Newspaper Page Text
F CITY BKAi. F.STATB iHIR S1LK._ ( <-utr*l. A FINK FOCH STORY UKOWM STONE HOUSE FOR ? ? ?? \ ?1 ? !' h u. Hud ? I tu ->th ?v.,U3 teeC Iruul; c*u be bought tor tra than $4O.U00. _______ K. 11. LUDLOW A CO., No. S Pin* it. TMIff'TttBT tOTilr tfff AT. ASP UOTH kT. ASD Xj ItfJ Kut 11Jth it . Mups at oflicc of HK'HARU V. 11 VRSKTI. Auciioaner, 111 Kro?<lw?>. Sule ,iu 'J7lh. ~ OR SAMS?8KOW.N STONE KESlDKNi'K 17*34 Broadway, Mr nor 47lh ?t.; treat proaptctivn value. JOfllAM JKX. 1.285 Broadway. OB SALE OB BZCBAKUB FOR A SMALLER lloVftE A hamlaoma four rtnrr hi r b iuii'P brown rtoiif corner House on fark ar.. u?<ar tt-d at.; the home i? 'JO I"'' front and pubtttntialljr built. Apulv to ISAAC HOMO, 111 Broadway, rooms O and H, burnout. ??ni:vr bargains for t>omkbody^-mTf.i i a n t r liior ?tor? House, n?ar lower entrance lo I'riilral l*?rk. f .l.OUO, formerly lf.'7.500; splendid Hat, rrnlmi - elegum Oiree .tones, near Lexington ar., $12,(00; lar^e assortment to let. MONTI. FROEHUCH. 783 3d ar. 3>ositivelt willT bi: Volh at bxtbemkly tnodernte tiffora* The tirrt cla?* fonr story brown stone llon.c No. 71 West r>4th it.; bat diaing r< om, extension ?nd every improvement. Apply oa prennee. TTEttY CONVENIENT TOKAI'IU TBANSIT STATION V a: 110th *t.?for tale, very low a handsome three e;ory hf|h stoop brown .touts Hotuo, famished or an furnished, on 111th st., between Madison and 4tb art. ?Apply to ISAAC 1ION1U, 111 Broadway, rooms U and 11 basement. <fc 1 Zl\t\ POll TWO dTORY OOUhE AND I.OT, M/ tl.ree blocs- from Oratul Central iieput, half \ai!i; balance to suit. A. FISH KR. IjO East 40tU si. Ka?i Miis. AT 511,000. AND A BABOAlMt FOBMF.R PRICK $1i",i*iO; three ftorv: LUxl O, Nelow 34th St. S. B. OOODAJuK, No, (j We*t '/ad St., FiRu Avenue Hotel. AKCIaINRT?NEW~FTVK~BTOBY H0USB8, BENTBD lor nO.MVI, will be sold for yifi.OO'). A number ol live Sterv iluurfj. including souie line corners, ou 1st, '-'d, t>ih and KHU av> . will be sold very low. I'enue to suit. All rented. II. J. UPPK A ItltO.. 444 t(|h av. I ,**OR SALK at A BARU.UN, FINE STORE PROP criy on 1st uv.; well reuted. I11NE A CRAY, 557 6th av. T/ioit HALE.?ONLY $in,OOO FOK~THE THREE STORY i high stoop iirowu ?toue Mouse lTjit East U.>th St., near T-'-xInaton av.; In perfect order; tertus easy. Inquire on Ilie pruuil>et. 1,10K~ SAI.K OB BENT?AT BOTTOM" 1'KICE, FO0B J? story brown stooa, stable attached; SHEast lUili st. lmiuiro on premises. West Side. 4 CHANCE FOB A BOSS CAKMAN. MILKMAN OB . V iceman. 50x101). on West 47tn St.. two 1'weillnics l?" Stables ,uid Wujjon Hoese; will be sold very low. LOUIS A. OA OUM1A, l,50U Broadway, near 4.">?1? st. - I TH AND 55TH 8T&, WESr oF IOTii av7-SPLKN OtT did Mniiufaeturinp PiopertT. 7j*'Jt*l. 1<>, with three Moiy and liaseuient hrick building uoverinif lots; will take Country Seat In exchange nt rent verv low. RICHARD V. 11AKNETT, 111 Broadway. ?*1 A BTH AT., NKAB 4J!> ST. \T Al OTION, JUNE Ol" 17. KICLIaKD V. UAKNETT, Auctioneer. See auction column. IVorth Sltle. A FIRST CLASS COTTAOR-ON EASY TEKMS. AD dress J. L. PABBUALL. Morrlsauia, N. Y. Mlscelluneous. A MEDIUM SIZE HOl'sE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, _.V in choice location up town, to prompt buyor. Address SWITCH. Herald ollice. A 1,1ST OF CHOICB HOUSES FOB SALE OK TO ^\. let, can always be bad at the office. E. 11. LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 Finest. CShoice Full rikbi? cemkteby lots, shj". J Halves aud Quarters iu proportion. Inquire at 1.2!Hi Broadway. f toNDKK A WEBSTER, 145 EAST 17TH ST., HAVE A V. i number ot baritains In city and country Property for ?ale, to rent and oxchanire BROOKLYN PHOHEHTY FOR SALE AID TO LET. A L VK<! K, ELEOANTLY" FU KN1SIIKD "48 FUH Jm. front brown stone uentleman't Residence.with beauti ful ground* and gurden, situated on a leading avenue iu Brooklyn, 20 miuutea Irom ferry by horse cars: the house contain* every modern improvtrniunt. including billiard ta:?lo; will be rented at ft very low rent to a lirnt class ten am. Address D? J. 0., box 4,863 l'oat office. New York. A " BAHGAIN~A~F1KST ~CLA88 TlfRKK STORY u\- brown stone llonse, size 20x4 ?. lot WO, built in the ?ery beat manner, first class locution ou the hill, western ?lope ol' Prospect Park, brooklyn, will be sold at a very c eat sacrifice lor cash. Address D J. U., oivucr, box 4,8i?3 I'oit office. F" OK S A LE?05 E OP HiK UK ST 8ITU ATKD^pIoTS on Greenwt?od Cemetery; locntion, Ceutral uv. Inquire >fj. M. COPLAND. No. 810 Broadway. l/i oil K A BROOKLYN, LA PAY BTTB \V . NBAB I1 Klatbush av.. a three story basement and subcellar House, with all modern improvements: house heated bv *tei?m aud is in splendid order; terms easy. Apply to K. GATES, tiT.i Pttlicn *t., comer Ka>mond st. * JiOR #ALL?HOUSKT aT A <iliEAT SACR1KJCK, KAK telow panic prices, a corner brown stone trout, a Philadel phia brick stable aud a vacant lot, on the hill; has a front on three streets, aud i* the be*t location iu Brooklyn: splendid neighborhood; citv and country residence combined; will leli the whole for $1H.OOO; house and stable hate all modern mproiement* Apply at 584 i* av., corner Pacific fr<?m 3 to 8 P. M. rUNlSlt Kl> It KICK HOI-SB. TEN KUOMS, IM r provements, near terry, Brooklyn, Hue location, $0a Xo. m 9, 68 Wall st. ^ WES'K IlKSTKIt CO! NT V PKOPKRTY FOR SALE AND TO KENT. iT TKEMOV T.-TO KKNT FOR A LAHG*E, Ji\. handsome brick House: 14 rooms, pa* and water, with six city lots and ^ood stable; three minutes walk from de sot; best location in Trem< nt. Hl'Ull N. CAMP, 152 uroadway^pr J. TilOS. STEAHNS, Tremont. pOUKTRY SBAT, SIX ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS. U Ac., for sale cheap; easy terms. Owner, 2,030 i-'d av., 11 I til st. J^LKGAXT COTTAOR, WITH TWO LOTS, WATER IN U h ?use, fta{ walks three minates to depot, for sale; pfftliscHwM. WILLIAM WilllK. Mount Vernon, N. Y. fVKLY fW PER MONTH.?TO UT, F URN IS BED \ " House. 1- rooms; stable, fruits. Ac : three acres ??f rroiind; 20 minutes Iroui 4-d st. Address OWNER, box 012 Post oflice. New Vork. ISS CO IT UJL-;. LA Kin MONT MANOR, 45 MIV t? u tes from city; sea batliiuff; rent moderate. 1 J7 West 4Mth st. \1J BSTCU EST E R?60 Ml NITh S V KOM DOWNTOWN. M Furnished House. Xi rooms; hii;h, healthy, near tfepot overlooking Souud; five acies or more; rent or lease low, KWKN, UD N inian st. JEHSET C ITY, liOKOK K\, HVUSON C1T1 A\I) BKR(iK\ KKlli ESTATE. T^or Sail** "" " djorm buys two lots, .'.oxiso, river view ?OUv av.. near Newark horan can lira. 0., 3- I.iu^ht it. New York, second floor. Property out op the htk for SALE OH TO UKNT. A MODERN HOl'SR-? IX'EVERY WAY I)KSI li ABLK, for .#?> per month) half rent; three minutes by l'.aiik walk from Wextftald station, on Central Railroad ot New Jersey, V) minutes Irura city'; 1"J room; excellent WjII, cistern and cellar; ample terraee lawn, well shaded; garden plant-ii; commutation r.cent* each way from city; no agent' need apply. tlff.NhK, 3H Park row. room .'>. AT MORRIS TOWN ?T<) LET, I'OK TI1IIEE MONTHS, ?rryclieap a desirable llou>?. well tnrmvied. Dr. DO DUE, l.> w.m _0th at., ur Mr. WITTE. sM John at. A beautiful PARK OP l.-TAtTRKH FOR BALE cheap Ono honr's ride Irom city per New Jersey I'tli tral Railroad; land well cultivated; plenty af fruit, lawa [ and aliade. AO For further particulars auuioaa E. d, l ux EiU Herald ullice. A BARGAIN?MODERN COTTAGE. NEAR CITY: I J\. half acre; carriage hunae and stabla; terms aa?y. MURDEN. 331 Broadway. ~A~T PL A INF I ELD?CM US l' ALLY DESIRABLE AND 1Y attractive Place ; hard wood tliiisli and handsomely lur I niihed; a re and a nail. lawn and allude, stable. Ik rae. carriii.e. Ac.; will sell complete or otherwiae, on easier i terms, an I rni^lit take other Property tor the caali part. Addresa OWNER, I ox 517 Poat offloe. Sew York. A COUNTRY SKAT INXKWJhR.SBY-1'5 MILES BY JV rail from thia citr and J to 4 mites Irom depots on tiie Ne.v Jer*ev and Now York.iKrie and Northern railways; sit nation high; celebrated for heallk and beautiful seeneryt hone lar>je and flrat class ; hot and cold water tlir>uirliout and erery m.dern convenience, with -'7 acre a ot laud; la offered lor llfl.lM?, or would ?\.'i snze fur house in this cltv, IIarlem or Brn'kit ii ot about tlie >atne canh value. Apply to owner, <?. B, WUiTBBORXK, So. u Ilea v a - at. T K ar" ROC K aw ay-A FURNISH El > COTTAGE, frohtlng on the boach. good hotting, !t?luru; ?nrt and ?til! water bathinx; ground 75xJOO; 4ti trains dally ; uo in cumbrance ; would sett, rent or exi-hantre. J. r. I WOMBY, I1S? Ka-t Wth at. IT LOBO BRANCH. Mo.N MOU HI Itl.ACII. OC KAN 10, j'V. Se.ibilglit and Ocean Alro*e.?Beau vital Colt ape-, fully furnished; splendid Boaidiuir Houses. ataraa .md He.tau rant.*, all prices, to let. Apply to or nditre., MM. LANE, At;eat. hux 4>S Post olttr*. kait UonK Branch. TYnEW*BBIOHtOK.?TO BKNT^BVhKAi. ?0R*. 1Y tiished and unfarnish' d Villaaand Siahles; charming;/ tainted; views unaiirpasao i. low renta. Icrrv ronvtU'vnt. IIARDINU, .<W Broadway. BEAUTIFULLY located 1'I.ACR ON TIIE lll-D ?j:i. at Spuyten Darvil- A romfortnMa raaldanre.aant tuer and winter. high and healthy; acres, wr'l laid .oit ahadeit and truit'd ; acee?aible from <iowntown place of ha*i> neaa within our lumr lor <tie, with immediate po>*ca-ioa. Ad <r?a, box J,81 > Poat olttce A ?TO laBT. FCLLY FUBxTsTrKP. a IIOfSE. WITII iVi all the Modern iMproramaau and antaaalve ^rouuda, ht-althr and hl?li, on North r?. Siatrn laland; ur.t low t?> re?iion?ible teuant. Apply at No. ?? Battery place, N.V. tTUREAT ItVIU.Al.N- II \ N I'-< ? M K l?\V EI.LIxTjS; XX eh?K-? locatioaa; a fine Hotel Property, witii water Iront i;e. well r<ntrd, at Iort Hamilton, to exchange tor New York Property. JOHN W. DEERINO. Broad way, corner Met rt. ADESIKaBLK HOTEL AT M1 DDLKTOrt N~ OKASGE e.mnty toppoa te the depot1, ft! tn!l<-n from New York rlty. Kor tale, uood W Ul, Leaae Fllmrei. f urniture, Ac of the Tartor llous * It eontaln* 00 bedroom* and Urate parlors, dining room, bar ber thop, it., and one ol the heal baTa m tiie i 'ui.n . ntub e aud li> ery aeecuutrodatioti attached; a rare up; ?riunii; to iret an oid establi?he<l hoaae Appit ti J h HHKAKMAN mi preiiiKce. or to K. II. LUDl-UVV A CO.. No 3 I'm* ak.1 New York. A" NUMB Kit OF'hMALI. l"akm.i(KU'?M St'tiki TO $8,1) Ol Tor s^le rhe ip : alao I j I .Ota at Whin fiaiua aud Ij Acres at Elisabeth to ev< ante JM X I. k (JSAY. .V.? Otb at, "a man>iox-"Mount "viKW'?rFkxi8hkd. S rWoina: lawn, tvmdSodiuus outhdildinira. ~o acrea. a-.eiin-, it" mo?|ultoe?. two hoars I er?ey Central, tutted for lansity lioardera ?r achool; pf.V*); e .,y terms, pu<aea | on Pa tleularl IS.' Bait cat.. Brooklyn. ' I ..vs.. JI v IIO P .A C? AN'Dsii'm PLACK. ON TBB > Y sn.ire. i.ear oepwt. bue grounds, Ar. WILLIAM rt. CRXft. TJ >th ar. A T NtACK. X, Y . A VKKY PRKTTf < OTTAOE TO A rent, lorn alieil or unfnri.i.hrd, by the w. ek, month or r.'*r; rrtrtie^ driiritjt tumUhed Ba<>ms, with or without j! ? rd, wilt I n I this a mi lt i* 'l*able h" 1 e for the summer; it only t?" minutes' walk trom railroad depot and tlia . ante distance Irom the .andin.-; it posaeat'-a superior advantage* with regard to ahade. fruit and axealieat water. |> a'de* i.ein : located in the moat retired and eiegaat part ul Nyack. i or tortna addreaa M. C. WELCH. St. Ann's I hool. Nyack. At ki.izabkth.-to kent, as p.leoant resi. tiance. furnished ar aafarnishad; ail m.'dom impi> TO msnta; gardaa, stable, Ac.; close to -he tepoi J. O HAMILTON. 1M Frontal Anybody wantino fat.m- mkarby at n:cmFD bargain* invest.gaie JvU.N Ml L**i i>a st. FROPKRTT OCT OK THF. CITY FOR SA1.K OR TO KKNT. * rmwiwait!) ~ i\ liudtii City, L L New TIcomi, furaislicd and unfurnished, to let. Several elegint brick winter and summer Residences, with gardens attached. ?nd containing ail y.c modern Iw pro\? ui>'tit* ?nu conveniences; hot air furnaces, ruiH. baths, water closets, Ac.. surrounded by ample grounds laid out with alks and shrubbery, in an agreeable neighbor hood. combining city life witli all the advantages of country utr. h ptiro ami bracing atmosphere, Iroe Ironi malaria, and peculiarly hrallhy aud agreeable ut all season*. file iiouses are located on the liatuial surface of the ground, it bout 100 leet above the oeeau, with abundance of good wuter. line roads and drives. and easily accc?>ible at all linn mid in all weather, anit where (tunny supplies cati be hud Irorn first class stores and groceries as 1'onveuiwatly a* in tlie city. For v 1.300.? A large and e'.egant Mansion, about SO feet square, containing I*1 rooms, furnished In modern etyle and with every convenience. Grounds, about ou* acre, bcauttluilv laid out. Fot *l,l*?.?An ?tenant Mansion. tame clss? as above, *'tu carriage house, grounds. Ac.. but uufurnlsbed. For SK>0.?An elegaut Dwelling tlouse of same claai as last, unfurnished but without carriage bouse. Kor$53U.? A superb brick Dwelling House, containing 11 commodious rooms, similar grounds aud conveniences a* last. For fiOO.?A larjre aud very attractive Dwelling, with 10 room ami all modern convenience), with spacious garden *tt acued. Kor $!'*>.?A very comfortable Dwelling House, of 10 rooms, with like conveniences an last. Railroad Station.? Brick Building, with large, well warmed waiting rooms, within live minutes' walk, affotd in if communication with the city nearly ever* hour of the dav, by the Flushing and Northsid* Uaiiroad Irorn Hunter's 1'olnt at.d J ames slip. A 40 tuiuutes' ride through beauti ful scenery in tirst clsss rail c?r>. Water and Uas.-Contracts have been wade for erecting extensive works to supply water lor domestic and lire pur poses. winch, with the gas workt proposed, will make resi dences very desirable. Tlie large, fir.t Class Hotel, located in an elegant park ad joining: the railroad station, is open for visitors at all tinioi and supplied with everything in season. Carruu'ei had at a ir inuie's notice. A visit of inspection is requested. Apply at the office, near liarden City Kail road station, to \V. K. 111NSDAI.E, Munager. C7>TTAUt lloi'SK ON* WEST HaV EN SHORE; furnished or unfurnished; H rooms; kitchen entirely Separate ; good baru lor ;t horses: fine lawn and water front, bathing houses, Ac.. Aa; delightful view ol the Sound: horse cars to ami Irom New Haven miss within two blocks; situated on the direct Hun of New York anil New Haven Kailroad. Address KIIW ARD NALLISY, New Haven, Conn. /SoTTAOK?OKANUE?10 ROOMS. PAKTIALLY KOR V nlshed; healthy location; Iruit. shade, plenty of ground; M ason or longer. AMBLEK, oil Vesey St. CiOTTA'airAT LONG BRANCH TO LET-SITUATED > ou Park uv . hall a mile irom beach; nine rooms, plain ly furnished; barn and stablo; bathing privileges; Iruit and shade trees in abiiudsnce; immediate possession; rent WOO till Octoner 1. Auply to .Mrs. A. T. FLOYD, Oceanville, Long Branch. n O 0 NT BY HOME, 1NEW JERHKY. FURNISHSI >, Tn5 \J engagement for sure living, prospect for large profit besides, without risk, for V>,000 money ; highest relereuce. Address R. B. P.. Herald office. Double house, furnishbd, as minutes noil Liberty St., 10 mtnntes from depot, noarwator; car riage bouse, garden; rent low; board in part paymeut. Address J*. G. SCHMIDT, 160 Canal at. jpNOLEWOOD, N. J.?FOR SALE, AT A GREAT I'j sacrifice, neat Cottage House, with good baru and cowhouse, throe acres of land. Iruit nd shade ; pleasant and healthy location; situated about half mile from depot; builuing on land worth the price asked; price, $4,00'i. Ap ply to uOKIIAM A JACKSON, Kaal Estate Brokers, Engle wood, N. J. 13 STABUSHKD DA IRY FARM, 77 AURttS. 1? COWS* U with implements, only $100 per acre; part lelt ou mort' gage. Address UKMURitBON, Mi Hth St. LUuT SALE?PEACH FARM* OK MO ACRES. WITH J? IS,Olio peach bearing trees. In Caroline county. Mary land, one mile Irom depot: 4.000 baskets on farm; well stocked and in good repair; must be sold to close an estate. Address McGllEGOK STEELE. Assignee. 170 Broadway, New York. Ipoit SALE?A HOUSE AND LOT IN *THR BEST busiueks iportiou of a large inanulacturing city In Con necticut. Kor particulars address A. PHILLIPS. 1,041 3d ?*. PUK SALE?ONE OK THE FINEST LOCATIONS AT I Cornwall; t$5 acres; convenient td cars and boat; buildiugs all in the best of order: good roads: high grouud; mountain air, with beuutlftil and extended view Irom every side of the house. Address JOHN OKU, Mouutaiuvillc, Orange county, N. Y. f~"fuKsf class Farm for balk?near the city ol Annapolis, Md.; this farm is ou navigable * ater. l, miles irom city by water, 1L2 miles by country road; con tains 4&"> acres of highly improved laud, abundance of tim ber. large brick dwelling, tenant's house, barns, granaries, Ac , lit excellent Ooudltlon; much choice fruits, including about 700 pear and apple trees and H.SOOpeacb trees in full bearing, the crop from which alone, in 1H"i4, sold for over 94.400; only two hours from Baltimore and Washington by rail uud steamboiits. while Its vicinity to tho city and Naval Academy supplies churches, schools and the best society; location very healthful: no property In exchange; price, including one halt growing crops, $50 |>er aero, of which J7.5UU in cash, residue in one snd two years, II per cent in terest. For further particulars address lock box 224 An napolis i'ost office, .Md. IpOU 8A'LE?STEAM FLOl ?c7 MEAL AND FEED Mill and Elevator, at Northampton. Mass.; has done u large and profitable business: the death ot the owner makes n sale necessary; a good opening tor a Western House to ex tern! Its business East. Address LL'KE LYMAN, North ampton, Mass. JIOR 8AI?B?AT A TKMPTINO~ Low FIQURB, A 80 perior 37-acre Farm, at Woodbury station, on New Yoik and New burg Kuilroad, quarter tuife from station; new uioileru house aud outbuildings; commanding slto; very healthy; churches and schools In vicinity; excellent society. E. A, LAWUKNCE A CO., 1-H Broiulway. BBURNISHED COTTAOB, ON TUB BANK OF THB Hudson, near West Point, to let reasonable. Address WILLKT PARRY, Highland Falls, N. Y. I'*^ORNISHRD CO MP L KTE L Y?PA KT OF GENTLE man's residence on Jersey City Heights; accessible hv steam or horse cars; fruit, Ac ; rent low. tjUIKK, 72 Maid en lane. ISCRNISHED COTTAGES AND MOUSE8 IN TH2 conntry to rent, from fJ;.0 upward, lor season or > oar. JOHN S. EWEN. 39 Nassau St., room 17. FOK KKNT?Af~L(>NG BKANCH, A VERY DESlKA lilc Cottage, tiioroughly furui-hed . shade trees and good stabling; convenient to both depots aud within -O ' yards of tlie shore; bathing privileges; reut moderate. Apply to JOHN BON NEK A I'd, .2 Bipud St . New York. ?jniuiiT AND POULTRY" PARM~1S AO0B) RIAI I? ciiurches. stores, seminary, lake, creamery, depot; Orange county; great bargain. Ol.lVEK. 102 Broadway. I10R""sale-a FARM OF 12X ACRES; OOTTAOi! partly furnished; Stock, Crops and I'tensils; price fX'K). Address OWNER, box 24 Post office, Wadeing Klver, Long Island. IilOK SALE OR TO KENT?AT OKEENWICH, CONN., three story and attic Irame llouse, llarn, Ac.; four minutes from depot and seven minutes from steambaat dock; house in pcrlect order; contains 10 sleeping rooms, parlor, kitchen aui dining room; site of house, 4'xHi; ground. H.">x230t Une water trout. Apply to Cl'KKIE, FL'RDY A i'ii , No. 7 Washington place, corner Mercer st. C" 1 RAND VIEW ON HUDSON TO LET?ABEACTIF0L r Cottage, luriiisbed; season or rear; see nhotogrnph. C. H. OLIVER. 162 Broadway. Ct EEATB8T BARGAIN OFFERED.?HI ACRE FARM, I two sets buildings complete, opposite store and post ollice; Junction two railroads; splendid town site; will mako a lortuue for purchaser; horses, cows, poultry, tools, grow ing crops; see photograph. C. II, OLIVER, 102 Broadwav. Half of furnished houhe .on banks of Shr?w?bary River, near I^ocuit I'oint, 9^10 per month, | Includln. uiel. Apply at 143 West 4Bth st. IN THE yl AINToLD SEA-IDE TOWN OK MAMSON. | Conn.?A Connectlent Farmhouse of e olden time,', ; In good repair; untitle rooms and grounds ; excellent neigh borhood; close by the sea; beauttlul sandy beach, magnificent sea view; - tie battling; convenient to churches, schools, markets, railroads. Ac. . can he reached from New York ill less than four hour*. I'h? above property, if taken soon, wiil be sold at a price low enough lor the hardest kiud of h <rd tin es Kare chance to secure a choice seaside and country bouse. Apply to RICHARD V. IIARXETT, 111 Broadway. basement. * Alan Inquire about that elegant Cottage by the sea, with btmllgl l.?itOal(Jt) feat, lor tale for lees than $i,ouo, or tu rent tor lb* seaeon for $1<X). jOW RENT?COTTAOB, NEWLY RBFITYBD; BARN, J fruits, garden planted; half nour, Jersey. Boom 0, ?>S Wall st ON OB R A NCIt STOKE TO LET. ?CO It N E R~PPO ?ite Ocean Hotel; *!*? 10 Ujr 10 loot; suitable tur cnndv ?tore it Canty food*; Just built, A?ply on premises. Ootid place fur r.e* ? itand. I OS O ~ B RANC H. ?KTR N1R H E D~l' O TT A O E~ TO~~LET; J lUi.H>m>. nit ilcrn iinpri'Vi uii'iiln; carriage house H, SUKPLEN. :ri7 Kim 17tli at. Iaki; maiiopao.-completkly furnish kd J Villa, bp.uitllailv situated; reasonable Natal to pri vate family , others lor boarder*. JOllN COADY, ir.l East 42d ?t IONO BRANCH.?TO LET, ON COTTAOB PLACE. H60 J feet from Atlautlc Ocean. a mansard rool (.'ttlUgt; gai all through aa Well at In the St aide: two wells of sprin;; water: folly hnllha4: seven bedrooms. two parlor*, dining , kit.-had, good ran?*e, laundry, two cellars; tax in froni of i <dlajte , uathln ? lmu<o ; rent low to a good tenant. Iv t< S mKVY. at Wallack'i Cottage, Lon,: Braneb, or eat 4 th St.. New York ONO BKAN('!I.- TO RENT, A N KVV~ llOtSB, OR J the o< ean, t?n houses from the l':cshieni'?, with teu'cnn, aerv snis', dining room ; waterlttln. and all eon venleMM, handsomely mrnisbed with r\ .'rvtliinir new; atable. >.<;.* C. s. BKOWN, 90 Rrtialwy. vfAOMFlCkNT COL NTBY IBAT?WTtHIN FIFtf i>l r.i i nates of city; eligibly located; ?.i access con tainin . twenty acres lawn garden and timl ered Until, will Mil low. terms easy; or would exchange tor city property, bonds, Ac. Apply to W. W. CAPEN,34fji Pine it., n<(>n ;i. MONTCLAIR, N. J .-FOR SALE LOW. BltACTIPt'L Residence, lurnlslied or unfurnished; frescood. gas, burglar alarm and ail coaflliUtieu of city house. exten ilt< grounds, ahade, fruit, choice flowers, vegetable garden, lawn, cioqnet ground, atable. Ac. OfcFABSOBH, t? Cedar st. VTOKTH 8RORK LONO ISLAND-WOODLAND Pa RK Property; aelect, attractive, healthy; not surpassed by Newport. prices to suit tunes. KICIIaHD B. FABKBB, SI I>din It. \'i:w bochellb - two finely sitpatkd coi n J.1 trv >''at?. B7 acres and 43 acres ll4 mlle? from depot; both under a Inch stato of cultivation, b*avi,y timbered well watered, good ouibnlidtngs: Iruit in abundance; will exchan. ? lor trood eity Properly or will aell eery low. RlCHA'tD V. ILAK.NKTT, 111 Broadway, basement. OLD BORAYIaN HUN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, Pv, areo'iimodatea 130 meat*; four stores, livery stable ami Srifaie residence connected with property; three hours Irom ew York; two Irom Philadelphia; terms, third caali; bal ance mortgage; eity Property taken a* cash. CHAKl.BS BKODUEAD, Bethlehem. ON STEWARD'S PLAINS, lono ISLAND N. Y.-A Vara of &?> acres for late or exchange, for Dry OooJa, Orocerlett. Brooklyn Property or cas.t. b lildinira, atnek, crop and atensils. Per a bargain call an NIK MM Broad way, Brooklyn E. D. RANi.E AND ORAXtlE MOI NTaIN.-HODSBH, fob Dished and unfurnished ; seaaon or year. A. Baldwin. I43 Broadway. 0 o RAN UK ?DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR EX chan, e, sobs free and e'ear nwel>ing and bo' neesi A. MALbWm, I4."> Broadway. niCMFIEU> SFMNUS. S. T.-TO LET. REA8?>nZ I V bio.'h 'd t ottage ; ltor*e?. carriage : eeeiied, garden; >in?nrpa<??d scenery; itti.?tn *tr. ?%????.-. ilfiYUi* MONSOE I'P.KTIIIt' K. ^ARAIOOa RKSIDENCB TO LET FI'ltNISIIKD, tA > r<t?ni.. trge k. '.??!?. .tAble. (aiden and ice, owner a #.?.'<? >?< rent I de>iiwd . price - I* ?i; ?erur.ty re ttu .cd. Adaxcsa Uwi.A^D, boa Jl* Ueraid eUtta, | PROPERTY Ol'T OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO REST. QTAMKOKD. CGNN? FtlK SALE OH TO UK NT. A ikT) lurnlshed three story House. 17 room*, with alt modern improvements; ten uiiuutas' walk from tne depot. U. kCAllLDINU, Stamford depot. Stamfokk-wt17i. sellTon!e milk noM ?bfot, large modern Kesldeuee. with 20 acres, poaitive bar gain ; to eloae an eatate: only $1<>,0 O. HUBBARD. Town HaU, Stamford. STAMFolfl), CONN ?TO LBT CHEAP. S6 ItOOM FUR* nisbe.i llotel on the Soand. with Hue boating and bath ing facilities; location ur,surpassed. HUBBARD. Town HaU, Stamford. S~TA M FOR I~ - FOR S A LB. MOD ERN HO 08 e7~ ALL improvements; desirable location: abundance shade, trait, Ac. ; acre in lot; rare chance. Address 402 Grand it,, New York. OTAM KO it I >. - Ki.P.i.A NTI.V Klfi.NI.SHKD EaKGE O modern llouite to let br the year lor $MlX); all Improve uirnti. others for suaimer. HUBBARD, Town Hall, Stam ford, Conn. SHORE FRONT COTTAGE, IOKOOMS; MOI)F.KN conveniences; Hue neighborhood; all trains; hourfrom city; absolutely healthy: polltive bsricftin; circular J. W. ATWATER. Riverside. Conn. QRA BRIGHT, MONMOUTH COUNTY," N. J.?FOB 0 sale, beautifully located Buildiw: Plots, frooi one acre upward iouly a luw or them to close estate'. one mile from Seabrlght, lour from Hed Bauk. '? mlie Irotu Dec ante; easy drive to Long Branch ; on North Shrewsbury Hirer; ?ph>ii uid locution tor residences or summer hotel*; perfectly healthy; picturesque; homing. bathing ar.d ttshing: rare bargains, easy teims. Apply to PHILLIPS Jt LORD, U3 Nassau at., room sec* ml lloor. TO BAKEKH.- FOll SALE AT~A BARGAIN, A TWO atory and basement Bakery, ii: the thrifty village of Coroua ; will be aold ciicitp or rented low. J. C. SANDERS, 13 Chambers at. O LBT?A DWBLI.i NG HOUSE,' UNFURNIbHED, IN Cornwall. N Y . one mile iroui Mouutaiuvllle atiition, on "Short Cut" Kailroad ; hot aud cold water; modern Ituprove mcnti; picturesque sceuery. J,c.; very l?voral>le t?ru>? to a good leimut. luiiuire of VALENliNB A CO., 32.1 Pearl st., New Yore. TO LET-?URNISHEIi HO5SE. IM ttOlOBBS OF Philadelphia. with garden aud shade. J. SI. GUJ1 MIT A SONS, 788 Walnnt st. TO LBT?A~ GREAT BARGAIN.?A (BIX OOUNTBT Residence; large house, in line order; 3 acree oi laud, plenty ol fruit; lour nines from New York, on Loug Island; 13 minutes' ride by lailroad; trains every iiour. G. 8. CORNELL, -?> Essex Market, Now York. 1"V? LliT?A HOISE, 10 ROOMS. ONE HOUjTpROM City Hall, on Long Island Kailroad; garden made aud all in first elans order; reut $31XA Apply to A. GIBSuN, confectionery, '.127 Broadway. O LET-AT FISH KILL, ON BUOSON. A KINK HO6?B. fully furiiialied; splendid garden, plenty ol fruit ; sUe cockI uaru, carriitce house, Ac. Apjfi.v to J. \Y. Si'AllitlT. Fishklll. on the Hudsun, or to S. B. J ACKSON, 17^ Kul'iu at.. New York. qio LET?at" SA ATOIJA, A 1I0USK FUR A SMALL J. family ; finely located, veil furnished : price for teiuou, &<()(>. Address J. H. GARFRNTER, Heal Kslnte. mo LBT?AT KBYFORT, ~FUBNIS11E D Tl OL'sE, DK JL lightfuliv situated, uoar the wa?er, or will exchange. Address box 213 Herald office. rro LBT-FURNISHED KOR THE SEASON. OR YEAR. X at Allendale, N. J., 24 miles Irom city via Erie Hallway, Uouso, new, nino large rooms; about una acre ol laud; pos aeailonImmediately. Addroai J. A. H., Herald office. rpo LBT?A LAKuE "COMPLRTBLY FURNISHED 1 House; 10 rooms; one hour from eity by Del..w?re, Lackawanna and Western Railroad; frequent communica tion; healthy locality; moderate rent. Address JULIA MILLS, Springfield, N, J. mo LET-IN WRfiTKIELD. N. J., 65 MINUTES FROM X New York, a lurnished House, 14 rooms; 2 acres of grouud, plenty ol truit, vegetable Karden all ready for use; rent taken in board lor th{ee adults. Address O. A. RoWt, care ol Sturges, box 4,81*> New Yor* Post oSice. rpo LET?FURNlSil ED. TW6 CO rTAOltS, OPPOSITE X Prospect lintel, Catsklll, for $300 for six month), or $200, unfurnished; Bno view of river and mountains. Ap ply to c. L. COUN1SI1, ti;t? Broadway. TO LBT?9B00 EACH PER ANNUM-TWO HaND some Uouaea, 11 rooms each; Pbiliidelphia brick aud brown stone trimming; good neighborhood; all improve ments; splendidly located; adjoining Uitlord's fark, on Jersey City Heights; conveiiietit to stoaui aud city ears. Afiul.v to GEO. STRATFORD, H3 South St., New York. TO LBT LOW, OR WILL HELL AT A SACRIPICeTa handsome Cottage in New Jeraey. 47 tnioutfta from New York, near nation; one-third acre, or two acre plot; high, healthy and pleasant location. Apply to owner, 113 Maiden lane (Globe Chemical Works). rpo LET?AT LAKE GEOHgI^WOODLAWN C(JrrAli"E> X near hotels; lo rooms, lurnished; stuhle; rent low. J. A. RUTHVKN, 24 Park place. T~O LET?A COTTAGE AT BAY ON N R~N." J ?, CO.V taining six rooms, with good well and cistern water; convenient to churches, stores and schools, about seven min utes'wulk Iroin Ceutrurille depot; rent $16 per month; tiiun from New York, 2S minutes from foot of Liberty st. Address J. V. K.. 178 Broadway. TO LET-AT RAIIWAY, N. J., VERY UaNO>OMK Cottage for the suiunipr or by the year; terms low Apply to S. D. SEWARDs. 2U4 Broadway, New Yerk. TO LBT?FPBNI8HBD COTTAObT SO MINUTES IN Jersey, on New York Bay; reut per month. Apply to G. F. YOL'NU, No 8 Beucli st. IIO LET?A VERY NICE COTTAGE OF ELEVEN room' inew) ; very pleasantly situated; terms moderate. Address HhNRY SMITH, Cornuall-on Hudson. TO I.ET-I I'KNISIIKD OB UNFl'RNJ8IIR0, fFiTr Dwelling; 20 minutes out. via New Jersey Central; 06 trains. J. LIGNOT, GREENVILLE, N. J. T~0 LET- P P RNISHED FO R Tt IKS GA SON, A BE A V tilul Country Residence, situated lit Keversink High lands. N. J.; price, with Horao and Carriage, $000. Apply at 3&t> West 23d st. TO RRNT?SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE. SEVES rooms, cliarmitiglv situated at New Brighton, S. I , near St. Mark's llotel. to be let lor three or four months; rent $?H) per month. Address L. A., box lott Herald office. ULRIClt A BARNK8, ~ Real Estate and Loan Office, 8.'> Washington St., Chlcairo. offer capitalists deci led bargains in the business Blocks In Chicago; principal corners; central location: paying eijrht and ten per c ut net on Investment, and valued from $MO,UOO to Maps, showing location of same, sent to correspondents, with photographs, description ol buildings and terms ot sale. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE.? situated In Mucks county, Pa., live minutes' walk from Tillage mors, Ac., two wilos from railroad station nod largo town; no clillla and fever; 45 acres rich land, fre? from stones, all In grass; large, substantial atone house, HOx40. ?lnto roof, hall In centre, nine rooma. piana front and rear; atone barn, 40x00, alate rool. stabling for 13 cows and five horse*: carriage house, corn crib anil other out buildings: apples, pears, pcaches and amall fruits; price fB.'JOO, $2,500 cash. OEORUE W. PEEK, JW John st.. New York. A N'T K I)?A MAN WHO" KNOWS HOW TO KEEP ? small, first class seaside tamlljr hotel; rare chance for the right sort of a man. Apply to RICHARD V. HAR NETT. 111 Broadway, basement. ? WEST PHILADELPHIA.-TO RENT, FURNISHED* lor three months Iroin July 1. a very desirable thre0 story nine roomed brown stone Dwelling, lu West I'hllsde]. plila: all modern?onvenicnees; streetcars to and from Cen tennial pass ill" door. Apply on the premises. 3,733 Locust at., or at 114 Market st. A YKAK-1\ HOURS VIA CENTRAL RAIL road of New Jersey ; a pretty Residence. In rora plote order: barn: two acres; fruit and ahaiie in abuudance; locution hitch and healthv; beautltul inland ami marine view; no chills or mosquitoes: poasesaiiii Immediately : will aeli fur $'>,<*?>. Address K., box 2.S8I I'ost olTicc. CI "ilWi WILL HIV 10 ACRKS CHOICE LAND ?7 hour, on Lone Island, near two railroad dot'ota. W. SIIAY. ill Frankfort St. -KARM. Ft)RTYr ACRES tiooD LAND; v*Luv"/, Dwelling, ten rooms; barn. Iruit: near de pot and village : cheap. LEWIS. Nortbport, L. I? or 207 Front at.. New York. Tuesdays, !? to 12. HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHASOtt." A' -EXCIIANOE, FOR 'PHILADELPHIA HOUKEj A ? three story Dwelling, Lafayette av.. Brooklyn; firat class location ; well rented. J. O. Tf<>"N T .1 SON, 171 Broadway. T DELIOIITFUL COUNTRY HOUSE" FOR SALE AT ^V a bargain on easy terms or exchange for Hro kirn House or Lots of similar value: price $*,001). cash baala; 1ft acres, throe miles from Pateraon. N. J.; 10 roomed dwell inir: ample outbuilding*; 'in abundance of fruit; beautiful lawn; perfectly healthful Ideation. MARCL'S H. LAINO. 5f? Liberty at., or box 23 Patorson, N. J. liOOD HOME. CONSISTING oF"HOUSE AND sovon acres of splendid Land, Pvo minlitea' walk Irotn depot, in the village of J am acta, will be exchanged for a Homo, New York or Brooklyn; plenty of fruit; all necessary outbuildings. JOHN D. CARROLL, "r>!> Fulton at.. Brooklyn, ?T SPLENDID I'AYlNt; TI.Nr.VLNr oi:i HakT7 j\ near ('anal st. equity S .< '.(V). to fade for a N t* Jersey l'arui and Stock; 10 ? acre.- or more. JACOB V l> WYt'KOFF; ro I'ine at. j VERY" El.ROAST (JOUNTRY scat OF s vfUKsT, beautifully '.aid out and tln?lv shaded. with abundanco I of choice grafted fruit, irrsperies. .to,; a superior st<>ne ?a,i all around the place; tinedrlv's; about ouo mile from depot and 20 mil' ? troni Forty-second ?tre.>t depot, Ne\r York ;it la ouo of the very flncst scats in Wes.chcstercoutity, on the Sound: for sale, ..r would exchange f,.r Brooklyn or New York improved Property. Address, ?i?tii g lull purlieu lara. box 1,702 Post office. Now York. BROWN STONE HOUSE, IN EAST 9UTU ST.. value $1.\<XO, to exchange lor a smal modern one in Brooklyn. E I?.: e.tnlty $8,000. Addresj SUNDAY, Herald Uptown Branch office. 1 1 ?RXCHANUK-TWO DWKLLIN tEB \ND iv I, iu Brooklvn. for New York. Brooklyn or Co in tr* I'repi-rtT. C l> Wil I i I ??. IHs M..;ita^??', Brooklyn T* ROWN STONE FI'RvTsH Eli iToT'SRS to ex J) chanire for paving Property, Csilinr.-ecufltiea. Address, with particulars, BARCLAY, box 32? Herald oltice. TJROWN STONE HOUSE. OOOD LOCATION. POR xJ Country place A. C. LOOM IS, ?th a*. 7T.1 NTHY PLACE, t Li. A I \ >! I FOR IIOl'SE \J in city. A . C. I.OOMIS, l.aiSAth ae. I^LRliAN r 111 'USE. BETWEEN ST1I AND MAD1&ON 'j ava.. tor Country residence; several tbret and lour stories near Lexington ar. ; llou?? In Brooklvn-and -ash for I.; e Flat. LIONEL FROKHLK H. ;?Nn, T^XCH ANOE- -IVPi:o\ ED BBOOKLYN PROPERTY, I i lightly encumbered for Farm, free and clear. Address 1) 0., Herald office. U Xr 11ANO h?\ SPLtNDID UNENC 1MB EBRD PJ brick Residence, all iinproverne?!s. Shrubbery, fruit, Ac . in the beautitul city ot Rochester, for ritr Property; f2o.(Xt0 will be given: also an unencumbered residence In Yonkers to exchange for citv Tenements or Resident" MARVIN DUN N, Hi , ,y. TCXCHANOB-A FINE FOtJR s'Miin noi'SE. CBN Jj trally located in city and well rented, for s nearby Cottage of f&.OOO value. Owner, 1M East :* >tli st i^Xt liAN'OK A OOOD NEW VOHK PAYINU TENE j meiiI Property lor a free aad cie^.r impr .veil Farm, two hours from New ^ urk. aad Suhurban Lots tor a C. untry More Address J KYERSOS. 2J7 West 4nth st BrXCHANOE.?1 HATB ME or l i BKiT 8TO<$K j Farms on Lone Island. 160 acres. :io miles tmm New A ork iu fine order; lartre crops in and everTthiutr as tt should be en a rood farm, which I will trad* for pood Prop ertv in New York or Brooklyn. No awonts. Address U. KEARR. 301 Washington Market. New York. IIXCHANOB?PBI ate HOUSES For CITY OR j e .untry Property. Apply at 1,19U 3d av., between 6btb aud 97tn ate Fm OR SALE, EXCHANC.B OB RENT-AT DBMARKST, oa New York and New Jersey Kailroad. one hour troni cur: a fine Froit Farm. 20 acres : ^ood House, new I arri a g* iionst. good well water; rent lor the season or year; far nlshed. If required, garden all planted. JOHN O. lllO OIN8, So. J Pine >1 T7V)R .vALK-SPLENDID FOUR 8TORT BROWN I stone cabinet trimmed and mirrors; eery low; will take smaii country place In psrt payment. ULLUOU A MiLLLi*, od ar., corner OJtit M, RK\L KMTATK TO BXCUAS61, tiiiH .-ALK--A HUME COT I \?E ilQv'uP. AND TWO ; r Lota; liiMaC li.i? 7 r? >ins: the tecum! lot has stfcbi.- . ruom for two horses, wagon room and hayloft: ?itu.iteJ feet from Eastern B.mlrvjrd; will be ?"lill?wor MekMKIil For lull particulars please applv to J AME"> IOWE, BmI Estate Broker. 917 3d av.. between .*>6tb and M>b til. b? salk" or Kx?;if a sr. {?:?i m v. edi atb roams slon, a fine Country Seat oh the banks of the llud*on. two blocks 'rum *teami?oat or depot; *oru? very line BuiM in g Lota high. Iiemi ttiy scenery: unsurpassed; very Utile cash required; no agents. Inquire of or addreas CAMP BI.I.I.. IU7 Bllrtge it., corner liL-h. Hrooklyu FOR SALE OR exchange?Michigan FARM. ?Stock, i 'rops, Ac.; al*e Fruit Laud. BUTCHER, 1.3S7 Fulton *t-. Hrooklyu First class iiorsB. tenement^ country Place, smell private llouxe. tor sale or exchange. take a factory Property or Loti, with a loan. OWNER, iiCi7 Wost :(Hth at. F~or salk 08iexchange~th iie"k story "high ?loop brick liouae. 3.M1 West 2HtU ?t., for npMwn or llrnoklvu Property: rente'! for f:'U? and repair*-, pr'.ce $10,000; equity *7.000. WM..D. TAI.I.MAN'. M' 0th aT. FOB MLB OK BECHANCE Foe. DF.S1RARLE CITY Property?A nice new ?Jjw, storv Hons*. Wj'?i, wlnir 1<>X \ 24; shaded yard: adjoins a "fine grove ; 1). acres ef laud; .r?tKi. also tlie finest Home on the inland. '?'Sx3S, wln?r ltlx 24; cupola and bay windows; hall* and room* corniced: fot'l Inv doors; parlor panelled : lot 75x280; overlook* the H.iy and oeaan : on the main street: 10 minute* to depot: $7,500; alto a fine Farm, 170 acre*. two orchards, Ac., S7.000. E. EDWARDS. Patchogue. L> L FjlOB 6ALB OB RX<jH AKGK-VKitV "CHEAP. KLR gant four story high sloop pi irate Home on 127th ?t., wen of 7th uv.; iot20xll>>; nil Improvements. Inquire at 30 tit h ar. Forsalk"aSITex''11avTir.-iior?B? and lots in all part*, Store*. Dwellings. Flat*, Private and Tene ment Houses, I?ots for immediate improvement and for In vestment, oil easy terms; I'onutry Property aud Mortiawe*v Exchange* a specialty. WM. M. EVILY, 106 Broadway. IjlOB SALE CHEAP, OR EX CHANGE FOR A HROOK r lyn Home, a P.irm of 73 acres, lust outside tho city limit*, at Morrlstown, N. j. HARVEY BAKER, 1SI Broadway. New Vork. FEW MADISON AND 3D AV. CORNEU PLOTS, (roe aud cieer. to exchange for Tenement Property. MORRIS R. UAER A CO . 72 West Mth ?t. HOPSK.s~ LOTS. FARMS, AC, AT .IKRSKY CITY. ALL part* of Hudson connty and New Jeraey, lor ?ale. to let or Excliance. Full particular* in circular. Call or ?eud ?tnuip for it. U1BSON SPF.NOEMAN * CO.. 47 Montgomery ?t.. Jersey t.'lty. I~owa lanIjs wanted-in exchange for uood Improved city Property. W. H. BROXSON. 70 Cedar rt. MEBCHANDISB TO exchange FOR "real" Es tate and Mortirape^?Real l atate ami Mortgage* to exchange for Merchundieo: inrreaaed fa<'ilitie* ofTereii to real eitato operator* ami traders; eommiaalon* *hared; caMi fluid lor "Lla Pendana." Ileal Entntr and Property nndsr or?c!o*ure : MortMfo* ne>rott*ted; correipondenee solicited ai.d promptly antwered. T FRANCIS C.IHBONs, Aeeut, No. l'i We?t 4th, between Broadway and Mercer. vtinb Splendid paving "tenkments and i.1 store*, prl'e $Wi/X10; will trade for Farm; nl?o elr-^ant Re*tdenca and Ground on Madiion av., price $70,< tXl, lor Stores or Tenement*. JACOB T. D. WYCKOFF. 30 Pine at. Ninth ward hodsk wanied-in exchange for Rcaidcnee In H?eken?ack: no encumbrance: fair baata. K. M MASON, 31 Park row. ORANGE COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE OB EX" change on ca*h bail* at loa- valne". Before buyintr or axchanieinir write to D. HOLRROOK, Port Jervla. N. Y. Real bstats for exchaxoe?WTO lots^free and clear in Manhattanville to exchange for a deal ru ble Housm and Lot nitnated i>etween )2.r>th and l.*>6th at*., west aide; advertlaer wonld add a few thousand dollars In cash. Addre*s box 2.17B New York Post office. RA ill?PPORTUNITT.?FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE, city Business Propertr, with Stock and Fixture*: yon can step right into huslnes*; price (Kt.OOO; amall mort gage; owner, non-realdence. determined to clooe it out this week. Also %, 1,6, 7. 10, 15. 20 un to 200 acre* improved Places, many uneneumberod. In and near Madiion and Mor ri*town. Morris and Essex Railroad, N. J.; healthy; fine view: churches, asminarics, schools: good society! Nu merous other excAngex. Call on PHILLIPS A FORD, 93 Na**au si., room 2, second floor. HF. OWNER OF CNMORTGAGRD PROPERTY AT East New York. Brooklyn and New Jersey Is willing to exchange It for Cigars, Smoking or Ije?f Tobacco H. COLBTI, 188 Water ?t. TO EXCHANGE FOR REAL ESTATE. TW0~STALL8 in one of the best market* In city, with cash; don't want property heavily mortgaged.. J. T. TWOMKY, 110 EaxtSethsu TO EXCHANGE?ONE 51 MORE ""FIRST"CLASS four story brown stone cabinet finished House* on ttth av. Boulevard: will take free and clcar Property, or If mortgaged must have cash added. Addrexa VERITAS, Herald office. TO EXCHANGE?A GRAND ClilCKERlNG PIANO, cost if 1,f>Wl; will take a Farm, free aud clear, or Dla monds. Address, for ten days, M.. II or aid Uptown Branch office. TO EXCHANGE-SPLENDID PAYING TENEMENTS for Farm with no cticumbratice. GREGOR <fc MILLER, 3d av., corner JiOth st. T~0 EXCHANGE?FOR DESIRABLE IMPROVED City Property, or for sale, three Lots, 7r> by 100, In llltith *t., near Ttth ar.; best location in Harlem. Addreks CLARKE, Herald Uptown Branch officu. "YyrANTKIJ^IN EXCIIANGE FC)R HOUSE WITH 13 it rooms, all Improvanients, In Brooklyn, for a place at from one-li ilf to throe quarters hour's ride from New York. Address, with full particulars. G. J., box 120 lioraid office. WANTED "TO EXCHANCiE?SOUTH ERN TIMBER VI Lands, free and clear, for a Hou?e worth from $35,000 to $40,000, mortgaged not to exceed S1S.OOO: location be tween 4th and Gth a vs., Madison square and Central Park. Prluclpals only may address, with full particulars, JOHN A. DODGE. 12 Wall st. WANTED?FREE AND CLEAR REAL ESTATE OR Improved Property lightly mortgaged. In exchange for an old established wholesale "and retail Grocery Lusl aess, fully slocked, with goodwill; a sure fortune. H. L. PIIALON, :tl East 17th at. TITANTED-BWi.OUO IN CXTV PROPERTY FOR FREE i! Property tivo miles from city. i . P., 1i9 Broad war, room 46. TIT ANTED?A STOCK OK WHISKEYS AND CIOARS, TT for which 1 will g i re in payment lieu I Estate. Address B., Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED?WffuIn THIRTY MILES OF NEW YORK TT city. on the west side of the Hudsou, a Country Sent for a lirsi class corner hrown atone House in Brooklyn, free and clear. Addrrss UWNBH, 31 % l'lne St., roum 3. tXTANTKI) TO EXO11 AN ciE-$10.<J00 WORTH DltY TT Uomis for good Improved Real Estate lightly mort gaged. Address R. K., Herald Uptown Branch office. W~ ANTED TN EXCHANGE?A FINE HOUSE IN A good locution, lor full citr Lots In one of the fluent location* in the city, with cash. Address WILLIAM E. BULLOCK. Went 8Sd ?t.. city. ILL EXCHANGE CHOICK WESTERN LAND FOR some line l'arlor Furniture. Address 1IU.NT, Herald office. d?Q 7\ fin ?WOULD EXCHANGE FOR aN INTER tPOiUUUi est in Mime good mercantile or manufactur ing business Country Seat, house, barn, fruit and shade trees: party adrortlMng has hud Dflcen years' experience in .New York : no agents need tpply. Adoress A., box 33 Post office. Cran ford. N. J. REAL. ESTATE WAMKD. A NY" ONE WISHING TO SELL SMALL, WELL Lo cated House cheap will receive cash offer at once by seuding permit to MERCHANT. box MO nti office. C2 KEEN WOOD PLOT WANTKD.-M08T SB BBAtfOK X able; givo particulars or apply till .luue 15. oko. Wood a t'o., 397 Pvltss st.. Broskl|v* T~ o EXt:ll ANOE. Wtfll" t'AsslI, FOB' REAL Eh I'ATK, a Rood Mortgage ol i. J. T. TWOMBY. IIIMIMlt, XJtTANTBD?SHALL FABJtf OB COUNTRY FlaCE, Tt near water; 92,00J to $3. t*>; cheap for alt casli. Owners oiilv. JOHN S. K\VK.v.:i!i.\'?,??u>i.,ronin 17 fANTBD TO purchase?A STORE-PROPBBTT. near Broadway, between Duane and llanal sin. JOHN' SlEl.EL, 79 Cedar TO l,ET H'tlU BiSHESK 1HKPOSES ftENNErr BUiLUnPf?r Jj Fireproof. Located on Nassau, Ann and Faiton ?ts. First Floor to let. suitable lor bankers, insurance offices or lawveri.. Will he let together or in part*; be a.terod to suit ten ant* ii desired; adapted lor offices or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible L?? offices to let APPLY ON THE PREMISE* Take the elevator. Inquire lor Janitor. LFISE SECOND FLOOR UN KITII ST.. NEAR Broadway: immediate possession; suitable for business or dw Illug purposes. 1IINE A <>RaY. .Vi7 tlth av. * NICF. LfTTLK HOUSE AN 1 fsr OHFW&TTtI!INCR .?\. -it., neur Bowery, complete order, to let, separately or together; excellent location for cigars, utatlonerv or mer chant tailor. ZspLEKDID CORNE R "sfoRK. ON 2D At.. TO . let, suitable for any kind ol business. Apply ;o JOSEPH WI1..-ON, HA South st. A I.AOUUU u?i ACBAN f TO LET?20 Y&AJUi .^'V. established; good business. Frankfort liotste, -irj William st. "W Call at West ?>l*t St. T?. 4 I-r I'.N IS1IE.) FIRST FLOOB TO LEI' FOR Bl'SI XX tivss; also >:n :ill slecpiuk'Rooms: locution good; terms reasonable. 743 till av. A" 50 ROOM HOTEL AND L ARlIE R EST A lltA NT, tarnished or unfurnished; thorough repair. owi.or on premises, 11 West 11th St., Broadway. A ' NKWLY M RNISllED OFF)Ce7 FOR PHYSIOIAN, A iiccmur-oilation to suit; reference required. Jl-t St., betaeen 5tli and Madison av?. Bv>i:mem to UT-ffltll IZnilllOII, M9Bttt deep. 'J7 lei i frout, with cellar 37 by .'iO at No. 4 St. Mark's place i*<ili st.) 1"JI A. ORf IKSII AN k A Co.. M sROADWAY.?TO J? lease, for Wl years, on rery favorable terms, n large and well arrange I Building on llmad'vay near Cedarst. I AW OFFICE OBtiK TO RENT. (7 Oo'PER ilON lll. J _tv> Hroailway. n om 12. rno more, oardkn and fixtures, 1 situate 114 West ltt)th st., suitable for lager beer sail* n or other business; hest neighborhood In New York for a live TO let?THE splendid NEW STORE ON NOR11I corner ol Wih ?t. and KHh av , tor auvtlnug but thiuor. otilr i^-fi : er month. Apply by mail tu .IaMEs llYLAND, Fordhani. N. Y. rro LET-SMALL STORE MB HI) AV.. NEAR MTU 1 It. : good staud for any light business, hecu any luue Monday rfio let?a fTrst Floor, Tuw fkbt"deep,Tor ' I siatue purp.i.. s, wuli stitll*. st reasonable Apply to II. St. HNEIDER, ill" West 4 >th st., near 8th av. | rro let?A UOOO BUSINBrnt-CORNER HoUsR JL and Store on till av , lower part of th< XHkwsrd;a 1 rare chance; will be let with or without the business. J. CORB1T, ^,'>3 Oth ft*. TO met-AT UREATLY BRDUCKIT'benT Ho pbr month), asliowv More on ->t.i uv. (\o. .S4i,opp:s. e i.hricn's IVmple of Fashion ; suitable lor merchant tailor, tu lushing goods or any business requiring a uica location ind snow tno let?Fni l NT rooms In BROADW a Y J. snitaine or artist, business or dwelling. Apply in ston. T"o LF ASF.??> fi )RE PKOPERTY ON~ 4I II A V , NEAR Siewar.'s Store . now betn?- painted throughout; good location l?r hrst class rrstaura ii or aav buslues.. also :t7T UUi av., adjoining northwest corm-r J <1 ?i. JvMl s B1RCHETT. 341 West fid St. " RENT FOR BI SINK.<S-Sl 1 DN.I sTOIIY. -MXMt uora room il wanted. Apply at :iti East IDtli t ? >n AT. AND J4TII ST.?RARE CIlANCB: LEASE AT ?l luw rent, feur story with Store and Workshop tu rear: lias been used for dyeing b?taoso. Apply U agent, "M 3d av. 7 HTI! AV.?CTOBS AMD BASEMENT. BERN Ihmi 8.30 to ia M. EisJH, 74 Im| M. 6(57 DWTliiUNG HOrSKS TO JLK'f. l''uiuli>a<K: ? * furnished hoi sk, large rooms. revt Xx !??! "J put uioiaU ; cue block frcai Madnen #4041*. 119 East 23d at. riBMT~CLASS HOUSE. WITH HOARD POR ONtS; immediate possession : rent Si .100. HINh * OKAY.''57 Oth nr. A1 4 >MALL, COMPLETELY /irRVJSUKD flOt'SK TO J.X. let?In tlie Ninth ward, cheap. Inquire oi ??. C. , PI . DY. No. 7 Went Washington '>1 trlol from 10to 1<I? T $125 fKH MONTH, FOR 811*51 R IIAlfO l. ?nnu*lr furniat:r<i four itory Hrotro wear ?Mth st.: nrisileg. of year at $2.">0: iargaiu. S. U. flO'^DALK, No .? W'. ji J'iil ?t.. Fifth Avenue Hotel. At $n>> ['hit month, ir-ui: i-hree months three story Brown sunt, handsomely fnrniahed. 4"tb st., central; privilege of year atS-'im. S. B. GOODA bil. Nji. f> West 23d sv. Fifth Avenue Hotel. A ~?4GTII ST, BETWP.KN M M VND 6T!I WS.-EV quisltely furnished medium sise brown stone Dwelling to runt low. OHices S-1 4 Pius ?t. or 33 East 17th -I V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. (CHEAPEST UK NTS IN C1T CENTRALLY LO J cated, furnished anil 11111 tiruishcl Houses, BIOU to $150 per month; possession Monday. J. C FREEMAN. 17<J Fulton st. C1HANCB.- to let, furnished house "on J Lexiustou ??., aiar 23d at.; cheap rent. M. -U EKRY, IO.J West 33d st. rro let?at Washington 7TkkTiTts. FUR NISI IK l> J House: 10 rooms; 111")']rr 1 improvements; beautiful shade aud large grounds; also others. A. H. MILLS, lethal, and loth tiv.^ rpo LBT?FURNISHED or unfurnished." Willi I or without piano, 247 Quincv at , Brooklyn, brick Cot tage. cosey Mb a parlor, bfttwcxu Bedford and Nostraud av*., ao minutes Irotu New York: two lino of cars, cheap to lie tolier i or cheap for one year. Address or c.ill on JOHN U. WATSON, room 31, 17'* Broadway, New York. riio LET- llliii.; STORY HIGH 8TOOf BBOWN X stone finely furnished House; In perfect order. 314 West 56th M., Irnm 10 to t f ,M. LKT-A T'KIVaTE UOL'HK ok CART or HOUSE, furnialied or anfarniih?4. 189 vt ."<t ^c tli ?t. fpa.Un,-KDBNI8HBI> <?K I'M :s|fKO. A LAItUB T? lloaae, within a tew doora of &tl> nr., or, Mth *1 ALI)KN <k III'IIKILL. No. J Wot Mth at. TO_LF.T?KUKNISIIRU OR UNFl RMSIIKO, AT 6rt5 7th uv., a n.ce lour atory brick houxe. with all con veniences. Apply on the preiiiiae*. rrt) liKNT -Tiik vb'kv eeSTiiaule-FOUR STOItif A hi?h atoop lloiun No. 241 Eaat l*th at., near Stnyveannt aqnitre: lull.v I'tirtiiitlieil and in perlect order. Apply to L. II. LUDLOW A CO.. No. a Eino at. I'n furnished. 4 ?TO LKT, A THREE STORY. BASEMENT AND ila cellar high atoup House. J3.'i Weat 40th ?t.. In (rood order; rem low. Inquire of owner, next dour, bot'orallA. M. or lifter 7 I*. M. A?TO LKT. FOUR STOKY BROWN SfONK HOUSE . 55 Weat .'nth st. WILLIAM TUCKKU, -'JO .'.til a*. A LA ROE, NEWLV PAINTED HOUSE TO LET-ON 3Jd at., near 5tb poiMielon. C. S. l'Et'K, No. 8 Weat 25th at. (HofTman House). (IKEAT BAKOAIN.?TO LKT. FOlf BALANCE tip year, u small lour atory brown stone House; well IOMtMM|Molte THOS. MCOUIKK. 64484 AT, AT $T.500-A HANDSOME FOUR STORY HIOD atoop brown atone llouu'. f>3d at. and Madlion av.; poaaeseiou at once : rent from .1 uly 1. .1. II. MONAliHAN, 4<>'l 4lli nr., corner 2Sth St. Clil Af.MINi. PI'.IVATIO KKSIIIKNCK, "aIUOINISO ) Lexington, nominal rent; another. $I,00i); aereral private houses at reduced rentals; Lexinirton av. Cottage, 50UO: posaeadon. MINXBH11KIMEK, Otil 3d av. Handsome four stoky bko'wn stone, painted; perfect order; shades, cornices, mirrors, com plete; 50th at. ; choice locution ; $I,3T>I> II leased JOHN O. IIIUGIMS, No. 7 Pine at. I A ROB 1IOUSK TO LET?TtN FURNISH KDT- IjOCA J tIon first claas; houso contains a number of hoarders; ?leirant Furniture for aale in lots. Address box 2.570 post oflicc. LOW RENTS.?17 WEST I3TH ST.. 302 WhST 30TH at., 13U Weat 32d at.; keys. MOKKIb B. BA?R A CO.. T2 West 34th aU TO LET -Til ItKE STOKY BUCK HOUKB. WITH ALL improretnen'a, 224 West 41st ?t.; rent low. Apply to H. H. MORANUE, lawyer, Bennett Building. TO LBT?THREE STORY AND FRENCH ATTIC HIliH stoop brown stone House, in rood order; rent low; 2rU West .ri4tn at., near Broadway. For permits apply at 325 Weat 51st st. TO LKT-A FOUR STORK HOUSE IN 13TI1 ST., BE twoen 5th and Hth avs., at $70 a montn. Apply to J. ROTHSCHILD. &S West Mth st. TO LET?THREE STOOP BRICK, $800: browu stones. $t??, $1,(XX). Sl.luii; one $1,200. UNDERWOOD, OBEUOK k MILLER', 3d iiv., corner 50th st. TO LET?SMALL THREE STORY BAY WINDOW House 137 Last 13th at.: complete order. House open; seen all day Mondny und Tucaday. mo let-handsome" three STORY HOUSE 5? X Lexington nv.: Just pnluted tlirouKbout; house opvu; teen without permit; rant moderate. TO LET?THE Til REE gioRYHIOH STOOP BROWN stone House No. 1:0 East Mth st.: all modern Improve ments; rent reasonable to n flesirahlc tenant, inquire at 14 and 10 White st? in storo, between 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. Monday. mo LKT?A TWO STORY AND BASEMENT HO USB, A with improvementa an<l In lino condition, in Downing st.; rent low. II. I). MIItDBBEROBR, SO Carmine st. O LBT?FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP BROWN STONE House, 131 Weat 4Uth at ; will rent very low. Inquire ou premises. TO-i7eT VERY LOW BALANCE OF YEAR-FOUR story House. 43d st., near Broadway; perfect order. Ap ply to owner, 437 5th av. BAST 5SD ST.. NEAR LEXINGTON AT.? Splendid Houao and location; $1,200; open. E. H. LUDLOW. No. 3 fine st. 142 314 WEST 58TH ST.. FACING THE boulevard? Foff rent cheap. C. O. FOWLl-.R, 2rt Union square. 61 ?A VERY dksirale HOUSE. THREE ?Px?MvJV/a story brick hi|{h stroll; lot, 25x70; ^ood ueijftit.orhood. I.'i2 fca>t J7th --t.; call and examine FI'ILMSIIKL1 ROOMS AND APAKTMKSTS TO LKT. AFKW KI.KiJANTI.Y " FURN1SHKI) KOHMS. K.V suite or singly, in that handsome brown stone house IOS West 4!itli at.; all modern improvementa, with use of kitchen and dumb waiter. SkT'ONI' FLOO , TO l.KI'?WI I'll HATII, l-I R nished or unfurnished, at 249 Eaat U 1st at. Apply for three days." NICELY FIIRNISHKD ROOM 10 " LET?TERmI^ moderate. Inquire at 301 West 51st st. Ring second A ACOMFORTABLK FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO let. very reasonable, to gentlemen. In astrlctly private houae. occupied by owner. 112 East 22d st., near 4th nv. NIC BLYF URNI SHED S ECO N D "FLOOR ROOlf cood slse, hot and cold water; suitable for one or two gentlemen, witnout board: location good; private family. 125 East 32d at., near 3d av. WIDOW. LIVI NO* STRICTLY PRIVATE. WOULD rent elepaut Room: $7 to $IO weekly. #30 to s-4' > monthly. Address (jUlET COMFORT, Herald Uptown Branch ofllee. hack "parlor, 1 iandsomeiTy ?furnisubd", for two jfentlemen. $6 weekly. 441 West 34th st. gbstlemajTcan obtain pleasant hall Room, with large closet, furnished: family private; terms moderate; references. 203 West IMtli at. A A AT 51 WK.HT lfiTH ST.?PRIVATE HOUSE: HAND aomely furnialied Rooms for Kentlcmen; also Hall Room. _ AT 34 EAST 21 ST ST. ?KLEG VNTLY furnished Koouia. with or without Breakfast; summer prices. APKIVMK FAMILY WILL LKT AN BLB&ANTLY ntrnished Iront Parlor, to one or two geutliitfien; ref erences. 75 Weat 12th st. I COOL, CENTRA ir~ LOCATION?iJaIIOE FRONT j\. Ron 111, furn shed, lor ainele trent.emen without board; call this week ; references exchanged. 224 East I4th at. A" LARUE, WELL ITUNISUED FRONT ROOM TO let, to one or two gentlemen; family private. 74 West 3,! St. , T" PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE A NICELY FURNISHED ^\ fr nt Korm . will let very reasonable for the summer; reference a. 141 East 2Mth st. PAItTMEN r HOUSE. CORNER OF .vfn AV. AND loth st. ?Sultf of handsomely furnished Apariments to let,six rooms. \m sKCOND STORY HACK TiouM^ NICELY FI R nished. bath and gas, $20 iter month ; also nrst Floor. furuMird or unfumlshod. 1.14W Broadway, between -Hth nnd 27th its. ?T(?_ LGT. TWO NEATLY FURNISHIKD ROOMS ? for two centlnnen or g. ntleman and lady: uae of gas and bath; ?5 per week Cull, for three days, at 20K West 2 th it \ N ELEGANTLY furnished SECOND- PL ^V. with all couvenlencer, en sur.e or singly, for gentlemen or couples, at 23."? Eaat 14t.i st.; relerence. AmiTsh: teacher can uavbTae eleoantly lurnisli d front Room. gas. hot ..nd cold water, bath, and two scholars, at 2tU West 11th it. VN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED BACK PAKIOR with lleorooni. to let, en suite or singly; lnrire private liotiae; reference required. 231 East 11th st., near 2d av. PARLOR IND BEDROOM CONNECTING?HAND- I Stum ly furnishe , se oad floor, front, htr gentlemen I . n v. without lioyd; privato family; references exchanged. I No. 131 Ei?t ITtfi st. A PRIVATE FAMILY WISH TO LBT SEVERAL COM- ; A fortablv furnished lar.e aad small Rooms; terras to suit, lot) .<1 av. I A LARGE BOOM. ON THE FIRST U,Ouli, FIR 11.she 1. for housekeeping, rent $0 per week; one en third lleor, >5; all front rooms; spleodid locatiuu. t,2VV) hroadwa> . near 33th st. A SITTING IMOM. KITCHEN AND TWO BED-, room? (nhe floor) rurnisiied for houaelceepine, at Cen tral Park: splendll air ; rivate house: #?">: otl.rr Rooms in ! proportion. Inquire of WILLI AM CRAWFORD, Madison av., cornel ftilh St.: take Mailiaon avenue cars. ?N BLEU AN! SUIT OF TWO LtRCE ROOMS ON A second Hoor, beaiitifullv furnished, low lor summ-r, without board; ample closets, water, bath, Ac.; ruineuleot to leitaurants. 90 West -7th St. \f?W F' BNliHBD iMi UNFl KNISIIED RutiMS to let: terms from $.' to ?."> per week. Can !>? seen to- ! day. IOI East 14tIt St.. corner 4th av. t i.NisllEl" IM.iV rtTLET,Tn A NBAT, QUItT J\. hou<e Inqwire at l, 7H Il?o?4wav. A NICELY FURNISHED room TO LET-ALL CON v^niences: terms low 2V> West 17th ?t. t VERY 1.AKof.. NI.'El.Y I I ;NIMli-.b room, IV Kitchen adjoining, two ar*e closets, l.ot and cold \> nter. gas. suitable for light housekeeping ; summer prices. 417 4th av., near 2'.hh st VROOM and BEDROOM, luMPLElELY Fl II lio?hed. lor hnnsekcepmg; clo?eia, pas, water. *e rent low to a r".pect.ible couple withou; children. 19: 7tli av.; near 21st st. A NICELY furnished FLOOR To let?140 WEST ? iaoit. jk ?Fl KN1?IIED P. I04IS. WITH oas. BATH. IN V iVi private Iiousj 21st l ast :t- tft st . reiereuces ex rhaaged t N I I.I.OA .X 1 m: OS D h i.<10 it jebliemeii. parlor, toree so oauds iio it furnished, I . private lo -PLEASANT furnished ROOM* TO LET. FOR gentlemen. 102 West ..'Stb St.. one door leom ? th av. A -27 WI ST 24TH ST.?TO LET, WITHOUT s beard, verj pleasant and prettilv famished Rooms, aiagtr or sa salt*, seat Mt av.; terms reaeoaaMe. A. FVRMSHED ROOMS AND APlKTMlilTI TO LKT. A~\rfB6W"iTXroN^ ok rir<T?CK3IirfKTW1 -V niched Roouis to reut, to strictly private. first clad people. Address RETIRED. Herald ' ptown Branch oftiea. AT 3"IBTTXO PLACE?li AM DSOMELY KURXlSBJti front I'arlor, bath on same Reor, for gent!6iuou; pr>ct low. XI'ARTMENTSfTUSISHK11. NKYVLFTlTTK0~iff, J\ cool, coiufortaMe, f J, fJ 30 and $3 : lir?t Boor. ex:rt fl? Room. four windows. rear, $4. 47 Weal 3d it., noai Broadway. Washington square. * nice sitting" room and rkdroom. fur /V nished (or honsckecpiug; also a Parlor *nd Kitchen, at 214 Weal sTtti ?t., cornor of Broadway; rent low to a quiet purl}'. \NICK FL'RMsiiKlJ VitONT ROOM TO 7.KT?S2 i'KB wee);. I'-M South .ItH nv., corner of Prince st. i !l ?-K!.V FURNISHED ROOM rO BERT 7 V !??. without board: bath, uas, Xe. 28 -i j et., near "it av. \ ki'rmsiu;]! koIVm: kiTHS'Floor. front, t6 j\ r?nt to a gautlcuiuu. Apply at No. 3 Kast JOtfa *w, neur .it!> av. HANDSOMKLY FcltNiSTrKD" ROOMS FOR ? <elect gentlemen, gentleman nnd wife: closet. hot and rulii water, tiath : desirable lot ation, adjoining Winchester Hotel: Mar n-ttanrant*. 1,366 BnMWtjr, near 31st st. ?fuumsiiel' rooms to Let. two ki.i ; v.vr~ . I.v furnished Room* to let. t<> eentlemen, without board: private family: references 4<i Wett '-'Hth it. D KOOKLvn?"rooms to "let. H ANOSOMRLY FDR J) nislied. in a Iioumi having all improvemer.ta. wlthlg lour minute*' walk uf Fulton ferry and City Hall rent from ?l to $14 per week : Board, full or partial, if required. VJV Fultou St., above Nassau st. / VlkaX. root.. NEWLY KURNIHHKD UOOIU TO LElC V 12- I.ant lOtli M, (ihoick roovh. will" kFrnIsh new t? sstJirj all convenience*; lumse and location desirable. 3M \\ est .Mtb st., near Stli av. / 10RNEH RC?>M ANI) ~BEDROOM~ NICELy" "k5? " ' nlstied. privilege iu kitchen, or would give bruakfad 2U) West 4(!th St. I.KOANT FURNIKHKlT"ROOMS; SUPERIOR A(V J ooroutodation; private family; reference* exchanged, ra West astii at. LEOANT ru RNIS HE I) ROOMS TO LKT TO J nulet parties In a very retired nelnliburhood. AdJreae WIDOW, Herald Uptown Bv&ncli otllce. ?? LEO ANTI.Y AM) COM PLETE LY FURNISHED i Second Floor, with kitchen; every requisite lor house keeping first class neighborhood. '30 West 33d at., near I.levuted Railroad. F^Or'hoI'SKKEEPINO - kT'RNISIlTfi) ROOMS, *4 50 to $7 per week; hall Rooms, $1 .in up, for ladle* oi pentleraen. 8(1 West Hd st. IjIOR RKST?FURNISHe'd"FRONT' SITTINO "ROOM i? nnd Bitdn>otn, first Hour. $S a week. 111 West 11th st. TTIURMSttpr BOOMS TO LKT?FOB UXQLB OKV. I llemen, for ItKht housekeeping; irns, hath, stationary tubs, Ac.; also f.-out Ha?emeAt. suitable fur an olBca; caa be seen at any time. 107 Macdon^al st. Furnished or^unfurnisued rooms. single or In suit*, at moderate prices, very airy and pleasant, for summer. -TJ Kast 14th st. PURNI8HKD~-PARLORS AND OTHER ROOMS. ALL uewly furnished, to let to sreutlemoti only; terms mod erate: bouse private and eeutral; uo bourdera 37 East L'tith st. IpiRST CLASS FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET.? West .Kith st.. ouo sviuare from Central Park und Elevated Railroad. r HMSIIKD ROOMS" TO KENT -ALSO A SUIT OF Rooms. 54 Lexinirton av., nenr 2f>th st. URN ISIIKD ROOMS TO LKT?WITHOUT BOARD, or breakfast If required. 38 West Jlst st. F F TTIURNISHED ROOMS?WITHOUT BOARD: 38 EAST I Utltli st., adjoining Union Leasuo Club; references. HANDSOMELY KURMSiil'.li" ROOMS, EN SIJITK OR singly, on second floor; also single Rooms on third terms reasonable, 31 Kast 20th *t..near Broadway. Handsome parlor floor to~lf.t-to desira. ble parties willlnv to pay liberally for superior actum modations. Address H., Herald Uptown Branch office. Handsome~ a"nd gomrirtably FURNisiiRD Rooms, all conveniences, linirly or en suite; terms moderate ; house private. Call or add rest. 141 East l.ltb st., west of 3d ar. HARLEM.-$2J PER MONTH; THREE FURNISHED Rooms, second floor: prlvato honse; line location: near cars and boat. Address ROOMS, station L. References required. HTNDSOMELY furnished BOO MS, EN" S0ITI' OR singly; all conveniences lor hnusukeeplng;; terms mod erato. 3rtl West 34th, near elevated. nANDMiME'i FUBNISUKD ROOM, ()R BOOMS. TO let, pleasantly situated, at 118 East 83d st. Call all the w^ek. ANDSOMELY FURNISH EH ROOMS TO LET?WITH every convenlonce, at 117 West "JSih st. Handsomely furnished rooms in new York and Philadelphia, for transient or pormanent par ties: furnished Housos and Klat*. A. DA1LKY. 0G0 Kth av. I ARtIK AND 8MA"LL FRONT BOOMsTll ANDhOMELY J futn>shcd. $ J and tf3; private lafnlly; eentlemen only. No. 143 West 4tHh st. H N K O. 1!> WEST WASIIINOTON PLACE.?FURNISHED Rooms to let, without board. XTEATLY kUrnIISH K O F RENOH FLAT?PARLOR, J l dining, three bedrooms and kitchen. Apply at 43} West 3. t list. ?a OPPOHITK 8TURTEVANT~H(Tu8R.?HANDSOMELf furnlxhed Booms. 13 West Jiith at. Rolereuccs uncx ceptlnnnble. ONE OR TWO PLEASANT SMALL SQUARE ROOMS, with all conveniences, for gentlemen, $3 per woek. Private brown stoue house 210 West 17th St.* PRIV AT E PARTIES CAN b!<~ ACCOMMODATED with handsome furnished Rooms at 110 West 3_'d st. PRETTILY "FURNISHED SINOLE AN I) DOI'rY.H Rooms, S2 50 aud $4 per woek; gas; private family 1U7 Waverley place, near 6th av. Private family, ownino-handsome rrown stone residence, will let, to rt-flned ?nd responsible parties only, elegantly inrnlshed Floors aao amirle Rooms, without board: all conveniences; Murray lllll; deiiphtfully eool and healthy; might let Halt thu House. Apply to owner, 248 Lexington av., near 35th St. Private" family.-two beautifully fur nished Parlors, front Basement and Bedroom*, to Ketlier or separately, wltli or without everything for houia keeping, very cheap. ESMOND, 8ft Oreat Jones St. t)( IMS TO LKT?AT 132 KAST '|7TH "sT.7 ENOLTsuI French, Spanish and Portuguese spoken. OINGLE FURMSHKl) ROOMS TO RRNT7wiT!10Ur 0 board, to gentlemen onI ; reference* required. 129 West 31th *t. STRANGERS VISITINO THE CITY CAN FIND pleasant Rooms, with all the comforts of home, at U02 ('tli av. (iccond bell). TO LET-BY A FRENCH ORNTLEMAN AND WIFE^ two larite, airv und well furniilted Rooms, with every accotiimodation. No. 278 4th av.. between 21*t and 22d st*. TO LET-FURNISHED FIRST FLOOR OF FOUR rooms, together or separate, for light,housekeeping, with partial Board. tt87 flth av., near 3i<th st. Tb~ LET?KURNIS1IRD ROOMS, 908 KART 9TH BT., corner 2d av.; two Room* for light housekeeping; ring ?r*t bell. TOLET-Wlfif USE OF PARLOR AND PIANO. *ome newly lurnlshed Rooms, suitable for single porticf or rentleman and wife; light housekeeping allowed. 100 West 4.1th *t. TO LET?IN A PRIVATE HorSBT ROOM AND BED room, neatly furnished: reut $3 50per week. Apply al L2 > Kast 104th St.. near 3d av. TO LKT^FURNISHED-OR"UNFURNISHED ROOMSt if furnished, $2 upward. 16 Kast 3d at. To" LET-X"NICELY" FURNISHED *L1UHT ROOM, gas and water, to a single gentleman; permanent part) only; term* $3 per week. 71 Welt 10th st. TO LKT?AT 216 WE8T 40TH ST., C LKWANTLY F1JR nished Rooms for geutlemen or gentleman aud wlfai also Room* lor liomokeeping; ga*. water, closet*. rro LET-NlCELY" furnished ROOMS, WITH PRI 1 vate bath attaehed. In one of the best localltle* In tlie city; rent moderate. Apply at 47 South Washington square. ToTeT furnished?A LA ROE IHALL BEDROOM; private American family; terms (2 per week, ul 2d av. rpo LET-A LAKOE, HANDSOMELY TtR.VISIIED X Room, without board, to a gentleman. Call at 04 We*t 4?th *t.. between 5th and Oih av*. TO LET-A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO TWO respectable gentlemsu. 2t>0 West 20th ?t. Tb~ LET FURNISHED-LOWER PART OF HOUSE and one Room on third floor; rent $50 par month. 234 kast :<lst st. TO LET-A LA ROE FRONT PARLOR AsTiIbD room, well furnished, without board, for gentlemen o; gentleman aud wife: all modern improvement*; connected. ICO West 28th ?t., ring first bell. To let" i^hTrlem^furnisiikd. THE LOWKR or Upper Part of a three story brick house: flno loca tion ; convenient to boat* and cars; will be lot low to a goad tenant. Address W. K.. box 144 Herald office. O LET-A COSET. SECOND" STORY BACK ROO* tiiatly furuished, in private boose; rent $4. Apply at 120,Ea*t 17th st. rpwbTlOHT ROOMS "wirH F1RKPLACESl^sTOVESI 1 well Inrnlshed Tor light houaekeeping; rent (ft pa* week: gooii neighburhooii; 114 East ft4tt) *t. TWO OR FOUR ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED"FOi housekeeping, $4 to SO per week. 528 West 42d at. I'ON Bt'LoW?Til"E 'si:"lT" ok" ROOMS LATELY V occupied by Dr. Han* Von Bulow, at No. 5 Kail 12th It., are to let. BLOCK FRO* MADISON SQUARE. 10M EASi 24th ? Furnished Room*: term* moderate. T 1 IRVING PLACE.?TWO LA ROE CONNECTING X Reom* oa yarlor floor to let, Board . ^eferencea KI.KHANTLY~FUKNIsliED 8UIT OF ROOMS. ALSO single Apartments; table uiieseeptionabla; utoderau rates. 33 West Wa?hlngtou square. l no .13 WEST '.IT 11 ST.?KLKUANTLH FUKNlHIlil 1. Rooms, suitable for gsutlenian and ?ife or two goati? men. <>s? PKIt WKKK FOR A FURNISHED BEDROOM. Oi suit able lor a gentleman or ? rnspectalde lady . pri vate house. A3 Barrow M.. between Oleecker aud Bedford. References. No bill. ^ a>) PER WEEK?A FURNISHED" FRONT h""\LI,"bEU I*?JJ room, to gentlema-i. I :M ? t l(Hh St., near Oth Mr. ? > OR FOUR NEAII.Y FURNISHED ltf>OMH it A #? week ; fan ?'* aeeh today : litre" minute*' ?-?!k frutri tin Twenty-third and Teuth street leriios. is Lnton sr.. s<*> Kent si.. Iiraenpolat. CTH AV., No. 181?FURNISHED ROOMS, KkON? t) ?nd rear, with batlis on eadi lloor; rel -rence* required. CTH AV. and I4TH f I -A PRfVATE mm:u WILL ? ) rent a handsome suit nt fhrulshed IU>oms in tti? elegant brown *tone lionse No. 4 e?i I4lli St.; parlor, threa bed rooms and private bath, together or separate);. -Ill A?.. No. I4?l. CORNER I..1,1 -I -? ?Ml LEf*" t) ly lurnishe l Parlor Salt, private hath, Ac, vilhoat board : also other K . ms, on suite ar sia^ly. OE.VST 17I'll ST.?F' ttXlSli D ItoOVS TO let, singly or en <uit*; refervnee r^quIre<*.. 5 i Cfi ao sr .'parlor ami nEDKooi "and i ' . a'emen; verm* mod SI ma.; is ? I'LAiIi:. ?NlCi.LY furnished * I.ui iii. >) wci k. anetuar ; suite tile for poy? lician. Ac. 7 WEEKLY.?LaROH SECOND FLOOR FRONT I Kcom, comfortAbljr furnished; *11 c<?uv*ntancMi oa fioor; hall room connecting; gm; bausikMpiis irifSiH li cliaa?4ipriTMkoiftM. ii?#| lUk M.