Newspaper Page Text
LOST ANI? roinu. t 6S^a~d6i ble'casrd gold cfcNTRI"?S<5oNi> Ij stop Watch. Any one depositing above at Htnldufiu will be rewarded at their own price. J. W. K.. desk 1. L" OKT-A I.ADY-S BRACELET, ON TVMAT BVBK ing Tli.' tinder wilt b? miiiably rewarded if returned to J. F. SWORDS. 1* Kant Ititli eC., after H V M. _ OST?AT~TH? AS TDK HOUSE, A CAXK." WITH A deer'* loot. A suitable reward will be given by return ing it to l>r. UILBEUT. No. 71 Broadway. room 4?>. SOST?ON FRIDAY KVKSISUT AT'fiil l.l.XINUTON J Ahm u Opera llcuse. a navy blue silk Sacque I lie finder will bo suit ibly rewarded by leaving the same at No. 477 Weet 57th at. GEO. U SHEPARD.Jr. LO#7-^ON HATUKDAY AKTEBM<K>M, JUNK 10. ON a Second avenue car. a Pocketbook, rotitainlug check* and note*, of uo value to anv one but the owner The Under Will r?cel\ a $5U as a reward lor returning tbe papers. II EISNER, office X-O l?t av. LOST?ON~SATl KDAY, A BUNCH Or >MALL KEYS. I The tinder will obtain a suitable reward by brlutfiug llirui to 243 Ewt inth it. I ]<MV?Olt FRIDAY. JUNK tt, A fiCltAOI UCUR J Hook. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leasiug lame witli A. DcUUii. * ??* --d ?t. OST?S AT URJJA Y MliKM.N'il BETWEEN I7TH J st , Broadway ?ud 12th ?t . ? package in blue paper, Containing two Brooches. By returning tbe aauie to addre** stamp.d ou box CHIT a suitable rev? ard will be paid. I08T?ON SATURDAY, GOING FROM WHITS STAR J steamer, about lour o'clock, through lOlb. Hudson and Chart** ?ti. and Oeeuwlch av. and iOth ?t. to Oth av., a leather Ca*e, containing a travelling cloak. The finder will lie suitably rewarded by leavinK It at .'>1*1 5th av. | OUT OR STOLEN?A WATCH, liui.Ii CHAIN. WITH I I locket and iarire plain gold Auger ring attached, all of which are relics ol a dear deceased fatiier. A liberal re ward i? offered lor its return. Pawnbrokers will be relm bi.r-.-d for their advances. Address JAMES MEYER, 87 Broad st. VTOTES,?TWO KOT2& MADE BY T H. HOAGLAND, XI respectively dated May 22, lor ttrea months, for $i~H JU, and the other, June 5, for three month*, for ?1U* 1<>. both made to the order of L. Lesser .t Co.. payable at tbe National Union Bank, Dover, N. J., have been lost, and the public are cautioned against accepting the tame. If they arr returned to L. LESSER A CO., lotu av. aud-1st at., the flndur will be suitably rewarded. STOLEN OR Losi IK TUB MAIL?ON THR 17TH ult., a Letter, addressed to R K. .k A. J. Prime, Attor neys-at-Law, Yolilters, N. Y., containing a protested note. No 182. dated l'cekskill, N. Y? May 1, 1875. drawn bv the Peeksklll Iron Company to tbe order of T. r. Wright, uud indorsed by him and Hugh W. Adams, for 91,00.1. payable at Westchester County National Bunk one, year afterdate. All persons are cautioned against nugo'iatmg the said note, pa< luent thereof having been stopped. A liberal reward will be paid upou its return to UAltsED A IllNDMAKSH, 113 .South 4il St., Philadelphia. \lT ATcfi"Lo?T?BVXKINO Of JUNK & ON WMT " st. Please communicate with IT. O., lieraid Uptown Branch office. _ ~~ HkUAUiUv A REWARD?STRAYED FROM '.'58 MADTs<5N iP-Ll/ av., Iriday iavt, a large black and white ?baggy haired Dog ; answers tho name ol liruno. The above toward will be paid upon his return to 258 Madison av., and no ques tions asked. BKWARD.?LOhrf OR STOLEN, ON THURS V?"J d iv evening, a gold Hunting Case Watch, stem winder. The above reward will be paid for it* return to t<?5 Broadway and no questlous usUed. <J?*7 ,-TTand NoyL^sTions askei>7?wixTl be V 1 '' paid for the return of an oval coral-hea<l?d Bcarf Uu. lout abont May 10; it has ono large iiiauou I on each of it* lour sides mid i? hurrouiiited by "Jo chip diamonds. Ad dress S., box -HI Herald oltiee. KK WARD.?LOST, ATT MR ORAND CRNTRAL $100 depot, I hur^lH? evvDiiiK. *Iul? H, a tr< nilciiimti s ?I>eu Ue?, Nft ii) vviiitler. rot! >Vnuii. No. 04,*?H7. with letters J. II. H. in tuoitourHm on bMck, with Locket mid riiAio attached. No que*liou? anked it returned to No. 2U7 5tli av , between b and A. M. $i)nTx^VXS'XHD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKKO IP articles tnkeu from hoiiba Kast :t?>th ?t. tho at tk*rnooti of 8th. are returned to I. W. Johut?tou, 200 Grand ?t.. New Ytirk. A SI'Kt lAli 1VOTUES. A~ -a'.-ali. prizes cashed in uolU at~tuis" ? ollice. Third Loaiciana gold distribution. New Orleana, July 187t>. Capital prise $11*1.1**) gold !! 3.&WU prise* amounting to $5(IJ/><10. lit)." 0 tickets #0l> currency. Coupon* In proportion. Apply lor information Ac., to WILLIAMhON A CO., brokers, 317 Broadway, Post office box 6,026. LI, LADIES AFFLICTED WITH 8UPERFl.tJ0U8 hair or. the lips, check, thin, arms, who have In vain tried the varioitH denllatories in use fur this purpose, may apply lo Mmr. JULIAN with the certainty or guaranteed Bud perfect success. Mrne. JULIAN has removed litis dis figurement radically ami permanently in the worst possible cases where all previous attempts have failed Application must bo made personally at her residence. No. V16 Wast S^th St., from !? to 4 daily. ALE DISEASES?OK THE BLOOD-and NERVOUS system treated successfully, und permauetit cures guaranteed, t'onsult atiou tree. Dr. WEST'S old estab lished office, 4.~> Bleecker st.. near Hrosdway. TTBNTION.-2O YE A RSV P KU 8SIAN 1 IIOSPITAL RX perienee: diseases ol men in all its branches; alsodis ?uses of the skin a specialty ; consultation Iron, Dr. JACO BY, 161 Bleecker st A" ?ISaTu7""U. BOYCK, 207 BROADWAY, LAWYER.? ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; deser tion, Inconiputibiiit.v. habitual driinkeiiness, infidelity, in human treutmcnt, couvictiou of lelony. Passports obtained. POSTAL CARtTTO U. II. J0nN80N, 747 BROAD way. New York, will receive attention to call ou you at home or hotel in consultation as to any style Photo Por traits In crayon, ink. oil or water colors, from life or copy, bend tor circular from any where. No obligation incurred. Hi: IE I- ANALYSIS < IK ~TH E PREVRNTABLE cattse* of premature death iu -to medical cases selected from a large experience at (iuy's Hospital, Loudon, showing how disease may be removed and irremediable physical and mental suffering avoided, by JOHN A. HEVaN. M. I).. who will leel pleasure in presenting the above pamphlet to those calling at hi* office, 14.r> Mth st., near Broadway, lfours, t< to 4. ALL DISEASES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BY lady physicians and magnetic manipulators. Mrs. ALLEM aud her assistant ladies. Call and couault them at V2I dili av. A" Card.?having had ? tkars' xxpkrixkok hi renting and colleciing rents of city uroperty, we desire to inloriu property owners that we are nrepared to take charge of estates or tenement*; Monev advanced on rents. B. j. XJCVT * S. MARKS, tlG4 Mth av. A?ROYAL HAVANA LO'fTE 11Y~NEXT DRAWING ? J u ue 20. 1 Prl?e of Spankh dollur* 9100,0 0 1 Prue of ."Spanish dollar* .V.I.I**) 2 Prises of each Spanish dollars 25,000 and (MO other prltes. Herman (Sovorninent Lotteries. Full explanatory circulars free. THEODORE ZSCHOCH. Post office box 5,594. 116 Nassau st.. New York. A ?PARKS, KMERBON .t CO. .\ . Kentucky State Lotteries. drawn daily. ltoval Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Mingle Number Lnltcrr, drawn June 24 1K70L Prim cached, insinuation furnished and circular* free. 180 Broadway. I'ckt office Uix, 5,272 New York. B?KENTUCKY STATE I.olTfcKIKS OK J. S SMITH A CO. UkKllt'kV, KXTK \ CLmID 4*3, FOR 187U. 63, 9, 30, 0. 4.'., 2l>. 74. 15, 23, 1H. 07, US, TO, 62, KKSTtl'KV, 0U.?? 4M|, roil lS7ti. J?, 1?. till, OS, 52, 75, 41. :>3. 411, 30. 5, 64, 4. All order* address II. N vTIIAN, 181 Broadway, or box 4,870 Post office. New York. DR." IILOOD'8 OXYflENIZKD A1K, FOB 1rilK RA 1)1 cai cure of catarrh. bronchitis aud consumption, cau oniy l>e obtained at 13 Kant 3i?t 11 m. ISK AHE8 or" MKN' A" SPKCI Vl.TY. H K.N RY A. H AN I ELS, M !>., 144 Islington nv.. near 2Wth *t. Office hours from M to 3. D DR. II. J. JORDAN. KOLK PROPRIETOR OF THK New York Mu*eum of Anatomy, hai removed lila resi dence am) office to No. 5 Washington place, three door* *?t of Hrnaitway. IVORCES QUIETLY TOR INCOMPATIBILITY'; pay wlien divorced; advice fr?e. AMERICAN LAW AOENCY. 71 Astor Huu?e. Grand Ibntitky btatk distri bution, June 24. ?SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Manager*: 25,? *> 1'riie*. For official circular* giving full exulnnaiion, address Agent for Manager*, U. 11. UOOTll, 1'oat office box S.037 New York. TT A VAN A I.OTT KKY.-NKXT DRAW1S *i. JUNE 20; il 4".<*K? tickets; in priien. Addro?s II MaR T1NKZ A CO., U Hikers, 10 Wall ?t., basement; I'ost office box 4.HS2 New York. Spanish gold and Havana bank bill* bought and sold; draft* on Havana issued. Ioi and rooi> WAifM una m na n?o Refrigerator than any other: *lrk room Cooler*: Re ttlceratora repaired. Lr.sLKY, 226 West -3d it. : *end lor book. JACOB U. PHILLIP HAM REOPENED A PAWN OK flee at No IS* Abingdon square (8th av.) Liberal ad vance* made on Watches, Jewelry and Wealing Apparel, ?nd all kind* ol personal property. BKP COOL.-WTCAB RHATNB'M <CELEBRATED half ounce Hat: the lighted and mn?t comfortable ever warn; price, (J 5U Found ouly at SHAY.Nh'S, Wnl lack * Theatre Building.' A^K'FTcKLANb Mh^D -TH E HEW AND Dk" K. llciou* beverage, *ure to become the popular aunitner drink. Druggists and confectioner* will plea*e (end for circular or call for Information at depot, 124 Hudson St., New York. 1~~f -?3U).OOT~is PRIZES, EVERY OTHER TICKET k. a pri?e. Kentucky State (fraud single Number Die tibutioii J raws June 24; *1,01)0 ticket*?25.4.1) prise*. Vhole tickets, $10; Halve*, lynarters, f2 50. Royal Havana Lottery to be drawn .lune 20; whole tickets $J(l; tenths and twentieth* in proportion. Kentucky state Loiterie* diawu daily. For lulormatinn, circular*. Ac.. addrea* or apply to JACKdON A CO.. Bankerti .No. inj Broadway, New York. ?CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS.' iMPROVED Method ; Instantaneous relief, permanent cure*. Dr. STODDARD No 8 Weat 14thst. K EMAL CLAIMS I'UoBKCI TKD AND COLLECTIONS made by an experienced lawyer; mi charge unle** ?ue cessful; other business carcfuilr and promptly managed at eery moderate charge*, by T. FRANCIS OlHHONs, Attor ney at Law. No. 1. We?t 4th St.. near Broadway. Office open from 8 A. M. to s P. M. If sou rail write. P. 8.?1 have no partner or outside business eon nee lions. M" ME. C0OKK. ELfcCTRIti CLAIRVOYANT, ItEN ders physical, magnetic, manipulating treatments: rheumatism, nou-circulatiou, nervousness, paralysis. Weal 2tith st. Nervous kzhaubtion? a medical f.ssa* comprising a series o| iectore* delivered at Kabn's Mu seum ol Anatomv. New York on the cause end cure of Pre mature Decline, showing indisputably how lost health may fce regained, affording a clear ?yno|>*i< ol the impediment* to marriage and the treatinent ol nervous and pf>ysir*l debility, being in* re>ult of 2V year*' experience Frlce eentN Ad drees the author, Dr. L. J, KAllN, office and residence 51 Kim loth St. New York. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS RADICALLY CURED) original painless treatment; two to four weeas re paired: no fees until cured; circulars free Dr .?l'OD IiaKD'S only office. No S West )4th at. .N. I< ?The public are cautioned against imitators of my advertisements. C2 ?OFFICIAL DR A WINDS KENTUCKY STATE LOT (j, terles ? SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers KKMTt'CCr. aitRi < L**!< .111 375?jok 10, 1STO u Tn, 7ii. 4<;, 4 >.?. 21, 01. .'hj. is, 65. ? KKTl'CKT, mi) MO. 3lH? JfM* 10, IS7U. M, am, is, r?a. aw, jv, 11. a, .>2. ni, i?, 28, Ha.xcv. BSTRA ci.*M so. 275?jot. 1U, 1876. f. 68, 11. 75, m, 4ti. 2.'. s. ^ti, 74. 7s, 10^ 44, iuir. cuh mi. 2TO?jc.vk 10, IWn TO, 31, 72, 4S. II, 14. 12, l?. ">4. 64, W. Full information by applying to or eddre*?tng J. CLUTE A CO.. **? Broadway, or Iwx 4.UH? Post office. O -SMOjUOO IN PRIKM?ETERY OTHER TICKET A B* Prise.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON S dagle number KaalMtky Stat* lottery to be drawn June 24. 1876; 25.430 arisee oat ef 50.<*J0 ticket* , also Koyal Havana to o* drawn ?n June ?i, 1876. J. CLUfB A CO.. 2<A? Broadway, or bos iWhHlto SPECIAL NOTICES. tct* JL ? The Litot Fashionable Novelty? "Imitation"?Diamonds which are reel?A Romance and Reality of the Patrician Diamond. Florence, in hit "alphabetical gag*," or "initial joke*," la bit iiiw play of "The Mighty Dollar." ought to >?y something about the I*. D.?(he Parisian Dia tu.ud It ia really worth mentioning, for the ParUien dia iiiotitis hare become the talk of the town. They are mi bril liant, ao hard, to clear, that unless yon are told, or unless you kcow what tliey co?t, you never would lor a moineut imagine that they were Imitation*. In tact, the 1'urislaii Diamond can scarcely be aaid to be au iuiitatlou, for it la in part real, lu aurtace 1? genuine diamond, the I1, D. being composed of a hoily of natural crystal. covered with a corn loir or solutiou of criiulne diamond dippings. t"T a ionic while it wu thought to be n matter of impossibility to dis solve the diamond, but after experimenting for twenty-eight yeara a French chemist discovered the Ion? sought lor st i ret aud eoiiiuiuuicateil his discovery of the solution and tiie diainoud lu threeof the largest diaiuoud di alers in Pari*. 'I heso three dealer*. naturally unough. used the secret for their own purposes, and while they coated their crystals with their diamond liquid said not a word about it, and sold their 1'arislau diamonds fur the same enormous price* a* the pure ones. Nobody was able to detect the diflervuce. aud men such connoisseurs as the 1'riuce Esterbasy aud the Duchess de K?- were deceived. Finally, however, the secret became public, and to-day, in Pari*, London and .New York, diamonds Jus: a* hard, as bril liant, as smooth, as impossible to scratch or tarnish as th* pure gems, can be bought for one-thirtieth of the money. The Parisian Diainoud* tor sale only at RICHARD Hl-'MPHRhY'S Jewelry store. No. 770 Broad way, opposite Stewart'* Goods sent C. O, !>.. with privilege to examine belore paying tor them. Send tor illustrated price list. Royal Havana lottiThv^jmooT*x> will be drawn on June 20. Prise* cashed; order* tilled; infor mation luruished; higheit rate* paid for Spanish bills, gov erninents, ,Vc. TAYl.Olt A CO., Banker*. No. 11 Wall *t.. New York. SALVATIOHr^T "BOTTLE.?A FBW APPLICATIONS restores grayest hair, leaves hair and scalp eleau #1.000 paid for lead or silver loutid iu it. Hold by druggists and Hair dealers. Manufactured by Mrs. CONNELLY, 4th and Mercer sis. Agents Wanted T"o WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.?THE PARTIES who left the steam Yacht at Van Winkle's yard, at As toria, must call for their property and pay charges by Thurs day, June 15, at :i P. M., or she will ha sold at public auction to (lie lowest bidder. 8. VAN W.NKLE. Jukk 12, 187?. THE ACTION FOR SLANDEB INMTITUThD IN MAY, 1*7.">. by Dr. Lassar Stern, of 221 East 5i'd St., against M. J. StoinbergT and Adolf Steinbeiger. of MM llroadwav, has been uiscontinucd, we, the iinderslgued, having taken back the grouudlets and unjustifiable cliargcs tit ered in a moment of excitement, and having asked the forgiveness of Dr. Stern for so doiug. M.J. STEINBEROEB. A. STEINBKltGIiR. Junk 5. 187A. $300,000." A FORTUNE FOB ONLY $10. Ou ticket out of every two draw* a prise. Kentucky 8tate distribution, draw* SATURDAY, June 24, certain. TUBES QBAND CAFITAlTbIZES 07 $20,000 BACH. Schedule of Prixee. 1 Prise of. $20,(XX) I I Prise of $20,000 1 Prl*e of 20.'XXI 2 Prises of $10.000.. 20.000 2 Prises ol $r>.<??>.... 10.0U) I 5 Prises or $2.500.... 12,500 20 Prises of $1,000.. 20,1X10 I 20 Prises of $->00 10,(KM) So Prises of$250 ... 12,500 | 2U) Prises of $100... 20,000 25,0U0 l'risca of $5.. 125,000 I 128 Prises, amount | inglo 10,000 25.4TO Prises, aggregating $300,000, cash. Tickets, $IO; halves. $5; quarter*, $2 50. This is the bust scheme yet offered lor realising a hand some fortune with a small invo tmeut. Every prise will bo paid in lull on presentation of tickct. Persons holding tickets that have drawn prises (no matter from whom bought) can get them cashed or exchanged for other tickct* at this office. bcud iu your orders at once to the Eastern agents. THOMAS H. HAYS .V CO.. 007 liroudwsy, New York. SPORTING?DOGS. 1I1HON. JuiT. "a REMINGTON SPORTING BTFLE, 88-CALIBRE1 il globe and peep sight* complete ; price $:iH; a bargain. J. W. OODf REY, 72 Catharine st. ?JUST IMPORTED. MX) ENGLISH SPARROWS, . one pair of very small Kox Terriers, Scotch and Skye 'terriers, Vta.toso Cats. ;<qulrrels, Ac.; one verv line singing Mucking Bird. .Mediciues for all diseases at MEYERS', 322 3d tt.. near Broadway. BBECUTloXdING GUNS?TWO, EACH 12 AND 10 central lire Loudon Guns, not choke borod, from $11*1 to$14o, gold, quite new and Just imported. Box 1,091 Pott office. New York. Oil SALE-THREE .FULL BRED ITALIAN linunds Call at 155 Norfolk St., room 4. IPOR SALE?SIX IMPORTED BILVEB BLUB TBR 1 riers the Hmaliott and prettiest iu the world, mid one h uglish Pug Dog. Apply TUOS. KULLAGUEU, 78 Chari ton St. F 40 COMMON PIGEONS KoB SALE. W. STANTON, 12 Cortlaudt ?t , New Yurk. fHB turf. ""a^TPlkETVYISoD PA it K.?M ON' DAY, /ffS^KX IV. 1S7G.?Sweepstake closed with tlia following entries, $20 fur IIrut Tltomus Simmons, br. g. Darby. Fred. Lowus, br. in. Oyster Girl, M. Bailey, g. in. Lii>y. B. Wilson, u. g.J. H. K. G. Chicken, b. g. Major. M. Dixon, b. g. Panic. B. Smith, b. g. Blind Boy, Trotting will commence ?t tbreo o'clock precisely. All parties who ifcvo entered in the above xwoepstaka are here by notified to be prepared to start their horse* nt the time aunouaced. OATES 11. BAltNABD, President. M E It I CAN J OOK1. Y ~ CLI B.- SPRING M BETING, is7t>. at Jorotno Park, :*.d. Bth. 8tb, lOtb. Kith, 15th and 17th June. Unco* commence each day punctually at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT, President. 0. Whkatlv, Secretar?-. UCTION AND FRKXCH FOOLS SOLD AT INTER national Exchange, Wt4, SO., and SOS Sampson at., Philadelphia, on Racus this week at Jerome, Trots at Bel mont Park and all League Base Hall Karnes. Besult of each liming, heat anil race by telegraph. O. S. .Mil.I.Kit A CO. UCTION ANDFRENCH POOLS SOLD AT THOMAS' Exchange, 1,239 Broadway, Monday evening and dur ing the week, on th? Jerome Ruuning Races, Billiard Tour uamrnt and Base Bail Matches. U. M. THOMAS. UOTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD TO MOUItUW' evening at NEW YOKE TURF EXCHANGE, IS Weit 28th st.. on the JEROME PABK running race*; prompt attention given orders by mail or messenger. KELLY. BLISS A CO. \V EST SIDE DRIVING PABK, JERSEY CITY, v Y Saturday, June 12.?Trotting Purse tflOO, lor three minute clans ; Purse $1 50. tor $2 :3"> class; to close at U P. M. Thursday. June 15. at Turf Exchange, X*) Barrow it., Jersey City, For conditions see bills. C. BIBP8ALL, Manager. HOUSES. CAKKlAtiKS. rtit. A?major chas. w. barker, auctioneer." . BY ORDER of the AMERICAN EXPRESS COM PANY will be sold, at Darker A Soil's City Auction Mart and New York Tattersall's. corner of Broadway and 3ttth St., on Saturday, Juue 17, at 11 o'clock, the following prop orty :? TWO HORSE nnti single Express Wagon*. DOUBLE ami single i.xpres* Harness. STOCK ON exhibition day before sale. NO POSTPONEMENT and sale positive. A ? MAJOR CHAS. W. BARKER, AL'ClI( INKER? ? MONDAY (tomorrow), Juno 12, at 11 o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart nnd New York Tal ter-alls. corner of Broadway and 3l?th St., coatiuuatioa SALE ol CONTRACT! IR'S I'll' >I'ERTY', comprising:? TWENTY HEAD heavy Draught Horses. ELEVEN lour wheel Dump Wagons. FOUI'TEEN two wheel Dump Carts. SIXTY* SK I'S double team Harness. TE\ SETS Cart llarnes*. STOCK ALL tirst clas*. mid now on exhibition. TIIE ESI'BCIaL attention ot CONTRACTORS, BREW EKS. TRUCKMEN and FARMERS is directed to this isle. SALE 1'OSIIIVE; no postponement. KINK LOT Of HARNESS AT LOW PRICES, SHEETS AND HORSE CLOTH INti IN ORBAT VA RIETY. SAVE MONEY BY DEALING DIRECT WITH THE MANUFACTURER. E. BART LETT, (52 Warren ?t. .corner College place, VICTORIA?BUT LITTLE UsED, MADE BY Brewster, lor sale, at stable No. 121) West 2?th *t. ?TO LET- THE FINEST HORSES AND 'WAGONS ? In the State: Horses, stylish Wagons and Harness, new, at the Uuion Club stable, .0 East 18th it., near Broad way. UGIIT DOCBLE GIBSON IIARNuSS COMPLETE. Apply at 74 Cliuton place, in rear, in stable. VERY KINK PAIR or CARRIAGE HORSES rOB sale, l.'ihands, s years old ; bay, black points; sound, kind ami perfectly gentle Any partv wanting an extra will find it to their interest to call, as they inns'. be sold. Call on or address J, II. GORDON, care Cochran, McLean A Co., 4'.4 llioalway. ?NO REASONABLE OFFKlt" REFUSED FOR A ? first class Koad or Family Horse. Both can be seen at 2tW., Greene st. to day, or at il) lleekmau st, till sold. Wul exchange lor one ot less value. TKNN V. Fine black buggy or baddlb kobbb, im hands high; reliable, sound aud gentle; will be s id reasonable, owner having no use for him. Private stable, in We?( 4'.tli St., Mtr 7th av. A?#17."> WILL Hl'Y A BBAOTIFUL TOP FONT ? I'liaeton. cost *4110 last month ; a line top Wagon. $10 i. cost $450 last April; a light double and a single Harness cheap. Stable No 33 East 12th St., between Broadway and University place I'll AEI ON Tl' RNoUT?BAY~M A BE. 151, HANDS?* years; round ami kind; lauy can drive; top I'oay Phaeton and llarneas; city uiade; good as new. 35 and 3> YVest 21'th -t ' SADDLE AND" BRIDLE KUISSALK CIIk7\P-AT 04 3d av. A A 4-YEAR-OLD COLT, BY SECOND VOLUNTEER, for sa>e, or will exchange for good Top Wagon. Ad nr. ss J. .VI. It , box J,4!'.' Po>t office V" BARGAIN FOR CASH.-EXPRESS BUSINESS, Horse. Wagon. Harness sn , Route; best ol reasons lor selling. Impure lor one week at i>2 West 33d si. N ELEGANT STANII..PI.' jli M ViL IMIaKTOn', used but lew timea, cost >l,-(?i. n.ade by Brewster A Co., ol Broouie St., lor sale rbwap at VAN T \S.-EL1. A KEARNEY'S, 110, 112 East 13th st., near 4th av A ? HANDStiMr. Ill?!{>ES AND WAiONS, SIN(^LK ?and double teams to lei; first class atock. Also, hue accommodations lor boarding Dorset at Arsenal stables. West 35th St., near Broadway. A LARGE LIVERY STABLE I >1.1.1 <>n' itTli'sTT. between Grove and Erie sts., :nixt<?> feet deep; also a small Sta le. with five stalls: possession immediately; terras reasonable. Aoply at 177 I'avun.a av., Jersey City. SOI Ml. KIND Pi.N V, 14'. II l.MU, ritORllt'GII. ly broken to rid- or driv<. top I'ony I'haeton, Harness. A. t ?PONY, HARNESS AND PHAETON; COMPLETE j\. Turnout lor *ale cheap: sato lor children to drive. Apply at LAW Jk DAVIS', 111 West 4tlth st. Avery une buewsiek landau let, polk and shall*; new this spring; used but a h?tin.n; mor.^jco lined : c. st $I,U50; will be sold at a bargain. Seeu at 1441 West 30tli st. A?TEN BUSINESS WAGON*. ALL HIKES, $3o To ? $175, for express, grocers, butcher*, bakers, milk, laundry, package, aileertialg. dep..t and delivery Wagoti*. Wagon Mauutactor/, 22S Spring st. , A?TMB ADVBBTIkBR, a priyatb pabty, HJw . for *ale au extra I.mdsome pair ol clo-ely matched 15.3 ba) llors#*, 7 au l S years old; sired by Ale\ander s Ed wia f orrest Irom highbred mares and purchased l h.m ia Kentucky. Ooa.tlemen uesiitag such please address M O., Herald Uptown Erai.cli oflce. A ?POjTv PTlAEToN Doti CART, SIDE BAB Hl'OGT; i\. Phaetons, Ceepe, Bockawa) s istpn in ex-hange: will sell for luilf. ost. HAM'S. Broaitway. AoumbinatTon double and pair oarkd ohi for sale; been use.l nut three times. For particular* addren J. W. or J. UlGBlE. Paasalc. N. J. HORSES, CARRJ AOES. SC. ? AU'tflflOS" OS TVESDAY, JUNK IS, 1S70, BY VAN TASsELL A KEAKNhY, AT TIIEIK AUCTION MART, lto AKll 113 EAST 13T11 ST . NEAR 4TB AV., AT H> O'CLOCK. PAIR BAY GELDINGS, 15W I1AND8 HIGH. 7 AND 9 years old. aiud and true iu >11 harue**; free Train vice, with exira style and action: are ?u elegant team, either tor road or carriage; are Irea and pleaaaut driver*; can trot to 3 minutes together, aud are war ranted sound. CHESTNUT MARE. BRED BY JAMES B. CLAY. Hired by Clark Chief, dam a thorough bred, hall sisier to Nicotiue. l.'\ bands bitch. tt year* old: kind and true iu all harness; free fruin vice; a slylisti and pleasant ruaUsler: can trot clow to 3 minutes. lias never beau trained tor speed; is airaid wl nulhiug, uud ia warrauled sound. BAY MARE, U>\ HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD; kind uud true in all haruea* . free front vice; au extra saddle uiaru and a very pleaaant roadster; ia suitable aud aale for a lady to rid* or drive; doea not ?hy or poll, aud ia warrauled aound. SOBREL PONY, 13X HANDS, 7 YEARS; KIND AND true iu all barueaa und uuder aaddle; cau be riddeu or driven by children; i? airaid of nothing; very atyliab aud handsome: baa all gaits uuder aaddle ; la a pcrleet pet. and ia warrauled aouud, kind aud true. Via-a-Vi> no top Phaeton, very elegant, by J. F- Good rich, o. New Haveu. Basket I'haeton, with rumble, by Bradley A Co. C spring top Pony i'haeton, by J. F. Goodrich. of New llaveu. Top doctor'! Wagon, by J. K. Goodrich, of New Haven. Victoria*, top aud no top l'ouy i'baetona. Ruckawan, Depot Wagon*. Clarences, lop aud uo top Wagous, single and double llarucss, Xc., Ac. t-uli deacriptiona iu Tues day's Herald and iu catalogues at auctioneer a ollice. A" UCTION HOUSE OK AK'Jli. JOHNSTON," IU, 21, and 25 lUtli it., near Univeraity place. I SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAOES ABE HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. . I ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND g EltOM 24 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL, E I THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA S I BLE llOLsE IN THE CITY. C I GENTLEMEN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAGES "> | to aell, or tboae wiahiUK to buy. will lind our buainess .?continued <iu precisely the name atrlel and honorable ? principles which have always ch .tacieriaed the dealing* ? | ot our houae aud wou the reapect aud confidence ol tue ? I business couiinuuitv iu well as the public at large. I LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CoNaJG.NUElsTS. | Elegant top. tide-bar, (hilling top Wagon, built to I order oy George J. Moore, new. at private aaie; alao no | top l'ouy Ftiaetou, with rumble, built to order by J. K. I Lawreuco. ?MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER, AUCTIONEKli. ? GRAND SALE of auperlor neavy DRAUGHT HORSES, the property of a contractor retiring from busi ness, at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart aud New York Talieraail'a, corner ol Broadway and 3lHh at., ou To morrow, Juno 12, at 11 o'clock, uud comprising TWENTY HEAD (iucludiug auveral MATCHED TEAMS), all THOROUGHLY uaed to HARD WORK, weighing from l,2lO to 1,4UU pouuda each and all warrauled SOUND and kind aud all youug aud iu line couuitioa. STOCK NOW ou exhibition. SALE POSITIVE and uo postponement. ?TUB FOLLOWING SECOND HAND ? Carriage* at low prices, moat of theui our own build:? One curtain quarter loach. Two Cabriolets. One half-top I'haeton. Two uo-top Phaetons. One T Cart. One Surrey Cart. BBEWSTEB * CO., 6th av. aud 14tn at. ?SECOND HAND CARRIAGES] ~~ Elegant Victoria, our make, noarly new. Livingston Dog Cart, but liillo uaed. Park I'haeton, city make. Pony Phaoiuu, with top. Drat rate order. Surrey Cart, our make, uearly new. Side-bar Wugous, with ton, our in ake. At liREWSTER'S Wareroom*. Factory in 25th tt. 5th av. nud 21at at. FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE "Brewster Wagon." the standard for style and quality, now ready for Inspection nt our factory and wareroomo, Broadway and 47tu at. 5th av. and 14th at. Kpecial attention is called to our improvements in tide bar Wagons, which enables us to oiler the lightest, safeat aud best riding wagon ever produced. BREWSTER A CO. (of Broome *t.) GOOD CUT-UNDER ROCK A WAY, $150; ONE TOP l'ouy I'haeton, $125; one Road Wagon (Stivers), $50; a Brewster Wagon, |>ole aud shafts, uearly new : alao a large as sortment of now and secoud hand Laudatis, Coaches, six-seat ltockaway, Coupos, Coupe Rockawavs. Pony Baakel I'hae ton, extension top aud Road Wagous, top Depot aud tbreo teat Wagons; alao Harness, all prices and kind*; Sheets, Ac.; will be sold very "lioup. WM II. GRAY. 20 and 22 Woosterst. C_VaBUIAGES (SECOND HAND) AT BARGAINS J Landau, Brougham, Landaulet. ______ Barouche. Coupe, Pbaoton for six person*, Dog Cart, T Cart, Two-wheeler, Top Wagon. WOOD BROS.. 740 Broadway. CIARRIAGES-M Y OWN MAKE. AND WARRANTED J as represented; Buggies, Pony and Park I'haeton* (tour *eatl, Rockawaya, Coupes, Depot and other kinds; uearly all style*, at manufacturer'* prico* aud below market rate*. CHS. GRUBE, 3rt0 Canal st. (1ARRIAGK REPAIRS.?WE OKKER UNUSUAL KA \J cilities for good find prompt work iu our repair depart ment. Carolul call.nates made when desired. We Hnisb all carriages, both new aud old, with Valentino A Co.'* Ameri can varnish, u:ieoualled In brilliancy and durability by any varn sh ol English manufacture. IlKEWSTKR A CO. (ol Broome st.); factory Btoadway aud 47th *t.; wareruouia, 5tli av. aud I4th st. 11TY MADE PHAETON, SEATS KOUlt PERSONS, good as uew, at a bargain. 3'.>l> Sth av. c If I) WARD SC11ENCK, AUCTIONEER.?ELEGANT j Horses, Carriage*. Harness. Ac.; elegant four-in hand Sleigh; to be -o.d on account of the owner s inieudluir de parture for Europe, at the private stable, No. 130 West 18th St., ou Wednesday morning. June 14, at o'clock. Horse*?One splendid pair Kentucky thoroughbred H6rses, 1U?, hand* high; warranted kiud aud gentle. Liuidau?One Landau, double C springs, by Binder, of Paris. Chariot? One Chariot. double spring*, lined with blue satin, by Wood Brothers. Curtain Coach-One Curtain Coach, by Brew ster, of Broome st. Coupe?One single Conpe, by Brewster, ot ltroome st Break?One tour-in-hand Hreak, by Binder, ot Paris: very little used. Sloign-One tour iu-hand sleigb, with Hells, Primming, Ac., in the Russian style, by Brew ster, of Broome st.; three elegant black bear Robe*. ,llar liess?One tour-in-liand Harness, one double Harnes*. one coupe Harness, one double Harness, nearly new; one doubl* Harness, usea tor chariot, nea.'ly uew. All the ha neas made to order by Wood Gibson, and tho carriage* to order tor present owner. Three three-i|iiarters dress Blankets. All the above to be seen at the stable, ou aud alter Monday. F OR SALE?COUPE, IN GOOD ORDER, CHEAP. HALL. I.'hi East Msth it. TOOK SALE AT llALr riflCE?HEAI TIKL'L AND r extra speedy Mack Mure, 14.2 hands high 8 years old t)ii> full; Moriran and Krencb stock ; Ik ptrlecliy broke lor saddle : cau I rut In J >4 minutes; li?? paced In 'J :'.!2l, ou Ice, und 2 :8ti tin track ; cau nave to a phaeton in 2 :j(l; ln? been driven by a lady Tor the past rear and a ball; lor style and speed she cannot b? surpassed; warranted sound and kind. Apply at l'iexotle'i liable, Elisabeth, N. J. I SOU SALE-BY I GENTLEMAN, A PAIll OP MAKES. U and 7 years old; little over 15 hands; mahogany 'Jay; perfectly inatcbed; very stylish; line pedigree and trot fast; sound, kind and perfectly gentle tor any lady to drive at speed. Inquire lor llurk, at Bradley'i stable. No. 8 East ill at It., or at 54 and 50 White st. TOORBALE-TEAM OK HAY HOhSEtt, 15^ HANDS, V 8yearn old; private stable, 4s Kant 41?t st. fTIOR SALK AT A SACKlKICE?THK HAKimniltW I i'baeton in the city. 0an ba iceu at Eureka itables.UL (18 and 7U 12ft lb >t. I pull SALE CHKAP-AT M1IMKOR0 * CO.'S. 182 Thompson it., una Landau, a? good aa new ; Top Buggy and Hole Coupe. TOOK SALE?ONE KIKsT CLASS LNDEkYa KKK'S r Wagon. tor double or ain(le team, at C. EI HE'S, 2ith St., between 4th and 5th ava.. South Brooklyn. ixm SALE.?A COUPE HOC K AW AY (DKMAUKST), 1 nearly iihw and iu perfect order. Tor >ale low at COliS WELL'S stables, 215 aud 217 l<exlngton av., coruer 83d ?t. took sale.^iust akkTved from NORT1Iitbn r New York an extra fine stylish pair ot black Dorset, li and 7 year* old, 15 3', hands high. loin;, full manes and tails: perlectly sound and reliable iu every respect; also a pairol iron gray trotting Colts, iK hands high, that can trot In 'J:"i0 together, alto a lino dapple gray tielditig, suitable lor a lady's phaeton, 15 hands high. Inquire at MI'KPHY'8 aale stables, 4!> Liberty at.,, near Kulton Kerry, TO>K SALE-HORBK, TRUCK ami 11 ai;n ess,~7n. r eluding good downtown Work. Call at 525 Kail 11 lb ?t. after o I". M I^OKhALE?A VERY STYLISH BLACK M AKE. SAKE . and siuiaole Tor a lady to drive ; also one elegant lady'a I'haeion. In splendid condition, with bice Harness; price Apply at 132 West 3lsl St. TOOR sale?A BRBWSTRR Bl'CMJY, PULL srKlNtT; r splendid condition; polo and shafts. Address B. B., box luU Herald ofUce. TA)H S A L B?UENTL EMAX'S 1> RI VINO HORSE, OK AT, I? 15\; sound, kind; trot last; Mlver tup aide box Wagou. 355 Clinton st., Brooklyn. TOOR SALE-A LADY'S I'll A ETON, IN PERKKCT r order. IM Front at,, Brooklyn. liloit SALE AN EXCELLENT KAMILY OK Rl'SINEbS J? Team dark bay Horses, 8 years old, lti hands high; food, tree drivers; warranted sound and kind; a handsome 'naeton, new set or Harness, Buggy, Hockaway and Koad Wagon. Cau b.? seen any day, up tu noan, until aula, at UB4 Oreeu av., Brooklyn TOOK SALK?A PONT BUILT MARE, 14 HANDS J? high, warranted sound and kind, with I'ark I'baeton and Harness, in good order; would suit For a lady; owner going to Europe Appl> at Maine I4H est 2?Hh St. TOOK f>ALK?A KINK BAY COLT, BY MAJOR WIN J1 Held, ilaut Hamoletiman, ont ol the o.d horse, 4 yean old, 14.8 hands hUrb; well broken, single and double. Cau be seen at 155 East 3 >tli St., private stable, tfcin SALE AT I liilEtl SACIUKICE-A SOI'ND. powerlnl, Kentneky Mule, 111 hands high; must be luld before fuesday. Applj to Mr. liA.NIi. I4ti West 3Uth si. Took sale ciieaI1 ?biukThar road \vauon, citV r make ; very little used. Apply at Kossmore Hotel Bil liard I'arior. For sale?a complete turnout, a cood kaM iiy Horse, soaud. gentle and last; I'ark i'haeion. Harness. Blankets, Ac., cheap at ?J0J. Addresi U. t?. D., Herald oltice. i^oi; sale chki'-a park phaeton \nd lkTht I? top Wagon ; pole and shaiti to both ; also hall scat Trol ling Wagoa ; all in good order. K. B. WOOD, 21!? and 221 West IVtli St. TOOK BALE?A BROWN IIOKSK Hi H ANKS, STOUT P In proportion, 0 years old; sound and kind; lit lor c lUDe. Ac. t an he seen .nt ItU West ootb st. Apply to Jacob WREKH. 313 Bowery. b~~mTk sAl.b?A Kl l!s r CLASS r A MILY HORSE; sound, kind aud gentle ; not afraid of a locomotive or anything else. an) lany can drive him. To be scon at pri vate stable No Ml West :>Jd It. ou Hondar and after until sold, between 8 A. M. and 3 I'. M. Also light Wagou and Harness. FH)B 8ALK-A KINK TEAM OP ROAD HORSES; perlectly aound. Can ne seen at KAULEY'h stables, ,'.;id st., between Hlh and TtIs avs. TOOR BALK OR BX< HANtiE UHl k ? \Ki;lA<iE~A r 1 >? 1 r ot stylish, Mund. kind and true hay Uoraos, 15\ hands, 7 and 8'years, irol logell:er in about 3 miuutea Addie?s S. X., Herald oltice. IpoK sale' CliTtAP-TOI* Rl'OOY, IM XXCRLLKKT ' oidcr; Long A bilsby, makers Appljr at >?, tt Battery place. HOR8KS. CARRIAGES. ?C. ??So"B SALE?AN ELEGANT OPEN WAGON; W'fLL r carry four; built to order by una of tbe best makers last September; pole and shafts; Heel tires; everythlug Arm class. Inquire at atabla 21 E< st 3d it. auy day after Sunday ; will tell cheap. 1f?OH "~H AL E - K LJbftA XT LldHf fPftl XO VICTO HI A. 1 by Wood ; little used; Rumble, along with doable 11 ar ne?. IijO Bait -Jd st. FURNITURK TRUCK FOB SALB-IX HOOD ORDER, at IRVING'S Furniture Factory, iiOU Kant 27th st. H OW TIIK HlHONIKr OAM TOO si: 1,1, Til KM SO CHEAP! H ANSWER?They are consigned by bard up owners. Our or der> are "to Mil and do t lit' best we can." Wo bare one of the bent nnd largest slock* in Xew York of Horse Sheets. Hlankete. Robes. Whip*. Harness, Ac.; 3-ply Garden Hose, Hammocks, Camp stool* Chair*; over $10.UX) elegant Office and House Kuruiture, all at about bull last year1* price*. TL'NItt JOHNSON, 58 Liberty ?t. ABXEttS.?CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IX XEW York; trood Buggy Harness, hand made, $13: good Grocers Harness. $J5: good duubie Team Harness, $30; a good llume Blanket, CI SU. I'lcur call and examine lor yourselves. FISHER A OSBOBN, Manufacturer*. 71 Mar clay *t. HORSES" AXD CATTLE.-WaNTED. BY AN EXP~E rieneed member of the Royal College of Veterinary burgeons. London, an appoiutniout; unexceptionable refer ence and testimonial*. AUdreaa II. 0., box 17W Herald office. OWELL, QUZEX AXD GEOBGB IV. Ton Pony Phaetons. * Side bar or elliptic wring top Boad W ugous. A. S. FI-AXDRAU. 372 and 374 Broome st. (old ttand of Brewater A Co.) AMBLETONlAN MAKE FOB 8ALEr 16>i HANDS bigh, 8 year* old: can trot in 2 :3U or better. Apply at private atable 165 East 35th at. Will be *old at half coat. HALF VALUE- 9130 EACH. TWO lOP SIDE BAB Buggies. JOK GODWIN A GEORGE MOOilE, makera. 124 West lutli at. IMPORTANT "AXtFEXTKAORDIXARY ~ sale of the KENTUCKY STUCK FARM. Lexington, By., together with ail tbe valuable THOBOUGHBRhD AND TRoTllN'G STOCK, including the great stallion, FELLOW CRAFT. H A M B LET! IX1A X ST A I.LIONS, valuable lirood HI area, Colt* and Fillies, two hundred in nuinbor, JUXE 21, 1870. Tliii will be the moat exieuiive ?ala of valuable alack ever held in the United State*. Catalogue* wiU be forwarded. Addrea* RICHARD P EXIST AN, Philadelphia, or Lexington, By. M JUST ARRIVED AT TULLMAX'S STABLE (FOR aale), 3ftb at. and Hroadway?One pair extra line buy Horses, 0 year* old, 15.3 high; one pair Marea, aaiue aiie,' color and age; one bay Riding Hcrse;all guaranteed first class lioraea, and all bred by 3. Bertram, Esq., of America, Jlutcbea* couuty. ONG BRAXCH.?FOK SALeTA FIXE TEAM. 16>i hands; al*o Landau, by W ood Brother*, and liarue** for aale. cheap. Apply to b. KIltBY, at Walluck'aCottage, Lung Branch, X. J. L~an!>aus~. with gla*a or leathor front*, and American or foreign top leather and Que morocco lining*. A H. FLANDBAU. 372 and 374 Broome It. (old itandof Brewater A Co.) A REED "DOWN" Rocksways, (125. Phaeton*, $115. Depot Wagons, $140. Buggies, Park Phaeton*, cut under Rockawayi. Harness, every description, from $ll>perset. Riding Saddle*. Bridles, Sheets Lap Dusters, Ac. JOHX MOORE, 57 Warren it Road wagon for sale cheap-city made; little u*ed; full ipring; coat $400; price $175, Addrea* box 5,780 Poat office. STORAGE FOR CARRIAGES AND SLEIOHS. Booma clean, light and dry. Terms liberal. A. S. FLANDBAU. 372 and 374 Broome it. (old stand of Mrewiter A Co.) PECIALTY IN ~~ Six-seat Rockaway* and Coupe Koekaway* of the finest uuality and finish. A. 8. FLAX DBA I', 372 and 374 Broome it (old itand of Bruwiter A Co.) Spbbu, sSST"beauty.?valaub le maSe7T#? hand*, six years; form aud disposition faultles*; fine action; very promising, raised by the advertiser. Address HOADLEV, Greenwich, Conn. IALLION FOR SALE-OVER 17 HANDS. 8 YKAKS old. sound; dark brown, no white; well broke and well Lred. At GOXXER'8 stable. 1 :i? West 3?th st. QTORACE FOR CARRIAGES. *rs?a asp ? Sole ageut* for the celebrated and popular make of l'ray Bro*? Boston; price lor Track Sulkies, $1*5; large assortment on hand. WOOD BROS.. 740 Broadway. T UNI8 JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. Old stand 37 Xasaau st. On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, continuation of Sheriff's aale or CARRIAGES, WAGuNS, PHAETONS AXD UNFIX ished Stock. By order W. C. CONNER. fpwo FAST HORSES KOK SALE. - APPLY TO C1IARLBS S. GBEEX. Babylon, L. I. One a bay Gelding, 15.1, by Mlddlelown, dam by Seely'i American Star; toe other u bay brown, 15.3, by Kice Gravel, dam by a son of Hill's Black Hawk: both spleuuid road horses. mil HALF--OUNCE BAT?THE MOST COMFORTABLE J. for geutleiueuever introduced; Juit the bat tor driving aud promenading; price, $2 Ml. Found only nt Sll AYXE'S wholesale and retail hut house, headquarters tor men s and boys' Une soli and stiff I'elt Hat* at low price*. Wallack's Theatre Buildiug, Broadway aud 13th at. TOP- BUGGY "AND VERY~LUiHT ROAD WAGON, city made, in perfect order, for sale cheap. Eaglo Storage, HKi? 1SJ7 Weal U3?l at. TOP 81 HE- BAR BOAD WAGON, NBABLY NBV; having disposed of my horse, will eoli ut a bargaiu. Apply ut 22U Oth a v. WANTED-A PAIR OF HOBSES SUITABLE FOB A 'I' cart; must be souud. kind and matched, stylish and show 3 :3l). Address, with particulars and price, G. B. U., box 1,940 Post office. TITAN TED?GOOD SECOND HAND TOr? BUGGY OB TT Phaeton und Harness. Addresa, with loweat price, box 10 Klngabridge station, city. WANTED?AXY GBNTLBMAN HAVING A GOOD road Horse that he would like to send a short distance in the country for his keep; best care and light driving; city reference and security. Address H. S, box 172 Post office. Port Chester, X. Y. WANTED?BY A GENTLEMAN, TWO HORSES TO TT use for their keeping; fur light driving. Address W, VAN ZANDT, Jr., Arondaie. Esses county, N. Y. TITAN TED?A 8 M aLITDONKEY, WIT 1 fo RWITHOUT T T a cart, broken to harness aud accustomed to children; a Jenny preferred. Address M., box U<s i'ost otHce, N. Y. WANTED?A CASH BUYBB FOR~SOUND Ii-YEaB" old Horse und new Phautou, llarness. Whip, Kobe, Blaukets, Ac.; broken railroad bonds aud worthies* lots with mortgage not desired. C. s. PECK, Xo. 8 West 25th St., Agent. ANTED?TOP ~S11) E B A RB BE W ST BR ~ FIB ST class order; name cash price. Address PUBCIIASER, Herald office. ANTED?A HORSE. NuFuNDER 1.1 OR OVER 15>; hands high; must be stylish, good roadster, not alraiu ot locomotive or anything else, so that a lady can urive him with perfect safctv . inu-t be warruuted sound and gentle in every respect. Address C. G., box 173 Herald office, giving address ot owner. Xo dealers need apply. WANTED TO PURCHASE-A SECOXD HAXD LAN duuiet in perfect order. Address H. J. BLDRED, No. 4 West 45th st. TVANTED-SKCOND HAXD TOP POXY PHAETON, TT In good order; must be cheap for cash. Address 0. T. B., Po.t office box2,9-ML \kl ANTED?BY KEs fO.N S III LE PABTY, ONE MILE TT. Irom depot, a Horse and Roekaway. or Horse alotio, for light drivlug; good pasturage ; woul- mrchase if suited. Address OABtruL, box (hi Post office, liiiestone, Ls I. ANTED TO PURCHASE?A Jk.NNET. SOUND AND kind, for children to drive. Call on or address E., No. 4 West 45th st. 2 8I1KTI.AM) PONIES, U<> ISUUKH HIGH, WAR ranted Hound and ycutle, low ; well btoken; Pouy I'lme ton, sidebar Wagon, 2 Horses, $226. Private stable 116 ftoth ?t, near tith a v. 2' 5k< us i IT an d~~ca r h i auks, Landans. I.antlauleU, (our seat I'harton, T Cart. Depot Wagon, Mail Phaeton, Stanhope Phaeton, Intension top Phaeton, Cabriolet. two wheel Dor Cart, and 15 top Koail Waffona iiud aoiae no top W agona. Souia) of the above built by A Co. A- H. FLANDRAU. 373 and 374 Broome at. (old ataud of Brewster A Co.) 'lAWAlS-rOK A ODMUIIOir * TIT tjp ( ij iluaer halt'spring llgdt Wtcmi, iu hrst class order; Just the thine for depot una or exercising; light and bandy. Applv atuKti'i Broadway. up atalr*. Auc/i fCTa ouirura blbgaxr tokmoot; iP?juU 7 year old Puny, 14 hands; perfect picture ; very stylish in liarueM and t-addle for ladyorcbild; top I'ony Phaeton, almost new; Harness, Whip, Hlauket. J.' Newark it., >tore, Hoboken. Pouy alone $ I i.">. Wil l. HUV A 7-YEAkToLD. 1,U50 POUNDS gray 1 orse, son ml. kind and irentle; can trot better than a 'J :.Vi nail, inquire al lot hut :17th at. PliOPOMAl.*. CSSaLES PROPOSALS FOK ??*? TONS STOVE COAL, O (or the Hebrew llenevoleut Fuel A*>?ci*tlon; bid* open until loth inat. ISAAC SCIIKK1BEK, 140 l a.t 624 al ?TOUAbk. 4 * -hWlAtiH. ' MfoftAtir VTa VfL j\. houses, MR4, ft 14. G.I? Hudson at.. 77U Greenwich ?u aud 10 Ablnicdon square.?Storage and sale keeping lor Fur niture, Pianos, Ua^ga^e. Trnnks, Mirror*, Painting*, Orne* ?uenta. Carpet*. Tlieatrici! tTonortlea; (ionda aud Ware* of ol every description received dav or niitlit: aeparnte room* of any alie ; oiueat testalilisheil l??4<?, loweat In rate, mo>t accommodating. extensive and responsible establishment in the baainea*. H lAOiiAKT. Owner aud Proprietor. OSice ;.n;t iiudaouat. (AbiOKUon square). A TTENTION I?PART (KM .STORING rDRNITlTRK, J\ pianoa, mirror*, baggage, Ac., would do well to (impact the (>ran<l Central Storage Warehouse ol MORGAN * BROTH bB, Broadway ami 47th ?t. ki PORTINUTON'S STORAGE WAKKHOBtt, toi JV. Hndaon it., lor Furniture, I'iauos, Trunk*. Ac., in *ep-' arate rhkih CIlARLKS II. Boil tilt. Proprietor. ?'AULB STuRAliK COM PA MY?U N SL'HP ASS K D FOR j aale keeping or furniture and g I* of every kind. lu.t-l(i7 We?t 3:M ?t, one door west Of nth av. 1j<MPIKE STORAGE WAKKIIOI SKH FOR FT RNI J turn, pianos, mirrora. baggage ami niercha?dl?e In irpartte rootuii. fliese hrat class warehouses have more evcurtt), lower rale* of insurance and lower charires lor storage than anv similar establishment: inspection invite.i. Kemovlnc boxiiiK aid shipping promptly attended to. II. O'ltKILLY A CO., Proprietor*. 3SM, aaO anil 3JU Uud Min st. _____ STORAOK OF VKUK LF.S, rt'RNITU?K AND MER chandi*a at rea*onable r.ite*. at 27 W ooater st. B. F. DoWNES. STuRACK FOR FURNITURE, PIANOS. BIGGAGE. Ac.?separate room*: lowest rates; every convenience; elevator; watchman MICH ALES A t>O.V JX to 42 Com meree st.. near Bleccker. STORA..K FOR FURNITURE. CARRIAGE AND MER obandiaa. kVITII A SILLS. Proprietor*. 7.10 and iii *th av. aiu, J47 #?t 4<ltbst. OTORAGS FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, PIANOS, O Ac ?Ca^h to any amount advanced on ?ams ; low rate*; e?tabllshed M> year*. Hit UAKU WALThRs' bONai, At? ?|""" 27 ksit Ur?a4wair. Extraordinary MATINEES Saturday. jan* 17, i aa 5 th avenue th eat he. SECON D Extraordinary MATIN FK, SATURDAY. June 17. THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Mix KAN NY DAVENPORT III* Widow Del malne and POCAHONTAS. with Mr.JOHN BROUGHAM auJ Mix SYDNEY CO WELL KTH ATIMOK TMIiTnT ZTTTTZ O Proprietor und Manager Mr. AUGUSTIX DALY 27lh WEEK!! ISOth to 19>tli PERFORMAN'tJSlI 7tb MONTH!! ol tbe GREAT SENSATION ol 1870. PPPPP II QQUU 0 U KEKB P P II Q y V U E PPPPP II Q Q U I' KKK p ii y yy V U E p ii qqqq ucuu ebke <? A PLAY OP TO-DAY !! By tbe author of "Under the Gas light i" "Dtvorco!" "Big Bouansal" Ac., Ac, Ac. I Mix KAN NY DAVKNPOBTI I Mr. JOHN BRoUt.llAM ! LAST I Mr. D. H. HARKlNS! NIGHTS | Mr. J AMES LEWIS! <>f Mr. SOL bi.MITH ItUSSELLt "PIQUE!" I Mr. WT. DAVIDGK! I MIm SYDNEY UOWELL! Ml.. GILBERT! SECOND EXTRAORDINARY MATINEE SATURDAY, Juno 17. "THE SERIOUS FAMILY" and "POCAHONTAS." CTM AVENUE THEATRE. I DIVORCE ! 200 NIOHTS IN tJ lhe200tb performance of' the old 5th Avenue Theatre. "PlyUE)" will be celebrated on FRI DAY, June L':t, by two nor foriuaiices?vis. :?A MATI NEE of "DIVORCE V and an EVENINtS perl'orm anr? of "PIQUE!" 1'lie theatre will Le deco rated and EVE h Y LADY will receive In EXCHANGE lor tbe coupon ol her referred cbalra Solid SILVER Ticket. Tlie tale of Seat)* will open Wednesday morning,June 14 AUTHOR'S NIGHT. A SILVER TICKET. PIQUE! 300 timet la the new theatre. B. TTNION SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. W. PALMER MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, # reappearance bare, after an absence of thraa yean, of th* YOKES FAMILY, la tbelr remarkable Extravagunxa, THE BELLES OF THE KITCHEN. which has been entirely rewritten and rearranged. Preceding tba Yoke* eacn evening, Mr. J. H. STODDART and the company in the charming two act Comedy, THE POST BOY. - Box office open for the late ol neat* on and after Wednes day, Juue 14. ("TLoBE THEATRE?738 AND 730 BROADWAY. r 11. W BUTLER Manager MAMMOTH STAll COMPANY, unequalled attractions. Messrs. HENGLBK, BARRY. REED. BLITZ, GRIFFIN. Misses EVA WEST. II. MOLLENHAUEK. EFFIE and LAURA; Messrs. TIERNKY aud CRONAN. the lainoua Sketch Artist?. Mr. WASH. NORTON, the accomplished performer. Master STEWART DARE and tunny TOMMY HALL. Over 1UO Specialty Artists every night. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Bowery theatre.?Monday, JUNE 13, en gagement of the celebrated CAR ROLLS, In the great domestic sensation Drama, entitled KIDNAPPED. To conclude with the CARROLLS' great Irish farca, THE McFADDENS. ?J/1 TH STREET OPERA HOUSE, BETWEEN 2D AND WT 3d avs.?Another new Company, Mllo. NINON aud 20 CIRCASSIAN BEAUTIES. 20 MINUETTKS, N KW Ol.IO, LIVING PICTURES, REVOLVING MODELS. Every evening, and Wednesday aud .-aturday Matinee, W. HITCHCOCK'S THIRD AVENUK THEATRE, between 30th aud 31st sts. During the week and Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, Ml.s FANNY HERRING, New York's favorite Actress. BARN II M s FAMOUS *3(1,000 NUTT. COMMODORE NUTT. MAJOR NUTT. GUS LEE. .Visa ANNIE HINDLE, the pnr excellence of all ,male impersonators. Miss ADA LAURENT. the Mystery, or Dancing as it 1s and was. Miss IDA BURT. the favorite Serlo-Coiuic Vocalist. Miss NELLIE YOUNG.4 the pleasing young Actress. Prolessiir COS PGR ESS, the Mysterious Wonder. Mr. J W. McANDREWS, the original Watermelon Man. A.r. GEORGE WARREN, old time favorite. Mr. HARRY LESLIE. Champion Rope Walker aud Comedian. Mr. GEORGE F. MCDONALD, the favorite Actor. Mr. JOHN WALSH. Chaaacter Actor. Mr. T. J. NOLAN, tbe young American Actor. Mr. CHARLES MAN LEY, Character Actor. Mr. T. H. TRYON, the rising young Actor. Mr. PATRICK KEENAN. late of London and Dublin thentres, Irish Comedian. The entertainment will conclude each evening with the great Military Drama of tbe FRENCH fll'Y; OR, THE PALL OF ALGIERS. General admission, 35c.; dress circle, 50c ; orchestra chairs, 75c.; reserved seats, $1 j private boxes, $tiand$4; seat* in gallery, 15c. CISicKEKING 11 ALL / MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 12, coinraencini: at S o'clock, GRAND CONCERT (under tba direction of Mr. Aptommas), for the beueQt of tbe HOSPITAL FOR THE CURE OF CHRONIC DISEASES, proposed by Dr. llartt and Indorsed by H35 of the Medical Faculty of New York. Soprauo. Miss Tlll'KSHY. Baritones. Messrs. GOTTSCHALK and OUDUT. Chorus. T1IE YOUNG APOLLO CLUB. Violin. Senor JOSEPH WHITE, Organ, Mr. K WILLIAMS. Plauj. Mr. GEORGE W. COLBY. Harps. Mr. APTOMMAS and several of the most distinguished performers in America. ADMISSION. *1. ? Tickets to be obtained at 111 Broadway, at Schirmer's, 701 Broadway, and at Schubert's, Union square. No reserved seats. GILMOBE'S CONCERT GARDEN. Madiaon and 4th av*. aud 2ttth and 27th ata. Mtun. KUxOK AMD PALMER. .Proprietors and Manarer* Mr. E. G. GlLMORE Ruainea* Director EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'clock. Mr. P. & GIltMORE AND HIS FAMOUS MILITARY BAND, of 100 ARTISTS. SUNDAY EVENING, June 11. PROGRAMME. 1. Overture, "Stabat Matet," ............ Roaalnl 2. Solo lor Saxaphone. "Kevari*,"' .....Suvari 3. Grand Selection, "The Gem* of Fauat," Gounod A Overture, "Jubel," ....Weber 6. Cornet Solo, "Tantura Ergo," .... .Mercadaut* ?. Selection from th? Opera of "Oboron," Weber 7. Cornet Solo. "Indaiuatua,'' from Sukbat Mater...Roaalnl 8. Klnule, "Arlele," Bach 9. German Song, "Ye Merry Blrda," Guinbert 10. Feit March, trom "Tannbauaar," Waguer TO MORROW. (MONDAY) EVENING, Job* 12. aud TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS AMI EVENINGS, (iRAND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION, with tiiutic every afternoon by a military band and M. HBNRI KOWALSK1 Tha Planiit EVERY EVKNINO, GILMORU'S famous military band. VflNETEENTH ANNUAL SHOOTING FESTIVAL AND Xv Eagle Shooting of the New York Schu?t/.en Corps, Cap tain Ueorge Aery, on Monday, Tue?cJay and WeUni-Mlay (June 12, 13and 14.1876). In theSchuetiun Park. Union Hill. The Park maybe reached by horse car via I. ulon Illll and Wait Hobokon directly every five tninutea over Barclay atreet and Chriatnpher atreet terries; via YVeehawken over Forty-aeeond street ferry: witlittlii- Northern iiailroud over Chni'nh?r* aireet ferry at fl:45 A. M? 1, 3. 4. 4 :4.r> P. M. bohuetaen Ball every uikIiC during the Featival. Adtniaaion, 2ft cent*. Kchuetren ?r ritlemen in uniform free. B. II. TiK.N'KKK. Secretary. GEORGE AERY, Captain. fflAMMANY IIALL MILLIARD MATCH FOR fl,000 A 8IDB BETWEEN CYRILLB DION AND mauricb DALY, commencing MONDAY, J una 12, at 8 o'clock P. M. 2.000 point* np, French carromi; 600 polnta to he playad each ?vaniug, on W. H. Griffith k Ca't American btandard Tnbla. Admisilon. 90 cent*. Haservcd aeats, $1. Ladle* free. THE GREAT SHADOW HALL AT THE ARGYLE ROOMS TO-MORROW NIGHT, commencing AT i? O'CLOCK"rooms. ?Fih av 'and arra bt.?grand A VEIL AND SHADOW DANSANTE TO-MORROW NIGHT. ' h. POPE, I DRAMATIC ART AND ELOCUTION, . Actor nn<l INSTKUCTION TO LADIES OK OEN ELOCUTIONIST. IfpapfK Adilreaa STEI.NWAY HALL C"'lOLONEL MONSTKRY S FENCING. BOXING AND J Shooting Academy, tilUtith av.? Boxing taught In one month. Circular. Fay tbmplV.tojT "The Fairy Star of the Staso." of "Faf Teniplctoti Star Alliance." CHATEAU MABILLE VARIETIES. 3ITH ST. AND 3D av.?Matinee luexlay. Thuraday and Saturday. 2 P. M. 1 na new Canti'tiuini Statues, America ahielding her sub led*. The fulll** ol Pari* represented nightlv. I'll* Franco Pruoalan Hurle*i|ue, The Spy; or, Th* Friuale Zouave*." WHITTI KB* "OENTK N N IAL HYMN." M055 BY Paine, a* performed at the opening caremonie* at Philadelphia. Price .'NX. In aheet tnaaic form, nnd Inc. in octavo form lor rhornaea. No celebration complete without tlil" magnificent hymu. Alao Downing'* 'anion* "Cemeu nial March." with superb title In tutors; price ttiic. DiTsoN \ (XI., No 711 llroadway. MISS HF.NKY, Tl4M W. 8T 3f?i II ST., ET PREPARED to All engagements aa el >cuiloniat at church loatival*. ' A LL THE FAVOKlTE DAMON* at THK GRAND 1\ VEIL AND SHADOW MALL, ARGYLE ROOMS, TO-MORROW NIGUT i~SlNBST D A N? i M i M I SI (? IN 1H I~W I? RL D~AT THE ' GREAT Shadow "daxsante," ABGYL.8 ROOMS, TO-MOKKOW NIGHT. StRANGKRS, DONT MISS TUB FUN AT THE AR GYLB VElL AND SHADOW DANbA.N IE TO-MOR l BOW MIGHT. AKtSBSIKITa. ?fvr A LL A C K' i TT THIRD \ THIRD WEEK AND INCREASING SUCCESS of the Iocodiu iralile artists. MM. AM) MRS. W. J. FLORENCE, to their famous original characters. BAUDWKLL SI,OIK and Mr?; General tilLFI.ORY, In Wolfs humor..ii? aud sa tirical comedy uf tUo MIGHTY DO LI. A R ! MIGHTY LOLLAB. Mipurli Scuueiy nui an I'XKyfAlJ.hl) CAST. lu \Vuir? comedy, the MIGHTY HOl.LARt MIGHTY DOLLAR! MIGHTY DOLLAR! received with Uu bounded Enthusiasm and Roars of Laughter, by Delighted Audiences. EVERY EYKNINO AND SATURDAY MATINEE. ?."Theatre coaled by a new process 1>ARK TIIEATRK. MKilAIiWAY AND 22D ST. J EVERY EVENING AT t) AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2, tbe accouiplislisii Irish comedian, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY. Wl?. JOSEPH .MIHPHY. MR. JO-KPH MURPHY, in hU new character specialty of Dan O'Hara, la Mr. Fred Murstlcn's new romantic Irish drama. THE KERRY HOW, TUB KERRY GOW. which, now presented fur t*e Rrst time In this city, will bo produced with now scenery and a carefully selected cast, lucliiilin* Miss May Nunei, Miss Annie Mortimer. Messrs. J. C. Pulg tt, J. W. Brutotio, W. Trevelle, H. C. Burke, C. Itoseiie, W. J. Cogswell, J. A. Wilks, C. Clarence, W. '""reduced POPULAR SUMMER PRICES. Admissiou W and 2& cents. Reserved seats $1. BEST VKNTILATF.D THEATRE IN TOWN; THEREFORE THK COOLEST. PAhlMAN M&niW. j >6TU ST" AND BROADWAY. Popular Prices. I Every evening at 8. ?COOLEST AND AIRIEST THEATRE IN THE CITY.? ?????The ieadlni; sensational Varieties of America.?? - - -A PERFECT FOUNTAIN OK PLEASURE. ? 100 STAR ARTISTS - ?-? 20 new ami orixlual acts, spicy and piquant, -NEVER PERFORMED BEFORE. 100 Beautitul Women in sensational Dances and Tableaux. A HUSBAND'S SUSPICIONS. COMICAL SKETCH, No! I DOCTOR'S SH .'P. THE DEACON'S MISHAPS. Beautiful, sensational ai.d voluptuous, I.E MINUET. NEW MODELS IN LIVING PICTURES. Mile. Bertha. I New and beautitul ballet. I Senor Novlssimo. DELKVaNTI, ALFREDO AND DOIIM. ROSE KEKNE and WILLIAM FORRBSTBB. J011.\ GOURLAY itmt EMILY PRIOR. Minule Harrison, Minnie Hall. Blanch F.bberts, George Atkins, John Francis. Frank Steele. Ilorace Weston. Champion Hanjoist of the world, and oar royul jr army of old anil popular favorites. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and Saturday matinees. WOOD'S MUSEUM WOOD'B TT Admission 25c. MONDAY. JUNE 12. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK oi the talented artists, GEO. C. BONIFACE and MARIE STELLA, every evening and Wednesday and Saturday Matinee*, the great sensation pluy, JEAN VALJEAN, or THE MAN OP TWO LIVES. MATINEES?Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The beautiful Druma, LUCILLE, or THE BLIND SOLDIER OF EGYPT. OLYMPIC THEATRE, No. BROADWAY, near Bleecker it. Mr. JOHN F. POoLE Manager THK FAMILY SUMMER RESORT. Delightfully cool and pleasant. THE MAMMOTH FANS IN OPERATION, wafting delicious breesns through the liouso. HUMPTY DUMPTY. with Hltr grand novel features. Miles. DKI.l'HlNE and JULIE PASCAL, iu their brilliant Operatic sketch. LES POMl'IEIW DE MANTIERRE, conclndlng with THK CLOGDOOHB. Ol'U.TEU and GOLDhlCH in .New SketcbM, MUs ANNA MORGAN in New Ballads. THE ROSE OF KILLARNEY, receiving a treble encore nightly. The best entertainment now presented. PRICKS:? Admission, 2.') cent*. I Reserved Seats. 50 eaato Family C.rcle, 15 cents. I Parlor Chairs, $1 MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SAI'URDAY. AGLiT THE AIRE',' Broadwav and 33d at. Propriotor and Manager Mr. JOSH UAR1 Extraordinary success of the brilliant artist Mrs. HENRIETTA CHANFRAO in C. W. Tayleure't new American Play, entitle! PARTED PARTED. New Scenery. A Powerful Cast Act 1,?Failure of the Trail Company. Act 2.?Falsely Accused. Act 3.? I he dishonored Grave. Act 4.?At Her Mercy. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. Kelly a leon's minstrels. Tweuiy-third Street Opera House. Lesiee and Manager EDWIN KELL1 NORMA. TDK TWO ORPHANS. NORMA. THE TWO ORPHANS. NORMA. THE TWO ORPHANS, THE ONLY LEON. COACU1NU TO PiSLilAM. BOOTH'S THEATRE. OFFENBACH AND AIMER The Klne of Opera Bonffe. The queen ot Opera Boufte To morrow (Mouilay) ovuulug. June 12. One weelc only. Joint Appearance of Mile. AIMEE aud M. OFFENBACH and Kim Performance In several yearn of Offenbach's Mer riest Work, LA VIK PARI81ENNE (LIFE IN PARIS), produced under the Personal Diroctlou uf the Author, Mr. JACQUES OFFENBACH, and in which Mile MARIE AIMEE, thi queen of Opera Bouffe, will make her Re-entree in America alter her reeent moat brilliant European Triumph#, assisted by A POWERFUL and COMPLETE COMPANY. SPECIAL ATTENTION !s culled to the INCREASED ORCHESTRA. which, on the OPENING NIUHT will b? under the Personal Direction of the Composer. .Mr. JACQUES OFFENBaCH. ROOKLYN ATI1ENEUM Atlantic av., corner Clinton it. FRIDAY EVENIMI, June 10. 1S76, First uppe ranco ol the German trsKcdlenne, Miss fcLl/.A iU'.Ttl VON' MaMMWITZ. from the Grand California Theatre, iu San Francisco, IS Puul Linduu's celebrated Kensatiot Drama. MARIA AND MAGDALENA. Maria Verrlna Miss Elizabeth von Stammwitl ("1 BORGB BION OLD'S ????? J FAREWELL TO AMERICA. for the BENEFIT OF NEW YORK CENTRAL DISPENSARY, at Academy ol Music, THURSDAY' EVE NINO, JUNE 29, 1876. when ROMEO AND JULIET will be produced with entirely Daw scenery. Tbe balcony scene, painted by order of W rs. kiugsland, portraying thj> original homo of the Capulets. Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD and Miss SARAH JEWET have ponorously consented to appear in the title role*. OLY'TRCHNIC MUSHUmT ~729 ~BROADWAi; Professor TO 11IV and 0. E. NEWTON Managen OK AND OPENING MONDAY. JSCNE 13. 1870, an mUNlfniw series of WONDER. MYSTERY, MODERN MIRACLE8, and cliaste, elepiftt and refilled aauserr.cuu. On exhibition all day the latest sensation of THE LIVING If AIRLE.-sS HORSE. Adults, 25 cent*. Children, 15 cents. No extra*. ENTRAL PARK GARDEN, 7th av., between SMtb and 59th its. CENTENNIAL PRICES. ADMISSION a."*. ADMISSION 25c. ADMISSION 25a 25. 25. 25. 25. 2.'., 25. 2.'., 25. 25. 25. If ? 1 Mme. MARIE KALVOTTI Prima Donna. Orchestra conducted by Mr. ADOlPII SCIIMIDr. FREE SACRED CONCERT THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON F AY TEMPLETON, trio Fairy Star. ?t home for the summer, 21 West 9th st. (1 LOBE THEATRE. EXTRA' X TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT TO BILLY BARRY. THURSDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING. JUNE 15. 100 VOLUNTEERS. CHIT/.ENPARK A GRAND SACRED CONCERT will he i;tven in the Srhntien Park, Uulon 11111, on Sunday, June II. Iroui :i to 7 P. M. Admission. 15 cents each. Ex> tra train. Northern Railroad, loot of Chambers et.. 2:15 P. M., reiurnini:. leaves SchulK-n Park 7 P. M. Banjo, song and dance, juj ani? clog dan<> inc. taught by JOHN BOGAN, 1U0 East Houston ak? near llowery. UK PRE'ITY GIRLS NEVER MIS8 THE QMii VEIL AND SlIAOoW DANSANTE. ARGTLE ROOMS TO-MORROW NIGHT. /"I REAT SPORT FOR THE DANCERS AT THE GRAND VT SHADOW DaNSANTE, ARGYLE ROOMS, TO-MOR. ROW NIGHT. F AY TEMPLETON. ? "The Greatest Little Actress and Sonntreat," at home. 21 West Mh st., New York. 1776. VTEW MUSIC.?"MY DREAM OF LOVE IS O'ER.* J.1 "Mv Son Charley." "Awfully Fly." "They Say I'm a Very Touirh Man," "KM Mickey," "I'm Off to Phila delphia, ' "Augustus Dais.'Vliean" and (UUothers; lOcenti eacn. Il AR.'ING'S, 229 Bowery, oppodta Prince si. Send stamp fur catalogue IRVIJf(J HALL. 187(1." New York Centennial Billiard Tournamaat. Came <?<*) points up. Fourth game. MONDAY. June 12. at M P. M. William Sextoo. II. G. Slosson. Admission. fUl cents; Reserved Seats. $1; Boxes, 93. Gal. lery reserved torladies accompanied by irentlercen. /TraaTTEXHIBITION CONCERT AI' (MUCKERING VJT Hall on Thursday evcnlug. .nine 15, IH76, of American CoaeervatoMr of .Mueie. The pupils will perform a Caqtate Allegory, "The Stars and Our Onten.tlal," composed lor this occasion by Professor Henry sc.irouder. Admission, 50 cents. Commences at 7',. KIRALFY'S ALHAMBRA palace, * Broad st., Plii adelphia. The most lashinnahle resort iu America. La?t we. k of AROUND THE WORLD. Promenade Concerts in the Ojrdens. Fir.t appearance lieriuan Pike a Donna Frl. FRUDKRICa RoKoIIL, and ths BEDOUIN ARAB ORCHESTRA. TWO LADY AND ONE GENTLEMAN PUPIL WANT, ed to appear shortly ; those having the necessary meant for instruction. Apply at ouce to MATILDA HERON Maiaon Richelieu. With st. and Lexington av. ' WASTED TO FLltCHASfc. fANTED-A good SURVEYOR * fRANsireffEXf I tor cash. Address li II., tlackensack, N. J. YVANTKO?A SECOND HASDI'LATFORM SCALE4, 2 r 'XL!" iJ.Vtj 2? ' Shw Ad.lress WM. CA? ftoLL, ami t*}J Hrodilvri), f ANTED?OOOO tf KCOXD HAND HEC KKTA K V Audrey, giving full partlcuUrt, A. A. 1>? tin eaiil UlTl?e. WANTED TO PtaCllASK-A ivfoik O? DRY ? ?oods; any .mn wishing to sell now is the chance; must be cheap for ten days. Address H., Herald Lptowa (rani< 1 <>iTi.-e? * \\ w FINK ARTS. I.1 XillUlT AND FOR SaLK, a f J ti. SCHISMRk'S, 7*'l Broadway. An Oil Painting, The Nymnh aud the Oiant'e Rockt A legend of tbe Sea," By Maria B. VsUmaa.