Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 14,537. . NEW YORK. SATURDAY. JUNK 10, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIKUOTOKY tOU a l>VKUXlSSKiiS. AMUfEMENTB??D Plot ? Ut and 2d colt. ASTROLOGY?12th Pack?till) col. BILLlARDs-12ni Pack-titli col. BOARDER* WANTED 2D t'ACK-3d eol. BO Alt I' AND LODGING WANTED?2n Pa?SR?3d col. BOO IS AND SHoKS? 12th PACK-Sdool. BROOKLYN BOARD?2n Pack?M col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-lW PACk-5th col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-Oth Pauk. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii PACK-5tb aud Btli eol*. CITY REAL ESTATE FOK SALE-Ist Pau*-5Ui col. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th Pauk?2d col. CLOTIIING-12th 1'AUK-Sd col. _ t , C< >AsTW IhE STEAMSII1 Pr>?12th Pack-4th ud 5th col*. COUNTRY BOA It D?2d Pack?3d c*L DENTls'I KY?12tii Pack-UiIi col. DISY OOODS-Ut Pack?MIi eol. DWELLING HOUSES To LET. furnished 1ND UNFURNISHED?1? PAUK-?th eol. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12tu Pauk?4th col. EUROPE?2n PA6K-2d col EXCURSIONS? 12th Pauk?5th and tith col*. FINANCIAL?'t?ni Pauk. FOR SALE?12th Pauk?8th col. furnished ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 1st Pack?Btli col. rURMTUMK? 12th PAC?-2deol. , , HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12t* Pack? 1st and 2d colt. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PAU?:-2d eoL HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?1st PAUK-3d. 4th and 5th col*. HOTELS?2d Pack?3d eol. , HOUSES. ROOMS. AC., WAXTED?1(1 P AO*?3th col. INSTRUCTION?12th Pack-:id col. LKGAL NOTICES?2d Pack-2U col. LOST AND FOUND-Ist Pack-2d col. II aOHINERY-12th Pack?t'th eol. MARBLE MANTELS? 12th Pack-2d col, MEDICAL?12th Pack??th c?l. ^ , MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?In PAOK-^th cot miscellaneous ADVfcRTISEMKNTS-l?>M Pack? Gth eol. MISCKl.LANEO US?1st PACK-Oth eoL MUSICAL-2D Pack?2d col. NEW PUBLI CATIONS?7tii Paok??th col. PERSONAL?Imr Paok?lit col. PIANOFORIBs, oROANS. AC.?2d Pack?2d col. POST OFFIUrf NOTICE?2d Pack?Itb col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?l?t eol. . _ PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR BALE OB TO RENT? 1st Pauk?5th col. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?lw Paok?5th and St cols. REAL ESTATE WANTED?Imr PAOK-?th col. religious NOTICES- 1st Pack?1st and 2d coll. REWARDS?1 ?* Pack?2d col. SALES AT AUCTION?12TII l*ACK-3d col. SITUATIONS W A NTTiD?FEMALES?12th Pack-lit eoL SITUATION'S WANTbl)? MALES?12th Pack?2d col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack?2d and 3d coli. SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS. AC.?1st Pack?3d coL STORAGE?I2tii Pack 2d col. SUMMER RESORI'S?2l> PAUK-Ud and 4th eols. THE TRADES? Pack?"d cot. THE TIJKF-Ist Pack?3d col. TO LET FOK BUSINESS PURPOSES?1st Pack?6ih col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDF.-12TH PAWi-Sth ool. unfurnished ROOMS and APARTMENTS TO let? 1st Pack?Btli col. WANTED TO PUKCIIA E-12TH PAGK-3dcol. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?12TB Pack?3d col. ?WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY for SALE OB TO LET?1st Pack?5th col. yachts. STEAMBOATS. AC.?lOrn PA0K-6th eol. PERIUIAli. 'i's YLTf M.^l ?'""YGI f" O N LY "EN E W~aCE OXEl ' for U\ letter by Tuesday next DENCE. A" RTIIUR?COME TO YhE AROYLE SOCI AL SO?rle to-night; something to toll you. MAUDE K"?*. IpALL JUVER BOAT~LAST SATURDAY NlttHT.?IF agreeable will lady send ti?r address to gentleman who escorted lier to late supper? Address STATE ROOM 42. Herald Uptown Branch office. J- AMES MORTON.?RETUEN TO YOUR MOTHER Friday. MORRIS. JESS E?meet MB AT carnival DANCE THIS evening at Rink, U3d at. and 3d av. HORACE. J ACON.?TO-day.~~.AT~l7~:i\ MYRTLE AVENUE car, thursday EVENING? Will charming little triend who alighted at Tliroop av. |>eruilt the gentleman she recognized an houorahla Inter view ; Address L. STEWART. Herald o.tice. Mil. OHIKKIN?CONFER A FAVOR BY SENDING his address to M. J. LANE, No. l.tMJl Poplar st. , Mi1C"tHORPE?CALL OR SEND ADDKES& ' LULU DkVKRE. Neptune house, rockaway reach, ply mouth Rock excursion, Keuatta, June K? lent, I ho person in hlack who said "I tear you will become tired." by sending address, witli some n or recognition (in strict conildence), to VEkITAS, box 150 Herald office, will learn whut reuar?tlon may bo due to on* who tears that the "lost" cau nover be lound. S<) PII IE?EVERYTHING ARRANGED FOR THE Great Argyle Shadows, Monday night. WHITE TIE. fPHURSDAY EV EN1 N~G.?1YOUNO ~tl t NTLEMAN AT J. end ol' orchestra r w would like to make the acquaint 5>cc ol young lady iu dark suit who sat three rows beUiud . flid to bis right. Please address, stating theatre to avoid? mistake. D.. box 151 tierald office. TU E S D AY, O NE?SAM E~ AS USUAl- MUtUI obliged. SURPRISE. V17 O RT H Y. ?A M FEELING VERY ANXIOUS f T about >ou : write m - Friday, appointing Interview for Saturday alternoou ; usual addre>s. J. M. K WORTHY"?MEET YOUR TRUE FRIEND TO-DAY 11 (Saturday), sauio time and pUra us last Saturday. Be sure. ? J. M. WU?? WISHES TO ADOPT A LITTLE HOY FROM lour weeks old 7 Call at US Bayard it. 12. 3.?(?LAD TO TlAVE SEEN~YOU. THOUGH AT ? a dlitance._ Send mo your aadress. ~ R eli gio tr^oncEh. WAsiiiNtnoN soXTark" methodist * EPISCO JY pal churcu?Kev. William Lloyd, pa tor; mornlitg, "Mi* Walk to Emmaus;" evening, "lhe Night March Through the Sea." Mrangers welcom*. All saints' "protesi ant"episcopal chukch. Rev. William Dnnnell, rector, Henry St.. corner of bcanitucl. New York,?services ovory Sunday morning at 1U :3t) and every uunday eveuing at 7:30. The rector will preach. America\ rr'k?1;hl'rch, university build ini-, Wiishln ton square.?Rev. C. P. McCarthy, morn ing. 11 o'clock, "nlu and Suffering: Their Uses Here and Hereafter'." evening, n o'clock, "The Dootn or Judas." AT SPRING STREET PKE>UYIERlAN CHI Rt'lfTiiB Rev. Allred 11. Moment, ot Princoton College, will preach Snhbutii morning at H):3?A. M. subject. "Who is My Neiglibor." All are welcome. Seals tree. Young people's prayer maetlnr at 7 :4.*> I'. M. T PLIMPTON IIAU.. ?ril ST nFaK 3D AV." Filth Univer**llst Society. ?"?'Mldr?a ? Nunday, June II. The address and services will be appr- priale to rbiidren Welcome. ? BEREA'N BAPTIST Clll M4 II tV'tXm BED , ford aud Downing sts. Preacl.i** as a.uai by the f.astor. Rev. L. G. Barrett, next Si.B lajr u...r?l?g, I Ith list., at 11.1:30, and ai 7 :4& 1*. M. All ai* r.odial J welcome, A'sSt ?C IATIOK OF spiritualists. llAltVAHl) Rooms, Resen oir Park.?Mr. J. V. Mansfield, the re nowned medium, will give tests at H I*. M. Conference at 2,la All invited. BIHLK PKKAt'li I Nu.? BIS HI >P KNOW, THE RE storer, will preitch in the Medical College, i it. and 4th ?<.. on Sunday, at 3 I'. M. Suuject"What the Scrip ture* Tench Concerning Impending Mignty Event*;" strang er* welcome. i} LKRCKRK STREET UNIVKK8aLIST CHURCH.? JJ Her. r. H. Kay will preach to-morrow, morning hoi! evening, at 10:13 anil 7:45 o'clock. C"VaiLdki.n'? oay.?alllx strict mkthoout / fepisconal cliurrh, betw?rn Oelaucey and Hiviiiirton. Morning?Preaching by Kev. Bishop Janes. Evening?Ad dresses by llev. John M. Keid. 1). 1). ;.llev. James Porter O. 1) : J. Mumlell, Esq.: U. J. Ilnme, Kui . and by the pas tor. Rev. Charles K. Harris. Singing by tbeihildren. Heats free. (VuURCil "or our saviour. NEAR U8TU HT~ab J ??.-Kev. D. M. McCaffrey will preach at 1U:3<JA. M. and 7:3(11'. M.: subject, "I lie trinity." (t H RI ST OH L Rjli.&fnTvUTToRNEU aim ST.-RKV. J Dr. Jared H. Klaggwill preach moruiug and evening: HTvlM A. M..7:?r. M. /M1CRCU OK OUR SaVIOI R V (blxth l"i Irersalist Society), r?7tli >t., iic?r 1th ?v , James M. Pu.iinan, pa-tor. "Ohlhlrtu'e Sunday" morning nervlee at 11 o'clock. Chri?i king and dedication o( children and a sermon to children. Kiftilns at 7 45. ' Keeping Back Part oftho Price." I MUI.IM I N S sIMi.tY il BERKMAN HILL"*RTH .hi.s- I- puevpal church, Kan Siith at.?Preaching by llri W ill Tltuuiaa: morning. "Children's Rights;" uven in. t? the yoang. "Aims In Life;'- afternoon. at a, ibmnt mriw hjr the ?hiidren. C'lil KCH OK THE UOLV TKINITV, MADISON AV* I and 2d st. Iluura of aerrire 10',' A. M. and 4 P. M. r.'ev. Mention II. Tyng, Jr., D. 1*.. will preach iu the morn l"te? W. Humpstone will giro ? Rililo Reading in tho after *?on. V..ung Man'? Prayer Meeting ?? fljtf P. M. Tiietiospel Tent will bo opened on :<tth *t. and 1th av. in Hie evening at 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., *111 preach. t~1 KXfitAlT'ilF.TIIOOIST r.PMCOPAL C(IUHCH.1th / ?v., near 1 th n ?Rev. J. It. Vincent. I). Is., will preach at A. M The p??tor, Rev. C. rt. narrower, will preach at 7,t P. M ? n "l? Win-key King iu New Vol* and Are W e All .subjects." All are welcome. B" 1RKK T AKKKXAll.K V KTHOOIST fcPfgCOPAl. thnreli, West (4th it., between 7tU mid Hth av*.. Iter. ). Jo lis, pa-tor.?A reunion service l.ovo Keant at ? A. M. | preaching at lH;:to A. M . by Kev. U- s. Ilare. I>. II. , sab- 1 taib School at ^ P. M. ; Sacrament at 3 I' M.; general I prayer meeting at H :.10 P. M.: platlorni meeting at 7 45 P. { M. i'he Rev. Bishop Jane*. Or*, t'r twtord. Hare. MrKown, J. B. Cornell, II. M. r Waaler. Howel*. lolgaie and B. D. L | Hoiitberland, K?]s.. are expected to take part. No special coiloetlon. ITirfH ATBXOE BAfTlMT CHURCH, WTM "*T., DR. Artniiage, pm>tor.?Morning subjeet? "Ibe Live I'oal on tlie l.lp." Evening (Or. Pattoni subject?"Itell^lou and the stute." VIRXT MkroRMBO rpmcopal ciTinttJii, ?a!>i?oj? r av., forner of .7th M.?Oivme services at lt?:MOA. X. and 71+-> P. M. The rector, William T s?i.ino. will preach. y?RKR BAPTIST CHURCH. 2?.?rH sT.. XEaRUTH AV.? I? Hev. Mr Kowell, pantnr. will preach at lU'j o'cloea and 7l, o'clock. Subject .???Worldly I'm lonee." UAKI.h >1 IMVI.H-Al.lsr OlifUCII." I.TTll ST.. Kev. J. A. seiii. Mater.?'To-inerrow, II A. M.. Addre.i 0 clihil lren : 7:15 P M.. "What i? i uiversnlism ?' UTIIAMR MII.I.KK, h*<J? OK Cl?i:i.\> AI I. . Will 'Peak numluy evenhto the 11th net., iu 7', u'cioek. imuiediatel) ntter the aervii r-j.iir, at -\?>ocia (ion Hall. RKV. JAMKs M. KIMti, PAKTOH. WILL PRhAi ll Tx the II|.?. ttiug !n III! M .1 oh . > fcrthodial hpi?ropal rhnrt'h 'Jfct ?i . near iiruadway. and in th evening suea* on ? h? MHlill !<??? sMl I he 11 htuoreemeiM ' K'~ KV. uus. hakrkN RAXOtiLPU AND THUKM t r.-wiliT OTI irl<lrc?? Hrpotlyn ftkmU} rtehonl I'ni.Mi llonday evening litll: iUnmn place Mitlt.Hltat ennroh. 1 ??*l MKcreMlug sln?hi*wierelwe? 1?KV. ?\m1 Kl. M. IIAMII.TOX "frtL?i*iu(.u*u 1* IV M iHtl Pre?ln lerian tlnnih. Mtlint. nenrtStli av., to ?..rn>?. at A M. and 4 P. M. ? |> TU. U. M'CA*PI?KU. WIuri'KKAni IX fllK It M??i? ?" "Venue Iteliwim-d ehnrrh. corner ."VTln it., on , ???4av. stilA.M.1 ail wen RKUUIOCR HOTICK?. REV. W. P. HATFIELD PASTOR or Till. KI?iH tienlli street Mctbodi.t K|ii?< opal church, will preach next Sunday evening uu the "Eul'irieiueut of tlx Exciso Law." QE ft VICE OF SONO.?THE YtVr.Mi MEN'S CH Rl^TlTji O Association I?r Yorkviiie will hold tlielr last service .. Song for tlit? present season to-morrow. between 4 and I\ M.. at Parepa Mall, corn a r M? tl, ?t. ,u,d :id av. Mr L. P. Tliitilu?r, louder ?l the Hippodrome choir, will have charge i.r tliu singing. A cordial invitation la extended to all. in cluding meuiberi of II ? IIippodromo choir. Stam-o.n si ekeI baptist ohurch.-hev. J. a.' l-reeman wilt preacii at 111? A. M. The pa.tor will preach at 7 :4ft P. M. Subject "Salvation by Keith." M ranger* invited. Buptiiiu after eveuiug service. SIXTH AVENUE REFORMED IMH'KIMI.-KEV. Wvf. H. Meriitt. piutor. will preiich morning anil evoninje. J'raise meeting ?t H>.j -P. \l. All art* welcome. OT. THOMAS' CHURCH. CORKER OK OTtf AV. AND O 53d at.? Rev. Or. A. F. Morgi.?, Rector; He*. Frederick Courtney, Aialitatit Miniater; services t lirougbout the asm mer; Sunday morning at ln?4. afternoon at 4. fPUK 008PKL TENT, J. 34th at.. West, and uear lib ir, (creeu eari or Thirt*-r??rth street line paa* the tent.) ? OPKNINO KEKVICES. 8LNOA\, 7:45 P. M.?Preaching by the Rev. Stephen H. JytiK, Jr. MONDAY, 8 P. M ?Meeting of new convorta. Tr jfinWa^phe?,"' Tyi,?' Jr- 0,h*? TlKSDaV.K P. M.-Preaching by Rev. R. Jeffrey, O. D? of Urookhc. WEDNESDAY, 8 P. If.?Preaching by Rer. W. Hum? ?tune. * ^THURSDAY, 8 P. M.?Preaching by Rer. R. R. Booth, FRIDAY. 8 P. M.?Preaching by Rct. W. Llord. ? 8iAJkK^AY'8.P." H ?r Christian worker! to be led by L nele John \ assur. Singing every evcuing by Thoraaa E. Perklna and a chorui. Seats fr e to nil. R Hpe'lWnT,i A,Ss",X,!h*JS?- 20l*eJ! ?nJ Addren K. r. W1I4LIA Mh, No, 4M Kast 4JI el. t outributions to the support or ihe?e services may be ?em to K. L. OWKXS, Treasurer. No. 46 Kast 43d at. rnillRTY KOURTH ~*TRRKT KKPOUMKD CHURCH. ?l Htli n v., llev. Carlos Murtyn, pastor.?'Divine service Sunday. 11th iiiat., .it H>i, v. j|.; evening service at -^ o'clock, coiuuieuciag with praise meeting, leu by Mr. L. r. inuteher. TABERNACLE BAPTIST chrIrch, :,v~av. be". tweou Kltl> and tlth sts.? Rev. 0. C. Eddy D.'U. of fnvUert' l"VKC" "loruln? evening. All cordially Uth iTi^T^EfHopWT^"KPhiiSiPAL ?:hlrch. R?v. J. L, Vnilll will nreacli at IO\.: aubject. 'Tie DUX nf I recioua Ointment;* hev. J. U. I.lcbtLourn 7k aubjecl, "Home." ' ' Wi>. NI"KBJ BAPTIST CHURCH.-RKV. X. A. Ueeu, I). L?., ol Iowa, ivlll preucli morninir un?l evou Ijig 8trawberrr reattval TiMd?>? iveninc Juoe 13. \ n rsur " Fikk key lost-a kire key. Nora.45lTAT r "B ? !*?> " keys: th^ name ol owner, juoniaa Hill, rwciity-iiuith praciu t. on riuv. A liberal re "y leaving It at ptilice aiatiou aotli at., near 7th av. t jOSTTMASE ? .1'V ^ A vuHI I'TS.-?ab REWARD XI ?||R1I be paid to any peraon |{ivinj{ luforniatlou leading to the recovery of h Caae. containing Mathematical Mann ?cripta. Hddreaaed to the naiue of J. J. sylve.ter. .hippe.l on board the Sella, which left Liverpool April i!2, but iiot reeeiveu on arrival. I he pnpers are of no value except to ijyjfitu ."'"T)""'.'.'1 J? l'M?" '"roieaior SYLVl.hTEll JOHNS, Hopklna tniver^ity, Kaltlmore. LOST?A DOl'ULE CASED tlOI.D CENTKE SECOND slop w atch. Any one dopositiiiK nbove at Herald office be rowar<led Ht ilu-ir own prii-f. .1, \\\ K., de?k 1. L?vr~VOWANls VaSaE imtkovkmknt BOND No. ^40, ol $1,000; the public are warned not to buy it, row Kiuder w,u pi,"# ^ Haw Yokk, May LM. 1870. j OST rkl.EORAPH STo(;K?CERTIFI0ATE NO. l.SBt AJ lor all ares Southern and Atlantic Telegraph mock in name ol If ranci* Morn*; traualer itopi ed. Pleaae return to company ? office. 51 New at. lur? L08T?ON THU .-DAY. A RED POCKETBOOK. WITH letti-r fi? on; contentii ol no value but to owner He. turn to KDWARU ,UM> IK. ^Harci ly ul "I 6iT-ftETWEEN :T^I BROADWAY AND THE J J L ulled Mttie.4 t ourt Room, new Poit oflice, Friday, June ?, a blaca Ruaaia leather Poctetbook. Liberal re w?rl1- ? H. A. HOOT. :??l Broadway. T OST-1N UOI.Y(i DOWN TOWN FROM~CENTRAL 1J depot, a gold watch Chain, with Kreloqueta end a ar-'J plain gold ttuger Uuig attuched. Lib. ral reward If re "rued to J AMES MEYER. Jr.. S7 Broad at . New York. T OST-ON Ttir BTB INST., A LADY'- WATCH WITH -w?* with diamoiida. A lih? re ward ?lll bo puld for it by 11. C. HKul.IN. ia^WilllTin at LOST-A Pot'KETBOOK, CONTAiNI.VU SOMhldONBY anil n aafe key. A aultable reward will be paid by re turning It to rt. DANNIIKIM. .VJ White .1 * L^-'riV UO,Ly BHKA8IPIN7 on THE WAY FROM 1.?j Kaat doth at. to M-cond avenue can: '"riiranv" on gruvod on the back. A liberal reward will be giveu If re turned to the ubovo said residence. "k-y: 1;I-K ,UN ti'rsoaTTven. AJ ing. 1 be Ituder will be >uitab y rewarded If returned to J. F. SWORDS. 18 Ee.t 16th ?t? after 8 P M. T oST-tN VICINITY OF 23D ST. AND 4TH AV. OR JJ r ourth avenue and Thirty-fourth at. lerrv car. a black* morocco leather Pocket boo*, remaining papera. twenty tlollur bill, 1 two dollar bill and aorar change. By returning tlie lame to 118 Eaat Utttii at. the tiuder will be mitably re warded. LOST?A SKYE TkltRIER DOO. ANSWERS TO THE* uaineoMobej A liberal reward will be paid by lear iug it at 54 Wee; J-d st. LOST?!>? WALL ST.. BETWEEN PEARL AND Wllr llain. an Acccptance ot Carplea 4: Kun lor *71 17 h* tuieeilayi tight. The tinder will be aultably rewarded bv returoini; Haiue to oa'iierM. ' OUARAMTINE STATION. CLIFTON, sTi.-RAFT~OK olAN'i'iTLllj0,'lBU"'' Picked up. Auguat US, by JAML8 UEWAHDs. $10 'owapfxew: ^iixnnxmrsE&r. yV w.h',.0Lbre*rt. "nd helitud paw?. dlaappeared I alt Sunday. 141 ha?t -Ud it., near Lexington ae. (J*in REWARD.?LOST. FROM NO. W WE8T a3D vly ?t.. May 3W, a aniail Skye Terrier Slut; weigha about ft pound!; auawer* to the name of Jlpplo Call at above number or Ht* Mercer it. $\>n R THK two-pTcturks TaKEN FROM i i "f1 v' :t(Hh A propurtlonaie reward for the other articles. .No questions asked. d?7C REWAKD.?LOST, at the astor house <P ' O lune tt. gold Matrh. atem winder. No. iKIMMu' date* 18 earat, manufactured by American W atch Comp'anv' a g it from a near relative; hai Maaonlc emblem attached > y black cord. 1 be above reward will be paid and no *uea tioua aaked on reluming It to HENR. Of TEN, A.tor Hour* oDice. ? $1(W) kkward.-lost. at the orand central Vioo depot. I hundav evening, Juue H, ? ? ntleiuau a open lace, item-winder, red told Match, with lettera J H B In monogram ou back, wltli Locket and Chain attached N.i queanoilaaaked il returned to No. -JU7 6th av., between 8 49/)() REWARfKAND NO QUESTIONS ASKED IF article- taken from liouae Enat UUth at the af ternoon of lit, aro returned to I. W. Johnson, Orand it. " uPEfut" iVoTicasS. A? A.?ALL PRIZhA CASIIKD IN COLDAT'TIUS . oflice. Ihird l.ouialana gold diatribution .New Orleani, July ????>, 1H7II. Capital priie jlta'l.liaj gold !t :i,."iKl prliea amounting to $502,000. att.O O ticketa Wi currency. Couuom In proportion. Ai'ply lor iiilorniation *c.. to MlLI.IAMaOV m. rn broker.. 317 Broadway. Poit office box 6 U6W. " A?PARKS, EMEKSON A oTT ??? . Kentucky State Lotteriei. drawn dally Royal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 (leva. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, ilrawn June 24, 187a. i rliea caalioil, liirorinatlon rurni.hed and circular. Ira. JS0 Broadway. I'oit oDIre box. 5,a72 New York. A?FlRsf'PRizk, #HMaMXI COLD." ~~ ? ? Main drawing ol the Ducal Hnm.wick Oovernment Lottery rrom May 111 to June il. |N7U. Lt?,.'ai(l ticket*. price a. Kovai Havana Lottery. _ Next nrawing.1 une Itl. Is7tl Full explanatory circulars f'ce. h , .t? ? ?. THEODORE ZSCUOCH, _Box ...MM 1 oat oOice. 1 lti Naaaaii si.. New York. B All diseases ok the blood and nervous ?y?tcm (rented wocceaefully. end uermauent cure* K it tt ru tit it <*ti. Consultation free, Dr. \VK>1'S oid estab lished ofllce, 4ft Hleecker it.. ueur liroudway. ArfKMtfoN - 1'U Yh \i;> nil s> i a N in is I* it a ET k \ perieuce: disease* ol men in nil it* launches; uUodl? ?a?et of tlie hkiti a specialty: consultation free. Dr. JACO BY, 101 Hlceikernt. Allen a co., nahsau nr., nkw yokk.-wy (miiiiilt Lottery draws thin day : capital prise fVMXit; $J00.<iU0 distributed ; tickets $1, G for $??; prices ca?bed. A -ISAAC U. HOWE, 207 BROADWAY, LAWYKK.? ? Divorce* obtnined promptly, without publicity; deser tion. incompatibility. habitual <irniikc unc s*. in delliy. in bum mo treatment, conviction of felony. Purport* obtained. B -KENTUCKY MATE LOTt?KIE* OF J. H. SMITH A t o. KKXTtcxr-xxruji t'Uit -IHI ton 1*76. 38. 42. 04, 2. \ "H. 75. lij. *??, K, 17. ftO. Rxmciv-cuM 4w row 1H7U. 5, 4U. 4*. 7.">, ;>*. ii7. 72. 77. 16, Ml. 42. ?:?, 7H. Ail orders attare?s 11. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Post office box 4,o7<> New Yore clt?. otan it" electric cm'hkkvt"'appliTvO iiy~a thorough practitioner. UItt hint 3Ut st. ADlilAN ADAMS. C'KKMK DE I.A CKKME.?"A ? KIN op BRAl'TV A J joy lorecer." Every wommi ihoum lie beautiful, Just ** every man ?b<'uld be tlutiful But no tvotuuu. however ele gantly formed or spienditily developed, chii be beautiful uiiIvm Iter "human i*?* > ivine * in ire? Irom an nput or blemish. Ami this te tfce case a lib ver> lew women. A clear, brilliant. tr*iu?p?rert complexion is the rarest tiling in the w rhl. end t.?e tn*?M iie?ir?b?e. But there is How. rluce Dr I H-.LIX UOt'KAl D iBVi nted tin Oi'l h N i AL CREAM, or M V<il? AL no r?u*.-o whs any lady should not have ? couplexioii *? eteur and Might *s enst*! Nmwu ii certain pre** utatite against ireckles, tan. pimples, 4t*e?i? r u?n? mm ever? otlier ?|MrCK'i ot facial ui? li iirvtni'iu, *iw evr dt -smed of. it? Ueitutityiujf effect i? Imnndinte. Dr. tioiirau hits tbons inti* ??i ttrstlmnnlais to tine eifec.. i? .l?y of th in Irom i?M bjftililii'd artists, and iiMUy irisro tin* celebrated bei?e? in tlte conn try. so that no* the tirlvntal Cream ha* laecome an invaluable hi ISit. ?n ll*pen-able article to every ,a?ly * t ?H? t. .tnd. lor tiiHt niMurr. no ireuilem ?u ? toilet *lioi<M be witn ont it; for w)t\ i>no.?l4 not * ?,-ntle inn: i liavaavtaar. pure, fiellncld cttntfn M??o h? ? li ?>a isd\. espcctaiiy nh ml the ia?lie? wt.t udo* bim for it. Now. if heremter ?ny iaoy or ir. utlemnw ?.iiuittlt? t" t e ?lelaccd by pnu|ilei, t?'i, frei kU ?. Ac., it liiusi be *i'ri tiled to i*noranco ol tne m%ieft| eAect?*. in nl! sitcli CM?e*, ot i'i. t?t?u'-tn.l'K ti|itntil Cream. In p?e #en'in.' the uortd tin* Orientai Cie tm. Dr. (Hiirmu fceie tbut n?i b#^ 4lon?? Mtmetlilu,' toH:tr<l carryinn ??nt tl?e yrvat titni octteli.-irfi en.e of Nature. I?r ? ?o.iraiift'n depot i* ?t 4M |i* n<i ?t., * ocrc of lufch ouaole indien eou^regiittf aim! rtli? tbe wood r* ol bis orimtiti Crea?.?, nu. IH.II. t > ?i \ \ i ? h. M.. I I' A ik, KIIH ?HK KAlil cut I'uit >4 rnin r.i t. mi.I oaniHmtMi 'it, ??? Vllijr lit < bHUB.d Ml l-t l*.rt?C 'I tM *1 Di Kami f? ?>K Ml' > a Mi'bCiAi.TT^ Ill-.SHV A. I?\M.I.-. M II., lit I .llii-loD ?*.. nrar^VMli ?t. iMIioc Iti.iir- In.-u ?< to J. ^ lie. it ?' J?i:i?a> -nl. I'kupkFemr ok tiik 1 ' .Sr \ Viirfc .?li.n-i;m nl Ai.?t .iiiy, hut r.niov.d his r??l ?Mtucr ?UH "liltr ? III >U ?' Mn^iiDKt>'U |)i*ce, Hi roe . <??r? ? Ol Of iliu.'lw t( special NOTICES. (""*RANi? '~KEVriVKY STATE distribution, X .1 una 24. SIM MUSS it DICKINSON, manairura; 2.>, ? ?> I'risea. /or official clri'Ulara giving; ful. exulunation, addre** aifcut for Managers. ii. ii. 1iooth, foot office box .>.1)37 New York. Havana lottkbv.?next dkawing. junk aoj 40.ikhticket*; <*>*'.'<*> in prise*. Addre>* ii, MAR 'i inez .* i'd., Banker*. l<> Wall ?t.. batemont: i i?t office box 4,*ih2 New York. Spanish told mid havana batik bill* bnurht and sold; draft* nn llavaua iuued. TP BUSINESS IB d0u, ADVERTISE AND MAKB it uood. ~ IK BUSINESS IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MAKE it BETTER. ~ Circulation ol the evening TELEGRAM last weak *u ADVERTISEMENTS. JO CENTS PER LINE. Monday may-'a us.500 ADVERTISEMENTS. so ci.NTS i'kr line. Tuesday Decoration Dav, no paper. advertisements. ao CENTS PER LINE. wednesday May 81 u.'i.qoj ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE. timnday. June 1 41.800 _ advkk i'lSEMBNTS. 'JO CENTS per LINE Pri a*. .iudh 2 35,350 ADVERTISEMENTS. -JO CENTS i'KR LINK. Saturday. juu - 8 114.200 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS l'ER LINE. Total 182,430 advertisements, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Daily average 3 i.493 -curojffc oaumh, dbapnessf" 1mproved method-.instantaneous relief: permanent cure*. dr. bTODDARD. No. 8 wem i4tlist. k E -4800.010 IN proues. every OTHER TICKET ? a prise. Kentucky State Granil mngle Number du ibution draws June 24; 50,000 ticket*? 25.4io prise*. Whole tickets, $10; Halves, *>.'>; l/uariera. $2 50. ltinal Havana Lottery to be drawn Juno 20; whole tickets $ h; lentil* and twentiethsIn proportion. Kentucky -tale Lotteries drawn daily. Kor iniormation. circular*. Ac . addre** or apply to JACKSON jt co., Banker*. No. jfoj Broadway. New York. Nervous ~exhaistion.-a medical' ess a*" cuinpriaing a series ot lecture* delivered at Kahn'* Mu seum of anittoiuv. New York on the cause and cure of Pre mature Decline, showing indliputably how hot health may be retrained, affording a clear ?ynnp*l*ot the ir<nedinient*t<> marriage anil the treatment nt nervou* and |ihy*ical dobllity, beinif the ro?uit of uo year*' experience. I'rlce 25 cent*. Ad drea* the author, Dr. L. J. kalix, office and resilience51 Kaat loth st. New York. FILKS OR "hemorrhoids RADICALLY CURED. Original painle** treatment; two to lour week* re quired; no fee* until cured, circular; tVee. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 iveit 14th at. EOYaT" HAVANA ltirtkrv?*holm*?j"wiut BE drawn on June 20. Prises en ihed; order* fitluil; Ini'or tnntinn Innushed; highest rates paid tor spaniah bill*, ^'or ernmeut*. Ac. TAVi.or A CO., Banker*. No. 11 Wall *t.. New York. S?okhcial DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATIC iLOT* ? terio*.?SIMMONS a DICKINSON, maiiuver*. kkktucky. kxtk1 CLASH NO 373?jl'mk ??. 1h"u. 23, 45. 7h. 72. 00. 33, 13. (ut, 77. 20. 37. 4S, 57. ii. kkntl'ckt, CLASS ito. 374? JCNK 8, lS7a 73, 53. 7, 8. til, 28. 14, ti. 78. 20. 22. 31, 72. uknltv. KXTHA CLASS NO. 273? J i'd k t>, 1870. 71. e;>, in. 55. as, 02. 53, 4.ri, 0, 18. 33, u7, 32. 2. HUSKY, CLASS NO. 274 JUNK 0. 1870. 68, 57. 74. 51, 14, .14, 5, 10, 4, 1u. 30. 17, 6ft Pull liiforuiatlon hy applying to or addre**ing J. CLUTE a CO., 200 Broadway, or box 4.shjw Puat office. S<?$$oujisnn prizes-kvery"otiib11 t1ckkt A Prlxe.?SIMMONS X DICKINSON'S alugle number Keutucky State l ottery to be driiwn June24. 1870; 26,430 prise* out of.'to.ouo ticket*: a!*o hoyal Havana V> he drawn on June 20. ih70. J. CLUTE a CO., 20 Broadway, or box 4.h00 Post office. U1TS anltcauses OP ACTION.?PARTIES iiav litir nieiitorioui culm* in *uit or otherwiie. unable to prosecute to dual Judgment, can receive advance*. Address box 3.B82 Post office. fjpo"PRKVE nt HEADACHE WEAR SHAYNK's CKLR 1 brated naif ounce Hat, price $2 50. Broadway and 13th (t. Mite iclt llat* ami Straw Good* at very low price*. T~AMER 1ndien~A i. axattvk prul'l' LOZKNUE, agreeable to take: *pecinc remedy for constipation and It* coiiae<iiiein'ea. P. GKlLLOT. 27 Hue kamtiateau, l'arl*; depot, CASWELL, HAZARD A CO.. New York. $300,000. PORTUNE ('OK ONLY $10. One ticket out ot evorjr two draws a prist. Kentucky State distribution, draws SATURDAY, June 24, certain. three GRAND CAPITAI~PRIZES OF $20,000 BACH. Schedule of Prises. 1 Prise of. $20,0<*j i 1 Prise of $20,000 1 l'rise ol 20000 2 Prise* of *10.000.. 20.UI0 2 Prises or$5.000.... lO.UJO | 5 frlses ol #2.500.... 20 Prise* ut $i,ojo.. 20.1**' i -*?> Pritea of $ >00.... 10.000 50 Prisea ot $ ... 12,51*1 | 2<s) Prise* of #100 .. 20,000 25,000 Prises of $5.. 125,000 | 12S Prise*, aniuunt i initio ... 10,000 25.4:10 Prises. ?|t|?re^ ttlua $300,000, cash. Tickets, 9io; halve*. : quarter*, $2 M. Till* is the be*t se'ieiue yet ottered for realising a band some famine with a *i all Inve trnrnt. Every prise will lie paiu lu lull on presentation of ticket- I'ersoa* holdiit* ticket* that have druwn prise* mo matter irom whom bouaht) cau got them ca>.brd t>r cxeiianged tor other Uekets at this office. r<end in your order? at once to the Eastern agents. THOMAS h. iiays A CO., __ tf.l7 Broadway, New York. SPORTING?uo lis. bauit>; Dogs, pet birds and animals, goldfish", aquatic Plants and Animal Lifo fur the Aquariutu; dltoll*. BAGOT. 31 Pultun *t. Fools sold at sib imjtlbikik sff~nbar union Ground*, this afternoon, on Mutual* vs Cincinnati, on Union Ground*: Chicago vs. Athletic, at Philadelphia: Hart ford va. nt. Louis, at St. i^ouia; Bo?ton v*. i^>iil.vllli'. at Boston. sbibekt A McCLOl'D. TWO PINB <IUNS. TWO PISHING POLES. SPYGLASS, elegant Dir.ner mid Tea ?et, two auperii Vase*. Brume Plgure, Ac., to be aulil ut auction by TUNIS JOHNSOli, this day, at 12 o'clock, at 37 Nassau at. THE TURF. A ?FLEETWOOD PaRK. lit Premium' JUNE ?M, 2U unil 27. 1ST0. FIRM' I>A> -RATI KI?aY, June 24. 3:MCIaaa, Hr*l, fl'iO *econd. *5 Mhlrd. 2 .34 CU?. S.M i -re ml, $Iuo third. SECOND DAY ? MONDAY, .luue JH U :'J* Claia. $.'>'?>?jfJ.M) tiiat, $1.V) aecond. ?1'KI third. ?1:2t> Claaa. Hrxt. (Jim accoiirt. *ltKJ third. THIKU DAY-I'l ESI) < Y.June V7. 2:40 rii??. $4(4) |LH?> Br-t.Sl.VI aecond. $5l>third. ?J :?l Ola... $1.1X10-*K?0 nr.:. *RiO aecond. *II?? third. When eiylit or more hone* atart in a heat the diKtanca iliall oe 1.VJ yard* l.tttriea dote Monday, June it*, el II o'clock P. M. Entrance re H> per cent ol' the purao of which one-halfonly ahull lie forfeited be iboae parttca who desire to wnlirtra*, |irovided thee altail to d clare aud lodge written notice to thai effect until tin' secretary ou or batore Kriuay. Juue 'JM, at 7 o'clock P. M. Cotuiuuniratiun* inuat be auurekand to the under*i|fiiod. at MorrUania, X, Y.. where the einriea will clcae a* above at the attire of the park. ? OAT.R 11. BAKKAtUI, President. a MBkTcaK ~ JOCKEY cnUH.-.rtPttlXO MHKTINO, A 1S7? at Jerome Park, :id. nth Sth. liitb. 13th. IStb and 17th June. Kacea commence each da\ loinctna iy at J o'click. A. HKltJKJNT, PreaiUent. t!. WitKATLY. 8ocrctar?. T lOTIu.N AND FitKMTi POOLS Sttl.l. JIIIKMSli J\. .viiu eveninv ilnrliiK the week at **Tliom??' Kxchanite,'' HruaU* av. o-.i the Jerotne I'urk Rutin! p Kacr*. the llilliartl Match between Sexton and Kudolplte, and the Uaie Kail liamea far June 10?via.. Cincinnati v* Mutual, Hi, L 'tin ft. llartlord. Couiaville w. Kmlon, and I hlcaiuri Athletic. likOROK M. IIIUMrtS. Uenox anu kerncii rutiu iioij? at intkk iiatiutijtl i'.xuliuiigt, Hl>4, so and sin Ha npuua ?(., Puiladelphia. on liaee? thi? taeel. at Jerome, Trot- at Bel mom Park and all League IJ??e II' gaunt*. Ke-ult ol'earli inning. heal anil race by telegraph. I'. 1, M1I.1.EK A I'U. AlCI'loN ANI? KUK.VCIl IMnl.S soluaLL uaV AT j\. New York lurf Kxchun^e. 1 ? Weal -Sth at., ou the Jerome Park running rare*. I'miu^t attention given order* by mail or nie?*eii?cr. hr.l.l.Y. HI.IS* A CO. i uI:t'iTTT and KRENCII POOI.S stiT7?T AT J\ Johnson's rootm, corner H roadway and J"<th ?t., all d y nit the rimniic race* ut Jerome Park; particular atten tion given order* by mail, telei(ra|ili or meiwitirer. T. M. * ?V. H. JoHNsON. UrTiL S?MI!IN A I' 1 <'N. H.KN< 11 I'I)0& IIS winoinic home, an I for place, flrat and aecond. ?ohl to dny at *>portni|; Oftice," No. H Weat 2Hth ?i . nil Jcrouie Park race*. lilKAISI) A t'O \TKW JTOUK AMi IIAKI.KM UVII.KO.VL). i.1 Jerome I'urk Kacea Juue :f. tt, H, til, l't, K? and 17. Special tralna, it It reifrved cur* lor liulie*, will leave (?rand Central llapot ou rare day* at I :J0 and '2 P. M. Ke turulnir alter the r ic?? Kourtli aventi- eara tun direct to depot. K&euralou ticket*, 4U cent*. O. M. RIS8KIX. Mupirluteuiieiit. rpATTKtlSA I.I.'S Tt RV A<1KN('Y. I,W7 HKOAOWAY, J * ill li n e lk*ir oiiee on t lie "blulT." at JernitM Park, l.iharal odila on nil race*, telegraph board, with atartera, wiouera, Ar ; b#l* from ?'I upward. llOUSEM. C'.V iddAUKS. ?V. VT lUHKKIl ? MONK CITY At I'TION MART A\|l H. V. TATTERSALl.'R. I IIkXKiI or Hr udaay and .lUth at. M tJOIt t'li A It I. * W B ttiK.IC, Al t lioN Ell. Kl'.ol I. .IC SALE* evert Wcdnvxlav and ."alurdaw r\l K\ I I i xl'lt in>iir? *l!>.weil fur trial Till. oNiiY i>rtvln? 1 rica tit the State. CATAMMil'K OP >A1.E TtllS I)aY AT hkRVKN il'i I. H'K. IIROOD MARK, by i.ekiuitton. ilam bv Alexander'* Ab dallali. aara breeder, pedtaree atfK'tI) itu ralneeu EXTRA SPtKUV bay trottluir ??oldtti( ipnli^rec at *?!?), I^J* tiiirli. to.iled Isttii; .tii elegant, prompt unil easy driver, l> .hi e>erf day - 4ft liorae to wainiii, leara no locomo tive, ami i* warranted a mad m l kind. 1 M M hill A I > lit aliei above, the EXTRAORUI.XAiiY MAl.K Or OO.N TitA( TORS' DC MP W Alios.?.Carta. Ilnrae*. Tr.AM HARNhSS. Cart llarnea*. Ac Ac. tin* Lro|.erty ol a well knnali CONTlt AC TOn rctirmjt ln'in toiaiue.*. anu coinpri-ln* TWr.NTV KM r. fnnr wheeied I I MP tVAOONS, in tine orue**, llie iievt tn nee l?i ittovlui earth, aand. tfravei, tiricka, atone mi l lor all practical pnrpoaMtt <:umt> on viiher aid S.. VI1. .VI l-.h.N t ? o- a i:?cieil ( aria, ail in fine all a ire aud a* Koo.l aa lien . SIXTY KOCE SETS of double W a iron, Maice nrTruck II -<r tici". Collar*, Hrldlc*. I.i. ea, Ac , complete, all tieariy lien. TKN hETS Cart Harneva, Hue order. PAlH OK *U(er;o. heavy l)r,i*|bt lloraea, WKIHHT Pt i i ,n I) . and ?art anted to be equal to utiythikK of their w iirbt. I'Alt! oPrliiMljr I'tatched Mf lieMinu*, tf?1 a handahifh, 6 an.I !? ycara mil: l '-u-r than ordmai > ttatellrt*. alio a lerj eleiratit act ol ikalit douole ilarne**. 1.11. .-I'l-.i UL intention of t ONTKAClOM. 11 l(K\\ - EKS ItrCKMK.N and > AitMi.lM I* directed to tin* vale. HKYi.RAi. ifTlllli i!'ira*'? rui.i. iii-x'iurrioN u ,ai. s vl.r.S NKVaK tio*t|iotte l on arctinnt of weather. A KINK l.Ol Ol IIAlt.Nt.-S AT l-OW PilUlKS. A MIEhl> AN!) liOIMK CIiWTIUNk IN tiKEAT VA It 1K t Y. SAVh >1'l.N r.\ MY OKAI.INO OIl.KCT WITH Ti'.K MAN I KACTCuhit. E. HARfl.KTT, <>.' rt'arron ?t. .eornert oIIck piaee. \-"n-.uY k!ne mlior way iior->k- i:.?4 iiA.\f?s I I-i, 11 fears niii. warranted aouud ami kiad: groat bar*.am. No. 3 H?>t 13th sb HOKKEit, CAlUtl ACES. ?C. A-MrtitWAUKK>.:' . ilV VIKTL'K UK A UERTAIK CHATTEL MUKTliA'iI AND HI 1.1. UK s-Al.E. r?? MK DIRECTED. I WILL S l.l. BV PUBLIC VENDUE. THIS DAY <-?ATUKDAV). JL'NE IU, At 'ELEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON I'KOMPT. At THE BTABLK NO. ? WILSON HLaCI'"iwr.iii ST.), BET.* EKN WAVfaRl.EY AND CLINTON PLACES. AND IN REAR Ol NEW YOKE HOTEL. w. THE fOLLOWINO VALUABLE AND WELL KNOWN TKOTTINO IIOHSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS. Ac., Ac.: Elegant Mack trotting irelding, kuowu as State ol Maine, raised at Brandon. Mi-, sired by tillnretli Knox, daiu a Witbeieil Mes.euger mare; is 7 years old. 10*4 hands high. trotted at Portland. Ma, lu 2:31 and J :3u la?t tail, whan ha was purchased by present iiwnor, aineo which time ne nas beeu used an a roaJ horse up to the 1*1 ol May. whan he wall ?till to Fleetwood track, and, with two wn?k? liauillin*. lie trotted two belli iu Im.ues in 2:29 and - :27.1;, *"'} ! mile, with running tn.ite, lu 2:10*4; he l? a perfect road borne. very pure galted. dual uot shy, Is not excitable in company. <1 f not pull wheu speeding. does not break loot aud U ilia fastest polo lior.o 111 the ciiy; Is sale lor any ordinary nrl ar to drive; can beat 2:2&tbls season. hai no record and lithe llnest and fastest horse that has been olTerad for isle in thin city: la war run ted sound aud klLd, aud warranted to trot In - :30 oo day ofaale . Fine bay trotting gelding Honest Hilly, aired by Rysdy* * Ilainblatouiaii. dam by Harry Clay; la 1M< .*'!?* J*,?' veers old; has uot a recoril of 2:3'1. oyer Mystic Park. l?os ton. driven bv II. Brock, ou May 14, IS7.?, when . Otlstlu Jim. Honest Harry. Frank Palmer and two others, after a very closelv contest* race ol seven heats, wlian were trotied iu 2 :*?. 2 :3I, 2:3 , 2:38. 3:32fc. 2:35 and 2 :3H: lor oilier performances ?ee Wallace s l url egister, he ?e a vo?y prompt, Ntviixh driving hora ; doea nJ,ll P" 1 ? nfe for Anybody to drive ; ia aii extraordinary vole noran, Htill warranted .sound and kind and to trot in 2:*0 iu cundi bay mure Kunaey Maid, aired by Middle town, daui by Hillv Deutmi. which make* her n full kj] ?*[* celebrated trotting marc Mimic, who ha* a record ot -:-?j ahei 5 year# old, l.?'4 hand* high; trotted Um fill, wheni4 year* old, lu 2 :37, over lioa.ien half-mile track, when ?w 'was pnrcliaaed ny preaetit owner, allien which time * tie na* irreatlv improved in *peoil. and with proper handling can trot down !n the twenties this season: she is a very prompt, nlvasanl dri er; due* not.pull or shy; a good pole mine uuu ITimmI galtrd. sale fir anybody to drive, and li warranted teund and kind. . ... Fine sorrel (.'rldlutt l'rlnce Albert, sireit by Honest Ainu, i dam by Minsel's Uiituhh tonlau. is <? yt iirs old. 1j'4 himda hluli; ralse i at l'or;ati|OUtli, N. il.; ha? never been bandied lui speed, but sho*i U owner, alien he purctiased lilni, ?? mile on the Portsmouth ha f mile truck In ::M. sluce whu h time ha ha. Ik'oii us. d a. a road horse for which purpose be I as uo su|i?r:.'r, as lie is v.-ry ?alte<l; doe. not wear boots, does cuit sliy or pull: snle lur anybody to urive; has ox Uaordlnarr I'ottoui; la a Hood pole horso and is warranted The Hnest ceutleinan'aroad Horse lor a top w?iron In the city. 15JU hands high. B years old: ha is a uark chestnut, very stylish driver; he Is an extraordinary Rood wol?ht puller ami has remarkable bottom anueudurance . ha. ue\ er been bandied lV,r speed, but trotted In irentlemun s road race last fall over tl.e Fleetwood l'ark, without any train-, inir and was driven to a road watron by owner lu - 2:41. whlili makes h I in rank am..ii(. the be-t horses on tlie road; lie I. u very prompt and pl< a?unt driver: is not afraid of anything: does not wear any hoota; is sure lor a ladv to drive and is warranted sound and kind. \?V?THE .-PI-.ED IS W AltltANThD, AND WILL HK SIMWN ON TKACh. Also 1 el 'Rant o.<tension top Park Phaeton, with L.amps, P<,ll?Br?w?ier top Wairon, with potent Springs, Pole and S'l top Stiver's Wa^ou, with Pole and Shafts. 1 top I'hacton, 1 Track skeletou, 1 ^ulky. Also a largo assortment ol Hoots, &c. _ . a. ,. Also sluirle and double Harness; Sweat. Dress ana n allt AND WILl. 1IK ON KAI11 MTU ?.v ahv ibis.. > ? TIME Oi SAl.E, AND WILl. POSITIVELY BE >OI.D ON ABOVE DATE TO HIiiUEST BIDDl?R. WITUOtT SMUUmiM- JOHN T. BE ILLY', City Marshal and Attorney for Mortgagee. \ -MAJliiT'cHAelks w. baKEBB. AUCTIONK^R. A. >llt A Nl? SAI.K of superior neavy DKAUUHT HORSES. Ilie property or a contractor ratiriug rroni busi ness at BAKKElt A SON'S City Auction Mart and Now Y'ork Tattersail's, corner of Broadway and HIHb St., ou Mon day neat..I one 12. at IL o'clock, and coniiirising TWENTY HEAD lincludinit several MATCIlr.W TliAMSi. all THOUOl'OIILY u?ed to HABD WOllK. weighinnvroni l,2>0 to 1,4<*1 pounds each and all warranted SOCND inil kind and all young and lu lias condltlox STOCK SOW mi exhibition. SAl.K POSIT! YK and no pi.stponnnent _ T~vEh'y si'pkbiob Litiiir leather top city i\ made Pony Phaeton, used but tew times, lor less than half cost, in enusequence of sickness; also extra tine single Harneaa. at private stable No 1 West l.itli st. A VICTolU A ? Hl'T I.ITT I. h C'KD. *>A?lE BY Mre^Bter, lor sale, at stable No. 12tt Weat 3-*th at. T LAItOE REDUCTIONB J-S. ltockawayi. I 11 AllNKSS. Pony Phaetons. Huggies, | every description. | Depot Wa.-ons. sheets. Lap Robea, Wlilpa. Boots, Halters, Nets. JOHN MOORE..>7 Warren at. T HA1.K CllsT-TWIi HKAITIFI'L PHAETONS; ous seats lour persons: two lull spring top Wagons, two side bara. splendid light lload W agon ; all nearly new ; best city makers. Private stable. 33d st. and 4th av. | A- BROOME ' ST." BREWSTER TOP WAGON. POLS and Shafts; one do. Road Wajon, 1 <*] lbs.; one W ?u-r man open Wagon ; one Cuflrey Sulky, .i3 lbs. ; one Depot Wagou. one Victoria, one Ponv Phaeton one two-seat opeu | Wa^ou. by Bruwstor; one top W agon. * ' WM. H. 11 RAY S Carriage Jactory. 1,404 Broadway, between 3'.Hh and 4" tti sts.__ j a ?FOR SALE "CHEAP-NINE ~HOOl) 1U SINES*; A. Horses. Apply No. 3 Vestry st.. between \ arlck and Hudson) -FOiTSAi.E. F1VK PONY B1ILT HORSES. SUIT XX.. able for farming, grocer or any buslnuss, cueap. ltH Lliaabetii at., between Broome and Urand. A ?t6~LKT?THK FINEST HORSES AND WAGONS . in the State; Horses, stylish Wacons and Harness, new, at the Union Club stuble. O East lStu st.. near Hroad x . A?WANTED A OOOD fll'.T OF SINOLE BUtlOY . Harness isecond hand); must belli good order. In noire of Mr. TAYLOR. t>s Norfolk st. . LAROE-CHESTNUT MARE, l.:?0 LBS.. TAKEN for a debt, sold at half value. 22? South .Hit av., near Caaal st. ? ?iJaTRST STYLE SIDE BAB TOP WAOON AND Harness regardless of cost; built to order by best iuaa ?rs. Boarding atable. 21" East SOth St. V"LmIST (ALL. ONE HEAUTIKL'L SHIFTINO A. leather top lull Spring Wagon, pole and sliaUs; one tloe top Pony Phaeton ; also one line extension top I ark I'h ietofl, carries I.iur persons, and set of single and doubli llarn ss; Lady's SiJesaddle and Hrldle. all and t>v the host city makers Inquire at l-.l hast IHth St.. between Irving plaee and 3J av. A OREAT HARiVaIN.?IRON ORAY CIII'NKV BUILT Mare; two other H??r*e?; very ciieap. 112 lietiry ?t. A 'iS^^SlhwMi'SLt beautiful nnd stylish pair of road Horses In tlie city. <t years old. Ihands; warranted sound and klml and to trot a mile in 2:.?i; this 'eam ratMt be seen to be appreciated nave flowing n.anes.n.ltnll.o the ground; any lady can driie them; .1. B. Brewster side bar top Wagon. Dnnscomb Harness at private stable. No. 13 West 2"th st.. Iietween Broadway aud '^b^aV; ABAROAIN FOR CASH?BEAUTIFUL BAY IIA* bletouian Horae.H years old. I5?i hands ^warranted sound and kind: elegant top Por.y Phaeton anil Harness at private stable No. :i3 toast 1 -til st.. between Broadway and University pla?<. ? . s ilSOI^T BEAT TliP ROAD WAOON. MADE Hi J. A B. Brewster * Co.; cost used tew times; 14a pounds. No. 3 Weat 13th at. ^ T1ASKET PHAETON FOR SALE?IN I'ERFe.CI OR J? der: run only one season; price *<??. Address I. I. Herald oltlce. / tAlllllAtiES Ft lit Til E trtii NTItV. >1 X-Sr. AT ROt K awaya, tioriiiaotowna, loiir ?eat cnt-iiuui-r Iu?caawa> a, Jiepot Wajfona. with m?d without top*; top nod open ??ny I'baatons. ol all st> les . light extension top PhaeUHls. lor una hor??*: b??th new and aeeond iititd. WM. H. tlKAV. aud 2i W ooater it. f ?tOR SALE-COUPE. IN ... fMJtt BALK?A KiJlK SET OK I'll ABTOX MaKNI'.SS uli?*p. Tii In- aeen ?l niunuluciiirer'a, J. J. 1IOK tiAX ICI hui I - tii m . I MM HALB?HA V I'ATi ll KX M AK1~~15J4 HARM* ' 0 vrara old, ? nrrnntflil mum 1. kind. except > littln aoro loiward: ?alc for I..die* ?.? cliiloren to drive,^.iiin for coiintiyiuen. I *11 mi 3U4 Iliiilauii at. F^OK SAUK CURAP-A I'll A ETON' M \ I)K TO i> I< ORlt In Ilie lw<t inmiii<r. Inquire at 5:1 .?tli av? club *ubl*>. ijiOR MLK.-TWU TRUUKi IN iHWO OWt>i OSl ! F ;nr r? riuirle Imrse, one three-quarter list; Ml account o' trniiiif to hurous 1 am wIIIIiik to >uil cln U|i. Iimnlr - MO ! Kiur >t ii. mor>kks. IlOlt aAUK AT IIAI.P I'KICK? HKAlTIKIU VXD extra upcedv lilliek More, 14 -'> l.uli n old iIii>IhI1; Muruau ami IrMrb stock; I* per ectiy broke lor aaddle: ?*m? .rot In I), 111 1 li 111; ha- paci-il In - -"-"j on Ire, ami 2 :3" on track, urn I'll I4 to itphauton in '2 u* 1: linn been driven iv h lad.r for tlie past veiir and it hull; lof Ctflo and ?peed all* car.not he larpaaard: u an ante I aound ami kind. 1 Apply at I'laxuun't atn'ile, i.lilahetli, N. J. IiHlR SAUK- HV A 1.KMU M v.Y A I'AIK uK MARK*. I 1 ii and 7 year* old : little otrar Ifthand*: luahi.fran,, '>ay; perfectlJ matched; **r> atylis i; line pedigree and trot lain ' ?oilml. kind and pefte<nly (rlillt lor uni iady In drive at apeeJ liiiiun.or Hin k. ut llraoiey ? liable, No. S i.aat lIM or al :"i4 an I '*> \\ lute at. FfftOR SAUK?TRAM OP HAY HOkMM. 1^ uaxml | 1 Hyearaold: prlrate at ble. 4-< Kant 4let at. Hiknk>s CUgAPRsT iiaHNKsk ITdMI KM Mtff i York; L'Ood Hwtticy nmitl made, $l"> uood UfMCeri llariit'Hi. $.&; ^ond ito.ibie I'eiitu ll.irnem, $J0: a pood florae Hiuiikei, ?1 J* . I'leaae <*alft nd examine lor vouraelrea. I'l.tllliH k OSllOK.S, Manufacturer*, 71 Mar clay it. Horuk* and catruK.-Waniki?, hy an kxTk riaui'ed uilMfctf id llioltoyal t'ltlicite of Yeter nary Mir^i- in. l.iinilou. an appointment: nMKXcepftionAole refer ence and teailmoiilnlt. 4ddreM II. 0., bat liti llara d ortice. HORHK WANTKII POK t'A*H-A HANDSOME AND \ ityil?h Ilunii'. i laek preferred; lull l.'>\ and not over |i. ii an it ?. Jet lilack preterredj not over elvrtit rear* old; ! iim-t lie ??'U|i? i?il kind w11ta"iit ?pnt or Id wUli; apeea preferred: ouly tl.o.e aeiKlliix lull ileacription will lie noticed;jnebeya pleaie not anaoer. Ad?lre?a>. JIIOIITlMKK, lint ft, i?>4 Pu?t ntttce. IIIPOKTAXr A XI) I. XTKAOKDIN aKY ~" mile of Hie KRirrVt'KY -Tilt K PAKM. I.e\lli|fl"n, Ky.. together witn all tin- valuable TIIOROl'UII Hlti.I) vM> I K< i I i I M> STOCK, lucluiliiiK the ureal I iIIIjm, I-I.I.I.'Iftftt K Air, hamhlktomax viauuioxs, valuable Hrnod Mari>, Coli? ?i>d fliltet, two hundred in number, ?ii >h. *i. i Thl??rl i m?- the moat exietielea aale ?f ralaabie mack ever lieiu in the I'nlted Stataa. Cataiaguea will ba lorwarded. Aihlieaa Klt llAKI) PKXISTAX. I'hllailelphla, or l#eMiii;ion, Ky. 1~"ro1T SI ABI.K KIT! I sTi '-SKAT. Ill' If A it I.I'. ~A S D cleanly: partition*. Imyrncav manfefa, Ac : order* promptly illleii at lowevt prliea; eat Idpet lnmlahed iree; npoeiiiieim ut alnrr. JA.SKHA KIUTUAXIi. Vo?. s, in and Ii Reade at. BRAXcii.-Ptlit'sAUhC A KINK I KAM. "|<Ui J hamW. alao Uandau, by W nnd llrothera. anil IIarneaa for >ai", rlirap. Apply to ?. KtliHY, at Wallack'i Cottage, Ueag UraucU, X. J. HOUSICS. CAEB1AUKH. diC. MORTOAOE SALE?THIS DAY. AT 11 O'CLOCK. |>F nix work llorM*. three Ttuck. and llama.*. by ('OUK A MURPHY. 37H Fultou ?t.. Brooklyn. At .ante nm*. new nuil accoiidband lop Budgie*. Phautoll*, Rockaway., limine.* Wagon*. llarue.*, Ac. Notice is hereby oiven to loud* praam, ok whom ll limy onceru. that utile*. the charge* are paid on a rertaln ?e*t Road Wagon before Monday. June 12, the tame will he .old by . VAN TA8SBLL A KKARNE\. at their Mart. 1IU, 112 Kant I3tfi ?t . to pay storage. By order of Conover A Haley I CACKiri' K:SPLENDID NEW TOP EXP.-EsH O Wagon, worth Can be *?en at Ml w?t IjKU it. CEO ONI) AND TOP FLOOR TO LET?UN FURNISH KI>, i5 toother or .aparately, In a pr.vata laintly: real mod erato. West '22d st. Thehorses.coltk and wagon, belonging to til* e.tote of the late 8. I>. Mill, are lor .ale I hey EaV-^:" r.JuTre"'; OtlARLEH TAYLOR. 5g?rffdw'.y, V Vl' MOHES?. PUiASlSo AND DURABLE COLORS. Landau., Rockaway., Landaulcta, Cabrlolat*. Coache*. I < art*. Brougham*. rhaeionv Couiie ?. Hrltton Wagon*. ROAD WAGONS, either *tde bar or elliptic ?ftASVAXV 372 and 374 Brooiue ?t.. old ?tanil of Brew.ter A Co._ UTAltTfcD?A PAIR OK YIMj'KU, ROUND HOtttf Vr that can abow a mile at Fleetwood In 2 :oO or better; height, from 15.1 to 15.3. Addre** F. 0. C.. Herald offlce. WANTED?"A PAIR OK YiiUNU SOU t> HORSES, that van .how a mile at Fleetwood In .?'? or better; lulgbt Irom 15 I i" I ' I Id.lien- K. c c.. Herald offlce. O HHETUAND PONIBR, 3? INCHES iMtjll. WAR St runted Hound and iHiiklr, low : well broken ; Pouvl lia? too, *itle-bar Wajfou, 2 Horses, Private stable 1 lo 50tb ?t , near Wtu a v. Al or OTSUV A LEATHER TO? MOB-BAB ?Mii'J Road Wagou. cltv maker, new la?t lall, in perfect order (no cheap make cither); will wartant the wagon a lone. Inquire at UARKiSOVK fta?l?. 31* ?nd ISO lib ??. IMIY OiHIDH. fT fi'KWAKT A CO. . ar^' oll'erinj; ? SPECIAL BARGAINS la every clisi of . ... , Ladle*' I-ranch tinlaunder'd baud embroidered UNDERWEAR. AC. Al.o n large axortmant ol NAINSOOKS AND CAMBRIC EDGINGS A!1 ttt LOWER PRICES than nimllar qualltle. ut article* have erar been offered In tux city. s BROADWAY, 4TH AV.. ?T1I AS I) 10TH 8T& HAYnY~A t:0.. WHOLESALK HATTERS. HAVE opened a retail department in Wallack'n lluatra build iiiK, and are .elling hi very low urloe?. Call an i ?*o MIL.I.INKKV A ND DltKSH.UAKlfllU. AT MARIE TILMANN'S, or l'Al(l>. IMPORTi.R Opeiiiine of the liuent. laricent aaaortmeiit of Paii*lan bummer Millinery ever brought to tbi? market. 42Jtlth i?v.. near 2tfth kt. <1 .te Michel'*). "ciTi lllSil. KS i'A'i-A. 'iW SALE. """ ~ West gltle. /1I1EA1' REAL ESTATE FOR SALK?COOD ?TORB V' Property. Irontlng on two atreet?; he?t block iu MRU ward: pay* larue per cent on present value. JaMKS Pit 111'.. 2tX> lludfon ?t. (TitAN d??ffitifLE h ro . d w av"boi l kv a it i?.-i k T not told at privnte nale. E. 11. LI DUj* A CO. wll Mtiil Hi uuetiou June !?"? ?t?von Lotv on iji'Miid Houleviira hhu nortliwetfi ?? rner Hid hi. boolovarU. .v.uh and tUJ ml.. I ho pnUttnl location of New \orli .ready lor liu impruvenieiit; ol?^*ut tor superior Yrvuch nieni building, chnrcli. Ac. : ?l?o four new elegant tUrae ?lory House? cabinet fltii?hed, mirrors from cvilmic to ???or two and three rooms deep, on Madison av., between andi:t3dst. ; alio a lour story brown ?t??n? House, throe room? deep, i n 4 tli M . naartlth *v.. In flua .i.rder. Apply to hl'DLOtf Jt CO., No. 3 Pine *t., or to llOilACli S. fcLi, 22 Pine *t. MlttalUnaoua. A LIST OF CHO.CE HOUSES FOR SALK OR TO let, can alway* be had at the office. E. II. LUDLOW A CO., No. a I'iuejit. BUSINESS"PROPERTY IN various PARTS OF THE city lor ?alc or to let. for occupation or Invantiurut. h. U. LUDLOW A CO ._No.3Plnekt. BU()4Jli.LV N PllOPKUT Y FOIt SALK AND TO LET. Tj^Oit SALK? I'llE CiiEAPEST liol SE IN BIIOOK r Iv n ? three story ami liaMiincnt, w ter and lewer; honie car* paiui tho ii>or. Will iiell lor W"U. lunulre of the owner, irt-'. Ilutnholdt *t.. Brooklyn, E D. I.10K S VLE?ONE OF fHR SKM1 SiTl'ATED I'l.oTS ' ontlreenwood Cemetery: location, Central av. Inquire ol J. M. COPLAND No. HI? > Broadway. FOR SALE OB TO LET?THE LEASE OF ONE OF the be?t located Store* on the buailiea* aide of I-niton ?tr??t Brooklyn, near the terrv. Only re*putitible partie* nead apply to WI ST A OTTo No. H From "t . Brooklyn. mo LET OR LEASE - ON IIUNTlNOTON ST.. BKOOK 1 lyiH a hrlck Buiidlnjc suitable tor factory; rewt l#w In quire of WILLI A M MaT.IEWS. 54 Catbatlueat., New York. WBBTCIIBSVKR COUNTY PROPERTY FOll SALK AND TO 11KNT. House to let-furnished, a r spuyten di yvTC lor .iiminer or longer: ten room*, ranga. heater. Ac.; two acre*, fruit. *liaile tree, and ?tahle. 1 ' kDMUND H. makt1ne. 1.S01 Broadway. fPO LET OR LEASE?VI' RYfci. NEAR THE PORT 1 che.ter depot, a Hue Houae, contaluiuK 15 room*; vrouud. hiiih anil very healthy: fine *lew:i!ood ?raiden, carriage houae. Ac.: a very place; rent low. In uulre or DANlrL STRANO, Rye dep<it, or MILL1AM MATHEWS. 54 Catharine ?t.. New York. PROPERTY OtT OY IHK CITY FOR j SALK OR TO KENT. A MODERN HOUSE?IN EVEKV WAY DESIRABLE, for |<H" |>er monthi hair rent; three minute, bv plauk walk from Wa.tlield .tatiou, on Central Railroad ot New Jeraey V minute. Iriwn city; 12 room*; excellent Veil. cUtern and cellar , ample terrace lawn, well .haded; uarden planted; commutation cenla each way from city; no airenta noe.l apply. (iWXhK, :<lt Park row, nmm 5. | A HANDSOME Nr.W CoTTAOE. III REE MINUTE# JX from (em . .-taten I.Und; jri.riltn. Iruit, (lower*; water View itl?o CottaK?. acre ^aideu; abundance fruit; ^ 1 DAURIN, 48 Broad. AT MORRlKTOWN-TO LET, FOR TIIRBE MONTHS. | ile.iralile llou.n, well lumiahed. Dr. DoDOE, 15 We.t Oth .l? or Mr. WITfft, t?4 Joiin ?t. / 1HAKMINI. I .li'M i: v PLACE oF :t ACRES FOR I / .ale in iittbt ol Sound. I1, hour* rom New York: e* cellent fl.l.m?. wlllnir and i.atninK; large bou.a, Ac.; ra iiu.'eil from $17.miU to (lo.faiti duieu ir * .u.mes PI'.ice, 2t*) llud.oii ?t. lior'hale^onk of"the KINBMT LOCATIOMS AT P Cornwall: H-'i aero.; couvenlent u car. aud boat: | bultdinx* all iu the be-tol or.iar; wood road*; hiirh irrouud , ?noun.ain air with beautlltrt and or tended view front every "ide of the hoiiv Aildre*. JOHN ORR. Mountaluvilla, Orant:* county, S. Y^ ? gumi OLaim farm for sale?near tiie city I; ol 4nua|ailli, Mil.; tlila farm i. on liavijtable water. ^ mile* from city bv water, 1', mile* by country road; con- i tain. 435 acre, oi I. irliK Improved laud, abuudanca of tim ber larae brick dwellinu. n naiit'* honiwi. barn*. ur*narlea, Ae. in exoellent con-Ution ; tnucb choice Iruit., Inc.udiiiK about 7'?' p".r and apple tree, and :t,5i?ip. arh tree, in full bearing the crop from which alone in 1*74, ?>lil lor over ?4 h:.i- milt two bout, from Baltimora and W'a* liniton by rail and .iei?uiiio?t>. wl lie it. vicinity to the city and Naval , Academy .uppiie.thurclir*, .cbo .I. and the lie.t .ocietv; location very healtiifnl: no propeitv In exchange; price, including one half ^rawing crop*. *?"" ix'r acre, or which ?7 In c?*h. rcKlilne In ono and two year*, ? percent In tarc*t. For liirther : articular, addre.* lock box 224 An napoli. Po.t oftice. Md. . I.lillt SALK?STEAM KUlU'H. MEaL AND FEED I' Mill and Elevator, at Northampton. Ma... ; ha. done a I arise and protttahl.'*: the death ol the owner make. ? ?aie luice.a.rv ft cond o|H-niiig lor a Wentern ll-mae to ex tend It. b.i.ineM Ea.t. Addre.. LUKE LYMAN. North ampton, Man*. F'URNIsllED COTfAOK. ON THE BANK ffF TIIE llud-on, to ar tVe.t Point, to let reaiuinabla. Addre** W ll.LET PARRY. Itlgblaad FlS, K. T. 1>OR~SAi.h OR TO 1.1 T-AT PASoAlC, N. J.'. VERY ' inc.' other Country Seata 11 ALL k >y( 1RF.S. JII3 Wait 2Sd at. Hint SALE OR To LET? \T MoNTBOHB. M T. A P iiiwid ix...) modern limine, with one aire : high ground, gaa. hot and cold water. Apply to W. A. BKEWKU,' Jr., 155 Broadway. New York. Moll RE>T A VERY DBSIRAHLE COTTAtlE. f ihjrnuaiily fnnii.hrd : uliada tree, and 40ml ?lahliug: Colivaaient to both ilepot* ami within 2IO vard* of the .bore: bathing privleg... rent luoderaia. Apply to JOHN BONNER A CO . I- Broad ?t.. New Yora. IONO MKANCII -TO LKT, OX COTrAUK I'LAtH. H3rt J i>cI from Atlantic Hivm, m mannard root <otla*e. ira? a I through m? well h> lb tin* ?talile. two <rrlli of >prliut water. tuilr fnrnUli' il >f*rn hedrouina, two |inr itn, dining room. kit nan. ?>mil r?li]l, laundry two rvllara ; iiaa In Iron I 01 oiltmir . n i hm limine . rem iow to * tfooii laimDi Applv In H KlliltV. Ht Wall iek'? i ullage, I.111U llrancli, ur M \\ a-i 4 til ??., New York MllXfTlfuTti SI J Hl'M'lALlY - hTai .im l Kekldenee. nerea. to rent. furnl?li*d or imfurnWIied; aeaton or year; aliade. trull, ifarden atalile; near ilapot. ll'.tVt. A I' V i.>O.V?. TIHVdai it. 0RANOE ItKAl> KKTATK KOIf MALK, UK.XT. KIR malicd and uliliirula ell: ???>ciii, j?<r. II \MILTo> % >? a I. Lit*. :?> I'lna ?t. Old MoKaVUN sl'N IIOTKI.. ItI.TlTCi[Hk*~pX, aeeniniuoilatef I.Vi lurM) . tour atore*. IWer* ulalile ?ml pr eate re.idemv < unnec:ed witli propert? ; three Uonralrom ?? IV York ; tootrvin t'till d Iphia; termt. third raah : bal aiu'? tnnrlif i^e; city l'fj|??rt/ taken a* eaali. CIIAKl.l's HKODHKaH. HethWIiem. OKA.N'iTk MUI NT MX I'O l!K XT, KOK KK VrttiN OK year liancao nely lornWhed iiioriern He?ld. nin; H ruptik, 1,1 j acre* nl aiound. laat, ahado, atalitlo : ; tarmi low. AddreM li. L. Sl7 Hroadwajr. SaraToTTaT- ui:sii?Kst k to lkt. kcknimihd. in rui n -. Iari|? (jmnnii*. alal.le, garden, and Ire: owner will hoard of rent it deal red; price -**l; ?e<urity re ?iutfed. Aililrm* HOLANH, bux 'Jl.'i Herald office. ffio Llr a r northfoitT, L i. hulk iioLHt; J water Irotit; no iuu?<iult?et; fruit and nhtdt Itan; j rrnl f^in per year. IJ.M l?. Nonhport, Iconic lilimd, N. Y. | rpo I.RT I I KXI lioi'Mfc IX nUBCKHM OK i J I'lill.Kirlulilu. with garden and tliede. J. M. liL'M ii KY A KON'X, 7*1 W alum at. rpo LK1 OJI ?TAT KN LABOR ? ni l t?;l . |u J. room*; IhkIi irround. 4t> liroanwar. room 41. rpn l.p.r OR I'llK -A' HK -I III VI.m; lloMK I Kti'ud. on the hftika of Marat"** Lake; Itti'lndea IJ aere* ill.ail.I; Iwine h?? 2-i>. llnely Invalid tor hoarding; rant low AdilreaaJ. II t'AitPKN ft&R, itaal Kfttete. .Hara tnjca Lake. .V Y. fn? l.i-.l mil KIV r. Y K A It > A fKltKh<";i < ?.1 NTlTv X llon e. tnrnlatard; ncie*. lawn, ahadr. fruit; near Metm-lian. > J. JaMK* R? UYLUk, No 11, iMne *t. rpo LKT-rrRMftiiicn f .ttaok. montiT.aTr'."?. 1 J.; >1101', pretty, health), nidi^lH, With Iruit and made . C"j to ^ ptrinlo-r \\ U. i K A IHJAS. 3U7 Briia. -a. Ka? York. PROPKKTY OUT OK TUK CITY KOU MALE OK TO U1CMT. TO LET?THE MANSION IIDI SK. I'N KL'I.NlailEi); Mill V the 111 i II lit UK" ?alb llWIU depot >11 Itr.l lUnk. on III* Shrewsbury River; will sccomm.idaiii r?l? lum dera: rent fdlliir I lit* seuson, or OHIO a yetir Apply to li. H II Alt Ills, :tuii Washington at., New York. or C. LhloHTON, It.-.i llauk. N. J. mo LET?VVMW8SO, VM THE H? 15Kk . ~AT 1 Bloomfield. N. .1 . 4'| minute* from Cortlandt at . ?l min utes IriMn Harclav it: II rooms; pi anas, shade and fruit; Jiicsaaut iinii healthy; rent. #20 per week Applv lu owner, 'UIKlliH W. LYt)I'limiiir.K it.. New York. miro LOfN, wra?hi.v"" i.?tOifkO. #estfMfos 1 Madiaon av : excavated. ? werwd : ready lor Immediate iiiiprovemeiit : dirt cheap: will <? m Ii mitre. SAMUEL ICIL* PATRICK. Bull'* Head Hunk Building. 'pO KENT IN PHILADELPHIA KOU THE Sl*M I mar. a neatly furnished Ill-room Resilience. desirable neighborhood. close proxl nity to the Exposition: reasona ble ternm t? an acceptable temmt. JOHN PRANKS ? CO., 1,1 lOCheatnut st . Philadelphia, \l' ILL HELL jiVlRST CLASH COUNTRY PLACE POB II .t i.lKKI down; also well located city Lota I' >r $ll*J down. If improved. at ouc.e, or exchange lor improved city Property below 6u li >t. Address COMPROMISE, Herald Uptowa Branch uihce 1 ')l ACHES. BULD1NGS, PRC IT. TUOUT POND; 1 near depot. Erie road. WILLIAM MAPE8, Otia trills, Uraitf county. New *ork. $r mill ?admikahi.y uTUiTu uoaa w?Bi f the n nier, nrar magiiiilceiit residences: tw? acre* of fruit ami >bade; I', from Stamford tiepoC. Address box WW Stamford Pint office. Conn. d?ll | (Will -Tills ELEOAnF"pLAOE OK OVER ?P-l.l*X.l MM J. JIM acres. Ht Piltifleld. Berkshire coun ty, ll?>-.. free and clear, wll be exchanged at Its value for city Lou ireu. or Improved Property -say store, Kroncb llati or dwelling bnuaea. not overloaded. UIKEB A CO.. .riS Liberty it. REAL ESTATE TO KkCHAKOi. 5 BROWN STONE FURNISHED HOUSES TO EX chance for puiilig Property, ChkIi or Securities. Address, with particular*, BaKQLAY. Ml 2.(1 ItniU office. JH>* SAUii OB EXCHANGE.?HUDSO* ' RIVER place wanted, lor a very elegant Huprnv d I'rnporty at Newark, wortli $iit),'Xkl. Address M A M PAC IT UKK, 2*3 Hroail?'ay. rmm M. itEAL ESTATE WAVl'KO. /I BEENWOOD PLOT WANTED.?Ml ST BE HE ASOlf vT able; give | aril.iilare or apply till Iuna 13. ? OKO. Wood X CO.. S5| Pulton ?t.. Brooklyn.% kou m sinkmS pi kpomeii Bennett nni.insar """ "*w'* PI reproof. Located on Naihaii, Ann and Pulton sta. J-irst Kloor lo let. suitable lor batiKer*. tnsurxnee offices or lauyers. W ill be let tnvetlicr or in parts; be altered to suit tenants II desired; adapted lor offices*. Huiiponnbio rents Also Mime eligible L?w offices to let. APPLY ON TUB PREMISE*. 'I ake the elevator. Imiiilre lor Janitor. A LAORR luBEB KBKI Al'ttANT To I.KT?.t) YKA K9 J\ estublished; Kood business. Praukfort llouae, 2(Xi William st. U A, CRl'tKHHANK A CO.. (W UROAOW \?.?TO J j ? lease, for -1 .vears. on very favorable terms, a large uu.t well arranire l liulidiiiK on hrondway near Cedar at. STEAM I'oWKIt.?TO LKT, 5 FLOOUS, WITH EXTRA Ulilit; high lirouml Kloor: all HUX44, ateaui elevator and beatlnr l'>" Wc?t -Ttli st. TO GROCERS.?TO LKT, AT UKDUCEO KENT. THE old ratubhalieU store southeast corner of 1st av. and *J3d at.: good liusinen? locality, .truly to WILLIAM P. POLhY. KohI Estateolhoe* 4i)U I an 'J.'td st. To irpNi-Kjit HL'SINESS, sKCO.MK STOBV KOOM 2"<c?itV, morn rnom if wanted. Apply at -II East IMtli at TO KENT CIIEAP-SPLEN HI I) fLOOltS .V>'C OPPICEU at I'Hii West st , o: poalt* Alininy line. sjD KLOOR (POCB BOOM ?) To LET-AT 1M 6TH AT?, O suitable for n dre-smaker. Inijulr-* in truna store. SWELLING HUilbES TO UbiT. Futiiislx'U. AFI KNIRHED HOUSE, 28 LARdE ROOMS, RENT per inuntli; one lilin'k Irorn Madiauu square. 111 East 24d st. rnfurnishrd. AT $likl PER MOM 11?THE LAI.OB 98 BV 40 HOUfil and Store; ban l'i rooms: complete order, newly painted. Iloiito or Store will bo let separata or togothor. ?Id Greenwich av.. uearlith av. ? WELLING HOUSES TO LET?AT ALL PBIOBS, IB all locations, u> usual; collections n specialty. JOHN II. HOLMES, -trt East 23d St. FVKNISllEl) UOOMti V\ O APAHTMKJiT# TO LKT. AflllVATi-. P\MII.Y WISH IO I.K I .?EV KKAL com fortably furnUbed larye and small Rooms; terms te suit. HID -d av. OOMVKKIEBT SECOND FLOOR TO UWbt' nisiied, for housekeeping; private bath aud closet. No' 408 Weal 24th st. D B ROOKIE N.?ROOMS TO LET, HANDSOME! V Pt'R nihliod.ln h house having all withls lour mlimte<' walk of Pulton Iriry and t Ity Hall: rent fron S1 to $14 per week : Board, lull or partial. If required, ltfl Pulton St., above Nassau st. IjlCONOMY AND HEALTH \T CENTRAL J Splendid air; Hitting Itoom and Bedrnoui togothat ttwo riMitaai. luinislied lor liuu^eke^tiinir. S- ra>; otliet ootnsln proportion: private house. Iti<iuire of WII.LIaM CRAWKOKD, Madlaon av.. corner rttlth at. Take Madison avenue cars. IMTRKtSHED PARLORS AliU OTHER KOOMM, ALL ' Mwly furnished, to let to gemleine.i only: terms mod erate: house private aud central; no boarders. 37 East -Ot!i st L,URNiSIIED PARLOR ANI> HKUKOOM; PIANO, r bath. <tc: Sitting Room atid Bedroom, or separate; Office and Bedroom; Rooms on flr?t Moor; Attic Room; terms low. Itijp East I >tli at . near t'nlon square. JP BLSINESS IS HI LL ADVERTISE AND MARK IT UOOD. IP B1TSINE88 IS GOOD ADVERTISE AND MA EE IT BETTER Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM last week o Moudttv. Mnv 20 35,300 A D V K KT1 s K M K N T8, 20 CENTS PR It LINK. Tueaila i Decoration Day, no paper AllV h ItiTsKMKNTS, 20 CENTS PKIt LINK Wodnetday. May III It.",000 AUVK.ltiioEME.STii. 20 CliNTS l'BR LINE. TiiurMlHv. .1 1 41,800 AOVEItll EMENTB, 20 t K.MS LINK. Fridav. .lime 2 :i.>,330 ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS l'BR LINK. Saturdav. June.'! :i4,200 ADVBRT1 a EM E NTS, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Total |i-2,4jO ADVERTISEMENT*, 20 CENTS PKK LINK. lolly tflMMmn ? W.UUO 1' A ROE, PLEASANT ROOM'S."? URNI8HKD FOR J housekeeping: If4 to 95. 823 3.'itU at., near 8th a*. PPOSITEHTIIU'KVAVr HOUSE, 13 WK8T2WTH ST. Ilandaouiely IVrnlaiiod llooitie. fpiT LET?PtJR.VI sliK i?~ A KINK ROOM, LOW. KOR JL mi.inner moiilha. Apply at 44 8tuyve<ant it., oppoalta Mi. Mark'! church TWO Oft rou> WOW KBATL f? t i it I is I IK I) KOK houaekeeplnir, $4 to Hii par week. .VJ8 We?t 42d ?t. rpilKKU Si FOUR BLEOANTLY H ltNISIIKD~ROOMg X to lot. at J'i Went HUli ft. * Q>i) ?LARUE furnished FRONT HALL ROOM. 0 ?J? WMii'l floor . larite Kuom. too floor, aultablo Tot K titleiti?sii or houaekeepitii;, $ii. 3.'?l Knit I4tli at. ,-TII AV. AMI I4TII ST.?A PRIVATE FAMILY WILl ? f rent a ImniHi tun Suit <?? fiiriiMiccI Itoonia In ti>o oleirant bran (H M liMw No. 4 Wot I4tli at.: parlor, three 1x4 ? roouia an il private batli. together or aepKrately. 9 BAST ?U ST.?ELEOASTLY /URSIsllKD DOl'BI.I and nlbirln Kixitua un aecoad Hour to lot, without board: restaurant nocniul dour; reference, 1 I TM ST.. NO 20t> WK8T.-A FEW KLKOANTI.Y 11 faraUbed Rooma. alrlrtly private Inmily; location flratdaaa; term* low. 17 KA8T I7TII ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS. nKAST U18T ST., MADISON and 5TH AV8? Handaoma anlt of laM>| alao alngle Room s brook* toil Ifdealreii; lititlieat reference. TH 8TT* "KM ' BAST, BETWBBB 'l' Nt? >S~ soi.'A Kl and Irvlnic place.?llauUiioiuely furuiabod Room without board, fur gentlemen. 1Q WEST "Sifll HIV-ELBOANTLT Ft'BBISHBl J ?" Roiiiiih. without Imarn. un aecond and third flourai moderate price*. 77 bast urrii st.-klrnished kor ho vbk I I keeping, large Kooiu ; alao single Room; hot and cold water in room. r r.Q HUDSON ST. ?FURNISHED ROOM TO LET; none but reapectable people ueed apply; reference required. VarUKS?HOn? HOO.HH AND APART* MMNI'A I'll I.KT. * "-FLATS-FINE OSfcAflON; ACL tHFXSVI J\ . ineta; low rrnta; immediate uoaaaaeioo. Applj mTJOM.1 I), i KIMMI.V-v I,'*17 :<d a*. F*LOOR TO I.BT i'IIEAP?TO A SMALL FAMILY, Al l? i l,exinifi?n hv. _ H?I >lK?. HOOMrt, OH., ?YAfkTBD. ~ In iiti, t itv Ultd liroaklvn. A gentleman WISHES TO KKOAOK a well lurnialied iiiihII Parlor, with Hodro Hit. wlthoot board, lor tlio anmrner, t# iweru I.etitiKion and 7tli ava. and abo*4 I4tb at. Aililreii R<MJMS, box^ii P.<at effice. IN A lit/oD' I.6::ai'.I IV "in THE riTY, oVinTin! ol I In- >nburii>?Kour tnrmalied itooina, with Kitchen' loweat terma. A?tdieaa L K., Herald olhee. tlrANTKH AilOVi; ??ril ST, SMAlf IIOL'dB Ol ? T Kirat i'loor ol 'I to 8 roouit. AilUrraa, atatina prloi and location, M.. nation A. In the Countrv. WANTKO T(? RRNT-A SMALL IIDI'SE, WfTHIW A ahort ilittaneeol the city ; inuit be In perfect order; rent niodemte Ad<lrr??, >tatini{ location and term>, ItAKT, lleraid Uptown Hrancli olbr. W'AMKI) III HIRB KOR I IIK SKAHON'-A H AnS f? aouie Conntry Place < n ;lie 8<>nnd; in the vicinity o R.vo preferred. Adilrea* ,l. \? ., box :?,7*)7 I'mt olflee. N. Y Mint KI.I.WKOtif. ^snntA a'no cliitoNn: nituNOlilriiC i he moat eRectnal remedy will bo louad to be Dataro TM )H> Prepared in a.I forma for luokiag ami inhalation by SAVORY A MOORE, 113 New Bond ?t., London, and tolil br tkem and all rlM-ainta and atorokaepar* tbrou^uoiii the w.ild. owlinu ai,i.KviT?t if.T < rri ok country,' 1 MMBM of wwrk akiMra: lent! n* an'l Mailt Mareaily ndueed price* l.?iatiii*atii in I0J2. WiLLiAM 0l?> LINtiilAM, lii HeuMte*, IV