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FIRST CHOICE. [CONTINUED FROM THIHD PAGE.] MjV1.iI AN A. ??t.*OATK? AT LAKI.K. Pirtt Choice. Kellogg. Win P...Morion Packard, S. H liiaiuc Piucbback, 1*. It. 8 (col) Morton Brown, W i>. icol). Morton .SrcnnU ChOiC*. Cot It!in* Biaiue Third Choice, 1II.I1D0 limine Till IIISTUKT DKLKOATKS. f'irti Choice. Adolnho, C. J Mortou Uurch, J. H. (col).. Mortou Cbadbcuroo, It. 11. Morton Darrall, Chester U.Mortou Demas, F (i ol)... Morton Hamlet, 0. R(nol). Morton Kclao, J. Y. (col).,Morion Landay, Piorre.... Morion l.nan, W. K lllaino Nawli, C. E. (col). Morion Smith, G. L. (col).Mortou fount;.1'avid (Col). Morton SUMMARY. first choisi'. Blaine or Conkling HI., me or Coukling Thud Choice. Conkling None Stcotul Choice. Biainc Blaine or CoukIiiik Blamo or Conkling Con kl iti^ or lilaiuo Morlou Mortou Morton Itl.iiuc or,! (ciikling Morion Mortou Morton Fourteen for Morton and 2 lor lilaiuo as As a fetond choice fi urn lor Morion, 2 lor None None Morion Morton M ortou Nouo .Morion Mortou Mortou Mortou Conkliug. 2 for Ulaine ..nil tj undecided between Couk line an.I Ulaiuu. For third cnotce Morton lina 7, liUtie *, Conkling 1 and 1 is undecided Uuiucon (,'onkltug, and 6 are uudecided altogether. MAINE. UEl.KCAfBS AT LA KG 3. >'i rst Second Third Choice. Clu/H'. Choice, Diogly Jr., NeUouBiamo None None [irutumoud.J. U., Blame Nouo Nouo Stevens, J. 1 liluluo Nouo Nouo ''.ol>b, Francis....liluli.e Nouo Nutio TltK 01HI titer 1>KI.KU.?TK8. ?Secotuf Third Choice. Choice. None None Nou't Nouo None None Nouo Nona Nouo N'Jt.o Nouo Nouo Nouo Nouo None Nouo Noue Nono None Nouc Summary Fourteen 'or Blame. An tins is Blame's ?wu sHalo llio delegation will admit ol uo second choice. frit Choice. Brown, J. B Ilia n<? Boulelle. C. A lilaiuo tnocb. Ko?ler,Jr. Blarno r rve, Kilwtu liiuttio Kryu, Willlum P. .Blaluo Hale, Kugene..... lllaino Mayo, J. li kl illikeu. tS. I. .. ?tone, .lames M . sbepard, It. II. . Hlaitio . lllaino . lllmuo . Blame M A It V LAND. PKI.EUATES AT I.ABtiK. .'upb, Joseph B. Fulton, C. C Wilktns, Kdward rhuiuaa, John I.. ftrtt Choicf. . Blame . Ilia no . Blamo . Blame SeconU C nice. None None N one Nono TIIK msrilil T DKI.KCATES. i'llit Choice. Chase, 8 Durtiy. K. M Ulailtc Eu-.or, John T.... Blatno ? ray. Jauie- A....Blatno ilcKtllop, W. W. .. 111.nno 'erktiia. Win lllaino Itetner, J. II I'tniuo iboetnaker, S M Bl.nno rhotnpson. I'. tor rumor, Ruben. . fuck. W. U. lllaino lilaiuo lilaiuo Waters, E. U lil uuo Summary. ? Eighteen lor Blaluo. No reported. Hecowt Choice. Nono Nouo Nona Nono Nouo None N ono No no None Nono None None Third Choice. Nono Ncno Nono Nouo Third Choice. None Nouo None Nono None " Nono Noun Nouo Nouo Nouo Nono Nono second choice YA R CHUSI TT.-?. D?..i UAIhS A1 LA ROC. first S'rrond Third Choice* Choice, ( hoiCC. Iloir, K Rock wood Bluii.o Brislow Nouo Dana, Richard 1L.. Iliaino (onKiing Nono t'orbes, Julia M. ..Blaine Brislow None Chadbourne, P, A.Brislow Nono Nouo DltTKKT DBLK'iAlUS. Fir it Srcond Thud Choice. C iic?. ("hour. Bartholomew, A. J. Hri.tow Nono None Hurler, Henry Blaine None Nono Clarke, James K ..Brtsiow Nouo Nouo Davis, Koberl T. . .lilaluo Brislow Nouo Davis, W. I' Blaine Brislow Nous iJwmull, J. K Blaiue Nona Nouo Hardy, Alplieus...Blame Brisiow Nouo Hyde, Henry l>. ..Bri.-tow Nouo Nono dour, George K.. Brtsiow Noue Loring, Geor.'o H.Utoiuo .Nouo N~ne Lowe.I, James R.. llrisUAT Nono None Learned. Kdward. Blaine Nouo ^oue Hoorc, Rev. J. K.BruiloW None None M.:i.ean, (.'lias, B.BImne lirstow Nona ji, J. l' Brisiow Nono Noue fhiMfpa, S. R.,. Blaine No., j Noue i'lcrco. Edward l.,Brislow Nouo Nuuo Russell, Win. K..Brtsiow Nooa Kihm landlord, Joliu K. Brislow Nouo Nouo inula, James M..Brisiow Nona \jam M niera, C. H Brislow Nouo Noun ft'liitiug, Wni. K..Brislow No.i* .Nouo Si uuiKV?Thirteen for Blame aud 13 tor Brisiow ait ?r?t choice; as second choice 18 arc uuiiecided, t> B.aiue lueu are lor Brtsiow. 1 Brisiow man for Blame aud X Blaine man for Conklinjr. MICHIGAN. DKlSUATLs AT I.aHGK. So;iry P. Baldwin, Delos i. Filer, h liliaw A. Howard, Jona: liau J. 01.-TRI0T OKLMiATII. I'rllciiard, 11. D. Heal, ?.tc A. ttrc i?. lldO'l!, W . S. ?< ? A I! H 'icorse. Hamilton, N. A. K icier, Herman Lacejr. K. S. Mitchell, W II C. 11) ini, Chariot ^lu ih, William [? h'hepar.i, 1 licodor* F. '1 In in | .-on, \k. ?j. TotnliiiOen, S. J. Wuterbury, J. C. Wal-ou. A 1! Wiihiu~toti, W. H. mmak v.?Tt.o prefor>nccn oi tins delegition lor Grst, stvond and thttu choice lnno Uol teen ascer tained. Out I hey aro reported to stand?Blatuc, 10, Brisiow. 4, Conk ling, 1, nud Hayes, 1. MINNESOTA. DKI.FXA'IKS AT LAMM, KamRejr, Alex.. first CM ci", . limine Vakctleld, j B...ll.airo (Jale, \V U i. .i i.i? \\ ard, W tj BUiue .vet o ,d I 'haict. Krisiow NvM hvuita Bristol* Third Choice. Nouo Nono U \ cs Nouo n:- rut. r DSUKtiATif.t first tS'KWld ('hotce. N'iUu None Bnstow Nono Third < 'A Dice. N one N olio Nona Nona Ames, John T B aino Uatfeu, L Brtsiow Clarke, N. 1' lllaine Ku jlu. Albert....Blame Lau^dou, K. B.... Blaine* Wunhburue None bubiu, 1' SI Blame Couklim: Nouo ?Ills On>i aktlei ia W iMltbarBa. but lUink* he will rota villi ttir deloK*tiuii for HIhiii^. .HmUiir.?Nine lor Blaine aud 1 for Brislow aa iirst rhoico. >'or accoud choice Brislow has Coiikling I, Uashturne 1, Kvarts 1, und -I arc uudocidcd. fho del agalci cxcept 1 Hayes mod have no third choice. MISKUSiri'I. SKIJHiATKS AT l.AKCK. Alcorn. J i|ic3 L lli in o, I: K l owers, K. C.... Ames, Adalbert . first Choice. .Morton . Morion . Blaine . I. .1110 .V-1 oml ( hmct. .N '100 None H> i- low Nono Third C/t i/tcr. Nouo Nona Nona Nt no firtt t'/.o.'i i RmIuuii, U. W..Bri?iow It ', num J il Br.sto., C???^or. J. I' Woriou Clarice, C. W Mortoo Hooking J. A Brisiow Lmlc, K 11 Uriktow Liillc J. T Morion N;le?. Ju'i.i ISIniiio nc?.?y. M. ..M< rton 5-|iclllu?Q, J. J ilorK 11 ?T.ticr rKi.Kuatks, ?V < omi Choice. III.line i!ri*iowr Nono Nono BlBIM Hi i -tow Kiaina Bri low Nono bta na or Br.tiuw Warren. H W Morion Coniliog I-. -ino WkiMi J. t Morton Nono N^ca .Sojulakv ?Mortou i> .irutow 4 and Olaine a aa Aral cIiohc. tor second choiee llnatow u.? l. Maine 3, i:?akling I, while one m onaccided beiwceu Blaine oml Brislow und ? are uodi eideti sllogetl er. Koi third citmcc 2 aro for Brutow, 1 lor Blaine and :he rest un decided. i .'iii d Choice, None UriilOW N one None Nono Br-stow No:.u Nono None None XI.'SOURI, OKI Hi ' TKS AT I '.U'.a. riokelobarg, O. Vau Horn, i> 1. lA>ro, Beuj. V., bunth, J I.... Vint 0 'hoic*. A. Blaiuo . ..Motion ,.. Biaine ... Morion Mr, <, nU i' 'Our, Bl i. low < 'mikUiik Mortou Coiikiing UISTRICT 0Xt.K'.iTKa. Auler, Hugo ? Bain, t.eorg^. Blo'r, Milo Bt u^re, I'lieo.. Buret, S. W..., C oh u. A C'. ui io' k, U O Cornell, \v. H. Betiotte, M. I.. D? nncT, A. F.. r,ist. t. j. c.. Ko.ur, A. r... Hsvenr, U. . Ho!cotnl?, A. J. Jo f,. J. Y.... Lowe, M. A.... I.? a. nlng, M... Nilmu, J. H. KofenMatt, M. Jacoti... m t.uer. >;.... fill) C. J.... Iwlfhell. U ? Wallace, W. J.. keol.c, JohB. IT/att. k A t'.rst ChoI . .Morton ,.1'onkiing .. liiaine .. Ilrisiow ..Blaiuo . . li 41114 ,. ..Morton .. Moi :ou .. Blaine .. Bri*iow .. Moriou .. Blame .. |t!nine . Bla no .. Blaine . .Blaine .. Morion A. Mortou ..Bisine . . Bayea .. >?oi loa . B.a na . Blame .. Blaine . .limine <?l I Choict. UriMuw Morion M>rion It .ye* M "rton Mori? i fonk'ing Conk Ing Hlaina Morton Ma, es Blaine Moiton Morton CobKiinK CotiKiing MortBtt icame B: une Morion ConklHIi >. or to i. Mortou Morton Morton Conkl: c for Biama, y for Third C**"iC*. Mot ma B!a ne ConKliug lirotiow Third Choi ce. Cook ling <> rant llrislow Coiikling II iyc? llayes Marlon Brtsiow ConkBfg lir slow None BrUlOW 11 tyea Brtsiow Morton Morion Conking tin Mow Br.-tow fotA. ng Br -tow Morton Bhsi ? Conkiiog ( uKkhng It yes Morion, 2 for Rriatow, 1 Tor Conkling anil 1 for Hnjro* on first choice, t ur second choice Moriou it'ii- 14, lonkliuj s, Blame 4 Brialow "i and llayea 2. For third choice Rriatow lias lb, < oiikliun 8, Morton 5, Hayes 1, Blame 1, Grant 1 and 1 ia uuUocided. KKliUASKA. bKLKOATi.a AT LAKUI. tint Second Chmct. C V, iMi Brown, R. G Hiatus Noue Bay ha, C. F Blame Nouu Kaley. 11. S Blame Nunc N a nice, A Blame Noue Osborne, L. W,. ..Biainc Noue t'liiney, X. K lilaiiiw None Si mmaky.?tiix lor Blaine. The second and tlilrd cboico of this delegation has Dot bceu ascertained. Third Chute*. N'liie Noue None None None None NIV AHA. DKLKC.WtS AT LAKUE. Second Third C'/ioice. Choice. Choice. Roll, Frank Bristow Blaine Morton Clupu. H. S Cuuklibg Washburne No no Harris, H O Rriatow Blame None Jones, John P... .C'oukling Rriatow None Sharon. William..Ooukling Brmtow None Wren, IbouiiiH... .Colliding Ilia.lie Motion Hi mmakv. ?Four lor < ouklmg and 'i for Rrislow as first choice. For second choice Blaiue lias 3, Brislow 2 and Washburne 1. For tinrd cholcc Morton has '1 and 4 are undecided. NEW HAUI'UIIinE. liKI.KIiATBH AT LAKUB. >'? nt .Vi Olid Choice. Choice. Hall. Danlol Bluiue Noue Colby, Ira. Jt Blsiuo Nuuu Buru^, Charles H.. Bluiue Noue . White, Nathaniel. .Blaine Nona DISTRICT 1>KLK?? A I KH, h' Second Choice. dunce. Gault, Jesse Brislow None Maraton, Geo. W... limine Noue Nuie, Alonzo Biaino None Baud, Thomas C... Rluius Noue Shaw. K. A Rriatow None Winddeu, lieuj. F.. Blame Nouo Third Choice. Noue Noue None Noue Third Choice. Noue None None None Nouo Nouc Si'MMaiiy.? Mghl.lor Blaine und 2 for Brislow us first choice. The second and third chutce ol mis delegation bat- not been ascertained, as the delegates are unde cided. NEW JEliStY. DKI KliATKB AT LAUUX. fSttt Choice. Sewoll, Wm. J....HIa;no llalsey, George A..BIuine Hohart, Garrett A.Blaine , .Blaine Second Choice. l'otn, Fred. A. I layus Hayes Haves or Washb'ns DISTRICT XKLKOaTSS. f\r$t ,Secoixd Choice. Choice. Blair, John I Blaine Nouo Blake, John L....Blaine Nouo Deltt, liia uh N ... Blame, but disgusted. None Joi.cs, J. Wyman. .None Keudrick, Z. il....Morion None Third Choice. Rriatow None No BO Third Choi ce. None Nouo Nouo None CooUIng or Washburuo None None Nouo learning, R. S Blalno Mugie, W. J "On the leliOf. " N'ewbold, M. T Rri.-uw Newell, Wm. A...BIaliio I'lliiev, Henry 0 ..Blame Holler, W. K Bialue Roehiing, F. W... Blamo Sirxtton, .laiues A. It initio \ auKeu??l'r,S.'ncertaln schmary.?Thirteen lor Blaine, 1 for Briatow, 1 for Mortou and 3 undecided lor tlrsl choice. For second choice:?Two are lor Hayes, 1 is for Rrislow, 1 lor Harirault, 1 lor Cookling, 1 undecided b-nween Conk ling and Waihimrne, 1 between 11 ayes and Wash burne, und U undecided aliogether. For third choice all except 1 are undecided. Nono Blaine Coukllng Rriatow None None Hartranlt Noue None None Nouo None None Noue None Nouo NEW YOliK. DELKOATKS AT LARGE Third Choice. Conkling Conkling Nona Noiie Third. Nona Nono Nona Conkllng Sou* Nono Nono Conkllng Noue Bristnw >'i rst Sfcond Choice. Choice. Cornell, A. B Conkling Conkling Matthews, J. M...Co-ukllng Conkllng l'omeroy, F. M....Conkllng None White, A. D Conkling Hayes DISTRICT UKLElt ATKS. Ft rtt. Second. Baker, I. V Conkling Nono Decker, Philip... .Conkling Next boat Hurt. A Conkling None Caluone, Georgo. .Conkling Conkling C nip, John H....Conkllng Conkllng Crosier, (J.. Minnie Noue Crouuse, (Joo. V..Conkling Nono Cowing. Itulua II. .Coukntig Conkllng Churchill. Joli 11 0. Conkllng Nono Curtis. George W.. Brisiow Deiinison, C. M...Conkling Duknison, w s..Conkling lniu-niiuiur, A. J..Conkling Butcher, s>i!uh li..Coukliug Kdiik. S. s Conkling Fecter, James C..Conking Ferdon, John vv .Uncertain Fivro, Joshua, Jr..Conkling Kncli Charles K..Conkllng (Hidden. Henry A..Conkling Hakes. Harlow... .Conkllng H iwii-r A ouzo. ...CoMklnig Hscock, Frank ...Conkling Hutchkus. G. W..Conkling ? o Hiysradl. Jacob H. No choice, but opposed lo Conkling Hum rey. W. A. ..Conkling None llu.-iol, James W..Conkling None J .mien. Henry R.. \V.\\Vlieel?r Conkllng Johnson, A. II....Conkling Nono Kelt-bum, Jolm II.Conkling or Blaine None Lnwson, John D..Conkling None l.eiit, Abram Conkllng None Low, A. a Conkling M .video. KdwardM .Conkllng Marvin. James M..Conkllng Ma&i>u. Joel W. ...Conkling Mcrklep (ico. r.. .('oiiKling Morgan Ktlwiu I).Conkling _ ? Murphy riiomns..conkling Conkllng Opdyke George...Conkliug None None ? W heeler Nono . N'ono Noue Uuccrtaln Uncertain Uncertain Noue Hlains ltlaino Conkling Conkling None Conkling None Conkling No 2d choice ? Conkllng Coukliug Nono Noue Nono None Nono None Conkling Nono Conklisg Conkling Hayes or Brlstow Conkllng Orton William.. .Conkling Conkling I llalt Tltonms i\. .Conkllng | Pilolp* Henj. K.. .Conkling Nono Prince I*. Hradi'd. Uiicou'n Poole William Conkllng Coukliug Roberts, Mars y..Conkling Uncertain Kohrrison w m. H.CoiiKlmg Coi.kling 1 Kolieruon, iiiliieri.Coukluig Conkling Itogors, 8nt-rni. S.,(.onkilng t'lacrtniu Saulord, Stephen..Conkling None Shepbard, J. s... .Conkhug lliuino Se?MOU8, Wall. I..Conkling Jlayea N ward, Clarence. .Conkling Uncertain sillimai.. 11. 1)....Conkling None Minify, Aoios V .Conkling Wheeler SiMilh, Charles K..Coukliug Nono Mnythe,John F...Conkling None T"hey. Franklin J .(' inkling None Wendell, II. R Coukliug None VV heeler, De Witt C. Conk ling Conkllng WiIlium*, David...Conkling Nono Woodin. Win. B...Conkling Hayes Woodford, 8. 1 Conkling Nono Worts, Jacob Conkling Uncertain mtmiiaiiy.? Sixty sovon lor Conkling, 1 for Wheeler 1 lor llristow and 1 undecnled. Tho delegation shows no evidence of a sccoud choice. Conkling None Conkling Coukilng Noue Nono Blaine Nono Ncno Nono llristow None None None Nono None None Non* None None Noue None Conkhng Conkling Conkling Nono None Nono Morion None Conkllng Haves None Blaine Nono Nono None N ouc Nono lu une Nono None Noue Noue None Haves N ono Nouo N one None No no NOITH CABOMXA. DEI.HOATM Ar LARGS. Urtt C,,nce. Seco'iil Choice. Third Choice. Powers. Thomas Blaine Conkling None Harris, Jos. II. (..I.Hare* Blaine Wheeler, W. H...Blaine Conkling Lu?k, Virgil S... .Conkllng None ril* DISTRICT DRKBOATES. fir/t C-ioice. Stent Choice. TMnl Choice. Badger. II C B'aine Haves Conkling Boyd. Jams* A ...Coniclmg Conkllng Conkling Cooper, Hios. M...Unknown |ioUili?, Kobl. M l i, known II? atoii. Jaines.... Morton Ho?kiU>. Jell Blame MaliSon, W. 1' Blaine M.irton, J J Unknown Molt, J. J I nki own N n ho, J. B Cnt.kliug Norment. B. M.. .Cockling Owen, Tbomas M.l'nkiiuwu I'age, 1. B Blaino Bollins. Pinck'y.. Brisiow Biiss*'II, Hand.'... Unknown fitnilb, Win. A.... Waite Mcmmakt.?8lx for Blaine, 4 lor Conkllnr, 1 lor Bris tow. I for Morton, t lor H ives and 1 lor Waite as tirst i cuo ce whiio the preferences of 1 arc unknow n. Un i der such circumstances Second and third choice cannot I be relied npou. t III PI I.BUATKS First CA.i".* Wa le, Fenj f,?H ?yss Noyus, K. U..uHa)es Apion. W B.. .Hayes Koffer, J. W... Hares TUK D SI'BICT t'.lit Chmtr. Amoler, J.A....llay-s Au tman, C....Hayes HikhaiP, W. |).Hiy>s Bright, S. II... .Haves Browning, Kran*.Hires Buckland, K P...Hayes Byrkett, A B..., Hayes Carhart, H. C Haves Colllus, B Hayes towns K. C Hayes Crltchfleld, I.. J...Hjv*i Kggleston. Menj...Hares Ford, li. H U?)?s (?race, J . Hortutv. V. B. Howard, N. M ' Hurst, S H.. | Irvine, James Jone?, li C.. i Jones, J. C... Kes?.<r, II .. ' Lennox,J.... j I yuar^i r, K. I MeClsre, A. S I Meliraina, J. ...Bars* ...Hayes ...Hares ...Uayes . ,.Ha>*'S ... Hayes ... Hajras ...Hayes ...Ha?es ....Hajrw ...Hayss L. Hayes AT LAKOR. A '? ltd Chotct Morion Blaino Morion Brisiow DUl'UAIES Arrontf CAolce Morton Blaine BnstoW Morion Blaine Murion None Brisiove Blaine Blaine Brt'tow Morion Blaine Blaine Mortou Cockling Hr.stoW None Morion BriStuw Brisiow ll.ams Hi i n? Blsius Conkling Thud Choice W heeler llristow Conkllng Morton Third Choice BiSiBO Morion G'l I nkuown Biaine llristow Blame Noue BlsiM None Bnstnw or Conkllng Conkling Blaiue Morion or llristow Conkling Morion Morton Nobs Brisiow N*>ne B'aine Conkllng M virion Conkliug Brisiow Merrv, E. W .Hayes Brlstow Blaino Movrliu, C Hayes Bri*tow Morley, H. 1. Hayes Bristow Washburne Palmer J Hayes Morton Hlaiue I'erkmy, U. T Hay en Brislow Couklng Perkius, M. B... .Haves Blaiue M u or C'ng Price. J. I Hares Nouo Nono Kotbchlld, J. B... Hayes Blaine Morton Sab n, H Hayes Mortou Cockling Smith, H. W Haye* Blaine Brlstow Scherick. JuliusC. Hayes C^nkling Washburne Muiih, J. A..' Haves Morion Blaiae * idegralT, J. T... Hayes Hluinu M^rtou Weir L. C Haves Brislow H alun Wilson, D. W Have* Brislow Hlaino M xnAur- Forty-four for Haye* as first choice. For second choice?Blame 16, Morton 11, Brislow 1*2, Coukling 3 and undecided :i OBJCUOM. Fir it Choice. Second Choice. Third Choice. David. J. B Hlaiue None Nous. Fouler, J. H Blair.* None N'oua. Hlnet, H. K Blaino Nono None. Scott, M. W Biatne None None. Tolmon, J. C Hlaine Noue None. Van Houghton....Blaine Noue None, Summary?SIX for Blaino on Qrst choice; no second or third choice. PENNSYLVANIA. DKI.EUATBS AT LARUB. fir it Choke. Cameron, J. D... .Hariranft Leeds, William K..Hartranft Hoyt. H. M . .. Mac key, It W.. Second Choice. None, but quoted lor Conkhng None. Not lor Blulne Blaino None, but quoted for Conkhng DISTRICT DELEGATES. ... Hartranft , ..llurtranlt First t?huict. Albright, Charles.. Hartranlt Alkiusou, D. S.... Hurtratift Burr, Samuel F.. .Hartranft Bartholomew, L. .Hartranlt Becklcy, 1>. A ...Hartranlt Binullum, H. II... llurtrauft Bloss, Henry C.. .Hartrunlt Bo wen, John R... Hartranlt By ram. J M Hartranft C'arwaii, .1 E. Hartranft Cossova, John....Hartruuft Chamliers, J. A...Hartranft Darlington, 1*. K.. Hartranlt Burlington, H. T. .Hurtruuft Da vis, William T. .Hartranft Eberly, Henry S,. Hartranlt Ktheliuan, 11. F...Hartranft Kairuian, li. W...Hartranlt Futhcy, J. .Sunth . Hartranlt Grtesemer, E. E..Hartranft Grove, J w Hartranft Hamilton, John H.Hartranlt Harvey, H. T Ilartrault lull, John I Hartranlt Johnston. Joseph. Hartranlt Kemblo, Wm. II. .liartrantl I.Inn. I., fi Hartranft McMauus, Wm. T. Hartranlt McMichael, M.... Hartranlt Mcl'herson. E Hartranlt Magee, C L Hartranlt Mann. Wm. B Hartranft Miller, Daniel C..Hartranlt Moore. Win. S.... Hartranlt Mullcfo, C. H Hartranlt Murray, T. H Hartrault Ollter, H. W. Jr..Hartranft O-rncr, J. H...... Hartranlt l'almer, II. W... .Hartranft Poilocli, W. J Hartranlt Quay, M. S Hartranlt Boeder, H. J llartrauft Kogers, I.ucius.. .Hartranft HulolUon. K Hartranlt Scull Ed ward.... Hartranft St anion, M. 11 Harirunfl Stewart, Andrew.. Hartranft Stewart, John.....Hartranft Truby, Simon Hartranft Walker, Tlios. M..Hartrault Not for Willsrd. K. N Hartranft Wister, John Hartranft Wood, Alan, Jr.... Hartranft Young, K. B Hartranft summary. ?58 lor Hartranft as first choice, for sec oud choice 33 probably for Blaine, but uncertain. Second Choice. Blaine Blaino Quoted for Conk Hng Brislow Blaino Blaino Quoted for Conk ling. Wuhibo majority Nono With tho majority Quoted for Conk ling. Coukling Blaino Blaiue With the majority Prob'ly for Blaine Blaino Blaino Blaino t'onkliug Quoted lor Couk'g Blaino Blaine Bialuo Blaine None. Blaine Blulne Quoted for Conk ling Blulne Blulne Nono Blaine With the majority Blaine Blaine With tho major ity- Probably Blaine With the major ity. Quoted for Blulne Blaine Blaino None Nono Probably Blaine With the majority None N one Blaine Blaine Blaine With the majority Blaine, then Bris tow. thenConkling Blaine With tho majority Blaiue Probably Blaino nilODE ISLAND. yi rit Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Aldrlch, N. W Brislow None None Freeman, F.. W....Brislow Nono None Hart, Charles Brislow None None Howard, Henry...Brlstow None Nono Noursu, Churles... Brislow Noue Noue Pendleton, J. M. ..Brlstow Noue None Williams, Isaac F.Brlstow None None Van Z.iudl, C. C.. .Brislow Nouo None Summary.?Eight lor Brlstow as first choice. No sec ond choice. First Choice. Thornburtfh. J. M. Bristow Napier. J G Morton Nunn, David A....Blame or tinstow Wilder, J. T Morton TENNFSSEB. OBLKQATKS AT LAROS, .v. cond Choice. Blaine Blaine None Bristow Fir# Choice. Butler, R. R Blaine Boyd, J. W Morion Blackburn. G. W.. Morton Burro:), J. H Morton Camp, K C. Illume Cat?-. T. L. Bristow K.lliott, W. Y Bristow Freeman, A. A .. Blnino (?) llHwkuis, 8. \V...llristow Harrisou, H. IL..Mi>rton Peacock, .Inme*.. Blame Riiidoipb.Wm. M. UriKtovr Uidgcley, K. 0 liri?iowr Role, Wn Bristow Beeves, T. H Bristow Shaw, Kdwiird....Morton Sharp, A. IS.... Waters, W. 1 Warder, J. A... Weir, M. T... TUK DISTRICT DK1.KCATK& Second Choice. Morton None None Blaine Morton None Hnyos None Blaine Bristow None None Brisiow Hay oa None Blaine None Bristow Bristow Blaine ..None .. Blaino . .Morion .Morion Third Choice. None ' Bristow Morton None Third Choice. llayes Notio None Bristow Bristow None Blaine None Morion Hayes None Notio Brisiow Blaine None None None Morion Blaino None Summary ?Ten (or Morton. 8 lor Bristow and 0 for Biaine on ilrst choice; lor second choice, Blaine fl. Bris tow A. Moriou 2, Hayes 2 nnd t undecided; far third choice, 4 lor Bristow. 8 lor Blaine, 2 for Morton, 1 lor llayes and 13 ULdocldod. SOUTH CAROLINA. THK 4TATI AT I.ARUI. ? Firtt Choice. Second Choice. Third Choice, Cain, L. Bristow Blaine Nono Corwin. H. C Bristow Blaiue None Chumborlam, 0 H.Bristow Bristow None Klliotl, it. li Marlon Blaine None (Weaves, R H Morton Coiikliog None McK nlay, W. J... Mortou Conkllug None Nash, W. B Bristow Blaine None Pmiurson, J. J... Morion Conk ling Nouo Rainey, J. U Bristow Blaiue None Sum!*, 5. A Morton Coukllng None Sinulls, R Morton Conkllng None Wallace, A. S Morton Cnnklinx None Winsinith, J Morton Conkling Nono Worihington, R.G. Morton* Conklinjc Nono Summary.?First choice, 9 Mortou. 6 Bristow; sec ond choice, 8 Conkllpg, b Blame, 1 Bristow ; no third choice. TEXAS. DKLKGATKS AT LAROB. /adek. A. Norton, A. B. DISTRICT DKLEOaTKS. McOall, J. 1, Miner, F. W. Newromti, J P. Niwtoh, 8. T. St hlilt/c, Julius Wlliintne, L W. Simmary.?The preferences of the delegation have not been ascertained, but they are reported to ttaad 13 for Morton and 3 to: Blaiue. Davis, F_ J. Russell, a. II. Alkn, Richard Hillings. W. Cooper, I* W. Cauey, N. W. i Krsns, A. J. Mallov, A. G. VKUMONT. DSUKJATk* AT L4R0K. Firtt Choice. Second Choice. Poland, Luke P...Intlinc'l toward William A. Wheeler None Voaay, W. G Has i>o'. indicated his choice None Howe, Oeornc G.. Bristow liluno Bi^elow, Gea H.. . Hub not indicated his choice Nouo DISTRICT DKLRCIATKS. Firtt Choice Second Choice. Carpenter, S. P...Has not Indicated bis choice None Colburn, Mason S.tnrlned toward William A. Whctkr Nono Farnhntn, R I.ristow Note French, W. C Blaino Bristow Maaon, J. L His not Indicated bU choice None Wnndbndgo, F. K. Blaino None Summary. ? For Rliiitic, 2; for Bristow, 2; undecided, 6. Seconu choice equally uucerialu. VIRGINIA. MtlHATU AT LARGE. Third Choice. None None N?ne Nono Third Choice. None Writ Ckoif*. Carter, Richard H. Blaine Stowell, W. H. H.Hhmo Slercns.W. W. (col (lilaiue Lewis, jobs F Morton DISTRICT DELKOATEs. A \rti Second Choice. Choice. Biancbari, 0 Blaise Brisiow Cartor, P. J. (CoL).Quoud for Blaine, butNooe olber Moriou Conkling One, Oeorge V... .Cook ling Htwsoii. J. M.(col )Ulai?e I>?llavou,J P.,col.)Morion Diezendord, J. P. .Blame Feri.aut W. L. BlatW Hamilton, K. (OOt->Coukling or Mwtoa Harris, J. (coL)... Morion Lewis, D 4 Morton j Milter, WlUMa....llUM Second C.Oice. Bristow Hayes Morton Conkiiug Morton Brisiow tinkling Blame Morton None Cockling Conkltng Conklmg Hares None None li>?m? None None Blatna None Oakey, W. S. Probably Conkllng,not Nona lor blame Poiudexler, J. \V. (CoL j Blaine, "all do lituo" None Porter, J. W Blame Brntow KItm, J. H Coukling Nuna Kus?ell. U. H liiaine B?uno Sener. J. B Maine Wi?eJor Waaoner, Jacob. .Blaine Moium Simuakv.?Thirteen (or Blanie, 4 for Morton, 'J for Conk ling. 1 probably (or Cobklmg. and 2 eliber (or tonkinm or Morion as lirai choice. Kor second and tbirU choice our table (bows uo certain indication. None Morton None Maine None Conklltig l.ogun, T. H. Wllley, W. T. Dana, Eugene. Golf. Jr., N. Moore. R. W. WE8T VinoiNIA. DKLIUATtS AT LABOR Davis, J. W. Simmons, R. M (coL) DISTRICT D?LK(IATK8 Itamfeilell, X. D. Set.ley, John l?. Stevenson W. K. Summary.?The preferences of the delegation not ascertained, but reported to stand?Blaine, T; Bristow, 2, and Conkling, L TBI TEBK1TOBIE*. AKltOMA. R. C. Ue Forest Potter. Claimed lor Blaine, 2. WISCONSIN. dki.kcatbm at lakuk. Pint Choice. Second Vhoie*. Third Choice. Sawyer. Philetns.. Blaine Bristol Atwood, David.... llluiuo None Douglaso), Mark... lilaine None Ho&re, James U... Riaiuo None DISTRICT DBLKOATKK. Itrintliff, Jaiue*. ..Biaiuo llcan. J. M Illume Brisbane, W. H...Ilia lie Bowon. R lilaine Comstuck. Jobu ..Bluino Knos, Klihu. Coukling r.inty. George 0... lilatno C runnier, George. lilaine Keyes, K. W lilaine Lewis, J. T Blaine Lewis, C. E lilaine McCord, M. M Maine Mead. J. H. Bristow Potter, R. L Blaine Kmld, K O....... Blaine Sanderson, Kdw'd. lilaine St'MUAKT?18 for lilaine, Conkling as llrst choice. expressed a preference are for Conkling, Bristow or Hayes. Conkling Nona None None None Conkling Nnno N one Kuu* None Hayes None None N'ono .N'ime N out s'one Wa-hburno Conkling Conkling 1 lor Bristow and 1 for Kor second those who have Brlwtow Bristow None None Brivtow Hayes Conkling None None Nono None Hayes Blame Hristow Bristow Bristow J. B. McKean... George A. Black. Claimed for Blaine?1 A. Huelien A. McHencb.... Dakota. ! Claimed (or Blaine?3. Say les J. Rowen A. M. Green.... DISXB1CT OF COrOMBIA. ? ?) Claimed for Blaine IuTJVaw%r"::::::::::>CUimed Samuel B. Axtell William VXW MEXICO. Brecon.;;;;:::::.} ci?,m#d bmb?-& WASHINGTON. or :: I c*imed ?* auin?-1 w? H?nton:: :i:Iclaimed tor * ixL^lmtu.n::::::::: Iciaime<i for REBAPITULATfOS?FIRST BALLOT. Alabama Arkansas Culilornia Colorado Connecticut Delaware Honda Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kcutucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Ma*t<achusctu Mi "hi (tan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska. Nevada New Hampshire.... New Jersey New Vor? North Carolina Ohio../. Oregon Pennsylvania Uhode* Island Son11) Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont V irginia West Virginia Wisconsin Terntorica 1 & b 4 41 21 lu U 1* 1.1 lt| 0i 3| ir ?i 131 Totali |29?|m| H6|o4 13 46 1,68 20 *1 , 8 ?I 2) 1 -I 1 1 IS GRANT THE COMING MAN? COBBESPONDEKCE FBOM THE rEOFLE?VIEWS OF TiltNKINO ELXCTOB8. To thb Editor or tub Herald:? I feol sure that tho thinking pcoplo of ibis country prefer to have the present administration con lit, tie in power thai? to risk this or that candidate. Our glorious country is now on the right track this centennial year, and 1 hope, ?g yon intimate, that Grant stands "behind the scenes.'' Yours forOmnt, H. W. B., Jr. Jersey City, June 12, 1870. OKI WHO CABNOT BEK, BUT IS BEADY TO DOw J I'M 11, 1870. To tub Editor or tub Herald:? I cannot see the good you expect to do tho republl can party by printing "Behind the Scenes'' in to-day's paper. This third term cry is all nonsense. II nomi nated, however, 1 shall work and vole lor 1*. 3. Grant up to the closing ol the polls next November As for the other candidates I (h ut they at a a baker's dozen of nonentltlea 01.0 WHIG. A BALLY FBOM THE BOTH IV BLUB PltoMl-KD. Nbw York, Jane 12, 187#. To tur Editor or tbr Hbrald:? Your correspondent, "Behind the Scenes" In your issue of yesterday, strikes the nail on the head. The country Is not tired of Grant Lot his name be placod ou the banner of Hie republican party for 187t>and there will be a rallying hum (tie North, SoulU, East and West of tho "boys in blue. " Who can doubt me result ? THIRD TERM. SAD FATE THBKATKNED A OONTUf POBABY. To ths Editor or tub Herald.? What does "Uehind the Scenes" mean to insinuate? Has be lined the curtain and revealed the coating mau?the Great I'nknown? liana's Nun would go nudcr a elou<t If Grant should got his third teriu. SEVENTY SIX. ? PEBTIKENT IXQIIBV?WHO CAN 1H> IT? Jt*B 10. 1*74. To tib Editor o? tbb Herald:? ?'Behind the Scenes," in to day's Hkrald, reveals, ! think, tho underworking* of tho political situation. Grant can receive tfio nomination il bo wants it. Tho colored delegates Iroin tlie South will go lor Grant to a mau. Tho Convention is in heart for Grant, and let his name be proposed and who can "turn the tide*"* S. B. H. # CINCINNATI NOTES. Indianapolis "Bristow's name Is n good enough platform." Nashville (Yeso.) Manner:?"Calculations on the fourth ballot at Cincinnati wili all be wasted." Jackson <Miss.) Rr)mblican:?"Conk ling Is a good man?but he's not tho 3rst choice of Mississippi." The Detroit Tribune says "The Michigan delegation will oppose Conkllng 'all the time at Cincinnati.' " San Antonio (Texas) Ktprett:?"Conkllng bids fair to be tbe republican nominee lor President and Hayes for Vice President?a powerful ticket. " Detroit Free Prut:?"The friends of Merlon do not propose to be behind those ol lllaiae sad Conkliog in boasting or the strength of their candidate." Hew York firming Commercial :?"The Colorado del egates Some to Cincinnati with big stories about Rinlas bonfires burning on every peak of the Rocky Moun inlne." Albany Arpw .'?"Judging from toe tcue of de spatches tram Cincinnati. Blaine, Conkling, Morton, Mayee and Briatow are all going to gel the aemina THE WEST. Presidential Preferences in Illinois, Wis consin, Iowa, Kansas and Nevada. BLAiNE THE FAVORITE. Nevada "Will Go for Conkling, of New York. ? Others Who Have Already Seleced First, Second or Third "Choice" ILLINOIS. A BLiINK DELEGATION WHICH MAT SUPPORT BOMXBODT KIHE. Spring pi ki.d, Judo 8, 1876. The delegate* to tbo Cincinnati Convention lisvo most of them been Interrogated by your coric?pondcnt as to their Ural, second and third choice lor the Presi dency. It was impracticable in a number of cabcs to gee the delegates personally, but In aucb case* their constituent* or eomo one who cluimed to have knowl edge of their preferences furnished tho information. It should bo added, bowevor, that some of the dele gates themselves aro quite undecided as to second and third choice. DEMCOATKB AT LABOR. Dr. Joskph Ronnixs, of Quincy, physician?I am for lilaine, first ol all. 11 his nomination cannot bo ofl'eclcd, my second choice would bo Wheeler, of New VorK, aud though not very decided as to a third cboico I think it would bo Haves or Hamilton Fish. Would never vote for Bristow. Uobkrt G. IxcKitnOLL, of 1'corla, lawyer?I hare very decided preference lor Iliuino as my Qrst choice. Mor ton would bo my second choice.^ I am undecided upon a third choice. Gkun U. Raux, of Golconda, lawyer?My prefer ences aro first lor Blaine, second Morton and third llayes; then Conkling, If the others falL FIRST DISTRICT. Shinkt T. Swtit, lawyer?I am In favor of Bristow as my first choice. He is the man who should be nomi nated. We want a candidate thoroughly Identified with the work of reforni.and honest administration of the government It might not be politic to nominate Blulno at this time, In view of tho charges preforred against him. Gkokgk M. Brogck?I am most decidedly for Blaine as to first choice. Secondly, I siu not prepared to speak definitely, but might say that it will be the Great Unknown, and be, In all probability, will prove Hon. R. B. Wasliburno. SSCOXD DISTRICT. 8. K. Dow, lawyer?I formerly lived In Maine and was personally acquainted with Mr. Blaine. I think a good deal of him as a man of utility, and at present ho la my first choice. My preference, howevar, will be a good deal guided by what will seem beat for the Inter est ol the republican party at Cincinnati. Governor Hayes might be my second choioe, Washburne would come next Jon* A. McAhthch, Postmaster of Chicago? I can seo no reason why we should divulge what the delegation proposes doing at Cincinnati. Wo were oloc(e<t under a Blaine Influence, and although not pledged to him thoro is every probability that tho delegation will work In hit behalf, as to the second cbolcc I am not prepared to say anything, not being lullv determined. It is understood that Mr. MeArthur will favor Senator Conkling as second choice. TUI&n DISTRICT. F. W. Palxbr, editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean? At present 1 am - for Blaine, bat cannot tell what may result from tho developments now pendlug before Con gress, As to the second or third choice I have not yet made op my mind. I will be entirely guided by the sentiments of tbo other delegates whon they aro all assembled at Cincinnati. C. U. Karwkll, dry goods merchant, of Chicago, and member of Cougress? My personal preferences are docnlodly in favor of William A. Wheeler, of New York. 1 have kuown him lor several years at Wash ington, where we boarded at the same hotel, and 1, therefore, have ha<t ample opportunity of judging of his abilities and character. In accordance, however, willi tlio sentiments of the Springfield Convention I shall voto on the Orst ballot for Mr Blaiuc. No in slructtons were given at our Convention, but there was an uumlsiaKable lean in.: toward the latter gentle man. If a Southern republican were nominated and a tlrst class democrat I am tree to say that I would hesi tate in my choice ss to votiug on election day. It would be a mistake to nominate a Southern man. We see the effects oi giving the South a lull representation In Congress ut the present time. Why, Coniederate generals, sonio of whom ought to be in prison, control that body. If tho democratic party should succeed In capturing the government all Southern claims tor tudemnuy during the war would be rushed tttrou-jh ami our national debt quad rupled. 1 tell you, sir, this is the mum Issue of the present canvass. It is folly to suppose that the Southern people lorget the Injuries Inflicted upon them by us at tlio North as results of the wur. They hate u.? more cordially than ever. It is not in human nature to lorget at.d gloss over such injuries. If n Southern man were elected l'resident to-morrow he would natur ally lean toward his kindred. Southern indemnity claims would not be vetoed if they passed both branches ol Congress. It is time lor the people Of this country to look upon those issues in a proper spirit. The South does not care for the currency, tbo tariff or any other question. Sho only wants to get control of the wheels oi legislation, that claims of this character . may bo paid over to tier impoverished citizens. FOURTH DISTRICT. W. Coffin, a Bstavla banker?Although personally for Wushburne, 1 shall, in deierunce to tbe views of the people who sen I me, support Maine first and do what I can to secure his nomination Would be for Wash burne nest if a compromise can be male upon him. Alter that would i>e guided by circumstances, but could not support Morton or Conkling. KB. K. Iruu Harvard, capitalist and speculator? Kirst choire. Illume, and will stand hy him. After Blaiuc would favor Morton and Hayes, but Is not lor Brum. FIFTH DISTRICT. Aliikrt Walkkr. Stall man's Val'oy, farmer?f am for Blaine, because the people are lor bim. Personally 1 would prefer Coukliug, .is 1 studied and p'-acttaed law with Ir.iii nud know hun thoroughly. Hut I shall vote first lor B.ainc, second lor Conkling. Am not decided as to a third > hoicc. H. L liL KcuM.L, trio, merchant?Shall use my vote aud influence tlrst lor Blaine, and if be cannot ho conn uateil then for Wsshlmme tor a third choice would be lor Hayes or Wlieeier. I'e'v.mally I would be lor Wasbimrnc. first, but would ? i?ay the wishej of luy constituents, who aro lor tilain*. 1 could not support Conklmg. SIXTH UISTHICT. A. R. Mack, Oamoridge, woum support Blaino first, and is undecided as to second and third choice, but well disposed to either Conkling or Morton. J. W. Hopkins supports Illninn strong ly. II his nom ination should tail would ret)uiro seasiderattou as to other candidates. SKVKNTH DISTRICT. O. N. Cmittkniisn, Juliet, merchant. Is for Blaine first of ail and as loug as his name is before the Con vention. Alter Blaine, and as a second choice, pee.era Hayes. Has no definite prciereuco lor third choicc. but would lie governed bjr olicuinsiaurcs. J kkk. Kvakts, Vorkville county, clerk, as his first choice nut support Blaiuc, but la undecided torsecoud and third choice. KMIITH DISTRICT. A. IV H'. i k, Kankakee, will support Blaine as his first He lias no prc/eieuoe as to the others. J. K. Cvt.MR, 1'otitiac, banker, will vote lor HUtno while he has a show lor success. He ;s reported lor Hayes and Mortou its second aud third choice. NINTH MstlKT. Knocm Kmkrt. of JYwi.i, editor or Poor'.s Trantcripl? I MB lor Blatue, first, last and all the time, as loug Miner- is any prospect of nominating him. I cannot tell who I should lav or lor ?eroud We want to uotuinate Blaiuc, but if we cannot shall take the nest tost Hi an?whoever we can beet harmonise upon. 1 should Lot Ikror ltr is tow. Thomas Itoru, ol l.ewiston. lawyor, Is personally for Krtttow as a first choice, bet will praMljr eoppow Blame lu deference to his constitueucy, nest Bristow aud then either Wheeler or Hayes TK.vrit btsi RICT. PiViD Mack, ol t.arthage, lawyer?My first choice Is James U. Blaine. I; he utnftot bo uoiiimated 1 would vote tor Bristow second. >\>r third ettolce would pre ler tt heeler, but would bo satisfied with llaye.-. P. McIMli., oi Kigu-svtlle, physlci.iu?My first choice, personally, is Hayes. betas tlio seunineut of the pcupie is so emphatte lor Blaino 1 shall he constrained to support h ui as nrst choice sU'l Hayes second; am undecided ns to third choice, but would not support Uonallng or Bristow. kl.KVKKTII DISTRICT. J, M. Davis, Carroiitoii, pbt'sieian?I nm for Blaine 1 decidedly, as long as there is any hope for bis nomlna ; tun 1 lor second choice Haves would suit n.e 1 l est and ISOsCoe I'oukliug for tnird ; bu'aiu not streu : nous as between these two. I will uevcr support Brls | tow. 1 would like Senator Ogiesbv lor Vice trc*Idem. . ? subuk I, W.vna, Jerseyvillo,* druggist.--( am for I Hiame lust so long as be t.ns a shadow ol a chance. ! After that my choice a III depend upon circumstances, j I an. confident Blaine will be nous teat* I, and eau hardly ! say who my next choice would lie. j TWBi.rrn district. N. W. Branson, retersimrg, lawyer?I shall support I Blame as first choio* My eeoeftd choice will ho Brio tow. I cm not speak bow m to third choice, bat stud a?.in eveuu. " Willum Paceoon1, fewyir?My preferouce i* lor Blame. in accordance with the avowed j*ntitn<-nt! of the people ol mjr district. I don't know wtiai will bo thn ertect ol the prewm cti?r.>i>.- made against that gen tleman. but 1 am oonviaced that they are not suflicitnl to prevent am n?m nation. As to the policy ol nomi nating him under ilio circumstances, that is a matter the wiiole Convention will have to coueider. Person ally Blalue 11 my flrtt choice. 1 am Inclined to favor Morton a* second choice. tijl KTKE.N'TU DISTIUCE C R Ci/mhimos, Pekin, merchant?Mv first choice lor the Presidency is Blaine very decidedly. Me It much the stronce*t man. As second or third choice Morion or Conkling would he satisfactory. I shall not f?vor auy Irom the other side of Mason and Dixon's line. K. II. 1.ATI!am, Lincoln, capitalist? My choice Is first for Blatnc, as be ts the strongest with the poo pie and mv constituents preier him. For second and third cnoice. In esse Hume should fail of nomination, i havu no strong preference snd should sbids circum stances. . ?0URTEE*TH hISI'RICT. D. D Eyaxs. Danville, lawyer?I urn for Blaine first of all, as be is almost the unanimous choice of my con stituents. I thiuk 1 would go lor Bristow as secoud choice, and probably Morton lor the third. Uave ^?reat admiration lor Morton, and under sotuo circum stances w<>uld prefer h:m. L. J. Bond, Monticello. railroad director?I am for Blaine first ol all. Conkling second and Bristow third. nrrce.vTB district. T J. li'of.uKN, Marshall, lawyer?1 think as to avail* ability iuv choice among Presidential candidates would bo in the following ordijf:?First, Blame; second, Kayos; third. Morton; ?itb Conkling and Bristow next, .ts to merit, they would stand ?First, Morton; second, Blaine; third, Conkling. I iluuk highly ol Bristow, and uou'd like In in to ncce|t the Vice Presidency. Btxaos Wood. Ktllnpliam, lawyer?The sentiment of our people is lor Blaine. 1 am (or hiiu lirst, ns 1 think he is tho strongest man. Personally would preier Morton, but doubt nis availability Morton, however, would be my second choice, and liayes third. Bristow has little strength ainoun iny constituent*. Blaine'* vindication will caurc a groat a< cei-slon to him. HI\TKK*TII DISTRICT. General J. S. Martin, Salem, lawyer?Hlsiiw Is very dicidedly my tirsi choice and that of my district. I have a high regard lor Morton, but think Wuoeler, of Now York, or Hayes, of Ohio, as u:oro available, and either would suit me as second choice, with Morton third. Should General Logan's name be prominently presented 1 would prefer hun to ail others. Okokoe C. McCouii, Groenvlile, larmer?My prefer ences are: Ilrst, Blaine; second, Morton or Washburno; third, Hayes. These oppressions are contingent upon tho uonoition that (Mineral Logan Is not a candidate, whom I would prefer to any. SKVKNTKKNTH nlSTHICT. H. S. Bakkr, Alton, Judge of Alton City Court?My first choico H H H. liristow above all others. If ha cannot ho nominated then 1 should lavor Washburna or Morton. Washburno will be my secoud choico if ha is before the Convention. I am opposed to Blalno, and would prefer Conkling or Hayes to hun. General J. I. Hi.nakkk, CarlluvlUo, i.ivyor, Is first tor Blaine, then lor Morton, anit then for Conkling. KIOHTKKNTH DISTRICT. Isaac Clkxrxts, Carbondale, lawyer?My first choice lor Prosident is Ulaino. The Internal war on him should impel republicans to stand by him to the last moment. Farther than lor Blaine an Ilrst choico 1 am not decided and decllno to express an opinion. William McAoam, Chester; banker?I will simply say to you that I am for Blaine first, Blaine second and Blalno third. You cau understand that. KiaXTSESTH DISTRICT. C. D. Ham, Mount Vernon, hanker?My first choice Is Blaine, and I shall support lilm as long as (hero is liopo. Personally I like Morton, but think Blnlue strong est among repirblleans; shall support Morton second, and for third choico 1 would preier Hayos, of Onio, to either Conkling or Bristow. W. H. ttoitixsox, Fairfield, lawyer.?I am first for Blalno and shall stand by hun it ho can bo nominated. I should support Morton second, and alter him have no dotlnite choico, but would probably be for Hayes. WISCONSIN. 8KNT1KSNTS AND PBBFKBENCBS OF THE DELEGA TION *0 CINCINNATI. Milwaukkb, June 7,1874. Tho following Is s report of tho sent meuts an I pref erences of the delegates trom this State to the Clnola noli Convention:? DELEGATES AT LARGE. Piiiletus Sawykk, Oshkosh?I am and always bare been for Blalno and believe the republicans of this Stat* favor htm to-day. Blaine is my first and only choicak I never make a second choice till the first trade Is oft As long as thero ts a chance of nominating Blaine I shall not disturb myself with speculations about a soc? ond choice. Blaine, I believe, Is genoraily regarded, and Justly, as a persecuted man, and is now as a vindi cated man. I have never lost faith In blm. I believe tbo republican party is firmer for blm to-day. In con sequence of that persocution, than It wonld otherwise have been. I have nothing in tny mind as to Morton, Bristow, Conkling, Washbnrne or the other candi dates. I do not fool called upon to express any opinion as to thom. If Blaine rails to obtain the nomination we shall try to find a Ut man. If Blalno is nominated the republicans will carry this State. Indeod, lam not sure but we can carry the State for either Bristow o? Conkling; but we certainly can (or Blaine. Have noth ing to say about the Vice Presidency, except that tho nomination for the Presidency will control that que** lion. ? David Atwood, editor and proprietor of the Stallr Journal, Madison?This gentleman bad led for Phila delphia, to visit the Exposition, over a week before th? reporter's visit, and was not expected home before th? delegation left the Stato for Cincinnati. Mr. Atwood U a strong Blaine man. Ho wrote the following to hta paper from Philadelphia, dated 29th May:? "As the time ot the republican Convention ap proaches there is considerable Interest excited on the subject of politics. The several candidates for the first nomination have warm Irlends, who are pressing theli favorites with becoming zeal We have been a some what attentive observer of events, and it does appear to ns that Mr. Blaine has, by far, the greatest numbor oI supporter* with the musses of the people. Possibly this impression may exist from the (act that be is oui individual preference for the nomination; but wo think not. He i? a recognized leaner; a vory able and bold mun; lull oi energy, ?nd ripe with experience In public ailairs Such u man Is wanted at the head o( the gov ernment at (his time. TUo people have confidence in Blaiuo, and 1 believe he would bo the strongest candi date that could be namod." Mr. Atwood has not been heard, so far a* ( could learn, to express prelerenco lor any other person, or to say anything about second choice. He is understood to lavor Bristow for Vico President, and to be a unil with the other members of the Wisconsin delegation ii williugness to alcept ine candidate who can be shows to be ,-trooger and better than Di.tiue, If Blaine's nom ination becomes clearly impossible. Mark DoMUta, State Senator, farmer and lumber man?My first choice, always supposing he turns out ail right, is Blaine. If be lails. as at present advised, I shall go for Bristow. I eh.ill be guided by my own observation at Cincinnati, and cannot pledge my gel I absolutely to any one tor either first or second choice. Coukiiug is beginning to bu talked ol, and m oms to be gathering strength, but as I have not yet given any particular attention to any other candidal-) except i Hl.iluu 1 am not able to say anything further at pres ent .Iamk* H. Hovkr, late Judge of tiie I'nitol States I Court, and now Attorney lor the Northwestern Kail Mad Coinpauy?I am lor Blaine first, second, third, i fourth and all the time. 1 do not coociivo a posMhll i ity ol any ctli-r nomination. If there is we shall ttieu have to deoide whom to support Hristow hoi I friends mid so lias Couicline. The latter la not muoh ' known In the Slate, but he ts'hlghly spoken or. FIKMT DISTRICT. Kunu Kxos, Postmaster, Wauko-hn?Bin no wot ' uiy find rhoiee until yesterday (June a), but since the publication of the farts us to the letters taken from Mulligan I have fell pretty blue, but do not yet despair of his conmu out all right. Mulligan was probauly bought und paid for to testify againsl B aine, any way. und Blalue Is, undoubtedly, very much wrought up by the attacks on him. I think II uiilortiinate or Blaine's reputation Wist he went to se? Mulligan ul all. 1 always cousldotod Maine one of thi best csndidnics we could have lor the Presidency ol account of his personal integrity und ?tren?ih. j If he cnu clear his record he is my Urd choice, and Conkling would, probauly, be my second; but it do pcuds on circumstances. Conk I tug ! retrard as a great man in every sense. Ho w>>uid he a strong For second place on the ticket J ruigut support Hayes. No matter w hi< Ii way ttie aflair turns out 1 shall give my support to iho men wuo will, in my Judgment, bo the strongest before the rouutry. \ Jamks Hinti.iki-, editor and proprietor Janesville Jauc.-vilie?My lirst choice until lately wafl lllanie, with Bristow for second choicc. Recent devel opment* have left iiiu uncertain whore we stand. SnovM Blame clear his record lie will lull be my,lirst choice, but ii iie fails to do so I would not have hiiu at I any price. 1 do not want to lie myself to any man uu ; til tiie result ot the Blaine investigation is known. The pnuctples and issues in this contest are so important that especial caro must be ftkeu lo nominate no ouo * ho is not thuroiiifliiy sound an I who doss not enjoy tnA confidence of the country. We must have a man ?ound on the question of tlie SoutUern claims: the doori or the Tros>urv must bo ckuo.-d against such tie m inds. His name must be a guarantee ol tho rt^ltt.n of all men, black n- well as white, in the South as well af ul the North, wherever the American I! .g floats, and of parity ol soverament. in ease Bristow dees not goi the nomination he uiight strengthen the ticket a? Viet President. 1 -hall vote lor a man wiio wi:I strengthei Uio republican party, not one who will make tbi UnvMi ntu*e rebel and the rebel cauea loyal I tbiuk ueli of Conklini; if he could lie dieted. There is aa Impress ma, however, that he Is put lorwarJ as km successor of the Uiaut rri/nae. He is a man of traae cendeol ability and purrert integrity, bul we have to ! accept prepi i ices even if they are uujn^t. and there is I undoubtedly this popular prejud ce ngs.nst Conk ling. If Hlaine falls and ilristow is nominated are shall want aa Eastern mau for Vice President. If Biaino la rigit he is my lirst choice and Bristow my preaoat choice for Vice PreaidenL aeunxn district. B. W. KfTKS, Postmaster, Mad son, chairman of the Republican state Coiuinttiee? I am tor Blame for Orel chute--. Judging by ? transpired on the floor ul tho House, to-day (6th), he la fiflly vindicated. (Mr.