THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,539. u1hkcrukv FPU Auykkt1skks. IEKALD Bit ASCII OFFICE, BROADWAY.? OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT, FOR rbckption or advertisements and sales of paj'KRS, ihl'sbmkntl'?2n Pack?lilud^leoli. antttolUOE.-?'ji? Pack ud cuL brooklyn B*al kstate fob SALE?1?T Paok? 41 ii ? .1. Bl ? "t-lffl ?!? Pack? BUSINK.*S notickk-7tm i'wa-uh col. CITY RE.u.jislate FOR bALE-ler P Ac?-4th ml clerks AND salesmen--I2TU Pack?4th col. clothing -ijtic Pack?tith col. coachmen A vi; GARDENERS?12th Pack?4tb eeL COASTWISE stkamships?.'h pack?3d col. COUNTRY BOARD?ikth Pack?sin col. DBV GOODS-1st i'auk?lltli col. dwelling houses TO LET. FURNISHED AND unfurnished?1st Pack?4th ool. european sikamsuips-uu l'AUK-Sd ool. EUROPE?12th Pack?(ith ooL excursion'S?2|? Pack?sdcol finasclal-iwn Pack. por HALE?i3tii pack?Oth col. purnimiid ro >MS AND apartments TO LBT? i?T Pack 4tli und 5th col*. PI'RNITU11k-I2th i'ack-uthcul. HELP wanted?fk WALKS- 12tii pac?-3d mid 4th col*. iillp WANTED?MALES?r.TH Pack?4lli and 5th col*. Horses, carriages, it:.?m Pack-im. .'4 ?ud 4th Colt. HOTELS ? 12th Pack?5th col. houses, uoums. jc., wanted?a? Pac*?uieol INSTRUCTION 1st Pask-uii col. LOST AND kol'ND?1st Pack?1st col. Machinery?i-jth pack-doi o?i. MARBLE MANTELS-20 Pack?3d col. medical?12rn Pack?Oth col. MILLINERY AND DKKKSM A KINO?1*T Paok?8tli col. miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?ioth pacb? 8th cut. NEW publications?7*1! i'aok-Oth col. personal- 1st 1'a?s-1iicoI. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. ac.?-'d PA?b-lst col. pbofessio.NAL situations WANTED?pemale8? l-jth PAGK-3d cut. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RKNT-lsr Pack?4th col. BKAL ks'i atk To exoiianoe?1st Pack?4th col. religiou> NOTICES?1st Pack?1st col. BEWards?1st Paok?1st col. BALES AT auction -1st Paok?5th and 6th coll. SITUATIONS wantkd-females-i2th paok-lst, 2d ?imi 3-1 cols. ?ITUaTIONn W A N'TE d?m ALES - 13th Paok?4th coL special notices?1st pack-i?i coi. ?PORTI NO?dous, BIRDS. ac.?1st i'aub?3d col. 61 OR AO E?vn pack?2d col. summer resorts?1 2th Pack-5tb and Oth eols. THE tradlis-l tii Pack-5th coL THE TURK- 1st Paok-'-m cil. TO LET Koll iiusi NESS PURPOSES?1st Pack?4th col. travkllkils' (? U1DK?2d pack?3d col. UNFURNISHED ItoOMS AND apartments TO LET? itr Pack?5th watches, JEWELRY. AC.-jo I*ag?-ad col, WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY pou SALE OB TO LET? 1st Pack?4th col. rACIITS. steam HO ATS, AC.?tora PAOB-flth col. v peksusal. CI**".-^jf.romk PARK.' SATURDAY afternoon: 1 satisfactory explanation; Argyle Shadow ?? liunsnnte" to-night. CLUB HOY. JEN N IE MANSKI c;l1 J?w HERE ABE' lou ? send letters its heoru. JOE. Maroukritk-dont imaoini-: fob one moment tloit yoii ?oro forgotten; conldo't prevent it; luoder ite ; triiu: liope. AN ik?DON'T FORGET "carnival sttaDOW Dance this evening at Kink, o:id ?t. mid 3d ??. leff1ngwh.LL. Wii L ii. D. MARIE PETERSEN, who was fn CO puuhnbcn winter ol is74 5, ulcus* tend her prctcut tddrau to the lri?ud who assisted Iter ? M tuililulous noflceb. fjhhe"OOSPKL TENT," 7"" jl 34th st.. West, and soar Oth av. firrcen cars of Thirty-fourth struct llua pats the mai.) MONDAY, S P. M ?Meeting of now convert!. ^ddrestet hy Rev. Stopheu ii. tyue, Jr., and others. TUESDAY, a 1'. M.?Preaching hy Rev. R. Jeffrey, D. D.. ?f ilrooklyc. wednesday, 8 P. M.?Preaching by Re*. W. Hump stone. THURSDAY, 8 P. M.?Preaching by Rev. R. R. Booth, D. D. FBIDAY, S P. M.?Preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. SATURDAY, 8 P. M.?Meeting of cbrlitlau workers to be led by In tie John Vussar. Singing every evening by Thomas k. Perkins and a eboras. Beau fr< e to all. Helper* wanted at ushers, workers aud singers. Address l P. WILLIAMS. No. 40 East 43d st. Contributions to the support of those sorvices tuay ho sent to E. L. OWENS, Treasurer. No. 40 East 43d it. lont aisii jf o I, n J. y'6st-on THUllSDAYr JUNE ' 8."BETWEEN 45TH lj and 47th st*.,4th av., a gray Spits Dog, with steel toiiur; a liberal reward. 4u We*t 10th tt. IOST-A BROWN AND YKLLOW CANARY. THE J Under will be liberally rewarded by returning tho sauie to 111) 4th av. IOST?ON SATURDAY, OOINU KROM WHITE STAB J steamer, about lour w'eloc*. through 10th. Hudson and IHiarle* sts. and tircenwicb uv. mid 10th st. to Uth av., a leather Case, containing a travailing clock. The finder *111 be suitably rewarded by leaving U at 50O 5th a*. Lost.?a plain hold bracelet. set with pearl>, Saturday evening- The Under will bo liberally ?u warded bv returning it to til West 52d st. WATCH LOST-ON WEST 1ST., NEAR l'ENNSYL vauia ll Ifroailn s O ?fsoi.oiu IN l-lllZKrt-EVKRY OTHKR TICKET A O* Prise.? SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S *iiil'Iv nmulier Kent?c*> .-state l.oitvry to he drawn .fun* 24, 1876; 2o,430 lirises mil of "ii.taxt tickets; also lloyai Havana to De drawn on June i , IH1H J, t:LL' l*R A CO.. 21*1 Broadway, or box 4/NIM Pott office. HOYAI. HAVANA LOTTERY. -frtun.tXW WILL BE *ra.?ii on Jun* 21*. Prise* cashed ; orders ftllod . Inf..r. mat! in nulled; highest rates paid lor Spanish bills, gov ?rnioent*. .tc. _ TAYI.OR A CO., Banker*. No. 1| Wall St.. New York. ? Ril.i.uuui, "X MMtltJAN STANDARD V.hVh.1. l^l.i.l AliD TAIILES, J\ with IMouey's wire cnsliiotis. solely used in ail cli?in ihoiship ami match games; second nand Tables at crcat Kurgsm? IV. II. ORIKKITH A f'O., No. -4H V'esey st. (1 OLLWfokR'#" .-r\Ni>ai;i?" "> mV.itii-A.v BltTKL J Milliard Tables, with the celebrated Phelau A Collender ?ninbtaatioii cushion*, for *oie in this city only at 7JS llroad FO^tTveLYTH E OREaTEST INllui'KMKNTH ever offered In new and second hand Billiard Tables. Call MM) be convinced. L DECKER k CO., cornor Canal sad Centre sts. CLASS XO. 2it>-4CNX IO. H, II, 14, 12, III. ;*>. 54, 64, iO ? by applymi; to or addressing J. LLUTE wsy, or l.ox 4,tMO I'ost office. A IPORTINC-uocs. BIRDS, die "^JUHT IMPORTED. ?0 RKOUIB SPARROWS. , on.-pair of ?<-ry small Ku* Terricrv Scotch ?n.t Skv? (enters Maltese t'sts. .-quirrelv Ac.; on* veiy Hue nj M ckuu' bird. Medlcinea-for all diseasus at MliYER.V, No. a Wot Sd naar Broadway. JUST IMPORTED?A fink LOT OF sKYE TKR riers, Parrot*. Ac. john M lyon. AM Ful A. A5 THIS TURK. '-^PLkETWOOD PARK. ?MoNDaY. JUSK">? 18711.?Sweepstake closed with the following eutriui, fc)0 forte It Tliorou Simmons, br f. Dirby. Fred. Lowus, br. ut. Oystsr Girl. >1 Ualley, if. in. Liny. it. Viiwa. o. g. J. 11. H. G. Chicken. b. g. Mujor. M. Dixon. b. g. l'?uic K. Smith. Ii. g. Uiiuil B?J. Trolling will e?uiiueuec at thre-J o'clock precisely. All partier vim Nave entered lu tlia ?iiun > waapsloks sre here by 11'iiirte.J to be prepared to start tiielr liorMi ui tl>u lime announced. UATKS II. BARNARD, Preaiileut. mbFi uax JOCKEY " CLU U '? -SPIil S0~ M E H I so". l?7tf. at Jeronid Park, Sd. Mb. *tb. UXh, lHth. loth aiul ITtli Juno, Races commence eacli day punctually MB uMucli. A. llKLMoNT. Prenident. C. WIIKATLY. Secr.tarv. Tl'irrins I'OOLS SOLD THIS EVENING ON TUB .11-ruir.ii Park Hoc' ? and tlio Philadelphia troti at Snorting othce, ? Went -?lh it. T. F. BAKER, Auctioneer. LOTION' AND FRENCH I'OOLS SOI.D I HIS evening at NEW YO K Ti:?P EXCHANGE, \X West 2Hth at., on the JEROME I'AKK running r.ices; prompt *1100(100 given orderi by mail or uienscugrr. K I. LLY. IlLl.^S x CO. Aiwnl an? ras>ou pools sold at thomas Exchange, 1 ,'JSU Broadway. Monday inn and dur iiau the week, on the Jerome Running Races, Billiard Tour nament and lla?e llall Mulchus. G. M THOMAS. \UCTIoN AND FRENCH PI)? i I S SOLD,AI JOHN M)N'S roon.a. corner Broadway and L'Stli St.. this oven lux, on the Jerome Park races; particular attentiou given orders by mail, telegraph or me?iengor T. H. A W. II. JOIIN'SON. Mutual v<>MiiiNAiiiix.?'it pools, win nor and tint and second, aula thl? evenlug at sporting ottice. S Weal '.iStli at. Orders attoudod to. - GIRARD * CO._ WES* SIDE DRIVING PARK. JKRSXY CITY. Monday, June IU.?Trotting I'urso $1I>J. lor three laiuvte class; Purse $1 oil. lor ill! U'? alas*; to clone at l? P. M. KrMas June 1< . at Turf I- xctoaage, ilJO Harrow at., Jersey City. For conditions sue liilia C. HI.'tDSALL, M imager. HOR.SEH, CAlt?IA?K>i."dtt'.' A'^iftlonoN' " * " ON TUESDAY, JUXE 18, 1H70, EY VAN TASSELL A ICKAKNf.Y, Al' THEIR AlCTIoN MAUI' 1IO AND 113 EAST H SI' . Mi.iU 4T1I AV? AT 10 O'CLOCK. PAIR RAY Cj ELD IN OS, loji HANDS HIOIl, 7 AND I) yenr-. old; kind iiu-l true in all harm-as, free IVoiu vice. With oxtrii ?t> I u uud nil inn ; are ?u elegant team, eitlioi' lor road or carriage; aro Ireo and plnanmu drivers; can trot lu 11 minutes together, auil aro war routed aound. OHEHTNl'T MARE, BilED~ BY JAMES B. CLAY, aired liy Clark Chief, dam a tnorou^li bred, hall to Nicotine. 1 - vla hands high, II yours old: kind and true lu all haruesa; free iroiu vlco; a ?tyli?n ami pleasant roau*ter; cull trot close to U ininiitea; has never beau truined lor speed; is airaid of nothing, and la warranted souud. BAV MARK, t5?.k HANDS~UMH, 7 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all liarneas; tree from vice: an oxtrn saddle mure and n very pleasant roadster; is unliable and sale lor u lady to ride or drivo; does not shy or poll, and la warranted souud. SORREL PONY, lH)i HANDS, 7 YEARS; KIND AND true In ail harness and under saddle; can be ridden ur driven by children; is afraid of nothliiK; very Myllsli aud handsome; has all gaits under saddle; la a perfect put, and is warranted sound, kind aud true. Vla-n-Vis no top Phaeton, very elegant, by J. F. Good rich, Oi New llaveu. Uaaket Phaeton, with rumble, by Hradloy k Co. C spring top Pony fhaetou, by J. t\ Goodrich, of New Haven. Top doctor's Wagon, by J. P. Goodrich, of New llaven. Yictorlaa, lop ami no top Puny l'haoloua. Itockawuyi, Depot MujcbU*. Ciarcncus, top aud no top Wagon*, siugio and double liitrucsa, Ac., Ac. 1'ull dcacrlptions In Tues day'a Herald and lu catalogues at auctioneer'a oltice. *A UCTiON UOL'SE OP AK'JH. JOHNSTON^ i.V 1U, Jl, 23 and ibtli si.. . I ndhr Uulverslty place, a Z I SALES OF HORSES AND CAKRIAOES ARP. HELD O KVKUY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT lu O'CLOCK. 5 | O* EVERY HORSE warranted SOUND = FROM 24 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL, ^ TUB OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA . I BLE llOlinE IN THE CITY. GRNTLEMhN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAGES to sell, or those wishing to buy. will tind our business continued on precisely the same strict and honorable principles which have always eli.iracicrUud the dealings ol our bouse and won the respect and confidence ol the business community as wait as the public at large. TO-MORROW (TUESDAY). AT laO'ClXJCK. SIX EXTBA FINE CARRIAGE and COUPE Horses and one extra fine road Horse. THESE AKIi ALL YOUNG, SOUND AND well BRED, A.\D ark DIRECT FROM TI1K FARM IN WHICH THEY were RAlsKD. IN kentucky. SOLD AHSOLL I ely. WITHOUT RESERVE. Come and see tii*.m to-day. A ? MAJOR CHARLES W. It A RKEIC, AUCTION K I- II. , GRAND SALE of superior Di-avy DKAUGIIT HliKSt-S. the proper!}' of it contruclur retiritiii front bu-ti neas. at KAUfvKK 4V SON'S City Auction Mart nud New York Tattci sail's. corner of Broadway mid 39th (t., this day, Juuu 12, ut 11 o'clock, and comprising TWKNtY HEAD 1 including several MATCHED TKaMSi, nil THOROUGHLY used to HARD WOltK, weighing from l,2tO to 1,400 pounds eacli and all warranted SOUND and kind and all youug and lu tin* oonditioa. STOCK NOW ou exhibition. SALE POSIT1 VE and no postponement. ?MAJOR CHAS W. 11 AHKUK, AUCTIONEER. . MONDAY (tun day). June 12, at 11 o'clock, at BARKER k SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tat turxuils. corncr of Broadwuy and 3Uth st., continuation BALIi ol CONTltACTOR'S PROPERTY, comprising;? TWBNT Y HKAD heavy Draught Horses. ELEVEN four wheel l>uinp W agona. FoUilTEEN two wheel Duntp Carts. SIXTY SBTS double team Harness. TEN SKI'S Cart llarue1.11. STOCK A ill* first clam, nud now on exhibition. THE ESPECIAL attention ot CONTRACTORS, BREW EUS. TRUCKMEN and FARMERS is directed to this a lie. SALE POSITIVE; no postponement. GREAT" BARGAIN. : ' 38uo will buy tha most beautiful and (tyiisb pair of road Horses in the city, *1 years old, 15)*; warranted sound and kind and to trut a utile iu 2 :50; this leant uiuW be seen to be appreciated: liavo flowing manes and tails to the ([round; any lady can drive thorn; J. B. Brewster side liar top Wagon, Dunscotnb Harness, at private stable, No. 13 West 27th ?t.. between Broadway and oth av. ^ ?.SECOND HAND CARBlAGBsJ ' Elegant Victoria, our make, nearly new. Living-iton Dot; Cart, but little used. Perk Pliauton, city make. Potty Phaeton, with top, first rate order. Surrey Cart, our mako, nearly now. Side-bar Wagons, with top, our make. At BREWSTER'S Warerooms. Factory in 'J5tb st. 5th av. and 21st ?*. T-?ON ACCOUNT OK LEAVING THE CITY] ii> I will sell my fast and high bred trot tint; team of brown Mares. Belio or Richmond and Dido, raised by Dr. Pooler, of Orange county, each *! years old, IV4 hands; trot together in 2 :M, or can trot closo to 2 :40 single ; are war ranted sound and kind; sell separately or together; also stylish shitting top Hoed Wagon, Poie and Shafts; one beautiful extunsion top Park Phaeton, carries four persons; oue very haudsotne. latest style top Pony Phaeton; single and doui'le Harness. This stock has only been used a few times and is all choice nud city made to order. Inquire at private --table 1-3 East Ittth st., between Irving place ami 3d av,, this week, 3 East 12th St., between Broadway and University place. i elegant miiuenFpi'maIl Faabtox, used bnt few timet, cost 61,.00, made by Brewster A Co., of llrootne st.. tor sate cheap at VAN Ta&sELL A KRARNKY'rt. 110, 112 East 13tli St., near 4th av. Aside bar top buggy. $i:.o: dog CART, mo; Hockaway, $125; l.andaus. Landaulets, Depot Wagoni, Pony Phaetons, all of the latest styles : prices reduced. HAM'S, ti&tl Broadway. Jf tLDklXIY CO# FOR SALE CHEAP?AT livery stable 215 East 85th st. A A -FOR SALE CHEAP-NINE GOOD BUSINESS m Horses. Apply at No. 3 Vestry St., between Varick and Hud><>ii. A -FOR SALE CHEAP?5 IIORHKS, SUITABLE FOR ? farming, grocer or expressman . trial allowed. Ap ply at 57 litem Jones st , near Bowerv. AtiP.NTi.EMAN wbomb ofwcwrriiuiu will not permit his riding must dispose of a sid.- bar top Wagon top pony Phaeton and single Harness, all by first class city makers; no offer within reaeou refuaed. Stable I3S West 31st st. AVKRY SUPERIOR LIGHT LBATHBR TOP CITY made Pony I'haeton. used bat lew times, for lets than bait' cost, in eonseqaence of sickness : also extra fine single Harness, at private stable No. 1 West 15th st. A? FOR SALE? 15 YOUNG HOKSF.S, JUST FROM ? Indian*, suitable for all business. Inquire at 122 Norfolk st. A~?LONDOS CLARENCE"coach.' BRRTT; ftlioO ? as new; light Wagon., my make: ? hands, warranted sound nnd kind and to trot a mile In 2 4.' ; side bar top Wagon, by J. II Brewster; Duu?:?mb Harness; st private stable No. 13 West 27lh st., between llmadwsy and .ith av. "V?TEN IH'SINKSS WAGONS g?0 TO 9175| Foil i'\> i-.*pres?. Grocers. Butchers, Baki^s, Mlla. I.aumlry aim Delivery wagons. Wagou Manuia- lory. 2>l Spring >t t CANADIAN PONT, HO; aLS(7~T>n7 iTaiUJK A chestnut Mare, 1.200 peunda, sold cheap; ne work. 14 uisnd st., near Varick. "It "HALF COST-TWO BEAIJIIFUL PHAETON*; il one seats four persons; tan mil spring top Wagons, two sida bars, splendid llgbt Koad Wagon; all uearly new; best city makers. Private stable 33d tt. and 4th av. HORSES, CAM. Hi AGES. AC . A-wjk sale, vfvE po.w-HctLT wmarmp ? farming, groecrv or nay buainea*. 104 Elixabetb at., between Broome and Grand. / 1AKK1.UJBS fShCOND IIAND) AT BARGAINS.? V' Landan, Brouitliiini, -Phaeton lor si^ persons, Two-wln-eler. Top Wagon. WOOD IIKOS.. 7 m rtroadway. /'VVRKlAGKS MY OWX MA kK VND W A UK A.N TED V aa represented; Uuggic.i. Pony and I'aik Phaetons Vlour seatl. Kockaways. Coupca. Depot and oilier kiuda; nearly all atyles. a( manufacturer's prices 'tinI below market rate*. Cllt>. liKUBE. UUU Canal at. pBBAP-rOCK LIOHT HtLP. TUSKS ~SET>T~oLD \ J coach II arnesa aud una lop Express Wa^on. No. 1*24 Weal lUtli at. Ij*XEt i toics svL<. U Till-: ATTENTloN OP : PHOl'ERTY OF TIIK LA I K CHARLES R. LlVlNi). STUN. DECEAShD, AT PRIVATE STABLE 115 EAST -J3D ST. CONSISTING OF TIIK BEAUTIFUL HLAl'K I HOT TIKi J MARE MARIA, SIREIJ HY UKVEHaL K>OX. ilmn a Mcitcnntr marc, i*? yenro old tlti* *|?rin , l?>s liaudft hiicli: very prompt, ]?te*ftani driver: trutted Imi hmh?oh, when pur.lm.e.l ui Portland. Me., in 2 -1.1 unit *2 htnee which lima sin* lias hern driven on tin- nm l, tor wtiteh purpose rhv I* Invaluable. *- she i? not excitable In iMiiMtmey, due* not poll when ?|ieediiiu. do**n not wi'?r booi*, pull* Mtfiuht well Mini in hii extraordinary oolu mara. pure k'uilo}* hands blifli ; s years << d; trilled laat l.ll around Fleetwood Park Iwu lu*at. In $:30, drtveu by .M. Kudeu; be la au extraordinary prompt and driver, with bit*1 knee action; duos bouts ; sale tor anybody to uriv ?; a itimd polo hoi at-; in sound and kind and can beat'J ::m in condition. U?rr> have been driven together as a double team.) VKHY K1NE HAY TKOrn.NO OhLDING LUi'AVK, SIKKU BY VOLUNTEER, DaM. A CLAY MAIM; ia the lineal v'enMeiunu'a horae tor top wagon in tie eity. l.'Oi handa Inch: t? years old; trotted a mile around Prospect Park last lull in *J :37 to a roail uagou: very prompt, bold driver; good unite.I; bat extraordinary bottom and endurauee; safe tor a lad; to drive at speed can trot a mill iu harnnaa In J ltd or better, and Is sound and kind HEaL'TIKL'L DAPPLED OHAY TROTTING GKLDING GREY i lUHK, SIIIKU HY CLARK CHIEF. D.VM 11Y Driiniark; at Lenltifton, Ky : ia t! yeais old. l-'itfa hatidi liitfb ; ia the batidsonieal and tilicst horae ever brought from that Stata; very tine lliuba and loet: trotted ovor Ash laud Park, Lexmirtoii, Kv., ta eprintt of 1x75, wbau a live vuar old. In j :!I4, driven by li Muckle; lie ia a very prompt, styllau driver, ^ood itaiti d. t? not excitable In company: does not wear boots, sale lor any ordinary driver: )a a-iund mid kind anil eau trot In - :H&, and la per feetly broken toaaddle. KLEti \NT CHESTNUT TROTTlNO M \ HE, SIUKH 1IY MIDUI.ETOWN, DAM BY CUSKLIN STAK. 7 YBAItM old. I.^V hands liluh; vary poweriully built ami hits aa much endurance as any Tioraj alive, as alio trotted .ive miles ovor SuM'iihl track last year, driven by Loavllt. Iu I4:lri. ami a alnule mile in 2:34; she la a very pleasant driver, Knod vailed, pulls weight wnll ami 1. porl'cctly brokoii to aio.'le aud double harnoaa; ia bound and kind, and cat. beat - :4H day ol' aale. ukaUtikijl iiuown mark lady HIKED BY ETHAN ALLEN; IS (i YHAlts OI,l?. I 'i'l lunula Mull; has never bomi handled I l spued, but trotted a mile uroitud Kingston ball iniln tract In 2:117 wlwn 5 ycaia old, ainco which tlnio alio lias boon uaed by htdtos and eltildten, lor which purpose ah? la Invaluable; stuatla without tyitij{, aafe undur all clrciimatiti.ooa aud apeifcat pet; she fa very icood ifaiteil. doea not wear boots, an exti aor ?Unary pole mare, aouud and kind and can beat I'.CJp day ol aalo VEHY HANDSOME B\Y OELDINO RED DIOK, HIRED BY SPKAtlUE'S KHODE ISLAND, DAM n Hambletonlan mare; 7 years old, Ift^ liaiM* high; very prompt, atylleh driver; does not pull or any: sslti for a lady to drive; la nerieetly broken under the saddle : I* a irood pole lior.o and can trot Iu J:I2> aiuicle or double, and is sound und kind. Lany Allen mid Red Dick make a fast double team. CARRIAGES CONSIST Of ONE TWO SEATED Patk l'haetoli, by lire aster; two top Wagons, pole aud ahalta, by Krewater; one built laat fall; nuo open Wacnii, one Park Pliaetou ; double and ainirlu Harnesses, by Duuaeumb and stlllincs; Imported lull Ion' aud uoutleuiiiti'a ridiuK SADDLES, LIP KOBE, HLaNKKTS, WHIHg, * used. Sleiirli-Ono tour-in-haiid Moigb, Willi Bells, Trliiiuiliiur. Ac., in the Russian st\le, by Br wa ster, ol' llroome ?t.: tiiroo elegant black bear Kobe*, liar One tour-in-haiid Ham est, one double Harness, one coupe Harness, one doublo UarneK-, nearly new ; one double Harness, usea fer chariot, nea.*ly new. All the ha ness made ti> order by Wood uibsou, and the carriages to order lor prukont owner. Three three quarter* dress lilauliet*. All the above to be teen at the stable, ou and alter Monday. FillSiTsTOCkI^SIX KINiC "VOUilO, SOUND KBN 1 TUCKY HOUSES. DIRECT PROM THK h'ARM ON WHICH TilKY WERE RAISED, PRINCIPALLY UOI.D DUsT stock, uili, liK SOLD AT AUCTION. AT 10 O'CLOCK TOMORROW, WITHOUT RESERVE, TO THE HIUHEST BIDDER, AT AKCH. JOHNSTON'S, 1? TO 1STH ST., NKAK UNIVERSITY PLACE. COMB AND KKK I'll KM TO-DAY. IT WILL REPAY YOU. FOR BALE-BY A GENTLEMAN, A PAIR OK MAKES, tl and 7 years old; little over 15 hand*; mahogany '??>?; perfectly matched; very stylish; One pedigree and trot fast: sound, kind and perfectly gentle tor any lady to drive nt speed. Inquire for Bark at Bradley's stable, No. 8 bast 31 st st., or nt 54 and Mi White at. For "salk-a coupe rock away (Dbmarkst), nearly new anil In perfect order, for sale low at COtiS WELL'8 stables, 215 und 217 Lexington av.. corner 33d Fob sale?a pony built mare, 14 hanks high, warranted sound and kind, with Park Phaeton and Harness, In good order; would suit lor a lady; owner going to Europe. Apply at utable MM West 2Wth st. I~56ir SALE?A PINE BAY COLT. llY MAJOR WIN ' field. ilsin llHiiiDleti nian, out of the old horse. 4 years old, 15.3 hands klgb: well broken, single aud double. Can bn seen at 155 Kast SAth St., private stable. WOB SALE?A BROWN HOBSB, M BA1CD*, STOUT r in proportion, 6 years old; souud and kiua; lit tor coupe, Jkc. Call be seen at 103 West 5Utb st. Apply to JACOB WEEKS. 313 Bowery. IJllTk SALE?A PRISE POR A GENTLEMAN 8 ROAD 1 llorso and Wagou ; must be sold. 143 West 37th st. IpoR SALE-BAY PATcllEN MARE. IBM HANDS ' 6 years old, warranted sound, kind, except a little sure forward; sale for ladles or children to drive; bargains for eountiymeu. Call at 324 Hudson st. fTbR SALB?BLACK HORSB, 10 HANDS, 8 YEARS; ' warranted sound and kind; suitable for grocer express or any*; on* horse Truck and Harness. 642 Hud son st. OR SALE, CHBAP-HANDSOMB BLACK MARE, h years old, sound snd kind; Top Phaeton, Harness, Kobe and Blauket 41*0 Otb av, OR SALE, CHEAP-A"DOCTOR'S BUOOY; OJUS~OP the best city makes. 3tiU East 4th st. F~ok balk", io hands' sultublo for any business, $140; stylish bay Horse, 14X hsnds, lor light business, fU6; Concord Express Wagon, plstfonn spring, $70. 375 West 12th st. F Jl OW THE MISCHIEK CAN YOU SELL THEM SO CHEAP? II ANSWER?They are consigned by hard up owners. Onr or ders are "to sell and do the best we can." Wo have one ol the best and largest stocks In New York of Hone Sheets. Blankets, ltobes. Whips. Harness. 4c.; S-ply Garden lloae, II am mocks. Camp Stools Chairs; ever #10,IKK) elegant Office aud llonse Furniture, nil at about halt last year's prices. TUNIS JOHNSON. 5H Liberty st. OWELL,, QUEEN AND GEORGE IY. Top Pony Thsetons. Side bar or elliptic spring ton Road Wagons. A. S. KI-ANDRAU, 872 and 374 Broom* st. (old stand of Brewstsr A Co.) ARNKSS'-CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IN NEW York; good Buggy Harness, baud made, S15-, tcood Orocers' Harness, $25: good doubio Team Harness, $30; a | good Horse Blanket, $1 50 Please csll and examine tor I yourselves. KISHER A OSBOKN, Mitunfaetnrsrs, 71 Bar- ) el ay st. IMPORTANT AND EXTRAORDINARY ' sale of the KENTUCKY STOCK PARK, Lexington, Ky., together with all the valuable THOROUOII BKhD AND TROTTING STOCK, Including the great stallion. PKLLoWCRAPT, IIA Mill.ETONIAN STaLLIONS, valuable Brood Mares, Colls and Killles, two hundred lu number, JUNE 21. IS7B. This will be the most extensive tale of valuable stock ever held in tbe United St alee. Cataloguee will be forwarded. Addiess RICHARD PEMSTAN. Philadelphia, or Islington. Ky. J~VST ARRIVED AT TALLMAN'S SlAUl.K "7PtiR sale), 38th St. and Broadway?On? pair sxtra line bay Horses, tl years old, 15.3 high , on* pair Mares, same sua color and age; one bay Kidlug Horse: all guaranteed llral class horses, and all bred by B. Bertram, Esq.. vt Amenta, Hutches* county. M AKKED DOW.V Kockaways, $125. phaetons, $115. Itoguiea, SI4(i. Itepnt Wagons, $1*5. Harness every stylo. Saddles, Sheets. Lap Dusters, Me. JOHN MOORE, 57 Warrsn st. SPECIALTY IN M\ seal Kockaways and Coupe Kockaways ef the finest uaallty and finish. A. S. PLANDRAU, 372 and 374 Broome tl (old stand of Brewster A Co.) yACKIKICK, $125?SPLENDID NEW TOP EXPRESS ij or tirocer's Wagon, worth$JUU. Seen at 124 West 10th T UNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER. Old stand 37 Naesau st. On PRIDAY snd SATURDAY. continuation ol SlierlfTi sale of CARRIAGES, WAIR.NS, IMIAKtONS AND UNPIN ished Stock. By order W. C. CONNEIl. The horses, coupe'"and wa?b>n,' BEi/ONuiNti to tbe estate of the late S. D. Mills, are lor ssis They rss be M?n st the stable of Mm. A. Odell, Bsq., Ko. Itk> East 23d st. Inquire of CHARLES TAYl.OR, S4W Broadway 1H)P SIDE-BaK ROAD WAJON, NEARLY NEW*: having disposed ef my horse, will tell at a bargain. Apply at 22VitHh av. ' - ! mwo HORSES, SCItABLB POR' ANY BUSINESS; 1 also heavy Horse*, price Irom $36 Vo $85; bargain. Xo. 2 7th a*. HOUSKS. GAEKIAOEI. iS*C. ttfiStSii-A small donkey. with On witrtotJT ?l a cart, broken to liau.esn aud ueuiuutid to children; ajenny preferred. \ddr.?- M . box lt(- Post oWce. X. V. 0 * IIKCOSD HAND CASHpSE dU Laudaulrt". lour seal I'liaeton. T Cvt. Xlepot Ws?*li. Mail I'liaeton. Staubopc l'ti^eton. Extension top Phaeton, I'ulirtolut. two wheal Doff Cart, unit 15 tup Road Wapins on,! w>nii uo lop Wagon*. Some i>! iba above built by Ilrcustci A Co. A. S. PLAN DBA 0, 372 mill 'Hi Ilroome st. iold muiul of llrewtu-i A Co.) IIOKSr.S; IMS'n:T'RICES,' yilUM $?'*> UP; SlIT road or tfuaiucM purpose*; a uood chance to select. 41U West :i >tli it. 4QA ?SpXeMdI D HARK, GENTLE. PuR I.aI>Y; >Pn"i Duo coupe Hor.-e, $1-5; -'.ill ami ?e?. l!ld Wnl ( entrni.' \ FINE KOI'it STORY llltoWN STONE IIOl'SE FOB ? \ sale- \1 ove I';tli at. iiuit tfUiM- tooth av.,33 tret front; can bo bought I'cr lens than $ l",mn K. II. LUDLOW A CO.. No. 3 fine it. WmI Sld?*. I CAIID.-HAVINi; II All J , YhAHS'EXPERIENCE .A in tcnttag colli cling renu of city property, we desire t? llttorm pioperty awnem (bet we are picpared to take charge "I estates ?n ii nenieaU; Money advanced on nuts. II. tf. I.K V V & S. M AKKS. f.iM Hlli iiv. /VuAXD i irclk "mi?i lkvakT..-Tf n?it MU) at V.T pritun* *a e, R II. I UiH.oVV A CO, wilt tell, m tlie Exchange Sitle.monis, Ill Broadway, J iiiib la, hi IS! o'clock. seven I.ot? on Uracil Route aril ami norm went cor ner ul il'Jd St.. tbe palatl I In mtion at s?u| Itoutcvird lube tw.eii it Si mi.I i. . . No. 3 T,ne ?t., or to IIOUACK S. KLV, si ? flue tt. /?lit tttll A V.. NI-.AIt 4HT ?AT AI I :riu?!i iiv . i? thr?o Mnry tmsoiin-nt uud nul?cclUr House, wiili 4II miiclcrii iinprovcnteniR . house huutud by Nieitiii Hint in Miloudivi t?r?ior, tortus eiiny. Ai?ply to h. UATK.S, U7U Kullou si., curuer Ka} utoiiU ?t. \V KSTCIIKSTElt COl) STY PROPERTY Kon saIaK a.\d to rent. A T YONK15US.?ftEVEBAL KU15XISIIKO AXO' lfN Jx. furuisluMl Houses to rem rliuaii. (ur raIu im hxi'liAiigti. VOt'.M ANS, Atcciil, Ytinkers A PBOPKXITY OUT OF TIIK CITY FOB SAUK OK TO HENT. t MOOR IIS llOUSh?IN KVKUV WAV liKsfBABLH', A tor i$Hii per uinntUi hull rent; three minute* by plHiik walk fr?'iu W estlielU ttittlon, on Central Rttilrtnid ol New Jersey, Vi luiuutes I ruin city; I'J rooiun. excellent Well, clktem and cellar; ample terrace Ikwu, well thadnd; Karden plantnl; commutation cents cacti w ay from city; no iiRents need apply. OWN t.It, :tt) Park row. room 5. A T NYACK, .v. Y., A VERY' fBUTTY COITAUE TO iv rent, t#rul?hed or unfiirnl?li?d. by tbe weuk, nionili or year; partita dolrin^ luini-ticd Room*, with or witUnut B'lard, will tiuil tlua a mokt ilerliable houie lor the summer; It I* only tao minutes' walk from railroad depot and tbe ; ante tlimance trotn the bout hinilliii.': it [>n*Mii?e* anperior advautaitea with regard lo iihade, fruit ami excellent water. bMiilM Iwin.' locat -d in the retired unit elegant part ol' Nyaik. For term* atldrea* M. C. WELCH, St. Ann't School. N viick. CloUNlRY MURK AND HL'sInRHS?NO OOMfETI ) tlon, 23 miles from Now York, near depot; eiubt room bouse, one item Imnl; country healthy and beautiful; #4,H0U E. Hut>KllOllT, Enitravor, 56 liberty st. FOB SALK-A OOODFARS IN DUTCH ESS COUNTY1; 8'i acres, with payliiK vineyard; near lailroad; pntl tivi-ly no u-i iits Adilrosa CIlAHLES O. WOOD, box 245 Now York I'lKt office IS THE quaiTtOLDflumin town" of"madison! Conn. ?A Coiinecllcat Farmbouto of "ye olden time,', iucooi! repair ; nmnle ruiiui* tiuil vroiiutU; excellent noi|[h burliood; close by the so?; beaiitilnl sandy beach, maxniflci iit ?tea vioi ; nal'e butulnj;; convenient to churches, school*, markets, railroad*. Ac.: can bo reached Iroiu New York In less tlian four houra. rlio abovo property, if taken soon, will bo sold at a price low ennti?h lor the hardest kind or bard tiiueii. Uaro cbauce lo socuro a choice seaside and A p^jly to RICHARD V. HARRIOT, 111 llroadway, basement. ' Alto ini|ulro about tlmt elegiwit CoUiice by tho sea, with boautilul Lot. 50x100 leot, lor salo lor leu than (I.UOO, or to rant for tho season Tor $110. OKU BRANCH" STOBK TO LET.?CORNBR OPPO site Ocoan llolel; site lo by HI leot; suitable lor caudy (MM or fancy goods; just built. Anply on premise*. Uood place for i.nwi stauil. VTRW ROGHRLUL-fWO .riRXLTlrtOATKD OOU*. i.i try beats, 87 acre* and 45 acres I"?< miles from depot; both umler a high statu of cultivation, lioavlly timbered, well watered; good outbuilding"; fruit lu abundance; will exchange 'or good city Property or will null very low. KICHAIM) V. 1IAKNKTI. Ill Hroadway, basoinent. rpo l.l.T MI SEI M BUILUINU CORNER UTIl AND X Arch st*.. I'hiladi'lpliiii. kn.iwu hs ?Voi d'< Museum; im mediate ikmimissIoii. Anplr to 1*. UOYLl., No. 20 South ttth It, or JOHN O'iSYRMK.Slt Walnut at.. Philadelphia. rpo LET-IN WB^rFIELD. N. 17, 55 MINUTES FROM 1 Now York, a furnished House, 14 room); 2 acre* of ground, plenty of Irult, vegetable garden all ready for use; runt takou in board lor three adulU. Addri^t (!. A. UOWB, care of Sturgos, box 4 800 Post WW, New York. rpo RENT?A T:oTTAOE. ON JAMAICA HAY. X half a raile from Kar Rockaway railroad station; eight ro?m* (one reserved by owner); partly luruUhod; noar trie water; boating, buthiug and fishing; a mo*; desirable place for a family visiting tho sea shore for health rather tlmn display; reut low. Address JOHN llUKDIS, Kar Kockaway, or apply at 143 High street, Brooklyn. WARTRD?A MAN WHO KNOWS HOW TO KEEP A small, first class seaside latnily hotel; rare chance for tho right sort of a man. Apply to illCHAKU V. HAB XKTT. Ill Broadway, basement. *FTjW\ -FARM. FORTY ACBKS GOOD LAND; Dwelling, ten rooms; barn, fruit: near de pot and village; cheap. LEWIS. Northtiort, L. L, or 207 Front st., New York. Tuesdays, to IA RK AL ESTATE TO EMHANOB; Fob sale-a frame uotiaue house and two Lois; home has 7 rooms; the second lot has stable room for two horses, wagon room and hayloft; situated 95 feet from Eastern iloulovard; will be sold low or exchanged. For lull particulars pleaM- apply to J AMKs RoWE, Heal Estate Broker, 1)17 3d av., between SSth and faith sts. rriwo loth, superbly locatri*. wrwi iirii 1 Madison nv ; excavated. sewered; ready for Immediate improvement; dirt cheap: wllloxchange. SAMUEL KIL PATRIOK, Bull's Head Bank Building. \l'ANTED TO RX08AR0R?#OUTHKRN 'TIMBER Tr Lands, froe and clear, for a House worth from $35,000 to #?),'?*). mortgaged not to exceed SIS,OOU: location be tween 4th and Utn a vs., Mailison square and Central Park. Prlnclpala only may address, with full particulars, JOHN A. DODOE. 12 Wall U. TO LET FOIL lit'81 NIC KM mi llPONKi TjfifNNETT &njCBHPK 11 Fireproof. Located on Nassau. Ann and Fulton eta. First Floor to let. suitable lor bankers, insurance oAtoas or lauyers. Will be let together or in parts; be aitared to suit tenants If desired; adapted tor offices or stores. Reasonable rents. Also soma eligible Law offices to lev * APPLY ON TIIK PREMISES. Take the elevator. Inquire for Janitor. Basement to let?with extension, mo rot deep, 27 leet front, with cellar 27 by &0 at No. 4 lit. Mark'* pluco iHth st.) I unch*counter' lkt~ciTeap?Tn~tuk~best J loeatii'ii down town. Apply at i:i:? Fulton St. 8TH AV. STORR AT ORRATltY REIH'CBD'RBSt~ $fx)p.>r mouth. No. 2S4, opposite Erich's Temple of Fashion, suitable for gentlemen's furnishing goods,Jewellery or merchant tailor itWaLLlXH IIOISKS TO bKl." FsirnJaln-a^^ A-40TI1 ST. BF.TWKKN 5TII AND 6TII AVS.-BX . quisitely fnrnlslied medium siie brown stono Dwelling to rent low. Oflicoa No. 4 Pine st. or 33 East 17th it. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. AVKKV "neat smVu, HROWN STONE HOUSE, hign stoop, furnished, en West -'3d st , at only 913a per month ; rent made verv low to secure good tenant JAMBS K. REWARDS, li?7 West 23d St. C" ioMPLETELY KUUNI.SII KD HOUSE TO LET.-NO / 211 West 34th st. No agents. V nfum lalietl. AN UNFURNISHED BROWN S TONE HOUSE TO rent?On 2Vd St., near 7tli ay.; flue condition; rent (tl.-UO) will be made nominal for the summer; very desir able. JAMKS It. F.DW Alios, 107 West 23d st FliRNISIIKU UOOMfe AND AI'AltTMKNTS to un. t' LaruT? amt) smaLl flffsfKflltTFRoS* J\ I loom, with or without housekeeping. 24 Spring St., bear Bowery. All ANDSO tl ELY FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT' low, without board; bath, gss, Ac. 28 3d St.. near 3d a*. ? \ FRONT ROOM AND TWO RBDROOMS ON FIRST V Do ROOMS, SMALT ASD L t Koir " / tingle and coiumunlealini;. to let to gentleineu at IJN Kast Itith st. /10iro|?tlluED BOOM 1 on second Door of pi I vale house; reut. #U per week. Apply at 311) West iotli si. EAST 17T1I ST FL RN1SI1. D room TO let, singly or en suite; reference required. I I Til* ST., NO. 2 WEST ?A FKW KLE; strictly private tannly; loeatlou lirst class: terms low. K.ASI .MiVII ST.-LAKOK lillltU A|Td FOURTH story Room, to rent, also two liall O'Jll ST., 200 ~ WEST, CORNER HOUSE.-ONE square Room, now readv; elegant suite Rooms, by the loth; one Parlor; summer prices; inducements to gentle men. ^ i t south Washington syuARK.-fo* let. TT furnished, plcassut Booms, suitable for gentlemen or lll'hl houeekeeping. Tq 4TH AV., Of I'OSI l"h BIBLE tloUeR -A FUR t * ? alslied noon to lei. suitable for two persons; a ill elva Board ir ranalred : also Slawta Room 6 FCRNINIIKO KOO.tlR A > D APAHT 5IKNTS TO LET. n" "Sast lorn sr.-two ix-siKAHMfVChstsHKb Kouiua. wiili litfi km] oolti water, autiabl* lor house keeping; uae of bath. East ?mi^r?handsomely furn7siTed Rooms to lot. 127 If. 7 "T it AV.-a KICK PI. It.XiailED FRONT -I ' ' I Know, with, all convenience, to let, cheap. inquire fur three days. Oil WERT 34 TM ST.-FURMsilKit BOOMS TO LET ^11 tu gentleuieu In a ?euel> family. 290 VVKST iOTU it. XK.AK SEVENTH AVKNl'K mjij vara.?Nicely furnished Rooms tu let, wiui a small tauiity; terma moderate. ?JM(| WEST iTB 4T.?ttJJUMOIUUiT rUftNDMBrf OVM 1 Rooms for light housekeeping at roasonable pricca. 47 I ~w"Hm r iu MT.?PI7KKI s UK on >? > msTkko* I "at anil upward; alio Kouin anil Bedroom, for light housekeeping if desired. Q Hudson (T.-MMMOO ROOM TO LBT; t)'JO noue but respectable people ueed apply; reiereuce required. I'MIKMSHKU UOOMM AIU APAKT MKXTS TO L.KT. fWiT'i i'av.'n k a it ?j?M "at.- ruioknW Lf.f-, improvements. See owner 00 premises from II lol I'cMb I LOWER HAIfOV A MOUUI TO LBT?fKOST -\. undbic* Parlors. extension Hedroom. front ami back l. lull! Iti d o mi on seoojd Hour. >.?? II vtutor, bulb. Mammary tula, wardrobes, Jtc. ; $40 per month. 130 Eaat Slat at*., near Lexington av. A ?KLATd?KINK LOCATION; ALL TmPROVK A ? muuta; low reuta; immndiato possession. Apply to J??U> i?. 1 KIM.Ml.Ns, MM :ARLoR I 1.1111 It AMI HAShM EN'T ? IIH?U HQOP bouae; nil huprovementa. #10 East 20th at., uear 3d av. TWO VERY DESIRABLE SUITS OF ROOMS; ALSO two single Koiinik, lurnithcd, to let, In the new apart ment lintel, UU oth ??.. corner Oth st., for any portion of tune tilt Novi inber 1, ruouis have private batba, and ele vator in the bulldlug. rpo" LET- FIRST 01,ASS FRKNCIl PLAT IN B0U8R J No. 113 Weat 20tb it, near 6th av. Apply to owner, on pramlaea. T 10 LET?SIX Itoo.MS, ON Till-. FIRST FLOOR. Kuat 40ih at., between 2d aud 3d ava. tpo LET-FIRST FLOOR, F1VK ROOMS, ALL LHJIIT L and in good order; ga?, water cloaet, Ac. No. 501 tltb av., corner ol 3(Hh at. SALLM AT AUCTlOfc, Akt 8 ALU? .Now on exhibition at the Art Rootna, R17 Broadway, a collection of Paluttngi, by Amorlcan and foreign artists, to be sold by auction, Monday evaning, June 12, commencing at 8 o'clook. TI10 Meaar*. LSATITT, Aactioneera. ART.-SOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE MATHEWS' GALLERY. 57 LIllliRTY ST.. SUPERB CARRARA MARBLK STArilARV. Classic Vase* aud Statuettes 111 marble and alabaster: aim EI.I-.U A ST MONUMENTAL STATU A RV, Pedestals, arttsiic, new designs; tine Clooka, Ac, The 1'iitire collection to bn sold 111 am-tion TUESDAY aim WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 mid 14. at I'.' ii'uluck each dav. DANIEL A. MATHEWS, Auctioneer, f>7 Liberty si. A~~ I'OTION HA 1R.?LARCE ANL> PEREMPTORY snle this (lay 1 Monday), cotnmendnir at lu o'clock. at tin- elegant n?e stnrV brown atone mansion No. 120 WEST 83D ST., NEAKOTll A V. ? M AON I PICK NT HOUSEHOLD furniture. rare ani? costly works of art, COMPRISING IN AI.LOVKR $X?,000 worth Household Uoods. by catalogue :? 2 brillliuit toned Pianofnrtea, Stein way and Windaor. Siauperb natln Parlor Sulla. hi?o rop Sulta. 'I ?le. B.?TI1I1 la the largeat aulo ol the season. Sale positive, regardless of weather. LUKE FIIZOERALD, Auctioneer. N. B.?Competent men to pack and ship gooda, city or country. ?PRIYATR UHKAKV. Now on exhibition it the Clinton llall Saleroom*, a PRIVATE LIBRARY, comprising ?a unusually choice col' lection of Illustrated and Standard Works^o be told on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Jane 14 and 15, com mencing at 7X o'clock. The Messrs. LRAVITT, Anctloneera. ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTION BBS. Old stand 37 Nassau si. On WEDNESDAY, at 10fJ o'clock, LABOR SALE OF HOUSEHOLD PUUNITOEH. On PRIDAY~and~lSATURDAY, CONTINUATION OP SHERIFF'S i-ALF. OP Carriages and unDulatied Stock. By order of W. C. CONNER. A. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE -E. A. LAWRENCE. AUC tloneor, will soil at auction, at 121 nv. I>. June 15, at i o'clock, all tbo Stock In trado. Tools ami linplemonts, Wag ona. Harness, Trucks, Boats, Ac., of tlio late Lewis llay moud, boat builder. Terms cash. By order of Maria Ksy woud, Administratrix. A?BY HO HE RT 0. CASH IN ,Xut!T H>S E K It?LAKUK . AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THIS (Mouday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at Hvo story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST 1MTH ST., BETWEEN ST 11 AND ttTH AYS. Decker A Bro. upright 7>j octave Pianoforte. Bteinway's lour round 71., octave I'iauoforte, Palatines, Works ol Art. PARLOR AND DIIAW1NO ROOM SUITS, richly earved rosewood and walnut frauios covercil lu crimson, tan and Cld brocade satin and cotelalne; Turkish and Spanish unices, husy Chairs, Inlaid umriuetrie and gilt Centre and Cunaole Tallies, rosewood Etag*ros, Cahineta, French plate Mirrors, iaco Curtains, French Mantel Sets, U) day Clocks, Musical Boxes, Library and Secretaire Bookcases, Books, Library Tallica, Turkish Suit, Writing Desk BEDROOM FURNITURE CONslsTINU elaborate and plain Bedroom Sets, inlaid and gilt Bedsteads, Dressing ('a***, Bureaus, Washslauds. single ami oruble Bedsteads. 33 line hair and spring Mattresses, feather 1*11 lows. Blankets, Toilet Sets, rep and plush Suits, marble top Tables, Chairs. Rockcrs, reclining Chairs. Lounges. DIN I NO FURNITU RE?Extension Tables, Sideboard. Chairs in leather. Silverware, Crockery, Library and Secre taire Hookca?oa, Library Tables, Turkish Suit, two Hall Standa, velvet. Bruasels and Ingrain Carpets; Kitchen, servants' Furniture. Ac. Take Sixth avenue or University place cars. X. B.?Men to rotnovn, pack or ship goods. Auction NOYtCJt.?CONTINUATION OF THE grant mortgage sale of Household Furniture this day, at "J o'clock, at saftsroom, 430 Canal tt. L. s. BLACK, Auctioneer. Auction sale jo f~elkoa~nt household fur niture this (Monday) morulng. at 10 o'clock, at the private reeldnnec llt'i Ea?t 13th at., second door frum 4th a v., J KKAKMER, Auctioneer. 19 Carpets,? satin brocade, reps and hairelotii Parlor Suits; I'ianoforte, Paintings. Mir rors, Curtains. 1J Bedrootu Suits, Dressing Cases, Bedsteads, Bureaus. W cabstands, Commodes. Wardrobes, 26 hair and spring Mattresses, Bolsters, Pillows, Bedding. Lounges, library and dining Furniture, Sideboard, Extension Tallies, 1UU lots (ilass. China, Sliver Ware. Cutjery. Oilcloths, stair Carpets, servants' and kitchen Furniture. Sale positive. "1 UOTION SALE OF R1CII HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ji, U Parlor Suits, 5 Bedroom Suits, 'J Piano fortes, Bronies, Ac , THIS (Monday) MOKNIKtL commencing at i0% o'clock, at lour story residence. 31 Raat ?_1)th St., near Broadwev, consisting or Parlor Suits, cov ered In satin, coteline, rep and haircloth; Pianoforte, Bronies. Oil Paintings, Mirrors. Clocks, Curtains, Vases, Warirohes, Bookcases, Desks, Turkish Chairs, lounges, marble side aud gilt Tables, library and offic ? Furiutnre. Bedroom Suits, with Dressing Case*. Bureaus, Waslistamts, spring and liair Mattresses; ? ' r. hxtonalon Table, Silver and Plated Were. Crockery. Cutlor.v, Ac. N. B.? Ooods boxed, packed or removed, city or country. HENRY itIS.N, Auctioneer. BY ISIDORE J. SWAKZKOPF. AUCfloSEhIIIItVTv" B, sells Wednesday. 14th, at 171 ?ud 17:1 Suffolk ?!.' 14J Attorney St., entire effects of Meat Chopping Estanlisli nients of Soho A Rettluger; Horses. Wagons, sleight, Har ness, 14 Machines, Machinery, Ac. Sale positive, in lots. IpDWAHD SCHENCK, AUCTIONBEE. J Elegant Horses sod Carriages, at the private liable No 136 West IHih at. See head of "llorsei and Carriages." COLTON, AUCTIONEER. ?????? ? Executors' sale of rich llonsebohl Furniture. By order of the executors of J. L Allien, ilccuased. On WEDNESDAY, . I tine It. at II o'clock at the private residence. No k? Loudon terrace (4iLi West 23d St.) rich parlor, dining room and henrooiu Furniture, elegant llroiises. French Clocks, line Oil Paintings. Weber rosewood 1'iano. siniost new, cost fl.UOii; Carpets, Mat tresses. China and Class Ware, Ac. Details on Tuesdsy. Catalogues at the salesroom, U East Idth St., near Broad W?. (s EORiiK HOLIIKdOK. AUCTIONEER-IIOLBROOK X A ROLLINS sell this day. at 3 ?'flock, at tbeir sales room 453. 4'>4 and 4M Canal St., a grliterl assortment of Household (joints. black walnut anil enamelled Chainlwr Suits. Parlor Suits In rep and haircloth, Pier anil Mantel I Mirrors, Wanlrobos, Sonkease-, Klagetes. Ijico I'nrtsins, Carpets. Ol cloths Mattresses, Reds. Nedding, Crockery, Ola*? and Plated Ware. Kllcltea Utensils, Ac. u ENRY D. MINER. AI CTIONKKI< (late Henrv II. Leeds A Miner), office and salesroom >4"' Itrosdway. THURSDAY1, JUNK 15 at II ?'clock, at the country residence ol Dr. K. P. Iluyler, AT lltsTINOS, ON THK HUDSON. Handsome Household Furniture, made to order by I'ottier AStyuiui. Wilton and Brussels Carpets, rosewood smnl frsnd Piano, original modern Oil Paintinys. PheUu Milliard ahle. rich marble and brouse Clocks and ornaments, Oas Flumes. Ac ; also two ne?rl> to w light Phaetons one Willi rumble; IjJ ponitfi Trotting Wagoii, built bv Riewster; double Harness, stable Fixtures, Ac.; also a large variety of hothouse and hardy plants. Train leaves 4Vd it. depot at it .10 and 90th at. (North Kiver) at 10 *>. JJ B. He.RTS A r>< INS, AI CTION KEltiv * handsome household furniture, imano, ac., OX WEDNESDAY, JUNK 14, AT 10* O'CLOCK, AT NO. ?3 EAST 01 ST ST.. comprising the entire elegant Kernlture and Effects of the above large Mansion, fail a?tail? of whisk wUl be gives on _ SILKS AT AUCTION. JJ B~"UEhtS A SO.VS," ACt?TIOSKI.R " UoUSEUOLD KURNITUUK. iIaRPETS, MIR HOBS, AO, AC.. ON TUESDAY. JUNK 13, AT 10l{ O'CLOCK, AT NO. 110 KasT 4"T1I ST., comprising mom*t. velvet and Bru*?t>?? Carpet*; rich French Mirror*. rosowuml I'arlor Salt*, in Uroceicl; Window Curiam- to mutch. ruin? wood fraud Piano, circuit r?-ul hron** Clock* and Mantel Set*. lino (Ml Painting, rich In laid Cabinet, Ka*oi?. Parlor Table*; Diniuw >uit. in leather; walnut Sideboard. Dining Table, elegant ro*ewood Hook* aM, burglar proof Parlor Safe, rich China, tfla?*and Silver Ware, ro?cwwca*e?, Ac.% for account ??f whoiu it may concern. COOK *KLl?b THIN DAYTatToK 0*CL<>CK,~ I:S~ ? tiro ilm'k Hardware. Store*. Tinware. Woodwjtre, liouHofuritisbin^ t*ood?, id Dii/an'* Hardware Store, 3d a v., near i;*3d at., Harlem Bridge; *ale absolute. Lib IIKIITZH KltO. \m,T|i?\KKK. HKUr/BKIui HKOTIlKU> sell thl* d*y, IO o'clock. 254 Weil ICHb *L, complete Fixture- and choice Stock ol' grocery atom; nl*o, Household Furniture, fltio Bedstead*. Bureau'*. Sola*, Mirrors. Table*. ('baits. Bru*tcl* Carpet*. Kitchen L'teu*iis, Ac ; in lot*; dealers invited. MUls-i: M M. ALOTH>NKKR. sSiT" BOWKRV~ ? Sell* thi? day, at 'J o'clock, at 49B <>th uv , near HOth St. Stock and Fixture* ol Hr?t cla** Butcher Shop, Oyster and Fish Stand-., Icehotuc, Iceboxes. Bencher. Block*, Hack*, canned Fruit, Scale*. Hor*e*, Wagous, Ac.; post lively In lots. MORTtiAiSK SALK ?OKOKtlK CKtMiH Kii \N. Al.O tloiieei, ?ell* Monday, 11th inst , at (O'.j o clock, it mortgagee's ntable. 31th *t.. below 111h uv , 1.? ^???d Work: Hor*o*. Sale positive. By order of Day A Connolly. Amenta for mortiraxee*. J^OliKfS WILKIN'S, AlC riON KKR. Peremptory sale of Jauncey court. Wall St., by order of the Supreme Court. E. II. LUDLOW A CO. will aell at auction on Wednca* day, June 14, 1870, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Sales* rojui. No. Ill Bniidirir. by Order of .1 Mima P. Ledwlth. Eaq. . Rofure ?. the valuab o Buildinga No*. 37, 41 uud 4:) Wall ?U, known aa J an nee y court, being til 'cot front, mileot reai by an average depth of llMleot. Sold aubject to a mortgage of 9100,003 to tlio United State* Trust Company. Messrs Slilpuian, Harlow, Larocquo and M acta r I an 4, At torney*. MORRIS WILKINS, AUCTION EEK. Business Property, aoutbwoat coiutir ?>f Writ Broadway and York St. E. H. LUDLOW A CU. will (p11 at aoctinii on Wednesday, Juno 14, at 11 o'clock, at tho hxchanire Halesrooui, III ltrna1., No?v York. MOKTtiAOB AMI MARSHAL BALKS. I'i.'fKIt BltWh, Au^iuumoni '_V i- aat lir.iadway, a lar?o aasortmuut of liroceriea, vi*. ? barrels Hot r. liar, rnla Uhickory, Itico, Vinegar. An.; boxoa S.iap, Pi.-kira, t'htiw Otiow, lolittn in ba South >ih st.. Philadelphia. PAWSItKOKKIt's hALt.-JAMES At.Alt. ALCT1UM* uer, will aell, thla day, at ,'>ii New Bowery. ,r> threat anil 1.ulnar Lac. Shawl*, and two vary line Point Applique Lace Sliawla, Ac., Ac. By order R. Simiiaoii A Co., 1M Bowery. SHBRIf Pi SALR.-OER VI to IIE TTS, SHE It IK i"l Auctioneer, will aell at public auction, on Monday J tint 1'.', !*7U, at 10V, o'clock A. M , at No 'J.~>4 Kroadway undet and by rirtun of a certain writ id execution, a general aa aortment of Stoel P>*n*. about Ilil.llilU groaa, of thu celebrate4 Harrison A Bradford luaniifaciuro. WILLIAM C. CONNER, Sheriff. J so. H. 111 I.I.IK K. Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE?contexts OF * COAL YaRIX tiERARD BETTS, Sherifl'a Auction., r, will aell o? Monday. June 12. at 11 o'clock, at Sos West at., th? com tontaoftbe i oal Yard at the above uumbcr, ennsiating *trv Brunei* at SI and SI 2ft, formerly SI and SI Three ply. SI an>l $1 '-.'5, formerly SI 50. Ingrain*, 40c., SO*.. 76c. and SI, in great rariity, A manufacturer'* entire atock of Oilcloth*, varying from one to elgl.t yard* wide, al let* than co*t of manufacture, at ittc. per yard and upward. Juat recalred, ? cargo of Matting*. white, red. check and fancy, from Vie. per yard AUo a lot ?f Jap*nmc Matting al Sue., worth tkle. An Importer* mock ot Lace Curtain*, from SI per pair to the fluent imported, at half price. From auction, aNo Curtain Net* and Cottage Drapery, Cretonne*, Hep*. Korniture C'.iimie*, Window Shade* and Cornice*. Mo*quito Net*. Window Scrcen* at ?>c. each, to fit any window] (new patent). SMKPPARD ItNAHP, Nos. 18.1 and 18ft 6th a*.. New Yorfc, one door below 13th tt. P. S.?Mall order* will receive prompt attention. 8**4 for circular. Sf KKP'N VaTKNT ~PaKN,Y MAM DkM ??IkHC k. the very beit. U for S"; Caa he Oniahoil a* eaailv aa lii'imniiK a liaudkerchief. i7l Broadway, and WlI Arch *t., Philadelphia. . MION A1>\MS~ NO._ H47 HKOAIMVaY. Uoalary, Glove*. Underwear aad Bne K tirmahlag*. SouIh of Union miuar*. mim.I!vj<;hy ani? imK,??miAKisu.~ At oavnoh-k new ? to re, 1,153 Broadway, between 26th aad tTtk it*. Coraet* and Tonrnour**, ?peci all ie?. Oar well known reputanou lor *uperior quality and *U*p*i la the above article neada nu comment. All food* *old al low??t punible price*. Oar Tourtiourci are manufactured on the preiniaa*. Wa guarantee their durability. Children'* i or*el?,'W*t*ta. Shoulder Krace*. Abdominal Oor*et* aii-1 Supporter*. A comfortable fitting room to te*t ?h.ipe* and *tyle*. (Irntt bargain*; a lot if Krcnch Coutllle Summer Want* and Hiding Cortol*, M>c. and ft, former! i ...hi at S- 50 and S4. UAVNOK, Importer, ^ 1.168 K road way. \T MAKIK TIIJMANN'M "oFFakTs. iVll'OKTKK - Opening of the bnnvt, largest axorlment of Parisian Hummer Millinery ever brought to thi* market. 4'236tb av near :Wlh M. (late Michel'*) MADAM HAM. KKOtl PARIS,~PItRSKNTLYAT TlIB ? I*in- iinlal in Philadelphia, lia* a choice aMortmeiit of ladie* lionneta, at IV J Wni J.M it, I in. city. UIOK PI-AlTISii SIDE. SI"ai'K AMI WiuTlB BOX O plaiting, from I to 2 > inch** wide, by machine. S JO KKrH,* Koriyih at.. New York, ami -irj I niton *v, neat Pineapple Mrooklyn. insrKiiini.^." BOOK'KKhPT.sVi,' PKNJI aNsiUc. \Rlf lIMfTitl.? IMILIIKAK S rniumercitil ColMiff, 1,1 Mil lAli> often day lad ?renins all tuaoiir. U