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BOARDERS WATTED. I""^KtffvYsllEtf Kim iVS, VV ! TII U' I\ ItII IN) K P V VjT ? lie. and liuelo geatlruiea, at modcrata ritft. 1 U' Wa ??: ?> i ? - ?AT KXTKMKI.Y "t.i/W I'ltiol R "OOOD. LIBERAL . Board : pleaaallt rooms ; 1 <tl? location. W a.Uia ;lou iqnare. |:>1 Mat-doucal ?t . I)r Carrean on the door. 1 tjoSis: m??r>kk ^tk pricks"; ? between Broadway an I Otli >t 1j7 rt'e.t 44t'i tt. Hut IIMNt ?A TrWIHH HOCSE Has" VACAKT DCLKKOfO Room*. with Cut cla? labia and all h'mr > oiulurts. 41' Wen 14tU *t. 1MI(T OK ROOMS. PRIVATE 1<ATII ri.dSKT. AC.. . with Drlratw ti>b!e or w ulnmt board; Room* tot eentle pieti; refareuri-a. 116 Ki?t."tli at. IMIItril WASHINGTON "hQCARK-CORNKR bouM. m#n deli;;litfil ?omtn?r Residence Se.-on i Floor, fron'lnir the Pnrk, to let, * itb Board. price moderate for the rammer; also oilier Room. I1 TtlY UMl COOL BOOM, WITH HOARlt. TO (entlemen or cmiler-ian and wile. .'ttai U ost Mint st. LARGE ko iM o\ sBi'OSi? floor. with Board ; ?!*<> two hall Rooms. to pri iminrnt or transient parties, with home comforts, at moderate prices; rclerencwa. Apply at 253 ffi-t Mm m, O ELEGANT HOl'SKS. ONMADISON SQUARE. WILL jml accommodate .perniuucot or transient parties. Tern** moderate. 2t> Kast > d m, t) DOORS FROM BROADWAY?NO. 202 WK8T 44TH m at. ilarcr housei.?Rooma, with Hoard, permanent or transient; terms liioderute. n ELEGANT FRONT ROOMS, WITH BOAKD: ALSO hall Room : houtio (toalrable, locution central. 30 Great lone* ?t . one block from Broadway. 2~d avT. sm.?a parTv ukgenti.kmkn~7>7fTTe n" tlemen .ind their wlvei run In accommodated with Board afed ploa.ant Rooms and all the morteru liuprove ftuata. O NORTH wA^riNGWN-8Qi;7FK"-LlTniK. COOL O and wttU furnished Rooms, with ttivllMl Board, at ?ninmvr riricci; bouse, location andconveniences Urn claim; view on rnrk. okntLemejT can be accommodated" with jpotxi Board and pleasant Booms at I4i) Kast !U$d at. BASf~39TH ST , BETVVKV. N 51 \I \NJ> MADIS< > \ avft.?June 15, with or without Board. 5 PROSPECT FLACK, K \S T 41 ST ST. 11 AN?I)SOM K position. ?1'lcasant Booms, trood Board, home com fort*, moderate terms. Mr* Bl-OVVN. Hth avT. no.5iZiian:>^>mi^:yTTkmsnkdkHTTms i) with or without board; simrle rooms ipO per week; board ?10; transient ."it.) to per day. rTil AV, _ mi;> s jtVKR 0?KRR8 PaRLOH t ) and Bedrooms, with or without private table or * itnoat board. "hru AV . Z6i: near WlSSiOR U(5teL.Ainu:. t.* airy ami elejfant Houm*>. with ??r without private table; permanent ? r tr:?nsie?it; liberal prii-es 6TH AV., 307.-TWO" IIAM'miMI.I.V Vi H.NHIII 1> Floors to rent, with or without private table; transient >r permanent; references; alto pleasant Booms for icetttlo* men. 5TII AV" 81, FIRST POOR BhfLOW i? ! !! ST.. W. K. GAGE. Llaiidsome Kooms, with Board; permanently or transiently; home elegant; summer price*; references. 6111 >!'. :<?>_? < KI It ST HOUSE EAST OF JD AV.j ? Lartre and smalt furnished Koums, yvith or without Board; terms moderate. 9WKS1 i-i sr iirisinABi-tfltotiSj^ locality and appointments, with Board; day and transient board ers; reference*. 9 bank"st!?Fri;.\ism-;i? .dooms' to i.i.t. with Board ; lno>e kept clean and made homelike lor board er* : terms moderate. UK A - i 58TH ST PART I hs DESIRING PERMA netit or transient first clas? board and Booms at mod irate prices please call. nTii st., i xi wi:>r, nkak 5th aw with Hoard, second Floor, front rooms, toother or singly ; large closets, every convenience; summer prices; rcler ? uces. 12 7 WKST :?IST ST.. BETWEEN RKOAhWAY AND ftth a v.?Suits anil single l(ooms, with Hoard; reler 20 20 ?> IZ' o5 ?) 1. \KA VfcTTK I'LAUK.?PLKASANT ROOMS, [ mU with Hoard; nUo jrood tatde Hoard. waverley place, m:\ii iikoadwav" ?j Kooms to let, with or without Board; rents) low, IOTH sr. |:u WKKT OF STH A v. FURNI8HED ?d Rooms to It, with Board. 1 i T11 si . w ' ELI G IN I *BO( >MS, X'l witn Hoard: permanent or transient; $"J per day ; also la' le Hoard; kept by Lntflish lady. *1 - ill >1 . i KCISQ HTI VV'eV \NT PARK,2881 1ST - !_?/ Larue Room* aud hail Kooms; all improvements; handsomely furnished, with Hoard; terms low. ?J rCTII ST, 2H0 WEST (NEAR 7TII AV.)? IKI\"ATF. it/ house : running water throughout; newly furnished; |U"t opened: summer rates. 1 i ' i II ST. : 4S WKS r. Nil KI.V II KNIS I! |? ROOMS! Jl) with Hoard: $7 to $8; douhlo rooms ifr? 1; houso newly painted and furnished. ?i fj w i ST forii 81 LA ROE. AI BY Si ioifs" WITH J I superior Hoard; desirable hail Kooms; honue extra * ide. 17 inces. nril ST.. r.l WI ST. NK VR 5TM AV.?ELEGANT Rooms, with generous table, foy families aud gentle nao. io East 55d st i legant rooms, with first J' class Hoard; transient parties accommodated; refer nice* 1 ( | \* S5t SWI1! sr dk8ihabTTkhiti f FOR family J ?" or one or two gentlemen ; family small and private; excellent table. 4)/| w! si i5th St board, pli SSaxt rooms ? \ " on second and tlaird Doors, for pertuauent or transient parties. EA8T 22D 81 Ft ?5 IS11I l? ROOMS fo LET, with or without our I . als ? table Hoard. Til 8T.. 261 WEST SMALL FAMILY HAYS three Rooms t<? let. with Hoard ; prices moderate. <)] WKST 1- 'I'll ST.. NEAR ->TII AV~~H ANfVso.MELY _ 1 furnished front Rooms on second ft* or. with excellent Hoard; also Rooms on third floor, suitable for families a*?,| i peutlemeu; neighborhood unexceptionable; terms mod ?fate. HOD >1 . KO 120 BAST. HANDSOMELY F17R. ? J nished front Room on third floor; also other Rooms, I with superior Board : reference* exchanged. K ? TH SI . 55 vj ' ST ? I rNDSoMFJ V Ft RNISHED ai**! Rooiu?, with or without Board, lor single gentlemen $t f*mtl ?> i rii St . fas west. ~m \nn?omely fi rnirhbd Ot llfHims on second and third floors, with unexception- I Shle Board: reference. ?>- BAST -III > r. HANDSOMELY FlrRNrISUKD O' ) Rooms, with first class Board, at summer prices. ?Til ST. ><!? I AST r>! S!RvHLi: Ft'RN'ISHKD Rooms to let. suitable tor amflics or gentlemen, *>7 7TH i\ . BRTWEKI 11 ill IND : : :i 0 I Beautiful Room*. witlrBoard, in a splendid location, ?iQTH ST., 1N?7 WEST-FIN!-; ROOMS. WITH SITE. t/( ' rior Hoard, house and l? cation unexceptionable; ref erees exchanged. nwiiisi 35rn St^dmTrarlk roomX wmi Board, for families or ^eutlemen; -utniner prices; fable Hoard. (Ol> >T . 13* WEST.~DFSlRAHLKkooMS.WtTH t mj first class Hoard, at moderate terms, in American family. A ~ WKST MIST >T . BETWEEN"" RROADW A\i> TTt ) 5th av.?Kle'??ntl' lurnished Rooms: Hreakfa?t if de sired; referenees. Single Room, third Hoor, just vacated. | "TH St., J14 W F.ST. ? f*LE A S A NT ROOMS, WITH Board; also table boarders; references. Call all the w ek. __________ j / ? W R8T 27TH ST., N EAR 9TB PI I i: V8 FLATS x") and Broadway?To let. furnished, elegant Rooms with Board ; references; permanent or transient. 7/? WhST 14TH ST?HANDSOM F.LV FIRMSUFD TO Rooms, en suit * or singly, with Board; terms mod erate "l /* K?TII S r NKA:: HI O \V>WA\ N D TTv) Rooms, with grod Board, suitable for families and gentlemen ; torms to suit the time*. tic WKST 32D ^T ?FINE SECOND STORY ROOMS Xw to let, with Board, on very moderate terms. A Q WE8T J7ril ST ?1 LFj J \NT ROOMS, EN SUTTR 10 or singly, with first class Board : references. A QTH ST., KBArTd AS T s ^ P It I v"%TjTj KWffUI TU family for man aid wife. isee?*end storv front R.v?m, rith Board: references exchanged. Adilr^.^s, for three days, G. A. Z.. Herald office. I (\ west : tfii if K ?Sih 1 OR - tlemen can be arcoin mods ted aith u??o?i Hoard at mmtner prices; transient or permanent; references. 7o~west 48TH stT?di:si n \hli: rooms to TV rent, on second floor, with first cl.^se Hoard; terms very moderate WEST 4-TdST.". RKSERVOfR "pVilK "TTooMS FOR gentlemen or gentleman and wife; exceilot?t Board; summer price*. h/sTM s r . : Wl ST -RtCHLi n n;-!!' DR( ? iff5, ? )U eomtnnnScating, en suite or sing'y. iceond floor; brown stone house, all convenience*: first <ia?s table; beaithv location, near Central Park; terms very moderate. TO EAST WTM ST.. NF.M; t?K \TU A L PARK - i)*J Pleasant Rooms to let, with Hoar J, t ? a small Ameri ran family; terms reasonable. 7r BAST KfTH ST. CORNER OF 4Tll AV 5m~AIL ?.) Rooms to let. with Board suitsble fo* gentlemen. lTwV MAPISOS AV Ki HNtfillKl? 1 MS. ON PAii. .1"") lor (I>or ?n1 ?.onit fln^r, M l?l, *:lli j)?iril; alii B.drOiTTn, on fo.irth rtonf. i(?7 wf."T .-ami -t. -n-RNf>im> hecosm sroiiv J*/l Iron: "oom, wltu 6r?t tltti !> r jfniU-nun ?nj wlfv i/jo WKsr aiifii sT -To t.i i. 1?\r or two l'*0 P.o"m?. >>r Tin. -.itli >r will' ? n Bonn). t<rm* re |u r?.l. C.ll n;> Mr? Ul'N RoniN 11 r WKST I2TII SI IIAMlSio'Ki.V II'IIMMIKII 11*' to let. ?it*i Bi??rd. for rrntlfmrn ihp| nt'1 ptnele c*nOrmrn ; him** Ar.t rlnv . m ? ni?r pricrft. rj7? WKsT 44TH ST A II**' - Mi; -lir '?<* J I ' I Kouiu. to l.t, ?itU tint cl* > 11 *r j l iajrwi 'i f.nxlf 1 ffl ***1 V*T" sT ? NK*,t 1.K X I VllTl/ V AV . t J IO fornl?h?'l Hoim. willi f ? ?l It- w.l for i (?(itl*m?nt In ? private .1 #? If li r.mlr ? n ' ??hil'lfrn . rtfrrr nfi MtT BAj>T "7TII HT IUM'SuMI I.V n'CMsllMI O R.?- . wtih ?f ? fn u> I!" . ?t ii I-. .la |>i it r?. *11 impr'iT.tnmO WKST 44T!I ST-H AM'SoMKI,V H KN'IHIII.I) P.rtomi. with piMxI. I'lent 1 il t ?!?!?, lnr.ti'u un^x* r*ption?lil?: tfrm. trry r??? in?i l. . rM?r?.w>. 1 IjTf WV.ST l:Til SI NRAIt'tlli At t rKIV.UF 1 iIO lamllr wMI l#t i?? a?. w?ll*4 '"i i miiIi (?oil lloird, ?t KWMivriW t????; r?(?r?" KAST .'""Til ST. N K A K l.KMXt.ton Knrni.hfl K >TIII wn t wii'mutt .1 tnmlorti; Mroi. ?*rjr modamt.; bou*? ?n<l anrronadln BrU cl???. l iio KAsT 3?TM ?T a PAKn Wlrtlll - ro HI : k Milt of P?rl?r K irn tur. ?n<l I'UIUI, ? i!I gl*r lint rl?a< Baartl In ??cham?. j .io WKsT ?I-'I v. 1' - i P. ? 1 ? .Mi; 10t7 Poard. n??r K.>??nior* IU -EA-sTwril Sr-'-TO I.KT. A VKHV Mi fi fri.ut K?h tu. with Boaril: tlr?t cl*?? n.lflibor iooil. "oiu.\f?"iT.. j>!ii*KV fiii. -i\ vijirtM frwin f#rria?.?? Bpl#n<H'l Kimithi, ?it!' o ..t?. it [io 144 ??*rd. 'l -I WKST l?TO ?T--JlliWI.V PAINTI f> AMi PA par.d furni"li*il !r in t ? ?ator, wltb ftr.t ti labia, la pnvat* t.nnlj , Io* itivii uu BOARDKUS WAITED. 1 ~Q^'F*T ii'ST ST. ?FI RNISHHD KOOMSWlKT, 1 ? lO with or without Huard, to if en 11 s*nen. ()||*) l< I'll ST. Ml iWKKN J I) AN D SI)TVH. ?T~i l?*t, com'ortably furui?h<*d Room*, parlor, first or second ttoor* partly or together, with or without Hoard; gss, bath. Ac., reference required. *) 1 [ west vu> s r : I { a .si > so m^ly kT knIshki) m It Ho nutolrt. w Hi or without Hoard, In a mull private family. a foW doors west of Hroadway; terms rea?ou abte for tli!* iitimoer. ?>*}(\ EAST 11TH ""St., BETWEEN 2D AND 3D ? ?.'' ?vi-A lartre, It mdsomeiy fttrnithed Koom to r*?r:t, witu Hoard, suit ?i?le fot treutteman and wife or a party o4 single gentlemen ; table 0<>Aid?ri accommodated. 4)00 EASI ilSl Vr.?NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, also ha!l Hedroom. with or without H<?ard. desira ble neighborhood; tonne moderate. Ring third floor bell for Mrs. FLANN ERY. *) | /? WEST 'J5T11 ST.?A PRIVATE KAMIbY WILL ? tv./ let two or three etfsuuljr furniibed Mooni, aep aritely or together, with or without Hoard, at trimmer 0/??) WEST 54TI1 ST.?UA.VUSOMKLV FURNISHED *-')?' Rooms to let, with Hoard; quiet, private family; ail first r!au. Of?Q west jlsr sr.?rooms to let for gen. ? DO tinmen and wires, also single gentlemen; refer ences exchanged. 97 9 4t H A V -BBTutSuL ROOKS, UiTH "OK 4 +J without Hoard, for first clans parties. ?)|Uj KAST 6&TH ST.?PARTI K 8 REMAINING IN ? JVM# city can tind pleasant front Rooms, with good Hoard, for two, #1'2; lire minute*' walk from Central Park ; modem and private. Ol i K AST ?UD ST ?A PL I*; AS ANT KOOM.WITfl O R ? # I t without Hoard, for one or two young: tnen. In a pri vate Jewish family. Particulars 260 Oansl it., second loft. O9I vvkst 20TH ST.-ALCOVK ROOM, NICELY ? #?^L furnithed, with Board; also single Rooms; terms moderate. *>97 WEST 21?TH ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO *J_j I lot, with or without Hoard; or Lower Part ol house. O WEST MIT 11 ST , BETWEEN 8TH AND UTII O' f?/ avs.? One or two 1 arise, nice ifoorns. in splendid lo cality; pri\ate family ; Hoar l if wished; only 30 minutes 1 from Liberty st. by Elevated road. ! ?> -Q WEST IMTil ST. ? IIANDSOMiMS, \Vl l'H ? or without llnAfd; three blooka from Broadway; I convenient to Elevated ears; Hummer prices: reference. WEST l.H li sf.-FRONT ROOM ON SECOND floor to let, with or without Hoard, ? 428 |00 and 4:u Madison ay , opposite oolum r*J?-t bia College ground*.?Delightful location for sum mer Hoard; houses Htid furultiire new; traosieut and table botrdors accommodated lor the summer; terms reasonable. Mrs. PITKIN. 24D ST.?BOARD FOR A LADY FOR 1 ' U expected sickness; best of care given, whore there are no other boarders; terms moderate. TTII A V.. CORNER 11ST ST.-EX(TELLENT table Hoard; Meal* sent out. 582 7 i'Q GREENWICH ST.?HOOD HOARD, LAROE 4 " )<' KtMjnis and home comforts; conruuiont to six lines of earn. Q'lft LEXINGTON AV.-ROOMS TO LET. FUR 0 i " ) nislied or unfurnished, with or without Hoard, for tin* utnmer or longer, at modorato rates; also a Physician's Office; coolest location In the city. flOij <iIRARD ST., P H IL A 0 KLP111 A^~|VeT W FF. N 1? o)w Market aud Chestnut sts.?Lar^e, airy Rooms, with first class Hoard; terras. #2 to $?! M) per day. "J ? 0/\ BROADWAY, NEAR 46TH ST.?HAND soiuely furnished Rooms, with or without Hoard; summer prices; permanent or transient. "t HANDSOME SUIT OF PARLORS CAN BIFiIAD, J\ with Hoard, for superior^ parties, with Hoard for la?ly only. AUdrens H. ]#., Herald Uptown Hranch aftice. 4 SMALL,STRICTLY PrTvaTK FAMILY LI\'INr{7)N Park nr., will let. with Hoard, to a Kentleinan and wife, an ele^antlv fnrnlshed Floor; references. Ad lrest, wuh nnnn\ LiN INOsTONK, Herald I'ptown liranch office. i LADY WOULD LIKE TWO or THREE M \RRIi:D JY couplen, with Hoard for the lady only. Address CON fidential. Herald oflice. BEEKMAN III LL.?HEALTHY A? ANY COUNTRY place.?Two lars^e. nicely furnished Rooms and Hoard 01 ?re 1 to two or more persons. alto one single Room ? boun tiful table; wood accouimo<lations; terms moderate. Address PRIVATE FAMILY. H-rald oflice. Board for mam and wife?board for lady only; two blocks from Fifth Avenue Hotel. Address WIDOW, Herald 1'ptown liranch oflice. Board"?near the Windsor, rare chance*; elegant Rooms; "leasaut home; price moderate; strictly first class. No. 15 Ea*t 40tli st. 1KNTSN NIAL. ?FIRST VLASS HOARD; BROWN otono house ; all improvements; day or week. 8. C. LLSK, 1.H27 Vine St., Philadelphia. l^LKO \NTLY FURNISHED ROOMS; BEST hTiARD. I J Murray Hill, near 34th st.; Mimmer prices. Address bi?\ 2,'?CKJ New fcork Post office. Harlem." weli," frknisiied rooms "ani> \?,(??To Hoard can bo had at moderate terms; vory near the cars aud boats; irood location. 1?*?4 East l'JSth st. VTIC LY FCRNISHED ROOMS TO LET-WITH OR without Hoard, to a gentleman and wife or party of irentleman. ^14 East 19th st. \ ' i \ R CENTRAL PA R K ?'e LK(i A N 1' It (>~Si S. NEW il ly ftirnisl: d, very low ; first clans Honrd; private resi ence. 1 is East 7Htli st.; elegant neiKliborhood, near Madi* son av nue cars. C I >111 l.Al>KU*flIA. J First elates Board and Ijodcin;, in the city or near the BuiMlncs, in private houses. $2 per dav or to $12 p<*r week. Particulars at 4112 Walnut st., Philadelphia, or frtore 2^> West -Oth st., New York. Philadelphia boardino.?mrs. brooke, for. tnerly of 1,402 Walnut st., removed to ttlft West liitten huime square, Ihlladeiphia. ?pHILADKLPHI \. ? lit > Y1MHNO, $* To $12 WKKKLV"; I good Rooms; l>e?t houses overywhore. Particulars at . * VI < : , New York. or 432 Walnut St.. l'MUdelphia. 1>iii LVDKLPHIA VISITORS CAN HEOl'RK ROO.M.4 and ?f??od Hoard nt WoJ North 11th st.; central location; cars direct to Exhibition buildings; te rms $l'? per week. LA D K LP 111 A, 1.081 WALNUT BT.?PLEASANTLY ' furnished Rooms for permanent or transient psrtie*; Kerm* moderate: table and attendance very desl ruble : din ter at Jt o clock. Kefcrenge?T. J. Bradley, SltJ Broadway, new York. 1 >EKS()N NIOIITLY ENGAGED WILL TEACH TELE I prn hy at pupil'* residence for u?e of furnished Room. Address ThLEOR VM. box 124 Herald Uptown Branch office. 1IOO.MS, HINO LY Oil EX Sl'ITE GOOD ACCOM M<>~ XL dations for Centennial visitor* during the dimmer: pri vate bearding house. Address C. R., Ill) North 13th st., I Philadelphia. Z~A f.WLY FI RSISiTkD hi ll OKSECOND STORY ? Rooms to let, with Board, at 53 West 48th st.; terms moderate. BOARD AND LODGING YV WTKl). % GENTLEMAN *ND WIFE MKslKK Boa i:D ; Xff. I J\. cation, IMih to 4 th st , LexinKtnn to t?th av.; wAil ; fnrninii the.: room; prompt par; $10 per week. Addrss, Reference opicc, No. Ml) Bth av. HARl.EM HOARD WANTED PERMANKNTLY BY a gentleman and wile, above 123d st. and west ot I Madison av. Address WHITMAN. Herald office. xtkvr Rorri: orekn cars.-i nr rnishkd I 1.1 Rooms and Board for ere n tie man and wife, with private launlv without other boarders*, permanent If suited; reler j 'lice*. A .dress, with terms, wnich must be moderate, J. K., Herald I ptowti Branch ofMce. mwo Yot'N(i~OENTLc.MEN WANT A NICELY FUR X t.islied Ko-'m. with breakfast, in a private Jewish family. 1 Address, with terms, A. Z., Herald oflice. Viril N YOt' lit) III NTINO FOR BOAR DING. WEAR f ) SHaYNE'S celebrated half>ouneo lint, price$2 f?U. the i litflttest and most comfortable e*er introduced. Wallack's ' Theatre Building | \\f.\Mi;tui.V oitNKAK NEW YOKK.KOR GEN 1 ? tieman, wife, and son eight years of a*e, Board iu a good family, where tlie lady, who is a partial invalid, will rceiveWind attention Address, with lull particulars, lo cation, terms, references. Ac.. PROCTOR, Herald otlire. vfr \NT 1 1 ? rwo tJEitM v v gentlemen wTshSec 1 1* ond Kloor. with breakfast, ?n private bon?e whore none are boarding or rooming; 42d to4.V?h St.. between 4th I and 7th ar* , terms must be r?as*nablc. Addre?s parUc . ular*. S 1 KADI.M-.SS, bov2f>4 Herald oflice \V ANTKD BY A GKNTLKMaN, TIRED or HOTEL M life, a nice, airv Room, with full or partial Board, in a strhtlv private family, witling to pay liberally for lir-t clan home accomm dations; east tide preferred--2d av., betwen lOtu and 11th its. or Park av or vlcinitv. Ad dress, with full particulars. MAJOR, Horald I'ptown Branch office. ^ HOrElii. A~ ?S'I'yRe s TiotkC to"ctHPPSS I'XACfTWn ^v? st . near Broadway.?Handsomely furnished Rooms, for families or eentl^mcn, with 01 witliont BoartL m;n\ i n-:i and" ih>r. l, :io bowerr.?all liKht "Incrlr Itoaias; lodging 5iV. nightly, fi weekly, lor gentlemen onls. rUAV.-i N rUA.NKKOItr ! I o I > I;. I'OKM-t: 7\ F rank for; and William sts., &Oe., $l. fentlemtu, families. li 1 .MilNf lloTK L, Ft'LToN ST., JtJUlTBIt O \ 1> w 1 y. ? Kuropt-au plan; Itooias O cents upward; tMnily H>)Oiss. Alwa)? open. ilfiv MftfEli, UHoIdWaY UfD Hi'Ii vr".ROOMS \ and 8r<t clsss table, #2 per day; single Rooms,$b weekly, taMe Hoard, fft weekly. A II (1?f *.APJvM lot KL At't.'OM MOD ATI OAS IN NEW j V rk Lijrht. wiry Room*. $2 per week and upwtrd. j Hotel YaiiderbiiV "Hi W'arres ^t. 1 /iKNTKAi. nori u .'?? < anai. sr hm iu.oV-k \ east #f Bri>adway.?Booms ."?tv and ?5c daily. I / \R\N 1' HO' SK NKW HOWKRY.-PKIV \TK EN \ I i-inro. 4<J Fautilia?, 7.V., fl: jre title men, ?5c. to .V Al? ays open. /1LEMUVI HOTEL AND REST AI IIA NT. ?V|H AV.", 1 I between 21st and 22d sts ?Rooms, single or en suae; ! eL vator ind every modern tunssitiencr N. R. BARRY, Manaiter. 11 r EL ST. li K li M AIN. 5 r H A v.. 22.D sT, HMO A D way Pnsnru ?ssr?l location . e *ty access to entire elty; rooms ail front, with Board ledured p#r day ; Kn rope an plan, #1 to # ?; elevator, baths. A W.M ?. TOMPKINS. nOTKL BR NRWifk \M? Kl..-?1 A IK A N T. 4,t)|?, 4. 112 Ulrard av., Pbiladn plua. ? Parties und tamiltes desirtntf t? visit lite l.vhiMfloit ean find eie-atit and verj rea?%niaale aceomrnmlallons at t ii? Is* te|. U ?* front in, the Park, and within three minnte>' wals of the t, ?n*l entrance hor terms applv at carpet store, 32t> and JJ2 Br 'ndw.iv. New York. 1 J.l AM* S UTrKTEVANT HOl'M/;. RRf? VOW A V. 2*f II I i and -'.'tli st * . V-w York city.? Locations, ar?-umiu -da ttons and table d'hote an*uraasaed Lc.WLs A OKOROE H. LELAND. IliH'HkSTKK IIOTKL. 112 AM? 114 Bl.EECKER ST., It two ?!?>?*?,. w. t of Hros<twas N-wlv liifniahed; Rooms to $2 per niicht; $2 to $Ut per we**k. OTEWARV#, O Broadsray and 12th St., on the Kurop?an plan. Rooas en suite and stng'jr ?1I mo.tern convcnlescea A CHOICE RES TAP RANT, at re*ann-tbls nrices. attached. \YKHT HOTEL (Kuewpesr* plsai, t ; r Jn?t. br- \t \*\iu St. rhiladelpbta t-f T,i*t Piot iVt ol iste of Hoffman lL>usa and it James, New York. COirjPTBT BOARD. A FEW KA.VtI.iKS DESIRING GOOD ANDTftfeisoN" V" country Hoard can be accommodate*! with lari.'e airy Hooiu*. Hi roe lulirs north of Newhurg: river mountain il<?w.,il,?*"bjr- CV.' o???<liriMll, W. MI'RTFKLDT. Pox IHil 1 ml office, Newburg. Orange comity. N*. Y. A* * HOU8K IN CONNBOTICUT. near t . ,M*r,r"r'. Hoard for one or two families: perfectly '",%l,hr '? Plonjr at uIlk ; term* rck.oai.bU; particular, mid reference. Address Mln room 2M. 37 Park row. [ A MONO rilK CAnElUA-nVS ACCOM MOD A hiiil'i M ?" excursion lacllitles. Address C. EVER | DK.LL, Brcese I.awn,' I Inn tar Greene county. N. V. A RF;,'"!"T?'1' BOARDING HOUSE AT JV Delaware Water Gap. Romantic walxs and drives; croquat grounds; fresh eirgs and inllu ; vegetables raised on the place. AddressU. W. 1IUBUARD, Cataract UoiiM. Delaware Water dap. Pa A PARTY OK ADULTS CAN BE 11 A.V1> SO 11ELY accommodated with Honrd iu a private family, wit 'i ont children: I'j boon liy rail; houao and room* large, alrv; hath room ; grounds eleirant, shaded ; view t of Hudson andmountains unsurpassed; stabling. Address HUDSON. | box Ho Herald otlice. A n.u PKtrs ixs w wiing v QUXBT HEALTHY home, with send table, in n private fnsuilv. baantlfnllr I situated at Peeksklll. N. V. . terms $7 Dor weak; may ad dress S. M.. box 4 (?'. Post office. Peeksklll, N. Y. A FBW ROAR I )K KS WANTED ?BEAUTIFUL AM) healthy location. one hour from the c:itr; terms m -d ? r.itr, Addrets (2. K?LEK, Saddle Htver, N. J. A KKW )!<I.\I:|IKI:S \\ AN'TKD ? FARM, TIIHFE hours from city via |?rle Railroad; mountain air: line boatiug and Oshlng. Address GARDNER. .'i.V) (irand st. At englewooS n, j^boVrS in private fam ily, tor two gentlemen. near hotels. fit). Address VV. box 4.-t'G i'ost office, Now York. AT PL VINKIELD. \. jT^roakd for four ADULTS; uo other boarder* taken; pleasant house; bath, larire yard and ?hada; live minutes from depot. Address .M. M. D box New York I'ost office. A fKW BOARDERS OAlT'liR ACCOMMODATED IT . ElaHilleld. N. .1. ; '"'re. " grounds; terms moder ate. Address box No. 0 Post office. ADIKOXD ACKS.?PHI VaTE BCKMViVkrS. IK A GOOD location, six miles north of Lake Gcurge; terms rea sonable. For particulars address Mr*. M. It. KING War rensbnrg, Warren county, N. Y. A KE* fOAROKRB OAN~BB NICELY ACCOM -?1 modated with good Hoard at ft farm house; plenty Iresn milk and etrg*; flvo minute*' walk of depot Address II U.l.OCK, Willow Brook, |)iitehe*s county. X Y. A T BOLTON. LAKE GBORGK. IX PRIVATE BOA! 11. "i 'r'"^'r- "? A- DKARSTYNK. pleasantly ?it uatad ft few rods tr 111 either hotel and tit* Dike; board $7 to #IO per week. inijulro at 451 West i'3d ?t.. New Cork or aildress the landlord. A1 l VV FAMILIES CAN UK \1 r<>>l Moil\ ri;I> \T Forest Del1, flavernck. with lir*t class Board and K-e.nis; horse* and carriage* on premises: One drives; m.od bathinir; fruit and vejielubloK in abundanru; extensive uronno?, find awns. p!?jni v of shade; one of the finest r??hi demcs alonit the Hudson. Address KuKEST DELL, box lo Po?t oflice. (lavoraok. X. V. At NEW Bit IG i I TON," ST ATEN ISLAN O.'-L -l KG E airy ltooms, with excellent Hoard, ill a French taiiiilv: 7 minutes' wnlk to ferry. Apply at No. 4 Hamilton Park." \ GENT I. KM \ .X AMI WIFE CAN FIND " KIRST JV el as* real country Hoard near city; private fanillv Address ALLAIRE. Herald office. ?aianiny. A PRIVATE FAMILY AT HAVn.XXE. N. J lTAVlVG ? line large house on Newark Hay. will let pleasant second story R oni?. lor iceiitlcmeti wanting cr.od Hoar.l for | the summer: plenty ol shade; Kood boatint;. Hshlnr and l stabllnp; eheaMrthsn nstia! ) rice Apply on the premises, or at UI.MBI.EDE S, Hi'2 Broadway. AT RITIII-ltFOKD PA KK, X. J .1Tr00MS,~ WItTi H >ard, from to $1(?, witli a French family ? no Enir liin spoken Addross KltANCE. Herald office. A-Saratoga'b6.'vui?."oimm?site tiiiTTimiixg"s*. . eleirant ltooms, llnelv furnished; terms moderate' ror particulars apply to GfcORUK K. E8CHBACI1 Heai Estate Broker, oO West 31st ?t. At PLAINFIELD, NEAR DKI'OT-OOOL. pleasant Booms, On. lawn, well shaded; excellent table. Ad j arens box U.Jb Post Plainlield, ??. ,f. A fKW hoakdkks Sam ko.?first class ta JX, olO. IarK? jtoonifl. eleiraul *fr< un?ls. Qne view of |*a?-Hie ^^?."J-'ii bathinir. Ac.; two minutes from hrlo Railroad depot; terms moderate; references ex ark"? f ' SMIT". ly0 H?u?l Pleuaant av? New ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A KKW FIR>T CI^aIS jV boarders in one of the most delightful portions of.Sarn toira, within three minutes' walk of the princlpnl sprin-s and hotels; pleasant apartments, handsoinelv furril-hrd hot nnd cold water. Address Mrs. A. LARAK, 40"i North Broadway, Saratoira SpriiiK*. or box ."i? Post oltloe. A pakty of okntleme?T6ak BH ACCOMMO dated with Board In Lafayette. N. J , o."> minutes front 1 Liberty S- ; boatlnjr and bathinx; also accommodation for hin>es. Apply at commissi,,11 hoii-.o lit.) Washington *t. ; A P-M.kVA?T'', KAM,I'V "''"'.IG IITKULLY "SiTl'ATED n ?" ?lie Hudson, woind rent pleasant, airy R,?oms, with ! Orst class Board, to adults only; Rood Hshlnir. boatluir and Shade : -tj mini.t-s Iron, :?itl, ,t. depot; rcfcruuccs. Addres* H. F. L., room 3a. I? Harrl.iv st. A T y. ST BRIGHTON. S. I.-PLEA^F"room> wnlk'n"n A PRIVATE FRENCH FAMILY WOULD 1,1 K K mm or two persons lor tlio summer. Address.J. M. box so l ost oflice, South Orange. ' A V- .MI7in "?AIXS-FIRllT CLASS BOARD. FROM I ?T.'" f'On"r.wefk : ?*l'le room free. Address for one waaIt. Mrt. H. NI-.ILSON. Post office. White Plain,.' A -;-?<'NTRY board, -wan ted, he"d'and"taVle XI. linen, blanket* and silverwaro. for which Hoard ?111 jSfafiw"H A Ml lVoV.' He raid oBke^** "umm#r boUl A T ptJNELLKN, ON CKJCTRAL RAILROAD QF NEW hour from city, good countiy Board: locu tjon healthy; large ltooms; ample ground*; plentv of aliade; terms moderate. Addles* Mrs. DAVIS. A SI-UKI V.- A FEW OENTLEMEN .'AN FIMD PRI JCX vate Boaru. three minutes' walk from landing; lar/e garden, fruit anil shade trees; .'ID minutes from City Hall terms moderate. Address A., Aatori?, h. I. 4 A uAKTv VK s,x <'AN ""obta'is"f'|R8T~?H.a?S .1 ,oar'' n"d accommodations in a prixate laniilv: no other boarders; lar.-e house, with plaitat; river view- hiirli and extensive grounds; five minute* wall* from depot I w'fy moderate; relarenoes. Address box w> Post office, larrttonii, .N. I, A GENTLEMAN' AND WIFE' DKSIRH BOARD IN the country, on tho Hudson, within +1 miles of New ?ork; good table and home comforts required. Address with terms, box K. Herald office. -aauren, APRIV ATI FAMILY, LIVING IN SARATOGA. Springs, will accominndata four or six a lulls u , h good Hoard anil nleasant front Rooms for the season ?t }? , day: house desirably located on Hroadwav For'further particulars address A. C. C . Herald I pt. wn Branch oflice. A f'W . PAMILiKS CAM "BB M ADE VERY COM. La < e :?b!i?ts* lor VsM n*g rp^ic'*' nioderate!U,For%urS^er*lrw ?-mimi? ?-? Br^#Vt0rj.w. A* SAVOMNB. JERSEY OBMTRAU MIN0TB8 from city: good Hoard: nice Rooms: beautiful In.-*. Herald officep'r wetl'- Address ST. Tt.N'NI A1^ A GENTLEMAN OI{ A PARTY CAN PROCURE large, any Rooms, with Parlor and Piano, either with or Without Board. In a private family, at New Hrlghton S L: situation uuBsaallv pleasant, retired and within thiee A PBW PERSONS CAM OBTAIN BOARD A* A large country homestead; rjoms excellent- |,lrire gioimds; plenty ortrnlt. milk, vegetables snd a lar-e s'able on the place ; onljOlU minutes or City Hall by theTennsvl* vsnls Rsllfose; price reasouable Appi.v to A. H Kt'KARD !>??> Hompftt?a<), rst Kurt, .lersev Citv \ j ..r a<i<irn?J h. B. VAN Gil. DIR. ;(J Part office, Ne? Tori,' * A GK.NTLhM \n. HAVING \ LABOR iMD COItb. jtV dioits mansion on the Hudson, would accommodate t " J r*mil,M ''onng :h? summer months rooms Urge and airy, connecting and fronting on the river It r quired; ?ater and bath in the house; splendid shaded lawns aud beautiful walks and drives; also boating and flsli Iifg on the premiaas: abnadanee of fruit and vegetables milk, bntter, Ac.: table ftrst class ; stabling and c.irrisire room ; nly, ,Cc ,inmo talions for ??oachmen; reference dTen and re<jiilred For particulars cad at 3? West liHh st be tween Jth and f th era. ' A OSXTLAmaN WIM1KS TWO MONTHS- COUMTRT nursa: Plain, but g.''.7hoaJd.??nd i.l^^mo'luts'uloeatioa Price. Ac A l.AD\, OWNING A SMALL FARM IN N'EW~Tek. W ?e). would prefer to give nsa of hall' he' house lor H,,.ird for herself or will rent lor $^0 per montt ? wi.| lake t lew children to Hoard; bontlng ?ea',-itl in~ lisliing ; referrnee Mrs. ( OLLINS, )? corner 114th 4 MONG THE MOUNTAINS at STAMFORD N V i* Vi. 'Liim . home 'liar be had "at A L. Churchin s; terms reasonable; ready |,t itnndoni boat thence b, rail. Fur r irtlcuiars a|,plv -?1| DAVIKGN ' I"! est 'th s;. : H SVLVESIER. I Soutii ?>? h av or address proprietor. 111 av.. or 4 PAHTV OF TIIHKK TO SIX WISHRS flOAUn A?l> il Room* hi Seabrijfhf In *<itn? t1.icU^ l>oi:?e or private family; near the river preferred. Addre>? W. i}, II , box I*ost ofltae* 4 LADY HAVING v COTTAOK AT NKW IIfllOIITON, Staten Inland. ha* two larjre and two >mwil Rooms which Rlt6 will roni on moderate term*: reference*. Apply* Monday and Wedt>e*day, at ."!7 Wen !S2d it., or a<idre?> to* VJ Post office, New Bri)rh!on. 1>ATH~ I.. I K\? !N?. Tin:. BAY L\i:?. JtfSt J Room* to let. with Board: npletidid boating, bathing. Ac ; five minute*' tval* from boat 1 mi??Iitit? or dtrpot; tcrnu reuftonable. Call an or uddre** SANI'H. ITKUrsSE, N J. ? Ill KK I. DKslHNMLK KOOMS, J lartje An?l airy, nicely furnished. with Hoard. .it reasonable rate*. In private tamilv, minute* from loot of Liberty *i ; boating. bathing, flshlnir nn i utabllnjr if de hired Addrefta ROAKINt* ItIVKit, box 1*3 Herald <*fflce. n\i \ i ii.i bono, Ni-i iiuii ? lash in\hd~ vkkt near the village; mountain eeenerv, drive* and walk* un9urpA6*ed for beaut> : churcheb and itores handy; about *i.x hour* ride from New Yor*. Adtfre** Mr% K. KIKK LA.NI>. Hrattleboro, V|, Full particular* r?n also be ob tained at I'J Irvipjr place. New* York. noVui) \r farm HOtsV^ riiRKH iiiui from Montiromety I>? p >t. Orange county, TO from tlili ?ity ; one large fr? nt I'arjoc to let to tlirce or four adnlts; a I mi a H?tIro"in to Jet ; term* moderate, good Hoard. In quire Monday ?u I7H Waverly place. UOAKI) W A NTI*.D* IN TIIR t'OTNTKY, HV A OKN tleman and wife, with>n an hour ol the t'ltv It nil. Ad ?Ires*, jrivinc term*, bo* VO Post ?>fl?ce. New York. Ho\iU> \1 l N . I.KWOOl) -OS I. IhM K KHOiTpUt Hall, ru.iy be nad mi a strictly private family. .\ddre*? XAW, Herald otbee. ? HOARD VVANTKO-AT I RVIXtiTo.N OR TAKRY town, for matt*.wife, three unilt children and nurte; require two Koom% connected, and servant'* Hoom. Ad dre??, ij'.elnp tern:* and location, box 1,4'i^ l*o?t office. New \ ork. Ho a u ^t moT; ki %iry holhk i> Moil mi Ct situated; ptaxtan and room* large: table nnexeeption? utie, abundant fruit; r?!erenco from permanent boarder*. 151 Broadway, room 2. BOARD WANIKO?koii TWO I.ADIK* AND A tiKN tleiuau on a farm, where there are no otber<lera, within one fumr ol" New Vork , terms not Iexceed per wcelt Addreen, stating partfciiUrt a* to table, Jkc .ti. T. .1., bo* |frj li?ra)4 office. !>? K l> ON x NKW KN<SI.AN!? FA KM C VN RK OR I / i ained *t one of tbe pl^a*ante*t pi ace* in the Connecti cut Kivtr Vnliey . ?oo?i boating, tiihm? and drlvtnjf, term* 2C> per wee*; reference*. t?M>. (*. Ktii-KWOOtl* Hroadway. Ad ire?* FRANKLIN F1KLI)>, .Uouta^ue I i?VMIi ' ^ IJoAKi) AT KYK. ? I'KlVAll KVMILY; I'LKAHANT I .J !*#e it ??:. ji'iade, large and airy llooina, urood tabli' jand term* me*leratr tddr*?? box HV Itye office. Wen* cheater eo?ni>, N. Y. HOA?t> AN rKII IN A KAItMUO' SK CONVJ.Nir.Nt to Mew Vnrlt, for a familr of 5 oer?on*, three adnl** aiH I*' e illdri n A^ldreaa, with tcrtna aud l >cat.oo, K., bo* 5,3111 .S b w Vork t'osl o.'Uce, COCVTR* BOARD. _ BO \KI? AT MA* AKOSECE.?P BIV ATE HOOHE; New Haven Railroad. 4T? minute from illy' i vo N bathing. fl.Hi.g aud stabling, **' . . ??l-I? DOaTu> VI- ilADOVUOK. I- I ? >H MILu.r?* J) Locust Valley depot.?Large f* \m . h 0.0" .hadyw Tlli. shaded; bathing and boating t"o???- f*iv" ?* Pearl .t or "nd drive. Inquire or E B FRANKLIN. IJ8 I carl at., or .ddro--. I'll Altl.ES E. FREES. locust V allev. I. 1 "1?I > \I: I? IN I LHTE1 COUNTY AT V VrliV ,'VR''''' 15 I.trm house. 7 miles west of Kingston; hoar 1? boat or cars; excellent table: Uric, rooms: p,a*/a; . roquet grounds; g?*d Jrl: 10 ">11 *** lr iddr,.? Mohawk; horse- and carriages: good H?bMn?. Addr ess W. P. CO I.E. Jr., Marbletown. Ulater county, N.Y. reference*. m Board wanted-in a hh?t ola*s ^""."V.'.iiev on lIk* lint of I lie Montgomery an J W ulk .1It V?Hlev branch or Erie Hallway, by a gentleman. wife. three mall children ifr??m one to lour yam) imi?1 nurse. uVTLii! ZpSmS: terms, Ac., (i. U.. Herald Uptown Brand, office. ;? B" OARD (.'AN BE OBTAINED AT A I A KM HOUSB In Dutchess ccunlj. little east Snow mil ? from d-iw?. Uclerence It. Are-on ",f !.p?H Mollu,,itl Jt Cart or, ?W S.iuth ?t..or address E. H. POrrEK. Mountain View House, Mootus Mill.. Dutches. county. W. V. ?oard AT \ farm HOUSE-TWO hour* krom ihe cty h, Brie Hallway and five l1'1""rtl'.r,V?V.ty?oI the depot: location unsurpassed; l?rge a?i and nl ?hade; term.moderate. Address Dr. MM. HORTUH. i rail. rillc, Ornqsre county, N. Y. -? WHaKU VVANTKI)? FOR MBNTLBMAtf ASD WIl-B, 15 lit .lereev. within one hour of Now Vork. Address, with particular*, G. !>., hex 1U? Btallon A. ?_ / tOl NTltY BOARD AT A L\OE FAR~M HOU8K IO V minutes from depot. u.HKi.lOcentdrlve. H lue '??? lain scenery; term. low. Address \V. F. BUM1. box W l-ast Stromisburi; (Pii.) Pos?t olttee. ^ - / 1. lUNTRY BOARD \T WHITE PLAINS. N V -t;; (J niln.It... from 4Jd ?t.. at farm houae. tarn depot; ground, dry: room, light; plenty of ?.hi?d?. t. rui SSSSS Krl,-? to.-. Cole. imiUON._ /?M.INTUY 1?<> Vl.l).-NVAfli ON ,J'IU>,'N; I Wnalilnuton uv . near the fapi'tn Zee and . n ihe \> ater: gLod boatlna, bathing and tl.l.i'.B t alao g?|U .taj blinm; I-w desirable room, left; convenient to tar. and boat. Addres* A. M . box auO I'o.t office. Wyatte. /^lOONTRY BOARD on LONG ISLAND SOUND.? (; Splendid grove, linn drive., good fl.hlng and boating; house on elevation. W> yard. ,?om Soand; convon.ent to depot and landing; term, moderate. Addre.a C. llHUIftU, jLocwst Valley. I. ^ -? / ioiiNTR* board vt a farm iiouse?plenty \J inllk. Ir vegetable.; P1?YuvruaNDl- Li grontid; ft) per week. Addre.. SlDNL^ bllANUr.Lb, XJurliaiu. (Ireene coun'y, N. / ioUMTRV BOARD.?MRS. JULIA M. WADE IS 1' \J {'tared to make arranginii'ina with |.ariie. de.iring Board at S*k ll?rl...r, L. I . having a ho.ue with lariro rooin. and ample gro..lnl.; barn und .laliilnir / Vol' NTRY Ho'aKDKKS \VA N 11.!'?AT A HKVlTI! lfl |U farm, with boat ^mmoda'Un.-at,! eekaMU nouSriv board.?a i auv in dwuicatb I; Ileal.b or during confinement can obtalu <l.-idrable Hoard, with all home comfort., kindnr." and care. Ad.lre.a Mr. M. H . bo* IU I'ott office, Klchu.oud. -SUten Ialaud. HoUNTHV BOARD.?LARUE, A1KV S??OMS. \J Brick Church. Orange; taruia easy. AddreM U.. Dox l-? Herald office. ' nOUNTKV ItOAHD AT DOVKR. N. J.. ON MOltl'-[S 0 and E.?ex Hailroad.-llealtay place; good Bjard, term, moderate. Addfcs. Mm I * A Ur, lniv.'r, >. M /Country board a r hloomkikld. n. -irablfl accommodation* for lainille. or single Por?"u"; room, large and airy; well shaded; five minute. Irorn depot.; commutation, *t .VI per month. Addre*. I. W. lloWKLL; particulars at 77 Beekman st. / loUNTKV IIO \ RL) VKl'iV REASONABLE. \J mer and fall, to good partie*. on o d ?frk?hm? Moun tain.; room. new. large and airy; splendid larm, large Kround., good tui.le. home coti.lort., pure water, shade. li.U in ? Luutiuu, Ac.; flue family accoiumodalioiut; .tubiing. "i"' ' J. WELLS, liecket Centre, Berkshire county. Ma...; depot, t'liesler. /ToI'nYry BOARD. WITH UOOD ACCOM.MOD.v t_; tioo* can b<- ..l-talneil at moderate prices. 1^ applying to A. DltbRV, Moore's MHU, DutcUe.* county, W. ?. / COUNTRY BOARD.?SPAOIOUS AND WELL SHADED 0 a rounds, good bathing, boating. Ac.: ten minutes walk Irom lauding, uiteon irom rallroud. Adures. h. O. J., ?ea A'llfl. Long Island. (OUStRY BOAKD?AT A PLEASANT KARM iiOUSR. \J one and a liall hours' Iroiu tbe city via Harlem Railroad, two and a half miles Irom Katonah deoot; ahaded grouiids. Iresli fruits, vegetables, egg., poultryii.llk,lc<-'; ii?'mw ouitoe. nor fever aud ague; stabling If dcsirod. Address WEBSTER IIAIT. /VoUNTRY BOARD?ON FLUSHINO BAY; LOOA l; tlou high and healthy: 17 aere?ol tfro?nd: ruil and tree., .tabling, Ac.; one hourj|rom Llty.Hall tjeriu* very moderate. Apply to ObOKOE 8. McKtBBLN, .-0 Wall s?.. New York /lOUKTRY BOARD WANTED?KOll OENTLEMAN. f 7 wife three chUUran nud nurse, within two hours oi .New York. JOSEPH BEl'KEIt. ?>?'" Pearl .t . New ^ ork._ /tOUNTRY-b'oaiID WANTED full TWO ADULTS V-1 and three children under six; sea shore or mountains: but within VJ minutes of Wall St.: will st ay all summer it place and terms suit. Addre.a K A. >*.. box ol7 lost office. / Vol'NTHY BOARD?AT NYACE, ON lilt*. Ill 1'sON, \J iu pliviite house. Kor particulars roler to A. ??. McKliL'lERS, 131 William st. /COUNTRY HOARD WANTED?BY A YOU NO MAIl l ) rled lady, iu house where there aro no other boarders, husband on Sundays. Address, with lull particulars and terins. which tnu.t be moderate, WILLIAMS, box 100 1 ost office.'Now York. /To UN TRY BOARD?IN PRIVATE FAMILY AT HYE, 0 ^4 mile* Irom city, half mile Irom station, on >?w llnven Railroad; everything desirable ; term, about flU, reierence^. AdtlrobS I'ost otfice bux w, e, ? . *? / COUNTRY BOARD-REAR KINOSTON, iT Y.-lloUBE VJ well shaded; large plana; mountain air; no v^es- first clas. Hoard, #i to $M. Photograph ol place and proprietor at H>0 Henry St.. Brooglyn. _ /COUNTRY BOARU-A FEW HOARDERS WILL HE 0 taken lor the summer at a lir*t das. Lirm residence, Jie mile from Ooshcu. Orange county ; Hue large Room, with tii st clan table, Irom ts lo <10 per week; children and servant. hall price, place unsurpassed lor h. altl aud beauty; two hours Irom city by Krle Kaliroud. Address ISAAC HANKER, (iosheii, Orantfo county. >. ?. /COUNTRY HOARD AMONO THE MoUSTAINS.?PURE \J air, beautilul scenery, pleasant drives, larae lawu in front or nouae; nu mosquitoes or ?hill*; only five minutes walk Irom depot. o?> miles Iruiu New York; several express tram, daily on tbe Erie Railroad (Newburg soort cut). Reference. Mr. F. Malleson. or the brm ot t onroy, Bis?ett .1 Malleson fishing tackle, ?W> Fulton It., New \ork. Addles. L. A. VAN UL1FT. Woodbury tails. Orange county, N. Yj /COUNTRY BOARD.?MANSION OF LATE GOVERNOR 1 / iiip^rMin' Itirffc roo*u* nn?l (froumU; neur depot; ? > hour, from New York via Delaware. Lackawanna and West cm HA&irond, uesr Kt?dd'? and oilier lakes. Atldress JOHN II. bTA.Mif KKUUGIi, Dover, N. J. ZSoUNTBY BOARD O.N l.VRM; It lull OHOUND: U mountain air; pleasant Rooms: iruit. vege able*, milk eL-.'S- term* 4*7 a week ; children under S price, *" ?files irom Jersey City; ^ minutcs^walklr.?N \ land Railroad. AddressJI. 1 Wl N 1 ERS, Wjckoff, >? *? TlOM UB1A WHITE SI LP HI R SPRfNt;>. NEAR III D 0 sou, N. V.?Fine air. beautirul grove. Send for ^circular. Country board.-desiiiabli; rooms, with irood table; location pleasaut. near the ocean ; terms moderate. Address Mr.. N. M. UOODALE, Water Milts, Hoothampton, Snffblk county. Lou? Islaud. f Country board wanted-for orntlbman, (; wife, two children (? aud II) and ""rsc. Address, with t?na( aud particulars, box I. '>"1 Post oll.c-. New ^^ok. . ? || mi:v "bOaRD-AT W001M?BUR0H. NEAR fAE L llocksway ; pleasant and heal thy location; hr.t cl... h?Mird; reitiouHhle terms. Apply lo J. A KOW LL, 1011 u line fit.. New York. COUNTRY BOARD at a Pa km house, two liuurs from city, by Central Railroad of .New Jaraoy; fitea?ani and healthy location; good tame; plenty of milk, ruit and vegetable*: boatltiv- and Balling; term* ft per week. Reference-'C. B. Van Dyke. 2i!H Ureeuwich st. ,Ad drt"? J. V. STlLLWELL, North Branch station, N. J. ClOCUtR* BOARD -In A BKAVTiKVI* MOCMTAIX. J ou* region. 40 mile* up the Iladmn, mites from bloay Point depot, on New Jersey and New York Railroad; lirnt, tir; Ituoma, ?hady lawns, bathtaix. *tablinu; *priu? wutrr, plcntv of truit, fre*h vtntUklti daily ; easy drive to Rockland l.nke and Wen I'oiat; {.ertect lieailb and Pennine home comlort. ? Call at I ) Charles it,, alter 3 P. M., or address J. T. F., box 64"> Port, (SoTnYiiV BOARDTaT MOODNA ON TUK HUDSON. J ???' mi!t tr mi iornwall. uccoiumndatiou* for three of four vnail Ismilies; trriut very low, iD<|Uiro of ,Mi>* M. A. I'KCK, -VlH u?t av? New Vurk. il bVs T K V BO A It i>~ PITk as A NT BOW GOOD \ ! table, boautiful location. e< nvenient to cars and bout. AMI*** Mr.?. A. CASEY, llich Hrldge, N. Y. f NTRY BoXlU)?ON A KaRM, WITH CATHOLIO Vfamily, lainanga cin?n4y. Sow York; terra*. #<!: rhi!? dren h.ilf pTi?? For fnll particulars addre*? box "04 P. -,t otlic*. Mouruo, Orange county, N. Y, /Solntry board, at pit i skiir i, ?,~bkrkiniri V.7 county, )Im< ? Uood lloard au<l cuu?hirialil>> Room* can lie obtained, al moderate price*. hi the rxxith ftree*. Hou-c. for Inlormati >u apply to Mr*. JOHN VINKR. tiolixTRY r.oAKi'-A "Vhw Arsons can rfjfD J accommodation (or Hoard at a tlirco mile* from t'rotoi.. via the llarlt-nk Riilroad, terms J?*' and fit. The lady ran be seen to-morrow, from Id unul 4, in 104 tireenwWh . or addre** l>ox Id l'o*t office, Croton Land ing, \Ve*tchi-*ter ennnty. N. Y. / 1ATSKII.I. M < >1 NT A1N H?BO A RD AT Olillf COT V ' tage, near Mountain llottso and falls: term* moderate. Addreas o. UkhNMiM, CattkHI. Relorence. D. Curley. 1.' Cetitro *1. I.''! CMT Cl.\ss BOARD AND~~ROt7M,~7I KNIsTlKD J/ Ot mi ornlshcd, can be had at -Now Brighton. S. I, within Cvt .uimite* of landing. Addreia D., bos KjO l'oat ?Mm. Muurr fi.As- board at k.\w1,kswooi?." kicitit r minutes' wilk from I'ortli An boy station. !>>ng Branch Bailroatl. private home; elegant surrounding., on the Karitan klr#| bathing, boating and lulling; stabling accommodation*. Adurr*- Mr 'I UNISON, Perth K. J. * mm CI,ASK BOARD." K \ KMIIOl'.-R. HloVl I1 grounds 1'I Iinnuie- dopot. Addict* ISH.ADV ||Dli, Bedford station, We?tche?tt'r ronnty. N. V. T.1IIOT ( I.A.n- IIOAHD, AT OrXmDVIhwT Oil ThI l1 Hodson. boloa Kyack.oti tiio river ami near dep. t; f.rlvst? family; toi.l n ahiln.-. tnt k. fruit, (* and hat ? nK on preoiioos; roforoncos. Addrets box U.lkv Now York Port office. I.1AKM B0AKD-3:0 HO'Ol'ITO:.s OR KKVr.K ax7> , a<ue Adure*> Ur D. Cot'fANT, Bcrkman, Dutc. e*s coaaijr, N. Y. It A N KI.1N. " Vis's K X ??<) I rN T Y. N "j.?aN N EWAK K r branch of Krle; ?."? mtavtos from New York; del lit in I healthy situation; alt !o?mo comlort*. Beler* to W. It Will I'PORU, 42J llroadwa.r, or aidre*> .f. S, YAN ItlPKB, a? ahotre. FTlRBT tl?A!*S "boAiID ?UAUi.K ROOMS; BOAT I Nil, tiathlntf and tishiuir; ?ti*'iod lawn; I > minute ? trout eitv. at UainaroUfSk; terms $S to ?li per woek. Addr?** (i. <ilItAKDON, Miimar inceV, N. Y. G_ CON.V?t"IttlSPKCT Klit'ii; lltH SK ? Utod, NtMllbU conuLry Board can in had at this summer rr?ort; very healthful and conimaiidlaii; one of ttie tuie?t el?w? til water and c Miitry; *talile>, Ac ; no mo* niutoc*. Ad ire** O. RKYNOLIo, box ,*ij Post oBice, liH-cnwIch, i "flu. tioOD BO\RD.-flKSIKABI.K K(>? Al.l IY ; TK.iFmS f moderate Addros* s M. IIYDK, l' itll?bur^, N. Y.. or K. D. KUSSKI.U. I,3d av / * OOD Cot .NTltY BOARD AT TMR TKMPKKA*< K \I llotfd, Bloomlu<burf. at rea*onai>l ? icrius; roferenee. Addroas U S. Dt'BOIS, t'?*t ?flic. .New k'ork. f-tOOU BO viill-t.AIUiK ROOMS, 10 MINtTKS KROM \ T I'urdy s *tntlon. Harlem Kailroad. l*i minute* Irom city; ic>r- lo Hon. S. A. I.cwls, City Hall, New York. A4? drtii Mrs. C. ADAM6, bourns, W estcbostor county, K. Y. ~ _ COIIXTB* BOARD. Cattlemen a$ij r?Thnr winzn&rT'mast* rnVrn,l>n ran Keoumodalfd wilh first i-1a?? Hoard hi J iinirifwi. on the line of New .Ier?ey Central Kail road, fool of Liberty ?|., 23 minute* from city noil live from d#pot; tfood bcMtinir. bathing and fi*hln*; ?ailboal? in at teiiduiuo. Addre*? JAJf?? L. sM'KNCErf, cure oPrailroad ?Kent. /M'OI> BOARD iMOJIO THE MOUNTAINS OK V* Orange countT.?Pleasant rw?u. l>r;? grounds, very healthy. stsbliny refrrrncet. Ac.; 11hour' from New Tor* ; l? minutes from ?lotion. Address J.'. TITUS, Central \ alley. Orange county. $. y, ( 'U('1' COUNTRY MOAKO-at a KARM llOl'tSK * I Boating, surf ?ud itill water batting; t?bl? lltst clu>; Imnse fronting liny: terms rooderHte. Apply to II WEBB. Windsor Hotel. . tli av 4tiih *t., or address JOHN ROBIN HON. hast Monches. L. I. /< It'll) BOARD I.n ROCK la NO COUNTY -ON A r*rm, 15 Ill ill II tea walk from <!ep"l; pleasant lacatlon. tor further particulars apply ?... Monday after lu A. M., or Tuesday till 1 P. M.. ut .110 West 11th at. /^ENTI.EMKN CAN OBTAIN tjoOO"COOtTEOOIIS. \T wlih Bnard. at Cliff Cottage. "Ilfton. StuUn Island! delichtnilly situated on tho shore. wltliin 45 minutes of Wall 't. Apply nt tlie house or at 77 Knit on ?t., .New York. |X J" ? I ? ? I < ?; I i. - I I. li. W ESTt: II K>T K K ftH'XTV, X. T.. I williin five minutes' walk of station aad harbor.?gev. era. Jtooiu. remaining, with fir?t class Board: reasonable terms: hoaim url?at9. Address box TJit Post office, as above, or see SHERIDAN nt station. 1 A K E W A R A M A U G. M O t X I AI X S OK XI'. W EX <7 .* J 0 land.-? Board In firm clans h<;u?e can be had 01 the shores of tlie lake; fine ficwn, fishing, boating; lerire rooms* ?Seam e\citrti?m yacht oil the luke. F. S. HUOUN, New l're?ton, Litchfield connty, Conn. T OKU BKAXOtf. LA HUB ami SMALL ROOIIB TO JJ let. with good country Board, in a lar^e pleasant sum mer house, situated on Morris av.. bat wen id and .Id a vs. ..or rclcrencea and particulars call at 141 West Mth st., or at the house, which is now open. L?ii,i. . H|*ASit'H. ?BOAKli (IS I It' K AX AV.. ~I)E Iightfully nn 1 desirably illumed: term* moderate if earty application U made. Mrs. BKOWX. Long Branch, or v? est J.u it. T AKG? FAKM HOUSE. NKAK SC^UT, J.?AC XJ commodationt uuexeeptionable; teriu^ moderale. H ILCdX, 33 Worth st., New York. MOaXTCLAIB, n. J ?a pjuvatS family would . ?u,4rii a lults for the ouiuroer. Addr?.?? W.% box ?.?t ofncp, .New \ork. V KW BHI(i" lux. ST A I KX 10.AMI." ON KICII. .. ! "I1."" 11orr"Pe- "101,r1 ''avillon Hotel. ? Kirit . la,, aocom tU"le' !,l"blP- Ac- Ad" (VI -uv )X'A LAKK HOl'HB?ON THK BKAUTtfUti lake or that nam '. In the inounlitlna above tho Hudson open. July 1 Term., S?I0 ?,,,! SI J. Knerenee. JUuk touilinell A, 87 Broadway. AlilJAU LKE, Proprietor. I'erktkill X. V. PLRaSAXT KOOMs" KOII SKVhitAL fiKNTLBMKN atjamilyat ? e?t Brighton. S. I. Aildre.? BKaSOX anl.h. llerxld oflice. Pl-KASAXT itO_OM^TERM8 REASONABLE; XI-.AR boats and cars. Addrot box 1"."? i'ost offiee, Tarryiowu. PREMIUM POINT?THK KIN KMT LOCATION ON THE hound and nbaolutely healthy; ?rs. Brown's select lanilly boarding houie; broad i lait?:s beniitlful beach, with ten bathing houses: lar?e grove, theatre, vaoht, flshinir ": "? erence. Apply, from 10 till :t. to Dr. ISKOVVX 144 \l est 4.>th ?t. * P!:? Su-N'!j I?J; * IKI xu" (vTuTs' UPON A i /fr,M . ? niile# south of ^araio^a Springs, can obtain it ty adiiressiug ^ iMVIb L, KOU>K. C'lARoX BPRINOa-PRTVATE BOArtOlW Hol.sK; O price 5^8 and $14) per wet*k. WILLIAM HULL. Proprietor. C^AMIDK BOARO WAXtEDZbT- (iKNTLEMAN, J It' 1*2 ^ r?n and servuut; two lar?.< lioonis. Adilress, with full partlcalart and references, K. S. V iieraidotnce. ? CUMMER BOAI.'l) WANTED?KOli TWO OR TIIREK k7 leriuan fHiuilies: lieulthy locality; liijrh ffrounds : dia* tance not over 3.1 ?,lies from Xrfw fork. well kept f"rm house i>reierred;Uuod board wauled. Address, witli iu 1 partUuurs, box 4,!>lti Post office. CTATEN ISLAND?A FEW BOARDERS CAN KIND . ?l-,"n,""(l*t|on In ii private family. house in w and newly lurnlalied; <.n water; liatbliifr, boating and 0 f Ca'fft a I n"s ti'l w el ??. U,i'"d U"d'l'ff- ?"u d,M,r uo?h SUi'V"!* H,'AKUEKS wahied-at THE GORGE KJ ralli farm h??u?e: run accommodate It)or 12 boarders tMrmv $rt per week; 10 miles m m Ctttskil! landinic. one-hair Grlwe "unty."". V.' *MALLlSG- I'^I-rietor. Cairo. C~AKATO(iA *tfP?ING3.-00UNTKY BOARD. Ik KJ miles west of Jsaratoca Spriui;?; place beautllully situ ated on an eminence; modern house; large lawn plar.xas, croquet ground; abundatit table, farm luxuries sDritig water brought to the house ; omnibus twice daiiv lu' Saratoga, Jare 2Sc. rouud trip ; terms from $S ;o iflo. Ad tiress box 1 .JttS I ost office, Suratoga Springs, SARATOGA?A GENTLEMAN RESIDING IN TIIF city, owner or a beautiful place at Saratoga, offers to a lamlly or party ot eight, who will remain through the sea son, superior aecnminodatios and home com torts * stablu and gardens. Addresa LBN OX, bos l?R> Herald o ho?. mo LET-TWO ELiROANTLY FURNISHED ROOM4 1 Oi'u11 j">tta;e on the seashoro, in New Brighton ? box%'NewTorke'po^;mclVleW,(- Addr"? K" \-~,A PA?TY "0A> HE ACCOMMO A dated nttli Board, In a private family Apply on the V:","u^n v^mcv,:: "r '*">* - ? .'PUREE FINK KOOMS-WITli "TTOOO HOARD AT in.1 Ma7den'l'ana ne*r Uo,heM- ?r?n?? county. Inquire at T'W-r- 'o' J" V,A northern RAILROAD.? ?"?i , 4 IM# iioari1 an<1 Kootus; near cenot and ohurches: rafar?nc?. ?M. STODDARD VA(.VU.'V'X 1"Vfob bovs in the t'orvruviH. i... boating, riding, irjrmnaslum. base ball, cro 2wi fj iJ supervision. Circulars at Piofessor ROUS MtL a rranco-American lustitute, 1.4N1 Broadway UrANTKD-OOOD BOARD ON A FAUM; ROCKLAND Orauge or Westchester counl> : hlgi: ground near river preferred; for gentleman and wife. Addiess with all partieula. s, K. it box 184 Herald ofllee. rtaulc"- W11" ?" U'ANT'-.D-BO (kil KotC TWO I'M It-ONs AT UoNtl Branch. .seaUnght or adjacent thereto, lu some flm M^boxTsi Her?^ 1 dVtl(ce."'8 Addr#"' WANTED-BOARD, WITHIN AN HOUR OK THE city, lor genHrmau. wite ani mother. AdHress II i?,x nwit^be mode rate"1 "" P*rtW,ttm n,,d WANTED?BV A G ENTER MA N AND WIFE A oleaiant summer home within labour of city Mi.II llrst class acconiniodatioi.s re.mlred; ?ould likf a toann to W.'W. b? ";o*t Poft om?e'. 1OU*,l0n HDd ?ther I",rtUu",r' \V"AN TED-BOARD KOR TWO AD I' LTS AN D IN - A UlreMl!' X. O.'^."'lerald "" ^ &7 -<'>>"? BOARD. ITRK MOUNTAIN AIR; kIum I ? house, near tiepot, two hotira from New York ? M <-'?RXEl.L. Hitrhland Mills. Orange county. ivHMf/a iiEsoH'j's, 'j? NEw^HOTBL AT BRIDGEPORT. C0NN.7BLACK Rock Beach. The George Hotel will open Jnne 20; honso and furniture new; most aitnatlon in America; ytfUf?uiyi"ji;,sJ..TEL"' \ "e^uu.l-"^ v,,0, SK- W!"r": ''AUK- ??*' UVAN a***?* ?? ? tnow r??r tnmnifr rnestt: terms tor ?or particulars addreaD. B. KIXNE, Propria Nepulis 'louse, bow open. A lew more Boom* not engaced. 8. (' BAKK, Krw ltocbelle. AT WII1TK LAKK. SULLIVAN COUNTY. N. Y ? Laurel Cottage is now open for summer guests; pure mountain air. boating. rin mid ?tal.>ling lor horse*: term* reanonubio. Address Mrs. WOoLUKl OGIi, Laurel Cottage. Yi)DISON 11OU8K." MII>!? LEHI BY, VT., AMl>NO TIIE J\ llreen Mountains, nine honr? from New York ; Central Vermont Kitlvu; tkrnlfli parlor cur; beautiful drive*; magniBccnt scenery: flue trout and other flfhlog; no mos quite**. CLARK N. M'OPIKLD, Proprietor. BOitKR f LAVE, IMiBlfS PKBIIY. WILLOI'KX fo' slimmer boarders on Tnesdar. Juno Uti. Addre*s Mr?. DE OKAKf, Oobb's Ferry. Westchester rouuty, N. Y A~tHK~au*MKk capital. A. LELAND'S OCEAN HOTEL, LONO BRANCH, will ?ncn eorly In Jnn?. chaklks A W Alt REN \ KAMiLY HOTEL. URaNUK Mi/UNTAIN. ONLY SIX j\. minutes' walk lr> m Mountain nation . Ml minute* from New York.?Larue Room*, with ga*; seven hatha, hot and C'Id water: verandah 2i*? to.-t; -<l iserr* la lawn ; fountain and garden.! oarriage*; lite dinner; w rite tor circular. Ad dress, MOUNTAIN HO USE, dwtll Orange, X. J. ATH HOTEL. BATH. U I.-WITH IN ONS HOUR BT boat or r<<i 1; splendid boating. bathing and fishing; a Cottage, contain!*;: nine room*, to let on the premise*. C. A. Bl'XTlXO, Proprietor. Bath! i~ f-Locuifforove hotel "and pavil loii date residence of ex ,M:iv>r Uuuther). with an ad ditional wfbg containing ."hi rooms, Inutlngthe har and ocean; excellent bathing. fishing. boating, Ac. Kor Board apply i n the premises, Of by Tune t>> JOIIN HOOPE. B* AY VIKW-"lloVsE. KEVPORT7N: J.-EABY OPAO oes* lir rail of l>oat; bathing, boating and fishing un surpassed; holme refltted and well shaded. BRAX'fioX ' HOUSE. iTlt .I.N wool! LaKK. ORANGE county. X. Y.?I ho houso i? situated nt the head ot this beauiiljl lake, among the HtatMtalnt; located on hi gh ground, wit.' Hue views of lake and mountain aerneiy; * haded grounds and walka; croquet, billiard*. stabling, boat ing, Datnltlg and flailing. Address E. T. WATKESTuXE A CO., Monro*. Orange cnBMy, N. V. TJEACH HOUNlT Sea Oirt, N. J., opens Juno I." f.. V. MAI.TBT. lOXUItKB.H II ALL. / Saratoga Springs. Tbl* elegant hotel. possessing the nneqnalled advantage or being situated between and ndjoint'ig the celebrated Connie** nod llatlioru sprint*. aiii reopen for the reeep i tiou ol gue <ts J uue 1. ItflM, #J1 Mr week for J me. Thoroughly renovated, with additional liatli*. clueets, new furmtnro and other extensive improvement* It will be Nitind, by those in search of health and pleasure. the mint I complete and eon*enlent as will as tli* most delightful of i sanintr hotels. IIATIIORS A COOKE. Proprietor*. i ^ LA RI. X DON. H ? I: A X A VK.Nl K. LONO IIB A NC11? * ' Now open mi a private boarding house, term* reason* able; r,.[..renre* required. Mr*. M. II. STKAIL. SlAltMAN HOUHK" KORKrH ifilS I II," N."j.-')PEX \ . for the ?ea*oit; pialeatitett mat e on the coa*t lor excel lent sport; rooms large, airy anafcaftflHomeh furnlshe I. P. A. BKltiii.H, Proprietor. C' ioUNIRV HflABOj?OROVEB~ HOUSE. OX THE J mountain*: healthiest i.iestion iu .1 ?r?<-v. Send lor photo^rapnie v.ew u'J<l prices. Proprietor tirover llouia. Caldwell. X. J. /1EOPT IIOl'AE. OARBlflON'ft. HUMSON RIVER. SIT " uat> d In the mid*t of the lilgh ands; terius very rea soaaele; ample accommodatien* lor hor*es and carriage*. 11. J. HUMl'IIRr.V. / M.AItKMioN HOUSE, XYACK. OX TIIK HUDBON. \J Koom*. en *oita or slnsli, by week or moath, Iflth first cl i-? lloar.i; terms moderate. Call est or address Mrs. 1 A1MM?,N/Sffc ivmna resorts. ^fSnMB^oT^^T^OOPERHT6nC Vj Otsego I.xk*. win opou Jut vt4, 1810. Address ?? above. or tlui of tin house may ha Men sod K?oms?*> gaged at ihe I'aleniui House. 27ih st. and Broadway, lork. Board, KHtu |i5 per week. W. B. COLEMAN. Proprietor. (1ATSKILL.??UMMIT HILL HOUSE, PNE MIL! J from tlie village, i> now open fir summer boarder?( terms reasonable; tempersare. r. M. UOBTOHIUS,-Proprietor. T\US BARTON HOUHt, OCBaNPOBT, KEAB LONG 1/ Hrauch, now open; strictly flrsi class: eapeclall) adapted tor families; stare* connect wltli all Philadelphia ami New York trains and to the beach. Address box 117 Post office. Lone Branch. TjlAGLBKWOOD PARK HOTEL. DELIGHTFULLY lli stunted on the Karitan Kiver. at Perth Author N. J., midway to Lone Branch: 50 minutes by rail, font or Liberty St.: tine gronnds, shady-drives and walks and charming scenery; Imtliin?. boating. fishing, Ac.; families and otheit seeking retirement, quiet and freedom, at reasonable pricoa will find this to be a most desirable place, Circulars and particulars on app icatlon. Ad Ireaa J AS. WARBEX Pro prietor, Esgleswood. Perth Amboy. N. J. ("?BEEN MoT7xTAIX~H0rSE~ ("LABBKDOM tPKmaiC T Vermont, open Juno I; terms *8 to $10 per week. /STmmTVIEW'" MOI^'TAIN HOUSE. EAST WIND VT ham, tlreeiie county, X. V . ia situated on the highest elevation or any hotul ill the Catskill Mountains, will opea for the reception oi quests on the 20th of May; terms mint erate. Address A. E. BRIW, as above; El.FORD DICKERMAN, 2,-'SB Ud av., or GEORGE BRIGGS, 173 Pulton St. G'liAXITE HODsh,IToYro E. OBANGE COUNTY, IL ' V., uow open: two hours trom Xew York on Krie Rall roiid. five minutes from depot: very healthy and Ucsirabio place; tortus ?7, S~\ $IU and )I2 per week. E. KINNEY*. nELMBOLD COTTAGE, l.OXO 11R ANC if.?ELKG AX T l!oom\ singly and en suite, with Hoard, for the sum. mcr. at reasonable prices; also a Flat of six rooms, for housekeeping . completely furnished. Apply to Mrs. T. II. TUNISON. Helmliold Cottage. IONtl KUANi'll. LKVT COTTAUl, OHELSKA AV^, J near ocean and hotels: commodious Booms, first clast Hoard, cm, closets and stabling. Apply at cottage or ta S. W. hLOSS, 97 Llbertv st. Lenox house. Greenwich. conn-first class In every particular: absolutely liealthv; no mos quitoes : contral. . ADftl.PH RUT.IES. Long brakcFE "~ Laird's Mnn'oii l?oti?? is now open. Terms reasonable. McINTIKE A HOVEY. Proprietors. I" OXO BRA NtTfiT <51II LD"S COTrAOE. OCEaK AV." J between United Stales ami Pavilion Hotels. ?Elegant Koouis. with first class Hoard. Particulars at 273 5th av. I'oNo BBABCH.?PACH'3 COITAail CHELSEA J av.. has changed hands this season, has been thoroughly renorated and is now open : near hotelt, beach, depot; ex cellent table, shade stabling, Ac. L M A TOURETTK HOUSE. BEBOEN POINT. N. J. Now open; favorable terius for .lune. J. BOWMAN. 1" KM 11 ton" inll'SE, N K WM AK SPBING8 (SULPIIU R J and Iron); tishiuir. boating and bathing on premises: easily accessible by rail, or boat: I '4 hours from citr ; termr low. Inquire or R. DYER. on premises. Red Hank, X. ,1. Mansion house. HO8LYN. LOKG 1 s 1, a N D.?Ffusi class hotel; heautlfully located; rooms large; splendit grove; boating, flshiair. bathing. fine stable: no mosiiuitoea: one hour (rom lluuter's Point; steamer from Peck slip: terms 31o per week. J.HilVENS. MVNt?H IHil sK, LAR('IIMOKT M.\NOK, l'< MILKt . n New Haven Knilioad ; horss cars ni -et evury trainl fine lawn, shade, boating, batUinjr. nsinuit and -tai.llnjr house enlarged, newly furnlfhod; wilt he kept In a first clasi manner by former proprietor. \Y1 LLIAM SHAW. MOUNTA1N VIEW HOl'.^K. "" Rrrinantown. Oolumbla county. X. Y. lhls popular summer rerort is now 00011 lor guests. Foi circular and torrns aidrcss P. \V. ROCKEFELLER, (lor - mantown, X. Y. MAXIIAXSKTT Mill si:, sll I.LTKII ISLANI). L. n now . pen ?Westcott's Express cheeks baggage froa lintels andcsidcuccs to the hotel. OOl'Ll) A COLT, Proprietors. ONtVEKTTTtmJL ? Middletown fipriuas. Vt. This ne.' and beautiful hotel, with all modern Improve menti",'JJ.'i riiom", healthiest place in Vermont, will open .1 nne 2''. For prices, which are inod?riite, address D. DOO LITTLE. Scorlll Mouse, Waterbnry, Conn. N6bWoo1? IIOi SK. NORWOOD. N J. ?THE BES1 lamll.v hotel near Now York, KJO rooms; gas, belli, spring water? hi^li grounds; near depot; terms easy. Ap ply to F. T. KEITH, Prcprlator. NKVEIS-INK. Si'LLI Van COl'X I V. ~.V Y ?(jool family and transient Hoard Irorn $vi to per wrek, a? cording to location; lnr:0 rooms: pure air, mountain scenery and trout ilsblng in tlie Neversiuk; fiva hours Iron Xew \ ork by Oswjgo Miiilaud Railroad. Address E. VAX' DERLYX. as above. pAYfUoiTiroCSE. RIVERSIDE. X. J. ???? X Only ten miles from Philadelphia; trains hourly t? Xew York and Phi in lelphia : large cool Rooms; close to itOi tion and river. Send for clrc liar anil terms. X. S. READ. Riverside, N. J. PAVILMN HOTEL, XE\V~BRIlJHTOX, STATEX IS. land?Xow open; urconimod uions lor single gentle men, $12 per week und upward. Call 011 or address R. P. COLE. PAVILION HOTEL, til,EN COVE. L. L, IS~ 1SQVT open: cominunicatioii by steamboat Seawanhaka Irom Peck slip and Long Island Haiiroad from Hunter's Point; splendid fishing, bathing and boating: terms reduced for this seas 111. Send for illustrnt^d circular sAilThL M. WEEKS. Manager. Palisades mountain' house, exolk\yood, on tho Hudson, opposite Spnvteu Dtiyvll. :i70 leet ahnva the rn-er and 45 minutes Irom the loot nl Harrison St.. Hew York, at 4 anil 5 P. M.; special rates for J tine. D. HAMMOND. P~ ALYraDE HO0HE, BXOLKWOOD, N. .1,. NEAR I>E poi. one hour from New York; spacious Rooms, woll ventilated and newly furnished; Que drives; term* low. ClIILTOX X WELLS, Proprietors. iTXCK EDWARD" ISLAND' SUMMER RESORT? Island Park Hotel. Suimnarsido. on an island; 140 acres; beautifully wooded; connected by ferry steamer; sea bathing, fishing, puro air. oysters, horses, carriages, boats; terms?- per day; open 1st June. J. L. HOLMAX, Proprietor. Parry" nouii',7"at" iiiiiiiland falls, on Tin Hudson, uear West Point, opens Juno it); terms reaitiu able. W1LLKT PAK&lT, Propriotir. fiOOK GROVE BOUSE, POMPrOM JUNCTION -ONE J I oT the most healthy mid beautiful locations in Xow Jersey; 27 miles from the city junction of Montclair and Greenwood Lake and Xew Jersey Midland railroadsl opened May IS; IIshine, bolting; no mosquitoes, no mi l?ria:now management; terms moderate Refer to Colo nel 0 A. Wells, room 7. 115 Broadway, and Fullerton J Co., 322 Broadway, where photographs can be ?e- n. C. ADAMS, Proprietor. IDOEFIELIt" paRK hTtfTL^FORIY MINl'TEj froiu City Uall, via Xew Jersev .Midland llallwav now open for guests. FIlAXCls HOVEY. Post i llice addre&a Little Ferry. X. J. Richfield sprixos. n7"y.-park place, porm erly lloslord House, opposite spring; best location ia village; board$10 to $12 per week; onens June H. PARKER D. FAY'. Proprietor. RIVERSIDE HOUSkT" " Pleasure Bav, I<otig Branch, X. J.. elegantly situated for lamilies and at reasona'ilo pricol suited to the times. NOEL DAVIS. Manager. Seasi'de rksort-fokdiiamV. Southampton" L. 1., open Tor hoarders from J tine 15. H. A. FORDHAM. I'rot.rietor. QBABBIOUT* COTTAOB NOW OPEN FOR THE sea O son, near the depot; surf and river bathing: good fish ing and yachting: house newly furnished: Board from $8 u 912 per n cek. Call ou or address M I N ROE ALLUEIt, Sea bright. N. J. JT. M AUK S "HOTEL," NEW "BKItlllTOX, ?. I.. XO? open. Cottages to lot. CRAWFORD A l'EMPSBY. rp HE - Grand Union Hotel, Saratoga Sprlcjrs, X Y Will reopen for tho recc^tlor of;u?t: i June 1. 1874 s GRAND UNION HOTEL, Sarutou# Spring*. N. Y. IIK.NRY C I, A III, ? Wil. WILKINSON,* *???*era. The old titph house, at corn w all.?lakoi^ airy !(>ioms. cuoil table nnrl all requisite* for comfort] location mnnrnaased tor health and -cant ry. Kor trrmi a? ply nt 1 _'?? Went 3'Jili ?t., or aildreet Mrs. II. SHANKLANu Cornwall. N. Y. Tiie 1*01 nt noTi ti, vvkst point, n. y.-. Tli?* only hotel on the military post. Al.HKKT if. CHANCY. Proprietor. THE WINDSOR. of Saratoga Spring*, N. Y. Till* new and fir?t claw hotel. oecnpylB* the moat com manding pomtloii mi Broadway, and overlooking OoagreM Park, will lie ready for f e reception of guest* Jnne 1& 187H. JOHN K. POOLh. Proprietor. rnHE CLARENDON. SARATOGA SPRINGS, &. A Hi* t 'Ur.n lmi will be open tor reception of gnests Jan< I: Rooms maybe engaged at the llus<n)iira Hotel or at Delavitn House, Albuiv : t. rm* f-'l per week for Jnne. I'll ARLE8 K LBLANu, Pr prirtor. f1 1HMMIIX ? A N SiO N. LOMO 181. A N O. - kTkhT clam Koiird: boat I nit. tl.hlng, terms $S t?9)2 oer week. Apply at 13 Eaal .Huh at. THBllANSibK HOI'SR IN ORANOK IS HOW OPES lor tlie reception of ?? t??ta ; house li?? bean thurounM renovated, newly fnmi-lieil awl everything flrat clan. Cai on or address S. P. HARBOUR, Orange, S. J. rnoWKR HILL ihmsi:. A Nitrrni:an*ett I'ler, open* Jnne I.', nsder manageniOM ot K. Ln'ilBNM KYLR. formerly of St. Jatnes Hotel; temia 91-to f 17 per week. Inlormatlon or elrculara at l9 West 2?th St., or hotel. jjNITED STATES~BOTKU Saratoi(ii Springe, la now open. JAM KS M. MARVTN. Proprietor. If SITED STATE* HOTEL." ~ ~ " 1 1 .on ir Hrtnrt, Thin hotel having been newly famished and all Binders Improvement! ad led. Itl NOW OPEN f?r tha recaption of cnerU. Hn im can be encased at Hotel Royal. New York. pirtiH .1 buti.rr. WILI-OW HAVEN HOI UK. >? E. TUCK I!. Maiutftr. This elegant nmnfior rev.rt la on Newark Bar end is acce ? ilile by tne New Jersey Central Knilroad ft/o' ot Liberty St.. hourly every da? np to midnight. rare It eenta,atopptag at Pa?r*p? temrt, eight minutes from tha hoii?o, the e?t?bll<ihm*m will be open lor the season oa Monday. May l.'i. undef th.' tianagei.o'nt R Tucker formerly of the Ua*<,.>n Hon.e, Narr i-.-ansntt I'ler R. I the IniilitinK bartne lie. II thoroaglilj renotait-d and re'lttrmshed; Im-mcs im ii dtWIrlag a peasant hunt* (or theit Uriillei during the eum.ner month-, hair >m hoir from the ril] Mull, should make early application lor rooms: the attraction* o| shady ?r,.ves n l?ndi<l -Irlv fiatiinar. boat hi x and hathln* are not excelled within'"I milea ol New York. Addrent K. TUCKER, vl innj'er, I'nnirapo. S. J. WHITE MOUNTAIN'S.- lfl<l.'-Oti>i UnUBK ftlX 1? open Jane I i and c>ie O, tob?r 1, l"7H. Alpine IlonMi. >'? " will open July 14, i?7n. W. * 0. It. MILI.IKKN, Propria tore. WHITK hI'Lphl'r seiii.Mis-holsk, caTMULfc " Monntahtajaow open; terra* flR par week; city refer ence. Addreu WaLKI-.R N. LKN.vON, Cairo. Urweaf cmlnty, N. Y. ttfillTK SULPHt'.t HPRINOR?PARK IIOTkll * * J berry \alie,-. ut*e,-o county. N. Y.; lighted witk c?*. lertu*. fir two. ?lii to $*i; for one. $lti to 9Ii> pet week; fJ &<> per day. KVANM * JAN'HbN For Other Boarding AdTerUittatkl* Soe Ulriictorfi