS'., 00'.4 o7\ OhloTand Mississippi 10', 17l, 10-4' New Jersey Central 82>t 82)^ 82,'4 DeL, and Western.... 107 107>i 107 Unlou Pacific <.o 00 60 C., C. and I. C 4* 4* 4>j Western Union c>s\ 6S*j' Atlantic uud l'aciQo Tel 15 15 15 Pacific Mail 23?f 24 'il% Panama 130 136 130 c.o^iau pkioks?3 p. u. J scICc Mall.... : 3*i a -SX 0,0 C * 47J? A 49 V\ e?i t u 'lol. . t'iL * ?'? \ C.CAIC... . 4l, a 43i A 11 A 1 sc 'let. 15 a 10.^ lHl.L AW....107>4 a 107;i ^iiicktilver.... 14.U a iSi. Kric 14 a W? i.iiickKilvc' pi. 10 a lianftStJo... 13 a 1U'4 SJarLAMIn. i % a s llan .t St Jo pf 22 a 2232 Xi.iJ. a .> lit.. 7 * *3* Lake Shore.... M'j a 543j Adaukllx 107W n lOKl* Xllcli Central.. 4734 a 47?, inier Kx 03)2 a B-7. K \ ?t Harlem. 18m a 130 L f .'? s.. . 74 .i 7H X 10 * II U..lO?k a 110 . Ve U-KaryoKv It) ? DOW N J Con H2M u 82?i Chic* Alton.. !W a 90% Ohio 4 Ml*... 17 u 17'* Ulvv .V fill* .. a My l'an?m> l:t?> H ? Cl.icA.sto . 4n a 4''t{ lol A Wab I Chn A S \V pi. ? (O'Z Union I'aciHc.. ?0 a 01 hit * N \V pi. I (O'J I i A K I. ... K "^ a Hl7*i n a !?? ?? . wi, H _ _ .Missouri 1'ao . 8 ? 7 J n A ! t I .:??>, U Pro 1* Co 117?? a 117# Vll.kfctPpt U>'? APTAKCK and dbcmhi. The following arc tbo changes, compared with clos ,ng prices yesterday:? Advaxck.?C? C., C. and L, \i; Hunuibal mod St Joseph prelerred, >, ; Lake Shore, ?? ; Michigan Cen tral, ).(; Northwest. Chicago and Hoolt Island, \; Si. Paul, y, ; da preferred. 1; Toledo and ? abash, 3f. and Lu.kawantia, % ; Missouri Pacific, l1,.; New Jersey Central, 3,; Pacific Mail, )% ; 1'rodui'crs'and 1'eirulcum Company, 3?. U?CUAKCKI>.? Atlantic iind t'.icillc Railroad, Atlnn tic and 1'acitlc Telegraph, New York Central and Hud tori. C., C. and 1. C., Krle, Hanntbnl and St. Joseph, Harlem, Illinois Central, Chicago and Northwestern preferred. Onto and Mississippi, Panama, Quicksilver, Union PaclUc, Western Union and gold. TBI MONEY KAUKST. This department was devoid or featuro, and wo limply quote rates on call loans at anil 3 per cent. Prime paper passes at 4 and 0 per cunt. The tendency of the market Is to greater case during the summer months. Tbo following are the rates of exchange ou New York at tbo undermentioned elites to-day:?Savannah, At premium; Charleston, easier; selling, H a 3-16; buying, X premium; Cincinnati cosy, par to 60c. premium; New Orleans commercial, X; bank, *?; Chicago, 60c. discount, and St. Louis, 50e. ptemlum. Sterling exchange was steady; prime uktng rates, 4.88 a 4.00; selling rates, 4.873% nnd4.89.K; reichmurks ?5'4 a 96J{ and l?5Jg a 96; cables, 9ti% a BOX; prime Parts, 6.16 and 6.12 H TUB GOLD MARKET. Oold reached 113 during the alternoon, but at the lloso tell oQ to 112X, which were tUe opening and low 1st quotations or tbe day. Tbo rates paid for borrowing ?rerc 1 and 2 per cent. Loans were also made IIat. OrtttlTIONlt or TBK 0OLD HCHANtiS BA.\E TO-DAT. Bold balances $086,023 Currency balance* l.OL'5,73d Cross clearances 15,779,000 The steamship Oellert sailed for Europe to-day, hay Ing on board $169,000 sliver coin ant bau. TUB tr.HITBO STATUS TKICASl'ICT. The Assistant Treasurer paid oui to-day $63,000 gold on account of Interest and IM.000 In redemption of ?ve-twenty bonds. The Sub-TreMury to-day released $44,464 stiver coin. The following are the operations 01 ihc local department to-day:? Gold receipts $465,005 43 (ioki payments H01.W9 81 t!o!d - 3'/,Aiii.J73 4W Curri'ij< v receipts 4,.'?,717 Si Currency payments .VJ-J.240 70 Cairency balances 83,440,71T 66 Washington advice* report as lollows:? BaSk notes reccved lor redewptiou $1,33.1,000 Rovenuu receipts iM.OWi Customa receipts 260,000 Til K roKKIOS MAHKNT. The Bank of England directors, at their regular mooting to-day, maiie no change in their minimum dis count rate?2 per cent. 1 be tauk gained only ?47,000 *|h>. ie iiuring the week. Its reaervo It now 50^ per cent of its liabilities. Last \%cck it was 61Jj per cent. Vlio Bank of Prance gainod 12.091,0001. during tbe week. Sterling exchange at Par.!-, 26f. 20c. Rentes are quoted 1051. -3je. In Kranktort new lives are I02l?. the de-patches say respecting United States bonds;? "Tno Continental demand lor American tor Investment^baa been an important leature ol tlio mar ket to-day." The following art quotations at fivo lv M.C'on.-ols lor money, t>:.\ a ??.; i,; consols lor uc .>.wm. 0.1', a Wo i.t ; tiV.'-1 wociy ol 1805 (o.d), 106; live-twenty bonds of 1867, 111; teniorty bonds, 107; ttw Uvea, loo,1, , Erie common shares, l.';,. OOVKMNMKXr llO.Mis. Kovci oment bonds were in bris-k demand this after ?ooii. w th few offer tig-. Tl.e' mnrkel closed firm at tbe following quotation-United Mates currency sixes, 128?4 a 126it; do. sixes, thai, tcgisiered, 119 t u 120; 4a do., ooupon. l.'3\ a 184; <ia do., 1M5, regith NM| >M ?U8M) da Oflh, da? ooupoA. UM ft JU?ML. da tie. Jo., mw, registered, 118?* a ll'S': do. da. do., da, coupou, 120 \ k 1-0.',; do. do., 1807, registered, 11U1, u 11UVi da do., ao.. coupon, 122\ a l-2Ti; da do., l^os, registered. 12o?4' a 121; do. do., do., coupon, lUh a 124X ; do., tcnforllei>, registered, 118 a 118',; da da, coupon. IIS?* a 119; da lives, 1881, registered, in>*ali:.H; da do., da, qpupon, lli.^allTX kaiukoad no sua. Railroad bonds were quiet; the changes were:?An advsnce ol 1 per cent In Louisville and Nashville Con solidated *08, H Pcr oent In Cleveland and Toledo new bonds, percent in Michigan Central sevens and % pcr cent<4n Uurlin?ton, Cedar Rapids ana Minnesota Urals; a decline of per cent In I.ehigh and Wiikesbarro con sol#, and X per cent In Chicago and Northwest consoli dated coupon gold bonds. The largest transactions were in| Milwaukee and St. Hani, which sold at 102Ti a 103 for Lacrosso division, and 89 V,' for consolidated sinking funds. C., C., C. and I. firsts idvanced to loss, aud Ohio and Mississippi consolidated sinking funds to 100^. Rock Island sevens brought 110*4 and Missouri Pacific firsts 105V The following were the closing quotation* for Pacific Railroad bonds:?Union Pacific firsts, 103 a 105 ^; do. land grants, 100 ? 100V?; da sinking fun .'s. 89*f a 895*; Central Paclflca. 108 a 1083s BANK SHARKS. City bank shares sold as follows:?31 Merchants' at 114, t Park at 123 and 20 Nassau at 100. STAT* HOXDS. The only sale of State bonds was South Carolina sues, sow uon-luudable, which were X pcr cent lower. MINING STOCKS. The following table of prices ol the prominent gold andallver mining shares, as roceived by telegraph Irorn Kmn Kriiucwro, Is furnished by Mr. WlUiain Ward, Drexel Building:? Junei. JuntO. June 7. J axe 8. Chamjet. Alpha 01 66 63 6 6 Declined 0 Belcher. 19 18 19 19 ? Best?Belcher. 54 63 63 63 Decllued 1 Caledonia. 9 V 9" 9 ? California. 83 83 83 83 ? Chollar Potosi. 82 86 84 84 Advanced 2 C?n. Virginia.. 76 76 74 74 Declined 1 Crown Point.. 14 14 It 12 "^Declined 1 !t Eureka Con.... 12 12 11 11 Decliued 1 Gould & Curry, 1<J. 10 16 16 Declined 1 Iiale At Nor'a.. 69 68 68 68 Declined 1 Imperial 7 7 7 (I Decllued 1 i list lee 24 23 23 22 Declined 2 Kontuck 12 13 12 12 ? Mexican 33 32 31 31 Declined 2 Ophir 67 60 66 50 Declined 1 Overman 04 03 02 02 Declined 2 Raytu'd & Ely. 8 - 8 8 8 ? Savage 19 18 18 18 Docllned 1 Sierra Nevada. 14 14 14 14 ? Silver Hill .... 8 8 8 8 ? Union Con.... 11 11 11 11 ? Yellow Jacket.. 33 32 32 32 Declined 1 MKMOftAXDA. The following were tlio Michigan Central Railroad earnings for tho last sixteen days of May:? 1870. $210,350 60 1876. 179,400 80 Increase. $31,970 80 Earnings for month of May:? 1874 $029,347 70 1876 624,717 48 Increase $74,030 22 The earnings ol tho.Contral Pacific Railroad Compnny for tho month of May were:? 1870 #...$1,700,000 1876 1,708,408 187 4 1,311,094 Tho following were tho earnings for tho first livo mouths:? 1870 $0,202,000 187 5 0,171,813 1874 4,957,348 Tho following Is the official comparative statement of earnings ol the Atlantic and l'acific Railroad (Atlantic and Pacific division):? May, 1870 $90,001 18 May, 1875 93,895 01 Inrrease, 1878. $6,706 67 January 1 to May 31, 1870 $604,097 83 January 1 to May 31, 1876 406.060 84 Increase..... $39,040 09' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES $7000 M A St P. C A M JOKIO M A St P con k I 80% SOUslii Un Mill Co.... I'! 300 do b'*> 1% JIM PC L. A I' Co... .e 117-4 2u i S Y C A U It UK. HO 50"i Brie KB H% 2<X> do 14 50 i Wait Un Tel Thiksuat, Jane 8, 1874 RKKOHK CALL?It) A. M. 97 SO t lh( P?c Mat I 8S.i3 23%' LAW UK... U>7 100 .V*) 100 10 o 0 o 4'?j 500 12')0 do. do. do. do. do. ao. wsj, CH'i i;h1? 1 8!? ir?o.>, tWJ HKI 6.0 5.0 :'10D 8t. 7 f> 17*1 do. rto. do. do. do. do. do. do. ? b'4 ,?3 Vi sa ?, 53 W 5:4)5 53 5 63% 5 ?% 53)2 2O0 X J C?n ltU 82 100 20 82* 82>2 68% 300 do ,lo ?? 200 d<> do ?*'? I"" do ? do.... 68? 200 do 100 St L.KCANRR pf. 20 U.0 AH A T II UK 100 Mich Con UK 4tl'., 0 4?l% 100 do 28 !4 loo Pac Mail SS 23% 1200 loo 3(10 12 10 1400 1800 100 3.) ' 800 11*0 10>J 0.(1 1700 HO I 200 400 8110 :?xi 2i>> 2 O 4U> 11 O 400 do do.... do.... do.... do.... do ... do.... do.... do. do. do ao. do do. do do do.. 24 23% 23', 23% 23', 23$ 2:'/? 23 22% 22*1 I ?217,' 22 2S% 22.i> 22% tooCbi A X'.Villi pf.. IK) do 100 do... ?3 I'll do i3 oo 100 do... 20 i Chi A N W Ri:.... I'D lt> 30 i MU A St P BR ... 10*XJ do 1IIJ 31*) do 1<*> do c :*J0 MI1 A St P RR pf.. I'M do >3 10(1 do 40> Ohio A MU* UB... 3 0 Pat UR ol Mo.... 101 do Ml) do 22> iio 1" ) do ?3 200 do 2 OTol A tt al> RR.... % 25 Can Puc KB e 10: L' a. M. 41!' 7%' Oil', 01% ?X)'4 Ho a UJ 50 V ;ts% 3'J 30 68% ti8 07% l.P. ?% u?4 e ?* *4500 U8 Oa. r, '81.... 120 f2l*IO ) U S 1-20. c. '?7 12 "?>4 loooilrilo-40,r. n?. lt/J O b'S.'i-20. c.'ia, D 1A)*_ l"S 5-ao.r. *67.. Il? IO>X> I! s 5'?. '81, r. SMi ) do 110% HHWI U ? V?. e. VI 260OII US 6-.O.e,IX-J\ lOlXX) do FU5SI' gloooSCti'?,new,n f.. 3 HOOO do 2 V 500 I M A 8 I' eou ? f. f 0?* 31KAI L A w B con... fktU 2'HXiMorA Kikx I lit 115% 10000 (.lev A l'ol now. lU3% 117 % "7*, 117% Jtf. 100 III J 70) 30U0 North .*o lot... 0?!4 auuo do do*. yO1.*) Mich Can 7'a. .. ll/U*, !?> O U Pae UK lat.. n??', ?.**) do lo:.<4 12UU0 do U)5;? 5> <?I c A N ?? v ? u b. i ov; 5000 do uoji lly<?) L A S ooa.'08... 01% 4(1*1 do 01 a .VIM do O.' 5HXJO B.CK A M 4()*t 20<' So Pac of Ma be ?0% ttx? bl ?lm Mer l?Huk 114 ISO 5 Park Haiti........ 1*.'^ **O0 31) XauaM Bk IOO 1HO0 WUn M'kCo. . ba l.'? 100 41m Mailt-farKoUx. ? *? IOO do be ? ^5 Adaiii? Kx IOO i 6 do |H8% 20 do '"J*' --S ??> <lo -?"? do 2-S do 22'? do b3 22V do - - 'i do.. do '???*Ul>?K. 11 ahaD A U Can.... 10 do be KliW 30 do loo loo Urla i.U. be 'flUt do s3 SO) do N do 30 J do 10 ) I n Pae It It be 10> Uarlem 13 4o do 13MC 100 do ?3 13n 14', 14 14 W. I*) 81X1 leh ( on Ult. 100 do ...c I0JLS A MS loo du c do k3 do ,?3 bl ill< 4 5tH. 5:h, MH Uik I JO <10 J 3- HI 1(K? 00 7U"J MM I 0 IUU V*) not) V 'J 4fM) IJO 4iO I HO 4(0 6 i J arm tOJ 1u?J 4*J0 to) 100 GOO tkiO 1UO (j4 lO I 1 v Hi loo 70 J . > . .13 -?'4 a-s T2\6 22% X: 22 21J< 22 22 pi a ?? 1 8 '4 ,.b3 ?-% till. Be' ?18000V 8 5-*'. e. '?7. 110% I.VOlC A > W e ? b.. Ml*, :m?i \t .> 8 P >:on ? I.. J*) , 2i<UlMASl'M'?.l*t.L>C 1 3 DUltlit >iU?c.iu 1 Onrii I ?? icot'i.,1 )<?) ahi P C L A P Co loi ,..ich i an ult . 100 do Hi I 101 ?.o I<jo Welt U ! el IOO I. 8% IITS do u Oo .. oo b3 do lOClov * Pitta ft.. 10 do bo ?">0 do 100 Chi A > W KK.l.r 2ki C A.V W pr..bc.b3 10 X J Cen Kit. ,.b a 100 do..... 0 10 i do 7 do 82% IOO Cbi A 1(1 li>*>4 1i?j do .. lo.(, iio Mil A ft I' BB.b e " 2i UJ do IOO do IW Mil a St f pi..b o 100 4m L'OO do ill 3"" do 1(W 10 0. c, C A I BK ... 2>*> iol >tao 3(lu do,...; aoti do k9 2J0 Ual,l. A \? I(-7% 20 do 107', 40 do . 107% 2 o oo a I 107 2?i do 1071, O Atl A l'ac pt 1% 50 Pae KB vf Mo. .b e 0 5 do i''V4 101 do i> 17 Chi A AliRi! u! l.a 108 'iJt) Han A m Jo ol .b e lixi Ohio A M UU..b c 511 do . ..ail 100C.C A I C RR. be t \u.?/ i. 100aha 1.8 A !l S....C 4>>> do ?( 17 ? i no.. 1100 do mt}i uow 8/% 82% :j?'4 3; U'J? ?MS 0c% .8(., 48 .4 |?H 2?J bJ SOj 3 H I 0 Ww Kill 210 I IJO do 10) d^ It'll UO ... .. !<<? do IUU do |t>i do WO do U>') do 2'A) Pac M .ill MS.. 4 O da 100 .ba do. do... 3-IO 4 A) III) 71D do 3H) Krlc Kit bl a- *,? u? . I. f? I M Si RR.. . 1110 ilu... ? t8% ?? 34 .-3 14% 53% 54 I ?)Chl A N Wpf.. itfO lui do.... ?(-J I *J Chi A U 1 RB. I0J do ...... Iim do MO do Illi do 1KJ Mil AMP BK 10J Mil A St P Rlt pr. I'M do 4'G (to IOO do bl Vj Mor A haa Kit. .... 202 do b'l 1U> do IOO r?l A M'ab lilt 2?i do ... bl 2 *J D*l. I. A W RB? lOiMblo A M Bit.... 20 Pae KB ol Mo 100 do e 100 do 10% l?% 4J? M. 54% MJa .?4'4 54'? VI ?4 o ?'? 54 J, 04 ii 54 ? 4% 50 v, III 1 7% ? b I Id.;, b3 IO^% I07>, 3'.# I, 31#., ,a3 bM% 10 }4 loy?g ?,% ? P. M. ?!<*)< is S-JO.r.'OS.a 117 S130U0 US S'i UMii.i. ll? !'?*?? pa?a:, u. i? k 25010 ts5's.c. hts ? do be 120', 2<?M IsS's.r.'?1. 1 IT1, IIHijOU J-ai.j.w lXijJ &OOJ do bellIX swmn HOARD?l P. M. ??<*) 0 1|OS$ 2<X) iUi L8 A MS KRs5 ?4'4" .V?<> M A SP 7 3.10, o 99U 2200 Jo mC <Wi*jSll,Irt.UO Kur; Kill! Con Kit bo 97 lfUO M.V SP eou sf... H?i *"'i W*tC,C4ICl?, . 10HI, 20?Chi4NW RKid br tf>*! do lOSV 2'kiehl v II I Kit .lie H'7'2 SI?.'f*?Vi ?** 1 K'!.J, I'-S'Mil A Si 1' itif.bcc do >3 do ?9\ -I'&S lOr I ,|? ,3 hU" 1 ' she Nassau Bk ... H?> l'O Mil A St 1'pt bco3 ?9 &l) 'Vnii>ri?an 1* ?r t V <L u i A.. > (1 % ,?HUI PUU.U..M, 5< <11 Ohio A M con * f HO'. . lu o c, c * i c 1st... 4M. 200 li> Pm> KH lu. K'5S IIXI 1 ' the Nassau Bk ... 10o lip __ 50 American iix. . .. i 3 1km do 19 S? i V? iki C' ? el..b r.s3 0*S 2I> do ?US '<"> <!o 'SV 5 O do .... .. Uit'I -00 do 0.--4, 20>) do h3 ??', **? Pac > all SK...b o 2:*S lO'i do b't 69'. ?" do 2"j>, lim a,, 1.3 tiO'J ?>'*? 23 lOOTol, WA W..bc.bS !!K loo Erie KR. bes3 HV sou I?7L mw itrt..b e NT1. ?J" iiichCenRK. bo 47,C SlMOhloAit Kit.. ITS lajQL. A KbRK.bcsl V?tJ ?*, do ..VI 17? 200 do k3 5<?; 10 i do .10 17 ""?J do 5-(?f Mi do .' s3 17 1"' do. bl 5C, 10? do 17 do ,.s3 51', 6* ?*' <>o e ftv, 100 Mor tt Km RKbcb3 104 10J do *10 MjJ ??:S0 T<> :t !' M. 9VM0MA SPIst.LaCd 103 lOOalie C k N W RR pi HO*i looo I'n Pae KKitt.. lo?S IOO do iO?; 7ot>slis Krle RB I4S 100 Tel A Wab UK.... 2?; Lf J*. ?J' *?*?????. ? "H Ik/1 L ? * M n RR . 54 <4 3UI Uu Min Co b3 H? 7l?t do a3 a*'*' a'>J do IS r>O0 do 6lS 2 ?> West L'n Tel. ... (US HO do 54W *?' Jo it* ?8S llKJ do ?* ?4 S 1?0 do b8 n->] I'D bit MS *y> . <*n 10 i Mil .V hi 1' Kit. 89S HU.NJCob I!K H'J'j 100 do aS ? ?S I'W I'm all?.?.... ... 2 o ?|o.. .. Uuja IOO do Td : |(?> Mil Jk Kt P Kit pf. !*>> "00 do 2:tS' 3'OObio A Ml?e UK... 17w 'JOO do 23S ' do IT ll"0 do ; .3, 100 Alt ITH RR ?*' <lo b3 S3*4 ll>> Pue KRof Mo. 700 do 3? COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE BPOT 1-ltio. LOWER?FCTUllES CLOSED FIltM?FLOl'R DULL?WUE.VT FAIRLY ACTIVE?CORN FIRMKR?OATS ACTIVE AND HIQHEB-WXUKKKY DULL AND NOMINAL? 1MUK FIRMER?LARD FIRMER? PETitOLKUX QUIET?SPIRITS TURI'ICNTIXE QUIET?ROSIN QUIET?OILS QUIET?FREIGHTS EASIER FOR GRAIN TONNAGE?COFFEE QUIET?SUGAR FIRMER. Thursday, June 8?6 P. M. Tbo trade movement was rather moro active to-ilny and tbcro was moro buoyancy lu govcral di jiurtmcutM. Uu 'Cliuugo Hour was dull aud prices aotnowhat Irregu lar. was fairy active Tor uhipiucnt uud llio market closed Arm. Com was in good demand and firmer tor all kinds. Oats were uctivo and higher. Pork and lard wero oxcitod uud dccldodly h'gher. Freights geuerully weaker. Cotion on the spot was 1-ltic. lower. ' Futures closed 11 rin. Cull'eo was quicL Naval stores were quioL Oils were also qmot. Petro leum wus quiot hut steady. Sugar wus a little firmer in tone. ^ CovrsK.?The market for Brazils was quiot; 4,000 bacs Uio, ox Cricket, bold at UulUmore at lC^c. for barely fair. Mild coQeo wiw quiet. During tho past week 802 mats Singapore, 2.012 baya Maracaibo, 2sa do. Laifuajrra, 380 do. Coata Rica. 132 do. Suvutiilla, 130 do. Moxicau aud 300 do. Muuila wild ill lots for conauniDtion nllliin tl:o laiiiic; also 400 St. Uomlnuo tliipped to Europe by first hand*. Tho stock lu first bauds 1> as fol lows:?Java, grass mats, 120,510; Cejrloii, 10.904 bai(s; Mur acalbo. 14,K>2 do.; LiKUsyra. 5.?.">8 do.; Jamaica, 2U0 do.; St. Domingo, 2.ISS do.; Costa Rica, 4.H28 do.: Mexican, 752 do.; Manila, 2HO do.; Savanilla, 2,213 do. Total, 42,125 bags and 12ti,*>10 units Java. Wo have Messrs. Wright Jt Ca's tclugram. dated Itlo. June 7, IH7S. advis ing:?Sales since 3lst ultimo. 19,Om> bags; shipments, 10,000; loading, 3,llOO; stock at uato, 101,000; average daily receipts, 4.01.0bairs; price, strictly good firsts, S.5DU; mar ket very Oriu. Kxcl-.ange, 25*?d. Wo qirnto Ordinary cur. goes, 14*,c. a 15c.; fair do . IliJj'c. a lS\c.; good do.. 17c, a 17Se.; primo do., 17,'ac. a 17',i-.; extreme range for lota. 14?4'c. a ISJjIc. ; Santos, fair to good, IU.'4c. a I7c., gold, ninety days; Java, goverumo&i bazs, 2Jc. a 22c.; do. grass mats, 20c. a 23c. ; Singapore, do., 1H?. a 2l)c.; Ceylon, 10>Jc. a l*>ae.; Maracaibo, 15e. a l*??c.; Laguuyra, 17c. a lHc.; Jamaica, 15c. a ISc.: St. Domingo, 14?.,c. a I V.; Porto Itleo, 18c. a 19c.; Costa Klca, 17c. a 19c.; Macassar, 18c. a lU^c.; Mexican, 17e. a ISc.; Manila, 17c. a lHc.: Angos tura, 17e. a ISc.; Savanilla, 15c. a 18^c.; Curacoa, 15c. a 17c. Cottok.?The markot for snot was quiet aud ^notations were marked down 1-Ulc. Futures were liriu at ilisduw. The clos ni; prices to-day compare with Wednesday's prices as follows WtxltirmUiv. Junrl. ThurfLii/, Junri. J ii n ?? II 11-ltla? June 11 23-32 a July 11^ a? July 11 *>-:? a 11 13-16 August., ll'n a? August.. 11 29-3J a 11 15-1 H Sept 11 13-1H a? Sept 11' a 11 29 32 October.. 11 21-32 a? Oetober.. 11^? a 11 2.1-32 Nov 11 19-3 .? a ? Nov 11 .1-32 a III l-lll Dec. 11 10-32a llji Dec 11 11 -1 ?l a II J3.:? Jan 11 11-lti a 11 23-32 Jan II 1 t 111 a 11 27-32 Feb 11 13-10 a 11 27-32 I'ob 11 |.'>-li!all! March.... II 31-32 a 12 March.... 12 l-itfa 12S April 12'- a 12 3-1(1 April 12'V a 1J 9-32 Mav 12)4 a 12 5-10 May 123J a 12 7 10 ? Quotations are based 011 American standard of classifica tion aud 011 cotton in store running in qualitv not mure than half a grado above or below the grade quoted : ? L/BaiuU. Ahi'uiina. Xrtr Mrlmiu. 7>ju?. Ordinary s'j S,S ?S Strict ordinary 9 .">-10 9 Ti-lU u 5-10 9 5-|0 (iood ordinary V'( 9!,' 10 Hi Strict good ordinary, lo 9-10 lo 9-iO 111 11-10 l<i 11-10 Low middling 11 US 1)i]i. Strict low luiddllug.. 11 9 10 11 11-10 11 13 10 111M-10 Middling 11 15-10 12 I 10 12'., 12S (kod 10 xldliue 12 7-10 12 9-ltl 12 11-10 12 11-10 Strict goiHl middling. 12 15-10 13 1-iO i:i 3-10 IS 3 10 Middling lair I I 15-10 13 *>-10 13 ?-ll> 13 9 10 Fair 14 3-10 14 5-ltt 14 7 10 14 7..ij ?stalnod?(io<.d oidluary. S 9-1'c.; strict gm?l ordinsrr 9 11-lOe.; low middling. 10 3-IHc.; middling, 11 l-Hc. Tlie spot sales wero as iollows :? To-Day. Ltut Kerning. lotiU. Export ? l.OOO 1,0 Si Consumption 250 117 307 Speculation ? 42S 4.1 Total* JftO . I.W6 1,7!<3 ?Delivered on contract. 2,100 bale*. Kor luture deliver/ the sales were as followsYesterday, niter tw<i P. X. July, 7UOat ll4,c.; August, 1.000 ut lljic.; September, WX) at 11 MMHe.; October. -HO at 11 21-32a.: December. If s.) at 11 ItMSlc.; J urinary, 2iO at llJa'c.; May, Mil at 12 j I tic. Total, 3JO.) -bales. Today, up to two P.M.? Jane. HO at 1121r%te., 300 at 111?e., lot at 11 19 32c.; July, 40J at 11 21 32c., 3UU at 11 ll-IOc., 500 at II 21-3-V.; 700 at It 11-11* . 100 at 11 2l-32c., .*>,?, short uotlos, second. at 11 ll-IOe., 7uo at 11 21-ill'c., 1,|>?| at II 11-1**0., 4<0 at II '23-32c.: Aiu'iist, 2.-too at 1 lj-ir., I O at II 2?32c.. loi at 1174c , NX) at 1121 -itec., 2.4UI at 11 13-lOc., 1.000 *? II 2ft-32c., 3O0at II l.VlUc., loo at 11 23 32c., 1.2HJ at II la Hie. tlOO at 11 27-32c. ; September. 11 27 32c., 100 at 11 13-1 tic.. 7ot> at life .. iOU at 11 l'MOc.. 3<iU at 11 Jto.. ftm at 11 2.V:?c? 2O0 at II 13-10.; October. l.MJri at 1IV, 100 at II I0 32... 2"> at I IJfcc.. OOO M U 21 32c.; Xoroin ber, 2(> > at 11 17-320., MO at II H-lUc.,201 at II 111 <2o. ; January, 200 11 23-.I2C. ; February. jOO 11 2ft-32c., .100 at It 27 lie.; May. 10i at 12\,c . loo at 12 l?:i2c. Total, 20.H0 I bale*. (irand total. 2j,JOO. Tuc receipts at tlio ports were as follows :?tialveston, 203 bales; .New Orleans, 83; Mobile, 232; Savannah, 17 ft; Charleston. 7*i; WIlmliiK ton. 13: Norfolk. 23U ; New Vork. Ho, ltoslou. 142; Philadul pliia. li*?. Total, 1,448bales, Ibis day last wee*, l.k?*4. Tliis uay last year, 2,172. Total since >epieiiiher 1, 4.1(17,840. t'otlou fl?l(fbts cloned as follows:?To Havre, by steam, 4,c., compresMjd. To Hamburg by stuaiu. J^c., coin Ereused. To Bremen. by sieain, %'e., compressed. To iverpnol. 5-lUd. by steam , by sail. U-3_d. KloCK and CIKAIS.?Keeelpta? Klonr, 17,424 libit.; wheat, 108.4.H4 bushels; corn meal 1,DUO bbls. uud 2( 4) sack* ; oats, 24.2UI bushels; ccrn, :tU.84(l do.: barley malt. 7M do. The Hour market was dull, and In some cities lower. Prices were irruuular. We note sulos of about 13.000 blfU.. iricliid litif State. Western aud Southern, at tbe annexed quota tion*. ltye (lour **j <|Ui?t. Willi sates of 200 bbls. at ?i 7.1 a fft 20. Corn ineal was quiet, with sales of about 7(10 bbls. a; tlie nunc sen quotations:? No. 2 Slate t- 7.*> a $3 40 Supertiue Mate 4 l>) a 4 40 bxtrif State ft ? 0 a 5 26 Choice Male 5 25 i 6 00 Supertiue Western 4 OO a 4 40 Kxtra Western ft (W a ft 2 i Minnesota ft 3ft a 7 00 KoiiihI iioop Ohio, slilppiiiif brand* ft 00 a ft 2.~< l'o ind hoop Ohio, trade brands ft jo a '? jO I ainily <7 0>a 8 ftU St. l.ouls, low extra ftfkia 0 oo St. Louis, straight extra 0 fto a 7 OO St. Louis, choice double extra 7 (JO a sift St. l>oills. cliohre family 8 2> a H j>> Rye Uour, lino to Buperlino . 3 70 a 4 20 Southern, Xo. 2. 3 00 a ?> 7ft Southern, mipeitliie 4 "0? 4 .V) Sjuthi-in, extra 4 IKJ a ii 74 Sootliein. lainlly 7 <x> a 0 00 Corn lusal, Western 3 UO itv 3 30 ('.urn meal, Jorsev ;| oo a 3 30 Corn meal, ilrundywine '( ">j a 3 0' Corn meal, puncheons 'M 00 a 20 ftO ?Wheat ?u> easier. with Ireo sellers at the 0| eniiiy. al though some insisted upon yesterday's quotations, and tlio market subsequent! ? bet'ama firmer and closed ulrou* it II 17 4 j a TI |K |ur No. a and tl J > a ?1 J ? , (of Milwaukee. The sales last sveiiltitt were about 300.'*D bushels, at #1 IO lor No. 3. #1 10 tor uticrade l. *1 17 a el IS lor No. 2 t'liieaao, $1 2 i? jl 21 lor No. 2 Milwaukee $1 2ft for Minnesota. $ I 2* ail 30 for No, 1 do., HI '12 tor No I 1 ahtboyjiau. tl 20 ail 2s for red winter. CI 4t> for Canada white in bond to arrive Corn was firmer and x>mo kinds decidedly belter, wlt? limited offerings. Abunt Ilki.OOJ bushels sold at ?l.'at. a >4c. lor damaged. Vic, a il'3c. lor no icrai.o, .Vi>,c. a ."i7c. for steamer. 67e. a WJc. lor ?au. is< a otK. ior xraded utrxed, .eic. a 00o for unaraded mixed. 01c. fi r Soiilhern while on dock and (Vic. Kir W estern yellow, live *?- qii?et. Barley and barley malt wore Inactive, oats u<r* active and biL-lter. Ac note sales of about *0. .>00 bualiels. at 33t. a 44c. for mixed. 4-K. a 40c. for white. 42o. lor No 2 ('hlcstfo, 42i-. a lie. for lulxud State, 3oc. a for mixed Western. 43^c for Mo. 2 Milwaukee mixed and 4le. lor No. 2 Northwest in ?tore. llKMr txi> I t'rtu-Market nencraliy quiet. We i|tiole:? American drev?od. fltki ? J'.tKifor sitialr. #20" a #.'25 lor double and j(l20a T1 ' for rouk'h; Manila hemp, 0;4c.. yold: lltluii ilnaii. t20U a 0210, ifold. lialUn. ?.7.i a *oid; ?ite. 4'aC. a ft>?c., currency; Jale buu?. 24aC., cash; Si al i nip. S<rc.. k-olj ; Istle, o',c. a Ac., cold. Mui.assi.t ?there >?us a irood Inqniry for New Orleans: 12 > bbi* sold at ic a OOu. fur choice, and ft4c. a j?c for i;ood to prime. The stock is ft.30.1 hlids. Cuba, 1.42** do. I'ortu liieo, H7I do. bllf?l!>h Islands an t -'.IKK bbls. N? w Orleans. We quote Cufnt, eeDtrllnual and mixed, ;2c * '-"He.; clayed. 2t?c. a 3.1c. , do. nascovatto rollnliiK. tMfe a ?c ; uo. (Tomijr. 32?'. tft; Porto i.lco, 3. c a ?>k. hnirllsh leiande, .(2e. a Xlc.; New Orleans islr tn ( .wl 48c. a j.'c.: prime to choice. 5<(c. a ft8?. Naval StOuks ?The market tor spirt* turpcntini wnj quiet. Salen were about IO? bbi*. at 30r. 1 to sin quiet. We quote :?rplriti tnriieiillne, 3>c. Ilos.n?eoioioon to coo.l (trained, $. lift a#l 7ft. Tar?Washington f J 1 ft a I-' 2.1; Wilmint.-toii.f2 Ift a #2 2ft. Advice* liniu Wi|. inili.'ton were as follows ?Knsin llrm, stralnod, $1 2.**; (food straln*<l.fl 3f). Tar rlnn: 00. lurp ntine Itrni; yellow dip, fl 80, virg,n.?2 spirits Drm. 2>e. Oil.*. ? We note sale* ol' 400 Ob.s. sperm at New liedford, for export, at <t |... Mil qUiileIJnseid. cask., .inc., coitousee I. ci aile. 4Hc. a 42c.: Southern yellow, 48c. a M)e , yellow winter, y c a ft8c,; while winter. (kV.; lard, present make, woe. a Hfte.: sperm, crude, 41 37: do., hletelted winter, fl 70; da., natural do., fl (V>: whale, ernde. Northern, Ooc. ; do., Soninerii, .?jc. , ideariied winter, 7r e a JSIe. . olive, cas:s, fl i7,'i a fl 22,'*; ?lo., e?s?*. $i A'? a f t 40: winter, bieached llsb. 48c.; crude (ish, Hoc. a 37c. PirajLtcil. ? The market was quiet and steady. Tbe jhmmg ?rleei wen a* loUeweCriule, la fcnU, 4k?s * d? caaei . .? "Kc-: in bbl... ?t 'iiuOuu? \?2, i /V "1"' " ?'?"U^JphU. 1 and l??Y--OilAd/tce* the UreI'll mn uM. t- T'l. Lid - J1*^''n l. I. oitod; .hipuienta. F,.i7U?, ?'lilts, '? i"ke" 3u" ; '"?.UU. *2 Ji; ?",?ndl2r!t,PU-P?rk- 2!7 bbl* ? ?"? tierce.. Pork markat'?? 1' ! i "?"l * bh'*- *"d '?*?' TU? wa. Ilk-Ill Tlio'^ "mm "f?d#d'5r ?>??*?"'. but liu.ioe? #" "*bld il," i0*!"1' ,Pf'cM were follow.:?J ?uicuat Slu 4n kl5 T?,u iSf' V80 bid' *1045 ">""1: bid iia ?*? ..1,-5 *}? 7!' "kuJ. S"|.icmUT, $IU Tliii Mlea wan- 1 ?C?kki Sfl' *,U bid- C^0 ai>ked. ?10 ?"?for\?i , ?-5 'L.V ,,u 40 * C'? ?*?'> *?r Jul*, and 8l'> 5o ; bbl? tnea. wild o? apot alflU40a Sold at n2. h*?" qBt#t: *b"ut ,0' *r??U liana plokl'dd, .. 11' t. t1?"?*?l ai Ilea II \e.; safcsvfcviiSi'-a ass? vn-; nud 50 m'J'"*? cU^ lo"-' clB*r ?"'<??? ? l"c. it 10' ?! i?, ?? Sl-. quoted nl ln'jt. lordly. and tz-s. vs'.'S, rzi <5? wa. quoted at ?"l and Mmiual. Prime Wester? ?t V r.d^h!,i,uX-3H/!!,^Bd L^Var.^V.!?; juu^?Ti ? biTitVrl?* *i'J'" rio?d"???" ** toii..w.:- j ,.-L !i a Wu. $U 4.? n?ked; July, All 4JV. hLI $11 47^ ?ftl^bJdWV.?.11 "> bld- ?> ??* aakidVlipti-bl^ ClTT> C,,U*fl "faff- ??^??rW~wn|,SfVll'R^? at 11 tMflfe l u/iiTi^i fwe ,u ",*J tlcrcr< ??r tha Continent UuriUc'tTNo l a, l^V0/; ". 0n r.r,V,,,e ,, rn" *"d ><? ^VTifsff? irv,51 & ;?!!" ""clS." "SS xr it,?Lft.uT ?????*?, ?^0*?a7aT^l"i!n!!",u01' I "Ul8 nrmer ,n '?"?? . 47*) j,iwi^ ? v; ??*?1 tuoljwfctjf a OiSft'iftTlLY'ti-^,ri,,J/lco at/% ? N^?s. and .150 bUds. at 7,V. a 7J.C. The .t,..-k ?f r?r f.,ll?WB:-_ Htock (aacertalneilbr actual """* couui, iiiciuuiu^f !*i>eculu Hon). June i, lH7t$ 05 14'J 30 77ft nitwKn ?r... Receipt, .luce June 1 l^4i j'.nr, " u?7 '?!? 8.^ncv:;ii,vv:::::::::,ji^1, **1% Atuna thU dtty< Jun# 8- " Cuwpuring jvri th it.'iik "1,4SC| --7-"1*5 S.71H Com jar I n ?itii Hik'* ' ,4a'*'5 145,7a7 6,u: 13 Con,pari'i? 1,wUU'";i0ckU"'?'VJ l"5,8U5 971 WeUruo!e-:l^lr -roiilllu,; %?} . *'*?? ssfssiV.'Sisr-.f? boxvn Ukc i 7? IwtA4})! V ?0,|g'#^ '?Mi- Hiiil 7c. a t*. ;* do.. Krocirt. mir !!,Cd,,r,u J'' -ik:-cu''''I' *?*& A^Mt$C6LoaX- "*?':? 1,>C- ? c''u"''lad'."lo<j|,u." 10?4C. P"WU*r,4? ; uruuulaldil, I0;,c.: cut |u.f, k<!|TiVt^TiRo1 y?17^ tierce, and 1"3 ca?lu. Tbe mar kct ?aa inactive, prima wa.uuuteil at lUc cJk.lUTb'rJ:,"c'lPu,:-? . 05 tie.CO.. -12 bbl*. and "1 wltu.ale. Of about lo .000 j!"? ?;p"^,.rrr ? *"?'? vVi.:u at I4CJ.. jtf tou. till low at UOt. a a.'?. |,U clilullv .ih, iu.lde price. To llrUtol bv uil Wi?? i.!.t i ' , tWd Oolln ? i f.iti.i l .1 y *l?"*hoU uralii at 4o. isSJ t ii ' * l>>?d- P?r and provl.luna ?u?. a .XH. Fo Hull, por Htoaiu, 4'Uboxe. bacon ?r jo. rJ,? i with^ouonin?1T^ :~A U,"tl,h bark. beine to Cork for order* to Llm^k wIth " nil^' "'i0"- ^ A l?rlB. hence I ?v-o?' aswr lienco to Otindee, with a.000 uuailor.'du ?i li. ,i ' American lirij}, motored lionce tn Calitl. wltli "1 OO^oun," ^ . ?.i'|b"i\4? tons, houce will, m2la.?," 5r^,-' wi'ii, frZJ;wrNv"d weKlnii bark, reported lieuce to Cork lor o'rdoJ? VtTli\ t*?\ at 2 mark, and li* '**U *'?'? DOMESTIC MARKETS. S.: Cotton dull; mlddllnir. 11V- "low"dd^"'!^ '.S7a t 'sia. ssv -Ssss-TSv/.tf-ri"*', ?J'jaa&T.iilt. lis port., coaatwlM. JSJ. ? nlle*. ?jo* sroek*'laisSL!?."*" 2?3' '?f*dfv1^be.? quiet Vi"' ,llte Michigan. ?l M>;., Vilrl June, $1 I'-i j5lr!i"^?^:mJ'l.Mi<ih^,,V<'Pal Jul"'. ? ""?? ' .'J'1"" "od MlcliiKaii, CI 0.1}., ; rejected r" l mixed vt' V "iuh1"""- .tron? U ? I \o ,fr,4d". .,1,^ 1 damairud, Ki>,e. Uati llrm" wtioat, ?-}pdo~Ki"?uir.' Tu^'d';,' ?terro?ur?Cdbj?,'-; whcw- u'uw ;fe s,?.r w vi ^'"ru"4' Hr?T,.V.r,f: V"?1*"- *-totl.elluiU'o.,; Lake r ^ A.^ "re.i.CWO bu.liels; lumber, 290 000 VeelCJanti i?M. menu?Lumber. 6H|,0(Xi feet. Canal .hip. Itocelp..?Ily take?Klour, tt,?b^, ?r;-o,.JT f, do ? oat. iai.ii j, f 1 ,4'<*V bushel.; corn. l,'i.(K*) MttlLMl ?..?!!* r ? "ot'M.ll.t. rt.-adr Wliu:it dull; uu' eiiaiiKed in li.' P^"vellU trade; quotation, nomlnnlly uit Sttiim,'^nee of Iran wet ton.. Corn dull, firm ? ??a? ? : "-!'u?U? ' b>". """pie lit about 4!k-..,, it- J lower; hmIci <>r I??..'?<H) buMln*i? v.. ?> hVt! I1 Ht :!6'l,c* K1?# ,,ulct i R,4,?,', ?*>?l>u?licl? Need ni h c meli l!l^l'l|Ve.-, M?U |,,,rk nu" ?< *1" for heavy ually?l'?[ for,,il,vt?lrido.heOU' l"*cl,v#' "'*?>?'>>? ,J. Jloor .teadr and firm. Wheat ? lli-jui ? ?Z^i?Kf *' !*?' *I,ot Jlll'e, <!1 1*1', ? lOiJul .>o. J Chicago "UriUK, U4c. ; rt Ice led Klc I'lmf i. KK- ^/ud ?V'?h?r; No. J. 4?H,C. .J,,,, >? f i **?. Au({uat. Oat. moderately active ami hlirlier; No. J at JO?4c. a ale. .pot; aic. Jul). Kyu in viHid demand and upward tendency at 7! ^c. a l j. Ilarlov Z niann llffhl, but holder. 11 rm at r?o. fork uii.ett>ed .iron,, andhicber; tlMHii .pot and .iuly. $IH Aiiitunt #in'a'is..t5 teruber; .ale. a, ?1H 2.", Au??.t C.V ^ S'm IS aI^.l H iw *" <X*i ,p<"- *" J|,|y 811 15 Aitirii.t. Bulk meat. In lair demand and liiifher; .houlder., ic.; clear rib iide? pt <? ? CJrr,t"d^ "^"u ?" b"*"d ?bl.key >l Ve KreltrhU?Corn, to Bnltaln, afce.; irralii to N?w v' v ,*J railroad. JOc ; Ly lake and rail?wn, at. loy;^: corn'lo/ 7':1" - I^IOOO buihel." corn" 4U.0UJ do. ; oat., 8H.IXI0 do.; rve, 3,1X1 do ? 'iNrluv' 4 IK) do. Milpment.-Kloar. h.UOO bbl..; wheat :-o'(*jo b"'bel?: 3-.1.OO0 do.; oat,. M.OUI do. riV X Bort.?;i JSfcli r?owd.?r: ^ ^ I^TosP CI y. Corn lower ;^.;j,f?e%> " Srir0!' . July. I'ork lower; i>\H n(? July AUtf a l"*01'; CIO 87,'? a 410 Ul, July ; $11 Q.&,' PllINT CLOTHS" MARKET. n. . . P?ovid*sic*. It. I.. June H lH7n very ?ull mikeu""1' " U>|C'' C"h' for b"1 W*'M. with BRAZIL MARKETS. COYFKX, BATES OF KIC11ANGK AMD FBKIUUTS. lilo J amkiuo. June 7. 1W7K. Cr.ffee market quiet: downward tondoncy: yowl Bran, 5,700 * .\8S0 rem per 10 kilo*. Exchange on I .on lion. *5^. Rahtos. June 7, 1870. Coffee?Market quiet; downward tondetcy; eupurior San to* 0,1<?J a 0.2U) rul> |iet 11) kilo*. WEEKLY COFFEE MARKETS. Itio ?f aNkiiu), June 7. 1H70. Coffer?Average daily reoeipU for tlie pint week, 4.(K)0 bm!?. Si.le? it the week?Fur Europe, 1VMXJU; fur die United State?, 10,000. Hbipment* fur the weok For Eu rope, 11(X"l; for the Cnlted State*. IO.OIM. Stock ill port ai tint time, 100,000 bayi. Krettfbw, pur aaii, to ibe Chan nel. J7h. Sanrov June 7. 1K7H, Coffee?Average daily receipt* ot the weik, 1,100 bairi. Sulci of (lie week for Europe. ilS.OOJ. Stock ou band at tbi* data, S ,000 bMK*. EUROPEAN MARKETS. Lo*r>on PMWCI Makkkt.?>o:?. June rt?Kvrnitie.? Calcutta liiivioi. Mi. Hup*. ?4 10 a jM IS for Metr York Mate. Liueeed oil, 23*. tHi percwt. WHAHClAh. Tnfhi&i iNAiui BA f Kit?HON KY dW LIFlt A.Nli j\. Endowment 1 n?uriiuce i'ollclua. Moriitaire* and oilier m'l'urities j insurance of all kind* offjiued with be?t com. panlfi. .1 .1. llAliltli'li A CO.. 117 Itroadwrtjr A NKVVH(>i>K~7?N STOCK HFl-.t.'l'UA I'loN, AI dally Market He port: malle i free; Stock I'rl vilr ???* ??(MilUdi b<-*t market rate*; Sto^k. boaxht or told on v:', per i "ut tuarsiii; oHer* u? mail or televrap'n promptly executed. L. W HAMILTON H Co., 37 Hroad at.. New York. ~tl.kCfkotiuST."iTaI~t ?<>.. hankkks, ia waTZ j\. ?t.. tuak'* Inviauueot* of urjri! or *in>ill auionntu in Mock* or n IciritMnnti' t baract- r: reliable put* ami eAlla; etockt bought and carried on a dcpoilt of 9 to 3 per cent. Circular* and weekly report* ?ent Iree. "T "?LOANS At CKNT ?>N UKS INsFkaNUE Ai I'ollcir*. COI<VKI<1<. 37 I'ark row. room 10. ANY AMOUNT TKISI KUND-f ' IO LOAN" oS aortua.'e. City or BrooaU n 1<:.aVIIT A WtH.COTT. IPPj? M> r ul'KR Cl">T"Kt?H a YEAKS iJoojjoo TO loaH on prime city niortv^e. Addrre* I.> I'aTK, but 178 Herald uiftca. / 1 HATrkU HokTii Atik"wa VI"KD?OF ?&0O, ON GOOD \ (erurlty ; a liberal per centime alhrwed. Addru?? 8. Y., >1 crial<1 I pmwn Hrautli otlice JAbWAI n~H AViT".MONK?' FT> Ml AN ON 5OUT K<ko New Yutk city property: city railroad Stock* and SWidt boiiirlit and miio. !l U iilUST, i4 > Uroailway. V I'. W "tUN i H ,mTR aTcll v Nilt.. - Al'I'i.ICATIONH . i lor nie*i><eraliip will i< ntln-i" to b" w leeil duriag ail thia weok at tli* rate oi tllW; after that linxi tbe rate will be ailviiiicii n? .'Ir. nmetMee* ina> r? iuir". VVM 'VAKO. Temporary Chairman, llreeel HnlMlut*. rpo r/?AN-ox*1ioiifo^t7F"os~ ui1T.~ k^IaTk Tn A Brooklyn or New York, AtUUvae WkUUk v ? FIXARCUli. i * Tin/is LAND rnvT i-Hit Vent Bond* for ??l? at 05 and lnteroK,?-Tliea# boat! were authurla.-d by a.-t of th? Lifiala'ure (if New York, and 980,0(10,00 ' ot iiroperty'la pledged for their pay ment. Loiii.'ialaud t'lty la aituated >>pp>'S'.te to New York. The experience i_l the paat Blty yeara hat proved that uo city buud ol New York State iaaued for a puri ty municipal purpoMt <aa theae arc) ban afar failed ta pay principal or lu tereat. R. H. NEWHUR.S, ."??? Broad at. <S? jur I\i Vomm fo~LoAii' ~<>x" i*T V"!""''"" proved city Property. ?t (j i?.t emit, for 5 year*} other aurna at aaiue rata. KIRKLaNI' k CO., 7U Cedar at. cikfi nun to loan oi afl r#\/w"/ York and tirooklya, at 0 per ccoi. Ap ply at 21X1 ftth at., near Uowerr, Hl'Hl\KM?i OPPOKTf 1T1 KK. V V~T)LD' AND ^klX?Ksf ABl.isHlJU' I'll AltM Aci* J\. to he diapoacd of: an Admirable opportunity lor a Ger iiian or Cubau pharmacist JOHN SK1HAL, T'.i t'edar at A GOOD PROFITABLE MANl I AOTUttINO COMPACT (a monopoly) need aome IM.UOO more; tuily to lucreaae their bualneaa; no debt*; a >ery One chance for any good man ; it will pay -5 per eent without aurvicea and moru with. Addreaa CHAPMAN, bo* fvR>-"> Post office. Any respectablebusine-sh concern in Ml# York deairlnic to eatabliah an agency In *the cltv of Baltimore. on ronimls*ion or otherwise. may llnd a desirable opportunity by addreaaing ELLIS k KOSE, IV Aisqulth at.. Baltimore. Md. A' N INDUSTRIOUS MAN WAN TED?WITH $300 TO W'H. in a sale manufacturing butiiieaa; over 100 per cent and thoroughly established; the only auro thing on ?ale. 2H2 Weat Is'th at.. New York. N BXTRNSIVB. OLD EMTABLIRHBD, LOIHUtlVI wholeaalo and retail Tea and Coffee ltualneaa will bo (old for caah or good real estate: beat business Mire* t. KINd, A rent, HUT Hudaonst. FOII "8AL?-nAL> INTERB8T IN A CASiT Sht'io.V I) hand Lumber Hualneaa; Hi yeura established. Apply at lumberyard corner 38th at anil Broadway. HAVINO AN OLD ESTABLISHED i'ltUUfoK l UM nilatimi hualneaa. 1 wish to form a eoiineetion with some strong house lu Now York; ?10,000 to *'ir<,uuo addi tional caniuM required, which would pay '?> 10 KM per cent. Addreaa I. X. J*. Baltimore American. Baltimore. JPSTTl IK i I UNO KOB A LIVE KAN?KOR HALE, the Patent Hi-'lit, or would take a partner lu one of the moat attructlvn and useful artlclea yet ottered the tiulillc at a Centennial aoiiveuir. For particulars addroas PROMPT, box 1 UJ 1 lorhId office. PARTNER WANTED-IN A WELL ESTABLISHED manufacturing business; a good opportunity fur a yoiiULriimn ol l>u-.ine?a ability; capital required, $4,5t*J. Address STERLING, Herald uBi't. PARTNER WAN TED?W1 I'll ?SOO, IN AM BSTAB lishud business paying enough to support Iuo families, j Addreaa Z. K., lierald office. Parties' wanted to manukacturb isol*. troduee a new patented Wringer not yet introduced: | beat Improvement over all oilier wringers: or, will tell luy ; l atent Addroaa WRINGER, box 1VU Herald office. r BUSINKSS 18 DI LI. ADVERTISE AND MAEE IT IP UL'SINLSS IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MAKE IT UETIER. Circulation of tlia EVENING TELEGRAM laat week ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS A LINE. Monday. May JO 33,500 ADVERI'ISEMENTS, jo cents per link. Tuesday Decoration Day, no paper. ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Wednesday, May 31 3,>,tJ00 ADVRRt l.sKMENTS, -Jtl CENTS PER LINE. Thuraday Jiuie I 41,800 ADVERTISEMENTS. 2" GENTS PER LINK. Friday, J mill 2 :i5,300 aDVERTI^KMKNTS. 90 CENTS PER LINK. Saturday. Julie M :t4,200 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Total 182,450 ADVERTISEMENTS, 2U CENTS PER LINE. Daily ttveruse Uti.-lOO ?flTANTED?A PARTNER WITH ABOUT *4<tt> OR $'tV) ?T iu a first c'.aan business on the lartreat excursion areamer in New York. Addreas P. H. ERN8T1NG, 411 Weat 4lat at.. New York. WANTED-?j?.?M, ? PKCIAL CAPITAL, IN AN OLD ustnlilished Coiuiniaaloii Hotiae; undoubted aecurity. Addruae MON Mtlll I'll, Herald otlice. \\/' AN'I KD?\ GOOD HtrsiNES.S MAN, \\ t I'll PRlTvi ?T to $5(10, to Join lit good paying bnalneaa, Adareaa Mrx. MlHIItK, Herald Uptown Br itieli otlico. WILL ESIABUSH ANY SMART MAN IN A >)\' money making ktuaineas, by which they can uuru $2T> weokly, year round; no ped<liiiiL'. It AfLDING, ?S1 Bi iadway. Antt/\ wiu", "seci;re iialk intkrest in "a good eimh liitsineaa, loeatud nn Broadway. AU ?MTOWN, lierald ollieo A7Hjl will but k half intbrbst in a Bcat^ O I I t\J ueaa pay In.' #4<v? per month ; Hock will foot up $1,1**1. Apply at I7;t Broadway, room ?!, A1 r| ti \" WILL BUY A WELL PAYING NBWS and S'atinnory Store; eatabliilied 24 years. Addreae ii. K. r., ninM ?ffico. (Jjl 4)(W\ -partner ? wanted; in A '4-YEAR ?Pl.wl'V'. uatatillnlicd La^or and Wine Builneaa, on the Bowery; owner has two other saloons requiring Ills atten tiou. Address EN ) KRI'RISE, Herald ollic*. jlA/t -PARTNER wanted in a bYsiness /l/l/. established thirty yeari; the party must not objnet to Koiu^ to Calll'ornia and Australia: a rare chaneo with a reliable inau. Answer, for one week, to A. II. C., Norrietown, Pa. iiiui TO ?IV*XX?BSTABLliihED COAL AND Peed btialneaa: certain, aato nppoitnnity; low tor cash or nould exchau^e for free improved property; it seribe property oilerod. Addreaa box No, 3.U51 Post oflle*. (J> I - ||(1|) IN THE WHOLESALE MILLINERY b'laineaa; partner wauted In a vood house liavint; ? valuable truile and the best ol conucctiou*. Apply to GRIGGS k CARLETON, us Broadw ay. COCHRAN, M'LEAN & CO. It was rumored on (he street yesterday that the well kDown Liouso o( Cocnrau, McLean & Co.\ importers and jobbers of dry goods, of Nos. 46'.', 404 and 400 Broad way, had Tailed, aud tho report creatod great excitement in the dry Roods trade and among business men gen erally, as tho bouso is ono of the largest in tbo city. L'pon inquiry, ut tho store, however, a ropresentativo of the lirui stated that the rumor was untrue and prob ably gained looting from the fact that the tlrni intended to retire Irom business, lie asserted that tbey could pay tbeir liabilities iu lull. Thus tlrni was organized in June, 1S74, being com posed ol Mes.-rs. James L. HcLkB, ileury N. Mutes ; bury and W. I). Barbour as active partners, und Messrs. Thomus Cochran und William Harbour us specials, with a capital ol $*00,000. Tho term ol the partnership was to be three years. Tho firm do not claim to have made any money, und are anxious to retiro, though they do lint admit any loss ami suy their capital is intact. The liabilities are thought to be about $1,&00.(M0 and | the assets $2,000,000i Tbey have be?u slow in puying open accounts for some lime past. At a meeting of the creditors ol the house a state ment was submit to*! to tboui w Inch showed that a sur plus waff commanded. But as tho market prices of the goods they have on hand are very low au extension was requested until better prices could bo obtained. The botiso bus ulways done a mouthern trudo and has suffered many losses which would buve overwhelmed a less (irmly fouuded house. Its paper bus varied m ! value, but, us a lule, has been heavy. A year ago. i however, it sold at seven and eight per cent per an ?? nutn. There seems to be little or no doubt among tho | trade thai Cochran, Mcl.ean At Co. will pay every cent, | principal and interest, that they owe. PACIFIC MAIL INVESTIGATION. Tho civil suit of 1'aciQc Mail against Richard Irwin was continued yesterday before reloree K B. Brownoll, Wall street. Mr. Irwin was represented by bis counsel, William II. Scott, and Mr. ltennott and ox-Judge Yanderpoel conducted the examination for Pacific Mail The first witness examined was Samuel A. Hatch, who was called to rebut somo of the evidence given by Irwin. The witness stated that be bad never been employed by Hlockwoll btat only by Irwin, Irom whom he received $ lit,&00 in payment lor Ins services , as a ''parliamentary law)or" ut Washington Ufthts ; sum $11 .600 was paid alter (be passage ot the subsidy ! bill, lie slated be was not employed on the recotn J momiation of Rulus Hatcn, nor was be rotated to that gentleman. but was employed solely by Mr. Irwin, who bad Agreed to pay linn certain sums ol money lor his lnlluencc with Senators and members of Congress, over twenty o( shorn ho ha'i approached, either directly or indirectly. Vkos ssked wuat he bad douo bo staled, "I did the very best 1 could ; talked about It und presented (he quCstion of the subsidy in the very best light i could, showing and explaining bow many advantages would accrue to the maritime inter ests ol the country by ii s passage.'' T be wu nest 'de clined to state what i ther meaus he usod, saying, "1 may want to get a patent ami should not like to di vulge the process. " The $11,A00 cbeok, be stated, was sent io him by Irwin irom the Holluian House, and on calling ut No. 17 Broad street he lounil it in au cut el I op<?. slid had it cashed lit tho firm ol ltulus Hatch, but | bad nothing whatever to do with bun in Ibui transi tion. Several other witnesses had been subposMNL but *ere unable to come, so this investigation was postponed to next Tueaduy at tour o'clock. THE FIliS ' COMMI.S8lON.EliS. A resolution VSS yesterday Introduced In (no Board of Aldermen by Alderman i'urroy culling upon the Governor to act in the matter ol the removal of the Kiro Commissioners at once. Alderman Hess con sidered the resolution a refit citou upon tho Governor by parties who wished io gain control of this depart mi nt. It was, iu bis opiutou, a matter that ihu llourd bad no control over, Mr. I'urroy st.itrd that tho resolution merely asked lor action on a matter that bad been in abeyance mr about iouricen months, it was oniv a request to the Governor to take tho matter up and acquit these men II th> y sre innocent. A motion to lay the matlor over was negatived, ami, after somo lurtbvr discussion, the motion prevailed. XAKBUOEJ JL10 DUrUS. MARRIED. Aoam? Mci.son. ? on Wednesday evening June 7, 187?i, by tho Itrv. William Wjrlte, assisted by the Her. A. U. Wyno, ol Philauoiplna. Mmxair Adas to Mahy Aonkw, daughter of tbe late Uev. nr. Method, ail of this city. * w.k\ixiiidt-Asin HOfT. ?On June 7, at tbe Gilsey ! House, by tnu HuV. A. B. Carter, D. it., Joskl'il (I | Ai.kismoks, ol this city, to I.Ai KA Vikoisia, daughter A Ot tlie I a Ml staiuusi & Asbcroit, ol Cincinnati, UkM. Cmciaam wwn idaaaa w Bi:rnari>?Km hit.?In Brooklyn, on Tuesday, ; June 0. by the Rev. ?. Bell, Kdw?ki> Bernard|o Visa En mkt. So cards. Christir?Ft uiirstkr.?Ou Thursday, Jutiu 8. by the Rev. Talbol W. Chambers. O. II., William H. Ghumtib to anna Sitphks, daughter of James C. Furrosler, M. 1)., of this city. No cards. Holland? iSiTi.KU.- On Wednesday, June 7, 1S7i5, ? i the residence ol TV. H. Butler, Esq., by tho Rev. Wekxlev W. Howdisb, A. M., Hkxjamin F. Holland, of New York city, u> Win* Ella Hitlkr, ol Brooklyn. Mrkuimax? McRak.?At the Church of tne luuurna tlou, ou the 4th of Judo, by the Rev. Arthur Brooks, rector, Hiram A. Mkrkiman, of Wtllloiusport, to Marik, youngest daughter ot lion. D. K. McRue, fur inert y United Stales Consul to Parts. Morpokd?Ritc'ii.?At tho residence of tne bride's parents, May 25, by Rev. E. K. Muudy. Mr. T. P. Mott koku, of I'orlchestor, N. Y., to S. LiutJiK Hitch, of Oreenwicb, Coun. Skixah?Woli-sonr.?On Wednesday, Juno 7, at tba residence of the bride's parent*, by tbo Rev. J. 1. Lyon*, Franklin M. Srixas to Adrlr, daugnter ol Edward Wollsohn, Kdi| Sruot'LLa?Ribika.?On Wednesday, Juno 7, at New Rocbeile, by the Rev. R. U. Morgan. assisted by tho Rev. E. W, Peet, William R. SmoiLLS, of Now York, to Euornir. daughter ol Mr. Eladlo Rubira. Van Wixkli:?Mitckrll.?on Wednesday, Juno 7, at Asceusion church, earner 5th uv. and 10th SL, by itie Rev. Ur, Samuel Cooke, assisted by the Rev. l>r. John Cotton Smith, Kuxaiikth, daughter of the Mod. William Mitchell, to Edgar B. Van Wixiclb. Wood?Cixkixuham.?on Wednesday, June 7, at tin residence ol tbo bride's par on la, by Rev. C. 3. tlar rower, Marion F. Wood to Km ma F. Cixnixuuax, daughter of William J. Cunningham, all ol tins city. No cjirds. Wood?Pa Pitiscit?On Thursday, June 8, at tho West Twenty-third street Presbyterian church, by tho Rev. KrHkiue N. Whlto, 1). I>., Frkdkrick W. Wood and Addik 1. 1)k Bruyn I'kixck, daughter of Maurice C. lie Bruyn Prince. No cords. DIED. Bauuktt. ? Ou Wednesday, Juno 7, Klkaxob, wife of Thomas Barrett. The luuerul will take place from tho residence of her brother, Washington Ryur, - 185 3d a v., ou Saturday, at twelve o'clock Tho Iricuds of the family are in vited to attend the funeral Hkoukm.?On Weduosduy, Juno T, Globus Brooks, aged 79 yours. Relatives and friends are invlted to attend tbo luno ral, from his late residence, Huveuswood, Long Island, on Friday, June !>, at three 1*. M Vernon avenue carj connect with Jauios slip and Thirty-lourlb street ferries. Bkownk.?On Juno S. 1S"6, Obrtib Rom, only daugh ter of Harvey 11. and Nellie Browno, agod 7 years and 3 months. Funeral from tbo rosldenco of her parents, 100 fticki si., llrooklyn, on Friday evening, ul balf-pa?t seven o'clock. Relatives and friends are luvltod to attend. Albany papers copy. Brctox?CawsrofiiCR Hitt'To.v, a natlvo of county Wostmeulli, parish of Stroauistown, Ireland, inthedftth year ot bis age Funeral will take place from his lato residence, 1,188 2d a v., Friday, Uth in?t., at half-post one P. M. Tho frionds of tbo faimlv are invited to attend Ci.ahk.? Oil Wednesday, Juno 7, A tut am B. Clark, aged Ovi. Funeral services at the Moravian church. Lexing ton av. and 30th st., on Saturday, Juno 10, at eleven o'clock. Donaldson?Mrs. Catiikkink Doxaldsox, tbo widow of thu lato John Oonaldsou, in the 54th yenrof lior |ge. The relatives and friends of tho lunnly aro roupeci lully invited to attend her funeral, from lior lato resi dence, 122 West 37th St., on Saturday, Juue 1!), at two P. M. Doylk.?in llrooklyn, ou Thursday, June 8, Patrice Doylk, aged 4ti years. Relatives and Iriuuds of the lamlly aro Invited to at tend tho funeral, Iroin his late residence,- No. 173 Sackett sL, on Saturday. Juno 10, nt leu o'clock A. M.; thuueo to St. l'eter's church, comer of lltcks aud War ren streets, where n solemn mass of rci|Ulem will b? oflored lor his sou!; I bonce to tho Cemetery ot tin Holy Cross, Flulbusli, lor ;nicrmeui. Kuukkt.?Alter a short Illness, John K Eubkrt, U tho 79th year ol his age. Funeral services at Hodlord street M. K. church, Friday, at llvo o'clock P. M. Relatives and irlends art resiteclfultar invited to attend. Fai.l.?.\l the residence of her pHi-cnts, 50 9th st, HoUoken, on Wcduesday, June 7, 1870, Makv A., tho beloved duurhler ol' Gee. A. aud Mary E. Fall, aged 23 years, 8 moulhs and 22 days. The relatives and iricuds of tho family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, the 11th lust., ul three o'clock 1*. M., Iroin the First Presby terian church, corner of Hudson aud 0th sts. FaRRI.'Joton.?Thursday, Juno 8, Makv Faurixutox, widow ot ibo lutu Thomas Furrington, lu the 08th yea* of Iter of*. Notice of funeral Ucreufior. Fiskk ?On Tuestlay, Juno 0, of pneumonia, Mast E.. wife of Alexander H. Fiske. Relatives aud friends on he family uro respectfully In vited to attend the luueral, ou Friday, 9th lust., at three o'clock P. M , from her late residence, No. M Pro^pi'ct place, Brooklyn. l'rovldeueo (R. I.) papers please copv. Fclmkr.? On Monday, June 5, Hkxriktta, wife of Henry Fulmer, aged 57 years. Relatives and friends of the family arc ros{>ectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from her lute residence, 331 East 84lli st, on Frlduy, tho 9th ItiBt., at ouo o'clock. (ioT/K.?On Wednesday, June 7, at ono o'clock A. M., Anna Makii:. yoougest daughter of John and Mane Oot/o, tiged 10 yoar^, 10 months and 7 days. Rotative* and friends, also members of Unitod Brother Lodge", F. and A. M., No. 35(1, and Ba-rd Riug stedter Social Club, are respectfully invited to attend tbo fuucrul, inim her lato residence. No. 54 Vandain hl. New York, ou Fndav, June 9, ul two o'clock P. M. precisely. Git kink.?At Washington Ilelchts, Juno 8, of diph theria and croup, Mai i>k KboUHC, dauirhlvr of Ricbanl H. aud Ucrtrude Mun&on Greene, aged 0 years aud 6 tnoiiiits. Fuueral services at the Washington Heights Proshy. ! ten in church, Sunday, June 11, at two o'clock P. M. New Haven papers please copy. i Jknnkv. ?At Port ol Spain, Trinidad, on May 22, | Fkam is U. Jkx.niiv, K. M., ot Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 24 I years and 11 month*. Johnson.?On Wednesday, June 7. at his lato reel ! deuce, 105 Fori Greene p.ace, Brooklyn, Samcki. 1'., son of Leonard L. Johu?oq, in the 2jth year ol his ago. Fum ral services will laku place at the Hanson place Methodist Episcopal church, Hanson place, corner St. Felix kL, ou Friday, the Uth Inst,, ut luur o'clock P. M. Interment at .MwrllHiiough, Monmouth couuty, N. J., on Suturduy, the 10th Inst., at eleven A. M. Mackay.?Ai Stunwich, Coun., June 0, Dr. Utaa : Mackat, In bis 70th year. Friends of the lumlly are respectfully invited to at tend tho funeral, at his late residence, ou Friday. Juue 9, Rt balf-pMt ono o'clock 1'. M. Carriages at Green wich ou the arrival of the 10:l0 train Irom Grand Cen tral depoL Maxukvillk. ? On June 7, after a short Illness, Captain , Mohkh S. Maxukvillk, iu the both year ot bis age. Friends of tho lamlly are Invited to attend the fu neral, Irom his late residence. No. 108 Dovoo IW, Brooklyn, K. I>., ou Friday, Juue 9, at two o'clock. Elizabeth (N. J. I papers please copy. Mki.ks.?At L'niou 1111, N. J.,Jutie 0, 1870, Hamii# tox V., Jr., sou of Hamiltox Y. and Euretta E. Meoks, aged 15 days. Interred at Greenwood. Morris.?On thu 7th met, Jams Morris, aged 1 yeai | and 10 days. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at ! tend the funeral, Irom tho residence ol her parents, 478 | loth av.. lo-duy, at two o'clock; thence to Calvary | tjpmcirry. M<FAki.AXR.?Thursday evening, at her residence, 1 No. 234 East 84th sl, EUxa, wllo of Duncan McPar I lane. Notlcool funeral lu Saturday s papers. I McGkk. ?On Wednesday. Juno 7, Jaurs MoOil. aged 67 years, native of coumy Tyrone, Ireland. The funeral will laku plar.o from his lalo residenoe, No. 109 Mott st., this (Friday) afternoon, at oirt o'clock. The relatives aud Irlends of tho lamlly aH | iuvitud to attend. j McGi'ikr.?On Thursday, June 3, Miciiakl McOuirr, ; son ol Mlctiaol and llauiuh ilcUuare. The relatives and IricnU* ol the family are invited te attend the luneral, on Saturday, June 10. from tbo resi dence of his parents, 102 lOili av., ul two o'clock. O'Coxnkr.?At Richmond Hill, Jumaica, Long Island, suddenly, on Wednesday evening, 7th June, Miciiakl O'Coxsiii. in the 44m \ear of his age. The relatives and friends ol ihe family are respeofr fully Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, Junt 10, at ten o'clock A. M., Irotn St. Monica's Komat Catholic church, Jamaica vlllago, without fnrthor lit i vitatlott. * H< iiooXmakru.?At Woodbrnlge, N. J., June 8, Hixm SciKMiNMAKKii. in ibe 74ib year of his age. Relatives aud Irteuds aro respectfully invited to at I lend the funeral, from his late residence, on Saturday, at two o'clock P. M. l'r.iins leave toot of Chambers st at I o'clock. hcoriKMi.?At Fishklll, on the Hudson, on Wedneaday morning, Juno 7, Wii.i.iam R. Scon tit.n. aged 48 yeara. llis friends are invited to attend tits, Iron tho residence of his brother in law, DuHols Brinrfcof* holt, ut Vishktil, 011 the Hudson, on Soturday, June la, ul eleven o'clock A M. Curriagea will he watting on tho arrival ol the S A. M. triiin irom New York. Smith.?1 in I ueaday, Juno 0, Axdkkw Smitb, aged 44 yoais and 6 months. The funeral will take place iroin his late residence, corner 01 Broadway and 12.nh st, lo St jMcph'f, M innaiiaiiv.He, and thence to Calvary Oeme> tery. on Friday morning, at tan o'clock. smith ?On Thursday, June 8, suddenly, of heart d lo ons'', J amis Smith, aged 5<J v.mrs. Fuueral trom his lalo roet lenee, 109 Summit st, 1 South Brooklyn, on Saturday, Juno 10, at two P. if. Swirr.?on We ine. day, Juuo 7, Jambs Uwirr, aged 10 years, 3 months ind 3 day*. The relatives and trlen>l? of the family ate respect I fullv invited to attend tho luneral, from the rcsidenca of bis uncle, f raud* switt, No. 44& Bedford av., thll (Fiulsyi nltcruoou, at two o'clock. Iailrr.?-on Thursday morning, June 8, Jamrs T. Tailkr, son of ibe lato Edward N. Taller, In the 80th year 01 his ugo. Relatives and friends are Invited lo attend the fun* I neral services at the Church of tbe Ascension, 6th av., I corner ol I'Mh it., ftaturdsy afternoon, at thrM 1 o'cioek without further not-co. I VaX Uodts.n?On Wednesday, 7th last., Ada K , I wile ol W. B. Vim Houten. Funeral services at her ,ato residence, No. i?l Waal l&tli st., on Friday, '.*ib Inst, atone o'eloek P. M. Watkixsox.?At his reoidenoe, Oseawana, on MM Hin.sou. June 7, KsoronOA. Watkixsox. Heiatives and friends are invited to attend hit funeral, on Saturday, at eleven A. M Carriages will he in w iiimg at Oscawaaa depot for the 9:11 train. New Yoric. ? u 11.1.1 ams. ?On Juno 7, lUancaA Williaus, agod !? years. Friends and relatives are invited to nMoni the fun* era I. Irom her late reatdsuoe, tu IMI (in ni, M ont ^a'oioek, on Jfrxlnb Jaaw lb