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FURNISHED fiwHJMB A3HI APART KBirrS TO LET. ?-"I?rffVWWlNIOK STr^F&RNl8Hg0TS8bMB fCB 0 gentleman and wile or snail family ; all complete tor kevackcestug; terms reasonable. BAIT 2i'l) ST.?BLEOANTL^ FURNISHED ROOMS on second floor to lot, without board; restaurant second door: references. _ HI BAST SCMTft ST.. BETWEEN STH AND MADISON JLU eve.-Handsome. newly turul.bed Rooms, with all convenience*. on moderate terms: references. nUAY ?T. iW AVEKLET~P L ACE).?TWO KI0 ELV furnished Booms on second floor; rent reasonable; iglit housekeeping tf desired. l~l'"8TrMAUKVS>LAOK''(?fH ST.). NEAR COOPER J. I Institute. ? Furnished Rooms to let, to gentlemen; beds entire); now; price SI .V) per week or $ > per month. 1 n vBtf w ST.. OFfMiTi rmi iistil lw llotcl.?Newly and handsomely furnished Rooms to gsntlemeu ; location unsurpassed. fOTH ST.,"EAST, NO. 38.-HANDSOMELY FUR lu nlshed Rooms, with Board; good table; summer prices. fij KAVT 38TH ST.?COOLEST HOUSB IN THR IO city; handsomely famished Rooms, in mitK or singly, at summer prices, for trauslent or permanent gu?~ts 1 q CM NTON I' l. ACB ?1. A HO E. Of>OL V UUNI8HKD XO Room ou parlor Uuor: very desirable. 1 A TH ST., MO. 200 W&ST.-A FEW ELEGANTLY LT furnished Rooms; strictly private family; location ?rat class; terms low. easVTist ST.?NICELY PUBNISHBD CHEER fill Rooms in Brat ctass house: hygienic Board it do aired. 1Q EAST IBT1I ST.. BETWEEN BROADWAY AND At/ Oth av.~Furnl*hed Rooms to let; terms very muder ate. __ _ in "WEST WiTH 8T.-ELE0kA.WTET FURNISHED 1?" Rooms, without board, on second and third floors; Moderate prices. _____ in" WEST 31 ST ST.?ELEOAKT ROOMS, EN SUITE _ 1 or single; respectable famillee or gentlemen will find t pleasant home at summer prions; bouse and table tlrst tlasa. __ Q18T ST.. MO. H BABT.?BFLBMDID ROOMS, IN A <j I four story l>rown atuno house, with a private family, to gentlemen: references excuanired. ql> BAOT 4I8T Sr-^SEWLV~FURNISHED BOOMS. iL ?' between 0th aud Madiaon ava.; gentleman preferred; reference. WEST 26TII ST., NEAR THE ST. JAMES', WITH a very private family, several w?;i furnishedJloomi. <>qth"kt ", eastTioeT?labok anIT^mall fur <M0 nlshed Rooms, to families or slnxie gentlemen; 'terms reaaonable: references. Honse changed bands. on EAST lOTH ST.. NEAR f NIVRRSITYPLACE,? Z. > r llani'somely furnished Rooms to let on second flour, for gentlemen only; refer nee. ?)?jH W KST~2?fH ST.?KLKGANT~Ro6M8,RN 8UITK OO or singly, to let, for pontlemen ; references exchanged. WEST Sio ST.?F lio N T~ SI 'IT, VERY " COO 1^ TO gentlemen, without board; private family. S 7 Civ A RLES ST.?A LARGE Ft* RN IS CI ED"ROOM D I on tlrst floor, with pas, suitable for geotlemau and wife or two gentlemen. WEST 1 IT* ST.?A COSEY NEWLY FURNISHED front hall Room to let, S3 50. A Q * UNION SQUARE.?LA ROB AND HANDSOMELY TA furnished front Room; also small Rooms, at reason able prices. AH WEST aTTII 8T? BETWEEN BROADWAY AND T | 6th av.?Newly fnrniahetl Rooms for gentlemen only; terms low. A Q WEST 11TH ST.?-TWO LA ROE ROOMS, FURl TtO niture new; no board; private family; modern lm provements. Y q WEST 12TH ST.?A FEW OOOL~CLEAN~N 10ELY TtO Btted np Room, to let, without board, en aulto or singly; references required. A Q LEX INGTON AV.?NEW LY AND HANDBOM ELY Tu furnished throughout single and double Rooms, at lummer prices. CI SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE (4TH ST.)? tJl Nicely furnished front Rooms to let. suitable for geu tlemen or centleman and wife. 25 33 41 62 WEST UTH ST.?ELEGANT ROOMS, HAND somely fnrulshed. with all modern improvements. ???? DOWNING ST., CORNER TABIC K.-NICELY OU furnished una pleasant Rooms, for housekeeping, ex ceedingly low to good tenant*: private family. no west jam rt.. between bth and sth avs.? I O Nicely furnished Rooms to let, on first and second flooti, for ladies or gentlemen; broakfaat if required. QQ JD AV._TO LEt7a N1<:rLv FURNISHED FRONT t/O hall Hedroom. suitable for n alngle gentleman. ffn MACDOCGAL~ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS^ WITH XXV/ every eonvenience for housekeeping, to let to re spectable small families. west 12TB sr.?two eT.eoantly FTR nislicd Rooms to let. without board; ono on second and on third Moor; all improvements; private family. OHAR l7ES ST., NEAR HUDSON.?TO LET^ liandsoiueiv furuisliod Rooms, separately or to gether, to gentlemen or for light housekeeping, from per week up. "aD AT,. CORNER OF STH ST.?FURNISHED Rooms to let at reaaonable prices. 130 l?)f EAST ibth st near union square.? J.O<J Handsomely furnished Rooms to rent, en suite or singly: references. fi t EAST 15TH~ST.-NICELV FURNISHED LAROE X*x?' ai?e, front single ltoom; large front Room; alio reception Room. T r ^ WEST STirST.-HANDTOMELY FURNISHED Ut second story frout Room, with adjoining Bedroom; ill conveniences; house first class; private family; terms reaaonable 1 (-i() WEST 86TII isT.?TWO FRONT ROOMS TO LET. 1 O ?i choup : a sleeping Room, dining Room and kitchen; K> a week; furnished. 171 or Ji rooms, completely furnished for lioua keeuing: piano, bath, gua, hot water; term* moderate; limiai private. ? "| CLQ WEST 10TH STV?FIRST OR SECOND FIXJOR, X '*?) separately or together, furnished; tingle Rooms for gentlemen. 10T11 ST., HUT WE EN 21) AND SD A VS.-TO rent, elegantly furnished Rooms, elegant Parlor 203 300 rz EAST M4T1I sr.?LARGE ROOMS SECOND aXu floor, with or without Board, vary low for the sum mer; all modern improvement*. ?>1 Q EAST 17TIIf7T~RECEPTION IROOM ANI? BACK jjA_ tj Parlor or whole Parlor Floor to let. furnished or un furuUhed. suitable lor physician or dentist; private honae; pleasant locality; near Stuyvesant Park; references ex changed. OOl WEST S2D~ST.. ]NEAR 7TH AV ?FURNIStlED wwi Room a, en suite or separately, without board; terms Moderate. 97* WEST 22D BT^TO" LET. FCRN IsIIE'd, TWO ij| I larue Rooma for light housekeeping; also two ball Bedrooms; terms (2 511 and and $B. "w EST 25TH* ST.-11A N DKOMBLY FURNISH ED Kooms lor light housekeeping at reasonable prices. Q#aQ~~WEST 81ST ST.?FURNISHED COMFORTABLY DUt' for hnuaekoeping. a sunny front Sitting Room and two Bedrooms, with a strictly private Christian family, or amid giro Board reasonably; neighborhood excellent; r?f ?r>'lice. _____ ~A 4T" ~AV.?LAROK FRONT ROOM, KITCHEN IUj and Bedroom, neatly fnrnl?hed for hunsekeepiug, leparats or lugetber. in family of widow; washing conveu lenre. per w -ek; relerenoe. ? . TocTwLST ifr? ST.. OPPOSITE LONDON TEBRACE T'/O Furnished Jtooms, with breaklaat if desl.ed, li T tentlemen only, in owner's hou?e, near Elevated Railroad |?pot: iieliuhtful summor location. T/J j 8TII Ay?$1 PER' WEEK"?^A~LAROE BOOM, fl)? turnlalied, for hou>eneeping; or wouid Board teu ileru hi and wlte: amall family; top floor, C I Q LbXINO'l'ON AV.-.?atCONU Oll TllIRlTFLOOR L/J t) to let nea:ly furnished, suitable for light hou?e. tceping, together or aeparate; rent low; all impro%e sients; occupant owner. PCQ HLDSON ST.?FURNISHED ROOM TO LET; iJ'JfJ none but respectable people need apply; reference required. 71Q 80 aV~Ia LARGE, NEATLY rURNISHED I XO front Room to let, near Grand Ventral Depot. Riug ibird bell, 7Q.J tlTH AV.-FOlJB~N 1CELT FURNISH:ED"Rooms I OO for liitht lionaekeepin^, on second floor, In bouae eitb owner; trill be let separately if desired. L'KFtRNlNUEl) ROOMS AM) APART MK9TTM TO I.KT. A AEKsIUVU KliMT ruooit, I5/*XXST itSTll STT; ?J. tin* larife ptirlora, - bedrooma, kitchen, water cloact, tr , with MportM lua Irv ; to it atuull laniily. CONVKMIEXT SKcTTnI) KLOOR~AJTd PA!tT~oK third, iu brown atone borne IJ J Eaat 40tli II., occupied by the owner, near Lexington nv. A' FLAT TO LET OF BIO lit LIUl'lT ROOMS, IN firat cia?s brown atmo houae ; all modern impr?veiu> nw; newly painted; rem $l<> aatf f4? No. W \V??| tl. At oo ?th av~"nbab asf~S~st.-fw>om"to~ilet; Improvement*. !*MO>ii?r on premiaos fr..u? 11 -to 1 o'clock. FAHLOR AN i>~ BA*E>IKNT, BROWN BTOXR llouac, nil Improvements, ??*> per immtit; one of -I* Kuumi, uuo ul lour, f IH. .lUt? l ast *ad at. ZiTtir ST., NK All ?TII "IIkJIFTtOOP ? u.-wly painted, $I,*(JU; or would divide tti.' Houae lor Ivufauiillei KJM'IIBA>'U, i><.? \V#?i *ll?t at. A CORNER FLAT?41U if. AKD SIO ST.-KIBHT ?oil aecoiid Klo?rt; bur window, refrigerator, dumb waiter, Lkaiu, Ac.; iigbt ruonia; rent moderate. Call m uouae or U lias: li'tii at. A-TOLRT; H K> OXD FLOOR t OXKFAMILT. WITH , out children, iu the hoaae; price over drug aiore (corner), 14:itJih av. and 17th at. A SECOND FLOoiC MRIlB ROOM, batTi. cl??eti>. Ac , with front baaemeut, newly painted; low rant. HO.% Unnwleli at. ? \ THIRD FLOOR FLAT. FOIifi K?>OMS. fill Nm~. Bank at.; brown aloua front; gai and water. Inqaira ?< V . 14 Hark at. A I rj'.N riu> ?nNi.v A r I \> MORS OF THE LA lavette Finta iWMI; lien roooil and bath ; ali improve meut<; lialli and ataira carpeted; rant low aa $-.? B. a. LEVY, w>4 (ith a*. AT $sr, PER M<. snf. FOR Yll It EE ~MOXTHS_ll A n I. ao n? Floor lor Ivnackeeptn? tllve roooui; arlvil?e(>l ye?rat&?; ?.'win., .'-ih an-i hii> av?. 8. B. UOOUALK, AO Weil -.-.Id at., Filth Avenue Hotel ^PAKrMKNISjrO LK r?3* OoWNIMI ST. TWO -.'V Koonit: Itiw E iei I Ah at.. Second Floor ifonr room ?I; |jrt Jd ?i? ihree l!o?iu? . I.Vt Ud av., fix Boom*; 1 H<? I. JflAk at., lluee Koonia. Iioomaopen. aeen any time. 4 hKCtl.XI) AND TOf FLOOR T'> I.KI-IM I JY. mailed, tojether or aeparately, in a private lunnly; ft-?t low. ??> n eat 'JVd at. "a VKKV FINE FIR*7 FMKNTof KIOMT ' To TEN A roo:ua? lxtli at., near 5th nv.; alao Floor of alx roo:u?, llu'l'. >11 I '1*1 el. 11 Wen llt.'i at., near Bm>idwa\ A -I I'l'EK 1-aUT OF HOUSE A NII l.i i K [ To LET; , rent very low ta auitable tenant. Apply on ureiniiea, 1UO Bleeckrr at. \ tUeo.M> A5D TOF FLOOR TO LRt?CNFt/R milled, in^rtner ar lep.trately, la a private uimiy; rant moda.'atc. .?>? ?eat Uii tu ? Kl.\ rs-F1NK~ LOCATION; aTX lifpROTE . iti?ata, l"?w renta; immediate potaeaalon. Apply la JOHN O. CHIMMIXH. 1.IU? M av. P* ' NICK FLAT." FOUK ROOM4."' WITl'l" IMPROVE lueala; brown atoa*; Ana location ; $14 to a twati lam ily. 41) W?it .'iith at. A" T_REDC?ED~ REXT ? FIK8T OR SECOND FLOOR Apply at 5HH Wert ? .?ti a?., bltwctn ??h and ?".n aw.; neighborhood Una, CHFURSTlfcHED ROOMS AXI) APART. J1K.VTS TO LET. A PXKTMfeNTSf-Air^BSi'KCIAIXr^ATTRACflVR A corner Hal; aouthern exposure; ball hanriaotnelv painted and n.wly c.r^ud, JAMES R. HAY, 007 tith **.. or C. T. BaKNE\. 8'J Uruadwiiy, COVPLETB~APARTibNfSrff 50 TOflS A MONTH; new home. tra?, Ac. 303 Kant 3tnh at. Central fake grand ci kcleT^flar? ni' i lr> inn. corner Hroiulway and 5?th ?i. ? elevators; all im provementa; moderate rents. DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR. 441 34TU ST NE~tB Elevated road; imiirovemruta; rent low ' *ORRIS H. llAi n. 73 Weat 94th it. J^LKOANT FIRsT FLAT, REIH CEI>. CORNER 51ST J St.. and Lexington ar.; sploudid location; perfect order; with beat families. Janitor. WEEJCCU,FLATS?$.0 AND HiTteV ERY IMPROVE i. ment-854 lttlii a* Janitor in attendance. MORRIS B. BAER k CO., 73 WmI 34th at. PRBIOH FLATS. 189 WK81 MTH UT SKYBN I room*, buck ntair*. nil modern inprorementt; wills in oil. Apply to Bt R'.lNu .t SMITH, UU7?th nr. FLAT?u RoOM.-. ALL IMPROVEMENTS, RPLBNDID Uonso. wall in oil; low rent; coi?? aud tea iu No. 43.' win 65th si. FINE FRENCH FLAT?45 ( LINTON PLACE, NORTH w. at comer or University nUce. six rooms. all llitbt. all improvomuiita, newly puiutrd. $60 per tuuntb till May next. Apply tu owuor. in building. FRENCH FLATS?ELEGANT AP AHTMENTS; NEW buildings; 6th ?v. aud Carroll st , llrooklju; eLrbt r ???mil. bath, dumb waiter; complete; low rent.; Kilth ave nue cum. l-ulton, Wall and South terrlea. Apply to, Op nSu#4?jrs w B. COOPER. MB Pearl St.. Now PLUS- Ti? LET? KT REDUCED BENTS.?DRH1RABLX l Mat or l? rooma. basoment and parlor H.ior. No. 16u I*. b^IiiIIl ' 'I'"1"! PI""'. # room. and bathroom, i'-*? v**f . J.i 'h ' i" lour- roouu and bathroom. 1 >4 Ea.l 48thi St.; ul?o Hat?. aecond and third Mi.or, ot 5 ro-ma and bathroom each. In 47tli ?t., near 3d a*, ; notch. b..rhoo<l llrst class. VICTOR FRKITND Jt SON. 7CK> 3d av. corner 47th it ' FLaTS-EIC.HT ROOMS VERY FINE; ALL TUB I if. provementa; rout INS aud iOo tier month. 331 East nth it., near 3d av. FLOORS. THREE ROOMS, $Th~ FOUR ROOMS. fcO; Corner Moor, lour Trout room*, 3'J3; perfect order; Im mediate possession; rent fruui July BAILEY. 331 Hndson st. Floors to let-at 53i, 535 and 537 west 4uth at.; six rouib* each; new brown >t ,n? house!: modern improvement*. R. HAY, 533 West 4?Hh at. TjlLOORS AT REDUCED RENTS. ' ' . Horatio at.. First Floor. 5 rooms S-jO 306 East Oth at.. Second and Part of third floor. 30 33.i Chryktie ?t., Fourth Floor, 5 room. ' 313 Euat 34th at., Second Kloor, 0 room.. Is DAM el CO* NOLL\\ ioi'itb av Flats ro li.t? with all impriivf.mentS in the brown ?tono bolldlug 145 Ea.t 54th it; can be acan ?l all bonra. Apply to Janitor, in bnnemeuu pINE FRENCH FLAT. SO I'll i \V Ks1r C OR sk R~hTH A nr. mul 47tli <t. Inqulriiol I). KEMFNEK. Joins' Floor AND BASEM KNT To LET?NEAR ST It uv., in Klxieonth ward; rent low, AddresaJ. llorald office. ? LOWKR FART OE BOUSE 331 EAST-4TH ST., CON taining nix rtotiis;quict'neluhborlicod; good locatlou; ri'Dt T AKOE AND SMALL CONNECTING ROOMS; ALSO , larlortolet; bath, hot aud cold water; houao und neienborhood firat elaaa; private family; reforencc. 158 n CJt 14111 Rt. ONLY $18.?SIX NICE ROOMS; ALL imfrovb menu; No 117 Eaat Moth at.; to 43d ii. depot tf Poi't?Vfflc., box *,600. ,UlUUU!,,? lU,taU0 Wl,"ia- or CBCOND FLOOR TO LKT-I>TnE\Y HOUSE NO. 508 ^ ' ?8^ con?i*linjf of tf ruotxiH, with wuter cloiot; rent, $2. SEVERAL FLOORS?ALL lMFROVE.Mfc.NTS; (JNSCR pHaavd neighborhood. No. 54 Cllutou place, between ntn nr. und Unlveritty place. SECOND FLOOR TO~LET?AT NO. ~8 LRROY ST ? bathroom, with hot and cold water; reut, $36. TO LET?A NICE SECOND FLOOR, ALL IMPROVE. aayRu,en?Sl *? 11 ,m,H family. ?Jall at 84 June at. for two TO f'KT-AN" KLKUANT PARLOR FLAT. 3? WEST ?lat at. Apply to Jonltor, or SIDNEY B. MORSE IaS Chumber* it. * TWO VERY DlTsiHABLB SUITS OF HOOMsT ALSO two single Kooiiin, turuUhed. to let, hi the new apart luont hotel. 20 5tii av., corner Hth ?t., for any portiou of time till aNoveniber 1; rootua have private bathi, and ele vator in the building. TOvl^T-KIRST CLASS FRENCH FLAT IN HOUSE premliSa ^ 6th av. Apply to owner, on T??)..aEJ-.8?J9?K.D ,FLt>OR" IN private HoDH ?8 haKt l.itli at., close to Broadway. T5 LET?SPLENDID FLAT CORNER 54TH ST. AND Park av.. aevon rooma, all linprurementa, $50; Lower X'art private nouae. $35. *""" CiREUOR A MILLER, 3d a*., corner 50th at. TO LET-TO A RESPECTABLE FAMILY. BASE ment and Parlor Kioor in houae 138 Watt 2Uth at.: rent Apply on the premises. T? eet-flITors over store, corner hth hlCMAUD MEAREs! m0dorM#- SU,r# *? TO let?THE HALF OF A BKOWN STONE IIOUSK laid out for two lainilles; lo rooma. all llirtited. newly' painted: hII in perlect order. Apply at rt'e.t 4?th at TO LET?A PARLOR FLOOR AND hASEMENT: ALSQ a line .Second Floor, at 333 Weat 3Wtli at. TO let?THE FINEST FLATS IN ~THE CITY ON A nortliwe.t corner of60th at nuil KHIi av., one b ock Ir.mi plorated Railroad; rent Irom $<.*> to $40 prr.month. AudIv FoSbatn'n V,l>r d*7'?f by lo MYLAND, T? RKNT LOW FOR SMALL KAMII.Y?PARLOR Moor, Iront Huaement In prlvute Hoii.e on 4llili at. Iie twoen ?"?tli and 7th ava.;ulce yard, piafaa, icnrdvn; privi lege of liiundrr ; oilcl.itlit in the hall; rooma newlv nalnted Wail on owner, 67 I'uiuti nlace 14th av.l, uuar 18th at, *>D FLOOR--Kill R Ro..,M>; Pirn ATI- HolHE ~7t) pienii?e"a ' l',,ei,p r,ut ,u * family. Apply on $\) TOJ.-..-COOL FRONT ROOMS. (IASTnD BATB (llBht honarkeeplnirl, three doori from Waahliietou tquare l'?rk. 148 Maidointat ?t. in 1; MA1;K'- PLACE t-TH ST)?TO LETrUNWR. A \J nlahed, a boa mlul se. oud Floor, with every conven leiice; alao furnUnod Rooms; very cheap. ,'KT r''1KAP. five rooms Y?x second Hoor of a private lionae. No. 131 Eaat 113th at. f IT ?,on ?*?? 10 * ainall lamily. Imjuiie at 313 Eaat 0<> EAST 30TH ST. ?LARGE THIRD AND FOURTH rtory Booth to mi; ?fao two bfB Room ") _|' |,|,*';K ,., I'-VRT, TWO FLOORS, PRIVATE *jsiJ' Jt houae. 3J6 haat 33d at., r^ar. 4-0 ^t11. K7,V?BTWEEN 6TI, AND HTH AVS._ nieiura Farlor aud Extrualou; all conva f)(\ 8+Tli sYr~NEAR^" FIFTH AVENUB 4 Hotel?Nice upper Uooni, lor a geutieman, to let, un lurniaoed; ^.i. 141 S1H pn. OPPOSITE mehcantile librarvTI ' r"1"1'"Hm $10 to$30; Floors in tine Uou?c?, $ O to $40; om<*ea. $15. JIJI*) kast iara st, -two booms, three ,7* cl?.eta, to lot t? a married couple or irenileuian would lurniili. ? !V,7 ^l;ST J"SI P,sr T\ S'LBMDID parlor -i . . .J inT ^ Hl,rl??; modern iuiprovemama; cteao to the 1.1 vatrd Railway. "HOUSES, Koo.Us.__,iviviKI). lit triisi t'ttv ami HriVoitTvnT L"" A LADV A.N'il lWO SKItVANW (MAN AND WIFE), f . Irom tho sont'i tleaire char*# ut reauieucx f?r nominal rent; jio children; will rent in lall if dealrable; unexcep tionable references; full name and addro.a reauired. a.i dr'U NEW ORLEANS. Fifth Avenue Hotel. " A' \ 'A a .vi i. 11 \ NICELY FURNTsHBD BOOB BB 21. tween 8th and I4tb >t*., n ar Hroadwav: will pay aoout $ n r wej-k. Adg^eia f.. l,o* 131 Herald office. V OKN nVN AND WIF? WILL TAKE CBAK.TP. ol a fumiahed hrfuao lor the aeaaou; no compenaatlou required; be?i or reiercncea elven; entirely re.non.ibla Addreaa RESPONSI HI LI TV. box 13'.. Her J,m iURMSJIED Fl.AI WaNTED-FOK SEAAON. b\ ACKER* AMI'"lie'r.M office ,d- AdUre"- W"h ^ " In a ?;u u> Lot:ami'v is tiik citv, on inOnk cit the subs r bap-Kaur fumifthrd with Kitchen; luwe?i Mrm?. A<l(fte?s I*. It., llerulil office. cmam/* ^FURNISHED HOL'rtK " WavTETTT-'mTt Ik? above 2J?ih it., or Hair * llou?e. Adi1re*t i'KUMA* >KX I. box ltU,H?r?id olltce. WANTi fl?F^KXISHhi) HODM. WITH HKKAKi- AHT; muat be between *Hl? and 9th urn.; uot below ooth fct. fttnte tern*? nnd addict* box '2,753 l'o?t i<lli e 1 W AN I KD-LOWHH-1"A5f 6i-r"AlioUsK7FiiKMkxt j ?? and t'nrlo - Flour, con?l?nuz ol lire or *tx r?"in?: mo-U eru Improreumli: lit irm d nrdar mi l ???!! locattd; linu moderalr. AdJrc??, with Tttll particular*. TH U&E A tit' I, I I lier i.'l iitlice. \V ANTED?BY A KK> POvil RLE PAKTV, HK.-T It claw unr>irnl?h?4 llonw <i!' 1 * or .'O no**; potar-ninn ou orbticrr lit* 1 -i ol \kku?i ; locution kftwMii 4<b imilOtta ?t? aid Ji'd *?<4 H4ih ?t?.. tt"ad neigh >orto <"l. Ad<lr.->-, en < :? ?,n ; jiertult, lll'.M'U.V.'" 1 It I.!., if eruld l.'ptowu iir .n li offler. WANTED?Wo OR TURKS furnished ROOMS by gentleman ft>J uile. !?>r lltrlit !iuu? .ki'ep:ii 34tu and Milt nd ttlli itii'S {.ajnurum av?. JUdrtit ti. W'., ' box I7 > II it L'piown Branrh olka. \\f a.ntkt> -1tr>fairKiTTioush. h??. tir&k\ ai/rl II and 90tb ??., ttti trnd <Hh ; rem l>>.v during tutu mer. A<!dt -? Utraul Hntnr'i nSlc:. W'AM ED-3Y A LU?T. A ROOM. XK hl.V FI R It ui- c<l for light bo?*e hatpins; Wall'* iOtll *1 pr.' fa-red; term niml ou low. Aililn." d. .v, Imix 121 Ucrald ofltca. \ \ * A N T i. D - It V A LADT. TWo U.N FURNISHED If lt> ?M*. * ith convn i m??? ? r one Ibraidteil. I?e*tl?a from 4lh in 7th *v. .m l betwioti :Mm aad .Villi ?t?.; real mi. tb? taodarMr. Addfe?* UtXI.XITtlX, hn\ t >'< ll?rai Uptown llraiirli a tlcl. No teii'iiient .mine ir ?<! ?: a xri-. r> - a v i k.vis 11 k i? iio 'V m r?7u i? v ."or II a rriiued yri vmo fjiinlt. loCHti.ui balwaeit *(!? aatlfii trit, Mb Mil UiKhnu ; torm> in. . ha atailarata; ho.k <>r (lv*a an i required. Au l,p?? UuMK, ll<ir?i't L plowii Br inch office, fur twu .mjs. ! "tXTAS TED?Kl VK OR SIX KOOMS. BV THltEE (I'RI . Tf i His 'ioiimi. modarn In pr tvir?a*|? . biivatl <tii aa<l i Hd an. i ?2ti to Adari-?? h?* ."?.;su"> ,s*w Vark 1' >?? | oBlc*. _ ' i\*AvrEi?-A BMaLU ilol sii.^"on WKsr~Mf?:T"T7i II llriiadwaT ront not alaaa I W.n.1. Ail ir^?? Mr? 1 aiiri i rr. i'no Wa? aetb ?t \\- ?vn d k.m. '??: rwd i\.xk*knt iioi <i:s or l\ f'rriiih lUt Ho'iaaa on Mlaaxi. \ T??pon,ii.i? ;in-. ! in i i'..-iili>ru A M., hoi liu llsralu L'1'i wu j lirai.vh attca. IXKCRM?HKI> ROOMS (FROJfT) f.N NKAT h?a?a ??l ???i ?f ? tli ?*., about 912 ;>er nutith. Ad urata Ditti'lvhi'.T. ii^mlii Cplown (ranch aHlce. i)U OR third FI.OOK, SIX ROOMS, THREE adults. ownar. haiw??ii -.'"'i i nui Mtih *t?.. and :'tli * ' ; raM mo.i?raia Aduraia. witu uarilculari. Al'AiU' MK> W, iio* o^kH I'cut all e. ?w V?rk. in the Country* \1'anted?Wli .11 - MI UK - (IK XEW YORK tY it a prl rait Im.iily for ina iatM? a cmnudioiii ii?u?e, ?llh irnwrti a?Maa piMiad, Ac.. (< r which u r(?Min>Mr irtii will b? ??ld Adarcn. wuh lull detail*. I., h i* t,WM |*p?l afflca.Naw Vufb \v* anvkd-a rUitbr rt'RRmHkp corrAdi, If >>I III w* 'lour trr.-u tti* i .ijt ?malt fimllj-; i.o ?!. aal rem ; raff rfiice* 11>? hc?l. Addre?? L., cars ol Mr. B. M. Wlitium*. #il7 ttlh ar. HOfgES, ROOMS, dec., WASTED. In the Countrv. WANTED TO HIKE?A. PL'KMC HOTSE, FURNISH, ?d or unfurnished. in thn country, dolug business the ri**r roun I. Address for ana week, with particular!, U. n'AM.ACii, 1,234 Broadway. U'AM'Kli-KuK THE SI M M Kit MONTH*. A LAMB '? furnished II' uw. with plenty of ground and ?b*'i? trees, ?itliln two hour* fruiu Fortr-second street depot, for anrlvate family. Address. listing particulars, W. W., care Wenck. 47tt at-1d 6th av. ROAKDKKM WASITEU. I VINrr-K KROM Eli ill I'll AVKXni CAIIS VIl'IMTY of 1 4"th ?t. ? A lad/ baring a pleasant bouse for ibt> snn> mer will rent handsomely furnished K<x>ma. with Board. Addreaa MODERATE. Herald Uptown Hraneh uSbce. 1* HI OCK FRiiM KIYtH AV KM'C HOTEL, 131 WEST 23d ?1. ?Desirable I .rgj Rooms, with Board; terms mod esate. 1 SECOND PLOOR W>Om1~A?So ALCOVE rtOOM nuiformly good table; term* low K*. ll>l#Waverl*y place, onrthweai comer Washington square. 1' "i7aR(JE room -I'URN Is 11 EI>~ Itn.^iiD Ir~I)ESiR td; private family. 145 West 47th at., near 0th av. OR TWO Riioils To I.KT. WITH BOARD^ IN PRf rata family: beautiful and central locatiou; rates mod erate ; rcferenocs exchanged No. 40 7th a*. I OIt MORK FURNISHED* ROOMS TO I.ET, WITH 1 Board, tn married couples or two gentlemeu together, In a Jewiah family 2-0 East 5Sth ft.. eear Hd a*. OR I FRONT BOOMS io LET?WITH BOARD; also table ltoard, at 3.V) Madiaoq nr. dt] To SI ?<) PER !>VV. .<1 TO $10 PERWEEK: v 1 fin* Room*, with first class Board; families and siuitte. I7U Bltilllir at.. n> ar Rroadway. 2"JEWISH OENTLEMEN OK 'UbNTLEMaN AND wife wl'l And good Hoard, Rooms on parlor floor; rea? son fl bin prices. 20I4 West 24th st. 2"ii AND THIRD KLOORS-DEsYrABLE, PLEASANT Rsota* with inn- X' rpt inn able Bosnti vary moderate summer price*. West 13th at. Also table Hoard. ') D >Oi:S FROM Mil AV.", NO. 12 ..AST ?1<;TH ST.? O Handsomely furnished Itonrns, with Hoard, for families and single ecntU-mrn: appointments Brat class; reference. WEST J'.tTII KT.?WITH BOARI?; LA ROE, AIRY Parlors and Hedroom* on socond and third floor*; also single Rooms lor gentlemen; t<*rm? moderate. WEST 22 D ST ?H AN DSO.UfcLY KURNISHIi D Rooms, with or without Hoard. 5" "DOORS l'RoSr UILSeV HOUSE ?11ANDSOMKLY turnlshed Rooms, with Board; reference. 41 West 29th si. 1 K EAST ltlTII ST.?PARLOR AND BEDROOM TO JL/ let, olntrautly furnished, with flrat class Hoard; also large hall Room; bout* and furniture now and elegant; reference*. K K \ST 46TH ST.?CHOICE KOOMsT"WITH OB (J without Board; tonns moderate; reference. e ~ to ta?good board, neatly furnished 'V'J Rooms; ga-.. bath; boine comfort*; American fam ily. 401 West J3d ?t $r. PER WMKK WILL BE PAID 15Y A LADY FOR ?I Bosrd at n larui home near New York; r*f*rence. Address BALDWIN, Union League Club. 5TH AV.7x>1.?FRONT ROOMS,-HANDSOMELY PUK nisbed, with or without Board; peruauent or transient; moderate terms. CTH AV 20?. MADI-ON SOU A RE.?K LEO ANT ?J Parlor I-loor, all convenience*, with or without private table or lunch; also second and third story Rooms; summer prices. 5~TB~AV.. 373.?BLROANT APARTMENTS, EN SCITB or singly, with or without Board; trausient guests accom nmdated. CTH AV., NO. 140, CORNER iifll ST.?COMPLETE". ?J ly and elegantly furnished Parlor Suit, private batb, Ac., with or without private table; alio others, en suite or singly, with or without Bourd. ktii AV.;3<>.?an eleoantLy 1njRNisI?ed suit U of Rooms to let, with flrat class Hoard, with or without private table; also single Room for gentleman; house and everything Iresh and new; referencesif AND~ UPWARD.?LAROE~AND SMALL ROOMS to let, with good Board, at Clinton place. <3?7" PER "WEEK.?A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM V I for slnglo gentleman and first class Board. 211 West 22d at. EAST :?D ST.-DESIRABLE BOOMS, WITH BOARD at sammer prices; references. $0 8 9TH ST.. WEST, 22.?TWO ELEOA.NT PARLORS, also ainglo Rooms, at nominal prices; location unanr paaied; table bounttlully aupnlli-d with the best in market. ??!) EAST 23D ST.. OPPOSITE MADISON SQUARE^? I u I o let, furnished, elegaut Room, with Board, by the duy or week. "I O "WEST lOTfl ST., NEAR STII AV.-A FEW HAND Xmj somely turnlshed Rooms, en mite or singly, on second, ililrd and lourth doors; table first olass; summer price*; Southern lady. QTH ST., 57 WEST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Rooms to let, with Board; table Board. 1 *)TII ST.. EAST, " NO. 3SI.HANDSOMELY FUR iw nlshed double and single Booms, with or without Board; summer prices. fo-AND V> WK8T 20TH ST.?ROOMS AND PRIUKS JLO satlsfai tory, with nr without Board. WESlT4ttfF|? ST.?LAROE AIRY ROOMS. WITH Board; permanent or transient; jaferences. 12 II EAST 1>TH ST.?FURNISHED AND UNFUR AT nlahrtf Rooms for gentlemen and families, with Board; also table Board. 1 - EAST 42D "hT.-LABOR'"and 8MALL ROOM8, io together or separately, with Hoard; table Board. LrwKsf inn st7. "near bboai>w"ay.-elb >.) gantly furnished Rooms, with superior Board and first class accommodations; reference. 1G 20 1- PERRY ST., CORNER OF WaVERLEY PLACE.? ') To let. nicely furnished Rooms, with BoaH. to ladies or gentlemen; terms moderate. Apply to Mrs. EVANS. BASrtttt ST.. BETWEEN I N IV KRSITY PLACE and 5th av.?Rmuna. wltb Hoard, #.'? to !f7. !/? CLINTON PLACE. LAlltiK AMI SMALL ROOMS. 1*) with or without first clas* Frenoh Board; references exchnng d. Oil >. AST 24TII sr?TWO Dot RLE ROOMS, WITH dm$y' hot and cold water, Ac., to runt, with or without hoard; references exchanged. Til ST.! lOt) ~ WEST.? NEATLY FURN18HBD Rooms to let, with or without Hoard, to s ngle or married gentlemen; terms moderate; also table Board. <Jf WKCT l?Tll ST. -NI(*ELY FURNISIIKl) FRONT dmlL Rooms, every convenience, for families or gentleman; Olrst claaa Hoard; aumipor prices; best reference. <11 ST"sr.. fiii- EAST, OPPOSITE OBAMBBCY ail Park.?Rooms, with first class Board, perm nent or trau>ient, at moderate prists; references exchanged, 4)1 ST ST., ' 1.V7 " WEsT. ?PLEASANT ROOMS, ON ul third Moor. %a let. singly or en *ult*, with Board; terms very moderate; homo comforts. i>r>Dsf.: six M WEST.-ISO*?MS ON SECOND AND third floors, now vacant, with Hoard; references. ?"w~west airrii st.-larok and small ele wO gantly furnished Kooms. with or without Board; ref erence. 2w:; <)?>D ST., WEST. NO. H47.-TO LET. WITH HOARD. nicely furniibed Ro< ms; location delightful; moder ate prices. ood ST.-wesr ?to" lkr." wi r11 riTard, hand &O somely fnrnisbnd Koran, JI4. $I't and $17 par week for two : hi*' Ii ill Bo**?, #7. Call it IIS ST.. WEST. 1.17. - -FL' ItN IS IIE D ItOoNLS TO LET, tb first class Hoard, in a private family. .) I WSET 9TU ST.?OBNTLEMAN AND WIFE OB T singl? gentlemen can obtaiu good Hoard; pleaaant Booms. Ill ill "sr.. WE->T, 20ft.-PLEASANT rooms to let, ij*I with or without Board, In yrlvat* family; terms moderate; reference. O- WEST ~27TH ST.-FURNIsTfBD ROOMS TO uu let, Hith or without Board; one with alcove; mai mer price*. EAST 47TII sf^Fik.NI?HED ROOMS, WITH or without Board, at reduced prices for the aummar. EAST 47 r 11 ST, iVbiOB BLOCK PLEASANT K.uuit, with Hoard, for summer; term* vary modcr 20 28 f)QTn sr.. 109 west?sbcoxd pivjor to i.kt, wllli every convenience ; first clnss Board ; or without i nurd; private riimily. s'?l1 east"'JJU 'sT:-\VI>H~liUARiV~KOOai? O# >B0 ? )' I mid floor; also liali Ito'itis; permanent or trausictit; references. o7 \ W KHT uril BT.-B fitANli i: R."t VIS ITIStt TUB OW city will Sod pleasont Rooms, with B *ril. ?Tj b"a?T?330 HT-VERY DKKl HA Bl,K ~CXltUE, ?/1 ?>ry, elegantly lurutaheJ Rooms, wltli lr<t class Knurl, now to let ut muiu>*r prices; central location; splendid neiehborhood. ?1 WEHT 10TH BT.--H AX55UMX AICD~ XK ?VL Y ? >L f?t?.-lied it torn to let. wltli ".our J or witnuut, tu gcu tleman wi!? of single y?nti?iicn. ??1 WEHFlioTH NT., BE i WEBX BituADWAY AND Ol .'>th a*. ? t'inr ?nlt>-u:i'l "inirle xooms ?o let to families ano itMMw; tirstilea^ Unura; tlferM ? ? eschanued. ??.) WEST liTTH HT.t NEAR BftUADWAV.?H AND i?mI; furnished Rooms to rent, wltli or without Hoard, in a lir?t class private house at moderate price? Rvfer-n e?. ?36 WBHT iv.lll sr.-KO.tMi firLKT. #kfSl MUST OO ela*< II >41(1, suit)?:<.!? fur families or single gentle tn mi ; re creuc?. O I ?'EST itTU -T. -ROOM* IO let7witu boXro". 0"j: transient "r fi r the ?easep. ? > i I'll -T. W'.Hr.,.'4t ?rilM.i.E KOOMS TO LET. O'J wit.i Hoard. to itentlemeti. table Hour I. ?ji{ EasT ilsT *t, NhvK ukoadway.?ki.e 01) ;a?tly (irnislied Ree.cs, with Uoar.i. (or latnlUes ? nit gen'lemen ; tr*i:?t9nt Boarder*. ?j 7 weh r ami nr.," si a S~hrTia d w a v-mit ex. t)J tire Si cond Kloor to let, with Board; single Rixiim ler rent.o nen. ?JO 4". 4^ ANI? 44 WKS> 14TU ^T.-ROOMS, W ITli ?)n, Hoard, naneiit or trail t?ut; house and accotn ii.< I on Kraft ciat* ?><111 ?T , JJ7 W iisi'.-i i: VNSIK.VT HOWtir ? JO Pefsom wlshiny temp irary accommodations cs.i Hod ?fi ultra Ro -ms. with lint dsn Hoard; location central and dttlraMr. T?1" I vnl IJIii'T, BEIWEKB BROADWAY AMI TA t'nl*ar?ltv pla*r ? Rooms to let, with Hoa'd; local ttjr tiood. i mots pleasant; married and tingle purtlee at comnodatud Y i" uii iV,:Bt/r? t:kn~i j'fii and hth kts.? X? t Himms. with H. .srd. permanent transient: Mil a'--.MitmoUatiOns Brst Mm atdtuiiner phoes; rcferencea rs ! d. ilvr ?n" ?t., mrar~ broao?rat.-Fani> r'/ (onHdr ruraislif.l Rooms to let. ?;tti or Hoard; trauneat busr iirs taken at raasonaii'.e rates; n fer ?IWl's. M: wK.-r WA.siiiNi.rtiv iM.At K to LtiT, WTtTi ) Hoard, two Urg* Kooms isn?l one hali !l>'drooiu, oatli, hot an i cold watari tahla board -r? ar 'Otamo<taMd. A l' I.RXISiiTOX AVT?(iK.N I'l.KMAN AND WlfS tU er.aohtsta a nlcaly rttrnishad Room, In a private r?m lly; Board 'or lady ,..iA<. 4 7 west 4!>rii sr.?iiaMisoMKi.v pi. itnisTTed "I I llmnis. Willi breukfuit ir lull Roitrd ifda<ired to K-n Hewn In a satall ; rivnie Ismiiy. rJi AND sr. MARK S~I'EaVk -KI RNI-OIED s)*J Rooms <large aad small) tol?t, with Board, to rami* lies and sin^ls parsons; iocutioa central; prices low ; labia board. C~4 WRST IOTH .sT . BETWEEN 5TM*AND OTU "Xtr? Ut Riejaatly farnlshsd no .tns to let. en suite or singljr, with or with it Hoard; mndviu lippTot eni^nts; private liunilr, reterciiras. -|l if kit 37TII sr.-EI.I.H?XT HQIARR ASU II ALL tft/ Rooms; cicelletit U ard, ,vr) raa^jaubla frlcai; sfcreuocs. nOARDKRH WARTKDi _ _ r'i'f tSTSS'1 iiau >t . hetwi i s i n aTISB tffJ Broadway .-Handsomely furnished Rooms, with flrst class Hoard; permanent or transient; ?uiuraer prices; ref OTMH f?7 MACDOl'nAL ST. ?TO LET, WITH P1RBT CLASS " * I Hoarii a large. well furnished Room, to two persons; also a ?tuirl" Room : terms reasonable: references. 7 1 MADISON A v.?ELEGANT ROOMS ?!'() LET. I 1 witii Hoard, at summer price*; transients taaan ; ref erence* exchanged. 77 EAST loril'sT -TWO I)KsiUABLR rl'RVlSHKD I I Rooms. with hot aud cold water, suitable for house keeping ; use of Until. Q1 "VARUJiTsT.?A FEW SlNtiLE GENTLEMRN OB OA gentleman and wifa can be accommodated with food Hoard and pleasant Rooiua ou aecond tloor; terms, $ti. ?u jU and #7 earn per weak. 1 Af* AND 10S EAST 3SD ST.-IRST ANb SECOND 1U" floors to let. with Hoard en suite or ?lajr: private table If desired; alaootlier Rooms; reterences exchanged. ?> WEST 1JTH ST.. NEAR-tl>U AV.-SEOO.VD ?' story from Room and from hill Room to 1st, with first class Board ; term* moderate. mWK.vr JJH sr. NKAII ?TH AV -DESIRABLE Room*, with or without Board; also Table Board; term* moderate 1 ()'J EAST KITH ST.-NICELY " PURNISHED Rooms, aplendld new spring beds, for gentlemen and families, from ?j M par week aud upward, with or with out Hoird. fnc WEST 3?TH ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS, fOR L?'J gentlemen or gentleman and wlfa, very cheap ; bnth and gas; Board if required. 1 OQ WEST 40TH ST.?PURNlflHED ROOMS. WITH AaW ?' Board, can be procured in u (mall privato family, convenient tu Sixth aven a and Broadway cars. too WEST 48D St.?HASDSOMKLY FURNISHED lOO Kooms to lot. with Board, to geutletnan and wit* or single gentlemeu. lT)f* W EST ?-'D ST.-COCPLE OK nTckT ROOMS, lOU reasonable for the ?amiuer, to gentletnun aud wife; Board for lad)' only, LEXIXOTO.M AV.?FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH Board, terms moderate; two or tbreo persons iu house. ? 14 r WEST 44TH ST.?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH first class Board, for gentleman and wile or single gentlemen; reference. 157 1J.Q WAVKKLf.Y PLACE. NKAR 6TH AV.?LA RUE WO alrv Rooms, with or without Board, with an Ameri can family; terms moderate. 1 JO WEST I4TH ST.?PI UST CLASS ROOMS TO li" let, with or without Board, at re isonable prices, transient or permanent; referenoes. EA>T -1SI' ST.. NEAR "URAMMKRCV PARK^ Furnished Rooms to let. with or without Hoard. i rCn WEST -jaD "?iT.-PLliASANT Rooms, WITH Act I pood Board, tor gentlemen or families; lutntuer prices; references. "J WEST 21 ST ST.?LA HOE AND SMALL ROOMS JUfl tolet.with Board ; transient or pcrinauent; tsrms moderate; best of reference given. "j/fV LBXINGTON A I IAN 1 isOMELY> L' R N IS H ED IUO Rooms, witb or without Board; to those wishing to pay a moderate price for domeatio comfort* thli u a rare chance. I tillIFWKsf~I0fil ST.-LAROE FIt0NT ROOM. J.t/U nlctly furnished; excellent table; $12 per week for two. ()(\7 WEST 43D ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS WITH A*' I Board, in orivate family ; ilrrt das* house, location and table; terms moderate O | ') WEST J4TIi ST ?LAKOR, COOL. HAND aaiXO somely furnished second story front Room, ample closet*. hot and cold water aud bath, with or without Brat class Hoard. ()1 U STH AV.?A SCOTCH LADY WILL LKT A Li AO front hall Room, with Board ; terras. $6 per week In advance. Oi)?? WEST 53D ST.?A FURNISHED OR ONPUR i^wU nisbed Room, with or withoat Board; summer WEST 40TH ST.?A WIDOW LADY 1IA8 uO handsomely ftirnisued Room* to let, to gentlemen or ladles, with or without Board. WEST UTH ST?GENTLEMEN CAN BE A0 cominodated with Board at a moderate price. WEST a?D sT.-rwiV laroe rooms, for couples, with Board; also slu|tla Room; references. *)'ja WEtTf UD 8T.-HanIjsoMeXy FURNISHED aiOt Rooms, with Board; private family; terms reason able. 229 233 238 247 iio: west asrit st.-mrs. fklter opkers, ?rj>) with Board. Rooms en suit* or slugly, for tha sea son or trauMiMitly ; references. ' WEST 31ST ST ?A KURN1SI1 ED FRONT 11 ALL Bedroom to let, with or without Board, WEST 4JD~ ST ?El7EOANTLY FURNISHED Rooms, witb Orst class Board, for gentlemen and tbeir wives or singio gentlemen; also table Board; term* reasonable; nesr Hroadway. <7TtA WEST 231) ST.-TWO ROOMS ON HECOND .tO door to let, with Hoard; reference. ?ir:V west 5Tth si'.-lariTiT^and elegant iJOT Rooms to let. with or without Hoard, to families and gentlemen; also transient boarders taken; term* mode rate. 323 WEST TJl) ST.?A LARGE. NEWLY AND handsomely furuished front Room, aecond tloor. with or without excellent Hoard, at moderate price. OS7" 4tii AV.rnear"" a'isT sr-nicely fur U I nlahad Rooms, double and single, with or without Board, at sumuier prices. ~WEsFiiTil ST.. NEAR MTH AV.?FIRST CLASS Hoard to gentlemen nr gentleman and wile. ?J*?Q WEST ItJD ST.. NEAR MTU AV.-TWO LARGE, O-jO pleasant Rooms, with Hoard; alto one small one ; terms UHHlerate. WES I- :i21> ST.?TO LET, A LARGE ALt'OVE OUt) furuUhed Room and two aquara Rooms, with or without Board; all conveniences. 70 1 KAitT |?TH sr.?A.N AMERICAN WIDOW I JCiT lady wauts a little girl to Board. Call ou Mr* SMITH. "I Iki C| AV., TOP FLOOR.?A LADY CAN HAVE li'/Tu Board and Nursing durlug coniluemant with an experinn^ed uur*e; be ft reference from doctors aud ladies. 2|| | | ARCH ST.. PHILADELPHIA " iVTI Mrs. TOWNER'S private boarding tionse. liandsome, large, airy Kooms; bountiful table; Io4*ation un surpassed; cars pas- the door direct to tho Exhibition in 13 minutes; terms (2 and $2 .Viper day. GENT -and" WIPE CAN BE SUITED Willi A large second story tront Koom. handsomely furnished, every couveulence, with good Board lor lady. Address PLEASANT, box KIU Herald Uptown Branch ofllee. PRIVATE FAMILY. LIVING VERY NKAR THk W iudsor, will let, with or without Hoard, an elegant Suit ol large, airy Rooms, on second floor, to gentlemen or two gentlemen aud their wives; house Hrst class: superior table; highest reference given and required. Addreaa, for three days. C. P. (>., Herald office. SI IU.'TI.Y P..iv ATI. FAMILY. WEST BOTH ST., near Stb a v.. will rout Second floor, siuxly or en saite, with or without Board. Addrcst A. B. I., Herald Iptowo Brunch oltice, VLADT BAS NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR liid.v or gentleman, with or without Board; teriua low; borne comforts, lift West 22d st. I PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD LET ONE OR TWO Rooms to gentlemen, with or without Board. Address 1). E. P., Herald oltice. t LADY LIVING ON AS ELEGANT KRENCII PLAT A will let lurnislied Kooms, witb or without B iard; tnrius moderate. Address ATKINSON. Herald Lptuwu Branch ofllee. T tEslRABLY PURNISHKl) RO0M-SU1TASLE FOR J f man and wile or two single gentlemen; ale* other txiarders accommodated. HTnDSOMBLY KI RNISHED ROOMS TO LET-WITH Hoard, to gentlemau and wife; board for lady only; viciuily M Cloud Hotel, Addres* A. B., box lti3 Herald Uptown Branch office. r\i t;71 AKiiE -PAR1IEHTTk AkTTh Op KIRSr jN cliist AccorumadAiton* ? .?ll At SASU*' i Director/, Hroadway, te.oud nuur pHILADKLPHlA. OlIESTNi t HT - PLEASANT .1. Kooms, with Boart4%, termi moderate; New York or Philadelphia reference. |)hii.adelphia.-sfi.enh:dly fcrnished A Kn mis. with first clasi Hoard (JO minute- t > t'onten uisO can be eng.>^-ed by addressing J. t\. V,, 1.63U North lUth St.. I'lilia lelpliia. CO i'ilKKN LADY IIA-< elkgant rooms! be i i i?rn >th aud Oth tn>, near .i^tu St.; excellent Board; \cry low prices; references. Address box 1M ilerald olllee. PLKNli'l U FRONT PARLOR, P I. > i ? II H. ALL IM . to gentleman mi l wife; Botrd for one; Address i. Y. X., Herald Uptown Branch s \l/ aM KD-IX A I'KXTATK IIOU.<%h, AJhlOlfflNG m Mtiyrr?i?nt )'?rk,*v., two K?*ntl*mut* so occupy Ur^o iittll i tad room .ah<1 ti*? of c'arlor, with Mrst cUs* Hoard, on niodemU term*; ibc liou?o li** e?cry convButoocts no Jnnilj; ^tfittiotnmi .uid housekeeper. .4<l<lr?*&? l>. 14. U., i>u\ .iJ j I'tut tfflki, >>mt York. itO.VKO AMI I.OIM.IXi M X V J'EU. A>U WiP'r.-A' Ul.nilijCSZTC l) nod Moty front ai.d buck Boom, with i riTaia table >.1111 i?:h; uond location. Addreoa, r.ltli lull p.-krlicuUra, DLTCIlKHK, ller*i>i l'&town Hraiuli ollic*. tVovRu wa>tm> * i.M-v wisifiS a mckEt i> mriilitjpil l'arl>>r aud Bedroom, oltli Board, tfi a good locution, Willi a will .w lirini; quiet and alo..a praleirc4. Adtrc,.- M O. II., Itara'.d I'ptown ran en oflka. U\STKi? H<>A7:0 FOil 'liKSrubfAM AMI WIFE, iricti 410 to S-il; can turui>li. A<ldr?s* bo* 3,Oil foot oTil ? BHOOKL.Y* IIIIAHU. fi) rOI'LAB ST., MKTW'KKN WI I.UHr'sYT'A'SI) ! i ? > Oulntubla Height*. throe mlrfutea to Kill ton and Wall I itrtrl Itiriai.?Ona uioely f.irnl?h?d l.trro Knout; alto hall 1 llo-rn, will. B.>ard . Icrinn. $ 1 t? tn; ralar-nee. ||.) I'aOIKK; ST., COKNF.R OK liKNRY?BiioOK. I I <1 Ivh j. lion a* dallglutally aitun.-d ami m Vtuicnt in all tno Iwrxi; Koniiii lurita, light and coo ; tauia Irak <la?? term, ?ary moderate lor iuminar una , I -r 1 ut l.ude Board. I I (>?! ^ORAIKIIO!) IT HXiailT*.? FtTBXtftHBb I I Ji) l(ootii? with or without Hoard; aecoiid Hour; terou ia rata . retcran. r?, i 'XHt IIKN BY sT , NBA II STATE, FIVE M INl'THS ; ' JmO') from South and Wall (treat ferrlai?Location , ?lid labia flrat cla??; frmi $."? to $7. BIUOKIA'V board (IV 111 r: iikjuhik, n . i; min utaa Iroin Fulton tarry; firat clan, Hoard, (fl. liAl h tlenry ?l n! iii-.TiWi 1. ?t MMKII ki:.oii?k><:.-:.?kiiht r;.*-s h,t>m? and Hoard at the Turk mil Hath Km*bil?hment, nl and t'olurnbia llrightt, Rro >kijo, S. V. Dinner at I 1 n clunk, | U" 11*1,1 AMSBl.'Ki i. ? A nice FRO N'T HAM. BOOM and * rerjr dolrilila lar** front Boom, U01I1 eoramn aoljr fiirnikliad, to l*t. with atcallent Board, at r? <?ouabta larmn. in Iu4 Sonth Htli at., n-ar ilia larriec oiodara la provainaata; alltiiblr lo< atltn and delightful inrrnundl'iga HOTKLS. Qlxrii"Aftf'*Vfc llOTKIi, CORNKKf 4tTit"WC-7iCRO O p?tMn ??Uii . f ? t ? t. cn atiUt, to $iO; Ortl i ' ci*m r?*iAurHtit. price* ru x.'tr lie. I ('Ul'Sli'H* nOAIi!>. Vui-Nri/i^u^ and \\i7r. t;?y uaBoAMiHi?'-; no nbjaRtlxn 10 children. Far pariiculiin j at.,>ly for rna waak al *?) Htirtir M. ___ A FEW KAMII.IES DF.SIRI Ni> rot.^lRV :iOAUD can h ? ni ruinmoilatrd with lar*?. airy Mohbii : cxien | me aud liiii'n 'lindj tir"unda: pi?i.ty ?T tui.k ami Irn,t; good | trtOla, wltii nil the dalpilea of the ?cav>n 1 J'lat ona linor*t I ride fioin the city; m.ihln and earr.a/o itrromuiojattoa. 1 Call i/*i ut awirvaa Mit, ?. H, I'lXC U, 1 arrjtoaa. COl'lfTRY BOARD. A JEW MOIt K roomm Lkft AT KtEfX farm -TV Hiiuu. one mile wa.t o( Spring Valley and (in* hour bjr r?ii , Mil modern Improrentem*: extraordinarily healthy; romantic shade. boating, batbius : early fruit .?nd regcta I'll i ifSSa fTl*?h 'If?* Adlre** u at ore to Mr*. > "Ah . hK. or ; .? , box MM HI ?? >.t office Sew York. pOAKDIJi RO< M I.NUUOI Nn ?> \ A FARM OWE .L I k .IT' BrLn* Valley depot; Uue hour hjr rail; buat 1?* *? Wea't^nth ' pllut0|'ru^tl ?aJ particular! call at DOARDI WANTED IN TIIK Cor.NTKV. I s \ nof'S 'r,iJn"y. ,* boy of 13 yenm. where tie will al.o receive riLTlfVu ^ term;. Mr.. FISHLK. lierald Lptown Branch officii "R0^0.,"* T"K HUDSON KIVKK-AT <H)XsA<KIK, ,i.,i J .le* "bove Caukill; private family ; fine accommo Ka?i uihn?i *tabling. For particular* inquire at No. H IJOxHD at A F?lt\l HOUSE NEAR OOSUEM. Af ZT J ' ?t ?>! fcldridge at., an Monday. Iroin I to 4 o clock, or idtlreji II. L. B., l.o*hen, Oiauue county. N. V. nOUNTKV HOARD WAN ! ED-BY TWO UKNTLKMEjT vy, ""thin one hour from Now York: must be on the water: Kool table, two room* and moderate term* iitdit penaable. Address J. W.( Herald Uptown Hranch office. /lOl'XTRY HOARD \\x\IKI> FOE A FAMILY iTk V./ teven periona, including child (3 year*) and nurse, near if .'. Addre**, giving price per week. J. U.. box I7d llcral<| uptown Hr?Dch office. /"lOCXTRl HOARD AT MOXTKO.-K -A FAMl'i.Y"oF k re?nenae?it will take one family ouly; rstercnoe* ??* cnanjred; modern iuittrovtmenta; piax**. I*vn, nhmie. fruit *???? :iahlc?*. milk, poultry ; Kooui for couchman una Lor so! Addreaa box 2,902 Po*t office. /^JOUNTKY b7> A R D^GQO ONBOARD IN A P LHASA NT ? %r ..cVl?u c*n obtained at moderate rates by unolyjiii? to \. 1- 1,1...((>,). Hantcall, Hutch, ? county. N Y riOUXTKY ROAKJ) WANTED?FOR FOUR ADULT*"; . 'V,Q,? accommodating H*>: mountain air: rowing re. C i-oUI UV D'*l"r"1- Addreaa, with term*, F. ti., ;.OU nest U>th ?t.. New York. f}0'.J*TKV H(>ARD?JfTbXE OK TilB HAXDsoxtKST mpbphy fttcAk ,!*,udUr"* I^OUR PERRONS Jan BR ACCOMMODATED with A,,"!'" c **? Board at Nona I'owuat. Vt.. SO inilea rroiu "*7 ch,'l?. P'7"y "'ilk. OKI* ?nd n tftnerou. It !. V v ' rBler former b.iorders nt the AlbttU), ?ec tlon I, No. corner lit V.'d at an,I llriiadway. l^AMll,li:s A01\JMMOl>ATIUrW1TI1 ~(itlOD HOARD hn.t .""..-.-I!, H' II X. fivj rnilea from car* or WkSTKi l T'*rir i W"" J "VJ Addreis O. A. w tin 1KAivl,, 337 lith ?v.. New York city. f i 1'uri'';MAN ,AVi) WIKE WANT amirfufll.l 3,1.7 'f"S PM "?r^,d,% L,,n- Now Jer Jin ? H. A. A!.. Herald ( ptown BrancU dficft I N '"/'A', N. ,1.. KI.VKN MI.M'TliS KIJOM ItE ?ero.',rt Hr, ,r" on flf't floor or R??m? on ?ecoud floor, aplcnjild ahade, Ac. Addre** Mr*. CLOYD, corner of Front ntid Central av*. T O.NtS BKANl.-M IIO.VKI) ' 'AN H07171X A I.AROK J J cottHua, flva minute* from l...?ch. hotel* end depot ? Branch*'0008*" e" ^WARD WAUDhLL. iiaat l^nc XfEW BKIOUIOX, S~ -GOOD BOARD, WITH ^""toftic^ W"n'0tl by * K<,n,U',nilu- AJdre" "?* pLAINK1KLL), X. J., GNK Hoi'R KKOM CITY.?TWO ler^-e Itoom*, ono *mall. with excellent Board con bo* &H5 Po*t o'tflce.'Vla'lnflc'td!V. ?"'hln*'u" " -id"? l\r U U ANU l:l-A-ia AtCtiMJIO* h?,'. f? 'v";"t,r' or '"""bore, within en iIiao i.J ir >ork, by a tamily conai.tlng ol gentle cu??;.uliV ii^ir.H?rai;::;!ic."ervaul' AdUr,,,,?wlt" p"u W^SLT^W 0K SKVKS ou i<lofiT adults i , . !T ? "uP*ri'ir accommodation*. lark-e ntei from i'V ' '^e'b"?,,ln*. bathlnK and U?hln)t; :t5 nun rrtturl" v X ?"vi ,7.? ??"?"?? from depot. Apply to C. K UUKRIK, No, 7 a?h[ntrtun nlaue. cr.a .. lit'MMEH " UESffRfs. 1 tjrKoin?|oi- ti? w?-HB^ou>-fltru?rf?nxv5RM dre?v"h^r half tiuuce Hat*, the moil comfortable aud drea*y hat over iiitr.?duoed. .?<i. Hroadway and 13th at. VORXRT UAWN HOTKL. COM) SI'KINt; HARHolT ?.i.i__ ilT?*T,hunM..DB* end eli'ifntil furniture: bdatlnc fwl nH i 5 V1 delightful drlvei; acre* of heuutilui Uealthx *nd lnrlnoratlnc atmoaphere: no !?Sh?i! :w UBe*c;Pt'l",*1?l? fare; term* reaionabln; Kfc 0ria''*C-! M a"e* from ^tV.yDE"fAKS.nd TTKVTH ?0liSK^ N,,W ?I*KX, SCIIOOLIiY'S MO UN -*-*? '?>?>. N. J. Term* reduced to ault the time*. Mr Ooleman can be Men at the Coiemau Home* Wednet day from 13 until J o'clock. 1 LAIRD'S MAXolON HOU8K, ??_ ... l?on; Branch, N. J. K.Vl i,?. '*"0? open; extenilve Improvement* have been made and electric bell* Introduced throughout Beaneh1**" ????" beach U the moat attractive at the Mr"ucl1. Mi:I.NTIKK A IIOVEY. _i Owner* and Proprietor*. N\ Al K l'A\ 1LIOX, XOVV Ol'KX?I'A it I' OK cut ? tatjc adJoiuiuK to let, with or without private tahlo ? P. A. KMITH, TJOBBIXSWOOO HOUSK. WIIITESTONE, U I.. H<Jw I^,.0?!i"? i'u ????<?": beautifully located, overlooking W: WfflKW SiZX* ROS|!; MANSION, NYAOK, OVKKLOOKINO HUDSON Hirer.?Fine lawn, tree* and *tabllnK: term* moderate Aiply on prcniiv., or to WIU.IAMS. n7 Kulton at . X. Y.'I'an /.i:k housk, xyack, on Tiii:~iju?soN" -?? niilON Irotn New York, accea.lble by boat and rail* will open June III. itoom* can now bn aecured on the prmnl.e*. W. MUNROB. rpiIOMI'SOX S ATLANTIC FAVIUON IS NOW OPBN if. t?J boating and Bulling: acce*. by Ilia Lonir Hranch line from pier ? North Kiver aud hv iteumera Sea Bird and l!e!?*n, toot ofFrunkliu nt ' ThOiirsoN A WALLING, I'roprletora. THK Wl.NDLK IKM'SK, XX WINOLK PaHK AT Tarrytown, to let furnlMhed, or for tale on verr pmrv terin* and very cheap; clo.e to the depot, en high nud verr Ii?Hlth> Kroiuid; the hnent location on the Hndaon luf a firat clous hotel or boarduiK' houae. 8. EMHF.RPON, Ba'iO Oth ar. "YyrKST KND ilOTEL," Loujf Branch. .t "ST*!? T11^ ,*rc6 ?I1'1"10"', ,,n,l Improrement*. con (Utlng ol 70 *lngle room* for gentlemen, an additional dlu litg room,, hot and cold aea water bathing e.tabll.hmout. will open June 15, Application for room* can be made at the hotel. ''"KSBURY A UILDRBTH Kor Other Boardlny Ailverti?ement* See Dlrcetarjr. MAIjKH AT Alt TIO>. J. BLKIiCKKIt A SOXTT XI t' I ItjNKhKsT Truntee'e nale ol Brooklyti Lots TIH'KSDAY, .tune 15 at VI o'clock, at the King* Coantv Court Home, Brooklyn ten flue lot* on *outh ?irte Sth *t, between 7th and ><th ar* itreet curbed and guttered. ItT. Now on exhibition ?I the Schauck Art Oallerr. Xo. ?? Liberty at., ? rery choice collection of American and foreign .... U" 1'alntlng*. thirty fnnr nt which were exhibited at the late exhibition of the National Academy of De.ign, and the other Atn-tlean painting* direct Ironi the artiat*; alao tome rery flne forolgn picture* ncrer before exhibited. To he told at auction ... THURSDAY anu Kill DAY, J L Nh lV Vnd lO at 12 o'cloik each day. ' KDW AKP SCflENCK, Auctioneer. A -? ? Now en exhibition at the Art Boom*, 817 Broadway, a colleetion of Palntlngt. by American and foreign artiite. to be told by auction. Monday evening, June 13, commencing ?I 8 o'clock Tlie Me??w. I,EAVtTT, Anetlnneera. A RT.?NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THK A MATHKWS' (J VI.I-KHV ft/ LIBERTY ST.. SUPERB CAKRAB V M A Kill,I', STATUARY. CIiimIc Vine* and Statuette' In marble an<l alnl>a?ter: alt.. EI.KUA.NT MONUMENTAL BTATl ARt, Pedmtala. irtlilh Rrontn new dctlunt; flu* CUckt, Ac. The enure Collection to b? told nl auction TUESDAY anti WRD.NEHDAY. JUNE 13 and 14. at l'i .1 cli ck eac'i day. DAN'IKI. A. M ATIIKW8, Aui iloneer, 57 Liberty it. Y -PRIVATE LIHKAilV. " Now on exhibition at the Clinton IIall Saleroomt, a PRIVATE LIRRART, comprlaing an unuanally choice col" lection of Illustrated and Standard Worke, to be told on Wednetday and Thursday eveniugi, Jane 14 and lft, com mencing at 7>j o'clock. The Meitra. I<EAVITT, Auctioneer!. T ?TV X i s 7611N s o y. A r r t r o n k i; a A. Old (laud 1*7 Nauai! M. On WEDNESDAY. at IOW o'clock. LAROE SALE Of HOUSEHOLD KUKNlTUR*. On FBI DAY ami SATURDAY, CONTINUATION OF SHERIFF'S >AM", OF CarrUgo* and nr.fti whed Stock By nf W C. 1'ONNER. ^ POTION BALK ? . PETER BOWK, Auctioneer, will tell Tnetday. a: II o'clock, at No, Hit RMngton et., the ci.nt?nt? of a ft rite an Iwtma, coti-mlng of elegant lUr Couutera ami back Hart. one 4 pull K i rluh Ala I'aiup, lilaatware (lock. Oat Klxturet. Screen*. Ac. t DMINISTK \TOR'S BALE ?& A. LAWKk.NUE. AUC J.'V llotieer, will tell at au.'ti?n. at Ul av I?. June IS, ai I o'clock, all the Stock in trade. Tool* and Implamem*, M'eg on?. Il?rn.'??. Truckt, Boat-, Ai.. ot the late I,earn Kay m .n.l boat builder. Tern* eatb. By ordor of Maria Ray mond. idtmaiatratrla. BY JosKI II I Kill',M AM .t ?'o"1aT THK BKSIHENCE .<1 Ooloital Charlea K. F.taut, .v>4 t'llntoa av., near Kaiton ?( . Itr.Miltljn. Inetdar June !U, at II A M., >?!aa l?le Oil .tn.l Water I olor Painllnira. I'aatele. Oil ami Water Color Chromoa, l*i.<it<i?. Kn?r I'at.e Partont, Ac... many in rich and cottlv friirte#. I - Farian marble Stalueitet. Urn- M'Kie Boa. villi Stagtag Mird, Ae Ac., and on Wedneedav, the I Mh. at M A * pfeelaelr, the antlre Kur altura, larj.ett, I'ler Olaatea. Mattreta#!. Bedding, Ac 7 he hoaaa o|.eo Moii'lay, tront J to d I' M. Cataloguei at the aalearooipa, wllloughhy aad I'carl ?t?^ HTSHELL, WKLLK* A MII.I.ET. A rcTIONEEKS. FRIDAY. June HI. at 1'"4 A. M . at <>'ir lalcerootna, N> l.'< durra\ at., large pereuipiorj -ale of PliMi, <.uav Ac , by ..r.ler,"! the manufacturer*. i n a credit ?!" tlirre montht. omprltmit twenty two (22#U>> Ihoittatxi breech loading tint' r PmloN I'.ei.dvere, double ai..| alngle mint; .ell I vking repeating I'itiolt, Ac.; alto double and tingle barrel Uunt, Ac., Ac. Alto, for i ath. an ttaortment of Pireworaie Flr?. r-.< iter?. toy Caaaon, Ae. Blank tamplet ot ftreworka only will be ?hown. BT BARNABD SMYTH. Al'CTIOXRKR?JlTNi ?>. t* M., Ill Broadway, ror 'cloture tala. by order of Thnt. I), t'ottinan. referee, taven iml um four ttory hrowa itooe lloute/. toulheatt corner Medii.Mi av. aad'^Kb tt IJIDWARD Bf'HKNCK. Al'f*IIONKRR. J!i Kleuant Hnrtet end CariWgit, M tUa private ttable 138 w e?t l??li t. See liea<%of "Horaea and Carriavee." IJIVEKY AI TTlO.NBRli MlorI,lt WKAR~~BHAYNKvJ l"j celeliratert half r.ime? tlat! price. $d ?'??? the ni"?t cuiiifnrtable eummer hm ever inf ?la ?d. Broadway and Utti Ik, Waiiaut a Tueatr* BuUdiug. .at ArCTIOY. K >AL^tfivAtrg^rArk~ovwurm J B \v' Jdv'iV' *" '?*' ",rbMt *?d A M. fthorlwell ? :;v, .te .-a, ,i\. ?ton# Moot* aim! trltnmitur llL.i '?J uric* bru?m Hurt il.nmfeA went of i.J * ?" lhe north ? Br-t rf?.. location i,ld J.J'.Z* IZ'i "" * '*,0* "*J- "* For particular. call tt>? auctioneer *Cll?" *l fj1 0OLTON. AUCTIONEER ? * Bv jT''U,V^' "4i" ofr'ch ''"Uiebold Furniture By orU?i nf tins t'Xicntori of J I. inun a ' - 55 .he , .r^u!,!r:v/rr,*' ???*"" *i ,b# ??'????-.???i3,h".v ."Mrs TTENRY D. MINER. AUCTIONEER * -1 A rime llcnrr H. Lent. A Miner). .office mtiiI -ale?room 845 Itroadwnr. THURSDAY. JUNE Ift. at II o clack, at the countrjr reiidance of Dr. E. P. llayler, AT H AMINOS, ON THE I1TTDS0V Iland.ouie llouicbold Furniture, inaiie to order by Pnttlee AMymii.: Wiitnn ami Bruweli Carpott ro.ewoL ..mi t:r?n.l l lano, original modern oil Painting. Phelan rilUrll KUtSrei! ic" ?*M.le ,*"<1 *???? ?M2?S?u'o2 nimble- i vl',"1"" w" nu?rlv n'? I'Kbt Phaeton.. one with ? u be 1I1 i^i''"* *??<">? huilt by Brewtier; KlV.^a:r,7rSiM d'PO,<11 0:10 ?nd **h (Hortu II. B> "ElcTS 4 SOX*. AUCTIONEERS. ~~ HOUSEHOLD rPHWlTUKKTcARTETa. MIRRORS, AO, AC.. ON TUESDAY. JUNK 1.1, AT 10* O'CLOCK, AT SO. 11U EAST 4riT!T ST., J{ B- 52B5 A iOM, AUCTIONEER^. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO. AC.* ON WEDNESDAY, JL'XE 14, AT 10'? O'CLOCK, AT NO. 62 EAST 81ST ST.. Comprising the entire elegant Furniture tnd Flfrrti of tha T,r;.s,!re ,,"",slun-run ??,uiu ?r"??? JHAVliN. AUCTIONEER. " ? will Hell MONDAY, at IOU A. M. ? ?' as* ?i.U 41 Ea.t lUthH., runilture. Carpet*. Mirror., Heiln, He.i.iinir. Parlor Suit* CoUne**???'"y,*011 f>t?nd?, Lountren, Biireani f1"'*' 'ult*. Mirrors, Crockery, net Chin* Sliowca.e. 5i for account of whom it mar cncorn. C*???, Ac., J ^piST AUCTIONEER^ 8KI,L.S M(TnDaV AT ^?%H wlen' rMCO,,'.0,:!w "J Hardware Store, 34 a-u"""; 'or?%?n?r''iv3?'lh,I'ir^ wih^n*?C?,"W0?i L>1AM SWMMKRKIELU. dMMMd SaSSSra? contain* ?n* and water, bathroom and watercl<.*et 'lVroom*1 Plot ot ground, l.V> leet. *ar deii.t wlih!.?'..V? rannication to (irand Oen ral ?epot w;,Uin?,on ?v r'^V jyjOUHDj WILKIXS, AL'CTIoNKKS. ??? Peremptory sale of Jauncey court. Wall it, by order or the Supremo Coon E. II. L0DLOW t CO. ^rlli ?ell at aoctioa on Wednea. day, June 14, 1876, at la o'clock, at the Exchanco Sale* roam, No. Ill Broadway, " ?v. ,#r<l?r ?f '?mil P. Ledwlth E?a Ruhiu I ie Muildl?i|r? No?. 37. M 41 and 4a Wall ?> known a? Jauneejr court, being 01 feei front HoleeirlL, ?b au average depth ol 118 leet ou1, W bI 8t?"!.tw^Oo1n,panvm0rt'f,4,? ?f ,,0?',)00 10 the Un'"? tor""""' ??"<??. Larooqno and Macfarlaod, Al. VfOKRIs W ILK INS, AUCTIONEER. "*? Hualneea Property, loutliwuit coruer of We?t Hroadwar anil York it. will ..n .> "? LUDLOW A CO. mssggggE^ V|"0RT0aqk and marshal salsa. will jell \fon I | I1'*'". Auctioneer, Room, cornorttth .("a,",! inD^r'.U?p}^' iou'JjSoAT""'1 d?nie?tlc and Imported, compri.lng .rSn^iSdtUOt,C'*?r'? a fine aaiortment nf Wlnea catel. Madeira and other Wim" ' p ,n?riT v' "*? I Martha! aud Attorney for Mortgagee. MA':S" u"s sales"ko^??-. ru?ii?. cokkke: m1S*5?oZiWPijS?*' WUI aell o? large aaiortuient of liriwerlet Braadway. ? rel. ('hickory R'ce V^n??r k l"rreI'' r, ban Ac.; alao an aaaortment .VrMcy oS^; tejS"*' 8"*? P- UALVIN. Marxbal, AWNBRoKKHB' SALE?BY JAMES AUAS IrTrC iU ?' ??'??room ou New Bow.ry and No 9 Ol?S Clott'""f- Br ordst MT?V^.VoUn3VnWl;n.; an<1 W0M'B,< Cl0,W??- ?' OH" PAWNHROKEs SALES.?BY R. FIELD, UENKKAls Acutlonaer. Salesroom Sn. 80 Bowery. MOSDAY, Juno 1A ?By order M. Mehrlnch. Orand it.f 000 lol? Watcbe* and Jewelry; tlw ?M lirci Clutter Dia mond Stud. TUESDAY. Jane 13.?By order B. Bimpaon A Co.. 103 Bowery, t! O lot* Welches end Jewelry, together with U3 Hum thread nn I Main* Lace Shawl*. ? WEDNESDAY. June 14.?By order Hugh Mc.Vleenan, 2d iiv 000 low Clothing. THURSDAY, June 16.?By order Mr*. 8. Fullito, Weil 3l?th at., IHKI loll Clothing. FRIDAY, Juue IU?lly order late Hrm of Simpion, Oreea A Co., 1HI Bowery, 500 lulu miscellaneous Book*. PAW SB BOK KB' -l S ALK. ?TH c >S. J. M'OIIATK Auctioneer, IX Chailmtn St., corner Mulberrv, will se| on Tuesday, June 111. men ? end women'* Clothing. By o? drrot David Mom, Catharine it. RICHAKD V. HAKNETT, AUCTIONEER. ' will aell at auction, oil SATURDAY, Juno 17. at 12 o'clock, at Etchaag* salasroons, 111 Broadway, by order of the Supreme Court, under direction of V ratici* ll?rlow, Esq., rafare*. ?IO IHh a*.?The very valuable lot ol 14 round, with foal story frame end brick liouia, covarlni: lot altuate <>n the *M aide of tKh av., coin metirlng 7i> leet 3 Inch** north ol 43? St.. sine nt lot, 3ft. IxKIO feet. Sitle of till* valuable lot et ground positive per c?nt will be left on raortgsge. FRANCIS 0. IIAHLOW, Eao.. referee, Bbvkoi.d* A, Knqra., Mai Broadway. I'Uinllfl . At'ornays. ?l Wall at. Map*. Ac.. at Auctioneer'* office. Ill Broadway. S~~HEUIKFS SALK-C'<>*TENTH UK A CO A L~YARdT OEltAHD BEITS, Sh"ri(l ? Auctioneer, will *ell on Monday .lone I ' at II o clock, at .r> ? WeitM.. the con lentanfth* oalYard at lb- ai>ove number, confuting of about. 7,000 ton* Coal; al*e all the Bight, Title aud Interest In aud lo the I/e**e of said yard WM. 0. CON'SER, Short IT. C'll il W. Urtl**. deputy. S' UXBlrra BALB. ?UKRARD BKTTS, sHERirr? Auctioneer, will *cll at pobllr auction, on Monday. Junt 1., 1H70, at 10 , o'clock A. M . at No. 3-it Broadway undOl and by virtue of a certain writ of execution. a general ate *..rtment ? ( Steel I'm abont .'Jfl.OOJ groaa, of the celeb rata* Harrison A Bradford uiamif.intira. W11.1,1 AM a CONKER, Sheriff. ,l*n H. 11(1 tm, DepulT. ilTTu-i \m Tiiemu * co., isi church sr. ~* ? BRVENTII MONDAY'S SALE liK STRAW& 4.<Uc ises newly mariulacinrad Straw (1o<m1<, iHltdllg IM c*?<'? of new and goods, to be sold wtthoat re-erve. t?> ci?*e the atock ol a leading manufacturer. ty ill I am uooirrii ctToneer. ibo and loi Tf Duatic M,i Am?etlre and peremptory *?l*. Urkisli tiuod*. imported for exhibition at the Centennial. On MONDAY, J ii tie 12. l*7il. at II o'clock. Tnrkiab ami I'ertian Carpets a ad Rukv embroloarod Certain* table, eh?ir aud piano Cover* and CuOuona t baiwlseltaa. Veektle*. Jacket*. Cap*. Slippers, and J eariciy ol other arlielc. Uutids on ekhlbilioM. Al*n a private stock ol Bne Wlaea and Uqaor*. M \TRIMOXI4l; Msiii.K. Middle-aiIBD MAN."of~>"LBAsis4 ? KI SO LB. MIDDLE AilED MAN. Of PLBASISi iV appearance, who never had the cliauce, tliroagb clr? I'ttmMaaee*, to form the ?? <|nalntanco of ladle*, de*ire* now. alnce he h*? been ? *tal>li*h*d in a profitable baainosa, to make ilie a ^nalatanre of soma accoinpli?lied lady iiwlddl* ?getli In matrimonial view. A small ready capital woald be acceptable to enlarga tha bunineaa. Ladies an sw.ftaw till, may be saaur.'d of perfet t secrecy. AddraM C r . l?i* 2a? Pnat office, Kielimaad. V*. ^ I I XILEMaS is dksibols ok I--ORMIVU til* about ne *'? ,'i.ilntanc* of k lady nistrlnioiiially nulla* I, -'Mo :!?"?. Addrei* F. L., bo* Iftil Herald oilice. \LADY. -?:! VKAKs7~*DIXATKiT*ANU_BBF$BSK willi good bttaina** qn*iltle* and mean*, desires tbe ao> M'i?lntanco <>r * liuslass* asaa for matrimony Address O. r?. Herald ol.. e. M a I itl ALluf f^CLINBD. ?SlNr'KRI TY, HoSOR mid ? inlldenca held sacred; a physician of wealth and gond standing, aired Si year*, itaatrai to meet a lady *1 waaiih and t*(it??fsl, from If It H, with a vis* to matrt Moays ra*ld*nco. Europe or at * dlotanae nrom Saw York. Addrass.l. II. s . Herald Cn'own Braaak ofleo. at aaaa. KK*T\I iufrs. i IVK and let Lfrlt-HMpNAy KIV J J Ladlaa' and i|*atl?MM'* IMtllas Reoat; Sod Mia L'raba our rp'iclaitv. SANDY SrKNCKK, Caterer. VTorltL. ?A JoUSST BILL LwTor"MCTTON HI'K ,I p'r a: I enrlal, to ha halil al P. ASHDOWS'S A1M| t^ottage, 7S'tiHh av., be'ween Uh aadiXHIi et* . in MvttdM l ?foAUtrf.JaM Hi. toppir at ? pr?Mf k iMttU