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MINISTERS' CONFERENCES. MOVEXXNT AGAINST SUNDAY LIQCOB BEUJNQ PBOOBB88 OF METHODISM IN MKXIOO?CHAB ACTEB1STICS OF PBXACBINQ. lu tho Methodist Preachers' mooting; yesterday a largo clerical lorcc gathered, expectiug to listen to l)r. Curry's review ot the doings of the tale General Con ference. But the Doctor, while claiming the utmost liberty and right to traverse ail tho acts and proceed ings ol that body, was neither ready tior willing to do so at this time. Rev. 0. C. Gem, of the Temperance Committee, mode ft report on the Sunday liquor question, and proposed for adoption tho following resolutions, which succinctly recite the opinions expressed in the preambles or re port:? , Refill veil. That as Methodist preachers of N>w York city and vieimiy we hereby tender our thanks t? the Cum hn>?iou?r? u 1'oliee una lu their superintendent lor tae ir uHbrte to enforce the provisions of the statutes prohibiting thu sale of luioxicaiiug iiriaku upon the Sabbatn, and that ?? pledge iheiu our hearty support and co-operation in their continued effort* to keep every ilratu shop closed during tho* pussiu-- hours of every sabbath day. Kesolved, that we also prorent the thanks ef 80,000 member* ol our chkrehes ami congregations, who Voted unan imously lu their etiarehcs to support the Commissioners in ilnir noble ?.ork, mid pledged tlielr eo-oweraiion in any way tlilit the exigencies <>t the circumstances demand. i;o.-olvf.i. Thai ?o cull upon the doard of K\cise. in the din.-r. tion which ihu statuio gives, to groatly restrict the number oFMcenses, 10 refute licenses especially to grocers, keepers ot eating bouses. und to revoke the Ik-bum.-* ol the proprietors oi tin- Hippodrome aud all other licensed persons who, like tbern, I'eilauily persist In iiampling under loot the lawn ol the l-taie. ? liesolved, That we call upon the District Attorney and the Judges ol our eeurts to bring to trial the peranum urrratod fur violating the Baeise law, that tiiey may no longer lie under the lmputatiuu ol being in collusion with ruiusullors and riuu.-e lln. interests. I.'esoived, That the audne haute manifested by soma of the Judge* in holding opi-u court during the passing boms ot the Kahbaih in order In reJea->e persons arretted tur selling in toxicatlng liquor-, so that they could return immediately 10 their oeUrtous l.u iuesa, ia wilfully ta?iug side* with tho law breakers, Is a diagraee tv? the judicial oruiluo, a hint on our civilisation, and merits the condemnation ot every ioier of law aud order. Resolved, That we deprecate the action of the Hoard o( Aldermen Keeorder llaeKet* and thu various political and liquor diallers committees in their coneertBd sad organised hostility to the enforcement ol the laws of tho State as tending directly to countenance aad ioster a spirit inimical to republican and democratic prluepits?a spirit an much to lit deplored as that which ones existed among slaveholders and their sympathikers, and I ' ho resisted with the same firmness and determination which then brought order out of chaos aud si it led tue priuciple that liberty und law are ayn* onytnoua terms. Resolved That wo call upon the churches of our city, tho various temperance and other organisations and the frici.ds 01 law and order to unite in some concerted and permanent movement tor tho puip >su of stutniiiin;' and giving vitality to the laws of the State in respect to tho observance of thu batibath. This report, owing to the press of business and its likelihood to provoke debute, was laid asido until uoxt week, and tho coinniittue was thanked tor Us onorgy and assiduity. Dr. Butler, Superintendent of MKTI1001ST MISSIONS IN MKX1C0, who has coma ou horo ou a brief visit in tho Interest of his mission, by request addressed the meeting on that wor'i. He has eighteen diilerent religious socie ties established, over which are six American end sev enteen native ministers, two of the latter being ex prieste ot tho Catholic Church, very culturod meu and thoroughly sound In tatili. In conncctlon with the Wesleyun missions in that country they number l'Jo ministers, enough, as Dr. Butler said, to form a good eonleiouco. Tho only Spanish Methodist press on tho faco of the earth is connected with Dr. Butler's mis tion and it supplies whatever Spanish Methodist litera ture is disseminated ou this continent, North or South. Tho Doctor lias two presses, one of which con turn on 900 uupressipns an hour. Ho hus also n bindery attached to his mission. His eldest daughter is acknowledged to bo tile best Spanish scholar in Mexico, und sho makes all the iiunslutlons for him. His son is the superintendent of the book aud printing department, aud his youngest daughter is in charge 01 au orphan which lie has founded In tho city of Mexico; so that all his family are mis sionaries. One of his sons, a very titlciiiod young minister, died not long ago. The Doctor has raised among his converts and irionds in Mexico and sotue personal Irleuds in the United States tnouoy enough to pay lor thoso presses, bindery, &c.. except $400. But lo wants now to get tnore money to establish a stereo typing department in connection with his printing house, and to publish tho siaudurd words of Methodism in the Spanish tongue, His ministers have not a single theological work in their oivn language. He wants lor this work about $8,000, and ho has received about $1,600 in Baltimore. The Doctor's remarks deei ly affected the brethren, and a resolution Indorsing his mission and roromnietidlng him and his causo to the churches was adopted. Dr. Naylor, a physician and member of tho Metho dist Church lu Calcutta, India, who arrived here a couple ol days ago ou a visit to thu United States, also addressed the lueetiug. Ho comes NOT FOR MONKY, HIT fOR UK*. Ho and some other wealthy men iu Calcutta want to get at least lour meu to go out there, and they will take good o>re of them. Dr. Naylor is a Kurusian, among which c'ass the Rev. William Taylor has had wmideriul success during his tour iu India. The Kov. J. M. King re; orted for thu committeo to coaler with other denominations ou the propriety of holding a mass letnpcrauce meeting here at au euriy date, reported against such|meeting. The eomiultioe, aud thoso with whom they consulted, agreed that they could do more good in this ouerating directly on the authorities ol the law. The committee presented a form ol petition which was adopted by the meeting and which is to be signed by 1110 prominent church mem bers in the several local churches. It sets forth that liquor selling on Sunday bos been thu most fruitlul source ot crime, misery, disorder aud pauperism, and that tho authorities ni the Stale in their enforcement of the law against such sale on the Sabb.ith will have the hearty co opemiou 01 thoso who shall sign the po titiou 111 fuvor of the enfdCceBKint of the law. This form m issued in blanks by the New York Sabbath Com mittee, aud 11 numbe; were distributed among thu preachers yesterday lor signature In thoir congrega tions. t;ik baptist kivistkrs met In conleioncfc 111 Oliver sfroet church and discussed the characteristic* ol modern preaching and what Is Deeded to make it inoro clUcteut as an evangelising agency. REAL ESTATE. Tbe following fort-closuro .-ales comprised tbe busi ness at the Ex'-bunue yesterday:? R. V. Harnett *old twelve lots, aooxloo.o, on north west corner ot luUi street and avenue A, tor $0,00(1, to Ibe plaintiff. Also a lot, 10k81. 7>txl7.0 on jouth side of Forty-lim street, 126 leet east of Second avenue tor $5,000 to the plaintiff, and a lot, loxDS.9, Biitno sidu ol .-aino street, SO leot east of Second uVenuc, lor $0,000 to II. 0. Furtnuu. A. J. BleecWer A; Son ?o?d a bouse, with lot, 2?.tl00, on oast side ol Sulllvap street, 176 leet south ot Prince street, lor $14,'J'iO to Rose MuclJouuld. William Kenucliy sold a house, with lot 17xlOO.,5, on north side ot Kighiy-iilth struct, OT.* feet west ol Lex lu^tou avenue, lor to 1>. It. Kendall. V.JC. Stoveuaou, Jr., sold to tbe ptniuiilf a bUick ot ground boundd* by Lexington ui.d Fourth avenues ana lOdtb uud 107 tb streets, us iollows:?.Seven lots, on cor ner of luuih street and Ixsxiugion avenue, lor $lo,UOO; seven low, on corner et lOdtli streot and 1'ourth ave nue, lor JlO.OtiO; seven iots. on corner ol Lexington ? venue and 107th street, lor $7,000, and tile remainder of the block, con.-utiug ot < leven lots, (or $13,(ju0. 11 .Smyth sold a hou^e, witb lot 23xltX), on south ?Mo East Eiirhty-Rrvt sirnet, ;;uo icot went of Secoud avenue, lor $4,000, to the piuintiir. Bla< kwcll, Kikcr A W11k<no sold a throe and a lialf story light stone front bouse, with lot XSxbtl0, on south side of I wentv-sixtli street, ^34 teet west ot ilroadway, lor $XJ,S00, to Witlwui Nill's. TRAKlirKKS. Lexington :IV., h. c. corner ol aotii it., Itl.O.'lxttA; C. S. Hewitt to l?. E. Mc.Sweeny $22,000 74th at.. s. ?.. :?*? tt. e. ..r 24. av., W. Will lams to 0. Ryan.... Nom. 1st av., ii. e. eorner of MM ??., .'2<M&;ft L, Wert hetmer aad Wile to_l '? Mlnderraanil 16,000 Broomo St., s s., .Vo. Alt), IM> It. o. "t Sullivan st., iOaff); L. Vaukalter ami wiie to Zett* !? rank.... H,?)0 lAth et.. s. a, - ?> it. e. "I '-'tii av., l5iliM4; (J. bmut^am and v, ilo to 0.1.ids 16,400 tlktat.. ii.s.. J"1 ft e. "f 7th av., dllllU; John i.ui/raud wile to P. McNamara 2tV"U 31st St.. n. S.. I.VI It. e. of vvli v., ?ulUO; K. MeN'-i mara end wile to John EMscr ...... . Nom. Delaneey St.. n. h . _A H. e. of I'ltt sL, i.'7x7.>; Jotiu A. uoodlett ireieroe) te I*. J- >eluit 1.700 ItKith St.. a. a. 217.0 It. vv. ot 4tb a v.. 87.0x100,11; Joseph M.releroei 1 I II Vail Si-haick, 4,000 Klii|fjbrlil?? Koad, w. Irregular (J. \V. strvnn (retereo) to llomupipithii .Ituiaal ? ln?urauce (' ?nipany 1(/,0U0 BHtli M., ?. ??"> 1 It. "I I'th a*.. .11. alsoUHth st., *. a. It" It. e. of li'ili av.. U.V\0H.s?; WltlumC. Conuer, Sherilf, to X. K Tu<>ni|?<>n 60 ) MASKS. 8?h av.. No. 301 <H*?ar?> ; h Wallach to Ibuma* U. 1.S0 93.H00 WMMauas. Flnklentune, V<nn and wi>, t? Hi Hcbalonaicy. a a ef IItli H., e. uf lit av.; l rnr 03^09 Bturnf", It. p. mud wile, M J?eo>i (Jratid (t., >. e. roruar ol l<aerani| - ji nn 2,5t)0 RuttilMiue, llarou II.. t* Uu-!i .r<! Heaves, ?. *. of a2d st., w, or Ma Menu av.; iin>talinaiit? 0,000 Wetmoeo, B. O. to A. M, l.wn, ?. w. corner af 7tfc av. and Slat at.: 5 vu nit UI,U00 WetMir, Jacob iind wl'e, to K. Wel/sr, l'o?t mad (24th wiirdl ; jreum 7,000 Union, llaniuih s. and liimuan.l. to ^!ioihattan idle Imoiraiien Company, n. e. eurusr of 5tU av. and "t.ili ?t.; I year 73,00) UorU 'irn. Juiia K, C. and husbaue. m h. Arnbols, n. s. of 50th St.. e. ef 1st av. ; 1 yo*r 4.000 BarrUn, Z. and hatband, to H. ?!. Iielallcld, Klntrs brldse av.. w. ?. c.'lili warul; A yanrs 7,000 Bruniian, PatricS, to A., ?. ?, of 12:id ?t? w. of 7th uv. ; 1 ycar 1,000 has to same, a a of 12Mst., w. 7ili av.i 1 yesr..., l.lXiO Bender, John B. and wire to A. fc l^wis, a. w. cor nur of Siaut<oi aa<l WHleit: :t years 2,000 Curry. Daniel auil alls, to Hutfrri fire inVnraiics t.umpany, ?. s. WashlnKton av , t. oTUHhUll yesr 2/KJO Burl sell, Peter v. and eilici,. iru?tea, to M, Cbamberl lln, w, a ol i.c\iii|ttoii av., Iielweuh 27th sml2Htbst>; 1 yn?r 3 (Ji'iH Miilo., K. li. to <. R. Appleby. Jia Fnltoa .t,: de tasn I J 3 o ,'assin. J.lines and wlf , t ? Micuul tl u 1'ivtitHBee Ca npnef. ?. w. corner ol M I errv and Worth sia. ? . 1 fear... ! 45,00) j lame l? Henry "? la?a? nd, ?. w. ei.rner o Mai- | berry ?nd Worth sts., aleo n. >.. e< rner yd av. end ?7tl?#t.i< ?a ill 13,'>>i I BrHily. 11' i a and wi'a tu Anule r. t'ninen, w. >. ot ?Jd av . i: I 2-d St.; A years 103(10 J Mcxaiaark. I'atriek wl.atoU. M. Mil er, n. s. of 6let., e. ol 7th av.; A years 12,000 BUSINESS TROUBLES. ? Mcgsrg. Bogert k Garsou, wholesale stationers, of No. 174 Pearl street, have made an assignment to Melvin Kard for the benefit ol their creditors. Tbt^Orst meeting o( tho creditor! of Messrs. l'tiillips & Co. ww hold yesterday batoro Register l-'.tch, of No. 345 Broadway, wbeu Francis M. Bixby Wus elected assignee, alter debts aggrogat ug ??".OOO wore proven, ! mnoir; which wern tho 1'ullowing:?If. Httrn k Son, I fltb.UeO 2a; Grit IT&Co., $1,717 t>4; Bembeiaior, Son k Co., $2,725 28; William Henry Smith k Co., i 1.447 75: .V. Beruholmer. $2,047 04; Joseph .V. Dig glef, $1 111 M; Kn lcr \ Co., *2.W35 76; btursburg k Co.. $;i.78.1 18; Chart** Boriisioia a: Ratter, I1.IU 78: J. Tiuzit, $2,08- 22; H. Herniaim ,v Co., *'U-00; Levi Morris, #4,141 50; E. W. llolbrook, $l,t?8* 48; E. K. Mudge. Sawyer v Co., ?1,41M> 20; Louis't \ Co., f:i,ti25 14; Charles Kox, Sou & Co., $6,000; Leisler k lamiueiiioit, 13,238 24. ilowes & Macy tire uow paying to their creditors a dividend ol three |M>r cent, which makes tbe tbirtl divi dend declared l>y ibe ussignee. Fifty-seven j?er ecut will have bi-eu the total amount paid VyttiCa, bankrupt.--, having applied lor a dis charge, a meetlnu ol their creditors was called lor yes terday. UtiaN Regllter Allen, of No. 162 Broadway, to show can mi why they should not be discharged. No opposition was shown and the order will In1 grunted. N'o opposition was shown to tbodiKcharge ol lluntoon & Stover, at a meeting of creditors held bolorc Register Alluu. The Urst meeting of the creditors of August W. Sturgos, which was to bave been held yosterduy belore Register Allen, was adjourned, as the marshal did not Ulo tho w.irraut as requirod by law. ODD FELLOWS' IIALL ASSOCIATION. Tbe annual meeting of stockholders of Odd Follows' Hall Association was held yesterday at No. 221 Centre street, Mr. Wilson Small, tbe 1'residenl, being lu the chair. The thirty-third nnnuiil report ol the Board ot Managers was submitted aud contained tho subjoined particulars :? May l, 1875, balance on hand $1,323 07 April 30. 18.0; cash received io? ronu 9,048 til Cash from sinking lund 3,000 oj Total $13,072 08 Total amount ol expenditures uuder the heads ol housekeeping, interest, repairs uud roCuruishing 12.253 70 Balance in treasury 1,718 58 Total $13,972 58 The following named wcro elooted managers for tho ensuing year;?Wilson Small, Richard M. Daniel, Sam uel Booth, RoyalG. Millard, llarvoy K. Aubrey, George Smith, Theodore Kroment, John M. Doty, Myer Stern, Abraham Lent, William W, L, Voorhls, Joseph Ash. BURGLARY IN JOHN STREET. John Sulllvau, aged nineteen, wbo said he was a sailor, residing at Jia 111 Morgan street, Jersey City, was arraigned belore Justice Waudcll at the Tombs yesterday on a charge ol burglary. It appearod that on Sunday night, about eleven o'clock, Do;.is Mutlaue, a private watchman, saw Sullivan and anothor young man come out ol the fanlight of tue cigar store of Max Cook, Nog. 4 and 0 John street, with 1,000 cigars, valued at $231. He attempted to capture them, but Sullivan's companion threw one of the boxes of cigars at him, which struck him in tho lace and knocked him ; down. Oa regaining his feet he gave chase and suc ceeded In capturing Sullivan. Judge Waudell held Sullivan lor trial in default of $1,000. Ktm *"?v STATIONARY STOB'.S. CHOP T&oOoBb. ~E|?' A tauranta Li>i?or Stor.-a. Mout Markets. llM and Cup store*. MALONll 5 Dey ?t No connection with any Cedar htrout nuncio*. _ .. I il \KKKV.-<ii:KAT BABOAIXs OAK BE MADE TO A run Ulty barrel* h week. MaLOBE'S reliable agency. 5 Uey ?t. ' ---_ ~7 QUANTITY OK BUTCH UK'S KXTUBES AND A aiilco llou?e. suitable lor a butcher ur latrer beer saloon, for ?ale. Apply at S3 Baxter St. ? ? N elkoant (.:6kMi? i.iyroK store. XLy near ruitou ^ IfCHELL, htore Broker. 77 Cedar ?t. 1?DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT AS OYSTER SA A loon lor Hale at a low price; ??* ?"e'dar .t. "T" SPLENDID CAFE ~AND oliuP H?>''SF f?,? Mule ? great bargain*; the inost alegwt plae* lu Anier XX bhio, arv?vu?fc MITCUhLL, 77 C*dar aU lea. ? ?? 1 tllGAlt STORK, BROADWAY SAMPLE gOuMh. A Corner Ll^or Store., lVovi.^on (StU(ro,.N^Ht) Market^ BtiK or?*?!?? .. - ? ? ? "T"bLA<!>K WALNUT DESK EOR *22. OUST $50. 21 J\. Deluuuoy at. _ * HAKE ol'PORlCNU'Y IO MAKE A llOUD L1V A in*. ?For saie. duwn town, Bur and Lunch> R"^?; prominent corner. daybustn??;P^a?WL reut Sou a luontn. Address .IOil Eh. box l.i Herald office. 4 _ril A V E BESY BEsTAC It A NT. BK-T LOCATION ! A. In city, far$480. CAMPBELL. Bo. 7 Wert 3d s*-_ , ? KIRsT CLAM RB8TA0BANT AND BAIIKOOM ? A beat location down low. j^rrea. ^ ?J?0UANCB.-WILITsITlL THIS WEEK OOB LARUE A mock <>t Slnirer-'s, Wheel* 4 Wilsons, _ CBih?' Domestic. liomtngton and other Sowing Machined, fcom Vin ir^S caeii fnr caal.; every uiachino guaranteed one t car ? pleuso call ind el amine i.etoro purchasing else where The'Sewing Machine Emporium, .??> Bond at., near bowory. THEODORE KKOMEN I . Jr.. Mmnawr. f~\tOAR STOKE AND SODA KOUNTAI.V, lM)IMO GOOD 0 business, must be auld; rare chance. No. 4 ?\ e?t 4tb at. T-v'wfTfl KTtKE FOR SALE?A HANDSOME DHL'* T) Store doiiig SI - to ?15 per day; avorytklug llrat o:a??; must be w>l*d, aa owner cannot ;?ttond : aplenjiid opportunity. Address PHARMACIST, boxjftSf Herald olSc?. D'liYo"hTORE IN BItOOKLYN Al A UREAT SACBI lioe- owner baa otlior bu?ine?a ?. Ion* ??tabltahtd; ?x veilcnt reputation. AOdre.a box JM Horald VOBlCT- AN-OLb. ESTABLISH EDNK#8PAI?ER r ltont of about !HX) 4 eent pupora. Address B. C.. ata tlon C. _ _ TiVoTTsALE-A CHINA AND GLASS STOKE ^ city of Yotikeri; e?lHbh?htjd 16 yc?r?: be?t ' keri. N. V. ??? t uili SALb' ?TO A MAN OF SMALL CAl'IlAL, A ne?a. iinniedlaie pnaaeaalon given. Apply on premise. < * i k at A BARU VIN?A WEI.L ESTABLISHED ^^Tc^iort^ssasg. Ho 16 Hoadley Bnlldlng, New Haven. Conn. TjlOH SAL)-. KOK HALK COR I?KLE'iANT KITTEH CP b Ice Croam saloon and Confectionery; beat 'oca.L?ii In city: cii ?P rent: doing uoyd bu.l..o*a. Aa?lre? MONA OA?, Herald Cptown Branch o?ee. _ <11 (? VT V C1BBAT sAi'lUKlt'E. -l.EA.'B. B Kixtiii and Uoo'd Will of an old e?t?blisl.ed Pub unJ Hrovi.lnn store, with tliroe Smoke llotfaea attached; beat l??iu..;? loiailo.; down vown; runt low. Anply on premiaea. VU(j ana Ati UUiambcraat. T^int ^ALK-III?; IMPROVED SILENT KAMILY P sewi,.- Machinetftilly warranted: everybtmy; i . ?ui> ?n>elimMits iB6to?*0; turma easy; ifrea! in h'.rA"..e.'lV *> nirant"and tl? traT Salejcoo^. U a, IVIK KaLE-THK PKETTIKST BESTACBAST AND Oj >ter llooae In the city : lung leaw ; cheap r?"li ??* Owelfing firn ci??j> pia> e; ?reat>-?t baraaiu >.. tho Apply to UEUR(?E Kl.MNElt. l'rescottllourt bar. Broad way uud 8pr?u?' i?4- >o a^eutfc; . frxnutsm six* vniutfd. : ?1? ' ? .V,11 s ? i K ? A FIRST CO KM". II L1QC0B; BB??T F l.Uflne-- P'?r? Klghth ward; ?ix pull Pump. Apply to y ?A?rMCT.WK Bo#ery. /?.KEENIH.I SES. BOILERS AND MPK KoK SALE G eh'ap Addreea KLOBlhT. box IB-'. daTald omco. __ tTFabble" bod a watkk and itoor bbeb appa \1 rutos all ktvloa. for ?ale bolnw co?t. UJ. ratus. aiis ^ WillTKIELD A SON, 3M W uter ?t. L^TOi'F KOK sA1.E?THE OltlUlNAL HOME MADE S Coffee. 'Ike and Clnlng R>em So. IWS We.t .t. miCA AND WINE BL'SlNEBS.?AN CNUsCAL OPl'Olt T tunlc'r lor purcba.InK .no ?.f the finest buslnea* 'yat'on. 4m Il.o eitv and where an Inminn bnviut?? caii bt done , * lH !ut TnurcliAier wanted; *lc ? ntM tlli CWW? ?>f ratir idxxu Add re mi A. U. C., box IJi Htiruid nltWo. ________ ?? ?? iTTTYlN roN_FLAl'K. NEAR BBO ADVVA V.?BAB. l(j and furnished lioomn; three y. ?r? le^.e; good barg .in *. cash. , , .. ?? ? - .ttACHlAEIll. *13OILER " K)i; s'aLE-Larue tUBt/aB; VE.tJ J) economical on coal. Apply at LESLIE ''01L-K ?)KKS, i'earl it.. acro?J 1 eiiniylvania Kmlroad, JriiM?y 'rZ??I WILLIAM^ MANUKAC11' it ? It s OF r?ro?M8. I>to* "P*01*1 Mncbio#ry, ld71<? 17^ Plf?* (inilk >t . Brooklyn- . ? ? ~ ?? TOB I'KKSS "f'nH HAW AT A BAKUA191.-MX 12 J isMeeESe. 11 N -ni. W illiam rt.. third Boor. "\ I M'lllNhKV r ' >it .'?ALK.--I.Nti 1 Nfc, iicILKH, M Shatiog. Pulleys, Lathe- Dr.iK Steatn and all <mall tools at a uiacl.iue ?hop. Can be ?*en ??ry day ai\?r o clock, al !-*?? kidriiyg ?t. tir \NTEl> *. HAND LITIIOUBAPHH Pjir.m, HOB'S \V ' make No. I or a. at second ha?d. Addies*. with mil particulars. Inoliidtng priee It., Ikjx ?.-"id r?'t ?'1>C<, ^ ?-? 'tTi?T it _ ~ UKU-fiM L AKTIi It I A L Ti.ETll. |H; MNtiLE. fl. warranted; filvr (lilin.-a. 50c. Kew Wk Dental Kooiim. ?.2 '.til ??., near l?th ?t. Establl.hed ls llESTUUAM'S T,|E OM.Y Ai;THOKI/.El? AMEBIC tN HBM .U - r*nt on the Centennial liruunds Is In Ifont ol Agrlcul tural li all. _ ^ ?? ?? IBcuiuXi i" ?niiiET^Hh'.4iv,LL *lit'??vi/K since ' Ea?l&-d*t., tir? ao??r Iroiu >tb ?ur Ad view tree. 4 'Ldb'"AND MMEToBINDLE, 14U WEST 4HT<| ??T. >\ , I Mill ^ntial consult itibn on all female coinpialnta. i ;??a AND M.ME lion CONEIHEMIAL CoN A. sultatlou on ill mplalntn. 47 \lt-l l.nli ?t._ , _i?it and'Tmme.Vauriceau; 30 years' prao A. ti"'. ' 'ffi ? :'ll,erlT n#:,r 1 wiTitehead, JDJ EAST .VITU sT.. near sd J J av,_Eemale ooflsplalot* tafely tr -tiled lor l.I WKitTBKiXlK. |i? WES'I .il) .->T (Nl-A.: BROAD. U way r male ??ompiaint-* a specialty. . M.,N EXP IlIENOED KEMaLE PHYSICIAN Al cures all eouipl ?nt.; no cure, no pay. 4o r.ast Joih ?t /ii'i I'KmKL'L CL'KEH UUAHAM'KKli.- ALL CASKS 5 ky Dt- or Mine. WEaT. *i Uluueker sv.,??ar Broadway. SITUATIONS WiSTBD-rKMALBS^ 1 n WEST 34TH HT.-A KKSfKl'TABLE VOL '."'f lO JoJoki* a prl v -t?: ? - 'l.v ^'^'b'raakiug up employer'*, AiMiifllO u clock, who houM*k??piujr. -11 sr. MABKH i'l.uK f}7H |87wTtU ill# w>"W??". 1L inaua. flrrt la.seia.k-, will aeeisi with the wh.u city or country ; city reference. . I- LIsYBNABD ST?AS KIUST CLAM itSaUSM 1 I cook; good relereuoo. 0ltl**^"r **ldft * ?? bill VKtff i .11i ST. KKAtL "A? (.>H 1 ?1 4'OOK* 20 washer *nd ironer la a prlvatji house or a smell ily; good city retoreMe. ? - -? housework: city reler>Bce^ . ? - 22 cltv lefcreure. ? > 1 \V !?'ST 1 ??Ti! sr ?A It !?' S I' r* i't \ !> IjK \\ 4 >M A N A good pUin e??k will assist ill washing; no objtfctiou tu cltv or country ; icood city references. . u-uil i,t'U ST?A RKsi'liCTABLB V ??UNO 32 ? urn tin t> k?h! cook anil to do the coarse ,"r. would do the fookinir, washing aud good reference*. C*>* *>? ?t P^"1 employer * _ *T/? 1 KXlVtlTON' AV.?AH ia(K)i) I'liAlS 30 t? A?*in| witli the wM?hliif!r in a privii^ faiuily; oo years' dtj i*fereuee. Call or mMr<bm jo* WKH-r 13X11 *T.-AN ENGLISH WOMAK \MK' 30 uuderrtaiHU cooking busiue?e in all IU braachee in hotel or rentauruut. ? ? oo WKST 13TII ST.?AS WW OLAMJ OCKlK; tiOOl) OO ciiy ro ere nee ; uo objection to u small hotel. iTr^fTifr IT? Hi I'l VI "> cook. WABlIBll AN? 00 Ironcr; go?al; would go a .hort dlstauco lu the couutry. u?tiisf el' <TUfc.SK.Vf KMPLOYKH t)2 yoaug wotnun ** cook, wacher aud irouer. Call lo two day*. ? , ?*? a?4T 41ST 8T. ?TWO KESI'bcfaule OIltLs. C)" Jc to Jo to the country ; ona to conk, wash ami otbor (an Eiu-IUh I'rote.tant) a. ehaiubortuald aud MS.; both willing and ooUglng; host . /r--7ttUNirvT:v.-K. COK NEU 1HTII ST.?TWO IS- I tellU'UUt younu womun; ono a? llr?t cl?s? c?olt. 1lb Other .is chambermaid and waitre?i?. oitlu.r hotel or . ho'irdliis h"U?u; country preferred; Oau be neon at! r rmplover'n. ??? J?VviT 4I'll ST.?A BESl'KtJTABLB WKLSll 1)'!: woman a* j:"od cook; can make oxccllout bread; uu ierftaud. care of ml k aud butter : ?ood roferenue. 0- "CM\TON HUACB.-A COMrKTKSr WoMAX AS \}?) COO* ill a rettaurnut, hotel or boarilluw' houno, bc?t 1 city reference. ? -|/\T WHST JUTU ST-A UBSHKCTAHLK WOMAN 107 as tirst cUc.? cook; entirely competent: ""'"'j"1,1! bread, eako aud iloaiorte: would M?Ut wtth tho ?u?hiu? 1 lequlred; lie?t city reiorenco.^ ? -i i\r\ wVsr 41ST ST.. SKOOND KLOOH.?-A HE 109 niioetable (tirl a. competent cook aud good' P"*** aiid liroru baker, aud to ai?lat with the wa^hlnB. be?t cltv rulerence. ?-? zr~.z yk*i \tfuci? ir'i'ii ct SKCOND FLOOIt, I'UOK 109 . A re*p?ctttli\o tfiri'u* c?m?k und to Mist iu ami .rowing: understand* it thoroughly ; good city reieionco Iron! last employer. ? ?m?StTT"aV HKTWKKN 17T1I AND 1STI1 STS.?A 114: re.pectab'le BngUah woman, lately landed. a? cook in a small private family Call on or addie?? K. U. J. n 1 V WKST 1!?T 11 ST.?A UKSI'KCTAHIjK iJiBL AJj 110 cook; no objection to aa?lat in waahtng and Ironing, best city reference. ? tTET~W A V i: It l.BY l'LACK. IN 'l'Uh MBAii.?A 110:2 tiret ela?^ colored cook. ln tbe city or eountry. ??TO I AsT 4TII ST., KIUST FLUO.t, LP STAIUS.?A llO rcuouctabie i'rotostaut clri aK hr?t cla?i cook lu a nrivute family or a private boardlnn houae; city or eountry, uudoi?taml? in klnSi of eooking; oUy refarenow. iTf) "\VESr 17TI1 ST.?AS KIKST ('LASS COOK.!? US a private family; bo objection to the country: bctt city references. - -- WKST f?TH ST.?AS GOOD C()OK; WOl-I-O 122 *?"?l waabiugi couutry pretorred. can tako cure of milk; io!oronc#? . ?iTuiT~wksf "?ijTIC ST.., nASEMKNT DOOB? A BE 122 inoctahle young woman at cook and laundres#. Jl.^riblmh^ma J au waitress, both wuhing to live to tetl.or ; Urst class city reference. .?/* WKST luTH ST., SiXONO KLOOH.?AN X2b experienced woman as first ullJ Stands cooking lu all It* branches; best reference. -I tilt WKST 10TH SI'., KKAit.?A KKSi'KOTABLE 121) woman us (list class cook; would assist with coarso washing; city or couutry ; good city reference. VtvTiiin 4J1> ST.?a GOOD OIBL AS COOK ani. 129- to do coarse washing; six years" city re.erence. Can he seen at lormer employer fc ? nrasf 2BTH ST.?A ItKSI't.l'T A lll.K \ ocno 129 woman to do cooking,-washing an<V ironing in a private family or boarding home; best city reference. wt-KT "8TH ST.?AN" INTELUOENT WOMAN 1 ?51 H9 Hr?t cluss cook ; undorstands cooking thoroughly; no objections to a summer house ; best reference. -i ,m WI- VlM'.iTlI ST.. IN CANDY STOKE.?AS OOOD l?"i2 cook, waiber and ironer; an excellent baker; city or country. eo.ul relurence. I'oTiT WEST 2STH ST.?A BESFBCTABLB VOUXO 1 wonlun ?* good cook and excellent baker; wtH assist wltbVf.e wa.hlng Sud ironing; olty or country ; goed refer X r west Toth st., in the stoke -as cook, 13i) ?l,o thoroughly understands her business: ha? un exceptionable reference. KASr -OTH sT.-TWO UKSI'ECTaIILE YoVNO 13S irirU* ono an cook, wnnlier and Ironer; tlie ofcUor ef amberfuald and w?.tr?.; country or city ; good reference. from prenont employ or. * ? -% a t \ WEbT 4HTil ST. iPUEHEST EMl'LOVEU'fci).? X jl t-/ A# good cook and lnuntlrt'K?. . -,"r ,V BAST 47TII si.?AS COOK IN A SMALL lou fatni.y; au excellent baker; a good home pieferred to hij.h wages; city relereiice. _ WEST 5IST ST.?AS COOK AND LAUN dri-ss; city references WEST VtS'l' iT ST.?A BESI'BCTAULE YOU NO 154: 154 baker; would do coarse waetiiug; best city relereuce. 1 all lor two day.. -I ? _ WEST J7TII ST., SECOND KLOOB, BACK L)7 room.?A i'rotestaut woman a. cook, washer aud Ironer; best city references; city or Country. WK ST SI ST ST.?A BESl*BCTABLK OlIlL AS 1 i)9 good plain cook; good waaber aud ironer; good city reference. ?? iT^rw^faaD st..tup kloo?.-a keshectabi.b 109 voung woman as nrst elas. cook; uiiderstanUs all ki^? Of bakimr: will bo feund reliable; ha. long aud satis factory city i ^tereuc?. .. _ ________ t-o ML'LBEBBY ST., BETWEEN MHOOME AND 1 I 3 Orano sts ?As plain cook, in tbe country or a short distance In the country^ o7\1 EAST ittTll ST.?AS COl/K. WASH KB A NO /() I ironer chambermaid and waitress by a steady, comiwient^aomau an,, her dec. aged *>: city or country ; three years lu lait place. 911". Hilt A v.. FRONT tlOUSK.?A COLORED ill '? / woman u. conk il the city. iji\L\ WK?1 a7Tli if. XHCOrcHPROTKlfAlfTAS w''U Ilrat claaa took; will uaalat Willi uaibln,;; good rel ?ranee. 9<\f; wkst wifii Vt.-a rkspecta it Li'i younTS VMMHNOk) intM Villi uruelnnn mid ironing; i? experienced; willing ana obliKing Andre** A. ii. om; 5rrH nt.-a rkhj,rotabLii~oilu. ?<'H) aa good piitln cook, waahor nnd irouer; good city reler.nco Irotn last placa. 4ii r t- Asr aoTili nt., room :?.-a respectable wl' * wonwn aa cook, waaber and irouer; l? a good bread au<i bltcuit inuktir; go,-d city reference. Ill " Kam 2UTH SI., ROOM 3.?A REHPEtlAULK Lo woman aa rook ; thoroughly unueralauda lior bu?i nt'Sa in all it* Urmiciioi; * vood bread untl biacuit maker; no ubicctiou to tbo Country, Newport oi elsewhure, good city relcrauce. (11- 1a.HT tt>r!l ST?A ruoTh.STA.NT "A oM A.\ ? L * J ?? cook. waalier and ironer lu it small lamily; ally or country i reference. 91(1 "kaht -isr Vi"-a"uksT'kcTahlk-wom.Ix ?!<' an cook and to *w>i?t witli Ilia waaliing; bu.l refer ence Ironi last place. 9?>9 LAST 87TU sT. - rwo s-IHTKRH; TOUKTHKR or laoarutrly, one a> cook. waahar and Ironer, llio otuur ua cliamlnrjiiald and waitreaa; city or country; beat city reference. 9? ?) K AST " MOI'sTON" HT., RE A RBT'Tl M N (L?A _ ?r. apeetable ocruiau woman an cook and to auul in tbe waalilng. 99 I KAJjf" irTlf ST.~A KKSI'KCTABLb ii I RIj AS food cook, waabor and Ironor iu a auiall private laitilly; p od city reference. 9.) I iUUT ittTH ?r.?A PL.\(N COOK, WAHIiTfi ii ii a Ironer, or to do generul liouaework ; be?t city ra<erenca. 9?ii * Ttu av.-'-a voUMo aiiiL. as cook, WASH Kit ai^U and Irouur; wage*: country preUrred; jiooo ralerauea. 9?T7T wkst iutii ht.?a woman a- riitir clash ?(?)'' cook In a b >ardlug l>o.i?* ; underatauda ail'-iinda ><f tdtikiu/ifntiU city reference. Can lie aoim tor one day, 9?i7~ WEST -'4TH -T.?A UKHPKCTAMLK YOL'XO _ii) j girl **?ook. waalier and ironor, or to do v ner?l b.m.eoork in a >mali lamily; lour yuara' city reference. 9?{<< WK;iT L'i iTII -1 rwo Vol Nii Ol Kl.S : oMi mjow a* cook, lb* other a? chambermaid and waltre**; nowbjactiou to t a country and well rtnininwmliid. ') I /1 KAHT RKs"pECrAB'LK iks u n' l?nt woniau a? wuo I plain cook and breM baker; uillinit to a??.>t lu waahinit; '???( *ltj retervneo. Ij^l WKMt S8D HT ?A U KsCKil'A 11L. K WOM A NTs ij r A llrat claaii cook and laundrex; |(ood city rel(<r?licr, 9 ka>I ?5"|ii sr. >i'i;:-..>Ksr kmi;|,o"vk'i;,si.-a ropcctHlilo Kirl iu cook and to aaaiii w.ili u hi n; cil? or country; bolt of ralarancai. fall between l? and I'J A. M. 9 J " KAST VHTlf H I'. ? A~Kl.SKhCl AHi,K WOMAN +*~X'J u? irood plain cook, waaber and ironor; pioil reler euitn. 9^*9 WKST K.-.TII hT?A UOMVKTK.VT WOMAN; iinderatanda aonpa, maata, paatry ; a good baker; would do Ilia coariMi waalnn^; city or country; jiond rel*r rnr*. 971 ?TH AV? BKTWKtN I7TH v.M? InTIl HIS.?A ?J I 1 r*. perl able ynnnir woman aa?0"i>. waalinr and Iron <r; la a (food baitur ; reiereuce. 9(i: lorn a v.?a rkhkkotaulk woman as mjO?) cook, waalier and Ironrr; good city reference; city or conntry. ??n UTH AV.?A KKHPKCTABLK YOli'XU WOMAN ? >"/L an llrat data cook ; no object Ion to aaaiat wltb tu* waaiilng and Ironing; Ual ell) wHtmii ?J/?l BAST 3.VTU ST.?A HKSPKCrAHLR (ilRt. AS OUT Wru claaa cook, naihcr and Irouer In a aniall prlvat* family; beat cityreferanca. 1)1 ~ KAHT :r.TH HT.?AM AMERICAN OJRIi AS ?)!?/ cook, waalier aud Irouer; good ruiurencea. ? all .or two day*. ?J1 7 KAHT WJTH HT., BETA KEN 1ST AND A VS.? OL I A p' -pectable yoiinir Kirl la a private lamily aarook, waalier and Ironar; la a irood bread and blaciilt li.iker. ?i i t>* louud willing and olnialnir; la fully competent; over one yeara' bent relerenc* Ironi l?-t place. ?J1 7 WK8T aOTM HT.?A PKOTKSTANT WOMAN > S OX I cook, waalier and Ironar or to do general liouai work; c ty or ti.untrr. ?J1Q EAST i7TH HT. ? A 1'KOTKHTANT WOMAN' aH OLv liead cook ; cannot be excelled In Kn-neli. I.airliah and all new atylea of cooking; t< a periact pa?tryc'i"< baker and nad charge for :*? yeara in tlia Brit fatnili**; boat city r*l*r*noa. Cm ba ?*?> thi* w*ak. *!TUATIOX8 W'kS li-iiuKI. 1 (Ml C?. iM ? 1 :<J|0 HT.t To I* KLoOK. ?AS K1IIMT t'LA OO*" cuok; bcstcty reference from lust lilies, she has been f??r Jour >ear*; no objection to * ashing and iron In If it required; ?-iiy m country. *V{( I 1*'* AV. AS "lll^r i I. v - L\i A SI) fjfttJ i?H<*try cook; uittcr*raoJs I.or hn*ii?e*# thoroMifhly; ice c.euiu, entree-, Ac. A dun s* ?> | *) Kast <wd sr. tiiikm n.o k. i'u??sr.-A ? **lT?* yotintf K*rl ?** chambermaid unii waitre** or would take of chUdren and make herself generally useful; city or country. Of O .5 1 Si VV., nkaj: . _i? sr \ r.\~\Ai>l\N uTkl KJKJmJ to cook, wash and iron: makti tremi. htecait. Ac.; wftlt try to obiige; wants a steady place ; city or couutry; food reference. Mil>mI>1 >T.-A8 PlJOKLSSKl) I'ooK In A ? -* I '' lir*t class boarding Uou*e ur hotel; understand* hiiLfiith and French cooking iu *11 its bra u cites; hUUuu to take charge of incut and pastry. I ||(l EAST lil il ST. TOP KI,U>U~A VOL'Mi Xv v Swedish jzirl uh plain WftftltSf ni.i ir-iut. J(U EAST JiiTH sr.. rol* KLOOK, >UONr7?A jC vj"!: jroun tril l to cook. wmIi and iron or would do *ceii erai housework ; city reference. 4^)1 WKST"ltiTU ST.?A UKSI'ECTABLK* YOUNG mmt JL woman UN cook, washer mud lronor in a private family; best city reference from last place. 497 WKST ldrTi" ST., TlffuD>LOOH.-A KEbl'KOT mmj I able ifir) as ct o c4 washer and irouor; three years* reference froui last place. A v.-A I'HOTKBTANT WO*A?T AS FTHST TTilU class cook; is a ?ood baker; no objection to the country ; good reference. A UO WKSf isO ST. (PHK8KNT KW PLO YKK'b.) ? A yioiii- woman as excellent plain cook; i* a ifoo-i bread anu biscitii maker; willing to assist with waahnitf; be*t city reference. r A 0(1 WKrtT iiiril ST.?A ItESl'KCTABLli UlttL Xs iM conk iii a privute family; uiideratund*> nil Moils of eonkbiqj la a ttood baker; will uo tbe coaiae wiuli in?J i toll oily reference. A Qtt "l7" AV.?TWO YOUSO WOMKl^ fOUBTBKBi ' one An plain cook. washer uii(! irnner*, tlio other ma chambermaid and waitrc*?: willing aud oblltfiu^; ciljr or country; tn- t city rrlureui a. 4.QQ 11 rl 1 A v . KIUST KliOOR.?A VOtJXQ OIRL A8 JCwO eiiumUrriniiid ami wttiirean; uo olijoctlon to wmali loc und iroiiin.', II rcquirsd ; k>""I reiirtUOI. 4.00 7111 AV.?V "<!"o Jl'i'KTE XT " AS I) ' OAHK?TL. So noli wnumn aa Kood cook in m prlvmtv lauliy or bomrdini Imuao, would ro to Loiik Uruncli; city rolorcuce. AQO "H AV.-A RKsT'KOTAULB woman* ijTa T'.'V/ nimd fimilly an tirst claa? cook; unduratandt all ita Icituubot and i> a Rood broad and roll maker; good cltv releroucu. r 9?> 31) AV.. NK vu -JUTH ST., CONFElJTIONBBV t/?jO A Mrsl ?laaa Coriuan cook, capubio of luanii^ln^ a bourn;bold, iu a (irivutc family, COrt-KAST 171'11 ST.?A ItiisfKC lAULB OIRL AB *JO?J plulu cook, waabor and i'ronur; city ordoiiutry. ,"T { C ilD AT.-A HKSHKOTA.BLK OIluTTs COOK. ?)'X' t wiubar and Irouor in a small private family; i;ood city relsronva. n I 7 7TII AV.?A UKSHKCTABI,lo~VOCNO WOMAX t/T I H" cook in a private family; no objection to ua.Ut witb wa?h;iiic; be.t city reference Irom bor la?t employer. \VEST"i9Tii~ST.-AH (iobD COOK, OM WO-LD do the work ol n binall family, cit.v or country. 549 i?9(J WEST 4'IT 11 ST.. Til UK K STAiltS. KKONT.? "ill' Meat, pantry or ^cnerul cook in a hotel or lar^-d bomr line houii?; will coin the country; good reforeiuo. 1/W?n av.. 8BOOXD rtiOOB.?A VOC.VO wo: ,VM)VF man ua plain cook or to do general bonwwoik ; l.o ohjoi'Uon to the couutry; had city relereuco. I"! OQ SO A V.?A BBSPS0TAB1.E YOUNG OIBL ? iu cook, waabar andlroncr; i;ood hieutl and bi? cuit maker; no objection to the country; ui*'tl refereucea. 11 J 7 1ST AV .uiN't; TUIBIl BRLU.?A RB ?.L*X I Spoctmt.ic yo'inif trial aa cook, wiuher andirouer, or would do ?oneral bouiororkV Call for two dayn. Cliiiiitl>?*riiiu i<l?. <Vc. I WEST snril ST.-A OlKLi AS CHAMBERMAID AND T to aaaiit In n nahinL'; no objection to children ; tfood city reference froin last place. 5BA8T 41?TII HT.?A TOITN'G WOMAN AM OHAMBEB ?IIuM; will uisiat witb wmabing: oity ref'ercnto. 6" LKXINdlON AV' 7?* III S K NT _ KM1' LiVvK It. I - A wlahea a altuatiou for a younv i;liI a< ohainber niaid and Mamilrena; understaiida dre.ainakin^ and Wheel er Ji WiUon'a machine or would lake care of children. 1 o~WESi *rrii st.?a lacsi-KOTAiVLKTriKi, to do J.O cbainherwork and aasut in waaliliiK anu ironing, or would he willing to a'oliit lu the euro ol children; couutry preferred. Apply at her preaeat employer'!. WEST UTH SI'. (FKSSBNT KM1'I,.iVKit's).?A <u yoniiK woman as chambermaid aud waitreaa; no ob jection to co ? cuuntry. OX WEST .ViTH ST.-A YOUNU WOMAN AH CllAM m'i heriuaid; Oo.t ri;y rcforimce. O'J VANDAM sr.. HKTWEEN VAK1CK AND MAC 00 dou^'itl ata. ?A ^irl u? cl.a iibermai'i and to aaslat witb waalilni,"; would ta?u care of children ; Rood city referenco Irom liu.t place. ?jo east 3ist stT?a ladx vi*isiTes TO-PRO Of) cure a (liuatlon to a Kirs H? competuat chamheruiaid or waitreaa. Call at prevent employei a. Of' LKXIXCTON AV. (STAUliK OKKIUE)!?A STRONG Ol) roapoctable Oermiiu ifirl, 17 year* old, as cnaniber maid or to do general bouaework. 11.quirt' of her father. ')(' west" lFiil sr.. uicrvvEr.h aril and htu O") ava.?A.ioun^ girl a* Hr?t claaa chaintiermaid in a hotel or boardiuir hou?e; tlioronuhly underatunda her huai neaa; no objection to the couutry ; beet city reference. J_V\ WEST MTH ST.?AN ENGLISH >JIKL"a5" FIRST T* ' c asa obumliertnald aud waitress or to docbaiub^i wor? an I washing: city or country ; irood oity reference. Atl EAST S3D Si'.?A RESf El/'TABLB OIRI* LATELY X lauded, aa chaiulieruiuld and waitreaa and to uasist with the waaninx aud ironing. j WEST I1TI1 ST.-BY TWO. YOUNG UIRLB AB T't drat olaaa chain)>erni; country: Look Branch preferred; citr reference from laat employer'*. <7 5TII AV.-A YOU NO Olltli A8 MRST CLASS J" I chainljerinaid or ohauibermuid and Mamatre^; first claaa city reference. m KINU ST.?AN AMERICAN GIRb AS OHAVBEIT ?uaid and waitreaa. Call for two day*. ____ ,.AJ,T^"ftfsT sr.-A ItESPECrABLK OIKL AS 1 cb tiubermnld and waitreaa; wllllnt; to gu in the country; over ?ix yoara' relereuco. "lti-l WKST 4WTU ST.-A ItKSPKCTABLK YOU^G L?j'l" Ifirl aa chambermaid and *aitrcaa In u smull priv ate family; be.t ulty reference from laat place. 1 OffWKST SSTIfyr 1X THE STORE).?A RE 1 ?.Vj ?|>e. tablp yntniK vlrl to do clmni'ierwork aud Walt Intr in a private family; oooii reference from her In<t nlacc. ?jj (II MAtrr :?;?l> ST.?A Yllt'NiTlHRL ToljO OMA* i'r?i Uerwork and waitini; or hewing; no objection to the eonntiy; f- ur vaara'reference. , 1 J O SMITII ST.. ltr.TWKKWBKJEN AND OBAN ItO ata.. Brooklyn.?A Jotlilf Aiuericnn girl iu chain b. rmald and uurae ; six yoara' relcrenco. Call on or address ILL WEHV 40TII ST.?A OUtOtiKD WOMAN AS A"X*X chambermaid And waitress. 1 ~vvlis r ii i h st. TrirararBBrGiVBR'ij) A lady loHvinir the city wUhea to tiad a place for an excellent girl to J > chumberwork mid (owing. TTj ~WKST 1'JI) "s r. (l-lihSKNT KMJ;J.OYKit'S).-.\8 L')t; first d?? ehamburuiaid ami waitress; highly ro cnuiiucnde.t Iroiu present place: i lly or country. "I (? :" 1SI AV . COUXEK ioTH ST.. THIKl/ VLOOH, I U? ' front. ?A tflr! m chambermaid and wutri'si in a boar ling li.-inse; will make herself uaelul. j Ta/ LKXI NliTOJi AV. (PHESK.N t EMI'LOYEIi'S)". 1 I w A respectable youu,* irirl u? chambermaid and wait ress : it willing to ??*i?t Willi tin- washing mid Ironing or to take car* of children. Call on or addre>? lor two oats. <)/)*> WESTlsm f>l "tl'KESENT EMi'l.UYEKSW V' _ A respectable wlrl aa chambermaid : would take emru ol children or go to the country witn a lady; ia a pood frauo-tress. Cull I'oe do and Wednesday trow 11 A M to a V. M. OA,' WEST JISTII ST.?A VOl'XG UUIL AS Oil am ? M) beriuald and lauudre^s In a private family. I o/w- wi;si a?TH sr.?a vounu woman as ? w'") firm cla?? ctiambcriuai i and lauudruaa. no objcc ) II oil to the country : good city reference. I 9(K K.V.vr -MTU SI.?A K(l?U(JtAUtK WOXAX i ?j"/0 Ma chambermaid and waltresa, or would do geaeral bouiowotfi ia a small lanilly; not atraid to work ; good city | relereneao. K. V S I 4T11 M'., KI it.-s'r KLOUK.?A ^kman i;irl, with good reforeneea. as chambermaid mid 214 91)') MA*? MTU St.?A XUHi.TARUI tfillii as tiimdmJ chainbe'rmalii and waitress; ia a good seainstreMa bimI operator. no objection to tako caro of children ; city rel. cMMt. Call or *ddreiu>. _ a4, II sr.-A KKSPKUTASUl VOVtfd w<)tJ girl aa chambermaid and waitress or to do plain tewing; nu objection to washing and Ironing; best city ret* ?rente. If lit KA.-T urFiTsT.-A KESI'KCTABLE (J1KI< j'l v ih in etinald unit waitress, and ?ili asilst in w lehitiif ihd iroaihir il required. or as willing ?iid nbiiging ie<tciiy roierctscc. ?).| 1 'WEST !WI U iff.?A VolXI AMEItn an 01 iu, JLi'x L aa chambermaid and waitress in a amalt family; city reference. t) ft;" RAMMftfU (h:hnK>T ;.v||-uVVhrt>j,?A respectable girl a? cliatuborroald and waitress; city ur coaatrr: bret reftreMM. < all between to and la A. >i i) t1 \Vh.vr Tviil nr.?A tOUXU UlEi. M UUaM barmaid and waitress; gawd city rel#reap. ?irfl wkT-tTwi li sr., riiTTiu kwom.?A younii Jm'J i girl na chambermaid and Wallrtsl, or mmld do gen eral houaenork iu a ?mall laiully; goo i city reference. ?)/? I KiVlWrov sr.-A IIKMPECfAUiiK VOt'MU Anii'rieaii girl as chambermaid and iinr>e; can do all kinds of plain towiujr; no onjecuon to me country. ?>/? ~ liAU AV.?A TOli MCI iiI:?L AS cil AAI It lilt w')i) in iId an I to do lino washing and Ironing; city or eonutry; elty refirrenee. tin s muiiRIMir nr.?VOUNU ""isuT.isli ~im:o I ? ) teatant womaB a- ohsuibcriiiaid and aeauistreas or lo assist III 1-ari of o der clil dren ; good relei cuce. "hast 4' I'll I sr.-A vol .XO UIKL IO OH cliamborwork and osaUt with the vashiuir and ironing; reference. KAJfr flOTII nT.-A HESPKCTAIII.!. Ulfll, ro do cnamberwork and line waablug; best city refer* 300 305 ?ja?7 Wisr.oni sr.. Ttiiun kixiok. a iikspkct uw I ibhyowt ctwtiry gtr. a- cbamneivrolld and walt rtaa. wllliuir to aa l-t In a a* ? in if ind lioim.g ; no ?LJi.-rtu>ii tu (iio co.mtry. Call fur two da>a. QUO "WEST ' 4WT" sr.7 MliTWEf.X Hfll AM? Iff If 0?J0 ava -A reapeei.ible young irlil as chamUermaid and waitrem. or cbainbormn d and do One waebiu.-; beat city relerene ? Call !?r two days. ??'JU BAST 4i'TII ST.-A M'.OTKSrAXT Olttl* 1ft, AA a/OO chambermaid and waiireaa or nurw; eon opuratn en heeler Ik Wilson io?cliine?has her own machine, will ing end obliging; city rsierencra. ? ? I (i EAST gn u nr.?A KKSfKUTABLI Vot'Mi; O i' ' girl a* chainberm .id and waitreas, or will uo aa iinri and plain sewer; best city reference. Call lor MM days. ^ ? ?)H BIiKKCEKR ST.?V WfDOW, WITHtlUT ES Ox'X curaltfanee, to iln chamberwork and assist Ith ? (ailing; would go to the country with a aniatl family. Address L. V. I'D AV.?A RK PI CI ABLE YUU. O OlUL AH rh.uni arm aid nl *a>i ??. inn EasT ,4T" ?*.?a VDCSil KXUL1SII 01 Bb *T \J 1/ aa chambermaid and waitress or ehainiieiuitld . od nurse: would gu to the country lot the summer; best city HMtM 387 KITtATION* W AXTKD?KKMAMCB. <Vc II I WEST Ji lil sr., UOOM ?.?A UKriPBOTABLK 1 1 i young irlrl ?a chauilieruiaid and waitreaa; would aa aial will) WHoliiu*; and Ironing; city refereuce. J Oik WKST ?nril ST.?A KKSKIU.'TABl.K tilltL AH r m*'f chtiuberruaid and waitreaa; oue year's city rafur enee from last place ; u<> objection to the country. A*n so a v.?a- young uuui yu do upstaTe* 4i?0 EAST ldTH ST.?A til Ills I AT1.I.Y LANDED mjO aa chambermaid i children. Cult i J.;(k WKHT~87rH ST.. KKAR I YOU Sti WOMAN 'Xw'" h? i'hitiiborm*ld or waitceaa; uu objection to thu couutry: (i""d city r.-lrrenc.'. i ?>7 west sab sr.-1 it m u'l vm.ii young rO I woman it. chaiubeilu.iid aud waitress; would do flu i wuslitoi; uud ironing; uu objection tu the Country; brtt city refereuce from Iwi place. IOQ West i3D s':. pitKstvr km I'I.oveu'sT a 1 OO young iclrl as chambermaid und tine aa.Uer or a* chambcimaid itml waitreaa; beat city rule runes. 4 Hi) WEST 3itP jr.?A KhbPECTA U LB GIBJ* AS 'tU j chambermaid; it tiral ela?s washer und Iruner: loo year.' city reformco from last employer. Cull tor two da> a. si'ji) WEST TllT.l af, lIKfWEI.N Mill AMI I II fl tJ'.J*J uvs.?A yiiUIIK woman ua chambermaid uud will r.'ta, or would do kcneral housuwotk iu a amitll family ; saiis lactory reference. -n i ifkmt 4UTH &t.-aTouxti gikl. spbTking i)''t English and Spanish, ua cU inibcrnald and .vaUrona ur would uinid children. vr'ksr *>r;i sr.. top floor.? v bbhpecta hie uirl iia chambermaid. est aTrii sr., kikst"kloou.-a young ?iiiuu a? chambermaid uud waJtreaa: to objec tion to a private lioiti din;; liouau ; la >v illlitaf aud obliging; city rolcreuce. i[ i(i "hast i;<rn>r. a i:t spkctaiile oiiil ro ') X <J do upstalra work und Que waabiug and tronlug; Rood city rofereucu Iroui lust place. / {5 Q tft> AV.-A K ESPBOTA B taM 1KlRMON TO DO v)00 eltauberwork, aeuriii;' or take care of clilldrc.i; no objoctiou to the country; l>e>t reioteuco from l.vat place. Call Tuesday aud Wednesday, i\i\ :ii? A v.? i wo" Vuflsu ulTuuT ONK AS ft chunilii'ruiitld and wal\rvt?, the other ua oo?(, washer nnd irouur; city ur country; bud city ruforencu fioiu thoir la>t place. 717^~^TU AV., 11KTWKKN SvnT AND r?HTli sr.-". I 1') (preacnt euiploycr'a).? V tcirl ua chatubcriuuid auil Imiudreas; undvraliitiiU her bualuuaa thoroughly; excellent rltr relercuce. I'ull or addreis. 7 - I AV.-A VOL'NU UIKli AS OUAMBKbMAl?> I u l und to tuke care of children ; boat city reforeucc. 11 O I 2D AV.-A RBXPEOTAUIiB VOUSU UIAU n> . LO'x do ehamberwork aud wailluui no objeeilou to the country; i,-ood refcrenM. 1 III", BROADWAY,~OOBNBB OUTII ST.?A KB l.tuu anuclitble irirl to do uputalra work uud waltinit; two ye m' relerv'iic.i from ln?l plnee. HTuLI'.M. 1ST A v.. BBTWItKN llllH AND USTIt ata., over grocery store.?A youn^r Auierlcaii nirl to do upntair. work; wllllnj; uud obll);iui;; good referunce. Cull for two day?. UrtiKsmakori ui?<i s$oamftre?iiu?*? O VVKS1 5JSI ST. ?AS HKAMSTKBtfB OK 0I1AMUKR O und KuamttifoHs; good city rui'eruuee; city ur coantrv. 506 (>02 w. 0 ?J WKSl' 51 ST ST.?AN ENGLISH I'UOI'KsTANI' AS O Hrat data aeaiuatroaa nud dreaauiuker; good operator; city reference Irom I Hat pine*. Iff" EAST 17111 SWOOMiWKNT VOUBtt WOMAX X') as aouiiisir' aa in a iroutli'iuan'a family; can cut aud fit ladlea' uud childrcu'a droasua; is willing to aaaiat with other work, if required; can furtilah own machine ; city ref A i) DliLA.VCKY ST., SECOND KLOOB.? AN AMEKl" 'r^ eau I'rotoatuut ^irl ua leuuiatreaa, or would take euro ola child und do lit;lit chaintitvwork; ceuuiry pretcrreil; good referencea. Call for two day a. t<0 MADISON AV.-A COM PKTli.NT DUhsijll AKKIt UO aa litdy'a maid aud aeaiustreaa; cuta aud litawoll;ia a good operator; can do al I kinda ot la'Lily acwinir; would tuku car - of icrowu chlldreu; no objection to the country; (Coo l city relercuce. Call lor two dayr. 1H7 west" Vist sr.-A "vol Su- woman as IV' I neaniatrees aud uurao to growlDg chlldreu; II) yeure' city rufereme n~ ,r WB8T_aofU ST.-"i YODNtJ LAi>V-TO DO ?J plain and lainlly aewlUK, ntltcliliijr 011 Wlicaler uud Wilaou'a machine; will no out bv tlic day or taku work home, t all ou or uddroaa SKAMSTKKSS. <)A1 -WEST 17I'll .ST.. COltNKH 7TII A\", SECOND +j'J J. floor.?A youiiK woman ua aoaiuatruaa; would aaal.t with chauiliurwoik; willluK ami oblivion; beat city refer 0[|?{ 3D AV., COKNElt 1STH ST., IN THE COKSKT atore.?A reapcotable Momau an aoaiuatrena aud to 111.lid growing cliildruu, or aa uuitroaa; 110 objection 10 the country ; ia willing and obllyiuKi good reference. EAST SBTt 1 ST -B X KUIE.NCKD DHl.K.S. lualiur, Kood ooerator, iu lauiily; city or country Call tkoduesday. t)WEST ll7fiTsi'.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS uurao and aeauiMreaa; capable of tukiug ch u^eof 1111 infant from birth; well recommended. ?)/;7 west aao sr.. beau.?by the oat ob 4 week cutting, tilling, altorliiir, triinmliij;, eperui. l-ir, button liolea, faini.y sewing. Addreaa, all thu week. SEAMS I'KESS. 'JIkO LEXINGTON AV. (t'KEsE.NT EMl'LOYEE's).? OV/O A* coiupetent ?oani?tre?s, or would take cara of children or do ehamberwork. ?Jl'i 7'fU AV.-A YOUNG woman as seamsi HESS; OLO can operate; would do cliaiuborwork or take c^re of i;rowu children; beat city retureuee. Ol fi EAST WH ST.?A VEST COMl'EI'E.\T blS$E OIv maker to work by the day ; beat refereuc.% ?JO]ifWEiiT 4&D sT.-A COBPETENT UKESSMAKER O?U ?>y the day; porfect cutter, Utter and operator. Ad dreaa IJKE-SM ARE 1.. ? ?Q?? WEST 53D ST.?A CoMI'ETr.NT DUESS OOO maker wiahea a lew more entfuKeincnta by the duy. A*j~l w"EMTUi!l7 ST. (k. M 17I.'J YEICS It ESI DE NC E). ? X jl Aa maid and aeaiiistreaa, or take care or irrowio^ ?hiidren; r*f?l??0? frtoi la<t aituatiuu of eleven yuara ?7?"?TU AV.." IN HT.JBK.-A COMl'ElENT SKAM" tj I U atreaa aud operator ou ladiee' and children'a cloth iiiK wiahea tu be eui;ai;?d. ADKESSMAKElt WISHES A KEW BOBB ENGAGE, uieuti by the day or week. Addreat S. A., Herald I'p. town llruueii olfice A VliIST~CUA>S DKESSBaKEH, BV THE DAY OK wuek; line exp-rieuce in the leadiitu oatablialnuentii. AddrO.a .M , box l:U ilirald Uptown Urauch oltire. \\' ANTED?11V A WIDOW, A sITI. A flON AS >EAM if atreaa. by thu weok or mouth; has Iter own suwluif machine. Addr ha Mrs. ANDEItSON, Herald oUice. Geitttrnl llouaowork. tint. ATEltY outi e wura o ukspectahle young gikli, lately landed, willing aud ouli^lmt, uumd do the liouau. Call at 60U V\ eat iMith at. I'J DELANCEY .-T (KING 8D* HELL.J?UY A liicil IU man Klrl for general houaotvork in a auiall family 5 Moot! reference. tin wi;.vr jam sr.. kkak.?a you.vo woman io .. > ' do bnuacwork : linn uu liuuiu; wu^oi nu object; rood tn.. .411*1 country r* li'ruuco. Allll HOOllJi. '%) 7 ca.sov BT7- V.N AMLKICA.V WIDOW TO DO I homework; city relercuco. o i~WK5-Fi#iTi* iSr.V"iiEr?*>.?>"".?tii am.' 'mtu O l: art.?A yoiin* woman to ilo g?neral houaowom; emu.try ]>rulerru*l; t? a good piaiu cook, wualier 14ud Ironer; bom reference. ? ?- MABlOX st . NKAK sI'iUMJ-a Htsi-ho aiu.k i)() womuu to ilo geuerul bouacuork; good wa?lier and ti'uuor; ui?'lit > uitr. roleroiico l'r. EAST 4TII ST7 ' (UINU OKNTIHT'S mkTL U'/ t?i:o;.?A youn vlrl to do general hoc.ework Inn private iuiuily. Cuu be lountl at Mr*. OaiahuacL'a. /?u WhXI 4UU ST.? A~ YUL Nli WoSTs w DO UU bou*ew..rk ; city or country; ko.iJ rolorencea. 8-uth av~ Tnhk a it.?ytTiTsu wumas ioTh) * ) general housework or cliaiuberivork; good reference. y- 9TU v\.. rillRO FLOOR, BACK ?00.\l.-A OIUL Oc) to do general housework In n aiuall Family; t;uo4 plain cook ami Ural rale waalier and ironot; goi>d bread Biker; good eltjf rtHyfilwi U( J WEST I ITU HT.?A UKSI'KCl Mil. . Wu.M A N F5 00 do ncncral housework in * private family; no i>bj?c? tlon to x" a snort distance In the couutry; bait city ana country reference. (](| AV. B -A OOOD uiKL~TO DO GH.Vt.ltAL lluCSK iM I work ; is a good wualier and iruuor, two ycari' refer ence from last place. i'/jg KssKX M A KhSpKiTAlll.K AN liiKL Xv'O to Uo bimaaaork in a .mull American lamii) U7 BROADWAY^ BOOM 90.?AN AMBKIOA.N wo i mun. w ilb child, to ju to tbo country to awiat in cooking or goiicral bouacwork; understand* work tbor oiithly ; IthMM ready. 1 I y> jPEBB# ST.?A libsi'i-.CTAIll.B OKKMAA liiitl. XI O iii a >m.4ll private lamlly. Call or addre.*. ltl/t KAHT ?D ST. (PKKHBMT KM i'l.o YBii >,. ? A 1?' / gonii utnl laitblul i^irl to do general housework in a private lamlly. 1 .1(J WI'.sT lurll ST.?A YOUNO~QI iii. TO UO liK.v' l_ii/ eral houaiiuork in a .mail private family; city or couutry; girod rclorehco. I .) I Whir ;i.|i sr - a bSSpBCTABLK YOUNO W<>. J .1 L man to do Hon -a work ; la a good cook, wa.her and ironur; cliy or country . good city relerenee. 1 I ?"? ?TtJ >l. \ ttKrt>KCTABLR UiUL, I'l l) to ilo ifcuerul biMiwwork in a uuall privite family ; Lti.t city relorviii'U liift piara. 1-/1 west aorii sr.~uiiAK a yI7i"no"Ti4liTTTT) i)W ilo K?naral houacwork in a .mail lamily;city or country. 1 r'i KA*r 3ju"st.?two" swrBits, t.i i?o i iik liji work ol a .mall private finuily . beat city relcr-'l ?"; 110 objoction to go aeparate; city or country. Call lor two dayi. l-O I,.I) ST.. NhAil "31) AV., TO!" IT,OOU._\ i>)0 yuuni: ifirl to do b?utawork lu a aiuall lamlly; la a fcood wai-b >r anil timicr; b?al city raf'urriir.e M. (!. 1- .j EXst 5o -1. as a*kkiuan uirl tu 00 1) r geni'rai bouaework In a aiuall privaio lamlly ; no objection to tbe country, koo.1 reftreiicem Ira JNlll SI' , lit (ltd A "Khiil'K'i'TA III K 1)1 j y woman aa noupral houaaworkur or voubl ?o a. c<H>k^n a private boarding houae; eapaoie and wllilu. 5 beai city refer*nea. KJO SKCOXD AV. ?A KKSI'KCTAHI.K I'KItsiTfTfil I r/O da geaeral bwweework; Be objection t? Uie eoua iry. ('an be >< an lor two ilayi .it liar preaonl employer'.. 4/1 I V. .1.111 >1 -l"Vi. UKSI'KI r Alt UK v..I Mi ?w 1 1 wo.nen to do the work or aamall private fainlly ; no oliji i lion 10 the country ; reference. 4)1- KAnl ."-III si -A ilKMpKCT V li LB UlKL mi l1) do Reiterai iiomu'woi k in a ainail private family, beat i lly rwlcreiiee; no olijeetinu in tiie cnuntry. t ll/ll Wl.sT 'it 111 ST. ? a YOl.'XI t?I Hla To lH> ' Kcneral bojMWork in a auiail private family; be.t city relereuca. .>117 \\i. I' ?)r?l M. v lil Sl'hi'l vlli. VOI s. wL I it??I to do fneral liouaework in a ?mall private family; u*""' referenoe. I)')j KAST WHY st.?A HMifKiTAMLk Yo'tNO iilrl tn do Iioom work in a private iainily o?i|? wiiiil .i> -1 ? t ukspmitahlk vtTtJwo ?ii)U woman to do x^nerai houaewark; city rafcreuee. 007 wkst i it 11 sr-iwo kksi'kctahlk giui h mO I to do ilgiit boutework : 11 > ?>ltJ?ciloti to the eoitatr.w ()t)U WKST *1d <t.-\ i.kspsi I tm.K OIRL TO wOO do Konarai bouaework: city or coantry; city tefer ence. IHO RAST 03TU ST , TOP rt.OOIt. A KhKHKCT m'IA able woman to do iruiinal houaework In a >111411 pi it at* family, I* a goed e?ett, weaker aad ii-waeri b al ci4/ reieraace. SJTI AI'IOIM W ASTRft-KKM.VMC?.^ (! HanMWurk. 0 < <\ i Asr u-1" >r ?\ si kakV. cakkh.1. fbii _M ' J iumi w..ul.t 4a the ?ork of a Udy aud n best cuy lel.-r.n. OiW WliST Mill sr.. Till' FI.OO L-A Vol'Nti JOU ,;.rii<iauK?i>?rtlliuaMW?rli; good city rslarence oun &?uiK,:i:V sr i-.N. .I.l -ll WOUAS fo ?*> JJOJ lioii*ew??rk ; iiuiio.ViautJU?.*aro ot milk a ?4 Sutter; e.mutry prefern ?1 ,)?,i DKI.VNChV ST.?A UKSKKOrABLB uiiti* TU Jj I O a.. houseu <>? k aud take care ?.l ciilhlr. u In a srua.l lamily ; g""d city refcronce. __ :il> iV.. BK'rWKKN 0 VSD D sTS.-A UK J.OO ki. voting girl to ?1 I housework -r chaiuter ?,.rk: l< will? uii Mu uullgle<j good ellv whmo. _ ? Ki I I IN AV.. it I. IV. I.I.N JUI'li A.?D -'711 M'ii.-A ^?'1 yuutig rrotestaut girl tu?k> general bous.iwoik. .J/>1 ;;\->l IIM HT.?A iti M'l.i'l ;i;i.i. t.lill. TO 4u housework lit a small tamilr; city r.dcr ? lit) vwr IIIT Si.-A OOUOitKD Oltl. Til OQ Ml general housework In It small la.nily or l<> uuuu eliiluiou; be*! roforenee. 01 I4 K AST l>ll'U ST.. IOP I'l.o IK. ?A \ OI'NO WIUL Oil) t.. tlo ligiit housework autl take cere of children, city Klortncm .. . ? Ill - KABf 2.8 sr.?A Km HOIA IK ol:::. * > ' (> ? ?Z?) gonrrul .i,.u~.-w.rk tor it -iu.i'I |.rl. ?!? ',l"1''y ? Lm'* g-Kul plain c u?l w*t'?*r ttiul 1 o * r; >.??dc ty rvf r tii o irum uii?l nop oyer. Call t r uo ?i. y . ______ ?jot kasi 17i'ii .vr.. rifiiti* kl.^ok.?a vuCno t )J*i ^Irl to d ? eueral b.m.ework In a priveto family; is a giK>(l wiihlitT .mil iron* i - v ka i irrli si t oitti. ro do tiKNBit t tjL'l Inns wok; u good plain c<> jk ; city or country; ii?oU reference. .. ?)?>?) I.Am j.I> i a UKKl'KOrAllLK UIKt rO IK) ueuoral housework; no ot'jeetiou *? lbi> country. Call tor two d*y?. - ? )?>/? H Si' .Ml "hC KfUST KL1< IIT. A YOUNO i)0u tfirl 111 u ttinatl frtittlly for ^oi?er.?i uoaaowork. Omi ft r i wo |)|||J EAiii J .111 . I. \ khhhkotablb yocno GOO girl (Bugllslu to do housework ; country or city ; city r. l'erenco. ' oou wusir STTii 5i -a Ri?m*KcrABuB Vorvi 000 ulrl to ilo telieritl lnnm?wnrk: I* ? 4<?nl (.linii cinik. wiiklicr am) Iroucr, .imi is willing to mako liursoll umslul ?u I oi.llging l? ovory tiaiticu.iir. ?? ?? ? ij WK.i'f 2T.TII sr., UK A It.?A IlKSTKOTAULU 0?j0 ynuug girl to do ganural lioumswork. .>/..) Ill 11 AV -A UKit.M ' > Ill III' iiI.NKltAL 00 Jj liou.cwi.rk; Is it good pl.iiu cook wild o^f^jlltiut luundraM: city or country __ ? I - " WKST Id IT I ST., KKO.Vr B A8li M K N T. ?A ?> I ?) young wojiiiii. lately landed, to do liou?e?ork; it iiuick to wor* mid oliligltig. . 1 /\?> wKsr j.'iii sr.?a'r mii.i'. I'iUii'i-.s *XV/0 tmit womnu to do uencrttl lioiia-work lu a mnull prtvai* fitutlly; clljr wlwwm. I nil KASI 7 IS I' ST.. ISA.^KMKXT.-A itiCNU TtUO girl to da toncritl liouiiework. ill li?T 171II HT.?A VUOMCl '.lid. TO DO ^i:X? iroiiofHl hotibowork or uh couk, wA*hor nu t irouor. i;oovi rofcrcnco. ???? | 1 t) WKST -' I'U ST.?A SCtlTl'li 1'ltoTI.SI AN f Lh\.L wo.Miitii to do j^t'noral liouj?owork. I 1.J~NVKSI asiTM sr.: TOF I'l.o )B.-A KKSl'KCr. 'tlo ? ,1c girl ib ii-.-lai ?'it'i HMV |!*ri of till-llOU ? ?ork lu * I>iiv?l 1|? Iiil.v; bout cuy rolcrjii' o.. t.all or wtl^rcH._ < | ?? KAHr 18TU 8T?A BKliPKOfABtiB MAKRIBO 4:JL?> woniitn. witli four children, wUIid* work by tlio lUjf or week; can Hike a glrl'n tiluco lu the kltcliuii II need" HDd l? a iplnnilld wa?liur itud iroucr; bunt relcrcuce Iroui prukout employer. ; i 1 ?T WKST HJTII ST.?A XOVS'll 01 Kl. TO UOUKX *1 .1') ?.'iiil Iioujm n.irU in n plain familyS ifood t??lon.?i oo. 4 1 K WBSt i 'i ll St.?AN AMERICAN GlllL TO !><") AxX0 general Uou?owork lu a plain latully ; good rulor enc?. - 1 ?.!?) WhST 17TII" sr . UNK Kl.I'JHT L'l*. KKOMT. A young (jcrmau girl to do general luiii^ework. T tiT ,vi-.rt l- WD HT A YOUNG OilUi TO BO Wliuil 'XO i Iiouhow o.'lt or '.-i' an w.iUrcnH. r?JQ BAST Mitt sr.-A Vol'Nil WOMAN TO DO 'ktJO geiiiintl liou*ework In ? immll family; would d< wHnlilng and ironing; good relermiee. i io WBHT 10TU ST.?A VOUSO OIKl. TO DO (L^irO liglit homework and taku care of t'lilldroii. 4-/1 WKsr r.n il ST.-A OOOP" OtKt TO DO OK# t)\J eral housework; best city rel'eronco. I I WK8T SWIH ST -A BtSFhtlTABLB Vol NO TTt)l. girl as gouiirml liousoworkur or to take care ol chll I - I WB8T lurii .vr. -A KKSFBOTABLR TOOK? ^irl to }iss(nt hi houMi'WQft;; \* wlUni'f a<id ?>>htfiM^? VTJTj WlisT~12D ST., Ui-.l t\ lirtN Ol'li A.>u IoI'll uvs.?A roiptctablo K?rl to d ? Kouoral Uousowork; a good warier uud ironur; city rotVrcm-e. _ a <n_ wKsr dfrii sr. (Fbbhbsi kmfloybb'S).?a ^-yj_ runpi'Ctaljlo girl to do ten ;ral liousoworK lu ? small priv.ite family ; bost city rolrrtnm. Fi\T \VKST~isrH ST.?A YOU.NU WOMAN TO DO OU I general housework, cuuntry or city, or to go out by the day wai.iing. _ - j???l WKSI' 3HTII sT. A UKSl-Ki-VAlll.K WOMAN TO XO d > general housework ; host city n.'!or*ncc. eon isr av., HKrwlc.n :#?rii asii uist ?)hit young gill to d I general housework; n? objectiont io children; good city relerence. . -.}/? 8D~AV -A lli.SI'lXi'Alll.K lailLIO DOUKSi 0*31) III housework; wood cit I reference. r.?o :??? AV -I Wo i-IIU..., Toiil Till'.K. TO DO J? JO llie work ol a family ; be*t city rclereucot. m il AV i OKKKAN OIKL TO DO OKMBEMi houMvvork; lately Innded. /. < \n l.->r AV. ?A UI-.SI'Kt TABL.K WOMAS A*D OU I dauglucr to do geueral housework in a small rami* ly. Inquire lor two days. ? i r llifTTAV^ KOOM 7.-A YOCNO WOMAN TO I do general housework; best reftroucos. Oall ol address. _______ ? ?7i 3J) AV., TIIIKO KI.OOK, HACK ItOUMlJ.?4 I +?/ voting girl to do general housework lu a private Inmily; l? a good cook luid !??ndresi; beat city reference^ from iier la?t place; city or country. ____________ non WASHIMJToN sr.?A UKSPKOI AIII.K WOM AN i OU to do general housework, small respectable faintly! city refer nee. 1 nilVirfl AV.. BBTWEEN Mill AMI) S4TII 8T9.. 0 L?* first floor, front.?A'steaJy girl to do general "?use work or mind children; JO years' rel. rence from last pUCoj uo omoction to th.- c iuiiuy. rVTT-i air~AV.-A KhSI'KO FAHL.K tilUL. TO DO yt) 1 general housework ; g"?d ref.'ru?ce; 1 j l1| V 8l? A V 7 BKIWKKN .'.sill ANO (UtTII STS. you A resp.'ctnbl.! young irirl to do general housework in a ksauII family ; eity ?,ttiun,nco*. . 1 /t#\ - Is. AV., t'OllNKit OJTil ST.?A VOIINO l.U./O girl to do general housework lu a small private family. Call for two days 1W- 2D AV' MIST ST.? v FKOTBBTAKT MIDDUi . 11)0 aged steady woman to do general housework U in. Ill private; g.??l 1 n o an A".., NI-.Alt -OI'll HT.. .Ol' 1'li'IOB. ?A J .'11-J rt'spectable^jiri lu do Kencral housework ; best lity reference. HW 2D AV.. UAnTr.KM.-A BK*Fe.UTABLK ^?lUO woman to d? tfeuoral housework or a? uouw keeper. ^ i - ol the CINCINNATI 0ONVKNTI0N ?*ory day, In^tbe1^VK^*,l,:JJ}TT,il'EURA circulation ifci.xai COPIES DAILY. ai>; ItATi-.S JO CRKTS pktt linb. lloiiit?ki'rim'r?. tir, 1ST ST.?a yolinu lady AS wocskkrri'kr. 4:2 8uor1) ST% ktlo.nt i'aixoic?.v YO< km CANA diau lady n? bouaekaapur in a vidnwor'a family ol uiunna. rufcrtiliro. 1 - wkst iam sr.?a yocsu LADY, aoSSS x* ' |i!lilu il aiul of elu'crlul dinpoaition. at liouarkoopar la a> wmuwvr't family. Call all tlm ueok. *jp7 porayth ?*.f>~ n76f)u,~ Kliu.NT.-a o i j-mmit widow la<ty. lnh ion* in the i ll*, a* limiaakaop ?r; a widow or prulciroil timi l>? xen all t!ia ??? k. un ION syl'akk.-A yol'nu LaDY AS liollssl ke?|iur in a wijuwer'i lauiily. t*a wkst 4fi.~sr.. (oitnhic '^urirvfti avz uo iroul toii-cmoiu ? A vtitiiiu kuirlub lady a* boiim koupor In a wluownr'a fniuily. full on m. D. qh kast i"tii ktl-tiva-hkkicki'rk; a pkiuoi o' " of i'\r>?ileiiei'. rapaMu hi taking ll.e en tiro chargo ol linn*? and ? iinfeauf Mat raftrnnea iflven. ql(k V A luck ht. ii a si. ? l-.N I. -A_tvi in )W~ w?> wl*' m.'.n i? linuirkeeiior : iimlrr land* imr bn?ln?*u. line "wkst li/rhht.?a"~* "tr.vij w7i??7w Lady op mm*' pleating adilrca* a* bounokeopar lu a gentium au'l (unity. or.i *ur itfii sr.?Hv a 9iojiW Lady"15 linuauki o |i- r. Call on or amroaa Mr., CllAltK. o/w; wkst jist sr.. in nik r<) t;i-;.-x YotN<7 o'/o lady, ngi il -J, at lininckecpcr III a widower'* (nmllj. na> ?|l av -AN vmk It ican wl?wan vttlousl. i) kmpw; widower's lamily prclurrad; references. Call or addrcaa. linwullftmmi >v<. ? rxtka I'LACR. Kills i PI.O0R.? A l'rotkstawt il conU. waaltar aud irotior; privatu family or boarding l.outo; city or country. ?>(? wis r vifn sr. i*itk>kn r kmpchyi.k s).?a miiiiih ifirl ?? fir?t i'i?a? laundreta; would do light rliamliorwork ?jo wh-i i:.Tit sr -a aiIt a mt ttum.iii iu wamV. oo Iron ?r cloaa thu. r 7 wrstthth if,. ONR pliuh?; IN "f tfk uk aii.? ? ii v ciimp.h^ni w iiii.ib to work by tbo day at washing, i> ? >inn ur or houaceleauiiik hq oKovi sr -a kisrkctahlik woman wajm ? jo work by tba day, watbing and irouiiig ____________ -i >AN swart* ?*?| tOOTII .*?TII av., T*ip riajili: ?A kkkl-BCT. ')*) able woman to d? waaliinx and irimli] at bar own bouae; rafariincc. oil kimtsyl ii >1 -A yttcno ikady am iioumr* o"/ k upar fc* a widowar. / 1(1(1 w? -i jwfll st. A~imohouitil laukdkkw J.u?/ vrialioa t iu waa.iin." nf a irw Brat dual fauiilli't: wliit* mlhmd (?raiutig drtaaaa a apociaiiy; (luilim M all kimia ncatlr ilima. t) wimt 19ft! ST.?a kl iwt ulamt launommli mm wilt In rb4iuii(iriv'"rk . iiant ri'fnranea yakii-kftr ? a tt'i.i r a il i.k ITl itl as in:iiiilraa? or to ilo ?*l bona*work: city rafar 12 128 1 -1 W SI' juii ST.?a nibij clasn tial'.NDKKftS i ? > 1 alkb?a a rtnilly'* or tkijli'waaliliik; hutinic la all ih branetir* at mnil-tin tcrnia. tililrc>a k. P. A. 1 "\l ~w K"'' >V.. i'tkst-vcotlk.?a~ilkhpkct i'll ahlaenlnrid *oma? ?a 'aundrotii good irfaraaoo trom her laot plm i'. fall'" addrcaa. _________ i -t| wkmr ??is! i \ rxmpkotakli! uikl am !?)?' guntl Uiind taiuily or iirirata board iiiic lionar . .m.lorataikl- |i iliiug and muiImk; City or country| itond '-ttjr lwfar?nm. ? i /{|\*WKST ml) ST. -A YOCNU wowax WISH m J*)w tow ^anilnruan't or fainlliai' waablnif. Call ?<??*. __ _____? - rlixaukrtl hi'.-A ukui'iccl'AMI?k WOMAN RLIR vukth tf.-A kkhi'kt:i'AHLR ~ xui waati wimuiii? and ironlux *t h?r o i n hnmii is aim a Una on tar, Imttrn' and gautlaiaau't waebipe 80 mm ?or daaai. mrk mormas: m