Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL HI) Stocks a Fraction Higher, but at the Close Feverish. GOLD 112 3-8 A 112 1-2. Honey oil Call Loans 2 and 2 1-2 Per Cent The Bank Statement?Government Bouda firm?Railway Bonds and Investment Shares Generally Steady. Wall Stkket, I SATfkOAT, JUUe 10?6 I', M. J The Human would have regarded a day bo replete #lth spurt ou land and water a* this is a very LupercaL There are horse racing, polo playiug, ball matches tad regattas, regular aud Corinthian. Prole*sioual :raft*uieu have left the street In acarch of pleasures, which, even to ibem, are sometimes more attractive than mere money gettlug, aud, consequently, ibe board ha* been sailed to-day by a crew of Corintbmus. It is boped that the amateurs down tbe bay are making belter work or 11 than iho beiore mentioned gentry bave done, and that their quid pro quo ol sport lor labor is more remunerative. Wltb muffs lor mariues It is lucky that tbe ship was tot under way without any greater bitcli tban arose Irom a sharp squall in Pacific Mail at the very ouset Tbe stock, which had closed yestorday only modor ately steady at 23*4, took a sudden bounce upward of ono point ou the very lirst transaction, and ran up tbe gamut of eight with rare celerity until 25>4 was recorded. Alterward there occurred n slight reaction tad feverish lluctuatiou until the day's dealings were dosed at a return to 20 ?4. This sudden start in Paoitlo Mail shares seemed to be a recognition ol the olu adage that "time is money.'' Tbe company, having a surplus ol the loruier but very little of tbe latter commodity on hand, Mr. Park, tbe Panama Railroad President, has consented to make a temporary Bwap of one lor the other?that is to say, be has agreed not to put the screws to the steamboat concern until May next, or until such time, really, as the clique is ready to Sell out and range themselves on the short side, when some new unfortunate "misunder standing" is likely to occur and upset all the pot iu tbe tire. There has been lor years past so much chicanery u the management of Ibis slock ttiat speculators re juril it as a dog with a bad name and aro ueptical of all promises and vows thai are made in its luvor. The other steps which are said to nave been taccn looking to the discbarge of the lloattng debt have already been noted, aud will probably be carried out as kids and alienors to the bull movemeut. Unfortunately, L'ucillc Muil Is loo valuable u tootball tor a si&;k gaiub hLg game to permit it -(without a struggle) to become shy thing lull the aucient of lancies. laike Shore and Western Unltiu were less active than tuual, aud fluctuations were contiued within narrow Units. At one o'clock Central and Hudson assumed a heavy look aud receded quietly but quickly to 107or about two points below opening prices. At this stage Mr. V'anderbllt's brokers came in to steady the stock, aud did so with litilo exertion, the cash price ruling at 10S>, against sales ut 107, seller 60. The decline was undoubtedly duu to a further cutting down ol passenger tolls to tlie West by cralts, thus tailing in the wake of Pennsylvania Central, with Krie also following suit. There is a half per cent better feel ing in Ohios with tbo mystery of yesterday's sales still unexplained. , . Toward the close a better feeling grow all around, as If the scratch crew were woll pleased to have brought their craft safely into port. Beyond the point we have aoled there was no significance in the day's business, although it la worthy or remark that, In spite of ab sentees and general dulness, there existed an under tone of strength that was remarkable. closixg PRicaa?3 r. m. PaeUeMalt.... vft a ?.?'?' Mil Sil'pt . W, > COS W en I u Tel... 6bX a ??*,, C. C C .* I. ... 47). a All d Paclil. a 10,', C.CAlC .. . ??> a 4>, Uuickiilver.... 14 a 15V Del, L A W....1C8 a 1<>8?, (juicktllver pi. 19 a TJ fcrl* l.'l'j a 14 ar LanuA M. n 7'j lianASlJo... 13 a 14 Boa W Power.. 7\ a N', Han A ht Jo pt "2- a ajt* .iuauiic.1 10H h lUt*K Lake Shore -W1,' a 54 ^ Awer Ex tiJ a 0-", Mich Central.. 48'4 a 48> L K* 74 ? 74), N V A Harlem.13* a 140 W?!l? KargoK a U1 .\ V 0 A <1 iL ,0S\ a 108V Chic* Alton ..llil', a 102}? N J Cen nut, a 83 UevAPUU ,. HS'j ? l.a Ohio A Ml IH a ltl'? i tile A '. a 41 I'anama 116 a 14't Chic A X W pi. 61', a til Si loi A Wah .... IK a IU Chit A H I,...|ii7r? a 1' B L'uion Paeltlo.. 5U a Hi til A Si f Stf'j ? 4-?, Mii?ouri Pac . 6 a 7 APVANCK AMD UCCLIHB. The following are the changes in closing prices, com pared with those of yesterday:? Advakck.?Atlantic and Pacific preferrud, % \ Dela ware and Lackawanna, '(; Krio, >4 ; Lake Shore, ; Michigan Central, *,; Northwest prelerred, ; Ohio and Mississippi, Pacific Mail, 1J4; Producers' and Petroleum, S, Kock Island, ; si. Paul, ??; da preferred, Dicusk.?Uold, ; Western Union, .V; Union Pacilio, 1; New Jersey Central, C., C., C. and 1., ; New York Central, 1>?. Tbe rest of the market was stationary. Money continue* to show ease, the supply on call loans to-day being abundant at 2 and 2>, per cent, 'rime paper la quoted at 4 a 6 yt per cunt. The follow ng art- Hie rales or excliungo on New York at the judermcntionod citios to-day:?Savannah, 'A premium ; Charleston easier, selling ', a3-X0, buying >4 premium; Sow orieans, commercial >?, bank ; Cincinnati ituady, par to 50c. premium; St. Louis, 75c. premium; Chicago, 25c. discount. Sterling exchange was steady at the nominal rates ol 4.88 a 4.'JO, with coLcessions or Shout >, |>er cent in actual transactions. TUB OOLD MAKKKT. Gold openod and closed at 112 ',, with sales in the in terim at 112^,, the decline being occasioned by the la yorable tenor of foreign despatches anu the improve ment of securities In London. Gold loans were made at It per cent for carrying, dat, and at 1 per cent for use. UOL'SK 8TATXMKKT. Currency exchanges $49,625,070 Currency balances 2, *43,927 tiuld exchanges 1,689.4M Cold balances 711,721 WKBKLT CLKARIXU BOUHB 8TATCJfKNT, Currency exchangee. $355,287,618 Currency balances. 11,990,620 Uold exchanges..... 113,617,916 Cold balances TBI HAXK STATKHKNT. The bank statement shows an increase of $1,29:1.500 In legal tenders aud a lurther accumulation of national bank currency at this point, but the spocie has de created $1,750,700, which more than offset* the gain of legal tenders. The loans have decreased $1,;10$,800, deposits $386,100, and circulation $133,700. The sur plus reserve shows a loss of (374,675, growing out of the decrease in specie in excess of the gain in legal tenders. The surplus reserve ot the banks now mauds nt $16,081,476. The following is a comparison of the bank averages I lor the past two weeks:? June .1. ./iiii' 10. Difference*, Loans. $250,079.500 $249,370,700 I>ec. $1,30$,300 I Specie 17,488,800 15,729.100 l>ee. 1,7;>?,7U0 Legal tenders 51,76?,>?J0 63,0iH),u00 Inc.. 1 ?_i?:;,:,<hi Deposits 211.IMS,600 210,830,500 1>??. 366,100 Circulation.. lit,943,90S 15,HlO, 100 l>ec. 133 TOO 1 lie following shows the relations beiweun the toUl reserve and the tuial liabilities:? Specie f 17,4*8,800 $15,729,1110 Pec. #1.759,700 Legal tenders 5l,7t<'<,<iOtl .i3,0?i0,uw Inc.. 1.29m, >00 lotalreserve. $09,255,300 $f'8,7s9,100 Dec. $466,2W j iteservr re quired ag't deposits.... 62,799,160 62,707.025 Excess jf re serve above legal re quirements. $18,456,160 $16,081,475 Use. $.74,075 I ibvsntmsmt ititm Investment shares brought U?e following flgtire? ?New j jersey Central, 83 ,. ; Hock Island, 107 , a 107 , ; a 107 , ; llliuuis Central, 97 4; Cleveland and Pittsburg, j guaiaut'-ed, 92'; a 92 . , Delaware and Lackawanna, ; loss,; Morris and Esses, 104; Mew York aud New Uavu, 157; Chicago, Burlington and tfumcy, 11(>*?, i Delaware and HiMboa, 109 ,. Producers' and 1'etro leum, 117a 117', a U7'? , Wells l argo Cxpm* ; Sew Vork Central, 109', a 107'. a 1(18 TBK CMTKll IIATM TMKAril 11V. Washington advices statu lb* I iho frcaiary bold* i $34:1,750.000 lu bonus 10 secuiu hank circulation, a de crease lor the week m $200,100. Hottd* li id 10 Htunri putil.c deponts, 8H.8O0.iwt) U. v. nue receipts to-ua>, $4^0.000; Nliom (Wu.-lpl-t, $4011,0i>0, ban. unlet re ceited lor redemption, ti.ouu.uuo, tuiui lur the week, j Wm Iremnrjr auipiuenu tor tun week ending to-day lire: legal tender*, $1,280,000; silver, ' (13.000. Silver 11 quoted to-day at 51%d.; ?30,000 bullion went into the Bank of England on balance. In Far * ' exchange on London 25f. 26\c. lor abort Might. Rente* loif. I2%a for the account in Frankfort lnit?*d States bouds, now Ave*, are 102 V The weekly state ment o: the Imperial Bank of Uermany shows ade creaso of 2,Otto,000 mark*. TBI rORKIGN MARKET. Foreign advice* report a further advance In connol* consequent on the subsidence of the grave anxiety which has existed with reference to the Eastern ques tion. United States bonds were without change, except for 1R67'* and new lives, which ruse to 110% lor the former and to 106', lor the latter. Erie was % per I cent lower, selling at 12',. The lollowing are quota tion* at half-past one F. M.Consols lor money, 93% a 94; da lor account, 93% a 94; live-twenty bonds, 1866. old, 104%; da, 1807, 110%; ten-lorty do., 107; lie * lives, 106-4; Erie, 12', ; da, preforred, 18 a 19. RAILROAD RONDS. Railroad bonds were strong, the largest advance hav lug been Si In New York Central sixes ol 1883 and Han nibal and St. Joseph eights. The bonds of the Wis consin roads were firm, aud those of the PaciQc roads steady. Ohio and Mississippi consolidated sinking iuuds, in exception to the general lilt, were % lower. The FaciQc Issues sold at 105 for Union firsts, 100 tor land grant*, 101 for Western aud 93 for Central Fa citlc, California and Oregon Branch. Lohigb ana Wtlkosbarro consolidated was Itrm at 93 a 93%, and Hannibal aud St. Joseph convertible at 79 a 79%. Har* lcracoupons Qrsts sold at 110% and C., C., C. and I. Ilrsts at 103%, Northwest consolidated gold coupons tell oil to 90 a 90and Ohio and Mississippi consoli dated sinking lund to 99%. BANK SHARKS. Tho sales of city bank shares were 20 Leather Manu facturers' at 100 aud 10 Republic at 79. In other ln^ vestments we notice a saie ol Now York Gas at 135. BTaTK RON dm. In State bonds Missouri long sixes were strong and advanced to 107',, the highest price for a loug time past. Tennessee new sold at 42%. GOVKRNMKXT BONDS. Government bonds were tlrm and in good demand. Tho largest transactions were In 1867's, which sold at 122%'. The lollowing were the latest quotations:? United Slates sixes, 1881, registered, 119% a 120% ; da da, do., coupon, 123a 124; do. do., 1*865, regis tered, 115% a 116%; do. do., do., coupon. 115% % 116%; do. do. do., uew, registered, 116% a 117; do. do., do., do., coupou, 120% a 120','; do. do., 1867, registered, 119% a 119%; da flve-twuntteg, coupou, 122% a 122%; da do., 1868, registered. 120,% a 120% ; do. do., do., cou pon, 123% al24; do. toil-forties, registered, 117.% a 118; da do., coupon, 118% a 119; da ATM, 1881, reg istered, 117% a 117%; da do., do., coupon, 117% a 117%; Pacific sixes, 126% a 125%. KXFOKTS AND IMPORTS. The imports of dry goods und merchandise lor the week were:? Dry good* $819,394 Merchandise 5,088.056 Total $5,907,450 Export* of specie lor the week, $421,426 12, ? of which $200,000 is gold coin, American; $47,315 78 is Spanish gold and tho remainder gold and silver bars. Imports ol specie lor week, $63,812 gold coiu. Tho following is a statement of the shipmont* of treasure from San Francisco to New York lor May:? Silver bars $1,634,197 Gold coin 1,348,809 Silver coin 500,1?00 Gold bars 251,000 Total $3,7341** Shipment* to other points lor May:? China 1574.921 Ceutral America 5,100 Honolulu 2,000 Total $1.82,051 Coinage of the San Fraucisco Mint lor May was:? Double eagles $2,750,000 Trade dollar* 318,000 Halt dollars 3:10,000 Quarter dollars 3St>,000 xaii.wat nkwh. The Toledo, Wabash and Western Railway was to-day sold at Toledo by auction, In pursuance of the ilocru j ol' the Supreme Courts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The road was bought by the following committee of the gold bondholders:?Messrs. John W. Ellis, John T. Martin, George I. Seney, Alexander M. White and H. A. V. Post. The total Issue of gold bonds Is $5,000,tK0, and this oommittee represent $4,943,000. This sale exttnguithes both common aud preferred stock amounting to $15,000,000, and relieves the road of several unprofit able leasee and interest on about $6,000,000 bonds. No bonds which precede the gold bond* under which fore closure was made are disturbed. Tins is the most im portant sale of railroad property made for many years The lollowing are the comparative earnings of the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw Railroad:? First week, June, 1876 $40,150 First week, June. 1875 19,450 i ucroasc f 2 J, TOO Thu following are tlio comp>trali\e earning* ol tho Milwaukee and St. Paul KailroitJ Compauv:? First week of Jnne, 1870 $241,000 First week of June, 1S75 178,355 Increase $12,(145 January 1 to Juna 7, five months, 1 week:? 1876 $3,324,115 1873 2,828,628 Iccroase $405,487 Tiie earning* of the St. Louix, Kansas City and North ern Hallway Company for? First week in June, 1876 $54,879 First ween in June, 1875 42,255 increase $12,624 Ml.MMi STOCKS. The following are closing prices of stocks reported by telegraph from San Francisco:? Consolidated Virginia 71\ California 82 \ Segregated Belcher... 76 Ophir 54 Chollur 8.1,1,' Savage 18 \ Consolidate Imperial t> Mex<can 30\' (ionld & Curry 14\' Best k Belcher 5;(?4 Hale & Jn'orcross 6tf Crown Point Yellow Jacket Alpha..... 55 Belcher 18 'i Contidence II) \ Sierra Nevada la1, Lxchei|uer 18>, Overman 60 Justice 21 \ Caledonia 8 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES fjiim C.V V A I lit ltO ilu N V Gii Co 2VO tu Milt Co 1' ??*> M ?st i. U T?l. 1IUJ <io iiJl# rme Mail ha -41,' jr) do 24 . 'i ni do.,.. -4 .... *4*2 .... J4-. m? It *> I***) Hill) t> U a.n? /?*> 44MI ;<??? i:m> law do do do Saturday, June 10, 18 BMOKJS CALL?10 A. .. lor", SOUihS LSI M S .. ia.'? MU0 iio ii r, *>? > ito ? J11. 5o.l du a ti*?, duo Mich ?>n i:k ??",7 OOU du Jix? <lo ..b.l 2 O Tol A Wall KK .. too do .XM Ohio A Ml*. i(ll... ?JW <io .an du ion C It A M ? l<K. 4 ?? So ..... Id O ii ? >i? do H*D> du 1 ftO I ill 1<AJ Uo ... . SS 2.? -4& 64' i 54'a 54 a ?*:? &4'i ? 10 .Ii * 1 XI M) 4 2 <) 7Cji? i ItM iii.) lift) 100 1?)? i KrU IK) Chi A It I lift... c 201 Mil ,% Ht r .IK. MllCbl t N\V KK i?f . a) Ulii A NW KK ... 10U do 10 ?Ohio k MIm KK pf do. do do. do do. do. do. 7* M. 64?* 4* 2 1 > I*', 1 T? 4(1 ? Ii 41'? 41 o vn:> KiTOAi I'M -VSNl.e, "?<e I'J-V. MHSi (.mil [rnn H'?. n ?!;!?, |iKI(ikiib,i,li?nj[li<ta. In"l| ?JIUJU H.CK S M i.l.tfC ? a A bcou... 'J i-, ?io '.?;( ??I. \SI> i I: .1") A. ?6. a 120*4 $I4'*?I "81... rovuu?K. W ?h. Ill Cod Klt.b a IU/>i.s.< bKR.'ir. I |> m> ' I'tai A N tV con l> <?> (; .( .1 .i n. b. linn > ilo Ill o I.oiik Ilo, k lid. . :m??" Ii A J * -. chi ai?w uo lisij N V i>ml?,V.I 1 ? iJ ,'iishi He IUi IkmiM A SP 7'?,ir.?L'ti li?? IOH > *i * **urou. . . t'i2 I |n o I ii I'm Ml 1m.. :m lil n !'?<? 7'?. I K.. ? I Mar lrt.7 .,1- lu ll >?< > or ill *? l-i lie ."i hilii W rat l?i. ii??it, I* * vr. ? ii io. a Ii m lull i iirt do do.. do. W . ...In b.l '!i!' *l4 4 ?'i4'. 2<M do.. ,'i.i do ..til III t.'lov A I'ilta St.. I Ml i J|.\ *> pl. .Ill- .?3 ?!<}ii do 5 X J Cen KK. .. in i do 14 d" liki do .??> Dal. 1. A \\ ItR .'inCki SI.I I.M....W e loo do.. ion i w lie lo| do bti ,'i mi l'i.t.i aiin.iie Jim III S V ' on ? I lie ??ii ?h? La. mi - I i i.v i.i iti-puoiit.. ;lii to Jb's Co. . Nc.bfl 112 'in .... ,ii |irl a il ?'?? " e o8|.rln-^ Mi I'wl .kt ? ?i |u \\ <11% t nr.o hi. ? toe H *1 Ml r ,1 fcm llli -.mi Mil a - il' itii.iic ii m Mil a st i' pi _MII do Illl O.I I JO ill iikj do UkM 4? |(H'4 Ii i7 4 io,-, l"7 , 1'.4 fit1. Mil', **>* lorn 25 i .T? do I .% m do (3 25, ill i tin 2 aoo iio 3?> !'?? do 25',' limChJ, H A ItK lie ll't\ IIU dn *3 "J ? S.M.MI A Hbropg '"7 nil do 25), Km llitii A St J<> Iit.b c SI', 7<m do. ,3 200 All A Pac pf.. .u? -'? 4<m do llkj do . 2'a HONYCAIlKKK..bc llitii 3d 'Ohio A M UK.b e Km dn H??, 500 do 15S no uo UK", ?' O do ?in Krl? K K be i3 , ?m do 1? !t1 Mich (>u RK.. b e 47\ 3<li do i'J lrt'i aim do 48 urn do K? ? Sim do 48^ 2uo do b i H ', BKKoJIK CALL-IMO F. 31. $??> Weal r,c bond, II'I .V*J,tiaLUt Hti... ,?3 .">4 Hai ahi PCLil' Co. 117',' 101 do ..?4 54 I in i ?> iat I'n 111 t'H?, lull dn 54 7'?l do 88tj 5 0 iln i>4 04 Ml Harlem RR. . *10 IWhi, lam do -">4 ll#i Aleli i en nK . -.H 'JOCbl k N W pf ?>1J< luo do 47', Km do .3 ?l'j I'm NYC a It K Kit >M I'm I'm Clil A ill RK li 7\ Km do nut 100 do o ito?? do ?U 107', Km do 107*, 2tm Mil A St I" UK K* lOOMil A nt P K.lpf. H'*5,' I O uo >1 2im uo 107s Km 111 I do 107', Km do <?>, lOONJCenRK 8J 4 1 nOblo* MiuKlt.bS 10 ion do ,.l 821. Ifl do In', 12 do 8-?J 1400 .In 1? AO Fort Way lie UK... lO..', Km Cbl A Alt It It 101 5.M 1. J J KR ,3 .14', K> i Pac l< K oi iln ill) 5)i Khp o,. bJ 04", SKCOHI) BO.VUD?I 1*. Jl. *2mm .\1 A SP8',.l,tbc 1111 KOibal'acMailSS... -J4', lUabaDA HCan .b.e ?U??^ 2*1 do 36 100 Mar L A M pf.. . 8 UiXj .to b.l 2i 310 Spring M Coal. ... TOO L 8 A M S ltK. b c .'>4 1UO r C L. A I't o..b o I174,' Km d., ,l>3 54', 300 Wait Ud 10 Chi ? All KR.b o 101 loo do 03 i 8?, KM do 101 100 do Oh1, 10 NY I'A UK Kit.Iio IoH SOOUbM'kCo bu 1-, 101 do b3 107 W 3j \V ella-rar?'<>.. be UO', Km do 10i?a 300 M icli t ill.. .b c.b3 4" t'J do 107', 100 Mil ? M I'ui..It c 01", 2 ?' uo KM 30 i Pac Mill 8S.bc.li3 34?* Km 4o .,(? !07 3 0 d.1 ,1b 24*, 100 Ohio 4 M KH..0 e 10^ Km do b.i 34', 30 > Mo, K A Tex., lu btl V 34', 10J Mor A !?.,? All..b0 KM),' 100 do 34 * TO ;i r. M j $35U 0 U ti 5',.'81, r.. 117,'j lOOibi Mich Ciu. 4m'4' j 3i*m > I* lit.O A Obr 03 Km uo 48', 3imoOhlu>l M con ? f UO I"" do 48)j 30UII Uhlo A MIm cou Ml 10 1 Uo 4K ^ i 1 j thi. Hmik ol Coui.. 11.''^ 3im <lo 48*, 1 Km r C 1. A P Co .... 117', Km do 48\ j luti do 117'^ lU'Ltj,. .. Bi,h....e ? 4!u ao Mar LA Miu pf... 8 3 JO do........ ,b3 .V4 4 I 3(m trie . .. 14 3tK> do '.4', 3'O Weil I n Tel ? 8"'i 4 ' ? no ?3 &4'.v ; tHJO do 3011 Uo b.l .'4', j Km Uo b3 Of u K'OO do 3 id do t.8?4 l?JJ Uo <j4'.j I l|im uu 8? , l'?i Chi A N W UK.. 41 | 100 do |3 t.8', 100 I III A NW nf .b(30 H1,J, i Km rUtiburc Kit V3'? 3iMt'hi ,k K I Kit l'.H 1 300 I'uc 14.', KIJ Ohio A M UK.... Ili', ! 3 ti do a:> loo do u>?, 3n do i3 34J, 300 Mil A 81 1' KU.. .0 4'i 1 100 do 34 , IU) do 40 I OKI do ... b.l 3.t lOO Mil A St 1' lilt pf. OUjk, 1 doo do btl 3.*i'i Km I'ol .. Wail ittt l\' 3.11 uo 3 . , 300 Uil. I. A W UK... 108.', 11'JI do b3 3iV 13 do H'8 ,'xi 1 .. Km do 10-", 400 do ? 10 > All A l'ac pi Km Ml?h Ciu KK....bJ 48 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE SPOT 1-lfSc. HlCiULK ?FCTL'ItF.8 CLOSK1J UAKKLY 8TEAD Y ? FLO L' U Sl'EAOX WHEAT HIOHEB?CORN STllONO?OAT8 STEADY -?WHISKEY NOMINAL?POltK HUM?LABU PIRMER?KETBOLEVM yUIET?SPIRITS TUR PENTINE yUIET?ROSIN <41? 1ET?OILS QUIET? VREIOHTS OLNEKAI.LY LOWER ?COFFEE QUIET?8UOAK V1BM. Sati'rat, June 10?0 P. M. Buamofs wm getiurally li^tit ami the inurkcl.i iiulat au6 without iinporiitnl cbanitr, sure In a lew cui<e8. A giKiil bumtit'M was dono in some ol tlie principal com niodlties on'Cbaugc. Flour was steady. Wheat wus in luir demand and decidedly higher. Corn was strong, with a lair deuiaud. Oats were ateady. Whiskey was dull and uominal. Porlc was firm, but rather quiet, l.ard was Urmer. Kroights wero weaker and quiet. I Cotton Oil the spot WH* uucliitii|;e'l. Pui ure-> elo, d burely hteady. Coffee ?as quiet. Naval stores were quiet, (ill, wire quiet. Petroleum wa, dull. Supar was active aud firui. t:oi'r?t?The market for Rto wai quiet. Mild colfoe wa, also quiet. We quoteOrlinary cargoes, 14',c. a 10c.; fair do.. It)1,c. a 18\c.; ^ood do.. 17c, a 17.i?e.; prime do., 17',c. a 17','e.; extreme rnn^e lor lota, 147,'c. a 18\c.; Saotoa, fair to tcood, 10t4c. a 17c., i;old, ninety daya; Java, iforernracut ba^s, -Oc. a 33c.; do. Kraa, mate, 3llc. a 33c.; Singapore, do., 18c. a 3>lc.: Ceylon, lO.'^C a 18>,e.; Maracailio, I V a l*.',c.; l.aKuayrn, 17c. a 1 He.; Jamaica, loc. a 18c.; St. Domingo, 14?^c. a lor.; Porto Rlcu, 18c. a 10c.: Coita Rle*, 17c. a 10c.: Mat-aaaar, 18c. a l'.lj^c.: Mexican, 17c. a 18c.; Manila. 17c. a 18c.: An not turn, 17c. a 18c., Savanil.a, a IH'.c.; Curacoa. I.'>c. a 17c. Corrox.?'The market tor apot wa* Arm bat unchanged. Future* closed barely ateaily. The ctoaini; prices to-dav compare wltti Friday'* price* as follow*;? fiiitau. JuKf 0. SiUtiriUiy. Juitr lo. J11111 II 13 18 a 11 37 .13 June 11 31-33 a 13 July II 30-33 a 11 l.V 10 July 13 1 33 a 13 1-lrt August... 13 1-3J a? August.. 13 5 3 J a ? Sept 11 31-33 a? ."sept 13 3 33 a ? Octolier.. 11 3*"t-33 all 13-1*1 October.. 11'^ a 11 3J1-.13 Nov 11 33 3J a II1, Nov II 35 33 a 11 13-111 Dec lip, a? Dec 11 35-83 a 11 1318 Jau II 37-33 a 117, Jan 11 30 33 a 11 15 M Feb 11 31 33 a 13 Feb 13 133 a 13 3 33 March.. . 13', a 13 3 IH Mareb.... 13 5-33 a 13 3-HI April 13 0 33 a 12 11-33 April 13 5 1U a 12?. Slav I J 15-33 a 13'. May 13 15-33 a 13', ? yuotaiioiis are baaed 1111 American atamlard of claa.?ldea tlon and on cotton in store running in quality nut more than half a jtrade above ur below the i;rade quoted : ? I'pitthtlM Ahi'mimt X*ir Orl*anM. Trxa*. Ordinary 8 :t-|H h O ld 8 <? |i; s 11 hi Strict ordinary 0?, II', l'3J 91, liood ordinary 0 1 "18 01510 In I 10 in l-KI Strict Ro?id ordinary. I1 *, I",', KIJ, I \ Low miildliiiK II 1.18 II 3-18 li 5 10 11 5-18 Strict low nii.ldllnK . "'s ll'i Middiiiii; 13 I3-, 13 3 10 U 3 18 tlood middlins 12.',' 12*, I.', I:"; Strict good niidillinif. 13 13', 13'.t I3'4 MiddliiiK lair 1 , 13', 13', |:i'. Fair 14', 14', 14.', It,', ?Mained? ood oidiuary, 8\ r.; strict xood ordinary, 034'|-. ; low middling, l'>',c.; mId.11injr. 11',c. Spot sale* wero as lollow* , fihO'ty. L'i't /Cmuntf. I< li'. Export ? I,'""' l.i Ml Coaiumplion ?" 125 Spiculatiou 0.i I'm KWi Totals 130 l.UJO 1.2VKI ??Delivered ou lontrftct, bales. For future delivery the tales were as tallows Yesterday, alter two I*. M.?June, 11HJ Mt Iljfcc.; July, 1,100 at 11 to-1 tic.: August. 1,000 at 12c., 1,500 at 12 1->2c.; hvptember, UK) at 12*.'., I,, am at 12 l-32c.. IU0 hi lie., 500 at 11 lo Ibc.; October. 300 at 11 1.1-1 Ik*.: .November. 20O at 11 23-32c. Total. 4,8 Ml bale*. To-day, up io oue 1*. M.~ June. If JO at II 31-H2c., July, 200 at 12 I-J2c., :iUJ at 1- 1-Ko., 1,100 at i- 1-3-it., tfXj at 12 1 16c.. 10" Ht 12c.. I'M# ?t 11 .'U-iVJc., I.IW at 12c>. 2U0 nt 12 1 Il'Jf.: August, 1,000 At 12 3-16c., 200 mi 12 >-3;Jc., .\W*I at 12V'.. 7u?J Mt 12 .i-32c., l,3UO tit 12 3 l??e., 1.UU0 Mt I21ic.. 4??i Mt 12 3 32c.; Ht 12'tC.. 3<Ji at 1J ?*> :<2c.; September, 'm ?.t I2^?'c., HJO*t 12 1-ltH*., tHIO Mt 12 1 3Jc., 20? at IJ 1 Itkr ; October. 2<KI *si 11 27 32c. 5 November, ltti at 11 13 ik .. 40??at 11 io 32c, 2I*? at 11'4c.; Uecemoer, UK) Mt 11 ?*? 3jc ; January, 2UO mi 11 ?,t*. Total, liitKM bale*. ?imnii total, 24,4<*u" Tne receipt* at the port* were as follows;-*Ualves ion, 101 bales; New Orleans, .i3?; Mobile, lit; ."avannali, 77; I 'nane1ston, 17??; Not lolk. 277 ; New Vorl, rt, Jlostofi, I??; 1'hlladelphfa. i?2. Total, 1,3217 hales. Hit* uay ast ween, I,Tins day last year, 1,277. Total since rep temper 1.4.1131,194. Cotton freights cio?ed as follow* ;?1To Hut re, by steam, ;,?c., com preyed. To Hamburg. by steum. Jgc., compressed To Bremen, br steam. '4c., compressed. To Liverpool. 6-ltk*. by steam; by sail, U*32?f. K 1.01 ft Jt*D uhain.--Keoelpt*-?Hour, 1^71)0 bbls.: wheat, 2IU,7??H aiuhels; com men I, -I7?i sacks; oats, *kf,&f2 bush els; ccrn, 7ft,&i0 do.; barley malt, I.??'.?.) do. The flour mar ket exceedingly quiet, but prices were nominally tstt changed. Tl?o Mies wer?4 about 20,0?*l obis . including Mate, Western and Southern, Mt the annexed quotations. Kye Hour was quia.. with ?a es ?t Dubois. at <3 l.? * *0 2". Corn meal wm quiet. with sale* of t??> t?ul?. mi $3 i0 a? 5 4."?for Bramiy mo 1 Ul? a ?:? _? To.- Vcatern, Jer? sey Mod Pennsylvania yellow. We quote:? .\o. 2 state 00.$J 7ft m 4.11 SupeiQne Mate 1 <*>* 4 40 Kxtra Mate ft ? 0 a t'holeo Mate ?? 2 ? m *1 t*> Superfine W extern I""a 4 40 Katra Western.. ft tjy h a ' Minnesota ft "*? * 7 <*? KoituU iicop Ohio, nbippin^ brands ?? '*1 a o 2?? Kootid hoop Ohio, trade UranOs 5 ,Via ?.!.?? family 7lMa h Oo a?t. Ijouis, low extra .?(>'* u Ut) st. I.ouis, stral^nt e*na. H.Va 7 <*? Jit. Louis, choice double extr? 1 ix>m x '.5 M. l*ouis. choice family * 2 ? a !? ?><> Kye flour, tine 10 superiiu * 3 #0 a 4 JJ ^lut'iern, So. 2. ? 7"? houtbern, superfine 4'*?* 4 ."h> Southern, extra 4 U* a *? T?? .Sonttiem. fauiity . # <"?a 9 IJO t oru niral, V? extern lM??a Corn meal, Jerse\ ;?t*?a -i t l orn meal. Krsndywine .'i ?;? a a ti ' Coru meal. ouuche<?ti* .20 ou a 20 ??0 ? Wheat wo active and le a'Jc. bettor, but the ad* ancj checked tlie droiaud end ibe sales wore moderate, com prising about 32.?.is*i btisbels inciuiiin^ tboiitUU.UUUiiuiii eis late last ee?*niii|T, at *1 (M tor o .1 New \ork tnspee* Hon. f 1 IW?| lor No. .i t'hicajfo, $1 2<? lor No. 'J do,. 5ft 1 u 91 -Jt for No. 2 MUwaukee. $1 34 lor No. 1 in store. $1 for ungraded Minnesota. #I J ? for No 1 Nbeboy^Mu ?j.nn,c, HT?e. tor iiiinieichautablc itye was (jul**t. Hurley was ill active. Barlet uimIi ? We iiote sa<e?? ??' |ll,tssi liu?lif|t Canada ou priraie term*. Oats were t|ulef . nl?oui JltMMI hustu ls sold, at 4*Hp. a 42c. for Western mixed. *t*c. a 4'?? for Western while, 4.V ,c. a 4Hc, for MMte white, 4 Jc. to# black We?tern. 4<k\ for ^rrMticd No. 2 white. XMc a MHv fur white and 3.f>c. a 4Jt. for mixed. Corn wms in fair demand and firm , we uote sale* of l7/,5<0 bu>l?eix. at o7c. a .Vh\ for steainei, Ii3t. forVlestern yellow, .'ale. a HOc. for ungraded mixed, 4 *c. a "?.'fl4c. for onmerchanta le, -WjC. a A4? li>r no yrade. an*f MOe. far :eitis^i hushelN mixed to errlie in two wesks. 11 AND Juts.~Wo note sales of loo bales Wutt? at 2 7-IWc. We quote American dressed, fllft a $J*hi tor single, 92*>0 a 4*225 for aooble and $120 a $I2.? lor rough jaanila hemp, <iJ4c , Kold; Hiis-Im clean. ? a *2l0, gold: Italian, $? a gold; Jute, IV- a 5*4C . currency; Jute butt*, 'i^c., cash; Sisal neuio 4',-e , Ku.d ; Istie. &J?c. a o**e.. Void. Linskku. ? Vie note sales ??f l.'?,t if )J ba^s, part Bombay, st fl lour m- nib-. Moi.a*6m was quiet We quote : ? Cuba, crntrl'ugal and mixed, ^2c. a 28c.; clayed, 2Wc. a 3-'fc., uo. 1011 seevado reflning, 30c. a 34c ; do. grocery* 3-'<. a Pic. . Porto i.lco, i c a r*A;; Kuglish IsiaiiUs. .I^e. a ??H;.; Now Orleans, lair to u ?o?l 4*c. a .?.c. : prime to choice. 5tie. a N tVAi. MilRSS ?'4'fie general twBe of tile market was 011 changed; l'ii) bbSi. spirits turpentine sold ut 3oe Wo qu? t ?:?spirits turpenone. 30c. ftosin^common to ^o??U strained, $1 it-'? a Jfl 76. Tar?Washing!on. $J I ? a 2.'?; Wilmington, *2 I ft a $2 2*>. Advices irom W iiwlngton wero s*. followsIto%ln steady; strained. $1 2'?; nmm siralued. ^l -??. far firm. $1 Hd Tnrpenfme steady; soft, 91 ***; Virgin. 92. spirits %t? ady ; 27e on.*.? We note sules Mt New Bedford ol l-"sii bbl? sntrni for uiNnufscturing 011 private termr. We quote -Litis?eu. casks, a c.; euttooaecd, omde. 4'k*. a 42c. ; southern yellow, 4**- a WHf.; yelmw winter, Mk'. a ftft*'.; white winter, uV. ;f Uro. preeent make, 11 ?e. a t?.?e.; sperm, erode, $1 37. do., tile ached winter, II 7u; do . natural do., I tV?; whale, cmdr, Nwnbera, uui. i tk?., 8outbetrn, Zm.; bleached winter, 70e. a T2c.; olive, cat4?, 91 17*^ a $1 1*2S; dx., cm?I. |l >15* $4 40; winter, bleached th?h. 4rtc.: crude tish, 3&r. a .i7c PkirKOLKlx-ibtt market wa? quiel but uuchaiigud. Tho closinc price* ware a? follows :?r rude. in bulk. **tc? a 8*4 ; 4o., )i> libtt,ulle,; reflftwi, in bbl?., I4^c.; do , e.4iH?*. lHc. Kefined hi Philadelphia, 14Uc,, a 14Kc., and at Baltimore. He. a 14l,e. Vdvh-es from the Creek wrrt a* followsOil City Inactive, $! h7^ bid; lulled, shipment. $2 '?&}* > I'ark cf'imJuII; $1 07>* bid, $1 OtO* asked; shipment, $2 21,l4 a Puovtstox*.?Receipts-Park. 100 bbls ; lard. 3?1 tierces ami i lo case*; cut meats, 150 package*: bacon, 7H tierces and 232 boxes: b??r, 252 bbls. The nork mam at wasquiot and nominal. The closing "call" prices were a* follow* June, $lO 10 bid. $10 :mi nuked : J til v, $10 25 bid $11*75 naked; August. $10 56 bid, $10 7o asked; September, $10 50 bid, $.0 25 asked; 50 bbla. spot iue*s were hold at fill X>. Cut meat* were quiet. We note sale* ol 500 iresh bams at 11c.; 500 fttnii shoulder* at 000 frrsh bellies at 0*ac., 2% boxes rib tielllea al UP?t. and 2ft boxes clear bellies on private trims. Fresh haui* were quoted at lO'jO. a 11'.n., pickled do. at 1IV', a 12c., fresh bellies at Ilk*. a 10Uc., pickled do, at U&c. a He. and boxed do. 9'^e a 1 le. Mat on was firm at IO)?e. fur city and I <c. a IO? ,o. f??r Western; 200 boxes city long clear sold on private term a, and 1,700 boxes at the West, lor .Inly and August deliver v. on orivate terms. Beef was quiet; 101 bbls. city extra ludia !ue?k sold on private terms. We quite Barrels?hxtra rut hp, $12. plain do., $ 11 ; packet, $14. Tierces?City extra India mes*, ?-'II n |*J4; India mess, and prime mess, $2U Hoe! hams were quiet. Sinoked meats were quiet at former prices Lard wa* firmer. The cloning 'Vail" prices were ms follows :~~,futie. $11 5? bid.$11 7 asked ; Julv, $11 aa.'j bid, $11 ti? a?ked; August. $11 tl7>? bid, $11 72* asked: September, $11 72'j bid. $11 00 asiied; October, $11 sii bid, $12 asked. The sales wore 7,000 tierces at fll ?5 tor .Inmo, *11 H5 a $11 07' lor July. $11 70 a $11 72*:! and $11 7"* for August, and $11 02l? lor Septem ber. spot Males were 125 tierces at II*jc a U*ue, and loO tierces tVesteru at $11 02 n $11 H5. Kefined?We note ?ales of 800 tierces for tho Continent at 12c. Kick. -1 lie market was steady and fairly active. We quote'.'?Carolina, fair to prime, Oc. a OVAc.: LouMana, lair to ?o(?d. .VJe. a 5l?c.; do., prime, 5\c. a lie.: Rangoon, fair to good, *K* a 0l4c. 1'atna, g??od, 7*ic. a 7He., tfold; Hatfiroon, In bond, 2*?c. a 2^c , gold. Siiisu.?The market tor raw was active and lirm. Sales were ltW hhds. molasses at 7c.; 323 do. muscovado at 7s,tc.: 100 do. do. at 7??c.: 1,000 do. do. at 7%e., and :HI0 do. Cuba at T'pC, Kotined was steady. Wo quotaFair refining, 7?gc.; good do., 77gc.; Cuba, grocery, lair to choice, H'^'c. a fc^gC.: do., centrifugal, hhds. and boxes, Nps. H to l.'l, H'4c a Oe.; do., molasses, hhds. and boxes, 0>ac. a 7fy'c.; Porto Itico. letiniu^, coiumnu to prime, 7c. a He.; do,, grocery, fair to choice, >f#c. a H?jc.; refined, staudard A. l^ jjc. a H^'c.: olf A, tt??c. a i?f?c.; crushed, ltH|C. a lOVac.; powdered, lOUc.; granulated' lOWc. I cut loaf, 10?4'c. Stkahinr. ?The market was vory quiet and more or less nominal. Tai.i.ow was dull, but steady. WittsKKY.?Keceipts ?il.'iit bbls. whiskey and l.r?0 bbla. al eoh 1. Ih- market wa*noiniual at$l o*o, H$1 10. t'uKiuiirs.?A fairly active bu-inoss was transacted in grain tonnage for charter, with rater at tlioiuouieut slightly easier, though with a good inquiry the market for this class is expected to maintain a firm position the en?u ing week and recent prices are anticipate*!. Berth room, in sympathy witn.. charteriim touna/e, was weaker and in moderate demand. Otherwise nothing specially new to note, nor no change ot particular mention. The eugagemeuts embraced;?To Liverpool, per steam, 10,000 busneb ol grain at 8^d. a sj^d ; 4.00C? bushels uo. at Od. per bushel, closing at the lower price ; Hjo bales cot tfin at A-lOd.: some lots of provis.ons reported at 40s. a I SO*.; and from i'hliadelphia (reported thence), per steaui, | 4<M boxes cheese, iO*.; UK) hhds. tallow, 45s.; 25,000 bushels corn at ; 100 hhds. tobacco, ;toa.. and 50 tens i leather. UO*. To London, per steam. 48,0 0 bushels grain I at 1<',13<1. per o Ih*. |o Bristol, by sail, lf?o ions oil I cake ut 2.1*. To Bremen, by sail (of recent ship j menu. 4ft,0U0bushels graiu reported at Bs. 45ad. per qujM tcr In bags: and per steam, ltl,000 bushels do. at Od.; 700 . tierces lard and 450 boxes hacou at 40s.; 700 I bols. Hour, s. Ikl.; 1,000 sides leather, 7s.; to I bacco at 4l>s. ntr hhd.; eases. 14&., and bales, ?'>s. The | charters eofiioriacd:?A Norwegian bark, hence to Cork for ? orders, wit!i ? quarters grain at 6s. 4^d ; an Ameriean schooner, hence to Cork or Waterlord, with :i,l*IO quartors | do. ut os. od.; an American schooner, hence to 1'enarth ltoads for orders, with H,0XJ quarters, do. at tin.; a Nor wegian bark, iii*i tons, hetico to Cork tor orders, with about 2, >oo quarter? do. on private terms; an American schooner, hence to < alais. with 2.5oo quarters do. on private terms; a British rijr. lionce to Cork tor orders, with 2,300 quarters do. at H?. 7l .d , with privilege id to Whitehaven at tVs. :td.; a British bark, be nee to Loudon, with H,.*>0? quarters do at Us.; a Norwegian bark. 4??.? tons, hence to Cork lor orders, with u.2O0 quartett do. on private terms; a Nojrweuitin bark, 1173 tons, hence to Cork for orders, with 51.201) quarters do. on private tortus; a Norwegian bark, ,kS5 tons hence for same voyage, with H.700 quarters do. on private terms; an Italian nark, from Philadelphia to Bristol, with 4,00 > quarters do.. at Hs.; a ship, reported from New Orleans to Seville, with staves, at $ ?7 .?<?. and two ships, thence with cotton to Liverpool, at $|d.; a Norwegian brig, 234 tons mow here , from Wilmington to Cork for orders, w ith about l.tSO.) bbls. naval stores on private terms, ami a brig, trorn Philadelphia to Wilmington, thence to L*nlttd Kingdom dire t, with "2.0 O bbls. spirits turpentine and rosin, at tls lor the former, aud 4s. ;id. for the latter; a ship, recently (L?r. Harth) Irom Plnladelp ia to Cork for orders, with 4.8 H) bbls. reUued petroleum, at 4s. 3d., or to the Baltic at Is. Od , privilege of naphtha, lid. extr<per bhl. ; a British bars, U>T4 tons, hence to tho German BaHic, with 2.500 bol*. refined petroleum, at 4s. Od.; a British bark (omitted in our last), hence io the Baltic with 2,500 bbls. do. do., at 4?. Od,; an American schoonor, iSHHtons, hence to CagUari for orders to the .Mediterranean, with i0,Otx?ca*es refined petioleum, at 27c.. option of ttie Black Sea or Levant, at 35c,; an American bark, hence to Bristol, with H,OOJb ?ls. refined petroleum, at 4s ; a schooner, Irom Baltimore to Savannah, w ith 11,1 if) bushels corn, at 7c. per bushel, aud back to PhUadetphi^with lumber at $5 50 per M. FIXAWCUli. V?.loll N 11ICK i.l s < ? A II', IIWKJIS AMiHlill ? kers. 72 Broadway, execute orders be mail and tele graph lor Stock and Stock Privileges. stocks curried ou mar gin ol '2 to per tent; 72 pa go book explaining operation* in Wall street will be nent tree of cbargo by sending address to JOHN H1CKLINU A (JO., 72 Broadway, New York. T REASONABLE KA l hS -MONKY ON LIFE AND Endowment insurance Policies, Mortgages and other securities; insurance of all kind* effected with best ctun pwntiw. J. ?' H VBRIOH ?t CO., 117 Bfotdwt/ A I ? \ !?I?I I ION V L C A I' IT A L PKOCI KKD I OK M E It ? chants, manufacturers and others; Ueal Estate ex changed lor Kindness; Mining Interests, Ac., negotiated; persons with capital seeking business advised, without charge. of approved opportunities, References?W. II. Lyon A Co., fancy good?, 4M I Broadway; A. B. Colin, Esq., agricultural implements, l4.?7 Water St.. Ac. <iKI(2(iH A: CARLE'ION, Financial and Business Brokers. 9H Broa tway. AKKSI'ONSIBLK MUM WANT \ PSW THOl HAND dollars; will give their own note and pr? perty hi New York county as m ? uriiv. AddlfN T. W . A. ? . Iler.dd O0bi. T SIX AND SKVEN PER CEN I ?MONEY TO LOAN ou .New York and Brooklyn Properly, C. l>. WlLLITs, 1H? Montague st., Brooklyn. A" LADY HAVING a NIOKLY FURNISH? D HOUHK, financially embarrassed. Wishes to meet a gentleman I w.'io will assist her; will gire good security. Adores* S. C. B., ilerald Uptown Branch olhce. AfiSgfouSS MORTGAtiE ON IMPROVED GITY property in exchuugo for Merchandise suitable for MsittntinannMi. il? L. rll VLON. U East 17th at. C" 1ASII ADVANCED ON >1 &KCIIAN DlSE, FURNITCRE* f 1'ianon, Valuables. Storage, Insurance JAM EH * AONKV. I Abingdon square (8th ar.) C' VAPITU.IVPS. I NYKSToi:S. u \\Ti-:D, $Tw).<*K> FOR ) several first class loans, with fine r.jal estate security; I interest, 8 to AO per cent. C. HKN I' ('ARK, 237 Broadway, ! office IB. DEFACLtVd RAILROAD AND MUNICIPAL BONDS a ant i'tl by ALBRRT II. NICOLAY A CO.. Bankera. Stock Brokers and Anctioueers, .No. il Tine street, New Yoik. N. B.?Cnolce Investment Securities our specialty for I years, and lor sale ou favorable terms. j TjlXlitTTOt; K KUH TO L ?AN #I.VM?Kt AT6 PS it ' Ii cent: will ban on buildings in course ot erection. Apply to K\ bCCTt ??:. XMfitb it., near Bowery. |;u!:>au-a.mmhhi; OF must and HKCoND Mortgages on New York Improved Property, at liberal j discount. GEO. W. STaKE, I.VO Broadway. j L10B lULM^UUO PiHbT MORTUAGR ONWi fcCRKB 1 at Orange. N. J. Principals address ORANGE, 11?*r | aid '? fhcc. 1>OK SALE REGl ST K RED DAVIS AND OLA? 1 i? oiititv Kunsiis Bonds. DAVID HOOD. 1,910 Wal lace st.. fti 11 ad* i phi a. Ill I. and IMI'WMI.M I.nmi:\n?: FoUCIES J purchased or mans made on same ; other securities vio lated. K. W. G ?I>1. a ( O., 179 Broadway. HV\ i.Nii BEES v r I ?' I > rED ASSIONEK Ol v larjfi* bankrupt estate, and the debtors be!nir rtis j ttuuted throughout the Wo?t. expect to thereabout j .Aii,u?t I. Claims of all hinds solicited and will ivceive e\ per enced, prooip: and careful attention, llavo larye Wes?t 1 tin 4c<|uaiiitauee- An Interview h a^ked, that yon may i know nil about who you are dealing with. Address Ai TOKNKY. box 117 Herald oflica. HofcVlKISS A BTKNIIAM. "COMMIS.SIWN STOCK brokers. No. ? Broad st , New \ ork.?stocks, B<mmI*? | and Ooid boutrht and '?oht on oi for cash. Branch ofticea ?ti fifth Avonne an?l W'udxor hotel* onuected by our ; j?rivatf* ttl '^raph lines. Accounts solicited. J I ALWaI .*> iTa\!?; MO.NI.Y IO LOAN O.N MORT ! I n ue New Yoik city property: city railroad stocks snd j Jionds bought and so in. II. 1^ GRANT, 14 ? Broadway. toiTn hI imeuce. So. ? pine loan ft money e| on New York and Brooklyn J'cal Kstate, six per tent money for.fir*\ class lo ins. MONTY ON LIFE IXSL'RANCi'. POf lCIlIS. 7 I'KR cent and fair conditions. CORYELL. Ji7 Park row, ; room Ifi. "WONKY To LOAN O.N IMPBOV D PKiVl'lfltTY IN ^?l >e* York and Brooklyn; at ti per cent; on ItnproYed Farms Ijt^N l.COOK. I IT? Broadway, room l*<>. Money to loan-on new jKitsFr i'kopekty. A l? %i KLLICK, Jr. a BRO . .'2 t/'edat st. MEMIuTkB OF i H I'm K I X( H NO i -lloi i.D wear Shayne's celebrated half-ouiue Hat. price .'0, tit l :/htest and rno?-t conlortable ever introduced; prevents beaoacbo and keeps the ha r from talliim out hound only at ;illAYNE'n, Uailsck's Tlieetre Building, Broadway, corner Ctth st. rixm ? ini? Uoi h ?. bond X bouglit and -old. W. II. WKJ.IvS. Banker, 17H Broadwsy. Uf ANTED #1.'"MSsi ON BON'it AND MOKTOAGE AT ii per cent, for five or ten years, on down town busi ness property on main ttjorou^lifarei *i\ i mldiugs; yearly riltai. WU,ftK). Address U. ~. f? il?*raid otbee. \ 4 * \ ? I ...? iI no ON . ? IND dxcnJAok. FlR8T }} morta^ure one <iuarter aj prais d ?. alue, new brown Moife, In tiue<*t possible locality, occupied by owner. Ad dresii^Et UNO HUU IliAUh, lletabl ollict UTamed if) j*uici iiahi t , ' riiE new York Htock Exchange Address. wit?. lowest price, 11. K. D.. bnx I Ml Ilerald ofbea. wanted at once -on cndocbted sk" cnHty; will give.? p r cent a moiita. Addre*? kEPPELYlEU, box 1.1 iiersld eOl? c v^l i || || | WANTED ilX M ?>N Til S; win.I. >\ ipliUiM/' ?n the fur alt u re of first class house, Address box 5.<ltJtJ l*f?sl oWice, (^1 i\[u\a LADV NKf'.DING MONEY IMMKDI "'*/? atelju wlnhes to borrow from some good i? spt.nefble person trrhjreme required from both) fi,<sm on Hue Dlam ad .lewulry. or will soli; will pay good interest. Vddre - if ILL1 Eli, Her tl . o fU IKK) FOR HALE, Fl MS |" d.ASS "sECoND "" *? Mortgage on ).io kl>'ii Inxiso; First Alorf gujt?- .n cdttuiy; also wanted $5.;aai. on Duelling ? n BrAok l>n Halgbls. ,|. o HO\ T A K l.N. 171 Broadway. <*) (WIU ^ ANTED-OOtlll INTF.ltEST AND .^E ! V curity. Address A. S , box H4 i/erald ?d!b-e. (UK} UlNti ISLAND CITY 7 I 'hi: t ENP W'Ji' F\/\7 hnttri* lor sale at !?.*? and Interest.**"-Ther# bonds were autliorlr^d by a?*t oi the L**?:isla ure of .New York, and (aAl.ts11 ot property is pledged for their pay me lit. Lttn^r Island City I* situated oppoiite to New York. Th# expertenec c.f the past flity year* iihs proved that no I city bond oi Now York Mate issued for a purely municipal i purpose ?as th#e# are) has eter tailed to pay prln'eipal or in* Htm ^ E B. SEW BURN. -? Brosd si. <111 (Win POfl.V1*" wanted, A SPECIAL part iii r. with Jib ? oui. to extend a tlr#t etna* flour eorutnLs on liiislnf's"; no ri-.ks; par cent prolit guaranteed ; bn?ia#ss can be liquidnted ou >*' dtu * iiot.Ce. Prtucipaia only need nddiest riih.Ml, Uerald cdlee. FlMANCIAli. 4li I WANf KD ON BROOKLYN LOTS?'THIS ?MIA/UU U 11 ftrst dill investment; security more thau ample: Ixtnd i? llr?t r?t?i the properly is situated on one ??f the fin fit nvcuuei ut the city; tree rroan all mt'iiU mid itoue tu b? intdn; iiiili valuation $:!-.> .'H*'. Ad (lr??i b?\ 1.U station A. Now York. _____ Aai 11|HI fo LOAN on AMD MORT* Vw?J?vVV/ gace, no bouus. DINE A GRAY 5*?7titl? *v.^ - |WW| TRUST FUHUH TO LOAN OK 1M i),U'HI proved city Propertv, at ?> percent, f *r ?* *1 ears; other luim at same rate. KIKKh.\M> Jk CO.. Cedar lit. Ut'OWl IWWI ?10 HNANllAl. IXSTITI'TIOMS ?DO* / "#UU ? mi (1 other . I have au application lor , this amount in onu sum 011 ehoii-o improved eit% nropertjr. .IO>I \ll JK\. l,Sl? Broadway. I &17*\IWWI r.? Low ws coon ntopKitrv ~ ?Pit I Also money at ?*? per c ent. PA I 1 ? I*. 1 ? DO, ii- Hi Md? ? v. ^1 (inn / ||Uk %T tl PER ChNt fO LOAN %XD ?Mill iimrt^4;rfv .1 VCt)II V, D. W n km K, :m? ?mi 32 Pitio st. &l sinil lllWl lok anv hther si ms) ro ?IPJ. ?0* M/|I *\M " loan on good New York or Brooklyn Mortgage; easy rates; several A I City Leaseholds fur sale. willi a vi iMorr. at Tin., st. COPART^lKttttHlPd. nlSsOhirioN OI COPARTNERSHIP. TUB FIRM of Soulo 4 Appleby. of Central Park Garden, ha* thin day been dissolved by mutual consent. M. A. AIM'LKKY. WARK1 N SobVLE. XTEW YORK, J I NK 1, xi DISSOLUTION.?The busiucsi heretofore conducted titider the firm style of Smith A* Lewi* is thin day dissolved by mutual consent. All ucc? unts of the above firm will be tetlled by tii. Siuith Jt Lewi*. J tRVls I. SMITH. EDWIN G. LKWIs. COPARTNERSHIP.? We have admitted to our llrm thin day Mr. Patrick 11. Fleming. and our usim ss will be con tinaad mdii the now Ana itjrii of Smith, Lewi .v Co, fflHK COPTrt N RRSllIP IIERE i< >1 ? >lt E \l-i ING X under the lit tu name of E. A. Schue^te X Co. is dis solved thin day by the death of .Mr. Schuettc, and ail claim* of *4id Arm will he settled by the surviving partner and the business cairied 011 mine us before, under the firm name of TIIKO. TIKDEMANN. 33 and '17 Woonter *t. Nkw York, JuneH. IH7H. MISINKSS OFFOilTl Ml IKS. A N*'KNhRGhTIC YOUNG MAN, TiSTA Bl.lSllED IN business. would like an interview with a lady or gen tleman ot inimns toward extending the business; prospect* and references first class. Address EMBRYO, Herald office. bFioher wastSS: s(Tsk kor n block*. containing 1100 families anxious to patroni/.e. Imiuire of Mr. i>A Y, 34 at and ?? tli it., Droufclyu. 4 PARTSkr! RKtTrINO, WILL SKLL PtiH $700 , J.V hiii hali interest in a j;ui?d pa>iu; established Ites I tuuraut; location uiisurpasaed. MaLoMC, No. |)cy st. N ArtSOLCTKLY SAKK AN 1) Iti.M I NKUAT1 VK sm.ili Kinanela 1 Husliioi*k; would like to extend. Ail ! <2re*? KJN A NO IA L, Herald office. A lioTKL DlNIMi ROOM To I.BASK?ONL oT' the best localitieM in thin city; terms very favorable. Apply to ,>aM Q)Lk, ???? Warren AN hOlfOU, TIIOROCOHLY POalTKr#, WANIs'tT) unite with a publisher iu issuing a campaign paper, or in management ol au established weekly. Addre** Kill TOR, boa ?0 Herald olttee. "% PARTKKR WAMhlt WITH i ami. IN A J\ legitimate estiiblishod bu^iuesn, doue through iIih mail; iucoiulpp: partner cau have control 01 finanees tuose meaning buiiiiio?? ueed address C. (). f> , box 111 Her ald ofliee. X ACT1VK PARTNER WANTED WlTll f^UUO, W an ettabliihed businesi; ||sl,tK>) dowu ; baluiice lioai proiltsof thobuMiiea*; in ventilation invited; 110 i.rokers need auswer. Addrent T. 7* , Herald office. A KOK'l I NK FOH SO HI*. ONK.-KOlt SALK, l'ART or all of a new horn Piitetit, not vet introdueed ; every 1 a in i I > must have one. \YVKl>, l*ateutue. l?'t Nhamuii >?t!. room second floor, or northwest corner of4tn and Wharton M*., PniladelphiM. A MEMBER OF A NEW YORK FlHM, (lOIXO TO j\. Holland on a short trip, \io.ild undertake coin i-?*i.tiis for reypectatile parties. Arldress LONDON, 11 era id oflice. A GENTLEMAN Willi FuOM TO $10,00i capital would enter mime legitimate buNiueM> enter prise; no patents or .Vm per e 111 u moiith views entertained. Address ANTi-SPKCI LaTION, box 181 Herald ofllee Agents addkksscs for salk. ioTojo first class original letters: can copy addresses tor ^ > per 1,01*). Aduie * ORIGINAL, box llf Herald ollic . A GOMPLEfKLY Ft*UNISIlED CITY HOTKL, LONG lease, doiu^ isood business; 011 account ut ill health will he sold cheap. Wl'.LLS, No. I lo Hroadway, room 7. " I G1.NTL1.M A.N nl- KNERGl AND GOOD ADDRESS JA. and some city aci|uaiutauce can secure a peruiauent, lucrative position as canvassing agent; sc.i-ou lor tl|j arti cle now commencing; liberal commission allowed; satis factory reference required. Call at l.*sl Pearl st., room i ?. AS INTEREST IN A GROWINO AND VERY PROFIT able nusiucs* can be purchased by a proper party for eash. Application should be made at once to G. C. K.. box L'l'J Herald olliee. ANOLD ESTABLISHED ROOM) HOTEL FOR sal<>. Furniture and Good Will; $50J. Address El KoPEAN, Herald oflice. JOLH.VVL EsFalilTlSHK 1T1N NEW YORK CITY a iiu 111 be r of years, and a fair .share of patron a^e, v* ill be sold at a low For particuiars address WEEKLY, box 1H1 Herald office. "a n ENERGETIC BUSINESS M \N. with SOME J A. capital, desires to purchase oreoutrid a specialty a Inch will p*y a handsome protfi under go >d inanatfement. State facts clearly to BUSINESS, box 17S Herald C ptown Branch office. V1 SHOOTING GALLERY FOR sXLE- Vt RED? CRD price. Call at !iH? <lth av. or4S7 Sth av. A PARTY WITH #i,0UM CASH CAN PI RC?IASE"a liuht Manufacturing; Business, of in article of un limited sale, seemed by patent; satisfactory reasons tfiten I lor sellnit;; no agents. Address W. L. A., box IH1) Herald ?dfice. A<. REAT t HANIJE.- fill. oTj) ESTAHLlsilED Faetmy lor dyeing, spoujgli.g and f.ui<*hiiiz ?tc , | t<> lot cheap; machinery in good order; located in Cro*l?y ?t., near Grand. Ajiply to 11I0MA1 M t RfAGil, southeast | comer tirand and Crosby -u AN MTABLisHKD PROFITABLE v N D 1: l.i.l \IJ. Office Bus ue*s for sale; required. Address ESTABLISHED. Herald olfice. ? A~ S"KDUGATED CHRISTIAN uSJidi Man, n 1111 some capital, seeks bu?iness association with ciigeuial party, preference tor party desiring worth at;d ability more tuan capital^ and who wiii give a clerkship as preparatory to business interest; first Class references. Address, with ;ew particulars, INDUSTRY, box l^r? lleraid Uptown Branch olfice. AiTdress good opportunity^ herald "up town Branch oitice, if you would invent in a saie, pleasant, profitable oily business. Appoint interview AGENTS' LETTKlVs.?Jo.iswi HHst V'LASS LETTERS received within six months; ss ill sell urlvilege of copy lag for $7 per l.tNM and make affidavit that letters haxe never been copied Adnress PHI NCI Pi^J*., ilerald office. \ WHOLKSALi. AND KETAlL GRfHtERY, IKA* ii, mid Coff'ev business, on a leading street, established 1 ;??? years, fully stocked with go ds. for s ilo to a prompt buyer. H? L. PliALO>? ?i Beet i7lh it. A PAR in 1; u \n \n I-1?-R?T ablimild cash BUM. ness; ?511"1 monthly guaranteed; no humbug; uio|iies { itouable reiere nee. Address HAYS, Herald office. Book com position ss vnted w \ Lovi i?:i k tor casfi: new type; first c.ass work. Audrey 0. G, B., lleraid oitice. Business men^ keep cool, wear the crlTt half-ounce Hat. priced ??t SH.VYNE'S, Wallack's 'itieatre Building, l ine felt and s riw Hats ; prices low. ClilANCE TO INVEST SOME CAPITAL SAFE AIM J James slip, .New York. C 1IIAMPDIN ''CLOTHES d'rYE'C,** NOW ON KXIII \J lotion at tho Centennial; the Patent or Territory will | be disposed of on the in favorable terms. Call and see tbc mouel, from II A. M. to J I*. >l.,or address AGENT, IUU Washington st . New York. 1.H EOPK. ANY ItU.^INKSs illH sh. r.w\ HAVE ] J J tneir hiislues* attended tu this summer 011 reasonable ! terms; highest reiereac??. .\ddress KAPPA. Herald office. F1ANCY DRY HO D*?. A PERSON WANTED TO open a store, wiih or without millinery and dressmaa J iug; large neighnorhood; no store; all ladles say on? wotiol ' do splcndliily. Iiiifaire of Mr. DAY, Ud av. and ?Mth st , Bro iklyn. I FINANCIAL PARTNER W ANTED?WlTll ULl.'srj TO 1 I $ in a iiuht iua..u!ac;iiring btisiaess; right time ' t*? be prepared to meet tlie fad jobbing dry good? trade; 1 pays good profits. Address C. C., p??\ i.'ift ucrald oHlef. I^OUNDKV AND RAILING WORKS-Willl FAVOR : 1^ able Lease; will ??ell whole or part iuter*)?i; small I am.Mini of cu&u, on easy terms, or take stock 111 ! samo Address F. A IJ.. Herald office. Vim h \i.k-i 111. i'.v n.M 1;iii 111 <?, v. .1. u>w \i.n s j 1 iootbache drops. No. 11S ? ^ Division ?t., .New ^o|k. hlOR SALE A LADY'S til SIN ESS. OF SEVERAL years1 standing. The gentleman will sell the Business ' i> id Leate, wmcli is lucrative. 01 take a partner. Address j R.J.I iHh .. Herald I ptowu Branch oilier. Iv\ 11.1. PA* ? ? PER M ON rif PUR \ MAS 11 < > will make himself useiul about my wholesale store and | loan iiu; $.aMi, Imiuire at No, <1 Cedar st. \f r.ltcilANTS IN NEED <?F MONi Y CAN IIE AC ! iH coiiimo iated at . per cent per annum at KRlEDKN J tMjrJS A hi TINKER I.H Bowery. OPPORTUNITY FOR A i.EN I LK M A N TO IN V KM ? | hah interest in a Hardware. !* urui?iitng and sporting , (#oods store; stock complete and location unsurpassed; be?t j reference given and re<|Uind. JACOB \V. Mi i ll. ;inf .id av., near corner JJd st. I > A 1 E N T ON MUSICAL TOP Foil SALE M -1 |S J sued; price 4-a scientlttc and wouderiul inv. n. j noli; also pari r novelty; have been offered SI cash ; Audress TOP, lleraid oilice. PARTNER WANTED?Vt I i ll VBOUT <? sisolt MORK, iu an eotablished business, refeiencis I reouired and given. Address M.tNl. I At 11'ul.Mi, Herald 1 olnce PARTNER. WITH ^7,?a?f. WANTEsl?TO RKPLAC~K ?#n 101 momlier -'f n firm retiring on a* count of ill ! iii-altU; business iiiunulacturiug. wen known ami p.iy-i a good profit. Auply to <? R!t*G* ?t CARLE TON. kl.^ i?ioad I ay. I > VRTNER NN \N FED EIrilER AtTTil ?. ???; hl'M lAL, j .1 in laundry busi ness, with au old experienced man front I 'i ioy. N. V.; cnpit J required about .ri'.'i ki, , Address 11. A. | IM,U4 Warren si l>AKfNKlt V. aNTi.D -WITH * ,??*? To f.n.mtfi, J. -peclai or active, in the general railroad com?nl?>lo?i busiiies-i, whicii paid, tl?re? >sa?* since, a profit ot $ ?<i.<**i j per annum; tne party furnishing same to retain the uonev > in bis own name, when usi-d tbc best ?iii-iity given for | sanii*. Address > \r t/t i. box is.? Herald otht e 1) ilTl NEIi U AN I Kl? ?III L MANI'i.VCTl T/K^A p .p oiUr "'urt. ? outrohinz a Ur/* \| tra-t?, desiring ( to rtorgMiiise tills lail, but w.o?ss capital 1-tiisn die lent to do | Hie traue alone. ue?ir?fs a partner eituer -pee:al or aeti\c . I Hie latter preferred. AUdr?tss s. J,( lleraid o.iiee. New Vora. ! MARTNEU W A^vi ED-Wiill tSI ro fVMi, IN V ' 1 well e-tabHoi d, thriving ?.a?l? man 11 laotun 114 business I mat is now paying, iu tho city. Aodie s I'lloMfsON, | 11 ? raid office. j pAltr.Ni.R WAN Ti.D WITH $i. a# 1.?Bt.SINKss IN I J. New \ ork mi 1 i'liiiotielplna; Tild. lM il be made 1.1 1 n% months. IIaNEINh, ?S Wr?t 'jittii si.. New Vots. I J ! Walnut st., Pnlta teiphia. j J> ARINEft?V% I Til fl.tlMi lO *1,*m WaNTivD. IN \ I X steady matiufa.'tunng basi1ie?. paying ^ftr iUO |? *r | cent; relertnee given and required; no agents noticed Ad I eresn M.. Il? raid I ptoivn |?r.iuch ofbe-v ARTIES WITH f?,???> I'Asli WANTED In A LE'illl L mate manol n t iriiiv bu-in can or doutdt*>i wit 11 eapiiai; no ir-s, aniall expenses. ..o ?d profile. Afiplv to No. .til hist 17th ?t.. n.r :tl av OTATK RIGHTS Pol: saLF.-IN the mansard elothei Imrs't; th<? best and cheapest la the market, the clothes hang apait ; th? trade supplied. MA.NSARD, 17 Duy st P BtHIKEM OPHMtTCNlTIRk. S>AUK I'llAVCK KOK INV K.-i'IM) A KKW I'llol t dollar*. with ?ure projects of iarue return*, in let urine, u* mi equal managing partner; ha f interest gitee for the um ut' the money; the name t<> be returned as the business yields Us profit-. winch are 700 to &per cent; business agreeable ni d highly respectable; sale* cash and conducted. Address, lor this week, a. B. II.. Park Hotel. T(i? CAM1AUSTH OR TBUtTBEs - PillNCII'AlJi X onljf lim^OOU t? tDvtit for fern ?r?ri, at sevea per cent, may learn ot a tir?t mortgage real estate security, with collateral worth ten time* the amount, by adursMtu* HANKKK. hot I 41* Herald offi< e. riio i*r hush Kits w vntkh com i?osi tion of 1 weekly or monthly publication at tuv'own uffire. oi would superintend same il party ha* material; very reason able terms. C. W. I'KhA riilt. *4it Ann St., New York. 'IhTliTksT LoCVI'KIJ UK A I. h?1 VTK HI'SlNKslTi^ I New York , established tor nire vears; large rent coll tlon .; for sale. M. HIIKKltV, HMI Went U3d st \xiku a ihokoi mm v i xpkuikscbdiicitm T t man, with means, to take t he management and hall interest in the be?t paying an?l established (lt#i available room*), tlrenroof. modern built, centrally located hotel in Chhago, III.; good margin lor lnve*tment; to right party guaranteed. Ad<!rc*s W L. II., Atlantic Hotel, Chicago, ill. it-am i;n i <?"m n i rh ric i \ 11 n<; office in good " running ord?r; w ill jriire first class ileal Estate in eft* cilinge. Address I'RIN I'KIC. box 1-1 Herald oltiee. U^Ml.l) A I'VIMNfcK. WITH *.?. O) 4 AriTAL, I* m a good and established business. Address S. II., bu* l?ki Herald office. II' ANTKH VN K N TK ItlMUSl NO VOl'NO Oil Mill" ' ' die Mi(ed business man. with $il,0u0 to invest on good collateral security; situation pcnitaiient to the right man and liberal salary pud; none but good accountants need answer; full particulars upon interview. Address fiilllt' 1*1 Mi \.\|| WAlCKIior.Si';. Herald office. \\* VM . I) t.\ I \ r'KLLIOKN r MAN, WITH~~$2i>l, vv can obtain a permanent position ; taiary $IO a week; mouoy fully secured; references. Address ACTIVITY, Herald office \I,rANTKI> A I'AKTNLIt. WITH *.">~UKJ. ?T1IKGHEAT * ? est speculation ever yet known, that can be shown to make * yciu; a French sensation in 'the show busl business; ball, gardens and bars fully equipped; uo risk. Iddrt is 81 N.SA'liON, Herald l^ptowu tfrUMdt oAm* ?fANTKi>-\ 1-hK MAN, WITH $l.^?." TO JOIN 1 f a not iier in the manufacture of a new article Just being introduced iii Philadelphia and the watering places; $f? i,u*j can be made this summer; will hear strict investigation. Vddievs or call on tiie advertiser at No. 141) hast lii-Hli st.. New Vork. iirAMhD a r .kmi.n, wiin to $i\vkjii f? cash, in manufacturing business; $ltiO,UOU trade; pi oil , '2 ? per e *nt; tuac . nery complete; orders iu advance, iddreaa, hnr intorviow, r .l>< irvl., box I.V2 Herald ofttce* II'AMI l?- VN KXkHUKTIC M v\ Willi A t ASH ff capital el to niua^e in n Centennial enterprise; no humbugs or n^ent^ need apply: principal only treated wlib. Inferences iriven and required. Address., E care h \ AO h st office, Jeraejr City. I A NTKD?At' l'IV I. M A N T<) I N VKST H>!T"aN U f f take treasurcrship ol company that will hear Investi gation. Addres* I'KK vSl HKU, l?ox J.U8I I'ost otlicu. \\' v.\ti;i? \ I'VKf.NKi: wil l S4,<h?? iu f;?.tnVj H capital to extend a business ??vinif lar^e profit, with out competition and sell!n? cash. Address, lor three da>s? XX. | box 104, Herald oflkee, C: f l\i\ ( A8H WILL SKCUKK a 'hAI> lNTKUKSr IamI in a well established ca^li Business paying $UJ1 per month. Address M., box Kh) Herald office. (?? -|\|| -A IMKTNKR WANTKH WITH THM V'luH, atuount in a paying cash iii'inulacturitiK busi ness; verv Hiiiall expense*, and 50 per cent guaranteed. Ad dress A X., ileraid office. (fui o/vn ?i'a it I'm; it wantkii. i n a 4 YKAB ?51 established latter and Wine Busluess, on the Bowery; ownor lias two oilier saloon* requiring bis atten tion. Address KNTKltritlSK. Herald office. Cll OHIi WIM. IMT.CIIAS,. ON IS HALKlNTKithSf ' in a sale paying business. Address IIOfK* Herald office. dUo rjw\ will Hi v <is f: h \i,ir ivrKUKsrTs 'iPw?UvMF New Vork and Brooklyn ot one of thu beai pay in patents in the world: no competition, and now in successful operation. Address AMhtUCAM, Herald L'ptowa Branch office. HU.J |WW| ro ^i.fKni t * AS II AND TitUS I' KK TO ^pOil'UU ta;echai e of larjre stock ot merchandise and?odurlties. to sHtle same; perleet Micurity; with mr* vices or Without; tfoo 1 pay. Address <JhO. WTI.LIAMS, iio\ i |s; Herald office. ^) -||(| ?l* A It i'N KK W A Nil; 1). IN V >AKK ANU cash inaiiufacturitiir business: low rem; Ion# lease and lair prolits. I'rincipaU. with ^ood reference, oirly. will address SAFKTV. box 117 Herald office. li'VnniV PROFIT <J t A It AN I KKIl I'KIt ANNI.VI in Hit established cash iiianufacturinK busi ties*; inveMtncnt needed, no bonus; investi^aiiwM solicited. Fur particulars address A. Z , Herald office. 4i (|l ft| ?WAN f KI>. A fARTNKll Wffl TllIH ainoiintol capital (eompletelv secured), for au cxtiibitioii of pieturvsi|ue seenery of deep interest in the V*lilted .States, and especially iu Kurope. This will bw is Hue .chance for a man or ladv to make money and to have ? pb-asure trip vhroagtiout Europe. Address box 19U Herald office. STiJ (IIKI Io^mi.-iki WANIhli, Willi ACT I V K OK ?Jp | .UUU special partner, to increase an already well established, first cla-s d paying retail and wholesale coal business in ttiis city; relerenee*. Address \V. H, UKSNKIT, care of.S. B. Vouqk. Ill Broadway, room 41. viTi lV (Kill WILL Sl.ccKI, AN INTKRKisT IN A i^old mining operation pf unusual promise; mine developed; money wanted for miil'to reduce ore on the premises; *afe in vestment and steady profits a certainty; to one seeking business or an investment this is a rare chance; references of the highest coinm?rclnl and professional stand ing in the citv ; strictest I.< vestigation invited. Full particu lar* at Interview. Address L>. H. O , box 1,'JHil Post ofllcM 0:1 \ I If II | <v > 11 W v Mi:L?-TO hXTKNil A VVI'.TTj vlo?"'Mr eslublis.ied manufacturing business; de mand tor goods greutlir in exccss of present productions: liberal terms. Address II. t?. II , Herald office. _ foTK IU |(| ?W \ N TEH. A t'Ai'ITALf^f Ol^ fccqalntance with railway curp^raitini, f .r America and hurope. as partner. l*or particular* dress IIA 1LWAV, Herald office. THE AUSi 1ULIAN FENIANS HOW TDK JX'.Vl'K WiH I'/.ANXtD IM LuHTOll TWO X KA US AGO. [I'rom the lloston Transcript, Juno 8.] j The report which come* irom New York ul the reicut i oi the reman prisoners Irotn the penul colony iu Au? [ trulla has created considerable intercut in tin* vicinity, | Irom tin; 1'acl that the details of tlko plan were ar? ranged and parliallv put In execution in lloslon (mint < two years ago; and tliu mention ol Mr. John Boyle I O'Keilly'x name in connection with tbo nilair indued ? thn writer to rail upon that gentleman thti morning | with a view ol ascertaining turtber particulars. Thai sentlemun wim lounil at the 1'ihd editorial room*, j and wax porl>-ctly willing to con verso upon thu aui> i jeol. though lie Had r> ceived no more dollnilo new* than ha* already been inado public Mr. O'Ketlly said il had been incorrcctl) reported (hat ho was thu leudina spirit in the aclicme, although he was aware of all the details irom Hi inception, and Irum his knowl edge ol tlin topography ol Australia and thn ofttcnU management ol Hie colony he was ouublod to give much information and many suggestion* ol value to the active participant*. In the first place a large sum ol money had to bn raised by the Irish national is is to ellect thu object de sired, as the lic-id ol operations included almost an enure circuit ol Hie globe, and the oOalacles to be over ?i>mo at the coionx would have lieeu deemed insur mountable, except by men actuated by the highest pur? poses, strengthened und ciiil?ddenod by iuviliriu!a courage, there were eight prisoners to be rescued, two ol whom were located in the great central done prison ol Kree man He. and the others were distributed among the convicts engigcd in matting the roads, hun dreds ol tulles upari. a suiliciont sum ol money having readily been rairod, one ol the bed and moat Iru&ti.-d men ol the iristi national revolutionary party cnnie t? lio-ton, and in about ?lx mouins his plaus were com pit ted. A snip was securud aud lilted out lor a whaling voyage under command ol a New lljdlord seaman, whose nautical experience peculiarly qualified liliu la execute a plan with wInch be expressed a heart/ sympathy ino moment it wan mentioned. Mi??eu ger? were despatched by steamer lo Australia aud to oilier parts ol the Hrttlsh dominion, to put them selves in communication with the prisoner* The gentleman who wax the master spirit ol ibe enter pn*e inicuied to g>> lo Australia himsell', buV it wa? thought bed lor lntn not to do so, as he had bei n confined in a prison hi Kn.'land, and a successful disguise would have been next lo importable It km ariaiig'-d that 'he vessel should nuchllie Australian const at a certain time and signal the meu on 8bore, .,110 (lie plan waslo rescui! Hie prisoners, convey iheiu Hcrm? Hie country ami ha-, e them all meet together na tin -dior* at a certain tune to take passage on |he vessel. .:can- were famished lor supply ing each prisoner with a horse, a <mit nl ciotnos and a revolver imuiediately lie escaped. Kacb individual escape had lo l.e managed independently ol the others, and (ae.b had Its peculiar diilliutiles lobe overcome. Tnene plans were all car ri d oul mid ready lor execution some six months ago. 11 ii understood thai many of the Itriliah oftlcsra i? Australia (.mi be "approached," aoA lliat tne onljr question is ottcu as to llie "price" or a rescue; bene* me managers could read ly secure certain of their men. Hiougn how many (or whether any ai altj were rescued in tbat way will not be known until they arrive safely upon American soil, sale Irom arrest by BritiM olttcer* and tree to relate their experience* in doiaiL 1 lie sign >1 which was agreed upon that the rescue bad l>ecn successful was the cutting of tbe cable, which it appears was 'lone about (lie 27th of Apr.I, between-lava and Australia, aud which served tho additional means ol preventing pursuit. It the siirini.-o.. oi those Iwmiliar with tliu nhns are correct tlie \ easel ought to lie ne.triug .-onto pan of the I'acmu coast aoou tin if time, ana luriher intelligence will be awaited wnh anxiety. I lie prisoners wnow resnue was so no dly planned were all humble men, private dra goons in the htgtish s-rvice, were sunt lo Australia la' I HIM lo be imprisoned lor lile, end wcri thus severely puuisbed<by the Kiigiisli lovi-i nme'.ii in what wa? ap paren I) ? >piril ol vengenaee iMf Me leaders ol tba movement were ail tree. Il ihe.v are arrested bciore reaching ml* country or some other sale point ihvlr execution on tnu gallows will ?| eedily ami aa?uredljr follow Muring tne pleasant conversation with Mr. ? I'Ktttl V he "a d : ? Thcto are many lads and detail* which cannot be spoken ol nutil ti e men are absolutely sale. It* iriM meaning wiis to show Kuglnnd she has got to ac cept the alternative ol giving Irelaou a better govern mfiil ooner oi later, or Uio~e meu will do everything th<-v > an to a?siat in desno.v ing her prestige; and, a? Wendell I'milips said, ai soon an -he goes to war they Will slabber lo the heart. Tliey have asked III every pacific way lor butler treatment aud a betier govern iiirul lor Ireland and Have been scornlutly roiusetl. It was hi Mr. l)l?ruen's power lo male.' this whole move ment contemptible by graining amnesty to ibeee men when Victoria u??timet| ibu iiiie ??i empress but he did iiOl choose to exeroi* In* prerojtalive." Mr. Il Itedly and Mr. Casltntau, also t-iinineted Willi the 1'ilot, w?-re tbo only residents ol lloston (tally c?g? infant ol the scheme iu all its details, ami it Is tinder stood that a N'.-W ItedloiM filV o?. *< w a- V ery active Hi anpeniilen-Jina lb" fitting out ol the whaler, which, it is repoi te?t. h ia on board a con-Iderable ?piantity of oil. which i n* ix eu laken since the sva/ied- on tlM eriuee.