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CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. WAT MAT BE DOSE WITH WIHSLOW. The Matter of His Personal Freedom Poised for Diplomatic Purposes. PRODUCE AND SILVER. The Porte Preparing for Reform in the Provinces?Servia More Obedient to the Sultan. THE CENTENNIAL RIFLE MATCH. XB18H SHARPSHOOTERS PREPARING FOB THE SELECTION OP THE NATIONAL TEAM?THB COMPETITION AT DUNDALK?HOW THE FINAL TRIAL WILL BK CONDUCTED. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE nERALD BY CABLE. ] Dublin, Juneio, 1876. Daring the riflemen's competition at Dundalk for places in the Irish team lor Philadelphia the follow ing ten marksmen made the highest scores two days ont of three, viz. Johnson, Dyas, GofT, Ureer.hiil, William Rigby, Smyth, Clarke, Creed, Joynt, Thyme. TOE PINAL COMPETITION AND ffiLICTlON OF TKN. Fonr others are to be nominated, and the best ten of these fourteen, who are to Are fifteen shots each at the three loug ranges on the WicKlow grounds, on June 28 and 29, are to go to America. ENGLAND. WIN8LOW? CASB COMINO TO A DEFINITE POINT?BKLEASB OB SURRENDER ??PARLIA MENTARY ATTENTION TO SECRETARY FIRll's DESPATCH. London, June 10, 1876. It li certain that the government will not again ask for Wimlow'a remand unless it be decided to have tho whole matter argued before the lull bench, ol which there is some probability. Failing tins, Wlnslow, on text Thursday, tho lath inst., will either be released or ?urrenrtcred, tho latter solution ol the enso resting on Iho contingency of un agreement be I wren the govern ments of the United States and Ureal Britain upon the terms of a new extradition treaty. sxCKiTAKT risn's uisrATrn. Sir Henry James (liberal), member for Taunton, has given notice in the House of Commons that on Monday be will ask Mr. Burke, Undor Foreign Secretary, whether Secretary Fish's despatch of tho 22d of May, relating to the case of Winslow, reached tho Foreign Office on the 6th of June, and whetner there is any ob lection to lay It on the table of the House. MLVKR. Silver Is quoted to-day at SI. MtXCIHU LANK MAKKKT?SUPPLY AND DKMAXD. Business In Mincing lano bus undergone no striking change during tho past week. There has been more luquiry for coiTee, but priccs were somewhat irregular. Plantation Ceylon at the publio salos realized an ad ronce, but Fast Indies Is mostly lower. Deliveries kere are large, and the stocks at the chief European ports exceed those ot last year at the same date. A tteady business ban been done in West Indies sugars tt about lornier ritej for roflulng kinds, but there has been no demand for low grade sugars. Ton continues Inactive. Saltpetre Is firm. Rico continues unchanged. Spices continue de pressed. TURKEY. THE SYSTEM OF RULE IN THE PROVINCES TO BE REFORMED?SERVIA TO OBEY THE EM PIRE?RUSSIAN ADVICE TO THE AOITATBD PEOPLE. Constantinople, June 10, 1876. Tho Grand Viztcr has addressed a circular to the Sovornors ot the provinces suspending tho regulations promulgated during the reign of tho late Sulun and ordering them to await fresh law--. KKRV1AN PROPULSION OP LOYALTY. Tbi* government of Servia, in reply to tho recent In quiry of Turkey as to Hie meaning oi her armament*, ifflrmod its puciQc intentions, and decltred at thu same time ihat It will not attempt anything against tbe in tegrity ot Turkey. A special envoy will be sent to Constantinople for the purpose of giving explanations, in order to consolidate tbe good understanding netwern tbe two countries. ADVICE T3 1HE PBOYINCIALH. Bklgkadk, J.uuc 10, 1876. During tbe Inst tew days the representatives litre of til tbe Powers bavo united In impressing upon l'rinco Milan lbat tbe lull responsibility lor ati eventual dis turbance o? pence would real with Servia. The Riifsian diplomatic apent was especially energetic n thc?o representation* to the Prince. FRANCE. riTE CENTENVIAL DELEGATION ArPEOPBIATION TOTED BY THE BENATE., Jane 10, 1S~& The Senate to-day, by a vole of ltXJ against 3 pm?ed the grunt which had been previously voied by the Chamber of Deputies tor si-tiaing a delegation of French workmen anl asricnitural implement* to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. The members of the party of the Right abstained from voting. _ LORD CONVICTED. CONCIXSION OF THE CANAL FUAT'D CRIMINAL CASE?TUE IBISOJTEB rOCM? OCXLTY AND he: D IX TTVEKTT-riYK THOl'BAND DOLL A 1>B BAIL. BcrrAM). N. V., June 10. 1876k In tbe trial ot Oeorge D. Lord this morning Mr. A. P. Lnnn.g, or counsel for Lord, beitan bis summing up, commencing at half-past nine and consuming the en tire room in.-. TTis appeal was masterly, dwelling en tirely on the avi.leac<\ nrrFALO, June 10, 1876 In the atternoon District Attorney Lockwood com tiencfd hi* summin;: op 'or the peop!e. consuming an Sour and it hair In i'.s delivery and making a powerful plea lor a verdict ot guilty. Judge Damef* audre^sed the jury, occupying about two hours' i m ?, and in the coursc of hi* remarks charging that it the> had an Abiding conviction that Lord was guilty -o to And htm. At hull-past four In the alternoon tho Jury retired, id ', after an hour's deliberation, lound a verdict of juilty. which brought into court at eight o'clock tli twir.n#. Lord gave ball in the amount of $2.1,000, bis father, Jarvls Lor J. becoming *? ciirity. rhe District Attorney will move tor sentence on Monday at two o'clock. The penalty is not more than j.t.i'im fine, nor more than Ovo year*' Imprisonment, or both, at tbe discretion of the Coart. A atay of pro rredmps WW probably be obtained on Monday, and the ;.i?r eari ie l to tho Court of Appeals. <iet>rgc D. LoM took h s conviction with tbe utmost romi'i sure of manner, while hi* lather betrayed coa st'-eraD.e emotion. 10HI SCIIISCS. A More Hopeful View of the Trouble in the East QUIET WAR PREPARATIONS. Provisioning Gibraltar and (be Channel Fleet?Chartering Merchant Vessels. SERVIAN'S CRITICAL CONDITION England Philosophically Resigned Over the Fenian Rescue. AMONG THE THEATRES. Bnckstone's Benefit?Salvini, Rossi, sehek? Mapleson and New York. A WLATHER WARNING TO SEAMEN. Winslow's Case?The War Fever and the Stock Market. [SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE HEBAI.D BT CAULK. ] London June 10, 1ST0. Since my last telegram the tone of English feeling on the Eastern question has become calmer an<l more hopeful. This Improved condition of, the Eng lish mind hM received a decided support froui the proceedings In Parliament last night. Disraeli's utterances have produced a marked effect on the London Exchange, and the Pari* and doubtless other Continental bourses. THE OUTLOOK SOT REALLT ROSY. Against this momentarily peaceful aspect of afftUrn must, however, be arrayed oertaln facts, proving that thosituation continues to be regarded as most critical by the Cabinet, all assurances to the con trary notwithstanding. YICTUALUNO A STRONGHOLD. As acts speak more pointedly than words, let me first say that the great rock fortress of Gibraltar Is being victualled to support a garrison of 2,000 I men for six weeks. PROVISIONING THE FLEET. This Is Irrespective of the accumulation of supplies for the Channel squadron, which is being vigorously I pushed by the Admiralty authorities. LOOKING FOR TRANSPORTS. In addition to these suggestive operations the Admiralty has issued circulars to all the large ship owners of the United Kingdom requesting them to make a complete return of all their ships and steamers. MARITIME RESOURCES. Here England, through the immense strength, of her mcrcanttlo marine, has a great advantage over the other Continental Powers, as she could collect sufficient transports to carry a hun dred thousand troopo and their material within a fortnight at the furthest, aud with her powerful navy could easily protect them from foreign Vur ships. She could not get together anything liko that number of trained troops within such a period, but could be of Immense service to an ally who had the troops but no ships to carry them. PROVISIONAL CHARTERS. It Is affirmed that, the Admiralty ha* provisionally chartered certain vessels for government service on a notification to that effect being received. PRESS OPINION. The spectator thinks that the immediate danger of war among the great Powers has diminished. THE DANCER CIKl"I.E. The danger of war is at present in Turkey, be tween the Mussulmans and Slavs, where It seems more Imminent than ever. SKRVIA'S POSITION. A telegram from Belgrade says Hint Prince Milan has only a choice left between the invasion of Tur key or night. TliK SLATS nCTEUMINEO. , I'll vote advices to the Hkrai.d from Belg rate #*? ! sort that diplomacy will exercise no influent what i ever on the progress of mralr* In Servfa. The Suva are fully convinced that the present is tluir only opportunity of obtaining independence. Su it being the ruse, It is difficult to see how they can be restrained. ? the mcAFKo nxun. The re* tie and e-tcapc of the Fenian prmon-rs 1 from the pent settlement In Western Amanita, ul I though causing excitement, in Ireland, Is pMtasophi i caily received here. The Pall Mall Cazcttr says the ren ue of the pris. i oner* will save the government annoyance from re j - quests for their release. imwo the srict&s fashion. I Cutting the veins of tlie arm, a- said to have been I adopted by the late lamented Abdul-Aziz. promises J to become a fashionable mode of suicide here. A j retired navy officer at Devottfort was the tlr?t who | foOOWert the sultan'h example. TI1E MKPICAli JUl'RNAl.* -TKITHAt.. The English medical Journals disbelieve the story i of the ex-Salton's suicide. The Constantinople correspondent of the StnnGara 1 (tory government organ), however, asserts the truth ? of the story. THE nfCtCsTONK IJKSKI1T. i | The BMfc?t??e Benefit came ?;fl" at Drury I,ane on j Tln:r-day night. The "School !OT Scandal" was pre sented, with the following extra ordinary ca <t:?sir i'eter Teazle, Mr. B> Phelps; Sir Oliver surfjee, Mr. S. Emery; Joseph Burfaee, Mr. li. Irving; Charles Surface. Mr. C. Mathews; Sir Benjamin Backbite, Mr. Bucludone; crabtree, Mr. Ryder; carcl-ss, Mr. Cogtdan; Trip, Mr. Bancroft; Moses, Sir. David James; Snake. Mr. B. Webster; Rowley, Mr. II. Howe; Sir Barry Bumper, Mr. C. San t ley; Servant to ciiarlea, Mr. T.Thome; Servant to Joseph, Mr. K. Rlghtoo; Servant to sir I'eter, Mr. Sngden; Servant to Lady sneorwell, Mr. Arthur Cecil; Lady Teazle. Miss JCeUson; Mrs, Camlonr. Mrs. Sterling; l?ady Sneer well, Mrs. A. Mellon; Lady Teazle's Maid, Miss Kar? ren; Maria, Miss Lncy Bnckstone. Tickets were sold a month before the performance at a tre mendous premium. AN INTERESTING SCENE. At the conclusion of the piece, which it goes | without raying was capitally acted, all the actors in i the audience occupied places on the stage, with Mr. BncKstone In their midst, while Mrs. Keeley deliv ered the felicitous address written for the occasion by Mr. Henry J. I!yrou. To this Mr. Buckstone replied humorously, and the gratifying announcement was then made that tbo profit* from the entertainment amounted to $?'.,ooo. ROSSI AND ItlTINk The great Italian tragedians. Signors Salvlnl and Rossi, who were the pet* of fashion last year, have made signal financial failures In their engagements here this year, Boih artists make their last ap pearance In London to-day. J ANA UKCHEK. Mnie. Junanschek has been engaged by Colonel Mapleson for an autumnal provincial tour and to appear m London during the next Benson, when, before cultivated audiences at Drury Lane, she will find a genial home where her genius will be ap I predated. MAFIJtSON AND OPERA FOR N*EW YORK, i Colonel Mapleson, of Her Majesty's Opera, will i not go to Sew York unless he cuu secure th? I Academy of Music for three or four successive ' seasons. The secretary offers the Academy for one season, Mr. Mapleson to trust the directors' good will for future Jetting*. Under these circum stances, Mr. Mapleson says he must decline. "L'ETHANGKKK" IN LONDON. Dumas' play, "L'Etrangere," which has not proved a particularly healthy plant on Its native soli, and may nuturnlly be expected to die when transplanted to English soil, has been produced hero at the Hay market Theatre and will have a very short run. "LES DANICIIKI'IS." "Les Danlcheffs," another transplanted piece, will be brought out on the 17th Inst, at the St. James' Theatre. "AIDA." Verdi's "ATda" will be produced at the Royal Italian Opera, Govern Garden, on the 27th lnst,, with Ade llna Pattl In the chief WKATUF.R PROPHECY. Mr. Rowland, who has attained such celebrity as meteorological adviser to the English shipping In terest and chief clerk of the weather for fashiona ble garden parties, announces great atmospheric disturbances proeeeiiing from the western to the eastern coasts of North America. WAKNINU TO ATLANTIC SHIPMASTERS. Vessels leaving Eastern American ports coming this way will encounter heavy and boisterous weather. DR. THOMPSON'S I.TCTCKKS. Dr. Joseph P. Thompson delivered the first of his series of lectures at Langham Hall- here on Friday. Its title was, "Grounds and Motives of the Ameri can Revolution." W1N8LOW. The Parliamentary report concerning Wlnslow's extradition has been published. Tli3 Daily Xeics I commenting on it editorially says:?"It is eminently I desirable in the interests of nations that a criminal : who has escaped one Indictment should be tried on another for which strong evidence Is forthcoming. What substantial harm can result therefrom?" TUE FINANCIAL ASPECT. Until this morning the financial feature of the week was a sharp decline In Russian stocks and a corresponding weakness In Turkish securities. A BETTER FEKLINfl. After the Sultan's deposition there were many speculative sales, but the statement of Mr. Disraeli In the House of Commons last night respecting the Eastern question completely changed the feeling In the several markets, and there was A OENKRAL SCRAMBLE to cover the short interest that had been created. A rise in prices followed. This is particularly true of Russians. CONSOLS. Consols also advanced a half per cent. Altogether more hopeful sentiments prevail at this moment. AMERICAN BONDS. American bonds are very strong, and a further important advance has been made. RAILWAYS. Little has been done In home railway shares or In the miscellaneous list. Canadian railways have lieen dull an<l lower. TIIK LATEST ASPECT. To-day firmness approaching buoyancy has pre railed. The l>cst point reached, however, was not i maintained at the close. an advance. Russians advanced nearly G, and Hungarians, Egyptians and Turkish l toper cent. Emrllsh railways were better, and the miscellane ous list unchanged, with llttl* doing. I lUSCOCNTS. Discounts were quiet but firm. MEXICO. THE FEDERAL* I'BXPABINO FOE THE DEFENCE OF MATAMOKAS ?TUE REVOLUTION ACQUIRING grBZNUTH?ISLOODKHXU CF.RTAUi. Br'iw*bvim.k, Texni, June 10, 1*71 Two honored t:o*o? of amainniUou anil City boxes of KemlDgtoa rifle* were parsed over the river to Maia to-d?y. B'TTI.K IWHSBXT. The lederal Iroops nr* preparing for a i-trong defence of Main mora*, but the revolutionist* nre gaining Rtrenctli, and blno<lirhed may be expecle.t. I A CALIFORNIA MOB IIA NO A MURDERER. Sa* Kraxci.hco, Ji|IIo 10, IK76. A dcsp.itch Irotn mru ltof? rafa laat m^iit , about I?"<<> urme.i moil went to the jail of that town, ?Verpowsrctt tbe ketprr an4t?Ok Thomas W, Henley, who confined tbore wailing Ilio action of ?lic Oranil Jury lor ktll.uc James Rowland, a prominent tltiz<!Sl about a month bj?o, an?i hnitg hiin to a If>'6 about a mile from town. The brtdf was ill-covered ibi< morn ! lug. Public -cnttrnent is dl^poeed to MMidtr Hi1 | action of the ndli an in the interest of Jutlldt MUSTANG RACE. Philadri.fhia, June 10, 1ST& Francisco Pcralto, the Mexlenn, aocompllahed tbe j feat at Suffolk P-irk to-iay ni ri<iin( 190 mitca In ?rvn 1 hoi:r?. u-mg Iwenty-flve mustang hornc-a. The atten<i ancn of spectator* was slim. The rider ttarted at ! itt?-lvo noon and cloaod the la?t mile ai tea minutes ol ?even. | EXTRAORDINARY RUN AT MILLIARDS. Oxaha, June 10, 187#. In a social fame ot Fr*nch carrom billiard* tbla evening Tennle McAfee, of this clly, mule a run of 301 shots. l'EDESTRIANISM. nocHF.."T?it, N. T., June 10, 1876. Ccor^c K. Avery began the attempt to walk loo nule* in twenty-one hours at two o'clock ilila morale*. At nine o'clock to-niglit lio had thirty miles to walk, lie fore eleven o'clock (at hairj> in ten) be gave oat, bav ins walked a littte ovor MWcntv-aeven mile*. Oustim^. who endeavored to walk teu milei In one hmir an<l thirty-live minute*, tailed, accomplishing tbe ta.?k in one boar, iorty-four minute* and thirty-two atconda IRON PUDDI KH S 8TRIKK. I ittmimi, Pa., June 10, 1MB. The puddler* met to-day, rejected the compromtae I proposed by tbe manufaeturera and deolded m connate | tbe lock-out. Attitude of Russia, Germany, France and England to Turkey. WHO HOLDS THE TRUMPS ? I French Legitimist Movements? I Spain and the Pope. THEATRICAL AND LITERARY DOINGS. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE HERALD BT CABLE. ] HERALD BUREAU, ) NO. 01 AVENUE DK L'OPKRA, J I*A Ills, June 10. 1STli. ) Topmost of things political In still the interest In the Turkish question. Tho various moves In the game are watched here with unwearying attention. It would not do to let Prance And herself in a posi tion she does not desire, bod in case of war there is no doubt that all sides would" seek France's good will. AH the Powers involved havo been In their tnrn the enemies of France, but she finds herself now in a position where she need not*be over friendly with any, and yet the active enemy of none. RUSSIAN I>RStGN3. Russia is seriously meditating the huge work of a partition of Turkey In Europe, despite all pacific assnrances to the contrary. Germany, on the other hand, is secretly opposing tho schemes for Russian aggrandisement. FRANCE AND ENGLAND. While this state of affairs exists between the Northern Powers it is worthy of note that there is a misunderstanding between the French and English Cabinets on the Eastern question. There is little likelihood, Just now, of the alliance of Crimean times j being repeated. ENGLAND ON THE QUJ VIVF. England Is very cautious and watchful, and it is evident that she holds trump cards ail round the game, if she can only get time to play them. THE BU1TISU AHEAD. England Is very cautions and watchful, bat her statesmen hold trumps all round the game. AUSTRIA FIZZLED. The Austrian policy Is vacillating, as If she did not exactly know which side to take. Hence she silt among the nations waiting on Gortschakoff, Bis marck and Disraeli. TIIE OLD RESORT. The assemblage of a European Congress, that tUneworn resort of implicated ministries and anxl ons monnrchs, is probable. THE ASIIES or LOUIS PHILIPPE. The proposed removal of the remains of the late King I/onls Philippe and of the ashes of the members of his family who died in exile, from their resting I place In England for reinterment in France, will lie { made a pretext for the Initiation of another move ment lor the faslon of the Orleanlsts and legitimists. TIIE UNIVERSITY BILL. The French University bill, which accedes to the State the right ot controlling the appointments In the universities of France, is considered ccruin to pass the Senate. ALFONSO'S ATTITUDE TOWARD THK VATICAN. The Spanish Ministry is attempting to conciliate the Pope and Antonelll on the subject of their oppo sition to the religious toleration clause of the con stitution. PARIS THEATRES. The Parisian theatres are (losing or have been | closed for the summer vacation. WHAT IS ON THR BOARDS. The houses which remain open tire reproducing old favorite pieces. A PANGEROl'R XOVFJ.TY. The only novelty is a piece entitled "Le Coup de Canif," which Is on the boards ut the TMAtre Dcs Arts. It Is remarkable chiefly for the fact that there j are six adulteries in it. AT THE I.TKIQl'K. Weber's "Oberon" was revived at the f.yriqne on Thursday with gri at succoas, and will probably have along run. TI1K cn\Ni? OTKRA. The statement that Mile. Krauss lias permanently ; left the (irand Opera is untrue. She will return to j the house in September. TUB tTAl.tRNg. I The Italians will open in September with "Forxa del Btstlno," i Sulvinl will probably play there on the off nights. IN 187S?"FOLYKCCTR." "Polyeucte" will no! be produced before the open I ing of the French Inhibition in 1S78. M. Gounod bus sold the bcorc to tli?* music publisher Lenwino i for $^o,ooo. WAGNKK'S "TRTUXiY."' Every teat for the tlrst series of Wagner's Tril ogy has tieeu taken. Tlie performance will com mence at IJaireuth in the middle of July. IVBKMTeiK FOR Rt'SStA. J RubenstelU Iim left Paris for St. Petersburg. Ills live London rehearsals netted $10,000. strains' Concerts, Xe?otiiittons have been opened for a terie* of Strauss concerts m Paris during tlac Exhibition of lsTU. to be given In a concert r oin which Is to be built, cai?able of accommodating *,<k?> persons. cn.i.iNo TOT garbe.s rnn viknnv. Ilerr Jauner, th" director ot the Imperial opera of Vienna, lenves 1'^r.s to-morrow, after a fruitless i nearch for novelties. He takes back only "Ploco lino." lie won't have "IMmitrl." A FEW A DONNA M?*XDAI? Scandal ii busy with the Da pie of a prima d<>nna who has been hither:0 believed to be irre proachable. MOM HONKT. The government subvention to tlie Lyrlque and Op^ra t'omiqtif is to b# raised to |4u,ooo each. OOINO 01T <<r THE Bl MNBS*. ,On the expiration of the present leases the eity of Paris will ten all the theatres of which the mu nicipality is proprietor. The Corporation finds the property too onerous for Its management. NEW COMEDIES. 1 Mcwsky, the author of "l/ss Danicheffs," Is flnish I Ing a new five act comedy. | Sardou is engaged In writing a new five act | comedy for the Uymnose. Tlie subject Is taken | from sporting life. TAXATION AND THE POOR. Tlie tax on theatres t*t?MMM4 for the benefit of the poor Is likely to be abottsltcd. A Git i: AT WORK. Ztiim' mt roluoi* on tn? "Utrman Empire and Chur-h In the Middle Apt-.'' forming part of his valuable history of Germany, 1* Jun published. a acKxi is mw took. The Km nco-American I'mon is exhibiting a pano rama of that portion of New Torfc where liurtholde's 1 great statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World" 1* to be erected. sirrnxo. All Paris is betting on tlie result'of the Grand r*rix, which Is to come on to-morrow. Tl?e j>rlze 1% The quotation! arcs as follow*:?2 to i on M. Alex. l!aliazy.i'* b. c. Ki?ber, 'lie winner <>f the Her; v; 10 to 1 against Han at A. de Rothschild's < lu c. Ktlt; 12 to 1 against M. A. Lupin's Knguerrnude, who, with Cornelia, ran a dead bent for thellrst place in | the last Oaks Stakes at Epsom, and 12 to 1 against M. Lefevre'sch. c. Ilracotuiier. COMUKHCB AM) UNWCK. # ? Trade in <Sepr<k**e<L The banks ar? gorged with , specie, THE EMPEROR OF BRAZIL. ' HIS MAJTSTY IN8FKCT1NO TUT. AKT TBEAOTBB8 , OF THi: "HUB"?A VISIT TO HABYABD CNI- i VKRSlTY?DINING WITH LONGFELLOW, Kit KB* i BON AND HOLMES. Sosntv. June 10. jsTo. His Majesty drove out early this tnornltlg, devot Ing iii.~ time beiore I reakfust to the inspection Of Home of the public monuments of the city and the gallery of the New Art School, which, unfortunately, is In a very Incomplete state?work not yet having ! ceased on the building?:and a large part of the art j collection remaining in the old gallery. His j Majesty was particularly anxious to see the , works of American painters, but for some ciuse or oilier there were very few vis- i Ible. Some pictures of the celebrated Moiupcn?ler 1 collection that were In the gallery did not impress j His Majesty very much, for he did not hesitate to I express an opinion that in all probability they were copies; but this was said ra'lier on general princi ples than the result of careful examination. Al though seen under very unfavorable drcumatancea, there was enough evidence of the scope and Intelli gent direction of the School of Design and its gal leries to Impress favorably the Imperial visitor. Among the public monuments that attracted Ills Maj esty's attention In a special manner were the Wash ington equestrian statue aud Milmore's statue of Clover. Ills Majesty breakfasted with Professor Agassiz's widow, and afterward visited Harvard University in company with the son of the great naturalist, himself a professor In the university, who pre sented the Emperor to the faculty. After examin ing several of the rare and curious liooksin the library His Majesty visited the Department of Chemistry and Physios, conversing freely with each professor on his own department In a way to show clearly a large practical Hctptaiutance with natural science. The faculty were verj well pleased with their visitor, whom they found as enthusiastic a student as they could desire, ills Majesty was interested in every thing tlicy had to tell lilm about Itooks or sclentillc discovery, and wauled to be shown everything of In terest In the butldlug. and, as the object* of Interest are wonderfully numerous, the President ami his professors had rather a busy time of It. Ills Majesty was very well pleased with the splendid condition of the scientific department of the university, which lie thought pretty well nigh perfect. From the university His Majesty drove to the Au burn Cemetery, returning to the house of the poet Longfellow, at Cambridge, to dine. Among Un invited guests whom Ills Majesty expected to meet were Ralph Waldo Emerson ami Professor Holmes. In the evening the Kmperor and Empress, accom panied by the Visconde 1)1 Horn Rettro and Admiral Lamare, went to the lloston Theatre to witness the performance of the Yokes Family. OFFICIAL CROOKEDNESS, LOUISIANA POLITICIANS ITNDF.ll THE LIGHT OF INVESTIGATION. Nkw OautASS, June 10, 1ST a. J. G. llienvorn, J. J. lltnnon and K. J. Knrsehecdt were arrested by a Deputy I'nited States Marshal upon a charge of conspiracy to del mud the government lu canoecttnn with Construction Department of the Cus tom House. and were bulled lu $5.01)0 earn 10 unswxr. Several witnesses wero examined beiore the l<otiisl nnn Investigating Committee to-day, developing hut liltleothcr ihun the croekudnrs* of j. Male s.vpher aud A. J. Hrpher in relation to the i>;<t of John Clarke tor iron work on the Custom House. It was testified that they raised Clarke's hid Iron) J.'i'i.OOO to $42,000 and then bad the contract cancelled because CUrko re fused to pay them f'2,000. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. WaK DnPARTVKVT, ) OrFicK or tbr Crisp Picxai. Omen, J Wasiiinotox, -Innci!?1 A. M. ) t Probabilities, .Fur AunJ.iv in the South Atlantic and Gull State*, warmer easterly wind*, partly rlondv weather, loca| rains and lower presatire, except followed by cooler northerly winds and rising barometer In the Int'-riorol the southwest. lu Tennessee and Ohio Valley, southwest winds, warmer, partly cloudy weaiher arid stationary pressure. In the Upper Missls-tipl ami Lower Missouri valley*, and the npper la!;e region, rising barometer, soutb wept to northwest winds, partly cloudy, cooler weather. For tho lower IjIc."1* an I Hew Kugl.ind, opposing cooler northeast and warmer t>. nth west wind', rising bammetar and cloudy or partly cloudy went her. For the Middle Atlantic .State*, southerly aud west erly winds, stationary or risitis iNiroraetcr, cooler, partly cloudy or clear weather, except storms. The rivers will continue as on Saturday. THE WKATHKll YX9TKBDAY. Tlio following record Will show the changes In the temperature for the past twenty-four hours. In com parison with the corresponding date ol last year, rs in* il.rated iiv tlio thermometer at Htidntii's pharmacy, Ukkald HalMing IK7A. 1876. 117ft, 187#. 8 A. >1 ..7 f.s 3:30 1*. M 81 <J.? I A. M 47 6'" 8 f M t. 7i bO 9A. 11 'U 7ft OR U AS 77 12 11 72 I : 13 II o> 74 Average iem|ieratura yeaterday 77 Aver?iif>'temperatnro tor correapoadlog date last year.. 67',' 187ft. ls;n. Weekly aversgo oc c-7 72 HOT EIj ARRIVALS. Senator Henry Cooper, or Ti mte- :-e?; Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, and Oils Ni>rcros?, of fluftoo, nr.' at tlio Filth Avenue Hotel. HMmp Holland N. Mci veire. of Tcnne^ee," n aMyint; at the t>raa4 Cen tral Hotel. Lieutenant Commander K I). Evnns, United Mates N'avy, :s ( at the St. James Hot'' . general John C. Hobinsoii, of Hinshnmton, h M the Coleman House William T. Adania! Oiirer Optic"*, of Boston, is ragisierea *t the Westminster .leu o"ii-i William X. <;rt*r ami l.ieatenant Goorgc N. vvii'.eler, United ? tales Army, arc .u the Mrerett Hon -.' THEY YIELD; THAT K aU. KKl'I'TIVK COM Dlrnnti do. to <11. r'.N N' - Koutiua S .*r III I.I,'.S Una llfK, black or brown. .Vic A.? j il'rjm llm Toledo Hlada.) Sper ml tilts 1* Medicine MT* ttiMlsh on our rue 'th * Iviijrliiy article dr?fnb Imk tlm syMetB of the noted ?p?ciall)l, Isr. it. V, I'IMU R. of . a sftMo, M v.. In ivliicB ||? ???t* I Ttti with considerable j trn. e sn I otearn??i> lil? rea?oa? l?r devoting Silt wlinl<i una sn.l att"iiiion to * ?inif!e ilepartment ?: medi :ine?t:.? :res'> aieot ?i ItarWlnn rhri.riif <ti?.'??'?. i ;??? ?Htn? ankle ?Im It ii.. s tip the ?uldeci* el .iMirno-i* m?th.Ki? of consultation aad treatment. ?e., and WW t?e fotinv to cantata manv ?ai nsble hints t? < It' invalid. i'r. Pierce u tbr anther of a ! ???or* winch lias ?lr-ad? obtained ? l?r(t (imlatlraix'tlH Common hensa M?Hr*lA4vi<tr"-tngtatiwis ?ome W" ii'iinerwaalv illustrated |? ?#e? sad .IcT'.tetf to ta*dtclna II. sll its hra?dbt?, ? ? m * well I no.( lor the IfllUtaflCS i slid I Oft met ion >| the |t-";.io it ,.trgi-. and which m*j he , had for $1 >i (|. '-tpal l by ? |.i-.-..|.-he *ni!ior l?r. . Ptewi ban naWleen Uef.?re the ueaeral p lOlto lonu enotuh [ t>. enable the for-na i? ? -i of a i <r?ftil esilmsta of t! ? efflrleney hl? tf.oi'meiit and lil? m* li.'in. ?, mi l tli? verdi-t, we sro j glad lo know. ba? !. -en unlver*slly farornble to both. ?'A DKCIDKI) ADVASi E.,r Jad|!<?' r< purt, Amerlean la-'itnte fair. haw Wuuat & (iisat Ii AurosiTia Blirxt Si win-. M?i iiin*. I Awarded the trr. n < "(Sold Medal of Projrress'' of the j At;i"ii ?n In?t?: ut?. i'?ifmli?r, 187A,and tbe " s.-ntt l.e<*. y Meilal' of tbe KtmUlin Snutltme, Oct itoer, IHT.'t. Sn other sewinx riacliine |n ihe ?rnrM h*t an "antnmatle teusion" or miy other et Its rharacteri>;i<; festurea Ccrrc?pindenra and inTe>tis ition Intlted. * WILL* ti.v .. filBliK s M. t o. Hroadway, corner Bond H. ALL TOILET* ARE NOT COMrLETK WITHOUT CUKltfTAUOau'd Uab Dis; ja?t the thiac. SiJvaast. ! ai.-"hf: t at ohs at scaih xrver rr.i.r * wound," ititci tin* KN'OX Mtibintr ?'yi* <*l k* title rue n a Illiri inspire^ tit* arii-t who pro iueau it?'tba taluiitahl* kriox himat*lf?~with * iirmtsj tha; U iIm)i>:ltrhit and ?um oier like. Wa r?pett mir M*vic*, buy yaur Jlut* *t -12 Ui'?(|#tyt c.r Ml KSu'k S Klftli Atiuil) llot;-1 t*tab!i t* ruent i a. ?ttKNN ETT "lil I LIU N<~ iiitJ.i'KooP. LOOatkii os na-^u. \ ss anh kitltox stji UA.mDmJM KM \ ,11 WI LL hi vTLD ii.'t ICb TO LhT OS V! "V KKA>ON\HLTKlt.dS, Sl'iTABLI. KOH LAWYER*. BANKKe<* AM) I.NSl! RAXCE OI TICKS. apply rin: pui:mi*k A.?KSPENSCIIr:ID'S NEW STYLE OK DRV?SHAT. No artirli* of intmubn* w *-*i i ix appai??l improve* tha p"ft? tonal app#arane?* n > ro nrli a* 1411 ?*i?*vm?dy appdmed n it. FSPP.NsCH KllPS A ;* ka Oa*XjtH hltrodtt' d, m ?b idi'*? 4>\ t attribut* ol i% t wnmuer dn*? hat. T<;t!i*ni at IIS Xtisnnu A (IHNTLKMAX'S JT.AHL ?\\s THERE IIATf $'J w?, writi *i>\. Sftwintty, Ai.i^v fc/ l'? New Chur.'U *?.. tip fttuirt. % A PIBLIC IJKN Ki \? ToK N ? man ri-ull* know* *but amount of *ufTenn*r mar ha alleviated until he l?u' * unt) ?(IKJtl'iAN ^ e*|?bratad iigbl HOUMKIt II AT', at IlL' Nl?<t4U -t.,?'?rn?T?f Ail'l. **A PERKEOTTK i>*s'AT*LA<Vv> IsTtHK VSQVAhV fle?i Judgment of every plivvirinn on evntnitnni* ilia mat h lc?- VM Toit i k: *v No 3 Vt'icy *t.? A*tor liouiw; t.tti*lat> lii'ii ev<try tiim- or nu n.ilf ; 11 o :utdai*trap. AIX PROtflFENT PHYSICIANS NOW RF.COM* mend tlia e fleet 1 > ?? l sold only by KLAS Til.' THChS t!OM I*aN V, Ik**') i3roadw?y, which, woan ?najr? ?o<?n cure* rupture. ahead ok auTTompkFitokA"*1n every de Ktrahle quality. tha Hicum Thi'*h. No. 2 I8?n lav mi. A.?GREAT IN!>l'CKMi;NT FOR MOVING; ONLY (W \ mouth tor nlra I'ahlou I'mxir, with lirg^ Kxtk-Nhio* tttnl li^lit, nirv H\>i mi m?? I it priv ?t ?? Ii?iun?i: Ninth witnL A'i?'rfnn. for ont? wri-k, AMKRICAX, Jlorald olBr?. Bl-V YOUR HATS AT SMIAVNK'S; PRICKS RE. nn Sii.k IIatm line, ntifl' ?il?1 nolt Kri.t ll^TS; haad. qilKrtar- lor ihi? ?*rl"hrat^U 1Iai> oi'.nck Mai, |?rlcaf250. VValU'-kN Thaalra ttntlfMlif, Hr<i?tlw?v i?.nd Kith ni. CANCER CCRKI) wYtHOI'T THK KNIFE OU pain, mot )io?itivi*lv itUHrftntaod, by .1. M. 1'OMINS, M. IK, Lexington nv . Nrw V??rk. S?*nd Ktamp for book. CAMPHOR AT WHOLESALE I'RTcES?SEPARATE dep'u tinent lor rmntMiatidini; ni ?"t ripiloiM; Ioiik ??xp?*riato,a andnkillad HM>i<<tai)Ctv liAltTNJ/n' N Pliarinacy, Hih ana 4t!? nv. CANCER 8t;CCIWKrLLV REMOVKO wituout knifa, rmntic *>r iMiUonon* ialn?'rnU. l*unit?!>l**t lr??a. Drt*. HIMftVN .v sTODDAItO, No. H Weat 14tl? ?t. DYEING ANT) i LKANTnO NEW YORK DYKINU ASH J* it I NT! NO K.ST A li LISIIM K S T. STATION IHLAND. Ofllcaa?Mi Duana m., 752 liroa?i\% ti>. oifMJrh nv.. New York; !???? 4tid !t?S Plerii*po'it ?t.. Hrooklv n; 40 North iWh at., Philadelphia. f*fnbllahcd <?7 yearn, D YS PK PS I A.^-S IIA R P'S CHARCo"ai7 PILLS, ANT! n^p?ic. aperient, alt^rativa, rnra Indigestion, eimatipation. liver roniDiaiiit, lirndaeha and pil?f. HAUTNKIT'S (Hihla Hoima) Pharmaor. DON'T LOSE YOUR" HAIR.?CHEVALIER'S LIKH rou thk Haiu n??toie?? ^rraj* hair pert'eetlr. nop* ll^ fallina out at onre. incraan.'K Its jrrowth rapidly, and make* tlva hair beautiful. Sold by all drugai*t*. GALVANIC liATHS AND ELE<'TRICAL TREAT* ment of various kimls urientificail)' a<lminUtared lor tha relief of aeutu and rbronic Ji^i-aso at So. 7 West MtU tt. Circulnr* birwarded. IIOT EI,. 11 < )Ti: lT rnnaucipiii:i. liOCf.D S new iron Iront Hotel, on tlii) European pins Room* SI to $2 per day, or lull Board, with Room, $3 per day. I minibuses to nil trains OOUMV8 Hotel. corner of Jd mid Spruce ?ts , Philadelphia. NO FAMILY~AT THIS 8KA#ON SHOULD nB without Home of HI l!ll AN'S ( aiiuoi.m? HoiFi Kl John at. l'UROATION VS. THE KN'IKE. "Omnium morhortim unns et Idem modus est." ?Hlppocrateaa, "Purge out tbe old Iftrra and ,ve ohull be a new lump, Tree from *pot or blemish."?St. Paul. In tliix day. when Unlit heuuis upon the cottage, a* well a* upon the palace, It is iluH'klim Unit a man's lei; uiuat bit cut off because of * lever (ere. it* happened at Tarry town re cently. Kever sore is a Curable disease, the lo*< ol' * limh nn Irretrievable misfortune. The Mutilator amputation in fear ful In it* present Hnd remote consequence*. Thin cuttlug doe* uot in any wine reduce the sum ol impure humor* in it patient's bo ly?the ?eed* of di*en?c are Htill left Hiid will Rarely grow nj'iiin. au<l the rase will he worse 1han before, until tlie end cotuetS, which will he Roon. To cure fever sore, never lose your limb. 11 Ii iihout an sensible it plan al to eut off your lie?d becauRe it ncbea. A he me thy. 7l> vear? aw, clearly proved thut local dlseaaa could only bo cured by remedies whose action wan through the stomach ami bowel*. I have cured, by the use of llrandreth's 1*111k. Ur*" num bers of fever ?oreR, many of the pu'lent* living In thin county. One ca*e, ? yountr man aired twenty five, had freer Here on his knee For months the lending doctor of the vil lage intruded without Imparting the leunt henellt. At bu>t be Rnld there w?* no rnre. and to save the patient'* Hie the leu und u piece ol' the thljrh mM he cut off. Tbe day w?r fixed for the operation: iu the meantime 1 was consulted. The doctor, wltfi tools ami assistant*, came on time, hut lha pHtleut said he would no| a lure t lie limb cnt off; that he wa? now taking Uraitdreth's I'ill* by the advice of l>r. Brau dreth. who Raid thej would cur- his fever mire and aUo re More hla health Of course tlie tirent Doctor left In distrust, swearing the sale of Rucli devilish pill* should be Mopped to) law. IIKSIJIjT?Patient recovered his health perfectly, Ir alivt now, and for thirty yean has bad the nse of the limb. Again. a gentleman huhliiiL- an Import mt position In our county had a fever sore on his foot, itnd Tor over a year hob bled nbout on crutrhes. lit- wns ensured by bin doctors the only cure wa? ampiilnllon But he had heard ot the above c?*e nni| conclude'! to try lirst what lliandreth's I'illi would do for him. He used them steadily lor six months, and they cured hin fersr sote and restored hi* health com pletely. The ideaof riirinir disease by taking ont iinpuiltie* will yet become tbe leadiug method of treating ail minuter o| i>icknesii. Mihl diet and purgation. with n due regard to tha In** of lire. will certainly cure any curable malady. I have practiced. thi? method for fifty year* and knoa- tha efficacy t her -of. The public servant, B. BRANDRETH, M. Sk Stso Sikc, May 'J'J, 1870. The principle of purgation. ot rleaatinir, U curatlvely en forced by H K A N DRETII'8 I'lhhM, because they exnel lrom the blood, by the bowel*, the par" tteular humor Ml whose preeeuc* dependa nil matter of sick ?es?. Being removed, nil inanurr of slckncsa iacnted. In the Inst ten year* the I'uited States government sup plied Mr. Krundri'th with OVER 4H.IW.UW OP ONE CENT STAMPS with his name iu the name. HittMiKKin I'ii.ij? ate fold everywhere. Observe B. Brandreth iu wiiite letter* on govern moat ataoap Principal alDee Canul and Hroadway, under Rrandrctb House. .sew York. RHEUMATISM Hi:<TlVi Ys AM. YOLK COMFORl fir Kl riahU'S Km uuatic Hi hi- ur will cure you. Depot, 21 John *i. IM'I'TI'HK. ?A ~ PERMANENT CrhE BY DR. MARSH'S treatment. Sua KiinlP Stock ivi:*, Aidom. 1**1. BKI.TS. hllOLl.tilK Bhii I - anil KlIMMU ArPl.t A.M;iJ of every description. No. - VeseT *:. SODA WATEIi APPAKATI'S* FOR* MAKING ALL Aerated I$e? era;;ea. JOHN M ATTHl.W*, 1st a v. and 1! oil A., city. WIG*, 10UPEBH.?(i. KAUCUFUsa, PRACTICAL WU maker and importer of Human Hair, 44 Ka*t IJtli st. ON C0|7lATERaT ?A PARTY WITH THI? am .'ii nt and *ervtce wauted. a* tMChltr and manaVer of a tiiaaafanafhir eatablMiraeat; salary fi>m. Addri-**, lot Interview. V. M.TII AM, Herald office. \KW PVtflilVATIOMt. 4 RE Vol; ?;'?I Nil INTO THE l UI NTItYr ' HOME JOlUXAL oontaln* new Hat* of Mimmer Ra? ?ort*. irlving prlers. dlatance* aud other partlcolara. fend |iicent*. MORRIS PHILLIP* & ro . No. :t Park place. X. Y. ?U>.\Sl EI.O -l!V UKOROK SAND. / A new,cheap .>ctavo edition. tieorge Sand * gre.ite*t wmk. t'ONSL'KI.O, A .No\p| By tleorge Sand. Tranalntad from the latest Pari* edition with all the new revision* ami correciii n* )iy the atltbor. A new aud cheap edition le pnt>. Ii*hed tbl?dav. complete in one lari;e octavo volume, paper cover, prh'e 7.hv. or a liner edition. In one volume, duo* decltiio cloth. :;ilt, for Ifl OEOKt.l. SANDS RFST WORKS. I on ue! o, llimo., cloth #1 '?<> J Je.ilouty. IHmu., cleth. 91 8" t'n'intess of Radolstadt. 1 ?'*? ! Indiana, I'Jmo., cloth.. 1 .VI Above ar- iu I'imo , cloth, gilt side and bai:g. Faocbon. the Crktket,$1 lapapi-i, or cloth .91 ."?*i first and True l^ire '?'< I Tlie I or-alr. .*1 Siriion .V)| IhIRSAMIbI 5ii Monstenr Antoiue, II f .Initiation-, paper. 7.V.; cloth.. lOi Abme ho k- I're lor .ule hv a.'l booksellers, or Cople* of any one or i ll v 111 ke sent, post paid, to any one, to an/ piace, on remittiiiK c-lce to the miiiliaheri, r. It. PEniKSON A brothers. ? . 'i ttun ?t.. Pliilaili-lphla, Pa. /"iax< i;k> new tkeatise, h.\plainin?Y riliTi tii* -astni treatmeut -eiii fire. t Dr. liK'i\*N k S11 iMDaRD, No. S West 14th at. IJHkUTV MKI.I. J A fplendW collertioa of o?er VI national and patriotic lung* id "II minifies, a'ratiited as *nlo?, qaartota and ehoraae*. for ? elehr < o :is. 'o which is addnl the Declara Un:i uf to dependence, aslilagtutt* Karewell Addre** and picture of the lalti'-rTy B 'll. Price, in paper. V>e.; honrd*, lit . post paid. WII.I.IAM a. POND A CO., 5*7 llraaS way. araus i ?l re. :tt? I nhm sainure 1 771! -I'l-.MT.NMAI. -KV itOCKKTS. li5S 1 < n>. Ii S HOODSPRRD A ro . H llarliy It., .New V' rk. j ~T11K NEW MaUAAI.ME, ~ RECORD OK TilE TEAR. Fourth Number (July) rrady tolay, with a flng Steel Portrait bf A. T. St?wart, hiicaraer, death, will end gacee*alou. Aril. t?e?l l*s tha uiiliin.' an l valuable dlarr of important ev?ni- aud iK'i'n ten throng it '.lie world, t'tia outnber contain , amou/ JlRi other article*, t io lollowlng poiaU of tpecial Interest t/'iei'n Vk iorla's New I i? le Mi' .1 olin IInil % Pluoisopher* 'Koo|*i. The Tr-ie Am> tie m~!i characteristic poena, V ashlngt'ia a Marahal of Freiti e Je hi tairelva's Ksncy. New llor?e Car Poetry, for April. Mom IVdro'? Characteristic Thr-e tiaoltallsts ?A at or, iHewarl, Vanderhllt, Mark Ta^m at it Horse Am tlon. >.r.t Female ledibylat at W ii.l.lMgton. Tiie tiirl of Seville - a ^p .nlnti poem. Royalty In the I nited -l ite*. I Ari Minis Ward's Char u e and !'e. nli irit >*. i Monthly Recortl ot Congiess, Ac. I TniaK* l" be Uughe t at, popular and tn-tchin? paeS% iVetch-s. Incident*. . in >u' 'i altraetlve v irteiy. that I* 1?rm< Mi* rMtett amount of valuable urn entertaining rea<t | in;; almost ever embraced in a magatlne. I fhla new periodical, which has already reaehed sneh aa | enormnes populnrlty, I* >oinathlaK new and ori,uial hi Hit j w*y of a monthlT inagasiue llelni; a -ort of reffrreav< ?rrapbook or moathly rei oril of Import am event* thst kar> pea In eav pert of the world, srlta a ? ?laction af the mi?*l I'opular miscellany of the currant atom h, prose and ;io"ry. loreign *nd domestic, h.dited by Kraak iMtt, ?l lli4"W bellien l eeord." One ef the mo*t entertaining and ^vgfnakla 8r?t et?w mon'hly magarlnes e\ei issnei Price, .Vi cent* a Ntorttb or fi* for * ve*i * snhacrlplton. Yearly tabieriptioai begia with any month. a W, CARLlfroN A f??.. PaMiehen, Madlaon i^tiare, An tort.