Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,540. NEW YORK. TUESDAY. JUNK 13, 1S76.-T11IPLE SHEET. I'lUCE FOUR CENTS. UimTOUV FOU ADVERTISEliS. libit A !<D BRANCH OFFICE, 1,203 BROADW AY.? OPEN DAY AND NIC!lit, FOR RECEPTION OK AliVK.lt1'ISEMENTS AND SAL1S OK PAPERS. AM 1' S iJJ !iSTS-S? Fiot-Tnh do it Oth ools. A> I'ltoLiHJY?12tii Pau*?lih vol. lilLl.lAUDS- lsr i'AGK-ild col UuAKDMUS WAXTKlt-SO Pack?lit and 2d coll. UOAIU* AND LODGING WANTED-2d I'ACK-Ud ool. BKOORLI'N REAL ES'l ATE VOK SALE-2D Pack?IW vol. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Ptii Pac?. Ml-Ml N KSS NOTICES?7th Pagk-Oth col. CITY RKAL ESTATE FOR SALK--2D PaUK-U? mL CLERKS AND SALESM EN?I2tii l?A0K-3d col. CLOTH INO-lgrti Pack?4ih col. OOACH MEN AND GAI:DENEKS-12th l'AUK?3J and 4th coll, COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?12th Pauk? 5th and 6th col*. COPARTNERSHIPS?9tii Pag*. C'UNTEY HOARD?'in PAC*--'d and 34 cola. DENTISTRY?11 Tii Pagk?2d col. DKV GOOHS-Ist PAUtt--2d col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISH ED AND UN KURNISII ED?1st I'agk?rttli cul. EUROPEAN STEAMMIIP8?ia*n Pack-5th c?L EUROPE?'-'n Pauk?Atli col. EXCURSIONS? 12th I'AUK-Oth col. KIN.tNCI AL?Btii I'agk. KINK ARTS?12tii I'agk?4th col. KOK SALK? IItii Pauk?ad eol. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? 1st I'AGK?Oth C?l. PURNiTDRK?12til I'agk?Ith col. FRENCH ADVKKTISKMBNTS-12tii Pack?4th ool. HKI.P WANTED-KEMALKS?Uth Pagk?2d and Sid cols. HHI.P WANTKD-MALUS? Ulni Pack?Ith col. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC.?1st 1'aOK?3d, 4th and 5th colt. HOTKLS?2d Pag*?Id col. HOUSE*. ROOMS, AO.. WANTED?2d 1*ao?? 111 col. INSTRUCTION?2d Pauk-4iIi coU LOST A.NIi FOUND?lwr Pack-Ist col. MACHINERY?I1 tii Pai?:-*1 col. MARBLE MANTKl.S?12tii Pagk 4th col. MEDICAL?11th PAGK?2d col. MILLINERY AND DIt Ess.MAKINO?1 vr PAfle?2d cot. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?mill Paok? lit 11 col. MISCELLANEOUS?2n Pauk?tith col. USlCAL~2n eauk-litt col. KW PUBLICATIONS?7tw Pack?Oth col. KRHONAL?1st I'auk-lst col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.? 2? Pauk?Oth col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?ilb Pack?Oth col. PROFESSION All SITUATIONS WANTKD?FEMALES? 1'Jtii Pauk?2d ool. PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY FOR SALE Ott TO RENT?2d Pack?1?i cul. RF.aL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Paom?lit eoL RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pack -1st col. RESTAURANTS-Uth 1'agii?2d cot REWARDS?1st Pack?lit col. BALI'S AT A UOTION-2|> P iuK~i)d and 4th coll. SITUATIONS W ANTED-FEMAl.ES?llru I'agk?3d. 4th. Titli. (Ilh coin., and 1 -Til I'agk?lit and 2d coll SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE* -I2tu Pagk?3d col. II'KCIAL NOTICES?Iht I'agk?lit and 2d coll. M'ORTING? DOGS. 1I1UDS, Ac.?1st Pauk?ad col. ITORAGK?2d I'agk?Oth col. If MM Kit RESORTS?2d I'AUK-'Jd eol. THE TitADBS?12tb THE TURK?1st Pack?SMI col. TO LET Foil BUSINESS PURPOSB8?1st Pagk?5<h and Oth coin. TRAVELLERS' OUIDE-IJtii PAQK-Oth col. UNFt' R.N IS II ED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st I'agk-Otli col. WANTKD TO I'l.'RCII A-'E?12tii 1*auk-?HIi col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?2d Pace?Otli ool. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY POIt SALB OB ro LET-2d Pagk?1st col. VACHTS, STEAMBOATS. .tC.-IOrii Pack?Oth col. PERltONALi ~ MHARLES IIIGGINHOTII AM OR ROAllDMAN, A~ED KJ H >; sailed from England lor New York Juno 24. 1R7&, hjr steamship Idaho; has been paralyrml. tiut recorerod; la-t address heard from, Mri. Itoxor*. 20 Cliff it.. New York. Information ot'atuvo requested by his wife, SAUAH TOWN EN D lilGGlNltO I'll AM, 100 Koclidale road, Manchester, England. IF KLIZA (COLORED), CHAMBERMAID FOR MR8. Parker of Went 13th it., will ca'l at 44 lUvinKton St., Ihf will hear of something to her advantage. EVA. Monday nfo11t. Ti alf past six t:orner~ivasiT Inirton siiuaro anil 5th it., eait oliie; me croutine west llde. Answer, if you tloltrn to, V. D. BLACK. Herald oBUe. Neptune""house, rooeaway beach, ply moutli Rock excuniiou, Rc^utta, Jane 8. Lost.?Tho person in black who said "I fear you will become tired," Dy seutlln^ address, with some token of recognition tin ?trlct confidence), to VERITAS, box 15t> Herald office, will learn what rcvatalioii may be due to one who tears that tho "lo?t" can never b<* found. T~ HE ADDRESS OK ADOLPH GOLDSMITH IS wanted by narents In Chicago on Important buiineii. IP.-COii HOME . MOTHER IB VERY S1CK;TEL enraiili aildrnas;it I ii ftr.lvju : nobody knowi. UESDAV EVENINgTJUNK ?TEAST Tt? WEST 221> St., afterwuru to store adjoiniiii; Altman'i: about bou ?et; headache. Please aduresi BEN J BOWEN, Herald llllce. ILL H. D. MAKIE_PETKRSEN7"wnO WAS Tn Co" ponhagcu winter of H74-5, pleaio send her present address to the friend who assisted her ? 9"TII fcTV?Wifo WANTS TO SF.E ROOMS FOlTTlfM self and bo> about tl>roe monilis ago and bowi to tho window, is willing to liavn an interview. Please oxcm* medium and addreis, If possible. RuSE BUD, box 110 Herald office. HKLHilOtS NOTICBH. fMTB~u6sPKt TKNT, " J. 34tb at.. Wont, and near fitU iv. (ere.'n cart of Thirty-fourth street line pais tha taut.) TCWDAK,8. I'. M.- ('reaching by Uev. R. Jeffrey, D. D. ?f Hrooklrc. WKU.Nb.SDAY, 8 P. M.?Pm aching by Rev. W. Hump Man*. ^THURSDAY, 8 P. M.?Preaching by Hot. R. R. Booth, PR! DAY, 8 P. M.?Preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. SATURDAY, 8 P. M.?Mcotinir of Christian wurkera to be led by Undo John Vassar. Singing every evening by Thomas E. Parkin* and a chorus. Keats fr-t to all. Helper* warned ??? unbers, workers and stagers. Address B. P. WILLIAMS, No. -W East 43d st. Contributions to the support of these services may be sent to E. L. OWKNM, Treasurer, Xo. 40 Kast 43d St. ~~ bftsi AKi* i-i'i Al?. POUND?A SMALL SI'II OP MONEY. THE OWNER will receive It by by describing It and paying advertis ing. Apply at rooms 51 and 52, 3H Broad st. IOST-ON SATURDAY, GOING PROM WHITR STAR J steamer, about lour o'clock, through 10th. iliiitson and Charles ?ta. nnd Greenwich av. and loth st. to Oth av., a leather Case, containing a travelling clock. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It at 08o 5th av. Lost-kunday evening, at central park, a black cashmere Sacque. trimmed with lacs aud bead.. The Under will be rewarded by returulng it to 318 Kast 84th st. J O.ST?SUN I >AY EVENING, aT~HLACK EMAMBL J Lockot, Initial M. in diamonds; valnnblu on account of Containing plctnre and hair :.l dci-ousod sinter. Kind.rwtll b^ rewarded by leaving it at gun storo. No. D Chambers St. 3 OCT?A VERY SUALI. SCOTCH TERRIER SLUT. J about 3 pounds weight; sharp ears and very short tall; <? or, bluiali gray: answer* to name of Xellte. A suitable toward will be paid if returned to No. 4H East "i'Jd st. Lost-bet ekn sotb and 40TH sts., -jaur-s Homicupathiv Medicine." Return the book to Dr. liAYAUD, Ko. ? West Stltb St., for reward. IOST?PBIDA V LAST, A KLACK LEATHER WAL J let, containing Papers, of no value but to th? owner. A suitable reward will be paid by returning to \V. YOUNG, 25 Park row. LOST-MONfiAY AFTERNOON^" ON MADISON AY., gold nib Piu. The lindur will be re w a rued il left at 13H Madison av I OST?SUNDAY .VKTERNOON, A MALTESE KITTEN. J The Ruder will be liberally rewarded by returuinir tho lame to PH. KUHLER, 110thst., between 8th and 7th avs. ItkW A!tl>*. djTrr\ reward Iok wavch XosT'Wtfrsday ?uu alternoon last. Please enmmuuleate with P. O., Herald Uptown Branch office. No. of watch, 0,013. Ko questions asked. t ALIHKRAL REWARD WILL HE UIYEN FOR THE return ol a Canary, with black spot on the bend, 131st tt.. Hrst bouse e.i?t ol I'.tli i?vL I'KAKSALL. ' *" ~ Mi'EHAL SOTltEU. DISEASES OP MEN. The Importance of the healthiness of the nervous lystem cannot bo overesttmaled; IM power over life and death and the .llrect i-earing which it has on human happiness seems to be recognised; its capabilities Its qualities unit its powers; the importance of lt? healthful preservation, its moderate uses, the danger of overtaxing it. whether through tlioiiiiht. study, or intense application in mental Investigation and research; whether by lbs absorbing attention nocessary to the conduct of coiupll lated and momentous business Interests, or by the exc?? live indulgence of the apatites and propensities of the System. All these are proper subjects lor eonslderatlon. as alsothe knowledge of what Is moderation, what Is excess, ?ml when llie.e evist the absolute necessity o( promptly aeeklng advice Irom an exjiert wbo. lor a long series of years, has devoted his whole time and attention t? the stndy. Investigation atid MMM of all the IMImHm of iMa tin port ant department, to accurately determine the diseased conditions, their nature, causes and origin, whether arising from the want ol exercise, its irregularity or excess, and who. Irom his experience and practice, lias learned to discover at once tbe .lei augment a ad as promptly ?ynly the remedy, tlui? avoiding llie pannully slow ieellii/ alter the truth, so common to the Inexperienced and so aMioytug to the nn liem. who. very naturally, wains to know win.out delay what Is the n atter, the extent ?? the derangement, the probabilities of recuperation ami the time required. A striking example ol the vniue of experience and practl tal ol.aervatlon ns well as the usefulness of the prompt ap pliciitiou ol suitable remedies, is fonad in the ImTHirtant statement, eaiitilnv. not liom one, but ? noten public Instltu lions, not only at home but abroad, that a very large propor tion er those who suffer Irom mental disturbance and abso lute Insanity permanently recover, who are nlaced under Ireatmetiiavitliin a year alter the flrst symptoms have tnanl lesteit themselves. II the intellectual denartment of the brain nas become es kairted by Intense mental application, depriving it ol tbe power ol connected thought, it can only recover Its strength Ia tielnir )iropi>rlv ted an.I nourished by the use ol certain systematic method*. It is precisely so in every other de partment, wli titer ol npni-tlte. propensity or passion, each renin rin tr a different remvav lor its recupei at ion and different m inis i..r bringing them up Irom their overworked ana cx lausted cnndltl. lis. The importance of this hranch of niedi tal practice can scarcely be overrated, lor It reaches even to the perpetuation of IS rally immc- the securing of litre.llturv lilies and the retention of estates In the smiif laniiir. Prom ? long and large expi-r.ence in this direction I hnve been able to command I.v my snrcess the thsnklul appreel Mioii ol some of th ? first Inmllles In the eltv and nation: nnd I certainly cm communicate toncb to eiiltivaied minil* in mnncetioii Willi my practical experience in what pertains to llie over-exercise of every department of the nervous system M<< the mean- ol recovering their ptwers, whether of brain, ^petite, propcueity or passion. HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D.. 144 Lexlngtan ??-. near 29th st. ?mm, 't*t .SPBCUi NOTICES. A" -V-ALL PKIZfc8le,A3HED"lN^^LirX?^fUl5 ? olbi'4. Third LoultUnit gold dUtributlou. Now Orleans. J ulr 2?, I?70. Capital prise ?ItM.OUO gold!! priire amounting to $502,500. lilt." 0 tlcketa $50 currency Coupons In proportion. Apply lor Information Jkc., to WILLIAMt>ON A CO., broker*. :tl7 Hruidwtv. I?o?t ..Bice bm tUTJU. LLEN * coTT*to" Nassau"ST., nbw york~ Wyoming Lottery draws June 20; capital prise, $50,000: ticket), $1 ; U for $5, prises cashed Circular* mailed flee. Drawing* of the lOUt will be published to morrow. T -KOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, ~~ a , Next drawing J uue 2(1. 1 Prise of Spanish dollar* 9100.0 O 1 Prise of Spanish do linn 5" ,000 2 Prise* of each, Spanish dollar* 25,000 aud other prises. German (rovernmeat Lotteries. full explanatory circular* free. THKODOUK ZSCftOCH, Pont office box 5,MM. lit) N'a*?au it.. New York. A -PARKS. KM1RSON *"1? A> Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn over* 17 tlava. Kintncky Single Ntiiul?*r Lottery, drawu June 24, 1878. Prises jssheil, Information furnished aud circular* Iree. 1HU Broadway- Post office box 5,272 New York. B-KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES Of J. S. SMITH . A Co. KKMDCKr- KXVKA CUM NO. 48 i, FOB 18711. It, 01. 53, 4.'., 54, 67, 9. (10, 35. li. 5, 70. X UNTUCK V?L'LAK* .10. 48S, VOU |R7?. HI. 21, -II, 58, IS, 7. tut. la 7>>. 40. 68. 67. All order* address II. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, ur Post office box 4.87D, New York city. ?" ON Fit It ENCB OlTALL CIGAR M AND KACTU KK RS who are opposed to the present laneui?lit house ivitetu wl'l tike plaeo on Tuesday. J una 111, at 7 o'clock P. II., at Geriuaula Assembly Rooms, No*. 291 and 293 Kowrry. THE COMMITTEE. Diseases ok mkn a spbcTaLtyT HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington a*., uuur iitMh si. Office hoar* from 8 to 3. DR. II. J. JORDAN. SOLE PROPRIETOR OK Till? New York Museum of Auutomy, baa removed 111* resi dence anU ollicu to No. i Washington place, three uoori west of H roadway. Havana lottery.-next~drawinc, june 20; 40,<xt0 ticket*; $4)00,000 In prlto>. Addrar-* M. M AR TINEZ A CO., Hanker*. 10 Wall st.. basement; l'o*t office box 4.1X2 New York. Spanish gold and Havana bank billi bought and fold : drafts ou Havana issued. TN'-TIIE FRENCH DEI'AKTMfaNT OK MAIN 11UILX> ing. Soctinu H, 41, may bo aeen artlclea of nouveaute of fastidious design aud elaborate fioish: Bijoux of great ?aloe, recherche and art, conalitlng nf elegant Bronx* a. Clock*, Marble Statuary, Stntnottea, and a studio full of Autique and Rare Goods, the handiwork of Franch concep tion and skill. Purchasers wishing to make selections earn have tho articles reserved tlil the close of the Exhibition. Messrs. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY A ORAliAM, the New Yoik Importers, of 20 John st. aud 19 Maiden lane, are the exhibitoia. K -CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAKNESS: IMPROVED method ; instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. S West 14thst. Kentucky state lotteries drawn daily. Kentucky State single number grand distribution draws June 24. Whole tickets, flit. lioyal II? van:. lottery, to be drawn June 20. Whole tickets. $20; tenths and iweutiethx in pioportlou. Kor inform it tlou, circulars, Ac., address ur apply to JACK SON A CO., baukortt, -02 II road way. New York. M" ORTGA.iES FORECLOSED Kit EE OK CUARUE BY an experlencerl real estate lawyer. Address ATTOE NEY, box -23 Herald office. VTERVOUS exhaustion.?A MEDICAL KSHAY comprising aserios ol lectures delivered at Kahn's Mo *enin of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of Pre mature Decline, allowing indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis ol the impedimenta to marriage and the treatment of nervoni and physical debility, being tlie result of 20 years' experience. Price 25 cents. Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KAHN, office and residence 51 East loth st. Now York. T^AUTICAU?HAVING PATENT!) PROM THE i.1 United States and Great Britain tor an arrangement by which the card and needle of the ordinary mariner's com pass are relatively njjti.4tai.le, so that by a simple manual Sroceas the variation of the magnetic needle may be applied Irectly to the compass, thus making the coursos sailed the true course*; the winds reeoraed the true winds; the bear ings taken the true bearings. and no allowance nor correc tion lor variation uecesaary for working up the dead reckon ing. Correspondence with manufacturers and dealers is solicited with the view ot Its introduction into general mari time use. Address 81LA8 BENT.. 717 Garrison av., St. Louis, Mo, ILE8 OR HEMORRHOIDS RADICALLY CURED origiual treatment; no fees until cured; circulars tree. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14th st. li EAD THE EVENING TELEGRAM KOR SPECIAL REPORTS of the PROCEEDINGS of the CINCINNATI CONVENTION every day, In the EVENING TELEGRAM EVERY KIGIIT. E CIRCULATION 36,320 COPIES DAILY. ADVERTISING RATES 20 CENTS PER LINK. oyal Havana lottery.?saoo.oo0 will Sk drawn on June 20. PrlM* easbed; orderi tilled: Infor mation luruished; hlgkeit ratal paid lor Spaniih bills, tror arnmantii, Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Rankari. No. II Wall at.. New York. H?OrVlClAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT. . lerie*.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Manager*. KKHTllCKY. K1TRA CLAM MO. 377?J CMK 12, 1870l 02. US, 10, 48. is, 55. 43. 7. 31), 17. 2. 4, 38. KRMTVCKY, CLASS SO. 378?JCHIt 12, 187ft 4a 14. t, 4, 53, 23, 10, 77. 48, CO. 37, 03, 27. 72. HKKRY. KXTRA CLASS >0. 277?JVM* 12, 1876. 11. 8, 53. 74. -'8. HI. 28, 18, 20. 5. 24, 3L, 12. IIBMRT, CLASS DO. 278-JUHB 12, 187U. 64, 40, 27, 21). 73, 20. 4, 17, 2S. 43, 77. 5, 70. 52. Full information by applying lo or uddreulnir J. CLUTK A CO., 200 liroadway, or box 4,008 Poll office. R?$300,100 IN PIUZES?EVERY OTHER TICKET A . I'rlio.?SIMMON'S A DICKINSON'S single number Kentucky State lottery to be drawn Jane 24, IH7S; 23,43<? prises out of 30.000 ticket*; alio Itoyal Havana to be drawn on June 20. 1876. J. CLUTE A CO., 2Qj Broadway, or box 4,080 Pout office. $300 .000." _ FORTUNE FOR ONLY $10. MOOTS VELVET One ticket oat of every two draws a prise, Kentucky State distribution, draws 8ATUHDAY, Jnne 24, certain. THREE GRAND CAPITAL"PRIZES OF *30,000 EACH. Schedule of Prises. 1 Prise of. $30,000 I 1 Prise of $30,000 1 l'rlie ol 20,000 2 Prises of $10.000.. 20.000 2 Prise? of $3,000.... 10.000 | 3 Prises of $2.30a... 12.3<*> 20 Pruei ur$l,lUU.. 20,<*XI | 20 Prises of $*>0.... lU,IIUO So Prlar* of $25tI ... 12.500 | 200 I'/Uen of $100... 30,000 23,000 Priiei of $6.. 125,000 I I2H f rises, amount I >ng 10,000 25,420 Prlxes, aggregating $300,00 I, cash. Ticket*, $10; halve*. $3. quartan, $2 5U Thii i* the beat kChetne yet odered for realising ?-luuod *ome fottuae Willi a ?mall lave inrai Kverr prire will bo paid In full on preienialio* el ticket IVnun# holding ticket* that liavo drawn |>riiee mailer from wltooi bouakt) can set them raeh?-4 ? r ? ' < ? lor ether '.Icketa at till* office. Mud in your ? at ouee to thv laaen agents. TllOt' 4? II II AV8 A CO., W t,r.i??i?*y. New York. i>HV U4MIIM. ^ arpets, OILCLOTHS, ? MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS. CLEARING TP SALS AT UKKAT RKDCCTIONS. IN ORDER TO CLOSE OCT PATTERNS WHICH WE DO NOT INTEND TO DUPLICATE, WILL OFFER DURING fill. BALANCK OF Tills MONTH, Al LSSs 1 11 AN COST OF IMPORTATION OR MANUFACTURERS' PRICKS, LARGE LINKS CHOICE DESIGN$ RTTKS at $2 23, formerly $-t 25. ?.TS at $1 73 ant) $2. lornierly $2 73. BODY XRUSSHlJ) ai$l 3>> and #1 73, formerly $2 25 TAPKSTIIY BRUSSELS at $1 and $125. formerly $1 35 and $1 50. TIlKltB-PLY. $1 and $1 33, formerly $1 Ml. lNOnAlNS, 40c . 3<V., 73c. and $1, IN GREAT VA RIETY. A MANUFACTL'UKKs' KNTIRE STOCK OP OILCLOTHS, VAKYINO FROM niie to eight yard* wide, at LESS THAN COST OK MANUFACTURE, at 33c. l'EK YARD AND UPWARD. Juit received, a cargo of MATTINGS, WHITE. RED, ? I1KCK AND FANCY. FROM JOt l*K.< YARD. Also, a lot o? Japanese mailing m Hoc., WORTH 8(>e. an importkrs stock or LACK Cl RTAINS, from ONK ImiLLAR per pair to ibe flnei-t Imported at HALF PKICK. From auction, alio CURTAIN NUTS and TorTA.iK DRAPKRY^. CRETONNES. RBI'S, FURNITURE CHINTZES, WINDOW SHADES and CORNICES. MOSQUITO NETS. WINDOW SCREEN". ?l 4rte. each, to FIT ANY'WIN DOW mew patent). 8HEPPAKD KNAFP, NOS. 183 AND 183 urn. ,lV . NEW YOKK. una door below 13th it. P. S.?MAIL ORDERS will receive prompt attMtkVL Send lor unular. JIIliU.\ICRY AMD UREiMMAklNto. ' At marIE tilmANN'S, ov Paris. Importkr Opening oftlie htiest. lergest asenrtaseiit of Parisian Summer Millinery ever brought to this market. 423 0th av.. n??hi 2?Hh st. Jute Michel's). ' 1"aDIKS" OF T as IE W IS HI NO ST YLIS if IM FORT ? D J Hountts or round Hals at groally reduced prices will find it t-> their advantage to call at Mme. CAMILLE Dk LACY'S. 8M3Broadway, near 1VHH St. SI OK FLAlTINO?SIDE. SPACE AND DOUNL* BOX planing. from I to 23 inches wide, by mxi-liine. S. JO SKI'll. JiS Fonrtli ?t.. New York, and MO Fulton St., near pfneapple Hr mklyn. ~ttiLUAItl>!l. " ' A MOHICAN .-TaKd %Kl> lltjtt IIIUl.l akD f AliLKS, wltb DeUney'* wire ciMhi'ms. solely used in all chain iiion*lii|i and ni.itch ironra; ?ecund hand Tables at areas UarKaiu>, W. II. tilCKKITII A CO., No. 40 Veney st. ClOI.LENiir.R'S STaNOARD aMKRICaN BEVEL ) Itillmrd Tabii'i. with the celebrated Phelan h Collendrr oiinhinatiwu cushions, for sale in thie city only al 73H Uroad way. 1>UELAN'S HILLl AltiTTABLES?KOK SALE ORLY by uEO. E. PHELAN, wareroom 3b E?et 14th it. SPOUTING?.DOGS. HIHlMt. ?fcw. A -JC8T IMPOUIED. '.VO ENGLISH SPAUBoWS. A? on* b tir of v<ry small t ax Terriers, Scotch ant Steve T?r>ler*. Maltese Cats. Squirrels. Ae ; on# very lino sing nj Mockiio- Hint. V?dieiue? for all diseases at MKYKKs', No. U West 34 su, near lirosdwxy. ANV GKNfLKMTNWl.MUNG TO EXCIlANUll USB ol $50 lur dm* of bu>- Shotgun for Ilia ?wvu war addreaa K K. t' . Iiox Itt Uernltl I'ptowu ofllce. THKTURK. 7 A?I'LIiKTWOOD >AUKrWKDN'fca?A\'r*JX/Si"li ? Trotting at 3 o'clock. Twelfth semi anuual uiuetinff of lbs Saratoga Stable Trotting Asaociation. Third Clam. John Moore eater* blk. g. Bucket. S. Lludeusteiu enter* b. g. Jake lleM. E. Udell enisra b. iu. Lady Mary. Second i:la?. J. Fisher enters b. g. A. T. Stewart. George C. Claxtoti enters br. <. l'nooa i'haries. A. s. Udell enters b. ni. I.lute First Class. Charlea Deckernian eaters b. in 1'nulioe Lacca. A. 8. Odell enters ?. g. Star lleury. ?leorge Shlpiuan eaters br mi. Hriieia. John Huc?ri> ??utera b. tu. Carrie Myers. E. Odell eater* blk. ui. Gertrude. Dash of one mile. Gentlemen's road horse*. MATES 14. BAKNARD, President. A" MKkTcAN JOC KF.Y OIJ'B.-Sl'KlNG M K KTI NO. 1H78. at Jerumo 1'ark, ltd. itth.nth, ltkli, 13t!i. ll>th and 17th Juue. Haces commence each dav punctually at 3 o'clock. A. BKLMONT, President. C. WmuTLY. Secretar?. UCTION ANirKitR.N C11 V6<>liHsOLD~DAY AM) ereniug at NEW YORK Tl'HF KXCIIaNUK, 15 Wot Mli at., on the JliHOMK I'AUk nutltteg racea; prompt atteutluo giveu orders by mail or luesscujrer. KELLY. BLISS A GO. A L'CT 1 UN AND FltEXCH POOLS SOLD AT Jnhuson's room*, 1< road way and JHth ?t., all day. ou the miming races al Jerome Park and trotting at Philadelphia. Each race received by telegraph. Particular attuutiou given orders by mail, mcsaeuger or te.egranh. T. B. AAV. II. JOIINSON. AUCTION AND FKBNChTpoGL* HOLD AT THOMAS' Exchange. I.U30 Broadway, on the Jerome l'ara run ning races, billiard tournaments and base bail game*. GKOBGE M. THOMAS. Auction pools sold^tiiTsaftk n noon on the Jerome Park races and thu Philadelphia trots at Sport' lug otBco. No. 8 West U8th st. T. K. BAKKU, Auctioneer. Mutu kl ~dok bin ation.?r RB.CdlI~pooiTsr wisT tier and tir?t aud second, sold to-duv at sporting oilico. No. 8 West 2Sth at Orders attended to. GI It AIID A CO. New yobk and hTblbm BAILKOAD. Jerome Park lU'ei. Juue M, <1. 8. IU, LI. I ft and 17. Spociol tralus. with reserved cars lur ladies, will leave Grand Central Depot on race days al 1 ::K> and 'J P. M.. re turning after the races. Fourth avenuue cars iun direct to the depot. Excursion tickets, VJceuts. C. M. KISSELI/. Superintendent. "POOLS SOLD AT 818 KUTLKDGE ST., NEAR UNION X Grounds, Brooklyn, thin alternoon : Minimis vs. 0ti 1 - cago, Union Grounds; Cincinnati vs. Athletics. at Philadel phia; Hertford vs. Louisville, at II art lord: Hoatou vs. St. Louis, at Boetou. _ SKI HEItT A McCLOU l>. HORSRH, CAIIHIAURS. A""ucticjS' housrVf van t'asskll a KKARiTSt J10 AND 113 EAST 13TU ST., NKAK 4T1I AV. REGULAR SALES OK HOUSES ANI) CARRIAGES, KVKRV TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Twenty-four to forty-eight hour* given to purchaser* to test warranter*. Horses, Carriages, Harness, Blankets, Hobo, Ac., always on Itanil at private rale. CATALOGUE OK THIS DAY'S (.TUESDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE B8TABL1SIIMfcNT-TEAM BAY HORSES. 16 bands high. s and it yours uld;kind and true in ail harness: I rue irom vico; to .d travellers, fr?i> and stylish drivers: fear notliing; have great endurance and are In every way a first class carrii g > team, and ?old only nil amount of owner leaving tliu city. SILVER MOUNTnD Dull HI E HARNESS. BAKOl Clll,, GOOD AS NEW, Bl'ILT fcT MINER A Steven'*. ELEGANT FONT TURNOUT?CHESTNUT PONT. VJX hands high, (1 years old ; kind an<1 true In all harness; tree from vice; extra line ander ra Idle : I* very stylish and haudsoiue; perfectly iiafe fur a lady or i hlld to ride or drive aud warranted sound; alio aet fine liar ? ess Hid MO TOP PJNY PHAETON. NK*RLY NEW. VEBY STYLISH AND WELL HATCHED TEAM BAY Hon**, 10 hand* high. 7 anil s years old; kind and true in all harness; free from via-; fast travellers; have Bne style and aetloa, and are warrauted sound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS. NEARLY NEW. FOUR-PASSENGER PARK PHAETON. IN GOOD OR der. built (>y I load ley. ELEGANT IIAY COUPE OR DOG CART HORSE, 15J? hands high, 7 year* old: kind and true In ail liarneas; tree truui vice; lias extra line knee urtlou; is a prompt and spirited driver; lias been used In a dog cart; I* sold ouiy on accouut of owner going abroad; warrant ed sound. Set Coupe Harness and VICTORIA, IN GOOD ORDER. TEAM BAY HORSES. 10 HANDS HIOH, 7 AND 8 years old; kind aud true in all harness; free fro to vice; firoinpl and stylish drivers; fast travellers; lour noth ng; have been used by a private family, and aro an excelleut team lor general use. Also set Harness and COACH (CURTAIN OU AKTKRSj. IN GOOD ORDUK. CHESTNUT MARE, BRED HY JAMES K. CLAY. SIRED by Clark Chi?r, dam a thoroughbred mare, hair sister to Nicotine; is I5J, hands high, 6years old: kind and true in all harness; Ires from vice; a stylish and pleasant roadster; can trot close to :i minutes; tear* nothing aud warranted sound; also sit Harness and TOP ROAD WAGON, NEARLY NEW. THOROUGHBRED SORREL SADDLE MARE, 1ftjf hands, high. U year* old; well broken to a'l gait* un der saddle, and I* a Brat class horse for ladjr's or geu tleuian's use. ELEGANT BASKET PHAETON. WITH RUMBLE. BAY MAKE, 15J? HANDS HIGH, 7 TEARS OLD; KIND and true In all harness; free from vice; extra Bno un der saddle; fears nothing; suitable for a lady to ride or drive, and warranted sound. ROCKAVVAY, NEARLY NEW. DAPPLE GRAY COUPE OR CARRIAGE HORSE, 10 hands high. S year* aid; kind and true in all harness; rree Irom vice; ha* flue style acd action; tears nothing, m aud i? a Drat class family animal. EXTENSION TUP PHAETON. BROWN MARE. SIRED BT KENTUCKY WHIP, dam a thoroughbred mare, 1* IShands high, live years old; kind and true In all harness; free from vice; a fast traveller; prompt and pleasant driver, aud war ranted sound. TOP PONY PHAETON. ON C SPRINGS. BAY HORSE, MORGAN STOCK. 1 aii HANDS hrjtti. six years old; kind and true in all harneaa , tree trum vice; extra Bne under saddle, a prompt and pieasaut driver; does not shy or pull and warranted sound. BASKET PONY PHAETON. WITn CANOPY. BAY HORSE. 15 HANDS HIGH. SIX YEARS old; kind and true in all harness; frea from vico; an extra line driver; has One style and action, and is warranted souud. SEVERAL OTHER HORSES. DESCRIPTIONS TIME of sale. Three quarter seat Road Wagon, sold to pay charge* and storage, by order of Conover A Haley. Top and no top Phaetous, Road Wagon. Hoekawaya, Coupes, Coaohes. double ami single Harness, Saddles. Ac. "" iNCES . sAIJS COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. a -major chas. w. barker s A, GREAT regular HORsE and Carriage sale TO-MORROW. Wednesday, To-morrow, AT 11 o'clock. AT MARKER A Son's CITT AUCTION Marl and New York Tsttenall'*, CO K.N KR OF Broadway and 39th at. SEE DESCRIPTIONS in to morrow s Herald. ADVERTISED ENTRIES for above close at 4 P. M. today. GOOD CUT-UNDER ROCKAWAY. (ISO; ONE i"0P I'oav Phaeton. *125: one Road Wagon (Stivers;. $5U; a IJrewster Wagon, pole and shafts, nearly new ; also a large as sortment of new and secondhand Landaus, Coaches, six-seat Rockaway, Coupes, Coupe Hockawavs. Pony Basket Phae ton, extension top and Road Wagons, top Depot and throe seat Wagons; also Harness, all prices and kinds; sheets, Ac.; will be sold very 'heap. WM. II. GRAY, 3?? and 22 W ooster st. aaMM SALK-15 YOUNG HORSfcS, JUST ' FROM a Indiana, suitable for all busiuesa. Inquire at 133 Noriolk st. a ?ro"R~salTe~ five pony built horsksT^suTt J\s farming, grocery or any business. 104 Elisabeth St., between Hroomo and Grand. "a GENTLEM AN'S TuKNOUT FOR SALE CHEAP? J\ Consisting of a dark brown Horse, 13^ hands high; stylish, fast and perteetlr gentle; a light elde-u*r top Wugou, by hist class maker: good as new, line Harness, Ac. ; price S!asi. To be seeu at Ferguson's boarding stables, 53d St., uear 6th av. "a LEATHER TOP Bt.'OOY. NEARLY NBW, FULL J..L springs, for sale cheap. .">3 West lOtb st. pair "or"BAY HORSES, SIXTEEN HANDS one inch. Jielug one ol the rtnest pair of carrtago horses in tnis city: also, a well broken gray sadlle Mare, ?ired bv I*eauilugton, Inquire at IW West 18th at. IaI' HAIF TALUK,' IWO CHUNKY BUILT ? |i? .*?<: s uind an.t kinl: expiass Wa^oa and Har ness. No. ? tlsrlnu St., sai. on T" -FOR SALE. FOUR HORSES, SUITAHLR FOR A. grocer, expresa, terming or any business; must be sold. Vol Grsnd st . near Mott st. ~T~ leather top HUGGT, NBAMat NSW, tMO; A A Perk Pbacton, (2UO; a Coupe, 4). At private stable III West t7tb st. GRKAT"BARGAIN?A VERY FINE TOP PONY Phaeton, uot tolled, with a One (Ingle Harness; also an elas-aut gold-tnouoted doable road Harness, by best city inakers. Call and examine, at Mr. HA > KtR S private stable No. o West 15th at . adjoining New York Hospital buildings. _______________ i.HMLtM \N GOING ABROAD WILL SELL HIS rosil Horse, top Wagon and Harness at a bargain; hor>e a beautiful bay, sis year* old. 15% bands high: war ranted sound and kind; trots faat; also a beautiful tup pony Phaeton. Private stable Brst door east of Uuiversil) place. In 13th ?t. XF1NE LOT OF IIARNKSS AT LOW PRICKS. nHEKTS AND HORSE CI.OTH1NM IN GRKAT VA RIKTY. SAVF. HUSKY BY DEALING DIRECT Willi THE MANUFACTURER. E. HARTLETT. i<3 tVarran st , corner College piace. "I FULL BLOODED AYRESHIRE COW FOR SALE, A wttli twin Calves; make* 12 p?un4* of butter a week. East l?th at. "a ?FOB SALE ? BKAUTIFt"L BAY HoRSK, ? YEARS ./La old, I5l? bands; One ktylo and action ; side bar top Wagon, by itrewster; Dunscomb Harness; warrantee given. Private stable. No. 13 West 27tb st, between Broad way and 5th av. LAOY'S PHAETON AND SADDLE HORSE; HAY; I.)1, bands; very stylish; bav Coach Team, 16 bands; top sloe tiar Wagon, Pole and Shafts: top Phaeton; two side Saddle*: double and single Harness. 142 West 37th st. _ A SIYLISII, FAST, TlioBOUGHHKBD MARK, PEE J\. lectly sonnd and gentle; Brewster hill spring ti?p M'agnn. aud Campbell Harness; all in complete order and lor aele very cheap. PRlE.vr s stable, 13S West 2Sth st. _ " i BkEWsTER ONE SEAT TOP ROAD WAGON ; ONE A or the nnest in the city; aoat 9400; used a lew times. Jso. 5 West 13tu st. _ 1" ?FOR SAL8 OMMP. ? HOMifc itftTjUllsR for As farmlog. grocer or exprev,; trial allowed. Aptfly at 57 Great Jones St., near Howeiy. "V 'a^u or f in riNinrr may teams in thkwity. A. h years old, 15)^ hands lilgh; warranted sound and hind; price $100, No. 5 West 13%h St. HCIKSKS. CAUH1AOKH. <KC. 4 CCTION BOUSE Of A ROM. JOII NSTON. ?i V m, 21, 03 hii I 25 18th it,. nur University olac?. SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARE HELD EYh^iY TUESDAY AD FRIDAY AT lO O'CLOCK. ON KVKRY IIORSK WAX HASTED SOUND FROM 21 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RE LIABLE lloUSE I.N THE CITY. THIS DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. LANDAU EST A H LTM1M E X T? KIm te-im croM tost: lied chestnut mid ba.' Hui'mik. Ml huudi. 9 and 1">kind in till harness; huve ? ? ? n ??? patent owner in city III country lur p i?l iw> ) i ar? b0i afmlc nt ii locomotive u umtbiHg ele, mil aru lu every ?a?p c; ? ir?t ela.n, reliable la nili te mi; well matched lu st.< lu, wail an I ac tiuu: w.rraued aound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, in pail orilef, liy Wood Oibnon. ELEiJANT LANDAU, satin and niorucco It led, by Miner A Steven* TOP S It ROAD 'A AGON, noorly new, limit to order by (leer e <1. Moore. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED ARE SOME OK Till. KIXEST STOCK IN THE MARKET; ALL KENTUCKY BR UP \Xl> DIRECT FROM THE FARMS THE* WEltK RAISED OK. ELEOAN'T TEAM BAY AND SORRELL HORSES, Kriituck), Morgan nnd Golddust" steak; full "A." nisiies mill tails; mined lu UlRMMli Ky.: 10U liatidn liign, 7 and s years old; kind in all harness and under saddle ; free from vice ; ere free. stilish drivers; Iiiivj been thoroughly aud carefully broken; sale lor auy one to drive, and warranted bound. BBAUTIKUL SORRELL TROTTING llOlt;F. Eclipse Golddust stock ; ruined and bred in "B.'' Kentucky; full mane nnd mil; has tfooil, puro. free, open gait ; hex not been trained for spued, but promise* to bo very lust: ran trot lu uiiiiiiien, unci i? i4 eery pieasunt driver, without Unit oi trick of any kind' I* l">j< hands high. year* old ; kind in all harness; free' iVoni vie,*, and lu every way reliable ; warranted Konnd. ELEC.ANT BltOWN KENTUCKY HORSE, Morgan and llailuw stock; has Hue luane and tall, in l?l ??C.M hands, ti yearn; kind In all haritean and under i-addie; Imn not a vice or trick of any kiit-l; a tree, pleasant driver, single "or double ; not ntruld ol a locomotive or anythiiiir else ; lu every way right; warranted aound. VERY FINE BLACK HORSE, Messenger and Morgan mock, full tuune end tail, raised iu Ken tucky; in hands lilgh, 7 yearn old; kind in ail liar iienn and under **ddtu; Iron from vice ; In a line coupe, cerclage ?r Unillv luw; If a ?toady. fre" driver; not afraid of uuythlug; anyone can drive hi in ; warranted sound LIOI1T COCKE, LITTLE USED, BY MINER A STE TWO FINE PARK PHAETONS, by Brewster, of Broome st. FINK BAY IIOBSE. 15>4' hands, 7 yearn old; kind iu all harness and under saddle; hat not a fault, vice or trick of any kind : ban been lined by a la i In elty and country ; in not alraid of anytliiug, and la in evuiv wnv r?lia'i e lor anv use; warranted nound. CAKOI'Y TOP PONY PHaEtON, In good order, city built. FIXE TEAM H.VMBLF.TONIAN HORSES, rawed In Columbia county. New York; ire l.ri\ liandn lilah. 9 yean n d ; kinil and truo in all haruess and under saddle* have not a vice or trick ot uurklud; are not al'raui of a locomotive or anythinu ' I f; are full brotliem and were rained by tbe preneut owner and are iu everv way a tirnt elann family or rood team ; tit fur auv use; warranted aound. CLARENI'E COl'l'K. ill uood o der. bv Wood Broa. MINATL'KK PONY PHAETON ESTABL1SMENT? Bay iiony Horse, 111, hands hiirli, 7 years old: kind In all harness and under saddle; very haiidaomo and a perfect pet; In evary way reliable; warrauted soil lei. SET MI NATURE HARNESS; made to order. MIXaTURK CANOPY TO PHAETON, to order by W ood Broi. TWEN'I Y FtiUR OTHER HORSES. Description tinio LARClJ ASSORTMENT of every kind of CARRIAOE, WAOON, PUAETON HARNESS tliii day at ABC1I. JoilNSToN'S Mart, 1H to|i.*>|IUth si., near Uu> veisity place. Weather never lnterfeien with our KAI.KH AT II) O't i-l>CJ*.. 4 ~m7?utua<:ek" sale. J\. BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN CHATTEL MOKTUAOE AND BILL OF SALE TO ME DIRECTED I WILL SELL BY PUBLIC VENDUE, ON WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14, AT U O'CLOCK IN THE FOliENOON PROMPT, AT TUE UNION AUCTION HOU-E, M EA>T 1HTH ST. BETWEEN BROADWAY AND 5TII AV.. tub followino valuable and well kxown TROTTING AND CARRIAIif. IIOiCSES. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, HARNESS. AC. DESCRIPTION, N4. I. The lariro bar Kentucky trottlni; Home Lone Branch, lti>4 hands, S veara old; sound and kind; trotted three heat* in2:44. '2:41 and *2; lie Is very K?ntle ; stands without tyinic iu the street, and ts one of the best drivinir and best galtcd homei in tlie State. Xoa. 2 and :t. Pair of Kentucky bar carriage Horse*. Iri handa, about tl aud 7 yours old; very gentle and stylish; a pcrlect laiuily team lu ever/ respect: aound and kind; the niirh side liorno Is con sidered one of the best Kentucky laddie horses In tlio city. 4. Coupe, by Wood Brothor*. lu Hue order. ?>. Set ot double coupo Harness, it. 1* ? flue bred trotting dark eheatnut Gelding, 3 years old. handa; sound and kind; can trot to a top wagon in I mluuie*. 7. Beautiful full iprlng top Road WagOH." S. Single seat, one raau. no top 1 retting Knad Wagou. H Top. sldn bar Knad Wagon. lO. Top Pony Phaetou. 11. Set of double Road Harness. 12. Set of aln gie (!oupe Harness. IS and 14. Two line sets ot single Road Harness. N. B ?THE ABOVE STOCK WILL BE SOLD TO THK niOHESr BIDDER, RAIN OR SHINE. BY ORDER OK EIMIII W. BUTCHER, ATTOHNEY FOB MORTGAGEE, ?251 BROADWAY. A KINK BLACK BUGGY OK SADDLE liOKSE, |ftt' liwitJa high; reliable. sound mi.I gentle; will l?> ? Id reasonable. nwuer hiving nu una fur lilm. Private (table, 153 Wed ?Hli St., near 7tb a v. A -TEX BUHINESS WAGONS. S3U TO $17.'.; FOR ? hxpren. Grocers, Butchers, Hakeri, Mil*. Laundry and Deliver)- wagons. Waicmi Manufactory. SJf, Spring at A"~T HALF ~C()8T?TWO BEAUTIFUL PHAETONS; one seat! four pen.>ns; iwu lull spring tup Wagoui, two side bars, aplemlid light Road Wagon; all nearly new; beat city inakei*. I'rlvato atable 3.W st. and 4tU av. All kinds nkw and second hand wauonh, Trucka. Carta and tup BuhkIm, Repoaitory, lludauu, curlier 13th ft. AH A IK J AIN IN GOOD SECOND HAND cla renTje. Brett, tup. >tda bar and lull sprtn^Kiiggies, extenalnn tup Phaetons. Cuupca. Kockawayi and new Wagons. 4UU 3d av. BcTlFBYlnREWsTRR A CO., OF BROOMK 8T.. THK following second hand Carriages. ?"lun lu perfect urdar: Landau, i abriolet, t# aeat I'haetuu, T-Cart, lj tup Wagoni from $1 jO to $350 BY OTHER MAKERS. Landana. Landauiots. Coach, Cabriolets. depot Wagon, extension top Phaetons, half ton I'baetuna, Coupe, mall i'baetun, T-Cart, top and nu tup Vv agon*. A. H. FLANDRAU, HW and 374 Broome at., old (tand ol Brawnier A Co. XKCCTOjvs S aL)? THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN 18 CALLED TO THE SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DAV (TUESDAY), JUNE 13. AT 11 A. M., OF ALL THE valuable TROTTING HORSES, E LEO ANT CARRIAOK8. HAR NK>S BLANKETS. STABLE UTENSILS. *0., AC., THK PROPERTY OF THE LATK CHARLES U. LIVING. STON. DRCEAAED, AT PRIYATK STABLE lift EAST 22D ST., CONSISTING OF THK HKaUTIPUL BLACK TROT TING MARE MARIA. SIRED BY GENERAL KNOX, dam a Messenger mare, ?i yearn old tlila sprln ?, 15)$ handa high; very prompt, pleasant driver; trotted Ian season, when ptircliitied at Portland, Me., In 3:35, 2:33 and 3 1 j. since which time she liaa beon driven on the road, for wliich purpose the la invaluable, aa aho la not excitable In company, doe* not pull mIicii speeding. doea nut wear limp, pulls weight well and la an extraordinary pole mare, pure galled, aonnd and kind and c m beat :i :30 Jay ol aale ELKGANT BAY TROTTING GELDING BAY HARRY. SI RE ll BY NORTH STaK MAMIIRING. dam by Highlander Chief; I* l" handa high; K years o'd; trotted la?t tail aruniid Fleetwood Park two heata In 2UXI, U.J f., driven by M. Rodeii; be la an extraordinary prompt and atyliali driver, with line knee action: due* not wear boot*: aale fur an> body to driT?: a good pule hutae; la sound and kind and can beat 2 :3"? in condition. (Maria mid Bay Harrv have been drivvu together a< a double team.) VERY FINE BAY TKOITING GELDING LOUAVE, HIKED BY TOLUNTEEK. DAM. A CLAY MAKE; la the nueal gentleman'! liorae for top wagon in tL-o city: lM.i hands high; n years old; trotted a mile around Prospect Park last fall in 2:37 to a road wagon: very prompt, bold driver; good galled : has extraordinary bottom ami finlurance; at In tor a lady to drive at apeed , can trot a mile in harness in 2 30 or better, and la sou ml and kind. HEaI'TIFC'L DAPPLED OKAY TROTTING GKI.IHNG GREY EDDIE. WIRED BY CLARK CIIIKF, DAM BY Denmark; raited at Lexington, Ky.; la H yeara old. 15^ hand' high; i( the handsomest and finest liurae ever brought from that State; veiy line llmba and leot; trutted river Ash land Park, laexington, Ky.. In apring of M7.'i. when a live yexr idd. In gW, J :.I4, 1 t">^ driveu by I). Muckln; he la a very prompt, (tylitb driver, good galled; la not excitable in company: doea nut wear boota; aale for any ordinary driver: la aoinid and kind and can trot in 2:3S, and it per fecllv broken to aaddl*. EL'EGaNT .'HESTNTT TROTTING MARK. SIRED BY MIDDI.ETOWN. D\M BY CONKLI.V STAR. 7 YEARS old. Iftfs hand* high: verv powerfully built aua hu? aa miich endurance aa any liorae alive, as alia trolled nve mllea over Suffolk track laal year, driven by Leavitt. in 14:1*. and a single mil* in 2:34; alio It a very pleaaant driver, good gaited, pulla weight well and l( perfectly brnseu to ilncle and doublo haruaaa; la aonnd and kind, and can beat J M) day of aale, BEAUTIFUL BROWN MARK LADT ALLEN, HIKED KY RTHAN ALLEN; IS H YKAKH OLD. lil., handa high; h?( never been handled f >r apeed. tint trotted a mile around Kingston halt-inlie track In 2:37 when 3 years old, alnce which lime aha haa been a*eil by I ad lea and children, lur wliicli purpoae ahe la invaluable; stauda without tying, tafe under all circatnstar.ces and a perfect pet: ?he Is very good galled, doe( nut wear booti, an extraor dinary pole mare, sound and kind and can beat 2:4<iou ?"v^KRY1* HANDSOME BAY GELDING RED DICK. HIRED BY SPKAGUE'S RHODE ISLAM). DAM * Hamlitetonian mare; 7 years old, I6L band* high ; very prompt, atyliah driver: doea net pull or any; safe tor a lady tu drive; Is perfectly broken under the saddle; li a good pole horae and can trot in 2:16 aiagle or double, and la sound and kind. Leov Alien and Red Dick make a fait doubla team. CAKKIAGKS Cu.X!>I*I OF ONE TWO SEATED Patk I'll acton, by Brewster; two top Wagon*, pole and shafts, by Brew?ter; one built last fall; one open Wagon. one Park Phaeton ; double and single flarueaaes, by Duoseoinb and Mllltiiga; imported ladles' and gentlemen's riding PADDLES. HP KOBE. BLANKETS, WHIPS, AC., all or which will he sold without limit or reservation to the hlgbeit bidder. Hy order of M. J. COSThLLO, " A. M. NELLIS, Executory. N. B.?ALL PICK SONS WISHING TO PLHCHA8K arc Invited to lna|iecl and ride after the above horsea before day of aale. Cuachtnaa and groom in attendance who will (how hones ami give all desired Information. All horeea warranted sound AND KIND AND AH I1KPHESKNTKD. Elegant oros*?frixo. side-rak Top road Wagon, new ; also In tup and no lap -econd hanu It. ad Wagoui, cheap fur cash, at my carriage factory. Ml Wooa ter st. ? FOK SALE AT A~BAKGAlff-ON . IOP SiDc. UAH Wagun, single Harness, ftheeta. Robes, Whip, Ac.; all nearly as goo<l ai new, Cau be seen at IUU Monroe at., far kltnre factory. HOMES, CARRUGtti. 4BC. IjM>WARD kCkVMC|, ACCTlONEl I BL&0 ill i' J ltorse?, Carriage*. Harness, Ac.; elegant lotir*in-h*?iia Sleigh ; to be hoiti on aceouut of tli? nwitfr i* iuu'iiduiu* de parture lor Europe. at the private stable, No. 13(1 West I >*tli St.. on Wednesday morning, .Juno 14, at o'clock. Hornet*-4Hie splendid pair Kentucky thoroughbred Hor?en, lt>)fc bauds high; warranted kind ami gentle. Landau?(Mi>< Landau, double 1' springs, by Hinder, of |'?ri? Chariot ? Due Chariot, double tipriii^4, lined wltu blue aatiu, by Wood Brothers. Curtain Coach- Ouo Cttrtuiii Coach. by Brew ster. of Broome ui. Couj?e?One single Coupe. Ly Dr^witor, of Broome si Break -One lour-in band Break. by Biiiuor, i*l Paris: very little used. Sieisti ? One four in-hand Sleigh, with BelU, Ttimtniug, ?kr., in tin* Russian ?t\le, by Mr *w - tier, of Broome *i. ; three ??ieirant black bear I&obet. Har lie???One lour in-haml Harness, one double Harness, oio< coupe lUruea, one double Heroes*, nearly new; one doume Herpes*, usea fir chariot, neii.'iy new. \II the ha uess made I * erder by Wood oibson, mid tlie carriages toonier lor preneut owner. Three three-quarter* dress iSUukct*. All the above io be seen at the .stable, on and alter Monday. I/INK HoltshS AT vU'IluN THU MuttMNU KT V AltCH JollN.^TON'S sale; you can alway* depend upon the representation* made at AUCH. JOHNSTON'S *ait?. See catalogue. Fluit 8ALK?A TMOKOUgTuIRKO. \\l.\A. buokes saddle-Mare, dark brown, uhout 15} i hand/-. Can be teen Ml BRADLEY'8 stable, No. JO ia*t 3ill St. IjVuh SALE-HANDSOME CITY HUILT COUPE, r nearly u?w, an I Harness; choice of two irood single Horses if desired; aim tide bar top Wagon, with Pole nud Shaft*, aud litflit single Harness. Private amble, 118 West IHtb tl. TJ'OK SALE?A 5-GLASS LANDAU, HUT LITTLE r used, good at new. Apply at LOOS A \ULLIAM.V, 155 Watt l'Jth st.. New York. inoii s a i7k?a HlxMoii poxy, wauon and I1 Harnett; suitable lor Blight work; cheap. Call at 4?*J Katt l Ub ui. IftOl saLE-a BROWN Horse, 15 HAND*. STOUT ill proportion, 0 years old; touud and kind; lit lor c iune. Ac. Can be seen at 11U West 60th st. Apply to J A Co 8 WEEKS. 31.1 Howery. Lioii SALE?XTlNE OA KIuAO~K~ TkXm, " ANI)T H r years old, 111m? h*udt; hauosome bays : good travellers; kind and reliable and warranted sound. Apply at private stable, before II I*. Hi., ?nW East ilStli st. 1jV> it S A LK-?I t H .VrLKMAVS LOAD T If EN OUT, black Ji are. lftfe It and*: sou rid and kiud;ean trot iu If :?) on the road; Brewster Wagon, Harness, <te. Can be teen ut 1>A VIS'stable, 128 West JiHd St., between 11 and 1J o'clock UOB SALK-4 FIRST CLASS EXPRESS Oil MROCHRY r W a you, no top. used very little; aUo set of Harness; half price. Store .02 Woosle. st., lor IIUNTKK. I^ORS\EE-A COl'PE KOCKAWAi. IMIl OMK OB Jkwj horses, as fuod a* new Call at Walker ft. VOK SALE KLbOANT EIUHT HPHIMU VlCTOttlA, v by Wood : little used; Kuiuble, alou^ with do iblo 11 ar uens. 1< O hast 2-d st. FlOlt SALE?A HANDSOME Toi'I'llAfcTO.N ; i'LATKD bar*. Iiandlet, lamps, Ac.; also a Pony. Inquire at the Saratoga Stables. 57th st. and Lexiugtoii av. I^Olt SALE?AN ELEGANT lMlAKTON, WITH HUM* X hie, iu perfect order, at a bargain. Aj ply io 11. .M. II.' IMS Obatbam tt|nare. For ^alIT-threk ooolT business househ; also one lar^e Mare, suitable for truca or cart work. 11 (Sraud at., near Varick. |>OK 8 A LE-AT A HACKIfTiTeT TilHEK WOltK L Horses ; uiust bo s??ld. UIM? West loth st. F1 Th SALE?NIOK~MAV IU)KSE, 15 I11 A.\1)S, C YEAl^; suitable for griaser or lariuer; touud aud kind. 89 King it. Ijioit salk -T"fine uuown~hormk, ne\y ilab uest ami four-wheeled Wnyon, suitable lor a baker. Apply at Hkl West isth st., between tit Ii aud 7th avs. tfSSS SALE -AN i:\TKA IIANOSOMI; !.'?? . BAY Team, 7 and S. sired by Alexander, Edwin Forrest and purchased in Kentucky by otvtior. Addro*t M. O., Herald tiptowu Branch ollice. f.X)Ti~S A LE - T E oi OkBiTaCK MaKKH, 15 II AN 08 t high; can trot in three luiuutes: also side bar Top Wagou aud Harnett, irood as new. at a bargain. W. J. KEYS A CO . 5H West 15th St. FOR HAUfi-ttAliMHKU ALUKRNKY COW, 20 quarts of rich tuilk per day, at 20ii Ea\t -5th at. For sale cheap-one new top road waqom; one l>e|Hit Wagou. at 2< i? East 2 tli st. jQtoit sale, cheap rwo uoub, sound work J? Horses, bay Pony and Harness. 4211 East 12th at. Oil SAM, CHEAP-A OOCroU S BK.OY; ONE OF the best city makes. 3tM> Kant 4th at. F"oit~SALh U>rt'-BI.AOK ~IIoilsK, 1 tl HANDS, ?uitablu for i*iiv liunliieaa, $14'l; boy lluraa, 14,. liandt. tor llirl'l f -*>: ('uncord Kxpreaa Wn^ou, plikitorm .print!. $7". 375 Weal 12th at. LVoK SaLK OH hXi'll.VNtiK -hoaiiiunT; AND r Livery UtHblo, riolntc vooit ijualneu; lon^ Iraan; will bo uxclinii?ml For N?w York or Nuwbnri; Proporiy. Adilraat box 1U! Herald ottire. C^^l> HOUND IIIIKSK, WAIIDS. IIAKNKS.S AND I" team of Mule, for,?alo cheap. Apply ut U2U 3d av., Hronklyn. Ourtk" WANTKD?I'fcKKhCTl.Y SOUND; LAUTKS' uh. Addreaa, uamtnif lowoat prico, UOU8K, Herald oBlce. HAKM&8S.-OUKA 1-KriT UAUNKSti HTOKK Tn NKW York; K"od Huctry llarneaa, hand made. $lf>; unod tlrocura' llariicm. fc&V. n'?d d.>itlilu T.-ani llarnnkn. (:UI; a good llorae Blanket. $1 SO. I'leaMi call anil oxainknu lor youraeivea. KISIIKit ? OiiBOU.N, Manulacturera, 71 liar cluy at. H DWELL., QUEEN AMD UEOlldE 17. Top I'liny Phaetons. Hide bar or I'lliplic surlug tuv Koad Wagons. A. S. FIANDRAU, 372 and 374 Broome it. (old stand of llr?wster Jt Co.) 1MPOBTANT AMU KX'fKAOKIJIN AKY ?alo of the KENTUCKY STOCK FARM, Lexington, Kjr., together willi all tliu valuable THOKOUUtlBKKD AM) TUorilNU MTOCK, Including the Kreat -tallijn, F h Ll.O W C BA FT, 11 AM III,Kil >VI A.N STALLIONS, valuable Brood Mares, Colts and Killles, two hundred in number, JUNK 31, IS70. Thie will be the iu?m extensive ?ale of valuable stack ever held in the United Stales. Catalogues will be forwarded. Address RICHARD PKNISTAN, Philadelphia, or LexiUKlou, Ky. 1Wlt,L HELL MY FULL SPBINU, LOW MKT TOP Wagon,built by Dusciibmy, noarly new; also side bar Koad W a?oii, by 1(. M Stivers, 1^3 pounds; will be sold low, as tbe owner has no for tbeiu. Apply at livery stable, 91 .-nlllvan st. Ikon"" stable kittimoS?neat, durable and cleanly; Partitions, Hayracks, llaiipn, Ac.; orders promptly tilled at lowest prices; catalogues lurnlshed free; ?pectoioua at store. J AN Km A KIRTLAND, Nos. S. 10 and 12 Read* st. KINK HO AD AND CARRIAGE HORSES. ? | Ia ARCH. JOHNSTON'S ' ^ i lie AKCII JOHNSTON'S IS K at 1(1 o'elot-K I X I I THIS MO.tNlNU. *1 A THIS MOKN1NU. I il FINK HOUSES, TK AMS. E K "I I J Ok vj Marked down. ltock.\wayn, $125. I'baetons, 9115. llugwles. $I4U Depot Wagons, $145. Harness every style. Saudles, Sheets, Lap Dusters, Ac. JOHN MOO UK. 57 Warren st ONE OF TI1E LABI J EST AND MOST attractive sales of the season at AUCH. JOHNSTON'S this morn ing at 10 o'clock, hee catalogue. Road wagon for sale cheap-^ity mTdk"; little used; Inll spring; cost $iUU; price $170. Address box 5,1U*11'ost oflice. Sjpeoulty IT ~ J Six >eat KiM-kaways and Coupe !tockawa>s of tlie finest uuallty and finish. A. R FLANDRAU, 873 and !I74 Broome st. (old stand of llruwster A Co.) S" ACRIFICE?hIDK-BAR TOl? VVAUON. ALMOST NEW, $150; baud made Harness. $:u>. BoYNToN, 287 8th nv.. 24th it. f?IU UN IS JOHNSON, AUVIIO.NEKK Old atand 37 Nassau at. On KRIDAY~mTiI SATURDAY, UD r fill'A I Hull >i\ I I nliA ? j continuation of Sheriffs sale or CARBIAflKS. WAUuNS, I'll A K I'O.Ns AND tTN Fin ished Stock. By order W. C. CONNER. Fnll particular* to-morrow. T~ WO hands iMS MlUI FOR THE OOUKTIT Liltle sore in leel: $45 eaeb* SS New Chambers st. TWO IIOKSM; SUIT ANY BUSINESS;' PANIC price ; $31' to $<J5; lar^e work llorsc, #'?'<. No. 4 7tli av. ftwr" SlliK-BAR ItOAD WAOON. XKAIILY NEW ; J. * having disposed of my horse, will sell at a bargain. Apply nt 22U iltli av. WANTEll?A SMALL DON KXT, WITU OR WITHOUT a cart, broken to harness and aei-ustofned to children ; a jenny preferred. Address M., box Ills Post office, li. Y. WantSd?a rIluble family team'; "Titles not to exceed $4<JU. Address box 4,580 1'ost oflico. New York. WANTKD-UKM LKMAN RKsTdIN<?" IN *ISlUNTBT would like ouo or two Horses to Us<; lor tliulr keep durlne summer months. Address box l -'T llerald ollice. AlTrED-A""' OOOD, BOUND YOU Nil FAMILY lloie, In hands high; price $15 ' to S'JUU; must have eome (peed. Address 1'. B.. Herald ortlce. WANTED-A LIllllT DELI VKUY WAOON, "wTfli top; must be cbeap. Address HOWARD, Herald effie*. WANTED?A ~100D SKCii.Ml "llA.ND TOP HUUOY-, cash paid. Address, with lowest price, S. W. 8., Herald olHee. Y- M^Nt/WII #lttOK?'sSvVTn iioK.>Es7"sl.lTABLE for any business, wn look lor terd bill; trial glteu day * CONNOLl.Y'a Hay Market, ?4tli si., below llili $125 1 SIDE,bar top WAUON, A VAN IH SKK M Dl'SKN bury, #liki; simile seat 140 lbs. Koad Wsfon. $lJ >, lost II months ai(OM25;nVao Dtiser r..ny I'liaeton, i{nt alrlpe, cost HHiMi, for * 105; a good llorse, VIHO; ^v>iy int. Hbetland Homes; I I'onj ; two-seated tt airon and Harm-as; well broken and irentle. luqaire tor HAaKINS, 1 lit West aotb et. ?__ay mark,~ ?<bay" Norsk, #7both ?T> I sound, venlln. Tor lady; unist tell. 210 West illst st d?| ?>K -handsome nlDc. It A14 SlfiFIINU TOP ?PI <^o> road Wagon, by H illlauison ; bat little ueod and In uerlect order. Apply ai 7t Kast I:ttN st. roB HOBMR. TOP BUrtl NESS "wAUOjJ AND . wtl Harness; no top Express Wagon. Buir^y, cheap ?M>1 West lIHh et. TO "LKT KOtt HtHIMEM 1*1 ItPtWEt likSUKTf" BUILDfNO. " " J) Fireproof. Located on Naesau. Ann and Fuiton eta. lint Floor to let, aultabl* tor bankers, insiiraiico offices or lawyers. Will be let together or IP parts; be altered ta suit tenant* II desired: adapted lor affioea or storoe. Ke h >on able reals Also tome eligible Law offices to IvL APPLY ON THE PBSOflBBB. Take tho elevator. Inurln tstJanMw {""jUMt LKA-K?<)LD F^TADLwAeu, FIMltf Ci.aSS 1 Boarding House, very een'.ral. four stories, a row* stone, extra t.Me, between -'tis andtftli are.; v:t rooms, all liubteU ami nrrangod lor ares; rent $4,i)>J0. AdtlreM T. L bag 105 Uerald Uptown Branch r"? TO I-KT K?)U IK'Nl \KSS I'l'KI'OHKS. / WKNEK 8TOKETO RKNT-HABLKM: CE.NTKAl.LT IwraMd: :|,| av. wnl luOih at. litOm.h W W KLSII, l' Unwttwleb ?t. UTI'.AM IMH'KK"LET3 FUMMM, WW? K.VI'UA 0 light: high ilround Floor; all M)x41; aleitm elevator mi l heating. n'>" uf-t 27th at. mu uuucKiM.-ru itr, at kebeomb mutt. nd| X old i^Uliliiliril Store Hiullu*ftil corner of 1-.1 av. mid 2J4 at. : too I liualUiMa locality. Apply to WILLIAM F. KOLKY, real lalute olllce. 4tX> Kaat --"I at. ril!? LKT-l'lIK Sl-I.KNOIU BAiiKMENl' U? KOLTON X 4,; suitable lor dairy or reatauraiit. Inquire up ataine. rpo LET?-MU foksytii KL.KlilST KLooil; aiXloCTi X suitable tor any bualuaaa. rperi.KT-A \ Kii'y xiiTiTsToitK, locatku on riot 1 >uiitliu ???l corner ol Mrtftme all J haaex ?ta. ; inmt auit itbic for a ill o : *lor.< or all) other llllti buaiuea* ; rent laixl arair. A|.|i jr lu thu basement under tbo store, or at No. 81 Kolton Market. Pm;i.i,iM. iitii m'.s to liU'i. Kuriitaiipu. ALL HOUSES AT ItKUITOVD KE.VTS. V. K. STB \ KX.SON, Jr.. No. 4 Pine ?t. mi l il l haat I7tlt at. IpURNMNED HOC*! Tt? LKT??IN"" 15 ili ST., hi twreu ?ttU and 7tli am , to a mnall family, two-thlrda of ri*iit taken In bonrd lor onti |>omou;r leruncea exchanged. Addrma VV. II. H . Herald Uptown Bnnch office. rpo lkt?COMI'LETRLY F UBN18HKO. f HB KK 8TOBT 1 liijrti atoop Honae 112 Kaat 24th at., near 4tb a*.; 10 rooina; nlca oriior: runt #i:i.*i par month. l> li furnished. A -TO lkt, KOUlt S'l'ouY BROWN SfONR IIOt'SB . 55 Went 2Stu ?t. WILLIAM Tl'CEKB. 220 5th av. All houses at uf.duokd bknts. v. k. stb" VINSON. Jr.. Noa. 4 Him at. and id Kaat 17tb at. rpo lkt-1 Wo 8TOBY HOUSE, MTOBti. FULL UJft X auil btablu, I'.'ti WrM 44th ?t.. $.">n a month. KUMtSU II. MA 11TI N K, l.:mi Broadway. FlHMslIKD UOOMS A VI) AI'.VllTMKSTj TO LEV. \ imktmEnt ikm'sk, uohnkk ok sth av asU 2 V. 1Mb at.?>aita of handaotuely furniabed Apartments to lit,six nonii. AN ELEOANT FUEJtlaltBD boom TO LET TO iflt tleiueii, without board, at 11W Laroy at. A- 1* HI V A T K KAMI LY~W IL L L KT * FAIT OK T11 BIB house, fnrniahcil lor housekeeping; upper or lower, separately or altogether; rent low. 2<H Wi>at 40th at. USV, OOOl'PYIKO A l-'INK PITEKI8HED RW flat, n-mila to rout ? I'ailor to ona or two iroutlvinan. t'all for one woek. IIS 4th av. An el lu a n fsu it ok kuhmshkd ai'abtmknts to lot tor the auiiiinur at mo lorata rent, aavond Hour, corner, line lo-'ation, tioar Kltth Avrnuo Hotel. II. U. UUKW it I'll.. No. .1 Waal SUM at. iKIItli Avvuiie Hotel). KL'K.NISSKU IU)OM ASU HKUKOOM. SUMRK wator, iraa. Ac., auitablo lor two ventlrmoii or hou** kscplntr, f-'i par woi'k. No. UK! 7th av., uear Jlat at. CO?> V KXIKNT ~ 8KOOMD KHH1K?Kl! KNIS11KD - V lor housekeeping, with private bath and cloaat. No. 4DM Weat 24th at. APK1V ATK K \M1 LV"WIHU TO LKT SEVEBAL COM fortablv furnUhed large aud amall Boom*; tarmt ta ault. IHU 'id av. , ALABOK KltoNT "aNil" ONE BACK HOOM. TUtBA Hour, suitable for light houaekcepiujr. Oth av., ueur IHtli (I. A 'finely ?fuknisiiki) *8koonr> floor boom ta lot?KeHneil location; ri'lerenco requirod ; aaltabla lor ono or two Kontleiueii. No. 'MJ haat ISth at., u#af adjuv. / AIIOIt'K BOOMH FOR iJUNTI.KMKn! VVITIIOUI ' >' board, In lirat claia houac. 1.4U5 Broadway, corner ul 4 4 tli M. DEiil'KABLE Ki'UNISHKI) BOOBS. MOBKRN IX. provetunnta. for hou<iokuvpin)( it' doalrad; reaaonabU priei a. No. J44 H?at at. IJtLKUAXT KITRNIMHKU HOOVE; lUltlElOE A0 J c iiniiiiiilatlou; private family; relcrencoit aschaDKud* Ul Wont ;(.r)tli at. DtllSMHKD BOOEB?TO LKT, WITUOUT BOABD) r no billa up. No. 14W Weat 11th it. InURXI8HED BOOM S IN A I* IIIV ATK " KA MILV Withi.nt board ; a I an Floor for light houaokeepiug ; very modarate rent. '2lit Weal 3<tth at. HA.NUBO.MKLY K i: l< N1S11K U S KtO N U KLOOIt. KM aultu or alugly: houaekeeping if desired: Drat claaa algltlieihaa*. HMO Want a:i<l at., near Kli'vated road. HANUSOMKLY rUKNtnlO Kt>i >MS hOK MOUSE keeping: alao alni;la Kooma for gentlomau. 961 Waal itltli at., aoar Klavated road; terma raoilerata. Hanusomkly Kl KNISIll-.l) HOOMS. MODERN I*. nrovantauta. to let, to gentlemen, near Cooper Inatl tute. So. S St. Mark'a plare. LARUK iia.NUSOMKLY KL'bmshku Ht?OMS TO let, without board. 21 Weat Uth at., between 5th aud Mtli avi. N1 OK LY F UBNIsI IK U BOO MS, N K A R~ K ItO AUWAV ami Mndiaon aipiare, to genllainuu, without board; teruia moderate. 27 Weat 'J nil at. ONE or two FLEAEANt 8MALL SQUARE itooMsj with all conveuieu.'Ra. for g-utlemeii, #;i per weak. 1'rlvato brown atone houae 2UI Kaat 17th at. PLEASANT, HANUSOMKLY KlIKNISHKU FRONT I'arlor for two lailieaor gentlouian. ?7: back ditto, $4: liouaukeeping privilege; gaa, bath. Kaaidcnca, 310 Kaat lath at. PERSON NIiiilTLY ENOAOED WILL TEACH TELE graphy Hi pupil', residence fur u? nl' furnUlied Room. Aililnsi ThLEult AM, box l;'4 Herald Uptown Branch udlce. T TO LET?Fl'ltNISIIKI) ROOMS. SUITABLE KOK 8IX ?l? iwiitletneu or canll-man and wife; bath Mid ku. 40 King at. rLET, FOR TUKKK MONTH:*?A SUIT OF YU& nlahod Itootna, 5th av., oppoalte Madiaou square. Ad drc.? L 11. t'., (mix ??!,".? Hi PoM offlco. rpo L KT- A LAKiiK KXONT rutKil AMD tik 1 room, well fornlahed, without board, tor iretitlemen or prntlumuD mid wlfu : all modem improvements; connected. 1(.K> Weal 2Sth a?.. ring flrat bell. To let furnished-front i*aklok and hkd room ; tnrnia : ai?o seonid amry Room, per week. 203 Kaat 20lh at., oue door from 3d av. WO FINE FURNISHED ROOMS. (iAS AND HATH for gentlemen only; relerencea. So. 211 Kaat Stith at* LARUE FURNISHED ROOM; ALSO A LAROB ball lioom, for grutiemeo only. MO Irving place. to H-OOOL KOOM rot LIUHT IIOUSKREEP ?p-j Inir. gaa. bath. Tbree door. from Waablugton aquara Park. 148 HanluiiKtl at. (J. * I'ER WEEK FOR NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. ipT fronting on Hroadwajr; alao Hooni. with alcove, foi lTaflat houaekeeplng If dealred. 832 Broadway, between lltli aud IStli ata. 5Til AV., "*0. 1H4.?-FURNISHED ROOM8, FRONT mid rear, with batha oil eaeb lloor; references required. CT'lI VV. AND I4TH ST.-a' PKIVATK FAMILY WILL ?) r< nt a lmiidM>iuo Milt of turulahed Rounaa In the alogaat biowu ftone bouto No. 4 Weat 14th at.; parlor, throe bed room a aud private batb, together or aeparately. e{ EAST 17TII ST.-FURNISHhD_ROOMS TO LET, ) siugly or en anlte; roference required. WEST WASHINGTON PLACE.?TO LET, TO OBN tleinen, without board, Hooina nicely lurnlahed. 14 ()t)D ST.. WEST, M3.?RARE CHANCE; ELEGANT Lilt Rooma; ploaaant home; price moderate; atrietlr firit clan; lor gentlemen or lamilles. ?fl WEST WASHINGTON PL ACB^-PU KN1SH BD OL Hooiua, Iruut Parlor, auitahle for doctor or dontiat; j;?a and bath. no "South washinqton square <vth st.i? <)?} Neatly fnrnlahed Rooma for hoaeekeeplag; alao Rooma for alu^le Kentlemen. ?/? WEST 24TII ST.T NEAR FIFTH AYXJfUH uU Hotel.?Nice upper Room, for a gentlemen, to let, ffcrnlslird; $3. l-(\ IKVINO PLAOR?FR(INT ROOM TO~tJENTLB' UU man and wile or two or three gentlemen ; low prices i iif "macooUual st -VurnIbiieo RooMsTwfra liv every eonveniiince lor housekeeping, to let to r? apactable aniall Inmiliea. I)<W1 WBHT 25TH ST -HANDSOMELY FURNISHED OUU Rooma Tor light hooaekeeplng at reaaooable price*. mlll'H ST.,_NKAR 2D AV.-FURNISHKD BOOM* to gentleman or a reapectabie married couple. A .*;r: west xtu st.?Ileoajitly furnished T'/i) Parlor Klmir, four large rooms, for lady aad geatw in ail, Hoard If required A V;r BTII AV., FIRST FLOOR.?A LAROK FRONT tUu Parlor and Bedroom, furnished; also a largo haU It o ii ; term, moderate. UNPVUSIIII1ED ROOMS A*l> APART 1?IK1VTS? TO LKT. STSCShaUt Ploo i(W 1Uki?&ft iKiSfTiCfSni A private bouae, to a good party, cheap, $JU, la stora .No. ik*I (ttli av. ?FLATS AND PART* OF HOUSE* III CHOlCB . locstloaa at low rrata; immediate poaeoaaloa. Apply to JOHN U. CRIMMINS. I.fflfldav. At slommo rent, nwwi ifuv,ja mw3 ami bath room, on Lexington av.; janitor la honae. MARK LEVY, 77s nib liv., corner 44th at. /IF. NTI!A lTpAB~K O RAN O CI ROLE.?PL ATS, BUIL~Di V c-'iiner Broadway and &0th at.; elevatora; si Improvement ; mmlrrate rvliti Ii* LEO ANT. NEWLY PRRMOOEO APARTMENTS, I* J tbe cvlebrateil l.iltlo Hum Hat; ligbl rooma and lateal Iniproviimruta. Call on the Janltri'**. mi tlio piomlaea, 124 Bant Mnli at., or on II. J. JOIINkON. owner, 11 tireat Jonei street. ZITTEl^ 1,(10(6 3d av. UEBXOH PLAT. TO RENtITh Ka"?. f?, ?IT EACUj r in ko.mI condition. 442 Weat 35th at. (rin* aoeond tool for houavkeeper). fWO VERY DEBI RAHLE ?UITS 1JF TtOOMS; AM twoilncle Itoouia, tiirnlalii'd. to fit, In the aew apart meat lnKei, 2U ftth av., corner l>tli at., tor any portion ol tiioa till November 1; rooma have private hatb#. aad elo vator In the building. r LET?PI RUT CLASS KltKNCH FLAT IN IIOUS1 Mo 113 Weat 2lHb at., uear Oth av. Apply to owaer, m premlae*. f|Vi I.I'.T?SIX RtToMS, ON Til E FIRST FLOOR. 211 JL taat-Hitb at., betwren Jd and 3d ava. _____ TO LBT?HANDMOMk HBCOND "ki.oor. FIVI ronma. batliro<im ; all modern lmprovesaeats; privata family. I4H Eaat 22d at. fo LK T?AT 131 EAST MO ST . FIRST FLOOR. POUB rooma. With baaement, kitchen anil bathroom, la RM* order and with all Improvements; rent $:*' to a ?maU teel lamlly oTodaita only; aaso Seeead Floor, four ram $*1. Apply to owner on pFSftfa, n.> bill gp^ Til LET-TWO^ i~AI.FlT.OOKS, FoUK ROOMS EAOSt, in liouae nortbweat corner of ftfith at. ami Hroadwaft rent mid $ 13 a mouth. Apply to W. PlTZPATSlCK, 1,219 Broadway. mo lkt OMKAP-8KOOND stoitv or iirows I utone Iront, all Improvamenta. Ko. 4*3 West 47S Mb qui LET ?FI R?T FLOOr'anU BASEMENT; ALL i. modem Improvsments; rent 035, (W UiiljtW a^ mo LET - I'llK HALF OF A BROWN STONK ?I?UI_ 1 (laid oat lor two famlliee) on 4Wth at., aaar It roadway | lo rixoua; all lighted and with all tmpravamMM; .spirals| all in complste order. Inquire at -'3li Weal -IPtli at. 1 7 EASI luril ST.. BBTWBEN 5TII AV. AND UNIOB J! I aqaare -Third Floor, with all Improvements, at a lo* rent. ? IS fZ -UPPER PART." TWO FLOORS, PRIVATE ). houaa. 238 East 23d St. Refereueea.