Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,538. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1876.-QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DIRECTORY FOB ADVERTISE US. ?BBAI.D BRANCH OFFICE, 1.305 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAT AND NIGHT, FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?4th I'ao*?&ih nod 6th colt. ABTBOLoGY?i:iTn Pagb?Utb col. BILLIARDS-1?tm Paob?6th c?l. BOARDERS WANTED-2? Pack-IM and 3d Kit., and 15th Pa?i-M and 4th eols. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d Fam?3d eoL. and 15th Pag*?1th col. BROOKLYN BOARD?15th Paok??h cot BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?14th Facb lot col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?11 Tti Pag* BUSINESS NOTICES? l?rit FAGH-5th and tlth eol*. CIGARS AND TOBACCO-Ist PiG*-l?t col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 14th Pags?latent CLERKS AND SALESMEN??d PAU*-3d and 4th eol*. CLOTHING?13th PACK-etli col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?3n PAGB-4th cot COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?lUru Pacb?4th and Mb cola. COPaRTNKRSHIPS-Ut.i Pack. COUNTRY BOARD .'n Faob?3d, 4th and 8th eola., and 15th Pasi?4th and 5?h ool*. DENTISTRY?1?th P*r.*-?tli ?>l. . ... DRY GOODS?19th PAt)a?3d. 3d. 4th. 5th and dth tola.. anu 18th Paub?1st. 2d and 3d col*. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. Fl/RMSHBD AMD UB FURNI8HED?14th Pagb-AUi col. BUROPBAN STEAMS HIPS?10th PAua-4th eoL EXCHANGE?13th Pauk-OIIi col. EXCURSIONS?16th PAUK-ftlh and 6th cola. FINANCIAL?Utii Pack. FINE ARTS?4th pAcit-Oth eol. FOR SALE?Sp Pagb?4th and 5th enl*. FURNIoHED RO.IMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 14tu PAtiB-Olb and tith col*., and 15th Pagb?l*t col. FURNITURE?3d Pack?5tli and 6th eol*. HELP WANTED?EE MALES-30 Pack?3d aud 3d eol* HELP WANTED?MALES?8? Pack?4th eol. HORSES, CABRIAGES. AC.?4th PAU*.-2d, 3d and dth col*. HOTELS?3n Pack?3d eol.. and ISrn Paob?4th eol. BOUSES, ROOMS, AC.. WANTED?15th Paob?2d aad 3d Cold. tKRTRUCTION-lOr* VAtm^h rot. ? JERSEY CITV, 1IOBOKBN, HUDSON CTTT AND BERGEN REAL BSTATii FOR SALE?14th Fagb l*t eol. LOST AND FOUND-4tb Paob?1st col. BaCIIINERV-Md Pag*?"'tli eol. Marble mantels ihth PA??-flth eoi. MATRIMON IAL?15tii PACB-?th col. MEDICA1 3d Paob?<>th col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING? lent PAOB?8d ool. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEKTIKEMENS? lOra PACB-Ctb col. MISCELLANEOUS-IOtii Pack?Oth eol MUSICAL? 13rn Pack?dth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Brn Paub-6Ui col. PhRSONAL-l*T PAM-1?tonl. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.?13th PAO*?6th eoL PROPOSALS?4th Pagk?4th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 3n P a hk?2d eol. FBOPERTY OUi OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT? 1 1th Pagk?Int. '-'d and 3d eol*. REAL ESTATE TO EX0UANGE-14TH PAGK-3d and 4th col*. RE A I. ESTATE WANTED-14TH PAG*-4?h eol. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?Iirr Pack-1st cot RESTAURANTS-ISTn Paok?<>th ool. REWARDS??th Pack ?1st col. SALES AT AUCTION?l.'ith pag*-5th and 6th col*. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?3d 1'age-IsI and 3d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?3d Paok?3d col. SPECIAL NOTICES?4th Pagk-1st and _'d cols. SPORTING-DOGS. BIRI>S. AC.?4tu I'AUK-VdcoL STORAGE?4th PAGK-4thcoL SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pack?5th aad 6th eol*. and 18th Pag*?5th col. THE TRADES?.In PAGK-4th col. THE TURF? i? Fagk?2d ool. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURF0SES-14th Paoh? 4th col. TRAVELLERS' OUIDK?I6tii Pack?5th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15 Pagg?1st and 2d coin. WANTED TO PURCHASE?4th PAOK-6th col. BATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-IHth l'A?B-3d cot WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?I4rn Pack?1st col. fACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AU.-lOrn Paob??th eoL PEKSOifAL. _ "VdORA?FOiTbOTH OUR SAKES LET'US'tlAVE AN ft Interview. Money matter* are all right an you have fixed thorn: so yon noed not (ear. Du write or eome Imme diately. F. Beautiful brunette, uarlem river boat, Saturday afternoon: slight recognition; tall irentlo man d?*lres acquaintance. Please address ROSEBUD, Herald office. OB?MILLIE HAS CONSENTED T<TgO WITH ME to Argyle Shadow Damante to morrow night. OEORGTE. B c. D D B. L.??"SAMIVKL, BEWARE OF THE VIDDEPS.' M. M. EC. 5.?YES. ANY TIME. ADDRESS. APPOINTING interview', HYDE PARK, box 118 llorald office. ASB. DASIL?FORGIVB YOUR UN IIA PPY DASH, DASH. M "I7CLIPSE"?WILL MEETTOU AT BOUTH FERRY, ?J Brooklyn, at 1 o'clock to-dny. CENTRAL PARK. JOSIE HALL?I HAVB IMPORTANT NEWS FOB yon. Write. CONFIDANT. " '"ft NO. 94, W. J. H. B.. SOT 5th ar. Margaret <MaDADE) fitV:h~ wiT/i. learn ^omethins to her advnntnrrn by lending address to Post office drawer 100, Houston. Texas. R. ,T. F. HALLADAY~WHO FOBMBLT LIVED IM Rlchmmid, Vs., will online J. W. \V. by sending bis addrei* to box 3,431 Post office. ED CLOlin-ilAVE GOT TilE HOUSE AND LEFT Mr*, ti ******; go no one street above. MAUD WINTERS. flOLRT?CAN'T "GO PNTHj TIIE_ DAY AFTER; write If yon nndcrntaniL YOU KNOW WHOM. ?AN D * * *?I wont'"disappoint youPargyle Shadow Ball to-morrow night rain or slilnn. MATTIE B . R WILL MISS BARCLAY PLEASE GALL MONDAY night, June 12. at 8, or send address to 777 fitli nr., enrner 44th St., and oblige W. M. ILL MRS. LUDLOW. FORMERLY OF WEST OTH St., please write again, giving addreso ? W. WTlTlj H. D. MARIE PETRBSEN~WUO WAS IN CO penhagen winter ol 1H74-5, plnue send her present tddres* to the Friend whe a??!?ted her 1 iliTdil FALKNER 'please" CALL UPON MRS. Maeanley Immediately ? w w w ANTED TO ADOPT-A MALE INFANT. FROM 1 to 3 months old. Addret* INFANT. Herald office. ^tTANTED?1TO ADOPT FROM BIRThTwITH FULL T t surrender, a male infant, with brown eyes and hair and hlr complexion. Address VOLLMIER, Herald Uptown Branch office. I'lTuMUV'-llKT LETTER IN YOUR OWN NAME. TT New York Post office, Monday. See Saturday's Per sonal*. J. M. OUNG LADY, BLUE DRESS. SLACK LACE sTlAWL, on the Nrrker? Will you address (gentleman with glasses? C. M., llernld nffien. and state color of yonr hat ? TH.?WILL BE AT OFFICE AT 3 ON MONDAY, 'THE 12th. ?WILL FIND A LETTER. HERALD UPTOWN ? Branch office. 8' 123 MCLielOPg HOTICBUh. jrs8(jJ5lAtiON OF "SPIRITUALISTS. HARVARD ft. Ruom*. Reservoir Park.?Mr. J. V. Mansfield, the re nowned medium, will give trsts at 8 P. M. Conference at >>?. All invited. (1HURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLKS, HORNER PTII J av and VHth st.?Rev. Brady E. Backus, rector. Kervloes at lOfj and 5 P. M. 0 Chur?:h ok hie divine paternity. ay., corner 45tli at.?"Children's Sunday" will be celebrated by an appropriate addrnas by Rev. fir. E. II. t'bapin. Sing in* and baptinn. Evening services as uaiial. OK THE Disripuwr M A 1HHON AV, COK ner 45th at.. Rev. deorge II. Ilepworth.?Morn in*. "'Consequence* of Nei:Itinn Salviition: ' evening, "The Influence of the Other Life ou This LifeSunday school and Bibie claas at 3. C'ibumib ~OT THE heavenly "REST. r.TIf AV.. ) above 45th at.?Rev. I>r (lowland, rector. Services in Jane. 11 A. M., S P. M (evening proyer). ("ThurTih- or th e~new~jerusalem (SWEDEN ) borgian). Eaat 33th st..'between 4tii and Lexington avs. Chsuncey ('ilea, pail or Services, II A M. To this Church Iai been revealed?1. The Spiritual Meaning of the Whole llvine Word: 9. A true Syitem of ClirlatUn Doctrine; 3. lie Life after Death, of tlie State* of cxlatencs In tba Snlrlnal World, by mean* of .which thrre ia row being rap Idly introduced into the world a New Age or a Mew Dispeu aation of eiearei Light, greater Love ami better Life. EiJL KAXiKIKLD. Til K RENOWN ED MKD1CM, | win demonstrate spirit preseocu at tlie Harvard Room", aervuir Park, Sunday evening, at B. No extra admisaion First rekormed episcopal chukcii, madison av? corner of tTth at. ?Divine services at 10:.'*)A. M, and 7:40 I' M flio rector. Williiiiu T Satins. will |ireuch. THANE MILLER, ESqtt "oV CINCINNATI, ? will apeak otimiuy eveuini: the 11th inat.. at 7^ ?'cl'tck. immediately alter the service of uog, at Associa tion Hall. _ Rfl, stoddard AND MASTER HOUOlt HOLD So all ce a at 4 2J CtlM at.. Brooklyn, Hun lay, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening*. for materialisation; names given In full PiLURM'fiAPflST CHURCH. SID ST . BETWEEN 8th and CHti ava.?I. Spencrr Kennard. pnator. preaches ? nrning. at 10>t; evening, at 73.v Baptiaw after Mrvti-e. All wclconie. ______________ {>ROURESSIVE SlMiUTl ALl>1S -MK9. K F. J. Bullene, 1 ranee Speaker, will lecture st Hepiibl-an all. .VS Weat Hd at., Sun da* mornim.-, at 10 .30; evening, 7;HO; Children's Lycenm. :3>?. EbkurmKlTTl'iSCO I' A L~ CiiURCH-SERYIOES IN Tabor chapel, J9th at., between fitli and 7th an.-10:30 A- M. 7:4"> P. M. Ton will be welcome. Rev Uaorge Howell. pa?tor. S" t ion ati rs* < ? 11 r* kI'll. i st.. atrtrrx* stn ami I th ava -ervk-ea ?, U. i"'-. 11 A M. (eherali i A P. M. (choral). Ihe retior. Dr. Ew. r, preaches morning Mid evenlii., Sirt"/r ra cordially inviie'l The oospki, tent, 3tih at., Weat, and near flth av. (green ears of Thirty f< urth ?tr?et line psaa the tent.) OCEK1NU SKRVICEM. SUNPAT, 7;45 1*. M.~ Preaching by the Rev Stephen H. Tuig. J' Mo.NDA>, H P. M - Meeting of now eonverta. Addrcases by I'ev St' plltii II. Tyng, Jr., and othera. Tl'Ksl* V V, K IV M. - Presi liin '; t.y K^v. if. Jeffrsy, D. D.. of Hr.?>?!?. r.. WEDNESDAY, 8 P. M ?I'reacuing by Rev. W. Hump ?ten#. THURSDAY. S P- 31.?Prcachlng by Rev. R. R, Dovtb, P. D. FRIDAY, H I'. M.?PreaMhing by l!?ar. W. Liovil. .saTi RDa'i ; S p. M.? Meeting ol Christian workers to te led by I ncle John N Sin iti ii - e> ery <?> anin by Tlmmaa E. Perkiaa nsd a chorus. Seats Ir e ir. .ill. Ilelp"ra wan'-.Ml IU uahera. w..r*er? anil singsra. Address l P. WILLIAMS, No. |i. I-;a?t tU.I ?i. i oatributlona to Its support "f toeae services may lie aeru to E. L OWEN*. TreaHwer, No. 14 T.ait 4M st. = ffOAftS A\I) TOH\f C07 ~ "~ rVfli-finKI. OK VO'I/H i - V'.'.-TVr.Nl^ MAllK KI,>*P,. where *an be aave?! at H7t fianal s:. ; v > r l.rnmia o! itu isim and dBflstle Citfari by tbe boa ur 1,' dry GOODS. -srci DRY U00D8. EXTRAORDINARY AND tTJfPARALI.blbd REDUCTIONS h 5 kit n H H KH jr h n nk n H II O X HHHH S S M HUSH "NHS V KM M KS 791 Broadway. GRRAT CLE A KING OUT KALH of Spring and Summer Drees Good*, ' Black and colored Silks. Greaadtaes In all tba ut meshes. Batistes and Linen Dress Goods, Mounting Good* of an klada, 8,030 pieces Ham barn Edgingi aad Insertions ?t half original eoit 1,750 Llama Lace Shawls and Bacqnes ?t 60c. on the dollar. The above are all fresh new mods, bought ai recent forced anctloa sales, and ladles will find thla a great oppor tunity to boy fine goods cheap. Samples tent, post free, to all parts of the United States on application. jobs tcnlTkt A CO.. 7B1 Broadway, between 8th and nth sts. 1876." JONKS. Immense Stock. Special Bargains. Great Bargains. A Great Bargains. ZZ Ladies' and Z Z Boy's Clothing. ? Z Z Children's X Z Dnncan Kilts. Z I Underwear 7. S Walking Snlti ? Z Z ii Novelties. Z Z London Sack, Suits. Z Z Derby, Ae Z / 000 Xlf N KERB SS8 Z Z JOOftNNE 8 Z Z JO OSS N EE 883 Z Z JJO ONNNfc 8 Z 1. J J OOO S SS EKEE 8SS Z ? EIGHTH AVENUE EIGUTn AVENUB AM? NINETEENTH STREET. NINETEENTH STREET. t Z J OOO NX K KEEB SSS Z Z J O O N N N E 8 Z Z J O O X N N KB SSS Z 8JJOONNNE 8 Z Veils, Z J J OOO X XN EBEE 888 Z Laces, Z Z Ornnments, Z ^ ^ Z Ribbons, Stra^ Goods, Zz ^ Z Hosiery, French Flnwors, Z Z Finn Goods, Z Z ?? Millinery. Z Z Sun Umbrellas. ? Z Z Grest Bargains. Z Z Great Bargains. Z Z Bargains. Drew Goods, JONES. Bargains. Suits, JONES. Bargains. Silas. JONES. Margins. Carpets, JONES. Bargain*. Upholstery, JONES. Bargains. Curtains, JONES. Bargains. Oilcloths, JOKES. Bargains. Heps, 4c., JONKS. Bargains. Mattings, JONES. Bnrgsins. Furniture, JONKS. Bargains. Msttresses, JONKS. Bargains. Bedding, Id. JONES. All poods will be offorod st an immense saeriflce. Cheap est stock of Domestics In tlie city, embracing I(K) cases of Sheetings. Shirtings, Prints. Denim*. Ticks, Ac.. froin suc tion. st vastly re<Iured prices. Orders will receive prompt uttention. Samples sent free. J0XE8. 8th av. ami l!Hh St. JONES. A." BBB L 00 OO MM MM 888 -? B B I< O O 0 O M V N M 8 8 '" B B L O 0 0 O M M M M 9 " B B L O 00 OMMMM8 HBB L O 0 0 O M MM M 888 B B !? 0 O O O M X M M 8 11 B L 0 O O O M XX M 8 ..., B B L O O O O M XN M 8 8 ?, BBB LLLL OO 00 X X X 888 ? BOW MKT, between Bond and Ortat Jones its. PAIUSOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ? TRAVELLING COSTUMES. LINEN DUSiEKS, TRAVELLING SATCHELS. TOILET ARTICLES, AC. 6> LADIES' AND MISSES' UNDERWEAR. 7 ^ 8VPKEN ASSORTMENT ??<> XORNIXO WRAPPERS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND IXPANTS' OUTFITS. A bewildering assortment, in superior workmanship, at lower figures than heretofore known. LI8LE THREAD KID AN 1) SILK GLOVES, LACE MITTS. CASHMERE. GOSSAMER, HOSIERY AND MERINO UNDERWEAR. : | t !IIP AND STKAtV HATS AND BOX NETS, st halt former priccs, ELEGANT TKItlUKD HATS, Trench Flowers and Ostrich 1 ips in great profusion. Have opened en Immense t.inaty of CHINESE. JAPANEsK AND PARISIAN FANS. VaNCY jewelry, ^ comprising sli fire I m n.nfflties In E strings. Brooches, Brarelels, Chatelaines, Vinaigrettes, Bar?, i omus, ilair Ornaments, Ac. LACE 8ACQUES, " ~~ . LACK 8I1AWLS. La<;k overdresses, IN Hl'NDP.KD-i OP DIPFKRfcX r > AJtlKTIK* Ai MKRKt.V NOMINAL FIGUKKk ELEGANT I.AC!. SACQl KS, fi -J? AND UP. LACE fllAWLs, 7MJ. AND UP. u HLooMn', [ | It LOOMS', ?<?> ^ SS-t BOWERY, 340 BETWEEN BOND AND OBEAT JONES 8TB. DRY GOODS. SPECIAL AND decided special am7 decided REDUCTION reduction OF PRICKS prices THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT IN OUR LADIES' FURNISHING department. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' linen suits, BATlsTE SI' ITS, CAMBRIC SUITS, lawn SUIT8. lace COSTUMES. BATISTE overgarments. OVERSK1RTS AND jackets. linen ULSTERS AND DUSTERS. At A REDUCTION Or 30 PER cent from last WEEK'S PRICES. special BARGAINS IN LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS: lawn. PERCALE AND CAMBRIC WRAPPERS; wire AND MCSLIN PAN'IKRS; CORSETS AND SKIRTS. A SPLENDID line t)F LADIKS' dressing SACQUES, OK lawn, CAMBRIC AND Ml'slln, IN ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS AND trimmings. CHILDREN'S PIOUE garments IN GREAT VARIETY or STYLES, REDUCED PRICES. clearing OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS ~~ AT enormously REDUCED PRICES, A REDUCTION OF fully 80 PER cent IK oanop* SUN umbrellas, serge silk UMBRELLAS, children'S PARASOLS. i millinery DEPARTMENT. UR IMMENSE assortments OF STRAW goods. FRENCH AND AMERICAN CHIP BONNETS AND hats. FANCY STRAW BONNETS greatly REDUCED PRICES. GREAT BARGAINS In SA9H AND BONNET RIBBONS. THE most complete LINES IN THE city. MONDAY MORNING, IN OUR ^ LaOK dki.-VRIMKNT, A magnificent SELECTION OF ENTIRELY NEW FRENCH blonde LACES, spanish LACKS, BUFF AND WHITE CLUNY LACES, Valenciennes laces. OUR OWN importation, at GREAT BARGAINS splendid ASSORTMENT OF BAMBURO EMBROIDERIES. GUIPURE BANDS, SWISS AND nainsook embroideries, DECIDED REDUCTION " FROM FORMER PRICES. <g> i STERN BROTHERS. BTII AVENUE AND 33D ST. A." H II II II IIHH II II H H II NN EEEEE II LLLL LLLL CCCC OOOO C CO O C CO O C. O O C O O C O i) C CO O C CO o, CCCC OOOO + ?ill offer on Monday, ?'ana 13. STRAW GOODS ai an IMMENSE SACRIFICE. son dmen brown Chip I Inn. 73 cents; formerly 93 73. HUO do/eu black Chin Halt. 60 cenu to St 5U, 1,000 dnien white ('nip Hats, $1 to $J 3d Let;''ore Hilt. $1 to <S'J 75. Enplinh Walking Hutu, new drnigna, in lanoy braids. SASH nlllBONS. 6-ineh Sa?h Ribbon*, all color*, ?> cents; *11 silk. 7-incti Sa?h Kibbonn, ell colors, 60 cent*; all silk. iMln carton* fancy >a?Ucs. 35 cent* yard. : 00 o*r:on? fancy Naahe*. 50 rent* ti> yard. U?i dotrn Koinau Sanhes. 1% yard*, SI 50; worth $& 200 dozen fancy Saaliea. f- to $5. bolt silk Saahes, in all *bsdu*. BOXNET KIBBOMS. S, 7, 9, 13, 10 to 30. In all the new shades. TRIMMING SILKS. Latest novelties la TRIMMED tIATS. Children's trimmed Bs:? Will offer on Monday an- Immense stock of FREXOH Fix)WKRS. Greatly red nerd prices. 3,000 Monturo*, from 75c. to MX LACE GOODS. Cashmere Lacs, Oalpnre kasi, Thread Laee. Special attention frivrn to made-ap Laee Oooda. Children'* lace Cap* a specialty. Lace KtifflioK* In endle** ??rleiy. LACK TIBS. Fancy Tie*. New patterns In netted Ties. a,i?Xido*en Windsor Tie*. *t 15 cents to 35 easts. l.i'Odoiai Jockey silk Handkerchiefs 31 cents; splendid quality. KID OLOVES In all the newest (bade*. Bargain* In SILK UMBRELLAS. Pplendld stock and selected with special earn for first class retail trade. Will off*r on Monday 300 canopy top Parasols, at S- SO: worth H ii! O'NKILL A CO., S31 to 3*^9 Alb a*., corner JOth It. ___ PPPP A RRKR II ?88S II A KW K P P AA K KIIS SII AA XX X PPAARRIIS II A A X X X I'PPP A A KRRR II 8S88 II A A X X X r A A A P. R II S II A A A N X X P A A R R II H II A A N XX P A A R 11 II RSKS II A AH NX FFFFF L OOO W~ ? W F.KEB RRRR r L O 0 W W WE R R F LOO W WW WE R R K I. O O W W W W E R R FFF L o O W W W W KEB RRRR K L O O WW WW I KR F L 0 O VV VV K K R F L 0 '? W VV K R K F UXL OOO V V KEEE R K COMPaXV, Cum pax y, CUMPAXY, COMPANY, Importers, Invite the attention of burer* to their stock of all "The laten Novelties" In rich Freneh Flower*. Bridal Set* and Veils. Ottrlch snd f*oc< Feetbars. Floral Uarnltore* for wedding sad evening aaotame* arranged tn order. Va??* and basket* flllrd witli tropical Loaf Plants and perfumed Haaqaet* "a specialty." To the trade and institution* a liberal disconat. HIE PaKISIAX KLoWEK COMPANY, ? Rue de Clery. 2* Bast 14th si. ?'arts tear door* west of University pieea. L LOBWBNSTBIM, FrsvtUter. DRY OOODK ______ A -extraoIuiinaky"rkductioSIi " ' A, In LADIR.V AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, PA.MEKS, AC. I LO 1(1) A TAYLOR. I - ? <s> walking skitts. ^ Peep hem p1b?:.'t tucks. good muslin SO Deep hem Iwo cluster tuck* 7<) Dmp 1mm t*o elailiri fW Two cambric rallies unit lurks ftt Deep hem *111! -_'i lurks H.'< Embroidered ruftle and tucks ft "U Deep side-plaited ruffles ami tuck* 1 10 Embroidered ruffle nud tucks I M Embroidered raffles ?ad tucks, wiuer. 1 HA Two embroidered ruffles 1 70 Ha?>:>urg Itounce and nine tacks ? 1 75 Hamburg ttiHincn, two cluster tucks 2 SO Two cambric r utiles, tucked and edited with fin* Ham burg 2 60 Two ruffles. Hamburg embroidery 2 Bt French Skirl*, elaborately embroidered 3 00 Short muslin Underskirts, ruffle nud tuck* SO DRAWERS. Raffle and tocks 40 Tucks and Hamburg eil*e 00 Deep hem. three cluster links 70 Embroidered ruftle and lucks 16 Coventry ruffling and tucks 1 00 Insertion and edging 1 10 Llnon cluster tucks. line quality 1 SO CHEMISES. Inserting and edge. ?. 68 Corded bands 68 Tucked yoke and eatubrie ruffle 75 l'nflings end riffle .74 Puffing aud Inserting *8 Corded bands and cambric ruffle I 00 Tucked Toke nud insertings, all In 39, 40, 42, 44 and 4tt-lnrh bauds 1 IS # Nil)HT DRESSES. I Double yoke nn<l mflled 05 Double yoke, better quality and raffled down front 1 < 0 Tucked yoke 1 20 Bliss making and ruffle down entire frout t 65 Clnster tucks and insertion yoke 1 55 Tucked yoke, insertion and embroidered ruffle I 70 Tucked yoke, three rows of insertion aud edge 1 MO Tucked yoke and embroidered ruftle, ueck 14, tS and 16 iuch, otherwise in proportion 2 00 "dressing f Trimmed with ruftle and tucks. 75 Trimmed with ruffle and tuck* 1 Oo Trimmed with rnfflo and tucked all around i 25 Trimmed with ruffles mid Hamburg Insertion 1 55 Trimmed with two rows insertiou and ruffle 1 Oil Corset Covers. from ?6 A full line of Kreuch hund embroidered Chemises, Night Dre?set, Dressing aacques. Kobes do Chambre, Ac., at price* of domestic goods. A large lot of Night Dresses, full laundrled. handsomely tucked aud hand embroidered, at half the original prlea. COMPLETE TKOUSSl-.AU, KKOM $50. Particular attention pud to WEDDING OUTFITS. Oar long experience In this brunch guarantees a* In prem ising perfect satisfaction iu every particular. INFANTS' WEAK. Infants'linen Skirts, trimmed, from..... 50 Infauts' Hnuuol Kauds, embroidered BO Infant*' ftauuel Hands, plain, (ilk bound..... 87 Infants' llani.el Skirts, from I SO Infants' flannel Skirts .embroidered 2 So Infante'fine cambric Skirts, laandried 1 00 lufants' fine cambric Skirt*, handsomely trimmed 2 <>0 Infant*' Night Dresses from ?5 Infants'Nainsook trimmed Slips I 10 Infanta'Christening Kobe*, trimmed with embTaidery. 3 15 Infanta'lace Cap* ironi 1 75 Nursery Baskets, embroidered 8 0.1 Nursery llaskets, silk and lace trimmed...... 8 no Nursery Baskets tully iurnislied 4 25 Embroidered flannel and merino Shawls from 2 75 Infants' Cloaks, white merino, silk trimmed, lined and wadded 9 SO Infa nts' Cluaks, white merino, quilted silk Ibilng and handsomely trimmed IS 00 Infants' Cloaks, colored merino, long cloaks, double capes 7 00 Infants' Walking Coats, silk trimmed, lined and wadded, from 5 00 Infants' Walking t'oats. black % civet, hand embroid ered, half the cost of importation 8 00 Afghans, new de*ign*. from 2 90 Pique Walking ('oats, hand embroidered 7 00 Pique Long Cloaks, hand embroidered 5 00 Children's Muslin Drawers, trimmed, from 2 to 12 year site, trom 33 Children s Muslin Chemise*, same *liy, from 37 Children's Muslin Night l>re?*os, same sines 82 Nainsook sh(#t French yoke. from... 1 15 INFANTS' COMPLETE WARDROBES A SPECIALTY, TO ORIIKit AND ON HAND, FROM $35. FANCY COLORED SKIRTS ib is PLAIN, PLAID AND STKII'Ek GOODS, ALSO SERGE. CLOTH. MOREEN AND OTHER MATERIA L8. PARTICULARLY ADAPTED FOR STEAMER WEAR OR TRAVELLING PURPOSES. CORSETS. KCKSINO COKSKTS. ADJUSTABLE 1?U8T AND Hil' GORE, PERFECT FITTING ?l no NURSING CORSETS, FINK 0OIITILLE 1 50 SKA GRASS VENTILATING COKSKT 1 25 THOMPSON'S VENTILATING CORSET 1 25 ABDOMINAL BROAD STEEL, SPKCIALLY ADAPTED TO 8TOUT FloURES. LACED ON HIP 3 75 EXTRA LONG WEKLY 2 40 T.-.N INCH FRENCH COUTILLB. RIUINO CORSET 1 55 LAlH''>' COM*ORT OOltSET, HEAVILY CORDED, NO BONES... t as CHILDREN'S CORSET WAIST. CHILDREN' S CORSETS CORK PADS SO PANIKRS. AC. 12 nz. SEA ORASS l'ANIKKS, PKKKKCT SHAPE AND LIGHTEST WEIGHT VKT INTRODUCED. .$1 30 EXTRA STRONG MUSLIN PANIKRs. 37-INCH LONG J 25 DO., 2it INCH LONG M5 WIRE TRAIN PANIKKS. HAIRCLOTH TOP, VERY LIGHT AND STRONG...- 2 00 WIKR PANIKKS, 2*1-INC II ?. .. 70 HRIDAL CORSETS A SPECIALTY, IN STOCK AND TO ORDER, AT REASONABLE PRICES.^ f BATHING 6UITS. A lull line of ladies' and children'! Hniliinif Suits. In flannel. wrie and olln-r material*. nt very low price*. BTEAVER HOODS, cashiuoro, (Ilk lined, Si 75; tatln, ?Ilk lined, $5. T LADIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SUIT.". 7 4>? I7.r> Poplin Snits at $?"> 50. l&i I'oplin Suits nt (Jrt 50. 7"> I'oplin SuitK, embroidered. at ">0. 05 I'oplin Suits, lit combination shndos, at $9 50. SO Poplin Suits, combination (hades, better quality, at <11. Melange Plaid Salts at $13 50. * 1'ure lilaco Molialr Suits nt $13 50. Pondlcherry Danm?*ee Suits at $17. Suit* of Janilstno Cloth nt $1H 75. Extra quality Poplin Suit, combination shade*. from $16 to $25. Over skirts and Jacketa, basketiue eloth, trimmed with silk, at Hlack Cashmere Suit, $1^. Jlint-k Cashmere Salts, silk trimmed, $34; with silk ever (kirt, $57. Slack cashmere Oversklrts end Jacketa,$15. Alpaca Suits. $7 75. Ladies' Swiss Suits. $0 to $35. White Lawn Suits, fully i rimmed, $3 75. Ladles' Swiss Polonaise, trimmed with lac* and em broidery, at $2. I.urge lot of plain and embroidered Linen and Batiste Suits. Oversklrts st.d Jackets, lu all the new (tyles and at the lowest prices. II.iiote Oversklrts and Jackets, trimmed with white em broiderr, $0 75, worth $8 SO. limine Sult( at $11. Linen Suits In navy bine, brown and black, $7 SO. Hint- Lawn Suits, a decided novelty, $1U 75. Combination and solid colors In percale suit, a peat nov elty. at very low prices. Wo will offer our entire stock of plain and flsncy Silk Co* tumrs at a reduction of So per cent. Also, A few Suits In damassae aud silk combination at less than eon. illack Silk Suits, $40, $45 and $50. Fancy Silk Suits, $tf5, $37 and $4U MOURNING COSTUMES i ?n hand or made to oner in six hoar*. NO SUCH WORD Ah KAIL I t-fl ENIN'G COSTUMES to order in 24 hours. satisfaction in kvert way ouap.anteed, BLACK GRENADINE SUITS from $26 up BLACK GRKNAD1NK 0VKRSKIET3 and JACKETS at very low prices LaDIKS' WRAPPERS Id plain and printed casbmere at $3 25. worth $4 SO. French sepbyr cashmere flannel Wrapper, $6 25, worth $10. All wool Cashmere Wrapper, quilted silk freot, at $14 (0, worth $20. Ilraided Casbmere Wrappers, from $14 75. Cashmere Wrappers, embroidered la silk. $21. Calico Wrappers, $1, worth $1 50. Freuch Cambric Wrappers, $2 75. MISSKS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. Misses' and Children's Swiss Suits, from $2 SO to $18; new est design*. Misses' and Children'* French plaid Salts, from $2 25 to $17: popular prices. Cashmere all wool plaid Salts from $3 25 ap. A choice lot of French hand embroidered pique Oabrlelle*, from $4 25 to fit. Linen (iahrielles, sixes two to six years. 09a. to $1 SO. braided linen suits, all sises, from ?t 70. l.lneu Sails, three pieces, sites loar to sixteen year*. $470 to * pique (ial.rlelles, sites two to six years, $1 25 to $S 4S. Pique Suit*. embroidered raffles, $4 75 to fid 75. Pique Suits, braided, $5 to $7 75. Piqtie Salts, lirald?'d and embroidered. sises, eight to (Mr teen year% $W M to $i4 SO, Calico Wrappers, 70c. ? sacques, mantels. holm ans. fichus, sc., SACKIIIcLD Daring the next two weeks we will make a special offering ol these gmols In SILK, CASH MERE aSI> DRaP H'ET*. at trices that will sell thkm regardless OF COST. Real I.lamn Lace Snoques, in beaatifnl variety, $10 and upward, lull iorty per cent less ^ than former prices. Imitation Llama Lace nscqne*. $2 50 and upward, Samples of goods and catalogues of Ladies' and Misses' Suit* and lunslin Under wear and Infant's Untitle sent tree of charge to all sections of tlie United States. The fli%* guarantee every article advertised by them to ho in stock and to bo as represented. littles tor self measurement sent on application to alt paris or the roantry. witboat cnnrge. Order* for every description of goods will ho earofally at tended to. and the sams packed and forwarded witboat ox tra charge. BROADWAY AND TWENTIETH ST. ORAXD AND 6HEYST1X ST*. NEW YOBK. DRY GOODS. A." REEB H H RBRR II 000 H R M ** K H H R R II C 0 II II S S1 E II U U R II 0 II II * R H H R R II 0 II II 8 ERE IIIfIII! RRR II 0 HHRII MS K II M K R II 0 II II 8 R II H K R II 0 II H S R II II R It It C 0 II U 8 (J kseb n n r r ii cco h h ass 8TII *AVENUE, NEAR 24TH ST. GREAT REDUCTION, =J THIS WEEK WE OFFER EXTRAORDINAT INDUCE MENTS IK EVERT DfcTAUTM.ENT IK ORDER TO REDUCE QUANTITIES 7lN~ilAND. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. REAL FRENCH CHIP HATS, vtrruut, at fKV.; former price M 75. FINK WHITE >TltAW HATS. fSOo.; former uric* SI. BOYS' HATS. FULLY TRIMMED, from 14c. ?j?. CENTENNIAL SA 11,(111 HATS, dimmed with (Ilk gtm critiu ribbon, 24o.; loriuer price $1, and all olber Haw la like proportion. TRIMMED HONNKT8, ALL AT REDUCED PRICKS. SILKS, RIBBON'S, KINK FRENCH FLOWEUS MI I.LINKKY, LACE8, MX, ACL. ALL REDUCKD IN PRICK. 1JOOQ DOZEN NEW FAKOT FEATHERS AND WINGS from up. JOBBIKO DEPARTMENT ON THIRD FLOOR. Great Inducements this week to wholesale buyer* Maur Jo'i Iota to elo*e. Entire stock or finest SERCE MLK PARASOLS, with ftnest pearl. Ivory and clear horn handles, AT GREATLY RbDUCKD PRICE*. LADIES' SPRING SUITS ^ at leis tban cost, to closo out balance oa hand. FIKR LINE OF LINEK AND LAWN SUITS. CHEAI'EST IN TUB OTIX An ear *nlta are well made and guaranteed to Ot. SPRING DRESS GOODS. HLACK 8ILKS, BLACK OHENADINKS, Ac., Ac., all at rerlueed prleea. FINE CHECKED SILK SUITS ai*l'.? Ml, worth $30. LADIES' UNDERWEAR ENORMOUSLY REDUCED. Ladle* abnat leaving the city will do well to call aad ?? ammo our stock of Lmliea'and Children's Underwear. Oar assortment both in importod and domestic Utbe largest and our price* are the cheapest ertr offered. SPECIAL BARGAIN. NX) DOZEN BEST 800 BOIfB CORSET at St 85; regular price (3. CHILDREN'S PIQUE 81'ITS AND CLOAKS la ea?laa? variety at lowe?t price*. 100 DOZEN FRENCH KURSK CAPS Irani 25 eeat* apt let* than half coat. BARGAINS IK FIKE FANCY CIOODS, FANS, PERFUMERIES AND TOILET GOODS, TRAVELLERS' ARTICLES, SHAWL STRAPS. TKAVELLIKG BAGS, FANCY J KWKLRY, WORSTED EM BROIDERIES, AC., AO. 1,000 JAPANESE FAN8 at 10 cent*; worth 25 cento. HOSIERY AND GLOVES of every de?cnption AT REDUCED PRICES. FLAGS of every description and of an aatloat at popular prloe*. ORDERS BT KAIL RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Lsdles riiltlng the elty will do well to pay a rialt to onr establishment. Our assortment Is alway* complete and our prices the lowest. ALL OOOD8 MARKED IK PLAIN FIGPRK8. NO ONE URGED TO BUT AT EiyUCH'S, T T EHRICH'S. 287 8TH AVENUE, 28?. near 24th street. A SPECIAL BALE -A SPECIAL 8ALE A SPECIAL SALE of BLACK IRON FRAME GRENADINE, BLACK IRON FRAME GRENADINE. BLACK IKON FRftME GKKNaDINE. fee popular Dry Good* Store of CONKLIKO A COMPANT, OONKLING A COMPANY, CON KLIN G A COMPANY, No. 763 Broadway, between 8th and 9th St*., ?ae block below A. T. Stewart A Co. A FEARFUL SACRIFICE. A FEARFUL SACRIFICE. A FEARFUL SACRIFICE 1,500 piece* black Iron frame Grenadine of the fbmoat roW medal brand, warranted to wear and retain thoir color, at the fol lowia* ?xtraordlnnry low prices 400 pieces. elegant quality, 20c. a yard; worth 40*. IfiO piece*. Silk aad Wool Hernanl, We.: worth 50b, 2.Vi piecea, superior quality, SOe.; worth 50c. ISO piece* eaoorlor quality, all wool, 37)(c., worth 806. 400 piece* sublime qaallty. (ilk and wool, 50a, worth 80s. 150 piece*. tba best Importod, at 60s., 75a.. 85o., $1. worth faRy SO par cent mora. 500 ptecrl Mexican Grenadine. Km., worth 75c. 250 piece* Mexlean Grenadine, tuperior qaallty, 60a., worth 83c. 150 pieces dlk aad wool, Mexican, 75a. worth 91 MX ALSO also ALSO 3,V> piecea aB wool Debelice, 25e., worth 40a. 150 piece* Plaid (tlK and wool Puuiard. 85c.. worth 75a, 3.V) piece* Eagllsh Cretonne, wide width, 8X*., worth 20a. MAKE NO MISTAKE. OUR NO. IS 7<U ONLT. Joax E. KAVdRlua. ) CONKLIKO A CO F. W. Cmvvi*. > No. 708 Broadwav, W. H. CONKLIKO. I between 8th and 9th eta. J^ T. BTEWAKT a CO. are bow opnalog an lmmann IMk et foreign and doraeatlo carpets, ?omorldng AXMINBTKR. AlBLxso.1. OEBKAK, Turkish and Smyrna. of nil ?l?e?. Id ono pioea. Alao Rage of all tli? ?tyle? lo mairh, together with ? mil aaaortmeut uf ENGLISH AND american brussels, TAPKSI IUKS, INOKAIN8. ACL, AC.. moquettb, axminsikr. wilto.n and VELVET* BT TBB YARD, man7 confined at/lea. OUclotba, Boalinikuna, Kuita. ia^ AT lower PRICES than IUM ?aalltiaa have been aeld far nan; ynar*. E. BBOAPwat, 4TH AV.. ?TH AXI) I0TI1 ST*. A. newell, B. A NK WBLL, B. A. NhWKLL. h. A, H*wkll. No. 737 IIroadway. Ravine bought oar ant Ira atnrk an the back of redaoed raluea ? OII uA.ili, wa ara ofTartag 8rat aiaaa Ceoda AT KXTKEMELT LOW PR1 CBS. Special attention la eallad to oar liana of aeaaaaabia CKDKkWEAB, HALK IIOSB, NECK W KAB, superior WHITE DCCI TESTS, linen carriage ROBES, AC. E. A. NEWELL, 727 0 roadway corner Warerlay plaoa. Removal.-mmk. a. octal, importer ok paris Paiterna, haa ramoTod to utora (W Hruadway. between HHh aad .inh ?ta.. oppoalte Lord k Taylor ?. Pattern* of all tha vary l*t*?t Part, .tylaa. f attaraa aad aeienaia taada aa or atU aad Sited alaaaaUy, DRY uoom. QROSJiLKV'i CAKl'KTS. ccccccccco coccccocccco ceo ?:oc cc<; ceo ore coo cot: coo ecu ceo coo oco era ceo ood coo ceo OOOCCOCGCCCO coocooccoo RRKRItRB KKKKUURR Kit ItR Kit KR Kit KR KKUKRRKU R kukri:R Kit kr uk KR I(R KK uk KK KK *11 OOOOOO OOOOOOOO oo on ou on OO jO OO oo oo on OO on OO OO oo oo oo oo OOOOOOOO OOOOOO CUSSES M KS MS us BRS888K9 UMiM&AX n M as ss 8S8SWSSS hsssssrf RSRSSSS mwwiiig FS SS fig Ss rssrkhjjs WtrfaHaSS SS ms ?s srf bSXSKSRRJ hHSSSSd REKhEKBBII KKKKEi.EBK KK KK BR F.KKRKV KKKKEB KB KK KK KBEBRBRKS liiSKKEKKKR rv rr YY YY YY YY YY VY YY YY YY YY YYYT YVY YY YY YY YY BSSRSSS RSSHSiiSSS PS W SS KS sssBsasa R8H8S88S RR KS Cft 83 SS8S8R8NS kssssss The fraadett clearing ent sale thai nw tea* plaaa la ltd country. CBOSSLiET'S entire stock of Enettsb Caipaw. ?ons1stla| ef velvets, body Brnueli, t?pe<try end tncralaa, ta be *mU Immediately at retail. Anticipating lbs severe decline In prices m?????? ap?? a'ceneral dnlness ?f trade ana a largely overstocked Bat* ket, CRO88LBY bai rodacrd hi* wbole Una ef English Car. pats, sad will eloee oat balance of spring Meet la aUie u4 bead at prices barely covering urn mm J. MS. w. oiusan, i$0 aad SKI rtnaflaay. aamar Pearl * occoccocoo CCCCOOOCUOCO roc cco oco ccg cco cco coo cco coo coo coo too tnm coo cco cco cco CCOCOPCOCCO cccccccu* AA ?AAA A A A A AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAA A A AAA A A AA AA AA AA AA AA RRRURRR kkrrrkkr KR rr KR KR rr KR RliRRRRKU KKKtUUtKK Hit IIR rr KK kr kr rr RR kr Ilk rrrrrppr rrrvrrvre rr it rr ?'i* rv it rrrrrrt+e rrrrrrer rv rr rr rv rr ERKKKUUKK k KLiltZS&Kh KK KK kr KKOTtKS KKtKKR KR kk kk KKRimtint* KKKKKl'.KEB tti !?. i rrrn r11. t rrrr i r rr IT TT rr TT TT HH.-i-i.-Sl KSnMartSA ?i as h si?m?wss MR 1W8SSBSS8 RHXSSHS Vw OthM Dry Oooda AilroiilMMUkU lUtMatk Pm*<