Newspaper Page Text
DRT GOODS. 967 anil 2?V> Grand ?t? earner Fortyth iL, New York. Grand display ?fLadlea'. Misses' and Children's lAnmm amd Batista. Salts, Overskirts and Bwiuu. Mexican Grenadine and Ovfrganneatafor nmatr im, Jill Uatn Suite from H apwant. Blch Embroidered Salts from $5 upward. Great bargains In Silk*. 350 plecvs heavy p? grain Silks, from sseflea, la all tke asw and fashloaabla abadas, at $1 par yard; worth (1 50. 200 pieces sniped 81 Iks (hair lines), blue aad black, brown and blaek, bow rarj fashloaable. at SI a yard; worth 81 25. Grenadines. '?<*) pieces plala blaek Grenadines at 12}?e. a yard; worth 3>lc Kirli Mexican Grenadine*, plain and striped at 20e.,SS&, 80c.. 40c., 60c. to 91 a yard; worth dSttbla Great reduction in l>r^?>? Goods. 5 cases Silk and Wool Pongee* at 37>Jc ; wmrtb 00c. 4 case* striped Japanese at 12}?c.; worth 35e. IIaving made equal rednctlons in all our departments, ladies will do well to examine our prices. doyijR a adolpiii, 267 and 2t?9 Grand ?t.. corner of Korsyth St., New Vork. P. 8.?5,000 pair Kid Gloves at 50c.: worth CI. W W ? W VV M w wv w W WW w WW WW WW WW VV VV w w V V ? A ? A A A A A A AAA A A h h h 1. L L A I. AL EEEEB BRRB E E K I-KB K E K AlXM.L I.LLLL KBEBE K K U It B R BRRB B K B It B B B B AND MM M M M M >1 M M M MM cco M M c MMc S SO M M c e S O M M coo S8S O M M M M ?0 M M M M * SO M MM M S SO 688 OOO RRR h 8 SO OK Kli BBEE Y M B T V OB K I. K Y Y O R K L E Y Y O BUB 1. EEB YY OR R L K Y OB BL B Y OB Rt 1J Y SS8 OOO B KLLLLEEHI Y 245 Grand St.. near Bowery. New Yorsc. Immense reduction In prices this nreek. .Extrordinsrv bargains in erery department, ''all and examine our immense stock beturs purchasing elsewhere; asavinit ol 25 per rent guaranteed. stalk Department. Black gros grain Silk, receutly sold for $1 25; reduced to HOc. lilac's cros grain 811k, recently sold for $1 65; reduced to SI 12',. IiTouk Mack grain Silk, recently sold for >2; reduced to SI 4". Lyons black prsin Silk, recently sold fur $2 25; reduced to *1 7:.. Hellou's best black Silk, recently sold for $3; reduced to ?2. Beautiful plain Silk, recently sold lor fl 70; reduced to $1 25. Beautiful striped Silk, recently sold for$l 12)?; reduced to 75c. Dress Goods Department. ?nmmer Cashmere, recently sold for SOc.; redaced to 40c. Bilk Pongee*, recortly sold for 70c.: reduced to S7\c. All plain Drens Good*, recently sold for 40c. and oUc. i re duced to 20c. ami 250. Black Good* Department. Pine quality black Alpaca, recently sold lor 40c.; reduend to 25c. " Extra Mark Alpaca, recently sold for 05c.: reduced to .17^c. IK wide black Uasbinere, recently told for 00a ; reduced to 3.V Black *atin *tripod Grenadines, recently sold for 40c.; re duced to 20c. Blaek Iron frame Grenadines, recently sold for 50c.; re duced to 51c. Ladles' Knit Department. Alpaca. Mohair and < a*hmere Suits, recently sold (or $15 an.l $20; reduced to 810 and 812. Black, colored and striped Silk Suits, recently sold for $60 and 87i>; reduced to ??'?Ml and $4<l Blaek. eolorrd ami striped Silk Suits, recently fold for 8100 and #125; reduced to fwi and $75 1.1 am a Lace Sacques and Shxwls. #750,$900. $1,200. $1,500, $2,0011. I.adie*' I.iner Suits. 4.00H Ladles' linen Suits. hamUomely embroidered and braided. $4. #?i, f*. Jin, $12. 1.0011 Ladies' linen Basque* and Overskirts, $3, $">, $3. l'arasol Department. I.nmsllk Parasols, from auction, from 75c. to $8; fully 90 per cent less than manufacturer*' price*. WALL.KK * McSOBLEY, * 245 Grand ?t.. near Howory, New Vork. h 1. Vi L I. L LLLLL K88S S 8 S ssss 8 8 S SSSS II II II II ii a unmix A AA A A A A A AAA A A A A W W W W WW W W W W W W W W W WW WW VV VV w w Ml M WKS'l 14T11 ST.. Boar Mary's, only depot. New Vcrk. BEAUTIFYING BAZAAR. CBKMF. BLANCHE, or the Mai;ic Beautifirr. for the complex ion. Imparts a brilliant trim: pnrenc.v, Is delightfully cooling and an indispensable article for the toilet table; warranted to be absolutely harmless. $i Der box. All supertluous hair > n the lip*, cheek, chin, arm*. Ac., removed without PAIN AND EFFECTUALLY, OR NO CHARGE. Pencil* for the eyebrow*, blonde, brown and black; blue Pcncils lor the reins, 0< "c. each. F. Cotidray's celebrated Al'BORA. to bleach liair of any color to n flno golden Monde without injury to the hair. Price for three ounce bottle, $1 50; for sig-onnce hottle. $2 0 J B. rontane's wouderlnl preparation. DEItMATINK. a sure cure to remove all wrinkle* from the Inco, $2 per bottle. A larne ***ortment o( all modern beautl jfying t.'OsMiiTIyL KS ou band. The largest assortment human hair goods, une<tnalied In tliis country or Enrnpe, ipo-itirelr retailed at wliole*ale price*. |Satisfaction ?niarauteed or com!* returna IX VISIBLE KllliNTS in lar^o variety, rery *tyll?h and Improving ttie look* of all ladies instantlv ,$2 per inch on real patent hair lace, or $1 per inch on imi tation hair lace. Thn latest invention and iniprovenietu on the INVISIBLE I* TIIK M.VKOUEBITa WAVE, wbicU forms t'OlK KI'ltK for front and back, can he adiuMed without a ainirle hairpin and will not rip or tear, from upward. HAltt S\V1 rCH KS, of the tln"*t qnalityof hair, and 017RL.H, warranted to Le naturally curly, at e* eeedlnrfy lew price*. MKTS, for the front hair. 25c. and SOr each. COMBINGS made up in the m?t approved manner. HAIR TAKEN IN KXCHaNGK. GRAY IIAIt A SPECIALTY. Our quality is tinpreredented. Ihe best proof in the world, highest premium award ed by the American Institute. c "tARFi'.TS. Ofldotha, Mattlnga, I<m Curtain*. Clearing ?p tale ?I -Tr?t reduction*. In order to cloea ent pattern* which wo do not Intend to duplicate, will offer during the balance of thin month, at leu than mat of importation or mancfarinrera' price*, large line* choice deaiicn*. Moquettei at S3 23, formerly $:i 26 Velvet* at 91 73 and fU, formerly 9- 7S. Hodjr Hm-neli at 91 60 ana! #1 7fi, formerlr $3 ?3. rap?stry Brmuli at $1 an<l 91 23. formerly 91 30 and 90. fbree ply. 91 and 91 25, formerly 91 30. 'iigrain*. 40a.. 30c.. 73c. and 91. tn great variety. A manufacturer'* entire atock of Olteletha, varying from one to eigl.t yard* vide, at leu than co?t of manufacture, ' at 33c. per yard and upward. Juit received, a cargo of Mattlnga. white, red. check and fancy, from 'JOc per yard Ale? a lot of Javanese Matting at JkJe.. worth 6i.>c. Aa importer'* <toc* of Lace Curtain*, from 91 per pair to the fiuett Imported, at lialfpeica. From auction, al*o f'nrtaln Net* and Cottage Ur?j>ery. Cretonne*. Kepi Kureunre CWattet, ,*e.. Window Khade* and Coral- e?. Mna^nito Net*. Window Screen* *t 3<?c. eicli, to Ct any window (new patent). MIKPI'ard RXAPP, Xof. 191 and IKt <lth a*.. New York, one ?Wr below 13th *t. I* 9.?Mail order* will receive prompt attention. Hend for circular. Ar J !> MVKKRR'S. 441 bTll AV? HKTWKKN -JtiTH an* .'7tb n* ->taint'ink- and Satbroiderlag K*tabll*h ?nent; >ar?:n Mock of imported rokt i h'niie Hindi. Draw rr? and l.lncerte. i.adte*' Hr?*k(a<i Caps, l.*dle*' lr"it? ?eanx : ej?eclaltv V anagram* and Initial* lor handkerehlet*; ? able antj bed elothr* embroidered to order; lace curtain* cleaned and mended equal to new kU KIM)* or M.AfTIXa. KlIIRRIXti, stitching ?nd button o> mating dane p"im|.t!;, WTKVhXs .t CO., lid Km 14th ?t . New fork Call 11 *e? the <;e?n Mailing meebiite, plalt%l,(X?> ?*rd* ; prho .-end lor ?trculer. not XALK AT A AACMl'li'K * < A.tW. 1,'S IIAIR f Shawl, two lace Klo?nce? and ?.one "tlier I, nee* and two Ulninond Ring*. Addraae K V ANS, l?o* |9H llernld olficr. CI HCNOl f I.IWf. rilK < ITV SATI'ROAY JT. lor Saratoga .-prnig*.* 1 ij the I'arieien i nr Net. the iiidi*|>rii*able thinw $i ? the ?ummer; al*o lavbllile Jrimp* 1.143 Broadway, or Jfo. 3 I'aion lintel, *arato?a. IftAfgAt ,-s It AI ft V ETSKOK fli R~ KRORT * IIAI li? Vflth it ladle* ran divpenee Willi ye,:?; Inedible Crimp* ? ado of natural early li air; Braid*. Cnr]?, Ae. '.'I I'nl.m iqaare. K- eiKr** PATKNT fARTI.T M ADK ln::s. >11 (itr?, the eery be>t. ?ix lor Ml MB ba ffltahe i a* ?a?ilj ?? k?M*in( a hfaadkarrJilef. 371 Broatlaaj, arnliUI Ahj ii , (p DRY GOODS. "Tn~ t-Rl6i?aT JOB !f SON BROTHERS A CO, Union rqnar*. We will offer great Inducement* taring this weak in all oar department*. TRIMMF.D BONNETS. S7 50, reduced from SI 2 MX ?S. reduced from SIS. $f>. reduced from J16 8U. $10 BO, reduced from SIS. ?1 reduced truw $20. TRIMMF.D ROUND HATS. $3, reduced from S*. *6 50. reduced from SlO 50. $7. reduced Iran SI J 50. reducad (rem $15. 810, reduced from Sirt 50. STRAW GOODS. "00 caaaa of Slr?w Good* at lent than half prto*. K0TR Pltil R LIST. So dozen of Boys' trimmed Suiior Hate at 23c. each, vorth Tic. ? 50 iloren of handsome trimmed Sailor (lata for boy a and iu all colura, ut 50c., 00c. and 75c. each, worth $1, $1 25 ?r,d #1 Ml. 10O d?*en of Seaside Hata, handsomely trimmed, at 70e., worth ?1 2'i 7& dusen white S-vlas chip Hata and Bonnet*. 25e. earh, former price (1. looiteaen of fine Leghorn Hata at $1 50, Si 75 and S3, wort li $?> 25, $J 75 and ?:V 50 duaen of white and black French chip Hata, axtra laa quality, Juat opened, at very low price*. PARASOLS. 2.SOO Parasol*. the largest and beat assortment of vwiy tea goods ta be found in Uiia city, at the following pricaa?? $1 i>\ former price S2 75. >2 25, former price $3 25. $2 38, former price <>4 50. 50, iormer price #4 75. S3, Iormer price $5. Canapjr Tap*, $2 50 and upward. Lacks. 750 place* black French liters at half actual coat. 1.00J pieces of Trimming Lace*. In all the new colore, for draas trimming. at 10c., 15c., 14c.. 2>c., 22c. and 25c. per yard and upward. :n?J piece* of Hamburg Kdginga at 6c., Sc., 10c., 120., 15c , IHc.. 20c. ana 25c. por yard. Ta*?o Dress Trimmings, In navy bine and breera, ISe. par yard and upward. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at leaa than cost o| material. Chemise, tucked yoke, buck and front, 50c. each. t'lieiuiao, corded bunds, ftOc. each. Chemise cambric ruffle, 75c. each. Chemise, tucked yoke, three rowa of inserting, 75c. each. Walking Skirth, 15 tucks, 50c. each. Walking .^kirta. plnitinif and tucka, 75c. each. Alao a large assortment of very line Skirt*, trimmed with rtitlie*. at SI and ? I 25 ouch. Drawer*, with tucka and embroidery, 50a each and upward. Long Night Dresses, with Insertion, SI, SI 25 and SI 50 each. 50 different Kyle* of Bustle* and Panler* at rery low prices. HOSIERY. Ladle*' Oante Merino Vests at 5f>c., 58c. and ft 5 c. each. Gentlemen'* Gau/.e Merino Vesta at 50c., 75c. and 85c. each. Children's and Mine*' Merino Vests at 25c., 80a. and Stk each. Ladles' Batbrlggan Moae, extra long and fall regular, 88c. per pair, worth 50c. Ladies' Kalbriggan Ilose. extra fine. 50c.. worth 75c. Gentlemen's cotton Hoae, full regular, 22c.' per pair. Oent lemen'a cotton Hoae,extra One, 25a, worth 35a. Gentlemen'* and Boys' Joan l?r*?cr*. GLOVES. Conrmtssler* Kid Gloves, in all the new shade*. Un.iressed Kid Gloves, in new shades. ? lull Une of Lisle aud silk Gloves, black lace Mite, FANCY GOODS. A large assortment jnat opened. 25.000 Fans at 9c. each and upward. JOHNSON. BKOTHRR8 * CO.. 84 and HO East 14th at.. Union square. rpHE FELT. ' COMFORT, ELEGANCE AND ECONOMY I Ladies before going to the country will And It greatly ta their advantage to visit our 8TIOE DEPARTMENT. where a saving of 20 per cent Is guaranteed to all par chasers. Especially attractive aro oar Ladles' celebrated and ele gant titling $3, $4 AND f5 DRESS AND WALKING BOOTS. Alao, Children'* nml Misses' Walking Boots at $2 and S2 50, well adapted fcr country wear. A line of Ladies' light blue and pink kid Buttoned Boots, reduced from $s to $ti, Our stock of Boys' and Youths' lloola and Shoes, manu factured with eapociul regard to durability, positively offers a saving that average* 50c. per pair ' LORD A TAYLOR, BROADWAY AND 20TH ST., NEW TORK. KinzeTs CLEARING 8ALE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK CLOSING OCT. Rargalns In Snn Umbrella* and Paraaola, very low. French Bonnet* closing ont. Bonneta and liound Hata eloalng. Silk and linen Fana, Sc. to SI5. Japanese Fans very low, 3c. up. Bargains In Damasks, Napktna, Towels l'iques, Masllna and Whito Goods. Real and Imitation Laces away below gold cost to close. Ladies' mu"lln t'ndorwear. The cheapest goods in New York. Hamburg Embroideries, He. to7.">e. ??e>? 10,01*1 worked Double Band*, 7c. 15,000 very line linen Collars, 5cl 15.UUO pair Une linen t'uffa, 10c. 13JOOO yards fancy Sash Ribbons, 7 inches Hide, 10c. yar& 15,000 yard* all ailk Sash Ribbons, 7 Inches wide, worth $1, at 25c. ) 'rd. No. 4 cord edge ailk Ribbon*, 2c. yard. No. t> cord eilire ailk Itibhons, 5c. yurik 6.(K*1 yards all silk, <1 Inches wide, worth SOc. yard, at 15c. Yard. 2.000 gentlemen's very Pne all linen hemstitch Handkerchiefs, with iuitiala, worth 75c., at 2.'>c. Ladies' extra fine all linen hematitch, 12i,c. Rich Valenciennes lace llandkercliiels, ;llc. 1,2 and 3 button Berlin Gloves, He. pair. Misae*' hue llerilii Gloves, He. pair. 2 bntton Kit Gloves. 25c. pair. Extra 2 buttons, every aliu, 4!'c. pair. Pricea reduced In all our department* to close out atoek. Ladies' Lisle lace Iloae, 2.V. pair, Ladie*' extra lull regular Lisle llo*e, fWc. 10.0nnp?ir extra full regular Ungllsh ' * Balbriggun Hose, worth 50c., at 25c. pair. Colored Halbri'.-gsn silk clocked, TOc. l.adiea' English striped liuae, 20c. pair. Lot ol ladie*' and mi*a?a' Hoae. 12V,c. Mi*ae*' En^liaii atriped Hoae. li*c. pair. Gent*' Encliah Italbriggan Hose, 25c. Gent*' hngliah regular Half Hose, lPc. Gents' Liale Half Hose. 25e. pair. Gent*' extra English, worth ioc., at 25?k KINZET'8 riNZET'S KINZEY'8 KINZETS KINZEY'8 KINZET'S KINZEY'8 KINZEY'8 KINZET'S KINZEY'8 KINZET'S KINZET'S KINZEY'8 KIN/.ET'S KINZET'S KINZET'S KINZET'S KINZErS KINZET'S KINZET'S KINZET'S KINZET'S KINZEY'8 10.0CK> pair* misses' full regular extra length atriped Kn^liab Hose, 25c. pair, WILLIAM KINZEY. 707 and 7l>9 Broadway, L OKU A TAYLOR. Further reductions In <s> I LACES AMI Id.AM < LAOS SHAWLS. | ?> ? I'rlee* relnced 'ront ft to J 1 to. I'rice. reduced from $ > to (J >y(K I'ricp. liiltcfd I'Mra #'1 to (t .Kl. I'rlcf* reduced froa #i j to Fnefii reduced trom *l > to#7 3ft. I'ricoj rednced Irurn tu n llnelng made lar^r additions to their Stoc* of ItKACAND imitation lacks. II AVHIRi. KlHilNOS AM) ISHtKliOXI. rRKNOH BAMlH, II AO., tl.ey *?" ?n Monday ne*t offer cre*t b?rir?tn? In Poln: ?:.????. Point Ituclie**, JVli l Appliijue, Valen elenun, til ml. thread uml dlipure Imitation bl?<K thru.: l.noi. not pnttem., nil widths. Ileal ?n<l imitat? ? >(i t.'lnn* Lake* in -cru and drub. lT?t> Mil ecru stitpurs Netl^?! worth #1 ."?p. I>r?!i end rern puipnro Net*. $1 !?!, worth *1 75, Drab and n ru KUipure Mat*. f I .V), worth ] novultiks in maDL i i* Lack <S> lUekitR, i"hhu?, J*l>ot?, Scurf*. Barbtt, llnndHfrrhief*. Ar Koal J*bot?, $1 *2\ *orth 92. Hamburg ami lu.ior'um*. nc*w foods, At low pnrCv il?m?tlt?h#(! IlandVorchfcf*. *1 4 4 per <l??*en. wnrtfc f 1 75. )!f?fu?titc*h<*d ilMi)iik<9ri*hii*f%. J?1 !*? fx*r il<?**?.wort i S?'J 2.\ llimMiU'h?4 ?- j? r worth MX liem*titch??d Mau-ike rchifK SJ .41 per iloxen, worth $.'4. Broadway and i>nrii >t.. OKAvn st.. roaxKii ?hkysiik sr.. s. v. 'for v in kii? lii/h k\ \<vioj.f i pkiVktm. ? I t rv I'lMvr HMinc "ilnvr Mi i^ninne ?f. *?KODf*.K A ? o >, J. Unit, bm Km?i i-'tli ?i , near )!r?f?i*tt.r. KKF.I"S 41 SI'o.M M\OK T'i * ft*** Vffy bent, %i\ f??r #<?: i??.t lli?* *Uf!*t#?t jr?*<u>ii t<< ink** I?r ,*11- me K#?*p -> > nrt*? r>erfe?nJ* >*tift* Uriorv. ?7J Broad* .v. uihi 1*41 Arch ?t., I'htladalptiift. Ml>s K ST. .1. I*A??* 4.10111 \V. HhTtt KK.NJIST ?u??l ."Jft *t*., tiianiifat'fiiror i?f fi?i# 111?or I??p l*i?*cc*, ill 9%try ntjrJw ?w?? nt v*-rr luodrratP |<ricc? *Ua Krom lt*?r >?i* m.uic ol ? niu^le nair, nu'i ?urv fcinw ??l li4ir wi?rk. Vlt;ola. 1.2 iff! ]\\ r.ill.NK'i IvTfi ST ? ? ? m M-ifrif ? 4i>.!*hm#ui, ?imUttv o lutllvn* nn?l i r'*u*-r t?m ; I.if* fttid t J ierWrnr; U**r*Ht ???' l %!?!? Ami Hf?. Iu?-!|, h4iuiktfrc?)i<*!?. A?\ U 9->ur i ?% L'th ii l>r;??r-,i?4 PAtfrot, !vr k'.an?|>iQ<. DRY GOODS. II H OOO " NX N PEEK Tl 1. L H H 0 0 ? N N K IS II L t linnn o ? n s s keb ii l l II II O 0 X N X i: II L L U H ? OOO X X.V KKER II U.M. lLLIi kk CCC OOO k k C C O O k\ C O O k A A C CO O kkX * CCC OOO # having added another building on the corner of Twentieth etreet 19 their establishment. are now prepared 10 offer Bur;?nl 111 tbelr two new departmenta. Underwear of every description. and domestic manufacture, which haa boon bought for cash In largo quantities aad will be offered exceedingly low iu price. Infante' Outfits. ready made and to order. Ladtea' and Chlldrea'e Hosiery. Balbrirgao How. 2.'?c., 4Rc . 40c. end NSc. up. Kmtirnidered Halbrlggan llo>o. 38c. to 80c. Ladies' Hose, tall, regular. . worth 'IHa Units' nmmrr merino Yeats nnd Drawer*, 49c. aiM af> Genta'Jeaii Drawers, o&c. and up. Dress Trimming*, Fringes, Bullions and Braid*. Pall and complete llae of Fancy Geetli, la all the various branches. II. O'NEILL k CO., 321 to 329 6th ar., comer 20th BV A. |T. 8TEWAKT k CO. will offer on Monday. ,)une 12, and during the w oK, some EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IK RICH DRESS GOODS. embracing the newaet stylos and colorings. In all the vari? ties of texture and manufacture, no Broadway and liltli at. aectlon. BEOADWAT, 4TII AV? SITU AND 10TH STS. Of$ AND CHILDREN'S STRAW HATH IN GREAT variety at SHAYNK'S. W.illack'i Theatre building; hats from 50c., 75c., $1, $1 f>0 and upward; eery pretty styles. X^CONOMT IN BOOTS AND SHOES. -Prices reduced. -Indies' lino Ualtori, { I, $4 and $i, Ijadiea', Gentlomcn'a nnd Children's llouta mid Shoe% -1lie liuat made In the city, at lower "prices tbnn any other house.** Ordered work, handsome nnd easy tits, a specialty.-^? -Soiled (ioods half prioe. Thoee out of the eit> seud for measurius card. I BROOKS', '? <?> ~ Sturtevant and Gileey houses. 1,10*1 Broadway, cor. 21Hh at "JJN10M ADAMS, N O. 847 BROADWAY. Hosiery, Glove*, Underwear and fine Furnishing*. South of Union square. For Other Dry Gootla Advertisements See First Pn?o. A A JOTL.LI.YKKY A\? OKKSSMAKlNt,. AT MARIE Tlf.MANN'S,'~<)I> PAUIS." IMl'OltfhR Opening of the (liiest. largest assortment of l'arlsian Hammer Millinery ever brought to this market. 423tith av., naar 36th at. iUw Michel's). ? MAI.SON WALTON." 863 BROADWAY, ABOVE ? Union square, importers of fashion in Bonnets nnd Round Han front Pari* nnd London; Mourning Goods from W. O. Jnv A Co., Regent ?t. A -MRS. M. P EDDIE'S- RENOWNED CORSETS; ? perfect fitting: ladies fitted at their resldeneos with out extra charge -, Abdominal Corsets and Supporters special ties. Boa-cry. At mme. "colton's dressmaking establish* mont. "Jii Weat 1 Ith St., ladies can rely on iretting per fect fitting Dreasea made, trimmed in latest Parisian style. Ladies Invited to call. A A.? MME. KEHOft. A. A ? Sncccssor of Miss M. A. Page, 2l? Wnverley pi nee. Importer of French Bonnets and 11 ait; hasjnst received a large assortment of Round Hats for seaside, travelling. As. T MMK. DELLaC'S. It; WKST -4ril ST., elegant Suits made nt very moderate prices. AT MME. EOlfLLIER ANGIERS', NO. 690 6TH AV.t between 34th and 3,'itli sta., Dres?es. Costumes and Corsets. T MMK DKI,I,AI"\ H WKST V4TII ST.-IMPORTED Bonnets lor sole, from $8 to fl2, to close the season. AT V us. MALLOW'S DRESHMAEINO E8TABLISH ment, SSIV Htli av., ladle* can rely on getting dresses made in latest styles; perfect flttinc guaranteed; cutting and basting a specialty ; suits made from $7 upward. ALL KINDS OF plaiting. STITCHING. SHIRKING and buttonhole making done promptly. 8TEVKNS A CO., 114 hast 14th St.. New York. Cull and soe the (iem plaiting machine; plaits 1,000 yards a day; price Send tor cireiilnr. A?MLLE. PRINCE. NO. 0 UNION SQUARE (BROAD ? way), next diMir to Tiffany's, Is now prepared to supply strangers and ladies visiting the Centennial with all the latest novelties In Bonnets Round Hats, whirli for style and elegance cannot be excelled. The Kmprexs, coaching and ra iug hat par exnellence. T\ri:ss FRINGES, CORDs! Tasski.i.s. AC., kV? J J made to order in any colors, at JACKSON'S Factory, 11.". to 121 Kast Clth st., i>car4rh av. U UroWeT IMPORTER OP K vol,1811 ROUND -Tj? llats. Feathers, Ac., Ar., 007 Broadway, and No. 1 Princes st.. Cavendish square, London, W? brought over all the latest styles for this season. J Elegant" suiTtT ma d1: in the most .stylish J manner and at the shortest notice from ft> to SK>; also, cutting and basting done in two iiuurs, nnd description given for maKing. Mine. RICHARD MKN AliKR, hreucli dressmaker. lt>4 West lWth st. 01OLDKN A CO.'S V A R IS MI Ll.l Y -W E A UK T selling the balance of our trimmed llats and Bonnets at hall price. 313 Oth av., up stairs, between llllli and ?-'Oth (GENTLEMEN'S HATS, fj, fill, to AND UP JT ward; Boys'11 ata. .Vic . 7">c , $1, fl .V). upward, at hllAYNh'S, Broadway and 13th St., Wallack'a Theatre Building. JT WILL BE TO TllE VnTi.RESFoh' EVJiUY LADY to call on Mme. A. PALMER, 701 Broadway 791 opponlto Crace ehnreli, near 10th it., MOXMaY.-Juili 12, or daring the following week, tu examine the large ami well a->orted stock uf 1...dies' Milt*. Costume* and in nil varieties. A* the ic.wrn I* pretty far advanced. every article has been markrd down lar below the importer'* or manufac turer'* coat, a* it it Mmo. A. I'AI.MhR'S principle rntherto?ell with a Ions than to carry Suit* or Clonk* over for the next season. A larjje consignment of extra fine imported French illk Sacque*. which arrived too late [or tlio will be wild at a front *mriflc?. Missc*' and Chllilron'* Suit* a special! j. l.aui' s' own materials made up iroiu French designs and a ported &t guaranteed At Mrae. A. FaLMEH'S, 701 Broadway 701 nppostlo (Jrace < hnt'-ii. nur loth *t. K'nifk FlaI TIN t is-MA I)K W 1IH.K TOI~v\AIT. at htnplrj Kooiu*. 829 llroadivay, uotuer lJth ?t., for l>,e. w yard. MLUM. BAUUNOK. IS WBff 11TII ST.-XOMt( Kobe* ana I rench t'orvt*. New ileal.-us of guipure Polonaise* Jtiit rcc-ivcd from Paris. Imported Unmet* at co>t price*. >TTm~ LDKM. DBtUM A SI) <lli.UAl( liu KhR^l . Suit* made in the latest style Irntn $0 to SS; cloaca. t-J . tilting a iMrlllt;. 2JU Wen K>th *t. 1 >RMOVAtT^MMKr A brVAU FRENCH DRESS J t maker and Importer, has removed to store StM Itnad way, oppoaite Lord A Taylor'*. Ladies awn material mad* tin and trimmed In the most approved styles u aliort notice; ha the only French ISnnter luiliipeiisablo, French Corset*. VJIDK PI.AITIV..-MDK. <P.V< 11 AM' UfM BL MUX O plaiting, I ruin I to J-> Incite* ? me, b* uiacliiiu'. S. JO sKI'll. ?'* fror?>tlt ai., New \ork, Ami -irj Fulton *!., near i'itie.<ppie. Brooklyn. QTRAKttKM \ Is111N.i TUK CITY Wli.l. KIND A ? ^ larn- and elegant assortment uf Bonnets mid itoand Hat*. Ill the le.test novelties, at IIAlilLi.V'S, Ut7 Broadway ami 17* .'tii a*. rpd Fimxr ukadaoiie WHab FiiR " ceIj? 1 brated hull-i'iiuce list; the lig'itstt and mom ecmiort abla etiir liitr duceii: price, #2 oil Found ouly at StIAYNf. S. Broadway aim lath ?t. WAftHKS. JKWKliHV. svt . VT 114 N A>SA i >T . ?< > M f?l '.MoMi*. Wa I titl es. .le-vclry ot'evory de*cil;>tiun bonvht ant ->'M; I o in* ? '...?ined, ? I LI. IA M KKIMAX. A r I>1)7 BKOAlOVAY, OOKNKK 4TH *T.?HIAMONOt' Watched. Jewelry, Silic, Locosatid I'ertonai I'rnj>?rty of every iie?crlption botiir'ul at.d ?uld. Loan* neLKtlateil. Ja.MKS !\ MATTli!:\VS. l.tMilNP AXD TtfAU SV;r. ISSO; Ml Bit: MwX, IS tune*, il li. li*, *IUI; lilai'ion I and ? ame.i Set, $.k'.(); handsome lt*n)o. .f.'A; t. iilar, , Bre tine Oil Tainting.*, S.deacli; t?o haud?ouio V*se?. SJ<<. LIM'O ItitOS., 1.8U7 Ilr'ad rny. I \i uio5?1)8? niNtJf. fiJTt?*a??i; kakkInu* 1<iTO 1/ f+>'; t.'ro.-es, f ?? to^ii?i. mU(i?, *Iii to .?Hri; Gold \S atelie*. 51" to #-'<A), Silver \1 itehos. $. to t.M iiold and ('oral M-ts. fin to Cl'O; Hracelets, till to $iui; >11110 houirlit; DLunondl react; Wan lie* and Jewelrv repaired. LI .N III I HI ton , l,'j?iV H roadway. t^KIKUhXSTFIN A KTTIKKK. I.ft HuWKKV. AO 1 vance liberally ori .1 ewrlrj, For* and other Mfrehandiau at 7 per eeut |?er annum. 1 MIST DISI'OflK OF MY JI WKT.R V. AS I AM IN 1 need of money; t!i*v are very fine diatrinad*. Audrosi It \r-LKY, I'M 1 ^ Herald >* I want n <11 an:i will imsposk of my hi a m >nd? very low. For partle* addreat 0:<WAl<U, nera d otfice. MONKY ON KIAVUMk, M'K.s. .?'? Ill AMON DS, Walrhes, ,Te ?elry. sllv -rware, un-1 , iialr Sh ,?i<, r^eal !s?cqne?, ."silk. Ac.. iMinicht and < d.l hack >t tier) ?r.i.ill advanee III'.(J. C. vLi.l.N, Jea ?lier, 1 IH' liroadway, i.aar 2!>lli at W ATI Mrs" AMI .IKWKLHY KKl AI.m.H 11Y FIhSt 1? claat worktn*n. ??!?%.?. C. Ai.l.l-.N, i.nnj Kr ndwa.v, near .tnii ?t. STi/wt kok fin:: V: ? \i:ar pumum*.sti also 0_in I tliro1 ?nia'l cluster Fm>, very n 0.1 p. App.y at rial le U* W < >t I'.Ull -U ,u|0 B SOaDWaV. I'lroM IK I1TII sr rflAMONDB, rllQ V.niches. .Jewelry, Ac., ho'ia'ht an I old XO KKf J ItiISKN I'llAL. Olawond Broker Loans ne^otined. IKflTliWAt OVKR MKRaLd I ITIUVN .-?'M I'ranch "Tice : room II. ? ir or f-r ladle*; branch 1.JU7 Mr.iadwai. ? Ulimend*, ? ati/ VJowelrv. Ac . houirht and told. LXS1H> BKOfl. , ??HOPlAS 8TKA9ISHIPS. CL"VAKIJ U*??* N^mCE." *- ?*?*?* CO. r?? 2-ii' anafs xass. txssjs SSS^^-tjssrasisate I >>?"??*?. crowing the meridian of 50 at i"u,^J jju.Sf 10 "" """h of4:.'. I UOU AJSW \UKK. >"t'K U vjiKl'ooL AND QCKENS. I IlgI'kIa H*'1-"}'"'* HI BOTHNIA ...Wed.. Jon. 28 Ai'< ?LnlA..,.\> ed., J one 21 I 4HWSHIV1 a w~.; i . r I 8t..o,en. marked* d? no?5 Cabin parage $?U, tuxi .n<J %la<, KJ-|d ."'orjif "V. t0s,!^rl'>t''la\ k*turu tiekeu on favorable *erma ,?*e* . terrace lickrli to ?nu Irom all naru of Kuriiix >1 nr> A-;r MiWP&S12&BS& *?""? AVChT.&a'l.043J* M- I ^ALlK?>KNlA.J'aa4.8P M f:S I imtzziStiUi intil, vi>,iirt^'>l#ni "n<1 JI Norlh River, .Now York tSSSCiJhS eJl7?*c?? intermedial., #3.'. currency. HEKDtl^V Ku?.r.ri5n/ *n,ount " corT?'" '???? t'"'ON BWOlHKHa. Ageou, Ng 7 Bowling Green. HAI'M >h a t'iV .v' F" ^i'A x Y'rtTl'xi foMMKHAVIi U." (,U,K-1U{uLKi; '""1 HAMBURG. HAMMoii? A 'I"1"' 15 I June 29 0 J,"""I WIKLAND i.i!v II !? ClrT""'1' '-""don. ObefWg, ilam ^n"nudru,.r^"^iSn.,:ira- Sf"tun'1 ""1 W"'"- Slm Cabin. tecum! ??loou. gold.. 5[!? b,"r*K?. enrrenoy.. !?( ren'lra f P RICHARD i'BOAS." s. T''15^'O'-NERAL^'fRA NS Al^^N'""/^ CO*iI^ UAi\ v,7i?AM KK* BETWEEN new vokk AND Havre. oallino AT I'LVm!;?! ,o. B.J , ... 'or the laudin.ij of piKHen^eri. 1 no Mpiendia vohnuIs on this ftiroritH mut* fnr ?)?? <innAi K^H^KrJSas^-siU AMKhVoUKpT"! V^SMardayi'julJ 8,? f ft ^ i'KICK ok Pifss idk'iv"ri*,vi Jnly 15. at I'J noon. Kmt cabin SllO f ci^xi (Includinc wine) : #11< to $1211, according to accommodation. s? is; ?? i?1..%*"{?-?' a^P.i-.engenu _ L la UK "BRIAN. ^Aiii"". ,>j Broadway. "Rational, Lixk.-kkom pikks~44 and ?? ? ORm-K wL1OX11)oX,1,lKElT KKuSS? :8"! ^ 5:1 reduced'rrnr's^llr^^;^;:^, ^-u ? ir::if;.r0nf,1e"ri;rrd)^,wac;,.rre,,t pricM- ^ ??"? W- ?'? HCRST. Man ape r. TiriilTM STAR LINK * ;h.oiKv&,as,?!?ranigD^srah. Br"taUNsI(J tu ?li llie rear rouad. Of KM isle * June 24, at 4 i\ M. t'ELTlC ..luljr 8. at 3 1*. M. BKriANNiti.';;;;; i"it3 " J,1 A- X UBBMAMC. . , Jut/ -u- ?? 11 A. M. 4,SKS:iK?,r4i?i15 "''??? - ?Kas:.a!r?5?C! 1bllhorto uuaitBlnnble ol i. " ff * oomp.n7tt:,?teU:i7?N:wVorr?a,i0a *PP" " U" ? R- J- CORTIS. Airent. 'W'OBTII GKKMA.V LLOYD 1 hThAMSIUP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. WFRPR ?P.'ln? " P!er ,0!,, "d ???? Mohoken. Si 5 i",,J,?1"17 DONAU...1Saturday Jnlr 1 aSoI1$3O.#'obu^i?0,*Old: Sef0nd C?bln. 160. gold; Steer Return Ticketn at reduced ratei. . 1 repaid >teuraKe Cortiflcatei. *32. currencr Por frviirht or iimshud apolv to OKJ-RlCH.Sjt CO.. No. 2 Bowling Oreea. U Ml*u inillnK erery TUESDAY Kivini r pier 4? North River. wiJAPA'tv F 1J- A- M- I WYOMING...July 4 4AM WISCONSIN.June^ 3 P.M. | IDAHO .July 18*3 ? M.* (?abin, (*>?>, $ ill and $80, currency. Intermediate. $40; atcernga^A. Sweden K lV? r?'' l? ?"'! 'r",,, Hambor*. Nora-ay. many at U>waM rat?x!"> and Ger WILLIAMS A Of ION. S9 Broadway. Special notice.?thk spT7enihd mail nti iw' ?t.ip NEVADA .ail. Iron, ple^ 46 North Rleer lo^t'oi Kt .Kt"iV|f"r,yV"'W ?nd on J, ?8' wiH.uS"S'?Sio^. BSSii.S" OTATE LINE. ~ 2mT 42^^^Vd'^^NDO^^u/Kl^^, DUBL"' HTAT^ ot v-IRUlvia" ('?01 ofCunHl ?*?> ?? follow.:? STATE OK Thnmday. June 15 STATE OK INDIANA Tliunidajr, Jltio 23 t"o Siw? U!rn,au Thnr,d?V' t'hVre.lt0r i"r''^alIh,nm Seoind ^^'^^tu^r^SS,1, r6Vlrn t'ekrt. Tj'sroadwav! tiSWrF* BALDWIW * CO?ttViK! Steernita tlokel. at i'S Broadwity and at tho p'er. foot of Canal ?t.. North River. company * C;?KAT WE8TEKN STEAMSHIP LINE. ~~ X TO BBISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, ARlRfiV w ,r,Wn pior 18 E,u" River ?? t?How. :_ CORNU'AIIlj stanitier' Saturday. June 24 Cabin pamaire. $7..; iiVter'modiatoi fiVr.toTa^'rlo'cuV "^f OST DIHfcCT AND ECONOMIC R()ITTK Til ir#vr~" iu. ttU,NEl ^WITZERL.ANii, StramcrCALAND , Steamer SCiioLTEN i ? ? to iha Netherlanda, are jtreiu lavoritea with the public. Kor frelgnt"' r"t',, : VI NCH. EDYE A CO. P T w. MORRIS. ?? AO B roadway. I NMAN LINK MAIL fiTEAMRR8 " CITY (,V !u^l'Ivovur()WN sAtP? LiV:r,,?01' CITY OK HH IN ajurdav. June 17,at 1 P. M CI I Y OK riiki-Pfc ii m Saturday.July 1 P. M CITY OK Hlr'n S('ivri*"5^l,y' Jul-V ?? >1 A. M CITY OK KHRt I* Sat unlay, July J-J. at ?:3o A. M iV ??????? Hntiirdnv, At^gnst u, at (j A. M JSm ^ er Juver. termi Ket',rn ticket# on favorable l ',\, ^ ? *-S- c,,n?t?ey. Drift* at lowest rale* JOHN i?' Ii'lriTnA Mn,,k'"K ""J hathroonu amldshlp,. JOHN G. DALE. Acmi, l.-> and 33 Broadway. .New \"rW STAR LINE. " VADhH?Ahir"Ph,"^ t:rVKK *>nm N>" York. ?assaa---ijg r: I mnsssi.r.'iB ? Firm Cabin Pa>s\(1K IN CURRENCY. r'nu".bMnVloweii"?^ 10 1 i-.u.R W I.lour A K).NS. General Attentx ? Xo. 8 Battery place. New York. American link. Weekly Mull St eamshlp servlro between PlllLADKLPlilA AND LIVERP OOL, calling ut Queenstown, Sailing every Thursday trtun PhlKielphla and hutting every Wedaesday Irora Liverpool. Tlie ti llotrlti? steamers ire appointed to sail !rom Phila delphia INDIANA June RIOlllO Jun?2n ILL.NOIS June li I PENNSYLVANIA.. July it ?LORD ri ! VK Junaiil *ClTYof Ll.MhRICk July IS FlUCh OK PASSAGE IN CURRENCY, Cabin. $7a to S-101. according td location. Pteerac# on 1 '.ntartnedinte ticket* to and from all point! at tlm lii?eu ruti ?. ?Stealers markc.i with n ?t?r do not carry intermediate. Famn^rr accommodations tor all classes uu*urpa??e<i. For pas-ace. rates of iieiifht and other information apply to Pi-;TLK WRItafr X SONS. General Agents. :tn? tt'ainut it., Philadelphia; GBO. W. COLTO.V, U Broad ?t? New York. JOHN MCDONALD, I'aueiiger Agent, No. n Battery plaoa. Tl'ILssON 1.1NK FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HILL It *nilit>g Iroro pier M North River, at follows:? OTIIBU.O J""" l>*? I NaYAKINO inlr IS HINDOO .Inly l| COLOMBO InlyM I Klrit can 111. currency ; second eaUin. ?!.*? currency. I Excursion tickets on very favorable term* Through tlck?u | Issued to Continental and H.iltle ports. Apply, lor lull par ! ticulars. to j (IIaBLRS L. WBIQHT a CO., 50 South ?t. ("nook-s internahonal touristtickkts to J nil part* of Kur pc. available tor pa?<en^er? landing at [ Queen*town. Liverpool i>r UlM|l?, ire wld at reductions I ranging from m to-i."* per cent FOURTH SUMMER YaCaTIOK PARTY sills bv steamer I Vlt'TORI V July S, for Scotland, Kni;lau<l, BtUlttm, the ! Rhine, Switierixii'l. franco and Itay. conducted bv .Mr. I Thomas Cook. Prices for tirst class steamer, rail aad tlotel, I friini, iMOll an.I $ ?<>. gold. i ikiK'S EXCURSIONIST has all particular" of nearly ! one thousand huropaau excursions, showing routes and fares. l'rlie lOcWt*. COOK. 80!f k JENKINS. 2rtl Broadwnv. ?? COAST WISE STKAiUSIIIPs. am a Transit " ~ " and PACIFIC MAIL STKAM8BIP LINKS. For CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NKW ZEALAND, HK1TISII COLUMBIA, OREGON, AC. Suiting Itoin pier 4U North RivM For SAN V ItANClsO I via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, steamship ACAPULCv. ? riday. Jnne US, connecting Inr Central Antwriea ami Si litu 1'aeitle porta. I rum SAN FBAlfClCCO to J A PAN and CHINA, stemnahip ??. Sstnrday, July I. For freight or p.v??atra apply to 1TM. I'. CLYDE A CO., or BULL AY. Superintendent, N??. <1 Bowline (lie -n. pi -r 4-! North iilver, foot Canal SU cjtab ball link. l NITKD STAIi.S and BR**IL MAILSTRAMSIIIPH, f illitii Monthly (mm \V?non'> wharf, HtVMikiyn. N. Y . for P.tRA, PRRNA.HUI I O. HAHlA in.I I'.lo J AM KRO, calling at St. John's. Port# Rico ,1. it 'iVAl.KMt, Saturday, June 21, N! LI.Ir. m*i;i IN. .Inly Passenger ace* rntttotlMions flr?t eia-s l'i r freight un<i paaMrr. at ndu.ed rates, apply to S, TUCKER * t!0 . Agents, Pine si, UU) DOMINION STEAMSHIP coMPANt, still ? So in pier :)7 Nortii River !??*? N >r' 'Ik. v:i'\ 1'oiut Mill RlrhMnnd, T'tftsdays, Thura \ * iril s*. ,'rjr., ? ?t U p d., ??onnectlnif wit.i the ClrKlnia em1 Tennr-<> e tir l.ine, Atlanti ? Cusat Lino, i'lediuont Air Line, t-hiMtineake and Okie ttaitroad and with ttin cooi ni.ny'aslount lines to Interior poinii In North ' ar.'ilna and Virginia, .\>?t.Mii an i Wa?hinit ?n, N. c. (vt* S'ort <lkl, #very Taeaday, a'hn"<sav and hjtur.lay. Lewes. Del., v* itn?' itay and r'>iit?y at 8 P. M., eontteet n.' wtth Maryland snil Dol*ta l rallr.iads l'a?seos,?r arcomrtodatlrtn* snniMsNi Ihroufrn pa 'vape ticket' an1 Mils of tadinc to all points at lowest rate*, insurance to Norfolk, Ae., per cent. Freltfiit received itAily at pier 37 North ltivor Oenaral olBeea, ItFT Greenwich st. X L. McCRKADY, Proeideas. COASTW1SK STEAMSHIP*. Ttf~*Y . HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL VfHK il ? Steamer* leave pier No. 3 North hiver, at 3 P. M. for Havana direct. CITY OK MER1DA Tuesday, Jttna IS C1TV OK VKKA CRUZ Thursday. .luua 15 FOB VER \ CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Prorreeo, C'aniueiicliy, Tuapan and Tamplco. CI TV OH' MERIDA : .. Tuesday, June 13 Far freight ami passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE k SONS, 81 and 33 Broadway. Steamers *ill leave New Orleans Juna 111 aud July# for Vera I'rut and all the above p..i t-. vfiw YORK AXD HAVANA DIKKCT MAIL USJl A.x These firat class steamships will aail at 3 P. M. from pter 13 North Hirer, (tot of Cedar at., lor Havana direct, a* roi to?v? ?? WILMINGTOB Tuesday. June 20 COLUMBUS Thursday. Jnne For freight and paaeage, having unsurpassed accorauioda lioBi. appiv to WM. P. CLYDE A CO., No 6 Howling Groan. McKELLEK, LUL1NG A CO.. AcenM in Havana. MOR.JAN'S~LINK Of STEAMSHIP^ tor New Orleans and Texas, will aail every Saturday to New Orleans transferring Texas trvlfht thore to Morgan's Louisiana anil Texaa Railroad for Morgan Uity, thenc ?, per Morgan'a lino of steamers, to Texas porta. The AI-..ERIA will aall from plar 30 North River, New Yorx, on Saturday, June 17, at 3 P. M.. fur New Orleans direct Throngh bills of lading ai;:ned to Mobile, Galveaton and to ail points ou the Galveston, Ilarrlshtirf and San Antonio, Houston audTexa? Central, Internal! .mat and Great North ern. T-'xa- and Pad lit and Transcontinental railroads. and in Inriiauoia, Hrnioii aaniiagu, Corpua Chrittl. Rockporl, St. Mary's and Fulton. Freight for St. Mary's and Pulton landed at Roekport. Lighterage and chaunel duoa at either Oorput Chriatt or Breros Santiago at the axpenae and risk ol consignee. Through rates to Br< wusville via Rio Grande Railroad. Insurance can bo effected nttder open mdicy of C. A. Whit ney A Co., Now Orleans. From New York to New Orleans, Ji per rent.; from New York to all Texas porta via New Or leans, \ per cent. Krclirht at lowest ratoa. For freight or further Informa tion apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY k CO.. Agents, tdor 38 North River. NLY DIRECT LINE POR FLORIDA.?W EEKLY LINK lor I'ort Royal, 8. C.; Fernnndina. Fla.; Hrunawick. Ga.: sailing every Thursday, Irmn pier 20 East River. 'l'be steamer Cli'Y OK DALLAS, Captain Hlnea. will aail Thurs day, June i:>, at 3 P. M. tor Fernaudiua and Port Royal. Through tickets issued to all puiuu in Florida For Ireiglit or passage apply to C. II. MALLORY A CO., or HERMAN GELPCKE. IM Maiden lane. IrtOR NEW ORLEANS*DIRECT 1 THE CROMWELL LINK. The steamship HUDSON, Captain Gager, on SATURDAY, June 17. at 3 o'clock P. M., from pier No. II North River. Through bills of lading given to Mobile ond all principal pohuson the Mississippi Cabin passage, ; steerage. M5. Apply to CLARE A? SE.VM.VN. Pfi Wentst. OR N A SS AV, N. 7' ? R K i i U L AR M AIL STKAM8UIP LEO leaves Ne.r York Julv I. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO., 02 South st?_ Texas line for galvrston, touching at key West, carrying the United States mail. The steamer STATE OF TEXAS. Captain Boeger. alii sail on Saturday, June 17. at 3 P. M., Irom pier 'JO East River. Through billa of lading.givcn to all points <>n the Houston and Texas, Central International and Groat Northern, Galveston. Hous ton and Henderson, and the Galveston, HarrisImrf and San Antonio Railroads. Freights aud iusurance at lowest rates. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, ap ply to C, U. MALLORY A CO., 153 Maid -n lane. ? Ii*>R~HALIFAX, N. a, AND ST. JOfINs7.V P. 1 CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINK. Steamers leave pier 111 North River following days, at 3 P. M. :? GEORGK CROMWELL Tuesday, June 2"> GEORGE washington Friday. June iiO Most direct, quickest and cheapest ronte to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland aud the Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent pas fiiger auconiinoilatimu. For trclubt or passage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, 8.S West st. F TR.1VELLERS' guide. ALBANV AN l? TROY BY DAT BOATS C. VIBRaSD and DANIEL DREW.?Leave Vestry St. pier atS:10 aud ^'ltli st. at 8:30 A. M., landing at Nyack and Tarrytown (uy ferryboat), West Point, Newburg, I'oughkeepsie, Rhine beck, Catskill and Hudson Close connection at Albany with trains for the North nnd West. To West Point aud Newbnrg and return, same day, $1; I'oughkeepsie, $1 50. A- LBAXY and tAoy.-scnday evening boat Iroui pier 4i) North River, loot of Lcroy St., at 0 o'clock, making certain connections with mornln;; trains for all pointa West, North and East. (""^ATSKILL CRKEiTlINF..-NEW CHAMPION. TUES J day, 1 hurs'lay and Saturday, from pier 42, Canal at.; McMAN L'S, alternate days, from Leroy st., ?i Pi M. CAITIZKNS' LINK STEAMBOATS FOR TROY AND ALIi J points Northeast and Wost, leave dally, except Satur day, at ti 1*. M., frotn pier 4U North River. tlUANGE OF TIME.?THE 1r'AVOKI i'K STEAMER ) .-LEEl'V HOLLOW (now oalle.l the LONG BRANCH), Captain Unrtls, commences her regular Sunday trips to New burg lor the season on and after Sunday, Juno II. Leaves Ful ton ferry, Brooklyn, at m .:?) A. M.; West 10th at., 9 A. M.; West -4th st.. !):-IO A. M., landing nt Ynukera. Iona Island, West Point, Cold Spring and Cornwall; returning, loaves Newbnrg at 'J :15 1*. M. Wnnn meals and refreshments served on board at reason able rates. Faro lor the round tHp. $1. For norwalk direct.?fare reduced.-on ami alter Monday. May 15, the steamer ARROW SMITH will leave pier 37 East River, foot of Market st,.2:+T>, and from foot of 33d st.. at 3 o'clock P. M.; returning leaves South Norwalk at 7:M> A. M.. daily (Sunday excepted), con necting each way with Danbnry and Norwalk aud New Haven railroads. Fare 36 cents. Excursion tickets 50c. G"Treat "reduction in railroad i- are. ' r Chicago, S12 no. General Railroad and Steamship Ticket offieo. Grand Cen tral llotcl, 071 Broadway. M. It KIM, Agent. Highlands of the Hudson-by daylight.? The MARY POWELL, for West Point, Newbnrg, I'oughkeepsie,.Rondoiit and Kingston^(andin2 at Cossenr, Cornwall, Milton and New Hamburg, and Marlboro liy lorry, will loavo pier 3i? North River (Vestry st.), daily, Sundays excepted, at 3:30 P. M. LD EST A B LISHE DELINK F( I iTsTU Y VESANT, C A T8 kill and Intermediate landings.?Steamer ANDREW HARDER, lT?m Franklin s?. (pier 35), Tuesday, Thursda* and Saturday ; steamer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at P. M. BNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. " GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave New Yurk, via Doabtuasei and Cort!andt street ferries, as follows Express lor llnrrisburg, Pittsburg, the West and South, with Pullman palace care attached, a :30 A. M., 0 and 8:3ti P. M. Sunday, 0 and 8:30 P. M. For Wiiliamsport, Lock Haven. Curry and Ene at 0:30 A. M. and 8:i> r. M., connecting at Corry for Titusville Petroleum Centre and the oil regions. For Baltimore, Washington and the South, ''Limited Wash ington Express" of Pullman parlor cars daily, except Sun day, H-.30 A. M.: arrive at Washington nt 4:10 P. M. Regu lar at 8 :40 A. M.. 8 and U P M. Express tor Philadelphia. 7, 7:10, 8:10, fl:30 A. XL, l'J:S0 3,4, 4:10,5, It, 7,8:3<), !? P. M. and 12 night. Sunday, 9, <1, 7, S:3ii and B 1*. M. Emigrant and second class, 7 1. M. For Centennial depot nt 5:3U, ?i: U). 7:30, 8, 8:40, i): 10 .V. 1I? 12:30, 9 and 4 P.M. Returning, leave Centennial depot at 7 :ir>, 8:1.V SCR 30 A. M., 1:15, 2:50. 4. 5:3H. 0 and 7 jlXS P. M. For train* to Newark, Elisabeth, Railway, Princeton, Tren ton, i'erth Ambov. I-'loniinjion, Belvidoro and other points. s"e local schedules at all ticket olQccs, Trains arrive : From Pittsburg, .1 ^>5 and 10:3<) A. M. and lU'iuJ'. M. daily: I0tl'> A. \l. an t ti:50 P. M. dally, ex cept Monday. From Washington uud Baltimore, :J0 A. M 4 OS, 5:15 and 10:25 P. M. Sunday, 6;JO A. M. I'rota Philadelphia. :lo, ?:2U,6A5, 10:15. 11 :20. II :54 A. M.; 3:15, 4:05, 5:15, H:ln, i.:jO, 8:44 and 10^ P. M. Sun day. .">: 11>, RSIO, ??5. 11 :*.4 A. M.. an.l 10:2"> P. M. Ticket ollices, .">2?l and IH4 Broadway, So. 1 Astor Honse and foot of Des ?ros'.e? and Corllandt sts.: No. 4 Court St., Brooklyn; Nos. 114, 11C> and 118 Hudson St., Hoboken. Emigrant ticket office. No. 8 Battery place. PRANK THOMPSON. i?. M. TiOYD, Jr.. General Manager. General Passenger Agent. P"HILADBLPHIA VIA LONG BRANCH AND TUB New Jersey Southern Railroad.?Fare lower than by any other route, commencing June 4, 187tl. Leave New York from pier 8 North River, loot Rector st.. 6:4*> A. M. for Long Branch aad interniedinte stntions; ?:45 A. M., for Philadelphia. Long Braneh. Toms River. Vlneland. Ac.: 4 P M. lor Philadelphia. Long Branch. Wsretown, and Tncsert in; fl P. M.. lor Long Brunch and intermediate sta tions. :-undnys 0:30 A. M. lor Long Branch. W. S. SNEDEN, G. M. ]JONDOUT AND KINGSTON." 0ONNBCTINO WITH V t'lsior aud Delaware Ilailroad. lanuing at HI hland Fails (Wt?t Point), Cornwall, Neivburg, .Marlboro'. Milton, ? t'oughkeeneie, Esopua?Steamboats THOMAS CORNELL and .1 AMES W. BALDWIN leave, daily, pier foot of Spring at.. North river, at 4 P. V. TONINGTON LINK FOR BOSTON. Reduction of Faro. Steamers RHODE INLAND and N A It R AO AN SETT, from pier a;i Xortu River, foot of J a} st., atP. M. Providence Line. _ from pier 27 North Hiver, loot of Park flace. Steamships BLBCTKA and (lALATl.A. at 4::?i P. M. \. TtritT POIN'T, Nl'.wiiI'ItG. POUGHKBRPldl AND f ? return sani ? day by d.iv line steamers. KXCURSIORI. A"?A ROCKAWAY 'REACH 'excursions " ON SUNDAY. Twentv minutes on the Atlantic Ocean. Music by CONTER.n'o .S CELEBRATED S3D REGIM.NET BAND nnd the ORPHEUS' ufAKTKT CLUB. Steamers WILLIAM CtlnK. AMERICUs and KBVKR8INK SUNDAY, JUNK II. AMRKICUS. having or. board the OKl'IIEUS yl'ARTF.T CLU 15. leaves 24tli ?t.. N. H . at *;:*> A. M and 1 :lf> I M : loth St., N. R..8:45 A. M. aad I :J"> P. M.: t'esc. st.. N. R..U A. M. and 1 :40 P. M ; Fulton lerrv. Brooklyn,M :'J0 A M. and 2 P. M. WILLIAM COOK leav, s _'4th st.. N. K.. at lO; O A. M. ; loth St., N. R? 1 <>:4."? A. M.; Fulton Ferry. Brook l\n at 11 A. M., havtue on noard CoNTI-'.ftNO ^ ^3D BKGI Mi.nT HAND and PHILLIPS VUARTET CLUB. Steam, r NEVE KSINK leaves?th at . i aat river, at 6 :'VI and A >? . 1390 P. M.: South tn st.. Wtlllamaburgh, 8:4."i and l" l > A M and l-:t."> P. M.; Grand ?t . East river. .N \ . W ami Id .)'A. M. and 1 P. ,M.: Pier 37. E. II.. at 10 4." A. M. and I :io P. M.s Fallon Feriy, Brooklyn. 1 !"? p. M. Boats leave Rnekaway 4. n. ,"i and .'?; <? P. M t are At cents. Kxcnrsion tickets 50 cents. Return tickets gu?d oa either of the above boats. "a~-a.-.m'ni?av Excursions to astasia", ha if le:n. Morris mill iitnl lllg.i Bridge ?M amers M??I. Ri>ANIV. HARLEM and SllADV 11?I-. leave I'altm Market slip at U: O, 10, 11 l'J A.M. . I. 1 J :?!. 3:15, 4. 4 :30. "? :XK?, M :3?>, 7 : l.'i and " P. M l.eavo Mori isania at 8:1.">, t?, W:4ft 10 :'I0, 11 :I5 and 12 :l'i A. M,: 1. X 2:45. .1:3o. 4 :il 1.5 JO, 8:15 and 7 P. M., landing a". Grand ?t.. 231 st., 110th St., connactlng with boats to liigii Bridge. I'asaeu gers by this line will tie admitted to the great submarine rxcavationa uuner Hell Gate. C H. LONGSTREKT. Snporiuiendent. \ll!?1770 ?FOR CONEY ISLAND. DAILV-M7t5 ? The new steamer 11 ILK W1 LD will run to Coney Island, oil and after bunlay, June il, everyday, leatingSid St., N R,. ft M.. 12 M an'I M P. M.: HHh st.. N. K.. H t'l, 12 10 and 3:10 I'. M.. I'rankiiii st , N. K . nil. I2:<0and3 P. M pier 2 v I! . !' "O, 13:*I and ? J*I P. M. I he SAPPHO leaves 2:t.: st., N R, |0:30. 1 > and 4 ,3o P. M.; loth ?t.. V R, lOSO. i (O and 4 to P. M . Franklin si", N iL, lt' ."ni, I : >n<l 4 i p M ; pier 2 N K., II A. M . 2 and 5 P. M. l'.LIZA II vNCOX. June IS. Ir.?m Kast Itiver. 'k ?A.?RXCURSlON.s 'III KiiCKAUAY bVAHt UAt' Jx. SUNDAYS INCLUDED. Tli" uni*ersal laveritesleamer vM'.KIcrs wil. 'nako '.? 11 excursions evei v da'.. leaving 21th st.. North River, at 8 : k> A, VI. .nul I : 1 "? I' M. loth si.. North Kiv^r, at8:W A U. an I 1 :?i P. M. Vesey St., Nort i Hirer, at I' A. M an.l 1 :k< P. M. Fnlton (err . krooklyn, H:J0 A. M. and 2 P. M. I.eavinc llockaway at II A M. and 1'. M. N. II ?No delay on aeeeMt of low tide. This boat will taK?' pas'.eng -rs to all the upper iandiLga at th? Beach. Fare 'or th - entire ex 'ir*i..n. o""e. ?ROCKAWAY HE villi OPKNINO DAT?" . on M inday. 1*1, th? popular staaner NEVE RSI NK will make two special ex'-nr-ions to Koekaway, leaving Ht'i at.. Ea?: hiver, N. V . 8 A. M. aud I-:4."? P. M. .-onth Oth -t., Wlillatnsburc. 8:1ft A. M". and I-:45 1". M. tlran.i at.. East hiver. N. V., * .??> A M. and 1:1S P. M, FalMia letry. Brooalyr, I* A. M. and I ?'?> P. V Fare. 35?.; excursion licxcts. .'Co. I Return tickets cf AMEHICUM good ea thla beet. KXCURSIOXS. ~rr=xescaar^vsday ~ mo rn ntfrj^r A A. New Hawn?P ?lac?? S te a.u boat M AOENTA wIU leave Vuajr ?.. North Rirer, BJW 1 . ri,1, 9 A. S Brooklyn. 8.4.'? A. M ; Craad it.. E??t FHvW, 9 A. IM mid ?t.. Ea?t River, 9:15 A. M. Mu?lc by Deverell ? Tblf* teentli Rejiraent Band. Returning? ,^*v* 'wW v,cur?io? 3 .30 P. M.. arriving la New York at 7 >10 P. ?? Excuruom ticket*. $1. _ . ~i DELIGHTFUL SAIL DOWN TUB BKAL-TIFUL A. NEW YORK HARBOR TO-DAY. Two excursion* Df lb? PLYMOUTH RUCK. ATaT^TO CHARTER, STEAMBOAT FORT LEEj . will accommodate 400 p???ei?rer?; priee J50 to ?lw? per day. Apply In I be afteraoou ?t 47 Fnltia rt. A" -GOVERNOR'S ISLAND OMtN TO VIsITORS.-THB . tteeio vurht govbbnor'H ISLAND leave. the Lo?? torn M?u?e pier at the Battery every bnur daily lor Govef nor'. I ?laud. Concert by the depot band this afternoon, fol lowed immediately after by drew paraoe. ~i rnFTND FAMILY EXCURSION TO-DAY. AND A iVerj day. by the PLYMOUTH ROCK to ROCK AWAY _ VtsHIN'O BANKS EVERY DAY tSATU KDAY? A. excepted).?Ocean etearaer SETU LOW, leaving iiTrrt.nn Kt North River. 6:W>; Hth ?t., hatt UiTer. 7; pier 27 Ea?t luVer, 7:15: l'Hti .t North River. 7:40; pi.r ? North River, a A. M. Ticket u FOSTER Man aire r. j|j^_fJAi,()oN STEAMERS WYO ? H)R EiCL Cook' Barsre. Republic. Chicago, dw!n "Calelnia ?ud Am.a: Oriental,PR.rit.? Beaeb, ssS&. ?tr. ass Addrew or luquiro at 3S4 West ?t. PI CROH8ETT. B'.r'et ferry. m ~jT$ EXCURSION TO EUROPE. The State Line Steamship BTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA .will eatl from pier 42 North River on THURSDAY*. July IS. 187?. ?'?b a pleawr* party from Pittsburg. Pa. A fev' cl oice berths at a very reasonable figure *or th.round trip Wet. r-d auy time in twelve month, may be had bv addre.ilng *._w WIL C. SMYTHE. Fifth ^ leave Canal ?t. dally at ?:4S' and 1 'V.'.'y"'! '?> 3, 4,6 and A wKK',; PLY?O^TCl!KKOCt time table la regular advertj*emcni? . ? __ ' n 1 * i tVk'I'ST grove hotel anu Tt<lR"RX0URS10NS-TUh LARGE FIRST CLASS FA^ F^orUe^Ste^boawSleepyUollow^nne^ckll^J^^^? BRANCH. aud MErAMORA. E?Ble?wood. Aipwie. ^ Ki.wri.raM'' VivKss?.???? tndnoititk -r%i'\a wvtMTRKIONS-LOVy PRESSURK t*BOPBLLBR F Re?*0M: .plS accommodation. ' W uta nlj :ta Coentie. ?llp. comer .^onthst.. . e 1*3.?.?M cent/ Excursion ticket' 3?cent.. _ direct, returning Saturday at 7 P. M. ^ t + PLYMOUTH ROC^a^^^jjay), B?C * GRAND TRIPS TO ROCKAWAY BEACH and the cool breetei of the Atlantic Ocean. PLY'MOUTH ROCK. I JARRBTT k FALMERS i?i vvini'Tll ROOK I palace steiimcr tho I bi ? PLYMOUTH ROCK. ROC KA WAY fgSin?.i^SUl V?OUTH ROCK River, at 8 .HO A. M. and 1 :??I P. rS?l bt! a PLYMOUTH ROCK. J by the last trip befuro S o c oc?. PLYMOUTH ROCK FARE Ihr the whole.xcnr.lon. ROCK! single trip*lUc%? or froat Rook PLYMOUTH BOCK, l away, 35 cenu. SSHsS3s??!a B V1Uefre8hment? In abnndnnce on board. Regular run day" boat for newark. On.nd.ltor puuDAY. M?y 7, the fart .nd well known^mboat wAY will make her regular Sunday trip between New .ork anO .t?'aiK10:au A.?M.*, stopping at Boricen Point each w?y. ? l' are i"> cents. tuso* "? for the aboTeplac-s. returnln* to the city about b P. * 1 (Inner and reirenhinenU on board. unui ?u? - ?? ~?-~z TR VMKRSY I.VAN- DHL!. WILL LEAVE MAN II At 0 taiiville atS;4:? A. M. ?n Sundav. June 11. ?. 01 NDAV 'EXCURSIONS TO IIAIU.KM AKD A8T0MA, tow* SY'I ^VrREAM will* commence tho following trip, oo BoaUioave Peck .11^ 2=??^S- 3-o'pm: lO^A.M. 2:T5P.M. 10:t."> A. M. ?>*1 {,? > ? p M r,;?,s p. M. Leave ilth it. ten mlnuten laWr than 1 eck slip. S*B- Boat?conn?e?^u!'boats Inr'likU Bridge. Picnic part 1 r?"itndechoota".ken on week day. on reasonable t.rn^ Fare 15 cent^-[7jJ AN^VVITHF.RWAX, Snporlntendent^ ~T*3"EX PIRI eRcEIi PifY>ILUArnrUAtt^rtif, j\ Germany, wants to receive a child In Ilia family for ?<? ueation, i;irI or boy: the kindest treatment and constant, cnrefhl attendance or ladies. Music, German, French, l-ng lislt arid it thorough instruction in the elementary hranchd can be hud in the house or in excellent schools in the town. Address Dr. 01EFPENBACH. 224 lias 48th st , New York. Parisian lady de.iIRKs an engagement in governess for thu summer; salary no object. Ad dress Muss VALENCE, Station L. H EXPERIENCED TEACHER OF TEi.EGRAPHT will eiv* private le?.i<oiis to ladies or gentlemen ; mod erate terms. Address RICHARDSON, Herald Uptown Branch office. T VOUNil GENTLEMAN? SPEAEINO FRENCH AND il Spanish, wish ?* to g.i to the country or Knrope with <t family as teacher or interpreter; terms moderate; best ref. erenros. Address DANTE, llerald Uptown Branch office. BOOKKEEPING, r h X M A NS111 l\ A RITHM ETI(,\Z DOLBEAll'S Commercial College. 1.1H3 Broadway, will remain open day and evening ail summer. ()()KKEEPING AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS. 7'JH Broadway. Practical lessons In the above by the woek or month. C. C. MARSH, author of the works on bookk'-eping. F BENCH LESSONS AT SUMMER TERMS. PRO lessor J. L. PABBAIN. 48 Went 11th st. GERMAN LANOUAGK AN0 LITERATURE, FNiiLISU to tnrelgner*. Apply for circulars to Professor EUTT* N ER. 217 East :t5th ft. /^OYEBN'KSit.-A YOUNG GERMAN LADY. FULLY \T competent to teach Herman, English, piano, Ac., ran bud a good place by addressing 11,8., box 230 Post office, statini; salary expected. Best reierences required. Ladies and gentlemen can receive privatj instruction in Penmanship during summer raontlis al half prices: circulars. 6th av. and 43d St. UOLDSMITH. Miss C. HANDY," FKO.M THE BOSTON SCHOOL Ol Oratory, gives instruction In elocntion. vooal cultnra, corrects stammering and all del'octs of utterance. HSEaat aist st. F~ A IN K'S BISiNEisS COLLET; HTtS" BOWERY.?COM merrlsl, English and classical departments; Writing Lessons $3 muntlilr; open all summer. SPAMM! AND FRENCH LANGUAGES AND LITER sture. ANTONIO It A MAS. 41 West 11th 1. fjTwo YOUNG PARISIAN LADIES GIVE CONYBB* X satlonal lessons in French at their residence, 43 I. nion square. VITANTED?A TEACHER OF THE FRENCH OR (1KB. ?? man language willing to give instruction in exchanca lor a Hi* in and Bedroom, well mrnished; first clasa locality, mrw HVKEMA.V Herald Uptown Branch office. "II'AMKD?A "TEACHER" OP MODERN LANGUAGE*. 11 music or luathematica. In a well utablisbed boys' school trliv), who can dispose ?f some capital or security lor It; object Is to complete new building Full particu lars at Teachers' Bureau. 07 Wost3fttb st.. iroin 12 till 4.^ C? 1 A WEEK FOR PRBNOH LESSONS GIYKN DAILY ?pi. in class, or SO cents each for private lesions, by a Parisian lady. It/7 West 41st st. jb n j LJab ii "a MfcRICAN STANDARD Bft VEL~TlliiXl ATlD fABLfe.S, J\. with Delsney's wire cushions. solely used lu all cham pionship aud match games; second naud Tallies at great bargains. W. H. GRIFFITH ,t CO.. No. 4<> Vesay at. CSoLLENDERH STANDARD AMERICAN BEVEL / Billiard Tablet, with the celebrated Phelan A Cullender combination cushions, lor sale in this city only at 73s Broad w ay. ' fOSITlVEI-Y THE GREATEST INlft CKMKNTS P.VKR oilered iu new and second hand Billiard Tables. Call aotl bo coti i ill* ed. L, DECKER t CO., corner Canal and Centre st*. ELAN'S BILLIARD TAHLEtf?FOR SALE"ONLY by OEO. E. PIIBLaN, wareroom 3h East Mtti st. itfANTED?CAROM BEVELLED BILLIARD 11 Table, with Ustitres. Ac Address, stating maker and lowest cash price, L. ROBERTS, Mott Haven. ^ tt'St EDM " ' BowOng ApLEVinrcIE?T"Vitv <.iiV ^oifSDRV"; specimens of work shotm ; Tannins and Halls at greatly reduced prices Established In ISC. WILLIAM DIL LINGHAM, 111 Souths! There i* high medical authobiiy for sait log that the best medium tor rtifltaatnjr through the sys tem t be ritiUlainc properties of a tunic is a wholesome alco hol.c -Dirit. That t hit profes-.lnnal dictum is correct I* shown bv the eff?cu upon the debilitated physique ol UBOLPUO WtiLPK'S Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, a snptrlatire tunie Beverage, auti-dysteptic cordial aud diur etic. with a pure spirituous basts. "\%,rANTED?BY A ~YnUNG (SENTLEMAN, IN BU?I nes* for himself >.ad tlr?d of hotel life, the acquaint. suee of an atrreeabie sod social gentleman similarly situ ated, to take room and board together in citywreoantry, near by; refereoeas exchanged. Address LONKBWM% Herald Uptown Braach office. P"