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47 nan1 ?t 205 246 719 77 ?ITtATlOWR WA.MTKD? FKMALKB. -X5n.i?L WBST S2D FT.?-AC GOOD PLAIN COOK; THOK* uuarbljr undentauda b?r business; uo objection to the try; or wnM t?ke e*r( of ? lious* for the summer: vary St reference. Can be seen at pretest employer'*. 1 AQl waer inn st? second "Floor, khdnt ? X''v- A reepoctabl* ?irl as cuo. end to assist in washing ana ironing; understands it therougiilY ; good city reference front lm?i ?.a^loyer. fns ruiMCE sr.-A FRENCH LADY SPBAKIXO lOt) Oerwan, little Enrlish, as i uvf mess or cook in en American family ; iio objection to go in tlie country or travel Bag: ben references Address "5TH AvTKRONT~TiOUSh.-A COLORED COOK as cook in lb* city. MULBEBRV Kfi?AN COO*. WASHER A?i> ironer; tood reference. ?. Q7R 5TH~ AV.7 NEAR 2HTU ST.-A VOLNO Ul c/ colored woman aa cook; city or country. >r*lu west aab ?r!-rwo~(YomfP.test"oIel5': TTOO oue ai conk, washer and Ironer: the other aa tfhainbrrmald and waitress and to assist with the washing and ironing. 3D AV.?AS VlRST CLAES COOK iN A lamllj. Kiug third boll. Curst ol ASiToiTon and oon pecti osee, w h ere I. there I* a kitchen maid* recommendation from laiu lifes of distinction. Address A. A., Herald Uptown Branch Mice. Chambemiaidi. iVr. DELANCEV ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOt'NO girl as chambermaid and to assist with the washing. 9f> BAST ?U> "iff.?A "VOUSO UIBis LATELY mJ Uniied, as chauiberiasld and waiiress aud to assist with washing and ironing. Can be Men tor two day*. m WEST &3D~KT.?A" EE8Pi'.'CTABLb " COLORED, girl ?* chambermaid and waitress or aa cook in a M>u>' J'amUy ; best reiereutv. T fQ WEST -WTU o'l.? TWy RESPECTABLE U1RLS JJ O at chambermaid*; city or country. Call or address N> Monday. weht sistYbtT^a it espkctabi Jt Colored girl u* chambermaid and waitress in a private fam ily ; beit reference. Oil WESi" 36TH ST.. KIBUT KLuoTl?A pitOTES sulX ant girl it chambermaid and seamstress: under stand* dressmaking; good reforeuies. Call lor two days. 2" it ~EasF usru st."-a "quTkt. rebpbctable TT girl to do chamberwork and washing; no objection to tbu country; ue?. city relerence. #7 tit li-xikuYos AV7-A rksPkotabu-; col I Tu oreu I'irl as c ianiticrmaul and nurse; speaks itood (ierrnan; no objection to the country; good city reference. UrMtmahew atiitl ^eamtiremiei.. D PARK AV., HOBOKr.N.?A RESPECTABLE YODKO D lady as seamstress and to take cam ol children; no ob jection to tilts country Call or address Monday morning. fl i ?>~W EST 14TH ST.-KCONOM Y lit WEA LTH*; IKJ^j cutting, titling, draping ladiea' dresses; out of lutthiuu, uimtii druHnvn altered equal to new; Kood dress nakera turmihed to dnian from (1 50 and prr day, with sut board. Please call and toe specimens. Remember name, Mrs. OARSK'f. 1 ZLi EAST 40rn 6'r.. COILSER 3D AV.?AS EX luu perienced dreasmaker. who lit* poi foct and trims in the lat"?t styles, would iiau u tew nioro laoulies' Work by the day, or work at her o? n hou* ?; old dresnea inado tier euual to now at Tory low prioos. Caii on or address DRESSMAKER. EAST 18TH ST.?AN EXPERIENCED DREsH maker will tuako summer suits lor ^4 and upward. 203 *>?> I WEST MtTIi ST.-A KIRST CLASS DRESri AmI maker, having all the latest patterns, wishes a Tew Inure customers by the day; littiug a specialty ; best refer ences. VWE?T IJTH ST.? ONE OK THE MOST STYLISH cutter* and fitters la ladies' drossmalcing a ill ac tept a lew cngjgemouts by the day t refers to leuuing luut Ules of this city. i..til ou or address S. U. II. 0.-.Q ~WEST ~U7fU sTT-a' FIBBT CXtASS DUB88 iiuO maker wishes a few engageineuts by the day ; cut* tud trims beautitully; terms oti. Address Miss CAS BV. OQJ\''Vrii AV.-A YOUNgTaDV, EXPERIENCED tJUO in dressmaking, desires work by the day or week. AdUrea* S. A.T7 WEST WO ST.-A FIRST CLASS DRESS Til maker withes engagement* by the day. Address; Will call. 50 \ KiKST CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES A SITUA A tion in a private tiuniiy goiug to t?o couniry'or travel mug; wAuld wait on a lady or growing child. Address 6. D., lieialu Uptown Branch olbce. DRhSSMAKER ASO KIRST t.'LASS OPERATOR on ft heeler i >Vil?on'* macliino wishes a lew more by the day; would go to the country ou reasona ble terms. Address DBEsSMAKER, box ltiS Herald Up town .Branch office. "FTlisT CLASS DRESSM A KER, KORM.KLY AT /l_ Worth's, held positions niuny years DiRiintactaring cloaks and suits in the leading houses in Europe, cuts, lus and desigus artistically, desires a position or paituersulp, or ko to lamilies or wor* at home ; city relerenco. Address 0. J., Herald Uptown Brunch office. ASTED-KY A KIRnT X'LaSS JIaND, THE WORK of a tan.ily residing In the conutry, oi would take a Situation as lady's maid; understands hairdresslttg and charge of a lady's wardrobe. Aduress E. N., Herald Uptown Branch office. General Housework, die. KINO ST.?A STEONO. WILLiNO uIRL WANTS euiployment tu city or country; moderate wa^eu. C.T WEST 37X11 ftT. (!'REVkST~EMi-LO*ER'S).?AN t/JL American Protestant woman to assist in general tousowork and sew in a small lauuly. Call or address ou doiiday. |7Tj "east s-jd st.?a respectable uibl to do Lvi general housework iu a small private taiuily; best klty reference Iroui lust employer. Call ou Monday. Fl'H" wT-rsf turn st~ "kikst floor, 'kront.?a JLLU respoctalii'i woman to do 1 i-ht housework; would niasu bersoif uselul where there are childreu, as she under stands family sowing. 1 '-Ui west a?i h sr.?a respeoTarle colored LOU woiuiiu to do general housework iu a private family, Irltu iter baby. Call ou or address Mrs. MoOttE. iWVARDEN ST., IIOBOKES, ~N. J.-AS AMKRI L I jtmi can girl tu do general housework. Address Mrs. AHtUORD. OTTI EAST 1UTH ST., NEAR 2D AV'.?AN AME|II Aioi can woman to do tlie housework of a small, plain tauiiiy ; understand* all kiuds of housework and cooking thoroughly; best reiereucea. 7i>7 CANAL ST (IN TUB STORE).?A VOUNO Tij I Uerinan girl, about three years iu the country, to to (.-eueral housework in a small Ameriean tainily A EAST 19TH ST.. Cl?BNKTr-AV. A.?a NEAT X X*J young Aiuericaii girl to do housework iu a small sunny, or to uiiud chliuren. no objection to the couutry. I n 181 AV., IS OBOChRY STORE.?A YOUBO .vOai girl to do light housework in a small private tniiy , best reference. Call all week. Honiekveiifm, ?kc. )9 dobatio ST.?a YOUNG LADY AS HOUSE keeper lor a widower. c.ill in tbo alturtioon. %) fj west3sth ST.-A 1>AUY OK TIIE "highest fail respectability nud rctinoiueiit, without uncum kiuner, would superintend the household and ehildren of a reiiiiemsn ?! means, city or country; references excliauned. Call on or addnin .Mr*. jackaon. i?m .SOUTH ill u st., i'H iLAOKLIMJIA.?a YOUNG uf_lo lady, accomplished and of pleasing address, as iou.ekeepei in a widower's family. Call all (lie week. ^oo 4tri avt?a plalv new england-WOMAN i?jo as housekeeper; city orcouutry. Call Monday. 'i foimo ami.kican widow i.Aiiv, educated. i*. reiined and unencumbered, hopes thruiij;li this mediuiu io obtain sen.u respectable occupation; being domestic, would prefer superintending ti.e adalrs of a mnall house koid, possessing qualities requisite 10 rendrr home cheerlui Hid pleasant; any position ot trust and equality accepted; , references. Address HOMELESS. box lk?t iieraid uolown Branch office. a s houskkfcfcper IN kibst- CLASS hotel, a city or cuuutry; best reference. Address M. ?., Herald Uptown Branch office. ~a lady ok respectability and refinement as housekeeper; is fond ol children and capable; city kr cooiitry; none but lirst class parties treated with. Ad Ire ?s CAl', lier.?ld i ptown llrancli ollice. "a ? AMERICAN LaD y AS huusueefcl'ek OK COM -ft p union; is lully capable ol taking entire charge of e?erytuuig pertaining to housekeeping, ctty or country; best relerences. Address, for three days, A. l. M., Herald Uptown Branch office. t N EN u lish "lady AS HO USE ket. fs it 1n A A vr dower's lauiily. Address mauiu.n uaRuINuton, berald Uptown brunch office. AN AMERICA* LADY WISHES A SITUATION AS housekeeper or to take care or an invalid lauv In a srivate lainily. Address Mrs. hl'ICBEkT, Herald Uptown branch office. %i>ANTKO?a POSITION AN HOUSEKEEPER OR TO tt take charge oi a house during the summer in absnnoe ?1 lamtly. by an energetic American lady, luliy ijuaiihed to taperlnteud hutisebold matters and mauuk-u servunts. Ad dress COMPETENT, tierald office. Listindrvsses. an.. c7 WEST 1HTU ST., ONE VLIGHT, ik THE REAR.? (j i A competent woman to work by the day at washing. Ironing or bousecieaniug. ?n-fl WEST" 34TH ~rr7?a first CLASS LAUN a<jj- dress wishes a family or single washing; fluting in all its branches at moderate terms. Adarees E. i*. A. WEST ?D 81'.?WANTED, A few MORE families' washing; 75c. a day ; relerence. Call all week. mrs. cau1ll. 17/k i WEST 22d ST.. TOi* FLOOR, BACK ROOM.?to mi't go out by (he day; ts a tirsi class washer and Iroaer. tii/\ west asth sr., betwken rru and vtm fail/ ars , second floor, back.?a respectable woman Wishes washing at home; reasonable terms. n?i? mudihekity- "sir., thikd~ flwuii.-a he ajtlo spectabie woman, of good security. wants to take in uaahtng at net liouae, i idler* gentlemen's. ??7?? itH At.?AS laukllkkss, To OO in THE ad 4 o country. _____ B* uj *i east ??rifsr.-A hespectaiilk w oman, a oio competent laundr-as. wishes some iamilies' wash terms 74cents per rioiou. miller. 1f\?? 1 hTi~A V~ lietm'een ihth A>D mtu STB.. ? VOL top llovr, trout.? A respectable wuuian wishes to go uut ij tiiu (lay 10 do waahiug ?ud ironiiik or houseciean. lug or taKe tuttue the washing. * *11 <or ouv day. >j i) 40 AV.,~thlkd~ r loolu- a ubikectalis ?o i mi horn 111 wants to take In wasni^g and ironing or go out b) .lis da>. A woman as dead lacnmsbtcitv Oft to iu ly; nudemanus her bu?i:i?s wirooiu/ ; Is ??.( a . d ol woik, rity rcleretio. Address laundhess, boa MM tietaiu Uptown itrauih office. ^ur?r>. iw: fj cast 33d ST.?a you NO ulrl AS KtM'.SE and ?* seamstress, or as ebamberisalil and searo>tre?s hi a t?rl Tatela.' uly; nwderttau is l!i i >sii.aki :.u . no ob/eotion to the ?tmstrv. k"od Cau bo sreu at present employ er's on Monday 27 KEVWIOK .-T., NEAR CAKAL.-AS exferi i eu>ed 11 urs? In any kind of sickness; 4, est relt. rence. Call on or address mrs. M. At i EAST miili ST. (PRESENT emi'LOV ek'S).?a "x yf ' adj is ui'SIIOUS vl netting a jfood situation as nurse for a o< mpotent knl. Call lur t? 1 w^8t MTU ST.?a yoixo W<?man AH nl'rse; tt*x "lie ?lto an tsk.1 enure c arire of ?u infant or jr.niiiit c.n.ori ii; no ..'ijt .-non t ? the country or traveling; city relerene . Call lur two days. ql ' oilxrr iotii AV.-A VOCN'O maickied OX woman se wet nurse , has a freak breast of milk; good medical oIt bakllow ST., SECOND FLOOR.?an EXPKUI ou encoJ monthly nurso, being disengaged, ia ready for ir nmr eagagsuent; best xslerenea. lo3 BITCJATIOWB WJHITEIWrGHAliK^. 204 1 n J WAYBRLBY PLaCE-AS CHILDREN* NURSE. Xv'TT byesleidy. experienced iflrl; reietcuce; country preferred. Cm be weu fur two (iky*. m~~WEST UD "st7-A Nr.W KNOLAND NUBSE ?nrl aoeoncbeu?e is preper -<1 to take ladles daring confinement; best care ?nd lowest terra*. Address NURSE. m u> lT.<4 IBttl IV JUHr Kits or M?**' nes?; bust reference. Call on or address Mrs. HAMILTON f C( rWMT S4TH ST. -AN 1; XT KM ENCF.D NURBB X* 'V/ in any sickness ; reference. Call or adi.ress. fHl WEST lira ir.?A uiTv WISHM to MHV X*'l. cure actuation far ber nurse, who he* served her faithfully for two years. mWAVKBLEY PLACE-?A RlLIAMLB"TaDY* monthly nurse ; first ciasa professional reference ?no objection to tco with a laity in the country. 1 "211 AT. ^FORMER EMPLOYER'SiT^A ~~RE l?/ spcctablc woman .i? infan>'? nr child'* Miw: is capable of taking entire chare* i f 11a Infant from It* birth; many good city reference*. ( all Mend iv, (7|Tl EAST 830 ST.?A* M ARRIED WOMAN Art ?' ' I nur*e or to tnnke her*elf useful; wishes to goto California; particular* end references. EAST 44TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO take euro <>r children or do upstairs work. AdQ 1('AST S4TH sr , TUP PLOOB.?A "RESPECT. JjOO nbl" women desires a bal.y to briu?- up on tuo bottle : it will bnve e mother's care. t)nA BA8T 40TH sr A MIDDLE-AOEdTmERH5AN OUU woman a* child's tiuret), or to do geucral house work: goo?l elty reference. Call for oue day. ?||1 WEST 418T 8T<?ANHbXPE ill ENCED MONTH Ov/J. ly nursn wishes an engagement lor Juno and July ; (food doctors' end ladles' references. ?11 O AT.?BT AM EXPERIENCED HOdMH OJ take entire charge of au infant trout it* birth; 1? willing to go to the country for the summer; ie a nice aewer; boat city reference. i)1 O WEST 46TH ST.?A RB4PBCTABLB YOUNG OlO woman na nurse; would like tn go to the conntrv lor rhe auminer month*; two years and a hall citv rciorence. Call or ad^ro* for two days. ?JOQ BAST MTU ST.?A BIDDLh-AUBD WOMAN, 00?7 lately landed, a* nurse or to take charge ol cull- j dren; no objection to tra> oiling. 3rfo WESl" !tti> .ST. - A~~REiU'KUTABLS YOUNG *iO woman a* nnrae an 1 seamstress; willing to travel with an Invalid or family; boat city reference. Call from ? tiii a p. m. C EAST ITT 11 sr. -AS WKT Nt'K>K liT A PRl" >J viito family; doctor's reference. Call for two d iy*" roo' I IT B A v.. NEAB 41*T ST."1 Rl BO TUP H ELL).? OO0 A respectable American woman wishes u child to mind; one over a year old preferred; will gel good care. Call, for three days, 00 Mra BLYTHE. WEST l8Tlt"~ST.?AN AMERICAN WOMAN AS' nnrae or housekeoper; good reference. ffAQ ?TH AV~MBAR 40TH ST.?AN EX PR i<lENCBD I ' "?/ Scotch Protestant a* nnrae: competent to take en tire cliarm) ol infant; la a good eaiuatress and helper; belt city teatiiuonlals. Call 011 Monday. 1A.1 6X11 av.-a-c. . M I'I.TENT woman as I T I chlld'a nnrae and plain seamstreaa; yonra' elty reference Irom last piece. SITUATION WANTED 6T""aN AMEKK'AN woman to take care of rhlidren. Addreas ANNIE A.. Port office, Brooklyn. A LADY, UIVINO OP HOUSBKE.BPINO, DKSIUES A for a truatwortby trlrl a aituation an nume and to do general housework. Addreaa II., box UOS Herald office. "tr*ANTED?A BABY To SPOON OK BOTTLE rlBD: f? term* reasonable. 230 t.aat 29th at , room 5. Mlirrllaneona. ?1 91 WEST WITH ST.-A FRENCH PERSON AS Jl m J ladv'a maid or nnno; can itive the bent of reference; no oblcctic* to the country. Address PAULINE POUR CHOI'. care Mra. Byrne. ?1 rrf~ WEST 41 ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTES iU | tant English woman wishes to take rare of a house for the summer; city relcrencv Call lor three day*. 00*J" BAST 57TH 8T.-A GOOD, RESPONSIBLE Lj&Zi Proteatant woman want* to take eare of a hon?e for tho anmmer month*; good city reference. Call or ud drea*. 9 ~ I EAST 74TII sf iTIUKO BELL.)-A YOTrSO ?,')t English wnmau wlahca to obtain a comfortable home, to make herself generally inelul; good aewcr. Ad dr<*a M. P., care of Mra. Lichtwltz. Q/l () EAST 84TH 8T.-AN AMERICAN WOMAN AS UTiJ atowardeaa or honaekecper; best reference II' re quired. A A \ WERT 62D ST.. ROOM 3.?A RESPECTAULE "x xi young widow wants ofiicea to kcop cloan. Call lor one week. T" MOTHER W0PLD,~LIKjTf0 KIND aTiOMF. FOR J\ her little girl in the country to do light housework; she i* very am art. Address MOTHER, Herald office. AN E nTTCTs Yf~ LADY-AN EXPERIE NC E r?~ TRAV eller and tenehor and apeakinz French fluently, would lorm an engagement for the sumuu r on easy term* either as travelling companion, teacher, amannensia or manaeer of a lioiisohold. Address ROBENA. box 2.iii:i Post ollire. EUROPBAN LADY, AT PRESENT IN ADVERSITY and alone, wishes to find some kind person whu would a^slfther: would take any position of trust; understands music and French, and hasbeo'ii accustomed to good society. Please address Mrs. L. L. L., box 117 Herald Uptown Branch office. N KDUCATBD. CULTIVATED"011 RIsflAN I.ADY (widow) desiros a home In a refltied tanilly or tchool; thoroughly qaalillou for teaching or housekeeping; un doubted reference. Address BALDWIN, Herald Uptown Branch office. 40 363 A YOUNG SOUTHERN WIDOW. INDORSEMENTS unexceptionable, desires a position as copyist, companion (or hous"kc#per, if not menial); been abroad many yenrs. Full nmne and address required. Address Mrs. GEO. DE A.. Filth Aetna* Hotel. WIDOW OF 7aA?ERTc7N, WISHES A HOME IN a family of respectability; can be very useful in the care of children. In sickness or health; also in various kinds of sewing and liuht domestic duties; elty or country. Ad dress, f ir throe davs. A. II. C.. box I !!!"> Herald office. A"" N ELDKRLY LAD?, WHO DKSIRBS TO RETURN to Ireland, would teke charge of an invalid or child for her passage. Address M. D., box 188 Herald office. LADY DESIRKS a"POSITION AS COMPANION OR tn assist a lady in housekeeping; ennntrv preferred; salary not so much au object: references. Address M. X., Uerald Uptown Branch office. A "YOUNG" L1IDV-WWHE8 TO ENGAGE WITH A family going to Europe as companion or maid; salary no object. Address T 1S2 licral office. PRCFES?H)\ VI. SITl ATIO.VS W A.\TED FEMALSI. "i TOUN'trLA'DY DESIRES A PostT1 ON~ AS "??'?V J\. ernes* to rhlidren under 12 years of aire ; satisfactory reference. Address T. K . Herald Uptown Brauch office. A HIGHLY EDUCATED FRENCH LADY.TEACHING J\ music, drawing and German, wishes a situation as governess during the summer months; best rciorence*. Ad dress):. L.. Herald Uptown Branch office. LADY-DEj?IRES A POSI HON TO TEaCII CHIL drou English. French and music, or as companion and reader. Address TEACHER. 716 fith av. A LADY ^EXPERIENCED)" WANTS' A POSITION AS cashier, sslesladv or office : innloym?nt; writes loaibiy; good accountant. Address TRAVBKS, Herald office. "1 T OUNG LADY DESI REM A P< ?S IT I ON A H CO M * }\ panion; would trnvel: or as nnrsn to one child in a re fined family. Address COMPETENT, box 14'! Herald oilice' LADY OF CULTURE" THOROUGHLY "comTE tent to instrnct In Ktiglish. French, German, music and drawing, desires a po :Ion for th# summer. Address COM. PETENT, box l'J4 Herald Uptown Branch office. T "YOUNG" AMERICAN LADY <)K GERMAN DE j\. scent, with experlenco, to take charge ol young chil dren and 1 heir instruction. Address C. H.. Herald Uptown Branch office. PLEASANT YOUNG FOREIGN LADY OF RE flnement and experience In tcaJhlng ofTers her ser vices to a fatuilv aa mvtMM or travelling companion. Address A. B.. Herald Uptown Branch office. FOREIGN WIDOW LADY DESIRES TO BE COM panion and teach first cl tss Music, Italian. French, German and English singing aa well as English and foreign languages; liberal salary expected. Addicts Mra. M. S., car t of Mr. Christer, 77 University place. YOUNG WIDOW LADY DESIRKS A POSITION AS amanuensis or aecretaryor reader; Is good elocution ist, a rapid and ready writer, educated and refined ; best ref erences. Address L, L. W., Herald Uptown Branch . ITlee. (10PYIST.?A YOUNG LADY AS COPYIST OR CASH". J ler: references. Address M. C . *>7H 1 ireenwich st. ADIEs Ok NBULECTfcD EDUCATION TAUGHT Kngllah. French, music, drawing, elocution and pen manalilp b>- an experienced teacher; terms moderate. Ad dress ALPHA, Herald Uptown Branch office ANTED?BY A YOUNG LADV"a~SITUATION A3 writer in an office. Address L. M. C., Herald Uptown Brauch office. HELP W\YTE D-FK.1I Al.E Y~r; st8 \/fXSf/TcoT want Eirsl elaes dresamake rs, Fn?- class waistmakers. First class haatrrs: Ilia, Flr?t cla?? cotter and fitter. . Only peranui or ability anrt large experience noml app'v At Niotli (treat eutrauce, belcra W A. M. Hroad way anil llth it. LtTTLM M18M WANTS A PR&TTf, IXTkEElORNT girl of M m companion. Addrcx II.. 1.241 rlruada ay. COM? KT8ST l> R K * sMA K K it " W ANTE a - A l?P~L V on Monday to Ml? KARKKEEY, 1U> We?t lTtli ?t. t N I'M HER OK EXPKRI SOED SAELSEAIMES A for fancy good, HEOOMEVOOALK UKO l'UERri. Kfct M ar. J" ilRKT CEAHS OPERATOR W\TI Kl>?OjT BON.VAR ombniiil. ry It. ilAV NT.lltl). .hi Howard at. JJMRK1 t'l.ASS DRKSS.M AKKItr. WAX TKP-?'OK PIS. i'hinir and looping ?ver?klrt?; only t!*o*? a'*cu?toinud t > timt mvlo "( Work need Apply; also good white ?<-w?rs wanti?d for One whlto work and i<> make akirts ol dres???; work given out; mint brlug best reference and snuipin of work. App'y to M. A. Cu.NNKLLY, No. 7 E*?t liitb it., ka?cuient door, before 10 A. M. poilD i>llK."MMAICKRS- WARTRT)?KXPRRIKXCKD ' J bands will iiud steady work and bigbest wage* at 1(JU (?.ant .'K'tli it. p?KrFe~*3 WAXTKO-BXPERlicNCBO TRACUER; \.T private family, music and Hngtiate<; >alar/ and ref erences. A'ldres* ilOL'UKIK H.D. lieruM nfUce. L<l'ih" IMS E-iSIM. w.MIU Will r> UKsfltOii TO ?tudy singing for i>ror?salon. will find triorou_-li liistmc lion and rapdly advanced, i'or terms call aa, Wednesday of Saturday tr. in iU tn H, at 27K *Jth av. YfAllJ WANTED rou IIIK ?UMMBR. TO GO TO 111 -be country : a nice respectable woean, who i-ki s-w weil and attend to a l idy. Call un .Monday, at No. 42U L*cx? iDjrton av., between 1 J1., and J o'clock Mli.l.l.Vhi:.i.--WANTEl>r UtjoiiT DRriliTx KRB OX ladies' trimmed liata. Apply at to Ori ent >1. 0 -HK.VT "CUiW OPRRA'IORK WANTED ON . Wbnelor A Wllsin'e matin if, l?ir ladle*' aim*. Apply to l>. 11. HAHUOCk A HJ? 1*17 t'huroli at.. tap lloor. I> U.i A ME r.~ 1*AIt I i I.K iVAX rKD-fo TAkK OCT It suit* in*lota MKCllsERR. AliKAllA.Nl A COEEENH. 48 and 4? Worth*. i\'aniki>~ai ?imk. MATUlEDlT Oft OORDOVA'8,' YT h ant 20th \t., eUhraan llr?t claw waint maktrta liberal wage* and tteariy amploytneni to oinpetent hand*. ' Vtr ASTRO?FIRST CEASS DnK?KMAKKR. ALSO ll apprentice iervant lor one lad; ; can autv nlrcly; witli reler rce. Apply at 'Ml t>lb av., lor lli.ea daya, to iliuv. CAPEAIX. ?eC"iid H;?or. T|7 AXTnD?FIRST n.ASrt WAIST AXD CEOVK Tf bandis liWbeit wages and ataady work to perfectly competent bead*; no Ma lor ?tb?r* to call. Uall niter u at ;7U UUav. ??"?? m-AXiiimn WZT.P W A XT V. IJ?K r.l m. i: s. r ANThO-r ! EST C1.a? Oi'^lU <** .' " "" ? / V. r .k XViIhoh tnwliiu*; *Uo la*j>rov?fi !t?r urtn> rnakinsr. t!*il at IvH We#t 19ili ?t. \V UBVAN i'jMi- A VoUNG gibl to take cabs OP children r,od ma.e ber?elf uaeiul. Call ??' Mrs W 1LLIA.M*. IATJ S*!i ?? ______ 1X7ANTED?A CATHOLIC LaDY OF GOOD ADDRESS V? to take hitler* lor ? "<w work; >?1mJ ?w per After o A. M. THOM \.? KELLY. 17 Barclay ?t UBHrANTUl>?TWO OPERATORS ON DOMhSTIO MA chines and five young irirls ?or light work. Lall, on Monday. June 12. H A. M.. at HI Hudson ??.. rooml. *%]ANTED?AN EXPKBIENOKD. BNKRGEtic SALE* VT woman in our suit drpUWeal. liD'.IIAKD M I.ARKS, 8th av. and 19tl? st._ TTJ A XTE D?ll 6 USE WORK Kit. Hi \LTHY . ,A s ?V neat family; ?n Amrrlcaii lady, with small girl, fcre torn i >llllllW with part-cnims and U.I IMHM W* UHHTANTED?A~Vol'Nl> oTbL, III' FROM 111 ro i* years, willing to L-tve licr serrlfe. duriug the day in exchange i?r int.ruction on tbe j.lano or in sloping. au dre?? MI MIC. box C1M Herald Uptown Branca oSI.O. W7ANTED?A FlIOROUGHLY COMf ::.M ;KI.'" ? ? wtuiiMii ftctraatomod 10 oversee tho niunutiicture o. fcuirtt K&d fiiUi en oiKoiiitttf ruu by Apply, all ibis wee*, nii'r n a. M.. *t tutor; K*?i 3?th -c. _ \UAHTED.- IN A PBIVATB DRESSMAKING ?S TT tablishmcot. a competent lternou a* assistant toro womnn to take emlro clof the workroom . must cit* reference : also llrst olas* dressmakers. Apply between h unit 10 at HO Wen 201 li "t. ? TlfANTKD-A FEW OOOD HANDS ON DllESSMAK W ?nwho eun niakc biittouliole*; ?Uu ?n npprcutice. b6y Lexiuirtou nr., eorii'-sr ftotli rt. \i ? .v , u.|i u MILKS KBOM Mil. CITY, A.N aMHkT rf cun or cii rmuu frote<utut *?mnn lor K^n?r*l Uvtt?e work. Apply, witlj ref?rence?. ut West .l-Uli tt \\ 1T7ACTED AN KXPEKIKNCKD OPBRATOB Ojl >Y Willcox A Dlbbn' uiaciuno . ?l?o an errand tflri. Apply at "ill ? eorner f>2d st. WANTED?A KlilST CLASS 0I1AMBKRMAID. TO itaniat with wrtltinc: liaruiait or American preferred. AUdre?s H. IL, Uerald Uptown oMct. AMTKD?A Vol Ni; OIBL TO iTTKND STORK. Apply nt Tortoinn Shell nore Oil Broadway. ___ ?AN.I ll \T mm:;. FILLKY'8, r? V/ESTilUD ST., . / tir^i h?ml Tor wMrti. Nono hut Iho o thoiuuuhly couiDrti ut uecd apply. _ TIT ANTED?A HEALTHY WET N! RSE; MILK ROT \l o*?r two montli? old; irtust have Kood reiVrjoce. Ap ply Mondnv, tiHtirfcii ti and I'1 A. M., ut 00. i?tli av. 1X7ANTED?A OOOD sti'.om: OIKL, fO CO< k. fcBU VV uud Iron. In a liourdliiK lioii">f; wa^e?, $H a month. Applj ai -Iti Wert Vt aahlufrton p ace _? 1JWV OPERATORS WANTED ON THK DOMESTIC 1UU machine for llnrn mi in; sleicdy work and bltbent wa^e* paid. Oi'PR.nHKIM URoS.. ?T Krunltlln kt. S1TI ATIONS \N A.WKO???i.VL.Ks. T~"krlnoh.max. just"ARRIVED from >?anck. J\. ?? i!r*t class pa?try cook; t?od referencaa. Call at o Went Houiton <t. ? A MART, ACTIVE BOY. 1p YKAKS oV.VUK, WISHES ^v. a situutioa iu u store or oltici1. Atldrcw M. lv.? box lw lit rsilil otRcc. "I IlKBI'TxJTAULK colored man as waiter in A. a private family or boardim? Iiouiib : thoroughly under itand* ht? bitatnen*; city or country. Rood city rererence. , Addri ts C., box -.IU Herald I'ptowu Braurh olhce. a married mam, who can oive the best of A reletence from III* Into employer*, where he has beeu for several ycar?, desire* a .Ituattou; la willing to Oil any position, from a jei-retary to b porter. Addreia 1 . Ueralu olt'o'e. ~k HERMAN lit AN WANTS A SITUATION AH J\. trolvcr ; rnn ruruiiU pood reference trom latt employer lor the pant eluiit yeara. Call at 4U Ka?t o5th at. T Frenchman and his wife (speaks kn<; iV. Ilsli and Gormani want nitusti ins; the man aa hotel manager or carver; tho wife as tint clii?? cook; ran ruu a tea *liora hotel; beat reference, < all on or address lor three day?, OKIMLKR. 12U frlnce ?t.. batcher ?hop. * ST K N (X111A I* II K It?W It 111N < i i7.*? WORDS A M1N u\. Uto iu abort baud and at present employed, denire* to obungt' his situiittoiii Atlarewi r. M., Her*U<l oflicc. T SITUATION WANTED?BY AN 1NTKLLIGKNT J\. American boy, l'? yeara of *K'\ In a hotel, bank, 8tore or oiHco *, guo<l roforonce. Addrcw i?.) Kurt I7tn A-youth .OF 1i> DBSIRES A WTUATION M A banker'*, broker'* or merchant'* office; hanker a or KtcM'k broker * preferred; or any other situation where ho can by perseverance advance142 Henry at. UTLKR OR WAITER?BY AN ENGLISHMAN, J08T lauded, atfed years; thurouxbly ut-derstanda hi* in:ti.'s; irood charactrr from Euitliah employer*; city or country. Addreaa K. 1*., Herald ?ptown Hranch ollice. Head w.Cificr dksires position in hotel or club; tirat cliw* testimonial* for ability, Ac.; city or country. Addre?? H. O., No. 133 Wert lOth at. O It CATION WANTED?BY A FRENCH VAI^ET TABLE ^ waiter In a private family; gooi reforenco. U. U? Rleeckor *t.. corner Wooster. SITUATION"WANTED-BY A DRUG CLERK; NtNE ^ vears' experience; *iut;lo: ipeak* Gorniaii. Address box irj l'oat oBtce. llrooklyn. WANTED?A SITUATION, HY A RESI'ECTABLE Frenchman, as waiter in a private farully; *peak? Eng j llah; goodreforesoes* Addwn J? li-. riomlu utuco? XMTANTED?BY A RESPECTFUL MAN TO TAKK \Y rhHrrfe of a fnrnltned ?t nnfurniuhed bouse; nr#t clas* reference, given; no .alary .^,,1^ ^ ^ iuh I CLEHK8 VVI> SV1.KS1IKV. drug 'cLKRKTwrrif first clash rkfer r\. cucea S years' experience. wi*be* a situation. Add res* C aRTKR i ROBERTSON, corner 4th av. and 50tb ?t. A A NY HOUSE HAVISO ~AS OI'KNIN'G FOR CLERK A. or salesman, with builnoaa experience where Al ref erence* and will be appreciated, can have an luter view by a1 dressing, with lull details, tLliltk, box 1!J4 Uerald oflicc. . As' EXPERIESCKD ACCOUNTANT DESIRES EM ' ployment as bookkeeper or clerk or would take charge ot several set* of book* at moderate rates. book* opened and balanced, neglectud bo .K* written up, month y bill* made out and collected: translation made trom and Into RnglUli. German and French; uc*t relereacea giveu. Audresa I. S. K., Herald oflico. A CCOUNTS AND BOOKS SCIENTIFICALLY KXAM A Ined and arranged by expert accountant; honr* 'night ordav) to *nit; term* lixed by Job or time. Addres* R. ? L.. box 2.043 I'ost office "a COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND CORRE A *noiident wialie* employment lor a pnrt or tho whole of thedav. Addro** JULES (JUlSSART. 6H1 5th av.. Brook lyu, or room 4'J, 17tl Broadway, New \ork. "* YOUNG MAN WISIIK> A SITUATION " ts t'l.K KK J\. In a grocery; go >d reference. Addres* It AN W A Kbit, ;>c? lOtn av , New York. A CCOUNTS AMD BOOKS CAREFULLY EXAMINED, A. adjusted and kept by skilled accountant; l ours and term* fixed to suit; higho*t city reference*. AJdre*? R. u. B., box 1,144 Post ollice. . Ts Al CLOTHING SALESMAN, HAVING A GOOD A Western and substantial nonr by traile, desires a posi tion with a tirst cla?s men's or boy's clothing house from July 1; can Inrnlsli best relerences a* to character, ability, Ac.. Address, lor three day*, CLOTHING, Herald Iptowu Branch o8ic?. _____ T SOUTH AMERICAN. WITH GOOD RECOMMEN A. datlor.s. desires office employment in some commission or inaMiuacturitig house; he 1* a good translator and corre spondent, and would be very nseriil for the ispanisb trade. Address C. Z-. box 1H?J Herald oflica. . "T ?SALESMEN TO >ELL FROM SAMPLE IN NEW J\. York and vicinity; legitimate ttr?t class goods; large prollt* guaranteed: *2 deposit rcoulre? for sample; roler eiiCM* required, i'all from 10 to 12 A. M. Monday. E. A. WASHBURNE. 7iH Broadway. A YOUNG man. LATELY ARRIVED FROM f\. France, wlshe* to find a situation In some commercial house or *oma other employmcnt; llrst class relerences. Addres* PAUL, 125 Prluce at. CITY JOBHING M1LLINKRY HOUSE WANTS , _ a. veral first class salesmen ; a uood opening for men Energy and experience. MILLINERY, box 141# A Herald otHce. ~k '~YOUNG MAN WISHES a SITUATION AS AN AS i\. sist nit bookkeeper or otlice clert Addioss K., box ISO llerald Uptown Rratscli office. _ A SITUATION WANTED-BY A BOY OK 17; HAS A. had thorough instruction iu bookketpmg; bast refer ences Address r. G.. 512 2d av. T\RUO CLERK. CAPABLE OF TAKING FULL charge, wanted. Apply. Monday morula*, to DA\ ID son. 4J Mouth st. FOUK KXfKRIENCKi) saLK.-MI.N To SELL KBW, deairnble Rcoils to metrliente and mauiitnetuiera in city um! else* h -re. Addroaa, with rcferonce, NOVK.LTIES, lientld office. tiKKALKKB UNBH ATi()N'TO GENTLEMAN EX J changing valuable AdvcrtUlni.- Spa.-? fur U. [rl ai.J oilier TtMe. MMreae SUB.V1'AN 1'IAIiLy, Herald oBtcd. QITUATXON WANTED?BY AMJUUCA* YOCNO MAX, O 12 jean' experienco, aa ollice clerk, Jko.; best city reler euean lair writer; willing to be cenorally uselul at niod IfKM ?l>rjr. AUNM V, bos 2'JO Tlersld oAce. V\'ASThD-rWO kThst 01.ASH men~ koh the If nulla; kino one tor t ha Mack *ood? department. Ap p y to l?. CuWAN. 4** Newark nr., Jeraey City. WAN rKD -HY A SILk liOODtf JOMBihO HOUSE Broadway. a itoatuen to aell Wentprn and near by trade. Addroaa box K.8.IT Port office, Xc* York. AVl l-.U-A SAI.'hSMAN T<7 *KU.7:Uj aks TU CITY if ;.'ade u CMnmiaaio* Addr?aa. naun. lurmrr i.ccupa tU.ii, ?kc , CIOAlt EAiaEBjjAE, kmB 144 Herald olfice. \trTtnku -at ovsu m an-as 'kxtk* clerk: TT Kood accural*' at li/nrea; ??!arv tj com mmiM?ith|l<tt Addreie, with references, c. k. K., box llM llaruld odtee. %trantei>?an ?xPT:uih5c ku sTiTfcs :h an in "a IT .1*1 itore; one who undentedi? blucklux and iruniiitf preferred. In<|iiir? at II. M'UAi'S.x . a hi J*;?m 18th Hi. a1 ANTki>.~-A"uHSTLBMA5 TKAVEl. I JNO15 TUB TT '.Vcit wanta n lint o( aainplra oa oruinltkiou ; ail or der* tui.Ject to approval boiora ihtpuiei^t. reference*. Art (!?'-< Immediately, MaxK AMii.W, Merchant*' Uotrl, lA?ui*riiie, Ky. ^ VITA NTKU -75 A MajTl KACTL Ul Mi N i.CK WKa7: TV hou-e. ? talesman wh>> can eonu.iaud Wciurn Jobbing trrtl. Apply, by letter, to sULuMu.V BUu I iir.1. 5, 71 Leonard??. _____ U^A}(Tjr l>?ONB XKUliaU AND Q&K MEKMAN DRY *<*>.!? tkloniiia. Apply to UuMUUTY k ktiAMtt, Uli Newark ?t.,JptK) City. \('ASTKU-A8 iHIPPlJiU CLbKK, A l.'OMPKTfcNT TT tu.iii, murt ba wall rocoMUi-nacd. K?i,J' MANU t KACTI/iUNli CO., 161 Hml 107 ]I|MH ?t. fir ANTED?A ilTUAfloS" ?Y~ A ~i ? M PEThNT JUJf Vi ? HiKuaaa; willing to make hlniflf Kfn?r*ily o?c fill; rai^raoira unJUpali.ble Aiidru-? 1>. K,, Uarald Up town Hraach uClee. \l?aS I hJ?-Sv A YOUMO HAM OIf M TKAtW, a"To- . if tit Ion In any cnpuclty; Kond panmao and correct at Hearts Allure** INIjCsIKY, IUJ "hi a*. W'ANTKII-SALKMMfiN TO kNUW tYiaFsHATSb. TT WollHiit'i Tbaatra boll.(in,-. Ii ?elliuc lliua. luiaal quality, at lower prices th?u any >tlicr houia in ilia city. anik5?tiirkS yolno mkn, immkoiariuLT TT to luarn bnoitkecplns. p9nm..t>?!i p. oalrulAtuiM, Irom prKL-tlcnl bookkeeper uaar City Mali; e .-nnnr?;* terma. Addraat UoliUKA box !?? Ilerald odice. tyantkij?a ~rrt a rio.N."hy^'a yuUno haa, as Tf clerk pr ?w!painan ; aaurr not ?o miKQ of an objiwt a? a porttiwti in wnicii lie . an work i,lm??:r up; bei>t ul raler eL.r.'i Adareaa <>. !?.. ilrrnld Uptown tiraocli otilci'. ANTKD?A SITUATION AS MANAOXB IN A KAC TT t> ry, bi'ok*potier and correspondent In fori-ltrn Ian I!i?h; i.e?t rrfirenM and >eciurlty; i Headed, ready t<i lin ; ti ?oma capital with vi?w nf altimata partnership. Ad dreae II. k. X., box l.">l Uerald ulHca. \YT AJCThD?BY A YOCBQ MAN, A HITCATION; CA.V TT (peak Germ on. understand* Kreach and haa uad banking and other buiuinaa experience. Addreaa W. 0> It., K'J but 23d It, AY <F<K1IZC<4 AND SALESMKV. 'I.I.I, OONNs'.C I El' r Lit Kits VV Il.LI N< i l(- 111 ' ibAntMlV"! llifi' tl 1 Vuly, M'ith 'lit 'legltl'tillf; actual lalltt, ?>!< r??? XOf VANTK. Herald office. Air AN I'KU-.r LICENSED I) B U GO 1ST ~T< > If ILL ~A TT permanent position; must ?u< ak German. Cull at one# un I>r. ToaL, No. flO> Kxat Illb it. \?/aNI'E1>~a GENTLEMAN (Vy GOOD BUBIKBjM TT address a* mitkido salesman: llbsnl Inducement* to auitnVi.- party Appi) to S. K. YOBSTON. 12 Day It \\rA.NTKli-Trt <) K1 Ksr OI.ASS ViEN I LEME.VS TUB TT nishini; men: an* competent to take cbarifc o: de partment Addrjki. nation reference* and e.\p. elation*. EDWaKD M \l.l.KY, New Haven, Conn. "lOVCllMK* AND B.iRDES Kill. Ka'CE AS GABDKNKR AND I'SBFtfL M AN?BY* A A A A sober. respectable man, ut ntitdcraio wage*. Address T, O., Ii(t\ |i!4 Herald office. T~ BESl'Et'TABLE MAN W ANTS V Slfl ATIOII AS J\ cnai'hman; tlj"ro'.iehly understands Wk otliluess; liood reference. Call ou, lor tiu uay?, J. 11.. 131 Euat 17tb New York /ioachman.?a gentleman wwhks to pin lOL iTii v a situation Infill* coaciiman: It a Oral ritu man una tburonuhly understands the bu-itics*: can Illicitly recotu nu'nd I)Im. Call oil or adJress A. J. VAN WIN fx LE, 18J Wllll.iin ?t . on Monday, t! e ISth. W A.NTEO-A COMl'ETKNT, E N EBGET1C "OOACH II mint single Mian; must be an Amerin.ii: onlv Pro testant* tiMd afi.ily, Willi best refeionce. Addr?*? B. NY., bo* ll*s Herald office. ^arANTKO?-A WTUATION BY~ /TTiEBMAN (LONG T T tiao hero) -* coachma.; and gtoom. gardener ur por ter; Uhsadv with tool*; lila wiio couU accompany Uu? if wanted. Address hi* lust employer, I'ost office box j,U44. \irANTEii?J Situation by man and wiVe; man TT an sirst i lttjj coachman and useful man; wile 1Ml*uu irp** or waitress: hUhlv recommended. Call on or aildreaa J. It., "21 and S-1S U?h av.. llariy I Ider's branch * table. II <?'.liF VVVNTKO?MALK*. X?Vol l'i MEN TO EEAKN Tt. K Al'llY; GOO?) J\ salaries and perruMt nt iianitlonn obtained wlisn qmil ided. NEW YOKE TEI.EOISAPH INsTttDCflON t'OM l'ANY. 21 l'nrk row. 8MAI'T. WELL" KDl'CATED l.AI>, AHOUT H. wanted, tat leam ^niinen?. (Jtio ?tur-oilr, who would apprcrlMe itiKtractlun and advatMBment, may apply b?<loi'o i It o'clock ii: No. ?i Hf -Umnn ?t.. room "7. ii).NTS \V.\NTl'.l>-TO SKI,I, I'ATKtUTIO FANb; money to bo made ilila lioi weather. \Y. .t I'll., Xo. 1 Rreat Jonei at. YOl'NO MAN TO ATTKNO UAHL MUST IJNDEir. ataiwl hi, bNHiiiRM; Uft alraid ol work or lioara. Ail drenn, with teiHmoaiala nnd where aiupk yod, 1*. (?.. box 146 Herald Uptuw i Mranch office. A GENTS ""WAK+KD tO BBLli TUB 0 H E A|*EST 'V w.udow icruu lu the city; retails UKIMDM. 1*1(3 Broadway. A"" UEN1S WANTBI?"~Kv 1;KY\YIIERB-IN~TEA. COX fee and lulcea: belt plan ever offered. Apply to the 11 EE AT AMERICAN UKPUUE1C tea CO.. 81 U arc lay at., New York. Agents wanted?in town and cocntky, to hoII our p ire tons to fnmiliun, hoteli, Ac.; line u-us at low prici s and liberal term* civen. Apply lor pitrticular* to tho Wells Tea Company, no I Fulton at.. New York. CENT? vvante!>-t6^ei7i/<;entenniaL BAl^Eri. liieuais and aouvenira. TIIE ami',ItlCAN HOt'YENIB COMPANY. 1S4 William it. . 1 GEN TS W A N T K l>?MA EE' ANI>" i~E M AiA *0 B ELL ^'V a new eentennial Bonvenlr. highly valued by all throughout the Innu; ?old Ireelv at large prollt*; aample* >cut by mail, poet paid, upon rfoelpt of U.'i cents. O. SLOAN HOLUEN, froprlotor, 'Jul BioaUway, New Yoik. OY?WANTKI) ? FOB 1'OaT ()KKI( E ; UEI'EBENCE and security reijnlrcd. Apply at 7S4 t<th av. /SopyIst wantk:?-mi >t WBITE PLAIN HANI); ean work at home. Address, >tntln? price wanted, ALEX. HAMILTON, Herald rptown llrauch office. (lOMPETKNT TlivVE 1.1 liltS TO SeEL OOUKTT J riirlits lur #:i; luir^lar alarm; salurr and commi*?lon. 8._E. U LBN ETT. l?t I'm ton ?t.. New York. I-IT 1100 BAl'dlO CAN VASSEH W a NTS I (-FOB NEW J York city. Addreas, with lull particular*, box 1,170 Po*t office. B TO DBUG0WT8, liENEBAL 1>KALKK8, *(!. Wanted, aeentl in eveyy town, for tho ?ale of our pure teas, in >enled packages; liberal terms. Apply to the Wells Tea Company, '1 Fulton St., New York. Twelve (;ood men"wanted.-oan avbkaoi each $10 a (lav cct profit. 1,278 Broadway, near ,Cid at. ilTANTBD.?ANY PEB80N CAN MAKE ftWJO A TT tnotith lellini; our letter cooytnif book; nntr ono that has nletter to write will bu? it: nn press or water used; tend for circular Iro.i, EXOELSlOB COMPANY, 10 Tri bune Building, Ohickiro, 111. ""IITHAT THEY SAY."?WE MAKE MOST MONEY VT veiling teas lor CANTON TEA COMPANY, 148 Chambers it. TIL" A NT E 0 - A MAN WHO UNOEB8TANHS TaFmINo", TT and also hi* wile to do (n-neral housewotU; without children; wanes, $ .% per month. Apply between 8 and U o'clock at 7 J'J Uroadwav. iSTANTBD-A LIVlT MAN A8 AGENT TO SELL A TT staple article on comtnIssion ; one who I* aojualnted umong grocers, butchers and bakers in New York nud vi cinity. A. VoN CAMPK A CO.,58We*t Broadway. W' ANTED-FOB NEW YOBE AND VICIN1 TV, A Kentlemau who ha* conlldence In lit* ability and I* willinK to csiivs* a lirst class publication iiiencini; at ?'J(> per week. Addrua*. lor tbreo days, W. A. k Co., box KM) Herald office. \\rANTEI>?A YOUNG MA.N~6b BOY, WHO BESIDES TT with hit. parents, axeil in to 18, in a downtown real estare ollice ; tiHiat write a fair hand end come well recom mended. Address, in own handwritlug, box i),.r?41 Eo*t office. ANTED?RIPERIENOED VBEHhEK ON BUCH E in*.'. Apply at A^IIEB A BEDLICT'S. 34 Walker kt. JkMTBD?A BKABT, ACTIVE M A !T A8 # A IT EE for a lirst class dininir and ice cream eitabllsli-uent. J. BEDCl.iFFE, 4')0 ChaDcl St., New Iliiven. W'ANTKD- YOI.Nll MEN, HONEST AND l.NTKLLI geut, need not fall to make il5 to f'i? per week. Ap ply immediately. JA.MKS SlIEEHY, 33 Barclay at. w w ? - THK I'HVDKS. T~'C<VMPEff:NT" SOAP MAKER W&KB5nr$ttffji JLV tion; no objection to tUo country. Address SOAI', Herald oltiee. LUCK CUTTERS WAXTED.?HOWELL A BOUEKE'S wall paper fuitory, ->M und Sannotn bin., Philadelphia. First class o vki-ksteis "and"cabinet maker will mko charge of any Jol? at very modorate prices; offices tilted up, slim boards, etc. i!4 Grand at. UAP?1 &OXE*.?AN EXPERIENCED HAND. WHO X understands hli business thoroughly, wishes u aitnatlon us foreman or lirat outer: would also be willing to invest n ?innil capital iu buslnei-s: beat references given. Please address 11 Allll V. box 63ii Post offlie. Nsw York. fH PRI.NTlTRS.-AS EX PERI KNCED FANCYJOBBER (non-society) wants a position as foreman or line job ber: can catimHte; terma moderato. Address CONSIST ENVY. Herald ollice. The "aiit "and trade ok engravieo upon gold, silver and other inelaia taught by a drat class and experienced engraver to ? limited number of pupils; Boil er,it* terms. Call on or audress WM. II. IiAliLKY. 78 Nassau at. \ir A N T ED?n Y M AST El; WlvIOl ITS OK Ci LASGOW. TV Scotland, a large number of operative Joiners; good workmen; wages, SV peu.u pur hour. HENRY BRUCE, Glasgow. TJTANTED?A KIKST CLASS designer ON FANCY IT casslrnercs. for a 21V aett mill; V> an entirely com petent person a tlr-t claaa position and (alary Is "ffered. Address box 24.'i l'oat office, Naif York. \\rANTED?A Hlji UK OITfER. APPLT ~TO~UOW ?V ELL & BROTHERS, ? 1 ?t at. and Washington av., I'hlladelpbia. ANTED?A MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UNDEE stands the manufacture of oatricli leathern and feather triuiiitg*. so aa to be able to saperlnteud the manu facture ; a good Judno of raw feathers preferred. Address, stating aalary required and reforeucoa, OSTRICH FEATHERS, lleralt! office. ANTED?A MAN TO REPAIR AND ADJUST Wilmui Shuttle Sewing Maobines, For particulars addrens. giving your ref'ercucea, GEORGE SAWYER, Iter ill J Uptown Branch ollice. anted?a situation ah jeweller, BY ONE who haa worked aix yearn with Tiffanv A Co ; -beat of relor. nco?. Addreas A. J.. llui-alil Up low u Branch office. FOR tiAliEi sk:;l This wEicrotnri-AitoE J\ stock of Slager'*. Wheeler A Wilson's, Wlllcox A Gibbs', Domestic. Remington nnd other Sewint: Machines, from #10 to |tij oneh for; every machine guaranteed for our year; please call Did examine before porehaningelae where. The Sewing duclnue l-.mporiuin, U Bond at.. near Bowery. TOmOOQMM FltoMEN i. Jr.. MiiugjB| 1 BARK OMA NCE,-fBJJOO 0 AH U WILL BU Y J\. Stock and Kixturea of Dry and Fancy Goods Store. ? rtli f-'i.lWU; taunt bo told. Address M., box 127 Herald office. ? FIRST CLASS S AM PEE ROOM, TWO DOORS JV Iroui Krou.lw.iy, for aule. Parties tnra;nng builnoas n'l'lreva B. B.. Ilrra'id office, itatin.' where au interview can be bad lor particulars. A nkw "cabinet""ca'^k SI.VMEE 8BW!MI "ma J\ chinn. coat #r." i, will ae!l for |U; alao a Wlllcox A tilbba' Cablnot fur f'15. Call ^t M Bond at. A KIKST CEAfM LlgCOR STORE?GOOD location; J\. N.nth ward: long leaae . moderate rent. UAKKMEY .1 SMITH. Auctluu-era. 17 Centre at. A -CHOP AND WINE ROOMS. WITH CLUB ROOMS . attached, patronlied by ttrst class gentleinen. MALOXIi, So .*? I>ey?t. HaT 15*1 > CAP" STOi;K-M? 1ST EXTKNSIVfc" Ir. Jersey City; average buelneaa, (iU.IOM uplendld ce. M ALONE. >o. & Day St. ~?fAflONEKt BTOItE?BEST LoCAT.ON" DOWN dowu; sUkneal cause torseilinsr: bargain. BAi.ONi:, Der st. a NEW si.NuEB FAMILY IMPROVED SEWING jCX M a.-hinn will b'- iolil !i;r t-">. with ail nttachuionta, at HN ;??! av , third Boi.r, i etwuen 684 mi l Mth If. ^ A sruutDiS cafs, wFnk and uuor Moots* ^V bc.t located and fitted up public hou?o la, lor sale cheap. MITCHELL, 77 t'cilar st. A -K? uu OBXiNOI ?RNER I.iyiToR STORKS. XI? Diatlilery ?tsni| Restaurants, Hotnla, itaxerlea. Pro Mai. II Store I. Meat M arkels, oy MI'lCtlELU the great New York store Broker, 77 Cadar at. . T Fine cigar htUkk, "with soda *S|Mmp JV and reaidonciu spienJid locatioa; doing good buatuoas; III health. No. 4 V\ cat 4th at. T*oobneit lackb bemu and billiard saLooiT, J\ we at aide; rei.l barjr aiii. CAG.nEY. 15 Ablnp-Jon rqnnre (8th av ) A BAKERY AND SEsTACRANr 1* A 11RST i 1.AH< li-eailoii, liro.idway, anil'jolug a (Dud IroaitteaaJ ntiiii etl to sell on actnint of otlter buslnee-; a rare alt tut e : will a. 11 li'W ; lor luatructlotts audrcas PoKTt'NE, ben WJ Herald allice. ^ A cilAjidi-IlM WILL IUY AS E-SI ABLIsllED. A Brat cl.i.;>, eletrantl) l.tted earner Liquor Store In the Mntb ward; nnlr olio mi l.?nr curubra; le .ae ; rent 940 In quire nl i AMPMliLlii Aiteut, No. 7 Wait 3d st. (formerly Amity). ' kVlNE COKNiiR LMjUOit >.iO.:h Ft lit SAl.K-ON one o{ >lie prlii...pal tuo.ou^oiarsa. Inquire of II. B., 1..I Warren st. ~t i.a ?X. Est VBliI-11l-:l' MllKf H'iO 1:K I A*it HALE A eheap tor caalt; good loi lor trentieme.i's fu.*ai?h in govts. urde: trade oi s??lu private cMtvmera. No. 1,^16 Broadw.iy. ijetwean INtll And ?<<>'.. ta. KlU.vr CLASS It EST AI' K A .VI A M? SAMPLE !;OOM, down (own; splendid da> bi?iu-'-<. era at bargain, sllAY. Jtrj MrlaMay. AsflOK Foit SAL'. CllkAP?WELL AXo toll.r ejtahlialted, In a Me* loMti.-Ma tuin< a reapett aile tr. ie. Apply en pr?T?i**? :?!<?< -itta ?v An 6ld~EiTaBiVisHED HiTioiixi "stanIi and I*eee" for aale on ad a*.; good loi-?tlon; reatous lor aenlag owner goln/ to CllilsisU (aEEUOE A MILLER, M av.. aesaer >/to at. A F F u.olstl.e luisiuc* aud i> w filing tu work. Impure oil 'amines 113 Atlantic - v., Brooklyn. lifter I- o'clock M. KOlt MILK. I i. /'i' i.f "sTfw inu .iaV;h i x k s" k.Vrl y * N k w 1 Jx ir. oi *ln w tHO. etlaeiimeilts rotupleto, including Tucker; Domestic, Willeox 4 (iibbs. lirover A Baker, Wheeler A Wilson. family Improved. Ilowe. Sceor, Weed. Victor and litui" Parties wlskiuir to buy cheap for i ash wilt tiitii it to their advantage to examine our stock. We also have Wheeler A \t new No. 8 machine en in stuliuei.ts at lointMiit '? price* WHITE ? CO.. 537 3d ?r. i'ukVkk am> cake aslfTt? x?iilTTi?om kok sale cheap. MO Chatham it., n.-ar IE isevelt si J>RiHIKl.YN Dltl'U STORK FOR sAl.h-nl! IX >' change lor one in the country; equity >1' OUU. Addrus* PHYSICIAN. llerali olllctv TVBCO STORE COU SALE^OXB OK TUB BEST I ' in Brooklyn; price moderate. fco>d r-aeou ior ti'lLiig. Address FIAT. Her.ud Brookly n Branch office, DRIO STORE FOR SALE-I> (.KKKHhl, ~AM A thoroughly reliable business and will Iw -wild at * aticri tlce; particular!. STRICKLAND^ Agency. :>rt lleekinan st. DUUU " STORK FUR SALE.-VVKLL skioKI.O; neatly lilted up; lit it iron I location; low runt; owner nimble to attond to it: mi excellent opportunity lor a physi cian*. price $2.."?0'i: hail' caali. Address O. 11. X., llerald Uptown Branch ottUe. KOtt HTURJt. M UCDnOS AV. iTHT ESTAB Halted, nt it bargain. ou aceonnt ol death of proprie tor; htuidiome Bxturos, good stuck mid prospe. ?us husii.css. ' Dr. CORCORAN. Administrator. J * Hutl *t ! |,1| i.r SALIC A IVKI.L I.ST \ 111 IS'I Kl) VS1? PROS- | J/ perous Grocery Btiiineas In a thriving village iieur New i York : owner obliged to discontinue business by direc'l'in of i physic,a.i. Call ou or aduress IV. M. DtCNM.VN, 2i?* Broad ; khv. rjuia 7. ijlOK SALB?A BABOA IN STOCK AND FIX) I RES OF F tcntU'Riru ? Furnishing; handtotuely fitted up :? bt? .1 iic-j itruet of biookl>n; uo u.y?nt*. AUdr?>sJ. i?.,l?ox l-l Herald onic?. ,105" sTi k a i' ay! n tT tic a > To it k7~ow"N kk~has ether unnlufj,. Ini|uiri' ut 'J.llsii :iil i?i 7 to ti IV IjXMi SALK-CUNKKt 'l lONKHY, lOh tllti.A M AND F Oyster Saloon, on accoitnt of the owner iielnir obll^oJ to gj to Kur.ipn on businoKii., Apply at No. -7 8th av. voit KAUU-Kttft Uhhi THAN IIA1.K III'-. V \ !.l K. J/ one ol the best paying Liquor Store* In ."eventh war.I. Xeu Y'ork. Kor partictiltu* apply to 1C. ST1LWKI.L, 07 Uolituiblit place, Hri oklyu. ? "* Li OR's'.vuc.?Sl'Ot'K, FIXrUitBS v.XO BUHiMltXii OF r Tea st.ira 7:1 Uar.iay, corner (ireenwich kl. ; very do rlrtthli- ?tnnd eiieitp; to oath purchaser. rion sale.?a iii-.iiui.Mi'fi sakkT ri> m itina i ion' lo-.-k; very clicitp. '17 Murray *t.. seeoud floor, CH>R SAUB-A CHANCB SKLDOM fiKKKREO-A I 0r.-t elas? comer Liquor Store, InrluiilcB entire stock t atmall amount ol eash required; balance in real estut* In New York or llrooklyti. Kor particular ud,.rc3> C. D., liernl'l I'Woe. 'L'tOR SALE?S Cork" AND IT XT UU KsT)V UEN KRAL L llurdware Store; excellent location; low rent ami lirst class casu trade; uoiio but t!.on.' uieauln^ business need reply. Address K. A (?., Ilernld odice. IT!OR SALE?AT A UR&AT SAOBiriCK. THE" WINB ( and Lunch Room, elegantly Httuil up. 130 Fulton si.; reasons for selling, the oh nor has two places; s ill sell either. rVOB sM.i-;-rii!. NbATBfiT PLTTBD uT OVBTKB r Saloon and Restaurant In Brooklyn; will bo sold very low for cash The place is now duiui; a payiug business und can bo i;reatlv linpri'ved by the attention of ony who under stands the Imsjiirs aud i? wIIllii|r to work. Inqulro on the P" l^Oli SALK? AN OLP KS'l'ABUSHED NRvVHPAPBR I Itout of about 300 ?? cent papers. Addrcu R. C.. sta tion <;. ?poit SALE?MEAT MARKET, ON AYENUE C'OKNEK' douirf a good business. JOHN A. Ul'NX, Auotloneer, 20S 3d av. I">l7irs\LE-til.i*J0. A WKI.L I'AYINU \VI1 OLICSALR Ruslnoss, down town, article staple, for cash, or will exchansn lor Mrooklyn or New Yurk I'roperty. AddiOkj, lor two dsys, A. box 1*1 Herald offiee. IjlDR SALE OK Ti > LE'T-TIIK LEASE OK ONE'OK the best located Stores on the buslnoss side of Kultoii street. Rrooklvn. near the ferry. I inly responsible parties need apply to WUliT A <lTTO. No. U i'ront St., Brooklyn. T.1 OR SALE?ONE OK THE BEST CORNER iJOUOR r Stores up town; rent for the whole llouso, 4<uO per month. Inquire at 341 West ft. j>oii SALE-M AOH IN E AND JOBIiTncT SHOP; r ccou stand; Rood reason Riven for selling. Address JACK, Herald ortlcc. LTOR SALE-AN ELEOANT PHAETON, WITH RUM r ble, in perfect order, at * bargain. Apply to B. M. 11., lss Ohathain square. Fok iTale at akeat"saorikick?lkTsk. kix tnrcs and (iood Will of an old establish'd Fi-h and Provision Store, with three Smoke Houses aituchid; best business location d<>wu town; rent low. Apply on the premises 21)0 and 102 Chambers st JX)irSALeXtABAKOAIN-A "FlRST "ULASS HON.* lectloliery Store and Ice ('ream Saloon, ol eight \eara standing; lirst class stand for oysters; also a beitutilul Oven' suitable for bakery, with apparatus belonging to It, every" tliiiiK got up in'lirst class stylo; the whole iu pcrlect order' Speculators ueed not apDly. Call at 1*. A. NoRMaN* DEAU'S, fiO Ann St., New York, up stairs. F. LA KGE AHSOKTMENT OK second hand French and Euri peun Rauges, lor restuu rant aud family use, 721 Broadway. For sale ciieap-klaostaffsand poles, ali^ sites; also Life Preservors. Apply to JOHN WALSH, 3,i<) West St. JIOR SALE?OJOAR STORE. PRINCIPALS ONLY AP ply ut 02 Market St. F~0R SALE?A sE\ ENTH RE .IMENT Kt LL DRESS and Fatigue Uniform, with Equipments, all In oxeel lent order; or will exchaiiito ler Civilian's^Ilothing. Ad dress 11. W., box 147 llorald office. Jl>OR SALE-A OKOClCltY STl)RI'. IN A liOOI) NEHi 11 borhood. Inquire at S,l"> 2d av, or 1,!K*'> lid av., llitrleiu' CH>R BALK?QB8AT SACRIFICE, TUB PRETTIEST 1 Rosiauiaiu und tiyster House in the city; ionic lease j cheap rent; tine Dwelling; first class place; greatest bar gain in tlm world. Apply to tiEOROh klNTNEK, Pros cott House bar. Broadway aud Spring st. TilOk SALE OR EXCI1ANUE?PANORAMA OK IRE r land; new and unrivalled; a fortune for a business man. Address PaNOKAM A. box 4.71.' Post otlice. 6H)X BALX OK TO LET-BAR AND BILLIARD X1 Room, on the ilo-rory; would make good lager beer g.irdeu. Inquire at llowery. WILLIAM SIIIPSEY. "L^Ol! NTAIN. ? OTT A W A BEER APPARATUS, IV r good order, for sale cheap. Apply to .IAMES M. HEATHEIITON, Plumber, corner Ann and Nassau sts. JEWELRY FACTORY ~AT NEWARK, N. J.. KOR sale; office aud shop fixtures complete lor 20 hands; Locket, Button und Ring Oies, figured Kolls for Masonic work, with frame; gas and water Flxtnros. Bench Tools, An.: II'not sold on Tuesday will be sold at auction, Thurs day, 10 A. M.; a complete shop that eo>t fs.tHl'l; no reus u able idrer relused. M I). WITH E It. .r>2 Jersey st. JOB ' PRESS KOR SALE AT A BAIUi AIN?UX12 in?lde chase, lit North WOllan it,, iMfd floor, LAUUK s vfe-maiivin S. NEARLY mKW, KOR sale at IRVINO'S Furniture Faclorv, 2C*1 East 27th st. ARBLB SODA WATER AND BOO* BBEB APPA ratus, all stvies. Tor sale below cost. J. M. WHITFIELD A SON, 2*12 Water st. ABR opportunity TO MAKE A GOOD L1YINO.? For sale, downtown Bar mid Luucli Rooin; proniiu nt corner; da\ business; price ft.i00; rent f.Ml a month. Ad dross INVESTMENT, Ilersld olHce S" A KB FOR "?AL"e7'H EAP-V ALRfTflNET BUTLER'S almu j ateut. Apply in olli-.-e 7tKJ Kd av., corner of 47th (t. STEAM LAUNURV FOR SALE -l)OIN(> A (IOOD business. Address S. S? lleruld Uptown Branch office. rnilB BEST PA VINO and cni.u'i-si OBUOBBT IB I city lor ?h1o, owing to sickness. Particulars with sua Y, 202 Broadw iy. ~ rilEKLER A WILSON'S SKWINO MACHINES-^M5 toS i;>. new machines on easy terms. K'll 3d av. l7? ~CLISTON ~1M7a(!E.-OIJI)~lr H ARIIAIN ; HaTT; X') furnished Houso, restaurant; the best liluatlou iu the city ; garden. A.I.; FOR AX ALMOST NuWjSS HALK CABINET case Wheeler A Wilson Machine, with extra at tachments, ready for use. H4 East :til st. ?. I jll) CASH WILL BUY A i.ilSHX 'STOCK *OF i^tUU llardwaro. Tinware, Paints, Brushes, Ac. 23 Park row, room 3, from 1 ? to 3. i.' 1 Hit CASH WILL buy v FIRST CLaBB CORNER Jp'lUU Liquor Store. Apply at IIOii 7th av. 4<? fuwr?III" purciiuse tiie lease and j.'H/l" Immediate possession ot one ol the best paying "Road Houses'' iu the city; Mock, Bar Fixtures, Vurniture, including Piano, Kitchen Utensils, Tsble Fur nlture. Mirrors, Oil Paintings, Engravings; everything >n the most perlect order. Call and see pliotoKrnpn of ?remises and loam particulars from ROBERT rt . DoWL ,N<;. Real Estate and Collection office, 1,021 Bioadaay, near 53d st. M \V " MAO tfi ?iigRT. MQV"iiXS^fWO STKAM HAMMKUS "anD"COM _T pli'to ?et ttKorg* Tool* for iininiiiai'turintr lifnry fui'K inirs. cur axle*. Ac. A.dreaa UKOIUiK M. OLAI'l , 2'M Broadway. rO'im I). salk- k.suini;. 1&X30. OAK BK UUUf fttff. it in 7 113 I'u I ton it.. New York. I So it" KAbS?B tivT AKD 8BCOX O HA M? STEAM ' Holitert; I ii.;rc? t.> t,ive Uicui on trial; Jtuabwnrih putonu. y.'.S Wmv 2*th at. LESSiirt Jt "cO~KUOM YAKD. lOftf At, AKD ij, Sttt ?t.. olfer l-'liori? Entfinu ami Boiler. lutlu-a, plaalOK and itilliintt Machine*: Kir?t .4 I'ryhil Bund Haw, Tank', PnlUyt. At , at vrry lot pTMMb I" or OK WOOD AND link WOBEIBO MACMlMlf J ture port nbln Meam KHinel furs tale cheap, at llAViH' Machinery Yard, ?>} itniiroml w? Jifity I'liy. VTEW FOOT L.A1 MBit KUR 8ALK.?3 KKKT Hftb Xi Inch awing, wlih slide ri ?t* and acre* cuttinx atiacli Iii. nl" with mul bin-It ?oar; (tillable fur matin-unit leal iu-truuiout makara, upllciana ami aiimteurii J. Ti'W.VSKMJ. IKj Centri- it. A*TKU-Ulvr~PR'KHSURI!KNoixE~ ABOUT 40 Insboa diameter. II loot atrnkv, with variable fir utatluaarv wurw. Any party having micli, mid ? llhnr in exchange fur desirable final Kitaie n ut tin- HnxHtlrn lJr.dtrr, male ln*u?t prlee .tnd a.Mtejj K VI hllPHl.sK, tUmld oRlce. ! mTaStk l >?a * one Tu i km k kno in V. amihoiler, . W eheiiii Add-?-M T. sM ITHSO.M, T-> Horatio ?l. \\'A> rt.l?- A OOOH SKcfoNI) II AMI KMHIMBINO Vt Machine, with braas roll'. '-'7 '>r 2* Inchea long. Ad dreafl BooKS. Herald Uptown Branch utfice. "TiCavV itin.hs ou i'iVwkii Tiiior TT fruu. A, Matluj prl'?. I'USCH, lltialil OfllcO. am ku To I't'Kt iiahk?chbaI' kok cash, on r foHitr Preae UUWt be a -oi?d one), two mi *11 lattkd, Shaftliik'. I'ulleya, CliHOKa ?I1 Belling I'r nelpal- nnlji may ad-Treta H It AS> WI1HKH, Herald Uptown Bruor-b iilflfn ?*~~KOOT ~i.ATIIK COl'NTliK ~>HaVt.~~*H< ~"sLII>E i ) rc*t, Jke. v Iiariefu Kallruau 4aput, >\ bite it Fl'ltVITl i(h. A- ~f>j i: kTX ti'CkT w i > i ?? i a .tk..!:>?". i if J. t;ntt,tr r*i iii the cltjr. .V> cent! o ieli. ut nAllTM'tf l'arlvr ll?d Sl'i Mwb'lway mt TaI.k. at pbivatb bESIdkmo* ~ ia~? ? .Vc?t j:ki ?t . near '>th *v.. ,'trior S>nt>. 14 pieri-v ?y>-.?re.? in wit si." I?r MUM. lurk salt ?Milt". iU": r?|i. 'mir Into and plu?h Hutu, ?l.i Mid (WWVj ??tviR?C?ltiMt I'arlor Sale. Inl < I ?n.l kii: toa k wnlnaC (It-' l?t> .'??! . Drentin^ i *?<.?, Knr??*?*, A itubotMdo, \> ?r i inlte*. ii?ir ?n?i ?pmc M?tirat?e?. dlmn/ Karuiinre, k.x(i>n riMi TaMH, Itli'l. t'bair.-. Air. X. H.~An ? i*k int ro-. wiH"i lour round <!hlrt*rini: A ttoi Piano, f-1*'. a barj'aia. laanni'it-nt'A .adiof I'lnr.o. f l"U, vi -t CI,'Ml, Call itiia dav ui Xoio'a.-. IT I'll I V A it. HAI.K ! N Lot to SI it IT li> il A S J\. ?i? ?'Ti\a?? fapl (r will ?ci Parmr. Library, I'bainbrr ?nd I lib i ii j| Kmm Piirnitnri i'aro i*it, la ?atln, f lT/>; J ??;< f??>; liirkub -nit. i;haiiii??r Su.i cviuplete, I <itu lirntiiiiK ( ate. ?ki<j. Oarpeu, B?Ml?iea<l?, llullcl, Cualra, I I'xienalou Table*, t ali and eiauiino Private itiitlenen I 47 We?*._lU4li at., bear ttiu ??. X. 11 J'lauo, | |u76. te-d*y *i Meadiif* Al. KtHMTlHR. ir ^ ECONOMY Is WEALTH. f Buy your P?rl?r, Llkruf. Dining Room ud Chamber r I RS ITU KB, Tier aad Mautel Glu i?s, Cornices, Lambrequins beduTnu. ?I EKURAFF ISO TAYLOR'S. B> sc do'.sg you will save 25 per ceifc A'.i oar gxpiS are now i el mil J al wholesale price*. Par'.or S?lts. iii-run pieces, In reps, ?28 and upward. Chamber Suits. marole lops. $4"? aid upward, l>re-?iu?' Ca?* Chamber Suit*. :uarlile tops, $55 and *p *Wl|. Painted Chamber Suite, ISO and upward. Solid walnut iledsieads, 'rO and upward. Solid walnut Bureaus. fS and upward. And al! other floods fu proportion. DSORAFF A TAYLOR. 87 and n'J Bownjt, 0<l Chrystie at., and IbU and 133 UeitW ?t., New fork. M tiiit entrance, S7 Bowery. Al. Al MK .V ? llOH KANE'S old, Lira i eiaM reliable stand. 15* and 1>>I West 2:id st , Ueiweeu titli and 7th ?!< . LOWEST I'KICKS T(. HE FoUND IN l IIK OITV. BA1.iJA1.NS NUT III 111. EQUALLED. Punted Set*. ?-"? Walnut Sideboard!. tumble top, $35. Wnlttnt Extension Table*, Walnut Mnun Antoinette Parlor suits, 900. A laive nml sieeant askoriuioul, all tnsnufsrturnd In the b?m manner. A. -A.? A.?GEO. O. FLINT A CU., FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, < 104 AND 100 WKsT HTH ST.. between 6th and 7th avs.. one door west of 0th av. Buyer* should not fail to e\umine our stoek before por? chasing; it is one of the largest in the city, and, lor good work, the lowest priced. 200 Cottage Bedroom Suits, $ltt 1-3 solid waluut Bedroom Sulta $30. 200 line walnut Bedroom Suits, with Dressing Cam, 170, Parlor Suits, well hi ado, $?"><>. Every description of rich aud plain Furniture Mil Bedding at equally low rates. "BUT 0V THE MAKERS AND MAKR BT IT.* GEO. C. FLINT A CO., 10* AND 100 WEST 14TH ST., opposite the Lyceum Theatre, New fork. Al FURNITURE. 'flu' largest and most vitriol assortment of PAKLOK, L>ININO?ROOM, KITCHEN, LIHUAUY and CllAMIiEll FURNITURE. BEDDING, REDS. AO., al prices to suit the times. RICH CHAMBER FURNITURR A SPECIALTY. FINE PARLOR SUITS (SEVEN PIECES'. FROM 815. FINE BLACK WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, FROM HlfiO. FINE COTTAGE SUITS (CARVED TOP J, FROM $ii. Also an immense stock of CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, MATS, MATTINGS, AC.. at corresponding prices. KELLY A CO.. corner 25th st- and Oth av.. New York. A REMARKABLE REDUCTION. GEORGE A. CLARKE. 747 Broadway. New York, in order to rcduce hit large stock of line Furniture, Carpuis, Mirror*, lie.tiling, Ac., and alto to extend tho advantages of hi* ^ POPULAR SYSTEM OK PAYMENTS, ^ has determined to oflcr hit entire stock of Goods at an actual reduction ol 10 to 90 per cent troin f irmer prices, aud al the same tirr^ on tho most llboral terms of payment. elegant and costly (roods at half price. Also a lot of misfit and damaged Carpets, Ac., Ac. N. B.?This Sale will contiuue only until the present Itock is disposed of. An exaniiuatlon of goods, prices and terms solicited. ?WEEKLY AND MONTHLY FATXSIiVS TAKKJ? ? lor Furniture, Carpets and Redding at B. M. COW PERTH WAIT A CD'S. 155 uud 157 Chatham st. An Im mense stock at low prices. AUCTION ROOMS,':!") EAST 13TH~ST.?FURMITITReJ Carpels, Mirrors. Pianos, lledroom Sets, Parlor Suit*, Armours, Paintings, Ae. Private sale at auction price*. "T I'CTION PRICES.-A LOT OF CORNIUEtTSLKThTLI iV soiled; iruod style*; also Mirrors; must be sold; one linlf price. FERGUSON A PARSONS, 2.15 Canal st., np stairs. GREAT" HAHCAINT SO:*! will bur the most beautiful and stylish pair nt road Horses in the city, tl joars old. !?'>)? bands; warranted sound and kind and to trot a mile in 2:50; this team must hn neen t? ho approeiated: have flowing manes ami tails t? the icround; any lady can drive them; J. II. Brewster side bar top Wagon, Dunseetnb Harness at private stable, tfa. IB West "J7111 st., between Broadway an.I ."itli av. Brussels" c a it pet w v n te u-:n Va iiin ? wiLt irire u nieelv lurnisliml Room 111 pavmeut; Buai4 if wnnted. Address, lor throe days. Mrs. A., Herald Uptow* llrnneh office. Tpi R IE LIE N STEIN A ETTINGER. 12? HOWKRY, AD I van.-h liliorull v on Furniture and all other Mcrehandiso at 7 per cuut pur annum. TjllRST CLASS KURNITURK AT GREAT SACUIFICeI The balance of Furniture l?lt over Inst week from auction sale of the Inrnltnrn crtabliHhuient 7J'I Hill av., between 4l?t nml Uil sts., t'omprlsliiK four Hue walnut lledroom Suits, ouo do. liulfet, Tniklsh Suit in reps, several lurklshnnd other Lounui'". one 1 urklsh Clialr. two window do.; several wul nut Tables, Chairs. <rc. ; will be sold much below eosl of innniifacturo, as store must bo irlven up m a few days; Gas Fixtures, Ac., for sale. 11URNITI RE FOR SALE.?AN ELEGANT INLAID 1 Cabinet aud Centro Table Inqnira at 124 Pearl St. IjlL'RNffUKB PRIVATE SALE. AUCTION PIUciAZ.^e assortment rich and minliion; owner* want money; parked cheap. M. E. FAVOR'S Auction House, i;i East 14th st. GRKAT BAKGAI1US IN CARPETS, Ft'RN ITU MM, AcC at tho Great nptown Wareroom* of D. KELLY. l'.iiHinulloit Bedroom Suit*. ?'7 OO and upward. I'iirlor Suit*. fU.'l ?nd npwtnl, It luck w h 111111 Chamber Suits. fW) and upward. Tapestry 1'nrpet, *1 |>er vurd and upward. Ingrain Carpet, M5c. per yard *ud upward. Oilcloth Carpet, If ?c. par yard and upward. Bedding Itodstead*. H arcana, Chain. Mat*. Matting, Laot Curtains, Ac., at oqually low price*. D. KF.I.LY, r.IJ and r>]4 8th a*., corner aflth rt. flOOD 8 BOOK 1> U AIJo AND iUNTR "ESBmI VT Brussels tliren ply nnd ingrain Carpets, Oilcloth! cocoa .Minting*, ic , very cliaap, at the old place,11:! Knl ion at. Oircnfitr sojii free. _ M. J. SOLID WALKITT OUAMI1I HEM, FKOM fKTcB ward: Miuinici. Ac., equally low, at manufaetorjv ..mi) Hudson m muTCKtiKsr stuck fink, fi? ii nrrFkk,"Fak lo b 1 an l Dressing Ca*e sUtt*. Hnreant, Waahatandn. Tallica, Mattresses. Carpet*. * ; no tair ulTar refused. Three Hod. io in >ults verv low. My nock Is worth inspection. Cal| ' nt Jj Kail Kith >t. white banner). Fine Woods on Inatal inent*. w AUKK.N U'AiUJ A CO., manufacturer! of Chamber, I'arlor ami Library Furniture, Mattreiaea, Ai, 75 ana 77 Spring It, corner Crueby, Mow York, are now offering their large and attractive stock of Furniture at extremely tow price a. We Invito tlio attention ofthuiw* about to feral*h eoant^ milages, city residence* or hotel* to eall aad eianiM oat good* and price* IK.11. F.stabllshed IBO antku -io liiuk. io r6 iT mattkhhsbh amo w Kc.i'iinif, tor live months. at a reasonable ueroeatage. Apply at 11 l'urila?l ar., Brooklyn. ~ WILL HI V AM l l.K'i VNT NEW fARJU* ?PI*/ Ivuit, worth 12 Watt 4Ui nk, MM Broad* Ci nM iwwi worth or hiaxirvM and car. vi wUiUt'U p-ts. rlteap for eaah; largest aad be.t asenrted si.?k In New Vork. Ihree large baildiuge, all en*> netted. Ill warero >m? lintel* hoarding houses, private dwellings gad ortteee fnmUhed: I'arlor Suits, froia MOM $JH0; hamiier Hnha. flK to faiJO; tap'itrT rtrusiels fl| mlsiit r?ripu cheap B. M COWI'KBTHWAIT A CO., I.ii and 1 i7 Chatham st. * .UKlilt 11.. "7 . MMK. iti?sr2 Li., m: Vwi" iTTffiWlt TtMuT'M 1 .. V. Bast iidsb, Brat ilo^r nam Sth a*. Adrtee free. I 1'UK aWTTmMK <? KINUIsK, l?l WKMT 4HTU ST. j\ , Coiili 110U1.1 consultation oa all female complaint* A -l)K AND MMh BO IT -^uWiUKKTIAI. OOlJ ? luluibn on ill fifittmh' romploiul* I? WM 13IB W. OK WHIIKTiKAD. ?.^i~KAST~IV?Ta ?*.. X?A* SB ?fa?t toiiile tMiitpUiOU kftfel; $JX Mh*""i.m>n. i.>.I'hitiKs?;ku rimTuTrFrm<:iam cur?? til >-on)pimbi?. no euro, M ply, w 1?1 >1 CUCOKfcSrUls C lit KB OfABANTKBO. -ALL 0|?M . O fey i?. or Mae. WMitT. d? Mleeeker M.,Mdt IlllWHi.1,