Unanimous Report of the Committee
on the Harney Charges.
Eloquent Tribute of Republican Members To
a Life of Purity and Honor.
? Wasuisutox, Juno 1?, 1876.
A memorable scon* took place to-day when the llouse
toy a ruing ami unanimous voto exonerated Speaker
Korr from any malfeasance tn the nomination of Greene
for an appointment ic the army. The unautmous re
port of the committee to this effect was presented uy
Mr. Clymer, aud Its adoption advocated by him In a
few well chosen sentences. lie was followed by Mr.
Dauford, of Ohio, representing the republican portion
ot the Committee, who had a delicate aud responsi
ble duty to discharge, llis rejoinder In explauution
ol the republican lutorest in the Investigation of the
charges against Mr. Kerr was forcible, convincing aud
satisfactory. Mr. Danford, who heretofore has been
qaiet and reticent, conies to tlio trout as ono of the
leading members ot the House. The groat compliment
ol tho vote of exoneration was medicine to Mr. Kerr,
who improved so much on hearing of it that he sat up
for a while this alternoon and ale, lor him, a hearty
In the House to day Mr. Clyuier, of Pennsylvania,
from the Commute on Kxpcnditurcg in the War Depart
ment, mnile it report In Hie case of the charge against
Snoaker Korr. 'l'bo report status tliat alter u lull
Bquiry Into the Tacts, aud niter a Iborough examina
tion of Laurence Harney, the only witness making the
charge; ulso of Augustus 1*. Greene unit divers other
witnesses', It appeared that, in 18WJ, while a member of
the House of Representative* of tho Thirty-ninth Cou
jress, Mr. Kerr, 111 tho-exorciscol his right or privilege,
nominated Greene for nn appointment iu lite regular
trmy. The coinmlttco, however, had lound no difficulty
In reaching the conclusion that the churgo as to tho
payment ol money to Mr. Korr was unqualifiedly lalse>
and thiil Mr. Kerr stood lully exonerated Irom all
Implication affecting his personal houor or officlaj
Integrity. The com in It toe had lound nothing in the
nhole progress of the investigation to Imply or ilotrucl
torn the well established reputation of Mr. Kerr (or
luquuslioncd personal integrity aua uu.sullied purity.
Mr. Cltmkk remarked that tho conclusion reached
ras the unanimous judgmout uot only of tho com
nittee, but of the House and the country.
Mr. Danfoku, of Ohio, a republican member of tho
tummllt**e, said that II ull'orded htm real pleasure to
be able to subscribe to the report, not because of tho
nnlnrtunute illness ot Mr. Kerr, but because it was an
act of simplo juh'.ico lo lliut g> utleman. He spoke of
liio unlortunato circumstance which presented ttsell at
the threshoU ol the luquiry?us to Mr. Kerr, u demo
crat Irom Indiana, giving the nomination to Greene,
a republican Irotu New York?and bald that
had it not been lor tbat circumstance tho
commlileo would not havo deemed It worth
while to even enter on the investigation.
He was happy to sty, however, that he had no idea
that, so lar as the corruption of Mr. Kerr was con
cerned, tfiero was a single scintilla of truth in Har
ney's testimony. It was a falsehood, taken advantage
?f by a bad matt for tlio purpose of attempting to
blacken the reputation ol a good man. (Applause.) Ho
ipoke of lli&iu investigations, used by bad men like
Harney, as beinj the very worst instruments that cm
be used iu a country lik-> nils. The testimony of Har
ney was b'U the natural outgrowth ol these investiga
tions Com an* tees of tho House had bee u seen this,
cession moaning around nnd dragging the public Ille
and privtts correspondence ol citizens into uubliclty;
publishing even the bank accounts of officials
without e!urim and without specifications. He had
thought, at tunes, that there was in some quarters
;ratitL*at on when a public official could he smirched.
He rcuiem'i -red the head lines of a newspaper, coinu
iwo mouths ago, in which it was announced thul
"Grant is caught at last!" uud u despatch actually re
??icing u ihc prospect that tho ('resident of the (.'nilctt
Itates had oeeu lound iu u questionable transaction.
(Ketcrrug to the matter of the expenditure ol money
iu rcgarl 'o tliw New York election frauds.) The I'resi
lent was one whom all men should houor and respect
for tin- position which he occupied. He was a man who
lud been the lender ol the American army Irom Don
ildsou lo Appomattox, and who was now in iho last of his seond t< rm as I'residenL He was the suc
cessor of Washington and Jellersou and Mncolu, and it
was a sad <i(,hI when any committee ol the House of
Kcpresonlullvcs, or when auv citizen of the I'nited
Slates, could express gratification at catch
ing the President in a questionable transac
tion. Ho also remembered another transaction
If another couimitlee, in which a witness was
troughl to testify ng.uust the I'resident In regard to the
trekking up ol ihu marital relations ol the witness,
fhu witness had come without a single corroborating
lire u instance, without a single fact to support bis lesti
noiiv, and yet, though the 1'rcstdeut'* public charac
ter might be blasted, tits reputation smirched forever and
his family rclalious broken up (if that might be), that
committee lolt culled upon to examine that witness
an 111 it was learned that ho was a lunatic. He bad also
Hi his mind a committee of the House, which, by the
trocess of an officer of the House, hud cono to the ot
Ice of one ol the telegraph companies ot tho country,
uid bad sei/.cd several hundred pounds ot teiegrapti
liessages, indiscriminately Irom clti/en* ot all classes
li regard lo private and public affairs alike,
o be moused through by a committee of
.he House. Wm it woodcrlul, therefore, that
luch conduct uud such operations should be
(el an occasional Harney In the way of retaliation?
Ue believed that that mm was corrupt, and that such
men as fie were the very worst class of men that could
bo lound id tho country. He wus happy to say that
liter passing through all the testimony and alter hear
ing the cleur statement ot Mr. Kerr, who gave to tho
tommilUo it satisfactory explaualiou of his ?pi emi
nent of Grectio illiat lie had no uppliculloti from Ills
?wn district, and thai he had ottered the nomination to
iwo personal triends, who bad declined it, kv.), tho
testimony w?s clear auu conclusive as to the innocence
II Mr. Kerr in the matter, lint there was another
.bin it that weighed In lits ,Mr. Danford's) mind about
ill those oircuinstances, that was the good name of Mr.
Kerr, a name that had b-eu borL'O without
reproach lor many sessions of the House. The |
llreiigih ot the political luslltulious of Dim !
Country was in the good and great lu<-u :
a bom they had produced, and ho should be loath to be
lieve that any uiau occupying the high poslliou which
Mr. Kei r occupied beiore the country would t>e guilty
If such a charge. He hoped thai inu vole tin the re
port would be a unau:tnous one, without a dissenting
rolce or heart, and thai every itenllemaii on the floor
who knew the S|>eaker of the House, us they all knew
him uud should know htm, would joiu in wiping out |
tins attempted slum on his reputation aud on tils char- I
acter, nnd that they would, by tlieir action to-day, ena
ble Mr. Kerr to present to Ins countrymen an evidence
thai bis name w us as w bile lo day as it was before llio
III eat li of scandal touched It it was the duty ol llie
House, due to Mr. Kerr as a good ami upright man, to
Idopt llie report ol Ibe ??mniiilee without a dissenting
voice, so thai he might be in tho luturu, as lie had
been in the past, au honor lo Ins coumry, a tower of
llrenglh to his colleagues and a corntori and cou-ola
tion lo his wile and children. (Applause.)
It km a Has nr Mil. Ill m ISCT.
Mr. Ml'KUit t, (rep.) ol ill., said the reputation of our
public mru is auioug llie l?**t riches ol tbe couutry,
aud the man or men who would unjustly arid untruly
detract from llio reputation of a public man were uot
only stabbing at his Ille aud cbaiucter, but weru doing
the most taial mischief to the succvss of the nation. I
did not wuii lor this re|?ri to make up my inmd With
liiC the long record ot an honorable IllCoulweighed and
outweighs all tbe charge a ol those loosailelamcrs, who,
these itaac tunes, eiKourago detraction and scsndat, and
[ only arise here on this occasion lo carry oui, by my
roice and my vote, the idea that, for one, as a repre
sentative ol ibis American people, bavins before my
lyes tho honor of the people uud '.he houor of the
House, which 'l lb?v honor of llie people, I am hero
to be uhlo from the heart lo say that whatever
lhadow this momentary imputation might have cast
?n Ihe days of llie distinguished gentleman, the Speaker
Of Ibis llouse?days which some ot us fear are numbered
already?it Is the unanimous \? ce ol the people,
through their representatives, tLui llio a-gis ot a long
ind honorable lifo has protected Inm Irom Ibe cn
renomed (halts of malice, that the cloud l* removed,
ind that, II his sun goes down It shall go down in lull
konor aud In Ihu esteem ol all hooora-dc men of what
ever party. (Applause on both sides of I lie House )
Mr. (>AnriKi.i>. (rep.) ol Ohio, suggested that the vole
BU the repoil stiuuld l>e lakeu oy llio members rising.
Iho suggestion was adopted, and all the memln'r*, IU
In number, rose In the affirmative; none in ihe uega
Mr. C.AliriKLD thiu ask id tlint It be entered on the
record that the re|?irt w?t adopted unanimously.
Ihe SrKAKBK i>rii I'm directel tbe Clerk lo let It
be recorded ou the rccoru as the unauimou* voto ol the
Mr. liUrmrotri, (rep.) of K. Y., sugte-ted as highly
proper thai llio llouse should Icrriisli lo Mr. Kerr, in
me most lorinal manner, a < ertinod copy of llie pro
ceedings on Ihia oc aaion, and bo niauu a motion lo
that vflecL
The motion was agreed to aud tho Clerk was in
structed accordingly.
Br. C. W. Pope, Mr. Kerr's alteudiog physician,
Makes tho following ?latemeut this alloruoon
Mr. Kerr bsd a severe attack of malarious fever aad
Slbausling diarrhtra. followed by violent rnteralgia, or
?euialgia ol the ubu< rmal nerves. Tbe disease is now
Mder control, lie had a very good night, and loll ue
?Medly better todav. Should no untoward symptoms
occur he will coavuletee rapidly uud no restored lo Ills
asnat health in a lea days.
If tho Inaugural poriorinanco last uigbt bo taken as a
criterion for th-? success of I ho briel season of opera
iuuft undertaken by Mile. Aimle ami M. Offenbach,
at tho refoguized borne of Shakespearian drama, tho
management cannot complalu of not receiving the
must emphatic encouragemciit Irotn the public. A
largo, brilluut bouse, g'jod humored In the *xtromo
aud enthusiastic In Us reception ol the two principal
personages of tho performance?I He prima donna and
i ho composer?gave Mat to the opening of tho
season. When Olleubach mado bis uppearanco in
tbu orchestra, beloro tbo curtain was rung up
for tbe second act (Boullard having conducted
tho tlrsl act), he was grouted by an out
burst of ipplaufo that lasted for some minutes,
during which bo could only bow bis acknowledgments,
Annuo also received a sort ot ovation wlieu she tripped
down to the footlights as Gabrlell& "l.a Vie I'ans
tenne," the opera selectod tor tne occasion, does not
appeal na strongly to popular tavor In America as
many other works of tho merry composer. It U rather
too local in character in some of its scenes to be fully
appreciated out ot the gay city. There is more dialoguo
aud less music in it thau in Offcubach's other works.
Of course the brilliancy and wit of tho lormor Is unde
muble, as might be expected from such coUabOriiituri
us M.M. Meilhac and llalevy, and Ollenlmch lias
lulused some ot his most seductive music Into
tho second act. When M. J. Gruu had his company
at tho Th&atre Kruii<;ais (now Lyceum), souio years ago,
"Ij? Vie rariaieonv" was given lor tlie first (lino in
Amer cu, aud although every caro aud unstiulod liber
ality marked its representation it met with very In
dinVicul success. Mine. Hose Hell then undertook
the r6U ol Uabrielle, uud although she entirely lacked
the dash and indescribable spirit ol Aimeo, yet her
udmirablo singing was quite a I eat lire. Mile. AimOu,
wiiilo not possessing tho vocal powers ol' Hose Hell
(who was once In the (irsud opera), Is a most success
tul Interpreter or oil'eubacb's music. Her Uabrielle is
instinct with tho spirit of pure deviltry and
merriment. Kvery tono of her voice, every
glance ot her eye, every motio:i, seems tho incarnn,
tiou of opera bolide. In tho second act,
whero her opportunities tor ollect wcro more
marked than iu any othor |>orilon ol the opera, ap
plauso greeted every efloi u Of tho rest of the
company, tho Baron do Gondremark of M.
Duplau, tho ltnoul de Uardefuo of Dalbert, and the
triple r6U which SL Darcy essayed, are deserving ot
particular praise. Asa conductor ol one of his own works
oilcubsch displays a species ol magnetism that Is Iclt
on the stago and in the audience, us well as In the
orchestra. Ho seems to coinmuuieaio to the music
additional sparkle and tiro, and his presence acts like u
charm on every one. "l.a Vlo 1'arisienno" will bo
contiuuod during tho present week.
The Irish drama of "The Kerry Gow" war. produced
at this bouso last uight for the Urst time beloro u good
audience, Mr. Josopb Murphy, tor whom the drama
was written, appearing iu the rOlt of Dun O'liara. Tbo
play is much of the samo complexion as ure Irish
dramas In general-?thrilling situations, lively dialogue,
witty speeches, arrests, prison scenes, escapes and "all
that kind of thing." Mr. Murphy as Dan gave an ex
cellent rendering of the part and mado u favorable Iin
prossion. Next to Mr. Murphy's acting was that of Mr.
J. A. Wilks, whoso Mr. O'Drew, who always has "a
word in season," was an excellent piece ol character
acting. Miss May Nunez as Nora O'Drow was not a
success. Her acting was alfoctod and her dialect poor.
Slits Aunie Mortimer wus moro successful Iu her rOle
of Alice Doyle, und tbe remaiudor of ibo company ac
quitted themselves creditably. "The Kerry Gow" Is
well put upon the stage, with new scenery and ap
pointments, and, considering a Urst night, everything
works smoothly.
wood's moskcm.
Last night ? fairly tilled house greeted Mr. George
Boniface, who appeared lor the llrst time in suuo
years in Seymour's dramatization of " Miserable*"
entitled Jean Valjeau. Mr. Donllaco has all tbe power
of expression which tnarkod his characterizations In
tho past nnd mado him such a tavorlto with
Now York audiences. His perfect familiarity
with the parts assigned bun und tho lacility
he displays for making tho most of them have insured
him a warm reception irom the audiences ho has
played betore, aud his raru versatility enables him to
appear to advantage In rOlrt of a widelyxiitloront char
acter lie was well seconded lost night by Miss Marie
Stella In tho parts of Fantiue und Cosetto, and Mr.
\V. M. Ward made, as ho generally does, a very eccen
tric but thorougbiy enjoyable old man. Mr. Bouitace's
engagement explro* this wool:, and ovary evening of it
will be devoted to the repotition of last night's play.
Anadmirablo programme was presented last evening
at tbo cool aud refre-hing resort now occuplod by this
welt known combination of excellent artists. That
they will meoi with hearty recognition, as of yore,
there is no reason to doubt, lor a moro enjoyable enter,
tuiumcnt has not been given In mauy a day. It is re
plete with all the best elements that have made min
strelsy so popular aud so poruianont au attraction.
Among tho interesting features of t*lie first part was a
rousing soug, entitled "Coaching to l'elliain," In which
tho delights of tbe road and tho invigorating Inlluences
of a drive behind a coach und tour were graphically do.
scribed. The words are by Mr. W. A. Armstrong and
the music by Mr. Charles K. Pratt, tho piece boing ded
icated to Coiouel Dcluucvy Kane and the Coaching Club
ol New York. It wus sung by Mr. Lester, and prom
ises to become a lavorile with those who appreciate
this rollicking style of composition. Later on Mr.
Kelly aud fcr. Loon appeared in a very humorous
? ketch untitled "Norma; Or, Titiens in a Minstrel
Band. ' aud provoked the heartiest merriineut by their
Illimitable performance*. Both these artists seem to
have retained all their beat powers, and inet with a
very warm leccotiou. Mr. Lew Benedict's philosophi
cal remurks wore excellent in their way. Messrs.
Wallers und Morton acquitted themselves to the evi
dent satisfaction of the ussetuiilane in their quaint and
amusing songs and dances, uud Ibe performance was
brought to a close with a very lunnv production, "Tho
Two OtT-l'iis,'' iu which some ot the best artists ol tbe
corapuuy took part, and which made the handsnuio
little opera house rir.g with (teals ot laughter. Mi-sirs.
Kelly & Leon have inaugurated iheir bright nnd spark
liug entertainment under uuspicos that b.d fair to
crown their efforts with success.
The first summer exhibition ol the New Y ork Hortl
cultural Association ?u opeued lust evening at Uil
moro's Garden. The vusl auditorium lisd been Irani,
lormud lulu a conservatory, in which wcro displayed
the rarest plums, ferns uu<i Mowers or Amortua, Europe,
Asia aud tho Indies. The florists of New York uud its
vicinage bate entered into u sharp competition for
priai'M. llio display will bo opeu lor Inspection durui|{
the week. l.asl evening thu streets and uvenues lead
lug to the liurden weru lined with carrmgcs, aud thu
hard gravelled walk* ol "wilmore's" crowded with
ladies aud their escort a, admiring thu woudeilul speci
mens set out belore them. Just before tlie.dour.i were
opened the )udgc* made their awards helore any or tho
Uoweis laded. A detailed description of the display Is
omitted lor want ol space. Japan sends a climbing
fern. Cuba a tieaulilul palmetto, India, China and other
lar oil lauds are represented by curious and rare dis
plays. The greeniiousc plums hi |>ols arc attractive,
uud worlht ol notice. Among tho orchids are many
boautitul specimens. In draocaas and lerns thu dis
play rises uboro that of tho Centennial Horticultural
The prizes were awarded by the Judges as follows:?
1'lants in pots, arranged lor ellect. Inst prl/e, \V I..
Fisher, Superintendent Central I'ark Uardens; second
prl/.o. Johu I'horuhiil, Uiliutire'k Uarueii, laigest and
bent display ol urchids, iCaac Hucbanau, ol New
York, best lour uistiuct varieties of tree lerns, lsuaa*ii, New York; for twenty best variegated
leaved punts, s. II. I'arsous .* Co., lor too bested same,
aud lor the best single specimen, two pielniums each ;
lor the best twenty dtsiiuct varieties of ferns, S It.
I'aisons .Via; lor best single specimen ot turns, Jamos
Kiddie, best tour tree lerns, I. Iluchauaii, lor six
varieties 01 palms, I. liui Italian, New York; twelve dis
HBct varieties ol agaves, Charles /etler, Kiatbush, 1..
I., best twenty live succulents, oilier than agaves,
Uaac Buchanan.
John Tbornlull, Udtnore s Garden. twelve l>est new
pi.uit" of laic inirodui tioii, ne%er belore shown,
Isaac Ituchasab; S. II. I'arst ns, sjicctul premium; lo
the best aud largest display ol rhododendron*, l(. Hr
I'arsons, flushing, 1. I. ; |?-largotiinmt, hew and bes.
single specimen. llenrj iiird, Newark, N. J ; beet
single coiial pelargoniums, William Itall, of Spuytet
l?u? vil, Y Y ; best ?i\ triK'ior iH'largoiiiurns, fvten
lleudrrsou, Jersey Cny Heights, N. J. ; besr
six distinct varieties of n/aleas, 8. It. I'art
sons, flushing, U I.; best single specimen
miiiki florist. In the department of cut flowers lb,
' judges aw jrd d the premium lor the best diaplay oo
b..rd|i shrubs, correctly named, to H II. I'arsonsl
Flushing, l. I.; best tweuty.tour district varieties,
named baruy p rp<tusl, three uf Writ variety, to W,
0. Wilson, Astoria, 1. I. In floral designs, the best
"table," other than a basket, to Kktreh .v Wilson,
si coud prl/u to A. M. Osskell, N. Y. Llest basket oi
! llowers to Kred Gordon. N. Y. Rest baud bouquets
hkirch ft Wii-ou. ."perial premiums for vase
| bouquet* lo Waiter Held, N V. Tho prises
I lor displa.vs of fruit Were awarded as
lolinws: ? ite.-t two qu irts ul strawberries, any variety,
S. Hensliaw, .New Brighton, S. I. ; best hftv berries iu a
s ugle layer, t'eter Henderson, Jersey City Heights;
heaviest ten berries, without regard io quality, Fetor
lleodeison; best qu;irt ol "Black Hctlaiue," "Colonel
Cheney,'- "Monarch ol the West," "Wils.ia," all to
I'eter Hendersua; "La Conslante," the bent variety,
William Hnrgvnit, Glen Cove, k I.; >>est collection of
not lews th iti threo varieties of foreign grapes, two
buuehes each, two premiums. Robert Casey ; best man
govs, s|tec:al premium, W. Walsh, Brooklyn. UUier
prues lor irulls end vegetables were awarded.
Tne exhibition will continue until Thursday evening,
opening each day at one I', XI.
>vriocK, J
A. M. )
Orrics or Titk Ciiiik Signal uvficee,
VilHMIW, June 13?1 A.
ForTue&dny throuchuut tbo Atlantic States, continued
southeast to northeast winds, moist. cloudy or foggy
and rainy weather will prevail, with stationary tempera
tures and pressure.-:.
For ttic Eastern Gulf States, southerly winds, shift to
cooler northerly, followed by rising barometer and
partly cloudy weather.
For the Western Gulf States, diminishing northerly
winds, shifting to warmer southerly, rising followed by
falling barometer and clear weather.
For Tennessee and tho Ohio Valley, northerly winds
stationary or lower temperatures, higher pressure and
partly cloudy weather.
For the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri valleys
northerly winds sbllt to warmer southerly, falling ba
rometer and partly cloudy weather.
For the lake region, north and east winds, station
ary and lower temperatures, rising barometer and
clear weather.
Tho rivers will generally full, except a rise in the Sa
vannah and possibly in tho Missouri
Tho following record will show the changes in the
temperature for tho past twenty-four hours, In com
parison with the corresponding date of last year, as in
dicated by tho thermometer at Hudnut's pharmacy,
Ukrai.d Building:?
3 A. M..
OA. M..
U A. M..
12 M.
.. 04
.. 60
.. oa
I Ml
3:30 P. M 72
0 P. M 6-S
OP. M 00
12 M 04
Average temperature yesterday 0'J
Average temperature fur corresponding date last
year C0',?
The very latest intcllicenco by mnil from Bermuda
reports as follows:?Just as tho mail is leaving the In
telligence comes that the Lord llishop of Nowlouudlaud
died at Hamilton, Bermuda, nt eleven A. 11., on Juno
7. The deceased prelate, Bight He v. Edward Field,
was seventy six ycui'R of age, and liad boeu loug since
recognHtcd as an'eminent divine of the English Church
A telegram from Quebec, Canada, under date of tbo
12th o! June, reports as follows:?Colonel Gugy diod
suddenly at his resideuco in Beuuport last evening.
A cable telegram from I.ondou, under date of yester
day, reports us follows:?I ho Manchester Guardian's
London correspondent says E. 1*. Kingston, tho Knglish
essayist, ami the author of "A Lilo oi Artetnus Ward,"
died on Friday.
State oi Virginia..
City ot Richmond,
A neliorla
\\ licontin
State or Nevada....
]' Calami
II iiiiimoiiin.........
St (icrniain
tuilu. \VmMnnllon.
J utie
J uue
J une
I line
Bothnia ... IJane 2*.
Stntfl <>' Indium
City ot' Berlin..
Don tin
V ielai'ii
W A Scholten..
1 he Queen
' <r
J uly
(?Ikmtow. ..
II aniburg..
i.i \ erpool.
(ilniL'IIV,. . .
2t> Uroadwav
4 Bowling oreea
7a Broadway
<>] Broadway
2 Bowling (ireon
15 Broadway
f>5 Broadway
7 Bowllntr (Ireea
21* Broadway
4 Bowling (ireea
7*J Broadway
M Broadway
Hi Broadway
37 Hroadwar
*>U Broadway
7 Bow I in it (ireon
V> Broadway
7 Bowling Green
2 Rowling Ureen
4 Bowline Ureen
ttj Broadway
72 broartwuy
15 Brositwiw
ID) Broadwnv
7 Bowling (ireea
55 Broadway
?Jltowlinir ureen
2tt Broadway
il Broadway
50 Broadway
f.y Broadway
l>7 Broadway
Son rises 4 28 | Gov. Island eve 12 47
Sun sots 7 31 | Sandy Hook veo 12 02
Moon seta. eve 11 51 I Holl Gate. eve 2 32
Steamer Syrian (Br), Montgomery, Bordeaux May 20,
with indue and passengers to Henderson Bros. Kad 4 dart
dense foi? oir tin* Banks; no date, lat 47 30, !ou 15 4.*), spoke
"Laira" (of Plymouth), from ? for Valparaiso: no date,
' lat 47 30. ton 1? 4f>, mi Knglis'i steamer showiug sigual let
torn APBK; 11th, off Nantucket, tteamer Australia (Br),
hence for Olaagow.
Si earner Bermuda (Br), Attjrrove, Bermuda June 8, with
mdte and passenger* to A K Outerbridtre. June 3, lat 33 30,
Ion 7 >, on the outward passage. a tiremau died trom rup
Steamer City of Dallas, llines, Kernandina June 7,
Brunswick 8th and Port Koyal l)th, with mdse and passen
ger* to0 II Mallorv A Co.
Steamer Magnolia. Daggett, Savannah 3 days, with mdse
to Murrav, Ferris A U?.
Ship Senator (of Liverpool). Joffry. Calcutta 102 days,
with mdse to A Low A Bros. Passed Cape of Good Mope
May I, St Helena I'Jth and crossed the J.qiistor 23d, iu ion
2U; March 17, lat 1 H5 lou KIJ ,'jO, snoko a British ?liip show*
Ins signal letters NL>LI<2; April 2.1, lat 112, Ion -<2, ship
ltlairfrorric. bound ?; May l!3, lat 1, Ion 27, b?ri Auglo
Norm an, bound ?.
Bark Krnw (Hen, Schutte. Liverpool, 31 days, in btllast
to IIavenstcdt A C ?. Mnv 30, lat 40 20, Ion 47 2S, passed
Lurk Henry (tier) hence for Bremen. The Lrna is auchored
at Sandy Hook for orders.
Bark Ferraio Secundo (Itai). Kusao, West Hartlepool May
7, In ballast to Lauro, Storey A Co.
Bark Boylesta (Nor). Auoiisen, New Boss 42 days. In bal
last to order Is anchorod at Sandy Hook for orders.
Hark lloltingeu (Nor , Kvenseti, Bel fast, 37 days, in bal
last to C Tobisa A Co.
Bn. k Ferraro, Trrso (Ita!), Cnomo, Dublin 42 days, in
bull ?st to Fntich, Kdye ,t Co.
Bark Triad* (A us), Tarabochia, Ilouun 31 days, in ballast
to master.
Bark Madre A Flgll (Itai), Scarpatl. Leghorn (u> days,
with indite to Lauro, Storey A Co. Pas?ed Gibraltar, April
Mark Torryhurn (ol St John. NB), Ilonte, Caibarien 12
days, with ?u;;ar to (Jainay A Catado; vessel to Eagle,
Blakeslcc A Co.
Bnrk Adolnh Kftgler, Ftckett, Sagna todays, with sugar
to liilnncll, Minium A Co: vessel to John Zittloieu.
Brij: Wey'andt dial), l.uhauo. North Shields 35 days,
with ind'o i?* Punch. Kdve A Co.
Brig Nhiry (of IMgby, KS), Dodga, St Pierre. 10 days, with
sugar to Dwight A Piatt; vessel to Ileury A Parker.
Brig C A Hoard (Br). Mcoenstr. St Johns, PR. todays,
with sugar to J V Onativla A Co; vessel to Simpson A
j Sliuw
Brig Lena. Davidson, St Johns, Pit. 11 davs, with mo*
? lassses to J V Onativla A Co; vc*?0i to JatCOt Henry.
Briir Wsnhun. Spencer, Matansas, 1) days, with sugar to
flossier A Co; vessel to Simpson, Clnnp A Co; June 4, off
Carvport Heef, spoke bark J. b. Woooworth, from Havana
for Sew Yortt.
Sclir May flower (of Brixham), Tyrer, Rio Grande. 43
davM, with hides to tlosaler A Co; vessel to (} F liullev,
crossed the equator May 24, in l??n 37 W, May Br lat 3o III W,
Ion 14 4'i W\ spoke bark tllammont (Br, from CUngow
lor Valparfato. June 8; lat 32 .'rtl,lou 08 24, brig Malaga,
front St John. NB, for ?, 9 days out.
Sclir Abby Watson, <lray, Porto Cabello, with coffee. Ac,
to J II Winchester A Co
Sclir Ada Barker, Dobbin, Maysqnes, PR, 11 days with
snynr to Dossier A Co; vessel to Simpson. Clapp A Co;
April 2H, lat 2116.1. I?>n .V7 Tai, on the outward passage passed
a vessel ol about 14<> tons, water loj|ted and abandoned,
wit'i foremast staiMfltm with the head j;one ; June t?, lat 2t?
f <V>. lou "?|t passed a vessel of about ISO tona, water lopped
' and abandoned, with nauie on the quarter, but being too
dark to make it out
Sclir Maggie Antonio (Sp), Urandy. Porto Kieo 12 days,
{ n baliaet to master.
j Jiclir Jes*o Carll, I'nderhill, Raracoa t* days, with fruit to
(iouies, Pearsall .% Co: vessel to B J Weiiberjf.
Sclir KvaJ smith. Heron, Savannah. 7 days, with lumber
to master.
.^chr Annie K Cook. Coak. Savannah 7 days, with lumber
to J W Uust>ell: vessel to II IV Loud A Co.
Sclu* II J Kawnoiid, Kammln. Virginia.
Sclir Kva Bell, ('lark. Virginia.
helir Ann Klitabeih, Bote Phila<le!phia for Harwich.
Sclir Kii'hard Law, llawkint, Philadelphia for New Bed
Sclir Nellie Benedict, Thompson, Philadelphia for New
ffjrThe following arrived on Sunday, but wore acciden
tally omitted ? ?
steainor Wltcoutin (Br>, Jones, Liverpool Mav 31, with
inds? aud 1<?7 pa?M njrers to Williams A Ouiou June fi, no
lat. Ac. pAMod a bark Tigged steamer, bound K; loth, a
brig ligged steamer d ?, lltli, 4 AM, steamer City ol Ches
ter (Br), hetica for Liverpmd ; .1 AM. ateamers Spaiu tHriv
do lor do. and France < for Havre, 10:90 AM, steam
er Adriatic tBr), ?lo tor Liverpool.
Bark Loch Uoil (of Glasgow), MeQtieen date McMiekeu),
Calcutta 127 days, with mdse to J 8 Tucker A Co. Parsed
Cape of flood Hone April H, St Helena 2.'?th, A?censloii May
I, and crossed the Equator Hth, In Ion 22 19 W ; April 14,
Copt James McMickeu Jumped overboard and was dro*ned;
n?? date, lat 21 03 S, loli 3i U, ?p?ike ship Hlamor^'amthire,
from Port Adelaide for r almouth, K, 75 days out. May S, no
lat, Ac. spoke ship BrauiliaU, from Newcastle for Klo Ja
neiro. .'H da> s out.
Bark Krato iNerj, Bottrop, Loudon 31 dayt, tu baliatt to
C Tobias A Co.
Baik Lcscps (Nor), Steeu, Ipswich 31 days, in ballast to
Fwnch. Kdje A Co?
Bark l.ltiait M Vigae iof Mai land. NS), Vigas, Cork via
Sydney, CB, 33 days, in ballast to ,1 F Whitney .1 Co.
Hark Astvouotu i-#er), Klopper, Bremen 34 dayt, with
mdse to II Koop A Co.
Hark Ashantee (of Pictou), Robert*. Dunkirk via Sydney,
CB. 31 days, in bail ?st to order. June tl. on Brown's Hanks,
spokv fishing schr Flora, all well. The Ashantee is anchored
at >andy lh?ok for orders.
Baik *utt<Ital>. (Mtcuolo. BoulogneZ& days, with cement
to Futich. Ed>e A C??.
Bark F L Carney, Jackson. Havana 9 days, with sugar to
order: vessel to Mider A Houghton.
Bark Josephine, Stall!, Matsunaa 9 dayt, with sugar te
Brown Urea; stteel to Fred doiitn.
Bark Edward Albro (of Plctoe), Grant, Saga* 10 days,
wilh sii'/ar to order; vewwl lo Gerhard A Brewer.
BrigOluck Auf (Ger), Weyerjcanjj. Santo# April 24, with
coffer- to (J Ramsey; vcsael to order. Crossed the Equator
M?v Hi, in icn U6 W.
Brk- A B Patterson, new. Porto Cabello 15 daj*, wtth
coffee. hide*. Ac. to Iiallett. Boltou A C-o.
Brig: Torrid Zone (Br), Cooper, St Marc l^days, with loff
wood Ac, to K Murray, Jr.
Brtgr W A Honey (Br). Smith, Uardenas April -9 and >iai? June 2, with sugar, Ac, to order; vessel toPenUton A
&Bri* T II A Pitt, Mollis, of and from Bermuda 6 day*, with
produce to order; vessel to Jones k Loii^h.
-?Schr L 11 Gre^ir. Anderson. Porto Cabello 15 da vs. with
coffee, hides, Ac, to iJaliclt. Boltou A Co; vessel to Miller A
Schr Kute K Rich, Holmes, I'aibarien 14 days, wltn mo
1 HHneM to > kiddy, Mum ford A Co; vessel to A II Bentley
Schr Miranda, Mitchell. Cardenas 10 days, with sugar to
order; venal to Breti, Son A Co.
Jsrhr W S Harwell, Lord, Baracoa 11 days, with fruit to
Comes. Pearsail A Oo; vessel to B J Weuberjj.
Schr Ebonexer <llr), Beiht-.i, Kleuthcra 7 days, with plnei
to J as Douvlu*; vessel to B J Weuberg.
Rchr Winnie Lawry, Napier. Windsor, NS. for New York.
Schr Mi?ry K Wise, Wise, New llaveu for Philadelphia.
SchrJohn Man love, Liuoln, Providence for New York.
Schr Heading UK No 42, Adams, New Haven for Xew
Schr Mist, Mover, New Haven for Trenton.
Schr George Moon, Arhmau, Vineyard liar en for New
Sc hr IIattic A Butler. Carroll, Portland, Ct, lor New York.
Schr Yosta, Wentworth, Weetport. Ct. for New York.
Schr Onrnst, Winters, Port Jefferson for Sew York.
Schr Julia Ann, Dewoodii. Stoumuton for New York.
Sclir I'ranklln. Howard. New I?ouJou for New York.
Schr Jes llcatu, Now Haven for New York.
Schr Hrtrobttrfr, Prescott, New Haven for New York.
Schr K .1 Mtindell. Harris, Providence for New York.
Schr Jns Buchanan. Jones, New Haven tor New Kork.
Schr Abel W Parker, Dean. Taunton for Now York.
Schr lteudini; Kit No 4lif Candy, New Haven for Philadel
Schr Mnry A Lovell, Ixivell. Portland, Ct, for New York.
Schr Gov Burton. Phinuey, Kennebec, Me. for New York.
Schr Osprey. Rogers, Georires liuiiks lor New York.
Schr J 1) Griftinjr, Jones, Chathsm for New York.
Schr Orion. Smith, New Haven for New York.
Sehr II W I>rew. French, Norwich for New York.
Schr Chas Lovell. Sears, Kail River for New Vora.
Schr Ceo Giliutu. Latham. Portland. Ct, for New York.
Schr B 11 Warlord, Sprague, Providence for New York.
Schr Geo Gurney, Gurney. Providence for New Yoik.
Schr Bertha Conover, Providence for New York.
Schr Florence. Sackett, Providence lor New York.
Schr Addle P Awry. Tryou. Ne.v Haven for Baltimore.
Schr Cornelia, Providence for New York.
Steamer Prunconta. Brae?. New York lor Portland.
Steamer Tillie. Kwiug, New York for New Loudon and
Schr A T Cohen. Brown. Port Johuson for Providence.
Sciir Nellie Car?, Rich, New York for Saco.
Schr Xebec, Shropshire, Port Johnson lor Somerset.
Steamer N o v ail a (Br), Freeman, Liverpool via Quecnatown
?William* A Cuion.
Steamer Veiuer. Ifull. Wilmington. Del?A Abbott.
Steamer Anu Klltu. Itichards. Philadelphia?J an llauo.
Steamer Fraoconla. Drain;. l'ortlaud?J K Araes
Ship Continental. Clark, San Kranclaro?Soitun X Co.
Hark Richard 1'eurso (.Br), bar lab j. GUssou Dock?J F
Whitney * Co.
Bark Maury (Nor), Somes, Cork for ordora?Funch. Edye
A Co.
Bark Mimer (Nor), Sorenaen. Cork or Fal mouth for or
der.? C Tobias A Co.
Dark Collector (Nor), Olsen, Rotterdam -C Tobias A Co.
liark Ilassell (Nor),, Klgu-Bockiuitiiu. Oerliu A
Hark J L Pendorgast (Br). Bate), Calais?Pendergast
Bro* A Co
Bark Idaho, Richardson, Cienfuogos-Tucker A Light
Hark J"se D Bueno, Jonus, St Jof a?Way dell A Co.
Bark \V faliuou (Br), Hawthorne. l'ort Muiiway. NS.
llrlg (iuglielmo Tommassiuu (ltal), Astarita, Newcastle,
K?l.auro, Storoy A Co. .
Hrij; Leona (Br), Taylor, Cork for ordjra?P I Nevius A
Hrig Perce* Hinckley, Small, Calbarlen?Simpson, Clapp
A Co.
Selir Ada Ci Shortland, Doane, Para?O Amsinck A Co.
Sclir Lena 1< Storer, Rivers, Galveston?H W Loua A Co.
Schr*> W Andrews, Watts. Fernandina?I'arsons A Loud.
Sclir Joseph W Wilaou, homers. Cedar Keja, Ma?Overton
A llaukius.
Sclir Dora M French, French, Perth Amboy?H W Loud A
Schr Herald, Ilall, Provlucetown, Maas?Ilarlland A Pre*
Cleared 10th?Bark Airon (Nor), Haneen, Aalberg?Funch,
Edye A Co.
BHk I.ivinrstono (Dan), Fischer, Rio Grande via Rich
mono. Va?Funch. Kdye A Co.
Hrlg Kufus (Nor), Chrlatenseu, Wilmington, NC?Funch,
Edye A Co.
Ship Bremerhaven (Ger), Baltimore; barks Lvnct (Nor)
Bmnen; Ataiauta i(ier),do; Eliia S Milll.'un cHr). Cork;
I.'iileu (ltal), do or Falmouth; brig Rutua (Br), Wilmington,
Wind at sunaet. R; at midnight, SSE.
Barometer at anusat, 3U.24; at 1U PM, 30.23.
Nkwpout, R. I., June 12, 1876L
Schr Ann T Sippla (of Barnstable), AlexaLder Bacon,
mnater, from Perth Amboy. NJ, with coal, for Lynn, la
aabore at Seaconnet. The captain mnkea tbe following re
port:?"Lett Perth Amboy June d, and continued ou our
paasaga until about ten or twelve mllea troiu Block Island,
on the following aitarnoon, when tbe vessel sprung aleak,
aud alter pu^iplnt; for an hour found her still leaking at the
rate of :MIOO strokes per hour. Put ulT for Seaconnet harbor,
and keot pumping until our arrival there. About four
o'cloca I'M same day ran ttu retsol on to a sand Hat, whera
she now lies, leakim; 4?AJ sirukas per hour Beloro putting
the vessel ashore wo could hear water cotnini;iti at the after
part of the run. Four men are kept at the pumps all tho
Ship Annik M Skull, from New York, at Ran Francisco
June 4. reporU:?trom Kel> J to 7th, in Gulf Stream, had a
succession of heavy galea and logo cross ?eus. causing ship to
labor hoaviiy. shipping he?vy seas on 0?ek. washing away
booby hatch; started spar* adrift and e>?rything moveable
on deck; stove water casks, split sails aud sustained other
Ship Kota (Swe), 53 days from Point Lobos, put into Val
paraiso May 4 with loss of rudder.
Ship Ikonsidks. of New York, Captain Speeder, from
Liverpool for St John, N H. in ballast, went ashore ou
Wednesday morning last, during a dense fog, 011 the east
end of Sable Island and became a total wreck. The captain
aud crew arrived at Halifax yesterday evening on the
scfeooner E Goodwin, which took them on the island. Jhe
Ironsides was 1,615 tons register aud was built in liath. Me,
in 1K55.
11 auk Mkssika (Br), Stewart, from San Francisco for
Liverpool, before reported out of time, arrived safely at ker
destination J une 12.
Hark Uakkisouuo, from Cardiff May 5 for Nagasaki (be
fore reported), sprung aleak on the third day out. Capt
Howe tried to make Llabou. and subsequently Cadis, but,
tho leas Increasing, made tor the nearest land, and 011 May
'JO abandoned the vessel olf Faro, south coast ot Portugal
the bark sinking In about live minutes after the crew leit
hor. The crew were picked up the same evening by the
Portuguese brig Uio Lima, aud lauded at Villa ileal. The
captain and mate arrived at Lisbon 011 the 25th.
ltuiu Navamota, Hooper, from Havana for New York (be
fore reported), was wrecked at Powel* Cay Keef, Abaco,
Mar 2H. About one Olth of the cargo was saved and taken
to Nassau Juue 1.
Hum Anna M Knight, Drinkwater, from St John. KB, for
Havnna (before reported), wa* wrecked May at Cherokee
Sound, Abaco. A portion ot the cargo saved.
Senn ALuicitT W Smith (3 masts), of Providence, 44 days
from Uio Janeiro, arrived at Newport ou Sunday, in charge
of the mate. Mr James O White, Captain George W Leaviit,
of Biddeford, Mo, having died May 4 of lever, alter five
days sickness, in lat S, Ion W ID W, aud was burieO at
sea. The vessel sailed from Uio Janeiro on the '^Hth of
Aptil tor Barbados or Haltimoro. seeking freight, but after
the death of the captain the taste thought it best for all
concerned to briug the schooner homo4o her owners. June 12?The steamer Terrebonne ran ashore
In a fog to-day at the loot of the islaud. The passengers
were taken oil safely.
Qi KBKC, June II ?An uuknowti bark is ashore at Chatte.
An unknown schooner is ashore at White Island.
A schooner collided v. 1th steamer Polin ? ltatiacan aud be
came a total loss.
Sehr Santa Cms was cut dywn to the water's edge by an
unknown steamer. Crew saved. No particulars.
OrtKftiNG op Vksski. Property.?K W Bennett X Co,
auctioneers, 011 Saturday offered at the h*chatigc, lor Wal
ter It Brooks. assignee of Sterling. Ahrens A Co. the si* re
maining vessels belongiug to the West India sugar carryinc
licet ot the iaio firm. There wns a good attendance of
maritime business men, hut the bidding was not spirited
ami ouly one vessel was sold?vis. the bark Ltibra. tons,
to S Nating. f >r fU.aKI, for Notwegisn account. The hark
Miudora. tons, was withdrawn on a hid of $4.US); b*rk
Manitou, 210 tons, no bid ; brig Chowan, 227 tons, with
drawn on a bid of $.'<,500; brig fccho, -07 tons, withdrawn
on a bid of schooner Peerless. 181) ton*. withdrawn
on a nld of $1,7."?0. It was stated the hark Miudora was
alter ward sold at private sale.?Baltimore Sun, June li.
The second midchannel buoy at Uockaway is gone from
its moorings, aud liie huov on the point of tbe shoal is mis
placed, aud vessels in turning it lor Uockaway are liable to
ruu by the wreck of the steamer Black Warrior.
Arrived ?t Panama M ay an, hark Vigilant, of \R, from
Talt-almano, with 7ml bbls >p oil, tor ahipiuoat tu Now Yurk
vi. 4 Kullroad.
Sailed from Hiwinuda June 8, bark l're?idrut, Darli, of
?ml lor Nf? Bedford
Spoken?No date. Ut L'O Ion 78, acbr ChM Tbumpeon, of
Provlneetown, all well.
Hark Kepione (Br), Hlruvr, from Hamburg for Philadel
phia. .lun# II. 7*) mllea K of ttamegat.
Hark Kcuader iHr'. Ilugliix, trum i<lverponl rta Oow Hay,
CH. for IWmin Breakwater, June II, 10 inllea earn uf
h,ndr llook
Uric Fidelia (of Hanicori, from ? for Philadelphia,
Juuo 10, M mllea UK of tbe Highland*.
A ukrdkkx. June 10?Arrived. bark Fremeatiaen (Nor),, New York.
AxtwcRr. Jnue 12?Arrived. eteanier Neterland (Belg>,
Jamea, Philadelphia; atilp John O Haker, I'enoell, do; bark
UattieO BcKarland, XcFtHand, Hoatoo.
Alicantr, Juno 7?Arrived, bark lte(iaa Call |Kr), Ui
ran, New York.
Aluikk*. June 3?Arrived, brig Trine* La Boo (Br), Hor"
rla, New York.
Bristol, Juno 11?Arrived, (Dip Colchaater (Br), Bitter,
New York.
llKLrasr, Jons 13?ArrWed, bark Navcaiok, Bar.tow, Bal
Sailed (Hh, bark Dob Juato, Bennett, Baltimore.
Uabcklosa? hailed, tbe Allafraeia. fur New York.
Bahia?^reived, alnp Olty of Bottoa, Crvefcjr, Hoatoa for
Hailed, the KlSn, for New York.
Cadi*, Jaae ?-6aUad. brij Uilaa Lariftg, Aaderaon, Maw
Cam, Jul 7?Arr!ve<f, brig Tubal Cain. Stoat, New
Dunoex?i>?, Jane 10?Off, bark Ilarxbars (Ger), Ilasha
geu. from New Orleans far Bremen.
Arrived In the Knglish Channel 10th, bwki J hob (G*r),
Grluni. from Baltimore tor Bremen; Goethe (Ger), Schu
bert. New York lor Hamburg.
Duslix, June ?Arrived, berks Berger (Rue), Niska,
Philadelphia; Luiga Madro (Its!). ('?snclli. Baltimore.
Sailed tub. berk One (Nor), Andersen, United States.
Dkociicda, June 12? Arrived, bark Oiion (Nor), Jtllerhu
ten, Baltimore.
Dunkirk, June 11?Arrived, ship f Dauntless, Cbeater,
Portland. O, via (jureutown.
Falmouth, 11?Arrived, chip EllpUalet Greeley (Br),
Wette, 1'oint Loboj; berk ?osloa Bruuo (I(al), Jaceariao,
Arrived off the Litard 12th. (leaner Canada (Br), Sum
ner, from New York for Loadan.
Ghkk.nock, Juno 12?Arrived, ship Lake Michifaa (Br),
Lumont, Montreal.
Glasgow. June 12?Arrived, steamer State of Pennsylva
nia (Br), Knight. Mow York; chip British America (Br),
Lockhart, do.
Arrived #th, steamar Corinthian (Br). Mensies. Quebec.
Sailed 12th, bark It l< Uouth, Martin. New York.
G in halt A it ?Sailed. Gataland, tor New York.
11 avmi, Juno 'J?Arrived, ship Olaf (Nor), Anderson, New
Y ork.
Cleared 9th, bark SolaQde (Nor), Pedereen, United State*.
Ku.ri.mj, June 7?Arrived, brig Daisy Bojnlon. Appleby,
Boston (has been reported arrived Juno 2).
Livkki'ool. June 12?Arrived, steamer Memphie(Br), Mel
lon. New Orleans; ships Arcturus. Costeilo. do; Allre D
Cooper. Humphreys, Norfolk; Gen Peabody, Clark, St John
NB; Premier (N'or), Bruintcnard, Ponsaeola; St John, hcrlb
nor. Sun Francisco; Canon Harrison (llr), St John. NB;
Keutuckian. Dunbar. New Orleans: Transit. Percy. Savan
nah; barks Anevoca (Br), Mann, Charleston; Mestina (Br).
Stewart, San Frauelsco.
Arrived 11th, bark v^laremont, Pye, St Stephens, NB.
Sailed lOtb, steamer Bothnia (Br), McMickan. Now York;
12th, bark Begta (Nor), Larsen, United States.
London, June 12?Arrived, ship Villa Franca (Br), Eng
lish, New York; bark B W Merriam (Br), Anderson, Balti
Also arrived 12th, ship Hudson, Knight, New York; barks
Harkawuy (Br), Perree, do; Eiuanuol <Swe? Hansen, Ball
ltiver, SC, via Savannah; Prince ltupert (Br), Main, San
Cleared 12th, bark Yarra Yarra (Nor). Bugge, United
Lakh it, Jnne 10?Sailed, steamer State of Indiana (Br),
Sadler (from Glasgow), New York.
Lkuhorn?Arrived, brig Mary Fink, Dyer, New York.
Movili.k, Juno 12?Arrived, steamer Saruiatian(Ur),Aird,
Montreal tor Liverpool (and proceeded).
Pi.vsiot'TM. June 12 ? Arrived, steamer Suevia (Ger),Fran
sen, New York I'or Hamburg (and proceeded).
Picnzanck, Juue 11?Sailed, bark Sktniuxo (Nor), Nielsen,
United Statoj.
Qukunstown, Juno 11? Arrlvea, bark* Frederlka A Caro
lina (Sw), Lnrvingren, Galveston; Maiianuina(Ital). Basso,
New York; Uermos (Nor), Jansen, do; brig Tbeodor (Ger),
Glmaun, Boston.
Also arrived 12tb. steamers Partlila (Br), McKay, Boston
for Liverpool; Celtic (BO, Gleadell, New York for do (and
both proceeded).
? Swansba, June 12?Arrived, brig Omer (Br), Perkins,
Calais, Mo.
Sligo, June 10?Arrived, ship Beethoven (Br), Smith, Bal
Vliminokn, June 12?Sailed, steamer W A Scholten
(Dutch), Jansan, New York direct.
Gkavksknd, June 12?The ship McNear, Capt Carter, from
Shields Tor Bombay, bofore reported abaudoued by her crew
after striking on tho sands off Wlntertou, was brought here
to-day by a lifeboat's crew.
London. June 12?Steamer Qoethe (Ger), is aground at
Laxuih. June 12?A pioco of wood was fonnd off Arran
marked "Bark Spheras, New York, foundering, lat 22 N, Ion
47 \V. All over. Boats washad away."
Qukknstown, June 12?Ship Capo Clear (Br), Tupman,
from Sail Francisco, collided with the Clansman, from Trial
da I. and both were slightly injured.
Valparaiso, Via Montkvidko, June 10.187B.?The Ameri
can ship Star, Capt Vlanello, which sailed from Lobos prior
to April I for Europe, ha* been abandoned. Part of the
crew wore saved. [The S was 1,214 tons register, built at
Yarmouth, M?, In 1881, and hailed from there.}
Falmouth. June 12, I'M?Wind NW.
Uoltukad, J une 12, PM?Wind NW.
Alcoa Bat. May fl?In port, ship Mamnon, Baker, dUg;
bark Charles A Lewis, Unco, from Table May, arrived lit,
Sailed previous to May 8, briir* Morning Star (Br), Bush
usll. Montreal; Jobii Kuudall (Br), Jones, Boston.
Asimnwall, May 9l>?Arrived, steamer Honduras, Dexter,
Central American ports.
Arrived May -'J, sehrs Elm* M Wright. Freeman, Boston;
Both, A L Putnam, Fisher, New York (and sailed same day
for Porto Beilo).
Ulkmos Atkk.i, April 23?Sailed, brig* Itialto, Gould, Ro
?ario; 2."Hli. Hello Proseoit. Waterhouse. Boston.
It a mi ados. May 20?in port, schr Ktoa, Sawyer, for Mar
tlnlquo and New York (or Now Havou).
HituarOA, June 2?Arrived, schrs Virginia Rulon, Union,
New York; Lauro.Koberts, Philadelphia; 5th, brij; Excol
sior (Bri, Mayor, New York.
Sailed 2d, bark Aca?ia, Anderson, Hampton Roads: 8th,
sclir I'inta, Dls, Philadelphia.
In port sfk. ship Transit (Br), Dixon. from Peosacola for
Bristol, E, reloading earifo; brig Osseo. Leroy, from Mobile
lor Havre, ready lor ?en, waiting chnnge ot wind.
Calcutta, May 0?In port ships Savolr Falre (Br), Aitehi
sou; Clirvsoiiiene (Hrl. Browning and Ivuuhoe (Br), Luke,
for New fork; Bedicaimtlet (Br), lor do; Oeorirn Warreu
(Itr), Timothy, for Falmouth; Nancy Pendleton, Pendlotnn,
fur Loudon; Cromwell, Richardson. for Mauritius. Not suf
tlcieut frelpht offering, ship Vlctoriu, Atwood, up for Boston,
lias been withdrawn.
Proceeding down May 3, ship Lottie Warron (Br), Caw
sey, for lu>*ton.
Sailed Irum Saueor April 20, ship* Uates Emily (Br), Dou
gall. New York; Sus?ex iMr) Stamp, San Francisco.
Cbttk, June 7?Arrived, Jennie sweoney, Hudson, New
Carpsnai. June 10? Arrived, barks Dixie Morry, Keater,
Baltimore; Union, I'lielan, Philadelphia.
Sailed 10th, bark Continental, lerhuue, north of 11 al
tera*; echr IJonn.t Anna, Whaiey. do
CiKM'i'tuos, June S?Arrived, bark A C Adams, Colluin,
Sailed hih. I arks M E Chapman (Mr), Eve. New York ;
learns (Br), Cochrane, do; Btnt Shepard. Evans, Philadel
phia: schr W II Mailler, Reynolds, north ofllatteras.
Cow Kay, Cm, .lune 10?Sailed, bilK Lucy (Br), New
York; schr J \V Coffin, Chlsholm, Boston.
Chatham, NB. June I? Arrivod, barks Melbourne, Johaa
seii. Liverpool; toil, KateCiosby, Hibbert, Amsterdam.
Dkmkkira, May 1>?Arrived, bri* Italia (Br), Crowell,
New York.
Ilosu Koxo, May 4?Sailed, ship Sydenham (Br), Bris
tow. Sun CriMMi; 11!b. Sha.Inter (Br), Cotter, do; bark
Jonathan Clia e. Cortes. San FrancUe'.
In port May 15?ship swallow, Howes, and Comet, Bray,
fir San Frinciseo: Anne Huh, HolTses. for do; Margarita
(Br), Uweiio, lor do; barns C (! l<earv, Sti.pheii. uih . Aldrn
Beaee, Noyes. lor Honolulu; Wealthy, Pendleton, Blanch- j
nrd, unc.
Havana, June lO?Arrived, bark Masonic, Klee, New
York; llth, strainer Si I?onla (Bri, l<eod. Liverpool for New
Orleans; bark Ann Elisabeth, McUevitt, New York; sclir K San lord. Bray, do
Sailed Huh, steamer City of New York, Tlmmerman. New
York: bark Cniwepeion (Hp), Sola, Baltimore; schr George
Seslev, (law. New Orleans.
11 At ifax, J unc 12?Arrived, steamers Falmouth, Portland;
Worcester, Hintcii. and sailed for Charlotte town; George
Washington. Whitehead, New York.
Sailed 12th. steamers Caspian 'Kr), Troeks (from Liver
pool, Ac), Baltimore : Alpha illr), Bot-tiiuda slid St Thomas.
Malacia, May aB Cleared, bark Sophia (Br), Lung, New
York. a
MaXILA, April 22?Sailed, ship Sir Wm Wallace (Bri. Col
vllle. New York; 2<ith, bark Chtnaman (Br), McReiisle, do
(tnbsoiueutly reported a? havinit put Into I'.niavla for re
fri'shaieiita and sailed lor d stlnat on) ; 2-<lh, ship Wbitticr,
Senay, fur San Francisco
In jiort Mat ship Northampton. Barclay lor Now York;
schr r'annte llare, U?. San Francisco.
Montkviumj, April 2'>?sailed, bri* Parana (Br), Mitchell.
New York.
In port April 20, barks Emma Frances (Br), Burns, for
New York; Maria Spats (lien, for do; briicn America*,
? Baas, lor Marseilles; Water Lily, Tookj>bui v, for Riot) a
Mataxias, June 0?Arrived, bark Lisbon, Ouiiniog,
Havre; brie* Ernestine, Knight. Philadelphia; C A Sparks,
Mantle, do; schr J F Collins. Milton, da
Sailed Wtli, steamer Gtacla (Sp). Ereiuaiit (from Havana),
Baltimore: bark Jane i're (Hrl, Clark, no. th of llatteras;
brljf Mechanic. Hutchinson, do.
Nomii SrnxKV. CB, Jane 10?Arrived, bark St Nicholas
(Itrl. Saunders. Hamburg.
Pa R it saono, Ms, June I?Arrived, brig J H Gillespie (Ur),
Foster, New i*ondon.
OLKr.ic, June B?Arrived, steamer Texas. Laurottaon,
Liverpool lor Montreal; ships Itomarliaa, Thompson, do;
kinpreas. lioiuer, Havre; Arxtlla, Shearer, Liverpool; harks
Nor leu, Hansen, London; Jessie Boyle, 'loiu, Bristol;
Lin sine, Felfelne, Dernerara.
Cleared tub, steamer Moravian. Uraiiam, Liverpool, ?h.p?
Progress, Bull, London; Kaeehorse, Peltersen, do, K*ml
Vandiell, Greenock : Conntessof Miuto, Water. Liverpool;
lotiks itranlo, I'ederscu t ouway; Nori;e, Sjulstocks. \V< st
Hartlepool; Heratod, Andersen, Siilutt Lock; i'ousberf,
Anderson. Lelth: Havana. Larseu, London; Amelia. Moreli,
do, Kenton LaiiMord. Jakafceen, do; Keaoiute, ll.mde. do;, liublln; (linn Grant, Kaseell, Barrow.
Rl? Ja.ikiko, May S?in port, barka Ursula (Br , Brown,
for New York: Dipton (Br), lor do.
Saniim, April 21?Sailed, brig Kosalie (Br), New York
hrjoNXs, I'll, June I?Sailed, schr Edna IIarwoud. Tur
ner. Mayai.-ue>.
In port June 2. bark County of Kleiimond (Br), for Nrw
York. ld|!: brlp Kenneth (Br), Heettan. for Boston, do; An
nle Ingram iMn, Ashwood, ter Baltlraore. do; ?ehr? Jos
Nlekrrswti, Yate?, froai St Ttwasi, loaditii; sngar lor New '
V'irk. to sail next 'lav , _l.lla. Driseoll, (Viou I'hil ulelphln via i
Mayajurs, dUir; l> F KeelinK. Bennett. Irom Hcmerara, ar- I
rived Maj; 2;t Siekinir.
Sauua. J itne 10?Arrived, bri ; ,'dary Bartlett, Suiith, Ma- |
ch las.
nail iMUIi. si hrs J H Commerce, I'iuiumer, Boston; 8th,
Mary A Rich, SI aples, do.
."st John. Nil, June 12?Arrived, bark Houveair (Br, new),
Yariuoiith, SS.
Cleared lUtli. brttr Annio W Goddard (Br), Lewis, Oalway;
sclir l.anra, Pawtucket.
hailed I' tli, bri.- Vnnio Barker illr). Wnlslt. Dublin
TaMaoum. Alay 21 -Sailed brig Ra**ier? dial), ltug
Klero, Malaga, to voinplete loailiur lor New York.
VtLrtklMO, Xayl?Arrivod, bark Charles Brown, from
WiiA?roA, May 13?In port, ship Charter tuk. Smith, for
New Yif|.
Ykkoiiama, May 10-Sailed, ship Cleooatia, Doane, San
Arrive I May I.I (not 27th\ ship J U Kimball, Humphreys,
Now York.
In port vlay 24. ship J II Kio.bali. Humphreys, from New
York, arrived 13th, une; bark Nettle Mtrryiuaa, Maeters,
for Maa Kianclico.
HOSTON, inn* I2-Airlr?d. Willi#?,
11 mIYt?rn; Ko:i?*a, Craw?lt, >PhilAd?lplHa; brigf
lM(llt?Nl?*r (Br), Kudtcy, Uonalftit; 14* l>ell? T >rre,
Wihum^iou. NU; toattie A H?ii4. t*rlteh*ni. AU*
HnUria; vOtin, Scail, I'hilfeJelphiit; B?ll? Maura,
Ur?nd .
ow-bri? IliUn A lloimes KldridjCf, Cr^m Smyrna.
I'laafd htmiinr IU?r?A. Ktv V?rh s bark l!?Me
merer. Elliott, Port Spain, aclir E T Little, Crawford. Phil
Sailed?Hark \ iglUat.
UALtlMOU, June 12?Arrived. ste*mer Falenn, Klrby,
Charleston-. bans Ago-tlna S (ltnli. Pitrapiono. London!
Ga.pard (Nor), Klelaen, tilllotb. Eng: St Lawrence (Br),
Doe, Damerara: ?clir Ruth A Price. Price. Pbiladelph'a.
Al?" arrived. bark- A11:inti<- -Oar), Sclierlng, Hamburg;
Duu Kratolli dial . Messina, Palermo; scbr Ueo N Young,
Marshall. Riehmoud. Me.
Cleared?Stwamera Saragoasa. Hooper. Savannah: ?? u?
Crauo. Taylor. Boston; K VV Brunt-: Ynster. New York;
hark. Youi g Kagiu (Br). Johnson, Greenoru. Ire; Matilda
Stlh ard <ltr>. Brooks. Londonderry: CnnUdenxa (It). I.-m
bardo. West Hartlepool: hrlir. ConorJ, Itorl,-. Card?n?*l
Amelia KratM. Field. Bio Janeiro: .rhrs Bill Stowe, Man
son. Boston; Glenwood, Ilnllock, Hartford, Conn.
Sailed ?Bar* Tutens
BANGOR. .1 lino 10?Sailed. schrs Joseph Oake*, Port
Spain; Ocean Wave. New York: Empress, do.
11 III?Suiled. schr Castilian. Now York.
BATH June O?Arrtved. sehr* Loretto Klsh. Gllchrlit,
S.-vannah: Alice Taylor, Boston to load for Pbilo
de'bliia Cherub, Fletehcr, Boston. to load for New York;
Ada .1 Siiuontou. Hall. Philadelphia; DUdetn. Gray. South
Anibov * V 1- liickuiau, Kliniuev, Philadelphia;
Kntllla HI vers Satilla River; Mall. Waketteld.
Walton. I'^-mac River;
Lavolta. Whitmoro. New York: Mary Riley HI ey.????: Ad
din Blaisdell. I'rowoll. Georgetown, DC; Alice Gake*, Mar
?,.ii New York- Sam Nush. Ilurria. Potomac Itlver tot
Kicbmoud, Me; Maggie Ellon. UUlaJohu, Philadelphia lot
^Sailed?Schrs Kolou, Brooking*, and Kate M Hilton,
AlSh-S^7tM."?Ur. II A He Witt, Man.on New York: Rjy
bacca Shepherd, Robinson. Key West; Sarah C smith.
Weeks. aad A 1* Newell, Philadelphia. Po.oll
BEVERLY. .lime 11-Arrived, *cbr J ? Ha.l, Powell,
Philadelphia lor Danver*port.
OU A RLE8TON, Juno '.'?Sailed, ?chr A It E Ilooper,
Church, a Southern port. ?
loth?Cleared. schr Samuel II Crawford, Adam*. ?ew
^ Vl th?Sailed, etcamer City of Atlanta, Woodhull, New
* r'lTY POINT. Jane 10-Salied. brig* Morancy. Redonnet,
Bio Janeiro; Samuel Lludsay, Glbaon, do (both from Rich
"'dKLAWARK CITY, June U?Sailed. ?chr 8 C Hart'
Kellv. New Bedford.
Sailed I J. schr Col 8 W R.ttee, Smith Bo.ton.
DANVERS. June !>?Arrived. schrs R I- shannon. WlI*otv,
Philadelphia; Cupirt. West. New Vork , , . *
D10HTON. June 9?Arrived, ?cbr Emily 0 Donni*on, Al
1C":ASTW GREENWICH. June 9?Sailed, schr Jennie 0
Rtiis Norton. New York. ' ... ? ? ,,
KKRNANDINA. J une 0?Arrived, sdir< Win I* Cuihiojft
Cramer, New York; Ml.nn A Read. Strout. Bermuda.
t'lei*r??d?Sehr Sunny South, Derieknou. Mataniaa.,
FOltTKKSS MOXRUB, .June 12?Arrivi-d, bark* Ml?
Vose (Br). L>oody. Oallao; Viva (Nor), Peteraon. Oalway;
uriff Itmlo (llul), Hrletfiovuniii, R*rruw?all for order*.
PiiHiied in lor Haliiiuore, ateauier Uracia ^p), irom U??
V*PitItsed out?Bark* Voyniretir. for Cork; Anrorn (froj
Richmond). Elaiuoro; barka John Boyd. Deuierarn: Wn?
Linilaay. Rio Janeiro; Moraucy, do; lleo ? Berry, ao|
aclir Waldemar, do.
Sailed?Barki Ella Voae, Baltimore; lloaea Rich.
^ PALL. RIVER. June ??Arrived. ?chr* Jennie Boeallne,
Tooker, Ueorsetown, DC; laaau H Iltirdeu. Baker, New
lOt'b?Arrived, achra M M Merrlman, Crane, Bay RI*or,
NC via Norfolk; Tlioa Bordon, Churbuck, Philadelphia.
Sitilod?Schr P Merwin, Achorn, and Louia Walch, Hew
^ GALVESTON, Juno 7?Sailed, aehr* Robert Ruff, Gaw,
Cedar Koya : Travoller. llodices. Mobile.
Utli?Arrived, steamer City or lKuaton, UeerinR. Kow
^ SaUcd-Bark Herbert (Br) Hill, Liverpool; brl* Hort.
I0('iVlUM's1 iVk" j une'l<J^-s?Ued, aelir Agnes R Bacon, Hi
'?j\'('KSONV11,1<K. Jnno 7? Arrived, achn Hittio Card,
Moore - T llnrria Kirk. Cavalier, and W II Curd, tow, Nc?
York : IJxtle Y Major, Gerriah do.
NHW OKIiKA vS. June 10?Arrived, ateuiner Morgan
City liced. New York; brig hueva Sabina (Sp), Roldoa,
IIavaua; s'citr River Queen. Holiba, Cardenaa.
Cleared?8chr Ctiuatanco (Kr) Brl^u't. Bonncca.
Ujli Arrived, ateamer C W Lord, Colton, Havana; sofaf
Anita, Small, Antigua. ? , _ ? . . ..t.
Cleared Shin Onclo Kolix (Fr). Lepare, Havre, bark*
Fauule J McLollan, McLellau. Reval; Lortou \alo (Br),
"noRPo'Tk* Juno 10?Arrived, achr Stephen Morgan,
"j^EW BEDKORD. Jnno 12?Sailed, achra lloitou. New
York : W 1) Mauguin. Luna, W W Bralnard, Uticn. Sarah
I, TboiiipH-m, Pcrine, Wiu McUobh. 1 uerleia, Idaho, and
Joaeuli Mil mil. for do; Horixon, Havemtraw; flaie, Tren
ton N.I : Guat, dr.; W I) Marvel, Georgetown. DC.
NEWPORT. June 1'. I'M?Arrived, ?chr? Aaa Bigelow,
Titt?r. Providence lor Ma-dan. NY.
loth-Arrived, achn J Terry. Orrikon. Providence for Har
eratraw; Thoa J Owen, S.tleok, do for New lliiveu; \ eranda,
Pontt ? Silaa Hrainard, Hawklna. and Maroena Munaon. Jr,
Dayton, do lor New York; Lytiia Walah. Smith, Di|(hton fot
do: L A Boardmau, Norwood, Kali River for do; Gov Coney,
Klt'll v. Providence for do (and all aallod 11th).
Sailed achr Aruo, Gurney, New York for Wareliain.
11th?Arrived, achr Albert W Smith, White (late Georjr*
W Loavltt master, who died on the -1th ol
Janeiro for Providence; L N Lovcll, Bordon, and II Niclioli,
McClure, Kail River for Now York.
Sailed, achra Win Betnent, IIami, 1 hlladelphU. B J
Smith. Baldwin, lor New York; A W Parker, Couary, Diith
ton for Philadelphia; Aaa Bluelow, Marcena Munaon, SHU
1!'aI?!" si:hV('ir*l-u 'ouuty Tanner, Hyde, Providence fo*
? l5th-Pnt in. achr Pliebe Elinabetli, from Providence for
Mew York with low of anchor and part of chain.
NORWICH, June 10-Arrived. brli; Pathfinder (Br). Ar
royo, PR; aclira John Slusmore, Philadelphia; B t. waah
'"nEVV I^ONDON, June 10?Arrived, ichr Orion, from Port
JlSaUed?Brig Georne (Br), Porto Rico; ??Ur? H B Cong
don, Alexandria; Carrie llolmea. du, ? ..
PASt'AtJOL'LA, Juue 5?t/leared, bark Mexico (FT), L?ia%
R(Uh-?'ioared. brig Cora Green, Collins, Boston.
PORT ROYAL, SC. June 12?Sailed, steamer Carond?l?*
Flarcloth (Irom Now York), Pernandina.
PHILADELPHIA, Juno 12?Arrived, steamer* Lord
dive (Br1. C'rquliart. Liverpool-. Rattlesnake. Snow, and
Norman, Nickeraoii. Boston: Catharine Whiting. Harding,
Providence; Plorida, Crocker, do; Defiance, Shropsh r?.
Kail P.iuer : Concord. Slierin. New York; Allentown, luttle
do- barka Rachelo (Aua), Buntlelech Lliuerlck; t.aneaea
Padre (Nor) Schlafiino. New Boss,. Ireland: Monte 8*
Anicelo (Ital), Maateilone, Glrgeutl; I.ociano Serr* (Italj,
Cacace, Llcata; brig Uu*ao (Ital). Laner-ino. do. via Wil
mington: achr. lmnet Hinds. 1 urke Island:
Gan. Mobile ; Eva C Ya ea. Yates t.uentatiamo; B.iniight.
Ethe'rldge. Kenuebee River: Lanie Cobb, Cobb. Bangor; B
\V Ikibius.'in. Sipple. Savannah.
Cleared?Steamer M?fHower. Davidson. New York . ship
Me Doll gal I (Br), Gould, Breiueu; brig John Welsh. Jr.
Armatron.'. Mataniaa: schrs Kate Walker, V**?i?. Ports
mouth .N H; VV L. Elkins, Ludlam, Boston; \V tn Marshall,
Cain do: Aunle E Bubcock. Lee, do; Arctic. Gam. do,
Lncy A Blossom. Chattield. Provlncetown; A J Lauglilln,
Gsndv Uyno; Young Terser. New Bodfora.
\lso' cloared, ship Wellington (Br). O Brien, Ilavro;
barka Athena <Oer>. Beilmer Bremen; Flora (Br). '
end. LytiM Dock, K Brlgton NC; achra E C Rommel, Ad
ama. Baltimore, Va; J Chadalck. Norria. Bm.oh.
Saileil?Stesuiera Pottsville and W illimmaport..
Lkwics, Del, June 11?Arrived, brie II B CleaTei, Uun>?
12th?jTn???5,r barU.r Bolondo Secvndo (Ital). Glasgow for
?nnrig Solarlo (Br), which arrived 10th Irom Bahla, la
''"went to'sea 10th. bark Vasa and brig Skjold;
WlI'Hta Warf, Boriel; Tare, and Anloalua la Nasa; brig tat
'' I^ORTLAND." Me. Jnne 12?Arrived, schri S M Bird, Pio
tou. NS; Thos Benedict. New York.
Cleared? llark Samuel b Spring, Wooster, I enarth Boada.
PORTSMOUTH, June 10-Arrived. schrs Lorlne, homers,
Philadelphia; K C Thomas, Thorudika. Perth Amboy; ce
rea Alley Ni-w York. _ . .
PROVIDENCE. June 10?Arrived, acbrs John 8 Beacham,
Woodland, Baltimore via Warren ; Charlie Miller, rhornat.
Philadelphia; 14 II Brasos, Raynor, South Amboy; J ??
Terry Rayuor, Port Jolmaon: Maroena Munsou, Jr, ilay
ton, do: Pointer, Dill, Now York. ..... , .
Sailed, .teaniers MeClellan, March. Baltimore via Norfolk ,
Plorida. Crocker, Philadelphia: Catharine Whiting Har
ding. do ; acbrs Mary E Simmons, Gaudy, Richmond. Va,
.V ill D Hilton. Newton, (leorgetown. D?.; Florence Dean,
Weatgate, do: Belle Hslilday. Bnrt. do. yIa Newtjort and
Norfolk; Thomas Slnntckson. Dlckersou. Philadelphia!
Ocean Hell. Mills.; liannah Blackmau. Arnold,
Romloiit- J Terry. Orrtstn. do; tieorge t.urney. Uurney(
Silas Bralnard, fl-wkina; Minquas. Phllllpa; tliaa ^?a
Lewis: Marcena Munaon. ,Ir, Day ton; llelen,
Anson Brown. MUla; Litsie, Taylor, aud Thomas B Smith,
Bowman. Ne^^Y Lucy Graham. Smith. PhHMelphla;
Godile.s. Kelly, no for I'awtucket; Lonneeticut. Ailon, I ort
Sailed-Sclm Phebe Kliiabeth, Mapes; Jennie 0 Rust,
Norton, and Helen. Soarle, New York
At the head or l,oiig lalar.d hound Wth. V-M. bound east,
?eliis Oregon. David Currie, Marv Miller. John Brook*,
Hitiinibal Mo!?????icer. Win S Mount, Mariner. I ?tor ^Kitlcr*
Orient, J O t^ollyer! Clara Po.t, Wonder. Golden Bule. J A
Terry. T Benedict, Ida P-lmer, and other*.
1' III-Arrived, steamer* Tonawanda Sherman, PblladeU
?.III. Kiinita Howe, do: Berka. Pendleton, do.
Pa'wTLCKKT. June lo?Sailed, schrs J 11 Bnrnett, Baa
mua-i't, and Anthonv Burton. Johuaon, New ^?fk- .
Richmond. Jnu* IO-Arrtved. Mhr Trade Wind, Bryant,
*Nbailed'*Scbra J B Johnson. Rose, New York;-John ^Par
k s\V.' K U\ I SCO, J une 4-Suiled, ship Daahlng Ware,
Nickel*. Tacoin*. ,, . ,,
|?Xb?Clenred. hark DotaeHhire (Br). Hardy. Conulmbo
1 _t!i?Arrived, HtiMnner Oily ?t Sydney, liew, 1 an ana a;
?bip Marv Whitrldge. Cutter. Ilong bong.
SAV ANN A II, Juno 12?Arrived, steamer Rapldan, Man
^'cleared ?Sclir Marr G Collins, Somera, Woodstock, Fla,
toloa-lf<r Philadelohla. .
SA I.KM June H?Sailed. *chr* Jo* Porter. Burrougb*, aad
I, A M Iteed. t:aviller. Philadelphia.
I Ith?Arrived, achr Geo B Perguaon. Ferguson . Ilondont.
II th ?Sailed, achra Aunle V Bergen. Thompson. I blladel
phia. Geo A Pierce. K.ily, New York ?la Gloucester.
SOMERSKT, June It-Arrived, schr S * E Corson, Corson,
Pvi*dKYARU HAVEN. June lO-Jrrlved *chr* Isle of
rio.-a lioiidont lor Boston: Mary L \arnoy. New York for
do; Win A Merrill. Perth Amboy for Plymouth :Or?ca Vaa
Duaen and Elwood Doren. Gardiner for Phllaitelphlat
Julien Nel.on Pltt,ton f..r Brooklyn: || P Georga
town. Me, for Treutan; Opera. Hlllsboro, NB, lor Newark,
' S illed?Schr* Rllnabeth De Hart, R M Cook, Isle of Fine*,
W A Merrill. Mary I, Varnet. ?>own Prince, Julia Craw
ford. Minnie U.wile. J II Allen, L B Sargent. Aluiira Wool
''I "th - ^Vv,dR*C:W AUVCi' fB*,Bo"t A>rN*elhI
Boston; Mhr* Hannibal. Parti. Amboy for Boston . Nellia
bsmpiier and Jainea M Kianagan. Gardiner for Pbllwlel
phU. Rachel Seaman. Bo.ton lor do; pallia MI b?ans. Nan
taeket lor do- J P Carver. Calais lor New \ ork ; Brigadier,
and Island Hollo. lio. sUnd for do; Charlotte Pish. R.*k
port. Me. I .r do; ll-lon A Ru.sell. O-iincy for Bridgewator,
NJ- la-xlngton. Lntiec for Pawtucket; W II W hltakar,
Richmond Me. for Baltimore.
Sailed-Bark Archer; aehr* Commonwealth Leontlna,
Lucia II I vex. Jama* Martin. AC Buckley byJIa Hooper,
e Vail l)n?eii R. II. Uut-en. S Bruen, Mar.hall I'errln.
Treaiurr Mitry Ann McCann, Wellington W II Grant, M F
>iuuie? M V Willf-y, E K I'ettlngill, Estelle Day. Lis
HamHu CI- Sampson. D4 Elisabeth. Win Dornn,
Sea Bird Knth, Thomae, M K Woo.lhnll, Klwood Doren,
Julian Hannibal, and sl.Kip Wtn P Hind.
wll.MIMHO.N. NC. Junu H-Towed to *ea, *chr Whit*
^"vI'AiTlve'i steamer Ralel ;h. Oliver. Baltlmora.
Cleared?Schr Ja*al" Hart. Bath. Me.
1 lili ? Kalled, steamer Itenefoi-tor, Joaes. New York.
WOOD'S HOLE, June 8 -Arrived, scbr 8 S Smith, 8?aw,
"\V I'.KN. Jnne l(k?Sailed. ?eiir John 3 Baacham, Wood
la-Ill fro n Maltiinnrel. Provulenee
WbsTtvRl-*. Jane ??? Atrlvad, *chr E W Babcock, * II
Lur Weeliawkeii _ .. .
mil, -sailed, -chr* It'ihin flood, Bakor, Phlladelpklat
Ilea lln t KK No 42, Kankln, New York; K A Che?*bro, Boh
kAllll'n. * ?>;a tlUOA l ?. Jkc.
A-l?i Boats os ham* < Hlur-stikU^ QlWC
. Vt iiltifh ill, Metallic Ufa Buata mid simnmi Oar?. .?<W
?Ml M* Souili n. ST K 1*11 N KOHKHTH.
WVtala; hi-an u-? ? I ixil threa tiui?*. Kur UMllOTlMf
iKlilrrm .1 W. mil. III'.KIK. i'mulc. N. j.
i BSOUUTK i>[V(IKOK< OHIAIXi'.U kUTfifofSilt
-*V rat Stati'i, lor nuni .rom c.?u??m, without puMidtr;
l?U?l ?v?r)'wt>i)r<9; Mcliwic in i<iv*tu-?; nHrl?a fra->.
M. llnt'SK, Att.irimf, lsl? Bt?a?lwar.
r'riniMA.s H. aiijikw 'thk U.ikat nbW YOBK URO
JL oar. I'ea. Coffaa and flour Dealer. New Yorkara tat
avarrboiUr, call ai.i tfat bargains. SH Yaaay at