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Programme of Services at the Churches To-Day. ? Ordinations at Trey and Seton Hall. SYyAQOGI * 13 W< >RSHIP At Washington square Method ist Kplscopal church .o-dsy the Rev. William l.loydwili speak about *Th? Walk to Kmmaus'' sua "the NifeUl March Through the iea." In All Saints' l'rolestaut Kplscopal church ltd Rev. W. M. Dnanell will preach at tlM u hours to day. Tlio Anierb an Free Church In the University chapel, irtll, L?c ministered uuio ibis morntt( by the Rev. C. P. McCarthy, wbo will preach about "Sin anil Sufl' r lug: Their ('?? s Here and Herealter," and this evening about "The Doom of Judas. " This morning in Spring street Presbyterian church '.lio Rev. A H. Moment, o| Princcton, will preach ou Ibe query, "Who is My Neighbor V children's Sunday school will be observed to-day l>y Ihe Kllth Cr.iver*aliat Society In Plimpton Halt Ser rifpa appropriate to tlio day. Tbc sixty-tlrst summer meeting of the Long Island llible So< lety will lie held at lluntin^toii. L. I., nuxt Tuesday allernoon and evening Tlicro will be scmce In the Kiisso-Ureek chapel tnls morning. I no Ninth ward I uion praise meeting will be held this alternoon, at four o'clock, in June street .Methodist Kpiscopai ehuri h. A union piaise meeting will be held slso, at the same hour, in the ?'outh Baptist church, West Twenty tilth street, Rev. O. II. Covey will leuil. A mass temperance meeting will be held this evening n Eighteenth street Methodist Episcopal church to lustain the Police Commissioners in tlier enloreemcnt >; the Sunday law Preaching as usual to-day in the Rerean Hap'ist church by the Rev. L <?. Barrett. Bishop Snow will speak in the Methodist College hall r?n "What tbe Scriptures Teach Concerning Impending MiEhtv Kvents" this altornoon Rev. C. II. Kay will preach at the usual hours to day Utile Bleecker street I inversalist church. Bishop Janes Will preach in Allen Mreet Methodist Episcopal church this morning and Drs. Reld, Porter, Harris and others will deliver Sunday school addres-es ,n the evening. "The Trinity" will l>e considered tins evening by Rev. D. M. McCaflery in tlio 1'rotWtaM Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. in Christ church llev. J. It. Flagg will minister this morning and evcuiug at the usual hours. Tho sixth I'u versalist Church of <>ur Saviour will commemorate "children's day " this morning, and in the evening Rev. J. M. Puliiuan will preach on "Keeping Back I'art ol the I'rioe. *' "Children's Right*" will bo maintained this morn ing by liev. \V. H. Thomas, and "Alius i?! I,lie'' will be presented by linn this evening in Bcekmab Kill Methodist Episcopal church. In the Church ol tlio Holy Trinity the Rev. 8. H. Tyng, Jr., D. D., will preach ibis uioiniug and Rev. W. Hump-tone will give a HiUle reading in tho altemoou. The tiospel tent will lie opened on Thirty .fourth street and Sixth avenue in the evening, when Rev. H. Tyng, Jr., will preach. Services there every evening during the week. lit the Central Methudlst Episcopal church this morn ing the Rev. J. II. Vincent, I). I)., will preach, ami in the evening Rev. c. s. Harrower will inquire, "l^, Whiskey King Iti New York and Are W'f nil Subjects?" The twentieth anniversary of the dedication of the Krco Tabernacle Methodist Kplscopal church in West Thirty.lourth street will lie observed to day. Dr. llaro will preach in the morning and a public meeting will be" held in the evening, at which lormer pastors will speak, ? This morning Dr. Arroltage will preach In the Fifth Avenue Bipttsl church on "The IJve Coal on tho I.lp," and this evening Dr. A. 8. Patton, of the BnytUt Wtrkip, will speak on "Religion and tba Stair The First Reformed Kplscopal rhnrrli will be minis tered to lo-day by Rev. W. T. Sabine, "Worldly Prudence'1 will l?e discussed this evening by ROT. Mr. Rowell in the Kr.-e Baptist church, ?' is I niversnlisin ?" will be answered this fvening by Rev. J. A. Scit/ in Harlem I'nivcrsalist shurrh. Mr. H. Thsne Miller will address voting men in Asso cmt "ii Hall this evening. ?'The Sutibalh Uwl nhii Tlieir Enforcement" will be Considered this evening by Rev. J. M. King in St. John'* Methodist Kpiscopu! church. Rev. Drs. Warren Randolph, of Philadelphia, and I homas Cr3* ther, of Brooklyn, will address lite Brook 'yn Sunday School I'nion t >-inorrow evening :n II insou pliK*o Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. R M. Hamilton will preach in ti e Scotch Pres. Dylerinn church this morning nnd afternoon ltev. a. M. Mci'uinpbt'll wil! prearh m Madison ave nue lielurnied l>iit< h church ih.s m? rning. The Young Mm'* Christian Association, o: York rillc, will wind up the.r public meetings for the scascm >y a service of song tins afternoon in 1'a re pa Hall dr. 1* 1*. Thatcher, ot the Hippodrome ih. ir, willcov> luct i no singing. Kev. J. 11 I re' will preach In iMaaton street Baptist church tuis morning, and Kev. W. 11. l.e.tvell will consider the subject of "Salvation hy Kaith" in Ibe cveuing. Rev. ff. iJ Merrill v? 111 preach In Sixth avenua Re lornud church this morning and evening. Rev. Frederick Courtney will minuter in St. Thomas' Protestant Kpiscopal church this morning; and after noon, as usual. . Kev. C. Mariytt w ill preach in T' ir'.y fourth street flelo. med church tins morning, and Mr. Thatcher will londucl a praise service It.ere in Ihe < V nliig. In tbo Tabernacle Baptist church the K>v. l)r. K.ddy, ?f Boston, will prosch morning aad evening. The Rev. J. S. W.llis will preach ir. Seventeenth itreot Methodist Episcopal church Ibis iu.>rn:ng about 'The Hok o( Precious oiniu.ctit." and the Rev. J. 11. Uv'htbourn this even.tig about "Home." Dr. N. A. Reed, of low i, will pr? .tell morning and ivning m Kilty-third street ll.ipt-! church. In the Church ol the Holy Apostles the Rev. H K. Sack us will prearti at the usual hours to-day. R>v. Oeorge Howell will minister to the Reformed l piscop.ii Church In Tabi>r chapel tins mortnng and evening. 1 n the Church ol tIt*- i> - pics tins morning the Rev. ?*orge II llepw >riti will preach on the "Consequent 5f Neglecting Salvation,' and th.a e\enmg on "Tbo lu Buence ol the Other I.lie on This 1. le. " The uiual services will I !>?? ..< in the ?'we.lonborgian shurch tin* morning. Rev. Chauncet Wile* minister. HOLY OliDEKS. INNfAT. OnmXATIOX or PR I EST H at hT. JO BhPB S raoVlM'UI. MCM1KAUY, TROY, N. T. Thta A'tnutton, wbi<lt ?uipiie?tlie province of Sow j Tork with well trained t 'athoin clWTtymen. :h situated ?n the In.Itt>'^rounat over o"kinr troy It i> htitlk ' ?f brick, lo ir atones in height, with lour towes, ? Handing <>ut clear and well defined against the deep ' line atmosphere as marks of oti"trvation for ni.!e< ir<iund. The building w?s originally known a* the ?Troy I'n.ver-ity,-' ant wis owsel *!id used by ? Ihe Meihodi>ts as .t st:n ntry :or tneir candi ' dates tor the mm -'ry. In 1W4 they ofl< red the j buiim: with fhirtr acres of land siirroMidiu- ! It, tor sale, aad t'ardiusi McCloekey bream u the ptirciia-er and littei up the building as a semi Itarv wh'ro c.indidatea for Ibe Catholic priesthood ; might lie trained for their calling. An a>> aiuir ol pro- j fc-sors Irom Belgium, with Rer. Canon Vandenhende J as president, the work ol Instruct mu, mid Irom lhal to the present lime tliii Seminary has ?tood at the head of ecclesiastical inst istions u t tit - e.>o*try. It it railed provincial because ?? serves a* a semi ?ary for th<' several dioceses which cooipose the Prov nce or Aftbdioceae of New Vor... The arch Imceee supplies the lar^e- t Mother <>: student?, Albany rank* next, aud Ihe 0ioce*e* ol <>?-'icti b irg and ! Koc.heslor semi a sw?)ier niml>?r. '. ie seimr a y is Ktpporied principally by the anuial i-o'lections l iken jp in the Catholic churches tnroughout the arch- " lioccse. Ihe treaaurr ot the ?emiriarjr renwes ? wrtsin amount .-ill.U ' l; It/rtL '-- fblenattj.- of ? 'i ?Indent, and any (illicit is made good from the fund* ut the Archdiocese o( New York. Thus far tu it* blttvrr thia institution has not been favored wiib any fndott meats, either for general purposes or lor pro k--or.-hips, and ta nut, therefore, 111 ilie flourishing tiriancial condition of older Intltluliulu of the kind abroad, The avisrage number of students now enjoy ing the ajvunt'n-s ol lite seminary la l'JA, sixty-live of whom belong 10 me Archdiocese ol New York, i andi'tales lor ibo pr eslhood must have gone through a regular collude coarse before betug admitted lo Hie **m diary. The cours* of stud)** pun-tied IU the semi nary lududes philosophy, theology, .-.aired Scriptures, i .111 on law atid ecclesiastical history. Thai of philoso phy occupies oik- year, theology threu years and a halt. I he present stiff ol prolessors includes Bclptftli rlergv inen ?tin have taken decrees U theology from the l'ii:ver?uyof I.o>;vaia. and Amsrtcau <;lerg\ men. ds tticui-bed Alum in ol the limitation. Sc. . Very Rev. Henry (.abrielh.'S T. 1. , President: He v. Cuatle* Reo lam-., S. T. M.,Protestor ot Sacred Scriptures: Kev. Peter A. Puissant. s. T. 15.. Professor ol Moral Tbeologv; Her August uo Kivey, S f. I-. Professor of Dogmatic Theology; Kev. Jo-eph J. Mootiey. A. M., Hrtftwor of Philosophy; Rev. E. A. Dtinphy. A. M., Professor of ."'acred Eloquence; ami J. s. M., Director of the Seminary. The ordinations lake place annually In the seminary on the Ember days in December and duriug the week preceding Trinity Sunday. Ju?t previous to the ordina tions a spiritual re'reat is participated in by all the ? undulates lor the various- order*. The Very Rev. Thomas I. Preston, pastor or Si. Abn's church in East 1 w--lttli street. New Vork, conducted the reirual ol the past ten daye at the Seminary. A* ihe ordination ser vice .? one of tlii' uio-ii impressive ceremonies of the Catholic Church Ihe seminary chapel la always Ulled to overflowing with the friends, relatives and invited guests <?i the candidates and clergymen. At an earlv hour yesterday morning the altars were decked .villi Bowers, and myriads of wax tapers ghed their golden light over the scene as the large number of candidates, attendant clergy and Blab op enured ilie sanctuary in solemn procession, and. amid profound aileuc", every knee wi.s lient in adoration. i The having taken his place thecamydatea i for ttie priesthood were bidden lo approach, wh'le he . inquired of their sponsors whether they were worthy o; llie high Ofllce lo wnich they aspired. The response < hem- in ihe ullirmative the K'-bop intoned the lit- . aniea, while TIIK I ANblUATKS MtOSTHATKU TUKMSKI.VKH and the choir chanted the litanies niul rehouses In the ? alow me.'isuie of the Gregortau music At the end ol | the litany the Bishop petitioned lor the grace ol bene diction, aanctillcaiion and consecration. He then Im posod his hands upon the head ol each candidate sep arately. niter which the candidates bowed low before each oi the priests present, who aN<? placed tlielr hands over the head ol each supp lant. When all had received the imposition of hands they knell down, while the lli-liop and clergy each silently raised the fight hand heavenward as a sigu that fliey nave lioro witness to the conferring ol the sacerdotal power. 'The Bishop then said, "Lift up your hearts tu Cod,'' mid continued the preface ol the mass. When the candidates entered the sanctuary they each wore the ??amice," typifying tbe crown ol thorns worn by Curist ns well as the bandage with which He was blind lolded; the "nib,'* lo denote tbe white garment with which Herod clothed Him when he mocked him; the girdle about the waist, signifying the cord with which He was bound, and Hie maniplo on the arin as a symbol ol the cords with which He was lor til" second tllue tiouud to the pillar during His cruel scourging. At the end ol the "preface'' llie Bishop placed the "stole" about the neck ol each candidate, saying. "Receive tin- yoke nl our l.ord. for His yoke is sweet and His burden is light," this being n type of the cords with | which He was bound on llio way to Calvary. ! The ??chasuble," representing the seainlc s garment ot ; Christ, as well ns that infinite charity with which lie covers the multitude ol our sins, was then placed over the shoulders ol each i undulate. They knelt while tho | by tint "Voni Creator Spirltus" was sung, and the , Hi-hop anointed their blinds, saying:?"May wnat you bie-s lie blessed, and may w hat you consecrate he con- j .'ccrated and sanctified, in I tie name ol tfie Father, I Son and Holy tihost. Amen.'' The llishop then j caused each one lo touch successively the "paten" | containing the bread and the ??chalice" containing the wine and water; and then taking the sacred Host he held It up. saying to each :???Receive the power to oflor j the sacrifice of Ihe mass, to (.lod, both for the living i a lid the dead." The Uiilion then proceed-il with ] the uiass uuttl the 'communion, which lie ! gave to each candidate, saying:?"May the I body of our l.ord Jesm Christ preserve j thee to eternal lite. Atnen." The Bishop tbeu greeted ' each new priest with tho words of Christ?"1 now call | you not servants, but friends, because you have known : all things that I ha\ v wrouuht in the midst ol you." [ Kaeh one then separately recited the "Apostles' Creed" j as his formula ol filth, and, kneeling separaieiy heloro ! the Hisliop, he placed his hand upon the head of each suci cssively, saying. 'Receiveye the Holy tihost; who?e sins you shall forgive they are forgiven: whose sins | you shall retain they are retained.'" When all had ] received this power they again knelt before ihe llishop, I who. el'sping Ihe hand of each one separately, asked - - *? I tost thou promise reverence and obedience to ihe Cardinal Archbishop of this diocese and Ins succes sor.-*'1 and each one replied, "I do promise," The ki-- oi peace was then given to each of the new priests, 1 who gave their hle-sing to the congregation. .Mid the I I'outllicial benediction was bestowed ti|ion the entire assembly. fhe Itight Kev. Uernard J. McQuald, L>. I)., Bt?hop , of Rochester, ndininlsleied TIIK SACKAXKNT OK OltlltXATION, ani following are the names of those who wero or d oiied priests:?Kev. Charles d. Colton. Rev. .Inmes i 1. Cr.ishy, ltev. Maurice J. Dougherty, Rov. John M. I tirady, Kev. 1'atriiK J. McCloskey, Rev. Philip A. j Meisicr. Kev. Michael Montgomery, Kev Stepbeu J. j Nngle, Ili'V. Thomas M. O'Hanlon, all ol Now York. Kev. Kranels Cunningham. Uev. James J. Peyton 1 and Rev. John 11? ? 111 y, of Albany. Kev. Ii'iiatitit.' I'. Kuan, of Koston. Kev Alired J. Kvans and Kev. Simon KiUsmions, | of Rochester. j Kev. Michael J. Krown, Kev. Johu t!. Kitzgerald and Kev. Thomas J. Keleher, of Ogdensburg. The order of deacon was conlerreii ou Revs. Michael l.ane, Stephen J. Nagie, Thomas M. ti Hanlon and I.award t Slattery. ol New Vork; F.tuene K. ,1. Kuan, ol Boston; Alford J. I'.vans and Timothy C. 1 Murpbjr, of Rochester. Sub-i'.e iconsliip was conferred on the Kev I' E. A hern, Tobias M. Kitzpair ck I and John 1!. ti'Hare, of New Vork; John J. Hanlon j and .tidin Seunlon, ol Allauy. Those who were promoted to "minor orders" are the | Messrs. William K J. Bodily, Edward J. Byrnes, Pat- ' rick I. Connick, Patrick J. Donnolly. Bernard I>u(t.v. ! Joseph I . Iloey, M iitlnas Kuhneu, Daniel J. McCor- ' nuck, Thomas K. Met;are, John Mayer and Daniel P. Ward, of New York: .1 niton A. Cnrtin, William J. Kin ii(-ran, Tbotnas S. Hart and Jeremiah Heflernan. of : Albany; James J. Campbell, Timolhy J. Dahany and ' .tame-J. McNainara, of Boston; Manillas J. Hargather, Jose| h W., John .1. Mickey and Joseph Net/el, of Rochester; Michael J. Carmody, of Burling ton. and K'lwurd K Martin, of Spring Held. Clerical tou-ure was conferred on M'-s-rs. Joscpti II. Rig lev ,lame< P. ByTnes, Thomas .1, J. i nlan, Mallck A. Cunn.oii, Keiix I' D:\on, t?eori;o T Oonlm, Dennis W. 1. Drtslant, Michael E, Duggan, Johu J. (iutit ter Hugh J. Kelly, Michael J. I.a\elle, Patrick E. McCorry, Peter McNauiee, Charles 11. Parks Thomas Smyth and i Edwin M. Sweeney, ol New York; William M. Doberty, Junes It. Manev. James O'Brien, William 11. O'Ma hotiey and Anthony Tneh, of Albany; Francis .1. | i urran. Francis J J. (Slyno. Johu It. Hallorun. John | Nitan. Daniel J. Splaiu and Francis S. WtDon. of I lot- j ton: James K llartly, Jame< l.eary and Will am v. McDoi al l. ol Rochester; John Syurioll, of Hartfo.'d, and J-iUiea P. McKeon, ol Springfield. Manv distinguished ciergyintn trom all parts of the Siate wer ? n attendaare, and all were highly pleased with the ceremonies. I OKDIMATION AT HALT. COI.I.EOr. Setou Hull College, South Orange, N. J., wait thronged with wtalth, beauty aud lasbion yester day morning, the oeravion beltis* the ordimtion of ' eight pr u-ts ant the ruufrrrin^ ol minor order* upon et^bt young men. New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia and rarlou* other cities were represented in the au dience. Iligbt lte?, bishop Corneaii oScialed at tlio ictemonif''. which be^an at ten A. M. and concluded at hal'-past two 1*. M. Very Rov. ii. II. J>oune, V. (i., was arrhdo'icoi ol the tna<?, anil Kov*. Ter Woert, Itorgh'-se, Killer u and Mi-.tiovern deacon* an J ?ub dearoiis respectively, Mgr. O'Connor wns masier nf i nT'?monies. fhere ware al>out forty priests present. AmMK -tuni Kov. Katber Pally, of Sixteenth siroei, N?* V >rk, wii.i prepared ihe cuudula'e* lor the priest hood, deacon ill- :iL.<t milt >r orders. The iohowing were or.1. priestsItevg. |?anc K VMu, ol Kliubitli, N. J. . J. A. shepherd add R. K. Iitirke, of I'aterson; Arthur.'. Henry, of Brooklyn, L I.; !"? J Ml) luan. Ol CIlMOB, S. 4. ; James J. Hrennah, ol New , an., J. K. Urad\, ol Sooth Orange. S. J ; A. H. <>cl, of Home. Italj. fhco :or o! Mih deacon *a? onftrrel Upon Messrs. .1. K. Mck'aul. o Bound Brook, N. .1.; P. 0 Connor, ol Jersey City; I. iSlennon, ol Newark. Tne order >1 tonsure ami tour minor order* were con i ft rr?i upon Me? r.? P 1'. C<inMll.r, of "ordentown, N. J. , I). K. Oalaaey, of Newark; J K. l>o?il, oi ornnge; rimim.- yiiiuu, of Wavnrty, S. J.; C. H Gilicn. of Mil villc. N J. The ceremonies or the ordtnaltoa were very Inipres sive, H shop Corrtgan, in full pontificals. with assistant priest*. acoiytei ind *ei'im ir<aaa. making a glorious f unt-'B ttion as they grouped on the aaneltlary. I :ia etninng w*? superb, the 'hotr consisting of Mine. Barn.I and Mrs. Joseph <.'orr^ >n. soprani; M - s S> l\ la I'lunket and M *.- Maria barrill; Mr Riw.lrr Planket baritone, with Mr. ;i* organist. SYNAGOGUE \VOIiSlIIi\ DANOEKS OF KBOI.ECT OT SPIRITUAL IDOCA TJOS ?THE I.KSHONS OP THE SLoTHPCl. MA* POBTBtYED nf PH. Ht EII.hi H. Notw iih<i ind ug the sultry weather a goodly con.*r? gallon gat bored ;n the -yuatio^ue iti l.eitngum aveuue an ! Flfly-flfih s'reet yeater lay, to whom the Rev Or. BMbneh spoke brieilv. Hilerrin; to an Mtlibnl wblch ber?ll h in about ten days ago, anil wbich disabled him from stan ini. very long, lie rem irked tbat th e law reqotrt a he Uiat* to *un<l while they mimstcrv I in the Temple. And thiM position InpliOS hrmr.eis of body on t (trtdttMro of purpose as well; but as b:s ae culent?.-a'l-t il by a fall?bid lanrwb it reduced hi* i Inane-' of fo? t though not bl* purpose, be shouM be | <om ei.r i to shorten bin diacoorse. Tlie Porter look lil< tejt from Proverb', *xiv,, 30 ;'4, whl h very *ir. ntlym - Tib?* the eotiil uon of the t-rm and vinrvard of tlo- alotiiltil man. I'll") were both grown ov rtiitli neti:. . .i '.f iborns, thi leni-e* aero broken down, and the own r we waiting lit time in siren and Wlet.e^, aad knew not iliat pOTcrty was r mn^ ua llktt iraftl 1 r *? I irnnt like .hi armed n^n Tne l> -tnf ??.. economies flrst, to which Ihey evidently belong, una re nnudea bis bearer* ol the surpri-e th it it eo ?>rien anil to readily expressed when wesee men squandering (heir lane and their patrimony ?nd coining in waul. The caute lies back of ibe e8eci nd il we look oeyoud we shall Hud that tb" main I. i It iie* iu the fallen and the unfortunate tb marlva. I.u/iiie?* or reckle.-*ness doe* (III work, and tb" lu/y ui .u know* not thai bo i* to be captured uunl want like an urine t nuu come* up<>n buo. The para ><>1 holds trim al-o in spiritual life. We cull it at Hut pleasure. I'UjoyuicDI of lite, amusement, a goo<i time, but while wo are thus indulging our appetites and puaions the vineyard or the aool and heart 1* neglected, ibe barriers of morality and r<-ligiou are broken down and we are piiferly aw arc of the extent ol (be aatuago done until we aru taken cap l:vn and it is toe lalu to repair the evil. this I* tno-t i emphatically true, ad the I luclor showed, iu the religion* > education ol children, W e are eo apt to indulge our children In actf of nanghtiness, ao that they may feci tlie spirit of Atneriraii independence; but tn.a spirit too oil he, oiik-h an evil spirit, until independence run* into Impudence and !icen?c into licentiousness and the parent finds that he bus lost ail control over Ins I children. The evil- of society grow 111 this way. First a little indulgence, then a litt.e more, aud alter a wbiie the indulgence becomes a passion ilo strong to i f re ? trained bv ordinary methods. a e.ihe came under hie observation la;-i woek where, through the neglect of the parents, a voting person leii the lold of Israel and | joiued a < hrislian denomination IIi? iullueuce wai ; sought that the damage caused bv the parents' neglect Blip lit he repaired. When ihey the oppormnii) they did not educate and Influence ibeir child as they i inlit aud should have douo. but now they are anxious to bring him back. While Ihey wore slumbering and pleasure seeking oilier.-) were underiuiulug the laith of their child. The Honor was glad that no such ease has occurred m bis own syuagoguo and congregation. Dr. Huebsrh spoke nVo about the lolly ol trying to develop iu our children talents which iboy do not ' possess instead ol cultivating tlio?- tbai they do p oa ses*. And this is a- important in spiritual as in secular ii il in rs. Time and money spent in the iorui"r I* wor-e than wasted. Ilo hoped Ills congregation would tbmk , on these thiugs and prolii by tiietn aud take warning ' from the les-on of the text not to neglect the spiritual training ol their children nor give too much promt- | iiem e to secular educit ion lo the injury of t be spiritual. . Tho examination ofthe Sunday schools of this congre- i gation will take place the last Sabbath in June and the ; first in July. PATRIOTIC AMERICAN ISRAELITES. | The Executive Committee ol tho Hoard ol Delegates ! of American Israelite* "earnestly recommend to every congregation of Israelites in the United States the hold ing of a special servico on that memorable day. the i Fourth of July, 1S70. Uniting with their fellow-cittaens j in other observance* deemed appropriate thoy will bo- ' comuigly manifest their heartfelt gratitude to God that the Republic, founded on the eternal rock of civil nud religious liberty, Iho hcucou to the oppressed of all na tions, sheds its brilliant and undying light over laud and sea and stands 111 sublime and stalely dignity a monument of human intelligence, fidelity aud self reli ance, sustained by llie Almighty's benign protection. "Tho committee further recommend that ill each city a record hi' prepared of the lottlotnent and prog rem of the Hebrew*, their svnayogues and other in stitution*. It is the desire and intention ol the Execu tive Committee, the co-operation ol the congrega tions. to preserve in a perm ineiit form the local rec crds thus presented. I hey theielore ask that congre gations will lurni.-li the coinmlttce with a copy of the historical memoir prepared in compliance with this suggestion.'' YOUNG MEN'S CATHOLIC ASSOCIA TIONS. The Natloual Convention of Young Men's Catholic Associations to be held at Philadelphia, 28th ln*i,, is exciting much Interest among the Catholic young men of this city. The various parochial societies have i elected delegates, aud New York e|ty will be repre- '? sen ted at the Convention by sixty delegates, including | mauv clergymen. In this connection a vorv important meeting of tile i.ocftl I'nion will ho held ut the room* of the Young Men's Lyceum. No. :>ou West Tnirty thud street, to-morrow (Monday) evening. Delegates! elect to the National Convention iroin New York, llrookiyn, Newark and other cities will he present. CHURCH DEDICATION. St Augustine's, tho new church for colored Catholics, corner of Fifteenth and I. streets, Washington, will bo ' dedicated this morning at ten o'clock, with imposing ' ceremonies. Archbishop Hayley, ot Baltimore, will ollh'iatu and preach on the occasion. OABD FROM REV. MR. M'CARTHY. 242 We it Fi?ty riKTU Sir: kt, ) Nuw York, Jtnio i>, 1876. | 1 To thk Koitok ok thk Hkkalo:? lu presteuce of vartouH lalse reports inimical to my self and peculiarly indigenous to I lie soil of all church contlicis, one has been sedulously circulated which ( ! nm atutlous to contradict. It is generally stated throughout the parish thai I hare refused to submit the justice of my position to the people and abide by ttieir decision, the fact being that . it is the Board nf Trustees who have relused Ibis proposition, | mill up lo this date tho people have hud no opportunity ('< expressing any opinion on the suit ject. I have offered to abide by the Judgment ol tho society and church. Including all members in good i standing up to the date of your publi.ration of mj pro- j te-i against the toleration of avowed infidelity within i tho church. The insertion of this bnei note in your : columns will oblige vours faithfully, en.milks p. McCarthy. LABOR TROUBLES IN MASSACHU SETTS. I riTE HUNDRED WORKINOMEN WAIT UPON THK MAYOR OV LAWRENCE?THEY DEMAND WORK AND GIVE A SPECIMEN OF EOCAT. KfXKNAP I ISM. I I.awrk.vk, Mass., June 10, 1S76. For a tew days posters have been displayed shout the ' city railing upon all unemployed citizen* to miserable on the Common on Saturday nt nine A. M. No panic- ' u.ars were stated, and no signature appeared on tho bill, yet nt the hour specified this morning over .100 men hud assembled. A man named -lolm McDonald mounted the hand stand and railed the crowd to order> saying tho object was to take some mean" to sccure work. Mr. Conway was introduced and said there was plenty or work iu tho c'.ty and the laboring classes should take some method of hastening the government in laying out such work. The jie.\t sinker w as otifl Thomas <'obn, w ho said tno city government hud at ranged for a large amount 11!" -ewer work, but were dels) ed iu llie employment ol men till fall, when their work could he secured for smaller wages and their votes pledged lor the city election. The ,-peaker was forcible in his denuncia tion o| the intentions of the government, and ck>?od by calling upon ad who wuntod work to fall in and march lo the Mayor's otiir.u. A procession was at once formed and at least .'>00 men march'-d into the City Hall. From this number a half do/en entered the Mayor's otlice utid demanded work. I lie litayor met the il leg ites in a Urut manner, and stated thut the ? itv CMacU was arranging lor u large amount ol sewer construction and street pining, and orders to i c^in the work would he tnadu iu soon as possible. He further stated thai ill contract* mould he made wtih the stipulation that Lawrence men of lumilien should be given the preference on the works. During the interview a species ol lleiknspism eauic out, Mr. Cohu eharaing that a Mr. Mich, it prominent employer and bo-s on tho water work?, levied a lax upon etrery man employed by hint, and Wept 'back a part ot their monthly tmr Any tain thai refused to give Rich a percentage of lits wages was discharged, and no tu n could get employment unless tniking such an agreement. Mayw Harden demanded evidence of ' this state ol ailairs, and Thomas tirtlllu was called In. who testified thai Rich bad taken II 0.; per month troiii his w.iges and hid turned Uim oil because he w.'Uld noi pay |3 per month lor lite pri !e_e e( work tmr. K'ch hid also advanced huu his Wages and ctturged him leo per cent ior the advance. M cbMt Daly tesiitlcu tba?. tie wa< turned off be he would not pay Rich money to bo retained. Michael Ctlhill was niven work* npon agreeing to "m..k" it ill I right. Dana ! lleardou paid lor the privilege of working two months. Thomas Cohen i-aid every man working for Mr. Rich paid him money. James H ivg It said tie worked lor Rich anil had never p.i:d him any itiotiev, ? ohu ssid iiey.'.' i was one ol Rich's lav m'trs, ami although lie had paid R eh money oe w is nfrsid io oarn it. the Mayor took lonn tlM evidence siol asserted his tntentl >n ol mvt ?;i?,iiiug Rich's case lie tbon dis missed his \ isitors by reiterating mat i net should have work as soon as practicable, but warned them that preterenco to Lawrence men would bo^iveuonly so long as they attended to tbe.r> ?, and if atiy strike occurred, as was the ca?e previously in giving i.nw rence men work at me water work", outsiders would at once take their p an-s m the sowers and on tho streets. AN ABS. ONDIMt TUKASUUER. C> I.CXSU. 0, June 10. lfTtl. Governor Chamberlain has to-day Isseod a proclama tion of >nnj a reward o< il,MQ (or the arrest and con finement in any Jail in this Slate, of John II. McDcvttt, the ah*, onding treasurer of IM^cdeM county. McDev itt is gone with about (To.oon o? tue county money, NATAL OFFICERS VINDICATED. 1*1111 AUSI.I'tllA, .i II DC 8. 1*70. To TUK KdIioR ol' Till: III...a .!? Ati article appeared in the Hbrai.d ol Ibis morning statin.; that an 'uulier ol n vessel lately at Port Royal, but now at Philadelphia, was iu? In causing the trotib'.< >"-tw>. n t omnianiler F, 1!. Smith and his w iiet Tip p^ ttm referred to is not, end never has Ikcii, an "of oer" ol theserv. i; . giving this a p, .co iii your i >? ? in you will greitl. oblige the vc.-sel now at riui.i i"U>niii.'' X. THE COURTS. Important Austrian Extra dition Case. I A? EXECUTOR AFTER HIS WIFE'S ESTATE A Religion to Supersede Christianity. Trial of Thomas J. Battell, the ; Harlem Murderer. A verv Important treaty question i# iuvolvtd in tli* ? consideration ol the application o! the Austrian govern ment, through its Consul hero, lor tho extradition of j Leopold Netttl and Sigismund Nettel, father and Fon, j subjects of Austria. These parties are charged with ' the crime of lorjory; at loan forgery is charged for the j purpose ot the application for extradition. On this ! point counsel lor the accused have taken Issue. claim- i ing that tho proof in evidence of the charge taken la j Austria and submitted to the courts here would not in j our courts sustain tho charge, and could only itv fact j reach a chargo of fraud, which is not au extruditab't offence. Tho examination ol the prisoners, who have j been under arrest several w?"lca, was postponed from time to tlmo awaiting llie arrival ot docu- j nientary proois Irorn Austria. A remarkable j feature in tho case is that e\-.Iudge Joachtmsen has developed the very same ground of defence tor nis clients, the Nettels, that has hceu so successfully ap plied :n the now notorious case of Winslow, the Bostou fugitive, in the Knglish court*. Kx-Judge Jou> hmisen, in a verv lengthy argument beiore Untied states Commissioner Osb'orn, contended, us In Hie Winslow cu e, that tho documentary proof against uli clients laned to prove forgery; ttiat they wi ro me.ely wanted in Ausriu to unswor to the crime of ?' iratiu;'1 und, fur ther, to aid the prosecution ol civil suits pending there in collecting the debts ol foreigu creditors. hx-Gov ornor Solouiop replied on beb?ll of the Austrian gov ernment. Alier argument by cou'sel Commissioner Ositorn rendered Ins derision yesterday discharging Sigismund Noitcl for want of sutllcieni evidence, and remanding to llie custody of the mar-dial the elder Nettcl, Leopold. Tomorrow Judge Jnaehimsen will introduce testimony for the defence, tne questions ol law raised to he consider# I after tno testlnuuy is all in. A NOVEL CLAIM BY AN EXECUTOR. In the matter ot the separate estate of Catharine Spnonkake, deceased, a motion to conDrtn report ol auditor was made before Surrogate Calvin yesterday. Tho executor, husband of the deceased and a pby slclan, claimed lor prolessional services in' attending upon her in her la?t sickness l-"0, and also asked to bo allowed lor a payment to Dr. Webber, who al?o provisionally attended upon deceased, and who claimed $7:28, wlileh sum the executor claimed to have paid him. It appeared that deceased had a sepa rate estate of her own at tho time of herdcaih, and upon which the husband, tho exe<-utor. ?ought to muke a levy lor the alleged professional services of huuself and Dr. Webber. The Surrogate held that the law in relation to married women owning separate estates has in no wav ohunged the common law rule that a husband as such is bound lo discharge all the just debts ul a wife. In this rase ii was also held by the Surro gate thai tho employment ol Webber wss by the hus band. und that Webber did not perlorm any services lor deceased on tho faith and credit of her separate estate Report of the auditor disallowing the claim confirmed. A NEW RELIGION. Articles of incorporation of "The Keliglou of Human- \ ity" were llled lu tho County Clerk's oftlco yesterday. The trustees are Cortland Palmer, George A. Avery, Joseph Ulumenthal, Daniel K. Burt, Hugh B. Brown, i Charles Codman, T. H. Johnson and C. Burnstein i Stoddard, l lie objects are "To devolop and exieud a | knowledge ol the synthetic and religious nature of science und humanity; second, lo preserve them, in- i stead of theology, as the basis and substance of rel'g- i ion - and third, to pract ise und promote such religion as j the fontidntion of religions und social duties of hnman j welfare aud progress. THE HARLEM HORROR. j The trial of Thomas J. Battell, who has been in- i dieted lor the murder ot Mrs. Ann Hammer, the poor 1 washerwoman, lu Harlem, uprfn tne 17th of March last, by crushing in her skull with an axe, will be begun to-morrow tn the Conrt of General Sessions. Recorder Hackett will preside at the trial. Assistant District Attorney Russell, who ha* had charge ot tho eafe (rotn it* commencement, will prosecute for the | people, and Mr. William K. K'ntslng will conduct the \ dulence. An extra panel of jurors has been ordered ; returnable on Moudav, to te called upon In case the lirsl panel should be exhausted. The trial will prob- I ablv last several davs. and promises to be one ol iho most Interesting aud exciting that has occurred In this ; county lor some time SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. Frederick >rerechs, distiller and rectifier, of No. 3 j Abattoir place, was arrested yesterday morning by | Deputy Marshal Dabert, on a cbargo of Illicit dls tilliug. He wis taken belore Commissioner Shields I aud held lor examination. David Carhone. of No. 35 Baxter street, was yester day taken boiore United Stales Commissioner Shields on a charge ol attempting to pa?s a counterfeit |10 Treasury note on Aaron Smith, of No. 110 Canal street. Cat bone tcudered the note In payment for a cigar, saving he had no small change; but when arrested nearly Ave dollars in genuine currency was found upon him. He was held lor examination. tn the suit brought by Jmies 11 Itigersoil against John Key.--er. growing onto! transactions between the two in ilush nug times, to recover $ln,000, which lngersoll clains to liavo loaned to Keyser, JmlL'e Donoh'ie yesterday appointed ex-Judge Jones referee to tako i he testimony in the case, Keyser having put in a counter claim lor $.14,'100. In the c<?e or Klx neser K. Bartlett, assignee, vs. Jane Mercer and George Mercer. Judge Illatchlord has decided that (here must be a decree for the plalnllft In this ca-o George Mercer, a bankrupt, conveyed a larm to Jane Mercer, his sister, and also on the game dav transferred to her two bonds and mortgages, one lor $t,M? and the other for $1,100. The-o transfers, it is decided, were made Without valid consideration and with intent tn defraud his creditors, rherefore a decreo is ordered setting asido the conveyance and transfer. In .lune, 137a. Mlchaol Norton, upon *n indictment for alleged bribery, gave a b md in $.\00o to answer, at i! J nines Mononan became his surety in a liko amount <>n the return day Mr. Notion failed to ap> pear, and the bonds were declared forfeited and a judg ment entered against both. Subsequently Mr. Norton surrendered hiuisdil and gave bail. According to an net of the Legislature, passed last winter. If the District Attornev can certify that a prisoner lis* rurrenJercd and give an indemnity in the prosecution acnitist him. the Judgment against him may he discharged. lu this cn?etli? Dlsirici Attorney has given n:ch certification, and the judgment as against Monohan has been dis charged. DECISIONS. HtPJUUlK COPRT?CBAMBXM. By Judge I'onofine. Morgan fi, fitaith.? Motion eratited, ro-ts to abide event. i'latntlfl may take may id tho suit against th? surety until the decision of the Court ol Apueals. Bell v* Kiertimi. ? ">alc adjourned lor two week*. Judgment to auwd. Uatvrruit to Jamoa Matthews, to be heard on ono day's notice of trial and to proceed until closed. In tbo ra ttier of Strum Muni be proof of reaponal blinyof guardian. Mora vs. Cohen.?Order granted. The Merchants' Exchange National Rank vs. Rau; i Tli'- Merehants' Rtabargs National Hank vs. Waltz fcldor.?Motion* granted. K.iuney vs. li-cner; McHarg v.--. ^tratton ?Motions I deu rtL | Allen <ra. Ti>bln and mother; Wynen r*. Srhoppert Denied. , He KvrMl f*. De l"?r?st; The Manhattan Lite Tnsur I (Hire Comp;inv vs Winaor; K.irscheldt .indanatbor vs. Patent TTftod Preserving Company; Tag j part vs. Kent; Tag^art ts. IV try; LouvIM ta. The New ' York Oxygen (ins Company; The National I'hoto j graphic Corapanr vs. I'erriof. and Tnrner va. The New ! York He-id l.iflht Manufacturing Coin|utiiy.?Orawed. rtiJIJION M.KAM?sntC14L Tk P.M. H| luilgn Van M'?*en. Yates v-\ t'rane ?-Sc" memorandum Brown vs. VertkentDg?Holloa granted on terms. See memorandum. Weil r?. Poiiuer.?Ameudment* allowed on terras. 8eo memorandum. MaKINR COCRT?CHAMUF.Jtd. By Judge MnAdam. Schubarh v.<. Wulstetn.?CierkV taxation afllrmoA (C"de, ?e. V.i); 17 Howard, 64; IS ib. Ml; ID Wend., ' txW and Bos ; 11 Howard. 19? ) , D ivta vs. tiridley.?Complaint dismissed. Yarrens vs. Kattsliotskl. ?Mr. Edwin Kempton ap : pointed ree.oiver. Baiter va, Mutib-n; Kre --*? n v*. Kltgglhliona; Ketnler ?i?. Ravin.-? Motions granted. l.evy rs. Mi t<e!land ?Motion granied as par opinion i Stat. Calvin vs. McCurtv?Complaint dismissed. j Tho Kit)!?er m?miI Worlt< vs. !ngcr*oll.?Motion de : nic.'. Keniliarrit vs. OitM.?Attachment vacated, (iuylianetvi vs. Saidtui.?Motion denied. , (.iiuir?itcvc vs. Hiion.? Defendant dt*ebar?4 from I arrest The question of cofU to be disposed of npon | the conclusion of lb* defendant's elimination.' A CURIOUS CASE. Yecterdey afternoon Detective John J. Dnnn. of the j Central Office, arraigned at the Washington Place Police : Court, before Justice Duffy, Mr. Jo-eph C. Marks, the . a*ent In thla country of Ryland It Co., of Manchester, j Kngland, the InmtD'c dry goods rtrra, on a charge of ; kidnapping. The complainant, a t*an named Joseph Blair, was uot present, but the detective informed the Court ibat he was on bis way from Lincoln, Nebraska, with the necessary papers ?? Mr. Marks' removal to that State for trial Justice Dully consented to release Mr. Marks o# In* own parole until tomorrow. It appear* from the statement of Mr. Murk- that Blair la an abscond ing debtor and that be delrauded 1!) land A; Co., Dying to this country witu bid plunder. Flnkerton's Detective Agency wai employed iu the case, and Detectives Tut- > tie ami Hull arretted Ulair in Linculu He -aid ho would sooner to to England than be trieil here, and was accordingly taken to England on the steamer China, on the 8th ol February last. He wus tried in the Liverpool Court ol Session*, convicted on<l sen tenced to tbree years' imprisonment. He was subse quently releaM-d on the application ol Hie American Consul, and, returning to this country, Instituted the j present proceeding. THE MULBERRY 8TKKET BURGLAR. | Joseph Kerrigan alias King, the notorious burglar . and de-perido, arrested by Oflicer Hart, of the Kotir- ? teenth precinct, ou Friday nigbt, was arraigned at the Tombs yesterday. Officer Hart made an afll lavu, stat ing tb?i be detected him in the act of breaking inio the residence of Mr. l.svelle, In Mulberry street. and . was knocked down and badly beaten by Korrtgau, who, aided by his lather and brother, succeeded in escaping, but wo* subsequently recaptured. Officer Hurt'? urn lorm was covered with b.ood and he had several bad cuts on his tetnp.e. Ho informed Judge Murray Kerrigan drew a revolver on linn and *a.- only pre vented from shooting him by the Intortereace ol a citizen, Jndge Murray held Kerrigan in default of sJO,0011 ball. Kerrigan's lather. Thouiaa Kerrigan, and his brother .lainef- were held in default ol $1,000 bail each for assaulting Officer Hart and rescuing the prisoner. SEASIDE SANITARIUM. N'kw York. June 10, 1870. To rne Editor or thk Hkrai.d:? The following sums of money hate been received for the Children's Saniiurlum, which will be opened (or the llrst lot of children on the 15th Inst. Will you please say a word for us through your valuable paper and help the cause:? Through Mr. Rergh, R .11. Macy $25 00 Sent to the office, Wheeler k Wilson IS 00 Richardson & Boyti ton 10 oo Mrs. Durvea ?> (Hi Mrs. Untitle. 5 00 Mrs. Beiuiont 6 00 Ehncti's S 'Mi George Gray ft OO tieorgo Heebe 6 00 C. O. L., through Mr. B 5 OO Collection of little ones ui home, through James 1. Arcuitirius u 00 Hrs. Archibald i 00 Througll the Hkr ai.d, Mr*. J. K. Kernoclian 2."> 00 RicUard Iselin (t Co. 20 OJ Acker. Merrill it ( ondlt. 2.") 00 Mrs. M. l-.. M 5 00 Arnold, Con-table k Co 2i 00 Mr. Cuuimings..... 5 00 Mrs. X. E. Baylies.. 25 00 Yours. respectfully. HENRY KINO, Chairman. Mr. Hazard 10 00 A friend of Mrs. Hudson 1 "'0 Mrs. Keller a 00 Vandevetiter At Pat ten...; Mrs. Sensermoter.. Sanitarium M. W Broadway stable... Croesmati 1 00 Wilson 1 00 Cash 1 00 Thurtnau 1 00 Mrs. PcarsalL 1 00 Mrs. Hoi! KiMh avenuo lady. Marcbe & Watson. .Miss Prince Cash Charles Little A. (>. lleed Mrs Relly A. J. Todd 10 00 B. Hi Curtis. 1 00 Sanitarium 2 tx) P. Tapp 2 OO Total $272 :t0 3 00 1 00 2 00 00 1 00 1 00 so ."HI .">0 .'>0 :.o ,"?0 1 00 WAR ON BROOKLYN DOGS. No city In the Union could, up to the present year, boast of more useless canines ibau Brooklyn. It is also doubt I ii I whether any city In the country has fur nished so many marked cases of hydrophobia. The attention ol the Police Department was recently culled to the tact that many mad dogs bad been shot since the 1st of June, Rnd that sotno measures should be taken at ouco 10 lessen the dangers arising from rabid curs. ! Yesterday the Superintendent of Police issued an order to the captains ol precincts, directing them to instruct I their lorco "to kill on sight every uninu/zled dog found running at large." '1 lie .Superintendent fuither directs that In attempting to kill dogs the possibility of en dangering human life must be avoided. FOUND DROWNED. The body of an unknown man wn? found yesterday morning floating in Penn Horn Creek, near Secaucus Bridge, N. J. It was taken to Bernhardt'* Morgue. A BOY DROWNED. A little eon of Patrick llogan, Urine at Cold Spring Harbor, returning irotn school on Thursday, stopped near a well, and while playing his hat blew Into tho water. In trying to regain it his Toot slipped and he lell in. Several other vuilrtren wen? present. and they Hare the alarm an t>oon as possible, but tho boy was i drowned bclore assistance arrived. "HOD" BACON ARRESTED. John, alias "Hod" Bacon, tho notorious confidence j operator, was arrested by Detectlvo Walling, of the Twenty-seventh precinct, yesterday morning, while ! operating on the Boston boat pier. On being arraigned at the Tombs lie gave liis name as .lohn Schnler, but . was recognized by Judge Murray, who sentenced hnn , to the Penitentiary lor sis months. Karon, who has been arrested on countless occasions daring the past ten years, was taken down stairs. BURGLARS AT WORK. Captain CafTrey, of tho Filth precinct, yesterday re- i ported that burglar.* had stolen $1,000 worth oi gi n;io- ; men's underwear from the More of Ames Wytie, No. 210 Franklin street. An investigation showed that the i robbers ha?l secreted themselves in the building before it wus closed to- the night. At daylight a lieht wagon was seen at tho door, and it is supposed that the goods 1 wero carried away in it. The police have no cicw to the thieves. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Frqjierirk Pascal, aged Ally years, employed as * wood engraver by Ihoraas \V. Wood, at No. HI Nassau Street, attempted suicide yesterday aftorooon by cut- 1 ting bis throat with a razor. He was removed to Belle vue Hospital Tho wound is not serious. MAD DOG SHOT. Officer Maher, of the Twentieth precinct, yreterday i shot a mad dog, which bud bitten its town<*r, Jacob | Dailey, of No. 403 Tenth avenue. MARRIAGE* AND DEATHS. . i ENGAGED liWK?RlcKii'm.-Hlsi Bktkt Hf.' kschkr to ! Chariis Lokkl, both of tbls oily. No curds. MARRIED. BitWKSKnoiT?Parbo.vs.?At Hempstead. L. I., on Mon lay, June 6, by the Rev. William H Moore, I?. D., Hon. Jasi.h .1 IlniKKritimrr. of Woodndge, N. J., to Sakar J., eldest daugUter ol tho late Charles Parsons, Bsq. Lrkwitt-Vax Avpkn ?On Saturday. Jane 10. 1ST8, i at the residence c?f the bride's ptreats. West Brighton. ! 5taten Islund. by the Rev. Mr. fin en, A. B. t hkwttt, ' ot Texas, Wjisxil H , youngest Uaugltterul Ilenry a. ! Van Auden. No cards Aubn r#i iapers plea?e copy. Crosa*?ti k a n a m ?On -aiurdav. June 3, 1S7?>. at St. Peter's church. Jersey City, bv ih.- Rev. J McQuade, Kdwarh E. Crosas. of ft. Jotins, Porto Klco, to Ki.i.kv K. Okaham, o( .lersi-r City. Dkan?Rostxeon. ?Ou WedMsday. June 7, at the i residence ot the bride's parent. bv ibe K<-r. K >. Putney, John s. I>ra\ to AMiAttR hoots aofc, both ol thisciiv. No cards. OvtxiRoN ? ll.?vv?In Brooklyn. Thur<dav. June *, 1S76. at the residence of the bride's |.*rent?, bv thc Rev. Hr. t'uyler, Bftwtt Dci?;rov, of .-an Francisco, Cal., to I.oi-isa, eldest daughter of John SayD. Ksq. No carils. San Kranclseo pap?rs plea?e py. KtUXOKR?Watrcx i* ?t)u Thursday, June ?t, at the ; residence of the bride's nrother, by the Rev l?r Kin born, Coroner Moi: it* lumis toMltS Jru.\ Wati:r ?ak. Uiiskckx?lion.?Or Wednesday eveniuj, June ?, tiy the Hev. I?r. Held, llinao ttKl.MCRK to -Iiss Kmimt It. (ion. both ot this city. Ivj.a.xk?Owns* ?tin Wednesday, June T. at ttio re.'- ' 1 ulence ol M. N. Nolan. Ksq., of Albany. Y ?>., by the 1 KeV. M ttirice Sbeehso, .IaHi:s AriH-TlXB Kran>., of New York city, to Mart I'iirrksa Owitxs. of S.m I I Kracifco. I'tl. l.tsH??A?MOSMH. ?-On June 18T?, at St. Ann's ? church, by R'-v. T. K. Lynch. K. J. I.tstio t to FRLIKR SflLI>Al'M MO.VTMI, i.i 1'iriK I.trTKl.L?Van Vokst. ? Or Tliitr-day. J uuc ?, at the | residence of the lride'? parents at Albany, N. V., by Kev. I)r. Payne, of Scheneotarty, (trass > i.irritt.1., of New York, to I.izzir Bar**, daughter of t.ardiner B. Van Yor-t I^jrNsnrtT?Va* Vt.t!i-K.?on Thnrsdty, June *, at rettdeme ol bride's parents, by thORev. Samuel Mc Bnde, Hksrt R. IsitamiMV to Hri.k* DMfeM, young est daughter ot J. I'. Vm \ leek. Ksq.. and grand daughter of P. Dickie, Esq., all of New York city. No , cards. i Mi t'ri i.ofon?Tract.?On Thursday, June 8, at the ! Church of the Holy Cross, bv the Rev. Father rowers, > llitunT McCi'LLotua to Makuarkt Tract, >11 of this I eitr. Mkad?Jack box.? Ob VTednesdsy, Jan* T. by R?. J. ' Ratnsav. at flirlitn Proebyterian church, Cbam.rb K. Knii to Mart S., dtogbtar of Jobs Jackaoa, all ol this riiy. JlivMMin-Bcriiank.?On Thursday. J una *, at tho r?-idem e ol Dr. J. Meunliigor. St. Mara's place, by the Kev. o B. Frothingham. |)r Huit J. Mkxbixorb, nt Brooklyn, to Emma Y Hekhank of Boston So r irda. MlLUI-Thumb.?(In .1 una 7, 1876, by Kev. William I.'oyd, at No. 80 Mscdougal St.. Ai-Kxandbr Millbb to Mixw Mart M. Tnotv, both of this city. Pow.n all?Davidson?On Wednesday, Jon# 7, 1876, at llio riTtaetiee ol the bri le's parents. by itev. Will iam ti Mikels, I). !>., Wricht I). Po wxall io Kl.ORKNrB A., itau. Iit-r of Alex. V. Davidson, all ot Now York en y. Kkillt? Wednesday, Juue 7, at the resi deuce of the bride's mother, by the Kev. K. J. O'Keillv, BkkjurdC. Rbillv to Harriet c. E. Willi, daughter ol the late Inane Wells. >wht?Wii.son.?On Tuesday, June A, 1876, by th? Kev. Stephen H. TynjL -lr., f>. l>., H. J, SwifT to Kmma E. daughter of S. It. Wilson, Kaq,, all of this city. Waiumrimkr?Stkrx.? <?n Sunday', .lune 4, 1H76, at the residence ol the bride's parent)-, by th? Rev. Dr. Wasserman, I'hilii* Walmikibbm to Mis? Sarah Stkbx, daughter of David steru. W iiithki'k?BaXOR ?On Tuesday, June 6, 1876, at tho residence ol the bride's mother. New York city, by the Kev John Whitbeck, Thomas S. Wmitbkcb, eldest son ol the officiating clergyman. to Mii.uf. Ban<;r, daughter of Wtlliatn Bango, Esq., all of New York city. DIED. A dabs.?In, on Friday, June 9, Mr. Prilii P. Adamm, sged years. Relative* and friends, brethren of Brooklyn I<odge, No. 26. I. O. O. P., al?o the brethren ol sister lodges, ure respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, Iroiu bis late residence, No. 343 Pacitlc nt, on Sunday, at ball p i.-t one o'clock 1*. M. IIakkr.? At Orecn point, l<. I., Juno 7, William 1.. Uakkr, aged 20 mouths and 3 'lays. Funeral will lake place on June 11, from the resi dence ot hie father, Captain Baker, 167 Franklin st.,' Greenpolnt, at two o'clock. Friends ol tbo family are respectfully invited. lit ckhoi r.?At Sing Sing, June 9, Labhir. daughter of Thtodore and Jemima Buckhout, aged 12 years and 8 months. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the Baptist church, fling Sing, thia (Sunday) afternoon, at half-past two o'clock.\x.?<?n Friday, Ellkx Callaxax, aged IS years and 8 months, daughter ol James and Ellen Cal lannn. llor luneral will take place on Sunday afternoon, at illrou o'clock, trom her lute residence, 364 Cnerry sU Tup friends arc invited to attend. Cakuiu.i.?At Ins resilience, 2.">4 West 16th ?!., ol 1 consumption, Pktbr Carroll. a native of the parish of Mlliown, county Westmcatb, Ireland The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the tunerul, on Tuesday, al ono o'clock; Irom to Flatbush. Cooxky.?On Saturday, June 10, ol pleuropneu monia, Ci.aha I.oiisk. the beloved daughter of Myruo A. and Marie K. Oootiey. aged 3 yeurs and 6 month?. The iuueral will take place on Monday, Jnno 12. al half-past ono 1'. M.. Irom her parents' residency. No. 211 East 311 h St. Cobxyb.?At l/>s Angeles, C'al., Friday morning, Jane 9, 1876, Major Johx \V. Corxyx. Coyi.k.?On Thursday. June 8. 1876, Bcrxakd Cotlr, a native ol county Cavati. Ireland, in tho 71st year of his ago. Tho relatives and Irteti Is of the family and those of his brotbers-ln law are respo llully invited to attend tlie luneral, Irom his lato residence, 120 West 40tli st.. New York, on Sunday, June 11, at two o'clock P. M., to Calvary Cemetery. Dkkw.?In Brooklyn, after a short illness, Mart L. Drkw, wile ol Bryant Drew and daughter of 1* R. Hop kins, in the 31st year of her ng?. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the fu neral. at 614 Carlton av., Brooklyn, on Monday, th? 12th iuhL. at throo o'clock. Faruixotox.?On Thursday, June 8, Mart Farruco tox, widow ol the laie Thomas Furringion, In the 68tb year of her age. The relatives and frieuds ot tho family are respect fully invited to attcud the funeral, from her late resi dence, 46 South 3d St.. Brooklyn, E. D., on Monday, Juue 12, at eleven o'clock A. M. Remains will b? taken to Sprin Held. U 1., for interment. ? At l'ortciiester, June 9, 1S76, Ahbib, wif? ol .1. W. Fitiiey and daughter of the lateTlios. Bent, in the .list year ot her ago. Fttnernl o'n Monday, June 12, at two o'clock P. M., at St. Peter's church. Fitoh.?On Friday morning. 9th iust., of pneumonia, Louisa, wife of T. J. Fitch, in tlie 36th year of her age. Uelattves and friends ot the family are respcctlully invited to attend the luneral, at her late residence, 433 East Md St., on Monday morning at eleven o'clock. Okarty.?On Saturday, June 10. 1S7C, Mrs. Axnb Grarty, tho belovod wile of Owen Ucartjr, in the 44th year of her age. Relatives and Iriends of the family arc invitod to at tend the luneral, on Monday, ihe 12th inst, at ten o'clock, from her lote residence, 249 East 43d st, to St. Agnes' church, 43d st., between 3d and I.exington avs , whero a solemn muss ol requiem will be ottered lot the repo?o of her soul; from thence to Calvary Ceme tery lor interment. (iiiA.xxms.? On Thursday. June 8, of apoplexy, Hbxrt K. (iKAXXifs, aged 68 years. His Iriends are respectfully invited to attend tb< luneral services, on Monday, June 12, at hall past ten o'clock, from hia late residence, No. 14 I'ark tt., Newark, N. J. Haxxa.? At Paterson, N. J., June 10, Isaac Hanxa, late of New York, in the 52d year or his aye. Notice ol funeral hereafter Hakhold.?Ou Fruity, 9th tnsb, Richard Iiarrolo. in tho 29th year of his age. Funeral will take place from the First Baptist church, Noble st., Grcenpoiht. on Sunday, lltli insl, at two P. M. Relatives and trlends, al*o (ireenpoini l.odge. No. 403, F. and A. M., are respectfully Invited to attend. California papers please oopv. Si'mmoxs.?OiKixrafir l<oi>nR, No. 403, P. axd a. M.?Biirtiirkx?You are hereny summoned to meet al the iod;.:o room, on Sunday, lithium., at one o'clock I'. M., lor the purposo of attendiug the funeral ol our lat? brother Richard Harrold. Bv order of Al.ON/,0 BRYMnB, W. M. Jambs H. Whitkhornr. Secretary. Hays.?June in, 1876. Irkxb, infant daughter of Ceorj;c F. and EIIbr Hay*. Funeral services at No. AO King st., this Sunday, at 7 P. M. Johnston.?tin Thursday. June 1, afters short ill ness, Hr. Kobkut Johnstox, of this city, formerly of Alabama. Alabama papers please copy. L.bitch.?On Friday, June 9, of malignant scarlet fever. Kraxrltn Montiith I<kiTck, youngest child of Sarah and the late Captain Thomas I.eitch, aged 1 year, C> months and 2 days. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the luneral. trom hit mothur's residence. 185 Bergen St., on Sunday, lltli insi., at two o'clock. MK' <nA\.?Fell asleep in Josus June 10 Mar uahkt Mi Ci.kxahax. aged ti7 years. Relatives and Itientia ari^ respectlully invited to at teiid her funeral, Irom her Inte residence, 44S West 4ith St.. Mundav. June 12, at hall-past oue. McMoxaoul?On Friday, June 9. Corxklits McMox aoi.k, Infaut sou of Cornelius and Margaret McMonagle, aged h months. Relatives ami friends of tbo family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, the lltn iosL, at two o'clock. Irom the residence, 1M 8th av. Navabrk.?On K rbiay. Jun-9, Euxa Navarrb, aged 74 years, 6 mouths ano 3 days. Relatives and iriends ol tiie family are respectful!* re<|ueMted to attend tin- funeral, Irom the residence ol ln-r son-iii law. Francis Black. 61) Taylor st, Brooklyn, E. !>.. on hvuday. at two o'clock. NichoiAR.?On 10th inst.. IIohkrt W. W. Nimot.Lf aged IS years, 8 months and 28 days. Relatives and Iriends of the lamily are Invited to at t'-nd the funeral, from the residence ol his parentt, 151 East 114th St., ai one I'. M., .Monday. Pktittk.? On Friday, Juno 9. at tho residence of her parents. No HI MnMagli, corner of Fulton ?L, Brook lyii, Axxti: I., youngest dauguter ol -lames and Annn Petitte, aged 2 years. 7 months and 3 days. Fr.enus of the lainilj arc retpectlully invited to at lend tin- luncrni. tins (Sunday), lltli insl., at thrw o'clock 1*. M. Koss.?imi Friday, Juno 9, after a abort illness Isahm.i.a Fammkr. widow ol Hie late John Rosa Tho relatives and friends of tho family are reipcet fully invited to attend the funeral. Irom tho resident* ol her brother-in-law, .lames Muir, No. 149 West toil st., on Monday. June 12, at half nasi ten o clock. smith ?On Thursday, Juno 8. Clara B., youngeil daughter ol the late Warten P. and Ann Maria Smith. Funeral to day (-'unday), al two P. M.. at the resi dence of her brother, 232 Ross St., Williamsburg Relatives and friends are rosptctiully invited to attend. SrtVRx.s ?On Saturday, Juno 10, Catiikrixr K BITVrxs. Ihe beloved wile ol John R. Stevens, aged 29 years, 6 months and a days. Rai.dives aud iriends of tbo lauiilv ars ri-si>ectfully iuvilcd to attend the luneral. ou Mmday, June 12, at two P. M., trom her Into residence, Xo. 92 Allen st. STRt itKX. ?On Wednesday, June 8, CoxiCAmtxB Wil ur.i.wi. >tri*bkn (geb. Vtemeiaior) aged .'>(?jearf.. Heialives aud iriend5 are Invited to atleud the fune ral, Irom tier late residence, this (Sundayj afternoon, at two o'clock, from No. 66 William sL, corner Meeker av., Ihi'hwiek Swtv?At Jersey City, June 8, suddenly, Kpwarb T.. son of Thomas K. and Kalo M. Swan, aged 25 ye*r?. Kunerai from residence ot his father, 63 Rooraua , Jersey Cttv Heights, Sunday, June 11. at tour o'clock P. M. Van WaUINSX.?On Saturday, Juno lft, ('ain?rixk, wife of John F. Van Wascnea, aged no rears, .n months and 16 days. The - .dative* and friends ol the fatnilv aro resperl lullv Invited t.> attend ihe funeral services, at her late rwMence, 2:53 West 37th st., on Monday evening, at haif pa-<t seven o'clock. WktxcMM.?"n Friday, Jnne ?, st Rarlem. Eliza Jank, wife of Dr. Wlllisa Iarvi? Wetiaore,and daughter ol |U<-1 ite Nicholas Campbell, Esq. Fsneral wMl take place from St. Timothy's church, Kev. Dr. ooer, -''7tb st.. tietween 8ih and 9th avs., on Sunday, lltb inst. at hall-past ?ne p. t?. Her Iriends and relatives, al?o 'h.?~i- oi her son. Charles F. Sturie vant, are r'specinila- Inn it?d to atteud. Wixbow.?on Weonesdav, June 7, after r lingering I illness. ({>?miiR, in his 34ili year. The irien is or the family are re?pei tlnlly invited t? attend ihe luneral, on Sauday, June 11, at one o cluck, from thw Second street M?'h >di-i ICplsoopal Church, j beiween av-. (' and D. PtTVOVTR Ruck l.oixiR, No. 374, I. O. O. P.? | Buotiii.s?You are hereby notilied to attend aspect* | meet ng on S?n<Ry. Juue 11. st half-past el. ven A. M. lor thrt purpose of attending the luieral ot our lat? i Brother. George Winrow. Brothers of sister lodges an invited to an,-nd GEORGE W. FRIEND, N. (i. C. J. Cami'Ki.i i? U. S. WfHiwa. -At Orange, N. J., on Friday. Janet, 187?, afteranhori illne?a, Efpcrmml Maria Pi-rut, wife o Hi'ltam K. Wogloic. Relatives and mends are invited to attend lb* fu i ni-ra! -ervices, on Monday, June 12, at three P. M . at j the residence of her hrother-ln-law, David Thurston, j No. 14.1 Fi?t 461 h st.. New York. RcBMins Will M [ lakeu to Eaat Chester for Ulsiaua