Newspaper Page Text
CITY KRAI. ESTiTB M'OR SAI.TC. ( xulrsl. A ?SL'PERB DWKLUNU, AT STF.OUt.LY KK J\. duced ; nee ju ?l., near uh ?v. V. K. STEVEN Hi)S, Jr., No. 4 S*in* >t. or :t3 K>?l 17th ?t I>hAD TIIK KVKN1NG T K I.Eli U AM t FOR SPECIAL UKPORTS , f the rROCERDLSOS <>f the ? . Si I.V.VA i I Co.WESTION even lar, ill t lie KVt.MSi; li.l.hORAM EVERY' MUIIT. CIRCL'LA i ION ati.i.u COPIES DAILY*. ADVERT'IS1XO KATKt- m CENTS PEK LIKE. ^ I K i\,M\ -ANY (i^K X A N 11 N i ? TI If: REST ?TlJ?vU"i limine la the citv for the prui' must n.? t Uli tn Iih)| at this, four tt.irv liruwn stone, ~o*tiUltl'O; handsomely fba*e<>e<t and in i?erlec$ or ei ; ahovs 4-d ?t.. Bear 5tU av. ; i>u?. k^iou an> aa>. ?t CO.,S3 Liberty st. Fa at SUie d*l* riAft -S2.r.!?' CASH, I ? K III EAST IIJTII ST., ?PO.UUU. two Mocks nt r?|?id '.ran it station. two alurjr and bw cleant *'rici. high stoop. .ill the tvwovemeuts} ?it* 1M.?x40x.', Mi* block 1- '? CARPENTER, 2U 3d a*. (Hints Hous-i hi C. 1- HE/ D i . rthwest corner 3d av. *ud tt*b at. AV?'?t Ship. ("1 UAN'O CIHi LB BOl'L.'.VARD.?IF NOT SOLD AT J private ia c. E II. I UDLOW V CO. will mNj at the Kxch'in/e Salesroom*, Ill Kroadaay, J una 15, at IJ o'clock. never. l ow on Uracd Boulevard mid northwest cor ner if ifjd ?? ; i lie palatini location ol i.aid Hon lev?rd I* be tMcii.Oiii .nr dsu ; excavated au<i ready li?r iuiprov tn.uu; superior Imatlon or l-Vendi apartment batldiuga, tljur.ii, *.? Aim i "ir elcgaM threw story itoH front House*; cabinet finished; mirrors limn celling to iloor; two Mia three rooms ..eep Air.' i spleuliu l"ur ?tury brown Slouo trout oa ?7th it., near tKh av. Ap'tly to E. It. I.I H iOW .i uo.. No. j I'mo >i., or to Horace s. kly, il lue ?t. MI?cvll?u<*ou<. CHOICE KL LL SIZED CKVIKJiiK* LOTS, 9113: halves and Quarters in pruportlou. Inquire lit 1.3JU Broadway. SaOUKLY N property POR~ SAUE AM) TO LET. (""^OTTAOK llOt'Sl To lkt, IC1 MYRTLE ST., It BOO K J ! vii Inquire ou tint premises or ut No. 1!'^ Murray at.. New Vork. I? jluR KALE.?BROOlUANr LAFAY'KTTK~ A V., NEAR Flatbush *?.. a throe story basement and subcollar Soase. with all modern improvements: boum U?'aio?l hv atemu anil i? in tpiemlid order; trrnn i-nay. Apply to li. i?A I Esi, i*7li Fulton ni, lornor Ray moiitl ai. U'ESTClIBSTElt CtUSTY PUOPKUTY FOR sa1.K. A -O TO RESIT. IJIOR SAL1-: OR TO LKT?AT WHITE i'l, VINS, l > ' tninuti a irom ?t., Frenrli llouau, 11 rnonn.'I), ncrea; lawn anil gariluu: modern Improvement?; Incaieil on Mi ;[ronad. three minute* from ill-put J. MURRAY HneiU, New York, or \V.M 'I TllillETS, White Plaiua. KI.N'O.sUKI L?<iK. ? is ICRI.S HKJII uiiOl Xl), WATER flout. Ill room CoLtiii;!', lurtilnheil; Htuhhu, truit uinl ?huue; value f:tn,t*Ki; ulll take hint offer. KINtiKR, 7i>l Rroadwny. PROPERTY Oi l' OF I 111: ( I'l l' FOR SAXad OR TO RKYT. * BEAUTIFl'L CoI .nTRY SKA* IN JERSEY, TO UK u\ cold June 17: h lortune ou the pluco for a vapitullit. Apply to Or. C., 2!i~ \\ ea: 4th ?t.. New York. AI BAY BHORET NEAB BAuVlJoN, L- I.?WILL noil or let very low. lur your or (eaaen, hnutlaoiuely fur bliihed nine room Cottage, with stable; tluo drive*, biiuliR| liiiiiutf, bathini;. Apply to JOSKI'll l*OUiirr, 25CI Oth av* A? La RQB DOUBLB HOU8B ON THE HllORB ROAlj at ituy Rldite, with lar^e i^rouiiila. Iruit, Ktalile, Jtc.; iear to car:, uud lorry; boating. Iialhiuir. Ae.: rent low. F. KEKD, 1IU liroailwuy. Huvkra c k] up The UDBtKML-fCBNI s i ii5 l_/ Cotta.e, 1J moms; garden, Iruiis, carriase, Ac.; rare sppnitunity. Aililidm W iLLAt'E NOnRlS, leH) 5th a*. lot NTRY HoMK--;i'.i AO RES r BUtLDINOS, OR lianl, i ineyanU; f5,U00, part ea?h. Addrei.> PLOUlST, Vi K??l 1 itn ?t New S'ork. I Tor sale at n o bt Hampton, Habil?a Laroe ami plea*ant turnUhed House, uti 111 ell urouml. com iia:n.iii,: n Ilea view in the valley ol tile Connecticut; suit al.It- for a jirivate residence or lor a young laities' Uoaidiu^ tchonl. Address ' o>t office box 57t> Nortnamptntt. I" jlOR SALE?-MXJTEKT FRONT ON OTH AV.. WITH eitfKant liouxe, carriage house. Ac.; choice ilruits; Irce ?ad clear; f3,isi l to $4,(JU0eash, oalanoe to suit. An Islnud In Lake i.eor??; scenery nii?iirpns?ud. With elegant fur silshed liHU.e, boats, gnus. Ac., lor a sin'rideo. lmiulre at 11. KOliNIO .v eO'S . 'J7'2 Last l,(th St., where you will tinil a large amount of property for sala or exchnnge; rents col lected and hiiusea let. 1~pOR~SALE-AT A SACUmOE, ATTRACT OF TEN thoussiiii acres wild Laud, near Hrunswick, (.ia. Ad dress M., box 3.tM>J 1'oKt oliiee. (J K BEEN WICH, lUVKRMDK.?COCNTItY HOMES. \JT furnished or uuiurnished. l?r tim tent: circulars. J. ATWATER, Riverside, Conn. Ims TUB QUAINT OLD SRA-1DB TOWN OK MADISON Conn.?A Connecticut Farmhouse of ")e olden time.', iu good repair; amnio rooms Hiid around* ; excellent fcorlmod; clo?e by the mi* . beautiful sandy bench. magnificent ?ea view; safe battling; convenient In churches, schools, market*. railroads. At. ; can he reached Ironi New Y'ork In less than I air bonis. Tim at uvc property, if taken soon, will he nuld ut a price Ion* enough lor the hardest kind of hard times. Hare chance to secure a choice seasido nud country house. Apply to RICHARD V. IIASXKIT, 111 itroadway, basement. [ Aim inquire Hbnut that elegant foliage by the aea. with beautiful l.ot 'llxlO) l*et. lor sale tor lea? thau $I.OUO, or lo rent lor the season Tor ?? 11 <> ?ew BuiaimtN.- i i knisiik:> and i nki k niahed Oottaitea and elegant Mansions; Tor health, I; reasonable rent*. CC?LI,I NS, "JH Pine at. OMILD MORAVIAN 8CX IIOTRL, IIETII! Ell KM, . Pennsylvania, accommodate* K>0 guests; lour-tores, livery stable and prlvatu residence connected with piop ?rty; three hours fr.iui .New Vnrk; two ironi Philadelphia; terms, third cash; balance mortgage; city pioperty taken us cash ('HAULMS BKODIIKaI), Bethlehem QfAMKOX D. RI.Et iljfftV Ft' KX IS II ED ~ LA ROB 0 modern House to let b> the rear tor #*00; all improve ment*: others for su.limcr III H BAUD, Towu Mali, Mam ford. Conn. n>o LET -A r FI.sHKILL," ON HUDHOX, A FINK UO( kB, I fully furnished; spleudid garden, plenty ol fruit, also pood i arn, carriage house. Ac. Apply to J. W. SPAKllIT. Pishklli. on the Hudson, or to S. 11. J ACKftON, 112 KulK n St., .New York. ariM)' LET?IN WEST PI ELD. N .1 . MIM i i:s FROM New York, a luitiialied House, 14 rooms; 'J acres of prnnud plenty of trult, vegetable garden all ready for use; rent taken In board lor three adults Address ti. A. HOWE, tare ol ?iiir:cs, bo* -1 KJU Post ollloe. New York. mo LET?THB MAMNION Hot >1.. InTT'RNiVheF; 1 only Bve minutes' >ralk from depot at Ked Hunk, on the fchrewabtiry Uiver; will accomm date fifty hoarder*; tont $u?i for the season, or$DQ0a Apply tnti H. !l VIU HIS, r*?t A aslnii.tou St., New\ork,or C. 1.KH.I11N, lied 11 ank. N. J. rno RRNT. AT BIYBBDALB, on i iiK HUD80B?A J. furnished House. Iinely located; L-ood itarden ; beautiful river vo w IlKOROE II FKTKIB, 178 Brmdwiy. mo RENT?EI I.I.-11 ?. N. i . EUXAHKTilTir. A J . near depot: I*t rooms, iarcp yard; modern itnprove taetitt; rent low for the season Address A. P. 81'AWN, 110 Liberty at., Nour Y'ork. ri'O RENT?A T SIM) SI NO. ON HiDSON, KINK, A lar.-e. lurnisliod llonae anrt superb Stable ; four stalls; Cia^niRcent ground* ami made f siden ; low lo a gia'd tenant. Appli to 0. T. IIA Kill.K. J8*J Broadway. \\' ANT' D-A M AN WHO KNOWS HOW TO KEEP A M small, first class seaside lamily hotel; rare chalice for the riL-lu ' >rt "i a man. Ipply to IliCllAltD V. HAH 1*KTT. Ill Hr ikNh). basement. 3>?i rjinw ii.i. ri;Ki iiase a farm okT? G'.j.sM.f"' acres, Dwelling 11ou-e and Ham. >u?*ex runty, Delaware. Apply to I'AKKEIt A DhMUKL, 160 *Kest at. REAL fcs'l'.VrK TO KYlllAMiE. V* I WELL LOCATED GROCKKY STOKE IN liUOOk* lyn, doin^ a paying busiuuss, for a Farm on laing laiaml or nearby. Addreas B.. box I'Jl llvrald otliec. A PA It M IN HIE WEST.'"tuOETUBR WITH A CITY ?tV I-ot 1m a Western city, free of encumbrance, lor a House in Hruokh n Address I!.. Ij x 1 Herald olliei TjlXl'HANllE?TWO HOCSES IN a<TH WAIID, ALSO stileiidiil i.'uDiectlcut Farm; complete arrauormeuts lor raising trout. JAtJUEs, 70 A.tor House, Notary. F*>R~SAfcK OiJ " KXl'll ANUh?A NICE HO MR "oN the Hudson, half nour by rail; conv'tilent house and stable; iocition hi^-li and iiealtby; will take a ltiookiyn or ?ity house valued ai #1.>,<*>': muatbefree and elear. Ad <ro?s >..X('HANOB, box I.Utft Poat ufln. IsXllt'sALh oil EXt'lIA Nt;K?A B R ACT IPC L OOflf. JT try Residence on New Jersey, 1'4 hours from .New York; house Is new and has IH roo.ns, all modern impro.eincnia, hot and colli eater. Ac ; xiouud Id acres; hli;h and tnouu talnoua; brook and springs; lawn, fruit ai.ii shade trees; ?iew un>urpaised; gardener's cottace, carriage house an outbuililiUKs. T. S. SHEPIIBRD. I !'? Itromiway. M'ANTI.H TO KXl'H\NOK-mVltIIi l!N TIMIIRU Lauds, free am! clear, for a llou*e worth from *M,">,uiy) to $U),HtX>, mor(L-as-ed not to exceed $IK,i?*i; lo.ation be taeen 4th and Uth avs.. Ma lison square and Central I'ark. l'HuclnaU only may address, with full particulars. JOHN A. in 11>UE. U Wall st. \l/ANTED -JHiilRY PAKM, NEAK PllILADKLP1II V U or I'tiiiadelphia city Property, In esch.tnwe lor di sir able Itrooklyu improved Property; our equity i?#!.V??ior fct.USt MILLEIt A MOLLOY. .'uj Hrowdaay. IIUiMKH. IttHlMS. IYA\TKI). lit t la a - I'ltv mill linioklvn. YOCNU MAN DESIRES A ? V UN I - M KI> ROOM Irotu ifHIi U> .aJth si., west sloe. Address L. II . box 157 Herald eWee. A PU?T~ OF ril KKE VALl A BLE I.UTH TO "EX ch n*e tor the Kent of a lar.e lipase, H- Hli lo J J, I ?t,, if a.Uson to llth av Ad.Ire s boa 1H. 1 Herald UdIowii Jlrauch aWca. t UOIKT PARTY flM TWO ROOM* WITH PBS J\ pie who minil Iheir own ustn-.a. rent must not be high: rent sure Address Mrs. M\\WKLL, statiou E. aHIIWO OKKTLKMKN DKSIRE FC?t.N ISII El' KltOMR, two connecting or uart of a Mat. In tipper part of ti n city, we-t side. W. W., box 1.0 llerald I'ptoan llrat.cb oflice. \LT ANTED-A* T'NFC RMH1I Ell P LOO it "oK \t OR T f ? rtnitK. In a private derailing nr flr-t vlass French flat, between -ii and Stli ass and lOtli to t th ata,; icUSt be lu a <ix>d neigh!.. rb.*od; terms not over f V 1 pvr in. nth. Address E. A. bo* I.IkUS Post oflic.v lit iiic touMlrv. AYOfNO (IE.Nri.EMAN WILL TaFR I'll A HUE OK an unoccnp ? d Kesidence djrlo^ summer iu return lor Bso of K.H'tn f S > . - P ' 11 . "lKTANTED?A >MALL lIOt'nK, FCR.nMHRD OK L'N ?? furulsbeil. Convenient to tne ctlr at a modei te isnt Address, with location and lowest terms, 0. L ANDl.Evt>, StS <H. av. BOAHURBS WAXTKO. 1 BC./Cti KkOM M tDlMl'N >y L A UK, lit* EAST JSD sl.,'ext. t lar.e, cmsI K<s>m>, eith or without llwar.l; IhUcoii-. a and shadj Ire. a. IBIsOCK Ft OM UltOAUWAV. IS FAST ION! M\? To l.t. With ft*at e .a Hoard. ISoom- o I seeond ???*?, itewlr tarn is.'ted. to Ismlti or si a.e tjentleuieu; unn? ainderuto ; refer. IK*^ rv'iUiretL II SECOND SroKY 1 HONT lUMiBt LABOR AND ?" aliMvuiia ou third Uovi ; sanimcr prio*s, iian.iei t ind ilM-lH'Ardtty. 1^" VI est til ?t 1 IjAM:: ?? v. r t. <>\, to lei win: J. BManL al JI7 Wsst 1 th at.; rafereace. a. 1 1 si u I*).K DAY. ?tl IO ?| i PElv WE jjdf li-e |:...v . s. wiln first claae floatd; U nities wfS Sio.l. 1 > 1 Bn . ter St.. a. ar Kraadway. <i EL. 1.AN t HOl .?<ES. ON MADISON S<|i?Al:i'.. w)lX Zt asr.ommo.iata peiioanont or IraBsitnt parties, letms aaudarate. J11 East JJ4 sL ItOARDKKS W A N T K1 >. *> i>()( ?ks moM i'vr^AV. no. in easi ;htH *T ? ? i let. with or witlnmt Hour4, Inr*e airy Kooiu*. to ;eii tietucn or Ituiilies; summer prices; reteruuelik, ~t 11 ~ T\ ~ "J * C MA 11 MVkk k. J A n t ? ) Parlor Floor, all conveniences, with or without private t*ble or lunch; alao second and third story Rooms, summer ^ - PKK WhKK-tfoAlU),*\vi rif~ROoMS, " NEATLY O* ' turnlahed; suitable for families, 2?nU?aM or la<li.*s; : i nt Hoard; igood bouse, good attendaiicc. SOI East &*d St, ? I II a\ ~i:4, OPPOHITK U(TtBL BRl NSWIt K.? ? ) superior Apartments at reduced rents, with or without lireuktiiM, reference. ~r 11 at". iw.-m iQUtBl 6TFEEH SCIfMOF ? / Apartments, Aith or without private table or without board. /; TaS 94TB dT.-VXttY FIJAiuXt ^>OL ROOMS, "J wttu or without Board, at resaouable prices. (kill ST.,' NO. 54 WEST. LAlU< E AND ri V ALL ?/ Rooms to let. with Hoard, house contains all modern improvement*, transient partien accommodated. U KAHT siST HT., BETWEEN MiDUON AND 5TH aviu Handsomely furuishe i Rooms, with tirst class Kreuch table ; references. *1 O ~L A KAYKTTK PLACkT?PLfcABAKT rooms, 1 ? with Hoard; also srood tatle Hoaru. I -r ~wkst i mi st~near imoADWay. ?ele L?) grunt ly fu^niahed Rooms, with Miperior lioard; tirst eia?^ accommodations. Rciercnce. CI IVlON I'LA'h. SKVU TtROAbW A Y.- LAlUiK lO and Hiual! Booms, with or without first class French table. ] ( \ WK8T Jlf II ST., <)HPC >81TE "xTk irIf AVKM'K 1*/ Hotel.?Elegantly furnished Rooms to let. with or without board. iim u sr., jiii wbht.?a" small faShC* have m'/ three R?>om* to l?t, with Hoard; prices moderate. * y *) w kst uth~r^5S5irahle room a on mJ+J iwnikd floor, Irout, to let, with H?iard, to .rentleman uod wife or tingle gentleman; location healthy; reference. sr. HH Wf^ST.-ELEGANTLY KUKNI8IIED MO Rooms, with or without Hoard, very cheap fer tho summer i7?) "west"";kiTI! ST?KIRST CLASH UBOB AND mm**) small Hoonii, with or without Hoard, at summer prices; releronces. sTJth si\ \vi:si. iid -ijl&oe and~smaliThand jjx Homely furnished Rooms. will: uperior Hoard; trau sient or permanout.; kummer prices; refer slices. *>?> \V\ l J lil hf ItOOMM in LET, WITH KIKST ?)?) class lioaid, suitable tor families or ?iui;ie gentle EAST 47TH SI. tTUMSHEH HoOMS TO LET. ) with ?r without Hoard, at reduced prices. 2ls i~ ST V KhNV K1 J^'T HOAKDKITh 2(5 ?>(\ KVM' aiHT hi'.?A KhW -I'.LKi'T BOAKUKUb ? ? cAU ho au^oiuukuiiiitu't ul siimuior prices; xirictly tlrst ' olrt?3 o'ji KA8T KID ST.?W1TU HOARU. MoOHH ON SEO ?)> ' uuil Hour; ulsu tio.ll lCii.>o?; poruiuucul or Irauaiaut; references. i ?j t Tir sT.; so7~-Sm u'hsiT?iTandsoiiely Ycr Ot ;iU!ied I looms, tvcrv convenience, to lot, with or I withuut Hoard ; summer prices; t ah to hoard; reference*, Q/# ( LINTON PLACK A Kl-.W (;KNTLEMKN AND Ov) ladies can be accomiuodatod with good Hoard and pleasant Roouts; very reasonable. ^ I 7l KaBT 19TU HT? NBAA BROADWAY.-WELL ll turnished lar^o front lUom to rent with Hoard ; also | other rooms. I ?/WRST S3TH ttT.T NEAR :?T11 AV.?Rt ?0MS, WITU ^tO Hoard, to rent for the nummer,or perinaiicnt. central lijf'ttiou; summer prices; also a lew table boardors taken ; j reference. | J WEST loTII ST.. NB\K ftTII AV.?DB-IEAHLH I TT R?kuuh, with excellent Hoard and home comlorts, at summer price*, for families and gentlemen. west i4Tu bt.?Handsomely furnished a Rooms, with Hoard, singly or en suite; summer 46. brictta. r9 UTtl sr., BKTWEhN BBOAUWAY ami L'M ? 'v,nity plucr.? Ue^HCiIv luruikhril Jtniima to lot, with liourd. ut rea.oiiuble prices; r,tnrwR?,< r,i|Uir,d. - ? f wsit aau ht.. betwk km bboaoway ~a"sT> ?)?> 5th ?v. ? Hnnrlsoinoly turnUbeil Kouum.on Mouuil mid ihirii floor*; ulsu i'urlur Kx to union, with Hoard; retarenee. r C WEST 11TH 8T.?NICEfY KUBXliHED""KKONT t )f ) Homiii, ou third floor, to lot, with Hoard. OJ MAOOOUUAL HT.-A LABoTBOOM, NEATIiY Q*X lurui?Ut'<l; bot and colli water; K"od table; terms roiti>oiiMble; rol'ercucea. f|U BAKT JMD ST.?WELL PCBNUUBO BOOXB, M ' i" witb K'ood Board; tonus" moderate; NhNMt. EA?T 17TH ST., N1-7/04 t'NIilN tiQUAHE.? l'leaaant Kooum, with lloard; low price,; table 119 1 j A EAST 65TH ST.. NEAB LEXINGTON AV.? J M" Kimt class houte; pleasant Irout and ball ltoom; _ uud Hoard. 1 10 w hST MTU ST.?KlKST CLASS 1(00X8 1TO ItJ let, with or without Board, at ro isouablo price,, j trnu.ient or (Mirmaucnt; references. VC Q WEtfT -iltit ST.?KUBMISHEO BOOMS TO LET" AtiO with or without Hoard, to Kentlemen. l/<o' WEST S6TH ST.?KUBWISHBD PASkOB lUO Kloor. whole or in part, with or witnout board ; all improvements. '?iOSi M KST 321) sf!,"NKAIl 8TU AV ?I.AKiVk. >)wU pleasant Kooiuk, l'uru:sbed or unruruiabed, with Hoard; term, moderate. A_(j I ""WEST li?rn ST -IMUVATE l AMll.Y WILL "tw l: take ono or two clilldri>u to board, itKe from U to 15; tcrinn moderate; no other children In home. "Tn fiTv aLTd CAN El ND GOOD S<>ABB Tn U J V Medical attendance witb a daily i physician. Address >1., box 1-1 llerald Uptown Branch office. LADY, L1VIMU NEAB TUB l'AKK. NEAH 74TII si.. Koiild like a party ol Kcntlonien or ireutlc:uaii and wile to Hoard; cverjtltlui; titst class, and rooms deli(htful; bouse prlv.ite Address O. A., llerald L'ptonn lirauch office. /VlCNTBY ADVANTAGES _THE OlTY?UIOB, V> airy location with line river ?lew; pleasant c|iiiet neighborhood; home comfort,; moderate prices, cliildreu no objection. No. 5 1'rospcct place, 41st St., Eaat iliver. 1 Elegantly FuuNISHEl) BOOM8; BEST BOaUT, J Vurrar Uiil. near :i |ilist.; summer prices. Address box 2,bM Sew York l'ost office. F P ltd ST AMI SIDE ItOilM, W1TI1 HOARD. F<JU GEX Upman. wife hiiiI child Address box l,S|j Pi?| oHci, AND80XE BOOVTt> LET-TO"3IIMU1USI AND wife: Hniiril ludy, also hall Buuiu. Aildreas MOD fcltATr.. Herald office. MEDICAL TttKATMBNT A Wop >A M FOR CHRONIC invalids, in hotiae of lady physician in regular practice l.i bi? >naitile unities ph-aae address U.N hX?'fc.l*i lOV ABl.E UErlMKNUKS, box 12tl ilerald I'ptowu Hrancii office 1)1; I LAM.UMIlA.-i'lOAKIJlNuT TO #lTTVKKKLY; Km?l Rooms; best house* evervwlierc. i'tiriiculars at an West 2 nh at.. Sew Yurk. or 4.fJ Walnut ?t.. Philadelphia. 1>Ul LA OK UP 1IIA SPLkNDIDlY FCRXISHKO 1.00111a. with first class Hoard luiniitm t . t or.tun liiah cau iir iMiu'<i.od bj addi'esaiui; J. VV. V? 1.5H0 North initial. Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA HOARDING -MRS. BROOKE^ LATE I ol 1,4 ?- Walnut St., removed to 218 West ltiteiihouso square; choice Rooms. Philadelphia vwrro its can I so a ex room and i;ood Hoard at I1U North 111It at.; ivntril locationt MndtM to ttslilhWnn lnitHin; tinei$1C p#t wmL I >iIILADBLPII1A CKNTKNNUL Hi>Ai:I>iNO, ? IX I blocks Irom Exposition; strictly Ilr?t class; everything now ; terms nioderutc. Adtlrese A. H. UtiVNKl.L. 5JJ North 44th at. SINOL.K liooM KOK >1VOU Ti BET LEE AX, EVE nlaUeii or unfurnie'ied; full Hoard: ?ituaicil between 14th and 21st its.. woat aide; lUtli at. preferred. Addrosa liotRDER. 428 West 17th at. HUARD A9IO l-DUUIVU WA.MTED. ~ VfOI'NO OKEMaS' DK?I IJ US ^ BOA KD AN DA good ailed room, with runuiti? water. In a French lamilv. 1'iesse addreaa. Mating price, O. K., box NX) IK raid Mtie*. 1 All OK K11-11 i;N~ FROM* M A8S ACilVsK ITh, DK~ .1J aires Hoard in a private laiuily; canuot pay over per week. Addreaa ROSTOV Herald office. \v ANTED?BOARD rOR OEJITLKMAN AND WIFE. II Irom $10 :o i-t>; can luiuiah. Addreas box 3,t? >l Poet office lit' I MILS. 1 A S t LWAY3 OPEX.?PRaERKOKT HOCxE, CORNER it Franktort aud William ats., U&c., 5oa, $1 ; ticotleuieu. | families. - r knuland hotel! ao Sowkry ull liuht smirle lo.inis; lodft iita SOc. mainly; weekly . for *entlemen only. / i LfcNHAM HOTEL AND bbstaueeet, &TU 1 U between -lei and --d ats. ? Room*. *lujtle or en suite; elevator aud ewry modern convenience. N. 11. BAEilY, .Manai.Tr. t?f blaeom STUkTEVANT HOU8K, CITY."?LOCA Ij lion and accommodations unsurpassed. price* ie ilnced to suit i lie times; W> aud $4 per day ; Room* ouly J1 per day and upward LEWIS A C.KOUGE S. LKLAND. ociitf HuTILM HoWKRI. trm.VKR ("AN ?L sf iSKOROE Itl'ECKKRT, proprietor ?Kurooeaa plan; new aud elrua n ?ppolutnienta. RoolM liy the day and week. piNOLEirHOUEB, ON AXErIiIAN PLAN It iot.i~ to relit, for fatuiliea and siaglo itentlemau, tront lnjf I nil ii square, ut moderate It'iN'IKl HOAIII). ~\"f "SlkW K ltllVrO jt.'irt At IN IS I. A\[> -I.AKGK, ^\ airi Eaoma, with excellent Hourd, In .i r raiieii lamily; 1 minutes' ??.k to f. rry. Apply at No. 4 Hamilton I'ark. T I'RIV A IE FAMILY^ uatieu an "iutvxkx. J\ cmbiimhIIcWI atsiae mansion on tlie Hnrisor:. qhmit parsed In lecatioU, woald Msoamodatn <ne family of not uii' c tliau live or <ix persons lor the aunim r or longer if desired; i.trice stable uud carrlejce bouse; reference re quired. Audress box "> I - l*i ei > ittee. \ Mi INU UK At riFt'l. I.AkKH AND XOLNtTiTTs. JV. il > miles from Nf* York, Hoard wilt be niveu, en auii lloil s.'te an i be.idiu,- lunst be pood, a bartfaui. Ad dress MaPI.KS, lleralil nffice. ilK.XTLKM AN WAST? A ?L 11 OP SIX DOulli IE ?'V a i- lUsie ? l.??!!?? 8iwwh, sHeeied ua Oeeaia aveaise, for I.a mice e: season irom .>nly -O. aitii private table Ad oreea E., bo* 4.4VI Post t V6l NO XARKIEU LADV OEilRK* BOARD IN _V tl.e ? r uliv ol Now York, with a private l.nnily where ti.ers art ow or a? ? titer l~ .in.era. a u to e\eeid in tier week. Address Mrs. ti.. Herald I'ptown Eraiuli office. t I MI'RRaY HILL IIof SK, A~DKLltliI I'FL'L~FXif Vx liy hotel, one hour from New York and two annates' *v iik 'roiu Oetnarest station. Northern itaiiroad .1 New Jersey, several deairablo Sulfa ol Ho ms still vacant. Ad ores* or sp(. y ou premises. BOA Kit W A NTED?Ft?K tTiREE YoUeu MKM, AT Hat itidk*i or aoaie eoaatry place with !ioatiti|< fadlliie* snil tlthin nti liotir ol Olty Hall Addfesa, stating t. rms and nil a:i? of aceesa. S. M , box 4,394 Poat offic B iAHDoN Til K IIL IISiVn VI vRR?AT T:OXSAtTKIE^ I - Hal tee .ibore Oataklll: prlvi e :amlly; lin. a. -oiuiuo datloa ^'i i table; -lai/l iig. for particulars luqnire at No. 1 BOklt i li VlXIWMlBK, L I.. |i, MILKS i HOE i ,i cm \a ?- dcj.Ht. Lai be laina iiuttse; lawn well sasded, '.atliiHj; ind : oalinr?'n ptfnilsek; Sae staail) wslks *a,I ilri*I- re ii li KaNKLIN, 1 ?S Peart St., i r address CH A RLE* L. MikKS. Ueuat V tliev, L I. I? iV :D IN l 1.4i |. It . - it N.Y A I V Yi KV L \ R ? K I I ' rm Ii.iii? . . we i vf i\ii.??tnn; hi>nr * driri- *'o:m 1 t> it or ems; ex^flii in t lie; iaritt r.Hnns. imp hanr;larse ftia a: I I jnet gv.iarade: <hkI d.lves. 10taile* lioiu L ?e ! ? "? ' ' -arrin^e*; k. ,j .u.i.l-ik. vddre.. Vi I' ' iii.1.. Jr, M .1 ietnwa, lister Cuiutt?. ?, T. Uctt ' 11 breaces BoAUD WAN/EO?TOR TWO HE ALL FAEILiA, in ? privet- ttai'yor la t*o aeU'.i iorln? h .iisee. on ' li v i irronn.l, i, New Jrraey. ab.ijt one buar (toua city. Ad- ! drea*, witb teriut, S.. so bsat 44tii *L COr.NTItY BOARD. BOARDERS WANTED?FARM IH>lt.K. XEAIt SALT water: boat to um ; table. plenty *?a IhMtti Itertiis. #7 j.rr week. Address lock bux 3 l'o?t office. Malum. k, l ong Island. BgLLEYl'K. ATTLKHOUO. BUCKS COIIKTY, 1*A." Tw? hours Iroui Xaw York,.me from Centennial grounds: a delightful ulac* tu speud tho warm uaontba. Address W T. SEAL. / lOUNTRY BOARD?PLEASANT ROOMS. OOoU V.' table. beautilul location, couveamat to cart ami boat. Address Mr, A. CABBY, High Bridge. S. Y. pOCNTRY BOAitH OB l.OXlj" islandsouxd. V7 Splendid grove, liue drives, good tiahii?? aad boating; house on elovutiou. fill yard* (rota Keuntf; ooi^eeleat to depot and lauding; terms moderate. Address C. PiRLlXti, Locust Valley. I. 1. (ioLKTBV BOAKD. -MAN.-ION OK l.A I K GOVERNOR J DiukfrMiu; larn riwaii ui grounds; near depot; I \ hour* 'rum New Y.rU via Delaware, Lackawanua and lATest ?ra Itallruvi. near Budd's ?nd other lakes. Address JOHN H. BTA.N111 HidJL'GII. Dover, V J. CioURT \ BOARD AT ROCKLAND LAKB-FUBB > mouutaln air; unaiing, bathing and Asking. Ueter to P.. MARTI.VDALK. 71 Hroadway. room ?S. (iovbyby ' wano wakthd-fob a lady and J child .a year old ant nurse ; Catskill Mountains or that nelrhborVoed preferred. Address J. C. C., Hotel Monaco, Ko. SB Kaat 17tb at. COUNTRY BOARD' MB SI' M ME It. WITH IN ON E hour of city, wanted Immediately lor gentleman, wlfa and niira? ; child six week* old. Address, stating terms, box #M Host office. POWBY iOAKl) WANTED?N BABXi# TOBE. POR V ? * gentleman. ?Ife, iulaul and auiall girl a* nurse Ad dress. Willi partleulars aud terms wlileli must bo model ate, LOCK, llerald Upt?*au Branch office. T71IRST OLASS COUNTRY BOARD IV W EHTCIIESTEB. r on the Sound; mm hour Irom city by boat or vara; batli |q|, boating and listiing; boat- and 'lathing houses tree; term* #10 per week, Ahnm moujOY, imim L /lOOO BOARD^LND PINK ROOMS OAK,]IIP HAD AT Linden, X. J.: 40 mOiutos from New York by Pennsyl vania Railroad; term. $7 to #ti. Address L. F., Herald office. ?_ /VOOD OOUNTRY BOARD IN BCBOilUS Of NEW VT burg; term* easy. -Id drees Mrs, M. K. MOULD, box 5'>0 Post oilice, NuwhurK, N V. /Tobli Cti5? rSY BOARD IN A IMtlVATE" FAMILY U lii St<'iiy Point; plenty ol'milk aud vegetables; In iniu utea from detiot: teruia moderate. lnt|Uiro, to-day und to uiorrow uioriilut;. at .till Wont 11 tit at. MO'rr HAVKN. XKAR ^T.~ANN'S AV? 14 MIXfTES' from Fort* second atreet depot.??*<? few boarders can lave tirat elass Bo.tid. well furuUHed riHim?. an ahundance of fruits aud Mowers, carriago >' desired; grouud hiitli aud healthy: haniUoiue parlois, with |ilaui mid vocut muaie, lessons* if ile?ired; French, Hpanisb and Engiiali spoken; table une*o*plionable ; terms ?il to if ?*. AddresK, lor one week. A. Betiubert s music utoro, On Ion siiuure. OS OBNYltAL R VlLR <A!>. SK> MINL'TB* FROM LIB iTiy t ?Boar1 to ^tntiem'U or laulllca: no ainx, bathiiie, sainu ; Hi t > .Vddr,a. b ?x t~, Po-t oltiee, GnrPT lie, X. J. Bakub MOfXTAIXB. OltAXiiE.?FIRST CL.raS AC c tainodaii His on luodorate tortus; line drives. Ac. For paiticulari uddre s tlf) OolQmbia Iluitfhta, Brooklyu. mARRYtOWX, X. Y.?A PAIllY (?AN BE~AftioMMO X dated with li aid, iu a private fuiuily. Apply on the prewises. College av., near Broadtvay, or addrvsi box '1 it) I'lirritown Post office. rpoWLK 11 U.L house. X XarraKHiisett Pii r. miens June !?">, undormausKenieut nt F. L M'll K> M l-.Y h It, lormerly of St. James Hotel: terms Jtl'J to #17 pjr week, information or circulars ut 10 W est L'lilli St.. or hoti I. rjrui k oats kills -dai r y farm-, iiigii. iikalttiv X situation eneelient driving; tun r> a.ouaMc. O. T. BAII.KY, I. wit , tlreene c.iuu y. New Yo k. Kcf.'r nee, K. 0. p.nino.i. 20 .Vassal st. mUE"aT>vertiskb, UAvixu a small pJItxisViiZu X llotin.' elose to tiie water at New Brighton, will rent to siutrle cnntleincu lour or Hve Boom*, without board; health ful location. Addresi, It., Iluraid I'ptown Branch office. ?\\r.vXThD?tioon BOABD WITH A tiSKHAX PAR T T mer in urantfo or Wustohestor county, within Zri tulles f o'ii city, lor man, wil'o aud two children. Address Ii. C., box 7A slat Inn A. "iirAxruD?a pamily op turbs OB pour by ?T private family; near salt water; ten niinatra' walk to depot, one hour from citv; eleeant shade; irood taiiie; terms xuoderato. Address COUXTRY, Stamford Post office. Conn. c SIMMER RESORTS. Batitttt-looi'sms'Sovk' ho'tkl"and" "pavi? ion (late residence of ex-Mayor (lunther). with su ud dltioiiiil wing containing '*> rooms, Imutlng the bav and ocean ; excellent bathlUK. Hshiug. boating, Ac. For Board apply on the premises, or by note tu JOHN HOOl'E. "TuNtiRESS HALL. ~ Saratoga Springe. Thl? elogsnt hotel, (osnenslng the ttueqaalled advantage of being situated botwoen and adjoining the celebrated Congress and llathorn springs, will reopeu for thu recep tion ol guests June 1. Terms, W1 per week for Juue. 'I liuruughly renovated, with additional baths, closets, new furniture mid oilier extensive iinprovemonts It will be found, by those in search of hoaith aud pleasure, tho must complete and convenient as well as the most delightful of summer hotels. HATHORX * COOKE, Proprietors. C- 1A*SKILL.-slMMIT "lYfiiL UOUBflS," OKE Miilfi J from tho village, is now open fr summer boarders; terms reasonable; teuiperauce. P. M. U0ET0HIUB, Proprietor. pOZZENS' HAMILTON HOUSE. STAMFORH, CONN ? \J Can and water iu every room; high ground; perfect health ; Quo drives; good bathing. Di. XBARTOX "llOl'SE. OCR AN PORT. BBAB LONG Branch, now open; strictly rtrst class; eapecially adapted tor families; stages connect with all Philadelphia and New York trains aud to the beach. Address bux 117 Post officc. Long Branch. L~oWo BRANCH. Laird's Mansion House is now open. Terms reasonable. McIXTlKK A HOVEY, Proprietors. bioittO.N HOUSE, XKWMan SPRI.nviS (SULPHUR and Iron); lishing, lioating and bathing on premises; easily accessible by rail or boat; I '4 hours from citv: terms low. Inquire of R. i'YKR, on premises. Red Bank, N. J. LAWRENCE 111) use, corn WAUL, ON TIIK llL'D son.?-Now open for the mtntner; send lor clrcolnr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Proprietor. MA Ml ANSETT HOU8R, SHELTER ISLAND. L. I. now i pen ? Westcott's Express checks baKn-ttfO from hotels and lesidence* to the hotel. GOULD * COLT, Proprietor*. PAVILION HOTEL, NKW BRIGHTON, 8TATK.V 18 land?Now open; accommodations for tingle gentle men. $12 per week and upward. Call on or address it. K. COLE. P.V11KY HOUSE. "AT HIOHLaKD FALLS, ON THE Hudson, near Went Point, opens June 10; terms reuson able. WILLET PARKf, Proprietor. June; tercns^llS to SIM. Rheumatism and gout cured. Richfield kprino.s.-spkino house open ist June; torm>^l."> to Illustrated oirouim tree. White' mountains. 187o.-?ilen house will open June 1 > and close October I, ln7?l. Alpine House, (new .Ooriiam. N. II.. will open July 15, 1870. W. i C. K. Mil.LIKEN, Proprietor*. White" "hulpuur spring*.?park" hotel, Oiicrrj Valley. Otnogo county, N. V.; lighted with ran. Terms. ftt two, $lt) to S2.i; tor one. Slo to $15 pur week; $2 5" per day. EVAN8 A JANSi-..V Ar* SALES AT Alit'TJOS. -PRIVATE LIlUtAUV."" .Now on exhibition at the Clinton Hall Salerooms, a PRIVATE LIKUAKV, comprising an nnasually choice col" leetion of Illustrated and Standard Work*, to be mid on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, June 14 and 15, com mencing at 7X o'clock. The Messrs, LEAV1TT, Auctioneers. ~~ UCTION SAL&-LAROK AND PEREMPTORY A1 sale tins day (Tuesday), commencing at 1U v'clocK. at tin- i''.ikant live story brown stone tnnusion No. 1JI) WEST I'HD ST., NEAR?TH AT.? MAliNIKICENT HOUSEHOLD KlIRNMfUHK. RARE AND COSTLY WORKS OF ART, COMPRISING IS ALL OVER $3~>.OOU worth Household Good*, by catalogue:? 2 brilliant toned I'ianofortcs Stelnway and Windsor. Msuperb satin Parlor Suit*, aUo rep Suits. 2 c lagan; rose woo J Ktagere*. 2 olofcT?4itt Mantei Sets. 25 ci oice brouti* Kiprei. '20 pieces Parian Stituarjr. lf? window luce t'urtain* 2-'> Brussels and incraiti Carpets 80 tine (Mi 1'aintiug*. best artists lutfn, best artists 2 elegant Cabinet*. 8 elegant Library Bookcases. 4 elegant Library Table*. '2 Ladie* Socretarie* and Hookcase csra'uiueC. ;i Kssjr t'hairs, Turkish style. 2 MnMc Boxes, best Pari* makers. 12 el off ant B^virooin Suits, complete, in black walnut. 24 curled hair and spring Mattresses. 24 I'll low* and Holler*. lOelegaht black walnut Rocker* 24 Hedroom Chairs to match. 8 black walnut Lounges. 9 elegant Hedroom aui Parlor Clocks. 12 elegant black walnut Hutlets. II stiporb Extension 'tables 24 black walnut IMning Cbiirs. 2 china Dinner and IV a Uets Castor-, L'rns, Pitchers. forks. Kntvea, Spoons. <*la#swrtre. Xc. Also basement and s*rvi.nt?' Furniture, new four months ago. V U -This is the 1arg??#t sale of the scanon. Sala positive, r??g <rdl<*?* or weather. Ll'KK KIltUKUALD. Auctioneer. M. U.? Cuin^taut uuen to pac* and ship goods, city or country. A RT. R#w on exhibition at tb<' Sc'murk \rt liallary. No. hi Liberty -t , a Tory choice collection of American uud foreign Oil Painting*. thirty fo?r of wltic'i were exhibited at tlic exhibition of Me National -Wa.lemy of Design, and the other Arneticaa . alvMngs direct from 'be artists; also sonu- very tine fon ign pletui i'< #<? >er liefore exhi'm d. I'o i.o >< Id vt u iution on TtlLMIDAY una KItiDAY, JINK t& Hna 1(1. it 13 o'clock e?> li d it. EDWARD MOHENCK, Auctioneer. Rf.-NOW ON RXH1HITION AT TIIK MATIIKWM' (IALLRMY. 5) LIBERTY ST Sl i'EKK CARRAR v MAHHLE <T\fUARl A Cliuet* V ?> anil Statuette, in m.trble *uu m ii.a.ter ; ES.i-.OA.Vr MONtMENfAL SI ATI A RY, Pedestal*. artWlic Rronse*. new Mmii Am t'l.iek*, ifl. Tlie entire collection to be told ..t SSletioH THIS OA\ ami fO MORKoW. .ITXE IS .md 14. at 1-' o cli ck each d*y. DANIEL A. IfATIlRtlS. Aui tluneer. "?7 Liberty .t. A-Oi.OKOE W. KEE1.EK, AUCTlONRtR, ? .VI Libeity st.. corner, on WEDNESDAY and I litRSDAY, at 13 o'clock. l'er.-mp'orv .ale of Preach Chin* Dinner and Tea KeU, Cot 01a-'< are. < utiery, elej .ir. ?viiieioiiin v ...... t oloene Scis Paiiltlnir Oil pureelatn, rich Pari, (iw 4a, Parian mi tii ry. Fritucn Cl<>c.s, Urons fra.ellln,.- Ka?*, . teld .md (Ip?r4 Oiaes. -. Swl.t?' irved Ooods, Mi*er plated'War*. Ac.. Ae. On eabibltion to day. t I CTION (JALK ui RICH Hot -Ki:.>Li> KCRNIT CUE ? i'arii r Mntv, > r! -iiro i.i i> .m, 1' I'lanalo:: i-?. Hro n ., Ac THif j ueedari >u K.MNU. conini OiM at ??? . o' . vk, si lour .t.irv r ...tenet. 31 Eaat atli St., in ir It ? il*i?,nn '.tins ?t Parlor kum?, cov. erod iti sanii, i tt me, r-p and Mircfolb: I'laiii'lorte, Hroiues. ? it fain n ?. wirro**, <'l.?k?, Uartaiat, \ ??-e?. Wsf>lfVb#s, Bos*.'' v ItiHUIi i hairs, l^ntn^e^, tnaihie side and il. I a..lie, librar;. odl.-e Parnltni*. H^dr m -uit% litli l'-e.s?in? i 'i.r Hure*ii>. Wasiisiamis, spring A d hi r Mmt "?.??*; t'htll hi r, xlension la'le. Milver a?il ll.ted Ware. CrockerJ Cu.'.j r. Ac. N. B.? 0?od* boxoJ, packed ot reniovr I, eitj areoitatn. UE.NMYiCiNM iMllasm SALES AT AUCTIOW* ? iiv uobeutV. ca.miin, ALVft?>TOKir^Xa3B 1 A. AUCTION SALK HOI >KIK?L1J FURNITURE. THIS .Tuesday) MORNING. at 1<> "'clock. at lire story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST liil'll ST. ItKTWKKN 5TH AND OTH A VS. C nickering upright 7t? octave rtanolOTI. Steinway's lour round octave Pianoforte, I'aiuting.. \Vurk? ol Art . 1 PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM si'ITS. richly earve.i rosewod *n4 walnut frames CI)vrred lu eriiii*oii, tsn and gold hro ade satin aud cotolalne; Turkish and Spaaun Loiiuge*. Haay Chairs, inlaid inuriH'trte ?ud gilt Ceutre ?nil toDfin uU?i, rosea*ood kl*irvf*L CiMMU, rreuch plat* Mirror*. lac* Curtain*, much Mantel Sets. Clock*. Musical Boxes, Library aud Secretaire Boollease*. Rook*. Library Table*. Turkish Suit. Writing De*k HEDROOM FURNITURE CoNSlSTWO elaborate and plain Bedroom Set*. inlaid and gilt Bedstead!, Dressing Ca*os. Bureaus, Waahsiands. singlo and double Bedsteads. fy Aim bair and spring Mattresses, leather I11 low*. Blankets, Toilet Sets. rep aud ulush Suit*, marble top Table*. Chair*. Kocker*. reclining chairs. Lounges. DIN ISO FURNITURE?Extension Table*. Sideboard. Cbair* lu leather, Silverware. Crockery. Library aud Socro tilre Bookcases, Library labia*. Turkish Suit, two Jlall Stand*, volv*t. Brussels aud ingrain Carpet*! Kitchen, servant*' Furniture. Ac. Take Sixth avenue or Uuiver*lty piaco cur* N. B. - Men to remove, park or *bip good*. \RT?LARUE SALE OliofoE OIL PAINTINGS. ELK gant frames, to pay advances. Ikh day, at - o'clock, SI3 Mroad'vay (St. Nfchola* Hotel I: extraordinary chance lor hotel keeper, housekeepers aud other*. j?. MAYERS, Auctioneer. Auction sal* or elegant household fur nlture this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. *t the prUute residence 1U9 East 13th it., second door from 4th av.. J. KKAKMKR, Auctioneer 10 I'arpoii,<J *atln brocade, rep* and haircloth i'arlor Salt*; Pianoforte. Paintings. Mir rur-, Curtains. 1J Bedroom Suit*. Dre*ilnir Caae*. Bedstead*. Bureau*. Withstands. Commodes. Wardrobe*. 25 liair and spring*. ltolstars, I'illows, Bedding. Lounges, library and dining Furniture, Sideboard, Extension Tables, Ki liit* Glass, Oh Ina. Silver Ware, 1'ntlery. Oilcloths, Stair Carp. t?, servants' aud kitchen Kurniture. Sale positive. ?TUNIS JOHNSON."aI CTIONEKIL ? Old stand U7 Nassau at. On WEDNESDAY, at lOfc o'clock, LARGE SALK OK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 300 Cbulr* of every description, ft I'arlor and Bedroom Suit*. Carpet* Refrigerator*. Mirror*, oilcloth*; laige nskortmoiit ot linen Shirts. On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, at 1'J o'clock, CONTINUATION OK THE SHERIFF'S 8ALK OF CAR? RIAOES. WAGONS. PIIAKTON8, UNFINISHED -TOOK. 40. it. Dotal, Depaty. iv, c. CONNER, sheriff. A ?(i7"w. J !?:N'KINS, Al'CrtONEKB-WILL SELL OS A\. W-'duemlay,June 14. at llo'cloc*. at the Uuiou Club st ibie. 1-111 at., between Broadivu\ and *?tli av., the eertaln large ?ay driving and * >diiUi llorae left at my mable ; will bo ?old at nubile auction to pay keep nod expense*; ho 1* Ul h*nd? high, 7 years old, sound and kind. (.'. JENKINS, proprietor. B' Y B V11N A li !> " s M Y 11 i r AI ? (; r 11 > N K1:11 - J r X E J' C13 M., Ill Broinlway, lorecloaure *nle, by order of Tlioa. l>. ('oilman, releree, seven ilrat Ua*? Tour story brown ktoae 11 ousen, aontheital corner Madison av. and tMili at. 1^0WARD SOHENOK. AUOTIONKER. j Elegant ll'irte* and Carriages, at the private (table No. Klil We*t lSili at. See head of "lloraea and Carriage*." Iji 0<>LT<>N. A L (' rEonE K K. ' ? Executors' sale of lich liouseboUl Furniture. By or>1er of the executor* of J. L Allien, deeeaaed. On WEDNESDAY. June 11. at 11 o'clock, at the prlvuto reablenc '. No U La oidon terrace ( M'3 Weit T1<S st ) rich parlor, dinlu,' room and bedroom Kurniture. elegant Bronzes, French Clock*, line Oil Pahitiugs. Weber ro*ewood Fiauo. aliu i^t new, cost $1,1)00', Carpet*. Mut tresi 't. I'liina aud Ola** Ware. AC. Alao a largo quantity of Bedding, Sheet*. Down Conilorteri, Ac. JJ~bThk Eli1 A 'SONS, AUCTIO N EE rIT HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, MIRRORS, CARPETS, CHINA, GLASS WARE, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNK 14. AT 10tf O'CLOCK, AT NO. ttl EAST 61 ST ST., comprising moquet. velvet and Brussels Carpet*, rich French plate Mantel aud 1'lor Mirrors, I'arlor Suit In satin, rose wood tour round coruer 7'4* octavo i'lanotorte. Clocks, Bronses, Easels. I'arlor Tables, Lounges, Ea?/ Chair*, ele gant French China ?nd richly decorated Dinner. Dessert ami Tea Service*, rich cut and engraved tilasau-aro, together with a large assortment of Kitchen Uteuall*. makiug in all a strictly first class tale. Catalogues now ready. ~B. HERTS A SONS, AUCTIONEERS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CARPETS, MIRRORS. AC., AC.. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 13, AT 10J? O'CLOCK, AT NO. 110 EAST 4"Tn ST., comprising moquet, velvet and Brusscl* Carpets; rich French plate Mirrors, rosewood Parlor Suit*, in brocatel; Window Curtains to match, rn??wo<>d grand Piano, elegant real brouse Clock* and Mantel Sets, lino Oil Painting*, rich In laid Cabinet, Easols, I'arlor Tables; Dining Suit, in leather; walnut Sideboard. Dining Table, elegant rosew ood Hookcaso, burglar proof I'arlor Safe, rich China, Ulan* and Silver Ware, ros.'WoiKl and walnat Chamber Suits, Lounge*. Easy Chairs, Beds and KedJlng, Kitchen Utensils, Ac . Ac. Catalogue* and uernil's to view may be had on Monday at office of the auctioneers. No. 17 Park place. H EXRY 1). MINKR, AUCTIONEER. (luto Henry H. Leeds Jt Miner), office nnd salesroom 845 Broadway. THURSDAY. JUNK 19. at 11 o'clock, at the country residence of Dr. E. P. Hnyler, AT HASTINGS, ON THK HUDSON. Handsotuo Household Furniture, made to order by Puttier A Stymii*: Wilton anil Brussels Carpets, rosewood semi grand Piano, original modernCMI Painting*. Phelan Hilliitrd Table, rich murlilo wild bronse Clocks and ornaments, Ac.: also two nearly new light Phaetons. one with ruinlile ; 152 pound lop Trotting Wagon, built by Brewster; double liar next, Htaiilo Fixtures, Ac.; aliu ai largo variety of hothouse and hardy plants. Train leave* 42d it. depot at 0 :10 anil 30th st. (North River) at 10:3(1. Catalogues at office of Auctioneer. sT"WEINBERGER, AUCTIONEKR. SELL8 THIS ? day (Tuesday;. June 13. at lOK o'clock, at 73 Uosrery, general Merchandise, Cl|(*rs, Liquors, Furniture, Clothing, Clocks. Ac. L 1WIS E. WUOl), AUCTIONEER, office and salesroom 83 Montgomery st. >n Wednesday, June 14, 1870, at 19 ice Salesroom, 111 Broadway (trinity special notice to Investors, builders and capitalists. peremptory sale in partition of UD choice Building Lots. , on Montoonery and York st*., THURSDAY, June 15. 1870. at 2 o'clock P. M.. on t lie premiss*. Taks Montgomery st. cars at Cortlandt aud Desbflosses street ferries, which past the property every ll) minutes. Only 15 minutes from City Wall, New York. Kor maps and full particulars of the above upply to LEWIS E. WOOD, Auctioneer, No. 83 Montgomery st. iy?0 K It IS WILK1N S~ AUCTIO N KEIt. Peremptory sale of Jauncey court. Wall st, by order of the Supreme Court. E. H. LUDLOW 1 CO. will sell at auction on Wednes day, Juno 14, 1876, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Sales room. No. Ill Broadway, by order of James P. Ledwlth. Esq., Rahrw, the valnab e Uuiidlugs Nos. 37. 3S?, 41 aud 43 Wall st., known as Jauncov court, being 61 lest front, HO loot rear by au average depth o! 118 feel. fwud subject to a mortgage of $1(X),000 to the United States Trust Company. Messrs. Hnlpiuau, Harlow, Larocquo and Maciarland, At torneys. ? MOItlUS" WILKIAUtifltINEEItT-EXEC UTORS' Sale.lWasliiuglou *?., Truiuont. 24th Ward, New York. E. H. Ll'DLoW A CO.. will sell at auction, on TtiaraJay, June 15, 1876. at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom. 111 Broadway, (Trinity building). New York. Sals by order of the Executors ol WlLl.lA H Sl.'MMERKlULD. deceased \S ashiugton ?v. ?l'lie desirable two-story and bascmeut Kraiuo Dwelling. situated on westerly side ot Washington av . I'll loet soutb of 11th st. House is about 30 left square, contains gas and water, bathroom and watcrclosct; 13 rooms. Plot u: ground, 200x150 feet, near dspot. with hourly com niuuica;lon to Grand Cen rsl depot. Washington av.?Two Lots, eastorlv side. 152.3 teet south of Taylor St., being to gether 84.5 feet front. 62 feet rear by an average depth of 2'.'3.t) leet. Terms at sale. Maps at tho auctioneers. Morris wilklns,'auctioneer.' Business Property, souihwnst comer of West Broadway and York st K. H. LUDLOW A CO. will sell at auction ou o'clock, at the Exchange Building) .New York. West Broadway and York st. the very vaiuu If riot of Qround. soulnwest corner ol West Broad way and York st., coiuniuing 43 feet Iront, 23 leet tear, by OWeel In depth on York St.. and 51 leet ou south side. The above i? desirable lor immediate Improvement, being va cant. already connected with sewer and In the uildatot hrst class Improvements! Verms at sale. Maps, Ac., at tlie oltiee ol tltt) auctioneers, No. 3 Pine st.. New York. PUBLIC SALE- BY M. THOMAS A SONS. At TOT i'liilad. It>hia Exchange, ou Tuesday. .Juno 13, 187?>, the elegant double marble Mansion No. 1,801 Spring Garden st.. In superior order and on easy terms; sold on account of the owner leaving the city. UICHAUDSON AJANNKV. 111 South 6th st , Philadelphia. * PAWNBROKERS BALE.?THOS. J.lTUR.VTH, Auc tioneer. 158 Chuthiim St., cornet Mulberry, will sell this day. ut II o'clock, men's and women's Clothing. Dresses. Shawls, Resnnaut's, Beddlug. Bouts, Shoes. Ac.; also Coats, Pants aud Vests. By order D. Mom, Catha rine st. PAWNBROKERS' SALE OK WATCHES AND JEWEL ry. ?JAMES AU Vli, Auctioneer, mill sell to-morrow (Wednesday >, at M) new Bowery, i**' lots g d i and sllvsr Watches, gold and diamond Jewelry, Opera Glassea, Osnt, Pistols, Musical and Mathematical Instruments. Fancy Goods. Ky order of P. htarr. DV> 3d av? aod M. N"niton hoimer, 2.1H8 3d av. I">AWNBiTokKlCS IBALB WOMEN'S CLOTIIINU.? This day JAMES AMAH, Auctioneer, will sell, at 51) New Bowery, Wi lots silk llrosaea, Shawls. Kemnants, Table Linen, 1'nderi.l >tliln<. Sheet*. Npreids, Blanket, guilts, (loots. Shoos, Ac. Ily order of M. Davis, No. 3*ull|. van St. PAWNBROKER'S SALE. WATCH KB AND JEWELRY. ? R FIELD, lienerai Aucti nioer Salesroom.No. (hi Bow ery, will sell this da) at 11 o'clock. 7l>) lots Gold and .?l!*er w strlies. Diamouij and Oold Jewelry, Pins, Kiius, Earrings, (.old, Guard. Fob unl Vest Chains. Ac., Ac Also, 0?m. I iitols. Musical lnstruuisnts. Opera Glasses. 25 Thread and Ljuna Lslo Sboerls, aud two very Use t'oint Applique Lacs nbawis. As.. Ac.By order R Simpson A Co., I0.S Bower/. Iir*. S. MOUNT, AU CTION HEH, 1-0 AND lb* 1M ANIi TI st., comer West Broadway.?Private stwek of veto at. Is and choicr old Wines llrisndlts, Ac. ,lro;n the cellar ot sue late r. A*. Ciowmn hirid, Swsloa. On Kriday. June 16. at II o il<>ck, at ssls?i?o.i>A the private etoek irom toe abtve estate eon pri?iii r very choice old (Joilard, I-?ger and titard llraiiil e?, (.ioruou and liirute Sherriu , Bourbon snj Hye Whl?k'y, line ei u ted old Pott, a few lots exceedingly choice Ma le ra, .ncludiiig ;? i is -ste r'-Srve, Thorndlke, i Kcllpie and Monteln, the l"t nitnilng nndrntbteilly the !lns>i { private ?ioek ever ntl'ercd lor public competition. Catalogues ready A o Ins -day. ! \i.T ILL I AM ABBOTT. ALCTIONKKR, V? oltk-e N > 9 Cnaiubars ?i. ! will sell "ii Wsdnesda*. .1 li> o eloc*. st 1 4-H !Jd av., near I S'-'d st., a ibrge aeaovtmeubWParlor nnd CbatuLer furniture, I thelisli ?? o' the Stock of a niuntilart tier ?Solid carve l i wain-it Bedsteads tod dressing i.'atet, ChetTnniers an I Bu rnau?. olejanl P.irior Su:t-. m repi, -jlnsh and slik; walm.t Wardrobe*. Irfianges. Chales, TaMea. Ac. ??ataloguo? at tale. ~~ fysmTnri'iTyl ? C'ljlficAKAV INsli | I t h *"* " ~ I (Reopens Wednesday, Beptet iosr 20.J r'or Ymiiik Ladles ami Mixes. Boarding and Day School; Latiu. Ki, ....h and Preach, r'rvneb Is the laiiiiuag* ol the lauiiiy. 1,527 and l,S29dnruoe st., l'bils.:*lpliia, Ps MAIt. D MKKTII.LY, Puncipal. AINK'S Bl'Sl.VKSS COI.LK.iR, 02 D lA'KIl V -COM uiercial, English and c ?s-ieal ilspartinantsi Writing ? -T " ????????? ?ll .>?m? AmuBMiiin. BOWKBV THEATUE. ~ ENGAGEMENT OK Til K CELEBRATED CAR HOLIES, iu the i;rMl doinestlo sensation i >rama. entitled KIDNAPPER To conclude villi tlie CAKCOLL-*' great Irish farce, THE JicKAPDKNii, OLYMPIC THEATRE, Nil. tSM BROADWAY, near Bleecker st. Mr. JOUN V. POOLE Manager I'llE FAMILY SIMMER KKBORT. Delightfully cool and pleasant. TIIK MAMMOTH PANS IS OPKBATIOM, waftiu-' delicious breeses throne b the house. HUMPTY DCMl'TY. with titty grand novel features. Miles DEL I'll INK m til JULIE I'ASCAL. iu their brilliant (>i>?r?tic ?ketih LES POM PIERS UK M?tN T1ERUE. concluding with Tilt CLOUDocilE. gLil l Kit and OOLDMCU in New sketches. Mix ANNA MORGAN In New Ball ><U. TIIK BOMB OP KILLARNKY, receiving a treble eucore nightly. Tlie beat entertainment now presented. PRICES:? Admission, US cent*. I Reserved Seat*. 50 cents Family Circle. lu cents. I Parlor Chairx, fl MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. E AG LB THEATRE. A HIT. BRILLIANT SUCCESS of Mrs. HENRIETTA CHANFRAC. in Mr. Clifton W. Tayleurv's powerful American play, CARTED. ? PARTED. CRITICAL COMMENDATIONS. New York I rilune. "? ? Bright and happy in dialogue; sevrrnl situation! are strlklnr and effective. ' should bo ?cen by thone who en joy ideal.* of vendor devotion ami domestic purity." New York Herald. wee The dialogue i& brilliant, the principal situa tions intensely dramatic. Mrs. Chanlrau achieved a de cided success. She wa? thrleo called beforu thu ourtaiu." New York Timea. " * * A work of practical akill. Tlio dialogue la Mrse and appropriate, the climaxes neat and strong." New York Express. " ? ? Admirably constructed. full of Incident and action and very touching. Mr* Chanfrau, no exquisite artiste, gives auwe very tluinliutl and touching acting." New York Graphic. " e ? Of more than ordinary merit. Mrs. Chanfratt. a verv handsome woman and brilliant octrees, played to the entire acceptance of an enthusiastic house." New York Sun. " ? ? Well constructed, with very at rang and pleasing points." Now York Trlbunn. ? Mrs. Cbaufrau'a personation la the theme of gen eral sympathy and commendation." Now York HTsaiaK Poat. ?? ? ? Several strong situations are In the play, aotahly at tlto end of the second nnd third nets. Mra. Ohaufrau played with grace, iutclltguuco and powor, and was sovoral times culled bul'ore the cm vain." New York Sunday Mercury. *? e A reraarKahly strong drama, lull of good point*." .New York Sunday Dispatch. " ? ? A more interesting or engrossing play has not boen accu this season." New York Dramatic News. "? ? Perhaps the beat local p lav yet (MB. The climaxes at the close of tlie lir. t three act*'are simply maguitlceut. In Mrs. ('hanfrau wo And a combination of qualities pos sessed by few living actresses." PARTED, THE BEST AMERICAN PLAY EXTANT. EVERY NlOlir THIS Wi-.BK ONLY AND SATURDAY MATINEE. B. W. HITCHCOCK'S THIRD AVENUE THEATRE, between 30th and 31st at*. During the week and Wodnosday and Saturday Matinees, Mi s FANNY HERRING, New York's favorite Actress. BARN I'M'S FAMOUS $30,000 NUTT. COMMODORE NU'lT. MAJOR NUTT. UUS LBE. Miaa ANNIE II IN ULE, tho par excellence of ull male impersonators. Miaa ADA LAURENT. the Mystery, or Dancing as it Is and was. Miss IDA BURT, the lavorlto Sorin-Gomie Vocalist. Miaa NELLIE YOUNG.J the pleasing young Actress. I'roh'ssor COSPOREsS, tho Mysterious Wonder. Mr. J W. McANDREWS, the original Watermelon Man. A r. GEORGE WARREN, old time lavoritc. Mr. HARRY LESLIE. Champion Bopo Walker mid Comedian. Mr. GEORGE F. Mi.UONALD, the favorite Actor. Mr. JG11N WALSH. Character Actor. Mr. T. J. NOLAN, tlie young American Aetor. Mr. CHARLES M AN LEY, Character Actor. Mr. T. H. TRYOX, the rising young Actor. Mr. Patrick keenan. late of London and Dublin theatres, Irish Comedian. The entertainment will conclude each uveulug with the great Military Drama of the FRENCH SPY; OR, THE FALL OF ALGIERS. General admission. 25c.; dross clrole, 00c ;orchestrachairs, 7 V ; reserved seats, 91 i private boxes, W and frl \ aeuts in gallery, 16c. /HLMORK'S CONCEBT GARDEN. V.T Madison mid 4l!i a vs. and ->>tli Hiid 27th sts. I Messrs. SHOOK AND PaL.M liil..Proprietor* and Managers Mr. E. U. GILMORE Illiniums Director EVERY EVENING AT H O'CLOCK. Mr. P. S. GIl>MORE, LEVY AND TUB FAMOrs MILITARY BAND. PROGRAMME. 1. Overture. "Ni^ht tn Gritnad?'' K rentier 2. Sonic, "If, oil tlio Meads'' Guuiberl 8. Grand selection. "MKlicth" Verdi 4. Kauia>W huraorlstie, "Lot 1* Dead" Wllmers Introducing variations for times, oboes, drums, bassoons, cornets, Ac. 5. Grand aria lor cornut, 'Ocean, Tltou Mighty Mounter" Weber ?i. Concert waits Toleoel" ? Strauss 7. Solo for cornet, "Russian Air Varie" Lovy . Mr. J. 1.EVY. S. Overture, "Stradella" Kiotow ?. Conceit polka, "i-olden Itoliin" Bosquet lo. March, "1'he Northern Route" C. C. Smith Admission 60 cents boxes four places f:i and {4 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, from 1 I". M. to 11 P. M.. GRAND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION, witli music every afternoon by a military band mid M. HENRI KOWa1.SK 1 The Pliudat KVEKY EVENING, gilmork-s Famous military hand. 5TUAVKNLE THEATRE (BROADWAY AND J8TH if.) Proprietor and Mauitger Mr. Al'OUsTt.N DALY ppppp ii QQyy n ir rkkb P P II Q O u tr K PPPPP II (J Q U II REE P II <5 <J<I V U E P II (jQgg UUCU EEEE ?> THE OB RAT SENSATION OF 1H70. IWHh to 19.Mli PERFORMANCE. MUs KAANY DAVENPOHT. Mr, John Brougham, I). H. llarkms. Jaiues Lewis, 8ol Smith Russell, W. Davutge, M. Burr v more. Miss Sydney Cowoll. Miss t.(inert, Georirln* Drew. SECOND EXTRAORDINARY MATINEE Saturday. June 17. THE SERIOUS FAMILY sud POCAHONTAS. 20 all performance ?f PIQUE Friday, June JH. A SILVER TICKET fur every lady BOOTH'S rill-.ATRE.-AIM EE. TO- NIGHT. Al.Mr.E.tiiu Oneen of Opera UoulTe. FRENCH OPERA HOl'FFK FOR OKJR WEEK ONLY. TO-NIGHT and at the Matinee on KHturi.iv, Offenbach's Merriest Work. LA VIE PAKISIENNE (LIFE IN' PARIS), in wiiieli Mile AIMER, (hi Vucon of Opora Houff.-,will make her Re-en tree In America alter her recent most brilliant European Triumphs, assisted by a pone rful and eomplete company. CI LOBE Til I. A I'liR, 7aa AND jST buoadway! JT R. W. BUTLER,. Manager TDK STANDARD VARIETY THEATRE COOLEST AMUSEMENT BESORr IN THE CITY. A Klorxius bill of ?u. actions by the star company. MR T. M. UE.NULEi MR. BILLY BARRY MESSRS. IIRRNEY AND CRONIN MR WASH MORTON MR. J. I). GKIPFIN MISSES EVA WE?T AN 1> H. MOLLENHACER Mes.r*. UL1I/., KRED, MAUTRE S. DARK AKD TOMMY HALL. Misses. EFFIK AND LAURA, Ac. Over Its! superb artists every nlirht. MATINEE WRDNBBOAY AND saturday. ROOKLYN ACADEMY Of MUSIC, Thursday. Juno IS. MR. W IRV1.HO BISHOP. THE CHARACTERISTIC PHENOMENA of spiritualism exposed. At the request of utri under the auspices ol N?eA llnnt Scheuck, D. D.; T. ifcinritt Talmage, D. D. ; R S. Storrs, D. D.; lienry VVard Bueelier, Fred. Hell, Hon. J. W. Hun ter. Hon. Demas Barnes, S. !? ieet .-peir and other leading citisen*. Admission &>c.; reserved seats $1. o I th1.treet!ii? era 11otse7betTvEKlT-2iTAND Ot :td ?v?.?Ftr>t wrek ol th<* celebrated >Ilh". NINON'S : 0 Circa-isisn Beastiec BcvolvinR Modain. Le Miumt. Liviiig Pictures, Beauti:al Women. An eiune new troapn ?t, Ki-inalo Minstrels. Parisian Ssuiation. "The Kollios of a Night." Dutch < omics, Serio Comics, Negro Corned.ans, stump Speakers. NEW PACES. NEW NOVELTIES, EVERYTHING NEW. EVERY NIOIIT. Weduosiav and Saturday MAIINEEj. Kiralfys alhamhkaYa la 15 2! Broad St.. Phi'adolplna. The most fashiouaMo r<-soit iu America. La-t.we kof ABOUND Til/. WoRLD. Promenade Concerts In the Oattteas. First spposrs.ic.' (.eriuan P.imaDouna Fri. FREDERIC A ROKOIIL. and the BEDOUIN ARAB ORCHESTRA. CIHATEaU MABILLE VARIETIES, SIITH SI ."and" 3D ) av.?Matinee Taesdsy. TiiuraiUy an i Saturday. - P. d. 'Hie new ('entfiniiai Staines, Arimic.i shieidiUK her sub jects. Hie follies ut Paris repiesanted nlghtiv. The Franco l'russlau Huriesque. "(he Spy; or. The I'eiuaiu Zouaves." rpAMMANY liAl.L. BILLIARD MATCH FOE 9S.UU0 BETWEEN CYRILLE DION and MAURICE DALY will be contiun.-d this evening. 11 II KAD THE EVEN I NO TELEORAM FoR M'ECIAL ItEPORTS of the PROCEBDINOS ol the CINCINNATI CONVENTION ?very day. in the EVEN I NO ri-.LEUEAM EVERY NKilir. CIRCULATION IH.J.U COPIED DAILY. ADVF.iirtsiNo iutls-ai cekts per lint. orhL AU H It Y, P'uUadalphta. A grand displar of Fireworks by Professor SAMi RL JACKSON, and Concert hv BKCa'S BAND. will be giv>'>ivui ii^iei Aobrjr ..i-1 and W/nnut ill. on WKDNi sdaY r.\ K siNii neat, June 14, at S o'clock. "PUAIS ROYAL. ' ??.v MTII A v.?40 TOv'NO LADY A a;tel?ieula.?tirand Veeitl and luatranieotai t juoeri fri>m T until l v'aloek. Adnii>slo,i tree. POLYTRCHXIO MUrEUM. 7J? BROADWAY. N iW OPKN. NOW OPhN. Ciisste. el-vaut ani reBned amusements. Adalta, 35 eiois Ctiiiiire*, l.i eents. Neaatraa. 177ft- 1RVIN0 hall 1ST?. it tu< New Yori < ei.ionm I Hiinar i TonrnAgMal. (jama ltt? point* up. Fifth a<iin TvHHDaY. Jnna ID. at s i". M. (.AltNIKIt >S. KUDoLPIIE AdmU'ion. ,V>eent?;; Homes, $0. Oai lerj reserved lor ladies accompanied by gontleiton. l'osi imrnJm Nn fmmm Hal fear msitnlMN nf till fl'MM AKTIEMCWTI. t>ai?Tsian vXbi'etiEh. f~ mVti ntfk f5-DAlC a? i u pileu,-i ,utb W. ?ni IJrundway. | Evening St ? M AI 1BI-.K every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2. Coolest and airiest Tbeairw. | A Voaotain of Pleasure, I?JLTA?,;VH.T,'dTS 1S 30 A.\Lt ORIGINAL ACT* ^ w.**!1. ?*Iyl'ASir?Bd hXlllLARATINtJ A Ul SHAND't. SUSPICIONS | The DEACON'S MISHAP* 'i?1,1 "Ar''"'e I Le Minuet | Sensationally Voluptuous 50 Iltfaalg formed | Tableaux Y.vauta I female Model*. Messrs. Delevanti. Alfred., and Dohm. Mi" Rose Kune and Mr. WllU?m Forre.ter. Mr. Joiiu uourlay aud Mia* Eiuily Prior. Mluuie Harrison | lilanch Klberu I Minnie Hall George Atkins, I, John Francis. |' p7a?k Steele Ureal Horace W eaton. und our ormv of old favorites. Lar^ 'at Comb, nation uf 1 al.-ut. | Extensive Euturtaio luont in New York. w OOD'S MUSEUM. WOoD'ft EVESING AT ... GEO. c. BONIFACE and MARIE hTKLLA In JR AN VALJKAN. the Mnu of Two Live*. MATINEE AT 2. the lieantlfal Drama. LUCIt-U.Es THE BLIND HOLDIEB OK EGYPT. ELLY k leon'S MINSTRELS. ? Twauiy-third Struct Opera Hooaa. * NORMA. THE TWO OKI'IIANS. NORMA. THE TWO ORPHANS. NORMA. THE TWO ORPHAN*, THE ONLY leon. COACHING TO PELlIAlt. WALLACE'S. " THini) WEEK AND 1ncbeasino 8UCCE8B of the incomparable artiats. MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE, in their famous original character*. 11AR DWELL SI.OTE and Mra. Oonural OILFLORY, in Wolf* humorous and sa tirical comedy <>f" the MIUHTY DOLLAR ! MIGHTY DOLLAR. superb Soeneiy and an UNEQUALLED CAST. KVRRY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. *s*Theutro cooled by a now process. la Wolfs comedy, tha MIUHTY DOLLAR I MIGHTY DOLLARI MIGHTY DOLLABI received with Unbounded Enthiuiaaa and Boar* of Laughter. hy Delighted Audience*. PARK Til EAT It N? BROADWAY AND 22D 8 t EVERY EVENING AT H, AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 tho accomplished Irish comedian, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY, MK. J OS K P11 MURPHY, MR. JO-EPH MURPHY, in 111* new character apcclalty of Dan GtfHora, la Ml Fred Murtdun'a new romantic Iriah drama, THE KERRY GOW, THE KERRY GOW. which, now presented for tne Brat time In thi* city, will be produced with new scenery and a carefully aolectod ca*l, lucludiiiK Miss May Nunc*. Miss Annie Mortimer. Mossre. J. U Pedis it. J. W. llrutono, W. Trevelle, li. C. liurke, C. Rokuiiu, W. J. Cogswell, J. A Wlika, C. Clarence, W. Lou-un, J. P. Cooke, 11. H. Butler. REDCCKD POPULAR SUMMER PRICES. Admission 50 and 25 cent*. Reaerved aeala VI, BEST VhNTILATKD THEATRE IN TOWN; TllERKKOItE THE COOLEST. Eagle theatre, Broadway and S3d at. Proprietor and Manager Mr. JOSH HART Last performance* of the brilliant Artist Mrs. HENRIETTA CHANFBAC, in C. W. Tayleure'a new AmoHcan Play, entitled PARTED. PA RT hi). Now Scenery. A Powerful Cast. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. ANJO, SONG A Sir DANCE. JIG AND CLOG Dauciug taught by It. C. DOBSON. 4?>?l 0th av. B PIA\OKOUTES, OHGANS. Ax'private housk I5PwltSf'"23D st.'/nuaK Oth av., tor aalo, brilliant toned, round cornered. ~>4 octuvo. carved rosewood Pianoforte, used eight mouths, coat #1,1**1, for al?o Parlor and Bedroom Sulta. Car pets, Mirrors, Paintings. Ac., .VJ per cent less than coat, In Iota to ault cash purchasers. X B.?Call and see thla pianoforte before nurchaaing elsewhere. Good Pianoforto lor $,">0. Can l.ox for shipping if required. Cut tliia out. ?FOR BBNT.~ UPRIGHT, StjUARE AND GRAND , Piano* of our own make; also tor aafe and rent, a number of tine second hand Pianos, In perfect order. WILL IAM KNABE A CO.. No. 112 5th av.. above lUth at. A BEAUTIFUL PIANOFORTE ONLY $76; A Pianoforte, seven octave, carved leer*, round corners, sacrifice lor cash. J. RIDDLE, 111 Waverley place, near Broadway. -PIA NOFORTBS TO RKNtT'oF-3UR OWN MANU ? Inrturo al o second hand Pianoa for sale at modorale pricea. by CHICKRRING A SONS, 13U5th av., corner 18th at. ?CLObiXG OUT LARGE ELEGANT 8TOOK OP ? i'ianoa, half price, BAEMOBE'S eatate, 868 Bleecker ft.: fKXt. $156, *J(JO. N OWXEB WILL SELL BEAUTIFUL CARVED rosew.H).! 7 octave Pianoforte $lnU. 216 East MOth at. LADY WILL sell" Kda"$75 BOSEWOOD PIANO and Stool; Stodart maker; perfect order. 28 East 3d St., near 2d av, N ELE< J A NT 7% ~ OCtAVB STKINWAY 80?f roiewood Pianoforte tor afie at $175 cash; also Decker A Hm. Upright for one-third original cost. Call private residence 47 West 10th at., noariith av. N ELEGANT ROSEWOOD*SEVEN OCTAVB PIANO forte for $14)0, and Decker A Brotliera' Piano* for 200 p.>r cent leas than coat nrice. Call and examine them at our wareroom. No. US Bleecker at. DECKER A brothers, one bl->ck weat of Broadway. BARt iA INS. - M ELODKON, ; EOtlEWOOD PIANO, #7.i; new double roed Ornaii, $05; Steiuwav, Weber and Cblckeriu? Pianos: low renin. GORDON A SON. 13 Ea*t 14th st S- TEIN w A Y S, CH10 K E RIX GS. WKH ER8, WATB RS and other first class new and second hand square and upright I'ianoa and Orunna at ?xtr?mely low prices tor cash, or to let until JjuIiI for as per contract; to relit in city or country from tit to $7 per month. HORACE WAl'l.KS A SONS, Isi Broadway. c x. ball, a co., is east 14th n.-cnttouv O. and aquare ^raud Pianos aud Organ* choap for cash or Instalments, and to rent. Tt'ASTBD TO purchase?A good 7t4 OCTAVH Tr Piano, round corners, r'hx! maker; ono little used. Ad<lrpss PIANO, in>s 12;i Herald oRlee. ?chIckeking" Tiako. superb J?stoued, richly carved rosewood case 7 1-3 octave, perfect and'warranted, three months' Tise, cost $!N*l, lor $2U,'>; positive bar.-ain; family niuat sell at oucu. Call at reside ce 54 East l?tb at., near Broadway. "Ht'glCAL. YJ>RKK I^STRUtrttoN I.CifNG!Sg"to"X LlMff^B X uuuiber of ladle*, supurate lessons, until September. Address letter (no curd) Ol'UKA, station I). EUROPE. SOUTH or" KRAJTCE -R LRU ANT'KiiKEUOLD ITAL Ian Villi, alatiti^uialied ii* thj Chateau <te Thorcno late tin' resilience of Sir Hiclmnl Atwood (ilata, decuas-d delltfbtlullr ritwK HI Cannon. having mi exteiulve mid nil lnti irrupted viuw of the Mediterranean Hen, the pictnreaqne town ol Caunea, th.i a.ljaicnt Wiaiiil* i.f St. Marguerite and St. Ilouorui. tin) Uult of Lit Napoule and tbe aurruumlliis country. Willi conservatory. trreenhnuaiM. stabling ami other outbuilding*. charming garden* and pleasure grounds, with eutrancn I<Mi;p: in >11 nearly 20 acres; with [xiosoKSlon. BUHHWORTH. ABBufT ti RUBllWuKTIl are in ?tructod bv the trqateen under the will of the lato owner to a?ll by auction, at til" Mart. Loudon, In July, In on? lot iun |e? an acceptable offer be previously made by priruto enn tract), the mperiur freehold \ ilia Ke?ldenee, mutt healthfully mtuato at Caunea, and kuowu a* the Chateau de Thorenc. built by the late owner In the very host manner lor hit own occnpation, and filled with every convenience and in perfect order: it in approached by carriage drive* and porch entrance. and ionl.i:u* ball nnd mite mom. principal and secondary bed chamber* and aerrauta' sleeping apartment*. with two stair case* (one being ot marble), ami ? fitted hath roun>. The ro cept.on minus are h>!ty auiteoMitt o tau drawing rooms (out Btix-'J !' It.) oomraunioitiuir, runx rvatorv, diniug. smoking, and hilliard room*. and the uaual n iiinalto domestic ollice*. Irlth laundry and collar aire: toe atanlln*; eotupriaea three *ia U. wlili d"U>'l> coachhouse and men'i ranm over; poul try hotisea anil >ihor onilwIldinL'i; tbe garden* and pleaanre Couad* are laid iut with ureal taste in terrace walk* and wna, with parlorr-n, and planteit with choice treer nod al.iuha, and a portion of the property Ii cultivated with vines, and produce* oiivea, orangee ani lemoita; tbe excel - lent water supply ia from xell* upon the property an 1 the ij.inal d" lasisone; <? *l*o '.aid on; the home Is most fully iUid beautifully tarnished, ?nd the purchaser mfirlit be accommodated wltlt the llhcti at a valuation. Photo graph* of ihc residence nn?f bo Men at the oOlces of the auctioneer*. Savile row, iterant at., W., .if whom printed particular*, with nMK tnav he obtained l'artlcnUrt mav nl... he had of Me.??r> lATHENCK. I'LRWS, H'lVKR 1 H iKI'.U. Solicit- r?, H Olii Jewry Uhamber*. R- O.; Messrs. DRLOirrH, DliVER, (iUIKKI I lls .v CO.. No. 4 Loth hury. London, and M.-?i-r*. J oil N fATLOB A. BfDDKTT, KnglUli Agent*, Cannes. ? POST OFFICE VO'IICK. POST OKHCK Mini h.?IIIK KOKKIUN MAIISpOli the wee- eodlug Saturdav, June 17, will close nt till, ollice on fneenay. at 7 A. M.. for Europe per ateainalilp Nevada, rilQae#li?iewii: on Aeduewiay. at 7 A. M., IM Kuroj"'. per te tmablp 8? ythl t. v la 1,'ue 'tiatoan ; nn Thurt dny. at 11 : f > A. M.. for fcnrope. tier nteainahlp runiutr aula, via Plyraootfc, I 'lu-rbonr^ and IIam urg; on Saturday, at in A M.. (or Kurope. per at-'amahip City <>f Kietmiond. \ii Qtieenstowij^ ant at l'J A. M. Inr ? ranee dlreet, pet steamship I'erelre. via Marre, an.l nt It) A. M . for Se,.tlana dlreet iinuat be apeciallv addreeaedl, p> r st? inahlp An ?t:oria. vu lilaaRow, nod at 11 ::<n A. M., for Kurop.', per ?ti'aiu?hlp We?er, via floiitbatupton nml. Virenien. ri,e malla lor the We?! Indiea, via Havana, will lo.ive New York J/ne 31'. Tli.- maila for China, Ac , will leave San Kran .-.-i-o-lulr 1, |H7 I. Tbe direct t>.ail? Inr Kraxil, ,tr , will leave V w "r* Jituo"J<f. The mail* fur Amanita, ,te . will leave San Kra?ci?co June 31. T. i.. .IAMRS, foat'naaicr. MIXCKl.L'iKKOV!). pUiTiiiiikUi' ii iX "E'ifi i iftf 10:1. CROSsii A HLACKWELL'S fare Plcklet la tnalt vinavar. Alab 8aucea for Belt, meat aud game. Tottod Mean and Pith. i.ennine MuetartL Superior Malt Vlnecar. Jam?. .lolltea. M inualadi-a, and oilier table delieuciot are ilitpiaveu iu the Agricultural llali. where Inapeetlou la llMted, an l are aoid by ail dual cru in lir-t claaa k-r.n ern < In tlie 'Jhitc.i Mateaaadl r.very Keuulne article i? laueiicl OMUiMK A ni.ACKVt'RLL, Purveyors t?i flte Queen, Hobo a^uare, Loodoa. A \VAT(HK.?i. jEWifcliirr iVC-. r"7t sf:'kiTbp.i*)aY?moKKI advaueed on I)iai;inn !a, Wmchea. J ewelry, Ac.; alee Pawnbrokere' Tickets bought of Ularnoo4i, SVatcliei, A* 77 hleeckur at AT 007 RROA f?MT*lf, C4JBVUR 4TU T ? DIAMONDS Watcbes, l? v.-lry, Si;iu, i.a faaud P?r?,>nal Propart] of every descrlpwen b^atrht and euld. Loans neuotiated ,i\vilS p. MATfllEWS. IWANT OAt>ll AND WILL DlHPOUK OK MY DIA Moa<ia >ery lew. for particular* adidresa UsWaLO. lie raid oc!,i;e. MOSkt ON DiAMoND.v KUKrt, AC.-DIAMONDS iVatehoa. Joweir*. Sllv -rwara, caui-l a balr Shawl* ^??al ?ueMiie? SUM. ke t eu^-lit ttn.1 ?old back at arer* ?'lv?ii,e i? r.O. C. AlaLKN. Jeweller. 1 Ilk) Broadway, t e.r J.'tb *t A STOlUbK. f^iiTi^uS'H~i i oAXiif 'visitUosiErsa >I u<1?. u at., tar f urulti.r*, I iaooa, t runk*. Ae.. tn aep te room*. Ci(AKblUt II. HOIIDK. Proprietor. yf RA Jh PtrR PCKMTC.iK. PIANOS. B ?UU iOK, k Ac. ..Haperate ro?nia: lowe*t rate*; eeerjr eonveulenea; ? MiCUALLs a 60M,W to 43 "