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BITl' ATIOHN "W AUTKO-rK.n A!,ES. Luuudr^MM. A*. 1 /?(J WEST ST.. Tor FLOOR, KROXT.?A RE XOt7 spectable woman Ig vw out by the d.iy ?asbius or Ironing; is a 3isl class cook ; firm cla?s city referenec. "I"fR PBAX1LIK ST-A VOOI8 WOMAN AS LAOX 1 I i) dress or chambermaid; uo objection in the couutr y; gocd referi-nce, 0<v-?rH AV , KKONT IIOt'SK ?A COtJi'KKU W<> man to take iu wanking or do Jay's work. OAQ WEST IHTII ST.-A HRS! CLASS LACKUHKSS iUO or chambermaid would so in the oouulry ; beat city H'lUMM. tji~r"Tf\sf"?ai"rsT*''nkah an w. (kYso foi'BTIi m 11 bell)A ttrst class laundress In so out l>y lb* duy; reference. ill I WKSl 38TH ST.?\ LADY WIS1IKS A SIT uatioa for her laundress; i lly or couutry ; best city reference. WEST Jul II ST. (RIKU SEi'OXD K KI.L) ?AS tirsi clus- lauudri"<a; understands llutlmc; no ob jection to a boarding house; city or country; good :etei ?ucc. t)i)Q WKST .'Till si ?A KKSPKCTABLB YOI'NG ?' girl ?* tirst class laundros* iu a private lauiil) ; two J'-aiV reference. noil \VKsrl>Krii sT . i:o<>.m ii.?a KwraurABU JL' J-J *lrl to |io out waatung and ironing by the day or to to hoiiaxiTtaitlin: 'i? | l\ kTsT 418 f ST.-.A YOCXO PHOT EST A N'T ZtcU .? ? ra in a* laiUtitresn or will do chamber* ork ?ud tins washing. will be found tully competent; live yean' city relerunae Irorn i tlrst cla.s family. Q l Q WKST* 41ST~ir-A HESPECTABI.B WOM VX _'1 O us luundiess; uo objection to the country; good elty ntmuM <>-?? .'.I'll Atr.-AS LACXDBBlM, TO OO IK Til* ^ I ?) country. A. B. ? n 7 EAST 5I7TIi~ST~Bt)OM*~1 tl ? AS r'lUST CLASS ?)1 I laundrest; can irtre live yeara' reference from bar la-l employer; thoroughly unlerstand* her business. nm kast liirrii sr.?a woman to uo OCT ? I 1 by the duy washing und ironing or boiisecleaning; good references., Mis. MUit 1*11 V. ???><! ~WEST 44T1I ST.?A BKSPBCTABLB YOUNO OtJv wttaan a-laundress; three years' reference In pi last place Cull tor two days. Q [ J KAST 74TH S'r.7 ONK KLIOUT I I*. HACK. 0 i "X A iespectuble woman wishes to go out n tew days to work diniiw the week, or to take in a low luraitles' wash ing .it her house. 1 I ? w'liwil ST., TOP PLOOB A HESPEC f. 1 it) able woutau wishes family washing at her homo. M Alt Y lKlf.AN 40Z WEST ?liU ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOCNG ? woman to go out by the day to uo lino luuiily wa-iilng 'Hid ironing. Call ur ad i reMi. A ?)Li ' ^EhT INTft ST.?A UBSl'KtrrAULB QIBL AB r ?' ) laundress; thoroiii,'lily uiui^rstanda hur busiucba; so objection to the country; city lefen ncc. A 'JO wFksT UjiTII ST. TOP XLOOK.?A HROTBUTAXT X>)*' woman to so out by the day us lituudross and do botta*cleanin?. .1 - C WKST 4au ST.-A KKSPEUTABLE U'OMAX 1 1 ? ' to K.I out Iiv the day or week i i wiub and iiuu or to do houseolSHiiius. 11 years' city reference. 4r r' 'T" a v.-as u?7ok~A^ti la17xpuess i.v a >'* t private lamily; excellent city reference from last place. ((\i\~mi AvTTiTooifo.?as fihst tiLAsTTLAi n" T ' dra?a: uiilin^ to do ebamb<-rwork last ot the week ; no obji'i timm to tlio country ; beit city referaneea. Rl f* WKST I'Jiril ST.. BBAB.?A OOOD WOXAX TO r'A*) tro out ? u-liint; or cleanins; #1 per duy Ho I I'D A v.-AN KXPKKIKXOKO LAUXOBBBK TO t )< 1 workout by the day; can do all kinds of Kiencb Rutins iiulliiis tiud polishlii1^ 71 |U HTII AV.-A ItKSPECTABLK YOUXO C.IRL AB f"i ? liiuiulreioi os ehaniberuiaid. In city or oouulry; ex crllout wnslier and Ironar; good city reference. Cifi AI H ?X \TAXTBI>?AB /1BST CLASS LAUN I dre s; k u?d city reference. Address 0., bo* 1-1 liorald office. SuiUM. dlf. . r MOHTOX ST.?A YOCXU 01KL. AOKD 10 YKAltS, ' ' lately landed, to lake care of children and to make her self generally mwfUI. Cull for two duys. 6 0X1OX CODRT. XEAB UXIVKBSITY PLA0X.?A Krejch s'ri as child'* nurse. Cull for two days. 7 BAST l.VTII BT. (Touxu WOMBX'8 0UB18TIAX Association).?As Protest uut uirl as nurse, do plain icwihs and take lull charge ot children; sood city reference. ill ~WKs r lMI II ST.?A VOUNO Wt)XAK AB XUUSB iw and ?eaii!Strea*; is n sood plain seumstreis; can operate on Wlieeler A Wilson's macbine; best reterence. nST. MAKK'S PLACE. HECOXO KLOOB.?A IUU i-|icetable Enslish itlri ua nurse ur to do cbaiubi-rworn; eltv or couutry; woulu aceouipany a family with children doing to Europe. Inquire tor three days. 17 ?ju sr.- i iii.Ai.TiiV "Yocxu wouax, wiTri"k I Irtish brea-t of milk, as wot nurso; baby a tortnlgbt old. *1/1 MM I AV (1'KK-KXT KMI'LOYKR'KJ.-A VOUNQ ?' ' uirl to laku rare ol a child, wait ou n lady and do chitmborwnrk ; i* neat and obliging; two ?c?r?' r.f.reucu. Addroos NCKSK. *>?) WKST 15TU 8T._ (I*KBSKN r liMPLOYKR'K). ?A mi) I'lototaut tjlrl ?? riinii or to w?lt ou a lady or n* thiiiiihorinHld mid wnitro>i? In a private family. WKST 111 II ST.-A vorsw W..MAX"T?"TAkB entire charge of an inlant. fall tor two day*. u 3tt whsr :u>rii st.-a itksi'Kfiablk oihl as I nurse ; competent to take charge of a baby and plain sewer: tiii objection to the country. *? n WfiSf I7TI1 St.?AN EXPERIENCED PERSON i '' ii*m.r*e uml seamstress; good city reference*. 11 JO Whsr &ll> sr.-A OOMl'KTKNT girl as JO nurse, who can take charge of nn infant or gtown up eUil !r>*n : boat city references; no objection to the country. jTTf KA8T il sr. m:ai: iffi AV.?A YOUNG 1'woman hs tin mo ami chambermaid: i? a good laun lre??; city or country; uood reference Iroui her last plucc. Tali for two da}s noi K AST :?1ST ST.?A LADY WISHK8 Tt)~P~RO ?)j euro a situation for an houe*t and trustworthy rou ui; irlrl to take cart? of growing children, fan be seen at nor pre?ent employer & from 11 until 4; is w illiu# to go in (Iip country. 1 I r KAS1 -.111 -I \ YOUNO UWBDtflH OIRL 1 It/ um child's nurse or chambermaid and waitres* and fine washing; lady can bo sewn. H7 wSSf IT i ll ST.-A YOUNO QUI, LAYilT I landed, to take care of children or to assi*t in loiiM'Work will be found williui* and obliging. Ivj.j Ka5t tSD HT, A YOUNO WOMAN A> M KSK w w ttiol seamstress iu a private family; city reference. |?Ja WEST 2UTH ST - A (OMl'KTKM PROTESTANT LOU v on tig woman as uurse, or would do ch amber work pr waiting, fall on Tuesday. IOl WKST 11?T1I ST.-CAN TAKK TIIK FULL ? 11 ?itanre of an infant; three year*' city reference from I ait place. IO7 M VblSON AV.-A V11KSVU GIRL A8 NUR8B LO| t<? take care ol growioi; children and to do sewing; (o<*d reference. all a V. ? as" .\ L UHfc via M) OK si OK O nes., be*t reference, fall on or addre** NTUSK. I .- J WK2IT 1. I ll ST - A LADY WUtMKH TO PRo" J ? ' 1 cure a *ituntinn for her ntfr*o, who bus served her fuiilihillv for two year*. I CO WKST 41HT >t. KXPKUlKNt 1.1) M R8R KOR I f it/ lady or infant; plain tower; city or couutry ; refer ,u' f* . I/; I EAST I> SI. AN ENGLISH WOMAN AS llJ*T competent utir>e. can take entire charge of a baby roiu it* birth ; best city reference, fall for two day*. nnj\ fcAKT IMTH il ~v YOUNG GlKL fo r.\KK wvmJ c\r* of children and make herself generally useful. tji Wt WksT 'J ST If ST.-NURSE KOR f iiildken hi' ''I and make herself generally u?eful; irood reference. Oil 1 H SjU i l il si v COMPKTKNT PIRMOK AS " i niidvrsiaiMU taking care of a baby from in lirth; would travel with alatniiy, twofiar* reference iroui lam pla?m* niT 1 KAsi it ; 1 i >1. FirSt pl#or~ back.?a wU l youiit: j:lrl to take care of children and make her wlf jff-iierally useful; v< rv willing and obliging; yoou hotne ?refe?rcd to waice*. fall ?or two i*ay%. i>(|FWKM jt i Si .M. vN KX>KKIhNfKD NURKK w" '? J t<? take entire charne ol a baby from its birth ; best rity reference; iltj or country. <)(}? irrii sr. near ttu ^ec^ond kloor? i.4? k. ? A> nurvi and *eam-?tre*?; no object I >11 to travel; best city reference. onjr* kas 1 ? m sr. Tor kloou, ruovi ? a^jkr ijUU mail trirl to mittd children and to do chatnbcrwork. Call or addreh? iwTq wiisf Ii?rir s! ?As comI'Kikm* ni usk wl/O and *e am Mt re as; city or country; be*t city refer 1 nee. il/ji) CKMKK SI'.?A HthPKfTABLft YOUNG WO ht\f O man {(ieriuan^, with fre?h brenst. wh;? re?idv? with ler parents. wUhes to nur*e an iufant at her home. 4)1 I i iii swrrti >i v young girl vs mumsb; mI 1 i* a ,;o<>iJ tewer; or would do chaiuberwork ; goovl reference. mo 4lsT ST.. JI> AY.?A icKsPr.OTAHLh Uh.UaN m1?) wifUn ii diild frutn two j ears upa ard* to bring up in family; very kind and lond id chtiilrcn fcjIC 4 ?iii 5t - v YOUN . WOMAN TO TAKK ^ care of children and d<? piain ??*wtU|c; would as?i*t with chant .crw??rk t r washing, ami will be louna wihin^ and onli^inx ; he*t city reference. TlHfVVtQS 81 . K1KST KLOOR.?A C lLOKED MiaO jrouni: woman to take care ot chii.ueu and do plain to-wln*. or an chambermaid. KiJt i. \ ' 1 H30 Ml V LllTLfc '.li l- 19 VKAUS OK 4?m\) a^t* to mind a child and to make herself u?olul. I?ill tor two 4art. WKSI I ?TII sT.V IN llliv STORk?A YOL'NiJ girl as Harta and ?eam?tre??. WK,f ?d"|41 \- INI iM -> MlM. Ill i ?wM 4 competent American woutati, or woui4 uune a lady ku coubncmi?it. Aildiew SLll&d. for one week. h \-i ill S I . MKAR ii) IV \ KM ALL girl to tuind a child or to do li^ht bouse?*ork. 2:57 251 l?-n OIVlMlOH >T.?A RBMI'KCT\Kl.K tilKL AS nnito md irwwinM. willing to HMitt villi tlio tli.niurrwnrk ; liu abjMtlM ?<? the Country. 90TH >1 -v VflMVKTKNT VOUXO woman *? mutt; i?n l?rm/ up *11 inftnl fruDi it* birth 1 city or ouantr} , city reivicnco W*wt aWI HT? \ Yiit'Stl IUKi, TO TAKK m')'I Mir. <>l thiidrvu iind in.k. hcricll u.nurally aavlul; good city rvl.rciire 117(1 ClVtNTON (it (I'lth.-KN t I-MIM.ov Ki.'.-i - VX I u K<(IM tlrl lu Uka the entlrv an miaul; I. a ^ihh! fteuni.trc. and a hr?t t'lau nur?e ; be.l ell}'rvUi ?nc*; country t>rclcrr?d, ?Jftl .1-1 M *.s !??ACM.IhNi Kl> MOM I lll.V 0''I nnr-p vMkt) ?n ruKannirni lor June and July, beat refrrauia Iroui ladle, and doi'tura. oai k.-t 41 >T -1 (iikl to umTmt OUl Willi rxT. of a child and ana. hcrMlt u?etul; country pr*l?rred. i?/W? WKST H7HI ?T. ? A YOC.NO WOMAN Alt OUW uuih ; U ? K"<>d jilalu Munarrn; Uo yean'city rile rencc. 7 7TH AY.?A YuUMO OIRl. Ad JltKHK. OK I would do lleht chambera-ork ; t>eal re!er?ner. WKHT 41III si . IN UKot'KKV UTOni \ O"/? J *<?ua?n a. clitld'? nsirw and chaubetmaid; city or MWMry ; gno4 ?ltf WlMIIW. ______________ 017 1 *.-r ?JrTi t \ \t?i iu, as m ksk OJ I and to do plain m-wIbk; uo objection to th. louniry, Iw city r?f.f .e. *??>! V. VST vril ST ?IX (NTKI.I.I)!KNT AMKH1 OOi can iflrl a? nur?. . waset not to much of a* object M ? uoed hoiu.; city rtlcreac. Call lor l?o day*. 30 MTUATIOSH WA?ITKU-i i:M.VM'>. ? - KBrK<< te- ..... VAST 3'D ST.?A YOUNU OIBL TO IAKE ,)OU cure of children ; no oi.JecMo* to If" '? the touutry 1 best el IT reference ,, | .prif :i?Tii 8T A BliFIOIAllUICOUMUffl O-iU *irl ?. nu?? or WM*,e,?AgOU}jE BEBKLKY._ ?77t k\ht sau ST . BKTW1BN isi ami -",a,Vs 7 341 A youug girl. 14 yc ar ? oUL to tukejc?re_ol_chlidrea. ,) a t) KA*T -tTII ST. ? AS AMKBiCAN UIUL l<> OxO luku care ol children; no < bjoctl to go a short Uiatunc* lu I lie count; y i'.ill or o4dre?o? ?_ jj^Vy 7iH v\ A OOlibiiKl) UIUL AM NUttSK OB ?K>7 lu*?>'. maid; no objection lo the couutry. tallou or mldraii L. O. ?? ? >/.l Mil K\ A aiUl'BOtA?p VO^OWOMA* I Ot)l a-cl.U.lreu'a nurw; cku t ike entile cbur.e ol a , baby; good cilv relero nee. ?- j o/.o i.Kfcl'NW M il si.. OORNBB or FUaNKLI.V ? 368 A respectable luarnoa woman, with best reloienco, iu uei nnrse; oahy ?ix weeks old. t i\l\ BAST ;S1> ST.?A KhSPECTABLE l'liull-.s 400 tu'ni woman a< plsin cook, washer aud irouer;clty reference. A (kt) 4TB AV. l'iltsr KLOOK.-A HMALTHT 402 young KtiglUh unman as wet Uf? ???" j* well rcconimcuded; full brentt of milk; no ob,eetlou to the couut >y. ? ? ? < I C WKs r 4tl?T HT., IS TMK MILK titOEB.--A BB 41() suectablc vouug women ?* nur?e: is eapabln of tukluj care ot a biiby from Its lufaucy; the be. I ei.y refer ?uce. -????rr~-r "n),i cvt. sT."? v vorsu wiijian with A 4 ? 8 fre,ti lir'-iivt of milk as wet nurse. Apply to Mr*. sTAUKb. midwife. - ' i ? t \ykST~iCR) ST.?A FBACTWAl WOMAN AS 4*tI chlld'i or Invalid'? uurse; city reference. , , , M A1)I SON A v. - AN KMVU)VBR WIS IIBSTO ^rivir^Xn:Nr;c.T.rTeconnLrd?^ thoroughly compe tent In every brunch tak!i?S o? lireUcUa"oU"Iu,i?laLt Uo... nirlb or of youmt children. I / ?i) ?-!> si. \ IWISCTABI? (UJUi W ? ^ lake e.*r.' ol children and make herself useluL A OO 2I> VV^-AN"EXPERIENCED WuMAN AS 488 Intent's nur<u> and |>1 tin aewlnt;; three aud a hull year*' city rolor -nee Irotu lnn place. ?-/n? pasf inn sr.. sin'osn flour, ?,'|jo^r-? O08 Competent nur.o lor a t ub) or growing children. nu objection 11 the country ; goad rcferenoc. COO 1.ASI 14TH ST.?A YOUJW oIKL AS nttrM t?? wind two children. gOQ STH AV. (Fhkmbmt STfW>VBB?S).--A pbot ? iAtaiit irirl. couipct? iit lo take car<? of cblWreii. eliamber a or k. IUic w iuIii uu or w.ll.u*s jrilUnir ??d obliging; would co to the couutry; b??t re fe roue a. Cull iu two lU>S. - rVio EAHT 1 IT Til ST.?A YOUNG CilUL Art HlWr 538 eU? nu.Ve.indc!i*mberu,ulU; beat city Wforanoe from l??t place. - i - ill VV UKWKKN S7TII AND ">sTII SIS. ?A 540 vnuuR wiiuuii us *?? nurMJ; breitil uf milk si* weoktt oUl - ?? ? ? , - lfrii \\* SK(M)NI) l-lAM)K. A YOlTM* (URL 540 of respectable parents " UU,,u\..WMtHfeuLK country. i r < - ?.nTvVTOP Kl.OOK.?A VOL'NO UIUL OK l)*X j respectable parents as uurao. r if " 3D AV TUIKD BELL?AN KXPKUIENCEU 5bO person as nurso uud snumstress; accustomed to .rA.l,it,rtw"lt Oil a lady; l? a hairdresser, export solver by baud ur lnachiue; kiud to children; highly r.coni mended. 663 mii AV-A rttUTBSTAM OIHL TO TAKK care of children In ? private rsniily ; wlillnit to as ?i?i with obAinberwork ; good city reference. ? ??/??) n*U tf TOT VLUOB. KUONT?A MAllltlED 763 woman, with a young breast ol milk. a. wet nurse; satisfactory releronee. mf /(it aL) AV SECONU H.OOB,?A PUOTEHTANT I 6U woman as nurse ; uo objection to Uie country; nest city reference. Q11 7TH AV.?A Ol iL. 14 viiAllS. TO TAKE CAllE Oil of chlldiou; wllllutf to go to the country. 3D AV.?A YOl'Nil UIUL. LATELY LANDED, us no no ; in williUiC iind obil^in tf. ^^^_ 1ST AV.. NEAir^D"8T.-A VOL'NO UIUL AS nurse; trood reference. Call or uddrese. 882 969 k umi'KCTAHLl'i HtKNOll OfRL AS NUB^B to do sewing. Address FKHMOII SL'KSE. box loJ florald Uptown llrancli olBcu. kKSHECTABHK Yoi:NU WOMAN Art NU BSE AMD A to take care I one or two children; can spook Ironctt mid Uorman; ?-ood cltv reloronco. Address LOLisA, Ilerald I'ptown Branch olBcc. "? Y < > L' N lT V UoT EST A N T i ?1BL?AOO U8TOM ED TO the care of children snd to make herseir |uselul. 3M Kust 5i?t *t?? I'rom IP to 2; wotros SM. . \\T ANTKO?HY A YOtN<? WIDOW, WITH I WO W children to support, ft chanee 10 i?ur?eVt Viorald ns companion to a lady. Addressers. IlL'UBEUr, Herald L'ptowu Branch office. ______ VVBitresse*. Ate. "1 A EAST 4STII rtT. (PIIKSENT EMPLOY KB 8).?A 14 respectable girl as wultre?s. Call lor two days. .Tmm ii i tjif ie AV EFFICIENT UIRL AS ^ AIT* 87 res*; Willing to'assiat with the chauibcrwork. Apply lor two d??fc 1 :-j j WEST 23D ST., (PUESENT EMPLOYER'S.) A Li4 respectable young girl a* waitress In a private lam ily; tour years' role re nee. - TT\ VVKSi uuril ST.?AS F1BST CLASS WAirKKS^. 141 to go la the country for the summer; best clt? rer ere uceft. ()?>- WEST jrril ST.. ROOM l'i ?A RKSPA ^#|.) irirl mm flrsl clous waitress or cbHcnbernioid ini a private boarding house; understands all kinds or aalads; good city relercuce 257 7TU AV;. NEAR 24TII ST.-A YOUNU WOMAN as Drat cluss waitress or chrimbenuald^ OOU ?D W . SEAR J-'I? ST., FIRST FLOOR-A /no young girl u? llrst class waitress ; understands licr builaess, or nould tin chamberwork and waiting In a private laiuily ; best city reier? nee tr< m lier last employer. iiiti wust irrn ?t.?a voi'No amkuican wo Ool mau as waitress or chambermaid; uo objection to the country. cS*>~3D AV.-AS WAITRESS; COUNTRY PR1S *3UO ierred : two year- city relere"cr lroni Iast place. n\T' .'iTH av., in-.hvKEN .r>?rii ani> j?rrii sts. I IU tpri-sont emoloyor*a.)?A cirl as waitress or chiim bennald; understands her business thoroughly; excellent city refereucc. Call or address. Dllsrelloneous. i) EAST 83t> ST.?A YOUNU UIUL AS LADY'S MAID 2a and seaini>tre?s, or a? chambermaid and seamstress In a i: , I dressmaking; no objection to fhe Muntry;good rclereuee*. Can be seen at present em ployer's. /to UMU.V l'L\OK, 4111 A v.?A RESPECTABLE * )?/ woman us lady's inai<4 and sen matrons; can cut. Ut and opetato ami dr. si hair Call or address Tor two day*. (1 I EAST fl'II sr, NKAU ?_?!? W ? A Yol'Nti AMKH ?7*X lean woman aa lady's maid or to do Unlit chaiuber wurL; I* a trood kewur and operator; ^oud rclcrctice. Call fur two dava. WKsr":t:<l> >T-A OtiuD WOBEINU WOMAS t'.i tru out l>y the day at any kind of work. WKSTH3D ST. ?A RESPECT AII LB ?j OMAN AND ilaurliter wi>h a place In a hotel 111 the country. ~KA5? filiT Kf.?A KMFeoTABLB Vol-XO woman tu worn iu a fariu hoiinn in tlie country; understands milk ntid butter; fcoo.l reference. ?><? I \11, t.N'Tir a V.. HnOUKLYN.?AS COM OUT pinion, travelling comuaniun. or attending to an Invalid lady. j Q|j trrti av., ikcoKO Floor! FBoxr.-A yooxo "X i"u person (speaks Krench) aa lady's inaid : no objection to travel Call oil or addreta Mis* LYONS, 107 124 337 713 Journey; hairdresser. seamstress, dressmaker. Call for tv> ii MJ?. rSSFKOTABLE AMERICA* UIRL AsT LADY'S in aid nr tu UKc care of child, on ; l?ur }?ara' refer "lu o. Aitdrcaa, for two day*. M. K. 1!.. I'crald Lpioan ii.anch (ifllrv. Tir an fhn- uY-AN ameKICaN TuF m; lauy i7k TT rollniT.itlit, a position a companion to a lady. house keeper or iruvnrnesa to ?mall il.ildrcu, Address OL.LA, Herald I'ptnwn Hraich office Inlriliiit'iitc Offlrei. U'ET Nl'RSES WITH KKFKKkNOK.?LAItUE Kfi led Inn. ut all nationalities, always found at HAN SEN'S Airency. 141 East .1 J it it I'KOKKusiOX A I. Mi l l A I'lOU !l VVAXTKD? REM ALU. 11 ?> WEST -4l'"ii >1 \ CRUNCH I.aHV iiV KX HO pcrience md capacity as governe** companion to a I nly or as housekeeper; tear city reference. Care of Air*. ! . ? I I A N tWf t ?A?T t I'll HT.?A FRENCH PIMOX, ^?)i I ?| caking English. a< (rovemeaa; can teach her own lal?4tia;e t'ull or address from III to 4. ClOVERN ESS. -KLIKNT I'll K N t111. ~ (; K KM A N~~E~N < J T IIall. Music. iigliatl branches; would take the entire cuar^c of tan children. Ad treat II. C. South Orange iN. J .I I'ost oftiro IIRLP U'ANTKD-raMALB 1 V'lt Nti PKltTEH T A NT HI Ml, AS NIKSE ~~ASl6 ^V. chambermaid (at Oran.e Juictloni in * small family, ^pply at No 7 West J*?th it., between 11 and J o'clock. \<;llll. WANTED mi; i.KS K RA1. Hi'l'SEW oilTT; reference required. Call, after UA. M.. at :K?1 Kaat filut it \" ttMAHf PROTh.M AN T <7lKL (SWKDK OR OUR matt preferred) for ir'U'ra! lmu<"? ork , private family; references required. -1(1 Kaat l?th at. I\ r.?.V\KKII> A \M I n KliillT i HI TK ? VI K? T J I claaa >> mat inakera and liniahara; alao an apprentice. Apply at 4l'.'V;th av. L'lu.?l cTajM HHkSSM A KhRlt AND IMI'ltllVKKS r wanted?Alao aa errand tcirl; Mmn prepared. -'7i? ? ?tli av /> RMAN 01NL WASTkl>-TO MIN1> CUII.O AMD vJ aaaiat 11 lua?* . i ID Apply at ^t?l We*'. '.?< th tt. KSK i?l Kl. WANTKP. 14 nR l.? YKAltd ?iLl>, TO akechurye ot one chili' Call at 'wUki Weat 37th at. Xl-AMIKO t I. \ 11Y. V MOI'.M rAlU.K X..\I?Y AS ? I e<mipanlou: innat a,<eak the Spanitli and Kngltah lau Kua.-ea ami come well r* commended. Addrcaa S , box 7tiH rM?n? ANTKII?t tikKMAN (ilKL. FOR tH?AMBRK\V(lRE and to aaaiat aitli ua^bin,; and Ironing. Ill Weat T>4th N'L K> ta vv 11' ?>TKI?-TWOCViJ|PKT*>l t.hlt.M t.\ (URLS; OXK T? aa li?kI rook. ? aal.vr ami Ironer, the other at cham bermaid and waltreaa; rrlorence lenulred Apply alter Itf o'clock at J It) Weat J.'ith at. tt* \NTt.i??at ikVhla.nO'a oystrr ani? choi? VI liouao. 1 - I wth av . a Ural claaa woman cook, one ac enalonied t<i aork in a icataiirant. \i;tiRKiNti iioi skkkkpkk waVtki^ middle v? a-^ed American, to take charire of a cottage, near the city ; small tatully. Adilreaa K. It. S., Ilerald ofhcc. W'ami: i vO X?1 UIRL III r.tKK CABE Ot ?? two clul.lrei, linrlair the day. Apply at Mr*. EN CkL'X. J<*I Weat ^1 at at. Y\rXxTtl>-A mo finv i,hitman ok amkricax vf uirl, l?J to VO, to do Ketieral honaework. .',16 Weal 3 itli *t. \V AXTEH?A NK\T, WILLI NO UIRL AS KIRST T? claaa cook and ianudr, aa, and to do ireneral honaework In a rrench llat for a rntuily of two; must have toe beet ol relereucea. Call at th av.. first flat U'AMKi'-Ar .-'I ?I'll I Si I ST. \ \V !KIPN(H> ? ? ojMriiivr on Jk Wiljum j mucMtie on iiiakinir pxj^ruiirr.I illt MiiuVir. Only lbo#c vrlio uudcratnBd Ibe butiuvtt Apply. I1KLP WAXTKB?FKMAUEB. A\r AN TED?l tiOOll I'uilK. WASHER AND IKONKR; ......?,.rr " 'rr ,ol"r,:l; ? 'B ??"? I"" ?"? objection t.. the C***lr) f?r ? few mantl.h i Wl-.i.MIi h .ihu t.u-lmr.-l.. \\rA.\u:;?.. a 01BL as ruu cook, - *?*"?r and ironer 148 Writ Kith ?t. W A???"fl'?">ASS i MILL!xKtU TO GET UP M Bw!wrAop'r to KAHKWKILBB k LEWIS, \V a.VIKD-a BE8J'KCTAilLE ?IDDLB A6KD~WO M. n??rli'roildwa'y* U<M",kcc''"- Apply at 13 East 13th W /ANTED?PERFECT CLOAtCMAKEBB; BTBADY < uiplojiiH tit lo |.orIt-it bands. MEVBB. JnXASaoX .t C.I., 3.VI ll road nay. ANTED VN EXI'EKIKXCED NJ liSK lo i vKK ?.. > il r? ?u*rire iil iiuu or two .mail cliilor. n an.I >r?; linH.kl>DrC Ct'rU'lU ? 0u" ,U0 *unt?Zuo Wantk"-a young' oxaSu to cak*. cab* or .L1." u '"?ku herself ir.utmlly useful. Apply at ? ust "ttt. i""" # t ? 11 A. M. Hood ?t(| rafbrsnce. V'V A?If A? 11>(.'Vl''? B. A HoUSEIvBErBB Fjr Afltlftf? J. II. iU Km1., u Kution st., Nov. York. TI7ANtBD-A WET KUUfc FOU A UAUY FIVE ? f #>'?lh.u..d at 118 Eum liOtU ?. Cull bciHt'cii 1) uud 1 o'clock. W \Y*ANTED?A HERMAN PBOT ESI'aNT HIUL To DO J' /""i","' j?oil?ework. Anply lOti West I'M at.. between iu uiih l o'clock. \y vNTBD-a 1'IIOTE-TAXT-tJiUL OB WOMAN UP <?hc- riul disposition to take eare of a nervous Invalid l'MI> . I.l'-t class releroucii* required. Oall between 1 and 5 o clock to-day ut law Went Jltn ?t. nriilTJHM I'KOTh.VfANT M ilM i.V a's XTil-h AO ' ' *u l,1<? ??? "f children; city reference Call at wi u ft?t i J7lh 31. WAXTRD-a XI'IiHE"tllllL; MI'ST MakI^TTeUSELP " usoml. Ii'nuire III tij,'uroeei.v mere .">15 id uv. YYrAMKH-A UilCL AS I.AIIV'S Ma in a.VD f "3?mi?lro?*; iiiubI do well rccoiuiuoiitleU. Apply ut *41 ? ?ht Huh Ht. * XV^ ^ v?t > <( ill UL TO DO UUIir IlOL'bE '' ""rlt anil mind ;i i-ial.l. C..II at 11^ XV e?t Kill. it. j. 71 U K> I - ST.-WAKJBO. I ? OVI'KI i:.XT . ' ' * v aitri'M, to take chatif ? of a dining room In u pri vate boaruiutc bou^e, w.tli city rolerenco. Sl'l'l V'l'IO.VS \i Aiii A KKKNCH.MAN, JUSf AltUIVKu KKOM KltANCE. J.X ?? lirttola* pastrycook; ({ood rclorenoeo. Cull ul o2 >v cut iiou.Htcin st. A n KXrhKu.xt:eu so. i walk cook wants a jiltuat.uii. Aililron? W. 0., 7H Hudson at. A Mh-yj f.,KilAN " oL"?i) U1CE A Mtuati6.s"1?ok U7V'rk-V icjlored); will bo well roeoinraenrtod. A VOI'NU Man wikiieh a situauox To make Lltb i't Kei.arully uwliil. Call on or addreta 140 Ku>t A |,i?llWAX .1??V. WUO~CAX WB1TK AX1J HfBAK i*.. Tnr n" ? wUho? H "Ituation in uu office. Ad uiobb u. 11., llciald ollicc. A ]^AKf, oldT luisiLixii wiriT'iiw , A paronu. wulit*. a kituittion in some biiKiuoa.' U u lllim; aiwwr*-"' * COLOKBIJ MAX WISHES A SIT'JAUON i*S f Sf""y; atr ur counlr^- Add,u" j A Y.'V*. 1 1 ?AW?| ybiino &. "KLiijeSS,.^?rBUr'iw^ i a ssfsx^ ABKSI'hCTAIlI.E YOl'XO colobkd MAX WISHES ' a xituutlon its waiter; city or country. ] I Mr?- l AXlC, 13.1 West 33d rear. A t|11>''rI'EBAX UA VANO liAI) 25 YBABS OK CITV ! ?\. bukjneta eaperionco would lllto a position u.< bank me??fiifcOr. niercaiitilo collector or superintendent of unv ' lniiunlfn o'l?re slr'*:l utloiuion and honesty uro I Uth ar* 1 cUjr rc,ureuc'?- Addras. K li. 0. 1G3 J 1)AltKEEI'EK, AliEll ail. LATELY KUoB DUBLIN*' ' ?mocs^^;'^l^o(fcm.0u'',1 bo,t t*tLrv"ca- im'm; j ( J?i'r!!{J;L' r*' }?-AS OK1'IC'? MAX ok waiteuTn two^dayil a^'t*"/U^YlSo, C"J' ^ wt'll'a*"^thA """'"."??I1'1"0*, potted meats. li>li. Ac.. as will us the puckini! und pruaervfug of all kiuda of Ireah I meat, in cans, is open to an cnyuu?..nioi.t us luanu jiup?riuteudaut in a packintr factory, an I who at ui uieata in cans. la^.To '^n^Zut ZTtnLXZ BUpeimteinieiit ill a packing factory, an I who at ur^aout O A*,"box 1*30^e^ild o'fUco.' rU,l'rC"Ct" KiVU"- Adir??? A. Sssy'c'at is ?&m?ii'zhaii"? WANTEJ>?HV A K1KST CLASH FftKNOIf COO IC A situation in a Imtt l ; city or country. 129 av. M. * H4- I'l'ACK.?a KKXJtOH I'UIVATK ?EU BOM ANOj'F. C1.KUK.S V.V 1) SAbKSMKS. " Aru.urriCAi. hookkkki'Ick, or in v k a its' kv" pericuco, wants a situation ua bookkeciier or ussistaii't ? rjpa,erortu;r:1;n.^h;:"t; a*?~ A CI,i*Ar; "ANI KAI ti unit WISHKS A MAX To office *"* ou Address bos 153 Herald A CT/Y? aoentST wTntkij-to WELL STAPLE ah! son at Addro?? ?r "PP'y to 0. D. SCHMIDT. a5? llud 1 i WAMTBD.?ONE wllO UXDEK tL coVne^f Xwrry:ndP?7r.rt'Ptl?" P^^'ed. at DBKssiioons saLc.sma.n wanted?' iiut cn'^tkhl 7'* ? *" eiiy need' apply at -wCH s. (.lb av. and th ,t Call between II and l'l A. M YYrANTK|l-A SA1.KSMAN foS SBWINU Ml.K AND A. L a. ll'?"^d oflU;""a ,Mt "U '"d". Address WANTED?AN HX I'EKIKNCKD SALESMAN rns notions and furuisliini; koimIh. * H. H. HALL, 143 01b av. YY^ANTED-BY A stock AND BOND IIROKKB A ?T yuuiiK man of axperlonce wild tin fi.rni.k ' nuu is wllliuit and oblitiu?. Address !tatllZ .lt^ and fuH particulars. HKOKBtt, box 132 Herald office " V\ ANTiili?A Yol'.N'tJ MAN WITH TWO VKAiis' KV Br? ?ok I pi?6110* in %ho U?ug bu#iue^ *>2 Hfttbuth av.i WANTED?IM A STUCK BROKEB'8 OKFICK, A ; youni; man exporienced In the business, to ??U at the donk; salary, $4UU Addrei*, with ?j-c, Ac.. 1'ASSAIC, Ilcrald office. _____ WAKTED^rGOOD SALESMAN III TKAVBiT Ap ply to V. 8. GOODWIN Jk CO., ?:? TIiuiiiim it. W~A N rKl>-Sl fUaTioV, TO TRAVkT. wkst'ob Moi I loii mill E mt'-ru trade. in wholesale dry good(; bit* hHil tell yvars' uxpcrnn.-e in t!io Went mill halt: can con- j mano A1 U-do, be-t references given. Admc^a M. 8. HALLADAY, Molruu, Him, j "tl'AXTK'l?A YOCNU MAN an BNTUY~CLEKE, nut I TT over 111 year* of Hue; limit bo quick unit corroct at | Oku rex. Address K. A., Herald office. T17AXTBD A SMAlIT YofNU MAN TO ATTEND A if grocery; one who undorstami* the business and not afraid t'> work. Apply to I' M ALONE, '.'1 '.>tli itv. \I'ANT1.1>-KIKST (' 1jASS UliV UOODS SALESMEN Tf Tor nulls, oloaks ut d shawls. TBBE.NCB llAUKKX, ... 57 mid Catharine ,l. WAN I El>?SALhSM k X KOK THE DltE.SS <iOOD8 mid ?iitts ut 'JtXI Hth av. Wakteh?a'uooo .salesman. 4s iiekkman~stT. TV up stair* PEEEAOft. coaciimkjT v.\u uAKDKXiiCKS. i S COAOHM VN-BY A 8INOLE MAX, Wild THOB A ouifhly understands hi* business; boot city references; no objection to the country. Call on or address M. S., Livery stable, l<?> Wcit ;KM at. SIN?LK~(I'RliTKSTANTi MAN WISHES A SlTUA tioii a? eoachniaii and groom; williug to make himself I cuuenllv naefnl: irood referenco. Address lor three da>s T. W., ikix 1 -T ileraid ollice. A" TOL'KO MAN W1BUB8 A SITUATION vVi'XDKR gardener, and will make himself uenerallv useful; j goou country reference. Addresi It. CONWAY, .UT liudeou j av. llrooklyn. i OACiiM^ vr"sTfir\ri(iN waxtkpb'y'a YOUNO man; understands irardeniiifc; can milk: willing to make himself useful; <<?>d references. Address COACH MAN. boa i:.J Herald office. YOUNG COLORED MAX AS COACHMAN-; BEET references 'l'J4 West -r^ld >t. ,i UEKMaN MAX AXD WIFE (ENGLISHi USSIER alluationi In a pentloiuan'a family; the :nau ?? enaeli in>n ami itardeaer; the wifu la mi excellent cook, bread and biscuit maker: no objection* to iliu country. Can be -ecu at 51 i-outli Mk av. lor two data Best references given. \ t\?EM'l. MAN >SINiiliEi \s COACHMAN AXD J\ -loom , can take care of a vegetable garden. flowers and lawn, and mil ? it required . lieu leforcnce. Address W. K , Ihix 14(1 Her ild I'ptsts Branch office. A_KKHfl-.i T.VHLE I'UOTESTaXT sTkULB YOUNtf man as llr-t etas- coachman and ? uii; a ? ompctent. careful driver; nude inland* his 1 usines* everyway : pertectlv trustworthy to take charge >1 a gentleman'* place ; l? u first cla.a gardener; aeveu years' highest reference. Call, lor t>. . ia>a. .hi ii B.. y'r Ml Broadway. Situation ah oabdeneb anu umkpui. maw. fingle: nnderatand* vegetables, llowers. the care of horse? and cowa ; Kond milker, city reference. Address B. C., box liW Herald offlea. \~k coacumam-bt a KiNoiaR man7~wuo tu<n? onirhl.v unnaraiands his binlnesi; best city references: to the couutry. AddretaJ. B., box 1(U Herald Vptown Urancli office. V- COACllMAN, ?i.vTiT)KNEB~AND LHEFI L MAN: I city referjuce Address WILLIAM, box 13S Herald j o(Ho?. : /i4?ACU\IA^ ANT) iJ\HDKNKmT-OnVSTllY I \J ; married. Cull on |?ro?cnt employer, dl 5(h av., ' lur liro *Uy?. /it.At nVXx am> dkdom-h ?" a mxui.e rofNfi \ ' man, and v-,etal>le irardein-r; ?ood driver: city i?r i countrr. will make himself inncrallv uacnil; five years' rel ereuce. Adilresn W , liux -1 at Herald oltice. CkTaiTiMAN. (IBOtt.M (i AKDITnEB?SIXuDB ) man. unexceptionable reference. >ltAXK, 111 East ^-d St., private stable. C10A0MMAN AMI UBOOM?HY a oINULI ma5: J veifstablc farmer: jjimkI driver; city or country; aill make IHmaell irrnerallv u?eful; three years' bci ruleroiico. Aidr*??i'.. Ilaralo offlo'. / VvACTiMAN ANII OltOUM ; 11IOROI'TliiLY I'X It BR. \J Standi his busineaa in all bran, lies. eau milk; willing to make hltuacll generally %>eiul, best rrferenco. Addruas X , box ll'4 Herald office Ct11Ai'IIMAXAXU HARDENER'S situation Villi ) ed?By a sliiicle man : perfectly under>tainls his busl nr?s; best reference Address Im>x JtW Herald office. ClOACiTman an1? tiaedbxee it % i mxiiUi man J thorou|[hlv iinderstan.i? his business in both branches; | willing and obliffinir: tlirue years'relvrrncra. Address H., box I11"-' Herald oMUa. Cum i Tim an and heomm?bv a ydTno man who / thoroughly u?der?tands the proper ia-eof horses, har | ness and earrlacoa; willing and ohllKingr: can turniah seven years' best refercnca. Address COACllMAN, box IJi Herald offica TJMIAOEMKNT WANTED AS HEAD llARDP.XEB. ?j farmer and caretaker. Add rose EACi'OB.bos 1^8 Her ald office, ihli week. R COAOIIMKX VXD OiRDKREBS. / ' AHPE'VKK'S <??'( O VII MAN A\ l> (lAiU'KS hlf'S IX s>tuution wrfnn* i -liv in hujli.i iu ?!?. in*rrl.?a. g >?d refereuci-. 04 on <" "ddre?a J A 4 KS. at 'Use, Ma con St., between |{e d itud Sibyvoitut avs.. Bio ikivn. BAD I'llK BYUN IN<i TKLKOBAM FOR SPECIAL UKPOUTS ot (be PKOCBEDINQS of the CINCINNATI I-' ?N VKNTION every day, In il.u EVENING TELEGRAM $VEBY MOllT. CIKCULATlOX COPIES DAILY. ADVERTISING 'HAYES .0 CENTS l'EII LINK. JITUATfO* WANThU-As" ~(?()ACiiANT BY A s nun who thoroughly uuilfrituidit l?i? biuirn'**: ten } cxperi-'ucc. For b**t reference. cull on prcaeut em ployer, Mr. IKIX XELL, M llroudwajr. ________ OITUAttOW WAMYBD?AJCOACHMAN AND GBOOM. O by n -.litcio muii: willing huiI obliging; fiw year-.'best city roforeiico. Call ou iwldioaa A. S.. 17 i uat 3 Hh at., pil vale stable. oituatiob wanted?by a rocjca gebmaB, as O driver. DAH I.Fl'ES. MO llroome at. WAN rlD?A MMtilsB MAX AM OMfflUUi; 5oSt uinW-iV.ilml hi* businens thoroughly: city refoiouc.' required. Apply hi 48 Park ?v. WXxTKIJ^a SmJATlOX ASGUACllXAN, BY A >ouii" mini haviug tlie bc>t city mil country rofersnco. :M Wail Jitli at WEST 41ST sr.?A COLORED MAN AS COACII man: gooit refereuce. JOHN SHORT. ______ 207 HELP \VVMK,l)-MAiiKS. a 68WH wanted-in town "and" coi x try." to J\. sell our fine tea* to families, hotels mid Urge consum ers; beoi Verms au-i largest stuck in the country. Apply tn TME WELLS' TKA COMPANY, a il Pulton at., between Church aud Ureouwich, New York. \ GBKT8 WAMTBD?POB," A CENT EN N Fa L ILLL'> Jl. traloil work?"The "hot Heard Hound the World." Apply at mice. AUTHOR, 12 Bond at. AN OWOB YOTTU W ANTED-MI'ST WRITE WBLL uud muiuk and tin able to ns.-Ht at the book*. Apply by latter, J. K . II St. Luke's place, Lcroy at. C COMPETENT TRAVELLERS TO BULL COUNTY. ) right* for a SBIburglar alarm : salary aud commission. S. K. III'IINKTT, Mt Kulton ?t.. Nnw York. CUNVAaHEB WANTED.?A GENTLEMAN OK GOOD / address, familiar with the lcudlnx business Arms in New York, to cunvast lor advertisements for uu old mid re liable biiiineM Journal. A iwrion ol ability, who dulm employment In a business which requires him to eonform tn strict principles of liitecrlty mid to lepreaont nothing bill what will be rigidly fulfilled, can address O. K., Ilcrakd office. Ot'viei:7io y Tn d~coi? vim, in a theatre! ad" Jreas, in own handwriting, with references, room --4, 1.103 Hroadway. ?T>B0VK ALL THINOV-M0ST MONEY MADE r aelllnir toa? for CAN1XJK TEA COM I'ANY, US Chambers at. flJANfkD.-AN* H KllS ON CAN SXltlS S.'VJO A TT mouth aelliiitf our lettor cooyiut; book ; uny one that baaalettor to write will buv it: no pro?4 or water used; ?end lor circular Iron. EXCELSIOR COMPANY. 1? Tri buuc lluildlni;. Chicagn. 111. rANTED-E\PIt 1BN6SI' OAXVAS.sKUs"oN CATU" ollc woraa; beat Oomiulaaioua paiu. TIKiMAS Ki;LI,Y. 17 Harciity ?t. WANTiU-TUKEK~iibiE I'KUPf.CT"(JENTLEMI N: only mou obliuod to work for a living need a|iply. (i90 3d av. ?tltTnthd -a BOY AS WA1Tk7{~!n a pbivatb fam* M lly; American. UeruiHiior Swede, who tan make h?r m-II'ceucr.iliy uaeful; waicca fS. Call at US haat 2'_M at., from 1 to IU thU day. I IT ANTE I l-X"irOONU MAN TO ATTEND BAlt IN*A II neiuhboriui.' city; muat hive a knowledge ol the buai uuax and coiao well recommended. Apply at 1,201 llroad ? ay, ut S P. M. WA N TE D-A~" Vo'lj N O M A N (WHITB) ~AS 11 BAD waiter on a steamboat; mast understand hi. busino.*; mutt be well recouimendcil. Call at Page's Hotel, coruer ut Spring and Weat sta., between 12 and 1 o'clock. \rOl'N(l~SAN WANTED-TO TKND HAH; ONE WHO X can open oyateru ami ciaiuH; wiiijea S.'d per mouth and Board. Call, at 10 o'clock, at 112 Went Slat at. \v w ANPliD?A WAITER AT NO. 2711 WEST ST. "\\T AN TK I)?A COMPETENT AND WILLINO HOTEL TV and restaurant cook tmalo) for a city hotel. Address, with reference, atatint; wages, K. EVAN'S, Herald Uptown Branch ofllco. 1 77ft ?AtlisNTti VtANTBD?17T??IN kykIy tow* il I "J. In tho Unlto<l StafH, to sell the Centennial Eagle Kan, witii tnuveabla wings Samples by mail, loc. Addre.a U. K, COOKE A 00.. pjchaiubors si.. New York. 'i'ltE TUA11E8. ~\ "LIHKKAL PKKCENTAOk. WlLl. HK ALLOW'Eb XL to parties who can aucure work fur the advertiser from clothing houee*. Address CONFIDENTIAL, Herald office. N~ ENlil NEB BD ESJltBS AN ENOAOE VIEXT; CAN do rcpitlrs: would go to the country, Addroas JAMKS MoCaBTHY. H9 North ad at.. Williamsburg, N. Y. COMPETENT CIVIL ENillMEKB WANTS A slTl'A tion at auy honorabU employment. Address TBANS1T, Herald office. KSIONKB WANTED KOIt PINK DIBS AND LA bcls for hats. Address T. A , boa 210 Herald uflico. D WANTED?BY MAsTKKW'ltlOll 1'S OP tiLASOOW, Scotland, a Urve number of oporattvu Joiueri; good workmen; wages, Sl_ pen.e |>er hour. HENRY BBUCE, Glasgow. antkd-a fihst class dehioneu on Fancy casstnieres. for a 2Ii aett mill; to an ontircly com petent person a l\r-t class poaitiou and salary Js oilcred. Address box 145 Post olliru. Now York. W"a5tK I)-A~ SIT CAT 11 >N BY A FIKST CLASS K N - glnecr, machluist aud miller. Addroas K., box 117 Herald office. ?WENCH ADVEltTISKMENTS. "flNKFItANOAlSll. SACMANT 111 KM P AI klTXiisTo U Iwa, colder, desire nn place dans une famiiln ; elle peat au-si | r.'udre In d'un enfant; bonne* retereeces. S'adres ser au ii. -IDS time av. FINK ARTS. ^ A special. HARKKR A to'S Art Emporium, 47 and 48 Liberty at. Notice?Tim choice Paintings now on exhibition, boliiK H'o reserve of tlio Academy picture). are offered Ht private sale much below the auction prices. tWMtfully, BARKER & CO. .UARULE JlA.Hl'is.LiS. At prices sever approached before. Slato and Mar bio Man tela. Largest assortment in th? city. PBNRHTO SLATE COMPANY, 00 Union squire, 4th av. and 17th si, New York. Manufacturers of ml kind* of Slate Work. PtIRNlTVRh. "i "?>ok $A)Ui, Af l'TfrvXtE residRjRJk il> West-3d st.. near iith uv? Parlor Suit*. 14 pieces, covered in satin, coat fl.OJO. lor f.tUi: one do.. #1-5; lurk iub Suit*. $m>: rop, haircloth and plush Suit*, i't ? and $.">5; Marvin's Cabinet Parlor Safo. Inlaid and Kilt black walnut Bedsteads, Dreaalng Cihi, Bureaus, Waahstaud*. Ward robe*, liair and spring Mattresses, dining Furniture, Kxten aion Tables, Buffet. ( baira, Ac. X. 11.?An elegant rose wood four round Clilckerinir A Sou Piano, *>. a bargain; magnlUcont Wlndaor Piano. $30U, cost $1,IKJ0. Call tbi* day. ?WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PaYME.>TjT TAKE* ? fin- Furuitar*. Carpets and Baddin* at R. X. COW. PERTH WAIT A CO.'S. 155 and 157 Chatham at. An Im mensostoek at low prices. IT PRIVATE SALE IN LOTS TO 90IT PUECHAS A era.?Private family will lell Parlor, Library, Cbauiber and Dlulng Room Furniture: Parlor Suit, In latlu, $175; rep Suit, $40; Turktali hull, #75; Chamber Suit complete, with Dressing Case. $50; Cnrpeta, liedateuda, Hutfet, Chairs, Extension Tublcs. Call and examine. Private residence 47 W eat 1 tit It at., near Otli av. N. B.?Steiuway Piano. $'.'75. A" . SACRIFICB.-POR SALE, THE PURMTURi AT residence 103 Eaat 13th ?t.. aecond door from 4t)i av.; rich aatln brocade Pailor Suit. $123; one du.. $H5; 7tf oc tave 1'lunoforte. SI85; l'aiutliigs. walnut Chamber Suit, with Dressing caaoa, #45 up: Mattresses, repa and haircloth Suit*, $.'*>, Carp?t*. -5 rents; library, dining Furniture; Sideboard. Silverware : cheap for clch. UlflloN lit)iIMS, 80 EAST 13TH.?FURNITURK*. Carpets, Mirror*. Pianos. Armolrea, Parlor Suite, Bed room Seta. Ac., at prtvare aule. at auction prices. ?~VoOI> UcOHD HANI) AND MlSVVfJUiaUlit Mcl T tela three ply and ingrain Carpota. Oilcloth, Ac., very cheap, at the old place, 11J Fult jii at.; price liat aent free. M. J. 1IKMIALL. ICE AND FOOD WASTE LESS IX THE ZERO Refrigerator than any other; tick room Cooler*; Re irigcrfctora repaired. I.EsLKY, 'J'Jri Weat - Id st.; aend for book. SljAA hlWlWOUTH OF FURNITURE AND CAlT <5JAM'.v/l)'/ pets, cheap for cash; largest and boat assorted Stock in New York. Three large buildings, all eon uected, 13 warcrooms. Hotels, hoarding houses. private dwelliugt and otteoa luiuithod; I'arior Suits, from #3t> to fJ30; ' hainbrr Suit*. <b to #.K*> tapestry Brussels, 91; nit,lit Car peta cheap M M. COW PERTH WAIT A OU.. 155 and 157 Chatham at. OUOTIUKb. A ?NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHMENT, 336Tl! ilLi av,, near 4th at.; the highest value paid for cast-off Clothing, Carpets, Ac. Call ou or address Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. A" Fmintz's. 348 ab aCSSSS iorM ?t~ladTes and gentlemeu -m ill bn surprised at great pricea II. M1NTZ pays iu cash for Caal-oR Clothlnir. Carpets. Jew elry. Orders attended to hr Mr. or Mrs. MINTZ. A T 1.574 BROADWAY. BETWEEN 321) AND 3111) 1L sta.?Uroauway prices paid lor Caat-off Clolhiui,.Jew elry, Ac., by calling on ur aihlreasiug B. llARRlt*. 1,-74. "a t flatio's. si.i ii n \v? irru per cent ^V more than elsewhere will pnaitively be paid for cast off Clothing. Addroaa .Mr or Mrs. FLaTT'o T"KDWARD' MILLER'S" WELL KNOWN EST AB llsliment, lM litlt av., near Waverlev place, utmost value paid lor Coat off Clothing, Carpeta, Ac., by calling ou or addressing Mr. or Mra. MILLER. VT THE 'aOENCY"STORK." J4?S'7Tlf AV.-RECEIVED $3..,c?K? In caali to purchase Wearing Apparel; ladies and gentlemen will receive the highest pricea tor ailk and woollen Hreaaea, Coat*. I'anti, Carpets, Ac. Cation or ad drexs Mr or Mra. llOSEhUEKO, -'4ii 7th av., second door above West 24th at. T M. M AUK FW li L.T, ~ ITm OWN~~E >T A llXd S11M K N T, fill Oth av., opposite Hth at.?Ladies and gentlemen can receive tl.e iitinoit value in c*?h lor caat t?lf Clothiug, Carpota, Jewi'lry, Laces, Ac. Please call or addrea? is ubove. Ladies waited ou'<v Mra Marks. Orders promptly Attended to In or . ut of the city. ATTENTION!?PHILADELPHIAORDER"RECEIVED; immense prices paid tor Csai-ofl Clothing. Car|>ets, Ac., by Mr. or Mra HARRIS, Ml dtli av., near Wavertey place. ________ "H ASTiioiAkiin s = "k WONDERFUL CHILD UIFTED WITH SECOND 1V sight from bliili, tells everything without questioning; aliseat Iricnds, living or dead. 12a Weal 4tMli at., uear Broadway. A TTKNTIoS. ?00NslTLTATIONs OX B^USIN EsiC ITaW* it suits, enetniea. losses, absent frieuda, love, marriage and death ; pay ronned unless aatisfled. 3ui Mth av. Mme. MlXiilll, Clairvoyant. ? \ -NO IMPOSITION??OilKATEST BUSINESS" CLa1(U Ai voyant. Mra FOSTER, H I?aingtoa av., near Ijit St.. ?'5c. to Xlu. ATtROUMIEIL?PROFESSOR LISTER. 3I9 ?tM"Tv.l send lor circular. Address boa 4.SJU Poet olhce. New York. A BUSINESS AXD MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT?NOT to be equalled; names, likeuess, Ac., irom 5Uv to (I. OUtee ISO Wea; .'.'.ih si., l etwoou 'itli and 7th ava A-Madame la blanch, cue at unrivalled ? l.naii.esa and medical Clairvoyant, 1UU West 31st eu, MV 6lh av. . MB. ROSA REVEALS YOUR WUOLB L1FK FROM cradle to the (rava, 47i Oaaal st. Km |L M EUROPEAN STEAMSIBW. / U'NABD LINB.-B AMI S. A. B. .... S. CO, V> NOTICE. With a viemt in <liiuinii>i- the rliaueea of collision. the steamers of till. Hue take it spaoiHc coui>e for all seasons o( the year. On the outward passage from Oueeu?t<>wu to Sew York or Boston, crossing the uie-idlaii oi ?j'i at 43 latitude or nothing to the noith of 43. ? On the homeward passsga. crossing the meridian of ? Hi 4'J latiitiil . or iiolliin.' to the north of 42 KKOli NEW YOKK Folt LIVERPOOL AND QIBENS. I oW N. SO YTl 11A Weil.. June 14 BOTHNIA Wed.. Juu.'JS ALGERIA....WML, J una -.'1 | aHYSSLM A . ?>??! . July steamers marked "ilo not carry ?te?ia}.'s paaacuger-. i<abin passage, *. |lui uud $ia*i. tfoid, accordiug to uo ciiiiiii.o'i^tiuii. ilatum ticket, 011 lamrabiy terms Steerage ticket* to ant iroui *11 puns ot Europe at very low rate*. Ktvitfhl antl paa-.uce ollicu .Nu 4 Bawlla/ I * r ec a. I'llAKLas O. tIUNCKLYN. Agent. IJASSKNGERS fKil STEAMSHIP MJYTlUA KM HARK Irom the Cunaid vliarf, lo>t of lir.uid at.. Joraey City, at 1" A. M. on Wednesday. Juue !??. 1WW. CIIAS G. I* U.VNt*KLYN. No. 4 HiArllng Green. N. Y. Vnchor unh'vsfrii) ?ras mail??iuiu(tt j\. NBW YOUK AND oLASGOW. ANOUOUIA . ..luno 17. Nuon I r. 1III< ll'l Inly 1. N< o 1 OA Li FORNIA Juliet. I I'M ( VKToitl V July 3 P. M. NEW YOKK iXI> lAJN'DON. RLYSlA... .June 21. 1 IV M | UTOPIA July 22. 3 P. M. A NO L1A.... July *. a P. M. I AU.'I KAMA.Auk. ">. <? * M. NEW YOKK TO dLAwiOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDON OB LONDONDERRY. Cabins, $<15 to f'J 1. currency, according t" ace.'iiimodutioni. Excursion ticket* on favorable trnnv Steerage currency; iutormodiatc currency, limit- i-Mied tor auy amount ut current rutua. HBNDKitSON BROTHERS. A genu No. T Bawling Una HAMBURG"AM KNICAN 1'ACKKT COMPANY? LINE lor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. POMMKKANIA luuc IS I LKSSING Julie 20 Ha.MMoNI.V J una 22 | WI ELAND July tf Rates of passage to 1'l.vmoiilh. London, Cherbourg. Ham Imru' and all points in England. Scotland and W alea:? Cabin, llrat saloon, ^old $100 Cabin, aecond aaluon, gold, J'1" bMeran, currency UO KUNilAKIlI .t CO.. C. H. K1CHARD * llO.VS. licnuia Agcntv Gencrni raa.?i-iiKor Agenla. Bl Ilroad ?t.. Now York. 61 llroadwa.v. New \ ork. 0~* NLY DIltRCT LINK TO PBANCK.' THE OENKRAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'* MAIL. STKAMKRS KKTWEBN NEW VOIlK AND HAVRE, CALLINU at PLYMOUTH iU. B.) for the landing of |ia?Mugiirii. The apiondid vcaasia on thin favoritu route for tlio t'onti netit (cubina provided ? ith etcctrlc bcllsi will aall Irom pier 4a North lllver, ti?it of Harrow at., u? tollnwa ?PKKEIKE, Dimre Saturday, Juuu 1", at 1 P. M. ST. UEKM aIN, liecutoux... .Saturday, Juue -4, at H A. M. LABRADOR tinidlur Iul> I. at 1 P. M. CANADA. Krangeul Saturday, July H, m I P. M. AMEUIOl'K. Pous'ds Saturday. July 15, ut 12 noon. PRICE <tf PAK8AOK IN OOLD (lucludinir wine): Kirat cablu, $110 to sfrJO. accoiilin.' to accoinaiudation. Second, <.*7-: Tulrd cabin, $40. Return tickcth at reduced rates. SteeritKO. with superior lu-comtnodntlons. Including wiuc, lieddinn und utenali-, vrithout extra charge. Steamera marked thai * do not c*rry ateera^e pitaaonyera. l.OCIS 1?E BEUIAN, Aucut. 5."> Broadway. N~ ATIONAL LINE. ?fr'KlIM PIERS 44 AND 47 N. B. FOB LONDON DIlSECT. CBEECK, Wodneadav, 'June 14. 10 A M.. EOR LIYBRl'OOL AND OL'iii-.NSTOWN. EOYIT. .Juno 'JI, 7 : u> A. M. I THE OUBBN. July rt. 3 P.M. ITALY...July I. la :*J P. M. ! SPAIN-.July 15. 10:SJ A. .U. t'ubiii paiHuge, #7u and currency. Iteluru tickets at reduood ratea Steerage pa,ange, $-A currency. Drafts issued from ?1 upward at current price*. Apply at the company's otlice, Otf Broadway. Y. W. J. IIUIIST, Manager. WHITE STAR LINE. TT K)K OL'EEN'STUWN AND LIVERPOOL. CAMBYINO TUB UNITED STATES MaIL Til'! Moitniors of tlila line take the Lane Routes recom ineudod by Lieutenuui M lury. U. S. Y. goinrf south of tl>o liauka on the passage to tjuoonstowB all the year (ound. BRITANNIC June at, at 4 P. M. GERMANIC July s. at a P. M. CELTIC July 15, at 11 A M. BRITANNIC July at 11 A. M. GERMANIC %ugu?t 1-. From White Star Docka, pier 5J North Uiver. Ratos?>aioon, $S0 and JilUI. tn gold l return tlukota ou re Hi* on able terms. Steerage, iRiS. Saloon staterooms, smoking and bathrooms are placod amidships, where the noise and motion aro least affording a degree ofcouitbrt blthorto unattainable ut sos. ror inspection of plans uud other Intorniatlon apply at tho company's office, 37 Broadway, New York. R. J. C0BT1S, Agent. N' OR I'll GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's plor loot ot 2d st., Ilobokon. WESKR....haturday,Juue 17 I DON A I'.. .Saturday, Jnlv 1 MosEL. Saturday, June 24 I Kit EIN.. Saturday, Julys Rates of passage Iroiu Now York to Southampton, Uavre or liruuion:? First Cabin, $100, gold; Second Cabin, (00, gold: Steer age. $30, currency. Return Tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid Steerage Certificates. $32, currency. For freight or passage apply to OELKIC11S k CO.. No. 2 Bowling Grocn. Mt&tf STATES MAIL LINE^sT'EAM TO QUEENS^ TOWN AND LI\ ERPOOL, sailing every TU ESDAY, Irom plor 4U North Kivcr. NEVADA. .June 13. 10 A. M. I WV OMING...July 4. 4A. M. WISCONSIN.Jnno .'<1, 3 P.M. | IDAHO July 18, 3 P. M. Cabin, 9*15, $7(1 and fso, currency. Inteniiediate, <mi; steerage. $M Paasengera booked to and Irom Pans, 11 ami Hirer, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Draft- on Ireland, England. France and Ger many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A Ul'ION. 29 Broadway. STATE LINE. ~ NEW YOKK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFA.Vr AND LONDONDEKRY, from pier 42 North Kiver (loot of Canal at.) ?s follows:? STATh <IK VIRUINIA Thursday.June 15 STATE OF NEVADA Thursday, Juue 22 STATE OK INDIANA Thursday. June it* and every alternate Thursday thrreatt.-r. hirat cabin to$*?i. Hccordtng to acciiintnodations: return tiukota, #lii. Second c.ihln, $j0; roturri tickets. $!Kt steerage ut lowost rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, No. 72 Broadway, New York. Steeragw tiekets at 4'> Broadway and at tho company's pier, foot of Canal St., North Klver. CI BEAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK." T TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT. sailing trom pier In East River as lullowa ARAGON. sytnons Saturday, June 24 CORNWALL, Stamper Tuesday. July 11 Cabin passage, 1575; iiitermediato, $45; steerage, $30, cur rency ; excursion tickets, $12ii; prepaid steerage cortiHcates, $2ti. Apply to W. D. MOltli AN. Agent. 7<i South St. MOST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO HOL LAND, BhLGlUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, At!.. AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. SteamertJALAND June 22 Steamer SCIloLTEN Julyii These beautitul steamers, carrying the United States mall to Hie Netherlands, are great favorites with the public. 'I rips regular, rates low ; couitnrt and living pefleet. For freight. For passage, FUNCH, ED YE A CO. L. W. MORRIS. 50 Broadway. 1 N.MAN LINK MAIL STEAMERS. FOR ol"KKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OK RICHMOND) Saturday, ?> une 17. at I P. M CITY OK HK.KLIN Saturday. July 1, at I 1*. M CP Y OK OilESTER. Saturday. July lo, at 11 :3U A. M CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday, July -'U. at U:3<? A. M CITY OK BERLIN Saturday, Auguat 5, at 0 A. M Krom pier 45 North River Cabin, $81) and SltXi. (fold, upturn ticket* on favorable term*. Steerage, $-'8, currency Draft* at loweat rate*. Saloon*. atateroouia. mi ok inn and bathrootua aiuidahiu*. JOHN ti DALB. A (eat, 16 an.I XI II road a ay. .Now \ ork. WILSON LINK FOB SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL ralllnu Irutn pier 53 North Hirer, a* follow a*? OTHELLO June 1.11 NaVaIMNO .. .Jul* 15 HINDOO July 1 I COLOMBO July M Klr?t cabin, *70 currency; aecond cabin. *45 currency. Exeuralou ticket! on very lavorubls term* Through ticket* tuoed to Continental and Baltic porta Apply, lor full par ticular!, to CjlARLKS L. WIUOIIT A CO.. 50 South ?t. MERICAN LINK. W eekiv Mall Steamship nervlce between PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, calling at tjjeouatown. Sailing every Thuraday Irom Philadelphia and !?ailini; every Wednesday Irom Liverpool. The billowing *lo.uner* are appointed to Mil train Phila delphia INHlANA June 81 OHIO June-Jit ILLiNOlS.. June 15 PENNSYLVANIA. July ti ?LORD CLIVE Jnne 'S- I "ClTYof l.IM ER1CK July 13 PRIOR Or PASSAGE IN CURRENCY. Cabin, $75 lo f lOI, according to location. Steerage and luioriatidiatu ticket* to and from all point* at the lowest ratea. ?Steamers marked with altar do not carry intermediate. Paa*?Ui;cr accommodation* lor all cla**e* uu?urpiui*ed. Kor paasage. rate* of freight and other Inlortuation apply to PETER WRIUlfr A SONS, t.eueral Agent*, yA7 Walnut at., Philadelphia; OKO. \V. COLTON, 4J Broad at.. Now York. JOHN MuDONaLD, Passenger Agent, No. 8 llattery place. OOK'S TnTBKNATION AL ToFrIST TICKETS TO V/ all parta of Europe, availublo tor passenger* landing at l^uaenstown. Liverpool or lilatgow, are aold at reduction* runu'lnu front HI to 43 per cent FOURTH SI M M El( VACATION PARTY *ail* bv (li am?r VICTORIA July *. for Scotland. England, Belgium, the Rhine. Switzerland. Kranee and Italy, conducted by Mr. Thomas Cook. Prlcea tor ilrat clue* ateatner, rail and flotel, $:**>. #41*1 and r?ld. COOK'S EXCUltSiOMST baa all paniculara of noarly nne thousand Eutopeau eacurslon*, ahowiuu route* and farci. Price 10 centa. COOK SON ? JENKINS. IMI Broadway. _ COAST \\ 1SK ?TBAJI1SIHI>?. I>ANA M A TRANSIT - ? - and PAClriC MAIL STEAMSHIP LiNES. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHIN A. AUSTRALIA, NEW /.EaLANI , BRITISH COLUMBIA. OKKtiuN, AC. Sailing Irom pier U North River. Kor HAN KKANCI8CO via ISTUM I S OK PANAMA, atcnmatiip At APl'l.CO, Kriday. June j:l, connecting tor Central America and South Pacillc port*. From SAN FRANCICCO to JAPAN an.l CHINA. ateitmahip , Saturday, July I. Kor freight or passage apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO., or II. J. Hl'LLAY. Superintendent, N >. 0 Bowling Green pier 4J North Itlver, foot Caoai at. STAR Ball"link. ~i * UNITED sr.V ri-.S AND UR.UIL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, aaillnir monthly Irom Watson's nbarl. Brooklyn, N. Y . tor Pa1(A, PERNAMBICU. IIAllIA and lUOJANlBRO, calling at St. Jobn'i, I'orto Klcn. J. il IVAt'KEK, -aturda>. June 24. NELLIE MARTIN, July ?. Piwcnger Memumodatious Drat cia-a. Kor Height sitU pa>aat(e. at redtued rate*, apply to J. S. TUCKElt Jt Co . Afvnta. M Pine it. o LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANt. a<iilinac from pier 37 North River. Kor Nortolk, City Point and Richmond, Tuesday*. Thurv da;a uo.l Saturdava at J P. M.. ronuectin/ with the Virginia ?mi l*nno?a e Air Line. Atlantic Coaat Line, Ptedmout Air Liu*, t'iieaapeake an<l Ohio K<iilroad and with the comi* Bany'xteaiu linea w interior p<dut* in North Carolina and Virginia. Newberti an I WaahiiiBton, N. irta Norlotk) every Tneaday. fbliraJav titd Saturday. Lewoa. Uel.. Mondav VVe.ln-a.lay and Krldryr at 3 P. M., eouuecimj with Maryland and Delaware ntilroada. Paaaeufer ar<:oiiimodatloii? u-iaiirpaaed. Tliruux'i paasaee ticket* and lillla of lading to ali p.dutaat lowoat rate*, inaurance to Norlolk, Ac., la per cent. Kreiitnt receive.I .tally at pier 37 North Ri?er General oAicea, lt#7 ilreeuwieli at. N. L McCREADV. l'real.leut. N y.. Havana and Mexican mail ss. line ^ . Steamera leave pier No. :? North Kiver, at a P. ,%L roij Havana dirkct. CITY OK MEIilDA lueiKlay, June 13 CITY OK \ E It A OKLZ ^..Thuraday. June 11 KOR VERA CRUX AND NEW ORLEANS, *i? Havana. Protrrrao, Campeaehy, l uapai, and Tauipicu. .T MHRIDA ,Tuead*r, June 13 tot frel.-ht an I pinaatc apply to K. ALEXANDRE A SONS. Ml sad 33 Broadway. Steamer* will leave New Orleau* June 18 amlJalyttfor Vera Cm* and all the above porta. OH" NLV DtKKCT USK T<Jli KLORIDK.?WhKKD UNB tor Port Royal. S. C.: Kernandina. Kla.; Hruaiwtck. ; ?ailinif every Tlttiraday, Irom pier Kaat River. The *tean>er CITY UK liALl.Ai*. Captain lllae*. will aail Thnra day. June Ift, at 3 I", M. lor Vrrnaadlna and Port Royal. Throttirh ticket* isaued to all point* In Klorida. Kor Irelrbt orj>a*?'t,xe apply to C. II. MALLORY ? CO., ?r HERMAN UKLPCKE, 163 M aides laM. F COA8TW1IE 8TKAMSHIPS. _ N"EW YORK AND HAVANA DIKEOT MAIL UHJL? These first das. steamships will mil st 3 P. M. ItoHM pier 13 North Itiver, foot of Cedar ?u, lor Havana direct, M fullWWe*? WII.MINGTOX Tuesday, June 30 COLUMBUS IW.da.v, Juuti ?? For freight aud passage. having unsurpassed aeeomtuoda. Uqd>, apple tl> WM. P CLYDB A CO.. Xo. U Howlin; Orws. McKELLEK. LULINli ? CO.. t.-eiils in Havana. yOR XKW ORLEANS DIRECT ' X" THE CKOMWEI.L LIXE. Till' sleaillslltp HUDSON, Cantata tlasr. oh SAIL UllAV J line 17. hi il u'vluck 1*. M fri.m plci No !? Xorth itiver. Through bill* of iM-tiuvr Kiveti to Mobt e uud all principal polntson tilt' Mississippi Uiier. Cabin pu?.(, 5'". stev-rage. Apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, rn West it. >|{ NASSAU. X. I'.?RRtiULAR MAIL M'EAMSHJP LEO leuv.-i Now Yora Julv I. Jl U UK AY. FERRIS * CO., H-J South st. rpEXA> LINE" FOB GALVESTON, TOUt'HInTTAT KEY I West, carrying the United Stale* mail. The Meauier STATE UK '1'h\An. Captain Bwiwr, ui.l snll uu Saturday, June 17. at U I*. M., Iron pier 20 East Klver Through 1111 .* of lading given to all point* on the Houston aod Textia, Central International ami llrnat N. rthcrn, lialvestou. Hons tou ami ileniieriMin, and the UitlMiMi, Harrlshurg and Saa Antonio liailroad*. Freight* and insurance at lowest rates. For freight or p? .'??tgo. having superior hlcoiu luodation*. tp. pi> to C. M. UALLOKV X CO.. Ift3 Maid, ii lane. MORUAX'S LIME OH STEAMSHIPS, ~~ lor New Orleans mid Texas, w ill kail everv Saturday to New Orleans, tronsferriug Texas freight tlu-re to Morgan'* Louisiana and Texas Raiirosd lor Morgan i lly, thence, per Morgan'* line oi steamers, I* Texas purls. Hie A .i.KKIA will sail from pier 30 North River, New Yorit, uu ria'.unliy, June 17. at .1 P M., for Xew Orleans (iilt'Cl Through hills of 1 *ttliu^ (tinned to Mobil*. Galve*toa and to nil poiutfe on the littJventou. llarrisbur# *ud San Antonio, JJoiiMloti and Texas i eutrul. International and Ureal North ern. Texas und t'acittc mid Trans Continental railroads. and to iiidi mu'h, Braxos ftautiauu. Corpus Uhristl, Hock port, St. Mary's aud Fulton. Freight for tit. Mary's aud Fulton landed at Kocfcrxirt. Lighterage und fhuiiiicl dues at either Corpus OhrUti or liruxo.0 hautitigo it tiio kspouse au?i rif?k ot cousiguee. Through rates to Hr? wnsviilu vi i Kin Urando liMilroad. liiflttrunct* CMiinc cflVeto ? under open n.dicjrof C. A. WThit? ni?y X CV, New OrleauM. Froiu Now York t?? Xew Orleans, *4 percent.: from New York to nil Texas port* %in New Or leaiiH, \ p. r cent. FreUiit nt lowest rates. For freight or further luformip tion aDt>lv to UUAULKS A. WnnNhY k CO.. Agents. t?lnr .'JO North Hiv*r. F poll HALIFAX, N S., AXU ST. JOHXS. V K. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE Stoauipr* Utave pier 10 North ltlvur lollowibK iltjri, at S P. M. CiEOUUK CROMWELL...... Tuesday, June 30 UEOItiiE WASIil.NGfON Friday. June 30 Most direct, yuickoht and cliuupest route to Nova Scotia, NuwImimtlaiiii and the Lower St. I.awrc'nce. Excellent pan n-n^ir iiccuiuiiiwlationa. For Irei^lit or paataga apply M CLaRK .t SKAJJ AN. 8J West m. THWELliERS' Gl'IUk. "? LHAXY AND TRoV RY 1>AY ROATH C. VIBBARO A and DANIEL DitKW.?Leave Voalry M. pier at H: 10 ami L' Itli st. at H:Ui A. M., lundinir at Xyaolc and Tarrvtown (>.y lerryboatl. West I'olnt, Xewbur|{, I'oiiijlikeepsiii, Rhine beck, ('ttikill and Hudson, i lose connection at Albany ivtili trains fur the North and Went. To West Point ana Newburx aud return, ?ume day, <1; 1'ou^hkeepalo, $1 uO. VI.BAXY.?PEOPLE'S UNE; S I EAMlloA I S LKaVB . V. pier 41 Korth River, daily, Suniliiy excepted, at U P. M. for Albany aud all point* north and we.t: iroat roductlou in fare. Excurstou ticket* to Aibiny. Saratoga, Montreal and return. Me:ii* on European plan. ( I'REEK LINK.?NfcW~CHAMPIOX, iril J ilay, l liuru'lay aud Saturday, from pier 12, Canal st.t McMANL'S, alternate 'laylVoni Lnrny st., tf P. M. (1ITIZEX> LINK STEAMBOATS KOR TROY AND ALC J point. Northeast and West, leave (lally, except Satur day, at ti 1*. M., I'roui pier -4!> Xorth River. D AILY LIXE TO XORWALK.?FAKE ItEDLCED. By the swill steamer ARItoWSMITII, leaving Jewell's wltarf, Brooklyn, at 2:'M P. M.; pier 37 East River, 2:46 P. M., and loot of :i3il *t., 3 P. M.; returnint;, leave* Xorwalk at 7:jO A. M , daily (Sundays excepted); coiiiiectluir each way with the Daniittry aud Norwulk and Xew llaveu railroads. Faro. 35 cents; excursion tickets, t>0 cents. F~ALL RIVEB LINE TO BOSTON, via Newport and Fall Itiver.?The world renowned stL'amtoat.s BRISTOL and PROYIDEXCE leave pier M Xorth illvcr. foot of Murray St.. daily (Sundays excepted), nt 5 P. M. Through ticket* sold at all the principal hotels lu the city. Highlands of the Hudson bv daylight.? The MARY POWELL, for West Point, Xewburz, I'oughkeepslc, lEondout and Kingston, landin x at Couenr, Cornwall, Milton and Now Hamburir, und .MarHioro by ferry, will leave pier 3h North River (Vestry st.), daily, Sunday* excepted, at 3:3U P. M. LD EST A HLISUED LINE FOR STUYVE8AXT, CATS kill and lutermeulate lamllnits.? Steamer ANDREW 1IAUDER, troiu Frankllu st. (tiler 35), Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; steamer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, lit .'> I*. M. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. (JREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave Xew York, via Deabiosse* and Cortland! street ferric*, as follow* Express for llarrisburg, Pittsburg, the West and South, with 1 - til 11 min palace car* attached, U :3U A. M? tf and S :aO P. M. Sunday, 6 and 8:30 P. M. For Wlilianisport, Lock Haven, Corry and Erie at 8:30 A. M. and sAi P. M., conuecting at Curry for Titusville Petroleum Centro and the oil rugious. For Baltimore. Washington and the Sooth, "Limited Wash ington Express" of Pullman parlor cars dally, except Sou day, D 30 A. M.; arrive at Washington at 4:10 P. M. Regu lar at S :40 A. M.. 3 and U P M. Express lor Philadelphia, 7, 7:J0, S:4<l, 9:3i) A. M.. 12 JO 3,4. 4:10,5, <1, 7, H:30, W P. M ami 12 night. Sunday, 5, tf, 7, K :30 andP. M. Emigrant and second class, 7 P. M. For Centennial depot at 5:lW, tf:3U, 7:3U 8, 8:40,9:30 A. M.. 1- :3U, a asd 4 P.M. Koturning, (cave Centennial denot at 7 .15. 8:15, 10. 30 A. M., I :ia. 2 AO. 4, 5 ~kJ. tf and 7:05 P. M. For trains to Newark, Elisabeth, Rabway, Princeton, Tren ton, Perth Ainboy, Flemlnirtou, Uoividore .nd other point*, see local schedule* at all ticket oUlcus. Train* arrive : ? From Pittsburg, tf :55 aud 10:30 AM. and 1(1:20 P. M. daily : 10:15 A. M. and UA> P. M. dally, ex cept Monday. Irotn WashiuKtou and Baltimore, tisW A. M . 4:11.?. 5:15 and 10:25 1*. M. hunday. (I.JO A M. From Philadelphia, 5 :1U. tf :20, tf :5.*>, 10:1 o, 11 r20. 11 ?4 A M. | 2:15, 4:ik'i, 5:1ft, tf .10, HyO, S:41 and 10:3ft P. M. Sun day, 5 Jo, 0:20, tf Aft. II :54 A. M.. tf.-ftl) anil 10j25 P. M. Ticket olttees, ft2tf aud 9(1 Broadway, No. 1 Astor Hons* and loot of Du?jrosse* and Cortlandl *ts.: No. 4 Court St., Brooklyn; No*. 114, UK and- 118 Hudson si., Hobokea. Kmlgrant ticket oltlce. No. 8 Battery placet. FRANK THOMPSON, D. M. BOYD, Jr.. Oeucral Manager. General Pastsuger Agent. Philadelphia via branch and tub Xew Jersey Southern Railroad.?Fare lower than by any other route, commencing June 4. 187tf. Leave New York from pier s North Itiver, loot Rector st.. tf :45 A M. for Long Branch and intermediate stations; 9:4ft A. M., (or Philadelphia. Long Branch. Toms River. Vinoland. Ac.; 4 P. M. lor Philadelphia, Long Branch, Waretown, and TncKertou; tf P. M.. lor Loug Branch aud intermediate sta tions. Sundays 9:30 A. M. for Lout: Branch. W. S. SXEDEN, O. M. OXDUUT axd KINGSTON, CONNECTING WITH Ulster aud Delaware Railroad, landing at Hi htani Falls (Wost Point), Cornwall, Xewburg. Marlboro'. Milton roughkeensle, Esopns?Steamboats THOMAS CORNEL! and JAMES W. BALDWIN leave, dally, pier foot of Sprlos St., Xorth river, at 4 P. M. R STONINOTON LINK FOK MOSTON. Reduction of Faro. Steamer* RIIODK Ir?L\M> unit NAltlt AOANSETT, fron pier 33 Nortu River, loot of Jay at., hi j 1\ U. Providenca Line. fnnn pier 27 North Itivur, loot of Park place. 8team*blpa KLKC'IKA and OALATKA. at 4:30 I'. II. EST POINT, NKWBl'IClJ, PiR'iiilKKKl'SIK AND return ituii' day by day line aleauiera. w KXCURglOXM. DELIGHTFUL KXCURSION. " R5ClfiW'X'Sr PLYMOUTH ROCK. for HOCK A WAY. JARRK1T A PALMER'S auperb floating OK, CIIAT'.MINU Family EXiH.'itsiuN BVUKY DAY. A ORA palace, the ateauier PLYMOUTH ROOIl, will uiak? a frrgnd excuralon to Kockawar Reach ami the coot breoaea of the Atlantic, TO-DAY ANI) EVERY DAY, leaving the foot of 22dat., N. It., al 10:10 A. M., and pier 2 N R? at 11 o'clock A. M., and returning to the city by 7 &U P. M. Fare, tor the whole uxcnratoa, SOeenta; -iiiirle trip ticaeta, to or from lieckaway, 3"> cents. V<|? MI MICAL ENTERTAINMRKT ii given every day by Homo Went on. the Champion Bn|> iat; ill" Jubilee Singers and luatrumeutnllata, Madrigal iluyi, Moaart Glee Club. Palermo String Uaud, Uhinte of C'liureh Bella, Ac. V Two trip* on Sunday. 1 be eeaaon at Rccknway la now fully opened, tbe bench, which la nuaorpaaeed for aurf bathing, being dally thronged with ladle*, children and familo picuio partlea. A?a?excursion^-, TO uTTcKaWAY fcVBBY DAT, . SUNDAYS INCLUDED. The unl vernal favoriteatenuier # AMKUIt'l'S, havlns on board the celebrated Orpheua Uloe Clib, will make two excuraiona every dav. leaving 24lli at., Nortli Kiver, at S:JO \|. mid 1 :13 P. M. liltli at.. North Kiver. at S:4j A. M. auil I : J.'> P. M. Ycaey at.. North Kiver, al 1) A. M. auil I :4<J P. M. Fulton t? rrv, Brooklyn, !>:2U A. M. mid 2 P. M. Leaving Kockuway at II A. M. nnd ?' P. M. K. H.?No delay on account of low tide. Ttiii boat will take paaai ngt r* to all llio np;>er landlLpi nt the Ifctaeh. Inro lor tbo enure excuralon, *c. \ll "COHKY ISLAND. DAILY?W74.-1 The new ateamnr IDLKWILD will run to Coney laiand, on ami after Suuilay, June li, everyday, leaving at., N. It.. 0 V M.. 12 M. aim 3 P, ; Imh at., N. R? u lu, 12:10 and 3:10 P.M.; Franklin at. N. It.. >? -">, 12: *> and 3 ;2C P. M.: pier 2 S. R.. !>:30, 12 :3M and 3:3t> P. M, Tbe KAl'PllO leaves 23d at., .V R.. 10:30. I :80and 4:? P. M.i l'Hh at. N. It, lil.Ki. IK' and 4 40 P. M.: Franklin af, N. R.. 10:50, 1!'?" ?nd 4:?> P. M : pier 2 S. R.. II A. M.. 3 and P. M. hi.lZA II ANCoX, J urn- 1". Imiu Hn?t Hiver. A-A-TO <:iTaStKrT~STKAMHOAT FORT LKBi ? will accommodate 4*W paanentrera; price 930 to (1UI per day. Apply in the afternoon at 47 Full in at. T ?-Fl SI 11 NO "ifAS kS ~ K V It It Y I > A Y ~iSATCkDAYI ila excepted).--Ocean ateamer SKTII LOW, leavtnl liarrWon al.. North River, ?:?>; *th at., Enat Kiver, 7; ptei 2/ Eaat Kiver, 7:I3| l"th at . North River, 7:4?i; pier t North River, H A. M. Tieketa. *1 Al. O. FOtiTKR. Malinger. V- v -DAILY nL'NDAH l.\r; ksi.ins TC , Fort U>?. I'leaaant Valley and Miady Mda.-S|oamboan leave Canal at dally alH .t.iand 10 A. M. ; J, t;IN and 7;IS I*. M. Suudav al >?. I" and 11 A. M. ; 1.' j|., 1, 2, 3. anj 7 I*. M.: lamlini; at 24th and 34th ata nlaily and Sunday) 10 utliiiitea later. Ilound trip. 2 >e.; children balf price. EXCl'lUlO.V FoK Labrador. I prop.'ae to aall on my uuniial trip for the coaat of Labra dor abonl July I. and proceed a? Ur uortli aa i?n>a Water bay. For particulate aitdreaa M M. CIIICK. No s:t? W aalilnL'ton ?t.. lioaton. Fob kxcuksions-tiik laroi. firstTlawI fa vorile SWanlboita Sleepy llollo*. now eallail the LOMti BHANt'll. and MKrAMOHA. Kii^ieawoml, Alpine, Dul ley'a. Spring Hill, Myer*1 and lone liunil Qrovea. with Uaruoa and Ko.ia ol all kin da J. M Y K RS. corner UortM and Weal at*. TilK MI Tt AL BOIIKMIaN PICNIC WILL IIF. 11*1.D on Tnoaday, June 13, IH70, al Kelletue Uarden. HOtk at, between av. A and lal av. Keapuctrullv. - COMMITTER.^ W ' *T 1'CIXT, NKWBL-R.J, POI uHKEKPSIh AND TT return ?aula day by ilay line ateanier*. vv v.viKi) to I'liiciiAiE t\Ri;<iRfc wAMtp.rr; pou cash, tiik'com* ~ ' f'?t* Flaiurea of pooil ?iied Drng Store, with Bottle*. Showc.taea, Aa. Addreaa, atatinj price. Me., E. ?.. bat 2U5 Herald oltice. 1WANT to BUY A UKHT CLASS 4ALOO* FOR crt*li; Rtit? locution. re??i, iveriiu'ii rmtyts to4 ptfUiuUri. Addr^t ~